City Council Agenda Packet 05-22-2000 AGEND REGULAR MEETING - MONTI ELLO CITY COlJNCIL Monday, May 22, 2 00 - 7 p.m. - - Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roge Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. Approve minutes of regular council meting of May 8, 2000. Approve minutes of informational me ting of May 8, 2000. Approve minutes of Board of Review May 10, 2000 A. B. C. 2. (ot& 5\l0~" ilM~) ~ir ) Or-.J IJ 4c:e;~1 ~~I R.~ 0 (-' C07A CALif?) Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. C/o #- f J ~ zS- (lAc '1>~clJ B. 01.' 5T /WGJ r 13 ,ltdy l' IlL. u.r d~ (.. c. Cfu 1+ 2---.. ctcilJp 0.. it I r;;p, 5" r 3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and co 1plaints. 4. Consent agenda. 5. . Qj n~. b.J//.. \~/; A. Consideration of bids and award of co tract fC)f Elm Street sanitary sewer and watermain, Project No. 2000-08C. (1' be removed from consent agenda to discussion agenda) B. Consideration of approval of final pIa, rezoning and development agreement for Groveland residential subdivision. C. Consideration of bids and award of c ntract for Chelsea Road from 90th Street to Sandberg Road Project No. 98-25C. D. Consideration of bids and award of c ntract for Tower Drive Strcet Improvements Project 2()()0-03. 6. Consideration of items removed hom the cO! sent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of payment of bills for May. 8. Adjourn . . MINU ES REGULAR MEETING - MON [CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 8, 2000 - 7 p.m. Mem bers Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger C rIson, Clint J Ierbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. an declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of A ril24 2000 re ular c uncil meetin . CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE TH. MINUTES OF THE APRIL 24, 2000 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AS PRESE TED. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. 3. Consideration of addin2 items to the a2enda. Clint Herbst asked that discussion of the library pace be included on the agenda. Jeff O'Neill indicated that there was an update on th Domino's Pizza building. Bruce Thielen asked that item 5B be removed from the consent agenda for further discussion. 4. Citizen comments/ None. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of final plat and developm nt agreement and rezoning approval for Klein Farms 61h Addition. Recommendation: pprove the final plat and development agreement and approve rezoning from A- to R-I. Res. No. 2000-37, Ord. Amd. #345 B. Consideration of approval of development agreement and llnal plat for River Forest II Subdivision. Recommendation: Approv the final plat and development agreement for River Forest II Subdivision contingent upon llnal review and approval by City Engineer and City Attorney. C. Consideration to adopt a sponsoring unit 0 government resolution. Recommendation: Approve the Sponsoring Unit of Governm nt Resolution for the 1..1. Company, LLC dba Profile Powder Coating, Inc. Res. No. 2000-35. Council Minutes - 5/8/00 . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE IT=MS 5A AND 5C OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. ROGER CARLSON SECONDE THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the co sent a enda for discussion. The final plat and development agreement for iver Forest II Subdivision was removed from the consent agenda at the request of Bruce Thielen who asked whether the restrictive covenants for the development had changed sin 'e the first addition had been put in and if so, what those changes were. leffO' Neill stated t at the maintenance of the entrance monuments had changed. Bruce Thielen asked that the staf review the covenants and report back to the Council on the changes in the covenants. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR RIVER FOREST II SUBDIVISION UNTIL THE CITY STAFF COULD REPORT BACK TO 1'1 E COUNCIL ON CHANGES IN THE COVENANTS. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 7. Public Hcarin - Consideration of re uest for vacation of a ortion of Oakwood Drive north of Chelsea Road and ad' acent to the Da s Inn and Comfort Inn Motels. The Comfort I nn and the Days Inn had petitione for the vacation of a portion of Oakwood Drive. The Comfort Inn would like the see right of-way vacated because of expansion plans for their motel. It was noted that there are utilities 10 ated in the right-oY-way and there is a proposal for a pathway in that area as well. Without know ng what the expansion plans are for the Comfort Inn, the City didn't know if the utilities nd pathway would be affected by the proposed expansion. It may be that the need IiJr the Comfl11 Inn is more for relief from the setback requirements than it is a need for the vacated righ -of-way. Mayor Belsaas opened the publ ic hearing. Onn auv of the Comfort Inn stated that his concern is that the proposed vacation of Oakwood Drive ould be needed in order for them to expand. Mayor Belsaas noted that until there arc definite pans for the expansion it would not be known whether this area was needed. No one else spoke n the proposed vacation. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO TABLE V AC nON OF OAKWOOD DRIVE PENDING DEVELOPMENT OF A PLAN FOR USE OF TH' VACATED AREA. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIl-'D UNANIMOUSLY. 2 . . . 8. Council Minutes - 5/8/00 Public Hearin - A Ii cation for fundin from the Statc of Minnesota under the Small Cities Economic Develo ment Pro ram - Profile Powder Coatin Inc. Ollie Koropchak and Lenny Kirscht explai ed the purpose of the public hearing. The City is proposing to apply for a Business and Com nunity Development grant in the amount of $450,000 which the City will then loan to Profile Po der Coating. The public hearing is a legal requirement of the grant process. Lenny irseht provided information ahout the facility proposed to he constructed, the funding pro 'ess and the number of jobs created. Mayor Be1saas opened the public hearing. fhere was no one present who spoke for or against the proposal. Mayor Bclsaas then closed th public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROV-. TIlE LOCAL GOVERNMENT RESOLUTION, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRA , AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRAD AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOR J.J. COMPANY LLC DBA PROFILE POWDER COATING, INC. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Res. No. 2000-36. 9. The proposed layout of the left turn lanes w s discussed in the inJormationalmeeting held at 6:30 p.m. on May 8, 2000. John Simola rep rted that the estimated cost for the work would be $45,900 or approximately $23,000 each for he City and the County. The Council discussed whether alternating east/west tramc would e lhanee the traffic now. However, the decision on this would be made by the state. It was felt t lat state would be reluctant to just change the now of traJIic without making changes to the roa way. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE TIE LA YOUT AS PRESENTED AT TIlE INFORMATIONAL MEETING AND ACC RDING TO PRELIMINARY PLANS DATED 3/9/00 AND TO AUTHORIZE CITY STAF' TO WORK Wrn-l THE COUNTY TO DEVELOP FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFI ATIONS AND OBTAIN QUOTES FOR THE WORK. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION ADDING THAT WHILE THIS PROPOSAL WILL BE AN IMPROVEMEN IT WILL PROBABLY NOT BE THE UL'flMATE SOLUTION. MOTION CARR ED WITH CLINT HERBST VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Res. No. 2000-38 Clint Herbst asked if in discussions of the library an future expansion there had been any consideration given to looking at the former site ofSt. Henry's Ch rch. He noted that it contains sufficient space and is handicapped accessible. Bruce Thielen stated that although the S1. Ilenry's site was discussed it was felt that the library should be part of the community enter core area. He also noted that the St. Henry's site was not completely handicapped accessible and t at the Great River 3 . . . Council Minutes - 5/8/00 Regional Library did not have staff for an expande facility. The Council was also updated on the status of repairs to the existing library. Jeff O'Neill requested Council input on pursuing a quisition of a 6' strip land that is part of the Domino's building for use as a pathway connection Jeff O'Neill stated that there is parking at the rear of the buildings and it would be good to have a wal way access to the front. There was also discussion of a land swap. The consensus of the Council was t at the staff should continue to work with Bill Grassl on this item. Fred Patch reported that he had met with representa ives from Ankeny, Kell & Associates regarding the acoustics in the Mississippi Room. He also inform d the Council that the iron filter system will be installed by either this week or next. Clint Herbst e pressed his concern about the City changing contractors for the iron filter system from the contra tor originally selected. The Council asked if any progress was being made on the punch list of work emaining on the project and whether the Community Center small group had any discussions on the formation of an advisory board for the Community Center. 10. Consideration of a ment of bills for Ma CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE A YMENT OF BILLS FOR MAY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. M TION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Adiourn BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN T 7:50 P.M. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOlJSL Y. Recording Secretary 4 . MINlJ ES INFORMA TIONAL MEETING - ONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, May 8, 2 00 - 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger C rIson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Bclsaas opened the informational meeting. Joh Simola, Public Works Director, and Virgil I lawkins, Assistant Wright County Engineer, explaine the proposed layout f()[ the len turn lanes for CSAlI 75 at TH 25. John Simola noted that the pr posal tried to keep existing parking and yet stay within the given roadway The project is proposed to b a joint venture between the City of Monticello, Wright County and the State of Minnesota. Accordin to John Simola, MnDOT will install the left turn signals, install lane designations on the signal arm and determine the stacking length for the left turn lanes. The County will do the striping, reinstall th signs and prepare the traffic control plan and prepare final plans. The City would prepare the cost es imate and the project specifications, obtain cost proposals, let the contract, provide construction inspect on and coordinate the project. The Council had a number of questions including whet er there was adequate turning room for the truck traffic making right turns onto TH 25, whether tra Tic could still make right turns on the red light and the length of the median. The various options that had been looked at such as, removal of parking on the street, were reviewed. Clint Herbst suggested ra her than incurring costs now for the left turn lanes, the City should look at just recalibrating the sign Is to allow alternating movement of the east and west bound trafIic. If that did not adequately handl the problem, then the City could look at construction of the left turn lanes. John Simola and Vir il Hawkins felt there would be some reluctance by the state to consider this suggestion. There was also iscussion on how future construction of the loop ramp and 7th Street would impact the traffic on CS H 75 and TH 25. - - There were no comments on the proposal from those in ttendance. The informational meeting was closed to conduct the regular City Council meeting. Recording Secretary 1 . . . MIN TES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COlJNCIL BOARD 0 REVIEW Wednesday, May 10,2000 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger CarIsol , Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas opened the meeting and then turned i over to Greg Kramber and Gerry Kritzeek from the Wright County Assessor's office. Greg Kramber reviewed the assessment process fix the year noting that during the period of 10/98-10/99 there w re 156 sales with a median sale ratio of 89.1 %. The state requires that the sales ratio falls within 900 to 105%. Mr. Kramber noted that the average increase for residential property was 7%. A letter was submitted by the property owner of Lots I ~ 13, Block 3, MacarIund Plaza regarding the $4,600 assessment on the garage units. The assessor reviewed the property and recommended the assessed value be adjusted to $3,600 per unit. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED REDUCE THE ASSES,'ED VALUATION FOR THE GARAGE UNITS FROM $4,600/PER UNIT TO $3,600/PER UNIT. R GER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN ANI MOUSL Y. A letter was submitted by the property owner for 155 0 1 0~050 101. The 12' x 69' parcel was assessed at $3,200. The assessor reviewed the property and re ommended that the minimum value be placed on the parcel. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO REDUCE THE AS ESSED VALUATION FOR 155-010-050101 AS RECOMMENDED BY THE ASSESSOR. CLIN . HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Greg Kramber indicated that the assessor's office this ear had looked specifically at apartment buildings in an attempt to equalize values throughout he County. A letter and survey had gone out to the apartment owners. A letter was received regardin the valuation on parcel 155-053-001010 which questioned the increased in assessed valuation from $1,293,300 to $1,543,500. The assessor will be meeting with property owner on May 16, 2000 and wi 1 report back to the Council. However, the letter was being read so that the requirements of the a peal process could be met. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO RECESS THE BOA D OF REVIEW UNTIL 6:45 P.M. ON MA Y, 22, 2000. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. . . . Board of Review - 5/ I 0/00 The assessor indicated that a letter was also receive regarding the assessed valuation for parcel 155- 010-050070. The assessed value for 2000 is $231,0 0 as compared to the assessed value of $220,800 in 1999 which was approximately a 5% increase. CLINT HERBST MOVED THAT THE ASSESSE VALUATION FOR PARCEL, 155-0 I 0-050070 REMAIN AT $231,000. BRIAN STUMPF SECn DED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. The meeting recessed to be reconvened at 6:45 p.m. on May 22, 2000. Recording Secretary 2 . . . Council Agenda - 5/22/2000 SA. Review of hids for the Elm Street Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Project. No. 2000-0Sc. and consideration of award of contract--. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUr D: As per the action previously taken by the ( ity Council after the public hearing on this project, City staff completed the plans for the ewer and water extension on Elm Streetto the Genung, Monticello RV and Brennan properties. WSB added the specifications, applicd for the Heath Dept., and PCA permits, and placed the advertisemcnt for bid. The bids wcre received on Friday, May 19,2 WO. The following is a tabulation of the bids received: CONTRACTOR SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCTION, INC. FYLE'S EXCAVATING DA VE PERKINS CONTRACTING KUECHLE UNDERGROUND, INC. CCS CONTRACTING BID SECURITY TOT AL BID NO $31,303.00 YES $39,974.00 YES $41,852.00 YES $45,553.00 YES $55,055.00 It should be noted that the apparent low idder was Schlucnder Construction, Inc. of Monticello, at $31,303.00. However, even tough they includcd thc cost of a bid bond and performance bond in their bid, they did not supply a bid security. Therefore, Fylc's Excavating of Monticello would bc the low b d at $39,974.00. The Public Works Director's estimate of the construction cost was $34,9E 7.00. With thc 5% contingency it would total $36,715.35. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be tc formally rejcct the bid from Schluender Construction, Inc. as not responsive 0 the bid requirements and award a contract to Fyle's Excavating of Monticello inhc amount of $39,974.00. 2. The second alternative would be to reject all bids and re-advertise the project in hopes of obtaining a lowcr bid. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Having spokcn with thc City Attorney, it is apparent that we cannot award the bid to Council Agenda - 5/2212000 . Schluender Construction, Inc. as the bidding documents do not allow that to be waived as an informality. Consequently, the low bid n the project is that from Fyle's Excavating at $39,974. The public hearing, however, for t e project estimated the total cost at $40,019.73, which included $3,304 for engineering, pe mits, surveys, public notices, inspections, and $1,748.50 in contingencies. Therefore, ifw proceed under alternative #1 our estimated final cost would be approximately $5,000 over ur total estimated project costs. It is the City Engineer's opinion, and I concur, that we hould look at re-bidding this project since it is above our estimated costs for the project. Between now and Monday evening's Council meeting, I will contact the three individu Is who were proposed to be assessed for this project and ask them their opinion and wh ther or not they could wait to re-bid. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Elm Street Cost Data. . . CITY OF M NTICELLO Elm Street ost Data . UNIT TOTAL DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UN' COST COST 1. SANITARY SEWER 8" SDR 35 PVC PIPE 460 FEE $22.00 4" SERVICES 33' LONG 2 EAC $650.00 2 -12' DEEP MANHOLE WITH CASTIN AND PLUGGED BOOT 24 FEE $200.00 UNIT . TOTAL DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 2. WATERMAIN 8" DIP 500 UN. F . $17.50 $8,750.00 8" X 6" TEE 175 LB. $1.85 $323.75 6" DIP 20 UN. F . $15.00 $300.00 6" GV W/BOX 1 EACH $500.00 $500.00 8 1/2' BURY HYDRANT 1 EACH $1,750.00 $1,750.00 8" MECHANICAL PLUG 45 EACH $1.85 1" COPPER 90 UN. FT. $12.00 CORP 2 EACH $195.00 CURB STOP W/BOX 2 EACH $160.00 . CONNECT TO EXISTING 1 EACH $250.00 CLASS V (MAKEUP) SUB-TOTAL TOTAL . C:\123R4W\-JOHN\ELMCOST.WK4: 05/19/2000 $36,715.35 :,;:;::{tu'iiiiilia:: . ':':':;;;~i: ~: ~; ~ ;ji~~ ~t~~11tfij. :::::::~ .. '$i304.38'::;::'::';:;.'I~f:ift: $40 019.73:':.;:::::(:'4$)f6d!ij': . . . City Council Agenda - OS/22/00 SB. Consideration of a roval of final la develo ment a reement and rezonin from A to R-l and B-3 uses. Groveland R sidential Subdivision. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGR UND City Council is asked to grant approval t final plat, development agreement and establish zoning districts for the Grovela d area. The final plat consists of 80 residential I ts and approximately 40 acres of commercial land located on both sides of Chelsea Ro d. Conditions relating to final plat approval relating to Wetland issues have been parfally met with the recent approval of the mitigation plan by the Wright County So I Conservation District. It appears in this case that an Army Corp of Engineers permit i also required which is in process. With the approval of the wetland mitigation plan b WCSCD, it is very likely that the Army Corp permit will be forthcoming. Actual const uction in wetland areas will not commence until this permit has been obtained. As you recall, Wright County requested t at the City gain support from property owncrs affected by the vacation of Oakwood Dri c. All signatures have been obtained which paves the way for the vacation of Oakwo d Drive to occur. With regard to the development agreemel t, the document will follow the same format used with recent developments with the f llowing exception. Instead of obtaining a letter of credit covering the cost to install the pr vate improvements, it is proposed that the City accept a construction warranty bond. The City Attorney supports use of a construction warranty bond and has noted that many ci ies use such an instrument to assure proper completion of public improvements const ucted and financed privately. The development agreement has not been con pleted at the time of preparation of this report, however it should be available in time nJr he meeting on Monday. Attached you will find a spread sheet that outlines the financ al terms that will be incorporated into the agreement. With regard to the rezoning: As you kno ,when a property is annexed to the City it comes in under the Agricultural designatio 1. and then must be rezoned at the time of development. Please see the attached map hich outlines the proposed amendments to the zoning map. The Planning Commissio.1 conducted a public hearing on the matter and tabled the rezoning request because they w nted the MOAA' s viewpoint prior to making their recommendation. My recollection is hat there was no objection to the zoning designations, but procedurally, the Plannin.f Commission felt it would be good to get the MOAA viewpoint first. Subsequently, the Planning Commission approved the preliminary plat but forgot to go back and 1 ake a formal recommendation on the zoning for the site. Since it has been over 60 days since the application has been made, according to the City Code, the City Counc.l may make a decision without a formal City Council Agenda - OS/22/00 recommendation by the Planning Com ission. Although a formal recommendation was not made, r have no doubt that the PIa ning Commission supports the proposed zoning based on the preliminary plat approval City Council should feel free to approve the rezoning absent a formal reeommenda ion by the Planning Commission. . B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the final pia and development agreement, and approve rezoning from Agricultural/B3 0 B-3 and R-I. Rezoning approval based on the finding that the proposed distri t designations are consistent with the comprehensive plan. Motion c ntingent on obtaining any necessary permit from the Army Corp of Engineers. 2. Motion to table or deny the fina plat and development agreement, and table or deny approval of rezoning fro Agrieultural/B3 to B-3 and R-I. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends al ernative I. . D. SUPPORTING DA'fA Copy of Zoning Map for the area. Spreadsheet outlining fees and assessm nts Development Agreement (available at n eeting) . 1/' ~~ , ' (), ' \ " "\.~ '\... \'." ~.J...,....." ", QQ' /\ ,/ /)(/ "" / l1"~< ' ,,/ / 1:) "'''... I~JJ /1 "\ : ( O',) , ' - , ' ~ ,_./ 0 -. - - . . . , , , , ...--....-- , I (,"" , " ...,,~ _ J-" , , , , , , _ __ ~ _ . _ __I , , , , J : . , ,/ ,r-~....'" ---._~-.....,/,/ il'.I' ---"""(\ , , , , . .'/// ""'''-,- ...".....",1 ,/,,> .// , I ~ ~ 5,N 8 u: ~~ -:il :i~ II 16 Zl -= c.J c.J e ~ c.J ~~E -==- = e Q."..!!- z~- O~= -...= ~c;.::l1:: <-=... c;,;r== ON=- ....=li~ ....=l~"C ~"C= ~.s If >.........0 ODS ,.!3::J c.J_ ..c:::l t u.... ~ Summary of Groveland Develo ment Agreement Fees Trunk or Dedication Fees to be Assessed eResidentiallots - 80 Commercial lots - 4 Park Dedication Pathway dedication Storm Water Sanitary Sewer Watermian Chelsea Improvements - Lateral Benefit Sanitary sewer and water Storm Sewer Street/storm Total .ssessment per Commercial lot (4) Assessment per Residential lot (80) Assessment As essment Commercial Gr vel and NA NA NA $162,537 $94,498 $48,526 $305,561 $3,820 Bond Requirements, City Fees, Deposits Warrenty and Completion Bond Storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water City Fees based on 8% of construction costs Grading Fee Total Tree installation Deposit (150*2)*80 Wetland, wetland buffer deposit e Construction Cost $810,000 $64,800 $4,000 $68,800 $24,000 $15,000 Sufficient land area provided over entire plat. Personal guarantee assuring land contribution with subsequent phase. 