EDA Agenda 08-08-2018AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, August 8th, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Consent Agenda - Item 4a through 4f a. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — July 11, 2018 b. Consideration of approving Special Workshop Meeting Minutes — July 11, 2018 c. Consideration of approving payment of bills d. Consideration of Initiative Foundation donation request for 2019 e. Consideration of Funding for Ind. of the Year Event in October 2018 £ Consideration of Property Lease Agreement for 349 West Broadway 5. Consideration of Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program and Downtown Frontage and Signage Grant Program Guidelines 6. Consideration of 2019 Marketing Plan 7. Consideration of Proposed 2019 EDA Budget and Special Benefit Levy 8. Director's Report 9. Adj ourn MINUTE S REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, July llth, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, and Jim Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: Davidson 011ie Koropchak-White and Lloyd Hilgart Jim Thares and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the regular meeting of the EDA to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items None. � 4. Consent A�enda - Item 4a throu�h 4� BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEM G. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. a. b. �� Consideration of approvin� Joint Citv Council-EDA Meetin� Minutes — June 4, 2018 Recommendation: Approve the Joint City Council-EDA Meeting Minutes — June 4, 2018 Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — June 13, 2018 Recommendation: Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes — June 13, 2018. Consideration of approvin� Special Workshop Meetin� Minutes — June 13, 2018 Recommendation: Approve Special Workshop Meeting Minutes — June 13, 2018. d. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills Recommendation: Approve payment of bills through June 2018. It was noted that the Cuningham Group invoice ($7,000) would be recoded to the City Council and the Chamber lunches would be reviewed for correct coding. e. Consideration of Hazardous Materials Abatement and Demolition quotes — 255 East Broadwav Decision 1: Asbestos Abatement Recommendation: Select Bergo Environmental, Inc. in the amount of $6,223 to remove and dispose of asbestos. Decision 2: Demolition Quote and/or Ash Removal Recommendation: Select Carlson Construction in the amount of $5,250 to remove burned buildings and foundation or select Schluender Construction Company in Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 11, 2018 Page 1 � 4 the amount of $7,500 for removal of complete buildings and foundation (if the Fire Department is unable to complete the fire training). f. Consideration of Administrative Modification of Affordable Housin� TIF District #1-40 Recommendation: Adopt EDA Resolution #2018-15 approving an Administrative Modification to the TIF Plan for Affordable Housing TIF District #1-40. g. Consideration of Contract for Private Redevelopment with Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. 4g. Consideration of Contract for Private Redevelopment with Rivertown Residential Suites, LLC Jim Thares indicated that the contract for private redevelopment was the final item for the affordable housing TIF district. The EDA and City Council approved the TIF district at the previous June meeting. Thares indicated that the project calls for a$785,000 worth of TIF assistance to Briggs Properties and $400,000 upfront financing assistance for underground parking. Briggs is required to provide 10 affordable units with tenants making less than 50 percent of the County median income ($47,150). Tammy Omdal noted the modification to the TIF plan and the agreement. Under the modified TIF Plan - and reflected in the Agreement — the amount of developer's cost subject to reimbursement was reduced from $862,000 to $785,000 because of reductions in project costs and the interest rate increasing to 5.5% over the term of the note. Omdal stated that the rate was reasonable because of market conditions. TRACY HINZ MOVED TO ADOPT EDA RESOLUTION #2018-16 APPROVING A CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT BETWEEN RIVERTOWN RESIDENTIAL SUITES, LLC AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO EDA AS RELATED TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING TIF DISTRICT #1-40. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Consideration of Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Pro�ram and Downtown Fronta�e and Si�na�e Grant Pro�ram Guidelines Steve Johnson noted that a workshop meeting was held prior to the regular meeting to discuss the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program and Downtown Frontage and Signage Grant Program. It was discussed with minor adjustments and would likely be approved at the next regular EDA meeting in August. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION FOR ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 11, 2018 Page 2 � 4 6. Consideration of Preliminarv 2019 EDA Bud�et and HRA Levv Jim Thares asked for feedback of the proposed 2019 Special Benefit (HRA) Levy. In 2018, the EDA voted to set the levy at the maximum level of $323,000. The maximum levy for 2019 is $348,000 which is an increase of $25,000. Thares suggested that the EDA consider the maximum levy again in 2019 because of new efforts and programs such as the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program, Downtown Frontage and Signage Grant Program, the proposed housing rehabilitation program, and potential acquisition of property in the downtown area. It was asked how the $348,000 value was determined. Thares confirmed that it was a percentage of the overall market value of property in the city. It was noted that in order for the EDA to receive the full projected levy in 2019, there would have to be zero delinquent property tax payments. A small amount of interest and a land lease are also minor revenue sources for the EDA. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO RECOMMEND TO CITY COUNCIL $348,000 FOR THE 2019 SPECIAL BENEFIT (HRA) LEVY. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 7. Director's Report Angela Schumann explained that staff is leading a new initiative in the downtown called "Downtown Rounds". The purpose of the meetings is to be an open forum with business and property owners in the downtown to talk about what's happening in the downtown. The first meeting would occur in August at Lucy Murray's Studio of Dance. Jim Thares provided the Economic Development Report. Thares followed up with detail about the MIF One-Time Exclusion Opt Out Program. The figures that MN-DEED approved as accurate were a total MIF FUND of $291,183. The 20% amount that is being returned to the State General Fund is $58,237. The balance being split 50-50 with the City is $232,946. Bill Tapper asked why the City Council would be given half of the money. Thares indicated it was a recommendation to the City Council that the City's 50 percent of the remaining funding be dedicated to downtown improvement projects by the City Council, so in effect it is additional funds directed to the EDA's downtown redevelopment goals. Thares stated that an updated prospect list would be emailed to the EDA. One additional prospect was recently added to the list. Thares explained that the City's Arts Initiative was ramping up. The consultant is looking for a space to complete projects and would like to use the EDA property at 349 West Broadway. The consultant would like to begin using the building in August and the Park's Department would be responsible for the utilities and maintenance. Steve Johnson asked if the electric utilities were turned of£ Thares confirmed that staff Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 11, 2018 Page 3 � 4 shut the services off in late May. Jon Morphew asked if a lease would be executed. Thares questioned if it was needed but would defer to the EDA if that is the desire. Davidson asked about the hazardous materials found in the building. Schumann stated that staff would talk to the EDA's Attorney about the lease and indemnification of the hazardous materials. Schumann recalled that most of the hazardous materials found in the building were non-friable and are safe if left undisturbed. Steve Johnson stated that if the Park's Department could bring the building up to a safe and sound condition, they could occupy the building. He further stated that it is important that if a lease is created that it includes a 30-day notice of vacation of the property in case redevelopment opportunities came along. JIM DAVIDSON MOVED TO ALLOW THE USE WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE PARI�S DEPARTMENT WOULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY INCREASED COSTS, THE CONTRACT WOULD SITPULATE THE BUILDING AS SAFE AND USEABLE AND AN ACCEPTABLE FIT FOR THE LAND USE. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 8. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:31 P.M. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 9. Closed Session - Consideration of recessin� to closed session to develop or consider offers or counter-offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal propertv pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). PID #155011000010, 155010031031,155010031010 Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: August 8, 2018 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 11, 2018 Page 4 � 4 MINUTE S SPECIAL WORKSHOP MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, July llth, 2018 — 5:00 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present Commissioners Absent: Staff Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, and Jim Davidson 011ie Koropchak-White and Lloyd Hilgart Jim Thares and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the EDA workshop meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call 3. Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Pro�ram and Downtown Fronta�e and Si�na�e Grant Pro�ram Guidelines The EDA discussed the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program and Downtown Frontage and Signage Grant Program guidelines. Angela Schumann summarized the program guidelines as discussed in the meeting. The EDA would allow a proj ect funding range of $2,500 to $50,000 with the grantee providing 5% of the proj ect costs in cash. The applicant could be the tenant or property owner. If the tenant completes the application, the property owner must also co-sign. One grant would be awarded per building for the fa�ade improvement program. The grantee could also use multiple EDA (including a possible future frontage and signage program) or grant programs. The permitted uses for funds would be more inclusive (including windows and doors) and to be guided by architecture. Discussion ensued with several suggestions offered to clarify the Fa�ade Guidelines regarding use of funds and process. Per the direction of the EDA, staff will revise the Guidelines to reflect the changes and bring it for consideration at the regular meeting on August 8th. It was decided to hold off on the Frontage Grant Program until after the Fa�ade Program is launched. 4. Adiourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 5:45 P.M TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: August 8, 2018 Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 11, 2018 Page 1 � 2 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — July 11, 2018 Page 2 � 2 EDA Agenda: 08/08/18 4c. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve payment of bills through July 2018. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through July 2018 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements L �r�. C , O O O O O m m O O O O O O O O O O O V'� V'] O O O O O O �D l� O O � � v'� v'� ^ V'] O O ��n � V V7 N N ^ O O l� � m m �ri �ri r, r, --� 'Ji 'Ji c+� c+� DO DO ..'7 N l� �f� W W l� �'J l� W N N N N N N � � � � � � W W � 00 W W W N N j N � N � N N N N N N -o-r -o-r m -o-r M o m -o-r `n o `n -o-r `n . . .o � � ^ � � .o ^ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 0 0 � o � o � o � o � o � Ca Ca C] Ca C] Ca ,y? .�? o .� �� •� � .ro � e .ro e .:� , o � o 0 0 0 m � � � � � � � � � ..'7 Z". 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To#2�1 '�ervi�e�; F�ours Arnount i.�0� ��B.��U 1.4C1 2��.Q(] �J.54 9�.,�0 C�.�O 152 O�J � 741.��1 Tot�l ���vices and Lli�bursements: S 741.q� Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 2:41 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Julie, these are all okay. Please code as shown below. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 11:04 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00030 — Dahlheimer - $456.00 - 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00101 — General EDA -$741.00 - 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00156 —TIF Dist #40 -$1,216.00 See Escrow $10,000 Deposit from Briggs Properties/Companies Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, _IuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticella 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us ��� . ���'1�14���C� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Dntn Prnctices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i ���� 1 Kenn��dy & C�r�v�r�, ���rter�cf 20�1 S[��tl' Sixth �'tr�et, S�Ike 47�3 hllinne�{��pli�. MN ����� h+lorttic�llo Ep,� May 31, �01� f4TN�2�-0[J730 ��hlheirn�r Pr�pert� �C�r���y�nc� Thro�agh May ��. 2+�1$ For All Legal Services A� F�bl'f�sw�� �;3,r�'�}18 M�,i� M�r�t�celln question reg�rding I}�hlheirr-rer skip�lat:��n �gr�em��nk; pF��r�� �n�! em�il correspern�i�r�c� wikh atto�n�2y f�rr D�hl��:mer; fe�+ietnr s#ipul2tion �?3±Zw'� IVIF`��' 1�1c�ntic�flo �C�rtific.�t� e,f Cc�a�r-i}�lekian f�r �I�,�r �Cre�k; p�o�ased changes �o �tipul�tirn ar,d �ollow-u,p phon�e c�anv�er��tiarn �+v:1h �c��rrsel r�ga�ding same �?11{20�8 iM�J� I�,+f�ntic€�d6� Finaliz� �o� `�ir �I��r �reek. T'4tal Ser�rices Haurs Ar�aunt �7 80 15�.�7� 1.20 ��B.�Q 0.�40 76.4Q � �156.4[� Tot�e Servi�es ar�d Di�h�urs��r�nt�: � �#��,��} Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 2:41 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Julie, these are all okay. Please code as shown below. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 11:04 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN325-00030 — Dahlheimer - $456.00 - 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00101 — General EDA -$741.00 - 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00156 —TIF Dist #40 -$1,216.00 See Escrow $10,000 Deposit from Briggs Properties/Companies Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Thanks, _IuCie Cheney Finance Assistant City of Monticella 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us ��� . ���'1�14���C� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Dntn Prnctices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i CHEC� REQUEST CAECK AMOUNT: `�� �! 4 �� � � ��- Chec�C to: Harry T. Lantto 4a7 — z�� A��e s BUf�'alo, MN 553i3 Mee#in� Worked: RE�i�EST DATE: �_� � 1_ (�., ;' I �' � Vendor # Pianning Commissian Date , -; I i��; � Time � r� Amount Due `� C.� �- EDA Meeting Date - � 1�� Time 1��`� Amount Dt�e `� {�;�: City Counc'rl Date t= i 1 `,� Tir�e �`� Amount Due `� (�� �' i City Cauncil Date ±� �� �I `�' Time ����� Amount Due `� I..�,�� Total Due: �� %- �� �� � �-' Planning Commission: � t. �_:_+ ,�.� � �.�I .� �� i=; ;_ �{�. � EUA City Council ? r � . �+ � � � �r i . 4 �-i � c. i,. � z�- � r �� �� -1, �:��� � . f�--� _: r, Authorized by• .�Ce�`��.�.' 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SIGNATURE: Dr�TE: � G � � � � AUTHORIZED BY: � � '�` DA1'E: i�e Zc� I � � �������y���Y1 Gi15TOiMfR 1'�[1 �L �RTY{DFMQ�JTiGELLi] ��'��`9Y AGC{?LlNT �IiJ#14BER 1 []� 1160U-�1 �I�Lihl{,i O1AA�€ $�.RV`IGE AQOI��$ �d3f �, ��� �vr��er�:,iriiEry�t���,�._�}iii 25�E &c�adwar� SlU LtPR, Manhc�lla MN �5342�9317 � — Ctas Isak rt�r �m�r�en�� Leav� imrroediadely, th�n c�ll 90�D•196-9815, ��i hours a d�y ��� �, w�� �r�up ��u � 0�1hn� V�siC �e�uer�°arri�Energy.cump�ayb,�N Pap� �mmed�al�ly, sthe��,ie a pay!ne� o� sei uR ���1i� �n11�Fy P�ymen:� � »t� th�.;onu.-� w �,�ar �a.�de DATE C14JE AMUI�NT bUE GW �#�rner �er„Ice Gall b�fa►� +�ou +d�g 8i][1-24i-�;i77 !C211 �11 Monday - Friday, 7 an�� - a p�i1 2� haurs � day ��1��� �1�� This is your fin:al bilF a� Ih�s lo�at�on. �I�ase ��v all �rn�Vni_ nu� du� ;��i��' ' UI l� Jun ��,, �O�IB � 1.�� �----_. _ Cornments P0 BOx 1144 t�linneapais, hiN �d��=1144 A��OUFIT SriJEIAhAAFtY F'r�va�us �as arr►ount due � 1.53 P�ym�nt No �ayrt�ent ra�ceiv�d_ - �.(�(� �alanc� forward ----- �-- _ S 1.5� �orr�c[e� ga� eharge� ��e#a�l,� �� �rag� �] + 0.�0 7�t�1 �ma�ur�t du� - -----� "1.�3 � . � � �� � -���-' �' ° � _ ' � .� `� Phc�n� �– ---�------- � Ca�l 8UG�2�5-2�77 ena mawe e�aYn�ent � us�ro� y�ur che�:,k.�g ar sav�ng� avrxr�nl, pr t�y d�¢il nr �r�$a1 eard. Y �'I��,u,.��ei.r�����yFe�°i��. x.-y.x:r;a�;;tnl �hdatOkrri��Ffn;n�nu'..�,r;4�.�gc. �er���r�b���, ��Y C3�iQ11$S9 C}1 AV' U.3i 1 f:l TY r�F rid(7�n�ELLO �ICi;i 4�J�L1�1V7 �T Si� 1 Iih�7NTICCLLLI. Fv1N SS:�fi2-£iti22 Ila�iill���ili���,I�ii����nMi��Ni�lli�iflii�l���i�����l�aii����� a���1�]���36w�6 ��, In per�on T4 fiir� � pa�^n�enl lurahczi, vis I Cer�tarJ�aur�tFr7e�y�y c�,rra+y�� ur ;;��� ,a B04-2�5�237i L�INLI�L �ILL h,iau �---------'::,' Fie�ium 13� P�}'m�n's 5k+Ub b��GMr.'Nilh �Xi,af �'eea# � �iK�i�p ur�ier usu7g 1F� relum en�bpe. ` .��:[:�urut r�UMBEr� 10�fi160U-0 _. _ _.__ ___ ..__ _ _ � D�ITE DUE Jun �fi, ��01� ; AM{�UN7 �UIE _� 1,53 Nhle acuwal nwmer on tl1e[#. antl mal¢ pa}uhp k4 Gu�lu4o�n1 fnirg! � F`-ercse eNei amounl af }+ae Pra}+n�aY ri,�iu,iF���ii� �,��,i����.,,itii��i�„r I�i�lll��ii �I� ill��li��l C:fhJTE62FT£�i�+Jf E?JiHC�Y F`C] fiC)X �671 H�}USTC}Fa T% 77� 1 ��3677 nn��oa�a�o������o�aa000�oa�5�flao��a❑a����� GLkSTD111ER. �Ill" �7F �JhJ��IC:Et�LC7 �EItVICE �dRE3S �55 � Araadw�y Sk �1 UPFt Manlie�ll�, MN 55362-9317 CIEFINITIC�NB Basic Charge rs � tla� ar.iuwii each n�ai�LFi r��ydi:f�ss ol Il�e xr�.urd c4 q;ys used.la �oa�er d{:wrtian af ���ts incurred aoerr if 11-� ; USlrrr.�r dp� ne,1 u54 •;pd5 d�rcinq tir� loillir€� �.riqcl Cas! ol G�a is 117c CU�l CE:nlui f'c.rrtl E+ici yy udy� IUt Ih�. y�s il rl�Iracis lu ds �cusluniers. f ol�eery Ch�rgo is hased an 9he ama+�t �f gas rleliwr�ed, l�o �c.,•cr ihc cosCs of deli4erin.s �s nrn c�vr�ed by il,� &9sic Clra�go. City Franchi�se Fa� ixa lug cliary�yJ Uy a cdp'lu uhlly r,prnFSr.�ie5 Iha? prafaine naG�r�l c�s�� pdr.r:lri4it� or �atd� �ryir,� I�lilili�y �m �pll��i ih� f�� °rwm irwjiar�Jual cuylpin�r5 �I�� �,'Gy �k 10'h� i'=�y Ublil�f,'� tt'��'�;+� ���fevel1Ue ft4+11 Ihls �c� Gas Atfardahilily Pragram (CxAP] wv�rs cx:+�ls lu Ql�e�r a Irn,-n�;e�r� i:uy�rsrner r.�-pag �roryrarr In redi�€'�t rad�ral ;�85 5������. Crt�,�rneCl�uns Thi9 �h�e i5 4iled ku a�l r�On� If1lCl i L►1UC�IL' 4415l5YI'aCfS. Puochased Gas kd�slmen! relle�ts Ih� :irilere€ite t�alsveen F,h� �a�@ r�si �f y�� esla�li�h��l �I Ifw� lirng pf pUr rr,rs� recenl r�le e�� an�i she Grice R�d ro v��aseand Uanspat �ne yas �� us�� �urir/.j II7is allin� �ciacl Thernn� �s �ie h�lnry �raluu uP ,�;; T'u� an�l�r uie�asures (:t�F ;t�urxlr�a6 of c�ic f�ell �hv�cie we� mulh�ly u�� tihe sl�nn laclur ia dele�mine �he healii� r.apa`::ily 31 U�e ;7as pau use^� �cv a Rwrc c�u°�as�k�sd iiuscr�F��:�, u� eac+� :� ir.w terr��s wx;rl un }+w;r �4', da�aa�e �s�l �r#er�uin�€riargp.camJdefGr�lburta � ca4 C'USI^Y�6f ��.�Fyx�rl �' �Iu�G' 1,+i i.i7? AC�[�LlFi1' M1JIM��R 1C311aG�-4 eit�i�� oar� h1�y 1�J, 1f}1� D�TE QUE AM��.IfilT [JU� �',',�� i u� ;:e J�un 26, ��1� � ^I .5 � Reversal o� CIf�pGINAL FIN1�L gas chaarges as prev�ously bifled Itale: Ftetc�dienlial Rale h#eler Numher {��y Bil Iwng �er�d M?6[111�393�3 4 J�ra�.2G18 Billing Perivd �urre+rl Reading - Rrgvi�us Reading--- 7otal x. Th�rm facfor = �d�usted Usa�e '�5��k1�19 •�5�U4J1� 4D17 e54m�ted 401 � 0 i.C}44U2 U ThCr��s Ba�c: c:harye_ . _ _ ___ _ _ .� ..---._.__ _ - 5 1 �5 GehVur�' Cll�r�� 4.�]Q �ras nKard��ny ��c �.�� G�sl a� gaS" (�.4Q Inaerim ra:e adjus�rnent - Q.17 [k:d0 (Bas� Ch� * (50 �1101'ihermsfa'13 2000�h C;cw �7t}� sales ��x $L{1F �;;; le , Idx R�ver�al of [3RI�INl1L �h�rx�,e� �s previcrushy tsiiled °'k.lUcJes � G:t�'Chay�d gcs a;i�u5'n��;71 of 541 11425 wR CORRE��E�1 FINA� �a� +�h�rg�s i�GS�f �i411i1�f �9'� �I��I{Y8 ��FI4d M1U[�1 �?31313 � ,ltirt 2, 201 B �illing Rer+ad Current Reactiiny - Pr�rious R�ading = TalaE x 05.+C1ir18-4�t�4s1d ��]i��eslirnai�ed 4C13 [� - %! 41 - C 1l7 _ .. --y $ 1_53 #tale., Residenlial Rake Therm #actar = IWJu�t�d Usag� 1.�4tS]2 J Tha�;�nrs �F4nfirtued nn n�xf �raggj . _ ._ _—___� -- - --- -- - �-- ---- -�-�--- ------------ . _.— . -- ��- — .. _ . _ _ _ __.. ._ . .. ..._ You:C ��GCQul1�, fT�l�f1 ag@d y0uf W�y • Pak aut�nt�tieaily. Set up AulaP�� tvy signing anc • f3lk�er s�enYices_ Repa1 a�ayrnent r�a,tle at a���nxw�t Sign �p al Cer�ie.�f'��i�tFraerr�y.comlmyaeccntrrrf returniny ohe lottn belaw w1h yours�a�k pa}'ment. I["s thet I�cauun, sei up a p�ymenlextcns��inan� muc��nore.'Varerrx *��17r 4nlin� dGC+�unl 7CGe55- Vi�nr �nd�c�• Pay ���r b�ll, easy � op�r� f�n your or��rte a�unk or vish V��h' Ilti�y{: Illti:llf�p', si�ii u)� rw �[x+lur`i9 s�rv�3� anil muCti. • EVQiY t}LI� IIY2 IYI{�I15 all� EO'N5 ��jOUf IRUFItFII}f �IIIS- G4�•��U'•'2fFfl�k',�Cf3rl�5��32Mti�' li k�1�lj �:'I�f n0t I� ffx5tc. Fnrcall �t AvF�a�;r Ric.��?hly L�Iliny ancl �preaJ y.�i�r n:3l�:f;� rY�r�isl�r. a 6� papc�rl�s�. Reoe�ae �n e►rrail when� yaur b� is readp° gas cus�s [nruughw:; �ne pe�•. • Mauing? Pl�as� c-� us at 84G-��S-23J? at ieast nao 0.; 4���v �nd :fay Gek canvenienve, 9ek rid vf WuCIeF + Get biU reanind�rs C�se i�xl �r erna�, �a la inne a�+�ks bef}x� you maue, or �axnpleGe t� ior�s �t tlays be�ar� yrour bill s u,�. C:enter,��wai�vr�,a�y ca�ra"se�servr�e �ie�g�sier arry irc,.��^+.�r :arrF�a�nl al Cenl�rFoint EnergF�, 505 "JicalleL Md�l PO �aa 39U36, h4nneap�l�s, MM 5'5�45A�L�G;�A IAad �zrrne�rli Lo CxNlerPa+rn Ener�K, P4 9ox 4G7F. Flauslon T7c J721U�187 I laA� payment delails+dwe datie. Pluasx pap •�ur 1�II urr lim.c 9a rea�l r�r ;:�° ce V+ ;4e slue da4a shuwn al t+��e lup rf �vur bll. llr�eftlga� ar75u71s a�r �1Gar�e charged a lat� paymaN �ee aF 1.5?a � 19� an�x�td p�r„�irwr�. raiej or � 1 rnir�iminn on IF�e r,exl hUu�y rl.� sh�x,�n �l�°. }xi�J hal Rei�med el�ck t�rarge. T�ere w I be a 5' D eherge fu� anp 0 ifl�etik tV� �,iG.lF��3p �;�iy�'Y!E�il �':7i.' L}�15� fr,lu'i7R 10 u5 1latiee af eus9omer aieforrnatian availabilily. C�saerar i71rh r�5�hca i5 �Mnl�.'::li �.�i-7 rr��i.N:,l i.�i4 t1C11 243_237 F. Persunal cA►etks �ant fnr payment mery� be pruce�sed �I!'CLT�3iIFC9M�. Th15 I:7��If15 y�f � I�eek wIf ��r# ae �eiurneti ba. �xu,r fii e�ri.ie� irr.:ZauG�S A1.�y ":ilY.lk i41Ay tre rJ�'�ilP.d itMri y�itY :ti:iAiunl �� r Mi:e(�ia 83 IhB k�u'� $+V N�tyi`744h1 IS t�W+rq7 k�+41+ ��'.c �csLuns Cm��n� Ih�� 4rtreus R�aac U�'il� titisla�c� ar�nu� �t �II�I�-14���;4f r F4�� IulYww ���P�h�lwr�. v�st t�l :i�'4:�ie�a�ora�rw�:�M��lJII}ll:l!EX;k:i4YT1'� ."_".��_—�_e 00�0442 �nrp61 in r�ut�Pap ar��d �+our manlhly p�+�menl �+ill he �ulprn�iwCally dedurt�d frpm your b�nk �pGOunl. 7�a �'�r;;�llll, w�j�7 arid d;3G� kl7iti kJRn d�d reiUm r,,lh ypur �heCk p�ymens: Mor�+ 4r�er5 dU nos d�4�d •1y` ".�r e'ar;�l°nenl Yuu� n5xl hdl will Lre a�lum;�hcally d�k:G� ftun� I�ar du:uun� hsLaKJ Uri }rc�urtSs�v:1�. F�u rrtpr� inf�reriaUpn;ic�P I� �nrull �I@CUOfiiLdll�. ]Q C6 CCnfe.Y�fbUaf��FL�y. L�Flf@Idttl�ay. i aulharix� �en[�rPairr! Errergp ia auGomalicaf�r d� �rorn L� checking ac�,rrt s� ar� rny endosed �hetx a�l haku+e Payn"en4s br my Gent��Pomf Ener�yr ks�1s. I wnl ncNllfy Cent�rPo+^�l Energy �� I ds�tle Go csnoel mp� use of Auto•''�y. [;gnP,�rl'a}inl �n�rg� �159 h�y th� n�i1�11a di5G4nhru� rrryr kU4;�'�y enrallm��1 �nC2 I enrpll, � 4�e�S'and 1h�t �n j pa51 dUe bs�la+x°�s will iv± tlrait�tl fr�in my accaunt thrae daks aMer ramy a��cai�an ��roces�d. ,�coountholdefssigna�re �_—e_.—� � e__= _� __-_ _ _ - --L}ate � �i�fl'�"f�Dl11�, cu��e�e �GdTY �+F hr1C1�,TICELLO fn�r�JY � F'a�4 :S ai li �cc�u� w�uM��re ip��i��� D�A�� DU� ,��n zs, s��� s���� vn� �MflIJNT QU� # ���3 � ��+vrc� wovREss �ia,� 29. 201 s i�tnleaF::iiii�E�r��g�,.�vom 255 E B�4sa�way �I U�IPF�� hi�uttticellt�, FA�'5�a3fi2�9317 C�F�RECTED fINAL �as charges �coMinued� FYas�c �narge [leliv�ry ch�r�e � AFlGfd�4uf�1y PI�C3 Cusa af �as' f15GEPlffl f�lFi �tl�u�frri$M (6�sic Chg + �yp.211 f5�•I�er�s��' 13 204[� G+ov.niy sales iax �Ia1B Sd�5 C314 Subtoi�l of CfiRRECTEC� gas eksarge� -. __ F��sult af �ORRE�TE� gas charg�e� - � --- '�n�u�i�s � t�urchas�ea �7as a�:.stment af SU.11 �2s C� ���������� �SAT�: July D3, �018 �C): Juiie �het��yr Fin2t�t� A�sist�r�t-: � `-,i-�, ` ti.x...�_ ----�� �� FR��JI: Jirti7 Tl��res, �`[onamic� ev� �prner�t M�n�g�er . �l SU�JE�T; R��1ex�i�� Ben�fit �I�'r�s und�r ��e Unifcrm ReM��atwor� Assi�tance ,4ct — Bond��� ACt�tf7�� �s � relo[�tiurr he�7etat �I�irr� f�r Jo�n B�r�d�rus. I h��re r��,�revar�d [lie c::.�in7 �rep�r�[f by Cfie ED� es��7s��l�ant, s��nny Rolf, ����' .di55OCF���S� �13C. f[ IS 4f1 4]fdjQ�'�f9d [dFl �FE' f%fC7CLSSE'Q �S�Y �i�'jTlEflt CJ� if7@ C��Im. Ampunt �nf R�yrr�en# . i ��- 5 37S.Qp Ynt�P Payment, �ay�e and �urpose Surr�mary P�1 f� .. . Pur �P se 1�ar+. Ei��dF�us �rtcauin� �r�sts. 1�fr� C�iding for [he �rst+r2 �mc�urnt iS t[r be r��#�r�an�d by L^J��yn� �rrrl�'ar 5ar�h as rt as rel�t�d t� and sirn il�r tc� the re�t�nt prr���rty+ a[�uisili[rr7s rom�il�tf9d by tF�e� EC7A. If �?�u h�ve �any �uesti[yn5. let rn� kilow. ih�r�k y�r�. �-,�� N� _ �'� �� `�� • �--j �-� ��' '� � `� � �IA�yntacelt� ��onomi� D�v�lc�pmenf �4uthorit� AA�IIING CQST� „ Parr�n+7:��rf,' Submil�+rv�TrytiyARer14lqvg " C1C��tICy (�I�Y51 ❑ R�rsidenee 0 Ad_ Device ❑�c�v�rnment d� �ther PP - - — ❑5�} �5� ❑ f3usine�s C! Farrri 0 Non-Pr�fit �Adv�rl�Cp ❑' Rar#idl �Fin21 P`a ee s: Joan Bondhus j}IS�. �.�' P2fC8� C.�. Prg� ID Fed No _ . �ounty �l+i�hi A�q�ars�t�or� C' Pendan€� �?,c�epted �1 Em. Dom�ir� F'2rc�l puvner: (Ne�rie _r �"apimnl MdCh21�I W. ;=4�QShE c1f1C� K�tIII�BtI A. F ��rCE! ,At�dr � 1 �3 Nine SCr�e6 �ity, �t�[� �!p Pylonli��ll�f f41N �a,362 REL(3CATIC}N GLAIM EUGIBILIT'f s Dis�l��ee � f�ar}��(sj: Jaan B�andhus ��upanc�+ L����� _ fQ-�p17 �L] 4wr�er � TenanC ECIgIbdiCy G��t�: 2-20��18 AcquiSiEi�n CJ�te 3 15 16 ?h'aLce I]t Irtl9oi Or putthaiF G�Br} I rr Q�i�P+rY�irlr�] r:se -'�r�di�-j C)�Ce(s) �f the Mov�. E�eyin: �-1-18 Ef1d: 6-15 1B ;� FQR +9F�1�18b U$k, ONLY It3i1.r.� rsn�i � . S�ubmrtted �1m�unt � 32�r-�pp [7�striet ApprpvaP: [�ic +���f1C'� ���]f41+B�: 3iM��Pn.11M �k �2tE ���S�IC�tlC9f1 1�p�rl"OU'�€j: `�end�ar N�,: #l#n. Ff Fl2lrtee: � NFaal Chesk Tt�: _._ Addresseei;s}. Joam �❑a�dF�u� �13iling I�d+�r : 3 f�iuer�i�e L7nve Name �f lulov�r(sj �elf-rnau� �esidency Certi�re.at�o�, F�e3�l la�r re�u res ce+�bf�t�on oe r�es�denvy status. ����se c►e�k llta categv+y ar Ciarnplete the seCt�[ril b�low CMa1 ap�hes so yn� ar ygur p��,ipancy statW� n 1€y� I�Ir�eled �Cd1�5. Youe Signaqur�; Gpn3[dui�s C+�rFiF��CfO�. I�ers�y that I ar�. [�f d C�Si�en +�Y na[ian�l pf tll� Unit6d $1�k�;i. �� t further �rrtify tha+, there are p�ryan� �n my hous�hcs�; iaheck dn�g C an al�n i�y�Puliy pre�en� n kh�e Vnil�d $fates. �r that _ are �iki��n� 4r national� �# the Uniled Siat�, ��r1 3li�n u�th p�rgp��l properdy C�wfvlFy pre��n1 en an� � ar� �;ien5 lawfully p�es�ni rr ;:^�e UrSi.etl $k�C�S ihe U�rie� States S�le Proan:�tarship I cert,F� thai I�m� � a UniR�tl S1e�[e& Gdrze,n ❑ a� �lien iavrtu lyr pr,��ent ir� ihe Urir,�� �t.ates [] a U:�iCesJ 59�[es r�atennal ❑ a r,Dn•U.S. Cilizen nc�k p�eseni ifl rre UniC� 59at� Paftr�ersnio: I c�rl�fy Ihai Fr��re ar� p�rtn�rs in the �a�knefship and thaE are eitiz��s oF tMe Un�ted �t�te�, an�[1r•�r are af�un� lawfu IY Prese��k i� Che Un�ted 5tales an� � � are nor�-I� S 4ikrzen5 �Ctl pres�ark in khe Ur�iteti SE�k�S. —�_ � C4fp4taCian I ��rtifiy �P}at �s e�tabiish�ed by iaw �r�d aWRirorlPetl Fo Gondu� bU31�B5S I'1 th� 11�1rU�d Sta[p5. Cl��mant Aekn�Wl+tdgement I. 1T�e urv�ersigneij. i90 h�r�by cer+afy �t��[ i�5e ah�ve irrr�fm�t��n is ir�,e �ntl Corre�t asr� th,�t OC�urlCri'a'.ac�r dtic�C='�e�d �i�rekc �CCuf3k[rly repreSEm,g �I�gible expen5�s. I 21s€i ��#ify CI?�C I h�ve na[ �re++itl�us:ly �uhr-ri��d 'lor r9�ived p�yr7�rti it]Y 3ny exp�n5e S�t��To�tied wiR� kh�8 C�R-� QFFIC.`�ALUSEOfdLY, ;�.:�'r€ii'ernal '� -- - -- � Auth�riaed � ; � .� � •__ � -- Srgnature: .:'2�°"�-4,J �� ��-, ., f�l2mes�rint): ..-,.� l��•�. �� ��t`_:Crti.��..tL�� f�eleph��ne, �� _� } �� `�� � � � �ti ` � D�t�; �,_ = � -�._� - i -- - f'� _ Mou�� �€�ass Mnv�ng C��asrc aage 1 fsl� � riL1G37 v.241'� 48 " RE�I I:11�:1�1T1 �#,If �ioti�in� �`a;�t� ln�i.r�c[i�rn� fcrr s�t�rr�ittir�� ����c�r el�in� ffic 4r,ile sa.11 dilleru r���:��r:li,s: mt}4iite ti•s��nro�ti s4} iM UI\�}�.J4iU in�ie�i�lU�ll c�f Ii3If�IIS' `pil:'ii'� �tn �•r:htil' .i !�[]r,}\I ti{`��I�I}I �I I� t'�r rtiiiii�:rirry�iiic�r.t I��ri .�C' l�. �r1i i.`[l�Z�ti in�iirr4`,1 �1�,, s ��_:pl;�tt� a is�, tti�ll hc :ts�:cti� Lsr wfC�t tfMC d151111ia� mGriF ;tMal;lbla It} y�.r.a.- ner�',. f 14'11'i)F2TA14T: [`uns�Et and [leur�rr��hl+�° di�ru�+ m�x ing o�eians �nd mct9�ods ��ith a r�lar:�tion :�ds�isnr �ri�ur to ma+��in�- 7�71ti 51.uC��:��:fu�il rclmb5.�[�4 x�u�u l�[1r;u��;�H11,r;11:�}�5 wsllit�ll rrt��. [:t�r�..l���llc�.� Iltsrnc irnpeoxCmC�f�l I�h�t:l��r��5 ts�sll 510; t�uii�i�l�r_ �ra4 urrc;im:�uf"��` I�,rt�k°crii7TiC �9�ar�C.. �tc.4�! iil cnlcracnti4 ��it34li1t;11.�Lw �l�l�rmi�4� b�fo.refts�nd hx IhC �lti[i ul-��iinne.;�,la. 1's��mcnos b� Ronns ,ti�h��edule l�n114F [:115 131�C]i4��_ q�:rxm.-nl �.; 4'nR��utc�[ 4}jl IhC EY4Lj]jhtil 'A�C f65I��C14 Ill 49571� Ik�?J�l.SLL_ C.ILILIti14L 1,7I I.4 �IIC�]J LGL},"�[r� �ry}�( haw. p u31x`iis� ?�alhres,im+, h:illtb;�t;, 4nir<<n��. tFr ;sns iint�,:Fni*Il�� rK�irn�s ,-1 b.