City Council Agenda Packet 06-26-2006 A ENDA REGULAR MEETING - M NTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday Jun 26, 2006 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perr ult, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf 1. can to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Approve minutes of June 12,2006 regu ar Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the age da. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests an complaints. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving hires and departures for Water, Parks. Liquor Store and MCC. B. Consideration of approving a req Permit for a Development Stage 114-unit residential plat in a PZ UP Development. est for preliminary plat and a Conditional Use lanned Unit Development for Elm Street Villas, a (Performance Zone Mixed) District. Applicant: C. Consideration of approval of fina plat for Carlisle Fifth Addition. D. Consideration to install lights 0 t e new CSAH 18 Interchange Bridge, City Project No .2004-01C. 6. Consideration of items removed from th consent agenda for discussion 7. Review of2005 Audit Report - Larson 8. Consideration of authorizing purchase 0 a vehicle for Building/Engineering Department. 9. Consideration of purchase ofvehic1e for arks Department to replace equipment van with 4-door pickup 10. Consideration of a request to pay prevail ng 2005 rate for park dedication on Pineview Development - Tom Holthaus 11. Consideration of award of bids for Mead w Oak and County Road 39 lift station generators. 12. Consideration of approving payment of ills for June. 13. Adjourn. Council Minutes: 6/12/06 INUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday J ne 12, 2006 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Ma er, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pled Mayor Herbst called the meeting to orde at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. A It was noted that the meeting ended at 8: 5 not 9:15 p.m. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPRO E THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 22,2006 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AS C RRECTED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNAN MOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a nda. Mayor Herbst apologized to Wayne Mayo for a comment made at an earlier Council meeting relating to his vote being just one vote. e condition of the city-owned parking lot was added to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments Mike Wrona, 114 Kampa Circle asked to s eak regarding agenda item #5J, drainage ditch improvements between Kampa Circle and onticello Country Club Golf Course. The Council indicated that the item would be pulled fro the consent agenda and his comments would be heard at that time. 5. Consent Ae:enda: A. Consideration of approving hires an departures for Streets, Building, Parks and MCC. Recommendation: RatifY the hires d departures as identified. B. Consideration of authorizing feasibi ity study for extending sidewalk along 6th Street between Locust Street and Elm Stre t, along Elm Street between 6th Street and CR 39, and adding this segment to the side alk grid system. Recommendation: Authorize the preparation of a feasibility study for onstruction of pedestrian facility improvements along 6th Street between Locust and 1m Streets, and along Elm Street between 6th Street and County Road 39 and add the im rovements to the City's grid sidewalk system. C. Consideration of approving an exten ion of an Interim Use Permit for the Alternative Learning Program located in an I-I ( ight Industrial) District. Applicant: Monticello School District. Recommendation: Approve the renewal of the existing Interim Use Council Minutes: 6/12/06 Pennit for a period of three year, subject to all conditions of the original Interim Use Permit, based on the finding tha the proposed use will not interfere with the City's long range objectives of encouraging 'ndustrial development in the area due to the temporary nature of the permit and the min'mal alterations to the property. D. Consideration of approving dev lopment agreement outlining financial obligations, easements and park dedication r quirements relating to the Niagara Falls subdivision. Recommendation: Approve th development contract for Niagara Falls subject to execution by all parties and prov sion of all securities and cash deposits. E. Consideration of approving final lat and development agreement for Hidden Forest Phase 1. Recommendation: Ap rove the final plat and development contract for Hidden Forest subject to execution by all parties and provision of all securities and cash deposits. F. Consideration of approving preli inary plat for Hidden Forest 2nd Addition. Recommendation: 1) Approve e rezoning from A-O to R-IA as proposed in the preliminary plat based on a findin that the proposed zoning would reflect the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan; d 2) Approve the preliminary plat based on a finding that the plat meets the requiremen s of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to the applicable conditions listed below: 1. The final street plans shall be s ~ect to the review and comment of the City Engineer, including consideration of road width wi in the portion of the plat where tree cover may be retained by reducing road width, and includ ng road connection to the property to the east. 2. The single family homes shall eet all performance standards of the R-lA District as defmed in the zoning rdinance and outlined in the planner's report. 3. The road in the southeast portio of the plat should be shifted 10 feet to the east to permit tree replacement planti g along the wetland edge. 4. The applicant shall submit a deta led landscaping plan, addressing preservation of tree clusters and/or replacement 0 the trees that will be removed during the development process, as well as p nd landscaping and other areas being disturbed by development. 5. Issues related to the wetland area e subject to the review and comment of the City Engineer. 6. The grading, drainage, erosion co trol and utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer 7. The development of the plat is co sistent with the recommendations of the Environmental Assessment Work heet, including comments related to removal of trees. 8. A development contract is execut d detailing improvements, including park construction, required as a part of the project. G. Review of2005 Liquor Store Finan ial Report and 1 st quarter 2006 report and for the year 2005. Recommendation: Ac ept the financial reports for the year 2005 and the first three months of 2006 as pres en ed. H. Consideration of authorizing a feasi ility report and final grading plan to extend Dalton Avenue (fonnerly School Boulevar ) and the westerly road adjacent to the proposed A VR site as part of the Otter Creek ndustrial Campus. Recommendation: Authorize the feasibility report for the extensi n of Dalton Avenue (fonnerly School Boulevard) and the westerly road adjacent to th proposed A VR site and final grading plan preparation for a portion of the Otte Creek Industrial Park. Council Minutes: 6/12/06 I. Consideration of approving Ch ge Order #3 for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project, City Project No. 2004-01C. Rec mmendation: Approve Change Order #3 to the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange Project, Cit Project No. 2004-1C in the amount of$40,014.00 J. Consideration of authorizing fea ibility study for drainage ditch improvements between Kampa Circle and Monticello C untry Club Golf Course. Recommendation: Authorize preparation of a feasibility study or constructing drainage ditch improvements between Kampa Circle and the Monticell County Club Golf Course. Items #5B and #5J were pulled from the consent agenda. Because people were present who wished to speak on item #5J Brian Sturn f asked that #5J be addressed first. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPRO E THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5B AND #5J. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. Consideration of items removed from he consent a enda for discussion. 5J: Feasibility Study Drainage Correcti n between Kampa CircleIMonticello County Club Golf Course: Judy Moody, 118 Kampa Circle and Mik Wrona, 114 Kampa Circle spoke to the Council about drainage problems they are experiencing ince the existing drainage ditch is no longer able to contain the runoff water. Because the w ter is not draining as it should they have standing water in their back yards and dirt and debris d osited by the surface water passing through. Mike Wrona requested that the original creek b d be re-established. City Engineer, Bruce Westby submitted sketch showing the area of the drainage ditch and noted that the ditch is choked with vegeta ion thereby restricting the amount of runoff it can handle. He was requesting Council autho . zation to prepare a feasibility report to study the cost of correcting the drainage problem. Clint Herbst questioned who owned the d tch. John Simola felt it was a public easement and thought there was some kind of agreemen with the golf course to take the water through this area. Clint Herbst asked if the work wou d be done by city staff or contracted out. John Simola responded that while some of the work co ld be done by city staff, the city did not have the equipment to do the work. John Simola oted there may also be some surveying costs related to the feasibility report. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHO IZEPREPARATION OF A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR CONSTRUCTING DDRAINAGE ITCH IMPROVEMENTS BETWEEN KAMPA CIRCLE AND THE MONTICELLO CO NTRY CLUB GOLF COURSE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5B: Feasibility study for extending sidew lk along 6th Street and along Elm Street City Engineer, Bruce Westby indicated thi study would be done in-house. Clint Herbst questioned the sidewalk going on the nort side of 6th and connecting to the sidewalk on Maple Street. It was his understanding that the si ewalk would be kept on one side of the street and would tie into the existing walkway. Bru e Westby stated that he and Public Works Director Council Minutes: 6/12106 John Simola had walked the area previo sly and determined that keeping the sidewalk on one side of the street would create some pro lem areas where retaining walls would need to be installed. Bruce Westby felt it would be benefit to the community to develop something that would connect all the unconnected walk ays. Clint Herbst agreed the sidewalk should be on the north side of 6th Street and felt this s gment should be added to the City's grid system. Brian Stumpf asked ifthey had looked a the pathway along the Burlington Northern tracks between City Hall and Sunny Fresh and hether that could be extended. The pathway presently stops at Minnesota Street. Brian Stump asked that this segment also be addressed in the feasibility report. Tom Perrault comme ted that presently there is a lot of traffic on 6th Street because 7th Street is not completed and at is something the Council also needs to consider. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTH RIZE THE PREPARATION OF A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF P DESTRIAN FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS ALONG 6TH STREET BETWEEN LOCUST AN ELM STREETS AND ALONG ELM STREET BETWEEN 6TH STREET AND COUN Y ROAD 39 AND TO ADDRESS THE SEGMENT OF P A THW A Y ALONG THE BURLINGT N NORTHERN RAILROAD FROM ELM STREET TOMAPLE STREET AND ADD THE MPROVEMENTS TO THE CITY'S GRID SIDEWALK SYSTEM. GLEN POSUS A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN PPOSITION. 7. TIF Plans for TIF District No. 1-2 Benedicts ). Economic Development Director, Ollie oropchak provided background information on the proposed modifications to the TIF distric s and gave a brief history on each district. TIF District 1-2 was a redevelopment district that wa established in 1983 and will expire in 2010. She noted that the proposed modifications were not to district boundaries but to district budgets. This extra money can be used for redevelopment wi in the district or project area. TIF District 1-24 (St. Benedict's) is a housing district that was stablished in 1998 and runs through 2026. Since this is a housing project these funds would ha e to be used for affordable housing within the project area. Ollie Koropchak pointed out that lthough the budget was being modified the HRA is not incurring any debt at this time but is mer ly asking to reserve this money for future use. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or against the proposed modification. Mayor Herbst then closed e public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPRO E A RESOLUTION ADOPTING MODIFICATIONS TO THE TIF PLANS FOR TIF DISTRI TS NO. 1-2 (REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT) AND 1-24 (QUALIFIED HOUSING DISTRIC ). TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Consideration of award of bid for the 2 06 Street Reconstruction Pro. ect Ci 2006-01 C. Consulting Engineer, Bret Weiss reviewe the scope of the 2006 Street Reconstruction Project and the bid results. The project include some other items such as the parking lot improvements for the park on Mississippi Drive and mill and overlay work for Center Point Energy. This project also included $250, 00 of storm sewer work that was moved up from next Council Minutes: 6/12/06 years street reconstruction project. Bret eiss stated that because pipe prices and bituminous prices have increased significantly the b d price ($1,871,362.50) was higher than the engineer's estimate of$1,759.456.25. Initially it was proposed to sealcoat Ke eth Lane and Craig Lane and at the public hearing it was stated that sealcoating work would ot be assessed. However, in looking at the condition of the streets it was felt that reconstruction fthese streets was necessary and the project was bid with Kenneth and Craig Lanes being rec nstructed. The City had received a letter from a property owner who had sold his house ot realizing there was now a pending assessment against his property because it was state at the public hearing that there would be no assessment for any sealcoat work done on the streets as part of this project. Bret Weiss stated that he and John Simol would be looking at some ways to reduce the cost of the project but they were recommending oing forward with the project even though the bid was higher than the engineer's estimate since it is not likely that prices will come down any time soon. Some areas they would look at for cost savings is separating the fencing for the cemetery from this contract and do further study 0 the retaining walls. There was discussion on the condition of Kenneth and Craig Lanes. Milling would be a 2" overlay over the existing surface. Recons ction would be 4" of new bituminous material. In this case reconstruction would double the cost. Clint Herbst felt since these are cul-de-sacs and do not carry a lot of traffic this work coul be deferred. Bret Weiss stated the reconstruction program will be in this area for the next t 0 years so this work could be done as part of a future project. Wayne Mayer asked about the difference in mobilization costs under the various alternates bid. Bret Weiss indicated that contractors may include expenses such as bond costs in the mobilization costs. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AWARD THE 2006-01C CORE STREET PROJECT TO BUFFALO BITUMIOUS BASED ON T E TOTAL BID AL TERNA TE #5 (BID ALTERNATE 3 + SCHEDULE I) IN TH AMOUNT OF $1,871,352.50 DELETING ANY WORK ON CRAIG LANE AND KENN TH LANE AND CONTINGENT UPON CENTER POINT ENERGY'S APPROVAL OF TH COST OF OVERLAY WORK THAT WILL BE CHARGED TO CENTER POINT ENER Y. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PE ULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION AS HE FELT THE SIDEWALK WAS NOT NECESSARY D FELT THE STREETS SHOULD BE 32' IN WIDTH. Wayne Mayer asked if any sealcoat work ould be done on Kenneth and Craig Lane. He was informed it would be left as is since sealco ting is not a correction for cracks. John Simola stated the streets are 30 years old and ther is only a 2" bituminous surface on the streets. The only thing the City would do on the street ould be patching as needed. 9. At the request of the developers this projec was re-bid and this time the bids came in within $4,000 of the bids the developers had obtai ed. The developers have requested that the City Council Minutes: 6/12106 award the bid. Award of the bid will b contingent upon getting signed development agreements and financial securities in pI ceo A portion of the forcemain will be place in a township drainage and utility easement. Bret Weiss will be presenting this to the tow ship board at their upcoming meeting. Their approval is needed in order for the project to procee . Tom Perrault asked about change orders and cost overruns and whether the developer would be picking up that cost. Bret Weiss stated t e project would be 100% assessed. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO A WAD THE PROJECT TO VOLK SEWER AND WATER, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $584,746.1 CONTINGENT UPON FINALIZATION OF DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTS AND ECURITIES FOR BOTH THEHIDDEN FOREST AND NIAGARA FALLS DEVELOPM NT. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 10. Consideration of settlement /land exch n e a reement with A VR. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO CONT UE THIS ITEM UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE M TION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. balance 0 Otter Creek Industrial Park land - a in off City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller prov'ded background information on the need to acquire additional land in the Otter Creek Industri I Park. He reviewed with the Council the land area that remains. Area #1 is a 34 acre site an is necessary for the relocation of A VR to a 12 acre site within that parcel. Area #2 is 13 acre site and Area #3 is a 40 acre site. It was recommended looking at acquiring Area #1 and Area #2 t this time as it would give the City the necessary land area for the A VR relocation and land for evelopment. Land cost for the 47 acres is estimated at $1,200,000 without improvements. Glen Posusta asked about funding the Ian acquisition costs. Rick Wolfsteller indicated there are fund balances in the capital outlay fund an liquor fund that could be utilized. Brian Stumpf asked if the balance in the liquor fund was after the debt payment on the MCC. He also asked about depleting the reserves and the impac that would have on future bonding. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO PROCEE WITH THE ACQUISITION OF PARCELS #1 AND #2 CONTAINING APPROXIMAT LY 47 ACRES FOR $1,190,000. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. City Attorney, Tom Scott noted that the p chase agreement contained a provision requiring draw down of land in ten acre increments. tions for im traffic This intersection was discussed at the May 7,2006 Police Commission meeting. Since this signal is so close to the signal at CSAH 75/ H 25 it actually impedes traffic movement. The Police Commission felt the signal should b removed and other modifications made to the Council Minutes: 6/12106 intersection. Staffwas asking Council ti authorize removal of the signal and allow staff to study modification to the intersection. If the ignal is removed consideration should be given to restricting access to TH 25 from River S eet. Clint Herbst felt blockades should be pI ed at East River Street so that no traffic onto TH 25 is allowed. He felt a right-in and right-out t West River Street should be allowed. Clint Herbst expressed his concern about the high tra c of volume on this residential street. Brian Stumpf felt the traffic movement for all ofTH 2 should be looked at especially for making left hand turns. He asked ifit is possible to put a s'gnal at 1-94 to allow a left turn on green with a yield to oncoming traffic. Consulting engineer, ret Weiss said he did not know if that had been looked at but it is something they would ask M OT about. Clint Herbst expressed concern about re oving the signal at River Street because the City may never get it back should the need arise fo a signal at the intersection. He suggested that maybe during certain hours, like rush hour, the s gnal recycles every 15 minutes. This would perhaps encourage people to use CSAH 75 rather han River Street. Bret Weiss stated that before any barrica es are placed the City would need to talk to the property owners and MnDOT. John Sim la advised that the City take into consideration in their action on this item that there are times pe pIe have to cross TH 25 at River Street. The Council also discussed synchronizati n of the signal lights. Bret Weiss stated the idea of the timing of the signals is to have the space etween the signals equal. Glen Posusta suggested signage on River Street indicating, "No a cess to TH 25." Bret Weiss stated there are safety issues that have to be looked at as well. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO AUTHO IZE THE CITY ENGINEER TO INVESTIGATE REMOVAL OF EXISTING SIGNAL SY TEM AT TH 25 AND RIVER STREET AND MODIFYING INTERSECTION GEOME RICS. Brian Stumpf recommended that this stud should address traffic flow along TH 25 and the I-94/TH 25 intersection specifically and n tjust the traffic flow at the TH 25/River Street intersecti on. WAYNE MAYER AMENDED HIS MOT ON TO INCLUDE BRIAN STUMPF'S RECOMMENDATION. BRIAN STUM F SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consulting engineer, Bret Weiss informed e Council that the interchange project at this time was about four weeks ahead of schedule. s part of the interchange project it was designed to add lights to the CSAH 18 bridge at some ture point. This item was coming before the Council at this time to find out if the Council wante to include the lights now or hold offuntil some future date. Bret Weiss has not received a rice quote on the cost of the lights but is estimating it would be in the range of$30,000. He not d the conduit is already in place. Clint Herbst asked that this be brought back at the next eeting with a cost estimate. Tom Perrault questioned whether all the development in e area would provide sufficient lighting without the lights on the bridge. Bret Weiss stated the I ghts on the bridge serve more of an aesthetic purpose. Council Minutes: 6/12/06 14. De artment Activi Economic Development Director, Ollie oropchak updated Council on activities relating the HRA, EDA and Marketing Committee. She pointed out that the statute allowed the Council to act as the HRA and in many communiti s that is the case. However, in Monticello the HRA was created as a separate entity. She discus ed the analysis done by Ehlers and Associates and the TIF districts. Brian Stumpf asked how onticello compared to other cities as far as number of tax increment districts. Ollie Koropch indicated that the city has 37 districts which is quite a few districts but other communities had xpanded district boundaries and therefore have fewer districts but larger ones. She touched 0 new developments that are taking place such as the Dahlheimer site and Karlsburger Foods. She talked about the transformation loan program and provided pictures of the two sites that h d qualified for this loan program. She pointed out that this program was limited to properties in a designated area and did not cover maintenance items such as siding, windows, etc. Lastly sh talked about the use of tax abatement as another tool the HRA could utilize and asked if the C unci! was interested in having her do additional research on this. Brian Stumpf felt the r search should be done but also felt guidelines and criteria should be established in the use 0 tax abatement. Added Item: Parking Lot Imirovements: The Council receiv d a petition requesting that City repair the public parking lot at 3 and Walnut Street. Public Wo ks Director John Simo1a stated the parking lot is 35 years old and funds had been budgeted to repair nd upgrade it. The Council discussed a proposal that had been worked on earlier in which the City wo ld make improvements to the parking lot and alley provided that the property owners make certain i provements to their private parking areas and rear entrances. This proposal did not go forward at t at time. It was suggested that the property owners be contacted again to see ifthere was interest in pur uing the original proposal. John Simola noted that this was a public parking lot and there are impro ements needed. After further discussion it was determined that the property owners will be cont cted regarding the improvements. If the project does not proceed the Public Works Department will p ch and make such repairs as needed so that no hazardous conditions exist. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROV PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 15. Consideration of a 16. Adiourn. The Council meeting was adjourned at 9:0 p.m. Recording Secretary 5A. Consideration of a and MCC. (RW ) Council Agenda - 6/26/06 new hire and de artnres for Water Parks Li nor A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN The Council is asked to ratify the hirin and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the Water and Parks Depart ents, liquor store and at the MCC, As you recall, it is recommended that the Council offi ially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal worke s. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring/departures of t e employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. NEW EMPL )YEES Name Title C epartment Hire Date Class Cahill, Sara Oper/Progrm Cordin. MC( 5/30/2006 FT Anderson, Tony Summer Temp W at ~r 5/26/2006 Temp Johnson, Brenen Summer Temp Par~ s 6/5/2006 Temp Conroy, Amie Summer Temp Par~ s 6/5/2006 Temp Weeres, Benjamin WSI MC( 5/31 /2006 PT Schaffer, Julia Wheel Park Attend. MC( 6/4/2006 PT Fedor, Robert Summer Temp W at ~r 6/5/2006 Temp TERMINATING E MPLOYEES Name Reason 0 epartment Last Day Class Hammill-Oveson, Dawn Voluntary Liqu :>r 5/27/2006 PT Parker, Dustin Involuntary MC( 6/6/2006 PT Havens, Stephanie Voluntary MC( 6/3/2006 PT Vagle, Sarah Voluntary MC( 5/27/2006 PT Davis, Nick Voluntary MC( 6/5/2006 PT Vogt, Kyle Voluntary MC( 6/5/2006 PT employee council fist.xls: 6/13/2006 . ---_._,.,------------ ----.- 5B. City Council Agenda - 06/26/06 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission considered this pr ject at its June 6 meeting, recommending approval with several conditions. The applicant has pr vided revised plans, however a number of conditions are yet to be finalized. As such, th staff report recommends approval of the PUD and Preliminary Plat only with the conditions included in this report as Exhibit Z. Given the fact that the plans were submitted with just a ew days for staff review, there are also likely a number engineering comments to be made on the revised plans that will update the original comments made for the Planning Commission. To be noted is that the applicant is seeking a c nditional approval of the Preliminary Plat and PUD, without the detailed building plans illus rating architecture and materials for the several styles of units in this project. The applicant st tes that he will be selling lots to various builders who will have building designs that are differ nt than any he would provide. As such, he is requesting that the City approve the Plat and UD, with the condition that building designs will be subject to a future round of Planning Com ission and City Council reviews. This step is not common with the intent of the City's PUD Or inance, and raises some risk that a future submission will not be consistent with the Cit 's intent for this area, or for a PUD project generally. The applicant should be aware tha a conditional PUD approval of this type will not grant him the right to any building permits u til building designs have been approved, and any conditions attached to the approval of those b ildings have been met. UP Development is seeking Preliminary Plat and Development Stage PUD approval for the Villas on Elm, a 111 unit residential development proje t on the former Ruff Auto property. The project is divided into two phases. Phase I is located south of West 6th Street and east of Elm Street. For this phase, the developer is proposing attached townh me units in a combination of 3-unit and 4-unit structures. Phase II is located south of West 6th treet and west of Elm Street. The developer is proposing a combination of detached and attache townhomes, as well as single family homes for this phase. Both sites are zoned PZ-M, Performance one Mixed Use. Permitted uses and standards of the R-3 Medium Density Residential are generally a plied to the PZM district. The intent of the PZM/PUD district is to encoura e a creative and innovative design approach to commercial and housing developments. The dist ct provides flexibility from standard controls to allow the creation of common open space, wetlan s and recreational facilities as well as mix of housing types and styles and commercial uses were feasible. Due to the flexibility of performance standards, a PUD is required to be held to higher tandards of design and site amenities. ANAL YSIS Comvrehensive Plan: Monticello's Comprehensi e Plan designates this area for performance zoning of mixed uses. 1 City Council Agenda - 06/26106 Zoning: The subject site is zoned PZM, Perfo ance Zoned Mixed Use District, which allows for development flexibility and special design contr I within sensitive areas of the city due to environmental or physical limitations. CUPIPUD: A Planned Unit Development aHo s for flexibility in performance standards with the understanding that the development will be held to higher standards of site and building design than would ordinarily be required. It is the applicant' responsibility to design the development with significant benefits and communicate those bene Its to the City for allowing a CUP/PUD. PHASE I Design Overview The concept plan for Phase I has been modified 0 show 43 attached townhome units on a 6.8 acre site. The gross density of the site is 6.6 units/acre. T e town homes are proposed in mix of seven 4-unit structures and five 3-unit structures. Lot Requirements and Standards The following table illustrates the applicable per ormance requirements for the proposed use in the PZM/R-3 district: Pro osed 5,815 s . ft/unit 25 feet 17 feet 25 feet 46,174 sq. ft. The applicant will require a variance from all set ack requirements. The applicant is proposing a front yard setback of 25 feet and a rear yard setback 0 25 feet, both 5 feet short of the minimum requirement. A minimum side yard setback of 1 feet is proposed. The proposed variances may be addressed through PUD. Oven Svace In the revised plan presented by the developer, 0 ly one area of usable open space has been provided. A second area of open space in the southeast co er of the site has been removed to accommodate a stonnwater pond. Thus, only the easternmost to nhome units border the public open space. The remaining open space is a 46,175 acre area locat d on the eastern portion of the site. This area satisfies the minimum open space requirement of 21 ,500 quare feet. Buildinf! Design The site plan proposes 43 attached townhomes, a anged in row house format in 3-unit and 4-unit structures. The applicant has previously submitt d building elevations for these units, indicating two- story attached units with a straight roof-line. Th applicant shall verify that the illustrations submitted reflect the actual building design. This informati n is vital to ensure that the development provides a higher design standard to justify the flexibility gr nted through PUD. 2 City Council Agenda - 06/26/06 Access The site plan illustrates a central one-wayprivae drive extending offofWest 6th Street and exiting onto Elm Street. This north-south oriented driv is divided into two sections, labeled Street Band Street C. Actual street names will be designate by the Building Inspector according to the City's grid. The drive is shown at a width of28 feet, measu ed face to face. West 6 Yz Street is a public street, extending west to Phase II to provide public acc ss to, and through, the development. The majority of the units will be provided vehicular access via t e north-south oriented private drive; 11 units will be accessed off 6 Yz Street. Parking The Zoning Ordinance requires each townhome unit to provide two off-street parking spaces for residents. There is no Ordinance relating to gue t parking for residential developments. However, during concept stage review the City Council re uired two guest parking spaces per unit. The applicant has addressed parking concerns by su mitting a detailed parking plan, illustrating guest parking through on-street parking and off-street arking bays. Three units have been removed from the east si e of Street C to provide a 6-stall parking bay. The applicant has also retained the 5-stall parking ba located in the southwest comer of the site. Guest Parkin Drivewa s On-street Parkin Parking Bays Total Pro osed 86 s aces 30 s aces 11 spaces 127 s aces Each proposed townhome includes a two-stall g rage and an 18-foot wide driveway. Each garage will provide the two required spaces per unit. Behin a two-stall garage, it is anticipated that residents will park two cars in the driveway side by side. The applicant has indicated locations of potentia on-street guest parking. A total of 27 spaces have been provided for on-street guest parking; three paces on 6 Yz Street, six each on Streets Band C, and nine spaces on the west side of Elm Street. At 2 feet, Streets Band C are wide enough to support guest parking on one side. Elm Street and 6 Yz S reet are both public roads, also wide enough to accommodate parking on one side. In order to p event complications for Public Works officials during the winter season, no on-street parking shall be a lowed from November to April. Exact dates may be determined by the City Council. Hours of on-str et parking shall also be limited to prevent overnight parking. Said hours shall be determined by the ity Council. The applicant has also provided two parking bay for a total of 11 spaces. Bays are located off Street B and C. The applicant has removed a six-sta I parking bay off 6 Y2 Street per staff and Planning Commission direction, due to the fact that it i a public street and a parking bay in this location may present a number of Public Works issues and safety concerns. 3 City Council Agenda - 06/26/06 In the past the City has required one guest parki g space for every three units, equivalent to 15 spaces for this phase of development. The applicant has provided 127 guest parking spaces, 41 of which are located outside of private driveways, the equiva ent of just under three guest spaces per unit. Overall, 4.95 parking spaces have been provided for eacl unit. PHASE II Desizn Overview The second phase of development is 14.48 acre ite located in the northwest quadrant of West ih Street and Elm Street. 26 attached and 26 detached ownhome units are proposed for this phase, as well as 16 single family lots for a gross density of'.7 units/acre. All single family lots are located along the northwest perimeter of the site. The applicant has removed two detached townhomes to create a more significant setback between units. The detached units have been modified by adding driveways 25 feet long and 16 feet wide to each unit. These driveways will s( rve as additional off-street parking and will also provide each detached unit with a slightly largeI amount of private open space. A significant amount of guest parking has been )rovided on the west side of Street A, adjacent to central open space. Lot ReQuirements and Setbacks The following table illustrates the applicable pe formance requirements for the Phase II townhome units in the PZM/R-3 district. The layout for ea h unit is slightly different. Therefore, proposed setbacks reflect the minimum for the site. Lot Area Per Unit Front Yard Setback R~3 Requirements 5,0! 