City Council Agenda Packet 06-12-2000 , Mayor: AGEN A REGULAR MEETING - MONTI 'ELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 12,2000 - 7 p.m. Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen I . Call to Order 2A. Approve minutes of May 22, 2000 continu d Board of Review. B. Approve minutes of May 22, 2000 regular ouncil meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agend . 4. 5. ~~~5 A. B. L ~ <A~S C. ~t.l.. D. Jl.- ~oYO O~cJP~f G. '1(6. Q/ ~10 \'J' ~ ~ (!) ;{c Citizen comments/petitions, request and co lplaints. J b h AI .- f (J tU #-1r4t!- DtZ-. Consent agenda. KO~A~ t>tT-"~t'- Consideration of granting annual ap roval for municipal liquor licenses. Consideration of resolution authori ing the issuance of a one day charitable gambling license - Monticello Jaye es. Consideration of authorizing annual MCr contribution. Consideration of approving final pa ment to Richard Knutson, Ine for Th Street Extension, Project 98-12C. E. Consideration of approval of modifi ations to Groveland plat and development agreement. F. Consideration of approval of simple subdivision for Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park. Applican : H Window Company. Consideration of approval of final p at and development agreement for River Forest 2nd Addition Consideration of items removed from the co sent agenda [or discussion. Consideration of bids and award of contract Re-bid of Elm Street Sewer & Water Project No. 2000-0Sc. 8. Item removed from agenda . 9. Consideration of discussing amendments to ransient merchant ordinance. 10. Consideration of installation of street light it Monticello Township at 97th Ave. NE and Gillard Avenue. . . . Agenda Monticello City Council June 12,2000 Page Two 11. Approval of payment of bills fi , " or. une. Adjourn 12. r ' YI)Gf))':'" ,u-' tAAdrt' IlL 4..J '-1'/"{ flthtJ 'jIt14( tJ/lI ......-- . . . MINU ES CONTINUED MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL BOARD OF REVIEW Monday, May 22, 000 - 6:45 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Rog r Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas reconvened the Board of Review t at was recessed on May 10, 2000. Gerry Kritzcek tram Wright County reported on two pro erties that were brought up on May 10, 2000 at the Board of Review. The owner of parcel 155~053-00 I 010 had submitt d a letter at the previous meeting questioning the increase in assessed valuation from $1,293,300 to $1,543,500. The Assessor met with the . . property owner and reviewed how the assessed val ation was determined. After this review, the property owner was in agreement with the valuatio placed on the property by the county. Mr. Kritzeck indicated that he had received some a ditional information regarding parcel 155-010-050070. At the May 10,2000 meeting, tl e Council had moved to make no change to the assessed valuation of the property. The reeeip of the additional information did not require any action by the Council other than to acknowled e receipt of the information. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED '1'0 AGREE WITI--] T E ASSESSOR'S RECOMMENDATION ON PARCELS 155-053-001010 AND 155-010-05 070. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOnON CARRIED UNANIM USLY. There being no further discussion, the Board of Re iew was closed at 6: 55 p.m. "' Recording Secretary 2A . . . MIN TES REGULAR MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 2,2000 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas. Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruee Thielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. A rove minutes of the Ma 8 2000 re u ar council meetin . BRUCE THIELEN MOVED '1'0 APPROV : THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 8, 2000 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AS PRESENTED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TI-lE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM )USL Y. 2B. 8 2000. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE HE MINUTES OF 'l'lIE INFORMATIONAL MEETING HELD MA Y 8, 2000. ROGER 'ARLSON SECONDED 'rl-lE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2C. A rove minutes of the Board of Review Ma 10 2000. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE HE MINUTES OF TI IE MA Y 10,2000 BOARD OF REVIEW. BRUCE THIELEN SECONI ED 'n IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of addin City Engineer, Bret Weiss, asked that Chang Order No. 15 to Project No. 96-04C, T.lI. 25 and Change Order No.2 to Project No. 98-0 C, Chelsea Road East be added to the agenda. Bruce Thielen requested that a discussion of East and West Bridge ParkS also be added to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments/ None c:< 13 . . . 5. Consent A!!enda A. Elm Street Utilities - Removed to dis 'ussion agenda. Council Minutes - 5/22/00 B. Consideration of approval of final pI t, rezoning and development agreement for Groveland residential subdivisiOl. Rccommendation: Move to approve the final plat, development agreement and ap rove rezoning from A-O and B-3 to B-3 and R-l contingent upon obtaining any n cessary permits from the Army Corp of Engineers. Res. No. 2000-40, Ord. Amd. No.3 6. C. Consideration of bids and award of e ntraet for Chelsea Road from 90th Street to Sandberg Road Project No. 98-25C. Rccommendation: Move to approve award of bids to the low bidder contingent up n completion of all the required documents. Rcs. No. 2000-41. D. Consideration of bids and award of c ntract for Tower Drive Street Improvements, Project 2000-03C. Recommcndatio : Move to award the contract to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. in the amount of$2 ,513. Res. No. 2000-42. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED THAT ITEM 5 BE REMOVED FROM TI-lE CONSENT AGENDA. CLINT HERBST SECONDED HE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Jeff 0' Neill provided an update on the statu of the development agreement for the Grovcland Subdivision. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROV THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEM SA AND A CONTI GENCY ON TilE APPROVAL FOR ITEM 5B THAT THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEME T IS SIGNED. CLINT I IERBS-I' SECONDED THE MOTION ADDING TIIAT rr IS THE UNDERSTANDING THAT NO WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE POND AREA UNTIL PPROV AL IS RECEIVED FROM THE CORP OF ENGINEERS. MOTION CARRIED l ANIMOUSL Y. At this time the Council considered Change Order o. 15 to Project 96-04C, T.H. 25 Street Project. The change order covers additional work necessary n the pavement and curb and gutter t(n the access road to McDonald's. The City Engineer indicated t at McDonald's have agreed to pay for this additional cost. City Administrator, Rick Wolfstell 1', indicated that the City has not received any signed documents from the property owner indieati g their agreement to this cost. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED '1'0 APPROVE CHA GE ORDER NO. 15 TO PROJECT NO. 96-04C, T.H. 25 PROJECT CONTINGENT UPON RECEIPr OF APPROPRIATE DOCUMENT'S FROM THE PROPERTY OWNER BY THE CITY. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 2 ~B . . . Council Minutes - 5/22/00 City Engineer, Bret Weiss asked the Council to cons' del' Change Order No.2 to the Chelsea Road East Street Improvement, Project 98-08C. This change 0 del' results in a delete to the contract in the amount of $5,254.50 and was a result of removing a 5' sidewalk and adding an 8' bituminous path. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE CHAN E ORDER NO.2 TO PROJECT 98-08C, CHELSEA ROAD EAST PROJECT. ROGER CA LSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the oosent a enda for discussion. Public Works Director, John Simola updated the Council on the results oUhe bid opening for the sanitary sewer and watermain project for Elm Street. The low bidder on the project had not included their bid security. The nex lowest bidder was approximately $8,700 higher than the low bid. Since the advertisement 1'0 bid did not allow for the City to waive any irregularities in bidding, the City felt it eoul not accept the low bid. The alternatives available to the City are to award the contract to secon lowest bidder or reject all bids and re-advertize for bids. Bruce Medlock from the Monticello RV Cel tel' felt that the $8,700 increase in the contract was a considerable amount since it was only spre d among three property owners. He felt that the City should consider the low bid. Tom Brennan felt that at a cost of $15,000 p r property owner, it might be more economical to look at a septic system upgrade for the R Center. John Simola indicated that for environmental reasons the City tries to remo e septic systems whenever possible. Here the City has an opportunity to remove two syste s. He also noted that the commercial operations would probably have to have a holding tank installed and pumped which could be costly. John Simola stated that there could be some quantity changes such as salvaging more of the Class V off of the street and reducing the so I amounts that might lower the contract amount. lie pointed out that rebidding the project did not necessarily guarantee that the bids would come in any lower. Brad Fylc spoke expressing his concern abo It the bidding process and indicated that he believed the low bid should not have been r ad since it was incomplete. BRUCE l'I--IIELEN MOVED TO REJECT LL BIDS RECEIVEI) ON TIrE ELM STREET SEWER AND WATERMAIN IMPROVE ENT AND DIRECT STAFf TO RE-ADVERTISE FOR BIDS WITH THE CHANGES FOR S - DDING AND SALVAGING CLASS V AS NOTED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRE~'rOR. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI OUSL Y. Res. No. 2000-39. dB . . . Council Minutes - 5/22/00 Bret Weiss informed the Council that they hould have the bids back at the first Council meeting in June. Brad Fyle asked that the contractors who had submitted bids on the first advertisement for the project get free b d documents on the second bidding. Bret Wciss felt that this was acceptable. 7. Consideration of a ment of bills for Ma BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF 81 LLS FOR MAY. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. M TION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Bruce Thiclen asked for an update on the work that was being done at the Wcst Bridge Park. lie expressed his concern about how the project turned out. John Simola reported that on the status of the work and indicated that all the work should be completed by the Fourth of July. The Council asked that a landscaping plan for the project be sub litted for their review as they had concerns about the screening for the lift stations and the overall ap earance to the park. John Simola indicated that he would provide this plan at the next meeting. The e was also discussion on the seed blanket that was used at the East Bridge Park and whether or not it as el1eetive. s. Adiourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:45 P.M. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN NIMOUSLY. .. Recording Secretary 4 ~13 . SA. . . Council Agenda - 6/12/00 al for munici alliccnses. (R. W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO ND: In the past you have renewed the licenses Ii 'ted below in a single motion. I believe that the motion has been a contingent motion su h that licenses are approved depending upon successful completion of the application, a proval at the state level, and submission of proper msurance coverage. Annually, the Monticello Lions Club has r quested two or three separate one or two day becr licenses for events such as the Riverfe -t celebration, Riverfest street dance, thc Ducks Unlimited Banquet and an MCP spo sored event in downtown Monticello in August. Likewise, the Monticello Rod and Gun Club and also St. Henry's Catholic Church for their fall festival have also obta ned one day bcer licenses. For the Ducks Unlimited Banquet and the Rod and Gun Cub's steak fry, these events have also had a set up license enabling them to sell mix for liquor. As far as the Lions Club licenses for the street dance and Riverfest celebrations, they have only been for the sale of beer in the past. State statutes were amended a number of y aI'S ago to allow communities to issue temporary on-sale liquor licenses to clubs nd charitable organizations in connection with a social event sponsored by the licensee. I other words, the City has the ability to allow these organizations to not only sell beer te lporarily, but also to sell a full line of liquor products under state statutes. Even though state law allows cities to issue a full scale liquor license, I wasn't sure what the City~ouncil' s intent was in issuing licenses to these organizations for these special events. In the past, these organizations were approved only for beer salcs and if they w nted to be involved with liquor, a set up license was the only thing that was availab e. Now that state statutes do allow temporary on-sale liquor licenses to these organizatio s, is this what the Counei I wants to allow? Does the Council want to have organizatio s, such as the Lions, sell drinks and wine at events such as the street dance or Riverfes in the park or just license them for sale of beer in these public locations? Again, even tho gh the state allows organizations to have a full scale liquor operation for thesc one or wo day events, the City can be more restricti ve. In addition to approval of the annualliquo license renewals, the Council should also clarify what type of licenses the City is iss ing to these organizations for these one or two day events. Thc licenses submitted for your considerafon are as follows: Intoxicating LiQuor. On-Sale (fee $3,75 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Silver Fox (Chin Yuen) . Council Agenda - 6/12/00 3. Duane Lindenfelser dba Riv r City Lanes 4. Comfort Inn/Days Inn 5. J.P.'s Annex 6. Hawks Sports Bar 7. Monticello Country Club Intoxicating LiQuor. On-Sale. Sunday (fi e $200-set by statute) Renewals 1. Monticello Liquor, Inc. 2. Silver Fox 3. River City L,anes 4. VFW Club 5. American Legion Club 6. J.P.'s Annex 7. Hawks Sports Bar 8. Days Inn 9. Monticello Country Club . Non-Intoxicatine Malt. On-Sale (fee $2 5) 1. Rod and Gun (Steak Fry only) - $10 2. Pizza Factory 3. Monticello Men's Softball ss'n. (April-Aug.) ($137.50) 4. Lions - Riverfest Celebratio 5. Lions - Street Fest (Aug. 11 2000) Non-Intoxicatine Malt. Off-Sale (fee $7 ) . Renewals 1. 2. Monticello Liquor Maus Foods River Terrace Tom Thumb Holiday Stationstore SuperAmerica Avanti Petroleum (Mobil) Cub Foods O'Ryans Conoco .., -) . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Council Agenda - 6/12/00 . Set-Un License (fee $275) 1. Rod and Gun (Steak Fry on y) - $25 2. St. Henry's (Fall Festival 0 ly) - $25 Club Licenses (fcc-set by statute based 0 memhership) 1. VFW - $500 2. American Legion - $500 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve these licenses e fective 7/1/00, contingent upon applicants providing appropriate certificates 0' insurance. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . . . . . 5B. A. C. D. Consideration of resolution authorizin th license for the Monticello Jaycees (R W) REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: Council Agenda - 6/12/00 The Monticello Jaycees are requesting approv I of a one day charitable gambling license in order to conduct a fund raising rame for Camp Con'idence and Missing Children Minnesota. The Monticello Jaycees will be applying to the St te Gambling Control Board for issuance of a gambling license to conduct a raffle. Before license can be issued by the State Gambling Control Board, a resolution needs to be passe by the City either supporting or denying the applicant's request. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt a resolution authorizing the Sta e Gambling control Board to issue a gambling license. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administ ator that the resolution be adopted. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of Application . Copy of Resolution . Previous lawful gambling exemption number e~s Minnesota Lawful Gambling Application for Exempt Permit - L Organization Information Organization name OtUT L6 LLc;) For Board Use Only Fee Paid Page 1 of 2 Check No. 10/98 Initials Received ----'_I StatelZip Code /111"1 County rVll t'fI\JESOTfl City 'tJ;'J77 C~/ Name of chief executive officer (CEO) of organization First name Last name DA-I/*S {)lOELL Street RSax1 Name of teasurer of organization First name LISA Sml9LI tAXJ Last name S53t 2 /<-1 Daytime phone number of CEO' 7 ~ 3 ~'-/'77-~77 Daytime phone number of treasure:r: '/ C. '1.0, ., & - c7'-{ S - eJ.. b<. I Type of Nonprofit Organization Check the box that best describes your organization: o Fratemal 0 Religious o Veteran j5a'bthernonprofi organization Check the box that indicates the type of proof your organiz tion attached to this application: o IRS letter indicating income tax exemp status D Certificate of Good Standing from the innesota Secretary of State's Office . ~ A charter showing you are an affiliate ofa parent nonprofit organization tJ Proof previously submitted and on file ith the Gambling Control Board . State/Zip Code vVlo~n~fL L~ I.A.vt.DA ;'}1. t/l. COD Check the box or box~t indicate the type of gambling activi your organization will be conducting: D "Bingo ~ Raffles 0 "Paddlewheels O"Pull-Tabs O*Tipboards "Equipment for these activities must be obtained from a licensed distributor. This form will be made available in alternative format (Le.large print, Braille) upon request. The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. You have the right to refuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue you a permit. If you supply the information requested, the Board will be able to process your application. Your name and and your rganization's name and address will be publi information when received by the Board. All t e other information that you provide will be pri ate data about you until the Board issues you permit. When the Board issues your permit, II of the information that you have provided t the Board in the process of applying for you permit will become public. If the Board does n issue you a permit, all the information you h ve provided in the process of applying for a pe mit remains private, with the exception of yo r name and your organization's name and ddress which will remain public. Private data about you are available only to the following: Board members, staff of the Board whose work assignment requires that they have access to the information; the Minnesota Department of Public Safety; the Minnesota Attorney General; the Minnesota Commissioners of Administration, Finance, and Revenue; the Minnesota Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies that are specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this Notice was given; and anyone with your consent. Sb . RESOLUTION AU HORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A G MBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, the Monticello Jaycees has submitted application to the City of Monticello for the issuance of a one day charitable gambling license t conduct a raffle on September 2, 2000, WHEREAS, upon review of the organization's acti ities, the Council is not opposed to the one day gambling license being issued by the State Gamblin Control Board, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the Monticello Jaycees application for a one day charitable gambling licens for September 2, 2000 is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to p ocess the application. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 12th da of June, 2000. oger Belsaas, Mayor . ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator . 5\3 . . . sc. Council Agenda - 6/12/00 Consideration of authorizin annual MC contribution. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO ND: As part of the 2000 year budget, $25 000 was included to cover the City's matching grant funds for the Mcr. (Monticello Community Partners). This amount was less than the $35,000 a year that was app opriated for the past thrce years. In the past, the budgeted funds have een provided to the MCP upon verification that the MCP has collected matching fun s through other fund raising activities during the past year. The Mer has reccntly su mitted a financial report for 1999 along with a request that the $25,000 grant be pro ided. In the past, I have simply reviewed their financial report to verify that matchi g contributions and fund raising efforts have been completed and then issued thc check. This year, their financial report indicates that donations totaling $23,979 in cash h' ve been received which is technically $ I ,021 under the matching grant quest of $2 ,000. Since this amount is short of the matching requirement, the Council is asked to pprove the payment request for $25,000. As you will noted on the summary in ()rmation enclosed, the MCP has received in kind contributions from various businesse. While I am not exactly sure what the actual in kind contributions consisted oi~ it is very likely that the value of these services far excecded the $1,021 cash shortfall th t their financial report represents. In the past when the Council had budgeted contr'butions to the Mep, the only stipulation was that the MCP had to raise an equal amOl! t of funds, and I assumed this meant cash contributions. If the Council is comf rtable with the matching requirement being consisting of cash and/or in kind cont ibutions totaling the amount of city contribution, the MCP would appear to meet this r quirement. H. AL TERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Authorize the grant payment s budgeted in the amount of $25,000 to the MCP. Under this alternative, the COLllcil would recognize the in kind contributions as meeting the intcnt of the matc ing grant requirement. 2. Authorize reimbursement of$ 3,979, matching the donations reccived by thc Mep last year. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: When the original allocations were bu geted f()r the Mcr the past few years, the assumption was that matching grant eant that the MCP had to receive an equal amount of cash contributions. With the cash contributions only being $1,021 short of that mark this year, the value of the in kin contributions by the fourteen businesses and individuals listed in their summary sh uld adequately meet the spirit of the matching . Council Agenda - 6/12/00 grant requirement. It is the recommc dation of the City Administrator that the funds be distributed as budgeted for the yea 2000. n. SUPPORTING DATA: . Financial Report . List of contributors . . Rick W.olfstellar City Administrator . City of Monticello 505 Walnut St., Ste. 1 Monticello MN 55362 .. . May 18,2000 . ;':, . Dear Mr. W olfstellar: Monticello Community Partners had another succe sful year of fundraising in 1999. The community of Monticello once again showed their upport for the goals and objectives of the Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan. W are especially grateful to the City Council for its financial commitment in the form ofa grant of 25,000. This grant is crucial to MCP's ability . to continue its work on revitalization. I would like 0 request payment of the grant at this time. In addition to [mancial support, MCP appreciates e outstanding level of cooperation it enjoys with the City Council, City Staff and Commissions. We can all be very proud of the work that has been accomplished as a result of collaboration n the part of Monticello's public, private, and nonprofit sectors and the hard work of everyone in olved. MCP looks forward to a continued .. and active partnership with the City. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or need any additional information regarding the grant. MCP's 1999 [mancial statement and con ibutors list is enclosed for your review. Thank you for your support of MCP. , l.b50 ( [0('1 ') 5{P 0 Amanda Gaetz Executive Director Ene. 1999 MCP Contributors 1999 Financial Report cc: Bruce Thielen, MCP City Council Represent tive Susie Wojchouski, MCP Chair 5C Monticello Community Partners 107 West Broa way, PO Box 984 phone: 612.295.0999 fax: 612.295.0997 mcp montiwaves.org Monticello, MN 55362 www.montiwaves.org 305 CEDAR STREET - SUITE 201 MONTICEllO, MINNESOTA 55362 (612) 2954800. FAX (612) 295-4804 IIII Afosford, arthel & CO., PLC. OFFICES IN: COKATO 286-5325 ELK RIVER 441-1384 CERTI lED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS . June 16, 2000 Rick W olfsteller City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Monticello Community Partners (MCP) Dear Rick: In response to the question raised with respect to our report dated May 12, 2000, to Monticello Community Partners, please allow e to explain. . This is a standard "compilation" type of repor that is prepared for a relatively small tax~ exempt organization. The third paragraph de ling with the Organization not adopting "methods of account for contributions and in estments" is referring to the fact that they do not use "accrual basis accounting". In the case of MCP, that is clearly not significant since their operating budget is small, and at ny point during the year, "accrual" items would be minimal. This paragraph is not inte ded to be a criticism pointing out a deficiency, but merely a statement offact tha as CPA's, we are required to disclose. With respect to the question about changing CP's accounting records system, we have encouraged them to upgrade to Quicken soft are, but only to make this function more efficient. This would not change the type of r port issued by us in the future. We do feel that MCP does operate within their tax-e mpt status, and we have prepared their annual Form 990 and filed it with the IRS. I hope this helps to clear up any confusion wi h respect to our annual report. Should there be any further questions, I would be ha py to address them. Sincerely, MOSFORD, BARTHEL & CO., PLC. (J.bf\1~ Robert W. Mosford, CPA/PFS er . . MONTI CELL ) COMMUNITY PARTNERS Financial Statements as of December j1, 1999 and 1998 with Acco ntants' Compilatio~ Report I'" Afosford, Barth. I & CO., PLC. CERnRED PUBLIC CCOUNTANTS 305 CEDAR STRE . T. SUITE 201 5C MONTICELLO, Mlr NESOTA 55362 -.-- . . . MONTICELLO COMMUNITY PARTNERS TABLE OF C NTENTS ACCOUNTANTS' COMPILATION RE ORT . FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Statements of Assets, Liabilities, a d Fund Equity - Cash Basis Statements of Revenues, Expenses and Fund Equity - Cash Basis SUPPLEMENTAL SCHEDULES: Schedules of Fundraising Activitie Schedules of Operating Expenses . Page 1 2 3 4 5-6 5C 305 CEDAR STREET - SUITE 201 ~NTICELLO. MINNESOTA 55362 W) 295-4800 . FAX (763) 295-4804 ,,,, Mosford, Barthel & Co., PLC. . . CERTI lED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS www.mbcocpa.com To the Board of Directors Monticello Community Partners Monticello, Minnesota OFFICES IN: COKATO (320) 286-5325 ELK RIVER (763) 441.1384 We have compiled the accompanying state ents of assets, liabilities, and fund equity - cash basis of Monticello Community Partners (a non-pr fit corporation) as of December 31, 1999, and 1998, the related statements of revenue, expenses, and f nd equity - cash basis for the years then ended, and the supplementary information included in th accompanying schedules, which is presented only for supplementary analysis purposes, in accordan e with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review Services issued by the American Institute f Certified Public Accountants. The financial statements have been prepared on the cash basis f accounting, which is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounti g principles. A compilation is limited to presenting in th form of financial statements information that is the representation of the organization. We have not a dited or reviewed the accompanying financial statements and, accordingly, do not express an op nion or any other form of assurance on them. However, we did become aware of the departures f om generally accepted accounting principles described in the following paragraphs. The Organization has not adopted the met ods of accounting for contributions and investments and method of financial reporting and financial st tement presentation for nonprofit organizations required by generally accepted accounting principl s. The effect of these departures has not been determined. The Organization has elected to omit subst ntially all of the disclosures ordinarily included in financial statements prepared on the cash basis 0 accounting. If the omitted disclosures were included in the financial statements, they might i fluence the user's conclusions about the Organization's assets, liabilities, fund balances, re enue, and expenses. Accordingly, these financial statements are not designed for those who are not informed about such matters. May 12, 2000 ~, ~Mtket & (?a." p.fe, MOSFORD, BARTHEL & CO., PLC_ Certified Public Accountants -1- The CPA. Never Undere timate The Value.'" s;c . MONTICELLO CO MUNITY PARTNERS STATEMENTS OF ASSETS, LIABILI lES, AND FUND EQUITY - CASH BASIS DECEMBER 31, 1999 AND 1998 1999 1998 Current Assets Cash $ 55,680 $ 60,452 Furniture and equipment Furniture and equipment 4,980 4,583 Less accumulated depreciation 2,619 1.413 Net Furniture and Equipment $ 2,361 $ 3,170 Other Assets Organizations costs 2.874 2.874 TOTAL ASSETS $ 60.915 $ 66.496 . Liabilities Accrued payroll taxes withheld $ -0- $ 875 Total Liabilities $ -O~ $ 875 Fund Equity Fund Balance 60.915 65.621 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQ ITY $ 60.915 $ 66.496 . See Accountants' Compilation Report. sc MONTICELLO CO MUNITY PARTNERS STATEMENTS OF REVENUE, EXPE SES AND FUND EQUITY - CASH BASIS . FOR THE YEARS ENDED D CEMBER 31, 1999 AND 1998 1999 1998 REVENUE ND EXPENSES Revenue Donations: Corporations $ 21,932 $ 34,424 Individuals 2,047 1,021 Matching grants - City of Monticello 35,000 35,000 Fundraising: Garage sale 404 796 Take-A-Break 268 420 Fall festival 804 216 Walk and Roll 427 (63) Insurance refund -0- 1,053 Interest 320 337 Miscellaneous 30 -0- Total Revenue $ 61,232 $ 73,204 Expenses Administrative 57,588 51,752 Promotions 4,337 3,506 Economic projects 2,623 1,161 Design projects 1.390 1,735 . Total Expenses $ 65,938 $ 58,154 EXCESS (DEFICIT) REVENUE aVE EXPENSES $ 14.706) $ 15.050 FUND UITY BALANCE, BEGINNING $ 65,621 $ 50,571 Excess (deficit) revenue over expenses 14,706) 15.050 BALANCE, ENDING $ 60.915 $ 65.621 . See Accountants' Compilation Report. 5C -3 MONTICELLO COMMUNITY PARTNERS . SCHEDULES OF FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEARS ENDED ECEMBER 31, 1999 AND 1998 ts Expenses Net Income (loss) Garage sale $ 714 $ 310 $ 404 Take-A~Break 584 316 268 Fall festival 1,265 461 804 Walk and Roll 758 331 427 TOTAL $ 1.418 $ 1. 903 1 98 ts Expenses Net Income (loss) Garage sale $ 1,122 $ 326 $ 796 Take-A-Break 621 201 420 . Fall festival 1,140 924 216 Walk and Roll 278 341 (63) TOTAL $ 1.792 $ 1.369 . See Accountants' Compilation Report. 5C -4- MONTICELLO CO MUNITY PARTNERS SCHEDULES OF 0 ERATING EXPENSES FOR THE YEARS ENDED D CEMBER 31, 1999 AND 1998 . 1999 1998 General and Administrative Expenses Wages $ 32,432 $ 30,154 Rent 3,499 2,716 Payroll taxes 2,983 2,568 Office expense 2,400 1,698 Telephone 2,108 1,903 Copies and lease 1,768 1,135 T-shirts and mugs 1,298 -0- Annual meeting 1,287 1,382 Depreciation 1,206 1,033 Seminars and training 1,156 329 Professional fees 1,140 1,214 Utilities 1,012 503 Newsletter 1,006 1,179 Insurance 731 939 Advertising - guides 642 170 Dues and subscriptions 638 572 Director search 565 -0- Employee benefits 528 1,806 Fundraising donor recognition 420 126 Riverfest 250 -0- Supplies 216 347 HRA lot flowers 115 249 Expo 107 -0- . Bank charges 81 82 Revitalization plan project -0- 881 Liquor referendum -0- 474 Permanent display -0- 148 Repairs and Maintenance -0- 122 Interest -0- 22 Total General and Administrative Ex enses $ 57,588 $ 51,752 Promotional Expenses Take-A-Break 3,293 1,883 Walk and Roll 863 791 Clean up day 133 -0- Holiday events 48 442 Buttons -0- 374 Meetings -0- 16 Total Promotional Expenses $ 4,337 $ 3,506 Economic Expenses Consumer survey 1,141 +0- Riverfront development 736 87 Shop Monticello project 396 80 Publications 199 91 Web page 101 208 Meetings 50 59 Identity study -0- 636 . Total Economic Expenses $ 2,623 $ 1,161 See Accountants' Compilation Report. -5 sc . . . MONTICELLO CO MUNITY PARTNERS SCHEDULES OF OPERA ING EXPENSES (Continued) FOR THE YEARS ENDED D CEMBER 31, 1999 AND 1998 1999 Design Expenses Design recognition Design advisory team Building rehabilitation History project Reforestation project Total Design Expenses $ 624 340 262 164 -0- 1,390 $ $ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 65.938 See Accountants' Compilation Report. 1998 $ 27 443 249 945 71 1,735 $ $ 58.154 sc . Cash Contributors - Business & Individual . (Anderson Enterprises) Maytag Laundries Action Plus Temporary Service American Family Ins (Ron Hoglund Agency) BBF Properties Ben Smith Big Lake Chiropractic Clinic Biske, DL. Enterprises Bowen, Bob Campbell, Pam Carlson, Roger & Sonja Chin Yuen Silver Fox Inn, Inc Chris Lommel Photography Custom Canopy, Inc Doran, Don Esse Technology, Inc. Esse, Barb Fair, Bill & Rosanna Fair, Fran Flicker's TV & Appliance Fulfillment Systems, Inc. Garman, Maggie Gruys Borden Carlson & Associates Hagerstrom, Joanna Hoglund Transportation, Inc H-Window Company Koropchak, Ollie Larson's Ace Hardware Liberty Savings Bank Little Mountain Feed, Inc Little Mountain Flowers Loch Jewelers Marquette Bank Monticello Liquor Inc Monticello Theater Monticello Times, Inc Monticello-Big Lake Hospital District Mosford, Bob Nelson, Ted Norwest Bank Olson, Dan, State Farm Ins. Peterson-Grimsmo Funeral Chapel Photo One Popilek, Roy . I I Rand House Reliant Ener y / Minnegasco Sandusky, R samond Shuman, Ed & Cathy Snyder Drug Steve Johns n Sunny Fresh Foods/Cargill TDS Telecor Ulrich, Rita Veit & Comp ny Wik, Dave & Julie Wojchouski, susie Wright-Henn pin Electric IN-Kind C lntributors Monticello Ti nes Gregory V. S nith & Associates Steve Johnsc n Mosford, Bar hel, & Co Larson's Ace Hardware Majirs! Adver ising & Design Cub Foods Susie Wojch uski Chervl Fuller Pam Campblll Doug & Kare Schneider Marion Jame on Joanna Hage 'Strom Jeff Bums --.. .- 5C . . . 50. Council Agenda - 6/12/00 Inc. for the 7th Streets (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Engineer, Bret Weiss is recommendin that final payment be approved for the 7th Street extension project that provided streets and tilities to the S1. I-Ienry's and St. Benedicfs properties. final payment in the amount 0 $60,104.45 is recommended bringing the total project cost to $821,911.57. With the project now completed, WSB is i the process of preparing a final assessment roII for this project that will be assessed to S1. Hen y's Church. The feasibility report had originally estimated an assessment of $609,420 for th church parcel, but this amount may change due to final cost numbers now being available. T e Council will be asked to adopt a final assessment roll for this project at the June 26th council eeting. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: Approve final payment in the amou 1t of $60, 1 04.45 to Richard Knutson, Inc. for the Th Street extension project, Project o. 98-12C contingent upon submittal by the contractor of aII the required forms' nd certification from the contractor's surety bond company. 1. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the final payment b approved as submitted by the City Engineer. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of Letter . Final Construction Pay Voucher JUN-05-2000 09:56 WSB & RSSOCIRTES I C. . . WSB 8441 Wayzata oulevard. Suite 350 Minneapolis. N 55426 7635411700 P.02/15 B.A. Mil!elScudl, P.E. BIe[ A. Weiss, P.E. Pccer R. Willenbrillg, P.E. Donald W. Sterna, P.E. Ronald B. Bray, P.E. &: Associales, Inc. tel: 763-54 -4800 fax: 763- 1-1700 June 5, 2000 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City of Monticello P.O.Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Final Construction Pay Voucher No.5 P' Street - Streets, Utilities & Appurten t Work City of Monticello Project No. 92-12C WSB Project No. 1087.01 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: . Enclosed are three (3) copies of the final Cons ction Pay Voucher No.5 for the referenced project in the amount of$60, 1 04.45. We have rived and have attached the lCU 134 forms from the Contractor. We recommend fmal payment su ~ect to receipt of the Consent ofSurery to Final Payment certification from the Contractor's sure Thank you. Sincerely, ~~rl~~G Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Enclosures c: Tom Bose, City of Monticello Sheri Jo Boywn, Richard Knutson, Inc. bba · 50 M inn e a pol is. S 1. C Iou d ":IWI'WlMJ(M1.