City Council Agenda Packet 05-10-2000 Special
Wednesday, May 0 2000 - 7 p.m.
Roger Belsaas
Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbs, Brian Stumpt~ Bruce Thielen
1. Call to Order.
2. Board of Review - Wright County Assess r's Office
3. Adjourn
l) The clerk shall give published and posted notice 0 board of review ten days prior to such meeting.
The board ofreview shall complete its work with'n 20 days of convening date as specified in the
notice of the clerk. Any action taken after that ad'oumment date would be invalid.
A majority of the members may act at such meetin , and adjourn from day to day until they finish
the hearing of all cases presented. The assessor s all attend and take part in the proceedings, but
shall not vote.
2) In case any property, real or personal, shall have een omitted, the board shall place it upon the
assessment list with its market value. No assessm nt of the property of any person shall be raised
until that person has been duly notified of the inte t ofthe board to do so. On application of any
person feeling aggrieved, the board shall review th assessment and correct it as shall appear just.
If a person feeling aggrieved by an assessment fail to apply for review at the local board, they may
not appear at the County Board of Equalization to ontest the valuation or classification. Although
the local board of review has the authority to incr ase or reduce assessments, the total adjustments
must not reduce the aggregate assessment by mor than one percent.
3) The board do s not have the authorit to reo en orrner assessments on which taxes are due and
payable. The board considers only the assess ents that are in process in the current year.
Occasionally a taxpayer may appear with a tax stat ment and protest the taxes or assessment of the
previous year. The board should explain tactfully hat it has no authority to consider such matters.
4) The 2000 Notice of Assessment has a message ag in this year:
Appointments requested for 200 Board of Review.
For appointment call 682-7367 r 682-7368.
There were many reasons for trying this approac to better organize the board of review for its
intended purpose. People corne to talk about u elated matters such as: condition of roads,
snowplowing, water run-off, objectionable neighb rhood conditions, etc. Tax statements always
seem to pop up at boards of review. If there a e errors or explanation of the tax
computation, this can be taken care of beforehand. If a person has a question on the new valuation,
it will give the assessor a chance to review the pro lem and probably satisfy the taxpayer. If not,
they would be put on the agenda for the board ofr view. The assessor could better present to the
board facts justifying the assessment instead oft ng considerable time paging through books for
an unprepared presentation.
5) Regardless, with appointment or not, every person ppearing before the board will be heard. Every
courtesy shall be extended and a reasonable answ r will be given for any such problem someone
may have.