City Council Minutes 04-13-1971April prig 13,, 1971
Regular meeting of Village Council, April 13, 197'
Dick T,` t- e Walt `'Iarkiing, 1,r1 llia�� Sandberg.
A•�tendi ng : James Maas , �r � , � �-
Ron Schleif arrived late. Department people attending are: Red iichaelis,
Bob Davis, Dick Hesley, Dick .Brooks, Dill Elliott.
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by James Maus, acting mayor.
inutPS of the �reViOUS meeting a�prOVed as mailed on motion by '''a],�er
,darkling and second by Richard_ Martie . In favor a Sardber;, •Sa rt1 e g MaUS,
Clerk directed to list names of voters on all motions for the record.
Dick Hesle�T, Linuor Store "!anaaer, reported on personnel chan7e s at Li cruor
'-' Terminations : Bessie TN"ar. kling and James Schurracrer. Sick leave
nor.. .
Ciaade Johnston. Fires: Star_1ev Olson, cleaning at 512,5.00 per ..nth,
Lyle 1'Teft, bartender at X2.75 per hour and Don �' ldman, temnorary bartende`-
at X2.50 ner hour. Mr. Hesley reported t'na.t beer and wine prices have
Clerk directed to contact Gordon Schmidt to expedite completion of �.nsta±'-
ation of sun -ort hosts on roof. extension.
Ronald Michaelis reported that tiro -recent fires had taxed the fire denart-
ment's available equipment and requested authorization to purchase four
oxygen tanks, one mask and a smoke ejector.
.tion to approve purchase made bar FnTai.ter Markling, seconded by Richard
!%artie. In favor. 1larkling, rY:art-11
e, andotrg, aus. married.
Michaelis reported that he had been asked to c'neck on requirement for fro t
door at Senior Citizens Center to swing out. Clerk directed to check with
remodeling contractor to determine cost. Gene Jensen and Ron Miichaelis
will attend Fireman's School April 26-29 in llinnea-polis.
Dick Brooks reported t'nat street right-of-TtTay in some areas south of rail-
road tracks had brush growing up that stopped snow in street and requested
permission to cut out brush. James `-aus to survey areas and advise.
Schleif and ',Taus have to z.ked with fiscal consultant regarding financing of
proposed street and storm sewer projects. Consultant gill be at April 27th
council meeting to introduce proposal. Storm sewer to serve !-94 urgent
Discussion on school sewer a.nd water hookup charges continued.. '�ot�_on by
Dick �- t z,r• Sandberg '^'alter Varkling, second bjr 'trartie Lo auvhorz_ze William Sandberg to
confer with consui_tant to determine a fair and equitable charge. In favor:
Taus, Sandberg, darkling and Yartie.
Rabies clinic is schedi.�.led for April 24 at City Nall. Village d.os must
have rabies shot with ar..plica.tion for license. Councilmen approved letting
out of town dogs be inoci_,l.ated at the Nall.
Janes Vaus reported on meetir^, of Park Board and aired their requests to
replace broken fixtures, repair nlayground enuipment, upgrade roadway,
rake Darks, etc. Mot_i_on by TAlalter Markling, second by Bill Sandberg to
direct repair, upgrading and maintenance as necessary. Approved: Maus,
Mark ling, Martie, Sandberg.
Discussion on suggestion that circle drive through Ellison.Pa.rk be elim-
inated and parking areas be provided at each end instead to eliminate
traffic and dust through parktD, Referred to Engineer to study.
Request from ball clubs to put up outfield fence, baseline fence, upgrade
infield and provide toilet facilities discussed. Walter?iarkling to check
?.ith school if they will share in cost of toilet facilities. Dick Brooks
directed to proceed with maintenance and fences.
John Bond'nus recuested permit to hook up to sanitary sewer from proposed
house to be built. Council recommends that he netition for annexation
to village before hookup.
Request for purchase of shed formerly used as dog pound. denied. Village
to use 2s storage.
Robert 'Davis reported teat 701 Federal funds would likely be available after
July 1 for further nla.nning of downtoTrm area. Charles Tooker scheduled
for a -v Chamber of Commerce reeting to explain planning and funding nro-
nrn m ,
lotion by T�,7 lter 'park a.nn�, secnnd.ed b7,r Dic'.,c Martie to approve bills for
payment. Tn favor: Martie, S ndberg, Yarkling, Yaus, Schleif.
oo g. �, __ `�1, 563.78• Police -- t'-'19276.77;
I,i�tzor fends __ 26, � , . 0 dm�_n. �
Fire -- t4 0.42- Park -- `�2°•13; Tt:later -- ? ,633.Oj� fewer--- 3,077. 7;
Street _- ��4,127.45; Gen. Services -- 19,773.38; Salartes ,5 8.7,.
Notion to adjourn by I%ill.iam Sandberg, seconded by Ron Schleif. So ordered.
Don Gran7und, Clerk