�34[o]En[ r�r:ry� he w:t7n,:u4�t� s�if� rt,�,m l:n 1�.s9 li h�� ba�`� ,cp�[;]1tid i:5[sa lix�hlc n�c�ms -'�i�:'; �:� P�Jrsiitrps c7c rr.4ri:at�un e�so�u;. �puih:�ilifln �� ll3�d Pi�r 41tir��e u 54.5 m�+ als�i h� i,atunlE�1 b� [�Sti riH�m h����, � fih� {�ccti,parrt Pr4�ri�i�s f^urnitxlra _ The �ccuaa+�t Ooea Hot PrQvida Furraitune Ftocros 7 2 3 � 5 6 7 8 A�d�i;onai {tnams f�oa�i,� 1 Add�i����a Fiac�+�tis AR3t��t11 $575 7c5 92$ 112� ��375 15�2� 1725 �325 $��$��eCh P+frlt�un' $d50 $1�+�oE3uh F'�}�m4nts h�° k�cei�l ur !1ctu�l Cnst �!ndcr thiw meEhrad. ihr tiimsc mati� alloi, rtiimFruncrni.nt fr�r ressonsbl� „nJ i�ectss�r}� (�`. dek��Tt11�5�:i1 ��ti� ilil ��Ent,k=:I t.ti�,�n��:; iniurr��i �n �r�,ts� iri� 3;�,�r �r�rrn�l prepr.rz} f�+r a Jih�:u,c� �€,9 tu �xcG�.J 5[M,nil�; T�ai: iri osr[ au udju��lm,�rtk i�tar infiirl14'�oic�ntiw; ti�;�ibh ha4�� ,x�urresi �,r I'nr tin3c k�,i �i x�,�u r��ulsr t�C4u��Y[It�9y. 1'li�k in�. ��p4f�:ia x4 il[ he �aia� or�}�sn 4unt]?li:ulcr �silh Ih4 f[�Iqtru lnk ii5s�ruc#i�rnt. �+ l. 14hcn ks+a� i174� :rl}3 L"LI Fhi :l rfUI6JSld}35i1I iili]Y"I[Yk ti4lITI�rLPI4. �54j'S IL':C CIIdLfL:r'.;y LSR'� L74�ISLR 1 UC�i11LL'�. I�CITIIZC� ilC4L�}Il'U h]II I��iIIhL`U "f aiJ u7 ��1�'� can,� 3ig��d k�3 i Ls+m�r�hf�k 64'.p�c�.�to4alo�e. ]�le�,r� �45nfiTl11 ili�ih:lit} +��i1h a��.Itarstitia� _'4d3�i�rfrpr�or t�a [hl rssc�ue, � � � . . . . _ IY;'uur p4�[w�o-h�il pe�}�xrtt ik P47t�ktid J1y u�ritctienc �71h4.f [�„u51 pr�iCe,:,i�rR�� m6}ti`Iln� �:irm�l:cn4°, ��n1i muk[ iu1h131ai �ru il�r�Fl}C;7 518Ccme�[ tihi�xxing lh4 ass�rnher i�f �itrlc hll'�tt�lllt ratew �str hri�lr �a��:d. dal�q. anJ ih� I,�l,il hsavrti tsdFrkec� It�r �.,��h Iniii4 i:lu�l �n�l thc cyurpn���rrl ur:�ci. PIc.�;L �i.�i'.u�5 Ihis r�48hih1 eai[h 1t�ur F.cJ�9c:�ta[�t� r'4�ik7u�f prit�r [i} m,tix�ln� a�n�i inrurrin�. �x�en'.:c•; �. Yc�c� mu,[ rc�m�l��slha b��t[ncr; �ri5rtii�n c}1�1hC �iq111 �11�0.hi3 Cl�,kom f�rrn7 iry ink_ .•�u�4h I�t khi uxri�iriy] i+2�e�i� Pcf�m all a�.s,,ui=.�� i�il«rm�lia�n pertaeMinc l4� tiiFllf ii111}'L".IEIi� [d174kI IC& �Fll' �4.�151'1LIL`fl :'4��\ Itii}� ,nti-yxs n Kre lt3c I�ias:r Iwh 4'S)iTJ4'P fMl� Llli' PCL}IlI i}�111I4 f{�rFjS. �. I�II If3c �4"�f1G ki7:j �F4'. �117iLllitliJllk '�;7}��"'�4' I'!7 �7�sL5 LYI: 171s15111ti. ii}f11�5i4flt. :��}L`L']`1� ilJT.lT14'.L_'Y�°fl[ti 177ii5- I1� 711:1{j� {l'1177 I�!4� I�-:.�{}4i]lll^II .�t{:Ik'IiiYf ri'� ;:�.1i45� til'L'�I �4�'�7n�ni. ��I' �ui aulx.�nLc ���nl�nt tJ�irr:. Thi; r.-ai.± h,. j,�it�: sa.'I in :i�lxin�c. t�i',I�ti itit,tir �.t��14:. f��]MlV-l�k;`�lD�NTI�IL 11v1o�►��ng �`ost� [n�trueti�ns 1`c>r �ethmi#tirt� ��uur cl�irn Jtt:l<',y:�[I��n ri -�ulaLsire�s ;Ill{7xx I�'1a7�� io1y; c:�p�rcir5 tEr ;� �I�pl�St�c� ;�,u,in��;., [;irnl uf nure-Faruls9.lir�;,..n�1.i;lcill'3:c.��l s=ri ,s�qll,ll 41?=l� ia]�ucr�J in :eElis IIt� ;14'f,uil�l FPCI?F}L:i} j�iT i] �IS�clIlLC i1CIL [il C.."44ij SI„� I%%lIL'�4-. I�LF44'C4'�E, fi`�11I:kLli1J7\ 4�{5 n+�1 �lll.o� f{Jf If7i{J111'�fi:��^�4�;ti "�ti�Ii:till i"Sily' L}�L".Lrf {�� CUT �1LLtil�$4'w3 LIIII% ii?��I. I�.4:IIIli�Llf.i�CC5c71'� I;}' I:II.a,l�1�4'. !`543� l:l.? CX�}Cfhk�.`ti li I�] �14` PtSiii�C l-F?l?fl i{7]T19]I1�3f71'C 131LYh [i]C Fi9I�g47�5'If1= Ji1�LPLli'LP{?flti. ]�1Pi}l�T.#'4T: C+�nsult �n�d tht�r�u�f�l}� ciiscuss �nt•i�� c�ple"un� anrJ metl��a�ls +viih � relucaticasN ;��ivisur prior tc, niu�•i�a�, 1. V.�t�ea � Lt,:nm4rtl,il �ils'�+4�: i; �anPl,r:�si. �h� mitsx ln�, cu:,[� ;�rc Cc7 ��C �'?�iii aili� � il�Eailccl r�^s>4ip[Ci] �.lulini�nl r,�c,�ln��. �. Jn Ih+: C:t4"171 yt�u s�,:�Ji �s ��ur r��+u+�iT w�tt�?is5,�t� lo m;�k.� Ih� n'14r4��, i1 i.; n:yuir�li Ch's[ +cy� m:�iril,r.n a i`ufllFl4��i '�catrd �+� 46r�1�.. limc +tit�r�.���.3., :�nc: u1551�un[4 �;e�d �ar �I� Pu��'n3 phYsir�i[lr �azu11���7Sln� ill tll� rcH�Ur, �'h���ti ior u�e iri equirm�.�11 x�+�'�Scci h4� tihe hl�sine5ti Ill�lti` i5� zilltiis�lil hYs; ;h:IIG Fr: i«m�r,�f'�hIC �t7 th�]�t r:�[cti ��7i�TgC� bx I[o-i:�3] r�e3[al a�cn<iC�. , _ ? Yuu rri;:�4 �lee[ l[s 8C4�.p[ [�Se I015Cf irj 9kk'i7 j�} 5.`SIIfTI'JIl't ti�e m+�ti�ln� 311 s�r-,�i,ua �ir;ian�l rr�r�iMt. I�h��r� :n,i wwtinl<il[�ti- ��ill �� nh;lini:d h�° 111� a��nCk a�5,1 pPustce[ed !�i 1 i��� ;a4 ��n n�ticrn. I��iAh �hi� rr�cC���_ �xtx ��if�cr m��ti ing wu,l d+uu�r�E��[au�}n i_. n����s�� s. a'�`tru cnu�� i��„�lcie ihe h�}ilt�ITl �3i?C[i�iri �t1�Che fa�+nt irf�[h!� 4`]�im 1'�prrp i� in4;. AIS:�eh [i� 9I1C t+rl�Tln�i] u��[hi� li�nn ;all �Cyui�ied tori�rmali�rn �r4rl�;fllfl� [ct auur m+.ik�� hn�i mi�ll 4u 1hc kcf�s�;�lc�n r�d'.'I<t+Y :;Lu.f;+n r�n Lh� 143u�t Iti1l t�urn�r t,n l�aW ITfr�] i'�C f�]i+; f�irm_ A�rhti ;igefYC}�' ull i�}4tiQ tit��S.;iJ��r, p3y nf fa;iRthufii� It�r 4rtriimC s:h�l'gfi�: �k�cpl in �Cme��el1w}' silu:�tc[�n�s_ k7x d4fCllslillc�il. fY} shr �[�;;n�4} �xi7�'fLY411k T�fl's11 ;��j{7 �}� iY��{ili'C�4� I.i9 lh� 1144'L14:F l!� "sl d�li�}��y444� �llSll]4:5.'.. S5f ��1'fCE i}�f,�rS}F �`Af �l�I7J�� ft3tifkll�l�C �?i�1C�flS�i Lla 4i<Lfi"hl[lb rf7F k1 f4°.�7�:l.il'.[S]C]7l til�a'� !�i}L �,{7 {,`Y44.4.� ��.���{�ad���. �UC�I 4�if7Cl711ti fYk�3' IIIC�LI'�� Ifilll}�143f�i�114li1 l'{7SLS� :LC�ilk7� �Itl174"_ i1.114� ii�flALffl i7jhC'� 4:..1,�11�1`Ji'.� atL'ELI"r.L��l 1F��11PF41� Ili ]l"�.fl'�SIJY�'. .�4 [�41iL11�4'.i�'. �:�'n191�� �l>r[cm.nl ol� a�;lfthin� L��ns�, ent€�rt *�:4n��,;s�tk lhr �lu�irn I' �a h�reby �f�firm 1W�1, ta the hes# c�f my k^ovuledge, dis�l���e �s eligible for reirnbur�err�en[ cf �ligital� l�ldvin� �ost's, b�sed r3n dFsplacee's staius �nd ��f�rm khal, ko Ch� ���i vf rny kn�wled��. �il p�rsonally �ccupancy �f 1fX� parce� at thc iirne �i# She initi�tion rf n��pRiat�ons andlor at ineludeng �IM h�zardssus and er�viror�mentally the 1irYr� �f khe �ar�els ar.qui�ition. I further affrrn kh�ak d'splace� q�x�lifies � s�nsitive rnat�r�aks s�ach as b�tt�ries� #+res. R�i��� a�� e3 "d±SpI�GEd pefSOh"� 3r^d 'I� el�ila;ed lo �iaym�nt far actual, =e�snr�able s�Bv�r�ts, InSeCtiCides, f�rtilizers, fl�uoresc�nt iights, an�d n�cess�ry mcaving and rel��ed expenses for ���s�si�rtia< Lr non- etG., F1au� beien � wiN � r�r.�;.rved frorr ?he parc�l resit��rt�af rnave (49 CFR PI. �4]. as in�icated �t�eu,mer� �n ihis forrn. i�rr.lan•�r�� � -_ - � � .. .e_ . �..�.*-�.i'���,�� � r- ��;# �::' ��f �y�� '✓F :V I �F 'I �� f � - v� � i t ��lacee Srgnapar� L�6a Rebcatr�,� A3 � r�iQna9ure ��� � �r MSwirig�C6�s3 P�f �' i]G 2 R!LI(J.�� 5-�i-18 loan B�ndhus Monti�+elfo D�Wrttc�wn F'e�ona3 f�rc��pgrty A1Jc�ve Estirr�ate R��relopme�tt pr�oject ►�` B � [} E F � ' I NJ �+tin.g 1 �es�ription df ExR�nse " R�te{Ha�� # nf M�ur� Rat�J2 move� #€rf �ll�uers � €stimat� � � � -__ _. .� �-- � -- - 3 �Vf��+� vf Persanal Property ���� �� -- _ � __ � .. _._ . .—� � '�1t7C1,0� 1� ; . _. �-- i $1a4_{70 � 5up�rv�sc�r --r_ ��0 �4' $��fi.[�0� � ]. $2�]0,�}L � r ; -� _ . _ � _ s�,��t���� . _ _. - _ r.i _ . � � _ {7 �VT01+`� Lff P�Y5�1311�� �P�O�Lrtjf ._I _ � � � � . ; . — _ . _ _ 5�ao.�oo S C�the�r mo+re benefits: � ��`. �._-_� -- - � _ _�__... � _.— 9 �oxes �nci ,packrn� m�t�rials ' ' .- . 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Rl�' I�It: �lci:flL'>. ifi! 1�FI� �`,Y�15 il��l' f�L' 'I97'c5'l'{; ".{I I.P4l Sl55'3141 43I el lllw�}i:litiL� �3114111c':Sw fYr f.�rni ra�7�,M�ei;{ir Is}rait°ru�dt iti�;��uii.�bdc �.k��"fl;i�4�' III �L"�11C�]111E: �L51'�I P�1:F1�i�L'4111CIII �I[�'. III}I� f 5 S�L�� 44� .'j�- �I��}.�II.1 \Il['i} i\�Pr���134:1 171151 II1�S:PiI{�� I..f:.1115�?C71I�.lYI{}I} E{.4tili, i34�.�Il.L� ;Illlt. alily� {t�FI�j17N6 [1�I1C1 l`�I747}}{�$;«1!1;1II3' iliClll7'�fI li� �t";i74�llll_.. :�4 ffl'lill�4'{�. I :r[i I iCt' �xd;llii7i:�iE �;f .'i.1�1'�illi,� 4::��54'n�i� ;ilii;�[ dt�aiiii,�;usi Ilic wltiLll[. � . 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P��1t�uirr� �[��[�:� t}�7SP{f Of' `�Itif�i{:S;PG :±iElluti �3arPl uCc:�panGy i�t II�P �]t'�rc.el �3� lhe trrn� �! r,�,� ,nili�C�an �+t 11��6tIFI�I:}I14 r7fIf�IC�I' E4a k17� lu7s� of [!�� �t�r��ls a��l�is�[�ai7. t furl�i�r �f��irrfi th�� clis;�la;,ea ��tFalifi�s as a"�lisplaU�rJ ��rsbn", an� is eeslitlec� lo payr�t�nt {�sr acks�al� r���Or1�hd� e�lltf n�cessafyr i�v1+i�1c� �n� r�iakpd ex�en,sms fo,` a f��i�ellti�l o� i�on- res:d�nlial r*'ic�ve (�}9 �FR Pk. 2d�� �s indica#e�i �Is�avne.e on t1315 farn;. � �'�'� _ . - c{$19�.-1[x`: i,` �! i'_ i�"I If i, . .-... ��� ..-�'�- -- J:s,x I �� � '�CCUI]��1CY tl]�VS� Q�89 ��9�D Pa ee 5: Ewfng5 G�in� �� S�yl�, InC. S.R, C.� Mor��ic�l�+� �co�c�rn��c �errelo�r�ent Autt�ori#� M�1�Ih1� G�SiS •• �r�Ov�tanr_ su�r��t�mm�rlyAtrerMow� •• � F�eSldenCe � �id, DeviCe ❑ �4Vernlvtent ❑ �ther PP' - -�. � Busin�s� ❑ F�rm d Fl�n-Pra�fit ❑'Ac�u�nGe �ParEi�l ❑�f'En.al P�rceJ Pr�j Ip Fed ixlo. � ��p�r�ty Wrigh# +�Cquis�kion: ❑ Per�r�ia+g �A�e�Eec� � �m, [3omain P�fC�I �wne�: sn���c�u4�f Michael V�+. Frvsfi� and �{athleen A. Frashe �arGBl f�dd�,- 1Li3 Pin� �Nreet •�F�+�, ����e Zlp: F.7onm�celPo, h�N �5362 REL0�.4T1�N CL�,lf4'I ��IfiIBILI�Y T- f]ispla��� Al�m��s�: Ewin s C`,oin i�ti �! le In�, OCCup�riCy i�ate_ 9•1•�$ 0 C�wner �I T�na�nt �II�sGlll#y Q�ke: �-2b�18 ACqUiBitiC�r� L�at+2- 3-1�-78 ��.*kaiice Lif IMeru or Purr,t,as�e 4Rer1 {d tleiermin�]. ela�'Pantling'y --- � ��te(5� �f t�re f�Ar�+ee 6�gin: _ ,s-oi-ls �nd_ 7=3-7a FO� 4FFiGWC USEfANLY �chac� e,n�l � � .. MQVIh1G COST QPTIQN: [] €�asid�enlF�a1 Scl��edu4e 9a�is ❑ Re�ei�d's±Actual Cas� ❑ W�n-Residential B�ilEstirnata kiesiden�y Cenlikcallor, Federal law requ�r�s certircati�r� �f r�sidency status. Please ch�ck ih� ca#egory c�r earts�leRe �he sact�t�n belvw Rha[ appl�es 90 y-�u o! your actuparrcy stalus ir� ��re Unike� States. Y�ur �igr�alur� cnnskitutes oerCif.�-aiion. I cerlGfy thal I arr7: ❑ a�ikizen nr nakicarsal flf �he ilnileti �ial+�s, �r I iurlher oertiiy ihat there are � p�rsorrs �n my hou�haltl, ;check oney ❑ an al��rr larwfullp• pressnt �n th� I�nit� 5tate�, �r R��t � are cil�ens or nai;ipnals of 1h� 4Jnited State�, [] an �Iren with parsana; prcaper�y lawfully pr���y� in and are aiie�s lawfulfy pr�sent in the llnited �taters. Ilt� Un.iked �t�tes �u�mitt�ed Amount � Uis#ri�� ,4ppraual: 9 ��°N 5.00 ' ord A�ency �4��rova�: },.���a��. �� �]�te A�p�icatian �pprb+red: '�endor Nc�.: Attrr, Flnanqe; -- Mall Ci,�ok Tv, Ple�se hrl�i ��seCk — Penn�r Rplf ff�rn V4+�8 �ill A�dress�e�(5j. ick u h,dlailir�g A�ddr,; �i#y, 5t�t� Zi�a: LOC,4TdON �ERS�C}h1AL F�C�OPERTY MC�1I�p F�ciCity hJarr�� � � �ndJ�r Typ�e: Carnrnercial r�n�al sp�ce �P��Et f4�#dr�SB' S81 ��det Street �I'��+� ���i� �Ip: N�me �sf Merv�r(sj; Sole �Pr�qriek�rship. I�rtify �lh�� I am� [] a Unde� �iaies citi��r� � an ghen lawrfulfy presens ir the Unik�d St�tes �' � Lln��d �1�t�s natipn�� ❑ a nvn•U.S. �iti��n not present In #he Uniued S4a1es Partner�hiq I��r�iFy thaR tflare �re par,ners in the partnetship an� �h$[ �re eitizens ai fh�e Ur�ed StaieS, and�+�r aee aliens Javvfufly pre���,k �n �he llniteB Skahes. and �re n�n-U S. citiz�en� �01 pras�nt i;n the United Staies. ��F . wvn: I certiiy ihat _ _ _ is esSabl�h�d by law a�rd �uthore�esi 1a aonduct bu�i�e�s ur tha Ur�iOed 5Cates. GCalmar�f AGknrawledgeinent: I, the undersigned, do �er�by e�ertiiylt��kth�e �bav� inf�im�ti+an �s true antl C+afre�t and tfs�# dacum�ntat�on akkache� h$f�t� �CCur�iely r��esents �li��bl� ��p�nses I 215p �ertiry Rh�l I Fs�u� no! previau5ly Submikt�J n�r r�t�:v��P p�}�men1 fiar �ny expense 5�rqir7itted wikh this Cl�irn � _ �F�I�CIAL U5E [}F1LV: [C�ommcnisy Auth��r�z�*d � Signai�r�e: ' f'+lame {prins}: Teleph��r�e: M€��nng Gosks Ma�ui;ng Co�li� Pd�i 1 af � I�LIU3� G��te: 0 J ,� �p 17ID6 �. ! IC , .� �a a� � ��a 4 �y .� � m a6�C � 'W � � w � O i�j I � � m � �,*`� v "� � � I � fi �: ' E � '� � ' � � � u.� � � YI"t � � � I W ��,r i �� � I _, . . � — .� ��� i �� � � �� �� �, �� � � s --- � � � ,� �. � � I C �� �. � �� � e � �, � a � �; i__ _� I 4 , � � I �: � � � . �� � j I I . I -� T� _ . � . � I � � � i � �„ � � � �� 4 � :� �m� a � i G �} I t � .� � � � �� R ' � � I :� . � I � � T�k w . � y � e i � � 4 � � � Lh i ° �; m; � � � , � �� V $ b E de 3 � ! G � � � r � „ i � � � �$ �� o � a, � . � a aa � � ![ � � E R f � � A � � C I �' � � I' $8 � �. � ,� � m . � Q I � � ; �; i � . _ �_ , � .� � � �-—--- e . �� � , � � �i � � i � � �� � � . � i i l . .fi � ;s�_ � � � i � � ; ; � i � ,� � , �- . .. ' j � � : � � � � ; � $ , i � � r„. � � � � u i - , a ;���- � ti �� �, � . � � j � 45 . I � � I 'R! p�j �$i� , I � � �I I � u1 � W � � d� � i x j � � �' E � � �� � _r�_ .��+ __..�.. �� t_ I :! � ! , � � � � � � � ' I i� � � ! � i� � i I � � � �i� � : �� #� � � �� r Y � �, 08 E �. 4 � I � p � ,� - i '3{ � 4 � I i � 0 � . I � �� a � I � '" �; .� � � I ,� c � �+ _e 4 �,� � �; � '� �! �' i E e � a � I x � � a; tp � � �� � o Y � � I a 4 Q I� � ��' � I � � a� � ° � �i� � � � � �i�� � � � �. �� � I ��i ; � C c �'+c•a � qC°' +a '� a� � � mi� �� c °W� a� �E� p � � 3 � �I �W ei � � � � a, � � ��.0 .'� �' } ' ;q. ' � ! � � 4 oa O^ ,�., Ify �`1° :� � '4 �� �' c o � m� �� '� Q a �i � = :.i, � � � li �-Q'� � O 9� �4 � � � �. ' � € � �.. d� Q � � a . G O � : � c p �. r° a C ' i � : � : �n � � � � � � O L � ti C � . ,� �I 4 �S �4 � � � au Q � r a �E �4 qJ�a =;� s� 4 ,�,,1 � � e �:.. � `� � � 4'���' � � i�n s*�J q G i 4 R�'�.p ��� � sTa � �. N. h.} � L m L . �° CJ Q � �� '° ' � '� a� -' .+ � � �a �' a� � � � �' `` .-�� �, r � za u .n 4 '� � - ii� a � : �c "'� � w � e `�r � � L . m m .�.. � C � � � � � " � a" p � 5 m .q � E � �' m: "' e � � � 3 I � � � � � °� � a!t � �l�: ���d,} _,� � M � ��� �e� ,� � a .� _ � ., ��.� .+�+. � yC . {} - � R, , ? R, I � - � I � C I ,� � � I �6 � � .�1 � � � k � � � IUO H R�. C3 °"� 4 � C o�e 'sJ 4 � � . � I � R � q�, � �L � � ' � 7> I � � � I �fi � `� � � E � � � � V �I -� s �-= � I � . � � �.O Q I w � � I p •� rv� - �, m�'4 sfi - 4Fi � n0 � N r. +rt. '*.`J a �in an n tfl � � �S � Fr .r .a '_" I �'=" +-�I � . re ,-t � V .y � �L � m n � � - � �� � u'S sG r� 'd "'� '`+ ++'� �' �a p 4 w5 tip F� mD o'S d4 �7+ .r +--I r-+ ri rN .�. ri W �� iV IV fV� IV h Iv � J��ie �h�eney Frorn: �im Thar�s �ertt: hriond�y� Jufy�� �C}18 1��O�Ahv1 T+v; Jul-� Cher,ey �ubj�ect: RE �oing In 5t}+le R�la�atian Ben�fit Claims - Rdditional B�t� lJ� [}ocumer�#�tion and �i�nedl Clasrri FQrrr�s Hi aulie, kh�e �he��s ar��ra�,rtil fc�r Er�rings ��aii�g In 5kyl� is $�, �� �.p�p, Tr,� tws� u�er7d�,r� th�t 3ub�r�itte� t�irt�5 f�r th� n�r�v� r�,��ill r7ot be g�tting ch��eks. 'f he Ewing's �h7tas� t� de� a self-rr7�,ve, Fr�orn: �uVie �C�eney �ent: Wedr�es[i�y, June �7, 2018 1;3� PM T�i. Jim Th�res Subjec^�. 1�E; Going In ��yle R�Io��ion �enefit +�I�ims - Ad�liti�nal B�ck �Ip �ocumentaklon and 'Si�ned Claim Fc�rms Jirri I rbee�i you to ����irrr� the amcaunt t� k�e ��id to+Going In S�yl�, Is it the �9,51�� fi�l�cr, ther� is � I�kt�r in th�� b�cku� fro�'�h+S� #� Mi�ehell� �t �oin� Ir� �tyle �r��i it fists twc� e�pvir�� �omp�nies: All F�rniture & Red's Tr�ns[�eC � Stnra�e. I w�nt !� rnak� �ure they �re nnt t� �e ��id. T�anks, .T�.r�r:�� ��lit��r���# Fir�once �s5�stant �ity� �t h�iontAcelMo ���-z�z-��o� .,auli�.Gh�er�e �ci.rnon#���Ilv.r�rs.u� �4���i.rnantieello mn us ��ar, �s� =� ����i���� Emc�t� cor�res�vnd��c� to �rrd fr,arfl the �'rt�r �f �4"4ar�t±ce�#o �o�verr�m�r�� �f�rces �s s�b�j�ct tc� th� �I�ir'r�r�e�c,tc� �aver�rr�nerrt �ta �'r+acti�es �4ct a�d rnn� be dfsc�osec�f tcr t�r'r�d part�es. Frorn: Jim Thares Set�t: Wednesday, June ��, ��718 2;4(l PN3 '�or Julie Cher�ey �J�Iie.Cheney a[�ci_montitell[r,mn,us� Suk�ject: �[air�g �n Style R�I�c�tion Benefit Clairns -�d�itional Batk L�p �1o�umentation ��rd Sign�d Claim FormS Julie, se� a�tach�d. ������t���� DATE: July p3, �OI� 7i�= Juli� Cheney, Fin�nte &s,l s��n# r''� ,,�, . � � � f _�y__�� �R�F,A: Jim Th�resj� Etnno►r�'r� D�eweloprr�en� (Vla�r�ger I 54JBJECT: Relt�e�t�,dr� Benefi� ClaimS �rn�er ti�e Unift�re� Relocat��n ,#ssist�,nee �et = Hjernel�nd Ai�ach�d :5 a r�l�[�tic�r bea�efit [.I{7ir�� for Sie�.f�n i���rirel�nd i r���re rewi�a+�'�� khe el�irs75 pre�,are�i by the EC3A [[�il5ult�°'�C, �'�nrry R,oft. LhiSE & AsS�c��tes, I+�t. It s�n ord�r and �ar� b� prp[e5ser� fp� F��yRl�ns. PByment, Paye+e �antf Purpose �umrn�ry �4moua3t of PaYment _i R�� . _ _ Purpos�_ 3 5QC1.0� _ _ St�ver� Fi�emelan�! Nl�win ��sts � $ 3,5D0.�� T�tal — The Cerdir�g far s hP �nti�e ar�r�ur7� i� to k7� de��errrtined b��r '�+4f�yne �ndlor S�r� h�5 it is r�lated to �nd simalar #� td�e rerrni pr�p�rty �cy u��it�on� ecs�rpl�ked l�y t h� E�A. If yr�u have a ny q��strons. I�t me kr��w. Th�r�k you, � f � � , � � � � � L� �_��_� `�, ��{� � ``_ �, Y • (lccu.Aan��r t�2�Ys1 [7589 �9Q Qa ee S ; �i�uen Hjelrneland DISk. S.�'. C.S. h�c�nti�cellc� Ec�ncamic C�e�reJ�pm�;nt �uth��it�r h11C3'�IN� �Q�T� {, X�rr�s�It�rtC.- Su�rRr�F'r�rrrpt�yA€�erhfov� "' ❑ Resid�nc� 0 Ad, Devic�e ❑ Government +� �lher PP t� Busireess 0 F�rm fl�Ior1-P�aFi# �Advance p P�rtial �Final �'�r�el � . � F�d No. �ourtty V�+riqht A�qui�itrpr�: CJ Pen�dirrg �Aecepteti ❑ Ern. �}}tamain Far��el �3wn�r: sr,�oo�eav��o�; M1�fichael �+J. Frp�lie �r3d K�IhIEen A. Fr4sli� ��tCBI AddF.: 103 Pir�� �kre�k �it'y^, St��� �ip� f�lontic�lln h�N �5;�62 i REL�CATFC?N GL,AIAA E iLEGI�ILlfiSf :J;.splacee - __ _ Nan�ersl� S;eu�rr Flj�lmeland _ �}�cupancy CJat�: _�� f�~ _ 0 qwner � Te�aant Ellg�baiity Q�te: 4-16-16 Ac�uisit�on C7at�: s-�s-�� Ihicrc�C���lerila�F.r_h�ser}�feri ;ltl�2^�fl4U B15P�a�"di����"� DBt��SY Of the Mc}vE. 0�c�in �-1•t8 En�d FOR CSFFIGLSL lJSF �7KI Y f���++� c 15��'V3NG COST �C]PTIDN Residentiel Sch�e�i�le B�sis Subrr�i�i��i �,mtiur?I � ----=�.�—�i—�'� ti (�� _ - �istr�ct Approval� ocne Ag�ncy A�proval; __ '__� i�pilp"4�10� D�#e Appfi�a#'o� Apprcrved: Vend�r Nv.; 4.tin. Finance: Mail Ci7�tk Ya: _� ,���resseefs} �kev�en H�elrn�eland �ldilin� ��I�Ir 1��d1 C:edar Lake Raa�i #211 �Ity, St2t� Zlp. Minrsekrark.a, fw�N �5;�•�� LOi�ATIOhI P�R5idNAL PFCOPERTY MC7'VECf TI] — FaCifity Narn� �fl���o� -r,��: � , ��� � 1�=� �; ��''��� , �treet Ad�Jr�ss: �Itj�, �t��� �1�1� Na��e of AAc�v�erf�} Seli-�nove i•ReSfdedlti�l �rdlEsFirn��e RBsldenCy C�rtifi�atE�an Federal I�w'req�i��� ��Rifi�etion c�� f�&ibe��y stalus Please ch�k khe C�leg#ry' or G4mpde4� Che 3E�tas]�1 D�Ibw �hai appli�� l+� y�u or �bur occuGa7cy gialu� ir th� UnileO 8t�les. Y4ur 81g�29ufCt C(aaYistituies terlrfica[ior�- I�erti�y tral I am �rti�en 4f n�Uc�n�l Of #he Un�1�ed Sf�1es, ot � tufth�� CeY9djf Lha[ there ae� _ per9on� ial my h,�u3#�hc�ld �a��ck cne,� ❑�n ali�rs lawtulfy prgs�nt in 1he Unite�d SS�t�3. �r Ch2i 3r� C��en9 •7' n�ki4n.�15 6f tn� U�lit�Eb 5t23�'s ❑�r� ahere witl�h pgr�n�l prpp�rty I�yt�lly pre5enk I� ��tl a�e aiagn� :awfu�ly pr���nt ir th� �InRed St�l�+s t� U+��Ie� 5,�tes 5dle Pr�rietorship� I�rtify kh�k i 3+q'I a Un�6etl Siat�s rit�zen ❑�n �F�n I.�y�fUUy prg5e!h1 m sl�r unia�d �ra!es �Un�Eed States nat�onal ❑ a non•U 5 c,tixen nc�t pra�end �n the Uni��d �qakes P�Rr��rsl7ip. I eerliFy thai 1n�r� �r� R3Rf►�Cr5 �n �M� p�f1�1C�fS�i�S 2�i�tl t11�3 ,�r� �itiZ�nS 4f kr!k linlC�d 5t2t�8, �f�dl�Y �r� all��ti5 lavrfully pr���ni in ,�� �Jns���$�akes. �nb, 3re reon-U.S. �i9�eng �pk prese�t in th� U�iketl S'.�CGS Corooration: I ��r�at}r tha? is establ�ahe� I�y law and a�[horix�cl ta condud buslness un tl�e Ln�ted 5;ates ��birlt�rl# Acknowledgement I 1�� Wrrd�r3ign�d. QD h�fBby C�fRr#y` kn3t 9Re �bGv�2 inRartnatiPn �S Cru� 8�G CpRBGi 8n� kh�t d(IG�Irt1BP1t��i�an ar�h�d �ereko accuralely� repre�c��9ts el��ble �xpens�s "�I�p ��r�fy ih�k I h�Ve n�k pf�virSVSly �ubrxli�3+sd riar receiwed payrn�nq ;or any exr,ense sub�miC�e� w��h th�s ��Qim. � DFIFICIA� US� C}MLY �.�:c�T�r�ernsl Au�lharize� �ign�kure; �.�,;'�i n+4��� cc��s h1+�w+r7g CpSrs N�3rne ��nntJ:•� Telephraree: �,, �- 7 Page 1 �oi 2 FkLl[i32 12ESII�EtV'I'L�l. ;�1o��En,� C'r,sts Instruction� for ��ahrr�itt��tg ��crur cl�1�n � Illc tilslt� +,aill .�Iti7E5 :L.kiL4'iil•.il m�,�in� :t�^crisc, i+f �a dls�l'��s9 ir�Ji�iilll.4f i?r ��if1111'� t,��+�:1 t,^ ,' ;h-.i :a !�ll�; iqi �C�Hl�fil'l.k. �:�r rcimh�il`�4i`.c.�_:l Isr_ II. I I. .�L �� I�4i �4. S:1�Il�Ct1 :i`. �L Lil;'�]�iJitL 5'lSRi 4'4��III k1�; iitib.��k Li5 �`44.': .I7c'. IT7�1I19�i:I `!ld}tij �,:iii;I'�.4' ;�.� ��:�Il' I:t°t:ti�. 114iP4�lt'd�.�'tiT: Cunsult �nd Ih[�erau��lk� disca��� r€ru��in� aptir,o.; a�F�I ffl�[�I[pL�i ti lth ti rak��t�tit�n :��fo i;�tr �kfllkf CR filOF'If��!< A F� �Cal: t�:u1=71,1 r�i ,7+�.;rk�•+, �.�;� t;lr aun :all�r;l�B�lll 55I111.Ii 117'sL\ Lir;�,lrttnd � h�a�ai� im�ac�+.-��n-r4s•t [;�t .l �.��.i�� awill 7a�[ .s7-:�iJ�r, ��:�4 �rr fs'.i�ll��tr.� l�iir irk�r��nit C[t�rg�s�, �;�,�tp1 m�t Cr�Sia�R��ti4�;iYt»SIt7n��.v' �;�[tirniinc'i1 hef[�1'ehand hk =h�t ti�'i1.; ;�r °�ElnnEsi�ta. P��rn�n#s br• F�o�m 4chi�ltai�� l!n�4�r 1hi: �11�U1+:R.1. pay mrnl e;:;pmpUl�;� ll�l �hL' l�{L��F {jj j1,5{SjIPy IIl 4�5"y}r �LkIilLI7LC, L'\CILItiIy��; +If 14 �7IL�I L";19n.Lk, �.47("lf`:4'`e ?.Lll.fl�i_ FIgIIFIfi7S5ft�'_ I1.LI1'�4'yL4y, 4�[1IPilLk�Ca i}f �f13 I,I�f;..�4lffll]�ScSj f{5L5ffl!:. ,'�6 h3S�.fbli.fi[ 191i1�� f}L` �{7TI�3L�l.fl;i� lrlli f17{5C75 4YI1�4`,]S IL �`kJS �l.Cfi. ti4�1�1:�:11Li� :.kLIF �:1;:7L�.li. fo..�i..�lli:� `LI��7 :lti t?41�F4k}f7�1x [}f f:CfC�4Ill7p 7�7ULl5>.. l}lfC4�lf1�;�111 �:� lISCI� Ci?C 4liIrL4� il :.C+�i.9 �'il��� �l�ti[r ;Ii4 L'{7hRfll�ll h4 L�1� fCld}m �itSIS. 7h� Occupbnl Prowide5 Fu�Tritur� Th� �]ccu�nR �o� �lat Prrrride F41rn�lura RooYnS 1 2 3 4 �S 6 7 8 Ad�IkIOY`:21 Ro4rns R:t1�75s 1 �-- Add�1.iC�n�l R�omS ,4m�<,��t 55'5 ?�ry 425 1�25 13�5 i5F5 1725 t925 5275,1E�cr AmrVni Sa��� S�C�+�ac�r I'a���liCnt� hy I�ecei�xl �r Actual C'o�t [ n:��`I- ['1.� i?1�tI1tsJ_ lh� ti�Ll':: "5i15 ;;I�t+;, R'If17Flllfw4f" 4i �. Iitl' fC711f}117iI]I4 ,1�11: FlP�tC55dr� �:�; tiC;:nlllltCd h�� lhr .��cni;�i i:+.F�n�i; in��:IT:'al ��� nit,4�,.:� xi�uf I14.:!*11I1i1� rI�PC7�jL ]yk r41p ii l, \�cIISLL' 17{5 �L.� �}Sti:LU ��f �ti,ilr4. �Th�s i� na� ;u� aJj��,�9n�nr I`��r in�sra�iti �:nicnrc: ti���i�:h 1rut�� s,t.�a.,rrca �}r For i�i�r� �{Iw� i5k �li{�� rL�L��:ll �}4�u�7llt7al. '�i�Fiin�����i;n5�:s w�ll k��: �i�i;l .apian ~r�ntpli�sie ti�i�h �h� [��IltPsan�a iri:��r��siain;. �. �r'h;:n as�u �f� n1;F4c�J }�ti ;a �rcffc>;i�,: ��I m,n:ra;�s� 4�,n,�an}°. �a� iht rh;hr�b; �knd �bl�ll'i a Jrl:�il�d. #tl�:mlged r��ei�lr�! k�lll m1Pkc°.J "F�aid in 1�ull" �►nd ,�.i�esid h3� � ��m�rsin} I't��1re±�iltali�.�4. ("Iw�s€ 4��ili.an��li�ihlJil+�� 4411fe �.lt:s��n���:iti�n ;7�+�al5tte pP�i[ie [c� the mc+a�C., ? FF ��c}�r ��ritrnsl rr;,Pcrt�� i; m�;c�1 !,� s,fmc�rnw c�th�:t eh;�rt � rrc)1Cti;ic}n7� m47k�t§$� �ca.n�iasl;', 4�[lu 177ui[ SuhmiL �n IlCfM39Zd'�1 4ta�Emin4 +h�}x� irr4 �he A]4F[]3�'?L'C i5l �}4�}�?�4' �71fti�e [�li f:91�"ti p4f ha}ur ��ici. �i�t�,, ,ui11 a17�� �s.�tal lit���urs �ts,ri:cJ I'��r s.���:h adsciix i�lu.�l ;�nJ lh� ti�L�Lll�11'1iti711 U44� �'�l`�i4il` i�1sLU4ti �h13 �n�Qhud titi':[li ^.�t�ur I�zl[f�¢lili�n r1Js�:�ur Prii�T lo ;llu}'9fi� :ui�i inc��¢r[ne �ti��:tt�.:5. �. 'k�C1U PfILlti1 4{1117�Iti�l' LflL" �1{iLLLVfI'I �'n}�jll�fl 41r YI}�_ jr{p[p� {.��C�11ti ( I��� r[FPl1i 111 IYIIi. J����l:I1 l43 tFLi []TIL',Iflj§� �s�'t'�Is f�'ITl� �IC tcr�aair�� qnFisflT7�t6�7�� P�r1;�ln1�1� r�r krrur �llitec anai fll�{IV [L7 jllC C4lI{lidllL}� .�i[klwi?f lFY{F4S^IS [1fl LftL° fi}44'4"F �l I� 46if1rCC Lpfl LFIi; i'rc}n1. ui�tY�iw tisrrn. �. �fl l�1C C5'�T11 4'l?{I .1I'�: Clliil?7i1�lI�S' Il.'1�}����.k. I55 �;14� LI7i C11i}{�4f1'� ti-{"fl1�1;1]]4'_ i�]C�7id� ��F7�i�'4"{17l'WS3 ITl.:lt.. hi fTlil.�� i;�llFl II1i, ���{5LJ1145f1 .'i,�jk�l3{lY 1{7 }]��{764' 4IIPL"L`I �',7?� I}}:YIL 15f 7fl �u`-.4:iiLi.C. i'1i75111�CfIL L�JIRL I III�"I11LI5L'.'+C 5�{J71C 35�Ii 7:. ii�'..s:I11�c il�'.�iC 171iiS�.11� uil s. I�{1�-f���IUE�i�['I.��I. '4�io}'in�; �:o�t� Tttslr��tic►nw F'�,r �;�ak�mittin� ��u�` �laim ��4:�{14J':.Il?fl fL�l1�;�3q1{I�ni ;�II1�44 f119.�t lfL�n �k��'F��'9 4i} <l. i�Is�I�itJ huaine�.s_ f�irrr7 �.)Y ihs?rL-�ars71i1 nri5�r�l;'�:Lit7a1 li,]�,��: �sn iEil4li�� iS��L� Ili�1JT'�;1 1� lY}t}i�ffl�' �1CPti17P.�1a �±r�iP4r1ti �+Jf i3 :��SLiiiS�ti f_41i Li} 4\44`wl� `�� 1111�c`4. �'�t}1LCt'tif. dl'�L�$Ldl}R4 S�I1 1l414� ii��ll4ti [Sld ifILL}I1X41114:i74�i"e 44fE1i�1 fll;l'a c5�4�;.0 JI ILAf [}1E4111Ctik SIf11C i{l;.I ]��ir��hursemsnl .'of �fa��i1791r rr.,ia�in� ��pcz��:: +�s i[1 :tri marde upt�� tik}�lp'i;uitir u iYh tf�C fc�fl��'�:a lit� instn�iliirrok � 1147PC}12T.�f!'T: C'r��.�ult :�n�' flM�aruu��rl�� discusc �tuvan� o��iarr� :���d me�l�caaJ� »�ith a e�elr�t:�Riun �dvisnr �r�c�r Ic+ rno��in�*. I . '7 �� 1�.`h�ea±:i w�rmin `F4'iai �.i�ttir i� �mplc}s'u�, �h� niiavint� �;ai,k� �f.' [u ka� �7aiJ .uitf ;� tl�I�,Ilci7 [�4Ci�:�[�J � i��_m:'nl ��M�inCJ. fn 1h� ti'.�in[ ti7u xa i;�e } rrt,- r4.=�ii�i trr'r�+lc��rek 1tE m�ikf 1hE �sn�t�e. il iw rCqulfc� [h�[ xxiu cr.:finl;v�;'i �i ��hrn�l�lc rt���fr[1 �s?' ��lt��_ lin�t �,xt�r.:eJ. :vitl ii :S{}LLflLti �?:91tj 1ii �ill �SCf's�l[�� �1h3�sicxlJs° �n�TIICa�3tL[1k En ih�. fn��O-ti'�, f_�?1�.r�,cs iiPf Uti4 {3d i:4�ll!p fT�;l'.�71 �o-�4:7td h�� [G�r �:19i`�111c�.ti� fl'IiL�' t14: 4iII{y54��y,j }7l[L ,rFI�II hc �;nni�s�[ahl�: uf Cht}� r:�t4y cha.f�eci k+t Itac�J rcn1ai ��cnei�s. l'Ceu mati GIC4s ki,� ,i4'tiz�]t ll'i� larwcr �tf lu�wti {�j i;�Li�n�tw I�Uf mk+}In� all c,l� 4�c��r ��nc+n;al �r��prn;�. ihc�c 4�nkt i3[im.11c�: tiit�l ;r� 17hi��nli1 h�� [h� r11417t k iL1i� �'�fC3iIILiLI Li.} k{}I,� t7: un t��,siu,,. V;'iih i.h.a, mt[�]ta�l. nc, i�the€ m�7�'.Jn� a.c7�[ i4i'Kurri:�rr�ks�llsin I� n��.c5;,;lrx�. �'��u [csu51 i�rmrl�:(�,`;hs� hn[I{�ro1 rc�t[icf.�a5r'I�t4. fil}lil t51�l.ftiti[.�6's]im ��LtiFFT} 1151n�. rilt�ch tsl khC UI'I�lri.il �fi�[hi; rG7cTry 311 3"Ci�uirvcl �filif��LlUfl�tiitlaiitiri�; W7 �'�51:If fll��� i u11L� [�Svl� 1.iT t�i�. �,`�.�(I�.y{ItiUi ,3,.;�4'I:iil�� Lha,ti��n on ilr� I{��ti�r I�tli cnrn�r a}n �rti [e[]Rt []I �hl? I�pil71. ��C 3�4CY4'�4� 11�I�I ]1{tl L'Lkfl�lij�`f� }}il} {5f h""LY[ki�Ll7ti� �i1f Oti`Gf�S[u34', l�1's.Lff4C'ti 4'S��I1k 117 i�'l5�14`..f,f�'L"fLL'S' kll4��i�111'f13. iL`� L�i,"LC7i75JJ1C� t}\� Illl` iLL',L`I7L'��. Ni14i7Y4`d+.$ i17:14' :]�;ca ht ,�Ift�ucci [o I�li {}4t'R�L�C {}f a 4�1ti�6;]�'4l� �.1U>lfhL!+.i [%f ru1f1T1 4a��Y:L�lYI' rSPf:kL'!Il'J� f4iiti{1193��i ."x�e�n,�b in �.r�archir��; i��r � rr�@s��:cmcm il4i, 17U1 �l} l.:tlL.L'v �}.�{l�a.���'� �U4'�Y l'\�39'�r�FS�i YC�ll4' 7dY��U{�L CP7VI��IiSRiI.IEi7fY 4'i7S1�� 34'.t1J't]� [111SL'. 3IlJ Lt'fj:�,llY i3t�j4i �Y�Jc15!aCti .:L4Y41�i��3' II1C.IlfC2Sj 115 ti4sLT1C�11T1€. ;� s�l'Eill�ii�a ��nil�eci 4i�strm�:ns �t�sc:�rclri,r� �,� �nst�: reauss accur��p�y� ihc +:laiin. I aff�rnn t�a�, E� t3�� b�st c�# my knoMul�p��. all personalty incl��d�ng alw haxardous �nd �nvironmentalf�r ' sensitive rnataridls such �s batte�ri��� tFres, paints, sal�rent5, irrsectieida�, fer#ilizers� F�uoresc�nt AiglS#5, et�_, have b�en w?II �,� re�oW�ed�rn �t�a p�rerel. ._ - � �ir �.rc� � � i � I � ..� 5 �1 � � '��- I{� JC� - ��� � r� IDieplace� �-,,�gn�tur� ' ( p �aoe � _. ,._ _ �5.� . I d� h�re�sy dfFrrn fi��t, !0 9n� b�5k �af my kno�wfe�l��. displa�ce� i� �ligik7�e fs�r reimba�rg�ernent �f eligcb�2 hrlvvinc� C�Sk°5� b�sed on d,sp��Cee s status �nd a,�-up�nGy (af kh� pa�rcel �E 1�5e tirr?e of the inikia9��n af n���tsati4�& �r�dlor �1 ",�}� iisl'r�ol'the p�rGels �equ�siticsn. I funh�r �ffirrn that displ�cee qualifi�s as a"dispfac�d persc�n". and i5 �n1i�"ed �a payr�eni fnr �Gtual, r�ason2�l� ar��i n��esssry m�suir�g �nd rel,�ted expenses �rt�r � resadentie�l or r��irr- re�id�no�al rnou� {4� ��� �'t. 241, as �ndicai�d elsewhe�� c�n ihis f�rrn. � � .��'f�`L '��� Lf � Cv � �, F2elo�:�l�� qd�s Signaiur� Dsie hflr)ving [p�� Page � of 2 R�9432 �x-�S-18 S+t�uen H�elmel�n�1 Mc��ticetics D�wrrtown �as��i r�r� infrs pro�+ided �r displa�ee R�rsonai Pr��x�rky h+To�� �sitirr�at� Revel€�pm�nt �r�J$�t � B C D � � � I �+louin� I I�escrip#ian �� Ex�ense ��tatejHou� # c�f �fo� Ft�t� f X maver ## of M�oaers Est��rrtate � -- �" � � — �- -- �— - ---� _ _ ,� Maue af PersanaP Prop�rty . -_ — � " -- -�—� $�,�� ... . __ , - � --� . �__.._.._�.._._ a. su�ervisor '-- ��� : _� -�� �� aoo.o�oa 1 ��,�oo_�o ... _. ._ ----. e. � _ � � - - i —�_._. _.— ---- sW�-��t�i - �- - - - � ---, � -T � — 6 i4�1�ve �f Pers�n�l Pr��e�ty� � i .� ----- --� _ � � �3,400_(i0 �._ �._._ .. ..— ._._.. � 8 c�t#�er rna+�e ben�fits: ' _ - _ �T--. __ � -- I 9 �oxes and p�[kor�� maCeri�Is _� --- . -- .--- ��'� $140.�0 1(i ��._ -- --- _. ._ _—. �Q_�C1 i� Ss�b-Tn�l - Otkrer � I �` _. . ,— � --. ,�10{1.0�] 12 _. _ --- 13 7otal�IhJVov�Estimat� -s --� �� - - ---� �. - _ .�+ /��ryy� - � i 7�r�k1V.V� ���������� ❑�ifi�: �Uwy Q�, �o�s TC�: Jwli- heney�� Finan�e�Assistant �_ P f .. FRC1PVti; airry-�h s, E[��Inpment M�n��er -... � SU�J€�T; Relacativn �enefit Cl�arns under tk�e Uni#orm Rclac�tian As�istance A,cZ — Srnith A�tt��ri��l i� � rel�[�ti�ir� t�enefit cC�i�'n f�+r Arsn V. Srnith, I r��v� reui�v��e[i the [�2irtrs �r�p�recM C�y tf�e �f�A �r�nsulk�nt, �'eri,�y Rerll; �+�8 8�: �a�sociat�es, Inr.. It �s �n �rr�er +nd can be pr�c��s�ci f�sr pa+���7ent. Arr�puntof P�ym+�nt � �'(]�:} C}D � 3,i0�0.#}C� Tatal Payrment, Paye� and Pwrpose Sumrnary _ Payec Pur�rcase , _ .. �nAs �'' �n�i#li ._ Mu��in� �:os',s i Tt�e C+�tli�rg for the ��tir� amount is tt� �� det��rmine[1 by V�I�yr�� s��rdl�r 52r2h �s it ps ref�ted to ar7d similr�r tp tf�e rec�n� prc,��rty a[�j�isiti�rre� �c�m�l��t�d b+y t�1e E�A. If yra�, have any �q�esti�i'ts, fet rne kn�vv. Th�nk yi�u. �' � � j L�, � ° �� � �� , ` � �� � � �~� ��1 �� �41o�ti�ellc, ���norr�ic D�v��c+p�n�nt Authori� hA�V'�IV� �C3.�T� •• �,►,�acrrt�rrt: Su�rrrrt Pra,rr,�i�y Atrer d�io,re •• � OG�up�nC`y ([]�ys� _ LI Resi�en+�e Q Ad. i7��riGe 0 GC+�ernment � C]t�er PP ❑5�9 �Sf� ❑ Bu��r�e�s L] �arm � Non-F�rofii C]Actvance L] Parti�C �Fin�l 'R� eE? � = rinn 5rnaith D�i�t �.P P�re:el �.� -- Pr�4j IQ F��i Nc�. ��unty 4'afeight �Cqulsitl�n: ❑ Pending F�Ac�eptecN D Em. C3amair� Par�el C)^�+n�r: :raam� a Ce���ni N1�Gh��I �V F��SIa2 �r�d Kathleen A. Fro�l�� f'arcel A,ddr.: tQ� F'�ne ��reet �i#y. State �Zip: �lvntieell�, �,�N �53�62 ' 64E,L(5�^qTIC}M CLAIfN ELI.�3IBILITY � L7i3placee - - - h1�rn��S} .14�P1 Srnlih �ccup�ncy f)ate: �016 Q fh�+ner L�I Tenant Eligibility D�k�: 2•20-t8 A�cqui5ition ��#� 3-�5-�8 (Noline. �:7f IrRr_^t ar Pir�hd�s C�Agr� ri� d¢�w�mineG. else -��rr.7��n9"!. Ds[�{sj af th�e M�Sv� Re�1n F6�' 4FFiClA4 US€ 0►1Lv {ew��ck ana� � IwAOi�d'�NC'f CO�T DPF�{JF�k; �-1-98 Elld $-28-18 f�esi�lenUal Sch�Gu� �as�s `, .� � ��bfTllt[€:d Ar71r��rit $ �,70(�.0� �s.'�. �4� �(�- _ aiSt��Ct l�p�rpu�l: Ag��rey ,�ppr�val [)�te F�pplie�ti�an Ap,pr��+ed: �Iendor Nc�.: ACkr�. Fin�n�e; MaCI Cheek To: r'�ddr�S�e�(sj; A�n srr,rtn ,,.,�,Fr� fJlailing Addr.: � �56'Nest El�ndge Av�enue �city,�i:�r���� H����:�ii� r4�ha ,,�71t�. .t]�f�T1C7W PER5t3N}1L RROPEI��Y fN�V'�C7 lfC) F��ili#y Narri� ��� � �" ahdrrr iyp� {�,wFi��wf► h � wPi Street �4ddre�s. 3e9�s1catx�-�4u^��4�^V ��� � f' � �ity. St�ale �Ip EN�rRi�a�,A#�,.