EDA Agenda 07-11-2018AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, July llth, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Consent Agenda - Item 4a through 4g a. Consideration of approving Joint City Council-EDA Meeting Minutes — June 4, 2018 b. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — June 13, 2018 c. Consideration of approving Special Workshop Meeting Minutes — June 13, 2018 d. Consideration of approving payment of bills e. Consideration of Hazardous Materials Abatement and Demolition quotes — 255 East Broadway £ Consideration of Administrative Modification of Affordable Housing TIF District #1-40 g. Consideration of Contract for Private Redevelopment with Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC 5. Consideration of Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program and Downtown Frontage and Signage Grant Program Guidelines 6. Consideration of Preliminary 2019 EDA Budget and HRA Levy 7. Director's Report 8. Closed Session - Consideration of recessing to closed session to develop or consider offers or counter-offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). PID #155011000010, 155010031031, 155010031010 9. Adj ourn MINUTES JOINT WORKSHOP MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) AND CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, June 4th, 2018 — 4:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Other City Council Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Bill Fair, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: Staff Present: Jim Thares, Angela Schumann and Jeff O'Neill 1. Call to Order The Workshop Meeting of the EDA began at 4:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items None. 4. Walkin� Tour of Broadwav/Walnut A walking tour of Broadway/Walnut Street was conducted by the Cuningham Group. The tour was completed to understand the vision and goals of the Small Area Study. 5. Walnut/River Corridor Plan The Cuningham presented the Walnut/River Street Corridor Plan. Discussion pursued with the EDA and City Council. Angela Schumann summarized that next steps would be to meet with the EDA to discuss and recommend guidelines for a fa�ade improvement loan program. Then, staff would meet with Wright County to discuss a phasing plan for any work at the intersection of Broadway and Walnut Street. The City Council could then consider improvements for budgeting purposes. 6. Adiourn The meeting was adjourned around 5:55 p.m. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: July 11, 2018 Economic Development Authority Minutes — June 4, 2018 Page 1 � 2 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — June 4, 2018 Page 2 � 2 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, and Lloyd Hilgart Commissioners Absent: Jim Davidson Staff Present: Jim Thares, Angela Schumann, and Tammy Omdal (Northland Securities) 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the meeting of the EDA to order at 6 P.M. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items Steve Johnson asked that Item 5(4.f.), 6(4.g.), and 7(4.h.) be moved to the Consent Agenda. The EDA concurred. 4. Consent A�enda - Item 4a throu�h 4h BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. a. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — Mav 9, 2018 Recommendation: Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes — May 9, 2018. b. Consideration of approvin� Special Workshop Meetin� Minutes — Mav 9, 2018 Recommendation: Approve Special Workshop Meeting Minutes — May 9, 2018. c. Consideration of approvin� Special Workshop Meetin� Minutes — Mav 18, 2018 Recommendation: Approve Special Workshop Meeting Minutes — May 18, 2018. d. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills Recommendation: Approve the payment of bills through May, 2018. e. Consideration of approvin� attendance at 2018 Summer EDAM Conference Recommendation: Approve Economic Development Manager to attend the 2018 EDAM Summer Conference. f. Consideration of Termination of Contract for Private Redevelopment with Master's Fifth Avenue Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2018-10 approving termination of the Contract for Private Redevelopment with Master's Fifth Avenue in connection with TIF District #1-35. g. Consideration of Decertification of Redevelopment TIF District #1-35 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2018-11 approving decertification of Economic Development Authority Minutes — June 14, 2018 Page 1 � 3 Redevelopment TIF District #1-35. h. Consideration of Establishin� Affordable Housin� TIF District #1-40 Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2018-12 approving establishment of an Affordable Housing TIF District #1-40. Consideration of 2018 MIF Statute Re�ardin� 80-20 Opt Out Pro�ram Jim Thares stated that the legislature is giving local jurisdictions the opportunity to free up uses of the Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) dollars. Thares indicated that there is currently over $519,000 through MIF. Lloyd Hilgart asked where the original money came from. Thares stated it was from grants. Hilgart asked what the remaining money could be used for if moving forward with the 80-20 opt out program. Thares indicated that it would be unrestricted money. Tammy Omdal, Northland Security echoed Thares comments. She stated that it was a policy decision of whether or not the EDA would like to free up funds. She encouraged the EDA to consider the likelihood of using these funds in the near term versus holding and waiting for a proj ect to come along. Hilgart asked when the EDA needed to make a decision on the opt out program. Thares stated the deadline was June 30, 2018. Hilgart asked what would happen if the City decided to not utilize the opt out program. Thares confirmed that it would remain for uses as indicated by MIF guidelines. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2018-13 AUTHORIZING THE MIF OPT OUT PROGRAM BY SENDING $103,847 +/- BACK TO THE STATE. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6- 0. 6. Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Director's Report. Thares highlighted a volunteer tree planting project that the Monticello Rotary Club completed. The Rotary Club donated $4,000 to plant trees along a grass pathway in Otter Creek Business Park that connects to Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Steve Johnson asked that City Staff send a thank you to the Rotary Club for their donation. Thares also gave an update regarding 255 East Broadway. He noted that asbestos was found in the walls and ceilings of the building and that would need to be removed prior to demolition. City staff would be obtaining quotes for hazardous materials removal, demolition, and a potential training burn by the Monticello Fire Department. The quotes would come forward during the July EDA meeting. Thares stated that the art grant was received to complete work on the EDA owned Economic Development Authority Minutes — June 14, 2018 Page 2 � 3 property at 112 Broadway East. The art unveiling would occur on July l lth prior to the Riverfest celebration. Thares asked if the funds from TIF 1-22 could be used on infrastructure. Tammy Omdal explained that the EDA has identified pooled funds that can be spent on infrastructure projects within the Central Monticello Redevelopment Area #1. 7. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:31 P.M. LLOYD HTT,GART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: July 11, 2018 Attest: � Jim Thares, Economic Development Director � Economic Development Authority Minutes — June 14, 2018 Page 3 � 3 MINUTES WORKSHOP MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 — 4:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White, and Lloyd Hilgart Commissioners Absent: Jim Davidson Staff Present: Jim Thares and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the workshop meeting of the EDA to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration to establish a Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Loan & Si�na�e, Awnin� & Fronta�e pilot pro�ram and to adopt Downtown Loan Guidelines A walking tour of Broadway and Walnut Street with the Cuningham Group was completed on June 4, 2018. Angela Schumann explained that the guidelines for the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Program were a working draft for the EDA to edit as needed. Bill Tapper had concerns that the draft proposal was too broad and should focus on the area south of Broadway from Highway 25 to Walnut Street. He suggested only allowing eligibility by the property owner, but that if a tenant wanted new signs that fit the architectural character per the Small Area Study that the EDA would pay for them one time. Hilgart concurred with Tapper's response. Tapper urged the EDA to only move forward with the program if the maj ority of the property owners were interested. Tapper and Tracy Hinz emphasized the importance of improving the businesses at the focal point of the downtown — Broadway and Walnut Street. 011ie Koropchak-White explained that she would prefer the improvements be flexible for the front or side fa�ade. The EDA discussed the architectural components of the downtown and concurred that the program should be an outright grant. Following further discussion of changes to the draft guidelines, Schumann summarized the comments of the EDA. A workshop meeting to discuss the possible program with property owners in the future was discussed. A minimum five percent participation level was also recommended. Hilgart stated that the EDA should decide what the buildings should look like if is providing the maj ority of Economic Development Authority Minutes — June 13, 2018 Page 1 � 2 funds as grants to the property owners. Tapper suggested that an architect sit down with the property owners to discuss the overview of the Small Area Plan. It was discussed that the property owner would need to obtain two quotes for contractors to complete the fa�ade improvement. The amount of the program would remain flexible to understand the needs and that the architecture would guide the costs. Schumann stated that the guidelines would be cleaned up and presented again to the EDA at a future meeting. 4. Added Items Jim Thares provided an update about Buxton and their services they could provide to Monticello. The cost of services would be around $15,000. It was noted that Wadena is utilizing their services through a collaborative stakeholder funding arrangement. They have not had any results as of yet in the first year of the contract but have hopes that i=the efforts will pay off and attract a new business or two. Thares said that the City of Ramsey ended its contract with Buxton after year one due to a lack of referrals/leads from Buxton. They decided to focus on working with their local real estate brokers on ideas and identified targets. Discussion ensued and it was a consensus among the EDA members to not pursue a business recruitment contract with Buxton at this time. 5. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 5:49 P.M. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 6-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: July 11, 2018 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — June 13, 2018 Page 2 � 2 EDA Agenda: 07/11/18 4d. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve payment of bills through June 2018. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through June 2018 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements � a � � � � N � � O � � o N � � � � o U N � � o 0 �-I � ti o 0 � � � � O � O U Z U � ti � U � � � � °u � � �a� � � I � o�o� I � N N oM�� � N N � M O o0 00 N O r � � � � � r r r r � ���� � � � � � O O O O O N � N N N N � N � N N N N � r, � r, r, r, r, � � � � � � � � o � o 0 0 0 � Ca Ca �, �, w w � N N N N � o � � � � o � � � � � � � o � F-� F-� F-� F-� � N o 0 � b � � � � b � y U U U U y � � � � � � � O O N N N N O O a N N N N � � � � � b O O O O � O O O O � O O O O U � � � � � � � � � � Q Q Q Q � a a a a H � � � � � U � � � � �' CG CG CG CG � F� F� F� F� P" � � � � 0 � � � � � F-� F-� F-� F-� C7 Ca Ca Ca Ca � � � � � � � � � � x O O O O � U U U U z HHHH z x x x x z c� c� c� c� ���� � 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � � � � M M M M � � � � 0 0 0 0 M M M M � � � � � � � � � � � � NNNN N II N M N 'C S"i w o `� w o � F" 0 0 � � � � �������y C�ni�sghami,raupArthllw+�#ur��fns. '�t Ans'hc�ny .Vlri� ,��1 i Ml:�,r, � srec7 5C, S�aite 32p Mrrrneap,c�l,s. 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I�rri unsure of ��ding, Ar�geaa Sch��rnanrY, r�ICP ��mmu�ity' ��t��l�pmenk Dir�etc�r Cit�' c,f I��1�nticell�i �,� �, ���,�. i,i�,.�9�ti��il�f,n�i�.��� i�i3-271-3��� �E�naf! �orrespo�det�te t+� �r�Ci fl`�rn t�h� C�#y ��f �'4'xontice�l�v g�arerrrrrrent �ff�[e is Su�i��Ct i'o t�� �'4�fir`r�r�esot€� G�verrlt77er�t �a�`cr Prac�lc�s Act arrd lncy 6� dis[lc���d t� lh�r� p�+r'ties� Frt�nrti: V�r�ini�� Keeney «rke�eney[r�c�oningham_��rn> Sent: ThurSd�y, 14+1�y .�1, �I7i8 11_[7� A� T�a Ang�l� Schumann �An�ela.5churn�nn[�tci_mqntie�llo,mn.us� �c: �ndrew C�resdner <a�re�dn�r�tuningtwam,�om> Subject: Inv�ice 5�133 �or �laln�dt ��orNdor Pl�n �,ngela: Att�ch�t1 i5 t�e First inv��te ft�r �h� W� Ir�ut Corridor F�lan Morrticell�_ �,hpuld l ern�i l invoices t� you or some�r�e el5e? Th�nk yt�u, Veronica Y�ro�nfca i4eeney C�nfr�gharry �r�up Ar�thitectur�, Irae. � Qirect: �12 3J9 555� Ce� : Ir�:i 14Es 7441 ���� St. An[hvny Ntain, �C11 Main Strget SE, Sui[e �25, M�nw7ea�rral��, MN 55414 vkeeney�cun+n�i��rro.tom v�ww.�uningham.com 1 �IT�` �� 1v1��JTI���iC� EDA ifl A f F .�D� 1NALN�JT �T �TE 1 J�iC�hJTI��LL�. MN 5.�3��-�$�] PRC_��'�J��Y I'� #: Leg�l d����rrp#i�n R��ert 1. 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T��.�y h10N4�.CE,:LO MN 5�3$�-857� � Step Pk4PERT1" TAX STkT�A+IEMT � Fr5!-heHTaKas �� ry Sswnp+�9�Taxes: 4244a �} Ta�r'oweo- Du� �n 2415 A�OOL1 REFLIM"�5�u7 ��1� . v�� „qay �� glt�f�b�llE fi;r ���F �7��-E4'1��I'.fWO I8?u�^fJ5 �0 rBi7uvC' pr��x ; r^���evrT;! f2X ' ,� ar�rpE�'t'p 7a:t i-.v T�ai#Ra7'+dlrW�u - .a,., _.. _ . � 2A1� � M �� + St3li�inr�nt � �Aii ' � I IJ�a �Fis amoLni c�ry FC�'P FA SPR ia so-c A yo� ?'+� 619h1e kr a hwrrt�t+i�74`Ed�l rci.intl � . .-. . �'aa Yr� Aua;.Ufi �,i 4�Ihis G,�i �sehiii.etl, You owe dafn4.s�l 18xesend'aro nol9li�$E � I . PraFthy A,]a rz;.:. , 2 Uaa Ihs3e a��ls a+7 Fmr M 1PR: az sas A pqy A�� el5]�De Pcr a xpbcU-� Mfund � � }Ya�rprpFrgr7i,'Ys:�es�tebretradl# V•ol�rt6' iJastnP�ian. � �� G+a]�is IhaL�edurc p�ut;3mpertp'ir.a� �.n.i°. iwp�iri qr9eC'�`5 Gk�+raar ttA7 ,'a A 4ancu�x91 entl rural IanG mppi$ raxar��uoGo-c..u57E92Pr#�i � B cmrrcra.]Is y4'rs7PFr# Li}T i39.�:? � + 3. Propar�y liarsailer �rc�a f7035 g5;>5y 740.65 G95.99 !. d Ca.inN 191.3i 134.i.5 a.7 C�tgpur7aw�n. i�1T1`4fk14NT9CE4L[} } 1fFl.?2 95'7� .� 0�`s19�9 Generil Yax 22Z�$4 �1} 1$ , � B. S�.aol Gtlllr� {�d@B21 A VaWr.4VF�rad k�nts CS755 t� }F � ..._.. i e B.Olherlocal4.iws 6?NB �$gh,,"' � 1� SpE�al Taung 6�In�lb h. fNpH fl HRA �$� $�� 6pccialA�,�gkamenk29rcak9aµn. � � g �� ,a_.r=Ff ?�.4•�. 1MLIi � � . 0 �� 11 y�n-schaol walarappm,�.gfl �laierrl� Ir.yes 72 TOLI prilp�rly ICSR 6Ha,t a�wciaf a#IYk�emrrtls 3'r o.es 6bS.99 19. Spsa�ad A9t��y�n[e� ara Your Pr�brey 3!e �til lar &ZakGrowr�. qi S,peGgl Aastssmsn�s � SPH� �%5�►�AS�nk �olals IMrnsl � iS;3 Pnncqaln 1765R 1#$ 15 1a� C�� � 74 YOUR TCITAL Pl24YERTY 7A% AMG SPEGIA! A9�ESSM�k�Y� �iIJ . I �l�$ � — ! PA'YA�LE 20i $�hl� HA,LF P�41�MENT �T�B °�EaG � e��, • >'-^`evi.� �..r r�',?sn.;T r.: a"n;r, i0 AVOID PEWA L TY PFY 6P1 OR 6EFC7R�: d]GTOBE R 15, 2{i i 6 l�olal Pr�yicny T,K f�� ,�078 5640 �09 Prpp�Pty� !d �emher: Ft I khb-4'i,-4521210 � � 2ntl Nfllf Tu !{r]er�ul5k $420.Od Bill ij�p$r; 2iJBT4 a =' pc�]Ih,r _ �.; _ IQ Numi�pr; 25183 �nd HaFf TOu11 Aanaunl Dup =�" AINk Ri$5-Ot0-45a91i1 M1}A![� �i{€CJLi Fa.4YA8ZF {� 11fA�''� TO: ��� p�se�rt .r Havea� � , '�4Yi�dH Cowe[y �SIaC�SYf;T'�asurlr ��� 16 Secantl 51ree� N'�'. . Fuorn 23tiY �i Buttaln, MW 5���i�-9 f94 � � i '� ]� otpw��[i��iFMd[far+�r�PkasteMCl,In�st+o.o.arvG J� I.�I�tirLEL $ F�ttTHLEcN R. �RQSLI� U shnwxim chaiiy��+4he hackal Ihio $I�b. �03 �INE 5T M�C7h�TIC�LLc7 MN 5535�•Q571 w�+u•:•MN.a.,�.e+,m,.�,�w:..�,..+ac�-Ma..ww.a.a�.r �.�,�.�... ��Y�BL� �pi� 'l�� H�41�F �"�A1fME�1T STU� -:., erh�T�Bd[n Cr r�;x.rarEKEwrr�ai�VCNrt,awrin�cCi2VaTiGw fi[3 i4V4Jd PENALtY PRY C]W OFk @�FDRE� h1AY 15�, 201� r��l Fnapa�y Taxior r'+'J16 �.gy�.q� �`r4R4fty ID Numher. F! 1',�-t}10-053�20 19C FPB1F iar A.mout4t $iZ�J!J] �� Bili Numb�F: 2062d1 �n��, x x I d NWmhssr: 251$3 1 si Hal� Ta� ArnvUnt �ue �"� MP# Fi155�QiQ�#5211Q � ;�� AQ - �41lC F{AE L 8 KA.T�ILE'EN p F R�i�LJE 1�13 PIh�E ST MON71�.�LLO hFN 55•362-6S7t AicE CkEC�tS PAYIVSLE & A�d,4�L T0; �" �� ROh�Er'L J Wirvala �,n r 'Nf�yhl �RJf71}` A,dtlilUr!�rCas+lrCr � � ��1 Ser.o� Scree� W.4Y Roam 230 :� e�Ra�� r�N55ats-stsa �� r� �II f'�ur sytlnYU R9� r.�enper Fdeasb tni9bi �t•�c dox an� ~� sY.rar Ih4 CM1aryv an Iht bsek oP Ta�. y9,�, �w�e.o.ay:wak,.�+a m�t,.�..a�„�:.rt�..�o....��.o.R.�.,d.r.���ro.��,. �bTY �F lv�i�7NTI��LL J ��A i� �1 � �Q.�'�+J,�,LNUT ST �TE 1 Robert J. Hiiv�l�a Wri�ht +��unty Au�d�t�r / �re�s�rer �,�ri�ht � �,;�r,,'y� `;�vearr,m��t C�'enfer 10 �nCf �tr��f �l,'�Y. IRc7oi7� 2;3�] $ufi�lr�, h�1�J 55� I 3� 195 Pl��ne= f763J 6$��1518 FA�G: �7{��J b�2�T873 �M�hf�`I��LLO. nn�,' �53�2-���1 NC��'IGE c7� LATE RE,�L ��TAT� TA�]tE� PR�P�R�Y IG� �`: R 15�-�1�-C�S�]Q� L��al D���ripti�ar�: See�-1 1 Tvw�-121 R�r�c�e ��,� �RI�IhI�L �LAT M�NTI�C�LLC� Blc��k-���� TH PR�'�F LT'1G�E� C.{�M �lE C�7f� Ta� `?�c�r: �Ol � Bill�ng Dat�: Jwne �, 2(}1$ D�c�r Pr���£;y� Ovwner�T��cpcay��r; -" � � � , � �- �. :� 1 I �= �:, , ���� ��ar r�c�rd� indicat� y�� ht��e recentl� ��qr��r�d pr�p�ri�r ar� Wri�ht �o�;nty_ Tf�� re�l estaf� tr�x li�t sh�ov�rs th� �C18 t�x�� r�er��.�ir� ��n��aid �n t�i5 pr�p�rty, The fir�t h�if �c�x ura� dU� C�r1 Nic�y 15, 2�18. �#��uld 1�i� l�e an c�versi��rt, av� �!��uc��r# you v���ld ���reciat� t�ris r�rr�inder_ Mi�rnesol�a Statut� requir�s ���n�al�y �n r�ll Ic�t� ���rrn�nt�, T�e arrrour�t +r�r're� ��cardin�� tn the pr���rt�r �I��sifi��tic�n t�ne� t�f� r�r�t� pc���, Tt�e tot�i prnc��;nt I��t�d k��l�w, pF�s �ny additic�r:c�l pena�ty� th�t will �e c��ded *I�,� fx�st �f �s��h ��nth, mus� b� ��ic� r� corr��:f =t�i� I��� �a}�rr��n�, 14rrto�nt �ue Totad Amount []ue �hroug#� June �i�, �{�18; Tax � 5p�tial Pe�t�ft�y Tr�tt�l Du� _ As��ssm�r�ts e *�li��.�00 0 $8.1� $F10.��6 Fpr updC�t�� p�ayrne�it ams���t�, t�x str�temerrt5. �nc� ��n�ral inform�ti�n c�bout yc�ur prc�p�rty tax��, �r�sit Gh� 1Nri�ht �c��!nty w��3if�. '�w5.v.���.°:�.�ri�t�T_rrir�,us ,�� a�c�ss th� ir���rrr�`ion. �li�k �rr Pr�p�erty Tc�� �e�r�.h o�'�d f�llc�+� the dir��ti�r�s. The w��sit� is �c�dc�`��I d�r1y thr��r�h�ut th�e y��r- �l�c�s� �c�nt��t th� ��+,rric�t�i �o�°nty� Tre�surer's ��fi�� �� 763-68�-7�7r or 763-�8��7�84, if yt�u haue �rry c�ue5fion�, ��ake p�yrn�nt pt�yc�ble and rn��l t�e W�i�ht �nun#� �r�c�sur�r 1� �"� Sr, N�' Raa�rr-r �3D �uf�c�l�, M�;� .�5313 �,r�`�' �-� Rr�b�n J Hi�Mala R� �*`rk:dti •9f r_..-yyJNTY'A�JCe�4`Pr�TdEEdSJRF�a = x[�s � y-w�O �rr�CET r� kv �oo�� 73C ° a°a�1�r�o.r��ss9v;���aa � � � �r53-cB -'5i2 ar :�33-6Rd�?Sii �rsb �wnro.wogh�rrnug Properry Ior1; Rys�r01G-d5�9o2 .��_ � 2�J1T �'alucs #�,r 7�xes Pay�lyle irr �� � V � �+1r�.L�,ES 8� CLR:S$IFI�ATION .�em! ir� hi'arch �077 ___ TdkPS Fa abl -Y6�P, 2p17 �$�8 ESLm314Qldar.._,}iai.�c ?ih4 7.1�J t�i?J IrtpravrmentrExUup�+} Hamtcm.pr� E�cluHon � T9F:.ildeMarkrl"v'n:.ry i.lfi7 7 ;{d� New imprpvgr,�rr,�.. E•�+rcd EulaHnns �P�M��.e��ca�ran� r_cMM C�MM �axpayerJohturnbar: F518& PR�F'�$EQTA)G MICPa?sEL $ p4�7HLEEH A FF2p$LI� �'_"��' S6nFa'i Fsbuem�gr�{}jy }41$ RINE ST � Prp�wtl Tax� ��.OQ MOlJTI�ELL�} hiFf SS362-$§T�1 �t�p PROPE�CTY 7,{1� STATE�.1�yT Frsi.narr rswps � x�.,� +� $e�CdMc�heH iaxas 7{�.{Q �� F¢vi iaxey � a �n 21}SS �CH N R�FUNaS? ��� r,�;,���ybee�rg;C�e�:arc,rreCuevendu�arr�'t:r,;,'�i�:�Qn. �rr�P �� a, c.:.�r r.. h„rr� t3x�. � ,. 'srs4F�i tr TBX Taati��Y;MrYrar 20t3 9P19 . `. $tdigl7i�ni� 1 UYQU�6amo�rse�FW:9nk1iPF�drsarJ you e�e ei�e ror � nc�mw�a crean �arand � � .. tf �f R4�.]l °,�.� li 1h5 h8a ii 4hC[Y.T��� YfIJ �W$ �,�$b�7',�'�I li%BS.4hQ @f@+1PI !16}h{E � PFap;rlyAgbmss�. �� 2Ua6�htsearw�r�Ii4M1Fqrm4llPRea i+4 � yo4 am elr�a�� �.'� n�Recud �tvntl I ; Pm�a1y p�cnPEion: : £�n-�1 P�xr'7' ay�,ar4:5iailGiatial.iT M�taTl".E�_�9 ��-„�F2 TH aM CF LT10Cf 3 CCR4 NE':CR i1 SLYa"9f'T Y49 55Lr Tb x� i:v Tn P-2Gr' S Cf sana g�H- ria NL.� /1 G sAf�LV W�`w $d hw4Y �7EE i.� ELY Al{: N��Y LIY CF L' =0.'S} 1�'j@ gtK $�c�lal A:sk96a�-+�cra1 F]�aF�.tla..r�. 3. Ya�rprOr�fi�u�.es Enlara G'�9dls � t".RA7d31hiLfF44Ed;'OJSpr:�PCR+l�3$E k �+�'w.-�A�lural antl n�l �g�}tl ��e�i.s B 6Narundl$ 5�. Properey li�rs al�hrr easEi�# d [:a.mFy � a� CNy sr Trr+.n ��ITx aF �I�TIC6_LU I 8 SieYla�eners�7a� � �j 9�;chos�flbincl I�I A VtrleraRPrcwrtl�9y�L y d.' fltl�r4�p�Pieux+� * ' i 1�J .�i�eoal Tas�n� [yy� k I�MTI xiF;,S i g � � _ � � - ��n-scn�iwr,�*a�.ea�,r�naaieVKs 1� TW�II P"+'P��!'iay 6a�On1 r9s�s"rl �s�aa..cmMSs 73, Gpecial Ai�aeemenu urg Y4NtProf�NY Ser Let� to•grayWawr t�r y�p�rdl 0.s�eaamaryls + Spc��l At,54v+�r�l Tcails �'�� 7oa44� Pa0.Q0 2{Nb�6 .5629 t*W �71�5 C9.9i G504 $i.2B I �.2`3 1.5 T5 Is8+4 2ry�j i A� l:x} 348.00 2p+1 $A _6.0_ . 1�. YQUR TUTAI PROPERFy iAX AN68P�['J,qLAS�'C56MENL3 �@.�� ��� P�4�'.A�L� ��0i$ �ND HALF PA'�PJiENT �TIJB -:':��: ��-d•'�.lS YB.::::SIEL^E1T�tia{IN 1�".i`. I>vl'Is,VA."iCJ: TD ASI�p REk1;L LTY �kY [�hp 4R BEF[iR�' [f�7U@ER 19.... �G�1 B xo931 P�pgr(y igx !�r 2q 9$ �p{.pFy Rropurtylb�Nm��er: R I§$-p117��5710�' 2ndHiI��T3kAktNauns ij.lp�:�p �m ;s� Bill Nurnbar: Zdi�22 v�e�lry � ,' i 16 Numho-r. 251B3 2fltl Hult Toial Am6Ue17 dun ��- 4-b MP* a155-Og0-0$3170 �,dA�,� CFffC1[S �PAYA9L� 8 M1f,4lZ 7C�: F� �� Roi�cri-J Hlrvaia try '+V�ylhL C:tuiily �utl�kX7'P�r�9suter r�� � o.Se�ane Srre�l N.iVs�., Room 23w} $ r ��a10. l,dN 5531'3-1194 i � ; -s 11}'Pll�b�"ei4'�i4r,�'.�n�,yq�i5![h�}�Y{h�}bqAiAd ~� h�IC Hn�� � p4p,aH�EE�I a FR OSLI E � i��r Ihe �han�pp an g�s hack c•' i7� y�u�, 1�3 PIN�E ST #.1C1NTI;,'ELL{3 h+1h� 953fi�-@571 s�s�a..,a�.ruw�.,.��..�s.,«w"..�.�vn,a�*.eeda.a.+w..�,a PA�`i'AE3L� 2�1$ 1ST H'ALF P,4'(MEGV� �T�.1B Fk"'"`�`�� f-� I:��ffhF\T-s� IYo�ll .5�—i�.iOFNLiT/;y{ —' T�,qwpd PEIu,SLTY FAY €lN QR $�€�6RE: MAY id,. t�i6 7olal Prope�ey Tax�iry�018 �20d pj p�p�ftylQMurn�bqr; Flf5g�G10.#����� ig�}{�ylTTexA+la4ufll Sia2QQ c � h� 6ill� WurnbgF: i'Ug2? i � R�:rr71h} . � _ 14 NUFlSher. 2�J1$3 1 Fd HB�� 18x km0U11 [5u� "�� MPik R15i-69CI=a5211� �w4 A}AM� M9�t�A�EL & KATH��EN A FRp�LIE 1p3 PI"J� ST M+.�hrTI��LLJ hi1N 553fi2-egT1 C'kECICS 1°AYABL� 8 AOAIz 7U; wx m Ro+6�4fF J Hiivbla �, �. �- 4`h�7hL Ci:.,nly G�iy�?p^7fkesur�r m �, �'.4 Seran4 Sbe�l "V V4.. Raonn 2�C] } x Etdtara. MN Ss3 t v-1 7fha � s x �, ❑Ify;uraaXirc.sshasU„vpetlRkasachae4.ln�:iba..tard A� al�xA�� Iht charqk �.9 I�e tack M 1n�� 9�u�. .. M.,.na _�,. nw...�.� ... �,a.a �t:..d.� �,2+. 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MI� 55362=8��1 .�:' ,a , .'r�� �,.� � F � .. � . , `a1'i."IEs��7C71�:; �.�PJ ���I'f � ���i�} 5�'.—a�'�I A+I�jr �3, 2(li� �roJ�act N�: �nvoiC� Nc�; F��lar,atir�r� As��sl�r��� F�e4�ted t� �vwntawr� FR��er���c�prn�nt GIL A�cet # �13.4fi301 _4319`90 �i�+ �tafi� Fteviewer - ,lNm Thar�s Prof�s�ionai ��rvdces frorrr A�r91 Q7. 201 S ta Ar�rfl 3�6. 2��8 Hnurs Fiate RrCf, B�ent �i12f���$ 1.� 97_�p Rvcum�nta#k€an Revievrl�rvje�ct disc�ssionlPa�c�l dcac�arr�entation Roli, Brent 4��'�Q1�S 1_5� 97'_{}0 Dacurnen# revi.ewlerr��il nrgsnix�livrti�Pr4�e�! dis�ussEc�n Rptf, B�en# 4I4i,�p��i 5 �l] �7.{�Q Pa�rcel Review��Par�ei !C�arstac�lFoider S�tuplPafcel dvcumentsdl�ocur€��ntativn disc�ss'sc�n Rr�lf, B�e�S 415f;�Q1s _�5 97_4{� PrGje�k �isCu�Sl�rn ��aY€, ��ent 419l�{l19 _5�i 9i_� P�fc.�a C�ntactlProject discussinn F�r�l'i, Br�n# d��(]�+°2{l18 .5{] 97.�� #�ef�rra� review Rol�, �rent �l1112[i19 .�� 97.00 �r�J��t pi�cu�siorti Roli, �rer�t 4f1�.��tl1� _75 97.OD Pr�sject i�is�ussianJF�eloca#ic�n revi�vr R�IY, Brerlt 4,�'i7f�'C�18 2.�5 97,�C� Pa�rcel ContactlGomparable S��rc�t�fVotes Updale i�alf, Brent 4l19f�[li� _25 97".i}{} �a�c�l (:vnta�ct �0�, �f�Fl� �{��.�'7i�7� _i� ��_QQ �'7�C�E� �4ftl��C �ohf, E3rerrt 4J����Ci18 .�Q '97.4�1 �are�l Gont�ct R�If, Br�nt 4J��4�2Di�i _25 97_0� P�rce1 �nt�ct �tafi, B�ent df�51�Q1� 1,�� 57.0� ��rce1 reuiew�rnc�vir�g el�ir� Rulf, B�rent 4J���?fli� �e�� �7.OU �ocurr�erat F�evwe+�?Ipar�l rc�ntac#ref�rr�l s�ear�#� F�+pl[, Brent 4I�7f2D18 1_75 97.€l� P�rcel �C�ni��Mr�vrF�g CC�St5lpr�p��l di5CUS5i(�n Fi�ff, Bren# �3l3�f2098 2.�00� 9T,i�0 P�r��l �n� L��S� Rewiewl�'ra�ject [3i,s�W��e�snJparcel oc�r�k�ct �•.�� a �-, n o•���=., t ,,�wf n-,a,�� . �Q�+;� �Gi+4rSunua' �n��a�'a�ka p w.ttkr�y� Ciiir, 1�5.�i0 �85,�[J 24 _25 4�_�C �B_�f3 24 ,25 72_7� ,21�_2� 2�3,�5 ��_�� +��_ 5�U �4,�5 9i.�} �18_�S 169_75 � �4,�D Pr�ajeG# �-��Q96�-40i1 Mt7CJT -��I�atic�n Assi�tan� F��9�t�;d �o Inv�ice � Rolf, Penn� ���+'201$ �7� 153_DO 1��.25 Discus�d project wJBrerrt, i��d a�arF fr+�m Mi�hell� frorn �c�in� in Style re: a ne+� spaaa they ���nd ar�d set up an appt ��if, Penn+y �3l4f2Q7� 4_2� 163_DC� 6�2,7� �hor�� CaElS t4 t�n3n�5, 'wM4rk f7n Ifiov� estimates, prepared �Ove �SGm�te s�xre�d�hee# �nd e--mail to Jim a# the ELiA, c211 +a,�JMi�helle Froa5li� r�; r���he�ul�d appt� Pvssibd+� relocation ben�fit,� F�olf, �e�ny 4f�f'�'0�8 .�U 163�fS�i ��II �nrilF� �+1id�eEle af �a�ng in Style r�: se�r�inc� �I�i�a, ��nd daim inf�r f��IF, F�enny 4ff�J2�01� �.SU 1��,0�0 Researched antique �ealers ir� th� are�, �Il��d f� bcrolh refer�als, 2 c�lls wI�CF�ris 4�Vd�e�a�r, e�m�i1 to Michelle �win� re, relo queskions �olf� Renny �l9J2�1� 1.5(1 i�3.0� Cal9s orr space� f�r �r�tique d��lers - prep'd �nd sen[ 4ut r�ferral I�:tters Rolf, �en�y 4,+10J2i�1� ,�� 1�i3,C�0 ��II wr,'��n�:nl - Anr� Swvanson �- �-maa� to Bren#, revi�ewed ten�n[ info Rolf, P�:nr��y 4f1112018 :7� ifi�.QQ Review fi!e infc� on tenants, �iscuss pr�ject sta#t�s v�+lRrent, arganize fi4es Rolf, P�nny 4f1212�1� �_2� 163,0[� �h+ltg wlh�lichef�e ��r�g -�r��ng in 5l�rle - ui�wed �urr�nt and new sit�5 - dis�Ws�d relo be�neftiis f��lf, P�nny 4f1612iJ18 1�� 16�_DC9 �C�I! +�rJrQ+�vneF �ar�d �-m211 to .fim at �bA re; tenant le�se th�k v�+as missed �nd �ettin� tor�#;�t�t info, �-fTi�ll5 U1+�i4filE�'1�IIE E1A+If'll� f�'; �II�, ki�Ml$�t�u. !"'����PC�I$i� I'fI�V'Ifl� Ci)., �-fflal�5 t(} .�1�7} ��ISP�S ��: �1'9'D1+'�$ {i�t� f�r sslan �nd nv�+r�ers Ftolf, Per��r�r 4fiTl�f�18 .75 163.�D4 Bethany Frasli� - pnir�2ed �ut referr�ls. B�inker -�-rrr�ils �wJ�rent, call wAisting agentf€�r Mi+chelle E+�ving ($�I�nj - sent Uniform,+��t pages Rolf, P�r�r�y 4f1�1�Q1� �,25 163_4�i file wvrka c�lls �nd �a-maiks wJB�eth Froslie, calls and :�e[ up �ppts wfrns��rin� �ornpsroi+es, sent referrals tc� bethany �roslie. call wf Sket�en Hj�lrrlel�l�d - terla�t from a4ntiq�es stor+e not IC]'d frpm �p�rn�r, �r���r�d �nd sent �aut Noiic� of Eli�. and �0 d�y d�tter, e�rn�il5 and �Ils wfconstru�ti€�n csantr�e;tor Ralf, Penny Calls tc� Cit}� and Ewing�s re 4f � Jf20� 1� 1.0� 163.4(} �ermi#, +�uor4cing l#r�rr�selv�s Rblf, ��nny 41�{}l�0�� .75 lNork on i�'r�s, dis�u���d w+��Bren�, c:all vr�l�nants Rolf, �'�nny �41��D1� 1,�5 bisauss rel�acatior� status vrdBrenl -�nrk on r�loratic�n �ile� Rolf, Pe�ny 4d��3l2{li� ��II w�ia�rers �T Guing In Skyl� I�olf, Pe�ny 4d�;�2Q�i$ 7� 1, 25 16�,CJ� 1�3,O�D ��6�,C1� 1fi3,00 �-m�ils wJBrir�ker and his renkal ager�t, �prepa��d �nc�ve s�cape $nd �� rri8il�d #0 r�'s�,�t3r� �n�1 t�n:�nt R�If, P�nr�y 4d2�1��11 � �",50 "f�r3°04 Revie+�r e�t_ f�r new c�ar�Sr,�uCtion foF s�l�3r�. rf�tg Vwfo�vrt�ts and m[�vers c�n site = Rolf, Penn� 4J27l2C11F� 1.015 1��.p{} F�e�ri�w�� �nst_ estirr�aies, ca�lls t� oawner and contra�ct�r. �all wJBrer�t re: J�me� 1'�5ung elig. b�'ief�ts $1 _5C7 4�7_50 2A�4,50 17�.;�$ 122,2� 52��7� 2L13.7�r 1 �2.25 �2�_75 "f 6�.4� rt 22.25 2[�3.�'S 122.25 2rJ3.75 �40�7'.�� t 63.0{i Prajec� F�-070�6�•C��O Mf�f�7 - R�Rocation Ass�si�r��e Related #cr fnv��ce � Rc�lf, Penny 4��{��2U19 �,�5 1��.Oi? 36�_7� Rec'd cankra�#o�r �st„ r�r��w�d and r�s.ponded by e-m�il, �afl wfsal�rr� kenant, call sn+l�rent r�: .�ames Your�g �Gaim and PP" m�s�e estimates T��afs 51.�10� 6,'943,50 �ota! 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Staf� �a°S G l�'� ge Printin�, �t�1er �f�at�1 �xpe�rses Prt�ject Su�tm�ryr Tc�t�1 Budge� Sa19�c� �s� Peri�ci �ill� Pre��iaus Fi�d�et I�err��inin� N�r#hlan� S�c�riki�s, i�+E� ifour� f�ate �3,]:�bE� �d&.�C� �r180 '�2,�;U_41i} 16e50 �Z,�it3�t3D �.�� St1. U[� �C�,��1 �t}-(�i} $�.J7�f,(k� $ �,��41,I�11 ���,9i L1,0[}� ($2.71,:i_E�D) r 3,73�.UU �age � �f � Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 1:28 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Northland Securities Inv# 5312 $2,970.00 Julie, this is okay. Please code to: 213-46301-431990 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 11:14 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: Northland Securities Inv# 5312 $2,970.00 Jim Attached is Inv# 5312 from Northland Securities. Okay to pay $2,970.00 for TIF 1-40? Please provide coding. If possible please return by end of day Tuesday; I'd like to include in the check run Wednesday. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us f'aii' 4)f -:��; �''�'�l�l������ Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. L�r . �E�VT`�C}�I �8� �e��.r 6�ive � Fol�y MN `�63�'�3 � i��*Ol 9�5:9-�i147 ���d��r� �� �, r�� �3 �° i ;� � t �:;; C'it�� ,-�€� ;��carrti�:�.11�.F ,fyrt3 f`h����s �ca;.� ��'��1�7��k titr�el .�'I�?nti�i'lla�, ��N 5;^�;;d�'�� I.�'�:tn�.tc•tiu� Ur►tc il��e L)atc +�r�+�unl Eit�l���c� r�i F� �d��°s} � Irli'a11i.� f]idi�,'i� Ct+,,:,'kt� ti'_'�4:1_(7t} �i'=,[i.€lt� 11 -- ���!��a.ta�s ������ F:�?,�l�l �:ttte�er�t��c l.��il�i�in - �c:itt���t�r���i�riL — �_ C'i� rs-cnt t-�o l���w•� f'��t Dt��F � �s).€1c1 ;3i-�,rx [3��}� 'sii�� 1��1�' �C)_fil� �i�-c�+D Ll���s ��hS� ��lli'. � f.}. 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June 19, �01$ 11_5� AAr1 To: A P �ul�jec#: Fur�d� Your r�s�er+��ti�n reque�st_ Jun 27 thrr�ugh �9 -�JRB�J.��m #73�857 Plef�se s�e beleaa�,s- "l��l�t�jiks. J�hr, 4lp3xoff �a; ����—.�-ti^c:lf. � t'. �>..—�t:�'-1`_,�;C � . . _ .. � _. : . _ - - ._. _....�.:_ ._, - .'_ _ ,; - :- ---------- F�j���ar�clecl ni��sa�,� ---------- �'ron�: Fle.ntc�n ��on�omic F�rtn�r�hi� ��7�Cl�il�ll'{;iylld)Ell���}1YdT3l'B"�]1��J�µ���iT��III.L'.C?[�7 l��ite_ �l�u. Ju�l 14, ?U l� al I 1_�?`? :�1:'� 5�ak��e�.t; �°r���; Yc�ur ����r�°atic�n r���t�c�t: Jun �'7 th,r����h ��� � �'1�I�C)_�.�ara1 #?�Ci�57 T'o; .�irtl'I�h�rt�� £�jin1.�}�iaa-i:�'�i`�:i.iZ���ttti�.�Il��_�Z�r1.���:=� I�ere is tli�: �a�'r�r�n� oni�armati��� fra�7i ��'�t�3C) ir� c��e �91}�o�e ��ants tu s�� �l_ Thartik�' 9r�'ttrx V�hr�f , � .-.�'. _. �+�•,-_;�:1�-���a�% � _ ._:."_r +' "'_�__'�. _.._,_. . _ ,.�..�o�.a _a_�.:G� ._- ._ ..:'�.: ����: 'sG"- _ '__L`.i_ :,�i. 9�_ =__"'. ... v��..85_.,.,� G.5^S�i; 1 __,�------ f���r���ar�i��l mess���� ------�--- F"rc�m; �{.��;�� Hr�chms�y�r ��encicr ��..�������a���s.finm�����a��.c+�rr�� I�at�e; 1���c�. h�1�r� ��, ?()� � at 8,3� F1��I Suk��ect: R�: �'o��r r���rt�•�ti�n �cqu��t; .1�n ?7 ihr�u�h ?� - �'R,�(�.�orrt #73Eifi�7 Tv: Jc�trn L1ph�it ;-Y?�I1CC1T1�C0l7CPtTliC �ii[1li.:i`�,ill�[f'��aiiael.+�cim� � � �e�r s��F�r� Up��ff, i��t��ls o� yr�ur u�c�ming r�s�eru�tian 1 — °�. Frvp�rty Ft�serv�ti�r� IC� C�at�es �u��ts �C}+�rn�r na�� #73685� H,�-��[�Ca,JG �lun �7-29, �D1�, � nights � �tiulls, (} chil�dr€�n Kat}� kis�c�rr�ayr Yc�ur #��a�king requ�st I�as be�rt �ccepted! I��v� ��n�'Irm�d y�ur r�serva#ion at rr��r pr�p2rty fcr� J�n �'r. ��018 - Jurt ��. �[�1$ Yc�ur �aym,�nt ha� t�e�n pr�c��se+� and wdill a�p�ar as Pt1Y"W(�A+IEAL'V�,� �rn ��ur �a�r�k �t�#�m�er�t. I will ��n� }�o� a�e��e-��� �c�r�firm�#i[�n t�r y�ip�r �m�il sF�[�rtl�. In tlxe me�ntirr��. �I��se �et rne kr��vr if yo� h��+e �r�� [�u���i�ns. Th�r�ks f�r b�c�kir�g — hope y�u h�ue � grea4 st�y� K�#�+ Hc��hrnayr F�r up�f�-d�te �rap��rty �r�d c�nt�ct ir�f[�rrnati[�n, visit f�ly Tri�s - a�:tail� �'i�+� #rip c��tail� � P'�ymer�t ��que�ts: �st F�ayment C'e,1 . �wra��'s �an��ll�ti�an F'olicy: P�i� ��nC�led b��rk�rs�� will r�ot r�cei+�� � r�fu�n�. i��r�: payrr�-��nt� will a�p��r a� P�4�'*H€��IE�.L��,l' �an y�a�r �t�tem�nt. 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St�t, ��3T,A.41?- (fi?'C�Eu� PubEic N��v�.e w��s priaCed a�d pu9� lish��i �rs sasd ncw�spap�Ff s} nnce �taCh a��ek, ft�� l s�cccssi��c +�ek{s}; �hc �3r;1 ins�,rtinn hein¢ €�n �36,`!4}2L�1�3 �tnd the �a�t in�rrti�n �ein� �+n {lb!]��?Q18. 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C�aVEh. thai IYrfa CHy Ct34:ncil ;1bso "C.t]CCtiCiI"j ef Ikre C,ty qi AAansicall�, M��n�9S�- �. wr;ll hcald g i�ut;�i� hearirg C+� M�sndaY, Juni+ 25_$01d, ai app�n3lt� ir�at�lW �i:3C pem.. in Ch+g Ciry Hall Gour.C�l C�ar:�ees, rclx���fl� to the prc�oog�.(i estgblivhme�tk pf Fax Inc�m�nl' Far�grs;irg s']ist+s�;. N4, r-sC wit�rm th� �entral MonkiCellts R�dPvJ�pm�nk Pr�7ject Na. 1. � 1d CII� prC�7vsad �sl�bli3hmeni of 4Fxa Tax I+�C��t Finar3Ci�� f la�= r�- lati*x� C4 T�x Inc�amc�k ��nc�.��i� aistrict -VCa, 1-d{] all p�rsuSn; tn $�ic i� a�-..cDr#�n��? v.°ith h1-nr+e3as& sr�v�s. s�n❑�� as�.oay tr,ro�r� 46�.6��7, bath inGi�g�v�, as amend- � a�d r�irvnasara S+at�,es, � t,a^�s a69.o� :hr�iug�l sG9.tc+31. t�o1h� ,hGlus�we, as err�r§�]ed. s�nd M nr�sa�� S�tutes, �we-rl�qn 4s9.17a ihrr,wg�+ A6�.1 rs�4, bvrn inclusiam, �S amended (cc�ti��uee�y, the "Ac1"}� CC37�er. af the �rro4�.� Tsix kncz�Er�ti# Fin�r�ing Phan wi� tye cn '�le and �4��1�b�e ior �ubl:c ir�pecticr. a# tltet ��ce af the Ciiy Cle�'x at City �3N, The P�F�'l ir�Glu+de£1 wilrin C�kr2i ManCicsllo F��':'�lop- rn8n4 Prole�t Wo. 1 is desGr4ed in iire �6aue�s]P�r,en; PrSyr3m 4n ?ile in kFin a�tiG� oP me Ciiy Ge� The F�Perly 1C� t�e Itrcl�e� wiSl'.�n �he �raprrssd T�1x Ir�r�rr�n1 F°:ttartCi�� Clistrict `Jo, 1�'] � descrihod n 1�� Ts�x 1r�.rom�nk F�'��ir.cinq Flan b� II'e In ihs �ffiC� �' ihe C;tp� Clm�lc, Th,� p�urr�ries o� C�tral h��r?ti� �vlla R�+eablG�ttie�i. Prolecl IV�_ 1�n�j the propo�t] r�lx Increma�E F•n�rr�iec� �istr�k No, 7 �1C a� sk�ow� :n the adja�iu*n1 t`3-dp, All Iniefested psrs�xls ensV �� pea� �q th� h�arir.g �r� p�reserl thoir views �811�y ar iR w+di�'�g pr`oF t� t�cx 15�rirti� 1{l City =1�11� 5'J'� S�'AI- n�t Str�c[. Monki�lln, 47h 5��, ��` Q�IdE� QF TkE GITY �i]JN- Cll 1�} Je�rnile: Schr�i�r, �it� Cferk Pu�IssM5�9d �n 6tse Mon acalk] T+'ne5 JLrm 14, 2d�18 91 f,1�73 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 1:31 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: ECM Inv# 606063 $129.22 Julie, this is fine to pay. Please code to: 213-46301-434990 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, June 18, 2018 11:16 AM To: Jennifer Schreiber; Jim Thares Subject: ECM Inv# 606063 $129.22 Jennifer & Jim Attached is ECM Inv# 608063 for an ad for TIF 1-40. I wasn't sure who should approve. Okay to pay $129.22? Please provide coding. Thanks, JuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.Cheney@ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us f'aii' 4)f -:��; �''�'�l�l������ Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. r x Julie C��ne i�►� �I ���m: �ull��y� Prc�per€y M�nag�ment �m�if�rr���age�ui�dinc�,�orr�> S�r�t: Monday, 1u�� 11, ,��18 3:18 AM To: p��p Sul��ec�, �ea�e st��emen# f�r e��a�davay� Paiking E�s�ment -�C�h+1MERCIAL -� as c�f 6,�1 �J��18 � Bulls�ye �r�per#�� 9�+1�n�ge.ment PI: E��:i� �(3 ]�i�:: I:)O T�CI'l 1��1'L1" CC) Tli]`� Z;�1��.11_ .��I)]?R�:�S TliiS cit�a:l rr��;;��c ek���.; s�.r3� i�r�as�i ;i nutilitiat�a�i:-s,ail4 ;3�iclrrs� ih�i canar��[ ���cc,pl inE�r�iin� �c�r�,il L+���� st�t�m�iit �� c�f' ��1� 11�� 1� �ity �fi M�r�tic�ll�o Ec�nvmi� [�eveloprn��t P�u#h�rit�r �5 Lak� �t ��rit+� 5�0 �i� L2��e, �� 5�3(�� N��m� Payrn��t �omnnon Area i��+laint�nan� Pa�+rr��nt ��rR-rmarr �r�� I�dlairrt�r�ance �'ayrx�ent �omrr�c�� F�r�:� Nl�inten�n�+� �arrsm�on Ar�a lu'l�inten�nc� A���a�n# #; ��7�E}��1� Amo�r�t ($7�1,�6�) �1��.6� ��12�.�i�l) {�1 �1,�0} ���1.�0 ��}.�� �1�1,60 ���1_6�0 E3a��n�e due�: �'I �1.60 l� � '�' �1 P����r�en� i� �iu� k��� i�,�e ?�[h �f thc. m�r��Y�_ .�� �'�, �L.���; �1 � i � � � � t��3s�n�r�� �•�}ur �c�coun� c�nlin�: htt�olfkaull�e��r�rop�rti��.m�na�;+�i��i��io�.c�a�, i3t�il�e}�� f'rc��ertk�� 1�1�na��n��en# �6;-����b��� �dii��r��cz;k�u�lse��e�] l,�c�m 7 �����I��li��� �AT�: Jun� 1�, �I}1$ i�: 1�lie Chene}�, Fir��n[e ,4�sistant FI�OM: Jirtw Th�re�, �t��vrnic �evelc�pm�ent f�+kan�ger SU �aEi:T: Rel���ti�r� Be�efit �fairr�s under t#�e �I�i��rrn Reloca#ion Assistance Act — Coing Nn �tyle TFr�re ar� two R�I�s+r_ati�r� ��ne�it �:lairr+ pa�kets atta�ehed. N h�ve ��v��wved tl�e claims prepar�d by Ch� ��?� ca97sult�nt, Penny Roli,'J�S� � Assc�ciat�s, J�i�, Ti��y ar� in €�rder �n� it i5 fin� to �aro�eed �ith ��yment of th� claims f�l�ase r�s�tat� #�e �mounfs and th�e pufp�ses �s �I�fin�d in the �over s�e�t or7 the cl7eck s�ut� tf�.�l tt�� Ciky ke�e�s #�r its re�c�rd dc��urrw�nt�ti�sn. Arnount �f Pa_y_mer�t � �,���.o� �iz,���_�5 $ 8, � 5�l , J�l �3�,236.7� T��al f'ayment, P�yee �n�l Purpase Surnm�ry ��Y2� Pu�p�s5� Ev+�ir�g'� �ring In 5tyl�e Movin� C��ts #2 �leratage Cc�nst:, �C�rn�anies Movii�g C�sts �3 ki�erstd�e C�nst, Cc�rnpanies Bu5_ fde-�5t3bli�hrnent Th,e Crding far tFr� er�tifie am�unt a5 t� b� det�rmir�ed by +Nayrre �nd1�r �arah as it is related to �nd �imila r t� the rece�t ,pr���rty ��quisiti�rr� �c��r� pleted by the E[�A If �r�u I�ave �ny q�estior�5, let me know. Th�r�k y�u. �.�-�� � � . �- ��}'� �:� r��. �l� �� �� �� �'�--_�°� ?� �� � ` ��� Julie �h�r�e From: �en�: To: Su6�jecl: ,Atta[hmer+ts: aiP'n Th�r�s Tues�d�y. 1ur�e 'C9, ��1 � 1C}���1 AM lulie Cher�gy Frc�sli+e F'rc�pert�+ - l0� Pin� S�reet -#telocation 8�n�fit Cl�irns Mer�t� #Z Re ftelocatic�n Benefi4 �lairr�s.doe� Julie, plea��e see at#�ehed Plrlerr�t� #� f�,r �ioEn� In Styl� r�lpe�tirt�rt_ Still waiting an th� sign pff fc�rrns fr��ri P�nr�y. V►�'ill farw�rd tc� y�u when [ re��iv� th�m. ���������� DATE: June 1$, 2�18 T�D: Julie C��eney, Finan[e �lssist�n� FRUM: Jirr� Th�res, E[��7o�rnic G�evela�r�r��t l�llartager 5UB1E�T; R�I�t�t�[�rti Benefit Claims und�� �he Uniforrr� F��lo�c�#��� Assista�c+� At# — J�rn�s �Q�a��ti�n Yaung Ther� are tv,�� Relp��tiqn B�nefit cEairrM ��ckets att�cl���. I h�ue ��uie+�vetl th� elaims prepared by the �[�A c�s�rs�ultant, Brent Rolf,''�5� & AsS��i�te5, In�. �hey are in arder and it E5 fine t� pr���ed with paym�nC �f the Ci�irTt�, Payment and Purpc��e �umrr��ry Ar�r�uln# of Pavrnent Pa�ee Purp�se $�4�411.8f AAA f�lo+�e�rs� Inc. �1r�win�, �q�l� $ 1�6C}_3i __ James C�uentin Your�� F�usir��ss R�-Establi�hment �4,57i.1T iotal T�f� �odir�� for tl�e entire amc�unt is to be c�eterrriirre�d by VtiP�yn,� a�d/of �ar�h as kt i� rel�ted t� �nd simi��r to the r�cent praper�y acqu�siti�rss ��mpf�ted by the �C.IA, If you ha�+� any qu�slicrns, I�t ene knqtiv_ T1���lk yc�u. � �. L r-�-'i � �� . ` �'� � �;�� � �/' L_ r'` � � I � , �� j�- � ` '� � OC�u �n� [�a s 05�9 ��9�4 P� e$ 5; James Uu�r�lin Ya�ng �ifi�r of �41�ntic�li� fV�C��#�NG ���TS � � +�p�rra�rr: s ���c aFvm�rfy ��rer nr�wr .. � Re�idenco C] A�I, �]�vice � Gov�rnrr�err# ❑�Yther FP � 9�sdn�ss 0 Farrn � Nan-Pro�ix �Akdvar��e ❑ P�rt�al !�Fin�l U�st. �. P, Parcel �.S Pro; I� F�o �o �ount+y Wr�,��,t ,4,�r�uisi4ion. p Pend1r�g � Acc�pi2�! C] crr� Dom�sin F'ar��l �tianer� rr�sr� L� ca���„i Jam�s+C�uenii�w Y��ng F'arcel A��i�r tc�� Pinc S�teet �ity'. ;�k�te Zlp. MQi�kacell�. 4SN �.53�� FiEL�CATION C�,A�NI ELMCsIBlLITY C],xplacee Nar�eR.sj. J�meS Quentin Yr,�n; — DGcu��n�y Q�ase �4Ftb�a �Ilglblllty a��� �p��ZCl2��8 (NJOI�i6 7f hCe:.il :r Pwcnase ;}N.rr= C� O�vrner L�] Tenan# A[:quiSi[rOrt I��tG: �3�15?20�;3 tir Oekerrc�red eic� 'F'9r+,l.n�}-} �U�i'fll�?$� �if'f'I�un� �s �IstflCi .Ll��fpv�l Ager�cy Apprs�w�k ��„rwb� C�ate A.pplicat�on Approv�d: 11en�dor hl�.: �:kth. Finarr�e: �'all Ct1oCk To: � Ar�Jr�s���(�`i AAA h�aa�ers Ir�c IM�rlinr� A�dr 8��1 �3rar�kl��n Blvd �4.41 � .86 � �ipy, �#a�e ,�lp: B��s�lyn P�rk, h,4�k �54d5-13�1 Lt�1�71�M P'ERS�NAL P'RO?EM�'YY !41{�V€Cr TO � ��Ciliiy fk°�r�a � �79'f�'I}F I ��'E'. �'I ���i(�Id) Mfl �I�S �i34'�f �:fe�t ,�IddF��� 307 JaCkSQlt +�uer�Ue. �iklle 2A �,�y, �tal� z�p: F�k R-V�r. h49U 55334 ��. Da�e(5} oF th�e �rlaVe� E3eg�-� [�6�t171�[�18 Er�d. Per�d��rg I IV2R�e r�# !wl�v�[�5�� !�',�, f�au�rs, Ir�c ... _ _ . _ _v ._ .. - _ � FdROFFiCIjSL. USE {?NLY {cherk onef . MC}VING GC7�T t�F�TkQI�; ❑ Re��Cen��al �c�-�d�ale Basss F F2ec�i�rt's,'Actua=CQ�i �] Nan-��s�dential Bi�'Es;�rnate Re�iq��ICy C2f�IffCatl�Y Fe��2:��Y 1�4 F2Qlll'4� ".€�l�i[i��l�en aP r�cgrl�nC'K S93luS �'Icas� �heck the r.s��gory or �.�n�5�ete Ihe �e�4r,pn hrflirN lhat appl�es �c� yC� or y�our o[GUj�7nCy 5k�tus in 9n� U�4Hed Siat�5 Y��,�a si�rf.alute c:ansa�tu@�s �e�1�c,�ti51+� i c�ri+fy lhai I am � 3 u�k�ztt�5 c�r F��[it�rsal 01 the I,Jnr1e� �12icts. ta� I PUrtMer cerl.�Fy in�i ir.�r�e are p�rs�ns �� �ray ho,,��eF�old Icn,�k anel ❑ an a±ien. la�rf�rlly �rresiiit� rn Ihe United �isie5, c�r lh2t are Ciiizer..� �7F nalibn�3� cf �he U�i?F�1 Si�Res ❑ 2i5 3fi�h wilh �rSaRal �rppBRy 13�u1'sy �#e5ent in. �r.tl are �I�ens ��wfursy Rrc��enl �ry 1a,e U��Eed 5la�r�� 1h� �lcv�k�ed S1�[E5 St71e F�r��rl���+r,�hio ! Ce�lify thal ! arn 6� ��1� ;'�r3 :it�tt� citi�er � 3n ah�� I�w�uliy �f�Sen1 m kk+� �n�tp�i S��k� � a Un.���y �Ca1+�s nasicsn�al ��,rion-SJ S CotiZ�l n01 P���Bfll in tFu� l�n�t2d'��8E�5 Pdrlot�rshio I rertiFy 1h�1 ",��ere �t� �;artner� in thwe p�r9nefRhip �ric� ll`�: � dr� GkiLeP�s t�t lhe§ lsmled StaieS. d�],4f aae al��ng lavr��lly presen! ��rr Ih8 Un�9E� Slakrs and ��re n4n•Li.� Cilizens nas pre5�nR +n [ht+ 4�Y+ded Stal�es ��r r� gP tic765 I r@ftiFy 1ha! i5 BSk�bIiS�led t�y law and dulh�FiZL� lb,:ant�uc3 busir�S9 In th& tJrl-ted �f31�8 Claeman[ A�kn�lg�����a�t I. 1fs�� un�Jersigned 46 h�r��y r,��,Fy 111�t tPie ab�ve iraEorcr,�iii�rl rs I�ue an� c�rr�Gi an�j Ch�t �tluCURl�r�lalfp�� alt��Gh�etl h�teit5 acr.ural2fy i��r�s�nls �1-�itle exp�nses i slso Ceri�•fYi!?�l I]`i�y�� nai yasvieusly suF�m,itke6l n�ir P��e:ved paymenS For an�y �:xp�nie suhmiCn� w�ih �n�s �ia�r� C}FF6C1A� USE C}NILY: ri;vmm�rsl ,�,xnClbGf�2ed --- — � I� f1i��u r� r+l�m@ CPF,n1i :��-� �#k�. ����4�i SJ V}� T�I�phon�. `���� �F.��►� [�ate: rs �� hbY=ny C:tistn Mov+r-g �ast� I�a�e � cf 2 RL]fii�� ': �417+".h9 It�:�f[}I�:tiTI��'�`In��in�C'os[s It�stTe�ctinrn� �'or �uh���lti��;��our �laii�� Il�c �*[ri3a,' S4�iI iLIISl55 r��icdeni�al e�toa�t�tg 4:Xj�4if,�s au ;s dis�,l,-��:d IIi�Ei+i�ival rwr Fs9mil} h.i�:cl ,rn ��[k��r �s kf)�)"�•1 �( lfl�;l1�:��.1; �rr etkrn6ur,�ni�a�t I��if +'�i'��l�r1i, C'f)� I� in�'tlff:[I. rl+tiilisrl�trsc 3�fu still �S[` �i5�kc�1 [[e sel�ll Ihr s7r4�l1e7c1 �iicss[ suil�5�,1� tca rtsue �t4.wti.�. irVl I}l1�7"��4T, {'nPlci�ll a1n�$ Ihor�Mu�,hlv tli�ru�� ���vin� �a�1i[Fnx art�l ��clilu�l±� r��iih � r�l€ae�iinri sr�l+�isur ��ri�1r If7 inm�in�. I ht �[;ile C�eine�iti rL�imhlil';4 +nu Ci3t zin} al[��riEir�n txha�h ITl:ix' ic,ti�[iva[� ;� t�rtint im�ic,s�custi�f�. I h: ,���n�x� ttill9 lii'�1 �.�irrs�i�l�r, jrsG�: rsr F4".il}7�5;_fvL` liir i7k L'f11�77�; 4'IIiLfL�4`5�_ k�:%tic�?L Ifl �ffi�f�'41�4'.'1' 31�lfiiI11711\ i�i4 tItLL"iT1Y1d'j�gj �Y$f(MI'pfll4111�. F'lk° 1FI� �j;�lw s]I� h�SII1ss�.�FLs. Ya��ai�ei�t� I�}� l��aowu :�ctrerJule �=fL��lf [�51� �4.S�Sutl. �tziw iri.cn[ ay wcri7lptpS�c1 o�t Illi I�ILllllhif 91I f[1i519}k Y¢} }i1,lf YLtiI{�L'fhL�. �:44'II.li4�'4� l5j j.�'�y44`e'LI i�s7tiCf`', �blkf�Fl�'.4� �}i1719Fft!i_ �1s`11�1F{511��Illti, t0}7��'4�4y'�}°,y, cntrxnres itr �.n} �o�l'iirn�shtd rnrriiis. � F��a�men� ma}� �e �aitsiilerc�l �mw rnnn� un���s ii fta� he�n �,4P;ur;�lyd 1cal� li��ahlc rn�wr��;: ��ai:ih ��e �ic,iennrrr�,�r e�:irtis�tit}l� fc}(:�rtt,. 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"�i�iti�iii� ��p�ai�es a4611 bc p:tis� uE�t�il k41'ill�]II�P1C4 �4'I�j7 �IFIti �QIII}4t11S�; I11+fCUL'LJ{}Ilti. + �. ��'�'l4'E1 +.1ryLl. i]fC 17YLS'4'�4I Fik` �j �'j[S3j{;��;;liYl1's1I ITI474'711� 1:i5[I14'};'IT$��. �i35" ��I�` LfI.i1Y�',c� illl{j i5�}I;71?i A i�4��6t1c.J. iltraiir.�tl rcxer�rlrci h:ll fp4ilfi�l`l� ��E':lll� Ill �'LI�.f" i§f5�'� �.1�:,114:�[� �ik 'sl l.4}Ili�5ii114 Yi`�1C�!.LfIL2�l4c.. �'I4i3ti� l`lMll�ll'17�1 cI1LIYI�lY11��� 44'Ik}1 ,1 E��:I+]i'JSIli99 r°4�i'e�isafr R�ra��r sca Rhe �»+.7+`�;. 2, If 1't�ur �aca�iona�E' �rr�7�rCf1x IS I1rCpwC�l 47i :;I�mc{rnc s}thcr ih�n �t rf�xl���i.lirn�Y m�r3�in� c[smp�n)�. k�ll Inu� �uh�nil �n if�rni}4t.1 �1�1[4:�1t4C�9 shtax�ia�� IhC nurrak�:r ui' �u�rle hire:ci. ii�e r�e�ti, r�r h+��rr pai�, e��l,:i, �urd llic 1c�1i1� FIC4llf7 Y\C1PIi4.'LI �41i cGCIi IIIiILi 1L�44ilI r71613 kfi4� 4'4�411�]C11iIIL LIS4'f�. I"le�s4 +]iscuss th15 �u4[lival s4iah t'ei��r k�14}[:tkiott lt�t=isC�r �xi�ir iti ansf+�.'��g .i91s1 111cuirin�; c�:penw�s. ?. Ysav muyl �i�n1�G�9� kht k+uslv�1i ptsrticsn t�l IMi�. f'rpnk t�i' Usis �C'I�ini I'�,7nn �1q Ink. rLiC�C.�I tu Ilie sa€i�in;tl �91� IhiS I�C�r�tl 311 rlc�uirt�l ilnf�7�11[Fn �x.Fk�1111iit�, !aa xapue rrxit��°;lnJ nl:lll 1ri llic @�elc�c�si«n f�tlti�i�ur �httuu ��� ip6c Ic��kir It� �uflt�lr c5sl [ps� IF[PfIL CPj l�kl:ti'Jil�ll � lit lkac �rcnl ti�r,a ai.ft tii7an�ivllk unahlr f4a �a',k} Ih[ nli7b�l�k ca�rn�3r�x, k�t'�i;il 74IT8n��111cnRti o�s��v h� ����9� aa•�111 117t F�iIK�'l"ilCldllf ��114'14�7� �{7 i4IIl}54 i�ll�4'4.I �1:1\ f[7ifIL, RI! :LII :LIIs�,ii7�:�- �'�€�s ni�itl L9a�iroc. ��hi, nivat h�: �icu7c rs��.; in auJx��u��c� ��F t}rc nx�4�ink �xi4. hl[��l-f�F:till)H:I�"I'�A11 �°iuvin�* C'r�sts 1�.�;truitic��s fc�r submittit�� }��aur cl;�im Etiltf�:;�lic7n ft�uE;�li�ail� .'III{F45 �iau�in� 4xpwn545 lu v dtsrls���ci hu;�nc,�. i�ri7r to-F' ritrii-pr[yliL t}rp'.;�f1ir;lSllifl h;1*c'�J vli ;�k�ival �si;�; in4ulTc`�1 Ili rria.�sni� �fr�:rl1al �rGa�r1}' Ivf � c11�1�n..�. ndrt [tr rxcc�d i�M �nil�4 I fttix�����. rc�.ul�lii.fns ��[y a4ir[ �Slc}�a I�`rf da5cc5sis�inicn�°c4 �ahi�h m,4t' [FC4'ur ��Y I�ur �u�iru�:�c tlltl�' �S?:GL- �i4'1I11�lIi�L`I%7CEIL ��llf ��I�;IF6�� Ri4F4Cli€ i�1�L�Pi'll��� Sl I�L��c IOi;9i�4 41J1{7j� Gyl�l��li3Pi4°.4" i4�l.t�f IiY�. IL4IELp451f1,� IR�I.fl14SIA117Y. ��4tF°{l�ld"1'.�MT; �"�r�sult �n�l �hneo�r�l�l� �Jiw��i�ss muvdn� �ary[��ans �ncl b�lclhaxlx �°r•ifh i1 lrel+�ixi�iur� z��xiwur Erracrr tl� �flovrn�. I. �k�Iltill .L �'i7I1117}�°r'4'I,II I71.{`sl��r iw tiIT1�SIC}kc'ij, 1.FI�: f11i7�k II1L 4'i�'i��ti i1Pl' i4M hC �FiII�I ;'sn�J ,G J^.`I3�1��;� :LC��i�lscd 51al��ncirl irh�l,hi�a4'�! -�. Ir, Qt� 4YlIIL 5{}'vJ �r ish +c}t�r r��uI�YF �i11IlIuYi=c.s l4r maV,e lh� nw}s�� Il 15 �4yuir�J I.h�l }{Fu mhErts,+in �i �tilTl�?I�le eC4ur�E uE` iy�,le5, lifEt�: tiauPF�rd, auiil JIfI�L7llIILti �}Jlsj 1L} •,1�� �y4f;wei�S� �?f74�SL1':J.��}" �}i1LC1S:lf};lqlll� IJl �.h4� Mry}i14'l`, '����I.i4fy4cti FdSf [144" l7r 4"{�4FI�13�C�1I 4�44fSCiI }!l [:}]� FFU�4195�tiS IT'iii�' g}4� i�f�d}55 L'S� E}LLI titE;900 �'6 CI}fllpi3fil��i` Lf� ll�1i141L` fi5[cti 'L'Ii�:3C�,4'4I� f9h ��4iY� ?l'.l71eY� i�k'�fLL"IC'4 .1 }'L}ll ITI:7S ti�t'�i 1i} ;li,��E7� i�yyt. 945i5if' {�� �aa4[} � 1f �ti1FFlli1[C\ iiif +llc}�ti�idl� iR�� r5� }{}LLf �I�P111f1:,1� �4�1}�}4�f�1. F�'f4`."ti l''Cltil 4SLII�711iL14`� 4k1II I.14'. i5�11:tIf7L'CC F�j' �IS� d�;L�i\ i111S8 �,1Fi:�l'f};`�;� �{} �.'[}4Y i]'� :LII I1�l�lilll. ��'�I�Il 1�71ti r4ry�j�'I�l.Fi�. IlL" dilll�f Illi14'111� l'41;j� {j{5t'9117K`.C14cII4i}fY 1� IItL"4�ti�7'4 ' -�. i'�Fu, aar�ext tiucr�pl�e�: i�,� h�wt�i�n� pc7r�it��r crf sls� frea�oA n! ah�: (�I;�inl I�;lrnr i�r irtk. :�LL'J4I1 I�r thE ur��+�i�,l uF iliie. l[�nti, :�I I r4����iTbc1 in9or�rr��oe�cs p4.��oni�i� lss �trur mt}4�� t�ia� niail [c� sli�: l�til4�ca��e,ro .trJv���ror sho3an �sn ilr� li*.� �r �cl�t c�tntcr s.in tlt�: k'r+uwq nl'sllls I�irrlri. � �7� 7�"4'1!l'_k' S4'lII f1i71 ;;e,-n+icia•r, �w��� ar �ti�S,�aM�r�e �iir esti�.eel im4 C'hrFf�',�ti 4:\4'0.j}f Il�I �171if�,',�11�4' iII�,I�Siliillti.. ;.�*� {�t•?��'I111iliL� i?1� L��I�C �if;C97t:k �ya9ilFl�LIi1 ]11.iYi :l��.dY t14 i3II{?ti4s{j I45 �pEt' L�S511�f �.}J :I {�J�ipI�.7{4'� f11.l�lfll"�S L31f E:LfITl C�F}l°3:Id1Ff �1}�;t�:[9k7� ft75{7;ji1�1�L` L1�1cIi�L'� IIl 4_'iLfifllT��' �ilf iL YL`.j1�;]tiif77�f11 ti�IIL', Ilf.a1 IL} l'.+.�:cl[� `�;.�i�f] j}[j �4��''7 �\�}4',°l+cti II1:Lk Ifl��l;�{,�(�� If4t11'+�?4tfl�llirll 4�iast:� iLi'[EJ:1� I�il!'Y�., {j7p{N 4'�f13111 {pCfYll' c�'i�1ETl.ti�!`s ��%II:LIf3� 117ti14�1'1:41 lii tiL'i5:tif1'118�', t�. � i�L1itY�ct�. �'�fllrl4il tilil�l111il�iL {i'� �ci7f�C�llf1�;, �k�7;:17t4"� IlillxS :74i..Y1!}'I['iA114 ll7t 4'I<LE191- . � ' ' _ � A V I�ffirrn tha�. 1t+ lfti�: �e�t �or rny knt�wled��. �II p�r��anally yincau�ing �,II haz�rdou� and envi��r�men#�Ily ser,sitiv� rriatarials suc�r �S bakleries, tires� Paints, sofver�tS��S�Gti�3�e�� f�rttilizer�. fluoresc�nl Ii��OtS, et h�v� be�en � will be �e:m�ss�ed f�Gr�i k��e �a�,[;el ��:� -� .a�a'i�s�� -� ����� � I dr� her�by affirrn thal. tt� k�e be�k of my knowuledge, dis�lBCe� +S �li�+ble �or reimtrursement af $ligi�le Nl�+�ing ��sC's, b�sed �rr displ�ee's siak,�s and a�ccupa�x�y of Cri� �parcel 3i the rin�� af Eh� iFriti�t�on of r�et�o�aaeiaars �aitidFr�r ak 1he �irne +�� the p.arc�ls �i;c�ui�ili�ri I�i:rther aF�irm thai rii�pB��ee qvalifies as a"daspiaeed per�orr", are� is �niitled ta payrneni fr�r �4tual r��,sor�aolr� and ne���s,�r�y r57�vin�p and related expens�s fp� � resi �nlr�l e�r non- r�sidenkF�i rrMtive P49� C�R Pl. 24�� �s i++��C�i else re on ihis fprrn. : � . .. ,� .--:. �� � � - .��� - �.� - Atekieal�Pn AO�.�x S�na4ura � []a6c MPvm� C[�sts Page � of 2 i�t143� �,AA Movers, f;re. F1r��kfy�r� Parkp P�tr�f sa445-�301 #i�4�1 I3ro�klyr� I�lud 6ill T� ?�r,�es [�+utnti�l Ypun� 5�udiu� ] iJ3 PinC SSfEes �i4rsi�llea, 4f; d 3$�62 �v(IIf�Eij ��LCS D9&Cf�pbbn ��V�ICf� InvpiGe �BGe- fnvpi��F: F31�.+�ry18 7G13g Ship tr�+��f�55 Ja`nrs C�uenk�P Y�e�urig 5t19di�+x 3C�? !ac&sc,n 5tree� �IV: R[t��:.,�v1'V, SS33IS Llrslted Slates P.0 h4urnb�er� 1`erms [)Ue ��16� R9� 434'97 6J7+�418 Cb� Pecc�ioU3 L�e�Su Latwr Tusal Lrt�ca] f�nJl VaJuc In�u��ca {]rigi� f 1�gti.ry�tiolt F� Small buh �tedaaarn bt�x Larg� box [.erge rr,i.eor box Speed Yatl€� Paper Pad� �bund�cs af2SJ r��: Snrvica Fce - 3°�`0 [:,�uv C3+ch;agl� AlPrr��,, f�cmelraus liarri�. h���. Ca1��En �i4xrn, �[an1r�8 E�iaElic �lentt�pin C'vunt5+ ,�,aJ�s Taxes Fhone # 6V2•588•6b$s` H�ur�ty IRaRe 9_2 S -:�U.A4 x�5�J_40 Y 57: Si1 243_�14 Q.Sd l e$t1 1,7E 3,48 2.54 32.�� �.�o 136.8� �,S��Sfo T+�t� I Payf1'te r"ItS�C �ei�lt5 Ba�ance Due ➢raj��t: ,4�m0u n# -S�.0 0 3,33f]a0� I i7.5{1 242.�t1 L 0.08'1' 15.p(�T 8.9�JT Fb3.iJ�#T 25.UU7" ���.���r �4,���r 136,8� a � ,�s 5�,� ] 9 86 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 19, 2018 TO: Julie Cheney, Finance Assistan# FROM: Jim Thares, Etonomic De�elopment Manager SUBJEC7: Relocation Benefit Claims under the Uniform RelQcation Assistante Act — Bethany Froslie There are two Reiocation Benefit claim packets attached. I have re�iewed the claims prepared by the EDA consultant, Brertt Rolf, WSB & Associates, Inc. They are in Qrder and it is fine ta proceed with payment of the claims. Payrnent and Purpose 5umm�ry Amount o# Pavment _ pa ee Puruvse $ 725.00 Bethany Froslie Moving Costs 15 666.00 Bethar� Froslie Rent Su lement $16,391.U0 Total The Coding for the entire amount is to be determined by Wayne and/or Sarah as it is related ta and similar to the recent property acquisitions completed by the EDA. If you have any questions, let me knaw. Thank you. �' � � , �-I �' � :.� :�. , t i �- ! , j ` j ` } c .� i � -� � - � ,�~ MOVING COSTS **lm�ortant: SubmitPromptlyAfterMove'"* OcCupanCY {DaYs� � Residence ❑ Ad. Device ❑ Government ❑ Other PP OS$9 �?90 ❑ Business 0 Farm ❑ Non-Profit ❑Advance ❑Aartial ��inaf Submitted Pa ee s: Bethany FrosCie Amount $ $725 pp District Approval: Oale Dist. S.P.� Parcei Agency Approval: Proj date Application °at� C.S. 117 Annrnv�ri� Fecf No. County Wriqht Vendor No.: Acqutsition: ❑ Pending � Accepted � Em. Domain Attn. Finance: Parcel Owner: �na�i cneck To; �Name or capt�onk Michae! and Kathleen Froslie Addressee(S): Bethan Froslie Parcel Addr.: �iO3 Pine Street Maifing Addr.: 2t17 E. Riv�r Street City, State Zip: Monticelio, MN 55362 City, State Zip: Monticeila, MN 55363 RELOCATION CLAIM ELIGfBILITY LOCATION PERSQNAI. PROPERTY MOVED TO Displacee Facility Name Name(s): 8ethany Fraslie andlor Type: Rental home Occupancy C3ate: 2010 ❑ Owner �+ Tenant Aequisiti�n Street Address: 207 E. River Street Eligibility D�te: 02/�012018 �atP 3-15-18 (Notvice pf Intent or Purchase Ofter) (if detarmined, else "Pending") City, State Zip: Monticello, MN 55362 Nam� vf b7te(s} of the Move: Begin: 6-1-18 End: 6-25-18 Mover(s): Self-Move FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY {check anef MOVtNG C05T OPTION: � R�sidential 5checiule Basis ❑ Receipt'slActual Cast ❑ Non-Residential BidlEstirnate Residency Certificatipn� Federal iaw requires certificatipn of residency status. Please check ihe cafegary or complete the section below that applies to you ar your pccupancy status in the Unitecf States. Your signature corsstitutes certificatior�. I certify that I am: ❑ a cstizen or nationaE of the United States, or I further certify that there are persons �n my householci; �check ane� Q an alien lawfully present in the United States, or thak are citizens or natianals of the United States, � an alien with personal property lawfully present in the and are aliens lawfully present in the United $tates. United States Sole Proprietorship: I certify that I am: ❑ a llnfted States citizen ❑ an alien lawfully present in the United States ❑ a United States national ❑ a nan-U.S. citlzen not present in the United States P_artnerShiA: I ce�tify that there are partners in th2 partnership antf tftat are Gitizens of the Un'rted States, and/or are aliens law{ully present in the United States, and are non U.S. Citizens not present in the United States. Corporatiora: I certi#y ihat is established pursuant to S#ate law and is authorizecf to conduct busfness in the United States. Ciaimant AcknowledgemenT: 1, the undersigned, do hereby certity that the above informatian is true and carrecY and that documentatfon attached hereto accurately represents eligible expenses. I also certify that I have not previously subrnitted nor received payment for any expense submitted with this claim. OFFICIAL USE ONLY: (Comments3 Authorized Signature; Nam� (print): � Telephone: Date: See Over for Instructions and Personaf Aroperty Acknowledgment Mo�ing Costs Page 1 af 2 RL1032 5f19fZ018 RESiDENTIAL Moving Costs Instr�ctions for submitting your clai�n The State will allo� residcntial moving zxpenses ta a displaced individual or family based csn either a ROOM 5C}�rI�UL.F_, or reimburseinent for flC�I`UAL COSTS incurred. As a displa�ce vc�u �k�i[l be as�:�:d to Select tt�e m�thod n1osF suitable to F�o�ar neods. IMPOIZTANT: Consult and thoraughly discuss moving opt�ons and methods with a relocatian advisor �rior to moving. "I'hr Stat� cannot reimburse y�u for ai�y alteration tivhich may constitucc: a h+��ne improvement. The 11gen�y will noE consider, pay c�r reimburse for a�ertinie charges, exccpt in emerbenc. situa[icros as determined beforehand �iy t��e State ot Mini��sota. Payments by Room Scheduie Under this method, payment is camputed on tiie nurnber of ro�ms in ��our residence, exetusive �f cypicai elpsets, porehes, pantries, bathrc�oms, i�alf�vaps. entrances or an�t unFurnished rooms. A basement rnay be considered �ne rc�om unless it has �een separated into livab�e rpoms such as hedrooms c�r recreation rooms. Outbuild'snQs used far stora e ur oses ma� also 6e counted bv the room basis, The Occu ant Provides Furnikure The Occupant boes Not Provide Furniture Rooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S Additional Rooms Raams 1 Additional Roorns Amount $575 725 925 1125 1325 1525 1725 1925 $2751Each Amount $450 $1001Each Pa,yments bV l2eceipt or Actual Cosf Under this method, the State tna�� allow reimbursement for reasonabt� and necessary (as determined b}� the agency) expanses i�rcurred in rn�ving your personal propertv fc,r a distance not to exceed �0 rniles. This is not an adjustment for inaonveniences ��hich have occurred or for time ]ost at vour regular occupation. Mot ing e�per�ses 4vill be �aic� upon compliance tirith the Folla�ti•rng instru�iions. I. ��'hcn }�ou ar� n�c�ved by a pa��fessior�al moving com�any, p�ry the chargc;s and c�htain a d�tailed. itemizeci rec�:ipted bill marketl "Paid in Full" and signed by a company re�resent�tive. Piease cantirm ely�ibiiity w��ith a Relocatit�a Advisor priar t�� the move. 2. If your personal property is m��Fed by som�ane c�thcr than a prof�;ssional moving c�rnrany, you must stit�mit an itemized statement showin� the number of peo�le hireci, the rates �zr haur paid_ dates, aod thc total hours �tiorkeci for caeh individual and the equipment used. Please discuss tl7is mcthod 4tiith vour Relocatic7n Advisor �ri�r to mcsving and incurrin� expenscs. 