0 sq. ft./unit 30 eet Proposed 4,932 sq. ft. detached: 25 feet attached: 25 feet detached: 6 feet attached: 8 feet detached: 20 feet attached: 25 feet 30 feet 67,518 sq. ft. Side Yard Setback 20 eet Rear Yard Setback 30 eet Perimeter Setback Usable Open Space (500 sq. ft. of usable open space per dwelling unit) 30 eet 27, 00 sq. ft. Both the detached and attached townhome units will require variance from all setback requirements. The proposed variances may be addressed through PUD. The applicant does meet the 30 foot perimeter setback. During concept review, staff was concerned wit 1 the front yard setbacks for the detached units. This issue has been addressed by adding driveways t( these units to create a more substantial setback. Per staff and Planning Commission direction, the applicant has removed two detached townhome units to create a more significant side yard se back between units. While the structures still do not meet the minimum requirement for the R~3 District, removing these units has improved the design of the site. 4 City Council Agenda - 06/26/06 Planning Commission recommended that the single family homes be required to adhere to the standards of the R-2A District. The followin table illustrates the applicable performance requirements for the R-2A District. Pro osed 11,083sq. ft. 69 feet 26 feet 7.8 feet 25 feet 58 feet Lot Area Per Unit* Lot Width Front Yard Setback* Side Yard Setback* Rear Yard Setback* *Reflects the average for all lots All single family units appear to meet the min mum lot requirements for the R-2A District. Usable Oven Svace The concept plan includes two areas of usable 0 en space for a total of67, 518. The larger of these two areas is a 1.22 acre space located in the cent r ofthe development, surrounded by detached townhome units. This open space has been redu ed by over 7,800 square feet from the previous concept plan. The applicant has also removed a .1 acre area of open space inn the southwest corner of the site, as this area will now be covered by a dr inage and utility easement. This open space area has been replaced by a .33 acre space, located in the enter of the attached townhomes. Direct access to this open space is limited to five units. However the area provided does satisfy the minimum requirement. Parking The Ordinance requires two off-street parking sp ces for each unit. For single family homes, all required parking is addressed through two-stall g rages and driveways. For townhome units, a total of 108 parking stalls are required. Each unit contai s a two-stall garage to satisfy this requirement. Guest parking has again been addressed through combination of driveway parking, on-street parking, and parking bays. Each unit contains an 18-foot ide driveway behind a two-stall garage. Thus, the driveways can be expected to accommodate two uest parking stalls. The following chart illustrates the total number of parking spaces provided for t wnhome units: Guest Parkin Drivewa s On-street Parkin Parking Bays Total Pro osed 108 s aces 22 s aces 24 spaces 154 s aces The site plan indicates a total of22 on-street park'ng spaces, four on Street A, 14 on 6th Street, and eight on Elm Street. The width of all streets prop sed for on-street parking is 28 feet, wide enough to accommodate guest parking on one side. As state above, seasonally and hourly limitations shall be attached to on-street parking. 5 City Council Agenda - 06/26/06 The applicant has also proposed two parking ba s with a combined total of 24 stalls. One 9-stall bay is proposed near the detached units, on the weste edge ofthe open space. A second IS-stall parking bay is proposed on the west side of the central 0 en space. Staff is concerned with the size ofthese head-in parking bays. Parking bays are typicall designed as small, obscure, scattered lots to provide guest parking when other options are not availa Ie. The size of the proposed parking bays is quite significant, and reduces the amount of usable op n space. A total of 130 guest parking spaces are available without having to utilize head-in bays. The standard for guest parking has previously b en one space per three units. Under the previous standard, the applicant would only be required t provide 18 guest parking stalls, as opposed to the 154 proposed. This number of stalls provides 2.85 g est parking, and 4.85 total parking spaces per unit. A less extensive requirement would allow the appli ant to provide guest parking through on-street parking and/or a combination of on-street parkin and one smaller parking bay. Access Access to the development will be provided by e tending 6th Street and 6 Yz Street to the east of the site. A 24-foot north-south private drive is also roposed, labeled as Street A. Official street names will be designated by the Building Inspector, ccording to the City grid. The site plan illustrates a driveway for each tow orne unit, including several 34 foot, shared driveways. The Ordinance limits driveway widt between the public street and the property line to 24 feet. Staff recommends that an alternate drivewa design be submitted to include a 6-foot wide landscaped buffer between driveways. Buildinz Design The proposed PUD requires flexibility to several erformance standards for the PZMIR-3 District. Said flexibility is allowed for PUD, granted the d velopment provides higher standards of design and site amenities. The applicant has submitted build ng elevations for the single family homes and detached townhomes. The provided single-family designs include a vari ty of split-entry homes with protruding, front-loaded garages and few aesthetic details. The Planning ommission recommended, as a condition of approval, that all single family homes be desig ed according to the standards of the R2-A District. Illustrations of model detached townhomes indica e all rear loaded units with protruding garages and few aesthetic details. The street-face of these unit is a typical rear building design. Thus, the view from the street will be plain and monotonous. Thi is particularly a concern for the units across from the single family homes. It should be noted that the illustrations provided b the developer are merely examples of potential building designs, and not exact plans. The applica t has indicated that once the application process is complete, the lots will be sold to a third party for development. Therefore, the applicant cannot guarantee any building designs. The concept of Planned Unit Development is to pr vide procedures and standards that allow development of a variety of residential types, reco nizing that traditional density, bulk, setbacks, use, City Council Agenda - 06/26/06 and subdivision regulations may be inappropria e. Specifically, it is intended to encourage innovations in residential development that encourages a gr ater variety in tenure, type, design, and siting of dwellings. A higher design standard must be pr sent in order for a development to qualify for PUD. Therefore, the Planning Commission has rec mmended that the applicant be required to submit all building designs to the Planning Commiss on and City Council for approval once a builder has been selected. Landscape Plan During development stage, the applicant is only equired to provide a preliminary sketch of proposed landscaping. Multi-residential sites are required to provide a minimum of one tree per dwelling unit. A landscape plan has been provided, proposing variety of overstory deciduous trees, ornamental deciduous trees, and evergreens. The majority 0 ornamental and deciduous trees are proposed along Elm Street. A total of 153 overstory deciduous tees, 17 ornamental deciduous trees, and 89 evergreen trees are indicated on the landscape plan. The sit exceeds the one tree per dwelling unit minimum requirement for the multi-family units. Each single family lot is shown as having two verstory trees in the boulevard, as well as a variety of shrubs and perennials. The landsca e plan for the single family portion should be revised to meet the landscaping requirements f the R-2A District, which requires that no less than 60% of the front yard shall be landscape garden area, and the remaining portion of the lot that is not covered by the structure shall be landscaped with plant materials equal to one ornamental tree per each 1,500 square feet and one ornamental shrub per each 150 square feet. Lot area that is not covered by shrubs and tree may be covered with lawn gardens and patios or decks. At this point, the applicant has not provided the sp cies of all proposed plants. This information shall be required for staff review prior to Final Stage P D review. Stormwater. Storm water plans have been submitted to the City Engineer for review, The following comments are based on the preliminary plat, grading, utility and 1 dscaping plans. · The storm water calculations submitted wit the plans are incomplete. These calculations should include detailed hydrology for the 2 year, lO-year and 100-year events. Calculations should also include; runoff from each sub- atershed, peak discharge rates from each pond, high water levels and normal water levels. · The peak discharge rate of storm water off- ite will be required to be equal to or less than the existing discharge rate. This will most likel require a storm pond in the northeast corner ofthe site (Area P3), which is currently proposed 0 discharge directly into the city's storm sewer. · The proposed pond at the southwest comer f the property near the intersection of ih Street and Elm Street appears to be too small to manag the designed watershed. The applicant will need to demonstrate that this pond is large enough to manage the 1 OO-year storm event within the high water level. 7 City Council Agenda - 06/26/06 · The proposed grading plan shows two s all swale areas on the north property line near Lot 1, Block 37 and near Lot 13, Block 37, which will manage off-site runoff. Calculations will need to be provided detailing the amount of noff and the discharge rate. · Because these plans propose a catch basi in the open space of Block 47, it is assumed that there will be some short-term ponding in this low area. To evaluate the impact this will have on the open space, a separate sub-waters ed should be created in this area to determine the amount of runoff directed to the CB and he time of water detention. · The City of Monticello's storm water ma agement plan has identified the need for a regional pond on the east side of Elm Street withi this property and the property directly south. The ponding responsibility of this parcel has een calculated to be 4.2 acre-feet of storage below the 930.2 elevation. Previously, it was dete ined that the surface area needed to provide this storage would be 1 acre ofland graded w th 4: 1 side slopes. Future development to the south will be responsible for the remaining acreage needed. Volume calculations of this basin will be needed to see if this requirement is met. Grading, Street, and Utility Plans. The site indicates a sidewalks on the north side 0 6th Street, the west side of Outlot A, the south side of 6 Y2 Street, and both sides of Elm Street. Staffis oncemed with the sidewalks on Elm Street. The sidewalk on the west side of the road ends at t e south lot line of Lot 16 in the single family portion of the development. The sidewalk sho ld be extended to reach the northern edge of the development. The sidewalk on the east side of Elm Street should be extended south of Street B, to the edge of the development. Both sidewalk shall also be revised to follow the Elm Street right-of-way. A lighting plan has not been submitted at this tim . The applicant shall be required to submit a lighting plan to illustrate that garage lights wil not be used in lieu of street lighting along the private drives. The applicant should work with eel Energy to create a street lighting plan. Grading, street, and utility plans have also been s bmitted to the City Engineer for review. A memo outlining engineering comments has been attache for reference. The applicant shall be required to comply with all recommendations ofthe City Eng neer. Environmental Concerns. The subject site is on the former Ruff Auto prope y. Thus, there are concerns with soil contamination from motor oil and other toxic fluids, particularly n the portion ofthe site west of Elm Street. The applicant has stated that a significant amount of cI an-up was conducted on both the east and west portions of the site, and that it has been determine that both sites are acceptable for development. Staff recommends that the applicant submit all do umentation relevant to environmental concerns and clean-up. CONCLUSION The main issue for consideration is whether or not ither Phase would meet the City's requirements for PUD approval. Planned Unit Development allows for flexibility in performance standards with the understanding that the development will be held to higher standards of site and building design than would ordinarily be required. At this time, the app icant has only provided conceptual unit designs, as opposed to actual building designs. City Council Agenda ~ 06/26/06 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Regarding the Development Stage Planned Uni Development and Preliminary Plat for UP Development, the City has the following option : 1. Motion to approve the Development Sta e PUD and Preliminary Plat, with conditions, based on a finding that the proposed mixed-re idential design establishes a high quality residential project that meets the City's intent for P D consideration. 