�f}�' �'�`�'r Y'1C� 3La�1 , �� , Narrie pf �41oa��r{s): S�elf-nnoue �€�st LJ Pv��-Re�sieentiQl �i�Estirn�te R��is��ncy �ertific�tian P�dNt�l 12w require5 �erti'�catipn pf res�de�C� s1�7:us. �P��se t��k the �ate�ory pr �o�n��et� the seC,so� b�ltm lfla[ a�Rhes ?o yr�u cr yaur ccce,paney s�� �� �n the Ur.iteo 5tate� 1��ur s�gna�ture �ans;,�uEe� eertJ�t,�lw,, i�rtiiFy ih3k f 2m a citiae� 4r n�akipnal 4f Z�� �nit�d Sk�teS, �ar � fUttlti9i Cettify �h;�1 CPrere ar� _ __ p�r5qrsg ir5 �foy ht�ub�Ys�i-I�. I:heck one] ❑�n 31ren lawf�lly Fr�s�n� irr [h� U'n�ted �f2ses r�r tR2i are eiki;�ns pr ��.ti�n�fs L�f k�e Uniietl Si�tes- ❑�� al�e�� w��Ps persaral Prop�rqy I�wfuliy� pr���ni �n and �r� aiien� lawfu�ly preser�t �n i�e Um��a� Sia�es 1he UnrtEd �[�CeS �866 �'�c]GrM.?tarshiq I��rtif+� iha! t�m United Staies Uitiz�n ❑ 2n �IiE�rl lawfully pres�enl +n khe L�nited S1�Ce5 ;� � Un�ted �tates 1�tio�ai ❑ a r�ar�-U � ci?¢en n4k �re5�ni in khB UnIRE,� $t�tB3 �arinersh�p l eerr�ty a�at th�er� are ���Cfr�rg in [F7�P �2MrlArship and khaf �r� �ikl2if�8 Ut thL� Ui7d{aci Skaies. an{1;or ��e al�ens ax�tulRy pres�enk i�� kh� Uni6e� 5tates ancF are nan-lJ S c+l�zen� not �reaenk mm tha lJndasi S[ates G�Df�Oi�tiG+f1: I ce+ti�y Fh�t �.- is esi�bleshed' GY 18w �n0 8u1�i0fv_ed ic1 CtaF�tluC,i buslr�e�s rn rhP Uni�ed -5lalkeS Claim�elt �a�krlCrw�tlgement I the u�der5igneA d� hereGy �+�ify iha� tPe atiave inior��liPn i5 irU� t n� �ai�Gr drtt� [h�l yacvme�t�tiorr a[tdche€� �eret� accur�seiy •�es��esenis el�g.n� expenses i also cer.ify� k►�at I h�ve rat �aev�ra�us�y suhrnmed nvr r�cei+red pay�enk far any ez:�ense suornme� •r�i[Fa thi� cla�rn !i �FFl�IhL IJ$E pNL�': :i,a�rnrr��s} � ,qutFiclflZed 11 � I y + 4' e__ $I{�Pti�3�61f�'` ''��r1�'- � ' �r�t��—u -- � 5 _. �N�I7'IE� fprirutl � '� ���"�.� � a � F';._t �� � ` j Te�eph� n�: ,�� •�� � ' � � �� � �� � - � Date_ � - � •`'� - � � � �.,� _ _ Fa4�ving Cusls fV1CWin� �434i Pag� 1 pf a Ftl,.l�43� 0 241 TF4$ � ._ �P.:411�1F:���["I.�l� h1Et���n� �C'e�sts In;�#ruiti����s fnr �ulkmetten�; y�our rl�inn 1'ti til.ur.� �abil3 �all�.saa� fk.n�„Li�i.Ii.il :.:�rxiri�. ���4�5C� R�l .� Ji;�i�'.a44'ki Indl'�I�luz.Ll �,r [uiiiili� hu�,Cs1 to-il �ilficr .i I{[is1�1 *.�,.�fl!�.I��; �I.f: �.,, rcir.shur�a.i.•-.Ci11 Li,r :'4;' ! l:}I i`_'{Pti 1�."+ iii�:ur-�ci. :t� �i ..ilw�Jlti�.t itiu 441II F,, ;;ki��,1 :s, �clres al,� mclh�.�i nle}5[ wuitJhl: us � �siir ,r�J�. 1�iP�]!t'I�.�l�T; +C-�in*Eitl anci thnrcru�l�lti discus4 mcf�i�� aj��is�ns �nd mefhn{15 �+�i1h � reloEatian ��Itiisur pri:�r �c5 nin��ir��„ 1 II'.` �4P;}IL l,Yl�llil� [L'IITII,IJ�wL"5�111 I4�+.In\ ,IILL'Cd�1L5�I �4'I1141� PI}:]5 LSIII'}L'.�IJI. �1 Ild1.]ll' II����i�54171iIIL. � fIC .°�z[`[ly \ 4't �IZ �}45� L9117tiLLLL'�. � y15. kIT � 4.1;}}{lU�\i rl}� L}k'Fj1����"4 �harsei, c��t 4�+i fll i�lTlir„�tiitct� :,il�ea[it,n*� a, �1iLCYIT';.issti�l Ere�4e#h70d k?k Ihc 4[�I� �r" t�1_ �rC::.015. C'ayrne�@� F�}' �v�r.r�� Sch��ule :��IIi�CT I.�ll� IltiI�117(]_ �j�{{`fPl:�fll _.� il}fl�1�55�se`+.� Slll Lil: f.LLfR�C l`�; fC7y]117`. I.fl 1�i]'Jf P�^�141�f14'i�� �':\4'�11�.52 {tI [6`E}Ii�,1I 4�i}'.+4��. ��Plfi�iti'�. �}i]@]9TItti} f}i1�.�7f1'NTIi7�, �liF��l4'iL}'ti,. C[1I:'.li1Citi �lf :LIl4 unfp�ifn�r;I1Ci1 I{)�y171:ti. :"4 fi;Ye}.Ill}:�.f Illil4 f'I�C L'Lpflti]{�CE�'i� {i[j4`� �!al�'lll IJ77�C,y5 ]j h�Fti. htiill 4i�}:Lf°:6ICi�J Illi[5 Ili".��1I4` �{]{3R�� SIJ�h i14 h4s�rL5(j{�j s}Y rerr"f:i�3n r��+�in;. f}uthuildin�.; �,;wal 2br wdur�Le pR�rc �}�c, n�ti am�.� h� e�lunicd hx 1h� f�.�crill h:��i.. �The C}ccu �nt Pro�Yides F mitu�re - - The Dccupant aoes N❑# Provide FurnrCure � R,�pf'ls 2 3 4 5 �S ? 9 A=9di.ra�al R,�4m� Raorfi5 1 A.�d1iGn21 F��rns Rmrlin: 55�5 7�� 925 112� 13�5 15�5 1;2� 1925 S2o5a'Each �,mvu�k S45U S'C��f�2elt P�rrnz�ts h�� '�2.CC�4 ip# r�r ,�cEual f:q�l 1.r:61�r lhl5 n'.Cl'l1n�5_ �Il' �I,�[e ni:�4 �y.lkru Ci�iillh�ur���m�;s� I�.rr �e�15od9ble aul�i neeeks,�rv �;�� u��6�:�'n11r1Cd hy� Ih� ;3��.n-Caj ��FKY�se� in�riFf4[I in EttDt�in� xt�ur �icr.,�,n,�il ;r�r7�r�:�y�� 1�[SC S flltii�L1Cl h�ri tsr �xC:�"� 3�1.9 IY71lt�w. l�hii 75 fI,SR ciT] iddfU�lll�li.i7l €€�i II1C1}ll;'4`�TII'l�`I10.�5 44'flL4:�S EYil3'1r 4+�LL41fI�ClI ,}f �[3C fnT7� I�F,L :eL kir�,aT r��;.Ul�r �}4'tu�}<uis}€: �9a�� in�*. ��.�,4�7�., te�ill h,; �i;3i�9 uFxpn ri�ITlpl[d1Ti�:�: titi'i[i5 [�o� l��plli}�c ing in�IfuCtl�'�n�. I 14, Il�:n 4�4�u �i.f4 nls�`�i�d �*. .i, riaf.,,r4+r��1 mnLiiS� �:d+�a�����a}, ra�' kh4 4�5;3fd�.C�.zu1€I crh�ain �uti�k�IlCd� i[��ilir.c:�l rcc�r�tCci hill [tt�lek�'� "NaGd in f�ull" �Yn�i i�n�� h} a c�}a�f��'�'ik fk �}f�:wL"ILL:111\'L'. I�IC�LtiL S:C1fFIE€[Fl i,'�IL7�11III4' 4k']�FI ;L I�'yllK::9CIUil ��{jk'1`i[SG �}fk�}P I(} FI�ti Illc74ti ;. II }�[+ILF �]aYwtrri�l �anaFnCrLx� E51111}wCd h� 5irrlic�ant c�lhst IhiLfl y�]Cur��tiiitr9al rn�s��il��, Ci�[1o�?�l}'_ ��+.',u mu.l;iih�mil .9rs It4t71i�LJ �[ale�iTl-:.11k ShiStixi.11,� e11c fiLLf[YE?L'f LSI F}447F1I1: EYIf4�lS. LYI� f�LL'� rcr harur ��.Ir7, t3�ilt.5, ���1 lhie L[kl.�j� Ati}{If? tiA't3��iC�3 1CrP E:►�h i�d7t�I±J�L3.l :LI7d Llii iquiPancnl u5Cc1 PIL'�d."iC {'][`.iLltiti �hlk mb�hucl 4s itlt y tsur k�l{�atic�n ;'��lw�i�cir �ritxr t�� ni�ia�ing �niJ �ni:urtiir� 4:w�nti�;. . Ys,e, rrw;; LsunplrYrihehoRnna n�a�i�}n c�i�ih� rei,nc ti€�th,i,t'Ivin, Fcr:m in ini:. :�tiaclr ii+thca,rigin.�f+,r�fhi� I�i}rin �11 reye�irrJ int�}renxti��n ptr�ainin� I�+ k �su� nl����i c'llhc'� 111:71I I[k �I1b K4;�[?t:.�jLli[� rL�S'7!�A}f tiFiillS'SF {ln jl7t I$g�4CP IC�l L�}�jj4� UIl LILC frulit u[�Lhis I�urm, Y Cfl e�7i' I_l�'L'dY� �ifFU'�IL" �IFdi�MlliJ��4 c.:'-.i5h_c `.s.i �eS.lhti I%hi75�ffli s45Pl�t]fIA, ��{`w;'.I� �!`f:l]Y��171�97l4 fllah%' hti �7i7411 YSILIl I�i' Iiil(14illd{��Fl t�lil�l�irf :if �:i513 4z:il4�r p.1� nl�iil. t+r �us ��l�,ul�: ���;��.•�,� _.,��-_. rr�.:, niii,c 7�, �1;�,;t �.�,t ll iii aJ:.ur<e nf'Ch� I11s74111e �3�`... "�I[iR-RF�i1I�F'��I'I.�I. �°�,������; �'ust�; In�trurtinnc f�r ��b�itti�t� }°our tl�i�ri E�il�n:�4i�ri�i. r���.i.il;atitsn:: illl�d54` Illi55 117� ��r}��._..k4•� Irs ,�R �,.>�rliil'4`li i?Uti111�4i.. I;LTI Q�f I�i7R°�.�'F9Ill llfL'FLIII/:7'lilll I.1;����4i;. t+n �:lua: �t,a�� IfIL"LLf��Y4: Ifl f77{14111L'. rif:+il�I1:lI �ITilf}4.f�1-. }itf :I 4�ltiL:1l75�c fld}C_li} �1�.:,w,j_�I, I}}I�_�°k. ��1134'.CY'CF� ]��1J�3tE43F�4 ij4 fl{'IL .IIIi.}'�{' CC7f L[14:i}:15t'[:Ji17�C� 4::i�'7 Ill.lk Lry4'4�i13 nY I�nr Fu�,in�;4 Cim�. lt,s1. R�:irnhur;�nlclll I'nr lll�}I�IL III��k�IIIL exper.�.�, s4�,ll tx fltai[c u�?«n �c7!�pl7;ut4'c` stlt.. tlsb� ri?Ilaitisirf _-�<lfllt[i,ir;s.. ! ff��fAFi"f�NT: CtansuJl and thar�7u�h�h �"sxcuxs rrsn��ia��+«�li+�ns and in�ttl�rids wrtb � rc•I{�catit�u :��14it,�r F�ri�Fr Ro m�rti�in�;. � 3. �. 5� .�1i71 .l tii5fllffll'F4 i:ll Rllelil 15 l'111�1�17�4-C:�, �hL`. I"Fkl?4 ��jL� L{15�.h skl�- �L9 hL' �I���\� .G��� .I �4� iL�C41 C :`!rl`�1 ti�.l'till7kl�� 3I��1.�L4'4�. Ir ih�. k��i[ kt.�u +�i;h +�driir ee�4���r 4.i11�?I� ti., u� rriakL Ih� mc�ti+:. 11 I� reyuir��l t��ii �rsl: nlaiil[uiii � tlsrn�ILla r��tsf�l a�r d�s[c,. lini� a.s7ro:�.i�..int1 iL111}{JiJ779� ?P:l.li� IiP t.ill �4fti[}Rti �}tli'ili`.il�It �.artici�s,il in� Ilt Ch� iTii�a•2_ i']��at�ek ii7T u��. i.+l� i�yuipmcnL r�ur��;�j h4- 4hti �+��in���s in.�k k�. �IdU4+���! 3ava ,fi;�ll l'L' L{7,'nxS��TiI�IC I{5 I��45hC r.�l�., �hz�rLb� b�'. Ii1�:el Crtt[al a4�riti�s f Ysau rr.;cx �IL�I ,c5 il4:1�4`PI �Ilt` �U45Cf �:�P L1411 I,�� �ti�lfllal�4;w C41Y ITi{7YLfYi'. JII ail' �,c711a ps.rtiUr3al pr���i�rty�. R h�.�' �'�7s1 �:3[iri��?ts x� i�l b�. �.rk�tyi�4t� t�4 lFis ��.n4�t ;�I��f pY�:y:rilt•J lt� vd'i� �.� �ry t��t9ol�. 10.�a[h this cn�9hc,i€, na7 uRh�.� miF+ ii1�� cri�t c�n4simu�llSktii��3 i3 i1�c.��;an. Y17u� 17iu:�L �s?r��iktS�:1Yi� �n[�4r�3 �rp�i[�17. Cr11hi Crirnk fEk�th15 �'I�iiri F[�[in in �nl�. ,'}SS.I��Y 1:Crl.1}.` tars%in�l [�I 1hl'< $t1�F�'� �II r.�uirru i[Sf41TTn�t1(}[Y j}k�'rt31tlkt3�, 1{� 4�[.y?�r rY}�73��. ;i75i� 05�i1 L�r LFc� RC�ii}L'�i'IC1PY r1d�'i�ir�r �huti�n c}n Ihc I�}�Cf laft Ct+rwtr irn 1h4. i�i:rr�1 +}� lltl:� I�ttrrri. k h� :i��:i1�:4 �.4all ri�7l �tinsid4r, �d'.� s5l' f+:��ilhwrti� ��ar ��k°�riim� �h�[���ti �:5�i[°�f9 in imir�CnCti 514�J611hS}['.9� :Lti �CSCfI111fIC4I Il6' I�k4' .i�iitt4. P;�3m�n1 iri�e nlw� ht :1� �.5�s6k�t� iil [']4' {6tS'17i3 {5j il L�L".�ILL5L4{j �141tiIfIL`:9 S}F �i1Y1S1 iSf±Cf'rh[[1P �{ST �4",�ll$� Ci:c`i�iC}I7siiF�� �`i�Y•�fltiL:ti Ifl ::C�iCr1117L' �[1Y �f r��rl;sC4m�`nl tiI�L`.. f1C71 iSl 4`?iLL.I'61 �S�,�IJl�.lN�. :1.:4'h 4\;l4fYtitii C1334' 111C�kli'�� �Ti�f]ti�fAfCi1CISF11 iC1S1S_ :1i�111;1� []�714:_ tlflfj CiRei]]i €llhcf C'S�CfI}�y A�9�11i1.��4 II�IiLLff�Cl l[t eCaiFChlfl�. :� {jl't�:�Cdj_ ��rTil�4d ;[aLcm�n1 {}j� ti4J��l�Illll,' 4�.Y']l'EtSC� Jlld]4C �,�i{'+R'!�}iEfI1 �Ylt L���im. 1 afiFirrrk thak Cp kh� besi af ny kr�owlcdge, al ��ersonalty ir��ludinr� ail hazardous �r1r� �n�rirr�nrraen#�Ily sensi#r+r� mat�ri�is such as �aattcr6es, tires, paPnts, �c�lv�nt�, �nse�ticid�s, f4�lli�$Y$, fl�grescent �ight�, etc,„ 3a�we 3�een ; uvill t�F: remff+�ed Pr�m the parr,�l �'l ; ?�s' � � i ,��ti��.,,,� � � ����- � �� x� � disp�laoe� *�ir�u3� �a� I d� Frereby af�rm th�k, kC the besi af my kn�wle�ge, d�spla�e� i5 €ligibl�e �s�r rgim�ur�rrd�r�E �� eligible N9oaing �oss"s, b�seo �r7 dispi��ee's �[atus and dG�upancy of the p�r��l ak ±he time crf En� ini�i�l.ion of negotiaeipn� �r,�++br �I the tdm� pf kh� parcels acquisii:icaa I itirth+�r �ffirm th�t di�pl�r,e�e q�;�lifrres �S �'di5placed persart'. �n4i is entstled to payrn�nk fpr �civa�. reasan�ble and ne�.essary m�rv�nc� and relate�9 �xp�rrs�s fvr a res+dential ,�r r,r�n- =FesPd�nli�l mave �49 �F� Pt 2�j, �� inc�i��#e�l �Isewhe�e ar� [hrs f�rm s:�}���, - .����; �� Rel�a9ion i r5�gn�r„r$ p�� klc�v4ng C4sk5 P3ge� � p{ � J#L1032 � 6-28-�� �n� �rr��th N1€��ticellr €�owntpwr� P�er inf� pravid�d by th� disp[aC2e Person�l �rvperty Ma�e ��timat� Fked��+elcr�ame�rt Prc�j�ck A B � D E F � 1 I�escriptinn nF Exper�s� Ratef Mour # vf Hours � R�tef 1 maver � of hA�mers Mnving Estimate --� ... --�- ---... __ � --..� . - - -- - __.—_— 2 ----�-� - ' • -� _ � . ..__. .. � Moue o# Personap Prr�per�y _ $2� 3�' $80Q,�1{i: 1 �8�14,Q0 _.._.._ . .. _. .. � 4 Superv;s�r , _ $5�7 56 �2,$�Q,00 1 $2,8�O�J,QO � -� _ . �_ . . �. . _ �— _ ._,d,.._ _.__. ._ , . Sub-#�tal - ...._. _ ---_-. � � Moue �f Pet�snnal Praperky � $�,60�.� � - __ _� —z- . � _ � _... _. _. �_---- -- -- _ —_ e_ __. 8 �th�r rry�ue bene#Gts: 9�oxes and paekin� materi�ls �_ _._..__ _—.- _. -�1C�0,[l0 �Q --- -- -„e-_ _. 11 �hLl�-fi4'��� - �}��1�'�' � _ ., . ,. ------- ---- -- -.�_ _ ���}.�� 1� � 13 �'�tal N1O"V� �5tir55�#e . ..- ---- � �,� _ .._ _. . -- --�- �_�__ �e .9 , � -. �3,3{}�.{kD ���������� DATE: J�aly 4�, �01� TO. J�rl�t�+a[��yP Fina��" ws#a.nt� � �' �~--' �-��' — - �ROPVI: 1im:�Faarfes, Ecor�e,rnic Develaprnent�anager �� SU���CT=',,Reio�atac�n BenefitClairrfs underthe Uniforr�n Et�I��atAon Assistarrce tasct—Tl�c�rnp�car� ��� �kt[�[hed is � reko[�ki[sn k�eneFit �:1�irn �nr Shilnfi� TF�E�r���s� n. E h�ve revieu,r�d t�e cl�ims prep,�recl b+�° khe EQ� cr�i�suMtant, Pen��y R�ntlf, �u'�l�k� &�ssc���i�les, inc. i� i; in �rrder anr� ean b� prac��se�l f�r payrnent. Pay+ment, Paye� and PurpoS� Surr�r'n2�ry Am�4�nt �f Payme�nt P,ve� __ Pur�ose �i�C]•;'•�,.i�0 Sh�I�rFr Thnm�asrtn __ Mov°;r�„�Cc�st.s�_�4S $ 1,f10G.�� Total ThEe Cc�ding for ti�� entir� �r�a���nt 15 t�s �5�2 d�iermi�n�d by W'���n� �r�d/�i+t 52r�h �5 it i� r€�I�t�� to �n� sirnil�fi to thte r€[e��t pro�erty ��eq�is�ot,r�r�s c�rn�leted �i�+ the EDA. If ys�u� h��re �ny questio�s. ret me kn�w. Thc�r�k yoW. � � � �� �� �� �-�. ` ��-i'�� `� ` � �� �.�' Qccup�n�y �aa�s1 � {`]�89 •I��94 I'� ee s; S:�iloh Th�bmps�rn � DfSt. �.P. �h+lr,n�icelrc� �c�nc�mi� D��elaprnent Auth�rity �1O`VI�1G �G{)STS *' �rra}xorfanf: Sa,,�r�artProrrr}�t1yA�terAdove '" Q Residenc+� o �usin�ss Parcel ,C.S �'foj ID F�d hla County Acq��sik�Can; ❑ Perdi-rg pI�Acc��ke� PaFC�I (j},u�ref: rra��,�QrCaG,•wn] h+lich��IV'� F�osheandKa G ❑ Ad, Device ❑ Gvv��nrne�t �Other PR - ❑ Farrn ❑ Nt,n-Profit ❑,4d+rance ❑ Pe�tia� aIt�in�� SaebrnlCted krna,ant S aistfick �,ppro�ra, r�g�n�� �qpproval: D��� A�pIi��Ri�rti P4pp�crw�d� '�rr rs� � Vendor N�.: 0 �rrr, :a�prnain Altn. Finance; ParCE'1 AdQr.: 1�3 Pine �I��� �ity, ���k� �iv: Mantic�slr� fa!N 55?�a� . — __ - ,_ . . _ RE�.�CATIc7N CLAdM ELI�I�dLITY _ _ � QtspfBCEe Name{sj� ShilahTl�Ornpscsn . r c��ccu��ncy C�ate: _ 10-17 EE��wbilsty Da��' 2-20-�8 � YJC+lite C}f �{m�nt a Puri�+d51l� s'�Ifefj � L}wrn�re �I Ten�nt A��uisi�ivn Date: 3-15•1$ (if delermined, elst -F���q'j x,aponxarta+� Nf�iV C�teck To: P�+��fess��f,$): Shilph T�tt�mpsan t,�(}�.6� CItY �rl�iling ,Addr : 8245 tir1+. B��tri�e Driv+e [:It�f, St�te Zip� �lear �,��Ce, luff� 5531:p L�Q�ATIf7� PERSC]NAL �1�C7PEfiTY Mi�VE� TO ; Fa�ility N�rr7� �la rnpl���e�r�e,r�t s�p�� w2�� I�cated at k�e tirne af a�dr�f ?Ype: C�� mc�ve �tr�et ,�ddre�s; City, �t�#e �ip:�. _ � ! Q�#��sj �F #he Ma+�e Begin: �-1-18 End: �-��-1� -�l�me 4f M�v�r(s�_ 5elf-Move �_� , � � T _ F6R 4FFICIAI. U SE ON LV' �;G�lirtk ot�irl - --' " ` M�ViNG ��"l�T QP'TEON; ❑ Res�dential Scnetlule Ba�is �] Re„�i t's1A�tu2i Lask � Non-Re3id�nli�l Bid+��#imafe � Resldencp� Cert�f�cati4n� Federal law ��qwr�5 cerl�ficatic,rti r�f res���n�y status I�lease ri�€�k !he eat2�ary� pr ���Tspleie [hg ��Clon ��I�N th�� �p�lieg lo yo� or yau> a��G��,sr^y sCatus �n Ih� un�sed StaEes. 'Ycur s��nasur� const�tu4as �erkiires; ��. I c�rti�y th�� I am� �a c�tiz�n vr n,�tic�naa af 6�e Uavied Ssakes, o< d Furth�r certify� lh�t khere �re � p�rs:�ns �n rny hous�hold; i�heek ong] [� an alxn Cawfully� pr�sent in the uni�ed Staies, c�r �h�A �re cdi�er�s �r nati�naJs of tih� UnitEd �tates. � an ali�n wFln pers�na� praperty I�r�rr9ully pr�esent m �nd ar� al�ans I�ew-fuffy preserri in i�,e Un�te� �Ca'es. i �he l�niRetl Stakes �g �rr�prietorsrr�k I�ertafy lnat I arx a Un,itetl �I�ke� cikiz�en ❑�n 21i�n lawrfu�ly pr�s��t in the lJn�te�J Skates � a l�nitsd St�tes n€�tianal ❑� nnn-U � cttixen not preser�t in the �ln�ted �kai�s P�finershiq: I�r�i�� th�T ",here �re p�stne�5 in 115e pdrtn�rship �nd �t'2i 8re Crti��ns C+f ihe I,jnit�d �t�te:s, �nd,'�r 3r� 3liens la+++<`wlly pr��enR prti th� L�n�l�d 5rak�s, and �re nca�•U.S. eit�ens �ot preser>l in the llnitetl S?�te�. ���[�[�r�ticsr�. I e,ertlfy thal _ _� iaF establi5�e� 4y la,�r a�c auth�rized to con�ucl pusiness in lhe U7i3� 3tates. 'CI36m7�# Acknowledg�mef�f: ], Che Un.dsr5igrred, �da nereCay c�rtiFyr th$k th�e abov� inf�rn�kia:� is irua aryd �r�rreek and thai documenda' on ai!ac�eei neretn accura��ly represpns$ �lig:ble ex��n�es. I als� �ertiFy thr�t I h�v� nak pJevi�usly suhmithad n�r r��iMe� ��urne�[ for an� ex��:�,se su�mitt�ed �ra,rn rnis ciairn. �--� �{7FFi�lALU3@ONEY; (Comments, � I�, _. Aufhon��ed — -- � _ Si�n�tUt�: _�_ �'l8�7"I� ,F�ri�rkl:�i� ��, . �� ,�-4rLti��i ,�r-� I � � ! I TI T�i@phs�n2:�, ,� 7� `�.�,',`) � I��te: ���� �1 P f� - _ _ �� �"��g ��'� a' �41iF66 Nlrsvin� Coslc P�$� i af 2 R[ 14�3� i�l��li)F:NT'�AL l���cM�iaab �'o5ts In.etr•ucti���s fue �;uh���t�it��; �cMur �Isiiij� 1 hc til�Yf� rotll[ .ilicsta� ��wl;lkl11i�11 r¢_c�via7L c:'ti�}.ii_t_� ^.,a ;s tJl;[�I�lCcJ i5uii4idu�l or f�le�iil�• �.15Ct1 [?r cilir�c � I�€}C?11 �.[,.I Il:U�;1J_ �:i ,�.^-3n�,1�:�=r�:il �'t,i. ,1d"'Tl;.�I. f:C�ti'I'.w II1CurreJ. :�,� ,i (liirll�te x�c?.i ts'111 bC �5�t�1 In SCICCL Iltc ma;ll7[�t{ 117L�s[ 5uilah1i� I�,ti t'CLII n•.[.: i��11�(�h'T,4fVi� (:onsul� ,3nd tf�nr�M��hl}� diseus;� �rw�i+��in� nrst�ons ;���d mefllod� 3a�itli a r�l�riExtic�ai ac�s�isu� prinr t{t,ii�r}�ing. ����I 111i{`-4i�f71�k13I]cII11�SllitiC}�[ySij¢p��j�':IIICf'�1�1{'Iltik�I71i.I�IIILi3�a;}E[1i111i`.:IhLlfll� �[ir91�1.}t'CI71��4ni. ��li:?��C114w..'���I��Y7L1�C{lj]yl'{��f�E?3\'OC�i�i1�L17��Crfiri�Ft����S;hli f:�i�l'Ks;:.ti, ti��4�1� In ti171�LYi';4:17u*� ti]iSli!ClCtll� �i� 4�i-L[7mlll�ll beCi�rchar�rl 1��� dP'�e til�k� uf �9inne�c��.�, �'�}�ment� hx� I�taran� �c�tcdu�c S!��L6FLC i111� �ncilrryki_ p�k-ir}���i i., �c}r��4atti:1 s�sy tl�E numbil' �sfrt�[rrr�y In 4�ULI1' 7L4PiI.�fl4'C_ 4`?LCILIti16'6 Qf I3°-piJti1� �I{l�$�'Iti_ fll}iC-PSL'4� �Si411t1�14��. ��_uhl'�ou111_;_ :ra�llas'�lvs, c�nli,allC�S JY 3fla unPu na,hi:d Ic�ciiE��. .� h;�4CI11�I7C ii��t�,� �f� tiUit�i�feretl UI"sC i�i�YYi �mlca� Id 17tiS 17e�rn 4t�r,�1;lLecl inlrt :1ti�7fi1�. reassan� SLltill i�; h�dl'Obii'iS air IC.II'i:LLlilll 7{1i}Rl} { 1'lllhilllLlllll,� .]yC{� rti7! �CI�C'c75;.0 GSUF�}C7�l.S fl7elti' r1I�{7 �{l� �Q�gi[��i :[rx� Ct14 ruta�r, la;t5ix Thepceup��r�tProv6cles F�,rnit�Ere � ThaOecugant �ez�s hko6 #�rowlel�.Furnitu�e � Rnvr�as 1 2 � �4 ,� 6 7 � ��{@iladn�l F2�ORI'S Rooms 1 Add kicnai Fto�mS Pl--i�unt �575 r25 �4� i125 13�� 1�2� t725 1�975 527��Ea:h A^r7cs�nt $45C+ 5'GOIE�eF; P���iueits.s iw�� Reeei�t +�r }�ctr�al C'ust i. Id4jti�: t�ll� illf`.I�]{)il... [°]�; {j�1j.4' 177;14' �WIIL7�54' fC1171�LLCSCJI7[]7'I j{}f i�EfiS6R'.IdJI�' iIJ7{; fICCC�'e.ry�}° y..�l°� :��:LL'ff}i117C{i �71' Lfl� ���[y�,}'�) �+.{�CI7ti�{ Illl`LII'IY'�4'I CR 111L}k'6fY€, }`[}PJF �Ierknn;ll pf���l'tt' 1�rtr � dcstar�cc ao; �a c.xc�e 5U milc�. This is it�x1 �u, �,ijti�Grnti,r� Cc�r i�yc�}n+tiri�nc�2� lchiclt Irj�•: occadrrcd nr I�rsr �.b.c 1€�w� al your 7t�y ��lar s7Ciu�aiLii71. �•10;'f17C, a%.y1c.n5c:+ k4�111 �C �53id L[�i4yn wpn1fY113rIC� ti��[kh I�lr. iailit}+��In� If1S[Y[ICF.K1nti. I ��1S4.�S \�fru ��r� mt}vcci ba� a�arcei�ssic,nn.l mo4°i�a� ccun�an��. �:�.ti� Ihw 4�fEJr�e� z�n�J cSY,E�in ;i �i�i,,il�.i1. kt�vri�.ec� „,.�:t;i�[�.ii F�i91 om�r�k�:el "F°;��.c� in�� ]=ull" ,�insl sir;nc;i b;� a es�n�paeay rc�rec�:nta�i+�e. Plrusc cnir� ii�n cli�ibilrs}� s,iih a F�slcK;atiarrb :�d��i:scr priur irr �hc rcat�v�.. u. !i e�i,ur � rr,��if;�l ��ru�u.ri�� i� an€��.��i I�ti� sc��crci}r`c ti,1lrti:i• it��c_ ��f{1fC_:Si4rna�l f�aOx�tL1^� CtrmFi;�nx�. p�L�a c±��sC �tihirio!.:�n ik�inizru .i�icment �hou in� klre m,anhcr of pcu�le hir�d, llic r3ses �,�te h�ur pai�i, clz�trs, ;�ir.1 ;Jrc tui��J Ir4tir� titi�47i�iCLI T{lf {�:kl'�L'.]S{{15'IlI4L�� �ur:l ifie cr���i�rirr�rr�t uscsi i'Icas� ;.l�,�us> ilri, �Si�llltis�{ ;t�iLh; x�rtlf f�C10ta[ican ;�{f3°IS[�C �iei[rr L�t mn�.�InL <lii.;l in�. Un'Fi3� CkF'renwe�, .+. �';ru muss rar���l�se �hc �ntG�rrr7 �«�=��c�n d,[tli�. t�or:� ul l:�„ �'I�iir� rr,rm iir �r�k_ r�q1���h Ru Che uri6i��l a?`tlt�.r,1���rm �II ��c]�:ia��l iaal'4i�-������istn �s�;eCc�i,rin� �c� k�utir nroa��: �usd itir�it «.r Ihe f�t.k,ti�ri;i�r ,�,�1a�isur�h�tMx��y un Ih� [�i�+cr 1ePi ��,ririr�o�c eE�e froitt ui�tF�i� �'a�riir. . �. lir �h�: �.u�n� •rc,u ,r�. Pin i7t�ialle� ra ;5�?lw :U �A::� rlr� I".3L?i�li5� c�„n�,;�n��, s�+ccial :irr:in��nttlri5 r.s,�}' h,: n1;uJc �.c i:h C!lk J:;;tu�.�?inn +td+�i_c��, [a, �11�4c• rJi�Etil r:sk�ln�:�n:. tiu �:i.i iLs�:r�C�. �3:6j-rils,lll �I�ir:: I"':i511iusl hc ��,I:C'.�btll in a[@v�I�CG f}1�laie n�si7x�. :�. �ai'e. NC��-���'�lllF'�T'I�1 I��ln��in� C°a�6fi Instru�tic�n�, f�rr �uk�mittiry�b yc>ur c��im Ri�65C'1,�f5j� ��,Ei�l�u�l{sLL� "sIIIU54' L11041YS�; l�rl'�}tiy�.'\ tt, ��3ay�l��v{ Isusi�it�r, farsn ur nu�-pr�,�k arr.ai��.•z�i�;en !7;iccd 41i7 -14 �.I.I�i� 4�I,1S�4 1.'�C'fJa�k��,� �I'_ IIII:�� �.1� P}4P:`..117.1� gfu�}ii[s� 1�lsr ;3 *115�:u1t';. �it1r, [ca �x�ec�i 5lj 1771�24. H4li'CV�.I�, CG�",lI�fl11E1f1S fiLF [44�1 aillo�.+° ��nr ir;�r i� 4:';itiaaii.s ��. hltill ili;�4� ��uCl-�' s,� ".�ur Fil,:�_�:w 'ir.:�: I°,}st- f<cirrhi.irs�IllCn! F{77 L'�I�'1�7�4 L}lU'�'1i1�, 234rlC77��5 44'JII E3C Jlli1?�=� ti�un �:c'rupli;�ncc +,�iih rhe re,lic�+ti i�r� in�;ruiL�i�t:k.. r�r����a11�T": f`tlrt5lAlt �EirJ thnr�,yi�flf�' c3oscu:�S aTlO��in� trpqldllx �n�� m�91�r��1� ti*��ith zt r'tilcl�:�tinu �1t8��€snr po.itsr Ica m�aviil�, ]. 'k?�`�y4.li'v Coirini�.r:i31I Itlist�C' .:i rri��lc}1'k.t1. 111s: iii{sk°ii�� �;ps[s �hrc LO �. ;] il.l iii�c= :i s"`';<III��E re�ei�•ICri .[.i'tirii�nl ilb[;Illl�sl. �. an ih� �v�.ILt 4•l}1� SSltih yi7ur f�,:eul:'r ciu�lox:�.u5 fca in�.k� Ih�: maiw�i, it is n'c�',�il�'ci fh;o[ ti�tlu ITt�iiii�si�7 ;4 �:Dnl�a[e4; r�Ct�sYd ul�cl�el�4., [Inl� s�,r�k.Cr;. ��1� linnu,ri� ��is� �a a.!'1 ncis�.���s nli}�.�call}� parii�ipatiirg iir �fre mov�c. C.lr3r�r� fcrr t�sc nfc{��,i�n;a:�� ntk�ncd by t�c lau��n�;-s m:t} ?ac .�Iluti,��,i 6ui shf�ll hc �nnspara��i 1a� Ihns� �9t+C5 Cll�tr4i�l hk fucal a�aia:tl ,��bncits. �. Yc�� n,.�} cl��:.l Itr acLc�a< <l,L Ic�;�cr ot �ta��F �2M �.-sciirr<tit� Is�r m�ti°ii7� .ikl �pf p�caur �er�s»r.�l }�raperq��. Th��ti cca�� essiin�te� auill hc ublvi�siaJ bv khc ;t��nC} 117�1 �ar���GtRccJ 1n V'�r� �i� an [��rL75�[� �4i[8a Fha. I11C[h�}[�, n� [a1�7Cr f55c71�i€��, CS}S1� �O��llmcnt�il41� le [st�cr45�1'}�. - �4. 1�4;lJ [L16YYL �i]FFi�}EClC Ilhi' I7[}��Ijl�l �.1C}FS1417 i}j I�7� J�f611L l}j�]Illti C.I�7#Fi7 E{}YE[i 111 ]35Ii r'4[tiLl:Il i{7 [Ij� (yC�C�133i1I i5I �I1f� I��I'II:L a�ll �cq�ired iRi'nr�ne,lion perra�na�g 9af y°[�qof IriQt�r�. �rl;J mad� lp C95C R�I@Cs[iit� :��w�i�r tihc�a�'n on F15� l�ax3��l' 1�:1[ Ct�rc�cr nn Ult fixi��t �r ylris i�urcos. 1-Ioc �gcn�t' ++'il[ r_c�i c«nsici�r, p<ik� ur,�imh��r�s� fi,r c5��rrtime a;h�r4r� �hcepl in �mcr�cisc3• si�uFriic�r,�. a� {i��enninc�f ��k� �he rs��ncb�. f'�y�inca�l in2ti� s'��w b� alln4+°ed s�, G?,t o�uner rrt a dis�l,i��d t�u511teS�++rr i��m [r�5er,ilcef �`fl7 aCttii�l r�ir5[ll5iiblt ct�aciti:;�S :�k �e:tr�hil�t� l�or �e rePl:li:�ltie»i;5i7�� �at E+r �.�caLci $'�,�p0 (11�. �bir.f� ex�,�ntir�s nr�� i'sclud� ir;�ns�}c�i<<aai«n a:t�;ts, �aciva�l �imc. ansi cen:�in �other wxpc,r.,�s �r.�u:tll3 i�tcurrcil in �°tr�hi,r,�,. ,� ��c�ai�w�.. ctiitiliid .st���itt�nt ot�se�r�hin� exp�rt�� nsaisi i3CC45i}l]}3JS4' [F3� wlaii�. � d4 h�r�by �fflrr� +�at, �o �he best �d ro°iy ka�owl�d�e, despl���� is el;gible P�r r�irrtib�r�ernent af �ligib;e Ma��+in� Coss�s, b�s�d an s�is�l�cee'� �k�tars ar�d I�FFrr!1 k�has, to the besk �af my knar�+E2��e. sll per�pn�ItY �c�p�n�y of'h� paaC�l �! th� kim� of she iniii�lisan �+f r��anliationS �r�d�'or at ar!clud�n� 211 n�zard4us and errvi�anrr�ent�Cly th� iirne oi th2 �i�r�els �Cqu��itian. I r.arther �ffirY r:, ?7at di��,i,�teE qu��ifi�s ��ensiti�r� rrti�#�ri�ls such �s l��kkeries, trre5. a��t�, , —� A a�s a"di5pl�ced ��rs�5���, and ds �nlilPed io ;Dayn-e�t io� d�i�ad r��son.ahle s�lV,ief'� ins���icid�s� ferti��xarsF fluGrescent IighEs. �nd r�c�ss�ry .ma�rin� �r1cY -elat��i expens�e� ic�r � resie2nli�l ar �pn- �etrf.,� ha�e� t�een ,_w,ll ae rrrn4v�d from th� �rar�el. resi�enii�l mave {49 �FR Pt_ 2�1, as ir�dieato�i �15ewrer� �r- this fprm � --�.;� �%�I � ��y t� �J ��. "�� -�,"�_�_',C " � � / � �: Q�Se Re�ccaCo� Ad�r,s Signaiure � DaW_ �t ��1o,rin� CostS Fa�e � pi 2 R_1037 ���j ��r �{�1� A 5.hifr�h Thom�s�sn Personal Prap�r�y A+lov�e EstirrMate B C p � d4lor�ticella pownto+�wn Red�velopm�nt Proj��t F G � � Moving 1 Destri�ti�rrof Exp�ns� � FtatefH+�ur i# afF#�ursJ �iatefl rt�c�uer #lof Mo�rers _ ---- IEstinn,�t� 2 , - - .. _---- . .. . _ ___ . _ : _ •--. . � N1�we af Persr�nal PropertY ��� 8 �2[lC� 00' _�_ ! $20[J.[]0 . 4 ,5uper�+i�Or e �5� 8 � --- - e , . . _ .� �4C}C�.�O T� s�4�Q.Q0 � �--- --- tl ---- .� — ..�_ . _ �_ _ � - . �_._ i „�— ._! .- I . . _ — � Mitea�e (i day���. � kate � trips/day I �ersonal Pr�pe�ty - � $2��.TS x 1 , R�und trap=6�] � M�sc. mave exp�enses ; R�te f Unit 6.5°� tax i day � 6.5�6 �ax , mide� $1.�9,�mpl� 7 44 yar€i durr7p�t�er �p . _ —�_ . . , e � �. . _ --. . —_ � . .. $Q,Qt7 .--- _ .�. ___ � U-H�r�l truck rental � � � $20(}.75 $13.�5 � _ _. —.- ._ _ ----- ' ---- �14�,8� $�.5�5.60 � — ��,.._. -- � ..- -- - - --- � I __._. 2a s��-tot�i - - _ 11 Nlnw�e �# P�rso�nal Prnp�nky � � _ --- _ _- -- 13 Qther rnt�ve� b�nefits� -i-- 1� Bc��es ana ��cking material� � � ---... _ _. 1� Su���ota� - �]ther - 17 - I�t T�t�J Mo�re �strrr�ate - �- = __ ___.. I . z_ _ �._—. � - _� � �9S6.�Q — ' - - . ... - I - --e — . .. 1 : -�—. � �� � ., __� � �5(},OQ �� i 0 � �(�.00 � — . . �—_ _ .� �-- , �_ . —_ ..�_ --- r� �1.�[}6.6b I"� ���ll � R��4l11 � � IIlI DATE: luly �13, �(l1$ T�7: lulie [heney, Finanee�s.s+s�nt � -„� � - �5 � � + � . FRC}Ni: lirn T���, �a o ic eve �p ent f5,�lan�ger � sU B1ECT: #�elot�tian B�r�efit �I�i�rns under #he �! nifnrrn Relo[atian Fkssistance Act — V'Veber A[f.��hed is a rel�c�tiory �ea�efit c�aim fnr Chns#[�pher Lee �+Vek�er. I h�'�re reuiewed the [I��im �ir���rrr� �iy the E�}�! toj�suLta�t, Penny RQI#, Va+5F3 �L �4ssoce��tes, Inr. It i5 an �arder a�td ca� be pro[es�eci for paymer�t, ArErount csf P��+ment '� i,6��.Ui] $ �,52�,0{} Totak P�yrne�t, Pa�+ee and Purpo�e S�mmary _ Pavee_ _ .,.am-- - Purpase C,I�risc�fxer Lee Uh+�eber h�lcavir�Cc=sis Th� ��dlr1�; �D� �iY� 2rltif� �fTl[�u+1C i5 �+] f?E� d2t2��r5ir�2�1 by'4'�l'�yPh't' df1�;�l:�f 53idh �S it i5 r�k2l�r� �c �nr� sirr�ilar to lhe re[�rti[ �rt�r�serty arquisitior75 comWl�ted t��� 4h� EdA. I( yt�u hat+� �ny yue5tic�rts. let rTie krlC++�nr. Th�rtk yqu. � � � � '� ���`� �- �I�� {� �� � � Marrti�eflo Econ�mi� Dev�l�pm�nt Auth�r�t� f�4�V�h1G �CQ�TS •• irnpor7arrt' �ubrTTrf �rornpt�y .4d'teT M1�I�Dv� •• O�Ci3p�CIC�+ D�Ys,�+ C] Residence ' G Ad_ �ie�+i�e ��Gav$�errnant ��ther PP C3�8'� +��i� ❑ Bu�in�ss ❑ Fa�rn ❑ hlon-Wraft P�I e�e � : �Frristaph�r'Jy'e�rer �I�C. S.P. P�fCel � � _ Pro� 1l7 F�d IVc. County Wu�gl�t AC�ur51ti0n� p Pendmg �^A�cGepted IC7 Em. �omain �ar�el C7wn�f {ILasne or r..a�;e���. F.�iCh��l 1!'u'. Frosl�e acrd K�thleen A�. Fras�ie P�r�el AEddr.; �Q3 F�ine ��r�ee1 �i�y� Stat�'Lip: fulpraiicel+��, ra1N 5{:3�52 I�ELOCATPQN CLA�I41 ELf�IBILJT`I' f��:s��a�ee N�me�;sl G'hr�sko Fr�r W�t7�r ,Qc�upancy �ate �[��3 El�giblllty Date �.�i]-1g � NOIi{� CM IrYf�rM cr Pyryhd58 C�M�'i �-i ��It�{sj Df th:� h'lov� B�gan. FOR{1F#IC�aL WSE O+�Lx �;crnecN anal M4QV�f+iC'7 �C7.5d DPT�p�:; o v►�,er � Tenant Acq�Rsitior� ��te 3 15-18 ;�� oetetf�lit5ed. e�se'Pr,nOi� �j 6-1-1� �nd: 6-28-18 R�y+dee�tial Sc�dul� Qas� qAdv�nee � Part�al�'Final �LJbiflltt� �FF1L}U!lt '� f � � � � {�� aiStriCt A.ppr�rw'�I. 4Ne �gency A,ppr�va�. D��e r1��l�canan Approve�= Ilendo� Ncr.: aittn. �FIn�fIG9'. I M�ii GYueck To: " A�d�'esS�e(sj� Cfirisl�o�sh�r'�'deb�� M�ilin� Addr.: 11685 1Q'- SA. N� Glty, S[�t€� Zip �,�ley h�,W 56:32� l.C?CA7��C]N PERSC]N,4L PRQPERTY hAO1lED TC] -- F��I�Iy Nart3e f, ,�,�ry �n€�or TyP�: �j �_ � �:i. �'t `. _3 , � � .,,:� f a, : �tr�t �d �re�5; �_� ��'��t� r°., t � {�_ �� '�I�}`� �#��� �Ip: Name �af hulover�s) SefF-rnove �k'&'ACtual C�t,i Re91d6MCy CertifiCat�4R� Fetl�9r�l ,aw r�u r�5 CeMrf�C�ticn ot re5�de�Cy Sd3'�s Pl�as� �heCk !nB,:2d8gUr� or �{krn�l�t�3 t�� Sec[ian� 4�14W I��13�7�alies ia yCu e�r your €�cs��apancy Stalu -'irY ihe Unrt�d States. 1it�u= signa��+r� cn�nsC�qutes cen,f+sation f oettiiy thai I�m� a cdizen o-r na�k]�al C�f th�i Unued St�kes clF I fair��rpr tr�rf+ify t�5�t the++� �r� �erscsns in my hp�g�p�plb, r.nec�c crreo- � ar� ai�cn lawfvly pr�g�nd rn tf� United Sk3te3, Ur 'hat . �te Gi+.iz2ns �r r��CioY��ls of fhe l7nikeC" Si3t25. ��n el�En wisP Fiersan�• �rp�,�r4y 2wfu�lY Present in s�� __ 2re aLen� !a'f.�f�ily �t�5�nt in th2 ��II�€7 Sl3��s. tfl� LJn$�p 5k�kes �Dle F'r `� �p�l I ver#ii�r �n�t I 7I'�. � ljn�ied St2i�s citizen � an �iien I�wfully gre�enj in khe Uf�il�d Stales ❑ a Un�ed States nat�anal [� a n�-�-U S cr;�ar� noi �r�senk in khe Un�k�c Ska1�s �artr�rse�io I c��ity khat CMare are par�r,ers �n [Y�e pannersh�p �nd fhak are eK�aen� �f i�e U+���e� Sias�s and+vr are al�ens I�w'fully �re�Bni �n'h� lJn1e0 St2le9 �nd �r� nU�-L7 S�iki�e�� np1 pfeseni in 1h� lln�i�[� St�ltls C�rperat�an I certiFy that �� egta�i,sl� t�y law and a�eth�rize�t to �a�'SOuCt Cus�ne�� in �ng I��Ift�tl Siates Cl�im�nt Acknvwl�dg�ee�merl#. I[he unders�gne0, do I'�e�et�y �rtiiy kh2t A'.'9�s �� aecufakeiy �e��esents elig�bl� exp�nses I elso c�rti� thal I Yraue nak p«v�q�,s"y I � OFFIGIAL US� CiHLY: {Gomms�#sj .dlUti+C)llZEd I� �` M. �ignad.�r�: . `�. ���� iPFint}: �alov�ry C�aLs 1 51fue an� crrr�� �M�y Ihat dnc�rr�enl�ti�n �SGachQd herek� f ,vt�'+� payrttenC For SPIy ex��wse s�bmilCed w�tfi tltrs oa�m. � l\ . � � �ti � 1�.'��� Telephon�; ��'�� `�`� �� � � �j �1rw� ng Cas�S P:�g�p 1 at � �L�.p�� ��te: � � � � � i a 201 i+06 l�f::�ll}��:N7-T3il. �r1�w�in�; �'us[s Ia��tructiiMns Fr�r ��hmit#irr� ��uktr cl;�is� I?;C ti;114 y.ill .iIIC�t4 r.-idtiil:��l 11749{7��*�� til�li'lla.3 Gu a J..PI,a��:tt in;ii�,ltlu�s �:}T l:tln�'� h,l;4u r�n willl•:i .i :2i)11�1 *l�l I:-:Eil _.[�: , i_i�iu,ktiuev:iidt��7: I�rsr �i ! l'.�1 {'tiiw 1 w. �c:t:_rrLti -L:. ;_ 11����1,�4'��a S�al.l 55 � II I}ti :t,kc'tl !�� ti41c�t�l °Ilc rr::lt:t,tl ni�F.[ :>ui[�',I� l�r;.,;ur .�e�:i.,. I�vTPDRT:i�T; �onsult and thorrau�i�Is� discus; rnnvi���; uptir�ns ���� ���•Ihuds wil:h a relor�tion arJvi�;r�r prior tcM m��vin�. �".4 �:.11l4.11111;��;;4llllh'.�.`;4.ti�iu lul:i,'�+� cilltir�[i:.rn+slii.t�i�:is:�, ism:�liEulr�h�.trr.: i�n�=�}��cr.�.;.. �C��:c ���:n�:ti uillrr;71�'r�naiii4T.�r:1,�;:�� I'Ul{17htGr5� ri�f�4C�l�.i�,� �Ii:arL.:k. :�:cpL in �riicr�.�nr4 ,r,u:uitr�, �:i�<_•rmin_•.i ttefnreh;llsd '?x Iht *l i'4 c`�r'R9iilii..t�l�. P���ment� h�� iZnoatti �che�a�ulm td9�.�lerlhi�;:n�'.IisiJ_ ra,-�7rri+. ik:�omPutcilr�n �ht numh�r[+1�Fi�ram; in t��ul'�wsidtnt.t_4.�t�lu,.et 4a1�[}psi�l �.i,,:lk. �::irch�.:,. �:�r�lr.r,.'�,,'I7�c��an:�, �,il,xs�ilti. �I;If.iY.Ci.> i�Y ;i[".�� 1��-11irn15hC� 's1a3111S.. r1 l�BSC[tl��I7i Iis3S' k±C �sms�ilcra�l ifn�� ro[em �inlea5 il h;LS hCCn '*���dr;ilc�� �:.dt�, lik Jb�:, .��:�.:177; st:t3; ti� ''�L�,rOu[k�� �ar rerr ;s[iiin �e�s,;a�4. l?�,i,�t�il.lin�; u��d for r1�ir.i4'.e �S�EeptihG� �n.i�, ;il;n h4 k:17,,nEcc1 k�'� lhc: [ui?m ba313. _ . The Qc�upant.Prorrid� F�rr�is�� $h�a O�cupanl daes Flnt Pravide F�miture-� R��r*7s 1 � 3 4 S 6 7 S f���r,�cnal R�or�s R.��'ns . ��^! Ad+��kional Rvorns A,mvunk $57U ?�5 9�5 1`25 1�25 `��5 1725 19��a 5275�E�cn Arr7c�un� $45G 510CiFash _. . .. _, _, .. _ _-_y I'a��n��nts ht Ftecei�rt De .�,t�tnul C-u�t 4'n41tir 4.ii; :;rclhtikl. ���c �t.�le: +17�k ;;11�Fsti r�:imbur�m�ni t�;e r�as��rtahle :vr�i u��ss�rr i.��: J����:r,r,iniJ h� �t�t �Kine; ) ck�,�n:;e� �n�urrc;1 �n m;}}•ine titGur �acx+afnah� �rai��n:•r1x� fc�r � i�a,Eantr naH L�M tiY{.L�L`i,� ���_1T17_�1`� +IPi\ is n.i±i. �,i� :�rlju�.in,wnt s9,r inc,�n4•cnic.n�r.� ss�l7ic.h It.