City Council Agenda Packet 07-24-2000 I . ,. DA REGULAR MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 2 ,2000 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Membcrs: Clint Herbst, 8rian Stumpf~ R gel' Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1 . Call to ordcr. 2. Approve minutcs of regular councilmeetit g of July 10,2000. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agend . A. B. e. 4. Citizcns comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. Consent Q~~M l...-w-W\.. Me. A. Consi derali on or approv ~ Charita Ie Gamh I ing License . S t. H cnry , s Fall Festival. Consideration of approving Charita Ie Gambling Liccnse - Mn Conservation Federation - Comfort Inn Consideration of resolution adoptin thc revised Heartland Express Drug Alcohol Policy. Consideration of resolution entering into an agrecment with MnDOT on S're l~ tiMe.. relocation of utilities with 1-94 Loo Ramp Project. ~~~ ~A Consideration of items rcmovcd from the c nsent agenda for discussion. 5. B. C. RlVV"'O\lL D. 6. 7. Public Hcaring - Consideration of a resoluti n adopting proposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of a. sessment roll to County Auditor. 8. Rcview of proposals for reconstruction of 0 chard Road and consideration of award of contract. 9. Consideration of amendment to transient mc 'chant ordinance 10. Approve paymcnt of bills for July, 2000. II. Adjourn I . . MIN fTES REGULAR MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 10, 20()() - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Ilerbst, Brian StUll1pf Members Absent: Bruce Th ielen Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of .June 26 2()()0 re ular council meetin J. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE flIE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 26,2000 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. ROGE CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a en a. These items were requested to be added to tl e agenda: I) Hondhus sewer connection, 2) Transient merchant ordinance, 3) Carwash facility, 4) State Aid Variance Board, 5) Parks Tour and 6) Ordinance amendment. 4. Citizen comments/ None 5. Consent Af!enda A. Consideration of a request for a condi ional use permit allowing a planned unit develop- ment containing a multi-family structL re with more than 12 residential units. Applicant: Silver Creek Real Estate Developmen . Recommendation: Approve concept plan for a PUD as a townhome project including a recommendation for the necessary ordinance amendments to accommodate townho les of the proposed density in the R-3 and CCO Districts. B. Consideration of rezoning from I ~ 1 to of Monticello Planning Commission. amendment to approve the rczoning 0 I~IA. -[ A, Construction 5, Outlot A. Applicant: City ecommendation: Adopt an ordinance Outlot A, Construction 5 Addition from I~ I to Clint Ilerbst requested removal of Item #5A f om the consent agenda. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROV ' THE CONSENT AGENDA WrrH THE REMOV AL OF ITEM #5A. CLINT HERBS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. '2- . . . . 8. 6. Council Minutes - July 10, 2000 Consideration of items removed from th consent a Jenda for discussion. 'I'he Council discussed Item #5A a planned unit development for townhomes on property located along 71h Street. While both townh mes and multiple lamily dwellings are allowable uses in the R-3 Zoning District, their densit requirements are different. The Council was being asked not only to approve the coneep plan for a planned unit development but also consider an amendment to the zoning ordin mee that would set density requirements by zoning district rather than by type of housing. Cli1 tllerbst explained that at the Planning Commission meeting reviewing this proposal the Plannir g Commission thoroughly discussed parking for the proposed development. 'rhe consensus of tI e Planning Commission was that there should be a minimum garage space of at least 400 sq. It per unit. While there is no garage space requirement in the ordinance f(Jr the R-3 Zo ling District, because this is a planned unit development a garage space requirement co tld be imposed on the development. The Planning Commission had also addressed n n-resident parking and traf1ic flow patterns through the development. Roger Carlson agreed th, t garage space was an important issue noting that a one car family was something ofa rarity i1 todays society. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE HE CONCEPT PLAN FOR A PUD AS A TOWNHOME PROJECT INCLUDING A ECOMMENDATlON fOR THE NECESSARY ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS TO ACCOMMODATE TOWNHOMES or TIlE PROPOSED DENSITY IN THE R-3 AND _~CD DISTRICTS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOLJSL Y. 7. Consideration of ro osals for sale of $1 45 000 G.O. 1m rovement Bonds Series 2000B. Mark RulTfrom Ehlers and Associates revie ed the results of the proposals that were received f()r the sale of $1,645,000 in general obligati n bonds. Five proposals were received with Dain Rauscher, Inc. having the low bid with an int~rest rate of4.99%. Mark Ruff felt the interest rate was reasonable and recommended appro al of the bond sale. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT A ESOLUTION A WARDING THE SALE OF $ I ,645,000 G.O. IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2000B TO DAIN RAUSCHER, INC. AS RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY'S FI ANCAL CONSULTANT. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CA RIED lJNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of ~lUthorizin execution of letter of acknowled ment for TIF assistance for redevelonment of the Klueas property. Ollie Koropchak brielly summarized the agen la item explaining that in January, ] 999 the Council had authorized excution of the L..eUer of Acknowledgment for TIF assistance for this site. The requested TIt: assistance would be l:H reilnburscment for soils correction in the amount of $1 0,000 and include 50% of the an ual tax increment over a period of five years to buy down the rents. However, the applicant t that time did not receive funding from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency and the roject did not proceed. The current proposal consists of the development of 32 units of tow houses with single garages and the developer 2 2- , . . 9. to. Council Minutes - July 10, 2000 would bc applying to the City flwapproval . f a planned unit development i(w this site. Larry Olson from Mctro Plains Development was in attendance and gave a slide presentation on the proposed development and other properties developed by the firm. The question was raised if approving the Letter of Acknowledgment f, r TI F assistance when there is not an approved concept plan would bind the Council to the proposal presented. Clint Ilerbst stated that he had reservations about using tax increment tlna eing for housing. Brian Stumpf noted that while this development would clear up a blighte' area, he doubted whether any upscale housing would be established on the site because of its proxill1ity to the industrial area and the other multiple family structures in the area. BRIAN STUMPf MOVED TO AUTHOR ZE EXECUTION OF A I,ETTER Of ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR TIF ASSIS"I ANCE FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF THE KLJ]CAS PROPERTY. ROGER CARLS N SECONDED TIU';; MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST VOTI G IN OPPOSITION. Consideration of makin an offer to ur hase the .Jim Eisele ro Previously the Council had discussed the a quisition of this property but did not proceed with making an offer to the property owner. The owner is considering putting the property on the market and the Council was being askec to consider the purchase of the property. It was noted that there is need for the space by the Fire Department, Building Department and storage of equipment f()r the Community C nter and some possible use by the National Guard. There was discussion on the use of the prop rty, the earlier property appraisal and the market value of the site. T'he Council also questiOl cd whether its present use conformed with the zoning ordinance and if the City did purcha e the property whether the City's proposed use of the site would comply with the ordinane . The Council discussed whether the appraisal on the property should be updated. It was e ,timated that updating the appraisal would run about $500-$600. Clint Herbst stated his b lief that instead of spending this money for additional storage space for the Fire Depart ent the City might be better off applying this money towards a satellite location for the 17 re Department. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO MAKE A OFFER OF $130,000 FOR PURCHASE THE EISELE PROPERTY. ROGER BELSAA,. SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST VOTI G IN OPPOSITION. ment of a Deputy City Administrator, Jeff 0' Neill, u dated the Council on the discussions that have taken place with the Brenni group regard in . the development of the Ferrell Gas site and the proposed expansion of the liquor store. Be ause the time frame needed f()l' making decisions on the expansion of the liquor store would 1 ot coincide with the development of the [<errell Gas site, it is unlikely that the liquor store expan ion will take place as part of this development. The statf was requesting the Council to con ider authorizing a market study to determine whether it was more feasible economically 0 expand the existing liquor store facility or l. . . . . Council Minutes - July 10,2000 develop a second liquor store site. Roger Belsaas felt that existing liquor store s'te was not conducive to traHic coming oiT CSAH 75. There was also discussion on wh ther it would be more cost effective to expand the site as opposed to constructing a second s te. The Council briefly discussed the various options of renting, lease/purchase or owning he site directly. The general feeling was that it would be more beneficial fiJr the City to 0 n the site. The Council reviewed the general area that they thought would be appropriate f r the location of a second store. Fred Patch suggested that staff should bring back to the :ouncil options for purchasing for certain parcels as possible sites and that the Council should esignate moncy to be used to hold the purchase options open. The Council also addressed the interchange at County Road 1 g and the impact that would have on properties in that area. CLINT IIERBST MOVED TO ALrHrORI7, CITY STAFF TO RESEARCH SITES FOR A SECOND LIQUOR STORE LOCATION ND BRING BACK PROPOSED PLJRCIIASE AGREEMENTS TO THE COUNCIL AT T E NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MUrlON CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 11. U date and discussion on land exchan Je n otiations with John Chadwick. City Engineer, Bret Weiss, summarized discu 'sions on the proposed land exchange between the City and the property owner. Bret Weiss pre~'ented drawings showing the areas of the property where the fiIl materia] was proposed to be mi cd. lIe noted that there was approximately 130 acres of usable land, 18-19 acres of ponding , 'ea and 13 acres of right-of-way. The questions that were discussed included: I) flow much r aterial is on site and how long would it take to mine it; 2) What area of the site would the Ci y propose to market first, and 3) How soon after a site was marketed could utilities and streets be brought to the site. The Council concurred with the IDC in that the property should be a Ie to be developed in the near future and that may not allow for mining operations on the er tire site to be completed prior to development. Bret Weiss noted that utility construction for he site would be impacted by which portion of the site was developed first. Clint Herbst asked about the Gold Nugget sit . He felt that since there was no mining activity being conducted there, it was a more marketa Ie site. Not only could prospects see an area that would be similar to the developed site but als there would be no mining activity that would restrict or slow the installation of uti I ities to t e site. Negotiations on the land exchange will contin Ie with the property owner being made aware of the City's timetable fl)J'development. Items added to the agenda: John Bondhus had contacted the City regardil g the Council's action on the sewer line affecting his property. He questioned why the Council felt the need to take action on the sewer line at this time. Mr. Bondhus would be in agreem nt with doing the work if the school wants to 4 .Z- . . . . 12. Council Minutcs - July 10,2000 proceed with the project. The Council want' the staff to proceed with obtaining all the easements necessary to complete the nnstrllction of the line so that the alignment of pipe can be laid out even though it may not b~ constructed immediately. The Council discussed the update from the C ty Administrator regarding the transient merchant ordinance as it applies to vegetable/produce sands. Clint Herbst asked about parking space requirements for the produce stands and if th ordinance would allow use of parking spaces for a given business to be used for a separate usiness use on that same property. City Administrator. Rick WoIC'lteller, indicated tl1' t while the City could not impose license fees on vegetable/produce stands it was not dear in t e statutes whether the City could impose other reasonable restrictions relating to traffic and" oning issues on the them or whether they are exempt from all restrictions. Proposed revis' ons to the ordinance will be brought back at the next COLlncilmeeting. The Mayor reviewed inf<.mnation that was re eived from the League of Minnesota Cities regarding appointments to the S tate Aid Vari' nce Committee and asked if someone from the City Council would be willing to serve. Clint Herbst indicated that he would serve. The Council discussed the use of the carwash facility at the Monticello Ford dealership. It was noted that the carwash is considered al accessory use to the dealership and has not been opened to the public Jar general use. Sh uld that use change, not only would the City be collecting additional sewer and water serv' ce availability charges, but the use would have to meet the provisions of the City ordinances. The stafT updated the Council on blight/nuisa lce enf<Jrcement and informed the Council that the statT would be meeting with the City ttorney to discuss the nuisance ordinance and blight procedures. Staff also requested that the Council call for public hearing to be conducted by the Planning Commission dealing with vehicles in excess f9,000 Ibs in residential areas. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO CALL FO A PUBLIC IIEARING TO BE CONDlJCTED BY TilE PLANNING COMMISSION ON A JGUST 1,2000 RELATING TO VEIIICLES IN EXCESS OF 9000 LBS IN RESIDENTIAL ISTRICTS. CLINT HERBST SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSLY. The Council was informed that the area that as being considered for a possible second liquor store site was zoned PZM and that off-sale lie uor was not an allowable use in a PZM Zoning District. Approve payment of bills for J "Iv. 2000. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE FA YMENT OF THE BILLS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TilE MOTION. M )TION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5 2 : . . 13. Adjourn. Council Minutes - July 10, 2000 CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADJOURN T 9:15 P.M. BRIAN STUMPP SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA JMOUSL Y. Recording Secretary 6 2- . . . . Council Agenda Item - 7/24/00 SA. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: St. Henry's Catholic Church has applied for a perm't to conduct a raffle, pull-tab and bingo operation for their fall Festival on September 16th, nd 17th. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this gambling lic nsc, a resolution by the City either approving or denying the application needs to be submitted with their application. In the past, the City has not opposed these exempt Jambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the S ate Gambling Control Board to issue the exempt charitable gambling license 0 St. Henry's Church for their Fall Festival. 2. Adopt a resolution denying the gam ling license application request. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is not aware of any reason why the Council w uld not allow the State to issue this gambling license. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Resolution approving gambling license. . Application I . . RESOLUTIO 2000-50 RESOLlJTION AUTHORI ING THE ISSUANCE OF A GAMBLIN -, LICENSE WI fEREAS, the Church of St. Henry has submitte an application to thc City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charitablc gamblin license to conduct gambling at their Fall Festival to be held September 16th and 171h in Monticello, Minnesota, and: WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's acti ities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambli g Control Board, NOW TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COUNCIL that the application of the Church of St. I Ienry for a charitable gambling licen e is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the applicati n. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 24th d y of July, 2000. ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Roger Belsaas, Mayor SA Minnesota Lawful Gambling Application for Exempt Permit - LG 220 Organization Information Organization name The Catholic Church of St. Henry Street City 1001 ~ 7t-'h c:t- Monticellc Name of chief executive officer (CEO) of organization First name Last name Page 1 of 2 For Board Use Onlv 1 0/98 Fee Paid Check No. Initials Received / / Previous lawful gambling exemption number X - <?CoO 19 State/Zip Code County MN 55362 Wright Daytime phone number of CEO: (763 ) 295-2402 I Tim Name of teasurer of organization First name n"...;r.....'n....; Last name Reder Daytime phone number of treasurer: ( ) Cliff Type of Nonprofit Organization Check the box that best describes your organization: D Fraternal []g Religious D Veteran D Other nonprofi organization Check the box that indicates the type of proof your organiz ation attached to this application: o IRS letter indicating income tax exempt status D Certificate of Good Standing from the r ~innesota Secretary of State's Office o A charter showing you are an affiliate 0 a parent nonprofit organization 00 Proof previously submitted and on file", ith the Gambling Control Board . Gambling Premises Information Name of premises where gambling activity will be conducted (for affles, list the site where the drawing will take place) Catholic Church of St. Henry Address (do not use PO box) City StatelZip Code County 1001 E. 7th St. Monticello Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing) September 16, 17th, 2000 MN 55362 Wright Check the box or boxes that indicate the type of gambling activity your organization will be conducting: [!] *8ingo o Raffles IKJ *Paddlewheels []j*Pull-Tabs []I *Tipboards *Equipment for these activities must be obtained from a licensed istributor. . This form will be made available in alternative format (Le.large print, Braille) upon request. The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. You have the right to refuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue you a permit. If you supply the information requested, the Board will be able to process your application. Your name and and your 0 ganization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All tt e other infomation that you provide will be priv: te data about you until the Board issues your permit. When the Board issues your permit, a I of the information that you have provided to the Board in the process of applying for your permit will become public. If the Board does not issue you a permit, all the information you ha e provided in the process of applying for a pen nit remains private, with the exception of your name and your organization's name and ,ddress which will remain public. Private data about you are available only to the following: Board members, staff of the Board whose work assignment requires that they have access to the information; the Minnesota Department of Public Safety; the Minnesota Attomey General; the Minnesota Commissioners of Administration, Finance, and Revenue; the Minnesota Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies that are speCifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information afterthis Notice-was given; and anyone with your consent. ;5A Application for Exempt Permit. LG220 Page 2 of 2 10/98 Organization Name Local Unit of Government Acknowledgment (Required by Statute) If -tfiJ ~Jt On behalf of the city I I acknowledge this application and three options for the city: 1. Approve the application: By taking no action, the city allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days (60 days for a first class city). 2. Waive the above-noted waiting period: The city allows the Board to issue a permit before 30 days (60 days for a first class city). Docu- mentation attached. 'i~4~~~i~-I~'- - - _ RPllcatiQIi~n : ,/~~;i~~;;";",:,.: :} ::::i2:2&,t~tk:t:.: On behalf of the county, I acknowledge this application and three options for the county: 1. Approve the application: By taking no action, the county allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days. 2. Waive the above-noted waiting period: The county allows the Board to issue a permit before 30 days. Documentation attached. 3. Deny the application by passing a resolution within 30 days. Print name of county: 3. Deny the application by passing a resolution within 30 days (60 days for a first class city). (Signature of county personnel receiving application) Title Date Print name of city: (Signature of city personnel receiving application) On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township limits. A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application (Minn. Stat. sec. 349.213, subd. 2). Title Date / Print name of township: (Signature of township official acknowledging application) Title Date Chief Executive Officer's Signature The information provided in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Chief Executive Officer's signature Name (please print) Date /--1_ Mail Application and Attachment(s) At least 45 days prior to your scheduled activity date send: · the completed application; . a copy of your proof of nonprofit status, and . a $25 application fee (make check payable to "$tate of Minnesota"). Application fees are not prorated, refundable, or transferable. Send to: Gambling Control Board 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South Roseville, MN 55113 If your application has not been acknowledged by the local unit of government, do not send the application to the Gambling Control Board. ( I . . I . . Council Agenda - 7/24/00 SB. Consideration of a rovin re "est for cha itablc Conservation Federation. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Minnesota Conservation Federation has applied or a permit to conduct a raft1e at the Comfort Inn on September 9,2000. In order for the " tate Gambling Control Board to issue this gambling license, a resolution by the City either appr ving or denying the application needs to he suhmitted with their application. In the past, the City has not opposed these exempt ga bling license applications for charitable events. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the St te Gambling Control Board to issue the exempt charitable gambling license to Minnesota Conservation Federation for September 9,2000. 2. Adopt a resolution denying the gambling application request. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Thc staff is not aware of any reason why the Counci not allow the State to issue this gamhling license. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: . Resolution approving gambling license. . Application I . . RESOLUTION 0.2000-51 RESOLtJTION AUTHORI ING THE ISStJANCE OF A CHARITABLE G MBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Minnesota Conservation Federation has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for the issuance of a charita Ie gambling license to conduct a rame on September 9,2000 at the Comfort Inn in Monticell ,Minnesota WHEREAS, upon review ofthe organization's acti ities, the City Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gamblil g Control Hoard, NOW THEREFORE, BE,: IT RESOLVED BY TH CITY COUNCIL OF MON'fICELLO, MINNESOTA that the Minnesota Conservation Fe eration's application for license issuance listed above is hereby approved, and the State Gam ling Control Hoard is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the City Council this 24 th day of July, 2000. Roger Helsaas, Mayor ATTEST: ~~".~- Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Sb Street 5S/ ~,; "SvVLtl... Name of chief executive First name Gbrd61.1.. Name of teasurer of organization First name Co "'-Cd. (d A.-l,~ 'VedQ.~h City Sot ?<<.61 For Board Use Only Fee Paid Page 1 of 2 Check No. 10/98 Initials Received Minnesota Lawful Gambling Application for Exempt Permit - LG2 I Organization Information Organization name 6+4. G,^~r r Previous lawful gambling exemption number -607- County N~ S-S,(~ ~~. Daytime phone number of CEO: G, S-l - -,fI- ~"Cl:::, Last name H Dr6..1.1\ Daytime phone number of treasurer: <:'S- Type of Nonprofit Organization Check the box that best describes your organization: o Fraternal 0 Religious o Veteran VOthernonprofitor anization Check the box that indicates the type of proof your organizati n attached to this application: o IRS letter indicating income tax exempt st tus o Certificate of Good Standing from the Min esota Secretary of State's Office o A charter showing you are an affiliate of a arent nonprofit organization Proof previously submitted and on file with he Gambling Control Board Gambling Premises Information Name of premises where gambling activity will be conducted (for ra Co..v\..(~~ 'T '" ",-- H D v.. \-~ ~QJ (a Address (do not use PO box) City o,-,,,t ~ E.- l~ Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing) es, list the site where the drawing will take place) StatelZip Code County t--J Check the box or boxes that indicate the type of gambling activity y ur organization will be conducting: o "Bingo p Raffles 0 "paddlewheels "Pull-Tabs 0 "Tipboards "Equipment for these activities must be obtained from a licensed di tributor. This form will be made available in altemative format (i.e. large print, Braille) upon request. The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. You have the right to refuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse eto issue you a permit. If you supply the information requested, the Board will be able to process your application. Your name and and your or anization's name and address will be public nformation when received by the Board. All th other information that you provide will be priva e data about you until the Board issues your ermit. When the Board issues your permit. all of the information that you have provided to the Board in the process of applying for your ermit will become public. If the Board does not ssue you a permit, all the information you hall provided in the process of applying for a pe it remains private, with the exception of you name and your organization's name and a dress which will remain public. Private data about you are available only to the following: Board members, staff of the Board whose work assignment requires that they have access to the information; the Minnesota Department of Public Safety: the Minnesota Attomey General: the Minnesota Commissioners of Administration, Finance, and Revenue: the Minnesota Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies: anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies that are specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this Notice was g~ven: and anyone with your consent. " Sb Page 2 of2 Application for Exempt Permit - LG220 10/98 Organization Name 11 ' b~ Co ~~< \.k..I..A.~o"""- ~ e..-Je...-..r--4- 4....c"'^-. Local Unit of Government Acknowledgment (Required by Statute) If the gambling premises is within city limits, the If the g mbllng premises Is located in a township, both city must sign this application. the cou ty and township must sign this application. On behalf of the city, I acknowledge this application On beh If of the county, I acknowledge this application and three options for the city: and thr e options for the county: 1. Approve the application: By taking no action, 1. App ve the application: . By taking no. action, the th 'ty all th B d t . 