2. Motion to deny the Development Stage UD and Preliminary Plat, based on a finding that the project fails to demonstrate tangible am nity-based or other benefits that justify the flexibility granted by the PUD zoning regulations. 3. Motion to table the Development Stage UD and Preliminary Plat, based on a finding that the applicant has failed to submit materials ecessary to determine whether or not the project demonstrates tangible benefits that justi the flexibility granted by PUD. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The applicant has modified plans to accommod e a number of conditions recommended by the Planning Commission. However, a number ofi sues have not been addressed. Planning staff would recommend approval ofthe Development Stage UD, only subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. The number of items in Exhibit Z is onger than what the City council typically prefers. The applicant has requested that he be permitted to go forward to the City Council prior to making additional revisions to the plan, and with the un erstanding that final building plans will all need to return to both Planning Commission and City C uncil prior to building permit consideration. The applicant is cautioned that an approval of this t e does not guarantee approval of the building design or building permits, and that additional requirem nts may be placed on the project when building designs are brought forward, including building aterials and/or architectural requirements, site plan and/or landscaping requirements, and engineerin changes as necessary. All units in the plat will be subject to the city's Park Dedication fee in place at the time of building permit approval. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Preliminary Plat dated 2/2106 B. Utility Plan dated 3/6/06 C. Street and Storm Sewer Plan date 3/6106 D. Grading Plan dated 3/6/06 E. Tree Survey dated 3/6106 F. Details dated 3/6106 G. Landscape Plan dated 6/16/06 H. Topographic Survey dated 3/16/0 1. Conceptual Building Elevations 1. City Engineer's report dated 5/24/ 6 Z. Conditions of Approval dated 6/2 106 9 i ~"ll" ,"2l J',s. (l'0", ~ .? ,~I ~'~ a ~ '/ r~i'~~:;'<4;;':"",:,,, I~ 6-;)" ",)& ~ "jlllf) _t ' 4" ..... ~ ,~~~ ~ ~f € 14' /;.~~ r~ l~' "I\,;'J\~\H..~. '\""'''0'~h''" ~~ ~~^ ~,O> ;lI' "< " I'~ . , "~, E' - ~\.'~/ ;: " Ri' t~. ti ::Iff :3 ~ j;lf .jF <{~';:0 , ~', .I!i~ <, .;,fl"!.~,! " ,?c:, R,' -z t:.,.y'~" ~;t-'" -z A..~ ) '" "., s ~ r~ S .' " (l .f ..? :J~ <, '" ~ I -j- -6 f;f/ ~V '~,__ u / " ---:r::- 9C-~- f I ( Ii II ,/ II 'I I, !! /'! il ~ ~ ~!J i Uj ~~U ~ tl . ~ l's~<> lI:! 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City Council Agenda - 06/26/06 EX IBIT Z Condition of Approval Villas on Elm De elopment Stage PUD 1. The applicant shall verify actual building esigns for single family homes, attached townhomes, and detached townhomes. 2. An alternate design shall be submitted for he rear of all detached townhomes to create a more attractive streetscape. 3. An alternate design shall be submitted for ingle family homes, adhering to R-2A standards. 4. The applicant shall submit a revised landsc pe plan for the single family homes, illustrating compliance with R-2A standards. 5. A six foot landscaped buffer shall be instal ed to separate all shared driveways. 6. An alternate parking plan shall be submitte , reducing the size of both head-in parking bays in Phase II and restoring a portion of the usab e open space. 7. On-street parking shall be limited to one si e of each road. Hours of on~street parking shall be limited to prevent overnight parking and on street parking shall be prohibited during snow- plowing season. Dates of said season and a propriate hours shall be established by the City Council. 8. The applicant shall submit all documentatio relating to environmental concerns of the site. 9. The applicant shall comply with all recom endations of the City Engineer. 10. The developer shall submit homeowner's as ociation documents. 11. All unit/home designs shall be submitted to he Planning Commission and City Council for approval. 12. The sidewalks on the either side of Elm Stre t shall be revised to follow the ROW. 13. The sidewalk on the west side of Elm Street should be extended to the northern edge of the site, and the sidewalk on the east side of Elm Str et should be extended south of Street B, to the edge of the site. . 14. A street lighting plan shall be submitted, de onstrating that garage lighting will not be used in lieu of street lights. . 15. Other conditions as recommended by the Cit Council. 1 5C. Consideration to a rove the final 5th Addition. (JO/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is asked to consider approving the final plat of Carlisle Village 5th Addition. Carlisle Village 5th Addition is an R-2A single-fam ly residential development consisting of29 new single family units. There are a total of 31 lots, however, two of the lots include an existing home structure which will remain on site. he development area is a Planned Unit Development governed by standards identi led in the zoning ordinance and in previous project approvals. The developer has previously received app oval for development of the 1 S\ 3rd and 4th Additions, as well as the replatted 2nd Addi ion of this project. The developer is in the process of completing items required by the terms fthe development agreement for each of those projects. It should be noted that the develo er will not receive building permits, per ordinance and development agreement standards, unn utility and street construction is complete for this phase. Staff has reviewed the final plat plan subm tted for this phase and have found minor items that will require revision prior to production of recordable mylar plat. These items include: ~ Sheet 2 of 3, the eastern leader for match line A is outside ofthe actual match line area. - (ANY COMMENTS FROM SHIBANI ND JOHN HERE) It should be noted that the Community Develo ment and Building Department have begun inspecting previous phases of Carlisle Village or conformance to the PUD standards for landscaping and tree preservation. A report re arding any deficiencies will be supplied to the developer for remedy, and provided as an upda e to the City Council in July. Attached you will find an analysis that summa izes the finance plan supporting the development. Utility fees associated with City costs to serve he area amount $241,211.95. This amount includes a special assessment for the Meadow Oaks B ass projects Fees placed on deposit by the developer to cov r city expenses relating to City administration, erosion control, legal fees, planning fees and e gineering and inspection amount to $54,624.03. The fees and deposits listed pertain only to the eview and inspection costs specific to the 5th Addition. All expenses relating to the review fthe preliminary plat for Carlisle Village were reconciled with the 4th Addition. No grading d posit is required, as the 5th Addition site was reviewed previously and received grading appr val in conjunction with the 1st Addition. Total construction costs to prepare the develop ent amount to $324,035.00, not including site grading. This cost is funded privately by the de eloper. A letter of credit in the amount of $417,918.75 will be provided as surety, which he City can draw on to complete the project in the event of default. As the project proceeds throu h construction, at the request of the developer, the City allows reductions in the letter of credit. he City will retain at least $41,791.87 until the project is deemed to be accepted by the City, at which time the City will release the funds and Council Agenda: 6/26/06 accept a warranty bond. An additional letter of credit in the amount of$132,705.00 is required to guarantee required planting of boulevard trees and to assure compl"ance with theR-2A landscaping requirements. The additional letter of credit also ensures restorati n on the previously graded site in the amount of $14,205.00. These LOC's may be reduced wit the approval of the Community Development Department and City Engineer. A full copy of the draft development agreemen is available upon request. This agreement and associated securities must be in place prior pIa ement of signatures on the plat. 1. Motion to approve the Carlisle Vill ge 5th Addition final plat, subject to the revision of the plat document as noted, and to a prove the Carlisle Village 5th Addition development agreement. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 2. Motion to deny approval of Cadis e Village 5th Addition final plat and development agreement for reaso s to be determined by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator, Deputy City Ad inistrator and City Engineer support Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Carlisle ViIIage 5th Addition Finance PIa Carlisle Village 5th Addition Final Plat CARLISLE VILLAGE 5th ADDITION SUMMARY OF EXPENSES/FINANCE PLAN Phase 5 of 6 Total Acres In Development Total Acres In Phase Total Units In Development Total Units In Phase Date V4 6/21/2006 78 gross 16.05 gross net 9.47 net 231 Single Family Townhome Other 31 Single Family o Townhome Other (31 lots inc!. Davidson and Hermes House) Park Dedication Provided Park Dedication Required Park Dedication Deficiency Park Dedication Deficiency as a percent of total Prevailing Park Dedication Net Park Park Dedication Required per Unit Total Park Dedication Fee Required Pathway Special Assessments little Mountain Booster Station Meadow Oaks Bypass Per Lot Assessment based on ( 29 ) units 10% or Land dedication based on density $3,500 31 $248 31 $2,395 $2,025 16.05 $1,132 31 $872 31 $3,490 0 $3,210 9.47 $1 8,500.00 Unit charge 7,688.00 Unit charge N/A Not applicable to this phase $ 2,501.25 2006 RATE $ 5,092.00 $1, 132/unit . Res or $2,830/AC - Com or Ind $ 7,032.00 $8721unit - Res or $2,180/AC - Com or Ind $0.00 $8,176/AC Ind, $6,997/AC Com, $3,490/AC Res $ 0,398.70 $3,210/AC {-~~ > : ~I:( ?-1-1'i;1'I!~l:~H ' City Fee ( General overhead and Admin) Street Sweeing/Development Erosion Control GPS Locate Fee Legal Planning Streets and Utilities Engineering and Inspection Engineering Review at 3% Engineering Inspection at 4% Grading Engineering and Inspection Engineering Review at 1.5% Engineering Inspection at 1.5% Annexation Fee (if applicable) Soils Testin /Road Com action P eSj; 2.00% $500 $60 0.50% 0.50% 7.00% $6,480.70 Flat rate; no reconCiliation at project completion 15,500.00 Escrow deposit per unit $1,860.00 Escrow deposit per unit $1,620.18 Reconciled at project completion $1,620.18 Reconciled at project completion 22,682.45 Reconciled at project completion 31 31 3.00% Reconciled at project completion 1.50% 4 times annual taxes due to County $4,860.53 Reconciled at project completion Conservation Easement Posts $200 Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $300 Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOC 5 31 $1,000.00 $9,300.00 j~. I ~( ~I ill lpq I j I, 't', \ '(1-,' 1 \ ~'"'~-" 1 ~ Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond Grading Cost (used to calculate 3% City fee above) Grading and Restoration Landscaping Sodding Tree Preservation 90.00% 14,205.00 RESTORATION ONLY. GRADING COMPLETE $ 08,500.00 $3500 per R-2A lot required 10,000.00 Rear yards adjacent to wetland N/A :t <:) i:: ~ IllI:t ~ It) ~ IllI:t ...... ;:! s LLI ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ !i i t ~~ ~ ~ ~.