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City Council Agenda Packet 05-14-2018
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 14, 2018 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Regular Meeting Minutes from April 23, 2018 D. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, with the exception of referral to staff for future report. E. Public Service Announcements/Updates • Farmers Market (5/17) • Summer Happiness Guide • Friends of Bertram (5/17) • Garage Sale (5/16-5/18) F. Council Liaison Updates • Highway 25 Coalition • IEDC • PC • BCOL • EDA • I-94 Coalition G. Department Updates • City Administrator Update • Parks Update 2. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-33 accepting a grant from the Central MN Arts Board of $3,850 for Music on the Mississippi E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-40 accepting a grant from the Allina Health of $2,268 for new fitness program of Tai Chi classes F. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-34 accepting donation from the Fire Relief Association in the amount of $6,972 for a rescue boat, donations from Joyful Heart Creation & Design, West Metro Buick GMC, Premiere Bank MN, Healing Moments Counseling, and Omni Vision & Learning Center for total of $1,250 for the Monticello Farmer's Market Power of Produce and donations from Monticello Lions and Gallindo Real Estate Group for total of $2,500 for Music on the Mississippi G. Consideration of authorizing Fire Department purchase of a rescue boat for a total cost of $12,719 H. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding contract to Emergency Response Solution for the purchase of new fire turnout gear in the amount of $54,880.92 I. Consideration of approving a temporary liquor license for the Monticello Lions for the Music on the Mississippi events J. Consideration of approving purchases of a $11,982 new copier for city hall administration and $3,679 existing copier for the MCC office from Marco K. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-35 accepting bids and awarding contract to Landwehr Construction for Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements and Turn Lane Improvements at the intersection of Gillard Avenue and CSAH 39, City Project No. 17C001 L. Consideration of approving final design, authorizing the purchase of lighting units and poles and authorizing the advertisement of bids/request for quotes for the installation of street lighting improvements along Chelsea Road, Washington Street and the Downtown Area M. Consideration of approving a request for amendment to Conditional Use Permit for co-location of a Wireless Telecommunication Service Antenna on an existing tower in the R-A (Residential Amenities) District. Applicant: Nextera Communications N. Consideration of Stipulation to Register Title to Lot 3, Block 1, Clear Creek Addition, Wright County, Minnesota according to the recorded plat thereof, and to approve a temporary roadway easement for Dalton Way O. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-36 accepting bids and awarding contract to Astech Surface Technologies Corp. in the amount of $142,456.93 for the 2018 Sealcoat and Fog Seal Project P. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-37 approving a Business Subsidy Agreement with Bondhus Corporation in connection with a $200,000 EDA-SCDP Loan for equipment purchases related to a manufacturing facility expansion project 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-38 accepting bids and awarding contract to Eureka Construction in the amount of $6,022,568.94, contingent on MnDOT approval, for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project 16C006 B. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-39 approving the Feasibility Report, setting a public hearing for June 11, 2018 and authorizing preparation of plans and specifications for the 2018 pedestrian improvement project, City Project 18C001 C. Consideration of designating 101 Chelsea Road as the preferred location for the Monticello Fire Station and authorize the fire station design process at this location 5. Added Items 6. Adjournment REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 23, 2018 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Mayor Brian Stumpf, Bill Fair, and Charlotte Gabler Absent: Jim Davidson and Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the agenda with the addition of item 20. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes Regular Meeting Minutes from meeting on Avril 9, 2018 Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the regular meeting minutes of April 9, 2018. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments • None. E. Public Service Announcements • Spring Leaf Pickup — scheduled for May 12. • Spring Tree Delivery — scheduled for Saturday, May 5. • CentraCare Health Update — Brian Bauck, Co-Administrator/Chief Administrative Officer — provided the City Council with an update of CentraCare activities at the hospital campus and within the community. A flyer "Year in Review" was distributed. F. Council Liaison Updates • EDA — Councilmember Davidson provided an update. He noted that the EDA discussed a downtown housing project, loan for Bondhus Corp. expansion, and received an update from WSB on childcare vacancies. G. Department Updates City Administrator Update — Jeff O'Neill gave an update on the following: 1. On May 25 Becker is hosting an event which will look at economic development initiatives in regard to Sherco and power plant. 2. Testified in support of HF 3708. 3. On April 27, the Parks and Trails Legacy will hold a 10th anniversary celebration at the College of St. John's University, Guild Hall. 4. The security doors are installed in city hall. City Council Minutes —April 23, 2018 Page 1 1 5 5. The Ellison Committee is looking at potential uses of the facility in the event the family funds the renovation. Lt. Eric Kunkel presented the Wright County Sheriff Office quarterly update. They are hosting an open house on June 8. Mark Birkholz, Arvig, provided the FiberNet quarterly update which was included in the agenda packet. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Fair moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding item M. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $553,250.62. B. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires for Parks and Streets and departures for Building. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-27 approving donations from Stellis Health, Allina Health, and Russell's on the Lake for a total of $750 for the Farmer's Market Power of Produce and donations from Monticello Rotary of $500 for Music in the Park and $4,000 for trees/landscaping along Otter Creek Trail. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2018-27 approving the donations as presented. E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-28 approving an application for a gambling premises permit to conduct gambling at Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar. Applicant: Northwest Area Jaycees. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2018-28 approving a gambling premises permit for the Northwest Area Jaycees. F. Consideration of approving Policy and Procedures for Federal Awards Administration. Recommendation: Approved the Policies and Procedures for Federal Awards Administration. G. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-29 appointing the State Commissioner of Transportation as agent of the City of Monticello for accepting federal aid funds for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project No. 16C006. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2018-29 and entered into Agency Agreement No. 1030815 between the City of Monticello and the Minnesota Department of Transportation for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project No.16C006. H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-30 approving a Limited Use Permit for a recreational trail located at the bridge overpass for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project No. 16C006. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2018-30 approving a Limited Use Permit for a recreational trail City Council Minutes —April 23, 2018 Page 2 1 5 located at the bridge overpass for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project No.16C006. I. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-31 approving a Cooperative Construction agreement with MnDOT for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project 16C006. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2018-31 approving a Cooperative Construction Agreement with MnDOT for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project No. 16C006. J. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-32 accepting bids and awarding contract with Michels Power in the amount of $150,564.91 for the FiberNet Facility Relocation for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project 16C006. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2018-32 accepting the bids and awarding the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Michels Power in the amount of $150,564.91 for the FiberNet Facility Relocation for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project. K. Consideration of approving the sale of the 2008 Cimline Melter to BTL Asphalt of Elkhorn, Wisconsin for $15,000. Recommendation: Authorized the sale of the 2008 Cimline melter to BTL Asphalt for the price of $15,000. L. Consideration of approving a request for an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for a Clinic Facility in the B-1 (Neighborhood Business) District and variance to the required parking standards to support a parking lot expansion. Applicant: Central MN Mental Health. Recommendation: Approved a Conditional Use Permit to accommodate the expansion of the parking lot on the subject property to 58 spaces as shown on the site plans dated 03/05/2018, based on the conditions included in Exhibit Z and the conditions and findings in Resolution No. PC -2018-010. M. Consideration of approving improvements to the Prairie Center in the amount of $6,631.25 for carpeting. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. N. Consideration of entering into a purchase agreement with Midwest Nursery, Inc. for the sale of the former city bio -solids site, 1645 County Road 39 NE, in the sum of $900,000. Recommendation: Approved the purchase agreement with Midwest Nursery, Inc. for the sale of the former bio -solids site. O. Consideration of approving the appointment of Ron Hackenmueller as Interim Chief Building Official. Recommendation: Approved the appointment of Ron Hackenmueller as Interim Chief Building Official, effective April 28, 2018. 2. Consideration of Items Removed From the Consent Agenda for Discussion M. Consideration of approving improvements to the Prairie Center conference room in the amount of $6, 631.25 for carpeting. Councilmember Hilgart removed the item and questioned waiting for any upgrades to see what happens with the new fire station. Space could possibly be addressed with the station. Mayor Stumpf agreed and added that the building isn't adequate due to noise levels that the FiberNet offices could face. Ann Mosack, City Council Minutes—April 23, 2018 Page 3 15 Community Center Director, address the council and noted that there is a need for space, specifically yoga classes. Councilmember Fair questioned whether the classes would generate any additional revenue. Ms. Mosack responded that if they rent the space 5 hours a week they would generate $9,000 a year. Councilmember Fair moved approval of the improvements to the Prairie Center conference room in the amount of $6,631.25 for carpeting. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-2; Mayor Stumpf and Councilmember Hilgart voted against for reasons listed above. 3. Public Hearings A. PUBLIC MEETING — Consideration of approving 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) Annual Report and Update on MS4 Audit. Shibani Bisson, City Engineer/WSB, gave a presentation on the 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) Annual Report and the MS4 Audit. The city is required to conduct a public meeting to present activities associated with the SWPPP for 2017 and must submit an annual report of these activities by June 30. Ms. Bisson noted that the city was audited by the MPCA as part of a random audit. The city's program that was audited was the MCM's 3-6. The MPCA determined that all 4 MCM's are compliant with no warnings or penalties. Mayor Stumpf opened the public meeting for testimony. There was no public testimony. Mayor Stumpf brought the item back to the floor. Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the 2017 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) Annual Report and Update on MS4 Audit. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of awarding fire station design contract to Brunton Architects & Engineers and authorize exploring fire station site alternatives. Fire Chief Mike Mossey gave a brief update on the history of the fire station, specifically what led them to a remodel. After receiving four bids, the Fire Station Architect Selection Committee, found that the difference between a remodel and a new station isn't as significant a dollar amount as previously noted. Fire Chief Mossey noted that the Fire Department would be supportive of the current location, however, it would be beneficial to look at other sites. If the city builds new it would need to tear down the current building to build a new and this isn't ideal for the Fire Department. If there is a possible alternative location, it should be discussed and instead of tearing down the current fire station to build new, there could possibly be another use for the current station. The committee interviewed the four RFP respondents and recommended Brunton Architects and Engineers of Mankato, MN. Corey Brunton introduced himself to the City Council. City Council Minutes —April 23, 2018 Page 4 1 5 Councilmember Gabler moved to award the fire station design service contract to Brunton Architects and Engineers of Mankato, MN for the development of a new fire station and direct staff to work with Brunton in preparing the contract documents accordingly. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Councilmember Gabler moved to authorize staff and the committee to identify suitable fire station sites within the city and for presentation to the City Council for future review and action. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Adiournment By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes —April 23, 2018 Page 5 15 City Council Agenda: 5/14/2018 2A. Consideration of avvrovin2 vavment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $945,229.53. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 05/01/2018 - 11:39AM Batch: 00215.04.2018 - 00215.04.2018 Xcel/CPE Moiiii6effo Y Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 4263 CAYAN Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 618099 March 2018 (13,974) Transaction Fee 978.18 04/30/2018 609-49754-443980 618099 March 2018 (3) Genius Service Fee - cc machine 89.85 04/30/2018 609-49754-424100 Check Total: 1,068.03 Vendor: 1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 4/30/2018 5843395-5 - DMV 110.25 04/30/2018 217-41990-438100 4/30/2018 5863599-6 - Animal Shelter 115.69 04/30/2018 101-42700-438100 4/30/2018 5806932-5 - Parks 150.81 04/30/2018 101-45201-438100 4/30/2018 5821009-5 - Fire Station 816.63 04/30/2018 101-42200-438100 4/30/2018 5864452-7 - Library 443.95 04/30/2018 101-45501-438100 4/30/2018 5788570-9 - Hi Way Liquor 294.42 04/30/2018 609-49754-438100 4/30/2018 5804618-6 - Parks - Fallon Ave 16.98 04/30/2018 101-45201-438100 4/30/2018 5768542-2 - City Hall (3 mos) 1,151.35 04/30/2018 101-41940-438100 4/30/2018 5768542-2 - MCC (3 mos) 26,624.98 04/30/2018 226-45126-438100 4/30/2018 5768542-2 - Senior Center (3 mos) 431.76 04/30/2018 101-45175-438100 4/30/2018 5768542-2 - National Guard (3 mos) 575.68 04/30/2018 101-42800-438100 4/30/2018 5828859-8 - City Hall (Storage Garage) 65.99 04/30/2018 101-41940-438100 4/30/2018 8235331-9 - Prairie Center 207.26 04/30/2018 101-41941-438100 4/30/2018 8235331-9 - Prairie Center 85.31 04/30/2018 101-41941-438100 4/30/2018 8000015233-2- WWTP 7,945.22 04/30/2018 602-49480-438100 4/30/2018 5799425 - Public Works 767.60 04/30/2018 101-43127-438100 4/30/2018 5799425 - Public Works 173.77 04/30/2018 101-43127-438100 4/30/2018 5799425 - Public Works 258.90 04/30/2018 101-43127-438100 4/30/2018 5799425 - Public Works 1,830.07 04/30/2018 101-43127-438100 Check Total: 42,066.62 Vendor: 4394 DAXKO, LLC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 2/1/2018 PWC CC Gateway Fees - Feb 209.20 04/30/2018 226-45122-443980 3/1/2018 PWC CC Gateway Fees - Mar 203.90 04/30/2018 226-45122-443980 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/01/2018 - 11:39 AM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Check Total: Vendor: 2439 DEPT OF EMPLOYMENT & ECON DEVELO Qtr 12018 Qtr 12018 Unemployment Benefits Amount Payment Date Acct Number 413.10 Check Sequence: 4 5,267.97 04/30/2018 101-45201-414200 5,267.97 -1,997.59 2,038.03 1,994.02 174.45 67.90 12.00 6,040.73 151.82 954.24 954.23 91.60 91.61 33.50 10,606.54 15,023.98 7,880.45 1,294.46 1,247.50 94.07 765.24 72.11 112.49 16.17 168.48 1,589.08 1,339.98 6,069.32 315.29 157.64 112.57 587.05 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 Check Sequence: 5 101-00000-362110 101-41520-443980 226-45122-443980 226-45122-443980 226-00000-220100 609-49754-443980 609-49754-443980 101-41520-443980 601-49440-443980 602-49490-443980 601-49440-443980 602-49490-443980 226-00000-115031 Check Sequence: 6 602-49480-438100 601-49440-438100 602-49490-438100 602-49490-438100 601-49440-438100 101-45501-438100 101-43160-438100 101-43160-438100 101-42500-438100 217-41990-438100 609-49754-438100 101-41940-438100 226-45126-438100 101-45175-438100 101-42800-438100 101-42700-438100 101-42200-438100 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/01/2018 - 11:39 AM) Page 2 Check Total: Vendor: 2405 WELLS FARGO - Monthly Charges/Returns April 2018 Wells Fargo account interest earnings 4/2018 April 2018 Wells Fargo account interest earnings 4/2018 April 2018 MCC CC Fees (WF- Front Desk) April 2018 MCC CC Fees (WF -Online) April 2018 MCC CC Fees (iAccess - Fmrs Mkt) April 2018 Liquor Store CC Adj (WF) April 2018 Liquor Store CC Fees (WF) April 2018 City Hall CC Fees (WF) April 2018 Utility CC Fees (Bluefin) April 2018 Utility CC Fees (Bluefin) April 2018 Utility CC Fees (AmEx) April 2018 Utility CC Fees (AmEx) April 2018 MCC ACH Returns 04/2018 Check Total: Vendor: 1585 XCEL ENERGY 4/30/2018 51-6572904-0- WWTP 4/30/2018 51-6505905-0 - Water 4/30/2018 51-6505906-1 - Sewer 2/3-3/6 4/30/2018 51-6505906-1 - Sewer 1/6-2/3 4/30/2018 51-0395766-0 - Pumphouse 405 Ramsey 4/30/2018 51-4271112-2 - Library 4/30/2018 51-6505907-2- Parking Lots- (3)auto prot. lights 4/30/2018 51-6505907-2- Parking Lots 4/30/2018 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM- 51-6505908-3 - Civil Defer 4/30/2018 51-6505909-4 - DMV & Food Shelf 4/30/2018 51-6505910-7 - Liquor Store 4/30/2018 51-6505911-8 - City Hall 4/30/2018 51-6505911-8 - MCC 4/30/2018 51-6505911-8 - Sr. Center 4/30/2018 51-6505911-8 - National Guard 4/30/2018 51-6505912-9 - Animal Shelter 4/30/2018 51-6505913-0 - Fire Station Amount Payment Date Acct Number 413.10 Check Sequence: 4 5,267.97 04/30/2018 101-45201-414200 5,267.97 -1,997.59 2,038.03 1,994.02 174.45 67.90 12.00 6,040.73 151.82 954.24 954.23 91.60 91.61 33.50 10,606.54 15,023.98 7,880.45 1,294.46 1,247.50 94.07 765.24 72.11 112.49 16.17 168.48 1,589.08 1,339.98 6,069.32 315.29 157.64 112.57 587.05 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 04/30/2018 Check Sequence: 5 101-00000-362110 101-41520-443980 226-45122-443980 226-45122-443980 226-00000-220100 609-49754-443980 609-49754-443980 101-41520-443980 601-49440-443980 602-49490-443980 601-49440-443980 602-49490-443980 226-00000-115031 Check Sequence: 6 602-49480-438100 601-49440-438100 602-49490-438100 602-49490-438100 601-49440-438100 101-45501-438100 101-43160-438100 101-43160-438100 101-42500-438100 217-41990-438100 609-49754-438100 101-41940-438100 226-45126-438100 101-45175-438100 101-42800-438100 101-42700-438100 101-42200-438100 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/01/2018 - 11:39 AM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 4/30/2018 51-6505914-1 - Shop/Garage 2/4-3/6 1,224.76 04/30/2018 101-43127-438100 4/30/2018 51-6505914-1 - shop/garage 1/4-2/4 1,193.29 04/30/2018 101-43127-438100 4/30/2018 51-6505915-2 - Parks 1,102.81 04/30/2018 101-45201-438100 4/30/2018 51-6505915-2 - Water skating rink 347.07 04/30/2018 601-49440-438100 4/30/2018 51-6505915-2 - Ballfields NSP Consc. & Sec. Li 35.14 04/30/2018 101-45203-438100 4/30/2018 51-6505915-2 - Ballfields NSP Softball Assoc. 219.33 04/30/2018 101-45203-438100 4/30/2018 51-6505916-3 - Street Lights 11,930.52 04/30/2018 101-43160-438100 4/30/2018 51-0371645-4 - Swan Cam 18.98 04/30/2018 101-45201-438100 4/30/2018 51-7780310-4 - Bldg. Inspec. Garage 63.10 04/30/2018 101-41940-438100 4/30/2018 51-9391437-3 - 118 W. 6th St. Bldg. 283.09 04/30/2018 101-41941-438100 4/30/2018 ZCULPS-EXPENS - 51-0623082-8 - EDA 17.50 04/30/2018 213-46522-438100 Check Total: 53,281.47 Total for Check Run: 112,703.73 Total of Number of Checks: 6 The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 5/14/18 Approved by: Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/01/2018 - 11:39 AM) Page 3 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 05/02/2018 - 4:16PM Batch: 00202.05.2018 - 202.05.2018 Liquor Invoice No Description Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3255330 resale - beer 3256903 resale - beer 7.20 Check Total: Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION 63746400 resale - liquor 63746400 freight 63750400 freight 63750400 resale - liquor 63750400 resale - wine 63758100 resale - wine 63758100 freight 63802900 freight 63802900 resale - wine 63835400 resale - wine 63905600 freight 63905600 resale - wine 63947600 resale - wine credit inv. #63835400 63947600 freight credit inv. 463835400 97514200 freight 97514200 resale -juice 5.40 Check Total: Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S 58916 resale - soda pop 58916 resale -juice 58917 resale - beer 61967 resale - soda pop 61967 resale -juice 61968 resale - beer Amount Payment Date Acct Number Moiiii6effo Y Reference Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 64.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 32.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 96.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/02/2018 - 4:16 PM) Page 1 Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 441.60 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 7.20 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 36.31 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 1,907.51 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 194.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 128.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 1.80 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 8.10 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 192.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 128.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 5.40 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 480.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 -128.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 -3.60 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 1.11 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 240.19 05/02/2018 609-49750-425500 3,639.62 Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 286.42 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 65.60 05/02/2018 609-49750-425500 2,355.75 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 32.80 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 41.25 05/02/2018 609-49750-425500 1,369.40 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/02/2018 - 4:16 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 4,151.22 Check Total: Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPII 1080789121 resale - liquor 1080789121 resale - wine 1080789121 freight 1080789122 resale - beer 1080792500 resale - wine 1080792500 resale - liquor 1080792500 freight 1080792501 resale - beer 130.50 Check Total: Vendor: 1801 CANNON RIVER WINERY 5001 resale - wine 609-49750-425300 Check Total: Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. 2093580 resale - beer 2093580 resale - beer n/a 2096638 resale - beer 2096638 resale - beer n/a 354-0406 resale - beer credit 354-0415 resale - beer credit Check Total: Vendor: 4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC 617-0070 resale - beer 576.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1119 COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION 05/02/18 MCC/City Hall sign application - approved 4/9/1 Check Total: Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC 1342843 resale - beer 1342843 resale - beer 174481 resale - beer Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 4,151.22 Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 2,549.98 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 1,167.24 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 46.76 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 130.50 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 1,265.08 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 4,010.70 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 61.33 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 55.40 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 9,286.99 Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 576.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 576.00 Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 11,409.60 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 14.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 30,664.80 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 112.10 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 -4.30 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 -61.85 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 42,134.35 Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 297.30 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 297.30 Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 1,626.60 05/02/2018 101-43120-422600 1,626.60 Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: True 4,821.70 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 52.80 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 19,663.77 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/02/2018 - 4:16 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 174481 resale - beer n/a 175.70 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 174557 resale - beer 5,570.95 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 174592 resale - beer credit -155.40 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 174755 resale - beer 24,207.70 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 174755 resale - beer n/a 35.30 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 174940 resale - beer 138.60 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 174992 resale - beer 208.95 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 175515 resale - beer 180.30 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 54,900.37 Vendor: 4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC Check Sequence: 10 958371 resale - beer 249.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 959761 resale - beer 203.70 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 452.70 Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 11 2800592 resale - beer 1,650.95 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 2800592 freight 3.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 2822421 resale - beer 3,057.90 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 2822421 resale - beer n/a 98.20 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 2822421 freight 3.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 4,813.05 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 12 5984185 resale - liquor 2,467.32 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 5984185 freight 31.41 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 5984186 freight 52.14 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 5984186 resale - wine 2,147.50 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 5984964 resale - liquor 2,746.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 5984964 freight 34.04 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 5984965 freight 38.74 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 5984965 resale - wine 1,592.87 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 5986127 resale - liquor 2,816.05 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 5986127 freight 52.56 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 5986128 freight 34.27 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 5986128 resale - wine 1,515.66 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 5986128 resale - mix 65.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 5988514 freight 28.31 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 5988514 resale - liquor 2,338.66 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 5988515 freight 65.56 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/02/2018 - 4:16 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 5988515 resale - wine 1,946.25 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 5988515 resale - wine n/a 35.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 5989344 resale - liquor 5,608.89 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 5989344 freight 59.60 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 5989345 freight 31.66 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 5989345 resale - wine 1,137.40 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 5990088 freight 32.78 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 5990088 resale - liquor 2,614.23 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 5990089 resale - wine 5,121.70 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 5990089 resale - wine n/a 137.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 5990089 freight 142.28 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 5990090 resale - beer 22.99 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 5991297 resale - liquor 2,207.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 5991297 freight 27.19 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 5991298 freight 47.67 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 5991298 resale - wine 2,410.40 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 5991298 resale - wine n/a 100.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 5991299 resale -beer 123.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 5993960 freight 15.39 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 5993960 resale - liquor 1,306.48 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 5993961 resale - wine 838.25 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 5993961 resale - wine n/a 41.35 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 5993961 freight 28.31 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 675826 resale - wine credit inv. 5984186 -45.50 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 675826 freight credit inv. 5984186 -1.49 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 676183 freight credit inv. 5986128 -1.49 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 676183 resale - mix credit inv. 5986128 -46.50 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 676356 resale - liquor credit inv. #5983139 -188.98 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 676356 freight credit inv. #5983139 -2.98 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 676696 freight credit inv. 45988515 -2.98 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 676696 resale wine credit inv. #5988515 -77.70 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 676697 resale liquor credit inv. #5989344 -1,049.93 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 676697 freight credit inv. #5989344 -11.92 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 676919 freight credit inv. #5988515 -1.49 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 676919 resale - wine credit inv. #5988515 -52.60 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 676920 resale - wine credit inv. #5990089 -61.26 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 676920 freight credit inv. #5990089 -0.74 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 38,515.35 Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC Check Sequence: 13 11748 resale - beer 216.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 11907 resale - beer 1,080.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425200 Reference ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/02/2018 - 4:16 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Check Total: Vendor: 4667 MILLNER VINEYARD, LLC 242518-1 resale - wine Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1,296.00 Check Sequence: 14 103.40 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 103.40 Check Total: Vendor: 1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO 8428 resale - wine 8428 freight 9140 resale - wine 9140 freight 10.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO 2340453 freight 2340453 resale - liquor 2340969 resale - wine 2340969 freight 2341797 resale - liquor 2341797 freight 2341798 freight 2341798 resale - wine 2343492 resale -liquor 2343492 freight 2343493 freight 2343493 resale -wine 2344010 freight 2344010 resale - liquor 2344011 resale - wine 2344011 freight 2344487 freight 2344487 resale - liquor 2345325 resale - liquor 2345325 freight 2345326 freight 2345326 resale - wine 2345326 resale - wine n/a 2347224 resale - liquor 2347224 freight 2347225 freight Amount Payment Date Acct Number 1,296.00 Check Sequence: 14 103.40 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 103.40 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/02/2018 - 4:16 PM) Page 5 Check Sequence: 15 637.83 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 10.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 753.50 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 10.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 1,411.33 Check Sequence: 16 86.41 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 5,157.30 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 952.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 13.41 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 1,447.70 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 16.39 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 28.31 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 1,183.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 946.24 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 9.42 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 44.70 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 1,918.50 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 31.29 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 2,632.40 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 1,093.86 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 20.86 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 13.41 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 1,308.35 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 596.85 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 7.45 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 43.70 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 1,649.01 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 42.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 1,358.50 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 8.94 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 35.75 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/02/2018 - 4:16 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2347225 resale - wine 696.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 2347697 resale- wine 96.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 2347697 freight 2.98 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 292276 resale - liquor credit inv. #2340453 -120.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 292276 freight credit inv. 92340453 -1.49 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 292534 resale - liquor credit inv. #2334346 -6.79 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 293016 resale - wine credit inv. #2341798 -15.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 21,297.45 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS. Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 1672897 resale - liquor 1,869.85 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 1672897 freight 23.80 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 1672898 freight 18.20 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 1672898 resale- wine 967.15 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 1675557 freight 23.10 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 1675557 resale - liquor 1,692.58 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 1675558 resale - wine 2,769.65 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 1675558 freight 43.86 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 7,408.19 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 1474959 resale - water -1.27 05/02/2018 609-49750-425500 2135938 resale - soda pop 515.10 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 2142263 resale - soda pop 511.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 1,024.83 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 0204977 resale - liquor 120.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 0204977 freight 2.50 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 0204978 freight 5.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 0204978 resale -liquor 281.75 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 0205458 freight 2.50 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 0205458 resale- wine 64.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 0205466 resale - liquor 695.75 05/02/2018 609-49750-425100 0205466 resale- wine 64.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 0205466 freight 16.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 0205529 resale- wine 52.00 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 0205529 freight 2.50 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,306.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/02/2018 - 4:16 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Vendor: 1572 68465 68465 Vendor: 1573 7179228 7179228 7179447 7179447 7179841 7179841 7180373 7180373 7180825 7180825 Vendor: 1206 MN00038408 MN00038408 Description THE WINE COMPANY resale - wine freight Check Total: WINE MERCHANTS INC resale - wine freight resale - wine freight resale - wine freight freight resale - wine freight resale - wine Check Total: WINEBOW INC. resale - wine freight Check Total Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: Amount 680.00 25.00 705.00 652.29 10.80 432.24 5.96 107.00 1.49 7.45 478.00 24.58 1,510.00 3,229.81 216.00 4.50 220.50 198,492.06 22 Payment Date Acct Number Check Sequence: 20 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 Check Sequence: 21 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 Check Sequence: 22 05/02/2018 609-49750-425300 05/02/2018 609-49750-433300 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True The proceeding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 5/14/18 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/02/2018 - 4:16 PM) Page 7 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 05/09/2018 - 2:21PM Batch: 00203.05.2018 - 203.05.2018 AP Invoice No Description Vendor: 2925 1 ST LINE/LEEWES VENTURES LLC 129005 Flavored Syrups for Concession (4) Check Total: Vendor: 1017 ALEX AIR APPARATUS INC 36465 annual compressor air quality test; annual service 226-45125-425410 Check Total: Vendor: 2407 ALL ELEMENTS 5375 Repaired Two Leaks Near Concession Area Check Total: Vendor: 2087 ALL -WAYS HEATING AND AC INC 6239 Enabled: Installed New Rooftop Fumance Unit 665.00 Check Total: Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3258678 665.00 resale - beer Check Total: Vendor: 4502 ARVIG 277570 April 2018 expenses - Border States ACH Enabled: Check Total: Vendor: 4046 AST SPORTS INC 1995 Various Style Shirts for Staff (12) Check Total: AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Moiiii6effo Y Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 395.75 05/15/2018 226-45125-425410 395.75 Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 665.00 05/15/2018 101-42200-431990 665.00 Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 385.90 05/15/2018 226-45126-431990 385.90 Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 8,420.00 05/15/2018 609-49754-440100 8,420.00 Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 96.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425200 96.00 Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 78.73 05/15/2018 656-49877-421800 78.73 Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 433.00 05/15/2018 101-42400-421110 433.00 Page 1 Invoice No Description Vendor: 1062 BEAUDRY OIL COMPANY 378674 (15) gal Chev. Rando Oil; (10) gal multi EP5 oil 83219 Check Total: Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION 62978600-2 resale cedit inv. #62978600 63970100 freight 63970100 resale - wine 63970100 resale - liquor 97468300 asst. bags 97468300 resale - mix 97468300 freight 97482900 resale - mix 97482900 freight 97531600 freight 97531600 asst. bags Check Total: Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S 58915 resale - pop, Gatorade, water, V8 61966 resale - pop, Gatorade, water 65232 resale - pop, water, V8 65239 resale - beer credit 65240 resale -soda pop 65240 resale juice 65241 resale -beer Amount Check Total: Vendor: 4886 BLIND INSTALLATION AND REPAIR INC 83219 Tilter (3) Check Total: Vendor: 4950 BONDHUS CORPORATION 1114496 (2) 9pc. hex bit set; (2) asst. hex bit- ST3 sent sh 101-43127-421300 Check Total: Vendor: 1080 BRAEMAR MAILING SERVICE INC 58889 Inserts for UB Billing (3738) (1/2) 58889 Inserts for UB Billing (3738) (1/2) Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: True 401.40 05/15/2018 101-43127-421300 401.40 Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: True -644.60 05/15/2018 609-49750-425100 41.85 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 1,034.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 1,362.54 05/15/2018 609-49750-425100 291.90 05/15/2018 609-49754-421990 42.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425400 1.53 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 74.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425400 0.34 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 0.92 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 201.00 05/15/2018 609-49754-421990 2,405.48 Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 193.40 05/15/2018 226-45125-425410 208.85 05/15/2018 226-45125-425410 251.05 05/15/2018 226-45125-425410 -63.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425200 121.12 05/15/2018 609-49750-425400 32.80 05/15/2018 609-49750-425500 1,030.85 05/15/2018 609-49750-425200 1,775.07 Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 65.00 05/15/2018 226-45126-422990 65.00 Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 72.67 05/15/2018 101-45201-421650 72.67 Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 256.19 05/15/2018 101-43110-443990 256.19 05/15/2018 101-41310-443990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 58889 Inserts for UB Billing (3738) 37.38 05/15/2018 217-41990-434990 58889 UB April 2018 Inv - (3738) Print, Fold, Stuff, Er 548.40 05/15/2018 601-49440-431800 58889 UB April 2018 Inv - (3738) Print, Fold, Stuff, Er 548.39 05/15/2018 602-49490-431800 58897 Inserts for UB Billing (1300) 95.00 05/15/2018 217-41990-434990 Check Total: 1,741.55 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 1080796066 resale - liquor 1,583.07 05/15/2018 609-49750-425100 1080796066 resale - wine 924.72 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 1080796066 freight 40.02 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 1080796067 resale - beer 83.10 05/15/2018 609-49750-425200 2080194765 resale - liquor credit -35.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425100 2080194766 resale - liquor credit -121.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425100 2080194769 resale - liquor credit -55.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 2,419.91 Vendor: 4929 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHENSION Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 5/1/2018 Background Checks (5) 160.00 05/15/2018 217-41990-421990 Check Total: 160.00 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 2099841 resale - beer 11,475.40 05/15/2018 609-49750-425200 2099841 resale - beer n/a 80.60 05/15/2018 609-49750-425400 640-0122 resale - beer credit -21.50 05/15/2018 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 11,534.50 Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: True 00023075 Monthly Tank Rental 65.00 05/15/2018 226-45124-421600 00198680 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (466 lbs) 120.20 05/15/2018 226-45124-421600 Check Total: 185.20 Vendor: 4315 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 5/1/2018 Digital Receiver 7.96 05/15/2018 101-41110-431990 Check Total: 7.96 Vendor: 3831 RAELYNN COOK Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 4/18/2018 Mileage Reimbursement - CPP Class (176 miles; 95.92 05/15/2018 101-41520-433100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 95.92 Check Total: Check Total: Vendor: 2935 CUSTOMIZED FIRE RESCUE TRAINING IN( 1228 201819 - Blackston - PH Ad#805270 Asbestos Inspe.1645 CR 39 NE 201808 - Briggs Companies PH Ad# 805276 591603 Check Total: Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC 1342888 595681 resale - beer 172354 Check Total: resale - beer credit 175453 0276766 resale - beer 175453 Check Total: resale - beer n/a 176077 30,557.47 resale - beer 609-49750-425200 Check Total: Vendor: 4475 DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP D844156 05/15/2018 Insulation 33,276.87 Check Total: Vendor: 4956 SYLVIADRESSELLIER 4/18/2018 Check Sequence: 22 Refund Cancelled Park Reservation 4/18/2018 05/15/2018 Refund Cancelled Park Reservation - Sales Tax Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 95.92 Check Total: Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 591600 16C006 - Fallon Ave/Street Imp Bids Ad# 80281 591601 201819 - Blackston - PH Ad#805270 591602 201808 - Briggs Companies PH Ad# 805276 591603 201816 - Nextera Communications PH Ad# 805 591604 201811 - Stevens PH Ad# 805279 593593 EDA Bondus PH Ad # 808554 595681 Ad # 788906- Monti Resource Dir. Check Sequence: 21 Check Total: Vendor: 2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 0276766 resale - (5) LF 5/8x3/4 T10 Meters -160.00 Check Total: Vendor: 2174 FINANCE AND COMMERCE Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 95.92 Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 500.00 05/15/2018 602-49490-431990 500.00 Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: True 2,417.95 05/15/2018 609-49750-425200 -160.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425200 30,557.47 05/15/2018 609-49750-425200 158.05 05/15/2018 609-49750-425400 303.40 05/15/2018 609-49750-425200 33,276.87 Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 34.56 05/15/2018 226-45126-422990 34.56 Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 102.45 05/15/2018 101-45201-347100 7.55 05/15/2018 101-00000-208100 110.00 Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: True 1,426.42 05/15/2018 400-43300-459018 92.30 05/15/2018 101-41910-435100 101.53 05/15/2018 101-41910-435100 101.53 05/15/2018 101-41910-435100 92.30 05/15/2018 101-41910-435100 119.99 05/15/2018 213-46301-435100 175.00 05/15/2018 609-49754-434990 2,109.07 Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 1,163.23 05/15/2018 601-49440-422710 1,163.23 Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 743737878 16C006 - Fallon Overpass & Street Improvemen 340.10 05/15/2018 400-43300-459018 Check Total: 340.10 Vendor: 1859 GODFATHER'S EXTERMINATING INC Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 131244 General Pest Control - Mice (Prairie Center) 50.00 05/15/2018 101-41941-431990 131293 General Pest Control - Ants (MCC) 80.00 05/15/2018 226-45126-431990 131294 General Pest Control - Ants (DMV) 35.00 05/15/2018 217-41990-431990 131295 General Pest Control - Ants (Library) 50.00 05/15/2018 101-45501-431990 131296 Gen. Pest Control- perimeter spray ants 59.06 05/15/2018 609-49754-431990 Check Total: 274.06 Vendor: 4391 WIL GOETSCH Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: True 5/7/2018 Referee Mens Hockey - 4/18 - 5/16/18 (14 Game 560.00 05/15/2018 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 560.00 Vendor: 1205 GRAINGER INC Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False 9768498132 Cigarette Receptacles (2) 106.54 05/15/2018 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 106.54 Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: True 4262917 Well #5 - gas leak detector 1,532.00 05/15/2018 601-49440-422100 4266128 Aluminum Sulfate Liquid - WWTP 6,314.62 05/15/2018 602-49480-421990 4275536 Pool Chemicals 943.18 05/15/2018 226-45124-421600 4276327 Pool Chemicals 202.36 05/15/2018 226-45124-421600 Check Total: 8,992.16 Vendor: 1232 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False 602973274 Arsenal Top Clean (4) 128.99 05/15/2018 226-45126-421990 Check Total: 128.99 Vendor: 4650 JASEN HOGLUND Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False 0153 (4) asst. Water Dept. Vehicle logos 72.00 05/15/2018 601-49440-421990 0153 (6) asst. Baseball score brd. signs applied on pan 349.00 05/15/2018 101-45203-421990 Check Total: 421.00 Vendor: 4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 961855 resale -beer 83.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 83.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE 04182018 05/15/2018 Acct. 1400-017-223-399 fuel slips 2/19-4/18/18 195.10 Check Total: Vendor: 3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL June 2019 05/15/2018 June - Health Insurance - Union June 2019 05/15/2018 June - Health Insurance 67,994.00 Check Total: Vendor: 4955 JILL JENSEN 5/7/2018 05/15/2018 Refund Employee Family Membership 5/7/2018 05/15/2018 Refund Employee Family Membership - Sales T 215.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING 2822438 05/15/2018 resale - beer 2822438 05/15/2018 freight 2,289.40 Check Total: Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 5994859 05/15/2018 resale - liquor 5994859 05/15/2018 freight 5994860 05/15/2018 freight 5994860 05/15/2018 resale - wine 5995915 05/15/2018 resale - wine 5995915 05/15/2018 freight 5995916 05/15/2018 freight 5995916 05/15/2018 resale - wine 5995916 05/15/2018 resale - wine n/a 5995917 05/15/2018 resale -beer 5997145 05/15/2018 resale - liquor 5997145 05/15/2018 freight 5997146 05/15/2018 resale - wine 5997146 05/15/2018 freight 5997146 05/15/2018 resale - mix 5999718 05/15/2018 freight 5999718 05/15/2018 resale - liquor Amount Payment Date Acct Number 83.00 Check Sequence: 34 195.10 05/15/2018 101-42200-421200 195.10 Check Sequence: 35 16,120.00 05/15/2018 101-00000-217061 51,874.00 05/15/2018 101-00000-217061 67,994.00 Check Sequence: 36 200.23 05/15/2018 226-45127-347910 14.77 05/15/2018 226-00000-208100 215.00 Check Sequence: 37 2,286.40 05/15/2018 609-49750-425200 3.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 2,289.40 Check Sequence: 38 633.80 05/15/2018 609-49750-425100 4.47 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 74.51 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 2,908.69 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 5,950.91 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 67.43 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 127.16 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 2,437.86 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 61.60 05/15/2018 609-49750-425400 22.99 05/15/2018 609-49750-425200 3,256.74 05/15/2018 609-49750-425100 43.70 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 1,563.30 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 31.29 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 70.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425400 60.46 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 5,358.25 05/15/2018 609-49750-425100 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5999719 resale - wine 916.50 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 5999719 resale - wine n/a 120.80 05/15/2018 609-49750-425400 5999719 freight 28.31 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 677482 resale -liquor credit inv.#5988514 -94.49 05/15/2018 609-49750-425100 677482 freight credit inv.#5988514 -1.49 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 677818 resale - wine credit inv. #5995916 -38.85 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 677818 freight credit inv. #5995916 -1.49 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 23,602.45 Vendor: 1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False MN190-00101 General EDA Matters thru 3/31/18 228.00 05/15/2018 213-46301-430400 MN190-00115 Landmark Square thru 3/31/18 171.00 05/15/2018 213-46301-430400 MN190-00156 TIF District 40 (Briggs Housing) thru 3/31/18 1,235.00 05/15/2018 213-46301-430400 MN325-00035 103 Pine St thru 3/31/18 2,517.17 05/15/2018 213-46301-430400 MN325-00038 112 W River St thru 3/31/18 2,796.64 05/15/2018 213-46301-430400 Check Total: 6,947.81 Vendor: 3829 STEVE LANGANKI Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: True 1109 (6) porta toilets 3/21-31; (22) porta toilets 4/1-28 1,322.13 05/15/2018 101-45201-431990 Check Total: 1,322.13 Vendor: 2626 HARRY LANTTO Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: True 4/24/2018 Planning Commission Meeting Recording 4/3/1E 60.00 05/15/2018 101-41910-431990 4/24/2018 EDA Meeting Recording 4/11/18 60.00 05/15/2018 213-46301-431990 4/24/2018 City Council Meeting Recording 4/9/18 & 4/23/: 120.00 05/15/2018 101-41110-431990 Check Total: 240.00 Vendor: 1290 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 271648 2018 Safety & Loss Control Workshop (AS) 20.00 05/15/2018 101-41910-433100 271692 2018 Annual Conference (RL) 400.00 05/15/2018 101-41310-433100 Check Total: 420.00 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: True 257693 resale - tobacco; bar ware; soda pop; etc 654.18 05/15/2018 609-49750-425400 257693 resale -cigarettes 1,758.10 05/15/2018 609-49750-425500 Check Total: 2,412.28 Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 20701555 (950) gal diesel @ $2.63 2,498.15 05/15/2018 101-43120-421200 20701558 (494) gal unleaded @ $2.33 1,151.81 05/15/2018 101-43120-421200 Check Total: 3,649.96 Vendor: 1308 MARCO INC Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: True 355454273 4/10/18 - 5/10/18 Contract Payment 2,458.34 05/15/2018 702-00000-441500 Check Total: 2,458.34 Vendor: 4958 LAUREN MAUER Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False 5/8/2018 Refund Daily Pass 33.29 05/15/2018 226-45127-347900 5/8/2018 Refund Daily Pass 2.46 05/15/2018 226-00000-208100 Check Total: 35.75 Vendor: 1314 MCDOWALL COMPANY Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False 607020 milage- Contract C0560- Unit #2 -rep. wire & ve 67.11 05/15/2018 609-49754-440440 607020 labor Contract C0560- Unit #2 -rep. wire & veru 325.35 05/15/2018 609-49754-440440 607275 Troubleshoot Combustion Damper Actuator - W 152.00 05/15/2018 226-45124-431990 Check Total: 544.46 Vendor: 1330 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: True 400451001975 March 2018 - Monti Pawn Transactions (223) 200.70 05/15/2018 101-42100-431990 Check Total: 200.70 Vendor: 1333 MINNESOTA SECRETARY OF STATE Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 5/8/2018 UCC Filing Fee 20.00 05/15/2018 213-46301-443990 Check Total: 20.00 Vendor: 4960 MINNESOTA SOFTBALL Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 1410 Softball for Mens Softball League (15) 675.00 05/15/2018 226-45127-421740 Check Total: 675.00 Vendor: 1346 MN DEPT OF HEALTH Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 5/7/2018 Food Manager Cert Renewal License 35.00 05/15/2018 226-45122-443700 Check Total: 35.00 Vendor: 1744 CITY OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 5/14/2018 Petty Cash for City Garage Sale 320.00 05/15/2018 101-41310-102000 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 320.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1375 MONTICELLO PRINTING INC 4/30/2018 05/15/2018 Spring/Summer Newsletter (7,764) 2,600.00 Check Total: Vendor: 4549 ANN MOSACK 5/4/2018 05/15/2018 Mileage Reimbursement - 149.1 miles (March - 81.26 Check Total: Vendor: 1390 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1160668 05/15/2018 (70) Tine -side eject 116233 05/15/2018 fuel fltr; oil fltr; v -belt; (6) latch swell; etc 744.79 Check Total: Vendor: 4390 MICHAEL MUELLER 5/7/2018 05/15/2018 Referee Mens Hockey - 4/18 - 5/6/18 (20 Games 840.00 Check Total: Vendor: 4953 RYAN MYROLD 5/7/2018 05/15/2018 5/31/18 Performance @ Music on the Mississipp 1,400.00 Check Total: Vendor: 2518 NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST 5/3/2018 05/15/2018 Postage for Pkgs to Dept Public Safety - Apr 201 5/3/2018 05/15/2018 Postage R Bolhauer @ American Legal 196.67 Check Total: Vendor: 1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANT 23592 05/15/2018 April 2018 - Technical Assistance - City Projects 23593 05/15/2018 201815 - Haven Ridge - April 2018 23593 05/15/2018 201808 - Briggs Multi Family - April 2018 23593 05/15/2018 201819 - Bondhus - April 2018 23593 05/15/2018 201801 Rand Jamison - April 2018 23593 05/15/2018 201801 - Twin Cities Staffing - April 2018 23593 05/15/2018 201801 - Carlisle 2nd Townhomes - April 2018 23593 05/15/2018 201801 - Surnmergate Premier Bank- April 2018 23593 05/15/2018 201811 - Stevens Variance- April 2018 Amount Payment Date Acct Number 320.00 Check Sequence: 53 2,600.00 05/15/2018 101-41310-431950 2,600.00 Check Sequence: 54 81.26 05/15/2018 226-45122-433100 81.26 Check Sequence: 55 535.12 05/15/2018 101-45201-422100 209.67 05/15/2018 101-45201-422100 744.79 Check Sequence: 56 840.00 05/15/2018 226-45127-431990 840.00 Check Sequence: 57 1,400.00 05/15/2018 101-45204-431990 1,400.00 Check Sequence: 58 188.20 05/15/2018 217-41990-432200 8.47 05/15/2018 101-41110-443990 196.67 Check Sequence: 59 2,206.48 05/15/2018 101-41910-431990 1,353.00 05/15/2018 101-00000-220110 973.50 05/15/2018 101-00000-220110 594.00 05/15/2018 101-00000-220110 313.50 05/15/2018 101-41910-431990 280.50 05/15/2018 101-41910-431990 297.00 05/15/2018 101-41910-431990 451.74 05/15/2018 101-41910-431990 561.00 05/15/2018 101-00000-220110 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 23593 201816 - Nextena Antenna CUP- April 2018 660.00 05/15/2018 101-00000-220110 23594 April 2018 - Technical Assistance - Meetings 150.00 05/15/2018 101-41910-431990 23595 April 2018 - Technical Assistance - CCD Zoning 539.24 05/15/2018 101-41910-431990 Check Total: 8,379.96 Vendor: 1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: True 56742 materials- Nachi bearing 615.57 05/15/2018 601-49440-440600 56742 labor- Nachi bearing- clean; balance; reassmbl;el 810.00 05/15/2018 601-49440-440600 56743 Replace Pump Bearings, Seal & Gasket - B & G 942.88 05/15/2018 226-45126-431990 56744 Replaced Seal in Pump; Greased Bearings; Boile 971.13 05/15/2018 226-45126-431990 56748 labor- balance, cln, reassmbl, test 1,000.00 05/15/2018 601-49440-440600 56748 material - (2) bearings; shop sup.- balance, cln, r 202.29 05/15/2018 601-49440-440600 Check Total: 4,541.87 Vendor: 1417 OSC OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: True 08156246 regulator repair tag 20592 - PW Shop 72.48 05/15/2018 101-43127-421520 Check Total: 72.48 Vendor: 3552 PARKS AND TRAILS COUNCIL OF MINNES Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 5/2/2018 Friends of Bertram Membership 20.00 05/15/2018 101-45201-443300 Check Total: 20.00 Vendor: 1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False 9557 resale - wine 616.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 9557 freight 13.75 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 9863 freight 18.75 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 9863 resale - wine 1,510.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 2,158.50 Vendor: 4633 PERFORMANCE FOOD GROUP INC Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: True 51589208 Cheese Sauce for Concession 169.11 05/15/2018 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 169.11 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 2347810 resale - wine 1,192.20 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 2347810 freight 25.33 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 2348420 freight 41.73 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 2348420 resale - liquor 2,052.75 05/15/2018 609-49750-425100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Page 10 Invoice No Description 2348421 resale - mix 2348421 freight 2349294 freight 2349294 resale - liquor 2349295 resale - wine 2349295 freight 2351166 resale - liiquor 2351166 freight 293329 freight- credit inv. #2345326 293329 resale - wine credit inv. #2345326 293414 resale - liiquor credit inv. #2333391 609-49750-425300 Check Total: Vendor: 1443 QUALITY FLOW SYSTEMS INC 35101 Chestnut LIR- QCI Controller, 1500ct; IS barrier 798.99 Check Total: Vendor: 4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC 274077 Food for Concession Resale 283669 Food for Concession Resale Check Total: Vendor: 4575 REPLENISHMENT SOLUTIONS LLC 2115001 resale- beer Check Total: Vendor: 4386 ROBINSON ASSOCIATES LLC CM3 Actuarial Valuation Fire Relief Assoc Pension PI Amount Check Total: Vendor: 1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC A31957 Materials- Wrm. Hs- Lever Trim; Lt. Rpr; A31957 Loabor - Wrm. Hs- Lever Trim; Lt. Rpr; 5.96 Check Total: Vendor: 4660 SAFE -FAST, INC 197936 LIme stretch T-shirts - Streets 197936 LIme stretch T-shirts - Water Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 174.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425400 5.96 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 12.41 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 937.65 05/15/2018 609-49750-425100 1,279.31 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 30.54 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 798.99 05/15/2018 609-49750-425100 10.43 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 -1.49 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 -72.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 -7.99 05/15/2018 609-49750-425100 6,479.82 Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False 3,784.00 05/15/2018 602-49490-440440 3,784.00 Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: True 431.77 05/15/2018 226-45125-425410 381.98 05/15/2018 226-45125-425410 813.75 Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: True 92.