't ft coun allows the Board to Issue a permit after 30 days. e CI ows e oar 0 Issue a perml a er . . 30 days (60 days for a first class city). the above-noted waitmg period: The county _ the Board to issue a permit before 30 days. 2. Waive the above-noted waiting period: The Docu entation attached. city allows the Board to issue a permit before 3. Den the application by passing a resolution within 30 days (60 days for a first class city)_ Docu- 30 d ys. mentation attached. Print na e of county: 3. Deny the application by passing a resolution within 30 days (60 days for a first class city): (Signatu e of county personnel receiving application) Title Date On beh If of the township, I acknowledge that the organiz tion is applying for exempted gambling activity within t e township limits. Date A town hip has no statutory authority to approve or deny an appl cation (Minn. Stat. sec. 349.213, subd. 2). (Signat re of township official acknowledging application) Title Date Chief Executive Officer's Signature The information provided in this appli on is complete I Name (please print) Date c::: / d.iJ tT'O Chief Executive Officer's sign 7 Mail Application and Attachment(s) At least 45 days prior to your scheduled activity date send: . the completed application; . a copy of your proof of nonprofit status, and . a $25 application fee (make check payable to "State of Minnesota"). Application fees are not prorated, refundable, or transferable. Send to: Gambling Control Board 1711 West County Road B, Suite 30 South Roseville, MN 55113 f your application has not been acknowledged by the local unit f government, do not send the application to the Gambling Control Board. 5b I . . SC Council Agenda - 7/24/00 A rove resolution ado tin the revised (C.S., R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO City Council is asked to approve a resolution adopting a revised Heartland Express Drug & Alcohol Policy. This will keep the city i conformance with federal requirements for grant money that we receive for the Heartla d Express bus system. There are slight revisions to the format of the policy which he federal government is requiring all grant recipients to adopt by August 1, 2000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the resolution adopting th revised Drug & Alcohol Policy for the Heartland Express. 2. Do not approve the resolution adop ing the revised Drug & Alcohol Policy for the Heartland Express. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admi istrator that Council adopt the resolution for the revised Heartland Express Drug & Alc hol Policy. This policy will be incorporated into the grant application for the year 200] D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution and revised policy. , .. . CITY OF MONTICELLO ESTABLISHING A DRUG FRE WORK PLACE POLICY FOR CITY OF MONTICELLO/HEAR LAND EXPRESS EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, the Citv of Monticello/Heartlan Ex ress recognizes that alcoholism and other drug dependencies are signifi ant social problems with a potential for causing severe effects to the transit system's work free. The City of Monticello recognizes that such drug dependency may be an ill ess. Consistent with this understanding, the Citv of Monticello has an obligation to insure that its employees perform their jobs safely, efficiently and in a professional manner WHEREAS, the purpose of this document is set 1'0 th the City of Monticello/Heartland Express policy regarding alcohol and other drug l se in the workplace and to comply with the Drug Free Workplace Act in accordance with the te ms of 49 CFR Part 653, and alcohol misuse prevention program in accordance with the terms of 49 CFR Part 654. I further certify that the employee training conducted under this part meets t e requirements of 49 CFR Part 653. Mayor (Date) City Administrator (Date) I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a tru presented to and adopted by the Monticello authorized meeting thereof held on the 24th minutes of said meeting in my possession. and correct copy of the resolution it Council at a duly day of Julv , 2000, as shown by the (Name) (Title) (Date) Notary Stamp 5C , .' . CITY OF MONTICELLO/HEAl TLAND EXPRESS POLICY IMPLEMENTING THE FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS ON DRUG US ~ AND ALCOHOL MISUSE Citv of Monticello/Heartland Exnress (recipient) adopted the following policy on Julv 24, 2000 (date) * Rick Wolfsteller. City Administrator is the primary contact person for purposes of this policy. (See Appendix A for furth r details.) This policy is effective AUQust 1. 2000 ( date) *See the resolution from recipient's governing body, which is attached to the end of this policy. 50' TABLE ofe NTENTS I 1.0 PURPOSE 2.0 APPLICABILITY of POLICY 3.0 SAFETY-SENSITIVE FUNCTION - DEF NITION 4.0 SUBST ANCES SUBJECT to TESTING 1 4.1 Illegal Drugs 1 4.2 Alcohol 2 5.0 PROHIBITED CONDUCT 2 5.1 Intoxication / Under the Inf1uence 2 5.2 Alcohol 2 6.0 TESTING REQUIREMENTS " .:> 7.0 TESTING PROCEDURES " .:> . 7.1 Conduct of Tests " .:> 7.2 Drug Testing Procedures: Urinalysis " .:> 7.3 Alcohol Testing Procedures: Breath est 4 7.4 Employee Requested Testing 5 8.0 KINDS of TESTS REQUIRED 5 8.1 Pre-employment Testing 5 8.2 Reasonable Suspicion Testing 6 8.3 Post-Accident Testing 6 8.4 Random Testing 7 8.5 Return-to-Duty Testing 7 8.6 Follow-Up Testing 8 9.0 EMPLOYMENT ASSESSMENT 8 10.0 INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 8 11.0 EMPLOYEE AND SUPERVISOR TRAINI G 9 . SG I .. . APPENDIX A: CONTACT LIST APPENDIX B: SAFETY-SENSITIVE FUNCTION APPENDIX C: ALCOHOL FACT SHEET APPENDIX D: MINIMUM THRESHOLDS 10 12 13 15 16 sc I .' . 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to assure worker fitn ss for duty and to protect our employees, passengers, and the public from the risks posed by the misuse of alcohol and use of prohibited drugs. This policy is also intended to comply wit all applicable Federal regulations governing drug and alcohol testing programs in the transit in ustry. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) of the U.S. Department of Transportation h s published Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 653 and 654, as amende . that mandate urine drug testing and breath alcohol testing for safety-sensitive positions and p ohibits performance of safety-sensitive functions when there is a positive test result. The .S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has also published Title 49 CFR Part 40, as amended, hat sets standards for the collection and testing of urine and breath specimens. 2.0 APPLICABILITY of POLICY This policy applies to all safety. sensitive transit s stem employees, paid part-time employees, contract employees, and contractors when perfon ing any transit-related safety-sensitive business, 3,0 SAFETY -SENSITIVE FUNCTION - DE INITION A safety-sensitive function is any duty related to t e safe operation of mass transit service including the operation of a revenue service vehicl (whether or not the vehicle is in revenue service), dispatch, maintenance of a revenue servi e vehicle or equipment used in revenue service, security personnel who carry firearms, an any other employee who holds a Commercial Driver's License. See Appendix B for a list of safety-sensitive positi ns that perform one or more of the above- mentioned functions for Recipient 4.0 SUBST ANCES SUBJECT to TESTING 4.1 ILLEGAL DRUGS Safety sensitive employees will be tested for marij ana, cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, and phencyclidine. The appropriate use of legally prescribed drugs an non-prescription medications is not prohibited. However, the use of any substance wh' ch carries a warning label that indicates that mental functioning. motor skills, or judgement ma be adversely affected must be reported to a transit system supervisor. In addition, the employ e must obtain a written release from the attending physician releasing the person to perfor their job duties any time they obtain a performance~altering prescription. t;C I A legally prescribed drug means that individual has a prescription or other written approval from a physician for the use of a drug in the course of m dical treatment. It must include the patient's name, the name of the substance, quantity/amount t be taken, and the period of authorization. The misuse or abuse of legal drugs while performin transit business is prohibited. 4.2 ALCOHOL The use of beverages containing alcohol or substan es, including any medication, mouthwash, food, candy, or any other substance, such that alcoh I is present in the body while performing transit business, is prohibited. The concentration 0 alcohol is expressed in terms of alcohol per 210 liters of breath as measured by an evidential br ath testing device. 5.0 PROHIBITED CONDUCT 5.1 INTOXICA TJON/ UNDER the INFLUE Any safety-sensitive or non-safety-sensitive emplo ee who is reasonably suspected of being intoxicated, impaired, under the influence of a proh'bited substances, or not fit for duty shall be suspended from job duties pending an investigation and verification of condition. Employees found to be under the influence of a pro ibited substance or who fail to pass a drug or alcohol test shall be removed from duty and may be subject to disciplinary action. .. A drug or alcohol test is considered positive if the i dividual is found to have a quantifiable presence of a prohibited substance in the body abov the minimum thresholds defined in Title 49 CFR Part 40, as amended. 5.2 ALCOHOL No safety.sensitive employee should report for duty or remain on duty when his/her ability to perform assigned safety-sensitive functions is adver ely affected by alcohol or when his/her breath alcohol concentration is 0.04 or greater. A s fety-sensitive employee who has a confirmed alcohol concentration of greater than 0.0 but less than 0.04 will be removed from his/her position for eight hours unless a retest result in a concentration measure of less than 0.02. No safety-sensitive employee shall use alcoh 1 while performing safety-sensitive functions, or just before or just after performing a s fety-sensitive function. No safety-sensitive shall use alcohol within four hours of reporting for uty, or during the hours that they are on call. All safety sensitive employees are prohibited from r porting for duty or remaining on duty any time there is a quantifiable presence of a prohibited ubstance in the body above the minimum thresholds defined in Title 49 CFR Part 40, as amen ed. . 2 1;C I .. . 6.0 TESTING REOUIREMENTS All safety-sensitive employees will be subject to u ine drug testing and breath alcohol testing as a condition of employment. Any safety-sensitive mployee who refuses to comply with a request for testing shall be removed from duty. An safety-sensitive employee who is suspected of providing false infonnation in connection with test, or who is suspected of falsifying test results through tampering, contamination, adultera ion, or substitution will be required to undergo an observed collection. Verification of fa sifying test results will result in the employee's removal from duty. Behavior that constitutes a refusal can include an i ability to provide a sufficient urine specimen or breath sample without a valid medical explanati n, as well as a verbal declaration, failure to arrive in a timely manner, obstructive behavior, fai ure to sign DOT required testing forms for urine collection, or physical absence resulting in th inability to conduct the test. Refusal to take a drug or alcohol test constitutes a erified positive drug test result. Drug tests can be performed any time a safety sensitive employee is on duty. An alcohol test can be performed when the safety sensitive employee is a tually performing a safety sensitive duty, just before, or just after the performance of a safety sen itive duty. 7.0 TESTING PROCEDURES 7.1 CONDUCT OF TESTS Testing shall be conducted in a manner to assure a igh degree of accuracy and reliability and using techniques, equipment, and laboratory faciliti s which have been approved by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service (DHHS). All testing will be conducted consistent with the procedures put forth in Title 49 CFR Part 40, as amended. The procedures will be performed in a private, confidential manner and eve y effort will be made to protect the employee, the integrity of the drug testing procedur , and the validity of the test result. 7.2 DRUG TESTING PROCEDURES: U INE TESTS The drugs that will be tested for include marijuana, ocaine, opiates, amphetamines, and phencyclidine. Urine specimens will be collected using the split sp cimen collection method described in Title 49 CFR Part 40. Each specimen will be accompani d by a DOT Chain of Custody and Control Form and identified using a unique identification nu ber that attributes the specimen to the correct individual. An initial drug screen will be co ducted on the primary urine specimen. For those specimens that are not negative, a confirmator Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) test will be performed. The test will be co sidered positive if the amounts present are ... .) sc I .' . above the minimum thresholds established in Title 9 CFR Part 40, as amended. Appendix D lists the minimum thresholds established for each d ug and/or its metabolites. The test results from the laboratory will be reported to a Medical R view Officer. A Medical Review Officer (MRO) is a licensed physician with detailed knowl dge of substance abuse disorders and drug testing. The MRO has appropriate medical training to interpret and evaluate an individual's confirmed positive test result. The MRO will revie the test results to ensure the scientific validity of the test and to determine whether there i a legitimate medical explanation for a confirmed positive test result. The MRO will conta t the employee, notify the employee of the positive laboratory result, and provide the employe with an opportunity to explain the confirmed test result. The MRO will subsequently eview the employee's medical history/medical records to determine whether there s a legitimate medical explanation for a positive laboratory result. If no legitimate medical xplanation is found, the test will be verified positive and reported to the company program man ger. If a legitimate explanation is found, the MRO will report the testresult as negative. The split specimen will be stored at the initial labor tory until the analysis of the primary specimen is completed. If the primary specimen is egative, the split will be discarded. If the primary is positive, the split will be retained for test ng if so requested by the employee through the Medical Review Officer. The laboratory shall r tain the split specimen in frozen storage for 60 days from the date on which the laboratory acqui es it. Following the end of the 60 day period, if not informed by the MRO that the employ e has requested a test of the split specimen, the laboratory may discard the specimen. The prim ry specimen if positive, it will be retained in frozen storage for one year. A drug test that has been declared invalid by a MRO is a canceled test. A canceled test is neither a positive or negativ test. If the analysis of the split specimen fails to reconfirm the presence of the drug(s) or dru metabolite(s) found in the primary specimen, or if the split specimen is unavailable, in dequate for testing or untestable, the MRO shall cancel the test and report cancellation and reas n for it to the DOT, the employer, and the employee. 