City Council Agenda Packet 08-11-2003 . Mayor: AGEND REGULAR MEETING - MONTIC LLO CITY COlJNCIL Monday, August 11, 003 - 7 p.m. REMINDER: Special meeting with fownship oillcials at 5:30 p.m. Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, R bbie Smith and Brian Stumpf I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Approve minutes of July 28, 2003 regular Cou cil meeting. 3. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. )/d IJf F..4--th 'i'1r- C J laints. ~ -q<( ..." C/l.4r f Citizen comments/petitions, requests and com 11. 5. Consent agenda. Consideration of adopting a resolution ccepting DNR grant and recognizing match requirements for CSAH 18 Pathway In provements. Review of six month liquor store finan -ial report. Consideration affinal payment to Trm Well Drilling for Well #5, Project No. 2003-4C(A). Consideration of setting budget works op meeting. Consideration of adopting a resolution approving Monticello Heartland Express 2004 Budget and Transit Assistance Application. ~ ~ Consideration of items removed from consent agenda. Public Hearing - Consideration of installation of sidewalk on CSAH 75 from Washington Street to Dayton Street C h8N{ C-h-" . ~ ~ ~ C~~ 7r' Consideration of award of bids for River Stre.t Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project No. 2003-lOC. Consideration of a request for prel iminary pia approval of the Monticello Marketplace 2nd Addition commercial subdivision and consideration of pproval of concept and development stage planned unit development. Applicant: l3rendscl Properties Inc. Approve payment of bills for August. Yt~ \ f :> ~~ o~K:J 'J~ A. . B. e. D. E. 1 r-~~ (J . 10. Adjourn . . . MINIJTES REGULAR MEI~TING - MON ICI~LLO CITY COIJNCIL Monday, .July 28,2003 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, obbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledee of Allcli:iancc Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. A rove minutes of .Jul ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE "I HE MINUTES OF THE JULY 14,2003 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. ROGE CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. A 'oundl mectin . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE [HE MINUTES or THE JULY 14,2003 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin itcms to the a ,-c ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADD At ENDA rrEMS #10, #11 AND #13 TO THE CONSENT AGENDA. BRIAN STUMPF. ECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bruce Thielen added discussion of the Rod nd Gun Club to the agenda. Brian Stumpf added sodding on the Broadway project to the age da and Rick Wolfsteller added cost estimate for pavers on Walnut Street. 4. Citizen commcnts/ Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of th citizen comments portion of the agenda. John Kautza of 8548 Troy Marquette Drive came before the Council concerning what he felt was illegal parking in front of his house by cont actors who were doing some street work in the development. He indicated that the vehicl s were double and triple parked which presented a safety 2- . . . Council Minutes - 7/28/03 hazard. I Ie called the Sheriffs Department r garding the parking and the Sheriffs Department according to Mr. Kautza did not respond in a 1 appropriate manner. Rohhie Smith stated he had received a complaint ahout contractors starting work before the 7 a.m. starting time which is what the ordinance all ws. Bret Weiss noted that although the ordinance doesn't allow contractors to start work befor 7 a.m. there is nothing to prevent them from congregating at the site prior to 7 a.m. Mr. autza stated it was not the starting time that was an issue but that the vehicles were improperly p rking and the Sheriff's Department was not enforcing the parking regulations. Since the incident as in the past and the street repairs had been completed, Mayor Thielen asked what Mr. autza was looking for from the City. Mr. Kautza stated he felt that all construction activities s ould be signed, that parking regulations should be enf<Jrced equally and that he should receive n apology from the Sherdl's Department. Bruce Thielen directed City Administrator, Rick olfsteller to work on this matter and report back at the next meeting. John Kautza also brought m ntioned that there was a pothole on School Boulevard that should be repaired. Public Works Direc or, John Simola will check into this. Lee Fick ofCrostini's Grille came hefore th Council concerning parking on Locust Street. I Ie noted with the street reconstruction project oing on, Locust Street is torn up and patrons are not certain if parking is allowed on Locust Stree. Since there is limited parking in this area this impacts his restaurant business. John Simola stated that it is the intent to keep the roads open as much as possible so that negative impact to the busin ss is kept to a minimum. There will be signs posted when the roads are actually closed but if not ing is posted, the street is available for parking. Lee Fick asked il'there couldn't he some kil d of signage indicating that. John Simola will check what can be done. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of resolutions providi g for the sale of general obI igation improvements bonds. Series 2003 and current refu ding of$14,700,000 Clean Water Revolving Fund Loan. Recommendation: Adopt re olution providing for sale of general obligation improvelncnt bonds and for refundil g of $14,700,000 Clean Water Revolving fund Loan. Resolution No. 2003-52 and No.2 03-53. B. Consideration to review R-l A, R-l, R-2 and R-2 A setback standards for the purpose of clarification of the rcgulations - Ap licant: Monticello Planning Commission. Recommendation: Approve Ordin, nee Amendment No. 2003-395 clarifying setbacks standards for R-1A, R-l, R-2 and R 2A districts. Ord. Amd. #395 c. Approval of purchase of Total Regi ter Systems Inc. upgrade for liquor store cash register and inventory system. Recommend tion: Approve the purchase of Total Register Systems, Inc. upgrade for the liquor store at an estimated cost of $13.000.00. 2- . . . Council Minutes - 7/28/03 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE HE CONSENT AGENDA Wfl'l-I THE ADDITION Of ITEM #1 0, AWARD OF T E CONTRACT, PUMPHOUSE #5, PROJECT NO. 2003-4C, ITEM #11, AMENDMENT 'l() SIGN ORDINANCE RELATING TO MONUMENT AND PYLON SIGNS IN RE ATION TO HEIGHT AND SQUARE fOOTAGE AND ITEM #13, CALLING fCU. A PUBLIC I-IEARING ON THE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMr~NTS fROM WASHINGTON STREET TO DAYTON STREET. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. M(),[ rON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the 'onsent a enda for discussion. None. 7. tion ado tin ro osed assessment roll for bills and certification 0 assessment roll to Count Auditor. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller provid d the background for this item noting that the public hearing is to certify the delinquent utility ae ounts for the first quarter of2003. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. 0 one spoke f()r or against the proposed assessment. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hem-in '. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO ADOPT T E ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARGES AS PRESENTED. R GER CARLSON SECONDL':!) THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANTMOUSL Y. R solution #2003-51. 