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425200 92.00 Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 2,500.00 05/15/2018 101-41540-430100 2,500.00 Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: True 324.40 05/15/2018 101-45201-431990 80.00 05/15/2018 101-45201-431990 404.40 Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 555.00 05/15/2018 101-43120-420650 74.00 05/15/2018 601-49440-420650 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Page 11 Invoice No Description 197936 LIme stretch T-shirts - Sewer Amount Payment Date Check Total: Vendor: 1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL May 1st 602-49490-420650 Semi Monthly Contract Payment Check Total: Vendor: 2192 SERVICEMASTER OF ST CLOUD INC 131638 Cleaning Services - April 2018 - MCC 131638 Check Sequence: 72 Cleaning Services - April 2018 - City Hall 131638 True Cleaning Services - April 2018 - Head End 131638 101-42700-431200 Cleaning Services - April 2018 - Praire Center 131638 Cleaning Services - April 2018 - Library Check Total: Vendor: 2497 SHERBURNE WRIGHT CABLE COMMISSIC 4/7/2018 Check Sequence: 73 Cable Franchise Fes - TDS/Bridgewater Q1 201i 4/9/2018 False Cable PEG Fes - TDS/Bridgewater Q1 2018 05/15/2018 226-45126-431100 Check Total: Vendor: 1490 CYNTHIA R SIMPSON 965219 101-41940-431100 April 2018 cleaning service Check Total: Vendor: 4954 ADAM SMIGLEWSKI 5/7/2018 Mens Hockey Referee - 4/18 - 5/6/18 (4 Games) 05/15/2018 101-41941-431100 Check Total: Vendor: 4951 SNOW WHEEL SYSTEM, INC. 8008 101-45501-431100 #119- Snow blower- (2) tires Check Total: Vendor: 4918 SOLENIS LLC 131295346 Praestol - WWTP Check Sequence: 74 Check Total: Vendor: 2001 STEPHEN DAVID SORENSEN Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 74.00 05/15/2018 602-49490-420650 703.00 Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: True 1,593.75 05/15/2018 101-42700-431200 1,593.75 Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 3,380.00 05/15/2018 226-45126-431100 580.00 05/15/2018 101-41940-431100 490.00 05/15/2018 656-00000-202099 433.00 05/15/2018 101-41941-431100 1,430.00 05/15/2018 101-45501-431100 6,313.00 Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: True 9,249.59 05/15/2018 101-00000-208020 1,658.85 05/15/2018 101-00000-208020 10,908.44 Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False 100.00 05/15/2018 101-42200-431990 100.00 Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 160.00 05/15/2018 226-45127-431990 160.00 Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False 265.58 05/15/2018 101-43125-422100 265.58 Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 11,610.30 05/15/2018 602-49480-421990 11,610.30 Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 4/30/2018 Coached 6 Wk "Learn to Skate" for MCC 120.00 05/15/2018 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 120.00 Vendor: 4957 FRANCESCO SOTO Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 4/18/2018 Refund Party - Cancelled Due to Blizzard 156.46 05/15/2018 226-45123-347010 4/18/2018 Refund Party - Cancelled Due to Blizzard - Sale: 11.54 05/15/2018 226-00000-208100 Check Total: 168.00 Vendor: 4959 SOUTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 247773 (2) Fire School - T.F.; J.S. 300.00 05/15/2018 101-42200-433100 Check Total: 300.00 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS, Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 1678390 resale - liquor 1,685.10 05/15/2018 609-49750-425100 1678390 freight 16.80 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 1678391 freight 35.23 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 1678391 resale - wine 2,352.98 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 4,090.11 Vendor: 1897 STEPP MANUFACTURING CO INC Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 53685 Asphalt Melter- OJK 275- approved 4-9-18 CC,' 53,314.00 05/15/2018 703-00000-165010 Check Total: 53,314.00 Vendor: 4952 MARY SARAH STIEGER Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 5/7/2018 5/31/18 Performance at Farmers Market - Music 150.00 05/15/2018 101-45204-431990 Check Total: 150.00 Vendor: 1516 TASC Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False IN1254661 6/1/18 - 6/30/18 - Admin Fees 69.75 05/15/2018 101-41800-413500 Check Total: 69.75 Vendor: 4459 JAMES THARES Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: True 5/8/2018 Mileage Reimbursement - April (86 miles) 46.87 05/15/2018 213-46301-433100 Check Total: 46.87 Vendor: 1519 THEIN WELL CO Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 6139 Well #4- Turbine pump install 11,093.00 05/15/2018 601-49440-440600 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Page 13 Invoice No Description 6140 Payment Date Well #I - removal; repair reinstall turbine pump 6141 Booster Pump #1 - removal; repair; reinstall 05/15/2018 Check Total: Vendor: 1544 US POSTAL SERVICE 5/8/2018 05/15/2018 PI 42 - UB May Billing (3,724 pcs) (1/2) 5/8/2018 PI 42 - UB May Billing (3,724 pcs) (1/2) Check Total: Vendor: 4069 USA SOFTBALL MINNESOTA 4467 2018 Mens Tuesday Softball League Sanctionin€ ACH Enabled: False Check Total: Vendor: 4774 SALLY VANBROCKLIN 5/7/2018 5/17/18 Performance at Farmers Market - Music 05/15/2018 Check Total: Vendor: 1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV L: 90147510 June 2018 WWTP Operations & Maintenance 90147510 2017 Reconciliation - Overage Check Total: Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO 2142385 05/15/2018 resale - soda pop Check Total: Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA 0205971 resale - wine 0205971 resale - wine n/a 0205971 False freight 05/15/2018 Check Total: Vendor: 1561 WATER LABORATORIES INC 6792 April 2018 Water Testing Check Total: Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9,960.00 05/15/2018 601-49440-440600 5,195.00 05/15/2018 601-49440-440600 26,248.00 Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: False 852.79 05/15/2018 601-49440-432200 852.80 05/15/2018 602-49490-432200 1,705.59 Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 150.00 05/15/2018 226-45127-431990 150.00 Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False 125.00 05/15/2018 101-45204-431990 125.00 Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: True 55,145.50 05/15/2018 602-49480-430800 16,545.57 05/15/2018 602-00000-202010 71,691.07 Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: True 351.40 05/15/2018 609-49750-425400 351.40 Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: True 512.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 120.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425400 19.50 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 651.50 Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: False 304.00 05/15/2018 601-49440-422740 304.00 Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 8653 Labor - Install New Stop Buttons on Boilers 435.00 05/15/2018 226-45126-431990 8653 Install Stop Buttons - Conduit, Mise Hardware,1 445.15 05/15/2018 226-45126-431990 8654 Labor - Repair Lights 150.00 05/15/2018 226-45126-431990 8654 Repair Lights - Misc Hardware 1.12 05/15/2018 226-45126-431990 8659 Labor - Repair Lights Food Shelf Building 75.00 05/15/2018 217-41990-431990 8659 Repair Light - Food Shelf Building - Ballast (1) . 36.70 05/15/2018 217-41990-431990 8660 Labor- re -hook gen. transfer switch - Fire 75.00 05/15/2018 101-42200-431990 8661 Labor- Well 5 - loose control wire on control rel, 75.00 05/15/2018 601-49440-440600 Check Total: 1,292.97 Vendor: 4766 SUSAN WESTLEY Check Sequence: 96 ACH Enabled: False April 2018 Sue Seeger- Creative Arts Srvc. April 2018 2,500.00 05/15/2018 101-45204-431990 Check Total: 2,500.00 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 97 ACH Enabled: False 7181017 resale - wine 1,120.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 7181017 freight 16.39 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 7181386 freight 15.64 05/15/2018 609-49750-433300 7181386 resale - wine 1,009.00 05/15/2018 609-49750-425300 7181386 resale - wine n/a 19.75 05/15/2018 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 2,180.78 Vendor: 2645 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS Check Sequence: 98 ACH Enabled: False 1 2018 Revised Assessment Fee 988.15 05/15/2018 101-41550-431250 C18 Certificate As To Taxes & Taxes Payable 150.00 05/15/2018 101-41520-443990 Check Total: 1,138.15 Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 99 ACH Enabled: True May May Deputies Contract 105,120.00 05/15/2018 101-42100-430500 Check Total: 105,120.00 Vendor: 1581 WRIGHT CO RECORDER Check Sequence: 100 ACH Enabled: False 201800000037 201719 - Misc Agreement # A1367217 46.00 05/15/2018 101-41910-431990 20180000004 201739 - Misc Agreement # T 32665 46.00 05/15/2018 101-41910-431990 Check Total: 92.00 Vendor: 1580 WRIGHT COUNTY JOURNAL PRESS Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: False 043018 Ad# 6046620; 6046817 Wine Sale Color 1,294.30 05/15/2018 609-49754-434990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 1,294.30 Vendor: 1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 001494-780 29 MS4/SWPPP Services - March 2018 4,428.50 002596-010 39 General Engineering Services Phase 7 - March 2 2,740.00 002596-010 39 General Engineering Services Phase 7 - March 2 2,740.00 002596-010 39 General Engineering Services Phase 7 - March 2 2,740.00 002596-010 39 General Engineering Services Phase 8 - March 2 324.00 002596-020 15 State Aid Network - March 2018 205.00 002596-030 30 Maps - March 2018 1,488.00 002596-040 30 GIS Support Services - March 2018 124.00 002596-100 34 15C001 - 2016 Street Reconstruction Project - V 496.00 002596-160 27 15C004 - 7th Street/TH 25 Intersection Improves 1,107.50 002596-300 9 16C004 - CR 39/Gillard Ave Intersection ImproN 2,067.50 002596-310 8 FEMA Mapping Assistance - March 2018 441.00 002596-360 18 16C003 - 2017 Street Improvements- March 201 2,788.50 R010149-000 7 17D004 - Autumn Ridge 3rd Addition - March 2 52.00 R010438-000 9 17C001 - Chelsea Road Utility & Street Improve 59,320.75 R010938-000 5 18D001 - Ryan Motors Plan Review - March 20 296.50 R010965-000 4 Relocation Assistance Related to Downtown Rec 6,890.82 R011121-000 3 2018 Economic Development Services - March. 723.50 R011473-000 3 18C001 - 2018 Pedestrian Improvements- Marcy 8,771.75 R011748-000 1 201810 - Central MN Health Plan Review - Mar, 743.75 R011763-000 1 201813 - Arch Mgmt Plan Review - March 2018 105.75 R011770-000 1 XSESWR-XSTUDY - SE Service Area Sewer E 2,386.75 Check Total: 100,981.57 Total for Check Run: 634,033.74 Total of Number of Checks: 102 Check Sequence: 102 05/15/2018 101-43111-430300 05/15/2018 101-43111-430300 05/15/2018 601-49440-430300 05/15/2018 602-49490-430300 05/15/2018 101-43111-430300 05/15/2018 101-43111-430300 05/15/2018 101-43111-430300 05/15/2018 702-00000-431990 05/15/2018 400-43300-430300 05/15/2018 400-43300-430300 05/15/2018 400-43300-459017 05/15/2018 101-43111-430300 05/15/2018 400-43300-459016 05/15/2018 101-00000-220110 05/15/2018 400-43300-459019 05/15/2018 101-00000-220110 05/15/2018 213-46301-431990 05/15/2018 213-46301-431990 05/15/2018 400-43300-430300 05/15/2018 101-00000-220110 05/15/2018 101-00000-220110 05/15/2018 602-49480-430300 ACH Enabled: True The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 5/14/18 Approved by Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/09/2018 - 2:21 PM) Page 16 City Council Agenda 5/14/2018 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Citv departments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. By ratifying departures, the council also approves the expenditure for final amounts due to terminated and otherwise departing employees. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. City staff recommends Alternative #1, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • List of new/terminated employees NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Malay Muor DMV Clerk DMV 4/10/2018 PT Maggie Bieniek DMV Clerk DMV 4/10/2018 PT Amber Schaack Program Assistant MCC 4/12/2018 PT Keith Lent Horticulture Intern Parks 4/30/2018 Seasonal Chance Forster-Kulhanek Parks Worker Parks 4/30/2018 Seasonal Phillip Hurt Parks Worker Parks 4/30/2018 Seasonal Tim Genung Parks Worker Parks 4/30/2018 Seasonal Charles DeGrio Parks Worker Parks 4/30/2018 Seasonal Eric Chuba Parks Worker Parks 4/30/2018 Seasonal Scott Imdieke Parks Worker Parks 4/30/2018 Seasonal Jerrod Nelson Facility Lead MCC 4/30/2018 PT Kevin Salveson Clerk Liquor Store 5/1/2018 PT Carolyn Barriball Guest Service MCC 5/1/2018 PT Milissa Holland Childcare MCC 5/2/2018 PT Abigail Stupar Childcare MCC 5/3/2018 PT Christopher Rucker Streets Worker Streets 5/3/2018 Seasonal Alex Hoglund Parks Worker Parks 5/7/2018 Seasonal Keith Lent Horticulture Intern Parks 5/7/2018 Seasonal Matt Tibbetts Parks Worker Parks 5/7/2018 Seasonal Mat Stang -Promotion Water and Sewer Superintendent Water 6/1/2018 FT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Tara Pink Voluntary MCC 12/27/17 PT Eric Gasperlin Voluntary MCC 4/18/18 PT Jake Nelson Voluntary MCC 4/26/18 PT Anne McLaughlin Voluntary DMV 4/28/18 PT Byron Stoberger Voluntary DMV/Liquor 5/4/18 Seasonal Eric Chuba Voluntary Parks 5/4/18 Seasonal Matt Theisen Voluntary Water 5/31/18 FT New Hire and Terms City Council 2018.xlsx: 5/10/2018 City Council Agenda: 05/14/2018 2C. Consideration of approving sale or disposal of surplus vroverty (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to declare certain items as surplus property and authorize the sale or disposal of those items. City Hall is participating in the all city garage sale May 16-18 at the old bowling alley, 101 Chelsea Road. Staff was asked to declare any items they may want to dispose of at the garage sale. Any item not sold will be thrown away. The attached is a list of various items from a few departments. Al. Budget Impact: Varies by the value of the property. A2. Staff Work Load Impact: Depends on the value of the property. Some items will be shopped as salvage; other items may go to auction or sold via formal bids or informal bids. State contracting laws will govern in absence of city policy. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the sale or disposal of surplus property as identified on the attached lists. 2. Motion to deny the sale or disposal of surplus property as recommended. C. RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends Option 1 to approve the sale or disposal of surplus property as identified. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Surplus List B. Photos Equipment/Supplies Surplus List Department: City—various departments 1. $100 - $1,000 A. MCC —Lunch Table B. C. 2. $0-$100 A. DMV - Shredder B. DMV—Calendar Holder C. DMV —Pamphlet Holder D. DMV—Napkin Holder E. DMV — CD Destroyer F. DMV — (5) Cash Drawer Holders G. DMV —Attitude Picture H. DMV —Teamwork Picture I. HR — Cell phone Cases J. MCC — (2) Hoops/Stands K. MCC —weight bench L. MCC—treadmill M. Building— Wood shelves designed to hold stamps N. City Hall — Rolling Table Date: 05-14-2018 F4 L\ 0 -110 R 00 VIVO .. "tot '� ', {' tit•' �. .i, .+ t ,t ••t •�, ni D Ft f I. r' .. T C, .a a 1 �. Vv i Jr_ .�. . �.r.-'. -. tea. w i c•_. _ �..., _ �--w .00" AMWO - Is i7l� 4 : 0 lo, k qhk 0-141 fip ILI wh" WN L 4t 9 ■ ' iw r j A - -W17„:- • _ Ir- ■ , -- i 0 All w I = I I 4b City Council Agenda: 05/14/2018 2D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-33 accepting a grant of $3,850 from Central Minnesota Arts Board for Music on the Mississippi outdoor music series. (TP/SC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider a grant contribution to help fund a new outdoor music concert series called "Music on the Mississippi" hosted by the Monticello Community Center and held in West Bridge Park. This grant contribution will also be used to compensate musicians during scheduled Farmers Market events. Al. Budget Impact: CMAB grant funds will offset the 2018 Parks Department General Fund expenditures supporting the Music on the Mississippi outdoor concert series. In 2019, staff will budget for arts/music in the Parks Department budget. A2. Staff Workload Impact: The MCC Program and Operations Manager will develop and facilitate the outdoor concert series. This would include creating contracts with musicians/food truck vendors and scheduling. In addition, parks staff will assist with event set-up needs and city staff will promote the concert series. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-33 accepting a grant from Central Minnesota Arts Board for the sum of $3,850 to support outdoor music series. 2. Motion to deny Grant. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2018-33 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2018-33 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM THE CENTRAL MINNESOTA ARTS BOARD WHEREAS, The City of Monticello has applied to the Central Minnesota Arts Board for a grant to help fund the Music on the Mississippi outdoor music series; and WHEREAS, The City of Monticello has been notified by the Central Minnesota Arts Board that they have received a grant award for the above project in the amount of $3,850. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREB Y RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFMONTICELLO: That the City Council authorizes accepting a grant of $3,850 from the Central Minnesota Arts Board. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 14th day of May, 2018. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 05/14/2018 2E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-40 accepting a grant contribution of $2,268 from Allina Health for offering Tai Chi Classes. (AM/SC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider a grant contribution to help fund new fitness program, Tai Chi and wellness presentations for 12 weeks during the summer of 2018 at the Monticello Community Center. Al. Budget Impact: Allina Health, Neighborhood Health Connection Grant Funds will reimburse 2018 Community Center program fund in the sum of $2,268 to support paying the Tai Chi instructor, snacks for participants, professional speakers and room rental cost. A2. Staff Workload Impact: MCC Program and Operations Manager will coordinate program with Tai Chi instructor and follow through with end of program reporting required by Allina Health. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-40 accepting a grant from Allina Health for the sum of $2,268 to support Tai Chi program. 2. Motion to deny Grant. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2018-40 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2018-40 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM ALLINA HEALTH WHEREAS, The City of Monticello has applied to Allina Health for a grant to help fund the new fitness program of Tai Chai and Wellness; and WHEREAS, The City of Monticello has been notified by Allina Health that they have received a grant award for the above project in the amount of $2,268. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREB Y RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO: That the City Council authorizes accepting a grant of $2,268 from Allina Health. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 14th day of May, 2018. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 5/14/2018 2F. Consideration to approve Resolution 2018-34 accepting donations from the Fire Relief Association in the amount of $6,972 for a rescue boat, donations from Jovful Heart Creation & Design, West Metro Buick GMC, Premiere Bank MN, Healing Moments Counseling, and Omni Vision & Learning Center for total of $1,250 for the Monticello Farmer's Market Power of Produce and donations from Monticello Lions and Gallindo Real Estate Group for total of $2,500 for Music on the Mississippi (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is being asked to approve the donations/sponsorships for the Farmer's Market Power of Produce for a total amount of $1,250. This is a program that encourages children to eat healthy by providing tokens to use to buy produce from the local Farmer's Market. The sponsors are $250 — Joyful Heart Creation & Design, $250 — West Metro Buick GMC, $250 — Premiere Bank MN, $250 — Healing Moments Counseling, and $250 — Omni Vision & Learning Center. The Monticello Lions donated $2000 and the Gallindo Real Estate Group donated $500 to Music on the Mississippi. The Fire Relief Association donated $6,972 to the Fire Department for the purchase of a rescue boat, which is on the agenda for approval. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Al. Budget Impact: The donation/sponsorship will pay for expenses for the Farmer's Market entertainment and advertising as well as the costs of the PoP program, and help cover expenses for the Music on the Mississippi concert events. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff will do the work to put on both of these events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified. 2. Motion to not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2018-34 City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2018-34 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY Fire Relief Association Joyful Heart Creations & Design West Metro Buick GMC Premiere Bank MN Healing Moments Counseling Omni Vision & Learning Center Monticello Lions Gallindo Real Estate Group DESCRIPTION VALUE Cash $6,972 Cash $250 Cash $250 Cash $250 Cash $250 Cash $250 Cash $2,000 Cash $500 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY Fire Relief Association Joyful Heart Creations & Design West Metro Buick GMC Premiere Bank MN Healing Moments Counseling Omni Vision & Learning Center Monticello Lions Club Gallindo Real Estate Group PURPOSE/AMOUNT $6,972/Rescue Boat $250/Monticello Farmers' Market $250/Monticello Farmers' Market $250/Monticello Farmers' Market $250/Monticello Farmers' Market $250/Monticello Farmers' Market $2000/Music on the Mississippi $500/Music on the Mississippi Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 14th day of May, 2018. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 05/14/2018 2G. Consideration of authorizing Fire Department purchase of rescue boat from Rapid Marine at a total cost of $12,719 (JO,MM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to authorize the purchase of a rescue boat. The rescue boat has been identified as an important key public safety tool needed to address the Mississippi River and numerous lakes, rivers and streams in the response area. Fire Department staff has identified features that best suit the department's needs. The rescue boat will be ordered and will take approximately 6-8 weeks to be delivered. The rescue boat will be paid for from previous donations received and proceeds from the sale of a Ranger in 2017 totaling $5,747. The remaining amount ($6,972) will be paid for by the Fire Relief Association (donation noted in item 2E). Al. Budget Impact: There will be an expense of insurance and annual maintenance. A2. Staff Workload Impact: None. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion authorizing the purchase of the rescue boat through Rapid Marine for a cost of $12,719. 2. Motion to deny. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Copies of bids CITY F _VIONTICELLO C VERBAL/WRITTiakN WUOTE SUMMARY SHEET Minimum 2 verbal or written quotes require 11 for i ms/ services costing at least $1,000 but less than $2,500. Minimum 3 written quotes required for i ms ervices costing at least $2,500 but less than $10,000. No Quotes are required for items pu ":_;.sed through state cooperative purchasing venture. Use this form to summarize quotes received and to select vendor for award. Name: SC r. �{ GatareDept: FJ+'�e Phone: 7G 3 -22,t, -960/ Signature of Person Obtaining Quotes: Item/Service Requested: Re to .l F 13n.l 1 - Note: If you are unable to obtain required number of quotes, provide an explanation below in notes/comments. # I Date Vendor Name 1 2 3 4 5 Ll - /v - I Q, 1 2o. P. c1 M0,rrna 3 3o -1A Contact Person De.r, 5it66 �o•.N<r Lc.l4f I �c-u� r'Ic �r.nal� I Selected Vendor: P 0,n; ei Y'') . r , n e Phone Number Total $ Amount Quoted 763- q16- 9770 1 1,719 0 3Z0 - '7 3o -Gq 6C7 14. ag> co 7G 3 - 57G: - 170L, I 1 7 , 783 = (If you are selectins other than low auote, you are required to provide written justification as to why low quote was not selected in the notes/comments section): Notes/comments: r / r. D �PS�C\ Approval Approval Acknowledgement: ITN - fm Ok l in l h) QSSoUa��v QnIr- Date: 0 KI Oi A K 4? . R vi d - 4u ri,,orwi est Attach this form and written quotes obtained to invoice. Questions may be directed to the Finance Department. Quote Summary Sheet 10/27; 2015 To: Monticello Fire Department Boat quote: Listed below is the quote for your consideration. $4,900 - 2018 Crestliner 1860 Retriever Tiller, w/navigation lights, no tough coat. $6,200 - 2018 Mercury 40 ELHPT 4 stroke (Standard Handle) $1,499 - 2018 Shorelandr Bunk trailer (painted) w/Swing tongue Total Price is $12,599 To switch to a Galvanized it would be an additional $120. I would like to point out that this would be an order boat and from the date of order would be approximately 6-8 weeks for delivery. Feel free to call or email with any other questions. Thank you, Dan Stobb Rapid Marine Rogers, MN Office 763-416-9770 Cell 320-241-6340 Rapid Marine April 10, 2018 -� 21150 Rogers Drive PHONE (763) 416-9770 Rogers, MN 55374 1 WEB SITE http://www.rapidmarine.com 3/30/2018 alumacraft.conVBoat-Builder.php?action=window_sticker&build_id=59874&pricing=price ALffM4,44r- .000 Westre's Marine & Sport 1101 Highway 10 South St. Cloud W4,56304 320-230-0000 a ou..<s,rc�marine com Stock 9 Hull 9; New Boat Information Length Beam Transom Width / Height Max. Horsepower Max. Depth Max. Hull Thickness Freeboard Thickness Weight Max. Capacity Fuel Capacity Instruments Seats 18' 0" 5.5 on 90" 2.3 in 90"/21" 2.3 m/0.5 in 70 hp 52 kW 8" 0.2 in 0.102" 2.6 mm 0.102" 2.6 mm 625 lbs 283 kg 4/1,600 4/726 lbs 0 gal. 0 Standard Features Option Spray In Liner - Optional Fiberglass Side Console • AB Storage - Bow Storage - Ahimmum Transom • Center Hard Keel - Gulf Sand Paint - Keel Breaks - MOD V BOW - Single Stage Metallic Paint - Stainless Steel Transom Eyes - 2018 MV Tiller MV 1860 Selling Price Included Options STANDARD STD I KHAKI std—hull—khaki I PAINTED KHAKI Boor psinted_khaki I STANDARD sidLayout I TILLER filler I Tunnel for Prop Motor (6") tprop 1 20"TRANSOM 20TRANSOM 1 YAMAHA 4 -ST FSOLB 438-050. 1 4202 YAMAHA TILLER ARM MAIN BODY ASSY YTI2- 1 YAMAHA TILLER FITTING KIT F50,60,70 YTI7- 1 YAMAHA SURF.W/T&T 40-225 HP W/9039; 2-12-001-1 0050 PROP,YAMAHA,131/4 X 17 ALUM 115 200050.1 GROW BOATING INIT-YAM 9350. 1 No Trolling Motor no—trolling—motor I SHORELAND'R TRLR ALV22XLN-03 BLK 9-18-100.1 0128 Westre s Marine & Sport was Price: This printable form is in BETA testing phase. Copyright 2006-2018 Alumacraft All Rights Reserved Website System By SucDoneRnecom 55,309 30 so so so $281 so 56,426 $518 5227 $593 $180 S 7 1,:42-37 http://alurnacraft.com/Boat-Builder.php?action=window_sticker&build_ld=59874&prieing=price 1/1 3/30/2018 Lowe Boats — Aluminum Fishing Boats, Bass Boats, Jon Boats, Hunting Boats, Pontoon Boats and Deck Boats Roughneck 1860 Maximum Outboard HP Capacity Range 20-60 6 People You can check out your boat and make modifications by visiting: https://www.loweboats.com/saved-boat/21ed56a54Of5l86/ Thank You for Designing Your Lowe Roughneck 1860! Specifications Approx. Basic Hull Weight 650 Ib / 294.83 kg https://www.loweboats.com/build-and-price/summary/# Overall Length 18' )0 1/5 3/30/2018 Lowe Boats — Aluminum Fishing Boats, Bass Boats, Jon Boats, Hunting Boats, Pontoon Boats and Deck Boats Beam 85" / 215.90 cm Bottom Width 60" / 152.40 cm Deadrise 3.50 / Fuel Capacity portable / Hull Gauge .100" / 2.54 mm Max HP Capacity 60 hp Tiller/ 60 hp Remote / 44.74 kw Tiller/ 44.74 kw Remote Max Person Capacity 6/ Max Person Capacity 846 Ib / 383.74 kg Max Weight Capacity 1,600 Ib / 725.75 kg Overall Length 18'/ 5.49 m Package Length 248" / 629.92 cm Package Width 84" / 213.36 cm Prop Maximum Horsepower 60 / 44.74 kw Prop Minimum Horsepower 20 / 14.91 kw Side Depth 24" / 60.96 cm Transom Height 20" / 50.80 cm Weights represent approximate dry weight of base boat without engine. * Max Capacity - person+motor+gear. Selected Options https://www.loweboats.com/build-and-price/summary/# P/5 3/30/2018 Lowe Boats —Aluminum Fishing Boats, Bass Boats, Jon Boats, Hunting Boats, Pontoon Boats and Deck Boats Stern Door - Factory Installed (Not allowed with optional 12 gallon portable fuel tank) $112 Sponson Pods $228 Spare Tire - Galvanized $233 Heavy Duty Edition (0.125" Hull Gauge & HD Gunnels) - Excludes Receiver - Mounting Track Not Available $801 Metallic Red (roughliner spray -in floor liner required) $908 LB-1800-64-ST-BLK $1,520 LB -1800 -64 -ST -GLV $1,633 Mercury@ 40ELHPT FourStroke $6,820 Specifications https://www.loweboats.com/build-and-price/summary/# 3/5 3/30/2018 Lowe Boats — Aluminum Fishing Boats, Bass Boats, Jon Boats, Hunting Boats, Pontoon Boats and Deck Boats Cleats Mooring Cleats (4) Decks & Floor Aluminum floor liner Aluminum Gunnels Accessory receiver gunnel Hull Bottom Extruded center keel w/formed in keels Integrated Trim Tabs Hull Type Modified V Aluminum NMMA Certified Yes Seat Bases Bow Deck pedestal seat base Bow deck pedestal seat base Stringer System Super durable pressed -in cross rib construction Transom (1)Transducer Bracket -Welded On Aluminum w/transom drain plug, Heavy duty transom knee brace Welded or Riveted All -welded; All -aluminum https://www.loweboats.com/build-and-price/summary/# 4/5 City Council Agenda: 5/14/2018 2H. Consideration of accepting bids and awarding a contract to Emergencv Response Solution for the purchase of a new fire turnout gear in the amount of $54,880.92 (MM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The 2018 budget included $51,000 for the purchase of approximately 18 complete sets of new turnout gear. The existing gear that is being replacing had a lifespan of 10 years, and they expire June 2018. The existing gear is also in need of replacement due to wear and tear and is no longer adequately protecting the firefighters. The Fire Department applied for a grant which would have paid for 95% of the cost, but was unsuccessful in being chosen for that grant. However, in 2018, $17,000 was budgeted as grant revenue for this purchase. Three bids were completed in order to comply with the Cities purchasing policy. The third bid was not comparable as the purchase had to go through a purchasing co-operative and had additional annual costs. Al. Budget Impact: $54,880.92 A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal, fire department officers will oversee the purchase of gear. A3. Strategic Plan Impact: Invest in People- This new gear will protect our firefighters with up to date equipment to maximize safety. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve purchase of bunker gear through Emergency Response Solutions in the amount of $54,880.92. 2. Motion to deny. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Copy of bids JD"wNVXWCrAX5P0ArXrS0LV770NS 4817 Viking; Blvd NE East Bethel, MN 55092 651-464-1010 Name ! Address Monticello Fire Department 505 Walnut Street- Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8831 Item Description FIRDFX FX -R M.. FIRM DEX FX -R TURN OUT COAT AND PANT PFR MONTICELLO GEAR SPEC. 1NCI.I:DIN6 X -PFG POCKET ON PANT, FIRDFX FDXL 1., Fire Dex FDXL 100 Red Leather Boot, NFPA 1971 Current Edition. Choice ot'Size *CUSTOMER MUST SPECIFY SIZE ANI) QUANTITY PRIOR TU ORDER* FIRDEX G21 -1 _6 Fire Dex 62 Dex-Pro 3D Black Leather Glove, Gauntlet Cuff C'hoiceofSize *CUSTOMER MUST SPECIFY S1ZF. ANI) QUANTITY PRIOR TO ORDFR* FfRDFX 1141 PSN._ Fire-Dex 1141 Quilted Interceptor hood with Nomex Nano Flex Particulate Barrier, Size Large (head circum(crence 22.1 " - 24") *Cl ISTOMER MUST SPECIFY SIZF ANT) QUANTITY PRIOR TO ORDi R* MSA I010DSB Cairns 1010 w/ Detcnder Eve Protection, Black in Color, Standard Flannel Liner, Nomex Farlap, Nomex Chmstrap w/ Quick Release & Postman Slide, I.iiiic/)'cllo%c Rellexite, 6" Silk Screened Eagle ***THIS QUOTE DOES NOT INCLUDE. THF: COST OF SHIPPING AND DOTS NOT iNC'I,UDF ANY OVFRSIZI: Cl IARGFS FOR OFAR*** Quote Valid for 30 Days Quote Date Estimate # 4/17/2018 3694 Project I Qty Rate Total 18 2,208 34 39,750 12 18 29000 5,22000 36 82.50 2,970.00 18 118,75 2,137.50 18 266.85 4,803 30 ` Total 0? eq/6 vis o? $54,880 92 BILL TO Monticello Fire Department Monticello, MN 11897 Co. RD 87 SE QUOTE Alexandria, MN 56308 Dake Customer POj Phone: 800-264-2320 4/25/2018 Fax: 320-763-9077 Email: orders( alexairapparatus.com Web Site: iviviv.alexairapparatus.com SHIP TO Monticello Fire Department Monticello, MN B.O. # Promise Date Terms N30 P.O.# QTY STOCK FART NUMBER DESCRIPTION ORDER 1 Monticello Spec Veridian Velocitv Series Gold Coat 1 0 1 2 2 1 Shipping to be added *CUSTOMERS THAT HAVE NOT PROVIDED TAX EXEMPT FORMS WILL BE CHARGI?D APPLICABLE SALES TAX *FREIGHT PREPAID & ADDED *F.O.B SHIPPING POINT *THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE Authorized Signature of Approval Sales Rep Corey PRICE Includes F'BI Max out ershell, Glide Gold Pure (Each) Thermal Liner, NFPA Hi Vis Triple Trim $1,350.00 Standard Bellows pockets and radio pocket Tax Rate SUB: right chest flashlight Monticello Spec I Venclian Velocity Series Gold Pant TOTAL: Includes PBl Max outershell, Glide Gold Pure , Thermal Liner, NFPA Triple Trim $1.000.00 Standard Bellows pockets and bail out pocket Reinforcement on all cuffs H -hack padded suspenders and Belt clip Diamond Flex knee pads Honevwell EV 1 Honeywell EV 1 Traditional Helmet with integrated safety glass and Leather front Optional 4" Slide Shield GOREC6 Majestic Gore Hood Black FC -P5000 Firecraft Phoenix Structure Gloves 912 Black Diamond X2 Leather Boot Shipping to be added *CUSTOMERS THAT HAVE NOT PROVIDED TAX EXEMPT FORMS WILL BE CHARGI?D APPLICABLE SALES TAX *FREIGHT PREPAID & ADDED *F.O.B SHIPPING POINT *THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE Authorized Signature of Approval Sales Rep Corey PRICE PRICE (Each) (Extended) $1,350.00 $1,350.00 Tax Rate SUB: $0.00 TAX: $0.00 TOTAL: $0.00 $0.00 $1.000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $355.00 $355.00 $0.00 $55.00 $55.00 $94.00 $188.00 $75.00 $150.00 $300.00 $300.00 y $0.00 $0.00 ` $0.00 - - $0.00 - SHIPPING: Tax Rate SUB: $3,398.00 TAX: $0.00 TOTAL: $3,398.00 City Council Agenda 05/14/2018 2I. Consideration of approving application for a 3-dav temvorary liquor license for the Monticello Lions for the Music on the Mississippi Outdoor Concert Series at West Bridle Park on Mav 31, June 28, and Julv 26, 2018 (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City is collaborating with the Monticello Lions to serve alcohol at the Music on the Mississippi series. The Lions are requesting approval of an application for a 3 -day temporary liquor license. The dates of the events are May 31, June 28, and July 26, 2018. The activities will take place on the church parking lot and grounds. The State grants approval for the liquor license following City approval. To receive a permit from the State, the City must also approve the gambling permit application. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. Al. Budget Impact: NA A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal staff time to process application with State Alcohol and Gambling Division for approval. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the applications for temporary liquor license for May 31, June 28, and July 26, 2018 for the Music on the Mississippi outdoor concert series at West Bridge Park. 2. Motion to deny the application for temporary liquor license. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 for approval of the applications. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Application for temporary liquor license B. Certificate of Liability C, 4 Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Name of organization Monticello Lions Club Address PO Box 673 Name of person making application Tony Velishek Date(s) of event 15/31/2018,6/28/2018,7/26/2018 Organization officer's name David O'Connell Organization officer's name Mick Maher Organization officer's name Tony Velishek Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 222, St. Paul, MN 55101 651-201-7500 Fax 651-297-5259 TY 651-282-6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 DAY TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE Date organized Tax exempt number 1/1/19741 P. — ��-� 0 City State Zip Code (Monticello 1 (Minnesota ( 155362 Business phone Home phone 1763-314-0634 11763-232-3460 Type of organization ❑ Club ❑ Charitable ❑ Religious ❑X Other non-profit City State Zip Code IMonticello 1 (Minnesota 155362 City IMonticello City IMonticello Organization officer's name City lRogerBovee (Monticello Location where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, describe. State Zip Code I (Minnesota ( 155362 State Zip Code Minnesota 155362 State Zip Code I iMinnesota 1155362 VVt f 6Vidr,� ��Y)C, If the applicant will contract for intoxicating liquor service give the name and address of the liquor license providing the service. The Lions club members will be serving liquor. No contracting services If the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance please provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage. West Bend Mutual $1,000,000 APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT City or County approving the license Fee Amount Date Fee Paid Date Approved Permit Date City or County E-mail Address City or County Phone Number Signature City Clerk or County Official Approved Director Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement CLERICS NOTICE: Submit this form to Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 30 days prior to event. ONE SUBMISSION PER EMAIL, APPLICATION ONLY. PLEASE PROVIDE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR THE CITY/COUNTY AS ALL TEMPORARY PERMIT APPROVALS WILL BE SENT BACK VIA EMAIL. E-MAIL THE APPLICATION SIGNED BY CITYICOUNTY TO AGE.TEMPORARYAPPLICATIONOSTATE.MN.US 0 DATE (MM/DDNYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I 11/22/2017 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT Customer Care Center NAME: West Bend Mutual Insurance Company PHONE (866)926-4244 FAX (262)365-2200 (A/C No. Ext): I (A/C, No): 1900 South 18th Avenue E-MAIL customercare@wbmi.com ADDRESS: West Bend WI 53095 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC If DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) Certificate holders are recognized as Additional Insureds with regard to Liquor Liability coverage per form NS0280 attached to this policy. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Riverfest-Monticello Community Center and Ellison Park ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 505 Walnut St AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Monticello MN 55362-8821pl_ �/__ ' I, ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD INSURER A: West Bend Mutual Insurance Company 15350 INSURED INSURER B: Monticello Lions Club INSURER C: PO BOX 673 INSURER D: INSURER E: Monticello MN 55362 INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 18/19 Master REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. ILTR NSD SWVD POLICY NUMBER ULSH TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY EFF POLICY EXP (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) LIMITS X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 � DAMAUE: FU HEN I ED I 100,000 CLAIMS -MADE OCCUR PREMISES Ea occurrence) $ I MED EXP (Any one person) $ Excluded _ A N A107246 01/01/2018 01/01/2019 I PERSONAL &ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: I GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 X POLICY ❑ JECT PRO F—]PRO-I PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER: I $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY I COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) $ ANY AUTO I BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ OWNED SCHEDULED I BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS _ HIRED NON -OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE I $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY (Per accident) UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR I EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESS LIAB HCLAIMS-MADE I AGGREGATE $ DED I I RETENTION $ I $ WORKERS COMPENSATION I I I I ORH AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVEF-1N SPER TATUTE I E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? / A (Mandatory in NH) I E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ Aggregate 1,000,000 Liquor Liability A Y A107247 01/01/2018 01/01/2019 Each Common Cause 1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) Certificate holders are recognized as Additional Insureds with regard to Liquor Liability coverage per form NS0280 attached to this policy. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Riverfest-Monticello Community Center and Ellison Park ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 505 Walnut St AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Monticello MN 55362-8821pl_ �/__ ' I, ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD City Council Agenda: 05/14/2018 2J. Consideration of approving purchases of a $11,982 new copier for citv hall administration and $3,679 existing copier for the MCC office from Marco (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The current Konica copier is the last city copier on lease, which expires in June. The buyout for this copier is $3,679 and it will be moved to the MCC office to replace a Sharp copier, which is being moved to FiberNet's Prairie Center office. The city is retiring the current copier. The annual lease payment on the expiring lease is $9,579. These purchases further reduce the city's annual copier and printer costs, which at one point exceeded $60,000. Under the ownership model, the city's current annual cost is about $18,000. At $11,982, this copier is the most expensive replacement. The other copier replacements should cost less than $7,000. Marco is a vendor under the National Joint Powers Alliance contract. The Konica product is not a state contract listed item. However, Marco and Konica are part of another purchasing cooperative organized under MN §471.345 subd.l5(b). (b) If a municipality does not utilize the state's cooperative purchasing venture, a municipality may contract for the purchase of supplies, materials, or equipment without regard to the competitive bidding requirements of this section if the purchase is through a national municipal association's purchasing alliance or cooperative created by a joint powers agreement that purchases items from more than one source on the basis of competitive bids or competitive quotations. Al. Budget Impact: Significant. See the attached. The buyout of the leased copier is $3,679. The purchase of the new copier is $11,982. Maintenance costs on the purchased existing Konica will be less expensive than the Sharp at about $1,000 per year. The purchase will be made through the IT Services Fund. The IT Services fund is an internal services fund used to aggregate information technology expenditures. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion approving purchases of a $11,982 new copier for city hall administration and an $3,679 existing copier for the MCC office from Marco. 2. Motion to not approve. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Marco Proposal B. 2016 Agenda staff report vbhh taking technology further MANAGED SERVICES CLOUD SERVICES BUSINESS IT SERVICES CARRIER SERVICES COPIERS & PRINTERS May 3rd, 2018 Technology Recommendations for T Prepared by: Ben Drewes 800.847.3059 bend@marconet.com morco® marconet.com PROPOSAL WHY MARCO? Our depth We are more than a copier company. Our copier/print solutions and support represent 50% of our company and unique in our industry is that our IT solutions and support team represents the other 50%. This is important today because in today's copier market they aren't just copiers any longer. Because of our depth of expertise on the IT space we can help resolve all of your support needs regardless of the underlying source. Over 500 certified systems engineers and technical representatives You have access to a depth of technical expertise to help you stay on top of the latest technologies. Our technical staff is certified at the highest levels for their area of expertise because your business deserves nothing less. Real-time service dispatching with GPS software We use real-time GPS technology to determine which resource is closest to your location. That means quicker on-site service and more efficient use of everyone's time. Quick response to your service requests Our full-time dispatchers and support desk representatives consistently maintain a 98% live call answer rate. Getting to your service requests timely is important, but being effective at resolving service requests is crucial. Our technicians are focused on "First Call Effectiveness" and perform preventative maintenance on every support call. Customer survey process to ensure we're doing things right We have consistently been sending out monthly surveys and measuring the results since 1994 to make sure we're doing everything we can to keep our customers happy. We're proud to say that 90% of customers surveyed say they would recommend Marco. Quality assurance program to keep us sharp We use Lean continuous improvement principles to keep us focused on working smarter. Because the more efficiently we operate on the inside, the better service we offer on the outside. Convenient online services Marco's online services make it easy to send a service request, order supplies and check your account history in real time. Industry-leading partnerships You benefit from the innovation and resources of our industry-leading partners. Together we are committed to helping you connect the right technology to achieve your business goals. MANAGED CLOUD BUSINESS IT CARRIER COPIERS & SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES PRINTERS network connectivity DEDICATED ACCOUNT TEAM Sales Support Ben Drewes Technology Advisor 800.847.3059 bend@marconet.com Print Solutions Support Chris Graslewicz Technical Representative l 800.847.3098 chris.eraslewicz@marconet.com Kevin Loebrick Technical Representative 800.847.3098 kevin.loebrick@marconet.com Frank Haydon Technical Representative 800.847.3098 frank.e.havdon@marconet.com Print Solutions Support Management Shawn Kantor t Support Manager ' 800.892.8548 x3405 shawn.kantor@marconet.com Client Care Support Wanda Schroeder Director of Client Care Services 800.892.8548 x1086 wandas@marconet.com Managed Services Specialist Kevin Schwantz Managed Services Specialist 800.847.3032 kevins@marconet.com Voice Specialist Chris Kadoun Consulting Systems Engineer 800.847.3098 chrisk@marconet.com Networking Specialist Mike Welling Consulting Systems Engineer 800.847.3098 mike.welling@marconet.com Administration Support Kelly Behrend Leasing Coordinator Ej 800.892.8548 kellv.behrend@marconet.com Sara Nentl Contracts Coordinator 800.892.8548 ILI sara.nentl@marconet.com RECOMMENDED PRINT SOLUTION Konica Minolta C759 (rep/acing Konica C7s4e in main office) Specifications: ■ 75 Pages per Minute (B/W) ■ 75 Pages per Minute (Color) • Single Pass Document Feeder • Duplexing • Fax • Finisher/Stapler • Saddle Stitcher ■ Network Printing ■ Scan to Email (B/W or Color) ■ Scan to Folder (B/W or Color) ■ Scan to USB (B/W or Color) Existing - Konica Minolta C754e (repurpose to Community Center) Existing — Sharp MX -4101 (repurpose from Community Center to Fibernet) ***Fibernet Sharp MX -4101 gets returned due to high meter PURCHASE Marco's Purchase Program includes all equipment; please see service and supply pricing listed below. Purchase Program Purchase Konica Minolta C759 $11,982 - Service Supply Annual Savings $1,992 Purchase of Existing Konica C754e $3,679 Move and Install of Repurposed Konica C754e to Comm. Center $100 - Service Supply Annual Savings $1,044 Move and Install of Repurposed Sharp MX -4101 to Fibernet $350 Delivery, installation, initial supplies and initial training is included with above program(s). The above pricing does not include applicable sales tax. Prices quoted are subject to change and should be verified before placing your order. Accepted by: Date: By signing this proposal, you are authorizing Marco Technologies LLC to order, install and invoice the above listed equipment. City Council Agenda: 06/27/2016 2H. Consideration to approve purchase of selected existing copiers on expiring leases and purchase one new black and white copier for City Hall (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The city leases 8 copiers and 6 printers from Marco at $5,078 monthly/$60,936 annually. On July 10, 2016, the 5 -year lease on 6 copiers expires. Including service and supplies (maintenance), the monthly lease payments on the expiring copiers is $3,100 ($37,200, annually). The leases on the other two copiers expire in 2017 and 2018. Staff does not believe it is prudent to continue the leasing model or to replace all the copiers at once. All the copiers on expiring leases have a buyout option ranging from $2,250 to $3,750. Consequently, staff desires to replace one copier --the 85 page -per -minute (PPM) black and white copier in the supply room that has a $3,750 buyout option. The cost of the new 45 PPM black and white copier is $5,431. Besides lowering the city's annual copying costs, the city gets the latest options on new copiers as they replace the old copiers. Staff intends to swap the FiberNet copier with community center copier, which has run 600,000+ more copies. Both copiers are the exact model. The city will only pay maintenance fees on the FiberNet copier until its fate is determined. There is also a 31 PPM color copier at the headend building, which can be relocated as needed. Copier maintenance is charged at 1.2463 cents per black and white copy and 6.776 cents per color copy. The city's printers and copiers produce about 600,000 black and white pages and 200,000 color pages every year. Marco is a vendor under the state contract. The Konica product is not a contract listed item. However, Marco and Konica are part of another purchasing cooperative organized under MN §471.345 subd.l5(b). Nonetheless, staff asked for quotes from two other vendors and none were received at the time of this staff report. Al. Budget Impact: Significant. See the attached. The buyout of four copiers is $9,750. The purchase of one B/W copier is $5,431. First year savings after purchase and buyouts is estimated above $12,000. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve purchase of selected existing copiers and purchase one new black and white copier. 2. Motion to not approve. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Schedule Comparing Current and Future Costs • Marco Proposal 2K. City Council Agenda: 5/14/2018 Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-35 accepting bids and awarding contract to Landwehr Construction Inc. in the amount of $2,365,246.25 for the Chelsea Road Utilitv and Street Improvements and Turn Lane Improvements at the intersection of Gillard Avenue and CSAH 39, Citv Proiect No.17CO01 (SB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On February 26, 2018, the City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the advertisement of bids for the Chelsea Road utility and street improvement project between TH 25 and Fallon Avenue and the turn lane improvements at the intersection of Gillard Avenue and CSAH 39. These two projects were bid together. Bids for the project were received and opened on Friday, May 7, 2018 at 10:00 AM. The City received 3 bids, with the lowest bid being submitted by Landwehr Construction, Inc. The following table lists all bids received for the project. Base Bid + Alternate 1 $2,605,559.35 $2,365,246.25* $2,652,976.75 $3,154,483.65 (PVC) Base Bid + Alternate 2 $2,605,559.35 $2,534,536.25* $2,862,718.15 $3,151,513.65 (HDPE) Two alternate bids were received with alternate materials to be used for the dual forcemain directional drilling installation work. Alternate 1 included a fused polyvinyl- chloride (PVC) forcemain material and Alternate 2 included a fused high -density - polyethylene (HDPE). Both are suitable products and were bid separately to compare the costs and provide the City will alternatives. The utility department initial preference is to use the HPDE product. *It was brought to the City's attention after the bids were opened that the apparent low bidder, Landwehr Construction, had unintentionally flipped their alternate bid pricing which made the HDPE option (Alternate 2) the less expensive option when in fact, their intent was to bid the lower price for the PVC option (Alternate 1). Landwehr Construction has requested that the City Council consider awarding the contract based on the Alternate 2 pricing, but allow the PVC material to be used (see enclosed letter). The table above reflects this revision. In addition, after the bid opening, it was brought to the City's attention that the HDPE pipe specified currently has a 12 to 16 -week lead time for the material to be available due to the hurricanes in the south-east portion of the country that occurred last summer. This would cause significant delays in the project with the Chelsea Road project construction Engineer's Landwehr Douglas -Kerr J.R. Ferche, Estimate Construction, Underground, Inc. Inc. LLC Schedule A (Chelsea Road) $1,793,529.00 $1,546,523.00 $1,783,944.66 $1,977,908.00 Schedule B (CSAH 39 at $218,030.35 $266,303.25 $310,167.19 $344,975.65 Gillard Avenue) Total Base Bid $2,011,559.35 $1,812,826.25 $2,094,111.85 $2,322,883.65 Base Bid + Alternate 1 $2,605,559.35 $2,365,246.25* $2,652,976.75 $3,154,483.65 (PVC) Base Bid + Alternate 2 $2,605,559.35 $2,534,536.25* $2,862,718.15 $3,151,513.65 (HDPE) Two alternate bids were received with alternate materials to be used for the dual forcemain directional drilling installation work. Alternate 1 included a fused polyvinyl- chloride (PVC) forcemain material and Alternate 2 included a fused high -density - polyethylene (HDPE). Both are suitable products and were bid separately to compare the costs and provide the City will alternatives. The utility department initial preference is to use the HPDE product. *It was brought to the City's attention after the bids were opened that the apparent low bidder, Landwehr Construction, had unintentionally flipped their alternate bid pricing which made the HDPE option (Alternate 2) the less expensive option when in fact, their intent was to bid the lower price for the PVC option (Alternate 1). Landwehr Construction has requested that the City Council consider awarding the contract based on the Alternate 2 pricing, but allow the PVC material to be used (see enclosed letter). The table above reflects this revision. In addition, after the bid opening, it was brought to the City's attention that the HDPE pipe specified currently has a 12 to 16 -week lead time for the material to be available due to the hurricanes in the south-east portion of the country that occurred last summer. This would cause significant delays in the project with the Chelsea Road project construction City Council Agenda: 5/14/2018 commencing in 2019, hence making Alternate 2 not a valid bid alternative given the project specified completion in 2018. If the City required HDPE pipe, the bids would need to be rejected with the Gillard/CSAH 39 turn lane project rebid this year and likely a higher cost as a standalone project. HDPE and PVC are suitable materials that meet industry standards and have been utilized in other communities successfully where it is installed and tested per the manufacturer's recommendation. The new utility superintendent prefers the HDPE product based on concerns from past experience with PVC in clay soils in another community (sandy soils are present on the project) and has other concerns related to how the product will perform based on the flexibility of the pipe and risk for cracking. The utility superintendent plans to review the product literature and contact other communities that have used the PVC product for further review, but does not want the project to be delayed. After reviewing the costs and installation considerations, WSB recommends awarding Alternate Bid 1 and allowing the material change to PVC. The revision still results in Landwehr being the low bidder and the alternate bid pricing is consistent with the next low bidder. A summary including a detailed breakdown of each bid item for each contractor is enclosed. It is recommended to award the bid to Landwehr Construction, Inc. in the amount of $2,365,246.25 with Alternate 1 (PVC) pipe as they are the lowest responsible bidder satisfying all bidding requirements. WSB has checked contractor references and feedback has been favorable. A change order will be prepared to allow the material change upon approval of the contract. The Chelsea Road portion of the project specifies a substantial completion date of August 31, 2018 with completion of utility installation, placement of the base lifts of bituminous pavements, trail and sidewalk construction and cleanup. Final completion to include the wear course (final lift), Nova chip seal, striping, turf establishment, and punch list items is September 28, 2018. There is flexibility in the completion date of the wear course placement on Chelsea Road depending on when hauling of the existing stockpiled material at the water reservoir site is complete for the Fallon Avenue overpass project, since Chelsea Road is the haul route and truck hauling is not recommended on new wear course pavement. Chelsea Road will be closed to thru traffic with detour routes on Edmonson Avenue, School Boulevard and Fallon Avenue. The detour routes will be coordinated with the Fallon Avenue Overpass project and will shift off of Fallon Avenue and onto CSAH 18 depending on the construction phasing of these projects. Property owners with driveway access will be notified in advance of construction commencing once we have a schedule from the contractor. All work on the CSAH 39 at Gillard Avenue project is specified to be substantially complete by July 2, 2018. Substantial completion includes installation of the guardrail, culvert replacement, placement of the base and final wear course and cleanup. Final completion, including striping, turf establishment, and punch list items is to be complete by July 15, 2018. 2 City Council Agenda: 5/14/2018 CSAH 39 will be reduced down to one lane in each direction during construction. Property owners along CSAH 39 adjacent to the construction area and residents on Gillard Avenue and within the Sunset Ponds developments will be notified prior to construction commencing. Advanced construction date signs will be in place 7 days prior to construction commencing. Al. Budget Impact: Using Landwehr's bid, the estimated total project cost for the Chelsea Road improvements is $2,600,000, which includes 22% for legal, engineering and administrative costs. Of this, approximately $925,000 is for the sanitary sewer forcemain work. Special assessments to the benefitting adjacent property owners are proposed for street, storm sewer, trail and sidewalk improvements per the City's assessment policy. Funding sources for the proposed improvements include special assessments in order to reimburse a portion of a future bond issue or use of reserves, capital improvement funds, utility funds and advancement of State Aid funds to finance the project. A separate agenda item related to advancement of State Aid funds will be forthcoming for Council consideration. The estimated total project cost for the CSAH 39 and Gillard Avenue improvement is $305,000, which includes engineering (design and construction services). Funding for the project is to come from Wright County funds (equal to 50% of the construction cost or approximately $133,000), City capital improvements funds and potentially advancement of State Aid funds. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Construction inspection will be completed by WSB and the City's engineering technician. Construction staking and construction administration services will be completed by WSB. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-35 accepting the bids and awarding the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Landwehr Construction Inc. in the amount of $2,365,246.25 for Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements, City Project No. 17CO01 2. Motion to reject bids and rebid at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: WSB recommends Alternative #1 with the PVC pipe forcemain pipe installation. The utility department prefers Alternate 2- HDPE pipe, however does not want the project to be delayed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2018-35 B. Bid Summary & Tabulation City Council Agenda: 5/14/2018 C. Letter from Landwehr Construction CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-35 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE CHELSEA ROAD UTILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND TURN LANE IMROVEMENTS AND INTERSECTION OF GILLARD AVENUE AND CSAH 39, CITY PROJECT NO. 17CO01 WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the project which included a base bid and two alternate bids for alternate materials PVC and HDPE. The base bid consisted of reconstruction of streets including the adjustment, construction, reclamation, removal, and/or repair of existing pavement; curb and gutter, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water supply systems; pathways; sidewalks; traffic control; signage; and other appurtenant work. Bids were received, opened, and tabulated, and the following bids were found to comply with the advertisement for bids: WHEREAS, the bid by Landwehr Construction, Inc., with the requested Alternate Bid 1 revision, in the amount of $2,365,246.25 for the total bid for the construction of said improvements for Chelsea Road utility and street improvements and turn lane improvements at the intersection of Gillard Avenue and CSAH 39, in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and advertisement for bids, is the lowest responsible bidder and shall be and hereby is accepted. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREB Y RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO: 1. The Mayor and City Administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the City of Monticello. 2. The City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been executed. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of May, 2018. Engineer's Landwehr Douglas -Kerr Estimate Construction, Underground, LLC J.R. Ferche, Inc. Inc. Schedule A (Chelsea Road) $1,793,529.00 $1,546,523.00 $1,783,944.66 $1,977,908.00 Schedule B (CSAH 39 at $218,030.35 $266,303.25 $310,167.19 $344,975.65 Gillard Avenue) Total Base Bid $2,011,559.35 $1,812,826.25 $2,094,111.85 $2,322,883.65 Base Bid + Alternate 1 $2,605,559.35 $2,365,246.25 $2,652,976.75 $3,154,483.65 (PVC) Base Bid + Alternate 2 $2,605,559.35 $2,534,536.25 $2,862,718.15 $3,151,513.65 (HDPE) WHEREAS, the bid by Landwehr Construction, Inc., with the requested Alternate Bid 1 revision, in the amount of $2,365,246.25 for the total bid for the construction of said improvements for Chelsea Road utility and street improvements and turn lane improvements at the intersection of Gillard Avenue and CSAH 39, in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and advertisement for bids, is the lowest responsible bidder and shall be and hereby is accepted. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREB Y RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO: 1. The Mayor and City Administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the City of Monticello. 2. The City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been executed. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of May, 2018. ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor BID TABULATION SUMMARY PROJECT: Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements & CSAH 39 at Gillard Avenue Turn Lane Improvements City Project Nos. 17CO01 & 16CO04 S.A.P. 222-116-002 & 222-020-003 OWNER: City of Monticello, MN WSB PROJECT NOS.: R-010438-000 & 2596-300 BIDS OPENED: Friday, May 4, 2018, at 10:00 a.m. Local Time Contractor Bid Adds. 1 & 2 Total Base Bid Total Base Bid + Total Base Bid + Bond (5%) Rec'd. (Scheds. A + B) Alt. 1 (Sched. C) Alt. 2 (Sched. D) 1 Landwehr Construction, Inc. X X $1,812,826.25 $2,534,536.25 $2,365,246.25 2 Douglas -Kerr Underground, LLC X X $2,094,111.85 $2,652,976.75 $2,862,718.15 3 J.R. Ferche, Inc. X X $2,322,883.65 $3,154,483.65 $3,151,513.65 Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost $2,011,559.35 $2,605,559.35 $2,605,559.35 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on May 4, 2018. Shibani K. Bisson, PE, City Engineer Denotes corrected figure K:1010438-000I4dminlConstruction Adminl R-010438-000 CST Bid Tab Summary -050418 soak LANDWEHR CONSTRUCTION INC. Phone(320)252-1494 Fax (320) 252-2380 Date: May 8, 2018 To: City of Monticello Attn: Eric M Eckman From: Derek Burggraff, Project Manager Landwehr Construction, Inc. Re: Chelsea Road Utility and Street Improvements Mr. Eckman, Excavation and Grading Demolition Utility Construction Crane Rental Service P.O. Box 1086 ST. CLOUD, MINNESOTA 56302 While researching items with our suppliers and subcontractors, regarding the Chelsea road utility and street improvements project, a couple items were brought to my attention. First, our drilling subcontractor, GM Contracting Inc, brought to our attention that they misunderstood the plans and bid Alternate #2 HDPE PIPE SEWER DIRECTIONAL DRILLING with fusible PVC pipe. GM Contracting was informed of the misinterpretation by their supplier and informed Landwehr Construction on 5/7/18. After investigating this issue further Landwehr Construction has concluded that Alt #I and Alt # 2 was misinterpreted by GM Contracting and was swapped. This would mean Landwehr Construction's base bid plus Alt #1 (PVC pipe sewer) would be $2,365,246.25 which is performed by directional drilling fusible PVC Pipe. Landwehr Construction's base bid plus Alt #2 (HDPE pipe sewer) would be $2,534,536.25 which is performed by directional drilling HDPE Pipe. No matter what option is chosen there is still a substantial savings to the city compared to the second bidder. Secondly, Landwehr Construction and GM Contracting have been looking into the HDPE pipe delivery and found out that nobody will give a guaranteed delivery date on the material. Three different suppliers are ball parking delivery dates of the HDPE pipe at 12-16 weeks after approval of drawings. They are not making any guaranteed delivery dates. So alternative #2 HDPE pipe sewer directional drilling has no guaranteed schedule. If you have any questions or in need of any further information please feel free to call. Sincerely, Derek Burggraff Senior Estimator/Project Manager Landwehr Construction Inc PH: 320-252-1494 An Equal Opportunity Employer City Council Agenda - 05/14/18 2L. Consideration of approving final design, authorizing the purchase of lighting units and poles and authorizing the advertisement of bids/request for quotes for the installation of street lighting improvements along Chelsea Road, Washington Street and the Downtown area (SB/TM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND On March 26, 2018, the City Council authorized city staff to work with Signature Lighting, Inc. to determine lighting unit standards and spacing to implement moving forward with street lighting improvements in the Downtown area, Washington Street and Chelsea Road in order to provide efficient and consistent lighting styles throughout these collector road corridors. City staff and Signature Lighting explored multiple light fixtures alternatives from different manufacturers for the different road sections and made the selections based on product quality to provide uniform lighting, cost and customer service and maintenance considerations. The selections will provide a standard for street lighting projects in the future to maintain consistent lighting styles throughout the City. All new poles will be painted Dark Bronze (aka Mississippi Bronze) consistent with the city standard. A summary of the proposed 2018 street lighting projects include: 1. Downtown Project: This project consists of replacing approximately 41 light fixtures, replacing the wiring in the existing poles, and painting the existing poles along Broadway Street between Locust Street and Cedar Street and along Walnut Street from Broadway Street to 3rd Street. The light fixture selected for the Downtown area will be a post -top, lantern style unit from Cyclone which will look similar to the lantern style lights on Walnut Street. The existing twin fixtures will be removed from the pole and the new single fixture will mount directly to the top of the new poles. The City's Creative Arts Consultant Sue Seeger has been consulted on the lighting project and is in concurrence with the proposed lighting style. As part of the downtown art initiative, she has also provided initial suggestions regarding incorporating art directly on the poles, which can be added at a later time and would be able to be adapted and changed as part of on-going arts initiative. Painting of the existing poles to the standard Mississippi bronze color is included with the project. 2. Chelsea Road: The Chelsea Road street reconstruction project (between TH 25 and Fallon Avenue) and installation of trail and sidewalks is scheduled for construction in 2018. It is timely to upgrade and enhance the street lighting system along the corridor this year. A shoe -box LED style light produced by Leotek placed on a Hapco pole was selected for the majority of the Chelsea Road project; these will be similar to the City -owned lights along Chelsea Road between Fallon Avenue and CSAH 18. The lights will be spaced at approximately 200' to provide lighting similar to School Blvd. Additional street lights will be added at each corner of the Cedar/Chelsea intersection to provide adequate lighting for the 4 -way stop being added as part of the Chelsea Road reconstruction project. The light assemblies at the Cedar intersection will be decorative Cyclone fixtures which are similar to the lights along Cedar Street. City Council Agenda — 05/14/18 3. Washington Street: School district representatives have requested the City enhance the lighting system along Washington Street between Broadway Street and Fallon Avenue. Staff recommends using decorative lighting on Washington Street to match the street lights that will be used on the Fallon Avenue project. Since Washington has relatively high pedestrian traffic accessing the middle school, the street lights are proposed to be spaced at approximately 150'. Staff is recommending using a Hapco pole with a Cyclone single tear -drop fixture. City staff has explored different method to purchase and install the light fixtures and poles for the 2018 Street Lighting projects in compliance with the municipal bidding laws. The City of Shoreview and St. Cloud were consulted, both of which have extensive City -owned street lighting programs. Several cities purchase lights and pole directly from the factory through the designated sales representative. Staff recommends purchasing the fixtures and poles directly from the authorized service representative, which is Architectural Lighting Designs, Inc. for the Cyclone and Leotek, light fixture product and Hapco pole product. By purchasing the lights directly the City will not have to pay sales tax, freight charges, and will not be subject to contractor mark-up as part of the bid process. This is estimated to result in an approximate 25% savings to the City. The process of selecting a lighting unit and pole standard and purchasing the products directly from the factory has been reviewed and approved by the City attorney. Each purchase will be under the $100,000 municipal bidding law threshold. There is an 8 to 10 week lead time on receiving the lights and poles after purchase order, therefore it is recommended to authorize purchase at this time. Staff recommends bidding the Chelsea Road and Washington installation cost together as one project. Quotes are proposed to be obtained for the downtown project including light fixture replacement and pole painting. It is anticipated that installation of the lighting would occur between August and September, 2018. Al. Budget Impact: The following table summarizes the material and installation costs for each project: Downtown Area ............................................................................. Chelsea Road ............................................................................. Washington Street TOTAL *includes painting existing poles Material Cost Installation Total Cost 2 $59,770 $ 43,850* $103,620 .......................................................i.........................................................................i...................................................... $46,365 .......................................................:.........................................................................:...................................................... $186,260 $ 232,625 $33,715 $86,650 $ 120,365 $139,850 $316,760 $456,610 City Council Agenda — 05/14/18 The City will need to process 3 invoices for the material purchases as follows: Cyclone (for lights on Washington and the downtown area): $81,455 Leotek (for lights on Chelsea Road): $46,365 Hapco (for poles on Washington Street and Chelsea Road): $41,615 The Downtown project was previously authorized foe funding by Council for 2018 construction at an estimated construction cost of $150,000. Allocations from electric franchise fees agreement have funded the City's street lighting program. Approximately $130,000 is allocated each year for street lighting improvements through the electric franchise agreements. There is a sufficient balance in the Street Lighting Improvement Fund of approximately $900,000 to cover this expenditure. A2. Staff Workload Impact: WSB and Signature Lighting will prepare lighting plans for bidding the installation, assist with the bid package preparation, bid tabulation and construction management services. Engineering and Public Works staff will assist in managing the work. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve final design, authorize the purchase of lighting units and poles from Architectural Lighting Designs, Inc, and authorize the advertisement of bids/request for quotes for the installation of street lighting improvements along Chelsea Road, Washington Street, and the Downtown area. 2. Motion to deny at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternate No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Street Lighting Project Maps B. Downtown Light Fixture C. Washington Ave. Light Fixture D. Chelsea Road Light Fixtures E. Estimated Costs F. Product shop drawings 2o18 Street Lighting Improvements � /� � 1 • �` n..t , `Nrti /R ♦ •D a .F s a , � s �1 Y 'p! �f � � � �� I ��� { • ,. 'w TH S•AW �Ya ..i� A4 il' ° `� IVF_ jip Il1��•1 "�. {, ' �� ,'Ari •,,. .w �� �� ..y.E� �'' �_� } " i ~ �.\ `1. L, ry i ,.' i •'� ,'�/ � �P -. .LTi' / �.j' _".l �- — _ �:_� .4 ,. / _ . ' _ • - _,�• ` � � � _ "N, _'� _�- - t _.. _ /--' j > -> �' _ �, - ....n.• -s• •..a.._• -saw^ ..�;_ .� ,� F yam` � - ! � � r!'.�1 -. �'_� �ti / 7 �•`� 6K + �� / a� � �� - ± ; of " •. '�y a; �/ 1�r�� ? lU F-Ei X94 \ Ai � W i May 7, 2018 a a 4• p1NE, jr Emma 4 Baa,, IIIc /'"rimV I '.• jai •i 1 4 t • / j �, ' ��. A •9,F� '•, <� _. ;•� M"" .4`19 g� s' `• r ' J � 1 ` ,� rs ; t . 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SUMMARY Material Cost $139,850.00 Install Cost $316,760.00 Total $456,610.00 Washington St - Decorative Twins Cyclone Light, Hapco Po Engineers Estimate Line No. Item Units Quantity Unit Price Total Price 1 2545.502 FURNISH LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL I-CYLCONE EACH 11 $1,375.00 $15,125.00 1 2545.502 FURNISH HAPCO POLE EACH 11 $1,690.00 $18.590.00 2 2545.502 INSTALL LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL I EACH 10 $1,500.00 $15,000.00 3 2545.502 LIGHT FOUNDATION DESIGN E MODIFIED EACH 10 $800.00 $8,000.00 4 2545.502 LIGHT FOUNDATION DESIGN SPECIAL EACH 0 $0.00 $0.00 5 2545.502 SERVICE CABINET EACH 1 $6.300.00 $6,300.00 6 2545.502 SERVICE EQUIPMENT EACH 1 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 7 2545.502 EQUIPMENT PAD EACH 1 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 8 2545.502 HANDHOLE EACH 2 $900.00 $1,800.00 9 2545.503 2" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT LF 0 $6.00 So.00 10 2545.503 2" NON-METALLIC COND DIRECTIONAL BORE) LF 2100 $19.00 $39,900.00 11 2545.503 UNDERGROUND WIRE I/C6AWG LF 6300 $1.55 $9,765.00 12 2545.503 UNDERGROUND WIRE I/C8AWG LF 2100 $1.35 $2,835.00 13 2545.503 UNDERGROUND WIRE 1 COND 12 AWG LF 500 $1.00 $500.00 Total Estimate Material Cost $33,715.00 r Install Cost $86,650.00 Total $120,365.00 Chelsea Rd - Non Decorative- Leotek light and Hapco Po Engineers E3 rate Line No. Item Units Quantity Unit Price Total Price 1 2545.502 FURNISH LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL-LEOTEK EACH 15 $340.00 $5,100.00 2 2545.502 FURNISH HAPCO POLE EACH 15 $1,535.00 $23.025.00 3 2545.502 INSTALL LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL EACH 13 $1,500.00 $19,500.00 4 2545.502 FURNISH LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL I-U er Light EACH 4 $1,640.00 $6,560.00 5 2545.502 FURNISH LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL 1- Lower Light EACH 3 $1,640.00 $4,920.00 5 2545.502 FURNISH HAPCO POLE EACH 4 $1,690.00 $6,760.00 6 2545.502 INSTALL LIGHTING UNIT TYPE SPECIAL I- CEDAR/CHELSEA EACH 3 $1,500.00 $4,500.00 7 2545.502 LIGHT FOUNDATION DESIGN E MODIFIED EACH 18 $800.00 $14.400.00 8 2545.502 LIGHT FOUNDATION DESIGN SPECIAL EACH 0 $0.00 $0.00 9 2545.502 SERVICE CABINET EACH 2 $6,300.00 $12,600.00 10 2545.502 SERVICE EQUIPMENT EACH 2 $1,300.00 $2,600.00 11 2545.502 EQUIPMENT PAD EACH 2 $1,250.00 $2,500.00 12 2545.502 HANDHOLE EACH 2 $900.00 $1,800.00 13 2545.503 2" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT LF $6.00 $0.00 14 2545.503 2" NON-METALLIC COND DIRECTIONAL BORE) LF 5000 $19.00 $95,000.00 15 2545.503 UNDERGROUND WIRE I/C6AWG LF 15000 $1.55 $23,250.00 16 2545.503 UNDERGROUND WIRE I/C8AWG LF 7000 $1.35 $9,450.00 17 2545.503 UNDERGROUND WIRE 1 COND 12 AWG L F 660 $1.00 $660.00 Total Estimate Material Cost $46,365.00 r Install Cost $186,260.00 Total $232,625.00 Downtown- Cyclone Engineers Estimate Line No. Item Units Quantity Unit Price Total Price 1 2545.502 FURNISH LIGHT Fixture- Cclone EACH 43 $1,390.00 $59,770.00 2 2545.502 INSTALL LIGHT Fixture-C clone EACH 41 $750.00 $30,750.00 3 2545.503 Pole Paintin EACH 41 $300.00 $12,300.00 4 2545.503 UNDERGROUND WIRE 1 COND L F 800 $1.00 $800.00 r Total Estimate Material Cost $59,770.00 Install Cost $43,850.00 Total $103,620.00 SUMMARY Material Cost $139,850.00 Install Cost $316,760.00 Total $456,610.00 Handhole C Butt Diameter 4 -Bolt Base With Bolt Covers : r WARNING: Xiurlruurerrnunl or Powder Coated Do not install light pole without luminaire. Finish per Customer Specification. CUSTOMER NAME: PROJECT: NOTES: 43 1 9-10 1 9.75 4 2.75 LOCATION: 1 x36x4 I Dimensions!,) filches 1 QUANTITY. EPA Notes: Effective Projected Area (EPA) in square feet. EPA's calculated using wind velocity (mphl indicated in accordance with 2009 AASHTO LTS-5 using a 25 year design lire, Maximum EPA is based on the luminaire qct shown Increased luminaire weight may reduce the maximum EPA If weight is exceeded, or if other design life or code is required, please consult the factory. ���.Abing Hillman Highway (�ING �Abingdon, VA 24210 800.368.7171 - wwnv.hapco.com R' 'Tapered ' P' RTA25D6B4M14 Mas 2" NPS Slipfitter CATALOG NUMBER FINISH J Arm Length (Options Available - See ' r r Accessory Specifications) Shaft and arm will be constructed of seamless extruded 8'. w Aluminum tube of 6063 Aluminum Alloy per the requirements of ASTM B221. The shaft assembly shall be full-length heal Pole Cap 20 With S. S. - treated after base weld to produce a T6 temper. Screws Tapered Aluminum Tube 4 -Bolt CastAluminum I— E" - :. .125" Wall Alloy 6063-T6 Base Flange of Alloy I N�\ 356-T6 with Aluminum Bolt Covers 356-F) Elliptical Section (Alloy and Stainless Steel Hex ' Extruded Aluminum Pole Plate HeadAttaching Screws. D Alloy 6063-T6 With 1/2"-13NC Stainless Steel Hardware Top Diameter (Wire Hole In Shaft With 1 " I. D. Rubber Grommet) Reinforced, 3"x 5" curved CastAluminum Frame (Alloy 356-T6) with Aluminum Door and two (2) SS Hex Head Screws. A Grounding Provision incorporating a 3/8" diameter hole is provided opposite the Handhole. Anchorage Anchorage Kit will G ta0° include four (4) L-shaped Base Steel Anchor Bolts Square •' � ` conforming to AASHTO p Einches B 10314-90 Grade 55 Ten 270° • Ralf 90° (10') of threaded Grefe Wall Thickness Tapered Aluminum Tube TaperedAlumiperAST10A153, ,• end will be galvanized �■ 0° Alloy 6063-T6 Handwe-0° Kits will contain four (4) y Bolt Proi. Hex Nuts, four (4) Lock L — Washers, and four (4) ti .. Slee Flat Washers 7 Finish = (all components 01 =Satin Aluminum Galvanized Steel). A bolt BA = Black Powder Coat = circle template will BH = White Powder Coat be provided. BM = Dark Bronze Powder Coat BV = Dark Green Powder Coat oVibration Damper GC = Gray Powder Coat a When determined necessary by Hapco. a Vibration ** = Specify Finish Damper will be factory -installed inside the pole shaft. Customer specification of the damper is available. Handhole C Butt Diameter 4 -Bolt Base With Bolt Covers : r WARNING: Xiurlruurerrnunl or Powder Coated Do not install light pole without luminaire. Finish per Customer Specification. CUSTOMER NAME: PROJECT: NOTES: 43 1 9-10 1 9.75 4 2.75 LOCATION: 1 x36x4 I Dimensions!,) filches 1 QUANTITY. EPA Notes: Effective Projected Area (EPA) in square feet. EPA's calculated using wind velocity (mphl indicated in accordance with 2009 AASHTO LTS-5 using a 25 year design lire, Maximum EPA is based on the luminaire qct shown Increased luminaire weight may reduce the maximum EPA If weight is exceeded, or if other design life or code is required, please consult the factory. ���.Abing Hillman Highway (�ING �Abingdon, VA 24210 800.368.7171 - wwnv.hapco.com LE TE K LITE -ON GROUP GreenCobraTM Midsize LED Street Light GCM H -Series Specification Data Sheet Luminaire Data �+ Weight 10 lbs [4.6 kg] m EPA 0.44 ftz h c31tl.7na+7 J Ordering Information Sample Catalog No. GCM2 30H MV NW 211 GY 700 PCR7 WL GCM2 30H MV NW 3R Product LED Code GCM2 30H GCM2 40H Distribution 25 Type 2 Short 2111 Type 2 Medium 311 Type 3 Medium 4 Type 4 5 Type 5 Project Monticello Type A Catalog No. t N = - � v �? 21.6. 050.9nn] `, DB Color Voltage 30H Drive LPCR Temperature MV 120-277V WW 3000K HV 347-480V NW 4000K Bronze CW 5000K Distribution 25 Type 2 Short 2111 Type 2 Medium 311 Type 3 Medium 4 Type 4 5 Type 5 Project Monticello Type A Catalog No. t N = - � v �? 21.6. 050.9nn] `, DB 700 Finish' 30H Drive LPCR Current Codez GY Gray 530 DB Dark 610 Bronze 700 BK Black 850 Bracket 3A Notes: 1 Gray, Black, and Dark Bronze standard. Consult factory for other finishes. 2 Specified drive current code is the factory set maximum drive current. Field adjustable current selector enables standard dimming to lower wattage drive currents only. Consult factory if wattage limits require a special drive current. 3 Non -field adjustable, fixed drive current. Specify required drive current. Not available with PCR7-CR option. 4 The FFA option enables full field adjustability from the specified drive current code to all drive currents available. This option is not DLC qualified. 5 Field adjustable current selector included to enable standard dimming to lower wattage drive currents only. Field changeable connectors included to enable connection to PCR7 (wireless node dimming is disabled by default). 6 Control -ready wired at factory for wireless node dimming. Supplied at maximum drive current. If a lower drive current is required, consult factory. 7 Flush mounted house side shield. Shield cuts light off at 1/2 mounting height behind luminaire. 8 Flush mounted cul-de-sac shield. Shield cuts light off at 1/2 mounting height behind luminaire and 1-1/2 mounting height on either side of luminaire. 9 Specify Calor (GY, DB, BK) 10 Specify MV (120-277V) or HV (347V -480V) SC Options FDC' Fixed Drive Current FFA^ Full field Adjustability LPCR Less Photocontrol Receptacle PCR71 ANSI 7 -wire Photo - 413 control Receptacle PCR7 C06 C t I R d 7 40H Drive Square Pole Horizontal Arm Bracket on m ea y wire Current Codez PT139 PC Receptacle WL Utility Wattage Label 575 413 4 -Bolt Mounting 700 Wall Horizontal Arm Bracket Bracket 850 RWG Rubber Wildlife 950 Twist Lock Shorting Cap Guard 1A SWTB Straight Wire HSS, CSS consult factory. Terminal Block BBL Bubble Level Accessories' HSSGCM' House Side Shield, Snap-On* CSSGCMa Cul -De -Sac Side Shield, Snap-On* SPB' Square Pole Horizontal Arm Bracket RPB9 Round Pole Horizontal Arm Bracket PT139 Pole Top Tenon Horizontal Arm Bracket PTB29 Pole Top Tenon Horizontal Arm Bracket (2@1801) WBs Wall Horizontal Arm Bracket BSK Bird Deterrent Spider Kit LLPC10 Long -Life Twist Lock Photocontrol SC Twist Lock Shorting Cap *Accessories are ordered separately and not to be included in the catalog number. For factory installed HSS, CSS consult factory. 02018 Leotek Electronics USA. GCM _H-Series_Spec Sheet 031918. Specifications subject to change without notice. ®` c US 1 1 U.S.A USTEP •f LE TE K LITE -ON GROUP Luminaire Specifications Housing Die cast aluminum housing with universal two -bolt slip fitter mounts to 1-1/4" to 2" (1-5/8" to 2-3/8" O.D.) diameter mast arm. One-piece aluminum housing provides passive heat -sinking of the LEDs and has upper surfaces that shed precipitation. Four -bolt mounting bracket is available. Mounting provisions meet 3G vibration per ANSI C136.31-2010 Normal Application, Bridge & Overpass. Mounting has leveling adjustment from ± 5° in 2.5° steps. Electrical components are accessed without tools via a high-strength, non-conductive polycarbonate door with quick -release latches. Polycarbonate material meets UL 746C for outdoor usage. Available rubber wildlife guard (RWG option) conforms to mast arm with no gaps. Light Emitting Diodes High-flux/High-power white LEDs produce a minimum of 90% of initial intensity over 75,000 hours of life based on IES TM -21 (L90 >_ 75k hours). LEDs are tested in accordance with IES LM -80 testing procedures. LEDs have correlated color temperature of 3000K (WW), 4000K (NW), or 5000K (CW) and 70 CRI minimum. LEDs are 100% mercury and lead free. Field Adjustability LED drive current can be changed in the field to adjust light output for local conditions (not available with PCR7-CR option). The specified drive current code will be the factory set maximum drive current and field adjustments can only be made to available lower wattage drive currents. Select the FFA option if full field adjustability to all available drive currents (1A max) is desired. The FFA option is not DLC qualified. GreenCobraTM Midsize LED Street Light GCM H -Series Specification Data Sheet Quality Control Every luminaire is performance tested before and after a 2 -hour burn -in period. Assembled in the USA. Optical Systems Micro -lens optical systems produce IESNA Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, or Type 5 distributions and are fully sealed to maintain an IP66 rating. Luminaire produces 0% total lumens above 901 (BUG Rating, U=0). Optional house side shield cuts light off at 1/2 mounting height behind luminaire. Cul-de-sac shield provides back and side light control for end of cul-de-sac applications. Both shields are field installable without tools. Electrical Rated life of electrical components is 100,000 hours. Uses isolated power supply that is 1-10V dimmable. Power supply is wired with quick -disconnect terminals. Power supply features a minimum power factor of .90 and <20% Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). EMC meets or exceeds FCC CFR Part 15. Terminal block accommodates 6 to 14 gauge wire. Surge protection complies with IEEE/ANSI C62.41 Category C High, 20kV/10kA and ANSI C136.2- 2015,20kV/10kA. Controls 3 -Wire photocontrol receptacle is standard. ANSI C136.41 7 -wire (PCR7) photocontrol receptacle is available. All photocontrol receptacles have tool -less rotatable bases. Wireless control module is provided by others. Finish Housing receives a durable, fade -resistant polyester powder coat finish with 3.0 mil nominal thickness. Finish tested to withstand 5000 hours in salt spray exposure per ASTM B117. Finish meets scribe creepage rating 8 per ASTM D1654. Finish tested 500 hours in UV exposure per ASTM G154 and meets ASTM D523 gloss retention. Listings/Ratings/Labels Luminaires are UL listed for use in wet locations in the United States and Canada. Design Lights Consortium" qualified product. Consult DLC QPL for Standard and Premium Classification Listings. International Dark Sky Association listed. Luminaire is qualified to operate at ambient temperatures of -40°C to 40°C. Photometry Luminaires photometrics are tested by certified independent testing laboratories in accordance with IES LM -79 testing procedures. Warranty 10 -year limited warranty is standard on luminaire and components. Vandal Resistance Housing and optics rated to IK10 Standards Luminaire complies with: ANSI: C136.2, C136.3, C136.10, C136.13, C136.15, C136.22, C136.31, C136.35, C136.37, C136.41, C62.41, C78.377, C82.77 Other: FCC 47 CFR, IEC 60598, ROHS II, UL 1449, UL 1598 02018 Leotek Electronics USA. GCM_H-Series_Spec Sheet_031918. Specifications subject to change without notice. LE TE K LITE -ON GROUP Performance Data: 3000K (WW) All data nominal. IES files for all CCTs available at leotek.com. Product LED Code Drive Current Code 530 610 30H 700 850 GCM2 1A 575 700 40H 850 950 1A GreenCobraT"" Midsize LED Street Light GCM H -Series Specification Data Sheet System Delivered Efficacy Wattage (W) lumens (Lm)1 (Lm/W) 48 5770 120 58 6700 116 68 7620 112 82 8800 107 101 10480 104 73 8780 120 88 10230 116 107 11960 112 121 13040 108 135 14080 104 Notes: 1 Nominal lumens. Normal tolerance ± 10% due to factors including distribution type, LED bin variance, and ambient temperatures. Performance Data: 4000K (NW) and 5000K (CW) All data nominal. IES files for all CCTs available at leotek.com. Drive System Delivered Efficacy Product LED Code Current Code Wattage (W) Lumens (Lm) IL (Lm/W) 530 48 6330 132 610 58 7440 128 30H 700 68 8550 126 850 82 9830 120 1A 101 11720 116 GCM2 575 73 9590 131 700 88 11260 128 40H 850 107 13270 124 950 121 14390 119 1A 135 15430 114 Notes: 1 Nominal lumens. Normal tolerance ± 10% due to factors including distribution type, LED bin variance, and ambient temperatures 02018 Leotek Electronics USA. GCM—H-Series_Spec Sheet -031918. Specifications subject to change without notice. LE TE K GreenCobraTM Midsize LED Street Light LITE -ON GROUP GCM H -Series Specification Data Sheet BUG Ratings 3000K (WW) Type 2S Type 2R Type 3R Type 4 Type 5 LED Drive BUG BUG BUG BUG BUG Product Code Current Code Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating 530 132 UO G1 131 UO G1 132 UO G2 62 UO G1 63 UO G1 610 132 UO G1 131 UO G1 62 UO G2 B2 UO G2 B3 UO G1 30H 700 132 UO G1 132 UO G2 B2 UO G2 B2 UO G2 133 UO G1 850 132 UO G1 132 UO G2 132 UO G2 B2 UO G2 B3 UO G2 1A B2 UO G2 B2 UO G2 132 UO G2 132 UO G2 63 UO G2 GCM2 575 B2 UO G1 B2 UO G2 132 UO G2 B2 UO G2 B3 UO G2 700 B2 UO G2 132 UO G2 62 UO G2 B2 UO G2 B3 UO G2 40H 850 132 UO G2 132 UO G2 B3 UO G3 B3 UO G2 63 UO G2 950 63 UO G2 82 UO G2 133 UO G3 B3 UO G2 134 UO G2 1A 132 UO G2 132 UO G2 133 UO G3 133 UO G2 134 UO G2 4000K (NW) Type 2S Type 2R Type 3R Type 4 Type 5 LED Drive BUG BUG BUG BUG BUG Product Code Current Code Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating 530 B2 UO G1 B1 UO G1 132 UO G2 62 UO G1 B3 UO G1 610 132 UO G1 132 UO G2 B2 UO G2 132 UO G2 63 UO G1 30H 700 132 UO G1 132 UO G2 132 UO G2 B2 UO G2 133 UO G2 850 132 UO G2 132 UO G2 132 UO G2 132 UO G2 133 UO G2 1A B3 UO G2 B2 UO G2 62 UO G2 B3 UO G2 B3 UO G2 GCM2 575 82 UO G2 B2 UO G2 B2 UO G2 B2 UO G2 133 UO G2 700 B2 UO G2 132 UO G2 63 UO G3 132 UO G2 B3 UO G2 40H 850 1331-10G2 B2 UO G2 B3 UO G3 133 UO G2 134 UO G2 950 B3 UO G2 B2 UO G2 B3 UO G3 B3 UO G2 64 UO G2 1A B3 UO G2 63 UO G3 63 UO G3 63 UO G3 134 UO G2 5000K (CW) Type 2S Type 2R Type 3R Type 4 Type 5 LED Drive BUG BUG BUG BUG BUG Product Code Current Code Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating 530 B2 UO G1 131 UO G1 B2 UO G2 B2 UO G1 B3 UO G1 610 132 UO G1 B2 UO G2 132 UO G2 62 UO G2 63 UO G1 30H 700 62 UO G1 132 UO G2 132 UO G2 132 UO G2 133 UO G2 850 62 UO G2 132 UO G2 62 UO G2 132 UO G2 63 UO G2 1A 132 UO G2 62 UO G2 133 UO G3 133 UO G2 B3 UO G2 GCM2 575 B2 UO G2 132 UO G2 132 UO G2 B2 UO G2 133 UO G2 700 132 UO G2 132 UO G2 133 UO G3 B2 UO G2 B3 UO G2 40H 850 B3 UO G2 132 UO G2 B3 UO G3 133 UO G2 134 UO G2 950 133 UO G2 B2 UO G2 63 UO G3 B3 UO G2 B4 UO G2 1A 133 UO G2 133 UO G3 133 UO G3 B3 UO G3 B4 UO G2 02018 Leotek Electronics USA. GCM_H-Series_Spec Sheet 031918. Specifications subject to change without notice. cygLone The Luminaires Group Inc Project : City of Monticello I Type APPROVAL — SPECIFICATION I I Order: SQ_022215 1 Luminaire: C012P1A-DP3AR-3.120W-4K-VOLT-ADV-BK-TX-CP5283 ❑ty:1 1 Luminaire components . i 17 v2" (45cm] Adaptor module (ADV): Decorative shape. The adaptor is entirely made of alloy 356 cast aluminum parts. Acting like a universal joint, it allows an adjustment of ±5° for leveling. The module is suited for horizontal tenon from 017/8" to 02 318" (4.7 to 6cm) outside diameter. ADAPTOR MODULE (ADV) HOUSING MODULE { 1 c/w DOOR Head module: Round shape. Cast aluminum hood with an injection -molded clear ribbed acrylic (DP3AR) assembled on hinged frame for a tool free opening system that give you access to the Optic module. Opening system: Hinged lens frame mechanism allows a tool -free access inside the luminaire. Made of cast aluminum alloy 356.1 and sealed with a compression system. The luminaire offers an IP66 weatherproof protection. The electrical components are located inside the fitter and offers an IP54 weatherproof protection. Certification, maintenance and luminaire codification labels are located inside the fitter. Housing module: Cast aluminum housing tops an extruded fitter, complete with a tool -free removable door that gives you access to the Driver. Suspended on tenon and mechanically secured on adaptor. Complete with a Street Side Sticker. Opticalleiectricai components LED: 120 Watts, 4000K (White). Super high flux output and high luminance, design for high current operation. LED board is mechanically mounted on heatsink for easy replacement. Minimum color rendering index (CRI) 70. Optic: IES type III (3). Made of acrylic and designed to light only where it's needed, while obtaining excellent uniformity with maximum pole spacing . Heatsink: Die cast aluminum alloy optimized to keep LED temperature down and increase their longevity and efficacy Driver module: Auto -adjustable 120.277VAC Class I driver. Primary voltage at_ volts. 50160 Hz. THD max 20%. High power factor of 90%. Operating temperature: -40°F (-40°C) to 130°F (55°C). ROHS compliant. Assembled on a tool -free removable tray with quick connectors. Complete with a 3 -Pole 10kA surge protector for Line -Ground, Line -Neutral and Neutral -Ground according to IEEE/ANSI C62.41 2002 C. Maintenance and luminaire codification labels are located DRIVER inside the fitter. Complete with a 0-10 volt dimming. OPENING MODULE SYSTEM ' HEAD Generals/Options MODULE Wiring/hardware: Type TEW 14-7. 12" (30cm) minimum exceeding from 31.1minaire. All electrical .............. connections between modules are made with quick -disconnect connectors for easy maintenance. f--" - OPTIC All exposed hardware is stainless steel. Silicone gaskets are used for a weather seal. MODULE INSIDE Color: BLACK RAL9005 (BK) I Finish: textured (TX) ® or smooth (SM)EI. Application of a durable polyester powder coating meets AAMA 2604 requirements (5 years exposure to all weather LENS conditions). The finish meets the ASTM G7, B117, D1654 and D2247 requirements relative to salt MODULE spray and humidity resistance. Cyclone recommends the textured finish for this product. EPA: 2.65 ft2 Weiqht: 49 lbs 122 kg Stamp/Approval File: CL41T4A - SQ_022215 - CITY OF MONTICELLO.DOC Date : 0410512018 Page: 212 Name: Date: Designer: S.Messier Cyclone Lighting - Phone: 450-434-5000 - Fax: 450-434-50 M, 2175 Boulevard des Entreprises, Terrebonne, QC. J6Y 1W9, info@cyclonelighting.com cyccone The Luminaires Group Inc Project: City of Monticello I Taq APPROVAL — SPECIFICATION I I Order: SQ_022215 1 Luminaire: CL41T4A-LAF-3-60W-4K-V0LT-BK-TX I Qty:1 191/2, 1 Luminaire components [49cm] Head module: Square shape. A cast aluminum hood with a decorative aluminum cupola a and finial, top a tapered cast aluminum guard. Four (4) frosted acrylic (IAF) lenses are installed. Opening system: Two built-in hinges on head module allowing easy access inside the luminaire, to the driver tray. Made with cast aluminum parts. This entire luminaire is IP66 certified, thanks to the one piece "W shape injection molded weatherproof gasket, made of heat resistant silicone (2870C (5500F)). E Fitter module: Round shape , cast aluminum self -leveling fitter, secured to the pole with set screws. Slip -fits on a 4"(10cm) outside diameter x 3" (7cm) long tenon. Opticallelectrical components I LED: 60 Watts , 4000K (White) . Super high flux output and high luminance, design for high current operation. LED board is mechanically mounted on heatsink for easy replacement. Minimum color rendering index (CRI) 70. Optic: IES type III (3). Made of acrylic and designed to light only where it's needed, while obtaining excellent uniformity with maximum pole spacing. Heatsink: Die cast aluminum alloy optimized to keep LED temperature down and increase their longevity and efficacy HEAD Driver module: Auto -adjustable 120-277VAC Class I driver. Primary voltage at MODULE volts. 50160 Hz. THD max 20%. High power factor of 90%. Operating temperature: - 40°F (40°C) to 130°F (55°C). ROHS compliant. Assembled on a tool -free removable tray with quick connectors. Complete with a 3 -Pole 10kA surge protector for Line -Ground, Line - Neutral and Neutral -Ground according to IEEE/ANSI C62.41 2002 C. Maintenance and DRIVER luminaire codification labels are located inside the fitter. Complete with a 0-10 volt MODULE dimming. _ OPTICAL r MODULE Generals/Options L ti Wiring/hardware: Type TEW 14-7. 12" (30cm) minimum exceeding from luminaire. All electrical connections between modules are made with quick -disconnect connectors for HINGED easy maintenance. All exposed hardware is stainless steel. Silicone gaskets are used for a HOOD weather seal. FITTER MODULE Color: BLACK RAL9005 (BK) 1 Finish: textured (TX) ® or smooth (SM)EI. Application of a durable polyester powder coating meets AAMA 2604 requirements (5 years exposure to all weather conditions). The finish meets the ASTM G7, B117, D1654 and D2247 requirements relative to salt spray and humidity resistance. Cyclone recommends the textured finish for this product. EPA: 2.7 ft2 Weight 42 lbs 119 kq Stamp/Approval File : CL41T4A - SG_022215 -CITY OF MONTICELLO.00C Date: 0410512018 Page :112 Name: Date : Designer: S.Messier Cyclone Lighting - Phone: 450-434-5000 - Fax: 450-434-50 )1, 2175 Boulevard des Entreprises, Terrebonne, OC. MY 1W9, info@cyclonelighting.com CYLIIIG 0 TEL: 450-434-5000 FAX: 450-434-5001 Date: Ifim n n n n,m\ 281/211 [72cm] City of Monticello E U N � ti V - PAGE # Drawing#:COM12P1B - P1005 1/1 COM12P1 B-CP5616 / ADV-CP5283 0 PRESENTATION 04/05/2018 I Scale: n/a I Designer. SAESSIER W2 t E O co !u 1 CycloneC. © TEL: 450-434-5000 FAX: 450-434-5001 I I I I I I E I I I 1 I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I ! k 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l I I { I j 383/411 [99cm] City of Monticello MM529-CP5619 PRESENTATION Date: 04/05/2018 I Scale: PAGE A. Drawing m M529-CP5618 2/2 E 0 A a) n/a I Designer. SAESSIER lr City Council Agenda —05/14/18 2M. Consideration of approving a request for amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Co -location of a Wireless Telecommunication Service Antenna on an existing tower in the R -A (Residential Amenities) District. Applicant: Nextera Communications (NAC) Property: PID: 155152000010 Address: 6111 Wildwood Boulevard Planning Case Number: 2018-016 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Conditional Use Permit to construct and relocate cellular communication devices on an existing tower. Deadline for Decision: May 25, 2018 Land Use Designation: Places to Live Zoning Designation: R-1 Single Family Residence District The proposed use is a conditional use in the district. Current Site Use: The site is currently occupied by a communications tower and ground equipment surrounding by a chain link fence. Surrounding Land Uses: North: R-1 Single Family (Public Open Space and Water Tower) East: R-1 Single Family Residential South: R -A Residential Amenities District West: Public Park/Open Space Project Description: The applicant proposes to construct wireless antennas on the existing communications tower and lease space for a prefabricated equipment building on the property. No new ground equipment will be necessary to accommodate the additional/amended antenna installation. 1 City Council Agenda —05/14/18 Ordinance Requirements: Per ordinance, a Conditional Use Permit is required for the new antenna equipment. ANALYSIS The applicant states that the purpose of the change will primarily be to provide greater bandwidth to its customer base. They will be making the following changes or reconciling the existing conditions on the tower as follows: • Retaining 2 existing sector antennas in their current location at a height of 316 feet. (Previous notes had suggested these antennas were at a height of 328 feet). • One sector antenna, currently at 330 feet, is being removed and replaced by a new 2' diameter parabolic (dish) antenna at 300 feet of height. • One other section antenna, currently at 330 feet, is being removed and replaced by newer technology sector antenna at a height of 110 feet. • One existing 2' diameter parabolic antenna at 110 feet is being change from unlicensed to licensed status (no visual change). With the completion of the project, there will continue to be 5 antenna arrays on the tower, just as now. Only the position and type are changing for a few of those on the tower. No changes are being made to the ground equipment or other site improvements. Conditional Use Permit Requirements The zoning ordinance requires a Conditional Use Permit for wireless antenna equipment. The applicants have submitted the required information and appear to be in compliance with each of the required regulations of the code. The code provides for a series of submission requirements to permit the City to verify compliance with achieving the location objectives. These include the following: • Signed lease • Project description and justification • Proof of Insurance • Legal description and survey • Radio frequency coverage analysis 2 City Council Agenda —05/14/18 • Site plans for landscaping and grading • Architectural drawings • Decommissioning plan • Development agreement and financial securities Some of these requirements are primarily relevant to the construction of a new tower. However, the applicant has submitted the information applicable to the antenna construction and building construction, including the architectural design, project description, survey data, and coverage analysis data. As noted, the impacts are slight; as with all telecommunications equipment of this type, the City is required to make reasonable accommodations to allow the use, based on technology and service needs of the operator and the public. Moreover, the City must accommodate construction of this type of equipment when the impact is not substantial, and there is no expectation of impacts on public health, safety, and welfare. The proposed construction appears to be consistent with these requirements. Planning Commission Recommendation The Planning Commission reviewed this item and held a public hearing on the request on May 1St, 2018. There was no public present to address the Commission on this item, with the exception of the applicant's representative. After a brief discussion, the Planning Commission recommended approval unanimously. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit pending the structural engineer's review and approval, based on findings in Resolution PC -2018-012 and contingent on compliance with conditions in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit, based on findings to be made by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the request, pending additional information as identified by the City Council and staff report. 3 City Council Agenda —05/14/18 C. STAFF RECOMMNDATION Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit, based on the application materials provided, and with findings that the proposal meets the requirements of the ordinance, and that the proposal is for the construction of equipment with no visual or other impacts on surrounding property. Formal findings are included the attached resolution. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2018-012 B. Aerial Image C. Applicant Narrative D. Application Plan Packet E. Structural Analysis Z. Conditions of Approval Exhibit Z Conditional Use Permit Nextera Antenna Co -location 6111 Wildwood Way 1. Submission of final construction plans for building department review. 2. Compliance with requirements of other City staff. 4 C Q TY OF MONTICELLO WRIGiiT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2018-012 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A COLOCATION OF WIRELESS ANTENNAS ON AN EXISTING COMMUNICATIONS TOWER WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to add and modify antenna arrays on an existing communications tower; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned R-1, Single Family Residential, which allows such use by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Live" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting compliance with the terms of the applicable zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the R-1 zoning district; and WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on May 1St, 2018 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the R-1, Single Family Residence Zoning District. 2. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by commercial land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The colocation of antenna arrays meets the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use Permit. CITE' OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2018-012 5. No other changes or impacts resulting for the antenna construction are anticipated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Conditional Use Permit for colocation of wireless antennas, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. Submission of final construction plans for building department review. 2. Compliance with requirements of other City staff. ADOPTED this 1St day of May, 2018 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: $rW Fyle, Cair ATTEST: Angela Schum tr n, (ons munity Development Director 2 �:. � � —�• � iii r for 77 1111 1 + r lilt JL f � GL�1GY�1 1 1 ,Gy;�:�.. � � \ •�-fir. - i. Y, 4 ...• . f ."�Irl� - LSUCJLI -47 2 0024 r202 loll FF- F. r s s�' � 7 ♦ .a v o i c e . d a t a • i n t e r n e t April 5, 2018 Dear Angela, ADDRESS 5909 Baker Road, Suite 590, Minnetonka, MN 55345 PHONE 952.564.6900 FAX 952.564.6902 Nextera's proposed project has the main purpose of replacing a sector antenna with a larger (2) dish antenna in order to provide additional internet bandwidth to an existing customer of ours. This will require changing the cabling from Cats cable to coax as well as replacing the customer's smaller sector antenna with a 2' dish that will be able to provide higher bandwidth speeds to the customer. We'll be plugged into the same switch in the same cabinet as we are currently. No digging, trenching or any other changes will be made to the surrounding ground. The lease amendment includes several additional minor changes that have been or will be made. Paul Brandt, our Wireless Engineer, included a letter to individually detail these changes for you. We're taking the opportunity, with this amendment, to make sure all documentation is correct and any near -future improvements are documented accurately. I enclosed our original lease for this tower along with the lease amendment for the antenna change which also includes some position adjustments and equipment upgrades for your review. These changes have all been approved by the tower lease company, SBA, after having a structural analysis completed. Please let me know if it would be helpful to have additional information, and I'll get it to you right away. Sincerely, Gina Hoveland General Manager Nextera Communications 952-564-6908 ghoveland@nextera.net CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.13 Telecommunication Towers and Antennas Subsection (G) Application process and submittal requirements for wireless telecommunications service antenna support structures (a) Documentation, in the form of a signed lease or other adequate proof of property interest, demonstrating that the applicant has authority to seek the requested permit from the owner or owners of the parcel in question. (b) A statement describing the proposed project, together with written justification supporting the proposed installation. (c) Proof of insurance against injury or property damage caused by structural failure of any element of the installation. C {? j/ {� r_C�- O i v\ SU V Gt L'I C Sb i VI C L UCS CG� (d) The legal description of the property on which the improvements are to be located. �4 (e) A certified survey of the property showing all existing conditions, along with the proposed improvements. 5-Av oc -V Y cJ b GPD % ro vpS �1(f) A coverage study prepared by a Radio Frequency Engineer showing alternative antenna support structure locations, co -location options, and whether such alternatives can accommodate the proposed antenna with reasonable coverage, including any known approved but uneonstructed locations. Such plan shall include all existing towers, buildings, and other (' possible support structures. No G� Y p�o w CA S (,� -e nee GA I l I i t- U1 - ebt s �� A -o Our C V st om'e r (g) A landscaping and screening plan. NO Ciia"6Es a+- 5rc,UVAJ 1.eUf'` . (h) A grading and drainage plan. (i) Architectural drawings of all appurtenant structures planned for the site. (j) A decommissioning plan outlining the means, process, and anticipated costs of removing all improvements at the end of their service life, or upon discontinued use. ! f700V C Ctt bLe , VA Vla � va ck t D (k) A security acceptable to the City adequate to ensure safe removal of all improvements upon decommissioning. (1) A development agreement specifying the terms of the Conditional Use Permit, including improvements, decommissioning, financial security, and other elements. (m) Other information specified by the Community Development Director and/or City Council necessary to support the application and permit adequate municipal review of the request. Page 320 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance April 4, 2018 Nextera Wireless Project Statement For SBA Site# MNI0250-A The tower site in question was constructed in 1999. We have had a presence on this tower since 2002 when Stonebridge Wireless entered into an agreement with Millennium Telcom in September 2002. Nextera Wireless purchased Stonebridge in December 1997. SBA purchased the tower from Millennium in 2007. In November 2017, we began the amendment process with SBA in order to make some changes at the tower in order to increase our bandwidth capacity and deliver a larger connection to an existing customer. Due to the location of this customer, this tower is the only tower with sufficient height (300 ft) to have the clear line of sight required to deliver a large bandwidth connection. Prior to this change, Nextera had approval to have five antennas on this tower. After this change, we will still only have five antennas on this tower but some of the equipment and antenna heights are changing. All changes are being performed by the SBA approved tower company Tri-State Communication Services. Our existing two sector antennas at 316 ft are staying at this height but the amendment is reconciling the actual height which in the past was believed to be around 328 ft. Two prior positions at 330 ft are being modified in both height and equipment. One position is being adjusted to 300 ft and a sector antenna is being replaced with a 2 ft parabolic antenna. The other position is being adjusted to 110 ft and the sector antenna equipment is being upgraded to a newer technology. The existing 110 ft position is being modified from an unlicensed 2 ft parabolic antenna to a licensed 2 ft parabolic. Our ground equipment is located in an existing hut. There will be no changes to this facility. The tower is equipped with a cable raceway as detailed in the structural report. Any cabling changes will follow the existing assigned slots A structural analysis report was performed by GPD Group, Inc in conjunction with our SBA application and it is signed 12/27/2017. Decommission Plan: We will utilize a SBA approved tower company and have all equipment and cabling removed in a safe and efficient manner. I project like this could be completed in one day at a cost in today's rates of approximately $1000. Paul Brandt Nextera Wireless RF Engineer 3 � G 0 % .C) L- n m 72Famg ms - � ° SUG aUn ±Qa» - \\� k \ § V $ \ _C�� \ k/ dk\ e�// E a G O sf �- '\ e } aj 2 U_ � - /■2 � 3 � G 0 % .C) L- n 006"913-3S6 y m w al M m m _ 2?M NW rl"o} ww!w o L � N O OBS anS'peoa aa�e9 6065 Z E d � wo y w v 3 Q i 3 � o- _ 45 o� o w a N a e w i o ocli r- a Z u E E � r^ Y ai c d `c m w al M m m _ L L � N O � m m N Ol u �'O J O L L � N O d f c `y a 3 0 Z E d � L d 3 � o- o� o w al m Z C u . ......... .... . 0 0� 0 3 O d O � > H a cn t m in �n A#£m : NSS 2 m 2� ■ tales mS _ suGw2unm2oa � � \\ \ / 2/a 0 \w CN CO 2i { cx /\/ o ) 2\ /j } � \\ \ 0 CN 2i { cx 006" 9S. M � d � c m Sp£SS NW'ePoPHUM o 0 o OBS aong' peon aaje9 BOBS C o o o a 3 1 Q I co 0 O ON ck! o 0 x� '��EJ 3 Y E E f cm o� o > ¢ — S Z tin F m a a o a O I O � C O � O m O �I C i-- 4- } Q � n �� z LL Q1 1 m 3 a m w IT v 3 ai .n E Qi C o_ o E � a � u v a, a o d 0 � o o v O � 0 3 a ct d d � c m o 0 ai �n 0 o o O c co 0 C2� x� O I d �I C / CD a o m a v Qi C o > Q o o N z GPD GROUP, INC. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS REPORT 370' Self -Support Tower 6111 Wildwood Boulevard Monticello, MN 55362 SBA Site Name: Monticello 2, MN SBA Site Number: MN 10250-A Nextera Wireless Site Name: NMTMONT Nextera Wireless Site ID: MONT GPD Project Number: 2018778.10250.13 Analysis Results Tower Components I 104.5% Sufficient* Foundation 85.9% Sufficient *Note: Capacities up to 105.0% are within customary engineering tolerances and are considered to be acceptable. Antenna Rotation Results (60 MPH Wind) Centerline Elevation (ft) Antenna I Sway (deg) I Twist (deg) 300 HP2-18 0.3686 0.0273 110 HP2-11 0.0817 0.0025 December 27, 2017 Respectfully submitted by: %It I I l I t// ..�o, , .... NN , �c.,� npt was prep t by a* or WWW my dVW y sttpemsiOA W that t am a duly LkQnscd _ - LICENSED znx PmIlessiona! Engineer under the la" of ttf9 U , PROFESSIONAL ; State Cf tyle iresma • ENGINEER a4QA� 51499 • T Ptint Name r�(it sa��raa , re ,17/ 8t@; 12/27/2017 UCeftSe Std�St 12/27/17 Christopher J. Scheks, P.E. Minnesota #: 51499 520 South Main Street . Suite 2531. Akron, Ohio 44311 .330-572-2100. Fax 330-572-2101 . www.GPDGroup.com GPD Group, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS TOWER DESCRIPTION TOWER LOADING COAX LAYOUT. ASSUMPTIONS SECTION RESULTS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES APPENDICES 1. TNXTOWER OUTPUT 2. ADDITIONAL CALCULATIONS /��- GPD PAGE NUMBER 1 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Executive Summary The purpose of this structural analysis is to verify whether the existing self-support tower is structurally capable of carrying the proposed antenna, dish, and coax loads as specified by Nextera Wireless to SBA. This report was commissioned by Mr. Tommy Parma of SBA. The existing structure and its foundations have been analyzed per the following requirements: Governing Code(s) Wind Speed* Wind Speed w/ Ice Radial Ice Thickness Risk Category Exposure Category Topographic Category TIA-222-G, 2012 IBC, ASCE 7-10 89 MPH Nominal 3 -Second Gust 50 MPH Nominal 3 -Second Gust 0.5" *Wind speed in nominal form is equivalent to a 115 MPH ultimate 3 -second gust. Conclusions & Recommendations The designs of the tower and its foundations are sufficient for the proposed loading configuration considering the above analysis criteria and will not require modification. "%- GPD SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Tower Description Remarks Source Original Tower Pirod Inc. File #: A-115346 Rev. E The existing 370' self-support tower is located in Monticello, MN. All structural information was obtained from a previous analysis performed by PiRod in May of 2002. The original design load for the towerwas for an 80 MPH basic wind speed with 1/2" of radial ice (w/ a 25% wind load reduction) per EIA/TIA-222-F. The tower was originally designed to hold the following: Geotechnical Report CPH Project #: 12-106 SBA Dated: 01/13/2012 Previous Structural Analysis Original Design Loading: Dated: 03/07/2017 Elevation Application Number of SBA Antenna Antenna Model # of Feed I Feedline (ft) Antennas Material Strength Manufacturer Legs Lines size (in) Solid Round Bracing Members 50 KSI Yield Strength 6 36 Yield Strength Unknown PD220 A325 370 6 Unknown DB809 12 1-5/8 1 6 Arm Halo 3 Unknown PD220 345 3 Unknown DB809 6 1-5/8 3 10' Rigid Side Arms 3 Unknown PD220 320 3 Unknown DB809 6 1-5/8 3 10' Rigid Side Arms 300 9 Unknown 4' x 1' Panel 3 T -Frames 9 I 1-5/8 255 1 Unknown 6' Solid Dish w/Radome 1 EW63 250 1 Unknown 8' Solid Dish w/Radome 1 EW63 230 I 9 Unknown 4' x 1' Panel 9 1-5/8 3 T -Frames 220 I 9 Unknown 4' x 1' Panel 3 T -Frames 9 I 1-5/8 200 3 Unknown DB809 3 I 1-5/8 1 Side Arm Documents Provided: Document Type Remarks Source Original Tower Pirod Inc. File #: A-115346 Rev. E & Foundation Drawings Dated: 01/08/1999 SBA Foundation Investigation FDH Project #: 1105311 EN1 SBA Dated: 0111012012 Geotechnical Report CPH Project #: 12-106 SBA Dated: 01/13/2012 Previous Structural Analysis GPD Project #: 2017778.10250.12 I SBA Dated: 03/07/2017 Application SBA Application #: 73868, v1 SBA Dated: 12/01/2017 Tower Materials: Structural Components Material Strength Legs 50 KSI Yield Strength Solid Round Bracing Members 50 KSI Yield Strength Angle Bracing Members 36 Yield Strength Member Bolts A325 Anchor Bolts ASTM A687 (105 KSI Yield Strength) /�- GPD SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Tower Loading The following data shows the major loading that the tower supports. All existing, leased, and proposed loading information was provided by SBA or taken from the previous structural analysis. Existing/Leased Loading Carrier American Messaging Unknown AT&T 347.0 Nextera Center Wireless Mounting Line # of Level (ft) Elevation Antennas I BCD87010 Omni (ft) 323.0 I 370.0 377.0 I 1 1 1 370.0 1 347.0 Nextera Antenna/Mount Model Wireless 330.0 Educational Media 327.0 Foundation I BCD87010 Omni Abandoned 323.0 I Nextera I 10' Omni Wireless 316.0 Abandoned 258.0 I Sprint 211.0 T -Mobile 200.0 s //��- G P D 347.0 330.0 327.0 323.0 316.0 258.0 211.5 211.0 200.0 1 I I 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 1 1 3 AntennaI Antenna/Mount Model # of Coax Size Manufact. Coax (in) Antel I BCD87010 Omni I 10' Omni 2 1-5/8 Halo Mount I I CCI HPA-65R-BUU-H4 I CCI I HPA-65R-BUU-H8 I Cellmax ICMA-BTLBHH/6516/20/20/RETI Kathrein I 80010766 I Kathrein I 800 10891 K6 I Powerwave I TT08-19DB111-001 Alcatel -Lucent I RRH2x40-AWS 6 1-5/8 Alcatel -Lucent RRH4x25-WCS 6 0.82 DC Alcatel -Lucent I RRH2x40-07-L 2 1/2 Fiber Alcatel -Lucent 1 B25 RRH4x30 I Alcatel -Lucent I UMTS 1900 60W I Raycap I DC6-48-60-0-8F I Raycap I DC6-48-60-18-8F I Andrew I MTC 3606 Sector Mount I Til -Tek TA -5705H-14-90 I Alvarion 824923 I 1 1/2 Pipe Mount I RFS 1 CPF500-1 FM Antenna Pipe Mount 1 7/8 I Standoff I - - Alvarion I AN1253 I Alvarion I AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU I 2 3/8 Cat 5 Pipe Mount Standoff - - KMW I ET-X-TS-70-15-62-18-iR-RD I KMW I ET-X-WM-18-65-8P I Samsunq I RRH-C2A w/ Filter Samsunq I RRH-P4 Samsung I 2.5GHz RRH-V3 4 1.82 I Power Junction Cylinder I Optic Fiber Junction Cylinder I Sector Mount I Commscope I DBXNH-6565B-A2M I Andrew I TMBXX-6517-A2M Andrew I ETW200VS12UB 1 NSN I FXFB 1 12 1-5/8 NSN I FRIG 1 1 1.58 Raycap 1 RNSDC-1906-PF-48 1 1/2 Andrew I VHLP2-18 I Sector Mount Note SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Existing/Leased Loading (Continued) /��- G PD Center Carrier Mounting Line # of Antenna Antenna/Mount Model # of Coax Size Note Level (ft) Elevation Antennas Manufact. Coax (in) (ft) 3 Amphenol BXA-70040-8CF-EDIN-X 6 Commscope I LNX-6515DS-A1 M 6 I Commscope I HBXX-6516DS-A2M 3 Commscope E15R05P19 Verizon 172.0 172.0 I 6 ADC I DB-1900DD-FULL-DIN I 6 15/8 6 CSS I DBC -750 I 6 I Ericsson I RRUS-12 w/ Solar Shield 1 1.27 1 I Commscope RC2DC-3315-PF-48 I 2 I Commscope I RXXDC-1064-PF-48 3 I I Sector Mounts Nextera 1 I Radio Waves I SP2-5.2 Wireless 110.0 110.0 I 1 I Alvarion I BreezeNET B100 1 3/8 Cat 5 I 1 I I Pipe Mount Educational 1 I Scala I CL-FMRX/VRM/50N Media 102.0 102.0 1 1/2 Foundation 1 I Pipe Mount Final Proposed Loading Configuration Center Carrier Mounting Line # of Antenna Antenna/Mount Model # of Coax Size Note Level (ft) Elevation Antennas Manufact. Coax (in) (ft) 1 Alvarion AN1253 1 I Radwin RW -9061-5001 316.0 316.0 1 I Alvarion AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU I 2 3/8 Cat 5 1 I Radwin I Radwin 5000 BS I 2 I I Pipe Mount I Nextera I 1 I Radio Waves I HP2-18 Wireless 300.0 300.0 I 1 I DragonWave I Duo I 1 7/8 1 1 I I Pipe Mount I 1 I Radwin I RW -9061-5001 I 1 I Radio Waves I HP2-11 110.0 110.0 I 1 I DragonWave I Duo 1 3/8 LMR 400 1 I Radwin I Radwin 5000 BS 1 3/8 Cat 5 I 2 I I Pipe Mount Notes: 1) This represents the final loading configuration for Nextera Wireless. See the next page for the proposed coax layout. /��- G PD Proposed Coax Configuration A 331° SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A C % 9 10 11 B 211° 91° # CARRIER SIZE QTY. ELEVATION 1 American Messaging 1-5/8" 2 370' 2 AT&T 1-5/8" 6 348' 3 AT&T 1/2" 2 348' 4 AT&T 0.82" 6 348' 5 I Educational Media Foundation 7/8" 1 I 327' 6 I Nextera Wireless I 3/8" 2 I 316- 7 I Nextera Wireless I 7/8" 1 I 300' 8 I Sprint 1.82" I 4 I 211' 9 T -Mobile 1-5/8" I 12 I 200' 10 T -Mobile I 1/2" I 1 I 200' 11 I T -Mobile I 1.58" I 1 I 200' 12 I Verizon I 1-5/8" I 6 I 172- 13 Verizon I 7/8" I 9 I 172' 14 Verizon 1.27" I 1 I 172' 15 I Nextera Wireless 3/8" & 3/8" 11 & 1 I 110' 16 I Educational Media Foundation I 1/2 " I 1 I 102' GPD NOTES Fiber DC Power Cat 5 Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid Cat 5 & Proposed LMR 400 SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Assumptions This structural analysis is based on the theoretical capacity of the members and is not a condition assessment of the tower. This analysis is from information supplied, and therefore, its results are based on and are as accurate as that supplied data. GPD has made no independent determination, nor is it required to, of its accuracy. The following assumptions were made for this structural analysis. 1) Tower and structures were built in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 2) The tower and structures have been maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specification. 3) The configuration of antennas, transmission cables, mounts and other appurtenances are as specified in the Existing/Leased Loading and Proposed Loading Tables, and the specified documents. 4) All mounts, if applicable, are considered adequate to support the loading. No actual analysis of the mount(s) is performed. This analysis is limited to analyzing the tower only. 5) Mount sizes, weights, and manufacturers are best estimates based on photos provided and determined without the benefit of a recent site visit by GPD. 6) All member connections and foundation steel reinforcing are assumed designed to meet or exceed the load carrying capacity of the connected member and surrounding soils respectively unless otherwise specified in this report. 7) Existing coax have been modeled based on the previous structural analysis and site photos. 8) Proposed coax shall be installed as illustrated in this report. 9) Tower leg azimuths have been estimated with the use of satellite imagery software. If any of these assumptions are not valid or have been made in error, this analysis may be affected, and GPD should be allowed to review any new information to determine its effect on the structural integrity of the tower. ",#- GPD Tower Section Results Section No. T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 T13 T14 T15 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T7 T11 T1 T2 T3 T8 T1 T2 T3 *N Elevation ft 370-350 350-330 330-310 310-300 300-280 280-260 260-250 250-240 240-220 220-200 200- 180 180-160 160-140 140-120 120-100 100-80 80-60 60-40 40-20 20-0 370-350 350-330 330-310 310-300 300-280 280-260 260-250 250-240 240-220 220-200 200- 180 180-160 160-140 140-120 120-100 100-80 80-60 60-40 40-20 20-0 260-250 200-180 370-350 350-330 330-310 250-240 370-350 350-330 330-310 )te: Capacitie! "W GPD Capacity Summary of Structural Components Component Size Critical P Type I 118 Element K Lep 1 1/2 2 -21.15 Leg 2 60 -71.34 Lep 21/2 116 -127.63 Lep I Pirod 105245 173 -130.03 Lep I Pirod 105218 182 -154.63 Leg Pirod 105218 197 -176.75 1 Leg Pirod 105219 212 1 -185.18 1 Lep Pirod 105219 1 224 I -199.05 1 Lep I Pirod 105219 1 236 1 -225.09 1 Lep I Pirod 105220 1 252 1 -253.30 1 Leg I Pirod 105220 1 267 1 -288.26 1 Lep I Pirod 112743 1 288 1 -316.02 Lep I Pirod 112743 1 297 1 -362.36 Lep I Pirod 112744 1 306 1 -406.25 I Leg I Pirod 112744 315 1 -449.78 I Lep I Pirod 112745 324 1 -494.64 I Lep I Pirod 112745 I 333 1 -538.46 I Lep I Pirod 112745 I 342 1 -581.25 I Lep I Pirod 114683 E 351 -626.50 Lep I Pirod 114685 360 I -665.69 I Diagonal i 3/4 I 13 I -1.97 I Diagonal I 7/8 I 69 5.10 I Diagonal I 1 169 -5.96 I Diagonal I L21/2x21/2x3/16 180 I -5.74 I Diagonal I L21/2x21/2x3/16 I 187 I -4.61 I Diagonal I L3x3x3/16 I 202 I -5.00 I Diagonal I L3x3x5/16 I 216 I -7.59 I Diagonal I L3x3x5/16 I 231 I -5.88 I Diagonal I L3x3x5/16 241 I -6.12 Diagonal I L31/2x31/2x5/16 255 I -8.15 Diagonal I L4x4x1/4 I 279 I -11.68 1 Diagonal 12L31/2x31/2x5/16x3/8 291 I -16.54 I Diagonal 1 2L31/2x31/2x5/16x3/8 300 I -18.12 I Diagonal 12L31/2x31/2x5/16x3/8 I 309 I -18.17 Diagonal 12L31/2x31/2x5/16x3/8 I 318 I -19.13 I Diagonal 1 2L31/2x31/2x5/16x3/8 I 327 I -19.90 I Diagonal 121-31/2x31/2x5/16x3/8 I 336 1 -20.37 I Diagonal I 2L31/2x31/2x5/16x3/8 I 345 1 -21.45 I Diagonal I 2L4x4x1/4x3/8 I 354 I -21.19 Diagonal I 2L4x4x1/4x3/8 1 363 I -22.88 Secondary Horizontal Secondary Horizontal Top Girt Top Girt Top Girt Top Girt Bottom Girt Bottom Girt Bottom Girt up to 105.0% ar, L3x3x5/16 I 220 L4x4x1/4 275 7/8 I 5 7/8 I 62 1 I 118 L4x4x1/4 I 228 7/8 I 7 7/8 1 64 1 l 123 -3.21 OPwk, K 52.13 111.47 189.73 214.86 300.68 300.68 399.87 399.87 399.87 512.38 512.38 613.14 613.14 741.99 741.99 883.14 883.14 883.14 1036.61 967.23 5.92 9.30 15.19 13.56 10.95 14.96 21.57 19.30 15.58 20.54 22.92 41.46 37.24 33.50 30.20 27.29 24.72 22.45 24.57 21.90 31.60 SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 % Capacity 40.6 64.0 67.3 60.5 51.4 58.8 46.3 49.8 56.3 49.4 56.3 51.5 59.1 54.8 60.6 56.0 61.0 65.8 60.4 68.8 33.3 54.8 39.3 42.3 42.1 33.4 35.2 30.5 39.3 39.7 51.0 39.9 48.6 54.2 63.4 72.9 82.4 95.5 86.2 104.5 10.2 Pass/ Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass* Pass -5.00 I 28.71 I 17.4 I Pass -0.91 I 6.14 14.8 I Pass -0.50 I 6.23 8.1 1 Pass -1.63 8.48 I 19.2 Pass -3.33 20.92 I 15.9 I Pass -0.91 I 6.14 14.8 I Pass -2.00 I 4.93 40.5 Pass -1.55 I 6.88 I 22.5 I Pass I I Summary I I I I I I I I I within customary engineering tolerances and Lep (T20) I 68.8 Diagonal (T20) I 104.5 Secondary 17.4 Horizontal (T11) Top Girt (T3) I 19.2 Bottom Girt (T2) 40.5 Bolt Checks I 63.4 RATING = I 104.5 are considered to be acceptable Pass Pass* Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass* SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Additional Capacities Notes Component Elevation % Capacity Pass/ Fail Anchor Rods 0 46.1 Pass Tower Base Foundation 0 85.9 Pass -�,, CP SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Disclaimer of Warranties GPD has not performed a site visit to the tower to verify the member sizes or antenna/coax loading. If the existing conditions are not as represented on the tower elevation contained in this report, we should be contacted immediately to evaluate the significance of the discrepancy. This is not a condition assessment of the tower or foundation. This report does not replace a full tower inspection. The tower and foundations are assumed to have been properly fabricated, erected, maintained, in good condition, twist free, and plumb. The engineering services rendered by GPD in connection with this Structural Analysis are limited to a computer analysis of the tower structure and theoretical capacity of its main structural members. No allowance was made for any damaged, bent, missing, loose, or rusted members (above and below ground). No allowance was made for loose bolts or cracked welds. This analysis is limited to the designated maximum wind and seismic conditions per the governing tower standards and code. Wind forces resulting in tower vibrations near the structure's resonant frequencies were not considered in this analysis and are outside the scope of this analysis. Lateral loading from any dynamic response was not evaluated under a time -domain based fatigue analysis. GPD does not analyze the fabrication of the structure (including welding). It is not possible to have all the very detailed information needed to perform a thorough analysis of every structural sub -component and connection of an existing tower. GPD provides a limited scope of service in that we cannot verify the adequacy of every weld, plate connection detail, etc. The purpose of this report is to assess the capability of adding appurtenances usually accompanied by transmission lines to the structure. It is the owner's responsibility to determine the amount of ice accumulation in excess of the code specified amount, if any, that should be considered in the structural analysis. The attached sketches are a schematic representation of the analyzed tower. If any material is fabricated from these sketches, the contractor shall be responsible for field verifying the existing conditions, proper fit, and clearance in the field. Any mentions of structural modifications are reasonable estimates and should not be used as a precise construction document. Precise modification drawings are obtainable from GPD, but are beyond the scope of this report. Miscellaneous items such as antenna mounts, etc., have not been designed or detailed as a part of our work. We recommend that material of adequate size and strength be purchased from a reputable tower manufacturer. Towers are designed to carry gravity, wind, and ice loads. All members, legs, diagonals, struts, and redundant members provide structural stability to the tower with little redundancy. Absence or removal of a member can trigger catastrophic failure unless a substitute is provided before any removal. Legs carry axial loads and derive their strength from shorter unbraced lengths by the presence of redundant members and their connection to the diagonals with bolts or welds. If the bolts or welds are removed without providing any substitute to the frame, the leg is subjected to a higher unbraced length that immediately reduces its load carrying capacity. If a diagonal is also removed in addition to the connection, the unbraced length of the leg is greatly increased, jeopardizing its load carrying capacity. Failure of one leg can result in a tower collapse because there is no redundancy. Redundant members and diagonals are critical to the stability of the tower. GPD makes no warranties, expressed and/or implied, in connection with this report and disclaims any liability arising from material, fabrication, and erection of this tower. GPD will not be responsible whatsoever for, or on account of, consequential or incidental damages sustained by any person, firm, or organization as a result of any data or conclusions contained in this report. The maximum liability of GPD pursuant to this report will be limited to the total fee received for preparation of this report. /��- GPD SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Ties TONER OUTPUT �P� 370.0 R DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING I N m m j TYPE ELEVATION j TYPE ELEVATION j 360.0 It j Ughtning Rod 6'x 0.75" 370RRH-, P4 _ 211 _.. _ - --- w Flash Beacon 370 RRH-P4 211 � 1 N > �BCD87010 370 RRH-P4 211 � F' 0_ N � � � ,10' Omni 370 12.5 GHz RRH•V3 271 V N - --_-_--_._T.. 330.0 ft Pirotl 22' Halo Mount 370 2.5 GHz RRH-V3 _ 211 - - N m j rCommscope MTC 3606 Sector 347 12.5 GHz RRH-V3 C 1211 Frames (3) a -.