7.3 ALCOHOL TESTING PROCEDURES: Tests for breath alcohol concentration will be condu 'ted utilizing a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHISA)-approved testing d vice operated by a trained technician. If the initial test indicates an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater, a second test will be performed to confirm the results of the initial test. The confir atory test will be performed using a NHTSA-approved evidential breath testing device ( BT) operated by a trained breath alcohol technician (BAT). The BAT shall be trained to pro ciency in the operation of the EBT he or she is using and in the alcohol testing procedures of itle 49 CFR Part 40. The BAT must successfully complete a NT-lISA-approved course 0 instruction that prov'ides training in the principals of EBT methodology, operation. and cali ration checks. In Addition the BA I must complete training on the fundamentals of breath ana ysis for alcohol content, the procedures required for obtaining a breath specimen, and interp eting and recording EBT results. The BAT 4 sc will identify each test by a unique sequential iden ification number. This number, time, and unit identifier will be provided on each EST printout. The EBT printout along with an approved Federal alcohol testing form will be used to docu ent the test, the subsequent result;:;, and to attribute the test to the correct employee. The tes will be performed in a private, confidential manner as required by Title 49 CFR Part 40 as a ended. The procedure will be followed as prescribed to protect the employee and to maintai the integrity of the alcohol testing procedures and validity of the test result. I A safety-sensitive employee who has a confirmed lcohol concentration of greater than 0.02 but less than 0.04 will be removed from his/her positi n for eight hours unless a retest results in a concentration measure ofless than 0.02. An alcoh I concentration 01'0.04 or greater will be considered a positive alcohol test and in violation f this policy and a violation of the requirements set forth in Title 49 CFR Part 654 fa safety-sensitive employees. In alcohol testing, a canceled test is a test that is deemed invalid under Title 49 CFR Section 40.79. It is neither a positive or negative test. Any safety-sensitive employee that has a confirme from his/her position, informed of educational and referred to a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) positive drug or alcohol test will be removed ehabilitation programs available, and r assessment. 7.4 EMPLOYEE REQUESTED TESTING .. Any safety-sensitive employee who questions the r suIts of a reqttired drug test under paragraphs 8.2 through 8.7 of this policy may request that the s lit sample be tested. This test must be conducted at a different D.HHS-certified laboratory. The test must be conducted on the split sample that was provided by the employee at the sa le time as the original sample. The method of collecting, storing, and testing the split sample w 11 be consistent with the procedures set forth in Title 49 CFR Pati 40, as amended. The employe's request for a split sample test must be made to the Medical Review Officer within 72 hour of notice of the original sample verified test result. Requests after 72 hours will only be acc pted if the delay was due to documentable facts that were beyond the control of the employee. 8.0 KINDS OF TESTS REQUIRED 8.1 PRE-EMPLOYMENT TESTING All safety-sensitive position applicants shallunderg urine drug testing prior to hire or transfer into a safety-sensitive position. Receipt by the transi system of a negative drug test result is required prior to employment. If an applicant drug t st is canceled, the applicant must retake and pass the test before being hired. Evidence of the bsence of drug dependency trom a Substance Abuse Professional that meets with the ap roval of the company and a negative pre- . 5 5C I .' . employment drug test will be required prior to fUli er consideration for employment. A pre- employment/pre-transfer test will also be performed anytime an employee's status changes from an inactive status in a safety-sensitive position to, active status in a safety-sensitive position (i.e., return from Worker's Comp., return tram lea e of absence). 8.2 REASONABLE SUSPICION TESTING All safety-sensitive employees may be subject to u ine and/or breath testing when there are reasons to believe that drug or alcohol use is adver ely affecting job performance. A reasonable suspicion referral for testing will be made on the b sis of documented objective facts and circumstances which are consistent with the short- erm eflects of substance abuse or alcohol mISllse. Examples of reasonable suspicion include, but are ot limited to, the following: A. Physical signs and symptoms consi tent with prohibited substance use or alcohol mIsuse. Evidence of the manufacture, distri ution, dispensing, possession, or use of controlled substances. drugs, alcoh I, or other prohibited substance. Occurrence of a serious or potential y serious accident that may have been caused by prohibited substance abuse or al ohol misuse. Fights (to mean physical contact), a saults, and flagrant disregard or violations of established safety, security, or other operating procedures. B. C. D. Reasonable suspicion referrals must be made by 0 e supervisor who is trained to detect the signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol use and who re - sonably concludes that an employee may be adversely affected or impaired in his/her work perti rmance due to possible prohibited substance abuse or alcohol misuse. 8.3 POST-ACCIDENT TESTING All safety-sensitive employees will be required to ndergo urine and breath testing if they are involved in an accident with a transit system vehic\ (regardless of whether or not the vehicle is in revenue service) that results in a fatality. This i cludes all surviving safety-sensitive employees that are operating the vehicle and any 0 er whose performance could have contributed to the accident. In addition, a post-accident test will be conducted if an accident results in injuries requiring immediate transportati n to a medical treatment facility; or one or more vehicles incurs disabling damage; unless the mployee can be completely discounted as a contributing factor to the accident. The accident d finition may include some incidents where an individual is injured even though there is no vehicl collision. Following an accident, the safety-sensitive employes will be tested as soon as possible, but not 6 sc I .' . to exceed eight hours for alcohol testing and 32 ours for drug testing. Any safety-sensitive employee involved in an accident must refrain fr m alcohol use for eight hours following the accident or until he/she undergoes a post-acciden alcohol test. Alcohol testing must be attempted to be completed within two hours ofth accident. If the alcohol test is not completed within two hours a report must be filed explainin why the test was unsuccessful and continued attempts to obtain specimen in eight hours docu ented. If unable to obtain specimen in eight hours, attempts to obtain specimen must cease an the two-hour written report updated. Any safety-sensitive employee who leaves the scene 0 the accident without justifiable explanation prior to submission to drug and alcohol testing or ho fails to remain readily available for such testing will be considered to have refused the test nd their employment terminated. Employees tested under this provision will include not only t e operations personnel, but any other covered employee whose performance could have contribL ted to the accident. If the Transit system is unable to perform a FT A d ug and alcohol test (i.e., employee is unconscious, employee is detained by law enforce ent agency), the transit system may use drug and alcohol post-accident test results administered by State and local law enforcement officials. The State and local law enforcement officials mus have independent authority for the test and the employer must obtain the results in conforman e with state and local law. 8.4 RANDOM TESTING Employees in safety-sensitive positions will be sub ected to random, unannounced testing. The selection of safety~sensitive employees for random esting will be made using a scientifically valid method that ensures each covered employee t at they will have an equal chance of being selected each time selections are made. The rando tests will be unannounced and spread throughout the year. Tests can be conducted at any time during an employee's shift (i.e. beginning, middle, end). Employees are required to proceed immediately to the collection site upon notification of their random selection. The current random testing rates are 50% for drug t sting and 10% for alcohol testing (as published in the Federal Register on November 24, 1999). 8.5 RETURN- TO-DUTY TESTING All safety~sensitive employees who previously teste positive on a drug or alcohol test must test negative (below 0.02 for alcohol) on a return-to-dut test and be evaluated and released to duty by a Substance Abuse Professional before returning 0 work. A Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a licensed physician or certified psychologi t, social worker, employee assistance professional, or addiction counselor certified by the ational Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors Certification Commission 0 by the International Certification Reciprocity Consortium/Alcohol and Other Drug Ab 1se. The SAP must also have clinical 7 5C I experience in the diagnosis and treatment of drug an alcohol related diseases. Before scheduling the return to duty test, the SAP must ass ss the employee and determine if the required treatment has been completed. 8,6 FOLLOW-UP TESTING Safety. sensitive employees will be required to unde go frequent, unannounced urine and/or breath testing following their return to duty. The fo low.up testing will be performed for a period of one to five years with a minimum of six tests to be performed the first year. The frequency and duration of the follow.up tests beyon the minimum will be determined by a qualified Substance Abuse Professional. 9,0 EMPLOYMENT ASSESSMENT Any safety-sensitive employee who tests positive for the presence of illegal drugs or alcohol above the minimum thresholds set forth in Title 49 FR Part 40, as amended, will be referred for evaluation by a Substance Abuse Professional ( AP). A SAP is a licensed or certified physician, psychologist, social worker, employee as istance professional, or addiction counselor with knowledge of and clinical experience in the di gnosis and treatment of alcohol and drug. related disorders. The SAP will evaluate each empl yee to determine what assistance, if any, the employee needs in resolving problems associated w th prohibited drug use or alcohol misuse. .' If a safety-sensitive employee is allowed to return.t .duty, he/she must properly follow the rehabilitation program prescribed by the SAP, the e ployee must have negative return.to-duty drug and alcohol tests, and be subject to unannounc d follow-up testing for a period of one to five years. 10,0 INFORMATION DISCLOSURE All drug and alcohol testing records will be maintai ed in a secure manner so that disclosure of information to unauthorized persons does not occur Information will only be released in the following circumstances: to a third party only as directed by specifi " written instruction of the employee; to the decision-maker in a lawsuit, grieva ce, or other proceeding initiated by or on the behalf of the employee tested; to a subsequent employer upon receipt of a written request from the employee; to the National Transportation Safety 80 rd during an accident investigation; . 8 SG I .. . to the DOT or any DOT agency with re ulatory authority over the employer or any of its employees, or to a State oversigh agency authorized to oversee rail fixed- guideway systems; or to the employee, upon written request. Laboratories are required to maintain employee te t records in confidence. The laboratory shall disclose information related to: a positive drug test of an individual to th individual; the employer; or the decision maker in a lawsuit, grievanc ,or other proceeding initiated by or on behalf of the individual and arising fro a certified positive drug test. A covered employee is entitled, upon request, to ob ain copies of any records pertaining to the employee's use of prohibited drugs or alcohol, incl ding any records pertaining to his/her drug or alcohol tests. Covered employees have the right 0 gain access to any pertinent records such as equipment calibration records and records of lab ratory certifications. 