�s� txc�urrti,i e,r i��f rirait� 14,�i :,a 4�l}I1C Ci%:ll�.:L� c}��;u�atiun, �ia�wln� rtipcnSCa 4+11] 9?c �ald �rpt+n c�7nlpliunct +� itr� lh. ii�llt�ti� ine i�1,r�,�caiarn�. ' - I. I�'�hC91 k'{ILL iICL` [[YL53'CLI I'k sL �ITi1�Ctitil{,ITIs1I ITIi}}'7�j� LL}jjj�}e4�k.'�Yi31' tFLL �hri��'4'�� e1�.4�. {Ihj:41f1 �; 4�'4ti31�44�. ItCITll7.41� f�4�15�5{tie� 411��. I11:LCi.GL� ���yiil�i.� III � LL���� :9f1{� �ign�il hs� ;G t�tsRlpsif�x f�pf�.cK'ni;3Rl+���. k']�4�4. i:{�nflfm �li�ihill[x, +tiitll� 3��E�,��li.trn :iJ+.�issia� priclr [�e lhc rri{r�•�. �. f I e'dour p�s4�ana� P�xr�rer[�. j� m�fx��i h�, tii�rrirs}n;; c�t�C� lh�in ,k pripfs.�sa¢�r�al moti iir� �iFnrp:ln�_ 4ou mu�[ �ut�ltilt all i[ti1lli�d-� 5[.iicrric.rll sl;t�t� ini: ihe nur�shcr t,i� �u.t3pl� hil�.d_ �ahc r;tics p�7 ]�s,u.r �+�id_ �iaic.s, an�l ihe eotal f�L*ur� 4+«rk.r�l ii,r ti:,il� i��;lis i�lual an� ih�� cyui�rrri:nl u��:`l. I'J4s�54 ;7]�C'k��5 1h4� melh�s�l aki9h 4�1?ur R.I«taui�}n :�d+, issfT �,rsi�r Lr+ m�n�in� ��:�� �n�;�.�erlrlg Ckj7cns�ti, �. Y��xGi t]lusl ioiriplctti lhC• ts��tr�ti[§] �onl�n 4]9�[hi 1'fti7�11 tdd'[11ia("l�irr� f=��rrt5 i�i iosk. ahll��.� u+�li� t?ri�i�f�J c�1�This asrren a`:1 r�yuirc�l in9ifrin;�ii[�e+J�rtt1i911ng 1€� ��n�r niox•e ;and m.��; 1rs lhc ks:l�}c�dic�n ;4Jx i4c,r �hc�+c�n i7e I�11 :S54R'� f Iili i.�SYlll'� l}I7 iFli :fi713i {l} IE{I.l It�r�i7. �. In IFir .wer'il 4•ca� �r� :inan�i�l�x uat�Jr •;s �+aGk l`.-.� rniiro�irt4 �s;�rri�;�nti, t,�srccr�l :�rran�.rmrn^.ti m:�x #�c rttac'.�' u'u7h 8���: ]'trlcscc��iun ;1.ia i;c5r �:� alli�ati Jlrt.t �r�si°rhi7 :�r:.i7:�41kai7�: �+avm4_�-til�u:,�� Ilr,k n7�e,l h�� �lrarn. stirll in;tJti.y����.t�4�ih. nr�7t�iire�:ii=:. l�{:)\-f�F:�11�F,�T'�,��., ���uvin�C�ost� In��ru�ticrns far �ubmittEn�;}';�ur �i�ir�n R�Itic.u�.�r.�. r� u..i�i�+ii., .ill�,xs i_�t, ira_� �a�a�c:�s +c, �,�i,�rl��c�i °,�:�in��:�. I�ae:n �iT Eaun-�rr�tli9 arr�;�nireu.�,-. 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Jom Zhare� Ec�nnc�mi� Ueveln�m�nt �vla:n��;er City r�F l�+ionti��llrt� 51].�i k'Yalnut �tree[ S�uit� 1 ['vlontice�ir�, °v11�] 55367 �3illing Peri�d; Jurre �IJ7 €3 S�ervic€�s Perf[�rme�d • ��m�let� an�lvsas nf r+�k�ised dekPel�rp��r �rca fc�rma ar�d upclate f9e�an�pal evalua�i�r� � Atterati �C7� rraeetir�� • Finalir� `I'Lr� P�an fnr publi� heauin� • C'ran�erenc� zaGl �,;�ikh de��elc�per t€� re+�•iew p�n fnrm� � �c�nFerence ��alJ x�ith staEF �nti attcrroie�� • �t4��nd �ik}' Cnunrr1 meetin� and pu�li� Ereann� Staff Tirn� Expe�a�� Tp��l ij�rs Period f'�siti�n Sen��ar Pr�sfe�ssi�+nal Tntal �taEf l+viileage @Cintin� Other T�t�at Exp�n�s Hnur� 14,5� 14_50 Rat� E3illa�bl� $a�i{1 52,�]i�.C10 $2, 6 i �. 00 $�.frIO.Q� Pr�j+�c� :�utnmary T�a#�I �3�ud�et $ 8a���.,��, 6illed This �'erio�d ��2,fi1�.00) Bill�d f��viaus (�;,U5�.047) audget]�em�ot�in$" $ 1r7�5,{]0 r�t�2f{authora��� �dc�rira�rra{ s�rttRc�s, rnciur�ang t�a�e�tx��{ atiend�rtc'e �eyo�d arigcr��� se�pe crrrd �a� dge2. Rud�t^F mrry b�e �x��e��d. Nnrthlan� Securities, Inc. P�ge Z�af � J�ulie �hene �rn�rn: Jim Th�res '�ent: Tue��l�y, auly �7r �OTB 5'�1 P�v1 To: JuIF� Chen�y C'�: S�ar�h ��th�isberg�r Subt�c#: RE: hJ�rthland ���u��tie� Ir�v# 54�5 �,�,610.��1 Jufi�, Thi� i� �kay. It SFloud� h� Coded tc� t�1e Briggs Pro�er-Ci�s TI� Ap�laratioi7 ESCrc�w. l.et me knc��v if we h�ve em�tie�d th�t ;�f�ro�int �u[, I��ill �Sk f111 r. 6riggs to at�[1 rt�o�e fura�is tn it. Frvm. Julie Cher�ey Sent: T�,e�da�+, July 17, �O1F3 3;14 �M To; Jirrr� TFr�re� Subj�ct: �; N�rkhaanc} �ecuriki�� Inv� 541�5 $�,�a1+D.�}0 fr��lo°�.in¢ ��g� c�ri t8'�i5 �,f also f4�r t�rrri�rrc}�u� Fr�rn: J��ie �h�ney Sent: Manday, luly 16, 2�11$ 11;18 AF,� Tv; Jim itr�r�s �Jim,iF��r�s�cH,montic�ll€�_mn.�s� S�abj��t: Northland Securitie� In�r# 5416 ��,�1D_�ip Jim Attaeh�d is i�n�+oi�� #541� fr�rri hJ�r-t�l�r�d Securities. C�k�y to pay� ��,�1C9,C►0� Ple�se provrde coding. Thar�ks. T�t����,� 4 ;�,��;,���f �Finar�te Assis#an# +�ity of Marstic�llo 763-�71-32C�5 ,JuVie.�h�,n��,��ci.rn�rnticello.rnri �s AP�c�.rnan.ti �eldo.r�tn,us � i.��±a .ibF �� ���1�1+���� � �Err�r�� �or�res�o�d�r�ce to �rrd frort� t�h�e City r��' �1►Sonii�e�lo go�r�r��a�ent vf�ices is s�bject �o th� Mr'r�r�s�ta G�s�rer�xn�r�t C�ric� A�ct��e� ,4ct artr� r�ay � dr'sc�ose�d ta thrnd p�a�rt���. n �i#� Of ��I7�IC���4 Aitn: W�y�ne �CJ�erg, Fin�n� ��r�et�r 54}� Walnut �tr�et, ;uite 7 Monti�eJ��, MF� �����-8�3� , : f -� �, ,rt �. � �,v�,,i�. 5,���� �,+�,� � r�:�� o-��.:.�F ;. �_� '.4`sl S��11Ei j [76:ii �41—��C1U Relo�li�on A�sistance R,�J�te� ta Dpti+vn#a�wr� Red�veMopmer�# GL Acca � 213e�6301.431990 Gi#y �t�ff Revi�weu� - Jirr� Th�res Prvfessfr�n�l S�rvi��� �orn M�y qi. ��1:$ #v �a+v 3�. ��18 .�IJfIQ ��jF ��i$ Proje�t N�o; Invai�e f�c�; i°I�r�rs �ate Rolf, Brer�t �f7{2�18 1_00 9�7,0� P�rcel f�otes u�d�ke and d+��vmen# r�vieuv R�If. �ren[ 51�12�1� .�f� 97_�t� �arr�p�rsb�� S�arch� f�olf, �r�nt ���12C}1� �5t� 9�,�0 P�r�el �oniac� RoNf, �rent �I10J�019 .7� 97_�DO f�loving �.I�irr�lp�rcel contact Rolf, Brent 51111�01$ 1,�pQ �7,�� Prc��e�t diseussi�nlA,nt�qu� �t�re va�r�cy searehJpar�ce� �n#act Rc�lf, �rent �J`I4J��18 1.25 9�_[iQ �ornp se�rchlA�ntiqu� st�are conta�tl,p�r��l ccantacl R�iIF, Br�nt 5115J��1�i �.25 97.04 ,4ntiqu�e �tcare c�llir�glrr��o�+ir�g claims Rolf, BrenR 51151�p�8 1.2� 97.00 Mo�in� �ost� revi�:�lp�rceN �nt�ct Rc�lf, Br�nt 5117J2�118 3,�U 97,C1Q 1�4crv� �slimate5lp�rcel c�rg�niz�tian{p�rc�! cca�nt�cl R��f, Brent 5J18�'20t8 .7� 9�i,�}0 f�r�j�ct dis���sior�'Mpvir�� Estim�[�s Fiolf, �r�nt �1�1f�018 3.0� 97_p(? fa+Eave E�tirnaieldi��uss�a�freviewlpr�je�t di��ussi�n R�Pf, Brent 5f�?J2�]18 3.2� �7,i�[� h�Ar�ving Estirri�ie arr� ���mslparc�V cantac!lp�vst ofFc� Rolf, E3r�err� 51�3{�p18 2.�5 �7.U4 �preadsheet upd�l�lParcel Contactlp�r��l sc�nni�t� l���f, Br6nt 5J2df��96 i_�� 97.�1C1 f��3r�8� MCr+��! revi��+lr�otes u�d�keJarrtir�u�e s1+�re contact I�c►I�, Brent 512�f2�i8 1.25 97.�0(} ��mp ��arch F�r B�th��y Frvs�ielproje�ct discussion Rolf} Bren# �J29�2C1� �.Qp �7,�� �c�mp �e�rch and prin��ngJ�ntique stnre [:untactlparc�el �onta�# R�If, Brent 5i3C}}�p1g 3.t�� 9?_D� �1,�tes updatedF��r�el Conta�tlReferr�.l �$arc� R�If, Brent �f3112418 2�_�� �7,4� R�Ic�cation C13�msl�ar�l +G�nta�t 3.. ;c',: �,y _: �; �^:d-i< x _ CE;;,c , Eqi.,ri S-}Wpr7�iunity F!s,{:d:�+r � w5nt-��Y C�'� R-LI 1 i}965 �1U0 7 �� � � � 6 • a °_ � I � � . � � �. • i.��� I 1�J� I �4m�unt �7_0� ��.5i} �18,�0 72_7� 97,�� 12� ,�5 218,25 �2�.2� 33�,�0 72, 7� 291.p0 � "! 5.25 2i�.�5 7�1 _2'S 121.2� 36�,f}0 2�1.0{} �18.�5 Pr�j��C F�-(}� U�fi�-0�(� MC1�T - Relot.ation Assis�an�e Rel�t�d tea anv�icc 6 Rolf, FennY 5�'1}�018 1,'�Q 1�3.U0 I�eViewed �ntractor es#irrrat��, �fCs ur�cc�nt�'�ctc�r �n�l s�3lc�nn t�n$rits_ Rt�hF, P�nny �f�J���+� .�� �fi3_(JU E-ena�ls sent to move�r� r�_ ���lus of e�#imaies, reYiew�d CCamp� for r�esid�nti�l kenar�l Rc�lf, �Per�nY 5f3i2�118 ,50 1��,�1b E-mai�s k+o mov�rs r�= es#, and to �en��l ag�n# lo �et � c�py of the iea� F�alf, P�errny �f4�2Q1� 2_�� 1�,3,�� Pr�epar$d � c�aims P�r �o�r�� in Si�Ce - e-r�t�ifed t� #�r�ants, e-m�ils attd cl�l wlMoving �o. re; est.� res��rche� �nd s�nt out ref�rrais to �eth�r�y Fro�Ef�e Fiolf, PennY �!7!2{li�i .T� 1f3.t3q Rec'd cl�irns, e-m�ll bacic ta Mi�h$II� E►w��ng abou! rr�issing Cl�im Fi�ff, P'ennY 5��1201� 1,€�0 163_{10 ��# u� 2nd mo�irrg �o. meeting, c.�ll wlSalon, E-maii $nd L'V�1 - �nr�k�er and his �genk, e-m�il fo Ewings, discuss praj��t +rvJ�lfent R�fF, Penny 51�1�4?8 e�Q 16�_0� �=mails �n�l �all re: �rir�ker relo�2iian Ralf, Penny �J7(lf,�Ci�l'� eg(� 1�,�,(}� C�fl #� All F�arr�itur� - r�ui�w ��ve est.. �heck on r�ntique r+�FerraJS, e- maiE r�, r�nt difl��rence �I�irr� F��If, P+enny� 511iJ�[1�� 3,(10 4�3_4�1 i7riv� t� M�n#icello and back, me�king wifh ;�Ivn at+�r�er an� moi+er�, �Pf +�nr�Jim Th�res re: Going in Styl� �r�d J�m�s i�., Youn9 �raff; PennY �114l��1�Q .25 163_�0 �Di��ss proj�:ct st�tus wrr'6rent Rc�lf, Panny 5l16l�(li� .T� 1�3,fi�] �all wlJam�s B�irrker re_ r�ntal spa�, e-maif tiu�Jlm Thares r�: F%j�lml�rrd vac.�t� date and mtg at site Ft�lf, F'�r�nY �J1i1�0i� 3.�i1 1�3.�0 W�rk on file fortt�s, calls v�+�len�r�ts an�d c�wner r�: st�tu5 e�f rnove �nd perst�nar pr€��erly �stirn�k�s� discussion with �rent, c�IP �,v�F3eth�ny Fr�rsli� and pre�'� I�kter re; r�aove �p#ians, e-r�n�il � c�ll wlJ�m Th��s r�: �ds�7 te�ant �nd rr�ave da#e Rolf, PennY �i1�1201� 2.75 1fi3.�� War�€ tsr, rr7ove est. -�lr�ft mc�v�e �rptio� ��tter and appt r�spe�nse f�alf„ F'enny �1��J�G18 .�(} 163_��1 Per��n�l pra�erty� mov� estim�te wnrk, tIIS�15s��Bd �arvje�t +Ni�r�nt �41f, P�nny 5#2�J201$ 3_75 �63��0 �pd�t�d' forrrr� �nd 3rrrc�rked r�r� F'erson�! Fra��r�y Move lett�rs, c:all �+ISteven F�Ijelrn�l�r�� arrd g�spc�nse le##�r, e-rnail�d Ffije�mel�nd infa tq Jima dis�us��orr v�1�r�Rt �n Pers. �r€rpe�ty �nraove I�:tt�rs Rolf, PBnny 5J�3l�Q18 1_7� 9fs3.OQ �alls wl�no+�ers, prepared mcrve �s#_ I�#ker and rrfai�ed and e�rnailed, calJ wlBetharry �r��fie r�: rent s�upprer�ent assist�n� optior�� for r�ev►+ housing F�olf, Penny 5i�4l20"18 1_OQ 1G3,Q�i 30 d�y notice - pr��ar�d �n+d �i�li'v�red to PO I��if, P�errny 5.�29f2{}1� 1,25 �63_GCl Up�i�ted fJe nc�tes, revievuec# r�elo clairri, fl� +�+v�sr�, e-m�ifs to st�ff �e; file docurner�ts, rev�ie+n+�d letter frorrr �. Hjefm�land F�alf, Penny �134+''�p1S 7.50 163.OQ �44,�4 81.�0 87,5[i 3fi�_�5 i 2e.25 1 ��,04 �i.6� 81.5�7 �4�9_DO �4[�.7� 122,�5 5�7�_50 �45,25 81 _ �50 fi11.2� 285.25 1 � �sOC� 2�3,75 ��,�� I'rt�ject R-01 ��f�5•�pDCi A�If]k�T - F�e�t�cat�an Ass��tance R�Pated t� �n,�o�c� 6 ��fl ta A�iichelle Ewing re= ch�ck al Gi#}�, upda��d frfe noles, caN vrlS#even H�elmel�nd, referr2�l work iRali, Penn�r 5f37f207� 1.2� i6�.Q0 �Gt3,7 i Rrepared dra19 of letter for Hjelmefand, called Joan E�andhu� r�= m�ev aut �ppt, cal��d t�nants, upd�ted notes,, rewie�v�d l��ung r�la �fairr� T�#als 61.75 7,$$7.�5 �vtal Labnr T,��T_2� Reimburs$bl�e Ex�ensas Pcsstag�e 8, [�elivery �11812U1� Rolf, Per��y T�,##�I Reirnbursables BI�If�ng l..irr�its Tat�l �illings Limit R�m.ainrr�g [}utse�nding Invo�i��es Invoice NumNr�r � T�fial �a�r�men�s; Da#e 51� 312�18 ApRr�ved by: Posta g� ��rr�a�t 7,89�,29 I�eview�d t�y� Pr�j��t rVlan�ger B�lance 7,{�t�.93 �,aas.�a B4OA $.�4 �.4� Prlor To-D��e �a,��2�_Oc� 3�,i17.�9 3�,7��.00� �{}.7 i Total thla �nvoFce �7.895.2� �r�i 1�k+erss �'�nny Roff �fot�J hFow aue ���,aa�,22 � I�age 3 ���, ���� �w���::�_�_:-� ----_-____ �oa s ��� sr �r�ca�rn � ���.a�-��� +������o�s ��oa����s��:� �.�__,�--�__-_- ,� �:� �r� Pr�+duet � Y =_�-�-_--`-`-=-____=__=: fJeescrip�tdcw; ��y� Final �rice Fi!�st-Class j Maa] $l,�q �arge E�v�f�pe +��na�es t f c } �FM�{I:NS, F1� 55;�51 �h'e+9ht.Q �Lb 4,9dJ i�z} {Estin�t�d aellw�r� �at�� (Frl�da�� �1��2Qf�D�87 �ertlfied � f�IJ�PS C�°'tifl`�,d �{�il #) �3.i15 {7�16034�O�T0722766qi Re#urn � Fke�e I p t �2 . 75 fQ�;d�P� Retw�S Fte;.�ipt #} i�90940�733E6�2�r01��7} Tot�� � �8 , Chr.1 L�"edit Carvd RemiT� $� (��d N�me ; JG�ii; 41lcc�unt �4:k'K1�1{xXk'���{�;]0{}4) fAPpr�,asl �:8456�5} (Tr,sr�sacC 9 ort �I _ B33 } {��tr'y M�de:C1��p} {+� I�' � �10000[7� p�5p 1thBD I � t�p]icaSi�n �eb,��:RMER��p�� E1fPRESS) f��/�.T�+'°���/� N❑t� �f�qeq{�u+irepd�/+ /5�L�gdMr%�ary /L� i��C�� "*/i./� 1 r��4b��4�JQ�L11 4/�.�i,�'' 4JU��}�y�ry �4`� � ���ti114.1� r r�ra � ��i a��o�r�o� � Gki � ��� � �it}+ a�f Mvn�pc�lfa A.ttn: Wayn� (]berg, �in�r�ce Direct�r �C�� �al�ut �treet, �uit� 1 �ulor�ticeflo, M�V ���62�8��1 2{J18 �conemi� Qevelo�mer�t �ervic�s �it�{ ��aff Fte+�i�vwer - Jim Th�r�s +�L i4cct # �13,4�3p1.43� �9U 701 X�nia r�a�ee<rr �; ��..-r �_, ��; :,;1:� � h���n��apo;�s. Mhl �:.� ir: i rt::�; 5�#, 48C][] ,�une ��, 2418 �re�jec� F��: I�-�111�'�-�Q{} ar�u�iCe Na: � rroxes�r�rnai �ervicg� trorrr May 1. 2CF1��r� Ma�+ 37. ��j�� Phase ODi 11 20'I� Ec.pnomi� Devel�pm�nt ��enrice� J��tainer ��e $75D Mor�thly, Adjustrr��n# for Januar�-Apri1 f�r $�O(�. f�lonthJy R�#�ir��r Fee T�p#al Fe� 9,[�{YU,00 P�r�e�t C�ar�pl�ke 4�_�6�7 T�tal Eamed �'revipU� Fee giiRirtg �urrent ���e Billing T�tal Fee g,�U.�� Tc�tal #his Task ����.�4 �� �'e�taC this �'h��e �950.40 �,�,'�, ��tal t�is Iravoi�B �,� ffi9�i�.DO `�1��� Qutst�nding Irsvx�l��s In�raice N�rnh�rr � Tota C Bi�llr�gs tts iDa'te Fe� Lab�or Tcatafs �ommen�s: C1at� 5�23J201 � CurR�r�t 9��_QC1 0_�0 950,08 �kpproued by: ������ �, 3,�5(�,C1� 2,8t]{i,D�l 95Q_Op �a�an�e Ti]�.0(l �OO.�Q �r��r �,f��941,00 1,29�2.�D 4, i19�.5Q fiu#�I F�law I�ue To#�� 3, 750.0{l 7.��2�54 5,(���.50 � Revi��red by: Br�t �eiss Pre�ject Manag�r, Jar�es �romh•erg �?va•..u,t; .i �y,,c� ;�;.;r ie���v�,� ��el-sal '�F3�iC�le�� vl}'� Em�eso9r�.r � +r,�ts� ny . [crt'^� �1,fi5�te�i1 ■ . � �������r�, ��d Desiqr� � P.O.Bax b�l Mpn[i�eil:r, �1N �5��,2 wrww.ma��rs.cc�nt 7�S},�q5.43�3 d�signot�ma�irs_e�nn BiIJ T� C:il.y� �flV�c�r�ticell€� r'�ccn�,n#s P�ya�le 5�1� �°'a�r�ut �tr�:et �ic�i1ti�eIPQ,'vi�l 5� �f�? Rt�m ('r��1C1F'� I�'�.�. O'rarAs �ti�} I � �'tl n.� Quantily ��' Q�a¢:k'� 5'? �tC15i�zlr� ?,7{� �'rw[4".9r�� I l7r�nk �c�u for ��,�ar bu�i���.;s. �esC.�ip#w�n i�,��l�� o��� ������� � ?: I �;`7f11 F', f 5fof] � �� � �,�"'�_ . '��18 � �f9�� �'� ��ra�nthl}� 1,�14. t�e r,f� ].5",'0 ���ils lac cF�:�r��at f�r iir:cFicc� ;�I d�iti:: ��{is1 du� �, ith ,, ��]1�1"I�fti��'�P�[�I{S �r�iniinum char�r� ot � I �1 � $��c�il�E: �LJE' ��1c.E 17 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 4:59 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Majirs Inv# 1560 $292.16 Julie, this is okay. Please code to: 213-46301-434990. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2018 3:13 PM To: Jim Thares Subject: FW: Majirs Inv# 1560 $292.16 Jim I'd like to include in the check run tomorrow if possible. Thanks Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, July 16, 2018 11:59 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Majirs Inv# 1560 $292.16 Jim Attached is Inv# 1560 from Majirs for postcards for Block 52. Okay to pay $292.16? Please provide coding. Thanks, Ju,lie CFceney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us ('7T5' flF �� �-�� ���1�I��� Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data PrQctices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. i � , � F�� P Jul�e C�hgn� Frvm: �ullser�e Prc�perty Manag�ment � ma�l�;m�n�gebuildir�c�_cc7m> �er�t: 7hurs�J�y, Jul}+ 12, �i71� t0;�34 Aft� Tv: 14 R 5u�bject: L�as� statemen� fvr Br�ad4�ay+ P�rking Eas�ern�nt - C(�N1M£RCIAL -� as o# 7J���'�{�18 � �ullseye Pr�perty Manag�ment PI,1:,�5E T�C�T[:: 1)[D Tr4�T R�PL.�° TC) �I�1 II� T�.�TAIL. ALaL�J�r4� �iFai� emaiE rncss��� xi•as ,�nt frc+m a nt�t�� ic�l�iurM-c,nlv� addre.�� tN��t[ ��nn�ut acc�pt i�c�rr�ang email_ ���5� ������17�1'1� �.S �� l � � ���� � � �ity� �f N1�ntic�lla Econc�mic Dev�lc�p�ment �uth�arity� �5 L�I�e S# �uite 504} Bit� L�ke, Nll� ��3�� C��#� F�ric�r t��lan�e �J��12� 1 � ��1 J��}18 71 �1 I� �} 18 8J1�21�1$ f�+l �+�n v P�yment �o�nrn�n �rea N1��nt�nanc� Raym�rtt �ommor� Ar�a Mair�ter�ar��e Paym�nt ��rt�mon ,Ar�� M�in#er��n�ce �vrnme�n ►�rea N1ain��;nance Acc��nt #: �}��E�:�91� Amour�t ��121.�Q) �$"�21,�{l} $1�1_�iQ $O.�b�} $12� ,�ip $121.6Q B�I�nce tfue: �12�.6� �� �. �`-i`� � ti � _�,�,, Pa��m+�nt i� d4�� b�� thc ?8ch c�9't�re nic�ti#h. �'��� -�� '1�l�na�e �°�ur �cc{�unt onliz�e: htt,�:llhull����cpr�,�erti�.s.m�na����il�lin�.c��rr� E3ul Ise��c Pr��a�;r�y� hrlan���rnent i6�4'?9�-���5�i �d�riin{€�,�iL6�iti�?�`�'� 1 L.COI11 1 Pr�irie L+Ve�t F��y��s-you-�r� b�l�r�c� [7istrrct� �� P��rnent tcs: Lind� �mith (Not River�o+� ��nk} �e�enp#ipn TI F 1-20 p�y aa you g� 1�l vr �nd 71� C�rigir��f Ama�unt 65..G�C�D.O�D �73-4���0-4��1 �D InCerest R�#� 8.��ti0°!o Payment� �ornrn�n�.e S�1J99 Ent�ing no Lat�r Tna� 811�18 A,vailablE: TIF �}Q.Op�4� �prr��t,�vail�ble TIF �� p(�¢�a �#ake asses5ed f�e N� - coun#y rem:tl�nce repr�s�n�s rr�hole di�trict Fia� r�t� to 3fi.U+�95 $�Oj usl for incorr�r,1 BF1113 verrdar pr�r1 per WO 7118f1 � Incremen# T�at�l B�lance t}�ke R��eived PrinCi al Inter�5t �'� r�er�t F2emainin 1213�1199$ -6,60�.[�C� -6.�02.00 71.&fJ�.00 7��3111999 -6,21� C}Q -5,�1s� p0 77,81 � 0{? 712�l�0�70 -�,9b2.�[� 2,$53.�U -f,�14�.,�C1 $f,7�f}.�t] 1,'11f��DCJ1 1,637.OI� 1,537.�dp 81.72�Q.�L1 7f�6i�0�� 1 f151��i72 711���(]Q2 1l141�C�p3 �J2�4d��03 1 J23120�4 7122l2 C��J4 7l20iz0a5 71� 11�005 1 {� 9�� UOfi i2 + -1.s�� .ao -�;�3�.�4 � $A .00 -1, 93s. 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GCi 15�.0�1 � �0. €l [� 7 55.00 �.�� o� �.il��.0� �,�0�. f�(1 2,���}.0�7 3,993.�0 2,56�.00 4,14'�.O[l �,7�9�0f1 �.��}4.0�} 3.�6��.Q4� � ,a��,aa 2,03�.0� �6 5.00 2.31� DO 2,�r55. �0 2,987,�?� 3,4�5.�� 3,8�1.4t� 3,8�4.0[} 3,�5Q.04 1(�,�4lhfl6 i.59�.0f] 3.�5�9 �CJ 5 2�5 ��0 85 1�9,�1Q 7i�Br��7�7 2�O.a0 �.�2�.�0 �.8�4D.QCa $4.9�� �c� 7�19�f�O1�7 7�7 �� 3,61t.�0 4,368.{}U $�},�1� QQ �����z��� ��.�o �,���.�o �,�o�.00 aa,��� �o $;1{2p�j� 9�2.�p �,85�.�i0 �,�i8.00 83,�63.f]0 1I9J�O�i� f 1,�� 1.00 1,�37.7� 3.538 68 4,776.4CN $�,02�.2$ S�i��f}Q� 11,9�57.9� 1_��1.17 �.48�.07 4,787.18 8fl.724.1i 1�1f201[] 1�q.�24.35 $9� S� 3,�;i�p.�8 4_3�9.74 79.�25.2(� �J11�C110 11.�94.1s i,�[�5_1C1 3,�92.57 4,797.�i 78,4�� 14 f.�112G�11 �,9���66 ��7.�1 3,3�2.s5 3,9�0.26 77,7�2.69 8���20�7 �O,a35.f7 8�8 93 3,�a�.3� a,��a.�� 7s,9�3.�� 111J2C11� 8,6�3.41 18C1.�5 3.2$8.41 3,4-0�9.3� 7�,7��.81 $�1#�0�12 �,�#�8.(1$ 54.51 3.26[}.�2 3.3'f�.�3 7�.��8.3Q 1l1�2f}1.3 �.�49.$5 �+J1 �� 3.��84Q 3.5�� �4 76.06�.76 811E2�11,� 9�.3�7$.Oa 4�C1.35 3,2�2.�4 3,7�3��i 75,57��� 1J11��]14 6,10�49 -1,�15.�2 3,21�.�� �,i��.18 7�,���.�� 817d201� 10,357.�8 ��3,56 3,25�.17' 3,7�8,73 7�6,118.�� 1Jif2015 �,714.4� -1,177.84 3,23�.04 �,(757.�[} 77,���.SQ $l1�2�15 'l1,0��,�7 682.92 3�85.1Q 3,��i$.02 7�i.�673.�9 1i1���15 6,1 ��.78 -1.041.�f} 3.��� 08 2,�1� �� i7.fi�� 3#3 $19l�{t1� 11,2��.1'1 76�.37 3,�D4.3� �,i?C�3.72 7�,��� (�� i{1���J17 �.303 �9 -998.47 3,��7.91 �,��9.4� 77,$�0.49 �f1J2017 ��7,967.�3 638 ��1 3,3�0.35 3,9�8.35 7i,�5�.49 1J7J�01$ 7,106.78 -724.79 3,��3.2'� �.�5�,�#4 7T,977,�8 8l1I�C�18 12,�i3.71 1,176.54 3,3`�4.Q3 �,4�f�.�4 �6 80�.7� ��,���.�� 83,701.�[] 85,��7.0[� 85.��� �J{� 86, 9� 1.Q€} $�,573 C��} 87,283. [}0 87,131.�}0 8�,9�1.U�D 8fi, 786. [] [] ��� ����`� ���������� �lA'TE; Juay 17, �018 T�; J�li�'�lir�ney, �inanc�-,�s�lt�r�t � `- � ., � } FR(}f�A: Jirrt,'rFi��!, Eet�r�o .ic ve [s rrtertit IVx�r�ager i + S�JBJ�E�:T: I��lo[�i�r�f3en�eFit CEairru� ur�de�'the Uniforrn Redc�cation,4ssistan�eAtt—J�rr�es srinker Tt��r� are t+�+a �el�cation Benefi# caaim pac�c��s �tt��h�d, I have r�view�r��i th�e clarrY�s �rep�red b�y the EDA �onsultant, �i �r�t Rr�ff, 1rtrSB &�ss�ociate�, In�. Th�y a�e �n ar�er ans� �# is fine tcs prrac��d with p�yment [rf th� ci�ims. P3y�nent an� RurR�se 5urT1rCY�r+� �mount of Paym�nt F"� e� Purp�se $ �.��9.E�1 J�mes 4ri�rker Ni�aving ��s[� ! 5 6,48Q,�0 Jam�s �ri��ker Business R��EstablisheY�ent ��,1b9.�1 Tota� Tf�e Cc�din� fxrr kheentirte amount is to be deterrrrine�i by'�ifayne antlj�sr5�r�h �� it is �elated tc�and ��rr,ilar ta #h� recent praperty ��quisrtior�s c�rt�p��t�d by ah�e E[�A. ff yc�u h�ue any �uestions, le# rrr� ka�aan�. Thar�k you, �-�` �� �.�..� i `� �= � K� . �--�-�� � �� �. �UlQnticelJv Econ�rt�ic ��uelc��m�nt �4uthc�rity f4�C3101N� �C��T� •` �rP7f}L}F7i}Rt: .iCJ�j'fF7t��f�Ff7�f�]+.Q�1`L'eFI:Q{7VE •• C]�etl �nc Q� � C] R�siden�e . 0 Ad. bavi�� G.1 Cs�ow�cenm2nt ❑�aiher PF ❑<_89 ��90 �B�sin�ss �❑ Farm ❑ Non-�roft I iPa ee s; J'ames 8nnker C�i�t S.R G.S. Parcel I'ro� II� �]Adw�nGe 0 Fari�al +�Final �ubmitted Amounk 5 � � �,fi�'9.6�1 D�skrie� Appr�vat: Agen�y Appraval: �]ate Appli���i�n Appra+ved: F�d �ip C4unty Vlrighl � Ventior No.= �cquisition_ � Fendin� �A.c.c�pAed � �;n. Dnm�in � +�tra,. Financc;-- a 4 � �w�«���.a�-, ��, F'�rc�el C?wn�r. a M:�;I Cr;e�k Tv: i���� � ca��a�a Mtii�h�el W. Frosiie �nd 14aEhl�en A Fr*slie F�ddr�5��e(s): Jarn�s Brinker Rar�cel ��i�r.: 103 P;ne 5kreet h�iail;ng P�ddr. �(1997 187�',�ucnu� hJti�'d � :'y, �i�+� �i�+� h,lon+iC:el o, �.9"� 5�362 �it� �kake �I — �' R _Elk F2iV�t, p,�l'V 5�33� ' FiEL,OGATIC]N CLAIM ELGCIBELITI' , LOG.�4T�{�I+E P�K�C�ry,qL PR�PERTY MC�1lEa TO - -- i�ispiar;ee T F�iGiloty Narne_ .... __. . `�l2�n�e�s}. .lam:e� Einnker �n�i,'or TYpe: A,tk�ques �]sr�,vntat*�n C�ucUpancy L�ate: �1-1-14 C7 Ovtrn�r � Tanat�# - - .-- � �t�e�� Aqdr�ss: 30� Jatksac� Avenu� N',14+ Eligibilily Dat�. �-20-18 �.cquisitaoi� �a���: 3-i�-18 ; voGc� s�t inlenc or F�rchasc C}n�r � ld tleif-rnir,e�. �else -�r.rrJon9�f � - City. Skake �ip: Etk �t�v�r, C,ARJ ��33�i __ a �ate{sj of tP:e �ulowe: 3ee�in 5-1-�� �nd: 6-2�i-1� -- ��!'ame �f Mrv�r�sj� S€sIP-rn�v� o �C+R QFPIGlPiL USE S74LY (r.l�ock ana;l ' - - -- . __. -. __ - - — -� . _ .._- -- � M�IN� ��ST t�I�TION: � R�sd�nb�l 5c�e�u'e 93�5� F��r,�i�k'srr�,cku�l Cost 0 N�i��,f�eslde�rk�a! B�d�'E�timat�e Resid�n�� ��ttih�aki�n: Fe�tle��l law r�quir�s C�flii�e�G4n, �i I�esider�Cy �st�tu5. �:2a3e CheCac 1Pi� 4a;�gory +]d C6m�le[e 111� seC:igrr �+�lOw :�521 �pplies ta t�� ar �aur oCC.rpdricy sYa1U5 ir1 ih�+ LJndad S�t�1es. You�' �ngnaiufe �+]n�l.iul�s s:�rtifiGatian � tertify that I arn. � a c�tiz�n �r naiegnal of th�s Ur�it�tl �kat�s, �r I iu�l}��r ;,�r1�Fy that ther� are persons i:°� rny inousehkl�f; �c°��ck �;,,�i ❑ an �liert latuiully ar�sent �n �h� unr�ed StaMes. c�r Mh�k ar� cii�zesti� �r naiiana9s ef Ine Unied Stetes. ��n QJien wlkh pet54n31 �rvp�r�� l��lly preg�n1 in ��� $F� $Io�3p�5 I�'�llulhy pJ�S�nt in 1�iE+ Urlil2d 5t,�k�5 i kh� �Jr�ik�� Siaies . � �S21�C@Ari9lor5hi�' 1 e�rlify #het I 8.m � a lJndi�Q Slal29 Giki��n � an dloE:� law�ully uresen7 in khe Ut'i'e� �lat�5 � a Uni��ti $ia�es n�kivnal �� nan.�J.$ c,i��en r.�1 a�esenx �r, tF�� Uni;�j $kaCes R��f�rershlo: I e�nifyr 1h&! khcTf� �re �32rt�ler9 �n khe p�fl�ier5h�p and khet ar� cn�zen� �iF Che CJn�1m� Siales. and±or av� �lien� I�vrfully presant in Sh� �J�riy� S1at�s, art� are n�n-U g c,iizers riol preseni xn the LMnited Staies. r r tic�r. s rer,atyt�at is esta�l�she� by lavran,� ��thorized Cos�o�jduC[ buainess �n CPe vnied �C�3es �t�ifroant A�knowl��g�����. I[hz .�n��fs��leti, dc� her�.�y,vg�:i�,, shroal+.he ���u� I�liC�f�^l�fion :g kfu� dr� ��c��Ck dnc Iha; �g,^Wmef�t�tic7n att��,h�� h�r�;� �e��ra°elY'e�ar�sents e �r� hse expenses f a�s4 wertiFy tha,t I P��va nor pr�U��`�sly su�rr�rllad n�� reGeiued p�ym�nt fa� a�y �xpens� su�rn�;e0 �u�th 1n�s cl�im ��FFICIAL U�E Q�LY; ;caromerr;aj . [� � __— . . AUthcrized _. �✓ . � 7 5igrature, ^w�ti..! Sf ���,��- �.l `' �� "` . hl�dfite rpr�ntl' � �-�"�� � �'�r`} �. ��.�- �� � �I ' Tele�hcsr�e: 'lt._� � - �' �� � � ��_� [�a#e: f�� " r � � '�� -- i - . _ ��a� r.� � �s Ls °F �41 F� [i9 M9veng C3sls €�a�e 1 of � RLld73� RE�I��;1V�'I�L '_4ic��ing �'�sGs I�s#r��teons far suherritti�g y�ur �lai� Tt�e Shate a.Ecl] al.t���� rGsidensial m.dV.i���q �7����g�� Lrl � d15p1�Cc�.'� iadi4�id:,aJ �r famiCy ba�ed ern «#hcr a R�C��t SC;HEUCJ[.F: �,r r�i�tzburse:ncnk fur r�C7'1.;�#]. CC�S�1"S incr�r��e�. .�� a�asplacee ys��a wild �c aske:i ?� s�lect :���e mech,� m�st suitablG ta yaur nevcis. �;4'iF�RT.4NT: +Cunsulk and tErnr+�ugi�!}� discu�s t�oving opti��i� and rnethotls with s w�l���tinn advisoe° �eior to mu'�'ing. "[he �ate cannr�t rci:nbur�c vc�u ,fnr a�y �teraii�n u°hich may c��,�tituke s h�rr� im.pra��ett:eni. Thc .4�ercv wi�l nai �ns�der� Fmi° oa reim'aursc �oa QY[�Irl�^ G�LBCP}�°S� v}iCP�C 11L CTTICfg�LLC&� S6C7]�,ions as de�eacr:irked befure}�and t+y sh� Staie o�'A•finncscta. F�yment� hv l��uum Sc�edul�e [?Rri�� this mrtliad, pay�mnnt is �omputcd ar, �.hc num6cf of ror�m�s in p��Ur resi�eac�� txctusivt vf �ypitiaJ t.luse��, Parehes, pantncs, baihr���rras. haJlways, carVa.G1:�s or anu unfu:nishcd -a�rr�s. .4 bascment m�y � cansid�re� caeac roomn unlcys ik hss beea separated iift� li��able eaarrr� such a� fsedr�r�ms �r reere�uon rnam�. �]uthu:ldi��gs usc�d for stur�c purposes may also bx co��ste�i h the roairs b�is� �• -- — _ _ The pc�uaant Prow�cfas Furniiure �� fa The d.ccuparrt C]n�Mo[ Provide Furn�tur� ! Rcs�ms 1 2 3 4 5 6� � 8 fko�i,l�cnai Ftocx.x:ns Rao�s Add�'��nal R�cm.s i +�rnaunC �.57� ?�5 925 1125 132� f5�5 1725 1925 52s�arEach Amcuni 6�45� $1q�r�acr� Par�rnents �y� Reeeipt or }�,�tu$1 C'ast �In�ler':2�is mctha�. ;hc Sta�e rnay allnw reir.:burse�iS:4k kQ� F'�9Sdnahle itfl� f1EtEsse�ry Ia15 i�CtafrTu7�ec9 �y �FI2 e1g��1CY�} ex�R3C5 it�c��Jrrt� 1]5 fY14�'in� y�4'v. �crsonal �rroperiy i�ar a ik;s�¢e �roi tt� �x,rcd� rnil�s. TF,i� is n�s � arljuytr�ocnk f�e inccy�vrr,icnces whith ha��c oceutr�d �r �ar tiar�e I,�st at yuve re�ul� �c�upatE�n. Maving ex�en:,ts +��JI be paid u��n c�ampliance vsi�h �hc fallav.°C�� zr�sma4tians� l, 1�°"hecs �rs�u are rrk�v+red b}� a profes�fii0r�a] mavin� com�,any� pa�r ihe �}sargrs and abta�tin a rierailcd. itemiz�d re�ciptr.d bill rr�arkcd "Paid in Fa:�l�� and si�ncd b}� a cc�m��r:y �e�reuntasive. Ftea�c ���irm eli�ibili��,� with � lte]ocala��u Advisnr peiar �p �hc move, �. Ir yaur ��r5,�n�1 prop€rty ss n:awc,i �� sameone Uther Lhasr a pr�fessit�n�l r�vuing car��arip�, v�u m�st suh ��i� an itcm�zed sr����ot shouring ktre �n«mbcr �o-f pcople ntr�r� Chc �akcs per huur paid� dates, �rtd �h� ��rs�l hoaer� w°trrkcc3 f�rr cach �ndavidu�J �d �he eyu�apmcnt us+�d. P�casc diseusS [his rneahs�ci ulth yt�;�r Relacatiran .4�{t•i.;ar priar en mcrving �nd ir.curring exprnscs, 3 Yau mus� c�nrplete c�r bor;,�rn Frorsinr, q-s tV�c fronti et thi� Claim Parm in ink. .�sta�h to �lse �iri�in�.l of rhis form a&; rcquire�l inf�a�:ati�n �CndLRLAg t[} kOLLf RS0�6 1fi� rrJ�ll tQ kEYO 1"i�E0C9[ia]n ,�..dv;s�r showss ��. �ne la�.�cr fe�k, comer f�n the �raiss s�f this fc,r�n 4, In the event }�u� are �n�ncia�]}' unebtr sv pa}� t�te mnv�irtg cc�rn�any�, spccial ar:a�:g��;cnts �ay ht ma�C wlth 775� �elt]CS#IL�R �dviSOF k4 8:1i]W �ireci p�y�rrcn+, or � adva.��c pawment claim. i:,�:s mus; be cone ��ed: in a���ancc �� the mn:�ing datc. M1[��l-RESID�:�i'i"Y�[, i�os��img Costs instru�ta�ns for submitt�n� �f�u� cl�im. fCClt]C�fI�C� P��LLI��[ia[4 ��I4u� maa�sng expcntie� t� a�.i�placed b�:sincss, tarrm tsr r�un-�r�fiE �rgassiza�itroo �ascd a�n actu�: ����.s in�ur.e� in ma4�:��; �e:�;,n�J �r���rty fce a dsstan�e nex� ra cxc��.d �0 mi�ex. Haw�evcr, regul��i,3:rs :10 nc�t allow f�r i�Gc�n��cr�ice�ees whi�t; mRu c,ccur s}r fnr business iirr� �ost. ]teinstrurses�s�rt f�1r c]igibi� moain�exp�ns�s w4I: �}0 ktL1�� up4�1 C0.*�77�18l1C� W'iitt [F5t {6��6'J'LR�.i155iYUClifl[t5. 1'�iPO1tTr� fY'F: �:oli�fuf[ 9nd �Nrarr�ughlF° �iscuss rnovin� t�piions and meth�ds xvit� a reloe�tiou s��lvisar prinr i�r mo�in�- ]. W'hen a camrnerciai movcr is cn��lo}�ed, �hc maving casts �,-e �c� �ir pai� an� a detaElyd ae��tptcd ssaaes:s�r« t�ht�cned. 2. Ir� r�,c �u�nt y��au wish pc+ur �cgu�ar crasplop�ees tr� me{sc Ahc m�a��e, id is ret{uircd �st y2u t'n�.inl�in a:,,���iplcke re�.or�! p� dates, eime wrr�rl��d, 3nd �[tloun#s p�i� [U d'] p�rsc�ns pi:o'si��lly pa�tici�aking in tt�e m�ave. �haeg�s for us� Uf equipmens �3wned L�y thc b�usin�ss may b� al�ow�ed hut st��ll b� cc�mp�eeabie to those rates chargc� by l,�ca] rcc�«1 agGn�ics. 3. You may eJ-cl tv ac�c�t thc lawer of 1�c5 (3j es�ima[es F�r anaving al� of yaur per�crna] �roperty_ �hese {:+ask �stimate� wil: he �btain�ci bv klrc agcncy an� pre�easted sc� vou �s �n apiiarn. V4'ith �i� mcth��i, no other m�u;ng �as� d�caamcntatkon is nec�s�ary. . �. 1'ou must cumple�e tihc b4tto�a porri�n r.� t;c i�ant ot rhi� Cl�im F�rm in ink. �4atach [o ;�e �e;ainr�l �af lhas fnem �11 rGquire� inf��mak��r, �p�rt�irrirrg to }�oz�r mo+�e and m�i I s� nc� Itelacatinn .�,d��� sc�r .sh �w�n a n tih^: tc�u�cr Ic�t fi�rner an �,e fraant a�` iiiis Fomn. Thc age�,cy wiil nax :ansider, p�}• �+r r�iG[tburse f[wr L'�v.rimc ���ges exce�[ in rmceg+�n�y' si'uati�ns, .2S d�t�mimed by [he agen�y'. IPaymcnt mav also be al]e�v.+eei to �G ow�cr of � ilisPlaucd business or C;vm �psratcsr far actuaJ reasaaaaiolc �€per,ses ir. �u�hin� far a rcplacemerse sit�; ; na� 1c� cxc��d S�,�i1Q.4�. �u�h �x�nscs may' i1]r�lLLd2 trallS�6FC�t14�3 CO��is, �naal tim�, an� ccrtai,n o-li�cr cxpcnses �tu�lly ancurre�i in �archin�. .�. de�a.iled, certi�ie� s�atem�ars of scar�i�ing expec��ts must acsamp�er}� r�,e cl�irn, I do !�ereby affirm Fh�#, �o the� best vf my icn�rledge, di�,�l�cee is eligiY�le f�+r reim#uF2�ment c�€ eligatale 1u1avi7g ��5i'S, based �n displa�e'S sk�t�us and I�ffirn Iha#, #v the L�est taf rny knawledge, �II person�lty ac�upancy of Rt�e p�rcel at Che kim� �f 1he :nitiakion of neqo#.ia[ions andior ei :n�ludirlg �Ili h�lt9rdctus and er�virr�nmerlt,illy th� kim+� of the p�r�el� ��quisit�on. I f�rther �ffirm tha# displacee qualifi�s sen�i4ve materi�Js su�h �s bakterie�. llreS, p8int�� as a'�ispfaeed pe�`s€�n", and i& ertii;�ed to paym�ni f[ar aetu�l, r�e�S�Cnable SOl+rent5, in�ecticides, �er;iilxer�. fluttee��e�� iighls, and necessary m.aving and re�ated expenses for a res:e�n��a� 4r n�n- etc_, have ee wi91� rer*l�a� d�rrsm #h� p�rC�l. resid�n#i�l r1'p0ue �49 �FR P#. 2+4j, as indi�:at�d $�Sewfiere �n this ipran ;Gn � � � � . �� .� ..�'��. � "� f + CHs�� �.SiQ�s,u[ _ . . . . . QaEe �elpCaliGn�Aw�ri � S4gn,adure — p�1�1 ,� � Ma,rir�g tas#s �age 2 uF i� R11432 f��y 22, �Qf�3 Jarn� �rinker B�sin�ss Relcscat�o� E�tirn�t� � e g � [7 � f4,�nnti[ellv Qotivnt4wn Rede++elvprnent Pr�ject F G M�ving 1 D�eSCri�#iQ�l Lk��EXjJ�Y1�2 R�t#!�HCaur # 4$ �I�u�s �Cat�fi rrr��rer # of �'Icrtr�rs �stirnate � � r4+lowe pf Personal Frc��;ert� $25 � �4 �60C�.OU 1 S��{�.Lip � Su�ervis�r $�� �4 �1,2Q0.00 �.. _. • �1,2f��l.�7v^ 5 Su�-tokal - � � .. .. i ; F M€�v� �f Persor�al Pr�perty . �--- - ' $1,800.t�0 � � _ _ --_ _ ..� ... 8 QtF��r mov� benefits: - -- --- � --- _ - . 9 P�per pr�i[�u[t5 -- - ; _ _- _ . _. . _ .__ . .... _._ , �(1.IJf] 10 S��rChirag � � _ _�_I___.�, ..e_ . _ _..�_.�_� . 5r�.�0 11 Ec�x�s �^,��i �aekirs�? trtat�rral� � �_� ��_ � �1i�D.QO, .�,.._ -,__--.___.._� lc Sub-T4t�l - 43�he�' ��_ � � . 1[l{}.OQ� ,� - � — 14 T€�tal f�lave Estimat�e u � 51,�Oi�.{}p d �u� f ' �i + � � . ��� �J�" i ��ihr��� 'r5: wY=�;�� tiilri�1t "�-L'�� � ��Iy� ry � � �1 �_� ' .i F � � i4i�Fi1tICC��P — ��11Mi1tOWdl ����LF��O�i'Fl�R� �CB�QC� ' � S�ARCFiIN� �I�TI�fITIES LDG i S,P', 4�-{r51�07 �-�- Je�b NC�. Paregf N.�. Dist. ; Caunty ��'ri�ht I�arc,�l []��ner lVlis;'�ael � ICaeh��en F#os]ie _� R�im6�,eserrkesit �Ilgl�le Datc� ?_1�-� �� � i.�, � � -- pispl�Ge� � , �� � f" Date ,� P�rsor��� Sgarr_hi:�� dress €�r ae5�ripkion 4f W4PIC Ti�� FJilaage ��", 5aen'. �� ���� � �� �� ���� � ��� �� � �r��r��.4 �`�"��-� ���� �,� �. . ,� �� � �� � ��.