� Power Junction Cylinder '211 _ ro w w w , HPA-65R-BUU-H4 w/ Mount Pipe 347 power Junction Cylinder _ w ¢ -- - --- Y-..._ _. Z _ 310.0 ft HPA-65R-BUU-HB w/ Mount Pipe 347 Power Junction Cylinder 211 HPA-65R-BULLHS w/ Mount Pipe 347 Optic Fiber Junction Cylinder 121i - 300.0itCMA•BTLBHHl6516/20/20IREr w/ 347 Optic Fiber Junction Cylinder 1211 F NIS -m-� H ft Mount Pipe I m xx ! i m j ' LBHH/651620/20/RET w/- .. 347 Optic Fiber Junction Cylinder --211 I Mount Pipe - , LeBlanc 13' Wireless Mount (3) 211 --. _- - - - - DBXNH-65656-A2M w/ Mount PiPe 200 CM BACM BA�TI-BBHH/6516/20/20/RETw/ .347 �_ d m_ 280.0 ft 1 Mount Pipe - DBXNH-6565&A2M w/ Mount Pipe 200 �o Z - DBXNH-65658-A2M w/ Mount Pie 200 800 10766 w/ Mount Pipe 1347 - -- P 800 10766 w/ Mount Pipe --- 347 ----' (2) TMBXX-6517•A2M wl Mount Pipe 1200 - - --- � 2 TMBXX-6517-.M w/ Mount Pi 200 x � ( 800 10766 wl Mount Pipe 11347 () Pe ft 800 10891 K6---------_---1347 - 1(2) TMBXX-6517-A2M w/ Mount Pipe 200 8 - _ ETW20OVS12UB 1800 10891 K6 1347 _ �- o 2500 ft t 0010891 K6 -347 --- ETW20OVS12UB 1200 1I� --- ETW2 - 12US ------i200 - -"- N ` I w ! \� 'Pipe Mount 6'x2.375' _ 347 '-I o _ . - ---------- -- Pipe Mount 6x2.375" 347_ ---. 200_ i ipe Mount 6x2.375" 347 FXFB 200 -- J o• 1 1 Z - 17708-19DB111-1101 347 FXFB --. 200 _- - FRIG ,200 1 1 I d l 1TT08.19DBi11-001 1347 220.0 It TT08-19DB111-001 347 - --- FRIG ---- 0- ` IRRH2x40-AWS 347 FRIG___ -- -�1-200__ 1RRF12x40.AWS - --- 347-_ -- RNSNDC 1906-PF•48 201 0 --- __ --- -._- PipeMount 6x2.375". -.- ----1200 N j RRH2x40.AWS 347 _ -- -----� o 200.0 ft I -------- ----' __- -Pipe Mount 6'x2.375270 - I RRH4x25-WCS 34Pipe 6x2.376' 12GO iE x x re i RRH4x25_WCS 347 VHLP2-18 - - - - 200 --- a - - --.. _..- • - --- - - � RRH2x40x07-L ---- 247 _-- Pirotl 10' Lt Wt T-Frame (3) 1200 _ Q -__ _ _ 1.80,0 ft_ r -�r��1 RRH2x40x07-L 347 - - - - - Ice Shield (12" x 17)-_ - 186 lee Shield (12" x 12') 1825 RH4X30 134 185 ,B25RRH4X30 1347 9 o ____ _ {I- 160.0 ft 1 B25 RRH4X30 3q7 - " SXA-70040/8CF-EDIN-X w/ Mount -x,172 a, -..--- (2) UMTS 1900 60W RRH " 347 Pipe , re ---- - n (2)UMTS 190060W RRH 7342 Pipe te040I8CF-EDIN-Xw/Mount 2 a z 70 7� 7 , (2) UMTS 1900 BOW RRH 947 _ - (2) LNX-651508-A1M w/ Mount Pipe 1172 _ 140.0 ftDC6-48-60.0.8F Surge Suppressor 347 1 -- 1 N 1 Unit (2) LNX-6515DSA1M w/ Mount Pipe _ 172 DC6-48-60.18-8F Surge Suppressi n 347 (2) LNX-6515DSAtM w! Mount Pipe 172 -- b Unit (2) HBXX 6516DS-A2M w/ Mount Pipe .172 o "' z 1 120.0 it ALL REACTIO¢DC6-48-60-18-8F Surge Suppression ;347 (2� •6516DSA2M w/ Mount Pipe 172 _ - d -- ARE FACTORA Unit (2) HM-6516DSA2M w/ Mount Pipe 172 o N Pipe Mount 6'x4.5" 327 E15R05P19 .172 _- -- r - -- - - - -- -- ---- T------- ------ -- - - MAX. CORNE�cPF-500 ,327 IEI5ROSP19 172 • i ----- - ' - - - - ...------- N - DOWN: 68q Pirotl- 6'-8" Box Arm---- (1) 7323 E15ROSP19 172 _ _ __ _ 700_.0_ ft I _ _ SHEAR: 71 Pipe Mount 6x2.375"'323 I(2)DB-1900DD-FULL-DIN 172 NI __--. -. _- - N AN1253 w/ MouM Pipe 316 (2) D& 1900DD-FULL-DIN 172 N m UPLIFT.-5RW-9061-5001 wl Mount -P-iP--e 1316 _-(2) D&1-900D0.F---UL-"L---- DIN 172 80.0 fl �AU D-BS5.8 ODU 316 _-- - ----_� AXIAL j Ra In 5000 BS -- -_ _-_ 316-- (2) DBC-750-- ~ N - Deo 30� Pi Mount 3'x2.375 300 ' 172 357 K __ - _.. __- - _ _ (2) RRUS12 wl Solar Shield a HP2-18 300 1(2) RRUS-12 wl Solar Shield 172 " 60.0 fl --,\ Pipe Mount 6'x2.375 __ 258 __ (2) RRUS-12 w/ Solar ShieldSHEj 172 35 KAR \ Irod 6'-8"Box Arm (1) -_ _L258.__-_- 1RC2DC-331SPF-48 _-_ 172,-_ o III--- - ET X 78741862 18 IR RD w/ Mount 211 RXXDC 1064PF 48-_ -_ 172 1 l Pipe _ RXXDG-1064-PF-48 172 ; 40.0 it TORQUE 11 ki ET-X-TS741S82-18-iR-RD w/Mount 211 1 -- '-N-{, ----. _- K � Pirotl 15' T Frame (3) 1172 h WIND - 0.500 Pipe 50 m ----- - - - --- p ET-X-TS-70-RD w/-Mount -_-- l3XA-70040l8CF-EDIN-Xw/Mount 1172 AXIAL ,Pie 271 Pipe _-- r _ 20.0 R ET-X-WM-18-65-8P w/ Mount Pipe 1271 --- - -- - -------- Com 162 K P - - - - ----- Duo 110 . J, Radwin 5000 BS _ 110____ i ET X-WM-18-65.8P w/ Mount Pipe 1211 Pipe Mount 3'x2.375" 110 x � m / \ ., - -- -- -- C O ET X-WM-18.65.8P w/ Mount Pipe 211 HP2-11 - - --- 110 SHEAR N 111 K� RRH-C2Aw/EXT FILTER 211,RW-9081-5001 wl Mount Pipe _ .110 -_ -- 0.0 ft / " \" RRH-C2Aw/ EXT FILTER -- _ 1211 - -I -__-ICL-FMRXNRMI50N -- L 102 TORQUE 32 ki RRH•c2Awl EXT FILTER 211. o F --- - - LPipe Mount Tx2.376' x102 - -. IT a ` REACTIONS - 89 mp " E _ A Z S SYMBOL LIST re r a �' L MARK SIZE I MARK I SIZE re m LL A IPirod 105245 D L31/2x31/2x5/16 � � o ❑ r- in 8 'Pirotl 114683 E_ -"-- �- ----- _ t E L4x4x1/4 I C IPirod 114685 F L3x3x5/16 Job: GPD MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 Project: 2018778.10250.13 Client: Drawn by: App'd: Akron, Ohio 44311 _SBA bfranczkowski Phone: (330) 572-2100 code: TIA-222-G (Date: 12/27/17 Scale: NTS FAX: (330) 572-2101 Path. Tr3BAlfb1501]S NeHere MrehssUmWN1026AOB M timib3 MN Na eraNAre6ss. Dwg No. E-1 �I Jobx.ToweMN10250-A Monticello 2, MN GPD I Project 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 Akron, Ohio 44311I Client Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA FAX.- (330) 572-2101 Tower Input Data Page 1 of 13 Date 13:10:44 12/27/17 Designed by bfranczkowski The main tower is a 3x free standing tower with an overall height of 370.00 ft above the ground line. The base of the tower is set at an elevation of 0.00 ft above the ground line. The face width of the tower is 4.00 ft at the top and 36.00 ft at the base. This tower is designed using the TIA-222-G standard. The following design criteria apply: Tower is located in Wright County, Minnesota. Basic wind speed of 89 mph. Structure Class Il. Exposure Category C. Topographic Category 1. Crest Height 0.00 ft. Nominal ice thickness of 0.5000 in. Ice thickness is considered to increase with height. Ice density of 56 pcf. A wind speed of 50 mph is used in combination with ice. Temperature drop of 50 °F. Deflections calculated using a wind speed of 60 mph. A non-linear (P -delta) analysis was used. Pressures are calculated at each section. Stress ratio used in tower member design is 1. Local bending stresses due to climbing loads, feed line supports, and appurtenance mounts are not considered. Consider Moments - Legs Consider Moments - Horizontals Consider Moments - Diagonals Use Moment Magnification Use Code Stress Ratios Use Code Safety Factors - Guys Escalate Ice Always Use Max Kz Use Special Wind Profile Include Bolts In Member Capacity Leg Bolts Are At Top Of Section Secondary Horizontal Braces Leg Use Diamond Inner Bracing (4 Sided) SR Members Have Cut Ends SR Members Are Concentric Options Distribute Leg Loads As Uniform Assume Legs Pinned J Assume Rigid Index Plate J Use Clear Spans For Wind Area 4 Use Clear Spans For KL/r Retension Guys To Initial Tension 4 Bypass Mast Stability Checks 4 Use Azimuth Dish Coefficients 4 Project Wind Area of Appurt. Autocalc Torque Arm Areas Add IBC .6D+W Combination J Sort Capacity Reports By Component Triangulate Diamond Inner Bracing Treat Feed Line Bundles As Cylinder Use ASCE 10 X -Brace Ly Rules Calculate Redundant Bracing Forces Ignore Redundant Members in FEA SR Leg Bolts Resist Compression All Leg Panels Have Same Allowable Offset Girt At Foundation Consider Feed Line Torque Include Angle Block Shear Check Use TIA-222-G Bracing Resist. Exemption Use TIA-222-G Tension Splice Exemption Poles Include Shear -Torsion Interaction Always Use Sub -Critical Flow Use Top Mounted Sockets ItnxTower Job PageMN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 2 of 13 GPD I Project 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 Akron, Ohio 44311I Client Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA FAX.- (330) 572-2101 Date 13:10:44 12/27/17 Designed by bfranczkowski Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances - Entered As Round Or Flat Description Face -. Allow ---- _.-------- Component Placement Face Lateral # # Clear Width or Perimeter Weight or Shield Type Offset Offset Per Spacing Diameter Leg in (Frac FW) Row in in in plf T -Bracket A No Af (CaAa) 348.00 - 8.00 -10.0000 0.45 1 1 3.0000 3.0000 5.00 LDF7-50A A No At (CaAa) 348.00 - 8.00 -10.0000 0.45 6 4 1.0000 1.9800 0.82 (1-5/8 FOAM) 1/2" Fiber A No Ar (CaAa) 348.00 - 8.00 -10.0000 0.465 1 1 0.6300 0.6300 0.15 Cable 0.82" DC A No Ar (CaAa) 348.00 - 8.00 -6.0000 0.46 6 3 0.8840 0.8840 0.33 Power 1/2" Fiber B No Ar (CaAa) 348.00 - 8.00 3.0000 -0.485 1 1 0.6300 0.6300 0.15 Cable T -Bracket B No Af (CaAa) 211.00 - 8.00 5.0000 -0.5 1 1 3.0000 3.0000 5.00 1.82" Hybrid B No At (CaAa) 211.00 - 8.00 3.0000 -0.5 4 4 1.0000 1.8200 1.00 Fiber Cable *** T -Bracket C No Af (CaAa) 327.00 - 8.00 -11.0000 -0.425 1 1 3.0000 3.0000 7.50 LDF5-50A C No At (CaAa) 327.00 - 8.00 -11.0000 -0.4 1 1 1.0000 1.0900 0.33 (7/8 FOAM) LDF4-50A C No At (CaAa) 102.00 - 8.00 -10.0000 -0.4 1 1 0.6300 0.6300 0.15 (1/2 FOAM) LDF7-50A C No Ar (CaAa) 370.00 - 8.00 -8.0000 -0.4 2 2 0.5000 1.9800 0.82 (1-5/8 FOAM) 3/8" Cat 5 C No At (CaAa) 316.00 - 110.00 -8.0000 -0.45 2 2 0.2638 0.3750 0.15 3/8" Cat 5 C No Ar (CaAa) 110.00 - 8.00 -8.0000 -0.45 3 3 0.2638 0.3750 0.15 LMR -400 C No Ar (CaAa) 110.00 - 8.00 -8.0000 -0.45 1 1 0.4050 0.4050 0.07 (3/8") LDF5-50A C No At (CaAa) 300.00 - 8.00 -8.0000 -0.45 1 1 1.0900 1.0900 0.33 (7/8 FOAM) LDF7-50A C No Ar (CaAa) 200.00 - 8.00 -12.0000 -0.425 13 7 1.0000 1.9800 0.82 (1-5/8 FOAM) LDF4-50A C No At (CaAa) 200.00 - 8.00 -12.0000 -0.425 1 l 0.6300 0.6300 0.15 (1/2 FOAM) T -Bracket C No Af (CaAa) 172.00 - 8.00 -11.0000 0.45 1 1 3.0000 3.0000 5.00 LDF7-50A C No Ar (CaAa) 172.00 - 8.00 -11.0000 0.43 6 3 1.0000 1.9800 0.82 (1-5/8 FOAM) LDF5-50A C No Ar (CaAa) 172.00 - 8.00 -10.0000 0.45 9 5 1.0000 1.0900 0.33 (7/8 FOAM) RFA1608-16S C No Ar (CaAa) 172.00 - 8.00 -11.0000 0.435 1 1 1.0000 1.2700 1.30 26-100 Discrete Tower Loads Description C13AA CAAA Weight Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft o ft ft, jlz K ft ft Lightning Rod 6'x 0.75" C From Leg 0.00 0.0000 370.00 No Ice 0.45 0.45 0.09 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.06 1.06 0.09 3.00 Flash Beacon B None 0.0000 370.00 No Ice 3.00 3.00 0.10 *** 1/2" Ice 4.50 4.50 0.15 WxTower GPD 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 Akron, Ohio 44311 Phone: (330) 572-2100 FAX.- (330) 572-2101 Job MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN Project 2018778.10250.13 Client SBA Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement CAAA or Type Harz Adjustment Front Leg Lateral Vert ✓t ' ft 'nrJ ✓" ft ft BCD87010 B From Leg 6.00 0.0000 370.00 No Ice 2.98 0.00 1/2" Ice 4.12 7.00 10' Omni A From Leg 6.00 0.0000 370.00 No Ice 2.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.02 7.00 Pirod 22' Halo Mount C None 0.0000 370.00 No Ice 70.47 1/2" Ice 100.14 Commscope MTC 3606 A None 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 34.80 Sector Frames (3) 1/2" Ice 47.30 HPA-65R-BUU-H4 w/ C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 6.91 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 7.32 0.00 HPA-65R-BUU-H8 w/ A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 13.05 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 13.66 0.00 HPA-65R-BUU-H8 w/ B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 13.05 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 13.66 0.00 CMA-BTLBHH/6516/20/20/ A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 11.58 RET w/ Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 12.26 0.00 CMA-BTLBH14/6516/20/20/ B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 11.58 RET w/ Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 12.26 0.00 CMA-BTLBHH/6516/20/20/ C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 11.58 RET w/ Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 12.26 0.00 800 10766 w/ Mount Pipe A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 11.31 0.00 1/2" Ice 11.93 0.00 800 10766 w/ Mount Pipe B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 11.31 0.00 1/2" Ice 11.93 0.00 800 10766 w/ Mount Pipe C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 11.31 0.00 1/2" Ice 11.93 0.00 800 10891 K6 A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 11.30 0.00 1/2" Ice 11.90 0.00 800 10891 K6 B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 11.30 0.00 1/2" Ice 11.90 0.00 800 10891 K6 C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 11.30 0.00 1/2" Ice 11.90 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.00 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.00 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.00 0.00 TT08-19DB111-001 A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.79 Page 3of13 Date 13:10:44 12/27/17 Designed by bfranczkowski CAAA Weight Side ft, K 2.98 0.03 4.12 0.04 2.00 0.03 3.02 0.04 70.47 3.08 100.14 4.50 34.80 1.25 47.30 2.19 5.07 0.05 5.68 0.10 9.42 0.09 10.82 0.19 9.42 0.09 10.82 0.19 7.41 0.11 8.60 0.20 7.41 0.11 8.60 0.20 7.41 0.11 8.60 0.20 8.70 0.09 10.11 0.17 8.70 0.09 10.11 0.17 8.70 0.09 10.11 0.17 5.69 0.08 6.18 0.14 5.69 0.08 6.18 0.14 5.69 0.08 6.18 0.14 1.43 0.03 1.92 0.04 1.43 0.03 1.92 0.04 1.43 0.03 1.92 0.04 0.64 0.02 tnxlo er Job MN10250-A Monticello 2, MPageN 4 of 13 GPD Project Date 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA bfranczkowski FAX.- (330) 572-2101 Description Face Offset Of,%sets. -AzimuthPlacement C{AA CAAA Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft o ft f12 ft, K ft ft 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.90 0.75 0.03 0.00 TT08-19DBI 11-001 B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.79 0.64 0.02 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.90 0.75 0.03 0.00 TT08-19DB111-001 C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.79 0.64 0.02 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.90 0.75 0.03 0.00 RRH2x40-AWS A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 2.16 1.42 0.04 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.36 1.59 0.06 0.00 RRH2x40-AWS B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 2.16 1.42 0.04 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.36 1.59 0.06 0.00 RRH2x40-AWS C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 2.16 1.42 0.04 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.36 1.59 0.06 0.00 RRH4x25-WCS A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 3.84 3.34 0.09 0.00 1/2" Ice 4.09 3.59 0.13 0.00 RRH4x25-WCS B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 3.84 3.34 0.09 0.00 1/2" Ice 4.09 3.59 0.13 0.00 RRH4x25-WCS C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 3.84 3.34 0.09 0.00 1/2" Ice 4.09 3.59 0.13 0.00 RRH2x40x07-L A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1.81 1.52 0.03 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.99 1.69 0.04 0.00 RRH2x40x07-L B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1.81 1.52 0.03 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.99 1.69 0.04 0.00 RRH2x40x07-L C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1.81 1.52 0.03 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.99 1.69 0.04 0.00 B25 RRH4X30 A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 2.20 1.74 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.39 1.92 0.08 0.00 B25 RRH4X30 B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 2.20 1.74 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.39 1.92 0.08 0.00 B25 RRH4X30 C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 2.20 1.74 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.39 1.92 0.08 0.00 (2) UMTS 1900 60W RRH A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1.83 1.27 0.05 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.01 1.42 0.06 0.00 (2) UMTS 1900 60W RRH B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1.83 1.27 0.05 0.00 I/2" Ice 2.01 1.42 0.06 0.00 (2) UMTS 1900 60W RRH C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1.83 1.27 0.05 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.01 1.42 0.06 0.00 DC6-48-60-0-8F Surge C From Leg 0.50 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.92 0.92 0.02 Suppression Unit 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.46 1.46 0.04 0.00 DC6-48-60-18-8F Surge A From Leg 0.50 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.92 0.92 0.02 tnx,, ower Job MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN Page5 of 13 GPD Project Date 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA bfranczkowski FAX.- (330) 572-2101 Description Face Offset Offsets. Azimuth Placement C.,A i CAA., Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft o ft ft. ft, K ft ft Suppression Unit 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.46 1.46 0.04 0.00 DC6-48-60-18-8F Surge B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.92 0.92 0.02 Suppression Unit 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.46 1.46 0.04 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'x4.5" B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 327.00 No Ice 1.82 1.82 0.07 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.62 2.62 0.09 0.00 CPF-500 B From Leg 1.00 0.0000 327.00 No Ice 2.00 2.00 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.04 3.04 0.06 *** 0.00 Pirod 6'-8" Box Arm (1) B From Face 3.33 0.0000 323.00 No Ice 4.50 4.50 0.21 0.00 1/2" Ice 9.87 9.87 0.28 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" B From Face 6.66 0.0000 323.00 No Ice 1.43 1.43 0.03 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.92 1.92 0.04 *** 0.00 *** AN1253 w/ Mount Pipe B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 316.00 No Ice 3.01 1.86 0.03 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.73 2.75 0.06 0.00 RW -9061-5001 w/ Mount B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 316.00 No Ice 1.48 0.77 0.01 Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.70 1.06 0.03 0.00 AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 316.00 No Ice 0.46 0.49 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.56 0.59 0.01 0.00 Radwin 5000 BS B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 316.00 No Ice 0.70 0.30 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.81 0.38 0.01 *** 0.00 Duo B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 300.00 No Ice 0.47 0.29 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.56 0.37 0.01 0.00 Pipe Mount 3'x2.375" B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 300.00 No Ice 0.58 0.58 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.77 0.77 0.02 *** 0.00 Pirod 6'-8" Box Arm (1) C From Leg 3.33 0.0000 258.00 No Ice 4.50 4.50 0.21 0.00 1/2" Ice 9.87 9.87 0.28 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" C From Leg 6.66 0.0000 258.00 No Ice 1.43 1.43 0.03 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.92 1.92 0.04 0.00 LeBlanc 13' Wireless Mount A None 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 26.69 26.69 1.08 (3) 1/2" Ice 37.60 37.60 1.49 ET-X-TS-70-15-62-18-iR-RD A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 8.71 6.69 0.07 w/ Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 9.36 7.97 0.14 0.50 ET-X-TS-70-15-62-18-iR-RD B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 8.71 6.69 0.07 W/ Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 9.36 7.97 0.14 0.50 ET-X-TS-70-15-62-18-iR-RD C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 8.71 6.69 0.07 WxTower Job Page MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 6 of 13 GPD Project Date 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA FAX.- (330) 572-2101 bfranczkowski Description Face OffsetOffsets: Azimuth Placement CAAA CAAA Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft 0ft ft, ft2 K ft ,ft w/ Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 9.36 7.97 0.14 0.50 ET-X-WM-18-65-8P w/ A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 6.68 4.17 0.05 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 7.08 4.86 0.10 0.50 ET-X-WM-18-65-8P w/ B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 6.68 4.17 0.05 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 7.08 4.86 0.10 0.50 ET-X-WM-18-65-8P w/ C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 6.68 4.17 0.05 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 7.08 4.86 0.10 0.50 RRH-C2A w/ EXT FILTER A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 3.1 I 1.38 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.33 1.55 0.08 0.50 RRH-C2A w/ EXT FILTER B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 3.11 1.38 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.33 1.55 0.08 0.50 RRH-C2A w/ EXT FILTER C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 3.11 1.38 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.33 1.55 0.08 0.50 RRH-P4 A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 2.74 1.79 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.95 1.97 0.08 0.50 RRH-P4 B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 2.74 1.79 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.95 1.97 0.08 0.50 RRH-P4 C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 2.74 1.79 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.95 1.97 0.08 0.50 2.5 GHz RRH-V3 A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 2.40 1.22 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.60 1.36 0.08 0.50 2.5 GHz RRH-V3 B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 2.40 1.22 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.60 1.36 0.08 0.50 2.5 GHz RRH-V3 C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 2.40 1.22 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.60 1.36 0.08 0.50 Power Junction Cylinder A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.29 0.29 0.01 0.50 Power Junction Cylinder B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.29 0.29 0.01 0.50 Power Junction Cylinder C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.29 0.29 0.01 0.50 Optic Fiber Junction Cylinder A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 0.21 0.21 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.30 0.30 0.01 0.50 Optic Fiber Junction Cylinder B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 0.21 0.21 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.30 0.30 0.01 0.50 Optic Fiber Junction Cylinder C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 0.21 0.21 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.30 0.30 0.01 0.50 t� xTowe Job Page MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 7 of 13 GPD Project Date 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA FAX. (330) 572-2101 bfranczkowski Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement _ CAAA CAAA Weight or Type Harz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft ft ft2 ft, K ft ft Pirod 10' Lt. Wt. T -Frame (3) A None 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 18.73 18.73 0.86 1/2" Ice 27.19 27.19 1.26 DBXNH-6565B-A2M w/ A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 8.41 7.08 0.07 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 8.97 8.27 0.14 0.00 DBXNH-6565B-A2M w/ B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 8.41 7.08 0.07 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 8.97 8.27 0.14 0.00 DBXNH-6565B-A2M w/ C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 8.41 7.08 0.07 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 8.97 8.27 0.14 0.00 (2) TMBXX-6517-A2M w/ A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 8.53 6.67 0.07 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 9.00 7.63 0.13 0.00 (2) TMBXX-6517-A2M w/ B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 8.53 6.67 0.07 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 9.00 7.63 0.13 0.00 (2) TMBXX-6517-A2M w/ C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 8.53 6.67 0.07 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 9.00 7.63 0.13 0.00 ETW200VS12UB A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 0.40 0.16 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.49 0.22 0.01 0.00 ETW200VS12UB B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 0.40 0.16 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.49 0.22 0.01 0.00 ETW200VS12UB C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 0.40 0.16 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.49 0.22 0.01 0.00 FXFB A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 3.54 1.02 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.77 1.17 0.08 0.00 FXFB B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 3.54 1.02 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.77 1.17 0.08 0.00 FXFB C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 3.54 1.02 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.77 1.17 0.08 0.00 FRIG A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 3.41 1.58 0.05 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.64 1.75 0.08 0.00 FRIG B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 3.41 1.58 0.05 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.64 1.75 0.08 0.00 FRIG C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 3.41 1.58 0.05 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.64 1.75 0.08 0.00 RNSNDC-1906-PF-48 C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 3.71 1.38 0.04 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.97 1.56 0.06 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 1.43 1.43 0.03 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.92 1.92 0.04 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 1.43 1.43 0.03 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.92 1.92 0.04 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 1.43 1.43 0.03 Wx�'( weJob Pager MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 8 of 13 GPD Project Date 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Ala -on, Ohio 44311 Client I Designed by Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA bfranczkowski FAX.- (330) 572-2101 Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement C'AA CAAA Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert n o ft ft, ft, K ft ft 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.92 1.92 0.04 0.00 Ice Shield (12" x 12") B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 186.00 No Ice 0.10 0.10 0.02 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.18 0.18 0.02 0.00 Side Light B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 185.00 No Ice 0.33 0.33 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.47 0.47 0.01 0.00 Ice Shield (12" x 12") C From Leg 0.50 0.0000 186.00 No Ice 0.10 0.10 0.02 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.18 0.18 0.02 0.00 Side Light C From Leg 0.50 0.0000 185.00 No Ice 0.33 0.33 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.47 0.47 0.01 0.00 •s* Pirod 1ST -Frame (3) A None 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 23.96 23.96 1.10 1/2" Ice 34.06 34.06 1.60 BYA-70040/8CF-EDIN-X w/ A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 22.05 9.97 0.08 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 22.84 11.39 0.21 0.00 BXA-70040/8CF-EDIN-X w/ B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 22.05 9.97 0.08 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 22.84 11.39 0.21 0.00 BXA-70040/8CF-EDIN-X w/ C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 22.05 9.97 0.08 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 22.84 11.39 0.21 0.00 (2) LNX-6515DS-A 1 M w/ A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 11.41 9.03 0.08 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 12.03 9.92 0.16 0.00 (2) LNX-6515DS-A I M w/ B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 11.41 9.03 0.08 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 12.03 9.92 0.16 0.00 (2) LNX-6515DS-A I M w/ C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 11.41 9.03 0.08 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 12.03 9.92 0.16 0.00 (2) HBXX-6516DS-A2M w/ A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 5.66 4.53 0.05 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 6.06 5.20 0.10 0.00 (2) HBXX-6516DS-A2M w/ B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 5.66 4.53 0.05 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 6.06 5.20 0.10 0.00 (2) HBXX-6516DS-A2M w/ C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 5.66 4.53 0.05 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 6.06 5.20 0.10 0.00 E15R05P19 A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 0.91 0.55 0.02 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.03 0.65 0.03 0.00 E15R05PI9 B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 0.91 0.55 0.02 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.03 0.65 0.03 0.00 E15R05P19 C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Iee 0.91 0.55 0.02 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.03 0.65 0.03 0.00 (2) DB-1900DD-FULL-DIN A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 1.29 0.32 0.02 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.44 0.42 0.02 0.00 WxTower GPD 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 Akron, Ohio 44311 Phone: (330) 572-2100 FAX.- (330) 572-2101 Job MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN Project 2018778.10250.13 Client SBA Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement Side or Type Horz Adjustment K No Ice Leg 0.32 Lateral 1/2" Ice 1.44 0.42 0.02 No Ice Vert 0.32 0.02 1/2" Ice 1.44 0.42 ft o ft 0.09 0.00 1/2" Ice ft 0.15 0.01 No Ice 0.43 0.09 .t 1/2" Ice 0.52 (2) DB-190ODD-FULL-DIN B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 1/2" Ice 0.52 0.15 0.00 No Ice 3.15 1.42 0.06 1/2" Ice 0.00 1.59 0.08 (2) DB-190ODD-FULL-DIN C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 1.59 0.08 No Ice 0.00 1.42 0.06 1/2" Ice 3.39 1.59 0.00 No Ice 3.79 (2) DBC -750 A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 1.35 1.35 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.50 1.50 0.03 No Ice 0.00 1.35 0.01 (2) DBC -750 B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.81 0.38 0.01 0.00 0.00 (2) DBC -750 C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 Pipe Mount Tx2.375" B From Leg 0.00 0.0000 102.00 No Ice 1.66 1.66 0.00 (2) RRUS-12 w/ Solar Shield A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 2.39 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 (2) RRUS-12 w/ Solar Shield B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 3.36 3.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 6.05 (2) RRUS-12 w/ Solar Shield C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 0.00 0.00 RC2DC-3315-PF-48 A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 0.00 0.00 RXXDC-1064-PF-48 B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 0.00 0.00 RXXDC-1064-PF-48 C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 0.00 0.00 Page 9of13 Date 13:10:44 12/27/17 Designed by bfranczkowski Pipe Mount 3 x2.375" CAAA CAAA Weight 0.0000 Front Side 0.58 0.58 jt, ft, K No Ice 1.29 0.32 0.02 1/2" Ice 1.44 0.42 0.02 No Ice 1.29 0.32 0.02 1/2" Ice 1.44 0.42 0.02 No Ice 0.43 0.09 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.52 0.15 0.01 No Ice 0.43 0.09 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.52 0.15 0.01 No Ice 0.43 0.09 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.52 0.15 0.01 No Ice 3.15 1.42 0.06 1/2" Ice 3.39 1.59 0.08 No Ice 3.15 1.42 0.06 1/2" Ice 3.39 1.59 0.08 No Ice 3.15 1.42 0.06 1/2" Ice 3.39 1.59 0.08 No Ice 3.79 2.51 0.03 1/2" Ice 4.04 2.72 0.06 No Ice 1.35 1.35 0.01 1/2" Ice 1.50 1.50 0.03 No Ice 1.35 1.35 0.01 1/2" Ice 1.50 1.50 0.03 Pipe Mount 3 x2.375" B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 110.00 No Ice 0.58 0.58 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.77 0.77 0.02 0.00 RW -9061-5001 w/ Mount A From Leg 0.50 0.0000 110.00 No Ice 1.48 0.77 0.01 Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.70 1.06 0.03 0.00 Duo B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 110.00 No Ice 0.47 0.29 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.56 0.37 0.01 0.00 Radwin 5000 BS A From Leg 0.50 0.0000 110.00 No Ice 0.70 0.30 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.81 0.38 0.01 0.00 Pipe Mount Tx2.375" B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 102.00 No Ice 1.66 1.66 0.03 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.39 2.39 0.04 0.00 CL-FMRX/VRNV50N B From Leg 2.00 0.0000 102.00 No Ice 3.36 3.36 0.02 0.00 1/2" Ice 6.05 6.05 0.02 *** 0.00 WxTower I Job MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN Page10 of 13 GPD I Project 2018778.10250.13 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA FAX.- (330) 572-2101 Dishes Date 13:10:44 12/27/17 Designed by bfranczkowski Description Face Dish Offset Offsets: Azimuth 3 dB Elevation Outside Aperture Weight Gov. or Type Type Harz Adjustment Beam Diameter Area Curvature Leg Comb. Lateral Width Jt 370.00 Lightning Rod 6'x 0.75" 63 16.425 0.5847 0.0782 103535 Vert Commscope MTC 3606 Sector 63 13.615 0.5487 0.0635 23189 Frames (3) ft o o ft .lt Pipe Mount 6'x4.5" ft, K VHLP2-18 A Paraboloid From 4.00 -15.0300 200.00 2.00 No Ice 3.72 0.03 ANI 253 w/ Mount Pipe 63 w/Shroud (HP) Leg 0.00 11572 300.00 HP2-18 1/2" Ice 4.01 0.05 0.0273 17030 258.00 Pirod 6'-8" Box Arm (1) 0.00 6.137 0.2621 0.0117 26627 211.00 LeBlanc 13' Wireless Mount (3) HP2-11 B Paraboloid From 1.00 34.0000 110.00 2.00 No Ice 3.14 0.04 55587 186.00 w/Shroud (HP) Leg 0.00 0.1568 0.0056 48562 1/2" Ice 3.41 0.02 2.945 0.1556 0.0055 48053 0.00 Pirod 15'T -Frame (3) 63 2.523 0.1412 0.0047 47763 HP2-18 B Paraboloid From 1.00 18.0000 300.00 2.00 No Ice 3.14 0.03 0.0746 0.0023 w/Shroud (HP) Leg 0.00 Bolt Design Data 1/2" Ice 3.41 0.03 Bolt Size Number Maximum Allowable Ratio 0.00 No. Type Grade Of Load per Load Load Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Service Wind - Elevation Appurtenance Gov. Deflection Tilt i Twist Radius of Load Curvature ft Comb. in o Jt 370.00 Lightning Rod 6'x 0.75" 63 16.425 0.5847 0.0782 103535 347.00 Commscope MTC 3606 Sector 63 13.615 0.5487 0.0635 23189 Frames (3) 327.00 Pipe Mount 6'x4.5" 63 11.379 0.4815 0.0496 13781 323.00 Pirod 6'-8" Box Arm (1) 63 10.970 0.4658 0.0471 12885 316.00 ANI 253 w/ Mount Pipe 63 10.289 0.4370 0.0422 11572 300.00 HP2-18 63 8.922 0.3686 0.0273 17030 258.00 Pirod 6'-8" Box Arm (1) 63 6.137 0.2621 0.0117 26627 211.00 LeBlanc 13' Wireless Mount (3) 63 3.909 0.1875 0.0076 47413 200.00 VHLP2-18 63 3.482 0.1743 0.0068 55587 186.00 Ice Shield (12" x 12") 63 2.979 0.1568 0.0056 48562 185.00 Side Light 63 2.945 0.1556 0.0055 48053 172.00 Pirod 15'T -Frame (3) 63 2.523 0.1412 0.0047 47763 110.00 HP2-11 63 1.033 0.0817 0.0025 66505 102.00 Pi a Mount 7'x2.375" 63 0.893 0.0746 0.0023 68871 Bolt Design Data Section Elevation Component Bolt Bolt Size Number Maximum Allowable Ratio Allowable Criteria No. Type Grade Of Load per Load Load Ratio ft in Bolts Bolt K Allowable K T1 370 Leg A325N 0.6250 5 4.57 24.85 1 Bolt DS 0.184 T2 350 Leg A325N 0.7500 5 15.08 35.78 1 Bolt DS 0.421 T3 330 Leg A325N 1.0000 6 20.38 53.01 1 Bolt Tension 0.384 y T4 310 Leg A325N 1.0000 6 20.26 53.01 1 Bolt Tension 0.382 Diagonal A325N 1.0000 1 5.30 10.66 '4,jr 1 Member Block 0.497 Ir Shear T5 300 Leg A325N 1.0000 6 23.81 53.01 1 Bolt Tension 0.449 Diagonal A325N 1.0000 1 4.64 10.66 1 Member Block 0.435 Shear T6 280 Leg A325N 1.0000 6 26.98 53.01 1 Bolt Tension 0.509 WxTower I Job MN10250-A Monticello 2, MIN GPD Project 2018778.10250.13 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA FAX.- (330) 572-2101 Page 11 of 13 Date 13'.10'.44 12/27/17 Designed by bfranczkowski Section Elevation Component Bolt Bolt Size Num ber Maximum Allowable Ratio Allowable Criteria No. Type Grade Of Load per Load Load Ratio ft in Bolts Bolt K Allowable K Diagonal A325N 1.0000 1 4.70 11.68 1 Member Block 0.402 Shear T7 260 Diagonal A325N 1.2500 1 6.75 17.77 0.380 Member Block Shear Secondary A325N 0.5000 1 3.21 7.95 0.404 Bolt Shear Horizontal T8 250 Leg A325N 1.2500 6 30.08 82.83 0.363 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 1.2500 1 5.18 17.77 0.292 1 Member Block Shear Top Girt A325N 1.2500 1 3.74 16.94 0.221 Y Member Block Shear T9 240 Leg A325N 1.2500 6 33.67 82.83 0.406 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 1.2500 1 5.83 17.77 1 Member Block 0.328 Y Shear TIO 220 Leg A325N 1.2500 6 37.27 82.83 0.450 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 1.2500 1 7.95 21.17 0.376 1 Member Block Shear T11 200 Leg A325N 1.2500 6 41.99 82.83 0.506♦ Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 1.2500 1 10.74 16.94 Member Block 0.634 Y Shear Secondary A325N 1.0000 1 5.00 18.30 6/ Member Block Horizontal 0.273 Shear T12 180 Leg A325N 1.2500 12 22.76 82.83 Bolt Tension 0.275 III Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 7.47 35.53 0.210 1 Member Block Shear T13 160 Leg A325N 1.2500 12 25.84 82.83 Bolt Tension 0.312 y Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 8.80 35.53 Member Block 0.248 Shear T14 140 Leg A325N 1.2500 12 28.83 82.83 0.348 1 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 8.74 35.53 Member Block 0.246 Shear T15 120 Leg A325N 1.2500 12 31.75 82.83 Bolt Tension 0.383 Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 9.22 35.53 0.259 y 1 Member Block Shear T16 100 Leg A325N 1.2500 12 34.74 82.83 0.419 y Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 9.62 35.53 Member Block 0.271 Shear T17 80 Leg A325N 1.2500 12 37.61 82.83 0.454 Y 1 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 9.90 35.53 Member Block 0.279 Shear T18 60 Leg A325N 1.2500 12 40.44 82.83 0.488 1 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 10.25 35.53 0.289 Member Block Shear T19 40 Leg A325N 1.2500 12 43.33 82.83 1 Bolt Tension 0.523 y Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 10.52 28.42 0.370 Member Block Shear T20 20 Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 10.75 28.42 0.378 Member Block Shear IJob �` xTower MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN GPD Project 520 South Main Street Suite 253/ 2018778.10250.13 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA FAX.- (330) 572-2101 Page 12 of 13 Date 13:10:44 12/27/17 Designed by bfranczkowski Section Capacity Table -..._i...__.._._.__._._.___ Section Elevation Component Size ___. Critical P Opal- % Pass No. .it Type Element K K Capacity Fail Tl 370-350 Leg 1 1/2 2 -21.15 52.13 40.6 Pass T2 350-330 Leg 2 60 -71.34 111.47 64.0 Pass T3 330-310 Leg 21/2 116 -127.63 189.73 67.3 Pass T4 310-300 Leg Pirod 105245 173 -130.03 214.86 60.5 Pass T5 300-280 Leg Pirod 105218 182 -154.63 300.68 51.4 Pass T6 280-260 Leg Pirod 105218 197 -176.75 300.68 58.8 Pass T7 260-250 Leg Pirod 105219 212 -185.18 399.87 46.3 Pass T8 250-240 Leg Pirod 105219 224 -199.05 399.87 49.8 Pass T9 240-220 Leg Pirod 105219 236 -225.09 399.87 56.3 Pass TIO 220-200 Leg Pirod 105220 252 -253.30 512.38 49.4 Pass Tl l 200-180 Leg Pirod 105220 267 -288.26 512.38 56.3 Pass T12 180-160 Leg Pirod 112743 288 -316.02 613.14 51.5 Pass T13 160-140 Leg Pirod 112743 297 -362.36 613.14 59.1 Pass T14 140-120 Leg Pirod 112744 306 -406.25 741.99 54.8 Pass T15 120-100 Leg Pirod 112744 315 -449.78 741.99 60.6 Pass T16 100-80 Leg Pirod 112745 324 -494.64 883.14 56.0 Pass T17 80-60 Leg Pirod 112745 333 -538.46 883.14 61.0 Pass T18 60-40 Leg Pirod 112745 342 -581.25 883.14 65.8 Pass T19 40-20 Leg Pirod 114683 E 351 -626.50 1036.61 60.4 Pass T20 20-0 Leg Pirod 114685 360 -665.69 967.23 68.8 Pass T1 370-350 Diagonal 3/4 13 -1.97 5.92 33.3 Pass T2 350-330 Diagonal 7/8 69 -5.10 9.30 54.8 Pass T3 330-310 Diagonal 1 169 -5.96 15.19 39.3 Pass T4 310-300 Diagonal L2 1/2x2 1/2x3/16 180 -5.74 13.56 42.3 Pass T5 300-280 Diagonal L2 1/2x2 1/2x3/16 187 -4.61 10.95 42.1 Pass T6 280-260 Diagonal L3x3x3/16 202 -5.00 14.96 33.4 Pass T7 260-250 Diagonal L3x3x5/l6 216 -7.59 21.57 35.2 Pass T8 250-240 Diagonal L3x3x5/16 231 -5.88 19.30 30.5 Pass T9 240-220 Diagonal L3x3x5/16 241 -6.12 15.58 39.3 Pass T10 220-200 Diagonal L3 1/20 1/2x5/16 255 -8.15 20.54 39.7 Pass T11 200-180 Diagonal L4x4xl/4 279 -11.68 22.92 51.0 Pass T12 180-160 Diagonal 21,31/2x31/2x5/16x3/8 291 -16.54 41.46 39.9 Pass T13 160-140 Diagonal 2L3 1/20 1/2x5/16x3/8 300 -18.12 37.24 48.6 Pass T14 140-120 Diagonal 21,3 1/20 1/2x5/16x3/8 309 -18.17 33.50 54.2 Pass T15 120-100 Diagonal 21,3 1/20 1/2x5/16x3/8 318 -19.13 30.20 63.4 Pass T16 100-80 Diagonal 21,3 1/20 1/2x5/16x3/8 327 -19.90 27.29 72.9 Pass T17 80-60 Diagonal 21,3 1/20 1/2x5/16x3/8 336 -20.37 24.72 82.4 Pass T18 60-40 Diagonal 2L31/2x31/2x5/16x3/8 345 -21.45 22.45 95.5 Pass T19 40-20 Diagonal 2L4x4x1/4x3/8 354 -21.19 24.57 86.2 Pass T20 20-0 Diagonal 2L4x4x1/4x3/8 363 -22.88 21.90 104.5 Pass T7 260-250 Secondary Horizontal L3x3x5/16 220 -3.21 31.60 10.2 Pass T11 200-180 Secondary Horizontal L4x4x1/4 275 -5.00 28.71 17.4 Pass TI 370-350 Top Girt 7/8 5 -0.91 6.14 14.8 Pass T2 350-330 Top Girt 7/8 62 -0.50 6.23 8.1 Pass T3 330-310 Top Girt 1 118 -1.63 8.48 19.2 Pass T8 250-240 Top Girt L4x4xl/4 228 -3.33 20.92 15.9 Pass Tl 370-350 Bottom Girt 7/8 7 -0.91 6.14 14.8 Pass T2 350-330 Bottom Girt 7/8 64 -2.00 4.93 40.5 Pass T3 330-310 Bottom Girt 1 123 -1.55 6.88 22.5 Pass Summary Leg (T20) 68.8 Pass Diagonal 104.5 Pass (T20) Secondary 17.4 Pass Horizontal (Tll) Top Girt 19.2 Pass (T3) IWx? ower Job MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN GPD I Project 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 Akron, Ohio 44311I Client Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA FAX. (330) 572-2101 Section Elevation Component Size Critical No. ft Type Element Page 13 of 13 Date 13:10:44 12/27/17 Designed by bfranczkowski P OPo11_ % Pass K K Capacity Fail Bottom Girt 40.5 Pass (T2) Bolt Checks 63.4 Pass RATING = 104.5 Pass SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 ADDITIONAL CALCULATIONS /��- GPD "Am, GPD GROUP Self -Support Anchor Rod Analysis MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 2018778.10250.13 General info Code TIA-222-G Modified Anchor Rods No Clear Distance > db No Leg Eccentricity No Max Capacity 1.05 Tower Reactions Detail Type = d Eta Factor, rl = 0.50 SE^.T10I. $-6 Down Load, P. = 687.00 kips Down Load Shear, V. = 71.00 kips Uplift, P„ = 567.00 kips Uplift Shear, V. = 61.00 kips Anchor Rods Detail Type (d) '"j - P. SS Number of Anchor Rods, N = 6 Anchor Rod Grade = A687 Anchor Rod Diameter, dd = 2 in Bolt Circle, BC = 10 in Yield, Fy= 105 ksi Tensile, F„b = 150 ksi GPD Self -Support Anchor Rod Analysis - V1.0 Anchor Rod Results (P„+V„/rl) 138.2 kips 4)*R, = (�*Fub*A„ = 300.0 kips Anchor Rod Stress Ratio = 46.1% OK Figure 4-4 of TIA-222-G as SECTION A -A SE^.T10I. $-6 Detail Type (a) Detail Type (b) TZ . J. Tri C U_ SECTION C -C SEC -ION 0-0 Detail Type (c) Detail Type (d) '"j - P. SS (See A&. I b.;.M rt=a.Ta Figure 4-4 of TIA-222-G J Self Support Ta Wer Drilled Shaft Analysis -Re,,G so" Layer MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN camp-lon sol Unit 2018778.10250.13 0P. Soil laver Tower Reattionz I Overall Capacities (.tion up'Ht Compressipn Gpaciry 64.7% DK Unit Im -.1,P }610 Upz UpliftGpadry 859% OK Rebar Cage Diameter Sh...V 630 kips Peinforcemenl Czpxirys 49.1% ox (kn) Wmpmslon AS Min OK] Yes T. Mial,p 60].0 kip, I C in.lkm--tty Bs.. OK 3 Shear. V )! 0 kips 0.000 0.110 ¢.150 �lHlTiet6t 1 Drilled Shaft DetaOs I _ t 0.226 Diameter B ft alis I -_. Height Above Helghl Above Grade 10I 4 �- Gmde Depth Below Grade 40.9 R I O.is. Gpsuetim.l A F 28 3 hx 5 0.475 Perimeter 1808 Oils 0.150 RelMorcement Prppertln 4 Pe,n/prdng Known Yes -' a.11s also Verdtal Bar sine 9 .._. I s 0.925 # pf NO., Vertical Bars SS 0.110 0.150 3: Hprixorml Oar Type fie HorimnblBarsiu s I 5 I ----- 1.6W Andror Pod Embedment 6]562S In Anchor Rod CiMe t0 in 0.150 �...9+ Y gy Min. C. -W Cover n 1,600 S.a50 ¢110 f,' 3000 pin 9 I s Fv 60 2.fi50 0110 0.15(1 Soil Prpperlies - .. .... i I 0.9 I 40.9 Water Table Depth 30R 2.800 0.110 gearing Type Nei U11mau End Dearing SB ksf Soil Chedt 9(b -M) DiMAI.-15,x[wn 9(skin fi-,,-uple) NM soillays ERMwe Sol 0 (sNnfdctlPn-canPU an M-2226.1AHwn99.1) u=:- � p�� EHMrve Sal Reiniprcement Check so" Layer Ultimate Uplikskln camp-lon sol Unit -.-Dry 0P. Soil laver Compr-. C-ory Thi- (.tion skin Frinwn Weight Unit Im Compression A, min. (int) lemion 104 OK Rebar Cage Diameter Ihl IMdI (kn) (ke) IkA) T. 11negl,xYedl Tensile strength, iP„I%P) 3 0.000 0.000 0.110 ¢.150 1 4 0.226 0.350 alis o.1s0 s 4 0.400 0.600 o.lis O.is. a 5 0.475 OJ2s Oils 0.150 s 4 0650 1.000 a.11s also 6 I s 0.925 L400 0.110 0.150 7 I 5 I Lim 1.6W 0.121 0.150 8 I S 1,600 S.a50 ¢110 0.150 9 I s 1. 2.fi50 0110 0.15(1 10 T4bla I 0.9 I 40.9 1.900 2.800 0.110 0.15(1 Soil Chedt soillays ERMwe Sol EIkc�Ou u=:- � p�� EHMrve Sal Eflnuve SallaYo Thieh,ess Un1[WeiBM C We18Mnit Resisbnw Skin frutwn ete WeieM R„rManm Weght RemoveCp""�� M1 PA l"'I (hpsl P+'osl aim) Is.mI i In..- 2 so AO (1110 O.l1s 0.150 0.150 0 17 0 10.18 26 13.01 2111 16.. 3 45.0 4.0 0.11 0.1]5 0.150 0.350 30 45 45 1301 68 16.26 169fi 11.21 5 4.0 0115 0150 49 75 13.01 16.96 0.120 0.350 0] 132 I 16.96 21.21 5o O.ILI 0.350 104 153 I 1696 11.11 8 5.0 0.048 a. a is, 231 I 6J9 12.38 9 5.0 a.018 0008 17D 250 I fi.]9 12.38 la 0.9 0.018 0008 32 46 I 1.22 2.13 Tobis 409 6- la- I 114.2 161.7 End geanng Resisbnce: 391.7 kips Drilled Shaft WE,aht Repstana: 146.4 kpis Compression skin Frictipn Resistance: ]69.7 kips Uplift Sk,n Fnction Resistance: 513.3 kips Total Compression Repst - 11514 lops Total Uplift Resistance- 6598 6pz GPD self suyppnTpwer Drilled Shaft Anahns(Rev 6)-V106 Reiniprcement Check Compression A. Aa 3 int Olppmpresslonl 40]1.5 Int e6s 0P. -1 .7 k Compr-. C-ory 137%OR M1nMpm RPemfmcment Ar (e --) 2035.]5104 int Compression A, min. (int) lemion 104 OK Rebar Cage Diameter 6361. Rgr'd Development tenth 61.6 i. -1,,pni-t lerah(1.) 378 N6 T. 567.0 k Tensile strength, iP„I%P) 1154.1 ..nie Op-cr 49.1% OK !AO 318-05 s-9.3.2 2 ) ,AO 310¢5 Secpo, l0 3.61 'f0310aSseedo 94) 'A- j-12 -131SeeOo,s 10.9.17 22) -;nclutleS ie -.Ii 2sl-ne 1, Reduction (ld/Id (-.-d)) SBA Site: MN10250-A-08 / Monticello 2, MN General Information Application Details Application Type: Owned By: Owner Phone: Site Information SBA ID: Tower: Carrier: Tenant ID / Name: Upgrade Type: Site Management Title Account Executive Site Marketing Manager Collo RSM OPS RSM Senior RSM Amendment Paul Brandt (959) 525-6469 MN 10250-A Twr #1 - 372' Self Support Nextera Wireless MONT/NMTMONT Other Name Jessica Hutchings Kent Meier Tommy Parma Shane Stubblefield Chuck Edwards Tenant Site: MONT / Application #: 73868, v1 NMTMONT Application Status: Completed Owner Email: pbrandt@nextera.net Handled By: Leasing SBA Name: Monticello 2, MN Company: SBA Towers II LLC Tenant: MN10250-A-08 Project Name: MN Med Phone Email (702) 998-9208 jhutchings@sbasite.com (414) 788-1133 kmeier@sbasite.com (405) 822-1083 TParma@sbasite.com (651) 808-0302 SStubblefield@sbasite.com (252) 266-2652 CEdwards@sbasite.com 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 1 of 8 Contact Information Tenant Entity Company Nextera Wireless, LLC Tax ID: Signatory Name: Greg G Arvig Signatory Title: President Primary Phone: (952) 564-6924 [Work] Address Type Email: pbrandt@nextera.net Alt Email: Address Type Address Copy To 5909 Baker Rd Ste 590, Minnetonka, MN 55345 Corporate PO Box 2945, Baxter, MN 56425-9998 Phone Type Phone Number Fax (952) 564-6901 Vendor Company Nextera Wireless Tax ID: Contact Name: Gina Hoveland Contact Title: Operations Manager Primary Phone: (952) 564-6908 [Work] Email: ghoveland@nextera.net Alt Email: Address Type Address Corporate 5909 Baker Road, STE 590 , Minnetonka, MN 55345 Phone Type Phone Number Fax (952)564-6901 Site Tech Company Nextera Wireless Tax ID: Contact Name: Paul Brandt Contact Title: Network Engineer Primary Phone: (952) 564-6924 [Work] Email: pbrandt@nextera.net Alt Email: Address Type Address Construction Company Tri-State Communication Services Tax ID: Contact Name: Joe Guentzel Contact Title: Primary Phone: (952) 435-5131 [Work] Email: jguentzel@tristatecs.com Alt Email: Address Type Address 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 2 of 8 SBA Site: MN10250-A-08 / Monticello 2, MN Tenant Site: MONT / Application #: 73868, v1 NMTMONT Equipment Final Configuration Summary: Antenna: 1 Alvarion AN1253 @ 316,21.65" x 9.84" x 6.7", Weight: 3.31 lbs., RX: 5 GHz, TX: 5 GHz [Panel] Antenna: 1 Radwin RW -9061-5001 @ 316' [Tip:316.9'] [Base:315.1'], 21.5" x 5" x 2.8", Weight: 5 lbs., RX: 5 GHz, TX: 5 GHz [Panel] Antenna: 1 Radwin RW -9061-5001 @ 11 0'[Tip:110.9'] [Base:109.1'], 21.5" x 5" x 2.8", Weight: 5 lbs., RX: 5 GHz, TX: 5 GHz [Panel] Mount Equipment: 2 @ 316', 36" x 2.38" x, Weight: 15 lbs. [Pipe] Mount Equipment: 1 @ 300', 36" x 2.38" x, Weight: 15 lbs. [Pipe] Mount Equipment: 1 @ 110', 36" x 2.38"x, Weight: 15 lbs. [Pipe] Mount Equipment: 1 @ 110', 36" x 2.38" x, Weight: 15 lbs. [Pipe] Dish: 1 Radio Waves HP2-11 @ 110', 31" x 31" x 27", Weight: 27 lbs., RX: 11 GHz, TX: 11 GHz [HP] Dish: 1 Radio Waves HP2-18 @ 300', 31" x 31" x 27", Weight: 27 lbs., RX: 18 GHz, TX: 18 GHz [Radome] ODU / Coupler: 1 DragonWave Duo @ 110', 8" x 8" x 5", Weight: 7 lbs., 1 lines Coax @ LMR 400 3/8" ODU / Coupler: 1 Alvarion AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU @ 316', 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97", Weight: 4.85 lbs., 1 lines Cat 5 @ 3/8" ODU / Coupler: 1 DragonWave Duo @ 300, Weight: 7, 1 lines Coax @ 7/8" ODU / Coupler: 1 Radwin Radwin 5000 BS @ 316', 10" x 8" x 3", Weight: 5.29 lbs., 1 lines Cat 5 @ 3/8" ODU / Coupler: 1 Radwin Radwin 5000 BS @ 110', 10" x 8" x 3", Weight: 5.29 lbs., 1 lines Cat 5 @ 3/8" Antenna Leased Proposed Final Qty: Type: Manufacturer: Model: Dimensions: Weight: Base: Center: Tip: Down Tilt: Orientation: Tx: Rx: Comment: 1 Panel Alvarion AN1253 21.65" x 9.84" x 6.7" 3.31 lbs. 327.1' 328' 328.9' 1 Panel Alvarion AN1253 21.65" x 9.84" x 6.7" 3.31 lbs. 316 130° 130° 5 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz Height is being adjusted to reflect actual install height per SBA site audit. 1 Panel Alvarion AN1253 21.65" x 9.84" x 6.7" 3.31 lbs. 316 130° 5 GHz 5 GHz 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 3 of 8 Antenna Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Panel Panel Panel Manufacturer: Alvarion Radwin Radwin Model: AN 1253 RW -9061-5001 RW -9061-5001 Dimensions: 21.65 " x 9.84 " x 6.7 " 21.5" x 5" x 2.8" 21.5" x 5" x 2.8" Weight: 3.31 5 lbs. 5 lbs. Base: 315.1' 315.1' Center: 328' 316' 316' Tip: 316.9' 316.9' Down Tilt: ° Orientation: 310 130°, ° & ° 130° ° & ° Tx: 5 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz Rx: 5 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz Comment: This panel replaces one of the existing Alvarion panels. We will install it at the same RAD as the remaining Alvarion and the site audit level of 319' RAD will be abandoned. Lease paperwork indicated 328'. Antenna Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Panel Panel Panel Manufacturer: Til -Tek Radwin Radwin Model: TA -57051-1-14-90 RW -9061-5001 RW -9061-5001 Dimensions: 24.5 " x 5 " x 6 " 21.5" x 5" x 2.8" 21.5" x 5" x 2.8" Weight: 6 5 lbs. 5 lbs. Base: 109.1' 109.1' Center: 330' 110' 110' Tip: 110.9' 110.9' Down Tilt: ° Orientation: 310 310 310 Tx: 2.4 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz Rx: 2.4 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz Comment: This antenna will replace a Til -Tek Antenna. The Til -Tek antenna is considered part of the lease but has been removed from the tower for several years. Mount Equipment Leased Proposed Final Qty: 2 2 2 Type: Pipe Pipe Pipe Dimensions: 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x Weight: 15 lbs. 15 lbs. 15 lbs. Center: 328' 316' 316' Comment: Attached to tower with v -plate clamp set. Adjusting height to reflect SBA site audit.. Mount Equipment Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Pipe Pipe Pipe Dimensions: 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x Weight: 15 lbs. 15 lbs. 15 lbs. Center: 330' 300' 300' Comment: Attached to tower with v -plate clamp set. 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 4 of 8 Mount Equipment Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 Type: Pipe Pipe Dimensions: 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x Weight: 15 lbs. 15 lbs. Center: 110' 110' Comment: Attached to tower with v -plate clamp set. Mount Equipment Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Pipe Pipe Pipe Dimensions: 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x Weight: 15 lbs. 15 lbs. 15 lbs. Center: 330' 110' 110' Comment: Attached to tower with v -plate clamp set. Dish Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Radome HP HP Manufacturer: Radio Waves Radio Waves Radio Waves Model: SP2-5.2 w/ Radome HP2-11 HP2-11 Dimensions: 28"x28"x 8" 31"x31"x27" 31"x31"x27" Weight: 22 27 lbs. 27 lbs. Center: 110 110' 110' Down Tilt: ° Orientation: 125 125°, ° & ° 125°, ° & ° Tx: 5 GHz 11 GHz 11 GHz Rx: 5 GHz 11 GHz 11 GHz Comment: This antenna replaces the Radio Waves SP -2. Dish Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Panel Radome Radome Manufacturer: Til -Tek Radio Waves Radio Waves Model: TA -5705H-14-90 HP2-18 HP2-18 Dimensions: 24.5 " x 5 " x 6 " 31" x 31" x 27" 31" x 31" x 27" Weight: 6 27 lbs. 27 lbs. Center: 330 300' 300' Down Tilt: ° Orientation: 130 109 109 Tx: 2.4 GHz 18 GHz 18 GHz Rx: 2.4 GHz 18 GHz 18 GHz Comment: This antenna will replace a Til -Tek Antenna. The Til -Tek antenna is considered part of the lease but has been removed from the tower for several years. 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 5 of 8 ODU / Coupler Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Manufacturer: Alvarion DragonWave DragonWave Model: BreezeNET 6100 Duo Duo Dimensions: 12"x5"x2.4" 8"x8"x5" 8"x8"x5" Weight: 7.2 7 lbs. 7 lbs. Center: 110 110' 110' # of Lines: 1 1 1 Coax Type: Cat 5 Coax Coax Cable Size: 3/8" LMR 400 3/8" LMR 400 3/8" Comment: Dragonwave ODU clips -on to the antenna ODU / Coupler Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Manufacturer: Alvarion Alvarion Alvarion Model: AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU Dimensions: 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97" 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97" 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97" Weight: 4.85 lbs. 4.85 lbs. 4.85 lbs. Center: 328' 316' 316' # of Lines: 1 1 1 Coax Type: Cat 5 Cat 5 Cat 5 Cable Size: 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" Comment: Adjusting height to actual install height. ODU / Coupler Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Manufacturer: Alvarion DragonWave DragonWave Model: 824923 Duo Duo Dimensions: 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97" 8" x 8" x 5" Weight: 4.85 7 7 Center: 330 300 300 # of Lines: 1 1 1 Coax Type: Coax Coax Coax Cable Size: 1/2" Hardline 7/8" 7/8" Comment: Dragonwave ODU clips -on to the antenna. The Alvarion ODU is considered part of the lease but has been removed from the tower for several years. ODU / Coupler Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Manufacturer: Alvarion Radwin Radwin Model: AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU Radwin 5000 BS Radwin 5000 BS Dimensions: 11.811 " x 4.72 " x 1.968 " 10" x 8" x 3" 10" x 8" x 3" Weight: 4.85 5.29 lbs. 5.29 lbs. Center: 328 316' 316' # of Lines: 1 1 1 Coax Type: Cat 5 Cat 5 Cat 5 Cable Size: 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" Comment: This will replace an Alvarion ODU and will reuse the existing cable run. 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 6 of 8 ODU / Coupler Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Manufacturer: Alvarion Radwin Radwin Model: 824923 Radwin 5000 BS Radwin 5000 BS Dimensions: 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97' 10" x 8" x 3" 10" x 8" x 3" Weight: 4.85 5.29 lbs. 5.29 Ibs. Center: 330 110' 110' # of Lines: 1 1 1 Coax Type: Coax Cat 5 Cat 5 Cable Size: 1/2" Hardline 3/8" 3/8" Comment: The Alvarion ODU is considered part of the lease but has been removed from the tower for several years. Ground Space Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 Type: Shelter SBA Shelter Space: Yes Space Provided By: Owner Comment: We have 50" x 24" x 24" cabinet in the but closets to the east leg. We share this but with several other tenants. 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 7 of 8 Comments 11/16/2017 [kmeier] Please upload spec sheets for all new equipment to be installed 11/17/2017 [pbrandt] Equipment spec sheets uploaded 02/07/2018 [mwalker] Fee Charged 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 8 of 8 City Council Agenda: 5/14/2018 2N. Consideration of Stipulation to Register Title to Lot 3, Block 1, Clear Creek Addition, Wright Countv, Minnesota according to the recorded plat thereof, and to approve a temvorary roadwav easement for Dalton Wav (JT/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to consider authorizing the Stipulation document related to a request to register title of land described as: Lot 3, Block 1, Clear Creek Addition, Wright County, Minnesota. Clear Creek Land Company, LLC (Dahlheimer) is preparing to record the required (re)plat of Clear Creek Addition and the attached Stipulation forms the basis to finalize registration of certain land title with Clear Creek as a precursor to recording the plat for Clear Creek Second Addition. As Council is aware, a portion of the property purchased for the recent addition to the facility includes both torrens and abstract land. In order to record the Clear Creek Second Addition plat, Lot 3, Block 1 must be registered in order to combine the parcels per the Second Addition plat. The plat of Clear Creek Second Addition was previously approved by the City Council and the Stipulation will allow for the plat to be recorded. The parties to the Stipulation include Clear Creek Land Company, LLC, the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority and the City of Monticello. Clear Creek's attorney has indicated that this draft will need to be presented to the title examiner for any final changes and is therefore subject to those final comments. A temporary roadway easement is also included for approval. The easement encompasses that small portion of the temporary cul-de-sac for Dalton Way along the south side of the Clear Creek Second Addition plat. Depending on the nature of future development in the area, the roadway will either be extended with the cul-de-sac removed, or the road alignment will shift slightly to eliminate the encroachment. The EDA will consider the Stipulation agreement item on May 91h, 2018. Al. Staff Impact: Consideration of the Stipulation required collaboration between the Community Development Director, Economic Development Manager as well as the respective City and EDA attorneys and the attorney for Clear Creek Land Company, LLC. A2. Budget Impact: Budget impacts are primarily in the form of legal fees for Reviewing/editing the Stipulation. City staff have a modest amount of time committed to the effort, mostly in coordinating review steps and preparing the EDA staff report. A3. Strategic Plan Impact: Approval of this item supports the strategic Plan goal of "Supporting a Vibrant Economy" in that it allows the platting of property in support of a recent industrial expansion project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the Stipulation in substantially the form presented, subject to final review by the Wright County Examiner of Titles, and to approve the temporary roadway easement. 1 City Council Agenda: 5/14/2018 2. Motion to deny authorization of the Stipulation based on findings to be made by the City Council. 3. Motion to table consideration of the Stipulation for further research or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The proposed Stipulation is a precursor step required to properly register title by Clear Creek Land Company, LLC (Dahlheimer) and complete its re - plat process. Again, the City and EDA attorneys have both reviewed the documents and concur with the recommendation. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Stipulation B. Temporary Roadway Easement C. Plat of Clear Creek Second Addition 2 STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF WRIGHT TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT 10. OTHER CIVIL-TORRENS In the Matter of Application of ) Court File No. 86 -CV -16-5393 Clear Creek Land Company, LLC, ) a Minnesota limited liability company, ) Stipulation To Register the Title to Certain Land ) This Stipulation is made and entered into by and between Clear Creek Land Company, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Clear Creek"), the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("Authority"), and the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"; and with Clear Creek, each a "Party" and collectively the "Parties"). RECITALS: 1. Clear Creek made application to register the title to land in Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Lot 3, Block 1, Clear Creek Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof (the "Land"). 