City Council Minutes 02-29-1972 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
February 29, 1972
Special meeting of Village Council and Village Planning Commission
Tuesday evening February 29, 1972.
1.4eeting cal] -ed to order at 7:30 P. by W'i--'Lliam Sandberg, mayor.
-ja la
Councilmen present: Dan Blonigen, Richard j";artier, Walter 11" rkling, Jeff
Rowan. Planning Commission members present: Robert Davis, Dale Lung-
witz, Fred Topel, James Maus and Charles Tooker, planner.
Bob Davis introduced 11r. Tooker and T'ir. Tooker went through the proposed
zoning ordinance in detail.
Bob Davis raised que-stibn -- can square foot area requirement of lot
size be reduced for larger apartment complexes in R-3 area. Lots of
discussion, no changes proposed.
Bob Davis speaking for Planning Commission recommending the* proposed
zoning ordinance and zoning man to the village council and further that
-public hearing 10e held on the aftption of the ordinance.
Council reserved action to allow added timo!► to study ordinance and
accompanying map.
Dr. Phillip 1,,'hite and. Dr. C1.1arles Firl-andson presented oreliminary drawings
for dental.'c'linic i3rcrosed to bu-11-1t on nroperty adjacent to westerly
boundary of the vi-Llapae. They rnou#-sted consideration of annexation of
this portion and being provided. with water and sewer service. Information
has come that the "Il'unicipal Commission will make its decision on annex-
ation within next week. Action on 14Thite-'Erlandson property to be delayed
until !-arch 14 meeting,
No action at this time on Skelly request for sewer -water service to
their property.
Dan Bionigen moved for adjournment, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Carried.
Don,Yran'lund, Secretary and"Clerk