EDA Agenda 06-13-2018AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Consent Agenda - Item 4a through 4e a. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — May 9, 2018 b. Consideration of approving Special Workshop Meeting Minutes — May 9, 2018 c. Consideration of approving Special Workshop Meeting Minutes — May 18, 2018 d. Consideration of approving payment of bills e. Consideration of approving attendance at 2018 Summer EDAM Conference 5. Consideration of Termination of Contract for Private Redevelopment with Master's Fifth Avenue 6. Consideration of Decertification of Redevelopment TIF District #1-35 7. Consideration of Establishing Affordable Housing TIF District #1-40 8. Consideration of 2018 MIF Statute Regarding 80-20 Opt Out Program 9. Director's Report 10. Adj ourn AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, May 9th, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Commissioners Absent: Jon Morphew Staff Present: Jim Thares and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the meeting of the EDA to order at 6 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items None. 4. Consent A�enda - Item 4a throu�h 4e BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEM C AND E. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. a. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — April 11, 2018 Recommendation: Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes — April 11, 2018. b. Consideration of approvin� Special Workshop Meetin� Minutes — April 11, 2018 Recommendation: Approve the Special Workshop Meeting Minutes — April 11, 2018. c. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. d. Consideration of Stipulation of Minimum Improvements Certification at Clear Creek Addition....Otter Creek Subdivision Recommendation: Authorize the Stipulation to Register Title to Lot 3, Block 1, Clear Creek Addition, Wright County, Minnesota according to the recorded plat thereof, subject to final comments of the title examiner. e. Consideration of Resolution #2018-08 Approvin� an Interfund Loan Related to Anticipated Land Acquisition, Relocation and Redevelopment Expenditures in Block 52 ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. 4c. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills Bill Tapper asked for clarification on the Donald Salverda bill for $600. Jim Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 9, 2018 Page 1 � 4 Thares responded that it is a staff training program. Tapper also asked if the bill from Braun Intertec was for the total cost for the Phase I on 103 Pine Street and 112 W River St. Thares confirmed and added that the reports came back clean. Tapper asked why the EDA was responsible for paying property taxes for recently acquired property. Thares explained that they were paid by the sellers at closing however the City's Finance Department also paid them accidentally. Wright County will reimburse the City. Tapper asked about the bills from the City of Monticello for the EDA properties. Thares stated that it covered the basic charge of having the water and sewer run past the property. Tapper also asked why electric was still being paid. Thares stated that staff turned the electricity off at 349 Broadway W in the [past week and 255 Broadway E would be turned off next week along with the gas. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH APRIL 2018. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. 4e. Consideration of Resolution #2018-08 Approvin� an Interfund Loan Related to Anticipated Land Acquisition, Relocation and Redevelopment Expenditures in Block 52 Steve Johnson noted that because of his property located in Block 52, he would like to abstain from voting on the item. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2018-08 AUTHORIZING 1NTERFUND LOAN FOR ADVANCE OF CERTAIN COSTS 1N CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED BLOCK 52 TAX 1NCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0-1 WITH STEVE JOHNSON ABSTAINING. PUBLIC HEARING — Business Subsidv A�reement — Bondhus Corporation Consideration of Resolution #2018-09 Approvin� EDA-SCDP Loan A�reement with Bondhus Corporation Jim Thares indicated that Bondhus Corporation submitted a SCDP Loan program application. Their project is an expansion of their facility. They are planning on adding 12,000 square feet and purchasing $500,000 in new equipment. The applicant applied for $200,000 to cover some of the costs of the new equipment. Fifteen new jobs will be created. Steve Johnson opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments, the public hearing was closed. Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 9, 2018 Page 2 � 4 BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2018-09 APPROVING EDA- SCDP LOAN AGREEMENT 1NCLUDING BUSINESS SUBSIDY AGREEMENT, 1N THE AMOUNT OF $200,000, WITH BONDHUS CORPORATION 1N CONNECTION WITH A MANUFACTURING FACILITY EXPANSION PRO7ECT. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. 6. Consideration of Commercial Fa�ade-Rehabilitation Loan Pro�ram Angela Schumann explained the loan program would establish a fa�ade improvement program that placed financial support for investments that improve the visual appearance of the buildings and districts identity. According to a previous joint meeting, the implementation of a loan program was one of the highest priorities by the EDA, City Council, Parks Commission, and Planning Commission. Schumann summarized the history of creating a potential loan program. She stated that the latest draft was provided to the EDA's attorney for comments that would be provided at a future meeting. Schumann presented a summary of the potential loan program, with changes as indicated in previous meetings. Bill Tapper encouraged the EDA to set up a workshop meeting to further discuss the program. He also suggested that prior to the potential workshop, the Cuningham Group conduct a walking tour with the EDA to identify the consultant's vision of Broadway. TRACY H1NZ MOVED TO TABLE FOR STAFF TO PREPARE REVISIONS AS DIRECTED BY THE EDA. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. 7. Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Director's Report. Discussion ensued about the potential services from Buxton. There was concern with being locked into a three year contract. It was recommended to contact communities in Minnesota that have utilized services from Buxton. Steve Johnson recommended a workshop meeting to further discuss. Thares provided an update to the EDA about the demolition of 255 East Broadway. Quotes for a demolition permit will be coming to the EDA at a future meeting. Thares introduced Sue Seeger, Creative Arts Consultant. Seeger asked the EDA for a pre- approval for possible funds that could be received within the next week The public art project would be a"shimmerwall" mural on the building near the intersection of Highway 25 and Broadway (behind the swan sculptures). The total cost of the project Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 9, 2018 Page 3 � 4 would be $17,398, with the grant covering $13,048. In-kind donations would be $4,350 that would come from the art's budget. BILL TAPPER APPROVED THE PRO7ECT LOCATION ON THE EDA OWNED PROPERTY AT 112 BROADWAY E. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. 8. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:49 P.M. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander ' � Approved: June 13, 2018 � � Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director � Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 9, 2018 Page 4 � 4 MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, May 9th, 2018 — 5:00 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, and Jim Davidson Jon Morphew and Lloyd Hilgart Jim Thares ` Steve Johnson called the meeting of the EDA to order at 5:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Presentation of information bv First Children's Finance re�ardin� childcare needs Jim Thares introduced Landon McKay from First Children's Finance. McKay provided an overview of their broad services and talked specifically about the needs for childcare in Wright County. McKay indicated that Monticello has a gap in licensed childcare providers. He summarized that parents want convenient, localized care that is safe, secure, and high quality. Childcare providers are decreasing steadily in Minnesota with the cost of providing the services high. The EDA asked how other communities have helped to curb the issue of availability of childcare. McKay indicated that some communities offer subsidies for childcare centers or supporting family childcare individual's education to begin in the field. 4. Adiourn JINI DAVIDSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING 5:53 P.M BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: June 13, 2018 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 9, 2018 Page 1 � 1 MINUTES SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Friday May 18th, 2018 — 7:00 a.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Lloyd Hilgart, and Jim Davidson Staff Present: Angela Schumann, and Jim Thares Consulting Staff Present: Tammy Omdal, Northland Securities 1. Call To Order Steve Johnson called the special workshop meeting of the EDA to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of Financin� Structure for Bri��s Properties market rate housin� with an affordable component development proposal (TIF#1-40) Information on the financing proposal of the Briggs Properties multi-family housing development in downtown Monticello was reviewed. The options to support the underground parking include a partial grant and a loan from the Available TIF Funds. Mr. Briggs indicated that he would not be able to continue with the proj ect if a grant amount of $400,000 is not offered. The EDA members discussed the overall proposal and felt it was a great improvement from earlier presentations. The goal is to jumpstart development in the downtown and this project has the potential to do that. Tracy Hinz and 011ie Koropchak-White left the meeting. Discussion ensued on various financing methods to support the proposal. Land costs were discussed with Mr. Briggs. A full explanation of the land price structure was reviewed. 7im Thares reviewed the staff recommendation and the various alternate recommendations. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO PROVIDE A$400,000 GRANT FROM THE AVAILABLE TIF FUNDS TO SUPPORT UNDERGROUND PARKING WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE PLANS MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR F1NAL REVIEW. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 18, 2018 Page 1 � 2 4. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:23 AM JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jim Thares Approved: June 13, 2018 Attest: , �r � Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — May 18, 2018 Page 2 � 2 EDA Agenda: 06/13/18 4d. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve payment of bills through May 2018. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through May 2018 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements ; '� t 0 z 0 4 � � � � � C a .� m O � 0. � o � � � . [n � r� '% � ^ � O � � O ca C� U ❑ o a � � ll N � �^ � M ^ � � � � O � �+y � ❑ O O � L' � tiC � � G � � z O � -a � C% C� � O x. n :y v � F- aam a � h�'� O �--� O N Cl O '� L� h O� O� O^�D O O J '!� W M O O W W O� O� o� h�O .r l� m � � O � �O 'v O� O� N.� Q� l� M � N�, `D �J � '� fJ �n h� N ,T h o� 'J -- -- t`7 N -- �O� �O h � Q� O� � Q� G � G � O � O O � O � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � o o� o o� o � o N N N N N j N N ^Q N j N ^O N O '^ v� '^ '^ v� c� '^ '^ m '^ m '^ m v'� m �n - ^ � - �n ^ � ^ .n v� v� v� v� v� � v� v� � v� � v� � v� � � O O � O � O � � O a � � O � � a � a a � � � � � 7 M 5 :5 (C � :5 ^3 � a '� O �D '� � � y � ✓ r-�- ') � � ') '� ~ D� � J] CI � V] � V] � V� � V] m � -� � M CO � � y y '� .� O � '� �, '� � � � M � G G y C � G � C Q G '�' � M M� ry � R�i r7 G r7 t�+"i� .7 � % ~ M � � � � t"i �J y .� � M Y � Q 3 'iJ :n Q r � � � � � 6 � G � a � 0. a ' V1 p '� � � w v' ,� �- o o " x ^ � � cG :a n W � � y � y�ri �� O co o Q � Q � m ca d ri, -°-' C7 � - i-1 F- N .'�i �W �. �W � ce ce � ce x z z x z �r�c��v z z z z z � � �aa�a �:� �� z o � � � � ¢ � `^ Q Q Q v v ° �' � ��¢�� � � �, ° ° z a a a a a a¢ a � � w w w � � �- � a z �Z z � � a W � �� x�� 3 5 z � w O O O O O � O O � O T 7 7 T 7 O O O O O m m m m m ^t 7 7 ^t 7 0 0 0 0 0 M M M M t+l � � � � � ^t 7 7 ^t 7 m m m m m N N N N N O O � � � � M M 7 -'r 0 0 M M � � 7 -'r M M N N � � � 0 '�7 N � M ^t 0 T .-M-i N O '�7 0 7 N � 0. 7 0 ri � 0 T O �n 0 a J � T '� O � � F- 0. Q C 0 .� .� � y A F= � w O } c� ¢ F- w a r,� W n F¢- O � W z z � � a � 0 m 7 � 0. 7 0 ri � 0 N T 0 �n 0 a � 0 0 C T '� 0 � � F- 0. Q Page: 1 Kenned�r & Grav�n, Charter+�d ��� sc��,tn s��tn st�e�t. �urte ��a n����,eap���s, �r� ���Q� C��� of M�nti�e��o March �1. ��18 MN15C�-OD��l1 �enera� EQA Ma�ters 7hrau+�h M�rch �?. 2018 FQr All L�gal Ser+ri��s As F¢Ilows: 3f15l2018 MNI Prepare 2�117 audi[ I�iler for Mh+1KR 3I181�{}18 MNI Marrthly finan�e c211 wi�h hJorthla�d, EDA staFf � �•,� ��� ��I � � � � � �. �-. : � '�otaf Serui��s: H�urs AmounC �7.20 �8.001 1.0� 1 Ji].0'� Tota� Senrices �nd Disbursemen#s; � 2� 8.O i} 228.0 p Julie Ch�ene Frams Ji� T�ares 5ero#: T��sday, May 1, 2�18 11-3� AM ia: luiie Chen�y 5ubje[i: RE- Kenned�r & �ra�v�n Invc�;ces (Sy �t:lie, t�7e�e are �il okay. ���ase e�de all caf them rr� 1�he Lagal �,enri��s line� �13-46�C}1•4�Jd]4�i7. Fr'�m: ]uli� �henRy Selnt: TueSd�Y, ,4�ril �4r �{D18 3;28 �M Tq; Jim Thares Sul�j�c#: Kenn�eci��r �, �Gr�v�n Tnvn�ces {5� lim f�tta�hed are th� following invaic�s fr4rr� Kennedy &�rav�n: Ir�v# f�Thll9p-OCi156 - $1,235_p[] Inv# MN19+J-0�115 - $1�1.Q{� Ir�v# h�1N19�-�D1p1 , �,�2$.DD Irsv# MN325-d{1�735 - $2.517.1� Jnu# Mf�325-ODQ3.3 - $�.79�a.64 {3kay t� pay� PFe��e provide ��rdi�g far e��h, th � n ks, Tii.+ri' t�.,�7�'���"t �I�ii11L� fiSSlStAilt �it� 9f �OfitICE.��� �7�}�-c�' 1���.����J .Tu�ie.Chene 'C�'ci.rnont�celia.�nn,u� APC� ci_m�ntoce��a.ann.us � � P 7 9) 1 . ,� .. 1�C����C��� Erncrr`! ccrrre.spor�d�ence �o �r�ci fr-om t�e Cit� �o� Mc�r�#icet�� g�vernrn�ent �f�rces �� s�b,�ect t� the �I+rv�e�a�t� 6over.nnacnt pr��a Pr�a�tices A�t �n�d muy b�e dr`�cJe�sed to t��rr� �nrrr�tr`es. M���icell� EDA Mar�h 9� 2�78 MJh�32�-C}(�Q;3r3 �[73 PfPiE �t P�ge: 1 �Cenn�dy $� �rarr�n, CF�art�red . , 2a{} �outh srxcl� 5treet, ���te 4T� . �- f:� � � � � �_ ��_`,� �� Minne�palis, MN 55402 ��� h.�.��, ` � �'ti � �1 � �v 1 � I � 1 4 Through Ma-�h 3i, 2�]16 �vr A'd Lega 5�rvices As �oll€�ws: F°lours 31�;�a18 MN� Mor#tceflo t�tle�bjectio�r letterf�r 1R3� Pine stre�t �.3q 3f�;2(}1 S �BR F�tv���rr #it?e �cr��rrm #men.: t�raft cr�j�cti€sn lett�r, re�i�w 2.25 e�s�men[ deseri�s�ion; ir:ter�ffi�e corf�r�nce r���-din� 2as�v�'l�r�t' sC�r1 ar�d ema.rf; ph�ne c�ll irom �lient; revie+�u �escr�w agre�r!�ent; intervffa�e c�nter�nre wikh !�J I.��ram �ff��Q1� It�Jf�l �evi+eu+ h�1��tic�ll� ��ne �tree# title abjectaon I��#er �.3p 3161�D1$ i411�1 C}r�ft�nd GirCUl�te ESCr�w,AgPeemer�t 9 60 3�Tl�018 CBR Re�rie+�v �Jcysing �t�[�Tn�nt; dr��k clt��ing instruction I�tter; 1.�� draf# lis[ �f cPgs n� d�cuments: revi�w pr��erty man��eom�nt 2��reemer+t �J1f�018 h+INI C]ff.ce vanfere'�ce vs+ith C Rockl;tz regar�ing �losi�g {} 4� ma##ers fvr F�dslie prdpserty; enriai� co�resp�n��r,ce with J T��r�s re�ard�nc� sar�e; r�view prelimin�ry �lasin� statement 3P7140�18 MNI Rewieuv Frcasli� ,eases 1,1�3 31$tt0�$ NrNI �r�ft prc���r�y rn�n�gemen[agr2err7enkfq�r Frvslie prop�rty 1.�{� 3J�I�Oia M�ll Fina�r�� and ser�d draft Pro��rty Mar��g�rnera# A�r�ement 1 30 3112r2�]18 C6R F�eview u�,c��t�d cvmmit�nent, interoffic� canf�rer�,c3 vrith D.�fJ M In�ram 3}12f�01� MNl Revi�w reloG�titn Jetkers 4.4D 3I14��Q1S M�11 fwlr�nti��flofiir��l clpsing matt�ers for Fr�s��e (Pir��� q,�p conveyance. Amp�nt 437.00 2�5 �� 57.U0� 7�.�a 2'�] 9_ tl4 342.0�7 247.OL� �3.5� 7�.�0 228 �Q P�ge: 2 Ne�neciy & {�r�v�n, �hartered 20v �o�rh� sixcM �tr��t, suite �7v Minn��poris. Mhf 55�0� f'w�oi�ti�ellt� ELaA M�rch 3�. ���18 3.I21l201$ ��F� R�uiew enn�il°�; ��v� cl�sin� document� to s�rs#�e� {? 25 31.7� Far All C�isbu�sements As I�o;!p+trs: Postage Total ServPces: 5 2,5i5.7� T�otal Dis�iurseme�ts: $ t.4� 7vta1 �ervic�s and Qisbr�r�ements; � 2, s9,T.�li ��lie Chen�e Fram� Jim Thares Sent; T�es�iay, lu�ay 1, 207$ 11_38AM Ta: lulie �heney �uh1e[�: RE. l�ennedy & �r�v�n In+onices (Sk Julie, these are all okay, F�lease c�de all a�� ther�� Cc� ihe Lr���l 5erti�ik.�s lin,e� �1�-�63i7I-43[740[�_ Frnm: ]LJ�P� �F1ElIaY 5ent, Tuesd�Y, +4�ri� 24, 2018 3:�8 PM fi4: Jim ihares StIGj�Ct; JCenned�� & �r�ven Inv�ic�s (5) Jim .4#t�ehed sr� the f�ll�wing invc7ices from �Cenn�dy & Gr�ven; Ir�v#MN19Q-DC�i�f -$1,z35.�10 Inv�i NIriJ19�-i1�7115 - 5171.0�0 in,�� nnrvi�o-aa�oi - ����.�� tr,v� nnN3�5-��p35 • 5�,527.17 Intr# f�'1N32S-[?Q�3� - $�.79�i.54 C7kay tra pay� Plea�e prc�uide �odi�g for eaeh, Th � n ks�, 7�r�'r� i �';�����•ir F�r's�►t�e fi55i5tant City o� JN�onfiiceil� ��3-�7P-3205 ?ul��.{'*��nc:���'c�.Fs�ontieello.mn_us APC�ci.r�ncnt�cel I�.mn_us .-.� c�r, ��� � ��r�t���l�� �mni� cor�r�es�ond'�er+c�e to ar�[! frarrM tia� G'r�y� �f Mor�tkel�a c�+o�er�rment o��ices �s s�rb�iect to the �rnnesot,a ��trer��+�er�t �t�r Pr�c�rc�s Act a�rd r,hay �e disc�ased t�s thir�d �rties. P�g�: 3 �e�tr�edy & Graven, �hart�r�ci �{�0 S�outh 5�x#h Stree#. Suit� A�7�} n���rr��apc�dis, Mrr �saa2 nn����c��i� �o,� March 31, 2418 IVIN325-4�G�� 112 VW. RiverStreet � �- . ��� � �� _ . � � �� `,: -� �i� , �,� - 1 Th��ug� Ma��h �1. 2{�i� For All Legal �ervr��s As FollQ',�s: Hours 3P1l�Q1$ h+lh#I Finalize �nd circ�l�te 112 West River PA �.�� �f.�1�Q1€� M�11 Re+�ise 11�'�+1+�st River P,4 fc�r'1a3� ex�h�nge; circuf�te �.4p r�ylsed �pnt�'��C 3J�1��1�8 ��R Ernails with titl� p�� 3d7J?01 � MNI Phone arrd ern�il c�rrespondence wit� ti#le, s�ller, � 2.0� �[��kFikz, J� T#��r�s regardir�� c[�ntra�t f�r de+�d on prop�*rty �rsd s��#us [�f title 3f812"0?8 CBF2 Em�ils r�t���rdir�€� car,#r�ck for de�d Q 25 3J81.�Q1� MNI � 12 'tiJ4fes[ f�ive�r -�ihon� co�vers�t��n u��ith seller's coWrrsel. 1.74 revase P�4 �er ��mments �nd re�ircul�#e, furtfter r�vas�ans 3��f�4�8 f�Nl Neg�tiat��n of PA m�tter� O�p 3f12F2D18 M�1! R�vi�w tiile c�rr,mitmerrt fvr t12 River �kreek, fc�r,�a�d #a U.6C Sell�r`s cvunsel 3It3+2�p18 CB� �tevi�ewtitle ��mrr�itment; ern�il ko t�tl� �c�mp�ny [�.�0 �J14+2018 CBR Review #;#le. cir��t objectit�n letter: erri�ils +r�ith tifl�; ".�Q i�[eroffi�e ca�a�f�r�nce 3t��'2018 MNI Monti�ello title c��j�c#:i�r� mat[ers for River 5tre�k 0.6�D 311����19 3d21;��T $ �f22 a2 01 � Ml�! f]r�Fk esc�ow agr��rn�nt ior � 12 UVest River p,�t� M�I f�an�ic�elca escr�w a�reemer+t and prQperky rnan�gement 3.QD agreesner�t frsr F:iveF Str��.# M�II Fin2' ze and cir�u.�te escrnw �gre�r�en� �nd property t.7�} marag�mert� ��{ee ner.t 3'1. i� 380 0� 31.�5 323 C1�} 9 3�.Od � 14. 40 76. OQ 5�Q.00 323.(}0 M'�snti�e'�a EC]�4 fVEarch �1, 2�1� 3}2�J� 018 F'2ge: d �Cenne�y � �r�r��n, �harfe�r+�d �c�a sa�cr� s��tr� �t�{eet. �u�te ��a IklJinn�a,polis. f�11�1 �a54L�2 C�R �n#eraffice con'�rence with M In�ram Far A,; [?Isk�ursemer�ts As Fpll�i+avs: F'�stage 7otal Service�: T4t�l disbUrspmenks: Tc�ta! �er+rices and t}i5burseme�lts JuJi� Ch�ne �r[��n: l�m Thares �en�: Tuesday. May 1, �078 17_3$ AM T'°: lulie Ch�ney S�rEsject� RE� I�ennedy & �rauen Invaie�s �5j Julie, these ar� all okt�y. Please cQd� all nf th�rr� to �he I.�pal 5e,r�r+��s �iri�: 213-4630�1�t�[}�(}p. Frvm; Julie �hren�y S�nt: Tu�Sd�Y, {Wril �4, ��18 3:�8 RM T�o: ]irn Th�nes $ubject: Kenn�d�,+ & Graven Invaic�s ��� 1irr� Att��he�d are the fo�f�awing invoie�s frflm Kennedy &�r�ver�: Inv# F�dV190-0€7156 - $1,�3S.O�i Inv� f�1NZ9�J-�pll5 - $17i.�D� Inu3t MN190-OCIl�� -$��5.�� Env#� MN325-C►Oa35 - $z,517.17 Inv# Mhl325-OOQ33 - $z,i9�i_�4 �kay Qer p,��? Pfease provide cc�dang for each. Th a n ks, i�ifi�i' I' ��?i'J'PE'�:r Frnan�e l�551�totlt �ity� �f Nlnntite.11o 7$3-271-��QS .,TuI�e.Cher�� ci rnvniiceal�.� �nn.us AP�ci.m�n}ic�J�o.rnn.us �=�= ��r�tl���l� �rnaf� cor-r�sporrdence �� �rr�d f+-om the Cit� �rf Mor�tr'ce110 ��verr�rt�nt off�ces rs su�a�e�t �� t�� Il+linrreso#c� ��v�r�ment Dat� F'r�ctr'�es Ac� �nr� ma�r be d�sclased to thrr�d �ur•ties. Pag�: 2 ������� � 'ti7�����s L����`��� 2f}0 ��uCh �ix:h �treet, 5u�t� 4i� 11+�iRneap41i5. MN 554Q2 Ciry cr� IV�onti��llr March 31, �C�'18 MN99Q-�(]115 L.ar�drrtark Squ�r� {Ctrr�r�er�i�l [��?velopmer�tj Thrs�ugh M�rc,� "�1, 2�i$ Far A!' Leg�l Serusce� As Fc�;l�;�rs: Hours i�mount 3r1l20�8 MNI F;naii�� assi�ga,ment ai C�ntrac; fvr Priv�te �evelcpmen*: 0.60 11a,�p� Mast�rs Fifth tt� B�ig+�s �ampani�s. 3?1�+2Q18 MfVI a�aft re�c�lulinn approving M�stera F�f?h �,s5ignment of �.3{� �7.0[� C�nt•�ct Total Services: S 171.IJ0 Total Senvi�es 2�rtd Disbursernents; $ 17'1.0U � � L� '-� L� L �`i':`�' `- I � i �(� ^ �' � �_ YI �y f �� �, �•• , Ju�ie Chene Frv�rn: Jirn ih�,�r�s Sent: Tue���y, fvlay 7, 2C11$ 11:38 AM1�9 To: Jul�2 Chene'Y 5uk�ject: Rc; Kennedy &�x�ven I�,��ices I51 �t.lir, t17��� s3r�s all c:k�;��. Plr�;ise r;if� �Il+�f lh �v:77 t�:� ��� ���.il ��rvit��5 I r�� ?33-�F�3�13��:i�`���i0. �Fnm: 7uli� Ch�r�y Sent: Tuesday, April �4, 2018 3.�'$ Ph1 To: Jim Th�res �ubje�: Kenned�r & Gra�err inuotees (�] J i rr� Att�ched �ire the =ollaa+.ring in+vaices fram K�nnedy � Grauen: Irtvti MhJ19C]-�b[�15d5- $1,335.[lQ Inv# rv1N19�-1��115 - $171.�0 Inv# nnNi9o-�]101 - $12s,oa Inu# Mhl3�5-04}035 - $2,517.�7 Inu#� �hJIN3z�-��i3� - $2,796_64 �k�y to p�y? PJease p�ovide coding [or ea�h, Thanks, ���i!i �. �7;'i�i.'�}� Fin�n.ce rtssistnr�t Crty af ,�Jlontrcello i5�-��i-32'Q5 ,]ul����'hen��+�+�ci.rn �r�ti c�.l Ic�.n�n.u� �4P�c�, rnr+n' ice.I.lo.Inr�.u5 r �:� �,� �� ��I��1���� Ema�1 evrresponderrc� ta and �r�orr� the Cr�y o� A+Iv,�trc��ia gaverrtmet�� af�+c�s is se�6ject tv the A+�anrresvta Go,rernrn�nt b�t� Pr�a�t�c�s �ct and muy be dr,�c�rrs��' to third �rties. P�ge: 3 �enr��e�iy � �;r��ven, �h��#�r�d �OCI S�uth ,Sixih Street; 5uite 470 �+linneapalis, MN ���1C�2 City�f Mvn�ieell�+ f�i�rch 37. 2C 18 MF+1794-0�15� TfF Dis[rict h�o. d0 ��r�g�s �I�u�ing� ThrQus�h I�4�r�h 31, 2Q�$ Fc�r All L�g�l �erwices As F�pll�vs+s: Hours Amaunt 3J71�01� MNI MQn#i��Go newTlF i]hstri�t ��tters - phone �pnv�Js�ticn 1.5U 2�5.OU tn+ith �1 T1�2r�s, review 71F runs from T prr7�d�l, r�+riew �f�0�}052� ��4f`I`4 �fl�(�5 �J211��18 MCJI F��euiew nr�serr-ati�n rrrateri�ls Far ED�. w�rkshop an p 70 133.�� Brig�s r�ausin� TIF request phpne ��d email cor�esponden�� wi[h T pmdal �r�d �I Thares reg�r�irtg sa rrte �f�; d�{}1$ Mhll M�ntic�ICo d'Taft EDA resa requ,��t��g ci#y ca�l far TIF Cl.6�J 1 T4.0`�' hearinc� fs�r �ri�g� hausi�g �IF 3?2;�257�@ M�ll RevieUvcalen�i�r of euen#�f�r TIF 4D C1.30 57.f10 3l2�r2018 h+1Nl M�r�kl��ll� rne�eting pre��r�tiort 1 4� 2��.Ctf} 3l28��D1$ MN� Tr�vel an�i m��ting r�g�rdin+� T�F ���trict �r�posa! from �.��} 3$�.p(7 Bri�gs Comp�no�s. Tot�l Senr�ces: $ 1,235,C10 Ta�tsl Services �nd d�$burs�rn�nts: $ 1,235.�00 I ,.. �����r �`�� �. ', � _ � � - A n} � � ! ^f Julie Gh�ene Fr�rn: lir�-r TY��r�S Sent� Tuesd�y, May 1. 2018 ' 1:,8 Afv1 To: lul i� �Cheney Subj�c#: �E: Kenn�dy & Gr�uen lnvoice5 (5} ��ilie, th�e�� �re al'I �ka�^. Please tc�cle all r�f th�r�7 kr� th� Le�al �ervices line: 213-�1�3C�1-d3t�40tJ. Frr�m: Ju�ie Ch�n�y S�nt: T�ues��y, April �4, �018 3:2� PM To: �im Thar�s �ubj�eet: Kenne[iv & Gr�v�n In�ai�e� �5� Jim Attached are the foflrav�in� invoices fror�a Kenn�dy & Grax+er�: Inv,# iv1N���-D0156 - $1,2�5.QL1 I nv# M N 19Q-�D0115 - Si7 �_b� In�r# MN190-(]p1�1 - $228.OQ Inv# MhJ�25-0��35 - ��,517_17 Inv# MN�25-C1�}036 - $2,796_6d �lk�y t[s pay? Fle�ase prc�vide t�ding far ea�l�_ 1`ha n ks, }�t���' i_ (�t'!]�'l� Finar�ce Assistc��nt ��tY af Morrt�cello i63-�i1-32{�� Ju li e.�: h� ra�yC���,rlar�ti ccl I�:�.m�r. u� A�['ci. r,�rr�t ieello,mn_us i I 9 1 i� i , �, � • _�. �I��t��ell� �_ �+nar'l c�+r�s��r�der�e t+v ar�d �rort� the �*rt�• af Morrtic��do gvverrrrn�n� o�#«e� i�s su�jeet t� t�re �linnesc�t� �averr�+�elt� �t7t�a Pr't�ctTces �Ic� a�d +�a3y �r� dr`scl�sed trs th��*d �trtres. � ��f�•7 � C�LI}+ Of M1lIOf1�CC���O Attn� �lN�yn� [7ber�, ��nance �irectar 5�a w��n�uc 51ra�t, suite , M�nti�llo, MN �536Z-�83� �� Serui�e r'U'�� Sewer Ex4ensi4n Te�!'1 �hllemC Cily Pr4ject # ?{SES1hfFi-XSTU[�Y city statr Reusewer - J��ff �L Ae�Ct # 6�2�9d���303A0 Pn�s� ��1 Praject A�lanagement FBQ Ta�tal ��ee �erc�rnt Gomplete �iliin�s ta Darte Fee T�taaa �flmmerits: :�7,E'u��?�-i�_,_.�.. ...L.e:i�_. ':+,��ls�_.4i.?�:. `.1`.__s1� ,�1,.,..�1 ...... ApRM 2�, 2018 ���f�c�rva: R-Q�1���-o�a lnucaace Na= 1 ��_� �� � �� l�� �E ��arvics ,��ea �ew�r �adensior� Tech �i�m �9,29� .4� 8,14$7 T�tal Eam�d �,386.7� Preuious Fe� Bitling �],[10 Curr�r�t Fee BilNir�g 2p386.?:5 Trrt�� Fee 2,�B�a.T6 Tatal thi� Task ��,38�.75 Tata�thit Phas� �2,38�.75 Current Priar e 2,38�fi.7� [3.DU 2,��6.7� 0.00 Tot�l 6hl�o Ir,v[+�c�a 2,38$.75 ��' % Tata� 2.38%_75 2,�9fr.�� ►�P�owed �y. � 'x. � �� 11 � �w d�eviev���d by, Bret UVei�s �rojec.tMsra�ger: Ftichard Parr �}3..1._}'it� si -';:ii::y . `":!�.:' ,u4�ri•..�: Ew..e C�`:V?fl_�'.dy EfYi���y::� I�.s�:C�Euy e::r�- � ��� � �ity of M4ntic�llca Attn_ Wayn� �b�rg, Finance dire�ctar 5+D5 Vtif${nuR Street. �u�te 1 Ma�licella, MN 55'��2-8831 2d18 Ec€�n�p�-iic �}�ua�oprn�rrt 5eruices C4t�r Sk�ff Fteviewer - Jim T�ar�s GL �koc�t # 21 �.4fi301. d�199{� Er�fe�slona�l 5ervices ir�nn Marcrh 1. �G1 Y.�'1�,1 :`i � ...... .:;�.�IL� 3L�J � t1�11:'Y'Ye?rij]CSI15. f4iiV:�J+ii�] � �7C7�31 $q I ai1.1' A�nl �A, 2018 Proj��lhJ�; R-011i2f-Q00 . In+r[�ice Ncs, 3 - - �-, ��������� �� y� � L� t�.: 1 � 'I Pha�e ��1 �(i1$ �cor�arnie Develapmeni Servi�es Monthly k�ekainer F� Total F�e Percent Compt�te s����ai p«�ec�s Maass, �ec Res a�r�ilabi[ity m�p T�R�I s Tc�t�l Labpr �utstanding Inv�f��es� Invpiea hlUmkser 2 Tn#� I Blllrngc tn Date F�*� Lat�or Totals COft41r1n1�f1#�#: �.d (�0.0 D 2�.q4 Total Earne�d Pravi�us Fe� 6illing Curremt Fee Billing 7atal Fe� 31� 5l2U9 � DaR+e Balanae 3J27l20TR 1,d�9�.�0 1 �4�9.�1 � �Curr�nt P'�icr 7U�D.C10 1,4�[].04 � �. 50 1, 2fi9. []0 ?23.��R 2.�6�.D�0 �ao.o�r rmta� t�,�$ r�$� �aaa.oa I�ace Amour�t 9d.Ca� 23.5(7 �3_5C� 2�, $CI TotaO tNfs Ta�k 523.50 Totar th�s �naa� Saz�.sp � To�tai t�is Ir��rnic� $�'�'3.5ik �y � � .� �� ��'�� T4�1 lVa� [!ue io#a� I 2,1DC1,OU 1.292. ��i 3,3�2.�t1 F,�;, -���y a e:. G-y - youf 19�aey Eq��r U�71'.>a�ia,Y`�qy Eir•�ylaye� ncsbenv co� �2.222.50 �ity caf Mc�n4�ceaia Atkrr_ 1�Nayn� D�er�, FiRance i]iree#or ��� WaPr�ut �;reet, Suif� i �A+Inntice�io, Iw1f� 55362-88�1 �u x� ; r,y`��,� s._i� i;., i� �-,::� r�1 •;���.Rc�hs hfM SSa1fi �{?F3d �1t �v:�n ApriJ �4, 2Q1�. �'�j�cl No: ia�volce Nca: �edo�ti0�1 ASsiS#ar��e }���ated Co p4wn[au,�n ,R�,d�Melapm���t G'� A��t # 2�3.4$3t�f .43199f1 ��ty �'aFF Reuiew�r - Jirn Thar�s �"��,���ff1�.�s�'�r'ili�@s fF2[I��l��, �����,���iQ �i.� f�nli, �r�r�t Haurs F�at� Prfl��,c! reu�ew ��d f]rscu�sion 3161�q�8 -�� �7.�0 ��h�, 6rent Ter�ant refcrr�l se�re�aldis�ussi�na'L�nd flrd c�ant�ct 3.2�r 97, 00 l�t�Jf, $rent o °�je�ct f�ev�ew}bis�ussio� 3lSf2�iS ,7S 97.��7 Rolf �ren� �Ftel�catron Re�+rew 31912p?8 -�� 97.�Q I�4�F, 8ren{ �9�identi�p R�! �1?�'2018 ��'�n ��c]rchlPro� 1'� �l.�D Rpdf, Bren[ lecl �bi�c�ssanrr Project �disct�ssionlTen�rt� rent8l�� $r��}i �nd dfscussi�n � 97. t]0 Rolf, �r��[ Pra,��cs bis�a►ssa�r�lspr��d�he�t u��a �e1 a �-�� I� � rc�l ��.D� and mai! mer�� CorltacU90 d�y �e�er Rorf� f#rent 3d'2U12f�18 �.75 9� �aY no�ice to v$c.�telhAai! 1+��► 9l.[a0 Re�eipP ��tterd,p��t Offic� ���rt�'�d hda�fJ"v'�rifrc�ti4� Of F�Cs�f, �Brent P2�cal �tev�ewli�elar,.�ti�rn �es�den#ral�s�arcH � 5� �nlf, B-ertt ��.00 FtepJacementhousir�g;�ear�h �f2�12018 ,6d 97_U�l �off, 8re�� Proaec# ReviewlSC� �iay �etterdscu�s� an�Rarce� Conk �tlC�rnparab+e �+�dr�c� �7� {1G �t�lf, �rer�t �i�ic,cation 3f2T1'�{}]$ 4,0� APartmerrf S�arC�tlF1Up UGi�i ��-Q� Cant�ctfApartm�nt Cor,[aCt � SaarehlP�r�el R�fF, Brer�t f'ro�� 3128r`2018 3.di1 J cj Di�+:ussianlCQr�p�rab� searehlkp�+rtmer�t Gnrptac# 97.�0 Rali, �rent ►�Raf471ertt �ry�GUREaflC��lO�S D�Clrme�Ls 5 Dq �7.QQ �oPf, Bren�[ F2el�tion�b4�c�rmen �3�12�1�# �".75 �x4�? Roff, P�rrny tsfP�,st �ry'ice '1+5fork �rr or�aniz�n �f11�f11$ 9 pictufies, r�search infa on busirsess ,��i 16��q� Jim Thares re� Fr�fre cJ#sir�� da�e �n� r��,ervar� � �.r �-m�i�s tr� �etherry �F4$��e r�: ml� roorn 9 room, �LVM foF �'_ ,•� -�x � t�a::y� - y�:.��,: ,�y��y Eavai tSov9rcu�sity �ma c•ver ? r, sUen�; cim R-01 Q9��-.p�p,� � � - 4 -� � ~� . -3 �4 s�.� Y 1 I� � I ' `� �, � i i ,� � � .� S ��� ii II� I, �I 4 i 48.5� 3�5_25 �' 7�,75 � z�„�s � � p �� �� f U Hi_aQ ��� : '�� 1�1,25 339.5i3 5�7.75 �aa.sa 4�,50 27 $.25 �aa,�� 291.00 �85.00 258.75 i2�.25 �rojec# �-aroo�s�-o�a h�ICi�iT - FC�IpC.9liC�n A�sistance Rel�ted t4 anYbi�e d Ralf, P�r�ny 3J5J�018 .2� 1fi�_��1 40.75 -�- aiSCussed status raf tena��nt rn�eiings wf8rent Rolf, Penny 315J201$ .51J 1 �i3,+�0 R�:uiew eEig. bu5en�,5�5 r�quir�ments, di�Cuss �u�+IBr�ent, art��nize pic#ures oF per5. prop, Ralf, P�nny 31�61201� 1.25 163.�7Ci Beaury �alan - c,all to MGchell� Ewing re: relo ben�ftis, discuss�d cvrrant s�#e ara�I referr��s, ch�ked on '�� day r�atic;� irtifo and forrns, upa��ded pictures inda tensnf fi��s I�olf, Penny �f7d2(}�8 �.5� 9E3.OU Dni�re #im� to Nlanticell� - M#g rArJBetha►oy Fr�slie and gathered infa an busin�ss and h�r res��ence, took pics pf her r+esid�ne.e, tovk pacs �f D�aN�r spa�ce for Chris 1Neher and M�r� F�errell. Rolf. Penny �P8I201$ .�0 163-U�i E-rn�il to Bre�'it re: RP r�ov�e determinatian, veferc�ls Rn�f, F��nny 31� 2J2f31 B .�L� 1fi3.0�7 Fils wark Eioff, P�nr�y 3�13l2p1� .�5 183.40 Prep�re� drefk of 9fi d�y letters and e-mailed t� ,lim st �4+lont, EDA for �ppr�val, �iis�uss�d pr�oje�t wfstaff Rolf, Penn�r 3f14l2C11� ,60 1fi3,�1{1 Call k�a E3ekhany Fr�slie re; rela ques4iuns, �le rwark R+alf, P�nny 3115l2U18 .5� 1�i�.QU C�II wfJim t� gd ths�u�h ua�ate letter info Rolf, P�enny 3I16!'2�1$ 1.7� 163,90 Fieferral �calls and re5�arch. co�e�d and �-ma�led referral� #a City fnr �a1on ownert,o pick up, c.�ll wfMi�h�l18 Ewvin� �nd Jim Thares Rolf, Penny 3�1 �12U1 � .75 1 fi3.00 C�dll wdlu�ich611� E'aerin� -(t3ain�g in Skyl�} and g�ve referr�l inio �nd dis�ussed 94 day noti��, �alf wdGhris �Veh�er �e' 9Q d�y noiic�� Ftoif, Penny 3119i2�b18 _2� 183�CI0 dis�us� prcr��ect w,�Brent RQIf, P�nny 31�QI�C118 .a0 163,UC1 Diseuss artd review 9D d�y nDtiC� fe#ker� w}Brent, e-mails �r;+,Jhm Thares, r.all w1B�th�ny Fr�sli� r�; Ri�r$r Sl. Slali�n ,Antiques k�olf. �`enny 3�2112q1� ,25 163.�0 Rent su�paement discussian vrrl�r�nt �alft Penny 312�{Z�18 ,�0 i�fi�.QQ ais�uss rent t�omparables rral�r�nt, e-m�il� wlreal eslate ec�. r�; listir�c�s fcar �aa�ner Cosntruction F�off, RBne�y �123f2�'f6 7� 1�3,00 �all re: rela beneFrls, cg91 wlMic��ll� Fraslie re; reierrafs Rolf, P'enny 3f��1�{I1 B �Q 163,�Q Ga�� �r�d e-rrrai�s wl6�rer�t re: rent �up�lemenc, elig. nrstices Rolf, Panny 312?l2�18 1.5U 1�63,�0 Discus�ed renE cot�ps �+�Brer�t, utilrty i4rrn res�:arefi, calR wl�ekh �rosli� re: incom� info. cak� +xlHC�th4een Froslie re Beth`s rent and wark discount Ftolt, R�nny 31��f�i]18 1.a0 163,00 bisc. wlB�renk - r�nt sup�+lem�enl - comp�rsbles, RQIf, F'enny �f�91'a'U18 ,75 169.4D f��searched marltet renis - siudia}�if��ienity rrs. 1 k�dr+�m ��If, P�r�ny 3f30f2{i19 1_5b 163.0� 8�_5a 703.75 733.5d 81, 54 81.�0 1 �2,�� €31.50 81.��7 285:�5 122.�5 40.7� $1.5� 4 U.75 �1,50 12a^.2� $1.50 244.5[� 163.i�0 1��.2�a 244.50 P��� a Pra��e�t R-[�9D96�-000 M�M11T -#�e��,caRion ,�4ssistanoe Related t❑ Inupice 4 Pre�ared 9� day-supplement letter, prepared infa arr maricet rent fa�r B�thany Fr+�sl`re - e-�naGls �r1Be�nt Tulsls �6.2� G,77�.�� Tc►tal Lab�r 6, �'76.25 Reimk�ur�a�le Expenses P�ostsge $d Leliv�ry 712812(718 'VISA Sig�ature gu��n�s� US�S - 212Q Ger�ffied M$il ��mp�ny ��rd Total Reimbursables Billing Limits �uFrertit Prfor 701�1 �illinr�s B,89Q.$� 8.$8�,�� �imit Remaw�n��ng �u�ks#an�l�g in►rolce� Invoice Nurrt�er 3 Tvtal �amrnents: i7Mate �al�nce 3f27120i8 6,3�4.00 6, 308. DO 11 �4.57 1��.5T 11d.57 To-�ste 1 �.�7fi.Ol 30.768. D0 14,�91,93 Total this 6nvoiae - '�6,8�0.�� Tote9 N�r Due f " ' +�RPr�ved by: Revi�vlred by- Brek 1�Vsi�s Prcaj��+t Man�ger� Rer�ny ROIfi 513,191l.�2 - �T -- -, � ��88;8 B��S���$� � � �i� � p� zp3 � Sp 8 � � � � q p �pp p p O� b 4 G- 4 � O C Q� O I O d} .. J} � Vl � O C�S a a�i N. a71 rA aF5 �h . u-` t+a. uti ua u-. �n ar. c+s xrr. o ln � ..R y'c ah � � vi �� M I p I � M � � Y I ' � i 1 _—�; ;� � __ _ . � ' a � i r ; j, �.� , =� - � ; � � j � ; ; � �� � .;, ; � f ; . � � � � , . . � � c� q-- � i � w � . . i . . . . a' �+� s .;i .. . � ' � � - � - ' ' � N - �,,, _ � d ' � j _._ _ . . _ � v :.a��.f�`;1�` . I . � ��� , - -. .. I » . +n k�� -. , - V i � , . . . . . .— . ' ` � I � � � � i W o , � i ! , i � i G � J � � � � f � �'+��� ° � a � � � � � � `�`� # u � ' ` M � � ; � � o i � � i , � ' I � I � ' � o j I � .� ' . i � � I ! � U. �I I � V�� � . . � �� , � ; ; � � � � ; , . 1+.+ U 2 7 . o�i; I �.;; � � � , � ; ; i I 2 , . . ; � _ _ . : d CF ' I � y � � ' � I � � I � ! i a• � q � � � I � ' + � � � I �- � � f �` 1 � I I I � � � w I � � � � I � I � I , � I ! I � .._. ._ , I — � � i � N i i i I i� ; � , � � � i �_..