City Council Minutes 01-27-1971 . VILLAGE OF Monticello, Minn sota 55362 e Recessed meeting called to order at 8:0 P. M. - January 27, 1971 Council members present: Ron Schleif, ichard Martie, Walter Markling, William Sandberg, James Maus. Absent: none. Ron Schleif opened meeting by reviewing the agenda for the evening. Motion by Walter Markling that clerk wr te letter to George Yonak that village will discontinue sunport of a vllage dump. Motion seconded by Richard Martie and carried. Clerk reouested to nrepare a budget-cos comparison each month to pre- sent with the bills. Walter Markling m ved that bills for December be anproved as presented, seconded by Jame Maus. In favor: Markling, Martie, Maus, Schleif. Sandberg voted no" on payment of Civil De_ fense salary. Motion carried. Robert. Davis WClS present to Dresent the nomination of Father Patrick Gearty as a member of the Planning Comm ssion to fnl vacancy created by the resignation of Don Hueller. Fourth Street Garv Prinl!le had reolested opinion from attorney for League of Minnesota Municipalities. Op nion, in effect, Villal!e Council in cooperation with County Commission c n barricade a street during schnol hnurs. Action must be resolved V Februarv 2, 1971. can legally set a wage to manager (liauor). Wage Discussion: Question raised if co scale and leave nerogative of implement Don Granlund, clerk, salary nroposal to retain annual base of $9600.00, eliminate $35.00 per month travel allo nee and substitute a .09 per mile allowance for use of personal car. Also to void terms of con- tract of January, 1970. Walter Markling made motion to accept s lary schedules as proposed. Seconded by Richard Martie and carried. Motion to designate Monticello times as State Bank as official depository, Dr. for 1971 and James Maus as acting mayor by Richard Martie, seconded by Walter official newspaper, Wright County lyde Bentzin as Health Officer during mayor's absence was made rkling. Carried. James Maus appointed to determine condi ions of garbage and refuse re- moval in preparation for request for bi s for annual garbage-refuse removal contract. Study Burning Ban Or inance for adoption. Clerk instructed to put notice in walk waste containers not be used business trash. requesting that use of side- chants for disposal of their . e Proposal of Plannin~ CouncH to retain villa~e at annexation hearin~s discuss with Planning Council and determine in of Melchert and how he is to be reimbu regular meeting on February qth. Paul Melchert to renresent d. Bill Sandberg to meet detail what will be exnected sed. Sandberg to report to William Sandberg moved to approve requ st of maintenance department to purchase chain saw. Second by Walt r Markling, and carried. Motion to adjourn at 10:)0 P. M. by Ri hard Martie, seconded by James Maus. Carried.