City Council Agenda Packet 01-11-1972 From the desk of: DON GRANLUND ~illiam Sandberg ..Dan Blanigen .ftlalt Markling vWal t Hack vDick BroOks vlJon Smith "Jlobert Davis efr Rowan\, ick Martie ore ~eyer Dick Hesley Jim Powers Ve Grimsmo REGULAR MEETING OF VI AGE COUNCIL TUesday - Januar.y 1, 1972 _ 7:30 P.M. AGEND! ) 1. Call to order. J2. )3. Minutes of Previous me tinp,. Mid-America Dairvmen _ Ren. from Mpls office will attend meeting wi h Bob Anderson re: sewer service. 4j'Department reoorts: v' Sheriff's Dept., Liouor Store, W~ & Sewer, Streey Park, f!YD, Pla ng Commission. 5. 91d business: ~ririn~ man under Emer~e .;Report of Marklin~ & Ro n re: vil1a~e suoervis. ~et up ~eeting with Township on fire service contract. ~Planning Commission has resented James Maus as candidate to f111 vac ncy on Commission. ;< Receive wage reouests fo / Appoint wage review commi 91 Designate Health Officer Committee. vi Dr. Bentz!n served during 1971. 10. Approve bills. From the desk of: DoN GRANLUND RObert Davis Larry Flake Grant SChleif Thore Meyer · W. Miller Jr red Topel ale Lungwita tt Rowan Due to conflict, Wednesday January 12, will be deferred until Thursday Janua~ 13, '30 P.m. at Village all