City Council Minutes 05-30-1972 Speciala
Monticollo)Minnesota 55362
may 309 1972
S'ecial meeting of Village Council -_ May 30, 1972 -_ Village Hall.
Meeting called to order by Bill Sandberg. Councilmen u_resent:
Dick Mla.rtie, Dan Blonigen, Jeff Rowan, Walt Markling.
Discussion centered around billing procedure to Monticello Township
on fire calls using township eouipment.
Township Board joined Council at 8:30 for joint discussion on fire
protection, equipment and. billing. Marjorie Goetzke, Franklin
Denn, Charles Holthaus and Basil Schillewaert were in attendance.
Basil Schillewaert and Franklin Denn reviewed the background on
fire protection and need for fire eouipment.
Pronosal outline: Village needs water tank truck. Tokmshio will
provide cab and chassis and acouire village tank to mount. Town-
ship will order Aumner-- specifications to be worked out with fire
department. Billing for fire cost to be direct billing .from Fire
Dent. for actual man hour time. Maintenance and storage supplied
by village in lieu'of standby charges offset by reduced insurance
rates for village with security of good fire equipment.
Tanker may he used for Silver Creek and Ptsego Townshivs. Thecae
Townships to be contracted similar to Present arrangement. Town-
ship to nrenare formal nronosal to Council in writinz.
Sandberg reported on a meeting with W. F. Sharne of. Slurry Kote
Service. Sharne to be invited to special meeting June 7th at
7 P. M. Council to meet with Plarning Commission at 8 P. M. the
same evening.
Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to grant building
permit to Martin Menzel for building two car garage at Lot 1, Block
7, Lower Monticello. Carried -- all in favor.
Motion by Richard Martie, secondees by 14alter Narkling to adopt re-
solution to request County Commission to consider changing CSAH
58 and 59 from 4th St. and Locust St. to West 6th St. (Copy
attached), In favor: Martie, Markling, Blonigen, Rowan. Against
Clerk instructed to request daily work sheets turning_ in to office
by maintenance personnel.
Motion by Dan Blonigen to insert ad in Monticello Times for part-
time help wanted -- 18 years or over for park maintenance. Seconded
by Richard Martie. Carried -- all in favor.
Special meeting __ May 30, 1972
Page 2
Concensus of Coiincil_ that Sandberg should confer with maintenance
personnel regarding dbzties and resnonsibil_ities.
Concensus of Council to contact James Metcalf to determine if he
will represent village in event of suit by School Board over closing
of West 4th Street section.
Motion by Richard Martie to adjourn seconded by Dan Blonigen. So
Don C Grinlund, Clerk
14HEREAS, the area of Monticello lying south of the
Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and west of State
Highway 25, and
WHEREAS, traffic originating within a radius of ten miles
west and northwest from Monticello must pass through Monti-
cello to enter Interstate 94,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Villaee Council of the Village of
Monticello does hereby petition the Board of County Com-
missioners of. Wright Cntinty to consider changinp,' the de-
signation of County State Aid HiQhvra.y No. 58 (UTest 4th St.)
and County State Aid Fighwav No. 5P (Locust St.) as being
a Dart of the Countv State Aid Highway system, and that in
place of these cranves, desi_s-7nate West 6th St. from County
State Aid Highway 39 to trunk Hiphwav 25 as a County State -Aid
Highway in order to take care of develonment that will result
with the building of I-04. Any monies now designated or to
be designated to the now designated CSAH 58 and CSAR 59 be
transferred to the new designated CSAR.
If designation of new CSAH cannot be consummated, then existing
routes will remain as presently designated. This motion is
made as directed by R. N. Forsberg, County Highway Engineer.
Motion to adopt this resolution made by Richard Martie and
seconded by Walter Markling.
Voting in favor of the motion: Markling, M-a.rtie, Rowan, Blonigen.
Against: Sandberg.