__..�_ . . . � _ ._� I I . I � � � � � � f i I � �'� i I � . CJ U i �4 � rv r'�a N � I 2 ' 1. C 'G s w v � � .J rs +'c i+ � � 4 L -°___�-•=°==LL--�=---_°_�-====�a_--===_ �f7hl NE�1 �922 L�{1R'l S; 9R�INER[1 MN 564��-35�� 26114��DAG1 �2i2{1�2�]� {8�012?�r-$7i7 11:1€� A"1 �'�--_-_�:.� _--------- ------ _ __._'_......._�_______�.F:i�� ___`.,.az_____'_____'—___r:�. �.^.iY_c�==== �"�uGti Sal� F1r�a1 ?escript;�r� Uik Price F'tlrst-C1 ass —. _1 6--- -�'l e 42 r�il Large En��lapa f0vmeetic� {EhCELSIQk. MN 553��i (h'e19r7€:J ��, 2-90 bz? {Estimatea° belivory Ratel ifhu^�da'y Oi1��1�1$1 F� rst-c: sss 1 M�II Larg� Fn �+e I o�� {�ama�s t 9 C i i�,�YZATa. MM �a9ai f'dal gI1t:0 Lh 2.9Q Q�3 iEst I mated i7�! iv�rv s��'te � C7taurs�v O�t�2f2�1�k First-�l�es j Mai� L�r � E�*++el ope �p�v5��icf €MA�'�E a�YE, FW 55311) {�ei9h[:tl Lb �-9C� G2i c�st��at�d ��11va,y pa�Qr �rn�+°�d� �zr���aat�r Flrst-Cls�� _ Ma91 Lsrge Ern��IaFa cpame5tlel cMiN�rc���s,a, MM �5a�5� tw���c,� Lt� �,o� ozm �Eetlnated Dpliv�ry �atel i�h�sd�v t7212212(�18� Fircx-Claes i M�il L�"�� �n+,el��e {pomesticl fH3��xtiE�lT5. MN 55�15', Ih'elc�hZ:O Lb 3.C�1 9z} d��timoEad �ujlu�ry aatel 4Th.u'sd�+ �"[/i�1201�) �irs:-ClssS 1 �i I �ar9e EnvelnG� f�c�n�s#tlC} t±iINNEqWaLIS. MN 554�791 4M�I�h*;�J Lb 3.C{1 Uz1 ��sX�met�d G�ilvary Rs[�1 tihur�y C'd/72/�41�b F1rst-Cless 1 M�il Lar�e Ervalopa 4boRa�t4e1 +MORIiINS, NPJ 553d5} {&e19ht;� Lt� 3,Dd �z1 (Est�mated [�aa;verv C�td+ �Thur�aay �2t22�"'sDi&i �1.�#e $:.42 �1.9i �1.42 $1.42 $le�i2 Eirst-�ls�s 7 M�1 I LtY'�9 E�t491 GpB {l7c�esCl�1 �r�zr�r���P�.r�. �r� �� � f1±6ig}It:C Lb 3.0[7 Ot} f�stlmated d�llwe�y Q� �ihurcday U2�22124�!9Y Firs#-�IaSS � HAIf Lerge Fnvalape � Clssn',est P c } fsArNr P�lf_. Mr� 55ii�s 4�'� i ghi ; D L� 3. 00 �a i tEsc I nbter� �11 v2�rx �lat C (Th.rr�caY' t7�12tJ241@1 r � rJt'V � �J'S 1 �fa � ! L�P'pe €�lv�l4�a0 (U�]mB�tl c} �S�RIHT PAUL, MN 551131 {kai�t�[1 LG 3.20 Qzl tEstl.�tea peliv�r,+ G�te i7h�.i"sd�q I72/i2/�41�} Csr�kfied 1 {Y�J5PS �srti?':e� Ma1I t 7�] 1 fiC�34QG�lO 1CT72:i45'�� ) ReTurn 1 ���1 pt 6f1�U:F�S Retur- RacelpS { �5����33 Bfi2�5611£�44 First�Cl�ss � M�� I ier�� Env�ela,�ae �C�stic) �hS�V�ICE�,�,p, ++� �"53ti2i t�elyFit;O �� 3.2t1 p�i fEsti�ated de�ivery Ra#$} {Thurs+�av 02J22litll�i C�rt11§�d � t49Us�b Cer'rtlti�ci Mai' k 4 T016t73+�i0aIp7234587 i R�t�rrr 1 Ftaceipt f9iQU5P$ F��tur`n f�6Celpt # t9550J40�23;i8S2256.1�`561 F IrsZ -C1 e�s � I�.S I ° L�rge E�:r�eiape i[iome�ti r.i f51V�iELL, Mh� �377] iW�laht:� �Lh 3..2�] {i2�1 tE9timeta;� �e11+���y patea tiFx��sdav �2P�2,��O1Bf Gert111e� 1 Ca+lUS�S Csrto#ieo Mal1 �} {7b1��3�001i�t07�3�53ai RBxurn � Ra�elp# iS�l1�'FS Razurn Rec�lpt �i [5�9a`?�4�223386�2551F853a F+��at-:la�s � MQi I ' !.&rge F11vef �pe ilC�r�esti �3 {��K R.IU�R. �, 5633ak iM�i�h:''� �s� 3.1� ff�2 f�stimeSer� U�61ve:�Y C"ate} ;Thurs.��y f9�122/;�016} ,.Q��x�t!$d � c�US?S •cartitiea Mall �} i701b03�0�1 p]23� 563 } �2et�Prn 1 R�eeipt SA�:;SPS Re#urn R�o�lt�# �1 �s���raa��as6z2�Ci kB7nr �].42 07 *�1 �7.�� el �1.�41 } ;3.�5 �} �7.F5 A1 r $1.fi� �;3_A5 � �2.75 ) 33.63 ;t3.d5 �3.75 $],63 33. �I5 52.75 ���t-c���� 1 �11 araa Env�lapa 4�nmes�iei f €L.M RI4'�R . My 5533a } I4fel9h#;t1 �5 �.2t7 Q�} C�stimated 7e�I4�ary� Dat,eJ (Tnured�y 0�12�l7�71$i .artifiFe� 1 ;9it15P5 Cer't I f f�d Hpi l#I c �� 1 �a��ac��t ������ � ;etu��p 1 �e�alp# �YL�ISFS R6�urn �i2GBlpt fj C959Q9A���3�8�2�561F$$7) rat-Class 1 ii ] 3rg� Erv+�1oua �aoR�rt i c, {MCP,TIC�i LI.Q. �IN 5536�) iI�yl9hx,C �b 3.�"U Oz} {Est�natad �lellt�ery ��te: fihurs�i�k CI�122J2C181 e^t1ftl�� 1 ��Ii�I.5P5 Cer-C, # i¢d Ma l 1 Ml i7�1663�C�/Oadti77�3454�? ,� ��rr� i :o-;.ei pt �f9a1SP5 Ret4rn Reeein# k� �9590°4�22�386225611B94i rst-�lase l 'I r�r� Enti�alope tDomeat�e� iF2a�RS. MN �74} 4h'a4plit,p Lt� 3.2D 0�} fEstlrt�teci �e11v�y CsLei fTh�rs�asr �?!?2l2C1�} srz�il�d 1 [�'usPS 4�rtttlec h�• k #1 f 7D160340f7[]C 107234a37� eT�rn j ec�ipt ,�415P'S R�azurn �ece4pY �) ;9��Jd�417?23���22�51790Qd ^�t-Cla�� 1 ii -ga Envel��� �p�ma�xicl iM�NiIG��LC. fsJ �53�2` {Watipht;0 �,4 3.20 �}ei �Estlmdtect �elsr�ery Q�t�aP �ihur�d�y �2122d2018, 3rtifl�cJ 1 i4;�u5p5 Certlfied P1a1" �7 { �o � 5aaac�ia�i��2sa52� � �Tur� ] �cel pt t�tI�PS p�turn Recelpt pa S�59a54�22;i3B62256:19i7j �st-G1s�� 1 1 °�� �1��elape !!?o:Y�9st1 c1 {�ur-���.o. � ��i�a idelght:C Lb 3,2C Qz} fE�ctimalaa pol?w°er�� �ate1 blh:�ar�day o�e22{��i8} �rt I' I ed 1 €a��sPs c�-�i;�a� Ma:N �� s�a�so�a���arx��:sa �:��n 1 �rel pt i4�U5p5 R�e�ur� Reoarat �i C959G�4D2233�,�256E1324} s� . �� +�3.45 �2. 15 } �..�3 $3=�5 �2.75 $1,�"a 53.45 $2.75 51.63 53.�� $2.75 51,63 53.�5 ��,75 F,: st-ei�65 � Mvll L8i �� �ftue; cae �D�m�stici �H�M'iCELW�, IM� �5362) �h'B`0"t:C Lt5 3_2d ��S f�st'Ts:�� [l�l Iv�l^Y Uase} dTl�.rsday O�d23f�D181 �e^tifle� 1 4991�5PS Ce�titied �lai`I #� �mtr:��a�u�a�����ir f8etur^ � �B�B°.F� f�U5?� Fteturn i2eceipt q1 i95�4Di23366�25C�71�°31} First-Cl�s i F`S ` � L�^g@ Fllwglvp6 f parect i�} iB3G �AKE, hf� 553:i9? IW�19ht:(1 Lb 3.2I? �' i��timeted f)s9dw�+ry ��ate} tr�sars,�a'v fr2;F2�r���6; Carr I f 1 arrJ t ;�Dl15PS Cert�#ied��4ail I!i i �L 1�034�Ci�l a723�45a � F:at,.rn 1 Rdcaipt {f�l➢L:5F5 R��urn R�r.aipt Ilf (5'�90940�?336C22561':948} Faebt-Class 1 Mai 1 Lorge� Envelope {i]nmest 1 � � CL'L�Ak LRi[E. I'"dtr 5a3'.9� �Wef�Itt;Q Lb �.�0 �x7 IEst�na�ed pelivw`-y l7�ta1 f Th.,rsdsy 0?I�2J�181 Gertlfied 3 LQ�USf'S �ert1 f i e� M�i l q�� �741�o��ococa��'r2�aLesr f�etlX`f� 1 R�cei prt t�USPS W�t�n Receip: �i d �59�GD2233��25611 �.'� � Flrst-Cl�s� 1 hla i 1 La--�;e E�veiape tLlaeast1�} �5c3uTH HavE�, Mt� 5���zy iM'el�pht:0 i� 3,20 C2} �Est 1 n�ated �I ' r�-v d€�te} ;T�r.iredav 02l�217�1$9 Cer;'�i�d 3 iI�USPs �:ert I' ��� Mmi d f�i f ?� 16�34�Ct1Ui �'� �34�711 ��:�,� � Receip- {�14?5H5 r��turn Ra�ceipt �i c953:�9� ��2�3�isz15a=i�,zr Tp;�l �.. e�� $3.�� ��.75 $1_53 �3.45 8�.�5 #1 � f>3 �:1.4� ��.?`J $1.63 �a,�� �a.�s $114.57 L1'edlt �C�r�d Remixd $114,57 {C�rd �#ame-wTSA1 cr�c�unt �:�,x�.r�x��,x�ux���s�� [ApPrP4�d1 N;1]i°i28:'r ;iransactlo•� N_�?31 C`HF.C�x t�����a���,��-: � ���, �f� C'h�ck to: 11�Tc�tin� '�i�� urk�d: �.����� [��.�C?�U�.�; Harr�° T. 1lsnita t.�07 �u2��� .hve 5 liuffa[�a, 14�1i�J �S�l� IZEQ['�:�T DAT�� `�' ' ? � • � � 1�'�nt�t�r d# P�#�Ik[ii�1�* C.{�[11 CI]1�ti.If�R l�at� $ ' �• � � Tiaric � � � f��nue�nt Iluc � �C� F.D�4 A�'��etin� l�atc "� �� �' �� Tini�e � ,A�nount flu� �' Co� �C'it� C.'c�ur�cii U�te '� ' � •} � � "I'�m+� I � � A��r�nf i)u�e � l0 L] C it}� C'�as�n�el ll�ite �'' �� '�� 7��m� �.'1 � Amount Uu� � i.� [.'� Tut�� itlu�i: '� ��C�. � f'l�nn�ngC'o��mi��i�n: ��l•�-���0.�}���q� �#a[s �;1]A C'it�� C;�u�cil �i�. �� 3��.H'3�l'�'ta fa�. �-k I lo� .'�3 !'��� �� `� Authorized t��: � u:�t� �,- , �-� � I � �rin��� �x�.�:`r� �rrr��ii�a fl'li)I�'Ti�I�,LLU C'(}������;�CC1r' (:��:I�`TL1� TI���E�: �E�F'f:T I',111�7I�3vL't �,���,-�� �i.��u��r i..a^�� i ��r� �}{-,;;t;�„1 rFx,F;I.S�C M9.1�."f`1�1C; J��r'.+C.:fIRI�i�I� � C:S�}V'Z�Itr'1(_"1' llA�'%; �fI4'�E T1�'[F ��s�ur� 14�1ir.titti�; liV (l'�1� '4'4'eirk�r3 �� � .� } f%lA �`] r {�{ �iLl[T1.Y���+� �' - �4 �L _�' r ' � '� - °� �c.:�'►4 } '��,� �� � � C��� i� - ,� � � ��- 4. �,+''� ' � � �r``� � , �.� �`r'�-��: 1�lc�tig� xt, I'�}°Tn�.�it $b� f�r fir�� � lz�aurs .�t�rc�knent: �1Q �en c��ur tor w���.ry hrf��r aft�r 1vI�� f; l"�h`(.� ��I•;C'�1R. {��: I Iarn� i'. Lanttc� l �rc��a.��r�r�F: _ � .�� _ � �.�Tr-._ _ ����� � ��� t°��. ����r�i�ir�;�� �v� � t����r�; �r � ��- ��_ — tD18 �M�'L()i�'EE F��11�BL'RSE�'I�'YT Vf_l[JC'H�,1� C;X�r�F aF n�i+��rTICE�.�� (�/�'�cr�1�e lI�`I1�4,1 NA�'l���� � "� �`'�� Adclre�s t;> Mail (if nece��ar}'} _ PLJ�F[,�SEiDATE �e�„ t`ti # � � L��'�TIO�N _ [� � i +C3 ��' ___ ��a�r� o� R��uEs�r -� �S c� (�e baek fisr multiplc r�u�sts) �sec �a�k far rnulti�,le reyuests) E�PE:��ES: f PMeas� reterence Trav�l �nd R�e�mhurs+�m�ut Pnlicyi �lil�a�e (�.��.� �:r mil�} $�� ;�� {Tc,tal miles�} — Eteim�ursak�le defin�cd +�n hack, �A Cady vehP�le wa� n�r[ avai lable_ Tr�veling di r��i�rl warranted pQr5on�l �+ehi �le u5�. � Travelang cpndCti�r�5 vsFarranted persoM1al mehide us�. ❑ �sher �- Parkir�g �ee '+�1ea15 Y�d�7ng SL'�T�TA�. �ther � e�cn�tic�n ii'�] OT � � � � � (includc rtat�d, �t�mir�a�1 r�c�i���,1 � � � � (irrclud� cfrared. 2r��izeci �c�tel bi11) rlccvunt 1� urnher_ _� ��. � � � C� �}3 31 [�U � . �� _ A�a:��nt , � � � � �' � TQTA.L TUi P"AY � ���" APPR�I'�J�L� � ���-4�,�� t#ach c:�,gies of �lc�c�rn�nt�tion, 1�1CIll�lri� in��[71c��, receip P�licy: �ein3bu���h1� �nilea�e ��ill l�� tYti� lesser �#`sc.tual t�il� �ri+�en 1`r���n r��rm�l work ln�ati�n to trainirt�'nieetin�+�.c�r�fcrcia�e loc�tiun crr the actual s�iles travelecl frc�m d�:parture I�catia�� ic, dcsti�a#ion ��ss tfti� i��ileage nf axmr�iute tc� ncxrmal cvork lot��ti��n. In�t�-uctions: 1�' ��su are lcav'sng and reiurning to wc�rk, skip b�xes 2. 3 and 4. atlien�»e, �uhlract 4 from the 1u�3�ee af 1, 2��r 3 far mil�s claimod. �� 4� sr�rzoi � g2F Dakcrest Ct, �auk Fiapids, MN �6319-4642 to Inili$kive �ound€tion airecli�ns - M�F[�ues1 1� 4.� f� I fi �� fiLl . �--"^-�-'i_r�� Pnitiative Faund�Ri�n 33 IIIIIFi � 3i.8 M1 � iEst. fuel �ast� 52.41 Trip tim�.qp�sd on teaHlc co�xlillon6 es of 1Q;�� qM on May B, �'�ink a fu[l he�,lth f��a�fd Of �rt��r �df VS+Ith 24�8. Current Traf}It: P,igM HUM vehe�le tliagnr�stics {$4q) g98-2�i+1 � 9. Start pus going soutfl 8r� i�akerest Ct lowavd Oakcr��t C�r_ 4. 7hen Q QA pr�iles � 2. Tuen lefl pnt� Oakcre�t �r. Then 0.0� mileS � 3_ Take !he 1st left onto Oakcre�t l.n. 1€ yr�u resch the �np' �f Oa#er�st Ur y�ru've gons a fitf�e ior� lar. 71�en �,1D miles � 4, Take thp 9S! ri�ht ar�tQ lpth Si NE. !F ycu ars r�n L'rarden eraok i?r and reac� 8ror�A Ct gau°ue gpne abn�t 0.1 mr�e� t•ao far. ihen 0 32 mi4es � 5, Take the 2nd left vnla MayhEw LBk� Rd NEI�Ounly IWwy-1 , IN}ayhew L�k�r ftd NE is �_'J mr�es ,p&st �fr��sid� {�d, +f yoto reach +Gkuebecar Rd ri1� you`ve gone a#aul C+ 6 mr��s traP l�r. Than 1.35 rrr�les T B. Enter n�xt roundaaaut �nd take the 3•d �xit c5nto Golde�n Spik� 9�d hlEl�qu�ty Hwy-3. Pass� �hrough 1 rtsundaibau[_ TFr�n (j,72 miles ,p, 7. En�ter nex� +�und�baut and take khe 3rd exi#. � Then p_�4 miles � 8. Tum �light right Qntfl Highway iii Nk"ldU�-147 W. �Gontin�e t� fulluw lJ�.jO W. 7h�rv �6,�1 mile5 9, �lerge anio isr st s��co..n�y Hwy•7� tow�rd Little F�Iltz. ��� Then 2.56 miles �b_04 �atal mil�es 0 11 lotal rniles �0..21 tot21 rciiles �.53 tbl�l rriel�s 1.88 t�slal mil�es 2.6o fotal rnlle5 2.y7 iat�l miles 29_�9 t4��I h�iil�s 31 .77 tadal mil�5 hdlps;�lv�ww_rnapqu�st uc+r�di+'eslio-nslli5W11�slrr�innes�taisauk-r�padsI56379�5Q2f9�6eo�k�r��l-ck-��.580G+6B; 94,14d265FtodUslminrtesol�Finitial�ve-iour�dstlic,n-7,?: 5+8�2�018 9�$ Osk�rest Ct. Sauk Rapids. F�ih! 58379�Sd2 to Initiative Found�tion Dir+e�tiors - M�pc,'Puest ,� 1O. Ini1i���v2 Found�Cion, dU5 ist 5t ��, Little Fall�, MN, 4a� �ST ST SE is on tF��3 right. YoL,r �estrnatron islu3f ,past 4th Av� S�, ffi y�v reat�t 3rd AWB �€yvu've gfl�2 ��rftfe taa !a�'. Vae, oitlirerl.�o:,x and mgp5 i§ 'xuh��eel }ppWr f¢�hl§ of Use. WYe don'tyuaranCee accuracy, roeria cpntl��ti�na�or uxabilily. Yaa easurn¢ aq eiak of use. r��errm^ � �;�� „,,i I VsrAA+ f:= ��.i -�i � ,._. �: ..�� � �I .;��4�f1�.M1 C,*_. r ..��.. L r�9'fl.'.�H..'fe �° 9ea:xn,t`y -„ "i�. �.e° St�l�w,�..: � fel6unl w1m'S � � ^ f�� ir H",.e� .� fJuf[n�m �} �4.�n V � � �# � E�md,+le �. s,.,., .i � B6-xli.�. �UPsala � ' � .� .I^7ili .r.r,sc. � rsp:_i 'u.il-., � A` . ._ � �iiS�l h'�'�.+�LrMIl.,�L41� �.�..-�.�n:. i r 4..TJ... f �.f �A� 1 � �. �. �jfF I?'^�: "� (}dk �31�5 ,� 5t A�'Mlha9p' � C�Ilmar.tir�n —i.rt-r-���: '°x;' , e `\� r" . �-, ,.- i �' EJ.iP_ L�' � � r J� '�I l:. ir' i , �'`�'�� r . , � .��. _:� . 511u5eG� Juelm , ,� � �c ci{34�� �� c��.4 ��, �, �� � � � i �•i,.�;� ��p�� L � T � I w Si�dPTJlS ...iC�..i- i�Jl'!4�+ _.,•.�����..r.� ��� a .. .,. .. � � BoaEc a hote� ton�gF�t �nd � C�r troub�e mid-tr�p? - , save rxap#h some great deaLs! �� �y�-�* � MapC�uest Ro�dside - ..:, .� � � �1-a� T�ST!-5766i � �''" �ss�stance is here; _ _ _ - ��_���,���_����� �. httpa:tlw`vrw.rrrapq u�5k,comldirectioflsllrsUl Fuslmirur�s�tatsduk.�rapidr�5B3 79-4 5D2+92�-0aktr�st-ct�5.58QG6�i, -94_ 14D2fi511olu�minnesata�inRiaiave•foundalion-7� _ Jim fihar�s Frar�ti: J�f� CJ'Neili 5ent. ��ionday, �+1arc� 1�, 2Q�8 �:31,4M To� An�ela 5churnann;lim Thares �vbject: FVu�: Fcarum pn Minnesata`s Housirtg Future - Ir� LittJe Faals on Ap�il 5- mi�ht he ua+orth attend�ng. Jeff 0'Neita �ity �4rJmini�#r�t4r' Nlonti�e��a, Mf� 76 �-� 71-3 215 §�w� �����_�_i _ rt, � n t i c e! I i� . n� n, �� s. �'m+�ii ca�-i-es,�ond'�x�ce ta crrrd �Frvrr� the Cr`ty of,�forrtice�ingov�rra�re�rt o�tces �Fs s�rxbj�e+rt to� the �ii��resvt� �avernr�errt I1r�t� ,P'�rrrtfces �3ct �,�d r�ay be dlsrl�rsed ta thlyd ,p�rC�e�. Frvrrr; The �n�ti�tiv� Found�tion & th� C,�v�err�or'S Task F�r�e �r� Hta�sin� �ir�fo�a7ifourrd.org� S+�n#. Mon�iay, Mar�h 1�, �C}1$ 8:00 AhA i�r: Jeif t}'�leifl ��e�-Oneill�aci.rnan#o��ll[�,mn,us} �ubj�[t: F�r�rn on M�7iranesot�'S Hc�using �uture i ,�: T#�� �avern�rs Tas+c Ftrrc� an �i�u�in� wants tfl h+e�r frarn you as it id�entafi�s and �ansi�ers r�comrr���ndations fr�r securin� lAinnesc�t�'s housing iuture. Ther� is .� wealth af exp�r�is� �n� �Sr�or+rl�dge 9n Centf�l Minne�Q�a_ Pl�ase joi� �ss f�r � fr�e regianaL fo�ru� at th� initi�tive F€�undatic� a��t share +�our ici��s reCat�d t4 h�me o�rr�ership, rer�tal fiousin� and aQ���rtur�iti� far housira� sl�bi�ity in Centrsl ��nn�ota. + Hcaw can we do b�tt�r in pr�vFdin� suff�cient a�f#�rdable rer�tal cxpti�rns? . How can w� im�rave �tab�lity for individ�uals and fami�ies in tr��esitp�n? .�i�v� can r�ve hel� m�r� p�p�e ach�eve 1�orr�e aw�n��shiQ� Ynur vaiee mat#e��. 7ime: b tv 9 p.m. U�te. Thursd�y, Ap�'il 5 Pl�ee; , L�ttle Fa[ls Please forward to e[ected affici�l�, ccrmmunity l�aders, develop�rs, hn�sin� advc�a�es, econsamic deve�crpmen[ org�ania�kions ar�d anyone e�se wha w�ou�d ber�e�it fr�m this disc�ssivn. REG15T�i� iC�DAY! � Questions? Cant�ck the Ir�it�ati�re �oundation I(877j 63�-9i55 � f-mai! � W+�bs�te �pnnett with us Yr,�u are receiving 4his mcss�ge beeau5e �au fiave apted to re��ivr� ematii [vmmuni�ation6 fram Ihe Pr,itiative Frwnd�htion. 4f yo►rd rather not rei�iv� Fr�tur� rr�ssages, pt��3e fe+el iree t� �lick ar►d Ftyllow the '.linwbs�ri6e" link at tFie bottsi�n of Lhi� rnessage. Thank y�u! Initiative FpUn�da�ion � 445 FirSt �[. 5E, Llttle faIIS, MN 56345 U�`�����s�rib� ieff �aneill�ei.rr�tar�ticellca.mn,�o� lJadate Prafi{e � Abauk ou� servic� pro�+idQr 2 ; _ 'L_�SE CMEC� �3x F a,Q(3�SS CHVLG[6 ��i����ll�i�j ���. 3 ti�ICA.TE�4E4V#�L�iFSS �30'�5 C�on Ra�ids �.,•r�. C�or. RapirJs, M�1 a5��'? -i::;' . v �L F'r�:�:.a�S_��� � P�ge# 1 ��,��;� o�t� dr�5�2C'1 Fs Invaice Number Ad Mum�er ��"?5J;# 808��4 T�rms �1et 34 C�+�ck NumEsev Amount Paid CITY �F AAONTIGELLCI -� ATTN� r4GC��INTS P,4YA,8LE 505 VVALNUT ST ST� 1 f�10NTICELL�, M�1 �53�2 at�ount � a��2oa 3�7�.ss l4CCOUN7 NEJh1�ER ST,�RT D�iE SFC]f� QATE ��1FT1�N QATE RCCOU'�T R�PRESENTATI�E �24��J4 ��4�26r`°9 CG�?�;r-,3 �?26+1U19 h4orn,ee.isa l�c�a's Sv2 352-682s �. -i.;:_ �r.l�iii t`,e uF�aer P�7ic��� .x i� �.;+t� �.d:: -=,�:nS. T�[ Fac L'�z cr .7i .., ,�d8i73e C.d � G�: ' 2-2A=•. :.;r Gr'. .s. r.?:�iu PUB�ICA'�I�M A 7ATE Ab# C@.ASS ' ��S�RiPTI��fAG LIIWE T'f}�E 512E t�TYP ' AMQUFJT MPni�.ell9 T�f-1e5 04.+tfi!'cOfB B(i$554 59359� _ -- �..�— - � TIN4ES � 15� E[]A, $�Cndhe�s-PH l_ 1.6 7t 6 33 ` 1' 9�� Net Arnount 119 95 $hipping C �9 iax Q 00 Amcrunt bue 1 t9.99 � �/ • �'3(1 charge assessecf fvr ret+�med checks. ��� ��� ��h� `� �'`� � � �¢`'�'.� +�-:; R�part errors with�rr S days T� �errs�re eonsia'erati�n, 1 7 t F r-. , .:1R��JP �� dlr,,�a�d b��araces vver 3� days past du+e wvilJ ir�cur � 4.3% '.,G�'i,i r , �r:� _ , ., .. .._ _. . , _� � , , �tsc_vE�i � �Mar�ce charge �er �7Q�f�J7 (11Rir�rrrlum .�� pet ratr�nth). _�� AFFID�A1�`IT (}F Pi.CBLICATIU�p S�I�ATE �F M1�1?JESOTA } s� CC]UI�1T�i' �F WRIC'iH`I 1)�rlcuc ?viacE'1Y�rsan I�ei�7� i�1�iy s4vafrt nn an t�r�Gh, scttE�s tsr Hl3irm� th�C h4fshe is ihr 1'ubli3her� Iiesi�r�ali,x3 r��eral �al` the neu��p;a- pe�fs] kmown as; �❑satice]lr� Tin��s with th� ka�ov��n atT��e �af issuc beir�g k'aLated in the ��unfy af: V4�Fti�;liT u°ith addition:�� c.ir�:�llatik�,� in th� ccrun�k� oF, 3HEEt1iL�R�IE ttns3 has ('vl! ]cnav�•le��e L��� thc Faccs stdtcd E�eiow: fAJ The neu9�iaper Fi:�s 4��t��pli�:ci ;�•ieC� all vL ih�: re�uirrrnen:s cnn�iili�line qualili�a- [ion as a �t��lliiicd neu•���p�r as �rowy�iec� L�}� hTinn� �lac, ��31A_tl:. (�3� T1us Publie [��ti�:e u��s p�4rYteii �tnr� puh- lashwt3 in �aod n��,�spaper(fij �,ncr eacli �.ti�c:�:k, for 1 sus-�cssir�a: t���k{s}: lhc [irsl. 1�a�riia�n Eaeiry�, 4r� []�i�fx+?ll] ��nd ihc lasr in5zeliUn bcing c7n i�:�12t+12� 1 k_ �+tc���rc:4ce Fa,a�cECLost�rt�.:voTic�� Pur�u�nl ta 'liin��,�suta St�t, w58�].�033 rclari��� 1�a tne �aubloealian a�f a��rt��a� fixe�:li�sun ntafices: �'hc ncwsp��r 4crmglics 14'9t.E] th� cvnditians �,9`s�ribed irt �i$U.,�3�3, subd. ], �I;��,�r �.I1 ur f?j, li� the n�u�spvap4e°s Ecnov:•n nf7ite otl issut iti 14�cx1ui in a C�iunlV ;�cijoining ille co�nty' ��I�erc thc mori�agcd prcmis�s ar 3ume pari n� Ch�. m�rt�a��tc� pr�mises �escri6a:d in ill� rar�Ei�: are ]nca4��, a su6st�nti.al pur[i�n a�t lllc ��+k�s.�ap�r's �1P41l�itil4lY l4 41S 1�SL' IiLIlCCCClilp��.�+. ��'` � " �_�� iles�gb�gted Agcni 5�h�wribeci and s��nrn tfl Gkf 3E�kPITY�Sj t]GFOIC me on I1��261�OI$ by parlcne Nia�1�lYtrsan. � �J � _} l��tary Puhlic I �� �`:��.,, ��U���� � ��� � . ��r Naltary �UGII�A4i�Rasafa • r•., My �'�TMrueo�an Eiwres ,1rn 3i. �� Rate lnformat;pn- f�) I_nw�sl classificd r:�t�. �aid b}• cnnnnercirl ustrs f�r cf}mp�rablc spacr: � 18.5h ��� iulumn ineh Ad lU i�U855�3 Cliif DF MONTICELLQ E��NOk+�I� DEMiELGF'MENT �4UTHORITY NOTI�E OF PU�LIC H EAIRI MI G hic^.ice is her�a•{ yivoi thei Yh� &a�°d of Carnmi3siones of Ih9 Gltyr a; Mon�iC�llo tGart,e,mic �ew�l- apment Aui�yr�ri6y (`EQA" w�ll +'r�R aC or afT�r [.;p4 p_m. �n U���gtlay, May y. �(�tg aG £ity Hgp.50� 4Va�- �ul S6rest, irr tk�e �iry �I �anticed- Ia, Mlnr7ewia. ao ci��[ a pub- I�C A(�anng reg�rdif4y a ptapo5etl bu�iness suhsipy 1e Gs grante�i � 6i�ndhus Cprppr�agirsn ythe "�y,gl- s�per`} �mder lufinnesn�s $1�tutes, 5:Esc[iong 7��.�jg3 to- 11CaJ,995, as a�nendBd {She "Bu9iness Su�isi�r +°�t), ir� conreG:ipR wi[h a pia- pased expans�an a� khe D�velqp, er's exi�iirrg ergn�fdeturing fsC�ll�Tv. T�i E�1 u•il� pprssiver e Inw-�p!yr. e.st loan tn i�r7;rice e portipr� �� the ❑euefnper's ccs.i oP ar.quisllion of eq�6+�n9. in R�e prrnc�pal amnuna or .�2ao.�a�. n �ummary q� t+,e �err� ai the pra�post� h�vness s.uLxssjy i� ew�labla ior ns�e�li0�5 at CiPy Hef ¢ir��� �yuler �.ygi• ness rnours 6n �re7 aftex !� delg oF [hi� nU1G�i. Any pers6+y wiLfi a ��beik:e n the Ciry nr who is the own� �I taxah7e pn7prDrty :n t-he CIRy may fils a wril'len cort�,l�,�t wiih ihe 6es�rr,�.�i Gommissionerg i� tf19 Baaf�4�C4Rirni55aner.R f�113 Sf3 €nm;,ly �i1� ttle 9U�ineg� �ubsidy rict. NO �ticn -ney be fdC(i agairsi 7hR CCbMomi� de4elo�rcxam Au- 1h�rity 7ar Ihe �'aib,,rp ic� co-•mpiy un- less a wrinen camplairat is ftled, +�.'�'Y Pe�¢n �isli:ng 9n expfess �n opin�n pati 1fia matier� pq pQ car:9rdereu� St the p�lrt Ihcarm4 will h� nparo s�aally or in wnklr�g� f}4rad� Apr� 2�8. ?O t� 3Y (]FaC7f� {}F TNE (3CWRa QF COM MISSIOM1I�t�, CI'fY C}F �+IqN- PI�ELL� ECL]��C]M�IC 6Eil'Eif3p- MENTALfTFY�"JI� f'Y 1�+ Jan Thg�g ExecutiwQ �ir&t:.{aF Pu6lished in i�hg F�rrtic�ln Times �4pnJ ; fl. 2C}16 @[�S�A Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 10:35 AM To: Julie �heney Subject: RE: ECM Inv# 593593 $119.99 Hi Julie, this is okay. Please code to: 213-46301-435100 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2018 10:32 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: FW: ECM Inv# 593593 $119.99 Following up on this invoice. If possible, I'd like to include in the check run tomorrow. Please approve by end of day. Thanks! From: Julie Cheney Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018 10:31 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: ECM Inv# 593593 $119.99 Jim Attached is ECM Inv# 593593 for EDA — Bondhus PH. Okay to pay $119.99? Please provide coding. Thanks, Julie Chene � Finance Assistnnt City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us r. y�i or r� �I�n��c��l� Emuil correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i �•'�; ti l)ti12: �l a rti � ;�d€ire�s 1 .�ddress 2 (' it;��,`�"I ;'f i �r C:1T�r' C1F :��O1titTI+CELL� ��oI,T�'i�Ela f'lease c[�m,p�ete, si�r�, ar�d subr�rifi tp ,�ccts J'oycr&�e by due dQte for check rur�. � Disb. �1�. Batch �' +GC� � �k, � � �� ���.. �.P L�' ��"] � 3 � � .� � } � �,., � +�a �� �` �. � E� �° D�. ��� r rt � �'� c..€ � ,� IVl� \J �.�'�t�t�ment;, — [n�c�ia� N�:. �]1S'1`R1�3L�`iION {]F E.�:P�:1SI�F Pa�� k�r•: � � �� �!'ill'.�4L� �CJ,f�{� l4t�}�f2�]L"F:1] f3'� � � � I]Ji"6'F.': ��� � [.� � � �rcaucher,xls 0 �1C� FiNANCiNG STATEMEN7 FOLL C�'r4 INSTftLI�TI Clh S A. ri�4Ar1E 8�iipNE C7F CONTA,i;T AT FILER (op7ians��j Cii}� nf �3npti��lli� Era��. �e�•, r+lulhorilk &, E-IAfaG��ONTAGi Ai FILER iQnA�onsrj � 1 Rl.f �1 a iCSl6I'�L'I..IflO1StICC'� I4- CI111..L5 �C.SENC'AGKhv{?WLEE)a0.9ENTTf}: �Narv4e8nyyq�dress� �Jim 'a'hares. Ecnnomis C�r+�e��pment hi�ns��rr �'1 CiiS• nf �41��ti4ello � Sfl5 1��'alnut $t�eeti, Suite 1 ��i�nticrllo, h�I\' S�:3b� � � THE A�pyE :SPACIE k5 POIt �ILING OFFICE USE ONLY 1����(]�'$ 1�?,},��': pr�e� only aCC 6cb:o-r nartrR;iB ur 361 i�5r exx'.I. P�,il� ndR7e do ral amil �rnp�ly ;�� �yL�Uie��.;alc ��y ; a^ r.'rry: p"rk•', �x �.rei: ' ar� pyr4 aP l�� Inr.��f�16+a1 C�GICi i �BmP w��i ra". fi� ir 1�-�e 1R IFe�vE 811 ys �Ssr� 1 Sla:ik chkc� h�grp � n,�r p�4air,�r. TM.r Irtl�viJ��a Deble� ir^^rRal 7r ,r� �;e�ie +G ol Ihr Flrar; �g 5�Alerrrrd AotlenC,��, (Fonr L�C�-t iAaJ 1a0aGFhiAT14N�Sra,�MF � �� � f�ustech Bre��ing (:ontip�e�y LLC' � 16 �!C]I'N'IiSUJ+L'55L1FeNihiF -�_� � �€I�ST �'EFi5�6kf4L N�4MF ADC T4NA4 NAtI��$'{iIWMTIALISJ 3UFFIX ...._. . .. _:. 7c ��A':�ING�%Q6RCS$ .. wi-�- eT.aFt !'G.srAL t:}t�t�CC7u�i9�Rv �?�1$ - f36t� �treet'VTE '4'lcrn�tic�lMo �'�1� 553fiL � l,�A 2. 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O O O O � O O � T 7 7 T O O O O M M M M T 7 7 T .'J O O .'J M M M M � � � � -r � � -� � M M � N N N N � � '�7 O '�7 N � � 7 O 7 N � 0. � N � 0 N N O C J � T '� � � ti F- 0. Q 0 z 0 a 'Y I � O�� I O I M I I M � z � � U C 0 .� .� n y A y ��r G'r z C f U � �� ,� ,� ��� a�� ��� � � � 0 0 0 N N N O O O M M M Vl lfl lll O � � G � L p :6 Ci7 � � � o � U v � c y > o' o W � � N N t^I N N N r. w w F H H c7 �7 c� zzz 3 3 3 w w w w w w a a a a a a z � � ���� � � � O O O � � � � � � � V V � -; -; N N t^I N N N Vl Vl V� � � � 7 T "r M M M N N N M F � R� CC N �� � 0. � 0. � N � 0 N M N in O C � 'J J � T '� � � � F^ 0. Q ?a�� 2 KeFlnedy� & �ravefl, Ch�rt�re�J 2+�0 South Sixth �#r�e# Sui#e 47� Mo�11�e��O�iS, MN �54a2 Ci#y qf Monticell� Apr:°� 30, 2018 MN19[}��101�� TIF Dastrict Na 4� (�riggs Hpuseng� T�rough Apr,9 �0. 2q� 8 For AGI Legal Servic�es As F�II��,,�s. F#ours Amo�unt 4?5ltu�8 MhJI R�uiew �nd revise ciky resc� �rd not�ce af putali�c h�ring 0.8� 15� C�0 for Brigg� TIF 4l�I�p18 M4J1 C�r�fE �nd circulak� PL}� for Brigg�s 2.3C �37.00 �J17�2J18 M hl I Re�u�ew ���ument�tipn far Briggs Housing ���[r�cE F�� 9�� 3�4.OiJ F�rirrat� D�evelopmer�#. begin dr�ft 4,`�{7�"�013 hAhll Qraft Con,tr��t f�� Privr��e Dewelo�rnent. q�uestitins to EdA �.1 Q 779.�Dd� st�ff re��r�ir�g bus:ness poi�ts. Total �ervices: � 1,fi7i.OD Tatal Services and aisbursemer�ts: � 9�BT2.�i] Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 11:43 AM To: Julie �heney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (4) Hi Julie, these are all okay to pay. Please code to: 213-46301-430400 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 2:28 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (4) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00038 —112 W River St. -$1,928.50 Inv# MN325-00039 — Bondhus SCDP Loan -$741.00 Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA - $551.00 Inv# MN190-00156 —TIF District #40 (Briggs Housing) - $1,672.00 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.ChenevC�ci.monticello.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ra rY �lF t�� � F `� �%Ii��C��C� Emnil correspondence to nnd from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota 6overnment Dnta PrQctices Act and may be disclosed to third pQrties. i Pa�� � ��rt�r�[#y� � Gr�rr��r, Cl��r'�er�ed �QO �Ol1th1 �I%�h �Ff��'. �L;te 4r (l Min�,e�p€�"is MN �54�2 �i#'� �f Mantice0`er April �a, 2Q1E+ MhJ`�a-001J1 Genefal �DAM�tters Th�r�ugh April 3C�. 2418 For All Leg�l �erv�c�s �.s F�Il�ws H�urs Ar�rount 4; i6��2t71 a MhJI Monti��llo m�n�hly fanance ��11 wikh Narthl�rsd an�i EaA 1.10 209 C30 staff 4?'I�r'2{�'°$ PulNl Phane arad em2� corr�spond�r���e wikh EQ#� 5t�fif p.3� 57.[�0 regarding prop�se� soan pragrars�a and n��d for rev ew �412Cr2Q�� Mhll I7raft �€�t,erfu�rd laar� seso�utio� far pr�rp�s�d block d�2 TIF 1 p r 9�f7.04 diskrict. �rnail �orrespondence vu�#in City and E��, st�ff regard�rt� s�rn� 4f24r2� 18 h�11h�1 C�nc�rene� ca.l, avith �DA s#aff, Northland regar�din� B��k 0 5Q ��.J� 52 �x�enditures, Brir��s Cor�t�act �errns To#al Serv�ces: $ �51_QO T�tal ��ryrices an+� Qisbur�em�ents; � 5�1.QQ Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 11:43 AM To: Julie �heney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (4) Hi Julie, these are all okay to pay. Please code to: 213-46301-430400 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 2:28 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (4) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00038 —112 W River St. -$1,928.50 Inv# MN325-00039 — Bondhus SCDP Loan -$741.00 Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA - $551.00 Inv# MN190-00156 —TIF District #40 (Briggs Housing) - $1,672.00 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.ChenevC�ci.monticello.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ra rY �lF t�� � F `� �%Ii��C��C� Emnil correspondence to nnd from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota 6overnment Dnta PrQctices Act and may be disclosed to third pQrties. i P��� 3 �°Cennedy �& Gr�ven, Ghar#er 2a� SOLt"-1 51xth S.rEe!, SUItE' �7� ���rneapo��. MN Z��+i�2 A11�n'�cello EL.A ,�pril 3�, 2�1� MN325-�a�3� �an�ihus �GDP Loan ihr��rgh April 3f}, 2�;1� Frr All Legal �e�+ices �s F�Il�ws: Haurs �1�2ar2Q18 M�ll f]raft notic� of public Y�e�ring ft�r �€�ndhus b�sin�s� D.6(l �ubsidy 4?2C1'�01$ MIJI Pn[�ne �r�d em�il discussion rvith J T��res re���'ding need 0.2� far Gity �pprt�v��l rf E[]A busaa�e�s subsidy to Bo�chus 41��.�ZC1 � M1Ah�I Montice,Ka fir��li�� B�ndhus h��r�r�s� notice and I�an " 3� a�r�e€rient 4�r3C?20 �B M�lI F��vieu�+ surr�mar� af busin�ss sut�si�y �greem�nt; finaf�ze 0.�0 I�an �c�reert�en: and circulat�. �9F�C�2Q18 MNI Llraftartd f��t�����e Bc��ndhu� I��n agre�ment d�curnents per 1.40 �omrnenis af EDA at�ff Toial 5ervic�s P,maunt �,�.aa 38 D(l 247.CJ�1 76.�0� ��s.ca $ 741.D� Total �ervices an�i Dislaursements: � 741.[�4 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 11:43 AM To: Julie �heney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (4) Hi Julie, these are all okay to pay. Please code to: 213-46301-430400 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 2:28 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (4) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00038 —112 W River St. -$1,928.50 Inv# MN325-00039 — Bondhus SCDP Loan -$741.00 Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA - $551.00 Inv# MN190-00156 —TIF District #40 (Briggs Housing) - $1,672.00 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.ChenevC�ci.monticello.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ra rY �lF t�� � F `� �%Ii��C��C� Emnil correspondence to nnd from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota 6overnment Dnta PrQctices Act and may be disclosed to third pQrties. i Page: 1 Kenned�r & �Graven, +�harter�� 2�a South �ixCh Str�e;. 5ui�e �37�i Minn���ols. M�l ��-0�12 M�inliceffa EC]A ,+�pril 3�, 2D78 h,+1N32�-D�03� � 1� 1N River 5tree[ ���'��� � -,r��� ���' =" �.. - Thr[�ugh April 30, 2C11� Ft�r All Leg�l �eruiCes ,�,s. Fall�ws: Ha�rs �; �J201 � CBR Revievr file; er�.�il to iitle �nd N�r�cy Er�gl�n� 4 2� 4F3?tC118 GBR Em�ils wl[h clienl �nt� �Ivs�r; reuiew dacuments; reui�w 1 75 �Icasing statem+�ni dF4f2p1� CBR Emagls eegarding cl�sing st�k�m�nt {3 2� 4!4?201 � GAF Reuiew emails_ draFt �r�ails; r�vi�vu �urchase ag r�amen[: �} 4� fevi�+,v Clcy�ing stat�ment 4r5i2018 h�lhll R�vi�w+�scrowagreemsenkchar�esantlac�ep#��m� 0�� 4�9i201� h�lt+ll Review e€nail �c�rr�sp�r��ence yvith sell�r'� c�unsel, ;itle �.3i7 re�a�dir�g par�y� vs+all agr��r��nts �f1�F2[]18 f'�lt�l R�vi�w se w�r's c�ourrsel camrnents to P�operty CM 7{} Mae.agem�nt A�r�erre�nk; r2��r�i�g �+ie�,+'.iHe m.�tl�rs rel�ted to part� w�ll ��reerrl�nis 4r'1i�f2[118 M1+11 Prane C€�riv�rsatian with �ell�r's �Q�nsel regarding #i°le 1 Q(} issues and Pr�perty I�alainten��ce Agreer�ent 4� 1Cv��d18 MNI Incarpor�#e s�llar's ��3ur�5el ��orrrrnenFs irt4 Prpper,y �; p h�l�r��g�ment A=�reentienk, woi�ern�il to J Thares re�arding titFe �ue�tians 4�11?2018 M1k11 Flnaiize Pr�s�er,y �1�ra�e�n�r�t Agr�em��[ fo{ � 12 W Riv�r (} 80 �kre�� Ph�c�n� ��rtve�s�tic�n wath J Thares re��rdiri�c kitle issues fr�r 'f 1� �.1f River S'reet ar�2r2��$ �IN� R�u�e�'� PA em��� corre5por�denc� +�ritfi #i#�e re�arc�ing �} 3i� payment of 2D�8 �roperry kaxes dr1 �'201$ MNI h,�csntic�pk�o - P�e:lc7sirtg m�tt��s for 11� V� Riu�r Str��t 2 44 �l1�ar201$ CBR R�vbew cbrr�SKsontt�rrc� and prb farma 42� Amau�t 31.' S 22Z.25 �1.i� 72 D{] ' 1�.�Ci �� a� 133 DO 15�1 DO 133. 6L] 1 �2. �0 57. CQ �5�. �� 31.75 �aye 2 l��r�nedy � Grav�n, Char#er�d zoo sc�cr ��xt, street s�,�t� 47a Minneapadia MN ��402 Man:iCello EDA Aprif 3t1, 201$ 4�1��2018 MfVI Questio�s on �a##lem�n� s#�#�rn�n� �ffi�� �onfererce �i#h 1 3C �4?.�f� N Engl�nd re��rding s�r�+e 7c�#�I �esviees: $ '1,9��8.5� Tatal Servi�es and disbursem�ents: $ 1,928.�(� Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 11:43 AM To: Julie �heney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (4) Hi Julie, these are all okay to pay. Please code to: 213-46301-430400 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 2:28 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (4) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00038 —112 W River St. -$1,928.50 Inv# MN325-00039 — Bondhus SCDP Loan -$741.00 Inv# MN190-00101— General EDA - $551.00 Inv# MN190-00156 —TIF District #40 (Briggs Housing) - $1,672.00 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.ChenevC�ci.monticello.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ra rY �lF t�� � F `� �%Ii��C��C� Emnil correspondence to nnd from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota 6overnment Dnta PrQctices Act and may be disclosed to third pQrties. i N�rthl�nd Securitie5, I]1c 150 $c�sxvk, Fif�n �Creet S�1' Ce� 33C+� 1�1i:==={:ta_�c�]is, .!!i -.=4�2 4] SF: 1�'nic�: __� �si-5�t�r� ��;��;: �=� �?5]-5951 ����1 �1���� SECl1RIT'F5 �iCf �{� � Cr; �'itY� o: h��nG��ellc Jim Thar�s, FCbn ��v [�nagpr 505 ZPalnut SLieet, S�;it� 1. Monkicell�, MN 353�.� I� �rtih3m�r I?i) P.'�}���tizt �] er�T�s-- - 0 iT�x Ir �_ �'_ _... _-� �.. N�t 3 G� ad, s_� Y� i�i��le�; It�p I U Ir�vai�e fra��Eric� ?�u�aikaer: 52�v �C1L4}IC� ��3t�: �:�i��r��ia P��e: C) ut f)ale 6:_IL� U�.�;c.ri�ati�� Attat�un[ � �or �ervicec rel���d tr_. T'�sc ln�•r�nient DistricC 1-40 {Housiragl - � 9G�.t�t,-< �leave eee ersc�r�s�d detail. �1��C���u`��'��-�k� : -� °� �: Check irac�; ��bt����� �il,�.�� �+alts Tax Tc�tal Invc�i�ce �`1r7�c�u�i ��e� _��o f ti��nenl f��e�ei+r�tl TfJT:�►�, :ia�r� tr]'�-�i:x]-5�J{J(? �:a� -: �G ,;�1)l]-Fi�l-29iC� � Fa� b12-r;' S1-i4$r' 15ci�xautl,]-'ilLhSts�xk.�uitl:€:�[I� � �7i.tuti��3pc,]is,h.7R155�{1� �.r,a Lhltxn �i`.�t�. �creti�>a.r� ��r hd��tdr�4'r �li'.'RR r�nd S1PC� RegrsFem! ti•�}Ji 4f:� �rii i4�25RE 1V�RTHLAI►�l� a�u'ai i i �n�ra[� 11VV0lCE �L7PPLEA�'EIVT Cli�nt: Cir�� of 1�7�rniii�llu �ro�ert: Tax Inerem�ee,t T}istrict I �l7 {i�ousin�j Coltt�ck; Jim Th�ares Eccrns�mac L�evelvpm�nt �fana�er Citv �f ?�'lnnRicell�� i(751+4'alnut Street Suite i �'t�r�tie�llu, M'V 55�62 SiPlin� Period� �1pt°II �I}18 S�rvices Performe� � Assist City �t�ith �r�ft�n�ti�t r��pl��icrn fs�r �,��;in� hearing • �C�mplete rewlew� ans� g}r�lim�nary �nalysis c�t TIF �pp[icat��r� Staff Tim� Lx�ien fr� s Tu�t�l Thig Peri�d Pn. i �7 3�niur f�r�fessia�na] T+�ta] 5taff �iilea�e I�eintin� ���t Tota] F.aapens�s Projeet ���nmary Tc�t�l t3udget F3i1�e�i ThFs Peric�i Bill�d i'r�vic�e�s 1�u�dg�t RefTlaiiling �d 1 iuur� 5_+�ti :r, UU Rate Sill�ble �i�� ��c�Q.00 S9[]0-i7L1 $90f?.00 � S,�zi].�0 ($'�OQ.(x)j t�1,21�.U0) S �5,7G5.U0 �ioethland Se�urotie�, Inr. f'age 2�f 2 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Friday, May 18, 2018 4:04 PM To: Julie �heney Subject: RE: Northland Securities Inv# 5295 $900.00 Yes, this is okay. Please code to: 213-46301-431990. