City Council Minutes 11-14-1972VILLAGE OF I'A4ONTICELLO
Monticello, Mir R. sota 55362
Phone (612) 295-2711
November 14, 1972
The re7ularly sch.ed,31.ed mAeti.nn of November 14, 1072 was called
to order at = ' 0 P. M., T11psdav evening, with the following
members nresent : i-,Iavor W' . Sanr4berp-, 19alt Mar'rlina, Dan Bloni�en,
Dick Martie and Jeff Rowan
The minutes for the meeting of OctoliQr Vin, 1472 were read and
annroved . AJ C O r l - z G t i -j .
A discussion was held concerni_n7 an acreement between the Schnol
Board and the ITi_I1._aa-Q in rei7ard to t he iise of the Nbrth_Brasie
Lirra.ry faci-lity. Mr. Loren °J. Senness, 3iinerintendert of School
Di strict #8R2, stated that the Vit laze w&oizl_d have admi nistrative
control of the faci_1ity. Ov�mershi_n of the buil di.nP' wotal_d not he
relino>>i.shed. Ma-ror Sandberg stated that there shoiil_d be. an
agreement detail.ed enouoph to minimize any future mi.siinderstandinL7s.
After extended discilssion Walt Marklint7 moved that, the following
motion be adonted :
"The Village should enter into an a7reement with Schnol Dis-
trict #882 to rent the Worth-Brasie Memorial Library facility
in con j>>netion with the Great River Library Association and
pay a rent of 175.00 Der month for services includine, lights,
heat, toilet facilities, insurance, custodial service. This
contract is to be negotiated on an annual basis."
The motion to accent this aureement was made by 14alt Markl..insz, se-
conded by Dan B1_onigen. Voting in favor: Sandberg, B1or.i�en, Rowan,
Marklin-a and. Martie. Oianosed: None.
In re7ard to the !1Jorth_Brasie Library facility, a. motion was made
by Malt'1ark1_ing, seconded by Dick Martie, instr��.cti_n the vi_l_lae
office to:
"'I'Jait for. a Tetter to arrive from School District #RR2 stating
that they rel.inoi.zish admi-nistrative control of the 74orth-
Brasie Memorial Library. jTpon receipt of this letter, the
Village office is to ratrite to the rrreat River Library Association
sta.tinq that the Villa7e is ready to nroceed in setting? un
procedures necessary to onerate the Library facilitir."
Votin7 in favor: Sandberg, '�1_-ninen, '"nrkl ina►. Mr�rtiP and Rowan.
Ornosed : None.
Lvnn Smith of the Monticel-lo Times made .nn for a bui 1 di_nff
permit for a new Tires Office Btzi l.di_ng. The snecifications were
reviewed by the Vida,- Council. Jeff Rowan moved to accent the
renuest for a building ner-it, seconded by Dan Blonigen. Votin;! in
favor: Blonip�en, Marklinq, Martie,Rowan and Sandberg. Onnosed: None.
Page 2
Regular meeting - November 14, 9.972
Building Inspector Axel Rasmussen gave a report describing the
surcharge owed. by the Villap-e to the State of Minnesota. This is
a surcharge calculated at .�04 ner thousand and is due back to
July 1, 1971. The total amount due is calculated at $?57.00. A
motion to nay the $757.00 was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Walt
Markling. Voting in favor: Sandberpr, Rowan, Martie, Mprkling and
Blonigen. Opposed: None.
The Park Board nresented a reeuest for villap-e fundin' in regard
to the 4th Street softball field. A move to commit $4,000.00
in the 1973 village hudQ'P.t for a cvclone fence and lighting
facilities with anvthin7 over $4,000.00 to be nicked un hir the
Monticello softball Association T"Tas made by malt Markling, seconded
by Dan BloniFren. Votin7 in favor: Sa.nHbprq, Bloni7en, 7arklinp',
Martie and Rowan. Onnosed: None.
A discussion was held concernincr the J. 714. Miller �^Tater uookun.