3. You n�ust complete the bottom portion of' the front �f this Clai�rn Form in ink. Attach to the original of' this farm all required infbrmatic�n gertainin� to ��our move and mail ta tt�e Relocatinn Advisor shtr�in on the lo�er left �.orner on the front at this form. 4. [n the cvent you arr linancially unatale to pay the movin� eompany, sp�.ci�l arrangeinec�ts ma�� be made 4vith the Relocation fldvisor to alle�w direct payrneni, or an advance pa� m�nt claim. "1'his must be done �+�cll in advan� e of the moving ctate. N�N-RESIDE�iTIA� Movin� Costs Instructions far sul�mitting your claim Relc7caiion re�ulations allo��+� il7ovin� cxpenses t� a d�s�laced business, farm or non-prt�i�t organizatic�n has�d on actuai costs incurred in m�ving personal pz-operty� f"or a distance not tn exceecl �0 miles. f lo���c:rer, re�ula�Tians clo nat allo�� fpr ine�r�veni�nces �v3�ich may occur or for business time lost, Rcimbuesement for clieible moving expenszs will be m�de upon compliance �+�ith the it311oti�.ing in�tructions. IN1PpRTANT: Consult and t�oroughly discuss rr�ovireg optians and ►nethnds wi#h a relocation advisar prior to moving. I. Whcn a commerci�] rnoves is employed, the rs�oving costs a�Y to be paid an� a de�ailed reccipted statement c�I�tained. 2. !n the evunt you �� ish yow- re�,ular employets to make the move, it is required that yau mzintait� a Gomplete record of tlates, time �vorked, and amounts paid to all persons physically participating i� �h�: €no�e. Char�es f�rr use �f equiprnent ow�rred by� the busiaess may be allowed t�ut shal] be� cora�parable to thosc rates charg�d b}� ]ocal r�ntal agerrci�es. 3. Ycti may elect to accept thc lat��er �t�two (2} estimates for moving al] of'yaur persanal property. These cost estiniates tivill be obtainc,d bv the agency and presented to you as �an option. With this method. no other movin� c�st documentatinn is nec�ssary. d� You must. completc the bottom partion of' t�e fro�nt of' ti�is Claim Form in ink. Attach tn th� ariginal ot this form al] required inCormatior� p�rtaining to your move and mai] to the Relocation Ad��isor sho�a�n on [he lo�ver left corner on the frr�nt of this form. T�e agency �vill not consid�r, �ay or reimburse for avcrtime charges exeept in emergency situatioas, as deiermined by the agency. Pay�nent mav als� he allo��ed to ihe o+n�ner of a dis�laced business or farm c�perator for aetual reasanable expenses in searching far a replaccment site, noc ta exceed �2,�OO.dO. Such e�pense:s rnay ir�clude iransportation costs. actual time, and certain other expenses actuall} incurred in searching. A �etailed. cei-ziti�d statesnent of scarching expenses must accornpany ihe claim. � do her�by affirm that, to the best af my knowledge, displacee is eligible for reimbursement of eligible Moving Cosk's, based on displacee's statt�s and accupancy of the parcel ai the tirne of the initiation of negotiations andlor at the tirn� of the parcels acquisition. I further affirm t�at displacee qualifi�s as a"displaced person", and is entitled to payment ior actual, reasonable and necessary mo�ing and relafed expens�s for a residential or non-residential move (49 CFR Pt. 24), as indicated elsewhere on this form. Relocation Advisvr Signature Date I affirm that, to the best of my knowiedge, all personalty including all hazardous and environmentally sensitive materials such as batteries, tir�s, paints, solvents, insecticides, fertilizers, fluorescent lights, etc., has been / will be remoued from th� subject parcel. (uroie one) Displacee Signature Date ReEocation Advisor S+gnature Date Moving Costs Page 2 af 2 REPLACEMENT HOUSING SUPPLEMENT (See O�er For Housing Qccupancy Stendards and Determination of Claimed Supplernental Paym�r�ts) Qc�upancy (Days] 0<_89 ❑ 90-'179 �+>1$0 Pa ee s: Bethany Froslie ❑ Price Diff. ❑ Interest Diff. � Closing �+ Rent Supp. ❑ dwnPymt Dist. S.P. P�rcel �.5. �Ob i�0. Fed INo. Ccaun#y Wriqht AcquisitEorr. 0 Pending �Accepted ❑ Em. Domain Parcel Owner: �r�ame or caQtion� Michael and Kathl�en Fraslie Parcel Addr.: 103 Pine 5treet Citv, StatE MN 553fi2 RELOCATION CL.AIM ELIGIBILITY Dispiacee Name(s): Be#hany Froslie Occupancy date: 2010 0 Owner � Tenant Eligibiiity Date: 02/20/2018 Acquisition Date: 3-15-18 �Notice Of lntent or Purohase Oiterj (ii deiermined. else "Pending") Submitted Amount $ County Approval: Agency Appro�aL �ate Application Approued: Vendor Na.: Attn. Finan�e: Af[ail Che�k To: Addressee(s}: Bethany F �Advance ❑Partial �Final 15,666.OU �a�e �a�e Mailing Addr.: 207 E. RivEr Street City, St�te Zip: Mon#icello, MN 55362 LOCAT10N OF REPLAC�MENT DWELLING Facility fVame andlor Type: Rental Hame Street Addr�s5: 207 E. River 5treet City, State Zip: Moniicello. MN 55362 Cnmplefe ,4ppropriafe Supplemen# Sectlon on Reverse Side of This Form. [] Payment is claimed for the Purchase of a"q5&S° (Dec2nt, Safe artd Sanitary) Replacement Dwelling. (check one) � paymer�t is claimed fnr the Upgrade of a Replacernent Dwelling ta meet "DS&S° requirerr3ents. X Payment is claimed for the Rent of a"DS&S" (Decent, 5afe and Sanitary) Replacem�nt Dwelling. ❑ Payment is claimed for t�e Down Payment on the purchase of a"DS&5" Replacement Dweffing. � do hereby affirm that, ta the best of my knowledge, the displacee(s) are/is eligible for the submitted supplemental housing payment, as determined by siatus, occupancy and duration. The property served as the displacee's principle piace of resid�nce; 1) at ihe time vf and for at least 180 owner 190 Tenant days prior to the initiation of negofiations; or, if applicable 2} at the time of the parcels acquisition. � do also affirm that the displacee(s) have been or are being refacaked into hausing that, to the best af my knowledge, meets "'Decent, Safe and Sanitary•" housing r�quitements as established by local laws, codes, ordinances or customs. Sfgned: Reloca#ion Ad�jspr Date Displacee Residency Certification: I attest, under penalty of perjury, that myself and rny family, are lawful citizens of the Unifed 5tates, or aiiens lawfully admiited for residence in the Uniied States. Claimant Acknorrvledgement: I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above information is true and correct, and that any receipts or statemer�ts atEached here#o accurately r�epresent the expenses incurred. ! further certify that f have not submitted any other claim for reimbursement af, ar received payment far, any expense submitted with this claim. OFFICIAi USE ONLY: (Camments) Claimant Signature: Name (print): Telephone: Date: Fed Tax I.D. or Soc. 5ec. �Jo.: M�! State 7ax f.D. No.: See Over for Housing Standards and [7etermination of Certain Eligible Supplemental Payments Replacement Housing Supplement Page 1 of 2 RL1q34 6/1912D18 Replac�rr�ent Housing Supplement v.2006101 Stanc�ards far Decent, Safe and Sanitary Housing The term "decent, safe, and sanitary", or aS&5, means a dwelling that m��ts local housing and occupancy codes. However, any of the following standards that are not me# by locad code shal! apply, unless waived for good cause by the agency fundi�g the project. The dwelling shall� ('E) Con#arn-ss #o lacal ho�sing and occupancy cades, inciuding size, area and density of living space needed to accommoda#e the displacee or family unit, and occupancy of habitable sleeping rooms. Absent local cnde for suc� accammodations, the Agency shall evaluate each situation to determine ne�d. 5tandar�J Agency policy is "2-per-bedrodm", except that no ch;ldren of opposite� gender c�f age 12-years or plder at the tirne of displacement shall occupy the same sleeping room, (2} Is structurally �ound, weather-tight, in good repair and adequately maintained. (3) Has a safe electrical wiring system adequate far li�hting and other devices. (4) Has an adequate heating system capable of maintaining a 7Q°F. minimum temperature. (5) Has a kifchen ar�a with a fully functianing sink connecfed ta potal�le hot and coid water supplies and to a sewage draining sys#em. Has adequate space and utility service connections for a stoVe anc! refrigeratar. (6} Has a separate, ventiiated we[I lighted bathraam, providing privacy tn tF�e user, cor�taining a sink, toilet, and a bathtub os shawer stall, all in gofld working order and all properly connected to appropriate and funciioning water and sewage drainage systems (7) Contains unobstructed egress to safe, open space at ground level. (8) For a disabled displac�d person, dwelling is 6arrier free and can accommodate their use FOR O�FICIAL USE ONLY Repiacement Fiousing CLQSING andlor INCIDENTAL EXPENSES A. Legal, cfasing and related �osts including title search, escrow agent/closer fees, required notary fees, preparing conveyance instruments, suru�ys, plat drawir�gs, and tiEle recording fees............ $ B. Horne Inspection Fees, Certificatian of 5tructural Soundness, etc ................................................ � C. OwneC's Titls PoliCy ........................ (refmbursement limited to cost based on comparable dweliing price] $ D. Other ............................................................. (limils may apply; verify eligibility wikh Relocatior� Ad�isor) $ Eliqible FinanCinq Refated EXpenses (based on pre-existing financing of Displacement Dwelling; other limits may apply) E. Lenders Application 1 Commifinent fees ......................................................................................... $ F. Lenders, FHA or VA appraisaa fees ................................................................................................ $ G. Loan Origina#ion/Points or assumptipn fee (based on kotal principle pay-off(s} of pre-existing financing) $ H. Credit RepQr# ................................................................................................................. ................ � I. Mortgage recording #ees ................................................................................................................ $ J. Lender'S Title Policy ...............(limited to cost based on total principle pay-off(s) of pre-existing financing) $ K, Other Mortg. Tax-�335.86 + Int. Differential ofi $12,173.71=$12,5�9.57 ............................................ {limits may apply, �erify eligibifi#y with Relocation Advisor) $ TOTAL Efigible ESTIMATED or ACTUAL Cfosing and/or Incidental Expenses : ....................................................$ Less: Previous Claim(s) Advanced to Closing (85°/a) —oru Amaunt To Withhold frorn Advance Claim (15°fa): .... < > Plus: Oiher eligible ACTUAL Glosing or Incidentaf Expenses POC and not subject to ad�ance withholding:......$ Total Reimbursement Submitted This C[airfl .....,...$ FOR OFFICIAL USE pNLY DOWN PAYiIIlEIVT CC?MRUTATION A. Maximum Housing Supplement Determination .......................................................... $ B. Actual Purchase Price of the Replacement Dwelling .................................................. $ C. ELIGIBLE DOWN PAYMENT GLAIMED ......................... (Lesser of "A" or "B" abave —or— minimum $5,25D) $ (R� FOR OFFICfAL USE ONLY RENT SUPPLEMENT COMPUTATION A. Base Monkhly Rent of Prime Camparable Replacement Rental, including Utilities : ..................... ..$ �t�:' �C. Imo. ...................... B. Base Monthly Rent af Actual Re{aiacement Dwelling Occupied, including U#ilities: .$ �,3�� d��,�; Imo. .... . .... .. .. . . ......... . . . .. . . .. . ... . ...... Lesser of A. or B. above:........ $ �a%"; i;�_. Imca. C. Base Monthly Rent of 5ubject dwelling incl. Utilities (or 30% of Monthly incarne): ..... �$ '�;`=_ _"'-� Imo.> (If Owner-Occupied, use Economic Rent) TOiAL ELfGEBLE RENT SUPPLEMENT* ("�" from lesser of "A" or "B", x 42 mos.) ........... $ 373.04 X 42= $ 15,668.40 (R} *If SupplemenY exceec4s $5,250.{10, payments may be by installments. Less 1`ot�l Previo�s lnst�llments Paid: < > Less Supplement Inskallment this Claim: < p> Supplement Balance after th�is Cfaim: ;;�=..a.;r� qr; F2eplacement Housing 5upplement Page 2 of 2 RL1034 6/15/2018 Julie Cheney From: Sent:. To: Subject: Attachments: Jim Thares Tuesday, June 19, 2018 9:49 AM Julie Cheney Froslie Property - 103 Pine Street - Relocation Benefit Clairn Memo Re Reiocation Benefi# Claims.docx; Moving Claim - B. Froslie.docx; RHS Claim - Rent Supplement - B. Froslie - Final.dac Julie, see attached Relacation Bene#it claims. Also, note Penny Rolf's request that checks be held for picic up by Penny. Please hold these checks once they care processed and ! wil! prck them up on Jun� 28`^. 1 wi!! deJrver them ta her th�ri day and verify she's moved out befare giving her these check�. PunE�y t;oif Right �fi tf�Jay Graup, f��9anager P(7�3i 231-4868 � IV1 {�,12j 3�i(7-131A 1J'v�8 R,��scc ��� i� `es�i� F1v�a�ue South. SuitE 3�]�;� !�t�li�7n���olfs, MN 5aQ1� .q,.,. I�Y�.7R� �S� �� �—_ _ � .,� ��'i'Y ra��R� � . cr`-7. .� ._.. �c rr �,S!77ertECY �tit� Y h G.ir �`dL�nt1-3! F�r7�;' � a� .�.r]C2 1 5�`�^i�� %Or r;r�� ;�c� rri hF, :-rr'r �gr,�, �a f ot; :3r.F r.;: ;r�r; ±�:rns.,t:B. plg�s� ,e1��� th�s �n�;arr fr�r�7 ;_; �3�N by unrnt�,Klec� r'e�:ipier�is �� strictiy p�ahrbit�d � � . ,=rv. _.: . .. r , lsi�7, , �-:h c:.�^ r _ � .. .-���i Frorn: Penny Rolf 5ent; Manday, June 18, 2018 5:1$ PM To: 7im Thares' <}im_,Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> 5ubje=t: Relocation Clairns -# 1 of 2 I have attached the relocation claims for Bethany Froslie for her mnving -$7Z5 and rent supplement -$15,666. Once I get signed claims, I will submit them far your files with the requireci docume�tation. This will get yau a number to put an the agenda. ! just received the dacumentation 1 need to review and �ut togeth�r the claim #or Gaing in Style. I will get that ta you early torr�orrow morning. MEMORANDUM DATf: June 18, 2f}18 TQ: Julie Cheney, Finance Assistant FRQM: Jim Thares, Econamic 17e�elopment I'Vlanager SU6IECT; Relacation Benefit Cfaims under the Unifarm Relocation Assistance Act - James Quentin Yaung There are two Relaca#ion 8enefit claim packets attathed. I have reviewed the claims prepared by the EDA cansultant, Brent R�o�f, WSB & Associates, Inc. They are in order and it is fine #o proceed with payment of the clairras. Payment anti Purpose Summary Amount of Pavment Payee Purpose $4,411.$6 AAA Movers, Inc. Moving Casts $ Z60.31 James Quentin You�� , Business Re-Establ�shment $4,572.17 Total The Coding for the entire arr�ount is to be determined by Wayne and/or Sarah as it �s redated to and similar to the recent property acquisitians ctsmplet�d by the EQA, If you have any questions, let me know. Thank you. _- _, . ,: � 'i � C � �- � - '��• `-f' ��f ��, r �� �/�/-��- City o# Monticeifa MOVING CUSTS " lmpor7ant: Suhmit Pramptfy Aiter Move " Occu anc Da s ❑ Residence ❑ Ad. De�ice ❑ Governmen# ❑ Other PP � d�$g ��9U � Business ❑ FarrYt C7 Non-�rofit ❑Advance ❑ Partial �+Fina! Pa ee s: James Quenlin Young DisT. S.P. C.S. Fed iVo. Acquisiti0n: C7 Pending Parcel Owner: [Name pr Caption) Jaf11E;5 Q -- F'arc�l_ -- Proj rD C�untY _._ =� Accep#ed Yo Vright � Em. Domain P3rc�l AcJdr : 103 Pine StreEt City, �tate Zi�7: Mont€cello, MN 55362 RELdCATION GLA1fVl ELIGIBILITY � Qisplacee � Name(s): James Quentin Ypung ___ �CGupat�Cy Date: D412013 ❑ Owner � Tenant Eligibility Date: (}212Ul26T8 Rcquisition Date: i73/i5/2018 (Plpsice Of inlent or Purchase Of(er) (if detarminetl, else'Pending"j S�bmitted Amount $ 160.3'f District Approval: ❑��e Agency Approval: Rulhoritatipn Oate Date ApplEcation Appro�eci: Vendpr No.: Rttn. Finance; Mai1 Ciieck Fo: F�ddress�e{sj: James Quentin Younq M3iiing Addr.: �33 Main Street, Apt 219 City, State Zip: �Ik River, MtV 5533� LOCA7lON PERSONA�. PROPERTY fVIOVED TO Faciiity Name andlor Type. Ar1 Stud€o in Elk River Street AddfeBs. 307 Jackson Avenue, 5uite 2A City, State Z'Fp: Elk Riuer, MN 5533D �ate(s} of tha Move: B�gin: 0&l01�2fl18 End: Pending__ Name af Mover(s): AAA Movers, I€�c. — —... __. � - . _ _ ___�.__ . — - --- ._----=- FOR OFFdCiAL iJSE ONLY �check onej � MOVING COST OPTION: ❑ R&sidenfial Schedule Basis ❑ Receipt"slActuai Cost ❑ Non-Residentia4 BidlEslimate _ --- -- . —_. _ _ _ _ ResidenCy CerkifiCation: Federal law requires CeRifiCation of residency status. PEe�se check ll�e catagory or cornplete the section be�ow that appl�es tq you or your occupancy status in th� Uniteci 5tat�es. Your signature constiiutes cert�fication. I cartiFy thal I am ❑ a cilizen or national of the Unii�ci 5tates, ar I Further certify that ihere are persons in my hausehold; {check onej ❑ an alien iawfully present in the United States, or that are cilizens or natiorsais af the United States, Q an alien with personal pro�erty lawfui;y pr�sent �n and are �liens lawfuliy present in t�e Unifad States the United 5tates Sale Proqriatorshio I certi{y that I am: e Un�t�d 5tates cfiiz�n ❑ an afien Iawfully present in the United States � a Ur�iCed States nat�onal ❑ a nor�-U-S- citizen not present in the Unitad States Partnership. } ceriify that 3here are partners in the partnership and t�rat are ciiEzens of 1he United States, and/or are aliens lawtully present in ihe United States, and are non-U,B. citizens not present in Ihe United States. CorQoration,' I certif}+ that , ___ __ is BstablishEd by law and auihorized to cqnduct busfness in the United Siates. Ctaimant Acknowledgement: I, the undersigned, do hereby certify thai the above information is irue and cprrect and that docum�ntation a;tached hereto accurately represents eligzble expenses. I alsa certi#y thai 1 hava not previously submitled nor received payrr�ert For any expense submitted with tfi#s claim. � OFFICEAL USE l7NLY; (Comments} � q��lhorized j� � j, � Signature: �„�fl,, _{ . J fi ���y...., Moving Cos[s Narr�e {p�;r,t): :h Telephone: �t(�3. �f?�! - ���_ [late: �v y�, q.�o �� Moving Cos[s Pa�e 1 of 2 R1.1032 v.20 s 7108 R[=,��1)FNTIAL Movin� Cosks Iqst�'uctioi�s i'or s��t�►nittin� yot�r cl��i�n I�hc State uill alii�sc rusidcnli��l m�+ving c.�p�Eitieti [d7 a dis�l<.ieed incli��i�lual ur f�zi���ly �ased on �ither ,i RC?t)i�( SC'�iF:[)lil.l: iir reimbtu'scnienl for ACl�llr�l. C'U51�5 ineurred. �ts a cli5��lac�c �uu ri ill be ��skiiJ lo Milect ih� nt�[hati nat�st suilerlsie (o �'nur u�ctis. 114�1N()I7`I AiV"i': C:oiis��lt :�nd fh�ro���I�Iy tliscius �T�o��in� o�itica��s ��nc� iyietha�is �s�it6► a rclocatio�i ��dvi�o�� ��rior tn mr�� ing. fh� 5tare c�in��ut rGinil�u�se �•au t4sr ac�� �jltcraiiian »i�ich rn��� c�nslilutc <i hume im�rnvcrt�eni_ 7 ii� ilgenc} �till r�ot ecrnsicter. pa} ur r�iml�tirsc Inr c»'ertimc �Itargcs, e:t�c{�l in �m�rgrncv silu�tlio�lti as cltterrnin�rl beFo�'eh�t�tl h� the Si�tle uf� �InincSUtti. P����«icnts t�y Cto�n� Se#ted��le l;nSca� this me;th���9. �3;��-n3citt is cc�m�i�iCc�9 c�n th� numbcr c>C rooms in ��our residerscc. exclusive of t}�pic�ll c�osets, purches, pa¢ilrica. i3t�th��uo���s. h�illwa} s. enlr�ences or' t�F7} unlliri�ist�ed ri�otn�w, �1 ba,cn�enl ana}� he Coitsitlerecl onC i'UORs uiiicss it has been scpairaic�I ir�ts� lirahie rctt�r�tr surh as hedr�o�»S or rc� r�t�lion r��R�i��s. Outbuildi�tgti �is�c! ftti sk[�ra; � wr x�sc:+ rtla. also 6c ctauritctl b�� th� �t>oit� tr�Fsia. - �_�. .' I._1 _ . _T _..� _._. The Occuqant Provides Furniture ,. The dccupa�t Qoes Not Provide Fumiture Ro�ms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Additional RQoms Roorns i Addiiianal Rooms Amount $576 725 925 1125 ti325 3525 1725 i925 S275lEach Amount S45Q 5100lEach Payments by Receipt or Actual C:os�t Undcr ttiis ni�ili�<E. thc tit�ytc: nta� aJlizu r�iniburs�mznt li�r reason.�l�le and neress<�rq (a� dct���mincd h�� th� aaci�c�) expcns�s isvc�u�reti in iE3i3tiin�� �rnn- persc�i7�! nr����irt�� Pi�r <t distnncr not 10 �;�cer-cl �u milry- �[Itis is not ��n aciju,ti�i�nt !i>t' incunx��r�i��tces ti�IriCh hstt°e occikrrcil i�r far [imc I«st al sour r��+uluY n�ctip<�tia�t '��loW�in� ��p5�nscs �cilE bc pnid up�tt com�litynre +ciil� the fc�llu�t'in�? instrucLions. I. 11�I�u°n ��uc3 :�re i��uccd hr. �u proi��;sia��ul mu��ing cc�mp��n�. p;iy Ih� ch�rr�cs antl ohtain �� dclailet�. itentiirecl t�cri�7[ed I,�ill m�rkcd "€�Rid in t�ull�� �jncl �ign�cl h� ,� ccyiiap�ic�l' re��res�nt�tti�c. k'i�,�sc ztkn(irm tii�ii�ili�� titi ith tt R�Incalion i1cl� isor �rior ln ih� mc,��. 2. II y���t�r p�rsona[ pivp�rs}� is ino4��d by� sorttecme� utf�es� Ih�Gn a pnrfcysional motiiz�o car�pan<�. t�o�a must si���irlit �i�i ilemiacc! statc�i7eat shotiring ilrc numhcr al� ��e�p[t hircd. [I�e t��t[�ti per iicwr paid, dales. antl tlac t�tal hours tritirk�tl lbr e�iih indiridual and lhe equipment �sed. P�e�i,c discuss lliis metliuul ti��i1h �'<�iir Itcloctili�n Ach•is�>r pri��f� to mo��int �nci Inctn�t�in� expca�scs. 3. Y�u must Complete thc l�oltoin �ortion ��f ih� fronl of tlris ('laion Fnrm i�1 ink, 1Ett��ch tn Yl�e origi:�z�l crf this i�o�`m �ili r�yuircd intorir�,�titln p�rtainiir� to y�uur menc xncl mail It� 1f�e ReIE�<<ilic�n Advisor;l�nti��n �n Ihe irn��r !e!'1 rarr�zt- cm tlac FronC of this (onn. �I. in the �tcnl 1'c�u are tiitanCi��lly' ztrSaht� lu p�ty lhc nto�'in� rntti�i�isi}. spc�'tiil �l�'rt3t�e�n�iCt1[5 rna;' l�� rna(le �+'iCl� th� I�c�ocHfion ,\���isar ln :tllt�4t� c1irCCt p;�y inenl, or an 2cit;taice Payu�eni ilann. l his nttis[ h� don� +�cll it� acl��er�Ce nf [hr mero� in�� clale. i�lE)N-�21�,SiDI;�TI!lL NI<a�°in�; C'osts Inst�•uctior�s fa�- sul3naifitin�; ��okn- claint IZ�-I�><<ilson rcetil;iliuEis Eillsnc n�oti�in� e�p�cttsc� to a dis�alaCct! ��tasiness, I��rtii c�r n.in-proiil organiaation 17;�sed on aCtual c�stc inctsrr�cl Au mo1'ine �xr'son<il �zro�3ci�+,' !`nr �r distairtrt :iat lo csce��i 40 milc;. [ Iz7ue�er, ro�,�€iLili��ns clu ntit alio�c �iir inarnveni�n�u, �c7iich inn� c�r��ir [tr tor busi�i��s limc lust ftcimhur,c;in�nt tt,rciitilili mos�ing �����nti�;�tiil bc n��tde u�5ar� conapliarlc� uilh th� folln��i�zg ir�siruclio3z�. IMI'��TA1""T. C`onsull .�aicf Ihorni�Kl�ly di4iuss anoviia� uptions <i�ial nteFhails witl3 r3 rcloc�tion advis�r prior to moving. I. 2, 4. �1']icn a comntcr�ial tnQ��r�� is c�qplo+cci, th� mo��ing �z7518 �re lta he �aid ancl �i dC9n�lcd rerriplc�tl stat4�n�nt obxr�inc(I. In the c+enl you ��'ish �our regul,tr eitt��lt�}'c'�s tc� ntake Ihe �nnvc. it is rcquired [#tr�s yoEk niaintnin ,i �oittplcle recurcl ca1 dui�s, timc «orkcd, anci �m��ins; p,�id ta al1 p: nans ph��sic�ll+� parrticipaiifi� in the naoti�c. �'fia���,cs for �ise of a�ui��ineitt r��cneil b}� th� husincss m�iy bc al€��ar��1 i�ut .sti�3il 9�e com��c}r7trfc lo tfins� r<ite� cl�nrgcd b� local renlal z��ncics. 1'au �na}� �I�:ct ls� acccpi tlic lo�ecr ol' 1����a (2} cstimatcs t(at' niDving nll uf )'t�ur per�onal �rtrpertt�. l�hts� cosl estim�ytes �t�i11 h� o�t�irt�d l��' lhe trLcncti� �n�l �irescntcd t�� yuu ,is �iaa �p�ic�ri. LVith tlais mrtl�od. siu nthrr riinving co�t do�iKm��zt�sit�n is n�crwsar��. Ytyu t��u,L ciim�le€�; tlte hollom ��orli<zn Uf thc ti�r3t oF t)�is C"I��in� I�c�rtn in ink. EyUaeh tn Ilia nrigin��l of tlris I'�rnt ;�II rCc�uired ii:i�orr����tzc>n pert,ainin� 1c� }���Er mu�e and mail ICT Ihe Reloc�i�icm F�d��ist�r shc3++ii nn th� fr�ti�cr I�f'I ct�rncr on thc li�ont c+f Ihis ft�rm. �I�i�c ���cnc�� �+ili noi c6xssi<l�r. p��� or rcimburs� tor m�crtii��r t•���u�cs cts•ept in ei�a�=r�er�c�� situatsi�i�,. �s dete3�min�d L,y t15e a��ncy�. k'a�iuent m�i� als�� L�e .tli<��cad to the �>St�ner of r� displae�ci bil5in�ti� c�r t�(lrn� aptirsttor li�r ti�:ltt��l rca�o���ible �xpei�sci in s�:archir�g fnr a repl�ic�menl sitt, ncrt lo er��«l i+Z,jUE1.UD. Su�l� a�pcs��us ma} itt�ludc tr�nsparlalioi3 cosl� t�ctuti] tim�. and c�rt;�ip� �Eher erprnces acluall�� iz�curred in cea€cltiit�. A d4laif��1. cuti4izd sE�rtrmei7t o't se�irchia� c�p�nsCs nic�st ac�ompaz�}� Ih� cl�iim� ! affirm that, tp the best of my knowl�dge, all personalty including alE hazarclous and enviranmentally sensitive materia€s such as batteries, tires, paints, sc�lvenis, insecticides, fertifizers, f�uorescent lights, etc., have be�n / will be removed fram the parce�. {arcle one} � �; � I ��.. Dis�5laeee Signaluae� �� L��;� U I do hereby aifirm that, io the best af my kriowledge, displacee is eligible for reimhursement of efiglble Moving Cpsf's, t�ased an displa�ee's status and oceupancy cs{ the parc�i at 1he tirne of the initiation of negotiations andlcr at the iime of the parcels aequisitian. I further af€irm khat displace� quaiifies as a"displaced person°, and is entitled ta payment for actual, reaso�at�le and necsssary moving anc! related expenses €gr a resideniial or non- residential mov� {d9 C R Pt. 24), as incj�a e�elsewhere on this farm. �. ` s ��, L --�r - -� --�� , f �'€ !� � ,� �l ` I �S ' � � Relocation Advisor Signature ''�� p�t� Moving Costs Page 2 of 2 fiLid32 Monticello E�A S�ARCHiNG ACTIVIT{ES L�G S.P. C.S. Job Na. 10965 P�rcel No. Dist. CoGnty Wright ParcelOwner I.D. # Reimbursement Eligible flate: Displacee ��es �ae���'��ov✓�� Date Person(s) Searching Address or Description of Wark Time �;leage 5pent �M+��r 1� �4� `tii@ 5�. 0`7v� �. g� J'"i u r+�►±n �S o v')" i o+n � 5'�, E�.i� 1: P D O _� fl CQ l'A.� bvvti �� �� t� �;p� O #17- 'I�t a.�� — - �' L�� r Y � C',^� 0�Fa[ � �� ' i 4 C�oga,-s, Ml1 - cr�W e{�, ,. S�� a o �, � ��►,� q - -- r���+..�� __ ___ R o k So '� � a 5 4 5 o a+a.� h�� z��`, `� �,°9a..s, �+n,u ti _ ---���¢ o�� � S�ro�r r s� s s ��'� `1 'E1K �2.;�tr Ex±ert�'nr,� i325 i"tsea+� Sf rv,u� ��,r. O --- -. _� _. �e+�.►, e c.�+� ��: ��r �- c�.eh �-K w � � �_K_. yts����_t-�",' �.�.��i�s � �r O TOTRLS: � � °� ° `.Z?' Total TIM�: � Hrs. @ rate ot $ ►-�v I hour= $;�'� Total MILEAGE: Mi. C� rate of $ .54.5 / mile =$ lti}.�� TOTAL SEARCHING COSTS REF�ORTED: $ ($2,500 Maximumj ( Reimbur�able j Searching Activities Lng R1,1 036 2/22120 1$ Julie Chen�ey From: Jim Thares Sent: Manday, June � 8, 2018 2:52 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: Froslie Praperty 103 Pine Street - Reltication Ben�fit Claim - James Quentin Young {tenant) Attachments: Memo Re Relocation Benefit Claims.docx; AAA MoverS - Move C�aim.pdf; Young - Re- est Claim.pdf; W-9 2018.pdf Julie, attached are two claim packets relatec! to James Quer�tin Young, tenant, at the Froslie property. Still waiting on a W-9 for James Quentin Young. �����J�l���� DATE: June 19, �Ol$ T0: aulie �h�eney, Fia��nte A�Sistant FR�ll�+l: Jirn Th�res, E��n�rrri� Devel�prnenk M�r��g�r Sli�1�CT: Re9oc�tion Ben�fit Claims �nder the Unif�rm Reloca�inn As�i�[�ne� Act — Gai�� In 5tyl� Ttt�re �re t�nrn �eloeat��n �eneFi� �Gairri p�tk�ts attactrett. I h��e r�uiew�d kh�e elaims pr�p�red t�y the E[�A �on�ultar�t, P�n.r�y R[ylf, �SB & Ass��fates, InG. They are in order �nd ii i5 fir�e k[� pr��eed w�th paymer�l c7f �Fs� �I�ir�� f'lease i�cstat� Fh2 ��nounts an�i #he pur��p��s �s d���ne� i� the co+ver st�e�t �n �he cfi�e�� stub that the Cily k��ps #car ifs recor�E docum�nk�tion . Ar�o�rrt nf R��rn�nt - 1, � $ �,51.5_4�t� � � �1�,457,75 °�'�� , � �,25�.Q4 ���o,���.�� r���i Paym�r�t, Pay�e and PUrp�yse Sumrnary _ Pay�ee ��r�os� Fvwing`s �€sirr� In'�t+�Je Mc�vin� Costs #� N�rita�;e Cvnst, �[am��rnies NJoving Cc���S #3 I�eri#��� �drrst,..�C:orriaanies 8�,�. Re�.estal��ishment Th� C[adir�� f�r the entire �rri�ur}C is �o be det�rmvned hy Wayn� �ndfra�r Sarah as it es r�I�Ced ic� an�d sir�il�r to the re��nt pr��erty acquisiti�ras completed by th� EGA, If you have any qu�stior�s, !et rra� knaw. Thank y�u, f'�� ,� .� . '���.I° �:� �-� . �a+� � -!�� � �' i-r��� 1 J�J~ �� "�a� �luli� �hene Fror�: Sent: T�: �ubje�t: Att��hm�r�ts; Jim 7h�res suesc�ay, J�an� 1�, �(71� 1(1�2p AM Julie Chersey rrosl:e Property - 7C1� Pin� �tree# _ Rewae�ti�r7 Ben�fit Cl��ims h�1�ma #� R� I�elo€atic�r Senefit �la,rn5.dra�� Jr�Gie, �F�as� �ee �kta�F���d h+lerrio �t2 fc�r C[�irr�-N�+-�k�l�-re�r�c�ion_ �tel[ +,��it�n� on the stgn rsff f�rr�i� frr�m Penny. '�,+ill f[�rward tc� yau wh�n I re�eier� th�erri, r �h�lontN�ello �conc�m�� Q�v���pr�ent l�rr��arity f4�{]"�IM1i� ���T� •� �mpar�ant: St:4rra�t �r�rr,p��y ,��t�r �rJou� •• QC, C upaa�C C+� � ��e51�ea�ce Q Ad, Device � Gave�n�ent I� �ther PP C'�559 �=9C �+ �u�in�e�s ❑� F�rm ❑ �lon-Proft �Adrranc� ��Partial €�Fie�al �ut�m�tked Ams�urit� 7�,2�7,'75� P� e� s: GHers�age ��n�,iu�t�fls+ Cor�P�i��es, i_L� — DES��'p�� ���S�t7�+21: Dist. �.P. �arcel �,��nr,y Ap�rs�va?: — A.:Ih?rQy�yi� ��f� �5�'F}:lC���OP� �4�]�lfQVv�;�: '�.� F'fD1 �� F�� N� __ _ ���f1ty' W�I�hI A�quiSit;G+:-: C P�n�irg MA.�regte� C] Em. Dorzlair� � P�rC�� C�Vdfle': r�+amea•;.b i.�:; hfi�:h�e� �J. F�ocfi� �nd K�thl�e�w � �r��lae . _ .,.._. ... _ _ Pt�rc�! ,4�dr�: 1 �3 �i�e �tre�t [%ity, ���{� �a�5, F.4ontl[.�II•�. �+9�+1 553�2 RE�C7�A�1�3N CLAINT E�[�IB9E�ITY � �is�l��;t�� - ' hJdrne��:l: ���d;,n�� CC��,;� �n S;yle, Inc ; -- _ _ . . �i�;�vup�rrGy C1���: 9-i-�8 Elig;b�lit�� �ate: 2-2b-18 I W{�IiCe •�I �!�•�; �I .N ?uviaaR {9�ri".rj �] �}wner �is] Fenant r�k�qui5{ti6�1 Cl�k�: ;�-�I �-18 �it c`�CCwrni��. �iS9 �Pertdir-�'� Vend�r N�_: Attn Fin�rtce: �a�ir c� Add��SSee{Sj �in�it�ge tioi3skr41etian �:ar,rpai�;es, LLC `�7��� 1� 1�' Auen ue �1k�J s M���ira� �iddr � Su�t� C �� o.,. �I�y, �t�#e �i�s �v1r�n;;s_f�il;s P�Ih� ;5382 L�C�T[4N ��R�4�l�tL �'R�]p�RTY MpV�Ci YQ Facrtiiy h�arn� --�-- — �rrA�il•�r Ty�e: Gonim�r�.i�l reniUl s��Ce �kr��t At��ress: 581 C�da� Street C��y, S!2C� �ip h�iontiar�sli�, h,9N �5:#6� _G�t�(s} o� th� �1�rr�: e�g�n: �-�a-1� End: ?��r�dir,�_ - h��m� af Mcuer(�}: �(?RL+FFlv�,qLL1S[L��ILk i[Isecknna� - h M�b'VIFlG CpST OPTION= ❑ R�s�ien�rac Scher�ule f�asis � Receips's;Actual Cast �1 hl�cn-Resr�enl�l BI�,+Estimat$ Resic��r��c� Ccrl;fiealian Feder�a laur r�eqsa�r�s c�rkir��C�n cf �es�denty st�lus. �lease ct�eck �:gF caltajary ar �flmplet� If7e se�l�qn befow Cf13C app4i�5, Co x�� of yGu� o!-;:uaarcy s;�i;�c irr k�?e Uf1�[B�ti Sla��4, `f0uf Si��l�tufe Gwn6titU7as [��iflCafi�r. � I Ge�iPy thal 1 arn ❑ �^i[I�en or n9taral �?f �t�� U11.Ced `�CatgS. �r i r�nn�-cen�ty;lti,�L [�re �re persar:s i� i7•y nci�gp.'�pld; ;check ane? � an alG�� P�wluCly pEesen� �n the U�r�t� �iaaes ar 1"��t ar� c:l�zens os rvati�anals €�t tr�e L"r.ifed �ta;es ❑�r� as'i�n yy,tl} �erat�nat pvqpe�ty �dnydulsy �resent �n ��� _ ar4 aixn5� lavrfully pr��en.+. .n dCe U"ni�E� utases. the dJrsiE�t4 Sk�k� Sc� �rarsrfefnr�h�i� r c�r�+ty thsi I am� [.I a U�ike� 5�ates eit�zen �� �ra �li�� la�xf�:lly �rre�ent �n ahe� Ur�iae� S2�t�s [] g I�nit�j �R3CG� r13ti�c��� �� npn•U.5 Gitixen r:�t pfra�nl in :he l!riCeC Sl21es Partne�sh�a: I c�rtiFyr i�a: tner� arr par:�rers �n Ihe �artnersl�i� an�d that ar� ci���ns �' tl�e U� �i;�a 5tales, antr'��� _ ar� al:��� I�wfully pr�seri[ �n [he Unike� Sl2tes, �n+.t � sr� rsor.-L� � vis�zeiis n�t pr�sent ir kha U��t�� Skaies. i�6fRot�7sar�: I ��r' Fy ;h�C is eatablis�,e� hy I�w a�d a�thurizer� lc a�rd�.�co bus,ness �n khe Un�,ea Staie� Ciaict�ani Acknourle�gem�n[ o. th� un.;i�rsi�,n�G c� he��Y eerti�y th,�p shs aa��,•e inF�rmaa�o,, �s Ir�_e ans� csarrHcl anp ih�tl �J�t.�rt_^�rt�aklr,l 7,Cl�c'tie�tl het�et�i �Ct�rai�ly� feP'+e�ents e:�gkdtn �x�en�As I 8�so cerdy Ih�s 6 haae �ct prem�r�us;y s�,bmitt�d �er r�ceiw�o �;a•ym�n� for ary rx�:er�se s��t,e�,iFt�J w,lrr ^Y�is :la�im f}�FICII�: i1SE CtNLi`.4r�ommen�; ���f�n� �.iw5°sE M�VI�+g c,'�s[i d1 Vi.�60�''Z�'� jiqna[uf�. N3Rlt' ;pr:n;, T�'ie��Fl4f!�: - — Pag� 2 pf � PLiC33� - ���@' _ � w �J 7 "1� � �-- -- — ._ �— I1���ILil� �+TIAI� h'I���-i�t� t'cr�t� Ir��iruct�un� for sul��rai��ting y�t�r el,�iiry I��ir� �t�t� t�ilk -�II� ti t,ia1'411d1�et iniiyln�* ��,rtnse� 1+�p al �1iti��i��C-d iuri�9vltluiti +ff f�ehil}• 1�8��:.i �rt� Ci':It.r ;i 1�f1C?4� ,;['I1J=. D'' ' f � r1.L'1 1-,+�L i.�S f:� iit�.ulleJ. ,�k, ;� dia�;l,r4.'� �4�caai t+llf is� a,�;4'ci i�r s�.lctt khC nn�;lhn.� y7]�f's[ �u11��71� ui a 47J- ;��J� L. I f. �.r I'.ihihi�. rt,Y�',��:I �.�, . � 1!�`1F'�[11iT,Af1''I'; Cr�n���lt :ind t�i[6raii�Eilp� di�fi�tss mn�°ing n�#ians �tid rnefhods rvi#I� .a �°elcs+:a�tin�� .1{�5'fSf7P IlT14Y �Q Illll4`illk. �f ti4 �ta[�: e�nn«1 rei�r�hur�� i�c��.� for aar} dIRCi`J[tt}ll ul]it.ft m 1;� Lunk7lClaf€ J h(�FllC iillj'fi�k'2mei1�: �� ]7c fi,�+�17GV'',5'a�� tS[iL CikI1SJ+��t, fA:4�� ui Y�IeCi�!LIf3� �OE' J5'�'l':,174 �Jl er�_�a, +Sti�c�at tfi t�r11�r�Cnla� si[�u;3ilt�ns .ih dCtvrce�ial�t] lic9cir-�Ililnd b3° !I]�:.��1�71t; rif ��1cr�,��,�f,r ��1��ncnts f�� l�iurst�o 5nc��l�sle R in lcr Elsi� reheN3nd_ �r �}°mcirq i.� cnniput�.�f �rn �]�t ntiirrtk.r «!'rc}.n�ns i�� ti•s�ua r�sisJcnc�, r;at�lu�ivc oi� �3�Picb1 c_�o�r«, �,rc h�se �,anirics, ba�Jrrw�rn5: fii]IISF'ik�+�. cnt.a�rc.�� ar aiir�� �enfuaaoisllc;i r�,7a�r:,. -� h:�z;c�src�r� ��r,,� b� e��r�siclercxl nr7� r�rcM1m unlc;c4 it @sa;� bccn �e�arrr���l ir�tc li�;�lil� a��tsms �rrch �s b�.lrc}urttc ar re�-c I'w.7fiir-n re�.}mW_ {?ull7illldin.�a ;,.;i�j I€,e tiL�r',. ,�0�]ti:,,s ITl# ^l4 al,cs bC� i;llilli�:d b• the vn[.aep� b:le:is. .. 7� r3e L7C�u �nt iFF�y�iCie �Uri9lture � �tr�vms 1 � 3 4 � Th� � cu �n Ra�g N�t Prrnli�e F�rnit�re � 6 l � Adaiti�na' F�aoma Rc�ans i A,rrtaunt �57� i25 925 1t25 13�5 F�2� 177� 1925 ��iSr�ach AJd� a,��alRonms 4. Arnour{ $450 �1�7f1;Ea�_h � f�:�yn7errts b)' ]�cc�i�rt +�r Actueil �',as! llir��ce tttis ruGC�rod. �Iee St�it� ��yzi}� ;EI14�a reimhuru�mciit Ca�r rea��n�l�le >7e.d necrss,�'} {��� ,i4�t�rr.,in:cl b)� ih4 a��ney} ���r.nscs irrc�erreti im m�� i;s,` ���ww �7�.��crir�il }rt��9�'rl�� �nf' � di31�I1Ct o��l u e:+cCe�tl �`f1 iiiil�4, �13ri.w �� ircaa an si�lu�lm�ltt Y�e I[�C�I1r�ni�I5ee5 u�fli�lt I�riw°4 oticurfed s?c ]�15� [ir9si It��l �.[ ��t}4if P��ail,ir err�ti��;�[iaan. i4{�vt lnk CX�W11S�ti �4]il 15c },iiil u���Fn �aitit��i;�i�cc n ielr Eh� f�all,titia�ti� i,fwtrtic�H�ns, a. bl';SUn � dsu �kffi a11�iti�pCl h} ai �rcif�s�i�Sry�II i5luui�g t.t�rnP �11�. p:i�r Iht Ck�1rg�5 etu+3 nh�.�iit �1 ��C:llfec�, ICi:Eili:�ei? rc�ei�?ICiI t:l]I m2I�V:��l "T��ild i�1 I�u�l" �iitl �icerc4l bti� � cc,mp;�n$• rrprc3e�s�1lr3�c. l�I�,;x. cu�eairirr �li�:ibil�l�� a��i9h a It�l�,�t�tinn ,•4���i3ur p,rinr G�7 th� iri����c, '. ]#� y��tur �cr�in:,l ��rv�?er�x is ittrtai Gs-9 �i}� s�a�n��ne ��tl7cr ll��n � prs�1����ion�l �nrsvRn� ct}mp�ts}�_ }���u itdu�l yultiiji� ,iir i�4mit�J �:�.�tcmcrn �lf�,svu�� Ili�: ilU@S1btT �i7' �ti'rlc hiTCd, tlle raYws �rCr e��S�G �r�ird. ��I�S, :uls� [l�e 1�jJ11� h0utg ti4�s7P�;er� f4f �C�q Illdl4'i[�i.11ll a:l9d 017� �c�uiri7liYl.t u;�Cd. a'I.a4C idi5�4i,5 [sl.i� wuc�l�t�i�l x�iif� },7iarl�el«caii�7n ���?ti i�irr �ric�r t� rMr�viang :7n�i iircui�•in1_ c���erra��. a Yuu,n��.,i cairrpl�ie ;I7� boe�um par�i�u, crl�th� f�c,�rr ial�al�i� C"l:,in, �crrnr i�� ink. ni[�ich �ra il�c are�in;s� �F�3si.4 r;,r�n �nJl rcyt.iaeci ir�l�r,r,n<�iit�i7 �crla�iriiii�„ � t� y�c7ur m«v� nd n�;�i; io lhe R��t7c;,uiitn ���'i_;C�r �hsit+,n iiil dll� la�x�cr leli ci�rncr �rn ilre tY{�nl �sf iisiw 1"�rn:. �. In t11�° �k�e�! s�pii ir4 Cllla I1L�lIIi L[ f]hI{: Iiy �lrlk ��34' ;�1c s rit� tt;ni�silfl4•� tiJ1�41�.� 3CI'31jC4`.�`9CR[: Ill,�t� lic nl„t'� �,+ ilJt Ihc I�CIa}c1[iean;'1c��=itis�F lu ail4rs4� clircCl �'?i:k'171CI1I. IIP :10 ,iU a,u!r� �.is�._at.ni :.:qii:af 1 hir n-iii�l �+t t:'c,::.,; �s't�l in �a�1'�nt� �]f [Ca� m,rs ,ite. si.;�Cc. ��41�N I2E �Ii)T�I'l�� P4lueii�� �'n:�#s In,strs�ctitins t�>r ��l�mittir� �aur cl��ius I�S39a] �I Itril r4Sulsill�ll�. �I!s7tt 177�Sk ink C'�F�iG��S tL7 � fil�-I���CeEI �f`5lil[s.�r. 17f117 itr r�uFh-FSrl��t11 �?��<irii�i�.lfL�i� h�f5C�1 lin ipC9Li6�1 ctyyiS �.1��ur��;d ivm r�s�ll7� r,�.�i,,:. �rnp�ri} tc}r .i ��4.i�n�c sr4,i �t, ,,�c�:�sJ � 1 nt�les. Howcwcr. r���.sil�ticaiis c�c} i7otl allr�5a� tor inc�ir��Lisic ir�c� sa��arcJs r�;t�} ��c.tir s�r �4,r bu�iri��� i.e s�_ .ti�w` �'Cin�hurv�rrii�n[ ��ur cligl�sf� mif3 ial� �:��a�,,;cs,�•��I h�,s3:ut� kr�a,s �,an,i,i`��,�� �ti•itr� «_r rt5�lusti��re� jl]�lni�rlGa1�. f i411'4)E�T,�, �"I': C.'t�nsul[ ttn[� fl�ort�ll�hl� dir4uss it��a+�=inP rrJ�lia��s Yloiul r���f hods tiviili � r�rlr3�:iti�iia :�r�r�u�va- �ri°�eyl- �a �t�,�t�ing. i- �l'li�a ,� ��+iG�in�l'+�I�I iiiuvtr r5 �i'n�.i�rvc,�l. fhG r�oti�in� 4c�*tti :9rc io 1x �i�lfl <u7r3 .i ci�t�tilEd •ek�.rFri-:d Sl�[�in�n[ S,�,f.iiir�;J. 2. In 117w �a�er.i yuu sw�i�l� ��c,a,c r��,alar in,p��r}�e�s i4 nr�kc ihc ir��.+w-r. �� i� r�y�uircii Eh�l }�nu E��,�iro�ai�i ;r co�tt�+Cc;s: r�c�oru ut� J,.i�;3. tin�e;ti�t�r�r�f, ae�if �trt��xuni, p,rici r„ �II ��rsuna �hv���c�ll}� pE�niciPati�r�. in th� ��cr�°e. £'har�cs F�,rao:e �af���uP��:rin� �a�ti�nc�i �,y �l�e hus:�5ews m�v he;eRl�a�x�c�l I�ut �Isall �e c:rr�li�s�tr:a�ilC �i� llta�wc r���R C35,�fecd hy ]oi::ll. rinl�l 3rieoaCl�`5. ;. t`[Eu ii 3� i:letit 1+i ��Cu�4t [h�. �OtYcr {7r�fs4�u {?J CS[jr5id�tCS Iere nlrt^1114 sEfi 4d�y���f ��rsuns�l pl'c��CftS'. Tli�sti i:(rsl �5[lili�ete� titiill h�' rslalaieuC€� �r'a. [f�e ��:CnCt and �fw5a:,�1[ici �� ±,'s�� a. �,in u�it��ar� I�+JlI1 lFIFS 177{I�117�. YI{F L1Ii1Cf C17i}L'1@� CC}tiI {Illi'LIfIt�jF1.7I1{!Il Iti fllCr�.titii fy. _ �. ��C}LL i]IUGC CS1f5S�IC�4: tI14: i}L}[�{}I17 �]JfL#{lll Of 1lll° rT171]t L}j IIijS LId7917 L'��6R1 117 f1YF:. diZl�nch ru�lhc urikis�al c�f�+.hia i��rn, all aey�,iaxd i.r�l�c�rmsti�c3 pGn.�ar�ir�� .� sa� ���ur u,nv� an� �n;�il �o �hr kcloc�Eiifn ,�cia�itir�r �ht�+��,� �,i} f�re It„�cr lef� carncr r�n dre Ert,nt o� �l�as I`nrn�. l�l�ti ;���:i��}� kx�ilf irui ruirs«E�r. ��}� c�r �:ie�airu��: It�r o��tir9irEsc ch�,r�,cs c.xct�r ira em�r�crrct• 4iraR�tiuns. as ��q�rmirse� by dJrc :��cncy. T'�w}�irr Yil t�}}i` �tl3p L�C ��iGkk�rd ��7 ilr� aasvn�r n1 �e clis�f�ceci busine�s �r fann n�ceoe�oe for �c1uai rcas:onabl� exp�ea�s in s�r�hpn� iur a ecpiaccirrent tiil;:, irc�s ClJ C'.1L4G41 �?,5I�17 ��C}. �LL4FI� CA�}L"I7�S i11.11' IfhCIlIIIL'. [!}1115�?L}fLiljllll7 CL)ti[�.5�. i7CSLIeLI �]Ii7C_ r�11si �tr«in c�k�ye�rc��+cnc��;,cwu�llv� rncuered i�a s.��n�h€�ti�,. r� �l:[�1�2[[, c�rEi9i�c� s�aicnreni {�I ��arcN�i,s� t+,p�;n;�; musi atctrnt4s�inx r'i� rl��ant. I dq hereby ��irm th�t. t4 the b�st of rny knov�f��g�, �i�pl�c�� I� eli�ible ior r�imburserner�k bf ela�°hf� p�io��ir5� CnSC 5, b��ed �rn drSplaC��'s sias�s and I�lfirm th�", to th� b�si of 1�y kn�ifvles��e, all �S�rs�n�,�ty ����Q�r�� �{ q�,� �,�,��I �R ihe tim# �f Che in±[�atipn �� ra�gatia#is�ns sn�lpr �t :nuluding all hazardtau� arrd �nviranmenlalfy ih� ��r-i4 of th� p�rt�el� 2�cqu,�itir�n. f fu�!h�r �dfirrn kh�t dr�p��cze qual�fi+e� 5$;F151�fV� 1718t€F[ail,S SIJCII �3 f7�t��1"1�5, tir�s� Paints, as �"Qispl���ed persan', �nd is �niitled tr� pa}�m�nt fc-r �ct�ral. re.�so.^.8ble SGfvents, ins�ect�eide5, fertili�ers, flt��rescent l�ghts� and ne��ss�ry rn�vint� and r�laCed �xp�nse5 for � resid�ntial o� n�n- ekG-� �73ve b?En wifl �3E re�'n�o+��ed frar� ihe �aarcei. reside+�t��i movc r�� ��r ,PE. 2aJ� �s inalc�tea' els�wh�r�e on khis d�rm r f-rc�F r.i.y; Oisplacee Signa¢ure O•3le RetoeaCaPn AtivisA� Si�nagur� I3a1e 141oa�ing �'�Ssfs Page � of 2 RL10�� I � I � M �o� I �� � m �� I C � � .� e � . a � ' � � � ; � .� a�'j ' j I^' � � � � �� � �� I �� *�I ��„ ! 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Ex��ti��� S.�ark *el� rin� to hezardou� �,.�[eryps in Sfiu� wae�e Im�d, a�,p��p�, le�:±, 4Cc „I 4�F��a�25 dy �wnar � �`$�Bif F1Y �wner '�al AP Y�r58�� ur 64r�pan'y SupP�4'�nF �ab3�r c71 rn�San�ls tor lhst �rt�pr�4ement et3 �yaur pr6pertV rtv5y ti� a Ilen a,gainst y`+��yr �ape�rsy it� thar per9crtr �r rom�y.a Ry� �� nor p��x� �or rhe con[r�Gus:�,� {kll Undc�- �L7inrvp5pt31ievr, yrq�a ha'r� [he rr,�h�# kC R�'Y f�rann5 Wh� iU�{]I,gd I�bpr��f �T58TEPi�Iy F4rthf# iffip/OURm�n� 1ir�ptqlp ind dp�i��f [Mi5 amoy�t F+�pYfY ow i�9tra59 pri[�. ae wichhvk+the arn.au�xt� duw them Frorm us un�l 12G d:.ys aFrer cam�l�sfca. ot the,mprcwrwme�t �n�ess we g,v� er,�u 3 Ile� �saivrr S+Q��tl hy �i�r�un3'Nt2O5uPPlied xny F,�h4f dr m�.�t+dsi31 fOr !pe `rmpr�4Y�mgf11 d�d wMg �3Yk yl}u 1 im�ly nOlCP." ��gnab.,re �+�it Disp�s��h S�ste�ns - Mekr� 1S3[]� i��itf7 Avenue �E E3eckerr MN �5�{i8 Ph�ne; (r63) ���8-b7�4 Fax= (7��� �2t#-f�7�� H��rr�a�� �c7N�r�u�Tl�nt �r�4�€vi�s ��� �O��J$ 17iST,�VE N��+ �5..11�� 4; C�� Ik1Y�M1.f I'Ik7 �J.T�'J �ERV�C� O�DE �.5 hti2k � Rl 3G. 7.�i hi�y �5 � May EF 7a ° �1�`y' L1 �ES�CRIPni�rd fi�Ui�3} HEFTT�.�C CONSTR�t:I lia�d ��r�Pah;]ES ���� �1� ��DAR STI�E�T , f�IONTJ.C��LCS ��N Sc�r�` �041 R.�11 pff 5�rv��e 3Q.44! 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Dom�in �'�'•'C�� �4'1P12Y_ ��aT� �r��p��ow�} MAIC�ael'a''!. ��t7�Jle 8n;� 15ath�een A FD��Ie �uiC;E .+�C��f.: ��� �in8 �tl�F.i �::ty', St�;� �Ip; NirsnlaCel:4, h��J S��Ei2 fi�LbC,4TIQN �LAIM �LI�I�iLITY '�is�+€acee � �an�e5�j ��.,ri����� i.�carng in 51y1�:, �„v. k'.�41 Yf68 GP�,c�v�nce �Partl�q C]Fin�f Sut+rnitte��i o4rrr�,un� � $,��4.06 �istric� Apprs�v�l: IIYn ,�kqen�y A��ro+ra;. �,���r� �„s Dae� Ap�lic-c-�Eian �,o�roved Vettdar hl�.: ' .�k#n �lnarce; R41ail Ch�k T�� A,r�dr�ssee(sl �-le'�'a9� �qa�struc#ron Corr7��,nie�, L�� 1��(�$ 17��� A+��n�,�e h�€:"J �11�iling Addr.: c�,�ite C ��_�t�t'� �I�l, C��: �i.liJ�l. hii�i �r:]�.5�� M.O�ATI�MM O� RERLI�C�MENT SiTE - Fari�ity N�rne -.... _.. � — andr'csr T�+�;�: Garaim�rcial r�>ata`: space ��7�cu��t7�y p�t�� �-9-�pp� � Own#r � Ten�r�t i� ¢ ._-� �tzeet �,dtfr�5s �B�I �e�ar S#r�et i�ligib�ility l�at�: 2-2f�•78 A�qui�aki�rn Date: ;�-�5-1� � � _� ;Iti;�L+Ce t7� h71e1" or Pwc.��Fe 4.'*'I€f9 hl dv,leP1rllne�. "19e -Pend�ng-I � i _ e = Gii+�� �td�e �rp: h�onk�ce�lts, �,Af+l �5�� FCe�a'sr9 �r impr.Cvements fa 1'�� repl7eeltt�ns �ea' p�C�e€l�y �'�e;u�ire�c b�y I�tit�. C��iE, nr 0rcl.n�'�Ce ........ .,........� t o�f7.0U h9otlifitaSacns tD 1fi� fepI�GEYs1Qnl pr4perty t� el€t�rolmod�ke Ih2 t�uSiYtts55 pqer�G€�'� ........... ........ .......... S 3.¢�a1.2� C��s,ruCtl9n �nd it�s`t�l«fian 4f EstEenG� �ign�s,g;�a a�veniss sM.� C;��in�ss .. .... ...... ..---.---•-.,...,,,,,,,,_ S .. ._ F2e6ev6f�htlrt i�r reR����f�eni G4r5is G# sprl�d Cr ��n s�Pf�tzS a! khe �epl�G[�men; s�e .�. ...................... �~ �cy�erkise�en� �' lha ,•ep:ar..amenl IeC�li�n ............_ . �...... ,,. ........... ........� ~ ...,._. ...... �sCimal?d increaseG cos�s o{ e;r�val:en d��r•ng !�rsE � yf3 .......... i:'�35e�. t�xes, ir55�ra+�Ge, etv ;l �~ []kh�r item �.�ssk� essent�ae. r�as��able an;i �,e�essafy *.a �e�siabi:sh {osrm�ts ari�i s��erv�siani �,fi5'?.Bu {��rsfiml el�ge+��li4V wf':h tha Ac�enC/; 7�:ry��t wall pay b81�f'� of adva�rce 6f 54,15C1.nC i4 �..��k'2�CCi1 ta� I'�ti].UG'� TDTAL 7H1� C�&IM .,,,,,,,,,,e,,,,,,,e,..e---.._,---•_._�.,.,, .........................: .:.,,..,,,,.,....--�---��,,,,,,,,,,,,, (maxi�5urn E 5�,0�][�.Ot�� 5_ . s,25d,�0� 'cis �ee.stablis�nmrn! �la�rns Pai�-T�-b��e (�nc:udirrg lNas c�a�m? �S S.�CU.OQ � � Eiigi�le remainl�� R�e�'aCl�shrr,�n1 e�pEnS�s �laimaj7��� .. � 3y 7��y.cr, Re51tl[ney �er',if�c�k�odl i�e��r�i !�w irq:.IfES CEitlfr'�IiOn �,i r2S�tl�ni.y Sia'.�s please uhecJ+li�e r.�Ce�o�y cr �rrpl�te ±i°.�s sect��r. be�ava CFaaf ap�,l�e� f�a yaur �scrupancy s+a�a �n lNe Llnike€i �ia!es fs�e v.•e� rnr c�t;�7�a����s; YauF s�g^a;;,�re r�r,sti;�les c�r:sf�calion Sole Provrra]p,��: ��er4�Fy thaR ��?ll. ❑ a llnit�cl �!ates eiCize+l 0 an �iien fa�.+1��;I:Y Fresenl in the L�nired St��es �] a�rn�tsc� St�te:s naCiransa ❑ a nQn-J.S : iki2�li r�o[ pre�ent Ir� the Ur.i;e�i �3�E�s P2ftR@�5ktiq: I 4er+,i'ry 1':�l th�re ax� p����r� in ki�� p�f1=5Eirth�p ��sd ihak ar� viki�e+1�. od the �.�rited SSatts, �n�+oi �r� ��It�ns I�imfy,lxy F�r�r�+anL io �;h� Un�l�+� �:�lCs, �nd,� 2re nar-'.1 S C°[,Z�r',5 nn! pres�*�k Ir` the U,,iEE�q' St.�t�s i',Grp�;r�l4u,r+ I[e^tity [h�". �s �s9a�lp�h�� t�y� I�x^� anC ���ho?I2ed ir Cs3nd�+Cs �5��i7�ss ir. th� LJri�ed Stat�s Claim�n# A�kYt�wl�pt�c�een�enk: I. Nie uf�Aei3iy91�d. dQ h�re�ly ciertl� ih�s th� ak�Ga'� I'iform�li4n .s s:u+� �s�d GaPr�c: ar.�f that cscac4.m�n!a�t�on alsz�c�c� ��s,�sn ac�,,ra,ely L�: ��e�^s e ��;Gle exFensas 9 alse �eri+fy that � heu� nat pre►�:�ausay su�mitk� r�or reoai���d p�ym�+5t fCt an�y BxPe�se s:atvniPk��' �vsili lklis claim �]FFE�CIAL US��ONLY; i�amwr.�nts� I � � He-esrahf+cl��m�r�6 CGiki Caim �.ut�r�rzed �igrra!ur�� �1t�f71z �.pij�-��j: T����r�one. S�N QV�L•�r }Qr p���ltl�rri f ��no-waedge�men�{�] P7ge i n� � RL4033 ��te i F��s1atris�merrt �zy.g�g ��=�irh r�r����i��� ���x�sr.Ts�n��:vT �x����s�:� u.2ot7�R� The IFollowing fs a nonexelu�ft+� pi�ting oF reesk�b�is�rtlent expenditul'es r��rt �on�idered to be r�asorrable, n$c�ss�ry, or otherwrl��e �e�igibte; fi, Purcha�e o#ea,�ltal assets, sa��M a�, �f#ic�r f�rrlitur�, fling r�bine#s, machirre�+. owtrad� fix#ures. 2, P�ofchase af nn�r�ufacturlr�g rrs�t�e�ial�. �roduc�a�n su;pRli$s, �rodu�# ir�ver�kory car c�the�r fkems u�ed in tho normgl �oufse t�f #f�e busin�ss �oper�ti�n. 3_ Int�reat r�rt m�r�ey borraw�d t�r maka the rrt�+ve ar pur�h�se th� repdat�ement prr�pe�ty. 4, Payrs�erpi�s to ��a�art-larr�e b�siness irs the hc�ms whleh �aas n4t "��ntribu#e Mak.eriall�" t�a tFr� hpusehol� incnme_ [on�r€b�te �vlaterFalaM� 7i�� t�rm'coa�trlhut� ma[ersall�' rr�g��s� that dsr��� the 2 taxablg yp�rs paiar co ;h� saxable y�aa in �+FI�{FI �Ii���4Cf1'IQrk �tCU'S, T3f during sueh vSher penod �8 t15eRgency deke�fmines lQ be rno+e cqu�table, � bu3iness ox #arm oPera[ion: 1. hlad dwet�gk a ntival .gross rlt�eipts o� ak le�sl $S,OQ4; nr �. M�d �verage annv�l n�t eanrring� �f �R I�ast $1,0�; �pK 3- �arutribu4ed at i��5k 33Yo- �i oFthe ownlr''3 or aperetilrt'S 3v�rage anryu8l gra�ss irvcvme from �II sourC��. d� 1f � Ne a pplit2tion af tb p� �ydue .riteria �r�a k�i �n ia�eq�ity gr ��rd shi{� in �ny given �a��, the Age r��Y in�rq ap�r�ve th� us� U[ othe r�gprOR����g ���,��;�, �iti��nsf�ip I Irnr�i�retf�r� Terms �}effne�[f 49 GFR 2�,2{aF(2}Al7te tFo� lu4vfarNy present in the Uer�ed�tafes, Th� RhC�,� "�lien npk 12�wiully Present i+a the ltnit�d Sk3t��" meao6 dn �Iien wh4 iS no[ "IawPe,Ily p:•essrk" -n the U.S. as aefined in S CFR iQ3.7� �nd anclude6= l�I An 81irt:n presenE in the U„5, u,ho has n4+# blerr ad mrtt�d ror �2 rc,led iru#4 tAl! U.S. pur�udnq ko the Imm�gf�tiCtn and �aki4fl�lil�y Act (8 U,S,C_ LiD1 �f St'Q, 1 a nd w1�0it it�y in the LI.S. hd�S r10s been a;eth9ri��d by the Vnit��J Skates At[9 rn�Y General; d!Id, � iiJ An �tlle+] wh0 is pce$�n# In iHt U..S, a#t�r Ch�e lxpir3tion �f k�e peri�d of �k]w �us�orixed 6q kh� ��ited 5#��.�� At[orney �S�n���l ar who p#�m�ryyi�� �i�l,� kei fhe 6erm� �h� t8r�tlrtians af �nti�3i�n, parnle or ��thtaraFa�ian [p skiy nn lhe LI_$. ' JA�lens= dJlen4 are �eopl$'vrho h�ve left iem�grd[ed} a fareign Cduntryto the iJniC�d States. 7hey ha�� sr�me o# ki►e sa�e freeAOrns and leg�[ rqghls as u_5, citex�n�, �ut[hey�annpt++�fe i� e.'ettipni. * Rtsident �Ji�ens� A Ipr��gner wh� �S et pePma�en# r�ged�np of tFr� �pu^�try in whi€h h� pr ih� deside� q�sk tJ�es not hav�e t�{izenship. Tp fall wnder khi3 class'rfi€atEon Vn qhe U,§., you nped k[r erth er turrpn p1y h;,re a grg�� [��d or h av� hi�i Dne in thR I�St ea lendar y��r, Ypu aPu+ fa ll under thg u.�, Cl�ggif�Eatir,n af rg�,l�;h� aPien rf yp� h��t been in th� �.g, fQ► 3L d�y5 pY more dvring x�� �urr�ent yp�r �fong uumth hivi�g be�en in;h� �1 5, fnr dk I�� fe 1$3 d�Ys aver a tF� rpg, Yt� r period th�� i�c lud es the eu r<g�t year. ' Npn•Resldent A�IFens= r� `a�on-EV.$. cl�lt��' uw�eo da��,n"k �i�ss the gree� C�rd [es�t ar k�e SukcstanlliaJ preirt�a�e test. iF8 n�n-�iearen [urrEfiGiy has i 6���n �ard or has had � grggn card in tl�� p��t {�lendar y��r, f�� �,r she wq,ul� p�yg t�e gr�en �ard test and,�epul� �e €Ia�gzflBd �5 a resid�nk �lien. If eh� Indl++idu2� has r�sidp�l in She 4l.S. for 31 ddy3 or mc�rg In khe current p��r �r�d resided in �h� I�.�, for rngae th�n 1�3 �ayg p�vee a thr�e•ye�r period, irrclu�in� ��y� �urrent y��r, he or she �arpul� p��s tfi.e s�q�kanso�l presen�e� 4'e5R �nct be cla#y�fi�d �s a resid�,ak 51ien_ *�I�tiOnals; �,re��rK�n hfationa7s 3r� n�}iy�3 af �me�'ita n t�r�it�a�fal p�55�g�ions, l'heW h2vr, � It kE�e le��l p�ptect+fln3 tu�ti[t� � �S iten s havg, bu t they do n.gk hav� #ht fulf polit�taP ri$hts o[ US citizen;_ A[cnrd'tng #0 6 U.S.{. 41�4G� i# a5 R�#s;ble ta be � U.S. natior�al withQut h:eang a V.S. titix�n. A perso� whos� vnly C�nne�[ian tp k�t U.S. as #MrpuEh b'.nh "n an ou#ly�ng passessi4n (of a045 is li�r�i#ed ko A�me=ican $arr�a�,� �rrd Srx�aivrs Fsl,�ndf, or Rlarnugh d�3tent Horn d#ersoe� �o b9rr1 �cquid�� U.S. N�tlonali6y but not U,S, �Citi�ns�'ryp. ihls w�s faemerlY �h� ��se in other U,S. p*assessiqn�: * G u�m $189� -195{1) {Ci�aenship �r�atld trv a n AcC 9f Csngress] ' Puerto Rito � 16�8 - 191Tj {[�#i�ens�ip gran#ed bk � n 61ct flF f[FAgr��sj ' U_5. 4+irgin: Isl�ntli (1$1T • 19�7� 3Citi�enshlp granted hY �ie Act t�f Cangress) �Y3tionaa� wha ar� ri0t Ci[ixens �eannp# wp�e or hoCd �l�4ttd offi«. Hqiv��gr, th�y m�y r�3ide an�l wr�rk i� the U�fqpd S'lates uui#h-g�t restra�tlonS �nd ap�ly fpr �i[ixenship Wn�er k�e same r,pleg �# tether re�ldt+�s �liens. Mat all I�.j. ���iDn�Ps are U.S. G�tizens; haw�ver, �IR U.S. �itl2�� ��p {�,�. �q��lg, Indeed, L�.S, pgfyp,�rt� nptmelly makg np d65[incti�n between th� tiwa, rnent+pning o�ly Rhe h�ae�r'� nationalityr, npt �i#/her citix���h�p, '[itirens: R� rsoras horn i�n th$ U,S. 4r to U.S. Cltlien5 in farergn Cs]untries a re [it�ttn# nf th.e i�'n ili�d StA [es. persc�n5 bbrn in o#h�t t��ntries who wa nt �� beCome �itldeh4 rhust appPy f�r �nd pass a��i��P1#hip tesk. T�oi� vaho h�e�o�n� �Itire�s in tl��� rn���per are €�Sut2lized €i[la�n�, ' PF�#ura� 9�rn {Itlzenx= " hl�'tural ixe� [itF�en�: A"r�atur�l bCrra� ritixen" �� � persvn �orn in kh� lenritory of �e U:S. or t4 Unit�d States �{kmQrira �itl2en �rgnls. A`n�tur�litetl [i6i�en" IS iom��ne x�h0 w34 nct horn �n U,5 ia�l- they were not a ci#i;erl �f the epunS+y �xhen k�ey x+ere taorn, 1�u4 h�ve gone tl�ripugh� the pra.�885 df becommg � eiti��n, I do F�r,�b� affrrn thak, ta 1he best of m+� kn�w]�d�, th�� di�pl���e is� 21igi�sle fOf quafifi�d Reest�blaghrrl�nt re=irr�bursem�rlt5, k��5ed prl d�sp��see's occupa�►cy �f fihe pa rceP as a place �f e�nri�mic ��i�uity a# kh a Grne of the initiali�n of neg�ti s!#�n� andfor �f �he tirne of #he p�rceCs ��quislii€�n. I further �ffirm thal: the displac�� qr��lifies {49 CFFC Pt. 2�� 25 �"displ�Ced persqn', os 8 sm�l, �xusiness� f�rm ❑r non-pr�fiC organiZ2�l�4n, and is ?hefef��� entifled k� reCeive f�$B�l�3�lishrn�nt ��ym�ral�s}. ne�t t� exceed ��if,�CbD 1M.S. �t �7.5�j� fe�r el�gib�e �xpens� �Glu�Jfy inC�rred ira r�IC�C�tlaig and r$�5k�bfshing r�uG�4 6m�ll b��in�5s, i�rm c�r r��in-prafi# pr��n�ati4n 2�@ a reptla��rrte:ral si#�, �ign�d: �.��r~�a�n ,�u,sar R�•estabrishme�t [os4s C#�im Page � of 2 Rs1033 I ;��� � � v � � i �� �� � I �� "� � _� s , $ I .� � � �� , � � � } � �1 4 � c i w � � I I � � '+a �yI . �^ , ' 4 " � I � i I � .� � �� � I � , ' y '� # I I -�, � � .� � I � ar n � � � w�", [c � vi I e e � � I a � � � � 2� E � � � � � � 60 . c i � � '- �� � .! 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[e3 hrr�rG�s ma[ePidli in :nus ua��e I�+uir�, aso�sstvs, ieact: ece...7 A�¢liante; hq (jy��y Sign�g! �Y 3�1►'15er -�al .4riy ,��,Ofl Iki [I7rn�x7ny 5yp���� I'sGur or m�:tQf��d15 �df [lai� smpr44�A'�4fil1G y�ur pr�ar-y r�r.ay Yi6ra I�,er� a�a�nst y,our pre�ry af that p�ers�F or �_wn�pc�� :� :�ci[ pastl i�r :hn �[�tnEln:tidns. {�,I LSnder nAinn�50[d 13w, 4� n74e Ihe f��h! La p,1y p�r5p�ig wRu wppli� I��r oF RYaterv�lg fqr thl3 MTtiwP�DvgmpnE �Jir�{�ty yis41 �l,�;.u� �ry� 3m�uM1S Prpn 0Uf f��lrarC �K@, �}r W�II�Wufd Ik.0 d•'�pu�lLi.�].u? Lhrm frqt�l u5. uaitil 1�0 paYk d�S�f [61llQ+elwr 4r 4�'£ �fl�� 64�rYl�rtt UnIESS H`Q �14C'POv y li4n M+drVBT S+g.n24 hY {�t'�4 Whs3 SuPG`�ed� �ny Id�4r 4r rl'+di2Wiil �4r th� IlikPiB�r'nenY anA wh0 �a°,� YOu S�m9fy �4[�E2. � SiQr�3SU r� BL151�J�SS �E-E�TABLISMM�NT CLAIM A[]�fAhdCE kELi��CATIC�N CLAIh�,�1 BREAi4[3�V�+�J I'ViEM[7 T�? C�14ih+1; FF�OfUI: P�enny R€�I#, tiNSB & As�ociates Date; lune 19, 2L1i$ Di�pla�ee: Ewings �GDing in Styl�, anc. TII� t�15E?I�GiE�'S f�2C�IV�C� ��SrI}00 adw�nce fe�nn the �City �f d�,+'I�ntieell,� on �+1ay 31, �C�18, �hese fund5 �+e�f�e used t� pay for the piurrtih�ing p�rrnit s�f $1,7�5.(7� with '�84�.0�7 +�f th� permit fe� allo�ated k� the business ��-��tak�lishrr7er,t cl�im be�refit �r�r th� t�enants. �Th� b�l��rce �of t}�� permit is sM�u�n �n the rnpv� �I�irr� t� the displ�t��s}, 7he bal�n[�e c�f th� k�u�in��s re-establishmeret clairn adv�n�� �+f $4p�6f�_Cl� w�ll b�e pai� ��r�ctly ti� �he �ontractor— Flerit��e C�,nStr�,�tion Cc�rrrp2ni�s. LL� by tia� ��spJacee and were d+�ducted fr�m Busine5s Re-�stablishrr��nt �lairri �C �, ��th the �di�pl�cee �r�d the �antra�tr�r,�re ��var� of th� inf4r�ation det�iled af�oue, ���� ��������' L 4+ �i 5 I � �.