(JJiIIdD~/lMI-I",w" lrifnutruclun Eng;" en Planners EQUAL OPPORTU EMPLOYER JUN-05-2000 09:56 WSB & ASSOCIATES Ctmstfl, . ' 7635411700 P.03/15 , Pay VOucher Vouch.r No. 5 (Final) e WSI!I Project No: 1087.00 ding: Project: 7th Street. Streets, Utlllti8. & Appurtenant Work Cily of Monticello ProJ.c:t No. 98.120 March 17,2000 February 29, 2000 Contractor: Richard Knutson, Inc. 12585 Rhode Island Avenue South Sayage, MN 55378 Contract Date: Completion Date: Wo Started: Work C mpleted: Original Contract Amount Total Additions Total Deductions Total Funds Encumbered Total Work Certified to Date Less Retained Percentage Less Previous Payments Total Payments Incl. This Voucher Balance Carried Forward Approved for Payment This Voucher S8 8.205.82 SO.OO $0.00 $8 8.205.82 0.00% $821,911.57 $0.00 $761,807.12 58 1,911.57 $16.294.25 $60.104.45 Aggrovals WSB & A&lociates, Inc. eln accordance with field observation, as performed in accordance ith industry standards. and based on our professional opinion. the materials installed are satisfactory and the work proper1y performed in accordance with the plans and specifications. The total work estimated to be completed 8S of February 29, 2000 i payment of this voucher. Construction Observer as indicated herein and we hereby recommend SVned: 1S:J- .4- J.:- Project Manager/Engineer 100% Sigl~'d: Richard Knutson, Inc:. This Is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and b lief, the quantities and values of work certified herein is a fair approximate estimate for the period covered by this "oucher. Contractor: ~i'1>>1?I /V;tdJt; ,.7Jr. .J)jrj) Date: City of Monticello Cheeked by: Approve for Payment _ate: Authori:c::ed Representative Date: 5D . City Council Agenda - 06/]2/00 5c. Consideration of a of a roval of the develo subdivision. (.TO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU At the previous mceting of the City Counci , Council acted to approve the final plat and development agreement governing the Oro eland development. Subsequent to this approval the developer has requested two inor modifications to the plat which include the addition of onc residential lot making t e total lots at 83. In addition he requested that one of the commercial lot lines be adju ted slightly. Staff sees no reason to deny theses requests. At the time of final plat approval, Council as informed that the devclopment agreement was in preparation and that it would follow standard policies. A draft of the agreement is now available for review as attached. B. . 1. 2. AL TERNATIVE ACTION Motion to approve minor modificat'ons to the Final Plat and to adopt the development agreement governing t e Groveland residential subdivision. Motion to deny approval of modific tions to the Final Plat and to adopt development agreement governing t e Groveland residential subdivision. c. RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends altern'tive I. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of Development Agreement. . JUN. -09' OO(FRI) 12:37 . . . OLSON USSET & WE I NGARDEN ,L. L. P P. 002 DIllVBL01?BR.'S GROWLAl'U) J'I:RS TEL:612 925 5879 nro.~Jc RIIMENT ADD:tTI.ON THIS AGREEMENT, made and ente ed into this ____ day of , 2000, by and bet een the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a municipal corporation organized un er the laws of the state of Minnesota (the "City"), and Ocello LLC, A Minnesota Limited Liability Company(the "Developer"). WHEREAS, Developer has reques approval to a plat to be known as II Subdivision II ), said land legally Exhibit A attached hereto and made which Subdivision shall consist of outlets, and five commercial lotSI WHEREAS, Developer iptende to provide for etreeta, storm sewer, drainage activities in accordance specifications as hereinafter desc expense of Developer; and WHEREAS, the City has by resa of , 2000/ granted final provided that the Developer enter that Developer faithfully perform contained herein. ed that City grant final roveland First Addition (the escribed as set fo~th in a part hereof (II Property II ) 83 single family lots, 7 and construct, install, and, ater main, signs, grading, and ith the plans and ihed, all at th~ sole cost and ution adopted on the ___ day approval to the Subdivision nto the within Agreement and he terms and conditions NOW, TaEREFORE, in conaiderat on of the premises and the mutual promises and conditions her inafter contained, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. Plat ^pcroval. The City agrees to approve the Subdiviaion as requested by Oevelo er on the terms and conditions as hereafter set forth. The Devel per agrees that the Subdivision ahall be developed in ccordance with the exhibits attached hereto which are hereby i corporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. The exhib ts are: Exhibit A -- Final Pla The final plat and prate approved and execuced in accordanc ordinances and filed in the office at Developer'S expense no later th tive oovenants must be with city and county of the Wright County Recorder n f 2000. Failure to file the fina plat and protective covenants by this date ahall render this Agr ement null and void in its entirety. se JUN,-09'00(FRI) 12:37 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN ,L, L, P TEL:612 925 5879 p, 003 . . . As inducement to the and entering into this resents and warrants to the 2. City's approval of the subdivision Agreement, the Developer nerepy re City. A. That the Developer 's the fee owner of the Property and has au hority to enter into this Agreement. B. That the intended u e of the property is for single family resid ntial development. c. That the Subdivisio county, state, and inoluding, but not ordinances and zoni D. That to the best of Subdivision does no Assessment WorkBhee Statement, but shal to do so by City or pursuant to law and expenses incurred b preparation of the and attorneys' fees 3. Developer Imcrovements. construct, install, and maintain c (IIDe"eloper Improvementsll) on the Property, at Developer'S sole cost with the following exhibits. Exhibit C -- Building an Exhibit D -- Constructio Developer agrees the Dev performed in ae~ordance with the p preliminary engineering reports ap City Engineer and the City prior t and thereafter, in accordan~e with ordinances, and the requirements 0 include, but not be limited to, th complies with all city, ederal laws and regulations imited to, City subdivision 9 ordinances. Developer's knowledge, the require an Environmental or an Environmental Impact prepare the same if required other governmental entity shall reimburse City for all City in connection with the eview, including etaff time The Developer agree a it shall rtain public improvements eaidential portion of and expense, in ac~ordance Site Design Plan Plan loper Improvements shall be ana, specifications, and roved or to ps approved by the commencement of construction all City rules, regulations, this Agreement, which shall following: 1. Street grading, gravelin , surfacing, and stabilizing which ahall include curbs, gutter and driveway approaches. 2. Storm eewers, including all ne~es&ary cat~h pasins, and appurtenances. 3. Water main, including all appurtenances. 2 5E'- JUN. -09' OO(FRI) 12:37 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 004 . . . 4. Sanitary sewer, including all appurtenances. 5. Setting of lot and block onuments. 6. Surveying and ataking. 7. site grading, barming, landscaping consistent with landscape and the City Er sion Control Policy Residential Lote n. 8. Establishment of poet groups of six or more area. cluster box stands with single family residential 9. The City shall install at eet name signs, stop ~igns, and other traffic control signs at all locations deemed necessary Py City, at Dev loper'S cost and expense. 10. Sidewalk grading and pavi 9 as described on approved plans. 11. Boulevard tree plantinge. l2. Street lights as deemed city. 4. Permits. upon execution and other necessary parties shall approvals, licenses, or other docu necessary governmental agencies (w Wright County, PCA and DNR) so as construct the Developer Improvemen Developer shall use its be~t effor as reasonably possible. Developer acknowledges th fee, sanitary sewer main fee, sto ~e8essment, trail expense for trai and park dedication shall be lnco role for the SubdiVision: Sanitary sewer trunk Water main trunk Storm sewer trunk pathway Residential portion of "Chelsea Improvements" Total neoessary by the f this Agreement, Developer romptly apply for all permits, ents from any and all ich may include the City, o enable Developer to s as herein contemplated. e to obtain the same as soon t a per unit trunk water main sewer main fee, pathway adjacent to lots 2-4, block 4 orated into an assessment $ 72,575 37,626 112,061 16,400 292,434 $530,738 3 s~, JUN. -09' OO(PRI) 12:38 . . . OLSON USSET & WE I NGARDEN ,L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 005 The total assessments for $530,738, or $6,395 per lot. The park dedication has been made as p in cash or in kind. Park dedicati shall be made in conjunction with subdivisions of Groveland. If no two years of the date of this agre a cash park dedication fee equal t the residential lots are arties acknowledge that no rt of this subdivision, either n for Groveland First Addition uPsequent phases or edication has been made within mant, the developer shall make $750 per residential lot. If the City discerns said or applications are deficient, it shall notify the Dev in writing stating the deficiencies and the steps necess. y for correction. Issuance of a grading or building permit by Ci Y shall be a conclusive determination that the plans or ap lications have b~en approved as to the requested activity by De eloper and satisfies the provisions of this section. The City shall issue bui aoceptance of the Developer Improv applying for the building permit a occupancy until necessary Develope installed, which include operation systems, and roadway development s support access by emergency vehicl trucks, to be determined by the ci reasonable disoretion. Until such dwelling may be occupied on either basis, except model homes may be 0 marketing and related purposes. Notwithstanding this pro default of this Agreement, as here any other remedy provided by this issue a oertificate of oocupancy f Subdivision until Developer curee $. ding permita prior to City mente provided that the party reea to withhold requests for Improvements have been 1 and tested sewer and water fficiently completed to 8, snowplows, and garbage y Engineer in hie sole but approval is granted, no a temporary or permanent cupied by sales personnel for i8ion, if the Developer is in nafter defined, in addition to greement, City may refuse to r any lot or parcel in the he default as provided herein. A. The developer here~y etitiona the City to construct those improvements it mized below (hereafter known as the ,. Chelliea Impro ements II) J Sanitary Sewer and Chelsea Storm Sewer Street. The total conetructio estimated to be $1,17 $292,434 shall be ass portion of the develo be assessed to the co trunk fees, sanitary of way costs for the above are ,052. Of that amount, aaed to the residential ment ana the balanoe shall marcial lots. Storm sewer ewer trunk fees, and watermain 4 ~~ JUN. -09' 00 (FRI) 12: 38 . . . OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 006 trunk fees shall be pa d with respect to the commercial lots upon b ilding permits being issued for the respective lot . The total of assessments to the commercial lote is estimated to be $884,618.00. B. Developer represents obtained the written or entities having a or persona that may proposed improvement that suoh consenta a Development Agreemen not been obtained, t of each party ltnown Interest, is attache to the actual const and/or assessment of property, tpa Develo interest, whether by other transfer to a give the name and ad writing, to the City interest transferred to the City that It has consent of all other persons y interest in these premises e entitled to notice of the and resulting assessments; e attached to this , or if such consents have e name, address, and interest o the Developer to have an hereto. If at any time prior ction of the improvements the improvements upon the er elects to transfer any option, purchase agreement or hird party, it shall promptly ress of such person, in Administrator, disclosing the and the property affected. The City agrees to p oaeed with said Chelsea Improvements and wil levy special assessments against the subdivis on pursuant to this agreement and the provisions of Minnesota Statute. Chapter 429. The developer ereby waives its right to public improvement earings and assessments hearings normally held in acoordance with said chapter 429. c. D. The City has prepar outlining the propo project costs. The Developer, either i elects, through a P feasibility of the d a Feasibility Report ed scope of work and estimated City will confer with the formally, or if the City lie hearing on the roject. The city shall 1. Determine with n 60 days of review by the City Council ( r publiC hearing, whichever is later), and ma e final determination as to whether to con inue with or terminate the project. 2. The City has p epared plans and Specifications for the construotion of the Chelsea Improv menta and has taken bids. 5 se- JUN. -09' OO(FRI) 12:38 . . . TEL:612 925 5879 p, 007 OLSON USSET & WE I NGARDEN L, L. P 3. The City shall m determination of feasibility of t in its diecretio terminate the pr ke the Bole and final the necessity and e project solely determining whether to continue with or ject. E. The assessments to be levied against the subdivision will incl de all construction costs; engineeringl legal, a d administrative costs; fiscal costa includin capitalized interest; and other contingent costs. Assessments shall be levied over a period f time and at a rate of interest to be deter ined by the City after financing arrangements have been completed. Assessments to be le ied against the subdivision shall Include 100 pe cent of the costs noted above unless the Cit agrees through a duly adopted resolution of the City Council to pay for a portion of the imp ovement costs with City funds, or unless the City has determined through the hearing process to assess part of the Improvement cost& to other properties. F. Should the Developer eell any part of the subdivision or devel ment to another party prior to the assessment roll being filed with the County Auditor, the Develop r agrees that aaid sale shall include all pe ding assessments, estimated or actual, for Chels a Improvements. G. In addition to any other security required by this agreement, the developer shall deposit cash, a bond, or a letter of credit equal to 25% of the cost of the Chelsea improvements, conditioned on the timely payment f aasessments under this agreement. If any esessments are not paid when due, ~hether by Dev loper or a successor in interest, the city ay, but shall not be required to, withdraw the assessments not paid from the bond, deposit, or 1 tter of credit to pay for such assessments. The s curity hereunder shall not be reduced as asseseme ts are paid until such time as the total of outsta ding assessments is lees than the security. The eveloper shall renew or replace any eecurit at least 30 days before it expires. If develo er fails to do so, the City may deolare a defau t and shall be entitled to receive the entire mount of the security, and apply the funds to npaid assessments. H. With respect to the commercial lots, sanitary sewer, storm sewer nd water trunk fees shall be 6 SL JUN.-09'OO(FRI) 12:39 . . . OLSON USSET & WE I NGARDEN L. L. P P. 008 TEL:612 925 5879 paid, in cash, dt t e time building permits are issued for imprcvem nte on the Property. e. The Developer or his ruction meeting with City to truction of the Developer 8. a t 0 Developer shall inatall, construct Items and Developer Improvements i this Agreement. Developer guarant workmanship dnd materials respecti Developer Improvements for a perio acceptance of the same ("Guarantee The Developer shall repa the City and at the Developer's so and/or materials that beoome defec reasonable opinion of the City or City or its Engineer give notice 0 within three months following the The Developer, or Developer's cont bonds or other security acceptable warrantiea. 9. Insnection ot Improvements City Inspector and City Engineer t Developer Improvements as required license to enter the subdivision t and/or inspections deemed appropri the improvements until final certi approved by City for all Developer expiration of any applicable warra Construction and install to City and shall be reviewed by a City to insure that the constructi City standards as a condition of C Developer shall cause it wich a sohedule of proposed ope rat prior to the commencement of the c subdivision Item and Developer Imp inspect all such work items during compliance with approved specifica o e t . and maintain the Subdivision accordance with the terms of es and warrants the 9 such Subdivision Items and of one year following City'S period") . r or replace, as directed by e cost and expense, any work ive, in the sole but ta Engineer, provided that such defect to Developer nd of the Guarantee Period. actors, shall post maintenance to City to secure these Developer authorizes the inspect construction of the by City and grants to them a perform all necessary work te during the construction of ioation of acceptance is Improvement items and ty period. tien plans ahall be provided d subject to approval of the n work meets with approved ty acceptance. contractor to furnish city one at least five (5) days nstruction of each type of ovement. The City shall and after construction for ions and ordinance 7 se JUN.-09'00(FRll12:39 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN ',L, L, P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 009 . requirements until final certificat'on of acceptance is approved by city and expiration of any appli able warranty period. 1Q. ce t Developer that any of the Developer completed, within ten (10) days Cit Developer Improvement and, at his B the Development Improvement(s} has with the plans, specifications and . Upon notification by Improvements have been Engineer shall inspect the le discretion, determine if een completed in accordance xhibits attached hereto. If the city Engineer dete mines that the Developer Improvements have been completed in accordance with said requirements, the City Engineer shall give the Developer written notice of the City's acceptance of the Developer Improvements within seven (7) days effective as of the date of the inspection. If the City Engineer determines that the Developer Improvement(s) is not completed in accordance with said requirements, the City Engineer sh 11 notify Developer in writing of the deficiency and provide a re aonable date upon which to cure the deficiency. Failure by t e Developer to cure within the stated time period shall conatitut an Event of Default. . 11. Co 0 0 to complete the subdivision Items or before June lS, 2001. The comp is subjeot to Unavoidable Delays a event the completion date may be e Unavoidable Delays. For the purpose of this mean delays which are caused by at restrictions, material shortagea, oonstruction progress impossible, control or other casualty to the D act of any federal, state, or loca acts of the City authorized or con In the event Developer b warranted, Developer ahall request the City Engineer and specify the and the reaSOn therefore. The cit length of the extension, if any, i discretion. . 12. 