City Council Agenda Packet 07-14-2003 Special
Monday, .July 1 ,2003 - 5 p.m.
Bruee Thielen
Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glcn Posus a, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf
1. Call thc special meeting to order.
2. CSAH 18/194 lntcrchange Agenda
3. Adjollrn.
Agenda - Counc 1 Workshop
CSAH 18/I94 Interchange
July 14, 003
Welcome and Introductions - Mayor l'hielen
1. Review Status of Plan Development - Briefeview of Project Scope. Bret Weiss
2. Review Commercial Development Plans in :onccpt - Ken Streeter
3. Discuss Plan Developmcnt Process- Technical and Public Input Process
. Establish Technical Committee com rised of staffrepresentatives from jurisdictions
affected by the project. The group c( uld include but not limited to the following:
City Engineer, City Planner Public orks Supt, County E':ngineer, MNDOT
Establish a Policy Committee compr sed of major stake holders. Council is asked to
review the following list of potential representatives and consider adding or
subtracting. This group would be in olved in development of the funding program
and will provide policy guidance on oad alignments and design. It will also be
responsible for obtaining feedback fr m the community at large. The group could
include - Two City Council, One Pia ning Commission, Two neighborhood
representatives, Two city staJT (Engil eer & planning), Two developer representatives
(Streeter, Weinand). Total of 9?
4. Review Preliminary Cost Analysis
Bret Weiss will be providing a summary of rojected expenses to give Council perspective
on the scope of the project (s). The number are very preliminary and could change as the
project moves through the design phase.
Review Potential Options for Project Fundi
Jeff and Rick will be reviewing various fun ing sources available. At the meeting a
spreadsheet will be available identifying a e mhination of sourccs that could be used to fund
the project. Please note that the discussion s ould be construed as very preliminary and
subject to review via the proposed policy co mittee. Options for funding that are on the
table include:
. Assessments
. Area Charges
. Tax abatement
. General Fund
. County
. Special Taxing District
. Trunk Funding
. Other
61/17/1994 63:21
FIX &om Scott Walters
Importmt Pleuc forwud to Mr. Pal O'Donnell
July 14, 2003
Dear Pit I would lib you to rad the followins at t e Monday "iSMS muting.
Dear Council Members.,
J would like.o beg.!1J by .hanking you for .he oppu nity to address you:
My name is Scott Walters. I grew up in MomiCClII Minnesota and lived in the area until early 1989, I am
curmnly Ilvins in Duarte, CA. Since I moved to aJifomia, I have traveled back to Monticello to visit
family, fi"itnds., have hunted in the fall, and on busin 85. On an averase 1 go back to Minnesota once a
I CUrrently OWn .40-acre parcel of land south of the roposed Carlisle Villaae Development. Land which
my fimily has owned 'i.oce elfly 1962. Wben 1 firs heard about tl1e proposed development to the north of
nty property J welcomed the idea, seeing what has n goina on with residential development in Ihe area
the lut flve or sUr years, witb the pOS8ibility of city I mits bordering my property, the value of my property
would ;1JCreI1O IUbltlntiaJ'y.
What I didn't know at the time, was that the Proposed Carlisle Village Development includes t l1 acres of
my property IOUth of a ~still8 bared wire fence line. A fence line that my family and myself have
understood as the boundary line between my property nd rhe property to tbe nonh, I want the CounciJ
members to understand that I do own the property s h of the fence line, property my family has
owned since J 962. 1 object to the Annex:ation of the
tor the following teUOos, M]) and -03' impon.ntl 11/0 the 1 ~ .tre, soutb or the r'nte Jioe. #2)'
believe that the Clfliale Village Development does not meet the requirement established by the city tor the
land use in that area whi~h I believe is R- 1 A. Ifl am onS please cancel me for the record, #3) A de.
~t oltblr density will have a negAtive impact 0 the wildlife habitat that 1 have established Oil my
property. J Isk the council to deny the Annexation oft e Hermes propenyl Farr Development and suspend
all Carli.le Viii... Development plans thlt involve the I ~ acres soutb of the fence line. Proptrty which
Thank you
Siocerely &oft Walter,
July 14, 2003
Mr. Jeff O'Neill
Deputy Administrator/Community Develop ent Director
City of Monticello
505 Walnut Street, Suite 1
Monticello,MN 55362
Re: CSAH 18 Interchange
City of Monticello Project No. 2000- 3C
WSB Project No. 1488-02
Dear Jeff,
On Tuesday, July 1, we met to discuss issues necessary to progress the project to construct
a new interchange at the intersection ofI-94 nd CSAH 18. In subsequent conversations
with Tony Heppelmann of WSB, on success I previous projects, I have found that the
most successful model is to have two (2) adv sory committees.
