City Council Minutes 12-05-1972 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Phone (612) 295-2711
December 5, 1.972
Special meeti.nq of Vii lane Cnunc _1 -- December 5, 1472.
The meeting of the Vi_I l aoe Co,ircil. on December 51, 1072 was
called to nrder at 7:10 P, MO, T.ipsdav e'venina, with the fol.1.o-�a.n
members present: �ctinm Ma.vor Dan Rlnntgen, jATal.t 1,1ark1ira, nick
Martie and Jeff Rogan. Yavor '911.1. Sandberg was absent - on vacation.
The minutes for the meet.i_nas of No`rember 14, 21 and 2.4 were read and
A discussion was held concerning the Slurry-Kote street resurfacing
contract. In this reopard, a motion was made by ,%Ia1_t T,'Tarklina, seconded
by Jeff Rowan, to emnlov Attorneys Smith-Prinq-le to look into the
Slurry-Kote contract in regard to the slurry sealinF, of village
streets. The vil_laFre council-. desires an estimate of attorney fees
for ha.ndlinq the Slurry-Kote contract. Voting, to accent the above
motion were: Markling, Na.rtie, Rowan and Blonigen. Onnosed: None.
Absent: Sandberg.
Annlications were nresented for the emnlovment of tTao Linuor Store
employees, Don Dufloth and. Sharon Klukas. Council verbal annroval
given to their emnlo-7rment.
The villane office wasi.nstr�_icted to contact Mr. Jim '-T ck-n in Buffalo
in regard to Village Civil.. Defense ren,iirements. Vil_la�e Administrator
to report olltcome to the Council on December 12, 1.972.
Councilman Jeff Rowan nresented a nronnsed ordinance in reo'ard to snow
nlo'vinq and/or removal, 41601.040. A motion to accent the nronosed
ordinance was made by 'dick ',a.rti_e, secnnded '-)�r 'Jolt Voting
in favor: Rloniaen, Marklina, 'V:artie and Rowan. Onnosed: None.
Absent: Sandberv.
Councilman Jeff Rowan presented an additional ordinance, #1100.014(b),
regarding coverinpr of fire hydrants with snow. A motion to accent
the nronosed nrdinance was made 1''v nick 1,1artie, secnnded b,\r j�Ialt
Markl_ina. Vntina in fa,vnr: Blnniaen, rT-nrkl ina, Yla.rti.e and. Ro-van.
Onnosed: None. Absent: SandberT.
A motion was made bsr Jeff Rnwa.r to deputize Street '?iner�Ti_sor Dick
Brooks for the nurnose of issuing citations to owners of motor vehicles
narked in violation of villarre snow removal. ordinances. These citations
will be handled by a local court only. The motion was seconded by Walt
Markl_in7. Voting, to accent this motion were: Ma.rkling, Martie, Rowan
and Blonigen. Onnosed: None. Absent: SandherF.
The village office was instructed to order citation rooks for use by
Dick Brooks. Acting Mayor Dan B1oniaen presided over the Oath of
Office statement of Dick Brooks.
The village office was instructed to have a county sheriff renresentative
at the December 1.2, 1072 regU.lar meet.ina to discuss the police contract.
Motion to adjourn by Martie, seconded. by Rowa . Ca;g ed -ail in favor.
Adjourned at 9: ?_ 5 P. M. ���=f._c7