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 2:26 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: Northland Securities Inv# 5295 $900.00 Jim Attached is Inv# 5295 from Northland Securities. Okay to pay $900.00? Please provide coding. Thanks, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us +"�t� saf "�� ��I������� Emnil correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third pnrties. i +C'HF�K :�1�1�Li'�'l': � i �:�:• � C`he�1c #a; :�'[�4tin� �'��r��[�: P�anning �'arnmis�ican �l}A Mecfin� �'il�� C.'s�uncil �'i�� �:ourici] Tot�] T.1�ee��l'� �•'� C1����'I�: 1�E�,?Lf E�T H�rn� T. I�antto <i'o� —;�°� f�4V� � �affaia+ �9N 5531� l�at� ��i' Y� ��tt � • �1 • I '� l�afc `�° I�k ' � $ Da�t I�Iannin� �C'�inimis�iun: l� i.+� 1�; Ip. �F� I�� d E [�.� � I � • �{ G v � 1. "#3 f �1 °1 � �'it�° �'oun��l rC �. +-� ! f f�►. '�.� f'4'�f� R�Q�'E�T D�►�'E°: � ` �� • � `� `i`i rn c � • � Time "� Tim� �� � Tin�c �'rCTI[�U1' �` :�rnoUnt C)u� �`LFl"`� �Inr�u�t iluc �#�rb :�r���u�1 U�i� '� ts'� •� r�rn�un� Uu� �� Authcari-r..ed ��r: D�te � ` �� " � � Tl��i� �1�F.F:�� A'i"r �C`F�L.I) ���r��Tic�r�:L�.��tf1�9�I[;141p���� c�r.�r������t T 1 �4�1 !�: � f � l�: I�s'I" L;m�la�y�.e Na��se 1 ��"�f�li �' I.�11':�I'"I {) Pc�sitic�n 1'�11iLF�' ��°IIvi:7 f�1C-i �FC;{:11d11�<l� - C`(.}�!'I�I:�iC'�9, 1e_���iin�, l'y�ti'iz�6t�t �fi[� firr iir�� i h��2�r� :'��rc�:nict�i; $147 }�e^n c�rtEr ii,r e� �r4� 11n�ir �tf�cr 1���:F{�Tl�lC� RFC'()�i�]�.R. �T�rN�`T'i_lR.E; f 1arr�� 'l�. Lanttc� ����" �:: r�U-I'I��]I�l"L�.:I� I3�'- I)��"fF: � ' ��' i� -- Customized Fir� Rescue Training Inc. PO Box 533 802 Lincoln Circle Maple Lake, MN 55358 City of Monticello MN 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 P.O. Number Terms acob Thunander IC1VOiCE? Date Invoice No. 05/21/18 Y 1233 Rep Ship Qate Ship Via FOB SC 05/21/1$ Project Item Descriptian Quantity Price Each Amount Asbestos Asbestos Inspection of 2 Level Home and Garage at 1 500.00 5�0.00 Inspection 255 East Broadway Street, Monticello, MN 55352 � Includes: Buifding Survey, Bulk Sarnpling, Lab ' Total 5500.00 - I��.l�lr�l����, ����. =l?�9� Cc�s�n R3p�ds � �: ��. Cc�7- �=i�t�.:d�. I�.�1h1 5`.l:�=' .'',".�..,-5` .._ .. .ti'�0:..-'.[.=�.� �ITY C]F M�hJTICELL� � ,�TTN A.CC�O�J�VTS F'Ri'r`�BLE 5L5 WAI,NUT �T 5TE 1 N1S�h1TIC�LLC?. MN 553�2 PsFAS,a �.',NEC� BCx IF A,:��Ce ;�"��AMt :FCS � iv� r.n-r we�� ,ennarrs ��ge # 1 Invoi�e �ate 5:1;,�2�19 Invaice Nurr�ber Ad humh�er 5��52a �15G92 Terms Net 3L� Check Nurnt•rar Amount P�id Acenunt # 4292C� 5�49.21 AGG{iUNT NUMBER START �ATE 5TOf' �►ATE E�ITI'pFP QIkTE ACC{}UWT RE�RESEhJTATI'JE 425i2L'W L�5+17r18 95i1?�^i8 5;'7;2G't3 M1�l:,nti:el4 Le�als v'�?-3?'-Er�79 ��3aE fEIL— Ihe' _P�E" .:'11C��"� �V'I.'S'�4•.' �3y�C{i; Ti: L'sl'f UYCI��� ✓1f:3 L!l'i�a_' l:v 0..- 1.�1�'=::lf �� .i10 �^.i��. PUBLICATI�IN �AtE AEJ� CLAS'S '- -CIESGRIPTIOFE�TA�G LfN� TV�E � 512E QTYf TRME$ __ _ _ - — - Monticel o T rnes ��!1 +'+207? S1 Fr�+�J� 155 Irleni lt) RPIa.�g� F�rld"� L i 0}( 13 22 1 ��'�L1�� � �}��'. �'���� 599'S22 hMDUNF 249.21 Net Arnaunt 24�? 27 Shipping [1 DG T�x 0 OG Amounk Due �49 27 Ig�I�/ $�f� charg� assessed €or reta�rr�ed ef�eeks. ��� •' ���� � I ]� E L 1 � ''�+I f� � ��.3a'�. ��f�or# errr�rs wi�hin S d�ys to ensure ��n �r'cf�r�[ron . .� �, :,; 4 s-� �lrr�ard t�a�arrces over 3L� c#ays past dt�e wffd �rret�r a?��� ,'u%:ii�s,n_.-s. liis.. , .. - �; ,. p5� �EA _ Fr�arree charge,oerrrror�th (ri�ir�rmurrr.5a �errr�vni��. AFE [[]r�1�IT {lF PtiBLI�'�iT"ION S7`AT�: Uk :Vlllti �L•5C7T:� ) s� C;�QliNT7' �r V4'Ii1Ci13T l7ar[ethe Ta7ra4Phersnn bcin� du[y sworn�b an u�ih, Slales [Fr ntFLrmS lh3l helshe s ihe PuErlivi��r5 17�si�,nat�cl Ak�;ni r�C the nc+vspa- �S�r{9� �Cf1f�i�4'�1 :4'�� [�issn�3celBca Timex wieh ihe knaum� aC�i�e n�` issue lsei[�g I�o�ted in �Ile c�runt}` of° Wft1�HT wi�h additiaana6 �ircJlution in ehe ci��ntics oF: 5HERB�RNE and has full kno�`.edge oF ihc faci� staicd bciaw: {?i1 The n�r��spxper has c�amp[ied tia�ilh xl1 crE 1hc re:quir�mcnts �:s�ns[ilulin� qun]i�ica- lii,n as �t yu;slili�! ncws�paper�s pmviti�sl by �3inn, 3Cai. §331r�.C�z. f�3� r]t9s i�ulrliE Iti�r1iC� w;i� prenirr� :�nd pub- l;�hzd i» sar�t sie�+�spap�r�s9 4�nce eac1� w�ek, f'or 1 suu:essiF�t sb�eekfs}; i9r�e lirsi i�tsertinn Ibei�g o-l1 �1�f1 rl�[�1 h�nd the 1a�t insertion hein� �tin 45t� 7f2(1] ii. ni���r���►�rr: t�'���:t,a.�n�u�� �v�x'ry��:.� Pursuant to A7inrresnia Stet. Gi8{1e0�3; refaline ta Ehc p�thlia-:itian �o-f mortigagc Fsar�r.losurc notiti�s= The nc4�speper �omplics welh lh� G@Rd7tL4R3 deseribed in �584.073, subrJ. 1, cl�usc (l] ur i=1. If thc ncv��spapsr's �{..47Ok4'Sl Ot�6t:C Di l9QJC �l5 lacat�;d in a counly acljoinin� thc coun�}° wherc [h4 morteagGd premisc3 ur snmc �rerl aI lhc mr�rl��gril prcrr�ises ��ss:ribca� in �he na�icc arr 9ocaiccl, n subsl�ntix� pur[irsn �F lhr n�:u•s�a�.r's tir�uiatinn i5 iri lhe ��ii�r counly, � V � � J � 7 ��4 1 �! �"�-�'^-�' �'� I�fS],�'11S1CL{ r'��CEY� Suhserah�� a�tid swarn tn nr ��ierned l��.fcrre. me nis USi�?12U1� kr�� l�arlen� MacT'lh�r�un. pintaTv PuhliC °'`";,'z PAlY1�.lE+l� L LE� ��,�.��� ��t�r� RubilC•Mlnnasbta ���;"�Y 'd,�i:omn.aeian ExP'asd�n 3i ,�C2' +J�n!v�nmrmnArnr . Ra1c Informarion- (]1 L.ow�est �lassiiied rzte puid ry cummceci�l uyers f�36 C�?Il7p8r&li�C �[]ii�� S1R.50 Rer �ralue�ln inch .Ad [I) �ilfib+�� Nvr�c� oF �rare�� T�S REOUE$T RELEASE {)F FUNf�S G:ste a! NGtii:e: h,1iy `T.2C'iB hk�me ai Respca�sihla �ntiry �FkE]: Ci±y nf Maniicello, �k'innesata Address I�-g., �1aeeY ha. or P.O. B�x}' S�1S W'�Iran �tr�7, SWite 1 C�ry. State, /_,p Cade n+i4nt�el- b, hAl+� 55362 i�lepho-ne Nummer uf RE: 7b3� 271-3�:r� Orv or aLoui Mey 25, 2078 �e Clty oF NAont�elRq will suhrtvt a r� quest 90 IF� MnrFewol� jSap�rimenl oi €mpl�yme�n; end Ccnromec �r vek�vma�C I�N I7LtiDl �a? the ro- IE+ch34 61 57'hall GHUcs Pevs3a��fil Prri�rbm +,SC�'� �aka Fa6eral kI1F] tund=_ �nmer fT�tle �, Sectw� 1U3- 105] oP che Heusing a+w �ammu- nity Oeve�eipm=nt Act oP 1'97d, ae am�rktAecf. io �ndertahe n prw,e�b kn[=w�n as the Ea7n�ihu� Cc�rpuratic�n Ex.p���y�4•7 �r��t raa tNs �wp�s�s �� P��r���� s2oo.o0� �r �,�- factufing equipment wnich i� psn �t a Ea�Qr strsa�iG ese�sension �r,�g.gYing pl iZ,444 5�. �t. Df r+�,,y [Mqduct�on sr� ware7+ousa daeiilie� a�dciea ta i1s ez��ryruj 6C1.SQU s�7. fT, pkkrit f�cel�d at lqpp ��SI PF43a7. way, Mon7icolla, MN. Tho cost ia �co -�pCete r31 Qxpansion �re�jeci ac- ti�tie9 is .�2.33�,O160, most of whc.h will he iunded •hrnugh bark firsanc- in� �np G4�lSnY �+��Y- ihe aclw�iees �,rppc�5e[t are ca1- i�gorj�llp a�ctl�rcicd ur+tlsx 7IU0 regula7ions at ±4 CFR Rart 59 f�m, Natianal Envimnmental PflEicy Act I.�EPA� req�hemerrts. An Erw� rwrmeretal Re•�iew r'iecor� (FRRj kh%ii AOGWY}Qfw�, 155� �+1VI16r1ITFF�[9k9C d(!lOR�+h81+Un5 74r SN-fi �R31�t1 R4 [Y7 flle aC �rty+ fld �,tiank�celkl. 505 4Y�'InUi Ssreat, Sui7m 1� �O�l11CPII4, lu1*J 55382 a�d may ha vxamirx�d or c�p-ed weee�days 8:40 �Li�@ ta a:�o ��t. Fll�LIC C4]MkfE�1T$ .nny indiviS1u81. �rcsu{s, �� e°�2�y Y�3y Subiril whtt0f� C6PYIfF�CCIIiS dR4 7hv CR� fC thC �Ity o! Monir-vllc7_ IUI cc�mme+i4s �.+ivetl ty kaWy 25, 7�1d will tsa �onsidered hy ehe GitSr of �anticello prio€ ta suthaiang s�4mss�on oM e��ue�a fnr releasa of d�,r�, fiHVIF�C]AW AAENTAL c€ari�cnnaM 7fae City ai Mor�i��llo eePL.F�eS ttS MN �f€4 Iha1 9r��n Siump�, ny �riis capec5ry a s htayo•, consents 9ca g���F i?�re jurisdicfxan a1 the Fec1e,*- al Courl� iF an setion i� prougMt ta en`�rre tespoisibil�l�.s fn relation ta the env�ra�mentel r+sVi�w.' km- O�SS &�'�+] 1ng1 �h.� m4G4ngi6ila[i�s fiaur§ hean sa!isii�_ MN O�ki7`s approval oi kha wftifica7ir�� �IiS- fics iks eespansibilities urxi4rr N�PA and reEated laws ar� au7horities �nq �114ws $x�-'p�rus Cprpq•atian tn use �?ro�r� m f�tnds f[ar ils �q�ip- meM PurC'185ES. OHJEC710N8 TQ R�uEasE t5F FUMDs M°V �EEQ will aec+�{at [sq�eoEiQrts to- ds release uF �unds and 9he Gity oi Monticella� c-artiiicatian for a pgrio� of ftteen da�y9 iollcrwing �h�' BfA�Y1CIFl8t$C� 9LIGfRY1`�$�4fY LiBY� nQ �ks 8ctua� �ceip! a# �ne npryu�r (whicheve� is �te.j only If lney arc= 4n r,n� oi 1rx� ir�lo-wing Gases (al �ne ce�lEi�calirta5 was nok e,�e�:uied oy tna �e�t��;� ran�e� o� �is �:�r ot Montice��o {b� tna City of Munti- ceMa has omired a step o� iaelpd ro maka � dac-sbr or M1n�ng requfred try HLt7 ��uk�tir�n� at F4 CF�i par! 58; ;c} thc yrunt reci�ie�n1 ux �{tibr parlscipanls in the �UUu8l�prrienl pracess have comm tYed lund5, ineurteG costs or �ndata9e�n actn�- illey .�oi s;�thmri,`sd �y �a CFR nar� 5�5 Pre,tana a��,mual �r a re�4a!n� af lufkfs �y Mhi L7LLG: c+� ftJt �nuLher F9uBr8F egenCy 8cling pWrsuanl l� A4 GF� Pert 15L�1 h� suhmitied e wrtittsn Flndirvg thai tie Frajecc i� �s�lis�acl�ey drnm the �Rsrd��oin� nP en�irnnmenrol quality. OGJec- aiona �nu�i pe �rapaied 3n� xuG- n�it[�cl �+r accaa�ilanca wl�+ thse re- qu�red pmsv�urda;2a �F R pmrt 58, Sec. 59.76) and shelf Da �d�ms�ed �o MN [1EE� at: Ast Natio�7al E.ank H�uil��n�, 332 Mirvrv�snh Street, SJile E:.tdCl, Seint Paul, h11N 56101, Pple�riel �7b1Q4EprS 3�4�Id C4�11�C1 'Ah C�EE� 1ca �•�rly s� �r.9u,al fa�1 day ol Bho objQeSian purl� 3rian Stumpf. Mayvr F'iml�hed in iF�e Monticel4a Tirnes an�y 1r, �ai� B1 C�l:97 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 326 PM To: Julie �heney Subject: RE: ECM Inv# 599522 $249.21 Julie, Yes, this is okay. Please code to: 213-46301-435100 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 3:22 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: ECM Inv# 599522 $249.21 Jim Attached is ECM Inv# 599522 for an ad for Intent to Release Funds. Okay to pay $249.21? Please provide coding. Thanks, Julie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticello.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us +"�t� saf "�� ��I������� Emnil correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third pnrties. i ! - .,�. , � , , _ pr �UMI� �'1�k1�j1 �rom: 6ullsey� Rr�pert�+ Management �rnail[3amanayeb�ilding.e€rrr�> Sent: ��turday, �iap 12, ��18 =:43 AM Td: AP SubJ��#: Lease �tat�m�ent for 6r4adway P�rkina� E�s�rnent - C��IMERCIAL - 2�s of 5,+'2{201� � 6ulas�y� Prvpe�ty hn�r,a�rrs�nt Pl���,�1>vL��L•. �r1 1��� CtCP4Y T� THI� EM.�:IL ADa�ES4 Thi� �ma�il m�ss�g� �•ru xnt frerm e notificatian•ont} a�hdress thsi ca�nnt acie�l i�ncomin� e�nail. Le�.s� �ta.ter��nt �� �o� 5�' 1 �I��D 1 � �ity c�� Montir.,ell� Ecor�amic []evel+�pment A�th�rity 35 Lake �t 5ult� �i}Q Big Lake, [�i�9 ��3[]� �ate Pri�� ��lance Zl1 ��2Q18 3f1120�� 3111,201$ �13(]f2�11$ 4i1�2i}98 412612�118 �11 f201� 6i1 J2Q18 M�r�o Paymer�# Camr�an Are� Mair�t��ance Payr�ent Rayment �c�mrnc�n d#�e� N1a�nte�an�e Payme€�t Cc�rrrrnor� Ar�a Mainte�arw�:e !Cc+mrr�c�n Are� Mair�t�~��r��e A�cerunt #: 004€���1�# Am�aunt ��lanc� $`1�5,21 ($14�.21) �0.��1 $12�,GD $121.60 {�121_6{�) $�p Q� f�1�1.�Q'� �����,�Q) �i129.�Q 5�.�]0 �$� 21.��} ��121,��) $1�1.�� $0.(lD �1�1.6�1 �12� .60 Balan�e due: �721.6D I, , r � ,'t., , Pa}��nlent is ciue �,� the ;$t}� of t1�e mc�nth, _. f - �; i� ,� �� � - � '' ; • �- �Zana�� sw�iur sircue��t r�nliil�: L�tt�a:Ifhull:�e.4c�r�►�a�rtic�.mana��F�uil�ir���c��� ���������� DA7E: Pulay 15, ��18 TC}: �i1�-Ch�ney; Fi nfe� � sf�nt �� � FR�flll: Ji res, Ec�an�mic DeueloprrtiQnt M�naget SUBJE�T: catian Benefit Claims und�er#4t� IJna{urm Fk�elcscatic�n Assistanee A�t— Ewings Gain� In �tyle {Hair 5alrsn) Th�re are thr€e Rel�eati�n B�nefit cl��m p�ck�ts �tt�tk�cd. 6 h�ve reuiewed the cl�irr�s prepare� b�+ the EDA consultant, Renr�y Rolf, 4VSB 8s Ass��iates, Inc. They aee in ord�r �nd it i5 fine t� prot�ed with p�yment o4 khe ciaims. It r's appropri�te tc� sirnply make ane chetk payahle to "�win�s Gning In Style". PIea�Q r��t�t� the an�Qur�tS ar�d tl�e purpo5es as d�eFin�d in tfie �a�ver she�t qn the �f�e�ck Siut7 th�k th�e �ity k�eps far its re�c�rd da�umentation. Payment ar�d P�rp�s� 5ubt�r'�arty �Lmnunt af ��ymen�[ I�urpase_ � 5,�OO.Ci�D g�sine55 Re-Est��S[i5hment � 2,5[}Cl_0� M+�ve — Search $ S,DC�O_0� Il�l�cvin� CoSts $�2,�f10.[7(� Tntaf The Cadi�rg for the entire arr�o�,r7t i� tc� k�e ti��termined by V4'ayne and/�r 5ara� �5 it i� rel;�ke€i to and �imilar tc� th� re�en# pr�operty acquisi#ions �Qmpl�x�d by th� EDA. If y�u h�ve any quesiions, let rn� kr�ow, Thank you_ r� 5 I � - � I �-i 3•,� .� ' � � � � .A) �' - � � . 701 %e� k+�ue South Sui�e 34d f�inneapalis, h�V 55d46 Tel. i63-rl1-0:9Qp Fa� 763-5d1-17t7D TU: hf[Ntr�ic��Jr� E27A I)uf�: �fuk' 8, I0�$ �1tFrr: �finx Tleures �le: Rei�ocr�tr�t� �`iuima 503 W'�dnu�5'r��eer, St�. 1 Lrrr�lru�: ,�r,►trr`crf�r� a�lr�r�ric�ef%, h�N' S�.��� Prr�,�ecd Nr�.: }I196S 1�e �. w�ndin� t� y�o�° ❑ Atta�hcd 0 5eparai�]w [� By° 1�lesseng+�r ❑ Shop L9r�w�ia��s ❑'�`�ecificatioi�s � �'��n�racts 0 Re�c�rt ❑ P�inls � �'t�rrc�Fxtindence }� Clther: Llaim Ghe�:l�s tcr.rr7 # aacument lle��ript�n Att��.l��d 3re the f�llawir3g c laimti f�ar F:win�s {iain� in Sty�e, I��e. I. SS.U�D,Q4 - Businc�s Re-e�t�hlishrzaenl Cl�im — Adv$nce ?. $2,�t}p.UO - Moving �'�sts C'Isim r� I Seaeci�i�g 3. �5,{i�?l�.(��1- f�1�+viry� Custs Cla�r� # 2— Advance Ds�cumer�tstior� i� akkached to suP�ant �ach cl��m. Pl�as� �a�l me ifyou har�e any� �uess�ir�r�s. The abor°e are; [� Sh�ap drawings as ch�:ke�i [] For �caur us� [] F�ar your inforrnsti���s ❑ Nn txcc��ci�ns ��I�en �FcSr ycaur approvnl ❑ Fc�r v�uereview � Rejected ❑For !��our distri�ruiion ❑As yo�. r,EqueStr.d ❑ Revis� and resutamit �For r��ur pr�acesaing Q Fr�r si,�znat€�r+� ❑ Note markin�s Q ath�r — cc: . _ �- �8w�: Pen� Ro9f _ 1'el�: 7ir3-�31 �18�8 ar �i I �-31if1-1314 SI, Aoud * Minr�eapoli6 • 3t. pauJ E�ual Oppammiry Employer wsn4ny.opm i i wA�n.�u�kwuo��trh -r�.,a�i,i,.r.�t x�, :�rMn��v�w.., 7 C� nc O,a s i fl<$5 �'�9U Nkon#ice��o �cvnom i� D�veloprrt�r�t Authority R� E5i`ABL I SH 149 �E+IT "�mP���1: Sea�srerfar�7ef�r�fi4nslAck2o►r�ec�gemerrt�'sj`" ti.zo,�roe � Businos� ❑ Nora=Ptofit � ��rrn � Gowerrt�ttenf �Advance ❑Partl�l OFitxal ��sl s �u�i►taitte� Arflounk � Pa ee s: �Goo�n St�rle, Inc- I t3ist. �.S_ F�d N�. Acyuis�tian_ � Pending Parce9 C}wner' �tiCha�l'W 0�^fim0 4r C.PfA�Sn} �f0*'u�9e �ili� Par�l �*Poj IfJ C 0 Aercepted 0 Em. �ornein �: �Ylall Check To: F'arre� Addr.: 1 []3 �ine Stre�t Nlonl�ceilo. M1V �, I}��.�00 bisknct App�roual: Agency Approva�: � �� o,K Date �,pplic�kicsn Apprawed: Vendar No.: � t�a� s flddfessee(5}: Goln9� �1�+'ke, In�. h�Eadtng Addr._ t79�4 tQ2^' A�r�nue [}is�ilacee ��R �r-.q,� lFacililyN2sr�� h7ame(s): G�osfgin Slyle, In�. �nCftlr Typ�. Cammera�l renl8l spa�ce _ {]�Gup�nCy L?�te: �� � i3wn�r Cx�J T�r�n! �AG�{U15ilIDCk SkrE�k ACIdrB€S: 51 B Ced�f .5tt��t ElrgihiErty b�[�. 2-2�19 �,�,_ 3-15-i8 � (t.om«ot�nten�srP�rchoaeof�er� �� . �t2te �I : �ulantir�iGo MN 553Br2 , 1 Repalc5 � irnprouer�erYCs !o th�* replaceFnent tes� prapery eequlted by faw, c�ddc, ml Atcfln�ndt ........ ..... ..... . 3 E MozliTr�i�ns la th�e rep��«:me nE pro�e�tY tQ acrommad�ie !Ne business operafia� ... .. ... .... ...._....._....... .._.......3 �i D 4 Q. G�7 3_ Gars�trucUon and �nsleUaii�sr� of £x�riar S�gning ia ad�ra[i+r�e 1he buainess ... .. ............o.�...._ . S # F�ede�ratlt+n �r r�pJacernc5n! casis ai sailed ar wc+rn aurfaces at iJr� neplar.ement site ..........._...._...,.. ..........,._.. .....5 5. P�ivaRisenean9 c,� th� rapFatement Iot�Lian .. __.. _._. _....__.._ .__ ........ .........-_. ........._.--._,... _._ ....._....._ ... . .S fi �stlrn8'ed int3�26ed G5515 09 o�r2iion rJuP�ng Fisst2 yrs .. ............. ...... ..... ....{�I��Cs. l:ixe3� �nwr�nce� e�e.j S 7_ Clther ilem easl� nssentiel, rrasonahfa and neca�aary to rnes�6lieh. _. __... .... (ca€,drm elk�ihikity wdh the A.g�n�.yj S T4T�4LTHRS�l�4[M..,.-•�� ...................�,,,,,,..,-.....,...,.,.,,,...,.......,,,,...,......,.,,..,.,..,.......,,,,...,,.(m�x�mu�arf�80AU4,�41 i 1'�tal Reaelabl�snm�ni Clalrte� �Faki-Yv-Eia1e (tn�iu�cng this e1��rtroj : .�5 } �. i7 i� EllgfbJ� rerT�inFfi� R�esC6 blisF.ner1C enp�r�5e5 Gl�rret�ble, ... ,... 5�'� bCC} « C� i7� FCeei�ency Crr'dflrafio�i. FedeTal I�w requ�r� oeor}ilir.�!�n of res�lenep slafGrs, p�ease ch�k the ealegnry aF wmplete Ihe sediqn below Eh�1 ��yll� 46 y4U� 4GCupdrhCV ��t� In lhR Un j�g� $a39e5 r�ma UYeF+ku ue`J4r��P.orirJ. Youe siQnakure rran�€litutes certqfust�an. I 9�� Proor�ivtshm: I certiFy Chai I am I.f�l a LJnile� SlaGes ciliz�n Q an a�ien Ilawfull� presanl in the Uniied Slalea � 2 Ufllled'�. SF8tE9. i5�110R2! Q a fY681-U S. X11�19 f9Gt �fE�9FYt In [19B Uf1A�d 517tC6 Pannersfim: [�terSlly lhak there are perfiers in the �a�lnsrahip arFd Ih�t are citixens uilhe UnICe� �tabes, and�or �q�� �Ilet16 I,,wfulf� pre�eni �n the Einit�d Sia[es, and � are nnn•U�5. �ti�na nm� presssni fn thn Lfniled States. E+wr71 Careaorakion: N tc.�tiEyr 1h91 �ne. --- L,._ -` e� eslableshed by law and avllhgr¢ed ln �cundu�t bu9eness � Ihe Unit� �[a1� s. �ialman! A�knowiodgernont: I, tho un+��rsipned, tla het�try rxrtl� tltiat �he �bow� enfvrmation is tn�e and �cnmeti �a1G li'��i deC�um�'IS2CIdn allaChed h�reSO aceu r�iery represenks tl�p�at� �xpereses. k alsa c�rtlfy Ihat ! t,a,r.p not prer�ous 1y auhmltted nar r�GeiverJ payrtter� {or ar�y e�pense s.uhmitterl w�ih Lh� c��*+ i¢FFCCI,4{- USE C7M�Y; i�`arnmnMal �o See Over for DeAniticmSl:�cPcrwwl�dg�rriE�tltiR3} n, r ,F,:r .Yr ,r..�_ ��._u n..,,_� � r � .. ,.+�ry � ------ - � ..�_ .. .. �_ , ---- —.. _.. – �----- ---- ---�- , ld�`,L.LI�IBL�: }2E�.�7'��3�,.ISF11�'[El"wTT �7'���N51:S Th� ialkovuin$ i� a nr�r�ex�lu�i+re li$tia7g �if ��#�fjl��hment expen�itetr�s n�t �c�lisidered to be re�sc�nabhe, ne:e�asry, br otFr�rw�s� �digi6�le: 9_ Purchas�e csrt capital assets, such as, offi�e furnitlire, filir7g ca6i�ets, machin�+, or trade fixtures. �. P��chase of manufe�cturing materials, prc�duction s�ppki�s, prorluct inv�ntpry or �ther items used Yn the nnrmal ea�t�se ofthe busine$s �peration. � 3. fnterest on mor�ey borrowed ko make tiae mtrv� t�r pureh�se th� re,pl�t�ment prop�rEy. A. Payments tc� a part-tl�,� business i� the harne Whlch do+�s n�o! °`Co�tribut� f�ateri�llv" t� the h�usehoRd in�arnc�. CanLrlbule Ma;�ria�IlY' '�hE tlfln "tbnuibuie ma1�n��Ey" �7g,�ry5 tElat �u�in� thP 2 ta�idGl@ yld�i pd�Ri IO�LF:P i3kS6It YEe# iM1 wI?itll d73�fi�ternenl �3, nr durins su�l� other �erl'd �i Rht fi�irecy delrrrrriru� to-�emprC <quitObl�, � huiimess ar Farm aperalion: Y. �ia d averaBe ann+rdl �rt�35 rc[ea�ts of at I easi $S,i�9�; or 2- �kff ave�a.g� annual net e� �fiI Y��i 6� aH leasf �1,d74� or 3. Cbrrtrl h�Ced at leaf� ��4y y6 QP e he arvner'3 or a�era tars ar�w�gR et�+ue� g�tiss in[arrre [rom a li sc�irces. �� I f t�e �pp�i[aYl on nf tFw� pkyOMt 6f�itlr�b [reatas an Ineqtii9y G� harL�Shiry� �n 3rly giM2rt �as�, the AIg2.n�y mdY ai�c�e thE L+S� Gf 4t�+lF app��PG��*iilB�Cri'[eria. Citiz�nship ! Irr�rr�i�ratior� Tern75 Definetl +69 �I� z�a-a f a0�aj,�Hrnriar fawju��y prcstnr in anr t1p+�a Sro�Ge�s. � phra+lr'a Ilen not law fully pres�nl in ��� q�i4,ed Statts' fRtefii dri dll en K+Fw i5 ntal'"lawfully Fxesk nt" in the u.5. as c�eFnetl in t1 �F R 143.1Z and hn�audes. {I] An d1�0� pft3�'+� �r+lhe U,S. who fias no� heen �dmrR�eJ or �roled In[o the US. pursuan� [a [hr trnrrd��p�� a�� qal'ron�I�tyAet t$ U.S.i_ 1141 e[ seq. � and whp6e �IaY Ir� Fhe LJ 5. Fas nat 6ce+� �USharierd by tdee UnlSed 5[e[ee AliiHn�Y GlrldYal; and, {iir An �Ilem whn�s �.xe�,�{ws� IA ChC� l!, S. �N.er ihe 2�piral�pn qf �h� �pry pf Stiy�ddhbflied hy Ehe llnoke� SY&1eS A1Cofney GH1lfi6 or wM athiaewis�vial�[�5 ihe �erms and condlTinn# oF a�miSSi4R. p4fGl! 6� �uChdrir][ion tu staym the lJ_i. • AJfsns A,bens ar�pe�ple w� n�Vg ��� [�mlgr�Ccdj a 4cFe�gn �aun�rgr to-�h�e UnitedStates, Tiicy ha4e imm� oi4M1t same freeddms and legai ngh� as u5. ritixens, Irul lhey cannal v�telr, eleettiawis. ' It�Fkdant A�ile� A[arelgner who I; � pgrmpn�nC �'CTIdIUYI Srf lht COuntty in whirh he oe sheresi�¢S bri[ r�pgs �p!{�avg [�k4CRShtD. Tp f�IM ulti&tf [Fri3 CfaS5lticali4.Y in l9se L! 5., yo+u rveed 4a CI �Np€ {y�t�qiiiy haw�E a green rard w trave had arFe m ld7cl�st[iC�du y�tat, You al3a f�91 u�d�t Pltf U S. da�si6tationnuf t�sltlpnt ail en if you have i�e�en i n fh+e US, fn+ 33 etay5 or more tluring llae curren[ V�7� AIO�� W++Ih H�r�fr� li2dn in�hE U,S. fd� �t I!i!t 183 �7ays owar � lhree-ye�ar j!€fKStl ih5i sneJvd s ShqQ [urr�n [ y�p�t, i f+i �n•Re�idQnt M1li�rns� A'fK1Y�-U�S, tilLrrEt7° +who daesn°[ pas Lhe �rern �erq! #est i7r kFYO iWbFlit�A�l ptEseflre fe5[, If 2 r�arwcitiaan currerrtly has a e.reen card br fi�s had a greencafA In �hp ppS4 C21�x1dir ye3r, he or ihe wouPd p�s�the gre�n card ir�i and w�nuC+d 15e alais�fied is i r�sid�rnE aiien. If ttwe insGvidual I�res rrl�d iar rhe W_5. foF �1 days or r+mre In �he �urrent p�ar and e�ided in �he US, Fairnc+f� lhan SB3 tlays �+�er � Rhr��' p*��od, Irrdudirq{ Ihe currenl yearr h�ipr;h� wq�ltl �35 [hL� 311l1S[eflt�l pr6erxe [Ps! ar�d�dassllled as � re5�S6prtt illfil�. ' Na�ionais= Amnrican hi�tlonaks are r�a6r�ees af Ikrnerir.an r�err�rcnrl pnsses�wns, Thry hiv� all tihr I c�ai proiectidn5 whrc9+ t�rit�rtis have, 6uc tk� do rwe ha,re [he "uil pr➢I�licul right3 ai LI S rilizen�. A[c�'Emg lo S US.G. q14t79 It is p�plhPg �n q� � US, �t�CAY I„Y>Rp.dui p�iAE S 1J,5� �tJten. � person u�rhase �ly c�ne€Gon ta [he US. ist�raugh hlr4h In an eru[I yang y,ts:SCR3itai I�'� 2�35 as9�m�lec! i�Aendirart �am4i dnd 5wdi+e5 YSi�+ld}� 4� lhe4u�h [7eSccn 1 FY�'i5 i P@FSGn iY} lP6YR iCqui�es U.5 H.IIJional i[V hul not:15, [i[i��n�hi4],'r1413 w3� rormerly the case iR odt�cr 1f.5. ppssessiurss ` Guarn (1H98 - S95ffM ([id�nsrii��ra n� ed dy �n Act aP C�RressM . - auerrm t�ict. (�Bgs - i91 rP �el��¢n.si�i;pgra nsed bv an Aet af cary�ress� -- ' u#. vuain l�landa (��3� - i9� �} �eFn�„sno��r�,�red dr in ,�s at Car�rrra} Nbli8�5als who are not dt4e�nscanr`ol �ot� ar itidd eleeEtd tt+fRce. Waur�ver, kheyr rnayrrsldeandwrvk In the Il�i[ed SF�tesv�il}wa�l a�estri�tior�ard applly far d ti�eoshdp un�der thr �am� rul�s as Wihcr rttid[arlt sli[Ris. fJa1 ell U5. n.4ional5 aro 4A_5. ritiiaens; ha�v�e+ier,31] LIS. [tCix�ns aFE llS. RACiq�ipl5. �dR4sJ, u.5, pas�po�is �orm��fy makr� �sueu�borr hetwee� lhe �wn, men[,c�np anlY 1rtQ �d9 ilsQr's naS4amR4.y, not hisjher ci4iunchlg • Utlrcns Per7tsns born In the lJ_5. ar [a Ll_3. �[ixens in fpf�;ian fosrnl�es arg �Ititar�s af Mhe U+�iLQdS[aics. Prrsnnshdvn in other [ountnrs wha want �o GMnme ufl�er+.6 rnaes6 appjy'far and pass a cixi,rl�ryhep t�s�i�q.�wRp 6QCOR1B�iRLtlM13 i�i thi# Fndnrter a�e naturalicltl iilii.tAS. ' n�aturai flnm atizer�= A"nalural harn �cilet�,n" is a p�sson born in lhe tem�ry of [ive US. ar to UnNed Statesof Ameeira uti�en Farenls • fketuFall�eb [j���; A'ry�lUCBat!!tl [iCi!!Il"� i5 9[Nn[one rhtl ry�ri3 nnC harn on US. snil- th#y� ��R! M1QL � 6ltiien Gf Che cnuntry yyhlR lhRytiyer4 horn, hsFt P av� gone Ihroug3� the prntess af laecami� � clil2 en. I da h�erebp �ffirm 4hai, te [h� ��st �( my �nawEedge, th� �Fspl2�� 4� eligib�� f�sr �u�llfi�d R:�est�bli��m�nt r��ra'Fburs�men#s, P��sed a^� displacee's �ce�+pancy �af khe p�rce4 es � pFeee of ea�nornic sctivity �# #he kim� c�f #he initiat�on ot negatEatiorss �ndl��r �# ih� #ime c�T the parcela a�quasallon I furth�� �tdifm thaS the dasp�sCee quslifies (49 GFR Pt_ �q} es a"di&pl�r.,�d �rson", is a sm�ll klusMneS�, f�rm or non- p�bFil argeni��tion, an�J i� lh�refore entelled La receiWe Fles�tab�EShrrtent payment(�j, �l�t t[� $xceed $S�,O(SU {M $��1?.$i�, for all�tbla ex�+�nses a�tu�lly ineurred 'In relecating an[i rees�ahlishing �uch sma9� busines5, fsrm flr non�nroi�t �rgenizat�an �i a r�pl�cemenl f�te. Herita�e Cnnstrudion Con�panies. LLC. �7ftiC! d763J 533�OBL� �Whd HfifYt3Q�C6�6Yn�C�44ryMN r.i*�h 909d9 4'71�f k4e ?VW Sule C, Eek RiMer MN 5533A J�4 M1�ame: G4ina in 5[y1e C,�ener� Can3tKm[teon [aa[e: 4f3Q;��41E§ �lan 4ake; d/3J�b1$ Jab �qfx: 1580 Summ�ry Sheet Ri�i$ipn [3�p3iP[ tion Tet81;+;�t [rast ��S . j005 Sah 5[e 3uperresinn S3 900 $2..3. 1�3➢ AE 6e-s�g^ Fees HpT INCWGEG IPP `Hf5f5TMAATf $0 5f.�' �,{74d F�ic'�J:hgieeee�in� SD 5�.04 131� �e � t; a�d �ee^, SAC{4�/A[ Fip�T IHCLUQ�61N'TF915 ESlIMATE $2,575 Si�Sa 1A3�1 Tesa�n� , `� _ S�.uu 15i16 Tesmpr,raryE��lliiirsEq,uipmrni 5250 Sx�iS 171Q �lean up $366 SC SG 1 A� TraSh rlifpqg,al f B414r�ff Qoa�a�3 54fi6 �� 8R a7<iq Gei,�ali��on Sd,Nio 5� 3a 23`VI] .Earthw6rk � -- - ' � ra� S�'4'� �SSG SiS@UtllitlCS �� � $P/.46 254U Pdwi��andS��rFici�g $O 53do ��i3U �=urb, Guttnr, S�tl�walKs Sb §���+ �a30 lenc�ns — — � Si5 Sanr, ]t348 �aridsca�ing . - .. - $0 � SG.�G 33a'3a Cast �n Piae� Cancrc�c --- --- yp #�'d� }.irJO Frer_astCon�re[e - SO SGt77 �fk70 �.Sasonr� —� _ � -;— 5[1 � SG4� SEYLIp R�isce�.laneousMeubs S� iC•.a�11 5� SkruRur�tF�ietals � S� SGva 5t€H5 Px_+ugh{arLen4fy $� 56Q6 63U0 �i�ishCa•RenkrW 5�7 S�sti4 71£14 Sidirig J F35:id $�1 Sa� 7�i1p Insu=ation $ Witerpmvfing � SD04 7�Ad] EFIS SU 56{�G J3ik0 Ra�fing 5d�47 Sp 7a 79i1a lointSrakrs 54 6k�+u e� �oorsardFrarneshAatenar SU S4a9 a5� {�OOrSdr,j6rdrM'5�.7�r � ��r4iA[l A� o�;erhead umors SQ �o.ao a344 �sidennalwi�dcm 54 5dap fl@� GI&558rdGlda.l� $0 56.,M10 c��� p�+�wall �5200 5310 93.J0 Tilr 5d 56.�4 55b0 A�oustiealCeifin�s -- 535U 59.21 9510 Awusticalrrsdtrrt.tttti SO SQ:� 9�658 J loonn&.. � . . Sfi.�56 _. � _ 5# 73 �}'� P3'miin�, $7 37b �F.35 9ySU Wa.ltqvering 5� . `-Afl4 101..S4 TCiIC1 PaYli'�?Jn� ,�0 Sd `� 11W�4'A 5i�n,3�e � . . . $0 50.�917 10510 Fire Eatinguishers _ S49U Sa�7a ld7&60 TcileiJ�t[es�orie5 S7B6 56.4f� 11G$0 Equipm4nt $0 5a��'d 11:09 l:�e-d��o,g 6o[k E�aulpmens " v gn .. SQ.C4 12ad�b t�ab�r.�� rrmmrafrarnvctal $4 Sn=W 1�5Uo w ndc�w irsatments 5o Sn.a7 laaoo Eieuamrs � 50 Sn.on �5� Fixe Preaee�ia� N0� �h�CtudEh iv THi5E5iIhdATE 5� 54.[�4 1�4 Plum6in� � $3AOQ S74�a 15BU9 IMAC $496q 52.45 16ddCl E'er5rieal $7075 S-0.2� ifia60 ln+� ar.k�ge ruaa �NC.1�,I7Eb iv THi5E5TiMATE s Sc 58.m e[r�60 M�s:ellaneoas� ' - - - - 51497 5�.65 Su b l ota 548..663.17 SF9 U9 4uerhead ar+APro�iE ]4.D45 54,SBi 33 529i 7o[aC $i3,7#'l.b+d 531.93 C�:>n.:,iu417:5 � New� ixtu��es ��n axic[ing HF. .isi^:; �•..��,!�..��p �.•,.���..• k00 B�C� Ercluclons: Wimsr Co..dieiorss, ucilieles. lew woltege. S�tC}WAt fees. H�rite�ge Ca�n�fi�cfio� C�mp�Hies. LL�, z Offoe: fTG3; 833-4061? ��vtw HcrirageC¢na�rr�annlulH egm 169GE 1+ 1 E' �+�c N'e4" SuiGe G. @Ik Rl,+er; MN 5533D 6etaile�d �►ea9��wn DhrFsilan Aeacdptlan Naees qwantRy Un�s Pri�p 3ub iptsl TMoI [cs# 1i�iir la4 +S�IC S� �� �oh CnsS G41�4 3D�iS 1i10 $dS.OG 53,9Dp.04 l@� �IE p� {�s �, �1fGhltECtu��a F445 PVC}T IIYLLULIE D IN THIS [STI�9A.TF i��,�(q Civi I fngineering Fees �q. �p Stri.ct�rnl6ngin�lrinA Fees �4.q{y §u^"�' S4 GO �G+10 Fir_Id � �� Sun�eY �� 50A� 1378 Ferals �ri �S �� PermRs $t,2�5�4 ��1+�'kC W4T dldc6UPE0IN FIH35 ESTIhAA'E - lu G� in r¢.��nnest fees $O.iD4 �lea hor fee �� � 3uibd�rs Risk Insu-p neg r�3r�.� �exnd�ng $1],0G i+liG ;� � Indgpentant Te�ting iees �p,pp i*AO T#M�orarqFac�llrsEqWhr�e� 5�.� iemxxary 3oi�et ? $13604 5260.Cf] Temps�rarp pffict 0 $34Q.� 50.9� �+ecurir,r Fen�e �4,04 S�Fetv �a iling $��J.tlC Puly U� st C�R[r¢I r�j 00 17]0 tlere �p � duh'p5um A4}{605c�1i: 0.�'S 1b8i7:00 �1fi9J77 i7�d Tsta� � / Ilo4dF � � ;il Yd 4 �375.�ip $4:(74 2�d yd a 5325 D� 54.04 34 yd d41�'s sal� 3 9�9n.c+a 5�58,oC �'ffncrete'lAz.ethuut fl $25U.0� gd.�tl 72�R � S+1�dQ� 6ema wau� py r���ded fvr new layout �,Xpp,pp CEtamir'ilp �Qm6 �-0 aq ik • � f2 O'F#hq fI44f Sj,j{�,.{jP} Concrete Saweng/�temnvs i SO.A4 Z#1� Lir�! � �ump s�m e�a gta.co �IQiior. �PnS'91 �.�e� Ckar;ng and ^uruhoing � qp Earth Reten7inn 5o.ao �534 � C�4s 97�1 LWreip SL r� r��.�� 3AB6 F��a�d�y �� li.mpsum 9i9 $a-Oti G�a ss 5 $O.C� � #i�l.G�is,'���s �00 Curb, anu Gutter $�,p4 Eastrances ry� p� 5'r4ewalks � � Herr�ttoge� ���str�ctian C�rnpan�ies, LLC. � 9}fh::e: (763}63'.Fq04q •rwx�Neridgc{;nr�VunWnMN.[sxn 10B0B 1719A Ave N4Y Suoc G. Elk. k3rvGr. IAN 5593(F dfuisbrr Orscriqilbn na[es �u^ut�' unk Prlae Sua Tutal rat■I [a9t 7�l90 Pr� � � Lamp S�m 5t7.0U i�m L� 9� Lan€hsapi� ��d� IrrigBtroM1 �'��� °�744 � !� tLee Cw�.r �� urmpsv�, eid So.na foo9ings �`��� Voured foundation '��p�' Floars ��� Vapor Garrler 5�7�� 5tnnps 'i'J-� &ullarC�s Sp.00 3iGiL7 1'r�siut Ct�l¢ai4i! �� 4U in p iU�m Sf1.L47 '�"i MIIdKMfjf �'� LvmR Sum E�Id SOA7 SMcops $0 ilG1 BY•ck ��-� �iJ{S4 $4� Nlxk Sea ler �Q �� 3(�1Q IY�. Msl� ��' Matenal ��%�'� Laqor S0.{}0 604� °.�+wLil+1+1� �� �� � ���T�U Sum �.00 i70Q #�R Gl+�eru� 3a�0 lump5um 59,44 Ma[erial 5Q��4 LtiBur ���� C^a �� Ren�el �.b� $20Q f1FBiF �i+� �� Lump Sum S�.C� 141aterial `�0�� uhoc Si7,iX7 ?7i�1 �ifF� 3�.� Matfnal `�Q � l:3hOr 50.08 77+�0 Nrp�14�l1�e� � Foum�daTiun Ir55u181i[1h ���� 1d,'allsdn� �elldnR � � Faundation Y,�aCerpr€ n in$ 5�1�� �ul4ding Wr�p `�.� 7i�: � i�AG LUfr:�.P $um $�.L'hG FiiE6 iw� SMb�p► LumR 5um Wernata�k- `u`���� Rnof Patthir,g sa �a s�,e.t�+�eta� �o,un 776G J(ri�Yt S� �' i.ump Su:m $a.� Fleritagc Ca�n��ructiar� Coreipanies. �LC. G'r�tn 7�3i 63�-a[�c wxw FienmqeCons�ructinrtrnN tom 7C�tl6 �I ri fi'. Aa+e NW Suhe G. Llk Ri+C'. Nh'Y S�j�3G p6vulvn 6esrrtp�ien Na�es qWntrty Unit Prke Suh ialal Tnral �� f0a0 6ean+ey�Ftsr�kqEMia1 ..._._�. �� 1�4er�or danrs Pairrt and re-use exrssing t�g�qq ��SkE'IOr dOQ' �Q.� pbckt[ duor is nvt in �uded at thls iime �06 Doors aod � lLIF7r ��pp �ump i.,m Pain7 a�o rx-wse existin,g yp.pd Li44 {fre�erdlYpp�`! $0.�p Lump Su�n �¢�.80 iiE� Nl�de�aii'Mwdr�w �,p,e4! Materu $�,�} iahff� �D.GC� f�GiO Giss aod d� ��p WmP Sum eyQ.pp � xle+��ru 35s3�,�0 Lump Sum firaine, drrwall, tape rew wslfg, 55,7�0:[� 93�I1 �e ;p�G, 9.ump Sum §p qp 'i+� A4C�ai:iC�t C�i� �,� lum��� Swm $350 C�KrwgM#.0 s� f�W{yllf @NI5TIf1E ilI@5 5350.00 7S1G Jka�l T�ahr�� �-0p L.smp Sum SO.OU 9�5� Rooni�. Ci�a7 Genera I +�.�p I,��atinyR# wzikrpeas:+f IarnYna[� }I�' S5�4G3.37 �nyl Base $795.� SG.,�� #�CaG '19�70 P�IY� L� mp Su.'r� paiine wans p'ep arai paimt roof de�kina p��p and palr�t tloars} frsme� FrCp hB5a�1W'd3 sn!%IFkIFl�-fWT•3 �6 � FNP Sya91 Faper 1�SG iai�*aniefs�e Matenal umv� � 5i1r�ulr ILmp �um Cty fieq;aire� Signage i�i Fi+c L'�a�f�piYds Mater�al Labor �C^]� lflidd td�! � Lurnp Sum 1 new A�A hathrnam Latror 7349rJ ��! Lau m p Sum �.�#0 54.� $4, 7 Sd.Od 51.64�.00 $1,OBfl.qd $490.�0 � SQ.DrJ 5G`.QO $1/� $ti �ri 5a.=;� � �,o oq 50.CC �Q $S(10.OU $Q.01] SO,Oi1 '�Tf�iO � a �ler^t#age Cons�ruction C�rrrp��i�s. 1L�. � f.}ffite {F63i633-0�@4 tiw.w+H�nSe9eCo�hn�honMNcarn it74Q6 1 T99S AYE M1d9",� 5171GB C. Elk iiN9f, MN 55334 fllwisuom Clescrlptlon No#es tYwrei.ky WnitPri€e 5uk+iol�� rutal�ast 13i0� Lnadlns Da�cl� Eqalpmetit SO.oe Lump Sum §i0.f3Ci 1�40d �{neis $B.flG Lu�p Suni A1'howmner dor� �at�ine[s 28,`1T.Ai1 50.6d ir�lUtlC'�55hpvvqy�rrrp;���n, re�ep[ian desk� hrva�a�.rqa �Fm4vFd 7er p+Wii7Us dns[u9s�4� 1ZS6G SMGndvw i�Hmenit ry6Aa !� m p Si: m S�7.Op i+wYO(] FJe�rlrEors S�A�u Lum p Su m $O.Op 44iO11 EiR Piah�id� $GAO Lump Su m requiretl � to he �ddetl $6.flp 15�409 Plumhi� f3,A00,00 Lump 5•� m A6A restruorn $2,95C)_UO I�v Sink �1nd Sink 54anddTd iink f dAUre13. s�W Prt[i�5g. pium+bing tc fackl rorom and colo+ mom $A54.i}0 :_T�r.• y.C�C° Nk�n f�a.i� �E-t nt.e.iiC �S Ho .i.•` ¢s:�5'. r�y �a: I=l�r_, fi{TCF $�6SU L�isOQ FIItA[ $WI qGB.di Lump s�m tenant imprave�ren� $4,554.w ii88i6 €le�rkd $�,6�s.trb Lurtip su.n SSdntld3d iEC F�c�,r�i $F,�75 CU Ii�fltl Law1M�6r 5��!� Lti�n�p Sum $a.CC� �OOGG MYitdls�tea.a� $1A9E.fi7 t�mp $um S`,�,0�6.63 CUiRIFICATONS: Prn�p�l ¢a94'�d nn �IdRl�alyd 4{3J'1018 HErItaRE COf�SkrL'[1+4� iS a mRrn 51'OP [OeIt17StOr WF 113E thE Im4N COfr.Rf¢h2�M1S�MF tild, UfllOr qf f10Fl-U�nl�fl rvo iAC ar v.'�C fees incsudeu iwaterand sewer te�a} E71CLL14E5 WINiER CI?N61iP6N5 ESfCLUd)f5levr vnik�ge, Ce rn��murrication sysCern, tel�phvne R ArchnQlegy. Eidt:L6J[7E5 work reating Co ha2.ar�ous materiads in ihis value {mold, as6estus,. lead, et�._.y AppEl�n[es Gy Cnvner 5+g�age By' Q+�e� �'{al +�^V P�s4n ar �r.amkanV suRR�W^� �a4ar �r maleria ls tor kh� mPF�'�!^� 1n }rour p�operty maY file a���ien aga+nst your pxoR4r1V rF 4fiat person o� f13mPBT'1�' 1} 14�F Pal."� Fpr ktlf C9njf�bWt�Gfl3� ibl U�uder Mi �nesota .aw, you �:ave 4he rsghttc pay persan� brko supplie€t lahvr ar materials �or 4his e+npdore�ment dirE�k+y anc# deduct khesamawnt frflm crur cant*act pnce, or vrrthhold the amnu�ets due them frcrn us unYil 12d da5rs af[er compaetiEm af� tive improvemerrC.�urless we give ycw a lien wairer signed by Rprs�a+rs wha wkpl ied any lahag ar material for the im praa�rment and wfin gave vo� time#y rvatice,' � ��� �� �t� .9x.5r�ercf.•s, fni� T'!J: l�7+'dJritfL'z+ll{l L'1�.� f]nr�: ,4�rr�' !?, �111 �# A1l�v: Jian Thar�es 1�e.. SFIj [f'afnul Sfr��f. Ste. 1 Monrice!!o, ,'N','V 33.#�G2 1",uc�tion. �Pruj�cr No.: 701 �en:a �.ve�we Soud� �'LII�E � Minneapol�s. hR+� 5`,rdt8 Tel: 763��+11 �6 �2k f`��-��9-jl�I� Redoca,r�o� CturrtQs M'o,�rrce#fr� 2 09�63 V4+'e are sen3ang tea ynu: ❑ Atts�h�d ❑ Separately � By M�ss�n�er Q Sht�p I�, awir��s [] 5�+eci�catir�ns ❑['antraets ❑ Re�art �] Prints Q C{�rns�nndenc� 7� Odltier: Clairn Cl�e�:k� Item �# 9o�amrnl Iles�riptipn Attached ar� the fr,Elt�u�in� �laam� f�,r �:�ins;s CPoin�, ir� :5t►•ke, Ince 1 $5,70(3.OQ - Ciusinrs� ftc-�stahEishrn�n� C']aim l�dvance 2. $�,540.DI]-M�r��i�r�C�st�('l�im+� I = 5�archin� �, $�,'�UU.DQ — Moving C: c��ts C laim �r ? — :�s�}•aar��; �cx:z,menlak�c�r� is att�c�ed ta supp�rrt �anc �lairn. Pleusc c�ll me if �au have �ny� r�uesti�ns. T}se aL�qve tec: � 5hc�p dt�a�inb5 �� �h�:cked ❑For yaue us�e ❑ f��r,�c�ur mf�rmaf�c�n [� �o exceptians tak�n �I+Fcar your xp�,rc�t�a] ❑�'car }�our rer�iew ❑ R���e.trd ❑Fo� t�our distril�utipn ❑f4s r��ru request�d � F�ev�se and resuhrr���. ����r yaur proc�ssing ❑ Fdr si�i�tur� ❑ �Jnk� mael�in�s 0 C�tther — c�; R. By�; Penn;�° R�l�� .._ , T�is:: ��3-?3 I -4�{s� �r �+ � ;-360- � 3 I � Si. Clo�d � Mieaneapolis � St. Paul �qual ppport,niry Employer �rsd�wog.00m i :.