City Council Minutes 11-21-1972 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Phone (612) 295-2711
Special meetins! of Vil.lagre Coiincil -- Yrvemrer 2.1, 1972
The special, of t1 e, ITi, l a.c►e Cn,zncil was cnl-led to order at
7:40 P. M. , Tuesday evening„ November ?1, 1072 with the following
members present: Mavnr `°rilliam Sand�Pra-, ^'alt Dick Martie
and Dan Blonigen. Coiincilman Jeff Rowan was absent.
Coiinci.T annroval was a-ilren to John Steiner for a beer and CiFrarette
license pending► the purchase of Schneider's Fecreation (Tom Schneider).
In this regard, no decision was made on a renuest by Mr. Steiner for
a linuor set -un license nend.in7 cl.a_rification of policv from the
State Liauor Commissioner.
The village office was instructed to write to the State Linvor Com-
missioner for a clari.fAcation of procediires that should be established
in the issuance of a liquor set-up license.
A discussion was held concerning the closing of the Mississippi River
bridge (Trunk Hi7,hwav 25) for a 12 day period between the dates
July 27 - Au-ast2T, 1973.
Details of the closing will be decided upon a nresentation at a village
council meeting by Mr. Warren Jones of the State Hi7hwny Dept.
A Motion was made by Walt Marklinez, seconded by Dan BloniL7en for the
transfer of $30,000.00 in certificates of deposit .from the Linuor Store
fund to the Village General fund for the navment of the Slurry-Kote
street resurfacing contract. "oting in favor were: Sandberg, Martie,
Blonigen and Markling. Opposed: None. Absent: Rowan.
Preparations Txere made for the adontion of the calendar year 1973
Monticello vil_lame budget.
?lotion to adjourn by Ma.vor Sandberp-, seconded by Disk Martie. Carried
all in favor.
Kevin La. France, M.
KLF /l s g