<! <3 ~ ;:J } g~ ~~ J U! " ~~ I f "" - ~ ~~ s 0 ~i f ~t ~ 10[ ~ h i n " ~:....; ...; ~I ~ ~ ~ li~ ~ ~ ~ .<! = ~ i ~ " u ~ :1 ~ 1 ~ s~ li j i i ~ ~~ ~ ~ ;,{l ~!J ~n !" " 'iJ.s;: ~l ~. ~.~ ~ ..e~ ~ o . ~ '" ~ <f 11. "'~I .~ ~ 1f ~ ~ ~ t ~~ S. :n h .~ ~! l If ~ "1;11: ~ .. l~ ~~ u ii H ~~ ] ~Q ; bla ~ ~s ~ ~~ I ,U Ii I ~~5 ~. i Ii '''':: . /:. ~ 5~i ~ I~ ~ ] .I; " J li ~! I ~ i~ ~ ~ .g" ~ i f~ Ii f ~ ~ ~ <3 ~ t il ~ ~f ~ ... ~ ~ ;,l .~ I H I 1 "'~ ~ ;1 t! ~: ~:E ~ ~i S .~ , iJi ~ ~~ ~ 11 ~ ~~ ~ ~.! ~ ~~ ~" ~~ ... H. 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S _;1\~\t-,r1'-'/-1 /11/1 -.} /~)-/ /(~-/ b-~:) LIJ 'f. "- (") I- e, Ci -.=,\'- "i,. ..1..3_-~}8":"D H":"9'i.;: .', I ~ ":"_~'_;',:,,/":":~- H"!"[i[j ! l! , ~ " .,\ C') 10 CJ '" CJ " ~~ t <~ " ~ -'.J ~ C) iY Lu ~ ~ ~ ,~-1 ," <f -::1:_, ; /- l',:-- ,.,/ /'../ .' (J ,. " ~~ '" ; \;) ~ ~ ~ C'L < ( '-.) ; (// ] i1 , ! ....',. t>..~DC{)I5'Sj. I.-S~' 7~ I ~ b~?2~J6F _I Nl1l1~19'J7.E' 79 .l.f !_'"'!J.;.:J_._--=...t__ - -. .L$us fG)I)ItIS n~ ~ii ~~ (!aI~~4!a f" Jr:l C ~P~4!a ....5) If ;;N7 HOJ.m Al::ltfNl 1 731::1d Council Agenda: 6/26/06 5D. Consideration to Install Li hts on the Ne Monticello Proiect No. 2004-01C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to consider installing ecorative lighting on the newly constructed CSAH 18 Interchange Bridge. Based on previo s recommendations during final design of the project, lighting was not included in the constru tion contract. The current interchange contract provides for the light foundation and the conduit system to the source of power. It does not include the purchase or installation of the actual ights. The four lights proposed for the CSAH 18 Interc ange Bridge would match the ones already installed on the adjacent pedestrian bridge and ould be staggered from those lights to provide a better visual from Interstate 94. The contractor was unable to provide a quote fo the lights by the deadline requested. A quote should be available before the Council meeting n Monday. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize a work order for pa ment to the contractor for furnishing and installing the lights. The actual change rder will be completed at a later date. 2. Motion to not authorize installation of li hts on the CSAH 18 Interchange Bridge. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The bases are in place at this time to accommod te the light installation. This would complete the bridge project and will add to the aesthetics oft e overall project. D. SUPPORTING DATA None C:\f)(J(:ilmeflls and' 1I1t1gsldaWtl,gtV:J:ill1gt!t'\Lowl Sellltlg:.lIT(~mpu;y'ry lmertlel Flfes\OI.K3\AGN fTM.8ddgv L~'gh's-062(i()6.duc Council Agenda: 6/26/06 7. Review of2005 Audit Re ort - Larson lIen. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. Doug Host of Larson Allen, the City' auditing firm, is in the process of completing the City's annual year end audit report and is cheduled to present an overview ofthe financial condition of the City at Monday nights me ting. The city staff has not yet received a final copy of the audit report but has been revie ing a draft copy as this agenda item is being prepared. Ifthe audit report is unavailabl for distribution with the agenda packet, it will be delivered to Councilmembers under separ e cover. Overall, I believe the audit report will sho the year end financial condition to be in good shape for the City. The net assets of the e tire City have continued to grow as a result of many capital improvement projects that ar added to our overall assets and likewise, fund balances continue to increase. In many cases this is due to additional revenue received over expenditures, or in some cases because of venue sources through funds like trunk access fees that have not yet been expended for fu ure projects. The City is required to submit a copy of ou annual financial audit to the State Auditor's Office by July 1,2006 and that is the reaso the report is being presented to the Council at Monday nights meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Accept the 2005 audit report as present d and authorize submittal of a copy to the State Auditor. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: After presentation ofthe audit report by La son AIlen representative Doug Host, it is recommended that the Council accept the re ort and submit a copy to the State Auditor in compliance with the deadline. As you may ecall, the City has had to obtain an extension on filing report the past few years as the auditi g firm had not been able to complete the report by Julylst. Both the auditing firm and city staff have been working towards the goal of completing the audit this year by the deadli e. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 2005 Audit Report (if not included with age da, will be delivered separately). Council Agenda: 6/26/06 8. Consideration of authorizin Departments. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to consider authorizin the staff to proceed with the purchase of an additional vehicle for the Building Inspectio Department that would also be available for use by the City Engineer. Although this vehicle was not originally included in the 2006 budget, with the addition of another employee withi the Building Inspection Department and with the establishment of a City Engineer positio last fall, the need arises for another vehicle. Currently the Building Inspection Departme t has two vehicles that are used for inspections by three, and sometimes four Building Depa ment employees. If all three regular inspectors need to be out on a job site at anyone time, ne individual must now use their own vehicle. The same is true for Bruce in the Engineerin Department in that ifhe needs to visit ajob site, he would be required to use his own vehicle. In many cases construction sites may not always have the best conditions for access and it is t e recommendation of the Building and Engineering Departments that an additional ehicle be a four-wheel drive vehicle that could be shared by these two departments until the eed arises to have a vehicle for each. Although a specific budget item was not incl ded for this year, the Building Inspection Department has generated sufficient building ermit revenue to more than cover the cost of adding another vehicle at this time. The Cou cil could also include in the 2007 budget the cost of a vehicle to repay for purchasing one arlier. It is expected that the City would use the state purchasing program to obtain a vehicle nder the state contract and the departments are discussing the merits of purchasing a small S V four-wheel drive vehicle compared to a small four-wheel drive pickup. An SUV wou d be a more all around vehicle that could be used not only by both departments but also b other city staff for transportation needs while a pickup truck would have some limited ability 0 carry more than two people. Before obtaining actual bid prices, staff is requesting ouncil approval to proceed with the process. It is estimated that an appropriate vehicle wou d cost around $20,000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: ] . Authorize the Building and Engineering D partments to proceed with the purchase of a vehicle to be shared between the two dep ments at a cost of approximately $20,000. 2. Do not authorize purchase of the vehicle at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: With the additional building inspector added a d the creation of an Engineering Department, both individuals need some type oftransportati n to visit job sites and to do their duties. Sufficient funding is available within the gener I fund to cover the expenditure and if desired, the City could reimburse itself by including thi amount in next years budget. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Meeting - 06/26/2006 9. Consideration of urchase of vehicle or the Parks De artment to re lace the e ui ment van with an extended cab ic u truck. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Parks Department would like to replace the 1 75 Chevrolet step body equipment van. This van was acquired by the Public Works Departmen from the Fire Department approximately ten years ago. It has been used predominantly by th Parks Department for general transportation and moving equipment and materials to our vario s parks and construction sites. The van has approximately 128,000 miles on it and still seem to run decent. However, the body supports and other body parts are totally rusted out. Weare proposing to replace the van with a % ton e tended cab pickup purchased offthe state bid from Elk River Ford for $21,609.30. With the s les tax, the price comes to $23,013.90. An amount of$23,500 was placed in the 2006 Budget or the purchase of this pickup. The van itself will be disposed of through public sale with full dis losure of its problems. The new pickup is set up for towing and can b used by various parks employees and the mowing crew, which would free up the I-ton dump for other projects. As is usually done, the Park Superintendent took the specifications to Monticello Ford where they declined to match the state bid. A price was Iso solicited from Gould Bros. Chevrolet and they failed to respond after two requests. As previously directed, the Parks Superintendent s assigned the 1994 pickup retired from the street department. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to authorize replac ment of the 1975 Chevrolet equipment van with a new Ford % ton, 4WD, extended cab pickup from Elk River Ford on the state bid at a cost of$21,609.30. 2. The second alternative would be not to repl ce the 1975 Chevrolet equipment van at this time but to have the structural body braces eplaced and any structural rust repaired at a local body shop and continue using it. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Dir ctor John Simola, Park Superintendent Seth Nelson, and the Park Foreman Tom Pawelk, that t e City Council authorize replacement of the 1975 Chevrolet equipment van as outlined in altern tive #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the proposal from Elk River Ford on the st te bid for the new pickup and pictures of the 1975 Chevrolet equipment van. JUN~20~200S 12:51PU FROM-ELK RIVER FORO SALES +7632743338 T-551 P.OOI/002 F-781 ELK "TH E VE:R LAST OF TH LITTLE C:;~UVS" . FORO.DOQOS-~aep 17219 Highway 10 NW, PO Box 3 , Elk River, MN 55330 (763) 441-2300 -- (8 0) 441-2301 Fax (763) 274- 338 Direct Line - Lonny - rr 3) 274--3339 Ray - (763) 274 3.'314 Wade - (763) 27 -3319 lonny@elkri\lerfarddo gejeep.cotrl 'ro: P:~ ~t~: I) :I,tA': S:, 7'26 ~ P ( :C ': FmJf] 11'hli~t H"t!i:i:Llil;t./i IJ<m.n "Louny" Lomul'1i::it, "JoY .MeArtJllIr, & 'VIJ.th~ 'Iurn('J' (.'."n lm,ny: . . l"II~'( Nil mht' r Plume! NlUnhc!r Mt'S..,.J~i' . ~ .c 11,(') .JJ S ~.:Ik 1110....'...'"1 Il'''ill_ J..,. I. "" ~~IIII" 11ppultllnil 'Mn...........h... .\,'\hm r.:m"r.,y" JUN"'ZO.'20D6 12:51PM FROlHlK RIVER FORD SALES .... fIr4! +1632743338 Tw551 P.002/D02 Fw781 I&K.RI~;gR. _.~~'n.al Customer Name: Year Make Model 06 Ford Wh..1 Sase F.250 4x4 Cab to Axle 158U f Date.: - Enalne Transmission 5.4L v-a Color Automatic Tires I.T 245..75Rw17E I\H Terrain Tread Descriptic n 06 Ford F-250 4x4 Super Duty SUP8 Cab Pickup with 8 foot B:lX Special Bid Price: 40/20/40 Vinyl Bench Seat AM/F M Stereo With Clock ~... Decor PackaQe Soeed Control Da'J ime Runnina Liahts \Ir ConditionlnQ Skid Plates Elect. onle Shift On the Flv ~ Included Oot ons $21,609.30 Trailer Tow PrE.p Packaae Rear Bench Seat 9400# G'/WR EnQlne Blocl ( Heater Soare Tire sr Id Wheel Tilt Stee rinc:) Class V Trailer H tch Receiver Limited Slip Differential Available OPtlom at Net Black Runnin<1 Boards Roof Clearance Lights Trailer Tow Mirrors Upfltter Switches Tow Command Packa08 (Includes Trailer row Mirrors) AM/FM Stereo with CD Snow Plow Prec Groue $296.00 $44.00 $100.00 $68.00 $284.00 $220.00 $68.00 R tail Price; less leet Discount: et Price: ~ Ray McAr!hur l I ! . -..g in ...- r-- en IIIIl (JJ CD - -- E >< >< x x ... co C\J .'" rJJ ........... ~ o A 0-4~ ~O e,nO --' O~ Z~ .