City Council Minutes 08-15-1972 SpecialSpecial meeting of Til.age Council of Monticello held on
AUGUST 15,1972 at 730PM for the purpose of meeting with
& committee. from the Monticello Chamber of Commerce who
�o present their plans for the development of the
downtown area bounded by Locust street on the west and
Cedar street on the east i-ftich they state is in need of
The report was presented by Dr.Kasper president of
t-'rie Chamber of Commerce. Committee members present Hatfield,
Johnson,Figenshau,Lund,Phillips,Ken Daus and Grimsmo.
Dr. Kasper explained that in the area in need of
redevelopment there are 45 comninerical property owners
and 28 have signed the petition for a 621% majority.Also
he stated there are 36 individual local property owners of
which 28 have signed the petition for a 78% majority.He
also explained that the cost of this project will be
approximately $221,000 which amount will be paid for thru
assessments against benefited property owners. The letter
addressed to the Village Council explaining their program
will be attached to these minutes: for reference.
Several potential locations for parking lots off
Broadway were designated if and lvzhen the property was acquired,,
Also discussed was the establishment of alleys in
certain downtown blocks to make areas accessible for fire
Tfle Village Council generally agreed that they would
not be a party to any condemnation proceedings against property
homesteaded by the owners.
Richard Holker also presented to the Village Council
a Detition signed by 29 business ovmers or residence o-vm-ers in
the 'orcoosed re.7ievelop-ment area that are opposed to the razing
of existing homes or businesses for the expansion of parl:ing
facilities.Of tliel-- 29 signers 10 were home owners.
Application for a building permit for a two car garage
by Herbert, E.Ni=ris 622 East Third btreet lot 9 and 10 block 33
approved providing garage is set back so rear of garage is in
line with his home.
Motion to ad j turn carried.1v."ibutes taken by mayor in the
absebee of Village clerk and also deputy clerk.
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