City Council Minutes 05-18-1972 SpecialY
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
May 18, 1972
Special meeting of Village Council May 18, 1972 -- 8:30 P. M.
Meeting called to order by Mayor William Sandberg. Councilmen pre-
sent: Dan Blonigen, Dick Martie, Jeff Rowan, Walter Markling. Absent:
Planning Commission members present: Larry Flake, Bob Davis, James
Maus, Dale Lungwitz, Jay Miller, Bud Schleif and Charles Tooker, planner.
Bab Davis presented zoning ordinance with the changes recommended as
a result of the hearing.. Discussion involved development of down-
town area and possible reroute of Highway 25.
Motion by Jeff Rowan, second by Walter Markling to adopt zoning► ord-
inance as amended. Carried -_ all in favor.
Discussion regarding imorovements to area netitioned for annexation.
Clerk to check with County Aixiitor to determine that all title holders
are included or that Ernie Hartwig has title. No action at this time.
Bob Davis presented discussion on the idea of a Buflalo-Monticello
Community Airport. Rob Davis to set un a joint meetin7 with Buffalo
council, Buffalo plannim commission, Monticello council and Monticello
nlannin7 commission.
planning commission asked their next assienment. Commission to stldv
and renort rack to council nronnsals of areas of future planning.
Motion by Walter Marklin7, seconded by Jeff Rowan to aDnrove building
permit for addition of kitchen and double Q�ara7e addition to existing
home on Lots 8 and 9, Block 11. Carried -- all in favor.
Reported that Art McIntire has resigned from Recreation Committee.
Suggestion for replacement was asked for.
Motion by Richard Martie to adopt a resolution as prescribed in a
letter from R. N. Forsberg to request screening department of State
Aid Department of Dept. of Highways to consider changing state aid
highway 58 (Fourth Street) and 59 (Locust Street) to West 6th St.
to connect Highway 39 with Highway 25. Clerk to prepare resolution
for action at next meeting.
Motion by Richard Martie to direct mayor and clerk to sign contract
with Widmer Bros. to place carrier lines under I-94. Seconded by Jeff
Rowan. Carried -- all in favor.
Dick Martie made motion to adjourn, Jeff Rowan seconded. Carried.
r j
Monticello, Misota 55362
May 18, 1972
The Village Council of the Village of Monticello met in special
meeting, duly announced, on May 18, 1.072 with the following
members present: William Sandberg, A. J. Rowan, Dan B1_onigen,
Richard Martie and Walter "darkling. Absent: none.
Councilman Rowan introduced the followinp- Resolution and moved
its adoption:
That the Villa7e Council adopt the Zoning Ordinance with the
amendments made as a result of the previously held public
hearing. Motion was seconded by "Falter. Marklinq and passed.
Votin7 in favor: Sandherp, Bloni7en, Marklin7, Martie, Rowan.
State of Minnesota
County of Wright
I, the undersigned,. being the duly oualified and acting Clerk
of the Village of Monticello, Minnesota do hereby certify that
I have compared the foregoing extract of the minutes of the
special meeting of Village Council held May 18, 1972 with the
original thereof on file in my office and the same is a full and
true transcript insofar as the same relates to the adoption of
the afore published Zoning Ordinance.
Witness my hand as such Clerk and corporate seal of the village
this 19th day of May, 1972.
Don V-e
ranlund, Clerk
Villof Monticello