11.0 EMPLOYEE AND SUPERVISOR TRAI ING All safety sensitive employees will undergo a mini um of 60 minutes of training on the signs and symptoms of drug use including the effects and onsequences of drug use on personal health, safety, and the work environment. The training must also include manifestations and behavioral cues that may indicate prohibited drug us . Supervisors will also receive 60 minutes of reasonab e suspicion training on the physical, behavioral, and performance indicators of probable rug use and 60 minutes of additional reasonable suspicion training on the physical, behavi ral, speech, and performance indicators of probable alcohol misuse. Information on the signs, symptoms, health affects a d consequences of alcohol misuse is presented in Appendix C of this policy. 9 t;c I Any questions regarding this representatives: Name: Title: Address Phone Number Fax Number Name: Title: Address .' Phone Number Fax Number Program Manager: Name: Title: Address Phone Number Fax Number . ! APPENI I XA policy should be dire t ed to the following transit system Primary Co ntact Rick W olfstell r City Administ a tor 505 Walnut S Suite 1 Monticello M \j 55362 763-295-2711 763-295-4404 Secondary ( ontact Jeff O'Neill Deoutv City A dministrator 505 Walnut St Sui te 1 Monticello Ml' 55362 763-295-2711 763-295-4404 Other System I "'ontacts Rick Wo fsteller City Adr inistrator 505 Wa Inut St. Suite 1 Montice 10 MN 55362 763-295 2711 763-295 4404 10 5C' I Medical Review OUicer: Name: Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Substance Abuse Professiona Name: Address Phone Number Fax Number DHHS Certified Laboratorv: .' Name: Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: . RiverPlace Phvsicians of Monticello 114W3'd't Monticellc MN 55362 763-295-3 00 1: N/A United Labs POBe x 1820 Cranb rrv Township, PA 16066-0820 (724) T' 2-0400 (724) T' 2-0811 11 .-.--- .sc I 1. 2. .... .). 4. 5. 6. . 7. . ! APPEND XB Safety-Sensitive Functions' lowing is a list of safety-sensitive functions JY position that are subject to the DnHl a I Testing Policv of the recipient transit syste 01: N/A -, 12 5 --- -.---.-- .. ..- - The fol Alcoho nd c~ I .' . Alcohol F ct Sheet Alcohol is a socially acceptable drug that as been consumed throughout the world for centuries. It is considered a recreational beverage when consumed in moderation for enjoyment and relaxation during social gatherings. However, when consumed primarily for its physical and mood-altering effects, it is a substance of abuse. s a depressant, it slows down physical responses and progressively impairs mental functi ns. Signs and Symptoms of Use Dulled mental processes Lack of coordination Odor of alcohol on breath Possible constricted pupils Sleepy or stuporous condition Slowed reaction rate Slurred speech (Note: Except for the odor. these are general signs and symptoms of any depressant substance.) Health Effects The chronic consumption of alcohol (average ofth ee servings per day of beer [12 ounces], whiskey [1 ounce], or wine [6 ounce glass]) over ti e may result in the following health hazards: Decreased sexual functioning Dependency (up to 10 percent of all people ho drink alcohol become physically and/or mentally dependent on alcohol and can e termed "alcoholic") Fatal liver diseases Increased cancers of the mouth, tongue, pha ynx, esophagus, rectum, breast, and malignant melanoma Kidney disease Pancreatitis Spontaneous abortion and neonatal mortal it Ulcers Birth defects (up to 54 percent of all birth d fects are alcohol related). 13 SG I .' . Social Issues Two-thirds of all homicides are committed y people who drink prior to the crime. Two to three percent of the driving populati n is legally drunk at anyone time. This rate is doubled at night and on weekends. Two-thirds of all Americans will be involve in an alcohol-related vehicle accident during their lifetimes. The rate of separation and divorce in famili s with alcohol dependency problems is 7 times the average. Forty percent of family court cases are alco 01 problem related. Alcoholics are 15 times more likely to com it suicide than are other segments of the population. More than 60 percent 0 f burns, 40 percent of falls, 69 percent of boating accidents, and 76 percent of private aircraft accidents - re alcohol related. The Annual Toll 24,000 people will die on the highway due 0 the legally impaired driver. 12,000 more will die on the highway due to the alcohol-afTected driver. 15,800 will die in non-highway accidents. 30,000 will die due to alcohol-caused liver isease. 10,000 will die due to alcohol-induced brai disease or suicide. Up to another 125,000 will die due to alco ol-related conditions or accidents. Workplace Issues It takes one hour for the average person (150 pounds) to process one serving of an alcoholic beverage from the body. Impairn1ent in coordination and judgement can be objectively measured with as little as two drinks in the body. A person who is legally intoxicated is 6 tit es more likely to have an accident than a sober person. 14 sc , .. . APPEN IX D Minimum Thresholds INITIAL TEST CUTOFF LEVELS (ng/ml) Marijuana metabolites Cocaine metabolites Opiate metabolites Phencyclidine Amphetamines 50 300 2,000 25 1,000 CONFI MA TORY TEST CUT/OF LEVELS (ng/ml) 15 150 Marijuana metabolites 1 Cocaine metabolites2 Opiates: Morphine Codeine Phencyclidine Amphetamines: Amphetamines Methamphetamine3 1 Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxy ic acid. 2 Benzoylecgonine 3 Specimen must also contain amphetami e at a concentration greater than or equal to 200 ng/ml. 2,000 2,000 25 500 500 SG I .. . APPEND X E (This Appendix contains drug and alcohol policies dopted by the recipient that are in addition to the policies required by the FT A.) 1. City of Monticello Drug & Alcohol Policy 2. Hoglund Transportation Drug & Alcohol P !icy 16 Sc- . . . Council Agenda - 7/24/00 5D. Consideration of resolution enterin into n a reement with MnDOT on relocation of utilities with 1-94 Loop Ramp Project. (R W) A. REFERENCE ANn BACKGROIJND: As part of the Highway 25 and 1-94 Loop Ramp Pr ject that MnDOT is planning to construct in the near future, MnDOT is requesting that the City enter into a relocation agreement that requires the City to adjust and relocate a manhole and gate alve located in the Oakwood Drive right-of- way that will become part of the off ramp project. n addition to the utility adjustments, the existing lighting units within the commuter parkin lot needed to be removed prior to the construction starting. MnDOT has proposed to rei 1burse the City $2,300 as a lump sum payment for the City to have these utilities adjuste and light poles removed. The relocation agreement is fairly basic and outlin s the terms and conditions under which the City must operate when relocating the utilities and removing the light poles. Since the City has had concerns on other cooperative agreements we lave entered into with MnDOT, I have asked the City Attorney to review the document and pro ide recommendations on whether the document seemed appropriate and whether the Cit should approve it as written. A concern I had related also to the notice and order that accom anied the relocation agreement that seemed to indicate if the City caused any type of delay in pI' mptly adjusting our utilities within the Oakwood Drive right-of-way, we could he respon ible for damages to MnDOT's contractor for any delays we might cause. Since our utilities we e in our own right-of-way prior to MnDOT taking Oakwood Drive for their project, we were urprised that we did not keep utility rights to access our own utilities without seeking permissi n from MnDOT any time repairs might be needed in the future. As a matter of fact, the publ e works director and myself questioned how MnDOT took over ownership of Oakwood Drive ithout any public hearing process to vacate the street. When I questioned MnDOT officials n what process or authority they used to take over Oakwood Drive without any other hearing p ocess, their response was the City approved a concept plan for the loop ramp two years ago and that gives them authorization to take over our street whenever they want to. As a result of that esponse, I have also asked our City Attorney to research whether this is the proper process for M DOT to take over right-of-way from the City or any other jurisdiction. As of the time this age da item is heing prepared, I have not yet received a response from our City Attorney on th s question. MnDOT oHicials arc anxious to have the City C uncil adopt the resolution and execute the relocation agreement as they are near the point 0 bidding the project and beginning the construction. It is very likely that the City doesn't have much say in the matter but hecause of the problems we had incurred on entering into a nDOT agreement for the TH 25 project and receiving ample reimbursement for our cost, 1 w nted to make sure that the City Attorney was comfortable with this agreement before we auto atically approved the resolution. I will also be asking the City Attorney to provid his recommendations at the council meeting regarding this resolution and relocation agreeme 1t. . . . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: Council Agenda - 7/24/00 1. Assuming the City Attorney recomn ends approval, the Council could adopt the resolution and execute the relocatio agreement as prepared. 2. Based on any recommendations oft! e City Attorney, Council could adopt the resolution and make amendments to the contract. 3. Do not adopt the resolution. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: If the City Attorney feels the agreement is appropri te and recommends approval, the Council should adopt the resolution and enter into the agrecllent as outlined. It is the opinion of the administrator that MnDOT has not followed the ap ropriate process 1l1f vacating Oakwood Drive and taking over ownership of the road without any additional hearings or informational meetings. I have never received any confirmations 1rom Mn OT officials of their statutory authority to do so and I find it hard to believe that the fact the Coulcil two years ago approved a concept plan for a loop ramp gives MnDOT the authority to tak over a city street without any further process. At this time, I am not even sure how much of Oak ood Drive the State claims they now own, but I assume it follows the plan sheets they have in luded in the relocation agreement. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Letter Resolution Relocation agreement . . . .' . '" ti~ ~~f) Minnesota Deparbnent of Transportation Office of Technical Support Utility Agreements Unit Mail Stop 678, 6th Floor 395 John Ireland Boulevard St Paul, MN 55155-1899 Office Tel: (651) 297-3348 Fax: (651)2~9868 June 22, 2000 Mr. Rick W olfsteller, Administrator City of Monticello 250 E. Broadway PO Box 1147 Monticello, Mn. 56362-1147 In Reply Refer To: S.P. 8605-41 (T.H. 25) S.P. 8680-140 (T.H. 94) On T.H. 25 and T.R. 94, at the junction ofT.H. 25 nd T.H. 94 Agreement No. 80396 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: Enclosed are five copies of the Agreement that pro ides for the relocation of three lighting units, adjusting of two sanitary sewer manholes and the reimburse ent of your relocation and adjusting costs on the above project. Kindly execute all copies of the Agreement and ret rn them to this office not later than June 29, 2000. Also required are five copies of a City Council reso ution approving and authorizing this Agreement. A suggested form of such resolution is enclosed. Subsequent to execution by the State, one copy of t e agreement will be returned to you. Attached is the Notice and Order. You will note th t the Notice and Order authorizes you to start obtaining materials and to contact the State's assi ned Engineer to schedule relocation work. Do not proceed with the relocation and/or adjusting of your facilities on this project until authorized to do so by the State, as any work performed in advance of such au horization is ineligible for reimbursement. Mr. James Labo, Resident Engineer, at St. Cloud wi I have supervision of this project. Kindly contact him for the name of the Field Engineer assigned to the p oject. His telephone number is (320) 255-2912. . Page 2 Mr. Richard J. Pilon June 22, 2000 If you have any questions regarding the above refer need project, please contact Stan Haugen at telephone number (651) 297-3348. /" SincerelY'QA .-----. /:.--j--. '\. M ,. / ' ".- ( . '"I __._ I .) /':~--/ /' / /-------- (//Joseph D. Pignato l/ . . Utility Agreements Engineer ----. - , , Enclosures: Agreement Notice and Order .' cc: Donald Raisanen, D.E., Baxter James Labo, R.E., St. Cloud Permit Office file . . .. . CITY OF M TICELLO IT IS RESOLVED that the City of Monticello en er into Mn/DOT Agreement No. 80481 with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transport . on for the following purposes: To provide for payment to the City of Monticello by the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the city's reimbursable costs :D r relocating and adjusting its utilities in accordance with Agreement No. 80481, to be pe ormed upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highway No. 94 at the J~ction of Trunk Highw No. 25 and Trunk Highway No. 94 within the corporate City limits under State Project No. 860 -41 and 8680-140. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor an the authorized to execute the Agreement. State of Minnesota County of Wright are (Title) CERTIFI ATION I certify that the above Resolution is an accurate opy of the Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of _ at an authorized meeting held 0 the day of , 2000, as shown by the mi utes of the meeting in my possession. (Signature) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 2000 Notary Public My Commission Expires ~ ,,':t'* ,,~PA~ '"C' (Type or Print Name) (Title) . .. . S.P. 8605-41 (T.H. 25) S.P. 8680-140 (T.H. 94) CITY OF ONTICELLO NOTICE AND ORDER You are hereby notified that the Minnesota De artment of Transportation (Mn/DOT) will be performing construction upon, along and adjacent to Trunk Highw y No. 25 and Trunk Highway No. 94 at the junction of Trunk Highway No. 94 and Trunk Highway No. 24 and at the junction of Trunk Highway No. 94 and Trunk Highway No. 25, in Wright County, Minnesota. The C ty of Monticello has certain utility facilities upon the right of way of Trunk Highway No. 94 within the limits oft e construction project. Since the continued presence of the utility facilities will materially interfere with the co struction, the relocation and/or adjustment of the facilities will be required. Therefore, in accordance with the terms of the tility permit, this notice, (pending) Agreement No. 80481, and our correspondence of June 22, 2000, you are here y ordered to relocate and/or adjust your utility facilities and to commence the work by obtaining any needed ma erials and contacting MnlDOT's construction project engineer to schedule the work. All such operations shal be under the direction of MnlDOT's construction project engineer and shall be coordinated with the operations 0 MnlDOT's contractor for the highway construction. For relocation work, you are required to submit a plan and etailed schedule to MnlDOT's Construction Project Engineer within 30 days of receipt of this Notice and Of' er. With the plan and schedule, provide the name, address, telephone number, and fax number of the perso who will be in charge of the relocation. A copy of this Notice and Order will be provide to the contractor who is awarded the construction contract for this project. In scheduling the construction taging, the contractor has relied upon your prompt attention to your obligations under this Notice and Orde . Failure to comply with this Notice and Order wi I make the City of Monticello liable for any and all damages which result therefrom. Failure to submit a rei cation plan and schedule to MnlDOT's construction project engineer, as required above, will be used as evid nce to justifY a contractor's claim against you for a delay of work. In the event that you fail to comply with your bligations under this Notice and Order, MnlDOT shall assign its rights for compensation due to delay of work t the contractor. Upon completion of the utility relocation and/or djusting, the City of Monticello shall restore drainage and slopes to the satisfaction of the Project Engineer. In ddition, the City of Monticello shall restore all pollution control measures which have been installed by MnIDOT's contractor in accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit issued for MnlDO 's construction project which are disturbed by the Utility's relocation and/or adjusting operations. Date: June 22, 2000 Elwyn Tinklenberg _... Commissioner of Tra~rtat~'?-IY ~/ BQ ( ( ) ;~ A/ \ -'---~""" Joseph D. Pig a 0 // .~ Utility Agreements Engineer / .~. Prepared by: Utility Agreements Unit (Payable) ($2,300.00) S.P.8605-41 (T.H.25=025) S.P. 8680-140 (T.H. 94=392) At the junction of T.H. 25 and T.H. 94 City of Monticello Mn/DOT Agreement No. 80481 MnlDOT Accounting Information: Fund: OrgISub: Amount: Vendor N\IID.....: Fiscal ....: Allency: T -79 Contract: Order: NumberlDate/Entry Initials Number/Datc/Signatures {Individual signing certifles thai funds have been encumbered as required by Minn. StaL 616A.15.] Budg Office: (Authorized Signature) -- THIS AGREEMENT made by and between eState of Minnesota, acting by and through its Commissioner of Transportation, hereinafter called e "State", and the City of Monticello, hereinafter called the "Utility", WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the State has prepared plans an specifications and proposes to let a contract for the construction of a project on the route of Federal id Interstate Highway No. 94, which route forms a part of the National System of Interstate Highways, id project being identified in the records of the State as State Project No. 8605-41 and 8680-140, an in the records of the Federal Highway Administration as Minnesota Project No. STP 8698 067), and the project being located at the junction of Trunk Highway No. 25 and Trunk Highway No.9; and WHEREAS, authorized officials of the Fede al Highway Administration, acting through appropriate agencies and departments, have approve said foregoing project; and WHEREAS, certain facilities owned and op rated by the Utility are presently located within the limits of said project and within the limits ofa high ay right of way; and .-. . .' . Agreement No. 80481 WHEREAS, the State has determined that relocation of the facilities owned and operated by the Utility is necessitated by the construction of the proje t hereinabove described and the Utility has requested to be reimbursed for such relocation; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 161.6 provides for reimbursement to the Utility for the cost of relocating facilities so located as hereinafte set forth; and WHEREAS, Code of Federal Regulations, titl 23, part 645, subpart A, and as amended requires a written agreement specifying the work to b performed by a Utility for which reimbursement is sought: NOW, THEREFO~, IT IS AGREED: ARTICLE 1. - APPLICABLE LAWS, POLICIES A PROCEDURES THIS AGREEMENT is made in accordance ith and pursuant to Code of Federal Regulations, title 23, part 645, subpart A, together with any supple ents or amendments thereto, subject, however, to the provisions of all applicable state and federal laws nd any other applicable laws or regulations. Said Code of Federal Regulations part and subpart, includi g any supplements or amendments thereto, are made a part hereof by reference with the same force d effect as though fully set forth herein. ARTICLE 2. - PLANS A IT ACHED HERETO, marked Exhibit A an made a part hereof, are comprehensive and detailed plans indicating the facilities involved, their resent and proposed location. The Utility shall relocate such facilities in accordance with Exhibit A. e Utility shall immediately notify the State's Director, Pre-Letting Section, hereinafter referred to a the "Director", of all anticipated changes in the relocation of such facilities from that shown in Exhibi A. The Director's or his/her designee approval of said changes is a prerequisite to reimbursement. ARTICLE 3. - COST LUMP SUM BASIS. The reimbursable cost fthe work to be performed by the Utility is $2,300.00. ARTICLE 4.. RELOCATION INSPECTION. The actual work on Exhibit A shall be subject to the inspection of the State's Construction Project Engineer, hereinafter referred to as the "Field Engineer". All work shall be performed to the satisfaction of the Field Engineer an the Director and in accordance with applicable codes before final payment is made to the Utility. 2 . .. . Agreement No. 80481 BACKFILLING. All underground installati nswithin the proposed roadways shall be completed in advance of the highway contractor's ba e work operations. In backfilling the excavation, there shall be no substitution for material removed u less specifically authorized by the Field Engineer. Rejected material shall be disposed of within the hig way right of way as directed by the Field Engineer. All material replaced in the excavation sh 11 be properly mechanically compacted, and drainage and slopes shall be restored, to the satisfacti n of the Field Engineer. RESTORE, to the satisfaction of the Field En ineer, all pollution control measures which have been installed by the State's contractor in accordance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit issued for the State's construction project, hereinafter referred to as the "NPDES permit", which are disturbed by the Utilities relocatio operations. Pollution control measures shall include, but not be limited to, silt fences and/or slope stabilization measures as seed and mulch, and any other measures necessary to comply with the NPDES permit. ARTICLE 5. - TIME SCHEDULE STARTING DATE. The Utility shall comme ce its work based on the Notice and Order. All such operations shall be under the direction of the Fie d Engineer, and shall be coordinated with the State contractor's operations. The Utility shall notify e Field Engineer two days prior to commencing each phase of the work operation. COORDINATION. The Utility shall coordin te all relocation work with the operations of the State's contractor. ARTICLE 6. ~ PAYMENT LUMP SUM BASIS. After the completion of the relocation of said facilities in accordance with Exhibit A, the Utility shall furnish the State with two riginal signed statements of the herein agreed lump sum, signed by an officer of the Utility. It is contemplated that the federal government will reimburse the State in the amount of ninety percent of the agreed lump sum. The lump sum shall e paid by the State out of trunk highway funds, provided, however, the amount to be paid by the State for such relocation shall not exceed the amount on which the federal government bases its reimbursem nt for such relocation. DISCHARGE OF OBLIGATION. IT IS FURTHER AGREED, that the payment f such sums as provided for above shall be settlement in full for any and all damages, demands, cl ims, actions or causes of action of any kind or nature whatsoever, that may arise out of the relocation of the facilities, as shown on Exhibit A. 3 . .. . Agreement No. 80481 ARTICLE 7. - FUTURE MAINTENANCE Upon completion of the relocation, the Utility shall thereafter maintain such facilities at its own expense. Should any such maintenance require work ntrunk highway right of way, the Utility shall first obtain a written permit from the proper authority which application shall be acted upon promptly and shall not be unreasonably refused. The facilities hall not be serviced from the main road ways, ramps or loops of the trunk highway; Said permit sha 1 contain reasonable regulations relating to such maintenance. The Utility may open and disturb the s ace of the trunk highway right of way without a permit 2I1lx where an emergency exists that is danger us to the life or safety of the public and requires immediate repair. The Utility, upon knowledge of suc emergency, shall immediately notifY the Minnesota State Patrol. The Utility shall take all nece sary and reasonable safety measures to protect the traveling public, and shall cooperate fully with the State Patrol to that end. The Utility in such event shall request a permit from the proper authority not lat r than the second working day thereafter. ARTICLE 8. - SAFETY The Utility and/or its contractor shall at all tim s comply with the safety regulations contained in Minnesota Rules part 8810.3400, subpart 5 during a I their construction and maintenance operations. In addition, the Utility and/or its contractor shall fumis eachflagger with a copy of the current edition of the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportati n, "Field Manual", which is part of the "Minnesota Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devic sIt, and shall observe the rules and regulations contained therein. The Utility and/or its contractor sha 1 require each flagger to carry a copy of the "Field Manual " during their construction and mainten nce operations. The Utility and/or its contractor shall also furnish each flagger with the required vest, h Imet, hand sign, flags and any other necessary equipment. The above provisions shall not in any way elieve the Utility and/or its contractor of any of their legal responsibilities or liabilities for the safety of the public. Copies of the "Field Manual" may be obtained from the Field Engineer. ARTICLE 9. - NONDISCRIMINATION In its agreements with others who are to perfo relocation work covered by this Agreement, the Utility agrees to require compliance with the nondi rimination regulations of the United States Department of Transportation contained in the current ersion of 49 Code of Federal Regulations, title 49, part 21 and to incorporate by reference those regula ions in any such agreements. ARTICLE 10. - MISCELLANEOUS 4 . .' . Agreement No. 80481 INDEMNIFICATION. The Utility will indem ify, save and hold harmless the State and all of its agents and employees of and from any and all clai s, demands, actions, or causes of action of whatsoever nature or character arising out of or by rea on ofthe execution of this Agreement or the performance or nonperformance of the work to be pe rmed by the Utility provided for herein and further agrees to defend at its own sole cost and expen e any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever characte arising hereunder by virtue of the execution, performance, or nonperformance of the work to be pe ormed by the Utility as provided for herein. Utility shall defend, indemnify, save and hold armless the State from all loss or liability for personal injury (or death) and/or property damage occ rring to any person or persons, including, but not limited to, the Utility and the State and their employees, resulting in any way from the existence of this agreement, unless caused by the negligence of the 8ta e, its employees, or agents. That anything to the contrary herein notwiths nding, the State, the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota, and the age s and employees of the Minnesota Department of Transportation shall not be responsible or liable to e Utility or to any person or persons whomsoever for any claims, damages, action or cause of action of any kind or character arising out of or by reason of the negligence of the Utility or its con actors or employees in the performance or completion of the relocation provided for herein by th Utility. AFPROV AL BY COUNCIL. Before this Agr ement becomes binding and effective, it shall be approved by resolution ofthe City Council and shall Iso receive the approval of the Federal Highway Administration and of such State officers as the law ay provide in addition to the Commissioner of Transportation. The provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 181.59 and of any applicable local ordinance relating to civil rights and discrimination shall be con idered a part of this agreement as if fully set forth herein. 5 . .' . S.P. 8605-41 (T.H.25) S.P. 8680-140 (T.H. 94) Wright County Agreement No. 80481 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused thi Contract to be duly executed to be bound thereby. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: By: Date: Date: City Municipality Signatnre Acknowledgment STATE OF ss COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of the (Name) (Title) the of (Title) (Name of Entity) theirlhislher own free will intending to be bound th reby. My Commission Expi es: 6 , and Mayor City Seal: ,200-, by (Name) and executed this instrument of Notary Public . .' . S.P. 8605-41 (T.H. 25) S.P. 8680-140 (T.H. 94) Wright County City of Monticello Recommended for Approval: By District Engineer Date Agreement No. 80481 STATE 0 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT 0 TRANSPORTATION Approved: By Director, Office of Technical Support Date OFFICE OF THE TTORNEY GENERAL Approved as to Fo and Execution: By Assistant ttomey General Date DEPARTMENT 0 ADMINISTRATION By Date @ 7 .... .... ~ u ,~ u.... ;z. ~~ .0... 