~ ~- cJ:I 0(1.) O~ ~O ~::r: ;.>-. .-c o ~ ~ .....-1 .;J'.) ~~ c.;t1.l r..n~ ~.j-.ol a;ro b.QQ) ~VJ QJO ~Z r:s ~ ..... ~ :::s CJj C) a ~ Q,.) -+-r r:J:J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -+-r ~ 0 ~ ~ " ~ Q) '""0 ~ .~ ~ 0 ~ ~ " ~ ........., ~ ~ """'d Q...J ............ CI':I ~ C.I:'J ............ t:3 ~ ~ =:s ~ ~ -c::s a ~ +-' C.I) ~ .f-I ~ o ~ ~ ')I v-J '." ~ ~ >- ~ ~ ~ '""0 ~ c.; ~ CJ 0.0 cd ~ C.J Q..J Vl ~ o E Q.) S ~ ~ C"'d ~ o U .. ~ . ....... bO t:: ~ -- Council Agenda: 6/26/06 10. 2005 rate for ark dedication on Pineview A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council recently approved the final p at for Pineview, a residential subdivision on the site of the former West Side Market. The lat consists of four single-family lots and an outlot which will be replatted as a fifth single amily lot upon the realignment of Otter Creek Road. As part of the final platting process, the City d developer entered into a development agreement, which outlines the responsibilities nd fees incumbent with the project. For Pineview, the developer has submitted a requ st that the City Council consider a reduction in the amount of park dedication fee applicable t this development by applying the 2005 fee schedule. The rate applicable to subdivisions final platt din 2006 is $3500 per residential lot. In his request, the developer has indicated that since his 2005 application, the park dedication fee has increased substantially. It should be noted that the finance plan rellec s the trunk fees as quoted by Mr. Patch, based on the status of a portion ofthe property as p eviously developed. However, park dedication and pathway fees are applicable only to resid ntial properties and were never applied to the previous development of this lot. Council will also note that the Carlisle Villa e 5th Addition finance plan reflects the $3500 per unit park dedication rate. Carlisle Village w s preliminary platted in 2003. A copy of the draft finance plan for Pinevie has been included for reference. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to apply 2005 rates and thus app ove a reduction in the park dedication fees for the plat of Pine view, to an amount of$ 2,000 per unit, based on a finding to be made by the City Council. This alternative could be based on the fi ding that the economic viability of an important redevelopment project is jeopardized by introduction ofthe 2006 Park Dedication fee schedule. Therefore a reduction in the 2 06 schedule or use of the 2005 fee schedule is justified. This finding would differentia e this project from Carlisle Village and thus justify the variable application ofthe pa k dedication fee. 2. Motion to deny reduction ofthe park de ication fees for the plat of Pine view, based on a finding that the dedication requirement mount is consistent with the City's 2006 fee policy. Council Agenda: 6/26/06 C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION If Council views this project as contributing to ard achieving redevelopment goals and that application of the 2006 park dedication fee res Its in an economic hardship for the project, then Council should select alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Developer Request Letter B. Pineview Finance Plan - Draft June 19, 2006 Jeff O'Neil, Community Development Dire tor City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN. 55362 RE: Request for Park Fee reduction Dear Mr. O'Neil, Mayor, and City Council This letter is a request to lower the Park Fe s for the Pineview plat to the previous level in 2005. As you know this project is a rede elopment of a commercial business that has paid higher taxes than residential property ating back more than 20 years. During my research to see ifthis project would be feasi Ie with 5 lots I asked Fred Patch to give me the costs for the associated fees and based y decision on those fees as I stated in my initial letter and application dated February ,2005, Since then these fees have dramatically increased and it is extremely d fficult to spread these out over such a small project. I would appreciate any help you co Id give me. ~~' Tom Holthaus PINEVIEW SUMMARY OF EXPENSES/FINANCE PLAN Phase 1 of 1 Total Acres in Development Total Acres In Phase Total Units In Devalopment Total Units In Phase Date 6/ 5/2006 1.42 gross 1.42 gross net net 5 Single Family o Townhome All fee paid with 1st Final Plat (4 lots) 5 Single Family o Townhome Park Dedication Provided Park Dedication Required Park Dedication Deficiency Park Dedication Deficiency as a percent of total Prevailing Park Dedication Net Park Park Dedication Required per Unit Total Park Dedication Fee Required Pathway Special Assessments Otter Creek Right of Way Otter Creek Road Reconstruction Sanitary Sewer Watermain Ponding Storm Sewer net acres o ,a... OU~ .0". Per Lot Assessment based on ( 5 ) units $3.500 $17, 00.00 Unit charge 5 $248 5 $1, 40.00 Unit charge INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLlE INFORMATION TO BE SUPPLlE $ 26.20 Previously calculated, based on undeveloped area $1, 50.60 Previously calculated, based on undeveloped area N/A $2, 56.56 Previously calculated, based on undeveloped area f ~ / f ~; ~+ f ~ ._ _\ 1 , I - j It! [,I \ I. ~ 2.00% 116.00 Flat rate; no reconciliation at project completion $1,389.83 Total expenses for review of prelim plat $ ,500.00 Escrow deposit per unit N/A Escrow deposit per unit $29.00 Reconciled at project completion $29.00 Reconciled at project completion 406.00 Reconciled at project completion City Fee ( General overhead and Admin) Reconciled Preliminary Plat Fees Street Sweeing/Development Erosion Control GPS Locate Fee Legal Planning Utilities Engineering and Inspection Engineering Review at 3% Engineering Inspection at 4% Grading Engineering and Inspection Engineering Review at 1.5% Engineering Inspection at 1.5% Annexation Fee (if applicable) Soils Testin /Road Com action ee"~' Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Watermaln Storm Sewer Sidewalks Grading and Restoration Lot Corners/Iron Monuments Landscaping Sodding Tree Preservation $500 5 $60 0.50% 0.50% 7.00% 3.00% 1.50% 174.00 ReconCiled at project completion N/A 4 times annual taxes due to County N/A Reconciled at project completion eIJ1ii!R!fTdill $3,000 $300 $200 N/A Paid with Building Permit 300.00 4 lot corners in place $ .400.00 $200 per tree, 2 per lot, 4 corner N/A N/A 1.42 1 12 N/A Council Meeting - 06/26/2006 11. Consideration of award of bid for eadow Oak and CSAH 39 lift station eenerators. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Meadow Oak and CSAH 39 lift station and fi rce main improvements, City Project #2003- 02C was previously bid, has been awarded to B rbarossa & Sons, and is due to start shortly pending relocation of an Xcel power line. The e pansion and refurbishment of these two lift stations will provide service for a greater portion 0 the eastern edge of the community and is due to be completed by December 1, 2006. The City bid the generators separately for these li stations as we have often done in the past. This allows the City to save the general contracto markup on the generators and speeds ur the delivery of the equipment. The specifications for the generators were drafted on May 16t and advertised in the Monticello Times on June 8th an June 15th, and sent to three local vendors in the Minneapolis area. Sealed proposals were due at the Office of Public Works at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, June 21, 2006. Only one bid was re eived for the two generators. A second bid was faxed in late after the due time and was return d to that vendor. The bid received was from Ziegler Power System of Shakopee, MN and was in the amount of $32,228.00 for the East CSAH 39 lift station and $30,992.00 for the Meadow Oak lift station generator. The total bid for both generators is $6 ,220.00 excluding sales tax. These bids are within the range expected for the equipment after r ceipt of purchase order. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative, after review of the bi s, is to award the bid for both generators to Ziegler Power Systems of Shakopee, MN in the amount of $63,220.00 excluding sales tax. 2. The second alternative would be to reject the bids for the generators and re-advertise under the assumption that we would receiv more than one bid and that the bids would be on time. The new bid opening date could e the middle of July with consideration by the Council on July 24th. This would push the elivery date into November or December. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller, Public Works Director John Simola and Sewer & Water Superintendent Matt heisen that the City Council award the bid to Ziegler Power Systems as outlined in alternative 1. This recommendation is based upon the premise that the bids received are appropriate an that re-bidding of the generators would not result in any significantly lower cost to the City d would delay the delivery of the generator, and could actually increase costs. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the proposal from Ziegler Power Systems. PROPOSA FORM FO ONE (1) NEW 45 KW AND ONE (1) NEW 75 KW PORTABLE PAD MOUNTED GENERATORS AND DISTRIBUTIO EQUIPMENT FOR T E CITY OF MONTICEL 0, MINNESOTA Public Works Director MONTICELLO PUBLIC WORKS 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 The undersigned, having carefully read the foregoing s ecifications and conditions relating to the subject equipment, hereby proposes to furnish and install the ollowing equipment at the price indicated, all in accordance with said specifications and conditions. ITEM 1. One (1) new 45 KW pad mounted po we generator and distribution equipment: $ 36 q<;2 I (")() /1 L.U'$ and One (1) new 75 KW pad mounted po er generator and distribution equipment: IJs Generator Make and Model: $ 3' 2. 2 zJi', 60 jJ L t.J f/. Generator Make and Model: IJ 8D ,p GRAND TOTAL BOTH GENERATORS: S Z '2 C ~ !!-o ITEM 2. Delivery: Calendar days after receipt 0 purchase order: I tJt; LJ A .,... 'i:. The City furthcr reserves the right to reject any or all p oposals or award the purchase based upon orice. delivery. service. and model features, or other items in t e best interest of the City. The proposals may not be withdrawn for a period of 30 days from the opening. ~ ~~ ~b Date Company: 4 ~ 5 Zip ~S37'1 '~'IoAWIII"~EC8\4l1KW~ 7JI(W.OI!HEMI(lN"'J0D.,.L4OUH'T.JM,V.