��,9�urrk,�-,�ri �a.. i .�.ti�..c,M1 �.. ��m� o..-,. V G W � 1 1 � e I .� �a t9y� m C � � W h � � y � � G � � � � � � a � � N � {'1 � .'� 5'y t3 '^ C � E Q � � � �. E ~ a�i u E �' � � '� qq� O p � M1i 3 � � � m .� .�} � � N � u � � � Oc�upancy �Da1,�js ��Bg Ct�9G MONTIC�LL4 ��C�M4fat�C L�E'��LCIPMENT �4�Tii�RITY Ni�'4iIf�C C+pS'�� -' hxrpar7ant� su��rrt�'romptly.4flcriw�ve •• � Fieaide�ca � Ad, Getince 0 Gatrernmer�t p Other �P �i �usine�s ❑ Farm � Non•Prc�fit pAdvarace �+ Par�ial OFfn�l � ���^�� � Suhrn�te�r Am�rur�t � 2,S�p.O� Pa � s: Goi �n 51y1e, Nna. �a.— Dist. S.P. R�rr�l C_5. Pr�j fa �Bd i'�4. _ _ iCd�'f1t�' A�quisition: � P�ndir�g ; 1+�R4ed Parcel {7tvner= rn,��w qr ce�iorr� hAicdtaeR tN. Froslie and hCa Parce� Addr : 703 Pin� 5lreet � �fFi. [�{1HTlalfl leen F� � biS�riGt ,4Rp�vai_ �. �i�enc}+ Ap,�rnual: �� � , .� AppliCai��n Approved Veoltiar �10.� Aitn. Fina#1G�, ilal[ C To: �p�,i ih, � Ad�fBs5�e{s): ,r,oi ir� St ie Inc h+Eailia�g Addr._ 11924 �83°' Auaru,e �.¢ ���[e �ty - merrti�elk� Mh� 55�� C� S�t� �I : 8i Lake b1n 55309 RELQ�A7r(]N cLP.�h9 E��G�BfLmr LQCAn[9N P�RS�N,�I. ��bYERrY MoaED Ti] L7'15p�a�ee @tip� '� : Fe�ilily N2me M1lart�ePs�. Goi�S irr �� ia. Irec. �fi��ar 7vaee Ct�mmer�cial eenial sp�C� �J�C�ap�ncy E3at�: �� C] Dwn�r � Tenant 5treet Addres�: 518 GedarStr�ex Eligibil�ty I�ate� �•2a-y�8 A,�quisiiian �aR�� ;���-1� � - -- �Fdaifee O{ 119ta�+4 Qr o�ryePe amefj ir aentm.n,d. asa -�vertdirq'} — City, 5t�t� 2ip- Marrtiia��la� I�I�+! 55382 �e(�} of tha f�ov�: Begln; �endang End_ Nam� csf MCsY�t{s}; Pend'en;� �R �FFR.^IlLL. U�6E ONLY �'6Md[ano) MC�VIFI� C(j�j� �p7EON: � F2ssidential Sche�ule Ba��s d Ror�ipS's�Rctuel �cSL � N�sn-Res�lentlal 9JtllEsiim�t�a Res��eney Cee�if�ytlafi; F�.9�ral I�w requlres ner�FGatiQn Qf resrlenck stak� Please �rAeck the C��gveyr er c�am��§te Ne sedion �eMnw u�al applies ta ' ytiu tlr your 8[�uperyCy Sl�alus in the I„Jrtit�tl �I�tes Y4UP S�fk7iUh�i :oflSli�{lf�5 ���p�p8� � c�h iFy lltial 1 am. ❑ a cil6�ery ar naldoneP of lhe Uniled Slate�. ar 1 �urth�r ce�i�hY lhat i herc ere persa�s 'rn r�ty hnusenald, ihal _ are ci[izerrs�r �nytIW9�15 t5i dkea Uni1�1 $l�t2s, (sheck one) 0�I1 81rtnlewful�yr p�3enl in Ih� L,Inrt�ed $tffies, ar . antl ��rc a�lens �awh,lly prese� in I�ie Unitad Sta9es. � a++ elien xnth pers9n�i property lewfully presani �n Sole rI� pPah : I C�rtIFy tlk°�[ I am' ❑ g IJniletl' 3Lake� eJi�xen ❑ an �tli�n Jgy.{�Py prEaent in IF�e L1nit�i 3'i,ales ❑ a LJniied ;�Iatas n�t�anal ❑ a rwn..�.S. eat�en �t preroe+�t in Ifie Ur�iled S{�tg� �artne�: I aeA�y ti+at Ihera a� parl+�ers �r the parinersrtip a�d Ihai are r�t+xens cithe UniEed �tales. endlar are aliens iawf�a�fy �re.s�ent in yhe Vnited Stale�s, and _ are nan-U.5. citizens nM Rreseru in the Un ee4 State� Ga�rne+�t Ac knaw�dQament I, Ih2 ur�e+5lgneU, � h hereby e:�Ady tl5at !he �o�r� inFcrmaNdn +s tn� snd carrecLand Ihat documantati�n attached her�tv �caarate iy rep€eser�# eii��i� expensrr�. I a�lsc r.eRify th�# I have ixrl previously sutmrttetl n�r rxe�y�d payment fur arry expense �ubmrtte�l �n�i1's th�s t��rn. i7NLY. �.nr� G�,Ls Author�� IN2rn� {print9: � �P`'4 '� �,] . � Y@IE�Rk1GN1� - S � J IG}�tB: � � � � �V � M1Avving Cost4 Page 1 nF � f�11432 V 2917,n� �ESIE��.NT1.d►� Muti^�n� �'osts I�str■ctions ior �ubmittan� �,'our ��$�m The. 517�� +s•ill �Ilntiv rtsi.i�i�li�l arn�•irie �:t�ti.se, �i: a disp�ucctl in�iveJual �+r I�mily lxuscr3 t�n eelhsr a 7{QC]h9 SC'9IL1aV.;l.li or �E[i�7b¢r5�;.�77w�+k 10� Jtf"' L1;11. fifl4�5 inciirrs�J ,1> ;t Ji.+:pLu�t's' ��5�� s5•iil 17c .i�:�il [n ��lcc� Iht e��c[]su[I �n�s� 3ui«11r1�:1oy�4�f nsu35 iRPQRTA�I'p'. C�nsuB� oaud tl heraughiy dis�uss �orrving npsimas aad ilue[h�ds �,•itti a reloca�ion a�clr•isur pri�r l� ��uvin�- l'li.� �i�ue cxuuint reimlrua-,e k�t+u For :n;' stlterasie�n tiwhitli m�y +=on�itsiPe � h�ntc im�e[�e�m�n1. '�1�c '+iFCnC4' S4"lP� Ill1[ iAR;ilt{l`P, F7;i3° a� ��im�ursv �iii �race.uytit �h��.� Lac��.� ir� ��r�cnG3� s;i��a�ir�n4 � d4��rmineci b�efvrel�nd h}� Ih4 SislG �f h•�inn�sr�Ru Pavmeots I��• liaam Schedule I:n�ler lhis meliEi9il, �ra} men1 is cump9iltr3 �n the num6cr oi moms in 3�a��r residcn�cc, tr�lusia c ol lypirsii �la�e�c, parehes. pnnlri�, E�wlt�ronrtu h711++rdrs, 77vnnc�s nr sm• e�ral'uni�shed inams. A las4�nenl rx�}' �1C �fFp51(I�k'� 41�k�' [y#{1{I] 1iRIL�S I� �K �]CL`jl SGjYlI'BLZ.CI e�tn a3v�blt �nenn such :�s Exdrt�onts nr rty:r:a�inn rsarvmA. C��rhuildi,s;�s ,�a:�,l �ar s�c,as�a� m�rnns�c �uti� nla�r bc cc�unled �v Ihc rr�s�c,� h»s1�. ThQ OccNpant Pravjdes Furnilura _ �� Q�}ep�yR! p{�py�} l+�S Pr4vida Furniiur4 Fkoetins 1 2 3 4 5 � 7 8 Ad�rf��al Rot7rt� R9Am,5 1 AddX'eanal Rnonts �mouht 5575 7�5 }a5 i�26 1325 a�25 �725 19�5 $Z+h�'E�rh Amnunp �A50 `aA0GJE2Ct4 1'raun�t� h�� kecei�t oa�,+Irtuol L'�st I;n�1cr Lhih uie[]tad, [35r St�[c rtily �Il��titi� rtim�i�r4em�n� lirr revsone6le anil necessnry {��� delenni�ed h�- ilir o�en�'}�j e��ier�ses �ncurred ui n9oti'in� }�ou�' pci �.+nGal �.'[1rCf9V i'UT Il C�SSLI'-Tl� I161 1{} i'ACS�{{ �1 #�7j�5 T�h75 !: TjiS� �7L IhLI�l1KlR7CjjL J�7f 171�'G�Itll'[11L`R[C£ 5k'Illl:h I7Fk'C [}L"CLIf7CL� i4f f0i IIf11C lirs[ oi yt�ur rc�oiiNr nc�a,�,�;{i{,:. h�lnv,n� ek�,r,fst� wt�ill t,� Uaid u�on ram�aiia�ne¢ n+ith the ta�ll�tiviog Intsnactions. 1. lw'h�l y��� n� r�vcq b3 u�Ral��c�nrnl mnv�o�gccm�pnn�r', �nyih��h:�rgc5 n��l n�l�ra.ax �l f�C113JICfI i�emita[i n�-�ipi� hi11 mnrkcd "}'�id in Ftill" nnd sig+u�rl tM a e�tmpanti r�pr�ntnt�k�c. Plea�r confif�n r�ld�i6iJi�n° u�9YI7 8 �{CICaC6[90[Y A�%°1501 �}fLIY! li} SIIC f{LOtiC. ?_ li y�aur p�t3s►n�l pcup�«} rs m�,e�l L,y Sumca�r uti�crlh�ri �, prtafts�iunal muvira�; tn�t7�an�, r�u �rvuu �uisraiss �r iterni�ed stat�mcnt shn3vin� rth� i�u��r ;+i�zcpp�c hi�9. ��tic si+S4 €�4r h[tur pa�d, �IaG�s, and [h+�� Ininl hnur: 3rv�iked ilar earh indlvidvaf ar�d ��4 rqijapfl�cn9 u�Ct6 Y�E�.+� r��s��s= �l�i, iricilissd �wi6l� 3�ur I�sl9�a:atp�i I�llVltirai �SYlui tu fY1r�V7�7� �1d iai[urrllY� e1�h3�4. �. You m�t uimg�ltle �he hnt�i�m rur{�on n1 �r Irp��� t,f ihi, �.Is>im ��rm in in�;., ,�tla�77 4o t�u nnFinxl uf ��5 li�rtn tell rrc�ui�ed usft7►re7�lt'iiti7E �Crtq1Alk'.�. 1il j'nUf ]71[}x'�C bI1G il]Gla lP Y�k� I�CI OCi[I(IR �5f�'IS�f ��90ivil 611 93it IL7tti'�f �C� i41`IlC[ ilQl lll� I I'i]lia @I� 4I415 �fJ�� a. In Rirt c�rG�t raau o�e �finnncinlly unaEalc �u �ra3• lfi� iuuving r��npauy, spccinl urrun��a�cn�a maV br mndc SviLh ihe Etci[��i��iun Advi�os &n n�lc�tiv ilii�c� �+i4°h1ClYl, GY �71ti:1'CI\:115Cd }�L14YhtYA1 CIOIIAA. I�115 fCPJSi bG �tJll� SVEII iil MI4'`{fACf Ur ELYE EIYffY'1T1� �OL@. VO�I-RESII�ENTi.�L l�[s�vin� C4sis F�estructions fur xuk��i#�iag �rour cla��n �luru�iue� rc�u�3[itm� alic+tik• mu�=in� rx��nfrs P�u n �ii�pLa-�c'�d b��sin�s, fiann s�r nun-�ara4�t v¢gnnixxtiQn ba�cd ni� nc.ival casts a�Sturnc�i ;n mU4�in� pe�sonal �arsr�rcrt�� dt�r a ii9saenc�� nc�l 1t, CKCCu�I SIl h171�4� f�rn4�e��ea. rr�lalir,ns iEtl L7�}t �IIi}li' CUF G1C4i74'�"IPIQi3��5 'N�rik�� muti� sFcriar nr ftrr h�rsin�s 1in�c Irns. 1liimh�irscrr�Ctif Fnr efi�.it��C rti[15�j7�� L'�4�YL'f15i;S i5'1If t7L' 771#ldC U�d79 S[7f11�1�1RTl�f W'I[}l ibC �04�{75Y'IR� ll]SLRLC[7[)[13 Il+l Pf}RTAh]"1'; Consul� �n� Ihearoughl}� diar�tsa moti'ing o�l�ans and mrChods m�ith a rela�aiian advistrr �rri�ar fu mtl+�'irtg. I. 4Vl�en A �rom�uncrrial mta��er i- t"Yil�]I{}�'Cx�, i�7� �7l�siht �ustg 17[ l[a I�C �rdld a��r� ll�eLd1lc� ae[:CipLet} 5lu[GhGi51 i��S'LJofl*iI_ 3. �15 ��IC �'.�K".flt �'4p11 44'16Ii yGllf T��llIs77 Ctl1���VC.L'S j4 4TTdI� [�iL' 117C71`C� Il IS fX4]i17fL'� lI}Y[ }'Lltl,[SIIlLFkLOY[4 8 CUi[I��L'Ll' CCLi13Si i7� {�74�C]. �If11C Y4iC�C4i_ �li� a�noun�ti �u�d w r�11 �rcrssis�s � hy;satinle3• F�rlicipnting in th� mt'vc. �:hrsrg�s 1nr ti���- n1' �qurpm�nt nuris+d k�;° tiie harsiac�5 n��� he �111s,wcxl Eaul �l�:�ll hc ci�rti�,rahlc Io Ile�xsu rnir,cE�ur�cai �y Jn€al r€o�tel ag�nri�s 3. You ui�.. �:E4et iu ���I 4tie Juwtr af it.ti ��� eslimeus I'iir cnut°i»� atl iil'tiuur persun�l �riu�es�� T9i��e rarse u�iiintilc� kVi�1 G4 aU[�nta�ri ht• tha dtLCCkc4 ;rtad �+r�:a�e�ICC�I [[f t�vn ls� arii iiplltii�.. 14'�[Ci fiSiS rnefhtxl, nii c7[l�ef �n�Ni.nk. eir�l ttincum[�lli�illSxrt Ih �fu�rS�lh}'. - -I. Y�a ma� c€�nr�lelv �rw� n�r��a� �n«�, ar�,� r����� �r,i„� ��aim F��r6rri ie ink �#tw�l� w lt� �aii�iiinl uf�l,rti luii�, i��l rcc��ir4�f inf�armAiii�� P�naifl��.� In ,+rur iiiuve nr�d rn�il rr+ �hc ficEucadui� A�'36i1T SI7iM1i4l1 �11 ISiI^ �Ota6i ICCl SbliL" OIl �I7C ffOtll Of CIIlL4 FQfi7i1 Tl�t ag�n�y++v�Il nu1 cu�es�der. pnv uercimbur5c fur n��Aim� ciucg+s c,x�r�pi in amcr�eFtic3° Siiu�rGaru, �sst!��L:":sis�l� ls,� �tu�genc�. F'.jr�n�ent may nLtin !x ��Inat+�1 n7 k4e mu,b�x ef;� s��s]�Iwo�d bus4nc55 d� ?S�R� operoi��r fo�' �tunl rt�oi'w, hl� ixpcttsc� i,r se;�ecliii7� fnr u��dascm�nl c,l�, ncsi d� �t��ecl fi3,;i](},d7U, 5uch �,epanses r�ak includc tr�ns�drra�iun cosas, at�u�3 titr� unrJ ceriiun t�lliCr �rgS21i9�5 acLuallw� n1G7ifPR�d in wvsrchr"n� fi :le�ailed, �pr[ilioi xcAlems��l.�yf ��rehin� es.�raises tnusa acxruon�,�ny r�w eiaie�a. f�ffirrr, t�t, to'�e be:�: o� n�y kno5�ledg�, a61 ��rspn�lty �nGuding afl haaarsiaus �nd environmantally sen&+tiv� �m2leri�ls s�tht a5 batteries, tFre�, p3ints, S41Y9l1t��, in�e��rtilizere, fluore��ent �ight�, eS��� �!�wK �en '�i ,� T' �r1S7wgb ff4f�1 Ch� GaFG�9, l�: mr� y k i � � ��5, ��S't1. ��1�%�s ��4 `� �RI S�,y'�hxe � i}aie } G do k�eYehy affirm Yhai, ioih�e tsest of r�iy krlrnatle�9ge, dlSp��CeE 15 ellgib� far reirrihurseman[ af aligihl� Mouing CsrsYs, �as�d crn d��plac�e's st�3u5 �r1d PCCUR��Cy S7i 1�� p�fC�l �1 lh� �Irn9 Qf �h� ��letl�tl0� af r��g�iiati�ns srrd��i 8C Ih� Gme of ihe �arCels ar�uis�lidn. I furl��r aFfirm 1h�1 das�l�c�e quali��es as a'¢a�.p'�aGed perspn'�, �nd i5 enisE4�d to paym�nf far acfual, reasonab�� �n� n�ss:�ssary m[sving ar� ie�r�ted e�rpens�s fibr � rE;sitien'li�l �r n�rr�-re�iderteal rnt��� {49 �FI� F't. 24j �s indu:aled aPse��her� or� jhrs Imrm. Re�p�tion � � � r $4gne�v�e �� �. h,t�Vi ng [p�ts 1'age � trf � Rii032 L':—}L'.}_..-_+I^- �. r p �' : Mt�nti�.elio EDA --� - . . .:_ . .4. ��' s������n�� ��nv��r�� ��� �. ..,, _, +�-.� -._`��, .�_ _� �. � "� r�� c�� -- +-� — �l� - k'� S,P. � C.�. J�ibhb_ I09fa5 ��rc�ll�I�. C��sf. __ �aur�l�r Wrigh� Par�el Cluvner - r_o. � R�irnburs��ent Eligible E?ate. ��spi��e ��}.nt[4#� - ��{��'�'t � ,.,._ Date Persa�(sj Se�r�ing �#ddress or ��srsiptiQn � yV�orat T�m� Mi[�age Spent � . i �� �1�1 i i fl ��� a f*��-� �-71 � � � C`tl �jy� '� .. � �°�^-� k � �.�. 6 � . - � _ a_'4 't�l�ll f� �, �, 's � � =�4+'� � rtrr�i C��� C � � � �r�.-. �1��,'t +fr�� .�"� �"�.:' �' � c� +� � �i1 tL �- � � V+! t Y1 � � �. +� �x �e, '�h� * � `, �� Q ► ' �1-t � � Lr� l�,vr�:�� �U � � rl �:� -� , r, E,k.7� : '�,- , �.�..a zt� � �� � ��� _ ��� . i� t�t��. - ,. 1 �' � �+�*._. �.��{ �,�. cl.r�.c.�r�, �.��-�� �.� -.�-� � M�u� ��.�� 1�;�- � 75 ,4 �'�i �L�7, L ,Yi 4 {.�-c — � r 3 � ��° m T `Cc�i�- �.� � �'k �►ru� � .� ; � � , 1.,��,� v-►.�z } � �-� 4 . �� 4S � ,r l� 1 , —�7 � p�. ! � .4 �v �` 1.1i' ` � ��ti. '4GY'.t,�.- .. d * L .� 1 � C��i_4�.�5.�-� i� e�� �� `�a.���., _��t�.::-� �!v:�. w� �r �-�-'� �'��� � �� u.;c�� 1 t1 i �� . �._0$ �y�+�R '� C°l�`�-. `��. �c �j{�� — ��c� �� Y� ��� �i , � i Y`� J7, 1�� V + �(�y y 4 Y.Y ��. 1 1�3+� �5ry Y� �� �" i I�{�.rtl� � � P��� 7 L 44 ti k V17�" C ���' kL��y" '1`�.: :� C�t�'ia^. g y c�iy t:� �lt.Gti,_.:�x _ u� ��Ie M UI � e V'! � r� � � ����,'�r�s� �ti'tj n.�-ir� E� � ` � ���- � � �� � � �',��- I � �+�}.] ti tt �rri�.'�`l',�r `�R,� � I , � „�n `— a. 7'i.-w �� � C1�4�C� �-% I � W Li`�� L'�L.i�� �a l.i� l,� ��� ,� (. � r� 1 � ° j �+ �f' � � + .� ° [�''`c-�' �" �cc,t�tk ��^�1�i � iF-�;-vkS�L _ '� 4 '-,-nS 1 f: . d� � - -. . . . + . . _ � �` T�7ALS' � •-� � � � i'rI +i��.�b Tcrtal TI�uIE: � H�. +� rate t�f $'� 1 hflu�= � �� ,� Tata� MILE�4{'xE� i"� lw1i. � rat� c�f $ .5�4.5 1'rnile= $�� � �'`r� T�TAL SF�kR�MIfVG �COSTS IR�P�FCTE�� $ ���,��� ��5ob 141sacimuum� �1'r�-�� � +e�!m�ur�hfe �� 4$�I�:� `�L�-�- 4� �F'el�i�� �'k,.n� [`+14.�#,'i �,�� 4'"i�� tC� �1 �� � � ��.4..a � 1��������°'�`���ei�.-1,� ������ �'�,�`� �'�yl�l ��al�hing P�Ctivt�e9 l.+7g RL1936 2f22�01 B I�or�t�cello — d��wn R�etfeveiopm�ent Pr+Qject �EARCFiING A�CTIVI���S� LiOfi S,P, ��,651Q'1 �.'�. J�b hlo. Parcel �lo. �]ist. Cot�r�ty Wright P�roel C?uvner Michael and Kat�leen �'rr�sli� I.D.�M --- — Reirnburserrrerrt �ligible Date: 2-14-18 Displac�e �uio� i� Stri�e 1`ot�l `f1ME= Hrs. � rate csf $ 4�} 1 hour= � Tot�E MI�ERG�_ Mi_ � r�#e of $ ,'.5�4� 1 raliie =�� T[3�`11L SEAR�CHIlV� CDST� R�P�}itfiED; � r$���� �ie i Searchia�g Attivities Log RL103£r bf26�918 Bul�seye Propertre� at�d R.ea��}+ �5 i�a�ce S#re,�t S�auth ' , � . .�-�..��;. ��ait� #30�7 �"�1��5�� �`�. f}. Hig Latce, � 553fl9 . 4-'. (���) � z�-c���� Pi���r�leS LeaaJ�g � Rlai#y Biil T�p tioing In Slyio - l03 �inc 5t, 3I+I{1[1�1G�4"��Or �� 3r�"�(1,� ��1�iCl��� €]ete IrnvoaeB # 412dI�Ui$ 2272 �ue iD9t� 5,�24�4 Z 8 � ��� �� & .d:,u.aupes. fnz•. 7p1 74e� Arenue So�utl`, Suite �00 P�1nr�pali5. MN 55416 iel� Tb�`,+41�8(q Faz 763�541-17�0 To: ?�fc�+tic�elfr� EL7A �a[e: .�r�t° fi,1!]18 Aft�: .f�rr�r Thr�rec J4'e.� Ref�,c�eu�r C'f�iaves S[l5 if'r�Jr�ut Srr�ef, S1e. I Lac�r�n�rr h#nnlice.lfo �It�mtrceflo, ,+4f�1� SS.��Z Frra}�z� ,'�'r,.: J�J9b3 We ar�e s�ndin� t� }'c�u: [] Attached ❑�eparatel} [] By MeSstn�;c;r ❑ �h�ip I)ra,�w•ings � 5pec:ifi�aliar�s � Contrac�s �] [��p�7rt � f�r°ints ❑ C.orrespcar�denc� }C (�ch�er, (�'laim t hec�;s i#em # �vcu�nenfi l�escription At#ached are the f�ll�s+�+��in�; clairns tar E.w�ing� C`,oing ir� �tyl�� �nr. I. �5,400_00 • F3usiness �e-esi�blishnieitt Cl�im - Ad�•ance �, 52,50(J_0{] - Mc���in� �crsts C.lairr� # I-�e��chin� 3. $5,000.00 — [1+ipvit�� �CDSt:� (���aim �# � — Advance Dr�cum�nta�i�an is att�clted t�r,u}�}x�tt ca�h claim, Please call rne iP��c�u h�vc �n4� �ucstic�ns, The �k�c�ve are; [] 5hn� �ravwin�3 as eheck�d []�'nr,}�aur t�u [� Far vnur inf'nrmatl�rn ❑ Nra ex�eptians tak�z� �F+�r y��•ur appr�sr�al [] For }our re►�iew ❑ Rr:�e�:�ec: []F�c�r ±�r,uT cfistri�uteon DAs }�nu r�.queste.d � Revise end resubmit �+Far yrur prnc���in� ❑ PQr sigi�ature Q i�c�te mairkin�s ❑ (�ih�r cc: - - - - By: _Pcnn� �ielf . _� _�. .—_ l�e�e; 763-23 t-4$6$ c�r Cil �-3fr(1-13 l4 5t. [bud • �llnneipolis • S!, Paul Equ21 CppOtb,inil� Eroplpyer ++�g.00m {' i.�¢mIFIYdYiqit,8ck.irzaewml•.fs�..w�nnm�no�mr �■���� _�_ .. �� ' � a I N 3' e f1 _ . I at w � � I� � �`' � � ' F;, � s L^ � I � m ¢a � . ku O IV � , F I 4 F : � � � � � 3 n r"7 m .� � 8 '� I�c '" � Iv� 4. i q ¢ �, N � � M A h � m � i = � °� � � � ° � i � I rs � �IC.�NTI�C�LLC] E�t�I��DMI� QEVEL�RfhRENT AM�THC,�R��Y ih�1C1YING COSi� •+ �1riF7ridx8At: SirBr�ffPrwn�tdyAftarJ1}ove •• OCCu�]&.nCy _�D�I 8 ❑ Resid€rnce L] Ad. �evi�e C] Cxovernment CJ Qther PP L7�&9 �96 f�' Business C] Farrn ❑ Non-Prx�Frt �kdvan�e � f�artial C3Fina1 �wt�S P gg ' G�Pn inSlyl�.lne �ist. ��� Parcef G.S.. Proj ID F��d hlQ. Coun�S' ,B,Cquigltlon, � Pendin�g � Aeeepied Parcel Chvner. ��omr u C�ap�iap F�SICi72BP W. F!i¢.SII� dl`1Si Y�I Parc�l Addr °�03 Piree �tra�9 hAM 55�362 REL(]�A�`I��k CLAIIJI EU�IBILf C)isplaee� � n � hlam�f9�' Gcfn n St Ve, Irlt ��upancy bats �i- 4 � 1 �' �Il�ltllitj+ ��CE: �-��1$ �h�s�ce +�r�em Q aur�x4 Ottrri Submitted A.mount 5 5,�D0.00. _._ ais[riek Appr�w81� �e.ncy P�pprrnral: — — ;..hc..cwws - - - - � ate Appircatron ,4ppraved_ - rv hl Vend�or No.: Ci Em_ C)omsin Attn. Flnancc:�, ilfa�l �Chaak 7�0: ,� y�l a� A F�osli� AddrBS���sj: Going� StyJe, Inc_ ^ Cl Dwner E�1 TErtant ACqUisi[itafl 1]ate: �15-18 {if �eleniried. nim • Pers�l�p`} M�iffnt� A�,ddr.= i792� 1�2^" Av�nu� �$3i�9 Lb�a,71�r� F��i�sa�a,�� ��vP��rr r�flv�a �Q v Fa�ifity �lame ^ a�dior TVR� Camme�-c�al retrtal s9a�� �treet Addfess� �18 Ce�da�S�reet � �iYy. ��ate Zip: MunGeello.hllN 5b3fi� 3ke(sj of th� INoVe� Beg� €�end�n� �nd= �Name of NJov�r{s�: Pendm�_--- --- --- rOR4FFICL6L 118E QNLY [slrck el'Ha �`�• M�3'V'IAlG CC]SS [}PTIbFI: Q Rasidan�ipl $chQdulo-9�sRs ��ieeeip!°91'Actusl Co�l ❑ NC1rt-RasidentiodBielfEstim,�la Res�dency C�rtiflr.�dicsn. Federdl l�w requ.ires c�nHSc.a�ian �i res id�n�.y �#alua. P�aaae �cheek Che calrgary or �rrp�eke 4Me ssctlan bsiaw Ihai appfees �o •� ,. y+o1l or y�0ur t.EGupa�Cy 51�tus �n IhE UniC2� S18t85. S+GMJr Sagnalure C�rrtSiltules 17Crt��cah�t7n. i r.�rlify thaC I am� �a uqq�4n v� �+a�an�P oFilrc Lfm« 5t��es� �r i r�rtne� �e�k�fy shse Urere are persnns In mp nQ�,eh��p� ifi�t 8f@ GRIZiR.s {K RitY0f1:7I5 [it iNm U:nikBd SI�le5, q� anpa � an allrn iavrf�ly pmsent �n the ilnHe� Staie�. w and � are siiena ia�fully prc�strnr m Ine Unq� S�ales. ❑ an al�er� v++th personal p�re�ertp �awlulkY p�yeM �n 8a16 Proarietorsh��. i oertifylhai I a�n: ❑ a Uni�l�� S#ate9 ci�izen 0 a Urliled 57dtey n,�jpnSl ❑ att ali�n I�au�ulfy preSani �n khe Unit#td Slal�s � a raan-u.�. ra1Re+� rrok pr�e�t in tha 4]nitsd S�ta� Parvnershio I ceRiiy IRaI kh�e� �re � partners in !he pairfiers#�i� and th�t ar� qtitens n'f Uye 17�i[�l Stal�s. andls�r are alier�s l�wlulFy pses�n# in the �Jni�ted �'uf��es, and sre �aon-lJ_5_ elilr�n� nRt �aresent in the Un iled 3latas. �t�i�r�#5 Cn raar�le�n I ea�fr lhet Gn,nd� Shu.a_ Ine i� e�iabl�hc� hv law and �ulhariaod to- c�+nduC bueineas �n Phe Ur�ted Slai�s Clairnanl Aekn�rrlTd��m�nt. I, t�e uader�igned, do �errby aeA�y Ihat �ha abeve in�acmatidn i� truc and �R�q and �hat docum�nlatii�r allarlred here7n ard�ra5ofy ra�reserf9 eli�lble �aspensas. I a1sQ �e�tify Ihst I haue noi prnviousdy� subrnllSed nar re�Calw� paymenl fur any eYpe+tse submill99 w�Ph 1h�5 tfaim. ❑FFICIAL U^aE ClN6.Y= iCo.rurtm�s} fku�FiCtK� [`� . . _ k. , � , �farfl� (Print3-- k `�--� l�'� �� � • �l C1 � . `f�l�phone; � � Da�; � —� _ 4 tt r.+o+�7 C�6ls r 2{117JC@ RL:.5�17L1�f'�'l.�l� 11�Io1�ing �C=�M�ts lnstrurt[un� for �'�t��x�ltting �•�ur dssim Thc ��,�ce r,�ill 'r7i�(!i1' �4'SI(ii'RLIZI IPUti'6f� C"tj'wI15i;i 16 .1 �i�E7I.7S{I inc��uidual or Fa�SeJ}^ hsse:c� mn ciil�cr a ftUUW �C'll�:C}L�L� (u riinrl+dStS�a�Yen[ Inr tlC'Ti?_iL L't}S7'S �is�ul�e�l. ,Lti 7 d'a¢}�Ixre xa�u uill hc as�;rd W`,�c•Icce �1r ayeS�«d m+��l svilublr �r� ,.`auF nc-etJs. N1F'{]RTA��F7`: Cvnsult flnti thnrnughl} discuss �►aring a�'Ckrlfl� ar![1 mrfhncl� �`illi a relo�Atir�n a1+�v�or �r�a�rtn rnrrving. fhc S'tn�c ean�o� rcirnhu�c yirtr frrr �ny �liei•etion 4ti�t�icE� �� cc+ttscrtutc a honsc fi7i�xo��me�s. Thr Ai�entx• ��-ili nno tix+n€ider. �n,� �+r r�6sssisur;e St4s ❑ti �"�1i17}� L`.Ii�.rtc_��s. ute�:�l in cut€t,e���}� 3ilu.�lis3ns os d�eiar�a�ca bc€archand �;• Ihc Stoic vf hl�nncsn9u Paymcnts �y Ra�m Sche�lule L'�idcr tao-is mexh�� @e�Ur�enC i., cs�i��puie�l cm LI1i 111115]L�L'Y ¢B i1J[1RL,5 Ill 4'OUT f[St�E64C[. C:SL"BW}I4'4' OI E� �IGlJ EIU5[lw, �LIT4:�iL'�, �7571U14'3. I7.9LI1C6hGlktS �1ilIIiS i1� 5. �^nlr�uG��� na ar�� uEulFnrisha�i Ik7{7�1lS. A hai�cemrnL mu4 hr uun51[lerrt[i +}ne ro�rm unlrss ie .�;�s'h�en sr�r�u-:x��.�i 6nl[5 17i''ujSIC Fl1sSIR� tifiCh 44 bii11Y1�%lll§ Ur iti�rre�ioms rar�rtu. �CfuEbuildiis�0. ��;r'd d�r st�ra�;r purPvse..s ma}� al�r� hc s.mnici! h}' the rr�am'no4is 7he ilccu�rt f��[�Yidi�S Furt�lll�aa Th� RcCupant E]�es Nat Pravlde Fu►lljllaf@ Raoms L 2 3 9 5 fi 7 3 Ac�eni�,�e1 R$nms i�aoms i Asld'rtion�l R¢am� km�unp 5375 725 9Q5 #12� 1325 i5�5 t725 7925 i2�5rEacfi 14mount 5450 3100VEsch ��yteMe�r,� �y �ec�ipt �yr .�etual �ast 4:nJ�r [hy5 m�ihu� �h.� SEaia rn�k� alivu� r�inr�a�ersern4�l far rensnnn6le a��c� nece�snry �as detcrmincd ln• tlic a�cntyj ��pcnsee incuriac3 in �a+��n�, Yt�ut ��Y: s�n�h pr<r�rt�� I'ur a di:�iri�re �4 ia exsecd 5{1 mil�s 11�i� ks nm� an �dju�ncns Fc+r aroco-nveni�nc�c w�ich t�nvc occ4Frr�rl s�rlar �i��r� 1crs� �e }�our rtiuul�r �xcup�ucan. �lo��ing e�@c�7tcs wi�l be �sid ��poo s�flmpliu�a€e eri'h ths fallawii�� �nsi[vcit[�5. i. Vdhcn yrou av� mco+•t�J h}' � ryrufee�siu�ral �r�ok�ic�,�n�pur�y. �ay tfrc chirgts unrl ah[aiiv o itci3rJcd. itcrsai� r�EtEptcr[ bili mnrY.ccl "P�3d �n Ftdi" ancl 5l�P,114:� E14� �{;S]FELF1YlT1b' �CE7CL'YCA�?1tLl'C. i�4"FLSL' l:US1{lF141 [Ei�l�71711� LyllEl Il�'C�GC��.IQII F�Ld�V14S°�C �ttl{lf 1{1 L�j+L° RjUi`c'- � If puvr ��t44u�h1 Pr�,F�crly i� �noi•4�� h}' F4�mr�i�}� n�h4r Ih�n ��rol�cssronns �nmvrng �um��y. yau musi su�mr! an ilem�ud �C�14hr�Y[ ��t�1i Illg 41h fYU411�T O�j7COpIG �I.EY't�� 1�1{ f6t� �1Cd ISOWf� }��le�. {�;tC�S. M�I �I6C FOL� I104�Y5 YV6C�:�� fUi' i?$CI5 111fI11']dY1G1 21Ys4 G11C @��rkYj}i11C17a i9ufl- ��Irlt4e di4Cus5 Iktel T77C1.N4ktI W193! \'OUf Ii��UCiLil6fl A{�V�l�il� pF1U� 4U p6�?s.in� �i1{� ihL'll�ii[Y�l, Lapeny�v- �. 'e`r,u �nusi reanipl�^�,: rhr bo[swm pari�4n of !hc �rpnt 4` they Cl.�eirn Fnrm �n �nA 4t�� t� ilic nri�i���l of thes I�rrid a16 rcc�ikircci infasrrnau�a pertoeneric Ici yiiUr mnwc nnd inn�l +.o I��c Ktl�wut�s�n Ad��i�rr sh�3� Qn I� In�t�er fe�i corr.er o-n Ehc frnnl uT�lSi� E�+rai. +E. ]n Ih� tres�[ ypu 1rc Flilslfl[4�II3' LLf41}lIt ii} �1B1° IYLC fT1l�kIF}�.' btim,�dny�, spcci�l pil�ngcincnss rnep h� rn��c +s�oth �he ReloqLiod'i ,M1�dvMw+r Rc� �Il��� �iircck �,yprn�;na, �fr �Gn :idti•ai+cc �r�sv�ni c.Eains "Ihis �t�ust fuc d�ia�c s�•cll an advancc af'1hc �rowing �az,r�• \'Cll"�=H�'.��I�FNI'i 4I. l4lo�'it�g tj'��t� Itr�tru�ctivns for suhmittin�, ytrut �lsittt .�I�o.��t�.�n r��e�[W.sn_n4 �III{i44 111411'111P C.��[R3�5 [Llal dl3'�7IO��E{ �YLS�t�CS, filf7lf L1f fiL111•-�t{ltli}i�BRIImL96Cl bIt5L'[1 PIl dYCLiLl7I C4�5iF 111LUTf�'C�I fE1 LTL�S'iR� �CY]O1Yr9I �IILI[7L'f[5 �i?C il C�L��LP]FYC� RJI ii7 C7.L'L'�'Lq �(1 fT11��Ct, H644'L'YGf� r�4�lo[e�n�� d[� G7L}l 9��¢54' I¢f iracanvcnicn�.*: 3rhizb 711t1�' ll�tiCLll� 41 �M �11i1���ti t1f77C �[CL[. }iCIflYI7lIftiG1[ICIIi If?f CIIl;Y�IC fiILTVITI'C [CFi�fl: �� 41'I�I t1C �[p�9�, 17�.1y�� G�IT7�141A3j�� 14'I�F, �hL' ���ill4`I1j�y' Ij15ei1,3CGU{iti_ ' 1�7 FnRTAM1T: �C'nn��lt an[f �harau�hlv dirsru�s mo�•ing aptia�ns �,uc� mttfivalx +�Irla yi relocataan �dvisnr �Zrinr io marink. '�'hcn n u,nirnarcinl mt,veF s� �mnJ�u3�r�d, �hr n�oving ca�sts �� �a br paid :�nd a de�orls�d rr�ciph:r� s�sacneni ab�amui. dir �he evtn� 3�S�u �tiisl� u�z�r te�a�lri� e�ployc�s te rm5kcth� mow�, i1 is riyuir�tl thot t�u mmint�in 3�+rmpl�t� r�[7d �fd�iGs. tRn� wurkerl. a��d Hfn�n4�n1� ��Sf ��� �II �7er.tinr�4 P�p}"5�]C�II}` �rteci�f[Ing in Rh�� rnrsv.c C;hnr,�es i�ar u�c caf+x�uipmectA uYa�e»J N}� �fie businrs, �nar Ltie allmved b�u� sliall Lw €�fin�s¢��bCa t{, Rh<�� r.�i�a �hutgcd by lu4al renlnl nr�ui�:s. Yu� fl1.lY' [:�LCI Sd tlCYC�h[ [IYL I�a��cr E+f i.c•o {2s c�[,�,�i�t fnr nwsw���sg alh �t:� e�u�:ur pt�.onad pro�eny. �1"hrse ra�s� csirm;vl� swidl kse ohtoinea� bti� tlye� Ll�'Yi5C4 la'{� �SI'L°;Kfi9�d [h ymr a.'s �n �r[an�. VI'iih ]fiAs mcfhad, rui oS�er mnr�ing cn:a� docusr.cnse�ion is h:���ry. Yn� m+�s eomp�eic !nc huiutiin pnrliun u.� thr frum ��I' Uvs t'l:iim PUr�e in i�a�:. ,�ttoch �a t1�e �ri;�inal af �§ais Corn, all reqaiired inPnrnt;il6t�n �L`I9819977F[ tn �.�aur m€sve nnd moi� t� thw E�clocalio-rr r1d��ismT a�s�,u�e� an 1Jsc losk�tr lcii corncr an thc ffus� �+�' Ghi� fsmn �! hic u��nc� lYII� C�GL L�7SSI�Cf, �IqS RI' fCIi19t7lIf5C ��f pYCFI![E7C Cllilf�CS C'oCL•Ell [Fl GFCqCfkCllCj' S1hillFlfilfli. c15 �f.d�F[F,L[ICiI bti' IIIC Ii�,E13Cti i°a4n,cm ,naV a3� t,� al�ru��d to �hc nsrncr v9 a rliwni��cd busin�ss s�r f�rm �+P�r�uior Ce�� ak�ual rc�,s�mabld. cx�tnu� i,� wca,ch�e�� �irr o r:�]ucn�r.a�t 3i1�. oQi !a, c�e4tid Si.304.�1t9. Suc90 ��p�+r�°-s ma; in€lucic Iran�cc�rtalioa costs� itt;lual liine. lm[i c�ctpin nU�er es�Gnsc4 �ctu:�ll� Ih�7lttcd sn scare9van�. +"4 dci`�ilecC. ��r+iF�ci �ax�menl �t'qe�rchin� shper�ses muet aeevr�rpu�r� �he �iaim I a�fiem �1rat, tlo ttie bes9 � my knawE�dge, al I perscsnally including adl hasardou� and envlea�rtme�#�Ily sen5itive materaels su�n a� �iattenes, tire�, p�knta, 84IV411t6� inaec ' , �rtflax�Rs, Flr�a�ace�nil]ghts, �., �u i i[W I be ;mav�[1 {rnm €he p�fr�l i�ve o�, y� `�\y}� _� L l ,+��I '+-Jl��:�,L �. .�.9.. }�h.3��_���K i.'[�'1 � "� � 7 1] f]i�pliG�9 $�yDbUfO � � Omg + d� hereby affrrn t�al, to t�e best afrny knowl�dge. d.is�lacee is e1��61e tor reimbur.seme�t af eligibl� 11�ving Gcs!'s, has�d on dlspi�ee�'� s��1us and oCCu�i1Gy of kh� par�i �1 khe idme nf !he �ni[iafi�an �f negaii8ti6Y�5 end�or �C 1he lirne ol tMe pard�l� as.�uisi�6on. � iunh�r air�rvn that displ,a�e qusl��i�es a�s �'displape�d p�r�nn", �nd a� ��ldl�d k4 �aym�nt f�r ae9U�s, r�6�npi11�E 2n� n�C�eSsa[y r�ipVillg d��f r����0 �d�Densea �O�r a re�fdeniial or n�t-resedenyial mov� (49 CFR Pt. 24j, es irttb�ei�d elsewhere an Ihl& Yprm. � -- �-t�4 Hs�+ual�cr+Ad,�is ipndLuro @ae H Ad� Meritage Cc�slrucFion Cam�aniet. LLC. CMYae. [T89}�S�a0B8 wwwNr..'�O�`4AFD�U4`110nMN.G6rn �p90� 1��st Av� hW Surs C EIK River, Mv� 55aao lah hlarne @ate: 1 - Rldn d�te: �9/3J2f1i8 Jot+ Sq'�. 1689 Summa 5hert Ip:risitsn lle�ri . ian TQtal �ose Gas[ . h� 1405 �ab S�te S�penvisi4� 53.Sv_C� S�.+s ]Q3Q AF [lrsipn Fpp� :#C�1 IN�CLU�EG INTNISESTIMAIC 5C SO.W �4d4 F.�I� Engin�erind y'C SonQ ?370 Pn�r+n�.l�sgrdFeei SACF4V'ACNOTI�i{LtilaE61'NlHI5E5'IMATf i $Q SO"�1C1 aa'4 Tes;�n� . � 5n � Snnt� 15ea€a Tem�ra �` �ac iil es Equi�r*�ent _- �d _. __ Soaa 1:1Q Clean JP _� $352 Sn 75 175ir Trd€h 515p053I { AUIr-pFF il6%CS � S7t1# SR.47 21�Kh Cerlloiticrr � 53,36d '�2..4C 7,�4A Eanh�r� ' � 5�m z5�4! srce LPti.iurs SU S7.o4 I69i4 vav,�+g and Swr�a�in� �"'� �f -" SU.R] 3621] Cuvh, 6u['Cr, Sid�-wzlMc � t� � �p.pp 2R30 Fencing '�� � $4 Sn.[a �4�0 �LanxlsSa�ing $9 � $O.fA 33t7L� Cast Ir Pla�e [nnerete � ^�' �� jp gq q� iAt7C} Pre[ast €vn[rete $Q 54.00 9CCY} P�BSOFity _—•�-•��� —_— ..�4 5040 i[N1G M�iscelianeo�s Mecais $� 56,46 500� SLru�lr�alM1.4rLtls �p � $qQQ 61fi41 F�ough.Caraentrv f 5� Suoo �zoo Fini3�GmrPi�1�5+ ••"��'••_�.��____� _ Sl] scoo ?]40 S�dingfFas�ia ���'��� $b iGbu 7200 Fn3ulatinn & W'aterprovi�ng �Ij jp.pe� i2�fl EFIS . . .s - — - $� . . $c.�c '307 I�oofinq ---------------- -- --- S].7'FiQ i1.os 79UC1 J81ni� SFilx-t ${� �.pp 84L7i1 �oarF a�d Frarces Mar�e-�ial $(� � �yp.p7 840G� L�:�nr; �nj Fr3rnry �,�tpr �Q �,p pp 8306 r]verhea� occ s �p �p pU 8500 Ikesi�pntial Windew 54 S�.Cl6 $$00� i1a33 and Glarir.g y�. �q pp 92`aJ d!'g'kap �C � `�.C4 93Q0 Ti�e 54 Sflt1C1 95Q0 4�ausv�alCeilings �� __� '-'T $p SQ<J4 ?5=� 4onus[ir,ql7rE21ments $ii $q@p 9655] �roonn� .£.- �--F__43_ �fi,n8 5.3f3 4947� �ainiin� $0 3n�yp 995(7 JYalltoverin� — .—_�ii----� — - 50 i8d} 1{�l`,�J fpil49 Pa�k�ronS $l� i000 lUA-0G] ai�n2�4 ---^'�— - - $6 � $�pp ibS�C� %I/Pk%S�AguiiMefS Pyp —"' SQQQ 1dSIX] T9rIF[ �{S'rT4*ri43 — — _-- _ — _ . .._� fi404 11LNk; =quipmen[ � � �jp �� Sp,pp ] ] 10[? ,va6in� Oock EqaipmeFlt $p jp.qq 1i�LOC1 •�bifie[i $0 - -- 56..00 31sao Nind�w7reatme+�tts 54 � i�.Gu _. _.-- - _ - 14DOQ :IBv31f5r1 - ..- _ �. .. - __ - .� — ' �Q.Gp i5�fi4 =ire Pr�.te[t=�n _ .. S� $.I'.CU =54�0 ?luit•hing —.-_.___ —_—_�,—_� _... . $16�775 5955 :`BAd HYat �_�_ _�, 5k,&aC� 53.d8 26.Y�fJ Fley'.•rieil � � s $4�4;5 5�67 1G4i?0 law Vona$e j� �q.pp __ _ _ _- - - -- - - - --- -- 7GKf.7p Missellaneous �g95 54.59 k�b zoSa! 54F,9 ta£.33 S�s.se �Ytf'ieddea•++Prufil 141U75 $4,��}6.i9 � 5i.5ti 79�#I �47,7eG36e. 5.�$.l} eedusleies: +w n[ee [n�ndrcions, utdnies, iriw �iesgn„ 5�a�1+uuG fny Heri�nge Ccynstruciion Campanies, LLC. a i3Mi� ;789] 8?9 iUB4 vMv Hrtri"r�.geCo+!isiruCianViM� ocm 1�9 t3 � ar �yv� N W SurSe C Elk F�o++�. b�As +�5��� 6etailed Breakdnwn Ri+nslon Rsscrip#wn kr,kes qvandly �Dnm Pnce °iub iuSa! �otai 4+�st SaaM 7eh §He superrMsnn 3Z.so�A9 lao Crne aof� €pi�ti 9 �65 S70 �7,6C7G � id30 i�E Lte7Y�n Frei S�AU krcl7�i[r��[ur3lFpps NdTINCLU�EG�NI�TMIyE$TIAekT@ �¢_00 [iwi. ��rvgery�ri�gfeFS �4Q4 S�ructural Eng n�r,ng E��s 50.4(� 5urrey SDA6 1�14 Relid Eryplreeerin� $+D,44 Surrxy�ng 50�C(7 i314 Permlts and Fees 5+�,00 P4 rmo�ls 50.CC SAC{WAC Npx hN�W6E4 N T+115 EyTIMA'fE - p4'�Ain� �74+v ima�y prev+qus ?� a� �ons 54_44 Rt.t I�ar F!! $0.�0 Builders Fi+ck insurance 516.0@ &�ntl °+� $fl.�4 ��an rtu� �o.nn Independent 'esting Fees $.0.��➢ i500 TemporaeyFodlklesEqutpmemt S���G lemporar�7o�let p S1�.oQ 50.00 iCmpOrdFl"GRiGe U �39040 raA,94 SecurrtV �enee S�1.Q0 5�2�e1y 9aelin� §{7.� Paly Gu51 Ccfi[rol $C).� 1770 Ck�nwp $25sA4 Lum�3um 6Pf-0ObPIiY 9 51�69J.i4Q 525�.4� 1750 TrashdisP+7F+liRo��Flmea S70�iD4 14 yd 6 5�75.Q4 50.00 20 yd 0 5325.CU 5�.� 34 ya'1 i30fA� s�lh 3 $396.GQ $7L2J.� L4nCrFSP V�'ashou7 4 525d,4�Q $G�ti4 2�40 De�moRtian �b.36ti.OG l,ump Sum �0,00 6emo wa Ils as needed iar new rooms due ko epur,pnenE lay�o�t $, pl umb!ng not a�prQved S�,OQ Cersrttife tile tle�n4 $A sq. h-.�'7 apg�toved A § 1.,5�.CO $3,35q....p�6 [an�r��j,awinpJltem�l intludedinplumbinR SQ'Od �iUfi EaNr�.ark $A�4 Ld�nR SL m 4'[1 $0 00 Erosian Cantro� 50 {� C�a rr� afi� Gr�.hG� ng $O.OG Earth Rr7rnlipn �i000 7s50 ii� i�47it�s S+��p 4�nn p�u m 50 C14 �6�0 PavimsuwelSuri�dne $G.OG Lum p 5� m Bid SO.t?r] class s So oa 2G2d [urh. sutttr, #Yderraws Sa�oo Cu rG, and �u�rer $o. fl� En[rances $fl � Sidewalks So�.06 N�rit�ge Con�fruefi�� �ompflnies. LLC. � S�� ('�£�I 693-IO196 �'.Hetil�geC.WISLfUp�OflMfti COPI'-� 7�90E 17`5t Aue hW Suite C. Elk River, hl"9 SS33a 8irqia.r� btsrrlption f�lc[es � quamky Un� �r�c� �wb i�� iotal Cos[ I�iO Fie�d� r�,� Lo-rnp Sum $Q t10 � �[ �.�d yndscapin¢ So.na Irriga:ron e�.o� aa�M iaffi.IrF#�ee f----• $�.pp w m p 5�m 9�e 50 00 fOOSingi $O.LYi] Po-ured Foundation gp.po Fl4QF5 Sp.�O ifd�B+J� BafYiAr +� � S;�aOp3 y9�gg Bal�a rds r�q.p� �00 r�a� rF...,rr. �� Lufin{7 Surn [�� � i0G0 A�*9' $b.AU Lurtlp$Ym 3ir1 r�.�l Sroous ya.ue 8riek 5�],4C SluGtp $rb.�0 8�ock Sea �r $c+,00 5110d � �t�y r�,� nnat�riar �d,pp L& bpr �p � � � � 5�AA1 lur2v Sum S�AC 6�Ad �a,y� arv�Y 9pA0 lumg Surn $0.09 Mater.al �� �� L.a ho�- ��:�� Cra � c R :nsa 5G �Pq 6249 Fie�iY �a.�y�{ry 5i}� �lx'mp 5um SO.f7d Vda#eria l �0.4Q lahcr "aU.UG T100 SiiR / F� $�� M1au�rra�� S4,U0 Lebar �� � �i�G � i Mia�eelfe� �� Feund�[�?n InSulatloA ���p J�al1s and [eai�n� �p,p0 t�sur..daeion'w�re�Pf�o�n� �q.�t3 9ipill9in� ll''f3� $0.04 7�YF �j$� #�� LUmp SUfi- �.C+} �� �4�� ��,.�4�4J00 Lump Sum p,Ilp�YanCe r4rOGF �-17xt1� r�f�urai: j1,75�.� Rd7i?f Pi�ck^�ng r�.� Sheei meCal t�p,pp 79�G let�e SipM�l� $p� 1ai n' �t Su m $Li.DPJ Her�age Cans�ruc�an �ownpanies, LL�. a cxr�x: ��s3� s3�oat� „w.�.+�ri�a�econaRn.cuon�ke.�n, ioscrs iriala�e w�w s,.ie �, eiR aiuer. Mr� ss3ao 4vislQaa pescriptFon No�ees 4wmity ur�e Price Sub Tacal Towl tosf �1�U1} Ltiuo�s and �Frs�nrs ala�sfvl �Y�O 17teriar aoa�s $a.fio Exkeriar dear $Q,pp � o�eer� �ed Frawrs u6er �10.40 L4rriP Surit �4D.� � Orv� �oRxs 34A[I �uKpS�m $�.m tS�6 ilr�lde�ild ilNodur' Sann v.� aterial $n.s�a Lih�xr 5q. t1i1 1�� 4��lF arrd �, 54I�0 wm�p 5„m �a4,4�: � �ri�� 54.9U wmp sum irame, arywall, e3pe n�wwe��s r�q�eire�for equipmrrrx iayaue 50.04 noe a FR�rnied 9l0� 7de SU.Ob wmp 5um �q,pp 96W Nnu9f� �eY�� $'GUGO LumpSum $i7.[b 9�sn Arn�ra� Ma�e� SI�A6 l.i mp Sum �q,pp 9i�50 F3uwFui $6�T Ge�eral SO.C�C! :aminaRe wat�r psoof lamanate 1{� entire bulfding S�,ais337 Viri�l BeSk $,795.0:1 �906 �L S��PO Lu� p Swm i��00 paim wal� SQ.ilO prep and paint raa' de€k�ng 5�.00 plep dnd puinl dc-uPi f f�ames S�.�fi vrcv �asrbaa�ds i rs e��s+ina rooms $0 � 3lPO � $4.Qd FRP Sp.�q SVall Faper $0_YXl 1�[lr�d 'ia��a�lNlf�e �i4� Malrrial $d.66 La6or §p.pp �� � �� �ump Sum $p.QQ CICY PoB9uirG� 5iirea6� �4.IX9 14'�3A i�is 6dir�ak�rs S�AO Ma[exial 50.f7iS Id�70F So_On 5i6na�e $Ij.QQ 411�9 30iF0E A[�iaJlQrFEi $0.00 Lump Sum i new 4a€Fx97m $O.diQ �tr�F 5a�or, �p �.�r m m wmp 5um So� HEriF��e �anft��lCfiO� Carrl�'fA�ll�i, ���, [*'M1er �'G9) �7?-469d ww�r.Henta�0y4nsSrucGenhtti.eom 1Ll§�`,9 17165.$M'9 NYN3�iBPC. Elk Faiy��, �N 5533F.� piYision Ues[eiplion HaltS QuEntity Llni! Priee 3w6 Total Tenl [qy� 1118G InNp� ppd�,{q�p� �� Lump Sum �0.� 1Nf11� ta1Wr� �� Lumry cam ANawcnre for eah�m�s •�nat ava•�ved 54:90 intl�eswk$•h g��tion,. [a7or raam, ta�s�rlal s�r�k hace and F,aundry ex�lUe�y �ql�� equipmen[ 4Waderr T� Lump 5vm 6e�rs �.0 �n R Se� m F1Il�lIY�t�[iva L� n�p 54m � durnk �4� FIViSC Lum� Sum 1fE00 �Id W R%p tum mdudes Hf7 gal w��.atpr +r����i, plumhmg for z pedic�•g ch�irs, �aundry .,tirrty yink, f�a� d+ain, tsir+cnla�flovt cuttJpaich cxc=ud�s saion equ�prnrent excludes A6A an8 eKistin� rest ror�m 1 new roof tep eMhaus� +or Fra*�t hause dryers 1 naw rpehDp exhaust (or sp*ay tanning 4rs roaFcurbs, jacits a nd canes, he�t a�d set �quipment R�ipi#tr ewi59inF tann�ng hed eis[uiti as needed far new tarvning 4eds. I� is auvmetl the �aetSing 1�0{2�fj vok urculls ara adequa'te. {Sd mi rror light fix[usts, aupRlied r�y o-waeer I3p Neear�c hair d.vre� circufts ISF do�u6le dvn�x receptaclea at w�••k statians Canneceion at Pro�; p�sk Far 1a nnrng beds 14l�Lt y�r y� L�mp $um 1�nC�40 MR�aea lumg S� m euuai�icnna+�s; t�ropoui tnas�d o� pWnsdatea 4/�(3o7g FI�iTag� �q�ytFliC[�UA �5 8 R:�¢tii ¢hq� C4f1Yf3CI4f. �VM u58 klie �Ipw �r}mprgh@flS�V� G[�, �f1i6fY ¢t r7pn-41�14@ Ho SAC or 1wAt fees nciucticd iwat�r and sew.er Pq451 Eitewo�C wihr�R �C7hlal�l�arv5 E.MCLU6[ S Lcw voltage, Co�:mmu nie�� mn sy€tem, felrgalwne A leti.h�r,plqgy E3CLL�DES svork �elatih� zo ha��r�q;�� �aterials +r in s SyiuS� �mord, asbesEos, lead, exc....j FUVRI•a9[ei hy4xner 9gndgi BY a�'ner ��lU SO.CG $t1�14 $C.fi6 � jU.oc $36,725A0 51,390.fi4 S 1S, SZS,UQ SG,JiD� 55,84iD.U0 3+i�';,l�4 $4:465.Oc� rr0 'y�' $4 00 �� S%�.56 "�a� &ty ptrson crr �ompany supplynng qbor Qr rnatenals Fnr �hu imprpvrmrn[ to yro�r propeny may Mil� a I�n aga�^st vaur �rap�e,'[y i� that peese�n or cam�any ix not p�gd f�r the tontr-buei�na. ib] �nder F.