2> W"l 0:0. ~l1 ::a;Z ... ... 0:'" ) ~ I S ~ ~ I- ~ .... U U ... ::Jcn X ;Z lX:N i I ~ :nuS z- ~ 0+ lis! Q . uO &aJ +' 0 -J Z- ...l I Q G Gel i!: ; l&.Il- 5 ! men Q ...--r' . -----. --- " " " " " " " " " ~ ~ VI l- iD 2 (] " " " " " ,," I " ).0 --- -:r{ \ ",," G' \ \ 'Q/\ ./ ;" ;" ;" ;" " " " . B i . ;; . - 10) - ~ ~ . , . '-------- in z~ , .~ -.., 'TN II'IU),... 0....:..... U)'liI""": 11)+0 0~0 Oa..,.:i . 1Il-U)' eel 0 zt-o. Willa: '" ~ - ~ :( .... iii x OE05E.Et" "lOd ,t. 10 N ~ ..... JttI1H:Jnft ~ POl" EOUAlIOM1 o 152".'1015 AM o 1'21'.44.'1 8l · ,.:J df4'</~. J. i:-"" ~..'# ,w ~ ",. Q. :' , riJ / ~\ -11'1 'liI"N .11:4'" 0,..= Ul+rt lDNi5 o;cn+ ... ~ co ... ~ Ul i..l · .....ti~ ...... ~ - .... U :J 0: t- V) ~ u C LLI V) o .~ 0: a. EP lIONI $to "21,.'T.~S AM Sto ,'21,.440'1 8l · u .. u lol ~ .. \. ~ ~I !Ii C ~~ ... ~ ..,~ " ~ 8 0:: ~... ~ 1 l Ctt Z<:l< ocosc.ntl 010cl I z ~ ; I ~ Ji i ; ~ <C D.. . roo ... ~ ~ ~ ..., 1 7. . . Council Agenda - 7/26/00 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessmcnt roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real cst te taxes. The dclinquent utility accounts that are incl ded with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new d linquents from the last time we certiiied them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $5 ) per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enc osed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the pre aration of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent acco nts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 8lYrl as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the a option of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 3 days, payments wi II be charged interest and can be accepted up to November 30,2000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. ~(LC/ Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. GS 2. Based on public hearing input, adjus the assessment roll as required. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council' dopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due an have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity t ) pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additio al $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not aid by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, July 17,2000. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: · Copy of resolution adopting assess! ent roll · Complete listing of delinquent accOl nts to be certified. I . . RESOLUTION NO. 2000-49 RESOLUTION ADOPTIN ; ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT U lLITY ACCOUNTS WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given s required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the propos d assessment for delinquent utility account charges, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1 . Such proposed assessment, a copy of whicl is attached hereto and made a part hereot~ is hereby accepted and shall constitute the sp cial assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein indud d is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or bei()re the first Monday in January 2001 and shall bea interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this asseSSl ent resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 2000. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the wI ole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assess I ent is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith trans nit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on t e proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over i the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 241h day of July, 2 00. ATTEST: Roger elsaas, Mayor '-'-~"~""'._."-""-'- -'.'-'._~_.~-""-'-~ Riek Wolfsteller, City Administrator J t. 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"'" ..., "" g ~ r- .0 c: ::::: r-- ~ n '" ., ... :z: i ~ r-- ::: :z: C> n m ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ "" ~ t;:: .... m Q "'" ~ m .,., "'" m . . . 8. Council Meeting - 7/24/2000 Review of ro osals for reconstruction 0 Orchard Road and consideration of award of contract for Ci Pro' cct No. 2000-07 . (lS.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the direction of the City Council, City sta T prepared plans and specifications for the reconstruction of Orchard Road from West Count Road 75 to Interstate 94, and sent request for proposals to three local bituminous paving contract rs. The original estimated construction cost of the project prior to design was $16,031,95. The only proposal received was from Buffalo Bitum nous for a price exceeding $25,000. Ironically, the state bidding requirements change August I, 2( 00, to $50,000. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative would be to reject the uote horn Buffalo bituminous and solicit new quotes returnable prior to the next councilt eeting. 2. The second alternative would be to reject th quote from Buffalo Bituminous and advertise for bids returnable by the next council meet ng. .., -) . The third alternative would be to reject the existing quote from Buffalo Bituminous and obtain or negotiate a new quote with Buffal ) Bituminous for less than $25,000 and award a contract and proceed with the project. 4. The fourth alternative would be to reject t e quote from Buffalo Bituminous and not to reconstruct Orchard Road. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends replacement of the road nd this can be accomplished by following alternative 1, 2 or 3. We believe the costs are hig er than estimated but arc in line. The actual amount to be assessed to the adjoining property ower (NSP) will be set at the assessment hearing after the project is completed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of map of Orchard Road replacement. Quo e is available at city hall, actual price is not released to public in case of asking for new quotes. 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'- \ , \" ------.. \ ~ w W N I.IJ a o o !;P h I rr. i;p bJ t7 ! :P :0 ~ ):- ~ -0 87f / / g.. ~ij ~~ ~~ ;:;13 " . .. "..... . ",., .....1iJ ({:g I=~ "'! g.., 8 ~S :~ ~/Il ~? '. ~a 0--; c...{'-) /Tl ,-,0 -j"TJ z$ 00 'z. (\)-/ o)..--j 0(') o ,m Or, -.J 1 00 " i/l i- 10 :0 11 IT . \ . . . 9. Council Agenda - 7/24/00 Consideration of amendment to transie t merchant ordinance. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With the reccnt Council action to increase the licc sc fee to $50/day for transient merchants who sell garden and farm products, both the Country Sop and Unticdt's sought legal advice as to whcthcr the City could require thesc vendors to ob ain a transient merchant license. Our prcvious ordinancc had exempted the sale of farm nd garden products from the $50/day license fee requiremcnt but did allow the activity to take p ace from June 15th until Septenlber 15th with a $1 O/day permit fee. Legal counsel noted abovc feel their clients are pr tected by the Minnesota Constitution and previoLls court cases which have stated that indivi uals who sell farm products that arc grown in Minnesota are exempt from any licensing requiren ents of municipalities. Research from the League of Minnesota Cities also seems to agree wi h this position regarding the sale of Lmn and garden products. The League and some court case seem to indicate that it is also taken a step further and should apply to any vendor who acquir s farm and garden products from area farmers and that the exemption applies to any resale of the e types of products. In revicwing the ordinances of cities like 13l00min. ton and Cloquet, exemptions arc provided for various vendors including any person who may sel or peddle the products of a farm or garden occupied and cultivated by such person. My resea ch has also noted that some communities have a number of other general restrictions and regulati ns that apply to any other transient merchant license that I believe arc reasonable conditions that should be considered in our ordinance. While restrictions do not prohibit the sale offann nd garden products nor do they require these vendors to obtain a license, our ordinance could bc amended to have thcse general restrictions applied to any vendor who does sell these products and to those transient merchants who are still required to get a license. The ordinance amendmel t proposed would require any transient merchant or any vendor who is conducting sales to be located on private property that has sufficicnt oIl-street parking that docs not reduce th spaces needed for the business that is a] lowing the transient merchant to operate from. ther license restrictions would include: no display or offering of merchandise on any public ri ht-of-way or within the required front or side yard setbacks that would normally be required oft1 at zoning district. In addition, the vendor has to locate in a retail zoning area and no additional si ns would be allowcd on the property that do not meet the signage of that particular property. This revised ordinance proposal has been submitte to the City Attorney for his review and comments to see if he agrees with the general provi 'ions being proposed and get his feedback on whether he is in agreement with the League of Min lesota Cities research which indicates that we cannot require a license from farm and garden prod ce vendors. At the time this item is being prepared for the agenda, I had not received any ver al or written comments from our City Attorney, Dennis Dalen, but I will be asking Mr. D lcn to be present at the council meeting to provide his recommendations. . . . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Council Agenda - 7/24/00 1. Provided the City Attorney is in a reement with the proposed revisions, the Council could adopt the ordinanc amendment as prepared that adds additional general restrictions for transient n erchants and also would exempt l~lrm and garden product vendors from the dual license fee requirement. 2. Adopt an ordinance amendment a revised and recommended by the City Attorney. 3. Do not adopt any changes at this (me. C. STAJ<'F RECOMMENDATION: Although I have not received any comments from the City Attorney yet, my understanding when the proposed amendment was given to Mr. Dalen for his review was that he was in concurrence with the League of Minnesota's recommendation 0 exempt the licensing of farm and garden products. Since previous court cases and the Lea ue of Minnesota Research Department seem to indicate cities shouldn't try to license or requir a fee of produce vendors, J would not recommend keeping an ordinance that will likely e challenged in court. If our City Attorney feels licensing is an option Monday night, we can go back to our old ordinance that required the license fee and see what happens. I leel the addit on of general restrictions that further clarifies where these vendors can be located and under wh t conditions they can operate would be beneficial for the salety and welfare of the local ci izens and should prevent trat1ic and/or parking problems. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of proposed ordinance amendment. . . . SECTION: 3-10-1: 3-10-2: 3-10-3: 3-10-4: 3-10-5: 3-10-6: 3-10-7: 3-10-8: 3-10-9: 3-10-10: 3~10-11: 3-10-12: 3-10-13: 3-10-1: 'rRANSIENT M,RCIIANTS Definition Permit Rcquired Exemptions Application Rcgistration Religious and Charitable Organizafons, Exemption I nvestigation and Issuance Duty of City Administrator to Enfo ce Revocation of Liccnse Appeal Reapplication Expiration of Permit Penalty DEFINITION: When used in this 0 dinance, the f(Jllowing term has the following mealllng: (A) "Transient merchant" includ s any person, firm, or corporation, whether as owner, agent, consignee, or mployee, who engages in a temporary business (for six months or less) of selling and delivering goods, wares, and merchandise, or buying and rcceiving goods, wares, and merchand se within the city and who, in furtherance of such purpose, hires, leases, L ses, or occupies any building, structure, motor vehicle, trailer, tent, I' ilroad boxcar, boat, public room in hotels, lodging houses, apartments, hops, or any street, alley, or other place within the city for the exhibi ion and sale of such goods, wares, and merchandise either privately or at public auction, provided that such definition docs not include a y person, firm, or corporation who, while occupying such temporary I cation, does not sell from stock but exhibits samples for the purpose of s curing orders for future delivery only. Location utilized by transien merchants shall be consistent with uses identified as permitted in par icular zoning district and adequate off-street pm-king is available. (B) A peddler shall mean a perso who goes from house to house, door to door, business to business, st eet to street, or any other type of place to place, for the purpose of of Ie ing for sale, displaying or exposing for sale, selling or attcmpting to sell, and delivering immcdiatcly upon sale, the goods, wares, products, m rchandise, or other personal propcrty, that thc person is carrying or otherise transporting. The term peddler shall mean the samc as the term hawk r. . (C) A solicitor shall mean a pe son who gocs from house to house, door to door, business to busincss, street to street, or any other type of place to place, for the purpose of 0 taining or attempting to obtain orders for goods, wares, products, m rchandise or othcr personal property, or services, of which he or sh may be carrying or transporting samples, or that may be described in a catalogue or by other means, and for which delivery or performanee sh II occur at a latcr time. The tcrm solicitor shall mean the same as the erm canvasser. (#243,10/11/93) (#335,9/27/99) 3-10-2:*PERMIT REQUIRED: It is unla ful for any transient merchant to engagc in any such business withi the city of Monticello without first obtaini ng a permit therefore in con pliance with the provisions of this ordinance. . (A) A daily permit shall be reql ired for any "transient mcrchant" as defined in Section 3-10-I(A). 