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City Council Minutes 07-11-1972
VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Jill 17 11 , l 972 Regular meeting of Village Cnl?ncil. -- July 119, 1972. 7:30 P. M. Village Hall Meeting called to order by William Sandberg, mavo;- with all councilmen present: Martie, M-arkl inR, Rl.onigen and Rowan, Minutes of the Julv 6th meeting read and approved. Dick Brooks ren-�rted on street maintenance. Discussion centeredon removing sand and street sweeping. Discussion followed on nark maintenance and Treed spraying. Darrell Wol_ffe, Countv Sheriff, reported on nol.ici.ng activities. Dis- cussion followed .regarding identification of and liouor sales to minors. Discussion relating to sheriff resnonsibil.ity regarding barricading of West 4th St. by the school. Return to local police force aired to sustain a closer tie. Fxnlained_ that rotation of personnel advantageous as it reduces habitual schedules. Occasional Tgal.king police suggested. Sheriffs department not ecnzinmented at this time for nersonal communication eoui-oment. Need cited for need of more and better communication betujpe-n village council and sheriff's department. Tom Howe, State Hiffh-orav Denartment, nresentPd report that bids were being called for naving I-94. Completion d.a.te not designated becara.se of strike. Till otion by j',falter Markling, seconded by Jeff PovTsn, to nays resn� ution to approve plans and specs for navinP of I-44 in the village of Monticello. Carried. -- all in faz.ror. (Resolution Hart of nermanent mirnztps) . Motion by Dan Bl.onigen, seconded bsr T.,ralter ?'darkling, to adopt the narking ordinance "resented nrevinusiv. Carried -- a1_1. in favor. Discussion followed relating to narallel narking reg�alati.ons on r'Talnut, Cedar and Locust streets. Referred to planning Commission for sttldv and advice. Motion by 74alter Markling, seconded by Jeff Rowan, to apnrove renuest for permit for .Sud Fair to build addition to the market. Carried -- all in favor. Motion by Walter Markling, seconded by Dick Mar+-i_e, to direct Thore Yeyer, engineer, to prepare plans and specs and call for bids for resurfacing Third St. and Cedar St. with 11"" overlay for 30 ft. surface. Call for hid open- ing July 24th, 7:30 P. M. In favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan, Ylarklirg, Sandberg. Motion by Richard IvIlartie, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to permit tearing down of house on Lots 11 and. 12, Block 53. Carried all in favor. Motion by Dan Bl.onigen, seconded. by Walter 'Markl_inu that village of Monti- cello adopt the State Burning Ordinance. Carried -- al.l in favor. Regular meetin7 of Council- July ouncilJuly 119 1072 Pae,e 2 Motion by Walter YarkI ina,, secnnd.ed by Dan � lonigen to authorize vii lacre engineer to negotiate with Johnson Contractors for nlacina of service lines for water and sewer under Hie,hwav 25 before highway is raved. Carried all in favor. Ernie Hartwig presented plot nlan for housing► development reouested for annexation. No action taken, pending review of nronosed sub -division ordinance. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Walter Markling, to pa.v bills. Carried -- all in favor. Liquor Fund - $20.R73.61; Admin. - $2.890.56; Fire - $32�, Park - $70 .'Z; Sewer - 1.277. X33 • dater - $1.196.59; Service - X16___66; Street - $4.081.67; Other - $35,205-220 Motion for adjournment by Dan Bloni�en, seconded by Richard Martie. So ordered. Don a.nlund , Clerk DG/1g vs .00r. -a 2523 (10-71) R E S 0 L U T? 0 N At a k`_-egular) (Sree+ni) meeting of the Vj_'_TP."7.e Council of 4S i,- ; - - - - i , -x -� the Villa,17-," 0 f 11 CUU 0 duly held on the Q, Y oD the following Resolut-ion was offered by C)e seconded by to -wit: WHEREAS the CarmuIlLssioner of Hichwi-ays has prepared plans special provisions and specifi'c"-tions for the improvement. of a Part of Tru=;�. UgInyay I'llurdber 392 rerumibered as Tru-n:,� "CE-1-rYhway NLT-.rbc-_ 9. Villagge, Montice,110 0 J. the corporate limilts o -.,L-- the Te7 f zrcm. the Ostj coz-p. Li.,: -*i is to t -1--,o Ecast CorD. Urni-IC"S ana WHEREAS said plans are or. file in the off�'.ce of the Dep"art-men't- O'Z; Hig':hways, Saint Paul, I'LL=esota-, being marked, labeled, and id entified as 0 8.80-59 `_80-59 (94.7=392) akid WHEREAS said Special provisions are ©n file in the office of -theme Depaztmaent of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being, marked, labeler and identified as S.P. 8680-34.t 359 59 (94=3392) wh-Leh, together with the Minnesota Department of Highways Specifications for 1,121.ghway Construction, dated January 1, 1972, on file in the office of the Co=issiover of Highways, coast .cute the specifications for said in,- proveme-at of Trunk Highway Nw.ber 392 renumbered as Trundk High %,.,-ay Number 94 and WIIE1U,AS copies of said play -is and special provisions as so i. markeC12 "Labeled and identified are also on file in the of=f ice of the VI* I I - a er a I %Clez-k; and WI- REAS the term "said plans and special prov-i's ions" as here in - a 'ter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to E mean, refer to, and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the foregoing recitals particularly identified n nd. described. a (5-70) THEINTBE N 9v T 1T RD,,O-,,OLT-SD that* said pl,,ixis and special, -orovils-lons .9 ., for y NiLrobzr 392 ren=,bered as or the improvement of Trunik Higiliwa *thin the limits of the Trunk Highway Number wi id -i �� —Of . , -T^nt-' be and herelby are a:pprovad. BE IT FURTIEF. RF30JLVED that the elevat-ions and grades as shown in said plans and special provisions be and they are hereby approved and con'.3'e--n-lu is hereby given to any and all changes in grade occasioned by C> the co-zastruction of said Trunk Highway Number rairamberled as Trunk Fligh- in accord.-SMIce with said plans and viay Nurfoer special proviltions . Upon the ca-il of the rol the following 00 .Vol/ed in favor of the Resolutio voted against its adoption: e f a 1 ow i n,,0 h ,,%rhare-apon the mayor and presiding officer declared the Resolution adopt -ed. D at. e d 1 9 19 22 0 Attest 311',1111TE OF MLUOTA C OTU-NTY OF 1,11right )ss. —IT -1. I 7 -a 7o OF Mon:ticei` o I do hereby certify that at a regular meeting (at a special meeting of w rich due and legal notice was given) of the_V-!12.aa_P- Council of C:) Yanuesota on the day of -h -2 11 _n .7 cthe members of said 19 at which a majority of a. Coun 'I w re present, the foregoing resolution was adopted. #"� - present 4� Given under my hand and seal this day of /�C_Vv 19J - Z"2 / Clerk