City Council Agenda Packet 12-13-2004 . Mayor: AGENO REGULAR MEETING - MONTIC LLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, llcccmbcr 13,2004 - 7 p.m. WORKSHOP MEE ING - 6 P.M. y-- Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen posusta, R )bbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A. B. 3. Approve minutes of November 22, 2004 regul r Council meeting. Approve minutes of November 22,2004 Wor shop Meeting. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. /w1 fo.I !.ttlJ....// '1;( ro Ar~ bt j,v.. So S 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and cot plaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. .~t ~ e ./ A~~ /~ Cft' f F D-a D-b \ tJ'" /7\ ~o"" 0 H. . Consideration of adoption of final lev and budget for 2005. Consideration of authorizing preparat on of feasibility report for School Boulevard from Deegan Avenue to the proposed Insignia Development. Consideration of revised scope of20 5 Core Street Project No. 2005-01 C and setting a public hearing date for proposed imp ovement. D-c Consideration of authorizing feasibil ty studies for trunk storm sewer and utility improvements serving the proposed Edden Forest and Sunset Ridge Developments. Consideration of authorizing prepar tion of an EA W for Sunset Ridge and Hidden Forest Developments. Authorize the continuation of the C unty Ditch 33 study for outlet improvements needed for Monticello development. E. Consideration of fund transfers for 004. F. Consideration of approving Change Order No.1 for Trinity Lutheran Church Improvements, Project No. 2004-3 C. Review of bids for third party trans t services for lleartland Express. Consideration of review of bids on Fire Department Truck. 1. Consideration of authorizing prepa ation of EA W for Insignia Development. .. . Agenda Monticello City Council December 13,2004 Page 2 J. Consideration of calling tlJr a public caring for vacation of 3' of Wright Street right of way from East River Street to the Mi sissippi due to home encroachment. K. Consideration of acceptance of work and authorizing final payment on River Street Sanitary Sewer, Project No. 2003-10 :. L. Consideration of approving 2005 liq or providers for MCC. M. Consideration of Negative Declarati n of impact on EA W for Ryan Companies Development. N. Consideration of City maintaining p blic streets and utilities for the Sunset Ponds I sl Addition Development, Project No. 003-ISP. O. Consideration of accepting public st eets and utilities for the Hillside Farms 1st Addition Development, Project No. 003-12P. P. Consideration of city maintaining pL blic streets and utilities for the Carlisle Village Development, Project No. 2004-16P Q. Consideration of accepting public st eets and utilities f(Jf the Featherstone Development, Project No. 2()(B-03 - R. Consideration of city maintaining p blic streets and utilities for the Prairie Ponds Development, Project No. 2004-14 . S. Consideration of city maintaining pL blic utilities for the Parkside at Meadow Oak 2nd Addition development, Project No. 003-08P. ~Q. Rv W Consideration of a request to vacate and purchase a portion of unused West ]Ill Street - Barry Fluth. -I-: / ~(;nSide:~ Oft~~ rt:ve~ ir~ t~e~ ns:t ~lnda for discussYon' -H' f () . 6. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of appeal 0 the Planning Commission denial of a variance to thc30' rear yard setback ll.Jr attached four Ul it town home complex in an R-I District. Consideration of accepting feasibility repor tor the CSAIl18/l-94 Interchange and setting public hearing on the feasibility report and ayout; authorize land acquisition negotiation and condemnation and authorize preparation of plans and specifications fl.)!' trunk sanitary sewer and authorize feasibility report for 71h Stree , Highland Way and South Frontage Road. Sub- Items A, 13, C, D, E,F 9. Consideration of employee salary adjustme 1t to reflect cost of living increase. . f ~ fd^'" . Agenda Monticello City Council December 13,2004 Page 3 @) Consideration of authorizing ^ V AR, utility st dies aud interchange analysis for Heritage Development (Silver Springs Golf Course) Su -Items A,B,C II. Consideration to approve a rezone of Otter Cr ek Business Campus (Outlot H, Outlot E. Outlot B and Lot 1, llIock 2 of Otter Creek C ossing trom A-O (Agricultural/Open Space) to ll-A (Light Industrial) Applicant: City of Mo ticello, Otter Creek LLC. 12. Consideration to authorize the City Attorney 0 prepare appropriate documents for Otter Creek Business Campus covenants. 13. Considerati on of a prel iminary plat and cond ti onal use permit for development stage planned unit development for 47.65 acre commercial retail development. Applicant: Ryan Companies. 14. Consideration of Alternate Site for New Waer Tower Location 15. Consideration of accepting feas i bi lity repo for the trunk sanitary sewer extension - SE lnterceptor/Bondhus segment and order pre aration of plans and specifications, project No. 2002-12C. 16. Consideration of settlement proposal from .MClT lnsurance 17. Consideration of approvi ng payment of bil s for December 18. Adjourn. .- . MINUT S REGULAR MEETING - MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Novembe 22,2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen posusta, obbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledee of AlIel!iance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. Consideration of a Glen posusta stated that on the public hearin for the TH 25 signal he felt the geographic area that was being assessed for the signal should be r duced not the assessment amount and asked that the minutes be changed to reflect that. minutes of the November 8 2004 re ular Council meetin . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE 'HE MINlJTES OF THE NOVEMBER 8, 2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING WITH T E CHANGE NOTED. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRlED UNANIMOUSLY. . 3. Consideration of addin items to the a en a. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller added n update on the Kramer house. 4. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the citizens comments portion of the meeting. No one spoke under citizens comment. 5. Consent al!enda. A. Consideration of ratifying new hire and departures. Recommendation: Approve new hires and departures for the MCC a d Public Works as identified. 13. Consideration of accepting feasibil"ty report for 2005 Street Reconstruction Project and setting a public hearing date for De ember 13,2004. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution accepting the feasibility eport and setting a public hearing for December 13, 2004 at 7 p.m. for the 2005 Core S reet Reconstruction Project. c. Consideration of an appeal of Plan 1ing Commission's denial of variance to the 30 foot rear yard setback for an attached 4 unit townhome complex in an R-2 District. Recommendation: Continue publ c hearing on the appeal to December 13, 2004. . dl1 _ .J_n ._ ~,_, .n "'" ~_. -... __n.._. - "'..-- Council Minutes - 11/22/04 . Mayor Thielen noted at the workshop the Cor Street project was discussed and it was suggested to table action on accepting the feasibility rep rt and setting a public hearing until the December 13,2004 meeting. Brian Stumpf requested t at agenda item #10 be added to the consent agenda. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE' HE CONSENT AGENDA WITH AGENDA ITEM #10 ADDED TO THE CONSENT AGEND AND ITEM #5B TABLED. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED 'II-IE MOTION. MOTION CA RIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the None. 7. Consideration of anal sis of alternative si es within the Jefferson Commons lat for water tower location. . Public Works Director, John Simola stated the last Council meeting staff was directed to do a cost analysis for an alternative water tower site within the plat of Jefferson Commons. John Simola showed a sketch of the proposed to er location. The original tower site that was proposed was 300 feet south of the Groveland Additi n. At the last meeting sites #2 and #4 were discussed but because they were also adjacent to resid ntial properties they were not studied further. Site #3 was the site selected for further study. Site is locatcd in Outlot C north of the ponding area. Several site layouts were considered with t is option. Under Option #1 the tower would be approximately 60 fect from the right of way of School Boulevard. This would allow for a building and parking for 28 vehieles. Option #2 giv s more room for parking and access in and out of the building. Bret Weiss stated the original tower site w s 2.3 acres, Option #1 on site #3 was 2.12 acres and Option #2 on site #3 was 2.8 acres. A cost of $6/sq. ft. was used for the parcel cost for all sites. Land cost alone would make Option 2 high r in cost since it is the largest parcel. The cost to extend the watermain the full width of the ot would be approximately $24,000 but a good portion of this cost would be recovered upon de vel pment of the site. Other issues considered were the cost of a hared driveway with Muller Theatre which is estimated at $26,000 and is a cost that would not req ired if the original site was used. The total estimated costs for the original parcel was $672,228; for Option #1 $672,862; and for Option #2 $888,763. Bret Weiss stated the Council did not ask hem to study the parcel south ofthe power line. John Simola stated they did not have the mode ing done for the site adjacent to Kjellberg. . Robbie Smith asked about the altitude val e. Although it has not been determined if an altitude valve is needed, because the sites are hydr ulically the same it would make no difference. If it is dctermined to be needed in one site, it wo Id be needed at all the sites. John Simola stated that by waiting to see how the property develops, it will determine whether the City would utilize Option # 1 or #2 on site #3. lIe added if the Cit is considering a fire hall, then Option #2 would be a bettcr sitc. Brian Stumpf felt with the co lments made at the last meeting site #4 was not an option. 2 d\=\ . . . Council Minutes - 11/22/04 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE T E NEW LOCATION FOR THE WATER TOWER BASED UPON THE SITE ASSESSMENT/F ASIBILITY STUDY WHICH SHOWS OPTION #1 TO BE EQUIVALENT IN COST AND 0 ERA TION TO THE ORIGINAL SITE AND MR. MIKE MULLI..,:R TI IE ADJACENT PRO ERTY OWNER INDICA'rES TrlAT THE TOWER WOULD HAVE NO NEGATIVE I PACT ON HIS THEATER PROJECT AND THIS SITE IS SET BACK A REASONABLE DIST NCE FROM ALL EXISTING OR PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. ROBBIE SMI H SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTIN IN OPPOSITION. Glen Posusta noted his opposition was bccaus he felt site #4 was the best site for the water tower based on economic considerations. He noted hat the mobile home park is not a permanent entity. With property values going up it may not be fe sible to continue operation as a mobile home park. 8. City Planner, Steve Grittman provided backgn und information on the plat of Otter Creek Crossing noting the Planning Commission had recomm nded approval of the plat. At the Planning Commission meeting there was considerable dscussion on the extension of the right of way for future road access. The applicant has indicate they are not in favor of proceeding with the right of way dedication at this time. City staff feels it is reasonable to forego the dedication at this time. Staff was recommending approval ofth plan with certain conditions exclusive of the right of way dedication. These conditions include: ) Storm drainage easement across Outlot D; 2) Storm drainage casement across Outlot F; 3) F Iture replatting of the outlots; 4) A conditional use permit would need to be submitted for the dev lopment of Lot 1, Block 1; 5) The plat would be filed and the closing date for the 120 acres wo ld be set for December 7. Glen Posusta asked if the easement across Out ot F was part of the purchase agreement. Bret Weiss replied that casement across Outlot F as an existing temporary easement which the City had for some time but had not filed. Bret Wej. s stated that the easement document had been in place since 2000. John Chadwick, applicant, 'ndicated that they could work out the storm sewer casement but he is requesting that the right of ay easement be dealt with later. ROBBIE SMITI I MOVED TO APPROVE TI IE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF OTTER CREEK CROSSING BASED ON A IN DING THAT THE LAND USE PATTERN IS CONSISTENT WITI I TI IE en'y'S COMPRf< I IENSIVE PLAN AND THAT THE PLAT PROVIDES ADEQUATE EASEMENTS AN RIGHT OF WAY TO ENSURE PROPER PUBLIC SERVICES SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1) 'rHE APPLICANT ENTERS INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH T E CITY REGARDING THE RELOCATION OF THE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ACR SS OUTLOT D; 2) "rilE APPLICANT ENTERS INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY EGARDING NECESSARY REVISIONS TO THE EXISTING TEMPORARY STORM DRAINA .'E EASEMENT ACROSS OUTLOT F; 3) AS FUTURE USES BECOME APPARENT, THE OUTLOTS WILL NEED TO BE REPLATTED; 4) PRIOR TO DEVELOPMENT OF LOT 1, BOCK 1, A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION MUST HE SUHMITTED ACX)RDING Tn THE CITY'S STANDARD 3 (~~ . . . Council Minutes - 11/22/04 DEVELOPMENT PROCESS AND 5) TIlE P AI' BE FlljED AND '1') IE CL,OSING Of THE 120 ACRES TAKES PLACE BY DECEMBER 7, 2004. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED '1'1 [E MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMO JSL Y. 9. Consideration of selection of a letter of inte Commons plat. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller provided background information. Two letters of intent were received for the purchase 01'2.7 acres of City (wned land along TH 25. At the last meeting the Council directed staiT to do an analysis of the t 0 offers and report back to the Council. Since that time Cory Kingbay had indicated that he was ithdrawing his offer. However today he had submitted another letter indicating his renewec interest in the property. Mike Krutzig submitted a purchase agreement that covered all items as r quested by the City and included an earnest money check in the amount of $20,000. The City was again in the same position of having two offers to consider for the same parcel of land. Glen Posusta pointed out that in the Krutzig ot er he is requesting 24 months to complete a building which Glen Posusta felt was a big ch' nge from the original letter of intent. Mike Krutzig addressed the issue stating that although he do s have parties interested in the site, he does not have signed tenants. He felt it was realistic to allow 24 months for this project to be constructed. Glen Posusta said that if the City was going to ait two years to have a building up, they could wait two years to sell the land. Glen Posusta p inted out that the Kingbay letter of intent provided for construction within six months which woul put the property on the tax rolls much sooner. Fred Patch stated that Cory Kingbay did not su ply the information the City requested. Brian Stumpf asked about the provision for the City's approval of the architectural design which Fred Patch reviewed. Rick Wolfsteller noted hat the City was in the same situation as the last meeting with two oiTers but with the roles reve sed, Mike Krutzig said his goal is to start in the spr'ng and complete it in the fall. He noted he has some interested parties but has not worked out details with them. Although he believes work would be done before the 24 month time perio , he also felt this was a realistic time frame for construction and lining up tenants. Mike Krut ig stated he would close on the property within 180 days but construction could not begin until Ma so six months of the 24 months would already be used. Cory Kingbay spoke regarding his interest in t e property, He plans a 15,000 sq. ft. retail space and the possibility of a restaurant or commerci 1 use in the remaining area. He stated he has 3-4 tenants who are very interested in the property. Cory Kingbay indicated his intent was to begin construction within 6 months. Robbie Smith a 'ked about his change of mind in the property. Mr. Kingbay indicated that he had done a more tho ough study of the site and the restaurant was also doing a feasibility study on the site. Bruce Thi len asked ifhe would be changing his mind again. Mr. Kingbay indicated no. Glen Posusta telt the big issue was the tax base and the Kingbay oiTer would be putting a structure 4 d\-1 . Council Minutes - I J /22/04 in place first. Robbie Smith pointed out that r. Krutzig's intent was to start the project as Soon as he had tenants lined up which could be in I ss than 24 months he was requesting. Bruce Thielen expressed his concern that Mr. Kingbay did not submit his offer at the specifIed date as rcquested by the City. Mike Krutzig . tated that he had an interest in the propcrty tor some time and had been told that the City would no be marketing it until the appraisal was done. He was not notified when the appraisal was comp cted otherwise he would have submitted his offer then. When he was aware the City was eonsid ring otfers he submitted his letter of intent. Mike Krutzig stated that he has developed projects i the City so the City is aware of his track record. Glen Posusta asked Mike Krutzig ifhe had oc upants for his existing building. Mr. Krutzig responded that all but 3,000 sq. ft. has been Ie sed and it is a little difficult finding a tenant who needs exactly that squarc f()otage. Glen Posusta said a building in six months was a big consideration for him. Roger Carlson questioned whether the City was evaluating the same thing since one was a letter of intent and one was a purchase agreement. Robbie Smith felt t at the Krutzig proposal met all the conditions the City had requested and Mr. Krutzig has shown hat he had done in the City and for him that goes a long way. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO SELL THE 2.7 CRE PARCEL OWNED BY THE CITY, REFERRED TO AS OUTLOT C JEFFERSON COMMONS TO MICIIAEL KRUTZIG ACCORDING TO 'fHE TERMS OF THE PUR~HASE AGREEMENT PRESENTED MICHAEL KRUTZIG SUBJECT TO REVIEW OF THE P RCHASE AGREEMENT BY THE CITY A 1TORNEY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED 'HE MOTION. . Roger Carlson asked fix comment from the City Attorney. Tom Scott noted that Michael Krutzig had submitted a purchase agreement and earnest money subject to review by the City Attorney. The letter of intent submitted by Cory Kingbay cant there was interest in the property and this could be negotiated into a purchase agreement w ich would have to come back be10re the City Council. Tom Scott stated that the City Attorne 's review would not be looking at eeonOlnic terms but rather legal aspects so before the Co un iI's approve it they need to agree to the economic terms. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AMEND HIS M TION TO CIIANGE #8 FROM 24 MONTHS TO 12 MONTHS. Robbie Smith questioned th City's changing the terms of the purchase agreement. Tomm Scott said the City could acce t the purchase agreement with the amendment if Mike Krutzig was agreeable to the amendment. ike Krutzig indicated hc would be agreeable to J 8 months. Glen Posusta felt that since Mike Kn tzig changed the original agreement from 1 year to 2 years that means the agreement should be tak n offthe table. Tom Scott said the City could approve the purchase agreement with the change 'om 24 months to 18 months and subject to review by the City Attorney. ROBBIE SMITH AGREED TO THE AMENDE MOTION TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY MICHAEL KR JTZIG WITH TIlE CHANGE FROM 24 MONTHS TO 18 MONTHS FOR CONSTRUCTI)N TIME WITH THE DOCUMENTS 5 df.:\ . . . Council Minutes - 11/22/04 SUBJECT TO REVIEW 8Y THE CITY ATT RNEY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10 Approved as part of the consent agenda to dire .t the City Engineer to continue with engineering work supporting preparation of engineering da a necessary to keep the interchange project on schedule and to authorize the preparation of a easibility report on the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange. 11. Consideration of authorizin staff to investi ate viabilit of Swan River Montessori Charter School ro osal to urchase church build in and ro er . leffO'Neill provided background information n the relocation of the church building and the efforts to come up with financing for the chart r school. Isabelle Olson, Michell Twardy and Chris Cooper, representing the Swan River Montess ri Charter School were present to discuss fInancing issues with the Council. Prior to the diseussio of finance issues, Chris Cooper had a number of individuals speak in support of the locating the charter school in MonticeIlo. Michele Uecker, a Monticello resident, Katie Curtis from Rogers' nd Susan Strempke from Rice all spoke in support of the school. The charter school is proposing: 1) Sale of the ite and building to them for $200,000 or the actual appraisal price whichever is less on a contract t )r deed for 20 years at 6% interest. The contract for deed would be suhordinate to a bank fIrst mort age lien. 2) City funding of renovations by use of remaining Sunny Presh funds estimated at $10 ,000 with further renovations to be overseen by a contractor hired by the school; 3) City pre-payn ent of rent or usage fees in an amount of $400,000 less the remaining Sunny Fresh funds; 4) Lease use agreement of space in the Community Center for the school's physical education program an other related programs. Isabella Olson estimated this leasing of the Community Center space to un between $50,000-$63,000. leff O'Neill asked about the days and times the church facility would be available for use. Isahelle Olson indicated that they are only proposing to Itilize the church area as a lunchroom so the space would be available at all other times. It was no cd that the Community Center has a demand for meeting space during the days and that the Com mnity Center staff would handle scheduling for the church facility as well. lefrO'Neill asked about the maintenance of the facility. Isabelle Olson indicated they would be a shared use agreement. While she felt that utiliz tion of the space fiJr meetings would not generate a heavy cleaning demand, the scheduling of we dings and certain other events would and in those cases they would expect the Community Center to be responsible for cleaning. The Council discussed the risks for the City. Sl ould the school default on the contract for deed for the land and building, the building and land wo Id go to the bank who holds the ilrst mortgage. 6 d\1 Council Minutes - 11/22/04 . Isabelle Olson stated that building is constructe as a multiple use building and could be utilized for office space should the school fail. Their re enue is based on enrollment and their revenue comes from the state. Glen Posusta questioned why the principals involved did not provide their own funding. Isabelle Olson said as a non-profit corporation it would be a cont1ict of interest.. Brian Stumpf stated that one of his concerns w uld be the residents reaction to the City subsidizing a private school. He also indicate that he thought the initial proposal was set up where upon if the building ceases being used a a school, the land and building would revert back to the City. Brian Stumpf felt the financing p an needed to be analyzed further. Isabelle Olson said with the rents the school would be paying 0 the Community Center, the City would be getting ample revenue from the school over the next 2 years. Building Official, Fred Patch was asked for an explanation of how the funds from Sunny Fresh had been used. Fred Patch explained that the $200 000 grant from Sunny Fresh was for the moving and restoration of the church only. Fred Patch reviewed the expenditures to date noting expenditures had been approved by Sunny Fre, h and any unused funds when the project was completed would be turned over to Sunny Fre h. Fred Patch also reviewed some of the work remaining to be done and the estimated cost. len posusta asked why temporary heating had been installed. Fred Patch indicated it was done t keep the foundation warm so the backfilling could be done. . leffO'Neill stated that since they didn't get th's proposal until Thursday statfdidn't have an opportunity to do a detailed analysis of the pr posal and the City would like to have another two weeks to study this. Robbie Smith questioned how the charter school could say they were not in competition with the school district. Isabell Olson stated that Mike Benedetto of the school district said there would be some impact to th school district but he felt it was time for other systems to come into town. The charter schoo is a public school just like District 882. Isabelle Olson said if the school is located somewhere else the Monticello School District would be obligated to pay bussing costs which could be very costly for the school district. She also felt the charter school was bringing students back int the public schools that are currently enrolled in private schools or are in home schooling. Ro bie Smith questioned the appropriateness of the City funding a school. Isabelle Olson stated the charter school woul be maintaining the building and land for 20 years with no further funding cost to the City. She stated that the $200,000 given by Sunny fresh was not meant for the building but for the use by t e school. Glen posusta felt the establishment of the charter school was a worthwhile project and ould bring people to Monticello. lIe asked why the City would question the funding for this proj ct when they didn't question the City participating up to $5,000,000 in costs for an interchange roject that would benefit some FOIiune 500 compames. . Bruce Thielen stated when the charter school project was initiated it was suppose to be at little or no risk to the City but that has changed and t e City needs to evaluate the amount of risk. Isabelle Olson said time is of the essence and if the C uncil doesn't approve the project the school would have to move away from this project. Miche Ie Twardy stated that one of the points that was being 7 ;),\A . . Council Minutes - 11/22/04 missed is that for money being contributed b the City the City would be getting funds back. Glen Posusta felt that the Community Center cost the taxpayers money and the revenues from the school leasing community center space woull relieve Some of the burden the taxpayers pick up. Brian Stumpf felt that the property when it is no longer used as a school should come back to the City. Tome Scott noted that one option that as not been looked at is entering in a long term lease instead of a contract for deed. Although the 'ontract 1()r deed would be subordinate to the bank loan, there was discussion on whether the pre aid rent would also be subordinate to the bank loan. Tom Scott felt that it would take 4-6 weeks t get the deal together. Roger Carlson asked about the time trame of the school. Isabelle Olson said the Council would have to move tonight for them to proceed. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO GRANT PRfLIMINAR Y CONCEPT APPROVAL AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO WORK OUT DET ILS RELATING TO THE PROPOSAL WITH DOCUMENTATION RELATING TO THE P OPOSAL TO BE PLACED ON A FUTURE COUNCIL AGENDA. BRUCE THIELEN S CONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF AND ROBBIE SMI H VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Fred Patch asked for clarification from the COl lcil on using the remaining funds from the Sunny Fresh grant to continue with the work remainin 7. The consensus of the Council was to continue with the work remaining. 12. Steve Grittman reviewed the request for a condi ional use permit for 10 unit residential concept stage planned unit development for the area of 4 h Street and Palm Street. It was noted that the applicant is proposing to build in the right ofwa of the un constructed Palm Street. Steve Grittman showed a sketch of the proposed devel pment pointing out the casement along the south side of the property. According to the sketch th buildings would encroach into the easement. Currently the property is zoned PZM but the app icant would be requesting rezoning to R-2 at development stage. Glen Posusta questioned a comment in the staff r port that two story homes have higher value Because of the adjacent single 1-amily structures t e design was for a two story home with attached garages. Instead of a solid wall there would be u dulating roof lines. Brian Stumpf noted there were some concerns ab( ut drainage in the area. Steve Grittman stated they were brought up at the concept stage discussi H1 and would be resolved at the development stage review. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE TH < 10 UNIT TOWNHOUSE CONCEPT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR JEN-T R CONSTRUCTION BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE LAND USE AND SITE P AN APPEAR TO MEET THE INTENT OF THE CITY'S PUD ORDINANCE, WITl f THE C NDITION THAT DEVELOPMENT STAGE 8 'd~ . PUD PLANS PROVIDE ADDITIONAL LA DSCAPING CONSISTENT WITH THE COMMENTS IN THE AGENDA REPORT ND WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE HOUSING STYLE IS RE-DESIGNED TO ROVIDE FOR A MORE TRADITIONAL HOUSING STYLE RATHER THAN THE SPLIT-ENTRY CONCEPT SHOWN IN TI-IIS APPLlCA TION. TN ADDITION n IE APPLICANT NEEDS TO VERIFY ACCESS TO UTILITY LINES TIlA l' EXIST TO THE SO TH OF THE PROPERTY. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CA RIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Council Minutes - ] 1/22/04 Added Item: Rick Wollsteller updated the Council on the fire dam ge at the Kramer house and the insurance claim. He asked if the Council wanted to consider any kind ofp oposal or whether they wanted to pursue costs based on the coverage amount or on actual costs. 13. Approve payment of bills for November. Glen Posusta had questions on a number of bill' including the relocation costs. It was indicated that when the City acquired the Rask property t is covered the cost lor relocating tbe tenant on the property. It is a federal requirement. . GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE P A MENT OF THE IlILLS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TliE MOTION. MOTION CAR IED UNANIMOUS. 14. Adiourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT :55 P.M. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI OUSL Y. Recording Secretary 9 ;41; . MINUT S SPECIAL MEETING - MONTI ELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 22, 2004 -7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen posusta, R bbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Thielen called the special meeting to 0 der at 5 p.m. and declared a quorum preseut. 2. CSAH 18/1-94 Interchan2.e. Jclf O'Neill provided background informatio on what has transpired to date on the interchange project. The Council will he asked at the re ular meeting to reaffirm the previous work and to authorize a feasibility study. Previously the ouneil had ordered plans and specific~tions with the contingency that the developers of affected p operty provide waivers of assessment. The developers will not commit to signing a wai er unless they have a firm commitmcnt date trom the City as to when the interchange will be start d. The City docs, however have letters from Ryan Companies and Shawn Weinand outlining t eir level of commitment. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the project history nofng this project has been in the City's plan since the early 1990's. At that point they were looki g at developing two legs of the interchange. MnDOT indicated they would not approve anything nless there was a full access. With the submittal of the Ryan proposal the layout oflhe intereh 'ge was changed slightly. The City has received a concept stage plauned uuit development for the Ryan Companies development project. Bret Weiss discussed the scope of the work which includes the reconstruction ofCSAH 18 from Hart Boulevard to School Boulevard. This would be a four lane design with tum lanes and signals. There would also he some improv ments to the intersection of Chelsea Road. Chelsea Road would be re-constructed to Fallon A enue as au urban section. The project would include 7'" Street through the Ryan property. High and Way (formerly called the north-south street) would also be included in this project. Al 0 included would the south trontage road which would provide a detour around the bridge. There arc some trunk improvements such as the sanitary sewer trunk line adjacent to St. B nedicts/St. Henrys that crosses the freeway to tic into the existing line. This line would serve fu ure annexed areas. This would maximize what they can actually do at the wastewatcrtreatme t plant. The Fallon Avenue overpass is heing pulled from the proj cet for noW. Brian Stumpf a' k ed if MnDOT gave the City a time frame in which Fallon Avenue would have to be construe ed. Bret Weiss indicated MnDOT was just requiring the City to commit construction of the ro' d at some point. Jeff 0 'Nei II asked about the A VR site an what was budgeted for aeq uisi tion. B ret Weiss noted that right of way acqui si tion was based 0 the appraisal value. Bret W ei ss stated there was a 1 0% contingency on construction cost and 2800 indirect cost. . . 1 2~ . Special Council Meeting Minutes - 11/22/04 MnDOT is agreeing to $3,800,00 which includes right of way, engineer and construction cost. If these costs go up MnDOT's share will go up. Wright County is contributing $],900,000 to the County Road 18 improvements. The City's s are is $4,600,000 which includes right of way cost for the interchange and a portion of the Chels a Road improvements and part of the south Frontage Road. Bret Weiss said the signal Ii rhts are included but not other street lighting. Jeff O'Neill stated that the City of Lakeville I' cently completed three interchanges and St. Cloud did one as well. lIe felt the City of Monticel 0' s project show a great collaboration of financing sources. . Je1fO'Neill outlined somc of the potential be efits from the project: Currently there is a good amount of land available to assess for the inte change. That may not be the casc in the future. MnDOT"s share of the project is relatively la ge and there is no assurance that MnDOT funding would be available in the future. TH 25 is b coming more congested and these improvements wi II distribute traffic relieving some of the co gestion. It will provide linkage to the commercial area and direct traffic away from the residenti I areas. If the City needs to issue bonds for the interchange it is anticipated that the taxes gen rated by the new development would cover debt cost so the City wouldn't be losing anything.. If thc interchange is not done, it is not known when development would take place. Glen P susta asked about traffic and crime problems that Albertville is experiencing because of their de elopment. Jeff O'Neill felt the interchange design makes the best use of the land, provides fex th most efficient traffic pattern and is a design that would be approved by MnDOT. This project ill allow for extension of trunk lines and utility easements. It was noted that many of the stor s this area would attract, like Target, have their own security forces so crime wouldn't necess rily increase. At the November 2211d regular meeting, the Co lI1cil will be asked to direct the engineer to continue with work on the interchange project and authorize the preparation of a feasibility report. The project would not be ordered until such ti e as development agreements are in place. If the project should fall apart, the City would be res onsible for all costs incurred to date. ^ second option is to have staff continue negotiations w th developments and the a third option is to put all design activity on hold and pay design costs in urred to date. Brian Stumpf felt 7th Street needs to be constructed and cited traffic concerns. Glen Posusta noted that Chelsea Road will take away a lot of tranic from the area. Roger Carlson telt this was a good project. Glen Posusta said the scary part of the project is the City's share 01'$4,600,000 which he anticipates will increase to $6,000,000. He also questioned the amount o.'tax revenue generated by the Weinand project and the fact that the developer was requesting the ssessments be deferred. Shawn Weinand stated his development is not driven solely by the interchanges whereas the Ryan Properties development is. Shawn Weinand stated he believes in the proje '1. He added that they do not have any buyer in place for their site. Since they don't think thei development would be able to bring in a big box store, it will take a little longer for their develo ment to fall into place. . Bret Weiss said costs are not really known until the project is bid. Bret Weiss outlined some of the things their firm did that they feel will kee construction costs in line with the estimate. Hret Weiss said one wild card in this is the A VR sit. Wayne Mayer asked if talks had taken place 2 ~B . Special Council Meeting Minutes - 11/22/04 between the Council and A YR. Tom Scott, C ty Attorney, noted that the City had been waiting for the appraisal on the property to be comple d. The appraisal of this site sets the appraisal value at $23,000,000. Another issue is reloea ion benefits and that amount is hard to quantify. Tom Scott has not had any discussions with VR and is not sure if staff has had any discussions with A YR. Tom Scott noted that while the pr perty owner has completed his property appraisal, he is not under any obligation to give the City a copy of the appraisal. Tom Scott noted that relocation benefits is an item that can be hotl disputed. Bruce Thielen said relocation costs will depend on where the business decides to relo ate. Wayne Mayer asked if the appraisal figures will be presented to A YR. Tom Scott said th appraisal was just recently finalized. Glen Posusta stated that at a previous Council meeting staf was directed to contact A VR. Glen Posusta said the reason that A VR was not interested in oth r sites was because they want to do a 1031 land exchange. Bret Weiss noted that according t Dan Wilson since the City is purchasing all of the assets there should not be relocation costs. B uce Thielen noted that throughout the project the Council will have the opportunity to be votin on items as they come up. Bret Weiss said Ryan Companies will not be 'losing on any project until they know the City is going to proceed. Right-or-way should be in lace by April 15th. If the City does not have the right of way in place MnDOT will not pracee with the project. Glen Posusta asked what the City has from the developers. Bret Weiss sa d it is $8,700,000 including improvements. Bret Weiss said both Weinand and Ryan Compani s will be entering into development agreements. Tom Perrault expressed his concerns about e st overruns and the problem ofrelocation for A VR since the Our Back Yard site was not a viabl option. He felt that relocation to the new industrial park would be a better solution. Bruce Thiel n noted the concerns of the IDC that locating a cement plant in the industrial park would not be a compatible use. Rick Wolfsteller said once the City sits down with A VR they will know mo e whether A VR wants to relocate in Monticello. Mayor-elect Clint Herbst also expresscd his oncern about cost overruns. Bret Weiss asked Shawn Weinand if the interchange went in w)uld he be actively marketing his site. Shawn Weinand indicted they would as it is not thei practice to sit on property indefinitely. Clint Herbst said they w;mt to make sure that this i nprovement brings tax benefits to the City. He said he didn't want the project stopped but cost 0 erruns is still a concern. Glen Posusta asked Shawn Weinand how he would feel about pa ing a percentage of cost rather than a fixed amount. Shawn Weinand replied that they could not articipate based on that kind of commitment as they feel that they have put all they can on the tab e. He said that as developers they arc taking a risk and he felt the City should take some risk as ell. Shawn Weinand stated that with the interchange in place a lot of secondary grow h will take place. Glen Posusta asked if the assessments are deferred on the Weinand pr perty what incentive docs Weinand have to develop any of his property. . Core Street Proiect for 2005. Kevin Kawlewski explained the proposed 2005 Core Street Reconstruction Project. This is thc third ye' r of the overall street reconstruction program. The 2005 project area covers the streets north ofounty Road 75 in the northwest area of town. Two options are proposed. Option #1 ineludes B 18 curb and gutter, storm sewer and regrading of the ditches to function as they should. River St eet is proposed to be widened to 32 feet and the other streets would be widened to 28 feet. (Ien Posusta asked if the street widening would . ., .) ;)~ . Special Council Meeting Minutes - 11/22/04 require relocating of telephone poles and utilit lines. Kevin Kawlewski pointed out that a lot of the utilities in the area are overhead. The utili y companies have the option to upgrade their facilities at this time if they so desire. Option #1 would also include either a 6' concrete sidewalk or an 8' bituminous trail along River Street to andy Lane. Brian Stumpf said since the sidewalk would be an assessment to abutting property 0 ners, there will be opposition to the placement of the sidewalk. Kevin Kawlewski indicated that the Otter Creek crossing would be looked at as well as the need to extend the pipes in this area It is proposed to lower the streets somewhat which would eliminate some of the ditches. S me sanitary sewer repair is required on Chestnut Street and Oakview Lane and construction of s me storm water ponding area will also be required. John Simola asked about the NPDES Phase II permit. The Phase II permit would require a city over 10,000 in population to put t gether a program that outlines how they will reduce ponding to downstream bodies. Bret eiss said if the city does an urban section design they would want to put in ponding. ....... ~ The cost for option #1 is $3,200,000 for constru tion plus indirect cost 01'22% making a total project cost of $3,990,000. Street reconstructio funds would cover $500,000 and there would be contributions from the utility trunk funds to pic up some of the costs.. The proposed assessment for the street reconstruction portion would be $ ,722/lot. The street widening cost would be $2,380/lot and there would be a separate cost fo those properties receiving curb and gutter and storm sewer improvements. This project will nect approximately 3 miles of streets. It was suggested that the project be spread over two ye rs. Although this would delay the overall program it would allow another year of tax levy or the street reconstruction to help fund the project. Kevin Kawlewski reviewed the cost factors. Bre Weiss noted that if a rural section is constructed then the issue would be how to put a sidewalk on it. Brian Stumpf questioned the designation of the Ritze site as commercial prop rty. Bret Weiss responded that they look at how the property is used not necessarily how it is zon d. Option #2 is a rural section design with no curb a d gutter. River Street would be left at 28 feet. There is no pathway or sidewalk proposed under his option and no storm water ponding area. The construction cost for this option is $2,200,00 and with 22% indirect cost the estimated project cost total would be $2,700,000. It is prop sed that the project would be assessed in 2005. There would be a $500,000 contribution from the street reconstruction fund and a $259,000 from utility trunk funds. Approximately $1,900,000 c( nstruction costs would remain to be financed. Brian Stumpf asked about spreading this project ver two years. Kevin Kawlewski noted that there would some re alignment of River Street and County Road 75 on the north and south side. This re-alignment mi Jht require some additional right-of-way. They arc also proposing to look at the Otter Creek Road/County Road 75 intersection. Brian Stumpf suggested they look at the drainage proble 11 in the area by Larry Nolan. Brian Stumpf expressed his concerns about the assessment cost or the properties in the project area and suggested that widening the streets be omitted frOJ the assessment. Bret Weiss said alter the public hearing, the Council could give direction 01 the scope of the project. Clint Herbst said he 4 . . . 'pecial Council Meeting Minutes - 11/22/04 like the public hearing to be delayed until aller the first of the year. Glen Posusta felt the project should be spread over two years. Bruce Thiele 1 noted the $8,000 assessment would be much higher than what other properties in the recons ruction program had paid. Rick Wolfsteller noted that the larger assessment is for improve ents that this area did not have bef()re like curb and gutter. Brian Stumpf said he would like to take the cheapest approach which is to go without the curb and gutter and the street widening. Gl n Posusta didn't see any reason to tear up the street without making it an urban section. WSB will amend the feasibility repOli and present the revisions to the Council at the December 13,2 04 meeting. The workshop session closed at 6:50 p.m. Recording Secretary 5 ~v SA. . A. . . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 Consideration of ado tion of 2005 final bud t and tax lev . (R W) REFERENC.,: AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to adopt the final 200 budget and resulting tax levy proposed in the amount 0[$6,957,915. This final hudget and ta levy must he certified to the County Auditor by December 31 st and since this is our last sched led meeting [or the year, adoption should take place at this meeting. A Truth in Taxation llear ng was not in required hy the City this year as we did not increase our levy over the amount col ected last year, which exempts us from the public hearing and publication requirements. The final budget summary worksheets and tax Ie y has been prepared based on direction from the Council at the last two workshops and remai s the same with the levy identical to last years at $6,957,915. Because of our continued growt in both commercial and residential construction along with increasing market values of properties overall, our tax capacity rate is actually dropping from 62.45 to 58.72, a six perc nt decrease. Total market value in the City has increased 8.7%, almost equally divided betw en new construction and property value increases. This is fairly consistent with what has happened the past few years in that we have seen market value increases of over 8% consiste dy. Because of the lower tax capacity rate, even with our tax levy remaining the same as 2004, most taxpayers will see a reduction in their taxes paid, even if their individual values on their homes increased 5% from last year. The outlook for fut Ire tax years is also hright in that many o[ the new commercial projects that are currently being constructed or have recently been completed arc not yet in our tax capacity values for year 20 5 and will show up in helping to keep taxes down in 2006 and beyond. With the amount of housing growth and commercial projects on the horizon, our valuation increases should certainly elp to offset additional dollars needed to operate the city. I have attached some examples o[ projected taxe on various types of properties that the Council can use as a reference. These are indud d at the end of the budget summary worksheets. From the budget document standpoint, the only ajor expenditure item that I have modified since our last workshop was to include the poten ial expenditure of $400,000 for the Swan River School Project. This is shown as an additi nal expenditure in the general fund and would come from our reserves and does not affect the b Idgeted levy for the City as that cannot be increased at this time. Otherwise. the hudgeted r venue and expenditures remain the same as previously discussed at our last workshop. As an additional note, the direction to have the s me dollar levy as last year allowed us to only use about $300,000 of the bond fund surplus mo ey that I projected would be available to reduce our normal scheduled tax levies for next ear. This allows us to keep another $400,000 in reserves that could possibly be used to olTset s heduled debt levies that may be needed in the year 2006. These additional reserves should hel offset any increase that might be necessary to cover future bonded debt issued [or such things a the street reconstruction program or the 1-94 interchange project. . 2005 Bud2;et Hi2;hli2;hts Total projected revenue Total projected expenditures Total tax levy required Total City tax capacity valuc Total tax capacity rate Council Agenda - 12/13/04 20 4 2005 $1 ,482,562 $20,240,885 $2 ,600,298 $25,578,683 $6957,915 $6,957,915 $1 ,141,062 $11,894,681 62.452 58.72 The above summary provides a general overvie of the total revenue, expenditures and resulting tax levy comparing the year 2004 and 005. The reason total expenditures are projected at $5,000,000 more than this year is ainly due to large capital expenditures being proposed from our trunk funds and capital outla fund as follows: Sewer Trunk Funds -Budget includes possible WWTP improvements such as Class A biosludge system, two biosolid mixers, three ba shop and garage along with computer system upgrades for $2,300,000. . Storm Sewer Trunk Funds - Budget includes Imost $2,000,000 for I-94/Chelsea Roadl7th Street extension storm sewer improvements. Water Trunk Funds - Budget includes $2,500, 00 for the new water tower. Capital Outlay Fund - Budget includes capital improvements such as $600,000 lor extension of 7lh Street from Minnesota to Elm and $250,0 0 more for library expansion project. An updated version of our fivc year capital impr )Yement program is being finalized and will be included in the final budget document distribute to the Council in early 2005. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution setting the 2005 final budget and tax levy in the amount of $6,957,915. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the final tax levy be ado tcd as proposed to meet the statutory deadline. The maximum amount that can be levied is $6,9 7,915, the same amollnt that was levied in 2004. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Final Budget Summary and Resolution . . CITY OF MO TICELLO 200 FINAL BU GET SUMM RY o ~ . m 5i c o (j) g] (j) ~ "'ll ::I: ~ ~ j;J o o .j>. . ...... r.....o.. ::I:()()Cf) o .~ 0 () (/l -..:;; C ::::J" '0 :) 0 ;::;: .""" 0 ~ -..:;;- - _._....__.,'m4....~..','......, ~,_,~.,.'M., .__..,~ ..".:,.:,~ ,_.,., .oOlL..,,_,...........~........~ ::r: 5l '0 ;::;: ~ '" N ~ o :E ::t m :II m "'tJ :II 1\)0 8 "'tJ t.n m :II ~ E m CJ) Q o . LEVY AND STATE AID REVENUE C MPARISONS 2004 2005 Base Levy Limit (Taxes) $5,143,817 $5,488,759 Add: Debt Levy (Taxes) 1 842 038 1 ,814,098 1.469,156 Sub-Total $6,782, 18 $6,957,915 $6,957,915 Additional State Aids: LGA $18,194 ($18,194) 0 Market Value Homestead included in ta es ($276,882) included in taxes Credit Transit Aid (Bus) 266 4 {$26,674) 47,130 Total Tax & Aid Revenue $6,826,8 6 $6,636,165 $7,005,045 . DAWN/XCELlBUDGET:LevY&StateAid Comparison 10/6/2004 .. ....;..".,., --,. -. -.. ~'."'. . . TAX LEVY S U VlMARY 2005 B udget All Fu n( s Net.Payable 2004 Net Payable 2005 Fund Adjusted Levy Levy Parks $653,875 $785,015 General $3,527,722 $3,653,974 Library $35,375 $36,970 Transportation $0 $59,170 Shade Tree $0 $59,605 OM $0 $4,800 HRA $20,945 $21,990 Debt Service $1,201,643 $784,156 Capital Imp. Revolving $0 $45,000 Community Center $1,018,355 $1,007,235 Street Reconstruction $500,000 $500,000 TOTAL $6,957,9151.. $$,957,915 Net Certified Levy Decrease/lncrease $0 0.00% Maximum LeVV Allowed N/A Payable 1998 Tax Capacity Rate 27.001 Payable 1999 Tax Capacity Rate 35.186 Payable 2000 Tax Capacity Rate 36.272 Payable 2001 Tax Capacity Rate 37.146 Payable 2002 Tax Capacity Rate 67.645 Payable 2003 Tax Capacity Rate 65.558 Payable 2004 Tax Capacity Rate 62.452 Est. Payable 2005 Tax Capacity Ra e 58.72 Tax Ca a city Tax Capacity .. Val e Rate Tax LeVY '97/Payable 1998 $14,413,537 27.001 $3,883,013 '98/Payable 1999 $13,123!81 35.186 $4,617,725 99/Payable 2000 $13,066,157 36272 $4,739,325 2000/Payable 2001 $13,641, 31 37.146 $5,067,342 2001/Payable 2002 $9,606,2 2 67.645 $6,498,079 2002/Payable 2003 $10,344, 50 65.558 $6,782,018 2003/Payable 2004 $11,141, 52 62.452 $6,957,915 Est 2004/Payable 2005 $11,849, ::>81 58.72 $6,957,915 COMMENTS: *Community Center budget levy includes $685 000 for debt service and $322,235 for operations Maximum levy without a public hearing being equi red = $7,063,153 (under 11/2% increase) Levy as Proposed (Amended) = $6,957,915 et.xls:Tax Levy Sum:12/1/2004 - 2005 Budg . REVENUE AND EXPENDI"URE SUMMARY 2005 Budg et ~ .//i/liliili.../iil,iillllllll.II/.i/i,ill,illl. ./ii,llii/ ./I,Ij.~ii//. ....~004.//. ~.iiilll./.~ilillli ~~E"'(JE,/I.II,IIII.. E~P~ General $4,985,585 $4,( 85,585 . Parks Park Dedication Library Transportation Shade Tree Community Center DTED Clean Up Fund/Envir OAA HRA Minn_ Investment Fund EDA SCERG CMIF Debt Service Liquor Water Sewer Cemetery Capital Improvements Water Access Storm Sewer Access Sanitary Sewer Access Streeet Reconstruction Fund TOTAL $757,600 $97,605 $36,500 $61,350 $2,400 $1,966,800 $250,000 $400 $683,445 $17,710 $55,155 $180 $165 $3,523,312 $3,545,525 $443,905 $915,250 $26,563 $84,665 $350,345 $245,060 $1,009,055 $510,550 $19,569,125 COMMENTS: ( A) includes $1,005,775 Depreciation -- sewer ( B ) includes $417,205 Depreciation -- water ( C ) includes $402,050 Depreciation -- Parks & Recreation ( D ) include $1,950 Depreciation -- Cemetery ( E ) includes $1,583,020 Depreciation -- Government Funds . 2005 BUDGETXLS:Rev & Sum 12/1/2004 $ 57,600 $120,000 138,000 ~ 73,385 $ 5,525 $1,956,800 $250,000 $10,000 $5 9,845 $0 7,000 $0 $0 $6,1 6,843 $3,3 7,730 $7 2,025 $2,0 4,505 $ 7,650 $2( 6,575 $1( 9,000 $2 0,000 $2 5,000 $5 0,000 $22,43 ,068 ij,i~"~ $5,519,615 $7,502,635 (E) $802,715 $1,204,765 (C) $94,615 $70,000 $38,000 $38,000 $119,595 $119,595 $62,815 $62,815 $2,071,835 $2,071,835 $0 $0 $4,800 $4,800 $695,090 $545,320 $25,830 $0 $42,920 $2,000 $630 $0 $170 $0 $3,011,595 $3,106,243 $3,487,900 $3,383,250 $515,000 $886,970 ( B ) $977,590 $1,953,510 ( A) $28,995 $30,945 ( D ) $585,800 $1,115,000 $324,075 $2,100,000 $236,505 $1,975,000 $1,079,795 $2,316,000 $515,000 $500,000 $20,240,885 . .$28,988,683 . SUMMARY OF PROJ :CrEO REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AN[ FUND BALANCES (Cash & Inv ~stments) !ili;IIII!I';li;:I'~;i"/lllllrf}1 .,,.,.. 1],IUj~1 .",., Parks Fund Park Dedication fUnd General Library Tree OM Water Water Access Sewer Sewer Access Transportation liquor Capital Outlay Revolving HRA Minn. Investment Fund EDA SCERG CM/F Storm Sewer Access Cemetery Community Center Fund Street Reconstruction Fund SUBTOTALS Debt Service General Obligation Bonds Special Assessment Bonds Tax Increment Bonds DEBT SERVICE SUBifOTAlS TOTALS 2005 BUDGET.XLS:Summ of Praj Rev:11/30/2004 ,.." ",rIUl;r,~:x .".',2,PP~1 'i;II"xGE ..P ~,~tf9 .,...i 1':li"XI ~O'i I xiI ~l:tf,;19 $121,000 $802,715 $216,000 $94.615 $5.040.000 $5.519.615 $5.500 $38.000 $4.500 $62.815 $2.000 $4.800 $1.045.000 $515.000 $750.000 $324.075 $1.295.000 $977.590 $2.900.000 $1.079.795 $2.000 $119.595 $945.000 $3.487.900 $400,000 $585.800 $490.000 $695.090 $298.500 $25.830 $1.135,000 $42.920 $14.000 $630 $2,700 $170 $925.000 $236.505 $68.000 $28.995 $36.000 ~2.071.835 $518,000 $515.000 $16,213,200 $1 ,229,290 $1.299.000 $4.535.000 $921.000 $6,755,000 $ .775.393 $ .047.447 188.755 $~,011,595 $22,968,200 J $20, 40,885 f iil' ;2'~d ;! iJl ~ xif)~~t~gTf~iix!.., ;, "",.. "E' II blWIIl.ffle:! ~, ' $802.715 $121.000 $70,000 $5.919.615 $38.000 $62.815 $4.800 $469.945 $2.100.000 $947,735 $2.316.000 $119.595 $3.383.250 $1.115.000 $545.320 $0 $2.000 $0 $0 $1.975.000 $28.995 $2.071.835 $500.000 $22,472,620 $1.767.793 $1.147,950 $190.500 $3,106,243 $25,578,863 $240,615 $4.640.000 $5.500 $4.500 $2.000 $1,090.055 ($1.025,925) $1.324.855 $1,663,795 $2.000 $1.049,650 ($129,200) $639.770 $324.330 $1,175.920 $14.630 $2.870 ($813.495) $68.000 $36.000 $533.000 $10,969,870 $1.306.600 $4,434,497 $919,255 $6,660,352 $17,630,222 . GENERAL FUND SIJ MMARY 2005 BUdget REVENUE Taxes 2004 2005 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 101.31011 $3,527,722 $3,653,974 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 101.31021 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME TAX 101.31031 $0 $0 TIF #1 - KMART 101.3105 $0 $0 FORFEITED TAX SALE APPORT 101.3192 $0 $0 ~: '~~ -,AD VAL9REM TAXES ~.. $5,000 Licenses and Permits. Business LIQUOR LICENSE 101.32111 $29,050 $30,250 BEER LICENSE 101.32112 $1,950 $1,375 SET UP LICENSE 101.32113 $50 $0 ~ ~THER BUS LICENSES & PERMITS 101.32199 ~1,~O~_ $2,500 1~1.1 Licenses and Permits - Non-Business BUILDING PERMITS 101.32211 $635,000 $575,000 VARIANCES/CONDITIONAL USES 101.32212 $2,600 $3,000 GRADING PERMIT 101.32215 $0 $0 PLUMBING CONNECTION PERMITS 101.32231 $0 $0 ANIMAL LICENSES 101.32241 $225 $600 BINGO LICENSES 101.32261 $0 $0 CABLE FRANCHISE FEE 101.32262 $0 $0 OTHER NON-BUS L1C & PERMITS 101.32299 $7,650 $7,200 rr{ .....;:I':!> Inter-Governmental FEDERAL GRANTS ~ CETA 101.33120 $0 $0 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID 101.33401 $0 $0 HOMESTEAD CREDIT (HACA) 101.33402 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME HOMESTEAD CREDIT 101.33403 $0 $0 PERA INCREASE AID 101.33404 $6,741 $6,741 DISASTER AID 101.33408 $0 $0 LOCAL GOVT/ST HWY AID 101.33410 $68,000 $72,500 FIRE DEPT AID 101.33420 $63,250 $65,000 POLICE DEPT AID 10133421 $33,000 $37,500 STATE GRANTS & AIDS - OTHER 10133499 $0 $0 COUNTY HIGHWAY GRANTS 101.33610 $11,600 $12,350 OTHER COUNTY GRANTS 101.336111l ~ $1,000 :1._:il'!l':lili:.i'Ll~'l'!ll~!R.~tj~l:'I'il;N'ZGlm' 4X ~ Charoes for Services RECYLlNG INCENTIVE 101.33621 $14,000 $14,000 ZONING/SUBDIVISION FEES 101.34103 $10,000 $10,500 2005 BUDGET.XLS;GenFundSumRev: 1 0/6/2004 ~ .... . SALE OF MAPS & PUBLICATIONS MV LICENSE SALES/DEPUTY REG ASSESSMENT SEARCHES INSPECTION FEES FIRE PROTECTION TWP CONTRACT FIRE EMERGENCY RESPONSE CALLS BLIGHT MOWING FEES STREET, SIDEWALK, CURB REPAIRS SPECIAL GARBAGE PROC/RECYCLE GARBAGE CHG GARBAGE CART RENTAL PARK RENTAL FEES CONSTRUCTION COST (REIMB) OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 115. d,bii,Cl.t:jli~l!l/bil!Sbt ~",,~,C;.+Jl):!!i"J).~, :P~~1Y,:~i $250 $245,300 $10,000 $55,000 $80,215 $3,000 $300 $0 $2,600 $46,000 $33,500 $0 $155,418 $1,200 101.3410 101.34106 101.34107 101.34204 101.34206 101.34207 101.34210 101.34301 101.34408 101.34409 101.34410 101.34780 101,34960 101.34999 $250 $265,500 $10,250 $55,000 $99,490 $5,000 $200 $0 $2,800 $60,000 $35,200 $0 $225,000 $3,500 .I'SI: Miscellaneous Revenue S. A. PRINCIPAL - COUNTY 101.36101 $0 $0 S. A. PRINCIPAL - DIRECT 101.36102 $0 $0 S. A. PENAL TIES & INTEREST 10136150 $0 $0 INTEREST EARNINGS 101.36210 $162,500 $189,000 INTEREST EARNINGS-ANDERSON 10136215 $6,090 $5,700 -- INTEREST EARNINGS-AROPLAX 101.36214 $4,300 $3,905 -- RENTAL OF PROPERTY 101.36220 $13,350 $12,130 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 101.36221 $0 $0 CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE 101.36230 $0 $0 SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 101.36240 $0 $0 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 101.36241 $0 $0 LOCK (FIRE) BOXES 101.36242 $450 $200 SIGNS & INSTALL NEW PLATS) 101.36243 $0 $0 OTHER MISC REVENUE 101.36299 $4,500 $6,500 G1iIU. Refunds and Reimbursements REFUNDSIREIMBURSEMENTS 101.36290 $15,000 $15,000 IDC CONTRIBUTION (REIMB) 101.36291 $0 $0 HACA REIMBURSEMENT 101.36292 $0 $0 DISCOUNT 101.36298 $350 $500 Less: LGA and MVHC Aid Loss 1i1!I'IIE,iIIS:rI3.~~~II\'ijl"'II~Rilll~,.l.iflIWi 2005 BUDGETXLSGenFundSumRev: 1 0/6/2004 . GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2005 Bud get EXPENDITURES 2004 2005 General Government Mayor and Council $40,210 $62,035 Administration $271,765 $288,570 Finance $198,145 $230,710 Audit $29,500 $38,650 Legal $102,150 $140,935 Planning & Zoning $204,730 $227,195 Assessinq $44,510 $47,915 Deputy Reqistrar $204,470 $206,250 City Hall $151,450 $121,140 Data Processing $103,175 $150,115 Elections $8,975 $5,000 National Guard $21 ,400 $21,625 L! G~~rnme~tDep~:ciati~~ JI[]II $0 $66,500 """, "'C. ". :IRAIL'IiElVERNMENt!! T i::::::::::::::::::'" .'.ii:"'i;i" T" 1:~::~:38~~:I.O "1. (;');:!:. , ]II $1.i~I"~64Q Public Safety Law Enforcement $797,160 $836,580 Fire $234,330 $246,425 BuildinQ Inspections $215,855 $242,850 Civil Defense $13,665 $13,890 Animal Control $42,975 $43,425 Public Safety Depreciation ~.~ $0 $44,765 ;i:J'ElT A.1::::PUBILI:!tSAfl1Y ccw ~ :.:III::::I::::::::i'" 7,$~::::1:303;~5~ Public Works Inspections $131,790 $155,785 Public Works Administration $177,480 $190,575 Streets & Alleys $577,340 $605,480 Snow & Ice $82,575 $76,430 Street Lighting $102,500 $108,500 Parking Lots $6,600 $5,200 Shop & Garage $135,525 $180,845 Refuse Collection $439,930 $447,820 EngineerinQ $370,000 $462,500 Public Works Depreciation i::::::::::iiil.,~ ~ $0 $1,471,755 1:::::I:II':i::I::::::~Pl:.,Ifi!il!iIC WC)I~K$: '''", HI!,:::::::::::::iH .~ii7' 1:1~704IIS'O Health & Welfare Senior Citizens Center $77,890 $78,035 YMCA/Community Education $18,200 $18,200 Information Center $0 $0 Ice Arena Contributions $0 $75,000 Pre-paid Community BldQ Rental - "Church" $0 $400,000 I :J'OT~:I.I!"'HE~I!!l:J'14 & W'ILFA.BI jjjjll::IH ,":,":::::::::::::!'i, ""(;"'::,,, "'9'" ":""1'. 'ii:::::::::::i :::Iii::::i" "i!"H"i $S6'I090 I ,,::::::::::::IH. ,. ",".1'1. $~71.2i$:~ Community Celebrations Community Celebrations (Previously in Parks) Hi:::::::::i". iCOO' $6,500 :J'OTjI!!lPAB~$ &a:I:~REjt!!ION '"'i':":":::"::"::"i '::.::'iii ".liHH:iH'" i:::::iliH I:;::;:" I \i':!i:;:, jjjjiHH..... C;;;;;IH""'''. 2005 BUDGETXLS;GenFundSum-Exp 12/1/2004 -. n __ ..- - . Economic Development Economic Develo ment TOir;At;('E~,~:)N:<l>MI'G DiEVSlOPMSNT GENERALFU DSUMMARY 2005 8 dget . Miscellaneous Misc_ -- Severence Benefits Insurance 1i:Ol:JlMI~~EllLA~EQVS $29,000 $97,195 1'~2~(1 $'$ . 2005 BUDGETXLS:GenFundSum.Exp 12/1/2004 . ... .... 2005 SPECIAL REVENUE "'UNO 2005 Budget Park Fund REVENUE 2004 2005 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 225.31011 $653,875 $785,015 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 225.31021 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME TAX 225.31031 $0 $0 PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES 225.31910 $0 $0 FIELD FEES 225.34771 $0 $500 TEAM FEES 225.34770 $6,500 $6,000 PARK RENTAL FEES 225.34780 $2,000 $2,200 CONCESSION REVENUE 225.34772 $0 $3,000 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 225.34999 $0 $0 INTEREST EARNINGS 225.36210 $5,225 $6,000 REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS IN 225.36290 $0 $0 OTHER MISC REVENUE 225.36299 $0 $0 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 225.39201 $0 $0 ~m$O ~ ----~------------~------- ---------------......----- EXPENDITURES Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG 225.45 011010 $203,440 $235,200 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 225.45 01.1020 $2,750 $4,200 SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG 225.45 01.1030 $0 $0 SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT 225.45 01.1031 $0 $0 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG 225.45 01.1040 $38,000 $35,500 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT 225.45 01.1050 $0 $0 SALARIES, OTHER 225.452 01.1090 $0 $0 SEVERANCE PAY 225.452 )1.111 0 $1,000 $0 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 225.452 )1.1210 $13,615 $0 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 225.452 1.1220 $15,265 $15,205 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 225.452 1.1250 $3,570 $17,050 HEAL TH/DENT AL/L1FE INSURANCE 225.452 1.1310 $35,460 $3,990 U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS 225.452 ~1.1420 $0 $38,795 WORKER'S COMP BENEFIT PA YMT 225.452 1.1520 $0 $0 Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 225.4520 .2030 $0 $0 SAFETY SUPPLIES 225.4520 .2065 $2,400 $3,000 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 225.4520 .2099 $200 $250 CLEANING SUPPLIES 225.4520 .2110 $600 $700 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 225.4520 .2111 $650 $725 MOTOR FUELS 225.4520 .2120 $6,000 $15,000 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 225.45201 .2130 $1,600 $2,400 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 225.45201 .2160 $8,500 $10,000 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 225.45201 .2199 $22,000 $22,000 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 225.45201 .2210 $4,200 $6,200 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 225.45201 2211 $3,400 $4,000 TIRES 225.45201 2220 $1,000 $1,500 BUDGET.XLSSpec Revenue Fund-Parks 10/6/2004 .. . .-. ,.., SPECIAL REVENUE F UNO 2005 Budget Park Fund BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 225.4 5201.2230 $3,600 $5,000 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 225.4 ::>201.2250 $4,500 $7,500 - 5; Small Tools and Equipment SMALL TOOLS/MISC 225.4 201.2410 $1,500 $1,500 T&E/MACHINERY 225.4 201.2440 $0 $7,000 T&E/FURNITURE 225.4 201.2460 $0 $0 T&E/OFFICE EQUIPMENT 225.4 201.2471 $0 $0 T&E/COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 225.4 201.2472 $0 $0 Services and Char~es PROF SERVICES - CUSTODIAL 225.4 201.3110 $0 $0 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 225.4 201.3190 $0 $0 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 225.4 201.3199 $3,400 $5,500 TELEPHONE 225.4c 201.3210 $2,300 $2,800 TRAVEL EXPENSE 225.4c 201.3310 $300 $350 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 225.4 201.3320 $1,200 $1,600 FREIGHT 225.45 2013330 $0 $0 ADVERTISING 225.45 701.3499 $650 $650 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 225.45 ?O1.3520 $500 $600 VEHICLE INSURANCE 225.45 )01.3630 $0 $0 ELECTRIC 225.45 )01.3810 $5,000 $5,500 GAS 225.45 01.3830 $800 $1,300 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 225.45 01.4010 $3,000 $3,300 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 225.45 01.4044 $2,000 $2,400 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 225.45 01.4050 $2,000 $2,200 ADOPT-A-PARK MAINT/EXP 225.45 01.4090 $3,200 $3,200 PATHWAY MAINTENANCE 225.45 01.4091 $1,000 $1,500 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 225.45 01.4099 $2,000 $2,000 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 225.45 01.4150 $500 $1,400 UNIFORM RENTAL 225.45 01.4170 $3,000 $2,800 MISC RENTALS 225.45 01.4199 $0 $0 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIPTIONS 225.45 01.4330 $400 $400 BOOKS & PAMPHLETS 225.45 01.4350 $150 $150 TOWING CHARGES 225.45 01.4360 $0 $0 LICENSES & PERMITS 225.45 01.4370 $0 $0 PRIZES 225.45 01.4390 $0 $0 TREE REPLACEMENT 225.45 01.4391 $0 $0 MISC OTHER EXPENSE 225.45 01.4399 $1,500 $1,500 PARKS & RECREATION - DEPRECIATION $0 $402,050 Capital Outlav IMPROVEMENTS 225.452 J1.5301 $0 $15,000 MOTOR VEHICLES 225.452 J1.5501 $30,000 $16,000 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 225.452 J15601 $0 $0 OTHER EQUIPMENT 225.452 J1.5801 $46,500 $44,000 UDGET.XLS:Spec Revenue Fund.ParkS1 01612004 -- -- .- --...- ----.. -. --- 2005 B . SPECIAL REVENUE ""UNO 2005 Budget Park Fund -~ -- Parksllmprovements CITY BALLFIELDS/NSP IMPR SOCCER FIELDS IMPR PARK ADA/STRUCTURE IMPR WEST/EAST BRIDGE PARK IMPR PRAIRIE/OTTER CREEK PARK IMP CARDINAL HILLS TOT LOT IMPR PIONEER PARK IMPR RIVER MILL PARK IMPR 4th STREET RINK IMPROVEMENT WILDWOOD RIDGE PARK/ROLLLlNG WOODS 1. Playqround Equipment 2. Landscaping & Grading 3. Picnic Tables,Benches & Garbaqe cans 4. Open Air Shelter 5. Trees GROVELAND PARK IMPROVEMENT TOWER PARKNALLEY VIEW IMPROVEMENT ELLISON RESTROOMS WILDWOOD PARK IMPR COUNTRY CLUB PARK IMPR HILLCREST PARK - BALLFIELD FENCE PAR WEST IMPROVEMENTS MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES ~ MIS1 PROFESSiONAL SERVICES ."'@II"ill'@;;:::~i,i:'iIJ,il:, " $0 $0 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. $0 $0 $10,000 $15,000 $0 $0 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $65,000 $10,000 $65,000 $5,000 $20,000 $0 _I 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225. 225.45 022199 225.45 023199 ".NN Ii',:::'; NSP Ballfields Cleaning SUppies Motor Fuels Lubricants General Operating Supplies Misc. Repair/Maint Supplies Misc. Professional Services Electricity Repair/Maint - Buildinqs Improvements Other EqUipment Misc. Other Expense $0 $12,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $35,000 $35,000 $0 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,000 $15,000 $10,000 $111 225.452 3.2110 $150 $150 225.452 3.2120 $500 $1,000 225.452 3.2130 $100 $250 225.452 3.2199 $500 $600 225.4521 3.2299 $2,000 $3,550 225.452 3.3199 $2,000 $2,500 225.452 3.3810 $7,000 $7,000 225.452C 3.4010 $200 $500 225.4520 .5301 $25,000 $38,000 225.4520 ~.5801 $8,500 $0 -JiiJ~ "IIIIN ''''II' 2005 BUDGET,XLSSpec Revenue Fund-ParkS:1 0/6/2004 . . . SPECIAL REV ENUE FUND 2005 B udget Communit V Center REVENUE 2004 2005 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 226.31011 $1,018,355 $1,007,235 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 226.31021 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME TAX 226.31031 $0 $0 PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES 226.31910 $0 $0 HOMESTEAD CREDIT 226.33402 $0 $0 STATE GRANTS & AIDS - OTHER 226.33429 $0 $0 ROOM/SPACE RENTAL 226.34101 $81,695 $113,000 KITCHEN RENTAL/PARTY ROOM RENTALS 226.34755 $0 $26,000 CONCESSIONS 226.34740 $72,000 $82,000 USER FEES 226.34790 $75,000 $62,000 MEMBERSHIPS 226.34791 $400,000 $460,000 PROGRAM ACTIVITY FEES 226.34792 $60,000 $60,000 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 226.34999 $6,000 $6,000 INTEREST EARNINGS 226.36210 $0 $1,650 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 226.36221 $500 $500 CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE 226.36230 $3,000 $3,000 OTHER MISC REVENUE 226.36299 $250 $450 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 226.39201 $0 $0 ~LIQUOR TOE ~ ,800::: $25 EXPENDITURES Personal Services SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG 2 6.45122.1010 $258,540 $280,925 SALARIES, FULL TIME - OT 2 6.45122.1020 $4,000 $4,000 SALARIES, PART-TIME - REG 2 6.45122.1030 $295,000 $306,075 SALARIES, PART-TIME - OT 2 6.45122.1031 $500 $500 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - REG 2 6.45122.1040 $2,500 $0 SALARIES, TEMPORARY - OT 2 6.451221050 $0 $0 SALARIES, OTHER 2 6.45122.1090 $0 $0 SEVERANCE PAY 2 6.45122.1110 $1,000 $0 PERA CONTRIBUTIONS 2 6.45122.1210 $21,000 $23,555 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 2 6.45122.1220 $35,000 $36,675 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 2 6.45122.1250 $8,000 $8,575 HEALTH/DENTAL/LIFE INSURANCE 2 6.45122.1310 $32,945 $48,695 U. C. BENEFIT PAYMENTS 2 6.45122.1420 $4,000 $3,000 ~MP~ LPE AL SE ES 7 ,000 Supplies PRINTED FORMS & PAPER 2 6.45122.2030 $2,000 $2,000 PROGRAM OPERATING COSTS 2 6.45122.2065 $0 $0 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES 2 6.45122.2099 $6,500 $6,500 CLEANING SUPPLIES 2 6.45122.2110 $7,300 $9,000 CLOTHING SUPPLIES 2 6.45122.2111 $7,000 $7,000 MOTOR FUELS 2 6.45122.2120 $0 $0 LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVES 2 6.45122.2130 $0 $0 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 2 6.45122.2160 $12,000 $10,000 POOL MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 2 6.45122.2161 $5,000 $13,500 MISC OPERATING SUPPLIES 2 6.45122.2199 $18,250 $18,250 EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS 2 6.45122.2210 $5,000 $5,000 VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS 2)6.45122.2211 $0 $0 BUDGETXL$:$pec Revenue Fund-Comm Ctr.:12/1/2004 - ,.- -- .- 2005 . . 2005 SPECIAL REV ENUE FUND 2005 8 Jdget Communit " Center TIRES 22 45122.2220 $0 $0 BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES 22 451222230 $4,000 $4,000 LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 22 45122.2250 $3,000 $2,000 MISC REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES 22 45122.2299 $5,000 $10,000 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT 22 45122.2410 $4,000 $2,000 TOOLS & EQUIP - COMPUTERS 22 451222499 $0 $3,000 TOOLS & EQUIP - OFFICE EQUIPMENT 22 451222471 $0 $1,000 c I'~.~a Services & Charges PROFSER~CES-MANAGEMENTFEE 2264 5122.3070 $400 $400 PROF SERVICES - DATA PROCESSING 2264 5122.3090 $4,000 $4,000 PROF SERVICES - WEBSITE/EMAIL 2264 5122.3092 $400 $4,000 PROF SERVICES - CUSTODIAL 2264 5122.3110 $500 $1,000 PROFSER~CES-LAUNDRY 226.4 5122.3111 $3,000 $3,000 PROF SERVICES - BLDG/EQUIP 226. 5122.3112 $5,000 $6,500 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS 226. 5122.3190 $15,000 $10,000 PROF SERVICES - NEWSLETTER 226. 51223195 $0 $0 MISC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 226. 5122.3199 $2,000 $6,000 TELEPHONE 226. 5122.3210 $12,000 $12,000 POSTAGE 226. 5122.3220 $500 $1,000 CABLE/NETWORK SERVICES 226. 5122.3250 $2,200 $2,500 TRAVEL EXPENSE 226. 5122.3310 $500 $900 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 226. 5122.3320 $2,500 $6,000 EXPO EXHIBITOR ADMISSION 226. 5122. $0 $4,500 ADVERTISING 226. 5122.3499 $10,000 $12,000 GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 226' 5122.3520 $1 ,000 $1,000 BROCHURES 226.< 5122.3560 $6,000 $7,200 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE 226. 5122.3610 $34,345 $29,715 PROPERTY INSURANCE 226.<1 5122.3620 $7,075 $8,500 MISC. GEN INSURANCE (WORK COMP) 226.4 5122.3699 $10,190 $13,670 ELECTRIC 226.4 ~122.3810 $74,000 $74,000 GAS 226.4 5122.3830 $76,000 $77,000 REPAIR & MTC - BUILDINGS 226.4 )122.4010 $20,800 $5,000 REPAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 226.4 1224044 $95,700 $6,000 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 226.4 122.4050 $0 $0 REPAIR & MTC - OTHER 226.4 122.4099 $0 $2,000 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 226.4 122.4150 $15,000 $12,000 UNIFORM RENTAL 226.4 122.4170 $1,500 $1,500 TOWEL RENTAL 226.4 122.4171 $1,100 $1,100 DUES, MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIPTIONS 226.4 122.4330 $1 ,500 $1,800 TOWING CHARGES 226.4' 122.4360 $0 $0 LICENSES & PERMITS 226.4t 122.4370 $700 $700 CUSTOMER DISCOUNTS 226.4" 122.4379 $0 $0 BANK CHARGES 2264 5122.4398 $5,500 $7,000 MiSe OTHER EXPENSE 226.4 5122.4399 $300 $300 OPENING CELEBRATION EXP 226.4 5122.4429 $0 $0 ~;"iil::[.:.\\\"IIII.'\\\\', s.:1:'II'~Hi1~d'l.s ',.:,.:,I::::::::"I::'''::'\I''.'I:'::::'I:i::I:I'II.:', ..illl."I.:::I'III.. ::1111111:::11' .,.. 11.'1111.1'.1' ,11:111'111'1'1"'" ,...i:::::,,':::::i ".:I::::::"I:::::llil""I,ill,ii\-$,~h,.l;'= ...I.III:".I"I.'\c..:I:II.I:I'I"I'~ $~.22.;:~8~ BUDGETXLS:Spec Revenue Fund-Comm, Ctr:12/1/2004 - - - - - SPECIAL REVE NUE FUND 2005 Bu :lget Community Center Capital Outlay IMPROVEMENTS 226. 51225301 $0 $0 MOTOR VEHICLES 226. 5122.5501 $0 $0 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 226. 5122.5601 $0 $0 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 226. 5122.5701 $0 $0 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 226. 5122.5702 $0 $0 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES - "A" LIST 226. 5122.5801 ~23,900~6,900 Ei~~PI~ -->>><>.--~--- ~! - - $23,900 66,900 Debt Service LEASE PYMT TO HRA - PRINC 226. 5122.6040 $0 $0 LEASE PYMT TO HRA - INT 226. 5122.6140 $0 $0 TRANSFER TO DEBT SERVICE FD 226. 51227205 $662,455 ~ ------- ~ I~ TOT~I.!Jili) I;RVICE ->--...._- $ .-- Community Center Proqramming RENTAL ROOM SUPPLIES 226.~ 5127.2075 $2,000 $2,600 OFFICE SUPPLIES - PROGRAMMING 226. 5127.2099 $0 $0 OPER SUPPLIES - CONCESSIONS 226' 5127.2145 $3,000 $3,000 PARTY ROOM SUPPLIES 226.~ 5127.2146 $6,500 $6,500 CLIMBING WALL SUPPLIES 226.< 5127.2171 $500 $750 FITNESS AREA SUPPLIES 226.< 5127.2172 $1,000 $500 GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES 226.~ 5127.2173 $500 $500 INDOOR PLAY SUPPLIES 226.L 5127.2174 $500 $500 POOL SUPPLIES 226.~ 5127.2175 $2,000 $1 ,000 "THE WAREHOUSE" SUPPLIES 226.L 5127.2176 $500 $800 WHEEL PARK SUPPLIES 226.L 5127.2177 $500 $1,500 GEN PROGRAMMING - OP. COSTS 226.~ 5127.2198 $7,300 $8,000 NON-FOOD PRODUCTS 226.~ 5127.2549 $20,550 $2,000 T&E/OTHER 226A 5127.2499 $11,300 $0 CONCESSION FOOD PRODUCTS 226.4 5127.2541 $50,000 $52,000 PROF SERVICES - FITNESS 226.4 5127.3012 $3,800 $2,000 PROF SERVICES - PROGRAMINSTR 226.4 5127.3013 $1,500 $1,500 PROF SERVICES - GENERAL PROGRAMMING 226.4 5127.3199 $1,500 $1,000 ADVERTISING - PROGRAMMING 226.4 5127.3499 $3,500 $3,500 EQUIP RENTAL - PROGRAMMING 226.4 5127.4150 $2,000 $2,000 DU ES/M EMSH I P/SUBSCR-PROGM I N 226.4 5127.4330 $250 $250 P~IZES _>~27.4390 $1,500 $2,500 .fa\llALCOMM~REC~EA ---<<~ -:>-.- ~ - ><>1-------- -- I~AND TOT A~:________________ ____NITY CENt >-- -_--__<1_> $ 5 BUDGET.XL$:$pec Revenue Fund-Comm Clr,;12/1/2004 --...". -- -..... - 2005 . SUMM RY Debt Servic Funds 2005 Budget Forecast REVENUE 2004 2005 Current ad valorem: Interest: S ecial asmt--County: Transfer in -Tax Increment: Transfer in--Communit Center Fund: Transfer in--Sewer Access Fund (WVVTP note): T'eTAL.RE\lENUE $1,201,643 $124,460 $855,104 $179,650 $662,455 $500,000 $3;523;ll12 $784,156 * $134,330 $789,609 $118,500 $685,000 * $500,000 $3,01 t;595 --------------------------- ------------------....-- EXPENDITURES 2004 2005 . Principal: Interest: Payin a ent fees: Interest exp: $4,736,539 $1,412,755 $7,549 $0 $1,811,126 $1,289,607 $5,510 $0 $3,106,243 mOT'AL EXPENDIT'URES All Other Debt Comm Ctr Bond *Scheduled Levy Less: (1) yr reduction because of bond fund surplus $1,088,293 (304,137) $685,000 Net Levy $784,156 $685,000 ~ ..,. 2005 BUDGET.XLS:Debl Service Fund-Forecasl:1 0/6/2004 o :t> :;fE .~ (") m C (") OJ '2. ni j; U> U> <D iii m .0 c U 3 <D ~ ..... e fl.' N o o ./>. OOOOO-i-i-i WWD)D)D)QoQoQo "2. "2. "2. "2. 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RESOLUTION NO. 2004-99 RESOLUTION ADOPTUlf; THE 200S BllDGET AND SETTING l'H ~ TAX LEVY WI I EH EAS, I he Cily Adm i nistralor has p.epar 'd and su hm illcd In Ihe Cily Counei I a hudgel selli ng f.wlh Iherci n hi s eslimaled needs of Ihe Cil y of Mnnl ie ,lIn /(rr all opcral ioo and Ihe dehl ser'viee flw Ihe fIscal yeur commencing Jallllilry I, 200S; and WJ IEHEAS, Ihe Cily Council has reviewed the SOme and has made such changes Iherein as appear 10 he in the best interest of the Cily of Monticello; NO W I'll EREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 1'1 IE Cali NCI L OF 1'1 IE CITY 0 F MONTI CELLO thai Ihe budget so suhmiUed hy Ihe Cily Admioistrator, togclher' wilh Ihe changes made Iherein by Ibe Cily Council' be and same hereby is adopled as a budgct for the fiscal year commencing January 1,2005:. and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by tbe Council of the City of Munticello tbat there be and hereby is levied for the fiscal year commencing January 1,2005, the foJl, wiog sums for the respective pm'poses indicated therein upon the taxable properly of the City of MontieelJo, to wit: REVENUE General NET CERTIFIED LEVY Community CeI1ler $3,653,974 Parks $1,007,235 Library $785,015 - _. I-IRA OAA $36,970 $21,990 Tree $4.800 Capital Outlay Revolving $59,605 Transpol1ation $45.000 DEBT RETIREMENT $59.170 Debt Service Fund CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $784.156 Street Reconstruction Fund TOTAL TAX LEVY $500.000 $6.957,915 The above resolution Was introduced by COllJ1eilmembCl'_ membcr______ with the following voting in favor thereof: The [oJlmving voted in opposition: None -' \vas duly seconded by CounciJ- Carlson, Posusta_ Smith, Stumpf and Thielen. The Ci'y Administrator is hereby inslruclcd 10 transmit a cer1ifi,d copy of this reso/ulion 10 the Counly AudilO) of Wright County, Minnesota. Adopted this] 31h day of December, 2()()4 ATTEST: Rick Wolfstellcr, City Administrator ~-----.-----..._~.,~_.,-~_.~--~,---~,--,._~- -,---,._--, --------,.-.---.--,.-.,--.-.- Bruce TI ielcn, Mayor '.---. (\ ,,"~' Ih _.J 5B. . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda- 12/13/04 ort for the Extension of School Boulevard from evelo ment (WSB) The Council has recently discussed the future extension of School Boulevard through the Jefferson Commons plat and the Shawn Wein nd property to the edge of the proposed Insignia Development (Schuelender property). The In ignia development is anticipated to commence development in 2005. School Boulevard wou d extend from the Shawn Weinand property to 90th Street. The proposed location of the wate. tower, development of the Jefferson Commons property, the location of the future park compl x within the development and the connection of another street between 90lh Street and TH 25 a 'e all reasons the Council have stated f()r considering the construction of School Boulev rd to the edge of the Insignia Property. Right- of-way for the extension of School Boulevard as been platted with the Jefferson Commons plat and Shawn Weinand has expressed some i terest to City staff to extend School Boulevard through his site. The first step to the possible s reet construction would be to complete a feasibility report and obtain soil borings for the extension of School Boulevard from Deegan A venue to the east property boundary of the pr posed Insignia development. Topographic survey has already been obtained for the site wi h the Jefferson Commons plat. Additional survey may be necessary through the Weinand roperty. The feasibility report Would address the anticipated costs and the cost split between he City and Shawn Weinand. The estimated cost to complete the feasibility report, survey an soil borings is estimated at $6,000, $1 ,son and $2,500, respectively, for a total cost of $ 10, 00. . B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize obtaining soil borings and pre of School Boulevard from Deegan A ven 2. Do not authorize any work at this time. C. STAFF R~=COMMENDATION: aration of a feasibility report for the extension e to the proposed Insignia development. (;. f~ I.!.J l' e ( irti7, ,,#oJ If UJ 4 I.J7 /' ru J'~ .ft..~ p~ It is the recommendation of the City Engineer tha the Council authorize Alternative I. D. Map: Map (':I./>O('{ ,I/F. NUIIS..t . - - .. WSB d( AssOciates, Inc.. INSI NIA. PROP RTY 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 WWw.wsbeng.com 76J.S41-laOO. Fox 7S3411-1roo INFRASTRUCTURE . ENGINEERING . PlANNING. CONSTRUCTION M:\D148l1-26\F".\F"IGURE_.!I.dWg, '~O()4 9:.20;25 AM y CORPORA TE - -- o ""- aoo 1000 WSB Project No. December S, 2004 FIGURE 1 . . . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 sc. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the November 22, City Council Workshop, the Feasibility Report for the 2005 Street Reconstruction was presented to the City Cou eil. At that workshop, the Council requested an amendment to the Feasibility Report that w uld present a third option for the project that would include reconstruction of the streets in t e project area to the same width as the current streets in the area. In addition, WSB & Associates, Inc. was requested to evaluate additional funding options that would eliminate the street widening assessment as well as lower the overall assessment rate for the two options pre ented in the original feasibility report. Modifications to the proposed assessment pro rams include the following: . The street widening assessment has be n modified to reflect a curb and gutter assessment rate only. There is no cost' ncluded in this assessment other than the cost of the new curb and gutter for option 1. Option no longer includes any assessment for street widening. . The proposed sidewalk assessment for ption 1 has been split out and listed separately for Option I. There is no assessment p oposed as neither option 2 nor option 3 allow for the construction of a trail or sidewa k. . The storm sewer assessment has been r duced to a rate of 20% of the system not considered to a trunk improvement. T1 is ratio is based on program in place at the time the original streets in the Core area wer constructed. This is true for both Options No. 1 and No.2, respectively. . The projects have been evaluated over three year period. The attached amendment analyzes the project costs and assessme ts over the longer duration assuming annual construction cost increases. It should b noted that extending the project longer than the three year period will contribute to t e continuing deterioration of streets identified in future phases. The report amendment is included for your rev ew. City staff and WSB & Associates, Inc. ask that the Council accept the amended feasib lity report and order the public hearing f()r January 10,2004 for the proposed project area. A neighborhood meeting is still anticipated to be held prior to the public hearing. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. 'rhe City Council accepts the amendme t to the Feasibility Report and orders the public hearing. 2. A second alternative would be to not ac 'ept the amended feasibility report and provide further direction for modifications or fu her analysis. (. ',/.l/}(.' '.I/I.:...j',l>.lll"\"..UiHO\U)( ".rl..\'..j'l"/i'J/1f,I,,/(;\ /'! \/../:!I'w.J/ IIII( Council Agenda - J 2/13/04 3. A third alternative would bc not to ac 'cpt the report and not move forward with the reconstruction program. . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Adminis rator, Public Works Director, Street Superintendcnt, and the City Engincer that th City Council formally accept the report and order the public hearing as proposed in Altern ttive No. I. D. SUPPOJ~TING DATA: Copy of the amendment to the Feasibility Rep rt for the 2005 Strect Reconstruction Program - Area 3 as prepared by WSB & Associates, I c. ..... ..... ("',f.)()( "{:I/I',' ..j'I/),/I/"\. f.(;N()''/'(H './I.s _/1,'/('lIIf,l, Ifi.\' 11.'I/1_'J:iO-IJ.rll!( A WSB . & A.I'.I'odate.\', l/7c. Infrastructure I Engineer-ing I Planning I Const uction Memorandum 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763"541-1700 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council embers City of Monticello Kevin B. Kawlewski, P.E., Senior Pr: ifect Manager !6~ Jason LAbell, P.E"#- December 9, 2004 From: Date: Reo' 2005 Street Reconstruction Program City of Monticello Project No. 2005-0 C WSB Project No. 1494-04 -- This memorandum will serve as a supplement to the 1i asibility report for the above-referenced project as presented to the Council at its November 22 2004 Council Worksbop Meeting. It is intended to provide the Council with additional into ation regarding the 2005 Street Reconstructiou Program Feasibility Report. In the ori inaJ report, two options were developed, and designated as Option 1 - Urban Section, and Opti n 2 - Rural Section. This memorandum will briefly outline a third option, as well as discuss th effect of making either Option 1 or Option 2 a three-year project. - Option 3 - Replace Existing Pavement The main aspect of Option 3 is to replace the existing p vement (at the same width) with the proposed pavement section, and to re-align Hilltop Dri e to the center at the existing right-ot- way. The existing roadside ditches and culverts would emain undisturbed as much as practical. In addition, the water and sewer repairs and replacemen s as outlined in Options 1 and 2 would be completed. Tbe project would consist of reclamation of the existing pavement, excavation of sUbgrade, placement of granular borrow, and new cours s of pavement. On streets with existing curb and gutter, the project still proposes reclamation of the bitUminous pavement with spot curb repairs as necessary. The fOllOWing table summarizes th cost and funding needs anticipated to build this project. It should be noted that the costs repre ent constructing this project in one construction season. Minneapolis I St, Clou Equal Opportunity Emplo er F:\WPWIMl494-04V20904 2005 leas memo.doc Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello December 9, 2004 . Page 2 OPTION 3 COST/FUND NG SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs 22% Total Project Cost $1,306,489.50 $130,648.95 $316,170.46 $1,753,308.91 City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,721. 78/lot Commercial Residential Assessment @ $59.88/FF Sanitary Sewer Fund Water Fund Storm Sewer Fund Total Available Funding $500,000.00 $587,904.48 $53,292.35 $40,125.80 $210,049.84 $68,454.75 $1,459,827.22 Remaining Balance to be Funded .. - Option 3 is not the preferred option. While it would ix existing sewer and water issues, and repair the existing pavement, it is well below existin City of Monticello engineering standards. The existing streets are 24 feet wide, which is very n rrow considering there are no pedestrian facilities. In addition, it does not widen tlie street en ugh to provide anyon-street parking. $293,481.69 Options 1 and 2 - Three One- Year Phases WSB also analyzed splitting Options I and 2 into thr one-year pliases. The advantage of separating the project into multi-year phases is that thee years of annual street fund contributions could be utilized. As a side note, the Ci y should look at increasing the street fund contribution in coming years to offset increases in con truction cost. In order to evaluate t1ie value of lengtliening t1ie Const ction time for t1ie project, we separated the project into phases and developed cost estimates fo each phase. The bid prices used in the cost estimates were increased by three percent each ye to reflect the normal increases in construction costs. Assessments against properties in ach phase were then evaluated in order to develop a basic funding summary for each phase. One of t1ie goals of t1ie Council was to reduce t1ie size f t1ie assessment against eacli property. Option 1 is a large project, including a full storm sewer collection system. The storm sewer system assessment has been reduced and consists of onl 20% of the non-Trunk related items within the storm system. The remaining 80% will be p . d for by City funds. The ratio of the assessment has been set based on the policies in place a the time of the original street improvement project. F:\WPWIM.1494-0N209Q4 2005f'05 memo.doc . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of MonticelIo December 9,2004 Page 3 The assessments proposed against a typical individ al residential property would be nearly $5,300 in year one of Option 1, and would differ ar nually as shown in the following table due to variations in each phased project. The street widen ng assessment as proposed previously was changed to be a curb and gutter assessment. This a sessment is the cost of curb and gutter only, averaged between affected lots within each phase. rherefore, the amount of the assessment varies between phases. The storm sewer assessment also varies between ph ses, because the assessment for each phase would only include the storm sewer constructed dun'ng each phase. A brief summary of the typical residential assessmer t for Option 1 by year is included below. ~ ., OPTION 1 - MULTI-YEAR ASSE )SMENT SUMMARY Year 1 Year 2 Amount Amount $ ,721.78 $2,803.43 $1,584.31 $1,388.99 480.26 $375.58 476.66 $599.61 $5263.01 $5,167.62 Typical Residential Lot Assessment Residential Assessment, per lot Curb and Gutter Assessment, per lot Sidewalk Assessment, per lot Storm Sewer Assessment, per lot Residential Lot Assessment Amount Year 3 Amount $2,887.54 $1,487.76 $546.71 $756.15 $5,678.15 The same analysis was completed for Option 2. The ~ ssessments are significantly lower for Option 2, because the scope of the project, particularl the storm sewer system, is less. The typical residential assessments for Option 2 by year ar shown below. OPTION 2 - MULTI-YEAR ASSES )MENT SUMMARY Year 1 Year 2 P mount Amount $2, 21.78 $2,803.43 $0.00 $0.00 $~ 52.03 $238.98 $2,~ 73.81 $3,042.41 Typical Residential Lot Assessment Residential Assessment, per lot Curb and Gutter Assessment, per lot Storm Sewer Assessment, per lot Year 3 Amount $2,887.54 $0.00 $318.82 $3,206.35 Summaries of the cost and funding for each option, bro en down by year, are attached with this memo. The Council needs to call for a public hearing if there is intent to move ahead with the project. Direction needs to be provided by the Council as to whi h option they wish to pursue at informational meetings as well as the public hearing. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this req est, please feel free to contact us at 763- 541-4800. Attachment kkJj a F:IWPWIMl494.04IJ20904 2005jfas mfltlo.doc Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello December 9,2004 . Page 4 The fOllowing three cosUfunding swnmaries are fo each phase of Option 1, respecti vely. Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost OPTION 1 ~ YEAR 1/PHASE 1 CO ;T/FUNDING SUMMARY City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2, 721.78/lot (61 lots) CUrb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ I 1,584.31/lot Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $59.89/FF Sidewalk Assessment @ $480.26/Iot (29 lots) Storm Sewer Assessment @ $476.66/lot (61/ots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk FUnd Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $948,425.50 $94,842.55 $229,518.97 $1,272,787.02 ..... ,., Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund $500,000.00 $166,028.58 $98,227.38 $0.00 $55,710.00 $29,076.04 $0.00 $98,475.96 $281,580.86 $1,229,098.81 $43,688.21 Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost OPTION 1 ~ YEAR 21PHASE 2 COST FUNDING SUMMARY City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,803.431/ot (76/ots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $1,. 88.99/10t Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $61.69/FF Sidewalk Assessment @ $375.58/10t (42 lots) Storm Sewer Assessment @ $599.61/)ot (64 lots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $1,119,040.23 $111,904.02 $270,807.73 $1,501,751.98 Remaining balance to be funded through General Fund $500,000.00 $213,060.94 $105,563.44 $54,901.16 $63,097.80 $38,375.07 $19,339.96 $74,196.50 $329,061.81 $1,397,596.69 $104,155.29 F:\WPWIMJ494-(MJ20904 200S/tas mema.doc . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticello December 9, 2004 Page 5 OPTION 1 ~ YEAR 3/PHASE 3 COS T/FUNDlNG SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost $1,109,676.57 $110,967.66 $268,541.73 $1,489,185.95 City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,887.54/lot (76 lots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $1,487.76/lot Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $63.54/FF Sidewalk Assessment @ $546.71/lot (31 lots) Storm Sewer Assessment @ $756.15/lot (68 lots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $500,000.00 $219,452.77 $113,069.47 $0.00 $67,791.51 $51,418.26 $55,955.85 $70,602.27 $299,776.48 $1,378,066.62 Remaining balance to be funded through General Fun ':1 $111,119.33 The following three cost/funding summaries are fc each phase of Option 2, respectively. OPTION 2 ~ YEAR lIPHASE 1 CO ST/FUNDlNG SUMMARY Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost $674,525.00 $67,452.50 $163,235.05 $905,212.55 City Street Fund Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,721.78/lot (61 lots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) (~ $O.OO/lot Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $59.89/FF Storm Sewer Assessment @ $252.03/lot (61 lots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $500,000.00 $166,028.58 $0.00 $0.00 $15,373.95 $0.00 $98,475.96 $137,345.65 $917,224.14 Remaining balance to be funded through General FL nd -$12,011.59 F:\WPWIM1494-ON20904 2005fra, mema.doc . Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Monticel1o December 9,2004 Page 6 Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost OPTION 2 ~ YEAR 21PHASE 2 coe T/FUNDING SUMMARY City Street FUnd Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,803.43/lot (76 lots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $O.OO/Iot Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $61.69/FF Storm Sewer Assessment @ $238.98/lot (64/ots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $721,582.15 $72,158.22 $174,622.88 $968,363.25 -. Remaining balance to be fUnded through General Fund $500,000.00 $213,060.94 $0.00 $54,901.16 $15,294.71 $19,339.96 $74,196.50 $81,912.73 $958,706.00 $9,657.25 - Estimated Construction Cost Contingency (10%) Indirect Costs (22%) Total Project Cost OPTION 2 ~ YEAR 3/PHASE 3 COST FUNDING SUMMARY City Street FUnd Contribution Residential Assessment @ $2,887.54/lot (76 lots) Curb and Gutter Assessment (Residential Property) @ $0.( O/Iot Commercial Reconstruction Assessment @ $63.54/FF Storm Sewer Assessment @ $318.82/lot (68 lots) Sanitary Sewer Trunk Fund Water Trunk Fund Storm Sewer Trunk Fund Total Available Funding $739,090.18 $73,909.02 $178,859.82 $991,859.03 Remaining balance to be fUnded through General FUnd $500,000.00 $219,452.77 $0.00 $0.00 $21,679.65 $55,955.85 $70,602.27 $86,718.58 $954,409.12 $37,449.91 F:\WPWIMl494-O-N20904 2005/eas memo. doc Council Agenda - 12/13/04 . 5D-a Authorize the re aratiou of a Sau;ta Swer aud Watermaiu Stud for the Hiddeu Forest and Sunset Rid e Addition I>evelo ments (WSB)/(JO) A. RF:FERENCE AND BACKGROlJNI>: The I-fidden Forest development and Sunset idge addition are two individually owned proposed connected plats consisting of 173 a res located just outside of the east City boundary, adjacent to the recently constructe Sunset Ponds development. These projects propose 249 unattached units (single-family h mes). The development includes both R-1 and RIA lots. This property is proposed to b jointly developed by Mark Wolston and Rich Lewandowski. Since this development is out. ide the east City limits, extension of sanitary sewer and water systems to serve the site need to be evaluated. The existing sanitary sewer and water systems will be evaluated including utilizing the lift station constructed within the adjacent Sunset Ponds development. Service t the proposed development as well as adjacent potential developable areas will be evaluated. scope of services and cost estimate are attached. Under separate agenda items, a mandatory EA is being considered for the site as the City of Monticello is the Responsible Government Uni (RGU) for the preparation of the EA W. The site is also being studied for the possibility ofp oviding a new outlet for Ditch 33. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . I. Authorize the preparation of a Sanitary - ewer and Watermain Study for the I-lidden Forest development and Sunset Ridge A dition projects subject to the developer providing a $15,290 deposit to pay for th study. 2. Do not authorize the preparation of the st Idy at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrat r to select Alternative No. I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Scope of Services, Cost Estimate ',-',I)()( 'f ,~!I"W,. /1/ UNN. I. (iN()IJ.