Planning Commission Agenda 08-07-2018AGENDA
Tuesday, August 7th, 2018 - 6:00 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Special Joint City Council/Planning Commission Meeting
4:30 PM — CCD Ordinance Amendments
Commissioners: Brad Fyle, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, John Alstad, Katie Peterson
Council Liaison: Charlotte Gabler
Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Jacob Thunander
1. General Business
A. Call to Order
B. Consideration of approving minutes
a. Regular Meeting Minutes — July 3rd, 2018
C. Citizen Comments
D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda
E. Consideration to approve agenda
2. Public Hearings
A. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for an amendment to
Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for Hi-Way Liquors sign
height and area allowances
Applicant: City of Monticello
B. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for
Professional Office Use in the L-6 sub district of the CCD —Central Community
Applicant: Arvola, Chad
C. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Public
Use in the F-3 sub-district of the CCD — Central Community District
Applicant: City of Monticello
3. Regular Agenda
A. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report
4. Added Items
5. Adjournment
Tuesday, July 3''d, 2018 - 6:00 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Commissioners Present
Council Liaison Absent:
Staff Present:
1. General Business
A. Call to Order
Brad Fyle, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, John Alstad, Katie
Charlotte Gabler
Angela Schumann and Steve Grittman (NAC)
Brad Fyle called the meeting of the Planning Commission to order at 6:00 p.m.
B. Consideration of approvin� minutes
a. Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — June 5, 2018
C. Citizen Comments
D. Consideration of addin� items to the a�enda
E. Consideration to approve a�enda
2. Public Hearings
A. Public Hearin� - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for
medical/dental facilitv in the F-1 District of the CCD —Central Communitv
Applicant: Monticello Equity Partners, LLC
Steve Grittman summarized the request for Conditional Use Permit. The applicant
would occupy an existing multi-tenant building. The applicant is proposing to use
a vacant space in the building and has planned a future expansion inside the
building. The building is occupied by office and professional services, with their
use being dental surgery. The outside of the building would not be changed and
adequate parking is existing on the site.
Staff recommended approval of the application with conditions as indicated in
Exhibit Z.
Brad Fyle questioned the available parking. Grittman explained that the parking
exceeds the ordinance for office uses. Fyle asked if the surgical use would affect
the city sewer services. Grittman explained that it would be examined during the
Planning Commission Minutes — July 3, 2018 Page 1 � 3
Building Permit process review. Fyle noted that there was an exit on the east wall.
Grittman explained it was likely an emergency exit with all hard surface
surrounding. The public use the north entrance for access into the building.
Brad Fyle opened the public hearing.
Cory Ritter, Monticello Equity Partners, stated that there is a door on the east side
of the property that is only for staff use. Fyle asked if any signage would be added
to the building. Ritter confirmed and stated it would be within code limits.
Hearing no further comments, the public hearing was closed.
B. Public Hearin� - Consideration of a request for amendment to Conditional
Use Permit for wireless communications antenna on existin�
telecommunications tower in the IBC (Industrial and Business Campus)
Applicant: SAC Wireless for AT & T
Steve Grittman stated that the request was on an existing tower and located on the
south side of the Monticello Workforce building along 7th Street. The applicants
are primarily looking to replace existing antennas on the structure. The antennas
are slightly larger than existing and a few other minor changes including radio
equipment are proposed being changed out. No impacts are expected with the
ground level upgrades.
Staff recommended approval of the application with conditions as indicated in
Exhibit Z.
Brad Fyle opened the public hearing.
Wendy Van Lith, SAC Wireless, confirmed the changes that are being replaced.
Hearing no comments, the public hearing was closed.
Decision 1: Resolution recommending approval of a Conditional Use Permit
to accommodate equipment changes on an existing telecommunication tower
Planning Commission Minutes — July 3, 2018 Page 2 � 3
C. Public Hearin� - Consideration of a request for an amendment to
Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for Hi-Wav Liquors
si�n hei�ht and area allowances
Applicant: Citv of Monticello
Angela Schumann explained the staff recommendation was to table action. Staff
would like to spend additional time reviewing quotes for the sign especially with
Liquor Store staff.
Schumann noted that at a previous public hearing the past year, the sign was
noted as being property of MnDOT. Staff received confirmation from MnDOT
that the land was property of the City of Monticello.
Brad Fyle opened the public hearing.
3. Regular Agenda
A. Consideration of the Communitv Development Directors Report
Angela Schumann pointed out some of the construction activity occurring in
Schumann noted that a joint meeting workshop with the Planning Commission
and the City Council would occur to discuss draft CCD ordinance revisions.
4. Added Items
5. Adjournment
Recorder: Jacob Thunander
Approved: August 8, 2018
Angela Schumann, Community Development Director
Planning Commission Minutes — July 3, 2018 Page 3 � 3
Planning Commission Agenda - 8/7/18
2A. Continued Public Hearin� — Consideration of a request for an amendment to
Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for Hi-Wav Lipuors sign
hei�ht and area allowances. Applicant: Citv of Monticello (AS)
PID: 155-100-14010 and 155-0100-14050
Address: 511 Pine Street
Planning Case Number: 2018-032
Deadline for Decision:
Land Use Designation:
Zoning Designation:
Regulations Applicable:
Current Site Use:
Surrounding Land Uses:
Amendment to CUP for PUD for signage allowance
Downtown "Shopping"
CCD (L-6; Future Public Open Space)
The purpose of the "CCD", Central Community District, is
to provide for a wide variety of land uses, transportation
options, and public activities in the downtown Monticello
area, and particularly to implement the goals, obj ectives,
and specific directives of the Comprehensive Plan, and in
particular, the Embracing Downtown Monticello report and
its Design Guidelines.
Commercial Buildings
Commercial, multi-tenant retail
TH 25
Commercial and professional
Commercial, multi-tenant retail and Civic, Community
The Monticello City Council requested in 2017 that the Planning Commission hold a
public hearing to consider alternatives for the refurbishment of the Hi-Way Liquors sign.
These alternatives would include a slightly larger electronic message board sign, which
Planning Commission Agenda - 8/7/18
would require an amendment to the PUD in place for the Town Center area in which Hi-
Way Liquors is included.