+linrqypSa �35N'. }'�U �84t 5��1 righY 90 Pay pCFSfIFli rrF{s fu�1�51� I��qr 4r mdt�Pilli F8P �hia FmpmverrientAirec.lynn6 tlrdup ShK amouM Pewn dur sss�nr.t R��t�. c�r witir�roltl che amnunu d�.e t�e-n fram �s uneil j2p daysaRer wmpleswn cri -he improvement untess we give yaa a lien waraer sigry.� 4ypersonswho wppl� any laboF oF inatenel €tir ��e improvrmer,[ and wna gave yqu �im�9y �y�g." S�n�[u�e 5 rs ��1T'�' UF 1��C�NT1C'ELLCI E�ClN+Q3biiC ��VF:�(1�f�iE1�T .4L�T�-l�lti`7`l�' R��[�LL]Tl�l� T10.21�1�#-0$ �LJTH.{UR.IZIIVG I:w1TFI�FlJ1Yi� 1.+�1A1�1 F[}R .4D4'A�]CF UM� C'E�T.4�IN �C�ST� lC� C'()N�r°E+CTIO��V V4�� 1"��l FROP�SEI) BL+�CK �� TA7�.11�C12EMEIeiT FINA�NCIN[; �115TRIiCT BE IT R�SOLvCD I3y th� Baard �f �:or�lmissianers vf the �City of Manticcll� Eco'��mic ��e►�eFa�ment Authnrity (the "Aut�orir��'') a.� f,nl�nu�s� Secti�n l. 8aek ound. 1.G�1, ihe .Autharityt intend� in e�tablish a Ta� Incrern�s�t Fina��c�r�g I�istriet for � pc�rtia� uf �he dow���n��n area c�f ��e C'ity ��f Montic�114 .kna��� as Bl�ck 52 (the '`TIF D�strict"} w�itl�in its ��dev+eloprr�ent Pr�ject �'�. 1(thc "Itede�FeCnpm�nt Yroject"j pua^�ua.alt to Minncsata Statutes, Sectior�s 4�i9,174 ta �#�9_1794, as �rr�cnded (the "TIF .A�t") and 5ectrca��s 4�i9.[}9Q tc� 4�i�.Z082, a� an�e�ided (th�e :`EL��. A�t'°j_ ln cnnnectinn ��ii� establislirnent of the `TIF Distri�t, the .4ulhority� w�il� �ppm��e a Tax Increment l�ii�an�i�y� Nlan f'c�r the T[F Distr%ct (th+� "TIF Plan"�, l.{}�. T�� Au�hc�rity rnay in�ur certai� ���sts r�lat�d ta� the 7"1F Distritt, which costs �n�y be �nane� or� a tertjp�rar�� hasis frain 1e�ally� availaY�le Author3ty vr Cii}� fu��ds. l.(73. Under Seetion 469.178, �uksdivisic�r� 7 rf t�c `�1F Act, tk�e Aulhority is �u�hc�rized t� �dv�ey�cc �r lc��n rn�s��y f�rn anv fun+d f��m v��hich su+ch� �d�r�nsxs m��P b� le�all4� made ir� c�rder tn fir�ar�c� expen�iitures tl�at are eli�ibl� tc� lx �aid x��ith ta.� in�rement� u�dc�'the -r[�' Aci, 1_44_ °�"lie A,uth�rity �xp�+cts to t�i�an�e u� tc� � 1.200,OQU in cnsts rel�t�d to lar�d a�quisili�n and site pre�aration acti��ities, rncFudin� with�ut lirrritati�an en+��ironm�e�r#a] rerneci2a�ir,n, stru�tur�1 �rnal}$sis, and denivCition �f s�tbsi�nc��rd ��ructures wilhin the TfF I�i�trict and Rcdc��eia�rnent F�roj��# (the "t�ualiiic�d C'�sL�") usir�g Auihority or C'it;� funds 1c�.�l�y� �uthc�n��d f�r su�l7 �ur��s�, �nd lr� reizn�,t�rse sueh fu�nds from tax �ncr�ments fmm the TIF L7��strict w�hen receis�ed. 1.(}5. The Aut�iont�� has als� de#�rmined th�t it may txe r�ecessar}� to financc up to $?5,(7�Q� ir1 administr�ii�'e c[�sx� �ss�cidled with tl�e TI�'� Uistrict (thc "Admiraisirat���e Cr�s�s`') usin�; A�th�rity or C'it}° funds ��egally authori�ed for such purp�sse, and ta reirnburse s�ch fiuncis 1'rc��n tax increments firorn the TIF Di�#rict.�r�ren receiued. 1.(1t5. T9�e Autharitw ir���n�ls tc� d�si�nak� such �dv�n��s as au� inierfur�d loa� in ac�c.nrdanee with th� ��rms c�f tF�is re�lutian snd the TIF A�cl. i:1653� 9 htN l k1 N 19U• l i11 �e�9i�ri 2. F�e �°m�nt nf P�7tcrfund L�an. 2.4�. �f'lic ���hc7rity h�raby auiE�ariz�s the ad��arree aF u� to �1.�fl4,��1� �n ]e��Piy� s4��aida�+ic� Autilorit�� �r C'i[}� �unds tc� �,:��° the Q�ualired �C'asxs. plus up tv �?S.a�?� iQ ��y lii� Ar��nini�ira�ivc �'s�sts. ?cr � �cacnl ��,�,rc�ate pr�nerpa] an�uia� nt` �I,'"��.t�f]Q. t€��,�ther wizh �r�terc��� a� lhe ratc �I' �°a �,er aniiurn {ti�� "]litCjrliund 1,C�8i3��}. 1nl2r�St SliRll a�:cru�e �n tlae principa) anyo�un� c�f` each ada��ce fra�n� t9�e d�te a:' such advanc�. Th� ir�te��est r�t� is n� n��arr than ti�� �eatest ofi th� �xrre .s�eciticd ure�er :��innesot� 5cat��tes. �bctian 27UC`.4� anci �e�liaia 549.�9, E,rrt� in e#�e�t f4s ��lertrl�sr }�ear '�{114, ar�d wili noz be ad�justed. �_�d2. n�incipai ar�d it�t�resl ("i'�j�rnenis") �n 3h� ]nterfur�,� Lo�tn shall be ��id �eo��i-ana7�a�1lk� ar� e�ch Ati��ist 1�nd F'ebrua,r}s 1{each a"I�a}�snem Dste„�, con�rr��ncin� os� the first 1'a}�ir�erit D��� nn v��hirh the ,�utharitti� I�as .Available Ta�r incr�ment {�e�ne�l belc�u�). �� �tt �rty c�ther dai�s dei+�rnlinec� by ih+e C:iry� Ai�mini�trato-, tttr�u�h the datc �f f��i r�eceipt ��'ta.x iz�cr�m�en1 fr�m l�e T1F Di�tri�t, `?.(}3. Pa�•n�ents un �h�e Interfi�nd Lc�an ��-iCi !x m�de soE�l� fi�rn A,�vailablG ��� Incre�ti3�nt. �i�fine� a� t�a�c 9ncren�crri t`ron� ihe TIF I�isSrict reeeir�ed hv t}ye �,��th�+rii�� faom �'����ht C'�unty in the six-il�ranth �eric��i i�f�re ar��� �'�y'inent I}a1e. Pa}�menx� shall b�e ����iC[I f9r51 tc� �ccl'4��� 1�itCrest. c�17(I 1I]Cf� Si] Uf��ld J}�Cr1(:f��ll, �A}�m�nc� �,n tl�is [nrter�,nd L�ar� rnay� be s�hc�rcEir��ted Ic� an�� �ru�s�andin� csr Juture �rc�nds� n��e$ ar ennt�racts �cured zn v4�h�l�e [�r in pan �4�ilh 11t•ailats�e `I-ax Jncren�e�t. �d are �pz� � p,�nto�• �4•ith ar�}° uther r��:tsta,tdi��� nr fut�rc• ir,terfu�d ]�,�r�s s+�cure� in whole c�r in p�,� �ri4h A��ail$bie "�'ax Inbre�ent. 2_�_ T}ae: pnnci�el �utn and ali a�c�rued interest p�yabie urder th�s resnlutic�n is pre-pavabGc in w�hc�l� c�r �n p�rt �t any' ti�rnc �y the ,Aut�un�y �►�i�Mo�at premium �r penalt�. �.�}5. This resr�lutios� is evidence [�f �n i�3le����] l�rr€�+��i�1g by ihe Authcsrity ir, a��_c�rd.an�.c ►vitt� �e�ti�n 469.17t�. su�bcii��isic�n 7 of ti�e 1-�F� r�1�ct, ar�d is a limi�e� �k�li�atior� pa;�able snl�ly f�o�m A+w�ilable '1-�� [r��reme[lt plydged tc� th� p�lvxncnl hereof unr3er this r«c�l�utic�n. 7-he Interfund L�� shal! not �ic d�emed io c�n�tit�ke a�ener$1 nt�li�,a�ti�n r�f t�re Stst� c�f �lieu7esc�t� s�r an�� p�liiic�� �u�di�=isi�r� rher�ec�t� ��c:ludin�, v��ithc�ut �imit�tion. the Autharri#}� �nd �he �'�t�°. �]��tai�r �he S�ate af Minry�����a. n�r snv pcal ilic�l s�,bdivisinn �hcr�rsf sh€�I� %e c�i�li�ated t� pay the }�rityci�i ckl` n�r ir�t�res� c+n the Cn�rtund I,o�tn ci�` �t]Z�r c�a�ls itt�.ie�ent he��io ���pi t�t11 [►f A�':�i9a}�leT�.� lncrement. yf`M� Authant}� shall �a��e no al�li�akic�n t� p�a}� an� �srincipal �rnc,u�t v#�[hc ]n�erfur�d �,oart r�r RCCtU�d inl�T�51 th�"re[��n, u��}rich may remain un�sdir� afier t1�e tinal nayrnent D�1e. ?.Q6. `1'hc Authc�rity m�y �t aiiy� lim� m�� � de�er��i��xi+nr� ia for�i��e the nt��st�nd�r�� prind:ipal a�r7�ount and �ceru�d i�t�rest nn �he Irrterfun�d La�sn io xh� �xtent ���iliSSl�?�e un[�C�" ���1+. i.07. Th� Authority� rrra;v from tin�e tc> tir�se �mend tl�� ierrr.s nf #his �tesc�luti�rn 4�I�+S3YI h9TlhiNI�70-IfIJ '� tc� th� exl�nt perjnitt�r� 6}� la���, ir}cludin� �w°ithnut lirnitatia� �me��dinent to thc �a��n}ent schedule �nd lh� ioterest r�te�� prravided #���rt t�e intcresl rate ��7��• �ot be incre�sed �k�ov�e th� maxin-sum �p��citie� in Se�iic�i7 �65�,17$. �ubc�_ 7 c�t the TIF Act_ Sectir��� 3, ��fecti��e I�ate. �"I�is res�luiinn is e�e�cti+��c �.,pan ap�rv►��al. Acopted i�is � day� �f �, . �U 18. �. � - �+.1=`�--r`� pre�ide°nt f�TTE�T_ �� Pf*S��-I MN] MN kSki-I fil ;j Jufie Chene Frorn: S�rah Rat�li�l��rggr Set�#: Frid�y, tvlay 18, 2i71� 4:�4 ��ut To: Jim Thares;lNayne J�er�: puli� Cheney Subjeet: RE: Relc�cation Beneift Payments We'll epde this fo th� 1-22 TIF district as a mi��ell�nec�us+�ther exp�ense �13-4�i5C�-443�40. Thank yo+�! S�rah Rathli���r��r Fir�ane� hJlar�agea Ciky af Nlontie�elln, N1N T� I: 763-2i T-�2�1 Fax: 763-�'�5-44�4 �L't�TE; The c�nterr�s af th�s E-rr�ai� rxrp�y �prricair7 rr�,forr�atron thr�i rS �e[��rlfy,�riurle�ed a.rrr��arr€�r�frd�nCra� tc� t�1� r��med rerr�ie�►t_ Thrs irtfor+'r��rtiar� rs,�at ta be r�sedl�y rrr�y c�t�ier �ersora crrari�ar c�rgon;zatrc�r,. T}re vr�ws ex�resse�ir� �hrS d�i'c�rr�e+�t da raaf r��c�.�5�riry r�f�et:t tfi�ea5e of tJae C`r#}� ��F Mr�raiae�eJ��i. �rriOrl ��rres�a�ader�re i� r�nd fiarri Cit,� vf �Fa�ttredJ�a �ov�rr�rr��r�t c5f�`rc�ec is s��b,rec� t� tne fv�rriri�snir+ GC�v�rr�mer�t Jtata F'r�etices a.nc� rr�cYy �e t�+��1�,sed to t�ar'r�dpartie5. Fr�m: Jim Thdre� Sent: T��Sday, May 15, 2�18 11'47 AM 70: Wayn� pberg �W�yr��,C}b+erg�ci.m�onticello.n7n_u5�, Sar�h R�thlisLer,ger {5a�ah.�athlisberger�ci.rr�ontic211o.mn.us�; Juli� Cheney <Julie-Cher��y@ti.r�car�tw�ell€�.mn.us� 5ubjett: R�elo�atian l3eneift Payment5 Wlayne �n�l Sarah, f just provided thes r�lp��ti�h t��nefit �IsFm p�a�ket t� Julie ta prace5s for the next Gity �Cc�un�il rneeting. I am n�t sure wher�e [o c�d� this expense t�. The �p,A did a�prcave an Interfund Lt�an R�solutior� (see packet) qrw M�y �, 2[�1$ fiar advancing fun�ding t[� cover these and other exp�nses ir� glack 52 frc�m any a�rai�able �p,4 or City fund as warrantetl �nd �p�src�pri�t�. Your call on the �adin�. Le[ rne know if you need anythin� frc�m me. Thsnk y+�u. ; '� t 0 z 0 4 � '� i'. � O z � v � C O a .� � O o� o� v M M l� � � � N � O � � � o N N O V1 V] m � .-- V' �n V� � 0 0 � a � � � '� � � � W � 3 3 ' -a -a � � o� v� 7 �n M N ri �n 0 0 0 0 v � u, � � 0 0 w w U U z z 0 0 -5. � 0 0 � � H F- c� u O O � O N N � � M M T '�7 � a M M � � -r � � M N N t� a� o� a� 7 :T 'S M 'v � h O� M� N � G � O � � � o � o N N N O � N N m � � .-- V' V� �n V� � 0 0 0 � a � N 'j � � N A � ll � N a" G .� w G o c�"¢ i o '-' � � ll � ,j 5 rJ � 0 0 C O CL '� w a �� J en ;,_ o ;� w. ;J E-� O � � � � � � v� v� v: F- E� F- � � � a w a w W w ¢ �y� ¢ O O O K � a 0 0 0 :J [ 7 :J x�'x z z z ¢ � ¢ w ro w � � � � � � O O O � � � � � � 7 T 7 a � a M M M � � � � -r � M � M N N N Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763 271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading Serial 53321062 Current Charges noreply@merchanttransact.com Friday, April 6, 2018 9:35 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 4118WEBINSERTS.pdf 007256-003 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 349 BROADWAY W 3/1/2018 to 3/31/2018 (31 days) 4/5/2018 5/1/2018 Previous Reading Current Reading Date Reading Date Reading 3/1/2018 188496 4/1/2018 188496 Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 5/1/2018 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. i Cons 0 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $8.75 $0.18 $14.38 $14.38 $14.38 $0.00 $14.38 $14.38 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763 271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading Serial 38298301 Current Charges noreply@merchanttransact.com Friday, April 6, 2018 9:35 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 4118WEBINSERTS.pdf 007256-005 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 255 BROADWAY E 3/1/2018 to 3/31/2018 (31 days) 4/5/2018 5/1/2018 Previous Reading Current Reading Date Reading Date Reading 3/1/2018 1518440 4/1/2018 1518440 Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 5/1/2018 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. i Cons 0 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $8.75 $0.18 $14.38 $5.87 $5.87 $0.00 $14.38 $14.38 1�� endtar ��,�h D�te af Trars���tic�ti �"� � � � CITY QF hlIt1N71�E�LI� City H�II Card Tran�ac#inn Pl��s� atta�h #he invoicejrec�ipt and �ny other' �vail�hl� dp[um�nt�t ion t�p thi5 form. To �e �orn�let�d 6y p�,rchaser: Arrroun# �_ �`� � ,� Circle purch�ser name: Traey Erger� �'i�ki Leerhoff Ra�hel Lear�ard Jefi�}'fVeill 1�'tilayne Ober� S�rah Rathfisber�er Jennif�r Schreiber �1�1��'�2 .�CillJmdfifl _--- - _ �,_ �-� ri Thares lacoh Thunan �r ���� C��•�-' � 1 , � � � mpliiYee 5i�r12tuee V' }r � f � Sup�rviso��5 ndiur . i� i i ��� ������ � [late ap�re�w�ed �pe�ial Pr�ject # ar bescriptipn Circle depar'kment e�d�: � � � 3-4�� Ci#y �oun�il A[irnini5tr�tion Ci#y Clerk Firrance Hurna� l�e�ou�e�*s Rlanning �nd Zt�riing ❑dta PrpC�55ing �ity Hall Eonamic Qeve p HRA CI�G�� E���IISE CO{�e: ��1��� G�n�ral O�perating Su�i�li�s 4319�0 Newsletter �ervic�s 43199C7 Misc��laneous �r�,f 5e�vices 43 2 2[1rJ Postag e 4331pC1 Tr�velfTraining Es�pense A�33f74 Qu�S �+lerr�hership & Sathscrip 4437f�� Lieense� and Rermits -� �43�9�`� MiS�- �7ther Expense� Other �e 5ervi�� iane �o+caouon N�1'11� C.�ct Pert�n Ph�ne � �� lo..,. : �.a.6:..� � 15 �}.fl�E U.S£' �J�f}' �iJ1V�Ef� J�f15tfiGCtlOf15 GiT€ R�SfR1C"I�YN4. � � �� � � �� �� Sa�� �,rrd S�ndun�h �Buff�et �} Ct�icker� V�+ild Ft�e �Ou� l�orted Saridwir�re, Turaill� Chips ��� �ess�rt Tre2�t ���ker� t��tuk5�,;t� :�i �m �;�+ u eaa�nin�r �r f�INtICFIIU HN'�S'361 I.ft.l Z`JS ixil� h.�„I,e�.[ fl�-: r�ki4�4 Yerx II: tlWG S[or�r �+. tlLUI Rsd� u: 51i"rs s�� v�� i[�; t �3��� �i.��sr,� �i,°�.x����� �r:� ����� �t�d: c��� Rmt�unt: $ Ti�: ��t.�l: i�•���{1c �4:1k� 7�� I�4 u; �171 ►�Fr C��: 411�}'��a ira��cttan IG: 3��i��h�l�i�+±E� P�w-ud: p�li�e F�tc�p: 4f�ki1'r 46� L�EGIT P�_.•. Fwluwlldvrli3k�turf� TSJ: Fyi�] I�:x. [tUhkfnik�I�FYr Cual�ac! Lar� +C�ra:�r�s�°nN��g ' � �'C�,r;evr++et.�,. � Y1+, � way' �. C1. �ox 53,5 ntiDt.�IKr, �F� Saw3�6� e ici� c� rn erstt�r���,�f e,�om tir,^�n�1. Gc�rn �ts[onecaf�.; [�m 7, P+i� � T0�1 '� 1l.2�3 $ I�5�.�5 Fo�d T�t�E � f fr9, 35 �el[�r�tu- � �.3.87 �llhl�t�1 S 2�D3.2� 1.375�b�lesTaat ��4,96 T�rta! — � 2ZB.�1 .io: �+�i'_� � 1$ C7�e �se OTG, L�eP��+e� �rrstruc d1ET FZE � SCl'Y4C �1 �; � �� �nu� artd S�dw�Ch {@�l#h�k S�rlej C;h�ken Wild Rice ��up ,4�rted �andw��es r� cr� Pi�e Dessen Trea! Cra,dcers -.,. ,.� � . �s���Tnrr� ��� ` . ::s� e. arr�a �,,;� r �.� �. W. 6m way R. �. �+o� �35 n4r�n, hAN 55�i� E' �� CtIfFI�FS[i]T1�Ce3fI�.C.�fT1 W4+Ma'.CQ f�`I�E�5#afl ��clf�'-�L7ffl 7 ` P�lOIE �f �0� � ]l.c��9 � 169.35 '�OE7� T[7t� � ���.�� �lVI�# : � �.�1 �uak�at � �f13.�2 7.375� Sa�es � ��4.9� iat� = � �8.�1 �,�'� CITY �F �. � � � ` ����� � February �, 2�18 ���r Pr{���rt� €}I�+�I�� �YI�jB#' BU�hM1�35 0�►YI��; P+�aNE 7f3-i95-�711 FAK:���-i��-���4 5i1� Wafr�ut Str�et �uite 1 F�hs��ti�ellv, MN �5�6� RE: Busin�ss �roup Meet�ng — l?own��wn Business tc,ar� Grant Pe�rarn Gr��tings t� y�uf Th� Mont�ceUo ��v,+nta4+rn 5ma11 �ar�a Plan was r�t��xly ad�pted by the Mar�#icello City ��ur�cif and �he Ecan4rn6e Dev�lapm,ent�kutl�oeity (ED��_ 7he 5mall Ar�a Plan advoe�tes fc�r �oli�ifying. I��wntcr►+�n �� th� he�rt o� M�n#icellv, T�he a�d�pti4n of khe #�I�� far d�wntvwn wa� �sc+t #he end rsf the �f�cess. Rather, it is the h�eginning af ef��rts t� revitaCite the downtown eore area as � Il��ery, wisit�r-fFiendly, and m�mqrabl� pla�� �� liu�, s��p, �in�, an� celebr�te arts an�i cuh�ure. 7�he next �t�ep `rn t�rnin.� thg plan i�t�p reality i� irn�E�mentatipn_ That pro�e�s �ntiisior�s par�i�eip�tit�n by bu�inQsseS, properCy �pwn�er5� and publi� entities in m�king �rivate prt�perky an d pe�h�l�� �pa�� inn�srawern �nts� �his prac�ss i� �xp�cted to play aui a�+�er a r+u�rnber �xf ye�rS. #�u# ii is irnportant to $�� start�d naw! 1f�th that�n rnind, we're hosting twa inftsrm�tiorral meetings tn sh�re inf�rmatian and eng�g� fn di��ussions v+�ith business a�d �rv�erty own�rs: • i'sllcn+day, fehruary 1�, tQ18: li:3D a,m. -1.OD p�m. at Correrrstor�� Ca� • faf+�nday, Fe6ruary Z6, ��18; 11.31� a,m. - 1:II0� p,m. aR �oranerstor�e Caf� The meetings wlll ft�tus on the passi�le dewelo�rnent of downtnwn business laar-grant pragramss and a eaurtesy lunch wilJ be provided. Feel free t� a1#.er�d ei#her o4 the �meetings ar h�at� �f th�em if y�u wish. 1Me'd loue ta hear yflurtho�rghts and id�as for sh�ping a dawnt4w� k�an progr,arn. Ple�se eonfirrri y��ur �tteradan�e at t#�is rrreeting +vaith aa�ah Thunan�fer at 763-�7i3�� or via e�nail: i::�i.�k:e.ihW�,�aric�cr�a�ei rr•�: rii:�e�l[.�.mr� 1:�:. T�� rneeting agen�a is �ttach�d, If y�su have any questinns, please feel free to ca�tact Corramunity C]e�reloprnent C�e�s�rtment staff; Angela, 763-�71-3i7'4 or�r���l�.sct7�e�far�n���r.rn�,nti��lla.mn.�� Ji�r1 � 7�i3-271-3254 �r iirr:.411ar�S�Cs.I^�c�nzi��lls,mn,us J��ob: i63-��73-32{7� or 1�tr��.thuna nder [�e�. rrrov�ti�elia_r�rn.u5 If y�u w�nt t� read rna�e a�out the 5mall Aa�� plarr, pa��s� vis�t: ww»+,�.Ci.m�ntiCello.rr�rs.uSldvwnto+wn. 5�ne�rel�y; �'f "� __ ,�,,:, ��� .�+°���f� °r� �',� � .� �Jirr� Faares Ar��la�c u an�+ � �ab Thunander � arnic �evefcr�ment Gommr�tiity_ elo,�ment �Cammunity i]ev�elc�pm+�nt Ntanager C�ire[tor Tech fne, 1�IeEting Ag�nd� ��r�w.�i,mcsnti��Joo,m n.�as V�r�dnr I�ate at Transactl+nn �' CITY L�F IVI+ONTICELLO Ci#y Hall �ardTr�n��ttion Please attach #he �r�vaicef reteipt and any o�iher available docurnentati�� to this #�rrn. Ta b+� coi��l�t�� k�y �urth�s�r: Arnrrunt � � Circle purthaser �ame: .lulie Cheney T�rac� Er�en "Jicki Le�rl�c�ff Rachel Leor�ard Jeff U'hlei�l 1��+'+'ayrne Oberg 5arah Rathlish�rger l�nnifer5chreiber A�n�ela 5churnann 1im Thar�s Jacr�b T#�un�nder mp layee �ignatf�� f �l Dat� approved SpeGial Rro}��t # Qr p�*scriptian �ircle d�partmer�t cod�e: City Cauncip Adrrrinistr�ti4n Ci#y Clerk F�f�84iC� Nurna� Resc�urce� Planning ancf Zonin� Dat� Pr€�ces�ing City H�fl Ec�nomic De�relaprr`tent HRA �I�ICM� �1(�}�i1�� CQ��� 4219�€� General �}perating 5upplies 4319�4 M1lewsletter 5ervite� 43199C1 h�liseellan�e�us Praf 5�ervf��es 4322(3L1 PDSt�ge �L331t1�} 1"raueljTr�inir�g E�per�se 4433C�C1 P�ue� M�mber�hip & Suf��erip 4437(}C� _ —. ��dF its ��39� - -_ - s- �l+llsc. Cither Ezpen [?th�r �������r Mi'�1Ilt;E,yILQ - :fi.3-�!l 11U� ������f����1�;�5 li...};�:':; ��� ���'.���.!'•.�': ��f_�1�1/�� ��<<a1������� � ������������i� ����� 22.`sG'.161iil FJC:i[L� i=P. '�!-�.i111 �?:�1:if1QiC� r�f i�F'PE7��Ef� fN $19.'�� �ll[il C}Tf�a- $�+]� , �!� NO TAM $D , 6f1 : T�T�kL �2�.9� x;773i� "'Ji�;� [.:5-IA�2t�E $��.9;� AIU`-AGilOQOGI]C�310t0�1 L+ISA �f�tllI� f�Fl;#2-ti111$-13�i1-;10�12-1f36p 5 VCGI�".:1-i5ti E;�:i , � �ac�� f�e�d�ack?' V��'r� ��i ear�, hel � i�ke ^,rau� G �r �� t F�ai i I�et� er - Tak� a 2 rain�,ke ��u�v�v �[lout toe�av'� rt�'+F:� 1 F9 ��I"1(I t F�`Si�� , �� Us�r' I� ° 7189 87t32 []�� Rass�artl: 7$0 31� [;I.ENTk:h!{�.`a E�J ESF�APi+�}L I'I �a_>c� tdk.� [`�i :�:.�� ve�+ wi tli� n J i�dV�. 1�'�.nd�ar Dat� a�"1'ransa�tion � � � ___ ��' _ - CITY C?F h+1DNTI�ELL� City �al� Card Trans�ction Pl���e �tt��h the invnice/receipt and �ny o#her availahle doc�ume�t�tion t�o this form. T� �e campieted by purch�5er: A�n�r unt $ • � � �CN�CIe pu�th�ser name: Julie Cheney Tracy Ergen liicki �eer#�aff Ra�h�l L�[�n�rd Jeff U"fUeill 1N�yne �k�erg S�rah Rathlis6erg�r Jennifer �chreiber Argela Schumann Jirr7 Th Ja�ab Thun�nd r�l�p•ee 5agrrature� �— Supc'rwiso-r ����� � Daie apprca�red SpeGial Pr�ject # or DescNptian Circle d�p�a�tment cade: 101-�111D City C�un�il 1�1-41.31D A�dministratian 1Q1-4141(� �ity Clerk 1C71-415�D �inance ia1-418(}D Human Resc�urces 1fJ1-A191�] Pla�nnin� �n� Zaning 1C71=41��fJ �ata Pr�,�e��5in� -- ...� _ ' — �at�iL__� � V• ��"i -465{](7 Ece��orr�ic [7e�elapmenf=-�`� 21�-453�}1 H RA ��. � � �� Cir�le expense [vde: ��1���1 Gen�*ral Dperatin� 5upplies �131�50 �lewsleiier Servi�e� 4�199Q Miseellane�aus Praf 5�rvi��5 432�4� Postag� 43�100 Trav�elfTrainir�g Expense 4�133�0 ❑ues Mem��r5hip $; Subs�crip A�437�10 _ � �iLeo5e5 and P�rmiCS �439�}0 - Mise. Opt�er Exp—e se�- --� d]ther �f�i�� ���c�� �i`�C��� n�r�TIr.r.��� - ��ro3f �y�-��io �1ai-l�eot& s.�� r� �i'���,����I`�`���������1����+�����ii����llll,� �Illl�l�ii�'� �pti� ��'rW�r,, s.x�•9�r,F `;.:'�s E t`s�Q2-3 t69i-$7iiS37-1� 3 t 1J13 ` `' 2.y9 '. � �p �. � ,.�L,�I ' 6 5''� , �`?35�� �Af �R, P�d; R� IS, 14 9°:: S�h�total 2� 5� 'qt�l� ��.57 �rsa 07ib: ��.�7 HU;H CqC€ �45G84 TG5 Ch:p Read r1G �U6tl�]Qii�4w1D1D7� VISA C1�EllIT i'4P4 4�0606�71�GQC I;a'S �uo �i5t'afut`e Re9«yred 18x E:emPt io�n I�u�6er'` L1+')O�it?�3�:19'��7 Sh4� o�liye at www.arfirerlePat G�am ��ce�xa�atx�r�uHi!l3fIE71ARY[%k1f311.%3FR3Piil.k%F3EY.N%� �� �u�r+i �o H��� F�oM �ra� � P�,rtic�aa#e ar ou� �nllne �ust�mer survey bnt� reCei��e a couPaer faf ��� �a€f yaur next �uellf�Lr�s Purcha�e �F' #50 ar aore on a€fSCe suP�lie�. i`urn6#ure end �re• �` ��ciu�ies Te[^:na.�4y l.�mi1 1 roUFr�ri Prr h4�seho�d/cusin�ss,�1 tiJ181# wy�,efflc�de�ot,�o�nlf�ed�ac�c en� er�'#e� t1,e sur ve� r:o�c f�e low' ZSiN 912T 37{Y1 sk1's31:4%MkiEfl]1LkekiklfikAP��%��Rk*4�M.FRl9Efl1[k4%• �,. e�. t e RaiiE3lARkkXilACIX�FM�31X%IfX3[Ml..RYY�1FKMl �i 1•., sntr�d�ine Cur ���Sox ��rvY�el� '�I]�Ei tf1P �E*d�" dd'i� tPU15 }o �t��P 1U1,' t}u56ne5*� SUCLefc[�. �Uf 51'��Cldl LstS W- �� helP W1t�t Lcc5c �7�Si3n� Web�� he OessS��: 51,cia1 Fiarke'in9 and mare. L�arn more �f FizBox,cdlY _ z 0 4 G O .-�. l� f� l� G � c 0 a L J a � � z c 0 � � N W M N a O � z w a Y w c�'. � � U N � U w' W z w .-� W U � �� � = N 's' Vl � ^� O � L F 6 J ,�j q a 0 ✓� x 0 � V� D '3 C , NOPTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY � SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOl1NT NUMBER � � � MONrICE��o EOA 51-0623082-8 05/02/201 S � ���� ������� 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE � � � F�ESP4NSIBLE BY NATIJREz 586861410 04/05/2018 $17.58 YOUR MONTHLY ELECTRICITY USAGE � A M J J A S 0 N D J F M A DAILYAVERAGES LastYear Temperature 32° F Electricity kWh D.2 � Electricity Cost $0.62 � , QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeourwebsite: xcelenergy.com Email us at: Customerservice@xcelenergy.com Please Call: 1-800-481-4700 Hearing Impaired: 1-800-895-4949 Fax: 1-800-311-0050 Orwrite us at: XCEL ENERGY PO BOX 8 EAU CLAIRE WI 54702-0008 � iicel Energy� SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES �detailed charges hegin on page 2� Electricity Service 03/06/18 - 04/04/18 7 kWh $17.58 Current Charges $17.58 ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance Payment Receivetl Balance Forward Current Charges Amaunt Due INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Thank you for your payment. As of 03/06 Auto Pay 04/03 RETURN BOTTOM PORTION N'ITH YOl1R PAYMEIJT • PLEASE 00 NOT USE STAPLES, TAPE OR PAPER CLIPS ACCOUNT NUMBER 51-0623082-8 $17.50 -$17.50 CR $0.00 � $17.58 m $17.58 0 DUE DATE � � � � � � � 05/02/2018 $17.58 Automated Bank Payment Yourbillispaidthraughanautamatedbankpaymentplan. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ----- manifest line --------- 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 �����������������������������������i���l�����1������������������� 27 28 29 30 37 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNUT ST STE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362-8822 ������II����I����I�II�I�I���I���II������I���I�����I�I�I��III�I��� XCEL ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484-9477 31 51050218 06230828 0000000175800000001758 r • r r: � � � � SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER � � � � Xcel Energy� M°NT'�E��° E°A 51-0623082-8 05/02/2018 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE � � � 586861410 04/05/2018 $17.58 Q�o�� �y��ur boiler h�v� m�re lif� �Q � I'V��" �Our sCrateQv lips c3n help vou delerm��7c tc� r�:F��iir. r�;f:�uilri �:ir r+��d��r� tca �:iti�E. '� i�it xselanergy,cornJBoilerTips to help ;o�, s��:� �rOU En�fC�k�, ti�,7e �n� man�y ovc�- tl�e 14�g lerRi. SERVICE ADDRESS: 349 W BROA�WAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 NEXT READ DATE: 05/07/18 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 303657358 INVOICE NUMBER: 0718416215 ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE: Sm Gen Svc (Metered) DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $10.00 Energy Charge Winter 7 kWh $0.079650 $0.56 Fuel Cost Charge 7 kWh $0.024286 $0.17 DecauplingAdj 6.03 kWh -$0.000291 $0.00 Decaupling Adj 0.97 kWh $0.001245 $0.00 Affortlability Chrg $1.26 Resaurce Adjustment $0.09 Subtotal $12.08 City Fees $5.50 Total $17.58 IT'S COOL TO PLAN EARLY. Think it"s tera early fo stnrt upgradint� your eoolinq �quipmenx' Think �qain, Takin{� the time noti�+to find � system th;�t's the ri�ht fit for your I�usin�ss c:�n sa��e yc��a mnn+:y in tl�e Ir�ng r�an, Plu�, you can tak� ac�w�,ntagc of prese�son inst�llation which is csfton Icss experrsiv�. And, aur Cvali nc� Ef#iciency ret��tes, which �re alw�ys in seasean, can h�l�, ya�a s��,re ev�en mare. Visit xcelenerc�y_c�rrrlRebat$s far morc infarmatio-n csr cantact an �ner�k eFfici�ncy specialist ak 8�r5.�3�,88G2, AlWAYS [1��JV+�J'UE�. � � SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER � � � � Xcel Energy� M°NT'�E��° E°A 51-0623082-8 05/02/2018 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE � � � 586861410 04/05/2018 $17.58 I�EEP AN EYE OUT FOR �C�I�S �I�D ��1 �i�N�}��� ���L I��1�� �� If sr�rireerrre calls tl�,e.�te���ng t� turn aff your pawer due to ar7 unpaid balanco, and asks yo�i t� �,.�y wvitf} a F,r��a�,i�l or. relr�d�k�le c;�rd, han}7 up the phonc immc�liatcly. An� if s�meonc comos by �claiminq t[� Err? Us. �r� sL1r2 t� i�fik ��i�' iden[iiicati�on, Csll us ;�n�+time at 800.895.d9��. INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR BILL Effective Apr. 1, 2018, the Decoupling Adj on your bill is updated to reflectthe results of the second year of the Company's revenue decoupling program. See the additional information about Decoupling provided on your hilling statement. The Decoupling Adj is $0.001245 per kWh, which will result in a charge ta you for the next 12 months. For an average non-demand customer, 69% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 14% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand customer, 79% of your total bill refers to power � plant costs, 13% to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cost of local wires connected to m your business. o FEEL WHICH V�f�Y TWE 1NINQ IS �LU1�IN�? T�IUUA�RD �LEA�N ENE�GY. 1�lin�d and all af the ather renewable �energy aptians c�ut ther� �ontribute t� pur rnix, hel{�ing u5 prc�viCle ytu ti+��itfti Cl��rler, ��w C�St �n�rc�yr- Visit xceler��rgy.cbmf�Cle�nEnergy f�r rr�ore inforri��'tic�r�, n��r�rs deGvering. r • r r: � �, ]C���Er7er�jr' R[S�OwSILI[ ■T 1lATY�f• �I'rnnesat�a Ele�tri� ��e�c�u�lin� Pr��rarrr WYhat is decoupling? �e�cnupfin� hr�:�ks th� Gtinr7ec.tic�n t:�et�r��::n ar7 �neryy ��mp�fl�+"s elewtric s�les ��� rn�t�hin� actu�l re���enues u� rev�nue I�st�ls �pprov�d hy �i r�yulatc}ryt�utficrrit+�. fln h�l�rrn��r,t�, tfiis �5 the PUf�llc Utilit�es Cornmis5ipn or PLIC.j ll���uv�w�. ��ier� isn� incenti�� fur the c�m�ar7v ta �ell mr�r��n�r��; �n orr�er t� e�ener�te more re'��en�ie. The' Hn�.�� L7ecauplri�g b^Vorks� chart shqw�i�os��� decoupJiny adjusis TiII�'S f0 ST1109tI1 [iLJt F�"4'f'.I7LIE? fllL:;tlJiltl0f14 [lb'E?f tIfTIE!. �04f �*C4UP�IAI� �4rN5 ActuelHeuenua � ------ -��-- AullinritedR�:�enuc 1 D��oqpli-ll$ �IlustmnnEs ------------ �'� � � �_;___ '' � -- - -- -- - - -. -. tir. -.. � 1�'h�t iS ]iC�l Energy'S eleC#ri�C deCUupling pilol pra�ram? xcej Ener��y b�c3an a iour �Jear cleclr�c dccouplinq pilr�l �roc�r�m fqr r��identi�l �nJ �rn�ll t�usin�s5 c�ist�mers. F��h }'e�r st�rtin� ir� ?01 f, 3(cel Fnerg�; �p�li�s � der,�upling r�djus�ment [i� �ust�imer hill� that riarr�c.ts nran-fu�l rev�nu� t�, PIJ� �p{�r�ve�:1 I�v�lw Fares�:nt�cf t�s �ith�r �� sur�hfirge a�r a crc�ii. f he �iecou�hr7� pil��k �r�c�ratn ae��n wilh a baselir7e compar�san in ,lar�uar� �U1fi f h� firsl �lecrruplinc� adjustrnent appe�re�� as a I�ne �tem, '.i�ecQupling Adj," or� the �1ctr�ber >1:11? qill What does dec�nuplin� mean for you? 4!4'f?f tlTfl�', CIE'C[}�J�)Ilfl� IM'III flf7� }}f�t�e a I�ry� irnp�et rm CUSt4n��r bill�, b�c��ise th� m�jority of � custqmer�S bill ctarr7�s frc�Ri th� e]RI[)llllt [7f E?I�'�::tf li:l��{ IJSF3[�. I� p011 L15'w' IE'.SS ele�tri�it}�, }'c�� r�du�e the i,i�n5urn��rion-h�sefl �ortion pf �Yr,i.,r hdl — �a�.inr� n7r,ne'r, e�.en �,h,irh � derr�upl�ng �cljusrrnent Typi cal Rex�denlial BYI I � F14fC I.13'i�P Con<.�Rp- ar-Nssei �hartes ;"p�iaali.usta�oa fypice �:�stunerLanservin��4S S'.harrs ilTirs: r,�f+ve x� 13��sa(sastiYs�xfeaJ c.ust�wvrrc. H[.va! rbsaUSs sViiY vary G!' ��'sr a!�d rmsYcmbr ilrBQa.. Wh�t tl�nes d�caupling mean far energy efficiency and energy eonservation� fhe �lecauplinp pro�rarrf h�elps �nsure Xcel Energy rem�ins fc�c:used �in f7elping �usbarners sxrns�rti� �I�c.trir.ity. C:ustnrn�:rs �.��ho rne��t�r�hl}� reduce their energy consurnptipn �re re'�•�rcled w�ith lp�:ver electri�iry bills �r�:i_ � rp� �„a j i I' 4:�.•I i o��.clr i�� to �: I �..��py i. : n": ti .��,� I i�.� b.�i�.�iA I:x�.�:l I i�„i:l'r ur I:a n; i: .. v m � m � 0 r • r_� � ■ 115riable frequency dnues �VFQ�j vre used a�rQss industries to �n+�resse the �fficien�cy of HVA� anc� m�t�sr-clriv�n �ysterrs—inclucfing water �ell {�un�ps. We offer retrates for VFD� fr�m $40U to �S,OD4, so you can offset y�ur firsk cosk$ now and add lonq-tcrm savinqs to your 6ottom linc. Le�rn more �t xcelenergy,comlMotorEffici�n�cy or contact �ur ener�py �fficien�y 4E7�C:18��SiS �C $�5.��$.S$��, �L���� ���������� � �����/ ������ � 2C•''� xvel Ene xv �'.: � a � m v rn 0 0 r • r r: EDA Agenda: 6/13/18 4e. Consideration of Authorizin� Economic Development Mana�er to Attend 2018 EDAM Summer Conference at Grandview Lodge (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider authorizing the Economic Development Manager to attend the 2018 EDAM Summer Conference at Grandview Lodge June 27, 28 and 29, 2018. The Summer Conference Agenda is attached. EDAM has organized the conference to provide continuing education credits for various certifications as warranted. Al. STAFF IMPACT: If authorization is granted, the Economic Development Manager would be at the conference Wednesday afternoon through Friday (6-27 through 6-29). A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The cost to attend the Conference is $305.00 plus lodging estimated to be about $250.00 +/-. The 2018 EDA Budget contains a line item for "Training/Travel" in the amount of $1,800. As of the end of May, the balance in this line item was $1,243 .00. A3. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT: The City Council's adopted strategic plan contains a goal (#6) of "Invest(ing) In People" which supports staff training and growth. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to authorize Economic Development Manager to attend the 2018 EDAM Summer Conference. 2. Motion to deny authorization for Economic Development Manager to attend the 2018 EDAM Summer Conference. 3. Motion to table consideration of authorizing Economic Development Manager to attend the 2018 EDAM Summer Conference for further research or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. SUPPORTING DATA: A. 2018 EDAM Summer Conference Agenda Jim Thares From: Sent: To: Subject: � a > EDAM <info@edam.org> Friday, May 18, 2018 10:16 AM Jim Thares Summer Conference � Join us on the lake June 27-29 __ �� � � Economic Development Association of Minnesota Kick �ff the sumr�er v�eith EDAM! June 27 - 29, 2018 Grand Vievv L�dg�, R!issvva Join us on Gull Lake for three days of focused education, networking, and fun! Escape the day-to-day busyness of the work week and connect with the EDAM community in a relaxing setting. i � �' ,i ,-�= r,i;'� �, 1- !!!I� � � !��:.C`�;� i.1,a'r�•,f ;��. �,�i,;. y;�,e�P °���,��'7�k ,� ��(l,r. #.��.��.E� I,; .�;.1����G�j� �ga,�� ,T., i � � 1 � � I Eclucation � CE Credits Enhance your economic development knowledge, and stay informed about trends that will impact your world. We are in the process of applying for AICP, IEDC, and NDC credits. Session topics include: • Retail: Change at the Speed of Light! • Digi-Key's Continued Investment in Greater Minnesota • Statewide Affordable Housing Development Trends • Innovative Strategies to Building Child Care Supply • Retail Development Past, Present & Future • Mobile Tour of Brainerd Lakes Area Development Projects • Straight from the Source: Minnesota Business Panel • Community Housing: A Unique Way to Help Address an Age Old Issue • Legislative Update & Gubernatorial Candidates Panel Fun! • Boat Cruise • Bean Bag Tournament hosted by the Emerging Professionals • Minnesota Economic Development Foundation Golf Tournament • 5K Fun Run/Walk You won't want to miss our premier summer event! Lodging o Due to the size of our group and types of lodging available at Grand View Lodge, most attendees will be in shared cabins, and some may be housed near the golf � course, not in the main lodge area. If you have a specific lodging request, we will do our best to accommodate it, but cannot guarantee all requests will be met. Important information: Note the names of your preferred cabin-mates in the Unit Sharing Requests section of the reservation form. If you do not name anyone, EDAM staff will work with Grand View to place attendees into shared cabins as necessary. Unless you specifically request double occupancy and name a roommate, you will not be asked to share a bedroom or bathroom. The EDAM room block is available until Monday, May 28, 2018 or until full. We recommend you make your reservations early. .ea• . s�.� s�.. Sponsorship � Exhibifior Opportunities Sign up as a sponsor or exhibitor to help us celebrate economic development in Minnesota and gain visibility for your company. There are a variety of opportunities to fit any budget. ���rn mcsr� �r�d r��e�-�se �p�e�rs�orship npport�ar�iti�s SPONSORS BOLT4N ` - ��:.,�(�ON � � & M E t� K , �ID� 9 Real Pieople. Real Salutions, Minncsc�ta G�ELEC T C ASSOCIATION --_ ....._.__ YourTouc}1�ca�e6Ma�,ry'Parmer �i,�,.