City Council Minutes 04-11-1972VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
` Monticello, Minnesota 55362
April 119 1972
Regular meeting of Village Council - April 110 1972 - 7:30 P. M.
Meeting called to order by William Sandberg, mayor. Councilmen
present: Dan Blonigen, Richard Martie, Jeff Rowan, Walter Markling.
Reading of April 4 minutes tabled until later.
Departmental and committee reports:
Bob Davis reported on hearing for Tuesday evening April 13th
and asked for council desire for seating.
James Lunmitz presented report from park Committee - (copy
attached to minutes). Additional discussion by Dave Kranz
and John Sandberg.
Motion by Walter Mark!inp to adopt the Park Committee report and
instruct maintenance force to assist in implementing installation
of additional fencing, in -field surfacing to a maximum of $500.00
and to provide for lighting in next budget. Seconded by Richard
Martie. Carried - all in favor.
Robert Reierson and Maurice Englund presented layout for cables
to serve the rural areas adjacent to village for telephone service.
Motion by Richard Martie that Bridgewater project (outside Plant
Contract #82) be approved. with provision that performance bond be
provided for village and that copy of contract be provided for
village files. Seconded by Dan Blonigen. Carried - all in favor.
Jerry DeLong and Mr. Johnson, representing K -Way mix dispenser
equipment, presented merits of K -Way equipment. Council requested
that Mr. Johnson present a formal quotation for later study with
Liquor Store Manager.
Bel Mar Properties request for building permit for 12 unit apart-
ment for block 7 on West Sixth Street approved on contingence of
approval by Planning Commission and proposed zoning ordinance.
Request for water, sewer, street installation to property on W.
Seventh Street by Bernard Christianson.
Request for water, sewer, street installation to 8 acre property
of Ernie Hartwig south of ;'fest 7th Street.
Request for water, sewer service to Skellv Oil property at High-
wav 25 and I..04,
Request by Cv Reinert for water, sewer, street installation to
blocks 44 and 45, south of railroad tracks at Ramsev St.
Regular meeting of Village Council
April 11, 1972
Page 2
Motion by Richard M.a.rtie, seconded by Dan Blonigen that Thore
Meyer, working with Planning Commission and Charles Tooker, plot
and lay out proposed water and sewer to the area from village
limits to I-44 on south, from township road on the east to Minn-
esota Street on the west. Carried all in favor.
Robert Anderson, Mid-America Dairymen representative, appeared
before council to discuss sewer rate structure for plant. He was
advised that present structure would be in affect a year before
any further study.
Motion by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Walter Markling that IOOF
Lodge be on minimum rates. Carried all in favor.
Letter from State Denartment of Administration requesting appoint_
ment of building inspector. Action tabled rending check with the
county service for building inspection.
Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan to purchase cub
cadet 107 tractor with 42" mower attached for $700.00 from Leo
Baker. Carried all in favor.
Motion by Walter Markling, second by Dan Alonigen to issue permit
to Dave Kranz to build a 24x25 addition to his home.
Request for set -un license for Mr. and Mrs. Murphy for Murphy's
Steak House tabled nending check with sheriff's office and village
Motion by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dan Blonigen to instruct mayor
and clerk to sign agreement with Al Zahler for garbage disposal.
Carried -- all in favor.
Motion by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Dick Martie to approve bills
as presented.
Motion by W t Markling, seconded by Dick Martie to adjourn. So
Don ?'anlund, Clerk