Planning Commission may recall that in late 2017, upon developing the public hearing
notice information for the hearing on amendment to PUD for the Hi-Way Liquors sign, it
was noted that the sign appeared to be located on a parcel owned by MnDOT. However,
after working through the issue with MnDOT, is was determined that the ownership is
shown is in error, and the sign does sit on City property.
City staff are therefore proceeding at this time to request the flexibility under Planned
Unit Development to request a slightly larger electronic message board component for
the sign as part of the refurbishment. The Hi-Way Liquors building is located within the
larger Towne Center planned unit development, which includes the multi-tenant strip
centers to the north and west side of the building. The planned unit development for
Town Center also recognizes the current lot configuration for the sign and store.
The maximum allowable free-standing signage area for the site, located in the CCD, is
100 square feet. The existing sign itself is approximately 78.25 total square feet. The top
box cabinet component of the sign is 47.5 square feet. The smaller directional sign for
the city offices and MCC is approximately 8.75 square feet. The current electronic
message board is approximately 22 square feet.
The current sign components are therefore in compliance with code requirements. No
additional sign height is requested.
The City Council had directed the replacement of the top cabinet sign with a sign that is
more reflective of the current City brand and a more attractive, eye-catching design. The
top cabinet would be a replacement only, with no change to the dimensions. No change
will be made to the directional sign.
However, the electronic message board, which is no longer operational, will require a
complete replacement. The City is seeking the flexibility to increase the size of the
electronic readerboard from 22 square feet to approximately 32 square feet. The sign
component will still fit within the existing side structure supports.
The ordinance allows electronic message boards of up to 25% of the allowable sign area,
or 50 feet, whichever is less. In the case of the Hi-Way Liquors site, the maximum
allowable free-standing signage is 100 square feet, and therefore the changeable copy
board is limited to 25 square feet. With the message board increase to 32 square feet, the
total sign area will still be below the total sign area allowance of 100 square feet, at
approximately 88 square feet.
The City request for the slightly larger sign will allow for an enhancement to readability
on the sign, which is used not only for Hi-Way Liquors messaging, but also for non-
commercial City messaging. The City has no other locations for messaging in the
community, with the exception of shared space on the changeable copy board at
TH25/CSAH 75.
Planning Commission Agenda - 8/7/18
It should also be noted that under the current CCD zoning regulations, which relies on the
former Embracing Downtown plan, new signage for the site would be required to be of
monument design. The City is proposing to add additional stone treatment to the bottom
of the existing sign, bringing it into greater conformance with the monument-style
L Motion to adopt Resolution PC-2018-024 recommending approval of an amendment
to PUD for an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development
for Hi-Way Liquors sign area allowances.
2. Motion to recommend denial of an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned
Unit Development for Hi-Way Liquors sign area allowances, based on findings to be
made by the Planning Commission.
Staff recommends alternative #1 above. The proposed increase in electronic message
board size is minimal at under 10 feet in total area, and is being requested primarily to
maintain aspect ratios within the current sign supports, as well as to provide readability
on the existing sign. The sign provides the primary mechanism for city-related non-
commercial messages for the City Hall/liquor store and Community Center facilities.
The ability to combine signage for all three facilities into one free-standing message
board is an enhancement over the potential for two separate digital message boards
between the two sites. Additionally, the enhancement of stone to the base of the sign
provides an additional design aesthetic more consistent with current code requirements.
A. Aerial Site Image
B. Existing Sign Illustration
C. Proposed Sign Illustration
D. Exhibit Z— Conditions of Approval
Conditions of Approval
1. Sign refurbishment is subj ect to applicable building code and permit requirements.
WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has submitted a request to modify signage on an existing
free-standing sign; and
WHEREAS, the site is zoned CCD, Central Community District;
WHEREAS, the proposed signage and use were previously approved as part of a planned
unit development for Towne Center; and
WHEREAS, the signage modifications are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use
Plan designation of "Downtown" for the area; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 3rd, 2018 on the
application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to
present information to the Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff
report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following
Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval:
1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the CCD,
Central Community District;
2. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the
area in which they are located;
3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by commercial land
uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted.
4. The proposed signage modifications provide enhancements to the sign's
conformity with the CCD zoning district and regulations.
5. The proposed signage modifications provide a consolidation of electronic
message board signage for the planned unit development area.
6. No other changes or impacts resulting for the signage modifications are
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of
Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the
Monticello City Council approves the amendment to Planned Unit Development for Hi-Way
Liquors sign area allowances, subj ect to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report
as follows:
ADOPTED this 7th day of August, 2018 by the Planning Commission of the City of
Monticello, Minnesota.
Brad Fyle, Chair
Angela Schumann, Community Development Director
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Planning Commission Agenda — 08/07/2018
2B. Public Hearing — Consideration of a repuest for Conditional Use Permit for
Professional Office Use in the L-6 sub district of the CCD —Central Communitv
District. Applicant: Arvola Builders. (NAC)
Planning Case Number:
PID: 155-037-000100
Address: 532 Walnut Street
Deadline for Decision:
Land Use Designation:
Zoning Designation:
Regulations Applicable:
Current Site Use:
Surrounding Land Uses:
Conditional Use Permit for a contractor's business
office in the CCD Walnut/Cedar District.
Downtown "Shopping"
The purpose of the "CCD", Central Community
District, is to provide for a wide variety of land uses,
transportation options, and public activities in the
downtown Monticello area, and particularly to
implement the goals, obj ectives, and specific directives
of the Comprehensive Plan. . .
Commercial Multi-Tenant Buildings
Commercial Retail
Community Center
Parking/Commercial Retail
Municipal Liquor Retail
Project Description: The applicants proposed to occupy approximately 600
square feet of the existing building at the south end of
the retail building along Walnut Street across from the
Community Center, utilizing existing site
improvements, and possible interior building
improvements as necessary to support the use.
Planning Commission Agenda — 08/07/2018
Project Back rg ound. The proposed Arvola Builders office would occupy a portion of
the existing building at 532 Walnut Street. The site is the CCD, with retailing as its
primary land use focus. Office uses are allowed by Conditional Use Permit.
The applicant is proposing occupy a portion of the building (600 square feet) to
accommodate its business offices. The office would have access to a Walnut Street
entrance and adjoining parking lots.
