City Council Minutes 07-06-1972 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Phone (612) 295-2711 July 69 1972 Snecial meeting of Vil- ape Colinci_l -- July 6, 1972 Meeting called to order by 'A?_liam Sandberg, mavor. Councilmen present: Richard Martie, Bloniaen and Jeff Rowan, Walterarklinp, absent. Minutes of June 27 meeting read and annroved. Bob Davis aone red before council requesting their consideration to act on sub -division ordinance presented some time ago by Planning Commission. Meeting set for July 18 to go over sub -division ordinance with Planning Commission. Lee Hatfield reported on ,joint airport nroposal with Buffalo. He is working on cost estimates. Mayor Sandberg advised that Slurry Cote bids would be opened July 18 at 8 PO M, Mayor Sandberg reported on meeting with School Board on Community School Concept. Clerk read letter from Bridaewa.ter Telephone Co. -Herein Bridgewater would place $11,132.40 aside for resurfacing of 3rd St. and Cedar St. Action deferred until next me -ting to verify firm cost estimate with engineer. Council discussed -present police service. Consideration of Going beck to local nolice service aired. Darrell. TTolfe will meat with council at next meeting. Motion to adjourn by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Richard Martie. So ordered. �. r'o: Don Granlund, C7_erk DG/lg