The Council_ was informed that the total_ amount dile the Vi.11aae from
J. `,,% Mill -ler was- $Ii69.00. The Vil.l.affe owes J. W. Miller $500.00
as a., balance due on contract for Village pilmn Hoilse #2. A move
was made by Walt Marklinrr to nav $500.00 continry-ent upon the re-
cei nt. of $469.00 dtae for the TnTater hook-iip. The motion was seconded
by Dan Blonigen. Votinr, in favor: Sandbero,, Bloni.7en, Ma.rklir�r,
Martie and Rowan. Onnnsed : None.
Yona'v Sa.nitatAnn expressed interest in the Villane Sanitation con-
tract at $900.00 monthly. ?^Tal..t Markl i_nq, stated the village should
consider the of a pond to cover the nep-ation of a contract.
The discussion was tahled. until Al ZaIi er, the current sanitation
contractor, clarifies how long he .,isl-es to continue.
Ad iscussion was held concerning Snecial .assessments and how they
should be presented to the County Auditor. A motion was made by
Walt Darkling, seconded. by Jeff Rowan instructing the villa7e
office to reouest the County Auditor to place the snecial assessments
in auestion on the tax roll for a n�-riod of 5 years at an interest
rate of 7%. (Accounts in auestion: Monticello Recreation, Stelton's
Laundromat and Miller's Lnund.roma.t). Voting in favor: Bloni�en,
M?rkling, Martie, Rowan. Sandberg.
A discussion was held concerninp, Vil_lape Snor�,rmobile ren'ulations.
No decision reached. Councilman Jeff RoT,,Tan stated he mould work
with Jim ='owers to research what other villaq-es are doin7 and what
Monticello vill.acre shnnl..d wont as hQin ► a.nnlicable to this community.
Page 3
Regular meeting - November 14, 1972
A diset)ssion was held concerning the Slurry-Kote contract. The
village office was instructed to send the S1«rry-Kote Comnany a
check for 128,123.85, which includes the following:
Original Slurry-Kote bid: 1259712.50
Resurfacing done due to
barricade violations 19,408.75
Surfacin7 of streets not
in July 18 contract 1,002.60
The motion to nav the amount of t2P,123.91 was made by Jeff Rowan,
seconded by Dan Blonigen. `Toting in favor: Sandberg, -91
Martie, Rowan. Ahstnin: Markling.
A presentation was made by Rill Elliott of the engineering firm of
Mever-Rohl_in, Inc. concerning assessment #E70101A. (Storm Sewer).
Only 2.0o will be assessed. This will amnunt to annroximately
"139000.00 within the vill_arre, $12.,000.00 outside the village. Bill
Elliott expressed the opinion that the rate is loin enough -- no
one individual_ as -e s sed excel nivel v, The notion to a,nnrove this
assessment, was made by "salt Markl ina, secorled by Dick Martie.
voting i.r favor: Sandberg, Rlorz gen, Mirkl i, Martie and Rowan.
Onnosed: None,
At this time Bill 'Elliott presented Block 53 (Storm Sewer -Assessment).
The assessment is set at ,the ner seua.rP foot. Move made by Dan
Blonigen to set the assessment at 50% for benefiting nronerty owners,
seconded by Dick M-a.rtie. Voting an favor: Sandhera, 731-oniaen,
Markling, Martie ?nd Rowan. Onnosed: None.
A motion made by Walt Marklinp;, seconded by Dick Martie to set the
hearing on this for Dec. 5th. Noting in favor: Sandberg, �3lonigen,
Ma.rkling, Martie and Rowan. Onoosed: None. (This date was later
changed to 8:00 P. M. on Th_ursdav, December 14th to meet legal
The Village Council_ decided to set a budget meeting concerning the
calendar .year 1973 for Ti3.esday, Nov, 21st.
Motion mdde by Dan Rlonigen, seconded by Dick Martie to accent
election returns as tabulated by the village ,judges at the Nov. 7th
election. Voting in favor: Sandberg, Blonigen, Mprkling, Martie and
Rowan. Onnosed: None.
Motion to ad'io,irn by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Carried.
all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 11:35 P-' M.
Kevin Iia. France, Arim.