Specific Zonin� Requirements. The zoning ordinance lists the following specific
standards for these uses:
(20) Offices (Professional) Including Financial Institutions
In the CCD, Professional Offices and Financial Institutions shall include the
(a) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street-level
architecture as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed
in the document "Embracing Downtown Monticello."
(b) Street-level floor planning designed to accommodate use by or
conversion to future use as retail land uses.
(c) Parking areas shall be situated so as to minimize their exposure to
public areas, or shall be landscaped and screened to minimize large
expanses of open pavement.
(d) Parking supply shall be calculated at the same rate as retail sales.
While the reference to the "Embracing Downtown Monticello" plan is obsolete, the
intent of the ordinance is to ensure that business occupancy on the blocks along Pine
and Walnut have a retail focus. Office uses such as Arvola provide an occasional
retail function, in that customers will come to site, and the CUP provision in the
current ordinance reflects the idea that there are few additional conditions necessary
to consider these uses acceptable in this district. Indeed, in the early draft versions of
the CCD ordinance revisions, office uses would continue the conditional use permit
allowance in this area.
It is further noted that the building was designed with a brick exterior, consistent with
the requirements of the ordinance. As such, the building clearly meets the
requirements of the CUP provisions noted above.
Parkin�. For general office uses, a parking requirement of 3 spaces plus 3 spaces per
1,000 square feet would be required. The applicant's 600 square feet will not
appreciably impact the parking supply for the shopping center or the adjacent street.
No outdoor storage or vehicle/equipment storage is proposed. Outdoor storage is
prohibited at present in the Central Community District.
Planning Commission Agenda — 08/07/2018
L Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC2018-025, recommending approval of a
Conditional Use Permit for an Office use in the CCD District, subj ect to the
conditions included in Exhibit Z.
2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. PC2018-025, based on findings
identified by the Commission after the public hearing.
3. Motion to table action on the Resolution, subj ect to additional information from
staff, the applicant, or others as directed.
Staff recommends approval of the CUP, based on findings that support the retail and
employment objectives of the City's downtown development planning. The use fits
the City's development objectives for downtown, and the applicant's materials
support the intent of the ordinance adopted for this purpose. It is also noted that in its
current form, the early draft of the CCD zoning ordinance recommends continuing
offices as conditional uses in this area of the downtown, and allowing such uses as
permitted uses on upper floors where applicable.
With regard to parking the supply will not be affected by the proposed office
occupancy. The use will generate a very limited demand for parking and the shared
parking in the area — both private and public — appear to be more than adequate.
A. Resolution PC-2018-025
B. Aerial Site Image
C. Applicant Narrative and Change in Use Form
D. Ordinance Excerpts
Z. Conditions of Approval
Planning Commission Agenda — 08/07/2018
Conditional Use Permit for Office Use
532 Walnut Street
PID 155-037-000100
1. The applicant completes all building permit and occupancy requirements of the City's
building department.
2. Compliance with the City's sign ordinance.
3. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission.
WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to occupy a portion of the subj ect
property to operate a contractor's business office; and
WHEREAS, the site is zoned CCD (F-1), which allows such use by Conditional Use
Permit; and
WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Downtown - Shopping" for the area; and
WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting compliance with
the terms of the applicable zoning regulations; and
WHEREAS, the uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the CCD zoning
district; and
WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for
public services on or around the site; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 7th, 2018 on
the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to
present information to the Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the
staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following
Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval:
1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the CCD,
Central Community Zoning District.
2. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the
area in which they are located.
3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by commercial land
uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted.
4. The proposed business office meets the intent and requirements of the
applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use
5. Parking is found to be adequate based on the available parking on and around
the property.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of
Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the
Monticello City Council approves the Conditional Use Permit for Office use, subj ect to the
conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows:
1. The applicant completes all building permit and occupancy requirements of the City's
building department.
2. Compliance with the City's sign regulations.
3. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission.
ADOPTED this 7m day of August, 2018 by the Planning Commission of the City of
Monticello, Minnesota.
Brad Fyle, Chair
Angela Schumann, Community Development Director
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C1T1' OF
Community Development
505 Walnut Street, Suite 1
Monticello, MN 55362
(763) 295-2711 . info a'!ci.n
Naine of Proposed Business: (DBA)
Change in Use or
Occupancy Form
L'�C.��/�S �n,�'
Legal Name of Proposed Business (if different):
Contact Name: l. �l'�C �� /� � �C1�-/qEmaiL• E
Contact Address: 5 3� k/l� N l.i 1 S( ,/�1 G h-� �)�' � L C�j
Property Owner Name: � �� � � ���( � �'� � �'�"�Email: _ Jc:�1 /� Phone:
Address of Business: S�� � Hours of Operation �-S
Expected Opening Date: .� l,� L� � S Space Size (Square Feet): ��% �
How was the space previously used? S G'Cr �� �-, T�' ��
How will you use the space? ��F� ��
NAICS Code Number of Employees: Full-Time: �_ Part-Time:
Are you installing any signage? N!'� If yes, please describe type:
AI•e you planning on having any outdoor storage? ��
Ai•e you making any structural or other improvements within the space? YES ��; NO�`
If yes, please describe the improvements:
Please attach site plans, sketches, photos, or- othe�� information to help us better understand the use.
Please noie that building, lan u e a or sig pernaits or other licensing may apply based on u e.
A licant's ' ? �
pp Signature: Date: C /��
Property Owner's Signature: -�Z Date: �-
Staff Use Only
Involved Staff:
���: � Building Inspector
City Clerk
Received: Zoning District:
�� ` Community DevelopmendPlanning
Public Works
{ Fire Department
Licenses/Permits/Reviews Required:
Conditional Use Permit Application - Arvola Builders, Inc — Chad Arvola
Arvola Builders was founded in 2002 by Chad and Katie Arvola. We have built a reputation of building
quality homes by using quality materials, providing excellent workmanship and focusing on attention to
detail. Arvola Builders is relocating from Annandale to Monticello as their business continues to grow.
The suite in Towne Centre will be primarily used as offices for the business. Typical hours are Monday —
Friday from 7AM — SPM with some occasional night and weekend hours. Rarely clients will meet at the
suite to discuss projects.