8. Public Hearin J - Consideration to ado t. resolution amendin J the A reement for Loan of Small Cities Economic Develo ment Pro ram Fund between TCDC and the Cit . Economic Development Director, Ollie Kor pchak provided infi..mnation on this agenda item. She indicated there are two proposed amendmen s to the agreement; one is to extend the compliance date from 7/26/03 to 7/26/04 and to reduce tle number of full-time jobs created from 85 jobs to 42 jobs. A state grant in the amount of $500,0 0 was received and as a condition of the grant, 51 % of the jobs created must be filled by people hose household income meet the 2003 Section 8 Income Levels. The reasons provided 1'01' requesting the amendment on the number of jobs created was because of the poor overall cco omic conditions and the use of robotics in the field. These conditions mean less positions are av ilable but the positions are higher technical skill level positions. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. . -here was no one present to speak for or against the proposed amendment. Mayor Thielen then losed the public hearing. " L . . . Council Minutes - 7/28/03 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A R SOLUTION AMENDING THE BUSINESS SUBSIDY AGREEMENT WITHIN TI-IE AGREEMENT FOR LOAN OF SMALL CITIES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 'UND BETWEEN TCDC AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO EXTENDING THE COMPL ANCE DATE FROM JULY 26, 2003 TO JULY 26,2004 AND MODIFYING THE CREAn N OF NEW FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT JOBS ON THE DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY FR M 85 TO 42 NEW FULL TIME EQlJIV ALENT JOBS; FORTY-TWO (42) OF THE NEW JO S MUST' PA Y A WAGE OF AT LEAST $12.25 PER HOUR EXCLUSIVE OF BENEFITS; T LEAST TWENTY -TWO (22) OF THE NEW JOBS MUST BE FILLED BY PEOPLE WH ,AT THE TIME OF HIRING, RESIDE IN HOUSEHOLDS OF "LOW TO MODERAT INCOME" AS DEFINED BY FEDERAL SECTION g GlJIDELINES AND SUBSEQl ENT MODIFICATIONS AS DEEMED NECESSARY BY KENNEDY & GRAVEN ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM( USL Y. Resolution No. 2003-54 9. Review of si ns erected downtown on ub ie sidewalk. Building Official, Fred Patch, explained that he downtown businesses, after the CSAH 75 project have erected temporary sandwich board type signs. This is an enforcement issue f()r the City since these signs are not allowed by ordinance and the City thus far has been lenient in their enforcement of this. There is concern about liability in I aving these signs placed on public sidewalks. In addition the City is receiving requests from ether areas, away from CSAI-I 75 to allow this type of sign. Fred Patch was asking Council directi n on the matter of the sandwich board type signs. The Council discussed the options which include enforcing the current ordinance that would require the removal of all signs from the sidewalks; or' end the ordinance to allow this type of sign as long as they do not interfere with pedestrian traffic ( r establish a policy relating to this type of signage. Fred Patch stated two years ago the City am nded their sign ordinance to allow projecting signs and that this would be an alternative to the sand ich board type signs. Brian Stumpf felt that many of the downtown businesses are barely making it and because of that cost should be a consideration in whatever action the Council takes. While I e is not opposed to the sandwich board signs, he did feel the number should be limited. lIe also felt that any action on the sandwich board type signs should be reviewed at the Planning Commi. sion level. Susie Wojchouski of the Chamber of Com erce stated that there are a number ofthe sandwich board type signs outside on a daily basis. S e felt that because of the difficult economic times, the impact of road construction and the speed a which traffic moves through the downtown area, this type of sign is necessary. The shop owner stated their business increased when the signs were out. Susie Wojchouski pointed out that this typ of sign attracts the eye. She suggested temporarily allowing the signs on a one year basis with - size restriction and have the City monitor it Robbie Smith suggested allowing them only durin the summer months and restrict their location on the sidewalk so as not to interfere with public se of the sidewalks. Jeff O'Neill stated that these signs arc effective now because there are a limite number of them. If there is a proliferation of this type L Council Minutes - 7/28/03 . of sign, thcy will lose their effectiveness. Sus e W oj chou ski suggested limiting the number of signs on a block would curtail that problem. Bruce -n ielen brought up a business that was placing merchandise out on the sidewalk. Glen Pos sta felt that since the sidewalks were not heavily used by pedestrian traffic, the City should be more lenient in what they allowed the businesses to do. BRIAN STUMPf MOVED TO DIRECT STFF TO PREPARE AN AMENDMl~NT TO THE ZONING/SIGN ORDINANCE TO BE CON.'IDERED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL TO ALLOW SAND ICH BOARD TYPE TEMPORARY SIGNS THAT DO NOT INTERfERE WITH PEDE. TRIAN TRAFFiC ON PUBLIC SIDEWALKS DOWNTOWN INCI JJDING ISSUES SUel AS SIZE RESTRICTION, NUMBER OF SIGNS AND LOCATION Of SIGNS. RO BlE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of review of bids and awar of contract -Pum house # 5 Cit Pro' ect No. 2003-4C. Approved with the consent agenda with the ecommendation to award the contract to Magney Construction Inc. for the construction of pu p, motor, well house and site construction for Well #5 based on their low bid of $292,500.00. Approved with the consent agenda with the ecommendation to approve the amendment to the sign ordinance based on a finding that large shop ing center areas require separate options for sign communications. . 11. 12. Consideration of under round electrical onversion ro. ect - Broadwa . City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, stated that this had been discussed a number of times by the Council. The City conducted an inf(wmatio lalmeeting on June 30th and set up a 30 day public comment period to get citizen input on the. roposal to convert the overhead lights on Broadway to underground. The 30 day period is ending and the decision needs to be made whether to proceed or not. Rick Wolfsteller noted that sidewalk work originally included in the CSAH 75 project had been removed and put in the Core Street PI' )ject to allow the City time to consider the conversion project. Since the Core Street Project wil1l'kely be finishing up this year, a decision will have to be made on the sidewalk. . Rick Wolfsteller reviewed the franchise op ions that were presented at the informational meeting. Bruce Thielen had the impression from the informational meeting that the focus was to only do the conversion on Broadway. Roger Carlson, tated he is not in favor of the project because of the lack 5 z_ . . . Council Minutes - 7/n/03 of public support fiJr this improvement. With the hard economic times and the construction dilemmas the town has faced over the years, e couldn't support this project. Brian Stumpf indicated he could not support the project be ause ofthc cost and because there would still be poles remaining on Broadway. Robbie Smith felt he project would make Broadway look good but without the public support he was not in fav r of it at this time. Glen Posusta reiterated the lack of support by the public for this improvement. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED NOT TO PROCEED WITH TI IE UNDERGROUND CONVERSION AT TillS TIME. ROBBIE 'MITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSL Y. 13. Consideration of callin for a ublic hear n on the sidewalk im rovements from Washington Street to Oavton Street. Included with the consent agenda with the r commendation to call for a public hearing on August 11, 2003. 