2. Clear Creek filed an Amended Application in the above -captioned matter. Subsequent to the filing of that Amended Application, the Wright County Examiner of Titles issued his Supplemental Examiner's Report, pursuant to which he recommended that the sole party defendant to the above -captioned matter should be the City of Monticello. 3. The Parties desire to stipulate to the Amended Application, the registration of title to the Land in the name of Clear Creek, and to the resolution of certain identified interests encumbering the land. AGREEMENT 4. The Recitals are incorporated in this Agreement by reference. 5. The City and the Authority acknowledge receipt of the Amended Application and the Supplemental Examiner's Report. The City and the Authority acknowledge the contents of the Amended Application and the statements made therein, and stipulate to the statements and information contained in the Amended Application. 4007927v4 6. The City and the Authority stipulate that Clear Creek is vested with title to the estate in the Land as described in the Amended Application and do not object to the registration of title as requested in the Amended Application. 7. Letter of Undertaking; Wright Countv Recorder Document No. 1322385. The Parties acknowledge that the purpose of the Letter of Undertaking, identified as Wright County Recorder Document No. 1322385, is fully satisfied upon registration of title to the Land in Clear Creek's name and upon the subsequent recording of a new plat of the three lots in Clear Creek Addition, to be identified as Clear Creek Second Addition ("Clear Creek Second Addition"). The Parties stipulate that the Letter of Undertaking recorded as Document No. 1322385 does not need to be memorialized on any given Certificate of Title issued following the registration of title to the Land in Clear Creek's name and the filing of the plat for Clear Creek Second Addition. 8. Easement for Utilities and Drainage as Shown on Recorded Plat. The Parties stipulate that the City has installed certain utilities including electric, gas and fiber optic lines and a gas meter and fire hydrant (collectively, "Utilities") outside of defined easement areas as shown on the recorded plat of Clear Creek Addition. The Parties stipulate that the foregoing Utilities will be located within the dedicated drainage and utility easement to be described in the plat of the Clear Creek Second Addition. The Parties stipulate that the current encroachment of the Utilities on the Land outside the drainage and utility easement dedicated in the plat of Clear Creek Addition does not need to be memorialized on any given Certificate of Title issued following the registration of title to the Land in Clear Creek's name. The Parties further stipulate that the current condition of encroachment by the Utilities will cease to exist following the filing of the plat for Clear Creek Second Addition. 9. Easement for Dalton Wav Cul -de -Sac. The Parties stipulate that the City has constructed a cul-de-sac on the southeast terminus of Dalton Way, a portion of which is outside of the defined roadway right-of-way area for Dalton Way, and is encroaching on the Land. The Parties have agreed that the encroaching portion of said cul-de-sac shall be permitted pursuant to the terms of a Temporary Roadway Easement to be recorded against the Land, which Temporary Roadway Easement should be memorialized on any Certificate of Title issued pursuant to this matter. The Parties stipulate that said Temporary Roadway Easement shall terminate according to the terms and conditions therein stated and upon termination does not need to be memorialized on any given Certificate of Title issued following the registration of title to the Land in Clear Creek's name. 10. Purchase and Development Contract; Wright Countv Recorder Document No. 1322384. The Parties acknowledge that Clear Creek's ownership of the Land is subject to the terms and conditions of the Purchase and Development Contract between the Authority and Clear Creek identified as Wright County Recorder Document No. 1322384 and the Quit Claim Deed from the Authority to Clear Creek identified as Wright County Recorder Document No. 1322386, both of which provide for the imposition of certain obligations and restrictions on Clear Creek following the date on which the Land was conveyed to Clear Creek by the Authority, and further provide for contingent reversionary rights in the Authority. The Parties acknowledge that the obligations and restrictions imposed on Clear Creek are deemed satisfied, and the contingent reversionary rights in the Authority are 2 4007927v4 released, upon the issuance of a Certificate of Completion by the Authority. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the condition for the issuance of a Certificate of Completion is conditioned on the City's issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the Minimum Improvements (as that term is defined in the Purchase and Development Contract) constructed on the Land. The Parties stipulate that the City has issued a Certificate of Occupancy for those Minimum Improvements and that the Land shall no longer be subject to the terms and conditions of the Purchase and Development Contract identified as Wright County Recorder Document No. 1322384, and shall no longer be subject to the obligations and restrictions imposed on Clear Creek and the related contingent reversionary rights, all as set forth in the Quit Claim Deed identified as Wright County Recorder Document No. 1322386. The Parties stipulate that the Authority shall deliver or cause to be delivered to Clear Creek, in recordable form, a Certificate of Completion as required by the terms of the Purchase and Development Contract. The Parties further stipulate that, upon the recording of the Certificate of Completion, the Purchase and Development Contract does not need to be memorialized on any given Certificate of Title issued following the registration of title to the Land in Clear Creek's name, and stipulate that the future obligations and restrictions imposed on Clear Creek, and the contingent reversionary rights provided, in the Quit Claim Deed do not need to be memorialized on any given Certificate of Title issued following the registration of title to the Land in Clear Creek's name. 11. Development Contract: Wright Countv Recorder Document No. 1322388. The Parties acknowledge that Clear Creek's ownership of the Land is subject to the terms and conditions of the Development Contract identified as Wright County Recorder Document No. 1322388. The Parties acknowledge that the Development Contract imposed on Clear Creek certain covenants and warranties, and that the Land shall be released from the terms and conditions of the Development Contract upon the City's determination of Clear Creek's satisfaction of the covenants therein contained and upon the expiration of the warranty period. The Parties stipulate that, upon such determination, the City shall deliver to Clear Creek, in recordable form, a Release as required by the terms of the Development Contract, evidencing the termination of the covenants and the warranty period and releasing the Land from the terms and conditions of the Development Contract. The Parties further stipulate that, upon the recording of such a Release, the Development Contract does not need to be memorialized on any given Certificate of Title issued following the registration of title to the Land in Clear Creek's name. 12. All Parties have contributed to the drafting of this Stipulation and any ambiguities contained in this Stipulation shall not be construed against any particular Party. 13. The Parties may execute this Stipulation in any number of counterparts, each of which when so executed and collected, whether by hand delivery, mail, fax, or email, shall be an original, and such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same Stipulation. 14. This Stipulation is subject to and shall become effective only upon the review and approval by the Wright County Examiner of Titles and upon the entry of an order by the above -captioned Court which approves this Stipulation and each of its terms. 3 4007927v4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have made and entered into this Stipulation as of the day and year approved by the Court. CLEAR CREEK LAND COMPANY, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company By: Luke Dahlheimer Its: Chief Manager CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Name: Its: Mayor By: Name: Its: City Administrator CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Name: Its: President By: Name: Its: Executive Director 4 4007927v4 TEMPORARY ROADWAY EASEMENT This easement, granted this day of , 2018, by between Clear Creek Land Company, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, herein referred to as "Landowner" in favor of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City". WITNESSETH: The Landowner, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto and for the benefit of the City, its successors and assigns, as the present and future owners of Outlot E, Otter Creek Crossing, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota (the "Benefitted Parcel"), the following easement for a temporary private roadway: A temporary easement for private roadway purposes over, under and across a part of Lot 3, Block 1, CLEAR CREEK ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota (the `Burdened Parcel"), described as follows: EASEMENT AREA That part of Lot 3, Block 1, CLEAR CREEK ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the northeasterly line of Dalton Way and southwesterly of the following described curve: Commencing at the most southerly corner of said Lot 3; thence North 38 degrees 42 minutes 52 seconds West, plat bearing, along the southwesterly line of said Lot 3, also being the northeasterly line of Dalton Way, a distance of 11.47 feet to the point of beginning of the curve to be described; thence northwesterly on a non- tangential curve, concave to the southwest, having a radius of 48.78 feet and a central angle of 85 degrees 38 minutes 53 seconds, a chord bearing of North 39 degrees 24 minutes 46 seconds West, a chord length of 66.31 feet, and an arc length of 72.91 feet to said southwesterly line of Lot 3 and there terminating. This temporary easement shall expire upon the earlier to occur of (a) the future southerly and easterly extension of Dalton Way, within the City, or (b) modification of Dalton Way where it is contiguous with the Burdened Parcel, or (c) the tenth (10th) anniversary of the date of this document. 40087980 The grant of the foregoing temporary easement is for private roadway purposes and includes the right of the City, its contractors, agents and servants to construct, reconstruct, inspect, repair and maintain a roadway and appurtenances over, under and across the property, and to erect and maintain signs, in conjunction with the use of the roadway for access to and from the Benefitted Parcel. The Landowner, for itself and its successors and assigns, does covenant with the City, that it owns the easement premises in fee simple and has full right to grant and convey the easement to the City. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Landowner has caused this easement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. LANDOWNER: CLEAR CREEK LAND COMPANY, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day of , 2018, before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally appeared to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did say that he/she is the of CLEAR CREEK LAND COMPANY, LLC, the limited liability company named in the instrument, and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said limited liability company by authority of the company and said acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of the company. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: MOSS & BARNETT, a Professional Association 150 South 5' Street, Suite 1200 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 612-877-5000 2 40087980 Notary Public CLEAR GREEK S COND ADDITION KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Rocky Mtn Exchange Holding Company 25254, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Lot 1, Block 1, CLEAR CREEK ADDITION. (Torrens Property) and Clear Creek Land Company, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Lot 2 and Lot 3, Block 1, CLEAR CREEK ADDITION. (Torrens Property) Have caused the some to be surveyed and platted as CLEAR CREEK SECOND ADDITION and do hereby dedicate to the public for public use the drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of review and approve this plat of CLEAR CREEK SECOND ADDITION. 20 the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did hereby Chairperson Secretary CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA In witness whereof said Rocky Mtn Exchange Holding Company 25254, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper This plat of CLEAR CREEK SECOND ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this officers this day of 20 Signed: Rocky Mtn Exchange Holding Company 25254, LLC day of 20 and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Greg Dahlheimer, Chief Manager Joe Dahlheimer, Secretary This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by Greg Dahlheimer, Chief Manager, and Joe Dahlheimer, Secretary of Rocky Mtn Exchange Holding Company 25254, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. (Signature) (Name Printed) Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires In witness whereof said Clear Creek Land Company, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officers this day of 20 Signed: Clear Creek Land Company, LLC STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF Luke Dahlheimer, Chief Manager Todd Lorsung, Chief Financial Manager/Treasurer Nick Dahlheimer, Secretary This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by Luke Dahlheimer, Chief Manager, Todd Lorsung, Chief Financial Manager/Treasurer, and Nick Dahlheimer, Secretary of Clear Creek Land Company, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. (Signature) (Name Printed) Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires Mayor City Administrator WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this 20 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR Wright County Surveyor day of Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes on the land hereinbefore described on this plat and transfer entered this 20 Wright County Auditor WRIGHT COUNTY TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20 20 Wright County Treasurer Deputy on the land hereinbefore described have been paid this In Deputy day of day of I Trace C. McCoy, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this day of 20 at o'clock Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of 20 Trace C. McCoy, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 44531 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this License No. 44531 0 LLPAr40 OF—R'/ 10FES .M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. day of 20 by Trace C. McCoy, Land Surveyor, Minnesota REGISTRAR OF TITLES, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA (Signature) Certificate Number Sleeve as Document No. Wright County Recorder I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the Registrar of Titles for record on this day of 20 at o'clock (Name Printed) Notary Public, County, Minnesota M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. Sleeve My Commission Expires PRELIMINARY REVIEW COPY 10,130Z 17 as Document No. Wright County Registrar of Titles SHEET" � OF 2. SHEE'T'S 1�3 -A 0 G- a 1 1 1 1 1 1 C AR CR K S COND ADDITION do tiG��o /0ti F ED ED I\ L_ L_ C\ I \ �/ �% I I BVI \ 7\ /I T I n n n I -T- v/ L-n•J L- >�-�����i u C� "7//A.\ / n \ L -n V lJ L' 1 n A '�✓� O / R-'60.00 O S \ f`i-' Q_ -42012'22'L Si• O --- n r` ' ✓ X59.84 0 T .� �L n I�.rf--\ ✓�.�• — — — — — — — — — — — — — �,C✓�i34" 00 �" '00 Q a �r rel `�• _ \\ N 6 r r` S- ?, 8-y 4-32039'31" R=500.00 ---- \ L 1 t2 1 I i L 285.00 / p2,� A 9� aS44�4 � _- ----- �FgF'LjcF9 I / 0, Ar I02» `\ \ - - - - - L-234.96 `< 0=26'55'29" /ry0,�/�,9C'��i> I I 44 /\ I F� FO/ o 4-- jo.29800 x' I Wo / I 61 .p a N�NN % \\ R R�'R `�a,- 1 %tI L _ L _ / n�-) I \ II C , n O \ [,s I I) - 1 1 rim I , II �� I r n 1 -tea y co 1 1 'n �> /0 10, �� 0\\--/ ' /.`off - I---- \ �; x'' ;qSF/tip / I I o-r�1 I - L _ _ \\ // C> Lo Q ow / N I / \ o / LOT X o- v 1 1 I -------s----- \, I I c__0 \ -1. �o cyl TV\ rn C-�-7 0�E3 L 0 V FF 9T Foy I i 1 c� I /r N 46'02'39" E �\ I \ i 1 � I 78-05 - -� , N) ► I 3606. t-' --DRAINAGE AND UTILITY -t\\ �\ \ F _ 29 +� J i Ix I k�� �- EASEMENT DEDICATED IN �r I T" 1 5 \\ .` N 94 ,�p,���g--�----'�/ THE PLTADDITION R � � -' 3 o W II I w i ; CREEK\ C W II' ' I r -388 g0 SF.ti I ___ - 1 \ \ 1121' �F T'S 9c _ _ - - ----- Tr C� 1 15 -3 9��FO` _690_34 _---- 079.,24 41002'17 41002'17 w co co 1 / \ tv 1 � ___-- N i I/ l< I /o�omZ> 1 oD nim / ------m oo--1 I z 'omC-)U)mm 1 / ma3 � TT r- 0 0 �. E -AND SeRv moss r- PRELIMINARY REVIEW COPY 1oz3oz17 0 60 120 180 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 INCH = 60 FEET • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND #44531 A DENOTES P.K. NAIL FOUND o DENOTES IRON MONUMENTS SET, MARKED BY LICENSE NO. 44531 QQ DENOTES WRIGHT COUNTY MONUMENT FOUND C� c� C� BEARING ORIENTATION: THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE PLAT OF CLEAR CREEK ADDITION IS ASSUMED TO BEAR N41 '02'17"E. VICINITY MAP SECTION 10, T. 121, R. 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MN 0 1000 2000 3000 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1 INCH = 1000 FEET \ A° C.S.A.H. NO. 39 1 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEET'S City Council Agenda: 05/14/2018 20. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-36 accenting bids and awarding contract to Astech Surface Technologies Corp. in the amount of $142,456.93 for the 2018 Sealcoat and Fog Seal Project. (TM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is asked to consider accepting bids and awarding a contract for the 2018 Street Bituminous Sealcoat and Fog Seal Project. The areas to be seal coated will be patched and crack sealed by city crews in preparation for this project. Bids were requested for the project which includes 102,487 square yards of city streets, and due on April 26, 2018. A total of three bids were received; Astech Surface Technologies Corp. for $142,456.93, Allied Blacktop Co $149,631.02 and Caldwell Asphalt for $181,401.99. Staff is recommending awarding the contract to Astech Surface Technologies Corp with the low bid of $142,456.93. Astech Surface Technologies is a division of Astech Corp. Astech Corp. was awarded the contract for the 2017 Street Reconstruction Project. There were some problems with scheduling and performance on that project. Dale Strandberg, Vice President of Asphalt Surface Technologies, was contact about the issues Monticello had with the 2017 project. Strandberg noted he was not aware of the issues, but would discuss them with the project manager. We requested references of past chip seal projects and have checked references with Wright County, City of Cottage Grove, Silver Creek Township, City of Otsego, City of Forest Lake, and the City of Inver Grove Heights. All of the references checked said they were pleased with the service that was provided by Astech. This project area includes East River Street and streets leading to Broadway, Hillside Farms, Klein Farms south of School Boulevard, Dundas Road east of Edmonson Avenue, and the parking lots at Yd & Walnut and East Bridge Park. A chip seal (or sealcoating) is a treatment of the surface of a paved road. It is designed to seal and protect the pavement and extend the life of the road. Chip seal paving improves road quality, protects road surfaces from water damage, and provides increased traction for vehicles. Studies have shown that applying a chip seal to protect roads while they are still in good condition is the most cost-effective strategy for maintaining roads. A chip seal begins with surface preparation, including sweeping, cleaning and repairing holes. A thin layer of emulsified asphalt is then sprayed on the road and chip rocks are applied and compacted with a roller. Finally, the road is swept clean of any excess chips. Fog sealing is an application of asphalt emulsion sprayed onto the pavement surface without a cover. The emulsion is diluted to the proper consistency to obtain complete coverage of the roadway. Fog seal works better on a coarse aggregate surface where asphalt emulsion has room to bond between aggregate particles. Fog sealing is a highly satisfactory compliment to a new chip seal surface to aid chip retention; it can also add up to three years of life to a chip seal. The road surface heats up easier in the winter months which aids in snow removal. The fog seal also provides an aesthetically pleasing black surface that gives the appearance of a new street overlay. Standards today in road maintenance are to sealcoat new roads five years after they have been constructed and every seven years after that. By fog sealing after the chip seal we believe we can extend the seven years to eight or nine years. Following this guide, the goal we are trying to achieve for our residential street surfaces is for them to last 40 to 45 years. 1 City Council Agenda: 05/14/2018 There have been several projects on Monticello's roadway system in past years spending millions of dollars so it is very important that we follow up these projects with a good maintenance program which we try to adhere to annually with respect to the initial submitted budgets. Al. Budget Impact: The total project cost is $142,456.93. A2. Staff Workload Impact: A project of this size typically takes 3-4 days for chip sealing and another 3-4 days for fog sealing. A City inspector will be on the job site for those days. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-36 accepting the bids and awarding a contract to Astech Corp. of St. Cloud, MN, based upon their low bid of $142,456.93 This project will be completed per contract by August 24, 2018. 2. Motion to accept the bids but award the contract to another bidder. 3. Motion to deny all bids at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends accepting the bids and awarding the contract for the Annual Sealcoating and Fog Sealing Project to Astech Corp. for a total project cost of $142,456.93 based upon their low bid as outlined in Alternative #1. The Public Works and Engineering Departments will be inspecting the project to see that the contractor adheres to the plans and specifications. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2018-36 B. 2018 Sealcoating Project Bid Tabulation. C. 2018 Sealcoating Project Map. A complete set of Plans and Specifications for this project are on file at city hall and available upon request. 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-36 ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE 2018 STREET SEALCOAT AND FOG SEAL WHEREAS, the City has solicited bids for the 2018 Street Sealcoat and Fog Seal Project according to the plans and specifications provided to the public. Bids were received, opened, and tabulated, and were found to comply with said plans and specifications: Contractor Bid Astech Corp $142,456.93 Allied Blacktop Co $149,631.02 Caldwell Asphalt $181,401.99_ WHEREAS, the bid submitted by Astech Surface Technologies, Corp, of St. Cloud, MN, in the amount of $142,456.93, for the combined total chip seal and fog seal for the 2018 Street Bituminous Sealcoat and Fog Seal Project, in accordance with the plans and specifications, was the lowest responsible bid and shall be hereby accepted. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk, are hereby approved. 2. Bids submitted for the project according to the plans and specifications are hereby accepted. The City Administrator and Mayor are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said company for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the City of Monticello. 4. The Public Works Department and Engineering Department shall direct and inspect the project. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of May, 2018. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator BID TABULATION SUMMARY 2018 STREET BITUMINOUS SEALCOAT & FOG SEAL PROJECT CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA BIDS RECEIVED: BIDS OPENED: THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 2018, AT 2:00 P.M. BID BID A - SEALCOATING BID B - FOG SEAL SECURITY SEALCOATING SEALCOATING FOG SEAL FOG SEAL CONTRACTOR (X) UNIT PRICE TOTAL SUM UNIT PRICE TOTAL SUM 1. ASTECH CORP 2 ALLLIED BLACKTOP CO 3 CALDWELL ASPHALT 4 X $ 1.09 $ 111,710.83 $ 0.30 $ 30,746.10 X $ 1.07 $ 109,661.09 $ 0.39 $ 39,969.93 X $ 1.47 $ 150,655.89 $ 0.30 $ 30,746.10 TOTAL BID A + BID B SEALCOATING & FOG SEAL $ 142,456.93 $ 149,631.02 $ 181,401.99 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the quotes as received on April 26, 2018. Tom Moores, Street Superintendent -��ZMCITY OF • On icelo PUBLIC WORKS F. IADMIN0.,dPoc\STREET DEPTCHIP SEAL\2018 CHIP SEAL PROJECTBID TABULATION FORM -2018 SEALCOAT -FOG SEAL PROJECT4/262018 -PAGE 1 OF 1 - L U 116TH d PRAIRIE yRIVER I m z SANDY R/SFR 1joTH � 39 O Z CLUB VIEW �V z O I— J Q pgRkpC D AcF0R z 99TH 40 CITY O) Monticello 2018 Chip Seal Project 0 0.4 0.8 1.6 Miles 1 1 2018 Chip Seal Project F�°tiT IZA oma 4 y DUNDAS OF0 z O z O ��� o Aggregat6 w Stockpile 85TH Document Path: J:\seal coat projects\2018 Seal Coat Project\Map of 2018 Chip Seal Project.mxd X 87TH ti9 PRl Vq TF S/ppl y RIVERVIEW T- - yMILL RUN m o c CyF<SFq �qy Q 9? TN G) J MEADOW ON 95TH SCHOOL Y \ Q O z STARLIN o O J L PgRK c� z z z LU LL DEER J (D m w n D m OX x 85TH �� ✓gs0/Y (65 84TH 84TH LSio'uY�ce: Es?ri�iD,igitall;G'Lob'e Eal:hstariG oe grcaphlicsVCNIE�S,/Air)us-D.S�]iUSDA,,,;, ID IGN anr_I they 411yr. SII 39 II City Council Agenda: 5/14/2018 2P. Consideration of Resolution 2018-37 Approving a Business Subsidv Agreement with Bondhus Corporation in Connection with a $200,000 EDA-SCDP Loan for Equipment Purchases Related to a Manufacturing Facilitv Expansion Proiect (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Bondhus Corporation submitted an application for a $200,000 loan from the EDA -Small Cities Development Program (SCDP) fund to finance equipment purchases as part of a proposed $2,334,000 expansion project. Bondhus is proposing to construct a two-story, 12,000 sq. ft. addition onto its existing 60,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility located at 1400 East Broadway. New equipment purchases are expected to total $500,000. Bondhus indicates it will need the EDA-SCDP loan as well as State JCF (Job Creation Fund) assistance to fill a funding gap allowing the project investment to cash flow. Per Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, as amended (the "Business Subsidy Act"), Business Subsidies are required to be approved by the City Council. The EDA held the required Business Subsidy Public Hearing at its regular meeting on May 9, 2018. The expansion will allow Bondhus to launch of a new line of tools. It examined purchasing other firms located outside of Monticello to pursue this line of work and concluded that it makes sense to establish the product in Monticello and grow it here. As part of the expansion project, Bondhus plans to add 15 new FTE jobs and retain the existing 86 FTE jobs at the Monticello facility over the next five years. A nearly 53 year old company with origins in Monticello, Bondhus is a manufacturer of high quality and strength hex hand tools and screwdrivers. It makes 14,000 tool SKUs of various sizes and dimensions per day. The total amount of tools shipped daily is 170,000. Customers include Fastenal, Northern Tool, Mid -States Supply, etc. It sells products internationally to 44 countries worldwide. Bondhus is just one of two hex hand tool makers left in the U.S., with Eklind of Chicago, being the other manufacturer. Bondhus is contributing $250,000 (10.71 percent) in cash equity toward the project. Bank financing will comprise $1,884,000 (80.8 percent) of the project's costs. Minnesota DEED recently approved a JCF grant to Bondhus in the amount of $175,300 as a pay for performance (pfp) reimbursement, over five years, for creating the 15 new jobs and completing the investment in new real property improvements. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The proposed loan -business subsidy consideration will not place undue burden on staff beyond normal, typical program administration tasks. There will be some annual reporting regarding job creation verification which is not overly time consuming. Staff already has a process in place to track job creation requirements. An estimate of the current time commitment to the Bondhus proposal is 30 hours +/-). If the Business Subsidy is approved by the City Council, the additional time in 2018 may total 20 to 35 hours with a similar amount of time in 2019 when equipment draws are completed and the first reports are due (Spring 2019). A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The EDA-SCDP loan program is an appropriate source of funding for the project due to planned equipment purchases. When those dollars are used for equipment, the Federal strings presently attached to the funds (passed to Monticello through the State) can be minimized and ultimately released at the time of 1 City Council Agenda: 5/14/2018 Bondhus' loan repayments back to the EDA. The budgetary impact related to consideration of the EDA-SCDP loan request is to the loan fund itself. The fund currently has $505,000 +/- available to loan out. This request is for $200,000 or approximately 39 percent of the available dollars in the EDA-SCDP program. The balance of the fund after the loan is completed will be $305,000 +/-. Staff will collaborate with Finance staff to set up the appropriate separate repayment account allowing clear accounting of the "string -less" dollars. A3. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT: Supporting Bondhus' expansion proposal through the EDA-SCDP Loan aligns with City's adopted Strategic Goal #4 "Support A Vibrant Economy" in that the development will increase the community's economic vitality through additional real property investments and also by adding more good paying stable jobs. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-37 approving a Business Subsidy Agreement with Bondhus Corporation in connection with a $200,000 EDA-SCDP Loan for equipment purchases related to a manufacturing facility expansion project. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2018-37. 3. Motion to table consideration of Resolution 2018-37 for further research or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The adopted Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives support Efforts to create a vibrant, strong, diverse economy in the form of job creation/retention and tax base expansion. Bondhus' expansion aligns with those objectives through more investment into its current facilities and by adding 15 new FTE living wage jobs. Additional benefits include increased economic activity, additional spin-off business for area manufacturers and suppliers and increased local property tax revenue. Bondhus is pursing the financing in a strategic move to expand its product line and further grow its market share. The underwriting process indicates that Bondhus has the ability to service additional debt for the expansion. The EDA-SCDP Fund has sufficient dollars to easily consider the $200,000 loan request. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2018-37 B. Business Subsidy Summary C. Business Subsidy Agreement (part of Loan Agreement; Section 4) D. Evidence of 10 percent Equity Contribution E. Financial Debt Service References 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-37 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION APPROVING BUSINESS SUBSIDY IN CONNECTION WITH SCDP LOAN TO BONDHUS CORPORATION BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") as follows: Section 1. Background. 1.01. The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("Authority") has been designated as the City's Local Development Organization for purposes of administering the City's Small Cities Development Program loan funds, pursuant to the City's Resolution No. 2005-125. 1.02. The Authority is a grantor as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 1161993 to I I6J.995, as amended (the "Business Subsidy Act"), and is authorized to grant financial assistance to private development, including loans. 1.03. The Authority and Bondhus Corporation (the `Borrower") desire to enter into a loan agreement (the "Loan Agreement") for a Small Cities Development Program Loan (the "Loan") to be used for the acquisition of certain equipment to be used in connection with the construction and equipping of an expansion to the Borrower's existing hand tool manufacturing facility in the City (the "Project"). 1.04. The assistance provided to the Borrower through the Loan exceeds $150,000, and therefore qualifies as a business subsidy (the "Subsidy") under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995, as amended (the "Business Subsidy Act"). On May 9, 2018, the Authority held a duly noticed public hearing pursuant to the Business Subsidy Act and approved the Loan Agreement, which Loan Agreement includes a business subsidy agreement (the "Business Subsidy Agreement") memorializing the Subsidy. 1.05. Pursuant to Section 116J.994, subd. 3(d) of the Business Subsidy Act, if the grantor of a subsidy is not the local elected governing body, the Subsidy must also be approved by such governing body. Section 2. Subsidv Approved. 2.01. The City approves the Subsidy granted by the Authority to the Borrower as provided pursuant to the Business Subsidy Agreement within the Loan Agreement, in the form presented to the City. Section 3. Further Acts. 3.01. City staff and officials are authorized and directed to take any and all additional steps and actions necessary or convenient in order to accomplish the intent of this resolution. 522674v1 MNI MN325-39 Approved by the City Council of the City of Monticello this 14th day of May, 2018. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 522674v1 MNI MN325-39 LOAN AGREEMENT This Loan Agreement ("Agreement") is made this _ day of May, 2018, between Bondhus Corporation, a Minnesota corporation ('Borrower") and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("Lender"), a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota. RECITALS A. In consideration for the loan contemplated by this Agreement, Borrower is executing and delivering to Lender this Loan Agreement. B. Lender agrees to loan to Borrower the maximum amount of $200,000 to pay a portion of the costs of certain equipment necessary for the expansion of Borrower's hand tool manufacturing facility (the "Facility") located in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), which equipment is listed at Exhibit A hereto (the "Equipment"). ACCORDINGLY, to induce Lender to make the Loan to Borrower, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Loan Amount. Subject to and upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Lender agrees to loan to Borrower the sum of Two Hundred Thousand and no/100ths Dollars ($200,000), or so much thereof as is disbursed to Borrower in accordance with this Agreement (the "Loan"). The Loan shall be evidenced by a promissory note ("Note") payable by Borrower to Lender and substantially in the form of Exhibit B attached to this Agreement, which shall be dated as of the date of closing on the Loan (the "Loan Closing Date"). Proceeds of the Loan shall be disbursed in accordance with Section 3 hereof. 2. Repavment of Loan. The Loan shall be repaid with interest as follows: (a) Simple interest at the rate of two and three-quarters percent (2.75%) per annum shall accrue from the date of each disbursement pursuant to each draw request, as described in Section 3 hereof, until the Loan is repaid in full. Accrued interest until the Initial Payment Date (as hereinafter defined) shall be added to principal. (b) Payments of principal and interest on amounts disbursed under the Note shall commence on April 1, 2019 (the "Initial Payment Date") and continue on the first day of each and every month thereafter until paid in full. Such payments shall fully amortize the principal and interest over ten (10) years, provided that the final unpaid balance of principal and interest shall be due and payable on the first day of the one hundred twentieth (120th) month following the Loan Closing Date. 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 1 Disbursement of Loan Proceeds. (a) The Loan proceeds shall be paid to Borrower in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, if the cost of the Equipment exceeds the amount to be reimbursed under this Agreement, such excess shall be the sole responsibility of the Borrower. (b) All disbursements of proceeds of the Loan will be made subject to the conditions precedent that prior to the date of such disbursement: (i) The Lender has received from Borrower, without expense to Lender, executed copies of this Agreement and the Note, and Borrower further having caused to be executed and delivered to Lender a security agreement in substantially the form set forth hereto at Exhibit C (the "Security Agreement") and a corporate guaranty of Bondhus Corporation in substantially the form set forth hereto at Exhibit D (the "Guaranty"); (ii) The Lender has received a written statement from the Borrower's authorized representative certifying with respect to each payment: (a) that none of the items for which the payment is proposed to be made has formed the basis for any payment previously made under this Section (or before the date of this Agreement); and (b) that each item for which the payment is proposed is included in the Equipment; (iii) Borrower has provided evidence satisfactory to Lender that Borrower has established a separate accounting system for the exclusive purpose of recording the receipt and expenditure of the Loan proceeds; (iv) Borrower has paid $500 to Lender as a loan origination fee; (v) Borrower has paid to Lender the full amount of the legal fees incurred by Lender in the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement and any other agreement or instrument securing the Loan; and (vi) No Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing. (c) Whenever the Borrower desires a disbursement to be made hereunder, which shall be no more often than weekly, the Borrower shall submit to the Lender a draw request in the form attached as Exhibit E duly executed on behalf of the Borrower, accompanied by paid invoices or other comparable evidence that the cost has been incurred and paid or is payable by Borrower. Each draw request shall constitute a representation and warranty by the Borrower that all representations and warranties set forth in this Agreement are true and correct as of the date of such draw request. (d) If the Borrower has performed all of its agreements and complied with all requirements to be performed or complied with hereunder, including satisfaction of all applicable conditions precedent contained in this Section, the Lender shall make a 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 2 disbursement to the Borrower in the amount of the requested disbursement or such lesser amount as shall be approved, within twenty days after the date of the Lender's receipt of the draw request. 4. Business Subsidy Agreement. The provisions of this Section constitute the business subsidy agreement for the purposes of the Business Subsidy Act. (a) General Terms. The parties agree and represent to each other as follows: (1) The subsidy provided to the Borrower consists of the Loan, representing a total subsidy of $200,000. (2) The public purposes of the subsidy are to facilitate an expansion to the Facility in the City, increase net jobs in the City and the State, and increase the tax base of the City and the State. (3) The goals for the subsidy are: to secure development of the expansion of the Facility and acquisition of the Equipment on the Property; to maintain the Facility as a hand tool manufacturing facility for the time period described in clause (6) below; and to create the jobs and wage levels in accordance with Section 4(b) hereof. (4) If the goals described in clause (3) are not met, the Borrower must make the payments to the Lender described in Section 4(c). (5) The subsidy is needed to mitigate the cost of the Equipment needed for the expansion of the existing Facility in the City. (6) The Borrower must continue operation of the Facility as a "Qualified Facility" for at least five (5) years after the Benefit Date (defined hereinafter). The term Qualified Facility means a facility for the manufacture of hand tools. The Facility will be a Qualified Facility as long as it is operated by Borrower for the aforementioned qualified uses. During any period when the Facility is vacant and not operated for the aforementioned qualified uses, the Facility will not constitute a Qualified Facility. (7) The Borrower certifies that it does not have a parent company. (8) The Borrower expects to receive additional financial assistance in the form of a grant from the State of Minnesota through its Job Creation Fund, in connection with the expansion of the Facility. (b) Job and Wage Goals. The `Benefit Date" of the assistance provided in this Agreement is the Loan Closing Date. By the Compliance Date, which is the date two (2) years after the Benefit Date, the Borrower shall (i) create at least 15 full-time equivalent jobs at the Facility, and (ii) cause the average hourly wage of the 15 created jobs to be at least $21.00 per hour, exclusive of benefits. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, if the wage and job goals described in this paragraph are met by the Compliance Date, those goals are deemed satisfied as of the date such 521675v2 MNI MN325-6 wage and job goals are met, despite the Developer's continuing obligations under Sections 4(a)(6) and 4(d). The Lender may, after a public hearing, extend the Compliance Date by up to one year, provided that nothing in this section will be construed to limit the Lender's legislative discretion regarding this matter. (c) Remedies. If the Borrower fails to meet the goals described in Section 4(a)(3), the Borrower shall repay to the Lender upon written demand from the Lender a "pro rata share" of the outstanding principal amount of the Note. The term "pro rata share" means percentages calculated as follows: (i) if the failure relates to the number of jobs, the jobs required less the jobs created, divided by the jobs required; (ii) if the failure relates to wages, the number of jobs required less the number of jobs that meet the required wages, divided by the number of jobs required; (iii) if the failure relates to maintenance of the Facility as a Qualified Facility in accordance with Section 4(a)(6), 60 less the number of months of operation as a Qualified Facility (where any month in which the Qualified Facility is in operation for at least 15 days constitutes a month of operation), commencing on the Benefit Date and ending with the date the Qualified Facility ceases operation as determined by the Lender, divided by 60; and (iv) if more than one of clauses (i) through (iii) apply, the sum of the applicable percentages, not to exceed 100%. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to limit the Lender's remedies under Section 7 hereof. In addition to the remedy described in this Section and any other remedy available to the Lender for failure to meet the goals stated in Section 4(a)(3), the Borrower agrees and understands that it may not a receive a business subsidy from the Lender or any grantor (as defined in the Business Subsidy Act) for a period of five (5) years from the date of the failure or until the Borrower satisfies its repayment obligation under this Section, whichever occurs first. (d) Reports. The Borrower must submit to the Lender a written report regarding business subsidy goals and results by no later than February 1 of each year following the Loan Closing Date and continuing until the later of (i) the date the goals stated Section 4(a)(3) are met; (ii) 30 days after expiration of the period described in Section 4(a)(6); or (iii) if the goals are not met, the date the subsidy is repaid in accordance with Section 4(c). The report must comply with Section 116J.994, subdivision 7 of the Business Subsidy Act. The Lender will provide information to the Borrower regarding the required forms. If the Borrower fails to timely file any report required under this Section, the Lender will mail the Borrower a warning within one week after the required filing date. If, after 14 days of the postmarked date of the warning, the Borrower fails to provide a report, the Borrower must pay to the Lender a penalty of $100 for each subsequent day until the report is filed. The maximum aggregate penalty payable under this Section is $1,000. 5. Representations and Warranties. Borrower represents and warrants to Lender that: 521675v2 NMI MN325-6 4 (a) Borrower is duly authorized and empowered to execute, deliver, and perform this Agreement and to borrow money from Lender. (b) The execution and delivery of this Agreement, and the performance by Borrower of its obligations hereunder, do not and will not violate or conflict with any provision of law and do not and will not violate or conflict with, or cause any default or event of default to occur under, any agreement binding upon Borrower. (c) The execution and delivery of this Agreement has been duly approved by all necessary action of Borrower, and this Agreement has in fact been duly executed and delivered by Borrower and constitutes its lawful and binding obligation, legally enforceable against it. (d) Borrower warrants that it shall keep and maintain books, records, and other documents relating directly to the receipt and disbursements of Loan proceeds and that any duly authorized representative of Lender shall, at all reasonable times, have access to and the right to inspect, copy, audit, and examine all such books, records, and other documents of Borrower pertaining to the Loan until the completion of all closeout procedures and the final settlement and conclusion of all issues arising out of this Loan. (e) Borrower warrants that it has fully complied with all applicable state and federal laws pertaining to its business and will continue to comply throughout the terms of this Agreement. If at any time Borrower receives notice of noncompliance from any governmental entity, Borrower agrees to take any necessary action to comply with the state or federal law in question. (0 Borrower warrants that it will use the proceeds of the Loan made by Lender solely for the Equipment. (g) Borrower warrants that it will not create, permit to be created, or allow to exist any liens, charges, or encumbrances prior to the obligation created by this Loan Agreement, except as otherwise authorized in writing by Lender. 6. Event of Default by Borrower. The following shall be Events of Default under this Agreement: (a) failure to pay any principal or interest on the Loan when due; (b) any representation or warranty made by Borrower herein or in any document, instrument, or certificate given in connection with this Agreement, the Note, the Security Agreement, or the Guaranty is false when made; (c) Borrower fails to pay its debts as they become due, makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, admits in writing its inability to pay its debts as they become due, files a petition under any chapter of the Federal Bankruptcy Code or any similar law, state or federal, now or hereafter existing, becomes "insolvent" as that term is generally defined 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 5 under the Federal Bankruptcy Code, files an answer admitting insolvency or inability to pay its debts as they become due in any involuntary bankruptcy case commenced against it, or fails to obtain a dismissal of such case within thirty (30) days after its commencement or convert the case from one chapter of the Federal Bankruptcy Code to another chapter, or be the subject of an order for relief in such bankruptcy case, or be adjudged a bankrupt or insolvent, or has a custodian, trustee, or receiver appointed for, or has any court take jurisdiction of its property, or any part thereof, in any proceeding for the purpose of reorganization, arrangement, dissolution, or liquidation, and such custodian, trustee, or receiver is not discharged, or such jurisdiction is not relinquished, vacated, or stayed within thirty (30) days of the appointment; (d) a garnishment summons or writ of attachment is issued against or served upon Lender for the attachment of any property of Borrower in Lender's possession or any indebtedness owing to Borrower, unless appropriate papers are filed by Borrower contesting the same within thirty (30) days after the date of such service or such shorter period of time as may be reasonable in the circumstances; (e) any breach or failure of Borrower to perform any other term or condition of this Agreement not specifically described as an Event of Default in this Agreement and such breach or failure continues for a period of thirty (30) days after Lender has given written notice to Borrower specifying such default or breach, unless Lender agrees in writing to an extension of such time prior to its expiration; provided, however, if the failure stated in the notice cannot be corrected within the applicable period, Lender will not unreasonably withhold its consent to an extension of such time if corrective action is instituted by Borrower within the applicable period and is being diligently pursued until the Default is corrected, but no such extension shall be given for an Event of Default that can be cured by the payment of money (i.e., payment of taxes, insurance premiums, or other amounts required to be paid hereunder); (f) any breach by Borrower of any other agreement between Borrower, and Lender, or the City. 7. Lender's Remedies upon Borrower's Default. Upon an Event of Default by Borrower and after provision by Lender of written notice, Lender shall have the right to exercise any or all of the following remedies (and any other rights and remedies available to it): (a) declare the principal amount of the Loan and any accrued interest thereon to be immediately due and payable upon providing written notice to Borrower; (b) suspend its performance under this Loan Agreement; (c) take any action provided for at law to enforce compliance by Borrower with the terms of this Agreement and the Note; (d) exercise its rights under the Security Agreement and/or Guaranty. 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 6 In addition to any other amounts due on the Loan, and without waiving any other right of Lender under any this Agreement or any other instrument securing the Loan applicable documents, Borrower shall pay to Lender a late fee of $250 for any payment not received in full by Lender within 30 calendar days of the date on which it is due. Furthermore, interest will continue to accrue on any amount due until the date on which it is paid to Lender, and all such interest will be due and payable at the same time as the amount on which it has accrued. 8. Lender's Costs of Enforcement of Agreement. If an Event of Default has occurred as provided herein, then upon demand by Lender, Borrower shall pay or reimburse Lender for all expenses, including all attorneys fees and expenses incurred by Lender in connection with the enforcement of this Agreement and the Note, or in connection with the protection or enforcement of the interests and collateral security of Lender in any litigation or bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding or in any action or proceeding relating in any way to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. 9. Indemnification. (a) Borrower shall and does hereby agree to indemnify against and to hold Lender, and its officers, agents, and employees, harmless of and from any and all liability, loss, or damage that it may incur under or by reason of this Agreement, and of and from any and all claims and demands whatsoever that may be asserted against Lender by reason of any alleged obligations or undertakings on its part to perform or discharge any of the terms, covenants, or agreements contained herein. (b) Should Lender, or its officers, agents, or employees incur any such liability or be required to defend against any claims or demands pursuant to this Section, or should a judgment be entered against Lender, the amount thereof, including costs, expenses, and attorneys fees, shall bear interest thereon at the rate then in effect on the Note, shall be secured hereby, shall be added to the Loan, and Borrower shall reimburse Lender for the same immediately upon demand, and upon the failure of Borrower to do so, Lender may declare the Loan immediately due and payable. (c) This indemnification and hold harmless provision shall survive the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement and the creation and payment of any indebtedness to Lender. Borrower waives notice of the acceptance of this Agreement by Lender. (d) Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of or limitation on any immunity from or limitation on liability to which Borrower is entitled under law. 10. Miscellaneous. (a) Waiver. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set forth in this Agreement may be waived, amended, or modified only by a writing signed by Borrower and Lender. No delay in the exercise of any power, right, or remedy operates as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right, or remedy. 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 7 (b) Assignment. This Agreement shall be binding upon Borrower and its successors and assigns and shall inure to the benefit of Lender and its successors and assigns. All rights and powers specifically conferred upon Lender may be transferred or delegated by Lender to any of its successors and assigns. Borrower's rights and obligations under this Agreement may be assigned only when such assignment is approved in writing by Lender. (c) Governing Law. This Agreement is made and shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the state of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. (d) Severabilitv. If any provision or application of this Agreement is held unlawful or unenforceable in any respect, such illegality or unenforceability shall not affect other provisions or applications that can be given effect, and this Agreement shall be construed as if the unlawful or unenforceable provision or application had never been contained herein or prescribed hereby. (e) Notice. All notices required hereunder shall be given by depositing in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses (or such other addresses as either party may notify the other): To Lender: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Executive Director To Borrower: Bondhus Corporation 1400 East Broadway Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Mike Blackston, President (f) Termination. If the Loan is not disbursed pursuant to this Agreement by February 28, 2019, this Agreement shall terminate and neither party shall have any further obligation to the other, except that if the Loan is not disbursed because Borrower has failed to use its best efforts to comply with the conditions set forth in Section 3 of this Agreement then Borrower shall pay to Lender all reasonable attorneys fees, costs, and expenses incurred by Lender in connection with this Agreement and the Note. (g) Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with the Exhibits hereto, which are incorporated by reference, constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of all mutual understandings between the parties with respect to this Agreement, superseding all prior or contemporaneous proposals, communications, and understandings, whether oral or written, concerning the Loan. 521675v2 MNI MN325-6 8 (h) Headings. The headings appearing at the beginning of the several sections contained in this Agreement have been inserted for identification and reference purposes only and shall not be used in the construction and interpretation of this Agreement. (The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.) 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by the proper officers thereunto duly authorized on the day and year first written above. CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Its President By: Its Executive Director [SIGNATURE PAGE TO LOAN AGREEMENT - CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY] 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 10 BONDHUS CORPORATION Title: [SIGNATURE PAGE TO LOAN AGREEMENT - BONDHUS CORPORATION] 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 I I EXHIBIT A EQUIPMENT [to be inserted] 521675v2 MNI MN325-6 A-1 EXHIBIT B PROMISSORY NOTE -$200,000- -2.75%- ,2018 Bondhus Corporation, a Minnesota corporation ("Maker"), for value received, hereby promises to pay to the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota or its assigns (Authority and any assigns are collectively referred to herein as "Holder"), at its designated principal office or such other place as the Holder may designate in writing, the principal sum of Two Hundred Thousand and no/100ths Dollars ($200,000) or so much thereof as may be advanced under this Note, with interest as hereinafter provided, in any coin or currency that at the time or times of payment is legal tender for the payment of private debts in the United States of America. The principal of and interest on this Note are payable in installments due as follows: 1. Simple interest at the rate of two and three-quarters percent (2.75%) per annum shall accrue from the date of each disbursement pursuant to each draw request, as described in the loan agreement between Borrower and Lender dated as of , 2018 ("Loan Agreement") until the Loan is repaid in full. Accrued interest until the Initial Payment Date (as hereinafter defined) shall be added to principal. 2. Payments of principal and interest on amounts disbursed under this Note shall commence on April 1, 2019 (the "Initial Payment Date") and continue on the first day of each and every month thereafter until paid in full. Such payments shall fully amortize the principal and interest over ten (10) years, provided that the final unpaid balance of principal and interest shall be due and payable on the first day of the one hundred twentieth (120th) month following the date of this Note. 3. The Maker shall have the right to prepay the principal of this Note, in whole or in part, with interest accrued to the date of such prepayment, on any date a principal and interest payment is due and payable. 4. This Note is given pursuant to the Loan Agreement, a security agreement of even date herewith delivered by Borrower (the "Security Agreement"), and a corporate guaranty of Bondhus Corporation (the "Guaranty"). If any such security is found to be invalid for whatever reason, such invalidity shall constitute an Event of Default hereunder. All of the agreements, conditions, covenants, provisions, and stipulations contained in the Loan Agreement, the Security Agreement, the Guaranty, or any other instrument securing this Note 521675v2 MNI MN325-6 B-1 are hereby made a part of this Note to the same extent and with the same force and effect as if they were fully set forth herein. It is agreed that time is of the essence of this Note. If an Event of Default occurs under the Loan Agreement, the Security Agreement, the Guaranty, or any other instrument securing this Note, then the Holder of this Note may at its right and option, without notice, declare immediately due and payable the principal balance of this Note and interest accrued thereon, together with reasonable attorneys fees and expenses incurred by the Holder of this Note in collecting or enforcing payment hereof, whether by lawsuit or otherwise, and all other sums due hereunder or any instrument securing this Note. The Maker of this Note agrees that the Holder of this Note may, without notice to and without affecting the liability of the Maker, accept additional or substitute security for this Note, or release any security or any party liable for this Note or extend or renew this Note. 5. The remedies of the Holder of this Note as provided herein, and in the Loan Agreement, the Security Agreement, the Guaranty, or any other instrument securing this Note shall be cumulative and concurrent and may be pursued singly, successively, or together, and, at the sole discretion of the Holder of this Note, may be exercised as often as occasion therefor shall occur; and the failure to exercise any such right or remedy shall in no event be construed as a waiver or release thereof. The Holder of this Note shall not be deemed, by any act of omission or commission, to have waived any of its rights or remedies hereunder unless such waiver is in writing and signed by the Holder and then only to the extent specifically set forth in the writing. A waiver with reference to one event shall not be construed as continuing or as a bar to or waiver of any right or remedy as to a subsequent event. This Note may not be amended, modified, or changed except only by an instrument in writing signed by the party against whom enforcement of any such amendment, modifications, or change is sought. 6. If any term of this Note, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Note, or the application of such term to persons or circumstances other than those to which it is invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected thereby, and each term of this Note shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 7. It is intended that this Note is made with reference to and shall be construed as a Minnesota contract and is governed by the laws thereof. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Note shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Note waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. 8. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set forth in this Note may be waived, amended, or modified only by a writing signed by the Maker and the Holder. No delay in the exercise of any power, right, or remedy operates as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right, or remedy. 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 B-2 9. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all conditions, acts, and things required to exist, happen, and be performed precedent to or in the issuance of this Note do exist, have happened, and have been performed in regular and due form as required by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Maker has caused this Note to be duly executed as of the day of , 2018. BONDHUS CORPORATION Title: [SIGNATURE PAGE FOR PRONUSSORY NOTE - BONDHUS CORPORATION] 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 B-3 EXHIBIT C SECURITY AGREEMENT THIS SECURITY AGREEMENT, dated as of , 2018, is made and entered into by and between BONDHUS CORPORATION (the "Debtor"), a Minnesota corporation with its principal place of business at 1400 East Broadway, Monticello, Minnesota 55362 and the CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (the "Secured Party"), a public body corporate and politic, with its principal place of business at 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362. 1. Security Interest and Collateral. To secure the payment of that certain Promissory Note in the original aggregate principal amount of $200,000, issued pursuant to a Loan Agreement dated as of , 2018 (the "Loan Agreement"), between the Secured Party and the Debtor, the proceeds of which will be applied to the acquisition of certain equipment for use at a facility for the manufacture of hand tools owned by the Debtor and located in the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "Facility"), the Debtor hereby grants the Secured Party a security interest (herein called the "Security Interest") in the following property (herein called the "Equipment"): any and all machinery and equipment installed in, attached to, or used in connection with the Facility, as described in Exhibit A hereto, together with all parts, additions, replacements, and repairs to the Equipment now or hereafter installed in, attached to, or used in the Facility, and the proceeds thereof (collectively with the Equipment, the "Collateral"). 