0 0 nevelop&r Improvements required to Agreement, and the acceptance ther Improvements lying within the publ of-ways as shown on the Subdivisio property without further notice or 'thereafter, and before any aecurit e. Developer agrees nd Developer Improvements on etion date as provided herein hereinafter defined, in which tended by the period of such ection, Unavoidable Delays ikes, fire, war, road weight eather that renders auses beyond the Developer's veloper Improvements, or the government unit, exoept those emplated by this Agreement. lieves an extension is such extension in writing to equested length of extension Engineer shall determine the his sole but reasonable Upon the completion of the constructed by this of by the City, the Developer c easements and public right- plat shall become City action. Within thirty days as herein required is e E;~ JUN. -09' 00 (FRII 12: 39 i OLSON USSET & WE I NGARDEN P' L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 p, 010 . released, Developer shall supply Ci Y with a complete set of reproducible "AS BUILT" and "DEVELO MENT PLAN" planB in a form acceptable to the city Engineer, wi hout charge to City, which documents shall become the property of City. Clean Up. The Pevelaper hall properly clear any soil, debris on City-owned prop rty or public right-of-way from construction wor~ by the Developer, its agents, or 13. earth, or resulting assigns. 14. e a ce. Developer shall, at ita expense, prepare treets located in the Subdivision for snowplowing and at er maintenance that Developer wishes City to undertake prior to formal acceptance by City of such streets. This preparation shall include, without limitation, ramping any manholes as necessary to avoid damage to snowplows or other vehicles used i street maintenance. Should damage occur to City snowplows or ther vehicles during the course of anowplowing or other mai tenance procedures prior to formal acceptance of the street by City, which damage is caused by Developer'S failure to properly prepare or maintain the same, Developer shall pay all such damag ~ and shall indemnify and hold city harmless for all such damage, cost, or expense incurred by City with regard thereto. 15. . The Developer shall provide and comply with erosion an drainage control provisions in the landscape plan and City pol'cy requirementa as described in paragraph 3(8) and as otherwise required by City. As development progresses, the City m y impose additional erosion and drainage control requirements f, in the sole but reasonable opinion ot the City Engineer, they would be useful and appropriate in controlling drainag and erosion. Developer shall promptly comply with such erosion nd drainage control plans and with such additional instructions t receives from City. . . 16. Hold Harmless Agreement. its failure to implement the plans herein may cause flooding and/or d owners. In such event, Developer and indemnify city from olaims of for damages arising out of such fl The parties reoognize th controlling erosion. In the event requiring immediate aotion to prev or property, to be determined at t notice and cure provisions of para City is authorized to undertake an necessary to prevent or minimize In such event, Developer agrees to indemnify City from claims of all 9 Developer acknowledges that and exhibits as contained mage to adjoining property grees to hold City harmless 11 third parties or Developer oding and/or damages. t time is of the essence in of an emergency situation nt loss or damage to persons e Bole discretion of city, the raph 21 shall not apply and corrective action it deems yauch flooding and/or damage. hold City harmless and hird parties for damages ~e- JUN,-09'00(FRllI2:40 . . . OLSON USSET & WE I NGARDEN . L. L. P p, 011 TEL:612 925 5879 arising out of said corrective act on by City, and agrees to reimburse City for all out-of-pock t expenses incurred by City arising out of the corrective acti n, including, but not limited to, any costs necessary to re-land cape disrupted soils located within the subdiviaion. 17. Insurance. The Develope cause to be maintained at all time constructing the Developer Improve after acceptance of all Developer time at the requeat of the City, f premiums on: A. Comprehensive gener (including operatio operations of euhco and contractual lia an Owner's Contract bodily injury, inc1 damage (to include, caused by erosion 0 of the Developer's subcontractors. will provide and maintain or during the process of ents until six (6) months mprovements and, from time to rniah with proof of payment of 1 liability insurance s, contingent liability, tractors, completed operations ility insurance) together with r's ~olicy with limits against ding death, and property but not be limited to damages flooding) which may ari~e out ark or the work of any of its Limits for bodily i jury or death shall not be less than $500,000.00 for one person and $1,000,000.00 tor e ch occurrence; limits for property damage &hall not be leS8 than $200,000.00 for each occurrence. The City, City Engineer and Developer'$ Enginee shall be an additional named ins4red on said policy. Developer shall file a oopy of the insurance coverage with the City upon request. E. Worker's compeneatio insurance, with statutory coverage. 18. eo 0 Co too e Prior to commencement of construction of Dev loper Improvements, but in no event later than June 1. 2001, the eveloper shall post with the City a bond, irrevooable letter of radit, or dedicated escrow amount (the "Security") in the esti ated amount of 100% of the engineer's estimate of the likely c st of Developer Improvements. in form acceptable to the City'S At arney, conditioned upon the faithful construction of the improv ments according to the plans and specifications and final approv 1 of the City Engineer. and the terms of the subdivision agreem nt. As the improvements are partially completed, the developer ay request the City to release a portion of the security b t no such request shall be made until the security is 125% of he estimated cost of the unfinished improvements. Once the ecurity has reached an amount equal to 125% of the estimated cost of the unfinished 10 s~ JUN. -09' OO(FRI) 12:40 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 012 . . . improvements, the security shall ne cost of the unfinished improvements bond or irrevocable lette~ of oredi accordance with this agreement shal prior to the Developer's obligation the Developer shall renew such secu security of equal value meeting the at least 30 days prior to the expir Failure to provide such alternate s shall constitute a default and the amount thereof due and payable to t security deposit shall thereafter h manner as the security theretofore er be less than 125% of the If any escrow account, deposited with the City in have an expiration date hereunder being complete, ity or deposit substitute approval of the City planner tion of such security. curity or renew Buch security ity may declare the entire e City in cash. The city as ld such cash in the same eId by the City, If the Developer fails to complete, construct, install or correct the Developer Improvemen s in accordance with the plans and specifications in the Cit , the City may perform the construction or work and apply to t e lender pursuant to the letter of credit for the remaining funds and uae those funds to complete construction. This provision shall be a license granted by the Developer to the City to ad , but shall not require the city to take any such action. Dev loper consente to auch action by City and waives any claim devel per may have against the City for damages in the event the City xerciees its rights in accordance with this prOVisions. If the Developer fails t post the letter of bond, irrevocable letter of credit or de icated escrow as required by this paragraph, the city may under ake to complete the Developer improvements and assess the costs 0 the property in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Chapter 42. The developer waives notice of all hearings as may be required by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429 and agrees that the amounts as eased against the property in accordance with this paragraph are reasonable and increase the value of the property by as least s much as the assessments. 19. ResDoneibilitv for Costs A. Prior to commenceme t of construction Developer shall pay the city 65,617.00 to cover th@ City'S coats in connection with the development of the subdivision, includ'ng but not limited to construction of Dev loper Improvements, legal, planning, engineeri g, and inspection expenses incurred in connect 'on with approval and aoceptance of the S bdivision plat, the preparation of this Agreement, and all reasonable costs and expenses 'nourred by the City in monitoring and insp cting development of the Subdivision. 11 5e~ JUN, -09' OOlPRI) 12:40 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN P. L, L, P TEL:612 925 5879 p, 013 . . . B. upon Developer payin paragraph 19A above, the sum of $50,000 r done on the Highw.y for and on behalf of 20. Reaui~ed Tree Plantina. responsible for installation of bou required by the city ordinance. Re have a trunk diameter or at least t (1') above ground. Required trees supported by approved tree guards. than three (3) species of trees aha and neither less than twenty percen percent (50%) of the total trees pl same speciel!. On lots with a single fro double frontage on two minor street street frontage. Trees must be pIa feet and 10 feet from the curb. Th account the presence of utility Bye precise location within the stated curb. In areas where sidewalk is b planted between the curb and the ai curb. The De~eloper is free to as required under the ordinance and however, the Developer is ultimatel with the tree planting requirement. the fee set forth in the City shall pay Developer presenting payment for work 5 wetland mitigation project the City. he Developer shall be evard tree plantinge as ired subdivision trees must o inches (2") at one foot ust be protected and Not lees than two (2) or more 1 be planted in any block, (20%) nor more than fifty nted in a block may be of the tage or for corner lots with , two trees to be planted per ted at a location between 4 Developer shall take into ems when establishing the cceptable range from the ing installed, trees ahall be ewalk 4-5 feet behind the irect builders to plant trees this development agreement; responsible for compliance The Developer shall depos't with the City the sum of $24,600 as and for security to plan trees required under this paragraph. The Developer shall pla t trees for each lot in accordance with this Agreement at 0 before the time the house for the lot is constructed. If the Developer fails to do so, the City may use a portion of the money on deposit for security for tree planting and plant the trees. upon all lots in the development having trees planted in accordance with this paragraph, the City shall refund to the Developer any amount remaining in the tree deposit secur'ty fund. 21. Wetland Restoration. Dev loper shall complete or cause to be completed the wetland buffer in accordance with the approved plana. Developer shall grant to the City an easement along Marvin Road and the north an west aides of Highway 25 pond upon receiving legal description for such pathway easement from the City. 12 s~ JUN, -09' OO(FRI) 12:41 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN ,L, L, P TEL:612 925 5879 p, 014 . 22. Miscellapeous. 1. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors or assigne, as the case may be. 2. Third parties shall have no recourse against any party under this Ag eement. Future residents of the plat shall not e deemed to be third-party beneficiaries of th's Agreement. 3 . If any portion, sec clause, paragraph, for any reason held not affect the vali of this Agreement. 4. So long aa the City review plans and in Developer shall hav damages attributabl and completion of a ion, subsection, sentence, r phase of this Agreement is invalid, such decision shall ity of the remaining portion uses its best efforts to pect improvements, the no cause of action for to delays in the construction id Items. No one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis unt 1 sanitary sewer and water lines have been ins aIled, hooked up, tested, and approved by the Cit . 6. The action or inact on of the City as to the exerciae of any of ts rights or remedieQ upon an event of default sh 11 not constitute a waiver or amendment to the pr visions of this Agreement as to future events of default. To be binding, amendments or waive s shall be in writing, signed by the parties, and approved by written resolution of the City Council The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement ahall not be a waiver or release as to any event of defaul . 5. . 7. This Agreement shal be recorded in the Recorder. After co obligationQ hereund will execute and de this Agreement in r run with the land and shall ffioe of the wright County pletion of all Developer's r, at Developer's request city iver to Developer a release of oordab1e form. B. Both parties to thi Agreement acknowledge they have been represent d by counsel and have entered into this Agreement freely and voluntarily. . 13 5L JUN, -09' OO(FRI) 12:41 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN . L. L, P TEL:612 925 5879 p, 015 . . . 9. Developer shall inst 11, or oause to be installed, all street lighting 'n aocordanoe with City standards ~t Develop r'a expense. 10. The construction cos are estimates only. COS~8 differ from th asseasm@nts paya~le adjusted based on ac 23. Developer represents and agrees tha other in~ividuals or entities), pri Developer Improvements as certified s set forth in this agreement In the event that actual estimates, fees payable and y the developer shall be ual costs. t 0 A (except for associating with r to the completion of the by the City: Except only by way of security for, and only for the purpose of obtai ing financing necessary to enable the Developer or any successor in interest to the Property, or ny part thereof, to perform its obligations with respect to the construction of the Developer Imp ovements under this Agreement, and any 0 her purpose authorized by this Agreement, the eveloper (except as 80 authorized} will not make or create, or suffer to be made or created, ny total or partial sale, assignment, conveyan e, or transfer in any other mode or form of with respect to this Agreement or any interest therein, or any contract or agreement to do any of the sam , without the prior written approval of City. 1. 2. cific written agreement by the City to the cont ary, no such transfer or approval by City shall be deemed to relieve Developer from any of its obligations. In the event that City appr ves a substitute developer and the Property is traneferred to said substitute, the City agrees to relieve the Developer of liabili y from performance as described in this co tract. Said substitute shall assume all responSibilities and rights of the Developer under thi~ contract. 24. "Events of Default" under this default II ahall mean, whenever it is (unless the context otherwi~e provi following events: The following shall be ment and the term "events of used in this Agreement es), anyone or more of the Failure by the Developer 0 observe and substantially perform any covenant, con ition, obligation or agreement on ita part to e observed or performed under 1. 14 Sc JUN. -09' OO(FRI) 12:41 I OLSON US SET & WEINGARDENP. L. L. P . . . TEL:612 925 5879 P. 016 the terms of this Agreem nt, or the Disbursement Agreement by and between City, the Developer and Lender. 2. If the Developer mit in writing its inability to pay its debts y as they become due, or shall file a petition in bank ptoy, or shall make an assignment for the benef't of its creditors, or shall consent to the appointme t of a receiver of itself or of the whole or any subs antial part of the property. If the Developer shall file a petition under the federal bankruptcy laws. 3. 4. If the Developer is in has not entered into a Lender. under the Mortg4ge and agreement with the 5. If the Developer shall fa'l to begin construction of the Developer Improvement in conformance with this Agreement, and such failu es are not due to unavoidable delays as defined in this Agreement. The Developer shall, afte commencement of the construction of the Devel per Improvements, default in or violate its obligation with respect to the construction of the same (including the nature and the date for the completion t ereof), or shall abandon or substantially suspend con truction work, and such act or actions is not due to navoidable delays as determined by the city En ineer in his sole but reasonable discretion and any such default, violation, abandonment, or auspensio shall not be oured, ended, or remedied within the ti e provided for in this Agreement. G. :2 5 . . Whenever any Event of Default occurs, the City ahall give written notice of the Event of Default to Developer by United Sates mail at its last known address. If the Developer fails to cure the Event of Default within fifteen (15) days of the dat of mailed notice, in addition to any other remedy provid d in this Agreement, and without waiver of any such right, C'ty may avail itself of any or all of the following remedies for s long as the Developer is in default: 1. Halt all plat develop ent work and construction of Developer Improvements until such time as the Event of Default is c red. 15 se JUN. -09' OO(PRI) 12:42 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN . L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 p, 017 . . . 2. Refuse to issue bui ding permits or occupancy permits as to any p reel until such time as the Event of D~fault is cured. 3. Apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin continuation of the Event of Default. 4. Ex.ercise arlY and al remedies ava.ilable to City pursuant to the Die ureement Agreement. If the Event of Default is the failure of De~@loper to complete, construct, install or correct the Developer Improveme te in accordance with the plana and specifica ions and this Agreement, City may perform the con truction or work anQ apply to Lender pursuant to he Disbursement Agreement to reimburse City for te expenses. This provision shall be a license ranted by the Developer to the City to act, but sh 11 not require the City to take any such actio. Developer consents to such action by City and aives any claim Developer may have against City f r damages in the event city exerciaes its right in accordance with this provision. Terminate this Agre Developer at which as contained herein and effect and all imposed hereunder s 26. ~tice8. Required natic writing and shall be either hand d mailed to the Developer by united the following address: 5. shall be in writing and either han Administrator or mailed to City by prepaid to the addre~s: 505 Walnut MN 5537.2. ment by written notice to ime all terms and conditions shall be of no further farce bligations of the parties as all be null and void. a to the Developer ahall be in livered to the Developer, or tates mail, postage prepaid to . Not ceB to City delivered to the City United States mail, postage Street, Suite 1, Monticello, 27. ~xchanqes of Property. rior to filing the plat herein the City shall deed, by warranty ed, giving good and marketable title to Developer, the property scribed in Exhibit E attached hereto. Upon filing of the plat h rein, Developer shall deed to Stuart Hoglund Outlots A and B of rovela.nd First Addition, to Stuart Hoglund, giving Stuart Hogl nd good and marketable title to the property. Developer ahall onvey Outlot G to the City of Monticello by Warranty Deed convey"ng good and marketable title on filing the plat to Groveland F1 at Addition. 