16,000 Pathway portion of dedication to be assessed. $ 12,061 Includes credits for oversizing 72,575 Includes credits for oversizing 37,268 Includes credits for oversizing $ 08,747 From feasibility study - Actuals are lower $125,637 From feasibility study - Actuals are lower $557,931 From feasibility study - Actuals are lower ~f:tO'" $ 9,476 Instead of Letter of Credit - OK by Denny Dalen Paid at execution of development agreement Developer provided grading for Chelsea Road Total fees to city Developer using on~site nursery stock Required for Wetland Permit - Developer installs. Easement required to protect vegetation required under wetland permit . sc. . . Council Agenda - 5/22/2000 Review of bids for Chelsea Road West a nd Brentwood Circle street and annurtenant imnrovements. Citv Proie( t No. 98-2SC. and consideration of award of contract and ordering improvement. (J S./.l.O.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO UNO: Bids for the Chelsea Road West and Brer twood Circle Project were taken at 10 a.m. on Friday, May 19,2000. 'l'en (10) bids were received. The following is a tabulation of those bids: Unverified Bid Tabulation Chelsea Road W, st & Brentwood Circle CONTRACTOR BID SECURITY TOTAL BID 1 BARBAROSSA AND SONS, INC. YES $1,399,891. I 0 2 WIDMER, INC. NO $1,465,904.42 3 RY AN CONTRACTING YES $1,550,120.77 4 BROWN AND CRIS, INC. YES $1,577,758.29 5 S. J. LOUIS CONSTRUCTION, INC. YES $1,617,936.73 6 S. R. WEIDEMA, INC. YES $1,628,361.96 7 NODLAND CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. YES $ I ,647,375.60 8 BURSCHVILLE CONSTRUCTION, INC. YES $1,667,287.25 9 LA TOUR CONSTRUCTION, INC. YES $1,689,047.56 10 BELAIR EXCA V A"r1NG YES $1,792,421. 99 The apparent low bidder on the project i Barbarossa and Sons, Inc., in the amount of $1,399,891.10. The City Engineer's lates estimate on the project after completion of the plans was $1,665,000. The feasibility stud y does not exactly match the actual final design of the project. Consequently, it is not easy t ) compare the final bid numbers to the feasi bi I ity study, but it does appear that the individua unit bid prices are cheaper than those shown in the feasibility study. The City Engineer and City staff have bee 1 working to obtain all of the necessary right of way easements and land exchange agreem "nts so as not to delay the award of the project. The draft development agreement is in fine I dra1t form, and it is my understanding that the developer, Mr. Emmerich, has agreed with the requirements set out by City staff within the agreement. Land exchanged documents ha e been signed by Milt Olson, D & D Bus, Gould Bros. Chevrolet and Stuart Hoglund. Jrading easements have been obtained from Council Agenda - 5/22/2000 . Monticello Auto Body for grading on Chclse Road and Marvin Road, and blanket easement fc)r roadway and utility purposes should e obtained from Tony Emmerieh and Stuart Hoglund by the time of Monday evening's eeting. A small easement needed f()f the new Oakwood Drive circle at Marvin Road h s been drafted and should be obtained from Monticello Ford by Monday evening's mee ing. It appears that al1 of the pieces are falling into place on this project. The army core of engineers is expected to grant the wetland permit to the city of Monticello on or about June 13,2000. The City Engineer has a cont ngency plan to work around the area should the permit be delayed. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative, after final verification of the bid tabulation unit prices from WSB, is to award to the low bidder 'ho at this time is 8arbarossa and Sons, Inc. in the amount of $1 ,399,891 .10 and or er the improvement. This alternative assumes that th City Council approves the final plat and development agreement under cons nt agenda item 58. 2. The second alternative, if all of the mal documentations needed to proceed are not in, would be to award the project to t e low bidder contingent upon the final required documents being in the city's hands. . 3. The third alternative would be to de ay the award of the project until such time that the final documents are ready ifthey have not been completed by Monday evening's meeting. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City Administrator recommends moving forward with the project contingent upon completion of al1 of the required document. The Deputy City Administrator will report to the City Council on Monday evening's me ting the status of all required documents. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None . .. WSB . 8441 Wayzata Bo lavard, Suite 350 Minneapolis, MN 55426 & Associates, Inc. May 22, 2000 tel: 763-541- 800 fax: 763-54 -1700 B.A. Mittelsteadt, PE. Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. Donald W. Sterna, P.E. Ronald B. Bray, P.E. Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Chelsea Road West & Brentwood Circle Street and Appurtenant Improvements Monticello, Minnesota City Project No. 98-25C Dear Mayor and Council Members: . Bids were received for the above-referenced proj ct at 10:00 a.m., May 19, 2000, and were opened and read aloud. A total of 10 bids w re received. Barbarossa and Sons, Inc., submitted the lowest bid in the amount of $1, 99,891.10. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. The engin er's estimate was $1,665,000.00. We recommend award of the contract to Barb rossa and Sons, Inc., in the amount of $1,399,891.10. Enclosed for your reference are the bid tabulation and bid extension. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~~~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E. President Enclosures c: Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello John Simola, City of Monticello Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. . M i /I /I (' ([ p () / is. St. C: / () U (rW1"VIV 1/% ()I) Ii ,,1>11..1, "".,.",.1" I"", "1"/ Infrastructure Enginee \' Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY MPLOYER . . . BIDTABUL T10N CHELSEA ROAD WEST&J. RENTWOOD CIRCLE StREET AND APPURTENA 'NT IMPROVEMENTS MONTICELLO, 1\1 INNESOTA CITY PROJECT VO.98-25C Bids Opened: 10:00 a.m. WSB & Associates, Inc. May 19, 2000 Project No. 1196-00 Contractor Add 1 Add 2 Bid Total Bid Rec'd Rec'd Security BARBAROSSA AND SONS, INC. .[ .[ .[ $1,399,891.10 RYAN CONTRACTING .[ .[ .[ $1,544,775.37* BROWN AND CRIS, INC. .[ .[ .[ $1,570,226.65* S.J. LOUIS CONSTRUCTION, INC .[ .[ .[ $1,617,837.33* S.R. WEIDEMA, INC. .[ .[ .[ $1,628',361.96 WIDMER INC. .[ .[ .[ $1,630,450.51 * NODLAND CONSTRUCTION .[ f .[ $1,647,375.60 BURSCHVILLE CONSTRUCTION, INC. .[ Rcc'd Signed .[ $1,667,264.50* Confinnation LATOUR CONSTRUCTION. INC. .[ .[ .[ $1,689,047.56 BELAIR EXCAVATING .[ .[ .[ $1,788,885.02* Engineer's Estimate $1,665,000.00 t~e bids as received on May /9, 2000. -. I hereby certify that this is a true and correc' 'A:' ~. Bret A. Wei s, P.E. * Denotes corrected figure F:\WPWIMf /96-00ISpt'Clhid/(lh.......'{J/1 ..-..--- -.- I - -. .. ..- .- . . . 5D. City Council Agenda - OS/22/00 Review of nroDosals for Methodist ChUl eh/Tower Drive Street Imnrovcments and contract for Citv Project #2000-03C. (~SB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Based upon previous City Council approval, the City Engineer solicited proposals for street construction on Tower Drive to serv( the Community United Methodist Church. Plans were drawn by John Bogart, the engi l1eer for the Methodist Church, and specifications were added and proposals ot tained by WSB & Associates, Inc. Proposals were solicited from contractors who routin ly do work in Monticello and two (2) proposals were received. Following is a lis of the proposals received: CONTRACTOR l. 2. Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Bauerly Brothers TOT AL I'ROPOSAL $21,513.00 $25,360.00 As can be seen by the above proposal tabul tion, the lowest proposal was received from Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. in the amount of ~ 21 ,513. The City has a petition and waiver agreement signed by Shelly Johnson, Meth( dist Church building committee member. Shelly, as a donation to the Church, will be paying the Church assessment. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS 1. The fIrst alternative after review of t le proposals would be to award a contract to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. in the amo nt of $21,513.00 for the construction of the street at Tower Drive to serve the M thodist Church. 2. The second alternative would be not to award a contract. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and City Engineer that the City Council authorize sta l' to enter into a contract with Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. as outlined in alternative # D. SUPPORTING DATA None. . . Or>l "'[') -'00; r>lo. 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COUNC L UPDATE MAY 22, 2000 U date - New Li uor Store Clerk Su ervisor. (RW) Ms. Brenda Hegge has recently resigned as the Ni rht/Weekend Liquor Store Clerk Supervisor. The resignation took effect May 4, 2000. Brenda ad been in this supervisory position since August, 1999 and resigned due to her leaving the area. Liquor Store Manager, Joe Hartman, had recomm nded promoting current part-time liquor store employee, Joyce Elliott to fill the position because of her background and experience. Joyce assumed the role effective May 4th. Joyce will begin her full-time position at Step 1, rade 3, in accordance with the job description and comparable worth program at a wage of $10.87 /ho r. The part-time position that was previously filled by Joyce will be covered by returning college stud nts.