� �. J � � � ' s , l. -'� :: 'S .`. . . _ i.. i �iuiJding wrth F#�nesty, kespect anrJ Exper#is�. Cc�in� In 5ryle R{lich�lle Ewi�rg S 1,� C�da r §t i1r�Crr�Ci�cello. MhJ 7�3-36CY-�527 Fckirn�[r�r_ Jo'ti: Ar�drewHarvala {7fi3148�-6��5 ��SCrI¢7flfffl 1. Plum�ing permi[ appfica�t�on [ee r��� . � �� � � �� Pl u mh ing �eFr[oit ����I�r .�.J �f �4I2€�1� PByfTl��n t T�rm.s: E]ue upo:r. reseipt �.IfSt TL5�3� 1,72� Ga ��� �� c��� � � �� �� � �� � �� _ � �� �� -,���,,r�� ��� . �� �''���k'y}� Tntdl � 3,7�5,40 V �.!• ��14,5!L �I �.11 i; {;1...��'.�..�. y �:�.:. r; ., ._._a _: .'-��. .. ��k•L`.il . I_.v ' _�i �.. .. ,. _ � -:i'. .-��.o :5+11 R., iz��... . ii tll,r�r��'.I`i,.i���r� !E`- ir JI^i�:ri�r'� �Y,.. i;�ilv-�.�'S ��.. �'�. 11T=:af�'t.r3 `:1r :J:"+I�.?I:}R 1lFj� �i ,JY�4)'!� ;jJ�'�. wit_'f�ile�' i:' i�l`#,?i•f.`-I��1 E°;cT't.i 4:€`5!;'�4'I�� r5� rit:C:.�.lt-rr_1� +7?�iy''Jr���43+F�'iRY1t�r1 :a��i;l�;?d,:. C�stt�! �a �I� �.�4af_'���%tG: s7£� E'}..fr� �,�.. I xa ;}t!g, :ol�i;� af�.ii:.'d�? r?7}'? 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IF�o-r nii,[t u:c mnly I inii�l� fin date CMCfCC amt. p���i " t�rll. due � htkps;�,wnvw.�d�m org+nnembersf�rrv4ir.e_view.asp 21� 'w°`��3�ic�r�° �� � � � - — l7al� ��f�-fr�i���ctic�r� I� � CIT`F []F N1Ol�kTICEILLi? �wt+� [Hall �ard Tr�ns�cti�n Pfease a�tkach t�e invoicef reeeip# �nd any nth�r av�ilable do�umet�4ation ta #his for�. To b� ca�plet�d b�r purch,as�er; �ii Mil C7U �lt � r-_]� (�� +, ~� � Circ�e gurchasee r�ame: Tr��y �r��n ; Vicki Le�rfi�aff,` � �ta�he� Le�nard Jeff O'hl�ilf V'Vayn� Qbe,rg S�rah ���hlisber��r' tennifer ��chrgiber Angela Sttru��onrt lirr-, ihares la�ob Thu��nd�� ', � _ .ry f, � ,$ � Em�+layee 5i�nt;tur2 f �,�, -• }` �`. -- � . �" �` .� 5uperuis�r 5i r�ture `°°, �_ � � �� � . � Cl�t� ap�roved Circl�e department c�sde; 14�1-4�111� City �CQ�neil 1t�1.-4131C� Admir�isfrat°r�n lCll-�14117 �lecti�n5 ]��-4],S�Q Finan�ee 1C11-418��I H���n �te5ources 107-41��� P4anning �nd Zon�ng 1�11-419�� D�ta F'rv�es5fr�g 1f�1-��.�3�E� City Hall �13-4650�C� Ecc�nvmi� Devel�pm�nt �13-463G� HRA �ii�C�@ I�K�l�IiS� [O�i�: 421�90 Ge�eraw Op�ratin� Supplies 431�5C7 hJ�wsl�ftee Servic�s �3�19�9f3 Mi��el�ar�eous Prof Ser�,�es �,3��t?[� P�sxage 43�5�� Tr�v�elfTr�Rnin� Expe°ns� 44330L7 l7ue� �rieanbersh:p & S;:�scrip �A37C��p Lacen�es and Permit� �4�9�[� Mis� �ther��pense �Eher ���e'�-� ,�: � �� ������� r_�r���7 4�s,xF �ar�.E�: M(;h#f1C��L.�.L, �r,;�`-�?i-llil(i tr��:��7��°�Ul� [1;�:�;:� i�h� �.�NtI�E`F �r;��77r1J ���� �� rl�l�����i�il� I F�1�11� �;4�[1(:La2Y t`1�+:`7iiJl,l�lti hil� ;:L1�f,r���`.� rh' ;�] .rl , �ey�l:d� Ps�r��:� ��.G� 5a�,+��1 �ll �s�s ;;ft �:3.=1� Cvs��,��n �1.[iii uff $� ia�} �C;�LIf)i.� ���':i�' `�1,�i� ,� a�s4� 7 r�f�a�� MF r:{ �F�t:a�c� �� r� � i. r, s � R��� � 1 pr� '�r i t�� �� . fi� S�av��� $ti,�i$ c�ff �:�.�1'i ��e�u����:� �1,�1[i n�tt ��1.sai-1 ��f:ar�� Yalu� �7.c1. ��:, �s1;�.�U�:1y AF AF�FTIi�r� �h� ��q, ��, �ll�i(�� �l �28.21 N(i FA}� �],�ii 4..: rcr�� ��a,z1 �lU�I".� w l �A f'�;JtiF;,,;E "��t� , �? ] A�CI; A,O��:..1lii.�Li�1:311J�i701 '�+i�A �ff:tCiIT ,4 I4JI��� C:A R �:� �.�'dl�1G� ICiIJqL ��11+�1l�[;� iFl1°� TF{i'� �3, 7�i �Es;�2-�1�9-21�i0•fi�C��-�7��-di ��1]it15]-�`�1-1�ir� � ��verytl�ing � !■ � c�m� �� �;,�,* � ��s�s?' � � �ir�Il� m�kr �,+�rur T�i�{rt .��u� b�ete�r I :�k� � 2 �ni ��np�� �:u� �.�.:��� ,_d.r-::,��t trJai��: ' a :r i, I r Yf [;u ��n k aj �i�i:s l, i,lr�1 l��er Tf1; �1�? �7Ei� �i�3�+lJ P�sswur-rf= i42 3fdl c:u��r��„ E�v ����Ar►u� �'1�a;� t.r�,k�. 4r�F�. �,i� :tt�; w�tl��i� � tlaa��} �'e�dar I�at� c�� � �"ra�����tia�r��� - �� �iTY QF �7��1�`I���LO �#�c�st Gard Tr�nsa�tior� Ple�se �kt�rF� the �n+raacef r�teipt �nd ��y� otFre�r aw�l��ble doturnentatfon to tF�is forrn. To b� co�rn�?ete�# by ,purch��er� Arr�ount � �4�' � � Cire�+� purchaser n�me: ���bic Da�vids�n J��ie Cn�er�e}� �x��n�e ��t�e �_ � � , ,� , � � _,� - � ���"• '�����., � �� �� � ��,�� �. �1�•�' ��1t��7ticel Ic� � h�mb�f of �.'c�mkY��r�e PO 13u� �9�? ?f}� P'i��� �l7LwE h�lcre��E�:�l1r� MTV �� ��i? E3iC] -f� f+���oun�s �'���ahle C��{3�Zt��s�llu C"�e»munit�•('��yE�r ��5 l'4�'a€nut :4tr��t �u�i�� � f�1�r�nti�wlfu. ��l;'� ��i;ti? DescfiRtior, ; rl�lisare[ �f�]r�C-F� ��°ti�i'}.�h[rp e�n "`Trar.s3�,r[71an� �h''�44P CC:iiii-' [#:�,es�css :L f3ri��l�i�yYt [S�ird {'sltill � _�'=-���� . `� � ����'r ��' �"� ,1Cw��� � � � LJ � r_-����. . �� ���� � � . ie �� � ',�" � ����� �I w�i i �ha4k .�uu {or y�ou� Camn+itme..[ ta� tF+e HuntieefJn C'k�.MB�. � GW++mCres � r+�t�stn�. The Mr.�t��af'e+ C1.a'w6#r rr�cFem.tg the �..te✓qfts �tf i��iacss wad srrwe� to ctre,.grna., Lw��eaS�s a�d s[�+.,ufate reqio-n�ti p:asper.FY �aw.t�:e�la C ha.wbcM ii �r9�d P� i1 �xe n.S tl� -�fr-ant dao-r ta a�.r fiA4 S.u.,,..wA�[�+ ►F�r tha'ss+�er is a•x5o�ar�4 ��'� butiirusses, retiule.�ts. a.�A �r�;��[+wi w!�k.l. pyondrRg wFurv�a[m., an�i �r.frekt a6oai f�t a*Va� twraura�iwg efrnam�r Aw� �ar.o.r«;.�,tity yruwG. ;n additiar. ?e RnLyd+s�wz�+ta�Jy wr2eaFcrina vniE�rx to t4,t a,-4n � + f�ate ln����i�� � �4i � [.�?0 ] � 1 17,76a �liC �}d�t� �I r'? �i!? 0 I � - _; � Amaun� i - 15 [�[� � ��'{}�� � � 1 � , I.� �1 7C�;-�9�-?7ff{! in�rc�.�:'ci;mnx7tic�ll�cei.��m }�stp::�+'u��������,m�,ntic.�ll��c�i.c�,m J�ulie �hene Fr�mp S�ra �ahill 15�*rt#: h�onday, ,4pril �3, ZQ18 3:36 PM Ts�: Juf'ie Cher��� �ubje+�t: RE: f,��nti Charr�k�er [n� #1177�6a $15_(lQ 1'�s, c�k t€� ��y, Sair�e ccr€iin� �s It�st [irrie�';' Fr�m; �Ufie Cheney S�nt: �vlc�nday, Apri� 23, �018 �:34 PN1 io: 5ara C.ahill �S�r�,C�hPll�ci.rx�c�nti�ello,mrt.us> �ubj�t#; Nl�nti Chamf��er Inv #11776� $15.f1b 5ara Att��hed is In�rt# 1Z7�6� fr�rr� the �Chamber for �� ev�nt �n�x attended. C�k�y to p�}+ $1�_Q(}? Ple�se provid� roding. 7h�nk�, �2fl��t' i �,t'1��'4� Fi►1t1r1C� f�15�%5t��t City� c�f N4ovtti�ello �6�-�71=32(}� J'uli�.�h�n�}��c�,�t�n*ieel c r;n.us AP�ci.monti eel la,r�tn.u� � 1.31 ;� ��I�1�1���� �- _ ��rnail ccrr�res�r���++�rcce �o and fr'�rr� the Cr"�ty vi� A+lc►rrt�cel�o r��ver�r+mer�t of�r�es is s+�b�,�ect to t#��e Nfar�n�scrt� ��tirerr�rri��tt Da�ta �'ro�trce� Act �ar�d rra�y b�e d�s��r�s��d to thrr�' ��tr�s, '� �c���ti�:i:ilc� �:ly�,rt�k�e�` �f Cc�rnmerce PC� �c�x 19� �{}� !'in� �t�e�.t Rii�rf��w�Cl�r ��1�1 55�{�2 F�if] �I-o Acc�i�nts Pa,���bEc: �1t�nt�cellca C�c?�7t�t�trnil}� �'e���ei� �{�'� �h'�l��u� Stre�l �uite � I�•tc�r��ic�ll�. ���� ��;fi� �]e�Gripii[�r� I,. .. _ _.... �;'tc�iursC ��:'��'l l 1,�.��5rks��� �j "'E'�a�aa�un,�i��c �`�riir T��krrp�� LiU3111ti,i� � I3r��E:lr��l l�I�r4Cl� F�llS�crffjl �. _. ...� � � � � �,..�' =�; U �� I i � Y ' !! � �� � �aAK yc�� fur }aur• cas!+��sr�tr.rer.t t0 �d Aty.,C�CdIYc Cha�..ber c�6 Ca�me.rerca k��dwi'Fy. fhe Manticeffo �i,�n.bir rapr�i�ts [„e .Rt�l�:reati sF buz�ne�c a��,! fr+��4S kv s[•n�pt8�er� bu�inii�es� a"d it��dn4'R r�qiar�nf prr.�pent.y�. M0�l,t-61i0 L'hawa¢ar i� prou� [o se,ve aS tkt �'tr4�t daar' io r�r �irte «rnw.e,.��ty. 17�. C�a�,4+�... is a resaurce f�r �9�Rf€ti. r43iG�#..ts ar� vrsiEars alke� pYa.�di,�� �..�u.w�nGrc� nnd inseght a�out ri�e arca. �+.s.owrn.4i�.g rcnna�ni a.�a ea.vv..;�..�ity �ruwth in ad[latra�r ra entlw.faRghcqffy .a#IEer�+iA,y vr��tsrs tu LFre onea � + i��tc Jr��°s�i�� �; ��°'11�2��1�; 11�79a � L)u� I���i ����'�;`20 I � �.mounl I 5.1;�,1 76:�-?9;-�.7�0 ma�-���'i��.nini��ecelln�� i.�urrf ]Ztt�;���'���������,tnunt3� e �E���s:i.ce�tt� J�rlie �h�ney From: Triri� HandarFF Sent: hAonda�, �pril ��, �Oi� 3:�51 PII� Tv: Jul'ie C�eney �u6ject: RE: Manti Chamber Inv# 1177�� $15.0� Yes�h�nk yo�+. ��"+.��:�1.-. �` [�s�l.c�r�s'� h,�emb�r �er+�ice� Pvlan�ger �uionti��llc� G�rnr-�ur�i�ty �ent�r 7fi�-�71-i 1 �� � �� ,��r�t�`}c�ll� ��������� ������ En'r�.l c i���,p�n���".{��. l�� �F7i� fr�rti L:ity r,t h�,i�ntl+:�ll� �,�u�:�°rr�ii�c�nt t�F'i C�:3 i5 �3�.f�j�ul lr� lh� `�,��•7�7s:.�nt� �=:�;�'���7��,i�rik D�1a F�r=��k C�s 8nd rna�+ G� di��l[�sed C�a tftird paetie� Frornt JuRi� �heney Ser�t: Mvnd��+, �4pril 23, �fl�8 �:34 RM T�: TriCi� Han��rff Subject: M[��ti Ch�mber Inv# 117792 �l�,�JfD T�iCia Attach�ed hs Ch�mb�r Ir�v# 11ii9a f�sr �n eu'er�t y[a� �attended_ �k2y tt� p�Y �15,0�� Pleas� prt�+�ide ��i�ii�rg, �hank�, J��Y1fi' `���2i'1)t'a�. �IYYQI�C@ ��51St�l�`k# Clt}' of �+M1�nfl�e��c� 763=271-32D� 44J11C.�i'I�f6��'�w .�T'IC�1t.C�:�t�.,'t1fl.IJ5 A�� �R.t�o�t icei��.rnn_us � ; � � c�F . �� �C���I���.� ��'[t�rttie�ECc� �'It�att�kaer ��F����ne�ee�� Pc� B��r I 9? �U5 E'i��� �rree� f�lonti�cJlca I'v11�1 ��3f�? F3 � ] l `I-� .�+c�n�as��,� F'a�able :�lnntis.;ellc� C�mn�4�nitr° ��€rter 5flj 1�`fifr�tet Street �ui��e �4 C4�1�t1ti��El�, ��'I� 55�6' R2s�r�li�n rl�€iur:C�[1 �£'11 V4'a]Tk5h43p t�il "l r�CsS€�s�rro�sn� �'isur Ta,pr�7�" L�usln��, 2� Iir,,�kl�Ast i.a�nn �iCrs�Cki --"L�C�1��'�'�-=; - a: � — � ; � ., e iF 1 '�wnk �mc+ for ya�r ra..�`nifA.a,d T4 TFd A1��Mtircfro CCh�rnter nf �ara�uru 4�.�ui��Fy fhe NeanSicei�a CHerMh,pr �p+�+Ysrwis [i�e r��rr:s� o-F 4Ws�.�xg p,�! yr,wb,. ra s[trngtbex fcwvne�fxs a�1 ar�.++�iaie .rgianal Fr$sperrt� 1�10n#ivai�e Cf�ai«.ber is graWd #n iervc 4E t}i ".IrG..i d0ar {;n oi.r �int ecwr,wWn�2y�. TJ:x ih.a...$a. is a m�wrce� far �+Sx�#SSd3. *i5idt: .Ce. a�oti r�srtan aliic[�� p+4r�d�..� mFOrn+aHw+ ev+d insight aba;as tH.e ereq. #.te:aura�i.+g acuaw�rir ue��i eoMr��n�ty yrawtl+ in additio.., ta e�d'+�ieedG4atdy� wiiEar�....;g vur[ars to- tJ•.e area � . I�ate ]�����iic� � �#.'dC,�2G1� 117�7:� T)u� �a�e �r`?fi?'�{}1 �3 E Am�unt — - I �,��€! I � ` Tc�E�il � � � ,i}�1 i(���� ���-�7f){i rrt�rc:y��{c�:-rn�ii�ticell���.i.cr�tt� http:.�`i�� ������,rn��n�i�� Ilu�;::i_ccs��� Juli� �h���e Frvm: Anr� Mv���k �e�nt: Mond�y, April 23, 2�J1� ���7 Phr1 T�� Julie Cheney �ubj�c#: R�: h�1�?nti C��m�er iinv# 1177 Ta � � 5.{}�l 4�es. pl�as� c�de� ��� '��'�i-�� 1��'-�331�Qf} �--- 9 - -- -..�._ _ .. __ Fr�rr�: Julie Ch�n�y �ent� Manda�, Apri� �3, �€��.8 3:35:2Ci PM Tn: Anrr Mt���c� �ubject: �1�nti Chambe� In+�# 11777� $�15_�� ,� fk fY Att�eh�ed is Ch�mber Inv# 11777� fi[�r �r� �ven� you att�ndled, C?ka�y ko pay �1.5_i��l? Pl��s� pr�vide co�ding. Tharrks! ��t�2�' �����'77t'l� �IrI��iC� /#SSiS�C��i'� �It�" �f �C�FiiIG���� ?63�-�7�-32��J .Tuf it.r'hr.ney'�c�.rrlantic�ICa_a�n.us AP�ci.m❑nt� cel Iv.mr�_us # I f 1 {1F � 1� � �{��1������ Ertwr� ���rres�ra�t�f�r�ce t� e�nd ��om the �rty of �Ulc�+�tr�efi�o �orr�r�rrrr�er�t o�fic�s rs ��r�,�ect t� t�r� �+I+r+r�esc�ta ��ti+=er�nm�ent ���r �'r�ctice� Act �n�+ rn�y be drsc��rsed tr� t�ir� �arti�s_ i f��1�tlticL El�s C:17�i��er c�f �.c�ra�ra�erc.� ��� k����; 1 �2 ?{}� �'in� �€re�t 1�1u�7tiwcllc� M'� �5'�fi2 Bill "I"rr Aec�u�rts F'a�`a�i�� �°Suntic��llo C'�rnct�uGt�t�' �`�r�ter 5t75 �'�Itroui Str�e.xl �uite � �1�rniice�lo. :"vI'.�1 �5 if��'. I���ripti€�n '{i I R c"�I�arn�cr C.si��#� - h�ari�r 2U-y[titi c�� 4'i,ti� rxir�rT�,. i,��yn Masackp '7i�ank yrr far yaWr cq�++mitmt�.0 [o �`�e hiaw.ticeY.a C°harn�r.r uFL`qt.,..,EMEd A l.�.plw��[ry. Yhr i�lonGaella f:lyimbp rayrrsenCs the �.ttraciX �{ by5i..�[� .ynd xerwas ta eMen,gtlian buginegSp€ +�� if�rw'ata regiunnl prr.}renty. 1•1flwPrrelfa ChamLer 'r, �ruWd tpTRw�e a5 iti! `fro+�t doaY' to our Fine rnw.n.�.n�ty. 7],� [,F.�rw6er.a a re�aur-ca Pur ��airnrsxi: eesidsM[t an�d r��S4i^S �li'�;#. p�+Ward � inFar�aCian an.� :rsry�kt :abw�.t t7„� aMta, a+uuwnagixg ecanmw�� a�A ww�rnwnit� �rawtk in addril'a,. C4 e..�hwSiaskicaPyy wnkarning vriitnri ro tFe A''E� I � . C���ic fn����ice ��' 3:'`�7,``�f] 1$ I ] 7�JSa L]�a� L)al� �F;` I l ;°? +� I �i Ar�ount ` lS_�!t} � Iol�l �,��,U� 7fi�-'�3�-?7�1(� �nar;:��'f:['3TECICIT]C�I IC1CC1-CU3'!1 �t[[�7ei���l1�''44"�l ,�dli�]]ik�L�I�CiCS:I,�[}fZl Juli� Chene Frarn: Ann h0��saek S�nts Tu�sday, IXpril 3, ��?1$ 12:C15 �M TC�s auli� Cher�ey Subject: RE; Pv'lvnti Chamber fnu# 117D5a $15.Q0 Yes, �C�7�nk5� P1�ase cae�e t� ���-4�1�2-�331[l[3 Frorr�: Julie ��eney Sent: Tuesda+�, April (33, ��D18 11:54 AM T+�: �r�r� hrls�s��k �P�nn.F�lt�sack�ci.�n�n#iCell�,rrtrl,u�� 5ubjett; M�n#w Charr�b�r In��t 117Q5a $15.C1�1 Anr� �ttach�d i� Inv# iT30�� fr�m the f�lonti �hamb�r for tl�e h�rla��h lunc�r, �k�y to pa+� �1�.+p�0? Flease prpvide c�clir�g, Th��nks, .T�r�r�� � �`���; ����;� Fir►ol�nCe ,�ksSist€]r�t +City of f�s]r1�iC�El45 763-271-3�05 �'ufi�_�h�ney�ci rt��anti�e�llo.tn�_us A��ci _rnor�t i�� I I�.rnn.Ws r �T, a�F .� .. � . -±=� ���1�1����� �nw�l c��r'+���r��c�err�e to arrd fr�rt� �h�e Citp� �f �41o�n't1ce�la gover�mer�t of�ic�s r's scrb,���� to �h� �A+lir�ne���c� C�over�r�rrrierrt �t�x �ra�tr��s �lc# �nd rtxay i�e drsc�cr��ed �o �k�r�rdr pa►�t�es. �1��n�i�.�] Gu C: ��arnt�er �� C.c�rnme.rce F'(7 F3���; 19? '?{}� f'in� Sir�e�t h�ic�r�ti�eils� 1�ilti �5;�� Bill �1'�a t��.c�su���s F'�4�}bl�. �4unliti.ills� C'cs�i�a7iunit� �-er�ter 5i�� ���'aknut °��re�t �uite 4 R�'lc�ntic�llc�. ��� ;;;6�' �*,�riptl�n . ���I�i C ILilFf7E}�S� I.{SFSCji - �4��fCI7 !I}--�Lt-L'G���71V �xaT�nit fiv�.pl�llllli �1:�t�1ic41a Dat� In���aec;� � 'a;'�'7�'?U [ � 1 C 7�?(ia f1.�nk uau far yOMr £C�+a.,i�re+tnt [o the l-1cnC�ceffa C�fir.x�Vl� GF COnrw�a•xe � tnd..ft�j. T1,i Ma++F:rtJ�e C'hmw�ber represcnts tfv �nt[rRS#S Of 4air�au �nd tervas ta arre.y�tF.RR Exixalsrs eaa� s6rww�,utt rega0�4f p�ryypGnfy. �rracicaiYa C'b�m6er �s pw�.d i0� SdrYW as �he '$ront daaY !o- a�r r�,�,b �a�.,m4NRety. Yhe eYurnlrer �f 9 rtS��r f�r ftuyin6s.i€s. ras.+�r�.ts mnd r�iWa3 qJi�. f.rbv.ding 'rrt�errnatian e� �..��Ff A�P42 LFG arra, enca�aa�.i�+FOFlOr�+t w�.d 44M.,,wni#y �ro-wth in ad��ria„ ta �..(�1wi�a9�{rra�� wefco,w�ng •rfFr[A�'S. FO fhE arta L�ue [��t� �� 1 I,'?€��� Atn4,�nl S I �.�}[� 7'f+3-��3�-2i(�C� rt}a��� ��r;m+��lict�llc�cci,�c�rr� ht�p: ';��►-��ati��.rn�cPrrcic� Cl�cci.c��m Julie Ch�ne �rorrt: Carinn� fulat�hell Sel1#: TueS�ayl. Aprid 3, 2018 ��'20 Ptu1 T�: Julie Ch�ney �ubje�t; RE; Monti �harnb�r In+�# 11 ��6a 5���€�Q �es �Co�i�tr�� 14���cf�e11 A►q�atic l�S�p.e�t'visor 7�63-��f-7x�� � "l � Ci7Y L79° =��° i��I"1�7.��� � [� �rt }i�# [J �J 1 T'� �C E i� � E � Ema�l cc�rresp[�nd�nce to ar�d fr�ar7� City r�t 1�9c�nti��llc� got+�rnm��t of#iees is 5uk�j�c� tc� tFre h�9inne�c7t�, +G[�ve��irr��ent a�t� F'r�ctices a�id rr��y be diSeEa�Qd t4 thir�d �,3�r[i�s Ft�or'�: Juli�e C#�eney $�nt: i�.l��d�y, Akprll �, 2�L1�8 11=56 All+"I To. �€�rinn� Mit�cheNl <�c�ri�ne,Mitch�ll��i.ro�or�ti�ell4,mn.u5� Subje�t: M[��ti Chamb�r Inv�G 117��ia �1�.��] �qri�ir�e Aktached is M�nti Cham�er inu# 117��� for � 15,€l0 for tF�e irA��t� luncFa: t]kay to ��y � 15.C�0? Pl�ease proyide ��adin�, Th��ks, _�il.��t' { .�"�r'�1��''.�f �i{��j�ryC� r�S515fi{�►�� �It}�' �# �Ii�Oh�`IG���� ��1�����-���� �TuI��.Che��y��i.rr�ant� eel Ic�,►n�i_u5 P�P�ci_mant i�el lo,rr,r�.us ����„ �,� -� ,���ii�ell� Emai� corr�s�aortderrce t� �rr�c� �r�irr� the �'�ty �of A+I��t�c�d�o �vernr��rrt o�ffc�s �s su�b,�eri� t� the A+1rr�n��o�kcr �Cover�rrment �]atr� �+�ac#f�e� �4et arrd +}ruQ�r be t!r'sc��sed ta ��rr-d ,p�r-ti�s, 1�ltanti�eli� t'a��i�n�er �,TC:c�rner��x�� P[_1 ��,� I �� ?�� Yin� :�t��:�i '�°'t6�r31ii:i']Jc} I�•11� �'+,s�? t3ilE T�r Aecc��ur�ls C'����ahl� ��1�ntieell� Cc�r��9�1�u7ir�� (:���t�r �0� ��'�le��t ��r�et �4�itc -� ��far�ti��Jl�. Mi'�11 �;;62 Lescri�C�or. � 2f518 C'F��mhcr I.k111s17 • i�S�l'tifi �l�—�{i+�ir C�IYY' �-.\lLGkriti {'J�ait��v El�rre�i�pr�K'� ' T1ap.,.k yas+ fa� c�aur ca�x�+�itrnr�t ta tly��. Mq�.p:��alla CkpywaeLF af Carmrner�� (r 2.,�y,�r�. fbe Maxt�iatfo Cheswber �"+Pr#S�MtS t1.�. inlerae� aP bwsincsF a��d i�wfi C+� Sir;n,qltien �bcsines�es a.�d Ft�awfpf# rRy.�pnal prciprnts�. Nfanticaf�a {.1.qF,.�bC�� +S �p*cwd ta srrve ai tFe "frm�.t �aar" Ya ayr Fine ea�+sraxw.fp�. T'i.e e�rw.tre. ei a cso:�rre f�or 6tairoaffR[. ��ei�dr,.t5 4..J Vifi[dYs wfiYu. prawidiwl i..fmrx;iGo., 4..d ,�.,ii+�k,k w6aiet [he arra� a.wa�,r.��,�..,y fto..vm+r a� cuxr�nun�t� qr�wtk i,. ,�€lriiEi4n [a rn[iuxsiasticnlSy wa�t4w.i.v� M�3+t4F5 Tc l�.e �rrn. � + �414Y� I��Ti1��'LL �f ;�'�?.�`2[}l K l ] IL�Ga D��e f3ate ��'11:?t�IB ArnOuni ] S.fy[f T�ta I � ] �.�}C� 7Fr��?9�-2�00 et��s���,i�:rr��r�lE�.e11n��i,corr� http:r'Iti����'�� _trt��nti�:�lli��.� i_�o�� �ulie CFaene �r�+tw: T��cia �IandorFf ��nt: T�e�d�y, Apri� 3, ��18 �2��7 PM To: Juli� Chen��r Subje�#: RE, Montu Ch�arnber Ir�v# 117C16a $15.f�+� '�g5 th�nk yc��, ��r� � ���� Member ��rvr�;es M�ri�y�e Mc�nti�ello Ccarr�munity �enier 7��-�71-�12� �f=�i � ��r�ti ��ll� _ �� +�t������T� ����r��t tr*i7il �:C�rrr-���r�rr�leri�� 1� �nra fr�am City s�f Fa9Unti�����a y4:,�wt�ri�rr.�nl Cffi�:e5 i� Sutajt;i�t ir, `17r hr'�:�rs��i�C3 ��vernrn�nt ��t�1 r�r�Cf°:�:�� �iid n7�y b� dis�.Bus�[i d�a ¢hird p�rta�s Fr�m. Julie Ch�ney �@I7�: T4��S{ac�i Y�, Apfjl �� �I�T� 11=�� I^�i� T�; Tri�i� Han€�orfF Subje�tt M�inti Ch�mber Ir�v# 1],7��a� $1,5,OQ Tricia Att�aehed a� Ir�v# 1���6a from th� Mc�r�ti �Ch�maer for the Nl�rch �ura�h. Okay to pap ��.5.�1C�? �lease pr�rvide �+�ding. Th��roks, .I�rC��� t�Pi;���t�ti� Fin�rtce Assist�nt �ity �f Mcyrtti��ll� 7�3��7�-32�75 ,�uI��.Che.ney�ei rnont�c��ll�.mn.:�� �4f� ce_n��ontieellu_mr�,us �� � ���ti�el�o � f�°1�ra�ti��1[c� C����ints��� ��`[:'�rr��t���r�� P[_1134�� 19? �?(?� I'ie�� Strect :��'Ec�nt��ellcs ��1� ;;;�? Bil] � � .�c�.n�nts Pa�s��rl� h�it�rtti��llu �cri�i��rlur�it�`C'cr�4�r 5{}� �1�'�Ir��t Strw�t �a�i�� � 1��1�nlit�ll�. f44i� ��;{a�? Descriptien �111 �i ��h�rtska�r [.�,�eieli - �4'1r�rch a�--.Ffati�€� L'iiz E�x�r�ir�l, �;4a�r� �':�IfiGl1 T'ka�+k yau fsr your tarnr.5iti+V�+t 6b t�E. MawtrtlJlo Cl,acwber af Curnro-�ras # fnT�l4$EFy. TF':F MPM:Ii{iP6 ��%eWn�J4V «prraewts ii+e �,;tr�eftE af �u3�ARip w.�d 5dms [o sCrrngtPrn busiwesi�g and iP`..,yf�Sa reg�nnal p�rQs�enty. �4nTi[d�ld Ch¢+..Fatr �a �prau�i ta srr•t 8i SFI.! "fdOnC �dbRr' Fp PWr �Mt caw+,.w.�uty. l74 G�'WF��Cr 19� A F65GWfCd far �kSiAlS4ef. rfsidl+�.[s an� vissMrs alii5e, pra�:.ti..q i�fo�Al�ar and r�nsi'.Sht alunur 14�� 8Y#�� !n.$$utp��...� ¢taMm�«ir �;r.d ccw.w�,,,.�[y �r�wtk in addrtiaw ta enY6�.Srai#�Ga�l� wNi�arP+in,p risn!¢n ta Hu orf•� 1�6'1.j/�' �)��[c li����i�� r; a'�7,'�{1 � $ 1 I �??a �'t� [�i � 17►�c f��l� �f I ] '? {i 1 �i Ar`�r�unt � I �.I}�} 76�_,t��-�7(�� rn{trcy°'iz�na�'�ti�:ella���f,�c�rt� �rrt�_!;'�����x��,rr�+�niicelf�cc�_L��rt� J�li� �I��ne F�r�r�: Sara C�hsll 5errt: Tu�s��y, April 3, �L�18 3:�4 PM ��: Julie �M+en�y �ubj��t: RE; P.�I�r�ti Chamb�r Pnv# 1��'27a $15.001 °P�f �+ {�� tU' �la'yf. ��4f17: �LI�I� ��lE'�I@}� S�nt: T�eSd�y+, A��^�I C13, ��J1� 11:57 AM T'�: ��r� �aJ�iPl <S�:r�_��hill[�a �ti,monki�ello_mn,us� ��bjeCt: M��i�i Ch�arnber Inu# 11+�"7� $1,5.OD �ara Attathed i5 Inv# 1�7�7� frr�m th�e �v'1c�nti Charr���r f�r #h� P�+iarch I�,nch, Qka�r to PaY $15_+��� Ple�se pro�+id� eodin�. Tha nk�, ����tt° ����t����'t{ Finan�� A���isfiont City o# Nio�nti�ella 763��71-��(}� �TuI�e,Cher�ev�c+.Tncnt�:ce� lu.r,,r�.u� AP�ci,m�ntice�fc�.mn.us ry �'� <�:�i5 fJF �� ��������� �� - - �+�a�r� cv�s�rrder�c� t� ar�d fr�ort� t�� �'ity of 14lar�t����lo �v+re�-r�ment �{fic�s is �u�,��ct to th� Nlinnesat� �o�,r�r�me�r�t ��tcr �r�crc���es Ac� �r�d may b� di��closed to t�rrd �crr-�res. f��f���ticell�� � k�arnEaer of`�C'c�rnntiercc F'tl l�n� 1��� }0� �'in� �trt�.t '���c�ntic�lln ��I'.�1 ����? F3i11 Tc� f�lC�i3Ll11t5 i�r1'k'��1�� '�`i�l�ti��llu �it�� nf �C�� 1JR'al��ut �tr+�+�t �uEj� 11 �'�t�rtz'r�;cll�, �ihJ ��?�Es�' 6 �e.sGript:ara ?4�12� C'ibniiljti�r I.un��fi -.'4i;.reh �II-.�lt'�:f C'Itti F��,;lrecsati 1:1sm 7�arr57 1�or�k yvN far yawr ca,nrmrirnewt tp t9�e ldp..xi6ld!p �;�.�yw�EF s-f [a�w,xnerce $ Ie�Au�r`J. 71,� M,y,�,t�+e6lfa L'hue�ber �`l�rasan[s [he inteees� of husrar.eeF% $� FRW43� R�+FlPd+�i�en bus��s�ses und Ftirrw;e#e rg�aQn4I �FCl�R6F1tSJ. �"Pn[iitJlv C�+pw•bar {6 FPfdk:ti rP i[YY'! A6 #IM '�!'dn[ NO�r'� (O Pur ffrr ra��rnwnity�. Tke ��.aw�6-xr .,} a �tia+rt! i�or 4�sA�ti�s. rtg.sid�k ah�d vnitsrs afikr. PraMding inia�.Y.++�Ga.. nr+.f �.a�+hE aeba.+t ti�r arew, e..in�rag� at:p�e...�t and camwn�,.�� �rOwi}� i� ndddron �u e�LPusis�t�ce1l� �Jcuv.Su'.y �+,SikM�S E0 ti+e nrca L]a te ��e��7;°�{}1 � ��e I�at� �,�I 1;�{}1� A+t�Csu r1 C � � � � {}�j 7Ei:i a?�?�_�700 m�r���r'r�:�t�t��ti�c:llr���i.c�rt� ht�p;,':�'����4�}��,mr�ntice I 1��� i.eokn Jrul�� Ch�r��y Fre��n; 1im Th�r�s Sett#; T�e�da�r. A�rif 3,: �018 3_18 �M To: J�a I i e C h en+�+� Subjec�t: REeM�onxiCh�rtlb�rin+�#lt7�l�a �i�.�i0 ll�Il{�, thls 15 L�Ec�'y t� pay� �C]r�P t{3: ��?1-+'��3i�1 .7_'�3U�� From: J�lie �h�ney �er�t: Tuesd�ayP Aprll {�3, �CJ18 11:53 �,f�i To: Jim T�ares �ubject; l�o�rti �f�ar�sber Inv# 117�9a �15.�tiE� Jim Att�el�ed is Inv# 17�7(}9a fram the �rlonti Ch�mb�r For the Mareh lun��r. C}k�y t� p�y �1,�.IDO? Ple�is� pr�vide e��iing- Th�nks, ,�[t[dt' ( Pat'k��'�J Fir�arrce �45��s#�t�t Ci�y of I4�on�i�;ellcr 7(a3-�7i-3��5 Juli�,.�h�n� �C ��.m�snticell�.rr�r�_t�� ��'C ci.montic�eil�s.�nn.r�s � a�imb z;r �� ������ �C��l����'�� �m�ri� eorr�es,por�der�ce t� and f+��m �i�� �r`ty of �Vlor�trcel�o gc�ver�rrm�r�t o��r`ce� �s s�rbject t� t�e Mr'nneso#�a �ove�r�merrt �� Pr�a�t�ces r�ct and rt���r be� discl���d �o t�rrd p�r�tres, � I'�'II�r����rt�: i�T�nti��ll� �h�nl��r c�f �c�rnm�r�.�'. S� �I��LI:��I�� �{1$ Pin� �tr� P{]� BOx 1 �2 � ��n�icaJks. Mh� 5536� 763����7p0 US (�r�i�:�' Ir,'::+r . �,�. DeSCripEpaa�: Order fVuFrih�P_ Cusk4m�r Ilp; 11Ti$a, 1�7(l�a, 1t��B�, �17D6�, 117(l�a, 9iT�7a. 11i79d. 11777a 1�'.�. �Ju��r: Ir�vc�ice NufTber onulliple Billing Infar�atis� Jufi� Chen�ay �Ity of �'lora5cello �[1�a Walnut Skr��� SuiEe #1 McsnticeFJa, h�1N �a�36� Ph�ne: 75327 i 32[95 ; uiie,r,��neyf�ti , �m�nii�ell�, m r�.u� Pc�y r ..; i' Ir.... � . :,.. DaltO�f Enl$= 'rans�:.tion IC�: �r�ns��tion Type: Tr�nsactivn 5#�tus: Ruthor�zsk�n �ode: Pay�rten# Me[h�d; Shipping Infc►maati�n �1�f41ay-2Q1 B 11:�5;45 P'aT 40fi�7$3�11 �it9i#rrs�i�ation t�a! Autr� Captu�� ��plud�BtilP�nding ��allE�meni �82274 V�sa 3f�{.�C7C8769 �hippdr�: 4,Of} Yax: O,QC� T�rt�l: USC] i24.i14 ,luli� C��n�e Fr�rrt: Marcy Anders�n <mar�r�a m�rrti��ll�occi,��,m� Sen#: 'kNed'nes�ddy, May9, �Cll$ 1_59 PNl Tcx: J�lie Ch�ne� SuM�ect: F�: fteceipt Attach�nents: SKMBT_C3G01S�D5C1}1258(�.pdf Hi J�alic, Attachet� y�u v,rill find the �eceipt fnr th� '� irevoi�es y�u p�i� E�St w�ek, Thank y��i f�r ye,�r patienc� w�r�ih me, If yQu h�ue �r7y c�uestioras, �ust let rr7e krti��� I�m onJy �n the offic� Ic�ci�y �nd t�mar��w. 1 wil� be h�ading b��k to S�} to b� e+�ith� my f�rr�Gly �r�d Faelp with my d��, �t�lc�ril�•�. h��"slri�� r'�11��:1'�t��'I 7(ii-??�- i �,1 {� Fr�rn. monticellocci�grn�il,��m [mailxo:mc�nti�ell��ci�a�rrr�iL��r�] Sent: W�dn�sd�y, hr�ay 9, ��1],� 1�:5� �h+� To: Cu�arcy.4nd�rsc��t �nnarcy�rnc�nti�ello�c�i.��am� �ubject: M�ssag�e frorn �i1+IIBT,�C��rO Juli� Chen� Frann: Aut�a-R��eipt <nor�eply c� ma�l,2uth�rize.,rtet� Ser�t: 3N'edraesc�ay, h�1ay 9, �Q18 1;56 Ph�rl Te�: �ulie Chene+� �w�b�e�#: Tran���tic��n R���eipt �rorn fwiantice�lp Ch�rrwber �sf Cammerce 8c In�iustry f�r �7��I.OL1 �l9'�D) _ � 1J�sci i�it�on: I] 7?�,a. 1 I�rkgr�_ � 1?�t�� ] l?�.Ff�a. ] 1'?��a, i� 7?;�:k. l�;'79e, l] 7?,a -— Tnk�c,i�� T�d�rr�bcr multiplv 13iJlin� 1nPorm�ti�n �hi�pin�, ln%r�y�lion Juisti C']ierr��� C'it+� t����7�ru�iaclk�r 5+�5 4l�'alnut �trc�:.t 5u�t� � l ;4doitti�;ei�o, h��J �5��►? � s�l i e,�hencw�'�r:�.i, mont ic u.l lo. mn. us ?6�.'�.713��Y5 _. �T[�tul: �51�0.[I0 (�:SI1} - :.-,�m�--=--�-,..,,� - 1)�te,+7�iin�: iJ-1�1�r�-�l�18 I 1:55:4(i 1'���1� �0-raats:Mcliun�D- ��'�4?�i35�t1 P�w�rn�,nt'��tEth�3�� '4'i�ax,e,xx'�i6� 7-ran�+��iun �[���p�.: f'ur�cha.�, Awth Cmn,��.: (18��7�� Mor�ii�ellr� �h�rriber o` Ccmm�rr.� $ Ind4i�".rY h�canticello, hAN �;�i�F�� U� m2�r�y� mc�nti�2ll�a�ci. cxar� 'w°'���c�n�' '� � � [7;�t� c��'��°a�s��r�f��r'� � �--�" � � _ � ��iY vF �c�r�i��E��c� fi�ity Hall C;�rd Tran��[#Mon Please atta�h �h� invoic�Jr�cei�t and �ny c�xh�r a�uailable d�eurrE€�nt�tion t� #F�is f�rr�n, To k�e compl�ted k�y purch�s�r� t, �4r�,€�unt S���a Clr�le pur[ha5er na�rre: �'r�cy Er��n '�Etki Le�rhoff F��ehel Le�nard 1�([ O'Ne�ll V4��yne �lberg 5�rah R�tl�lisb�rger lenr�i��r5ehreik�er l�ng�l� S��E�u��nn �im Th�re� Jaco� �'hunar�d�r �,r - - ��� ��� � . , _ � � , ���r������?w�� f - '- - ;'. �'� �a �_ Sug�rVisor �i�n�a�r� _ _ �" ..�� dat� ap�rawed Spec�aN ��oje�; # �r G�es€rapii�n Gircfie depar#rnent c�+d�: ��r�le ��tp�nse c�nd�. 4� 19�3[� 431950 �319'9� 43��CIf7 4331{7Q �433�1�i 4�370Q 44399{� '�.,_- ` . � L�,� � � r �"� `'� �ity Car�rtci� Adrnini5kr�tfan El�cti�ns Frnar�ce Hurr��n Res�ur�e� Plann�ng �r�[� Zaning C�ata Pr�oc�s5fn� City H�RI �c�r�€�rni� D�v��opm�nt .-_ H Ft,4 Gen�r�f �perat�ng ��ppl�es ��WSR2��€f �t''rtl4��"S Mise�9laneo�,s Fr€�f �erv�ces P�sYa�g� �ra��el/Trairti�ng Exp�nse f}ues M1hemb+�rship & 5+�s��r�ip Li�@ n5+�s.3�7 � e rrn i t s I�ise. Q#h�*r �xp�n� � �I ���I ����� ��'� ��1� � : „�, • � �, � �.�' �s5: �10N1J:,.,_I � , .: :'1 1;G� �1�r11=li2�il:=: :3� I�a . F'_i;_� �1��'Iii118 .��IIi1717 � li �[ il .� �� � C'�ti)�. I�Y G71�:I�J7;"sJ = �.'a r'• St7.`�'� 22`i�:�11"s#}� Y� - � : F`2 �.�`�,40 $7�31�OUCaS A'F 4�:t:. I;?i�F `=`; �3�,�� ��.!i�:1 � I 4. �;i� . 9� r,�� I A� � ti� , Ul� 6UIq�. ��ii.,98 b�:: ���� V� : �s. .—Ft:�t_;: � fi ,��, pb.. :�� �_��:�J.lhl3i{1idJ01 M;'. a. ��FE:�Ia F2F:;�P�-#31�`S-�it3�1� i� l';;�� ";�= ; w;. p 1�'ri�-257-:�c�:i ,�..a..,�.�,�, «,r �.�...�.,.W._.� � � �l'#ip�"��.�'��lll.� � i� � f r� � �`i�Ml����l. ul'� /. r'�M�'�'-,IS,'�I �! ���.�.�....�..,�..� r i� �...w.. , He' i� ma�c�_ ����� � . . F�_r.; ��tt��... "�!�� � � �li _t;5 � ��+[:�, ,: :t. [.�dY°., trp�= `{ 1 Fl �t'.s rN'� R;� t i?� S{.i]�A IJ6€4 �i�: �i�:'::' �� i}i.'� +�`�.� fr���� �,�-r, 3:a.`i:. +}7� �.:ke'aTE',ii`.; ' 4�e�r�l7 �� �55� T�K r ' "-:1 � aek. �::��� h I '. ]4 f4 � {��y5 � Ve���r �� � ��'ji�,� � �at�� of `�'ran.�act�a�� � �� �� C�ti�' (}F I�[��Tf�c�LL[� Ghqst Ca�rd �'r�nsactiorr Piease att��eh th� invo���J �ee�fpt �nd �ny c�th�r �w�il�ble ducr�mentati�ra #o #isi� forrr�. T� �� cc�rnple��� b+� p�tr�haser: Amount � C3rc� purch�s�r na�nne: d��bbi� i]�vid��n J�lie C't����y �e �xpense �ad� � �� . ��..���. �����,� - � � ��� ����� � � ���..� . �I����. ���� �1���• ��� � �� � � �� �� �������� - �'� � [��fn�ytic�lic� �'I�an��$e�� �t`�c►mmer.ce f'[l Li�nx 1 �`? �0� �"ir��� S4reet ,'��c�nticellr+ 1tr1T�f ��?C�? f3ill T� ��i:�unr� F'a���ble Iv��}nti�� Ilc� � �t�� c��" ��� �'alr�ut �tr��l �ui[e � I '+�1+:�tttic�:ll�, 1��:V 5 *;ili� D�sCri�ticrn �d�11 M[.�h:kinLyer 1_urr�:3s -,��,�il 17..�iC'L 4Jiirs l�E��ot;3 THank ��W fOr ��ur [�rnMihncnt ta ble MuAtiiCdP�a Giarnhrrr af d"vncn+#:cd dr lndui#n�. �Yne Mo-.l�t�Cf�l6 C1sArr�6ir � reprrsc„Ci tl+.t in4C.c9is eF basmrsa a.,1 SaryCi io ihxe+gthen �reF3n�66i� a�d St�rv a�a3e reyicnof }�ra5��.ti�y � �1�.ntic€iia ���an+,bW <3 p�va�,� [a Se.ve d$ N+L 'FYOM1F dddP� j@ �4T F#Mt tOeNNW.uruE+�� T�'! Lk�9lTfE'iY I¢ fl �a'{�pu/t,6 FC� bwiaetus, resrd'r..�t5 mr�l va�ifar-s af�:ke. Grwid:...g +,.FF+tamtiO..n uaf iv.sigWt abauf [Ad #rEi1. i+dPWPdFs�ry� eca�m�e an�i cow�rnureitp� gro-wu r� addat�n ta cnt�c��in,�t,{qidy wtfer�+..i.ag� waxitor; tr tire qrea � D�itc I�tivui�.e � �:��;'�(19 � 9 I €C5�-� T��ria [ [�v� f�aa�i; �i��F;'?41��5 a4+ri oun [ I �.(�(i .. �IS.i?U 7�i_>-� �5-i7{�{1 m�i,i��'��i�3c+nticelloc�:i.��m }1��F];��i4'}'4'�4�,rr��ntt�ells��:�i,�am J�lie ��e�e F�rom: Jim �har�s §ent: Friday, h��y �, �i�18 ���� C�M �'�+: Jul�e �Chen�y 5uirje�ct: F�E- Manti �hamber fr�+r# 11855� 5i�.�p0 Hi Julir, th�5 r� �kay. �I�a�� c_�f�ic t�: �'T:i-�F�3�}1-�t43��U. Frprrr; 3ulie �h�ney Sen.t: Friday, May ip4+ ZQ1� 11.�� AM Ta: ]im Th�res Sub��: Mvntl Gh�mt�r Inu� 11855� �15,!?fl Attach�d i5 Inv ##11855a frpm t�e h+�onticella �h�mb�r for khe April lu��l� yor� atten�ed. C1k�y ttr p�y $��5_�i0� Tha nks, ..�t.t��l� � Jr�fF.��ti}�� �ir4anC� AS�iStar�t G'ity vf h+tior�#i�ello 1b3-�71-��Q� wTul,e,�Fi�r�� �c:.rr��ntir�l;o.�n.us �4�C��i.mnnticelEo,mr�.us � c ar� [fr �� ���1�1���� �E"r�na�� ce��rre�,p�srrd�r�c� to �rr+d fr�ort'M th� �r`� of Mlor�i����lo goverr�merrt o��ic�� rs sub,��ct t� t�e h�l,i�esota �;o�er�tn�r�t �ta f�i►���r`��� Act �n�d m+�y � d�sc�a�e� tc� ti�;rd �artr'�s_ :��i�i�tiw��l� �'i�ar���r c�f C���n�erc�: PU Fic�� � �� ?{�5 Pinr Str�et �'1C}37�IC���{1 ���'"ti ����}� f� I I1 �T �� ���ec,un« �'a����sle t��i���ti�:el1�7 C{}]]1171u11EC}�� ��{���� ��� �4'ci�Cllll 4tC��[ :SU1l� -� f�ic3o'r��4wllu. 1��� 5�,ib� [�sc�ept��n ?ill`� ��Il;ilt�h�'e �_u�sc�i-:tirril Ii..\+IC'C'�,�d4iin �11���a1:k6 �7w�k yai Por r�o-a� corn.w�anncn! �a #tiR tii4nf;ccfi� C'harntrar aF L'aw.m.cr44 &�Ad�s[ry T}�r Mantirelio �Y+bw.B*r •tp�tlsanls t�c IMftP[SL3 Oi 6•�ilnti� din:L f�+'4'E4 �P 1fF[fl�U'-[K �:1i1r5lL5l.i 8�§jimulWiL reJ�nal pra{�ari[�' MkaCiEtfiF Cd�aw�&tf it prcwa4 t� se�rr a� 2�2 "�YAnC 81b9�` i6 {�4r FIMG i61MrNwnit�, T�r cJ,qw,6�r +S a reSQurft Far $�+S�a�ii[S: vCi�dnfS n�d v35itar3 ��eke. Prw�di.v� i..�AIY..wEY'An md insi'qkt a6a.�,t ilse .pv4 t. t�dCsi++q�nq lrawarnic �€9�+n+wR�'t.Y 9raw[h i� adda8iaw to entiu.S+�0.cM�P(y wRfddn++��q �r�sr[nrs te thx areg � L],�t� I13YC}L�� � 50���' `{� f � ] I ���� U�� L}a�e �;• � €y; � 0 l � A�naunt � I S,iai> � �'S}4c1� � � � ��� 7b3-2�'�_?7�10 rt��rc�� u m�rnticellc��ci.ci�r�� F�lip:;'�v�'�4i'Sb',i71[)ritik���UCL'l,�l}I3i Julie �Chen� � rc� m: Sent: Ta: Su�ject; A�n Mc�sa�l� We�Jne�day�, Aprit 4, �(l18 3:43 Ph�i Julie Ch�en�y FIA�': ��nfRrmation_ 2Q1� Chamber Lurret� - A�ril 17--�,d1CC {)%�y t� pa+�� wher� bill�'r�, 226-451��-4�31f]C1 TI���kSi �krin Frorn: info�monti�ello��i_cr�m [mailto=infc� cc� mc�nti�elloc�i,com] ,�ent: Vlfedne�day, April �14, �(�18 �;4� P�i Ta: Ann M�s�ck �Anrr_Mos�ck��i,rrror�ti�ello,mn,us> �ubj�ct: C�nfirrna�ki[�n: 2�01� �h�rr�l�er Luer�eh - April 17--MCC F�e���tra#i�on �vn�irmatior� Your regystr�tion for �Q18 Ch�rnb�r Lun�h - Apri6 77--NIGC has t��n ee�eiv��_ Gt��tirr'��tion Nwrr�ber e.���43.5�24.51399 Primary Crsnl�el: Ann N9�sac:k ��rti�ti�e1� �vra�merraity� Cer���:�) Ad�P i�r ��lendar Edi# R�qs�kr�GC�rr S�mn1�ry Itern . - �s�riptfon h�mkser Luneh, Member Anr� Mos�ck 2tF1� �hamber L�nch -Apria '17--IVI�� �uantity' T�t�l Arr�t � $15.JG� Tp�l: $15.0{} T�P��: �],4�TASucc�ss fnorn Big �,�ke �n �orrtpu#erlC�ata ^securi#y Tu��day April 1it� join u� fcxr Charr��ber Lun�h a# �hAantice�la Cammunity� �ent�r fr�m 11-3Q �,rn - 1 prn. iCAT�Fr'ED BY: V'an Hanson's N1e�ts FAENU: BUSINESS LUNGH SPC}MS�R: If you w�nt tr� to t� reoogniz�d �s the �h�mber L�ncF� �p�'ansar �on#�et the C�h�i�nb�er �C7ffi�e - F�e S1C�0 Tr��sure Ghe�t Dr�wing U4�fi�af s�ts �[rr �he�rr7��er ��;ar� frr�m r�f�7�rs� �ur rra�mb�ers beearrr�� F�fE�'f��� MPe�� rr�W fT7��T1b�rS O{ 1���@ UifSrriaSS crrrrmcrr�r�y �,n�� [��[� �rr�r�c�,� (a�� #n %�e h+v#til� �[au en�°�y �� d��rCrocts ltrrPC#�. Ne h�v�n �� d+fl���r�1 s�a��ker arro� to�Oie t�a�1 �xertc'�ir�5 tc� �'1d�Si�ieSS �zaCt1 R7C�r7�h a�te� Time. W�b�i te= ��F�,iF011: Gontact; Email; DateT�im� dek:dil$; ,4ptil 17, �OiB 1 1.30 AWl - 91:ii4 PM CDT �ontrv:elli� �h,�rm�.uer M�nt�a:ello �omrn�niC�� Gen!et �iY5 Walnut 5:. f�l�ntic� la, MN MsrnfiCe+lo �h�mber {�63j 2}5-�?Qp ; r fo�n"�rT1_r�nk!�� IIOCGi. Com Tuesda�+, A�rr�l 17th 9 1:3�7 �m Registr�tion ii �uffel d�nnee 12:��h Rrogtarn �g�n� Feesl#dmis���n� "�15.44 per persan Thank y�o-u f4r Suppa�tin� our ��ramber ev��rrt. Nlarcy �nd fut�r�� �I,ck Here far M1are_I��fysrmatfon +�_d� t� �al�r+da� Tharrk yc�u! Montie�ll� Cl�arnh�r t�f GcSrnrr►er�� and lindustry �'�c�i�ti�c�lu �1��i7�h�;r ��-C`�i��r�eece PC� ki,�� � 9`� `?{1� I'ir�� Sir��t 1��lontic�El�-� 1��11'� 5� �Ca'' �3i1 I T �� R��he:1 I.au d�r� I�� c k� �'1�]er?�al C �� Secc�nc� *;� tii��' l'erl�a�n, !��ih �#��7'� C]��cri�?��t]rl �tlE2�l:Es:�3nb�rL`u[5e15-.�1�ri3 I'—h.'I�.'i� tli,�43t�1 I.�isn,triil � _ .� r� Sl � � ��' YFunk �se. dar �,a:,,r aaw.,.�.�t+«er�t to- Glu M1iev.�MClyd L7�.aK+ber ai Larnr.rtrLR ,�� 1�#�:1try. Thc t-1ont�GBnc 4'���sr rrpre�ents o5c �nxeraii9 c�f �o-sineis nn.i jCwed t'�4 €{rs�gthen b�uinersee �.Yd it5..,ufa[e rcgnnal pru�yyRr�cy.. �u..tit�� b Ckarnbrr ;s pre4,r1 {a ie rra ns tFe '°Frant ,l9+?r' tv war� fine cowav�.�.����� �T �t cFa�beF �s o re6smree fmr �'�inis.5ai. F'esi&te.rots &«d wi5id0r5 a2�kt. pr'avi.dir.1 ��in?anx,:ct�#� xn:d r�*ig1�t a6a4t !#r.e a�I-P.. 4�cavrwging rranawu� 4�.d 6e�.man+[y growYi, in aA'di[i0+� t0 MnthuSi+uticaffy wr.lt�ow��n� v�i.lon ta We erxa I � �iii4 O�t�''i�ll'.� » ��r�i`?�? 9 $ � f �7�� �lGi �.}c�l� �;' � a);`� �� � � Arr�runt � � i,IMU. . �i�t�3� ��J,�� ]61..ic)M_��f}�} t�'t�.r����L�.11l{)TItIC�I�l7L'i;1,�C?!77 hli }����}��_rna�rtticcllc��.c�i.�:nr�1 . _ }�;. Jufie �F�er��y Frarn: S�nt: To. SubJeet: fl##��hrnent�: Helfo, Ftachel Leanard Frida�r, May �, ��18 1C1:5� �,M AP Fu�_ Ir�voi�e 1 1872a fr�rr� M��tiicella �har�b�r �f Comrneree Inv,�1187��_fr�om_hAor�titeVl�_Cha�nber_of_C�m,merce_726�_pdf Thi� is t�re i�nv�ic� fc�r r�y �4pril Ch�arnher I�,neh a#ter��iance. It'� €�k ta pay, TN�a�� +�ou, F�ackie� L+��ar�4�r�i �{p�rriz�kar�icatic�n� ��r�r-�iitii�t�r City �rf T�4�a�tic:e]Ecr 7{�:�-�71-3�75 �����f���.c�i.n��anti�elio.rtiri.t�� �'rr��r1 ccar•res��t�xrc���E�e tr� crr�d�r•nr�r tJ7e Crt�v o/'1�inraticeTi�gav�r�r�r��e�rt cr� fices rs.����tj�rr �o the I►�it�rr�se�tc, l;overr�rr��rrt IJ�€�t[� F'r•tactires A�t air�f ��ap�y b� t�Fs�c�le�se�d i�r� t�f�r�'d,�artres. Frr�rr�: Rachel L�udenb�c�r <rach�el_laudenb�ch o��rvig_�om> Saent. Frid�y, M�y 4, 2�018 10=31 AM To: Rachel �eon�rd 5ubj�etx: fwd; �nv�i�� 11$7�� frt�m h+'1or�tieeflt� C�i�m��r t�f Camrri�eree FYI �n y�i�� can ���. Th�nks, ---------- Fo�r+uardeci rnessa�e ---------- F�c�rn: <re I Tca intuit,�cc�m� �]ate� Fri, IVlay 4, �Q18 at 10�,�8 AM S+abject: Invoi�e �l�i�,a frc�m Mca�ticeflo �harn�rer of Cornm�rce �o: f���hel.L�uden�ac}� ar�ri .c�m Ge�r Fk�ehel L�u�enb�eh ! Yo�r in+��i�� is atta�he�i, 'u'4+'e �in�er+�ly th�nk yc�u ft�r �t[�ur commitrrt�nt Co the �lonti�elEt� �h�mb�r and our ��+�entsj�[ti�iti�s. Pl��s� remi� p�y�mer�t �[ your ea�li�st c�nveni�rrce. We �h�nk y+�u in adv�nee if 'y�u h�ve �Irea,�y+ paid ihis invoi��, We I��k for��r�l te� �rc�vidin� �c�� �dditir�u�al benefit� �hat can h�lp yOUr bWSII�ES� �rr�Sper, Sln��r�lY, f�l�rcy �,r��lersr�n Manticello ��r�rnber c�f C�mmerc+e 7�3-���-27�Q �� vi�w y�ur inv�nic� Q�aen the �ttachec! Pl�F file. You r�ust have fi�.�rc���t�=; R�ader�::�� inst�lled t� v��w th� at�achrne�t. �.rr�l�, R��hel Lau[€�rrt��a�:d1 �Vl�r�a��r. hu1�rF.�r:���; ;��rnmuni�.�#i�n� � Di�ita� 218.34�__�C�3 � r��Y��l.l�uders�ach �rvi �.carn 151� ��C�nd S�re�, �V4' � R+er�am, �,�'IN �b� r� � arv�qbU�ir��ss.Corr� I�9c�a��i�:�]]� C'harr�h�r �f C'ori-dn�erc� ��[� Ii�sx l'�2 205 ��n� Streei !�'Inr�ti4�ll� f�"I�ti 553�b� Bill T�n �c:co�unts Pa�°abl� ��unti��l]€a C.it�� ��f i�►� 4�°alo�u�t �trc�t Suit� wl �"tunti���ll�, MN 5�,��;? �E5CfIF5�.l6ii I'---- - - ' . _. .. . ._ _ i�t�l R C�I,.ar��kree 1.unc1� � R�131' 13..h1C'C� �1im Tlqar�e�7 TFank �f� fPr' y4wr� coMr�i[w�cent W du hl4niiClW G1�aw�.[tr af �'arnrweri# � f.d'�+.Shy. �he �1'an[icelfu ��4rnb#�r , re�reFen# t�t ��..tb�'R�+t3 a# busi�.ess and sewY3� CO Sip'f�dkEn 6u4inesse� an.d ii'...utarte �r�r �.ar�thr�, B�PA.�f{R�IP CFa�sber � gr9�.d ��m S�rrvs as #Fe 'PranY daa�' �q pyr Fina caa�+r�swnity. Fl� cF;p..,�r ii� A resourcc fur bwSi'r�t.ii2e., rcsiden.# nnd ✓r�i[�a�'S APaiC� �prawidi+a� uafurrn8tron 4kd mS�g1� wbawt d%r areq. d�+��yr.p,�inq craw,aer5ic � 4.�J lbr�r�ur�+ty grawt}s in addetr�.� CO in#hwaiwlEically wreffow.;� rii.t4rY te flur arxa � # ��t� [t���ui��: � Sf��,�2{Il� 114�fia s 'C'ot�l D�ae �.late tx,`��ii?(1! � i�lT'I 4 LdfYi .._. _ x _ I�,UU � 'I}1 �,0� 7f,�i-��15-��'��1 m�rcy��'c�,�r��nticelli���.i.cr�m ]�tt��:; ��1���t�+��.mc�nti��Cl����,�r�m Juli� +Chene ��!r�: Jim Thares ��nt: Tuesday, hA��+ ��. ,�{71 S 11:��i ,�h�i To: luJie �heney Suksjec#: RE: In�oie�e 11 }16� fr�rorri Nl€�ntieello �h�mkrer ofi �omr�nerre Ha J�i�i�, this is nk�}�. Please cor�� ���; 2�3-4�3[}S-�k4349C1 �r�rrn: ]ufie Cheney S+�n#� T�esd�yF M�y ��f �D18 11.3�i �M To; Jim Thares �uba�4 F'�N; Invr�i�� 119��a fr�m MvnticeVlo �harnb�r Qf Commerce J i �r� A'tt�ched is �n inwa�[e frc��rr the Ch�r�her �f C�r�rrr��te �ar tl�e f�9�y I u nch. Qk�y tc� p�y� ��.5.�(�? Pl�ase pr�iui�� [�din�_ Th�r7ks _��k�'t�lf' �. k�Id..'i7i� 1j �It1Clh��2 +�SS�St4�1� Llt�' Dj� �6O►1�IC2��t1 76�-��1-.3��3 7�uEie.�'h�n� ci.rnontoc�lla.r�n_us �F�ci.rnonticella,rnr�,�us Y �i' I k i a i.F ��� �C��l������ �E'mar� corr�es,ponder�c� �� and fr�r� th� �r't�r af J4+�c�r�ta�€��c� g���rrr►n�r�t offrce� +s sut�,��ct tv t#�e A�in�ae.�o� C�avernr,n��rt bat� Practr`ees �ct a�d mc��+ be �isc�o�e� t� thr�d perr�res_ From: replyTo cr int�tit_�o�m [r'���ilt�;replyT��ir�tu�t.eam] 5�nt: Tuesday, Pti+1�y �2, 2f}18 11�1$ At+� Ta: AP �AP�u �i.m�ntitello.rr��.�s> 5ulajet#a I�vo��� 11��,�6� fr`om h+l4nti�eefl� Ch�m�er �f Commerc�e D�ar ,4ccounts Pa,y�bl� ; Y�our invc�ic� is attach�d, +�V� �in�erely than�. y��ou frr your �omrrritm�nt tr, the Mc�ntFr�i�� �h�rrr�er ��d aur e�r�nts{a�tiuities. Rl�a�e rerr7it payment �at �c�ur �arliest ccar�ve�rience. We thank yc�u ir� �dvance if yau haue alr�ady paid th[� inv�i+�e. 1�le I�ok fr�rwar� tc� �r�viding y�� �d�iition�l b�nefit� �h�t c�r� help yo+�r b�asin�ss prcas�er. Sir��er�lY, M��r�y �knder��n �lvnticelJc� �hamb�er c�f �omrnere�e i6�-295-Z�0�] ic� rriew �nur invo��e� O�e� th� �tta�hed PDF fiie. Yo� m�rst �h�ve �k.crc�b�t��;. Re�€��r,:x inst�ll�d tca viev;r tF�� a�t�chr��nt. lulie �her�e Frcrrn: Au#�t-Re��:p� �nc�replyCr�rrtail,authori�e_n�#> 5���: �uesday, f�1ay 2�, ��1 S�:21 Phri 70: Julie Cheney �wbjectt: Fr�n��[ti�n f�eceipt frrm N1�ntieell� Chan-iber �f ��mm�er�e � Indu�try for $60.0�1 ��ISC�] . _ ; ,. � ...---- —.. .� �..�m __...__ . ..__�.��� __�._.�__..i I}t�:-i�l:c,n �C:I1�It�'t+cr It,_i�hC�+ . Inbui�t.� �u:rthti� I14i5�:'I I'�(rU ]1F�??rli i�illir�� �nfurmati�rrt .f iilii� � hs:n�.�. C�ilti' ut' h+'1�nti�elliF SQ� 1��aliru� titr�R Suii� �1 �,�9«t3ti4el��r, �+l;ti 5�3�i�' i u I i�, c�h�:�t�.�'e�a;�c i. n7t�niiwel lc�. mn, �ms 7�3?7�32[i�-- ]late;-rimc: �rrans�ction [[]: I'a��ro��n! �'[ethexl. �Lran��cti�n ���±;��i�; :'4ut17 C'er�E4: Ship�ie�� ]nf�r�na�tior� ?�-M��•-'_l�l.� ]2:?U:�31*l)-I� 4Q?�[�33953� �«'isa x��x�i'?�i47 Pur�hasr f]?'���# f�l�ritic�llo Ch�mb�r �at Comr�je�rce 8� In+�Ustry Manticell� MN 55362 Ua rn a rcy��n�nti Gel I�c�i, corn 1 T�rta1� ��il�.l�[I (LJ�;I)j ��lie Ch�r�ey From'. CVlarcy,��d�rs�n �marc�+�m�nt�c�lJacc�.c�rr�� �en#: Tuesday, h�1ay �2, 2U78 �;�� PM To: lulie Ch�rrey SuFsj�ct: F�= �un�h� r�cei�t J�ttaehrnents: SKf�I BT,C36{}1 f3D52�� 3�4�,pdf Ffi Juli�, Th�r�k y+�u for c�liing i�r with yr,u� C� p�ym�nt� Ye�� ���.a�ht rne �rigl�t ir�. the �iddl� nf fir��rteial� so th� �iming ��fas �erfe�t_ I ran the �ard for $6�, �I f�rrc�es. H�v� a �re�t d�yr! :�;i����r�l��. 1����1rC'4' r•"1r7��r�c�ia 7Ciir�7`?- i � 1 {3 Fre�m: mr�nticellc���i ca,�rn��l_��srn [rr��ilta:nnarr�i�e�iot�i��mail_��r�a] �ent: Tu�sda+�, f�lay ��, ��18 1:�� PM T�: f�rlarey At�ders�n �mar��r�rr�o�tic�ellc�c�i_��m� ��b�ett: �1lessage fr�m ICMBT C3�� 0 z 0 4 L+ C '3' O � � L O C J W W N W �r �r O� O� M M M O O O O O �� oo l� m m v'� v'� � V V ..'7 ..'7 ..'� ..'7 M N W W W W � 0 0 0 o N W � � � � N N . ..'7 ..'7 ..'7 m ..'7 � � � M M M � M � � � � � � l� � :� O O O � O � � r" y y � Q Q � L .� .� � x 'i'C, M 'R'' 'J 'J � 7 � !I] � �17 � M � J N ^� � � ' �i -�. � ^� c%' ;`.., :a :a �, � � y ✓� CG CG � W 7 �i �a P.. M N � W M V� 'J � O O O 0. � O O � � � � � � � U l� l� l� N � � � i--� i--� i--� `--1 `--1 `--1 W W W �! �! �! F F F zzz 0 0 0 � � � w w w Q Q Q F F F U U U O O O O O O N N N � � � � � � � _ _ M M M � � � � � � � � � N N N � � � w � W U r�v O � � N N V1 � � N Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:3 0 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Saturday, May 5, 2018 11:17 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 5118WEBINSERT.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 53321062 4/1/2018 188496 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 6/1/2018 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-003 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 349 BROADWAY W 4/1/2018 to 4/30/2018 (30 days) 5/4/2018 6/1/2018 Current Reading Date Reading 5/1/2018 188496 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. i Cons 0 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $8.75 $0.18 $14.38 $14.38 $14.38 $0.00 $14.38 $14.38 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:3 0 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Saturday, May 5, 2018 11:18 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 5118WEBINSERT.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 38298301 4/1/2018 1518440 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 6/1/2018 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-005 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 255 BROADWAY E 4/1/2018 to 4/30/2018 (30 days) 5/4/2018 6/1/2018 Current Reading Date Reading 5/1/2018 1518440 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. i Cons 0 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $8.75 $0.18 $14.38 $14.38 $14.38 $0.00 $14.38 $14.38 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:3 0 PM Account Information Account: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading noreply@ merchanttransact.com Saturday, May 5, 2018 11:18 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 5118WEBINSERT.pdf Previous Reading Serial Date Reading 68621907 4/16/2018 19162 Current Charges Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Consumption Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Consumption Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Consumption Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 6/1/2018 i 007256-006 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 112 RNER ST W 4/16/2018 to 4/30/2018 (30 days) 5/4/2018 6/1/2018 Current Reading Date Reading 5/1/2018 20692 Cons 1530 $0.00 $0.90 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $2.98 $8.75 $0.06 $0.18 $18.32 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $18.32 $18.32 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. NORTHERN STATES POWEA COMPANY Pa�e 1 of 8 SERVICE AD�RESS ACCOUNT NUMBER � � � ������������ MONTICELLO EDA 51-0623082-8 06/01/2018 � 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE � � i RESPONSIBLE BY NATUREm 590658471 05/04/2018 $17.45 YOUR MONTHLY ELECTRICITY USAGE 1������F M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M DAILY AVERAGES Last Year Temperature 4fi° F Electricity kWh 0.2 i Electricity Cost $0.62 i , i QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeourwebsite: xcelenergy.com Email us at: Customerservice@xcelenergy.com Please Call: 1-800-481-4700 Hearing Impaired: 1-800-895-4949 Fax: 1-800-311-0050 Orwrite us at: XCEL ENERGY PO BOX 8 EAU CLAIRE WI 547a2-0008 � X�cel Lnergy� SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES Idztailed charges begin on page 21 Electricity Service 04/04/18 - 05/03/18 6 kWh Non-Recurring Charges / Credits Current Charges $17.50 -$0.05 CR $77.45 ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance As of 04/04 $17.58 Payment Aeceived Auto Pay 05/02 -$17.58 CR Balance Forward $0.00 Current Charges $17.45 Amount Due $17.45 INFORMATION ABOUTYOUR BILL Xcel Energy works hard to keep bills low and that's whywe are lowering the processi ng fees for the credit/tlebit card payment option for most residential and small business customers. Beginning April 27, 2018, the fee decreases to $2.90 for personal credit/debit cards, and increases to $29.95 for customers using commercial cards. See xcelenergy.com/MyAccount for more details. Thankyouforyourpayment. RETl1RN BOTTOM POFTION \NITH YOUA PAYMENT • PLEASE DO NOT USE STAPLES,TAPE OR PAPEH CLIPS ACCOUNT NUMBER I DUE DATE 51-0623082-8 06/01/2018 $17.45 Your bill is paid through a n automated bank payment plan. ------ manifest line --------- I"���II"�'I'�'�I'll�l�l���l��'ll�'����I"�I����'I�I'I��III'I��' MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNl1T ST 5TE 1 MONTICELLD MN 55362-8822 Automated Bank Payment 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2fi 27 28 29 30 I"I��II"�'I'�'�I'll�l�l���l��'ll��lll����l��lll�l�l'I��III'I��' XCEL ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484-9477 31 51060118 06230828 0000000174500000001745 � � � 0 � � � SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER i i� ����IEnerqy� MONTICELLO EDA 51-0623082-8 06/01/2018 � 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE � � i 590658471 05/04/2018 $17.45 I�EEP A�J EYE �ll� ��� ����� �IY� �HADY PH��IE �I�LL�. IF s�r,��«ry� calls tlr+e���+��n� to turn off y�aur poyver d ue to an unpaid balancc, and asks y�u t� µ�y ti�aitf� � �r����i�� {,� relc�;�d��rle c;�rd, han�7 up the phan� in�m�crliat�l�{. �nt� if soineonc c�i7rocs by claiminq ta I:re �,��. I.re su+e tc� ,,s� tc��. i3��ntific�fi�or�, Call us �nytime at BQ0.�95_4�9�_ SERVICE A�DRESS: 349 W BROADWAY 5T MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 NEXT READ DATE: 06/06/18 ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 303657358 INVOICE NUMBER: 0722876169 ELECTRICITY CHARGES DESCRIPTION Basic Service Chg Energy Charge Winter Fuel Cost Charge Decaupling Adj Affordability Chrg Resource Adjustment Subtotal City Fees Total RATE: Sm Gen Svc (Metered) USAGE UNITS RATE 6 kWh $0.079650 6 kWh $0.026667 6 kWh $0.001245 CHARGE $10.00 $ 0.48 $0.16 $0.01 $1.26 $0.09 $12.00 $5.50 $17.50 NON-RECURRING CHARGES / CREDITS DETAILS DESCRIPTION CHARGE Nuclear Fuel Settlement Premise # 303657358 -$0.05 CR Total - $0.05 CR �i�� � ��� � l� ��:�i ����������:�� ���1� �'►`� �:� i� �'►� 1NITH �UILQING� ANQ FOUNDATI01��. 1?V� knvw ��trong �c�rnrnunit+� r���r�s tc� be hu�lt frorn the gr�pun�! up, 1+Ve +rvork +�rith nQnpre�fit organi�atic�ns, and invest in areas like STEA�I �du��ticn �nd er�v�ronrnent�l st��+t+�rdship tc� �re�te cc�mmunities that r7av�e tr�e paw�r tc� rt�ake thems�lves better, n�w�+rs cfe�iv+err`xt�. .� �� SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER i i� ����IEnerqy� MONTICELLO EDA 51-0623082-8 06/01/2018 � 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE � � i 590658471 05/04/2018 $17.45 INFORMATION ABOUTYOUR BILL The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has ordered Xcel Energy to credit customers for funds received as part of a settlement with the U.S. Department of Energy regarding nuclearfuel storage. Your credit is shown as "Nuclear Fuel Settlement" on this billing statement. For a n average non-demand customer, 69% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 14% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average tlemand customer, 79% of your total bill refers to power � plant costs, 13% to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cost of local wires connected to � � your business. o FEEL V4IHICH ��'� THE 1�f INQ I� BL��f ING � T��IIIA�� �LEA�N EN��GY. Wind and all rf the ather renewabls energy opti�ns out th�re Contribute to �]ur r�iix, h�l�ing u� pr�uide you witf� cle�ner. I��v Cost en�r�gY- Visit xc�I�n�rgy,cnmJ�leanEnerg�r fc�r mor� inf�rrrt�ti�r�, n�wnv� �f�d�ver�. ■ Energ� efficiency u��gr��i�;� ��n in7��ro�e �o�ur t�t�tt�rr� line, H�re �re idea� t�o �ffer long-terrr� energy sauir7�� �r�i1 r�k��te cr�tic�r�� tcr �ffset ya�,r c�osts, � Ener�y-e�ficien# furn�ce ��r�e $100 and $�QQ f€�r ir�st�lling a 9� percent-�fficient �r be�tter furnace unit. + El��troni��ll� �ommu��d motor� �E�IVI�� Fr�r ��r�ry E� f�r� rr�o[�r yt�u �dd tc� �c�ur �:c�rnrr��r�i�l #urn���, you ��n ��rn � reh�[e c�f $1(�Q, • Energy-efficient water heater� 1+Vit�7 ar� 88 �erc;��7t-eifficier�t �r t��tter vu�ter �7��t�r, yc�4a c�n e�rr� �20f7 �er `100,OC10 BT�JH ir���at, • Energy efficient unit heaters� S�ve $50-�1�� per 10Q,0�� E�TUH far �n SO percent-efficient or better unit heater. �5 `"-�, Free �en�r�y-s�ving adrrice Cc�ntact �r� ener�y efficiency sp��ialist �t ���.839.#�#�62 for en�erg+�-sa�ing recommendations tailared ta yrasur b�usiness, °5.1.81:�Bnnal.Clri,r-�:�nly0 �..�fSI}ifi�S�i...ilF:Is:lii�:�i5^,Sl.ic:Ui"U55.f"i'.:IUililyf.l rhE�E:h9rEl::.i� :;.7�� :�n �r ��.r;i::�-:.-u;Pzor�;�s -:� -:r��..rhf�r'.-:r -I_5.1 erk71�... ��� � ��w��rs d�l��er�rt� � ., .�_ . ... .:.. .... . . . . .... .. ..... .. ..... . .... .... ... .. .... �C�+�1�r��r�ry� �{ � tf�� efficien�y �f H�fA� �nd rr,ot�r-ciriv�n s�rste�t�s—incluc�in� +,��t�r �r��l �urr��s, '�Ve �affer r�bat�s for VFDs from ��04 to $S.{]��, so +�ou c�n offset your first cosks now anc� acJcl I�ong-xcrm sauinqs ta your bottom linc. Le�rn more ;�t xcelenergy,comlM�otorEfficiency or contact our energy �fficiency s�eclaGsts at 855,83�.8�62, AL�ArA,YS d�+��v�l'�1�e,�T. ����� ������� � z17��+3�cel Ene-;�r Ir��. .� (}Ider coolin� system� are less efficient and can tr+� expensive to �t�a�nt��r�, ��v� �n ���e+�g�' ��rsts fr�r ye�rs tn c�rr��: aric� earn r�t��tes yvith a hi�h-efficiency upqrade_ Le�rn ��are �t x��lenergyr,cumla�oling or cn��tact �i�ar energy efficienc�{ spe�i�lists at ��5.839.$8��, ALW�kYS [����YE?�'�1�� ■ ������f l����� � zr�,;=x:t� E;,f �V �•; � � � NORTHERN STATES POWEA COMPANY Pa�e 1 of 6 SERVICE AD�RESS ACCOUNT NUMBER � � � ����� ������� MONTICELLO EDA 51-0623082-8 06/04/2018 � 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE � � i RESPONSIBLE BY NATUREm 590869324 05/07/2018 $0.56 YOUR MONTHLY ELECTRICITY USAGE ��IIN�1� M J J A S 0 N D J F M A M DAILY AVERAGES Last Year Temperature 54° F Electricity kWh 0.2 i i Electricity Cost $0.62 i , QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BILL? Seeourwebsite: xcelenergy.com Email us at: Customerservice@xcelenergy.com Please Call: 1-800-481-4700 Hearing Impaired: 1-800-895-4949 Fax: 1-800-311-0050 Orwrite us at: XCEL ENERGY PO BOX 8 EAU CLAIRE WI 547a2-0008 � X�cel Lnergy� SUMMARY OF CURRENT CHARGES Idztailed charges begin on page 21 Electricity Service 05/03/18 - 05/04/18 0 kWh $0.56 Current Charges $0.56 ACCOUNT BALANCE Previous Balance No Payments Received Balance Forward Current Charges Pentling Withdrawal Amount Due As of 05/03 06/01 $17.45 $0.00 $17.45 �, $0.56 � -$17.45 CR o $0.56 INFORMATION ABOUTYOUR BILL Xcel Energy works hard to keep bills low and that's whywe are lowering the processi ng fees for the credit/debit card payment option for most residential and small business customers. Beginning April 27, 2018, the fee decreases to $2.90 for personal credit/debit cards, and increases to $29.95 for customers using commercial cards. See xcelenergy.com/MyAccount for more details. RETl1RN BOTTOM POFTION \NITH YOUA PAYMENT • PLEASE DO NOT USE STAPLES,TAPE OR PAPEH CLIPS ACCOUNT NUMBER DUE DATE �� � � � � � 51-0623082-8 06/04/2018 $0.56 AutomatedBankPayment Your bill is paid through a n automated bank payment plan. 1 3 5 6 7 S 10 11 12 13 14 15 ------ manifest line --------- 17 18 19 20 21 22 I"I��II"�'I'�'�I'll�l�l���l��'ll��lll����l��lll�l�l'I��III'I��' 24 25 2fi 27 28 29 MONTICELLO EDA 505 WALNl1T ST 5TE 1 MONTICELLD MN 55362-8822 I"���II"�'I'�'�I'll�l�l���l��'ll�'����I"�I����'I�I'I��III'I��' XCEL ENERGY P.O. BOX 9477 MPLS MN 55484-9477 31 51060418 06230828 0000000005600000000056 2 9 16 23 30 � � � SERVICE ADDRESS ACCOUNT NUMBER i i� ����IEnerqy� MONTICELLO EDA 51-0623082-8 06/04/2018 � 349 W BROADWAY ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 STATEMENT NUMBER STATEMENT DATE � � i 590869324 05/07/2018 $0.56 I�EEP A�J EYE �U� ��� ����� �IY� �HADY PH��IE �I�LL�. IF s�r,��«ry� calls tlr+e���+��n� to turn off y�aur poyver d ue to an unpaid balancc, and asks y�u t� µ�y ti�aitf� � �r����i�� {,� relc�;�d��rle c;�rd, han�7 up the phan� in�m�crliat�l�{. �nt� if soineonc c�i7rocs by claiminq ta I:re �,��. I.re su+e tc� ,,s� tc��. i3��ntific�fi�or�, Call us �nytime at BQ0.�95_4�9�_ SERVICE A�DRESS: 349 W BROADWAY 5T MONTICELLO, MN 55362-9356 NEXT READ DATE: FINAL BILL ELECTRICITY SERVICE DETAILS PREMISES NUMBER: 3U3657358 INVOICE NUMBER: 0723093411 ELECTRICITY CHARGES RATE: Sm Gen Svc (Metered) DESCRIPTION USAGE UNITS RATE CHARGE Basic Service Chg $0.33 Energy Charge Winter 0 kWh $0.079650 $0.00 Fuel Cost Charge 0 kWh $0.029570 $0.00 Decaupling Adj 0 kWh $0.001245 $0.00 Affordability Chrg $0.05 Resource Adjustment $0.00 Subtotal $0.38 City Fees $0.18 Total $0.56 INFORMATION ABOUTYOUR BILL This is yar Final Bill. For a n average non-tlemand customer, 69% of your bill refers to power plant costs, 14% to high voltage line costs, and 17% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. For an average demand customer, 79% of your total bill refers to power plant costs, 13% to high voltage lines, and 8% to the cost of local wires connected to your business. ��I11 ��l I t� [�:1 ��111��I�J:�� [�1�� I�►'� �`:1 �i �►� 1NITH �UILQING� ANQ FOUNDATI01��. 1?V� knvw ��trong �c�rnrnunit+� r���r�s tc� be hu�lt frorn the gr�pun�! up, 1+Ve +rvork +�rith nQnpre�fit organi�atic�ns, and invest in areas like STEA�I �du��ticn �nd er�v�ronrnent�l st��+t+�rdship tc� �re�te cc�mmunities that r7av�e tr�e paw�r tc� rt�ake thems�lves better, n�w�+rs cfe�iv+err`xt�. .� EDA Agenda - 07/13/18 4e. Consideration of Hazardous Materials Abatement and Demolition quotes - 255 East Broadwav (JaT) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND On February 16, 2018, the EDA acquired the property located at 255 E Broadway for $106,000. The property contains a 1920, two-story duplex with an attached garage that will need to be demolished due to its age and quality. At a previous meeting of the EDA, it was determined that the site when paired with the adjacent, EDA vacant site, would be an excellent redevelopment opportunity. This area is identified in the small area study as multi-family residential development. Per Minnesota Pollution Control standards, a Hazardous Materials Inspection is required to be completed prior to demolition. The City contracted with Customize Rescue Training Inc. to complete this inspection and the report was returned to the City on May 21, 2018. It was determined that asbestos was found in the ceilings and floor tile. Other items were also noted for removal including mercury batteries found in smoke detectors, fluorescent lights and thermometers. These were removed by Public Works staff. The EDA is asked to select a quote for asbestos removal and demolition. It should be noted that the Fire Department expressed interest in using the home for a fire training burn. The EDA will need to determine if they would like to provide this opportunity to the Fire Department. Three quotes were received from the following contractors for asbestos removal: • Building Code Tech - 4183 Jansen Ave NE, St. Michael o $7,629 • Bergo Environmental, Inc. - 4413 Crawford Rd, Hopkins o $6,223 Safe Air Systems LLC - 1885 Knowles Ave. NW, Annandale o $8,600 Three quotes were received from the following contractors for demolition. Two of the quotes included demolition and removal of ash if the Fire Department completes a training burn at the site. • Building Code Tech - 4183 Jansen Ave NE, St. Michael o $26,778 Schluender Construction Company - 3331 90th Street, Monticello o$7,500 to remove and haul away complete buildings and foundation o$9,500 to remove and haul away completely burned buildings EDA Agenda - 07/13/18 and foundation • Carlson Construction o$9,250 to remove house and garage o$5,250 to remove ash, footings, and related debris Following removal of the building and foundation, the EDA can market the property for redevelopment opportunities. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Asbestos Abatement 1. Motion to select Bergo Environmental, Inc. in the amount of $6,223 to remove and dispose of asbestos. 2. Motion to select other contractor. 3. Motion to table for additional discussion. Decision 2: Demolition Quote and/or Ash Removal 1. Motion to select Carlson Construction in the amount of $5,250 to remove burned buildings and foundation or select Schluender Construction Company in the amount of $7,500 for removal of complete buildings and foundation (if the Fire Department is unable to complete the fire training). 2. Motion to select other contractor 3. Motion to table for additional discussion. C. STAFF RECOMN�NDATION Decision 1: Staffrecommends Alternative 1. Decision 2: Staff recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Asbestos Abatement Quotes • Building Code Tech • Bergo Asbestos Abatement • Safe Air Systems B. Demolition Quotes � EDA Agenda - 07/13/18 • Building Code Tech • Schluender Construction (Quote for Demolition and/or Quote for Ash Removal) • Carlson Construction (Quote for Demolition and/or Quote for Ash Removal) Abatement - Demolition Contractor MN Dept of Labor Contractor # BC637857 MN Dept of Health Asbestoes Contractor # AC818 6u��o�r�c. CooE Tccri Vacant Building 255 E Broadway St Monticello, MN Estimate 06/20/2018 Item Description Qty Rate Total O1 Plans and Per... Plan, Permits MN Department of Health and MPCA 10 0.00 0.00 Days Notice and Waste Manifest are included in the pricing below. Asbestos Abateme... Sample # M6 - 5% Chrysotile - White/Yellow Floor 1,210 1.95 2,359.50 Tiles - Location Main Floor Bedroom & Center Room Below Carpet. Asbestos Abateme... Sample # M7 - 5% Chrysotile - White/Yellow Floor 210 1.95 409.50 Tiles - Location Main Floor South Living Room Under Carpet Asbestos Abateme... Sample # M9 - 2% Chrysotile - White Ceiling Spray - 828 1.25 1,035.00 Location Main Floor Ceiling Asbestos Abateme... Sample # M10 - 2% Chrysotile - White Ceiling Spray - 828 1.25 1,035.00 Location Main Floor Ceiling Asbestos Abateme... Sample # Ml l- 2% Chrysotile - White Ceiling Spray - 828 1.25 1,035.00 Location Main Floor Ceiling Asbestos Abateme... Sample # M23 - 2% Chrysotile - White Ceiling Spray - 468 1.25 585.00 Location 2nd Floor Ceiling Asbestos Abateme... Sample # M24 - 2% Chrysotile - White Ceiling Spray - 468 1.25 585.00 Location 2nd Floor Ceiling Asbestos Abateme... Sample # M25 - 2% Chrysotile - White Ceiling Spray - 468 1.25 585.00 Location 2ndFloor Ceiling ���� ��,�'�� �;'� �-��f 4!T!�' t�fi o ���Al� :,EP�► Total $'�629.00 ���� � � NAT-9054�4-1� Email: buildingcodetech(a�charter.net Phone/Fax: 800-917-7182 Web Site: www.buildingcodetech.com 4183 Jansen Ave NE St Michael, MN 55376 Bergo Environmental Inc 4413 Crawford Rd Hopkins, MN 55343 (952) 920-8938 bergo.env@gmail.com www.bergoenvironmentalinc.com ADDRESS City of Monticello Attn: Jacob 505 Walnut St Suite 1 Monticello,MN,55362 ESTIMATE �R 1689 JOB SITE 255 E Broadway St DATE 06/20/2018 EStI i11at@ ACTIVITY Asbestos Removal Remove and dispose of the following asbestos materials as listed in the report dated: 5/21 /18 - 828 SF of ceiling texture from main floor - 468 SF of ceiling texture from second floor - 1,420 SF of floor tile from main floor We propose to provide the labor and materials to remove and dispose of the TOTAL following asbestos: - 828 SF of ceiling texture from main floor - 468 SF of ceiling texture from second floor - 1.420 SF of floor tile from main floor We will seal off the areas of containment and install a negative air HEPA machine. The asbestos materials will be removed using approved engineered wet methods. The materials will be bagged and manifested to a certified asbestos landfill. Suits and respirators will be worn by the workers while completing this work. AMOUNT 6,223.00 $6,223.00 Accepted By Accepted Date ���'� �Ji��° ������� ILIL� 1885 Knowles Ave. NW Annandale 1��N 55302 Proposal to perform work Safe Air Systems, LLC (SAS) will provide a11 required pernuts, trained and certified labor, equipment, material and disposal of waste required to remove appro�umately 1300 square feet of asbestos containing floor tile and approximately 1400 square feet of asbestos containing ceiling texture from the residence at 255 �ast Broadway St. in Monticello MN for a lump sum price of eight thousand six hundred dollars even ($8,600.00). Thcrc is no provision for removing any floor tile adhesive or any hazardous waste. The owner must provide adequate electrical and water service to complete the work. If SAS provides electrical and wa#er service there will be an additional charge of three hundred dollars ($300). There is no cost included in the price quote above for air monitoring as none is required. Please feel free to call Tom Ogden at (612) 290-3248 with any questions. This proposal is valid for a period of 30 days from the date signed by the cornractor's agern � . ° ��� ,i . - �t:. <-•---- ��-. Contractor agent's si�ature authorizing proposal Owner representative's sig�ature accepting proposal Date: ? R � f� Date: Phone (612) 290-3248 safeairsys@gmail.com �� � Abatement - Demolition Contractor MN Dept of Labor Contractor # BC637857 MN Dept of Health Asbestoes Contractor # AC818 6u��o�r�c. CooE Tccri Vacant Building 255 E Broadway St Monticello, MN Estimate 06/20/2018 Item Description Total Rate O1 Plans and Permits Demolition Permits, MPCA Demolition Notification 700.00 700.00 Utilities Disconnection Sewer/Water/Electric/Gas 1,800.00 1,800.00 Fencing Safety Fencing/No Trespassing Signs - prior and during demo. 650.00 650.00 Pest Control Bait - Pre Demo 250.00 250.00 Demo Remove of Structure including 2 Car Detached Garage, Front 9,600.00 9,600.00 Concrete Stoop/Porch, Block Foundation Walls, Concrete Footings, Concrete Basement Flooring and Garage Driveway. Disposal Landfill Fees and Trucking 5,800.00 5,800.00 Erosion Control Install - Bio-log/Silt Fencing Pre Demo 1,126.00 1,126.00 Site Work Backfill Clean and Compacting 3,920.00 3,920.00 Black Dirt 6" Black Dirt Cover, Seed, Cat - 5 Erosion Blankets 2,932.00 2,932.00 ���� ��,�'�� �;'� �-��f 4!T!�' t�fi � D �l,�✓,!�.� . :,EP�, v Total �26,��g.00 ���� � � NAT-9054�4-1� Email: buildingcodetech(a�charter.net Phone/Fax: 800-917-7182 Web Site: www.buildingcodetech.com 4183 Jansen Ave NE St Michael, MN 55376 Schluender Construction Company 3331 90th Street Monticello,MN 55362 PH.763-295-5784 FX. 763-295-5544 City of Monticello - 6/29/2018 Demo House 225 east Broadway Disconnect sewer and water at property line Remove and haul away Completely burned buildings and foundation Fill in foundation and top off with black dirt Note; no asbestos inspection or removal Total $9,500.00 Robert Schluender Schluender Construction Company 3331 90th Street Monticello,MN 55362 PH.763-295-5784 FX. 763-295-5544 City of Monticello - 6/29/2018 Demo House 225 east Broadway Disconnect sewer and water at property line Remove and haul away complete buildings and foundation Fill in foundation and top off with black dirt Note; no asbestos inspection or removal Total $7,500.00 Robert Schluender From: Ward Carlson To: Jacob Thunander Subject: 255 broadway demo - Carlson Construction Date: Thursday, July 5, 2018 12:15:21 PM Remove house and garage Back fill hole with compactable material topped with black dirt for seed $9,250 If fire department burns house and garage To remove ash, footings and related debris $5,250 Ward Carlson 612-363-1166 Thank you EDA Agenda - 07/11/18 4f. Consideration to adopt EDA Resolution #2018-14 approvin� administrative modification to Affordable Housin� TIF District #1-40 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The EDA is asked to consider amending the TIF Plan for newly established TIF District #1-40. The purpose of the modification is revise the budget line items to better reflect the developer's costs. The land purchase line item in particular has been decreased by $198,500 to $301,500. The other change consists of shifting funds from "Other Qualifying Improvements" to "Construction of Affordable Housing" and making this amount a more realistic subtotal at $483,500. The "Administrative costs" remains the same in the proposed Modification. The total Estimated Tax Increment Project Costs is being reduced from $1,034,916 to $957,916. The updates to the developer pro forma prompted the proposed Modification. The attached Figure (2-1) is the only proposed change at this time. A public hearing is not required to consider the proposed changes to the TIF Plan. Al. Budget Impact: Pending the approval of EDA Resolution #2018-14, the consulting expenses associated with this action will be coded to the developer escrow deposit of $10,000 submitted with the TIF application. In the future, 10% of the increment will be retained by the City to cover administrative expenses. A2. Staff Workload Impact: This is minor change to the TIF Plan. The estimated time involved is 4 hours of staff time of research, communication in formulating the TIF Modification. A3. Strategic Plan Impact: The EDA's consideration of the Administrative Modification of the TIF Plan relate to the following Strategic Plan Goals: Work to attract and develop a healthy mix of housing options. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS L Motion to adopt EDA Resolution #2018-15 approving an Administrative Modification to the TIF Plan for Affordable Housing TIF District #1-40. 2. Motion to deny adoption of EDA Resolution #2018-14 approving an Administrative Modification to the TIF Plan for Affordable Housing TIF District #1-40. 3. Motion to table action on EDA Resolution #2018-14 for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative 1. The administrative Modification is necessitated by a change in the developer pro forma based on actual or anticipated costs. The most significant adjustment relates to the land acquisition line item in the TIF Plan budget which will be reduced by $198,500 to reflect actual costs rather than appraised value. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution #2018-14 B. Modified Figure 2-1 from TIF Plan C. Previously adopted TIF Plan CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2018-14 RESOLUTION APPROVING MODIFICATION OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-40 WHEREAS, the City of Monticello (the "City") and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello (the "HRA") previously established Central Monticello Redevelopment Project Area No. 1(the "Redevelopment Project") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047, as amended (the "HRA Act"); and WHEREAS, administration of the Redevelopment Project was subsequently transferred to the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, on June 13, 2018, the Authority approved a Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "TIF Plan") for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 (the "TIF District") located within the Redevelopment Proj ect, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1794, as amended (the "TIF Act"), and on June 26, 2018, the City approved establishment of the TIF District; and WHEREAS, the City and Authority have determined a need to modify the TIF Plan in order to amend the budget contained therein and such amendment is consistent with the redevelopment program for the Redevelopment Proj ect; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 469.175, subd. 4(b) of the TIF Act, a tax increment financing plan may be modified without public hearing or the findings required to be made for the original tax increment financing plan if the modification does not include (i) any reduction or enlargement of the geographic area of the project or tax increment financing district; (ii) an increase in the amount of bonded indebtedness; (iii) a determination to capitalize interest on debt if that determination was not a part of the original plan; (iv) an increase in the portion of the captured net tax capacity to be retained by the City, (v) an increase in the estimated cost of the project, including administrative expenses, to be paid or financed with tax increment from the district; or (vi) the designation of additional property to be acquired by the authority; and WHEREAS, the proposed modification to the TIF Plan consists of revised line items of expenditures as provided in Exhibit A attached to this Resolution, but does not increase the total estimated cost of the project or the total amount of bonded indebtedness. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority as follows: 529323v1 MNIMN190-156 The administrative modification to the TIF Plan is hereby approved in substantially the form on file in City Hall and attached hereto as Exhibit A. 2. Upon approval of the modification to the TIF Plan by the City Council of the City, the Community Development Director is authorized to forward a copy of the modified TIF Plan to the Department of Revenue and the State Auditor pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 469.175, subd.4a. 3. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to forward a copy of the TIF Plan to Wright County for information purposes. DATED: July 11, 2018 President ATTEST: Secretary 2 529323v1 MNI MN190-156 EXHIBIT A Figure 2-1 Monttceffo Tax [ncrement Financing Oistrict Na. 1-4� Prajected Tax [ncremen! Briygs Estimated Tax Inrrement Revenues Tax increment revenues distributed from the county Interest and investment earnings Salesllease praceeds Market value homestead �redit Total Estimated Tax In�crement Revenues Estimate�i ProjectlFinancing Costs (ta 6e pa`td or financed with tax in�rement} Praject costs Land/huilding acquisition Site improvementsl�reparation eosts UtiaiYies Cyther qualitying improvements Canstruction af afforda6le housing Smal! city authorixed �osts, if not already incfuded above Ac7ministra[i�e [psts E�timated Tax InCrpment PrpjeSt Casts Estimated €inan�ic�g costs [nterest expense Original Adapted Plan $1,729,164 sia,aoo 50 50 $1,739,16A $54�},dOfi SD so b362,90Q SQ SO $172,91b 51,034,91b Modification Na. i 51,729,1b4 �10;000 $0 $0 �1,739,i64 $301,SOQ $0 �o $4 $483,500 $0 $172,9I5 $957,91fi $7p4,247 $781,247 Total Estimated ProjectjFinanciny Costs to he Paid firom Tax Incrernent $1,739,163 $1,739,164 Estimated Financing TotaG amount af ponds ta be issued TIF Distric[ 1-40� [Housing] N�RTHLAND st[uH�:iiEs 3 529323v1 MNI MN190-156 $1,rJ34,}15 $957,915 ��s,�2ais Figure 2-1 Monticello Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 Projected Tax Increment Briggs Estimated Tax Increment Revenues Tax increment revenues distributed from the county Interest and investment earnings Sales/lease proceeds Market value homestead credit Total Estimated Tax Increment Revenues Estimated Project/Financing Costs (to be paid or financed with tax increment) Project costs Land/building acquisition Site improvements/preparation costs Utilities Other qualifying improvements Construction of affordable housing Small city authorized costs, if not already included above Administrative costs Estimated Tax Increment Project Costs Estimated financing costs Interest expense Total Estimated Project/Financing Costs to be Paid from Tax Increment Estimated Financing Total amount of bonds to be issued Original Adopted Plan $1,729,164 $10,000 $0 $0 $1,739,164 $500,000 $0 $0 $362,000 $0 $0 $172,916 $1,034,916 Modification No. 1 $1,729,164 $10,000 $0 $0 $1,739,164 $301,500 $0 $0 $0 $483,500 $0 $172,916 $957,916 $704,247 $781,247 $1,739,163 $1,739,164 $1,034,916 $957,916 TIF District 1-40 (Housing) NORTHLAI�TD 7/5/2018 SECURYTiES DRAFT CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 (BRIGGS) WITHIN CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 ADOPTED BY CITY OF MONTICELLO AND CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) PUBLIC HEARING DATE: JUNE 25, 2018 PLAN APPROVED BY EDA DATE: JUNE 13,2018 PLAN APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL DATE: JUNE 25, 2018 PLAN CERTIFICATION REQUEST DATE: PLAN CERTIFIED DATE: N�R�'HLAN�I� PfJ BLI C FIhIANCE Northland Securities, Inc. 150 SouthFifth Street, Suite 3300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (800) 851-2920 Member NASD and SIPC Registered with SEC and MSRB TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE I- INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS .........................................................1 Section 1.01 Introduction ......................................................................................1 Section1.02 Definitions .........................................................................................1 Section 1.03 Plan Preparation ...............................................................................1 ARTICLE II - TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN .........................................................z Section 2.01 Statutory Authority ..........................................................................2 Section 2.02 Planned Development .....................................................................2 2.02.1 Project Description ......................................................................................3 2.02.2 City Plans and Development Program .................................................... 3 2.02.3 Land Acquisition .........................................................................................3 2.02.4 Development Activities ..............................................................................2 2.02.5 Need for Tax Increment Financing ........................................................... 2 Section 2.03 Tax Increment Financing District ...................................................3 2.03.1 Designation .................................................................................................. 3 2.03.2 Boundaries of TIF District ..........................................................................3 2.03.3 Type of District ............................................................................................3 Section 2.04 Plan for Use of Tax Increment ........................................................3 2.04.1 Estimated Tax Increment ............................................................................3 2.04.2 Project Costs .................................................................................................4 2.04.3 Estimated Sources and Uses of Funds .....................................................5 Figure2-1 ......................................................................................................5 2.04.4 Administrative Expense .............................................................................5 2.04.5 County Road Costs .....................................................................................6 2.04.6 Bonded Indebtedness .................................................................................6 2.04.7 Duration of TIF District ..............................................................................6 2.04.8 Estimated Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions ...................................6 2.04.9 Prior Planned Improvements .................................................................... 7 ARTICLE III -ADMINISTERING THE TIF DISTRICT ......................................................7 Section 3.01 Filing and Certification ....................................................................7 Section 3.02 Modifications of the Tax Increment Financing Plan ....................7 Section 3.03 4-Year Knockdown Rule ..................................................................8 Section 3.04 Pooling/5-Year Rule ..........................................................................8 Section 3.05 Financial Reporting and Disclosure Requirements .....................8 Section 3.06 Business Subsidy Compliance ........................................................8 EXHIBITS........................................................................................................................... g Exhibit I- Present Value Analysis ............................................................................9 Exhibit II - Projected Tax Increment ......................................................................10 Exhibit III - Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions ..............................................11 Exhibit IV - Estimated Tax Increment Over Life of District ...............................12 Exhibit V- Map of TIF District ...............................................................................13 Exhibit VI - Map of Central Monticallo Redevelopment Project No. 1............14 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 ARTICLE I- INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS �����[�7►F����1►��:Z�]�1�L��[�7► The City of Monticello and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority propose to provide tax increment financing assistance through the establishment of Tax Increment Financing (Housing) District No. 1-40 to assist with the financing of certain project costs for the construction of an approximate 47-unit rental housing facility, with an affordable component, by a private developer. This document contains the plan for achieving the objectives of the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 through the establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40. SECTION 1.02 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this document, the terms below have the meanings given in this section, unless the context in which they are used indicates a different meaning: 1. "Authority' means the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority. 2. "City' means the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 3. "City Council" means the City Council of the City. 4. "County' means Wright County, Minnesota. 5. "Developer' means the private party undertaking construction within the TIF District. 6. "Project Costs" means the cost of qualified development activities that will occur within the TIF District that may be paid from tax increment revenue. 7. "Redevelopment Plan" means the Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Project, as the same may, from time to time, be amended or supplemented. 8. "Redevelopment Project" means Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 of the Authority, as the same may, from time to time, be amended or supplemented. 9. "School District" means Independent School District No. 882 (Monticello Public Schools). 10. "State" means the State of Minnesota. 11. "TIF Act" means Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.1794, as amended, both inclusive. 12. "TIF District" means Tax Increment Financing (Housing) District No. 1-40 (Briggs). 13. "TIF Plan' means the tax increment financing plan for the TIF District (this document). �����[�7►F��I��»_1►��:���_1:Z��[�7► The document was prepared for the City and the Authority by Northland Securities, Inc. ADOPTED, JUNE 25, 2018 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 ARTICLE II - TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN �� �� �[�] ► i����� �_� t�j t�7:�'/_��j �: [�]:i � �'1 The TIF District and the TIF Plan are established under the authority of the TIF Act. SECTION 2.02 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 2.02.1 Project Description The Developer proposes to build an approximate 47-unit rental housing facility, with an affordable component, located at the corner of Locust and 3rd Street West within the City. The proposal calls for a four-story apartment building to include approximately 3 studio units, 25 one-bedroom units, and 19 two-bedroom units. The property where the housing will be built is currently vacant. 2.02.2 City P(ans and Deve(opment Program In addition to achieving the objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, the proposed development is consistent with and works to achieve the development objectives of the City. The TIF Plan for the TIF District conforms to the general plan for development or redevelopment of the City as a whole. The City has adopted land use controls to guide the use of property. The proposed development plans for the project in the TIF District have been reviewed by the Planning Commission and the City Council. 2.02.3 Land Acquisition The City or the Authority do not plan to acquire any property within the TIF District. 2.02.4 Deve(opment Activities As of the date of approval of this TIF Plan, there are no development activities proposed in this TIF Plan that are subject to contracts. 2.02.5 Need for Tax Increment Financing In various materials the Developer has demonstrated that the proposed use of tax increment financing is needed to offset the high construction costs of high-quality low- to moderate- income housing and associated infrastructure required to support the facility. Without the proposed assistance, these initial up-front costs would make it infeasible for the Developer to be able to charge the affordable rents required for low-to moderate-income residents. Thus, it is the opinion of the City and the Authority that the proposed development would not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the foreseeable future and that the increased market value of the site that could reasonably be expected to occur without the use of tax increment financing would be less than the increase in the market value estimated to result from the proposed development after subtracting the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration of the TIF District permitted by the TIF Plan. A comparative analysis of estimated market values both with and without establishment of the TIF District and the use of tax increments has been performed as described above and is shown in Exhibit L This analysis, which is not required by the TIF Act for approval of a housing district, indicates that the increase in estimated market value of the proposed development (less the present value of the projected tax increments for the maximum duration permitted by the TIF Plan) exceeds the estimated market value of the site prior to the establishment of the TIF District. ADOPTED, JUNE 25, 2018 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 SECTION 2.03 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT 2.03.1 Designation This TIF District is designated Tax Increment Financing (Housing) District No. 1-40 (Briggs). 2.03.2 Boundaries of TIF District The boundaries of the TIF District are depicted in Exhibit V. The TIF District includes parcel number 155010036030 and the adjacent roads and right-of-way. The parcel is legally described as follows: Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 36, Plat of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. 2.03.3 Type of District The TIF District is designated as a"housing" district pursuant to Section 469.174, Subd. 11 of the TIF Act. For the designation, of a tax increment financing housing district, the Developer of the Project will need to commit to the following: 1. Satisfy the income requirements for a qualified residential rental project as defined in section 142(d) of the Internal Revenue Code. This requirement applies for the duration of the tax increment financing district. The Fiscal Year 2018 Area Median Income for the County is $94,300. The developer will commit to provide (a) 20% or more of units for occupancy by persons at 50% or less of area median gross income (estimated at $47,150) or (b) (a) 40% or more of units for occupancy by persons at 60% or less of area median gross income (estimated at $56,580). These income thresholds may change over the life of the TIF District. 2. Provide that no more than 20% of the square footage of building to receive assistance from tax increments consist of commercial, retail, or other nonresidential uses. Revenue derived from tax increment from a housing district must be used solely to finance the cost of housing projects as defined in Section 469.174, subdivision 11 of the TIF Act. The cost of public improvements directly related to the housing projects and the allocated administrative expenses of the Authority may be included in the cost of a housing project. 3. Failure to comply with these income limitations is subject to the enforcement provisions of Section 469.1771 of the TIF Act. SECTION 2.04 PLAN FOR USE OF TAX INCREMENT 2.04.1 Estimated Tax Increment The original net tax capacity of value of the TIF District will be set by the County upon request for certification. For the purposes of this Plan, the estimated original net tax capacity is $1,731. This amount is estimated based on the most recent published estimated market value of $138,500 for Parce1155010036030; with tax capacity value calculated for residential rental property. The total tax capacity value of the property after development completion (for taxes payable in 2021) is estimated to be $69,438. This amount is based on a total estimated market value of $5,555,000 with property classified as residential rental property. The estimated difference between the total tax capacity value after development completion (for taxes payable in 2021) and the original net tax capacity value is the captured tax capacity value ($67,706) for the creation of tax increment. The total local tax rate for taxes payable in 2018 is 88.994%. The TIF Plan assumes that this rate will be set as the original local tax rate for the TIF District. At the time of the certification of the original net tax capacity for the TIF District, the county auditor shall certify the original local tax rate that applies to the TIF District. The original local tax rate is the sum of all the local tax rates, excluding that portion of the school rate attributable to the general education levy under Minnesota Statutes section 126C.13, that apply to a property in the TIF District. The local ADOPTED, JUNE 25, 2018 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 tax rate to be certified is the rate in effect for the same taxes payable year applicable to the tax capacity values certified as the TIF District's original tax capacity. The resulting tax capacity rate is the original local tax rate for the life of the TIF District. Under these assumptions, the estimated annual tax increment will be $60,255 after development completion. The actual tax increment will vary according to the certified original tax capacity value and original tax rate, the actual property value produced by the proposed development and the changes in property value and State tax policy over the life of the district. It is the intent of the City and the Authority to retain 100% of the captured tax capacity value for the duration of the TIF district. Exhibit II contains the projected tax increment over the life of the District. 2.04.2 Project Costs The Authority will use tax increment to pay Project Costs. The Authority anticipates the use of tax increment to pay administrative expenses for the TIF District and to reimburse the Developer on a pay-go basis for certain Project Costs to provide the affordable housing. A contract between the Authority and the Developer will define the means for verifying Developer costs eligible for reimbursement and the means of disbursing tax increments collected by the Authority to the Developer. The Authority may also use tax increments to pay financing costs. The interest rate payable on bonds, the definition of bonds includes tax increment financing revenue notes, to be issued will be set pursuant to a contract with the Developer. The Authority reserves the right to use any other legally available revenues to finance or pay for Project Costs associated with the development in the TIF District. The City and the Authority reserve the right to modify the TIF Plan to provide authority to expend tax increment from the TIF District on other housing projects that meet the criteria for establishing a housing TIF district. Section 469.174, Subd. 11 of the TIF Act defines a housing districts consisting of a project, or a portion of a project, intended for occupancy, in part, by persons or families of low and moderate income. The requirements for the establishment of a housing TIF district are contained in Section 469.1761 of the TIF Act. The primary criteria are income related. The criteria are different for owned and rental housing. The practical application of this authority includes: • The use of tax increment is not limited by pooling restrictions or the five-year rule. • The tax increment can be spent on activities outside of the TIF district, but within the Development District No. 1. • This authority does not extend the maximum statutory duration of the TIF district. • The tax increment must be used solely to finance the cost of the "housing project" as defined by the TIF Act. The cost of public improvements directly related to the housing project and the allocated administrative expenses of the Authority may be included in the cost of the housing project. • No more than 20% of the square footage of buildings that receive TIF assistance may consist of commercial, retail, or other nonresidential uses. Potential applications of this authority include: • Individual housing projects avoiding the need for a new TIF district. • Supplementing the revenues of another housing TIF district. • Assistance for the renovation of existing housing. • Acquisition of land for housing. ADOPTED, JUNE 25, 2018 4 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 • Assistance to make public improvements more affordable. 2.04.3 Estimated Sources and Uses of Funds The estimated sources of revenue, along with the estimated Project Costs of the TIF District, are itemized in Figure 2-1 that follows. Such costs are eligible for reimbursement from tax increments, and other listed sources of revenue from the TIF District. The City and Authority reserve the right to administratively adjust the amount of any of the Project Cost items listed in Figure 2-1, so long as the total estimated tax increment project costs amount, not including financing costs, is not increased. FIGURE 2-1 ESTIMATED SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS Estimated Tax Increment Revenues Tax increment revenues distributed from the county Interest and investment earnings Sales/lease proceeds Market value homestead credit Total Estimated Tax Increment Revenues Estimated Project/Financing Costs (to be paid or financed with tax increment) Praject costs Land/building acquisition Site improvements/preparation costs Utilities Other qualifying improvements Construction of affordable housing Small city authorized costs, if not already included above Administrative costs Estimated Tax Increment Project Costs Estimated financing costs Interest expense Tatal $1, 729,164 $10,000 $0 $0 $1,739,164 $SOD,ODa $0 $a $362,OD0 $0 $0 $172,916 $1,034,916 $704,247 Total Estimated Project/Financing Costs to be Paid from Tax Increment $1,739,164 Estimated Financing Total amount of bonds to be issued $1, 034,916 2.04.4 Administrative Expense The Authority reserves the right to retain up to ten percent (10%) of annual tax increment revenues, in addition to any required fees paid to the State and County. The Authority will use these monies to pay for and reimburse the Authority for costs of administering the TIF district allowed by the TIF Act. The estimated amount of tax increment revenue planned to pay administrative expense is shown in Figure 2-1. Anticipated administrative expenses of the TIF District include annual audit of the fund for TIF District, preparation of annual reporting, legal publication of annual report, and administration of the development agreement. ADOPTED, JUNE 25, 2018 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 2.04.5 County Road Costs The proposed development will not substantially increase the use of county roads and necessitate the need to use tax increments to pay for county road improvements. 2.04.6 Bonded Indebtedness The total amount of bonds estimated to be issued is shown in Figure 2-1. The City will not issue any general obligation bonded indebtedness as a result of the TIF Plan. The Authority intends to use tax increment financing to reimburse the developer on pay-as-you- go basis for Project Costs pursuant to a contract with the Developer. The City or the Authority may advance or loan money to finance expenditures under Section 469.176, subdivision 4 of the TIF Act, from the general funds of the City or the Authority or any other fund under which there is legal authority to do so, subject to the following provisions: (a) Not later than 60 days after money is transferred, advanced, or spent, whichever is earliest, the loan or advance must be authorized by resolution of the City or of the Authority, whichever has jurisdiction over the fund from which the advance or loan is authorized. (b) The resolution may generally grant to the City or the Authority the power to make interfund loans under one or more tax increment financing plans or for one or more districts. The resolution may be adopted before or after the adoption of the tax increment financing plan or the creation of the tax increment financing district from which the advance or loan is to be repaid. (c) The terms and conditions for repayment of the loan must be provided in writing. The written terms and conditions may be in any form, but must include, at a minimum, the principal amount, the interest rate, and maximum term. Written terms may be modified or amended in writing by the City or the Authority before the latest decertification of any tax increment financing district from which the interfund loan is to be repaid. The maximum rate of interest permitted to be charged is limited to the greater of the rates specified under Minnesota Satatutes, Section 270C.40 or 549.09 as of the date the loan or advance is authorized, unless the written agreement states that the maximum interest rate will fluctuate as the interest rates specified under Minnesota Statutes, Section 270C.40 or 549.09 are from time to time adjusted. Loans or advances may be structured as draw- down or line-of-credit obligations of the lending fund. (d) The Authority shall report in the annual report submitted under Section 469.175, subdivision 6 of the TIF Act: (1) the amount of any interfund loan or advance made in a calendar year; and (2) any amendment of an interfund loan or advance made in a calendar year. 2.04.7 Duration of TIF District The duration to collect and spend tax increments on eligible purposes is set at the maximum duration of 25 years after the date of receipt of the first tax increment or 26 years of tax increment collection. The estimated decertification date is 12/31/2045. 2.04.8 Estimated Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions Exhibits III and IV show the estimated impact on other taxing jurisdictions if the maximum projected retained captured net tax capacity of the TIF District was hypothetically available to the other taxing jurisdictions. The City and the Authority believe that there will be no adverse impact on other taxing jurisdictions during the life of the TIF District, since the proposed development would not have occurred without the establishment of the TIF District and the provision of public assistance. A positive impact on other taxing jurisdictions will occur when the TIF District is decertified and the development therein becomes part of the general tax base. ADOPTED, JUNE 25, 2018 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 The City and the Authority anticipate minimal impact of the proposed development on city- provided services. There will be no borrowing costs to the City or the Authority for the Project. A manageable increase in water and sewer usage is expected. It is anticipated that there may be a slight but manageable increase in police and fire protection duties due to the development. 2.04.9 Prior P(anned Improvements There have been no building permits issued in the last 18 months in conjunction with any of the properties within the TIF District. The Authority will include this statement with the request for certification to the County Auditor. I�1:��C�l��ll�_1�]►�ill►1����:il►[��:I��I��]���:iC�� SECTION 3.01 FILING AND CERTIFICATION The filing and certification of the TIF Plan consists of the following steps: 1. Upon adoption of the TIF Plan by the City and the Authority, the Authority shall submit a copy of the TIF Plan to the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Office of the State Auditor. 2. The Authority shall request that the County Auditor certify the original net tax capacity and net tax capacity rate of the TIF District. To assist the County Auditor in this process, the Authority shall submit copies of the TIF Plan, the resolution establishing the TIF District and adopting the TIF Plan, and a listing of any prior planned improvements. SECTION 3.02 MODIFICATIONS OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN The City and the Authority reserve the right to modify the TIF District and the TIF Plan. Under the TIF Act, the following actions can only be approved after satisfying all the necessary requirements for approval of the original TIF Plan (including notifications and public hearing): ■ Reduction or enlargement in the geographic area of the Development District or the TIF District. ■ Increase in the amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred. ■ Increase in the amount of capitalized interest. ■ Increase in that portion of the captured net tax capacity to be retained by the Authority. ■ Increase in the total estimated Project Costs, not including cost of financing. ■ Designation of additional property to be acquired by the City or the Authority. Other modifications can be made by resolution of the Authority. In addition, the original approval process does not apply if (1) the only modification is elimination of parcels from the TIF District and (2) the current net tax capacity of the parcels eliminated equals or exceeds the net tax capacity of those parcels in the TIF District's original net tax capacity, or the City and the Authority agree that the TIF District's original net tax capacity will be reduced by no more than the current net tax capacity of the parcels eliminated. Upon approval by the City, the Authority must notify the County Auditor of any modification that reduces or enlarges the geographic area of the TIF District. The geographic area of the TIF District may be reduced but not enlarged after five years following the date of certification. ADOPTED, JUNE 25, 2018 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 SECTION 3.03 4-YEAR KNOCKDOWN RULE Since the TIF District consists of a single parcel, development of the project as planned prevents any loss of value from the 4-Year Knockdown Rule. The 4-Year Knockdown Rule requires that if after four years from certification of the TIF District no demolition, rehabilitation, renovation or site improvement, including a qualified improvement of an adjacent street, has commenced on a parcel located within the TIF District, then that parcel shall be excluded from the TIF District and the original net tax capacity shall be adjusted accordingly. Qualified improvements of a street are limited to construction or opening of a new street, relocation of a street, or substantial reconstruction or rebuilding of an existing street. The Authority must submit to the County Auditor, by February 1 of the fifth year, evidence that the required activity has taken place for each parcel in the TIF District. If a parcel is excluded from the TIF District and the City, Authority, or owner of the parcel subsequently commences any of the above activities, the Authority shall certify to the County Auditor that such activity has commenced and the parcel shall once again be included in the TIF District. The County Auditor shall certify the net tax capacity of the parcel, as most recently certified by the Commissioner of Revenue, and add such amount to the original net tax capacity of the TIF District. SECTION 3.04 POOLING/5-YEAR RULE As permitted under Section 469.1763, subdivision 2(b) and subdivision 3(a)(5) of the TIF Act, any expenditures of increment from the TIF District to pay the cost of a"housing project" as defined in Section 469.174, subd. 11 of the TIF Act will be treated as an expenditure within the district for the purposes of the "pooling rules" and the "five year rule". It is not anticipated that tax increments will be spent outside the TIF District (except allowable administrative expenses), but such expenditures are expressly authorized in the TIF Plan. SECTION 3.05 FINANCIAL REPORTING AND DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS The Authority will comply with the annual reporting requirements of State Law pursuant to the guidelines of the Office of the State Auditor. Under current law, the Authority must prepare and submit a report on the TIF district on or before August 1 of each year. The Authority must also annually publish in a newspaper of general circulation in the City an annual statement for each tax increment financing district. The reporting and disclosure requirements outlined in this section begin with the year the district was certified, and shall end in the year in which both the district has been decertified and all tax increments have been spent or returned to the county for redistribution Failure to meet these requirements, as determined by the State Auditors Office, may result in suspension of distribution of tax increment. SECTION 3.06 BUSINESS SUBSIDY COMPLIANCE The Project is exempt from the business subsidies requirements specified in Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995 because the intended assistance for the Project specified in this document is anticipated to be 100% for housing assistance. ADOPTED, JUNE 25, 2018 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 Exhibit I Monticello Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 Present Value Analysis As Required By Statute Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.175(3)(2) Briggs 1 Estimated Future Market Value w/ Tax Increment Financing 2 Payable 2018 Market Value 3 Market Value Increase (1-2) 4 Present Value of Future Tax Increments 5 Market Value Increase Less PV of Tax Increments 6 Estimated Future Market Value w/o Tax Increment Financing 7 Payable 2018 Market Value 8 Market Value Increase (6-7) 9 Increase in MV From TIF 1 Assume 1.00% annual appreciation over 26 year life of district. 7,053,376 1 138,500 6,914,876 862,208 6,052,668 177,617 1 138,500 39,117 6,013,551 2 2 Statutory comp(iance achieved if increase in market va(ue from TIF (Line 9) is greater than or equa( to zero. ADOPTED, JUNE 25, 2018 9 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 TIF Taxes Taxable District Value Payable Market Year Year Year Value' 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2D19 2D20 2D21 2D22 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2D38 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 �028 �029 �030 �031 �032 �033 �034 �035 2036 2037 2038 2039 �040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 Exhibit II Gity af Monticella Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 (Housing) Briggs Projected Tax Increment Cash Flow 6 2,750,OOD S,SSS,OOD 5,610,SSD 5,666,656 5,723,322 5,780,555 5,838,361 5,896,744 5,955,712 6,D15,�69 6, 075,4� 2 6,136,176 6,197,538 6,259,513 6,322,108 6,385,3�9 6,449,183 6, 513,674 6,578,811 6,644,599 6,711,045 6,778,156 6,845,937 6,914,397 6,983,541 7,053,376 Base Tax Captured Assumed New Tax Capacity Tax Original Capacity , 4 Capacity Tax Rate 34,375 69,43 S 70,13 2 70,833 71, 542 72,257 72,980 73,749 74,446 75,191 75,943 76,70� 77,469 78,244 79,026 79,817 80,615 81,421 82,235 83,057 83,888 84,727 85, 574 86,430 87,294 88,167 (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) (1,731) 32,644 67,706 68,401 69,102 69,810 70,526 71,248 71,978 7�,715 73,460 74,212 74,971 75,738 76,513 77,295 78,085 78,884 79,690 80,504 81,326 82,157 82,996 83,843 84,699 85,563 86,436 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994% 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % 88.994 % TOTAL = Tax Less Tax pi-esent Increment State Increment Value TIF (TIF) Fee (TIF) After After Fee 5 (0.36%) Fee 29,051 60,255 60,872 61,497 62,127 62,764 63,407 64,056 64,71� 65,375 66,044 66,720 67,402 68,092 68,788 69,491 70,202 70,919 71,644 72,375 73,115 73,861 74,615 75,377 76,146 76,923 1,73 5,830 (1D5) 28,946 (217) 6D,038 (219) 6D,653 (221) 61,276 (224) 61,9D3 (226) 62,538 (228) 63,179 (231) 63,825 (233) 64,479 (235) 65,140 (238) 65,806 (240) 66,480 (243) 67,159 (245) 67,847 (248) 68,540 (250) 69,241 (253) 69,949 (255) 7D,664 (258) 71,386 (261) 7�,114 (263) 7�,85z (266) 73,595 (2G9) 74,346 (271) 75,106 (274) 75,872 (277) 76,646 (6,249) 1,729,581 Kev Asssumptians 1 Taxable market value (fMV) annual growth assumption = 1.00%. 2 Taxable Market Value = 47 units at $117,021 per unit. 3 Base Tax Capacity calcluated on base taxable inarket value =$138,500 PID: 15501003603D 4 Assume Pay 2018 Tax Year. 5 Present value based on semi-annual payments, and indicated rate above, and beginning on date of 1/1/2019. 6 All figures are estimated. 4.00 % 26,920 80,588 132,700 183,303 232,439 280,151 326,481 371,467 415,149 457,565 498,751 538,743 577,575 615,281 651,894 687,444 721,964 755,482 788,027 819,628 850,313 880,107 909,036 937,127 964,401 990,884 ADOPTED, JUNE 25, 2018 10 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 Exhibit III Monticello Tax lncrement Financing District No. 1-40 Impact on Other Taxing Jurisdictions (Taxes Payable 2018) Briggs ANNUALTAXINCREMENT Estimated Annual Captured Tax Capacity (Full Development) Payable 2018 Local Tax Rate Estimated Annual Tax Increment City of Monticello Wright County ISD 882 City of Monticello Wright County ISD 882 Other Totals Percent of Tax Base Net Tax Capacity (NTC) 29,528,145 156,632,990 38,892,767 Dollar Impact of Affected Taxing Jurisdictions Net Tax Capacity (NT�) 32.333% 39.946% 15.621% 1.094% 88.994% $86,436 88.994% $76,923 Captured Tax Capacity 86,436 86,436 86,436 Tax % of Total Increment Share 36.332% 27,947 44.886% 34,528 17.553% 13,502 1.229% 946 100.000% 76,923 Percent of Total IVTC 0.29% 0.06% 0.22% Added Local Tax Rate 0.095% 0.022% 0.035% NOTE NO. 1: Assuming thatALL of the captured tax capacity wou(d be avai(ab(e to all taxing jurisdictions even if the City does not create the Tax lncrement District, the creation of the District wiI( reduce tox capacities and increase the (oca( tax rote as i((ustrated in the above tab(es. NOTE NO. 2: Assuming that NONE of the captured tax capacity would be available to the taxing jurisdiction if the City did not create the Tax Increment District, then the plan has virtua((y no initial effect on the tax capacities of the taxing jurisdictions. However, once the District is estab(ished, allowable costs paid from the increments, and the District is terminated, a(( taxing jurisdictions wi(( experience an increase in their• tax base. ADOPTED, JUNE 25, 2018 11 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 Exhibit IV City af Monticello Tax Increment Financing District Na. 1-40 (1-40) Briggs Estimated Taz Increments Over Maximum Life af District Based on Pay 2018 Tax Rate = 88.994% 32333% 39.946% 15.621% 1.094% New Estimated �ity �ounty School Other T[F Taxes Taxable New Base Captured Total TIF TIF TIF TIF District Payable Market Tax Tax Tax Tax Related Related Related Related Year Year Value Capacity Capacity Capacity Increment Share Share Share Share 1 2020 2,750,D00 34,375 (1,731) 32,644 29,051 10,555 13,040 5,099 357 � 2021 S,SSS,D00 69,438 (1,731) 67,706 6D,255 21,891 27,046 10,576 742 3 2022 5,610,550 70,132 (1,731) 68,401 6D,872 22,116 27,323 10,G85 748 4 2023 5,666,656 70,833 (1,731) 69,102 61,497 22,343 27,603 10,794 757 S 2024 5,723,322 71,542 (1,731) 69,810 62,127 22,572 27,886 10,905 764 fi 2025 5,780,555 72,257 (1,731) 7D,526 62,764 22,803 28,172 11,017 772 7 202fi 5,838,361 72,980 (1,731) 71,248 63,407 23,037 28,461 11,130 779 8 2027 5,896,744 73,709 (1,731) 71,978 64,056 23,273 28,752 11,244 787 9 2028 5,955,712 74,446 (1,731) 72,715 64,712 23,511 29,047 11,359 795 10 2029 6,415,�69 75,191 (1,731) 73,460 65,375 23,752 29,344 11,475 804 11 2030 6,475,422 75,943 (1,731) 74,212 66,044 23,995 29,645 11,593 Sll 12 2031 6,136,176 76,702 (1,731) 74,971 66,720 24,240 29,948 11,711 821 13 2032 6,197,538 77,469 (1,731) 75,738 67,402 24,488 30,254 11,831 829 14 2033 6,259,513 78,244 (1,731) 76,513 68,092 24,739 30,564 11,952 837 15 2034 6,322,1OS 79,0�6 (1,731) 77,295 68,788 24,992 30,876 12,074 846 16 2035 6,385,329 79,817 (1,731) 78,085 69,491 25,�47 31,192 12,198 854 17 2036 6,449,183 80,615 (1,731) 78,884 70,�02 25,505 31,511 12,322 864 18 2037 6,513,674 81,4�1 (1,731) 79,690 70,919 25,766 31,833 12,448 872 19 2038 6,578,811 82,235 (1,731) 80,504 71,644 26,029 32,158 12,576 881 20 2039 6,644,599 83,057 (1,731) 81,3�6 72,375 26,�95 32,487 12,704 889 21 2040 6,711,045 83,888 (1,731) 82,157 73,115 26,564 32,818 12,834 899 2� 2041 6,778,156 84,7�7 (1,731) 82,996 73,861 26,835 33,153 12,965 908 23 2042 6,845,937 85,574 (1,731) 83,843 74,615 27,109 33,492 13,097 917 Z4 2043 6,914,397 86,430 (1,731) 84,699 75,377 27,386 33,834 13,231 9�6 ZS 2044 6,983,541 87,294 (1,731) 85,563 76,146 27,665 34,179 13,366 936 26 Z045 7,053,376 88,167 (1,731) 86,436 76,923 27,947 34,528 13,502 946 Total 1,735,830 630,655 779,146 304,688 21,341 ADOPTED, JUNE 25, 2018 12 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 EXHIBIT V Boundaries of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 Inclusive of Parcel 155-010-036030 and the adjacent roads and right of way Parcel is legally described as follows: Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 36, Plat of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. , , ���� �� �i � � �"'°�°'' �"� ,..