�-q GREATER MSP' M�inneapolis Saint Paul Regional Economic Development Partnership www.edam.org STAY CONNECTED t�'i � cny ot Elk -..-, R.lVer ��g EHLEFtS ``�:'r,. � '� L£ACtEFS iN PUGLIC (��dIkN�C .'+�i � :�'` '� 6:,'- �'`�.� �>�� �ro�r�s The Economic Development Association of Minnesota � 4248 Park Glen Road, Minneapolis, MN 55416 Unsubscribe iim.thares ci.monticello mn us Update Profile � About our service provider Sent by info@edam.org in collaboration with ��}i%�RLi�i� tQ���r �' Try it free today 3 EDA Agenda: 6/13/18 5. Consideration of Resolution #2018-10 Approvin� Termination of Contract for Private Redevelopment with Master's Fifth Avenue in Connection with TIF District #1-35 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Staff is asking the EDA to consider terminating the Contract for Private Redevelopment with Master's Fifth Avenue (Barry Fluth) in connection with TIF District #1-35. Mr. Fluth provided a letter to the EDA in late March 2018 indicating he was supportive of a new housing development proposal brought forward by Briggs Properties, LLC, at the site of the Master's Fifth Avenue redevelopment. To move forward with any proposal differing from the Master's Fifth Avenue concept outlined in the Contract, the existing Contract will need to be terminated. A Termination Agreement is included in the packet for your review. Al. STAFF IMPACT: There is minimal staff impact from terminating the Contract for Private Redevelopment with Master's Fifth Avenue A2. BUDGET IMPACT: There is a modest budget impact due to the termination of the Contract with Master's Fifth Avenue. The attorney charges from drafting the Termination Agreement will be passed onto Master's Fifth Avenue. A3. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT: N/A B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to adopt Resolution #2018-10 approving termination of the Contract for Private Redevelopment with Master's Fifth Avenue in connection with TIF District #1-35. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution #2018-10 terminating the Contract for Private Redevelopment with Master's Fifth Avenue in connection with TIF District #1-35. 3. Motion to table consideration of Resolution #2018-10 for further research or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. This is a housekeeping first step that needs to be addressed prior to considering different development proposals for the Master's Fifth Avenue site. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution #2018-10 B. Termination Agreement C. Letter from Barry Fluth (Master's Fifth Avenue) CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2018-10 RESOLUTION APPROVING A TERMINATION OF CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND MASTER'S FIFTH AVENUE, INC. BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Commissioners ("Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("Authority") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello (the "HRA") and Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. (the "Developer") entered into a Contract for Private Development dated as of September 7, 2005, as amended (the "Contract"). 1.02. Pursuant to the Contract, the HRA agreed to reimburse Developer for a portion of Developer's costs of acquisition of the Development Property through Available Tax Increment (as such terms are defined in the Contract). 1.03. In 2007, the HRA and the Authority consolidated operations, and the Contract was assigned by the HRA to the Authority. 1.04. The Developer and the Authority have negotiated five amendments to the Contract extending the required dates for commencement and completion of construction of the required Minimum Improvements on the Development Property. The Minimum Improvements have not yet been constructed. 1.05. The Developer now wishes to terminate the Contract and to sell the Development Property to a third party, and Authority staff and consultants have caused to be prepared a Termination of Contract (the "Termination") in the form presented to the Board. 1.06. The Board has reviewed the Termination and finds that the approval and execution thereof are in the best interest of the City and its residents. Section 2. Authoritv A�roval; Other Proceedin�s. 2.01. The Termination as presented to the Board is hereby in all respects approved. 2.02. The President and Executive Director are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the Authority the Termination and any other documents requiring execution by the Authority in order to give effect to the Termination. 2.03. Authority staff and consultants are authorized to take any actions necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution. 518106v1 MNI MN190-115 Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority this 13th day of June, 2018. President ATTEST: Secretary 518106v1 MNI MN190-115 2 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT THIS TERMINATION OF CONTRACT, made this of , 2018, between CTTY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, whose address is 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, Minnesota, 55362, as assignee of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello ("Authority"), and MASTERS FTTH AVENUE INC., a Minnesota corporation, whose address is 204 Locust Street, Suite 209, Monticello, MN 55362 ("Developer"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Authority and Developer have entered into that certain Contract for Private Development, dated as of September 7, 2005, as amended (as so amended, the "Contract"), providing among other things, for the construction of an approximately 11,000 square foot retail center, with associated parking known as Landmark Square II(the "Minimum Improvements") on the property legally described within the Contract (the "Development Property") within the City of Monticello (the "City"); and WHEREAS, the Developer has sought to fulfill its obligations under the Contract, but has been unable to secure adequate investors for the Minimum Improvements after diligent efforts; and WHEREAS, the Developer and a third party have entered into a purchase agreement for the Development Property, and have requested that the Authority agree to terminate the Contract in order to allow an unrelated proj ect to move forward on the Development Property; and WHEREAS, the Authority has agreed, and Authority and Developer now desire to terminate the Contract by written instrument pursuant to Paragraph 10.11 of the Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the Contract is hereby terminated. As of the date hereof, the rights and obligations of any party to the Contract are hereby terminated, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary therein. 522816v1 M� MN190-115 AUTHORITY: CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Its President By: Its Executive Director STATE OF MINNESOTA ss.: COUNTY OF WRIGHT The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2018, by and , the President and Executive Director of CTTY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and politic and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, on behalf of the Authority. Notary Public 522816v1 M� MN190-115 DEVELOPER: MASTERS FIFTH AVENUE, INC. I� Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ss.: COUNTY OF WRIGHT The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this by , the AVENUE INC., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public This document drafted by: KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED (MN� 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South 6m Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 522816v1 M� MN190-115 day of , 2018, of MASTERS FIFTH Master' s Fifth Avenue, Inc. 19577 180th Ave NW Big Lake, NIlv 55309 763-390-0393 March 27, 2018 TO: Monticello Economic Development Authority City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 EDA Members: Thank you for your consideration of the creation of an Affordable Housing TIF District on my property at 213 West 3rd Street in Monticello. I have been working with Pat Briggs on this project and we feel this is the best use of this parcel. We currently have a purchase agreement on this property. We feel this project will be a great addition to Downtown Monticello and will help to initiate growth and development in that area. Thank you again for your nsider ion. _,� Barry Fluth, president Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. EDA Agenda: 6/13/18 6. Consideration of Resolution #2018-11 Approvin� Decertification of Redevelopment TIF District #1-35 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Staff is asking the EDA to consider decertification of existing Redevelopment TIF District #1- 35 to allow establishment of a new Affordable Housing TIF District. The creation of a new housing TIF District will support the proposed development of a 47 unit multi-family apartment in the downtown area. The site at the corner of 3rd and Locust has been awaiting potential development for approximately 15 years; envisioned first as commercial and more recently - since completion of the downtown plan, as multi-family residential. A new Affordable Housing TIF District which would be based on the full value of the proposed new development and have a potential maximum life of 26 years, similar to a Redevelopment District in terms of length of term. Prior to establishing the new housing district, the existing one needs to be decertified. Barry Fluth, Master's Fifth Avenue, the developer involved in the original Redevelopment proposal is in support of the decertification step at this time. The attached resolution needs EDA action to proceed with the decertification step. A1. STAFF IMPACT: The proposed Decertification step will not place undue burden on staff beyond normal documentation tasks. If the decertification resolution is approved by the EDA, Northland Securities will assist staff in filing appropriate documents with the County and State of MN. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: There is a minimal impact to the EDA budget from considering decertification of TIF District #1-35. A3. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT: In supporting the decertification of TIF District #1- 35, the opportunity is created to consider establishing an Affordable Housing TIF District which will enable the development of housing in the downtown core area as per the adopted Downtown Small Area Plan and the EDA's 2018 Work Plan. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to adopt Resolution #2018-11 approving decertification of Redevelopment TIF District #1-35. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution #2018-11 decertifying Redevelopment TIF District #1-35. 3. Motion to table consideration of Resolution #2018-11 for further research or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The EDA goals are to support implementation of the Comprehensive Plan related to economic development efforts in the realm of housing EDA Agenda: 6/13/18 development and particularly implement the recently adopted Small Area Study. The Small Area Study identifies the site at 3rd and Locust as a multi-family use SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution #2018-11 B. Letter from Barry Fluth (Master's Fifth Avenue) 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2018-11 RESOLUTION APPROVING DECERTIFICATION OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-35 BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Commissioners (`Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The City previously established the Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-35 (the "TIF District"), a redevelopment TIF District, within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 in the City and approved a Tax Increment Financing Plan ("TIF Plan") for the TIF District. The TIF District is administered by the Authority. 1.02. Pursuant to the terms of the Contract for Private Development between the Authority, as assignee of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota, and Masters Fifth Avenue, Inc. (the "Developer"), dated September 7, 2005, as amended (the "Agreement"), the Authority granted tax increment financing assistance to the Developer in the form of a tax increment revenue note (the "TIF Note") to reimburse the Developer for the purchase price of the Property through tax increments from the TIF District. The Agreement provided that payments of principal and interest on the TIF Note would commence upon receipt by the Authority of tax increment from the Minimum Improvements to be constructed on the Property. 1.03. Despite five amendments extending the required dates of commencement and completion of construction of the Minimum Improvements, the Developer has not commenced construction of the Minimum Improvements as of the date hereof, and has notified the Authority that Developer will not construct the Minimum Improvements and has requested that the parties terminate the Agreement and decertify the TIF District. 1.04. The Authority agrees that decertification of the TIF District and termination of the Agreement are in the best interest of the Authority and City, because such actions will allow the creation of a new housing tax increment financing district encompassing the Property, thereby increasing workforce rental housing options for City residents. Section 2. TIF District Decertified: Fili 2.01. The Authority hereby approves decertification of the TIF District. 2.02. Subject to formal decertification of the TIF District by the City, Authority staff is authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to Wright County with instructions to decertify the TIF District as of the date hereof, it being the intent of the City and Authority 526319v1 M� MN190-115 that any tax increment derived from the TIF District and collected after the date hereof should be redistributed by the County Auditor to the taxing jurisdictions within the TIF District. 2.03. The TIF District has not generated any tax increment as of the date hereof, but if any tax increment derived from the TIF District is generated and received by the Authority after the date hereof, Authority staff is directed to return such tax increment to the County Auditor for distribution to the taxing jurisdictions within the TIF District. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority this 13th day of June, 2018. President ATTEST: Executive Director 526319v1 M� MN190-115 2 Master' s Fifth Avenue, Inc. 19577 180th Ave NW Big Lake, NIlv 55309 763-390-0393 March 27, 2018 TO: Monticello Economic Development Authority City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 EDA Members: Thank you for your consideration of the creation of an Affordable Housing TIF District on my property at 213 West 3rd Street in Monticello. I have been working with Pat Briggs on this project and we feel this is the best use of this parcel. We currently have a purchase agreement on this property. We feel this project will be a great addition to Downtown Monticello and will help to initiate growth and development in that area. Thank you again for your nsider ion. _,� Barry Fluth, president Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. EDA Agenda: 06/13/18 7. Consideration of Resolution #2018-12 Establishin� Affordable Housin� TIF District #1- 40 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Staff is asking the EDA to consider stablishing an Affordable Housing TIF District #1-40 to support development of a 47-unit apartment complex by Briggs Properties in downtown Monticello. The EDA followed the process outlined in the TIF Guidelines and initially reviewed Briggs' concept proposal at its regular March 14, 2018 meeting. Thereafter, the EDA held a special meeting on March 28, 2018 to review the development and the proposed financing including the TIF request. After the development and finance review, the EDA acted to request the City Council call for the public hearing required to establish a TIF District. The City Council approved a resolution calling for the required public hearing at its April 9, 2018 meeting. The City Council scheduled the public hearing for the June 25th, 2018 City Council meeting. After the public hearing the City Council will review the financial plan (proposed expenditures) along with the fiscal and economic impacts in connection with Briggs Properties' proposed development. The EDA shall first approve the creation of the TIF District per its role as the statutory Authority (administrator-management duties). A new Affordable Housing TIF District would be based on the full value of the proposed new development and have a potential maximum life of 26 years, similar to a Redevelopment District in terms of length of term. Briggs Properties applied for TIF in order to move forward with the apartment proposal. TIF funding will support proj ect costs consisting of land acquisition, site preparation, surface and underground parking, utility installation and landscaping. Northland Securities completed a report detailing the financing and the "but for test" which is attached for your review. The TIF Plan, also completed by Northland, is attached and it outlines the proposed proj ect and the TIF budget and use of funds. In addition to the TIF amount of $862,000, generated by the new development to cover the proj ect costs, the EDA, in May, authorized an up-front grant of Available TIF Funds in the amount of $400,000 for underground parking expenses. The EDA separately at its meeting in July will consider a Contract for Private Redevelopment with Briggs detailing the minimum improvements along with funding and performance requirements. Affordable Housing TIF Districts have a contractual affordability requirement which in this proposal means there will need to be 10 units made available to households with income of 50 percent or less of the area (County) median. The current threshold is $47,150. Briggs is proposing a mix of 3 studio units, 25 one bedroom units and 19 two bedroom units. Lastly, it should be noted that this site has been awaiting potential development for approximately 15 years; envisioned first as commercial and more recently - since completion of the downtown plan, as multi-family residential. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The proposed establishment of TIF District #1-40 will not affect staff EDA Agenda: 06/13/18 workloads. The ongoing work involved in administering the new District will not place undue burden on staff beyond normal documentation tasks. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: There is a neutral budget impact in establishing a new TIF District since the EDA, as the statutory Authority, receives 10 percent of the annual increment to cover administrative tasks. Per TIF cash flow projections, this amounts to roughly $6,000 per year. A3. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT: In establishing a new Affordable Housing TIF District, the EDA will be supporting additional housing development and in particularly the downtown core area which is a goal as outlined in the recently adopted Downtown Small Area Plan and the EDA's 2018 Work Plan. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to adopt Resolution #2018-12 approving establishment of an Affordable Housing TIF District #1-40. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution #2018-12 related to establishing a new Affordable Housing TIF District #1-40. 3. Motion to table consideration of Resolution #2018-12 for further research or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. The EDA goals are to support implementation of the Comprehensive Plan related to economic development efforts in the realm of housing development and particularly implement the recently adopted Small Area Study. The Small Area Study identifies the site at 3rd and Locust as a multi-family use. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution #2018-12 B. TIF Plan for District #1-40 C. Northland Securities Report 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. #2018-10 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-40 AND ADOPTING A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN THEREFOR. BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Commissioners (`Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The Board proposes to establish Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 (the "TIF District") within Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1(the "Project") and adopt a Tax Increment Financing Plan for the TIF District (the "TIF Plan"), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1081 and Sections 469.174 to 469.1794, as amended (the "Act"). 1.02. Authority staff and consultants have prepared the TIF Plan for consideration by the Board and by the City of Monticello (the "City"). 1.03. The Authority and the City have performed all actions required by law to be performed prior to the establishment of the TIF District and the adoption and approval of the proposed TIF Plan, including, but not limited to, notification of Wright County and Independent School District No. 882, approval of the Plans by the EDA on the date hereof, and the holding by the City Council of a public hearing upon published notice as required by law. Section 2. Approval of TIF District No. 1-40 and TIF Plan; Further Actions. 2.01. The Authority hereby finds that the TIF District is in the public interest and is a housing district as described in Section 469.174, Subd. 11 of the Act, and finds that the TIF Plan conforms in all respects to the requirements of the Act and that the establishment of the TIF District and adoption of the TIF Plan will help provide increased housing opportunities in the City, and thereby serves a public purpose. 2.02. The Authority further finds that the TIF Plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs for the City as a whole, for the redevelopment of the Project by private enterprise in that the intent is to provide only that public assistance necessary to make the private development financially feasible. 2.03. The Authority hereby approves the TIF Plan for the TIF District, subject to approval thereof by the City Council following its public hearing thereon. 2.04. Subject to approval of the TIF Plan and establishment of the TIF District by the City Council, Authority staff and consultants are authorized and directed to proceed with the implementation of the TIF Plan and for this purpose to negotiate, draft, prepare and present to this Board for its consideration all further plans, resolutions, documents and contracts necessary for this purpose. Approval of the TIF Plan does not constitute approval of any project or a development agreement with any developer. 526348v1 MNI MN190-156 Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority this 13th day of June, 2018. President ATTEST: Executive Director 526348v1 MNI MN190-156 DRAFT CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 (BRIGGS) WITHIN CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 ADOPTED BY CITY OF MONTICELLO AND CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JUNE 25, 2018 PLAN APPROVED BY EDA DATE: I»�1►I�1»:Z•��/��1��'L�l��'L�•1�J►[�11��7���� PLAN CERTIFICATION REQUEST DATE: PLAN CERTIFIED DATE: N�R�'HLAN�I� PfJ BLI C FIhIANCE Northland Securities, Inc. 150 SouthFifth Street, Suite 3300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (800) 851-2920 Member NASD and SIPC Registered with SEC and MSRB TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I- INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS .........................................................1 Section 1.01 Introduction ......................................................................................1 Section1.02 Definitions .........................................................................................1 Section 1.03 Plan Preparation ...............................................................................1 ARTICLE II - TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN .........................................................z Section 2.01 Statutory Authority ..........................................................................2 Section 2.02 Planned Development .....................................................................2 2.02.1 Project Description ......................................................................................3 2.02.2 City Plans and Development Program .................................................... 3 2.02.3 Land Acquisition .........................................................................................3 2.02.4 Development Activities ..............................................................................2 2.02.5 Need for Tax Increment Financing ........................................................... 2 Section 2.03 Tax Increment Financing District ...................................................3 2.03.1 Designation .................................................................................................. 3 2.03.2 Boundaries of TIF District ..........................................................................3 2.03.3 Type of District ............................................................................................3 Section 2.04 Plan for Use of Tax Increment ........................................................3 2.04.1 Estimated Tax Increment ............................................................................3 2.04.2 Project Costs .................................................................................................4 2.04.3 Estimated Sources and Uses of Funds .....................................................5 Figure2-1 ......................................................................................................5 2.04.4 Administrative Expense .............................................................................5 2.04.5 County Road Costs .....................................................................................6 2.04.6 Bonded Indebtedness .................................................................................6 2.04.7 Duration of TIF District ..............................................................................6 2.04.8 Estimated Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions ...................................6 2.04.9 Prior Planned Improvements .................................................................... 7 ARTICLE III -ADMINISTERING THE TIF DISTRICT ......................................................7 Section 3.01 Filing and Certification ....................................................................7 Section 3.02 Modifications of the Tax Increment Financing Plan ....................7 Section 3.03 4-Year Knockdown Rule ..................................................................8 Section 3.04 Pooling/5-Year Rule ..........................................................................8 Section 3.05 Financial Reporting and Disclosure Requirements .....................8 Section 3.06 Business Subsidy Compliance ........................................................8 EXHIBITS........................................................................................................................... g Exhibit I- Present Value Analysis ............................................................................9 Exhibit II - Projected Tax Increment ......................................................................10 Exhibit III - Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions ..............................................11 Exhibit IV - Estimated Tax Increment Over Life of District ...............................12 Exhibit V- Map of TIF District ...............................................................................13 Exhibit VI - Map of Central Monticallo Redevelopment Project No. 1............14 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 ARTICLE I- INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS �����[�7►F����1►��:Z�]�1�L��[�7► The City of Monticello and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority propose to provide tax increment financing assistance through the establishment of Tax Increment Financing (Housing) District No. 1-40 to assist with the financing of certain project costs for the construction of an approximate 47-unit rental housing facility, with an affordable component, by a private developer. This document contains the plan for achieving the objectives of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 through the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40. SECTION 1.02 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document, the terms below have the meanings given in this section, unless the context in which they are used indicates a different meaning: 1. "Authority' means the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. 2. "City' means the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 3. "City Council" means the City Council of the City. 4. "County' means Wright County, Minnesota. 5. "Developer' means the private party undertaking construction within the TIF District. 6. "Project Costs" means the cost of qualified development activities that will occur within the TIF District that may be paid from tax increment revenue. 7. "Redevelopment Plan" means the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project, as the same may, from time to time, be amended or supplemented. 8. "Redevelopment Project" means Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 of the Authority, as the same may, from time to time, be amended or supplemented. 9. "School District" means Independent School District No. 882 (Monticello Public Schools). 10. "State" means the State of Minnesota. 11. "TIF Act" means Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.1794, as amended, both inclusive. 12. "TIF District" means Tax Increment Financing (Housing) District No. 1-40 (Briggs). 13. "TIF Plan' means the tax increment financing plan for the TIF District (this document). �����[�7►F��I��»_1►��:���_1:Z��[�7► The document was prepared for the City and the Authority by Northland Securities, Inc. DRAFT TIF PLAN FOR EDA MEETING, JUNE 13, 2018 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 ARTICLE II - TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN �� �� �[�] ► i����� �_� t�j t�7:�'/_��j �: [�]:i � �'1 The TIF District and the TIF Plan are established under the authority of the TIF Act. SECTION 2.02 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 2.02.1 Project Description The Developer proposes to build an approximate 47-unit rental housing facility, with an affordable component, located at the corner of Locust and 3rd Street West within the City. The proposal calls for a four-story apartment building to include approximately 3 studio units, 25 one-bedroom units, and 19 two-bedroom units. The property where the housing will be built is currently vacant. 2.02.2 City P(ans and Deve(opment Program In addition to achieving the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, the proposed development is consistent with and works to achieve the development objectives of the City. The TIF Plan for the TIF District conforms to the general plan for development or redevelopment of the City as a whole. The City has adopted land use controls to guide the use of property. The proposed development plans for the project in the TIF District have been reviewed by the Planning Commission and the City Council. 2.02.3 Land Acquisition The City or the Authority do not plan to acquire any property within the TIF District. 2.02.4 Deve(opment Activities As of the date of approval of this TIF Plan, there are no development activities proposed in this TIF Plan that are subject to contracts. 2.02.5 Need for Tax Increment Financing In various materials the Developer has demonstrated that the proposed use of tax increment financing is needed to offset the high construction costs of high-quality low- to moderate- income housing and associated infrastructure required to support the facility. Without the proposed assistance, these initial up-front costs would make it infeasible for the Developer to be able to charge the affordable rents required for low-to moderate-income residents. Thus, it is the opinion of the City and the Authority that the proposed development would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the foreseeable future and that the increased market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of the TIF District permitted by the TIF Plan. A comparative analysis of estimated market values both with and without establishment of the TIF District and the use of tax increments has been performed as described above and is shown in Exhibit L This analysis, which is not required by the TIF Act for approval of a housing district, indicates that the increase in estimated market value of the proposed development (less the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration permitted by the TIF Plan) exceeds the estimated market value of the site prior to the establishment of the TIF District. DRAFT TIF PLAN FOR EDA MEETING, JUNE 13, 2018 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 SECTION 2.03 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT 2.03.1 Designation This TIF District is designated Tax Increment Financing (Housing) District No. 1-40 (Briggs). 