()( >/I,S-./IIL'IJf(.iI..u IN 11,~/-,\'(')"'r/F({h.:,.,\.flll~l'.d,')( .. WSB Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Canst uction & Associates, Inc. . December 8, 2004 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763.541-1700 Mr. Jeff O'Neill Deputy City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Hidden Forest Estates Sunset Ridge Addition Sanitary Sewer and Watennain Analysis Monticello, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1488-52 Dear Mr. O'Neill: . WSB & Associates, Inc. is pleased to submit the follo ing letter proposal to analyze the City of Monticello's existing sanitary sewer and watennain s stem in an effort to detennine the means of providing sanitary sewer and watennain service to ew development projects proposed for areas near the eastern limits of the City. BACKGROUND The Hidden Forest Estates and Sunset Ridge Addition evelopment projects have recently been proposed to City staff in the eastern portion of the City. The proposed development is located east of Haug A venue and south of CSAH 39. The prop sed developments propose construction of 249 residential lots on 173 acres. The adjacent recentl y developed Sunset Ponds develop ent (located west of Haug A venue) included the extension of watennain and sanitary sewer 0 the general area. Sanitary sewer has not been extended to the proposed development from th Sunset Ponds development. A watermain stub was extended from the Sunset Ponds de elopment east to the south side of the proposed development. Because the proposed development is located outside the CUlTent planning area for the City and because limited utility resources are available, it is neces ary to study the public utility needs for sanitary sewer and watennain service. This study will ev luate the available capacity, method of providing service and anticipated costs. Minneapolis I St Cloud Equal Opportunity Employ r P.'\L1:71ER /'/WP0SA1SIMl}nlict:llo\Jl0804_I'lN,dii(" Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 8,2004 Page 2 . WORK PLAN WSB & Associates, Inc. is proposing the following ork plan to achieve the goals described in the preceding paragraphs: 1. Data Collection: This task will include t e collection of all pertinent information from the City and the developer for info ation regarding existing and proposed systems around the proposed project area. 2. Existing Sanitary Sewer Analysis: This t sk will include the evaluation of existing pipe conditions and available capacities i the Sunset Ponds lift station, existing sanitary sewer in Gillard Avenue and CS H 39, including the CSAH 39 lift station and forcemain, and the Mississippi Drive runk sewer line. ~ ..., 3. Existing Watermain System Analysis: Th existing watermain system will need to reviewed and in regard to existing system ressures and flows around proposed project area. This is a necessary step to de elop existing flow data around the site such as water pressure, capacity, and fire fl w information. Computer modeling will be used for this analysis using the City's e isting water model. 4. Proposed Service Area Analysis: During t is step, we will develop demand information for both the sanitary sewer and watermain. We will take into consideration the number of units included n the current development plans. This step will include the identification of existi g system deficiencies in the sanitary sewer and watermain resulting from the inc eased demands on the respective systems. 5. Proposed Improvements: Following the co pletion of the analysis of existing and proposed conditions, we will develop impro ement alternatives that will provide sanitary sewer and watermain service to the urrently proposed development as well as accommodate possible future developme t projects in this area. Alternative to route the sanitary sewer system directly to th adjacent Sunset Ponds lift station or to the CSAH 39 system will be evaluated. Tru k improvements will also be determined. An analysis of how the site will be served internally will be examined. 6. Study Documentation: The study described i the previous steps will be documented in a report including the identification of exis ing system deficiencies, recommended improvements to correct capacity shortfalls a ong with the associated opinions of estimated cost, and maps showing the recom ended improvements. P.'\l.L"lTEH PROPOSA1$IMo'lficellQ\]20804.nv,do(" Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 8, 2004 Page 3 . PROPOSED FEE In order to complete the study as described herein, w( propose the following budget: Personnel ! Hours ! Rate Proposed Fee Principal , 10 $120.00 $ 1,200.00 , , "..." """"""""""""..... ................................................................".""'...,."",........",,,..... "".."".."".................... Project Manager 40 $9' M $ 3,760.00 ......."..,...,.,.,,"'...... "..,,"'''' """"""""""...."... . Registered Engineer 90 $77.00 $ 6,930.00 Engineering Technician 40 ; $85.00 $ 3,400,00 , i Total Proposed Fee $ 15,290.00 The rates shown in the preceding table are based on our 2005 Rate Schedule. We propose to conduct the work on an hourly basis with an estimate fee of $15,290,00. . This letter represents our entire understanding of the roject scope. If you are in agreement, please sign on the space provided and return one orig'nal signed copy to us for our records. We will start immediately upon receipt of the signed agre ment. If you have any questions concerning the work plan or fee as discussed herein, ] lease feel free to contact me at 763-287- 7162. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. IMf It. tJ~ ~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer ~-~ Shibani Bisson, P.E. Project Manager Attachment sbj ACCEPfED BY: City of ~ ilonticello Name . Title Date /~ P:\LEITER PROPOSALSM07Iticello\120H04-rw.doc Council Agenda - 12/13/04 . 50-b Authorize the re aratiou of au Enviro mental Assessment Worksheet Hidden Forest Develo ment aud Sunset id e Addition (WSB)/(.JO) for A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Hidden Forest development and Sunset Ridge Addition is a 173 acre site located just outside of tbe east Ci ty boundary. These pr i eets propose 249 unattached units (si ugl e- fami Iy homes) featuring a mixture of R - I and R I A housing. This property is proposed to be jointly developed by Mark W olston and ich Lewandowski. Due to the permanent land use conversion of 80 or more acres frOl agriculture and naturally vegetated land to a residential development, the Hidden Forest development along with the Sunset Ridge Addi tion triggers a mandatory EA W pursuan to Min nesota Rules 44 I 0.4 3 DO subpart 36. lbe City uf Muntieello is the Responsible G vemment Unit (RGU) for the preparation of this EA W. A scope of services, timeline, an cost estimate are attached. lbe Hidden Forest and Sunset Ridge Additio site is also being studied for tbe possibility of providing a new outlet for Ditch 33. A sep ate study tn evaluate the options and cost for the outlet is being considered. Further, sin e this development is outside tbe east City limits, a separate study of the sanitary sewer a d Water systems to serve the site is also being considered. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: - 1. Authorize the preparation of an EA W t4 r the Hidden Forest development and Sunset Ridge Addition projects subject 0 tbe developer providing a $ I 6,200 deposit to pay for the FA W. - 2. Do not authorize the preparation of an E C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrat r to select Alternative No. I. D. SUPPORTING I>A T A: Location Map Scope of Services, Cost Estimate, Timeline (',I/>!)( 'IIMI'-_I',!' IIVN -1.1;/1( il/'!( >/I.S./I!<''I'I'I.-niN 11,11-111<1<1""1-""",11,_111'_13113111.<1,,, A WSB & Associates, lnc, Infrastructure . Engineering . Planning I Constr ction . December 7, 2004 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763"541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Scope of Services to Prepare an Environmental ssessment Worksheet for the Hidden Forest Development and Sunset Ridge Addition WSB Project No. 1488-99 Dear Mr. O'Neill: . As requested, please find outlined below a Scope of Servi es to prepare an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) for the proposed Hidden Forest Develo ment and Sunset Ridge Addition. An EA W is required for this project pursuant to MN Rules 4410.4300 ubpart 36 pertaining to the pennanent land use conversion of 80 or more acres from agriculture and natur Ily vegetated land to a residential development. Task 1 - Project Management / Meetings This task involves coordinating the activities of WSB Staff City Staff, and the developer and reviewing the information that is developed with appropriate City Sta f and Council members. This task also includes one meeting with City Council to review the EA Task 2 - Collect Background Information Background information associated with the development 0 this site will be collected from a variety of Sources including the City, Minnesota Historical Society, P l1ution Control Agency, the Department of Natural Resources, the County, and the Soil and Water Con ervation District. This information will be reviewed and analyzed to address the environmental conce s of the project. (Some of this information has been acquired by the developers engineer and provided t the City.) Task 3 -Identify Past Land Use and Existing Cover Types Information from the City, agencies, and the developer will e reviewed to determine past land uses within the site that may present environmental concerns suc as soil contamination. Any environmental impacts will be discussed within the EA W. The existing and proposed cover types will be determined based on a field visit, aerial photography, infonnation from t e developer, and the proposed development plans. Task 4 - Ecological Review of Site As part of this task, a site visit to the project area will be conducted. The purpose of this site visit will be to evaluate the impact of the project on fish and wildlife habit t. This field review will be discussed in the EA Wand the impact of the development on these resourc s will be evaluated. Task 5 - Evaluate Project Impact on Water Quantity and Q lity As part of this task, the water quantity and quality information for the site will be analyzed. This will include analysis of existing and proposed discharge rates, volu es, and anticipated impact on water quality. This analysis will be discussed in the EA W. Minneapolis. S1. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employ r K:VJ J 488- Y9vl,(Jmin\Dtx:,rV 10 I ()4-,tCQP'-'hj.dOt. Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 7, 2004 Page 2 of3 . Task 6 - Address Erosion and Sedimentation Control easures The EA W will address erosion and sedimentation contro measures to be taken during and after construction of the project. The amount of soil to be mo ' ed or excavated will also be discussed within the EA W. Infonnation pmvided by the developer will b reviewed, aoalyzed, and included in the EA W. Task 7 - Evaluate Project Impact on Water Use and Wa: tewater As part of this task, the impact of the development on wa, tewater and water use will be evaluated. This evaluation will be discussed in the EA W. (A separate stu' y to address how this site will be served with sewer and water service is intended to he authorized sepa~ tely.) Task 8 - Evaluate Impact on Traffic, Noise, and Air Qu lily As part of this task, the impact of the development 00 traf c, noise, and air quality will be evaluated and discussed in the EA W. Tbis will include an analysis of re iooal traffic impacts and traffic COunts as needed. A discussion of potential mitigating measures wil also be included in the EA W. Task 9 -Identify Impact on Public Infrastructure As part of the EA W, any new or expanded public services at will be required as part of the project will he identified. This would include sanitary sewer, watermai , and storm sewer as well as road improvements. - Task 10- Evaluation of Cumulative Impacts As part of this task, the cumulative impacts of the project 0 the surrounding area will be evaluated. - Task 11 - Submit EA Wand Respond to Comments The EA W will be provided to City Staff and City Council fo review. Once authorization from the City has been received, WSB will distribute the EA W to the requ red agencies and EQB Monitor for the 30- day review. WSB will follow-up with the EA W review pmc ss and respond to COmments generated by the public review process. Following completion of the revi w process, we will present the findings of the EA W to the Council and pmvide a recommendation relat ve to the need for an Envimnmental Impact Statement (EIS). This task includes one meeting with the Cit Council. The cost estimate to prepare the EA Was oudined above is es imated not to exceed $16,200. A proposed schedule is attached. Please call me at (763) 287-7196 if you ave any questions. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. d::arfJo~?: ~ Environmental Scientist Attachment am/srb K;\f)1488.9Yvtdmitj~.s\J20J04_scI}PI!.,h.ldO(" Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 7, 2004 Page 3 of 3 . TIMELINE TO PREPARE A VEA W FOR THE HIDDEN FOREST DEl ELOPMENT TASK Data Collection and EA W Development City Council Packet Deadline Submit EA W to EQB Monitor City Council Reviews EA W EA W Comment Period -. Respond to Comments - City Council Packet Deadline City Council Determines need for EIS Decision Noticed in EQB Monitor PROPOSED TIME LINE December 14, 2004 January 19,2005* January 20, 2005 (noon) January 24, 2005 January 24, 2005 January 31- March 2,2005 March 10, 2005 March 10, 2005 (noon) March 14, 2005 March 28, 2005 * Assumes authorization to proceed is provided December 13 2004. K'-\0148S..9!AAf/mill.\JJ()(:.f\J2OJ04_JCOJ~_hj.doc . ~ ...,. . Council Agenda -,. 12/13/04 SD-c Authorize the continuation of the Coun D tch 33 stud for outlet im rovements needed for future Monticello development (WSB)/( 0) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In recent years, County Ditch 33 (CD33) has b come a contentious issue with the Wright County Board because of the failing condition fthe ditch. In the past, the County has denied the City of Monticello access to the ditch and i some cases has required the removal of existing drainage systems to this ditch. The pu pose of this report is to determine the size of the outlet needed to service the CD 33 watersh d and to provide Wright County a plan, which outlines the benefits of an improved outlet and establishes the framework for future improvements to CD 33. The City has been working on this issue previo Isly with the Sunset Ponds and Carlisle Village Developments, but has been limited due to the 'ondition of the current outlet. The study of a new outlet was initiated when the Paumen and ones properties began submitting conceptual designs and utility questions. With the formal roposal of the Hidden Forest and Sunset Ridge Additions, the City has the opportunity to creat. a new reliable outlet to the Mississippi River through the property. A scope of services, timeline and cost estimate re attached. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize the continuation of the outlet study as part of the Hidden Forest and Sunset Ridge Addition projects. 2. Do not authorize the preparation of a dr inage study at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administr tor to select Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Scope of Services, Cost Estimate, Timeline (" II JO( '( IA/F--l'i/.JA WN. 1'< aU)'I/.()( 'AI.S. n 1('II,/)'".J(iN 11'10./-( '/) 33 .~fl/t.~r-I ;!()30-l.d/,!( A WSB . & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Constru tion 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 December 8, 2004 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Scope of Services for the Preparation of a Co nty Ditch 33 Outlet Improvement Study City of Monticello, MN WSB Project No. 1488-52 Dear Mr. O'Neill: As requested, please find outlined below a Scope of S rvices to prepare a stormwater outlet plan for the County Ditch 33 watershed as part of the prop sed Hidden Forest Development and - Sunset Ridge Addition. Because of problems facing right County with the current condition of this drainage way, a study determining the long-term eeds within this watershed is needed before additional development will be pennitted. Task 1 - Project Management / Meetings This task involves coordinating the activities of WSB reviewing the existing information and data available. with Wright County Board and the required public he taff, Wright County and the developer This task also includes work sessions ngs. Task 2 - Collect Background Infonnation Background information associated with the developm nt of this site will be collected from a variety of sources including the City, MnlDOT, Count Assessor, Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District, and the property owners. This i formation will be reviewed and analyzed to address the current conditions of the ditch system an identify past repairs and problem areas. Task 3 - Establish Hydrological and Hydraulic Mode ing The water resource data collected as part of the previou task will be analyzed, interpreted and summarized in a model to provide analysis of the prese t flow rates and determine the anticipated future flow rate limits based on watershed sizes and available ponding. This modeling will determine the outlet pipe size needed. Minneapolis I St. Clo d Equal Opportunity Empl yer F:\W/'WIMI4BB-5?1./20i04-,fCfI[!C_CD33,doc Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 8,2004 Page 2 . Task 5 - Mapping and Exhibits Any improvements or changes to the CD 33 system equire the approval of those property owners served by the ditch system. Therefore, this t sk will focus on the creation and production of user-friendly maps and graphics to present the exi ting conditions and proposed changes at Wright County Public Meetings. Task 6 - Address Financing Considerations Implementation of the proposed controls and County 'mprovements that are identified in this report will require an outlet system, which is larger, a d more elaborate that what is needed to service the Hidden Forest Development and Sunset R dge Addition. This task will evaluate the cost responsibilities and identify revenue sources to 0 fset these costs. Alternative financing options available to the City will also be explored. Task 7 - Prepare Final Report As part of this task, a final draft Plan will be prepared nd reviewed witb tbe City Staff and City Council. Once reviewed by the City Staff and City Council, the Plan will be submitted to the Wright County Board for review and presented as part of the required public hearing on ditch activities. The cost estimate to prepare this report as outlined abo e is estimated to be $ 8,500. A proposed schedule is attached. Please call me at (763) 287-8313 if you have any questions. Sincerely, 71 ilC-S' Inc. Phillip A. Elkin Water Resource Engineer Enclosures petsrb P'\WPWIMJ488-51\J20704-,u:ope_CDJ3.doc Mr. Jeff Q'NeiJI December 8, 2004 Page 3 . TIMELINE FOR 'HE CD 33 DRAINAGE RF:PORT TASK PROPOSED TIMl LINE Data Collection September 2004 - C ctober 2004 Submit Draft Report to City January 2005 Initial Meeting with Wright January 2005 County Wright County Public February 2005 Hearing Respond to Comments March 2005 Final Report March 2005 P'\WPW1M/488-SZ\/20704_SCijpe_CLJJ3,doc . . . 5E. Consideration of Fund Transfers for 200 . (RW) A. REFERI,:NCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 12/13/04 The Council is asked to approve various fun transfers for the year 2004 to cover deficiencies in various construction funds, tr, nsfer of balances remaining from various construction funds to debt service funds that Inance projects, along with miscellaneous transfers to correspond with our budget for tl e year 2004. Most of the transfers are self-explanatory an arc necessary to eliminate deficiencies in various construction funds or temporarily pre vide financing until a future general obligation bond or revenue source can be arr nged. Other major transfers from sewer access funds or water access funds arc to cov I' the City's share of various projects that we had planned on paying for by using of the e trunk fees. A listing of the indi vidual transfers recommc ded for approval is included with the agenda that outlines each proposed transfer, ollar amount, and the purpose ofthc transfer. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the transfers as recommende C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Adminis rator that for accounting purposes, the transfers be approved prior to the end of 200 D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of proposed transfers. . 2004 RECOMMENDED Fur D TRANSFERS -- FROM TO $ PURPOSE HRA #213 Various TIF D.S. Funds $179,650,0 Annual TIF Transfers Community Center Fund Liquor #609 #226 $250,000,0 Annual contributions to operations budget Community Center #226 2000A G.O. Bond #365 $662,455,0( Per budget - Community Center debt payment WWTP Note Sewer Access Fund #262 #358 $500,000.00 Partial payment - Debt WWTp Note 2004~06C Core St Project To cover partial constructions costs for water main Water Access Fund #265 #2 - #493 $170,20000 improvements as part of Core St Reconstruction 2004-06C Core St Project To cover partial construction costs for storm sewer Storm Sewer Acess #263 #2 - #493 $29,50000 improvement on Phase" 2004-30C Water Tower To coverpartial costs for new water tower in Jefferson Water Access Fund #265 Project #495 $100,00000 Commons #212 Street Reconstruction 2004-06C Core St Project To cover partial project costs for Phase" Core Str Project Fund #2 ~ #493 $500,00000 from annual budget levy #497 Library Expansion To cover estimated cost of library expansion project per 2004 #240 Capital Outlay Fund Construction Fund $700,000.00 & 2005 budget allocations To close out completed construction fund and transfer #461 98-03C Community Ctr #226 Community Center remaining funds to Community Center Fund for future building Construction Fund Fund $46,84613 improvements #466 99-01C Kjellberg Sewer To closed out completed construction fund and return surplus Project #262 Sewer Access Fund $15,271.98 funds to sewer trunk funds that financed project To close out excess funds 2001-05C construction fund and TF #481 2001-05C Groveland " #478 2000-18C Cedar St $43,916,86 to other construction funds to cover deficiencies. To close out excess funds 2001-05C construction fund and TF #481 2001-05C Groveland " #483 2001-17C Walnut St $87,31594 to other construction funds to cover deficiencies. To close out excess funds 2001-05C construction fund and TF #481 2001-05C Groveland " #450 96-04C Hwy 25 Proj $45,67479 to other construction funds to cover deficiencies. #492 2003-20C Prairie Rd To close out excess funds 2001-05C construction fund and TF #481 2001~05C Groveland " Reconstruction $18,490.04 to other construction funds to cover deficiencies, To close out excess funds 2001-05C construction fund and TF #481 2001 ~05C Groveland " #493 2004-06C Core St #2 $94,91272 to other construction funds to cover deficiencies. #360 '96 Interceptor Sewer To close out paid off bond fund surplus to similar sewer debt Bond #358 WWTp Note $102,029,74 issue #362 '98 Temp Community #365 2000A Community To close out old bond fund that was refinanced & TF Center Bond Center Bond $195,000,00 remaining funds to new bond fund #357 Consolidated Bond To close out cash balance to consolidated bond fund (Debt #327 92A GO. Bond Fund Fund $18,835.33 paid off) #357 Consolidated Bond To close out cash balance to consolidated bond fund (Debt #330 96A GO. Bond Fund $127,28367 pa id off) DAWNIEXCELIRICK:2003 Fund Transfers 12/6/2004 kE :.) -, -. ...... ..., . . ..... ..... Council Agenda -- 12/13/04 SF. rovcment A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council previously authorized City s afT to retain the services of Schluender Construction, Inc. for the installation of storm ewer for the Trinity Lutheran Church parking lot area. During construction, additional curb nd gutter removal and replacement was requircd in ordcr to complete the project. R. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Change Order No. I in the am unt of $2,816.75 for Schluender Construction, Inc. C. STAFF RECOMMENI>ATION: D. It is the recommendation of the City Engineer t1at Change Order No. I in the amount of $2,8 I 6.75 be approved for payment. SUPPORTING DATA: Change Order No.1 Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. (":\/lIlOIIlWIII.I' 'II!rI......(.,ling\ 1././11'1'1/, (;rl!\",'ill,l!('/",f.rwlIl ,"i'lfill.I.!S', 'I "!III"'I"i1/:\ Jul/'/"II1" ,'il,'\,',! )I.A"l(!',. J(; \ II \ I-("f j J _I J !:W.J ,f'l( A WSB . & ASSociates, Inc. Infrastructure . Engineering . Planning . Constru tion December 8, 2004 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Mr. Rick Wolfs teller, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk Re: Change Order No. 1 Trinity Lutheran Church Storm Sewer Improve ents and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2004-34C WSB Project No. 1160-86 Dear Mr. Wolfs teller: Please find enclosed Change Order No.1 (in triplicate) or the above-referenced project for your review and approval. The increase to the original contr ct amount is $2,816.75, resulting in a new contract total of $19,500.75. This change order am unt will be included with the next construction pay voucher processed. We hereby reco end that the City of Monticello approve Change Order No.1 for Schluender Construction, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-287- 7190. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ,I {)uhf, ~~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Enclosures cc: Schluender Construction, Inc. srb Minneapolis. S1. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer F..\WPWllVV l60-86\CO 1 LJr Cty_d<< DEC-08-2004 15:10 FROM :SCHLUENDER C0NSTRUCTION '0/'''' .1'- J.;!;OO J.J'~ WSB & ASSOCIATES FAX NO. :76329555 4 7635411700 P.02/02 . Dec. 09 2004 10:06AM P2 P,Q2/0J TRINITy LlI1'HIRAN CHlJItct.f rro"M fiWllI "'ROV!Mim ANI) APPUA'rlH~T WOftK aT'Y OF ItDlnlCe'u.o PROJECT AIO. 3lllH-IIC .. PIICl.Ilc:r NO. 11.,... OWHfR: CITY 01' MafmcEuo 50S WAUltn'STRiET, IIU/'J'W 1 MON'l'fCIUO, UN tl$ti DECUtIlI!III, _ c ,,: - "8,_00 "'.00 $18M4.00 ....to. 75 $19.5llO.75 VOU AR! out!CT!O TO lANCE 1M!; FOLJ.OWINGI CHA~e3 IN ll-IE CONTRAcT DOQ.t CQNT~T OUANnnil ARe Moolfllen 048 tHOwN ON THE l\iTACHIiQ OETAIL rr IS "'_DTlfAt",. """'" DllDMINCl-W<sAU._NAL CClSTS DT... ~""Qj ""'IN "" WAY. _. "" FO~ MSOClATiC WITJo/ TIoI! INO"'I< il.eMENT'a CiSCRI8ED ~VE. CHAMQi 1ft ~ Pflle!: - ~'NAI.. CONTAACT PRICI;: PREviOUS CHNIIGE OACERS: PJ/A CONTAAcr PRJCE FAlOR 10 THIS CHANGe OAcelit. ~ INCREASE OF 'Tl-jIS ot-IANGE OAOiA; CONTAAe't PRICE WITH ALL ~Aoveo CHANGe ORDERS: , ./ OIDOI CON'l'RAc1j TIN!: NItI' C ANGE FAC* ~s ~BEOAO!A&. COW 'l1NE PRlQF{ TO THMi CHANQi QRgER: Ner IN A!A.tIi Of' ~QE CFlOS't CQNT or TIME WITH "PPFiQVEtJ CI'lANGi ORDEAIi: .) . NlA . NONe /011.... NONE ~A RECQMMiNOtD ev: ~ttp.~~ I . ., ,. RE W$8 "~TH.INC. I!Na'NEER DEI'l CONS7RUCTlON INO. -i,d,4-,U)wd /$ CfJY INQ/Na!" I .;+ . ! - DATi .;3 ., ., I .~ , :; A1........,..,.....:..w f~ .. . ,~ .t. TOTAL P.02 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 2004-34C WSB PROJECT NO. 116CJ-86 DECEMBER 8, 2004 . ADDEO ITEMS Item No. Description 2 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER Unit Price Extended Amount 3 B618 CURB AND GUTTER LUMP SUM UN FT $1.200.00 $1.200.00 $11.15 $1.616.75 TOTAL INCREASE CHANGE ORDER NO.1 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT TO ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $2,816.75 $2,816.75 PBg. 1 F:lwPWIM7760-86IExceIlCO t.xl.COt 0.1.11 SG. Consideration to authorize awardin Contract services to Uo lund Trans . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROIJNI> ress 3rd Par In November, City Council approved the bid s ecification and public notice for obtaining bids for 3rd party contractor services for Monticello s Heartland Express bus system. December 6th was the closing date fe)r bid prop sals. Only one bid was submitted. Hoglund Transportation, Heartland's cun'ent yd party p vider, submitted the bid. Hoglund provided all required elements of the bid proposal, incIu ing the cash security. Hoglund's proposed hourly contract rate come, close to the hourly rate estimated in the 2005 grant management plan (also previously appro ed by Council). Including insurance, Hoglund's hourly rate is $30.91. The itemized 2.58 per hour insurance rate has been included in this overall hourly cost as it is a ma dated requirement for the program. The hourly rate Jor contract services estimated in th grant management plan is $30.28. The hourly difference between the bid rate and the g ant estimate is $0.63. Over the 2300 estimated contract service hours, the rate differ nee would amount to $1,449.00. Hoglund has also prepared hourly rate iniormati n fc)r fuel and dispatch services. ~ ..., Staffreconul1cnds continuation of the current fu 1 purchase system, whereby Hoglund purchases fuel through their contracted provider and then invoices the City for the actual cost. This system is in contrast to locking into a set fuel rate as proposed on the bid proposal. The City has estimated fuel at $1.85 per gallon f r the 2005 grant management plan. The payment of aetual fuel costs is expected to bring fuel cost closer to budget. In terms of dispatch services, Mn/DOT rccomm nded that the City require off.bus dispatching, meaning no cell phone reservations. It was also recommended by MnlDOT that the City's new Transit Coordinator handle dispat h services. However, due to the amount of regulation and marketing programs that will be a ministered by the new Transit Coordinator, it would not make sense to confine this job to dis _ atch. For 2005, the City will be working with Mn/DO to allow a hands-free dispatch system administered by Hoglund. This would be used to lessen the safety issues with cell-phone reservations. The small rate increase for reservations made inside ofthc 24-hour notice window will also help to lessen the number of on bus dispatch calls, as it will encourage call- ahead reservations, which can be relayed via a dai y dispatch schedule. The $5.00 per hour rate indicated for the dispatch services would ther J(Jre not be included in the City's 2005 hourly 3rt! party contract rate. Additionally, now t at thc City has an idea of the cost of out- sourced dispatch services, the fee can be worked i 110 the grant management plan for 2006 if required by Mn/DOT. The ultimate dccision on tl e dispatch system for 2005 will be determined with input from Mn/DOT. It should be notcd that the City's grant manageme t plan has been approved for 2005 and the City has received confirmation of grant funds as re ~uested. Staff will now move forward with . . . the hiring process for the administrative positi n in accordance with the management plan, as required by Mn/DOT. B, ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1) Motion to authorize execution of the 2005 con ract for 3 rd party transportation provider services with Hoglund Transportation at $30.91 per hour, subject to Mn/DOT approval ofa hands-free dispatch system and subject to payi g actual pass-through expenses for fuel purchase. In the event that the hand-free syste is not approved by Mn/DOT, Hoglund Transportation will provide dispatch services t $5.00 per hour additional cost. 2) Motion to authorize execution of the 2005 co tract for 3rd party transportation provider services with Hoglund Transportation under t nns to be identified by the Council. 3) Motion to deny authorization to execute the 2 05 contact for 3rd party transportation provider services with Hoglund Transportation. 4) Motion of other. C, ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1 above. D. SlJPPORTING DATA A. Hoglund Transportation Bid Proposal B. 2005 Grant Management Plan Financial orkbook BID PROP SAL OPERATION OF crrv OF MONTICELLO HEARTLAND EXPRESS Corj .ProposaIOf(Name) DC l~H'\d TVCLV\S)O Street Address ) rc'l rJD City, State, Zip ~DVlil eef 1.0 ~HJ Phone: --j(p6 2i16, 3.(p(') Lt- Fax: E-mail: tlYV) C / . {()/'(\ To do and perform and work in accordance with the Contract and Specifications for private 3rd party transit services, including but not limited to management, operation and maintenance expenses, safety inspections, insurance, training, office and storage facilities, and all neces ary labor, equipmcnt, and materials required to support Monticello Heartland Express, with service commen ing on January 1 Sl, 2005 for a period of one year. To the City of Monticello, Monticello, Minnesota: In accordance with the advertisement inviting proposal _ for the project hereinbeicHc named, and in conformity with the contract and specifications pertaining the eto: (I) (We) hereby certify that (1 am) (we are) the only per'on(s) interested in this proposal <;IS principal ~--- ; that this proposal is made and submitted 'without fraud or collusion with any other person, .,..irm, or corporation whatsoever; that an examination has been made of the site of the work and the Contract form, together with the Specifications pertaining thereto. (1) (We) understand that the quanti tics of work shown h rcin arc approximatc only and arc subject to increase or decrease; that all quantitics of work, whcther incre scd or decrcased, arc to bc preformed at the unit prices shown on the bid schcdule; and that, at the time of open'ng of bids, totals will only be rcad, but that the comparison of bids will he based on thc correct summation of he item totals obtained from the unit prices bid, (I) (We) propose to furnish all necessary equipment tool., labor, and other mcans in the manncr and at the time prescribed in accordance with the terms of the Contract a d Specifications. (1) (We) further propose to execute the form of Contract within ten (10) days after receiving written notice of award. (I) (We) further propose to guarantee all work performe under this Contract to be done in accordance with the Specifications. 0) (We) further understand and agree that this proposal C' nnot be withdrawn within thirty (30) days after scheduled time fix receipt of bids. (1) (We) agree to all the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section] 81,59. PagcIof4 sG .. Lll1c Number BASE BID SC IEDULE Item Estillated Unit Qual titv Unit Price Amount Dial-A-Ridc Services Hour 230 $ $--- "P' H1 .' t:-'Cc"~., , $ l ell '1) ':;J."C! D a theMe,! dO{~Lh1t~')t"~ GRAND TOTAL BASE BID: FINANCIAL PLAN WORKBOOK: Our firm agrees to at!, ch to this proposal a completed Financial Plan Workbook, outlining the costs associated with our unit price roposed. All line items may not he completed. however, any line item entered will have a narrative explaini g the costs. - -- [THIS SPACE LEFT BLANK I TENTIONALL V] age 2 0("4 SG . - Z o f::f-; ~tE o:::~ 0"," 0...0 (/J<<c Zz ~$ f-;~ r......f-; OU ~~ ~~ f-;O o:::U <<CO o...u.l u.lW Or...... -<cO f-;w Ou (/J ...... u.lr...... ~~ ~ -$J\.1.\fJ.~,. ~?~\ 0"-1- i...... . ~ ~~t o~~ Eo- rJ'J "'"' ...1 rJ'J =z:: ~ ~ '3 = '" .... v "'0 V) -> ~ 2 0.0. U V .- .S! t: ;;. '" .... o.v "'0 (/J lO: , '" '" .... ... ... u ._ 0- 'Q'g; .... ;:l o.(/J o .J:; ~ ~B o u '" OJ)J:: .9 :::: E 8 08-g ii;(/J 0.0 ","'0 - ::: ::::- '" u c.:::: ,- ...... u 't <d 0. "- o '" o a ::: 0" o .2:; ca tt; 0. ;::: 6 I ~ ro 0; [/] ;..; o U C(j .... E o u E t '" ;::j '" UJ co o tb o C "0 C '" '" I.I..l co Q OJ) ,f2 "0 :l ] '" 0... u.., on :;E ~~ 'E i3 ,r, 0 ;:lu '" I .....L o ;:l "O(/J :nOd '1;j ;S '" c " .5: CIl ....:::::-0 -S'~1il ~~~ u '" .....c ..cf-< U t--- I I r r tl 5 r:J ~ g 'i:: -< '0 0 ... 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""' '" E E <E '" .E t, PROPOSAL GUARANTY: A (cash deposit), (cashier's eh 'ckL (bid bond) (certified check) in the amount of ,A ($ '61{-' L?CJ. {JDJ being at least five percent (511'0) of the amoLl1t of proposal. made payable to the City of ~onticello, as a proposal guarantee, which is agreed by the mdersigned will be forfeited in the event the form of contract is not executed, if awarded to the undersigned. NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT: A Non-Collusion AfJida it is {()Und in these Specifications, which mLlst be signed by each bidder. RECEIPT OF ADDENDA: The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of and has co sidered the Specifications for Operation of City of Monticello Hec HSnd Express addrn~ 1111. / .... .~/, S. d ,./ ;:;;/ .~. ....~ 19ne . . . ---/.L:- . ?;' EXECUTION OF PRop6~AL: "', This proposal dated the ._)0,._ day of teeth') ber 2dJLt Signed: , P.O. Address as an individual. Signed: , P.O. Address as an individual. .oing business under the name and style of _~_~'____~'_M_"_'__' ~._~ ~--~-,~~~-..........- Signed: , for ._.._,.~ a partnership. Name Business Addre s Name Business Addre's Name Business Addre 'S ~/;? /-j ";14" '''''''' /" /. / " Signed: _~_ --"'_:: ~ - ~/ __= )for__tLogLl1 _cLI~{l~j:J~~~ Ih0 a corporation Incorporated LInder the laws of the State of tv" ()hc(j)fn . ~--~-'~-'~"~._,..,~'-~" ~--~'--'~~ Name of President L5MZloVl ik~t~~!)d Name of Vice-President JCCt0J.V}(~_.B:~\(~i\[\ Name of Secretary \Lttf'l~~.:.fIi~ K{),~!:Y\ ~ eame of Treasurer .__. __$i!?J.::f_____ (\1,1 ic Bu iness Address .~ lb()~ --I_r) \AUl\tlaJ\.o I".jC:ij..11_ Ell iness Address (kDVe.- Bus ness Address "__l:l::b)\~_~"___"n_ Bus ness Address olr:\VG Page 3 of 4 sCa NON-COLLUSION ECLARATION . The following Non-Collusion Declaration shall be execute oy the bidder: OPERATION OF MONTICELLO HEARTLAND EXPRI~SS STATE OF MINNESOTA WRIGHT COlJNTY ciDrzl Dn I-Jo~ I t,{nc!lYctli i (name and title ~)fper.on signi-:;:this de '/arati(;n) , do state under penalty I. of PCI:jury under 28 V.S.C. ] 746 of the laws of the United St'tes: (] ) that I am the authorized rcpresentative of t- ,~hD. ------------.~~---~.~,-----------~.,'~.. (name of person, partnership, or corporation subm tting this proposal) ,---------.-~~----...._-~--'____O.__~__~~ and that I have the authority to make this declaration for and n behalf of said bidder; (2) that, in connection with this proposal, the said bi del' has not either directly or indirectly entered into any agrecmcnt,participated in any collusion, or othcrwis taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding; (3) that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the c ntents of this proposal have not been communicated by the bidder or by any of his/her employees 0 agents to any person who is not an employee or agent of the bidder or of the surety on any bond furnished with the proposal and will not be communicated to any person who is not an employee or agent of the bidder or 0 said surety prior to the official opening of the (4 ) proposal, and Page 4 0 r 4 50 . Monticello l--IeartIand Expre s, Attachrnent Bid Proposal, January - Decenlb r 2005 To: Jeff O'Neill Deputy City Administrator City of Monticello 505 vValnut St. Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 By: Gordon Hoglund. President Hoglund Transportation. In PO Box 70 Monticello, MN 55362-007 f=>roposedHourly Contract I~ te, 2005 Basic Service To provide the bus. driver. and . maintenance rnaterials and staff Additional Options To provide insurance as specified TO cover the cost of fuel TO provide a Dispatcher Total F-lourly Contract Rate Including all options Subsequent Year $28.33 $ 2.58 $ 3.78 $ 5.00 $39.69 We would be interested in providing serv ce for an additional year at the official CPl published December 200. (prior to the start of the year). SG . 1.3 Additional Required 5u mittals Professional References Mr. Michael Benedetto, Contract Holde Monticello Public Schools 203 \Nashington St Monticello, MN 55362 763 271 ~0300 Mr. Ken Spanier, Partner Vision Transportation Services Spanier Bus Service, Inc. 2 1984 State I--lighway 15 St Cloud, MN 56301 MS. Margo Black, Business Associate Black Financial Services 110 Ave Av N PO Box 346 Avon, MN 56310 C:rcdit Referenc~s - - Bernie Peterson, President Rural American Bank - Foley, Bank 341 Fourth A v PO Box 367 Foley, MN 56329 320 968-6293 Navistar Financial Services, Financing peration 2850 Holling Meadows Dr Chicago, IL 60693~6070 800 635-6869 Hoglund Bus Company, Vendor r::'o Box 249 Monticello, MN 55362 763 295-51 19 Locations of Residence: Our offic", has been located at 11 9 East Oakwood Drive since 194-7. Types of Driving and ()perating 1 icenses: We have all the relevant state and federal operoting licer ses and authorities, including Ice authority under license # 1 19565 an # I 54738. SG . . . Our drivers use the class B license witt Hie passenger endorsernent. Most drivers also have a sellool bus en orsement. Each driver carries his or her fOrITlal proof-of-physical whe operating the bus. Our drivers are screened for license compli nce twice annually. Our equipment carries the appropriate i Ispection stickers and lCC numbers as required by the various sta e and federal authorities. Experience: We have been operating the Monticello l-Ieartland Express since ) 990. We tlave been operating school buses 'n the Monticello area since )947. SG . . -. - Managerial Services: Vv'e vvill prov de managerial services as we have in the past. yVe have one Genera Manager that oversees the dispatch, maintenance. and bus operation, as well as the controlled substance testing and licensing depart lents. The dispatcher vvill check-in each drive . The dispatcher will receive the calls and communicate the informa ion to the bus driver via two- way radio. The routine-maintenance program is c mputerized and driven by vehicle miles. The general manager vi ws the reports weekly and communicates with the maintenance d partment regularly. Controlled substance testing and docu entation occurs as outlined by Hie governing authority. the Federal rransit Administration. Our controlled substance personnel attend egular training sessions to ensure compliance. Office Accommodations: Our offi .e is designed to meet the needs of a transit prograrn. We have a ,heck-in/dispatch center to comply with controlled substance testi g requirements, an adequate, rrlaintenancc space for the, equipment, nd storage space for all records related to the Monticello Heartl' nd Express program. Our office is located at 1 1 9 East Oakwood rive, Monticello, which makes a.ll city lirnits locations easily accessible Storage for the Bus: The bus used for the Monticello Heartland Express will be stored indoors at our 1 1 9 East Oakwood Drive location. Dispatch Service IJescription: T e bus will have a dedicated telephone line as it has in the past. F;,or the duration of this contract, the number \;\iill be answered in our offi e at I I 9 East Oakwood Drive during the hours of operation. The disp tcher will contact the driver via two-way radio for confirrnation of av ilability, and let the caller know approximate tirnos. The driver a d dispatcher will coordinate the record-keeping. 5G . . . 2.6 Fleet and Equipment In entory The bus \ve use for the Heartland Expr ss comes equipped to handle handicElpped customers. "We do hZlve dditional equipment should the need arise. 4.1.1 General I . l\lore information is available on ur General Operations as it relates to the performance of the Heartland Express contract. Operations will not be significantl changed during the course of this contract, vvith the exception f the modification of the dispatch process. 2. We have regular safety training r eetings, and cover an array of information. Agendas arc availa Ie. 3. operations and maintenance ac ounting and office rnanagement will be conducted s it has in the past. 4. We have a very effective preventative maintenance schedule, and have been pleased with ho it supports operation of the I-Ieartland Express. We are alwa s looking for improvements for our schedule, .but do not forese any major changes. 5. We w.ill continue fare delivery as it has occurred in the past, unless the City desires any changes. 6. We clean the bus regularly. 7. Our office and garage accommo ations will not be changing in the coming months. 8. Dispatching services will be as utlined in Section 1.3. 9. We process customer complain s or cornments the same as any other customer contact. We ho e to provide accommodation for rnost custorner requests as e have in the past. 10. our personnel management wil continue as it has. I I . We work with the city to determine routing habits. 12. The driver is responsible for re ording the pre- and post-trip inspection information as requi ed by regulation and law. sG 13. Our drivers have an id badge. ut have not Wom uniforms in the . past. 14. We have adopted the correCI c ntrolled substance policy and have impiemented and continu . to Comply With Ihe policy. J 5. We Will gather information on the specific disabled passenger training program. 4. 1.2 PerSonnel: We certify th t our drivers have been properly trained and licensed. and are phYSically, mentally. and legally qualified to Operate the vehicle and to ssist passengers. Attachment 3: We agree to abid by all the terms of Fare CoIleetion and Handling. Attachment 4: We abide by the p licies In the Race/Gender Nelltral Goal sheet, and We WiIl assist tl e City in meeting the requirements .of the Grant program. ~ ...... sG . . . Budget: vVe could not locate a budget form in tt e bid documents. On the instructions page it requests the followi g information. Should the City require additional information, we vould be happy to submit it. Hours of Operation minimum of 2200, contract says 2300 8: 15 am ntil 4:45 pm, plus .24hrs prep Monday t rough Friday Closed: ew Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Chr'stmas Eve, and Ct1ristrnas Day Vehicles one appr ved bus, with additional available depending on need Jurisdiction we will 0 erate the bus in the approved boundari ,s Monthly Fixed Costs approve hours will be charged at the contract d rate SG '. . . .t1.L.l-a\.....Llul~1.U.... J CITY OF MONT CELLO PlJBLIC TRANSIT PROG M CONTRACT This co.mYr~., is. mad.: by an. d b.etwe~n t.he.City ofMo lticello.(he~einal~er referred ~o as "Cit() and _~M~)!\i.L ,(herema!ter referred to as 'Operator ). WITNESSETH TIIAT: WHEREAS, the City desires to develop and maintait a public transportation system, and; WHEREAS, the City desires to contract for operatio 1 of the vehicles and related services; WHEREAS, the City has completed a competitive b dding process in selecting the service provider. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutua covenants and agreements as hereinafter set forth, the parties to this contract mutually agree as D lIows: TERMS OF AG EEMENT Both parties agree that this contract shall be effecti e fron~ January 1, 2005, through December 31, 2005. Operator agrees to comply with any and all require lents 'set forth in the "Specifications for Operations of City of Monticel1o Heartland Expres, "', prepared October 5th, 2004. Operator agrees to provide services as presented in the prepa "cd bid proposal, submitted _I)[~e/mkt:r~ ~_ '~l.O[Al~_.~_._, 2004 an accepted by the Monticello City Council on ,2004. -~--~_..,~^.~~,.-,--~_..,--~.---.-----'- REVENlJE C _ NTRACTS The City will retain sole authority to contract with private and public organizations to secure additional transit revenues. lNSlJR NCI'~ The Operator shall be required to provide the folll wing insurance policies with minimum coverage set at the liability limits for tlw State, as 'et rorth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 3.736, subd. 4: (a) Workers' Compensation Insurance: In ac ordance with statutory requirements and including coverage B. Employers Liabilit) , at limits not less than $100,000 bodily injury by disease per cmployee~ $500J)OO bodily injury by disease aggregate; and $100,000 Contract Sample 2005 doc: g/28/03 sC? .'. . - - bodily injury by accident. (b) Commercial Creneral Liability; Including co erage for bodily injury. sickness or disease, death. and for care anclloss of services as we I as from claims for property damage including loss of use which may arise from 0 nations under this Agreement. Minimum insurance amounts are $1,000,000 per OCCUlT nce and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. In addition, the following coverages should be i eluded: Bodily Injury and Property Damage, Products and completed Operations Liability, and Blanket Contractual Liability. The State of Minnesota must be named as an dditionaI insured. (c) Commercial Automobile Liability: Including coverage for claims for damages f()r bodily injury, sickness or disease, death, and for car and loss of services as well as from claims for property damage including loss of use wh'ch may arise from operations under this Agreement. Minimum insurance amounts are $] ,000,000 per occurrence Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property I amage. In addition, the following coverages should be included: Owned, Hired nd non-owned. The State of Minnesota must be named as an additional insured. (d) Insurance policies must be obtained [rom an i surance company having an "AM BEST"" rating of A-VIII or better. The City and MN/DOT shall be included as an additi nal named insured on the Operator's insurance as required by the Minnesota Department 0 'Transportation. Operator s!1all not commence operation until it furnishes the City and th . MN Department of Transportation with certification of insurance. . TERMS OF AGR EMENT The bid specification calls for a contract period exten ing from January 1, 2005 through December 31,2005, with the agreement of both parti s. Contract agreements will be contingent on availability of federal, state, and loca] funds, and 0 19oing demands for service. Contract amendments may be made at any time with t 1C agreement of both parties. All contracts and amendments arc subject to approval by MN/DUr Contract rates: January 1,2005, to December "\ 1,2005 per hour Note: In the event it becomes necessary to replace th. Heartland Express vehicle, the hourly contract amount would be subject to renegotiation. TERMINATION OF A "REEMENT In the event the Operator breaches the terms or violates the conditions of the bid specification/contract and cloes not, within thirty (30) ays thereafter, cure such breach or violation, thL~ City may terminate the contract immedidely. In the event the City breaches the terIns or violates the conditions of the contract and do s not. within thirty (30) days thereafter, cure slIch breach or violation, the Operator may termilate the contract immediately. Contract Salllpk 200).L!oc: fj/2S/O:; SG . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO OPERATOR Title Title ~~.."'~~-~- .,_........-----~~_.~_.--~.. ~_.,~"......--------.,~.~-,.~'~~.-..........-----.- Date ...----~.~...------------.~'--^_........------..--- Date Conlnlct Sample 20()'i.doc X/2X!O:J SCO COMPLIANCE RF( UIREMENTS . The Operator will agree to comply with all applicable federal. state, and county laws, regulations, and policies, including Llir labor laws civil rights laws. workers' compensation, unemployment cOlnpensation, sexual harassment, ffirmative action. and special Chapter 13C warranty protecting individual employees against worsening of their positions. The Operator will agree to cooperate with any mo itoring or audit visits of the city, state, or federal government including on-site inspections, disclosure of records and surveys of passengers. The Operator will agree to maintain nancial hooks and records in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Violations of Public Contracts: The Operator Just certify that they are not included on the United States Comptroller General's list of person' or firms currently debarred for violations of various public contracts incorporating labor stand I'd provisions. Price Collusion, Disclosure: The Operator will e required to certify that the prices in this contract have been arrived at independent! y with ut collusion or consultation for the purpose of restricting competition. prices have not knowingl been disclosed' to any competitor. and no attempt has been made or will be made to induce thers to submit or not to submit a bid in the future for the purpose of restricting cornpetition. . Conflict of Interest: The Opcra,tor will agree to ertify that he presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest, direct or indirect, hich would connict in any manner with the performance of services required in this agreeme t and agrees that no person having sllch interest shall be employed. EQual Emplovment Opportunity: In connecti n with the operation of the Monticello Heartland Express, the Operator will agree that it shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, sex, or national origin. Operator will take affirmative actions to ensure that applicants are mployed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to race, color, sex, 0 national origin. Such actions shall include, but not be limited to. the following: employment. u grading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination, ra es of pay or other forms of compensation. and selections for training, including apprenticeship. Services: Services performed by the Operator u der this contract shall be performed in a diligent and competent manner, and their perfor lance shall be subject to review and inspection by MN/DOT through its designated agents at all reasonable times. Insurance: The Operator shall be required to p ovide the following insurance policies with minimum coverage set at the liability limits for he State, as set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 3.736, subd. 4. Reference "Insurance" ,ection of this contract for spccific details. . Contr::lcl Sample 2UU'i.doc: 8/2~103 SCo . Indemnitv: The Operator agrees to indemnify and hold hannless the City. its agencies. agents. and employees, and MN/DOT from and against all '!aims or demands. including reasonable attorneys fees in defense thereof of every nature 01 account of injury to or death of persons, or damage to or loss of property, caused by or resultin.r in any manner from any acts or omissions of the Operator. its subcontractors, or its agents or employees in perfc)rming or failing to perform any of the service, duties, or operations to be per/or ned by the contractor and its subcontractor under this contact. 11 will be understood and agreed that any and all em loyees of the Operator and all other persons employed by the Operator in the performance of an of the services required or provided je)r under this contract shall not be considered employe s of either the City or the State and that any and all claims that may arise under the Worker's Co 1pensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any nd all claims by and third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of sa d Operator's employees while so engaged in any of the services to be rendered under this contrac by the recipient shall in no way be the obligation or responsibility of the City or the State. Non-Waiver: The f~lilllre ofIv1N/DOT or the City a any time to insist upon a strict performance of any of the terms, conditions, and covenants herein shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default in the terms, conditions and covenants herein contained. . Transportation Reculation Board: Under circumsanees and conditions where regulations apply, the furnishing of all services and the charges t be made to passengers in connection therewith arc expressly subject to the approval, certi . cation, and licensing of the Transportation Regulation Board or its jurisdiction over any of such natters. Contract Sample 20()),doc: g/2I\/(n Sw ;.c ~ .J Q., .J <<<r eg <<<r Z ~ ::> .... o c.;; o .- "" 0 2J"" '" U '"' OJ:! 0: =-. '" ~ 0 " ~ " ~ ~ ~t"! .n .g 0: 0) '" 0- ... ... " CO") 00 E- " '" 'C ] "" 'n ~ .. 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In r-- I ~g~"7~ .... ~-''::S -. ~-f~-=~ c2~~~ ~LJ.J<f.>-u o ~:::~ In In Ir, In In M/""..lNMN o "" o "" o o o "" rJ'l Q" ; f- a:: ~ C,j z, ~ rn rn ~ Q" ... .( ~:!: ~on ZN O::C L.o.i.:l 0;';' a:: 0 ~a:: Q:l::C ...f- ~= Z, .r; ..IN .(~ f-Z ~:3 QQ ~Q N~ :;.. c: a:: 0 ~ 0 rJ'l] .0"'" 1; ::f rn.", a:: 1; VJ~t"-- og :c In cfJ U 1= rn 0[: ~ :2 :~ ~ N~ 1J) ~ :; Z ~ ..J f- L.o. rr.J O~;Q~;q~ o tU ~ -;;: := E ~ ~ .~ .g & ~ ' Cl -- _ '"C ..0;{ IV '8 .~ ~~g-e[ G::Cl~V;"" (j Z i5 Z ~ "'" ,5 ..J ~~ .:.: ~ U ~~ ....rn :g .J u.( :: f- eO .Jf- .- .t!:. W f- rJJ ;.- rn - l"'l on N - Q == =Q l"'l!"l "" '8 "" "" OJ) ~ .:.: o e ,.Q .:.: '- .,,0 ::= = '" ;;: "i 'C; = '" = l,;: 00 ,.Q '" f- ,;.; "" "" ';;; .:.: '- o ;:: ~ '" ~ ~ -t o ;:: = '" ;;: ~ '"' = '" = G: 00 ,.Q '" Irj = o N ~ G: f- Q:: ...: ~ . . SR. Counci I Agenda - 12/13/04 Consideration of review of bids on Fire Den: rtmcnt Truck. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: A 1ew weeks ago, the Joint Fire Board received four bids for a new 3000 gallon tanker truck. The bids received are as follows: BIDDER Deep South Truck & Equipment Sales Midwest Fire Rosenbauer Ferrara AMOUNT $ 27,897.04 $ 61,306.00 $159,4 78.00 $182,626.00 Over the past few weeks, the Fire Chief and Tnl( k Committee hom the Fire Department have been reviewing the bid proposals in an ei1i:Jrt to sf-'e if the bids meet specifications and to try and determine why the low bid from Deep South Tru 'k and Equipment Sales of Seminary, Mississippi was substantially lower than the othe proposals. Thc only information supplied by Deep South was to indicate that they had met spe 'ifications. As part of the review process, Fire Department personnel have had discussions with all of the vendors to determine if their bids provided vehicles that were different than what \\as specified, and it appears that there were some differences in tank construction from Mid\\est Fire and Rosenbauer that likcly account fi:Jr most of the difference in price. The tank constru 'tion provided by the low bidder was a single walled, unpainted tank without any storage racks ttached whereas other suppliers had a dual walled constructed tank that would be painted an( also include storage racks fi:)r hauling additional fire hose and other items. Although the specifications did not require bidder' to provide a dual walled tank, it now appears that the Fire Department personnel would like to "ee this as an added feature on a new tanker and have recommended to the Joint Fire Board that thl City and Township reject the bids and rebid for a new tanker with some modifications to the Sl ecs. The Joint Fire Board met on Tuesday, December 7, 2004 to review the bids received and also concurred with the recommendation t( reject the bids, modify the specifications and re-advertise as soon as possible. The Joint Fire Board had originally estimated the (ost of this new tanker at around $130,000, so if it is rebid with modifications to the specs, the bi s will likely be in the $150.000 to $160,000 range. B. AI. TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could concur with the Joint fire B( ard recommendation to reject the tanker bids and authorize re-advertisement fi:>r the new ruck. . 2. Counci I could accept the low bid as presented. Council Agenda - 12/13/04 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Fire Departmel t Truck Committee along with the Joint Fire Board the City and Township reject these bids, nd re-advertise with some slight modifications to the tanker specifications. The specifications w uld indicate that tank construction should be a dual walled painted tank with the appropriate st rage shelving attached which would make it more in line with what the department had origi lally expected. In addition, the specifications will indicate that the complete set of CAD dra ings be supplied so that we know exactly the type of construction that will he provided. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . - . . c. D. 51. Authorize the re aration of an Environ Insienia development (WSB)/(JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: Counci I Agenda - 12/13104 for The Insignia development is the former Schu ender property located southwest of the Groveland development and east of 90lh Stre t. This project is on 230 acres and ineludes 227 unattached housing units, 478 attached housi g units, and 20 acres of commercial development. This development requires an EA W pursuant 0 Minnesota Rules 4410.4300 subpart 19 pertaining to the construction of 705 residential units. The City of Monticello is in Responsible Government Unit (RGU) for the preparation fthis EA W. A scope of services, timeline, and cost estimate are attached. This project has re eived concept stage PUD approval. An application for development stage and prelimi ary plat approvals is expected to be processed in January 2005. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize the preparation of an EA W r the Insignia development project subject to the developer providing a $12,000 dep sit to pay for the EA W. 2. Do not authorize the preparation of an:A W at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administr tor to select Alternative No.1. SUPPORTING DATA: Location Map Scope of Services, Cost Estimate, Timeline (':I/)()('{f~/F--/I/)AWN'I'( iN(,)If.()( ',.J/.S "/lh'IIItIL.j( iN / /;~/-'/I,\iKII;lIr..,IW-I..;1(U()I.,h ~ WSB . & Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construe ion 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis. MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 December 7, 2004 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Scope of Services to Prepare an Environmental ssessment Worksheet for the Insignia Development WSB Project No. 1488-26 Dear Mr. O'Neill: As requested, please find outlined below a Scope of Serv'ces to prepare an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) for the proposed Insignia Developme t. An EA W is required for this project pursuant to MN Rules 4410.4300 Subpart 19 pertaining to the con truction of 705 residential units. . Task 1 - Project Management / Meetings This task involves coordinating the activities of WSB St ff, City Staff, and the developer and reviewing the information that is developed with appropriate City taff and Council members. This task also includes one meeting with City Council to review the E W. Task 2 - Collect Background Information Background information associated with the developme t of this site will be collected from a variety of sources including the City, Minnesota Historical Society Pollution Control Agency, the Department of Natural Resources, the County, and the Soil and Water onservation District. This information will be reviewed and analyzed to address the environmental con ems of the project. Task 3 - Identify Past Land Use and Existing Cover Ty, es Information from the City, agencies, and the developer ill be reviewed to determine past land uses within the site that may present environmental concerns uch as soil contamination. Any environmental impacts will be discussed within the EA W. The existing and proposed cover types will be determined based on a field visit, aerial photography, information fr m the developer, and the proposed development plans. Task 4 - Ecological Review of Site As part of this task, a site visit to the project area will be conducted. The purpose of this site visit will be to evaluate the impact of the project on fish and wildlife abitat. This field review will be discussed in the EA Wand the impact of the development on these re ources will be evaluated. . Task 5 - Evaluate Project Impact on Water Quantity a d Quality As part of this task, the water quantity and quality infor ation for the site will be analyzed. This will include analysis of existing and proposed discharge rate , volumes, and anticipated impact on water quality. This analysis will be discussed in the EA W. Minneapolis IS. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer F:\WPW1M148S-26\l20204-E:4. WSC()J~-i.~.doc . . . Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 7, 2004 Page 2 of3 Task 6 - Address Erosion and Sedimentation Control M, asures The EA W will address erosion and sedimentation control measures to be taken during and after construction of the project. The amount of soil to be mov d or excavated will also be discussed within the EA W. Information provided by the developer will be eviewed and adjusted as necessary. Task 7 - Evaluate Project Impact on Water Use and Wa tewater As part of this task, the impact of the development on was ewater and water use will be evaluated. This evaluation will be discussed in the EA W. Task 8 - Evaluate Impact on Traffic, Noise, and Air Qu lity As part of this task, the impact of the development on traf ic, noise, and air quality will be evaluated and discussed in the EA W. This will include an analysis of re ional traffic impacts as well as traffic counts. A discussion of potential mitigating measures will also be included in the EA W. Task 9 - Identify Impact on Public Infrastructure As part of the EA W, any new or expanded public services that will be required as part of the project will be identified. This would include sanitary sewer, water in, and storm sewer as well as road improvements. Task 10- Evaluation of Cumulative Impacts As part of this task, the cumulative impacts of the project n the surrounding area will be evaluated. Task I I - Submit EA Wand Respond to Comments The EA W will be provided to City Staff and City Council or review. Once authorization from the City has been received, WSB will distribute the EA W to the re uired agencies and EQB Monitor for the 30- day review. WSB will follow-up with the EA W review pr cess and respond to comments generated by the public review process. Following completion of the re iew process, we will present the findings of the EA W to the Council and provide a recommendation re ative to the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). This task includes one meeting with the ity Council. It is our understanding that the developer has obtained mu h of the background information and completed a draft EA W. Provided this information is mad available, the cost estimate to prepare the EA W as outlined above is estimated not to exceed $11,951. A proposed schedule is attached. Please can me at (763) 287-7196 if you have any questions. Sincerely, a:;~;; Inc. ~ ~ Andrea Moffatt i/Jf /6- Environmental Scientist Attachments am/srb F;\Wl'WIMJ48R.2(AJ'10204-EA. WScope-i.r.d()c . . . Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 7, 2004 Page 3 of 3 TIMELINE TO PREPARE A^ EA W FOR THE INSIGNIA DEVELO rJMENT TASK PROPOSED TIMEl INE Data Collection and EA W December 14, 2004 January 19.2005* Development City Council Packet Deadline January 20, 2005 (no on) Submit EA W to EQB Monitor January 24, 2005 City Council Reviews EA W January 24, 2005 EA W Comment Period January 31 - March ,2005 Respond to Comments March 2, 2005 City Council Packet Deadline March 10, 2005 (no< n) City Council Determines need for March 14, 2005 EIS Decision Noticed in EQB March 28, 2005 Monitor * Assumes authorization to proceed is provided Decembe 13, 2004. F.'\WI'WIM1488.201./'20204-&\ W&Q/if. . u,,__ -- .. - - .j.f.doc ~ WSB Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Constru tion 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 & Associates, /1Ie. . Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Monticello Copy: leffO'Neill, City of Monticello Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates Dick Koppy, Ryan Companies Steve Broyer, Ryan Companies From: Andrea Moffatt, WSB & Associates Date: December 9, 2004 Re: Monticello Retail Development Environmental Assessment Workshe t c.P. 2003~033 WSB Project No. 1488~93 . The public comment period for the Monticello Retail Development Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) ended December 8,2004. The pu ose of the EA W is to identify potential environmental impacts and determine whether or not an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required. An EIS is a more extensive environment I review process. Determining whether or not an EIS is needed does not relate to providing app oval or denial for the project. Based on the information in the EA Wand review age cy comments regarding the EA W, the project does not have the potential for significant env ronmental impacts that cannot be addressed as part of the permitting process. Therefor , it is our recommendation that an EIS is not required Enclosed, please find the following items for your rev'ew relating to this EA W: · The Findings of Fact on the need for a Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). · Draft memo dated December 9,2004 t the review agencies responding to comments received on the EA W (here y referred to as the comment/response memo). This memo restates the agenci s' comments and then responds to each issue. · Draft resolution relating to a Negative eclaration of Need. . Minneapolis I St. C oud Equal Opportunity Em layer . ...... ~ December 9, 2004 Page 2 of2 Summary of Maior Comments Comments were received from the Wright Soil and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency by the comme summarized below: ater Conservation District and the t deadline. These comments are · The Wright County SWCD had questions regarding the regional storm water pond that will treat storm water runoff from the retail development site as well as the CSAH 75/1-94 interchange. We responde that the regional pond will be sized to accommodate both of theses development to meet rate control requirements as well as provide treatment of storm water prior 0 discharge to the River. Citv Council Decision Action The decision before the City Council regarding the E W is to decide whether or not the project has the potential for significant environmental impac s that cannot be addressed through the permitting processes. If the Council detennines that he project does not have the potential for these significant environmental impacts, the Council hould issue a Negative Declaration of Need for an EIS. If the Council detennines that the p oject does have the potential for significant environmental impact that cannot be addressed throu h the permitting and approval process, the Council should require an EIS. Based on the review ompleted by WSB & Associates, it is our recommendation that an EIS is not needed for this pr 'ect. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me t (763) 287-7196 K:\O /488-9J1Admin\DocsWEMO-/20904-hmcc.doc . . . Council Agenda - 12/13/2004 5J. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: Mr. Dan Goeman representing Vernon Stran who owns a home at 501 East River Street, has requested the vacation of a portion of the right Street right of way between East River Street and the Mississippi River due to an enc oachment ofMr. Strand's garage 2.9' into the Wright Street right of way. This encroachme t is clouding the title and a sale ofMr. Strand's home. After the request, City staffinvestigat d the property to see if there were any current city public utilities extended down the right of way and there were not. It is the staff s opinion that vacating 3' of the current 40' stre t right of way would not jeopardize any future use of the right of way by the city (i.e., stor sewer, etc.) The City Administrator has determined that a reasonable value for the property would be $2.00/square foot. The value of the 789 s uare feet required for the vacation would be $1,578. Mr. Goeman and Mr. Strand are co fortable with the value and have agreed to pay for the drafting of the necessary documents nd setting the new property corners should the council approve the vacation after the publi hearing. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to can for a public earing to be held January 10, 2005, for the vacation of a portion of Wright Street as de cribed above. 2. The second alternative would be not to hol a public hearing. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is a recommendation of the City Admini trator and Public Works Director that the City Council order a public hearing for the vac tion of a portion of Wright Street as described above in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of survey showing the encroachmen of the home at 501 East River Street into the Wright Street right of way. C:\DoGuments and Setbngs\DaWn Gro,,:;sinl1er\LI)~al Settinl1s\Tempor<.lry Internet File~\OLK26\1213()4-WR: GHT_STREET_ROW_PUB_HEARING wpd . December 8, 2004 City of Monticello To Whom It May Concern: Ref Vacation ofa portion of Wright Street Ri ht of Way Vernon Strand requests the City of Monticello co sider vacating the East 3 feet of Wright Street, between East River Street and the ississippi River, abutting Lot 5, Block 8, Lower Monticello. Vernon and Ardelle Strand are the owners of subj t abutting property known as: 501 River Street East, Monticello, Mn. 55362. This action would rectifY an existing 2.9 foot encr achment into the Right of Way by the garage on subject property. ..-.. ..... Authorization is given by Vernon and Ardelle str d for the City of Monticello to move forward with the required action to vacate said 3 fi et of Right of Way. ~~jllY, / a./lA- Ve on Strand ~-9~ Or . Date /..1- 9-- o~ Date - . ~"""""""'''':'':::_~---==._. .:;-7'-=___ ...-;=. '-...~ ~~ \ '......<:'...... ~,-. I ....'...:,..<>_ 40 i 1 ~ 'L. J / ~..-----.--..__.. L ________ ____ ______ ~ "':>&</- <; 65") :"2"-.:: I...tJ!!...~8Q" ./=< ~ ~-. .....----.- i go "fj----- \'_SlIRVt, liNE I '" "".. I ~ :p:1r-----ljl-~'''-~. . \ · ~~'5 ---'---'~1.. J @ I ~ ~ ". . I.t,/ I ~ /: I n;:: I. I.. ;:::. r I (I) .oft' i:1 ~ '~j ...... , ~.\ ':-; ~-~:~~-~:~:.~i,~-=Tl ,..0,-<]" '-I Nt i { :11 i- f;\') ~ ~ o~rJ G~c 37.7 ,r~ fl ~ _YA. ~ - t'\f \~ 10 ,~ ~ \ ~ . <I') . 1., .. I - '" 2 ~ ~ l4J It !II ~ - ;... <ii ~ ~ ~ 6 5 ..,. '-- I I I I ,oP[ I I 19.9 . -....J...___._. 40 I I 11 '. ..__._J I I ~~-'-- 1__- J:~:'-~[,-"" .. .... .. .-.""',l ~, ...~-::=..=::=..====::::-===-~-=::=::.:~.. '~~':"'"7"':-=:=.'::-:-::-:-"::~:::'.~-==::.,~;--=--==.,,=_=:-: \ I ",.1, ~ ~ -_.,,~.~.- - '~--~-'-' -- -- '-'. --', ..--.-. -- --. _~_, 'n,_ _.... .~ EAST RIVER STREET :'~~"::"~-'-'----=:-==':~::::"':=='''''' :::::-::..:.~-=~~::,::=::=:~==-=:~:. \;) .. ~ -,"-',--~ -- _._ __'._n,_ '..~._ Council Agenda - ] 2/] 3/04 5K. Inc. for the River of Monticello Pro .eet No. 2003-lOC . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The River Street Sanitary Sewer Replaceme t Pr~ject was completed in conjunction with the hospital expansion on River Street. The proj ct included removal of the existing] 5-inch sanitary sewer pipe and installation of an 18- nch to provide additional capacity to the wastewater treatment plant. This represents t e most downstream point of the River Street sanitary sewer that is proposed to be replaced out to Chestnut Street. This project was also completed in conjunction with the hospital ex ansion to minimize costs associated with restoration and also to avoid impacts to the si e after the hospital completed their pf(~ject. The original construction contract amount wa, $1 15,58 1.40 and the as constructed total was $94,248. I 3. The project is now complete and final payment is due in the amount of $6,368.73. We would recommend final paym nt to G. 1" Contracting, Inc. su~ject to receipt of the final paperwork including: · Satisfactory showing that the contracto has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. .. · Evidence in the form of an affidavit tha all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or sati factorily secured. - ~ · Consent of Surety to Final Payment ce ification from the contractor's surety. · Two-year maintenance bond. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Authorize final payment in the amount 0 . $6,368.73 to G. L. Contracting, Inc. for the River Street Sanitary Sewer Replacemen Project, City Project No. 2003-1 OC subject to receipt of the final paperwork noted in Item A above. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer an City Administrator that the final payment be authorized and that the improvement be accep ed by the City. n. SUPPORTING nATA: I. Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No.3 Final) 2. Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. ('.'1/ ,,,"""""" "",/ s"lIillg, ',/)" "". (;""'"i"g<'l"'/'""I selli"g,', 1""1'0"<1')' 11II<'''''<,II'iI<,.,''! IlK:'!"../(;,y /lM-h,II'm'_llI30./ d", A WSB & AsSociates, Inc. . Infrastructure. Engineering . Planning . Const uction December 13, 2004 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel; 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No.3 (Final) River Street Sanitary Sewer Replacement an Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2003-lOC WSB Project No. 1338-12 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Vou her No.3 for the above-referenced project in the amount of $6,368.73 . We recommend final pa ment subject to receipt of the fOllowing items: ...... ...., 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has c mplied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state in orne tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all cl 'ms against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfacto ly secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certificati n from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. Please make payment in this amount to G. L. Contracti g, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, il &e~7:J1 Kevin B. Kawlewski, P.E. Senior Project Manager Enclosures cc: Rick Wolfs teller, City of Monticello David Swanson, G. L. Contracting, Inc. srb Minneapolis I St. Clou Equal Opportunity Emplo er F:IWPWINV338.I?\Voucher 3 Fnl Llt Cry. doc U~~-~(-,~~q ~1;44 WSB & RSSOCIRTES 12/08/2004 16:11 FAX 7634042350 GL CONTRACTING INC. 01338-1.2 - Pay Vouchers 3 ."" I ~ Project Summary 1 Original Contract Amount 2 Contract Changes - Addition 3 Contract Changes - Deduction 4 Revised Contract Amount 5 Value Completed to Date 6 Material on Hand 7 Amount Earned 8 Less Retainage 9 Subtotal 10 Less Amount Paid Previously 11 Liquidated Damages 12 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAY VOUCHERS NO.3 & FI~ AL . A WS8 4~Jnc. .- ...... 7635411700 P.02/10 141002 Thursday, November 11, 2004 Owner; City of Monticellc Date: 11/11/2004 505 Walnut St Monticello, MN 5 362-1147 For Period: 6/12/2004 to 11/1 /2004 Request No.: 3 & FINAL Contractor: G. L. Contracting Inc. 4300 Willow DrivI Medina, MN 5534d -9701 Pay Voucl1ers MONT - River Street Sanitary Sewer Replacement Client Contrac t No.: Project No.: 01 ,38-12 Client Project No.: $115,581.40 SO.OO $0.00 $115,581.40 $94,248.13 $0.00 $94,248.13 $0.00 $94,248.13 $87,879.40 $0.00 $6,368.73 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A FINAL EXAMINATION H"Il S BEEN MADE OF THE ABOVE NOTED CONTRACT, THAT THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED, THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF WORK SHOWN IN THE FINAL VOUCHER HAS BEEN PERFORMED AND THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE WORK PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH, A 'JD PURSUANT TO, THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT IS AS SHOWN IN THIS FINAL VOUCHER Recommended for Approval by: WSB & AssociJJte::n'flc. J~ B. \~ Apprc ved by Owner: City ( f Monticello APprove2lCPIltractor: G1J,::.~~ P -<---- Specified Contract Completion Date: 1 0/11/2003 Date: IlJ;. (I!)L/ lof3 - - 20f3 DEC-07-2004 21:44 WSB & ASSOCIATES 12/08/2004 16;11 FAX 7634042350 GL CONTRACTING INC. O}~.'3~-l2 - Pay Vouchers 3 7635411700 P.04/10 141 004 Thursday, November 11, 2004 . Project payme 1t Status Owner: City of ~ onticello Client Projec t No.: Client Contra:::t No.: Project No.: 01338-12 Contractor: G. L. Co ,tracting, Inc. Contract ~es No. jType I Date I Descriptio Amount Change Order Totals: $0.00 .. t No. From To Date Payment Total Retainage Per Total Completed Date Payment Payment Retainage 1 9/11/2003 9/30/2003 $79,893.22 $79,893.22 $4,204.91 $4,204.91 $84,098.13 2 10/1/2003 6/11/2004 $7,986.18 $87,879. 0 $420.32 $4,625.23 $92,504.63 3& 6/12/2004 11/11/2004 $6,368.73 $94,248.13 ($4,625.23) $0.00 $94,248.13 FINAL Payment Totals: $94,248. 3 $0.00 $94,248.13 . Prolect Summary MaterIal On Hand: Total Payment to Date: Total Retainage: Total Amount Earned: $0.00 $94,248.13 OrIginal Contract: $0.00 Contract Changes: $94.248.13 R !lvlsed Contract: $115,581.40 $0.00 $115,581.40 ~ .,.,. 3of3 5L. Consideration of a Center. (KB) eA. Each year we require that our Liquor Providers renew t eir approved status to be alcohol providers for wedding and events in the Mississippi Room at the Co munity Center. State Statute requires that our providers hold retail on-sale liquor licenses within our ommunity or an adjacent community and be approved by the City Council to sell alcohol on our pre ises. As you can see by our list of providers, we have very few providers from within the City of Montic llo. We have asked our local providers if they wish to be included on the list, and for a variety ofreas ns they have declined. Some of them have been on the list in past and have not renewed due to low volu e, staffing issues, etc. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Community Center does require that the City of Mo ticello and the community center be named as an additional insured on their insurance. Copies of these fo ms are maintained by our Event Coordinator. We do charge a fee to be an approved provider and we p oduce a provider brochure that is given to all renters of the Mississippi Room and also used as a prom tional piece for marketing the Mississippi Room. We have an extremely good relationship with each of 0 providers. They have all gone through an orientation and our Event Coordinator works very closel with each of them to ensure that we have the best service and quality for our renters. This is the list of providers requesting approved status fo 2005: 1. American Legion Post #260 Monticello 2. Chin Yuen Restaurant Monticello 3. VFW Post # 8731 Monticello 4. Nature's Hideaway* Rogers 5. Reichel's Catering Service* Annandale 6. RJ's Sports Bar & Grill* Zimmerman 7. Russell's ofCourse* St Michael e *Indicates they are also on our caterer provider list. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To approve the list or Liquor Providers for 2005 2. To not approve the list of Liquor Providers for 200 C. STAFF RECOMMENDA nONS: The City Administrator recommends alternative number on . D. SUPPORTING DATA: None Contact: Laurie Coughlin Contact: Marianna Khauv Contact: Dayle Contact: Deb Teague Contact: Robin Reichel Contact: Steve Kranzler Contact: Russell Vetsch . . . Council Agenda --- 12/13/04 SM. Issue a Ne ative Declaration of Need for an Environmental 1m act Statement EIS for the Monticello Retail Development (WSB)/(JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The public comment period for the Monticell Retail Development Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) ended Decem er 8, 2004. This project is located on 48 acres of land south of CSAH 75, north of 1-94, and est of CSAH 18. Comments were received from various agencies as outlined in the attach d documentation. The purpose of the EA W is to identify potential environmental impacts an determine whether or not an Environmental Impact Statement (CIS) is rcquired. An EIS is a morc extensive environmental review process. Determining whether or not an EIS i needed does not relate to providing approval or denial for the project. Based on the information in the EA Wand revi w agency comments regarding the EA W, the project does not have the potential for signiJiC' nt environmental impacts that cannot be addressed as part of the permitting process. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Issue the Negative Declaration of Need f()[ an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Monticello Retail Development site. 2. Authorize preparation of an CIS for the Monticello Rctail Development. 3. Defer action until the January 10, 2005 City Council meeting C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administr tor, and City Engineer to select Alternative NO.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Summary memo to the City Council Draft memo responding to agency comments Findings of Fact Sample Resolution (':'I/)()(" lAIr;,. fl}):,/WiV._/.(;f(( )',1.( J( '..11..\- /1,1i.'I11/.!"../(;i\' /JAf.,NegJ)ed.'.-IW-/20j)O-l.duc A WSB & Associates, inc. . Infrastructure I Engineering . Planning . Constru tion Memorandum To: Copy: From: Date: Re: . 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis. MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-17QQ Andrew Dahlgren, Wright Soil and Wa er Conservation District James Sullivan, Minnesota Pollution C ntrol Agency Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, Inc. Dick Koppy, Ryan Companies Steve Broyer, Ryan Companies Andrea Moffatt December 9, 2004 Monticello Retail Development EA W Responses to Comments c.P. No. 2003-033 WSB No. 1488-93 The public comment period for the Monticello Retai Development Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) ended December 8, 2004. Com ents were received from the Wright Soil and Water Conservation District and the Minnesota Poll tion Control Agency by the comment deadline. Outlined below, please find the comments from each agency followed by responses to these comments. The comment letters are also attached fo your information. Comments rom Wri ht Soil and Water Conservati n District Comment #1: In reviewing the EA W, I noticed that all of the storm water was to be directed off-site and addressed by NURP ponding. The prop sed stormwater plan raises a few question not addressed in the EA W. The first question involves the maintenance and sizi g of the NURP treatment pond as proposed in the EA W. How big is this pond going to be to ha dIe approximately 40 acre of impervious surface runoff plus the associated increased concentr tion of suspended solids? Response: The preliminary design of the reg onal pond indicates that the pond will accommodate approximately 15 acre-feet of ead pool storage and 31 acre-feet of live pool storage. Based on preliminary analysis f the retail development site, it is anticipated that approximately 7.5 acre-feet 0 dead pool storage would be required. The design of the regional pond is in the prelimin y stages. This pond will be sized to provide NURP treatment and rate control for he regional development in the area. . Minneapolis.St. loud K:\01488-93\Admin\Docs\MEMO-120904-CRmemo.doc Equal Opportunity E player December 9, 2004 Page 2 of2 . Comment #2: Secondly, is there a related maintena ce plan for the pond? With the surplus of suspended solids in the storm water runoff it will be ecessary to frequently clean out the pond to prevent the trapped solids from getting "blown out" ver time into the Mississippi River via the City's trunk system. Additionally while the nutrient levels of the sediment will "likely" be lower, the increase of new chemicals / heavy metals resents more problems. Response: The City of Monticello currently nd will continue to evaluate the condition of all storm ponds within the City as part of i s annual capital improvement plans. To minimize the impact of construction sedimen , storm water basins are constructed at the onset of grading. In addition, before final ap roval is given on projects, the storm water ponds are cleaned to remove sediment and co struction debris. The outlet for this regional pond is not a direct connection to the Mississippi River; water is routed through a series of open channels and existing ponds efore it reaches the river, presenting additional opportunities for suspended solid t settle. A multi-celled collection system, and vegetated buffers will be utilized to reduc the amount of chemicals and heavy metals. In the future, the City will be complefng an NPDES Phase II SWPPP to address illicit discharges and pond maintenance. Comment #3: Finally, are there no opportunities to c nstructinfiltration basins on the proposed site? The EA W lists 8.6 acres of pervious surface wh ch could be used in the form of rain gardens to help alleviate some the potential runoff an suspended solids problem - - Response: The City encourages infiltration were soils are conducive and the risk to the groundwater is minimal. The City will consid r this during the plan review process. Comments from the Pollution Control Agencv Comment #1: The MPCA has not reviewed the EA for this project. Therefore, the MPCA has no specific comments to provide the RaD. This d cision not to review the EA W does not constitute waiver by the MPCA of any pending permit required by the MPCA. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the project proposer to secure any required permits and to comply with any requisite permit conditions. The enclosed checklist id ntifies permits that the project may require, together with the most recent contacts at MPC . Response: The project proposer will be responsible for obtaining any necessary permits. It is anticipated that an NPDES permit and a Sa itary Sewer Extension permit will be required as part of this development. This concludes the City's responses to the comments g nerated as part of the EA W process. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me t (763)287-7196. am K:VJ14 8-9J\A.dmin\DocsWEMO-120904-CRmemo. doc WRIGHT SOIL NO WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT RE EIVED 306e Brighton Avenue Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Telephone (612) 682-1933 682-1970 Fax (612}682-0262 WSEJ'a SSOCIATES Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello Walnut St Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. O'Neill I recently had the opportunity to review the Envi onmental Assessment Worksheet for the Monticello Retail Development prepared by WS & Associates, Inc. In reviewing the EA W I noticed that all of the stormwater was to e directed offsite and addressed by NURP ponding. The proposed stormwater plan r ised a few questions not addressed by the EA W. - The first question involves the maintenance and s zing of the NURP treatment pond as proposed in the EA W. How big is this pond goin to be to handle approximately 40 acres of impervious surface runoff plus the associ ted increased concentration of suspended solids? - Secondly is there a related maintenance plan for t e pond? With the surplus of suspended solids in the stormwater runoff it will be necessary to frequently clean out the pond to prevent the trapped solids from getting "b own out" over time into the Mississippi River via the City's trunk system. Ad itionally while the nutrient levels of the sediment will "likely" be lower, the increase 0 new chemicals / heavy metals presents more problems. Finally, are there no opportunities to construct inti tration basins on the proposed site? The EA W lists 8.6 acres of pervious surface which could be used in the form of rain gardens to help alleviate some of the potential run ff and suspended solid problems. Sincerely, ~ Andrew Dahlgren Wright County Water Planner cc: Andrea Moffatt - WSB & Associates, Inc. DEC-06-2004 19:40 DEC 07 '04 01:40PM WSB & ASSOCIATES 7635411700 P.03/0S P.3/5 . Minnesota Poll tion Control Agency December 3, 2004 Mr. Jeff O'Neill, Deputy Administra.tor City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello,MN 55362 RE; Monticello Reta.il.Site Environmental Assessment Worksheet Dear Mr. O'Neill: - The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) lias ceived copies of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) prepared for the above roject, prepared by the city of Monticello, Responsible Governmental Unit (ROU). e MPCA has not reviewed the EA W for this project. Therefore, the MPCA has no specific co cnts to provide the RGU. This decision not to review the EA W does not constitute wa.iver by MPCA of any pending permits required by the MPCA. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the project proposer to secure any required permits and to comply with any requisite permit conditi ns. The enclosed checklist identifies pennits that the project may require, together with the ost recent contacts at the l\1PCA. - We remind the RGU that, pursuant to Minn. R. 4410.17 0, subp. 5 (Environmental Quality Board Rules), a copy of the RGU's decision on this EA needs to be sent to the MPCA. Sincerely, j; t \) /!J!~ "'~'-' ~-- r; ames E. Sullivan \ Project Manager Environmental Review and Operations Section Regional Division JS:gs Enclosure cc: Dick Koppy, Ryan Companies 520 ~fayette Rd. N.; Saint Paul. MN 55155-4194; (651) 295-6300 ( oice); (651) 282-5332 (TTY); www.pca.state.mn.us Sf. Paul.. Brainerd" Detroit Lakes.. Duluth · Manka ~ Marsh.;dl .. Rochester.. Willmar Equ~ Opportunity Emplll)'er - Printeo go recycle" paper contlUning at 'ell~ 20 ".rcant llbel'6 from paper ~ed by COnsLlrhel'6. . . . DEC-06-2004 19:40 DEC 07 '04 01:41PM WSB & ASSOCIATES 7635411700 P.04/05 P.4/5 CHECKLIS After reviewing the proposed project, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff noted areas that may need ad4itional follow-up and/or a permit from the MPC . Those specific areas are cheeked below; )R( SDS Permit - Sanit81Y Sewer Extension Pe~it A State Disposal System (SDS) Permit is required fa any ex~nsion of a sanitary sewer. If a sanitary sewer is proposed as a part of this project, an applica: on for the SDS Permit should be made to the MPCA by contacting David Sahli, Regional Environ ental Management Division (REM), Metro Region, at 651/296~8722. o NPDES/SDS Permit for dredged material disposal. I disposal of dredged material is anticipated, then Brett Ballavance (Duluth office) at 21Sn23-4837 or aramie Logelin (Duluth office) at 218/529~62S7 (northern), or Elise Doucette (REM/Metro Region) a 651/296-7290 or leffSmith (REWMetro 1,tegion) at 651/296-7361 (southern) should be conta ed. ~ N'PDES Pennit-eonstruction Stormwatcr: A General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination ystcm (NPDES) Penn it from the MPCA for cons1ruction activities will be required for all projec that disturb one (1) or more acres ofland. The NPDES Permit specifically requires Best Manageme t Practices which are detailed in the permit (additional information can be found in the MPCA d cument Protecting Water Quality i17. Utb(In Area) to prevent erosion and control sedimentation d . g construction and a stormwater pollution prevention plan to manage pollutants in storm-water off from the site that will occur after conrtruction is complete. As a requirement of the NP ES Permit, stonn~water wet~detention ponds must be installed to treat the storm~V(ater runoff'whe ever a project replaces surface vegetation with one or more cumulative acres of impervious surfaol:l. fyou have need of technical assistance reluding this, please contact Michael Findorff (RE etro Region) at 6511296-6798 or Todd Smith at 6S 1/21 S~6008. For more general infonnation, pie e contact the appropriate MPCA Regional Office staff below: o o o o o Rochester, Dave Morrison 507/281-1763 R Metro, Brian Gave (REMJIvletro Region) at 6 1/296-7597 or Duane Duncanson (REMlMetro Region) at 6 1/296-7072 Brainerd, Lisa Woog at 218/855-5017 Duluth, Jim Dexter at 218/529~62S3 Detroit l.akes, Joyce Cie1uch at 218/846-738 WmmarlMarshal~ Judy Mader (St. Paul offic ) at 651/296-7315 or Mark Hanson (Marshall Office) at 507/537-6 00 o Industrial Stonnwater o Brainerd, Robin Novotny at 218/828-6114 o Duluth, John Thonw at 218/723-4928 o Detroit Lakes, Jack Frederick at 218/846-073 o Marshall, Brad Gillingham at 507/S37~6381 o Mankato, Teri Roth at 507/389-5235 o Rochester, Dennis Haye,s at 507/280-2991 o Southeast Region, JefISmith (REMlMetro R. gion) at 6511296~7367 o Major Facilities, Elke Doucette (RBMlMetro Region) at 651/296-7290 D Willmar, Ben Koplin at 320/231-5321 1 . CITY OF MON ICELLO In the matter of the Decision on the Need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Monticello Retail Development in Monticello, MN FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS Ryan Companies proposes a 48-acre retail devel pment located south ofCSAH 75, north ofl-94, and west ofCSAH 18 in Monticello, . Pursuant to Minnesota R. 4410.4300, subp. 14.B.3 that requires an environmental revi w for projects that include over 300,000 sf of commercial development, the City of Mon icello has prepared an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) for this proposed project. As to the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on this p ~ect and based on the record in this matter, including the EA W and comments receiv d, the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions: FINDINGS OF FACT I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. Project The proposed project involves gradin the 48-acre site to construct streets, utilities, and commercial buildings. T e project is anticipated to create 426,685 sf of retail development, 17,6 0 sf of restaurant uses, and a 4,200 sf bank. This project will change the co er type from 1.9 acres of wooded area, 0.7 acres of grassland, and 31.8 acres f cropland to commercial development. The existing Dahlheimer Distribution uilding will also be removed. The project will convert the land cover to 8 6 acres oflawnllandscaping and 39.4 acres of impervious surface. ...... ...... B. Project Site The proposed project is located south 0 CSAH 75, north ofI-94, and west of CSAH 18 in Monticello, MN. The site currently contains 31.8 acres of cropland, 1.9 acres of wooded area, 0.7 acres of grassland, and 13.6 acres of land associated with the building and la n area for Dahlheimer Distribution. II. PROJECT HISTORY A. The project was subject to the mandato preparation of an EA Wunder Minnesota R. 4410.4300, subp. 14.B.3 ince it includes over 300,000 sf of commercial development. B. An EA W was prepared for the proposed project and distributed to the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) m 'ling list and other interested parties on November 1, 2004. K: 101488-93 \Admin IDocsIFOF-120804.doc . C. A public notice containing infonnati n about the availability of the EA W for public review was published in the nticello Times the week of November 1, 2004. D. The EA W was noticed in the Novem er 8, 2004 EQB Monitor. The public comment period ended December 8, 004. Written comments were received from the Wright Soil and Water Cons rvation District and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency by the co ent deadline. A copy of these letters is hereby incorporated by reference. III. CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING T E POTENTIAL FOR SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS. Minnesota R. 4410.1700, subp. 1 states" BIS shall be ordered for projects that have the potential for significant enviro ental affects." In deciding whether a project has the potential for significant en 'ronmental affects, the City of Monticello must consider the four factors set out in Minnesota R. 4410.1700, subp.7. With respect to each of these fac ors, the City finds as follows: A. TYPE, EXTENT, AND REVERS I ILITY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS .a ~ The first factor that the City must con ider is "type, extent and reversibility of environmental effects", Minnesota R. 410.1700, subp. 7.A. The City's findings with respect to each of these ssues are set forth below. 