14. Consideration of authorization to obtain uotes for Briar Oakes Pond. City Engineer, Bret Weiss, reviewed the opt ons outlined in his repoti covering the restoration ofthe Briar Oakes Pond and noted a number of residents from the area were present for the meeting. He noted that the Briar Oakes pond area is the t rst pond area they are looking at to make some itnprovements and stated that typically the ity would ask the developer to make the improvements prior to acceptance. In this case since the d vcloper is no longer in business, that option is not available. A neighborhood meeting was h ld earlier to review the three options listed in the report. Option 1 would be a total re-grade and resto ation of the pond at an estimated cost of $97,983. Option 2 would re-grade the northern portio of the pond at an estimated cost of $66,693 and Option 3 would be site specific repairs to th pond with an estimated cost of $16,895. While the volume of the pond is adequate, the propose work is to address the issues of erosion and vegetation. The engineer noted in areas the ond slope docs not meet the 4: I requirement. In addition there arc areas where adequate veg tation is not established which contributes to erosion concerns. Bret Weiss noted the property owners on th south side want to pursue filling the area in and if so he felt the Council should provide surveying to make sure the fill was at an acceptable level. If the City does not do the area to the south, he felt the propeliy owners should have the option to do it themselves but with the area staked by the .ity. Glen Posusta asked if the reason for the project was aesthetics. Brel Weiss stated it was an rosion concern and getting vegetation established so the pond could be maintained. Glen Posus a asked why this is the City's responsibility? Because it is a drainage easement, the property owner is expected to maintain the easement area. Bret Weiss stated that the north side is a concern becmt e of the slope which is a safety issue. L Council Minutes - 7/28/03 . Tim Suchy, speaking for the residents present, stated main concern is safety especially where the pond does not meet the 4: I slope requirements. Bret Weiss stated the funds to do this work would come from the stormwater trunk funds. Paul Candace Thielen indicated they preferred Option 1. Robbie Smith asked about a property owner w 10 has water in his backyard and whether the changes to the pond would alleviate his probl m. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO OBTAIN Q( OTES FOR OPTION #3 WI nCB WOULD ONLY ADDRESS AREAS WHERE SPECIFIC PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED AND PERFORM REPAIRS. MOTION DIED F R A LACK Of A SECOND. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROV, OPTION #2 WHICH WOULD REGRADE THE NORTH PORTION OF TI IE POND BRIAN 'TUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 15. Consideration of payment of bills for Julv. ROBBIE SMITI I MOVED TO APPROVE P YMENT OF THE BILLS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MO'rION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: . Rod and Gun Club _ Bruce Thielen indicated that h had received complaints from residents in the area about the hours of operation and also what appeared to automatic weapon firing. It was felt the Rod and Gun Club should he made aware of these complainL and asked to monitor their members activity. Sodding on Broadway _ Brian Stumpf felt that sodd ng work on Broadway was poorly done. Bret Weiss indicated he will have the project inspector check it )ut. Pavers at Crosswalk on Walnut Street - Rick Wolf teller had gotten two quotes to replace the exposed aggregate area with paver block. One estimate was lW $1,350 at each location and the second estimate was for $800 at each location. Bruce Thielen aske if there was any interest in proceeding with this work. Brian Stumpf stated that hecause this was not in ori inal plan for the area he didn't see any reason the City should proceed with it. Bret Weiss felt the City mi )"ht be better off using the funds for landscaping or for the electronic reader board sign. BRIAN STUMP MOVED NOT TO AUTHORIZE A CHANGE ORDER ON THE WALNUT STREET PROJECT TO COVER THE fNSTALLATION OF PAVERS FOR THE FOUR SIDEWALK PANELS. ROBBIE SMU'\-l SECONDI':D THE MOTION. OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Public Works Director, John Simola, reported that eel Energy did agree to lower the concrete base on one . pole. This would necessitate city stalT remuving th' paver brick around it. L . . . Council Minutes - 7/28/03 MnDOT Meeting _ Bret Weiss reported that they hav been in contact with MnDOT regarding the signal timing. Chuck Rickeli from their olIice will be me ting with them on July 29th. MnDOT agrees that there are some timing issues out there relating to previous onstruction on TH 25 and CSAll 75. The City would like to see this corrected before Labor Day. Brian St mpfwould like an update on Mr. Rickert's meeting with MnDOT. Update on Core Street Project - Bret Weiss stated th t there are three utility crews working on the project now and it is anticipated that within the next week 0 so paving and shaping on some of the streets should begin. Robbie Smith stated he appreciated receiving the flyer on the Core Street Project and felt it was a good communication too\. 16. Adiourn ROBBIE SMlTIT MOVED TO ADJOURN T 8:35 P.M. ROGER CARl ,SON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTTON CARRIED UNA IMOlJSLY. -,..-._.-"-_."..,-"""'-"'.._"~_..._.,~- Recording Secretary L . . . SA. Council Agenda - 8/11/03 DNR Local Trails Connection rant uirements for CSAH 18 Pathwa 1m. rovemcnts. A. REFERENCF: AND BACKGROIJND: Earlier this year the Parks Department sub itted an application for a grant to the Department of Natural Resources for the purpose of eomp eting a trail segment along CSAH 18 that would connect the Wildwood Ridge/Rolling Woo s developments with the rest of the City's trail system. The City has been informed that based on tle initial review, the Department of Natural Resources has awarded the City a grant of 20,000 to be used for the CSAH 18 trai I segment. There is a certain amount of paperwork th' t must be processed prior to a contract being signed by the City and DNR on the grant. One of the steps is to submit a resolution of the City Council which acknowledges award of thc grant to thc City and the City's commitmcnt to match the grant funds. In the 2003 budget $30,000 had been set aside for these pathway improvements. In addition the City is agre' ing that the trail segment constructed with the aid of the grant will be maintained by the City 1'0 a period of not less than 20 years. 'fhe grant is good through December 31, 2 04. It is the intent of the Parks Department to start the project this year doing the segment oft ail from the Spirit Hills Development to Wildwood Ridge Development. Because the Spirit H lis Development is just beginning development, the segment from Spirit Hills connecting to th existing trail system will be done next year. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution acknowledging ward of the grant monies and committing the City to match the funds and to maintain the facility for a period of not less than 20 years. 2. Do not adopt the resolution. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Park StalT has puti n a good amount of wo k in preparing the grant application that was submitted and is pleased to have received grant of $20,000 from the DNR. The City's matching funds would eome from the pathway dedication fund and have been budgeted for in 2003. The CSAH 18 segment of trail wot Idlink the residential developments along CSAH 18 to the rest of the City's trail system. The arks Department recommends the Council approving the resolution on the grant award. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution . . . CITY OF MON ICELLO RESOLIJTION 0.2003-57 ACCEPTING GRA T AMOtJNT CSAH 181> ATHW A Y ,ONSTIUJCTION WHERb"AS, The City of Monticello applied to the innesota Department of Natural Resources, Local Trail Connections Grant Program for grant assistanc for the construction of a trail along CSAH 18 to connect the Wildwood and Rolling Woods develop ent to the existing city trail system; and WHbllE"AS, The City of Monticello has been notifi d by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources that they have received a grant award for he above project in the amount of $20,000; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOL v: D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO: That 1. The City of Monticello accepts the grant fro the Department of Natural Resources in the amount of $20,000 for partial funding of the project ith the City of Monticello matching, from local funds, the grant amount of $20,000. 2. 'rhe fiscal agent for the City of Monticello -D r the grant funds is: Rick Woll'steller City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 ., -, . The City of Monticello upon completion the trail construction will continue to mai ntain the trail constructed as part of this project for a period of not less than twenty years. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 11th d' y of August, 2003. A TrEST: -..-..-.,.-..-,-..--.....-.-..-..---.".- Bruce Thielen, Mayor ~-"",-,~,-,,-,'-'-"....-------'-'-"-"-"'- Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator SA . . . Council Agenda - 8111/03 5B. Review of six month Ii uor store financial re ort. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The six month liquor store financial report c mparing the first six months of 2002 with the 11rst six months of 2003 is enclosed for the Council' review. Overall, staff is happy with the results to date, and it is evident that the liquor store ex ansion project seems to be paying off in terms of increased sales growth and resulting operatil g profits. To briel1y summarize, total sales for the first six months increased 8.6% or $120,160 over the same period last year. Gross profit was also up ov l' $66,000 or a 20% increase over last year. The result was a net income of$162,985, $37,00 more than the same time period last year. With the expanded store, the City is able to iTer a larger variety of products. This is reflected in the number of products sold this year compared to last year which is over 5,000 items higher. We are hopeful that the balance of the year continue' the same trend that is occurring the during the first six months and we should see total annual sales again exceed over $3,000,000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept six month financial report as presented. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admin'strator and Liquor Store Manager that the six month financial report be accepted as presented. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of six month report. . . . MONTICELLO MUNICIPA LIQUOR BALANCE SHEE June 30, 2003 Current Assets: Cash Change Fund Investments Accounts Receivable AIR . NSF Checks Inventory Prepaid Insurance TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS Fixed Assets: Land & Parking Lot Buildings Furniture & Equipment less: Accumulated Depreciation TOTAL FIXED ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS Liabilities: Accounts Payable Due to EDA Fund Sales Tax Payable Salaries Payable Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave Other Accrued Expenses Deferred Revenues TOTAL LIABILITIES RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE 237,445.22 2,800.00 429,047.89 958.81 561,417.46 (1,599.08) 1,229,570.30 101,002.08 823,640.73 189,820.58 (355,694.36) 758,769.03 1,988,339.33 92,908.09 3,749.21 24,402.20 51,896.00 3,575.38 1,110.00 178,569.88 1,809,769.45 1,988,339.33 r~ , ~"','~:~ . MONTICEllO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR GROSS PROFIT BY PRODUCT COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2002 AND 2003 YEAR-TO~DA E YEAR- TO.DA TE AMOUNT AMOUNT Liquor Sales 369. 089 411,522 Discounts Cost of Sales 260 904 264,322 GROSS PROFIT. LIQUOR 108. 185 29.31% 147,200 35.7 Beer Sales 869 375 909,741 Cost of Sales 665 621 692,908 GROSS PROFIT - BEER 203 754 23.44% 216,832 23.8 Wine Sales 114 269 145,757 Cost of Sales 97 736 122,646 GROSS PROFIT - WINE 16 532 14.47% 23,111 15.8 Mise Sales 42 792 35,304 Cost of Sales 38 204 25,982 . GROSS PROFIT - MISC TAX 4588 10.72% 9,322 26.4 Mise Non-taxable Sales 2011 15,371 Cost of Sales 36 10,262 GROSS PROFIT - MiSe NON TAX 1 976 98.26% 5,109 332 TOTAL SALES 1,397, 536 1,517,696 TOTAL COST OF SALES 1,062, 501 1,116.120 TOTAL FREIGHT COST 5,845 6,156 TOTAL GROSS PROFIT 329 ,190 23.56% 395,419 26.0 . . . . MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVENUE AND EXPENSES. YTD COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 2002 AND 2003 SALES Liquor Beer Wine Other Merchandise Misc Non-Taxable Sales Discounts TOTAL SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD YEAR- TO- lATE AMOU~ T 3 9,089 8 9,375 1 4,269 2,792 2,011 1,3g7,536 (1,m 8,346) ~29,190 GROSS PROFIT GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXP Personal Services: Salaries PERA FICA Insurance Unemployment Benefits Severance Pay TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES Suoolies: Office Supplies General Operating Suppl Other Supplies TOTAL SUPPLIES Other Services & Charaes: Professional Services Maintenance Agreements Communication Travel-Conference-Schoo Advertising Insurance & Tax Utilities Maintenance, Equipment Maintenance, Building Maintenance, Other Depreciation--Acquired Misc Svc & Chgs TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHGS TOTAL GENERAL & ADMIN EXP 17,658 6,008 8,919 10,799 316 295 43,996 372 7,766 455 8,593 804 1,670 1,622 244 9,128 6,118 8,915 940 1,789 6,911 12,667 50,808 203,397 23.56% 10.30% 0.61% 3.64% 14.55% YEAR- TO-DATE AMOUNT 411,522 909,741 145.757 35,304 15,371 1,517,696 (1,122,276) 395,419 115,711 6,108 8,687 9,709 2,535 142,997 1,473 8,592 2,657 12,722 1 ,459 2,075 323 2,994 5,842 7,240 7,317 4,670 516 31,348 15,275 79,057 234,775 26.0~ 9.4: 0.8. 5.2 15.4' ( ) -) :' . TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 125 , 93 9.00% 160,644 10.5. Other Income CExoense): Interest Income Cash Long/Short ( 95) 177 Sale of Property 500 Misc Income 3 2,165 TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) 106 0.01% 2,341 0.1 ~ NET INCOME (EXPENSE) 125 901 9.01% 162,965 10.7. Transfers In/Out ADJUSTED NET INCOME (EXPENSE) 125 901 9.01% 162,965 10.7. . . , \~... . . . Council Agenda - 08/11/2003 5C. Consideration offinal a mcntto Mark . Traut Wells Inc. for construction of Well #5 City Project #2003-04C. Part A. (.I .S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mark./. Traut Wells, Inc. has completed the construct on and test pumping of our new Well #5 located at the 4th Street Park. The well is expected to give us ap roximately 2,000 gallons per minute of drinking water once the pump house and pump construction re completed. The cost ofthe construction oflhe construction of the well was $53,875.00. The eontr- ctor has been paid to date $27,678.25, leaving a halanee due the contractor of$26, 196.75. This is the amount requested for fi nal payment and includes retainage. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The iirst alternative is to make final payment to Mark 1. Traut Wells, Inc. for the construction of Well #5 in the amount of$26, 196.75 continge t upon delivering the final required paperwork such as lien waivers, etc. 2. The second alternative would be not to ma e final payment to Mark J. 