City Council Minutes 09-26-1972 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Phone (612) 295-2711
Sentember 269 1972
Special meeting of Tillage Council -- Tuesday, Sept. 26 -- 7e10 P. M.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Sandberg. Council-
men present: Sandberg, MarkTing, Martie, Rowan, Blonigen. Absent: None.
Also in attendance were a large delegation of citizeEs concerning the
barricading of 4th St. and representatives from the hamber of Commerce.
The minutes of the meetings of August 7, 89, 159, 22, 29 and September 12
were read and approved.
Mr. Axel Rasmussen, of Big Lake, was interviewed for the position of
Building Inspector. He is a certified municipal building inspector with
40 ,years experience in the construction business. The council will
discuss fees, salaries, etc. and have Mr. Rasmussen return on October
10 for the regular council meeting.
Mr. Con Johnson, spokesman for the Chamber of Comnerce, presented the pre-
liminary downtown redevelopment plan for council anproval. The plan
entails the purchasing of properties adjacent to the present business
district for primarily parking facilities. The Chamber has arrived at a
tentative cost figure of 1221,000 which will be raid for by the vil.latye
bonding for same and the business establishments reimbursing► the village
by assessment on their properties. This program to ?^e set up on a 10
year basis.
Motion made by Walt Marklins�, seconded by Dick Martie, to proceed with
the succeeding steps proposed by the Chamber of Commerce to initiate the
development of the downtown area. Carried -- all. in favor.
A resolution requesting the barricading of 4th St. while school is in
session until the time of the court hearing in November was presented by
Jerry Crocker, representative of the J. C's; Christian Service Committee
President Ken Tvedt, presented by Gloria LaBau; Mrs. J. C's, and the
signatures of 281 concerned parents from the school Open House on Sept.
After a lengthy discussion, motion was made by Aalt Markling, seconded by
Dick Martie to accept the reouest of the petition and barricade 4th St,
until the court hearing date. In favor: Markling, Martie. Opposed:
Rowan, Blonigen, Sandberg. Motion defeated.
Motion by Dick Martie, second by Jeff Rowan to approve Leo Baker's salary
check of $689.20 in accumulated wages through August. Carried -- all
in favor.
Ronald Michaelis tendered his resignation as Civil Defense Director.
Special meetinFr of Villa7e Council -- September 26, 1972
Pale 2
Thore 'ever and Rill Elliott, engineers, presented the drawings on
the Thunderbird Mall- water and sewer nro,ject. It was aereed to
accent the plan.
Motion by Dick Martie, second by Jeff Rowan, to place the office of
Justice of Peace on the election ballot of November 7, 1472. Carried
all in favor.
Motion by Walt Markling-, second by Dan Blonigen, authorizing Dick Brooks
to purchase the necessary domed style storm sewer covers. Carried
all in favor.
Motion to adjourn by Dick Martie, second by Jeff Rowan.
So ordered at 11:30 P. M.
- nea Gillham, Acting becretary