The first of these is a Technical Advisory Co . ttee (T AC). The T AC membership
should consist of representatives from:
1) City Administrator or representative
2) Wright County Engineer L1~, '/ I
3) Mn/DOT
2 ~~=
The T AC duties and responsibilities would b to consider alternatives prepared by WSB.
The TAC would review technical design alte atives, funding proposals, and project
schedule issues. The TAC would advise deci ion makers on preferred alternatives for this
The second is a Policy Advisory Committee ( AC). The PAC membe. rship should conSist)
of: ( LrJer.-. ~ S
Monticello City May.or/council @ lM..lJ"'foI.;11~ ~j u. .
Cit~ Administrator or reRresentative (;'> rf111'- .' d
Wnght County Board R.' tfr ~ ;1 ~ 1M 4 tlf... .( tf1,4.o./ t C - S"d~
Citizen Representative (l1rwr J,.J revf,.t( -- rJ..y . ( _ Jq
BusinesslDeveloper Interest('~I~...J - it;~L.. b~ (""
MnlDOT t ~~t _ I( -..J ()
1) fe. - ~ \7c ~.;~I _-f/L)r-fMrr -= j
Minneapolis. St. Cloud. Equal Oppor:iHAAy ~f^~ M~2\0714~O.",,: I
fI'tilC- U 6-- AH~ _ f'-/
Mr. Jeff O'Neill
July 14, 2003
Page 2
The PAC duties and responsibilities would be to discuss the pros and cons of the various
alternatives, as well as, the social, economic d environmental issues associated with
these alternatives. The information develope will be used by decision makers in selecting
a preferred alternative.
If this pUl1l is approved, I would recommend t at we extend invitations for membership on
these advisory committees and establish a sch dule for their meetings. Please advise on
how you wish to proceed in this matter.
WSBA Associates, Inc.
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Vice President - Special Projects
Rick Wolfsteller, Monticello City Admi istrator
Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, Inc.
CSAH 18 In erchange
City of Monticello Pro'ect No. 2000-13C
WSB Project 0.1488-02
July 14, 2003
Potential Constru tion Activities
I -94/CSAH 18 Interchange................................ ................................................. $9,300,000
_ Includes all four ramps and four lanes 0 the new bridge
7th Street and N/S Street...................................................................................... $1,700,000
SE Interceptor Sanitary Sewer .J~.~~.~... ......f~~\................. Not Calculated
South Frontage Road...(!.).:.9...'..+t.f..~.I..... f.(~."!....~.J!?:..d!1:...~f.~. Not Calculated
Storm Water Ponding ....................................... ............................................ Not Calculated
Right-of -Way.............................................................................................. .. Not Calculated
- 18 acres + concrete plant (north side)
- 11.5 acres (south side)
- Includes ponding area
Public Utility Lowering Across 1-94............... ............................................. Not Calculated
_ Subject to Mn/DOT Cost Share Agree ent
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F:\WPWIM1488.0'M71403-PolI!Jltial Cml.ftructiorl Acl;\'ili~3.ikx.:
City of Monticello Wor hop on July 14, 2003
CSAH181I94 Interchan e development area
Commercial Developmen Presentation Outline
I. Introduction to Principals of the C mmercial Development Project
II. Review of the Commercial Develo ment plan
A. 425,000 sq.ft. of retail devel pment
. Home Improvemen site: 95,000 s.f.
. Softlines commerci I: 106,000 s.f. inc. expansion
. General Merchand se and Grocery: 174,000 s.f.
. 3 OutIots @ 50,000 s.f.
B. 47.7 acres of land at the CS H18 & 194 interchange area
III. Site Plan discussion
A. Topographical features of t e site plan
B. Highway interchange coord nation
C. Site access
D. Infrastructure features to s pport the development plan
IV. Commercial Project Schedule
A. Concept Plan and Proform preparation stage
. Complete by 8-31- 3
. Need to dovetail wi h City Financing plans
B. Formal Development appro al
. Complete by 4-30- 4
C. Closing on Property in Ma '04
D. Initiation of Construction
. Summer of 2004
E. Grand Opening of General erchandising and Grocery
. October 2005