'I'raut Wells, Inc. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, PL blic Works Director, Water Superintendent and the Project Engineer that the City Council authorize final paymentto made to Mark 1. Traut Wells, Inc. in the amount of $26, 196.75 as outlined in alternative # I contingent upon receipt of final documentation. D. SUPPORTING nATA: Copy offinal payment requests and release ofreta'nage request. MARK J TRAUT . APPLICATION FOR PAY ENT - No.2 FINAL Job Number: 306225 Eng Project No: Location: MONTICELLO City Project No: Contractor: Mark J Traut Wells, Inc Contract Date: 141 28th Ave South Waite Park, MN 56387 Contract Amount: 48615.00 Contract For Application Date 06/27/2003 Application Amount: 23503.00 For Period Ending 06/28/2003 . 1 Original Contract Amount 48615.00 2 Change Order Addition 2897.50 3 Change Order Deletion 4 Revised Contract Amount 51512.50 5 Value Completed to Date 53875.00 6 Material on Hand 7 Amount Earned 53875.00 8 Less 5 % Retainage 2693.75 9 Subtotal 51181.25 10 Less Amount Paid Previously 27678.25 11 Amount Due This Request 23503.00 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 q 0 q 0 q q 0 t.O 0 0 0 t.O 0 0 I.() C\I I.() 0 I.() r-- 0 "<t CO? N r-- V r-- I.() N 0 N CO N ..... 0 c:i I.C! I.() I.C! 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APPLICATION FOR PAY ENT - N1rJ.l FINt\L Br6ect \0 ~f'IllilC.t"J- \A..o~. ~ oxr i'Wal~' Job Number: Eng Project No: City Project No: Location: MONTICELLO Contractor: Mark J Traut Wells, Ine 141 28th Ave South Waite Park, MN 56387 Contract Date: Contract Amount: 48615.00 Contract For Application Date For Period Ending 06/27/2003 06/28/2003 Application Amount: 2693.75 . 1 Original Contract Amount 48615.00 2 Change Order Addition 2897.50 3 Change Order Deletion 4 Revised Contract Amount 51512.50 5 Value Completed to Date 53875.00 6 Material on Hand 7 Amount Earned 53875.00 8 Less 5 % Retainage 9 Subtotal 53875.00 10 Less Amount Paid Previously 51181.25 11 Amount Due This Request 2693.75 . i iJtl:.,~.1 ~,;'...~it...~lj~.~..,...;....i. ....,,~l..,~.......~.....'.:.;,;~'.'t...........'.'...i......:'.....~l.~.'..l.,........;.....'..,.~~.~.\.'l,...,~......,;....'...........;;..:..;'..:.'.. 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LJ..l t:: 0:: LU ~ ~ CL(/) Nt- "-0:: ~o ,....0.. l-...J ...J...J SU: CO...J ::2LJ..l o~ ~o:: ~ ::J~ ,.... () ~ ...J ~ ~ ~ ~ :2: ~ ~ :2: ~ z CL cJ z ii: 0 UJ 5: ~ ~ o 0:: i L.L. ..... =It: 0::: LU o 0::: o LU (!) Z 4: :J: () N (") "<t L() <D li:i ::> CJ') .:.i ~ e (/) LJ..l CL 1i: LJ..l :E ii: t- oil o Z ~ ...J ...J <t: l- en ~ o l- 0:: o ~ ...J . . . 5D. Council Agenda - 8/11/03 Consideration of scttin bud et worksho . (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to set a date for a orkshop session to review the first draft of the 2004 city budget. City staff is currently in the pro 'ess of preparing their budgets and department requests are to be submitted to me by August 12th so t at a first draft copy of the budget can be compi led in the next week or two. As in past years, the City Council must adop a preliminary budget and tax levy by September 15th, and it is assumed that the Council may want 0 meet in one or two workshops prior to that date. It is anticipated that our levy limit for next yea will be approximately $120,000 less than the $6,700,00 levy we had in 2003. Even as th community continues grow and we will be facing additional costs for services and programs, e will be working with less revenue from the tax levy standpoint than in the past. In order to allow sufficient time for preparat on of the preliminary budget, I am suggesting that the Council hold a special workshop session pri )r to the August 25lh Council meeting to review the first draft. It is suggested the session begin at 5 .m. to allow sufIicient time to review the first draft. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council could set a special mee ing for 5 p.m. on August 25th to review the budget. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admin'strator that the budget workshop be held prior to the second council meeting in August. This sh uld allow sufficient time to review the preliminary budget and also to hold additional workshops if ne essary prior to September 15th. . . . 5E. Council Agenda - 8/11/03 Consideration of ado tin a resolution a rovin Monticello Heartland Ex ress 2004 Budget and Transit Assistance application. (CS) A. Rli:FERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to review the proposed Monticello Hemiland Express Budget for 2004 and adopt a resolution for City participation in th program. The City currently uses Hoglund Transportaton as their transit provider and expects to renew the contract with them for the coming year at an 'ncrease of no more than 4%. The total cost to operate the J {eartland Express in 2004 is projected at $73,385. Proposed costs include transportation service at $67,000; fu 1 at $4200; and administrative expenses at $2185. We expect to fund the system through a combin tion of sources including fare box revenue at $10,600 and the remainder reimbursed through state' nd federal grants and tax replacement aid through the state. The state replacement aid replaces the money that the City would normally levy for their portion to operate the Heartland Express bus. It should be noted that City staff is looking' t alternatives to managing the Heartland Express service as a standalone system. The administrative etails have increased over the years and it is becoming difficult to handle all of the requirements th t come down from the state and federal government. We are looking into the possibility ofmergi g with the Wright-Sherburne River Rider system which serves various cities in these two counties s ch as Buffalo, Elk River, Big Lake and Becker. We will be meeting with the Joint Powers Board tha manages the River Rider system to look into combining with them beginning in 2005. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt resolution approvin the Heartland Express 2004 Budget and Transit Plan. This option would provide a project d budget of $73,385 to operate the Monticello Heartland Express for 2004. 2. Motion to deny approval of the Hea tland Express 2004 Budget and Transit Plan. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Alternative #1 is recommended. The Heart and Express bus is providing a useful service to the residents of the community and should be continued. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution; budget spreadsheet. . . . CITY OF MO TICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2003-58 ADOPTION OF MONTICELL ) HEARTLAND EXPRESS 2004 BUDGET AND TR NSIT APPLICATION Resolved that the City of Monticello enter in 0 an Agreement with the State of Minnesota to provide puhlie transportation service in the city Ii mit of the City of Monticello. Further resolved that the City of Monticello' grees to provide a local share of the total operati ng cost and 20(10 of the total capital costs. Further resolved that the City of Monticello uthorizes the Mayor and the City Administrator to execute the aforementioned Agreement and any amendment thereto. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 11 Ih day of August, 2003. ATTEST: -"_.,'_.,-,-"~._"._-,._.,._.,_.~ Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator CERTIFICA TION _.,.__.~,--~~'_.__."--".- Bruce Thielen, Mayor I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a tru and correct copy of the resolution presented to and adopted by the Monticello City Council at a duly au horized meeting thereof held on the 1 ] lh day of August, 2003 as shown by the minutes of said meeting in m possession. -".,._"_.,,_.