City Council Minutes 05-23-1972 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 May 23, 1972 Special meeting of Village Council -- May 23, 1972 -- 7:30 R. M. Meeting called to order by Mayor William Sandberg. Councilmen present: Richard Martie, Dan Blorigen, Jeff Rowan. Absent: bAIalter Markling. Bernard Mattson, County Assessor, conducted the Board of Review. Three property owners were present for review: Mr. and Mrs. James Bell Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan Mr. Robert Brown Motion by Bill Sandberg to reduce the market value of `1.00 square foot for property description 19789 chan7ing market value from t13, 580.00 to $12.,760.00 for John Sullivan's. Seconded by Dan Blonigen. Carried -- all in favor. Motion by Richard Yartie to agent report of Countv Assessor. Seconded by Jeff Rowan. Carried. Motion by Richard Marti_.e to adjourn, seconded by Jeff Rowan. So ordered. Don C. anlund, Clerk DCG/lx-