The conditional use will not substantially diminish or impair property values within the
immediate vicinity of the subject property; TRUE
The conditional use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, or welfare of persons
residing or working near the use; TRUE
The conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development of surrounding
property for permitted uses predominant in the area; TRUE
The conditional use will not pose an undue burden on public utilities or roads, and adequate
sanitary facilities are provided; TRUE
The conditional use can provide adequate parking and loading spaces, and all storage on the site
can be done in conformance with City code requirements; TRUE
The conditional use will not result in any nuisance including but not limited to odor, noise, or
sight pollution; TRUE
The conditional use will not unnecessarily impact natural features such as woodlands, wetlands,
and shorelines; and all erosion will be properly controlled; TRUE
The conditional use will adhere to any applicable additional criteria outlined in Chapter S of the
Monticello Zoning Ordinance for the proposed use. TRUE
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eHaPrER a: zorvnvG DisrRiers
Section 3.5 Business Base Zoning Districts
Subsection (G) Central Community District
Figure 3-3: Design Guidelines Use Area
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Landmar€c Areas: [orridors:
L-� Pub6c Parking Aamp 1 Broadway Street
L�2 RiverOriented5liopging 2 Walnul5treet
L-3 Cargi€I Site 3 Highvr�y 251 Pine Stree[
L-4 Communiry Cen[er Site
L-5 Riverfront Park
L G Future Public Open Spaee
L-7 Permanen[ Riblic 6pen S�ace
L-8 Freeway Retail ��-4 Zoning Standards}
F-1 Shopping Area Wesc a€ Flwy �5
F-� Convenicnceand5ervices F�TT� ZONING DISTRICTS
F-3 Transition
Page I 24 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance
�f-t�f9��� 2: .��PtIC1�iiC3�i ������� ����� ���������.�
Section 2.4 Speci fic Review Procedur� �.� �� �����: ��
Subsection (D) Conditional Use Permi�
(a) Conditional Use Permit Criteria
Approval of a Conditional Use Permit application requires that the City find
that conditions can be established to ensure that all of the following criteria
will always be met:
(i) The conditional use will not substantially diminish or impair property
values within the immediate vicinity ofthe subject property;
(ii) The conditional use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals,
or welfare of persons residing or working near the use;
(iii) The conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development
of surrounding property for permitted uses predominant in the area;
(iv) The conditional use will not pose an undue burden on public utilities or
roads, and adequate sanitary facilities are provided;
(v) The conditional use can provide adequate parking and loading spaces, and
all storage on the site can be done in conformance with City code
(vi) The conditional use will not result in any nuisance including but not
limited to odor, noise, or sight pollution;
(vii) The conditional use will not unnecessarily impact natural features such as
woodlands, wetlands, and shorelines; and all erosion will be properly
(viii) The conditional use will adhere to any applicable additional criteria
outlined in Chapter 5 for the proposed use.
(b) Planning Commission
Before any Conditional Use Permit is considered, the Planning Commission
shall hold at least one public hearing after proper notice has been issued in
accordance with Section 23(I). Following the hearing and subsequent
discussion on the merits of the proposal, the Planning Commission shall adopt
findings and recommendations on the general conditional use permit review
criteria outlined in Section 2.4(D)(4)(a) and any specific criteria outlined for
the specific use in Chapter 5. Recommendations for approval may include
such conditions as are deemed necessary to ensure compliance with each of
the Conditional Use Permit review criteria. Denial recommendations shall be
supported by findings of fact as to why the permit request was denied. The
Community Development Department may forward an application to the City
Council without a recommendation from the Planning Commission only if it
is deemed necessary to ensure compliance with state mandated deadlines for
application review.
Section 5.2: Use-
�ecific Standards
Section 5.3(D):
Specific Standards
for Certain
Accessorv Uses
Section 2.3(I):
Public Noti zcation
i�`��� ,�°�' ;���� c�� f�Ion�ieeiso �or�ir�g �rcr'ir�ante
er-IA�rE� s: usE sr��aAa�s
Section 5. I Use Table
�ubsection (A) F�cplanation of Use Table Structure
� � .
.- . �
-. �.. .
. . . -.
-. •
Specialty Eating C P P P 5.2(�(28�.
Vehicle Fuel Sales C C C 5.2(�(29�.
Vehicle Sales and Rental C 5.2(�(30�.
Veterinary Facilities C 5.2(�(31 �.
Veterinary Facilities C C C 5.2(F�(31 �
Wholesale Sales P P P None
Industrial Uses
Auto Repair — Major C P P 5.2(G1( I 1
Bulk Fuel Sales and p p 5 2(Gl(21
Contractor's Yard, � � � 5 2(G1(31
Extraction of Materials I I I 5.2(Gl(4l
General Warehousing C C P P 5.2(Gl(51
Heavy Manufacturing C 5.2(Gl(61
Industrial Services C P None
Land Reclamation C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 5.2(G1(71
Light Manufacturing P P P 5.2(Gl(81
Machinery/Truck Repair
& Sales P P 5'2(Gl(91
Recycling and Salvage
Center C C 5.2(G�( I 0�
Self-Storage Facilities C P 5.2(G�( I I�
Truck or Freight C C 5.2(G�( I 2�
Waste Disposal &
Incineration C 5.2(�(13�
Wrecker Services C P 5.2(�(14�
City of Monticello Zoning Ordinanc� Page 327
Section 5. I Use Table
Subsection (A) F�cplanation of Use Table Structure
. . . • � � .
.- . �
'.. •
.-. •
• . • -. -.