16 se", JUN, -09' 00 (FRI) 12: 42 . . . OLSON USSET & WE I NGARDEN ,L. L, P TEL:612 925 5879 p, 018 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and eveloper have signed this Developer's Agreement the day and ear first written above. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: oger Belsaas Its: Mayor By: Rick Wolfete er I 6: City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA) lae COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was a day of , 2000, by Roger the Mayor and City Administrator of Minnesota municipal corporation. on corporation. knowledged before me this els~as and Rick Wolfsteller;- the City of Monticello, a behalf of the municipal Nota Public , LLC By: STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) as COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument day of . 2000. by of Ocello, LLC,a Minnesot~ Limited of the company. was a knowledged before me this , the iability company, on behalf cary Public 17 5e- JUN, -09' OO(PRI) 12:42 OLSON USSET & WE I NGARDEN ,L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 019 . . . THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: OLSON. USSET & WEINGARDEN P.L.L.P. 4500 Park Glen Road, Suite 31Q St. Louis Park, MN 55416 muni/mont/147 Qrovalaud. DQV. Agmt. 18 5c . . . Sf. City Council Agenda -06/12/00 Consideration of a rc uest for a sim Ie s bdivision affectin Lots 11 and 12 Block 2 Oakwood Industrial Park. (.10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: H Window Company requests that the property line dividing Lots 11 and 12 be moved 35 feet to the east, thus increasing Lot 12 and d creasing Lot 11. This lot line adjustment is for the purpose of placing the entire building or Lot 12. It also results in 30 foot setback which meets the minimum prescribed by ordinan 'e. Both lots would share the driveway from Dundas Road. This is an important housekeeping matter tl at cleans up a longstanding problem. Planning Commission recommended approval ofthi simple subdivision request. B. ALTERNATIVE ACfIONS 1. Motion to approve the simple su division alTecting Lots 11 and 12, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park by shiftin T the lot line 35 feet to the east. 2. Motion to deny simple subdivision. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION City Administrator recommends alternativ 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of application and site plan. -1- I CITY OF MO TICELLO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 250 E. Broadwa ,PO Box 1147 Monticello, 55362 (612) 29 -2711 Plannin~ Case # Ob-otD PUBLIC HEARIN APPLICATION Check Requested Action: _ CONDITIONAL USE - $125 + all necessary consulting expenses. ~ING MAPI TEXT AME DMENT - $250 + necessary consultip.& expenses. IMPLE SUBDIVISION - $1 5 {Ulo r ... ~ lu..~ J""~v"'U-~ ) _ SPECIAL PLANNING CO ISSION MEETING - $2)'0 ' _ SUBDIVISION PLAT ~ $300 + $100/acre up to 10 acres; $25/acre after 10 acres + expenses. Ci will refund excess of per-acre deposit. _ VARIANCE REQUEST - $5 for setbackl$125 for others + nee. consult. expenses. OTHER ~ Fee $ * NOTE: Necessary consulting fees include cost to have City Plan er analyze variance, rezoning, & conditional use permit requests at the rate of $75/hr. The need for City Planner assistanc is determined solely by City staff. Applicant Name: Address: Phone(Home) Business 7i!;3- ';;'9~-53o~ Property Address: .3 ~ '-t .1 Description of Property: Lot: II "t l d--- ; Block: Other: , t~ Current Zoning: ;l.. ; Subdi ision: OakuJccd ~\rfu">brl ~1 Pa..r--I'fL Describe Request: LJ , :1 5:11100 Date Date Applica t Signature (if applicable) . (CONTINUE ON BACK. .) Sf PHapp.han: 12198 Date Received/Paid: 6-Q.....60 Receipt Number: Pub~C Hearing D:te: ~~ J1 E:':, " r 'I --, I ! 'II;~ I o i3 'il ~F,~~I .' I~' I II/In./ , ~\ ......: 1+' ,01' li'~o 0 I 0 .,"~ "lQ ;i- I I , ! I .. lIeST 731, 92 . ,> ~ ~ ~ / t , . . \." "'l'["rAl,~ .'" ----'.,- ~ If I, ~ J~ ~ 'I~ :;: I J I il~ '" ~ I ~I ""Dd i ~f ~. ~I 0 I.:::' I 'i/i '"- '-- r' I ~,.. "'''- Ii -,... ...".. I oj ,I H 0: . "Ii"..~. "=1' ~)' .. ~ "'. 50 g --~~- I~ MINII LlGIITL Y SCATTeReD 1/2 IN. TO 10 IN. eLMS 12 (\.~ l.- '\ (\c, ~ ,... ! d I 6 I ,~ o BLOCK 'i. .i i. '\ to. ?~/~7~.'\-,~/-:~ eee 30' S! t c:;, "^ Q I\i\ R1t.. m' T~nTA' I nr ARI 1-1 1I1NDDII B IlD1NG ARCA O. BLDG . 56. /63, 9 SO. /T. " '. ~ ~ J ~' ~ HEIGHT OF BUILD NG=24.5 FT, C-<-r .....A!<'/.- hV/"-#'/' lof ~ING SI"At'CS 5\= o U'l BITUMINOUS ,. PMIr,,,,, tl"M:CJ ~~~ ~--~(;r~-- .Yut~-~--- t4.nfVf- "'"""'"------"':"~'r.;~~-,~~----+-~-~.-r~-- - ..;;>,.... . . . Sg. Consideration of A rovin Final Plat a d Develo Forest II Subdivision. (10) A. REFERENCE ANI) BACKGROUND City Council Agenda - 06/12/00 You may recall at the Council Meeting on 18/00 the City Council tabled action on the River Forest II subdivision pending a look t changes to the restrictive covenants that were made subsequent to approval of the 0 iginal plat. After reviewing the situation, it was found that substantial changes were m' de to the covenants. The manner in which the changes were made and the content of the changes is a matter between the property owners, and according to the City Attorney should not affect City Council decision making on plat approval. As long as the pi t and the development agreement meet the City's requirements, the City is somewhat bligated to approve the plat. Interestingly, the new owner has agreed to reinstate the 0 iginal covenants as outlined in the attached letter. I will need to make sure that the ori inal covenants, which now becomes the fourth amendment to the covenants, includ s the provision that the property owners are responsible for maintenance of the entranc monument. I have also updated the concerned neighbo by voice male ofC Mark's intent to reinstate the original covenants. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTION 1. Motion to approve the final plat an development agreement for the River Forest II residential subdivision. Continge t on preparation and recording of covenants that include the provision that the p operty owners are responsible for maintenance of the entrance monu ent. 2. Motion to deny approval of the fin' I plat and development agreement for the River Forest II residential subdivisi n. C. RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends alter ative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA Letter from new owner regarding reinstatel ent of original covenants. Copy of Development Agreement. CMARK B ERS, INC. 5131100 Attemion: Jeff O'Neil RE: Rivet' Forest 2nd Addition Covenants It is CMAR.K Builders. Inc. inrenQon ro EKOrd the AJDC first recorded for River forest 1st Addition by J. B Covenanll on file for River Forest lat Addiriorl with the Covenana can be obtatned from Boprt.-PederlOl\ and manes for River Forest 2nd J\ddition that was LLC. You should be able to find a copy of this tV of MontlcelJg. Othawlse. a copy of the . tel at (763)261..2900. ~~4J Alan Gilyard President . . Sg 2011 l' 1 III Av.aue, Cl_ LIb, MN 5531' (163)'624462 .. (763)'62..29JS FIx ClDlIf. lherbteJ.a. 7./7 'rl qA~7' ON 1\I~11:7.1 nnn7. 'Q 'unr . . . DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT RIVER FOREST 2ND ADDITION THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered i to this 28th day of June, 1998, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a municipal corpo ation organized under the laws of the state of Minnesota (the "City"), and 1. Edwin Chadwick, LC, a Minnesota corporation (the "Developer"). RECIT LS: WHEREAS, Developer has requested that City grant final approval to a plat to be known as River Forest (the "Subdivision"), said land leg lly described as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof ("Property") which Subdivision shall consist of27 single family lots and 1 outlots; and WHEREAS, Developer intends to constru t, install, provide for, and maintain streets, storm sewer, water main, signs, grading, and drai age activities in accordance with the plans and specifications as hereinafter described, all at the s Ie cost and expense of Developer; and WHEREAS, the City has by resolution ad pted on the 28th day of June, 1998, granted final approval to the Subdivision provided that th Developer enter into the within Agreement and that Developer faithfully perform the terms d conditions contained herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of e premises and the mutual promises and conditions hereinafter contained, it is hereby agre d as follows: 1. Plat AD pro val. The City agrees to approv the Subdivision as requested by Developer on the terms and conditions as hereafter set fo . The Developer agrees that the Subdivision shall be developed in accordance with the xhibits attached hereto which are hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set fo herein. The exhibits are: Exhibit B -- Final Plat Prior to the date of filing the plat and prote tive covenants, Developer must pay to City any and all outstanding expenses incurred y City for plat and other development purposes including, but not limited to, eng.neering, legal, and other professional staff fees. The final plat and protective covenants an association articles of incorporation and bylaws must be approved and executed in ccordance with City and County ordinances and filed in the office of the Wright Count Recorder at Developer's expense no later than December 31, 1999. Page 1 5<:) . . . Failure to file the final plat and protective ovenants and association article of incorporation and bylaws by this date shal render this Agreement null and void in its entirety. 2. Representations of Developer. As induce ent to the City's approval of the Subdivision and entering into this Agreement, the Dev loper hereby represents and warrants to the City: A. That the Developer is the fee owne ofOutIot A, River Forest. The Developer has authority to enter into this Agreem nt. B. That the intended use of the prope is for single family residential development. C. That the Subdivision complies wi all city, county, state, and federal laws and regulations including, but not limit d to, City subdivision ordinances and zoning ordinances. D. That to the best of Developer's kno ledge, the Subdivision does not require an Environmental Assessment Works eet or an Environmental Impact Statement, but shall prepare the same if required t do so by City or other governmental entity pursuant to law and shall reimburs City for all expenses incurred by City in cOIll1ection with the preparation of he review, including staff time and attorneys fees. 3. Developer Improvements. The Developer grees it shall construct, install, and maintain certain public improvements (" Developer I provements") on the Property, at Developer's sole cost and expense, in accordance with e following exhibits: Exhibit C -- Building and Site De ign Plan Exhibit D -- Construction Plan Developer agrees the Developer Improve ents shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications, and preliminary engi eering reports approved or to be approved by the City Engineer and the City prior to co encement of construction and thereafter, in accordance with all City rules, regulations, ordinances, and the requirements of this Agreement, which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Street grading, graveling, surfacing and stabilizing which shall include curbs, gutter and driveway approaches. 2. Storm sewers, including all necess catch basins, and appurtenances. 3. Water main, including all appurten Page 2 s~ . . . 4. Sanitary sewer, including all appu enances. 5. Setting of lot and block monument . 6. Surveying and staking. 7. Site grading, berming, and landsca ing consistent with landscape and the City Erosion Control Policy Residential Lots regulation. As to all of River Forest, the Developer shall perform site gradi g, benning, and landscaping consistent with the landscape and the city Erosion ontrol Policy for Residential Lots regulations. 8. Establislunent of post office cluste box stands with groups of six or more in the single family residential area. 9. The City shall install street name si ns, stop signs, and other traffic control signs at all locations deemed necessary b City, at Developer's cost and expense. 10. Pathway grading and paving as des ribed on approved plans identified in Section 21 of this agreement. 4. Permits. Upon execution of this Agreeme t, Developer and other necessary parties shall promptly apply for all permits, approvals, icenses, or other documents from any and all necessary governmental agencies (which ay include the City, Wright County, PCA and DNR) so as to enable Developer to constru t the Developer Improvements as herein contemplated. Developer shall use its best efforts to obtain the same as soon as reasonably possible. Developer acknowledges and agrees that a er acre trunk water main ($651 per acre), sanitary sewer fee ($1,301 per acre), and s ann sewer fee ($4,686 per acre) shall be incorporated into an assessment roll for th subdivision based on today's costs. The total amounts for the second phase for trunk wa er is $7,534; for sanitary sewer is $15,068; for storm sewer is $34,656 (includes credits), ith the exception of trunk storm sewer. Trunk sewer costs were divided equally be ween phase I & II. The total trunk fees amount to $62,659, which Developer agre s is fair and reasonable. The City acknowledges that all park dedication fees ere paid with River Forest Phase 1. No grading or building permit shall be iss ed by City unless the plans or application are in conformity with the City comprehensive plan, this Agreement, and all local, state and federal regulations. The City shall, within Ifteen (15) days of receipt of plans or building per applications, review such submittal to etermine whether the foregoing requirements have been met. Page 3 53 . . . If the City discerns said plans or applicati ns are deficient, it shall notify the Developer in writing stating the deficiencies and the ste s necessary for correction. Issuance of a grading or building permit by City shall b a conclusive determination that the plans or applications have been approved as to the equested activity by Developer and satisfies the provisions of this section. The City shall issue building permits prior to City acceptance of the Developer Improvements provided that the party appl ing for the building permit agrees to withhold requests for occupancy until necessary De eloper Improvements have been installed, which include operational and tested sewe and water systems, installation of sod in the front yard, and roadway development suffi iently completed to support access by emergency vehicles, snowplows, and garb ge trucks, to be determined by the City Engineer in his sole but reasonable discrefon. Until such approval is granted, no dwelling may be occupied on either a tern orary or permanent basis, except that model homes may be occupied by sales personne for marketing and related purposes. Notwithstanding this provision, if the Dev loper is in default of this Agreement, as hereinafter defined, in addition to any othe remedy provided by this Agreement, City may refuse to issue a certificate of occup cy for any lot or parcel in the Subdivision until Developer cures the default as provided he ein. 5. Pre-Construction Activities. The Develop r or his engineer shall schedule a pre- construction meeting with City to review a proposed schedule for construction of the Developer Improvements. 6. Commencement of Construction of Develo er 1m rovements. Upon obtaining all necessary governmental approvals, license and permits, subject to Unavoidable Delays, Developer shall commence construction of the Developer Improvements within ten (10) days. 7. Faithful Performance of Construction of I rovements. Developer shall install, construct, and maintain the Subdivision Ite s and Developer Improvements in accordance with the terms of this Agreeme 1. Developer guarantees and warrants the workmanship and materials respecting suc Subdivision Items and Developer Improvements for a period of one year foll wing City's acceptance of the same ("Guarantee Period"). The Developer shall repair or replace, as di ected by the City and at the Developer's sole cost and expense, any work and/or material that become defective, in the sole but reasonable opinion of the City or its Engin er, provided that City or its Engineer give notice of such defect to Developer within t ee months following the end of the Guarantee Period. The Developer, or Deve oper's contractors, shall post maintenance bonds or other security acceptable to City t secure these warranties. Page 4 53 . . . 9. 8. Inspection of Improvements. Developer a thorizes the City Inspector and City Engineer to inspect construction of the Developer I provements as required by City and grants to them a license to enter the Subdivision to erform all necessary work and/or inspections deemed appropriate during the constructio of the improvements until final certification of acceptance is approved by City for all eveloper Improvement items and expiration of any applicable warranty period. Inspectio s by the City are to be logged and reported weekly to Developer. Construction and installation plans shall b provided to City and shall be reviewed by and subject to approval of the City to insure th t the construction work meets with approved City standards as a condition of City acce tance. Developer shall cause its contractor to fu ish City with a schedule of proposed operations at least five (5) days prior to th commencement of the construction of each type of Subdivision Item and Developer I provement. The City shall inspect all such work items during and after construction fi r compliance with approved specifications and ordinance requirements until final certific tion of acceptance is approved by City and expiration of any applicable warranty peri d. Acceptance of Improvement. Upon notifi ation by Developer that any of the Developer Improvements have been completed, withi ten (10) days City Engineer shall inspect the Developer Improvement and, at his sole di cretion, determine if the Development Improvement(s) has been completed in ac ordance with the plans, specifications, and exhibits attached hereto. If the City Engineer determines that the D veloper Improvements have been completed in accordance with said requirements, the Ci Engineer shall give the Developer written notice of the City's acceptance of the Deve oper Improvements within seven (7) days effective as of the date of the inspection. If the City Engineer determines that the D veloper Improvement(s) is not completed in accordance with said requirements, the Ci Engineer shall notify Developer in writing of the deficiency and provide a reasonable da e upon which to cure the deficiency. Failure by the Developer to cure within the stated ime period shall constitute an Event of Default. 