2. Debtor's Representations, Warranties, and Covenants. Debtor represents, warrants, covenants, and agrees as follows: (a) Orizanization. The Debtor is a Minnesota corporation, and Debtor has full power and authority to execute, deliver, and perform this Security Agreement, and to own its property and conduct its business as presently conducted and as proposed to be conducted. (b) Authorization. The execution, delivery, and performance of this Security Agreement by the Debtor has been duly authorized by all necessary action and will not: (i) require any consent or approval of any entity which has not been obtained; or (ii) violate any material provision of any indenture, contract, agreement or instrument to which Debtor is a party or by which it is bound. (c) Performance by Debtor. Unless Debtor obtains Secured Party's written consent to the contrary, or except as provided in the Loan Agreement, Debtor shall not: 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 C-1 (i) terminate its interest in any of the Collateral; or (ii) sell, transfer, or assign, or offer to sell, transfer or assign all or any part of the Collateral or permit all or any part of the Collateral to be sold, transferred, or assigned; or (iii) remove or consent to the removal of any of the Equipment from the Facility. (d) Title to Collateral. Debtor shall keep good marketable title to all of the Collateral, and none of the Collateral is subject to any lien or security interest except for the security interest created by this Security Agreement and other security interests consented to in writing by Secured Party. Debtor has not granted, and will not grant or permit to exist, any lien or security interests in all or a portion of the Collateral other than the liens in favor of Secured Party and other liens consented to in writing by Secured Party. Debtor shall defend the Collateral against all claims and demands of all and any other persons at any time claiming any interest therein adverse to Secured Party. (e) Actions and Proceedings. There are no actions at law, suits in equity, or other proceedings before any governmental agency, commission, bureau, tribunal, or other arbitration proceedings against or affecting Debtor, that if adversely determined would adversely affect Debtor's interest in the Collateral or would adversely affect the rights of Debtor to pledge and assign all or a part of the Collateral or the rights and security afforded Secured Party hereunder. (f) Insurance. The Debtor agrees it will keep the Equipment insured, or cause the Equipment to be kept insured, at all times against loss by fire or other hazards concerning which, in the judgment of the Secured Party, insurance protection is reasonably necessary and in amounts sufficient to protect against loss or damage of the Equipment. Such policy or policies will contain a loss payable clause in favor of Secured Party or its successors or assigns, in form satisfactory to Secured Party, provided, however, that Debtor may, at its reasonable discretion, self -insure the Equipment. (g) No Fixture. If any of the Collateral is or becomes a fixture, Debtor agrees to furnish Secured Party, at Secured Party's request, with a statement or statements signed by all persons who have or claim an interest in the real estate concerned, which statements shall provide that the signer consents to the security interest created hereby and disclaims any interest in the Collateral as fixtures. (h) Understandings Reaardin2 Collateral. Debtor acknowledges that the Collateral is or will be of the design, capacity, and manufacture specified for and by Debtor, and that Debtor is satisfied that the same is or will be suitable for its intended purposes. Debtor further acknowledges and agrees that Secured Party has not made, and does not make, any representation, warranty, or covenant with respect to merchantability, fitness for any purpose, durability, patent, copyright or trademark infringement, suitability, or capability of any item of Collateral in any respect or in connection with any other purpose or use of Debtor, or any other representation, warranty, or covenant of any kind or character expressed or implied with respect thereto. Debtor accordingly agrees not to assert any claim whatsoever against Secured Party 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 C_2 based thereon. Debtor further agrees, regardless of cause, not to assert any claim whatsoever against Secured Party for loss of anticipatory profits or consequential damages. (i) Use of Collateral. The Collateral will be used for its intended business purpose and will at all times be located at the Facility, except as provided in the Loan Agreement. 0) Condition of Collateral. Debtor will keep the Collateral in good condition and repair, reasonable wear and tear excepted, and will permit Secured Party to enter the Facility at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice for the purpose of examining the Collateral. (k) Costs of Collection. In the event of any action or proceeding to collect or realize upon the Collateral or to enforce any of Secured Party's rights hereunder, the Debtor shall pay: (i) all of Secured Party's attorneys fees and legal expenses, with interest thereon, incurred by the Secured Party; (ii) all taxes, levies, insurance expenses, and costs of repairs to, or maintenance of, the Collateral; and (iii) all costs of the Secured Party reasonably incurred in taking possession of, disposing of, or preserving the Collateral after any Event of Default (defined below). 3. Event of Default. Upon the occurrence of a default in the payment of the Note, or under the terms of the Loan Agreement, this Security Agreement, or the corporate guaranty of Bondhus Corporation (the "Guaranty"), the Secured Party may exercise any remedy available to it under the terms of the Loan Agreement, the Note, this Security Agreement, or the Guaranty, and may, without limiting any other right or remedy available to it, exercise and enforce any and all rights and remedies available upon default to a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code as enacted in the State of Minnesota, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 336, as amended (the "UCC"), and the Secured Party and all representatives of the Secured Party are hereby granted the right to enter upon any property of the Debtor, without a hearing or prior notice thereof, for the purpose of taking possession of the Collateral. If notice to the Debtor of any intended disposition of the Collateral or any other intended action is required by law in a particular instance, such notice shall be deemed commercially reasonable if given (in the manner specified in this Security Agreement) at least ten calendar days prior to the date of the intended disposition or other action. 4. Further Assurances. The Debtor shall execute and deliver to the Secured Party, promptly and at the Debtor's expense, financing statements, including without limitation a UCC - 1 Financing Statement listing the Equipment and all proceeds thereof as collateral. Debtor agrees that the Secured Party is authorized, at its option, to file a photocopy or other reproduction of this Security Agreement as a financing statement and such photocopy or other reproduction shall be sufficient as a financing statement under the UCC, and the Debtor hereby irrevocably appoints the Secured Party as the Debtor's attorney-in-fact to execute and file, from time to time, on its behalf, one or more financing statements with respect to the Collateral and to execute such other documents and instruments on behalf of the Debtor as the Secured Party, in its sole 521675v2 NMI MN325-6 C-3 judgment, shall deem necessary or desirable for the purposes of effectuating this Security Agreement, such power being coupled with an interest. 5. Cumulative Remedies. All of the Secured Party's rights and remedies herein are cumulative and in addition to any rights or remedies available at law or in equity, including the UCC, and may be exercised concurrently or separately. The Debtor shall pay all costs, expenses, losses, damages, and legal costs (including attorneys fees) incurred by the Secured Party as a result of enforcing any terms or conditions of this Security Agreement. 6. No Liabilitv Imposed on the Secured Partv. The Secured Party shall not be obligated to perform or discharge, nor does it hereby undertake to perform or discharge, any obligation, duty, or liability, nor shall this Security Agreement operate to place responsibility for the control, care, or management of the Equipment upon Secured Party; provided, that upon payment in full of the Note, the Secured Party shall execute and file UCC termination statements in the offices in which financing statements with respect to the Collateral are effective. 7. Indemnification. The Debtor hereby agrees to indemnify and to hold the Secured Party harmless of and from any and all liability, loss, or damage which it may or might incur under or by reason of this Security Agreement, and of and from any and all claims and demands whatsoever which may be asserted against it by reason of any alleged obligations or undertakings on its part to perform or discharge any of the terms, covenants, or agreements contained herein. Should the Secured Party incur any such liability or be required to defend against any such claims or demands, or should a judgment be entered against the Secured Party, the amount thereof, including costs, expenses, and attorneys fees, shall bear interest thereon at the rate then in effect on the Note, shall be secured hereby, and shall be added to the obligations of the Debtor secured hereunder. The Debtor shall reimburse the Secured Party for such additional obligations immediately upon demand, and upon the failure of the Debtor to do so, the Secured Party may declare such additional obligations immediately due and payable. 8. Expenses of Secured Partv. All expenses paid or incurred in protecting, storing, warehousing, insuring, handling, and shipping the Collateral, all costs of keeping the Collateral free of liens, encumbrances, and security interests (other than the security interest created by this Security Agreement), and the removing of the same and all excise, property, sales, and use taxes imposed by state, federal, or local authority on any of the Collateral or with respect to the sale thereof, shall be borne and paid for by the Debtor and if the Debtor fails to promptly pay any amounts thereof when due, the Secured Party may, at its option, but shall not be required to, pay the same, and upon such payment the same shall constitute additional obligations of the Debtor and shall bear interest at the rate specified in the Note and shall be secured by the security interests granted hereunder. 9. Continuing Rights. The rights and powers of the Secured Party hereunder shall continue and remain in full force effect until the Note (and any additional obligations referred to in Sections 7 and 8 hereof) is paid in full. 10. Books and Records. The Debtor will permit the Secured Party, and its representatives, at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice, to examine the Debtor's books 521675v2 NMI MN325-6 C-4 and records (including data processing records and systems) with respect to the Facility and the Collateral and make copies thereof at any time and from time to time, and the Debtor will furnish such information reports to the Secured Party and its representatives regarding the Collateral as the Secured Party and its representatives may from time to time request. The Secured Party shall have the authority, at any time, to require the Debtor to place upon the Debtor's books and records relating to the Collateral and other rights to payment covered by the security interest created in this Security Agreement a notation stating that any such Collateral and other rights of payment are subject to a security interest in favor of the Secured Party. 11. Successors and Assifzns. This Security Agreement and each and every covenant, agreement, and provision hereof shall be binding upon the Debtor, and its successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of the Secured Party, and its successors and assigns. 12. Governing Law. This Security Agreement is executed pursuant to and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 13. Severabilitv. It is the intent of this Security Agreement to confer to the Secured Party the rights and benefits hereunder to the full extent allowable by law, including all rights available under the UCC. The unenforceability or invalidity of any provisions hereof shall not render any other provision or provisions herein contained unenforceable or invalid. Any provisions judicially determined to be unenforceable shall be severable from this Security Agreement. 14. Miscellaneous. (a) Waiver. The performance or observance of any promise or condition set forth in this Security Agreement may be waived only in writing. No delay in the exercise of any power, right or remedy operates as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any other power, right or remedy. (b) Assignment. This Security Agreement shall be binding upon the Debtor, and its successors and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of the Secured Party, and its successors and assigns. All rights and powers specifically conferred upon the Secured Party may be transferred or delegated by the Secured Party to any of its successors and assigns, including any successor holder of the Note. (c) Certain Defined Terms. Capitalized terms used in this Security Agreement and defined in this Security Agreement, the Loan Agreement or the Note are used with the meanings given in this Security Agreement, the Loan Agreement or the Note. (d) Other Matters. If any provision or application of this Security Agreement is held unlawful or unenforceable in any respect, such illegality or unenforceability shall not affect other provisions or applications which can be given effect, and this Security Agreement shall be construed as if the unlawful or unenforceable provision or application had never been contained herein or prescribed hereby. All representations and warranties contained in this Security Agreement or in any other agreement between Debtor and Secured Party shall survive the 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 C_5 execution, delivery, and performance of this Security Agreement and the creation and payment of any indebtedness to Secured Party. Debtor waives notice of the acceptance of this Security Agreement by Secured Party. (e) Notice. All notices required hereunder shall be given by depositing in the U.S. mail, postage prepaid, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the addresses first set forth above (or such other addresses as either party may notify the other). (The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.) 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 C_6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Debtor and the Secured Parry have executed this Security Agreement as of the date set forth above. BONDHUS CORPORATION Its THIS DOCUMENT DRAFTED BY: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered (MNI) 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 521675v2 MNI MN325-6 C-7 DEBTOR'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT to the Security Agreement, dated as of , 2018 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 2018, by , the of Bondhus Corporation, a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the company. Notary Public 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 C_8 Signature of the Secured Party with respect to the Security Agreement, dated as of '2018. CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: President By: Executive Director 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 C_9 SECURED PARTY'S ACKNOWLEDGMENT to the Security Agreement, dated as of , 2018 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this —day of , 2018, by and , the President and Executive Director, respectively, of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota, on behalf of the Authority. Notary Public 521675v2 MNI MN325-6 C-10 EXHIBIT A TO SECURITY AGREEMENT EQUIPMENT 521675v2 MNI MN325-6 C-1 1 EXHIBIT D CORPORATE GUARANTY AGREEMENT between BONDHUS CORPORATION as Guarantor, and CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Dated as of May , 2018 521675v2 MNI MN325-6 THIS GUARANTY AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of May , 2018 (the "Guaranty"), by and between Bondhus Corporation, a Minnesota corporation, as Guarantor (the "Guarantor" or "Borrower"), and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ("Authority"). The Guarantor has requested that the Authority loan to Guarantor the sum of $300,000.00 (the "Loan"), as evidenced by that certain Note (the "Note") of even date herewith between Guarantor, as maker, and the Authority as lender, pursuant to that certain Loan Agreement between the Guarantor and the Authority of even date herewith (the "Loan Agreement"). The Guarantor desires to execute this Guaranty as an inducement to the Authority to make the Loan to Guarantor. In consideration of the premises and other good and valuable consideration, the Guarantor does hereby covenant and agree with the Authority as follows: SECTION 1. Guarantv. The Guarantor hereby unconditionally guarantees the obligations of the Borrower under the Loan Agreement and Note (the "Obligations"), and agrees to pay any and all expenses incurred by the Authority in enforcing any rights under this Guaranty. No act or thing need occur to establish the liability of the Guarantor hereunder. SECTION 2. Guarantv Absolute. The Guarantor unconditionally guarantees that the Obligations will be paid in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement and Note, regardless of any law, regulation or order now or hereafter in effect in any jurisdiction affecting any of such terms or the rights of the Authority with respect thereto. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the liability of the Guarantor under this Guaranty shall be absolute, continuing and unconditional notwithstanding: A. any lack of validity or enforceability of the Loan Agreement, Note, or any other agreement or instrument relating to the foregoing (collectively, the "Loan Documents"); B. any extension, change in the time, manner or place of payment of, or in any other term of any of the Obligations; any extension of any payment or performance, maturity or other terms on the Loan Documents; C. any modification, alteration, substitution, destruction, condemnation, exchange, disposition, surrender, sale, cancellation, termination, release or other change, impairment, limitation, loss or discharge, in whole or in part, of any security for the Obligations as evidenced by any Loan Documents; D. any acceptance of guarantors, accommodation parties or sureties for the Obligations or any or all indebtedness or obligations evidenced by or arising from any of the Loan Documents; E. any waiver or indulgence granted to the Borrower or any other guarantor, or any 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 D-1 delay or lack of diligence in the enforcement of any Obligations or any rights under any Loan Documents, or any failure to institute proceedings, file a claim, give any required notices or otherwise protect any rights under any Loan Documents; F. any full or partial release or compromise or settlement with, or agreement not to sue the Borrower, or any other guarantor or other person liable on or under the Loan Documents; or any other release, surrender, cancellation or other discharge under any Loan Documents or the acceptance of any instrument in renewal or substitution therefor; G. any assignment, sale, pledge or other transfer of any Loan Documents; H. any manner, order or method of application of any payments or credits under any of the Loan Documents; I. any voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution, sale or other disposition of all or substantially all the assets, winding up, marshalling of assets and liabilities, receivership, insolvency, bankruptcy, assignment for the benefit of creditors, reorganization, arrangement, composition or readjustment of, or other similar event or proceeding affecting Borrower or any of its assets; J. any change in the relationship between Guarantor and Borrower; K. any enforcement of the Loan Documents; or L. any circumstance or event of any nature whatsoever, whether similar or not to the foregoing, which might otherwise constitute a defense available to, or a discharge of, the Borrower in respect of the Obligations or the Guarantor in respect of this Guaranty. This Guaranty shall continue to be effective or be reinstated, as the case may be, if at any time payment of any of the Obligations is rescinded or must otherwise be returned by the Authority upon the insolvency, bankruptcy or reorganization of the Borrower or otherwise, all as though such payment had not been made. SECTION 3. Waivers. The Guarantor hereby waives any and all defenses and discharges available to a surety, guarantor, or accommodation co -obligor, dependent on his character as such, and the Guarantor hereby waives any and all defenses, claims and setoffs against the Authority or any other obligor, pertaining to the Loan Documents, except the defense of discharge by payment in full in respect of the Obligations. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Guarantor will not assert against the Authority any defense of waiver, release, discharge in bankruptcy, statute of limitations, res judicata, statute of frauds, anti -deficiency statute, fraud, ultra vires acts, usury, illegality or unenforceability which may be available to Borrower in respect of the Loan Documents, or any setoff available against the Authority to Borrower, whether or not on account of a related transaction. The Guarantor hereby waives promptness, diligence, notice of acceptance, default or any amendment or modification, and any 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 D-2 other notice with respect to any of the Obligations, this Guaranty or any Loan Documents and any requirement that the Authority protect, secure, perfect or insure any security interest or lien or any property subject thereto or exhaust any right or take any action against the Borrower or any other person or entity, including, without limitation, any other guarantor. SECTION 4. Subrogation. The Guarantor shall not exercise any rights which it may acquire by way of subrogation under this Guaranty, by any payment made hereunder or otherwise, until all Obligations shall have been paid in full. If any amount shall be paid to the Guarantor on account of such subrogation rights at any time when all the Obligations shall not have been paid in full, such amount shall be held in trust for the benefit of the Authority and shall forthwith be paid to the Authority to be credited and applied to the Obligations in accordance with the terms of the Loan Documents. If (a) the Guarantor shall make payment to the Authority of all or any part of the Obligations and (b) all the Obligations shall be paid in full, the Authority will, at the Guarantor's request, execute and deliver to the Guarantor appropriate documents, without recourse and without representation or warranty, other than that the Authority has not assigned its rights hereunder, necessary to evidence the transfer by subrogation to the Guarantor of an interest in the Obligations resulting from such payment by the Guarantor. SECTION 5. Representations and Warranties. The Guarantor hereby represents and warrants that it has full power and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Guaranty and that such execution and delivery and compliance with the terms hereof shall not contravene or constitute a default under any indenture, commitment, agreement, judgment, order or decree to which it is bound or the property of the Guarantor is subject. The Guarantor hereby further represents and warrants that all information, including, but not limited to, financial information, provided by or on behalf of the Guarantor, or to the best of its knowledge any Affiliate to the Guarantor is true and accurate. An "Affiliate" shall mean another person, entity, organization controlling, controlled by or under common control with such person. SECTION 6. Amendments, Etc. No amendment or waiver of any provision of this Guaranty nor consent to any departure by the Guarantor here from shall in any event be effective unless the same shall be in writing and signed by the Authority, and then such waiver or consent shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose for which given. SECTION 7. Addresses for Notices. All notices and other communications in connection herewith shall be deemed made if in writing and addressed, mailed, sent by facsimile or delivered as follows: If to the Guarantor: Bondhus Corporation 1400 East Broadway Avenue Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: President If to the Authority: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Executive Director 521675v2 NMI MN325-6 D-3 or as to each party at such other address as shall be designated by such party in a written notice to the other party. All such notices and other communications shall, when mailed or sent by facsimile or delivered by commercial delivery company, respectively, shall be effective when deposited in the mail confirmation of facsimile is received or delivered by the commercial company to the other party respectively, addressed as aforesaid. SECTION 8. No Waiver, Remedies. No failure on the part of the Authority to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right hereunder preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right. The remedies herein provided are cumulative and not exclusive of any remedies provided by law. SECTION 9. Continuing Guarantv. This Guaranty is a continuing guaranty and shall: (i) be binding upon the Guarantor, its successors and assigns, (ii) inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Authority and its successors, transferees and assigns and (iii) remain in full force and effect until payment or forgiveness in full of the Obligations pursuant to the Loan Documents, and all other amounts payable under this Guaranty. SECTION 10. Governing Law; Severabilitv; Definitions. This Guaranty shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Minnesota. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Loan Documents. If any provision of this Guaranty shall be held to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect any remaining provisions. SECTION 11. Additional Liabilitv. The liability of the Guarantor under this Guaranty is in addition to, and not in lieu of, the Guarantor's liability to pay the Obligations under any other agreement, law, ordinance, rule or regulation. SECTION 12. Counterparts. This Guaranty may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 521675v2 NMI MN325-6 D-4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Guarantor has caused this Guaranty to be duly executed and delivered as of the date first above written. BONDHUS CORPORATION itz Its Accepted as of , 2018 [Guarantor signature page to Corporate Guaranty Agreement dated , 2018] 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 D-5 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By Its President By Its Executive Director [Authority signature page to Corporate Guaranty Agreement dated _, 2018] 521675v2 MMI MN325-6 D-6 EXHIBIT E DRAW REQUEST TO: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Executive Director DISBURSEMENT DIRECTION The undersigned Authorized Representative of Bondhus Corporation, a Minnesota corporation (the "Borrower"), hereby authorizes and requests you to disburse from proceeds of the Loan, in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agreement between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("Lender") and the Borrower, dated as of , 2018 (the "Agreement"), the following amount to the following person and for the following proper cost of the Equipment: 1. Amount: 2. Payee: 3. Purpose: all as defined and provided in the Agreement. The undersigned further certifies to the Lender that (a) none of the items for which the payment is proposed to be made has formed the basis for any payment previously made under Section 3 of the Agreement (or before the date of the Agreement); and (b) that each item for which the payment is proposed is Equipment, eligible for funding from the proceeds of the Loan. Dated: Borrower's Authorized Representative 521675v2 MNI MN325-6 E-1 Celebrating 50 Years 1965-2015 April 30, 2018 Jim Thares Economic Development Manager City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Good morning Jim, As we refine the drawings for the building addition scheduled for this summer and fall, we are making changes to some of the details of the work. Some of the changes include: 1. An increase in the addition size from 10,200 to 12,600 square feet 2. A more expensive light gray/dark gray siding treatment for the existing building, than was originally planned 3. New asphalt for the entire parking and driveway areas 4. A new exit -only access from the East parking lot to highway 75 These changes have increased the project cost slightly and the breakdown is now: BMO Harris $1,884,000 (80.79) EDA-SCDP 200,000 (8.5%) Owner Equity 250,000 (10.71%) Project Total $2,334,000 Please let me know if you have any questions Kind regards Mike Blackston President Bondhus Corp Tel: 763-295-2162 U.S.Toll Free: 800-328-8310 Fax:763-295-4440 Bondhus Corporation 1400 E. Broadway. P.O. Box 660 Monticello. MN 55362 USA www.bondh%As.corrm 4 May 1, 2018 CREDIT REFERENCES BANK BMO Harris Bank, NA 50 South Sixth Street, Suite 1000 Minneapolis, MN 55402 FAX (612) 904-8010 TEL (612) 904-8962 Scott Singer REFERENCES Precision Kidd Steel Co One Quality Way Aliquippa, PA 15001 FAX (724) 375-6685 TEL 1-800-438-1303 Reo Plastics, Inc. 11850 93"'Avenue N Maple Grove, MN 55369 FAX (763) 425-0735 TEL (763) 425-0735 F & M Plastics 503 Simmon Drive Osceola, WI 54020 FAX (715)294-4794 TEL(715)294-4790 CONTACT: Deb Danielson, Accts Payable ddanielson(a,bondhus.com 763-295-2162 ext. 112 763-295-4440 fax FED ID# 41-0943206 D&B # 042302331 Business Subsidy Agreement Summary o Muz cwpora2kn 1EKpan2kR rVipjact April 26, 2018 A Loan request in excess of $150,000 triggers the State's Business Subsidy public hearing requirement per Minnesota Statutes, Sections 1161.993 to 1161.995, as amended (the "Business Subsidy Act"), Proiect Description Overview: Bondhus Corporation is requesting a $200,000 loan from the EDA-SCDP Loan Fund to help finance an expansion of its manufacturing facility located at 1400 East Broadway. To accommodate the manufacturing and packaging of an additional product line, the company is planning to add a 12,400 square foot addition onto the east end of the existing 60,000 sq. ft. building. Extensive regrading and shaping of the east lot will be required to provide easy access for delivery and pickup services. The west parking lot will be expanded to accommodate additional staff and to facilitate the separation of employee vehicle traffic, which will be clustered on the west end of the building, from the truck traffic which will be confined to the east end of the building. Bondhus examined purchasing other firms in locations outside of Monticello to pursue the new tool line and came to the conclusion that it makes the most sense to establish this work in Monticello and grow it here. As part of the expansion project, Bondhus plans to purchase approximately $500,000 of new equipment and also create 15 new jobs. It recently submitted a Job Creation Fund (JCF) grant application in the amount of $195,000 to MN -DEED for reimbursement of its real property capital expenditures and a portion of wages related to 15 new jobs to be created over a five (5) year period. The JCF application required City Council support through a Resolution endorsing the expansion project. The total cost of the proposed expansion project is expected to be $2,334,000. Bondhus is indicating that it will need both the EDA-SCDP loan and the State JCF funding in order to fill a funding gap to allow the total project investment to cash flow. The SCDP loan dollars will be used for equipment purchases while the JCF dollars will be used to reimburse Bondhus for real property improvements at a rate of 5 percent of expenditures. Additional JCF dollars will be paid to Bondhus over five (5) years as it verifies annually that it has created and retained 15 new FTE jobs in addition to its current 86 FTE jobs. Bondhus is contributing $250,000 (10.7 percent) in equity toward the project. It has already spent approximately $75,000 on feasibility planning design and engineering studies to accommodate the proposed expansion. The expansion project's funding sources and uses are shown below. Proiect Financing Overview Sources Harris Bank EDA-SCDP Loan Owner -Equity Capital Funding Sources and Uses Amount $1,884,000 $ 200,000 S 250,000 Total Sources $2,334,000 Security Position 80.8 RE Mort-Equip./Assets 8.5 UCC 2nd Lien 10.7 N/A 100.0 Uses Amount Building and Grounds a. East addition: Two floors, heavy construction @12,400 sq ft total 1,530,000 (Including basic electric service, lighting and HVAC) b. New West parking lot plus mill & recoat existing lot 136,000 c. Re -side West and North faces of existing building (stop at new precast) 100,000 d. Extensive grading and contouring 40,000 e. Replace main entrance doors and glass above 10,000 f. Additional restrooms 20,000 Sub Total Building $1,836,000 Equipment and Machinery g. Compressor + electrical 60,000 h. Tormax turning machines 125,000 i. Cut off system 48,000 j. Milling machines 90,000 k. One small heat treat furnace 100,000 I. Contingency 75,000 Sub Total Machinery $498,000 Total Uses $2,334,000 CED&-,%CDp Wan 4erG' s ao Merest rate.. 200 percent W@w pror@e e 2.75 percent 20 Wan Term R0 years @r R20 mmths L Frequency off Wan Payments.- til@nNy QR2 Vrnes per y/ear� ff@r a wW Off 82.0 rr mths 4o GiM@ NK@o@n.. Fufl y' se0ff-am@r Wns 0@an oder R20 rn@nt hss defferred pftcpa0 and htereot payments antoo Qprol IL, 200. Qd@an draws are eB3pected t@ @QQar M January thmush Febmay 200 . ge d@an Sec uAty.- Qo NJQQ f�o0or�� ff@r @ ��� doers @� �0 000 0 0 �� off dar@a0e egaopr@e�f QazeM We off egaopr@ent b 200 0 yearn Qo C@rp@rate CSaaraMme S. d@a Crea'd@n and Wale (0mbo ILS new FTE j@as wth adaraffe wages off $2nha 0 per h@aro S@e attached sheen ff@r &Nacos @n RS new F7E P@azo RetenUm off 86 e hffln{g F7E �@as at MmUceoo@ ffaco0ofiy koved at Ila 0 0 East Broadway. 770 Wpuhted perbrunance perkd t@ uneet �@a care@ knireftnUm 5@ak. ffode QgD Years ffrm date @ff 0@an QOMnjg. City Council Agenda: 05/14/2018 4A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-38 accepting bids and awarding contract to Eureka Construction in the amount of $6,022,568.94, contingent on MnDOT approval, for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Proiect, Citv Proiect No.16CO06 (WSB/JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On February 26, 2018, the City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the advertisement of bids for the Fallon Avenue Overpass project. MnDOT approval of the plans was granted in early April in order to officially advertise the project. The project includes a new I-94 bridge overpass at Fallon Avenue along with three roundabouts at the intersections of Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue, 7th Street and Fallon Avenue and Washington Street and 7th Street. Sidewalk and trail facilities are included with the project scope. Bids for the project were received and opened on Monday, May 7, 2018 at 10:00 AM. The City received 5 bids, with the lowest bid being submitted by Eureka Construction in the amount of $6,022,568.94. The following table lists all bids received for the project. Contractor Grand Total Bid Eureka Construction $6,022,568.94 Landwehr Construction ,Inc $6,187,347.45 C.S. McCrossan Construction, Inc $6,227,185.00 Park Construction Company $6,497,950.45 S.M. Hentges & Sons, Inc. $6,588,856.79 Engineers Estimate $5,997,285.79 A summary including a detailed breakdown of each bid item for each contractor is enclosed. It is recommended to award the bid to Eureka Construction in the amount of $6,022,568.94 as they are the lowest responsible bidder satisfying all bidding requirements. WSB has checked contractor references and feedback has been favorable. MnDOT is currently reviewing the bids received and it is anticipated they will approve the bids and recommend award contingent on the contractor meeting the MnDOT's Civil Rights Office Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal of 7.1% goal that was designated for the project and submitting required paperwork to execute the contract. The contractor has identified a DBE goal of 7.1 % with their bid and will need to submit documentation on this to MnDOT by end of day on May 14, 2018 for review and approval. It will then take MnDOT typically 7-10 days to review the contractor paperwork. The bridge and roadway is anticipated to be open to traffic by November 15, 2018. Construction of the pathways, landscaping and art work on the bridge is anticipated to be complete by June 15, 2019. The project identifies 2 stages, starting with stage 1 including bridge construction and roadway construction south of 1-94 on Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue. Stage 2 includes continuing of bridge construction and roadway construction north of I-94 with on 7th Street and Washington Street. The intent is that major roadway construction will City Council Agenda: 05/14/2018 not occur at the same time, north and south of I-94. The contractor is not obligated to follow this staging plan, but will need to submit a revised plan for City review and approval. For Stage 1, Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue will be closed to thru traffic with detour routes in place on Edmonson Avenue, School Boulevard and CSAH 18. Stage 2 includes construction of 7th Street and Washington Street with these roads being closed to thru traffic and detour routes in place TH 25, CSAH 75 and CSAH 18. Likely there will be overlap between the 2 stages for minor construction work. The westbound I-94 auxiliary lane will be closed during the duration of the bridge construction. Two lanes of traffic in each direction on I-94 will be maintained at all time, except between 1:30 AM and 5 AM when 15 minute full closures are to occur for placement of the beams. Advanced construction date signs and message boards will be in place 7 days prior to construction commencing. An open house for the general public is tentatively scheduled for May 30. Social media will be used to update the public. Coordination with school bus routes, emergency vehicles, etc will be a part of the communication and construction coordination plans. The project scope of services included developing a separate plan set for landscaping and to be bid separately from the roadway and bridge design plans. It is recommended to specify a three-year maintenance period for landscaping, which is outside the typical scope for a general road contractor, therefore a separate landscaping contract is better suited for the project. The landscaping work is anticipated to begin in 2019. The City attorney is continuing right of way negotiations for Parcels 1-4 for the Bluff's apartment complexes. Through the eminent domain process that was previously initiated, the City does have title and possession of the needed property for the project. The project plans and bids include construction of a new parking lot consisting of additional parking spaces adjacent to their existing lot on the west side of the apartment building. The bids include filling in the existing ditch with installation of a large storm sewer pipe. Negotiations are continuing to determine compensation for land and site improvements due to the parking lot construction which will affect the total project cost. A decision will need to be made shortly. The City is working with BNSF on the permitting needed for the sidewalk crossing on the west side of Washington Street. BNSF is requiring a concrete surface crossing be constructed along the entire width along the roadway, boulevard and sidewalks on either side, spanning 72 -feet. Staff is contesting the need for this improvement given the highly infrequent use of the rail line and given the underlying City ownership of the right of way. BNSF has estimated this cost at $90,000 and staff is anticipating BNSF will share in the cost of this work if it is ultimately constructed. Al. Budget Impact: With the current low bid amount from Eureka Construction in the amount of $6,022,568.94, the total estimated project cost including a separate contract for landscaping work, right of way/easement acquisition based on the approved appraisals and indirect costs, which includes engineering, legal, and administrative costs is $8.6 million. This amount will increase or decrease based 2 City Council Agenda: 05/14/2018 on actual construction costs, negotiations with the Bluffs including parking lot and storm sewer considerations and BNSF permit cost share agreements. The City has included this project in their Capital Improvement Program for design, construction and financing in 2017, 2018 and 2019. Funding for the project is to come from federal funding and a tax abatement levy. This project would also be eligible for State Aid funding which the City can advance fund dollars to fund a portion of this project. The federal funding amount of $2,100,000 can only be used for construction costs, therefore the remaining costs is planned to come from the tax abatement levy. Federal funding for transportation projects do not cover engineering, legal, financing and administrative costs. Federal funds will be available October 1, 2020. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Construction inspection, construction staking and construction administration services will be completed by WSB. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-38 accepting the bids and awarding the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Eureka Construction in the amount of $6,022,568.94, contingent of MnDOT approval, for the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project No. 16CO06 2. Motion to reject bids and rebid at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2018-38 B. Bid Summary & Tabulation CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-38 ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT, CONTINGENT ON MNDOT APPROVAL, FOR THE FALLON AVENUE OVERPASS PROJECT, CITY PROJECT NO. 16CO06 WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the project which included a base bid only. The project includes a new I-94 bridge overpass at Fallon Avenue along with three roundabouts at the intersection of Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue, 71h Street and Fallon Avenue, and Washington Street and 7th Street. Bids were received, opened, and tabulated, and the following bids were found to comply with the advertisement for bids: Contractor I Bid Eureka Construction $6,022,568.94 Landwehr Construction, Inc $6,187,347.45 C.S. McCrossan Construction, Inc. i $6,227,185.00 Park Construction Company $6,497,950.45 S.M. Hentges & Sons, Inc. $6,588,856.79 Engineer's Estimate $5,997,285.79 WHEREAS, the bid from Eureka Construction in the amount of $$6,022,568.94 for the total bid for the construction of said improvements for Fallon Avenue Overpass project, in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and advertisement for bids, is the lowest responsible bidder and shall be and hereby is accepted. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREB Y RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO: 1. The Mayor and City Administrator are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract, contingent on MnDOT approval, with said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the City of Monticello. 2. The City Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been executed. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of May, 2018. CITY OF MONTICELLO ATTEST: Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator BID TABULATION SUMMARY PROJECT: Fallon Avenue Overpass and Street Improvements Project S.P. 222-104-002/S.P. 222-116-001/S.P. 222-113-003/S.P. 222-101-009/S.P. 8680-181/S.P. 8680-86821 (TH 94=392) OWNER: City of Monticello, MN City of Monticello Project No. 16CO06 WSB PROJECT NO.: 2596-400 Bids Opened: May 7, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. Contractor Addendum No. 1 Addendum No. 2 Addendum No. 3 Addendum No. 4 Addendum No. 5 Bid Security (50/6) Grand Total Bid 1 Eureka Construction X X X X X X $6,022,568.94 2 Landwehr Construction, Inc. X X X X X X $6,187,347.45 3 C.S. McCrossan Construction, Inc. X X X X X X $6,227,185.00 4 Park Construction Company X X X X X X $6,491,950.45 5 S.M. Henteges & Sons, Inc. X X X X X X $6,588,856.79 Engineer's Opinion of Cost I hereby certify that this is a true and ect ta#bids as received on May 7, 2018. IJ Andy Plowman, PE Project Manager Denotes corrected figure $5,997,285.79 K:102596-4001AdminlConstruction Adminl2596-400 Bid Tab Summary -050818 City Council Agenda: 05/14/2018 4B. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2018-39 approving a Feasibilitv Report, setting a public hearing for June 11, 2018 and authorizing preparation of plans and specifications for the 2018 pedestrian improvement proiect, Citv Proiect 18CO01 (SB/AS/TP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council authorized preparation of a Feasibility Report addressing pedestrian improvements identified in the downtown implementation plan and the City's recently completed proposed Pathway Connections Guide map as identified at the November 13, 2017 Council workshop and subsequent 2018 budget meetings. A feasibility report and public hearing process is required to be completed for portions of the project due to proposed assessments based on the City's assessment policy. The feasibility report addresses the following improvements, which were not programmed to be included with any upcoming adjacent street improvement projects, but were determined to be standalone priority projects per the Pathway Connections Guide map: Proposed sidewalk extensions include constructing a 6 -foot wide sidewalk along: • South side of 6th Street between Walnut Street and TH 25 • South side of 7th Street between Cedar Street and the post office • North side of Oakwood Drive between TH 25 and Cedar Street • South side of Bakken Street between Garvey Court to the Rolling Woods Park. Proposed trail extensions include constructing a 10 -foot wide trail along CSAH 39 between Mississippi Drive and Broadway Street. The proposed sidewalk and pathway extensions would complete system gap connections in accordance with the City's Pathway Connections Guide map and will provide safer pedestrian crossings and walking paths. Trail and/or drainage and utility easements are to be obtained from 3 properties along CSAH 39 trail, which include Liberty Bank, Von Hanson's and the property at 244 Mississippi Drive. Permanent sidewalk easements will be required from McDonald's and Super America along Oakwood Drive. Construction is anticipated to occur later this summer and fall. Walnut Street/Broadway Curb Extensions: Although originally proposed as a priority project to be considered with this Feasibility Report, the Walnut Street/Broadway Curb Extensions are not proposed for inclusion with the project at this time. Council approved the development of a corridor plan for Walnut and River Streets, and staff is working with the Cuningham Group to develop the noted streetscape plan. Therefore, the proposed curb extensions are on hold until that plan is complete. The Walnut and River Street Corridor plan will allow Council to consider and plan for improvements to the entire corridor. Those future improvements may have impacted the proposed curb extensions if constructed as a standalone project at this time. Interim and smaller, low cost improvements to the Broadway Street pedestrian crossing at Walnut Street are likely B. City Council Agenda: 05/14/2018 to be forthcoming recommendations with the corridor plan in the short term. As a result, the curb extensions are not included in the Feasibility Report as originally authorized. Al. Budget Impact: The total estimated project cost for the recommended improvements is $278,485. This cost includes a 10% contingency and 28% for legal, engineering, administrative, and financing costs. This cost does not include easement acquisition costs. Assessments I City Funds Total 6th Street Sidewalk Extension $12,276 $ 16,394 $ 28,670 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7th Street Sidewalk Extension ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... $14,570 $ 17,715 $ 32,285 Oakwood Drive Sidewalk Extension $25,542 $ 25,688 $ 51,230 Rolling Woods Park Sidewalk Extension - $ 47,330 $ 47,330 CSAH 39 Trail - $118,970 $118,970 TOTAL $52,388 $226,097 $278,485 1 Funding from the 2017 budget surplus totals $15,000 for the 6th Street sidewalk; $40,000 for pathway connections from the closed bond fund and $11,400 from developer funds for the Rolling Woods sidewalk, totaling $66,400. This leaves $212,085 to be funded by capital improvement funds. Assessments are estimated at $52,388, of which $5,790 is for the City -owned West Prairie building on 6th Street. Wright County Highway Department's cost share policy does not include cost sharing in trail projects at this time. Wright County Parks Department does not have funding to cost share at this time. Staff will continue discussions with Wright County to participate in the costs since the trail is on the Mississippi River Trail (MRT) route that serves both the City and County. As noted above, easement acquisition costs are not included in the above costs. A2. Staff Workload Impact: City staff will prepare the necessary documents for the public hearing in accordance with state statutes. WSB will prepare the final plans for the improvements. Final plans were prepared as authorized in 2017 for the Rolling Woods Park sidewalk extension. A3. Strategic Plan Impact: The completion of the proposed pathway system segments is in direct support of the Strategic Plan goal for "Creating and Preserving Sustainable Livability", which cites as a primary objective the development of a more walkable and bikeable community. Further, the completion of pathway connections supports the Strategic Plan goal to "Strengthen Monticello's Image as a Destination". ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2018-39 approving a Feasibility Report, setting a public hearing on June 11, 2018 and authorizing preparation of plans and specifications for the 2018 pedestrian improvement project, City Project 18CO01 2 City Council Agenda: 05/14/2018 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2018-39 at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative No. 1. These improvements were identified in the downtown implementation plan and the City's recently completed and approved Pathway Connections Guide map as short term improvements. It is assumed that the City will realize some costs savings in including several pedestrian improvements into one project as opposed to smaller scale standalone projects. Final design plans are recommended to be prepared at this time to determine the final easement areas needed. If easements cannot be acquired for the Oakwood Drive sidewalk extension and CSAH 39 trail extension by the time the project is ready to bid in July, staff would recommend proceeding with the 6th Street, 7th Street and Rolling Woods Park sidewalk extension projects and postponing the Oakwood and 39 pathway projects. Further, staff will be contacting Wright County regarding the potential of a cost share on CSAH 39 trail extension for a near term or longer term project. In July, Council will have the option of delaying the CSAH 39 trail extension betting on potential for County funding collaboration in the future. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2018-39 B. Feasibility Report CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2018-39 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING FEASIBILITY REPORT AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR JUNE 11, 2018 AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE 2018 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CITY PROJECT 18CO01 WHEREAS, a resolution was adopted by the City Council on January 22, 2018, authorizing the preparation of a feasibility report for the construction pedestrian improvement in the areas listed below, including sidewalks, trails, signage; and other necessary appurtenant work; • 6th Street between Walnut Street and TH 25 • 7th Street from Cedar Street to the east • Oakwood Drive from TH 25 to Cedar Street • Bakken Street between Garvey Court and Rolling Woods Park • CSAH 39 between Mississippi Drive and Broadway Street NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREB Y RESOL VED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: The Council will consider the proposed pedestrian improvement in accordance with the Feasibility Report and the assessment of abutting properties for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Chapter 429, at an estimated total cost of improvements cost of $278,485 2. A public hearing shall be held on such improvements on the 11th day of June, 2018 in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 6:30 p.m. and the Clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvements as required by law. 3. The City Engineer is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement. The engineer shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of May, 2018. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Monticello 2018 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT MONTICELLO I WRIGHT COUNTY I MINNESOTA MAY 14, 2018 Prepared for: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 18CO01 WSB PROJECT NO. 11473-000 ■ WcB FEASIBILITY REPORT 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 18CO01 FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA May 14, 2018 Prepared By: WSB Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18C001 WSB Project No. 11473-000 C I T Y in t Monticello ■ WSS 701 Xenia Avenue South I Suite 300 1 Minneapolis, MN 55416 1 (763) 541-4800 May 14, 2018 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18CO01 WSB Project No. 11473-000 Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council: Transmitted herewith is a feasibility report for the proposed 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project. This report examines the proposed sidewalks along 6th Street, 7th Street, Oakwood Drive, Bakken Street to the Rolling Woods Park and a proposed trail along CSAH 39 as identified in the City's pathway connections guide map. I would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please feel free to contact me at (763) 271-3236 if you have any questions. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. / - �. �sst_ Shibani K. Bisson, PE City Engineer Attachment cc: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator, City of Monticello Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, City of Monticello Building a legacy — your legacy. Equal Opportunity Employer I wsbeng.com CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed professional engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Shibani K. Bisson, PE Date: May 14, 2018 Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18C001 WSB Project No. 11473-000 License No. 41860 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SHEET LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................1 2. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................2 2.1 Authorization........................................................................................................2 Project Location Map 2.2 Scope..................................................................................................................2 6t" Street Sidewalk Extension 3. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS......................................................................................3 7t" Street Sidewalk Extension 3.1 6th Street Sidewalk Extension..............................................................................3 Oakwood Drive Sidewalk Extension 3.2 7th Street Sidewalk Extension..............................................................................4 — CSAH 39 Trail Improvements 3.3 Oakwood Drive Sidewalk Extension.....................................................................5 Rolling Woods Park Sidewalk Extension 3.4 Rolling Woods Park Sidewalk Extension..............................................................6 3.5 CSAH 39 Trail (Mississippi Drive to Broadway)....................................................7 3.6 Private Utilities.....................................................................................................8 3.7 Permits................................................................................................................8 3.8 Right-of-Way/Easements.....................................................................................8 4. FINANCING....................................................................................................................9 4.1 Opinion of Cost....................................................................................................9 4.2 Funding................................................................................................................9 4.2.1 Assessments............................................................................................9 5. PROJECT SCHEDULE.................................................................................................11 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.............................................................12 Appendix A Figure 1 — Project Location Map Figure 2 — 6t" Street Sidewalk Extension Figure 3 — 7t" Street Sidewalk Extension Figure 4 — Oakwood Drive Sidewalk Extension Figure 5-6 — CSAH 39 Trail Improvements Figure 7 — Rolling Woods Park Sidewalk Extension Appendix B Easement Areas- Oakwood Drive and CSAH 39 Appendix C Opinions of Probable Cost Appendix D Assessment Map Assessment Roll Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18CO01 WSB Project No. 11473-000 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City of Monticello Project No. 18C001 consists of pathway improvements along 61h Street, 7th Street, Oakwood Drive, Bakken Street to the Rolling Woods Park and CSAH 39. A project location map is included on Figure 1 in Appendix A. Proposed sidewalk extensions include constructing a 6 -foot wide sidewalk along: • South side of 6th Street between Walnut Street and TH 25 • South side of 7th Street between Cedar Street and the post office • North side of Oakwood Drive between TH 25 and Cedar Street • South side of Bakken Street between Garvey Court to the Rolling Woods Park. Proposed trail extensions include constructing a 10 -foot wide trail along CSAH 39 between Mississippi Drive and Broadway Street. The proposed sidewalk and pathway extensions would complete system gap connections in accordance with the City's pathway connections guide map to provide safer pedestrian crossings and walking paths. These improvements were determined to be standalone priority projects by staff as they are not programmed to be included with any upcoming adjacent street improvement projects: The total estimated project cost for the recommended improvements is $278,485. This cost includes a 10% contingency and 28% for legal, engineering, administrative, and financing costs. This cost does not include easement acquisition costs. Trail and/or drainage and utility easements are to be obtained from 5 properties along CSAH 39 and Oakwood Drive. Special assessments are proposed to be levied to the adjacent benefitting property owners per the City's Assessment Policy for the 6th Street, 7th Street and Oakwood Drive sidewalk extensions. Funding for the project includes special assessments, $40,000 for pathway connections from the closed bond fund, $11,400 from developer funds for the Rolling Woods sidewalk and capital improvement funds. This project is necessary, feasible, and cost-effective from an engineering standpoint and can be constructed as proposed herein. Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18C001 WSB Project No. 11473-000 Page 1 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Authorization The preparation of this report was authorized by the City Council on January 22, 2018. This project is identified in the City's proposed pathway connections guide map. This project has been designated as City Project No. 18C001. 2.2 Scope This report addresses pedestrian improvements for the following areas: • 6th Street between Walnut Street and TH 25 • 7th Street from Cedar Street to the post office • Oakwood Drive from TH 25 to Cedar Street • Bakken Street between Garvey Court and Rolling Woods Park • CSAH 39 between Mississippi Drive and Broadway Street A map showing the project location can be found on Figure 1 in Appendix A. Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18CO01 WSB Project No. 11473-000 Page 2 3. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Figures of each project area can be found in Appendix A. 3.1 6th Street Sidewalk Extension The proposed improvements include the extension of a 6 -foot wide sidewalk on the south side of 6th Street between Walnut and TH 25 approximately 300 -feet with a 2.5 to 4 -foot boulevard to avoid relocation of existing utility poles. The extension would also include updating the pedestrian ramp at the southeast corner of 6t"/Walnut, to meet current ADA standards. Three trees will need to be removed and replaced to align the sidewalk. Public Works will remove and install new replacement trees. 61 Street Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18C001 WSB Project No. 11473-000 Page 3 3.2 7th Street Sidewalk Extension The proposed improvements include the construction of a 6 -foot sidewalk approximately 260 -feet with a 12 -foot boulevard on the south side of 7th Street between Cedar Street and the post office. The post office has committed to constructing the sidewalk fronting their property in the spring of 2018. This connection will provide the missing link for pedestrians to access both Burger King and the post office from TH 25. Existing storm sewer will need to be relocated to accommodate the sidewalk construction. The sidewalk will be aligned to minimize FiberNet pedestal relocation and existing storm sewer manholes located in the boulevard. There will be a jog in the sidewalk at the westerly entrance to the post office due to utility and site constraints. 