Planning Commission Minutes 05-01-2018 (Special/Joint Meeting)MINUTES SPECIAL/JOINT MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL.., Tuesday, May 111, 2018 - 4:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: John Alstad, Brad Fyle, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, Katie Peterson City Council Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Staff Present: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Jacob Thunander, Ron Hackenmueller, Jeff O'Neill, Shibani Bisson (WSB) 1. Call to Order Brad Fyle called the Joint Meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission and City Council to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. Sketch Flan Review and Concent Stage Planned Unit Development for a 349 unit residential subdivision Applicant: Marc Schulte Steve Grittman explained that the proposal was on the south side of the city near Klein Farms and Hunter's Crossing development. He explained that the area would need to be annexed into the city prior to any formal land use application. When annexing land, it must generally reflect the expectations for land use in the area. An Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW), to identify any environment impacts and mitigation steps, would also need to be completed in order for the development to move forward. Preliminary Plat, Rezoning, Development and Final Stage Planned Unit Development, Comprehensive Plan Amendment, and Final Plat would be required. The submitted plans propose a mix of housing options, including: R-1 (Single Family Residence District/243 lots) and R -A (Residential Amenities District/36 lots), and R-3 (Medium Density Residence District/76 lots). Grittman explained that the City is also working on completing a sanitary sewer study for the south portion of the orderly annexation area. Bill Fair asked if the entire proposal falls within the orderly annexation area. Grittman confirmed. Fair asked for the current capacity of the existing sewer and water utility system. Shibani Bisson stated that the City's sewer and water plan indicated the extension of a deep gravity sewer line along Fallon Avenue. There is capacity within the current City limits. She stated that the sanitary sewer study should be completed within the next few months to determine the capacity to serve the annexation area. Charlotte Gabler asked if the applicants wanted to begin with the proposed development near the northeast portion of the site, if they could be served on the current system. Bisson stated that there is a connection near Hunter's Crossing that could be tied into, but the grades would need to be evaluated to determine if a lift station would be necessary. Planning Commission Minutes — May 1, 2018 Page l 1 3 Brian Stumpf noted that on the aerial it appears a small piece of property near the center of the proposed project is excluded from the development. It was noted that that parcel would be included with the development plans. Bill Fair asked if there was any area designated for parks. Grittman responded that Hunter's Crossing Park was nearby and that it would need to be determined if the developer would like to proceed with park land dedication or, in lieu, pay for park land. Angela Schumann stated that it was discussed with the developer that it is the City's policy to extend pathway facilities on both sides of collector routes. Trail routes throughout the proposal were also incorporated in the concept design. Gabler asked how the streets would be accommodated to fit the development plans. Bisson stated that the EAW would address how the proposed traffic would function on the site. It was noted that all driveways would be from interior streets and not directly onto Fallon Avenue. Gabler asked if larger lots of two acres or more could be provided. Grittman responded that it would be a land use policy question. Grittman responded from his experience, any lot over one acre is difficult to afford service for municipal utilities. Fyfe asked if any of the streets would exit onto township roads. Grittman stated the intent was that all would utilize Fallon Avenue and 85th. Lloyd Hilgart recommended a discussion about the R -A lots occur. He thought that 90 feet lot widths were not wide enough. Schumann stated that in the recodification of the Zoning Code that the minimum width is 90 feet, but 40 percent of the lots in the subdivision need to be 100 feet. Marc Schulte, developer, introduced himself and briefly described the project. He proposed a full development within 3-5 years, but that was dependent on utility studies, demand, and cost. He reminded that he was only the developer and would be working with builders on the housing design. Fair asked for Monticello's housing supply. Schumann responded that it was approximately under 25 lots for single family. Rick Kothenbentel, 8874 Farmstead Avenue, was concerned with the amount of traffic that the proposed development would bring especially as it relates to the nearby schools and neighborhoods. Schumann responded that the Monticello Public Schools were awarded a Safe Routes to School grant to increase safety and that interim solutions were also being identified. Robert Sauer, 4963 Park Drive, asked construction would start. Fyle stated that it would likely be 2-5 years for development. Tom Collins, 8278 Eisele Avenue, asked about the dashed line near Phase 1 on the plans. Schumann responded that it was a boundary line. Collins asked about tree preservation in that area. Schumann responded that the City platting required a tree inventory and that development outside of the proposed boundary would be considered with future development. Planning Commission Minutes — May 1, 2018 Page 2 13 Doug Stokes, 8066 Edmonson Avenue Northeast, asked where the developer would begin development. Fyle indicated that the developer has phased the plan and would start in the upper right corner. Lesia Gerzema, 7894 Edmonson Avenue Northeast, asked how wildlife would be impacted with the development. Schumann responded that with the platting process, wetlands would be evaluated against the national resource inventory. An EAW would also identify environmental impacts. Grittman also added that with the larger lots near the wetland would further protect against environmental impacts. The Wetland Conservation Act would need to be followed for development near or on a wetland. Fyle asked about runoff. Bisson stated that stormwater ponds have been shown in the proposed plans and would accommodate the development. Doug Stokes identified concerns with flooding. Steve Grittman reviewed the process of the development following Concept Stage. Discussion pursued about Fallon Avenue. Fyle asked about the plan for to connect to Country Road 37. Grittman stated that the plan was to continue with Eisele Avenue. Marc Simpson asked for the turning radius and width of the cul-de-sacs. Bisson stated that they would need to follow the design standards set by the City. 3. Adiournment MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 5:19 P.M. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: June 5, 2018 Attest: Angela Schu fna4,\Com)nunity Development Director Planning Commission Minutes — May 1, 2018 Page 3 13