City Council Agenda Packet 11-02-1998 . . . A ENDA SPECIAL MEETING - M NTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Nove her 2, 1998 - 5 p.m. Mayor: Bill Fair Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Sturn f, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration of accepting bids and a arding contract for community center project. 3. Adjournment. . . . 2. Consideration proiect. (J.O.) center A. REFERENCE AND BACKG Special Council Agenda - 11/2/98 The City Council is asked to review th bid tabulation and the options for adding and deleting to the project and consider aw rding the project to Donlar Contractors accordingly. On Thursday, October 2 , at 3 p.m., the City received 9 bids. The low base bid was provided by Donlar Contracto s in the amount of $8,032,000. The next closest bid came from Arkay Construction at 8,134,000, followed by Shingobee Builders at $8,217,000. The highest bid came in l' om Stahl Construction Company in the amount of $9,060,000. The bids were tightly gro ped, thus reflecting a bid specification that was clear and understandable. The architec had projected that the base bid amount should come in somewhere around $7,750,00 . The low base bid is, therefore, 3.6% higher than the architect's estimate. According to ark Wentzell and Ron Ankeny of Ankeny Kell Architects, given the current constructi n climate and given some recent surprises with other bid openings in the area, we shou d be fairly happy with the base bid relative to the architect's estimate. On Friday, October 29, City staff met ith Mark Wentzell to identify three basic options that the City Council may wish to consi er in reviewing the various items that could be deducted or added to the project in an e fort to adjust cost or add value. Each option is a starting point for discussion. City Cou cil should feel free to mix and match as it chooses; however, it should be noted th t ifthe total budget amount exceeds the amount approved by the HRA, the City Council will need to convince the HRA to increase the bond amount to match any increase that might be requested by the City Council. Please also note that this analysis is focused en irely on project cost. Issues relating to the funding program will be addressed by usty Fifield at the meeting. Lean Option #1 Under this option, City staff made an ef ort to cut as much of the project as possible in an effort to get the budget as close to the ta get budget of $9,569,000. Items removed from the base budget under this alternative in luded the pool finish, raindrops and lemon drops, and the lilypad walk, in addition t the light fixtures in the gallery extending from the lobby to the council chambers. Item not deducted from the project under this alternative included the mill work, the w ter play structure, the water slide, and the spa pools. Under this option, the only item at was added in from the add alternates list included the pool ceramic tile in the am unt of $68,600. Other noteworthy items not included in this option include the child lay area at $50,000, and the wheel park and fenced area, which amounts to $99,000. Council may find this option appealing in that it brings the budget fairly close to the targe number and it excludes items such as the wheel park and the child play area that could b added later if the City is successful in obtaining a portion of the $1,000,000 in funds that ave been applied for via various grant programs. . Moderate Option #2 Special Council Agenda - 11/2/98 Under this option, the following additi nal items are added to the program identified in option #1: Light fixtures in the galler and a combination terrazzo floor plus carpet. Option #2 also includes the wheel par and the fencing and electronic controls for furnace and mechanical. As with option # 1, 0 tion #2 does not include the child play area. All Needs Met, Option #3 Under option #3, all of the items that c uld be deducted from the base bid are left in the base bid. Items excluded from the prev'ous two options that are now in include: The lilypad walk, the raindrops and the lem n drops. Add alternates included in this option which are not included in the other incl de full installation of terrazzo floors and purchase of an operable partition. The t tal cost for this option is $10,125,460, which is $556,460 off the target amount. This a ounts to 5.5% over the target budget amount and, as with the other alternatives, does ot include potential additional funding through the grant programs. Grant Programs . It is very difficult to say if the City will e successful in obtaining funds through the grant program. Each of the three applications ppear to meet the criteria for funding and, thus, one would expect that each would score ighly. Unfortunately, we have no idea of knowing how tough the competition is. or the purpose of analyzing the likelihood of getting funds for this project, it is our vie that it is fair to say that the City has some chance of winning at least 20% of the fu ds requested through the three grant programs. Non-Building Project Costs The attached worksheets also include a Ii ting of the various project costs in addition to the building costs. As the project proceeds, we are getting a better idea of what our soft costs are. However, these numbers at this time are preliminary. You will note in the numbers that there is a contingency amou t of $150,000. It is our view that any