� ' ` � ,-. -�, � �, ; l ,� y,' � �,,, � .�: N � l�' �d � , +1��`�r �� ���a�'1,�... � .., _,� � �, ' + � , �' "�. �� � � I/�.,._ � . _ � i f n. �, .( S � � � ���-� ..��'� N4r �. � Y` -,_,�, -.,� , " E ,� '",�a, `'` � � �''.,� ' r � tr "`w.. , �:.-._ � ��. �� �:. ...`y�,, ���� f . ` . .. � � .. 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':� � � �y� l �� �� , � . �` �. . �,., ������ � � "d�'vM�.` !�� � .+� � 'r� � �� f � �r, , .. � x : �7 ! t��� � �'.r�- �i .. `�Y � . „� u7 �'� � � � � ' i 4�P5.. , " �; � �: "�i,,y .u, � ,� �3; #' ;: ��� �4. � � ,� � � . F� � �' \ � Y •'' e: '�• � r 4f `'�;��. ADOPTED, JUNE 25, 2018 13 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-40 EXHIBIT VI Boundaries of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 1..►'. ' . � � i � . ` .� M ���� p � ��� �� �� � � <, � � , _ - ���- - - , ': � � .� � �- r.� � a j , �, i �:: - �, � _ e. <' .. �-- - -.. -. 3 4 sq� ,.a.a �� �� , f►� �. _ - .2v -r ��.' �. _ _ . " a�s_ �,_. .M'r� .. MF�t3 r] �� � i.. vu-.� - � ��, , � , �1�� � _;, �, � _ � _�� .��� , � - ,� ra . - .e '.� .. �. _ "_ �" �_. i. - �' � s . . , � '�Y 11 � � ; �" � T�'. � '';k r _ i� : , � � '^`,�.� :,� ,� ,,, �,� p ",a' _ � �,,'��` , �.:.-_ - . ,� �� .�i t� �,wa, r_ . � . .. . ,�,� . . 4 I � � ��� y. : �+rp� v 4 � ,: � �� �° . � 9F� � x A ��II � �i-''� ia '. — t F7r" � - . 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A 4 A ' S�� _.�Y� e� , F I Il � �' ,� �a�� Y-:�� � _r . ��,, n� '�. � `•� r� 3" " ,� � � . , y� • L�s� rd , �Y �y. 1--' ' � , l' � �� ��� ���, `��` � � � � � �t � . �^1. �F, . • f� f . �N �.- �T Q ''�,, qt•�. �u .��. � „ ��� �� �t� . _ �'- 1 �. ,� -'rl�` � , . � ,i.,�4 s'�'-.'�, . . _ - ' '� }.!1 i., ! ,. 3 � , ; �- ` �'�, '�� . _--' � � �. � ° � � ,��j., : �"� �,� �; . 1 � �,a' F •6"j, + 'i � ��yr ,r � ,. t1 _ �:= ���• fi y4 s,�� � = _�j __-- . ``�' • "� ' 1 �.•'�''# ._ .� �' �,�---�� � "� '� * '= � i}, 'ti � �. � ` ; �, �r�I�IkIXl�li;-, r "l`�^ ,. x E '� -.4�, � �; : �. i�` ) � � E��� � ��,�,� 1 � g ��.� �5 �.�� .��^ . .. Y �. r y;�'^.F�,,.a�y���� i�. .` ,..+� = � G� �k � - ia � �4� 4's.�' ; .. .. - , "�° �Ps WCf�F `7 x � ' __ �'�'v� �k * a'" w �" ��•+5 x ii� � �i ts �,. � + �if 1r � �'rt`'-h�t�"s � , s �'�a -�S a s��r. �, aF 1 �� _ �':. ",� �`c� �:.. �tk�- r � '�f�. � �. ,r �C�i� `� ,["�4�'�. - � i- r- � �_ ��tl�.�i.'S�_9�=y,1� �� .�:1 b�� � F� � � ./R.'°1.f,�. .�..... .. � ... -. �.. .�.�. ADOPTED, JUNE 25, 2018 14 EDA Agenda - 07/11/18 4g. Consideration to adopt EDA Resolution #2018-15 approvin� Contract for Private Redevelopment between Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC and the Citv of Monticello EDA in connection to TIF District #1-40 (JT/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The EDA is asked to consider approving the Contract for Private Redevelopment for TIF District #1-40. The developer, Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC (Briggs Properties), is proposing to construct a 47-unit market rate apartment complex with an affordable component on a 0.76 acre parcel located at the northwest corner at 3rd Street and Locust Street. An Affordable Housing TIF District #1-40 was approved by the City Council at its June 25, 2018 meeting and the request for certification submitted to Wright County on June 26, 2018. The developer indicated that it would not be able to proceed with the project as proposed without TIF assistance. The Contract terms specify that 90 percent of the available increment generated from the proposed development over the 26 year life of the District will be made available to Briggs to offset land acquisition and construction costs through "pay-as-you-go" TIF assistance. The proposed costs to be reimbursed from tax increment will not exceed $785,000, payable with 5.5% interest. In addition Briggs requested and has received EDA support for $400,000 of Available TIF Funds, per the EDA's approved Policy Statements for Management of Available Tax Increment Financing Funds, as an upfront reimbursement for expenses related to underground parking which is estimated to cost $560,000 +/-. It should be noted that Affordable Housing TIF Districts have a contractual affordability requirement. This means that Briggs will need to provide at least 10 units to households with incomes of 50 percent or less of the area (County) median. The current income threshold is $47,150. Briggs is proposing a mix of 3 studio units, 19 one-bedroom units and 25 two-bedroom units. Northland Securities has prepared an updated Memo/Report, dated July 5, 2018 detailing the financing and the "but for test" (a prior version of this Memo/Report was previously reviewed by the EDA at the June 11, 2018 meeting). The revised Memo/Report is herein included reflecting late updates to the pro forma, dated July 5, 2018 as submitted by Briggs. The TIF Plan, also completed by Northland and previously approved by the EDA and City Council, is attached as well. It outlines the proposed proj ect, the TIF budget and use of funds. Al. Budget Impact: Pending the approval of EDA Resolution #2018-14, the consulting expenses associated with this action will be coded to the developer escrow deposit of $10,000 submitted with the TIF application. In the future, 10% of the increment will be retained by the City to cover administrative expenses. A2. Staff Workload Impact: An estimated 15 to 20 hours of staff time has been spent to-date in research and communication in formulating/drafting the Contract. A3. Strategic Plan Impact: The EDA's consideration of the Contract for Private Redevelopment related to the proposed affordable housing development meets the following Strategic Plan Goals: Work to attract and develop a healthy mix of housing options. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS L Motion to adopt EDA Resolution #2018-15 approving a Contract for Private Redevelopment between Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC and the City of Monticello EDA as related to Affordable Housing TIF District #1-40. 2. Motion to deny adoption of EDA Resolution #2018-15 approving a Contract for Private Redevelopment between Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC and the City of Monticello EDA as related to Affordable Housing TIF District #1-40. 3. Motion to table action on EDA Resolution #2018-15 for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative 1. The EDA will need to consider the ability of the developer to complete the 47-unit proposal as well as the amount of the TIF request; $785,000 +/- (90 percent of available increment over 26 years) through PAYG TIF and an additional $400,000 of upfront Available TIF Funds specifically to reimburse expenses related to underground parking. This particular site has been vacant for approximately 15 years. It was first envisioned as commercial and more recently, since completion of the Downtown Small Area Study Plan, as residential. The upgraded plan submittals reveal an urban character that could serve as a catalyst spurring future redevelopment in the downtown core. Per Northland's review, the request appears to be reasonable. Also, the developer previously informed the EDA that the proposal would not move forward without the fu1126 years of TIF as well as additional support for the underground parking. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution #2018-15 B. Contract for Private Redevelopment C. Development Plans — to be provided at meeting D. Revised pro forma Sworn Construction Statement E. Revised Northland Securities Memo/Report 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2018-15 RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SALE OF, AND PROVIDING THE FORM, TERMS, COVENANTS AND DIRECTIONS FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A TAX INCREMENT REVENUE NOTE TO RIVERTOWN RESIDENTIAL SUITES, LLC. BE TT RESOLVED BY the Board of Commissioners (`Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, Monticello, Minnesota (the "Authority") as follows: Section 1. Authorization; Award of Sale. 1.01. Authorization. The Authority and the City of Monticello have approved the establishment of its Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 (the "TIF District") within Central Monticello Redevelopment Proj ect No. 1("Redevelopment Proj ect"), and have adopted a tax increment financing plan for the purpose of financing certain improvements within the Redevelopment Proj ect. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.178, the Authority is authorized to issue and sell its bonds for the purpose of financing a portion of the public redevelopment costs of the Redevelopment Project. Such bonds are payable from all or any portion of revenues derived from the TIF District and pledged to the payment of the bonds. The Authority hereby finds and determines that it is in the best interests of the Authority that it issue and sell its Tax Increment Revenue Note (Briggs Housing Project) (the "Note") for the purpose of financing certain public redevelopment costs of the Redevelopment Proj ect. 1.02. Approval of A�reement; Issuance, Sale, and Terms of the Note. (a) The Contract for Private Redevelopment between the Authority and Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC (the "Owner"), as presented to the Board, is hereby in all respects approved, subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by the President and Executive Director, provided that execution of the Agreement by such officials shall be conclusive evidence of approval. Authority staff and officials are authorized to take all actions necessary to perform the Authority's obligations under the Agreement as a whole, including without limitation execution of any documents to which the Authority is a party referenced in or attached to the Agreement, all as described in the Agreement. (b) The Authority hereby authorizes the President and Executive Director to issue the Note in accordance with the Agreement. All capitalized terms in this resolution have the meaning provided in the Agreement unless the context requires otherwise. (c) The Note shall be issued in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $785,000 to the Owner in consideration of certain eligible costs incurred by the Owner under the Agreement, 526372v2 MNI MN190-156 shall be dated the date of delivery thereof, and shall bear interest at the lesser of Owner's actual mortgage financing rate or 5.50%, from the date of issue per annum to the earlier of maturity or prepayment. The Note will be issued in the principal amount of Public Redevelopment Costs submitted and approved in accordance with Section 3.3 of the Agreement. The Note is secured by Available Tax Increment, as further described in the form of the Note herein. The Authority hereby delegates to the Executive Director the determination of the date on which the Note is to be delivered, in accordance with the Agreement. Section 2. Form of Note. The Note shall be in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, with the blanks to be properly filled in and the principal and interest rate amounts adjusted as of the date of issue. Section 3. Terms, Execution and Deliverv. 3.01. Denomination, Pavment. The Note shall be issued as a single typewritten note numbered R-1. The Note shall be issuable only in fully registered form. Principal of and interest on the Note shall be payable by check or draft issued by the Registrar described herein. 3.02. Dates; Interest Pavment Dates. Principal of and interest on the Note shall be payable by mail to the owner of record thereof as of the close of business on the fifteenth day of the month preceding the Payment Date, whether or not such day is a business day. 3.03. Re�istration. The Authority hereby appoints the City Finance Director to perform the functions of registrar, transfer agent and paying agent (the "Registrar"). The effect of registration and the rights and duties of the Authority and the Registrar with respect thereto shall be as follows: (a) R�eu'ster. The Registrar shall keep at its office a bond register in which the Registrar shall provide for the registration of ownership of the Note and the registration of transfers and exchanges of the Note. (b) Transfer of Note. Subject to Section 3.03(d) hereof, within 15 days after surrender for transfer of the Note duly endorsed by the registered owner thereof or accompanied by a written instrument of transfer, in form reasonably satisfactory to the Registrar, duly executed by the registered owner thereof or by an attorney duly authorized by the registered owner in writing, and consent to such transfer by the Authority if required pursuant to the Agreement, the Registrar shall authenticate and deliver, in the name of the designated transferee or transferees, a new Note of a like aggregate principal amount and maturity, as requested by the transferor. The Registrar may close the books for registration of any transfer after the fifteenth day of the month preceding each Payment Date and until such Payment Date. (c) Cancellation. The Note surrendered upon any transfer shall be promptly cancelled by the Registrar and thereafter disposed of as directed by the Authority. 526372v2 MNI MN190-156 (d) Improper or Unauthorized Transfer. When the Note is presented to the Registrar for transfer, the Registrar may refuse to transfer the same until it is reasonably satisfied that the endorsement on such Note or separate instrument of transfer is legally authorized. The Registrar shall incur no liability for its refusal, in good faith, to make transfers which it, in its judgment, deems improper or unauthorized. (e) Persons Deemed Owners. The Authority and the Registrar may treat the person in whose name the Note is at any time registered in the bond register as the absolute owner of the Note, whether the Note shall be overdue or not, for the purpose of receiving payment of, or on account of, the principal of and interest on such Note and for all other purposes, and all such payments so made to any such registered owner or upon the owner's order shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability of the Authority upon such Note to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. (f) Taxes, Fees and Charges. For every transfer or exchange of the Note, the Registrar may impose a charge upon the owner thereof sufficient to reimburse the Registrar for any tax, fee, or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such transfer or exchange. (g) Mutilated, Lost, Stolen or Destroved Note. In case any Note shall become mutilated or be lost, stolen, or destroyed, the Registrar shall deliver a new Note of like amount, Termination Dates and tenor in exchange and substitution for and upon cancellation of such mutilated Note or in lieu of and in substitution for such Note lost, stolen, or destroyed, upon the payment of the reasonable expenses and charges of the Registrar in connection therewith; and, in the case the Note lost, stolen, or destroyed, upon filing with the Registrar of evidence satisfactory to it that such Note was lost, stolen, or destroyed, and of the ownership thereof, and upon furnishing to the Registrar of an appropriate bond or indemnity in form, substance, and amount satisfactory to it, in which both the Authority and the Registrar shall be named as obligees. The Note so surrendered to the Registrar shall be cancelled by it and evidence of such cancellation shall be given to the Authority. If the mutilated, lost, stolen, or destroyed Note has already matured or been called for redemption in accordance with its terms, it shall not be necessary to issue a new Note prior to payment. 3.04. Preparation and Delivery. The Note shall be prepared under the direction of the Executive Director and shall be executed on behalf of the Authority by the signatures of its President and Executive Director. In case any officer whose signature shall appear on the Note shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of the Note, such signature shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if such officer had remained in office until delivery. When the Note has been so executed, it shall be delivered by the Executive Director to the Owner thereof in accordance with the Agreement. Section 4. Securitv Provisions. 4.01. Pled�e. The Authority hereby pledges to the payment of the principal of and interest on the Note all Available Tax Increment as defined in the Note. 526372v2 MNI MN190-156 Available Tax Increment shall be applied to payment of the principal of and interest on the Note in accordance with the terms of the form of Note set forth in Section 2 of this resolution. 4.02. Bond Fund. Until the date the Note is no longer outstanding and no principal thereof or interest thereon (to the extent required to be paid pursuant to this resolution) remains unpaid, the Authority shall maintain a separate and special `Bond Fund" to be used for no purpose other than the payment of the principal of and interest on the Note. The Authority irrevocably agrees to appropriate to the Bond Fund on or before each Payment Date the Available Tax Increment in an amount equal to the Payment then due, or the actual Available Tax Increment, whichever is less. Any Available Tax Increment remaining in the Bond Fund shall be transferred to the Authority's account for the TIF District upon the termination of the Note in accordance with its terms. 4.03. Additional Obli at� ions. The Authority will issue no other obligations secured in whole or in part by Available Tax Increment unless such pledge is on a subordinate basis to the pledge on the Note. Section 5. Certification of Proceedin�s. 5.01. Certification of Proceedin�s. The officers of the Authority are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the Owner of the Note certified copies of all proceedings and records of the Authority, and such other affidavits, certificates, and information as may be required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of the Note as the same appear from the books and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them, and all such certified copies, certificates, and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations of the Authority as to the facts recited therein. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective upon approval. Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority on July 11, 2018. President ATTEST: Executive Director 526372v2 MNI MN190-156 UNITED STATE OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY No. R-1 TAX 1NCREMENT REVEN UE NOTE SERIES 20_ (BRIGGS HOUSING PRO7ECT) Rate % $ Date of Ori�inal Issue , 20 The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") for value received, certifies that it is indebted and hereby promises to pay to Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC or registered assigns (the "Owner"), the principal sum of $ and to pay interest thereon at the rate of percent ( %) per annum, solely from the sources and to the extent set forth herein. Capitalized terms shall have the meanings provided in the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the Authority and the Owner, dated as of , 2018 (the "Agreement"), unless the context requires otherwise. 1. Pavments. Principal and interest ("Payments") shall be paid on August 1, 20_ and each February 1 and August 1 thereafter ("Payment Dates") to and including February 1, 2046 (the "Maturity Date") in the amounts and from the sources set forth in Section 3 herein. Payments shall be applied first to accrued interest, and then to unpaid principal. Interest accruing from the date of issue through and including February 1, 20_ shall be added to principal. Payments are payable by mail to the address of the Owner or such other address as the Owner may designate upon thirty (30) days written notice to the Authority. Payments on this Note are payable in any coin or currency of the United States of America which, on the Payment Date, is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. 2. Interest. Interest at the rate stated herein shall accrue on the unpaid principal, commencing on the date of original issue. Interest shall be computed on the basis of a year of 360 days and charged for actual days principal is unpaid. 3. Available Tax Increment. (a) Payments on this Note are payable on each Payment Date solely from and in the amount of Available Tax Increment, which shall mean, on each Payment Date, Ninety percent (90%) of the Tax Increment attributable to the Minimum 526372v2 MNI MN190-156 Improvements and Redevelopment Property that is paid to the Authority by Wright County in the six months preceding the Payment Date. (b) The Authority shall have no obligation to pay principal of and interest on this Note on each Payment Date from any source other than Available Tax Increment and the failure of the Authority to pay the entire amount of principal or interest on this Note on any Payment Date shall not constitute a default hereunder as long as the Authority pays principal and interest hereon to the extent of Available Tax Increment. The Authority shall have no obligation to pay any unpaid balance of principal or accrued interest that may remain after the final Payment on the Maturity Date. 4. Default. If on any Payment Date there has occurred and is continuing any Event of Default under the Agreement, the Authority may withhold from payments hereunder under all Available Tax Increment. If the Event of Default is thereafter cured in accordance with the Agreement, the Available Tax Increment withheld under this Section shall be deferred and paid, without interest thereon, within thirty (30) days after the Event of Default is cured. If the Event of Default is not cured in a timely manner, the Authority may terminate this Note by written notice to the Owner in accordance with the Agreement. 5. Prepavment. The principal sum and all accrued interest payable under this Note is prepayable in whole or in part at any time by the Authority without premium or penalty. No partial prepayment shall affect the amount or timing of any other regular Payment otherwise required to be made under this Note. 6. Nature of Obli a� tion. This Note is one of an issue in the total principal amount of $ , issued to aid in financing certain public redevelopment costs and administrative costs of a Redevelopment Proj ect undertaken by the Authority pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 through 469.1081, and is issued pursuant to an authorizing resolution (the "Resolution") duly adopted by the Authority on , 2018, and pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, including Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1794, as amended. This Note is a limited obligation of the Authority which is payable solely from Available Tax Increment pledged to the payment hereof under the Resolution. This Note and the interest hereon shall not be deemed to constitute a general obligation of the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof, including, without limitation, the Authority. Neither the State of Minnesota, nor any political subdivision thereof shall be obligated to pay the principal of or interest on this Note or other costs incident hereto except out of Available Tax Increment, and neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power of the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment of the principal of or interest on this Note or other costs incident hereto. 7. Re�istration and Transfer. This Note is issuable only as a fully registered note without coupons. As provided in the Resolution, and subj ect to certain limitations set forth therein, this Note is transferable upon the books of the Authority kept for that purpose at the principal office of the City Finance Director, by the Owner hereof in person or by such Owner's attorney duly authorized in writing, upon surrender of this Note together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the Authority, duly executed by the Owner. Upon such 526372v2 MNI MN190-156 transfer or exchange and the payment by the Owner of any tax, fee, or governmental charge required to be paid by the Authority with respect to such transfer or exchange, there will be issued in the name of the transferee a new Note of the same aggregate principal amount, bearing interest at the same rate and maturing on the same dates, within 15 days after the delivery by the Owner of its request and approval of such request by the Authority if required under the Agreement. Except as otherwise provided in Section 3.3(d) of the Agreement, this Note shall not be transferred to any person or entity, unless the Authority has provided written consent to such transfer. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, conditions, and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to exist, to happen, and to be performed in order to make this Note a valid and binding limited obligation of the Authority according to its terms, have been done, do exist, have happened, and have been performed in due form, time and manner as so required. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority have caused this Note to be executed with the manual signatures of its President and Executive Director, all as of the Date of Original Issue specified above. Executive Director CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY President REGISTRATION PROVISIONS The ownership of the unpaid balance of the within Note is registered in the bond register of the City Finance Director, in the name of the person last listed below. Date of Signature of Registration Registered Owner City Finance Director , 20 Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC Federal Tax I.D No 526372v2 MNI MN190-156 Third draft, July 5, 2018 CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT By and Between CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY and RIVERTOWN RESIDENTIAL SUITES, LLC Dated as of: , 2018 This document was drafted by: KENNEDY & GRAVEN, Chartered (MNI) 470 U.S. Bank Plaza Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Telephone: (612) 337-9300 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 ':'��11: Section 1.1. Section 2.1. Section 2.2. Section 3.1. Section 3.2. Section 3.3. Section 3.4. Section 3.5. Section 3.6. Section 4.1. Section 4.2. Section 4.3. Section 4.4. Section 4.5. Section 4.6. Section 5.1. Section 5.2. Section 6.1. Section 6.2. TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................... ARTICLE I Definitions .........................................1 Definitions..........................................................................................................2 ARTICLE II Representations and Warranties Representations by the Authority .......................................................................5 Representations and Warranties by the Redeveloper .........................................5 ARTICLE III Property Acquisition; Public Redevelopment Costs Status of the Redevelopment Property ...............................................................7 Environmental Conditions .................................................................................7 Public Redevelopment Costs; Issuance of Note ................................................7 OtherAssistance ................................................................................................7 Payment of Administrative Costs ......................................................................8 NoBusiness Subsidy ..........................................................................................9 ARTICLE IV Construction of Minimum Improvements Construction of Minimum Improvements .......................................................10 ConstructionPlans ...........................................................................................10 Completion of Construction .............................................................................1 l Certificate of Completion ................................................................................11 Recordsand Reports ........................................................................................11 IncomeLimits ..................................................................................................11 ARTICLE V Insurance Insurance..........................................................................................................14 Subordination...................................................................................................15 ARTICLE VI Tax Increment; Taxes Right to Collect Delinquent Taxes ...................................................................16 Reviewof Taxes ..............................................................................................16 i 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 ARTICLE VII Financing Section7.1. Generally ..........................................................................................................18 Section 7.2. Authority's Option to Cure Default on Mortgage ............................................18 Section 7.3. Modification; Subordination ............................................................................18 ARTICLE VIII Prohibitions Against Assignment and Transfer; Indemnification Section 8.1. Representation as to Redevelopment ..................................... Section 8.2. Prohibition Against Redeveloper's Transfer of Property and Assignment of Agreement ..................................................... Section 8.3. Release and Indemnification Covenants ................................ Section 9.1. Section 9.2. Section 9.3. Section 9.4. Section 9.5. Section 9.6. Section 10.1. Section 10.2. Section 10.3. Section 10.4. Section 10.5. Section 10.6. Section 10.7. Section 10.8. Section 10.9. Section 10.10. Section 10.11. Section 10.12. SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE B SCHEDULE C SCHEDULE D ARTICLE IX Events of Default Events of Default Defined ................................. Remedies on Default .......................................... No Remedy Exclusive ........................................ No Additional Waiver Implied by One Waiver. AttorneyFees ..................................................... Redeveloper's Remedies on Default .................. ARTICLE X Additional Provisions .......................19 ........................19 ........................21 ..........................................22 ..........................................22 ..........................................22 ..........................................23 ..........................................23 ..........................................23 Conflict of Interests; Authority Representatives Not Individually Liable.......24 Equal Employment Opportunity ......................................................................24 Restrictionson Use ..........................................................................................24 Provisions Not Merged With Deed ..................................................................24 Titles of Articles and Sections .........................................................................24 Noticesand Demands ......................................................................................24 Counterparts.....................................................................................................25 Recording. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..25 Amen dm ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 AuthorityApprovals ........................................................................................25 Termination......................................................................................................25 Choice of Law and Venue ................................................................................25 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 Description of Redevelopment Property Authorizing Resolution Certificate of Completion Form of Income Verification ii CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made as of the _ day of , 2018, by and between CTTY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and politic and a political subdivision under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the "Authority"), and RIVERTOWN RESIDENTIAL SUITES, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Redeveloper"). WITNES SETH: WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello (the "HRA") and the City of Monticello (the "City") previously created the Central Monticello Redevelopment Proj ect No. 1(the "Redevelopment Proj ect") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 through 469.047, as amended (the "HRA Act"), and adopted a redevelopment plan for the Redevelopment Proj ect; and WHEREAS, the Authority was established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1081 (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"), and was authorized to transact business and exercise its powers by a resolution of the City Council of the City, which also transferred the control and responsibility for the Redevelopment Proj ect from the HRA to the Authority; and WHEREAS, the Authority and City have approved a Tax Increment Financing Plan (the "TIF Plan") for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 (the "TIF District"), a housing district within the Redevelopment Project, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1794 (the "TIF Act"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, the Authority is authorized to undertake certain activities to facilitate the redevelopment of real property by private enterprise; and WHEREAS, the Redeveloper intends to acquire certain property within the TIF District (the "Redevelopment Property") and to construct a multifamily rental housing facility (the "Minimum Improvements") on the Redevelopment Property, and has requested tax increment financing assistance from the Authority to offset certain extraordinary costs of constructing such Minimum Improvements; and WHEREAS, the Authority believes that the redevelopment of the Redevelopment Property pursuant to this Agreement, and fulfillment generally of this Agreement, are in the vital and best interests of the City and the health, safety, morals, and welfare of its residents, and in accord with the public purposes and provisions of the applicable State and local laws and requirements under which the Redevelopment Project has been undertaken and is being assisted. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual obligations of the parties hereto, each of them does hereby covenant and agree with the other as follows: 1 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 ARTICLE I Definitions Section 1.1. Definitions. In this Agreement, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: "Act" means the Economic Development Authority Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1081, as amended. "Affiliate" means with respect to any entity (a) any corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other business entity or person controlling controlled by or under common control with the entity, and (b) any successor to such party by merger, acquisition, reorganization or similar transaction involving all or substantially all of the assets of such party (or such Affiliate). For the purpose hereof the words "controlling", "controlled by" and "under common control with" shall mean, with respect to any corporation, partnership, limited liability company or other business entity, the ownership of fifty percent or more of the voting interests in such entity or possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of management policies of such entity, whether through ownership of voting securities or by contract or otherwise. "Agreement" means this Agreement, as the same may be from time to time modified, amended, or supplemented. "Authority" means the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, or any successor or assign. "Authority Representative" means the Executive Director of the Authority, or any person designated by the Executive Director to act as the Authority Representative for the purposes of this Agreement. "Authorizing Resolution" means the resolution of the Authority, substantially in the form of attached Schedule B to be adopted by the Authority to authorize the issuance of the Note. "Available Tax Increment" means, on each Payment Date, 90 percent of the Tax Increment attributable to the Redevelopment Property and paid to the Authority by Wright County in the six months preceding the Payment Date. "Business Day" means any day except a Saturday, Sunday, legal holiday, a day on which the City is closed for business, or a day on which banking institutions in the City are authorized by law or executive order to close. "Certificate of Completion" means the certification provided to the Redeveloper, or the purchaser of any part, parcel or unit of the Redevelopment Property, pursuant to Section 4.4 of this Agreement. 2 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 "City" means the City of Monticello, Minnesota. "Construction Plans" means the plans, specifications, drawings and related documents on the construction work to be performed by the Redeveloper on the Redevelopment Property which a) shall be as detailed as the plans, specifications, drawings and related documents which are submitted to the appropriate building officials of the City, and (b) shall include at least the following for each building (1) site plan; (2) foundation plan; (3) basement plans; (4) floor plan for each floor, (5) cross sections of each (length and width); (6) elevations (all sides); (7) landscape plan; and (8) such other plans or supplements to the foregoing plans as the Authority may reasonably request to allow it to ascertain the nature and quality of the proposed construction work. "County" means the County of Wright, Minnesota. "Event of Default" means an action by the Redeveloper listed in Article IX of this Agreement. "Holder" means the owner of a Mortgage. "HRA Act" means the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047, as amended. "Minimum Improvements" means the construction by the Redeveloper on the Redevelopment Property of a multifamily rental housing facility, consisting of approximately 47 rental units, and associated structured underground and surface parking. "Mortgage" means any mortgage made by the Redeveloper which is secured, in whole or in part, with the Redevelopment Property and which is a permitted encumbrance pursuant to the provisions of Article VII of this Agreement. "Note" means the Tax Increment Revenue Note, substantially in the form contained in the Authorizing Resolution, to be delivered by the Authority to the Redeveloper in accordance with Section 3.3 hereof. "Payment Date" means August 1 of the year following substantial completion of the Minimum Improvements and each February 1 and August 1 thereafter pursuant to the terms of the Note. "Public Redevelopment Costs" has the meaning provided in Section 3.3(a) hereof. "Redeveloper" means Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC or its permitted successors and assigns. "Redevelopment Plan" means the Authority's Redevelopment Plan for the Redevelopment Proj ect, as amended. 3 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 No. 1. "Redevelopment Proj ect" means the Authority's Central Monticello Redevelopment Proj ect "Redevelopment Property" has the meaning provided in Section 3.1 hereof. "State" means the State of Minnesota. "Tax Increment" means that portion of the real property taxes which is paid with respect to the Redevelopment Property and which is remitted to the Authority as tax increment pursuant to the Tax Increment Act. The term Tax Increment does not include any amounts retained by or payable to the State auditor under Section 469.177, subd. 11 of the Tax Increment Act. "Tax Increment Act" or "TIF Act" means the Tax Increment Financing Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1794, as amended. "Tax Increment District" or "TIF District" means the Authority's Increment Financing District No. 1-40 (Briggs Multifamily Housing). "Tax Increment Plan" or "TIF Plan" means the Authority's Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 (Briggs Multifamily Housing), as approved by the City on June 26, 2018, and as it may be amended. "Tax Official" means any County assessor; County auditor; County or State board of equalization, the commissioner of revenue of the State, or any State or federal district court, the tax court of the State, or the State Supreme Court. "Termination Date" means the earlier of the following (a) the date when the Note has been fully paid, defeased or terminated in accordance with its terms; or (b) the date of termination of the Note and this Agreement by the Authority due to an Event of Default as set forth in Section 9.2 hereof. "Transfer" has the meaning set forth in Section 82(a) hereof. "Unavoidable Delays" means delays beyond the reasonable control of the party seeking to be excused as a result thereof which are the direct result of war, terrorism, strikes, other labor troubles, fire or other casualty to the Minimum Improvements, litigation commenced by third parties which, by injunction or other similar judicial action, directly results in delays, or acts of any federal, state or local governmental unit (other than the Authority in exercising its rights under this Agreement) which directly result in delays. Unavoidable Delays shall not include delays directly caused by actions or inaction of the Redeveloper in obtaining permits or governmental approvals necessary to enable construction of the Minimum Improvements by the dates such construction is required under Section 4.3 of this Agreement. 4 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 ARTICLE II Representations and Warranties Section 2.1. Representations bv the Authorit� The Authority makes the following representations as the basis for the undertaking on its part herein contained: (a) The Authority is an economic development authority duly organized and existing under the laws of the State. Under the provisions of the Act, the Authority has the power to enter into this Agreement and carry out its obligations hereunder. (b) The activities of the Authority are undertaken to foster the redevelopment of certain real property which for a variety of reasons is presently underutilized, to create increased tax base in the City, to increase affordable housing opportunities in the City, and to stimulate further development of the TIF District and Redevelopment Proj ect as a whole. Section 2.2. Representations and Warranties bv the Redeveloper. The Redeveloper represents and warrants that: (a) The Redeveloper is a limited liability company duly organized and in good standing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, is not in violation of any provisions of its organizational documents or the laws of the State, is duly authorized to transact business within the State, has power to enter into this Agreement and has duly authorized the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by proper action of its governing members. (b) After acquisition of the Redevelopment Property and on or prior to the dates specified in Section 4.3 hereof, the Redeveloper will commence and complete construction of, and operate and maintain the Minimum Improvements in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Redevelopment Plan and all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations (including, but not limited to, environmental, zoning building code and public health laws and regulations). (c) The Redeveloper has received no notice or communication from any local, state or federal official that the activities of the Redeveloper or the Authority in the Redevelopment Proj ect may be or will be in violation of any environmental law or regulation (other than those notices or communications of which the Authority is aware). The Redeveloper is aware of no facts the existence of which would cause it to be in violation of or give any person a valid claim under any local, state or federal environmental law, regulation or review procedure. (d) The Redeveloper will obtain, in a timely manner, all required permits, licenses and approvals, and will meet, in a timely manner, all requirements of all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations which must be obtained or met before the Minimum Improvements may be lawfully constructed. (e) Neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, nor the fulfillment of or compliance with the terms and 5 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 conditions of this Agreement is prevented, limited by or conflicts with or results in a breach of, the terms, conditions or provisions of any corporate restriction or any evidences of indebtedness, agreement or instrument of whatever nature to which the Redeveloper is now a party or by which it is bound, or constitutes a default under any of the foregoing. (f) Whenever any Event of Default occurs and if the Authority shall employ attorneys or incur other expenses for the collection of payments due or to become due or for the enforcement of performance or observance of any obligation or agreement on the part of the Redeveloper under this Agreement, and the Authority prevails in such action, the Redeveloper agrees that it shall, within ten days of written demand by the Authority, pay to the Authority the reasonable fees of such attorneys and such other expenses so incurred by the Authority. (g) The proposed development by the Redeveloper hereunder would not occur but for the tax increment financing assistance being provided by the Authority hereunder. (h) The Redeveloper is not currently in default under any business subsidy agreement with any grantor, as such terms are defined in the Business Subsidy Act. (The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.) 6 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 ARTICLE III Propertv Acquisition, Convevance; Public Redevelopment Costs Section 3.1. Status of the Redevelopment Property. (a) As of the date of this Agreement, the Redeveloper has entered into a purchase agreement with a third party for the purchase of the Redevelopment Property. If all contingencies in the purchase agreement are satisfied, the Redeveloper will acquire the Redevelopment Property on or before July 12, 2018. The Authority has no obligation to acquire any portion of the Redevelopment Property. Section 3.2. Environmental Conditions. (a) The Redeveloper acknowledges that the Authority makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the soils on the Redevelopment Property or the fitness of the Redevelopment Property for construction of the Minimum Improvements or any other purpose for which the Redeveloper may make use of such property, and that the assistance provided to the Redeveloper under this Agreement neither implies any responsibility by the Authority or the City for any contamination of the Redevelopment Property or poor soil conditions nor imposes any obligation on such parties to participate in any cleanup of the Redevelopment Property or correction of any soil problems (other than the financing described in this agreement). (b) Without limiting its obligations under Section 8.3 of this Agreement the Redeveloper further agrees that it will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Authority, the City, and their governing body members, officers, and employees, from any claims or actions arising out of the presence, if any, of hazardous wastes or pollutants existing on or in the Redevelopment Property, unless and to the extent that such hazardous wastes or pollutants are present as a result of the actions or omissions of the indemnitees. Nothing in this section will be construed to limit or affect any limitations on liability of the City or Authority under State or federal law, including without limitation Minnesota Statutes Sections 466.04 and 604.02. Section 3.3. Public Redevelopment Costs; Issuance of Note. (a) Generally. If the Redeveloper acquires the Redevelopment Property, in order to make construction of the Minimum Improvements financially feasible, the Authority will reimburse the Redeveloper for a portion of the Public Redevelopment Costs incurred by the Redeveloper in accordance with this section. The term "Public Redevelopment Costs" means costs of acquisition of the Redevelopment Property, and costs of site preparation, public improvements including without limitation street parking and sidewalk improvements, costs of construction of the affordable housing units of the Minimum Improvements, and structured parking on the Redevelopment Property (to the extent such structured parking costs exceed the amounts paid by the Authority under Section 3.4 hereof). (b) Terms. To reimburse the Public Redevelopment Costs incurred by Redeveloper, the Authority shall issue and the Redeveloper shall purchase the Note in the maximum principal amount of $785,000. The Authority shall issue and deliver the Note upon compliance by the Redeveloper with the following conditions: 7 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 (i) delivered to the Authority one or more certificates signed by the Redeveloper's duly authorized representative, containing the following (i) a statement that each cost identified in the certificate is a Public Redevelopment Cost as defined in this Agreement and that no part of such cost has been included in any previous certification; (ii) evidence that each identified Public Redevelopment Cost has been paid or incurred by or on behalf of the Redeveloper; and (iii) a statement that no uncured Event of Default by the Redeveloper has occurred and is continuing under the Agreement. The Authority may, if not satisfied that the conditions described herein have been met, return any certificate with a statement of the reasons why it is not acceptable and requesting such further documentation or clarification as the Authority may reasonably require; (ii) submitted and obtained Authority approval of financing in accordance with Section 7.1; and (iii) delivered to the Authority an investment letter in a form reasonably satisfactory to the Authority. The terms of the Note will be substantially those set forth in the form of the Note shown in Schedule B, and the Note will be subject to all terms of the Authorizing Resolution, which is incorporated herein by reference. (c) Termination of right to Note. All conditions for delivery of the Note must be met by no later than the date which is less than five (5) years after the date of certification of the TIF District by the County and complies with the so-called five-year rule under Section 469.1763, subd. 3(c) of the TIF Act. If the conditions for delivery of the Note are not satisfied by the date described in this paragraph, the Authority has no further obligations under this Section 3.3. (d) Assignment of Note. The Authority acknowledges that the Redeveloper may assign the Note to a third party. The Authority consents to such an assignment, conditioned upon receipt of an investment letter from such third party in a form reasonably acceptable to the Authority, and will reasonably execute any document evidencing such assignment within 30 days after receipt and review by Authority's legal counsel. (e) Qualifications. The Redeveloper understands and acknowledges that all Public Redevelopment Costs must be paid by the Redeveloper and will be reimbursed from Available Tax Increment pursuant to the terms of the Note. The Authority makes no representations or warranties regarding the amount of Tax Increment, or that revenues pledged to the Note will be sufficient to pay the principal and interest on the Note. Any estimates of Tax Increment prepared by the Authority or its financial advisors in connection with the TIF District or this Agreement are for the benefit of the Authority, and are not intended as representations on which the Redeveloper may rely. Public Redevelopment Costs exceeding the principal amount of the Note are the sole responsibility of Redeveloper. Section 3.4. Other Assistance. In addition to the reimbursement of a portion of Redeveloper's Public Redevelopment Costs through issuance of the Note, the Authority will pay a 8 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 portion of the costs of excavation and materials necessary to construct the structured parking required in connection with construction of the Minimum Improvements (the "Authority Grant"), pursuant to and in conformity with the Authority's Policy Statements for Management of Available Tax Increment Financing Funds, adopted by the Authority on January 10, 2018. The Authority Grant shall be in the amount of $400,000. The Authority shall disburse the Authority Grant to the Redeveloper within twenty (20) days after receipt by the Authority of evidence submitted by the Redeveloper of structured parking expenditures paid or incurred by the Redeveloper, in at least the amount of the Authority Grant. Section 3.5. Payment of Administrative Costs. The Authority acknowledges that Redeveloper has deposited with the Authority $10,000. The Authority will use such deposit to pay "Administrative Costs," which term means out of pocket costs incurred by the Authority together with staff costs of the Authority, all attributable to or incurred in connection with the negotiation and preparation of this Agreement, the TIF Plan, and other documents and agreements in connection with the development of the Redevelopment Property. At Redeveloper's request, but no more often than monthly, the Authority will provide Redeveloper with a written report including invoices, time sheets or other comparable evidence of expenditures for Administrative Costs and the outstanding balance of funds deposited. If at any time the Authority determines that the deposit is insufficient to pay Administrative Costs, the Redeveloper is obligated to pay such shortfall within twenty (20) days after receipt of a written notice from the Authority containing evidence of the unpaid costs. If any balance of funds deposited remains upon issuance of the Certificate of Completion pursuant to Section 4.4 of this Agreement, the Authority shall promptly return such balance to Redeveloper; provided that Redeveloper remains obligated to pay subsequent Administrative Costs related to any amendments to this Agreement requested by Redeveloper. Upon termination of this Agreement in accordance with its terms, the Redeveloper remains obligated under this section for Administrative Costs incurred through the effective date of termination. Section 3.6. No Business Subsidv. The parties agree and understand that the primary purpose of any financial assistance to the Redeveloper under this Agreement is to facilitate development of housing and is therefore not a"business subsidy" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995. The Redeveloper releases and waives any claim against the Authority and its governing body members, officers, agents, servants and employees thereof arising from application of the Business Subsidy Act to this Agreement, including without limitation any claim that the Authority failed to comply with the Business Subsidy Act with respect to this Agreement. (The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.) 