Commercial Day Care C C C C none 5.2(�( I I�
Commercial Lodging P P C none 5.2(F1(71
Commercial Recreation: Indoor P P C C none 5•2(Fl( � 2�
Commercial Recreation: C C 5.2(�( I 3�
Outdoor none
Convenience Retail C P* C C *F-2 Drive Through by CUP 5.2(Fl(91
Funeral Services C C none 5.2(�(15�
Medical / Clinical Services C p p p L-2: NA first floor, 5 2(�( � 8�
CUP upper floors
Personal Services P P P P L-3: CUP 5.2(�(2 ��
Places of Public Assembly C C C C none 5.2(�(22�
Production Brewery or Micro-
Distillery with Taproom or C C C C none 5.2(�(23�
Cocktail Room
Professional Office-Services L-2: NA first floor, 5.2(�(14�
Including Financial Institutions P P P C CUP upper floors 5.2(�(20�
Restaurants, Bars < 10,000 SF P P C C none 5.2(�(26�
Restaurants, Bars > 10,000 SF P C C none 5.2(�(26�
Retail Sales < 10,000 SF P P C C none 5.2(�(27�
Retail Sales > 10,000 SF P C C none 5.2(�(27�
Retail with Service P C C L-2: NA first floor, 5 2(�(27�
CUP upper floors
Specialty Eating Establishments P,� P� C* P* *Drive Through by CUP 5.2(F�(28�
< 10,000 SF
Vehicle Fuel Sales C C C* L-8 only 5.2(F�(29�
Veterinary Facilities C P C C none 5.2(F�(31 �
Residential — Upper Floors P P P P L-2: NA
Residential — Street Level C C L-2: NA
Residential — Multiple Family C C L-2: NA
Residential — Townhouse C none
Residential — Single Family C none
Industrial PUD L-3: PUD Only
Public Buildings or Uses C C C P none
Page 328 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance
C�-i�il�i`E� S: i�5� Si��f��t�L35
Section 5.2 Use-Speci fic Standards
Su�section (F) Regulations for Commercial Uses
(19) Of�ces (Commercial)
In the CCD, F-1 sub-district, the following conditions shall apply:
(a) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street-level architecture
as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the document
"Embracing Downtown Monticello."
(b) Street-level floor planning designed to accommodate use by or conversion to
future use as retail land uses.
(c) Parking areas shall be situated so as to minimize their exposure to public
areas, or shall be landscaped and screened to minimize large expanses of open
(20) Of�ces (Professional) Including Financial Institutions
In the CCD, Professional Offices and Financial Institutions shall include the
(a) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street-level architecture
as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the document
"Embracing Downtown Monticello."
(b) Street-level floor planning designed to accommodate use by or conversion to
future use as retail land uses.
(c) Parking areas shall be situated so as to minimize their exposure to public
areas, or shall be landscaped and screened to minimize large expanses of open
(d) Parking supply shall be calculated at the same rate as retail sales.
(21) Personal Services
(a) In the B-1 district, the following shall apply:
(i) Outdoor lighting shall be restricted to be consistent with the hours of
operation, within one half hour of open and close times.
(ii) Hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
(b) Establishments engaged in dry cleaning shall be held to the following
(i) Dry cleaning processing shall be restricted to the B-4 district.
City a� i'i�-nt�ee�io �onsng'rvir��ne� ����; .�� W
Planning Commission Agenda — 08/07/2018
2C. Public Hearin� —Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Public
Use in the F-3 sub-district of the CCD — Central Communitv District ). Applicant:
Citv of Monticello. (NAC)
Planning Case Number:
PID: 155-010-050011
Address: 349 West Broadway
Deadline for Decision:
Land Use Designation:
Zoning Designation:
Regulations Applicable:
Current Site Use:
Surrounding Land Uses:
Conditional Use Permit for a Public Use to
accommodate an Arts program in an existing building
in the CCD (Broadway District).
Downtown — Broadway District
The purpose of the "CCD", Central Community
District, is to provide for a wide variety of land uses,
transportation options, and public activities in the
downtown Monticello area, and particularly to
implement the goals, obj ectives, and specific directives
of the Comprehensive Plan.
Former Auto Service Station
Vacant Parking/Residential
Former Post Office
Project Description: The City of Monticello Parks Department, providing
oversight to the City of Monticello Arts Initiative,
proposes to occupy the existing 1,500 square foot
building along Broadway Street, utilizing existing site
improvements, and making possible interior building
modifications as necessary to support the use. The
proposed use will be participatory arts activities geared
Planning Commission Agenda — 08/07/2018
toward public involvement, creating public art for use
in the community. The Monticello Economic
Development Authority owns the property.
Project Back�round. The proposed Arts building would occupy the existing building
at 349 West Broadway Street. The site is in the F-3 (Transition) sub-district of the
CCD, with retailing as its primary land use focus. Public uses are allowed by
Conditional Use Permit. It is noted that the use will be operated by the City of
Monticello, thus the Public designation, however, the use is most aptly described as a
"Personal Service" in the zoning ordinance, which if private, would be allowed as a
Permitted Use on the site.
The applicant has discussed site use as a mix of participatory art proj ects and some
associated retail activities as a component of the activities. These uses are consistent
with the zoning and the Comprehensive Plan recommendations of the downtown
plansin place.
The applicant is proposing to occupy the building of approximately 1,500 square feet
to accommodate a public arts studio. The property is approximately 8,400 square feet
in area, located at the northeast corner of Broadway Street and Linn Street.
Conditional Use Permit Criteria. The Zoning Ordinance establishes a set of criteria
for the review of Conditional Use Permits. The criteria relate generally to the ability
of the use to (1) meet the intent of the zoning regulations; (2) meet the obj ectives of
the Comprehensive Plan; (3) avoid negatives impacts on public facilities and
infrastructure; and (4) fit into the character of the neighborhood.
In this case, the use is (as noted below) consistent with the intent of the zoning
ordinance, and is not expected to create extraordinary impacts on public services.
The character of the neighborhood is essentially a transition area between the
downtown commercial and traditional residential neighborhoods. Maintaining a
reasonable buffer between the two will help to ensure that these impacts are within
expected ranges.
Specific Zonin� Requirements. The zoning ordinance lists the following specific
standards for these uses:
(7) Public Buildings or Uses:
(a) When abutting a residential use in a residential use district, the
property shall be screened with an aesthetic buffer (Table 4-2, Buffer
Type "B") in accordance with section 4.1(G) of this ordinance.
(b) Conformity with the surrounding neighborhood is maintained and
required setbacks and side yard requirements are met.
Planning Commission Agenda — 08/07/2018
Personal Services are referenced in the zoning ordinance in terms of specific Use
Standards, but the specific conditions for Personal Services relate only to the B-1
District, or those services that include dry-cleaning facilities.
As noted above, the use abuts residential property across both Broadway and Linn.
While residential uses are to the north, the site is separated from the residential area
by a portion of the former post office's parking and driveway area. Currently, a fence
separates the existing building from the parking area. As a result, the building is
approximately 100 feet from the residential property line to the north.