�� �� i �� �� ,� � �� �� � ��'� �+°�,'���` ���� -�- �� � � �" � � � � ���� ��� ���� � � � ���c-- � �--�� �.� � ��, �-� r� t �� ; � � �� i � d�. '� � ���:�.� � �� � �r �-� � �� i ����� �� � �� � �� � ��, �� _ �� ''�� �� �� � ; �T�LS: ��tal 1�CM�: hlrs_ " � — . � � rateof � ��lfsour� � ��.��RG�i; To#af f49fLFA(��: � � �1i '�,d` r�#e -�f � _ ,5�a? mi�$ �` :� ;�7�r�• �^ � TOTAL ^�E�Fk�iF!!NG C�1�T� �EPCiRTE[J' � �� ,�y �� �' + ��R�PO� a���le �� � ��8r�'�11i'at� Atiioi1ins Lcg � RLi��9 6f2i�$Ol9 Mc�t�t�c�flo E�pnt�rrtic �De�+elvpr�n+en� �uthorit�e '����TA�LJSHMENT ,• rmpor'tant= �ee Over far �ef�rrrflnvrs.�.4cknow�eC'Q�men t(a� ^ �CCi�aancv �da�s1 � Busin�ss ❑ Non-Rrofit . �5$9 �+�D ❑ Farm �] Gtrvernment � 0B s : J�rr1e� B�ink�r aiSk. �.�. Fed Nc�, ,Acqui�iti�pn S.P. P�rc�l .__ Prok ]D Cc�ur:ty v.2�, �'�OB ���1v��nc� J�[P'artial +��in�l ��ubmftted Aar�o�nt � 5 bistricz Apprav�f; ,4g�eney Ap�roval� r...�.,a ,,.��M,��r D�k� Applic�tian Aporo��ed: lferrdvl' Id�v,: . . �7 Ren�:ing � Ace�pi�f �I Em, Qorngm � �ttn. Finance� P�rc�l �wner_ ;N�mr ar CaRlioni Mieh�e� kh�_ Fras€ie ant� ICs4h�leen A. F�sli� ��rC�EI Addr.: 103 Pm� 5tr�ek fty, �ka#� CLA]P�1 ELIC�I�ILIT'l Ckisplaaee hl�rne�sj: Ja�es Brir�ker �7�cupafiC�+ [)�fe. 't1-fi-'� � {7►wn�r P$I Tartant f�l�il �heck To: r"�dJr�Sse��s): ,l�mes �rink�r �larlin� Adcf�.: 10�97 187'h,�venue NS�+ Gity��, Ste�[� �ip� Elk F�iv�r IMN 5�33� L{)CATIOW C3F R�PL,4C�MEMT �ITE F3Cilcky �drri� _ .. . a�ndlor Type: Fkntiques Daw�n6vwrs �tfeet Ad�dress: 3�79 J,�Ckson Avenue NtiN Elig:bility [3a[G: 2-2{}-T$ ACqs�iSiiis�n C7at�: 3-1�-�8 �h41iCf G'�' °�.+`.'J�nk o� Pdf;,ha5@ CM�r} .... �d CbB49f�i'7Ptl, 2i:3E'R9rid�rig'} � . _ _ ^ �tty, �t��2 �Ip: �Ik Rlu�r, MN 5533�0 1 Re�airs or im�sraweenent� i�i khe replasjer-,enk reaI pecyerry r�qui•e�d tiy I�w, ��rde, r�r ordina+�ce ....... ..... ............ .. S _—_ _ �. hJEad�rest�ns t� the re��acemant �rap��ty to ae: amm�¢at� khe business aperatl�n .. ..... ... .. ...... . ...... ...... .. .. 5 3 Ganstructian $nd ins4�ldatioc� o� Exterior S�gnmg to ad�re�tise the busineas ..... ........ .. ................_........_....... ._.. 5 �. Ft�ed�r�or�t�on ar rep��cemenl cc�ts of soi�ad �r warn su�fera� �k the repla�nenl siee .. ...........e. .,.,,.,... ...... ... 5 5 A�vQrtiaemerrt of �hc replacernen? Iocatio� ........e ......... ........ .. . .,.. .. _......... . . ............... ._.... . . _ .. 5 �6 EsCfrrrat�tl 'iC�d15� C431S 4E� O�F�faC�dh �U�i� fi7;4t � j+FS ._ .............. ......... .. ......{IQ89ES, �3}StS, If4SUf211th, A�C.] 5 6,AEO.Cro i. [rther Rem ct�ka esscnt ai, reesor�able �n�D necassary Cv ree5lablish.,,, .. .... fcanfirrn ellgi��litg� urih khe Ag�er�y) � � TS}TIt� TFiM� CLA�A1 _........._ -------�maximwh 5 6G�OOO,OG� $� fl.�90.OG j TaC�I �de�si�Glishmer�k Gl�lms Paps7-TD-bade (;:nGludingthi� �18im1' . .....rt5 � � ___ _ �lig��e r�ma�ning Reesl�bl�shrtt�nR expe�ses Cleiraeabie' .. ... .............$ 4� V�O.C� Res€den�y Certlflr.�u�n� Fecera� :aw requ�res cart��i�atic�n af r�srtl�ency siatus, p�ase �heck khe categcry or �rr�ptata sne $sckion G�I�sw khat appli�s ta�� ��Our 4-;.�a�panCy St�1US U5 IES�► Unifed S!&Ces !se� �wri.• far dpfr�'�nSJ Y�ur SIg��Eurt% tDrisiil,�fe� CeryiiiGaly4n. SoJe*�i�ivri�t�r,�r�a�n f Cert�fy tha' � arra: �� Unit�d Statgs cilzen [� �rr a!�en �evrful�y s�r�seni �.� tna Un�ked 5kates a Ur+iked 5tatea natio�ral ❑ a n�n.�P.S. c�tizen nat pres�r�t �n she Lnited �tates r hi I cer��`y thak kher�e �re partre�s in �ne p�r�n�rs�i� a�� bhal ��r� �it¢ens af �� un��ad 5ta#�s, �n�?'ar aro �li�ns I$k+�c�lly� pres�nfi in th� Unik9d St�".�5 anG , are nan-u.8 GM��r,s nal pre��ent in tr�e Urose�d Stai�s. Corzscralir�n: I�ertify th�# . �s es�a�li6he+�J by law a�d �uk�orixetl to car��uci business rn kh�e Un�teA �iates I �� a.a CI�IrtI��Mt At�:nowl�d�edn�n[. I, lN� undersignep, cjp h�r$by r,ar!�fy tha[ Ah� �hpue l��o�'I�kltlf' is C�9 � ld carre�l an+;i kM',8t dC�uRl��lC�ti�1 ,�tt��had h�nst0 accurai�=y represer:ks eligib�e expensas. t� so c�efiip� s�at s have n�� ���v cusly s�rbmikte+d rar receitreo �aaym�n� fi7r �ny �atpense S.ubmitted wikh #h� c��o11. I �� t}FFICf�LU�^Ei�N4Y: rCommentc� a��th,7FIZ�d , — �I��l�tut�: �e:• � ,��� � N�rtle iPnnt]; �% �� � �f L�''�l T�le�l��rr�e'���.�-�Q ��T E7ate. ����-� � Re-�stahlishment Cus#� �I�im 5ee d�rer far Lhe6nitinrrs �' al�knpwled�e�men#{�) P�ge 1 a# 2 R.i{933 Re-e5labkisR'r��n4 C#$LS CI$Im ��F,.�.»r�i�LF 1���4`��.�lli[.��i���tEP1T E�C�'r_���{.� u t�'!?f0E i Th� FoEl�wing is a nonexclusi�+e listbnfl aF re�stahlishrrrent expenditur�$ npt Gon9idered #o he re�sO�ti�ble� rveccssary� pr otf-s+ervris� �li�ibl�� 1_ Purchase af capital assets, auch as, af��� fu�raik�are, feling �aL�inet�, r�t�Ck�inery, rar trade fixtur�5, 2- Pur�hase of rnanufacturing materi�f�, pr�duction su�s�lie+s, pr�d��st in�rentory or athe�° It�ms useri in the normal Gourse of the br�siness aperatlpn- � 3_ Intere9t �r� mor��ey b�rrvwed ta mala� the mov� +�r purchase t�re repla�el�l�nk property- 4, Pa�+ments te� a part�tirs�e� bus�nes$ in the home wFaich daes ��# "C4ntnbute N4ateeiallM" �� tl�e htSusehald inc�xrai�, ril��� h�1�#eri,,lly: Thr_� term 'Lontrihute rr�ateria9ly" rn�.�n3 that during t�e 2 taxah�e qyr�rx �ri�r �n t�e laxa�le ��ear in �=haY� ti.eal,,r4ment c-ctur�_ �,r durinq 54�eh os"�� �c�i, �.�s [a�e Agen�y deterrtiines to be rri4rC ep�itab e, a:�usin�ss �r farm c�sc+'�S«n; 1. Natla��era��an�u.�I,�r�sSreciivtsafatleastS`�,OC10.ar k. H�� 2ver��t �n�ual �e[ ear�ings o? at least $1.��; pr ' ' 3. C�Gntr:-UutPG ik leds� 33�i �'o Of 4he awner's orope�ratoe'S dv�r�ge 8n�}��I �ross in[ame fram af�1 54urees. � �1. ifrh�a�•pl�tata�+efthpa'isnurver�liristre�l�saninequil4arhardshrprn�rrYgivtn��5e,4hels.gen�ym�yap�r�c[heuse�i�,t�eeap�r9pt��lecnteria. Citixen�hlp 1 Immi�ratiOn TerrrM� ��%i��d 4� CFHt 2�i.��a�(2j AJien not Pm�Ju�ly �pr�#eni rn tdr� �1,�i#ed�tvtese TI�e Phrase "align n�lla+r.�'.�Ilv cresmnt in the united SiikeS" ine�ns �n a4ien who is n�[ "I�whPIhF pr�s�nl":n Lhr U.S, as delined �n g CfR ic'13_12 ancl inelu�es �ly AM dIi$M j}FCSL't5S 171115@'�J, S�, WY14 F125 nC�t .I}��Pfl di'�RYrtRf'd Of p3Fljl,�� �nta k�+�e U.S. pu�suant t� the- [mm�,gratlnn an4 �ak.�nal �ty Act r,3 U.S.�_ i i4� e[ s� b aa�d whase stay en the LJ.�. has r�p# �n 3 uR �sorf ¢ed kr� th�e 4�ni�ed States. i�s ta rn gy �,�nCr�l; bn6, (�ij An �I�n ra�ro �s p��sent in tNi� IF.Se affer th� expiaatwn pi she peri�� �yl #t�y authanr:�d by the Un�s�� $fi� COS AS6orney Ge�eral or wha oeli�rwise v-�lates thg te�rm� �n¢ [t5n�liSipnS pf �drrti�ii�n, parale ar aulharirati�n ta ss,aY �n xh� 4�.j. ' Aliens_ Aliens aee people wh� haa�p �rt1 I.�'m�qr�9t�t1J d fore�n co�ntr+� 90 the Unrtpd StdCii. ThE'1' fi�ve scme af 4he sa�n.� frgedus^�5 �nd I�gal righk5 D5 �.5, ;,i4+aC�5, but So�ey ca�nat vQte in eleetis,ns. ' Re�i�d;r�t Al�iens: .p, i�rgegry�r yuhp i5 8 peimanenl residenk of the cuu�:nkry ��n wh��h h� �r she resic�es �ut does �pt Mdv� CiS ¢ Pn s� ip, T�a b�41 uri drr ghi3 classi?a[ai�i�r. i n the U.$., +,��:4r ,spp�l s� �i �hc r currenlly haae a�reen tard 4r fr,y�g Fi.��.. �n�e in the la st €ale�n dar yra�a r. Y'�.i� al�g� I�I'�� �ande€ tfi� �+. �. classii i�a:i�r Qf resident al ign ii rai� ha�r� beCn in k�:e 41�,5. ior 31 days er mo�e a ur�n�. tne c urr+2�t v�a r.� lo� c� with � a w n� b��n in 6 he LJ,S� 4�r at le,iit i83 ��ys aver r i:hree-year perrod that,ntlu�l`5 ih�; �u�rrem ye2r, ' NGn�ReBid�nr A,li�r��; A'n�n-I� � titizen' wha d€�esn't pas� �h� gr�r� �ar� 1[iC or Spe suhstantial �reserte tc,�. li, n�9ni �,ti¢2n currently rt�� �. �6�err ca�d t�+ hds had i�S+�Cn �:2r�d' �� 1he p�sk caRendar rear, he �sr she vrould p�ss tr�,� �recn card t�sk and w€�u�d oe classi+xed <}s 5 resideni ai,en. If �he �r7a�,��idual nasrEs��spd in s�� �1.�.i�pr 31 daysar mo�reinthe e�nrentyea�arrdr�5irj�� i�ih�e U.S,iflrmssrethan 1€13 da}�snve�,a �hrae-y�ar per�4�1. includin� tne ��rrent �yea.r, he or yhp ��.roulp �ag� llle 5uki5S�nti�l �resence test aa�d he €lassofi�d a� i rQ�i�l�-nt �I���, 'Nat�analti; �?mt'�iC�nNaS�o�.alsa�enat�vesol�Amerir�oaerr�4rlaIp455�S�ipnS.T�¢yh.av�aHlh�legdlprp;e[e,o'!iwh����iC�tiztns�a�i�,buttheytionot hbV� [k� f! ull ppl�Sita I ri�hk5 �6f US Cik iFen 5. r�c�4rd�ng ta B u.S.C. §1448 d is po�gi?�Ip i[� b�.� U,S. n�ticnal without bei�g a U.Se c�tizer�. A pCrs��s avhc:se arl��r cc,nneck,an Ln 1h� U.S. is lheough bitth in an o�tl}"ng �ossessoon ;af 2(id5 is dim,ted [o �m�ri��rr 5�maa and Su�ai�s �slaardl, 4r through r��iCin! from a persan sa har,�,���uir�i I�.S. N,3r�oMality hut not i�.5- �11i�e�5hip, 7h�� wa� form�erl}. th� ta5e in oiher U 5. pais�ssions. •�,a�arr� P1898 . 15�111 iC'�tiae�sh�P 6ianted h+� ars r.ct af Congrei5l ' Pa�er1� R�co [189$- 1�Y7] {C�ti.e�ncM�� ge�nl�d by an,�ck af Co�ngres�l ' 1J.5� V�rgin 15;unUs (1917 • 1��;j �CIk132155F1ip'yf3r11Pd �Y l�SAE.S 0tC4n�fQiSI N3Caaf1d�i5'Nlld af� ff0[ LifIP@AS C3fif10'v v6S4 �Y fl4Wtl 4I�Lt�d �]ffIL�P. H[)wPM2f, xh4`'Y �'�Y rC$idl' �rl�.ij W4fN. IOF LIi2'LJfIISPtI Si�}Ck'S W19FI4LIt fE�.St€ItLiO�) 3nil applti� f€�r �itiienship uoder tht same rul�g �y qFli�� rt�i�ent ahiens, �ul �If U,5 n�tion�l5 br� U,5 ci[iaens: ha�werer, ail U.$. £�lii�n5 2r�s V�S, n�tionals. Indeed, U.S. passpo�kf i74rmJlly rts�k.e no diS�inCtu7� bklwean the lraC: �Cntf�rrsin� phly Lh� be�r�r's F�aCi�onaliLy, noi he�fh�r�iTi�e�sh�p ' Clti�ens� F'er�c�n5 htsrn in Fhg U.$. Or k9 U�S� L+S6tPM5 i� fo-rei�,n courrlries �r� GW;�ng pi Ch� q}ni[�Q 5[�SCS P��rs�ns harrr in �tner¢qc�n�ri�� y,�ha want rp ���wpm� �ir,xens must apPFy f�r and pa5s � cir�xe,nchvp 1es6. Thase wha hecame ��taens �n th�s rn�nraCr �r� ndturalized Fik�xens. * Natur�i Bvrn Citixens; A"'n�sura� �rorn ciliaen" is a perso:� krnrn �n ih� ;krrilo+y o' the i,�.5. er t� Un�ted Stas�� nf �.mpr��� �i�i¢en parent5. * Natur�ll;ed ['eSiarns: h"n�iur�.li;rd [ilitfin" es some€�ne ��,�hcs wa5 n4s b�rrr �n �;,k,S soil- Shey� werp nat z citiaen nf the tx�untnF'�+�+en� theY �'erc born, �u4 hame �ar3� C��r�1,�,Fr [hfi q��te5s ai bec�ri�ng a t�trign � d€� here�y a�Firm that, kc 'he �es8 af my kmm�rle�ge, khe di�p[acee is �ligible f�r qu�[ified Re��t�bEi�Y�nlent reirrrhufs�rnenis, bas�d on displacee's �ccupancy af kh� p�rcel �& ��1��2 [si e�dn�smic �ctivat�� a! k�� Iit1'E@ [jf i�l� IfiFf1�399�R 4� @Bf�01i21FOr15 �r,d�Of Et th� ki�51�; 0� IYo� par�elS acqr.is�[;an. I furth,er affirrn ihat th� +�is{sl�e�� q��lifi�5 f�9 �Ff� ?t. 2�J as a�'diS�I�Ged �7�r��n'. is � small busin��s, tarrn �r nc�n- prGfik arg�r�iz�kion, a�n�1 :s th�ref�r� �n!itl�t� ta reCeiv� F�eesta�lis�rnnnt �52ym.enR�s}. �loiic, exeeed S5C,L0� �,M�� §�1;.51�. rpr eEi�ibl� expens2s ��tu�lly i�CUrr�d In relO�C�tirkg �nd �e�st�blish5ing such srn2'll buslness, ;��m Or aia+n-profit org�niz�kiv+� �E 2 re�laeem�r�# �ite. Rg�ist�k�lisnrh�nk �i�€kS ��d�rn r , Signed: Y ..�.-�r�r�� ��' '`� � � �_ � � Relxa�icn A� s4r � 4?a�e Page �' 8i � a�L 1C1� 3 � � j m � +G �+ d p � . �y I�� � I� � � ��a � �m ' x �p{ � � ' } C M I E � a � � � . x T" � � � � � �' � : m ,� � � u ' # ,� ° i C I � C � � � � � � � F g;-�-�� I 6 � s{ �? � # 4'1 — � 4 � e 4 �' � '� � � w � � �°n `o i � 6 � . U c I y Q � r � � � ��� � � . i� m � � n � � � � C [} � � � ¢� a�r} � f _ � _� ._ ._ . � .�..-'. . a I � � � �i �� • —._._ „ ,� �a ,�, � c � � �I �' I ' � s � i vy � � �. � � a� rn . a �Li ' � �I � � � � i I Mr. � _ � �I � � � � �. � � v � `� -- — ❑ � � m a �, �p ' � e: y� =' sr vw � �� � � � w +r+ � i � i_ . �' �J i� � `$ ' � � . +n �n I � � . .. "—`_" � . . _ � c; O. «C .� � ¢ .�� �i v � �i i C3 I � � ia l C � V I al.__ _ . ��._.._.1 _..— m � � I ❑ � E � 'm � � u� � `� ' , -- u � .a '� : U _, ..-� --' ,--- `G . ! m � � � � � � . � ti � � I � � I ' � � rv *n a �+ � ����. � ��. �� I',' �f1�lf�l}�'S �Ow�l{04M'fl } �r ' Subl��s� Rerrtal �'oa�t�`�tt� -_.�' l�� t � � h �� _.____ _ _ �,; ., �ate �` � � � � � - �.. J�� � �oot�a.,�_ _ _� � � � El�ctricity �5 #�r � dights �=�' �`' � ��� � �k �� � � ��nE amount 3€;� '�. 'L�.�s,, �`'� ; T-�+' �rk da � c�r �nonlh �v� ��Y - � f�.�� v - � R �� �� �� R�r�t is �ue nn the f�r�t (1�`� day of ��th manth_ I gi+re y�ou until the 3'� to p�y, `rf p�yin� after t�e 3'd #'Frere is �$6_[70 I�t�+ �ee �er d�y ur�t�l pai�_ I n�ver cas� a f�n# check befr�re the 4�'. There is ar� initial 3 rnonth [o�ntract minirrrum whicl� swi#the� o+�er ta mor�tF� t� montM �fter th� Irri#ial 3 €n�rr�ths +,�ith notiee to va�8le du� ir� writGrl� on the first �1�`}d�y of tn� rrMo�nth preceding t3�e �nonth �n wF�icF� y�u uvish to +�ac�te. Ev�ry vendc�r is rer�uired to s�gn up far � hours �f 5ale he�p p�r year, At th� er�d of tl�e ye�r or y�ur ccsr�t�r�ct i# r�ot c��mplete�d yru wilE � cF��rged a�S0,0[�, �very �+endc�r ;�.�+�s $5.� f�rr s�l�s 3 times p�r year. This helps t� [t�+ree treats: extr� aduertasing. �ach #���r spa�e bcs�ith r�ent requires � wcr�icda�s 3n additi�n to ren# per month. 56telf a��i I�p�l�ed cases ��e no mcsnthiy work��da�+�_ Anti�ues C7owr�ttrwn charge� 7'96 �mrr�iss��n �n al� sa[e�_ Tfiis os dedu�ted f�am your �h�cks. Antiques �qwnto+�rr� p�ys �#imes �er ��nth, Cl�e�ks �r� rea�Jy ca€� the third {�rd} a�d eigh���ent3� (l�c"'j of esch mor�th. '�endors are respa�n�ibre fe� �II pr�rr�ise I��bili#y, c�r�t�nt insWr�n�e �r business interruptivn in�s�ran�� �o+rerin� p�rsonal pra�erty or rrrerch�ndise, La�ndlord c�r fee c�ulner is n�t respvns�ble f�r a�,y w�nd�ar m�rchandi�� vr p�rs�nal �r�p�rky of any kinci under �ny ��rcu€nstan��s nr �€��ditiqns and will r��t pr�uide in�r�r���e ��u�rag�e fpr the same_ T�he p:arties ag�ee th�t Ch� arendar is pp�r�tirsg a� bw�ine5s �s an fnd��er�d��t contr��tor a�r� th�k tnere i� ncat a��ini +��nture �r partnership vr�gen�y w�th th� f�ndC�ard, Vendars �e+ill be solely liable �rr �II er�eployrnent cvsis inel�d€�g warkers �c�rtp��rs�ati�n, un�rn�l�,yment insurane�, fed�ral, state and FI�CA wFthh��ding- �Jendor agre�s that it sl�al� protect, anderrerrify ar�� I�old for+ever harrrMle55 th� landl�rd and tF�� f�e aw�er af th� premise and t#�e�r emplr�yee��r agent� fr�m �n[i again5t ��I �i.abili[E��, dama�es, cfairns, dert3�n�s, ��,dgments, I�ass�sr ecssts, expenses, suit� an�l actions, including wit#�out lirr►itati�n re�sonabk� attarney's fees �nd shadl �t�f�n� the I�nd���d in any 5�uit 4r a[�min�5tr��fv� p�p�eeding in[fu[�in,g �p���f5 �+h�ther based i� trrrt, c€�r�tr�et or other law arising ouK of ar �ra �an�,�ctiun w�th the suk�l��se e�f t�e �r�mis�s, f�clu�ding ba�t r��t lirrtit.e�i #� p��so�ia9 �njury #t� or death �f a�y person vr persons r�r i�ss of dart�ag� to pr��erty, �. !�`� fl �-, VE�f1�9f � r�i�� � ���� r:���� � �� �� � � �� RIV�;R,�TREET'�T�►`�"I�ti AI�7'IQ�JES i � � �� � � / iO3 Pine S[�ec� �lorth � . _ . .. . . . h7�tara�iee9li�.'Vlinrresa!a �53b, . - -._ . � - 7(i?-�95-��i�d �)ealer Leasc �ge-�c�me�t � ix��rs��t 5t�tion ,Antiqu�s i� r�per� 7 daws � v.=eek except �raajvr tsol idax �{'�ew.� `� �$r 5��k'. ��St�P �llf]C�BX', Thanl�sai� ir�� �a��, �i�ri�eEnas l�ar��} frc�m P i�:FiQ a�xa rca 6:{�4 �pm ;I+fanda}� Glaru Saturria�� and 1�:O[i �m ia 5��7� �rn Sundar�s, ~ '��ace is lea�d a[ approxim��elv � 1_S4 p�r square f;�np. pfus' xw�xrk ci�}�s a mnr�ta�. ]f no v.��ork d�ys � n�ede�. ,53�.�D0 per �x�nekda�° n�l �7��d�d u�ilC be adcied e[� k��yur rn�anthl�� rcn[. 1�b'�rr#�da:�•s arc n�� ncc;essare� .vit� disptar�� c�s� ren�a� arsd �rr cansi�cr�d oncJudcd in the rery�. Ueai�rs s�e p��d t°+4�i�:�e a man[h. �n tl�c a`�' �n�i idie ?L1u�. �°�o is dedu�ted frrt�m �n��Ja]P ite�tf5 s�nld nar �cred�� ,ar debir cards_ � E�e�s� pa,�meo�a� arc d�� Q�r the iirs+ ot�eaeh month. ,+1 � 13.O17 1at� fee 3x�ili b� as�essed fnr an�� fease pa;'rn�n[ naE recei+'ed b�� tlti� 7u� a�the rnonth� �Fthe I��sc pa��inent is nat received bx� �hc ,u' r�f sffe �n�}n[h_ [h�t t�t�ler's s�a�e t�•itl be r+�tain�d un[a[ arrsn�emcnts hav�e #eer� t'r�$cf� for pavnn�nt. if tl��e 9essc pa}�miesit f5�5 nof be�n r��ei���d b;• thc sec�nd ��� peri�d of �hc n�or�th. ihe �eaker-s space +��ill kae r+�-I�[. inx�enP�n �4i1� be re��7n+�d frner. the spae� an� st+�r�d. a�vai�iErr� ;�icl�up ,�n� �~n�« ir�cu�red b�c$u�e of �u�h actiar, +�•ill be the resp�rn�ibili� of� el3e dealee. lndi��idr��l �deale� sales �will be lan,i�e�d t� or�e p�r quar��er �nd n� l,�rog�r rf,an ? d�x�;s �n duraiion. Nu +���ier sh�tl as�a2�r or suble� an�� pan a�their ar�a �ueth��t �� rix��ro penr�issiorr o� tl�e lessot, �3�a]�rs must :c�irtpl�. ;4�ith tF�e�� st[�re p�licies o� it will be �raund5 fe�r [erri�inatican �fi [hi3 lease. � Ne��laer I����rrs��e[ �tati�n �rr�iqu��� nor its a.vr�ers ar v�atkee� are ii��le tnr cheft, 1«s� ne an!�° t�tpe of dama�� ra any� n��rcf����dis�, Riti�erstreet 5�atina� A�ltiqt�e5 �oCS n�t �Cam riisurance nn r��.a]er�S mer�Frandis�_ Insuf��t�e e��'�ra�e 1oe deal�r m�r�hand�.se is the r�sp�n�i�ilitr i�ithG d�aicr. � �caler iCems f�ir sale rnu�¢ b� c�eskdere� �otique� �rr �c��le�tihle, De�ler4 are res�snp�ible fur tbe a�utheo�icih� c�f tbe�r it+�rn�. All r2pro�u�ti�ns or me�a' it�r�s musi be rnark�d us su�ch. F']e�se kee� t�eese iteirts at � mini�rt�r�i. F�i+�er�trret St�firt�o Aotiqu�e;� �ol}' $l��rws this n�inim u�� �m�un� frrr �ecorating t�r �n�a�eerrr�s�t purpus�s, 13�rTi�gerl merrth�ndis� rnv.�t �e cf�t'Ir� marked as such_ Rir�erstreet St�fi�n elntiy uer reser°�es the right to reftis�e tn �da�pa��� a�sti- m�rcha��l��e fi�r sale. D��slers sh�i3 k�ep ilheir are:a� ne:�S. clean snd r��rr�a6e rnercha�di�2 . ��r�odicsil��. A'rs�e� aa� a�c�s t� the area s��ttl rersr$in �pen, �i3°�r�tr�c� �tatic�n A�riq u�s wil� pr�rvi�le g�neraE cie�►nio� an�l help �+irh kee�in� al! are�s orderl3�. V4`heu reques�e�, �E�e o�fer l p°�� disceaurtrs to thos� custr�n�er3 ►��ho ��k fi�r sitidi��iduaE ite�s prriced $t�l.�l� a��ci uo•er. (�T?�i; �xciudes itet'ns �2�k�d "fum'-_) h;� c�therd't�enunts;3�i11 tae at�er�d ��itht��[ dc��e� p�€mi5sion. We will m�ke ���er�� ef'��rt �a ��ani�c� d�l�rs e� Eih $I] �sff'er� madr. �'I�e sernas �f this lease art for 3 rnvnths, Th� l�ase rna�• be terrrsinaacd b�� e�tlier p�r�� ��i�h a 3U day v��ritt�n not�ce rt��reaFt�r Ri��er�t�r�et �tation Anti�ucs is �fltitl�ci [o an�� a[s�rne�. �°ers incurr�ed iF requ�red [o enf�rce this a�'eenierrt in a�� part �r it� entiret��. � �, � � .�'t �- f'k]3 .�5"f �el t I I]eaier � � Man�}t�}� F��r�t S�� _� Rental �rea��i�� �� 17e�lef l�a�,�s �er I��i�nth� ��- � 1'� _ -- _�`��j�1�� '������. D�t� �ar�e 5 . � � � � � � 4� � � � � �, � i.�s f �� ��? ���1 �e er's Si�n�tute A�dress � � � . ;r'�; 1.� • , � �� "r ; � `_��- �,� C�st��, Stste, �i�i �..__� ,. �. _,.� F�� } � � � � � � ��I I� � � 1 4.__,-� ! ) - i ! �� -�. io rstree� Stati�n :�rst�qur� ���rnen; Ar'I�CI���T .�7�,dfYi3XL1C� I�DITI� � �1��}1?fl� �' ��11 Yel��nor�� ^— �. . ._ ... � �� 'k"� � _ . ._... _ . _ ._ 1�� ���� �� .�,�'' *4 ' / . �i '�„tiA'''�y " , 4 �; f +rt � � i d-_. .� ���.^�5�.'�A �.i�'-�,:. i[a' -2 �r j'. Sw ' - '�. F} �� _ . .. .. � _ w� �'�+C-� �yaY , `, �,�,e.;�. — ,= u_� � ,.� _:� . - .,,''�_�-. .. . .. -:t "s.i�i�.� .�m _ _ ' � II .. � � �, M J � N�q{ � r�� �'' - .T. ��� �, � - ' � � -,�,�� A�`��,.-�^,, � � �' 4.�._.r��. �Arr.�. .,�. �. ��}'� � .. - � �� _ . ±*.ik � � - � � . ' - -. . .. . i � Q �.:�.i'` _� , ,,/` r" . . £- 7 �L7Yti s�� s..✓'-. _.. _ .. r c,._ . Fr�ont Porc� Ass4c_ P�y=��-y��-go �i�tri�ct; �� P�yr�ent to: M�chae� �yr, PC) Box �i 338, lt�lontic�Plo fVlhl �53�� �e�cripti�y�: TIF �-�9 �ay as you go 'Is# or 2nd 1I2 c��igin�lAmo�unt 2�Q,�p{�.0� 213-�1��29-4�i�1�0 Ir�tere�t R�t� 7,2�0°,la ��yments �omm�a��e 8f1�[]4 En�ing vn L�ter 7h�n �'l�f2Q AV�II.�tsle TIF $C1.JO��i�a St�t� �ssess�d fee FJ� - county re�mitt�nce r�pres�r�ts wh�le dPstnCt �rr�rement Total 821ar�ce Date F�eceiv�;d Princi�al Ir�Cer�St P�yment R�rn�irr�nc� 71�2f��1C14 {4,11Q.DOj 3,��5.�00 (24�.(1(�j �2A.110�f7� 1��QJ2Q�1� �5,73d�.0{�j 2,390v0� (�,3�3� Of�) �2�.8�� 00 71��I�t��S 1052.fiC] 8,332.{��l �.3�t.Qt] 2�8,792.pf} 1l191Z0f�6 {1,3��.OpJ 6,�3�.t]C1 5,�7r].417 2.30,154.Ci� 7�2Q1�0{�6 3,�1�.Of� 8,�43 �JO 11,9�i7 00 �26.5�4f].�YO �I18f2D07 �;�$$,Q4 �,�1� D� 1CI.9p�.0� 22�,$�2.OQ 711�1��Q7 �,240.�}Ci �.11�.�4 73,���.f}0 ��8,61�.Q4 1��81�p(�$ 1,45� �7C1 7,��5.�[} �,377.OQ �17,1��.(�0 8f1�2��8 �,62�3 00 7,87�.p� 17,�{�1.C1� �13,531.0� 1�112{�p9 '�8,�4�.+�i7 7_�18.7�1 7.740.�0 1�,7�9.2(l ,��,�172 3{� ��i��00� 1�,�9�35 �4,84U.71 7,471.�7 f�,31�,2€� 2�1,271.59 7!1l20`10 14.��J.�4 �;272.4� 7,296 1�� 11,��6� �1 ��6.99�.77 81'1�2{i�� 73,{181.78 3.3�4.27 7,7�41.�� 10.�fi�.�3 1�3,�74_9fi 1�71Z011 1��,(i81.74 3,�44.6T �.02p.72 �Q,�6�.39 19�1,���.2� 8l1l2Q11 1�,��44 2'I �,7��.�2 �,89�.8� 9,��1.�7 �87.474.77 1�� i2�� 2��. 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Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Cons 0 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $8.75 $0.18 $14.38 $14.38 $14.38 $ 0.00 $14.38 $14.38 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading Serial 38298301 Current Charges noreply@ merchanttransact.com Thursday, June 7, 2018 10:01 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 6118webinsert5.pdf Previous Reading Date Reading 5/1/2018 1518440 Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 7/1/2018 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-005 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 255 BROADWAY E 5/1/2018 to 5/31/2018 (31 days) 6/6/2018 7/1/2018 Current Reading Date Reading 6/1/2018 1518440 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Cons 0 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $8.75 $0.18 $14.38 $14.38 $14.38 $ 0.00 $14.38 $14.38 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading Serial 68621907 Current Charges noreply@ merchanttransact.com Thursday, June 7, 2018 10:01 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 6118webinsert5.pdf Previous Reading Date Reading 5/1/2018 20692 Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Consumption Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Consumption Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Consumption Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 7/1/2018 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-006 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 112 RIVER ST W 5/1/2018 to 5/31/2018 (31 days) 6/6/2018 7/1/2018 Current Reading Date Reading 6/1/2018 20996 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. � Cons 304 $0.00 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $0.00 $8.75 $0.00 $0.18 $14.38 $18.32 $18.32 $ 0.00 $14.38 $14.38 Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. V+�ri��r �`'�Ylf1�, i �-S�'� �a�ir c�f'�T`r��n��:�in�� � � �t� CIT�' C]F h+1QNTICELL[) �i#y Hall C�rd Trar�sa�c#ion PRe�se att�cf� the invoiceJr�ceapt an� �ny �#her �rrail�bl� docun��ntation to this form. T€� k�e c�rripl�t�d �y p�,rchaser: A�nount � �� -� CirGle purcha�er na�m�= Tracy Er�en k` Vi�ki L��rh�ff ` k t'�"-�ach�el t�orrard Jeff �'�eill V�'2yn� Qber� '��rah Fk�thEis��rger Jenr�iFer Sthr�iber Ang�el� Schumanrr Jirn T#�ares J�cob 7hunand�r �" �.� �'� �� E�prl+�y��: SEgn�#ur�*�''� � f Daie aparov�d Circf� �d�partrnent �od�: �ity� ��un�il Adrr�inistratir�n Ele��i[�ns Finar�ce Human R��r�r��� Pl�nr�in� and Z�nin� �ata Prr��c��sang �ity �-1a�J �_�°-� -- �cvnvrnic �evelop� _ �� — _ — CMr�cle �x�+er�se code: 42199C1 4�195C1 ��1��� �322C}0 4�3100 4433�I� �#�3�00 - ��� _ - t�ther �` .�-`�- �' ���I���:� Gen�er�l Dp�erating5uppli�s Newsletter 5erwices Nliseellane�us Praf Senrices �'asta��e °CravelfTrainin� Expense C�ues f�,temb�rship $� 5ub�cri� —�ice�-ses �r�d P+�rmits Mist. 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IF . � .. _ _, _.... _ _. . .._.. .__.. �TG r�T�J I AGREk i� P�Y �f�� Ab(]�'� �[]T�� AMi�UNI` ACC�R[11hiG TO �AP.� ISSU�� kG�EE�iENI� Tf�ank yaM� f��' bein� a I'ie�;e af it�e Fi� f�ew���s h�eni�;�r�� ��E� ���� IC� ANY a��IV�RY CHAI�G� I� hJ�T �4 �IP F'AIf] TO YOLfR U�Itf�R 'VIf�CI �.��2�'�'ti0r�� ��`OFi1: Sent: To: subj�c�: C}�[iQY$��(7�1`i1�1�5.CQRl M�nday, Jun� 11, �(�18 3:17 P�+'I Vielci Leerhoff � � .'`� e� � � � �� , t- �� ����, �L.'�� �� � T s..�' Yo��r D�mino'� �rd�r � �`t�. �u� �'.�_� � � ``��` /���� " � _�C.� �_ _ / � J . .. f�� �� � ���,. �OI�DER �1EN11 �O�k�PCiN� L�i�AfiI�N i �� ���-�.� �. �-'�-�'. +� .. ., � .� �� ]'� � � �r�k y�u fe�r pl�a�inc� y�aur order �t D�rninas.�im'. If �bLi I1�h+2 ��l}+ (�U�511�}fpS �t}OU�'fOWf C��C1@T, pl��s� C�II 1he stafe dlreGily �i 7�63-295-�4�� In c-ase tFie store ne�ds 10 reach you, we'll �all the phane �rumber belo�rl. I[ �ou d�a not ansusrer W� WI�I bP llil��l� t4 Ci@Ili+�f' 4L1f {7fdE'I` L� . . �ust�r�er Inf�fm�tl�r� hi�me c�n t�rd�r Vi�ici LeerYar�fF �eliv�ry Address: 5fl� tilUALNLIT �T , MC)FJT��ELLC3� h11N ��a362-8821 C�Ilb��k Phane #: 763-295-2711 Ynur pomin�i'S Stc��e �7��7}: 11� UM11 Bre��th+ray �k Mc�r�CieellCa MN 5536� � 76�-�95- 2424 Li�elivery Ti�n�= 6�13,+2�11� 4:�bPf�1 C�r€��r p�t�ils iDrd�r i�: i D�te: 06�111�f�7 $ 3:17PM Th� follnwing ord�r is being delivere� hat and fr�$h to ynur d+aor. �e�anti#y [?escription Am���tt Medium (1 �"'} H�nCI TDS3ed ���E �Chick$n Sacon Ranch � VV�!'hv�e: C}�rlic P.�rm��an V,lhite 5�uce, �heese Eiac�rn. Pr�rrii�rn Ghicken. D�ce� Tt,rrs�tr�es. �hfedded Pr�vol��e Gheese �7 04 1 I�l�dium {12"� Hand T�sse-d YiliSGC�nsfn 6�he�Se Pizaa `- `-:`< Whnle: Ficibust Rnspir�d TOrn�io �auce. Ch�e�e, �heddar �he�se, St�redded Proamlone �Cheese, Fet� C�ee�e, �hredd�d Par.rn�s�r� Mediu�t (�2"� Han�i T�ssed Extrava�a�i�aT� ,� ViYhple: RObust Inspir�d TorYa�tCa Saucae, Extr� �h�es�, �; e� P�pperoni, Ham, M�rshrorams brric�ns. �reen i�epper�. �I�els " QGves Pi2�li�n Sausage, F��f Food & 6�ev T�otal: $23.97 Tax: �1.�3 B[attle Dep�sit; �0 00 Deliver�r �Charge; $�.9� T�,:it�J: �r�8�9'� �rece erf �h� F�r�: R��r�rc�s�" '!� Re�+eard� Rv�nls for an arder af $�t0 ar mo�e. Poan#s Cypicallp txe�€�ma �vai�abfe after �8 h4urs an+tl remain in pertding st�tu� un#il that pc]int. ;JPsrk y�ur Pizz� Prof I� t� lr�ck ynur peyir�#s. Payrr��nt �J�t�iEs Payrnen# Mc�th�d: �redit ��rd $��,�� Arry� D�liven}r �h�r�e �� r�at �#r,p �rai�l tv yr�ur dr��r�r. '�a7v�is c ar,ry de�ss ffrarr �?0 rr� ChaR�e anc+ ���Cks are �M11C7 T��Ce�7le� �c�r anJrraer r�+�lers. I.tss:xi_ l�r.,•I i r�:.r'`, F'o: .,.. , I(�: F'fl'FF f � ' J � l�i� rne{sa�sc ry tr.,��l�m�t�ca'I�� arn�;t�k��l. �'I����� ��r nG` �f9�m�i 1: r€�F:,Iv t�' ��n� e �} . �.� II, , ,,,��. r .. ,.: �, ;. � � ri .c:d�il t Ir:J ('f:i::i „fii .:,I� y•l{:Plt {.f ;...y .�,. � EDA: 08/08/18 4d. Consideration to a request to allocate $2,390 to the Initiative Foundation (JaT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On June 18m, 2017, the City of Monticello received a request for funds of $2,390 to the Initiative Foundation for 2019. The Initiative Foundation works with cities to provide favorable opportunities to advance community and economic health. In Wright County, the Initiative Foundation has constructed $2,058,567 in grants to support nonprofit organizations and local government proj ects and $4,195,429 in business loans to secure 1,051 quality jobs. Per the Initiative Foundation's letter, for every local dollar invested, the Foundation has returned $4.52 back to Wright County communities in grants, loans, and scholarships. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve $2,390 allocation to the Initiative Foundation. 2. Motion to deny approval of $2,390 allocation to the Initiative Foundation. 3. Motion to table consideration of allocation and direct staff accordingly. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. June 18th, 2018 Letter and attachments 1 June 18, 2018 Jeff O'Neill Monticello City Administrator 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Dear Mayor Stumpf, City Council and Mr. 0'Neill, (320) 632-9255 405 First Street SE Little Falls, MN 56345 Your partnership has proven to be a vital part of our ability to stimulate business growth, create and maintain quality jobs and ensure a climate for economic success. Together, we have provided favorable opportunities to advance community and economic health. We appreciate your past investment and request continued support in 2019. For 32 years the initiative Foundation has tocused on buifding strong local economies and vibrant communities. In Wright County, we have contributed a total of $2,058,567 in grants to support nonprofit organizations and local government projects, as well as $4,195,429 in business loans to secure 1,051 quality jobs. Our grant-making, lending and community development activities are designed to make Central Minnesota a destination of choice to live, work, and play. Our 2019 strategic priorities continue to include efforts to support and grow existing for profit and nonprofit businesses, and assist entrepreneurs with the start-up of new businesses and social enterprises. The enclosed Strategic Framework provides additional detail. Please contact us if you have any questions or to request a presentation at an upcoming council meeting. We respectfully request that you consider allocating $2,390 to the Initiative Foundation in your 2019 Budget. This appropriation is essential to our ability to provide a climate for economic success in our region. An Initiative Foundation contribution has historically earned a substantial return on investment. For every dollar we raise locally, we are able to send an average of $4.52 out to the communities we serve in grants, loans and scholarships. After your budget for 2019 is finalized, please let us know your decision by signing and returning the enclosed confirmation form. Thank you for your consideration. ...._.—� All the best, ��///� l. � Matt Varilek President Enclosures � Powering Possible Carrie Tripp Vice President for External Relations ifound,org Equai opportunity lender, provider and emptoyer. Strate ic Framework 9 2017-19 ACTION PLAN Mission • To empower people to build thriving communities and a vibrant region across Central Minnesota. �/ISIaTI • Central Minnesota is recognized as the ideal place where people choose to live, work, give and play. Values • Our primary resources are local people who invest their time, talent and assets. • A shared vision among many partners is the best way to achieve lasting change. • Inclusiveness and respect for diversity enriches communities and the region. • We embrace our responsibility to introduce, promote and defend pioneering ideas. • We will remain responsive, nimble and ready to adapt to emerging needs and opportunities. Role • Convene people and organizations to advance emerging economic and community issues. • Provide access to strategic funding in the form of grants, loans, scholarships and fellowships. • Deliver expertise and build capacity through technical assistance, training and referrals. • Promote philanthropy and leverage resources through funding tools and volunteer opportunities. Mission Critical Outcomes Gr-ow Economy: Central Minnesota has an abundance of talented people and job-creating enterprises that contribute to economic growth and vitality. Build Community: Central Minnesota is a thriving region where people choose to live, work, give and play. ���,s�.