71" Street Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18CO01 WSB Project No. 11473-000 Page 4 3.3 Oakwood Drive Sidewalk Extension The proposed improvements include the addition of a 6 -foot wide sidewalk approximately 400 feet with a 3 -6 -foot boulevard on the north side of Oakwood Drive between TH 25 and Cedar Street. There is approximately 4 -feet of right of way remaining between the existing curb line along Oakwood Drive and the right of way to align the sidewalk, therefore easements will need to be acquired. Fill material will be needed to construct the sidewalk and additional stormwater drains are proposed to be installed as needed to prevent ponding of water. The sidewalk will be aligned to avoid the existing fire hydrant, gas vents from Super America and signs located in the boulevard. ADA pedestrian ramps will be constructed at Cedar Street and the McDonald's/Super America driveway entrance due to the large width and traffic volume. Oakwood Drive Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18CO01 WSB Project No. 11473-000 Page 5 3.4 Rolling Woods Park Sidewalk Extension The proposed extension includes constructing a 6 -foot wide sidewalk approximately 500 feet with a 5 -foot boulevard along the south side of Bakken Street where it currently terminates, extending to Rolling Woods Park. Several options were brought forward to Council on September 26, 2016, and staff recommends extending the sidewalk directly to the Rolling Woods Park. A wetland delineation will not be needed, as a small concrete wall is proposed to be constructed along the wetland to avoid impacting the wetland. Bakken Street -A. 40- Feasibility 0r Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18CO01 WSB Project No. 11473-000 Page 6 3.5 CSAH 39 Trail (Mississippi Drive to Broadway) The proposed improvements include construction of 10 -foot wide bituminous trail approximately 1,050 feet along the west side of CSAH 39. Residents along Mississippi Drive voiced concerns over a need for a pedestrian connection along CSAH 39 to the intersection at Broadway Street and this segment is identified as a short term (0-5 year) improvement in the City's pathway connections guide map. The Wright County Parks and Pathway Plan identifies a future trail along CSAH 39 as a regional connection and off-road Mississippi River Trail (MRT) route. The topography of the CSAH 39 right of way poses some challenges to design the trail due to location of existing ditches within the right of way. Portions of the ditch will be filled in, with the ditch bottom shifted to the west, while still maintaining adequate capacity for stormwater runoff. Trail and drainage and utility easements will need to be acquired from three adjacent properties to construct the pathway. A 5 -foot boulevard between Broadway Street and Hart Boulevard would be maintained to minimize ditch grading. A 10 -foot boulevard between Hart Boulevard and Mississippi Drive since there is additional right of way to align the trail. The pathway would extend to the traffic signal at CSAH 39 and CSAH 75. The proposed pedestrian/bicycle crossing would be aligned north -south, crossing CSAH 75 on the west side of CSAH 39. Signal improvements consisting of pedestrian push button installation, countdown timers, associated electrical wiring and crosswalk marking installation is proposed and required by Wright County. CSAH 39 Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18CO01 WSB Project No. 11473-000 Page 7 3.6 Private Utilities A Gopher State One Call will be completed with development of construction plans to identify the utilities that are in the vicinity of, and adjacent to, the project area. A utility coordination meeting will be held prior to construction to discuss any impact and relocations necessary due to the proposed improvements. 3.7 Permits This project will disturb less than 1 acre; therefore, a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit will not be required. A right of way permit will be required from MNDOT on Oakwood Drive near the intersection of TH 25. A Wright County right of way permit will be required for the trail along CSAH 39. 3.8 Right-of-Way/Easements As part of the Oakwood Drive sidewalk extension, additional permanent easements will be required from adjacent property owners (McDonalds and Super America) to construct the project as proposed due to limited right of way to construct the sidewalk. Permanent trail and drainage and utility easements will also be required from Liberty Bank, Von Hanson's and the property at 244 Mississippi Drive for construction of the CSAH 39 trail. The property owners along Oakwood Drive have been notified of the easements needed and staff will continue discussions to obtain easements as directed by Council. A map showing the easement areas needed can be found on Appendix B Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18C001 WSB Project No. 11473-000 Page 8 4. FINANCING 4.1 Opinion of Cost A detailed opinion of probable cost for the proposed improvements can be found in Appendix C of this report. These opinions of probable cost incorporate anticipated 2018 construction costs and include a 10% construction contingency and 28% indirect costs. The indirect costs include legal, engineering, administrative, and financing items. The costs do not include easement acquisition costs. A summary table of the proposed project costs is shown below in Table 1. The estimated project cost as proposed within this report totals $266,155. Table 1: Proposed Project Costs Pedestrian Improvement Cost 6th Street Sidewalk Extension (Walnut Street to TH 25) $28,670 :............................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................. :.................................... 7th Street Sidewalk Extension (Cedar Street to post office property) $32,285 :.................................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................... :.................................... Oakwood Drive Sidewalk Extension (TH 25 to Cedar Street) $51,230 :................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................ :.................................... Rolling Woods Park Sidewalk Extension $47,330 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................:.................................... CSAH 39 Trail (Mississippi Drive to Broadway) $118,970 TOTAL PROJECT COST $278,485 4.2 Funding 4.2.1 Assessments A portion of the project costs are proposed to be recovered through assessments levied against benefiting properties in the project area. Assessments are proposed to be collected for the 61h Street, 7th Street, and Oakwood Drive sidewalk extensions per the City's adopted assessment policy dated December 11, 2017. Assessments are not proposed for the Rolling Woods sidewalk and the CR 39 trail due to regional benefit and there is no direct driveway or street access to these facilities. The proposed assessments are described below, and a summary is shown in Tables 2 and 3. Sidewalk Assessments The proposed sidewalk extensions along 6th Street, 71h Street, and Oakwood Drive are proposed to be assessed at a rate of 50% to commercially zoned properties with the remaining costs being funded by the City. Citv-Owned Property The City currently owns one property along 6th Street that is included in the assessment calculations. The assessment for this property totals $5,780, and is included in the assessment totals noted in Table 2 on the following page. The preliminary assessment roll and accompanying map for the project area is included in Appendix D. Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18CO01 WSB Project No. 11473-000 Page 9 Table 2: Preliminary Assessments — 2018 Pedestrian Improvements Type of Assessment Rate Front Total Footage 611 Street Sidewalk $44/FF 279 $12,276 7th Street Sidewalk $62/FF 235 $14,570 Oakwood Drive Sidewalk $66/FF 387 $25,542 I TOTAL ASSESSEMENTS $52,388" FF = front foot * Includes City -owned property totaling $5,790 Funding for the project includes special assessments, $40,000 for pathway connections from the closed bond fund, $11,400 from Carlisle Village developer funds for the Rolling Woods sidewalk and capital improvement funds. Wright County Highway Department's cost share policy does not include cost sharing in trail projects at this time. Wright County Parks Department does not have funding to cost share at this time. Staff will continue discussions with Wright County to participate in the costs since the trail is on the Mississippi River Trail (MRT) route that serves both the City and County. A summary of the proposed funding is presented in Table 3. Table 3: Proposed Project Funding Assessments City Funds Total 6th Street Sidewalk Extension $12,276 $ 16,394 $ 28,670 ..................................................................................................................................................... 7th Street Sidewalk Extension $14,570 $ 17,715 $ 32,285 ........................................................................................................... ............................... Oakwood Drive Sidewalk Extension $25,542 $ 25,688 $ 51,230 ......... ......... ......... ......... .................................................... Rolling Woods Park Sidewalk Extension - $ 47,330 $ 47,330 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ................... CSAH 39 Trail - $118,970 $118,970 TOTAL $52,388 $226,097 $278,485 Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18C001 WSB Project No. 11473-000 Page 10 5. PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed schedule is as follows: Phase 1 — Feasibility Report City Council Authorized Feasibility Study..................................................................... January 22, 2018 City Council Accepts Feasibility Report/ Sets Public Hearing Date/ Authorizes Preparation of Plans and Specifications.................................................... May 14, 2018 Phase 2 — Final Desiqn FinalDesign.................................................................................................................. May — June 2018 City Council Holds Public Hearing/ Approves Plans and Specifications / Authorizes Advertisement of Bids............................................................................... June 11, 2018 OpenBids............................................................................................................................July 12, 2018 City Council Awards Contract and Approves Easement Agreement ..................................July 23, 2018 Phase 3 — Construction Preconstruction Meeting.......................................................................................................August 2018 Begin Construction...............................................................................................................August 2018 Final Completion............................................................................................................ September 2018 Assessment Hearing.......................................................................................................... October 2018 Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18CO01 WSB Project No. 11473-000 Page 11 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS City Project No. 18CO01 consists of sidewalk and trail improvements, in accordance with the City's pathway connections guide map, in the following areas: • 6th Street between Walnut Street and TH 25 • 7th Street from Cedar Street to the post office • Oakwood Drive from TH 25 to Cedar Street • Bakken Street between Garvey Court and Rolling Woods Park • CSAH 39 between Mississippi Drive and Broadway Street It is the recommendation of City staff that City Project No. 18CO01 is feasible, necessary, and cost- effective from an engineering standpoint. It is recommended to accept this feasibility report and call for a public hearing for the project in accordance with state statutes. Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18CO01 WSB Project No. 11473-000 Page 12 APPENDIX A Figure 1 — Project Location Map Figure 2 — 6t" Street Sidewalk Extension Figure 3 — 7t" Street Sidewalk Extension Figure 4 — Oakwood Drive Sidewalk Extension Figure 5-6 — CSAH 39 Trail Improvements Figure 7 — Rolling Woods Park Sidewalk Extension Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18C001 WSB Project No. 11473-000 2018 PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS c�„Nry Rono =a uE �`_ —E viEw oa aw 'Rosy �y _L 0 o— cocas ao s h g `" z�ouy 3 pC �!�-, \ wA✓ s w Q"srw L7 'FL gw OO THOfAAS PARk Q I qp 4*, PA ` 9aiNSTNs W St • z 1: �F R ER ��-- �-, O� IO, L 3N Wo°per ly�r - m I P �OTN N �� M� 00 h oA - mStN r HO AVE NE To Es a4 Y z E \ ~ pEpF hAYwAaOG/`� c \\ S"I NEUI O -AD.. \v v U UJI LL META tr /� j/rte ewo L�°N A Ear R °Axe 4 BAKIfENST 0 Q opa n7KigRO LN i spial a¢,EW LN ROLLNGWOODS EA < _-- PARK W I --- o N ER CIR d r — r I � } z I 7 W SONOa DEER ST 84TH S I j = 6TH STREET SIDEWALK (WALNUT TO 25) E , m OAR w t ___�fiEliSi�9RGEa 1� = 7TH STREET SIDEWALK (CEDAR TO POST OFFICE) ,I Ip 111TNE � r Tl 1, 0 = OAKWOOD DRIVE SIDEWALK (25 TO CEDAR) j o .� 0 1,250 2,500 Feet _ANO I I—�Nn JT NF_ = ROLLING WOODS PARK SIDEWALK [Path J\gis\city\MONTMaps\Bass,8p.Mxd s = CSAH 39 TRAIL (FROM MISS DR TO BROADWAY) 6Ttisr RFFT If i. r __:� 91. 4' BOULEVARD 1 UTILITY PpLE--�'�If wy R f 2018 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS 6TH STREET SIDEWALK MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA />,,6' SIDEWALK (TYP) C, r r / 2.5' BOULEVARD @�T r UTILITY PQ�. Rs AN �� " / A• '�* N 0 20 40 RISM SCALE IN FEET •- ---- A CP 18C001 CITY OF WSB Project No. 011473-000 monticeRo FIGURE Date: 05/14/2018 CO ' IL V CONNECT TO EXISTING PED RAMP REMOVE EXISTING DRAINAGE STRUCTURE AND STORM SEWE i y\ 6' SIDEWALK (TYP) WSB LEGEND rA PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM MH PROPOSED CATCH BASIN EXISTING CATCH BASIN EXISTING STORM MH 12' BOULEVARD 2018 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS 7TH STREET SIDEWALK MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SIDEWALK TO BE COMPLETED BY POST OFFICE IN SPRING 2018 EXACT LOCATION TBD E 7TH ST .a� N 0 20 40 H: ISM SCALE IN FEET � 1 CP 18C001 CITY O F WSB Project No. 011473-000 Montice FIGURE Date: 05/14/2018 PROPOSED SIDEWALK �. CURB AND GUTTER ADA PEDESTRIAN RAMP RS RELOCATE SIGN REMOVE TREE (BY CITY) WSB LEGEND rA PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM MH PROPOSED CATCH BASIN EXISTING CATCH BASIN EXISTING STORM MH 12' BOULEVARD 2018 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS 7TH STREET SIDEWALK MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SIDEWALK TO BE COMPLETED BY POST OFFICE IN SPRING 2018 EXACT LOCATION TBD E 7TH ST .a� N 0 20 40 H: ISM SCALE IN FEET � 1 CP 18C001 CITY O F WSB Project No. 011473-000 Montice FIGURE Date: 05/14/2018 L 7%4 6' SIDEWALK f (TYP) BOULEVARD \\ PROPOSED EASEMENT � \ Y p `\ (470 S.F.) 06 A SB 4' 14 PROPOSED EASEMENT �` ,.► (1245 S.F.) 6' BOULEVARD \�`\ p \\\ VENTING FOR GAS STATION 3' BOULEVARD . a �O NI -1 - 2018 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS OAKWOOD DRIVE SIDEWALK MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 4 � J EXISTING 7'BOULEVARD �� EASEMENT CO T V VA F N a 20 40 H: SCALE IN FEET CP 18C001 CITY OF WSB Project No. 011473-000 � \�t kMonticeRo FIGURE Date: 05/14/2018 LEGEND PROPOSED SIDEWALK PROPOSED STORM SEWER ...... CURB AND GUTTER PROPOSED STORM MH ADA PEDESTRIAN RAMP d PROPOSED CATCH BASIN RS RELOCATE SIGN EXISTING CATCH BASIN REMOVE TREE EXISTING STORM MH (BY CITY) A SB 4' 14 PROPOSED EASEMENT �` ,.► (1245 S.F.) 6' BOULEVARD \�`\ p \\\ VENTING FOR GAS STATION 3' BOULEVARD . a �O NI -1 - 2018 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS OAKWOOD DRIVE SIDEWALK MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 4 � J EXISTING 7'BOULEVARD �� EASEMENT CO T V VA F N a 20 40 H: SCALE IN FEET CP 18C001 CITY OF WSB Project No. 011473-000 � \�t kMonticeRo FIGURE Date: 05/14/2018 LEGEND VON HANSON S PROPOSED TRAIL PROPOSED STORM SEWER ------ CURB AND GUTTER © PROPOSED STORM MH001 S ADA PEDESTRIAN RAMP PROPOSED CATCH BASIN • A .�'' .y EXISTING CONTOURS EXISTING CATCH BASIN �r PROPOSED CONTOURS RS RELOCATE SIGN 2� LIBERTY BANK \ • q a/ 5 BOULEVARD 10' TRAIL (TYP) pst' P� O� - \a � rr COORDINATE PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON STA AND CROSSWALK MARKING WITH COUNTY a EX. ROW 2018 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS CSAH 39 TRAIL MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA CONNECT T EXISTING STORM SEWE 4 At 4( 0 20 40 H: SCALE IN FEET CP 18CO01 CITY O F WSB Project No. 011473-000 Montice FIGURE Date: 05/14/2018 1 /r LEGEND PROPOSED TRAIL ...... CURB AND GUTTER ADA PEDESTRIAN RAMP _ EXISTING CONTOURS PROPOSED CONTOURS RS 4L a� CONNECT EXISTING STORM SE L7 PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED STORM MH PROPOSED CATCH BASIN EXISTING CATCH BASIN 1 RELOCATE SIGN RELOCATE UTILITY POLE � sass io ,o, 244 MISSISSIPPI D _-& f EX. ROW \_ J0 10' BOULEVARD 3+00 d RIVERVIEW D 10' TRAIL (TYP) I� 2018 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS CSAH 39 TRAIL MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA RkLOCATE CATCH BASIN 4 � 4x0 N „r 0 20 40 „r H: SCALE IN FEET CP 18CO01 CITY OF WSB Project No. 011473-000 MonticeRo FIGURE Date: 05/14/2018 BAKKEN STREET 2' CLEAR ZONE 2' CLEAR ZONE _ VARIES _ 5' 5 ** = = _ = 5 ** _ _ = OL TRAIL AS o CL TRAIL AS SHOWN IN g SHOWN IN PROFILE w PROFILE 20% RETAINING WALL LJ 0 MAX w 2r0� _ �I 4% MIN —� 313 MAXIMUM MUMTMP) INSTALL PEDESTRIAN �6" MAX --- I I I_ l I 9,j9. CURB RAMPJ 4 SLOPE (T P)w 21N" 4% I 1:3 MAXIMUM EXISTING CURB • 21N" ,Q J4' CONCRETE WALK 4 CONCRETE WALK EXISTING CURB 6"CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE w o 2 978-1' " Qom\ STA. 0000 TO 3[�0 STA. 3060 TO 3[B5 L, � ,o —(� STA. 3[185 TO 5L63 1/ RIM3977.58 7 O * TYPICAL SECTION W o 0 SLOPE TO SOUTH STA 3+85 TO 5+33 a N 9j INV NA RIM: 97722 B m g ry _ B INV N - - 01 IM: 970.6 SEE CROSS SECTIONS a m O O RIM: 972.76 + _ f g a I I : N o3 ^n ^ ^y 9 � RII 9773y.0. INV NA ry\ g 6 -0+00 \ -� 1 4OQ -97fi� : -2+001 _ /RL9/A V / _ _ — ✓1NA — IM: 970.28 J 9j8� x� ow EX.977.50 Q \ -041N� X979 041N"81N� \9) X0 RIM: 97080 Jaz12 — �✓ "` f9�g;° INV NA B IMATCH EXISTING _ RIM: 9785\ CONCRETE WALK - �� \916\ INV NA _ _ IN RIM:971.13 _ / RIM: 970 —�- REMOVE AND I wv N s.sa —971_ 'wow w MATCF EXISTING REPLACE BITUMINOUS J 4+Go- g - U BITUMINOUS TRAIL �'—� 5+00 € V w o SAW CUT 1 1 - mai 2 — 969- 9 5.35 69-965.35 -968- APR 121N ------ )�_ -L� —971 �a � RETAINING WALL 0 FT 30 60 Q . I I I D w . Q W 990 990 W fn Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ Z HIGH POINT ELEV=976.80 W • HIGH POINT •STA=1+10.13 985 0 ^ ?VI STA=1+60.13 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985 0 W 0 B e< �e1 EEv 9i 0.04 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O > J •N I� A.O.=_0.01 � O J .+ �. w Lu .K-7.9.73 a BVCS 1+1013 oro C7 d U 980 BVCE 976.86 0 `iN ,"' • O 980 11 nlT FI F\/=9,LOY111 Z �� + m to r Z - •a a• EVCE: 97446 EXISTING rL PROFILE PVIN ST4=3+67.36+93.25 N o + m ' a w• J Z .u1 r o� `I IINw. F� 0 — 1.7.2%_ BAKKEIN STREET ' PV Eu_v=969.78 . - A.D.=O o4 ' a in . INSfAL•L `> �: w !" w 975 ►ROrILE K=25.0 o PEDERIAN ^ "' a a > > -SIDI=WALK .s'n EXISTING PROFILE o - > a 0- _ 975 BvcS. 3+17.36. AT SIDEy�/ALK N a .a 520 �� -2.989 BV E. 971.26 . \ EN/CS: 4+17.36 / _ . a L 970 —�— EVCE: 970:25 '— 8.001 1 2.00% PROFILE 0.95%' ¢ 31TUMIN.OUS TRAIL 970 . ow . � 8 N U 965 DEX.12" a 965 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . . . . . . . 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A mffilal naema A�nn polis. MN 55118 sw�su° -, Monticeflo LOTS 1 AND 3, BLOCK 1, MONTICELLO I-94 TRI PLAZA WSB I.L 170al 5 1400 F OR 541 1700 —b..gcom Figure Number No. 1 MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA K:\01494-710\Survey\Field data\149471_topo.dgn LEGEND FPROPOSED TRAIL PROPOSED STORM SEWER ------ CURB AND GUTTER © PROPOSED STORM MH ADA PEDESTRIAN RAMP PROPOSED CATCH BASIN EXISTING EASEMENT EXISTING CATCH BASIN ------ PROPOSED D&U EASEMENT RS RELOCATE SIGN PROPOSED TRAIL EASEMENT \ LIBERTY BANK PROPOSED D&U EASEMENT 1 908 S.F.) �2� �s r PROPOSED TRAIL ASEMENT Ak L- /N. I N%J V V 0 " VON HANSON'S A S, 2018 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS CSAH 39 TRAIL MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 5' BOULEVARD F k ,V 4( 0 20 40 H: 1529 SCALE IN FEET CP 1SC001 CITY O F WSB Project No. 011473-000 Montice EASEMENT EXHIBIT 1 Date: 05/14/2018 / \ \ \ S, 2018 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS CSAH 39 TRAIL MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 5' BOULEVARD F k ,V 4( 0 20 40 H: 1529 SCALE IN FEET CP 1SC001 CITY O F WSB Project No. 011473-000 Montice EASEMENT EXHIBIT 1 Date: 05/14/2018 / /r LEGEND PROPOSED TRAIL -"- PROPOSED STORM SEWER CURB AND GUTTER © PROPOSED STORM MH ADA PEDESTRIAN RAMP r PROPOSED CATCH BASIN EXISTING EASEMENT EXISTING CATCH BASIN ------ PROPOSED D&U EASEMENT RS RELOCATE SIGN PROPOSED TRAIL EASEMENT h \ w� \ G 4.0- / / i r � I a 10' BOULEVARD RIVERVIEW DR r _y" 2018 PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS CSAH 39 TRAIL MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 'l/iss Q� 244 MISSISSIPPI D r / 8 � EX. ROW ,o, PROPOSED D&U EASEMENT (1,146 S.F.) a ___-----------------� N 0 20 40 REW SCALE IN FEET CP 18C001 CITY OF WSB Project No. 011473-000 M ontice EASEMENT EXHIBIT 2 Date: 05/14/2018 / APPENDIX C Opinions of Probable Cost Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18C001 WSB Project No. 11473-000 Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project: 2018 Pedestrian Improvements Project Location: City of Monticello WSB Project No: 011473-000 Item MnDOT No. Specification Description No. A. 6TH STREET SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS Design By: NP Checked By: SB Date: 5/8/2018 Estimated Estimated Unit Estimated Total Unit Total Quantity Price Cost 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $1,100.00 2 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LIN FT 95 $3.00 3 2104.601 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES LUMP SUM 1 $500.00 4 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION CU YD 45 $12.00 5 2105.523 COMMON BORROW (CV) CU YD 10 $18.00 6 2505.601 UTILITY COORDINATION LUMP SUM 1 $1,000.00 7 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 1350 $8.00 8 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 LIN FT 95 $12.00 9 2531.601 ADA COMPLIANCE SUPERVISOR LUMP SUM 1 $500.00 10 2531.602 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP EACH 1 $1,000.00 11 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT 12 $40.00 12 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $1,000.00 11 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD FIBER LIN FT 50 $4.00 12 2574.525 COMMON TOPSOIL BORROW CU YD 25 $10.00 13 2575.505 SODDING TYPE SALT TOLERANT SQ YD 225 $4.00 14 2575.535 WATER MGAL 20 $25.00 Subtotal Schedule A - 6th Street Sidewalk Improvements = + 10% Contingency Cost Subtotal = +28% Indirect Cost Total Schedule A - 6th Street Sidewalk Improvements = 1 of 5 $1,100.00 $285.00 $500.00 $540.00 $180.00 $1,000.00 $10,800.00 $1,140.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $480.00 $1,000.00 $200.00 $250.00 $900.00 $500.00 $20,375.00 $2,037.50 $22,412.50 $6,275.50 $28,688.00 Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project: 2018 Pedestrian Improvements Design By: NP Project Location: City of Monticello Checked By: SB WSB Project No: 011473-000 Date: 5/8/2018 Item MnDOT Estimated Estimated Unit Estimated Total Specification Description Unit Total No. Price Cost No. Quantity B. 7TH STREET SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS 15 2021.501 MOBILIZATION 16 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER 17 2104.509 REMOVE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE 18 2104.601 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES 19 2104.602 RELOCATE STREET LIGHT 20 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION 21 2105.523 COMMON BORROW (CV) 22 2501.602 15' PIPE APRON 23 2503.541 15' RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V 24 2505.601 UTILITY COORDINATION 25 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK 26 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 27 2531.601 ADA COMPLIANCE SUPERVISOR 28 2531.602 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP 29 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES 30 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL 31 2564.602 RELOCATE SIGN 32 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD FIBER 33 2574.525 COMMON TOPSOIL BORROW 34 2575.505 SODDING TYPE SALT TOLERANT 35 2575.535 WATER 2of5 LUMP SUM 1 $1,000.00 LIN FT 85 $3.00 EACH 1 $1,500.00 LUMP SUM 1 $500.00 EACH 1 $750.00 CU YD 40 $12.00 CU YD 10 $18.00 EACH 1 $1,100.00 LIN FT 35 $35.00 LUMP SUM 1 $1,000.00 SQ FT 1100 $8.00 LIN FT 85 $12.00 LUMP SUM 1 $500.00 EACH 1 $1,000.00 SQ FT 12 $40.00 LUMP SUM 1 $1,000.00 EACH 1 $100.00 LIN FT 50 $4.00 CU YD 20 $10.00 SQ YD 285 $4.00 MGAL 20 $25.00 Subtotal Schedule B - 7th Street Sidewalk Improvements = + 10% Contingency Cost Subtotal = +28% Indirect Cost Total Schedule B - 7th Street Sidewalk Improvements = $1,000.00 $255.00 $1,500.00 $500.00 $750.00 $480.00 $180.00 $1,100.00 $1,225.00 $1,000.00 $8,800.00 $1,020.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $480.00 $1,000.00 $100.00 $200.00 $200.00 $1,140.00 $500.00 $22,930.00 $2,293.00 $25,223.00 $7,062.44 $32,285.44 Opinion of Probable Cost Project Location: City of Monticello Checked By: SB WSB Project No: 011473-000 Date: 5/8/2018 MnDOT Estimated Item Estimated Unit Estimated Total Specification Description Unit Total No. Price Cost No. Quantity C. OAKWOOD DRIVE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS 36 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 37 2104.501 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM) LIN FT 20 $8.00 $160.00 38 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LIN FT 125 $3.00 $375.00 39 2104.509 REMOVE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 40 2104.601 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES LUMP SUM 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 41 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION CU YD 60 $12.00 $720.00 42 2105.523 COMMON BORROW (CV) CU YD 20 $18.00 $360.00 43 2503.541 15' RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V LIN FT 30 $35.00 $1,050.00 44 2505.601 UTILITY COORDINATION LUMP SUM 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 45 2506.501 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 484020 LIN FT 6 $450.00 $2,700.00 46 2506.502 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPEC 1 EACH 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 47 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 1520 $8.00 $12,160.00 48 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN 8618 LIN FT 125 $12.00 $1,500.00 49 2531.601 ADA COMPLIANCE SUPERVISOR LUMP SUM 1 $500.00 $500.00 50 2531.602 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP EACH 5 $1,000.00 $5,000.00 51 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT 60 $40.00 $2,400.00 52 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 53 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD FIBER LIN FT 50 $4.00 $200.00 54 2574.525 COMMON TOPSOIL BORROW CU YD 20 $10.00 $200.00 55 2575.505 SODDING TYPE SALT TOLERANT SQ YD 265 $4.00 $1,060.00 56 2575.535 WATER MGAL 20 $25.00 $500.00 Subtotal Schedule C - Oakwood Drive Sidewalk Improvements = $36,385.00 + 10% Contingency Cost $3,638.50 Subtotal = $40,023.50 +28% Indirect Cost $11,206.58 Total Schedule C - Oakwood Drive Sidewalk Improvements = $51,230.08 3of5 Opinion of Probable Cost Project Location: City of Monticello Checked By: SB WSB Project No: 011473-000 Date: 5/8/2018 MnDOT Estimated Item Estimated Unit Estimated Total Specification Description Unit Total No. Price Cost No. Quantity D. CSAH 39 TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS 57 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $3,300.00 $3,300.00 58 2104.501 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM) LIN FT 30 $8.00 $240.00 59 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LIN FT 90 $3.00 $270.00 60 2104.509 REMOVE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH 2 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 61 2104.601 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES LUMP SUM 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 62 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION CU YD 360 $12.00 $4,320.00 63 2105.523 COMMON BORROW (CV) CU YD 595 $18.00 $10,710.00 64 2360.503 TYPE SP 9.5 WEAR CRS MIX (2,B)3.0" THICK SQ YD 1150 $20.00 $23,000.00 65 2503.541 15' RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V LIN FT 55 $35.00 $1,925.00 66 2505.601 UTILITY COORDINATION LUMPSUM 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 67 2506.501 CONST DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4020 LIN FT 12 $450.00 $5,400.00 68 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 LIN FT 90 $12.00 $1,080.00 69 2531.601 ADA COMPLIANCE SUPERVISOR LUMP SUM 1 $500.00 $500.00 70 2531.602 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP EACH 4 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 71 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT 64 $40.00 $2,560.00 72 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 73 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD FIBER LIN FT 70 $4.00 $280.00 74 2574.525 COMMON TOPSOIL BORROW CU YD 40 $10.00 $400.00 75 2575.505 SODDING TYPE SALT TOLERANT SQ YD 1275 $4.00 $5,100.00 76 2575.523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKET CATEGORY 3 SQ YD 780 $2.00 $1,560.00 77 2575.535 WATER MGAL 30 $25.00 $750.00 78 PEDSTRIAN PUSH BUTTON STATION - NW CORNER CSAH39/CSAH75 LUMP SUM 1 $12,600.00 $12,600.00 Subtotal Schedule D - CSAH 39 Trail Improvements = $84,495.00 + 10% Contingency Cost $8,449.50 Subtotal = $92,944.50 +28% Indirect Cost $26,024.46 Total Schedule D - CSAH 39 Trail Improvements = $118,968.96 4 of 5 Opinion of Probable Cost Project Location: City of Monticello Checked By: SB WSB Project No: 011473-000 Date: 5/8/2018 Item MnDOT Estimated Estimated Unit Estimated Total Specification Description Unit Total No. Price Cost No. Quantity E. ROLLING WOODS PARK SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS 79 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $1,500.00 80 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LIN FT 20 $3.00 81 2104.503 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALK SQ FT 440 $2.50 82 2104.503 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD 3 $2.00 83 2104.513 SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT 22 $5.00 84 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION CU YD 45 $12.00 85 2411.604 CONCRETE BLOCK RETAINING WALL SQ FT 90 $40.00 86 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 2625 $8.00 87 2521.501 6" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 90 $12.00 88 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN D324 LIN FT 20 $25.00 89 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT 10 $40.00 90 2573.503 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD FIBER LIN FT 530 $4.00 91 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 2 $200.00 92 2575.523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SQ YD 600 $2.00 Subtotal Schedule E - Rolling Woods Park Sidewalk Improvements = + 10% Contingency Cost Subtotal = +28% Indirect Cost Total Schedule E - Rolling Woods Park Sidewalk Improvements = $1,500.00 $60.00 $1,100.00 $6.00 $110.00 $540.00 $3,600.00 $21,000.00 $1,080.00 $500.00 $400.00 $2,120.00 $400.00 $1,200.00 $33,616.00 $3,361.60 $36,977.60 $10,353.73 $47,331.33 SCHEDULE A - 6TH STREET SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS: $28,688.00 SCHEDULE B - 7TH STREET SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS: $32,285.44 SCHEDULE C - OAKWOOD DRIVE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS: $51,230.08 SCHEDULE D - CSAH 39 TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS: $118,968.96 SCHEDULE E - ROLLING WOODS PARK SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS: $47,331.33 GRAND TOTAL = $278,503.81 5 of 5 APPENDIX D Assessment Map Assessment Roll Feasibility Report 2018 Pedestrian Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 18CO01 WSB Project No. 11473-000 W c �rysr� iiAo iMO iml Assessment Map 2018 Pedestrian Improvements City Project No. �7lTHES;TJE N 0 120 240 480 Feet Page 1 of 2 M s+' -N ♦ 1 t qb L-1 w� its 11111111 t 1,1N,117 i Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographies, CNES/Airb s D5, =DA, USES; AeroGRID, IG nd 4h GI er rnrn ty Preliminary Assessment Roll - 6th Street 2018 Pedestrian Improvements CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 18CO01 PROPERTY No IDENTIFICATION NO. PROPERTY OWNER (PID) Map ID PID Owner Name 1 155010005090 CITY OF MONTICELLO 2 155010005060 MCGUIRE EQUITY LLC Preliminary Assessment Roll - 7th Street 2018 Pedestrian Improvements CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 18CO01 PROPERTY No IDENTIFICATION NO. PROPERTY OWNER (PID) Map ID PID Owner Name 3 155029002010 BURGER KING CORPORATION #4327 Preliminary Assessment Roll - Oakwood Drive 2018 Pedestrian Improvements CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 18CO01 PROPERTY No IDENTIFICATION NO. PROPERTY OWNER (PID) Map ID PID Owner Name 4 155034001010 Samuel Properties & Const Inc 5 155034001030 Realty Income Properties 3 LLC 6 155237001010 GORDON HOGLUND AMEND REV LIVTR 5/8/2018 Project Cost $28,670 Total Front Footage 322 50% Assessment Rate $44.52 Commercial TOTAL PROPOSED PROPERTY MAILING RATE FF ASSESSMENT ADDRESS Property Address 505 WALNUT ST STE 1, MONTICELLO, MN 55362 $44.52 130 $ 5,787.42 5049 AVON DR MOUND, MN 55364 $44.52 149 $ 6,633.28 TOTAL $ 12,420.70 Project Cost $32,285 Total Front Footage 261 50% Assessment Rate $61.85 5/8/2018 Commercial TOTAL PROPOSED PROPERTY MAILING RATE FF ASSESSMENT ADDRESS Property Address PO BOX 020783 MIAMI, FL 33102 $61.85 233 $ 14,410.74 TOTAL $ 14.410.74 K:\011473-000\Feas Rpt\Preliminary Assessment Roll 2018 Pedestrian Improvements Project Cost $51,230 Total Front Footage 387 50% Assessment Rate $66.19 5/8/2018 Commercial TOTAL PROPOSED PROPERTY MAILING RATE FF ASSESSMENT ADDRESS Property Address Mcdonald's Corp Amf O'hare Airport PO Box 182571 Columbus, OH 43218 $66.19 123 $ 8,141.20 11995 EI Camino Real Ste 101 San Diego, CA 92130 $66.19 230 $ 15,223.39 PO BOX 70 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 $ 34 $ - TOTAL $ 23,364.59 K:\011473-000\Feas Rpt\Preliminary Assessment Roll 2018 Pedestrian Improvements City Council Agenda: 5/14/2018 4C. Consideration of designating 101 Chelsea Road as the preferred location for the Monticello Fire Station and authorize the fire station design process at this location (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to designate 101 Chelsea Road as the location for the new fire station. If the council selects this city -owned five acre lot, Brunton Architects will begin the design process accordingly. Currently, there is a city owned building located at this site. The building is leased by the Monticello Soccer Club, and the lease extends to May 2021. Extension of the lease agreement will be of future discussion. According to a preliminary plan prepared by Brunton Architects, there is sufficient room on the site for the placement and operation of both the existing building and a new fire station. However, modifications to parking and drive aisle circulation would be necessary. Please see the attached site plan for more detail. Brian Anderson, President of the Soccer Club, has reviewed the proposal and will be presenting the information to the Soccer Board of Directors. Based on comments from Mr. Anderson, it is expected that the Soccer Club will be in support of the proposal. As you recall, at the previous meeting of the City Council, it was determined that a better value will be achieved by constructing a new building rather than adding -on to the existing fire station. Accordingly, council authorized a selection committee to explore fire station site alternatives. Members of this committee, with the assistance of Brunton Architects, proceeded with reviewing possible sites. In the end, the proposed site was selected for the following reasons: • Central location with excellent direct access to and from the site for both fire fighters and emergency response apparatus. • Excellent access to the Fallon Avenue Overpass enabling bypass of crowded TH 25 Corridor. • Excellent access to I-94 for accidents on the freeway. • Sufficient land area for fire station and access, with additional space for current adjoining use (soccer facility). • Opportunity to place parking over otherwise underutilized pipe line corridor. The search effort included examination of a number of other sites as listed below along with helpful observations and site plans prepared by Brunton Architects. Although some of the sites would have been acceptable, the recommended current location is preferred. The sites included: • 1.1 acre site at the NW corner of the 7th/Fallon roundabout — too small, too close to multi- family. • 5 acre site at NE corner of Dundas/Cedar Street — difficult access to southbound TH 25 for apparatus. • 10 acre (est) Jefferson Commons west of Water Tower — not centrally located. • 10 acre site at Otter Creek Business Park — site grading extensive, not centrally located. City Council Agenda: 5/14/2018 • Existing Municipal Campus, west of the existing fire station. Not feasible due to presence of deep trunk line at Linn Street and would require purchase of residential properties and/or relocation of electric feeder line serving substation. It's worth noting that the timing of this decision is advantageous because of the upcoming improvements planned for Chelsea Road this summer. The Chelsea Road project will modify curb openings, fire hydrant locations, and storm water facilities to accommodate future fire station site improvements. City staff will work with the Soccer Club for a potential extension of the lease and will be examining opportunities for improving the appearance of the soccer facility. Al. Budget Impact: Architect fees for service to be reimbursed via future bond sale. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Ongoing support to the architect. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to designate 101 Chelsea Road as the preferred location for the Monticello Fire Station and authorize the fire station design process at this location. 2. Motion to deny fire station site designation as proposed or motion in support of a different location. 3. Motion to table C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. This option received unanimous support from all those involved in the process. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • 101 Chelsea Road Site Plan 36 --------------Lid Li I I - •i �a + , \ M — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — _� �.� __ -� ri ♦ J 11121 22 23 9 t j 14 11T CU CL City Leases to 18 c Soccer Club ,—n- �s� 15 asE t ♦ , ♦ , j 1 , ♦ `3,000 SF I '; SECOND 4 I 10 8 6 4 2 FLOOR. Area 3 1 - ---y - 8,500 SF APP - - 9( 7 1,5 1 3 1 1 I l ♦ ♦ ♦ j 9,200 SF MAIN y _� =---- --- Area 1.. �� �: •..----------- � r"-rt■MI e9 --W.R�F IV UW4 Zpm O 101 CHELSEA RD SITE 20,700 SQ FT 1 1. = 60.4. I I III I i MONTICELLO, MN 1 30 60 90 ,1 PW .- LBRUNTON ARCHITECTS Sk ENGINEERS 'OT co'. �'RI R 5 04Fti Monticello Monthly Report 2018 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 911 Hang-up Total: 50 04/02/18 14:49 911 Hang-up 04/03/18 09:15 911 Hang-up 04/03/18 09:42 911 Hang-up 04/03/18 12:26 911 Hang-up 04/04/18 16:27 911 Hang-up 04/04/18 16:36 911 Hang-up 04/05/18 11:26 911 Hang-up 04/08/18 14:15 911 Hang-up 04/09/18 07:48 911 Hang-up 04/09/18 20:08 911 Hang-up 04/10/18 09:16 911 Hang-up 04/10/18 09:17 911 Hang-up 04/10/18 20:37 911 Hang-up 04/11/18 03:46 911 Hang-up 04/11/1816:29 911 Hang-up 04/12/18 19:01 911 Hang-up 04/13/18 13:47 911 Hang-up 04/14/18 08:15 911 Hang-up 04/15/18 03:48 911 Hang-up 04/15/18 10:58 911 Hang-up 04/15/18 12:28 911 Hang-up 04/16/18 16:19 911 Hang-up 04/16/18 21:11 911 Hang-up 04/17/18 14:03 911 Hang-up 04/18/18 07:42 911 Hang-up 04/18/18 13:58 911 Hang-up 04/20/18 00:58 911 Hang-up Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Joe Hagerty 3800 Braddock Ave. NE, Buffalo, MN 55313 1-800-362-3667 Fax:763-682-7610 CFS # 2018024305 2018024466 2018024470 2018024506 2018024826 2018024829 2018024996 2018025808 2018025939 2018026121 2018026226 2018026227 2018026388 2018026443 2018026599 2018026915 2018027098 2018027279 2018027482 2018027513 2018027528 2018027816 2018027883 2018028046 2018028257 2018028359 2018028780 Final Incident QPpFE55I0NA�rS Printed on May 1, 2018 Case Number Codes How Reported 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP 911 HANGUP ZUERCHER Page 1 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/20/18 22:16 911 Hang-up 2018029044 911 HAN911 GUP 04/21/18 00:50 911 Hang-up 2018029077 911 HAN911 GUP 04/21/18 02:01 911 Hang-up 2018029095 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18011 85911 HANGUP 04/21/1815:36 911 Hang-up 2018029201 911 911 HANGUP 04/21/1817:37 911 Hang-up 2018029228 911 911 HANGUP 04/21/18 21:28 911 Hang-up 2018029297 911 HAN911 GUP 04/23/18 21:55 911 Hang-up 2018029838 911 HAN911 GUP 04/23/18 22:06 911 Hang-up 2018029839 911 HAN911 GUP 04/24/18 13:30 911 Hang-up 2018030001 911 HAN911 GUP 04/25/18 07:41 911 Hang-up 2018030226 911 HAN911 GUP 04/25/18 14:22 911 Hang-up 2018030335 911 HAN911 GUP 04/25/18 16:46 911 Hang-up 2018030386 911 HAN911 GUP 04/25/18 17:25 911 Hang-up 2018030402 911 HAN911 GUP 04/25/18 19:06 911 Hang-up 2018030433 911 911 HANGUP 04/26/18 19:12 911 Hang-up 2018030725 911 HAN911 GUP 04/27/18 11:31 911 Hang-up 2018030900 911 HAN911 GUP 04/28/18 10:26 911 Hang-up 2018031188 911 HAN911 GUP 04/29/18 14:35 911 Hang-up 2018031557 911 HAN911 GUP 04/29/18 17:04 911 Hang-up 2018031592 911 HAN911 GUP 04/30/18 08:59 911 Hang-up 2018031744 911 HAN911 GUP 04/30/18 10:02 911 Hang-up 2018031759 911 HAN911 GUP 04/30/18 18:21 911 Hang-up 2018031898 911 HAN911 GUP 04/30/18 20:11 911 Hang-up 2018031935 911 HAN911 GUP 911 Hang-up; Animal Total: 1 04/21/18 12:08 911 Hang-up; Animal 2018029161 911 911 HANGUP; ANIMAL 911 Hang-up; Civil Complaint Total: 1 04/19/18 17:20 911 Hang-up; Civil 2018028686 911 911 HANGUP: CIV 911 Hang-up; Domestic Disturbance Total: 1 04/21/18 19:16 911 Hang-up; Domestic 2018029251 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18011662 911 911 HANGUP; 911 Hang-up; Juvenile - Complaint Total: 1 04/28/18 14:47 911 Hang-up; Juvenile - 2018031248 911 911 HANGUP; 911 Hang-up; Medical - Carbon Monoxide Inhalation Total: 1 ZU=RCHER Page 2 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/17/18 02:14 911 Hang-up; Medical - 2018027942 Fire - Gas Leak WCSOP18011130 911 911 HANGUP; 911 Open Line Total: 22 04/01/18 08:52 911 Open Line 2018024011 911 OPEN11 04/01/18 19:42 911 Open Line 2018024127 911 911 OPEN 04/03/18 10:38 911 Open Line 2018024480 911 911OPEN 04/04/18 16:28 911 Open Line 2018024827 911OPEN11 04/08/18 03:26 911 Open Line 2018025724 Assault WCSOP18010221 11 OPEN 04/10/18 20:51 911 Open Line 2018026391 911 911 OPEN 04/11/18 07:22 911 Open Line 2018026458 g 911 OPEN11 04/11/18 11:10 911 Open Line 2018026524 911 911 OPEN 04/11/18 18:40 911 Open Line 2018026625 911 911OPEN 04/12/18 15:11 911 Open Line 2018026837 911OPEN11 04/12/18 20:33 911 Open Line 2018026940 11 911 OPEN 04/16/18 10:58 911 Open Line 2018027726 911 911OPEN 04/16/18 19:49 911 Open Line 2018027863 911OPEN11 04/18/18 11:52 911 Open Line 2018028326 911 911 OPEN 04/19/18 09:13 911 Open Line 2018028567 911 911 OPEN 04/19/18 16:07 911 Open Line 2018028658 g 911OPEN11 04/20/18 09:10 911 Open Line 2018028837 11 911 OPEN 04/25/18 15:40 911 Open Line 2018030360 911 911OPEN 04/26/18 06:54 911 Open Line 2018030535 911 OPEN11 04/27/18 07:39 911 Open Line 2018030844 11 911 OPEN 04/28/18 13:27 911 Open Line 2018031229 911 911 OPEN 04/29/18 03:21 911 Open Line 2018031452 911 911 OPE 911 Open Line; Disorderly Total: 1 04/14/18 15:18 911 Open Line; 2018027324 911 Open Line WCSOP18010846 911 911 OPEN; DISORD 911 Open Line; Domestic Disturbance Total: 1 04/14/18 18:12 911 Open Line; 2018027368 911 Open Line WCSOP18010876 911 911 OPEN; DOMESTIC 911 Open Line; Medical - Diabetic Total: 1 04/01/18 11:35 911 Open Line; Medical 2018024041 911 Open Line WCSOP18009551 911 911 OPEN; MDIABETIC 911 Text; Domestic Disturbance Total: 1 04/26/18 06:26 911 Text; Domestic 2018030530 911 Text WCSOP18012176 Text 911TEXT; DOMESTIC ZU=RCHER Page 3 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Abandoned Vehicle Total: 1 04/28/18 21:15 Abandoned Vehicle 2018031361 Abandoned Vehicle WCSOP18012493 Phone ABANDVEH Abuse Total: 1 04/22/18 19:56 Abuse 2018029552 Check Welfare WCSOP18011767 Phone ABUSE Agency Assist Total: 5 04/02/18 09:39 Agency Assist 2018024241 Agency Assist WCSOP18009 AGgASSIST ANBITE 04/12/18 17:14 Animal - Bites - Attacks ANIMAL 04/08/18 03:10 Agency Assist 2018025722 Agency Assist WCSOP18010 AGASSIST ne ANBITE Assault Total: 6 ANIMAL 04/10/18 04:44 Agency Assist 2018026194 Agency Assist WCSOP18010 A ASSAULT 04/06/1816:23 Assault ST 04/17/18 15:22 Agency Assist 2018028066 Agency Assist 1GASSIPhone WCSOSIU180 1G%SISTicer 04/27/18 10:12 Agency Assist 2018030880 Agency Assist ne WCSOP18012 AG 04/29/1815:21 Animal 2018031572 Animal ASSIST Alarm Total: 3 04/02/18 01:38 Alarm 2018024188 Alarm WCSOP18009610 Phone ALARM 04/12/18 06:38 Alarm 2018026731 Phone ALARM 04/26/18 06:30 Alarm 2018030531 Alarm WCSOP18012153 911 ALARM Animal Total: 7 04/11/1819:43 Animal 2018026642 WCSOP18009 911 Phone ANBITE 04/12/18 17:14 Animal - Bites - Attacks ANIMAL 04/14/18 09:22 Animal 2018027286 Phone ANBITE Assault Total: 6 ANIMAL 04/23/18 09:33 Animal 2018029653 Animal WCSOP18011 55IMAL ASSAULT 04/06/1816:23 Assault ANIMALPhone 04/25/1816:16 Animal 2018030373 Animal WCSOP18012086 Phone ASSAULT ANIMAL 04/29/1815:21 Animal 2018031572 Animal WCSOP18012587 Phone ANIMAL 04/30/1817:19 Animal 2018031875 Animal WCSOP18012ANIMALPhone 04/30/1817:48 Animal 2018031887 Animal WCSOP18012723 Phone ANIMAL Animal - Barking Dog Total: 2 04/06/18 03:35 Animal - Barking Dog 2018025186 Animal - Barking Dog WCSOP18010 ANBARK hone 04/28/18 21:41 Animal - Barking Dog 2018031375 Animal - Barking Dog WCSOP1801249 Phone A BARK Animal - Bites - Attacks Total: 2 04/02/18 15:53 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2018024316 Animal - Bites - Attacks WCSOP18009 911 ANBITE 04/12/18 17:14 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2018026887 Animal - Bites - Attacks WCSOP18010664 Phone ANBITE Assault Total: 6 04/01/18 17:04 Assault 2018024090 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18009569 Phone ASSAULT 04/06/1816:23 Assault 2018025329 Assault WCSOP18010080 Phone ASSAULT ZUERCHER Page 4 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/12/18 12:00 Assault 2018026798 Assault WCSOSRO18 ASSAU Phone 04/12/18 16:17 Check Welfare 04/12/18 18:39 Check Welfare 04/14/18 18:18 04/21/18 17:50 Assault 2018029230 Assault WCSOP18011 04/18/18 13:29 Check Welfare 04/18/18 16:51 Check Welfare ASSAULT1 04/25/18 17:52 Assault 2018030414 Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18012103 911 04/23/18 17:00 Check Welfare 04/24/18 14:14 Check Welfare ASSAULT 04/27/18 19:29 Assault 2018031029 Drugs WCSOP18012 ASSAU Phone 04/29/18 12:37 Check Welfare 04/29/18 19:05 Check Welfare 04/30/18 10:32 Assault; Domestic Disturbance Total: 1 04/23/18 08:52 Assault; Domestic 2018029645 Domestic Disturbance Burglary Total: 1 04/16/18 08:12 Burglary 2018027674 Burglary Check Welfare Total: 24 04/01/18 21:54 Check Welfare 04/02/18 15:53 Check Welfare 04/04/18 21:56 Check Welfare 04/05/18 13:59 Check Welfare 04/09/18 05:50 Check Welfare 04/12/18 16:17 Check Welfare 04/12/18 18:39 Check Welfare 04/14/18 18:18 Check Welfare 04/14/18 20:52 Check Welfare 04/18/18 09:40 Check Welfare 04/18/18 13:29 Check Welfare 04/18/18 16:51 Check Welfare 04/20/18 22:25 Check Welfare 04/21/18 07:26 Check Welfare 04/21/18 14:53 Check Welfare 04/23/18 17:00 Check Welfare 04/24/18 14:14 Check Welfare 04/25/18 16:13 Check Welfare 04/26/18 07:18 Check Welfare 04/29/18 01:19 Check Welfare 04/29/18 12:37 Check Welfare 04/29/18 19:05 Check Welfare 04/30/18 10:32 Check Welfare 2018024155 Check Welfare 2018024317 Check Welfare 2018024895 Check Welfare 2018025018 Check Welfare 2018025921 Check Welfare 2018026860 Check Welfare 2018026905 Check Welfare 2018027370 Check Welfare 2018027424 Check Welfare 2018028291 Abuse Adult 2018028353 Check Welfare 2018028410 Check Welfare 2018029045 Check Welfare 2018029118 Check Welfare 2018029190 Check Welfare 2018029757 Check Welfare 2018030014 Check Welfare 2018030369 Check Welfare 2018030540 Check Welfare 2018031435 Domestic Disturbance 2018031531 Check Welfare 2018031622 Check Welfare 2018031770 Check Welfare WCSOP18011 ASSAU LT;MMESTIC WCSOP18011010 Phone BURG WCSOP18009 CHI KWELF WCSOP18009 CHKWELFone WCSOP180099222KWELFone WCSOP18009 CHI KWELF WCSOP18010 955KWEPhone CHLF WCSOP18010 CHKWELFI WCSOP18010 CHI KWELF WCSOP18010 733KWEPPFhone WCSOP18010 CHKWELFone WCSOP18011 CHKWELFone WCSOP18011 766KWEPPFhone WCSOP18011 CHKWELFone WCSOP18011 CHI KWELF WCSOP18011 CHKWELFone WCSOP18011 CHKWE9p WCSOP18011 CHKWELFone WCSOP18011 455KWEPPFhone WCSOP18012 CHKWELFone WCSOP18012 CHI KWELF WCSOP18012 233KWEPPFhone WCSOP18012 CHKWELFone WCSOP18012 CHKWELFone WCSOP18012 CHKWELFone ZUERCHER Page 5 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/30/18 15:42 Check Welfare 2018031849 Check Welfare WCSOP18012700 Phone CHKWELF Citizen Aid Total: 19 04/01/18 15:47 Citizen Aid 2018024075 Medical - Unknown WCSOP18009 Phone CITAID 04/02/18 03:59 Citizen Aid 2018024195 Citizen Aid WCSOP18009612 911 CITAID 04/03/18 22:34 Citizen Aid 2018024637 Civil Complaint WCSOP18010 CIV 911 CITAID 04/04/18 09:57 Citizen Aid 2018024735 Citizen Aid 7TAID WCSOP18009 Phone CITAID 04/04/18 20:29 Citizen Aid 2018024870 Citizen Aid WCSOP18009915 Phone CITAID 04/05/18 14:51 Citizen Aid 2018025027 Citizen Aid WCSOP18009964 Phone CITAID 04/10/18 06:59 Citizen Aid 2018026206 Citizen Aid WCSOP18010 Phone CITAID 04/10/18 18:45 Citizen Aid 2018026371 Citizen Aid WCSOP18010460 Phone CITAID 04/11/18 08:15 Citizen Aid 2018026471 Citizen Aid WCSOP18010497 Phone CITAID 04/20/18 02:53 Citizen Aid 2018028798 Citizen Aid WCSOP18011 911 CITAID 04/20/18 08:43 Citizen Aid 2018028828 Citizen Aid WCSOP18011475 Phone CITAID 04/20/18 12:22 Citizen Aid 2018028900 911 CITAID 04/21/18 02:56 Citizen Aid 2018029104 Citizen Aid WCSOP18011 Phone CITAID S 04/24/18 02:21 Citizen Aid 2018029889 Citizen Aid WCSOP18011891 911 CITAID 04/25/18 01:10 Citizen Aid 2018030180 Citizen Aid WCSOP18012 911 CITAID 04/25/18 20:33 Citizen Aid 2018030455 Citizen Aid WCSOP1801212TAID 911 04/26/18 12:58 Citizen Aid 2018030620 Citizen Aid WCSOP18012193 Phone CITAID 04/30/18 10:11 Citizen Aid 2018031763 Citizen Aid 5TAID WCSOP18012 Phone CIgTAID 04/30/18 16:01 Citizen Aid 2018031856 Citizen Aid WCSOP18012 Phone CITAID Civil Complaint Total: 25 04/05/18 09:12 Civil Complaint 2018024966 Civil Complaint WCSOP18009 CIV Phone 04/05/18 10:12 Civil Complaint 2018024976 Info WCSOP18009 CIV Phone 04/06/18 14:04 Civil Complaint 2018025292 Civil Complaint WCSOP18010 CIV Phone 04/06/18 16:17 Civil Complaint 2018025326 Civil Complaint WCSOP18010 CIV Phone 04/08/18 08:56 Civil Complaint 2018025751 Civil Complaint WCSOP18010 CIV Phone 04/08/18 11:14 Civil Complaint 2018025780 Civil Complaint WCSOP180102C38 Phone 04/08/18 11:36 Civil Complaint 2018025783 Civil Complaint WCSOP18010 CIV Phone 04/12/18 18:52 Civil Complaint 2018026912 Civil Complaint WCSOP18010 CIV Phone 04/12/18 22:38 Civil Complaint 2018026968 Civil Complaint WCSOP180106C99 911 04/13/18 21:59 Civil Complaint 2018027227 Civil Complaint WCSOP18010 CIV Phone ZUERCHER Page 6 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/16/18 08:26 Civil Complaint 2018027680 Theft WCSOP18011 CIV Phone 04/02/18 16:41 Civil Process 2018024325 Officer 04/17/18 13:10 Civil Complaint 2018028028 Lost - Found Property WCSOP18011 CIV Phone CIVPROO 04/03/18 12:05 Civil Process 04/17/18 13:18 Civil Complaint 2018028031 Civil Complaint WCSOP18011 CIV 911 CIVPROC 04/04/18 11:50 Civil Process 04/18/18 14:55 Civil Complaint 2018028375 Civil Complaint WCSOP18011 CIV Phone 04/05/18 12:10 Civil Process 2018025003 CIVPROCOoCfficer 04/05/18 14:54 Civil Process 04/21/18 12:07 Civil Complaint 2018029160 Civil Complaint WCSOP18011 CIV Phone 04/05/18 15:05 Civil Process 2018025033 fficer 04/22/18 10:15 Civil Complaint 2018029430 Fraud - Forgery WCSOP18011 CIV Phone CIVPROCOoCfficer 04/05/18 20:08 Civil Process 04/23/18 11:14 Civil Complaint 2018029673 Civil Complaint WCSOP18011 CIV Phone 04/09/18 10:46 Civil Process 2018025970 04/24/18 15:11 Civil Complaint 2018030028 Civil Complaint WCSOP18011 CIV 911 04/11/18 12:07 Civil Process 2018026538 Officer 04/24/18 16:08 Civil Complaint 2018030042 Civil Complaint WCSOP18011 CIV Phone CIVPROCfficer 04/25/18 16:18 Civil Complaint 2018030375 Civil Child Custody WCSOP180120C89 Phone 04/27/18 10:52 Civil Complaint 2018030890 Civil Complaint WCSOP18012 CIV Phone 04/27/18 15:31 Civil Complaint 2018030962 Civil Complaint WCSOP18012 CIV 911 04/29/18 10:10 Civil Complaint 2018031492 Civil Complaint WCSOP18012 CIV 911 04/29/18 17:06 Civil Complaint 2018031593 Civil Complaint WCSOP18012 CIV Phone 04/30/18 22:44 Civil Complaint 2018031963 Civil Complaint WCSOP18012 CIV Phone Civil Process Total: 59 04/02/18 09:51 Civil Process 2018024246 Civil Process WCSOCVL18008RWOOfficer C 04/02/18 11:47 Civil Process 2018024264 CIVPROC 04/02/18 16:41 Civil Process 2018024325 Officer CIVPROC 04/03/18 09:08 Civil Process 2018024463 fficer CIVPROO 04/03/18 12:05 Civil Process 2018024500 CIVPROCOoCfficer 04/03/18 14:17 Civil Process 2018024530 Officer CIVPROC 04/04/18 11:50 Civil Process 2018024764 fficer CIVPROO 04/05/18 12:10 Civil Process 2018025003 CIVPROCOoCfficer 04/05/18 14:54 Civil Process 2018025029 Officer CIVPROC 04/05/18 15:05 Civil Process 2018025033 fficer CIVPROO 04/05/18 16:20 Civil Process 2018025055 CIVPROCOoCfficer 04/05/18 20:08 Civil Process 2018025119 Officer CIVPROC 04/09/18 10:46 Civil Process 2018025970 CIVPROO 04/10/18 14:00 Civil Process 2018026297 OoCfficer CIVPROCfficer 04/11/18 12:07 Civil Process 2018026538 Officer CIVPROOoC 04/12/18 09:16 Civil Process 2018026763 CIVPROCfficer ZUERCHER Page 7 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/12/18 09:51 Civil Process 2018026772 CIVPROQpfficer 04/13/18 08:38 Civil Process 2018027030 CIVPROCfficer 04/13/18 09:45 Civil Process 2018027048 Officer CIVPROC 04/13/18 10:19 Civil Process 2018027060 CIVPROQpfficer 04/16/18 09:06 Civil Process 2018027689 CIVPROCfficer 04/16/18 09:49 Civil Process 2018027701 Officer CIVPROC 04/16/18 15:52 Civil Process 2018027808 CIVPROC 04/18/18 10:16 Civil Process 2018028299 fficer CIVPROC 04/18/18 10:29 Civil Process 2018028304 Officer CIVPROC 04/18/18 10:41 Civil Process 2018028308 CIVPROQpfficer 04/20/18 08:23 Civil Process 2018028821 fficer CIVPROC 04/20/18 08:38 Civil Process 2018028824 Officer CIVPROC 04/20/18 09:55 Civil Process 2018028849 CIVPR02pfficer 04/20/18 10:05 Civil Process 2018028851 fficer CIVPROC 04/24/18 10:41 Civil Process 2018029944 Officer CIVPROC 04/24/18 10:50 Civil Process 2018029948 CIVPR02pfficer 04/24/18 10:54 Civil Process 2018029952 fficer CIVPROC 04/24/18 11:18 Civil Process 2018029960 Officer CIVPROC 04/24/18 16:10 Civil Process 2018030043 CIVPR02pfficer 04/24/18 16:22 Civil Process 2018030050 fficer CIVPROC 04/24/18 19:01 Civil Process 2018030092 Officer CIVPROC 04/25/18 10:46 Civil Process 2018030280 CIVPR02pfficer 04/25/18 10:57 Civil Process 2018030282 fficer CIVPROC 04/25/18 11:07 Civil Process 2018030285 Officer CIVPROC 04/25/18 11:15 Civil Process 2018030289 CIVPROCppfficer 04/25/18 17:44 Civil Process 2018030411 Officer CIVPROC 04/26/18 08:59 Civil Process 2018030559 Officer CIVPROC 04/26/18 09:07 Civil Process 2018030561 CIVPR02pfficer 04/26/18 09:26 Civil Process 2018030565 fficer CIVPROC 04/26/18 09:38 Civil Process 2018030568 Officer CIVPROC 04/26/18 09:58 Civil Process 2018030573 CIVPR02pfficer 04/26/18 10:53 Civil Process 2018030586 fficer CIVPROC 04/27/18 14:16 Civil Process 2018030941 Officer CIVPROC ZUERCHER Page 8 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 04/27/18 14:19 2018024194 Civil Process 2018030943 04/30/18 08:58 Commercial General Civil Process 2018031743 04/30/18 09:19 04/04/18 19:35 Civil Process 2018031747 04/30/18 10:15 2018026456 Civil Process 2018031765 04/30/18 12:27 Commercial General Civil Process 2018031805 04/30/18 12:30 04/18/18 22:46 Civil Process 2018031807 04/30/18 12:38 2018028569 Civil Process 2018031811 04/30/18 15:45 Commercial General Civil Process 2018031853 04/30/18 15:55 04/26/18 23:24 Civil Process 2018031855 04/30/18 16:14 2018031147 Civil Process 2018031859 Commercial Fire Alarm Total: 3 Commercial General Alarm 04/09/18 21:28 Commercial Fire Alarm 2018026139 04/27/18 11:33 Phone Commercial Fire Alarm 2018030902 04/29/18 11:33 WCSOP18011366 Commercial Fire Alarm 2018031512 Commercial General Alarm Total: 18 04/01/18 04:55 Commercial General 2018023998 04/02/18 03:59 Commercial General 2018024194 04/03/18 20:14 Commercial General 2018024609 04/03/18 21:47 Commercial General 2018024632 04/03/18 23:02 Commercial General 2018024645 04/04/18 19:35 Commercial General 2018024860 04/11/18 06:59 Commercial General 2018026456 04/14/18 18:01 Commercial General 2018027365 04/18/18 09:30 Commercial General 2018028288 04/18/18 18:39 Commercial General 2018028444 04/18/18 22:46 Commercial General 2018028498 04/19/18 09:28 Commercial General 2018028569 04/23/18 09:01 Commercial General 2018029647 04/24/18 06:55 Commercial General 2018029896 04/25/18 21:33 Commercial General 2018030473 04/26/18 23:24 Commercial General 2018030781 04/28/18 03:56 Commercial General 2018031147 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported CIVPR02pfficer CIVPROCfficer Officer CIVPROC CIVPR02pfficer CIVPROCfficer Officer CIVPROC CIVPR02pfficer CIVPROCfficer Officer CIVPROC CIVPROCppfficer Commercial Fire Alarm WCSOP18010372 Phone ALARM ALARM Phone Commercial Fire Alarm WCSOP18012561 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18009533 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18009611 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18009792 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18009804 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18009810 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18009911 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18010493 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18010867 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18011250 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18011315 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18011340 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18011366 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18011804 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18011896 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18012129 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18012260 Phone ALARM Commercial Burglary WCSOP18012 Phone ALARM ZUERCHER Page 9 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/29/18 12:12 Commercial General 2018031526 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18012569 Phone ALARM Commercial General Alarm; Dispatch - CAD Total: 1 hh 04/30/18 08:42 Commercial General 2018031739 Commercial General Alarm WCSOP18012 ALARM: DI9S'PCAD Compliance Check - Tobacco Total: 13 04/16/18 10:42 Compliance Check - 2018027715 04/16/18 10:45 2018025026 Compliance Check - 2018027717 04/16/18 10:45 Criminal Damage to Compliance Check - 2018027718 04/16/18 10:56 04/27/18 10:56 Compliance Check - 2018027725 04/16/18 11:01 2018031181 Compliance Check - 2018027730 04/16/18 11:02 Compliance Check - 2018027731 04/16/18 11:03 Compliance Check - 2018027733 04/16/18 11:03 Compliance Check - 2018027734 04/16/18 11:04 Compliance Check - 2018027735 04/16/18 11:05 Compliance Check - 2018027737 04/16/18 11:05 Compliance Check - 2018027738 04/16/18 11:06 Compliance Check - 2018027739 04/16/18 11:07 Compliance Check - 2018027740 Compliance Check -Tobacco WCSOSR018 COMPLIOANice CE Compliance Check -Tobacco WCSOSR018 11032Officer COMPCE Compliance Check -Tobacco WCSOSRO18 1OMPLIANCg Compliance Check -Tobacco WCSOSR018 11037Officer COMPLINCE Compliance Check -Tobacco WCSOSR018 11041Officer COMPCE Compliance Check -Tobacco WCSOSRO18 1OMPL ONi8ig Compliance Check -Tobacco WCSOSR018 11044Officer COMPLINCE Compliance Check -Tobacco WCSOSR018 11045Officer COMPCE Compliance Check - Tobacco WCSOSR018 COMPLIONi89 Compliance Check -Tobacco WCSOSR018 11048Officer COMPLINCE Compliance Check -Tobacco WCSOSR018 11049Officer COMPCE Compliance Check - Tobacco WCSOSR018 COMPLIONi8e�r Compliance Check -Tobacco WCSOSR018 C1OMPLIOANice Compliance Check - Tobacco; Dispatch - CAD Total: 1 11 04/16/18 11:12 Compliance Check - 2018027744 Compliance Check -Tobacco WCSOSR018 11055Officer COMPLINCE Court Order Violation Total: 2 04/27/18 15:08 Court Order Violation 2018030951 04/30/18 11:39 Court Order Violation 2018031787 Criminal Damage to Property Total: 8 04/03/18 16:49 Criminal Damage to 2018024565 04/05/18 14:47 Criminal Damage to 2018025026 04/07/18 11:38 Criminal Damage to 2018025544 04/07/18 22:33 Criminal Damage to 2018025681 04/13/18 17:41 Criminal Damage to 2018027178 04/27/18 10:56 Criminal Damage to 2018030892 04/28/18 09:47 Criminal Damage to 2018031181 04/30/18 20:19 Criminal Damage to 2018031937 Court Order Violation WCSOP18012329 Phone COV Court Order Violation WCSOP18012671 Phone COV Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP18009 CDP Phone Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP180099C633P 911 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP180101C488P 911 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP180102_Q6 CDP Phone Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP180107C81 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP180123044P CD Phone Neighborhood Dispute WCSOP180124MP 911 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP180127C40 911 ZUERCHER Page 10 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported CSC Sex Offense Total: 1 04/11/18 10:43 CSC Sex Offense 2018026511 CSC Sex Offense Disabled Vehicle Total: 2 04/04/18 23:24 Disabled Vehicle 2018024908 04/26/18 14:25 Disabled Vehicle 2018030642 Disorderly Total: 6 04/02/18 22:06 20:30 Disorderly 2018024401 04/04/1819:22 2018024389 Disorderly 2018024859 04/17/1819:22 Domestic Disorderly 2018028137 04/17/18 21:40 11:49 Disorderly 2018028177 04/24/1818:59 2018024763 Disorderly 2018030091 04/26/1811:49 Domestic Disorderly 2018030606 Domestic Disturbance Total: 19 04/02/18 20:30 Disorderly Domestic Disturbance 2018024389 04/03/18 22:48 Disorderly Domestic Disturbance 2018024641 04/04/18 11:49 Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance 2018024763 04/04/18 13:49 Domestic Disturbance 2018024785 04/05/18 14:56 Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP18010905 911 Domestic Disturbance 2018025031 04/08/18 23:05 Domestic Disturbance 2018025900 04/12/18 17:11 WCSOP18011342 911 Domestic Disturbance 2018026886 04/15/18 00:05 WCSOP18011 D33-one Domestic Disturbance 2018027452 04/15/18 00:29 DOMESTIC Domestic Disturbance 2018027457 04/17/18 00:16 WCSOP18012 DOMESTICone Domestic Disturbance 2018027922 04/18/18 23:42 Domestic Disturbance 2018028505 04/20/18 00:54 WCSOP18012741 911 Domestic Disturbance 2018028778 04/21/18 01:31 Domestic Disturbance 2018029085 04/25/18 17:45 Domestic Disturbance 2018030413 04/25/18 18:03 Domestic Disturbance 2018030419 04/25/18 19:45 Domestic Disturbance 2018030439 04/26/18 23:12 Domestic Disturbance 2018030778 04/29/18 20:21 Domestic Disturbance 2018031639 04/30/18 20:29 Domestic Disturbance 2018031940 WCSOP180105113C Phone Disabled Vehicle WCSOP18001,26 Phone ISABLVEH DISABLVEHne Disorderly WCSOP18009 DISORDPhone Disorderly WCSOP180099D0229SORD 11 Disorderly WCSOP18011?i1114SORD911 Disorderly WCSOP18011 DI33SORD911 Disorderly WCSOP180119D8SORDPhone Disorderly WCSOP18012bE87DPhone ISOR Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18009 DOMESTIC Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18009809 911 DOMESTIC Domestic Disturbance WCSOP180098D6$MESPC ne Court Order Violation WCSOP18009 D77OMESTIh-one Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18009966 911 DOMESTIC Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18010 Dgne OMESTIC Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18010662 911 DOMESTIC Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP18010905 911 DOMESTIC Domestic Disturbance WCSOP180109D0gMESTIC ne Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18011121 911 DOMESTIC Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18011342 911 DOMESTIC Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18011 D5OMES911 TIC Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18011 D33-one OMESTI Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18012102 911 DOMESTIC Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18012 033gMESPhone DO TIC Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18012 DOMESTICone Civil Complaint WCSOP18012 DOMESPhCone Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18012620MESTIC ne Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18012741 911 DOMESTIC ZUERCHER Page 11 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Domestic Disturbance; 911 Text Total: 1 04/23/18 00:10 Domestic Disturbance; 2018029597 Domestic Disturbance Drugs Total: 18 04/02/1813:35 Drugs 04/04/1816:09 Drugs 04/04/18 20:23 Drugs 04/05/1810:34 