Parkin� and Site Plannin�. For Personal Service uses, the zoning ordinance requires
one parking space per 250 square feet of building area. For this site, then, the parking
requirements would be 6 spaces. City staff has developed a parking plan that would
accommodate as many as 8 spaces using an entrance from Broadway, and angled
parking leading to an exit on Linn Street. The parking stalls meet the dimensional
requirement of 20' in length and provide for a 16-17 foot one way drive aisle. The
applicant will be required to stripe the parking and provide parking lot directional
painting as a condition of approval. In addition, it is recommended that the applicant
remove the proposed stall located closest to the front access door.
Because the previous user had paved the site to the curbline along both Broadway and
Linn, the site would benefit from some treatment of the open space that is not
necessary for parking or circulation. The addition of temporary buffering elements,
such as planters along the Broadway frontage and the driveway exit curb cub along
Linn Street nearest Broadway would better define traffic flow and enhance the
aesthetics of the site, which currently would not be consistent with the intent of the
City's downtown planning objectives. The Parks Superintendent has indicated that
the Arts Initiative may wish to design and construct these improvements and as such,
requests until June 2019 to complete. The Arts group may have additional
recommendations for improving the site, as well as options to enhance the existing
At this time, no exterior modifications are proposed, with the exception that the Parks
Superintendent has indicated that the former window locations may be improved to
prevent weather issues. The applicant should clarify any anticipated changes to the
exterior of the building. In addition, as a condition of the proposed lease agreement
with the EDA, the lessee will be required to submit any changes to the exterior for
EDA review. Planning staff will review and comment on those changes per
ordinance at that time. Substantive changes to the exterior of the building or physical
expansion of the building would require an amendment to CUP.
Staff would recommend that activities are limited to the inside of the building, or
occasional activities that would occur in the spaces south or east of the building to
minimize impacts to the neighborhood. The site is subject to the City zoning
ordinance for noise. Outdoor display is limited to the Outdoor Sidewalk Sales and
Planning Commission Agenda — 08/07/2018
Display as allowed by the Zoning Ordinance for accessory uses. In addition, staff
would recommend that the existing fence is maintained and enhanced where
necessary to ensure a reasonable buffer to the north.
The Planning Commission will note that the property is owned by the Monticello
Economic Development Authority. The EDA has authorized the use of the property
for the proposed use, contingent on required land use actions, environmental
consideration resolution, and execution of a lease agreement with the City of
Monticello for the Arts Initiative. The EDA's review and approval of a lease
agreement will be required, as will other reviews by the City Council for this land use
application, budget requirements and any required environmental review.
Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC-2018-026, recommending approval of a
Conditional Use Permit for a Public use for Personal Services in the CCD District,
subj ect to the conditions included in Exhibit Z.
2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. PC-2018-026, based on findings
identified by the Commission after the public hearing.
3. Motion to table action on the Resolution, subj ect to additional information from
staff, the applicant, or others as directed.
Staff recommends approval of the CUP, based on findings that support the retail and
related public objectives of the City's downtown development planning. The use fits
the City's development objectives for downtown, and the applicant's materials
support the intent of the ordinance adopted for this purpose. It is also noted that were
this a private initiative, the use would be permitted under the existing and proposed
zoning regulations for the site.
With regard to site improvements, the applicant should plan to make the following
improvements to ensure that the CUP aspect of the land use is reasonably addressed:
• Stripe the parking lot for 7 spaces and circulation, as shown on the staff-
generated site plan and removing the space closest to the building entrance.
• Create and implement a landscaping/site amenities plan to treat the boundaries
of the site, including the Broadway Street edge and the southern-most
driveway curb cut to Linn Street.
• Address exterior building improvements, including paint or other treatments.
• Ensure that the existing fence will continue to create a reasonable and
attractive separation buffer to the north of the building.
A. Resolution PC-2018-026
B. Site Location Map
C. Applicant Narrative
D. Site Plan
E. Building Images
F. Ordinance Excerpts
Z. Conditions of Approval
Planning Commission Agenda — 08/07/2018
Planning Commission Agenda — 08/07/2018
Conditional Use Permit for Public Personal Services Use
349 Broadway Street
PID 155-010-050011
Stripe the parking lot for 7 spaces, as shown on the staff-generated site plan, removing
the stall located adj acent to the front door and provide parking lot directional painting for
one-way routing.
2. Create and implement a landscaping/site amenities plan to treat the boundaries of the site,
including the Broadway Street edge and the southern-most driveway curb cut to Linn
Street, to be installed by June 2019.
3. Address building improvements, including paint or other treatments.
4. Modifications to the exterior elevations will require amendment to the Conditional Use
5. The existing fence shall be maintained to continue to create a reasonable and attractive
separation buffer to the north of the building.
6. Outdoor activities or events shall occur in the spaces south or east of the building to
minimize impacts to the neighborhood, except as authorized by Special Event permit by
the City Council.
7. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission.
WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to occupy an existing building as a
public arts studio, including classes, studio space, and potential retail sales; and
WHEREAS, the site is zoned CCD (F-3), which allows Personal Services as
Permitted Uses, and Public use by Conditional Use Permit; and
WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Downtown - Transition" for the area; and
WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting compliance with
the terms of the applicable zoning regulations; and
WHEREAS, the uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the CCD zoning
district; and
WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for
public services on or around the site; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 7th, 2018 on
the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to
present information to the Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the
staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following
Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval:
1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the CCD,
Central Community Zoning District.
2. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the
area in which they are located.
3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by commercial land
uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted.
4. The proposed arts studio facility meets the intent and requirements of the
applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use
Parking is found to be adequate based on the available off-street parking on
the property.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of
Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the
Monticello City Council approves the Conditional Use Permit for Public Arts Studio, subj ect
to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows:
1. Stripe the parking lot for 7 spaces, as shown on the staff-generated site plan,
removing the stall located adjacent to the front door and provide parking lot
directional painting for one-way routing.
2. Create and implement a landscaping/site amenities plan to treat the boundaries of the
site, including the Broadway Street edge and the southern-most driveway curb cut to
Linn Street, to be installed by June 2019.
3. Address building improvements, including paint or other treatments.
4. Modifications to the exterior elevations will require amendment to the Conditional
Use Permit.
The existing fence shall be maintained to continue to create a reasonable and
attractive separation buffer to the north of the building.