�� t�6,�iz, �;fi: i�� ��_�� : The people of Central Minnesota give generously of their time, talent and resources. 5 Key Priorities • Support and grow existing for profit and nonprofit businesses. • Support new entrepreneurs and the start-up of businesses and social enterprise ventures. • Improve the economic status of financially disadvantaged people. • Enhance kindergarten readiness for children (ages 0-5) living in poverty. • Cultivate the next generation of leaders (ages 40 and under) working and living in our region. Measurable Impacts • 900 quality jobs secured • $9 million new loans resulting in $54 million in funds leveraged • 975 people are positioned to succeed in skilled work environment • 300 emerging entrepreneurs have increased skills • 9,000 young children living in impoverished areas are enriched through literacy activities • 456 nonprofits and 9 low-income communities increase capacity • 900 early childhood caregivers and providers increase workforce skills • 50 new businesses/social enterprises launched • 900 new Americans and economically disadvantaged rural residents have greater economic opportunity • 345 next generation leaders increase skills, serve in community. board or nonprofit roles � • 20% increase in endowment contributions � � � ifound.org I(877) 632-9255 I 405 First Street SE I Little Falls, MN 56345 I n itiative FOUNDATION Equal Op�onunity Lende�. PioviAer. and Employer EDA Agenda — 08/08/18 4e. Consideration to approve fundin� for 2018 Industrv of Year/MN Manufacturer's Week activities (JaT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Industry of the Year event is a business retention effort coordinated in partnership between the Industrial and Economic Development Committee (IEDC) and the EDA. The event is an opportunity to focus on contributions of the Monticello manufacturing and industrial community. It is held each year in conjunction with Minnesota Manufacturer's Week (typically the first week in October). Staff is beginning to plan for the breakfast event that will be held at the MCC. Attendance is typically between 50-100 people, which includes breakfast and a featured speaker, relevant to economics and industry. The main focus of the event is an award presentation to the Industry of the Year, as voted by the IEDC members. The 2017 Industry of the Year recipient was UMC. In the past, the EDA has funded a portion of the costs of Industry of the Year activities, with city staff completing the planning for the event. Staff have also asked for event sponsorships in the amount of $250 each to help defray both the costs of the event and also a potential speaker fee. Costs for the event include the complimentary breal�ast and table preparation, estimated at $2000 +/-. Invitations and promotions for the event are completed in house with no cost to the EDA. In the past, staff have also been able to arrange for speakers for the breakfast without cost. The EDA is asked to consider funding $1,000 for the event. A calendar of events for Industry of the Year is below: • August 7th: Nominations sent out to Monticello industries, City Boards, and Chamber of Commerce Contacts • August 315t: Deadline for nominations • September lOth - 215t: Tours of selected finalists (up to three industries) • September 25th: October Regular IEDC Meeting — Select 2018 Industry of the Year • October 3rd: Industry of the Year 7:00 a.m. Networking and Breal�ast Served 720 a.m. Introduction, Sponsor Thank You & Presentation of Award and Award- Winner — IEDC Chair 7:45 a.m. Speaker Introduction — IEDC Cl�air 7:50 a.m. Guest Speaker Presentation 8:05/8:10 a.m. Conclude Al. Budget Impact: The estimated expenses for the event are about $2000. The EDA has sufficient funds in its Marketing line item to cover $1,000 of the estimated costs. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff coordination is estimated at 8-12 hours. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve funding for the 2018 Industry of the Year event. 2. Motion to deny funding of the 2018 Industry of the Year event at this time. 3. Motion to table consideration of funding for Industry of the Year event for further research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. This event is Monticello's opportunity to thank its existing businesses and support business retention and expansion. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. 2018 Nomination Criteria and Form 2 �ITY �DF . �Yl l�� � 2018 Industry of the Year Norr�ination Forr� R10f�IIfVATIONS DUE AUGUST 31, 2018 Selection Criteria • Must be classified as Industry: Industry shall be defined as: a business that performs a majority of their commercial activity with other businesses and a minority of their commercial activity directly with the public consumer. • The Business has been established for at least (5) five years. • The Business has not received this award in the past five (5) years: The award winners from the past 5 years are UMC, WSI Industries, Bondhus Corporation, Xcel Energy, and Suburban Manufacturing. • Business Excellence: Successful business practices, i.e., marketing and promotion of business ethics; promotion of employee growth and development; contribution to its industry; and research and development • Staff Training, Motivation, and Employee Engagement: Philosophy of engaging and empowering employees. Empowered employees are proactive and persistent, and make decisions that are consistent with the company's strategic goals and objectives Organizations benefit greatly from having an engaged workforce. Research shows strong connections between employee engagement and turnover, productivity, customer service, loyalty and corporate financial performance. • Innovation: Creativity, entrepreneurial, and implementing innovation in business operations, products and services. Strives to continually distinguish itself from other businesses in their industry. • Community Involvement: A demonstrated interest in the welfare of the community through financial contribution, service, and civic leaderships. Actively supports the community through participating in volunteer programs and/or events • Customer Relations: A high level of customer confidence and excellence in customer services and relations. • Economic Cirowth: Continual increase in tax base and creation of liveable-wage jobs. I would like to nominate the following industry/manufacturer: This industry/manufacturer is deserving because (please reference the criteria noted in the nomination description): EDA: 08/08/18 4f. Consideration of approvin� Lease A�reement between the Citv of Monticello Parks Department and the Citv of Monticello EDA for 349 West Broadwav (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is to ask the EDA to consider approving a Lease Agreement between the City of Monticello Parks Department and the City of Monticello EDA for property located at 349 West Broadway. The Parks Department has identified the former Fred's Gas Station as a good potential fit as a multi-purpose arts programing craft shop and storage area. At the July meeting the EDA directed staff to draft a Lease Agreement for consideration at the August meeting in relation to the Parks Department request for the use of the property. Under the proposed Lease Agreement, the tenant is responsible for operating and maintaining the property as wells as the initial repairs utility connections to re-open the building (electric and heat have been previously disconnected). All operating expenses such as building and system maintenance and repair costs, all utility expenses (i.e. water, sewer, garbage, heat, electrical and internet) are the responsibility of the tenant. EDA and Parks staff are currently in the process of evaluating costs for required environmental and building improvements to operate within the building. The EDA will note that item #13 of the Lease Agreement provides for EDA approval on other improvements to the building on the part of the lessee, such as exterior alterations. The Lease term is proposed as a two-year time frame with the potential for a 24-month extension. The agreement, drafted by the EDA attorney, is attached for your review. If the EDA approves the Agreement, it will be executed by both parties following EDA and Council approval (for Parks Department). It should be noted that the Planning Commission is considering a CUP for the usage at its August 7, 2018 meeting. Storage is not allowed in the CCD zone without a CUP. Outdoor Sales & Display is a permitted accessory use subj ect to the specific requirements of the ordinance. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The EDA attorney drafted the Lease Agreement. In-house staff reviewed the document and prepared the staff report to which the Agreement is attached. The EDA asked that a Lease Agreement be presented for consideration of the request. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The funds to pay for the legal fees required to draft the document are included in the 2018 EDA General Fund budget under a line item for "Legal Fees". The estimated cost to prepare the document is $700.00 +/-. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to adopt Resolution #2018-16 approving a two-year Lease Agreement between the City of Monticello Parks Department and the EDA for 349 West Broadway as presented and subj ect to the approval of the City Council. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution #2018-16 approving a two-year Lease Agreement for 349 West Broadway as presented. EDA: 08/08/18 Motion to table consideration of Resolution #2018-16 approving a two-year Lease Agreement for 349 West Broadway and direct changes or amendments to the document. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. Executing a Lease Agreement will provide a written understanding regarding the Parks Department's use of and responsible occupancy of 349 West Broadway. The initial facility repairs and deferred maintenance expenses as well as all usual/normal operating costs will be borne by the Parks Department. D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Resolution #2018-16 b. Lease Agreement 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2018-16 RESOLUTION APPROVING A LEASE BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO PARKS DEPARTMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners (`Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("Authority") as follows: Section 1. Recitals. 1.01. The Authority currently administers Central Monticello Development Proj ect No. 1(the "Project"), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 to 469.1082, as amended. 1.02. To facilitate redevelopment within the Proj ect, the Authority previously acquired certain property described in Exhibit A(the "Property"), and intends to hold the Property until such time as a favorable redevelopment prospect is presented to the Authority. 1.03. In order to maintain the Property and to prevent additional blighting conditions over the short term, the Authority proposes to enter into a two-year Lease Agreement (the "Lease") between the Authority and the City of Monticello Parks Department (the "Tenant"), pursuant to which the Authority will lease the Property to the Tenant for use as a multi-purpose arts programming craft shop and related storage facility. 1.05. The Authority finds and determines that the lease of the Property by the Authority to the Tenant is for a public purpose and is in the public interest because it will further the development objectives of the Project, prevent further blight or blighting conditions, and maintain the tax base. Section 2. Lease A�roved; Further Proceedin�s. 2.01. The Board approves the Lease as presented to the Board, subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by the President and Executive Director, provided that execution of the Lease by those officials shall be conclusive evidence of their approval. 2.02. Authority staff and officials are authorized to take all actions necessary to perform the Authority's obligations under the Lease as a whole. 532506v1 MNI MN325-31 1 Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority this 8th day of August, 2018. President ATTEST: Secretary 532506v1 MNI MN325-31 EXHIBIT A PROPERTY The South '/z of Lots 1, 2, and 3, in Block 50, Townsite of Monticello, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Wright County, Minnesota; Said South '/z of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 50, can also be described as follows: Beginning at the mid-point on the common line between Lots 3 and 4, in said Block; thence Southerly along said common line 82.5 feet to the Southerly line of said Block (being the Southeast corner of said Lot 3); thence Westerly along the Southerly line of Lots 3, 2 and 1 for a distance of 99 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 1; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of Lot 1 for a distance of 82.5 feet; thence straight Easterly 99 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. Subject to existing easements, restrictions and reservations of record, if any. 532506v1 MNIMN325-31 A-1 LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT ("Lease") is made as of August � 2018, by and between the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a Minnesota public body corporate and politic ("Landlord") and the City of Monticello Parks Department ("Tenant"). 1. Premises. In consideration of the rents and covenants contained herein, and subject to the terms of this Lease, Landlord hereby leases to Tenant and Tenant hereby leases from Landlord that real property which is described on the attached Exhibit A(the "Premises"). 2. Acceptance of Premises. Tenant accepts the Premises in its present "as is" condition, but subj ect to the terms and conditions of this Lease. 3. Term of Lease. This Lease shall be in force from September 1, 2018 through August 31, 2020, and may be terminated by the Landlord or the Tenant with 45 days' written notice. The parties agree that the Lease may be extended by one additional period of 24 months upon mutual agreement of the parties. 4. Rent. No rent shall by payable by Tenant to Landlord. 5. Quiet Enjovment. If Tenant complies with all terms of this Lease, Tenant may use the Premises for the term of this Lease. 6. Use of Premises. The Premises shall be used and occupied only for the purpose of a multi- purpose arts programming craft shop and storage facility, in conformity with applicable ordinances and governmental regulations. 7. Ri�ht of EntrX. Landlord and Landlord's agents may enter the Premises at reasonable hours to repair or inspect the Premises and perform any work that Landlord decides is necessary. 8. Assi�nment and Sublettin�bv Tenant. Tenant may not assign this Lease, sublease the Premises to any other party or permit any other party to use the Premises or any part of the Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord. Any assignment or sublease without Landlord's written consent will not be effective. Any such consent by Landlord shall not be a waiver of Landlord's rights under this Section as to any subsequent similar action. If Tenant is a corporation, company, partnership or otherwise is not a natural person, and there shall occur any change in the identity of the parties who are the owners of such entity, or who have the power to participate in the management of the affairs of such entity, then Tenant shall so notify Landlord in writing and Landlord may terminate this Lease by reason of any such event by written notice to Tenant given at any time within sixty (60) days after receipt of the notice of change in identity from Tenant. 9. Sale of Premises bv Landlord. Upon any sale of the Premises, and provided the purchaser shall assume all obligations of Landlord under this Lease, Landlord shall thereupon be entirely freed of all obligations of Landlord under this Lease arising from any act, omission or event occurring after such conveyance. Upon such sale and the transfer of Landlord's interest under this 532501v1 Lease, Tenant agrees to recognize and attorn to such transferee, and Tenant agrees upon request to execute and deliver documentation setting forth the provisions of this Section. 10. Utilities. Tenant shall timely pay for all utilities provided to the Premises during the term of this Lease. 1 L Maintenance and Repair. Tenant shall keep the Premises, including the parking area and grounds, in reasonable repair during the term of this Lease and shall maintain the Premises in compliance with applicable health and safety laws, all at Tenant's sole expense, including without limitation repair or replacement of plumbing fixtures, water heater, furnace, and garage or entry doors. 12. Real Estate Taxes and Assessments. Landlord shall pay all real estate taxes, including installments of special assessments, which become payable during the term of this Lease. 13. Alterations. Tenant shall not change the heating electrical, plumbing, ventilation or air conditioning or make any other changes of or alterations to the Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord. Any alterations made by Tenant must comply with applicable codes and ordinances. Tenant may install its usual trade fixtures provided that they do not interfere with or damage the structural, mechanical or electrical systems of the Premises. At the expiration or termination of this Lease, Tenant shall promptly remove Tenant's trade fixtures and repair at its own expense any damage to the Premises resulting from their installation or removal. 14. Surrender of Premises. Tenant shall vacate the Premises at the expiration or termination of this Lease and all alterations, additions, improvements and fixtures (other than Tenant's trade fixtures and signs) which have been made or installed by Tenant shall remain as part of the Premises and shall be the sole property of Landlord. When Tenant vacates the Premises, Tenant shall leave the Premises in as good condition as it was when the Lease started, with the exception of reasonable wear and tear. If the Premises are not so surrendered, Tenant shall indemnify Landlord against loss, liability or expense resulting from delay by Tenant in so surrendering the Premises or failure to leave the Premises in the condition required under this Lease including but not limited to, claims made by any succeeding tenant founded on such delay. Tenant shall surrender all keys to Landlord at the time Tenant vacates the Premises. 15. Dama�e to Premises. If the Premises are destroyed or damaged not due to the fault of Tenant or Tenant's guests, invitees or customers, and the Premises is unfit for use as a commercial establishment, Tenant shall not be required to pay rent for the time the Premises cannot be used. If part of the Premises cannot be used, Tenant shall only pay rent for the usable part. If the Premises are damaged or destroyed and the cost of repairing the Premises would exceed 30% of their pre-casualty value (exclusive of land), then Landlord may terminate this Lease within 30 days of the casualty by written notice to Tenant and may elect not to rebuild or repair the Premises, and the rent and other obligations of Tenant under this Lease shall be prorated up to the time of the casualty. If this Lease is not terminated pursuant to this Section, then Landlord shall proceed with reasonable diligence to repair and restore the Premises. 16. Insurance. 2 532501v1 A. Tenant shall purchase, in advance, and carry in full force and affect the following insurance: (1) "All risk" property insurance covering the full replacement value of all of Tenant's leasehold improvements, trade fixtures, inventory and personal property within or about the Premises, covering damage from any cause whatsoever; and (2) Comprehensive general public liability insurance naming both Landlord and Tenant as insureds, covering all acts of Tenant, its employees, agents, representatives and guests on or about the Premises, containing a contractual liability endorsement, in a combined single limit amount of not less than $1,000,000, and written on an "occurrence" basis. B. Landlord shall purchase, in advance, and carry in full force and effect commercial property insurance for the full insurable value of the Premises. 17. Risk of Loss; Premises Liabilitv. Landlord shall have no liability to Tenant for any claim relating to injury to or loss of life of persons, or for any damage to, theft of or other loss of property of Tenant on the Premises, by whatever cause. All personal property kept, maintained, or stored on the Premises shall be kept, stored, or maintained at the sole risk of the Tenant. Tenant shall indemnify Landlord from and against all claims of other parties arising from or relating to injury or loss of life of persons, or damage to or loss of property, to the extent occurring in or about the Premises, or arising from Tenant's negligence or intentional misconduct. The said indemnification shall include the duty to pay all reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred by Landlord and shall survive the termination or expiration of this Lease. 18. Waiver of Claims and Subro�ation. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Lease to the contrary, Landlord and Tenant hereby release one another from any and all liability or responsibility (to the other or anyone claiming through or under them by way of subrogation or otherwise) for any loss or damage covered by the insurance required by the Lease, even if such loss or damage shall have been caused by the fault or negligence of the other party, or anyone for whom such party may be responsible. 19. Condemnation. If any part of the Premises is taken or condemned for a public or quasi- public use, or any transfer made in lieu of condemnation, and a part of the Premises remains which is suitable for the use contemplated by this Lease, this Lease shall terminate only as to the part so taken and shall continue in full force as to the remaining part. The date of termination as to a part so taken shall be the date on which the condemnor takes title. The rent payable after that date shall be adjusted so that Tenant shall pay only such portion of the rent as the value of the part remaining bears to the total value of the Premises on the date of the taking. If all of the Premises is taken or condemned, or so much is taken that the use by Tenant shall be substantially impaired, Tenant may terminate this Lease by written notice to Landlord, and all obligations of Tenant shall be prorated as of the notice of termination. All compensation awarded upon any condemnation or taking shall go to Landlord. 3 532501v1 20. Default. If Tenant shall violate any covenant made by Tenant in this Lease and shall fail to comply or begin and diligently prosecute compliance within 15 days after being sent written notice of such violation by Landlord, then Landlord may, at Landlord's option, terminate this Lease by giving Tenant a written notice of termination, and in such event Tenant shall immediately vacate and surrender the Premises. A termination of this Lease by Landlord as a result of a default by Tenant shall not, however, extinguish the liability of Tenant for all rents and covenants provided for in this Lease for the balance of the term of this Lease. After any such termination, Tenant shall pay to Landlord on demand all expenses incurred by Landlord in performing any of Tenant's obligations under this Lease, re-entering or terminating the Lease, reletting the Premises, collecting sums due and payable by Tenant, and the expense of placing and keeping the Premises in good order and repair. 21. Heirs and Assigns. The terms of this Lease apply to Tenant and Landlord, and also to any heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of Tenant or Landlord. 22. Notices. All notices, demands and requests by either party to the other shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when sent by United States Certified Mail, postage prepaid (a) if for Tenant, addressed to Tenant at the address of the Premises, or such other place as Tenant may from time to time designate by written notice to Landlord; or (b) If for Landlord, addressed to Landlord at such place as Landlord may from time to time designate by written notice to Tenant. Notices shall also be deemed given if and when delivered to the other party in person. 23. Environmental Requirements. Tenant shall comply with all laws, governmental standards and regulations applicable to Tenant or the Premises in respect to occupational health and safety, hazardous waste and substances and environmental matters. Tenant shall promptly notify Landlord of its receipt of any notice of a violation of any such law, standard or regulation. Tenant agrees to indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from all loss, costs, damage, claim and expense incurred by Landlord on account of Tenant's failure to perform the obligations of this provision. The obligations of Tenant under this provision shall survive the expiration or termination of this Lease as to any such loss, cost, damage, claim and expense attributable to or arising out of activities or misfeasance of Tenant during the term of this Lease or its extension or renewal. 24. Landlord's Disclaimer of Warrantv. Landlord disclaims any warranty that the Premises are suitable for the Tenant's use. 25. Relationship of Landlord and Tenant. The Lease does not create the relationship of principal and agent or of partnership or of joint venture or of any association between Landlord and Tenant, the sole relationships between the parties hereto being that of Landlord and Tenant under this Lease. 26. Waiver. No waiver of Landlord's remedies upon the occurrence of an Event of Default shall be implied from any omission by Landlord to take any action on account of such Event of Default, and no express waiver shall affect any Event of Default other than the Event of Default specified in the express waiver and such an express waiver shall be effective only for the time and 532501v1 to the extent expressly stated. One or more waivers by Landlord shall not then be construed as a waiver of a subsequent Event of Default. 27. Choice of Law. The laws of Minnesota shall govern the validity, performance and enforcement of this Lease. 28. Time. Time is of the essence in the performance of all obligations under this Lease. [Remainder of this page is intentionally left blank] 532501v1 IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Lease in the manner sufficient to bind them as of the day and year first above written. LANDLORD CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: Its: President By: Its: Executive Director TENANT CITY OF MONTICELLO PARKS DEPARTMENT By: Its: S-1 532501v1 MNI MN325-31 EXHIBIT A PREMISES The South'/z of Lots 1, 2, and 3, in Block 50, Townsite of Monticello, according to the plat on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Wright County, Minnesota; Said South'/z of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 50, can also be described as follows: Beginning at the mid-point on the common line between Lots 3 and 4, in said Block; thence Southerly along said common line 82.5 feet to the Southerly line of said Block (being the Southeast corner of said Lot 3); thence Westerly along the Southerly line of Lots 3, 2 and 1 for a distance of 99 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 1; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of Lot 1 for a distance of 82.5 feet; thence straight Easterly 99 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. Subj ect to existing easements, restrictions and reservations of record, if any. A-1 532501v1 MNI MN325-31 EDA Agenda - 08/08/18 5. Consideration of Pilot Pro�ram Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Pro�ram Guidelines (AS/JT) A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND The EDA held its third workshop on July 11, 2018 to further review the proposed downtown fa�ade and frontage improvement programs and provide staff with feedback The feedback directed additional clarity regarding the funding format, uses and process for the Fa�ade Improvement Program. Staff made additional changes to the fa�ade grant program guidelines based on the EDA's comments. The EDA will want to review the documents in detail. As in the past, staff defers to the EDA on any additional comments and suggestions. The frontage improvement grant program guidelines were only briefly discussed and will be brought back to the EDA for separate consideration at a later date as directed by the EDA. Prior staff reports to the EDA detail the background and evolution of the proposed program. Al. Staff Impact: Staff time estimated at 40-50 hours has been spent in preparing the proposed guidelines, including arranging and coordinating the downtown luncheons. Moving forward, staff estimates 100 +/- hours of time commitment to the program, based on a pilot loan program resulting in S loans. This includes marketing, meetings and administration. The EDA's attorney has been consulted for guideline review and will assist in developing loan agreement and application review as necessary. A2. Budget Impact: The Finance Director recommends that the funds for the pilot program come from TIF 1-6. The pilot program with $200,000 in available funding for the building fa�ade improvements is proposed as a first come, first serve basis. Staff would further estimate $20,000 +/- in fees from Cuningham and Kennedy & Gra�en for development of the renderings and legal grant documents. Staff intends to work with Kennedy & Graven to develop a template grant agreement which can streamline the document process for loans. A3. Strategic Plan Impact: The proposed program meets the following Strategic Plan Goals: • Create and Preserve Sustainable Livability: Implements a program to beautify the downtown's existing commercial buildings. • Strengthen Our Image as a Destination: Supports enhancements to the downtown commercial core in support of Monticello as a place to visit and explore. • Support a Vibrant Economy: Establishes a financial resource for e�sting property and business owners to utilize for economic reinvestment in downtown. EDA Agenda - 08/08/18 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS If the EDA is satisfied with the guidelines and attachments and wishes to move forward with the proposed guidelines and application form for the Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program, then staff offers the following alternatives for consideration. Decision 1: Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Pro�ram Motion to adopt the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program Guidelines as presented. 