2.03.2 Boundaries of TIF District The boundaries of the TIF District are depicted in Exhibit V. The TIF District includes parcel number 155010036030 and the adjacent roads and right-of-way. The parcel is legally described as follows: Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 36, Plat of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. 2.03.3 Type of District The TIF District is designated as a"housing" district pursuant to Section 469.174, Subd. 11 of the TIF Act. For the designation, of a tax increment financing housing district, the Developer of the Project will need to commit to the following: 1. Satisfy the income requirements for a qualified residential rental project as defined in section 142(d) of the Internal Revenue Code. This requirement applies for the duration of the tax increment financing district. The Fiscal Year 2018 Area Median Income for the County is $94,300. The developer will commit to provide (a) 20% or more of units for occupancy by persons at 50% or less of area median gross income (estimated at $47,150) or (b) (a) 40% or more of units for occupancy by persons at 60% or less of area median gross income (estimated at $56,580). These income thresholds may change over the life of the TIF District. 2. Provide that no more than 20% of the square footage of building to receive assistance from tax increments consist of commercial, retail, or other nonresidential uses. Revenue derived from tax increment from a housing district must be used solely to finance the cost of housing projects as defined in Section 469.174, subdivision 11 of the TIF Act. The cost of public improvements directly related to the housing projects and the allocated administrative expenses of the Authority may be included in the cost of a housing project. 3. Failure to comply with these income limitations is subject to the enforcement provisions of Section 469.1771 of the TIF Act. SECTION 2.04 PLAN FOR USE OF TAX INCREMENT 2.04.1 Estimated Tax Increment The original net tax capacity of value of the TIF District will be set by the County upon request for certification. For the purposes of this Plan, the estimated original net tax capacity is $1,731. This amount is estimated based on the most recent published estimated market value of $138,500 for Parce1155010036030; with tax capacity value calculated for residential rental property. The total tax capacity value of the property after development completion (for taxes payable in 2021) is estimated to be $69,438. This amount is based on a total estimated market value of $5,555,000 with property classified as residential rental property. The estimated difference between the total tax capacity value after development completion (for taxes payable in 2021) and the original net tax capacity value is the captured tax capacity value ($67,706) for the creation of tax increment. The total local tax rate for taxes payable in 2018 is 88.994%. The TIF Plan assumes that this rate will be set as the original local tax rate for the TIF District. At the time of the certification of the original net tax capacity for the TIF District, the county auditor shall certify the original local tax rate that applies to the TIF District. The original local tax rate is the sum of all the local tax rates, excluding that portion of the school rate attributable to the general education levy under Minnesota Statutes section 126C.13, that apply to a property in the TIF District. The local DRAFT TIF PLAN FOR EDA MEETING, JUNE 13, 2018 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 tax rate to be certified is the rate in effect for the same taxes payable year applicable to the tax capacity values certified as the TIF District's original tax capacity. The resulting tax capacity rate is the original local tax rate for the life of the TIF District. Under these assumptions, the estimated annual tax increment will be $60,255 after development completion. The actual tax increment will vary according to the certified original tax capacity value and original tax rate, the actual property value produced by the proposed development and the changes in property value and State tax policy over the life of the district. It is the intent of the City and the Authority to retain 100% of the captured tax capacity value for the duration of the TIF district. Exhibit II contains the projected tax increment over the life of the District. 2.04.2 Project Costs The Authority will use tax increment to pay Project Costs. The Authority anticipates the use of tax increment to pay administrative expenses for the TIF District and to reimburse the Developer on a pay-go basis for certain Project Costs to provide the affordable housing. A contract between the Authority and the Developer will define the means for verifying Developer costs eligible for reimbursement and the means of disbursing tax increments collected by the Authority to the Developer. The Authority may also use tax increments to pay financing costs. The interest rate payable on bonds, the definition of bonds includes tax increment financing revenue notes, to be issued will be set pursuant to a contract with the Developer. The Authority reserves the right to use any other legally available revenues to finance or pay for Project Costs associated with the development in the TIF District. The City and the Authority reserve the right to modify the TIF Plan to provide authority to expend tax increment from the TIF District on other housing projects that meet the criteria for establishing a housing TIF district. Section 469.174, Subd. 11 of the TIF Act defines a housing districts consisting of a project, or a portion of a project, intended for occupancy, in part, by persons or families of low and moderate income. The requirements for the establishment of a housing TIF district are contained in Section 469.1761 of the TIF Act. The primary criteria are income related. The criteria are different for owned and rental housing. The practical application of this authority includes: • The use of tax increment is not limited by pooling restrictions or the five-year rule. • The tax increment can be spent on activities outside of the TIF district, but within the Development District No. 1. • This authority does not extend the maximum statutory duration of the TIF district. • The tax increment must be used solely to finance the cost of the "housing project" as defined by the TIF Act. The cost of public improvements directly related to the housing project and the allocated administrative expenses of the Authority may be included in the cost of the housing project. • No more than 20% of the square footage of buildings that receive TIF assistance may consist of commercial, retail, or other nonresidential uses. Potential applications of this authority include: • Individual housing projects avoiding the need for a new TIF district. • Supplementing the revenues of another housing TIF district. • Assistance for the renovation of existing housing. • Acquisition of land for housing. DRAFT TIF PLAN FOR EDA MEETING, JUNE 13, 2018 4 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 • Assistance to make public improvements more affordable. 2.04.3 Estimated Sources and Uses of Funds The estimated sources of revenue, along with the estimated Project Costs of the TIF District, are itemized in Figure 2-1 that follows. Such costs are eligible for reimbursement from tax increments, and other listed sources of revenue from the TIF District. The City and Authority reserve the right to administratively adjust the amount of any of the Project Cost items listed in Figure 2-1, so long as the total estimated tax increment project costs amount, not including financing costs, is not increased. FIGURE 2-1 ESTIMATED SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS Estimated Tax Increment Revenues Tax increment revenues distributed from the county Interest and investment earnings Sales/lease proceeds Market value homestead credit Total Estimated Tax Increment Revenues Estimated Project/Financing Costs (to be paid or financed with tax increment) Praject costs Land/building acquisition Site improvements/preparation costs Utilities Other qualifying improvements Construction of affordable housing Small city authorized costs, if not already included above Administrative costs Estimated Tax Increment Project Costs Estimated financing costs Interest expense Tatal $1, 729, 581 $10,000 $0 $0 $1,739, 581 $a $0 $a $862,OD0 $0 $0 $172,958 $1,034,958 $704,623 Total Estimated Project/Financing Costs to be Paid from Tax Increment $1,739,581 Estimated Financing Total amount of bonds to be issued $1, 034,958 2.04.4 Administrative Expense The Authority reserves the right to retain up to ten percent (10%) of annual tax increment revenues, in addition to any required fees paid to the State and County. The Authority will use these monies to pay for and reimburse the Authority for costs of administering the TIF district allowed by the TIF Act. The estimated amount of tax increment revenue planned to pay administrative expense is shown in Figure 2-1. Anticipated administrative expenses of the TIF District include annual audit of the fund for TIF District, preparation of annual reporting, legal publication of annual report, and administration of the development agreement. DRAFT TIF PLAN FOR EDA MEETING, JUNE 13, 2018 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 2.04.5 County Road Costs The proposed development will not substantially increase the use of county roads and necessitate the need to use tax increments to pay for county road improvements. 2.04.6 Bonded Indebtedness The total amount of bonds estimated to be issued is shown in Figure 2-1. The City will not issue any general obligation bonded indebtedness as a result of the TIF Plan. The Authority intends to use tax increment financing to reimburse the developer on pay-as-you- go basis for Project Costs pursuant to a contract with the Developer. The City or the Authority may advance or loan money to finance expenditures under Section 469.176, subdivision 4 of the TIF Act, from the general funds of the City or the Authority or any other fund under which there is legal authority to do so, subject to the following provisions: (a) Not later than 60 days after money is transferred, advanced, or spent, whichever is earliest, the loan or advance must be authorized by resolution of the City or of the Authority, whichever has jurisdiction over the fund from which the advance or loan is authorized. (b) The resolution may generally grant to the City or the Authority the power to make interfund loans under one or more tax increment financing plans or for one or more districts. The resolution may be adopted before or after the adoption of the tax increment financing plan or the creation of the tax increment financing district from which the advance or loan is to be repaid. (c) The terms and conditions for repayment of the loan must be provided in writing. The written terms and conditions may be in any form, but must include, at a minimum, the principal amount, the interest rate, and maximum term. Written terms may be modified or amended in writing by the City or the Authority before the latest decertification of any tax increment financing district from which the interfund loan is to be repaid. The maximum rate of interest permitted to be charged is limited to the greater of the rates specified under Minnesota Satatutes, Section 270C.40 or 549.09 as of the date the loan or advance is authorized, unless the written agreement states that the maximum interest rate will fluctuate as the interest rates specified under Minnesota Statutes, Section 270C.40 or 549.09 are from time to time adjusted. Loans or advances may be structured as draw- down or line-of-credit obligations of the lending fund. (d) The Authority shall report in the annual report submitted under Section 469.175, subdivision 6 of the TIF Act: (1) the amount of any interfund loan or advance made in a calendar year; and (2) any amendment of an interfund loan or advance made in a calendar year. 2.04.7 Duration of TIF District The duration to collect and spend tax increments on eligible purposes is set at the maximum duration of 25 years after the date of receipt of the first tax increment or 26 years of tax increment collection. The estimated decertification date is 12/31/2045. 2.04.8 Estimated Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions Exhibits III and IV show the estimated impact on other taxing jurisdictions if the maximum projected retained captured net tax capacity of the TIF District was hypothetically available to the other taxing jurisdictions. The City and the Authority believe that there will be no adverse impact on other taxing jurisdictions during the life of the TIF District, since the proposed development would not have occurred without the establishment of the TIF District and the provision of public assistance. A positive impact on other taxing jurisdictions will occur when the TIF District is decertified and the development therein becomes part of the general tax base. DRAFT TIF PLAN FOR EDA MEETING, JUNE 13, 2018 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 The City and the Authority anticipate minimal impact of the proposed development on city- provided services. There will be no borrowing costs to the City or the Authority for the Project. A manageable increase in water and sewer usage is expected. It is anticipated that there may be a slight but manageable increase in police and fire protection duties due to the development. 2.04.9 Prior P(anned Improvements There have been no building permits issued in the last 18 months in conjunction with any of the properties within the TIF District. The Authority will include this statement with the request for certification to the County Auditor. I�1:��C�l��ll�_1�]►�ill►1����:il►[��:I��I��]���:iC�� SECTION 3.01 FILING AND CERTIFICATION The filing and certification of the TIF Plan consists of the following steps: 1. Upon adoption of the TIF Plan by the City and the Authority, the Authority shall submit a copy of the TIF Plan to the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Office of the State Auditor. 2. The Authority shall request that the County Auditor certify the original net tax capacity and net tax capacity rate of the TIF District. To assist the County Auditor in this process, the Authority shall submit copies of the TIF Plan, the resolution establishing the TIF District and adopting the TIF Plan, and a listing of any prior planned improvements. SECTION 3.02 MODIFICATIONS OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN The City and the Authority reserve the right to modify the TIF District and the TIF Plan. Under the TIF Act, the following actions can only be approved after satisfying all the necessary requirements for approval of the original TIF Plan (including notifications and public hearing): ■ Reduction or enlargement in the geographic area of the Development District or the TIF District. ■ Increase in the amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred. ■ Increase in the amount of capitalized interest. ■ Increase in that portion of the captured net tax capacity to be retained by the Authority. ■ Increase in the total estimated Project Costs, not including cost of financing. ■ Designation of additional property to be acquired by the City or the Authority. Other modifications can be made by resolution of the Authority. In addition, the original approval process does not apply if (1) the only modification is elimination of parcels from the TIF District and (2) the current net tax capacity of the parcels eliminated equals or exceeds the net tax capacity of those parcels in the TIF District's original net tax capacity, or the City and the Authority agree that the TIF District's original net tax capacity will be reduced by no more than the current net tax capacity of the parcels eliminated. Upon approval by the City, the Authority must notify the County Auditor of any modification that reduces or enlarges the geographic area of the TIF District. The geographic area of the TIF District may be reduced but not enlarged after five years following the date of certification. DRAFT TIF PLAN FOR EDA MEETING, JUNE 13, 2018 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 SECTION 3.03 4-YEAR KNOCKDOWN RULE Since the TIF District consists of a single parcel, development of the project as planned prevents any loss of value from the 4-Year Knockdown Rule. The 4-Year Knockdown Rule requires that if after four years from certification of the TIF District no demolition, rehabilitation, renovation or site improvement, including a qualified improvement of an adjacent street, has commenced on a parcel located within the TIF District, then that parcel shall be excluded from the TIF District and the original net tax capacity shall be adjusted accordingly. Qualified improvements of a street are limited to construction or opening of a new street, relocation of a street, or substantial reconstruction or rebuilding of an existing street. The Authority must submit to the County Auditor, by February 1 of the fifth year, evidence that the required activity has taken place for each parcel in the TIF District. If a parcel is excluded from the TIF District and the City, Authority, or owner of the parcel subsequently commences any of the above activities, the Authority shall certify to the County Auditor that such activity has commenced and the parcel shall once again be included in the TIF District. The County Auditor shall certify the net tax capacity of the parcel, as most recently certified by the Commissioner of Revenue, and add such amount to the original net tax capacity of the TIF District. SECTION 3.04 POOLING/5-YEAR RULE As permitted under Section 469.1763, subdivision 2(b) and subdivision 3(a)(5) of the TIF Act, any expenditures of increment from the TIF District to pay the cost of a"housing project" as defined in Section 469.174, subd. 11 of the TIF Act will be treated as an expenditure within the district for the purposes of the "pooling rules" and the "five year rule". It is not anticipated that tax increments will be spent outside the TIF District (except allowable administrative expenses), but such expenditures are expressly authorized in the TIF Plan. SECTION 3.05 FINANCIAL REPORTING AND DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS The Authority will comply with the annual reporting requirements of State Law pursuant to the guidelines of the Office of the State Auditor. Under current law, the Authority must prepare and submit a report on the TIF district on or before August 1 of each year. The Authority must also annually publish in a newspaper of general circulation in the City an annual statement for each tax increment financing district. The reporting and disclosure requirements outlined in this section begin with the year the district was certified, and shall end in the year in which both the district has been decertified and all tax increments have been spent or returned to the county for redistribution Failure to meet these requirements, as determined by the State Auditors Office, may result in suspension of distribution of tax increment. SECTION 3.06 BUSINESS SUBSIDY COMPLIANCE The Project is exempt from the business subsidies requirements specified in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995 because the intended assistance for the Project specified in this document is anticipated to be 100% for housing assistance. DRAFT TIF PLAN FOR EDA MEETING, JUNE 13, 2018 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 Exhibit I Monticello Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 Present Value Analysis As Required By Statute Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175(3)(2) Briggs 1 Estimated Future Market Value w/ Tax Increment Financing 2 Payable 2018 Market Value 3 Market Value Increase (1-2) 4 Present Value of Future Tax Increments 5 Market Value Increase Less PV of Tax Increments 6 Estimated Future Market Value w/o Tax Increment Financing 7 Payable 2018 Market Value 8 Market Value Increase (6-7) 9 Increase in MV From TIF 1 Assume 1.00% annual appreciation over 26 year life of district. 7,053,376 1 138,500 6,914,876 862,208 6,052,668 177,617 1 138,500 39,117 6,013,551 2 2 Statutory comp(iance achieved if increase in market va(ue from TIF (Line 9) is greater than or equa( to zero. DRAFT TIF PLAN FOR EDA MEETING, JUNE 13, 2018 9 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 TIF Taxes Taxable District Value Payable Market Year Year Year Value' 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2D19 2D20 2D21 2D22 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2D38 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 �028 �029 �030 �031 �032 �033 �034 �035 2036 2037 2038 2039 �040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Exhibit II Gity af Monticella Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 (Housing) Briggs Projected Tax Increment Cash Flow 6 2,750,OOD S,SSS,OOD 5,610,SSD 5,666,656 5,723,322 5,780,555 5,838,361 5,896,744 5,955,712 6,D15,�69 6, 075,4� 2 6,136,176 6,197,538 6,259,513 6,322,108 6,385,3�9 6,449,183 6, 513,674 6,578,811 6,644,599 6,711,045 6,778,156 6,845,937 6,914,397 6,983,541 7,053,376 Base Tax Captured Assumed New Tax Capacity Tax Original Capacity , 4 Capacity Tax Rate 34,375 69,43 S 70,13 2 70,833 71, 542 72,257 72,980 73,749 74,446 75,191 75,943 76,70� 77,469 78,244 79,026 79,817 80,615 81,421 82,235 83,057 83,888 84,727 85, 574 86,430 87,294 88,167 (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) 32,644 67,706 68,401 69,102 69,810 70,526 71,248 71,978 7�,715 73,460 74,212 74,971 75,738 76,513 77,295 78,085 78,884 79,690 80,504 81,326 82,157 82,996 83,843 84,699 85,563 86,436 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994% 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % TOTAL = Tax Less Tax pi-esent Increment State Increment Value TIF (TIF) Fee (TIF) After After Fee 5 (0.36%) Fee 29,051 60,255 60,872 61,497 62,127 62,764 63,407 64,056 64,71� 65,375 66,044 66,720 67,402 68,092 68,788 69,491 70,202 70,919 71,644 72,375 73,115 73,861 74,615 75,377 76,146 76,923 1,73 5,830 (1D5) 28,946 (217) 6D,038 (219) 6D,653 (221) 61,276 (224) 61,9D3 (226) 62,538 (228) 63,179 (231) 63,825 (233) 64,479 (235) 65,140 (238) 65,806 (240) 66,480 (243) 67,159 (245) 67,847 (248) 68,540 (250) 69,241 (253) 69,949 (255) 7D,664 (258) 71,386 (261) 7�,114 (263) 7�,85z (266) 73,595 (2G9) 74,346 (271) 75,106 (274) 75,872 (277) 76,646 (6,249) 1,729,581 Kev Asssumptians 1 Taxable market value (fMV) annual growth assumption = 1.00%. 2 Taxable Market Value = 47 units at $117,021 per unit. 3 Base Tax Capacity calcluated on base taxable inarket value =$138,500 PID: 15501003603D 4 Assume Pay 2018 Tax Year. 5 Present value based on semi-annual payments, and indicated rate above, and beginning on date of 1/1/2019. 6 All figures are estimated. 4.00 % 26,920 80,588 132,700 183,303 232,439 280,151 326,481 371,467 415,149 457,565 498,751 538,743 577,575 615,281 651,894 687,444 721,964 755,482 788,027 819,628 850,313 880,107 909,036 937,127 964,401 990,884 DRAFT TIF PLAN FOR EDA MEETING, JUNE 13, 2018 10 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 Exhibit III Monticello Tax lncrement Financing District No. 1-40 Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions (Taxes Payable 2018) Briggs ANNUALTAXINCREMENT Estimated Annual Captured Tax Capacity (Full Development) Payable 2018 Local Tax Rate Estimated Annual Tax Increment City of Monticello Wright County ISD 882 City of Monticello Wright County ISD 882 Other Totals Percent of Tax Base Net Tax Capacity (NTC) 29,528,145 156,632,990 38,892,767 Dollar Impact of Affected Taxing Jurisdictions Net Tax Capacity (NT�) 32.333% 39.946% 15.621% 1.094% 88.994% $86,436 88.994% $76,923 Captured Tax Capacity 86,436 86,436 86,436 Tax % of Total Increment Share 36.332% 27,947 44.886% 34,528 17.553% 13,502 1.229% 946 100.000% 76,923 Percent of Total IVTC 0.29% 0.06% 0.22% Added Local Tax Rate 0.095% 0.022% 0.035% NOTE NO. 1: Assuming thatALL of the captured tax capacity wou(d be avai(ab(e to all taxing jurisdictions even if the City does not create the Tax lncrement District, the creation of the District wiI( reduce tox capacities and increase the (oca( tax rote as i((ustrated in the above tab(es. NOTE NO. 2: Assuming that NONE of the captured tax capacity would be available to the taxing jurisdiction if the City did not create the Tax Increment District, then the plan has virtua((y no initial effect on the tax capacities of the taxing jurisdictions. However, once the District is estab(ished, allowable costs paid from the increments, and the District is terminated, a(( taxing jurisdictions wi(( experience an increase in their• tax base. DRAFT TIF PLAN FOR EDA MEETING, JUNE 13, 2018 11 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 Exhibit IV City af Monticello Tax Increment Financing District Na. 1-40 (1-40) Briggs Estimated Taz Increments Over Maximum Life af District Based on Pay 2018 Tax Rate = 88.994% 32333% 39.946% 15.621% 1.094% New Estimated �ity �ounty School Other T[F Taxes Taxable New Base Captured Total TIF TIF TIF TIF District Payable Market Tax Tax Tax Tax Related Related Related Related Year Year Value Capacity Capacity Capacity Increment Share Share Share Share 1 2020 2,750,D00 34,375 (1,731) 32,644 29,051 10,555 13,040 5,099 357 � 2021 S,SSS,D00 69,438 (1,731) 67,706 6D,255 21,891 27,046 10,576 742 3 2022 5,610,550 70,132 (1,731) 68,401 6D,872 22,116 27,323 10,G85 748 4 2023 5,666,656 70,833 (1,731) 69,102 61,497 22,343 27,603 10,794 757 S 2024 5,723,322 71,542 (1,731) 69,810 62,127 22,572 27,886 10,905 764 fi 2025 5,780,555 72,257 (1,731) 7D,526 62,764 22,803 28,172 11,017 772 7 202fi 5,838,361 72,980 (1,731) 71,248 63,407 23,037 28,461 11,130 779 8 2027 5,896,744 73,709 (1,731) 71,978 64,056 23,273 28,752 11,244 787 9 2028 5,955,712 74,446 (1,731) 72,715 64,712 23,511 29,047 11,359 795 10 2029 6,415,�69 75,191 (1,731) 73,460 65,375 23,752 29,344 11,475 804 11 2030 6,475,422 75,943 (1,731) 74,212 66,044 23,995 29,645 11,593 Sll 12 2031 6,136,176 76,702 (1,731) 74,971 66,720 24,240 29,948 11,711 821 13 2032 6,197,538 77,469 (1,731) 75,738 67,402 24,488 30,254 11,831 829 14 2033 6,259,513 78,244 (1,731) 76,513 68,092 24,739 30,564 11,952 837 15 2034 6,322,1OS 79,0�6 (1,731) 77,295 68,788 24,992 30,876 12,074 846 16 2035 6,385,329 79,817 (1,731) 78,085 69,491 25,�47 31,192 12,198 854 17 2036 6,449,183 80,615 (1,731) 78,884 70,�02 25,505 31,511 12,322 864 18 2037 6,513,674 81,4�1 (1,731) 79,690 70,919 25,766 31,833 12,448 872 19 2038 6,578,811 82,235 (1,731) 80,504 71,644 26,029 32,158 12,576 881 20 2039 6,644,599 83,057 (1,731) 81,3�6 72,375 26,�95 32,487 12,704 889 21 2040 6,711,045 83,888 (1,731) 82,157 73,115 26,564 32,818 12,834 899 2� 2041 6,778,156 84,7�7 (1,731) 82,996 73,861 26,835 33,153 12,965 908 23 2042 6,845,937 85,574 (1,731) 83,843 74,615 27,109 33,492 13,097 917 Z4 2043 6,914,397 86,430 (1,731) 84,699 75,377 27,386 33,834 13,231 9�6 ZS 2044 6,983,541 87,294 (1,731) 85,563 76,146 27,665 34,179 13,366 936 26 Z045 7,053,376 88,167 (1,731) 86,436 76,923 27,947 34,528 13,502 946 Total 1,735,830 630,655 779,146 304,688 21,341 DRAFT TIF PLAN FOR EDA MEETING, JUNE 13, 2018 12 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 EXHIBIT V Boundaries of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 Inclusive of Parcel 155-010-036030 and the adjacent roads and right of way Parcel is legally described as follows: Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 36, Plat of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. , , ���� �� �i � � �"'°�°'' �"� ,..� ' ` � ,-. -�, � �, ; l ,� y,' � �,,, � .�: N � l�' �d � , +1��`�r �� ���a�'1,�... � .., _,� � �, ' + � , �' "�. �� � � I/�.,._ � . _ � i f n. �, .( S � � � ���-� ..��'� N4r �. � Y` -,_,�, -.,� , " E ,� '",�a, `'` � � �''.,� ' r � tr "`w.. , �:.-._ � ��. �� �:. ...`y�,, ���� f . ` . .. � � .. 