1. The type of environmental im acts and mitigation efforts anticipated as part ofthis project include: a. Land Use: The land u e will be converted from agriculture and commercial use to ntirely commercial use. This area is located adjacent to maj r roads and freeways, thus making this land use change compa ible with the surrounding uses. b. Wastewater and Wate Consumption: This development is anticipated to use and g nerate a daily demand of approximately 100,000 GPD of water and 77,550 GPD of wastewater. The City h s recently added a new well to serve the City's municipal w ter supply. The City's water system is able to accommodate th s development. Wastewater will be treated at the City's W tewater Treatment Plant. The City's WWTP is able to acco modate this development. . c. Storm Water: The pro'ect is anticipated to generate additional storm water off. Most of this runoff will be K: \01488-93 \Admin IDocsIFOF-120804.doc . treated within in a reg' onal storm water pond to be constructed east of the site with CSAH 18/1-94 project. A small portion of the water that flow to the west will be treated in a regional pond located on the c urch property to the west. Water will be treated to NURP guid lines. Post-development discharge rates will not exceed existi g discharge rates. d. Traffic: Impacted ro dways include CSAH 18, CSAH 75 and the future extension 0 7th Street. The City is designing an interchange modifica on at CSAH 75 and 1-94 as part of a project that is needed 0 address existing and future traffic in area. Traffic impacts on the surrounding area will be mitigated by the exte sion of 7th Street. Additionally, although not triggered by this evelopment, the interchange modifications will als address traffic impacts associated with this development. 2. The extent and reversibility 0 environmental impacts are consistent with those of commercial de elopment. B. CUMULATIVE POTENTIAL EF ECTS OF RELATED OR ANTICIPATED FUTURE PRO CTS . The second factor that the City must consider is the "cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated futur projects", Minnesota R. 4410.1700 subp.7.B. The City's findings with r spect to this factor are set forth below. 1. Construction of the Monticel 0 Retail Development is located south of CSAH 75, north ofI-94, and est ofCSAH 18. The area surrounding the Monticello Retail Develo ment has generally been developed, with a few areas of agriculture raining. The City of Monticello is currently in the process of pI ing and designing an interchange modification for the existing SAH 75 interchange with 1-94. The proposed interchange modifi ation is planned for completion in 2007. This interchange work is bei g completed to address the projected traffic needs in this area. Th cumulative impacts of the interchange will result in mitigated traffic for the area and region. Impacts associated with gen al development in the area include increased storm water runoff, increased water use and sanitary sewer flows, and conversion of mos ly agricultural and fallow land to developed area. . To address these impacts, the City has implemented policies to address storm water management. T e City currently has the capacity to treat K: \0 1488-93\Admin \Docs\FOF-120804.doc the sanitary wastewater that ill be generated by this site as well as provide municipal water serv'ces. The conversion of open space to developed space is difficult t mitigate. Open space and parkland areas are addressed in the City's C mprehensive Planning and Zoning Policies. . C. THE EXTENT TO WHICH ENVI ONMENTAL AFFECTS ARE SUBJECT TO MITIGATION BY NGOING PUBLIC REGULA TORY AUTHORITY 1. The following permits or app ovals will be required for the project: MPCA MPCA Minnesota De artment of Health MOR Mn/OOT Cit of Monticello City of Monticello . COUll BNSF Railroad 2. The City finds that the potenti environmental impacts of the project are subject to mitigation by 0 going regulatory authorities such that an EIS need not be prepared. D. THE EXTENT TO WHICH ENVI ONMENT AL EFFECTS CAN BE ANTICIPATED AND CONTROLL D AS A RESULT OF OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES UN ERT AKEN BY PUBLIC AGENCIES OR THE PROJECT P OPOSER, OR OF EISs PREVIOUSLY PREPARED ON SI ILAR PROJECTS. The fourth factor that the City must co sider is "the extent to which environmental effects can be anticipat d and controlled as a result of other environmental studies undertaken by p blic agencies or the project proposer, or ofEISs previously prepared on simi ar projects," Minnesota R. 4700.1700, subp. 7.0. The City's findings with re pect to this factor are set forth below: The proposed project is subject to the llowing plans: . 1. City of Monticello Comprehen ive Plan K: \0 1488~93 \Admin IDocsIFOP'-120804.doc . 2. City of Monticello Compreh sive Stormwater Management Plan 3. City of Monticello Compreh nsive Transportation Plan The City finds that the environment effects of the project can be anticipated and controlled as a result of the envi onmental review, planning, and permitting processes. CONCLUS ONS The preparation of Monticello Retail Developm nt EA W and comments received on the EA W have generated information adequate to d termine whether the proposed facility has the potential for significant environmental e fects. The EA W has identified areas where the potenti I for significant environmental effects exist, but appropriate measures have or will be i corporated into the project plan and/or permits to mitigate these effects. The project is ticipated to comply with all City of Monticello standards and review agency stand s. Based on the criteria established in Minnesota . 4410.1700, the project does not have the potential for significant environmental effec s. . Based on the Findings of Fact and Conclusions, e project does not have the potential for significant environmental impacts. An Environmental Impact Statement is not requ' ed. . K: 10 1488-93 \.4 dm in IDocs\FOF-120804.doc . -- ....... - RESOLUTI N 2004- RESOLUTION ISSUING A NEGA lVE DECLARATION OF NEED WHEREAS, the preparation of the Monticello Reta'l Development EA Wand comments received on the EA W have generated information adequate to d termine whether the proposed project has the potential for significant environmental impacts; and WHEREAS, the EA W has identified areas where th potential for si!,'l1ificant environmental effects exist, but appropriate measures have or will be inco orated into the project plan and/or permits to reasonably mitigate these impacts; and WHEREAS, the Monticello Retail Development pro' ect is expected to comply with all the City of Monticello and review agency standards; and WHEREAS, based on the criteria established in Mi esota R. 44 10.1700, the project does not have the potential for significant environmental effects; d WHEREAS, based on the Findings of Fact and Conc usions, the project does not have the potential for significant environmental impacts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City fMonticello has determined that an Environmental Impact Statement is not required. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 13th day of December, 2004, ATTEST: City Administrator ayor K: \01488-9 3 \Admin lDocslResolution.doc . . . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 SN. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: Public streets and utilities have been constru ted this year for the Sunset Ponds 1st Addition development. Utilities, including anitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer have been tested and approved. The first lif of bituminous pavement has been placed on the roadways. We are recommending that tl e City begin maintaining the roadways, i.e. snowplowing, and the utilities. Maintenanc of the roadways will be contingent on the roadways being swept and the right-of-way eing clear of debris for snow plowing operations. The final lift of bituminous pavement will e placed on the roadways in the summer of 2005, after which time the 2-year warranty eriod wi II begin if all project items are complete. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. City accepts maintenance responsib lities of public streets and utilities within the Sunset Ponds I st Addition continge t on roadways being swept and the right-of- way being clear of debris for snow lowing operations. 2. City does not accept maintenance r sponsibilities of public streets and utilities within the Sunset Ponds pt Additi n. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engi eer and the Public Works Director that the City accept maintenance responsibilities 0 'the public streets and utilities. (': ',nun '.I w-./\n.1I1".\ ,f.( iW }',I.U( ',II.S -1\'1i'I/I/I" HiS n \f-,II!I\'I'I plIll'/.<' /.1/-/ .U30.J III/I" . . . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 50. Public Street and Utilities for the Hillside Farms 1 sl of Monticell Pro "ect No. 2003-12P (WSB) A. REFERF:NCE AND BACKGROUND: The Hillside Farms I sl Addition dcvelopme t project was completed to provide streets and utilities to this development. The pond located at the south boundary of the development currently has no outlet and wi I be pumped by the developer until a permanent outlet is provided. The final lift of bituminous pavement was placed on the roadways this fall. We are recommending l1at the City accept the roadways to allow for the two-year warranty period to begin subje 't to receipt of the following items: . Satisfactory showing that the contra tor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requirin withholding state income tax. . Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fu ly paid or satisfactorily secured. · Two-year maintenance bond. B. ALTF:RNATIVE ACTIONS: Acceptance of the public streets and utilities with the exception of maintaining storm sewer to and pumping the po d, subject to receipt of the documentation noted in Item A above. 1. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engin er and Public Works Director that the project be accepted by the City. (".IJJ()( 'f '\ IF .,n/'l. J 1/'.\ -I.( dN!'i/.f)/ ',II.\'. I', hili!"'. H;.\' fD/-lli//I'i,It'j'J/"III.I' /.1'1./ ,I I ,lfI.J. Ihw . . . 5P. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 12/13/04 Streets and Utilities for the Carlisle ro.cct No. 2004-16P (WSB) Puhlic streets and utilities have been constn cted this year for the Carlisle Village development. Utilities, including sanitary s wer, watermain, and storm sewer, have been tested and approved. The ponds within the evelopment currently have no permanent outlet. The developer will be responsible for maintaining storm sewer to and pumping the pond. The first lift of bituminous pave ent has heen placed on the roadways. We are recommending that the City begin maint ining the roadways, i.e. snowplowing and the utilities. Roadway stubs without tempo ary cul-de-sacs will not be maintained by the City. These roadways include the west stre t stub of Bakken Street, the south street stub of Gatewater Boulevard, south of Woodridg Trail and the west street stub of 86th Street. In addition, maintenance of the roadways w.U be contingent on the roadways being swept and the right.of-way heing clear of debris fo snow plowing operations. The final lift of bituminous pavement will b placed on the roadways in the summer of 2005, after which time the 2-year warranty eriod will begin if all project items are complete. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: City accepts maintenance responsihi ities of public streets referenced above and utilities with the exception of maint ining storm sewer to and pumping the pond within the Carlisle Village develop ent and contingent on roadways being swept and the right-of-way heing clear of d bris for snow plowing operations. 1. 2. City docs not accept maintenance re ponsibilities of puhlic streets and utilities within the Carlisle Village develop ent. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engine r and Public Works Director that the City accept maintenance responsibilities of the p blic streets and utilities. (':I,no{ 'r :\/1-.' -/1.lU//'.\ -!.(iJU Jif,()(' II,,\'. Idl'III{!I" r(,'\ n III'11r1r.lk l'III".l.:i' 1.'/3/u./m . . . SQ. A. Council Agenda - 12/13/04 o. 2003-03C (WSB) RE~'ERENCE AND BACKGROllND: The Featherstone project was completed to rovide streets and utilities to this development. The final lift of bituminous p vement was placed on the roadways this summer. The ponds constructed for the project are not holding water and were not constructed as per the developer's agreeme t. We are recommending that the City accept the public streets and utilities, with the exce tion of maintaining the ponds, to allow for the two-year warranty period to begin subje t to receipt of the following items: . Satisfactory showing that the contra tor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requirin withholding state income tax. . Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fllly paid or satisfactorily secured. . Two-year maintenance bond. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Acceptance of the public streets an utilities with the exception of maintenance of the ponds, subject to receipt of the ocumentation noted in Item A above. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engi eer and the Public Works Director that the project be accepted by the City. (":\{)()("f '\/1-.", {'!f,UI! \'._! (;J?( JI.f /)(". t/..'1-!\'/('IIIJ!\, 1<;,\ tn/~/l'IIlh('r,\'II!I!l'-1 ,.)1311-1 di'! . . . SR. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 12/13/04 o.2004-14P (WSI3) Public streets and utilities have been constru ted this year for the Prairie Ponds development. Utilities, including sanitary sewer, watermair , and storm sewer, have been tested and approved. The storm sewer extending to the existing po d adjacent to I'll 25 is experiencing erosion problems and will be corrected by the contra tor in the spring. The first lift of bituminous pavement has been placed on the roadways. e are recommending that the City begin maintaining the roadways, i.e. snowplowing . nd the public utilities, with the exception of maintaining the storm sewer ffild providing e osion control to the n I 25 pond. In addition, maintenance of the roadways will be conting nt on the roadways being swept and the right-of- way being clear of debris for snow plowing 0 . erations. The finalliH of bituminous pavement will be placed on the roadways in the summer of2005, after which time the 2-year warranty period ill begin if all project items are complete. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. City accepts maintenance responsibili ies ofpublic streets and utilities with the exception of maintaining storm sewer 0 the pond and erosion and contingent on roadways being swept and the right-o way being clear of debris for snow plowing operations. 2. City does not accept maintenance resp nsibilities of public streets and utilities within the Prairie Ponds development. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and Public Works Director that the City accept maintenance responsibilities of the public stre ts and utilities. (":\J)()( 'r ,1/1".' ..j\/UI/'.\"-.J.{iRI)I./.()(', If,S. I 1"/t.'lllp'!.'lt.'i\' r!:\/I'/"IIiri('j!'!lld\"-f21.W.J,dul . . c. Council Agenda -- 12/13/04 5S. A.REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Public streets and utilities have been constn cted this year for the Parkside at Meadow Oak 2nd Addition development. Utilities, including anitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer have been tested and approved. The first lift ofbi uminous pavement has been placed on the roadways. We are recommending that the Cty begin maintaining the public utilities within the development. The streets currently do not m et City requirements for snow plowing to OCcur this year. The developer has agreed to plow he streets this winter. The final lift ofbiturninous pavement will be placed on the roadways in the summer 01'2005, after which time the 2-year warranty period ill begin if all project items are complete. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. City accepts maintenance responsibi1ifes of public utilities within the Parkside at Meadow Oak 2nd Addition. 2. City does not accept maintenance resp nsibilities of public utilities within the Parkside at Meadow Oak 2nd Addition. STA~"F RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommcndation of the City Engineer nd Public Works Director that the City accept maintenance responsibilities of the public utilit es. C:IJ}('J{ "J/F-./II) /1/'\ -J.(i/NN,{)(',II.S- 1I/I'll/fll"I!';\ ll'I/-fllll"k\,d,'-J..'130./ ,I,,{ . . . ST. Council Agenda - 12/13/04 Consideration of are uest to vacate and urchasc a ortion of unused West 7th Street _ Barry Fluth. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: BBF Properties (Barry rluth) has been work.ng on concept proposals for redeveloping the south half of Block 36 south of the Crostini 'rille building. As part of that proposed redevelopment, Mr. Fluth would like to mo e an existing rambler house to another location in the City. Mr. rIuth has been researching av ilable lots for a number of months and has found it difficult to find any vacant properties i()r sIc. As a result of Mr. Fluth's search for properti s, he has inquired about the availability of an unused portion of West 7th Street adjacent to Minnesota Street. According to our city plat map, the City has an 80' right of way betwee Block P and the apartment complex along Minnesota Street that will likely never be us d for right of way purposes and does not appear to be necessary for ffily other public utility pl rpose at this time. As a result, Mr. Fluth is requesting direction from the Council on wh ther the City would consider vacating this right of way and selling him the property at a fair alue to allow him to relocate his house to this site. In order for the City to actually vacate right 0 way, a public hearing would be necessary in which the adjacent property owners would be notified of the vacation request. If the Council is supportive ofthe idea of vacating the right )fway and selling the property to Mr. Fluth, an actual survey of the property should be obtain d to get the exact dimensions, but it appears from our plat map that the parcel would be of sufficient size to allow for this house to be moved. It is recommended by our Public Wo ks Director that the City retain a 10' to 12' casement along the parcel as our interceptor s wer line abuts this property, but this would be similar to the normal setback requirements an should not interfere with use of the property. What Mr. Fluth is requesting at this time is ge eral concept approval of the City's willingness to consider vacation at a public hearing and al owing him to purchase the property for fair market value. If this is approved by the Coun iI, a public hearing will be scheduled for the first meeting in Jffimary. In the meantime, as ggested sale price could be negotiated between the City and Mr. Fluth and be presented to the Council at that time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. 1. Council could authorize that a public h aring be set for January 10, 2005 to consider the vacation of West 7th Street lying so theast of Minnesota Street. 2. Council could determine it is not in the best interest of the City to vacate this right of ( way at this time. .. 1~.f..- '...t' 'f lob (~ f111 J 5(r' l' V""- ~ ~ \~ F rom the staff' 5 standpoint, it does not appear t lat th i s right of way will ever be used fO;;;'~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . purposes nor will it be necessary to retain i Public Works Department would be that a the property adjacent to our interceptor se problem with a public hearing to consider January. D. SUPPORTING DA T A: Copy of map with street area identified. . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 for utility purposes. The only request tI-om the 0'_ I 2' utility easement be retained on the border of r line. As a result, staff c10es not have any cation be scheduled for the first meeting in I i I ... . ~ . . ...,.......... C"j ...... m... '. i, . . . il ' . . - . ~I'''.i.. ii..! ~ 1 . i Ii. .-. - - -... - .-1.. Ii! i I J j j 2!~ ; (t;" . . , . i , :, . i i ! . I ..I" ... .+... . i :" I,. - 'i . . 1'V\I' f _. i _ ,-.. \~..um..n.. runm......... :\~ . i '. ! i . -. I ! -. ~.. ~..~ ~ ~ . . . ~ . . . I , I-- n n... n n.. -- n. - n.} n...... '-_.. _. n.. n. _. i ; I i ! i , I f i n.. - n... n._ ,- n. _ n.J n. '-. n _ n.... n _.. n._ . I i , ! i r i j ! I .....................1-......................., j I i r I i --I- I f ; ! . l . ..nm.n..n.i...n................... i j I. f" '(Lr-j1 __ f gh ~.- 1. __ ..._m \ -,,_.tJ;1J \' :s:: VlZ fT!Z fTlITI Vl VlO X-i fTl~ fTl -flll -i w;o OfT! fT! -i I L -- H. L -.-...- ;;:: lIlZ ITIZ fTl ITI 1Il lIlD ::r:-i v DO ." W no o - z VIm -4)>- :tJVl em n,!:: -4m -z 0-4 Z ~~ ". .., J'~. c:;:.~ .......=t,? Of1\);: c.~ f Jr ,. ~"'}, (", U /;'0 ~' dJ, ;; ) ?-< I,..... fl I --~ -.-.,--.J \ - \ -" "" --- 0'\ ~ ~ "'" /D r"': ~/) 4:J ELM STREET..';' CROSSING_~' .-. q, TOWN HOMES: . : . .. ;> / ~ ...... >v.., Authorize a Public Hearinu for the Environ 1-94 at CSAH ]8 (WSB) ental Assessment reuardin the Interchan eon . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City of Monticello, Mn/DOT, and right County have been developing the Environmental Assessment regarding the 1-94 Interchange at CSAII18. The City and Mn/DOT are currently working with the -;'nvironmcntal Quality Board to publish the Environmental Assessment/Environment I Assessment Worksheet in the EQB Monitor. Proiect Elements and Finance Plans The major elements detailed in the layout include the following (includes ROW) · CSAH 18 Upgrades · CSAH 18 Bridge · Ramps/Loops · Chelsea Road · Ponds $5,247,769 $2,511,000 $6,333,966 $ 520,526 $],545,847 Total $16,159,138 Funding Sourees are as follows: . · Developer Trunk Fees · Developer Contributions · State · County · City $ 1,098,538 ( 7%) $5,481,560 ( 4%) $3,60] ,576 ( 2%) $1,857,427 (11%) $4,120,037 (75%) 1. Authorize a public hearing for the E vironmental Assessment regarding the Interchange on 1-94 at CSAH 18. T e public hearing will be held at the January 24, 2004 City Council Meeting at 7: 0 pm. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 2. Do not authorize a public hearing for the Environmental Assessment regarding the Interchange on 1-94 at CSAH 18 at t is time. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admini trator, Deputy City Administrator, and City Engineer to select Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Environmental Assessment will be available t City Hall offices for viewing on January 3rd, 2005. . City Council Agenda - 12/13/04 . 7. A. Reference and BackQround. The applicant is appealing the Planning Commi sion's denial of a variance from the rear yard setback requirement for a 4-unit townhouse bui ding in the R-2 zoning district. The Planning Commission held a public hearing in November, and voted to deny the variance request. The Planning Commission serves as the City's "Board of Adjustment", with the power to make decisions on variance requests. The applicant as the opportunity to seek an appeal of a negative decision, and has done so on this ite The project is under construction, and the setb ck violation was discovered during the construction. The applicant has constructed th foundation and was proceeding with building framing when the City's Building Department 0 dered work to be stopped pending the outcome of the variance request. The applica t's survey shows a setback that varies from 25.0 feet on the north end to 25.4 feet on the s uth end. The rear yard setback requirement in the R-2 District is 30 feet. . A variance from the dimensional standards of he zoning ordinance requires a finding by the City that a condition of the property, not create by the applicant, causes a hardship is putting the property to reasonable use within the required standards. The variance must be necessary to make reasonable use of the pro erty, and may not be based solely on an economic hardship. FINDING OF PLANNING COMMISSIO AND CITY STAFF: In considering all requests for variance or appeal and taking subsequent action, the City staff and the Planning Commission, serving as the Bo. d of Adjustment and Appeals, shall make a finding of fact that the proposed action ill not: The zoning ordinance further specifies the foil wing findings for variances: [A] Impair an adequate supply of light an air to adjacent property. [Blllnreasonably increase the congestio in the public street. [Cllncrease the danger of fire or endang r the public safety. [Dlllnreasonably diminish or impair est blished property values within the neighborhood or in any other way be con rary to the intent of this ordinance. . In this case, the property has been recently latted and was subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit for townhouse units i an R-2 District. As a part of the plat and CUP consideration, planning staff had made the f 1I0wing comments in relation to the plans submitted at that time: . . . City Council Agenda - 12/13/04 Preliminary Plat. The plat itself show 7 total lots - 2 are located on land north of Prairie Drive, known as "The eadows", and five located to the south. The two lots to the north mirro the previous lot lines, while the five lots to the south are arrayed both alan Prairie Road and around a cul-de- sac. The cul-de-sac was platted as a art of the Brother's Plat, but never constructed. The proposed units app ar to meet all setback requirements as designed. It should be noted that thefi would not be room for porches on the rear of the Building 7 units due to the inimum setbacks being proposed. Future owners should be made aware f this issue, as many future Owners expect to be able to add this type of sp ce at some point. Building 7 is the building at issue. The develop r had represented, supported by plans of the development, that he would be able to constru t a building within the setback requirements applicable on the site. Staff noted in the report that due to the tight dimensions, no porch extensions could be constructed. The applicant has begun construction on a buil ing design that varies from the one submitted with the Conditional Use Permit and Plat. This ituation does not conform to the requirements for variance consideration, in that he original plans showed how a building could be constructed that meets the zoning standards, and the encroachment condition was created by the applicant's actions. As such, rea onable use can be made of the site without a variance, disqualifying the request from varian e consideration. As a part of the Planning Commission's denial 0 the variance, it was suggested that the applicant work with the adjoining property owner to negotiate a settlement. It is staff's understanding that as of the time of this report, 0 settlement has been finalized. As such, the appeal is proceeding to the City Council. B. Alternative Actions. Decision 1: Variance from the required 30 foot ear yard setback in an R-2 District: 1. Motion to accept the appeal and approve the variance, based on findings that the standards for variance approval listed in the zoning ordinance have been met, with the condition that the applicant be required to lant additional mature trees and shrubs along the boundary line to screen and buff r the rear yard space from the adjoining lots. 2. Motion to reject the appeal and deny the v riance, based on a finding the applicant has not demonstrated a hardship as requir d by the zoning ordinance, that the encroachment will violate the required findi gs for variance approval listed in the zoning ordinance, and that the applicant can put the property to reasonable use within the required setbacks, as shown on the pia s submitted for plat and CUP approval. c. Staff Recommendation. Staff recommends denial of the variance. Althoug the applicant has begun construction and the cost of reworking the buildings could be exten ive, economic conditions are excluded by the zoning ordinance as the basis on which the Cit may consider variances. The applicant . . . City Council Agenda - 12/13/04 was cautioned at the time of the CUP and PI t approvals that due to the dimensions of the site, setbacks could raise concerns with the d velopment of this parcel. Moreover, the neighbors have specifically objected to the e croachments toward their rear yards, where they seek privacy. As a result, the portion of he structure that extends into the 30 foot rear setback should be removed, and the structur made to meet the required setback regulations, unless the applicant can work ou a settlement with the neighbors. If the City believes that the application should be approved, mitigation of the encroachment should be considerable. Planning staff has s ggested possible roofline changes, and recommends extensive rear yard planting to creen the buildings from the existing neighborhood. D. Supporting Data 1. Preliminary Plat Plan I.. T FlLE r <fE - I i pi r 08 J :;j: 01 en ..~I z 0 - en N .Ol:l~ Z I a.J . r<J i . 2 - ~- c _lL ... ,U1:J ~ f:4 ..... ~.- 9 L: ,Uti ~ :;j:1 -, C1 ! l- iLt F ,VI:! - ~" e,- ~ ~U I ~ a ~i~; . I I qu~ pi I ~I~; ;~l. ~ b~l~ "! i; I : ill i I ~QI! ~ I 2 Bit ~ · !!li~;1 h i i~~m .... ... ~~I~~~ ,.:..a I'l ~ ra ~ffiffim ~~~1iI z z~ z:5a.. :3a..a.J D- a.. Vl>-(!)~ Z.....ZVl ~Q:Joc ..J !:: 1= ~ z Lt.IIa..~~(!):5 ~ S8 ~ ~ ~ Z~(!)~~~ ..... ::::E%:::;;;:::;;; - Lt.I ___2 a.J i3 lii :J :J :J =1 ~ g:8~~~ ~ cil 0-'1 Z ,"n, W "," ~ ...... N ....,: '''It''iO' - III I T ..--- ' . --- .._..-..J- tj' r 'j r ~~ ~- 1 ,~. .; ~ 1 I~ 14" ~ to;. -; I '", = -: 1-- - -! ~ :- l:r I I N ~ "'" f~ I. ....to - = ,~ 111- I I ~---~ - - - 8'11 .1 1 r:l ''It L... - - " - l,.., - _,--1.11 I..... I~ I =- j ~"",r.;;...,I_" -.rt in .. '" '" - 1 -:A- /- l v 4'1~ ~/"'.o~ N ~ ->~ ~~~\ - ; 1~ -t I , ~ ~ _~ ))f1jf')1 ./' to I ~ --7 / 1_ -Ij- i -.--, / .-1.. Ii r- / , f.f '" i II ':. ~.. J / '" "i L.-=-' N I 'I" / -. I ~- ~ ,.....,.... _-'l~ _ lij i / 1 -' CD! / I-~ - ..,,1 ~. / l~ ~-!n_ 5;1 J 17fT -~---7 ... .. ~ . / ,.., .. III ~ ... / I . . . Council Agenda - ] 2/13/04 8. Consideration of actions su ortin commercial interchan e and associated road and utility system development at CSAH 18/94. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to take a number of step relating to development of the proposed roadway and utility improvements serving the SAH 18/94 area. They include the following: o/A. Consideration of Resolution accepting easibility report for the CSAH 18/1-94 interchange and authorize preparation f plans and specifications. Consideration of calling for a public h aring on the interchange lay-out scheduled for January 24, 2005. Consideration of a resolution authorizi g negotiations and if necessary condemnation of land for public purposes - (CSAH 18/9 Interchange and South Frontage Road Projects). Consideration of a resolution authorizi g negotiations and if necessary condemnation of land for public purposes - (Territorial load Extension). Resolution accepting feasibility study'. d authorizing preparation of plans and specifications for construction of trunk sanitary sewer. (This item listed under # 15 of the agenda. Resolution authorizing preparation of f asibility report on development of 7th Street, Highland Way, South Frontage Road a d associated utilities. .IE. c. D. E. F. Item A is a required step of the Chapter 429 pr cess and follows Council direction taken at the previous meeting to complete the feasibility st dy. It also includes formalization of authorization to complete plans and specificati ns in sequence relative to formal approval of the feasibility study. See attached agenda item for more detail. Item B is a required intergovernmental review step associated with the process of making modifications to the interchange system. It is r qui red under state or federal law that local governments conduct a public hearing and pro ide comments on interchange modifications that affect their jurisdictions. In this case, the :ity is required to hold a public hearing on modifications that the City is requesting in the lrst place. The hearing is scheduled fix January 24,2005. See the attached report for further d tail. Item C is consideration of a resolution authori ing city staff to enter negotiations or condemnation for acquisition of land necessar to complete road and utility improvements necessary to support the project. In order to ke p the project on the required time-line, authorization to proceed with condemnation needs to be initiated in the event negotiations fail. Please note that all properties needed for the pr ject have been identified for condemnation regardless of the current status of negotiations. Listing a property for potential condemnation provides the City with the option of taking the and in the event negotiations fail and thus enables the project to stay on schedule in the cent negotiations on one or more properties is unsuccessful. Item C relates to property gener lly needed in conjunction with the interchange and utility corridors. . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 Item D initiates negotiation and condemnatio associated with acquisition of land necessary to create a driveway for the Jamison parcel thrOl gh the St Henry Church property thus providing access to the Jamison site. This new access is needed in order to close the railroad crossing at Territorial Road. Once this crossing is closed then the new crossing at Highland Way can be opened up to serve the new commercial area. Item E ~ Resolution accepting feasibility stud and authorizing preparation of plans and specifications for construction of trunk sanita sewer will allow the engineer to proceed on plans relating to development of the deep trun sanitary sewer system through the development. Item F - Resolution authorizing preparation 0 feasibility report on development of South Frontage Road is a necessary step in conjuncti n with development of the south frontage road needed as access to the freeway while the CS H 18 bridge is being widened. Please review the detailed reports relating to t e items above and take action accordingly . . . . . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 SA. and order Plans adS ccifications for the CSAH 18/1-94 Pro'ect No. 2004 tC . (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The enclosed Feasibility Report addresses th need for the CSAH 18/1-94 interchange. The City of Monticello's Transportation Plan ide tified this interchange as one of the transportation improvement projects to improve mobility a d reduce congestion for the motoring public. The proposed project removes the existing partial access interchange at 1-94 and CSAH 75 and the constructs a full access, grade-separated, fol cd diamond interchange at 1-94 and CSAH 18. The proposed improvements include the repl cement of the existing bridge carrying CSAH 18 over 1-94, construction of freeway entrance a d exit ramps and loops, widening of CSAH 18, grading, removal of existing ramps at CSAH 75 and 1-94, and installation of new traffic signals. Utility improvements include the installatiOl of storm water collection and treatment system as well as the relocation of existing hydrants 0 CSAH 18 within the project limits. The estimated project cost totals $16,159,138, which inc\u es $4,580,350 easement acquisition costs. The project is proposed to be funded through the City, State, County Trunk Fees and Assessments. We are asking the Council to accept the Fea ibility Report so that the project can be assessed to the benefited property owners in accordance with the 429 process. The City is currently drafting assessment ag eements with representatives of the DahlcimerlBondus and Weinand Parcels. '1' e information included in the Feasibility Report does not include assessment information for the Resurrection Church, School District, Liberty Savings Bank or Riverview Square Parcels hich are also benefited by the project. Approval of authorization to prepare plans nd specifications would be consistent with action taken at a previous meeting when Council upported moving forward on interchange engmeenng. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the Feasibility Report, order pre _ aration of plans and specifications and direct the City Engineer to bring back proposed a sessment rates prior to public hearing for benefited property owners. 2. Do not accept the Feasibility Report at his time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engin er that thc City accepts the Feasibility Report as outlined under alternative number 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Report I ':\/.l()( 'f.i.~/F .I\/.HWV. f.( i/UJ\/'()( ".-II.S -/\1L'lIIf!\O-lL'1I8-("(' ,-lgl'lIdo "l!1"'f11'i'km. (.....'.-'H /N.t!OI.: . . . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 8B. Authorize a Public Hearin for Munici CSAH 18 Final Lavout (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City of Monticello, Mn/DOT, and Wright COUl ty have been developing a layout which details the geometric standards (i.e. number of traffic lanes shoulders, intersections, signals, bridges, interchange configuration, etc.) for the proposed lnt rchange on 1-94 at CSAH 18. On October 15, 2004, Mn/DOT granted staff approval for the final I yout. Since the proposed project alters access on 1-94, it 1a11s under the Municipal Consent Statutes, where the City is required to: 1. Schedule a public hearing regarding he layout within 15 days of receiving the final layout. 2. Provide a 30 day notice of the Public Hearing. 3. Hold the public hearing within 60 da s ofreceiving the final layout. 4. A1ter the public hearing the City has 0 days to grant approval or disapproval or the layout is deemed approved. Project Elements and Finance Plans The major clements detailed in the layout include th following (ineludes ROW) · CSAH 18 Upgrades . CSAH 18 Bridge . Ramps/Loops . Chelsea Road · Ponds $5,247,769 $2,511,000 $6,333,966 $ 520,526 $1,545,847 Total $16,159,138 Funding Sources are as follows: · Developer Trunk Fees · Developer Contributions . State . County . City $ 1,098,538 ( 7 0) $5,481,560 (34 0) $3,601,576 (22 0) $1,857,427 (11 0) $4,120,()37 (25 0) B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize a public hearing for Munici al Consent regarding the Interchange on 1-94 at CSAH 18, StaiT Approved Layout. T e public hearing will be held at the January 24, 2004 City Council Meeting at 7:00 pm. 2. Do not authorize a public hearing for unicipal Consent regarding the Interchange on [-94 at CSAH 18 Staff Approved Layout at this time. . . . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admindrator, Deputy City Administrator, and City Engineer to select Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Request for Approval Final Layout will be posted in the council ch' mbers for viewing prior to the meeting. - . . . Minnesota Department of Transportatio District 3 - Project Development 3725 12t11 St N St Cloud, MN 56303 Office Tel (320) 654-5446 Fax (320) 203-6089 December 8, 2004 Mr. Rick W olfsteller City Administrator City of Montice 110 505 Walnut Avenue Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Mr. W olfsteller, Attached is a copy of the Interstate 94/CSAI-[ 18 In erchange Layout Number 1 as approved by Mn/DOT stall. The purpose of this submittal is to satisfy Mn/DUI 's legal requirements relating to final layout approval as outlined in State Statue 161.164. Mun cipal Consent must be obtained if Mn/DOT in order for us to participate in the cost of the interch nge. The purpose of the proposed project is to satisfy se eral needs within the corridor. 1. Add missing movements to the partial interc ange at CSAH 75 by replacing it with a full movement interchange on ]-94 at CSAI I 18. 2. Provide relicfto TH 25 by constructing west ound on and off ramps at CSAH 18 3. Provide relief to TH 25 by widening CSAH 8 to 4-lanes. After receiving the final layout from MnlDOT the .ity will have 15 days to schedule a public hearing on the final layout, 60 days from receipt t conduct the public hearing and up to 90 days after the public hearing to approve or disapprove t e layout in writing, or take no action which results in Mn/DOT proceeding as planned. If you have any questions regarding this matter, pI ase feel free to call at any time. Thank you. Sincerely, Chad Hausmann Project Manager ~~ . . . Council Agenda - 1211 3/04 Se. Consideration of a resolution authorizin ne otiations and if necessa condemnation of land for uhlic ur oses - CSAH IS/I-94 Interchan e and South Fronta e Road Projects. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is asked to consider a resolution au horizing city staff to enter negotiations or condemnation for acquisition of land neeess ry to complete road and utility improvements necessary to support the project. In order to eep the project on the required time-line, authorization to proceed with condemnation needs to be initiated in the event negotiations fail. Please note that all properties needed for th project have been identified for condemnation regardless of the current status of negotiatio s. Listing a property for potential condemnation provides the city with the option of taking th land in the event negotiations fail and thus enables the project to stay on schedule in the event negotiations on one or more properties is unsuccessful. This item relates to property generally needed in conjunction with the interchange and utility corridors. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt resolution authorizin.J condemnation of land for public purposes (CSAlI 18/94 Interchange and South .'rontage Road Projects) 2. Motion to deny adoption of resolutio authorizing condemnation of land for public purposes (CSAH 18/94 Interchange a d South Frontage Road Projects) e. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternat ve 1 because it initiates the process of condemnation of necessary lands in the event negotiations for purchase fail. This is a critical step in the land acquisition/ project process t at must bc completed if the land is to be available when it is needed. D. SUPPORTING I>A T A: Resolution Map showing all parcels included in rcsoluti n . . . CITY OF MO TICELLO WRIGHT COUNT , MINNESOTA RESOL Date Resolution Motion By Seconded B RESOLUTION AUTHORI ING CONDEMNATION OF LAND FOR PU LIC PURPOSES (C.S.A.H. 18/1-94 Interchange and South Frontage Road Projects) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City fMonticello does hereby determine that it is necessary and for a public use and purpose to acq ire the property identified on the parcel maps attached hereto as Exhibit "A", subject to enginee . ng modifications, if any, for purposes in connection with the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange an South Frontage Road Projects. WHEREAS, City staff and consultants ha e and will continue to work with the property owner(s) to acquire the necessary easements andlo fee title; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that d velopment and construction conditions related to the area make it necessary to acquire title to, an possession of, the property as soon as possible in order for the project to proceed in an e lcient, cost effective and expeditious manner; Minnesota: NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by t e City Council ofthe City of Monticello, 1. That the City Attorney is authorize to commence eminent domain proceedings pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 117 to acq ire the necessary easements andlor fee title identified on the attached Exhibit "A", subject to gineering modifications, ifneeded. 2. That the City Attorney is authorize to acquire the necessary property interests pursuant to the "quick take" provisions of Minnes ta Statutes Section 117.042. 3. That the Mayor and the City Admi istrator are authorized to execute all 115528 1 . . . documents necessary, in the opinion of the City At orney, to effect the acquisition of the necessary property interests. 4. The City is in the process of obtaini g appraisals of the property being acquired. The Council hereby authorizes the City Administr tor to approve the appraisals and make formal offers to the property owners subject to City COUll ii's final approval. ADOPTED this City of Monticello. day of , 2004, by the City Council of the ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 115528 Bruce Thielen, Mayor 2 .-- .-. ..- - --. .-... ...-. -- - - --. ..-- .-.. -. -.. --. .-. ..-." -. ..-. .-- ~ ...... '0 0 -J 0\ VI ,l::>. W tv ...... e; 0 n I'D - n S' (1) ~ 8" p. CI $: .g ~ ~ 0 VJ ~ ~ ~ 0 8. ~ ~ fl a ~ 00 (1) ,... (1) 0- n n ~. (i) ~ ~ ~ a g. ~ a '":iQ r-' C/J ..- I'D n 0 0 I'D E C/J 8- n g H p-. ~ ~ 0 ?,o S' () lit ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 c (t n - tr.l ~ n 00 VJ g . co ? g. 0 g. p ~ ,... ... ~ e. 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B. Council Agenda - 12/13/04 8D. condemnation of A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council is asked to consider a resolution a thorizing city staff to enter negotiations, initiate negotiation and condemnation associated w th acquisition of land necessary to create a driveway for the Jamison parcel through the 81. Henry Church property thus providing access to the Jamison site. This new access is nee ed in order to close the railroad crossing at Territorial Road. Once this crossing is clos d, then the new crossing at Highland Way can be opened up to serve the new commercial are, . In order to keep the project on the required t me-line, authorization to proceed with condemnation needs to be initiated in the ev nt negotiations fail. Identifying this property for potential condemnation provides the city wi h the option of taking the land in the event negotiations fail and thus enables the project to stay on schedule in the event negotiations on one or more properties is unsuccessful. This 1()[mal action is consistent with direction provided by Council to staff at a special mee ing some months ago when the issue of closing Territorial Road was discussed. Please note hat staff will continue to explore other avenues for making a drive connection to the Jamiso property including a potential drive across the Busch property. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt resolution authorizin condemnation of land for publ ic purposes (Territorial Road Extension) 2. Motion to deny adoption ofresolutio authorizing condemnation ofIand f()r public purposes. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternati e I because it initiates the process of condemnation of necessary lands in the event negotiations for purchase fail. This is a critical step in the land acquisition/ project process th t must be completed if the land is to be available when it is needed. D. SIJPPORTING DATA: Resolution Map showing area affected by the resolution . . . ~'r:...'i,t't.:..U1~IU!,:..31"\I.e',t!~_'!:~.._ ..~::_.1. (',"~,~~":"./,\ l.h!~,,'r.\~,\:I.~~I~~ IJlIII" ROGER C. MILLER TIMOTHY). KUNTZ DANIEL). BE~"ON ROLUN H. CMWI'ORD "'>CI3NNOTH J. ROliLf' -t'ONETTA T. DOVE oSTEPtlBN H. FOCHI.ER 'JAY 1>. k,AkI.OVIClI ANClTIl.A M. LU'I~t AMANN "KOltINg I.. LAND ANN C. O'~EILLY II.DONALD I.. HOEFT DARCY /If, MOHR ROBIN M. IlENNlX JON R. srECKl.ER DAVIDS. KENDALL . LEV ANDER, GILLEN & MILLER, P .A. I}WI-'itL(:~~:r.:.;..~()l:~'~".,~,:';t~~~.";::t:~t:::;n:~.o.;."J::i:..1,j;?; ATTORNEl'"S AT LAW HAROLD LEVANDER 1910.19'12 . TO: Mr. Rick Wolfsteller. City Administrator AR"HUk CILLeN R~"IIUm . AI.90 "C-'l'Tl)t> ". WI\l<'O"1ON -^L.Sa "DMMI!D'" NOUH D"II.O'I'" ""Ia> ^l>l'oI1"rlED IN NASSl\CK\lsvnS . "\.so Al"l'l1TT1!ll1l' OO<L.I<""M" FAX COVER S. EET DATE: Dee er 13, 2004 I 763-295-4404 COMPANY: City of Monticello Z including cover. FROM: Daniel J. Beeson RE: St. Henry Catholic Church COMMENTS: Mr. Wolfsteller: Pursuant to the conversation that you had with my see attached letter to the Mayor and City Councilmembers City Council meeting with respect to the St. Henry C any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. , Susan K_ Ogorek, please distribute the . d other appropriate individuals for tonight'S : otic Church Agenda item. Should you have j Daniel J. Beeson IF mERE IS A PROBLEM TN TRANSMISSION 0 COPIES RECEIVED ARE ILLEGIBLE, r~~~~F;. ~.1~~. ~~ .~; ~~~~~ ~ 1 J~~n ~~!~l~~ i!~~.~I?~ Tf:.~:;.................... .., The information contained in this Facsimile messa . is privileged and. confidential information intended for the use of the addressee and no one else.' If you are not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible to deliver this messag . to the intended recipient, please do not use this transmission in any way, but contact the sender by · elephone. ............................................ ,..................................... 633 SOUTH CONCORD STREET. SUITE 400 · SOUTH SAINTPAtIL, .INNBSOTA 5S07S. 651 -451"1831. FAX 6'1 -4~O.1384 OFFTCE Al.'iO LOCA1E) IN 51> NER. WISCONSIN L/~ aBed ! ~S#~[ !O~:S~ vO/E~/~~ I !vB LOSv~S9 1 :Aq J --~ LEVANDER, GILLHN & MILLER, P,A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW ulllblishcd in \92<,1 December 13, 2004 The Honorable Bruce Thielen and Members of the City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 VIA ACSIMlLE AND . .S. MAIL RoGER c. MIllER TIMOTHY j. KUl\<"TZ OANIElj. 1lF.F.~ON ROU IN II r.~A\YIrmm 'KP.NNETH J. ROHLF ".0 N I:TI'A T. DOYf. .STEI'HEN H. FCX:Hu'n .JAY p. KAR.l0VIC\-1 ANGI~ M. I.lJT:t". AMANl" 'KOR.INE \. LAND AN" C. O.RF.ll.1.Y l>"DOI'iALIJ l. tlOEFT I)AR~ M. MOHR. ROBIN M. HENNtx .ON R. STr~CI(U~R DAVID S_ KfNDALI. Ji^"nl.U L"',V^~l'''!:P'' 1'l10.199~ MnHl1ll. ~IU.P.N JU:T1R,f..r> 'M"~' ~l,.."rl'I'I:',) IN "'~U"(NI,,;:"I -AJ.':O ^-",)MI'T'T"':n IN" 'f,;'l~' tlAt.::(Yit\ II\I.,"-f,l "..,>>-'Il'i.....:I'I IN. M""'~, ,~, ....!