1. An annual permit w ich may be issued only to the owner or proprietor of a priva e premise such as motel, hotel, shopping mall, banquet facility, serice club, etc., wherein a transient merchant as defined in Section 3 1 O-I(A) may Icase or otherwise occupy space to engage in said ten porary business. An applicant Ii)r an annual permit must provide the City with assurances that each transient merchant engaged in business upon his/her premise meets the minimum requireme ts of this and all other applicable ordinance. 2. The transient merch 1t shall operate from within a permanent structure on the pren ise. Outdoor sales from parking lots or other open space is hereby prohibited under the provisions of the annual perm it. ., j. No holder of an annu tl permit shall allow in excess of 12 vendors, stands, booths, or sin ilar sales area to operate per day without the written permissions (fthe City Council. . 2 . (H) FEES: Fees shall be set an adopted by the City Council as follows: . . 1. Daily permit fees. 2. Dai Iy perm it fees fi I' a permit issued to a transient merchant under the authority of the nnual permit, said fees to he collected by the holder of an annual ennit and remitted to the City Administrator prior to the conduct of any business, **except that transient merchants conducti g their business within the confines of the commons area of any shopping mall shall not he required to remit a daily fee. 3. Annual permit fees. (C) GENERAL LICENSE RES fRICTIONS: 1. *(#129,11/14/83) **(#131,1/23/84) No transient mercha t shall sell or offer for sale any goods, wares, or merchandise with n the city from a stationary location on public or private property ithout first obtaining the written consent of the property owner or occupant. 2. No transient mercha t license shall he issued for :mlcs nor shall any vendor conduct sales trom any location which does not havc suiTicient parking 1'0 customers and tor areas where customer parking would interfi re with normal traffic flow. The space used b the vendor inc\u in r s ace used for off-street _ arkin I shall not exceed the s ace nee ed for the existin r husiness at the site. Adel uate off-street arkin shall be available to meet the rCl uired rinci . al use of the 0 ert and the transient merchant/vendor use of the property. 3. Only one (I) transien merchant license shall be issued per location (property owner) at alY given time. 4. ~ No merchant shall di la or oiler for sale an merchandise at locations that are not onsistent with the uses identified as 3 . 3-10-3: (B) (C) . (D) (E) (F) (G) . ermitted in a ~ (# 194, 8/13/90) EXEMPTIONS: This chap er does not apply to the following: (A) Vendors of milk, groceries, akery products, or other perishable commodities; or vendors of soft water service or laundry and dry cleaning pickup and delivcry who m ke an uninvitcd call upon the occupant of a resident as a preliminary ste to the establishment of a regular route service f(n the sale and deli ery of such commodities or the providing of such services to regular cust mers; or for the sale of goods, merchandise, or services to business, com 1ercial, or industrial users at their place of business. Sidewalk sales authorized b the City Council. Limited open sales and limit d rummage/garage sales. (See Permitted Accessory Sales, Chapter 6, Section 3, ofthe Zoning Ordinance for regulations governing open ales and rummage/garage sales.) (#209,5/13/91) Any bona fide auction sale b a city resident. Any sale under court order. The sale of regularly publish d newspapers. 'rhe sale of goods or mereha dise on behalf of bona fide charitable, religious, civic, education, or political organization subject to provisions of3-10-2(C) and 3-10-5. " , "l fees c~tabli3hcd by Coun.cil. (#310, 6/8/98) (#194,8/13/90) 4 . . . 3- 10-4: 3-10-45: EXEMPTIONS FROM LlCENSI G AND PERMIT FEES {A} .L 2. ~ 4. APPLICATION: Applicants for a p rmit under this ordinance shall file with the City Clerk a sworn application in w iting on a f()fm to be furnished by the City Clerk. The application shall give th following information: (A) Name and physical dcscripti n of appl icant; (B) Complete permanent home a d local address of the applicant and, in the case of transient merchants, t e local address from which proposed sales will be made; (C) A brief description of the nat ire of the business and the goods to be sold; (D) The name and address of the mployer, principal, or supplier of the applicant together with crede tials therefrom establishing the exact relationship; 5 . . . 3-] 0-5:6 (E) (F) The length of time for whic thc right to do business is desired; General description of item to be sold; (G) The names of at least two p operty owners of Wright County, Minnesota, who will certify as to the ap .Iieant's good character and business respectability or, in lieu oft e names of references, such other available evidence as to the good cha aeter and business responsihility of the applicant as will enable an i vestigator to properly evaluate such character and business responsibility; (H) The last municipalities, not 0 exceed three, where applicant carried on business immediately prece ing date of application and the addresses from which such business was co ducted in those municipalities; (1) At the time of filing the app ieation, a fee of $3.50 shall be paid to the City Clerk to cover the cost of in estigation of the facts stated therein plus a fee schedule adopted by the Cit Council. (#107, ]]/23/81) (# 194,8/13/90) REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Al peddlers and solicitors shall he required to register with the City. Registrati n shall he made on a form supplied by the City Clerk, but no fee shall be requi ed. The application shall give the following inf(mnation: A. Name of applicant(s). B. Complete permanent home' nd local address of the applicant(s). C. A brief descri ption of the na ure of the business and the goods to be offered for sale or to he sold or the purpose of the solicitation. D. Name and address of the em loyer, principal, or supplier for the applicant, or the name of the organization the applicant is representing. E. The length of time for which the registration applies to. F. The genera] description of a y items to be sold or distrihuted. G. The last municipalities, not t exceed three, where applicant has carried on a similar business activity or solicitation immediately preceding the date of application. Upon completion of the required registration form, the City Clerk shall issue to the registrant a signed copy of the rc istration form as proof of the applicants registration. The applicant shall be equired to carry with them a copy of the registration while conducting solicit tion or during the peddling of merchandise. 6 . . . 3-10-6:7 (#335,9/27/99) RELIGIOUS AND CHARITABLE ORGANIZAfIONS, EXEMPTION: Any organization, society, association, or corporation desiring to solicit or to have solicited in its name money, dona ions of money or property, or financial assistance of any kind, or desiring to sell or distribute any item of literature or mcrchandise for which a fee is ch - rged or solicited from persons other than members of such organizations up n the streets, in of/ice or business buildings, by house-to-house canvass, or in public places for a charitable, religious, patriotic, or philanthropic purpose shall be c empt from the provisions of Scction 4 of this ordinance provided therc is filed a sworn application in writing on a form to be furnished by the City Clerk which 'hall give the following in{()rmation: 3-10--7:8 (A) (B) (A) Name and purpose of the c usc for which permit is sought; (B) N amcs and addresses of th officers and di rectors of the organization; (C) Period during which solicit tion is to be carried on; (D) Whether or not any commission, lec. wages, or emoluments arc to be expended in connection wit such solicitation and the amount thereof. Upon being satisfied that su 'h organization, association, or corporation is a religious, charitable, patri tic, or philanthropic organization, the Clerk shall issue a permit without harge to such organization, association, or corporation to solicit in thc ity. Such organization, association, or corporation shall furnish all f its members, agents, or representatives conducting solicitation crcd ntials in writing stating the name of the organization, name of agent, and purpose of solicitation. INVESTIGATION AND IS 'UANCE: Upon receipt of each applica ion, it shall be referred to the City Administrator, who will imn ediately institute such investigation of the applicant's business and mor I character as he deems neccssary for the protection of the public good and shall endorse the application in the manner prescribed in this sec ion within 72 hours aftcr it has been filed by the applicant with the City. If: as a result of such investig tion, the applicant's character or business responsibility is found to be nsatisfactory, the City Administrator shall endorse on such application I is disapproval and reasons for the same and notify the applicant that his a plication is disapproved and that no permit 7 . . . 3-10-8:9 3-10--9: 10 will be issued. (C) I f, as a result of such investi ation, the character and business responsibility of the applica arc found to be satisfactory, the City Administrator shall endorse n the application his approval and deliver to the applicant his permit. Su h permit shall contain the signature of the issuing oHicer and shall sho the name and address of said permittee, the class of permit issued and th kinds of goods to be sold thereunder, the date of issuance and the leng h of time not to exceed one year from the date of issuance that the sam shall be operative, as well as the permit number and other identifyin description of any vehicle used in such licensed business. Each transient merchant mus secure a personal permit. No permit shall be used at any time by any pcrs n other than the one to whom it is issued. The Clerk shall keep a perm nent record of all permits issued. (#335, 9/27/99) DUTY OF CITY ADMINISTRA T( R TO ENFORCE: It shall be the duty of the City Administrator to require any pe son seen peddling, soliciting, or canvassing, and who is not known by such City dministrator to have obtained a permit hereunder, to produce his permit an to enforce the provisions of this ordinance against any person found to be viola ing the same. REVOCATION OF LICENSE: (A) Permits issued under the pro isions of this ordinance may be revoked by the City Administrator for a y of the following causes: 1. Fraud, misreprcsenta ion, or incorrect statement contained in the application for permi ; 2. Fraud, misrepresenta ion, or incorrect statement made in the course of carrying on his bu iness as solicitor, canvasser, peddler, transient merchant, it nerant merchant, or itinerant vendor; 3. Any violation of this ordinance; 4. 5. Conviction of any cri e or misdemeanor; Conducting the busi ess of peddler, canvasser, solicitor, transient merchant, itinerant 1 erchant, or itinerant vendor, as the case may be, in an unlawful In' nner or in such a manner as to constitute a breach of peace or to constitute a menace to health, safety, or 8 . . . 3 -1O--l-B: 11 3-10-H-:12 3-1 O-H: 13 3-10--8: 14 general welfare of th public. APPEAL: Any person aggrieved b the action of the City Administrator or the City Clerk in the denial of a permit r revocation may appeal to the Council. Such appeal shall be taken by filing with the Council within fourteen days after notice of the action complained of, nd a written statement setting forth fully the grounds for the appeal. The Council shall set a time and place for a hearing on such appeaL and notice of such hea ing shall be given to the appellant. REAPPLICA TION: No permittee hose permit has been revokcd shall make further application until at least six 110nths have elapsed sincc thc last previous rcvocation. EXPIRATION OF PERMIT: All a nLlal permits issued under the provisions of this ordinance shall expire at midni ht the 31 st day of Dcccmber in the year whcn issued. Othcr than annualliccnscs s 1all expire at midnight on the date specified in the liccnse. PENAL TY: Any pcrson who violat s any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $500 or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding 90 days or both, plus in either case the costs of prose ution. (#97,4/13/81 ) 9 . . . 000 ....:i VJ ...:i r_1: ~ ~l~ uP::; HOO '""' '~ ~~. 0 ou :0: o ",CO o CD >10 [I> H I U~~ lfl -..II D If") "'"' l') l~ z 0) 410 t-< .. 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J.,:;: 0::: Z Q. a. a. ~ 1O. :J LL >- ~ ~ J: 0 CI) z ~ a w w z U 0 (f) 0 ...J U g 0::: U :J :J I () 0::: Z ~ W ..J 0 a ~ $: w 0::: ::::> :J f5 9 0<( I- ~ ...J Z Z ~ 0 en >< Cl Z W ~ ~ 0<( w :J w 0 J: 0::: $: ~ c 0 :J :J U 0::: aJ a a. >- 0 c:( j:: ~ !:: x w C/) C/) CI) >- ~ ..., 0 CD w 0 ~ :J ::> ~ .J.. Z OJ m w Cl ~ 0 ~ w z -' C> 0 0 -' C> 0<( :J > a 0 UJ Z Z OJ Z ~ W c :E u a ~ 0::: ~ ~ :J is 0::: 0::: ~ ~ CI) 0 - a. U. ~ a. C> :J ::> Q 0 ~ c:( 0 w a a C> !:: I- a :I: CI) 0::: () l- e( OJ m "'r CI) J: () ~ ~ w 0::: T""'" N M '<t U) <0 <Xl 0) 0 ~ 0 C3 (j TELEPHONE SUI VEY RESULTS JUL Y 2L , 2000 QUESTION: Are the water & sewer service lines the res/. onsibifity of the property owner for maintenance and repairs (i.e., blocked line, frozen line, etc.) from the prope rty line or curb stop to the main? CITY WA TER SEWER ANOKA YES YES BECKER NO: City maintains from curb stol to main UNKNOWN BIG LAKE YES YES BROOKL YN PARK NO: City maintains from curb stol to main NO: City maintains from curb stop to main BROOKL YN CENTER YES YES BUFFALO NO: City maintains from curb stol to main YES CHAMPLIN NO: City maintains from curb Stol to main YES CHANHASSEN left message - call not returned left message - call not returned CHASKA YES YES COON RAPIDS YES YES DELANO NO: City maintains from curb stol to main YES EDEN PRAIRIE NO: City maintains from curb stol to main NO: City maintains from curb stop to main ELK RIVER YES YES MAPLE GROVE NO: City maintains from curb stol to main NO: City maintains from curb stop to main MAPLE LAKE NO: City maintains from curb stol to main NO: City maintains from curb stop to main MINNETONKA YES YES PL YMOUTH NO: City maintains from curb stol to main NO: City maintains from curb stop to main ROGERS left message - call not returned left message - call not returned ST. CLOUD YES YES WAITE PARK YES YES TOTALS 9 YES I 9 NO 12 YES T 5 : NO ----- . --- -..-.--- -- - . u_