City Council Minutes 10-10-1972VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Phone (612) 295-2711 October 10, 1972 Regular meeting of Village Council - October 10, 1972 - 7:30 P. M. Following members present: Sandberg, Rowan, Markling, Blonigen. Absent: Martie. The minutes of the September 26 read and approved. The Park Board presented a reauest for fencing and .lighting the 4th St. Softball Field. The anticipated cost would be $5,700.00, with the Park Board donatine $1,200.00 and the Village spending $4,500.00. It was decided specifications are needed before a definite decision can be made. Motion made by Dan Blonigen instructing Park Roard to procure specifications. Seconded by ?°lalt Marklinp-,. Carried -- all in favor. Action on Slurry Kote bill delayed until the meeting of October 24th. Council gave unanimous approval of the navment of bills to: 14idmer eros. - t2,51?.68 Hardrives, Inc. - 1149092.00 Barbarossa & Sons - 09,520.00 Johnson Bros. - $3,044.00 Motion made by Bill Sandberg, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Carried - all in favor. Tentative agreement between Village and Township Board fire truck contract tabled until meeting of October 24. Council agreed to purchase of wooden door for maintenance building. Motion to purchase made by Walt Markling, second by Jeff Rowan. Carried all in favor. Ballot approval for election. Police referendum on ballot of November 7, 1972 election will read: Check one: "I favor county, police system." "I favor villaee police system." A letter from the State of Minnesota on the subject of levy limitation on the budget set aside to budget meeting. Motion by Jeff Rowan, seconded bir Dan Blonigen to accent the resignation letter of Joanne Kjellberg as Senior Citizen Director effective on October 16. Carried all in favor. Motion made to accent resignation of Ron Michaelis as Civil Defense Dir- ector by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Jeff. Rowan. Carried - all in favor. After an extended discussion, a motion was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to reject the reouest for a set-up permit by the Steak Hut. Carried _- all in favor. Motion made to accept the disbursements by 'Walt 'darkling, seconded by Dan Bloni;►en.. Qa.rried -_ a- l in favor. Regular meeting of Village Council October 10, 1972 Page 2 Belmar Builders - inspection of their apartment house. In this regard a motion was made to hire ?fir. Axel Rasmussen as Village Buuildinp In- spector. Motion to hire Mr. Rasmussen as Village-. Building Insnector was made by Walt Markling, second by Jeff Rowan. Carried - all in favor. Mr. Rasmussen will make all the collections. A ouarterly renort will be submitted to the village in re7a.rd to all hermits issued, fees col- lected, etc. Walt Markling stated the Monticello School Board wants to relinouish library control to the Village through the Great River Library Association. Bill Sandberg stated there should be a resolution drawn un to clarify any ouestionable areas of the agreement. Walt Markling stated he would act on this. Motion made by Bill Sandberg, seconded by Jeff. Rowan to hire L. LaBree as caretaker of the Village skating rink. Carried - all in favor. Discussion on delinouent water bill accounts. Vil_lap;e administrator directed to send delinquent accounts to the County Auditor for placement on the property tax rolls. Discussion continued on RT. S. P.'s reoliest for villar'a to consider issuance of Municipal Revenue Bonds for approximately t4.5 million for zas emission control. under P.C.A. re7iiiations. (tinder Municipal Industrial Development Act, Sec. 474, Minnesota Statutes). Previonsly discussed at, Vii lace Council me -ting of Aiiaust 29, 1972. Bill Sandberg stated he had met with a Mr. I rd Kinn, N.S.P. Ren., and had authorized. the N.S.P. attornev and the Villa7e Attornev to get to- �etl-er to drag 1.in a resolution. N.S.P. will pay attornev fees. The completed resolut_nn will be presented to the Villa7e Co»ncil for approval. This action was approved by the Council. Village Council decided upon a policy of tree cutting in regard to trees blown down by strong winds, etc. which are located on village property. Motion made to cut up and carry away the tree if it is on village pro- perty by Walt Markling, seconded by Dan Blonigen. Carried - all in favor. Motion made by Walt Markling to hire. Lawrence E -Nieman as an election judge. Seconded by Jeff Rowan. Carried -- all in favor. Directive action made to city personnel to place signs in the area of the Village Liouor Store with signs reading, "Off -Sale Parking Only." Discussion on cleanliness of the Village Liouor Store. Several comments made that rest -rooms and bar area were often dirty. Motion made by Walt Markling, seconded by Dan Blonigen, that the Liouor Store Manager be directed to hire someone else. Carried -- all in favor. J. Berge presented a check perforator to the council reonesting they pur- chase this as protection against forgerv. Tabled. Mot'on to adjourn by Mayor Sandberg, seconded by Dan Blonigen. So ordered. Kevin La Frnnr_P _ Arum-