overrun in soft costs can easily be covered by the roject contingency. Note also that there is a line for value engineering. This is the projected amount that the architect feels the City can gain from making modifications to the project to decrease project costs. Site acquisition and relocation costs are fairly s lid; however, they could go down or up a small amount depending on the actual cost of relocating the bulk tanks. Soils correction is largely covered by the base bid; therefor , the soils correction cost has moved down to $15,000. The audio/visual equipment is id ntified at a cost of$50,000. This is a very rough number at this time, as we have not eceived quotes yet on the phone/intercom system, the P A system, or television equip ent. At this point in time, it is our view that we will need to make sure that the design 0 the A V systems will allow us to meet the target amount of $50,000. . 2 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Special Council Agenda - 11/2/98 1. Motion to select option # 1, acc pt bids and award the community center project to Donlar Contractors in an amou t identified under option #1 with modifications as desired by the City Council, pe ding ratification and approval by the HRA. 2. Motion to accept bids and awar the community center project to Donlar Contractors as identified under ption #2 with modifications as desired pending ratification and approval by the HRA. 3. Motion to accept bids and awar the community center project to Donlar Contractors as identified under ption #3 with modifications as desired pending ratification and approval by the HRA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIO ; The three basic options above are starti g points for discussion. Council may want to discuss this and mix and match potenti I deducts and add alternates as it sees fit. Rusty Fifield will be available at the meeting 0 discuss the overall finance plan and will be providing the Council with an analysis f the impact of the reduction in interest rates on the City's ability to finance a greater debt level with debt service figures approved in August. I've had a brief opportunity to talk with Rusty about the City's ability to fund more project without increasing debt se vice due to the reduction in interest rates. It appears that the reduction in interest rat s will help to fund a higher principal amount; however, it appears that additional capi al funds will be needed for this project. . Some basic recommendations City staf would like to make would be to urge Council to include items that are integral to the bui ding if they are important in the long run. Items that are not integral to the building that ould be added later may be good items to not include in the original project. There w s considerable discussion at staff level regarding the value of terrazzo floors. This is one of those items that in the long run, Council may be glad that it went over budget to insta I today rather than replace carpet time after time in the future. Council should also be a are of the value of maintaining a well-rounded facility that appeals to a cross-section 0 the community. Therefore, cuts should be spread around and not focus on one gen ral user group. All in all we are comfortable with the bi as presented and feel that even by cutting a project to the bone and sticking to the 0 iginal budget, the facility is worth building. Therefore, the City Administrator reco mends the community center bid be awarded to Donlar Contractors with features as as d termined by the City Council and ratified by the HRA. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Summary of options 1-3; Bid tabulation 3 COMMUNITY CENTER BID BUDGET ANAL SIS . IComponent BLACK IS OUT.. GREY IS IN BID AMOUNT OPTION 1 LEAN OPTION 2 MED OPTION 3 NEEDS MET Base Bid Alternate A 1 - Terrazzo Alternate A2 - Pool Ceramic Tile A1ternate'A3 . 0 erable Partition Alternate A4 - Sheet Flooring In Gym Alternate AS:'Wheel Park -" Altern<!!e A6 - Fencing.'_____ Alternate A7 - Guard Storage Shel~,Djil. Alternate A8 - Millwork Alternate SP1 Pool Finish Alternate SP2 Raindrop~j'ndLem Drps Altern_ate SP3 Wate~~I~)' Structure Alternate SP5 Lily Pad Walk Alternate SP6 Water Sli~- A1ternat~_~P7 spa Pools M1 Electronic Controls E1 Light Fi,xture in Gallery ~: ":' $8,032,000 $106,000 $68,6'0'0 -$23;000 $30,900- $70, iDe)' $29,66()' $18,500 $83,000 $8:5o'()" -$6,700 $69,000 $30,000 $87,000 $~9.2QQ. $1,820 $f{~OO .'+:-" E PLUS ADDITIONS AND SUBS ........., ~,' .... .. .,Jf. . .. ..x .. . .;-:..?:k... Project Contigency Value Engineering Arch and engineering fees Site Acquisition and Relocation Soils Correction Spur Removal FFE Interior design FFE ($325,000-climbing wall/play area) Climbing Wall Child Play Area (will need funding via grant) Rerouting utilities Landscaping Fees and Insurance Inspections and Printing Builders Risk Insurance Audio Visual equipment " . .*~ ..?.:: $8,049,,600, $8,231,800 $8,347,500 ~ I! $150,000 ($200,000 $671,520 $410,000 $15,000 $2,500 $17,000 $183,000 $75,000 . $50,000 $265,440 $30,000 $73,500 $30,000 $5,000 $50,000 , ' ,. . .., ..0.:', ~ . ':~" .1....::~. , , . --.. GRAND TOTAL $9,800,008 $9,996,784 $10,125,460 Target budget $9,569,000 $9,569,000 $9,569,000 lation to budget $231,008 $427,784 $556,460 2.36% 4.28% 5.50% GRANT FUNDS PENDING $1,021,000 $1,021,000 $1,021,000 ~ .. 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