City Council Minutes 05-10-1972 Specialf .
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Monticello, Minnesota 55362
May 10, 1972
Special meeting of Village Council -- May 10, 1972 -- 7:30 P,M*
The special meeting was called to order at 700 P. M. by Bill Sand-
berg, mayor. Councilmen present: Richard Martie, Walter Markling,
Jeff Rowan, Dan Blonigen. Also attending: Thore Meyer, engineer;
Bob Reierson, Bridgewater Telephone representative.
After discussion on the resolution for the community school con-
cept, motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Walter Markling
to adopt the following resolution:
NHEgFkS, the Village of Monticello narticipates in a communitg-
school recreation nropram throu€�h the use of village facilities
and financial ai(4 as indicated in the special council meeting of
April 17, 1972.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Council will sunnort the com-
munity school concert rroviding that a community board be named
to direct the nrop-rams. This board to be comnosed of not more
than seven members selected from one representative desiznated
from each community governmental and service organization, that
is: Village Council, Township Boards, School Board, J. C.'s,
Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, Student Council, etc. Those persons
not constituting the Board will act as an advisory board.
Dated this 10th day of May, 1972, at a special council meeting.
The resolution was voted upon and carried with all voting in favor.
Having consulted with Mr. R. Reierson, Bridgewater Telephone rep-
resentative, it was decided to have Thore Meyer direct a letter
to Bridgewater Telephone Co. requesting Standard Construction to
furnish proof by testing that the involved streets are restored
to 95% compaction. After this is established, the engineer will
determine the cost for resurfacing the entire street and at that
time will decide what percentage is to be borne by Bridgewater.
The clerk is to direct the village employees to turn in a daily
work sheet, and present a copy to each councilman at the monthly
The council also instructed the clerk to notify the liquor store
manager to dean up the liouor store in general, -- rest rooms,
floors, etc.
Motion to adjourn by Dick Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan. So
vr_ a Ci.11ham, Acting Secretary