{;--11IiI: :.J^I$UA,I.))'1IT'~I' ,,.. (~'.""111')~^ RE: Proposed Resolution Authorizing Cond . nation of St. Henry's Church Property for Territorial Road Extension Over W :terly 60 Feet of Chun:h Parcel Our File No, 20384.00000 . Dear Mayor and City Councilmembers: As you are aware, my law finn and I represent S . :Henry Catholic Church, and over the pl!st 18 months we have been engaged in negotiations lth the City to resolve the Territorial Road Extension access issue. as well as other signitican ;ssues relating to the Church property. At this juncture, 1 will state on behalf of my client, as.I . ve consi8tently stated throughout the past 18 months. St. Hemy is vigorously oppo~ed to any rther taking of its private property. The Church, comprised of approximately 1,350 t1 : Hies, purchased this property for expansion of its worship, social, educational and administrativ .acilities in pursuit of its mission of service to the Catholic community of Monticello and the su r. unding area. TIle magnificent 50.000 square foot Church, educational and administrative facil was recently constructed and is in the initial phase of a Church campus development that is in nded to serve the needs of the community for the next 100 years. The furore expansion may :elude construction of a parochial school and recreational facilities serving the entire communit of MonticelIo- Therefore, preservation of the existing Church campus is of paramount importa .c to the Church and to the Archdiocese of St. Paul. In addition, because of the demands and dedicati extracted from the Church by the City in the development process, including the extreme curv. .. ear design of7lh Street, the Church has already suffered an uncompensated loss of a significant p r :ion of its property. Therefore. preservation of . the remainder of the Church campus is St. Hen ' highest priority. 633 SOUTH CONCORD STREET · SUIT! 400 . SOUTH SAINT PA : MINNESOTA 55075 · 651"451"1831 · f'AX 651"450"7384 OFFICE hLSO LOCAT D IN wrSCOl'lSIN L!?- eBEd ~~s#---uJff( ~o?-:S~ vO/t:~/(::~ .~.drJeTT~W~rueTT~8rJepUE^el :Aq ~ues . The lh)HoJ'ab1c Bruce;: Thielen and Members of the City Council Page 2 December 13, 2004 We, have previously been informed on numerou 0 casions by the City attorney that the City will not condemn Church property over the objecti n , f the Church. Consequently, the Church is both surprised and frustrated to learn of the City fa recommendation that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing condemnation of Chur h :property for the Territorial Road Extension Project. The Church has worked cooperatively il lhe City over recent months in an attempt to resolve this and other significant issues. The C urch rea<:onably believes that adoption of a condemnation resolution is at best premature at i time. In summary, St. Henry Church i5 unalterably 0 p: sed to any access taking across its property resulting in further severance of the Church c 'pus. Any such attempt will be vigorously resisted. However, it. is our understandIng from :'ew of the proposed condemnation Resolution and attached Exhibit" A" depicting the location f the proposed 60 foot street access. as well as discussion with the City attorneys Tom Scott an 'au Brokl. the proposed taking Resolution is limited to the westerly 60 feet of the Church pa c L (See attached Exhibit A. WSB Territorial Road Extension design layout, November 16, 2 .) . S1. Henry Church believes that other more eo' omical and direct alignments exjst for the TeJ'Titorial Road extension, e.g., either: 1. A direct connection from the Jam sn parcel west to Fallon Avenue N.E. and/or Washington Street over the Buse arce), which would involve less topographic challenges. including significantl eBS grading, slope easements, tree loss and acquisition and construction costs (ee attached Exhibit B.); or 2. A new street alignment centered 0' the westerly Church property line (30' on Church property and 30' on adjo' rig parcels to the west) thereby lessening the lakIng from the Church and impac : pon the remainder of the Church campus. as well as increasing site distances at . 7tb Street intersection. (See attached Exhibit C.) The Church is committed to continuing the dialo .e with the City to resolve the access issue, as well as to avoid the substantial costs of condemn t nn litigation to both the City and the Church. St. Henry Church asks the City Council to reject ssage of a condemnation resolution since it is premature at this time. Other more direct and .: nomical alignments for the Territorial Road ExpanSion Project as described above need to be c' plored first. However, if the City chooses to proceed with ado . on of a condemnation resolution for laking of the westerly 60 feet of the Church property and 'ot explore other reasonable alternatives, the . Church needs assurance from the City Council th LI8 aBed ~ ~5# rS;I'liJ( ~ ~~:5~ 'VO/8U~~ ~t>' 8L05'V~S9 .~'d'~eTTLw~'uaTTTD'~apUB^el :^q +ues . TIle IiollorabJe Bruce Thielen and Members of the City Council Page 3 December 13, 2004 1. The City will make a good faith 0 e: of just compensation for the fair market value. of the land proposed to be taken, as : well as all severance damages to the severed westerly and easterly remainder f 'e Church campus based upon an independent appraisal; 2. After making the just compensati n : nd offer to the Church, the City will negotiate in good faith with the Church tempt to resolve the full just compensation payment as opposed to resorting e condemnation litigation process; 3. The Church will not be require expenses: i.e. sanitary sewer, w street construction; and pay for any street, curb, gutter or utility . . storm sewer. etc. associated with the new 4. The City will grant a setback v i 'nee from the Territorial Road Extension to accommodate future Church devel ,ment and attempt to mitigate the impact of the king upon the long"range develo ,cnt of the Church campus. DJB/so Enclosures c: Father Timothy Rudolphi (w/enclosures) Katby Metzger, Administrative Assistant ( , lenclosures) William Fallon, Chancellor for Civic Affa. s. Archdiocese of St. Paul (w/enclosures) Patrick Brinkman, Esq. (w/enclosures) Tom SCOtt. Esq. (w/enclosures) . L/v aBed ~~S#~[ !~~:S~ vO/8~/~~ ~ve8 OSv~S9 'V'd'~aTTTn~'uaTTTD'~apUe^al :Aq ~uas n! II i (~ ? .1 E~hibit . A LIS eBed ~~S#~[ ~~~:S~ vO/8~/~~ '~'drJe1T~~~'ueT1~8'JepU8^el :^q +ues ~i , !1. ~ J i !; ..Iii A~~ Alb"~~ ~ tiUe~ ~eWJA,.. ME A~/o'" ~~"- LI9 aBed !~g#~( !€~:g~ vO/€~/~~ I !v8€LOgv~99 '~'drJatt~~~rUaTt~orJapUe^al :Aq +ues ,;,.;, ;.'......--. -...---- Itl!! U p: ;: i I a ~} <4~ld c .2 cu cnCli Co WG) 1<2 W'- :i "'CS ~ cUO 0= a:: . 2S c;"E .~ 0 ~ .9,,- 0;:: 0 -2:- G).- . A HetnC\"'"'fe.. A~\\~';~ A~r I,\...c- ,,~ ~*blI\ ~(~ l':.D~~.lW7 ~ (.,~J"GI~ ~~ ExhibIt LlL aBed !~S# oJ'''[ !Sc::S~ pO/8~/C:~ '~'d'Ja11~~~'ua11LO'Japue^al :Aq +uas _D . CITY OF MO WRIGHT COUNT Resolution Date Motion By ~.... RESOLUTION AUTHORI ING CONDEMNATION OF LAND FOR PU LIC PURPOSES (Territorial Road Extension) WHEREAS, the City Council of the City f Monticello does hereby determine that it is necessary and for a public use and purpose to acq ire an easement over the property identified on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, subject to engineerin modifications, if any, for public street and . temporary construction purposes in connection wi h the Territorial Road Extension Project; WHEREAS, the permanent easement is 6 feet wide and borders the west property line of the St. Henry's Church property; WH KREAS, City stafT and consultants ha e and will continue to work with the property owner to acquire the necessary easements; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that d velopment and construction conditions related to the area make it necessary to acquire title to, an possession of~ the property as soon as possible in order for the project to proceed in an e ficient, cost effective and cxpeditious manner; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by t e City Council of the City of Monticel1o, Minncsota: 1. That the City Attorney is authorize to commcnce emincnt domain proceedings pursuant to Minncsota Statutes Chapter 117 to ac uirc the necessary public street and tcmporary construction eascments identified on the attached ;xhibit "A", subject to engineering . modifications, if needed. 115544 1 ~\) . . . 2. That the City Attorney is authorize to acquire the necessary property interests pursuant to the "quick take" provisions of Minnes )ta Statutes Section 117.042. 3. That the Mayor and the City Admi istrator arc authorized to execute all documents necessary, in the opinion of the City A torney, to effect the acquisition of the necessary property interests. 4. The City is in the process of obtain ng an appraisal of the property being acquired. The Council hereby authorizes the City Administ ator to approve the appraisal and make a formal offer to the property owner subject to City ~ouncil's final approval. ADOPTED this day of City of Monticello. ArrEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 115544 ,2004, by the City Council of the Bruce Thielen, Mayor 2 gD ," . . . EXHIBI "A" 115544 3 ~D - D EXHIBI I "A" 00 . . . SF. COllnci I Agenda - 12/13/04 Authorize to Pre are a Feasibili Re ort or the Extension of the South Fronta e Road from Meadow Oak Avenue to CSAH IS ( SB)/(JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Extension of a South Frontage Road from M adow Oak Avenue to CSAH 18 is one project included in the projects elements associated ith the proposed CSAH 18 Interchange. Extending this South frontage Road from M adow Oak Avcnue to CSAIJ 18 through the Weinand property will provide a detour route when the CSAH 18 bridgc is reconstructed over 1-94 for the proposed CSAH 18 Interchange. This extension will also provide alternative access to the Meadow Oaks neighborhood an the Resurrection Church. It is imperative that construction of this roadway be completed b September 2005 before work on the CSAH 18 Interchange commences. Right-of-way will a so need to be acquired from Weinand and Resurrection Church and further analysis on impacts to the Church property will need to be evaluated in the Feasibility Report. In order 0 address the above items and meet the project schedule, we are requesting authorization to omplete the Feasibility Report at this time. The feasibility report would address the anticipat d costs and the cost split between the City, Shawn Weinand, and the Resurrection Church. Soil orings and preliminary survey has been obtained. The estimated cost to complete the feasibilit report is estimated at $6,000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize preparation of a feasibility eport for the construction of the South Frontage Road from Meadow Oak Avenue to SAH 18. 2. Do not authorize any work at this tim . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admindrator to select Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map . . . B. Council Agenda - 12/13/04 8F. Authorize to Pre are a Feasibili Re or Hen's Church to CSAH 18 and Constr CSAH 75 (WSB)/(JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The extension of ih Street and construction I' Highland Way arc elements associated with the proposed CSAI1 18 Interchange project. Th se proposed roadways would bc located within the Bondhus and Dahlheimer properties fro St. Henry"s Church to CSAH. 18. The roads will provide access for the proposed Ryan D velopment (Monticello Retail Development) on these two properties. ih Street is also identi led as a collector route relieving traffic on CSAH 75 in the Monticello Transportation Plan. T e first step to the ~roposed street construction would be to complete a feasibility report for he extension of i Street from St. Henry's Church to CSAH 18 and construction ofHig1land Way from ih Street to CSAH 75. This will involve coordination with the Ryan Develop ent as they move forward with their development. Topographic survey has alread been obtained and additional survey may be needed. Soil boring for the roadways will als need to be obtained. The estimated cost to complete the feasibility report, survey, and s il borings is estimated at $15,000, $3,000, and $5,000 respectfully, for a total of $23,000. he estimated cost to complete the final plans and specifications is estimated at $79,000. Thes costs are to be obtained from the developer to continue with the project. Authorization for t e Feasibility Report is being requested at this time. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Authorize obtaining soil borings, sur ey, and preparation of a feasibility report for the extension of ih Street from St. Henry s Church to CSAH 18 and construction of Ilighland Way from ih Street to CSA I 75 subject to the developer providing a $23,000 deposit to pay for the study. 2. Do not authorize any work at this tim C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Adminis rator to select Alternative No.1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map . . . 9. Consideration of sala A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Counci I Agenda ~ ] 2/13/04 ts for 2005. (RW) The Council is asked to consider an adj ustme t to the salary schedule for all non-union employees for the year 2005 to reflect change' in the consumer price index (CPI), The Council has annually reviewed the salary schedule an made adjustments in order to help retain the City's pay relationship to market and with Monday ights meeting being the last meeting scheduled for this year, an increase should be approved at t is meeting to allow for implementation of a new schedule by the first payroll period in January As part of the 2005 budget, I had included an dditional4% in the salary categories for each department to allow for potential cost oflivin adjustments, step increases and to allow additional salary adjustments to our pay syste to keep us competitive with other communities. What the Council is being asked to consider t night concerns the basic adjustment of the dollar schedule to renect current increases in the CPI for our area. In the past, the Council has used the consumer price index as a measurement of the inflationary rate. Minnesota Department of Economic Se urity provides information on the consumer price index for both the US and the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. Normally, the CPI for either are very similar percentage wise, but occasionally ther can be di1Terences between the two percentages because the Minncapolis-St. Paul index is onl calculated twice a year on a June and December basis while the US CPI is updated on a monthl basis. The latest information that I could obtain indicates that the consumer price index for the US on a October to October basis shows an increase of 3.2%. The cpr for the Minneapolis-St. Paul area thro 19h June, 2004 (June 2003-June 20(4) shows a 2.71% in the cost of living. As you can see, the eis some difference between the US average and the Minneapolis-St. Paul index because of the ifferent time frames used to compile the statistics but typically, the Metro area cpr will track the US CPT. In addition to the CPI information, we have als conducted a brief survey again of various surrounding communities including the cities of Big Lake, Bumllo, Elk River, Maple Grove, Becker and Plymouth to determine what incrca es they had granted last year and are proposing or have approved for next year. Using the same ommunities we have surveyed in the past and this information can be helpful lor the Council to s e what is happening in other communities around us. Finally, I have also enclosed a briefhistor of recent years salary adjustments adopted by the Council compared to the reported CPI incre ses for those particular years. Any adj ustments to the currcnt salary schedule dopted by the Counci I will only affect non-union employees as of 1-1-2005. Thc union contract hat was renewed April 1,2003, had their wage adjustments set for 2003 and 2004 as part ofth two year contract. The union contract will again be up for renewal in April, 2005. Because of c mparable worth reporting requirements, we have always tried to keep union and non-union wage on a similar scale to avoid any violations of the comparable worth law, which could result in pe alties being assessed against the City if we were out of compliance. The last time we reported 0 1r comparable worth information was as of . . . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 December 31,2002, and we have met all oft e requirements for comparable worth and are in compliance at this time. In comparing union nd non-union wages scales for similar type job dassi fications, the salaries for each are very s milar although there are some variations in the union contract that allows for quicker ad vane ment on the wage scale. The offset to this has normally been to occasionally provide non-un on classifications with a slightly higher percentage increase to compensate for these differences. B. AL TERNA TIVF: ACTIONS: I. Council could establish a cost of livin adjustment t()f the wage scales that would apply lor non-union employees that is comp rable to the salary adjustments being proposed by surveyed communities Although there are some differences il the amounts proposed by our neighboring communities, again the percentage in rease seems to be around 3% to 3.5%. 2. The Council could establish a cost of I ving adjustment for 2005 wages based on some other factor to be determined. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since one of the prime reasons for cost living djustments is to help keep our pay relationship in line with market conditions surrounding us, I ould recommend that 2004 salary adjustments be in line with those increases being proposed by the surveyed communities at 3.5%. Being competitive with surrounding communities is important for the Council to consider and to recognize that the growth pressures we are ex eriencing in our community continue to place additional work load demands on our staff. T e CPI index likewise suppOlis adjustments that would ball in the 3(%-3.5% range. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Salary survey of surrounding communities. Prior years salary schedule adjustments. . . e. .- PREVIOUS YEARS'S, LARYSCHF:DULE AD.JUST~ 1ENTS For Year: Reported CP Increase Council Adjustments 1993 OJ ')0 2,5% .),~ 0 1994 3,7 to 3 .8% 3.5% 1995 2,9 to 3 .1% 2.5% 1996 2.700 2.7% 1997 3.1 to 3 .3(% 3.1% 1998 2.700 3% 1999 1.500 2.5% 2000 2.61Yo to /.7% 3.0% 2001 3.4% to ~.2% 3.0% 2002 2.1 % to ~,2O;;) 3,5% 2003 2.0% to /.3% 3.m;(} 2004 1.3% to /.0% 3,m;(} 2005 (2. 7o/~ 3.2% ), 7 '/. '---"" ~ 07 ~{ ~/\ )yi' ~) MV oJ~ 6(~~ DAWN/WORDlRICKIPRIORYRADJ 12/3/03 .__.._._u__ ...-..-"..- -...-..- ---- - ..--- ~ . . SURVEY OF SURR UNDING CITIES 2005 PROPOSED SAL RY Al>JUSTMENTS Rig Lake 2000: 3% 2001: 3.5% 2002: 3.5% 2003: 4% (Actual likely to be less) 2004: 3% 2005: 3-3.5% non-ullion* * 1 00% single health coverage and $725 offamily lealth coverage Buffalo 2000: 4.7% 200 I: 3.5% 2002: 2003: 2% 2004: 1 % 2005: 4%* *In addition they are picking up 68% of the insurm ce increase. Also picking up a dental package amounting to $25/per month per employee. Elk River 2000: 3% - May increase benefits 2001: 3% - Increase health insurance 2002: 3% 2003: 3% 2004: 3% 2005: 3%* *In January 2004 they had 3% increase. In mid-ye r they did a salary survey and increased non exempt employees by 4% and exempt employees b 2 Y:z%. In addition they increased insurance coverage by $15 f(}[ each employee (Single: $350; 'mployee&Child or Employee & Spouse $500 and family coverage $640) Maple Grove 2000: 3% 2001: 3% 2002: 3% 2003: 3% 2004: 3% 2005: *Negotiating with unions did not want to give out yet. Did approve a $50/per month increase in benefits Plymouth 2000: 3% '2001: 3% . WORDIDA WN/PERSONNELlSALARY.SUR: 12/1/04 q . Becker: . . WORD/D^ WN/PCRSONNEL/SALARY.SlJR: 12/1/04 2002: 3% 2003: 3SYo 2004: 3% 2005: 2% in Jan. and] % in July 2003: 3%-3.5% Proposed 2004: 3.5% 2005: 3% c:, . . . 10. Council Agenda - 12/13/04 Consideration of authorizin studies rela in to the Herita oe olf course and mix-use development. (.TO) A. REFERF:NCE AND BACKGROUND: The next three items for consideration relate to the Heritage Development proposal recently reviewed by the current and future Council a workshop held a few weeks ago. These items include A. Approve Scope of Work, cost Est'mate, and 'rime line for the preparation of an Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUA ), H. Authorize preparation of a Sanitary Sewer and Water analysis and C. Authorization to roceed with Orchard Road Interchange work plan. As you recall at the recent Council worksho , Mike Moriarity expressed his company's interest in redeveloping the Silver Springs golf cours into a large mixed use residential and commercial development. The development features a golf course community with a mix of housing. It would also include a commercial corridor along a freeway frontage road. Revenue from the development would be channeled t a freeway interchange fund. This project concept is consistent with the comprehensive land us guide plan and also supports important goals that the city has identified in the comprehensive Ian. Such goals would include encouragement of step up housing through development of gol course lots, and development of a funding mechanism for a needed freeway interchang. The freeway interchange is critical to making the commercial area identified in the compre ensive guide plan attractive to business. If Counci I believes that the project has suffi ient merit to pursue then a number of studies need to be undertaken if the project is to proceed. These studies are identified in the next three agenda items and include a request to prepar of an "Alternative Urban Area wide Review", an Analysis of Sanitary Sewer and Watermain a d completion of preliminary planning for development of the interchange at Orchard R ad. The AllAR is a process used to evaluate the impact of the development on the environme t and is mandated by Minnesota Statutes. The Sewer and Water studies are needed to deten ine utility system improvements and costs associated with serving the development. T e information will be used in establishment of a developer funded finance plan supporting de clopment of systems needed to support the development. The interchange is an integral ortion of the project and is needed to adequately channel residential and commercial traffic fr m the development. The study will identify the preliminary lay-out and includes working wit various agencies toward obtaining necessary approvals. Please review the agenda items and sUpportil g data flJr detail regarding the scope of each study. As you will note, it is proposed that th developer fund the cost of these studies. Please review each item and associated altern tives and provide direction as you wish. . . A. lOA. Council Agenda - 12/13/04 REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: ment/ Silver S rin s Golf Course Redevelo ment The proposed Heritage Development/Silver Springs Golf Club project includes redeveloping an 882-acre site into a residcntial, commercial, and golf cours area. As per Minnesota Rules 4410.4400, subpart 14, the proposed magnitude of the Development Are requires environmental review, either through an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or an Alte native Urban Areawide Review (AllAR). The project is not eligible for an EA W. To provide you with general information, please II1d a summary of the City's environmental review options outlined below. Environmental Impact Statement lEIS) An EIS is required when a project has the potenti I for significant environmental impacts as mandated in Minnesota Statute 1160.04, subdivision 2a. An IS provides information about the extent ofthe potential environmental impacts and how these in paets could be avoided or minimized. Completion of an EIS requires a seoping EA W to be completed rst to identity the issues that need to be covered in an EIS. The full EIS process takes more time than the EA process. This process requires the following completing a scoping EA Wand then preparation fan EIS based on the results of the EA W. There are a number of public review periods for an EIS. This process can take between 10- 12 months to complete. An E1S needs to be updated every 5 years until all development is approved within the study area. Due to the size of the Heritage Development/ Silver Springs Golf Course redevelopment, an EIS (or an AllAR- see below) is required. Alternative Urban Areawide Review The Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) is a hybrid between the EA Wand EIS process. It can be used as a substitute for an EIS for projects like he Heritage Development/ Silver Springs Golf Course redevelopment. An AllAR can be used to evaluat a commercial!industrial! residential project provided that the area reviewed is covered by an acceptable omprehensive Plan. The AllAR process is generally longer than an EA but shorter than an EIS. The AUAR process can generally be completed within 8 - 9 months. As wi h an EIS, an AUAR needs to be updated every 5 years until all the development is approved wit in the study area. This means that if not all of the plats within the Heritage Development/Silver Spril gs Golf Course arc fully approved within 5 years, the AllAR would need to be updated. It is anticipated that this effort would involve taking the existing AUAR and making any needed changes to retleet t 1e development that had been completed to date and update any mitigation measures. The City of Monticello is in Responsible Governm nt Unit (RGU) for the preparation of this AUAR or EIS. A scope of services, timeline, and cost estima e arc attached. It should be noted that Minnesota Rules requires no more than 120 days from the Cit officially ordering an AUAR to the end of the second comment period. Therefore, the Council is asked t approve the scope of work in December and not authorize the AllAR until April 2005. This is a cOl1monly accepted practice when completing AllAR's. .. R. ALTERNATJVE ACTJONS: 1. Approve the scope of work, timeline, and c )st estimate for an AUAR for the Heritage Development/ Silver Springs Golf Course r development project subject to the developer providing an $85,000 deposit to pay for the AUAR. (':'I/N)( '( /\ll." IJJ../W;V -I.(;f<( )I,j.()( '.,'//.S.-/', Jj'IJ}J1'vH }'N IJ.H-,-lf !..J/~-J]/J3()-I.di;( Council Agcnda- 12/13/04 . 2. Approve the completion of an FrS for th Heritage Development/ Silver Springs Golf Course redevelopment project 3. Do not authorize the preparation of any nvironnlental review at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrat r, Deputy City Administrator and City Engineer to select Alternative No. I. D. SIJPPORTlNG DATA: Map Scope of Services, Cost Estimate, Timeline . '. ('.,,/ )()( '{.'II IF II} J..J /'IS - /.( if<()lI.()( .//.S . J I/(!/Ile',./( i.V f/.'-\ 1_.,1{ /-II~-I_'()3/1-1.do( AUAR Location Map Heritage Development/Silver Springs olf Course Redevelopment City of Monticello N ... AtrU A WSB Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Con ruction . & Associates, {nc. December 7,2004 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis. MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Re: Scope of Services for the Heritage Develo ment/Silver Springs Golf Course Redevelopment AUAR WSB Project No. 1160~95 Dear Mr. O'Neill: As requested, we have prepared a Scope of Servic s and a cost estimate to complete an Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) for he proposed 882-acre Heritage Development/ Silver Springs Golf Course Redevelopment. As p r Minnesota Rules 4410.4400, subpart 14, the proposed magnitude of the development area requi es environmental review, either through an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or an Alte ative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR). It is recommended that an AUAR be prepared for this roject. . I. Environmental Review Options To provide you with some general information, pIe se find a summary of the City's environmental review options outlined below. A. Environmental Assessment Worksheet ( A W) The purpose of an Environmental Assessm nt Worksheet (EA W) is to identify significant environmental impacts associated with a pr ~ect and determine if an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required. An EA is a less rigorous form of an EIS. In the City of Monticello, an EA W is required wh n the following thresholds are met or exceeded: · Construction of an industrial, commerci 1, or institutional facility equal to or in excess of 200,000 sf. · Construction of 250 unattached or 375 a tached residential units The full EA W process can generally be com leted within 3 - 4 months from the initiation of the document. In general, specific info ation about the type of development that will occur is needed for an EA W. Based on the ize of the Heritage Development/Silver Springs Golf Course redevelopment, an EA will not be adequate to address the impacts. . Minneapolis IS. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer F.'\WPWINV 160-95\.I2(J704-jo-l~tter.dm: Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 7, 2004 Page 2 of 10 . B. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) An EIS is required when a project has the p tential for significant environmental impacts as mandated in Minnesota Statute 116D.04, subdivision 2a. An EIS provides information about the extent of the potentia environmental impacts and how these impacts could be avoided or minimized. C mpletion of an EIS requires a scoping EA W be completed first to identify the issues that need to be covered in an EIS. In general, an EIS is mandatory when the f Howing thresholds are met or exceeded: · Construction of an industrial, commerci I, or institutional facility equal to or in excess of 500,000 sf. · Construction of 1,000 unattached or 1,5 0 attached residential units The full EIS process takes more time than t e EA W process. This process requires the following: . · Preparation and distribution of a scopin . 30-day EA W comment period · Preparation and distribution of a draft E S . Draft EIS comment period · Preparation and distribution of revised IS This process can take between 10 - 12 mon hs to complete. An EIS needs to be updated every 5 years until all development is appro ed in the study area. In general, specific information about the type of development t at will occur is needed for an EIS. Due to the size of the Heritage Development/Silver Springs Golf Course redevelopment, an EIS (or an AUAR - see below) is required. C. Alternative Urban Areawide Review The Alternative Urban Areawide Review ( UAR) is a hybrid between the EA Wand EIS process. It can be used as a substitute for an EIS for projects like the Heritage Development/Silver Springs Golf Course re evelopment when exact development plans are known or unknown, there are a series of ccumulating projects, and/or a number of different scenarios are possible. An AUAR an be used to evaluate a commerciallindustrial/residential project pr vided that the area reviewed is covered by an acceptable Comprehensive Plan (defined by innesota Rules 4410.3610, subpart 1) and the City has certified with the Environmenta Quality Board (EQB) that it has this Comprehensive Plan. The City has certified its Comprehensive Plan with the EQB; therefore, the City can complete an AUAR f r the site. . An AUAR can be prepared to review anum er of different development scenarios in the same document. As long as the final develo ment completed in the area does not exceed the proposed density reviewed in the AUAR an additional environmental review is not required. Therefore, it is important in an A AR to determine the maximum "worst case" scenario and evaluate this scenario in the do ument. t;-\WPWIMl160-Y5V 207(J4-j(1.I~tlr.r.dQc . . . Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 7, 2004 Page 3 of 10 As with an EIS, an AUAR needs to be u dated every 5 years until all the development is approved within the stu y area. If all of the plats within the Heritage Development/Silver Springs Golf Course a e not fully approved within 5 years, the AUAR would need to be updated. It is anticipated that this effort would involve taking the existing AUAR and making any neede changes to reflect the development that had been completed to date and update any miti ation measures. The AUAR process is generally longer tha an EA W but shorter than an EIS. The AUAR process can generally be completed within 8 - 9 months. II. Scope of Services Outlined below, please find a scope of work to co plete the AUAR process. It should be noted that Tasks 1-14 will take place concurrently. Task 15-17 will take place sequentially. Task J - Collect and Analyze Background In/or ation As part of this task, the following background info ation will be collected and analyzed: · Soils data from County mapping and/or available soil boring data · Wetland information from the National etIand Inventory and from delineation information from the developer · Potential contamination areas from the CA and/or a Phase I analysis . Utility locations . Topography . Potential development plans Additionally, the DNR Natural Heritage Database, S Fish and Wildlife Service, Wright County (Planning/Zoning and Highway), Minnesota Depart ent of Transportation, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Health, at ural Resource Conservation Service, Soil and Water Conservation District, and Minnesota Hi torical Society will be contacted for additional background information. Task 2 - Define Development Scenarios As part of this task, up to three development scenarios and the existing condition will be evaluated for the site. These scenarios will include he following: . No Build/Existing Condition · The Land Use indicated in the Compreh nsive Plan (required by Minnesota Rules) · The proposed development · The maximum density scenario (if it doe not match the proposed development) It is important that at least one of the options analyz s a maximum build scenario because if the actual development exceeds the maximum develop ent outlined in the AUAR, the AUAR must be updated. This scenario will provide the City and eveloper with flexibility and known mitigation measures for the development as the plan ing and platting process continues in the future. This task also involves obtaining input from the City Planner with respect to development scenarios. F:\WPW1Mj 16U-Jl5V20704-joolctler,doc Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 7, 2004 Page 4 of 10 . Task 3 - Agency Coordination and Project Meeti gs This task includes meetings with City Staff, Planni g Commission, City Planner, City Council, and the public to develop and submit the AUAR. hese meetings are outlined below: City Staff Meetings: . Meeting #1: Project kick-off meeting . Meeting #2: Project update . Meeting #3: Review Draft AUAR · Meeting #4: Review responses to com ents and final AUAR Planning Commission Meetings · Meeting #1: Discuss development scen . Meeting #2: Review Draft AUAR · Meeting #3: Review Final AUAR and r sponses to comments . City Council Meetings . Meeting #1: Discuss development scen' . Meeting #2: Review Draft AUAR · Meeting #3: Authorize submittal of Dra t AUAR to review agencies · Meeting #4: Review Final AUAR and r sponses to comments · Meeting #5: Adopt AU AR Public Information Meetings · Meeting #1: Meeting to discuss develop ent scenarios, project, and process · Meeting #2: Meeting to review Draft A AR This task also includes meetings and coordination ith the various agencies that will be affected by the project including: · Minnesota Department of Transportatio . Wright County Highway Department · Minnesota Department of Natural Resou ces . Minnesota Pollution Control Agency . Minnesota Department of Health · Natural Resource Conservation District · Wright County Soil and Water Conserva ion District . Wright County Planning · Others (i.e. YMCA Staff, Xcel Energy, e c.) The agency coordination will be important to obtain agency perspectives and define mitigation options for the project. . Task 4 -Identify Past Land Use and Existing COy r Types Background information from the City, Minnesota ollution Control Agency, and Soil and Water Conservation District will be reviewed to determine past land uses within the development site 1';\WPWINJ 160-95\J 207fJ4.jr,.lctter,doc Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 7, 2004 Page 5 of 10 . that may present environmental concerns such as s il contamination. Additionally, historical aerial photos will be reviewed to assist in this anal sis. Any potential issues and a mitigation plan will be discussed within the AUAR. Potentia impacts associated with the Xcel and YMCA parcel adjacent to this property will also be investi ated. The existing and proposed cover types will be determined based on field visits, historical erial photography, and the proposed development plans. Task 5 . Evaluation of Fish and Wildlife Habitat As part of this task, the impact of each developme t scenario on fish and wildlife habitat will be evaluated. This evaluation will be based on info ation from agencies, a site visit, and evaluation for the potential impact to existing reso rces. The impact of the development alternatives on these resources will be discussed in the AUAR. A mitigation plan to address these impacts will be developed as part of the AU R. . Task 6 - Evaluate Project Impact on Water Quan 'ty and Quality As part of this task, a detailed evaluation of each d velopment scenario on water quantity and quality will be conducted by WSB. A hydraulic/hy rologic model and a water quality model will be developed for the different scenarios. This eval ation will take into account the development area, anticipated future development adjacent to th site, and external drainage area tributary to the project site. This review will include analysis 0 existing and proposed discharge rates, volumes, and anticipated water fluctuations downs earn of the development for each development scenario and the impact to downstrea water bodies, such as the Mississippi River. A storm water management plan to address potenti I storm water impacts will be developed as part of the AUAR process. Task 7 - Address Erosion and Sedimentation Con 01 Measures and Geologic Hazards The AUAR will address erosion and sedimentation ontrol impacts anticipated by each development scenario and analyze the potential for ny site specific erosion control concerns. Sensitivity of the groundwater or other geologic ha ards that may be present within the site will also be evaluated. A mitigation plan to address ero ion, sedimentation, and geologic hazards will be developed as part of the AUAR. Task 8 - Evaluate Project Impact on Water Suppl and Wastewater As part of this task, the impact of each developmen scenario on wastewater and water supply will be evaluated. Additional water demand and w stewater flow will be estimated for each scenario. Based on the background information, thi task will also provide an evaluation of the potential for on-site wells that will need to be aband ned, as well as the impact of the development on qualitative groundwater levels. Thi evaluation will be discussed in the AUAR and a mitigation plan provided. . Task 9 - Evaluation of Solid and Hazardous Wast s An estimation of the municipal solid waste generate from the site will be included in the AUAR with a general analysis of the disposal options for th s waste. A discussion of the potential for on-site storage tanks, such as a gas station, and a mi igation plan for these tanks will be included in the AUAR. f~.\WJ'WJMl 160-95\J207fJ4.j".Jetlt'r.doc . . . Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 7, 2004 Page 6 of 10 Task 10- Evaluate Impact on Traffic As part of this task, the impact of the development scenarios and other identified new traffic generators on traffic will be evaluated and discusse in the AUAR. This task will include traffic counts at key intersections. A discussion of potent al mitigative measures will also be included in the AUAR. The following outlines the subtasks that will be completed: A. Data Collection WSB will conduct traffic counts at the imp cted roadways and intersections adjacent to the study area. These include but are not Ii 'ted to: · 120th Street (Orchard Road) at 1-94 Sou Frontage Road · CSAH 75 at 120th Street (Orchard Road · CR 39 at 1-94 South Frontage Road · TH 25 at Chelsea Road · TH 25 at 1-94 Ramps · TH 25 at CSAH 75 · CSAH 75 at CR 39 Traffic counts will be conducted for the A (6:00-9:00 a.m.) and PM (3:30-6:30 p.m.) peak hours, and 48-hour approach counts w"ll be conducted on CSAH 75, CR 39, 120th Street, the 1-94 South Frontage Road, TH 2 , and Chelsea Road. B. Traffic Generation I Distribution Based on the development scenarios determ ned with the Planning Commission and City Council input, a traffic generation model wi I be developed for the anticipated land uses in the study area. The traffic distribution wi I be determined based on the information provided in the City's Transportation Plan. n addition, other possible development areas will be evaluated to determine their potentia traffic generation and impacts to the transportation system. This information wi! be used to develop the traffic forecasts for the entire study area. C. Traffic Forecasts Based on the existing traffic volume data co lected, traffic generation from the proposed development, traffic generation from other a jacent developments, and any other anticipated additional background traffic gro th not associated with the study area, traffic forecasts will be developed for the impacted roadways in the study area. The City's Transportation Plan model will be used to d termine these forecasts. These forecasts will be for the existing 2004 conditions, full buil -out conditions, and a future year 2020 forecast. D. Traffic Analysis Traffic analysis will be conducted based on t e forecast traffic volumes on the impacted roadways. This analysis will include develo ment of a Synchro/Sim Traffic network. The analysis will include a capacity and Lev I of Service (LOS) Analysis at each impacted intersection and for the system, tra el speeds for the impacted roadways and t;-\WPWIMl/60-95\J20704-jo-feun.dm: . . . Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 7, 2004 Page 7 of 10 entire system, and a Queuing Analysis sho ing the required length of queues at each intersection. It is anticipated that up to 15 i tersections will be included in the traffic network, including but not limited to: · 120th Street (Orchard Road) at 1-94 Sou h Frontage Road · CSAH 75 at 120th Street (Orchard Road · CR 39 at 1-94 South Frontage Road . TH 25 at Chelsea Road . TH 25 at 1-94 Ramps . TH 25 at CSAH 75 . CSAH 75 at CR 39 E. Development of Mitigation Altern tives Based on the traffic analysis, mitigation alte atives will be developed and analyzed for each studied roadway. This will include de elopment access scenarios, as well as additional roadway improvements required 0 accommodate the future traffic projections. It is anticipated that the Orchard Road inter hange will not be required at the beginning of the development. This interchange howe er, be needed at some point during the development of the AUAR study area. Pha ing of when the interchange is needed will be included as part of this task. This will inclu e analysis of up to 3 additional years or development phases. Task 11 - Air Quality and Noise Analysis This task will include study level analysis of the air quality and noise impacts from the AUAR study area. The following subtasks will be complet d: A. Noise Analysis Based on the future traffic projections, a Stu y Level Noise Analysis will be conducted to determine the noise impacts, especially adja ent to 1-94. Any potential mitigation will be developed to accommodate these future noi e levels. Limited modeling (5 receptors) is anticipated to be conducted. B. Air Quality Analysis A hot-spot Air Quality Analysis will be con ucted at the identified critical intersection. This will include a study-level analysis of th one-hour and eight-hour carbon dioxide concentrations with the existing and full-bui d traffic from the proposed development. It is anticipated that one receptor will be analy ed. Task 12 - Evaluation of Sensitive Resources An evaluation of the development's impact on histo . c and archeological resources, prime or unique farmland, parks and trails, and visual impact will be completed as part of the AUAR. This information will be developed from the backgr und information collected. It is not anticipated that there will be significant historic or cheological resources within the site. However, if the State Historic Preservation Office 0 other agency determines that more detailed study is necessary, this item will be discussed with t e City as it is not included in this scope of F..\WPWINV 160-95\} 1IJ704-jQ-lelter.doc . . . Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 7, 2004 Page 8 of 10 services. The impact of development on these reso rces will be discussed in the AUAR and a mitigation plan will be developed. Task 13 - Evaluation of Compatibility with Local Plans This task will include an evaluation of the compati ility of the development scenarios with the City's Comprehensive Plan, Wright County Water Ian and other relevant plans. This task will also include a discussion related to the need to upd te the Comprehensive Plan for the different development scenarios. This task will include wor 'ng with the City Planner to complete this evaluation. Task 14 - Identify Impact on Public Infrastructu As part of the AUAR, any new or expanded public ervices that are required as part of development in this area will be discussed and eval ated. Required changes in the water and wastewater supply, treatment, distribution, and stor ge facilities will be evaluated. Discussion regarding the infrastructure needed for storm water management and traffic impacts will also be included. This task will also include the developm nt of a mitigation plan. Task 15 - Prepare and Submit Draft AUAR This task includes compiling the information prep ed in the previous tasks into the draft AUAR based on the guidance provided from the Environm ntal Quality Board. Once distribution of the AUAR has been authorized by the City Council, th draft AUAR will be submitted to the required agencies for a 30-day review. Task 16 - Respond to Comments, Revise the AUA , Update the Mitigation Plan, and Resubmit for Review This effort will involve revising the AUAR docum nt based on the comments received during the 30-day review process and responding to these omments. This process will also include finalizing the mitigation plan for environmental im acts that are identified by the AUAR. This task assumes that the comments will not require ad itional significant analysis as part of the AUAR. Once distribution of the revised Final AUAR has b en authorized, the agencies will have 10 working days from receipt of the revised AUAR to eview the final document. If no objections are filed, the City can adopt the AUAR document a d mitigation plan and development can commence. Task 17 -Adopt AUAR and Mitigation Plan This task includes preparing the documentation for he City Council to adopt the AUAR and mitigation plan. By adopting the AUAR, the City a opts the mitigation measures outlined in the AUAR and agrees to abide by these measures as de elopment occurs. It should be noted that the A UAR is required to be updated every 5 yea s until all development is approved within the study area. This effort is not included in this s ope at this time. "~.\WI'W{Ml J60-Y5V20704-ju-l~l'~r.Jni: . . . Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 7, 2004 Page 9 of 10 III. Cost Estimate and Timeline The cost associated with above outlined tasks is es 'mated at $84,437. This estimate is broken down into the following tasks: Task 1 - Collect Back round Information Task 2 - Define Develo ment Scenarios Task 3 - A enc Coordination and Pro. eel Mee in s Task 4 - Identify Past Land Use and Existing C ver T es Task 5 - Evaluation of Fish and Wildlife Habita Task 6 - Evaluate Project Impact on Water uantit and ualit Task 7 - Address Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures and Geolo ic Hazards Task 8 - Evaluate Project Impact on Water Use Wastewater Task 9 - Evaluation of Solid and Hazardous W Task 10 - Evaluate 1m act on Traffic Task 11 - Noise and Air ualit Anal sis Task 12 - Evaluation of Sensitive Resources Task 13 - Evaluation of Compatibility with Loc I Plans Task 14 - Identif 1m act on Public Infrastruct re Task 15 - Pre are and Submit Draft A UAR Task 16 - Respond to Comments, Revise the AU R, Update the Mitigation Plan, and Resubmit for Review Task 17 - Ado t AUAR and Miti ation Plan Publication/Re roduction $1,891 $17,390 $1,710 $3,310 $980 $14,000 $5,500 $510 $3,537 $4,550 $5,356 $5,248 T, tal: $1,552 $2,400 $84,497 It is anticipated that this work can be completed by ugust 22,2005 if approval of this scope and timeline is provided at the December 13, 2004 City ouncil meeting. A timeline for this project is attached. It should be noted that Minnesota R les requires no more than 120 days from the City officially ordering an A UAR to the end f the second comment period. Therefore, the Council is asked to approve the scope of wor in December and not authorize the AUAR until April 2005. This is a commonly ace pted practice when completing AUAR's. F:\WPWINV J60-9S\12(J704'jQ-lelt~r.doc . . . Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 7, 2004 Page 10 of 10 Please feel free to call us at (763) 541-4800 if you aye any questions. Sincerely, WSB & ASSOCiat. e. s, Inc. .1. / tkL, -VI! 1fiIJ ~ Andrea M. Moffatt Environmental Scientist am F.