City Council Agenda Packet 12-13-2004 Special
Monday, December 13 2004 - 6:00 p.m.
Mississippi Room - 5 5 Walnut Street
MEMBERS: Mayor Bruce Thielen and Council members Roger Carlson. Brian Stumpf, Robbie
Smith. and Glcn Posusta.
Mayor-elect Clint Herbst and Counc'l-elcct Wayne Mayer and Tom Perrault.
PURPOSE OF WORKSHOP: To inform Council fthe proposed Prefcrred Measures and
Prcferred Land Price as it relates to the marketing 0 Otter Creek Business Campus and to inform
Council of the proposed Transformation Home 1,0' n Program.
1. Review f()r comments thc proposed Preferr d Mcasures and Preferred Land Price as
recommended by the HRA and IDe. It is i portant that thc Council support and undcrstand
the standards e::.iablished for Otter Creek.
2. Review for comments the proposed Transfi rmation Home Loan Program as recommended by
thc HRA. It is important that the Council s Ipport and understand the HRA' s ncwly developed
Home Transformation Loan Program prior 0 implementation.