Drugs 04/08/1813:44 Drugs 04/08/18 20:26 Drugs 04/13/1814:52 Drugs 04/13/1815:58 Drugs 04/18/1819:34 Drugs 04/19/1818:45 Drugs 04/20/18 09:14 Drugs 04/20/1812:47 Drugs 04/25/1814:53 Drugs 04/26/1816:26 Drugs 04/27/18 23:42 Drugs 04/29/18 01:16 Drugs 04/30/1810:22 Drugs 04/30/18 22:05 Drugs Drug Search Warrant Total: 1 04/20/18 09:54 Drug Search Warrant Extra Patrol Total: 2 04/20/18 16:22 Extra Patrol 04/27/18 13:46 Extra Patrol Fire - Burn Permit Total: 1 04/30/18 18:23 Fire - Burn Permit Fire - Electrical Total: 1 04/20/18 05:36 Fire - Electrical Fire - Gas Leak Total: 2 04/24/18 19:57 Fire - Gas Leak Case Number Codes How Reported WCSOP18011785 Text DOMESTIC; 911TEXT 2018024295 Drugs WCSOP18009658 Phone DRUGS 2018024821 Drugs WCSOP18009 DRUGS Phone 2018024868 Drugs WCSOP18009 Phone DRUGS 2018024984 Drugs WCSOSRO18000RUaS 2018025803 Drugs WCSOP18010 DRUGS Phone 2018025875 Drugs WCSOP18010 777UGS Phone DR 2018027116 Drugs WCSOP18010 DRUGS Phone 2018027147 Drugs WCSOP18010 DRUGS Phone 2018028456 Drugs WCSOP18011 Phone DRUGS 2018028702 Drugs WCSOP18011 DRUGS Phone 2018028839 Drugs WCSOP18011 DRUGS Phone 2018028906 Drugs WCSOSR018 11509 DRUGS 2018030342 Drugs WCSOSIU1801DR 2 Phone 2018030669 Drugs WCSOP18012 DRUGS Phone 2018031102 Noise WCSOP18012 98911 DRUGS 2018031434 Noise WCSOP180125-2R DRUGS Phone 2018031767 Drugs WCSOSR018 DRUg GS 2018031956 Drugs WCSOP18012 DRUGS Phone 2018028848 Drug Search Warrant WCSOSIU18011485DRUGS AR�H 2018028948 Extra Patrol WCSOP1801152P9 XX3��2P0 Phone 2018030934 Extra Patrol WCSOP18012 Phone 2018031899 Phone FBURN 2018028801 Fire - Electrical 2018030111 Fire - Gas Leak WCSOP18011 F6ELECTRI1 WCSOP18013 GASLEAK Phone ZU=RCHER Page 12 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/30/18 13:50 Fire - Gas Leak 2018031827 Fire - Gas Leak WCSOP180126-$7 EAK ne FGASL Fire - Grass Total: 1 04/30/18 21:03 Fire - Grass Fire - Smoke - Odor Total: 3 2018031944 FGRASS 11 04/06/18 23:34 Fire - Smoke - Odor 2018025434 Fire - Smoke - Odor WCSOP18010113 911 FSMOKE 04/21/18 00:24 Fire - Smoke - Odor 2018029071 Fire - Smoke - Odor WCSOP18011577 911 FSMOKEg 04/23/18 23:04 Fire - Smoke - Odor 2018029855 Fire - Smoke - Odor WCSOP180118FSMOKE 11 Fire - Structure Total: 1 04/17/18 03:10 Fire - Structure 2018027948 FSTRUC RE Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 7 04/08/18 14:48 Fraud - Checks - Cards 04/09/18 12:28 Fraud - Checks - Cards 04/11/18 16:24 Fraud - Checks - Cards 04/13/18 10:47 Fraud - Checks - Cards 04/16/18 09:31 Fraud - Checks - Cards 04/18/18 16:17 Fraud - Checks - Cards 04/21/18 14:19 Fraud - Checks - Cards Fraud - Forgery Total: 2 04/02/18 12:29 Fraud - Forgery 04/27/18 08:27 Fraud - Forgery Funeral Escort Total: 2 04/28/18 08:21 Funeral Escort 04/30/18 12:54 Funeral Escort Gun Incident Total: 1 04/25/18 22:03 Gun Incident Harassment Total: 8 04/01/1815:54 Harassment 04/04/1813:39 Harassment 04/05/1816:27 Harassment 04/05/1819:13 Harassment 04/08/18 21:30 Harassment 2018025815 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP18010 FRAUDCHone 2018026000 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP18010323 Phone FRAUDCH 2018026598 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP180105-47 FRAUDC 2018027065 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP18010 FRAUDCHone 2018027696 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP18011024 Phone FRAUDCH 2018028398 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP1801129RAUDCHone 2018029180 Fraud - Checks - Cards WCSOP18011629 911 FRAUDCH 2018024274 Fraud - Forgery WCSOP18009651 Phone FRAUDFORn 2018030857 Fraud - Forgery WCSOP18012288 Phone FRAUDFORG 2018031167 FUNERAL 2018031816 FUNERAL 2018030479 Domestic Disturbance 2018024078 2018024781 2018025056 2018025104 2018025890 Civil Child Custody Harassment Harassment Harassment Harassment WCSOP18012 GUN 911 WCSOP18009 568911 WCSOSRO180HARASS WCSOP18009 HARASS hone WCSOP18009 HARASS hone WCSOP1801028ARASS11 ZU=RCHER Page 13 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/11/18 19:08 Harassment 2018026636 Harassment WCSOP18010WARASS hone 2018026025 Juvenile - Runaway 04/10/18 10:59 Juvenile - Complaint 2018026256 04/26/1811:30 Harassment 2018030600 Harassment WCSOP18012185 911 04/17/18 20:20 Juvenile - Complaint 2018028154 Juvenile - Complaint HARASS 04/26/1819:08 Harassment 2018030723 Harassment WCSOP18012242 Phone HARASS Hospice Death Total: 3 04/06/18 07:18 Hospice Death 04/26/18 05:10 Hospice Death 04/27/18 07:56 Hospice Death Info Total: 15 04/01/18 22:44 04/09/18 04:12 04/09/18 18:05 04/10/18 03:05 04/10/18 09:50 04/12/18 13:05 04/13/18 03:00 04/17/18 02:38 04/17/18 16:22 04/19/18 16:56 04/20/18 09:38 04/22/18 03:36 04/23/18 03:00 04/26/18 03:04 04/30/18 09:28 Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info Info 2018025204 2018030524 2018030848 2018024160 2018025917 2018026081 2018026189 2018026237 2018026810 2018027002 2018027946 2018028077 2018028671 2018028843 2018029394 2018029612 2018030522 2018031749 Intoxicated Person Total: 1 04/21/18 20:53 Intoxicated Person 2018029277 Intoxicated Person Juvenile -Complaint Total: 11 04/05/18 13:00 Juvenile - Complaint 2018025015 Juvenile - Complaint 04/06/18 23:08 Juvenile - Complaint 2018025430 Juvenile - Complaint 04/09/18 14:38 Juvenile - Complaint 2018026025 Juvenile - Runaway 04/10/18 10:59 Juvenile - Complaint 2018026256 Juvenile - Complaint 04/15/18 16:41 Juvenile - Complaint 2018027563 Juvenile - Complaint 04/17/18 20:20 Juvenile - Complaint 2018028154 Juvenile - Complaint HOSPICEhone HOSPICEhone HOSPICEhone INFO Phone INFO Phone Phone INFO INFO Phone INFO Phone INFO Phone INFO Phone INFO Phone INFO Phone INFO Phone INFO Phone Phone INFO INFO Phone INFO Phone INFO Phone WCSOP18011669 Officer INTOXPER WCSOSR0180 9956 JUVCOMP WCSOP18010 J 1 Phone WCSOP180103J 1 Phone WCSOSR018010411 JUVCOMP WCSOP180109MCOnPPhone WCSOP18011218 Phone JUVCOMP ZUERCHER Page 14 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/24/18 21:37 Juvenile - Complaint 2018030138 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP18011997VCOM hone 04/09/18 16:52 Lost - Found Property 2018026063 Lost - Found Property WCSOP18010 LOSTPROP 04/28/18 19:58 Juvenile - Complaint 2018031341 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP180124J 6 Phone 04/16/18 09:51 Lost - Found Property 2018027703 Lost - Found Property WCSOP180110 OSTPROP 04/29/18 18:47 Juvenile - Complaint 2018031620 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP180126 8 Phone 04/21/18 16:09 Lost - Found Property 2018029207 Lost - Found Property WCSOP1801180STPROP 04/29/18 20:16 Juvenile - Complaint 2018031635 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP18012611 04/23/18 19:48 Lost - Found Property 2018029816 Lost - Found Property COMPPhone 04/30/18 18:34 Juvenile - Complaint 2018031903 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOP18012 � 7 Phone 04/27/18 09:50 Lost - Found Property 2018030876 Lost - Found Property WCSOP18012 LOSTPROP Juvenile - Runaway Total: 2 04/09/18 14:35 Juvenile - Runaway 2018026024 Juvenile - Runaway WCSOP180103JUVRUN hone 04/17/18 21:21 Juvenile - Runaway 2018028171 Juvenile - Runaway WCSOP18011 JUVRUN hone Lost - Found Property Total: 7 04/09/18 12:22 Lost - Found Property 2018025996 Lost - Found Property WCSOP1801080STPROP 2018025683 04/10/18 22:17 Medical - Breathing 2018026407 04/15/18 15:26 04/09/18 16:52 Lost - Found Property 2018026063 Lost - Found Property WCSOP18010 LOSTPROP 04/19/18 22:41 Medical - Breathing 2018028754 04/21/18 05:36 Medical - Breathing 04/16/18 09:51 Lost - Found Property 2018027703 Lost - Found Property WCSOP180110 OSTPROP 04/21/18 16:09 Lost - Found Property 2018029207 Lost - Found Property WCSOP1801180STPROP 04/23/18 19:48 Lost - Found Property 2018029816 Lost - Found Property WCSOP180118 OSTPROP 04/27/18 09:50 Lost - Found Property 2018030876 Lost - Found Property WCSOP18012 LOSTPROP 04/30/18 13:22 Lost - Found Property 2018031822 Lost - Found Property WCSOP1801280STPROP Lost - Found Property; Traffic - Hazard Total: 1 04/17/18 14:34 Lost - Found Property; 2018028054 Traffic - Hazard WCSOP18011 U&TPROP; THAZARD Medical - Abdominal Pain Total: 2 04/21/18 21:41 Medical - Abdominal 2018029300 Medical - Abdominal Pain WCSOP18011676 911 MABDOMINAL 04/29/18 13:07 Medical - Abdominal 2018031536 911 MABDOMINAL Medical - Allergies - Stings Total: 1 04/18/18 14:08 Medical - Allergies - 2018028363 Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 12 04/02/18 14:53 Medical - Breathing 2018024306 04/07/18 22:39 Medical - Breathing 2018025683 04/10/18 22:17 Medical - Breathing 2018026407 04/15/18 15:26 Medical - Breathing 2018027553 04/17/18 11:41 Medical - Breathing 2018028005 04/19/18 22:41 Medical - Breathing 2018028754 04/21/18 05:36 Medical - Breathing 2018029111 04/22/18 09:35 Medical - Breathing 2018029423 MALLERGIES Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18009NREATHING Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18010 MBREATHING Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18010 MBREAT11 HING Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18010VBREATHING Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18011 MBREATHING Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18011 MBREAT911 HING Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18011VAREATHING MMMBBBREATHING ZUERCHER Page 15 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes ggHow Reported 04/22/18 22:50 Medical - Breathing 2018029585 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18011780REATHING 04/25/18 02:02 Medical - Breathing 2018030192 MBREATHING 04/25/18 11:10 Medical - Breathing 2018030286 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP18012 MB73REAT11 HING 9g 04/30/18 19:59 Medical - Breathing 2018031928 Medical - Breathing Problems WCSOP180126REATHING Medical - Chest Pain Total: 1 04/24/18 09:58 Medical - Chest Pain 2018029929 Medical - Chest Pain WCSOP18011 MCHESTPone Medical - Diabetic Total: 2 04/03/18 07:16 Medical - Diabetic 2018024444 Medical - Diabetic WCSOP18009716 911 MDIABETIC 04/19/18 14:09 Medical - Diabetic 2018028633 911 MDIABETIC Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 10 04/04/18 12:07 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018024767 04/07/18 04:09 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018025473 04/16/18 02:48 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018027645 04/17/18 17:48 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018028107 04/18/18 06:06 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018028242 04/19/18 17:32 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018028689 04/24/18 11:50 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018029969 04/27/18 13:11 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018030926 04/29/18 23:34 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018031684 04/30/18 13:29 Medical - Fall Under 6 2018031824 Medical - Heart Problems Total: 1 gg 04/06/18 22:36 Medical - Heart 2018025422 Medical - Heart Problems WCSOP1801010HEART11 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 8 04/02/18 19:16 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018024372 Medical - Psychiatric - WALLPhone Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18010WALL 911 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18010999 911 2018025987 WALL WCSOP18010 hone Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18011VFlALL 911 04/13/18 12:21 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18011 WALL 911 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18011423 911 WALL 04/13/18 18:41 Medical - Psychiatric - 911 Suicidal - Attempt - Threat WALL 04/14/18 08:21 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18012WALL 911 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP18012637 Phone WALL Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WCSOP1801268fALL 911 Medical - Heart Problems Total: 1 gg 04/06/18 22:36 Medical - Heart 2018025422 Medical - Heart Problems WCSOP1801010HEART11 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 8 04/02/18 19:16 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018024372 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP1800968PSYCH11 MMMPSYCH 04/09/18 11:48 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018025987 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP18010 hone 04/13/18 12:21 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018027084 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP18010 MPSYCH hone 04/13/18 18:41 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018027194 Suicidal - Attempt - Threat WCSOP18010786SYC9H11 MMMPPPSYCH 04/14/18 08:21 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018027282 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP18010 hone 04/18/18 15:56 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018028389 Medical - Psychiatric - WCSOP18011294PSYCH fficer 04/21/18 16:09 Medical - Psychiatric- 2018029206 Medical - Psychiatric- WCSOP18011(UPSYC9H11 04/27/18 16:12 Medical - Psychiatric - 2018030977 Suicidal - Attempt - Threat WCSOP18012 MPSYCH hone ZUERCHER Page 16 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Medical - Seizure Total: 3 04/07/18 15:30 Medical - Seizure 2018025578 Medical - Seizure WCSOP18010165EIZ0539UE ggR1 04/11/18 14:53 Medical - Seizure 2018026569 Medical - Seizure WCSOP1801EIZUREI 04/22/18 21:10 Medical - Seizure 2018029570 MMSS 911 MSEIZURE Medical - Sick Total: 18 04/01/18 11:17 Medical - Sick 2018024038 911 MSICK 04/02/18 09:40 Medical - Sick 2018024242 Medical - Sick WCSOP18009(oSgQICK 911 04/03/18 09:04 Medical - Sick 2018024462 Medical - Sick WCSOP18009 911 MSICK 04/04/18 10:20 Medical - Sick 2018024739 Drugs WCSOP18009 911 MSICK 04/04/18 17:57 Medical - Sick 2018024848 Medical - Sick WCSOP18009Vg5ICK 911 04/05/18 21:11 Medical - Sick 2018025135 Medical - Sick WCSOP18010007 911 MSICK 04/06/18 07:14 Medical - Sick 2018025202 Medical - Sick WCSOP18010029 911 MSICK 04/10/18 16:45 Medical - Sick 2018026334 Medical - Sick WCSOP18010 M 911 SICK 04/11/18 13:22 Medical - Sick 2018026549 Medical - Sick WCSOP18010 1 911 MSICK 04/14/18 15:34 Medical - Sick 2018027329 Medical - Sick WCSOP18010854 911 MSICK 04/18/18 23:50 Medical - Sick 2018028506 Medical - Sick WCSOP18011 911 NICK 04/19/18 12:33 Medical - Sick 2018028616 Medical - Sick WCSOP18011384 911 MSICK 04/23/18 09:39 Medical - Sick 2018029656 Medical - Sick WCSOP18011807 911 MSICK 04/26/18 15:57 Medical - Sick 2018030663 911 MSICK 04/29/18 10:31 Medical - Sick 2018031498 Medical - Sick WCSOP18012552 911 MSICK 04/29/18 19:19 Medical - Sick 2018031624 911 MSICK 04/29/18 19:35 Medical - Sick 2018031629 Medical - Sick WCSOP18012qS5 911 ICK 04/30/18 12:25 Medical - Sick 2018031804 Medical - Sick WCSOP18012 911 MSICK Medical - Sick; Assault Total: 1 04/02/18 11:48 Medical - Sick: Assault 2018024265 Medical - Sick Medical - Stroke Total: 2 04/04/18 00:39 Medical - Stroke 04/20/18 11:00 Medical - Stroke Medical - Trauma Total: 1 04/16/18 16:47 Medical - Trauma 2018024658 2018028874 2018027822 Medical - Trauma Medical - Unconscious - Fainting Total: 6 04/01/18 03:29 Medical - Unconscious - 2018023996 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP18009644 911 MSICK; ASSAULT 91 MSTROKEI 91 MSTROKEI WCSOP18011 MTRAUMV WCSOP18009532 911 MUNCONSCIOUS ZU=RCHER Page 17 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/20/18 09:11 Medical - Unconscious - 2018028838 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP18011478 Phone 2018027485 Officer MUNCONSCIOUS 04/20/18 17:30 Medical - Unconscious - 2018028977 Death Investigation - WCSOP18011 MUNCONSCIOUS MOTORAAII 04/18/18 16:08 04/25/18 08:28 Medical - Unconscious - 2018030241 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP18012027 911 2018030500 Officer MUNCONSCIOUS 04/26/18 10:57 Medical - Unconscious - 2018030588 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP18012 MUggNCONhSCIOUS MOTORAI D 04/27/18 19:49 Medical - Unconscious - 2018031033 Medical - Unconscious - WCSOP1801231v171 Pho�IOUS Medical - Unknown Total: 1 04/08/18 20:20 Medical - Unknown 2018025872 Other he Missing Person Total: 2 04/14/18 09:38 Missing Person 2018027289 Missing Person WCSOP18010 MIS911 1 SPE 04/20/18 00:34 Missing Person 2018028773 Missing Person WCSOP1801145 SgSPER11 Motorist Aid Total: 6 04/08/18 14:06 Motorist Aid 2018025807 MOTORAI D 04/15/18 06:13 Motorist Aid 2018027485 Officer MOTORAI D 04/15/18 06:51 Motorist Aid 2018027487 Officer MOTORAAII 04/18/18 16:08 Motorist Aid 2018028392 ffD�� MOTORApIDcer 04/25/18 23:47 Motorist Aid 2018030500 Officer MOTORAI D 04/29/18 17:10 Motorist Aid 2018031594 Phone MOTORAI D MVA - Car Deer Total: 2 04/27/18 21:34 MVA - Car Deer 2018031061 Phone MVACD 04/28/18 02:21 MVA - Car Deer 2018031140 MVA - Car Deer WCSOP18012409 Phone MVACD MVA - Hit & Run Total: 3 04/06/18 07:23 MVA - Hit & Run 2018025206 MVA - Hit & Run WCSOSRO18010030 MVAHR 04/19/18 18:31 MVA - Hit & Run 2018028699 MVA - Hit & Run WCSOP18011429 MVAHR 04/21/18 00:34 MVA - Hit & Run 2018029074 MVA - Hit & Run WCSOP18011 M0 AHR MVA - Injuries Total: 3 04/08/18 18:53 MVA - Injuries 2018025858 MVAINJ 04/08/1819:15 MVA -Injuries 2018025864 MVAINJ 911 04/23/18 12:53 MVA - Injuries 2018029695 MVA - Injuries WCSOP18011 �23911 VAINJ MVA - No Injuries Total: 32 04/02/18 10:20 MVA - No Injuries 2018024251 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18009(VA 04/02/18 13:34 MVA - No Injuries 2018024294 MVA 911 04/03/18 16:26 MVA - No Injuries 2018024560 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP180097 5 VA ZUERCHER Page 18 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/03/18 17:18 MVA - No Injuries 2018024577 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18009 MVA 04/03/18 17:59 MVA - No Injuries 2018024584 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18009 MVA 04/04/18 07:12 MVA - No Injuries 2018024693 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18009 MVA 911 04/04/18 07:52 MVA - No Injuries 2018024703 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18009V9 VA 04/04/18 08:15 MVA - No Injuries 2018024712 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18009 MVA 04/06/18 10:38 MVA - No Injuries 2018025246 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18010 MVA 911 04/06/18 16:11 MVA - No Injuries 2018025323 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18010�77 VA 04/09/18 15:05 MVA - No Injuries 2018026031 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18010 MVA 04/09/18 16:08 MVA - No Injuries 2018026048 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18010 MVA 04/11/18 11:08 MVA- No Injuries 2018026520 MVA- No Injuries WCSOP18010U8 911 VA 04/12/18 08:45 MVA - No Injuries 2018026758 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18010 10 MVA 04/13/18 11:14 MVA - No Injuries 2018027068 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18010 MVA 04/14/18 15:13 MVA - No Injuries 2018027323 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18010U45 VA 04/14/18 18:54 MVA - No Injuries 2018027388 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18010 MVA 04/16/18 15:46 MVA - No Injuries 2018027805 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18011 MVA 04/16/18 18:06 MVA - No Injuries 2018027843 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18011 MVA 04/16/18 21:01 MVA - No Injuries 2018027881 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18011 MVA 04/16/18 21:14 MVA - No Injuries 2018027884 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18011 MVA 911 04/17/18 14:00 MVA - No Injuries 2018028043 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18011 l ffl 04/20/18 14:57 MVA - No Injuries 2018028921 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18011 19 MVA 04/20/18 15:04 MVA - No Injuries 2018028922 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18011 MVA 04/22/18 12:11 MVA - No Injuries 2018029454 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18011 MVA 911 04/24/18 09:31 MVA - No Injuries 2018029926 MVA - No Injuries WCSOSR018 MVA 7 04/25/18 16:49 MVA - No Injuries 2018030387 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18012 MVA 04/25/18 21:16 MVA - No Injuries 2018030466 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18012 MVA 04/26/18 01:49 MVA - No Injuries 2018030516 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18012 MVA 04/26/18 20:11 MVA - No Injuries 2018030739 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18012 MVA 04/28/18 14:44 MVA - No Injuries 2018031247 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP180124 0 VA 04/30/18 09:57 MVA - No Injuries 2018031755 MVA - No Injuries 3 WCSOP18012 6MVA MVA - No Injuries; MVA - Injuries Total: 1 04/04/18 10:09 MVA - No Injuries; MVA 2018024737 MVA - No Injuries WCSOP18009858 MVA; MVAINJ MVA - Unknown Injuries Total: 1 ZU=RCHER Page 19 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/06/18 17:27 MVA - Unknown Injuries 2018025351 MVA - Unknown Injuries WCSOP18010VVAUNK Neighborhood Dispute Total: 4 04/04/18 18:00 Neighborhood Dispute 2018024849 Neighborhood Dispute WCSOP18009VOIGHBDISP fINVVEEEIGHBDISP 04/22/18 14:44 Neighborhood Dispute 2018029485 Neighborhood Dispute WCSOP18011 04/24/18 21:08 Neighborhood Dispute 2018030126 Neighborhood Dispute WCSOP18011MGHBDISP 04/29/18 17:14 Neighborhood Dispute 2018031596 Neighborhood Dispute WCSOP18012VVEOIGHBDISP Noise Total: 3 04/11/18 14:17 Noise 2018026562 Noise WCSOP18010 5 NOISE 04/21/18 22:59 Noise 2018029324 Noise WCSOP18011681 911 NOISE 04/30/18 22:28 Noise 2018031962 Noise gISE WCSOP18012 NOISE Phone Open Door -Window Total: 1 04/15/18 01:49 Open Door - Window 2018027470 Open Door - Window 7 WCSOP18010 OPEN Phone Parking Total: 9 04/02/18 08:19 Parking 2018024227 Parking WCSOP18009 PARKING 04/06/18 14:23 Parking 2018025297 Parking WCSOP18010 PARKING 04/16/1810:04 Parking 2018027706 Parking WCSOP1801IQ2ARKING 04/16/1819:03 Parking 2018027853 Parking WCSOP18011100 PARKING 04/18/18 14:12 Parking 2018028365 Parking WCSOP18011 PARKING 04/24/1818:47 Parking 2018030086 Parking WCSOP1801198A PARKING 04/26/18 11:38 Parking 2018030602 Parking WCSOP18012 PARKING 04/27/18 09:05 Parking 2018030866 Parking WCSOP18012 PA911 PARKING 04/29/18 09:24 Parking 2018031480 Parking WCSOP1801254A PARKING Phone Call Total: 4 04/01/18 18:00 Phone Call 2018024100 Other PH 04/15/18 07:01 Phone Call 2018027488 Other PH 04/16/18 19:22 Phone Call 2018027858 Other PH 04/26/18 21:12 Phone Call 2018030749 Other PH Phone Call; Civil Complaint Total: 1 04/30/18 17:08 Phone Call; Civil 2018031869 Phone Call WCSOP18012711 Other PH; CIV POR Check Total: 1 04/05/18 09:12 POR Check 2018024967 Officer POR ZUERCHER Page 20 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Probation Check Total: 6 04/11/18 19:13 Probation Check 2018026637 04/18/18 19:58 Probation Check 2018028462 04/19/18 19:29 Probation Check 2018028712 04/19/18 19:41 Probation Check 2018028714 04/23/18 21:04 Probation Check 2018029830 04/26/18 17:46 Probation Check 2018030700 Repossession Total: 2 04/09/18 20:09 Repossession 2018026122 04/19/18 22:46 Repossession 2018028756 Repossession; Dispatch - CAD Total: 1 04/11/18 04:25 Repossession; Dispatch 2018026445 Residential Fire Alarm Total: 2 04/01/18 11:53 Residential Fire Alarm 2018024045 Residential Fire Alarm 04/05/18 16:10 Residential Fire Alarm 2018025052 Residential Fire Alarm Residential General Alarm Total: 4 04/11/18 18:47 Residential General 2018026628 04/18/18 23:54 Residential General 2018028507 04/22/18 23:32 Residential General 2018029593 04/27/18 11:35 Residential General 2018030903 Residential Medical Alarm Total: 4 04/13/18 15:18 Residential Medical 2018027127 04/15/18 19:10 Residential Medical 2018027603 04/23/18 14:39 Residential Medical 2018029715 04/25/18 14:02 Residential Medical 2018030332 SIA Area Watch Total: 8 04/01/1814:33 SIA Area Watch 2018024064 04/06/18 04:17 SIA Area Watch 2018025187 04/06/18 08:24 SIA Area Watch 2018025222 04/08/18 17:14 SIA Area Watch 2018025839 04/18/18 15:46 SIA Area Watch 2018028385 04/28/18 14:06 SIA Area Watch 2018031237 Residential General Alarm Residential General Alarm Residential General Alarm Residential General Alarm Residential Medical Alarm Residential Medical Alarm Residential Medical Alarm Residential Medical Alarm Officer PROB Officer PROB Officer PROB Officer PROB Officer PROB Officer PROB REPO REPO REPO; DISPCAD WCSOP18009 54Phone ALARM WCSOP18009 73Phone ALARM WCSOP18010A6L1 Phone ARM WCSOP18011 Phone ALARM WCSOP18011 Phone ALARM WCSOP18012 ALARM Phone WCSOP18010 66Phone ALARM WCSOP18010 79Phone ALARM WCSOP18011 Phone ALARM WCSOP18012 ALARM Phone SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA SIA ZU=RCHER Page 21 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/29/18 14:55 SIA Area Watch 2018031563 SIA 04/29/18 17:15 SIA Area Watch 2018031597 SIA SIA Business Walk Through Total: 7 04/09/18 20:11 SIA Business Walk 2018026123 Snowbird WCSOP18009822 SIA 04/17/18 10:06 SIA Business Walk 2018027986 Snowbird 2018024673 Snowbird WCSOP18009823 SIA 04/24/18 10:26 SIA Business Walk 2018029940 SNOWBIRD 04/04/18 04:31 Snowbird 2018024674 SIA 04/24/18 17:41 SIA Business Walk 2018030078 WCSOP18012 SNOWBIRD 04/14/18 04:16 SIA 04/25/18 11:18 SIA Business Walk 2018030290 SIA 04/27/18 10:39 SIA Business Walk 2018030888 Snowbird WCSOP18010820 SIA 04/28/18 17:27 SIA Business Walk 2018031306 SIA SIA Community Presentation Total: 4 04/11/18 11:59 SIA Community 2018026537 Snowbird WCSOP18009822 SIA 04/16/18 12:21 SIA Community 2018027753 Snowbird 2018024673 Snowbird WCSOP18009823 SIA 04/24/18 19:59 SIA Community 2018030113 SNOWBIRD 04/04/18 04:31 Snowbird 2018024674 SIA 04/28/18 16:58 SIA Community 2018031296 WCSOP18012 SNOWBIRD 04/14/18 04:16 SIA SIA Door Check Total: 5 04/04/18 02:17 SIA Door Check 2018024668 Snowbird WCSOP18009822 SIA 04/17/18 08:21 SIA Door Check 2018027967 Snowbird 2018024673 Snowbird WCSOP18009823 SIA 04/24/18 01:29 SIA Door Check 2018029881 SNOWBIRD 04/04/18 04:31 Snowbird 2018024674 SIA 04/25/18 00:56 SIA Door Check 2018030177 Open Door - Window WCSOP18012 SNOWBIRD 04/14/18 04:16 M 04/28/18 19:55 SIA Door Check 2018031339 SIA SIA Foot Patrol Total: 2 04/14/18 15:00 SIA Foot Patrol 2018027321 SIA 04/30/18 01:21 SIA Foot Patrol 2018031703 SIA Foot Patrol WCSOP18012642 SIA SIA Parks Total: 1 04/14/18 06:00 SIA Parks 2018027261 SIA Snowbird Total: 5 04/04/18 04:10 Snowbird 2018024672 Snowbird WCSOP18009822 SNOWBIRD 04/04/18 04:21 Snowbird 2018024673 Snowbird WCSOP18009823 SNOWBIRD 04/04/18 04:31 Snowbird 2018024674 Snowbird WCSOP18009824 SNOWBIRD 04/14/18 04:16 Snowbird 2018027257 Snowbird WCSOP18010 Sg SNOWBIRD 04/14/18 04:28 Snowbird 2018027258 Snowbird WCSOP18010820 SNOWBIRD ZUERCHER Page 22 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Snowmobile Complaint Total: 1 04/04/18 14:21 Snowmobile Complaint 2018024793 Squad Damage Total: 2 04/02/18 20:49 Squad Damage 2018024394 04/14/18 10:59 Squad Damage 2018027298 Stolen - Vehicle Total: 2 04/16/18 19:20 Stolen - Vehicle 2018027857 04/25/18 15:20 Stolen - Vehicle 2018030353 Stoparm Violation Total: 4 04/20/18 18:04 Stoparm Violation 2018028983 04/23/18 10:49 Stoparm Violation 2018029666 04/24/18 06:56 Stoparm Violation 2018029897 04/25/18 21:14 Stoparm Violation 2018030465 Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 18 04/02/18 22:21 Suspicious - 2018024406 04/06/18 15:25 Suspicious - 2018025309 04/08/18 03:42 Suspicious - 2018025726 04/10/18 20:16 Suspicious - 2018026385 04/12/18 13:17 Suspicious - 2018026813 04/13/18 20:04 Suspicious - 2018027211 04/18/18 12:07 Suspicious - 2018028337 04/18/18 18:24 Suspicious - 2018028438 04/19/18 17:00 Suspicious - 2018028675 04/23/18 11:51 Suspicious - 2018029683 04/23/18 16:44 Suspicious - 2018029751 04/24/18 12:57 Suspicious - 2018029989 04/25/18 11:48 Suspicious - 2018030299 04/25/18 13:36 Suspicious - 2018030325 04/25/18 19:00 Suspicious - 2018030430 04/27/18 14:39 Suspicious - 2018030947 04/27/18 19:19 Suspicious - 2018031024 04/28/18 00:11 Suspicious - 2018031108 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Snowmobile Complaint WCSOP18009SNOWMOBLe MVA - No Injuries WCSOP180096955 SQD-DAMAGE Squad Damage WCSOP1801083 S 8D -DAMAGE Civil Complaint WCSOP18011 STOLVEH one Stolen - Vehicle WCSOP18012077 Phone STOLVEH Stoparm Violation WCSOP18011 STOther OPA Stoparm Violation WCSOP18011 STOPAR Cher Stoparm Violation WCSOP18011 STOPAR Cher Stoparm Violation WCSOP18012 SOther TOPA Suspicious -Circumstances WCSOP18009 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18010 SUSPCIRC ne Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18010 22Phone SUSPCIRC Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18010 SUSPCIRC ne Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18010 SUSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances pPhone UUUCone WCSOP180112$68SPCIR Domestic Disturbance WCSOP18011 SSPCIRCne Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18011 SUgSPCIRC Suspicious - Circumstances pPhone WCSOP18011 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18011 SUSPCIRCne Criminal Damage to Property WCSOP18011934 Phone SU1SPCIRRhC Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18012 SUSPCIRCone Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18012 SU5SPCIRCne Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18012 SUSPCIpPhone RC Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18012326SPCIRCone SSSUUUSPCIRCne Suspicious - Circumstances WCSOP18012 Unwanted Person WCSOP18012 SUSPCIRCne ZUERCHER Page 23 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 14 04/01/18 00:22 Suspicious - Person - 2018023971 04/03/18 14:21 Suspicious - Person - 2018024532 04/08/18 03:20 Suspicious - Person - 2018025723 04/09/18 16:50 Suspicious - Person - 2018026061 04/12/18 19:04 Suspicious - Person - 2018026919 04/15/18 22:35 Suspicious - Person - 2018027627 04/16/18 10:32 Suspicious - Person - 2018027713 04/16/18 15:30 Suspicious - Person - 2018027796 04/17/18 01:11 Suspicious - Person - 2018027930 04/17/18 17:40 Suspicious - Person - 2018028104 04/20/18 02:14 Suspicious - Person - 2018028796 04/25/18 22:01 Suspicious - Person - 2018030478 04/27/18 17:59 Suspicious - Person - 2018031003 04/30/18 12:11 Suspicious - Person - 2018031799 Theft Total: 11 Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18009 SU1SPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18009 SUSPPV hone SUgSPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18010 SUgSPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18010 SUSPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18010 SUgSPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18011 SUOSPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18011 SUSPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18011 2SPPV911 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP180111S93gUgSPPV911 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18011 SUSPPV 11 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18012 SUSPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18012 SUgSPPV hone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WCSOP18012 SUSPPV hone 04/07/1815:41 Theft 2018025581 Theft WCSOP18010167 Phone THEFT 04/10/1816:30 Theft 2018026329 Theft WCSOP18010443 Phone THEFT 04/13/1810:43 Theft 2018027063 Theft WCSOP18010730EFT TH Phone 04/17/1815:26 Theft 2018028067 Theft WCSOP18011184 Phone THEFT 04/18/18 20:05 Theft 2018028463 Theft WCSOP18011326 Phone THEFT 04/20/18 20:42 Theft 2018029023 Lost - Found Property WCSOP1801155gEFT Phone 04/22/1815:41 Theft 2018029496 Theft WCSOP18011743 Phone THEFT 04/24/1814:42 Theft 2018030022 Theft WCSOP18011950 Phone THEFT 04/26/1816:03 Theft 2018030666 Theft WCSOP18012215 Phone THEFT 04/26/1819:04 Theft 2018030720 Theft WCSOP18012241 Phone THEFT 04/29/1814:24 Theft 2018031554 Theft WCSOP18012579 Phone THEFT Theft - From Vehicle Total: 2 04/27/18 07:24 Theft - From Vehicle 2018030842 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP18012281 Phone TH E FTVE1H1 04/28/18 11:16 Theft - From Vehicle 2018031199 Theft - From Vehicle WCSOP180124MEFTV1 g Theft - Gas Drive Off Total: 12 04/03/18 12:34 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018024507 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18009739 911 THEFTGAS ZU=RCHER Page 24 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/03/18 20:54 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018024620 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18009798EFTGA1 04/05/18 11:22 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018024994 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18009948 911 THEFTGAS 04/06/18 09:01 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018025229 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18010039 911 THEFTGAS 04/10/18 17:11 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018026341 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18010447 911 THEFTGAS 04/13/18 15:13 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018027126 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18010767 911 THEFTGAS 04/15/18 12:27 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018027527 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18010950 911 THEFTGAS 04/16/18 08:22 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018027677 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18011 Igg1 THEFTGAS 04/21/18 00:08 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018029069 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18011575 911 THEFTGAS 04/27/18 04:36 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018030822 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18012273 911 THEFTGAS 04/27/18 23:49 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018031104 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18012V9lrTlEFTGAS 04/29/18 19:33 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2018031627 Theft - Gas Drive Off WCSOP18012612 911 THEFTGAS Theft - Identity Theft Total: 1 04/04/18 15:53 Theft - Identity Theft 2018024815 Theft - Identity Theft WCSOP18009 THEFTID11 Theft - Shoplifting Total: 10 04/08/18 14:16 Theft - Shoplifting 2018025809 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18010 11 THEFTS 04/09/18 12:52 Theft - Shoplifting 2018026005 Theft - Shoplifting 911 WCSOP1801032HEFT HOP 04/09/18 18:14 Theft - Shoplifting 2018026085 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18010 THEFTSHO ne 04/13/18 08:59 Theft - Shoplifting 2018027037 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18010 Phone THEFTSPho 04/17/18 16:50 Theft - Shoplifting 2018028087 Theft - Shoplifting 911 1 FTSHOP 04/19/18 06:09 Theft - Shoplifting 2018028533 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18011 51EFTSHO ne 04/22/18 14:37 Theft - Shoplifting 2018029483 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18011 Phone THEFTSPho 04/23/18 15:50 Theft - Shoplifting 2018029738 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18011840911 THEFTSHOP 04/25/18 15:00 Theft - Shoplifting 2018030348 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18012075 911 THEFTSHOP 04/25/18 17:40 Theft - Shoplifting 2018030408 Theft - Shoplifting WCSOP18012 ne THEFTSHO Theft; Theft - Shoplifting Total: 1 04/18/18 22:05 Theft; Theft - Shoplifting 2018028487 Theft WCSOP18011 22 THtnSHOP T3HEFT; Threats Total: 8 04/01/18 18:01 Threats 2018024102 Threats WCSOP18009,5r7HREATS one 04/02/1811:56 Threats 2018024267 Threats WCSOP18009645 Phone THREATS 04/03/1813:01 Threats 2018024518 Harassment WCSOP18009742 911 THREATggS 04/06/18 11:23 Threats 2018025258 Disorderly WCSOP18010Q�5HREATS 1 04/12/1814:35 Threats 2018026826 Threats WCSOP18010638 911 THREATS ZUERCHER Page 25 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codgg77es How Reported 04/18/18 11:57 Threats 2018028328 Juvenile - Complaint WCSOSRO180112, Phone one WCSOP180101T01 911 A7 04/18/18 20:33 Threats 2018028469 Threats WCSOP18011329 Phone 2018025718 DUI WCSOP18010 T 7 911 THREATS 04/20/18 23:12 Threats 2018029055 Threats WCSOP18011569 911 04/10/18 17:40 Traffic - Complaint 2018026348 Traffic - Complaint THREATS Tow Total: 1 04/11/18 06:18 Traffic - Complaint 2018026451 Traffic - Complaint 04/25/1817:28 Tow 2018030404 Phone 04/13/18 16:09 TOW Traffic - Complaint Total: 27 04/02/18 16:00 Traffic - Complaint 2018024320 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18009(72 Phone 04/06/18 20:50 Traffic - Complaint 2018025390 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP180101T01 911 04/08/18 02:31 Traffic - Complaint 2018025718 DUI WCSOP18010 T 7 911 04/10/18 17:40 Traffic - Complaint 2018026348 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18010451 TTT Phone 04/11/18 06:18 Traffic - Complaint 2018026451 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18010 0 911 04/13/18 16:09 Traffic - Complaint 2018027149 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18010 T 2 Phone 04/15/18 17:02 Traffic - Complaint 2018027569 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP1801468 Phone 04/18/18 08:52 Traffic - Complaint 2018028278 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18011 T 5 Phone 04/19/18 00:12 Traffic - Complaint 2018028510 Drugs WCSOP18011 T 5 911 04/19/18 09:44 Traffic - Complaint 2018028571 Traffic - Complaint WCSOSRO18011368 04/20/18 11:13 Traffic - Complaint 2018028878 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18011 T 7 Phone 04/20/18 21:44 Traffic - Complaint 2018029030 911 T 04/21/18 17:04 Traffic - Complaint 2018029218 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18011Y7 IIT Phone 04/21/18 21:18 Traffic - Complaint 2018029290 911 04/22/18 06:44 Traffic - Complaint 2018029400 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18011 T 9 Phone 04/22/18 13:48 Traffic - Complaint 2018029473 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18011Y4 Phone 04/22/18 18:09 Traffic - Complaint 2018029532 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18011 T 9 911 04/23/18 18:08 Traffic - Complaint 2018029788 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18011 T 0 911 04/25/18 08:39 Traffic - Complaint 2018030244 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18012Q31 IIT Phone 04/25/18 14:55 Traffic - Complaint 2018030343 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP18012 4 Phone 04/25/18 18:18 Traffic - Complaint 2018030422 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP180121T12 Phone 04/26/18 10:02 Traffic - Complaint 2018030576 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP180121T73 Phone 04/26/18 11:40 Traffic - Complaint 2018030604 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP180121T86 911 04/26/18 16:51 Traffic - Complaint 2018030678 Traffic Stop WCSOP18012 T 9 911 04/29/18 09:37 Traffic - Complaint 2018031482 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18012545 TTT 911 04/29/18 17:39 Traffic - Complaint 2018031601 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18012 3 Phone ZU=RCHER Page 26 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/30/18 09:42 Traffic - Complaint 2018031753 Traffic - Complaint WCSOP18012�61 911 Traffic Stop Total: 289 04/01/18 00:20 Traffic Stop 2018023969 Officer TS 04/01/18 01:09 Traffic Stop 2018023980 Officer TS 04/01/18 05:57 Traffic Stop 2018024000 Traffic Stop WCSOP18009,5r3S4 Officer 04/01/18 10:37 Traffic Stop 2018024031 Traffic Stop WCSOP18009545 TTS Officer 04/01/18 10:53 Traffic Stop 2018024034 Officer 04/01/18 10:58 Traffic Stop 2018024035 Officer TS 04/01/18 11:03 Traffic Stop 2018024037 Traffic Stop WCSOP18009545 Officer 04/01/18 11:27 Traffic Stop 2018024040 Traffic Stop WCSOP18009T5S0 Officer 04/01/18 14:07 Traffic Stop 2018024062 Officer TS 04/01/18 15:40 Traffic Stop 2018024073 Officer TS 04/01/18 23:24 Traffic Stop 2018024168 Officer TS 04/01/18 23:35 Traffic Stop 2018024171 Drugs WCSOP18009C9 Officer 04/01/18 23:47 Traffic Stop 2018024175 Traffic Stop WCSOP18009C�OS Officer 04/02/18 01:24 Traffic Stop 2018024185 Officer TS 04/02/18 07:23 Traffic Stop 2018024210 Officer TS 04/02/18 07:38 Traffic Stop 2018024214 Officer TS 04/02/18 07:49 Traffic Stop 2018024216 Traffic Stop WCSOP18009 TS8 Officer 04/02/18 08:10 Traffic Stop 2018024223 Traffic Stop WCSOP18009C2S0 Officer 04/02/18 08:41 Traffic Stop 2018024230 Traffic Stop WCSOP18009W Officer 04/02/18 08:57 Traffic Stop 2018024233 Officer TS 04/02/18 09:09 Traffic Stop 2018024239 Traffic Stop WCSOP18009C2S7 Officer 04/02/18 17:50 Traffic Stop 2018024342 Traffic Stop WCSOP18009675 TTS Officer 04/02/18 18:27 Traffic Stop 2018024352 Officer 04/03/18 00:19 Traffic Stop 2018024421 Officer TS 04/03/18 00:39 Traffic Stop 2018024423 Officer TS 04/03/18 01:01 Traffic Stop 2018024427 Officer TS 04/03/18 05:24 Traffic Stop 2018024437 Officer TS 04/03/18 19:42 Traffic Stop 2018024595 Officer TS 04/03/18 23:51 Traffic Stop 2018024653 Officer TS 04/04/18 00:07 Traffic Stop 2018024657 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 27 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/04/18 00:45 Traffic Stop 2018024660 Officer TS 04/04/18 22:07 Traffic Stop 2018024897 Officer TS 04/04/18 22:56 Traffic Stop 2018024902 Traffic Stop WCSOP18009 T2S5 Officer 04/04/18 23:01 Traffic Stop 2018024903 Officer TS 04/04/18 23:22 Traffic Stop 2018024907 Officer TS 04/04/18 23:56 Traffic Stop 2018024914 Drugs WCSOP18009 T2S9 Officer 04/05/18 10:47 Traffic Stop 2018024986 Officer TS 04/05/18 11:58 Traffic Stop 2018025000 Officer TS 04/05/18 18:58 Traffic Stop 2018025099 Officer TS 04/05/18 21:03 Traffic Stop 2018025133 Officer TS 04/05/18 23:46 Traffic Stop 2018025158 Officer TS 04/06/18 00:22 Traffic Stop 2018025167 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 TS5 Officer 04/06/18 01:14 Traffic Stop 2018025173 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010Y 7 Officer 04/06/18 01:33 Traffic Stop 2018025176 Officer TS 04/06/18 02:11 Traffic Stop 2018025180 Officer TS 04/06/18 07:18 Traffic Stop 2018025203 Officer TS 04/06/18 07:44 Traffic Stop 2018025211 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 T3S3 Officer 04/06/18 11:11 Traffic Stop 2018025253 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 4 TS 04/06/18 13:29 Traffic Stop 2018025282 Officer TS 04/06/18 16:39 Traffic Stop 2018025336 Officer TS 04/07/18 01:19 Traffic Stop 2018025457 Officer TS 04/07/18 01:43 Traffic Stop 2018025465 Officer TS 04/07/18 09:00 Traffic Stop 2018025506 Officer TS 04/07/18 09:08 Traffic Stop 2018025507 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 T3S0 Officer 04/07/18 09:28 Traffic Stop 2018025509 Traffic Stop WCSOP180101V2 Officer 04/07/18 10:04 Traffic Stop 2018025515 Officer TS 04/07/18 10:05 Traffic Stop 2018025516 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 T3S5 Officer 04/07/18 10:12 Traffic Stop 2018025518 Officer TS 04/07/18 10:55 Traffic Stop 2018025526 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 TS Officer 04/07/18 11:01 Traffic Stop 2018025529 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 TS2 Officer 04/07/18 11:15 Traffic Stop 2018025535 Officer TS 04/07/18 11:18 Traffic Stop 2018025536 Officer TS 04/07/18 11:27 Traffic Stop 2018025539 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 TS7 Officer ZU=RCHER Page 28 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/07/18 11:45 Traffic Stop 2018025545 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 TS Officer 04/07/18 16:22 Traffic Stop 2018025588 Officer TS 04/07/18 16:44 Traffic Stop 2018025591 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 T7S2 Officer 04/07/18 17:17 Traffic Stop 2018025601 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 T7S7 Officer 04/07/18 21:18 Traffic Stop 2018025662 Officer TS 04/07/18 22:13 Traffic Stop 2018025678 Officer TS 04/07/18 22:21 Traffic Stop 2018025680 Officer TS 04/08/18 08:41 Traffic Stop 2018025747 Officer TS 04/08/18 10:34 Traffic Stop 2018025764 Officer TS 04/08/18 14:03 Traffic Stop 2018025806 Traffic Stop WCSOP180102552 TTT8S0 Officer 04/08/18 20:46 Traffic Stop 2018025879 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 Officer 04/08/18 22:04 Traffic Stop 2018025893 Officer TS 04/09/18 09:33 Traffic Stop 2018025953 Officer TS 04/09/18 14:00 Traffic Stop 2018026017 Officer TS 04/09/18 21:57 Traffic Stop 2018026144 Officer TS 04/09/18 22:58 Traffic Stop 2018026156 Officer TS 04/09/18 23:07 Traffic Stop 2018026159 Officer TS 04/09/18 23:40 Traffic Stop 2018026165 Officer TS 04/09/18 23:51 Traffic Stop 2018026169 Traffic Stop WCSOP1801485 Officer 04/10/18 01:32 Traffic Stop 2018026177 Officer TS 04/10/18 01:39 Traffic Stop 2018026178 Officer TS 04/10/18 02:19 Traffic Stop 2018026186 Traffic Stop WCSOP18014854 Officer 04/10/18 05:01 Traffic Stop 2018026195 Officer TS 04/10/18 06:34 Traffic Stop 2018026202 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 T8S9 Officer 04/10/18 11:20 Traffic Stop 2018026262 Officer TS 04/10/18 12:00 Traffic Stop 2018026266 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 TS Officer 04/10/18 15:01 Traffic Stop 2018026308 Officer TS 04/10/18 15:24 Traffic Stop 2018026312 Officer TS 04/10/18 15:52 Traffic Stop 2018026320 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 TS1 Officer 04/10/18 16:49 Traffic Stop 2018026335 Officer TS 04/10/18 23:19 Traffic Stop 2018026414 Officer TS 04/10/18 23:34 Traffic Stop 2018026415 Officer TS 04/10/18 23:59 Traffic Stop 2018026422 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 29 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/11/18 00:15 Traffic Stop 2018026426 Officer TS 04/11/18 00:27 Traffic Stop 2018026427 Officer TS 04/11/18 02:05 Traffic Stop 2018026436 Officer TS 04/11/18 06:38 Traffic Stop 2018026453 Traffic Stop WCSOP180104V1 Officer 04/11/18 06:49 Traffic Stop 2018026454 Traffic Stop WCSOP180104T9Y Officer 04/11/18 09:02 Traffic Stop 2018026483 Officer TS 04/11/18 09:07 Traffic Stop 2018026484 Officer TS 04/11/18 09:08 Traffic Stop 2018026485 Officer TS 04/11/18 09:31 Traffic Stop 2018026491 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 06 Officer TS 04/11/18 17:39 Traffic Stop 2018026609 Officer TS 04/11/18 17:48 Traffic Stop 2018026610 Officer TS 04/11/18 19:58 Traffic Stop 2018026648 Officer TS 04/11/18 20:33 Traffic Stop 2018026656 Officer TS 04/11/18 21:21 Traffic Stop 2018026670 Officer TS 04/11/18 22:48 Traffic Stop 2018026684 Officer TS 04/11/18 23:33 Traffic Stop 2018026689 Officer TS 04/12/18 00:08 Traffic Stop 2018026696 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 T8S6 Officer 04/12/18 01:22 Traffic Stop 2018026711 Officer TS 04/12/18 01:31 Traffic Stop 2018026712 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010Y Officer 04/12/18 02:07 Traffic Stop 2018026717 DUI WCSOP180105T 9S3 Officer 04/12/18 14:07 Traffic Stop 2018026823 Officer TS 04/12/18 15:46 Traffic Stop 2018026842 Officer TS 04/12/18 16:10 Traffic Stop 2018026855 Officer TS 04/12/18 16:29 Traffic Stop 2018026868 Officer TS 04/12/18 16:38 Traffic Stop 2018026874 Officer TS 04/12/18 16:49 Traffic Stop 2018026877 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 T5S7 Officer 04/12/18 16:53 Traffic Stop 2018026879 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 T5S8 Officer 04/12/18 17:07 Traffic Stop 2018026883 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010W Officer 04/12/18 20:20 Traffic Stop 2018026936 Officer TS 04/13/18 01:40 Traffic Stop 2018026993 Officer TS 04/13/18 02:05 Traffic Stop 2018026998 Officer TS 04/13/18 02:30 Traffic Stop 2018027000 Suspicious- Circumstances WCSOP18010 TS Officer 04/13/18 16:55 Traffic Stop 2018027162 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 T7S7 Officer ZUERCHER Page 30 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/15/18 09:53 Traffic Stop 2018027501 Officer TS 04/15/18 12:47 Traffic Stop 2018027532 Officer TS 04/15/18 18:01 Traffic Stop 2018027585 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010 T7S4 Officer 04/15/18 22:02 Traffic Stop 2018027625 Traffic Stop WCSOP18010Y Officer 04/16/18 10:50 Traffic Stop 2018027720 Officer TS 04/16/18 15:02 Traffic Stop 2018027787 Officer TS 04/16/18 15:21 Traffic Stop 2018027791 Officer TS 04/16/18 15:28 Traffic Stop 2018027795 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T7S7 Officer 04/16/18 17:41 Traffic Stop 2018027833 Officer TS 04/17/18 09:11 Traffic Stop 2018027976 Officer TS 04/17/18 10:29 Traffic Stop 2018027991 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 TS Officer 04/17/18 11:09 Traffic Stop 2018027997 Officer TS 04/17/18 16:06 Traffic Stop 2018028075 Traffic Stop WCSOP180111 Officer 04/17/18 17:19 Traffic Stop 2018028098 TS 04/17/18 19:58 Traffic Stop 2018028148 Officer TS 04/17/18 20:49 Traffic Stop 2018028163 Officer TS 04/18/18 00:24 Traffic Stop 2018028217 Officer TS 04/18/18 06:07 Traffic Stop 2018028243 Officer TS 04/18/18 06:32 Traffic Stop 2018028246 Officer TS 04/18/18 09:02 Traffic Stop 2018028281 Officer TS 04/18/18 11:17 Traffic Stop 2018028317 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T6S1 Officer 04/18/18 11:55 Traffic Stop 2018028327 Officer TS 04/18/18 13:12 Traffic Stop 2018028352 Officer TS 04/18/18 14:01 Traffic Stop 2018028362 Officer TS 04/18/18 16:09 Traffic Stop 2018028394 Officer TS 04/18/18 16:22 Traffic Stop 2018028403 Drugs WCSOP18011 TS Officer 04/18/18 17:24 Traffic Stop 2018028418 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 06 Officer TS 04/18/18 17:33 Traffic Stop 2018028423 Officer TS 04/18/18 17:41 Traffic Stop 2018028425 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 TS Officer 04/19/18 02:18 Traffic Stop 2018028520 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 TS8 Officer 04/19/18 05:03 Traffic Stop 2018028527 Officer TS 04/19/18 07:47 Traffic Stop 2018028547 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T5S9 Officer 04/19/18 12:09 Traffic Stop 2018028607 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 31 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/19/18 13:16 Traffic Stop 2018028622 Officer TS 04/19/18 13:25 Traffic Stop 2018028625 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T9S1 Officer 04/19/18 15:05 Traffic Stop 2018028638 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 03 Officer TS 04/19/18 15:25 Traffic Stop 2018028641 Traffic Stop WCSOP180114?54 Officer 04/19/18 15:41 Traffic Stop 2018028643 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 TS Officer 04/19/18 16:01 Traffic Stop 2018028652 Officer TS 04/19/18 16:04 Traffic Stop 2018028654 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 TS1 Officer 04/19/18 16:28 Traffic Stop 2018028663 Officer TS 04/19/18 17:43 Traffic Stop 2018028691 Officer TS 04/19/18 21:32 Traffic Stop 2018028736 Officer TS 04/19/18 23:45 Traffic Stop 2018028767 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T5S1 Officer 04/20/18 00:29 Traffic Stop 2018028771 Officer TS 04/20/18 00:52 Traffic Stop 2018028777 Traffic Stop WCSOP180114554 TITS Officer 04/20/18 07:07 Traffic Stop 2018028807 Officer 04/20/18 10:39 Traffic Stop 2018028866 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T9S1 Officer 04/20/18 10:47 Traffic Stop 2018028869 Officer TS 04/20/18 11:20 Traffic Stop 2018028881 Officer TS 04/20/18 11:34 Traffic Stop 2018028886 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 01 Officer TS 04/20/18 12:25 Traffic Stop 2018028902 Officer TS 04/20/18 15:34 Traffic Stop 2018028930 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T2S4 Officer 04/20/18 15:45 Traffic Stop 2018028936 Officer TS 04/20/18 15:48 Traffic Stop 2018028938 Officer TS 04/20/18 15:56 Traffic Stop 2018028942 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T2S6 Officer 04/20/18 16:12 Traffic Stop 2018028946 Officer TS 04/20/18 16:27 Traffic Stop 2018028949 Officer TS 04/20/18 16:34 Traffic Stop 2018028955 Officer TS 04/20/18 16:44 Traffic Stop 2018028957 Officer TS 04/20/18 17:09 Traffic Stop 2018028970 Officer TS 04/20/18 17:26 Traffic Stop 2018028975 Officer TS 04/20/18 17:27 Traffic Stop 2018028976 Officer TS 04/21/18 02:25 Traffic Stop 2018029098 Traffic Stop WCSOP180115�857 ITS Officer 04/21/18 02:51 Traffic Stop 2018029103 Officer 04/21/18 08:26 Traffic Stop 2018029125 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 32 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/21/18 11:09 Traffic Stop 2018029152 Officer TS 04/21/18 12:01 Traffic Stop 2018029157 Officer TS 04/21/18 15:59 Traffic Stop 2018029203 Officer TS 04/21/18 16:43 Traffic Stop 2018029213 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011Y ITS Officer 04/21/18 23:24 Traffic Stop 2018029334 Officer 04/21/18 23:25 Traffic Stop 2018029335 Officer TS 04/21/18 23:35 Traffic Stop 2018029339 Officer TS 04/21/18 23:39 Traffic Stop 2018029343 Officer TS 04/21/18 23:50 Traffic Stop 2018029347 Officer TS 04/22/18 00:00 Traffic Stop 2018029349 Officer TS 04/22/18 00:08 Traffic Stop 2018029353 Officer TS 04/22/18 00:18 Traffic Stop 2018029355 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T8S8 Officer 04/22/18 00:21 Traffic Stop 2018029359 Traffic Stop WCSOP180116P Officer 04/22/18 00:53 Traffic Stop 2018029368 Drugs WCSOP18011 T9S4 Officer 04/22/18 07:53 Traffic Stop 2018029410 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 TS1 Officer 04/22/18 09:12 Traffic Stop 2018029418 Officer TS 04/22/18 10:21 Traffic Stop 2018029431 Officer TS 04/22/18 10:27 Traffic Stop 2018029433 Officer TS 04/22/18 10:43 Traffic Stop 2018029439 Officer TS 04/22/18 14:34 Traffic Stop 2018029482 Officer TS 04/22/18 18:39 Traffic Stop 2018029537 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T6S1 Officer 04/22/18 19:09 Traffic Stop 2018029542 Officer TS 04/22/18 19:17 Traffic Stop 2018029544 Officer TS 04/22/18 19:46 Traffic Stop 2018029550 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T6S5 Officer 04/22/18 20:21 Traffic Stop 2018029558 Officer TS 04/22/18 20:53 Traffic Stop 2018029567 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T7S3 Officer 04/22/18 22:36 Traffic Stop 2018029584 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T7S9 Officer 04/22/18 22:52 Traffic Stop 2018029587 Traffic Stop WCSOP180117?51 Officer 04/22/18 23:12 Traffic Stop 2018029590 Traffic Stop WCSOP180117T8F Officer 04/23/18 00:51 Traffic Stop 2018029601 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T8S7 Officer 04/23/18 02:32 Traffic Stop 2018029609 Drugs WCSOP180117?5 Officer 04/23/18 12:31 Traffic Stop 2018029691 Officer TS 04/23/18 15:53 Traffic Stop 2018029740 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 TS1 Officer ZUERCHER Page 33 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/23/18 16:50 Traffic Stop 2018029755 Officer TS 04/23/18 17:00 Traffic Stop 2018029758 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T5S0 Officer 04/23/18 19:13 Traffic Stop 2018029807 Officer TS 04/23/18 22:24 Traffic Stop 2018029847 Officer TS 04/23/18 22:51 Traffic Stop 2018029851 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T8S3 Officer 04/24/18 01:50 Traffic Stop 2018029887 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 T9S0 Officer 04/24/18 07:42 Traffic Stop 2018029907 Traffic Stop WCSOP18011 TS ITS Officer 04/24/18 08:23 Traffic Stop 2018029915 Officer 04/24/18 09:10 Traffic Stop 2018029921 Officer TS 04/24/18 11:37 Traffic Stop 2018029962 Officer TS 04/24/18 12:42 Traffic Stop 2018029982 Officer TS 04/24/18 17:04 Traffic Stop 2018030066 Officer TS 04/24/18 21:17 Traffic Stop 2018030130 Officer TS 04/24/18 22:16 Traffic Stop 2018030149 Officer TS 04/24/18 22:21 Traffic Stop 2018030151 Officer TS 04/25/18 01:40 Traffic Stop 2018030186 Officer TS 04/25/18 01:52 Traffic Stop 2018030190 Officer TS 04/25/18 02:08 Traffic Stop 2018030193 Traffic Stop WCSOP18012 TS3 Officer 04/25/18 06:51 Traffic Stop 2018030209 Officer TS 04/25/18 08:15 Traffic Stop 2018030237 Officer TS 04/25/18 08:40 Traffic Stop 2018030245 Traffic Stop WCSOP18012 T2S9 Officer 04/25/18 08:47 Traffic Stop 2018030246 Traffic Stop WCSOP18012Y2 ITS Officer 04/25/18 09:51 Traffic Stop 2018030264 Officer 04/25/18 10:09 Traffic Stop 2018030270 Traffic Stop WCSOP18012 T3S9 Officer 04/25/18 13:21 Traffic Stop 2018030320 Officer TS 04/25/18 13:26 Traffic Stop 2018030323 Traffic Stop WCSOP18012 T6S3 Officer 04/26/18 01:44 Traffic Stop 2018030515 Traffic Stop WCSOP18012 TS4 Officer 04/26/18 14:06 Traffic Stop 2018030636 Officer TS 04/26/18 23:55 Traffic Stop 2018030789 Officer TS 04/27/18 00:00 Traffic Stop 2018030791 Officer TS 04/27/18 00:17 Traffic Stop 2018030794 Officer TS 04/27/18 00:24 Traffic Stop 2018030795 Officer TS 04/27/18 06:07 Traffic Stop 2018030829 Officer TS ZUERCHER Page 34 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/27/18 14:37 Traffic Stop 2018030946 Officer TS 04/27/18 21:32 Traffic Stop 2018031060 Officer TS 04/27/18 21:48 Traffic Stop 2018031064 Traffic Stop WCSOP18012 T8S2 Officer 04/27/18 23:00 Traffic Stop 2018031087 Traffic Stop WCSOP180995 ITS Officer 04/28/18 00:26 Traffic Stop 2018031111 Officer 04/28/18 00:45 Traffic Stop 2018031117 Officer TS 04/28/18 00:47 Traffic Stop 2018031118 Officer TS 04/28/18 01:21 Traffic Stop 2018031123 Officer TS 04/28/18 02:10 Traffic Stop 2018031138 Officer TS 04/28/18 02:34 Traffic Stop 2018031144 Drugs WCSOP18012 TS Officer 04/28/18 11:28 Traffic Stop 2018031204 Officer TS 04/28/18 15:20 Traffic Stop 2018031259 Officer TS 04/28/18 16:10 Traffic Stop 2018031276 Officer TS 04/29/18 09:04 Traffic Stop 2018031473 Traffic Stop WCSOP180125T4V Officer 04/29/18 09:28 Traffic Stop 2018031481 Officer TS 04/29/18 11:32 Traffic Stop 2018031511 Officer TS 04/29/18 13:55 Traffic Stop 2018031547 Officer TS 04/29/18 23:26 Traffic Stop 2018031683 Officer TS 04/30/18 00:06 Traffic Stop 2018031690 Traffic Stop WCSOP18012Y Officer 04/30/18 05:41 Traffic Stop 2018031711 Officer TS 04/30/18 10:24 Traffic Stop 2018031768 TS 04/30/18 11:23 Traffic Stop 2018031780 Officer TS 04/30/18 15:10 Traffic Stop 2018031841 Officer TS 04/30/18 19:11 Traffic Stop 2018031915 Officer TS 04/30/18 19:28 Traffic Stop 2018031921 Traffic Stop WCSOP180127?52 Officer 04/30/18 20:29 Traffic Stop 2018031941 Traffic Stop WCSOP180127T4V Officer 04/30/18 22:25 Traffic Stop 2018031960 Traffic Stop WCSOP18012 TS7 Officer 04/30/18 22:47 Traffic Stop 2018031964 Officer TS Training Total: 2 04/02/18 08:03 Training 2018024220 TRAINING 04/24/1818:58 Training 2018030090 TRAINING Transport Total: 1 ZU=RCHER Page 35 of 36 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number Codes How Reported 04/03/1810:06 Transport 2018024475 TRANSPORT Trespass Total: 1 04/30/1813:22 Trespass 2018031823 Trespass WCSOP180125ES Phone TR Unwanted Person Total: 4 04/07/18 14:44 Unwanted Person 2018025573 Unwanted Person WCSOP18010162 Phone 04/13/18 17:20 UNWANTED 04/19/18 12:52 Unwanted Person 2018028620 Unwanted Person WCSOP18011389 Phone WATTEap1 er 04/16/18 17:57 Warrant - Attempt 2018027840 UNWANTED 04/27/18 03:27 Unwanted Person 2018030820 Unwanted Person WCSOP18012 Warrant - Attempt 2018027894 UNWANTED 04/28/18 11:43 Unwanted Person 2018031206 Unwanted Person WCSOP18012431 Phone WATTEaper 04/19/18 12:27 Warrant - Attempt 2018028611 UNWANTED Vehicle Off Road Total: 2 04/03/18 16:56 Vehicle Off Road 2018024569 Vehicle Off Road WCSOP18009771 Officer VOR 04/14/18 19:03 Vehicle Off Road 2018027391 Motorist Aid WCSOP18010879R Phone VO Walk Away Total: 2 04/01/18 19:45 Walk Away 2018024128 Walk AwayWCSOP180095�85 LKAWAQ'ne 04/17/18 15:06 Walk Away 2018028063 Walk Away WCSOP18011 WALKAWAY e Warrant - Attempt Total: 9 04/03/18 21:42 Warrant - Attempt 2018024629 Warrant - Arrest WCSOP1800980ATTEOpOfficer 04/13/18 17:20 Warrant - Attempt 2018027174 WATTEMOoPfffficer 04/16/18 17:43 Warrant - Attempt 2018027834 WATTEap1 er 04/16/18 17:57 Warrant - Attempt 2018027840 er WATTEMPT 04/16/18 21:53 Warrant - Attempt 2018027894 WATTEMPT 04/19/18 12:20 Warrant - Attempt 2018028609 WATTEaper 04/19/18 12:27 Warrant - Attempt 2018028611 er WATTEMPT 04/21/18 09:04 Warrant - Attempt 2018029131 WATTEM911 PT 04/21/18 15:26 Warrant - Attempt 2018029197 WATTEMP�er Total Records: 1019 ZU=RCHER Page 36 of 36 1 941)W St C O R R I D O R NEWS RELEASE Corridors of Commerce Funds 1-94 Lane Expansion from St. Michael to Albertville MnDOT announced their selection of the four priority projects that will be awarded collectively more than $400 million in Corridors of Commerce funding Contact: Carl Kuhl carl(c@velocitvpublicaffairs.com 651.245.9313 May 1, 2018 (St. Paul, MN) On Tuesday, May 1 the Minnesota Department of Transportation announced that the I- 94 lane expansion project from St. Michael to Albertville will be included in the Corridors of Commerce funding. The project will receive the full $56 million necessary to complete the lane capacity expansion. "This announcement is great news for residents, businesses, and commuters along the 1-94 West Corridor," remarked Steve Bot, Chair of the 1-94 West Corridor Coalition. "Many people have dedicated a lot of time and effort to make this happen. We are beyond happy that MnDOT recognized the need and support for this crucial project and provided us with the means to complete it." In the past, the project had already received $1.4 million in Corridors of Commerce funding for initial design and engineering. The $56 million allocated in 2018 will be for lane capacity expansion, bridge work, off ramp improvements, and other necessary upgrades. The project is expected to begin in 2020. In addition to transportation improvements, this project has the opportunity to attract business development, expand the tax base, initiate job growth and reduce travel time. All of which were exhibited benefits that were a result of the lane capacity completion from Rogers to St. Michael in 2015. - more - About the 1-94 West Corridor Coalition The 1-94 West Corridor comprises businesses, individuals, and government agencies committed to improving 1-94 and its support facilities. The mission of the Coalition is to provide a strong, united voice to advocate for and address transportation concerns along the 1-94 corridor, from the Maple Grove to St. Cloud. For more information, please visit greenlight94.com About Corridors of Commerce Program The 2013 Minnesota Legislature created the Corridors of Commerce program, authorizing the sale of up to $300 million in new trunk highway bonds for the construction, reconstruction and improvement of trunk highways for projects not already in the State Transportation Improvement Program. This was to further two major goals: • Provide additional highway capacity on segments where there are currently bottlenecks in the system • Improve the movement of freight and reduce barriers to commerce In 2014, the Legislature provided an additional $31.5 million in trunk highway funds for FY 2014 and FY 2015. In 2017, the Legislature added $300 million in trunk highway bonds spread over four years and $25 million per year in cash. In response, MnDOT decided to select $400 million of projects in the next round of Corridors of Commerce. For more information about the program, please visit htti)://www.dot.state.mn.us/corridorsofcommerce/about.htmI For more information about the projects selected in 2018, please visit httio://www.dot.state.mn.us/corridorsofcommerce/index.htmi rOF �a Monti6eRo May 9, 2018 Representative Tom Emmer 315 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Dear Representative Emmer, PHONE: 763-295-2711 FAX: 763-295-4404 505 Walnut Street! Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 On behalf of the City of Monticello, I encourage you to support for H.R. 3053, the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act, when it comes before the House of Representatives this week. For the past 50 years Monticello has accepted the responsibility and risk of hosting a nuclear facility, including the additional risk of becoming a nuclear waste repository when the federal government failed to find a suitable site. We support bipartisan efforts like H.R. 3053 to finally open a permanent repository at Yucca Mountain and to advance privately -owned Consolidated Interim Storage (CIS) sites. H.R. 3053 authorizes the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to develop CIS through a cooperative agreement with one or more willing host communities. The bill also prohibits DOE from restarting the Nuclear Waste Fund Fee, which residents paid for many years, until the NRC approves construction of a repository and work begins. This proposal was reported out of the Energy and Commerce Committee on a strong bipartisan vote. Once again, I encourage your support for H.R. 3053 when it is considered on the House floor. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jeff O'Neill City Administrator City of Monticello, MN www.ci.monticello.mn.us FRIDAY ,DUNE -8 di 2018, 1D -,CK) ASI - 1;, e rig lit Coon ly Sig e ft f. 761-682-76= hrjriff Joe Hagerty bo B radd ock Ave N f Buffalo. MN 55313 Tours, Snacks, K9 Demos, Shcriil's Office Vehicles and more. Paren LS bring your mm eras. 1 i