2. Motion to adopt the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program Guidelines, subject to any final revisions by the EDA as well as to review by the EDA Attorney. 3. Motion to table for additional discussion. 4. Motion to deny the adoption of the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program Guidelines. C. STAFF RECOMN�NDATION Staff defers to the EDA on the matter of additional changes and readiness of the guidelines. Staff recommends the implementation of a fa�ade improvement program for the Downtown per the direction of the Downtown Small Area Study and implementation workshop. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Draft Downtown Fa�ade Improvements Grant Guidelines B. Draft Downtown Facade Improvements Grant Application C. Downtown Business/Property Owner Meeting Summary D. Cuningham Group Architectural Services Estimate � CITY �F • '�� on �ce o MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY DOWNTOWN FA�ADE IMPROVEMENT GRANT PROGRAM GUIDELINES POLICY PURPOSE The City of Monticello Economic Development Authority ("EDA") recognizes the need to encourage investment in commercial and retail buildings in the Downtown area in order to maintain the economic viability of the City and the Downtown/Central Community District. The purpose of this grant program is to support a visually and financially appealing Downtown and greater Monticello community by providing grants to improve the fa�ade of existing Downtown commercial and retail buildings. ELIGIBLE BUSINESSES Commercial property located within the geographic area illustrated in Exhibit A of these guidelines may be eligible for a Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant ("Grant") as further defined herein. It is the goal of the EDA that 70% of the buildings within the eligible area complete improvements to their properties. The EDA has allocated a maximum of $200,000 for the initial Grant program. This is a pilot program, and additional areas and allocations will be considered at a future date. GRANT FUND TERMS & CONDITIONS Grant Structure F� Amount Individual grants may be made in an amount ranging from $5,000-$50,000. The Grantee must provide at least 5% of the project cost in cash. The Grantee percentage shall be used as the project down-payment, as may be required. Eligibility Requirements Tenants and property owners should discuss the grant program to determine responsibilities and commitment for application and its components. The owner of the property must be a co- signatory to the application and Grant agreement. The property owner must carry current property insurance both at the time of application and through completion of approved Grant improvements. 1�'�`����; Property taxes on the subject site must be current for the duration of the Grant. Applicants are not eligible to receive funding if the property to be rehabilitated is in default under a property mortgage, contract for deed or comparable obligation. An applicant/property owner is ineligible to receive assistance if currently involved in bankruptcy proceedings. Applicants may apply for only one Grant per building. Concurrent Grants F� Loans The concurrent use of different EDA grant or loan programs by any one borrower or for any one project is permitted. Business subsidy agreements may be required. Permitted Grant Uses Exterior renovation of front and corner side fa�ades of principal use retail or commercial buildings. An architectural rendering supplied and paid for by the EDA is required for use in determining final scope of work in consultation with the applicant and the applicant's selected contractor for any project. The cost of the rendering is a service of the EDA and shall not be included in the Grant amount. Architectural renderings will be considered for preparation after initial letter of interest by an applicant. Fa�ade renovation may include, but is not limited to: windows, doors, siding, brick, stucco, masonry, painting, steps, cornices, parapets, shutters, dormers, signage, awnings, and structural roof components and such improvements shall be guided by the architectural rendering- Interior side renovation proposals may be considered on a case-by-case basis. The applicant will work with a contractor to define final selected improvements using the architectural rendering as a guide. The architectural rendering with final selected improvements must be reviewed and approved by the EDA and will be included in final Grant documentation. The improvements must be completed in substantial conformity to the approved architectural rendering. The cost of the building permit for the approved Grant project will be included in the final Grant amount. CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENTS CODE COMPLIANCE As applicable, buildings for which public funds will be used within this program are to be brought into conformity with city ordinances and state building codes in effect for the area in which the building is located. It is the intent of the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program to comply with the City's building standards for the Downtown/Central Community 2�;`����; District (CCD). Please refer to the City's Downtown Small Area Plan and zoning ordinance for complete details as it relates to the standards governing this program's design guidelines. TIMING OF PROJECT EXPENSES No project may commence until the EDA has approved the Grant application and the Grant agreement. Any costs incurred prior to execution of the Grant agreement are not eligible expenditures. No building construction may commence until the required city permits are secured. Grant disbursements shall be as provided for within the Grant agreement and shall be made directly to the grantee/owner's contractor. The Grant agreement shall reference final contracts for improvements. COMMUNICATION Success of the project depends on the completeness of applications and good communication between all parties. Applicants should feel free to reach out to EDA staff with any questions at any time. PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES FOR APPLICATION AND APPROVAL The applicant shall meet with city staff to obtain information about the Grant program, discuss the project, and obtain application forms. The applicant shall complete and submit a letter of interest to the EDA. After review, the EDA will consider authorization of the facade rendering by the EDA's architectural consultant. Once the architect and applicant have completed the rendering process, the applicant must submit a formal application to the EDA for review. Applications will be received and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis from the time of submission of a complete application. An inspection of the building may be required. The EDA is a governmental entity and as such must provide public access to public data it receives. Data deemed by Applicant to be nonpublic data under State law should be so designated or marked by Applicant. See Minnesota Statutes, Section 13.591, Subd. 1 and 2. The formal grant application will be reviewed by EDA staff to determine if it conforms to all city policies and ordinances, and will be presented to the EDA for formal approval, as follows: 1. Staff will complete a preliminary application review and may consult with the EDA's Financial Advisor and/or EDA Attorney in preparing a report for EDA consideration. 2. Staff will evaluate the project application in terms of the following: 3�';`����; a. Project Design - Evaluation of project design will include review of proposed activities, project construction and renovation plans including architectural rendering and final building elevations detailing selected improvements, time lines and capacity to implement the project. b. Financial Feasibility - Availability of funds, private investment, financial packaging and cost effectiveness, and bid-quote submissions. c. Evidence of applicant's ability to meet the 5% cash requirements. d. Letter of Commitment from other financing sources stating terms and conditions of their participation in the project, if applicable. e. All other information as required in the application and/or additional information as may be requested by the EDA staff. f. Project compliance with all applicable city codes and policies. The EDA Commissioners will review each application in terms of: a Its consistency with the goals of the city's Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Small Area Study. b. Whether it is desirable and in the best interests of the public to provide funding for the project. c. The project's overall potential impact on the community's economy. 4. The EDA Commissioners will approve or deny the application, or request a resubmission with clarifications, at the EDA's sole discretion. APPROVAL OR DENIAL OF GRANT APPLICATION The EDA, at its sole discretion, may deny any application if it is found not consistent with the goals of the city's Comprehensive Plan and Downtown Small Area Study, the project's overall impact on the community's economy, and the above criteria. GRANT POLICY REVIEW The above criteria will be reviewed on an annual basis to ensure that the policies reflected in this document are consistent with the economic development goals set forth by the city. COMPLIANCE WITH BUSINESS SUBSIDY LAW All developers/businesses receiving financial assistance from the City of Monticello EDA shall be subject to the City's Business Subsidy Policy as amended, and the provisions and requirements set forth under Minnesota Statutes, Sections 116J.993 to 116J.995. GRANT AGREEMENT If the application for a Grant is approved, the applicant/property owner will be required to enter into a Grant agreement to proceed. The Grant agreement will specify the terms and conditions of the Grant as identified herein. 4�'�`c.� �; DISBURSEMENT OF GRANT FUNDS Upon approval of a Grant application, applicants are required to provide executed contracts with qualified, licensed contractors for work per the approved Grant plans. Contracts shall be consistent with the procedures and requirements herein. Grant funds will be disbursed to the contractor based on completion of work as outlined below. The Cit�s Chief Building Official will verify completion of work. Upon verification of completion, payment will be dispersed per contract amount for the work completed based on submitted invoice. PROJECT CONTRACTOR PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS A. PARTICIPATING CONTRACTORS: All contractors participating in the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program must have a contractor's license on file with the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. The contractors will be responsible for securing insurance of the amounts specified on the application form. The application must contain proof of insurance coverage via a Certification of Insurance Coverage, and the contractor's registration and license number and bond. B. BID/QUOTE SOLICITATION: To participate in the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program, the applicant must solicit bids or quotes from at least two vendors. An applicant is free to choose any contractor, provided the license requirements are met and the cost differential in the quotes received does not exceed 20%. C. CONTRACTOR CONTRACT: The contract for work is between the property owner (applicant) and the contractor. Each selected contractor will enter into a contract with the property owner. The contract will outline the terms for completion of the rehabilitation on the project and will include the following: 1. Scope of Work 2. Project Start Date; 3. Project Completion Date; 4. General Conditions; 5. Building Elevations and Architectural Drawings; 6. Special Conditions; 7. Project Warranties; 8. Change Order Procedures; 9. Payment Terms; 10. Termination Procedures. D. FAILURE TO START/COMPLETE PROJECT: Upon approval of the Grant agreement, the applicant and selected contractor will have 180 calendar days in which to complete the contracted work. The 180-day time period shall not be 5�'�`c.��; exceeded except through the issuance of a change order. Failure to complete any work within 180 days will be grounds to terminate the Grant agreement. E. PAYMENT PROCEDURES: All contractors will agree to the payment schedule, which is as follows: 1. Pre-payments for contracted services may be disbursed from an escrow 2 3 account established with the EDA's specified agency. Such escrow account shall be administered per the Grant agreement. Lien waivers are required for all contractors and sub-contractors before payment will be made. Final payment for work completed, including any retainage amounts, will be made after work by a contractor is completed with verified receipts and costs incurred, the final inspection has been conducted and the Chief Building Official, property owner, and contractor have signed off on the work. F. CHANGE ORDERS: Change orders to the approved Grant project require the approval of the EDA. Change orders will be allowed only for the following reasons: 1. To rectify hidden deficiencies that are discovered once the work has begun. 2. To change a specification due to unforeseen difficulties arising after work has begun. 3. To address a deficiency that was inadvertently dropped from the project during project packaging. 4. To change completion dates. PROJECT COMPLETION The city's Chief Building Official will complete a final project inspection and issue a Certificate of Completion verifying project completion per the approved Grant plans. 6�'�`����; EXHIBIT A Geographic Program Limits . �, '. t3Tl�_t'' :�]'l'e� ` � '�_� ,' � , �..;. -. ::u.a i r°� � �J�' . �, � ,'� '�� �� � � "'� : �'�'�"��� � � • . •'� "�'�� � e� � � � ���� y� � �� . ��� � _� � i. � Y f I ~ �� � _ � , �!�: � ^ �,, " s� 4 !4-:,,,J.1� � � i � ��� �. p� y e .' � • •� i r �- s F �� .. ' . � ' a �11 a y� f �1`q`� � � , � . f F � ��� � �y..S ' , .�M 1 ' . ��5 . r� . �I T � . � ._ • V . { ,� - d �A r r �� � . , _ i � � -.. �.. i, .F � . � ° i� � ` } . �� . ^ ..+'� .� ^ � � � e �*� r . �' �, lP � � ,:u5� ., � , 4�-- �. � � �"� � � °:� •• 'r `.� �� . .^'� ... � s :. .f dl��� _..,y � ��' , `�- ��y`,' � �4 �,�, k,.. .O . F . 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CONTACT INFORMATION Legal Name of Business: Project Site Address: City / State / Zip: Contact Person(s): Business Phone: Home Phone: Check One Federal ID # � Proprietor Legal Name of Property Owner: Project Site Address: City / State / Zip: Contact Person(s): Business Phone: 2. PROJECT GOALS Please give a brief suininary of the project: Email: � Corporation State ID # Email: � Partnership 1�fss��,i� Please describe how the proposed project will positively impact the city's downtown/Central Community District:] 3. PROJECT FUNDING A. GRANT USE FUNDING REQUEST � Maximum grant amount of $50,000 Fa�ade Improvements � $ Frontage Improvements $ (Signage, awnings, permanent landscaping) Total Grant Request: $ r � B. OTHER PROPOSED FUNDING SOURCES Bank Loan Private Fund Commitment (5% required) Applicant Commitment Other Total Other Funding Sources PROJECT TOTAL: $ $ $ 4. PROJECT CONTACTS (Lenders, �rivate fundin� source, �artners, etc...) 2�f�t��,t� Name Address Phone/Email: Name Address Phone/Email: ATTACHMENTS CHECK LIST Please attach the following: A) Letter of Commitment from the Other Sources of Financing, Stating Terms and Conditions of their Participation in Project (if applicable) B) Project Plans (Architectural Rendering and Scope must be included) C) Project Quotes/Estimates D)Property Legal Description r � 7. AGREEMENT � I/ We certify that all information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge. I/ We authorize the Monticello EDA to verify financial and other information. I/ We agree to provide any additional information as may be requested by the city. The undersigned has received the EDA's policy regarding the payment of costs of review, understands that the EDA requires reimbursement of costs incurred in reviewing the application, agrees to reimburse the EDA as required in the policy and make payment when billed by the EDA, and agrees that the application may be denied for failure to reimburse the EDA for costs as provided in the policy. APPLICANT SIGNATURE APPLICANT FAME (Print): PROPERTY OWNER NAME (Print): PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE: I�7_r��A The EDA is a governmental entity and as such must provide public access to public data it receives. Data deemed by Applicant to be nonpublic data under State law should be so designated or marked by Applicant. See Minnesota Statutes, Sections 13.591, Subd. 1 and 2. 3 �1����� DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT LOAN PROGRAM DISCUSSION 12 Total Completed Forms: Fa�ade Improvements: 10 Renovation/Rehabilitation: 6 Energy Efficiency: 7 Other programs or incentives that would be utilized: • Forgivable loans on signage • Handicap accessibility • Alley maintenance • Landscaping improvements • Combined garbage/dumpsters facelift Other suggestions or comments for the downtown: • Improved walkways and more green space • Upgraded signage on street frontage • Restructured rear parking • Micro-park in the empty lot • Improvements to the rear/back entrances of buildings • Will talk to building management company about improvements • Re-route traffic on Trick-or-Treat night • Add flower pots/benches on Broadway and alley way • Do a scavenger hunt to get people in businesses • More parking and cross easement • Door spaces improvements • Improved lighting in parking lots Apri120, 2018 Angela Schumann City of Monticello Department of Community development 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Subject: PROPOSAL AND AGREEMENT FOR PROVIDING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Individual Building Owner Consultation and Fa�ade Improvement Recommendations Dear Angela: Cuningham Group Architecture, Inc. (Architect) presents to the City of Monticello (Client) this Proposal and Agreement for professional services to assist you in the Walnut Street Corridor Project (Project). PROJECT UNDERSTANDING Architect understands that the City of Monticello wants to provide design assistance to building owners who wish to take part in the fa�ade improvement program. This program offers up to $75,000 per building for property owners to make publicly visible improvements to their buildings. The program requires 85% of the loan to be allocated to permanent improvements (doors, windows, cornices, etc), 15% can be allocated to temporary (awnings, signage, etc) APPROACH/SCOPE OF SERVICES Based on our conversations with you to date, Architect anticipates providing to you the following scope of services: One-on-one design consultation services for building owners in which we develop a annotated sketch drawing with building improvements targeted for the fa�ade improvement program. Step 1. Meet with the building owner, on site, for a 1.5 hour meeting in which we photograph the site, discuss the owners goals and discuss options. Step 2: Develop a sketch of the fa�ade at '/4 scale. The drawing is annotated to describe the improvements. Step 3: Send the drawing to the building owner and follow up with a phone call discussion. Step 4: Make final revisions. The purpose of the sketch is to allow the building owner to get approximate and initial cost estimates from contractors. PROJECT TEAM Andrew Dresdner, AICP Page 1 of 4 CUNINGHAM G R O U P Celebrating 50 Years Cuningham Group Architecture,lnc. St. Anthony Main Z01 �%1ain Street SE Suite 3�5 Minneapolis, MN 55414 Tel: 612 3�9 3400 Fax: 612 379 4400 www.cuningham.com Jena Stanton FEES GUNINGHAM G R O U P Celebrating 50 Years Compensation for Basic Services as described herein shall be a stipulated sum of :$2000 / building. REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Reimbursable Expenses are in addition to the above fees. They include all normal expenses incurred by Architect for the benefit of the Proj ect, including out-of-town travel (if any and if authorized), mileage, long-distance telephone calls, messenger service, printing, etc. These expenses will be billed at 1.15 times their direct cost to Architect. ADDTTIONAL SERVICES Services you may request such as physical models, 3-D computer modeling, additional drawings or any renderings, engineering or special consultants, or other special services not specifically included in the above scope of services shall be invoiced at Architect's current hourly rates or at 1.15 times the direct cost of consultant's charges to Architect. In addition, any changes in the scope will also be billed at an hourly rate. Architect's hourly rates will be per Cuningham Group Hourly Rates, attached as E�ibit A. Additional Services will be performed only upon your written authorization. INVOICING Billings will be issued at 30-day intervals. Payment is due and payable upon invoice receipt. Interest of 1.0% per month will be due on the unpaid balance beginning 30 days after invoice date. Client agrees to reimburse Architect for all costs of collection including attorney fees, costs, and expenses. USE OF SUPPLIED INFORMATION Client agrees to provide and/or obtain all required licenses, including copyright license, to allow Architect to reproduce, use and incorporate all Client-supplied Proj ect-related drawing or other information and agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Architect and its consultants harmless from or against any and all claims arising out of or relating to Architect's or its consultants' Project-related reproduction, use, or incorporation of such information. Client will provide Architect with base map information that accurately indicates existing conditions. OTHER TERMS AND CONDTTIONS Except as otherwise modified herein, the terms and conditions of an unmodified AIA Document B101, Standard Form ofAgreement Between Owner and Architect, 2007 edition [B727 "Special Services" or B101 "Standard Form" may also be used in appropriate circumstances] (attached as E�ibit B), where Client acts as Owner for purposes of the Agreement, shall apply to all services provided under this Proposal and Agreement. The Client and Architect Page 2 of 4 GUNINGHAM G R O U P agree that arbitration, as described in the attached AIA Document, shall be the selected method of adjudicated dispute resolution. �e'ebra""g 5° Yea`5 Client shall furnish the services of a contractor or cost consultant that shall be responsible for preparing all estimates of the Cost of the Work If Client does not have such a consultant, Architect can provide a list of qualified contractors or cost consultants for Client's use. If the Client's budget at 50% completion of Design Development Phase Services or later is exceeded by Client's cost estimate or the lowest bona fide bid or negotiated proposal, and modifications to the Design Development or Construction Documents are required to reduce the actual or estimated Cost of the Work to comply with Client's budget, Architect will provide such modifications as an Additional Service, except to the extent Architect failed to incorporate Client's or Client's cost estimator's previously issued specific cost control directives. Client agrees to provide to Architect utility bills or other utility usage data on an annual basis for the [two to five, as appropriate] years following Substantial Completion. This information would be used to understand the metered performance of the building compared against industry benchmarks and for internal assessment of the design. The summary of associated analysis will be shared with Client upon request. Architect expressly disclaims all express or implied warranties and guarantees with respect to energy performance, and Client agrees to release, hold harmless, and indemnify Architect from any liability or claims related to the energy performance of the building. Architect and its consultants will be using building information modeling for the sole purpose of preparing and coordinating their Drawings, without an expectation that the model will be relied upon by other Project participants. If Client, Client's contractor or consultants, or other parties as appropriate desire to use the model for any purpose, the Architect, Client, and other appropriate parties will establish and agree to building information modeling protocols, which shall address authorship and ownership, level of development, and authorized uses of the model, processes for exchanging, sharing, and resolving changes to the model, and anticipated authorized uses for facilities management or others, following completion ofthe Project. Preparation of the protocols and operations and services provided thereunder shall be Additional Services. This Proposal and Agreement shall be subj ect to and enforced under the laws of the State of Minne sota. With your signature below you are indicating your acceptance of the understandings, terms and conditions of this Proposal and Agreement. This Proposal and Agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven days' written notice should either party fail to perform substantially in accordance with its terms. Failure of Client to make payments to Architect within 45 days of invoice date shall be considered substantial non-performance and cause for suspension or termination of Architect's services. If you instruct us to begin, or allow us to continue, performing or providing Project services prior to returning a signed copy of this Proposal and Agreement it will be understood that all of its terms, and the attached or referenced e�ibits, are acceptable and all parties will be bound by the terms of this Proposal and Agreement. If this Proposal and Agreement meets with your approval, please sign two copies and return one copy for our records and we will begin the services. Page 3 of 4 Thank you again for this opportunity to be of assistance. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals for Walnut Street and Downtown Monticello. Sincerely, CUNINGHAM GROUP ARCHITECTURE, INC Jeff Schoeneck, AIA Date: Approved By: CITY OF MONTICELLO Jeff ONeill City Manager Date: Attachments: E�ibit A— Cuningham Group Hourly Rates E�ibit B— AIA Document B 101, Standard Form ofAgreement Between Owner and Architect, 2007 edition Page 4 of 4 GUNINGHAM G R O U P Celebrating 50 Years EDA: 08/08/18 6. Consideration of the 2019 EDA Marketin� Plan and Bud�et (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This agenda item is consideration of the 2019 marketing plan. The attached plan was crafted by staff based on the existing 2018 plan and budget. An EDA subcommittee was appointed to formulate the 2018 plan and establish the initial budget. If after review of the proposed 2019 Marketing Plan and Budget, the EDA feels it necessary, they may want to again appoint a subcommittee to revise or start anew with the proposed 2019 Marketing Plan and Budget. The Plan consists of a variety of inedia and methods for each of the EDA's priority areas and identifies a prospective budget amount with each item. Marketing the City's assets and opportunities will support attainment of the other EDA goals and obj ectives as well. Al. STAFF IMPACT: Staff impacts in considering the Marketing Plan are minimal. The primary staff commitment to this point has consisted of internal meetings and a review of the effectiveness of the current methods and expenditures. It should be noted that the scope of services that WSB provides under its Economic Development Assistance Contract does include some marketing activities such as attending trade shows and participating in the Minnesota Marketing Partnership and adjusting collateral materials annually. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The expected budgetary impact from the proposed Marketing Plan is $21,750, which is slightly more than the 2018 amount. Funding is provided in a dedicated line item for marketing/advertising. Staff proposes to bring for review before the EDA any items that cost more than $1,000. This threshold is consistent with the City Council policy for expenditures from the General Fund as well. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to adopt proposed 2019 Marketing Plan and Budget 2. Motion to deny adoption of the 2019 Marketing Plan and Budget Motion to table consideration of the 2019 Marketing Plan and Budget for additional Research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1 wherein the EDA adopts the proposed 2019 Marketing Plan and Budget. The Plan and Budget is realistic and builds on efforts that began in 2018 with a budget allocation of $20,000. This is a significant step forward compared tc 2017 when only $5,000 was budgeted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Proposed 2019 Marketing Plan and Budget .-� G W � � a O cc a .. H W � � � m � Z Q J a V Z r W ��/ 1.1� Q G � W � r-I N J Q � N � 0 z +� � o � o o M � � a � 0 0 0 ri � U � +� N N = � Q L � � N � 0 � - L �� �U � � � VI � m -� � 'n � � L � (6 � C +, U � � � � � O � � � ^ � � � 3 � � � v � O � _ � N �' N � > vi f�6 G/ N � � p Q � � U � �-+ ++ U � f6 � U � � N � N � � � � 0 � •Q � a�i � Q- v� � � � � � N +� m a +� �; c� � o � a�i s o Q- U V U v�l � N .� ` V � +, � � � � � � Q 7 � � � � � C t H C7 cn � Q c� Cm — G C }, c Y v i � 0 0 � N � U (6 � 7 C fC6 C N 0 � U � a� � N Q- � � +� y � �n c� +' N CA � a o � Q � � � O C� i N N � i m y a +, � � N � H � � � � o � � o � o N N o N � r; � � � � �-+ U O 0 N U � C +�+ O 'N � O 'N � � � N � C — 'N L � O � � L � � � � � � � 'v, � �-+ �� ti�o c`o � s � c� a a +� J Q" s w o � � � � � 3 � � v � i O � ,+`�� � '� >0 ++ � VI � m > � � � N N � � � N � m � z W 0 N W � w Q V � �C C � o � o � o � N � N N � .� � � � � C vf (6 � N U N � •Q- L � � O � � � Nc f6 c (6 . � N � C � � � � � 0 � a N � � a a � c f6 f6 Rs �, ao � � •� U �C � L O U � a U � � � U a m i 'a � � � Z N � 0 2 � � U N .Q (6 c 0 0 E 0 a � a� s �-+ � � � � � .y � O CR Q G Q O � N +� > N i � Cm G � � � {= Oi0 � o � a 0 0 N c-I i/� N � � a� 3 0 + 0 a vi (6 L � � � O � Q Y L iC N y1 � m O N y > � � �3 m i N Q O N > N 0 � a� a 0 a� > a� � L � � .� � Q � Q N N C O 7 U O � J Q � W Z W C7 0 0 O N i/� � � ai > W 0 0 0 o �n o � m o i/� i/� � i/� CA C � � 0 s vi � C a� > a� � c � E � 0 U � CA � O � +� C �n N C � O L � � •> o C m � � C N N � � O �6 +' �i C � 3 ++ CR � C m � O ar O O a � � f6 N L � i 0 s � a� _ U L N O _ � Q � � > c6 O a� s L y � U U � �� N 6 N s +� � '� �3� 0 E � ai � > a� � � s � � N � C � CA N O N U � � Q � � � U N 6 Q '� W � � N t 0 0 0 LfI i/� � 0 �-+ f6 7 (6 i N N (6 U � � N f6 U O � ^ r-I N � EDA Agenda - 08/8/18 7. Consideration of adoptin� EDA Resolution No. 2018-17 approvin� the 2019 EDA Budget and Special Benefit (HRA) Tax Levv (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is in consideration of the proposed 2019 EDA budget and the accompanying Special Benefit levy. The proposed budget contains funding to conduct business activities throughout the year consisting of paying for full-time staff, general operating expenses (legal fees, professional expenses, memberships, etc.), marketing efforts (materials/media) and redevelopment activities. Expenditures - The 2019 budget has stable or modest increases in many of the key line items such as Professional Services, Legal Services, Market Matching-WSB, Advertising-Marketing and Dues-Membership. Maximizing the levy is the means to which these critical budget line items are allowed to contain modest increases rather than decreases. The Redevelopment Activities line item also increases ($148,250 in 2019 versus $144,000 in 2018). This funds the EDA's land acquisition, demolition and site preparation activities for the downtown redevelopment parcels which saw a more focused effort in 2018. Regarding the Economic Development Assistance Services (WSB) contract, staff's plan is to ask the EDA to consider a renewal of the agreement for an additional 12-month period later this year. The proposed amount for this line anticipates a small increase in the annual contract. At this time, staff is satisfied that the contracted work is being carried out effectively and is of benefit to the EDA. Revenue/Special Benefit Levv - The vast majority of the EDA's revenue is provided through a Special Benefit (HRA) Tax Levy along with a small amount of interest earnings, bringing the total proposed 2019 budgeted revenue to $350,498. The Special Benefit Levy is proposed at $348,000 based on the statutorily allowed percentage of .0815 percent multiplied against the City's taxable market value of $1,883,556,600. At its regular July 2019 meeting, the EDA passed a motion to use the maximum allowed levy amount of $348,000 to guide preparation of the 2019 budget proposal. This is a 7.7 percent increase over the 20181evy of $323,000. It should be noted that consistent with the EDA Enabling Resolution, the EDA budget and the Special Benefit Levy requires review and acceptance by the City Council. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The staff impact due to presenting the 2019 budget to the EDA for review and feedback is estimated to be approximately 5 hours (includes time during the EDA meetings). A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The cost of presenting the 2019 budget and Special Benefit Tax Levy to the EDA for review and approval is minimal. It is part of the normal work duties of the EDA Executive Director and is a required approval step. A3. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT: Goal #4 — Support A Vibrant Economy - Expand City/EDA owned industrial land inventory in targeted areas; Support development and redevelopment efforts for publicly owned properties. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to adopt EDA Resolution #2018-17 approving the 2019 EDA budget and the Special Benefit levy. 2. Motion to deny adopting EDA Resolution #2018-17 related to the proposed 2019 EDA Budget and the Special Benefit Levy. 3. Motion to table adoption of EDA Resolution #2018-17 related to the proposed 2019 EDA Budget and the Special Benefit Levy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1 wherein the EDA adopts EDA Resolution #2018-17 approving the 2019 EDA Budget and the 2019 Special Benefit Levy. If the EDA selects Alternative #2 or #3, a special meeting would need to be held to reconsider the Budget and Levy prior to the September 10, 2018 City Council meeting since the EDA regular meeting is not scheduled until September 12tn D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution #2018-17 B. Proposed 2019 EDA Budget with Special Benefit levy included C. 2019 Budget Approval Process-Calendar D. 2018 Community Economic Development Goals E. 2018 EDA Annual Work Program Work Plan 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO. 2018-17 AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF A SPECIAL BENEFIT TAX PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 469.033, SUBDIVISION 6 AND APPROVING A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019 WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 through 469.1081, as amended, the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") previously created the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority (the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, the Authority is authorized to exercise all powers and duties of a housing and redevelopment authority under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.001 to 469.047 (the "HRA Act"); and WHEREAS, Section 469.033, subd. 6, of the HRA Act permits the Authority to levy and collect a special benefit tax of up to 0.0185 percent of taxable market value in the City, levied upon all taxable real property within the City, to finance the Authority's economic development and redevelopment activities; and WHEREAS, the special benefit tax levy authorized by Section 469.033, subd. 6 of the HRA Act is separate and distinct from the City's levy and is not subject to levy limits; and WHEREAS, the Authority desires to levy a special benefit tax in the amount of 0.0185 percent of taxable market value in the City; and WHEREAS, the Authority has determined to adopt a budget for fiscal year 2019 that provides for the levy of the special benefit tax in the amount of 0.0185 percent of taxable market value of property in the City, to be used for the Authority's economic development and redevelopment activities. NOW, TI�REFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Commissioners (`Board") of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority as follows: The Board hereby approves a budget of $350,498 (excluding TIF district and loan activity) for fiscal year 2019, including the levy of a special benefit tax in an amount not to exceed $348,000 subject to approval of such budget by the City Council prior to September 30, 2018. 2. Staff of the Authority is hereby authorized and directed to file the budget with the City in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subdivision 6 and request that the City Council consider approval of the special benefits tax levy. 532599v1 MNI MN190-1 There is hereby levied a special benefit tax pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.033, Subdivision 6, in an amount not to exceed $348,000 with respect to taxes payable in calendar year 2019, contingent upon the approval of the City Council. 4. Staff of the Authority is hereby authorized and directed to take such other actions as are necessary to levy and certify such levy upon approval by the City Council. Approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority this 8th day of August, 2018. President Attest: Executive Director 532599v1 MNI MN190-1 2 \ \\\\\\\\\ \\\\ \\\o w o ; o 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ur ap � �� f� CO N O O 1� M a0 � M tn �17 ch O � tf� t[) � � � 1� 1� I� � I� O O N M r M N I� M O �� I� o Q CO CO (fl M(fl O O 1� CM 00 M CO CO N O� N N N = N M �t U co � � �nc��r�00000 cD0000v0000 rn c�co��00000 e000u��nr�oov>o �— I� �F � � CO � O O M O �t N f� t� (O � M f� N�f7 �� � � Cfl C4 CO N�� N ('7 � N ��� � N � � � m � W � ~ U O w N O � � H C�'J W O Q � N � m � � cfl�c0000 00o c0000 o�0000 � � � N V O d' O O O O O 00 � O O O I� O O O N O�-- � tD � O O O O V' �(O O CO � M tn O(D CO CO � N �� N M � O ��' V' N � N N � . . . . . .. . . . . . . _ . . .. . . . . . . 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July 2, 2018 2019-2023 CIP and budget worksheets due to finance department July 9, 2018 Workshop with city council and staff to set 2019 goals and priorities. July, 2018 Department heads meet with various advisory boards and commissions for input into 2019 preliminary budget and CIP. Department heads meet with city administrator, and finance staff to develop July, 2018 2019 preliminary budget and CIP. Workshop with city council to review draft department budgets and set 2019 July 23, 2018 goals and priorities. Finance department develops revenue estimates and 2019 preliminary property August 13, 2018 tax levy. Council workshop to review various department goals, budgets, and CIP August 27, 2018 continued. September 10, 2018 Budget workshop with city council and staff. Council adopts 2019 preliminary HRA and city property tax levy. (See September September 10, 2018 24) Last regular meeting for city council to consider adopting the 2019 preliminary September 24, 2018 city property tax levy. September 30, 2018 2019 preliminary property tax levy certified to Wright County auditor. Department heads meet with city administrator and finance staff to develop October/November, 2018 2019 proposed budget and final property tax levy. December 10, 2018 Council adopts 2019 budget and property tax levy. City certifies final 2019 property tax levy to Wright County auditor and files Form December 28, 2018 TNT with the MN Department of Revenue. January 1, 2019 2019 fiscal year begins. 1 Be a regional leader 2 Build a connected community 3 Create and preserve sustainable livability a Streng[hen our image as a destination city 5 Support a vibrant economy 6 Invest in people CommDev PrioritizecorridorsforundergroundpowerlinesforCCconsiderationanddevelopcorrespondingordinance/codelanguagewherenecessary 4 Comm Dev Coordinate prairie restoration forsome city parks and stormwaterareas 3 Comm Dev Develop Walnut, Pine and Cedarcorridor plan with consistent treatments (entrancesigns, lights, street/info signs, plantings, ped Tacilities) 2, CommDev PlanforutilizationoftheSthStreetrightofway-extensionoftrail 2, Comm Dev Develop public art program in partnership with existingarts community for major points 4, CommDev FamiliarizeorganizationswithBCOLmasterplan,developpartnerships 4 Comm Dev Coordinate creation ofadditional corridors to the river- ROWs, parks, pathway connections, public/private partnerships (hospital) 2, Comm Dev Develop funding plan and capital improvementplan forAthletic Park 1, Comm Dev Host Builder/Developer workshops on annual basis to continue building reltionships, service improvements 5 Comm Dev Implement final concept ofSmall Area Plan program (loan program, RFP, land sales, etc.) 1 Comm Dev Support EDA Work Plan Strategic Objectives foreconomic development, redevelopment and housing (See EDA Work Plan) 3, Comm Dev Develop a step-up housing marketing initiative 3, CommDev Developcomprehensivesignsystemforcityanddowntown 2, CommDev Identifysidewalkandpathwayconnectiongapsandopportunities;workwithParkstoprioritizeforcapitalimprovements 2, Comm Dev Develop and submitSafe Routes planning and infrastructure grants based on above 2, Comm Dev Gain regional desgination forMonticellosection of Mississippi RiverTrail pathway 1, Comm Dev Develop plan foropeningup land forindustrial/commercial prospects- NW area 3, CommDev UpdatesubdivisonregulationsasnecessaryforchangingstatutesandCitypriorities-survey,trees,etc. 3 Comm Dev Develop GIS/Lase�che link for more effcient planning research and management 2, Comm Dev Develop training opportunities related to City GIS and county tools 3, Comm Dev Complete an update of the Comprehensive Plan as related to theSmall Area Plan 2, CommDev CompleteanupdateofthezoningordinancerelatedtotheoutcomesoftheSmallAreaPlan 2, CommDev Completeanupdateofthezoningordinancerelatedtoouctomesofindsutrialdevelopmentstrategies(materials,storage,districts) 2, Comm Dev Develop additional FAQs and public use resources on P& Ztopics (signs, boulevards, etc.) z CommDev Identifyareasforcultural/historicinterpretation 2, Comm Dev Re-engage in Live Wright to identify healthy community opportunities and initiate plans resulting 1, Comm Dev Adopt native landscapes ordinance 3 CommDev Workwithcommunicationstodevelopcommunityengagementinitiativesforcommuntiydevelopmentgoals 2, CommDev Standardize/createplanningtrainingopportunitiesforPlanningCommission 6 Comm Dev Work with Communications to build the community brand and incorporate into CD and ED initiatives 1, Comm Dev Continue to foster partnerships with adjacent communities for regional planning (transporation, land use, utilities) 1, Comm Dev Monitor, amend and develop zoningordinances responsive to growth needs 3, Comm Dev Work to �pand outreach within thecommunity; build understandingofthe valueofcodes through interaction 2, Comm Dev Phoen system update to improve current operations and efficiency 2, Co m m/Eco n Continue to support rdevelopment efforts for publicly owned properties in Block 34 and 52 3, Co m m/Eco n Evaluate opportunities forthe future sale of properties in Block34 and engaging a partnerfor redevelopment of the block 3, Co m m/Eco n Eng:geasa partrierin otherredevelopmen[and reviblizahon opporWnihcsastheyanre,achvelyencouaging redevelopmen[within IheC�area mnss[en[w/ou[mmcsofSASP 1� Co m m/Eco n Continue to build funding base for potential acquisistions in targeted redevelopment areas 3, Co m m/Eco n Implement a fa4ade improvement program for desired revitalization areas 3, GOAL RELATIONSHIP 3, 4, 5 3 5, 6 3 5 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 4, 5 5 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 6 2, 3, 4 5, 6 3, 6 3, 4, 5 3, 4 3, 4 4 2, 3, 6 2, 4, 5 3, 4, 5, 6 5 3, 5, 6 l, 5 l, 5 3, 4, 5 l, 5 l, 5 m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n m m/Eco n Explore and seek as appropriate federal and state grant funds that support redevelopment objectives and/or projects 1, Explore the opportunityto develop an incubator buildingfor entreprenerial and start up firms 1, Encourage more proactive lead development and response in all market segments to support diversified tax base 2, Evaluate industrial land inventoryfor ptoential expansion 1, Market indusrtrial development at the Monticello Business Center to a broad variety of projects 3, Market EDA incentive programs in a more proactive manner, both within the community and beyond, beginningwith the education of the EDA 2, Examine housing stock and unmet market demand for various types of housing via conditions and datasets 3, Explore and seek as appropriate federal and state grant funds that support housing development or revitalization objectives and/or projects 3, Support the revamping and further development of the City Economic Development website to enhance usability and clarity of information 1, Re-engage, with the assistance of the IEDC, the business community in a limited scope BRE program 1, Support workforce development efforts through partnerships with educators, businesses, organzations and agencies 1, 3, 4, 5, 2,3,4,5,6 3, 4, 5 3, 4, 5 3, 4, 5 5 l, 5 2, 3, 4, 5 �, 3, 4, 5, 2, 3, 5, 6 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2018 ANNUAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK PLAN EDA Purpose: The EDA is charged with coordinating and administering the City of Monticello's economic development and redevelopment plans and programs. The EDA is also responsible for housing and housing redevelopment. EDA Work Plan Mission Statement: The EDA's work plan is adopted in support of achieving the goals of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan and the 2017/2018 City Strategic Plan. The EDA will be proactive by developing and undertaking actions for achievement of the Comprehensive Plan's Economic Development goals and will be reactive in responding to economic development opportunities as they arise in the most timely and effective manner possible. The EDA shall utilize the economic development strategies of the Comprehensive Plan, including the Downtown Small Area Plan as a guide for action. Comprehensive Plan Goals: Attracting & Retaining Jobs Expanding Tax Base Enhancing Downtown Facilitating Redevelopment Housing Choice for Life-Cycle EDA Objectives: 1. Continue to support redevelopment efforts for publicly-owned properties on Block 52. a. Focus on site control for targeted redevelopment area on the block b. Evaluate the opportunities for the future sale of properties on Block 52 and the value of engaging a partner to expedite redevelopment on Block 52. c. Support as needed the completion of transportation improvements as envisioned in the Downtown Small Area Study Plan. 2. Implement the recommendations of the Downtown Small Area Plan a. Support and advocate for improvements to the downtown as envisioned in the Small Area Plan b. Develop and support the appropriate policies, programs, and incentives that enable the type of development described in the Plan c. Continue to build a funding base for use in property acquisition and redevelopment efforts in targeted areas. d. Implement a fa�ade improvement program for desired revitalization areas. e. Meet with downtown property owners individually to understand their situation in terms of willingness to sell, partner, price, etc. £ Support opportunities for park and trail development as consistent with the Downtown Small Area Plan. 3. Engage as a partner in other redevelopment and revitalization opportunities as they arise, actively encouraging redevelopment within the Downtown. a. Fund studies that provide policy and strategy framework for desired land uses/or projects in the downtown and for other programs. b. Continue discussion on use of tax reimbursement/abatement, including development of criteria. 4. Support new multi-family housing development through the use of financing tools such as excess TIF dollars in TIF 1-6, TIF 1-22 and per adopted Policy Statement for Available TIF Funds. a. Develop marketing packets illustrating financial tools and available sites. b. Dialogue with multi-family housing developers and inform them of available resources to support MF development. c. Sponsor a multi-family housing developer expo providing site and financial assistance information facilitating relationship building. 5. Market industrial development at the Monticello Business Center (Otter Creek Business Park) to a broad variety of prospects. a. As guided by the Comprehensive Plan, target the following prospect areas: i. Businesses which will be a supplier, customer or collaborative partner to existing businesses within the community. ii. Businesses which would benefit from Monticello's utility and communications infrastructure. iii. Work with the CentraCare Health System to ensure the retention and to promote the expansion of health care services in Monticello. b. Focus on prospects which serve or rely on the St. Cloud and Twin Cities markets. c. Actively participate/network with current businesses to help establish external relationships. 6. Market EDA incentive programs in a more proactive manner, both within the community and beyond, beginning with the education on these resources at the EDA level. a. Continue to foster external networking opportunities. b. Present existing and new incentive programs to smaller community groups, local banks, realtors, and local businesses. c. Develop and communicate a"complete" development package program which provides support and assistance to prospects and developers from inquiry to construction. d. Prepare a multi-format (print, digital) summary resource piece. e. Explore the opportunity to develop an incubator building or pre-designed building shell plans with contractors ready for development. 7. Actively (aggressively) market for sale for development the EDA-owned properties at Cedar Street and Outlot A. a. Identify types of businesses sought for specific properties and market to these sectors accordingly. b. Identify commercial properties which should be held for larger redevelopment potential. 8. Encourage more proactive lead development and response in all market segments to support a diversified tax base. a. Develop relationships with local realtors and banks. b. Explore agent/broker relationships; evaluate the opportunity to engage a development facilitator. c. Develop a list of target properties and share with realtors and bankers. d. Research and communicate state and federal incentive programs for bringing businesses into community. 9. Examine housing stock for aging or blighted properties and research development of programs for redevelopment and/or revitalization. a. Understand the state of the current housing stock/inventory and areas of need. b. Identify and prioritize potential programs, such as: i. Program for acquisition for redevelopment ii. Program for revitalization iii. Program to encourage new development in in-fill areas c. Utilize available housing TIF dollars per Policy Statements for Available TIF Funds d. Establish clear criteria for "blight" and "cluster areas" for focus of programs. e. Identify and communicate state and regional programs which could be leveraged to support identified properties; identify programs applicable to each property. 10. Support the development of an economic development brand and implement in economic development activities. a. Migrate website to City site for more thorough and current site maintenance. b. Work with Communications Manager to develop coordinated economic development marketing plan c. Build value in development resources. d. Market amenities (including technology and recreation) in a more coordinated way 11. Re-engage in business retention and expansion efforts. a. Continue to engage the IEDC as the primary partner and lead in a the Business Retention and Expansion Program. Appendix: Monticello Comprehensive Plan, 2008 — Economic Development EDA Agenda: 08/08/18 8. Economic Development Report (JT) A. 103 Pine Street — Tenant Relocation All of the tenants have vacated from the property as of August 3, 2018. Several relocation benefit payments have yet to be paid. The are scheduled to occur in August. Upon completion of all the relocation payments, a summary tally will be presented to the EDA for review. B. Block 52 Marketing Materials-Efforts The marketing efforts for Block 52 continue to evolve with a new large post card being created and mailed out to developers and business owners. The post card idea is to imprint a simple image on the mind of recipients and continue this messaging over a one — or, if needed, two-year period. The first batch of postcards were mailed out on July 25, 2018. See Exhibit A. C. Otter Creek Business Park Sign The design of the new sign at Otter Creek Business Park is complete. Hoglund Sign, Monticello, indicates that they can complete the sign per the design and the size, 8' x 10'. The schedule for completion will be provided to the EDA when further conferencing with Hoglund can take place. See Exhibit B. D. 255 East Broadway Demolition - Update and Request for Approval of Total Cost Hazardous materials are being removed and will be completed by the end of the day on August 3, 2018. The Fire Training Burn is scheduled for Sunday, August 19, 2018. Carlson Construction will complete the demolition process by removing ash and debris post the burn and expects to finish this work by Wednesday August 22, 2018. Carlson will complete the utility disconnects prior to the Fire Training Burn. The Total Cost to the EDA is shown below: Staff Recommends that the Total Cost be approved by motion Fire Department Controlled Burn Fee... .....$2,250.00 This fee is normally $2,500. City Council waived $250.00 ofthe fee Demolition by Carlson Construction. . . . . . . . . $5,250.00 Total Cost $7,500.00 See Exhibit C— City Council Staff Report needs EDA approval already approved by EDA E. Prospects — See attached (Exhibit D) A spread sheet with the active prospects will be provided to the EDA for review and discussion at the regular meeting. � C p � � C � C � � � � N � � � � � L � LLoO= �L � _ � O C 0 � t"O p m y � U �� H N � � `- Gc C � G T� M y � c �+ o v � •� .�EN� 0 �o�� v j r,•� � v �n �j c � v N o v �o a�l L � c E � o �_' E w =. o� Ea �� �r, N o� c� � Z � c�"` N �m, q @ )., p. � � ,. 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In the Small Area Study, this location is identified as multi-family residential development. Per Minnesota Pollution Control standards, a Hazardous Materials Inspection was completed at the property in early May 2018 by Customize Rescue Training, Inc. The inspection report determined that the ceilings and floor tiles contained asbestos. Other items also noted for removal included: mercury batteries - found in smoke detectors, fluorescent lights and thermostats. These items were removed by Public Works staff in early June, 2018. At its regular July meeting, the EDA approved the lowest most qualified quote for: 1) asbestos removal, and 2) structure demolition. It should be noted that the Fire Department is interested in using the home for a fire training burn. The City's $2, 500 Cont�olled BuNn Fee was not factored into the cost structure. To allow the fire department training burn and tandem demolition process to move forward, the City Council is being asked to waive 10% of the fee ($250.00). Asbestos removal quotes included: • Building Code Tech - 4183 Jansen Ave NE, St. Michael o $7,629 Bergo Environmental, Inc. - 4413 Crawford Rd, Hopkins o $6,223 - Approved by EDA Safe Air Systems LLC - 1885 Knowles Ave. NW, Annandale o $8,600 Re�ular demolition quotes included: • Building Code Tech - 4183 Jansen Ave NE, St. Michael o $26,778 • Schluender Construction Company - 3331 90th Street, Monticello o$7,500 to remove and haul away complete buildings and foundation - I.OW QUOtC • Carlson Construction - Buffalo, MN o$9,250 to remove house and garage City Council Agenda - 07/23/18 Trainin� Burn Demolition quotes included: • Schluender Construction Company o$9,500 to remove and haul away completely burned buildings and foundation • Carlson Construction O$5,250 to remove ash, footings, and related debris - I.OWCP QUOtC In a scenario where the Fire Department can utilize the structure for a training burn opportunity, the total project costs look like this: ✓ Demolition by Carlson Construction $5,250.00 ✓ City ContNolled FiNe BuNn Fee -Reduced by 10% $2,250.00 Total $7,500.00 Following removal of the building and foundation, the EDA can market the property for redevelopment opportunities. Al. BUDGET IMPACT: Very minor impact; fee reduction of $250.00. Staff time is part of normal duties and budgeted for. A2. STAFF WORKLOAD IMPACT: Minor impact; limited research and completion of staff report. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to authorize waiving $250.00 or 10% of the $2,500 Controlled Burn Fee 2. Motion to deny waiving $250.00 or 10% of the $2,500 Controlled Burn Fee 3. Motion to table item for additional research and/or discussion. C. STAFF RECOMN�NDATION Staffrecommends Alternative 1. The fee reduction is relatively minor. It results in the opportunity to gain valuable training experience for the Fire Department. They will also be seeking a grant from the State to help cover their personnel and equipment costs incurred during the training exercise. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. City Fee Schedule � p � u � u u � � u u u u � � � u \ �' N � N N N N � � � � cj cj N � N � (n N (n (n Q Q N N N N �, �, Q N � Q Q \ N > j > > � � N N N N N N � N •O C C ,> ,> ,> ,> V V C ,> V V V V � � V V V V O O U V a a a a a ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ c� c� ¢ .. c °/ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � o 0 0 � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > O � O p O O �'� � O � O O �'� p � � � � � � �l1 � Ol I� �l1 O O N' O l0' .-�-� •--i � O c'r) .--i .--i crj m +f6,, �n � �n � �n � m �n �n �n �n � O � � H m � o � 3 O O � ^ M1. M1. M1. 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