-,,-,,,-_._,,~~'- Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk Sf Z ..-t ,j Q.. ...l .0 Z ~ z t: . . -.- ~ '" u "'" o o M .... '" '" ;;.. ~ .... o ,..... ""' OS! '" Q.. ~ i ~ ..:a:: o o .Q "'" ,0 ~ c '" Q:; ';; "" c '" = L<: 00 .Q '" f- ... ""' J; ~ l.. o ::: '" j o o -= ,~ o ~ ,; = ..s Q.. "~ '-' = '" = L<: 00 -= '" f- .,. o o .... ~ ... 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"OJ c '" c ii: 00 .r:; '" f- .,. <0 <0 '" ~ ii: rJ1 U ..... f-< rJ1 ..... f-< < f-< rJ1 ~ ~ f-< rJ1 >< rJ1 --- ''Q), ~ ,g ?J 'f"~) ~ '...... o:::l +-< 0:-. 04-",0 ~ ~: ~ ~"":'~ .~ ~ '::,~, 5 "~ o ;.>- '0-;: >- V"i ;S 6 lr.~" ,t: b "~ ~. ~: ':'~ ";; .. '" E f" 12: ',:.;5 .t 8' ,~ -5 :5 ~ c... ..tP.. <( 41..u s"~' S! :2 :!; In lr') In l.t),:-,ln f""l M:,::'f"-.,l N'M = <0 on "" '"" Z - .J \.l;., O~I;q~~ f- Iii J: X W . . . Council Agenda - 08/11/2003 7. Public Hearin for consideration of install a ion of sidewalk on the north side ofBroadwa between Washin ton Street and Da ton 'treet. (.I.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This section of sidewalk was originally considered to b done with the first phase ofCSAH 75 which went from Washington Street east. The hospital district at t 1at time, however, did not want to put sidewalk in and, consequently, this section of sidewalk as well ast ehospital's was deleted from the project. Wenow have sidewalk from Dayton Street through the hospit I area to the crosswalk at the signal. With the core city 75 project we will complete sidewalk all the way rom Washington Street down to Chestnut Street. 'rhe only block missing is this block between WashinrtonandDayton. There are three property owners fronting on East Broadway bet ween Washington and ayton. The front f()otages from Washington east are 132', 132' and 66'. The sidewalk is expected to g very close to the power poles in the western half of this block and will more further away from the cur on the eastem halfofthe block. This is primarily to stay on the right of way and avoid trees. The estima ed cost ofthe sidewalk project including overhead and legal is $7,281.25. Notice of the project cost was 'entto the three property owners along Broadway affected by this sidewalk. If the property was assessed the full estimated cost oft e project based upon 330 assessable feet, the cost would be $22.06 per f()ot. The council in the past, h wever, has used the existing sidewalk policy for residential property where the sidewalk is considere to be part of a grid and only assessed 25%, which in this case would be $5.52 per foot. This is not the as essment part ofthe project so the council docs not have to give the assessment and could base the ass ssment on the same as the rest of the residential property on the portion between Chestnut and Wa 'hington.~ B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1 . The tlrst alternative is to hold the public hearin , take public comment, close the public hearing, and order the sidewalk improvement. 2. The second alternative would be to open th public hearing, take comments, close the public hearing and decide not to install the sidew lk and, therefore, not order the project. c. STAFF R['~COMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Public Works Director that the City Council strongly consider altemative # 1 and order this projec . This would give us thoroughfares for pedestrians on both sides of our busy highway. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of estimated construction costs and map showi ~ Qn~ j ~(; iv ~r /\ ~' location of sidewalk and properties affected. EAST BROADWAY PROPOSED SIDEWALK (North Side from Washington St eet to Ramsey Street) COST ESTIMJ,TE AUGUST 2013 . $7,281.25 DIVIDED BY 330 ASSESSIBlE FEET = . 22.06' X 25% (ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT) = . 22.06 FEET $ 5.52 PER FOOT BROADWAY -SIDEWAL K-COST -EST -2003.xls ~, .,\\ .~'.' _._~~\ ',II . " __- \ \ \ \ \ ; ~S::~~::, ..- J::.:I, 'b' \.1'\. I'\'.I'\'~ n.. - f -- ,. \.:,,:.,.1 .":~,. \,IUU U ,__"'--"'-Yl' 0 \~ \ 'i' "\ tf'J...-I'0 \ ~l .....'1? , \ 0 0. . 'f I ~ ~} J \ \ '\ ~ ~ \ \ \5.t) \ \. \ N . ,~ '\ . 1" \ \. \ \ \ \ ::,,', \. . \; , '..' '\ .~.. \ ',' \ \il,\' : \ \'- \ .' \ 1 ~,. \', \, 1 \ ' ': ~,l I \\ 1 \,~ ~ , \;\ \ , . ' ~ .' .' \i .- ~ '%' \- SIDEWALK. NOR1H SIDE EAST BROADWA \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \, \ \ ........., , , I -t ---"'~" ." '.~' ..,~. ,.... "....~......;. '. i '. " -".- . ,_""",.",-C""""-:':'-"'~" . 01\ '(fON SlREEi ....""~~ ":"':.,,.,,,.- ",I.:,. , ".," , ---'';';''~ -' .... " "'i..---. . ,'- '. .~ .~"<\:"" r.,'~~ '" ) t:, <..... ' ~: ...., J.' :",,,,,0' ,- ;" '..~ \ I \ I \ , ' ,1 \ , \ r"" 1 . \ . , , {, , ~ 'I^-""" ' -'" , , " \:'J?,\., '; ,,' "J'I~\ ..,;./ ;.0....,..' ",.. ,~ _i~~.,":; ./ " f;, ~'~ ' I "",,",j ,.,' n I.M , ' J "J'"I''''' . . ,..,- ~ ~\. ':. ~. ,..w. "'''r-' .," ~ .. . . ~ l A:;; .,t I: '). \ i I it ~ . . . Council Agenda - 08/11/2003 8. Review of bids and consideration of awar of contract for River Street Sanita Re lacement behind the Monticello Bi V ke Communi Hos ital Ci tOe. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At a previous city council meeting the Monticello City 'ouncil approved plans and specifications for the replacement ofthe River Street tmnk sanitary sewer fro the western edge of the hospital property at River Street to a point behi nd the Monticello Clinic. This port on onhe River Street Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project was accelerated several years due to the rec nt expansion of the hospital and parking areas. The project involves replacing the previously describe 12" and] 5" clay tnmk sewerlinewith an ]8" rvc sanitary sewer pipe. This invol ves the replacement of lpproX imatcly 650' of pipe. During the project it will be necessary to bypass pump around this 650' sec ion to al low the constmction workers to complete the replacement. The base hid is using conventional te hnology of digging and replacing. An altemate bid was also requested using an internal one piece 18" hig density polyethylene sewer pipe welded into one continuous length and pulled through the existing lay pipe by the pipe bursting method of construction. Bids were received at 10:00 a.m. Thursday, August 7,2003, at the Monticello City Hall. A total ofthree bids were received. They ranged from a high of$l 2,985.2 to a low 01'$97,377.00. The lowest bid received was from Northdale Construction of Roger ,Minnesota based upon their alternate bid in the amount 01'$97,377 .00. This bid did not include mobiization of$ 14,000 as per Northdale Construction. In addition, the alternate bid did not include a truck ccess for future maintenance. A copy ofthe bid tabulation is enclosed with the agenda item. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to award the pI' ject to the lowest bidder, Northdalc Construction, based upon their alternate bid of $97,377. 0 plus $14,000 mobilization. 2. The second alternative would be to award to T. L. Contracting, Inc. based upon their base bid of $115,581.40. 3. The third alternative would be not to awar the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Administrator, P blic Works Director ,md City Engineer that the City Council award the project to G. 10. Contracting, Inc. )fMedina, Minnesota based upon their base bid of $ 115,581.40 as outlined in alternative #2. This is the lowest complete bid for conventional construction. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of hid tabulation; letter fi:om engineer . . CITY PROJECT #2002-13C RIVER STREET SANITARY SEWER CONTRACTOR G. L. CONTRACTING, INC. NORTHDALE CONSTRUCTION . CITY OF MON'1r'ICELLO TABULATION OF BIDS BID BOND R ~CEIVED YES NO x x PROJECT2002- 3C-BID-TAB.xls BID DATE: BID TIME: TOTAL BASE BID $ 115581.40 AUG. 7, 2003 10:00 A.M. BID ALTERNATE NONE $ 152,985.24 $ 97,377.00 WSB & ASSOCIATES I AUG-08-2003 11:52 ',','" &. .:,WSB wodt.ltu. ~. :'~:~ . ~J1~ ',:,: ,,;:~,:,i.' : ~ {~~:t~, " ',~I"'" '.' .':';,~.'J '.!