6. Outdoor activities or events shall occur in the spaces south or east of the building to
minimize impacts to the neighborhood, except as authorized by Special Event permit
by the City Council.
7. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission.
ADOPTED this 7m day of August, 2018 by the Planning Commission of the City of
Monticello, Minnesota.
Brad Fyle, Chair
Angela Schumann, Community Development Director
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Store all the supplies and materials and tools the Initiative would be using for Arts Initiative
activities and community arts projects at this site.
Workspace to make community art projects as well. The space would probably also be used
occasionally for arts events such as art shows too, on occasion.
Weekly public work night giving people a chance to come participate in community arts project
for downtown. Frequency of use, hours, etc will all be determined as the program develops, in
response to public demand.
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Fred's Gas Station TIF Analysis
Photos: 349 Broadway West
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Section 2.4 Speci fic Review Procedur� �.� �� �����: ��
Subsection (D) Conditional Use Permi�
(a) Conditional Use Permit Criteria
Approval of a Conditional Use Permit application requires that the City find
that conditions can be established to ensure that all of the following criteria
will always be met:
(i) The conditional use will not substantially diminish or impair property
values within the immediate vicinity ofthe subject property;
(ii) The conditional use will not be detrimental to the health, safety, morals,
or welfare of persons residing or working near the use;
(iii) The conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development
of surrounding property for permitted uses predominant in the area;
(iv) The conditional use will not pose an undue burden on public utilities or
roads, and adequate sanitary facilities are provided;
(v) The conditional use can provide adequate parking and loading spaces, and
all storage on the site can be done in conformance with City code
(vi) The conditional use will not result in any nuisance including but not
limited to odor, noise, or sight pollution;
(vii) The conditional use will not unnecessarily impact natural features such as
woodlands, wetlands, and shorelines; and all erosion will be properly
(viii) The conditional use will adhere to any applicable additional criteria
outlined in Chapter 5 for the proposed use.
(b) Planning Commission
Before any Conditional Use Permit is considered, the Planning Commission
shall hold at least one public hearing after proper notice has been issued in
accordance with Section 23(I). Following the hearing and subsequent
discussion on the merits of the proposal, the Planning Commission shall adopt
findings and recommendations on the general conditional use permit review
criteria outlined in Section 2.4(D)(4)(a) and any specific criteria outlined for
the specific use in Chapter 5. Recommendations for approval may include
such conditions as are deemed necessary to ensure compliance with each of
the Conditional Use Permit review criteria. Denial recommendations shall be
supported by findings of fact as to why the permit request was denied. The
Community Development Department may forward an application to the City
Council without a recommendation from the Planning Commission only if it
is deemed necessary to ensure compliance with state mandated deadlines for
application review.
Section 5.2: Use-
�ecific Standards
Section 5.3(D):
Specific Standards
for Certain
Accessorv Uses
Section 2.3(I):
Public Noti zcation
i�`��� ,�°�' ;���� c�� f�Ion�ieeiso �or�ir�g �rcr'ir�ante
�F-1�t��'E� 4: �iiV►�i-�1iV� Si�1���t�L35
Section 4.8 Of�street Parking
;�.k�section (E) Standards Applicable to All Uses
Commercial Uses (continued)
Day Care Centers I.0 space for each employee plus one (I ) space per five children
EntertainmentlRecreation, Indoor Commercial
Bowling Alley 5.0 spaces for each alley plus additional spaces as may be required herein
for related uses associated with the principal structure
I.0 space for each four (4) seats based on the design capacity of the main
assembly hall; facilities as may be provided in conjunction with such buildings
or uses shall be subject to additional requirements imposed by this
Theater ordinance
■ If the theater is located in the original plat of Monticello, the required
spaces shall be reduced to I.0 space per five (5) seats
EntertainmentlRecreation, Outdoor 10.0 spaces plus one (I) for each one hundred (100) square feet of floor
Commercial area inside an associated structure
Financial Institution
I.0 space for each four hundred (400) square feet of floor space.
20.0 spaces for each chapel or parlor, plus one ( I) space for each funeral
vehicle maintained on the premises
Funeral Homes
■ Aisle spaces shall also be provided off the street for making up a funeral
Hotels or Motels
Kennels (commercial)
Landscaping / Nursery Business
I.0 space for each rental unit plus one space for each ten (10) units and
one (I) space for each employee on the maximum shift
I.0 space for each four hundred (400) square feet of floor space.
See Parking Schedule #I [Section 4.8(H)(2)]
I.0 space for each two hundred fifty (250) square feet of floor space
Personal Services ■ If in the CCD district, one ( I) space per three hundred fifty (350)
square feet of floor space
Recreational Vehicle Camp Site
Repair Establishment
Restau rants
Sit downldining area
Pick-up or Counter Area
� Kitchen Area _
I.0 space per each recreational vehicle plus one ( I) guest space per ten
recreational vehicles
See Parking Schedule #I [Section 4.8(H)(2)]
I.0 space for each forty (40) square feet of gross floor area of dining and
bar area
I.0 space for each fifteen ( I 5) square feet of gross floor area but not less
than fifteen ( I 5) spaces
I.0 space for each eighty (80) square feet of kitchen area u
City of Monticello Zoning Ordinanc� Page 269
er-IA�rE� s: usE sr��aAa�s
Section 5. I Use Table
�ubsection (A) F�cplanation of Use Table Structure
� � .
.- . �
-. �.. .
. . . -.
-. •
Specialty Eating C P P P 5.2(�(28�.
Vehicle Fuel Sales C C C 5.2(�(29�.
Vehicle Sales and Rental C 5.2(�(30�.
Veterinary Facilities C 5.2(�(31 �.
Veterinary Facilities C C C 5.2(F�(31 �
Wholesale Sales P P P None
Industrial Uses
Auto Repair — Major C P P 5.2(G1( I 1
Bulk Fuel Sales and p p 5 2(Gl(21
Contractor's Yard, � � � 5 2(G1(31
Extraction of Materials I I I 5.2(Gl(4l
General Warehousing C C P P 5.2(Gl(51
Heavy Manufacturing C 5.2(Gl(61
Industrial Services C P None
Land Reclamation C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 5.2(G1(71
Light Manufacturing P P P 5.2(Gl(81
Machinery/Truck Repair
& Sales P P 5'2(Gl(91
Recycling and Salvage
Center C C 5.2(G�( I 0�
Self-Storage Facilities C P 5.2(G�( I I�
Truck or Freight C C 5.2(G�( I 2�
Waste Disposal &
Incineration C 5.2(�(13�
Wrecker Services C P 5.2(�(14�
City of Monticello Zoning Ordinanc� Page 327
Section 5. I Use Table
Subsection (A) F�cplanation of Use Table Structure
. . . • � � .