-\WI'WIM116U-Y5V 207(J4.j(}.1~t'er.dQc . . . HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT/SILVER SPRl VGS GOLF COURSE REDEVELOPMENT AUAR TIll ELINE TASK PROPOSED TIMELINE City Council approves project scope and schedule* December 13, 2004 Begin project and AUAR development December 14,2004 City Staff Meeting #1 December 15,2004 Project Kick-Off Meeting; discuss development scenari s Planning Commission Meeting #1 December 20, 2004 Discuss development scenarios City Council Meeting #1 January 10,2005 Discuss development scenarios Public Information Meeting #1 Project introduction, discussion of issues, obtain backgr und January (to be determined) information City Staff Meeting #2 March 2, 2005 Project Update Meeting City Staff Meeting #3 April 13, 2005 Review preliminary Draft AUAR City Council orders AUAR * April 25, 2005 Council and Planning Commission Meeting #2 (comb ined) May 9, 2005 Review Draft AUAR City Council Meeting #3 City Council authorizes submittal of Draft AUAR to revi ~w May 23, 2005 agencies Submit Draft AUAR submitted to EQB and review ageD< ies May 30, 2005 -.. - -.... ...- -. .-... --... . . . I Publication in EQB Monitor June 6, 2005 Draft AUAR Comment Period June 6 - July 6, 2005 Respond to comments, revise AUAR, update mitigation plan July 6 - July 20, 2005 City Staff Meeting #4 July 13,2005 Review of revised AUAR and responses to comments Public Meeting #2 Review of revised AUAR, comments received, and resp Dnses July 25, 2005 (at Council meeting) to comments City Council Meeting #4 and Planning Commission July 25,2005 Meeting #3 Review comments and revised AUAR Submit fmal AUAR to review agencies for lO-day revie August 1, 2005 lO~day Review period ends August 17,2005 City Council Meeting #5 August 22, 2005 City Council adopts AUAR * Please note that Minnesota Rules requires 10 more than 120 days to pass from the City officially ordering an AUAR to the end f the second comment period. Therefore, the Council is asked to approve tl1 e scope of work in December but not authorize the AUAR until April 2005. This is a commonly accepted practice when completing AUAR's. - . . . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 lOB. Authorize the rc aration of Sanita d Watermain Stud Silver Sprin\?:s Golf Course Redevelopment (W B)/ (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The proposed Heritage Development/Silver Sprin s Golf Club project, located in the northwest area of the City, includes redeveloping an 882-acrc site in 0 a residential, commercial, and golf course area. The site is currently not served with sanitary sewer and watermain, therefore a study will need to be completed to determine the means of providing service to the site, which will include providing trunk improvements to the northwest area of the City. Analysis of short term and long term service improvements to the site as well of addressing financing of the improvements ill be evaluated. A scope of services and cost estimate are attached. An AUAR (Alternative Urban Areawide Review) s also being considered as the environmental review document for the site under a separate agenda item for the development. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the scope of work and cost estim te for a Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Study for the IIeritage Development/ Silver Springs Gol Course redevelopment project subject to the developer providing a $30,660 deposit to ay for the study. 2. Do not authorize the preparation of a sanit ry sewer and watemain study at this time. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to select Alternative No. I. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Scope of Services, Cost Estimate (.. ''/H)(,"U:'H.'./ilHWN'/.(;W.NJ)(',..U.s -/'iIt,lIIfll,../( iN IIA I-SLlllifwyH'ah.''', i./oc ~ WSB & Associates, Tnc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Const uction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis. MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 . December 8, 2004 Mr. Jeff O'Neill Deputy City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Scope of Services for the Heritage Develop entJSilver Springs Golf Club Sanitary Sewer and Watermain nalysis Monticello, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1160-95 Dear Mr. O'Neill: WSB & Associates, Inc. is pleased to submit the fo lowing letter proposal to analyze the City of Monticello's existing sanitary sewer and watermai system in an effort to determine the means of providing sanitary sewer and watermain service 0 the Heritage DevelopmentJSilver Springs Golf Course site in the northwest area of the City. . BACKGROUND A draft concept plan of the Silver Springs Golf Co rse development project has recently been proposed to City staff in the western portion of the ity. The proposed development is located north of CSAH 39 and south of Interstate 94. The roposed development consists of approximately 882 acres and includes construction f residential and commercial lots. This area is not currently served with sanitary sewer and wat rmain and would involve trunk improvements both to access the site and to addres other system improvements. An analysis of how to serve the site in both the short and long ter as well as how the financing will be addressed is the purpose for this study. All analysis of service to the site will assume the p nding extension of watermain and sanitary sewer to the adjacent Otter Creek Business Center ith the extension of Chelsea Road West between CSAH 39 and 90th Street. WORK PLAN WSB & Associates, Inc. is proposing the following work plan to achieve the goals described in the preceding paragraphs: 1. Data Collection: This task will include he collection of all pertinent information from the City and the developer regardi g existing systems and proposed development plans. . Minneapolis I 1. Cloud Equal Opportunit Employer P:\LETTER PROPOSALfNo1onticello\/20304-rw.doc . . . Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 8,2004 Page 2 2. Existing Sanitary Sewer Analysis: Thi task will include the evaluation of existing pipe conditions and available capacities in the existing northwest sanitary sewer system. 3. Existing Watermain System Analysis: he existing watermain system will need to reviewed and in regard to existing syste pressures and flows around proposed project area. This is a necessary step to develop existing flow data around the site such as water pressure, capacity, and fi flow information. Water system computer modeling will be used for this analysis sing the City's existing water model. 4. Prollosed Service Area Analysis: Duri g this step, we will develop demand information for both the sanitary sewer nd watermain. We will take into consideration the number of units inclu ed in the current development plans as well as the possibility of additional areas inc uding the adjacent Otter Creek Business campus proposed for development and ther surrounding undeveloped property within the annexation area. 5. Proposed Improvements: Following th completion of the analysis of existing and proposed conditions, we will develop i provement alternatives that will provide sanitary sewer and watermain service to the currently proposed development and also evaluate trunk improvements needed to erve the area. We will look at short and long term issues and provide suggestions for taging of the development. The system analysis will be completed primarily for the trunk system required to serve the area. All lateral system design will be addres ed during the preliminary plat review. 6. Trunk Fee Analysis: We will evaluate current trunk fees utilized in the City and analyze how they relate to the proposed development. This analysis will look at the proposed expenditures along with the a ticipated development service to determine the trunk expense and what will be the eveloper's responsibility. This section will inyolve coordination with the developer and City staff to best address the issues. 7. Study Documentation: The study descri ed in the previous steps will be documented in a report including the identification 0 existing system deficiencies, proposed short term and long term improvement altern ives along with the associated opinions of estimated cost for the improvements, an maps showing the recommended improvements. P:\LETTER PROPOSALS>MonticelloV20304-IW.doc . . . Mr. Jeff O'Neill December 8, 2004 Page 3 PROPOSED FEE In order to complete the study as described herein, we propose the following budget: , Personnel Hours Rate ! Proposed Fee , Principal 40 $120.00 $ 4,800.00 Project Manager 100 $94.00 $ 9,400.00 Project Engineer 160 $77.00 $ 12,320.00 Engineering Technician 60 $69.00 $ 4,140.00 Total Proposed Fee $ 30,660.00 The rates shown in the preceding table are based 0] our 2005 Rate Schedule. We propose to conduct the work on an hourly basis with an estim, ted fee of $30,660.00. This letter represents our entire understanding of the project scope. If you are in agreement, please sign on the space provided and return one or"ginal signed copy to us for our records. We will start immediately upon receipt of the signed a~reement. If you have any questions concerning the work plan or fee as discussed hereir , please feel free to contact us at 763-541- 4800. Sincerely, WSB & Assocmtes Inc &il~~# Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Attachment sbj ~ 'J Shibani Bisson~ Project Manager Acel PTED BY: City 0 Monticello Name Title Date P:ILE7TER PROPOSALSlMom;cellol!Z0304-fW,doc . . . we. Authorization to Pre are Prelimina La 0 FHW A and Environmental Review for the A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 12/13/04 The proposed development of the Heritage De elopment/Silver Springs Golf Course area, together with adjacent future development in tI e area, is anticipated to require a new interchange at Orchard Road and 1-94. With the developn1'llt of the Silver Springs Golf Course area, the need for this interchange may occur sooner tha originally anticipated. An Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AllAR) is being prepared fi r the Silver Springs Golf Course area that will address the traffic impacts and identify the nee to when this interchange may be necessary. In order to proceed with an interchange at Orchard Road and to determine the potential cost and cost-sharing agreements, several preliminary st ps need to be accomplished to determine that this interchange is feasible. These steps include: 1. Preparation of a preliminary layout/cOI struction limits 2. Interchange Modification Request 3. Environmental Review The results ofthese steps will be the condition I preliminary approval of an interchange by FHWA and Mn/DOT. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the scope of work, timeline, a ld cost estimate for the Orchard Road interchange including: A. Preliminary layouts B. Interchange Modification Reql est C. Environmental Review 2. Approve the scope of work, timeline, a d cost estimate for only the preliminary layouts for the Orchard Road interchange. 3. Do not authorize the preparation of any cost estimate or work program for the Orchard Road interchange at this time. e. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Administr tor to select Alternative No. ]. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Scope of Services (':11 )()( '( ill/F 1'1/ >A W;\'. 1.( ;!<( )1.//)( ',.I!.S ./1, 1~'ml"I,..I( iN n;, I-O/'clwrd 1M IJllchg-1 ~ /30-l./hn ~ WSB & Associates, Inc. . Infrastructure' Engineering . Planning . Const uction Memorandum To: From: Date: Re: leffO'Neill, Deputy City Administrato City of Monticello Bret Weiss, P.E. Chuck Rickart, P.E., P.T.O.E. WSB & Associates, Inc. December 13,2004 Orchard Road Interchange Work Plan City of Monticello WSB Project No. 1160.95 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 The proposed development of the Heritage Develo ment/Silver Springs Golf Course area, together with adjacent future development in the af a, is anticipated to require a new interchange at Orchard Road and 1-94. The exact timing of wh n this interchange would be needed is unknown at this time, but preliminary analysis wit the City's draft transportation plan indicates that by the year 2025, this interchange will be need d. . With the development of the Silver Springs Golf Curse area, the need for this interchange may occur sooner than originally anticipated. The AU R that is being prepared for the Silver Spring Golf Course area, together with the City's Transpo ation Plan, will address the traffic impacts and identify the need to when this interchange may be necessary. In order to be prepared to proceed with an intercha ge at Orchard Road and to determine the potential cost and cost-sharing agreements, several reliminary steps need to be accomplished to determine that this interchange is feasible. These s eps include: 1. Preparation of a preliminary layout/co struction limits: This task would identify and review the alternatives for develop ent of the interchange and anticipated construction cost for any identified alte atives. 2. Interchange modifications request: In rder to determine that FHW A and Mn/DOT are in agreement with the proposed inte hange access, an Interchange Modification Request will need to be prepared and su mitted for approval. It is anticipated that the approval of this document will be condi ional upon securing funding and final environmental (Environmental Assessm nt) clearance. . Minneapolis' 1. Cloud Equal Opportunit Employer F:\ WPWIN\ 1160-95\ 120704- JO-MEMO.doc . . . Jeff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator City of Monticello December 13, 2004 Page 2 3. Environmental review: As part of the terchange Access Modification Request, enough environmental review needs to e completed to understand that no significant environmental issues exist in the area th t would preclude construction of an interchange access. This information c n ultimately be used in the Environmental Assessment (EA) that will need to be p pared for this interchange. The results of these three steps will be a condition a preliminary approval of an interchange concept for Orchard Road. This is a similar proces that was undertaken for the CSAH 18 interchange which began in 1996 with preliminary oncept approval by FHW A. The development of preliminary layouts would be ompleted by June 2005 with the Interchange Modification Request and environmental review co pleted by the end of August 2005. Attached to this memorandum is a detailed work pr gram and estimated cost for each of these tasks. Enclosure F:\WPWIN\1160-95\120704-JO-MEMO.doc . Orchard Road Interch nge Work Program Preliminary Lavout/Construction Limits WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB) will develop preli inary layouts to illustrate alternatives for the design of the interchange. It is anticipated that up t three alternatives will be developed. The layouts will be detailed enough to understand the ri ht-of-way impacts and to provide Mn/DOT with the information needed to determine whether e proposed alternative addresses any issues they may have. WSB will complete traffic operati ns analysis for the proposed improvements to document that the proposed design will accommod te the anticipated 20-year traffic volumes. This will be included as part of the interchange modi fica ion request. It should be noted that we will not have any contac with Mn/DOT or FHW A until the CSAH 18 interchange is approved. We can begin working on the enclosed elements. . Once there is an agreement between the City of Mo ticello, Wright County, and Mn/DOT on the interchange layout, WSB will develop a final reco mended alternative layout for preliminary approval. Because it is likely that the interchange ill be on or adjacent to Xcel Energy property, we will need to have their staff involved from the b ginning. The layout will include all of the information required by MnlDOT for their review, neluding preliminary construction limits. It is expected that Mn/DOT will provide comments on t e layout when it is submitted and that WSB will revise the layout to address Mn/DOT's comme ts. WSB will prepare a letter indicating the changes made on the layout to address Mn/DOT co ments. This will be submitted to Mn/DOT along with the revised layout. WSB anticipates that preliminary construction cost stimates will be needed for the alternatives considered for the proposed improvements to the 0 chard Road interchange. The cost estimates will be based on estimated quantities for each of th pay items that are likely to be part of the project. Significant coordination will be required between t e City of Monticello, Wright County, WSB & Associates, Inc., Xcel Energy, and Mn/DOT for rev"ew and ultimate concurrence on a recommended preliminary layout. It is anticipated hat a Project Management Team (PMT) will be developed and meet on a monthly basis to review a d comment on the layout alternatives development. It is estimated that up to 8 meetings ill be held as part of this coordination task. The final product of this task will be a recommende preliminary alternative that will proceed through the preliminary review and approval with W A. Estimated Cost ~ $60,000 to $70,000 Interchanee Modification Request: The interchange modification request is required to btain approval from FHW A for modifications of access to 1-94. For the Orchard Road Interchang , we would expect that FHW A would give . approval with conditions of receiving environmenta clearance. F:\WPWIN\1160.95\LA YOUT PROGRAM.doc City of Monticello Orchard Road Interchange Work Program Page 20f3 . A freeway operations analysis will be required for he interchange modification request that evaluates the before and after conditions for each r mp. The analysis will be based on 20-year peak hour forecasts for the proposed project. The 20-ye ADT forecasts will be obtained from the work completed for the Monticello Transportation Plan. These ADT forecasts will be used to develop 20-year AM and PM peak-hour forecasts for the pr posed project. The analysis will be completed using the CORSIM modeling software. It is antici ated that up to three interchanges (Orchard Road, TH 25 and CSAH 18) will be included in the network. The analysis will be completed for the AM peak 3 hours and PM peak 3 hours. No local r adway networks at existing interchanges will be included in the model, other than adjacent to Orch d Road. Other topics that the Interchange Modification Req est would address include regional traffic needs for this area and the design standards and criteria t at would be used for design. The report will also address alternatives to the proposed improvem nt. The report will also document the coordination that has been conducted as part of the tudy. WSB proposes that the analysis for the Interchange Modification Report be closely coordinated with MnDOT and FHW A. FHW A and MnDOT h ve established specific methodology for the operations analysis, and it is important that FHW A and MnDOT are in concurrence with the future year traffic forecasts and alternatives and alternativ s that should be analyzed. It is anticipated that up to four (4) coordinating meetings will be held w th MnDOT and/or FHW A. . Estimated Cost - $70,000 to $80,000 Environmental Review: In order to secure FHW A formal approval of the In erchange Modification Request, an Environmental Assessment (EA) will be required. his is a federally required document for those federally funded actions which are not categorical e clusions and where the potential significance of the environmental effects is not clearly establish d. However, in situations like the Orchard Road interchange project, where funding has not ye been approved or programmed, an Environmental Assessment would not be feasible t complete at this time. However, the Interchange Modification Request does require that enough environmental review be completed in order to document any potential environmental con ems with the proposed interchange construction. This task will include enough environmental revie to satisfy this requirement. The areas that will specifically be evaluated as part of this environmen al review will include: · Water quality and quantity . Erosion and sedimentation control . Air quality and noise impacts · Wetland impacts . Traffic Impacts . F;I WPWINlI160-95\LA YOUT PROGRAM. doc . . . City of Monticello Orchard Road Interchange Work Program Page 3 of 3 Project technical memoranda will be prepared for ach of these study areas. The results of each study area will then be included in the Interchang Modification Request. This information/analysis can also be used in the preparation of a future Env ronmenta] Assessment. Estimated Cost. $15,000 to $25,000 P:\ WPWIN\1160-95\LA YOUT PROGRAM. doc . 11. . . Council Agenda: 12/13/04 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJ D Planning Commission reviewed this item nd recommended that the Otter Creek area be rezoned from A-O to l-lA. Followin~ i the background information provided to the Planning Commission. The City is nearing the completion of its pur hase of land along the westerly extension of Chelsea Road for the purposes of establishin J an industrial park. The plat for the area was previously approved as Otter Creek Crossing. The concept that the City has used for the park is that of a higher-end business park, with a reater emphasis on office uses and better building quality. The City has three industrial zoning designat ons in the current zoning ordinance. These are as follows: · 1-1, Light Industrial - a general purpo e industrial district. · I-lA, Light Industrial- virtually the s me as the 1-1 District, with elevated building materials standards. · 1-2, Heavy Industrial - a district that 1I0ws a number of industrial uses that have more noxious effects, including emissions ( I' noise. The City hopes to market the property to busi esses that are seeking a more professional exterior image than found in the Oakwood In ustrial Park area. To complement the I-IA zoning requirements, the City expects to imp se covenants that will require the following: · No outdoor storage. Limited truck an trailer parking will be allowed, but no long- term storage of empty semi-trailers w uld be permitted. · Landscape irrigation in front yards, or side yards that face the public streets to ensure attractive and well-maintained green s aces. · No metal or steel exterior building ma erials. ButTering would be required of any new use t at abuts an area of incompatible land Lise. For this location, the west edge abuts the YMCA pen space, and agricultural uses are currently to the south. ButTering would be required by zo ing regulations, subject to land use plan direction for those properties. Please note that there is some potential fiJr the relocation of the A VR Ready-Mix plant to the southwesterly section of the development area The A VR site would occupy a 6-8 acre area. Planning Commission was informed that this rea would need to be rezoned to 1-2 to accommodate the A VR facility. Planning COt lmission members did not object to this proposal, but did note that the A VR site woul need to be designed to mitigate the negative impact of the use. . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1; Rczoning from A-O to I-IA Council Agenda: 12/13/04 I. Motion to recommend approval )fthe rezoning to I-IA. bascd on a finding that this district is compatible with t e City"s land usc plan and would be bcst suited to fulfill the City's industrial devcl pment objectives. 2. Motion to recommend denial of he rezoning, bascd on findings identified at thc public hearing. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff and Planning Commission recommend approval of the rezoning. The City's industrial developmcnt planning has becn in process f r some time, and this site is consistent with thc City's land use plan for thc area. Further re ulation of thc area will be accomplished via covenants and prefcn'ed measures specific tc the Otter Creek Business Campus only. l>. SUPPORTING DATA . . A. B. C. D. E. Sitc Location Map Plat Map HRA Recommendation IDC Recommendation Current I I-A Zoning Regulations 2 e .1 J e ~ el ...../ .......r '~ \ , I ( Preliminary PIa ~,-' o ,-' J. EDWIN CHADI/1/j J. X. BOWEA CITY OF MONTIC Iii r! i I I I I I ~~~i " "'~ .. ~~~ ~ \~ ~ '\ , !'( ',f I t< ,/ l":" ,<& I ''\1 j \ ,~.... ':~ , , ';~ \ "" \ -a ~ " "" \ . : lilt- ~ "" \ ~---... I !o( ." ..:~ , .. , + EXISTING PROPER ...-- -....'" ') ...-..... 1j~1J...~ --.... ..-.... ,/ ~~ ... .... - ., .. .. --...-, ~. ... ., .. .. ....- l~ -r-..:. --- .-.." --- -.,.., ...,-"" =-''""'lo..-; ""...- 1lI_. _....\.0 ..... "'. --. ... -_...... ....- ... --.."" ---... ;,. .:::=: :::-.. :::= - &, ;.:' ~ '7. I\~ ~ ,~- '7. "" 1.:4,. " I I , I l i r i ~ -" , I I ib-- Ii:: =- "., til. ;~ II ., ~:~ , tl( ',f S> , t'f ',1 ,/ " ::;.-.......~~ , ~ - '/~ ' --=' :;:."&.J ~ ~~ //JY.~)/ IIIi', :,! r;:/-r\.. "" ~h~~~" a H ~ il;!~~ ~OO\' ~~1r~Un '~~, -- '~...".ts' ~ ~ /. ",,~. ~~\~~~~ ~t~~ _~ =v~_. I _ __ :~ <S- I trr ',/ ,/ ^,t~ S> ........ , , j ......4J""w au.a. . . . RECOMME DATIONS Approved Nov mber 3,2004 BYT E MONTICELLO HOUSING AND R DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY fo OTTER CREEK BU INESS CAMPUS 1. APPROVED A RECOMMENDATION J', RE-ZONE THE i20 ACRES OF OTTER CREEK BUSINESS CAMPUS FROM A 0 TO i-IA (Light Industrial District) 2. APPROVED A RECOMMENDATION J', ESTABLISH THE FOLLOWING COVENANTS FOR OTTER CREEK Blj. INESS CAMPUS. A. Require installation of an irrigatio system from the front perimeter of the building and public right-of-way. B. No outdoor/open storage aI/owed. C. No metal or steel exterior building aterials aI/owed. 3. APPROVED A RECOMMENDA TION J', NOT AMEND THE EXiSTING LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE AS FOUND IT TO BE SUFFICIENT AND COMPA TIBLE. Reasons for the above recommendations: 1. I-I A Zone is consistent with Monticello Comme ee Center zone. (UMC, TCDC, Suburban area.) 2. Covenants will protect the investments made by oth the businesses and the city. 3. Covenants are consistent with surrounding com unities: Becker, Big Lake, Buffalo, and Rogers. 4. Covenants support and compliment the Preferre Measures and Land Price offered by the City to qualifying businesses. 5. Covenants support the image of a professional b siness campus. 6. Covenants and the desired requirements of the ta geted husinesses are parallel. 7. The HRA is promoting a quality park maximizin the building to land ratio and creating jobs at wages which support families, in return, for the. referred (discounted) land price. . . . RECOMME DA TIONS Approved Decemher 7, 2004 BYT E INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPM ~NT COMMITTEE (IDC) fo OTTER CREEK BU 'INESS CAMPUS 1. RECOMMENDATION TO RE-ZONE T E /20 ACRES OF OTTER CREEK BUSINESS CAMPUS FROM A-O TO 1- A (Light Industrial District) 2. RECOMMENDA TION TO ESTABLISH THE FOLLOWING COVENANTS FOR OTTER CREEK BUSINESS CAMPUS. A. Require installation of an irrigatio fiystem with the exemption of prairie grass. Landscaping Irrigation Required: 0 all lots on which a building is proposed to be constructed, the owner shall, prior t occupancy of said building, install, or cause to be installed, in-ground landscaping irriTation between the front building line and the public street. This requirement shall also' pply to the side lot areas of corner lots which face a different street. In the case of rear 1 t areas that front on a public street, the owner shall install, or cause to be install, landsc' ping irrigation for all landscaped areas within 50 feet of said public street. lrrigation equired by this restrictive covenant shall provide adequate irrigation water to all land caped areas, including lawns, shrubs, tress, flower beds, or other similar features. This requirement also applies to the "boulevard" portion of the public right of way between t e owner's property line and the curb line of the public street. B. No outdoor storage allowed. On al lots, no owner, tenant, or other occupant shall store materials, equipment, 0 items outside of any building. The following exceptions are not to be c nsidered storage, ami may be located outside in compliance with other a licable regulations: a. Parking of passenger vehicle and light trucks, parked in compliance with the City of Monticello zoning re ulations. b. Parking of company vehicles including trucks, vans, and other similar vehicles, with the exception of semi-tr ck rigs which are subject to separate regulations. c. Semi-truck tractors and traile rigs when such tractors and trailer rigs are parking in the side and rear y rd. d. Semi-truck trailers located in dcsignated loading docks. e. Trash Handling equipment. . . . 3. RECOMMENDA TION TO RETAIN TH DESIGN AND SITE PLAN STANDARDS, IB] Building Type ami Co struction ami Roof liS required within the I-JA Light Industrial District. 4. RECOMMENDATION TO RETAIN TH EXISTING LANDSCAPING ORDINANCE. Reason for zoning recommendation: I-IA Zone is consistent with Monticello Commerc Center zone. (UMC, TCDC, Suburban area.) . . . SECTION: 15A-l: 15A-2: 15A-3: 15A-4: 15A-S: ISA-1: 15A-2: CHAlY ER 15A "1-1 A" UGI IT IND JSTRIAL DISTRICT I \ Purpose Permitted Uses Permitted Accessory Uses Conditionall Jses "I-IA" Design and Site Plan Stand rds PURPOSE: The purpose of the I-lA, Light Industrial District is to provide for the establishment of limited light industrial business Hices, limited light manufacturing, wholesale showrooms and related uses in an environmen which provides a high level of amenities, including landscaping, preservation of natura features, architectural controls, and other features. (#298, 10/13/97) PLRMITTI::D USES: The followit g are permitted uses in a I-IA District: (#298. 1011 3/97) I A I Radio and television IB I Research laboratories I CJ Trade school I [) J Machine shops I EI Paint mixing IFI Bus terminals and maintena lee garage ICi] Warehouses I I II Laboratories III Essential Services [.I J Governmental and pub I ie lit Ii ty buildi ngs IKI Manufacturing. compoundiI g. assembly. or treatment of articles or merchandise I L] Manufacture of musical inst uments. novelties. and molded rubber products [MI Manufacture or assembly at electrical appliances. instruments. and devices IN! Manut~1cture of pottery or other similar ceramic products using only previously pulverized clay and kilns fi cd only by electricity or natural gas 10 J Manufacture and repair of electrical signs. advertising structure. light sheet metal products. including heating and ventilation equipment rp] Blacksmith. \velding. or oth r metal shop [QJ Laundries. carpel. and rug cl 'aning IR] Bottling establishments IS] Building material sales and _ to rage IT] Broadcasting antennae. tele\ is ion. and radio [U] Camera and photographic supplies manuflCturing IVI Cartage and express facilitie' MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 15A/1 15A-3 : 15A-4: [WI lXJ [V] rZl [AAJ [BB] rCCl [DO] [EE] IFF] [GG] [HH] . Stationery. bookbinding. and other types of manufacturing of paper and related products but not processing of raw materials for paper production Dry cleaning establishments and laundries Electric light or power generating stations. electrical and electronic products manufacture, electrical service shops Engraving. printing. and publishing Jewelry manufacturing Medical, dental, and optical laboratories Storage or \varehousing Wholesale business and office establishments Commercial/professional offices Wholesale showrooms Conference centers Commercial printing establishments . PERMlrrED ACCESSORY USES: The following are permitted accessory uses in a "1-1 A" District: (#298. 10/13/97) [A] Commercial or husiness huildings and structures for a use accessory to the pri nci pal use but such use shall not exceed thirty (30) percent of the gross tloor space of the principal use: 1. The parking requirements of Chapter 3. Section 5. are complied \\ith in full. . '-"1 t't' I I' . t' ('h ., s., . 6 1- I 1e 0 -street oac ll1g reqUIrements 0 ~ apter ..1, ~ ectlOn . arc comp lee 'vvith in full. 2. CONDITIONAL USES: The following arc conditional uses in a "1-1 A" District: (Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance.) (#298.10/13/97) r A] Open and outdoor storage as an accessory use provided that: 1. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or. if abutting a residential district. in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [G]. of this ordinance. ') .... Storage is screened from view from the public right-of-\\ay in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [G]. of this ordinance. ., -) . Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visibl~ tJ.om tl:e publi~ rig:1t-of-w~y ~r fr.om neighbo~.in~ residences al. shall he 111 complIance \vlth Chapter.J. SectIOn 2 [H]. ot thiS ordll1ance. I'vIONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 15A/2 . . . 151\-5: ). lhe provisions orc lapter 22 of this ordinance arc considered and satisfactorily met. [81 Industrial planned unit dev lopmcnt as regulated by Chapter 20 of this ordinance. [(I Indoor limited retail sales a cessory to office/manufacturing uses provided that: I. Location: (a) All sales are onducted in a clearly defined area of the principal building rese ved exclusively for retail sales. Said sales area must be physically segregated from other principal activities in the building. (b) The retail sal s area must be located on the ground floor of the principal building. 2. Sales Area. 'fhe retail sales activity shall not occupy more than fifteen (15) percent of the gross fool' area of the building. 3. AcCl.::ss. The huildin ' where such use is located is one having direct access to a collector or arterial kvel street without the necessi ty of using residential stn:cts. 4. I-lours. Hours of operation arc limited to 8:00 a.m. to <):00 p.m. The provisions or this section arc considered ancl satisfactorily met. "I-IA" Dr~SIGN AND SITE PLAN _''J'ANDARDS: The follovving minimum requirements shall be observed in th' "I-IN' District subject to additional requirements, exceptions, and modirications set ro'th in this chapter: (#298. I Oil 3/97) [A] Lot Coverage. There shall b no minimum or maximum lot coverage requirements in this district. (#298, 10/13/97) [BJ Building Type and Construc ion and Roof Slope 1. Any exposed metal O' fiberglass linish on all buildings shall be limited to no more than lifty (50) percent of anyone wall if it is coordinated into the architectural design. ny metal finish utilized in the building shall be aluminum oft\\'enty- ix (26) gauge steel. the roof slope shall he limited to a maximum orone (I) n twelve (12) slope. rvlONTICELLO ZONING ORDIN.\NCT 15A/3 ') In the "[- I A" District. all buildings constructed of curtain "vall panels of finished steel. aluminum. or fiberglass shall be required to be Llced with brick. wood. stone. architectural concrete case in place or pre-case panels on all wall surfaces. (#298. 10/13/97) . ICl Parking. Detailed parking plans in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 5. shall be submitted for City review and approved before a building permit may be obtained. rnj I.nading, i\ detailed off-street loading plan. including berths. area. and access shall be submitted to the City in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 3. Section 6, for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. [EI Landscaping. A detailed landscaping plan in conformance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [0]. shall be submitted to the Council and approved before a building permit may be obtained. In addition to the requirements of Chapter 3. Section 2 [G], all parcels developed along the boundary between the \-1 A zone and a residential zone shall include planting of evergreens as a screen between 1-1 A and R-l uses. The evergreens planted shall be planted every 15 feet along the property boundary. (#29R. ] 0/13/97) IFI Usahle Open Space. Every dlort shall be made to preserve natural ponding areas and ll:atures oftht' land to create passive open space. IGI Signage. A comprehensiv'e sign plan must be suhmitted in conformance with Chapter 3. Sl'ction 9. . Lot Requirements: Lot Area - Lot Width - 30.0()() sq It I o() feet Setbacks: Front Yard - Side Yard - Rear '{ ard - 50 feet 3 () feet 40 feet (#221. 2/24/92) . f\IONTICELLO ZONINC; ORDJi'::\NCl:: 15A/4 City Council Agenda - 12/13/04 . 12. A. Reference and Background. With the City's purchase of the Otter Creek C ossing land as a Business/ Industrial Park, various groups have planned to create a serie of restrictive covenants that will manage the future use of the property beyond the req irements of the zoning ordinance. The purpose of the covenants is to ensure a highe standard of development in the park than would typically be expected or required by the zoning regulations. The discussion has focused on four general areas of restrictions: 1. Restrictions on the type and amount of outdoor storage to be allowed in the park; 2. Requirement that all property owners ir igate landscaping areas in the front yards (or any yard facing a public street); 3. General landscaping requirements for evelopment in the park; and 4. Building materials standards limiting th extent of metal exterior materials. . With regard to outdoor storage, staff proposed language that would prohibit outdoor storage of equipment and/or materials, but pr vides some exceptions by defining outdoor storage relative to trash-handling equipment, ehicle parking and truck activities. The IDC approved this language with its recommendati ns at its meeting on December ih, and the HRA also approved of the prohibition generall With regard to irrigation, the IDC and HRA als took actions to recommend approval of this restriction. Both bodies voted to adhere to the landscaping requirements of the current zoning ordinance as adequate to serve the pu poses of this park. With regard to building materials, the HRA and IDC recommendations differ. The HRA's recommendation is to prohibit metal building e teriors. This is commonly understood to allow for the use of "architectural" treatments t at use metal, such as on standing-seam metal roofing, metal fenestration (windows and doors), and the like. The IDC's recommendation would retain the existing zoni g ordinance language requiring at least 50% of each building wall to be covered by so e material other than metal. . The debate on this point generally revolves ar und building value and long-term durability. In general, building valuation is typically higher for concrete masonry buildings. In planning staff's experience, metal construction will deteriorate more quickly, and require more maintenance sooner as the building age . It is also noted that the requirement for concrete construction (as is also the case for 0 tdoor storage) is becoming more commonplace in the surrounding communities, such as Big Lake, Rogers, Elk River, and Buffalo - communities with which Monticello ro tinely competes for new business development. . . . City Council Agenda - 12/13/04 Some have suggested that steel prices have levated the value of metal construction to near concrete building levels, and as such, b ilding valuations (and thus property tax revenues) are not too different. In staff's opinion, this only argues more strongly for concrete construction due to the greater long vity of the building. B. Alternative Actions. Decision 1: Direction to the City Attorney to repare restrictive covenants for the City's portion of Otter Creek Crossing relating to: a. Prohibition (and definition) of outdoor s orage, with allowances for vehicle parking, trash handling, and trucking activities p r IDC recommendation. b. Requirement for irrigation of landscapi g areas between the building line and the street, per IDC recommendation. c. Prohibition of metal exterior building m terials, with exceptions for architectural treatments on roofs, doors, windows, 0 similar elements. 1. Approval of the covenants as n ted, and direction to the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate doc ments for recording. 2. Approval of the covenants 1 an 2 as noted, retaining the current zoning regulations relating to exteri r building materials, and direction to the City Attorney to prepare the appr priate documents for recording. 3. Denial of the covenants, with dir ction to staff to enforce the zoning regulations applicable in the -1A zoning district as adopted. c. Staff Recommendation. Staff recommends the three recommended c venants, including the restriction on building materials. The City's intent to establish a hig er-end business park is reflected in the uses that will occupy the park, the amenities and si e planning of the individual properties, and the buildings that are built in the area. A high r standard of building materials would be consistent with these objectives, as well as being consistent with surrounding communities competing for the same high-investment busi esses. D. Supporting Data 1. HRA Recommendation 2. IDC Recommendation 3. Staff report on draft covenant langu ge . . . RECOMMI~ DATIONS Approved Nov mber 3,2004 BY T -IE MONTICELLO HOUSING AND R DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY fo OTTER CREEK BU TNESS CAMPUS 1. APPROVED A RECOMMENDATION RE-ZONE THE 120 ACRES OF OTTER CREEI( BUSINESS CAMPUS FROM A 0 TO I-JA (Light Industrial District) 2. APPROVED A RECOMMENDATION ESTABLISH THE FOLLOWING COVENANTS FOR OTTER CREEK BU INESS CAMPUS. A. Require installation of an irrigati n !;ystemfrom thefront perimeter o/the building and public right-of-way. B. No outdoor/open storage allowed. C. No metal or steel exterior building materials allowed. 3. APPROVED A RECOMMENDA TION T NOT AMEND THE EXISTING LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE AS FOUN IT TO BE SUFFICIENT AND COMPATIBLE. Reasons for the above recommendations: 1. 1-1 A Zone is consistent with Monticello Comm rce Center zone. (UMC, TCDC, Suburban area.) 2. Covenants will protect the investments made b both the businesses and the city. 3. Covenants are consistent with surrounding eomllunities: Becker, Big Lake, I3umllo, and Rogers. 4. Covenants support and compliment the Preferre Measures and Land Price offered by the City to qualifying businesses. 5. Covenants support the image of a professional 1 usiness campus. . 6. Covenants and the desired requirements of the t rgeled businesses are parallel. 7. 'fhe HRA is promoting a quality park maximiziJ g the building to land ratio and creating jobs at wages which support families, in return, for the referred (discounted) land price. f3 . . . RECOMME DA TIONS App,"oved Dee 'mber 7, 2004 BY' HE INDUSTRIAL DEVEI..lOP ENT COMMrrTEE (I DC) fo' OTTER CREEK B SINESS CAMPUS I. RECOMMENDA TION TO RE-ZONE E 120 ACRES OF OTTER CREEK BUSINESS CAMPUS FROM A-O TO J lA (Light Industrial District) 2. RECOMMENDA TION TO ESTABLISJ THE FOLLOWING COVENANTS FOR OTTER CREEK BUSINESS CAMPUS. A. Require installation of an irrigati n system with the exemption of prairie grass. Landscaping Irrigation Required: n all lots on which a building is proposed to be constructed, the owner shall, prior 0 occupancy of said building, install, or cause to be installed, in-ground landscaping irr gation between the 1iont building line and the public street. This requirement shall also pply to the side lot areas of corner lots which face a different street. In the case of rear ot areas that front on a public street, the owner shall install, or cause to be install, landscaping irrigation for all landscaped areas within 50 feet of said public street. Irrigation required by this restrictive covenant shall provide adequate irrigation water to all land caped areas, including lawns, shrubs, tress, flower beds, or other similar features. Thi requirement also applies to the "boulevard" portion of the public right of way between t 1e owner's property line and the curb line of the public street. B. No outdoor storage allowed. On a I lots, no owner, tenant, or other occupant shall store materials, equipment, 0 . items outside of any building. The following exceptions are not to be onsidered storage, alld may be located outside ill compliance with other a IJlicable regulations: a. Parking of passcnger vehiclc and light trucks, parked in compliance with the City of Monticello zoning re ulations. b. Parking of company vehicle', including trucks. vans. and other similar vehicles, with the exception of semi-truck rigs which arc subject to separate regulations. c. Scmi-truck tractors and trail I' rigs when such tractors and trailer rigs arc parking in the side and rear yrd. d. Semi-truck trailers locatcd in designated loading docks. e. Trash Handling equipment. \3 . . . 3. RECOMMENDA TION TO RETAIN T E DI:,-'SIGN AND SITE PLAN STANDARDS, IB} Building Type and ('mstruction and Ro(~f as required within the l-iA Light Industrial District. 4. RECOMMENDATION TO RETAIN TI E EXiSTING LANDSCAPING ORDINANCE. Reason for zoning recommendation: I-lA Zone is consistent with Monticello Com mer e Center zone. (UMC, TCDC, Suburban area.) \'3 . . . NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS, INC. 4800 Olson Mernorial Highwa, Suite 202, Golden Valley, MN 55422 Telephone: 763,231.2555 Facsimi e: 763.231.2561 planners(tiJnacplanning,com MEMORANDUM TO: Ollie Koropchak FROM: Stephen Grittman DATE: December 2,2004 RE: Monticello - Otter reek Crossing Covenants NAC FILE: 191 .06 I have provided draft language for the covena ts below. This language should be reviewed by the City Attorney's office and the ppropriate documents would be prepared by them for recording. Restrictive Covenants relating to the use of la d in Otter Creek Crossing. These covenants shall apply to all land within the pia, with the exception of Lot 1, Block 1, and with the exception of Outlot D and Outlot F. T e covenants shall run with the land, and shall apply to lots, outlots, and any subseque t subdivided or re-platted lots within the boundaries described above. The covenants re not intended to grant rights beyond those which are available to the property und r any other applicable regulations, including local, state, or federal laws. Landscaping Irrigation Required. On all lots 0 which a building is proposed to be constructed, the owner shall, prior to occupan y of said building, install, or cause to be installed, in-ground landscaping irrigation bet een the front building line and the public street. This requirement shall also apply to th side lot areas of corner lots which face a different street. In the case of rear lot areas t at front on a public street, the owner shall install, or cause to be install, landscaping irrig tion for all landscaped areas within 50 feet of said public street. Irrigation required b this restrictive covenant shall provide adequate irrigation water to all landscaped ar as, including lawns, shrubs, trees, flower beds, or other similar features. This requirem nt also applies to the "boulevard" portion of the public right of way between the owner's property line and the curb line of the public street. , '\3 . . . No Outdoor Storage Allowed. On all lots, n owner, tenant, or other occupant shall store materials, equipment, or items outside of any building. The following exceptions are not to be considered storage, and may e located outside in compliance with other applicable regulations: a. Parking of passenger vehicles an light trucks, parked in compliance with the City of Monticello zoning regulatio s. b. Parking of company vehicles, including trucks, vans, and other similar vehicles, with the exception of se i-truck rigs which are subject to separate regulations. c. Semi-truck tractors and tractor-trail r rigs (not including detached trailers), when such tractors and tractor-trail r rigs are parking in the rear yard. d. Semi-truck trailers located in desig ated loading docks, or otherwise in the active process of loading or unload'ng, for a period of not more than 72 hours. e. Trash Handling equipment, provid d such equipment is located within an enclosure in compliance with City f Monticello zoning regulations. I have attempted to layout the items discuss d by the small group. Let me know if we need to refine any of this material. 2 \3 . 13. . . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 A. REFI~=RENCE AND BACKGROlJ D The Planning Commission reviewed this r port, conducted a public hearing and recommended approval of the requests for both preliminary plat and development stage PlJD. The list of conditions in Exhibit Z h s been addressed by the developer and staff, with most items being resolved. Items not esolved at this time can be worked out prior to final stage PUD approval and/or final pat. The applicant is seeking approval for a retail 'enter at the northwest quadrant of Interstate 94 and County Highway 18. This location is cu ently scheduled for a full-access interchange, planned for construction in 2006. The interc ange will provide for west bound 1-94 oiT-ramps and on-ramps in the northeast quadrant (curl' nt location of the A VR Ready Mix facility), and east bound 1-94 oiT-ramps and on-ramps in th southeast quadrant (currently undeveloped). The subject site consists of the Dahlheimer Distributing facility and undeveloped land. It is bounded on the west by the S1. Henry's/St. B nedict's property (zoned P-S, Public-Semi- Public), on the south by Interstate 94, on the ast by County Highway 18, and on the north by the Burlington Northern Railroad and Count I lighway 75. As a part of the project, ih Street would be e tended from its current terminus at the S1. Henry's Church-S1. Benedicts Residential facility to connect with County Ilighway I S at the location of the west bound ramp intersection. In addition, a new public street would connect ih Street with County Highway 75 via a new railroad crossing. This new street (labeled as "Highland Way"), splits the proposed project into two halves. The project itself consists of a General Mere andise and Grocery facility of 174,550 square feet east of Highland Way, a Home Improve ent facility of 102,500 square feet in the northwest corner of the site, and 54,000 sqLla e feet of additional "in-line" retail adjacent to the Home Improvement building, west of Hi hland Way. There arc also three areas of additional retail! estaurant "pad" sites. Four buildings comprising 22,000 square feet of space arc s own on Outlot B at the east side of the site; Two additional buildings totaling 16,500 squ re feet are shown in the parking lot area of the Home Improvement store, and three addition I buildings are shown in the southwest corner of the site, across ih Street, totaling 19,200 squ re feet. In all, approximately 390,000 square feet of space is shown on the plans. The site plans also indicate possible phasing. The two larger stores, the 54,000 square feet of "in-line" retail, and 11,500 square feet of spa e on Block 2, Lot 3 are shown as first-phase projects. The remainder of the space is label d for "Future Development". Staff has met with the developers and provid d preliminary comments on the site planning, building information, and the streets, stormw ter, and utilities. Because the project is closely Council Agenda - 12/13/04 . tied to the construction of the interchange, m ch of the information in these plans (especially the public streets and utilities) has already be n part of extensivc review. In this report, we will summarize comments provided to the de eloper, with the understanding that they are working to address many of these issues prio to the upcoming Planning Commission and/or City Council meetings. Site Planning and Circulation. The site plan is designed to provide for acces' from ih Street and lIighland Way. No access is available directly from County Ilighway I . Highland Way will provide access to the site from County Highway 75. Truck access will be provided to the north si e of the buildings where loading docks arc shown. Truck circulation and access has bee 1 a point of significant review, particularly on the west side of the site where access to the, 'to Benedict's residential facil ity is provided from ih Street. As a part of this project, the devel per proposes to shift 7th Street to the south from its current alignment. This will require the e tension of the St. Benedict's driveway to connect to the new ih Street location. . Due to intersection spacing requirements, no direct access to ih Street can occur in the southwest corner of the development site. T e developer had proposed a combined access with S1. Benedicts. Stan' and the developer et with the St. Henedicts representatives to discuss this concept. A one-way, in-bound, irculation was agreed to, requiring the Home Improvement loading docks to be positioned at the northeast corner of their store. The current plans have reversed this location and abando ed the one-way concept. It docs not appear to staff that the current plan is workable, on the understanding that St. Benedicts will not approve the connection as shown. As such, he applicant will need to revise the layout to show access and circulation on its own site, r revise the plan to the satisfaction of St. Benedicts. Staff has also identified some concerns with he traffic delineator at Highland Way behind the General Merchandise store. The purpose of his delineator is to restrict south-bound traffic from County I lighway 75 from turning left b hind the building -- this would raise concerns over stacking oftratlic across the railroad an into the intersection with Highway 75. IJowever, the delineator would appear to be esigned in a way that may not significantly discourage this type of traffic. The applican s should review the concept and refine the design. For many of the Future Development sites, t ere would appear to be minimal vehicle stacking space for cars exiting these facilities. When these access drives become congested, in-bound traffic is required to stop and block tratlic in the public street. Additional site planning work should be required to minimize the potential cont1icts cause in these locations. This situation exists on Outlot C and Block 2, Lot 3. . One of the greatest issues relates to the right of way proposed for ih Street. Where ih Street abuts the Interstate Highway property, its wi th is reduced and the boulevards are narrowed, raising snow-storage issues and pathway-sid ~walk safety concerns. The applicant should be required to revise the plans to provide adequ'le width per City Engineer recommendations. 2 Council Agenda - 12/13/04 . Included in this design should be 1 () feet of b )ulevard space on each side of the street, and a sidewalk along the north side of 7'h Streetth. t does not directly abut the strcet curb. With regard to the parking lots, two primary omments are made. First, the "wall-to-wall" distance is shown as 63 feet. This is commo for these users, however, the City's standard is 64 feet. The City can grant flexibility in this 'lrea where appropriate. For the General Merchandise store, this design should work ell. For the Home Improvement store, this distance will work, however, staff would rec mmend that wider spaces be provided to accommodate the significant truck and traile vehicles using this type of facility. It is statTs experience that these facilities do not need th amount of parking shown on the plan. The second comment on the parking lot rclat s to the location of lighting standards, cart "corrals', and island delineators. Each of the 'e elements are shown in difTerent locations, resulting in a very scattered look to the parki g lot. The site would benefit from the combination of these elements. Moreover, u protected lighting standards in the parking lot contlict with parking space use. This should be addressed on revised plans. Public Works and Utilities Comments The following comments reflect information from the Public Works Department. Some of these comments are also included in the Engi eer's report, separate from this document. . . The pond on the St. Ilenry's site will eed to meet design requirements per City Engineer. . If a combined driveway with St. Ben diet's is used, the applicant will need to manage stormwater to avoid 110ws across inte section. . The applicant will need to work with he City Engineer and Public Works staff to ensure adequate easement area is pro ided over the deep trunk sanitary sewer planned for the west boundary line. . The applicant and City staff will nee to identify suitable water mains for public ownership/maintenance, and which I ains are to remain private. . The City will require individual mete ing and access for each individually owned parcel. . The City prefers a single access point to the sanitary sewer, rather than several individual direct access locations. Landscaping ami Buffering . In the northwest corner of the site, the plans, how the location of the Home Improvement store's loading docks. As noted previously, ombined driveway access with the St. Benedict's driveway would require the rdoc tion of these docks away from the adjacent ., .) Council Agenda - 12/13/04 . property. If they remain in the location show, they will raise a buffering issue with the residential property, both visually and with re pect to noise. The applicant shows a landscaped buffer, however, it is relatively na row, and shows a single row of evergreen trees. This buffer should be increased in intensity w th larger tree plantings, and the addition of a row of evergreen shrubs and/or a fence. The' ddition of the fence would account fi..1f the narrower buffer distance. To help minimize t e visual impact, the doors should not be painted orange as shown on the plans. The Home Improvement site shows no landsc ping adjacent to the building. Staff would recommend a combination of planter areas an better definition between display areas and pedestrian areas through the use of low walls nd/or decorative paving materials. Because this site faces south, the combination of asph, It and concrete with no landscaping will result in a very harsh environment. Building Design and Other Issues The plans show an "Outlot J)", located in the southeast corner of the site. This outlot has no vehicular access, but serves as the landing sit for the pedestrian bridge crossing 1-94. In addition, the applicant has shown a pylon sig on this outlot. Planning sta1fwould recommend that the site be designed to serve as an attractive landscaped entry to the project, including a plaza and seating or rest area for edestrians, in addition to the pylon sign location. . The building designs are quite plain. The pia s do not detail building materials, and these should be provided as a part of a revised pac age. Revised plans should add detailing to the roof line (including cornice treatment and ro f line height variation, building corner attention, and upgraded materials to include some use f brick and/or stone. The City made similar requirements of the recently approved Wal- art facility. These revisions should also address the nort building walls. This area is highly exposed to County Highway 75, consisting of more than 1,50Q linear feet of building wall. Due to the exposure of this wall, both architecture and I ndscaping should ref1ect an attractive design. The various outlot pads will have all four wa Is exposed. Minimal building information is provided for these areas. Prior to proceedin to Final PUD approval, the applicant should provide building and signage information to he Planning Commission for review. The sign plan shows basic wall sign location for the primary buildings, together with a large pylon on Outlot D and other monument~styl signs. The City's sign ordinance permits the tall pylon sign, with the requirement that other signs in the project are limited to monument designs. The applicants will need to reduce he pylon sign shown, however, to the 400 square feet allowed in the ordinance. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS . Planning Commission approved with Conditions noted in Exhibit Z (which include those comments supplied by Public Works and he City Engineer). The packet provided by the applicant includes a revised site plan hich addressed many of the Conditions. 4 Council Agenda - 12/13/04 . Please note that the Parks Commission wi I be reviewing the landscape plan and ideas for Outlot D at their regular meeting on D cember 16th. Decision 1: Development Stage Planned nit Development for Ryan Companies. 1. Motion to recommend approval 0 the PUD. based on a finding that the project meets the general intent of the Cit 's planning objectives for this area. This recommendation should include t e requirements in Exhibit Z, including reference to the requirements of the City E gineer's report. It should be noted that Exhibit Z requires the submission of revise plans meeting all conditions prior to final approval, and additional review 0 the building plans by both Planning Commission and City Council. 2. Motion to recommend denial oft e PUD, based on a finding that the plans are not consistent with the City's require ents for PUD design. Decision 2: Preliminary Plat for Ryan Co 1. Motion to recommend approval 0 'the Preliminary Plat, based on a finding that the plat provides for the project as re ulated by the PUD, with the Conditions as specified in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial oft e Preliminary Plat, based on a finding that the plat is inconsistent with the City' , planning requirements for this area. . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval with the Conditi ns identified in Exhibit Z. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Exhibit Z,. Conditions of Appro al B. Condition Illustration Map C. City Engineer's Comments . 5 . . . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 Exhibit Z - Ryan Companies PUD/Preliminary Plat Status as 0 12/09/04 1. The site is redesigned to accommodate 0 e-way traffic in-bound from ill Street where the combined driveway with St. Benedicts i" used, including upgrades to meet staff comments regarding design and stormwater. RESOL VEl>. 2. Ifno combined access is provided, the a plieant provides for truck movements using the approved access locations to ill Street. RESOL VED. 3. The Home Improvements store relocates it loading dock to the cast side of the building. RESOL VED BY AnDING SIGNIFIC NT SCREENING. 4. Future Development of "pad" site retail i designed to avoid vehicle stacking conflicts with incoming traffic. FIJTURE PHASE DESIGN EFFORT. 5. Redesign of the turn direction delineator long lIighland Way at the back of the General Merchandise store. RESOLVED - ADDITION OF SURM UNT ABLE CURB. 6. Lighting standards, island delineators, an cart storage areas are coordinated in the parking lots. RESOLVED. 7. The Home Improvement store parking lot is striped for wider spaces to accommodate the larger vehicles that frequent such l~lCi I itie . RESOL VED. 8. The ill Street right of way is expanded to eet the City Engineer's requirements including 10 f<.)ot boulevards and sidewalk area awa from the street curb. RESOL VEl) WHERE FEASIBLE. 9. Outlot D is designed to function as a pede trian plaza with landscaping, seating, and other improvements, in addition to the location fthe pylon sign. RESOLVEABLE - WILL BE TAKEN 0 THE PARKS COMMISSION. 7 . . . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 10. Comments relating to stormwater, utilitie " and street design are incorporated into revised plans, per Public Works and City Engine r recommendations. ITEM 19 AS NOTED IN THE REPO TWILL NEEIl RESEARCH. 11. The buffer yard along St. Benedict's pro crty is intensified, including evergreen shrub plantings and fencing to minimize both s und and visual intrusion. RESOL VED. 12. The loading dock doors, if adjacent to th St. Benedict's property, are painted a neutral color to match the building, rather than 0 ange. RESOL VED. 13. Planting and upgraded paving materials' re added to the front sidewalk area of the Home Improvement store. RESOLVED. 14. The buildings are upgraded with brick, st ne, or similar materials, and additional attention is given to roof lines, building corners, a d other potential changes to enhance building design. WILL BE AIlDRESSED IN FINAL S 'AGE FOR THIS PHASE AND WITH FUTURE PHASE DESIGN EFFORT. 15. The north building walls are addressed t enhance the view of the buildings from County Highway 75. WILL BE ADDRESSEI> IN FINAL S AGE FOR THIS PHASE 16. The pylon sign is reduced in size to the 4 0 square foot maximum. All other freestanding signs in the project are to be of a manum nt style. ALLOW REQUESTED SIGN SIZE I CREASE IN EXCHANGE FOR PLAZA IMPROVEMENTS. 17. Final building and signage plans will be esubmitted for Planning Commission and City Council review and approval. RESOLVED - WILL BE PROVIDEI BY THE DEVELOPER. 18. The applicant will be required to submit evised plans ret1ecting compliance with all conditions prior to final approval. RESOLVIU) - WILL BE PROVIDE BY THE DEVELOPER. S . . . Council Agenda ~ 12/13/04 19. The developcr will bc requircd to entcr in 0 a Dcvelopmcnt Contract for each phasc of the development. RESOL VED, DEVELOPER HAS AG EED. 9 ... WSB _ASSOciates, Inc. I :. Memorial Highway 'I"" .................. Suite 300 ,,::::;' 55422 763.541.4800 763541.1700 FAX Nov'ember 24,2004 Mr. Jay Hill Schoell & Madson, Inc. 10580 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 1 Minnetonka, MN 55305-1525 Re: Preliminary Plan and Review Monticello Retail Site Ryan Companies City of Monticello Planning Project No. 2003-033 WSB Project No. 1488-25 Dear Mr. Hill: We have reviewed the revised preliminary lat and the preliminary grading and utility plans for the above-mentioned project. Thi letter summarizes our comments on the provided information. 1. Proposed contour lines should b solid lines and existing contours should be screened dashed lines. 2. Complete storm water calculati ns will need to be submitted including sub watershed delineations, a detail d storm sewer schedule including pipe flow rates for the lO-year and 100-ye events. 3. Storm water discharges to the t nk storm sewer system shall meet the City requirements and must not exce d the proposed City trunk system. 4. The trunk storm sewer design a sumed temporary storage within the parking lots during the 100-year event. he catch basin inlet designs shall utilize this temporary storage. 5. Building pads should be a mini urn of 1 foot above the street elevation. 6. All utility and street improveme ts shall be constructed in accordance with the latest edition of the City's Stan d Specifications and Detail Plates. 7. The street grade of 7th Street and Highland Way will be evaluated for conformance with State Aid and local standards and comments will be provided at a later date. 8. '" The slopes adjacent to the railro d should be a minimum of 4: 1. 9. The minimum watermain diam ter shall be 12 inches for commercial development. Minneapolis. St. Cloud. Equal Opportunity Employer P:\WJ'W1MJ488-25\LIR-jh-J 12404.tioc "';\ ~ ' . Mr. Jay Hill November 24, 2004 Page 2 10. Minimum depth of sanitary se er service at the ROW or easement line shall be 10 feet or deeper, unless docum nted by a proposed building elevation that justifies the different elevation. 11. All utilities that cross the wate ain shall cross at a 90-degree angle, if possible, with a minimum alIo able crossing of 45 degrees. 12. Further evaluation of the water ystem will be required to determine if hydraulically the system is adeq ate. 13. All sanitary sewer and watermai serving multiple buildings will need to be a public system and should be loc ted within a public easement. The agreement for the easement will stipulate t at any surface improvement above the public system is subject to removal. 14. The sanitary sewer serving Outl t C may be required to be redirected to the system to the north. The additio al connection to the trunk line may not be acceptable. ' I 15. A minimum of two valves shall e located at 3 leg intersections; and three valves at 4 leg intersections. (V lve spacing and location to be reviewed by the water department.) 16. Water and sanitary sewer connections to buildings must conform to the plumbing code as interpreted by he local building officials. 17. Catch basin manholes will need be minimized on the public storm sewer system. 18. A demolition plan for the exiting improvements has not been provided. 19. Denote that a traffic signal is pro osed at the intersection of CSAH 75 and Highway Way by others. 20. The platting process will require omments from Mn/DOT and Wright County since their facilities are adjacent t the project. 21. 7th Street must maintain at least a lO-foot boulevard between the back of curb and the ROW line of 1-94. . 22. On 7th Street at the first site entra ce, two east bound through lanes are shown leaving the intersection. This sho ld only be one with a wider median so that the left turn can not continue thro gh. F:\WIIW1M1488-25\J.TR-jh-112404.doc , Mr. Jay Hill November 24, 2004 Pagt? 3 23. On 7th Street at the last two sit entrances, the right turn lanes continue through the intersection as through lane. There should only be one through lane on 7th Street. The right and left turn I nes should be developed off of the through lanes. 24. The last two site entrances to 7 Street are shown at 30 feet in width. Each should be widened out to a min mum of 40 feet to accommodate a three lane section at the intersection. 25. The first access points on Highl nd Way north of 7th Street should line up across from each other. 26. The first access point on Highl d Way north of 7th Street in to the general merchandise site is shown at 35 feet in width. Why is this larger than the other accesses? It can be 30 feet in . dth like the others. I Please give me a call at 763-287-7190 if yo have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. W-",vJ~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer cc: John Simola, City of Monticello Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Dick Koppy, Ryan Companies, Inc. Shibani Bisson, WSB & Associates, Inc. Steve Grittman, NAC srb , 1':\WPWIMJ48B-2S\L1'R_jh_i lU04.tl,x. ~- :IIrlS ~ UBld 8\IS 5Z'l:~ ~Ul"'Oa nu ",,"'UT -. .- _.............~-_.~-----._,.~-_...........-. :QI\I1.,-4S O::JSNd v :,~~~:~:~E"!I".","U!"- H V~M 'IJr1I;1$ ~nU:]h.V p....n:J~s 006 imU,,";:) 11I"O!''lIIIJOIIUI OOL .ONl 'Sl'lSmNV,JWQ:l NV,.U :lLlGIIO ---= -=' PI "~'='k """"==..~~ 001 ,m....QIl P4U ~ Ion 1'''- >ju.I>t.\ 11 """"""'_..... Uil~~~Sp:'tN :;'ii:~~s- - ~t: r~=-. sd :a ~~~ :lie PQu61G8Q -.---............................ ~-~,. 'SdIHSN.OI1V1~\1 ONll.SV1 i:lNid11n9 .,O..UU1" 'olleo'luO" IS 118\81:1 Oll80l\UOW :uope<>OlIowoN l""IQJd -= __om_oj ; I:' II' , i ! ! ", i :'~ ~:.~!:~\.;;./ ij :.~':':':. :-:~~~':~';:~ !r-;;;~:~;~~~ 'In \ fj . ~. 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';/~ ~~~ I'l [;j ~ i,Sg .... ~'" ... i:i~~ lO: "*9~ o 155~ 9 ..st:t1 ~- ID ~\ . . . Council Agenda - 12/13/2004 1'4. Consideration of Alternate Site for New atel' Tower Location. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the last council meeting after discussing a ew location for the water tower, Site #3 which is about three hundred and fifty feet west, no h-west of the existing theater was chosen by the council on a four to one vote. At the end of hat council agenda item Council Member Posusta commented on the selection of that site as i was his opinion that the new mayor and council members elect felt that site #4 was more a propriate. The following day the City Engineer phoned me and indicated that we should folio up on Council Member Posusta's comments so as not to delay the project with a change in location after significant work had been done. I contacted Mayor-Elect Herbst who indicated to me the following day that the majority of the new council (which would be in office on January I, 2005) preferred the southerly Site #4 as opposed to the Site #3 currently selected by the existin council. A follow up discussion with the current mayor and councilman Stumpf indicated that they would not be opposed to considering site #4 again rather than causing a delay to the proj ct by selecting an alternate tower site in January. Based upon all of the above and a subseque t discussion of the project with Council Member Stumpf, regarding this issue, the City Admini trator authorized a Public Informational Meeting on the alternate tower site to be held at 5:30 .M., Monday, December 13,2004 in the Council Chambers and further authorized Bonestroo and WSB to prepare a site plan and additional feasibility information on the alternate site. A copy of the tower location for site #4 put ogether by WSB is enclosed with this item. The location of the tower is 100' off of the powerl ne easement, ISO' west of the property owned by The Muller Theater ( lot 2) and approximat Iy 200' feet north of the southerly property line (Kjellberg's Mobile Home Park). The west roperty line is yet to be determined for the new tower location. It appears that ISO', which is our standard distance from property lines, would function best to place a future building on the site south of the tower. The 100' distance would work, but may create difficulty putting a rea onable size building on the property and could compromise the future maintenance on the to er. The difference in size between the two sites is really only 1;2 acre as the smaller area is 3.32 acres and the larger area is 3.82 acres. The property also shows a 42' wide access easem nt to bring power, the main water line and the driveway in for access. It is possible that this could be reduced slightly but its affect would be negligible on the property to the west. For purposes of analyzing site #4, we have ass med that the hydraulic operation of the new tower at this location will be similar to the original si e to the north and the second site selected, #3 to the west of the theater. The actual determina ion of whether an altitude valve is needed will be made during the design phase of the tower at he final site chosen, due to the amount of work necessary to determine this. Please refer to the cost feasibility study pro vi ed by WSB and the enclosed site plan showing location of a proposed building on the site by onestroo. . . . B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: Council Agenda -12/13/2004 I. The first alternative after reviewing citizen comments from the Public Informational Meeting and comments from the Council and Mayo Elect, staff information provided by the agenda packet and presentation by staff, would be to r locate the tower from the previously approved site, (#3 to the west of the theater) to site #4 near the Kjellberg's Mobile Home Park to the south as shown on your enclosed site plan. 2. The second alternative after reviewing all oft e data and comments would be to reatlirm location # 3 as selected previously by the Council. 3. The third alternative would be to table any ac ion on the tower site or further work on the tower and defer to the new Council for a meeting 0 January I 0, 2005. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff consisting of the City Administra or and Public Works Director, and consultants consisting of the City Engineer, Brett Weiss om WSB and the tower design firm, Mark Rolfes from Bonestroo recommend that the City ove forward with the project and not cause any unreasonable delay. Therefore, our recomme dation is that you do not choose alternative number 3 to delay the project, and hopefully find com on ground to choose alternative I or 2. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy of the water tower location from WS ,a copy of the site plan from Bonestroo, a copy of the cost feasibility study from WSB F:admin/w( lrdpr( \~:\;'lg\iHda/20(H/ 1'~ 1 :\(Hhll1LiIll<ll~ wat~r t( ,\Vt:1" Slh~ .-* ,:::-Ir) .... <0. I t\.~~ I [J.... I I I I I 6 0.00 pC . ._~ .>- ...-.......... .......,.C0 ...-.._~..- qUI .......OJ./f) U <C \ \ I ., ..............OJ./ gel() ,.(,0 '.'.' LO o II <C ~ < -...~ JUTLOT 0 -'<'<I.) /1 IN I.C, .C' '.i~l -96' ----964 --962~ . ~' ,\ -960 ~~ ~ \ \'-, ' . - I'" \ \ """\;' ~-.....1 -958- - '- C-' ~ " it' '-y:~~( \-' \ I ~ \' ., .,~ , I / .... .... ) --\~..~::- ~:\ -~.-7='- ~ 150' 3.32 AC (~~"-;;(:\ J ~ I ~~I '0",1 be;; I g I I 'T., I . I L L -/ I \ \\ . Z\..... \\ \\ \\ . \.... [/\ 1\ ~~ ~ \, I 100 ~ OFT 50 701 Xenia Avenue Suite 300 Mpls, MN 55416 76~541-4600 .... WSB Water T Alternate L cation WSB Project No. 01488-98 City Project No. December 2, 2004 City of Monti ello, MN Exhibit No. 2A Ie Anoe;otos. 'ftC. ~~ z PRAlRIl iPO DO: MONlIC ;' L,.(l:71 h:~ 6~~"""",' ~C g65 5~ /96 ".'.~, '::1"'..... "" ~ t;. !Ol"'!.r< ':.-' _ - - ..-~. - - 'i~r'.Jlr~ ,:..:;rt..r ,,,,,,,, ,J"<r~(' (;~-".~j., . '.:~<r., ..;.~>i" J! ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) / ) , . j ') '.J' --, ( r " ) { .~:~., (.!J./j:J . ~.. (If-If..) '.;:..~ . ~:.t:~~-_ ---~,~ ,-- -~""""--"-"- "'----,$'~;:::-.,: - II:", '._ "'-" / :~'-"'1l1, \ '1'1'1 ,. :;r -1'-f::L._. ~~.. ............ .....Of.lj:J .....01-/;., ()UlLOT 0 I~jl;, ~:,r.lll 11-1 llNl (1, IIll:' N.....lr'~ .. [:1 rH!: '~LI '~ 1.10' :;L('"'~ON ,~, t. {f'!Er: 13 \\'\ \\\..w~ .,.,~1\ I 1..- I o FT 100 200 701 Xenia Avenue Suite 300 Mpls, MN 55416 763-541--4800 ~ WSS Water Alternate WSB Project No. 0141\8.-98 City Project No. December 2, 2004 City of Mont cello, MN Exhibit No. 28 iii' Associates. Inc. 1t'".\I'\~ /lOQ nQ\f'...I\=.."'l"''''''\I:::~.oI Hl.I~"""'rT~...~r AM . ~~...;~~ r1...~ ''''It''1,...,,..nA '].J;:" .t;.'t ~Io, ) l.-\ . ~ ~- ~. ~ ~, ~ . ~i ~' ~'i ~, ~i ~! ~I ~' ~' ~ ~ \5 . '-. ". ,,' /~/ I' /- / J / ...... /' ..,1/ I ::-~''--..L - -,< / ' '/ / ~-i]0- :<-1 / , ~___. _'~~..:'~~_'~..~___. ......... .. / i._ i~_" :~,-,.~ ._)~' : ., .-Y;. ~;--- ,I : %~, v . r '~- ~!":, ' I I I P '"I'" 'i 1nk. I - I. ~ I ! ~ II ~ ~ -'i~ tl.lll.l~ ~J..,I:'1~ ~:: !~"; -5 --J ,'- .,._.~~i~:1-/_-,= ~p, 0- '.' ~ (.1 '-- -.. '-, ", ", ........,'- .,l:". i /' - I '1.- I' :i ~ '_ Lf1l I I I j I ,1 I I '[ ~n ~ l' .~ '" ,~~*.~ , .... ~ v ~ . .(.'.l'~ "j Y....,'., ,_.,';.,'.n_~.. ,~I:":'~~'"~~<-'..,'~'~. .,' . . . Memorandum (Updated to Add Site Option 3) To: Honorable Mayor and City Councl John Simo/a, Public Works Direct r Rick Wo({"teller, City Administrat r From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E., City Engineer Date: November 22, 2004 (Updated Dece ber 13, 2004) Re: Water Tower Site Assessment City of Monticello Project No. 200 -30C WSB Project No. 1488-98 1. INTRODUCTION: This report has been modified to include a fourth site called Option 3, which is located in the south middle portion of th Jefferson Commons plat (see Exhibit 2). All new information is bolded for c1arific tion. 2. BACKGROUND: The City of Monticello is planning the cons ruction of a 1 million gallon elevated storage tower located in the Jel1erson Commons de elopment, west of Trunk Highway 25 in the area of future School Boulevard. The origi al proposed tower site was located adjacent to the west end of existing School Boulevar along the north property line and south of the Groveland 4th residential subdivision. T e City Council, at their November 8th Council meeting, requested that City statf e aluate a site located towards the middle of the Jefferson Commons plat, just west ofth proposed Muller Theatre. This feasibility report intends to evaluate the potential addit onal costs associated with relocating to this site from the original proposed location. Al analysis by the City's water tower consultant (BRAA) and WSB is being com leted to evaluate the proposed site from a water distribution standpoint to make sure t at there are no issues related with placing a tower in that location. This report is intend. d to evaluate issues such as additional watermain, roadway extensions, land costs )r the two sites, and other factors that should be compared betwecn the two sites to deter ine what additional costs are associated with locating the tower in the alternate location, oth from a standpoint of being a cost that is expended earlicr than anticipated as well as cost that is not recoverable in the future. A summary of those items is noted on the foil wing pages. I ~~ . . . llonorablc Mayor and City Council John Simola, Public Works Director Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator November 22,2004 (Updated December 13,2004) Page 2 · School Boulevard Construction: A I sitcs are locatcd adjacent to School Boulcvard right-of-way. Site 3 is I cated approximately 600 feet from School Boulevard as opposed to the othe options at 60-100 feet off the right-of-way. The street has not yet becn constrU( ted, but is likely to be constructed prior to completion of the tower. The front footage and associatcd estimated costs are noted as J()\Iows: .Frollt Footarre "",~,~i,~in~,~",~,i"~,~,, ...""""""" I .....~.~,?,~?~,~,~.,.,~i~~",~,~,t,i?~",~ III Proposed Site Option 2 Option 3 316 306 481 42 ; Estimated Project Cost/FF $200 $200 $200 $200 $63,200 $6 I ,200 $96,200 $8,400 Total i ! It is assumed that access to the site for construction could be across unpaved areas and access to the completed site, if School Boulevard is not in place, could be along the shared Muller Theatre driveway. · Parcel Area: Five alternativcs are eing explored for the watcr tower location and are noted as f()llows: a. Original Site: 2.3 acres (encuml ered by sanitary scwer easements) b. Proposed Site Option 1: 2.12 ac es This is thc minimum site requirc j for the water tower and could likely accommodatc a small public bui ding. c. Proposed Sitc Option 2: 2.80 ac es This increased site area is not ree uired for the water tower; however, this site would accommodate a larger bui ding if the City would like to preserve the area. d. Option 3 (small site): 3.32 acrES This is the smallest site that COt Id be developed for the water tower. A portion of the proposed ponding site and a tree preservation area is located within the area. The a( cess to School Boulevard is also included in the overall area. A small bu'lding could be placed on the site. (".1./ )(WI/III"IIII' illlf/ ,\~"Iilll~,' '.!,lulll/. {;n .1'.I';nf!('f"\I.Ul'i11 Si"III11,1f.\ \'11'111/'\ I ,:' I Hi.J-SII11e"I'fllI.\:./JiIIi!, 1/ SO-,\ klll,)-lIllli:/'-/(III'I'1" ,!.I'I','\'I'IIIc"lIf-l(/().J HI(. Ilpd t'i . I fonorable Mayor and City Council John Simola, Public Works Director Rick Wolf<;tellcr, City Administrator November 22, 2004 (Updated December 13,200 ) Page 3 e. Option 3 (large site): 3.82 aer s If a 10,000 SF public building was to be placed on the site, an additional 0.5 acres would be necessary. · Parcel Cost: For the purposes ofthi report, it is assumed that the square foot cost for hoth sites is $6.50/SF. A recent appraisal set the approximate price for the land at $6.50/SF north of the pow r line and $4.00/SF south of the power line. The original site is encumbered hy utility casements and the proposed site is located further from TH 25. The fol owing is the land acquisition cost for each site: Parcel SF Total Difference from Original Original 100,188 $651,222 $0.00 Proposed Option 1 92,382 $600,483 ($50,739) Proposed Option $791,719.50 $140,497.50 . Option 3 (Small) $578,476 ($72,746) Option 3 (Large) $665,596 $14,374 · Trunk Watermain Extension: The water tower is intended to be served initially by a 16-inch watermain co nected to the School Boulevard system. Other system improvements will b completed as development occurs in the future. This analysis assumes that he watermain would be necessary in the future and therefore compares the ront footage cost (1/2 ofthe cost of a linear foot) in addition to the cost t prematurely construct a portion of the watcrmain. Assuming that the watermain is not extended the full width of the proposed lot until School Boulevard is extend d, there would be an additional 320 feet of 16-inch watermain. This size wa ermain is approximately $50/LF, not including hydrants, services, or val es. Therefore, if we assume that the watermain will be assessed to the be efited properties, the ultimate cost for the parcels is noted in the following able. . ( . '.I )", "",.."" ",,,I s,.,,,,,,,',/),,,,,, (;,'''',i" ',n' '" "1.\"",,,,,"1",,,,,, I .' 13IJ;-S"I'I""'Ii"X-lJ,,',,_1I 1'11-.\ /'"",,_11 "",. 1 "",."'-.I",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-_'()(IO_311( _ "1,,1 ) Y . . . Honorable Mayor and City Council John Simola, Public Works Director Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator November 22,2004 (Updated December 13, 20 4) Page 4 Parcel Front Watermain Total Difference Footage P oject Cost/FF from Original Original $25.00 $7,900 $0.00 Proposed Opti $25.00 $7,650 ($250) Proposed Option 2 $25.00 $12,025 $4,125 tion 3 $25.00 $1,050 ($6,850) The total up front length and cost, h wever, will increase from 158 feet to 638 feet, or at $50/LF, $7,900 to $31,900 for ptions 1 and 2, and 158 feet to 811 feet, or $7,900 to $40,550 for Option 3. This is an initial increase of $24,000 or $32,650, which will be mostly recovered upon develop ent of the site. · Storm Sewer: The original site ass med that School Boulevard would be in place and a stub was proposed from the si e to the future street. The proposed site is adjacent to the regional pond and ca directly connect to the pond. For the purposes of this study, no economic impact is considered. Shared Drivewav Expense / 0 tion 3 Lon Drivewa : When the Muller Theatre was developed, the City and the the' tre decided to construct a shared driveway along the common property lines on thc east and south sides of the proposed water tower site. The cost of a 24-fI ot-wide driveway, including storm sewer, will be split between the two owner.. This was not a consideration for the original sitc. This will be an estimat d cost of $25,720 plus storm sewer. There could bc some savings in driveway construction depending on the design of the watcr tower site. Option 3 will req ire a 600-foot-long driveway, which would be approximately 500 feet longer t an any other option. This is estimated at an additional $40,000 expense. . · Altitude Valve: Based on the computer modcling completed for the two sites, the proposed tower site is hydraulically qui valent to the previous site. Further analysis is needed to determine if the altitude valve needs to be installed at this time, or whether provisions for a fut re altitude valve will be sufficient. However, this analysis is necessary f r either of the two sites. Provisions for a future altitude valve are prudent so that if development of the future water system requires that installation, the cost is k pt to a minimum. Electrical Service: Once a site is se ccted, the electrical service expense will need to be calculated. We arc esti ating an additional $10,000 cost to extend the service to the Option 3 location. . (. ',/)", ,,,,,,.,,,, ",,,fl""'''g,',/),,,,,, """., "'",',"./,,,,,1 S,'''i''.",'I'''''I,',1 " IIM_\'"I'I''''''''''_I'',,''._I/''''' '''",,,-lIi,,,-,' 1"''''''-.I.,.w",'''''''''-ClIII'_31J('. "1,,1 J L-t . Honorable Mayor and City Council John Simola, Public Works Director Rick Wolfstcller, City Administrator November 22,2004 (Updated December 13,200 ) Page 5 3. COST SUMMARY: Site Number ite 1 m Original Parcel Parcel Cost $601 128 School Boulevard $63,200 $8,400 $8,400 Trunk Watermain 7,900 $1,050 $1,050 Additional Up Fro $0.00 $24,0 0 $24,000 $32,650 $32,650 Watermain Cost Shared Driveway/Option 3 $0.00 $25,7 0 $25,720 $40,000 $40,000 ... ~()~g~:,:~,y~~,~,y", Increa N/A N/A N/A $10,000 $10,000 Service Additional Trunk . Watermain N/A N/A N/A $30,000 $30,000 Connection to Tower Altitude Valve N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TOTAL $672,228 $672,8 2 $888,763 $700,576 $787,696 4. RECOMMENDA TION:s The costs between the original parcel and Propo cd Option I are negligible. While Proposed Option I is not as convenient for construction, it appears to be an acceptable location for the tower. Option 3 (small) is slightly more expe sive than Proposed Option 1, however, the value of a potential commercial building on e ch site has not been considered. It is likely that Option 1 will be a more valuable buildin _ site than Option 3. Further, if the City intends to place a 10,000 SF building on eithe site, you would need to compare the original parcel with Option 2 and Option 3 (large). Option 3 (large) would be $100,000 less expensive in this situation then Option 2 but 115,468 more expensive than the original parcel. Option 3 does have the advantage of providi g an open or green area near the Kjellberg Park, as much as the original site 1 did for G ovc1and. This area would not he available when a building is built. There is also the pot ntial to save more existing vegetation with the water tower in this location. Construction of the water tower at site location roposcd Option 1, 2, or 3 is feasible, necessary, and cost-effectivc. . Please contact me at 763-287-7190 if you have any ques ions prior to thc mccting. Attachmcnts srb ( ": 1/)"0'11/('111.\ (lml ,\I'lll!Ig,I"'/.)IIII'!/. (;/I!,\,.I'ilH.!/'/"',1 (!( III .\d1ill,t!.,",/ '.'/IIpl!:: J }1I.J-SllPP,I/"Iillg-f)/IIIi- fl',\'II-.\t.'I/Ji!-IIii/<'I'-liJII'i."r-. h\~',\,\!III'!I1 }I!(/.J ,W{' IIIII! IY / , .. / /OU TL_O::r 0 "__ ~_ -\ ...../ I / ,_/ ,/" ",-" --~ ./' ,"- '" ~ ~ ~ -~ ~/ ./ .-~- ,/ /' -", ~F'/~~ ~~&4'" /'~ ~- / \ '4 ~f SE/9-T N 15// ' ';, / / /- " \ \ '.-- / / .~ I, <V ~ ...... <0 j ~~-'I .----h-~ I - '" I I I I I .. ...... ......, ,......... ! ..........1 ,,/ / / / / / I ,I \ i I \ / / \ \ \ \ 24'" \ \ ACCE~S' RoAo, l '-. ......" "\ , "\. ~.. <-- ...-,~' \ ! 1\ '" ~ -"~ \. -'\, \ - ,,,/ ......... ;:;0.. ... ... ............ .......... ... ...... ...... ... ........... '....... ............ ................ ...... ... ~..._,.... ~ ,,-- ~.......- ........... \ \ \ 1 \ :~:-"I I '::~) .9.1,1>, ~~...., I / ", I':>-i - , ,I ".-/- I ! I ';, ( , ':/"-,- (' / I . ,. I -:-, - .I / .....~., i ;' I'" 4~'~1' ; ! " , / ; ,- o 50 100 '-, .,- ."-'-. \, '0,--S89.17'd9:'E ,,^ \\ 0\\, Y\\ ~ -~~~~~~(~~~~ - J '\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \l n I I Scale in feet . SITE PLAN CITY OF MONTICELLO MONTICELLO 1 MG WATER TOWER IGURE 1 C a Bonestroo Rosene ~ Anderlik & 11 \j 11 Associates Engineers & Architects 13660410LFIG1 C.DWG DATE: 12-9-04 COMM: 13 6-04-101 . . . 15. Acce t the Fcasibili Re ort for the Trunk Sanita Scwer Extension - Southeast Interce tor/Bondhus Se ment and Orde Pre aration of Plans and S ecifications Ci of Monticello Projcct No. 2002-12C. (City/ SB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO Attached please find a copy of the Feasibility Report addressing improvements associated the proposed extension f a trunk sanitary sewer pipe to the south side of 1- 94 from CSAH 75. The propos d project is a result of development proposed to coincide with the improvements f the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchange. The trunk is proposed to be extended from the s uth side of CSAIJ 75 to the south side of 1-94. The downstream segment of the trunk I ne is proposed to circle the Bondhus property and cross the Monticello Retail Center ite. It is important to get this initial segment from CSAI-I 75 to the south side of 1-94 onstructed as development of the Monticello Retail Center is scheduled to occur within the next year. The City does not currently have the necessary easements in place to con truct the sewer but we have been informed that the property owner (i.e., Hondhus and ahlheimer) have agreed to do so. Obtaining these easements will be a high property. In addition, the project includes he potential extension of a sewer line from the proposed trunk line to the Reservoi Lift Station. This is significant as the current 110w levels at the Reservoir Lift Station ave exceeded the capacity of the existing wet well and pumps at the station. The proposed project is anticipated to be the final large diameter sanitary sewer pipe crossing of Interstate 94. The p eliminary design and alignment t"(x the pipe as proposed in the feasibility report ill accommodate development over a significant portion of the annexation and will ot exceed the maximum capabilities of the waste water treatment plant. A presentation on this project wit an explanation of the overall program will be provided at the meeting. The pro osed project represents a trunk improvement and does not propose assessments for t e funding, which eliminates the need for a public hearing on the project. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept Feasibility Report an order preparation of plans and specifications the extension of the trunk sanitar sewer as proposed. 2. Accept Feasibility Report and do not order preparation of plans and specifications at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENl>ATION: The proposed improvement of the CSAH 18/1-94 interchange is anticipated to spur development in this area of the City The construction of the development will have a significant impact on the City's inf[o structure and the ability to provide service for that (':\/ )()('IIIf/fllls 1/lId Sellill~sl/ 0\1'//.( im,uill}.:all.ocLlI .\'''1I111,'<:\''1li.'1II111/: /3(1-1 .,j}..{l'lJda /h'"I-I'I...'mihili~)'-Nt.'I!(),.I-_'(}(J:,.I:( '. II/H.I development. In addition, it is impo tant to install trunk infrastructure aeross properties that are developing in conjunction ith or prior to the initiation of those respective projects. This helps to minimize c st and impacts to the properties. In addition, the extension of this pipe will allow th City to remove a lift station from service with a gravity pipe at a lesser cost than eOl structing a new lift: station with adequate capacity for future anticipated flow levels. This new trunk sewer will also serve as the connection point for the Heritage De elopment and the Otter Creek Industrial Park dual force mains. . It is the recommendation of the Cit Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer that the City Council autho ize the preparation of the plans and specifications for the extension of the interceptor a' proposed. The timely construction of this project will ultimately save the City mon y in property acquisition as well as difficulty associated with the construction thro gh developed properties. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Report . . (':"/.I()OIllI('II'.... and Sl'lIill;.:s'iJ )1I1~ JJ ;tu.uillga"/,onll.\'/'ffl/lg,\'" j(J/J/I/1/_1/.Wl Agel/do 11L'1II-J-el/sihili/l'-Nl.'j.lOl"f-]()fC-12(', \1/"1/.1 . . . Council Agenda - 12/13/04 16. Consideration of settlement ro osal from LMCIT Insurance. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: I have recently had a number of conversation, and met with claims adjusters from the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust regarding t e house that was destroyed at 809 Minnesota Street (Kramer house). As you know, this house wa destroyed by an apparent arson fire about a month ago and since that time I have been discussin the fire with our insurance representatives to see what type of claim might be appropriate. Since the City has owned this property for ov I' twelve years, we have had it insured through the LMClT as part of the City's property since w have rented it out for most of the time. The property has been vacant for almost a year an it was the Council's decision at our first budget workshop that the City should look at getting ost estimates lor removing the house for future roadway expansion plans. Quotes were received and discussed by the Council that were ultimately rejected in favor of pursuing the id a of having the Fire Department use the house as a fire drill possibly in early 2005. Before that c uld happen, the house was destroyed and now we are faced with trying to determine what a fair i 1surance claim, if any should be pursued. Our property insurance coverage had a value of $175,000 listed as full replacement cost value. Our insurance policy also states if a building i vacant for more than 60 days, and the property is destroyed, the insurance company is only liabl for fair market value of the vacant structure at the time of the loss. Since both our insurance carr er and the City was aware that it was planned for this structure to be removed, there is some con 'ern by the insurance company that it could be argued that there wasn't any value at all to the tructure since it was obvious the City intended to demolish or burn it. On the other hand they re 'ognize that this may have been the intended action of the City to remove the structure, the nly lair to really know what the true value would be to have an appraiser hired by the insurance ompany who would have his opinion of the value and the City would likely have its own apprais I' determine the value. Again, we could argue that the structure would have had value as rental pI' pertyand it is likely the insurance company would argue the structure was a liability to the roperty as the land was more valuable for commercial purposes other than a rental prope y. As you can see, there could be a wide variation in what each party determines the fair value of the property to be at the time of the 11re and to void all of these long drawn out claims, the insurance company is willing to consider offeri. g an amount of$30,000 as full payment to cover the cost the City incurred in fighting the fire, th cost of removing the debris, basement and other remnants from the property and to in effect include sufficient funds that would reimburse the City f()r all of its insurance costs that it paid on this structure over the last dozen years. Remembering that LMCIT is actually an insura ce company owned by all cities in Minnesota, I believe the insurance company is trying to mak ' a reasonable effort to pay us a fair amount for our loss, rather than spending the money on trying to 11ght any claims we might submit. The oHer to basically cover all of our demolition co 'ts, fire department costs in controlling the fire, and basically returning all of our insurance prel iums totaling $30,000 seems fair and reasonable. Even though the structure was initially insured or over $170,000, the fact that it has been vacant . . . D. Council Agenda - 12/13104 and has received some vandalism in the pas, I am sure an appraiser would come up with far less than that amount if we force the issue. Before the claims adjuster and his supervisor attempt to get final approval on this dollar amount, they are asking f()r direction from the City C< uncil on whether this negotiated. amount would. be acceptable. R. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Council could agree to accept $30,00C as full payment for the damage incurred to the house at 809 Minnesota Street. 2. If the offer is not acceptahle, Council c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ~C-A ould propose an alternate amount. s7JK G ? /l...t \Z ~ In reviewing our insurance policy, it is obviou that the insurance company is not obligated to pay replacement value as insured, and. can oife only fair market value, whatever that is. Since it is unlikely that we will agree on what is consti uting fair market value, outside appraisers will have to be hired. We could argue the buildin. has value for rental purposes and is not a liability to the property, and the insurance company co ld argue the opposite. r have found. over the past 25 years that the L cn has always treated the City fairly in any of our insurance claims and. representations and I ould. recommend accepting the proposed offer of $30,000 as full payment for the damages to the property. I think it is a fair amount, even more than we had originally anticipated in that we ha actually planned on removing the structure ourselves. SUPPORTING DATA: None. 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