~';:-i . . :':,. . .::' ::"':"" ::,~', . i! ~~ ~ ':"':'.' rr:,:i'1""C " ~ I' : ;_:. ';t.~~' .~. ..:I" ",:".: :'::. .','1. 'I.:.~ j~:, .- ;" " , .;. , 415Q ()'~;: ' Me~~;~{~J~hWay J~kSUite 300~;t~::::~; '''''!\i.~'''''''''''' ;~h< ' ',~;:": .i~~"'l . "I';'" '" '~ :~llnneSo~': ,::~ ii~'.,; 5f~~,,4~.i1~: .,: ':I :J:.::", ' ~" ~'1..,1::'" !:', 76!'5~~~:'" , /" 763'5.!lJ~:~~~~ i,' August 8, 2003 , Honorable Mayor and City Council , City of Monticello 50S Walnut Street. Suite 1 Monticello. MN 55362 Re: River Street Sanitary Sewer ReplacemeDl (From Vacated Elm Street to Vacated Oak City of Monticello ProjeaNo. 2003-lOC WSB Project No, 1338-12 Dear Mayor and City Council Meznbers: 7632877170 P,02/02 Appurtenant Work tteet) Bids were received for the above referenced projec on Thursday August 7, 2003, and were opened and read aloud, A total of 2 bids were received. The bi were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated, Please find the enclosed bid tabulation. dicating the low bidder as G .L. Contracting. Inc,. MecfiDa, Minnesota in the: amount of5115,581.4O WSB & Associates, Inc., as well as the City, bas experience working with GL. Contracting on other projects similar to this one. 1'bey are quaWie and capable of performing the work required in the contract. Therefore, it is the recommendation ofW B & Associates that the contract be awarded to G.L Contractin& in the amoUnt ofSl15,581.40, If you have any questions or COIlCeInS regarding . letter, please feel free to contact me at (763) 287- 7193. Sincerely, !/'/;!1t~ Kevin B, Kawlewsld, P,E. Senior Project Maoager John Simola, City of Monticello Bret Weiss, WSB &: Associates cc: kk/lh MinnNllOli~ . St. '6 !olJd . EClLlill OppOrtunity Em,*.,,,,7/YU3S&IZWfl/j1r/S ~ kJmo.tJM. TOTAL P,02 PROJECT: River Street Sanitary Sewer Replacement and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2003-10C LOCATION: Monticello, MN WSB PROJECT NO(S).: 1338~12 Bids Opened: Thursday, August 7, 2003, 10:00 a.m. Contractor Addendum No.1 Rec'd. Total Base Bid Total Alternate Bid 1 G. L. Contracting, Inc. 2 Northdale Construction Co., Inc. x X X X $115,581.40 $152,985.24 $0.00 $97,377.00 . Engineer's Opinion of Cost $91,294.50 $54,975.00 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulati n of the bids as received on August 7, 2003. ;/ $- f Kevin B. K wle ski, P.E. DENOTES CORRECTED FIGURE . F:\WPWIM1338-12\ExceIl1338-12 Sid Tabullltlon ~ u .~ 0 T"" l!:! ch 0 ~ 0 C\l .Q ci "- 0 Z ~ '0 Q) <.) e -5 a.. 12 .9 ~ Qi ui ,9 13 0.: 1: ~ 0 :i: :::i: <::: i '0 III ,fa ~ i:3 .fa ~ == C\l ~ c:i 00 <::: 'S gs ~ Q) ~ :.:: ci L.: Z .s Q) '0 Q) Q) l!:! c: '0' Q) 'OJ a: .&:: c: W "0 c: III 5i E ~ c.. ~ E ~ <Ii Q) 8 (f) z ~ ~ 0 :l1!~ T"" fa 0 ~ 1ii (f)~ Qi (") ,9 0 4)C 1: 0 C\l Q) <tl 0 r-.: .... c: :::i: Ci5.@ '0 in ffi :J :J > :J 0:< U < iP C i::j, E .~ c: <tl U '2 Z 8 -g "0 '2' Iii a. lI.I !5 ~ ~ I ~ 0 ~t ifi ~~ j' Cl c.I .5 d l..l ~ 'll ::0 ii .. Ii d ~ z " t; "<:l :s i iii z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g 1 ..... lil ~ ~ ~ ~ :5 ~ ~ ~ :il :q 1il 8 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ a on lit CD ~ ~. 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" w R ~ ~ ~ a; <0 ~ f::: Sf Q) ri oli ~ ~ ~ ~ ... 0 lil 8 '" a a; ~ ~ ~ ~ a a ~ Ii Ii a 0 ... 8 8 8 d g g .... a ~ ~ l!! ~ ~ ~ ~ "l. ! 't ... 8 ~ 8 ~ g ~ ;;; ~ ~ ti: ~ :r ~ ~ z ~ ;::; j :: 1 <Il II: II: i III C it <Il g ~ C III :r Q. ~ C :r c iii ~ 1 ~ III C ~ ~ !C iD Z . II: III < ~ ~ z ffi '" ~ gj ~ !:; '" c( 2 ~ l!! '" ~ ~ si ... ... ~ ~ 18 ... \! .... ... l1! 2 J; ~ 't '" ... ... c iii c S iii II: W ~ ! ..J ~ :! 2 l? ~ ..!l! ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ a ~ ~ ~ N '0 N 1 . . . City Council Agenda - August 11,2003 9. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On August 5, 2003 the Planning Commissi - n moved to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat, subject to the applicable onditions listed in Exhibit Z, and moved to recommend approval of commercial plann d unit development allowing a multi-unit retail use in the B-3 district, subject to the pplicable conditions listed in Exhibit Z, based on the finding that the use is appropriate fo the zoning district and the proposed site. Pylon signs for the project were discussed. Hrendsel expressed concerns regarding the discrepancy between allowable sign height and area on School Boulevard and State Highway 25. Maximum pylon sign size 0 School Boulevard is 150 square feet and maximum pylon sign height is 26 feet. On State Highway 25, the maximum pylon sign size is 51 square feet (based on linear lot fr ntage along Hwy 25) and maximum pylon sign height is 22 feet. The Planning Coml ission expressed reservations against allowing any variation from the established sign ord nances and told Brendsel that ifhe should so desire, the pylon sign issues should be con idered at a later date and by separate action. Mr. Brendsel is applying for preliminary plat approval of Lot 1, and Lot 2 of Hloek 1, Monticello Marketplace 2nd Addition. The roperty, located at the corner of Highway 25 and School Boulevard, is zoned B-3, lIigh ay Business District, and is guided for commercial use in the Comprehensive PIa . The request includes consideration of concept and development stage PlJD alIa ing a restaurant and a retail/tire store, as well as cross easement and joint parking agree ents between not only the two proposed lots, but the car wash and corner store to the SOl th, which is Monticello Marketplace 1 sl Addition. The retail use is allowed in the B-3 district as a commercial planned unit developmcnt and the restaurant use is allowed with a co ditional use permit. The applicant will submit an application for a conditional use permit or the restaurant portion of the site at the time a restaurant user is secured and dctailed pI ns can be submitted. The following analysis pays particular attention to the site as a wh Ie and the interaction between the separate uses. Preliminary Plat The approximately 2.83 . cre site is currently Outlot A of Monticcllo Marketplace 1 st Addition. Thc applicant is proposing to subdivide Outlot A into two parcels. Lot 1, Block 1 is to be 1.6 acres il area and Lot 2, Block 1 is to be 1.2 acres in area. The B-3 district does not have a min'mum lot area requirement. 'l'he district docs have a minimum lot width requirement of 00 feet, which both lots exceed. Land Use: The applicant is proposing an 11,058 square foot retail building, attached to a 5,977 square foot tire store on Lot 1, Bloc 1. Lot 2, Block 1 is proposed to consist of a . City Coune i I Agenda - August 11, 2003 4,4 71 square foot drive-in restaurant. As p Tviously stated, both uses are allowed in the B-3 district, the drive-in restaurant as a CUP and the retail use as a commercial planned unit development. Commercial Planned Unit Development: he proposed multi-tenant retail and tire store is allowed in the B-3 district through the planned unit development process. The purpose of a pun is to promote innovation in desi n in hopes of creating a higher standard of development. It is the planning eommissi n's discretion to determine if the submitted building design is suHicient to be deemed higher standard of building. The applicant has informed staff that rock faced block, b ick and stucco will be used, although the building design may change. Parking: The zoning ordinance sets speci c parking requirements for each use as follows: Use RequireJ!l nt Required Retail Min. 10 sp' ees I per 85 employee ( n maximum shifiJmillll s~acking)" .,- Restaurant I per 80 ki chen 108 .1 per 40 re" taurant(dining - H- . Carwash ,1Y1 in. 10 sr' ees 10 - Deli I per 80 ki chen 22 ] per 40 re taurant/dining .