City Council Minutes 06-13-1972VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
June 13, 1972
Regular meeting of Village Council -- June 13, 1972 -- 7:30 P. M.
Meeting called to order by Mayor William Sandberg. Councilmen present
were Dick Martie, Jeff Rowan. Walt Markling arrived later. Dan
Blorigen is on vacation.
Minutes of May 9, 10, 18, 23, 30 and June 7th read and. annroved.
Richard Martie made motion to allow Phillips Petroleum a buil.dinp►
permit to lay a 10,000 gallon gasoline storage tank on Lot 15 Block
34 for their service station. Seconded by Jeff Rowan. Carried --
all in favor.
Discussion regarding annexation of Hart?,rig and Kane prox)erty. Frank
Kane will provide council 'with plot plan and street gradin7 for next
Don Nagel appeared before council to advise that build un crown on
Ramsey Street at River Street holds water that hacks up into his
gara7e. Co??ncil to investi_7ate. 'Brooks to check if anythinp, immediate
can be done.
Motion by Dick Martie, seconded by Walter M-arkling to issue building
permit to Earl Lindenfelser for building breezeway between house and
Motion by Walter Marklinq, seconded. by Dick Martie to issue use hermit
for Dr. Charles Fish to install chainlink fence by his dental clinic.
Clerk to check with Gene Brouillard re insect spraying.
Motion by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dick Martie to approve cigarette
licenses for Poirier Drug, Dick's 66 Service, Holker's Drive Ins,
Lauring Drug, Monticello Legion Club, Maus Red Owl, Del's Service,
Schneider's Recreation, Stella's Cafe, Nelson Fairway, Dairy Store,
Steak Hut, Monticello Recreation. Carried -- all in favor.
Action on narking ordinance oroposal deferred. Clerk to send copies
of proposed ordinance to Merchant's Association for their reaction.
Clerk presented bil_linq .from Standard Construction. Action deferred
until conference with engineer.
Loren Senness, James Figenshau, Dr. before council to
discuss resolutions re(TardinR q►overnino of Community School program.
School Board suRgests that Community Board be an advisory board instead
of governing board. No change in council action at this time.
Great River Library nro�ram discussed. No action taken.
Regular meeting -- June 13, 1972
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Jim Powers presented sheriff's renort for Monticello service.
Disc.,,ssion of letter to County Commission to consider a county dol
catcher and county round.
Motion bar Walter YarkTin�, seconded by Dick Martie to renl_ace defective
water line for Robert Dawson. Carried -- all in _favor.
Discussion of letter from office of Local and Urban Affairs relating
to report on Outdoor Recreation Plan. Clerk to develop report on
Monticello park nroaram.
Motion by Dick Martie, seconded by T°1alter Markling t o annrove bills
as follows: Liouor - `�29 636.99; Admin. - t1421.46; Fire - t513.00:
Park - t4034.27; Sewer - ` OR.42; Water - 29.06; Service $313t,,P2
Street - $1549.92; Bonds and Interest - 111926.78; Other - $176-1.42 .
Motion Por adjournment at 12.:40 A. M. So ordered.
Don Gra und, Clerk
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