.- . �
'.. •
.-. •
• . • -. -.
Commercial Day Care C C C C none 5.2(�( I I�
Commercial Lodging P P C none 5.2(F1(71
Commercial Recreation: Indoor P P C C none 5•2(Fl( � 2�
Commercial Recreation: C C 5.2(�( I 3�
Outdoor none
Convenience Retail C P* C C *F-2 Drive Through by CUP 5.2(Fl(91
Funeral Services C C none 5.2(�(15�
Medical / Clinical Services C p p p L-2: NA first floor, 5 2(�( � 8�
CUP upper floors
Personal Services P P P P L-3: CUP 5.2(�(2 ��
Places of Public Assembly C C C C none 5.2(�(22�
Production Brewery or Micro-
Distillery with Taproom or C C C C none 5.2(�(23�
Cocktail Room
Professional Office-Services L-2: NA first floor, 5.2(�(14�
Including Financial Institutions P P P C CUP upper floors 5.2(�(20�
Restaurants, Bars < 10,000 SF P P C C none 5.2(�(26�
Restaurants, Bars > 10,000 SF P C C none 5.2(�(26�
Retail Sales < 10,000 SF P P C C none 5.2(�(27�
Retail Sales > 10,000 SF P C C none 5.2(�(27�
Retail with Service P C C L-2: NA first floor, 5 2(�(27�
CUP upper floors
Specialty Eating Establishments P,� P� C* P* *Drive Through by CUP 5.2(F�(28�
< 10,000 SF
Vehicle Fuel Sales C C C* L-8 only 5.2(F�(29�
Veterinary Facilities C P C C none 5.2(F�(31 �
Residential — Upper Floors P P P P L-2: NA
Residential — Street Level C C L-2: NA
Residential — Multiple Family C C L-2: NA
Residential — Townhouse C none
Residential — Single Family C none
Industrial PUD L-3: PUD Only
Public Buildings or Uses C C C P none
Page 328 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance
C�-i�il�i`E� S: i�5� Si��f��t�L35
Section 5.2 Use-Speci fic Standards
Su�section (F) Regulations for Commercial Uses
(19) Of�ces (Commercial)
In the CCD, F-1 sub-district, the following conditions shall apply:
(a) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street-level architecture
as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the document
"Embracing Downtown Monticello."
(b) Street-level floor planning designed to accommodate use by or conversion to
future use as retail land uses.
(c) Parking areas shall be situated so as to minimize their exposure to public
areas, or shall be landscaped and screened to minimize large expanses of open
(20) Of�ces (Professional) Including Financial Institutions
In the CCD, Professional Offices and Financial Institutions shall include the
(a) Building architecture shall be designed to reflect retail street-level architecture
as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, and detailed in the document
"Embracing Downtown Monticello."
(b) Street-level floor planning designed to accommodate use by or conversion to
future use as retail land uses.
(c) Parking areas shall be situated so as to minimize their exposure to public
areas, or shall be landscaped and screened to minimize large expanses of open
(d) Parking supply shall be calculated at the same rate as retail sales.
(21) Personal Services
(a) In the B-1 district, the following shall apply:
(i) Outdoor lighting shall be restricted to be consistent with the hours of
operation, within one half hour of open and close times.
(ii) Hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
(b) Establishments engaged in dry cleaning shall be held to the following
(i) Dry cleaning processing shall be restricted to the B-4 district.
City a� i'i�-nt�ee�io �onsng'rvir��ne� ����; .�� W
eHaPrER a: zorvnvG DisrRiers
Section 3.5 Business Base Zoning Districts
Subsection (G) Central Community District
Figure 3-3: Design Guidelines Use Area
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Landmar€c Areas: [orridors:
L-� Pub6c Parking Aamp 1 Broadway Street
L�2 RiverOriented5liopging 2 Walnul5treet
L-3 Cargi€I Site 3 Highvr�y 251 Pine Stree[
L-4 Communiry Cen[er Site
L-5 Riverfront Park
L G Future Public Open Spaee
L-7 Permanen[ Riblic 6pen S�ace
L-8 Freeway Retail ��-4 Zoning Standards}
F-1 Shopping Area Wesc a€ Flwy �5
F-� Convenicnceand5ervices F�TT� ZONING DISTRICTS
F-3 Transition
Page I 24 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance
Planning Commission Agenda - 08/07/18
3A. Consideration of Communitv Development Director's Report
Council Action on Commission Recommendations
o Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for medical/dental facility in the
F-1 District ofthe CCD -Central Community District
Applicant: Monticello Equity Partners, LLC
Approved on consent agenda on 7/9/18
o Consideration of a request for amendment to Conditional Use Permit for wireless
communications antenna on existing telecommunications tower in the IBC (Industrial and
Business Campus) District
Applicant: SAC Wireless for AT & T
Approved on consent agenda on 7/9/18
Other Related Actions:
o Consideration of a request for to approve a Final Stage Planned Unit Development and
Development Agreement for a 47-unit, 4 story apartment complex in the CCD (Central
Community District)
Applicant: The Briggs Companies
Approved on 7/23/18
o Consideration of a request for a PUD (Planned Unit Development) Adjustment in the
Carlisle Village PUD.
Applicant: Pa�nar, LLC.
The applicants proposed to replace the approved brick or stone veneer on the
approved townhouses with a polyurethane imitation masonry material
manufactured to appear as regular masonry brick or natural stone.
Denied on 7/23/18
Building & Code Enforcement Update
Corey Murphy, Monticello's newest Building Inspector, began his employment on July
19th, 2018.
Construction Update
Planning Commissioners will note the following construction activity in the coming
Kids Kastle Child Care: Renovation and re-use of building at 102 Thomas Park Drive.
Childcare is a permitted use in the B-4 District in which the property/building are located.