~,.,.,. (avg. I p~r 60) Convenient Store ,.,~. per 200 15 ,.,- " TOT L REQYIRED:" 240 TOT L PROVIDED: 245 The above table includes the Carwash/CoJ venienee Store/Deli in its caleulation, as all three buildings on the Monticello Marketp ace will be have ajoint parking and access agreement. The site as a whole exceeds th required 240 parking stalls. All stalls appear to meet the dimension requirements and st ff is comfcxtable with the overall circulation pattern of the site. Landscaping: The zoning ordinance sets ut specific requirements for landscaping in Section 3-2l G]. For commercial use, the (rdinance requires 1 overstory tree per 50 lineal feet of site perimeter. The overstory trees leed to be 2.5 inches in diameter (Deciduous) or at least 6 feet in height (Coniferous). T le total perimeter of the Monticello Marketplace, including the car wash, is 1, 53 lineal feet. The required amount of overs tory trees for the site is 31. The appl cant has provided 29 overstory trees, two short of the required amount. Staff is generally omtc)ftable with the overall landscape design with the requirement that the two deficien overstory trees be added to the plan along either School Boulevard or Highway 25. . Signage: The landscape plan shows a pyl n sign located on the carwash site at the School Boulevard and llighway 25 interse 'lion, a pylon sign along the Highway 25 side 2 . City Council Agenda - August 11,2003 of the retail building, and a monument sign along the Highway 25 side of the restaurant. The applicant informed the City via a letter hat the signage on both the restaurant and the retail building will be backlit with individu I letters and some company logos incorporated into the signs. The monument will be a maximum of 50 square feet and the pylon sign is proposed to be a maximum of 25 feet in height and 150 square feet in area. The applicant will need to submit a detaile signage plan for all signage on the site, showing material and dimensions. The app icant should be aware that the maximum height of pylon signs abutting Highway 25 s 22 feet. The allowed square footage of the signs along 25 is based on the following eq ation; (3.03 feet of pylon sign area is allowed per every 10 feet oflineal frontage). As Sl ch, the proposed pylon sign for the retail site is not to exceed a maximum of 51 square f, et in area. The monument sign is not to exceed 50 square feet in area. Trash Enclosure and Snow Removal The I cations of the trash enclosures have been defined on the site. The trash enclosurcs a e to be constructcd of the same material as those to be used for the principal structures The applicant should submit a description as to the methods and location of removing a d storing snow. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Preliminary Plat . 1. Motion to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approvc Preliminary Plat, subject to the applicable onditions listed in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the Preliminary Pia, based on findings (as determined by Council). 3, Motion to table action on the Preli inary Plat, subject to additional infl1fmation (as determined by Council). Decision 2: Commercial Planned Uni Development allowing a multi unit retail use in the B-3 district. 1. Motion to accept the recommendat on of the Planning Commission to approve the commercial planned unit development all wing a multi-unit retail use in the B-3 district, subject to the applicable conditions listed 'n Exhibit Z, based on the finding that the use is appropriatc for the zoning district and the roposed site. 7 Motion to dcny the conditional use permit for the commercial planned unit development (based on the findings as det rmined by Council), . 3, Motion to table action on the cond tional use permit for the commercial planned unit development (subject to additional in ormation as determined by Council). 3 . ST AFF RECOMMENDATIONS City Council ^genda - August 11,2003 Staff recommends approval of the Prel imin ry Plat for the Monticello Marketplace Second Addition and the proposed commer -ial planned unit development. The site is zoned appropriately for the proposed uses. The plans submitted, with adherence to the conditions listed in Exhihit Z, comply with the City's requirements outlined in the zoning ordinance. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Applicant's letter of request Exhibit B - Site Location Map Exhibit C - Site Plan Exhibit D --- Landscape Plan Exhibit E - Building Elevation Plan Exhibit Z - Conditions of Approval . . 4 . . . City Council Agenda - August 11,2003 Exhibit Z: Preliminary Plat, Conditio at Use Permit, and Planned Unit Development Conditions of Approval- onticello Marketplace Second Addition 1. A revised landscape plan, providing an add tional 2 overstory trees along either the Highway 25 or School Boulevard site perin eters should be submitted and approved by the City Staff prior to submittal of the final plat. 2. Landscaping of the parcel per revised lands 'ape plan prior to issuance of a building permit or via a landscape bond. 3. A lighting plan meeting the requirements o "the zoning ordinance, Section 3-2lH], is submitted and approved by City Staff prior to Pinal Plat. 4. An in depth signage plan, showing constru tion material and dimensions for all signage within the site, meeting the requirements 0 Section 3-9 of the Zoning Ordinance, is to be submitted and reviewed by City Staff, prio to Final Plat approval. 5. Pinal building elevations and layout plans re to be submitted to City stalf prior to final approval. 6. All impervious surface is to be curbed wit continuous curb not less than si~ inches high above the parking lot or driveway grade as required by City Code. 7. The grading, drainage, and utility plans are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 8. Recommendation of other City Staft~ inclu ing the City Engineer. EXHIBIT Z 5 . . . BRENDSEL PROPERTIES, INC. COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE July 15, 2003 Jeff O'Neill, Asst. City Administrator CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Request to Plat 2nd Phase of Monticello Marketpl Dear Jeff, This letter is meant to further describe our request for PUD and Plat Approval on the 2nd Phase of the land parcel at the northeast corner of School Blvd. and H .25. The building design submitted is meant to be a ge eral design, with some flexibility on just how the exterior materials will be used in the [mal design and construction drawings. Rock faced block, brick and stucco will be used. Since we have not secured a restaurant for the site as yet, that building design would conform to the same material requirements when that restaurant is secur The lighting has not yet been selected, but it is our i tention to compliment any street lighting selected by the City. Signage on both buildings would be backlit, individ I letters, with some company logos incorporated into individual signs. The monument sign at the restaur nt would be a maximum of 50 sq. ft. The Pylon Sign at the Strip Center we request be allowed at a maxi urn of 25 ft. height and a maximum of 150 sq. ft. of double-faced signage. A design for the pylon is in th works. ---- 14860 Fillmore Ave. N.W. Clearwater, MN 55320 320/558-2167 Phone 320/558-2157 Fax qA ! I Oi "'V 0 ~~~ ~~i Q)$! ,,0 (.;) I . :" ,~- . . \ ...... -l~__---'.~_~_ --". I ' - .-- I ' ! ~ I . I I I I I I j . "" "" ~ DUNDAS Ro Integrate, Recyclio( I Pipeline ~ DUNDAS ROAD t.. 3' :l > "" ~c , ,I I \ .- 0 j - ~l ' ! 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