9 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 ARTICLE IV Construction of Minimum Improvements and Public Improvements Section 4.1. Construction of Minimum Improvements. The Redeveloper agrees that, after acquisition of the Redevelopment Property, and on or prior to the dates provided in Section 4.3 hereof, it will commence and complete construction of the Minimum Improvements on the Redevelopment Property, in accordance with approved Construction Plans and at all times while Redeveloper owns the Redevelopment Property, will operate and maintain, preserve and keep the respective components of the Minimum Improvements or cause such components be maintained, preserved and kept with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof, in good repair and condition. Section 4.2. Construction Plans. (a) Before commencing construction of the Minimum Improvements, the Redeveloper shall submit to the Authority Construction Plans. The Construction Plans shall provide for the construction of the Minimum Improvements and shall be in conformity with the TIF Plan, Redevelopment Plan, this Agreement, and all applicable State and local laws and regulations. The Authority Representative will approve the Construction Plans in writing i£: (i) the Construction Plans conform to the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (ii) the Construction Plans conform to the goals and obj ectives of the Redevelopment Plan; (iii) the Construction Plans conform to all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations; (iv) the Construction Plans are adequate to provide for construction of the Minimum Improvements; (v) the funds available to the Redeveloper from all sources for construction of the Minimum Improvements are adequate to construct the project described in the Construction Plans; and (vi) no Event of Default has occurred. No approval by the Authority Representative shall relieve the Redeveloper of the obligation to comply with the terms of this Agreement or of the Development Plan, applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, or to construct the Minimum Improvements in accordance therewith. No approval by the Authority Representative shall constitute a waiver of an Event of Default. If approval of the Construction Plans is requested by the Redeveloper in writing at the time of submission, such Construction Plans shall be deemed approved unless rejected in writing by the Authority Representative, in whole or in part. Such rejections shall set forth in detail the reasons therefor, and shall be made within 20 days after the date of their receipt by the Authority. If the Authority Representative rej ects any Construction Plans in whole or in part, the Redeveloper shall submit new or corrected Construction Plans within 20 days after written notification to the Redeveloper of the rejection. The provisions of this Section relating to approval, rejection and resubmission of corrected Construction Plans shall continue to apply until the Construction Plans have been approved by the Authority. The Authority Representative's approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned. Said approval shall constitute a conclusive determination that the Construction Plans (and the Minimum Improvements constructed in accordance with said plans) comply to the Authority's satisfaction with the provisions of this Agreement relating thereto. The Redeveloper hereby waives any and all claims and causes of action whatsoever resulting from the review of the Construction Plans by the Authority and/or any changes in the Construction Plans requested by the Authority that comply with applicable codes and laws. Neither 10 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 the Authority, the City, nor any employee or official of the Authority or City shall be responsible in any manner whatsoever for any defect in the Construction Plans or in any work done pursuant to the Construction Plans, including changes requested by the Authority, if such changes comply with applicable codes and laws. (b) If the Redeveloper desires to make any material change in the Construction Plans or any component thereof after their approval by the Authority, the Redeveloper shall submit the proposed change to the Authority for its approval. For the purpose of this section, the term "material" means changes that increase or decrease construction costs by $500,000 or more. If the Construction Plans, as modified by the proposed change, conform to the requirements of this Section 4.2 of this Agreement with respect to such previously approved Construction Plans, the Authority shall approve the proposed change and notify the Redeveloper in writing of its approval. Such change in the Construction Plans shall, in any event, be deemed approved by the Authority unless rejected, in whole or in part, by written notice by the Authority to the Redeveloper, setting forth in detail the reasons therefor. Such rejection shall be made within ten (10) days after receipt of the notice of such change. The Authority's approval of any such change in the Construction Plans will not be unreasonably withheld. Section 4.3. Completion of Construction. Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Redeveloper must commence construction of the Minimum Improvements by June 1, 2019, and substantially complete construction of the Minimum Improvements by June 1, 2020. All work with respect to the Minimum Improvements to be constructed or provided by the Redeveloper on the Redevelopment Property shall be in substantial conformity with the Construction Plans as submitted by the Redeveloper and approved by the Authority. The Redeveloper agrees for itself, its successors and assigns, and every successor in interest to the Redevelopment Property, or any part thereof, that the Redeveloper, and such successors and assigns, shall promptly begin and diligently prosecute to completion the redevelopment of the Redevelopment Property through the construction of the Minimum Improvements thereon, and that such construction shall in any event be commenced and completed within the period specified in this Section 4.3 of this Agreement. Subsequent to execution of this Agreement and until construction of the Minimum Improvements has been completed, the Redeveloper shall make reports, in such detail and at such times as may reasonably be requested by the Authority, as to the actual progress of the Redeveloper with respect to such construction. Section 4.4. Certificate of Completion. (a) Promptly after substantial completion of the Minimum Improvements in accordance with those provisions of the Agreement relating solely to the obligations of the Redeveloper to construct the Minimum Improvements (including the date for completion thereof), the Authority will furnish the Redeveloper with a Certificate of Completion in substantially the form attached as Schedule C. Such certification by the Authority shall be a conclusive determination of satisfaction and termination of the agreements and covenants in the Agreement with respect to the obligations of the Redeveloper, and its successors and assigns, to construct the Minimum Improvements and the date for the completion thereo£ Such certification and such determination shall not constitute evidence of compliance with or satisfaction of any obligation of the Redeveloper to any Holder of a Mortgage, or any insurer of a Mortgage, securing money loaned to finance the Minimum Improvements, or any part thereof. 11 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 (b) The Certificate of Completion provided for in this Section 4.4 of this Agreement shall be in such form as will enable it to be recorded in the proper office for the recordation of deeds and other instruments pertaining to the Redevelopment Property. If the Authority shall refuse or fail to provide any certification in accordance with the provisions of this Section 4.4 of this Agreement, the Authority shall, within thirty (30) days after written request by the Redeveloper, provide the Redeveloper with a written statement, indicating in adequate detail in what respects the Redeveloper has failed to complete the Minimum Improvements in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement, or is otherwise in default, and what measures or acts it will be necessary, in the opinion of the Authority, for the Redeveloper to take or perform in order to obtain such certification. (c) The construction of the Minimum Improvements shall be deemed to be commenced when foundations are completed (as reasonably determined by the Authority Representative); and shall be deemed to be substantially complete upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the Minimum Improvements, and upon determination by the Authority Representative that all related site improvements on the Redevelopment Property have been substantially completed in accordance with approved Construction Plans, subj ect to landscaping and/or public art that cannot be completed until seasonal conditions permit. Section 4.5. Records and Reports. (a) The Authority, through any authorized representatives, shall have the right at all reasonable times after reasonable written notice to inspect, examine and copy all books and records of Redeveloper relating to the Minimum Improvements. Such records shall be kept and maintained by Redeveloper through the Termination Date. (b) The Redeveloper also agrees to submit to the Authority written reports so as to allow the Authority to remain in compliance with reporting requirements under state statutes. The Authority will provide information to the Redeveloper regarding the required forms. Section 4.6. Income Limits. (a) The Authority and the Redeveloper understand and agree that the TIF District will constitute a"housing district" under Section 469.174, subdivision 11 of the TIF Act. The Redeveloper covenants that, for the duration of the TIF District, it will comply with all income requirements for a qualified residential rental project as defined in Section 142(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Specifically, the Redeveloper agrees to reserve at least 20% of the units of the Minimum Improvements for families with incomes at or below 50% of area median income in the County, adjusted for family size. (b) On or before February 2 of each year for the duration of the TIF District, the Redeveloper shall submit evidence in substantially the form in Schedule D, showing that the Minimum Improvements meet the relevant income requirements. The parties agree and understand that the Redeveloper may retain a manager (the "Manager") who will review such evidence and will certify to the Authority that the TIF District remains a housing district under the TIF Act. Redeveloper is responsible for any costs incurred to compensate the Manager (or any successor) for 12 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 such activities. (c) If the Authority receives notice from the Manager, if any, the State department of revenue, the State auditor, any Tax Official or any court of competent jurisdiction that the TIF District does not qualify as a"housing district," such event shall be deemed an Event of Default under this Agreement. In addition to any remedies available to the Authority under Article IX hereof, the Redeveloper shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Authority for any damages or costs resulting therefrom. (The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.) 13 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 ARTICLE V Insurance Section 5.1. Insurance. (a) The Redeveloper will provide and maintain at all times during the process of constructing the Minimum Improvements an All Risk Broad Form Basis Insurance Policy and, from time to time during that period, at the request of the Authority, furnish the Authority with proof of payment of premiums on policies covering the following: (i) Builder's risk insurance, written on the so-called "Builder's Risk -- Completed Value Basis," in an amount equal to 100% of the principal amount of the Note, and with coverage available in nonreporting form on the so-called "all risk" form of policy. The interest of the Authority shall be protected in accordance with a clause in form and content satisfactory to the Authority; (ii) Comprehensive general liability insurance (including operations, contingent liability, operations of subcontractors, completed operations, and contractual liability insurance) together with an Owner's Protective Liability Policy with limits against bodily injury and property damage of not less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence (to accomplish the above-required limits, an umbrella excess liability policy may be used). The Authority shall be listed as an additional insured on the policy; and (iii) Workers' compensation insurance, with statutory coverage, provided that the Redeveloper may be self-insured with respect to all or any part of its liability for workers' compensation. (b) Upon completion of construction of the Minimum Improvements and prior to the Termination Date, the Redeveloper shall maintain, or cause to be maintained, at its cost and expense, and from time to time at the request of the Authority shall furnish proof of the payment of premiums on, insurance as follows: (i) Insurance against loss and/or damage to the Minimum Improvements under a policy or policies covering such risks as are ordinarily insured against by similar businesses. (ii) Comprehensive general public liability insurance, including personal injury liability (with employee exclusion deleted), against liability for injuries to persons and/or property, in the minimum amount for each occurrence and for each year of $1,000,000, and shall be endorsed to show the City and Authority as additional insureds. (iii) Such other insurance, including workers' compensation insurance respecting all employees of the Redeveloper, in such amount as is customarily carried by like organizations engaged in like activities of comparable size and liability exposure; provided that the Redeveloper may be self-insured with respect to all or any part of its liability for workers' compensation. 14 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 (c) All insurance required in Article V of this Agreement shall be taken out and maintained in responsible insurance companies selected by the Redeveloper that are authorized under the laws of the State to assume the risks covered thereby. Upon request, the Redeveloper will deposit annually with the Authority policies evidencing all such insurance, or a certificate or certificates or binders of the respective insurers stating that such insurance is in force and effect. Unless otherwise provided in this Article V of this Agreement each policy shall contain a provision that the insurer shall not cancel nor modify it in such a way as to reduce the coverage provided below the amounts required herein without giving written notice to the Redeveloper and the Authority at least thirty (30) days before the cancellation or modification becomes effective. In lieu of separate policies, the Redeveloper may maintain a single policy, blanket or umbrella policies, or a combination thereof, having the coverage required herein, in which event the Redeveloper shall deposit with the Authority a certificate or certificates of the respective insurers as to the amount of coverage in force upon the Minimum Improvements. (d) The Redeveloper agrees to notify the Authority immediately in the case of damage exceeding $250,000 in amount to, or destruction of, the Minimum Improvements or any portion thereof resulting from fire or other casualty. In such event the Redeveloper will forthwith repair, reconstruct, and restore the Minimum Improvements to substantially the same or an improved condition or value as it existed prior to the event causing such damage and, to the extent necessary to accomplish such repair, reconstruction, and restoration, the Redeveloper will apply the net proceeds of any insurance relating to such damage received by the Redeveloper to the payment or reimbursement of the costs thereof. The Redeveloper shall complete the repair, reconstruction and restoration of the Minimum Improvements, regardless of whether the net proceeds of insurance received by the Redeveloper for such purposes are sufficient to pay for the same. Any net proceeds remaining after completion of such repairs, construction, and restoration shall be the property of the Redeveloper. (e) In lieu of its obligation to reconstruct the Minimum Improvements as set forth in this Section, the Redeveloper shall have the option o£ (i) paying to the Authority an amount that, in the opinion of the Authority and its fiscal consultant, is sufficient to pay or redeem the outstanding principal and accrued interest on the Note, or (ii) so long as the Redeveloper is the owner of the Note, waiving its right to receive subsequent payments under the Note. (f) The Redeveloper and the Authority agree that all of the insurance provisions set forth in this Article V shall terminate upon the termination of this Agreement. Section 5.2. Subordination. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the rights of the Authority with respect to the receipt and application of any insurance proceeds shall, in all respects, be subordinate and subject to the rights of any Holder under a Mortgage allowed pursuant to Article VII of this Agreement. 15 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 ARTICLE VI Tax Increment; Taxes Section 6.1. Ri�ht to Collect Delinquent Taxes. The Redeveloper acknowledges that the Authority is providing substantial aid and assistance in furtherance of the redevelopment described in this Agreement, through reimbursement of the Public Redevelopment Costs. The Redeveloper understands that the Tax Increment pledged to payment of the Public Redevelopment Costs is derived from real estate taxes on the Minimum Improvements, which taxes must be promptly and timely paid. To that end, the Redeveloper agrees for itself, its successors and assigns, that in addition to the obligation pursuant to statute to pay real estate taxes, it is also obligated by reason of this Agreement to pay before delinquency all real estate taxes assessed against the Redevelopment Property and the Minimum Improvements. The Redeveloper acknowledges that this obligation creates a contractual right on behalf of the Authority through the Termination Date to sue the Redeveloper or its successors and assigns to collect delinquent real estate taxes and any penalty or interest thereon and to pay over the same as a tax payment to the county auditor. In any such suit, the Authority shall also be entitled to recover its costs, expenses and reasonable attorney fees. Section 6.2. Review of Taxes. The Redeveloper agrees that prior to the Termination Date, it will not cause a reduction in the real property taxes paid in respect of the Redevelopment Property through: (A) willful destruction of the Redevelopment Property or any part thereof; or (B) willful refusal to reconstruct damaged or destroyed property pursuant to Section 5.1 of this Agreement. The Redeveloper also agrees that it will not, prior to the Termination Date, apply for a deferral of property tax on the Redevelopment Property pursuant to any law, or transfer or permit transfer of the Redevelopment Property to any entity whose ownership or operation of the property would result in the Redevelopment Property being exempt from real estate taxes under State law (other than any portion thereof dedicated or conveyed to the City or Authority in accordance with this Agreement). (The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.) 16 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 ARTICLE VII Financing Section 7.1. Generallv. (a) Before commencement of construction of the Minimum Improvements, the Redeveloper shall submit to the Authority or provide access thereto for review by Authority staff, consultants and agents, evidence reasonably satisfactory to the Authority that Redeveloper has available funds, or commitments to obtain funds, whether in the nature of mortgage financing equity, grants, loans, or other sources sufficient to construct the Minimum Improvements, provided that any lender or grantor commitments shall be subject only to such conditions as are normal and customary in the commercial lending industry. (b) If the Authority finds that the financing is sufficiently committed and adequate in amount to pay the costs specified in paragraph (a) then the Authority shall notify the Redeveloper in writing of its approval. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld and either approval or rejection shall be given within twenty (20) days from the date when the Authority is provided the evidence of financing. A failure by the Authority to respond to such evidence of financing shall be deemed to constitute an approval hereunder. If the Authority rej ects the evidence of financing as inadequate, it shall do so in writing specifying the basis for the rejection. In any event the Redeveloper shall submit adequate evidence of financing within ten (10) days after such rejection. Section 7.2. Authoritv's Option to Cure Default on Mortga�e. In the event that there occurs a default under any Mortgage authorized pursuant to Section 7.1 of this Agreement, to the extent the Redeveloper is aware of such default, the Redeveloper shall cause the Authority to receive copies of any notice of default received by the Redeveloper from the holder of such Mortgage. Thereafter, the Authority shall have the right, but not the obligation, to cure any such default on behalf of the Redeveloper within such cure periods as are available to the Redeveloper under the Mortgage documents, if negotiated and permitted by the Holder. In the event there is an event of default under this Agreement, the Authority will transmit to the Holder of any Mortgage and to the Redeveloper's Tax Credit Investor (as hereinafter defined) a copy of any notice of default given by the Authority pursuant to Article IX of this Agreement. Section 7.3. Modification; Subordination. In order to facilitate the securing of other financing the Authority agrees to subordinate its rights under this Agreement provided that such subordination shall be subject to such reasonable terms and conditions as the Authority and Holder mutually agree in writing. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, any subordination agreement must include the provision described in Section 7.2. 17 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 ARTICLE VIII Prohibitions A�ainst Assi�nment and Transfer; Indemnification Section 8.1. Representation as to Redevelopment. The Redeveloper represents and agrees that its purchase of the Redevelopment Property, and its other undertakings pursuant to the Agreement, are, and will be used, for the purpose of redevelopment of the Redevelopment Property and not for speculation in land holding. Section 8.2. Prohibition A�ainst Redeveloper's Transfer of Propertv and Assi�nment of A�reement. The Redeveloper represents and agrees that until the issuance of the Certificate of Completion for the Minimum Improvements: (a) Except as specifically described in this Agreement, the Redeveloper has not made or created and will not make or create or suffer to be made or created any total or partial sale, assignment, conveyance, or lease, or any trust or power, or transfer in any other mode or form of or with respect to this Agreement or the Redevelopment Property or any part thereof or any interest therein, or any contract or agreement to do any of the same, to any person or entity (collectively, a "Transfer"), without the prior written approval of the Authority's board of commissioners. The term "Transfer" does not include (i) encumbrances made or granted by way of security for, and only for, the purpose of obtaining construction, interim or permanent financing necessary to enable the Redeveloper or any successor in interest to the Redevelopment Property or to construct the Minimum Improvements or component thereof; (ii) any lease, license, easement or similar arrangement entered into in the ordinary course of business related to operation of the Minimum Improvements; (iii) admitting or removing limited partners or transferring direct or indirect limited partner interests or interest in the general partner of Redeveloper or admitting or removing members of any of Redeveloper's partners in accordance with the applicable organizational documents, or (iv) removing the general partner of Redeveloper for cause at the direction of its limited partner(s) (whether one or more, the "Tax Credit Investor") in accordance with Redeveloper's partnership agreement. (b) If the Redeveloper seeks to effect a Transfer requiring the approval of the Authority prior to issuance of the Certificate of Completion, the Authority shall be entitled to require as conditions to such Transfer that: (1) any proposed transferee shall have the qualifications and financial responsibility, in the reasonable judgment of the Authority, necessary and adequate to fulfill the obligations undertaken in this Agreement by the Redeveloper as to the portion of the Redevelopment Property to be transferred; and (2) Any proposed transferee, by instrument in writing satisfactory to the Authority and in form recordable in the public land records of Wright County, Minnesota, shall, for itself and its successors and assigns, and expressly for the benefit of the Authority, 18 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 have expressly assumed all of the obligations of the Redeveloper under this Agreement as to the portion of the Redevelopment Property to be transferred and agreed to be subject to all the conditions and restrictions to which the Redeveloper is subject as to such portion; provided, however, that the fact that any transferee of, or any other successor in interest whatsoever to, the Redevelopment Property, or any part thereof, shall not, for whatever reason, have assumed such obligations or so agreed, and shall not (unless and only to the extent otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement or agreed to in writing by the Authority) deprive the Authority of any rights or remedies or controls with respect to the Redevelopment Property, the Minimum Improvements or any part thereof or the construction of the Minimum Improvements; it being the intent of the parties as expressed in this Agreement that (to the fullest extent permitted at law and in equity and excepting only in the manner and to the extent specifically provided otherwise in this Agreement) no transfer of, or change with respect to, ownership in the Redevelopment Property or any part thereof, or any interest therein, however consummated or occurring, and whether voluntary or involuntary, shall operate, legally, or practically, to deprive or limit the Authority of or with respect to any rights or remedies on controls provided in or resulting from this Agreement with respect to the Redevelopment Property that the Authority would have had, had there been no such transfer or change. In the absence of specific written agreement by the Authority to the contrary, no such transfer or approval by the Authority thereof shall be deemed to relieve the Redeveloper, or any other party bound in any way by this Agreement or otherwise with respect to the Redevelopment Property, from any of its obligations with respect thereto. (3) Any and all instruments and other legal documents involved in effecting the transfer of any interest in this Agreement or the Redevelopment Property governed by this Article VIII, shall be in a form reasonably satisfactory to the Authority. (c) If the conditions described in paragraph (b) are satisfied then the Transfer will be approved and the Redeveloper shall be released from its obligation under this Agreement, as to the portion of the Redevelopment Property that is transferred, assigned, or otherwise conveyed. The provisions of this paragraph (c) apply to all subsequent transferors, assuming compliance with the terms of this Article. (d) Upon issuance of the Certificate of Completion, the Redeveloper may transfer or assign the Minimum Improvements and/or the Redeveloper's rights and obligations under this Agreement with respect to such property without the prior written consent of the Authority; provided that: (i) until the Termination Date the transferee or assignee is bound by all the Redeveloper's obligations hereunder with respect to the property and rights transferred. The Redeveloper shall submit to the Authority written evidence of any such transfer or assignment, including the transferee or assignee's express assumption of the Redeveloper's obligations under this Agreement. If the Redeveloper fails to provide such evidence of transfer and assumption, the Redeveloper shall remain bound by all obligations with respect to the subj ect property under this Agreement; and 19 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 (ii) upon compliance with clause (d)(i) above (whether the transfer occurred before or after issuance of the Certificate of Completion), the Redeveloper shall be released from its obligations under this Agreement with respect to the property transferred. The provisions of this paragraph (d) apply to all subsequent transferors, assuming compliance with the terms of this Article. Section 8.3. Release and Indemnification Covenants. (a) The Redeveloper releases from and covenants and agrees that the Authority and the governing body members, officers, agents, servants and employees thereof (the "Indemnified Parties") shall not be liable for and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties against any loss or damage to property or any injury to or death of any person occurring at or about or resulting from any defect in the Minimum Improvements. (b) Except for any willful or negligent misrepresentation or any willful or wanton misconduct or negligence of the Indemnified Parties, the Redeveloper agrees to protect and defend the Indemnified Parties, now or forever, and further agrees to hold the Indemnified Parties harmless from any claim, demand, suit, action or other proceeding whatsoever by any person or entity whatsoever arising or purportedly arising from this Agreement, or the transactions contemplated hereby or the acquisition, construction, installation, ownership, and operation of the Minimum Improvements. (c) Except for any negligence of the Indemnified Parties (as defined in clause (b) above), and except for any breach by any of the Indemnified Parties of their obligations under this Agreement, the Indemnified Parties shall not be liable for any damage or injury to the persons or property of the Redeveloper or its officers, agents, servants or employees or any other person who may be about the Minimum Improvements due to any act of negligence of any person. (d) All covenants, stipulations, promises, agreements and obligations of the Authority contained herein shall be deemed to be the covenants, stipulations, promises, agreements and obligations of the Authority and not of any governing body member, officer, agent, servant or employee of the Authority in the individual capacity thereof. 20 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 ARTICLE IX Events of Default Section 9.1. Events of Default Defined. The following shall be "Events of Default" under this Agreement and the term "Event of Default" shall mean, whenever it is used in this Agreement, any one or more of the following events, after the non-defaulting party provides 30 days written notice to the defaulting party of the event, but only if the event has not been cured within said 30 days or, if the event is by its nature incurable within 30 days, the defaulting party does not, within such 30-day period, provide assurances reasonably satisfactory to the party providing notice of default that the event will be cured and will be cured as soon as reasonably possible: (a) Failure by the Redeveloper or the Authority to observe or perform any material covenant, condition, obligation, or agreement on its part to be observed or performed under this Agreement; or (b) The Redeveloper: (i) files any petition in bankruptcy or for any reorganization, arrangement, composition, readjustment, liquidation, dissolution, or similar relief under the United States Bankruptcy Act or under any similar federal or State law; or (ii) makes an assignment for benefit of its creditors; (iii) admits in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due; (iv) is adjudicated a bankrupt or insolvent. Section 9.2. Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default referred to in Section 9.1 of this Agreement occurs, the non-defaulting party may: (a) Suspend its performance under this Agreement until it receives assurances that the defaulting party will cure its Event of Default and continue its performance under the Agreement. (b) Upon an Event of Default by the Redeveloper under this Agreement, the Authority may terminate the Note and this Agreement. (c) Take whatever action, including legal, equitable, or administrative action, which may appear necessary or desirable to collect any payments due under this Agreement, or to enforce performance and observance of any obligation, agreement, or covenant under this Agreement, provided that nothing contained herein shall give the Authority the right to seek specific performance by Redeveloper of the construction of the Minimum Improvements. Section 9.3. No Remedv Exclusive. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to the Authority or Redeveloper is intended to be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies, 21 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 but each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given under this Agreement or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver thereof, but any such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. In order to entitle the Authority to exercise any remedy reserved to it, it shall not be necessary to give notice, other than such notice as may be required in this Article IX. Section 9.4. No Additional Waiver Implied bv One Waiver. In the event any agreement contained in this Agreement should be breached by either party and thereafter waived by the other party, such waiver shall be limited to the particular breach so waived and shall not be deemed to waive any other concurrent, previous or subsequent breach hereunder. Section 9.5. Attornev Fees. Whenever any Event of Default occurs (as determined by a final court or administrative order or Redeveloper admissions) and if the Authority shall employ attorneys or incur other expenses for the collection of payments due or to become due or for the enforcement of performance or observance of any obligation or agreement on the part of the Redeveloper under this Agreement, the Redeveloper agrees that it shall, within 10 days of written demand by the Authority, pay to the Authority the reasonable fees of such attorneys and such other expenses so incurred by the Authority. Section 9.6 Redeveloper's Remedies on Default. If the Authority fails to make a payment when due in accordance with the terms of Sections 3.3 and 6.3(c) of this Agreement, Redeveloper may, after providing 30 days' written notice to the Authority of the Event of Default, as applicable, suspend or terminate its performance under this Agreement, permit Redeveloper to suspend or terminate its performance under this Agreement and/or take whatever action at law or in equity may appear necessary or desirable to Redeveloper to enforce performance of an outstanding payment obligation of the Authority under this Agreement. If Redeveloper terminates its obligations hereunder, this Agreement shall be deemed terminated and Redeveloper shall have no further obligations hereunder. 22 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 ARTICLE X Additional Provisions Section 10.1. Conflict of Interests; Authoritv Representatives Not Individuallv Liable. The Authority and the Redeveloper, to the best of their respective knowledge, represent and agree that no member, official, or employee of the Authority shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in the Agreement, nor shall any such member, official, or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects his personal interests or the interests of any corporation, partnership, or association in which he is, directly or indirectly, interested. No member, official, or employee of the Authority shall be personally liable to the Redeveloper, or any successor in interest, in the event of any default or breach by the Authority or County or for any amount which may become due to the Redeveloper or successor or on any obligations under the terms of the Agreement. Section 10.2. Equal Emplovment O�ortunit� The Redeveloper, for itself and its successors and assigns, agrees that during the construction of the Minimum Improvements provided for in the Agreement it will comply with all applicable federal, state and local equal employment and non-discrimination laws and regulations. Section 10.3. Restrictions on Use. The Redeveloper agrees that until the Termination Date, the Redeveloper, and such successors and assigns, shall devote the Redevelopment Property to the operation of the Minimum Improvements for uses described in the definition of such term in this Agreement, and shall not discriminate upon the basis of race, color, creed, sex or national origin in the sale, lease, or rental or in the use or occupancy of the Redevelopment Property or any improvements erected or to be erected thereon, or any part thereof. Section 10.4. Provisions Not Mer�ed With Deed. None of the provisions of this Agreement are intended to or shall be merged by reason of any deed transferring any interest in the Redevelopment Property and any such deed shall not be deemed to affect or impair the provisions and covenants of this Agreement. Section 10.5. Titles of Articles and Sections. Any titles of the several parts, Articles, and Sections of the Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall be disregarded in construing or interpreting any of its provisions. Section 10.6. Notices and Demands. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, a notice, demand, or other communication under the Agreement by either party to the other shall be sufficiently given or delivered if it is dispatched by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, or delivered personally; and (a) in the case of the Redeveloper, is addressed to or delivered personally to the Redeveloper at 633 Upland Avenue, Suite C, Elk River, Minnesota 55330; and 23 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 (b) in the case of the Authority, is addressed to or delivered personally to the Authority at 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, Attn: Executive Director; or at such other address with respect to either such party as that party may, from time to time, designate in writing and forward to the other as provided in this Section. Section 10.7. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. Section 10.8. Recordin�. The Authority may record this Agreement and any amendments thereto with the Wright County recorder. The Redeveloper shall pay all costs for recording. Section 10.9. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only by written agreement approved by the Authority and the Redeveloper. Section 10.10. Authoritv A�rovals. Unless otherwise specified, any approval required by the Authority under this Agreement may be given by the Authority Representative. Section 10.11. Termination. This Agreement terminates on the Termination Date. Upon termnation of the Agreement, the Authority shall promptly execute any reasonable documents necessary to remove this Agreement from the title records of the Redevelopment Property. Section 10.12. Choice of Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. Any disputes, controversies, or claims arising out of this Agreement shall be heard in the state or federal courts of Minnesota, and all parties to this Agreement waive any objection to the jurisdiction of these courts, whether based on convenience or otherwise. 24 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Authority has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf and its seal to be hereunto duly affixed and the Redeveloper has caused this Agreement to be duly executed in its name and behalf on or as of the date first above written. CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By Its President By Its Executive Director STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2018, by and , the President and Executive Director of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic, on behalf of the Authority. Notary Public 25 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 RIVERTOWN RESIDENTIAL SUITES, LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company : STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF ) Its The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2018 by , the of Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. Notary Public 26 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 SCHEDULE A Redevelopment Property Lots 1-3, Block 36, Plat of MONTICELLO, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. A-1 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 SCHEDULE B AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SALE OF, AND PROVIDING THE FORM, TERMS, COVENANTS AND DIRECTIONS FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A TAX INCREMENT REVENUE NOTE TO RIVERTOWN RESIDENTIAL SUITES, LLC. BE TT RESOLVED BY the Board of Commissioners (`Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, Monticello, Minnesota (the "Authority") as follows: Section 1. Authorization; Award of Sale. 1.01. Authorization. The Authority and the City of Monticello have approved the establishment of its Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 (the "TIF District") within Central Monticello Redevelopment Proj ect No. 1("Redevelopment Proj ect"), and have adopted a tax increment financing plan for the purpose of financing certain improvements within the Redevelopment Proj ect. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.178, the Authority is authorized to issue and sell its bonds for the purpose of financing a portion of the public redevelopment costs of the Redevelopment Project. Such bonds are payable from all or any portion of revenues derived from the TIF District and pledged to the payment of the bonds. The Authority hereby finds and determines that it is in the best interests of the Authority that it issue and sell its Tax Increment Revenue Note (Briggs Housing Project) (the "Note") for the purpose of financing certain public redevelopment costs of the Redevelopment Proj ect. 1.02. Approval of A�reement; Issuance, Sale, and Terms of the Note. (a) The Contract for Private Redevelopment between the Authority and Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC (the "Owner"), as presented to the Board, is hereby in all respects approved, subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by the President and Executive Director, provided that execution of the Agreement by such officials shall be conclusive evidence of approval. Authority staff and officials are authorized to take all actions necessary to perform the Authority's obligations under the Agreement as a whole, including without limitation execution of any documents to which the Authority is a party referenced in or attached to the Agreement, all as described in the Agreement. 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 B-1 (b) The Authority hereby authorizes the President and Executive Director to issue the Note in accordance with the Agreement. All capitalized terms in this resolution have the meaning provided in the Agreement unless the context requires otherwise. (c) The Note shall be issued in the maximum aggregate principal amount of $785,000 to the Owner in consideration of certain eligible costs incurred by the Owner under the Agreement, shall be dated the date of delivery thereof, and shall bear interest at the lesser of Owner's actual mortgage financing rate or 5.50%, from the date of issue per annum to the earlier of maturity or prepayment. The Note will be issued in the principal amount of Public Redevelopment Costs submitted and approved in accordance with Section 3.3 of the Agreement. The Note is secured by Available Tax Increment, as further described in the form of the Note herein. The Authority hereby delegates to the Executive Director the determination of the date on which the Note is to be delivered, in accordance with the Agreement. Section 2. Form of Note. The Note shall be in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, with the blanks to be properly filled in and the principal and interest rate amounts adjusted as of the date of issue. Section 3. Terms, Execution and Deliverv. 3.01. Denomination, Pavment. The Note shall be issued as a single typewritten note numbered R-1. The Note shall be issuable only in fully registered form. Principal of and interest on the Note shall be payable by check or draft issued by the Registrar described herein. 3.02. Dates; Interest Pavment Dates. Principal of and interest on the Note shall be payable by mail to the owner of record thereof as of the close of business on the fifteenth day of the month preceding the Payment Date, whether or not such day is a business day. 3.03. Re�istration. The Authority hereby appoints the City Finance Director to perform the functions of registrar, transfer agent and paying agent (the "Registrar"). The effect of registration and the rights and duties of the Authority and the Registrar with respect thereto shall be as follows: (a) R�eu'ster. The Registrar shall keep at its office a bond register in which the Registrar shall provide for the registration of ownership of the Note and the registration of transfers and exchanges of the Note. (b) Transfer of Note. Subject to Section 3.03(d) hereof, within 15 days after surrender for transfer of the Note duly endorsed by the registered owner thereof or accompanied by a written instrument of transfer, in form reasonably satisfactory to the Registrar, duly executed by the registered owner thereof or by an attorney duly authorized by the registered owner in writing, and consent to such transfer by the Authority if required pursuant to the Agreement, the Registrar shall authenticate and deliver, in the name of the designated transferee or transferees, a new Note of a like aggregate principal amount and maturity, as requested by the 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 B_2 transferor. The Registrar may close the books for registration of any transfer after the fifteenth day of the month preceding each Payment Date and until such Payment Date. (c) Cancellation. The Note surrendered upon any transfer shall be promptly cancelled by the Registrar and thereafter disposed of as directed by the Authority. (d) Improper or Unauthorized Transfer. When the Note is presented to the Registrar for transfer, the Registrar may refuse to transfer the same until it is reasonably satisfied that the endorsement on such Note or separate instrument of transfer is legally authorized. The Registrar shall incur no liability for its refusal, in good faith, to make transfers which it, in its judgment, deems improper or unauthorized. (e) Persons Deemed Owners. The Authority and the Registrar may treat the person in whose name the Note is at any time registered in the bond register as the absolute owner of the Note, whether the Note shall be overdue or not, for the purpose of receiving payment of, or on account of, the principal of and interest on such Note and for all other purposes, and all such payments so made to any such registered owner or upon the owner's order shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability of the Authority upon such Note to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. (f) Taxes, Fees and Charges. For every transfer or exchange of the Note, the Registrar may impose a charge upon the owner thereof sufficient to reimburse the Registrar for any tax, fee, or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such transfer or exchange. (g) Mutilated, Lost, Stolen or Destroved Note. In case any Note shall become mutilated or be lost, stolen, or destroyed, the Registrar shall deliver a new Note of like amount, Termination Dates and tenor in exchange and substitution for and upon cancellation of such mutilated Note or in lieu of and in substitution for such Note lost, stolen, or destroyed, upon the payment of the reasonable expenses and charges of the Registrar in connection therewith; and, in the case the Note lost, stolen, or destroyed, upon filing with the Registrar of evidence satisfactory to it that such Note was lost, stolen, or destroyed, and of the ownership thereof, and upon furnishing to the Registrar of an appropriate bond or indemnity in form, substance, and amount satisfactory to it, in which both the Authority and the Registrar shall be named as obligees. The Note so surrendered to the Registrar shall be cancelled by it and evidence of such cancellation shall be given to the Authority. If the mutilated, lost, stolen, or destroyed Note has already matured or been called for redemption in accordance with its terms, it shall not be necessary to issue a new Note prior to payment. 3.04. Preparation and Delivery. The Note shall be prepared under the direction of the Executive Director and shall be executed on behalf of the Authority by the signatures of its President and Executive Director. In case any officer whose signature shall appear on the Note shall cease to be such officer before the delivery of the Note, such signature shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if such officer had remained in office until delivery. When the Note has been so executed, it shall be delivered by the Executive Director to the Owner thereof in accordance with the Agreement. 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 B-3 Section 4. Securitv Provisions. 4.01. Pled�e. The Authority hereby pledges to the payment of the principal of and interest on the Note all Available Tax Increment as defined in the Note. Available Tax Increment shall be applied to payment of the principal of and interest on the Note in accordance with the terms of the form of Note set forth in Section 2 of this resolution. 4.02. Bond Fund. Until the date the Note is no longer outstanding and no principal thereof or interest thereon (to the extent required to be paid pursuant to this resolution) remains unpaid, the Authority shall maintain a separate and special `Bond Fund" to be used for no purpose other than the payment of the principal of and interest on the Note. The Authority irrevocably agrees to appropriate to the Bond Fund on or before each Payment Date the Available Tax Increment in an amount equal to the Payment then due, or the actual Available Tax Increment, whichever is less. Any Available Tax Increment remaining in the Bond Fund shall be transferred to the Authority's account for the TIF District upon the termination of the Note in accordance with its terms. 4.03. Additional Obli�ations. The Authority will issue no other obligations secured in whole or in part by Available Tax Increment unless such pledge is on a subordinate basis to the pledge on the Note. Section 5. Certification of Proceedin�s. 5.01. Certification of Proceedin�s. The officers of the Authority are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the Owner of the Note certified copies of all proceedings and records of the Authority, and such other affidavits, certificates, and information as may be required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of the Note as the same appear from the books and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them, and all such certified copies, certificates, and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations of the Authority as to the facts recited therein. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective upon approval. Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority on , 2018. President ATTEST: Executive Director 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 B-4 UNITED STATE OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY No. R-1 TAX 1NCREMENT REVEN UE NOTE SERIES 20_ (BRIGGS HOUSING PRO7ECT) Rate % $ Date of Ori�inal Issue , 20 The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") for value received, certifies that it is indebted and hereby promises to pay to Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC or registered assigns (the "Owner"), the principal sum of $ and to pay interest thereon at the rate of percent �%) per annum, solely from the sources and to the extent set forth herein. Capitalized terms shall have the meanings provided in the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the Authority and the Owner, dated as of , 2018 (the "Agreement"), unless the context requires otherwise. 1. Pavments. Principal and interest ("Payments") shall be paid on August 1, 20_ and each February 1 and August 1 thereafter ("Payment Dates") to and including February 1, 2046 (the "Maturity Date") in the amounts and from the sources set forth in Section 3 herein. Payments shall be applied first to accrued interest, and then to unpaid principal. Interest accruing from the date of issue through and including February 1, 20_ shall be added to principal. Payments are payable by mail to the address of the Owner or such other address as the Owner may designate upon thirty (30) days written notice to the Authority. Payments on this Note are payable in any coin or currency of the United States of America which, on the Payment Date, is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. 2. Interest. Interest at the rate stated herein shall accrue on the unpaid principal, commencing on the date of original issue. Interest shall be computed on the basis of a year of 360 days and charged for actual days principal is unpaid. 3. Available Tax Increment. (a) Payments on this Note are payable on each Payment Date solely from and in the amount of Available Tax Increment, which shall mean, on each Payment Date, Ninety percent (90%) of the Tax Increment attributable to the Minimum 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 B-S Improvements and Redevelopment Property that is paid to the Authority by Wright County in the six months preceding the Payment Date. (b) The Authority shall have no obligation to pay principal of and interest on this Note on each Payment Date from any source other than Available Tax Increment and the failure of the Authority to pay the entire amount of principal or interest on this Note on any Payment Date shall not constitute a default hereunder as long as the Authority pays principal and interest hereon to the extent of Available Tax Increment. The Authority shall have no obligation to pay any unpaid balance of principal or accrued interest that may remain after the final Payment on the Maturity Date. 4. Default. If on any Payment Date there has occurred and is continuing any Event of Default under the Agreement, the Authority may withhold from payments hereunder under all Available Tax Increment. If the Event of Default is thereafter cured in accordance with the Agreement, the Available Tax Increment withheld under this Section shall be deferred and paid, without interest thereon, within thirty (30) days after the Event of Default is cured. If the Event of Default is not cured in a timely manner, the Authority may terminate this Note by written notice to the Owner in accordance with the Agreement. 5. Prepavment. The principal sum and all accrued interest payable under this Note is prepayable in whole or in part at any time by the Authority without premium or penalty. No partial prepayment shall affect the amount or timing of any other regular Payment otherwise required to be made under this Note. 6. Nature of Obli a� tion. This Note is one of an issue in the total principal amount of $ , issued to aid in financing certain public redevelopment costs and administrative costs of a Redevelopment Proj ect undertaken by the Authority pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 through 469.1081, and is issued pursuant to an authorizing resolution (the "Resolution") duly adopted by the Authority on , 2018, and pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, including Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1794, as amended. This Note is a limited obligation of the Authority which is payable solely from Available Tax Increment pledged to the payment hereof under the Resolution. This Note and the interest hereon shall not be deemed to constitute a general obligation of the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof, including, without limitation, the Authority. Neither the State of Minnesota, nor any political subdivision thereof shall be obligated to pay the principal of or interest on this Note or other costs incident hereto except out of Available Tax Increment, and neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power of the State of Minnesota or any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment of the principal of or interest on this Note or other costs incident hereto. 7. Re�istration and Transfer. This Note is issuable only as a fully registered note without coupons. As provided in the Resolution, and subj ect to certain limitations set forth therein, this Note is transferable upon the books of the Authority kept for that purpose at the principal office of the City Finance Director, by the Owner hereof in person or by such Owner's attorney duly authorized in writing, upon surrender of this Note together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the Authority, duly executed by the Owner. Upon such 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 B-6 transfer or exchange and the payment by the Owner of any tax, fee, or governmental charge required to be paid by the Authority with respect to such transfer or exchange, there will be issued in the name of the transferee a new Note of the same aggregate principal amount, bearing interest at the same rate and maturing on the same dates, within 15 days after the delivery by the Owner of its request and approval of such request by the Authority if required under the Agreement. Except as otherwise provided in Section 3.3(d) of the Agreement, this Note shall not be transferred to any person or entity, unless the Authority has provided written consent to such transfer. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, conditions, and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to exist, to happen, and to be performed in order to make this Note a valid and binding limited obligation of the Authority according to its terms, have been done, do exist, have happened, and have been performed in due form, time and manner as so required. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority have caused this Note to be executed with the manual signatures of its President and Executive Director, all as of the Date of Original Issue specified above. Executive Director CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY President REGISTRATION PROVISIONS The ownership of the unpaid balance of the within Note is registered in the bond register of the City Finance Director, in the name of the person last listed below. Date of Signature of Registration Registered Owner City Finance Director , 20 Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC Federal Tax I.D No 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 B_7 SCHEDULE C FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION (The remainder of this page is intentionally blank.) 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 C-1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION WHEREAS, the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority") and Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC ("Redeveloper") entered into a certain Contract for Private Redevelopment dated , 2018 (the "Contract"), recorded at the office of the County Recorder of Wright County as Document No. ; and WHEREAS, the Contract contains certain covenants and restrictions set forth in Articles III and IV thereof related to constructing certain Minimum Improvements; and WHEREAS, the Redeveloper has performed said covenants and conditions insofar as it is able in a manner deemed sufficient by the Authority to permit the execution and recording of this certification; NOW, THEREFORE, this is to certify that all construction and other physical improvements related to the Minimum Improvements specified to be done and made by the Redeveloper have been completed and the agreements and covenants in Articles III and IV of the Contract relating to such construction have been performed by the Redeveloper, and this Certificate is intended to be a conclusive determination of the satisfactory termination of the covenants and conditions of Articles III and IV of the Contract related to completion of the Minimum Improvements, but any other covenants in the Contract shall remain in full force and effect. 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 C-2 Dated: STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT � CITY OF MONTICELLO DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY I� Authority Representative ECONOMIC The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20� by , the of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of Minnesota, on behalf of the authority. Notary Public This document was drafted by: KENNEDY & GRAVEN, Chartered (MNI) 470 U. S. Bank Plaza Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 Telephone: 337-9300 (Signature page to Certificate of Completion) 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 C-3 SCHEDULE D Form of Renter's Income Verification Form PROPERTY INFORMATION Postal Address of Properry Unit Number TENANT INFORMATION Name of Tenant Phone # Number of family/household members: Annual Household Income* � *Annual Household Income must be supported by documentafion (i.e. copy of most current 1040's, etc.). Failure to provide verificafion will consfitute a"non-qualifying tenant". 1NCOME LIMIT INFORMATION 20 Income Limits Famil.� Income 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Does the Tenant meet these limits and has appropriate documentation been submitted? YES NO Pursuant to the Contract for Private Redevelopment between the City of Monricello Economic Development Authority and Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC dated as of , 2018, at least 10 of the 47 rental units comprising the Miiiimum Improvements must be reserved for tenants whose income is 50% or less of the area's median gross income. Signature of Tenant(s) Reviewed and approved on behalf of Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC. By Date D-1 521619v3 MNI MN190-156 Date Date 1 r�� 1 ��til M � PllBLIC FINANCE MEIVIORANDUIVI To: City of Monticello From: Tammy Omdal Date: July 5, 2018 Re: Updated Evaluation of Public Financial Assistance for Affordable Housing Project This memorandum provides an updated financial evaluation of the proposed Project as originally provided by Northland in the memorandum dated June 6, 2018. This updated evaluation is based on revised information provided by the Redeveloper to the City on July 5, 2018. The updated information from the Redeveloper reflects a reduction in land acquisition costs and an increase in construction and other costs arising from enhancements to the building, among other changes. The City of Monticello (the "Cit�') and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "EDA") received an application from the Briggs Companies (the "Redeveloper") for public financial assistance to assist with the redevelopment and financing of certain project costs for the construction of an approximate 47-unit rental housing facility, with an affordable component, along with 36 stalls of underground parking (the "Project"). The proposed development is located at the comer of 3=a and Locust on the site that is currently owned by Masters Fifth Avenue. The site has been awaiting redevelopment for approxirrtately fifteen years; envisioned first as commercial and more recently, since completion of the Cit�s downtown plan, as multi-family residential (the "Propert�'). Subject to approval of the request for public financial assistance, the Redeveloper plans to commence construction of the Project by October 1, 2018, and substantially complete construction by June 1, 2019. The cost for the Project is estimated at approximately $7.25 million (see Exliibit A, which is based on the Redeveloper's current pro forma, dated July 5, 2018). The Redeveloper's request for public financial assistance is to assist with the extraordinary costs of redevelopment and construction of the Project. The Redeveloper has represented that it will not undertake the Project as proposed without the approval of the requested public financial assistance. This memorandum provides a review of the request based on Northland's analysis of the Redeveloper's application for assistance, including sources and uses of funds and operating pro forma for the Project. It is Northland's opinion that the Project as proposed, which includes an underground parking faality, is unlikely to occur but for the proposed public financial assistance, inclusive of the tax increment finanang. Without the assistance, the Project is not expected to achieve the level of debt service coverage and retums needed to secure the necessary private financing and equity. The present value of the tax increment revenue proposed to reimburse the Redeveloper for project costs on a pay-go basis over a(maxiinum) 26-year term is $785,000, plus interest at rate of 5.50%. The future value of the total payments to the Redeveloper, with interest, is estimated at $1,675,138. In 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 3300, Minneapolis, MN 55402 Main: (612) 851-5900 / Direct: (612) 851-4964 / Email: tomdal@northlandsecurities.com Member FINRA and SIPC I Registered with SEC and MSRB City of Monticello Affordable Housing Project July 5, 2018 Page 2 addition to the pay-go tax increment payments, the Redeveloper is requesting $400,000 of up-front cash assistance, in the form of a grant from the EDA. The Redeveloper's anticipated source of funds for the Project includes the use of grant funds to pay a portion of the construction costs. The grant from the EDA will be used to meet specific City and EDA development criteria, primarily the completion of the underground parking (estimated at cost of approxirrtately $560,000). Without the underground parking, the Project as proposed would not be feasible and the density (number of housing units) would need to be reduced. Northland finds that it is reasonable for the EDA to consider public financial assistance for the Project, an affordable housing project, as necessary so that development by private enterprise will occur on the Property. The Project, inclusive of the higher level of density, is possible only with the construction of the underground parking, which will not occur solely through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future. Public Financial Assistance Due to the extraordinary costs associated with acquisition and development of the Project, the Redeveloper is seeking public financial assistance from the EDA in the form a grant and pay-go tax increment financing assistance. The tax increment revenue is proposed to come from the established Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 (the "TIF District") within the existing Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. L The EDA approved the establishment of the TIF District on June 13, 2018, subject to City Council approval. The City Counal approved the TIF District on June 25, 2018. The plan for the TIF District is for the EDA to retain 100% of the increased net tax capacity from the Project to pay eligible costs. The plan provides that the EDA will retain 10% of the tax increment derived from the Property to reimburse the EDA for the cost of adininistering the TIF District and other project costs that may be paid directly by the EDA. The remaining 90% of the tax increment revenue collected is available for payment to the Redeveloper to reimburse eligible costs, as defined in the proposed Contract for Private Redevelopment (the "Agreement"). The eligible costs are proposed to include costs of acquisition of the Property and costs of constructing the affordable housing units. The grant from the EDA will reimburse a portion of the cost of constructing the structured parking. Exliibit B provides a suininary of the estimated tax increment cash flow from the TIF District. The cash flow estimate assumes 26 years of tax increment collection, the maxiinum term allowed by state law, with an estimated decertification date of December 31, 2045. State law provides that the increase in property taxes from the captured tax capacity (from the increase in market value) applied against the local tax capacity rates may be captured to assist the Project. Referendum market value taxes and the State of Minnesota property tax for commercial property (not applicable for residential property) are not captured for tax increment financing. To reimburse the eligible costs incurred by the Redeveloper, the EDA will issue and the Redeveloper will purchase a Tax Increment Financing Revenue Note (the "TIF Note') in the maxiinum principal amount of $785,000. The TIF Note will be payable solely from net available semi-annual tax increments. Net available semi-annual tax increments shall be based on 90% of the tax increment collected from the Project within the TIF District. The TIF Note shall bear simple, non-compounding City of Monticello Affordable Housing Project July 5, 2018 Page 3 interest from the date that the EDA has determined paid invoices, as paid by the Redeveloper, in compliance with the terms of the Agreement, at 5.50%, from the date of issue per annum. In addition to the reimbursement of a portion of costs of the Project through issuance of the TIF Note, the EDA will pay a portion of the costs of structured parking required in connection with the Project, pursuant to and in conformity with the EDA's Policy Statements for Management of Available Tax Increment Financing Funds, adopted by the EDA on January 10, 2018. The EDA Grant will be in the amount of $400,000. Review of Need for Assistance Northland conducted a review of the Redeveloper's application for financial assistance and pro forma dated Apri121, 2018 along with the revised pro forma submitted to the City on July 5, 2018. Northland reviewed project cost estimates to ensure all anticipated sources and uses for the Project were properly included. Exliibit A provides information on the sources and uses of funds for the Project based on the most current information from the Redeveloper. Based on our review of the current pro forma and under current market conditions, we find that the Project, as proposed, may not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably near future. Due to the costs associated with construction of the affordable housing units, the Project as proposed is feasible only through assistance, in part, from tax increment finanang. This conclusion is supported by the following: The Redeveloper plans for the $7,251,250 of project cost for the Project to be funded from a combination of debt $5,691,017 (78.5%), equity and contributions $1,160,233 (16.0%), and a $400,000 grant from the EDA (5.5%). The present value of the estimated future tax increment revenue from the TIF Note payments to the Redeveloper reduces the effective cost of the Project by an additional $785,000. Based on estimated net operating income, the effective retum without the public financial assistance is not at a level the Project, as proposed, would proceed. The total cost per unit for the Project is $154,282 for the construction of 47 units, including the cost of the underground parking. The Project will include 3 studio units, 25 one-bedroom units, and 19 two-bedroom units. Based on Northland's experience with similar projects and given the location of the Project, we would expect total development costs to range between $95,000 and $155,000 per unit. The total per unit project cost is within this range. ■ The estimated average gross monthly rent for units, in the first stabilized year of the Project, is estimated at approximately $1,270 per month. The Project is estimated to include four stories, with underground parking. Monthly average gross rents are estimated at $1,180 for a one-bedroom unit to $1,383 for a two-bedroom unit. The rent on the studio units is estimated at $950 per unit. A minimum of 20% of the units are planned to be affordable at 50% of the average median income (AMI for Wright County as of fiscal year 2018 is $47,150). The annual total gross rental income for the Project is estimated at $716,100 in the first year of stabilized occupancy, before adjusting for estimated apartment vacancy and rental loss of 5%. City of Monticello Affordable Housing Project July 5, 2018 Page 4 The total annual expense, operating and non-operating, is estimated at $3,527 per unit. This includes a 5% management fee and approxirrtately $304 per unit (2%) for replacement reserve. The contribution to reserves is reasonable and the projected total annual expense is within industry standards. ■ The estimated average debt service coverage with tax increment financing is estimated to average 1.18X during the first five years of stabilized operations, and without tax increment assistance the average is 1.09X. The coverage for the mortgage without the tax increment is not at a level that we would expect the Project, as proposed, to proceed. The financing of this type of project would be expected to be at a minimum of approximately 1.2X coverage. The estimated annual cash on cash retum (net annual operating income divided by total development project costs) with tax increment financing is estimated to average 6.8% during the first five years of stabilized operations and 6.3% without tax increment assistance. The cash on cash retum is reasonable for this type of project and the proposed source of financing. City of Monticello Affordable Housing Project July 5, 2018 Page 5 EXHIBIT A City of Monticello Briggs Company Affordable Housing Project Developer Sources and Uses of Funds for Construction Total % of Total Per Unit Sources of Funds First Mortgage $5,691,017 78.5% $121,085 Grant from Monticello EDA $400,000 5.5% $8,511 Developer Equity $1,160,233 16.0% $24,686 Total Sources of Funds $7,251,250 100.0% $154,282 Uses of Funds Land Acquisition $301,500 4.2% $6,415 Construction $5,434,319 74.9% $115,624 Development Fee $145,365 2.0% $3,093 WAC and SAC $403,344 5.6% $8,582 Financing and Other Soft Costs $666,722 9.2% $14,186 Contingency $300,000 4.1% $6,383 Total Uses of Funds $7,251,250 100.0% $154,282 Number of Units 47 City of Monticello Affordable Housing Project July 5, 2018 Page 6 EXHIBIT B City of Monticello Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-40 (Housing) Briggs Projected Tax Increment Cash Flow 6 Less Tax Present TIF Taxes Taxable Base Tax Captured Assumed Tax Present Net NewTax State Increment LessCity ValueNet District Payable Market Capacity Tax Original Increment Value TIF Available Year Year Value 1 z Capacity 3 Capacity Tax Rate 4 (TI� Fee (TI� After After Fee 5 Admin TIF Available (0.36%) Fee TIF 5 4.00% 5.50% 1 2020 2,749,354 34,367 (1,731) 32,636 88.994% 29,044 (105) 28,939 26,914 (2,894) 26,045 23,582 2 2021 5,553,696 69,421 (1,731) 67,690 88.994% 60,240 (217) 60,023 80,568 (6,002) 54,021 69,909 3 2022 5,609,233 70,115 (1,731) 68,384 88.994% 60,858 (219) 60,639 132,668 (6,064) 54,575 114,240 4 2023 5,665,325 70,817 (1,731) 69,085 88.994% 61,482 (221) 61,261 183,259 (6,126) 55,135 156,660 5 2024 5,721,978 71,525 (1,731) 69,793 88.994% 62,112 (224) 61,888 232,383 (6,189) 55,700 197,252 6 2025 5,779,198 72,240 (1,731) 70,509 88.994% 62,749 (226) 62,523 280,084 (6,252) 56,271 236,094 7 2026 5,836,990 72,962 (1,731) 71,231 88.994% 63,391 (228) 63,163 326,401 (6,316) 56,847 273,261 8 2027 5,895,360 73,692 (1,731) 71,961 88.994% 64,041 (231) 63,810 371,377 (6,381) 57,429 308,827 9 2028 5,954,313 74,429 (1,731) 72,698 88.994% 64,697 (233) 64,464 415,049 (6,446) 58,018 342,859 10 2029 6,013,857 75,173 (1,731) 73,442 88.994% 65,359 (235) 65,124 457,455 (6,512) 65,124 379,042 11 2030 6,073,995 75,925 (1,731) 74,194 88.994% 66,028 (238) 65,790 498,631 (6,579) 65,790 413,665 12 2031 6,134,735 76,684 (1,731) 74,953 88.994% 66,704 (240) 66,464 538,613 (6,646) 66,464 446,796 13 2032 6,196,082 77,451 (1,731) 75,720 88.994% 67,386 (243) 67,143 577,436 (6,714) 67,143 478,497 14 2033 6,258,043 78,226 (1,731) 76,494 88.994% 68,075 (245) 67,830 615,133 (6,783) 67,830 508,831 15 2034 6,320,624 79,008 (1,731) 77,277 88.994% 68,771 (248) 68,523 651,736 (6,852) 68,523 537,857 16 2035 6,383,830 79,798 (1,731) 78,067 88.994% 69,475 (250) 69,225 687,278 (6,922) 69,225 565,632 17 2036 6,447,668 80,596 (1,731) 78,865 88.994% 70,185 (253) 69,932 721,790 (6,993) 69,932 592,208 18 2037 6,512,145 81,402 (1,731) 79,671 88.994% 70,902 (255) 70,647 755,300 (7,065) 70,647 617,638 19 2038 6,577,266 82,216 (1,731) 80,485 88.994% 71,626 (258) 71,368 787,837 (7,13� 71,368 641,972 20 2039 6,643,039 83,038 (1,731) 81,307 88.994% 72,358 (260) 72,098 819,431 (7,210) 72,098 665,255 21 2040 6,709,469 83,868 (1,731) 82,137 88.994% 73,097 (263) 72,834 850,108 (7,283) 72,834 687,535 22 2041 6,776,564 84,707 (1,731) 82,976 88.994% 73,843 (266) 73,577 879,895 (7,358) 73,577 708,853 23 2042 6,844,330 85,554 (1,731) 83,823 88.994% 74,597 (269) 74,328 908,817 (7,433) 74,328 729,251 24 2043 6,912,773 86,410 (1,731) 84,678 88.994% 75,359 (271) 75,088 936,900 (7,509) 75,088 748,769 25 2044 6,981,901 87,274 (1,731) 85,543 88.994% 76,128 (274) 75,854 964,169 (7,585) 75,854 767,446 26 2045 7,051,720 88,146 (1,731) 86,415 88.994% 76,904 (277) 76,627 990,645 (7,663) 75,273 785,000 TOTAL = 1,735,411 (6,247) 1,729,164 (172,916) 1,675,138 Kev Asssumptions 1 Taxable market value (TM� annual growth assumption = 1.00%. 2 Taxable Market Value = 47 units at $116,994 per unit. 3 Base Tax Capacity calcluated on base taxable market value =$138,500 PID: 155010036030 4 Assume Pay 2018 Tax Year. 5 Present value based on semi-annual payments, and indicated rate above, and beginning on date of 1/1/2019. 6 All fgures are estimated. Apartment Loan Request Summary - Purchase s �atista�«�oH .—: � P o.� - --- ----, Prequal Package Must Include: T H� E� B R t G G S C O M PA N I E S Loan Request Summary Form � �-•��aaa � M a Pictures - Mounted Financing Date: 7/SI2018 Swom Orig. Agent Name: Pat Briggs Cashflow with TIFF Principal: 3rd Street Telephone #: Regestered Abstractors Facsimile #: COMPLETE THIS SECTI{?N M4TS EN71RE7Y NAME OF PROPERTY RiverTown Residential Suites NAME OF BORROWER RiverTown Residential Suites, LLC SUBJECT PROPERTY ADDRESS PROPERTY TYPE MULTIFAMILY Market Rate high density Monticello, MN AGE New Construction Affordable Housing lackson Hill Residential Suites Unit Type 1A-1 Bdrm 1B-1 Bdrm iC-1 Bdrm+Den iD-1 Bdrm+Den 1E-1 Bdrm 2A- 2 Bdrm 26a 2B- 2 Bdrm 2ba 2C- 2 Bdrm 2ba Garages Lockers Monthly Rent Total Monthly Total Annual # of units Unit Size Per Unit Rem-1st year Rent-1st year 3 480 $950 $2,850 $34,200 17 715 $1,125 $19.125 $229.500 2 684 $1,100 $2200 $26.400 1 869 $1.275 $1,275 $15,300 3 835 $1,275 $3,825 $45,900 4 712 $1,125 $4,500 $54,D00 4 1015 $1,400 $5,600 $67,20� 7 1015 $1.400 $9.800 $117,600 6 1003 $1,350 $8.100 $97,200 32 $75 $2,400 $28,800 Total 47 $59,675 $716, CONDITION OF PROPERTY New Construction SURROUNDING PROPERTIES General Occupancy Residential COMPLETE FHiS SECTION 4F PURGHASE SALES PRICE Price per unit REQUESTED 1ST T.D. SECONDARY FINANCING CASH DOWN PAYMENT TERMS 1.98 1.57 1.61 1.47 1.53 1.58 1.38 1.38 7.35 s �atze�.z� $ 7,251,257 #REF! s iazz�sas $ 5,691,017 $ $ 1,560,234 100 % 78.5 % 0% 21.5 % CASH fLOW ANAGYSIS GROSS ANNUAL INCOME S �is,�oo VACANCY 5% $ 35,aa5 EFFECTIVE GROSS INCOME $ sao,2ss EXPENSES 42% $ 3oo.�sz $ 7,519.05 NET OPERATING INCOME � 3�s,533 DEBT SERVICE 1 ST T. D. @ 5.400 % 2ND T.D. @ 0.0% NET CASH FLOW DEBT COVERAGE RATIO 1ST T.D. COMBINED DEBT COVERAGE RATIO W/2ND T.D. g (ais,3os) $ 415,305 $ - $ (35,772) 0.91 0.91 LOAN QUOTE LENDER Lakewood Mortgage LOAN AMOUNT s s,ss,.on FLOOR/CEILING PROPERTY RATING: A, B, C, D a AMORT./TERM LOAN PROGRAM: MO.ARM, NO-NEG ARM, 3/1, 5/1, 7/1, 10/1 ,-Mav TYPE OF PREPAYMENT INDEX: 12MAT, COFI, CMT, LIBOR RECOURSE CURRENT INDEX RATE azsoi EST. FUNDING LOAN MARGIN z000^io START RATE s�so e COMMENTS FULLY INDEXED RATE szsoie UNDERWRITING RATE REVIEWED AND ACCEPTED FOR SUBMISSION OF FULL CREDIT PACKAGE. Financing B C D E FINANCING PERFORMA — t — — Square Ft: Total Project Cost Equity Contributions Funding Requirement Rate Assumption Term Assumption ( in years) Annual Debt Service Monthly Debt Service Operating Income Operating Expense Income From Operation Debt Service Ratio Cash Available For ROI ROI (cash on cash) $ 7,251,251 $ 1,341,481 $ 5,909,769 5.25% 300 $ 415,305 $ 34,609 $ 680,295 $ 300,762 $ 379,533 0.91 Without Tiff $ (35,772) -2.67% 5.2 Page 1 Sworn Construction B I C Sworn Construction Statement for 3rd I 4 I Item Furnished Bv 5 1 Excavating/Grading Excavating 6 2 Concrete Work Kopp Concrete 3 Footings/Foundation � Included # 2 4 Floor/Steps/Sidewal $ k Included # 2 9 5 Curbing Included in #2 10 6 Driveway Omann Bros 11 7 Masonary Included # 2 12 8 Water/Sewer Included #1 13 9 Landscaping Combined-see Bid 14 10 Steel Doors TCH 15 11 Stake Building Budget-Estimate 16 12 Carpentry Labor Estimate 17 13 Gyperete Viking 18 14 Lumber Local 19 15 Millwork TCH /Bayer Built 20 16 Cabinets Local 21 17 Counter Tops Window Sill Est 22 18 Interior Trim Labor ADI 23 19 Windows Thermotech 24 20 Hardware Go Keyless 25 21 Roofing EVC 26 22 Trusses Lumber 27 23 Drywall Materials Drywall Supply 28 24 Taping/Hanging Otto Drywall 29 25 Siding MaULabor Quad City 26 Fire Protection 30 Sprinkler Express 31 27 Fire Ext. Est 28 St. Cloud Acoustics 32 Est 33 29 Insulation City Wide 34 30 Plumbing Local 35 31 HVAC Local 36 32 Electrical Wiring Bertram 37 33 Screen Enclosures Screen Pro 38 34 Railings Als Ornimental 39 35 Area of Refuge Safe Security 40 36 TV/Data Phone 41 37 Low Volt Fire alarm 42 38 Painting/Decorating 10 PT Painting 39 Glass/Mirrors/Doors 43 East Side Glass 40 Garage Doors American Door 44 W orks 45 41 Flooring MCI 46 42 Elevator Schindler 47 43 Bath Accessories Est 48 44 Mail Boxes Salsbury Ind. 49 45 Appliances Benusa 46 Cultured marbletops&window 50 sills Est 51 47 Window Blids Light F/X 48 Video/Security/Video 52 Protections Services 53 49 Interior Decor Ashley St. Cloud 54 50 Steel Fabrication 55 51 General Contracting 56 52 57 53 Tntal fnct P 44 Unit Bud�et Unit Bud¢et POC $ 150,000.00 $ 612,000.00 $ 13,909.09 $ - $ $ $ $ $ 47,000.00 $ $ $ 47,553.45 $ 5,160.00 $ 8,689.66 $ 349,262.40 $ 33,000.00 $ 395,000.00 $ 214,189.20 $ 122,256.23 $ 24,000.00 $ 95,904.00 $ 52,413.60 $ 45,000.00 $ 96,818.40 $ - $ 1.20 $ 310,000.00 $ 159,364.80 $ 103,941.60 $ 1,516.80 $ 11,472.00 $ 132,000.00 $ 410,000.00 $ 477,839.88 $ 267,532.80 $ 54,673.20 $ 29,127.60 $ 5,469.60 $ 22,980.00 $ 20,029.39 $ 85,000.00 $ 33,940.80 $ 1,068.18 1,080.76 117.27 197.49 7, 937.78 750.00 8,977.27 4,867.94 2, 778.55 545.45 2,179.64 1,191.22 1,022.73 2,200.42 0.03 7,045.45 3, 621.93 2,362.31 34.47 260.73 3,000.00 9,318.18 10,860.00 6,080.29 1,242.57 661.99 124.31 522.27 455.21 1,931.82 771.38 10,000.00 $ 227.27 310,000.00 $ 7,045.45 125,000.00 $ 2,840.91 7,800.00 $ 177.27 5,562.00 $ 126.41 96,000.00 $ 2,181.g2 7,820.69 $ 177.74 11,000.00 $ 250.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 272.73 $ 6,000.00 $ 136.36 $ 35,000.00 $ 795.45 $ 385,000.00 $ 8,750.00 $ - $ 5,434,319.29 $ 123,507.26 Page 1 Sworn Construction B I C 58 54 55 General Conditions 59 56 Construction 60 Cleanup $ 61 57 Final Clean up $ 62 58 Temp Electric & Gas $ 63 59 Telephone $ 64 60 Temp.Toilet $ 65 61 Temp.Heat $ 66 62 Job Trailer $ 67 63 Project Sign $ 68 64 Rental Lull $ 69 65 Insurance $ 70 66 Supervision/PM $ 71 67 6$ Total General 72 Conditions $ 73 69 74 �� Soft Cost 75 Survey $ 76 71 Building Permit $ 77 Civils $ 78 Structuals $ 79 72 Architectual $ 80 73 Appraisal $ 81 74 Wac/Sac $ 75 Environmental 82 Assessment $ 83 76 Legal $ 84 77 Soil Boring/Testing $ 85 78 Closing Cost $ 86 79 Interim Financing $ 87 City Applications $ 88 Tiff Application $ 89 80 Park Fees $ 90 81 Water Meter $ 82 Storm Sewer 91 Inspection $ 92 83 Developers Fee $ 93 84 Land $ 94 85 Soil Corrections 86 Special 95 Assessments 96 87 Contin enc $ 97 88 Total $ 98 89 TIFF Credit Underground 99 90 100 91 101 96 102 97 Conti enc 103 98 Total Nut $ Page Z Q � R $ - 11,586.00 $ 263.32 4,137.60 $ 94.04 12,000.00 $ 272.73 - $ - 3,480.00 $ 79.09 3,310.34 $ 75.24 - $ - 7,429.20 $ 168.85 15,000.00 $ 340.91 24,000.00 $ 545.45 78,000.00 $ 1,772.73 $ - 158,943.14 $ 3,612.34 $ - $ - 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 24,000.00 $ 545.45 6,600.00 $ 3,775.00 25,626.00 185,000.00 $ 4,204.55 $ 3,075.00 4,500.00 $ 102.27 403,344.00 $ 9,166.91 4,648.16 $ 105.64 12,000.00 $ 272.73 5,000.00 $ 113.64 $ 3,310.00 43,500.00 $ 988.64 158,250.00 $ 3,596.59 6,600.00 $ 150.00 $ 2,400.00 10,000.00 $ 227.27 $ 10,000.00 - $ - 20,400.00 $ 463.64 1,655.17 $ 37.62 145,365.00 $ 3,303.75 301,500.00 $ 6,852.27 $ 3,000.00 $ - $ - 300,000.00 $ 6,818.18 1,657,988.33 $ 37,681.55 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 7,251,250.77 $ 164,801.15 $ 27,960.00 Cash Flow With TIFF A B C D E F G Monthly Rent Total Mon[hly Total Annual Unit Type SWdios tA-1 Bdrm 18-1 Bdrm 1C-1 Bdrm+Den 1D-i Bdrm+Den 1E-1 Bdrm 2A- 2 Bdrm 2ba 2B- 2 Btlrm 2ba 2G 2 Bdrm 2ba Tota I iss Income ential Gross Rent s:5% Vacancy s: Collection Loss Rent er Income �ctive Gross Income ival Expenses �inistrative # of units Unit Size Per Unit Rent-15t year RenF15t year 3 480 $950 $2.850 $34,200 $1.98 17 715 $1,125 $19.125 $229,500 $1.57 2 684 $1,100 $2200 $26.400 $1.61 1 869 $1,275 $1,275 $15,300 $1.47 3 835 $1,275 $3.825 $45,900 $1.53 4 712 $1,125 $4,500 $54.000 $1.58 4 1015 $1,400 $5,600 $67,200 $1.38 7 1015 $1400 $9800 $117600 $138 6 1003 0 32 47 % Year Year 2018 2019 $358,050 $716J00 -$17,903 -$35,805 -$7,161 -$14.322 $332,987 $665,973 $0 $0 $332,987 $665,973 $1,350 $8.100 $97,200 $1.35 5 $776, 2020 2021 $723,261 $730,494 -$36,163 -$36,525 -$14,465 -$14,610 $672,633 $679,359 $0 $0 $672,633 $679,359 ManagementFee-5% $16,649 $33,299 $33,632 $33,968 On Site Manager (2 Bdrm unit) $6,000 $16,200 $16,686 $17,187 Legal/AccounCing $2,500 $2,500 $2,575 $2,652 Advertising $3,330 $6,660 $6,726 $6,794 MiscAdmin $3,000 $6.500 $6,695 $6,896 Operatinq Electric $5,256 $16,500 $16,995 $17,505 Heat $7,650 $17,256 $17,774 $18,307 Insurance $8,900 $11,500 $11,845 $12,200 SewerBWater $4,752 $9,645 $9.934 $10,232 Garbage $4,500 $9,500 $9,785 $10,079 Maintenance SnowRemoval $5,000 $5,150 $5,305 $5,464 Repair & Maintenance $3,000 $9,000 $9,270 $9,548 Grounds Maintenance $5200 $5,356 $5,517 $5,682 Taxes Real Estate $4,000 $67,200 $67,200 $67,200 LessTIF -$53,760 -$53,760 -$53J60 Total Annual Expenses $79,737 $162,505 $166,178 $169,953 ExpensesPerUnit $1,993 $4,063 $4,154 $4,249 Cash Flow Before Debt Service $253.249 $503,468 $506,455 $509,406 ReplacementReserves-2% otrent $7,161 $14,322 $14,465 $14.610 Net Operating Income $246,088 $489,146 $491,989 $494,796 Debt Service Source 1($4.732,578 @ 4.5%, 25 yrs) $148,523 $415,305 $415,305 $415,305 Source 2 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Cash Flow $97,565 $73,840 $76,684 $79,491 DCR 1.66 1.18 7.18 1.19 Cash on Cash (down =$1,374,000.00) 8.33 % 630 % 6.54 % 678 % The data and calcula[ions presented herein. while not guaranteed, have been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable. Income and Expense Growth Rate Assumptions Rental Income 1.0 % Page 1 2022 2023 $73Q494 $730. -$36,525 -$36.. -$14,610 $14, $679,359 $679, $0 $679,359 $679, $33,968 $33,968 $17,702 $18,233 $2,732 $2,814 $6,794 $6,794 $7,103 $7,31fi $18,030 $18,571 $18,856 $19,422 $12,566 $12,943 $10.539 $10,856 $10,381 $70,692 $5,628 $5,796 $9.835 $10,130 $5,853 $6,028 $161,226 $164,802 $518,133 $514,557 $14,610 $14,610 $503,523 $499,947 $415.305 $475,305 $0 $0 $88.218 $84,641 121 L20 7.53% Z22% EDA Agenda - 07/11/18 5. Consideration of Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Pro�ram Guidelines & Downtown Fronta�e & Si�na�e Grant Pro�ram Guidelines pilot pro�rams. (AS/TT) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND The EDA held a workshop on June 13th, 2018 to provide staff with feedback on proposed loan programs for downtown fa�ade and frontage areas. The feedback generated was a result of the EDA's downtown walking tour on June 4th, 2018 and previous discussion on the proposed loan programs. Staff have made a number of changes to the two sets of guidelines based on the EDA's direction. The EDA will want to review the documents in detail. As in the past, staff defers to the EDA on comments and suggestions. Prior staff reports to the EDA detail the background and evolution of the proposed program. Al. Staff Impact: Staff time estimated at 30-35 hours has been spent in preparing the proposed guidelines, including staff time in coordinating the downtown luncheons. Moving forward, staff estimates 100 hours of time commitment to the program, based on a pilot loan program resulting in 5 loans. This includes marketing, meetings and administration. The EDA's attorney has been consulted for guideline review and will assist in developing loan agreement and application review as necessary. A2. Budget Impact: The Finance Director recommends that the funds for the pilot program come from TIF 1-6. The pilot program for the building elevations $200,000 in loan expenditures and is first come, first served. Staff would further estimate $20,000 in fees from Cuningham and Kennedy & Graven for development of the renderings and legal grant documents. Staff intends to work with Kennedy & Graven to develop a template grant agreement which can streamline the document process for loans. A3. Strategic Plan Impact: The proposed program meets the following Strategic Plan Goals: • Create and Preserve Sustainable Livability: Implements a program to beautify the downtown's existing commercial buildings. • Strengthen Our Image as a Destination: Supports enhancements to the downtown commercial core in support of Monticello as a place to visit and explore. • Support a Vibrant Economy: Establishes a financial resource for e�sting property and business owners to utilize for economic reinvestment in downtown. EDA Agenda - 07/11/18 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS No formal motion is required during the workshop portion of the meeting, as the EDA may have further revisions to the documents. If the EDA is satisfied with the guidelines and attachments and wishes to move to formal consideration of the program documents forward in the regular meeting, the following are alternatives for consideration. Decision 1: Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Pro�ram Motion to adopt the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program Guidelines, subject to the stated revisions by the EDA and any final comments of the EDA Attorney. 2. Motion to adopt the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program Guidelines as presented. 3. Motion to table for additional discussion. 4. Motion to deny the adoption of the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program Guidelines. Decision 2: Downtown Fronta�e & Si�na�e Improvement Grant Pro�ram Motion to adopt the Downtown Frontage & Signage Improvement Grant Program Guidelines, subject to the stated revision by the EDA and final comments of the EDA Attorney. 2. Motion to adopt the Downtown Frontage & Signage Improvement Grant Program Guidelines as presented. 3. Motion to table for additional discussion. 4. Motion to deny the adoption of the Downtown Frontage & Signage Improvement Grant Program Guidelines. C. STAFF RECOMN�NDATION Staff defers to the EDA on the matter of additional changes and readiness of the guidelines. Staff recommends the implementation of a fa�ade improvement program for the Downtown per the direction of the Downtown Small Area Study and implementation workshop. � EDA Agenda - 07/11/18 D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Draft Downtown Fa�ade Improvements Grant Guidelines B. Draft Downtown Facade Improvements Grant Application C. Draft Downtown Frontage & Signage Grant Guidelines D. Draft Downtown Frontage & Signage Grant Application E. Downtown Business/Property Owner Meeting Summary F. Cuningham Group Architectural Services Estimate G. Summary Image, June 13th EDA Workshop e�TY oF . ��� QI1 1C� a MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DOWNTOWN FA�ADE IMPROVEMENT GRANT PROGRAM GUIDELINES POLICY PURPOSE The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("EDA") recognizes the need to encourage investment in commercial and retail buildings in the Downtown area in order to maintain the economic viability of the City and the Downtown/Central Community District. The purpose of this grant program is to support a visually and financially appealing Downtown and greater Monticello community by providing grants to improve the fa�ade of existing Downtown commercial and retail buildings. ELIGIBLE BUSINESSES Commercial property located within the geographic area illustrated in Exhibit A of these guidelines may be eligible for a Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant ("Grant") as further defined herein. It is the goal of the EDA that 70% of the buildings within the eligible area complete improvements to their properties. The EDA has allocated a maximum of $200,000 for the initial Grant program. This is a pilot program, and additional areas and allocations will be considered at a future date. GRANT FUND TERMS & CONDITIONS Grant Structure F� Amount Individual grants may be made in an amount ranging from $2,500-$50,000. The borrower must provide at least 5% of the project cost in cash. The borrower percentage shall be used as the project down-payment, as may be required. Eligibility Requirements The Grant applicant need not own the commercial property, but if a tenant applies for a Grant, the owner of the commercial property must be a co-signatory to the application and Grant agreement. The property owner must carry current property insurance both at the time of application and through completion of approved Grant improvements. 1��`���, Property taxes on the subject site must be current for the duration of the Grant. Applicants are not eligible to receive funding if the property to be rehabilitated is in default under a property mortgage, contract for deed or comparable obligation. An applicant/property owner is ineligible to receive assistance if currently involved in bankruptcy proceedings. Applicants may apply for only one Grant per building. Simultaneous Grants The simultaneous use of different EDA grant or loan programs by any one borrower or for any one project is permitted. Business subsidy agreements may be required. Permitted Grant Uses Exterior renovation of front and corner side fa�ades of principal use retail or commercial buildings, including windows, doors, siding, brick, stucco, masonry, painting, steps, cornices, parapets, shutters, dormers, and structural roof components, are considered eligible. Interior side renovation proposals may be considered on a case-by-case basis. For signage and awning improvements or physical site landscaping improvements in addition to fa�ade improvements, please see "Frontage & Signage Grant Program Guidelines'. See Exhibit B of these guidelines for a visual reference on permitted fund uses. An architectural rendering supplied and paid for by the EDA is required for use in determining final scope of work in consultation with applicant and the applicant's selected contractor for any project. The cost of the rendering is a service of the EDA and shall not be included in the Grant amount. Architectural renderings will be considered for preparation after initial letter of interest by an applicant. The applicant will work with contractor to define final selected improvements using the rendering as a guide. The architectural rendering with final selected improvements must be reviewed and approved by the EDA and will be included in final Grant documentation. The improvements must be completed in substantial conformity to the approved architectural rendering. The cost of the building permit for the approved Grant project will be included in the final Grant amount. CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENTS CODE COMPLIANCE As applicable, buildings for which public funds will be used within this program are to be brought into conformity with city ordinances and state building codes in effect for the area in which the building is located. It is the intent of the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program to comply with the City's building standards for the Downtown/Central Community 2�;`����; District (CCD). Please refer to the City's Downtown Small Area Plan and zoning ordinance for complete details as it relates to the standards governing this program's design guidelines. GRANT DOCUMENTS In addition to the Grant agreement, the EDA may require additional agreements to be signed by the borrower (i.e. business subsidy agreement). TIMING OF PROJECT EXPENSES No project may commence until the EDA has approved the Grant application and the Grant agreement is of record. Any costs incurred prior to execution of the Grant agreement are not eligible expenditures. No building construction may commence until the required city permits are secured. Recording of the Grant agreement should be simultaneous with the borrower's primary funding, if applicable. Grant disbursements shall be as provided for within the Grant agreement and shall be made directly to the grantee/owner's contractor. Grant agreement shall reference final contracts for improvements. � COMMUNICATION � � Success of the project depends on the completeness of applications and good communication between all parties. Applicants should feel free to reach out to EDA staff with any questions at any time. PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES FOR APPLICATION AND APPROVAL The applicant shall meet with city staff to obtain information about the Grant program, discuss the project, and obtain application forms. The applicant shall complete and submit a letter of interest to the EDA. After review, the EDA will consider authorization of the facade rendering by the EDA's architectural consultant. Once the architect and applicant have completed the rendering process, the applicant submits a formal application to the EDA for review. Applications will be received and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis from the time of submission of a complete application. An inspection of the building may be required. The EDA is a governmental entity and as such must provide public access to public data it receives. Data deemed by Applicant to be nonpublic data under State law should be so designated or marked by Applicant. See Minnesota Statutes, Section 13.591, Subd. 1 and 2. 3�';`����; The formal grant application will be reviewed by EDA staff to determine if it conforms to all city policies and ordinances and presented to the EDA for formal approval, as follows: 1. Staff will complete a preliminary application review and may consult with the EDA's Financial Advisor and/or EDA Attorney in preparing a report for EDA consideration. 2. Staff will evaluate the project application in terms of the following: a. Project Design - Evaluation of project design will include review of proposed activities, project construction and renovation plans including architectural rendering and final building elevations detailing selected improvements, time lines and capacity to implement the project. b. Financial Feasibility - Availability of funds, private involvement, financial packaging and cost effectiveness, and bid-quote submissions. c. Appropriate ratio of private funds to Grant funds. d. Evidence of applicant's ability to meet the 5% cash requirements. e. Letter of Commitment from other financing sources stating terms and conditions of their participation in the project, if applicable. f. All other information as required in the application and/or additional information as may be requested by the EDA staff. g. Project compliance with all city codes and policies. The EDA Commissioners will review each application in terms of: a Its consistency with the goals of the city's Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Small Area Study. b. Whether it is desirable and in the best interests of the public to provide funding for the project. c. The project's overall potential impact on the community's economy. 4. The EDA Commissioners will approve or deny the application, or request a resubmission with clarifications, at the EDA's sole discretion. GRANT POLICY REVIEW The above criteria will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that the policies reflected in this document are consistent with the economic development goals set forth by the city. RIGHT OF REFUSAL The EDA, at its sole discretion, may deny any application if it is found not consistent with the goals of the city's Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Small Area Study, the project's overall impact on the community's economy, and the above criteria. COMPLIANCE WITH BUSINESS SUBSIDY LAW All developers/businesses receiving financial assistance from the City of Monticello EDA shall be subject to the City's Business Subsidy Policy as amended, and the provisions and requirements set forth under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995. 4�';`��� �; GRANT AGREEMENT If the application for a Grant is approved, the applicant and property owner as required will be required to enter into a Grant agreement to proceed. The agreement will specify the terms and conditions of the Grant as identified herein. A security agreement or subordinate mortgage may also be required. DISBURSEMENT OF GRANT FUNDS Upon approval of a Grant application, applicants are required to provide executed contracts with qualified contractor for work per the approved Grant plans. Contracts shall be per the procedures and requirements herein. Grant funds will be disbursed to the contractor based on completion of work as outlined below. The Cit�s Chief Building Official will verify completion of work. Upon verification of completion, payment will be dispersed per contract amount for the work completed. PROJECT CONTRACTOR PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS � A. PARTICIPATING CONTRACTORS: All contractors participating in the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program must have a contractor's license on file with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. The contractors will be responsible for securing insurance of the amounts specified on the application form. The application must contain proof of insurance coverage via a Certification of Insurance Coverage, and the contractor's registration number. B. BID/QUOTE SOLICITATION: To participate in the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program, the applicant must solicit bids or quotes from at least two vendors. An applicant is free to choose any contractor, provided the license requirements are met and the cost differential in the quotes received does not exceed 20%. C. CONTRACTOR CONTRACT: The contract for work is between the property owner (applicant) and the contractor. Each selected contractor will enter into a contract with the property owner. The contract will outline the terms for completion of the rehabilitation on the project and will include the following: 1. Scope of Work 2. Project Start Date; 3. Project Completion Date; 4. General Conditions; 5. Building Elevations and Architectural Drawings; 6. Special Conditions; 7. Project Warranties; 8. Change Order Procedures; 9. Payment Terms; 10. Termination Procedures. 5�'�`c.��; D. FAILURE TO START/COMPLETE PROJECT: Upon approval of the Grant agreement, the applicant and selected contractor will have 180 calendar days in which to complete the contracted work. The 180-day time period shall not be exceeded except through the issuance of a change order. Failure to complete any work within 180 days will be grounds to terminate the Grant agreement. E. PAYMENT PROCEDURES: All contractors will agree to the payment schedule, which is as follows: 1. No pre-payments by the EDA are allowable for any reason. 2. Lien waivers are required for all contractors and sub-contractors before payment will be made. 3. Final payment for work completed, including any retainage amounts, will be made after work by a contractor is completed with verified receipts and costs incurred, the final inspection has been conducted and the Chief Building Official, property owner, and contractor have signed off on the work. F. CHANGE ORDERS: Change orders to the approved Grant project require the approval of the EDA. Change orders will be allowed only for the following reasons: 1. To rectify hidden deficiencies that are discovered once the work has begun. 2. To change a specification due to unforeseen difficulties arising after work has begun. 3. To address a deficiency that was inadvertently dropped from the project during project packaging. 4. To change completion dates. PROJECT COMPLETION The city's Chief Building Official will complete a final project inspection and issue a Certificate of Completion verifying project completion per the approved Grant plans. 6�'�`����; EXHIBIT A Geographic Program Limits i�.l it:,l�:t � :��w.�;,, _ I � Ito1� l�` I ` � .,. � .::�: , , � T � � � �. �uL � i � � .� vq'� � � , h � � � ' � , �� �� �' "' � , ��„����1�,.� �' �Q ' i�+ � �.R — � "�'F �h �� � � � a s- � . �� � �� � ,� � ..�� ��r .� . � ����� �� �y.g � �.