Parks Commission Minutes 05-17-2006 Monticello Parks Co mission Meeting May 17 2006 Members Present: Rick Traver, Larry olan, Fran Fair, Nancy McCaffrey, Ben Hitter, Tom Perrault Members Absent: None Staff Present: Seth Nelson, Parks Supe intendent: Others Present: None 1. Call to order Chair Larry Nolan called the mee ing to order at 4:00PM and declared a quorum present at City Hall. T e Commission boarded a van and proceeded to tour several Montie 110 parks to inspect and discuss possible plans. No decisions wer made. The parks visited and comments made are noted below. 2. Hidden Forest Development. T e property was viewed from the road. Development has not starte . 3. Sunset Ponds Park. The area set aside for the park does not appear to have any top soil. What is the req irement for the developer for top soil? The utility boxes should ha e some screening around them. The Parks Commission should start pI nning on developing this park soon, as a number of homes and apartm nt buildings are in place. 4. River Mills Park. After the 194 ork is completed, the pathway on the south side of the park should be completed and paved. The closure of the freeway access and finalla dscaping may have an impact on the pathway. A number of trees in th park appeared to be dead or dying. They should be removed and/or re laced. 5. Swan Park (Mississippi Drive P rk). We should consider re-naming this park Swan Park, as that is the sual usage. May want to consider some planting in front of the fenc on the river bank as it is full of weeds at present. The area around the bench could use some fill. 6. Freeway Fields. Seth noted that ometimes soccer balls land in the yard and hit the house across from the park. Additional fencing would help prevent this. Monticello Parks Commission Meeting May 17,2006 7. Monti Club Hill. The parks commission looked over the site. Construction has not started. It was noted that the owners are reconsidering the plans for this property and it may be included in a land swap with the city. 8. Pioneer Park. Seth noted that there has been vandalism occurring at this park. The park is now used during the annual Riverfest and Walk and Roll. 9. Hunters Crossing Park. A number of homes are being built in this development. We should start thinking about when we should start developing this park. lO.Groveland Park. We have applied for a grant to help develop this park. The parking lot and basket ball court are on the list to be installed this year. 11.Riverside Cemetery. Seth noted that the road in front of the cemetery will be rebuilt this year and a pathway added on the north side of the road by the cemetery. The existing fence will be removed and a new one will be installed five feet north of the present one. Seth would like to add some planting near the flag pole. The committee concluded it tour of the parks and adjourned at 5 :30PM. Submitted by Larry Nolan 2