City Council Minutes 12-12-1972VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Phone (612) 295-2711 December 12, 1972 Regular meeting of Village Council -- December 12, 1972. The regular meeting of the Village Council was called to order at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, December 12, 1972 with the following members present: Acting Mayor Dan Blonigen, Councilmen Walt Markling, Dick Martie and Jeff Rowan. Mayor Bill Sandberg was absent - on vacation. The minutes for the meeting of December 59 1972 were read and approved. A discussion was held concerning the Mississippi River bridge closing (Hwy. 25). Mr. Warren Jones of the State Highway Dept. initiated the discussion. Controversey centered on whether it would be more suit- able to keep the bridp-e open all summer, for one lane of traffic only, or to close the bridge for 12 calendar days (consecutive) for com- pletion of most of the project. June 4, 1973 is the commencement date for this project under the nrgsent proposal. The contractor would be allowed a choice, sizb,ject to tate approval, for the 12 -day closing. During the 12 -day closing emergency vehicles could be allowed through. Pedestrian traffic would be allowed through and a minimum 10 -day, highly publicized notice, would be given to all affected by the closing. Mr. Howard Gillham, Big Lake -Monticello Community Hospital Chairman, presented the position of the Hospital Board concerning the Mississipni River bridge closing. He stated that one of the two hospital doctors live across the bridge. Mr. Gillham mentioned that annroximately 24 hospital employees would be affected by the bridge closing. The point was made that Big Lake is a part of the Community Hospital. Mr. Gillham's conclusion was that the Hospital Board is going on record as wanting one (1) lane open with no 12-dav closing. Dr. John Kasper stated that the Chamber of Commerce is going on record as being opposed to the bridge closing for the 12 -day period, as it, J. Figenshau, Monticello Retail Division Chairman. The Village Council, during the discussion, agreed verbally as being against the bridge closing. As a last item of village business for the ejrening, a motion was made by Walt Markling, seconded by Dick Martie that the Council go on record as being opposed to the Mississippi River bridge closing for the 12 -day period. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Mark - ling, Martie and Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Sandberg. A discussion was held concerning the Village -County Police Service Contract. Jim Powers represented the County Police. The calendar year 1973 police contract was approved at a ten -percent (10%) increase. The motion to accept the 1973 contract was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Walt Markling. Voting in favor:Blonigen, Martie, Markling and Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Sandberg. Motion made by Walt Markling to authorize the Acting Mayor to sign Regular meeting of Village Council December 12, 1.972 Page 2 the Police Contract, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie and Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Sandberg. Police Contract signed for Cy 1973. A proposed snowmobile ordinance for the village was presented by Councilman Jeff Rowan. After discussion, a motion was made by Jeff Rowan to adopt the Ordinance #1603.050, regarding snowmobiling in the village of Monticello, the motion was seconded by 'Walt Markling. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie and Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Sandberg. A discussion was held concerning the Animal Impounding Contract with the Metropolitan Animal Patrol Service, Inc., for Cy1973. Mr. Larry Smieja represented the Metropolitan Animal Patrol. The discussion centered on service and a proposed fee increase, approximately 15%. Approval was given to authorize deputies of the Metropolitan Animal Patrol Service to fine owners $15.00 for the return of animals. The Village Administrator was authorized to administer the Oath of Office to Animal Patrol Deputies. A motion was made by Walt Markling, that the Village enter into a contract with the Metropolitan Animal Patrol Service, Inc. The contract is to provide animal control and impounding by twice a month service, four (4) hours per time. The Village Administrator was authorized by this motion to call for additional service when needed. This motion was seconded b_V Dick Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie and Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Sandberg. A motion was made by Walt Markling to authorize the Acting May to sign the Animal Impounding Contract, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie and Rowan. Onnosed: None. Absent: Sandberg. Animal contract signed for Cy 1973• A motion was made by Walt Markling to authorize Stub LaBree to keep the Riverside Park Skatin7 Rink open for an additional length of time for hockey playing. Mr. LaBree to use his discretion in how long a time it should be open. This motion seconded by Jeff Rowan. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie and Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Sandberg. A motion was made by Walt Markling to pay the Monticello Public School $1,325.00 as the Village share in salaries _for the 1972 Summer Re- creation Program. The motion was seconded by Dick Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie and Rowan. Opnosed: None. Absent: Sandberg. A motion was made by J. Rogan to approve the payment of November bills, seconded by Dick Martie. Carried -- all in favor. Motion to adjourn made by Blonigen, seconded by Martie. Carried -_ all in faz.ror. So ordered at 10:40 P. M. Kevin La France, Adm. KLF/lsg