City Council Minutes 07-18-1972 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
JuIv 1 R, lQ72
reet'1na of Villapre Council -- July 1R9 1972 -- R P. M.
MPet.in7 called to order at R P. TIT. by Mairor Sandberg. Councilmen
Bloniren, Rowan, Martie and Marksinc, were in attendance.
Minutes of Jtil_v 11th meet M7 read and annroved.
dneninq of bids to Slurry Coat villa.,Te narking lot and villa7e streets
as listed:
River St. from Ellison Park to one block west of Chestnut St.
4th St. .from ''Aashington St. to Elm St.
z St. from Hyway 25 to Maple St.
lm St. from railroad tracks to River St,
Chestnut St. from Broadway to River St.
Vine St. from 4th St. to River St.
Minnesota St. from 4th St. to River St.
Mahle St. from 6th St. to River St.
Linn St. from 4th St. to River St.
Locust St. from 4th St. to River St.
Walnut St. from 4th St. to River St.
Palm St. from 4th St. to River St.
New St. -from 4th St. to River St.
14ri7ht St. from Lth St. to River St.
Ramsey St. from railroad to River St.
Hennenin St. from 4th St. to River St.
Washington St. from railroad to River St..
Orp h _d was submitted -- that by Sl„rry Kote `�ervice for 125,712.50
for 55,000 square yds. of sweenin;r and s1)rfa.cinrr. (2S 1/4e ner yard.
slirfacina, 011 sn�iare vd. sweeninQ). 5� hid bond accompanied bid.
Motion by Jeff Rowan, seconded ?-rr Pan Rl_onicren to accept r1d• In
favor: Rowan, ?3l_oniren, Sandrera. Aoai_nst.: Martie, Carried.
Ronald Michaelis rennrted +,hat tanker has been transferred to chassis
si3nvlied by the toinshin. Offer has been received for sage of old
chassis. Determined that this tack was dnnated to. Fire Dent. so the
Dent. may sell_ truck at th.eAr discretion. Funds received to stav in
the Fire Dent. account.
Jerry Crocker and Ken LaBau represented J. C's asking for a beer license
for a soft ball tournament for July 29 and 30. Motion by Jeff Roijan
to approve a.nnlication, seconded by Dan Blonigen. Carried. -- all in favor.
Wally Klatt, requested permit to build a 16 x 22 addition to �rara�e on
lot 6, block 25. Motion to a.nnrove by Dick Martie, seconded by Dan
BloniP7en. Carried all in favor.
Snecial Mpptinq of Vil__1 p.prA Colincil
J1.1TV 1 P 9 i97?
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Presented pronosed Township -Village fire aszreement as prepared by
the Township. No action taken at this time. Clerk to set un meetine,
with Town Board for further discussions.
Discussions and study on the sub -division ordinance as recommended
to council bdr Planning Commission was moderated by Bob Davis and Bud
Request to amend Section 3-5 to provide for council to be provided
with registered plat from developer of Register of Deeds.
Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Dan Blonigen to approve sub-
division ordinance with amendment. Carried :.-` all in favor.
Consensus that all developers be referred to Planning Commission for
basic planning before presenting proposal to council.
Motion for adjournment by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Richard Martie.
So ordered. /'2
Don Gran)Aind,
DG /l,cr