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DRAFT TIF PLAN FOR EDA MEETING, JUNE 13, 2018 14 1 r�� 1 ��til M � PllBLIC FINANCE MEIVIORANDUIVI To: City of Monticello From: Tammy Omdal Date: June 6, 2018 Re' Evaluation of Public Financial Assistance for Affordable Housing Project The City of Monticello (the "Cit�') and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "EDA") received an application from the Briggs Companies (the "Redeveloper") for public financial assistance to assist with the redevelopment and financing of certain project costs for the construction of an approximate 47-unit rental housing facility, with an affordable component, along with 36 stalls of underground parking (the "Project"). The proposed development is located at the comer of 3ra and Locust on the site that is currently owned by Masters Fifth Avenue. The site has been awaiting redevelopment for approxirrtately fifteen years; envisioned first as commercial and more recently, since completion of the Cit�s downtown plan, as multi-family residential (the "Propert�'). Subject to approval of the request for public financial assistance, the Redeveloper plans to commence construction of the Project by October 1, 2018, and substantially complete construction by June 1, 2019. The cost for the Project is estimated at approximately $7.3 million (see Exliibit A, which is based on the Redeveloper's pro forma, dated Apri121, 2018). The Redevelope�'s request for public financial assistance is to assist with the extraordinary costs of redevelopment and construction of the Project. The Redeveloper has represented that it will not undertake the Project as proposed without the approval of the requested public financial assistance. This memorandum provides a review of the request based on Northland's analysis of the Redeveloper's application for assistance, including sources and uses of funds and operating pro forma for the Project. It is Northland's opinion that the Project as proposed, which includes an underground parking faality, is unlikely to occur but for the proposed public financial assistance, inclusive of the tax increment finanang. Without the assistance, the Project is not expected to achieve the level of debt service coverage and retums needed to secure the necessary private financing and equity. The present value of the tax increment revenue available to reimburse the Redeveloper for project costs on a pay-go basis over a(maxiinum) 26-year term is $862,000, plus interest at rate of 4.75%. The future value of the total payments to the Redeveloper, with interest, is estimated at $1,676,492. In addition to the pay-go tax increment payments, the Redeveloper is requesting $400,000 of up-front cash assistance, in the form of a grant from the EDA. The Redeveloper's anticipated source of funds for the Project includes the use of grant funds to pay a portion of the construction costs. The grant from the EDA will be used to meet specific City and EDA development criteria, primarily the completion of the underground parking (estimated at cost of approxirrtately $540,000). Without the 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 3300, Minneapolis, MN 55402 Main: (612) 851-5900 / Direct: (612) 851-4964 / Email: tomdal@northlandsecurities.com Member FINRA and SIPC I Registered with SEC and MSRB City of Monticello Affordable Housing Project June 6, 2018 Page 2 underground parking, the Project as proposed would not be feasible and the density (number of housing units) would need to be reduced. Northland finds that it is reasonable for the City and the EDA to consider public financial assistance for the Project, an affordable housing project, as necessary so that development by private enterprise will occur on the Property. The Project, inclusive of the higher level of density, is possible only with the construction of the underground parking, which will not occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future. Publie Finaneial Assistanee Due to the extraordinary costs associated with acquisition and development of the Project, the Redeveloper is seeking public financial assistance from the EDA in the form a grant and pay-go tax increment financing assistance. The tax increment revenue is proposed to come from the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 (the "TIF District") within the existing Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. L The EDA will consider approval of the establishment of the TIF District and the Agreement on June 13, 2018, subject to City Counal approval on June 25, 2018. The proposed plan for the TIF District is for the EDA to retain 100% of the increased net tax capacity from the Project to pay eligible costs. The plan provides that the EDA will retain 10% of the tax increment derived from the Property to reimburse the EDA for the cost of adininistering the TIF District and other project costs that may be paid directly by the EDA. The remaining 90% of the tax increment revenue collected will be available for payment to the Redeveloper to reimburse eligible costs, as defined in the Agreement. The eligible costs are proposed to include costs of acquisition of the Property, and costs of site preparation, public improvements, and structured parking. Exliibit B provides a suininary of the estimated tax increment cash flow from the TIF District. The cash flow estimate assumes 26 years of tax increment collection, the maxiinum term allowed by state law, with an estimated decertification date of December 31, 2045. State law provides that the increase in property taxes from the captured tax capacity (from the increase in market value) applied against the local tax capacity rates may be captured to assist the Project. Referendum market value taxes and the State of Minnesota property tax for commercial property (not applicable for residential property) are not captured for tax increment financing. To reimburse the eligible costs incurred by the Redeveloper, the EDA will issue and the Redeveloper will purchase a Tax Increment Financing Revenue Note (the "TIF Note') in the maxiinum principal amount of $862,000. The TIF Note will be payable solely from net available semi-annual tax increments. Net available semi-annual tax increments shall be based on 90% of the tax increment collected from the Project within the TIF District. The TIF Note shall bear simple, non-compounding interest from the date that the EDA has determined paid invoices, as paid by the Redeveloper, in compliance with the terms of the Agreement, at 4.75%, from the date of issue per annum. In addition to the reimbursement of a portion of costs of the Project through issuance of the TIF Note, the EDA will pay a portion of the costs of structured parking required in connection with the Project, pursuant to and in conformity with the EDA's Policy Statements for Management of Available Tax City of Monticello Affordable Housing Project June 6, 2018 Page 3 Increment Financing Funds, adopted by the EDA on January 10, 2018. The EDA Grant will be in the amount of $400,000. Review of Need for Assistance Northland conducted a review of the Redeveloper's application for financial assistance and pro forma dated Apri121, 2018. Northland reviewed project cost estimates to ensure all anticipated sources and uses for the Project were properly included. Exliibit A provides information on the sources and uses of funds for the Project. Based on our review of the pro forma and under current market conditions, we find that the Project, as proposed, may not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably near future. Due to the costs associated with construction of the affordable housing units, the Project as proposed is feasible only through assistance, in part, from tax increment financing. This conclusion is supported by the following: The Redeveloper plans for the $7,325,254 of project cost for the Project to be funded from a combination of debt $5,562,583 (75.9%), equity and contributions $1,362,671 (18.6%), and a $400,000 grant from the EDA (5.5%). The present value of the estimated future tax increment revenue from the TIF Note payments to the Redeveloper reduces the effective cost of the Project by an additional $862,000. Based on estimated net operating income, the effective retum without the public financial assistance is not at a level the Project, as proposed, would proceed. The total cost per unit for the Project is $155,856 for the construction of 47 units, including the cost of the underground parking. The Project will include 3 studio units, 25 one-bedroom units, and 19 two-bedroom units. Based on Northland's experience with similar projects and given the location of the Project, we would expect total development costs to range between $95,000 and $155,000 per unit. The total per unit project cost is within this range. ■ The estimated average gross monthly rent for units, in the first stabilized year of the Project, is estimated at approximately $1,129 per month. The Project is estimated to include four stories, with underground parking. Monthly average gross rents are estimated at $1,000 for a one-bedroom unit to $1,350 for a two-bedroom unit. A minimum of 20% of the units are planned to be affordable at 50% of the average median income (AMI for Wright County as of fiscal year 2018 is $47,150). The annual total gross rental income for the Project is estimated at $636,600 in the first year of stabilized occupancy, before adjusting for estimated apartment vacancy and rental loss of 5%. The total annual expense, operating and non-operating, is estimated at $3,398 per unit. This includes a 5% management fee and approxirrtately $271 per unit (2%) for replacement reserve. The contribution to reserves is reasonable and the projected total annual expense is within industry standards. The estimated average debt service coverage with tax increment financing is estimated to average 1.12X during the first five years of stabilized operations, and without tax increment assistance the average is 1.02X. The coverage for the mortgage without the tax increment is City of Monticello Affordable Housing Project June 6, 2018 Page 4 not at a level that we would expect the Project, as proposed, to proceed. The financing of this type of project would be expected to be at a minimum of approximately 1.2X coverage. The estimated annual cash on cash retum (net annual operating income divided by total development project costs) with tax increment financing is estimated to average 5.8% during the first five years of stabilized operations and 5.3% without tax increment assistance. The cash on cash retum is reasonable for this type of project and the proposed source of financing. City of Monticello Affordable Housing Project June 6, 2018 Page 5 EXHIBIT A City of Monticello Briggs Company Affordable Housing Project Developer Sources and Uses of Funds for Construction Total % of Total Per Unit Sources of Funds First Mortgage $5,562,583 75.9% $118,353 Grant from Monticello EDA $400,000 5.5% $8,511 Developer Equity $1,362,671 18.6% $28,993 Total Sources of Funds $7,325,254 100.0% $155,856 Uses of Funds Land Acquisition $675,000 9.2% $14,362 Construction $5,593,262 76.4% $119,006 Development Fee $103,448 1.4% $2,201 WAC and SAC $403,344 5.5% $8,582 Financing and Other Soft Costs $350,200 4.8% $7,451 Contingency $200,000 2.7% $4,255 Total Uses of Funds $7,325,254 100.0% $155,856 Number of Units 47 City of Monticello Affordable Housing Project June 6, 2018 Page 6 EXHIBIT B City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 (Housing) Briggs Projected Tax Increment Cash Flow 6 Less Tax Present TIF Taxes Taxable Base Tax Captured Assumed Tax Present Net New Tax State Increment Less City Value Net District Payable Market Capacity Tax Original Increment Value TIF Available Year Year Value 1 z Capacity 3 Capacity Tax Rate ° (TIF) Fee (TI� After After Fee 5 Admin TIF Available (0.36%) Fee TIF 5 4.00 % 4.75 % 1 2020 2,749,354 34,367 (1,731) 32,636 88.994% 29,044 (105) 28,939 26,914 (2,894) 26,045 23,899 2 2021 5,553,696 69,421 (1,731) 67,690 88.994% 60,240 (217) 60,023 80,568 (6,002) 54,021 71,195 3 2022 5,609,233 70,115 (1,731) 68,384 88.994% 60,858 (219) 60,639 132,668 (6,064) 54,575 116,786 4 2023 5,665,325 70,817 (1,731) 69,085 88.994% 61,482 (221) 61,261 183,259 (6,126) 55,135 160,731 5 2024 5,721,978 71,525 (1,731) 69,793 88.994% 62,112 (224) 61,888 232,383 (6,189) 55,700 203,091 6 2025 5,779,198 72,240 (1,731) 70,509 88.994% 62,749 (226) 62,523 280,084 (6,252) 56,271 243,922 7 2026 5,836,990 72,962 (1,731) 71,231 88.994% 63,391 (228) 63,163 326,401 (6,316) 56,847 283,280 8 2027 5,895,360 73,692 (1,731) 71,961 88.994% 64,041 (231) 63,810 371,377 (6,381) 57,429 321,218 9 2028 5,954,313 74,429 (1,731) 72,698 88.994% 64,697 (233) 64,464 415,049 (6,446) 58,018 357,786 10 2029 6,013,857 75,173 (1,731) 73,442 88.994% 65,359 (235) 65,124 457,455 (6,512) 65,124 396,952 11 2030 6,073,995 75,925 (1,731) 74,194 88.994% 66,028 (238) 65,790 498,631 (6,579) 65,790 434,703 12 2031 6,134,735 76,684 (1,731) 74,953 88.994% 66,704 (240) 66,464 538,613 (6,646) 66,464 471,092 13 2032 6,196,082 77,451 (1,731) 75,720 88.994% 67,386 (243) 67,143 577,436 (6,714) 67,143 506,167 14 2033 6,258,043 78,226 (1,731) 76,494 88.994% 68,075 (245) 67,830 615,133 (6,783) 67,830 539,976 15 2034 6,320,624 79,008 (1,731) 77,277 88.994% 68,771 (248) 68,523 651,736 (6,852) 68,523 572,565 16 2035 6,383,830 79,798 (1,731) 78,067 88.994% 69,475 (250) 69,225 687,278 (6,922) 69,225 603,977 17 2036 6,447,668 80,596 (1,731) 78,865 88.994% 70,185 (253) 69,932 721,790 (6,993) 69,932 634,254 18 2037 6,512,145 81,402 (1,731) 79,671 88.994% 70,902 (255) 70,647 755,300 (7,065) 70,647 663,439 19 2038 6,577,266 82,216 (1,731) 80,485 88.994% 71,626 (258) 71,368 787,837 (7,137) 71,368 691,569 20 2039 6,643,039 83,038 (1,731) 81,307 88.994% 72,358 (260) 72,098 819,431 (7,210) 72,098 718,684 21 2040 6,709,469 83,868 (1,731) 82,137 88.994% 73,097 (263) 72,834 850,108 (7,283) 72,834 744,820 22 2041 6,776,564 84,707 (1,731) 82,976 88.994% 73,843 (266) 73,577 879,895 (7,358) 73,577 770,011 23 2042 6,844,330 85,554 (1,731) 83,823 88.994% 74,597 (269) 74,328 908,817 (7,433) 74,328 794,292 24 2043 6,912,773 86,410 (1,731) 84,678 88.994% 75,359 (271) 75,088 936,900 (7,509) 75,088 817,697 25 2044 6,981,901 87,274 (1,731) 85,543 88.994% 76,128 (274) 75,854 964,169 (7,585) 75,854 840,256 26 2045 7,051,720 88,146 (1,731) 86,415 88.994% 76,904 (277) 76,627 990,645 (7,663) 76,627 862,000 TOTAL = 1,735,411 (6,247) 1,729,164 (172,916) 1,676,492 Kev Asssumptions 1 Taxable marketvalue (TM� annual growth assumption = 1.00%. 2 Taxable Market Value = 47 units at $116,994 per unit. 3 Base Tax Capacity calcluated on base taxable market value =$138,500 PID: 155010036030 4 Assume Pay 2018 Tax Year. 5 Present value based on semi-annual payments, and indicated rate above, and beginning on date of 1/1/2019. 6 All figures are estimated. EDA Agenda: 6/13/18 8. Consideration of Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) 80-20 Opt Out Pro�ram (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider Resolution #2018-13 regarding the opt out of the Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) requirements for use of the State grant dollars. The MIF Loan Program currently has $519,237. The legislature approved an optional opt out freeing up the Loan Program from various usage rules....if the EDA so chooses. The State offer makes using the MIF dollars completely flexible for 80 percent of the Fund in exchange for sending 20 percent of the funds back to the State. The opt out time period ends June 30, 2018. Pros and Cons of each choice are provided below: la. Keepin� All MIF Dollars - Pros ✓ Keeping the full amount of existing MIF funds maintains a larger amount of funding for eligible industrial projects ✓ The most problematic provision that will always exist only kicks in only on loans larger than $500, 000 (Davis-Bacon Wage Rates for contracted labor on construction and equipment installation) ✓ Staff can learn to manage without invoking restrictions lb. Keepin� All MIF Dollars — Cons ✓ There will always be various State restrictions, Davis-Bacon Wage Rates >$SOOK ✓ Have to manage funds skillfully to avoid invoking restrictions 2a. Returnin� 20% of MIF Dollars to State - Pros ✓ Returning 20% allows EDA to use the funds for "ANY" purpose, which may include other priorities or needs ✓ Potential minor benefit of elimination of annual accounting reporting to 1VIN- DEED 2b. Returnin� 20% of MIF Dollars to State — Cons ✓ Diminished Fund due to giving $103, 847 back to State ✓ Potential reduction in ability to provide multiple "business subsidy" size loans ✓ Initial accounting and explanation report on use of funds required by Februrary I5, 2019 Al. STAFF IMPACT: There is a minimal staff impact from consideration of the MIF Opt Out. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The cost to the MIF Loan Program is 20 percent of the current Fund balance. The amount that would be sent back to the State is $103,847 +/-. A3. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT: N/A EDA Agenda: 6/13/18 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to adopt Resolution #2018-13 authorizing the MIF Opt Out Program by sending $103, 847 +/- back to the State. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution #2018-13 authorizing the MIF Opt Out Program by sending $103,847 +/- back to the State. 3. Motion to table consideration of Resolution 2018-13 for further research or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff defers to the EDA and will support the selected Alternative Action. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution #2018-13 B. MIF Opt Out Summary C. MIF Program Guidelines Promulgated by MN-DEED 2 RELEVANT LINKS: zo» M�„n. �W5 ��, zb, § � to be codified as Minn. Stat. § 471.198. 2017 Minn. L,aws ch 29, § 1 amending Minn. Stat. § 415.15. 2017 Minn. I.aws 1 st Spec. Sess. ch. 6, art. 10, § 22 amendi�ng Minn. Stat. § 1031.208, subd. 2. 2017 Minn. Laws ch. 94_ art 2� 5 amending Minn. Stat. � 326B.153. 2017 Minn. Laws cli. 94, art. 8§ 8 amending Minn. StaL � 216B.62, subd. 3b. 2017 Minn. Laws ch. 94, art. 6§24. 2017 Minn. Laws 1" Spec. Sess. ch 1, art. 4, § 18 to be codified as Minn. Stat. § 477A.0 ] 75. The additional day could have financial implications for cities operating municipal liquor stores, and enforcement of the licensing ordinance for one more day a week may in some situations mean added costs. National Night Out and Other Community Events. As of May 3, 2017, any city may spend money for National Night Out events held witlun that city. Additionally, any city may spend money for any event or purpose that the council determines will foster positive relationships between law enforcement and the community. Cities may by resolution authorize officials and staff to solicit contributions or fundraise for these purposes. Awards and Trophies. Prior to now, cities have been limited to spending no more than $800 annually on awards and trophies as part of a recreation program. As of May 12, 2017, there is no statutory limit on the amount of funds cities may use to pay for awards and trophies. Government-owned well maintenance fee abolished. Cities have always been subject to a$50 monitoring fee for unsealed wells. Effective July 1, that fee is eliminated for any government-owned wells. Building permit fees. Building permit fee amounts have been amended slightly. The increases are effective July 1, 2017, but set to expire October 1, 2021. Electrical utility assessment. Effective July 1, 2017, the maximum amount the Department of Commerce can assess for performing its duties has been reduced to $500,000 from $1,000,000. The amended subdivision will expire Exception to Minnesota Investment Fund. Effective July 1, 2017, cities with uncommitted money received from repayment of funds may choose to give 20% of the funds back to the state general fund before�une 30, 2018� The remaining 80% of the uncommitted funds can then be used for any lawful expenditure % Penalty for Unauthorized Diversion Program. Effective May 31, 2017, a city that is determined by a court to be operating a pretrial diversion program without statutory autharization under section 169.999 (adininistrative traffic penalties) or any other law must have its aid reduced. The aid is to be reduced by the amount of fees collected through the program. Taxpayers are explicitly authorized by this new law to seek a declaratory judgment action (or other relie� to detennine if the program is unauthorized. Any reduction will take effect following the court's finding against aid payments as early as 2018. League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 6/21/2017 Budget Guide for Cities Page 2 Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) / Minnesota Department of Employment and Economi... Page 1 of 2 . � ., i � • i ' � +�! ` i Minnesota Investment Fund The Minnesota Investment Fund provides financing to help add new workers and retain high-qualityjobs on a statewide basis. The focus is on industrial, manufacturing, and technology-related industries to increase the local and state tax base and improve economic vitality statewide. One-Time Exception The Minnesota Legislature has authorized a one-time exception to how revolving loan fund (RLF) dollars seeded from State funded Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) project are used. Learn more (/deed/business/financing-business/deed-programs/mif/mif-exception/index '�sp). For More Information Contact the Office of Business Finance (mailto:Business Finance state mn us� at 651-259-7430 or toll-free at 500-657-3858. Overview I I Apply I I Forms I I RLF Guides I Funding Map I Contacts Revolving Loan Fund Guides Federally Funded Revolving Loan Fund Guidelines (/deed/assets/federal-rlf-guidelines tcm1045-131660 pdfl When a MIF loan is funded by federal dollars (for example: Community Development Block Grant - Economic Development), any loan repayments to a local revolving loan fund must be administered according to federal guidelines. These guidelines will help local governments use the federal dollars to encourage business development. Annual Report Form (/deed/assets/federal-rlf-annual-report tcm1 045-1 31 659 pdfl The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development requires that all local governments that receive HUD CDBG-ED funds from DEED's MIF report annually on the status of these dollars if placed in a revolving loan fund account. Complete the following form(s) and return no later than October 25. State-Funded Revolving Loan Fund Guidelines (/deed/assets/state-rlf-guidelines tcm1 045-1 31 664 pdfl Although they are not subject to the same restrictions as federal funding, revolving loan funds capitalized with repayments from state-funded loans must adhere to MIF re-use policies, which are guided by state law. • Annual Report Form (/deed/assets/state-mif-rlf-annual-report tcm1045-131663 pdfl DEED is collecting information on the status of local revolving loan funds seeded by state-funded https://mn.gov/deed/business/financing-business/deed-programs/mif/ 12/14/2017 Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) / Minnesota Department of Employment and Economi... Page 2 of 2 MIF. Complete the following form and return it to your DEED loan officer no later than October 25. For More Information Questions about the use of revolving loan funds? Contact the DEED loan officer in your region (see Contacts tab). https:Umn.gov/deed/business/financing-business/deed-programs/mif/ 12/ 14/2017 July 2014 OPERATING GUIDELINES FOR REVOLVING LOAN FUNDS SEEDED BY STATE MINNESOTA INVESTMENT FUND AWARDS A local unit of government may establish a Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) with funds from a variety of sources. The guidelines outlined in this document pertain only to a RLF seeded with funds received through the repayment of a loan provided from the state-funded Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) or Economic Recovery Fund programs administered through the Department of Employment and Economic Development or its predecessors. The local government must follow the RLF guidelines that were submitted with the initial MIF application and approved by your DEED Senior Loan Officer. Although the guidelines provide the policies and procedures for the reuse of these funds, the RLF policies and procedures must also adhere to the same requirements that are followed by the state's Minnesota Investment Fund program. In addition to the local government's underwriting criteria, the guidelines from Minn. Stat. 116J.8731 (some of which is summarized below) and from the Minnesota Business Subsidy Law (Minn. Stat. 116J. 993 and 116J.994) must be included in the policies and procedures General Purposes and Guidelines for RLFs Seeded bv the Minnesota Investment Fund Purpose and Goals The purpose of the RLF is to provide financial and technical assistance for the creation and retention of new employment. These objectives may be accomplished through the following means: 1. Create/retain permanent private sector jobs to fuel above-average economic growth consistent with environmental protection; 2. Investment in technology and equipment that increase productivity and provide for higher wages; 3. Leverage of private investment to ensure economic renewal and competitiveness; 4. Increase the local tax base to guarantee a diversified industry mix; 5. Improve the quality of existing jobs, based on increases in wages or improvements in the job duties, training, or education associated with those jobs; 6. Improve employment and economic opportunities and create a reasonable standard of living; and 7. Enhance productivity growth through improved manufacturing or new technologies. One way to meet these objectives is to assist businesses that have location options outside Minnesota. These firms bring income into the state and raise the overall standard of living. Eligible Expenditures The MIF-seeded funds may be used in a variety of ways include example noted below. More information is available in Minn. Stat. 116J.8731 and through conversations with your loan officer. 1. Provide loans, loan guarantees, interest buy-downs, and other forms of participation, ensuring that RLF funds are matched by private financing. 2. Fund strategic investments in renewable energy market development. Any expenditure for external marketing for renewable energy market development is not subject to the matching requirements listed above. 3. Provide entrepreneurs with training, other technical assistance, and financial assistance as defined by federal guidelines. July 2014 Eligible Projects Assistance must be evaluated on the existence of the following conditions as noted in Minn. Stat. 116J.8731: 1. Creation or retention ofjobs, or the improvement ofjobs as measured by wages, skills or knowledge; 2. Increase in the tax base; 3. Attraction of private funds to the project; 4. Incapacity of local communities and finance partners to finance project; S. Results in higher wage levels or workforce skills; 6. Supports development of microenterprises, as defined by federal guidelines, through technical assistance or financial assistance. 7. Need for assistance to retain existing business; 8. Importance of assistance to attract out-of-state business; and 9. The project promotes or advances the green economy. The assistance cannot meet solely 7. or 8.; other conditions must also be present. Eligible Activities RLF's may be used to fund a variety of business activities including: 1. Acquisition of land 2. Construction or rehabilitation of facilities 3. Site improvements 4. Utilities or infrastructure 5. Machinery and Equipment 6. Training 7. Working capital Advance approval from DEED is necessary if the local government would like to provide financing for activities not listed above. Approval is more likely to occur in projects that relate to business development and involve other local government funds. Ineligible Activities In contrast to federal MIF funds, there are industry limitations on how state MIF RLFs may be used. State MIF RLFs may not be used for the operation, construction or expansion of a casino, a sport facility that that has a professional sports team as a principal tenant or any firm engaged in retailing merchandise. All assistance should follow the approved RLF guidelines. Please call your loan officer to discuss any prospective financing. Wage Goals Businesses receiving RLF-State MIF assistance must pay each employee total compensation, including benefits not mandated by law, that on an annualized basis is equal to at least 110 % of the federal poverty level for a family of four, which as of February 1, 2014 is $12.61 per hour. Each year's compensation level changes and can be found on DEED's Business Finance MIF website. Other Eligible Uses of the Funds Minn. Stat. 116J.8731 allows local governments to loan or grant RLF funds to a regional development commission, other regional entities, or a certain statewide community capital funds to provide the local match required for capitalization of a regional or statewide RLF. Unlike federal MIF funds, state MIF funds held by local governments never lose their state identify and must follow all applicable laws and regulations. July 2014 The local government must request permission from the DEED before it can commit to providing funds to any of these organizations. The local government does not have the authority to turn over to another entity, such as Port Authority, Economic Development Authority, Housing Authority, etc. revolving loan funds for any purpose; these entities may administer MIF transactions provided the MIF grantee still maintains control over the RLF. Conflict of Interest Minn. Stat. 471.87 and 471.88 provide guidance on conflict of interest in a MIF transaction. An actual conflict of interest shall be deemed to exist when a decision on a MIF transaction would compromise a duty to another party or if special advantage is deemed to occur. Potential conflict of interests shouldl also be considered. Business Subsidv Law As mentioned on page 1, Minn. Stat. 116J.993 and 116J.994 must be followed in the administration of RLF-State MIF. These sections pertain to the definition of a business subsidy, public purpose of the subsidy, criteria, subsidy agreements, wage and job goals, timing of the project, public notice and hearing requirements, failure to meet goals, and reporting of information regarding the outcomes of the subsidy. Job Listine Reauirements Per Minn. Stat. 116L.66, a business that receives grants or loans in an amount greater than $200,000 must agree to list any vacant or new positions related to the financial assistance on the MinnesotaWorks.net job bank website. Prevailin� Wa�e Per Minn. Stat. 116J.871, laborers and mechanics at the project site during construction, installation,remodeling, and repairs must be paid the state prevailing wage if the financial assistance is greater than $500,000 for a loan. All contracts for publicly owned infrastructure using the RLF must comply with the prevailing wage provisions. Data Privacv The provision of any information related to any applications for assistance is guided by Minn. Stat. 13.591, particularly Subd 1 and 2. These operating guidelines provide a summary of how to administer revolving loan funds seeded with repayments from Minnesota Investment Fund loans. Specific transactions and RLF administration should be discussed with your DEED Senior Loan Officer. Other applicable state and federal laws and rules must also be followed. RELEVANT LINKS: 2017 Minn. laws ch 26, fi 1 to be codified as Minn. Stat. � 471.198. 2017 Minn. Laws ch 29, § 1 amending Minn. Stat. § 415.15. 2017 Minn. Laws lst Spec. Sess. ch. 6, art. 10, § 22 an:ending Minn. Stat. § ] 03I.208, subd. 2. 2017 Minn. Laws ch. 94, a�t. 2� 5 amending Minn. Stat. � 326B.153. 2017 Minn. Laws ch. 94, art. 8§ 8 amending Minn. Stai. § 216B.62, subd. 3b. 2017 Minn. Laws ch. 94, ait. 6 ��' 24. 2017 Minn. Laws I" Spec. Sess. ch l, art. 4, � 18 to be codified as Minn. Stat. § 477A.0175. � The additional day could have financial implications for cities operating municipal liquor stores, and enforcement of the licensing ordinance for one more day a week may in some situations mean added costs. National Night Out and Other Community Events. As of May 3, 2417, any city may spend money for National Night Out events held within that city. Additionally, any city may spend money for any event or purpose that the council determines will foster positive relationships between law enforcement and the community. Cities may by resolution authorize officials and staff to solicit contributions or fundraise for these purposes. Awards and Trophies. Prior to now, cities have been limited to spending no more than $800 annually on awards and trophies as part of a recreation program. As of May 12, 2017, there is no statutory limit on the amount of funds cities may use to pay for awards and trophies. Government-owned well maintenance fee abolished. Cities have always been subject to a$50 monitoring fee for unsealed wells. Effective July 1, that fee is eliminated for any government-owned wells. Building permit fees. Building permit fee amounts have been amended slightly. The increases are effective July 1, 2017, but set to expire October 1, 2021. Electrical utility assessment. Effective July 1, 2017, the maximum amount the Department of Commerce can assess for performing its duties has been reduced to $500,000 from $1,000,000. The amended subdivision will expire June 30, 2018. Exception to Minnesota Investment Fund. Effective July 1, 2017, cities with uncommitted money received from repayrnent of funds may choose to give 20% of the funds back to the state general fund before June 30, 2418. The remaining 80% of the uncommitted funds can then be used for any lawful expenditure. Penalty for Unauthorized Diversion Program. Effective May 31, 2017, a city that is determined by a court to be operating a pretrial diversion program without statutory authorization under section 169.999 (administrative traffic penalties) or any other law must have its aid reduced. The aid is to be reduced by the amount of fees collected through the program. Taxpayers are explicitly authorized by this new law to seek a declaratory judgtnent action (or other relie fl to determine if the program is unauthorized. Any reduction will take effect following the court's iinding against aid payments as early as 2018. League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 6/21/2017 Budget Guide for Cities Page 2 EDA Agenda: 06/13/18 9. Economic Development Report (JT) A. Otter Creek Business Park Pathway — Rotary Tree Planting Project The attached illustration and photos show the pathway connecting the trail along Chelsea Road to the natural trails in the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. B. Buxton Follow up discussion continues with Buxton consultants regarding potential breakfast meeting with key stakeholders regarding participation in a three (3) year marketing and recruitment commitment. Additional information will be forthcoming in a future meeting. C. 255 East Broadway Demo Process Update D. Art Grant for EDA Owned Building — 112 Broadway East E. Prospects — See attached A spread sheet with the active prospects will be provided to the EDA for review and discussion at the regular meeting. � , ;, , � � , . ��� , � . � � � r �r '� '':'�� - �� ''�i`' - ' , � _� c ,�, . ,. i� �i1 ;, , � ' I �� y f�, ,,��, � ° :esR >' . ��'' , ,, . . � ti � �.. f��i�r �a'��� :..'r... �,� . ✓�'.. �/f �- ,. � �� � . . . � y/ � � . �� � .. •� � Ir .t � � � � /e � _ � .i^ f�- � ,�, w; �� � ���, ,,,. ,..,, r��-�'- '' � � t � .� , % ' �� + a�` o � � � • r>' O -'� FI ��... .. , �. � �r - '� 61 >', ,� � • /q ' ,, o ca -. ��� �� � � � �'s � � � i k .� . �� j� „!F ` ♦ � � �ii `- ����^.� ��.•* �C `�"' ��, . . � -' II� k-is ��, �� �F ��n A",�. :' T.�T•�: �R' ' , � A. 1i.i '� . ' k � �,/ �.�, ' � . '�` I . ,i�. . _ �r'� �.. ` 1 , �(' �E . �.y �� � .� � � P-�� � � . l_.(. ��y,� ��t' ' � +i ?-1 ���a' '�Y�,r ��. �.'�r - � ,y � , Sr�P . �'""� � � � � ' "" . �E� ��► ,� s .�, . G .r ±�. I . � � �� ,1 U � . :R� .��"`..._. 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New Facility Constr. 80,000 to 100,000 sq. ft. 0 80 $6,500,000 Active Search 6/26/2017 Project Basil Bio -Ag. New Facility Constr. + Equip 165,000 sq. ft. 0 77 $11,000,000 Active Search 8/29/2017 * Bondhus Tool Mfg. Facility Expansion + Equip. 12,600 sq. ft. 85 15 $2,500,000 Active Proj. 10/4/2017 Project Shepherd Tool Mfg. Facility Expansion 18,000 sq. ft. 60 ? $1,350,000 Concept Stag 10/17/2017 Project Ted Equipment Mfg. New Equipment N/A 45 ? $650,000 Concept Stag 11/7/2017 Data Center #1 Data Center w LM New Construction + Equip. Bldg.? - Needs 15 ac. 0 ? ? Active Search 12/8/2017 Project Cookie Food Dist. Facility New Construction 30 ac. 250,000 sq. ft. 0 300 $30,000,000 Active Search 4/3/2018 Project Hawk-FBN Wholesale Dist Facil New Construction 35,000 sq. ft. 17 7 $3,905,000 Active Search 5/10/2018 Retail Prospect CW Retail New Construstion 4,500 sq. ft. 0 ? $1,750,000 Active Search 5/22/2018 Karlsburger Foods Food Products Mfg. Facilty Expansion 20,000 sq. ft. 49 3+/- $1,500,00 Concept Stag * Moving Forward # Opening 5-26