-_ � � �e'� �� •{., r �' # � �'{ � ; r�, r r ' �r . � �''� i. � . . � �� -� � . , . ' � � � �. �� � - � . ����3 '�;'� . � � � " �`'-s,+ ' 4 _ ._ • � � � . .. , . .+ � ' ' �7• � r,n .:� ��+�', �.�.? � ti � i� ��� +. • � '� ;" `��ti s • � �a y : ¢ '� � . �,r�. 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CONTACT INFORMATION Legal Name of Business: Project Site Address: City / State / Zip: Contact Person(s): Business Phone: Home Phone: Check One Federal ID # � Proprietor Legal Name of Property Owner: Project Site Address: City / State / Zip: Contact Person(s): Business Phone: 2. PROJECT GOALS Please give a brief suininary of the project: Email: � Corporation State ID # Email: � Partnership 1�fs<��,�� Please describe how the proposed project will positively impact the city's downtown/Central Community District:] 3. GRANT REQUEST Amount Requested: $ 4. FINANCING Pro�ect Costs Total Project Cost: $ Exterior renovation of retail or commercial buildings, including windows, doors, siding, brick, stucco, masonry, painting, steps, parapets, roofing or structural roof components. Physical landscaping improvements Total Costs Comments: . � Pro�osed Fundin� Sources Bank Loan Private Fund Commitment Applicant Commitment Other: Total Financing: 2�fs<��,�� 5. PROJECT CONTACTS (Lenders, �rivate fundin� source, �artners, etc...) Name Address Phone/Email: Name Address Phone/Email: ATTACHMENTS CHECK LIST Please attach the following: A) Letter of Commitment from the Other Sources of Financing, Stating Terms and Conditions of their Participation in Project (if applicable) B) Project Plans (Architectural Rendering and Scope must be included) C) Project Quotes/Estimates �h 7. AGREEMENT I/ We certify that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. I/ We authorize the Monticello EDA to verify financial and other information. I/ We agree to provide any additional information as may be requested by the city. The undersigned has received the EDA's policy regarding the payment of costs of review, understands that the EDA requires reimbursement of costs incurred in reviewing the application, agrees to reimburse the EDA as required in the policy and make payment when billed by the EDA, and agrees that the application may be denied for failure to reimburse the EDA for costs as provided in the policy. APPLICANT SIGNATURE APPLICANT FAME (Print): PROPERTY OWNER NAME (Print): PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: The EDA is a governmental entity and as such must provide public access to public data it receives. Data deemed by Applicant to be nonpublic data under State law should be so designated or marked by Applicant. See Minnesota Statutes, Sections 13.591, Subd. 1 and 2. 3�f�t��t� e�TY oF . ��� QI1 1C� a MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DOWNTOWN FRONTAGE & SIGNAGE GRANT PROGRAM GUIDELINES POLICY PURPOSE The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (EDA) recognizes the need to encourage investment in commercial and retail buildings in the Downtown area in order to maintain the economic viability of the City and the Downtown/Central Community District. The purpose of this grant program is to support a visually and financially appealing downtown and greater Monticello community by providing grants for signage, awning and landscaping improvements to existing commercial and retail business owners in the Downtown. ELIGIBLE BUSINESSES Any commercial property located within the geographic area illustrated in Exhibit A of these guidelines may be eligible for a Downtown Frontage & Signage Grant ("Grant") as further defined herein. The EDA has allocated an initial $50,000 to this program. This is a pilot program and additional areas of allocations may be considered in the future. GRANT FUND TERMS & CONDITIONS Grant Structure F� Amount Grants may be made in an amount ranging from $250-$5,000. The borrower must provide at least 5% of project cost in cash. The borrower percentage shall be used as the project down- payment, as may be required. Eligibility Requirements The Grant applicant need not own the commercial property, but if a tenant applies for a Grant, the owner of the commercial property must be a co-signatory to the application and Grant agreement. The property owner must carry current property insurance both at the time of application and through completion of approved Grant improvements. Applicants may apply for one Grant per business per building. 1 � �' �. � �, Simultaneous Grants The simultaneous use of different EDA grant programs by any one borrower or for any one project is permitted. Business subsidy agreements may be required. Permitted Grant Uses 1. Exterior accessory improvements such as awnings, canopies, and wall or projecting signage (not including digital signage) for front, corner side or rear facades. Internal window signage installations are ineligible. Internal signage exceeding 25% of window coverage must be removed for grant eligibility. 2. Physical site landscaping improvements on the property; temporary installations are ineligible. The cost of the sign or building permit for the approved Grant project will be included in the final Grant amount. Architectural review by the EDA's architectural consultant is required. CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENTS CODE COMPLIANCE Items for which public funds will be used within this program are required to meet City codes and ordinances. It is the intent of the Downtown Frontage & Signage Program to comply with the Cit�s building standards for the Downtown/Central Community District (CCD). Please refer to the City's Downtown Small Area Plan and zoning ordinance for complete details as it relates to the standards governing this program's design guidelines. �h TIMING OF PROJECT EXPENSES No project may commence until the EDA has approved the Grant application and the Grant agreement. Any costs incurred prior to the approval of the Grant application and Grant agreement execution are not eligible expenditures. Grant disbursements shall be as provided for within the Grant agreement and shall be made directly to the grantee's contractor. Grant agreements shall reference final contracts for improvements. COMMUNICATION Success of the project depends on the completeness of applications and good communication between all parties. Applicants should feel free to reach out to EDA staff with any questions at any time. PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES FOR APPLICATION AND APPROVAL The applicant shall meet with City/EDA staff to obtain information about the Grant program, discuss the project, and obtain application forms. 2��'���, Applications will be reviewed by the EDA and the EDA's selected architectural consultant. Applications will be received and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis from the time of submission of a complete application. The EDA is a governmental entity and as such must provide public access to public data it receives. Data deemed by Applicant to be nonpublic data under State law should be so designated or marked by Applicant. See Minn. Sat. Sections 13.59, Subd. 1, respectively. The application will be reviewed by EDA staff to determine if it conforms to all city policies and ordinances and presented to the EDA for formal approval, as follows: 1. Staff will complete a preliminary application review and may consult with the EDA Financial Advisor and/or City Attorney in preparing report for EDA consideration. 2. EDA staff will review each application in terms of: a Its consistency with the goals of the city's Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Small Area Study. b. Whether it is desirous and in the best interests of the public to provide funding for the project. c. The project's potential overall impact on the community's economy. EDA staff will evaluate the project application in terms of the following: a. Project Design. b. Evidence of applicant's ability to meet the 5% cash investment requirements. c. All other information as required in the application and/or additional information as may be requested by the EDA staff. d. Project compliance with all city codes and policies. 4. The EDA Commissioners will approve or deny the application or request a resubmission with clarifications. GRANT POLICY REVIEW The above criteria will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that the policies reflected in this document are consistent with the economic development goals set forth by the city. RIGHT OF REFUSAL The EDA, in its sole discretion, may deny any application if it is found not consistent with the goals of the city's Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Small Area Study, the project's overall impact on the community's economy, and the above criteria. COMPLIANCE WITH BUSINESS SUBSIDY LAW All developers/businesses receiving financial assistance from the City of Monticello EDA shall be subject to the City's Business Subsidy Policy as amended and under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995. 3��'���, GRANT AGREEMENT If the application for powntown Frontage & Signage Grant is approved, the applicant and property owner will be required to enter into a Grant agreement to proceed. The agreement will specify the terms and conditions of the Grant as identified herein. DISBURSEMENT OF GRANT FUNDS Upon approval of a Grant application, applicants are required to provide executed contracts with a qualified contactor for work per the approved Grant plans. Contracts shall be per the procedures and requirements herein. Grant funds will be disbursed to the contractor based on completion of work as outlined below. The Cit�s Chief Building Official will verify completion of work. Upon verification of completion, payment will be dispersed per contract amount for the work completed. PROJECT CONTRACTOR PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS � A. PARTICIPATING CONTRACTORS: All contractors participating in the Downtown Frontage & Signage Improvement Grant Program must have a contractor's license on file with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. The contractors will be responsible for securing insurance of the amounts specified on the application form. The application must contain proof of insurance coverage via a Certification of Insurance Coverage, and the contractor's registration number. B. BID/QUOTE SOLICITATION: To participate in the Downtown Frontage & Signage Improvement Grant Program, the applicant must solicit bids or quotes from at least two vendors. An applicant is free to choose any contractor, provided the license requirements are met and the cost differential in the quotes received does not exceed 20%. C. CONTRACTOR CONTRACT: The contract for work is between the business owner (applicant) and the contractor. Each selected contractor will enter into a contract with the business owner. The contract will outline the terms for completion of the rehabilitation on the project and will include the following: 1. Scope of Work 2. Project Start Date; 3. Project Completion Date; 4. General Conditions; 5. Project Drawings and Specifications; 6. Special Conditions; 7. Project Warranties; 8. Change Order Procedures; 9. Payment Terms; 10. Termination Procedures. 4��'�.��, D. FAILURE TO START/COMPLETE PROJECT: Upon approval of the Grant agreement, the applicant and selected contractor will have 180 calendar days in which to complete the contracted work. The 180-day time period shall not be exceeded except through the issuance of a change order. Failure to complete any work within 180 days will be grounds to terminate the Grant agreement. E. PAYMENT PROCEDURES: All contractors will agree to the payment schedule, which is as follows: 1. No pre-payments by the EDA are allowable for any reason. 2. Lien waivers are required for all contractors and sub-contractors before payment will be made. 3. Final payment for work completed, including any retainage amounts, will be made after work by a contractor is completed with verified receipts and costs incurred, the final inspection has been conducted and the Chief Building Official, property owner, and contractor have signed off on the work. F. CHANGE ORDERS: Change orders to the approved Grant project require the approval of the EDA. Change orders will be allowed only for the following reasons: 1. To rectify hidden deficiencies that are discovered once the work has begun. 2. To change a specification due to unforeseen difficulties arising after work has begun. 3. To address a deficiency that was inadvertently dropped from the project during project packaging. 4. To change completion dates. PROJECT COMPLETION The city's Chief Building Official will complete a final project inspection and issue a Certificate of Completion verifying project completion per the approved Grant plans. 5��'���, EXHIBIT A Geographic Program Limits , _ � , r .. � rr. .,,� ��s� ;-�,� -- �,.- . ` �..� �� , .•`- ��� � i'' ��y' .� ._ � � _ -. � � �y�.� �w � � ;Y � ��- ,� '',�� , �'� � •�y�,���e. �. s e� � < �t, - "`�'� �,�s �� t� �:� � ��' �' Ar��;+� ,� `'ry��E' +rE k�' �` �`a� v .5i" - . 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'. � � � � � �',� r MONTICELLO EDA -� ����1���(,� DOWNTOWN FRONTAGE - IMPROVEMENT GRANT FUND APPLICATION 1. CONTACT INFORMATION Legal Name of Business: Project Site Address: City / State / Zip: Contact Person(s): Business Phone: Home Phone: Check One Federal ID # � Proprietor Legal Name of Property Owner: Project Site Address: City / State / Zip: Contact Person(s): Business Phone: 2. PROJECT GOALS Please give a brief suininary of the project: Email: � Corporation State ID # Email: � Partnership 1�fs<��,�� Please describe how the proposed project will positively impact the city's downtown/Central Community District:] 3. GRANT REQUEST Amount Requested: $ 4. FINANCING Pro�ect Costs Total Project Cost: $ Exterior renovation of retail or commercial buildings, including windows, doors, siding, brick, stucco, masonry, painting, steps, parapets, roofing or structural roof components. Physical landscaping improvements Total Costs Comments: . � Pro�osed Fundin� Sources Bank Loan Private Fund Commitment Applicant Commitment Other: Total Financing: 2�fs<��,�� 5. PROJECT CONTACTS (Lenders, �rivate fundin� source, �artners, etc...) Name Address Phone/Email: Name Address Phone/Email: ATTACHMENTS CHECK LIST Please attach the following: A) Letter of Commitment from the Other Sources of Financing, Stating Terms and Conditions of their Participation in Project (if applicable) B) Project Plans (Architectural Rendering and Scope must be included) C) Project Quotes/Estimates �h 7. AGREEMENT I/ We certify that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. I/ We authorize the Monticello EDA to verify financial and other information. I/ We agree to provide any additional information as may be requested by the city. The undersigned has received the EDA's policy regarding the payment of costs of review, understands that the EDA requires reimbursement of costs incurred in reviewing the application, agrees to reimburse the EDA as required in the policy and make payment when billed by the EDA, and agrees that the application may be denied for failure to reimburse the EDA for costs as provided in the policy. APPLICANT SIGNATURE APPLICANT FAME (Print): PROPERTY OWNER NAME (Print): PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: The EDA is a governmental entity and as such must provide public access to public data it receives. Data deemed by Applicant to be nonpublic data under State law should be so designated or marked by Applicant. See Minnesota Statutes, Sections 13.591, Subd. 1 and 2. 3�f�t��t� DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT LOAN PROGRAM DISCUSSION 12 Total Completed Forms: Fa�ade Improvements: 10 Renovation/Rehabilitation: 6 Energy Efficiency: 7 Other programs or incentives that would be utilized: • Forgivable loans on signage • Handicap accessibility • Alley maintenance • Landscaping improvements • Combined garbage/dumpsters facelift Other suggestions or comments for the downtown: • Improved walkways and more green space • Upgraded signage on street frontage • Restructured rear parking • Micro-park in the empty lot • Improvements to the rear/back entrances of buildings • Will talk to building management company about improvements • Re-route traffic on Trick-or-Treat night • Add flower pots/benches on Broadway and alley way • Do a scavenger hunt to get people in businesses • More parking and cross easement • Door spaces improvements • Improved lighting in parking lots Apri120, 2018 Angela Schumann City of Monticello Department of Community development 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Subject: PROPOSAL AND AGREEMENT FOR PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Individual Building Owner Consultation and Fa�ade Improvement Recommendations Dear Angela: Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. (Architect) presents to the City of Monticello (Client) this Proposal and Agreement for professional services to assist you in the Walnut Street Corridor Project (Project). PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Architect understands that the City of Monticello wants to provide design assistance to building owners who wish to take part in the fa�ade improvement program. This program offers up to $75,000 per building for property owners to make publicly visible improvements to their buildings. The program requires 85% of the loan to be allocated to permanent improvements (doors, windows, cornices, etc), 15% can be allocated to temporary (awnings, signage, etc) APPROACH/SCOPE OF SERVICES Based on our conversations with you to date, Architect anticipates providing to you the following scope of services: One-on-one design consultation services for building owners in which we develop a annotated sketch drawing with building improvements targeted for the fa�ade improvement program. Step 1. Meet with the building owner, on site, for a 1.5 hour meeting in which we photograph the site, discuss the owners goals and discuss options. Step 2: Develop a sketch of the fa�ade at '/4 scale. The drawing is annotated to describe the improvements. Step 3: Send the drawing to the building owner and follow up with a phone call discussion. Step 4: Make final revisions. The purpose of the sketch is to allow the building owner to get approximate and initial cost estimates from contractors. PROJECT TEAM Andrew Dresdner, AICP Page i of 4 CUNINGHAM G R O U P Celebrating 50 Years Cuningham Group Architecture,lnc. St. Anthony Main Z01 �%1ain Street SE Suite 3�5 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Tel: 612 3�9 3400 Fax: 612 379 4400 www.cuningham.com Jena Stanton FEES GUNINGHAM G R O U P Celebrating 50 Years Compensation for Basic Services as described herein shall be a stipulated sum of :$2000 / building. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Reimbursable Expenses are in addition to the above fees. They include all normal expenses incurred by Architect for the benefit of the Proj ect, including out-of-town travel (if any and if authorized), mileage, long-distance telephone calls, messenger service, printing, etc. These expenses will be billed at 1.15 times their direct cost to Architect. ADDTTIONAL SERVICES Services you may request such as physical models, 3-D computer modeling, additional drawings or any renderings, engineering or special consultants, or other special services not specifically included in the above scope of services shall be invoiced at Architect's current hourly rates or at 1.15 times the direct cost of consultant's charges to Architect. In addition, any changes in the scope will also be billed at an hourly rate. Architect's hourly rates will be per Cuningham Group Hourly Rates, attached as E�ibit A. Additional Services will be performed only upon your written authorization. INVOICING Billings will be issued at 30-day intervals. Payment is due and payable upon invoice receipt. Interest of 1.0% per month will be due on the unpaid balance beginning 30 days after invoice date. Client agrees to reimburse Architect for all costs of collection including attorney fees, costs, and expenses. USE OF SUPPLIED INFORMATION Client agrees to provide and/or obtain all required licenses, including copyright license, to allow Architect to reproduce, use and incorporate all Client-supplied Proj ect-related drawing or other information and agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Architect and its consultants harmless from or against any and all claims arising out of or relating to Architect's or its consultants' Project-related reproduction, use, or incorporation of such information. Client will provide Architect with base map information that accurately indicates existing conditions. OTHER TERMS AND CONDTTIONS Except as otherwise modified herein, the terms and conditions of an unmodified AIA Document B101, Standard Form ofAgreement Between Owner and Architect, 2007 edition [B727 "Special Services" or B101 "Standard Form" may also be used in appropriate circumstances] (attached as E�ibit B), where Client acts as Owner for purposes of the Agreement, shall apply to all services provided under this Proposal and Agreement. The Client and Architect Page z of 4 GUNINGHAM G R O U P agree that arbitration, as described in the attached AIA Document, shall be the selected method of adjudicated dispute resolution. �e'ebra""g 5° Yea`5 Client shall furnish the services of a contractor or cost consultant that shall be responsible for preparing all estimates of the Cost of the Work If Client does not have such a consultant, Architect can provide a list of qualified contractors or cost consultants for Client's use. If the Client's budget at 50% completion of Design Development Phase Services or later is exceeded by Client's cost estimate or the lowest bona fide bid or negotiated proposal, and modifications to the Design Development or Construction Documents are required to reduce the actual or estimated Cost of the Work to comply with Client's budget, Architect will provide such modifications as an Additional Service, except to the extent Architect failed to incorporate Client's or Client's cost estimator's previously issued specific cost control directives. Client agrees to provide to Architect utility bills or other utility usage data on an annual basis for the [two to five, as appropriate] years following Substantial Completion. This information would be used to understand the metered performance of the building compared against industry benchmarks and for internal assessment of the design. The summary of associated analysis will be shared with Client upon request. Architect expressly disclaims all express or implied warranties and guarantees with respect to energy performance, and Client agrees to release, hold harmless, and indemnify Architect from any liability or claims related to the energy performance of the building. Architect and its consultants will be using building information modeling for the sole purpose of preparing and coordinating their Drawings, without an expectation that the model will be relied upon by other Project participants. If Client, Client's contractor or consultants, or other parties as appropriate desire to use the model for any purpose, the Architect, Client, and other appropriate parties will establish and agree to building information modeling protocols, which shall address authorship and ownership, level of development, and authorized uses of the model, processes for exchanging, sharing, and resolving changes to the model, and anticipated authorized uses for facilities management or others, following completion ofthe Project. Preparation of the protocols and operations and services provided thereunder shall be Additional Services. This Proposal and Agreement shall be subj ect to and enforced under the laws of the State of Minne sota. With your signature below you are indicating your acceptance of the understandings, terms and conditions of this Proposal and Agreement. This Proposal and Agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven days' written notice should either party fail to perform substantially in accordance with its terms. Failure of Client to make payments to Architect within 45 days of invoice date shall be considered substantial non-performance and cause for suspension or termination of Architect's services. If you instruct us to begin, or allow us to continue, performing or providing Project services prior to returning a signed copy of this Proposal and Agreement it will be understood that all of its terms, and the attached or referenced e�ibits, are acceptable and all parties will be bound by the terms of this Proposal and Agreement. If this Proposal and Agreement meets with your approval, please sign two copies and return one copy for our records and we will begin the services. Page 3 of 4 Thank you again for this opportunity to be of assistance. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals for Walnut Street and Downtown Monticello. Sincerely, CUNINGHAM GROUP ARCHITECTURE, INC Jeff Schoeneck, AIA Date: Approved By: CITY OF MONTICELLO Jeff ONeill City Manager Date: Attachments: E�ibit A— Cuningham Group Hourly Rates E�ibit B— AIA Document B 101, Standard Form ofAgreement Between Owner and Architect, 2007 edition Page 4 of 4 GUNINGHAM G R O U P Celebrating 50 Years � � � �', � �- ;�: � � ; � � % � � �l � �'�j r'�^ > � �� � � :� � � � ��j�t�}- r� � � `� � �� \ c� � ���^ `�C/ 6S � ' z ? � � � `� � .. f` � .� � P. � ' '� � �� � �! ` � /t �, � � .;�-� r? 3 �l J �r :_ _, � � � � �� , ��,;� � � ��, �� �.5 e ,� _ __ _� � � , �� -� _. �. �-�. � s .�j �, �-��� s ^ � �� � �. � � � �-->��. � ���� �� ��� :� - � � �...� � -_ � c .c,,, � � i � � � , � � � � �� �� � � �--- �� �. _�, ���.� �� .� s � �� o�.� �- � � ��==�. � �� �� : o .a -� : , � � �� o �� � � � � .� � �, . �- � � "� �,a � � � e: � a ��,��� y��� � :� � , � � -� � � � � � �� �4 ��� � -� } � �� � � � ^.: . �� � s � � �- � d � � -�� � � � � � � a � � � o � �� �� � � ��� � �_��_ � � � � ,, � �� �, • _ - -- ----� 's'� , , , �� .r'�, . ��IV1.J►aUj�-12 .�YV .� � � � s � ...���f� � �� ���` , � � � �' �� � o � 1 r.=� �, L� y/� '�o' s� �� , � �2� �7 � o' �-� � � �a� � � � S � -� , � � � _ � �� �� -�-� � � �- '' '` /� . � �+�y� � � � � '� s - � � �� � � � � --� � � X 4-�� �, � �,. � 1 \ � � :� � � � �� � ` �' �ci �--- `� � �- � - =� � `� � o �� � C'� `� � � - ; � �a- � � --y . � r� ' c.� � � � . � ..� 9. - �, ' � _�-f � "� � � �. -� . �" --� � {_ � �-- � � :�-- �,- _ s � , < <y ? 'y- �� � � � ^'. � � � .-� � � ;--� v�- - , �� c. c � �_. � �'� 1 i EDA Agenda - 07/11/18 6. Consideration of 2019 EDA Levv Tar�et (JT/WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Staff is asking the EDA to consider the amount of property tax levy that it would like to set in 2019. The annual budget process is beginning and the schedule allows the EDA levy to be approved at the same time as the City levy in September. Staff will provide more detailed budget information for consideration and formal adoption at the August meeting. The amount of the property tax levy and the maximum allowed are shown below for the past several years as well as the 2019 allowed amount. Year Taxable Mkt. Value Allowed Levv bv Statute Actual Levv 2016 $280,000 $280,000 2017 $302,000 $280,000 2018 $1,748,750,200 $323,000 $323,000 2019* $1,883,565,600 $348,000 ???? The proposed levy is calculated at . 0185 percent x municipal taxable market value (2019 =. 0185 x$1, 883, 565, 600). It is a policy decision for the EDA regarding the amount of the levy. Staff can guide the EDA about the activities/work items which the levy funds. These items consist of: staff salaries and benefits, overhead (electricity, computer maintenance, postage), legal fees, financial advisor fees, marketing and various memberships such as the Wright County Economic Development Partnership. The largest single line item is also used for land acquisition and improvements to EDA owned properties. Unallocated and unused funds carry over from year to year in the EDA General Fund and become available for land acquisition and use in facilitating development efforts. Total proposed 2019 expenditures are $350,498. As of June 30, 2018, the General Fund (EDA) is estimated to have cash and investments totaling $852,000 +/- (does not yet include $116,473.00 of unrestricted MIF dollars). The 2019 budget process is just starting and will continue into August and September. At the August 8th meeting, the EDA Budget and HRA Levy will be presented for final adoption by resolution. Staff will take your feedback on the levy from this meeting and incorporate it into a budget for presentation at the August meeting. A calendar provided by Finance Director, Wayne Oberg is also attached indicating budget approval steps. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The staff impact to seek feedback about the levy is minimal. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The cost of presenting the 2019 Property Tax Levy discussion to the EDA for review and feedback is minimal. It is part of the normal work duties of the EDA Executive Director. A3. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT: Goal #4 - Support A Vibrant Economy: Expand City/EDA owned industrial land inventory in targeted areas; Support development and redevelopment efforts for publically owned properties B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion as appropriate determined by the EDA regarding directing an amount of the 2019 HRA levy. 2. No Motion; just discussion C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff encourages the EDA to consider its goals and mission to facilitate economic development and redevelopment activities that will help expand the tax base, increase employment opportunities and crate a vibrant economy as part of its decision process. Some specific activities that have been discussed in 2018 include: a targeted Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program (estimated cost of $220,000), a Downtown Frontage and Awning Grant Program ($50,000), a housing rehabilitation program (preliminary estimate of $250,000) and continued strategic land acquisition where prices are fair or compelling. The attachments contain information relating to the EDA Goals and Objectives. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. 2019 Budget Approval Calendar b. 2018 Community Economic Development Goals (from Council visioning session) c. 2018 EDA Goals and Objectives Monticello 2019 Budget Calendar Date Activity 2019-2023 capital equipment/projects (CIP) worksheets and budget worksheets June 8, 2018 to department heads. July 2, 2018 2019-2023 CIP and budget worksheets due to finance department July 9, 2018 Workshop with city council and staff to set 2019 goals and priorities. July, 2018 Department heads meet with various advisory boards and commissions for input into 2019 preliminary budget and CIP. Department heads meet with city administrator, and finance staff to develop July, 2018 2019 preliminary budget and CIP. Workshop with city council to review draft department budgets and set 2019 July 23, 2018 goals and priorities. Finance department develops revenue estimates and 2019 preliminary property August 13, 2018 tax levy. Council workshop to review various department goals, budgets, and CIP August 27, 2018 continued. September 10, 2018 Budget workshop with city council and staff. Council adopts 2019 preliminary HRA and city property tax levy. (See September September 10, 2018 24) Last regular meeting for city council to consider adopting the 2019 preliminary September 24, 2018 city property tax levy. September 30, 2018 2019 preliminary property tax levy certified to Wright County auditor. Department heads meet with city administrator and finance staff to develop October/November, 2018 2019 proposed budget and final property tax levy. December 10, 2018 Council adopts 2019 budget and property tax levy. City certifies final 2019 property tax levy to Wright County auditor and files Form December 28, 2018 TNT with the MN Department of Revenue. January 1, 2019 2019 fiscal year begins. 1 Be a regional leader 2 Build a connected community 3 Create and preserve sustainable livability a Streng[hen our image as a destination city 5 Support a vibrant economy 6 Invest in people CommDev PrioritizecorridorsforundergroundpowerlinesforCCconsiderationanddevelopcorrespondingordinance/codelanguagewherenecessary 4 Comm Dev Coordinate prairie restoration forsome city parks and stormwaterareas 3 Comm Dev Develop Walnut, Pine and Cedarcorridor plan with consistent treatments (entrancesigns, lights, street/info signs, plantings, ped Tacilities) 2, CommDev PlanforutilizationoftheSthStreetrightofway-extensionoftrail 2, Comm Dev Develop public art program in partnership with existingarts community for major points 4, CommDev FamiliarizeorganizationswithBCOLmasterplan,developpartnerships 4 Comm Dev Coordinate creation ofadditional corridors to the river- ROWs, parks, pathway connections, public/private partnerships (hospital) 2, Comm Dev Develop funding plan and capital improvementplan forAthletic Park 1, Comm Dev Host Builder/Developer workshops on annual basis to continue building reltionships, service improvements 5 Comm Dev Implement final concept ofSmall Area Plan program (loan program, RFP, land sales, etc.) 1 Comm Dev Support EDA Work Plan Strategic Objectives foreconomic development, redevelopment and housing (See EDA Work Plan) 3, Comm Dev Develop a step-up housing marketing initiative 3, CommDev Developcomprehensivesignsystemforcityanddowntown 2, CommDev Identifysidewalkandpathwayconnectiongapsandopportunities;workwithParkstoprioritizeforcapitalimprovements 2, Comm Dev Develop and submitSafe Routes planning and infrastructure grants based on above 2, Comm Dev Gain regional desgination forMonticellosection of Mississippi RiverTrail pathway 1, Comm Dev Develop plan foropeningup land forindustrial/commercial prospects- NW area 3, CommDev UpdatesubdivisonregulationsasnecessaryforchangingstatutesandCitypriorities-survey,trees,etc. 3 Comm Dev Develop GIS/Lase�che link for more effcient planning research and management 2, Comm Dev Develop training opportunities related to City GIS and county tools 3, Comm Dev Complete an update of the Comprehensive Plan as related to theSmall Area Plan 2, CommDev CompleteanupdateofthezoningordinancerelatedtotheoutcomesoftheSmallAreaPlan 2, CommDev Completeanupdateofthezoningordinancerelatedtoouctomesofindsutrialdevelopmentstrategies(materials,storage,districts) 2, Comm Dev Develop additional FAQs and public use resources on P& Ztopics (signs, boulevards, etc.) z CommDev Identifyareasforcultural/historicinterpretation 2, Comm Dev Re-engage in Live Wright to identify healthy community opportunities and initiate plans resulting 1, Comm Dev Adopt native landscapes ordinance 3 CommDev Workwithcommunicationstodevelopcommunityengagementinitiativesforcommuntiydevelopmentgoals 2, CommDev Standardize/createplanningtrainingopportunitiesforPlanningCommission 6 Comm Dev Work with Communications to build the community brand and incorporate into CD and ED initiatives 1, Comm Dev Continue to foster partnerships with adjacent communities for regional planning (transporation, land use, utilities) 1, Comm Dev Monitor, amend and develop zoningordinances responsive to growth needs 3, Comm Dev Work to �pand outreach within thecommunity; build understandingofthe valueofcodes through interaction 2, Comm Dev Phoen system update to improve current operations and efficiency 2, Co m m/Eco n Continue to support rdevelopment efforts for publicly owned properties in Block 34 and 52 3, Co m m/Eco n Evaluate opportunities forthe future sale of properties in Block34 and engaging a partnerfor redevelopment of the block 3, Co m m/Eco n Eng:geasa partrierin otherredevelopmen[and reviblizahon opporWnihcsastheyanre,achvelyencouaging redevelopmen[within IheC�area mnss[en[w/ou[mmcsofSASP 1� Co m m/Eco n Continue to build funding base for potential acquisistions in targeted redevelopment areas 3, Co m m/Eco n Implement a fa4ade improvement program for desired revitalization areas 3, GOAL RELATIONSHIP 3, 4, 5 3 5, 6 3 5 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 4, 5 5 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 6 2, 3, 4 5, 6 3, 6 3, 4, 5 3, 4 3, 4 4 2, 3, 6 2, 4, 5 3, 4, 5, 6 5 3, 5, 6 l, 5 l, 5 3, 4, 5 l, 5 l, 5 m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n Explore and seek as appropriate federal and state grant funds that support redevelopment objectives and/or projects 1, Explore the opportunityto develop an incubator buildingfor entreprenerial and start up firms 1, Encourage more proactive lead development and response in all market segments to support diversified tax base 2, Evaluate industrial land inventoryfor ptoential expansion 1, Market indusrtrial development at the Monticello Business Center to a broad variety of projects 3, Market EDA incentive programs in a more proactive manner, both within the community and beyond, beginningwith the education of the EDA 2, Examine housing stock and unmet market demand for various types of housing via conditions and datasets 3, Explore and seek as appropriate federal and state grant funds that support housing development or revitalization objectives and/or projects 3, Support the revamping and further development of the City Economic Development website to enhance usability and clarity of information 1, Re-engage, with the assistance of the IEDC, the business community in a limited scope BRE program 1, Support workforce development efforts through partnerships with educators, businesses, organzations and agencies 1, 3, 4, 5, 2,3,4,5,6 3, 4, 5 3, 4, 5 3, 4, 5 5 l, 5 2, 3, 4, 5 �, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 5, 6 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2018 ANNUAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK PLAN EDA Purpose: The EDA is charged with coordinating and administering the City of Monticello's economic development and redevelopment plans and programs. The EDA is also responsible for housing and housing redevelopment. EDA Work Plan Mission Statement: The EDA's work plan is adopted in support of achieving the goals of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan and the 2017/2018 City Strategic Plan. The EDA will be proactive by developing and undertaking actions for achievement of the Comprehensive Plan's Economic Development goals and will be reactive in responding to economic development opportunities as they arise in the most timely and effective manner possible. The EDA shall utilize the economic development strategies of the Comprehensive Plan, including the Downtown Small Area Plan as a guide for action. Comprehensive Plan Goals: Attracting & Retaining Jobs Expanding Tax Base Enhancing Downtown Facilitating Redevelopment Housing Choice for Life-Cycle EDA Objectives: 1. Continue to support redevelopment efforts for publicly-owned properties on Block 52. a. Focus on site control for targeted redevelopment area on the block b. Evaluate the opportunities for the future sale of properties on Block 52 and the value of engaging a partner to expedite redevelopment on Block 52. c. Support as needed the completion of transportation improvements as envisioned in the Downtown Small Area Study Plan. 2. Implement the recommendations of the Downtown Small Area Plan a. Support and advocate for improvements to the downtown as envisioned in the Small Area Plan b. Develop and support the appropriate policies, programs, and incentives that enable the type of development described in the Plan c. Continue to build a funding base for use in property acquisition and redevelopment efforts in targeted areas. d. Implement a fa�ade improvement program for desired revitalization areas. e. Meet with downtown property owners individually to understand their situation in terms of willingness to sell, partner, price, etc. £ Support opportunities for park and trail development as consistent with the Downtown Small Area Plan. 3. Engage as a partner in other redevelopment and revitalization opportunities as they arise, actively encouraging redevelopment within the Downtown. a. Fund studies that provide policy and strategy framework for desired land uses/or projects in the downtown and for other programs. b. Continue discussion on use of tax reimbursement/abatement, including development of criteria. 4. Support new multi-family housing development through the use of financing tools such as excess TIF dollars in TIF 1-6, TIF 1-22 and per adopted Policy Statement for Available TIF Funds. a. Develop marketing packets illustrating financial tools and available sites. b. Dialogue with multi-family housing developers and inform them of available resources to support MF development. c. Sponsor a multi-family housing developer expo providing site and financial assistance information facilitating relationship building. 5. Market industrial development at the Monticello Business Center (Otter Creek Business Park) to a broad variety of prospects. a. As guided by the Comprehensive Plan, target the following prospect areas: i. Businesses which will be a supplier, customer or collaborative partner to existing businesses within the community. ii. Businesses which would benefit from Monticello's utility and communications infrastructure. iii. Work with the CentraCare Health System to ensure the retention and to promote the expansion of health care services in Monticello. b. Focus on prospects which serve or rely on the St. Cloud and Twin Cities markets. c. Actively participate/network with current businesses to help establish external relationships. 6. Market EDA incentive programs in a more proactive manner, both within the community and beyond, beginning with the education on these resources at the EDA level. a. Continue to foster external networking opportunities. b. Present existing and new incentive programs to smaller community groups, local banks, realtors, and local businesses. c. Develop and communicate a"complete" development package program which provides support and assistance to prospects and developers from inquiry to construction. d. Prepare a multi-format (print, digital) summary resource piece. e. Explore the opportunity to develop an incubator building or pre-designed building shell plans with contractors ready for development. 7. Actively (aggressively) market for sale for development the EDA-owned properties at Cedar Street and Outlot A. a. Identify types of businesses sought for specific properties and market to these sectors accordingly. b. Identify commercial properties which should be held for larger redevelopment potential. 8. Encourage more proactive lead development and response in all market segments to support a diversified tax base. a. Develop relationships with local realtors and banks. b. Explore agent/broker relationships; evaluate the opportunity to engage a development facilitator. c. Develop a list of target properties and share with realtors and bankers. d. Research and communicate state and federal incentive programs for bringing businesses into community. 9. Examine housing stock for aging or blighted properties and research development of programs for redevelopment and/or revitalization. a. Understand the state of the current housing stock/inventory and areas of need. b. Identify and prioritize potential programs, such as: i. Program for acquisition for redevelopment ii. Program for revitalization iii. Program to encourage new development in in-fill areas c. Utilize available housing TIF dollars per Policy Statements for Available TIF Funds d. Establish clear criteria for "blight" and "cluster areas" for focus of programs. e. Identify and communicate state and regional programs which could be leveraged to support identified properties; identify programs applicable to each property. 10. Support the development of an economic development brand and implement in economic development activities. a. Migrate website to City site for more thorough and current site maintenance. b. Work with Communications Manager to develop coordinated economic development marketing plan c. Build value in development resources. d. Market amenities (including technology and recreation) in a more coordinated way 11. Re-engage in business retention and expansion efforts. a. Continue to engage the IEDC as the primary partner and lead in a the Business Retention and Expansion Program. Appendix: Monticello Comprehensive Plan, 2008 — Economic Development EDA Agenda: 07/11/18 7. Economic Development Report (JT) A. MIF One-Time Exclusion Opt Out Program The City Council approved participation in the MIF Opt Out Program wherein 80% of the MIF FUND becomes completely unrestricted in exchange for returning 20% back to the State by June 30, 2018. City staff worked with MN-DEED to zero in on the correct verifiable amount in the FUND. The beginning amount in the FUND as well as the 20% returned to the State changed from the EDA consideration. The correct amounts are: Beginning account balance of $291,183; Amount returned State $58,237 (20%); Amount retained as unrestricted dollars $232,946 (80%). The motion which the City Council approved for these City MIF dollars at its June 25, 2018 meeting recommended a 50-50 split between the City and the EDA of the remaining 80%. This should leave the EDA with $116,473 in completely unrestricted dollars. B. 103 Pine Street - Relocation of tenants The tenants have mostly vacated from the property as of July 5, 2018 as required under the Lease and Property Management Agreement. It is expected that they will entirely out by the EDA meeting on July 11, 2018. A final summary of the relocation costs will be presented to the EDA at the August 2018 meeting. C. Prospects — See attached A spread sheet with the active prospects will be provided to the EDA for review and discussion at the regular meeting. ��� .. EMPLOYMENT AND � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MINNESOTA INVESTMENT FUND STATE FUNDED RLF REQUEST FQR ONE-TIME EXCEPTION The �oi7 Legislature passed legislation that allows cities, counties and townships that have revolving loan funds (RLFs) seeded by state-funded Minnesota Investment Fund loan repayments may use 80 percent of the uncommitted balance for any lawful purpose if �o percent ofthe balance is returned to the State of Minnesota. To utilize this one-time exception, this form must be completed and submitted to DEED by June z, zos8; once DEED approves the form, the 8o percent should be moved from the RLF account and the zo percent should be transferred to DEED. Please complete this form including the requested documentation. All forms must be signed by an authorized local official. Request Date E � Local Government (City, county or town} � Address Contact Phone & Email 6-z5-zo18 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Uncommitted State Funded MIF RLF Cash Balance as of Request Date 2oD/o to be returned to the State General Fund 80% to be utilized as general purpose aid. -- � JimThares—EDAManager Wil� there be a residual 763-271-3z54/ ' RLF balance (from [m.tharF �ci.gr+r,r r�i��,r_�n_�< outstanding loans) for SarahRathlisberger—FinanceManager futurereporting� 763-i7i-3aoi( sarah.rathl�sbFr��u�er'� ��roza�Plir�.rn��.us i * Request must be received by June 1st, zoi8 to allow for processing and payment submittal. $z9i,i83 I $58,237 _- I $232,946 I No Required Documentati�n A copy of the account statement verifying the account balance as of the request date must be submitted with this form. Please note: page two of this application must be signed. A DEED Loan Officer may contact you to verify balance information for your account and review MIF award history. Submittal Instructior�s This form and the required bank account verification document(s) must be emailed to DEE[7.Laan(a�stat�.mr�.us with "Revolving Loan Fund" on the subject line. Ifyou have questions while completing the form please contact Lisa Dargis, DEED Loan Officer, Office of Business Finance at 651-259-7446 or lisa.darcis�`�a,t�t�,mn_us or visit the Frequently Asked Questions tab located at htt s: mn.�ov/deed/busanessl�ir�ancinq-business/deed-proqrams mif mif-exception(. Rev. 8/zJ17 Page � 1 �,.u� ��' EMPLOYMENT AND E�ONOMtC DEYELOPMENT Certification 1 hereby certify that the balance information included here is from state funded Minnesota Investment Fund grant repayments only. I certify that I have not included any funds from other sources. I certify that I have complied with all local requirements for submittal ofthis request and will utilize the approved funds as a general purpose aid for lawful expenditures, adhering to any and all local, state or federal requirements as applicable. I have read the above statements and I agree to supply the information requested to the MN Department of Employment and Economic Development, Office of Business Finance with full knowledge of the information provided herein. I certify that all information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Certified by: � '�" ��( v�. � � �' � �. � � � v� r✓�`�^ � �� �� c �� d`�. �. Local Government Authorized Official Printed Name & Title s � �'`�� � �� „� �__ � ZS �- U 1 � � � �� , �. _.�- - � Local Go y r men Authorized Official Signature Date EXCep�l011 �t'1�+�C1� — Laws of MN zo17, Chapter gy, Article 6, Section �4 ONETIME EXCEPTION TO RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF MINNESOTA INVESTMENT FUND LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOAN REPAYMENT FUNDS. (a) Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 1i6J.873i, a home rule charter or statutory city, county, or town that has uncommitted money received from repayment of funds awarded under Minnesota Statutes, section ii6J.8731, may choose to transfer �o percent of the balance of that money to the state general fund before June 30, zo18. Any local entity that does so may then use the remaining 8o percent of the uncommitted money as a general purpose aid for any lawful expenditure. (b) By February i5, zo1g, a home rule charter or statutory city, county, or town that exercises the option under paragraph (a) shall submitto the chairs ofthe legislative committees withjurisdiction over economic development policy and finance an accounting and explanation ofthe use and distribution of the funds. Request approved by: DEED Loan Officer Date Rev. 8/z/1� Page � z Number CDAP-91-0274-H-FY93 CDAP-02-0135-H-FY03 Name Aroplax Corporation Ultra Machining Company Repaid Balance Principal to MN DEED Remainin� 170,000 70,000 100,000 290,000 190,000 100,000 460,000 260,000 200,000 InterestEarned Endin� Balance 18,029 118,029 73,154 173,154 91,183 291,183 20% - to be repaid to MN DEED 58,237 H N J r V W a � � a � ; � L �, � � � � � � � � O +' � � � � � O Y Y � � � � to \ +' N � m N N d N N t0 t0 t0 t0 �! {A 41 Y Y � � � � � � N (� � N N � Q Q (� (� (� (� Q v � V N � N N > �p GI '� = � •= •= +"i C C % % % % � a Q Q Q Q Q a U U V V V V O Q Q Q Q U i+ i °/ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � o 0 0 0 � o 0 0 0 0 0 � d o 0 0 0 0 0 �n o � O O p O M1. O > p O c'r)' p � O � O � O �1 � � � 0 N � I.f1 m I.f1 0 Ol I� � N � {�j) l0 c�i N ci {�j) � m `� {/� � � � � � � � � � � O H m � O � 3 O O m 00 I� c-I M1� M1� M1� O I� M1� + � � � m Z 'n � m � O � � O O O O O � � � O O � O � .� �+ N � Y � V � � �' S . Lfl � Y � + O � � � � S � Y � � � N V �; O s 'O p � LL S S � O N � � Q � O � S � N �n � p � OO 0 O l0 O z Z O O pO O � O � +-' ll1 N o0 M1. V ll1 O �j �p � N pO l0 c-I c-I � � ('n � (v m O � O o m m � a a •� •� a a Q a Q . a '� '� 0 .� t � u�'i t W O *' W � O O � + 'm � + � +, +, 0 C V VI �C � `+ u�i } V u�i 0 to £ 0 3 7 7 y � O Y � O '^ x �3 V m m m G' V�j. — = V�j. � W C C x � •f6 i+ cV0 •f6 i+ X �' W N (,�j V V ? � LL � L.L LL � W � � ++ �o � �� = 3 �� �. '� a�', o � a�', a�', � a W LL w z LL � LL z ' z z z LL 3 3 '� � d d � z z LL z > °�° E � _ �ao � � V CO �� fl- `� J Y LL � t �,dj � V � � hO hO 3 = Y Y R � � �-' V tA — V � � � 3 � a � � _ °1 � o '� � 4% � LL Y -O �n t0 � v y 0 O O E N ' N N O N N O O] N pj O O Q CJ � ip � � � � O � ~ ~ 7 c0 0 � d y v � 3 N c� �ysj t0 -O p O m � � p p0 L O LL � LL V � -O z �j � £ Q � 0 _ N � N O� CJ 0 tA � � 'tA N L � � Y LL �"'� O � O � v � t0 � Q N O Y � LL � a Z m Xi m -O i Y C C� (3p fl' N Y i Y V � V i 0 N v y = 0 � V V V � 0 4% (� V Q. W N y N O m V 0 � v � d 7 £ p O �n O * v � �+ p N — � O Z d cC d � � 0 d � +'' co V � y� d d � Y ++ V � � � � � � � � � � � � � � o � � o 0 0 0 0 � o 0 0 0 0 '� N ^ � N l0 Ol � ^ I� 00 � O N 0 m y � � \ \ \ \ O 0 � N � \ \ +. � � m �o �o 00 � � � � in in � C � � � 3 �, o ,n LL � h0 � C .� �� O � � 0 � a Jim Thares To: Sue Seeger Subject: RE: old gas station From: Sue Seeger [mailto:pseudosu64Ca�qmail com] Sent: Friday, July 06, 2018 5:25 PM To: )im Thares Subject: old gas station Hi Jim, I'd love to get into the gas station by the end of the month or Aug at least. It will be the Arts Initiative's headquarters for creating community art, having meetings, storing art materials etc. For example someone just donated 80,000 cow tags for me to use in some creative way, and I def do not have room for these at my house. Tom would like me to begin making creative planters, sculptural benches etc and creating community mosaic projects, and all of that takes workshop space and needs to be spread out for people to work on etc. I'll be teaching people how to help make all this stuff too, so this will def be a space where the public will be coming to participate in art workshop days. I can foresee even having some exhibitions or events at this location to promote interest in the Arts Initiative and on working on fun downtown community beautification projects. Tom said he is putting the use of the building and the utilities in his budget for next year. Maybe you should talk to him before approaching the EDA. Basically, I have stuff I could begin working on immediately for Monticello, IF i had anywhere to do it. I need a space that we can get a little messy in, (but don't worry, we won't ruin anything.) Let me know if you have any questions.