10. Completion of Developer Improvements. eveloper agrees to complete the Subdivision Items and Developer Improvements on or efore October 31, 2000. The Completion Date as provided herein is subject to Unavoidab e Delays as hereinafter defined, in which event the completion date may be extende by the period of such Unavoidable Delays. For the purpose of this section, Unavoidab e Delays means delays which are caused by strikes, fire, war, road weight restrictions, aterial shortages, weather that renders Page 5 S3 . construction progress impossible, causes eyond the Developer's control or other casualty to the Developer Improvements, or the act of any federal, state, or local government unit, except those acts of the City authorized or contemplated by this Agreement. In the event Developer believes an extensi n is warranted, Developer shall request such extension in writing to the City Engineer nd specify the requested length of extension and the reason therefore. The City Engin er shall determine the length of the extension, if any, in his sole but reasonable discretio 11. Ownership of Improvements. Upon the c mpletion of the Developer Improvements required to be constructed by this Agreem nt, and the acceptance thereof by the City, the Developer Items lying within the public e sements and public right-of-ways as shown on the Subdivision plat shall become City pr perty without further notice or action. Within thirty days thereafter, and before any secu ity as herein required is released, Developer shall supply City with a complete set of re roducible "AS BUILT" and "DEVELOPMENT PLAN" plans in a fo acceptable to the City Engineer, without charge to City, which documents shall be orne the property of City. Clean UP. The Developer shall properly lear any soil, earth, or debris on City-owned property or public right-of-way resulting om construction work by the Developer, its agents, or assigns. 12. . Maintenance of Roads Before Acceptance Developer shall, at its expense, prepare any streets located in the Subdivision for sno lowing and other maintenance that Developer wishes City to undertake prior to formal a ceptance by City of such streets. This preparation shall include, without limitati n, ramping any manholes as necessary to avoid damage to snowplows or other vehicles us d in street maintenance. Should damage occur to City snowplows or other vehicles durin the course of snowplowing or other maintenance procedures prior to formal acceptance of the street by City, which damage is caused by Developer's failure to properly repare or maintain the same, Developer shall pay all such damages and shall indemnify and hold City harmless for all such damage, cost, or expense incurred by City with reg d thereto. 13. 14. Erosion and Drainage Control. The Deveoper shall provide and comply with erosion and drainage control provisions in the landsca e plan and City policy requirements as described in paragraph 3 (8) and as othe ise required by City. As development progresses, the City may impose addition 1 erosion and drainage control requirements if, in the sole but reasonable opinion of the City Engineer, they would be useful and appropriate in controlling drainage and er sion. Developer shall promptly comply with such erosion and drainage control plans d with such additional instructions it receives from City. . 15. Hold Harmless Agreement. owledges that its failure to implement the Page 6 S3 . . . plans and exhibits as contained herein ma cause flooding and/or damage to adjoining property owners. In such event, Develope agrees to hold City harmless and indemnify City from claims of all third parties or De eloper for damages arising out of such flooding and/or damages. The parties recognize that time is of the es ence in controlling erosion. In the event of an emergency situation requiring immediate ction to prevent loss or damage to persons or property, to be determined at the sole disc etion of City, the notice and cure provisions of paragraph 21 shall not apply and City is a thorized to undertake any corrective action it deems necessary to prevent or minimize y such flooding and/or damage. In such event, Developer agrees to hold City harmless an indemnify City from claims of all third parties for damages arising out of said co ective action by City, and agrees to reimburse City for all out-of-pocket expenses incurre by City arising out of the corrective action including, but not limited to, any costs necessary to re-landscape disrupted soils located within the Subdivision. 16. Insurance. A. The Developer will provide and m intain or cause to be maintained at all times during the process of constructing e Developer Improvements until six (6) months after acceptance of all Dev loper Improvements and, from time to time at the request of the City, furnish wit proof of payment of premiums on: (I) Comprehensive generallia ility insurance (including operations, contingent liability, operati ns of subcontractors, completed operations and contractual liability ins ance) together with an Owner's Contractor's Policy with limits against b dily injury, including death, and property damage (to include, but no be limited to damages caused by erosion or flooding) which may arise ut of the Developer's work or the work of any of its subcontractors. Limits for bodily injury or person and $2,000,000.00 shall not be less than $200, Engineer, and Developer's on said policy. Developer the City upon request. eath shall not be less than $200,000.00 for one r each occurrence; limits for property damage 00.00 for each occurrence. The City, City ngineer shall be an additional named insured hall file a copy of the insurance coverage with (ii) Worker's compensation ins rance, with statutory coverage. 17. Security for Cost ofImorovements. For e purpose of financing the construction, installation, and maintenance of the Devel per Improvements, and to pay all associated costs and expenses of City as described in paragraph 18, Developer shall, upon execution Page 7 53 . . . 19. of this Agreement, execute and deliver to uilders Development and Finance ("Lender") a Note and Mortgage encumbering the pro erty in an amount not less than $325,000 (includes amount 20% above construction ost plus trees). The proceeds of this loan shall be escrowed by Lender and disbursed only in accordance with the terms and conditions of a certain Disbursement Agreement attache hereto as Exhibit E and incorporated by reference herein. No work shall be commenced under this A reement until the Note, Mortgage, and Disbursement Agreement have been execu ed and certified copies filed with City. 18. Responsibilitv for Costs. A. The Developer shall pay all costs i curred by it or City in connection with the development of the Subdivision, in luding but not limited to construction of Developer Improvements, legal, pI ing, engineering, and inspection expenses incurred in connection with appro v I and acceptance of the Subdivision plat, the preparation of this Agreement, and 11 reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecti g development of the Subdivision. B. The Developer shall pay in full all ills submitted by the City within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are n t paid on time, the City may halt all plat development work until the bills ar paid in full. C. The Developer shall hold the City d its officers and employees harmless from claims made by itself and third parfes for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from Subdivision plat app oval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers d employees for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay 0 incur in consequence of such claims, including reasonable attorneys fees, provided that nothing herein shall require Developer to indemnify the City, it officers or employees from any violation of law or from the consequences of th ir own negligence. D. The Developer shall reimburse the ity for its costs incurred in the enforcement of this Agreement, including engine ring and reasonable attorneys fees. Required Tree Planting For lots without tr es, Developer shall be responsible for installation of boulevard tree plantings as r qui red by the city ordinance. Required subdivision trees must have a trunk diamet r of at least two inches (2") at one foot (1') above ground. Required trees must be prot cted and supported by approved tree guards. Not less than two (2) or more than three (3) species of trees shall be planted in any block, and neither less than twenty percent (20%) or more than fifty percent (50%) of the total trees planted in a block may be of the same species. Page 8 53 . . . On lots with a single frontage or for come lots with double frontage on two minor streets, two trees to be planted per street fr ntage. Trees must be planted at a location between 4 feet and 10 feet from the curb. The Developer shall take into account the presence of utility systems when establishi g the precise location within the stated acceptable range from the curb. In areas here sidewalk is being installed, trees shall be planted between the curb and the sidewalk 4-5 feet behind the curb. The Developer is free to direct builders to lant trees as required under the ordinance and this development agreement; however, the Developer is ultimately responsible for compliance with the tree planting require en!. This expense shall be incorporated into th disbursement agreement. 20. Park Dedication. Paid with Phase 1($32,5 0). 21. Trails and Pathways. The 10' bituminous ail connecting River Forest Circle to Gillard Avenue and the 10' trail extending from th River Mill Outlot B to River Forest Drive between Lot 1, Block 6 and Lot 7, Block 5 shall be constructed and funded by the developer with Phase II of the develop men . 22. Miscellaneous. A. This Agreement shall be binding u on the parties, their heirs, successors or assigns, as the case may be. B. Third parties shall have no recours against any party under this Agreement. Future residents of the plat shall no be deemed to be third-party beneficiaries of this Agreement. C. If any portion, section, subsection, entence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason held i valid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion 0 this Agreement. D. So long as the City uses its best effi rts to review plans and inspect improvements, the Developer shall have no cause f action for damages attributable to delays in the construction and completion of aid Items. E. No one may occupy a building for hich a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until sanitary sewer and water lines have been installed, hooked up, tested, and ap roved by the City. F. The action or inaction of the City a to the exercise of any of its rights or remedies upon an event of default shall not c nstitute a waiver or amendment to the Page 9 ,~ . . . provisions of this Agreement as to uture events of default. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in iting, signed by the parties, and approved by written resolution of the City Coun il. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement s all not be a waiver or release as to any event of default. G. This Agreement shall run with the and and shall be recorded in the office of the Wright County Recorder. After c mpletion of all of Developer's obligations hereunder, at Developer's request ity will execute and deliver to Developer a release of this Agreement in record ble form. H. Both parties to this Agreement ac counsel, or are aware of their right Agreement freely and voluntarily. owledge that they have been represented by o counsel, and have entered into this 23. Prohibitions A ainst Assi nment of A ree ent. Developer represents and agrees that (except for associating with other individu Is or entities), prior to the completion of the Developer Improvements as certified by th City: A. Except only by way of security for, and only for the purpose of obtaining financing necessary to enable the eveloper or any successor in interest to the Property, or any part thereof, to pe form its obligations with respect to the construction of the Developer Impr vements under this Agreement, and any other purpose authorized by this Agreem nt, the Developer (except as so authorized) will not make or create, or suffer to be made or created, any total or partial sale, assignment, conveyance, or transfe in any other mode or form of with respect to this Agreement or any interest ther in, or any contract or agreement to do any of the same, without the prior written pprovalofCity. B. In the absence of specific written a reement by the City to the contrary, no such transfer or approval by City shall b deemed to relieve Developer from any of its obligations. In the event that City pproves a substitute developer and the Property is transferred to said subs itute, the City agrees to relieve the Developer of liability from performance as de cribed in this contract. Said substitute shall assume all responsibilities and righ s of the Developer under this contract. 24. Events of Default Defined. The following shall be "Events of Default" under this Agreement and the term "events of default' shall mean, whenever it is used in this Agreement (unless the context otherwise p ovides), anyone or more of the following events: A. Failure by the Developer to observ and substantially perform any covenant, condition, obligation or agreement on its part to be observed or performed under Page 10 sg . . . the terms of this Agreement, or the Disbursement Agreement by and between City, the Developer and Lender. If the Developer shall admit in writ" ng its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due, or shall file a pet tion in bankruptcy, or shall make an assignment for the benefit of its cr ditors, or shall consent to the appointment of a receiver of itself or of the whole or any substantial part of the property. B. C. If the Developer shall file a petitio under the federal bankruptcy laws. D. If the Developer is in default under the Mortgage and has not entered into a work- out agreement with the Lender. If the Developer shall fail to begin onstruction of the Developer Improvements in conformance with this Agreement, nd such failures are not due to unavoidable delays as defined in this Agreemen . E. The Developer shall, after commen ement of the construction of the Developer Improvements, default in or violate its obligations with respect to the construction of the same (including the nature d the date for the completion thereof), or shall abandon or substantially suspend c nstruction work, and such act or actions is not due to unavoidable delays as dete ined by the City Engineer in his sole but reasonable discretion and any such default, violation, abandonment, or suspension shall not be cured, ended, or remed ed within the time provided for in this Agreement. F. 25. Notice/Remedies on Default. Whenever y Event of Default occurs, the City shall give written notice of the Event of Default to D veloper by United States mail at its last known address, J. Edwin Chadwick, 1550 ast 79th St Suite #640, Bloomington, MN 55426. If the Developer fails to cure the vent of Default within fifteen (15) days of the date of mailed notice, in addition to any ot er remedy provided in this Agreement, and without waiver of any such right, City ma avail itself of any or all of the following remedies for so long as the Developer is in default: A. Halt all plat development work and construction of Developer Improvements until such time as the Event of Default i cured. B. Refuse to issue building permits or occupancy permits as to any parcel until such time as the Event of Default is cure . C. Apply to a court of competent juris iction to enjoin continuation of the Event of Default. Page 11 S3 . . . D. Exercise any and all remedies avail ble to City pursuant to the Disbursement Agreement. If the Event of Default is the failure of Developer to complete, construct, install or correct the Dev loper Improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications and this A reement, City may perform the construction or work and apply to Lender pursu t to the Disbursement Agreement to reimburse City for its expenses. Th s provision shall be a license granted by the Developer to the City to act, but sh 11 not require the City to take any such action. Developer consents to such action y City and waives any claim Developer may have against City for damages in th event City exercises its rights in accordance with this provision. E. Terminate this Agreement by writte notice to Developer at which time all terms and conditions as contained herein hall be of no further force and effect and all obligations of the parties as impose hereunder shall be null and void. 26. Miscellaneous. A. This Agreement shall be binding up n the parties, their heirs, successors or assigns, as the case may be. B. If any portion, section, subsection, entence, clause, paragraph, or phase of this Agreement is for any reason held in alid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of his Agreement. C. The action or inaction of the City s all not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. 0 be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties, an approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to prom tly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver or elease. D. Future residents of this Subdivision shall not be deemed to be third party beneficiaries of this Agreement. E. This Agreement shall run with the I d and shall be binding upon the Developer, its successors and assigns. The Dev loper shall, at its expense record this Agreement in the Office of the Wri ht County Recorder. After the Developer has completed the work required under is Agreement, at the Developer's request the City will execute and deliver to De loper a release in recordable form. F. All parties to this Agreement ackno ledge they have been represented by counsel and have entered into this Agreeme t freely and voluntarily. Page 12 SCj . . . Notices. Required notices to the Develop r shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, or mailed to th Developer by United States mail, postage prepaid to the following address: Attentio : address, J. Edwin Chadwick, 1550 East 79th S1. Suite #640, Bloomington, MN 55425. otices to City shall be in writing and either hand delivered to the City Administrator 0 mailed to City by United States mail, postage prepaid to the address: 250 East Broadwa , PO Box 1147, Monticello, MN 55362. 27. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Developer h ve signed this Developer's Agreement the day and year first written above. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: ~~4 Its: Mayor By: Od0~ Rick Wolfstelle Its: City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknow1ed ed before me this 28th day of June , 1999, by Roger Belsaas and 'ck Wolfsteller, the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minne ota Municipal Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. 00 j ,:-v-.... '--\rv\. Notary Public ~-.A.J:;.s ~; ~ ~ Page 13 59 . . . DEVELOPER: J. Edwin Chadwick, LLC 1550 East 79th St suite #640 Bloomington, MN 55425 By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowled ed before me this day of , 1999, by its of , a Minnesota Limited Li bility Company on behalf of the Minnesota Limited Liability Company. Notary Public This Instrument Drafted By: Olson, Usset, Agan & Weingarden 6600 France Avenue South Suite 590 Edina, MN 55435 Page 14 S3 . EXHIB T A Legal Des ription Outlot A, River Fo est Subdivision . . Page 15 1;9 . EXHI IT B PI t See attac ed plat . . Page 16 sc~ . ,..... " .,..-,.... ~~:'.'~:.~~ , 1...-1 -.. I I j III ,.... i".... . -,- . ..... ~ , " t Ii II I 1111,,1 ,-'..... 11...., I I.... I 'I ~ " I I IVIII I 11'....."-. Vl cg o 8 ci 9. ::IE ::: ~::; ."~ ~... .-...... ,...,,,.., . 1'1 ~!~..< 0> ,- '" cg Ig) b (,.I uo 18 '" ... L 50'29'09'E !" ,......... I , ,~ ~-... .Vl '-' uoO> z ~Jt... ~ ~~,"\-' o r'1''' ~ ~I'I ..... ... I .' ,., ,,' . t'..,) ~~" ~ i I! ~S U Ii ~ . 0 ~ li;~ zl;l~r.l ~ i~SS ~ l!~! i ljl- I~& ~ i~ !!i i~;~ "~~~ . s!5~ ~~I ~z ~ -, V cavs 3 60.6l..0S -.... ,- VI cg VI g cg ~ 0 ci C 0 8 -l M M 5 -l '" '" ..... > '" ... 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"'1 I i f i I -11 nlli l} f~ilH 1"- Ii i~~ Hi n H'~~;~ Ii ~J-t: gI hS 18 - ~Il$'~ ~ ~t i i~! I;f.~ ~ ( ~~. h ..t . i ~i -;'h~ 66.00 5O"29'09'"E ~~ . I I . *"... I.;:~_~~/.\~-:'~..' . ,.,..... ...- H 11...1\11 ,,,. .u... .-, . L_ I . ~. ". ,.. ... "U'; U lr ' ... l Ji !P fa! : s Ii n -'I !l.1! .- '1 !! s! !!. , !l._ ! 1 : ~ ""lI:!.aI' !l.;lP ,., "... I i !i l~ I i I~I !l.:m ,m '.' 'f ,., ... ~\.~ iH ;;i II I is: !Ii 11 2M y~ ~::''':~I I ~f i'"i Ii o ~ .., ... , .. !, !.~ !.~ S _. ~T' . J Iii II' !l. II ii fa P ~~ ~ q 13 Ii !l'_ ;r~ WUI liS" ~ -ill ~ a"ll' !'; r ,~: I. ~" ~~ eU i~ ,,~ [ " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 g z . . . EXHIBITS C AND D Exhibit C BUILDI G and Site Plan Exhibit D CONST UCTION Plan Exhibits C and D are available and on file at the 0 nee of the Monticello City Engineer, WSB & Associates, Inc., 350 Westwood Lake Office, 844 Wayzata Boulevard, Minneapolis, MN 55426. Page 17 s~ . EXHI IT E Disbursemen Agreement . . Page 18 S9 River Forest II .ummary of Revenues and Disburse ent Agreement June 25, 1999 Trunk or Dedication Fees to be Assessed Acreagenots Fee Cr dits Park Pathway Street lighting Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer na Total amount to Assess Per lot Assessment Disbursement Agreement Amount San Sew, Roads, Storm Sewer Contingency (10%) Fees for Admin/Engineering/Inspection Grading Fee (5% of $42,000) Trees ~ Not a licable Total . 27 11.58 11.58 29 $0.00 $32,000 provided with Phase I $200 U nown $5,400.00 Credit provided for trail const NA Development predates policy change $1,301 $651 $15,068.48 1998 fee plus 4.1% increase $7,534.24 1998 fee plus 4.1% increase $34,656.97 1998 fee plus 4.1 % increase $62,659.68 $2,160.68 Const Cost $268,920.00 $26,892.00 $26,892.00 $2,100.00 $0.00 $324,804.00 S5 . . . Council Agenda - 6/12/2000 7. Review of re-bids for the Elm Street San tarv Sewer and Watermain Proiect #2000-0RC. and consideration of award uf contract. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROI ND: At the last meeting the City Council revie,-"ed the bids received May 19th, and rejected all responsible bids as they were well above t 1e estimated construction costs of the project. Adjoining property owners also voiced the r opinion in regard to their preference for re- bidding the project. Based upon discussion' at the meeting, the seeding and sodding were removed from the contract and only a lun p sump restoration for turf was added to the contract. In addition, the amount of Class 5 proposed for street restoration was reduced by 25'10 in the hopes that more Class 5 would l e salvaged by the contractor. The new bids were received on Friday, June. ,2000, at 10 a.m. The following is a tabulation of the bids received: CONTRACTOR BID SECURITY TOTAL BID SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCTION, INC. 5% $31,73100* ROLSTAD CONSTRUCTION, INC. 5% $35,440.00 R. L. LARSON EXCAVATING 5% $36,539.00 FYLE'S EXCAVATING 5% $36,64000 KUECHLE UNDERGROUND, INC. 5% $36,949.90* BARBAROSSA & SONS, INC. 5% $49,768.00 * Indicates corrected bid amount by calcu ating unit prices. As can be seen by the above bid tabulatior, the low bidder on the project is Schluender Construction, Inc. of Monticello, Minnesot(j, with a total bid of $31 ,731.00 (their previous non-secured bid was $31,303.00). The )revious low bid was received from Fyle's Excavating at $39,974. Staff's estimate ofcc nstruction cost was $34,967 not including a 5% conti ngency. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative would be to aw I'd a contract to Schluender Construction, Inc. based upon their low bid of $31,731 00. 2. The second alternative would be not to award the project. . Council Agenda - 6/12/2000 c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Ad llinistrator, City Engineer and Public Works Director that the City Council award the roject to Schluender Construction, Inc. in the amount of $31 ,731.00 as outlined in altern tive #1. Both the Health Department and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Permi s have already been received for the project and the project can move forward. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of map for project. . . -, r: -- ~ ~/ ~f I , i I 1- ....: ~ I I /8 I ::... I';: \ I~ (3 CJ~u co'l RV rv ~~I Center .' ,J:.~QI ~{P/ ~B Ii o ~ ltJo ~ y."o, O A:l" . 11- ...0 4- 0,,,, ~~ .:i- > - Pluq fSE:),,'-;:".. at manhole Elm s. > -j Sanitary Sew r ---~ City Proj. #: 000- C I ................. .:~G~~===::::::::~~~~:::::l:::~:=:~~~::d~;~=~~~:~~::\::~~ ::~;~:~:;J::~~:~.:::~~~~l...~.~9...... :::::: :::::::::::: :::::.l::: :::::.::::::: :::::: ::!::::: ::::::: ::::::::::: : L:::::::::::::::: ::::: r:::::::::::: ::::::: ::::L:::::::: i C::9~~S :::::::::::::::::::: ::: :::::::::::::::::: ::::::l :::::::::::::::::::::::::~: ...:::::.:::::::::::::!:::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::t:::::::: :::::::::::: +;:~:~:4~ ::;:::::::::1... ....:.... .... . . .......~r;.o.o..................~'f+oo...................3.:.:00............ ....:2+.0~.....:...........,.,y+.'Q~~ ..............o~o'.......................... .' :CoJt.l1e.otttf"e.i-is:fJng 5t\ijfW:iiffi~ M'trti:ho:le!::' yWiwat.:erf.i-ght boots. .1 HEREBY CERTJF'( THAT 'nus PLAN. SF'E,ClflCATlON. OR REPORT ViliS PREP.ARED BY OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUP?ERVlSJ N ,tNQ THAT I AIoI A DULY Rl;:GISTERED PROFESSION~ ENGIN UNDER ThUAWS OF ~ ~ATE { ~ BRET A. WEISS. ~.E. n'..s! ~/ /I /2QOO REG. NO: 20753 I 1 . . . Council Agenda - 61l2/00 9. Consideration of discussin amendments 0 transient merchant ordinance. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The purpose of this item is to hring the Cou cil up to date on our current transient merchant ordinance regulations and to briefly outline hat we currently allow by our ordinance. Questions have been raised recently as to w at type of activities are currently allowed and whether additional restrictions need to he i1 plemented. The regulation of solicitors, peddlers and tra sient merchants is a complicated topic that many communities have struggled with. The Lea ue of Minnesota Cities has prepared some background information for cities that seem to indicate that it is difficult for cities to simply totally ban peddlers, solicitors, and transient merchants. That is not to say that cities can't adopt regulations to control transient merch nts under the basis of protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public against an ctivity that can become a nuisance. Of the three activities, it seems like transien merchants is the activity that we hear more comments and concerns about. The followi g is a brief definition of the three categories that we are discussing: 1. Peddler: A person who goes from d or to door offering for sale merchandise he carries with him and delivers at the fme of the sale. 2. Solicitor: A person who goes door t door taking orders fl)f merchandise to be delivered at a later date. 3. Transient Merchant: A person who temporarily engages in the husiness of selling merchandise at a temporary location. The City's current ordinance has been amen cd a number of times over the years in an attempt to provide adequate regulations for these act vities but also allow those situations the Council has felt were not a nuisance to continue. Fo example, case law has made it pretty clear that people who are exercising their First Amend lent rights hy distrihuting religious or political information are exempt from licensing requi ements and the City has gone further along this line by making exemptions for other activiti s such as route salesmen, sidewalk sales, garage sales and some more activities from being re ulated. 'fhe City has also added an exemption for bona fide charitable, religious, civic, edu ational or political organizations as being exempt from the licensing requirement and the daily fees and also provided a lower daily fee for the sale of farm and garden fruits and vegetahle"' from June 15th through September 15th each year. Previous court cases have indicated that any ttempt to treat one classification differently from another when both classifications are essenti lly doing the same thing makes the regulation highly susceptible to being overturned for being arbitrary and capricious. In other words, it appears difTicult to prohibit adults or outside organizations from going door to door selling candy, etc. while allowing local organizatio s or minors to do so. Taking this one step further. it would appear that the same would be true )f a transient merchant, if we allow non-profit groups or charitable organizations to sell pai tings, f10wers or other merchandise without a . Council Agenda - 6/12/00 license, we should be allowing everyone to s II similar products without a license. The City's current transient merchant ordina cc has tricd to provide conditions of approval for a license that should adequately protcct thc p blic and promote health, safety and welfare issues by requiring a transient merchant to Oily be locatcd in the proper zoning district where other sales activities are normally allowed, t at adequate off-street parking is available and that the activity will not cause traffic congestion' nd that an appropriate fee is paid to cover the cost of regulating the activity and investigating th applicant. The City currently requires each transient merchant application to receive wri ten permission from the property owner within the proper commercial district and a fee of $ O/per day. This has certainly limited the number of applicants on an annual basis to just a few incidences annually. While this is not a total ban on transient merchants, it certainly seems to l"mit the number of applicants. . In 1990, the City had required individuals w 0 were selling fruits and vegetables, primarily sweet corn, to also obtain a daily permit as a ransient merchant at $50 per day. In an effort to allow the youngster or individual the opportu ity to make a few dollars selling sweet corn, the $50/per day requirement was reduced to $10/ ay and an exception was made allowing for the sale of farm and garden products from June 15th through September 15th each year. Of course this opened up the door for the larger organiz d business ventures to also obtain the license at $ ] O/day if they found a location in a eommer ia] district with permission from the property owner. As you may recall, two vegetable st nds have located in Monticello in the past number of years, one being at the current site of the F'rst Minnesota Bank property next to Moon Motors and the other was at the Holiday Gas tation parking lot. Again, it may be difficult to only allow kids or non-profit groups to sell f its and vegetables while prohibiting business ventures from doing the same as it would lik Iy be construed as unconstitutional. . Recently Councilmembers were questioning hether the City should allow art or antique sales to occur at the Community Center and such a'tivities as the rcccnt furniture sale. The way our ordinance is currently is set up, these activiti s could technically take place in a commercial zoning district with permission of the pro pert owner with the proper $50/day permit and thc City could regulate its own location by simpl not giving approval to conduct the activity on our propcrty. tfthc same activities were pro. osed for other private property, the license would probably be issued. I am attempting to get m re information from our City Attorney and also the League of Minnesota Cities on how restri tive the City can be in regulating these activities. Until you are challenged, we can probably ad pt any type of ordinance, but from what our City Attorney and the League has indicated, we pI' bably need some valid reasons for regulating transient merchants. Once our conditions are established, we should also treat each class of individuals the same and therefore it is diffic lt to allow non-profit groups from Monticello to do one thing while non-profit groups from 0 tside the community arc treated differently. Likewise, if it is okay for a church group to s 11 candy door to door, we should be allowing anyone to sell candy door to door. Although do not receive many complaints regarding transient merchants, I do recognize that the fe permits that we do issue annually cause some concern from other competing businesses. ithout getting into an outright ban (which is not recommended), I think the regulations we no have requiring permission from the property owner, adequate parking and traffic moveme t along with the $50/day seem to be adequate regulations to restrict the number of applican s. . . . Council Agenda - 6/12/00 One final activity that the Council may want 0 discuss concerns the seasonal sales activities that you may notice at various locations for S lch items as Christmas tree sales in the winter and the Hower and garden supplies sales in the s ring. These activities have been allowed by the City under our present ordinances as aeeesso y uses to the commercial activity provided they arc in the commercial zoning district. The C ty's Zoning Department issues administrative permits for these activities providing there is adequate parking on site to conduct the activity. The City has not limited who can conduct th se activities and they would technically be allowed by any commercial business that is eemed by city administrative staff as having sufficient parking on their site and if it could be construed as an accessory portion of their business. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. No alternatives are being presented 0 her than background information for discussion purposes. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff does not have any specific recommend' tions on any amendments to our present ordinance and the administrator feels the cur ent ordinance is a valid exercise of our City police powers and it is protecting the health, 'afety and welfare of the public. The current ordinance seems to eliminate many of the tra sient merchant applications because of the the requirements of the activity taking place t a commercial district with the written permission of the property owner and the $5( /day fee. For those activities that have not been deemed to be a nuisance in the past, such as haritable or non-profit organizations fund raising activities, our ordinance currently exempts th - se groups from the daily charge. The most recent amendment to the ordinance has required tha anyone soliciting donations or selling candy, etc. at least rcgister with the City so we know wh ch groups are conducting these door to door activities. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of current transient merchant ordinane . SECTION: 3-10-1 : 3-10-2: 3-10-3: 3-10-4: 3-10-5: 3-10-6: 3-10-7: 3-10-8: 3-10-9: 3-10-10: 3-10-11: 3-10-12: 3-10-13: 3-10-1 : . . CHA TER 10 TRANSIEN MERCHANTS Definition Permit Required Exemptions Application Registration Religious and Charitable Organizat'ons, Exemption Investigation and Issuance Duty of City Administrator to Enfo ce Revocation of License Appeal Reapplication Expiration of Permit Penalty DEFINITION: When used in this rdinance, the following term has the following meaning: (A) "Transient merchant" includ s any person, firm, or corporation, whether as owner, agent, consignee, or mployee, who engages in a temporary business (five days or less per month of selling and delivering goods, wares, and merchandise, or buying and eceiving goods, wares, and merchandise within the city and who, in further ce of such purpose, hires, leases, uses, or occupies any building, struc e, motor vehicle, trailer, tent, railroad boxcar, boat, public room in hotels, odging houses, apartments, shops, or any street, alley, or other place within e city for the exhibition and sale of such goods, wares, and merchandise eith r privately or at public auction, provided that such definition does not include y person, firm, or corporation who, while occupying such temporary I cation, does not sell from stock but exhibits samples for the purpose of s curing orders for future delivery only. Location utilized by transient merch ts shall be consistent with uses identified as permitted in particular zonin district and adequate off-street parking is available. (B) A peddler shall mean a perso who goes from house to house, door to door, business to business, s eet to street, or any other type of place to place, for the purpose of offe' g for sale, displaying or exposing for sale, selling or attempting to sell, d delivering immediately upon sale, the goods, wares, products, merc andise, or other personal property, that the person is carrying or otherwi e transporting. The term peddler shall mean the same as the term hawker. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IIl/Chpt 10/Page 1 (C) . 