~"IIII - PAGE 6 OF 24 - Date: June 16, 2006 Proposal b ZIEGLER rEI ZIEGLER POWER S STEMS 8050 Count Road 101 East Shakopee,~ 55379 952-887 -45 5 Proposal No. OL Y20060279 To: Public Works Director City of Monticello 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 R: Caterpillar/Olympian Standby Generator WE PROPOSE TO FURNISH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLL WING SPECIFICATIONS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS EAST 39 LIFf STATION QUANTITY One (1) new CATERPlLLARlO YMPIAN Diesel Generator Set in Sound Attenuated Enclosure with 24 hr Base Fuel ank MODEL D80P4 RATING 80 kW standby power VOLTAGE 1201208 volt, 3 phase, 4 wire, 6 HZ, 1800 RPM SWITCHGEAR By others INSTALLA TTON By others TOTAL QUIPMENT PRICE $ 32,228 .00* MEADOW OAK LIFT STATION QUANTITY One (1) new CA TERPILLARI L YMPIAN Dicsel Gencrator Set in Sound Attenuated Enclosure with 24 he Base Fuel Tank MODEL D50P4 RATING 50 k W standby power VOLTAGE 120/208 volt, 3 phase, 4 wire, 0 HZ, 1800 RPM SWITCHGEAR By others INSTALLA TTON TOTAL EQUIPMENT PRICE *Pleasc refer to the attached Bill of Material. *Price does not include state or local sales and/or us By others $ 30,992 .00* APPROXIMATE SHIPPING DATE October 6, 2006 F.O.R J obsite on pad TERMS: Net 20 days THIS PROPOSAL SUBJECT TO ALL PROVISIONS OF l' E CONTRACT AND WARRANTY ON REVERSE SlOE ACCEPTED: Doug Eckerman, Sales Engineer Subject to approval by APPROVED: ZIEGLER INC. By By Its BILL OF MAT RIAL OLY20060 79 -1 - TWO (2) EMERGENCY STANDBY GENERA T R SETS, RATED 50 KW & 80 KW STANDBY@ 120/208 VOLT, 3 PHASE, 60 BERT, 1800 RPM ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS 4 Cylinder In-line engine, 4.4 liter displacement Oil filter, spin~on type Electronic governor Radiator cooling system, blower fan Water pump 12V DC starting system Jacket water heater, 120 volt, 1000 watt, with isolati n valves Alternator, 45 ampere, 12 VDC Fuel system, diesel STANDARD ENGINE SAFETY FEATURES Shutdowns Fail to start / Overcrank High coolant temperature Low lube oil pressure Overspeed Spare alarm/shutdown channel wILED annunciat on GENERATOR SPECIFICATIONS Class H insulation, rotor and stator, single bearing esign Flexible coupling Solid state regulator, +/- 0.5% regulation UL mainline circuit breaker CONTROLLER EMCP 3.2 controller Instrumentation: LCD display with adjustable contrast and backl ght with auto power off AC metering: Volts, Amps, Frequency DC metering: Battery volts, Hours run, Jacket ater temperature, Oil pressure. Speed Protection Fail to start shutdown Low oil pressure shutdown Low/High battery voltage Battery charger failure U nderspeed/Overspeed Loss of engine speed detection 2 spare fault channels 20 event fault log BILL OF 'ATERIAL OLY2 060279 CONTROLLER Controls 2 LED status indicators, 1 red, 1 amber Run key and LED indicator Auto key and LED indicator Stop key and LED indicator Lamp test key Alarm acknowledge key Menu navigation keys Engine and AC metering shortcut keys Lock down emergency stop push button TRANSFER SWITCHES Provided by others ENCLOSURE Sound attenuated enclosure 2" insulation Motorized intake dampers Sound reduced to 73dB @ 23' Light fixture with timer Two (2) convenience outlets Color, dark gree, as selected by owner ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT Battery charger, 10 ampere, float type Battery, with battery rack and cables Exhaust silencer, critical grade, mounted inside" nc10sure Exhaust flex connector Fuel tank, 24 hour capacity, UL142, base mount d, low level alarm Fuel fill, initial fuel fill by Ziegler, 100 gallons Oil sample analysis performed at 18th month of s rvice Two (2) Osha approved ear protectors PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES Submittal drawings Dimensional drawings Electrical schematics Product specifications Prototype testing Production testing Factory testing Technical assistance ~ coordinated through proje t manager Startup testing Operation and maintenance manuals Engine, generator Warranty, two (2) year Training of owner's personnel BILL OF 'ATERIAL OLY2 060279 3- COMMENTS AND CLARIFICATION Rigging from delivery truck to pad by Ziegler' nc. Initial fuel fill of 100 gallons provided by Zieg er Inc. Emergency stop pushbutton to be located insid locked enclos~lre Ziegler to provide loaner rental generators at n charge to City of Monticello after 10/6/06 until permanent generator is available 1.01 B&D. Proposed generators are for pad mo nted installation, disregarded references to portable cords, uick change panel, mobile generators in spec. Overall height will not exceed 84" Low fuel level is atmunciated on control panel, actual fuel level is a manual gauge located next to fuel fill opening on tank. NOTES Ziegler limits the scope of supply for this quat. tion to the equipment and services listed. Equipment not listed is assumed to be provide by others. Ziegler cannot provide air emission permits fOI customers. We will provide emission information on the Caterpillar engine to the ower to aid in the permitting process. Orders arc subject to re~stocking charges if can eUed after release for production. Mechanical and electrical installation provided by others. State and local permits for fiTe, air, fuel tanks r building permits are not included and provided by others. Aq SlSGnbGl Gl(l Gn~oJl:~lBJ 01 A'BM 'B OlU~ ~uqooI OSI'B s~ ~noQ 'dn lGS JO GdAl s~l(l G1BG1J 01 (10Wl1S~U~Ulp13 qGM) GJmOAO~ pUB ~noa l(l~M ){lOM WM ;1l(S 'SlS~ l~Gl(l SBl( Gl(S GJUO 'SlUGLULUOJjSuoqsGnb pG){S'B AnUGnbG1J lSOLU l!Gl(ljO lS~I 13 Gp~AOJd OllS~UO~ldGJGl G 1 pU'B SGqm1fl 'S){10M Jnqnd pG){SB 'BIG~UY 'oS 'pGMOnOJ S~ l'BlUlOj l'BnLU!S 'B 'UO!lSG~~nS 13 G){UUl 01 SllffiM lGSn Gl(ljI '01 pUGS OlluUM AGl(llUGUl dGp Gl(l Gsool(J OllGSn Gl(l MOUB IHM UllOJ Gl{l UGl(l pm: '"lGl(lO" Gsool(J SA'BMI'B U'BJ AGq], 'LUGl! l~Gl(l U pGSBq pGpGps-GJd UGGq ApBG1IU S13l.{ g13UlG l~Gl{l GA~GJGl OllUGUlllBdGp G1'BpdOldd'B Gl(l G1Gl(M 'UllOj 1 0 01 pGpGl~p UGl{l Gl13 AGl{l pUB LUG1~ Gl13~ldOldd'B Gl(l UO ){J~p AGl(], 'SUO~lSGnb 10 SUlGrqOld pG110dGl AnUGnbG1J JO nUGUl 13 GAl'll( AGl{l G1Gl(M G~'Bd 13 01 UlGl(l SP81!P 1~ 'UlGlqold 13 110dGl 01 SGsool{J lGSn Gl(ljI ' 0~ls8~~ns 'B 8){'BUll0 UlGlqOld 'B 110dGl 01 8S00l{;) lGl(FG m:;) JGsn 8l{1 '8~'Bd GLUOl{ Gl{l UO 1l{~~1 ,,){SGQ GJ,Al8S UGzqO" 13 dn lGS IHM GM 'WUllOJ S!l{l OlU~ 1~ ppUl pm: pGW~UJ lsnf GA,GM LUG1SAS puu UllOJ Gl{l G){U1UBJ GM 'AU13!lUGSS3: 'sn'Ju'LU8IUS-U01SU!M'MMM l!S~A GSUGld 'UlG1SAS JO PU~){ "suoqsGnO P8){SY AnuGnbGl~" 13 l(l!M 1~ SPUGlq pm: lSGnbGl GJ~AlGS lGUl01Sn;) 8l(1 S8){U11ULU10J Gl(l 'SlSGnbGllGUl01SnJ ~unp l{Jo pOl(18Ul S.Alnudp~unLU 18l(10UU JO Gldums 13 l(l~M uP~uy pGp~AOld Gl(S 'sSG;)old Gl{l uo ){JuqpGG 1nJGsn AlGA GUlOS PUll UUUlnl(S Al(W;) 'lGAGMOH '~U~pU01dn 10J ^PUGJ SUM 1~ 'SlUGUl OJ 1~8l(1 ~U~PU8d 'AJUApd U1UP pU'B UO~lUUllOJU~ JO ~U~Pl0;)Gl 01 d~l(suOq131Gl u~ MG~AGl JOJ uBUlnl(S Al(lU;) pm: UM'BQ 01 p8pJUMlOJ S'BM Ul81SAS 1'Bl(], 'gJuno;) All;) pU'B uoq'BJ1S~U!LUPV A1!;) 0 G1q~SSGJJU S! l{J~l(M ){JG1J AllJ Gl(l Aq pGUJGAO~ xOqgUUl 13 01 A1PG1~p Spl'BMlOJ g;)~AlGS 10J lSGnbGl l(1 uo sSGmoJd lUGUlllUdGP ~uqJU11 suo~PUSm:Jl gUUl8 8l(1 JO pl0JGl G1G1dUloJ 13 JO Ado;) s~l(l "lSGnb::JJ 'Bl(1 ~uqpuul( U! 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Larso Allerf CPAs, Consulta ts & Advisors www.larsonallen.com To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 In planning and performing our audit of the financ'al statements of City of Monticello, Minnesota for the year ended December 31, 2005, we consi ered its internal control in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expre sing our opinions on the financial statements and not to provide assurance on the internal ontrol. However, we noted certain matters involving internal control and its operation that e consider to be reportable conditions under standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Reportable conditions involve matters coming to our attent on relating to significant deficiencies in the design or operation of internal control that, in ur judgment, could adversely affect City of Monticello's ability to initiate, record, process, nd report financial data consistent with the assertions of management in the financial statem nts. REPORTABLE CONDITION: SEGREGATION OF DUTIES Due to the limited number of office personnel wi hin several City departments, segregation of the accounting functions necessary to ensure id al internal accounting control is not in place. The City has made some policy and procedure c anges in 2005 that have addressed some of the internal control issues. However, certain area still lack adequate segregation of duties. In the Community Center Fund, one employee re onciles collections, makes deposits, codes expenditures, and approves disbursements. T is is not unusual in operations the size of Monticello and City management should constan Iy be aware of these conditions and realize that the concentration of duties and responsibiliti s in one or a few individual is not desirable from an accounting point of view. We recommend City management be aware of he lack of segregation of duties within the accounting functions and reassign applicable a counting functions in order to improve the internal controls of the City. In addition, we rec mmend City management provide periodic oversight/review procedures to ensure the intern I control policies and procedures are being implemented by City staff. PERFECTED SECURITY INTEREST IN COLLAT OTHER ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION (LEGAL OMPLlANCE): We were not presented with documentation that he City has a perfected security interest in collateral pledged from Wells Fargo and First Minn sota Banks. Collateral has been pledged to cover city deposits, but the necessary steps for perfecting the city's security interest in pledged collateral has not been obtained. Minnesota statutes require cities to have their collateral assignment supported by an official record with t e depository and this documentation should be approved at least on an annual basis and when ver collateral is increased. Larson, Allen, Weishair & Co., LLP I An Indepen enr Member of Baker Tilly Inrecoarional . We recommend that the City implement procedu es to ensure that they are in compliance with state statutes regarding the perfection of security interests in pledged collateral. BROKER CERTIFICATIONS The City did not obtain a broker certification for before completing transactions with the 4-M fund. According to Minnesota Statute 118A.04 s bd. 9, Minnesota cities are required to obtain a brokers' certification form before completing an nitial transaction with an investment broker. We recommend the City obtain a brokers' cert fication form from each of their investment brokers at the start of the each year and maintain his on record at the City. INVESTMENT COLLATERAL The City does not have sufficient collateral cove age on its negotiable certificates of deposit. The City has three negotiable certificates of depo it where the December 31,2005 fair value of the certificate is greater than the applicable F IC insurance for the bank that issued the negotiable certificates of deposit. We recommend the City implement procedures to ensure that all negotiable certificates of deposits are covered by FDIC insurance or obta n the proper collateral coverage if the FDIC insurance is exceeded. OTHER ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION (OTHER NTERNAL CONTROLS): . COMPUTER SYSTEM CONTROLS Computer system controls are essential in provi ing accurate and sound financial reporting information for the City and minimizing the City's usceptibility to fraudulent activity. We noted certain areas where the City can improve its computer controls including but not limited to disaster recovery, password security, access secu ity and segregation of duties. We recommend the City review all of their comput r controls, including but not limited to: + Conducting a review of the current disaster recovery plan and revising as necessary. + Creating controls to dictate the timely cha ge of passwords and criteria governing the content of password to ensure maximum ef ectiveness. + Creating a timed lockout of the comput r system that does not interfere with the applications in progress. + Creating a maximum time allowance in he activation of screen savers at inactive terminals. + Network back up should not be brought ho e every night by an employee. + Analyze if the Senior Financial Analyst requ res Administrator access. + Analyze sufficiency/vulnerabilities of firewall usage. The City management has informed us that the nightly back up issue was corrected once it was brought to their attention. We will review this proc ss in the 2006 audit. . . . . This report is intended solely for the information and use of City Council, management, and others within the administration and is not intend d to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. ~, ~, W~ 1-e,'lt.I.~ LARSON, ALLEN, WEISHAIR & CO., LLP st. Cloud, Minnesota May 31,2006 . . . CITY OF MON ICELLO AUDIT COMMITTEEI XIT MEETING DECEMBER 31,2005 AUDITED INANCIAL STATEMENTS 1) Required Communications to the Council nder Audit Standard No. 61 a) Auditor's Responsibility Under Generally ccepted Auditing Standards b) Significant Accounting Policies c) Management Judgments and Accounting d) Significant Audit Adjustments e) Other Information in Documents Containin Audited Financial Statements f) Disagreements with Management re: fina cial statements g) Consultations with Other Independent Accountants h) Issues Discussed with Management Prior 0 Retention of Independent Auditors - Routine i) Difficulties Encountered in Performing the udit 2) Management Letter 3) Discussion items 4) Financial Statement Highlights (See Graph ) 5) Questions, Comments or Concerns . en I' ~ 2 o :E + Il) 0 0 LLJ N () z <t: ...J <t: CD 0 z :::::> l1.. ;g z~ 0 N _2 :J enu. . LLJ<t c::!z '- :::::>~ ltl Q) 1-2 >- _0:: O~ zg LLJ...J a..<t C"') 0 >< 0 N W l1.. 0 en :c I- z 0 ~ N 0 0 N . ..,. .... 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