3-10-2:* (A) . . A solicitor shall mean a pers n who goes from house to house, door to door, business to business, sreet to street, or any other type of place to place, for the purpose of obt ining or attempting to obtain orders for goods, wares, products, mer handise or other personal property, or services, of which he or she ay be carrying or transporting samples, or that may be described in catalogue or by other means, and for which delivery or performance shal occur at a later time. The term solicitor shall mean the same as the t rm canvasser. (#243, 10/11/93) (#335,9/27/99) PERMIT REQUIRED: It is unlawful for any transient merchant to engage in any such business within the city of Monticello without first obtaining a permit therefore in compliance wit the provisions of this ordinance. A daily permit shall be requi ed for any "transient merchant" as defined in Section 3-10-1(A). 1. An annual permit w ich may be issued only to the owner or proprietor of a private premise uch as motel, hotel, shopping mall, banquet facility, service club, etc., wherein a transient merchant as defined in Section 3-10-1(A) m y lease or otherwise occupy space to engage in said temporary busi ss. An applicant for an annual permit must provide the City wi assurances that each transient merchant engaged in business upon his er premise meets the minimum requirements of this and all other applicable ordinance. 2. The transient merch t shall operate from within a permanent structure on the premise. Out oor sales from parking lots or other open space is hereby prohibited un er the provisions of the annual permit. 3. No holder of an ann al permit shall allow in excess of 12 vendors, stands, booths, or si ilar sales area to operate per day without the written permissions f the City Council. (B) FEES: Fees shall be set an adopted by the City Council as follows: 1. Daily permit fees. 2. Daily permit fees fo a permit issued to a transient merchant under the authority of the ann al permit, said fees to be collected by the holder of an annual permit an remitted to the City Administrator prior to the conduct of any bus' ess, **except that transient merchants conducting their business withi the confines of the commons area of an sho in mall shall not be re ired to remit a dail fee. 3. Annual permit fees. *(#129, 11/14/83) **(#131, 1/23/84) MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III1Chpt 10/Page 2 '. . . (C) PERlvHSSION OF PROPE TY OWNER REQUIRED: 1. No transient merch t shall sell or offer for sale any goods, wares, or merchandise within he city from a stationary location or public or private property wit out first obtaining the written consent of the property owner or 0 cupant. 2. No transient merch t license shall be issued for sales from any location which does ot have sufficient parking for customers and for areas where custome parking would interfere with normal traffic flow. 3. Only one (1) transie t merchant license shall be issued per location (property owner) at y given time. (#194, 8/13/90) 3-10-3: EXEMPTIONS: This chapt r does not apply to the following: (B) (A) Vendors of milk, groceries, akery products, or other perishable commodities; or vendors of soft water se . ce or laundry and dry cleaning pickup and delivery who make an uninv ted call upon the occupant of a resident as a preliminary step to the estab ishment of a regulat route service for the sale and delivery of such commoditie or the providing of such services to regular customers; or for the sale of oods, merchandise, or services to business, commercial, or industrial us rs at their place of business. Sidewalk sales authorized b the City Council. (C) Limited open sales and limit d rummage/garage sales. (See Permitted Accessory Sales, Chapter 6, ection 3, of the Zoning Ordinance for regulations governing open sales and age/garage sales.) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) 3-10-4: (#209,5/13/91) Any bona fide auction sale b a city resident. Any sale under court order. The sale of regularly publish d newspapers. The sale of goods or merch dise on behalf of bona fide charitable, religious, civic, education, or political rganization subject to provisions of 3-1 0-2(C) and 3-10-5. Sale of farm or garden fruits d vegetables from June 15 through September 15 subject to the provisions of 3-1 0-2(C) and the daily permit fees established by Council. (#310, 6/8/98) (# 194, 8/13/90) APPLICATION: Applicants for a p rmit under this ordinance shall file with the City MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III/Chpt 10/Page 3 Clerk a sworn application in writi g on a form to be furnished by the City Clerk. The application shall give the followin information: . (A) Name and physical descri ion of applicant; (B) Complete permanent horn and local address of the applicant and, in the case of transient merchants, the local address from which proposed sales will be made; (C) A brief description of the n ture of the business and the goods to be sold; (D) The name and address of e employer, principal, or supplier of the applicant together with credentials t refrom establishing the exact relationship; (E) The length of time for whi h the right to do business is desired; (F) General description of ite s to be sold; (G) The names of at least two operty owners of Wright County, Minnesota, who will certify as to the applic t's good character and business respectability or, in lieu of the names of refe ences, such other available evidence as to the good character and business resp nsibility of the applicant as will enable an investigator to properly ev uate such character and business responsibility; (H) . The last municipalities, not to exceed three, where applicant carried on business immediately prece ing date of application and the addresses from which such business was c nducted in those municipalities; (I) At the time of filing the ap lication, a fee of $3.50 shall be paid to the City Clerk to cover the cost of i vestigation of the facts stated therein plus a fee schedule adopted by the Ci Council. 3-10-5: (#107, 11/23/81) (#194,8/13/90) REG1STRA. nON REQUIRED: A I peddlers and solicitors shall be required to register with the City. Registrati n shall be made on a form supplied by the City Clerk, but no fee shall be requ red. The application shall give the following information: A. B. C. D. E. . F. G. Name of applicant(s). Complete permanent home d local address of the applicant(s). A brief description of the n e of the business and the goods to be offered for sale or to be sol or the purpose of the solicitation. Name and address of the e ployer, principal, or supplier for the applicant, or the name of th organization the applicant is representing. The length of time for whic the registration applies to. The general description of y items to be sold or distributed. The last municipalities, not 0 exceed three, where applicant has carried on a similar business activi or solicitation immediately preceding the date of application. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III1Chpt 10/Page 4 . Upon completion of the required re istration form, the City Clerk shall issue to the registrant a signed copy of the r gistration form as proof of the applicants registration. The applicant shall sh II be required to carry with them a copy of the registration while conducting solici ation or during the peddling of merchandise. (#335,9/27/99) 3-10-6: RELIGIOUS AND CHARITABL ORGANIZATIONS, EXEMPTION: Any organization, society, association, r corporation desiring to solicit or to have solicited in its name money, donations of m ney or property, or financial assistance of any kind, or desiring to sell or distribut any item of literature or merchandise for which a fee is charged or solicited from per ons other than members of such organizations upon the streets, in office or busine s buildings, by house-to-house canvass, or in public places for a charitable, religi us, patriotic, or philanthropic purpose shall be exempt from the provisions of Sect on 4 of this ordinance provided there is filed a sworn application in writing on a fi rm to be furnished by the City Clerk which shall give the following information: (A) Name and purpose of the c use for which permit is sought; (B) Names and addresses ofth officers and directors of the organization; (C) Period during which solicit tion is to be carried on; . (D) Whether or not any commi sion, fee, wages, or emoluments'are to be expended in connection with such sol citation and the amount thereof. Upon being satisfied that s ch organization, association, or corporation is a religious, charitable, patrio ic, or philanthropic organization, the Clerk shall issue a permit without char e to such organization, association, or corporation to solicit in the city. Such rganization, association, or corporation shall furnish all of its members, gents, or representatives conducting solicitation credentials in writing statin the name of the organization, name of agent, and purpose of solicitation. 3-10-7: INVESTIGATION AND I SUANCE: (A) Upon receipt of each appli ation, it shall be referred to the City Administrator, who will immediately insti te such investigation of the applicant's business and moral character as he d ems necessary for the protection of the public good and shall endorse the pplication in the manner prescribed in this section within 72 hours after it has been filed by the applicant with the City. (B) If, as a result of such inves igation, the applicant's character or business responsibility is found to b unsatisfactory, the City Administrator shall endorse on such applicatio his disapproval and reasons for the same and notify the applicant that hi application is disapproved and that no permit will be issued. . MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IlI/Chpt 10/Page 5 . 3-10-8: 3-10-9: . 3-10-10: . (C) If, as a result of such investi ation, the character and business responsibility of the applicant are found to b satisfactory, the City Administrator shall endorse on the application his appro al and deliver to the applicant his permit. Such permit shall contain the sig ature of the issuing officer and shall show the name and address of said pe ittee, the class of permit issued and the kinds of goods to be sold thereunder, the date of issuance and the length oftime not to exceed one year from the da e of issuance that the same shall be operative, as well as the permit number d other identifying description of any vehicle used in such licensed business. Each transient merchant mu t secure a personal permit. No permit shall be used at any time by any pers n other than the one to whom it is issued. The Clerk shall keep a permanen record of all permits issued. (#335,9/27/99) DUTY OF CITY ADMINISTRAT R TO ENFORCE: It shall be the duty of the City Administrator to require any person seen peddling, soliciting, or canvassing, and who is not known by such City Adminis ator to have obtained a permit hereunder, to produce his permit and to enforce e provisions of this ordinance against any person found to be violating the same. REVOCA nON OF LICENSE: (A) Permits issued under the pro isions of this ordinance may be revoked by the City Administrator for any 0 the following causes: 1. Fraud, misrepresenta ion, or incorrect statement contained in the application for permi ; 2. Fraud, misrepresenta . on, or incorrect statement made in the course of carrying on his busin ss as solicitor, canvasser, peddler, transient merchant, itinerant erchant, or itinerant vendor; 3. 4. Conviction of any cn e or misdemeanor; 5. Conducting the busi ss of peddler, canvasser, solicitor, transient merchant, itinerant rchant, or itinerant vendor, as the case may be, in an unlawful manner r in such a manner as to constitute a breach of peace or to constitute a menace to health, safety, or general welfare of the public. APPEAL: Any person aggrieved b the action of the City Administrator or the City Clerk in the denial of a permit or re ocation may appeal to the Council. Such appeal shall be taken by filing with the Co cil within fourteen days after notice of the action complained of and a written stateme t setting forth fully the grounds for the appeal. The Council shall set a time and pIa e for a hearing on such appeal, and notice of such hearing shall be given to the appell t. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III1Chpt 10/Page 6 .. . . . 3-10-11: 3-10-12: 3-10-13: REAPPLICATION: No permittee hose permit has been revoked shall make further application until at least six months have elapsed since the last previous revocation. EXPIRATION OF PERMIT: All i ual permits issued under the provisions of this ordinance shall expire at midnight e 31 st day of December in the year when issued. Other than annual licenses shall ex ire at midnight on the date specified in the license. PENAL TY: Any person who viola es any provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction ereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $500 or by imprisonment for a peri d not exceeding 90 days or both, plus in either case the costs of prosecution. (#97,4/13/81) /' MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III/Chpt 10/Page 7 . . . Council Agenda - 6/12/2000 10. Consideration of a in for street Ii ht i Monticello Townshi at the intersection 97lh Avenue NE and Gillard Avenue NE. (.I.S.) A. REFF:RENCE AND BACKGRO ND: The residcnts in the area of 9Th A venuc N E and Gillard A venue NE have been paying for a security light located on the east side ofGi lard A venuc in Monticello Township. It is my understanding that John and Margc Gurney at 9691 Gillard Avenue NE and Kevin Fair at 9681 Gi liard A venue NE have rcquested th - t the city take over payment of the light. The light that exists is in Monticello Towns ip and is more a night-watch type of light than a street light. The cost of this light is $8.4 per 1110nth. If the city were to install a street light at this location on the west side of Gill I'd in the eity limits, the cost would be $11.75 per month. I lad this intersection been within the city li lits, we would have lit it with the construction of the homes on Gillard and it would not be in question. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. -rhe first alternative would be to tak over paying for the existing night watch light at $8.40 per month locatcd on the ea't side of (iillard in Monticello Township. The second alternative would be to 'onvert the light on the east side of Gillard in Monticello Township to more of a treet light type of cobra head light rather than the night watch and continue paym nt for it at a cost of approximately $8.40 per month. 2. o The third alternative would be to ins all a new light pole and light on thc west side of Gillard near the intersection of9T Avenue NE in the city limits and pay for that light at the current price of $11.75 p I' month. 4. 'The fourth alternative would be not t pay for the light in Monticello Township nor install a light at this intcrsection in t e city limits. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is unfortunate that Monticcllo Township does not recognize intersections of streets as hazards and light those intcrscctions. Th residents of the area have considered this intersection to be a safety or security probl m during evening hours and have paid for the cost of a light. Should the Council decid that this light is needed at this intersection regardless of whose jurisdiction it is, it woul be staff's recommcndation to locate a proper street light on the west side of Gillard in the city limits rather than pay for a light located in . Council Agenda - 6/12/2000 Monticello Township. Paying for a light in he township could have ramifications in other areas on the borders of the community. Consequently, if the City Council recognizes the need for this light, City stafr would recomm ~nd alternative #3 to install the new light in the city limits. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of map and pricing sheet fi:om Wrigh Hennepin Electric. . . / ....., \ 'r-A ...~ I ~ \\ 6-~ .J ~O':!l ............~D~r. -.~ ~i/! "' /~~~l! \ < L.__o_ __Do} J' ~/ l>';"H;'~"" . 1 .,;,. ... ""i ~ ! 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U U (J"\ '" [J) :>: f-4 '" .0: "' <" " H '.~. <>: 0: '" '" ,-l ,1 00 n '-' ,~ '" " " .0: u -.-.. r" z rl rl <".l co " v, 'D 00 c< " ,,, rl '" 0.... 0 rl f-< ~ Z Z b '" '" ~) :0 00 rl ," ,..., ,., N ," -.j' '" '-" ", co 00 ,-, .1 ,n 0 ,.J; OJ 0 I~ u '" p, rl N ," '" N N ,~ (" " " " ", '" '" '-', '.0 f-< n1 '" LO b .. WSB 8441 Wayzata B ulevard, Suite 350 Minneapolis, M 55426 B.A. Mittelsteadt" P.E. Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. Donald W. Sterna, P.E. Ronald B. Bray, P.E. tel: 763-541 4800 fax: 763-5 1-1700 & Associates, Inc. June 12, 2000 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Re: Elm Street Sanitary Sewer, Watermain & Appurtenant Work City of Monticello, Minnesota WSB Project No. 1160-26 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above-referenced pr dect at 10:00 a.m., June 9, 1999, and were opened and read aloud. A total of six bids ere received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. Please fin enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as Schluender Construction, Inc., Mo ticello, MN., in the amount of$31,731.00. We recommend award of the contract to Schlue der Construction, Inc., in this amount. Sincerely, {Ziji:: Inc. Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Enclosures c: Schluender Construction, Inc. bba Minneapolis · St. Cloud Infrastructure Engine rs Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNIT EMPLOYER F: IWPWIMJ 160.26\recmmdll-hmc. wpd Bids Opened: 10:00 a.m. WSB & Associates, Inc. June 9, 2000 Project No. 1160-26 Contractor Bid Security Total Bid BARBAROSSA AND SONS, INC. 5% $49,768.00 CCS CONTRACTING DAVE PERKINS CONTRACTING, INC. FYLE EXCAVATING 5% $36,640.00 KUCHLE UNDERGROUND, INC. 5% $36,949.90* LATOUR CONSTRUCTION, INC. R.L. LARSON EXCAVATING 5% $36,539.00 RANDY KRAMER EXCAVATING, INC. ROLSTAD CONSTRUCTION, INC. 5% $35,440.00 SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCTION, INC. 5% $31,731.00* Engineer's Estimate $ 36,167.00 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabula 'on of the bids as received on June 9, 2000. Bret A. Weiss P .E. * Denotes corrected figure F: \ WPWIMJ 160-J6\SpecIReBldlblcllab.,.peI C/) "C co '+- o C o "00 c Q.) -+-' x W IH III lJ !~ ~! !~ ~j :~ fi J ~ o! 111 <3 ~~~~ ; ~4$~i i. '" 8 Sit - ---.- .. --- -1-- ~ ~~~~~~Iq~~ ~ g~lll61i~8g~ ~ j1 .!!J &I &I .~m...... ~ N ~ ..... ;; ~.. - ______. n.__ _~ __ _ __ _. _.__,__ __ _____ "'8 a~~~a~~8g Sit 8il\.~~~lllllldi ~ Z; ~ w w Cl :; :; ~:~~~I~~~~~ 2al. S ~ ~ ~ 6l ~ 8 8 <:> j1"'-;s;;;tj .;smI ~ ~ <:> III M W 6.; ~ j - ______. ------ - -. ~~ 8 ~ 8 g 8 <:> <:> <:> <:> 'l! 8 ....',. q q q <:> :Jit I~~t;~~~~~ ~ :I: 1: ~ " Q, .t 00 .E e I ~ c ~ i ~ , III J ~ ffi ~i 11 z ~ i ~ ii i ~ ~ ~ ~ lilii iij'l;"1 ! E~S m ~ ~ lL 8 o ~ II:: mu::: o/!! ~_~E Iii " 0( jl II) ~ ~ ~ ~ .. I '5 - " 0( ~ ~ ~ ~ I z J! 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