IEDC Agenda 08-07-2018AGENDA INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, August 7th, 2018 — 7:00 a.m. Boom Island Room, Monticello Community Center Members: Kevin Steffensmeier, Darek Vetsch, Steve Johnson, Joni Pawelk, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Jason Kisner, Andrew Tapper, Mike Carr, Christopher Church, Joe Hammer, Jacob Kramer Liaisons: Mayor Brian Stump, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, Marcy Anderson, Duane Northagen, Dave Tombers, Mark Hanson 1. Call to Order 2. Introduction of new attendees (Members or Liaisons) 3. Approve Minutes: a. May 1, 2018 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 5. Reports: (Verbal Reports) a. Economic Development Report b. Planning Commission c. City Council d. Chamber of Commerce and Industry 6. Consideration of Draft proposed amended I-1 Outside Storage Ordinance 7. Industry of the Year Planning Update Appoint Nomination Task Force 8. Adj ournment (8:OOam) MINUTE S INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) Tuesday, May 1, 2018 — 7:00 a.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Members Present: Kevin Steffensmeier, Steve Johnson, Joni Pawelk, Wayne Elam, Luke Dahlheimer, Dick Van Allen, Andrew Tapper, and Joe Hammer Members Absent: Darek Vetsch, Don Roberts, Jason Kisner, Mike Carr, Christopher Church, and Jacob Kramer Liaisons Present: Mayor Brian Stumpf, Jeff O'Neill, Jim Thares, and Marcy Anderson 1. Call to Order Kevin Steffensmeier called the meeting of the IEDC to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Approve Minutes: .�, a. April 3, 2018 ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MEETING MINUTES FROM APRIL 3, 2018. JOE HAlVIMER SECONDED THE MOTION. 3. Consideration of Addin� Items to the A�enda N/A 4. Table Topic — Industrial Land Historv and On�oin� Availabilitv Studv Results The IEDC talked in depth about available industrial land and barriers to locating in Monticello including outdoor storage. Jim Thares noted that the City would like to complete a Comprehensive Plan update for Land Use. Staff and boards would look at a variety of areas including: current industrial land supply (industrial parks and other industrial areas), zoning and allowable uses (including outdoor storage), and marketing efforts. Jeff O'Neill pointed out that ongoing communication with Monticello Township will occur as Monticello grows. A lengthy discussion ensued about the growing needs for outdoor storage. The IEDC commented that they would be interested in revisiting the recently adopted changes to the requirements for outdoor storage. 5. Reports (Verbal Reports): a. Economic Development Jim Thares provided an update, summarizing the following: • The Briggs Companies are pursuing a 47 unit apartment complex at the Industrial and Economic Development Committee Minutes — May 1, 2018 Page 1 � 2 corner of Locust Street and West 3rd Street. Briggs applied for an affordable housing TIF District. It is expected to move forward to the June EDA's meeting for consideration of establishing a TIF District. The Planning Commission and City Council would be reviewing the Planned Unit Development request in June and July. Thares provided a scoring matrix used to evaluate the amount of assistance the EDA could provide to interested existing or future businesses. b. Plannin� Commission A�enda (attached) The Planning Commission Agenda was provided in the agenda packet, but not reviewed. c. Citv Council Jeff O'Neill provided an update on behalf of the City Council. He summarized the following: • The Fallon Avenue overpass project bid opening would be held during the upcoming week. • The City Council authorized staff to review locations for a new fire station. After discussions with architects, it was determined that a new fire station would be more cost effective. • The Highway 25 Coalition voted to look at different options for bridge crossings. Five options were provided and will be further investigated. d. Chamber of Commerce Marcy Anderson stated that Business After Hours is scheduled for May 9, 2018 at Pancho Villa. 6. Adiournment ANDREW TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:01 AM. JOE HAMMER SECONDED THE MOTION. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: June Sth, 2018 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Industrial and Economic Development Committee Minutes — May 1, 2018 Page 2 � 2 Category 1-1-17 thru 7-31-17 1-1-18 thru 7-31-18 New Housing Permits Issued 48 38 New Housing Valuation $9,931,124 $7,985,666 New Commercial Additions 3 1 New Construction Commercial 0 3 Total Commercial Valuation $4,802,023 $13,862,875 Total Permits Issued 545 527 Total Permit Valuation $35,397,512 $24,532,336 p � u � u u � � u u u u � � � u \ �' N � N N N N � � � � cj cj N � N � (n N (n (n Q Q N N N N �, �, Q N � Q Q \ N > j > > � � N N N N N N � N •O C C ,> ,> ,> ,> V V C ,> V V V V � � V V V V O O U V a a a a a ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ c� c� ¢ .. c °/ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � o 0 0 � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > O � O p O O �'� � O � O O �'� p � � � � � � �l1 � Ol I� �l1 O O N' O l0' .-�-� •--i � O c'r) .--i .--i crj m +f6,, �n � �n � �n � m �n �n �n �n � O � � H m � o � 3 O O � ^ M1. M1. M1. 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General Business A. Call to Order B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Regular Meeting Minutes — July 3rd, 2018 C. Citizen Comments D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda E. Consideration to approve agenda 2. Public Hearings A. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for an amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development for Hi-Way Liquors sign height and area allowances Applicant: City of Monticello B. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Professional Office Use in the L-6 sub district of the CCD —Central Community District Applicant: Arvola, Chad C. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permit for Public Use in the F-3 sub-district of the CCD — Central Community District Applicant: City of Monticello 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report 4. Added Items 5. Adjournment 6. Consideration to review for discussion proposed amendment lan�ua�e for Accessorv Use Outdoor Stora�e in I-2 Districts. (NAC/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The IEDC has requested that language relating to the allowable area for outdoor storage uses in I-2 (Heavy Industrial) Districts be considered. City planning staff have prepared language for purposes of discussion by the IEDC below. The bold underlined language is the newly proposed text. The proposed language allows an increase of outdoor storage area up to 300% of the square footage of the building area, but does provide an overall lot limitation of 60% to allow for required building coverage, parking circulation and setbacks. Section 5.3 Accessory Use Standards Subsection (D) (27) Additional Specific Standards for Certain Accessory Uses — Outdoor Storage (b) In the I-1 and I-2 districts, the following shall apply: (i) When abutting a zoning district or use other than industrial, the outdoor storage use shall require authorization through a conditional use permit following the provisions of Section 2.4(D) of this ordinance. (ii) The storage area shall be located within the rear yard, except that an outdoor storage area may also include that area between the front building line and the rear yard along the interior lot side. Storage may not be located beyond the side building line on the street side of a corner lot. On a double-fronting lot, outdoor storage may be located in the side yard only. (iii) In the I-1 District, outdoor storage shall be limited to 50% of the gross square footage of the principal building. Storage may be increased up to 100% of the gross square footage of the principal building by conditional use permit. (iv) In the I-2 District, outdoor storage shall be limited to an area not to exceed the gross square footage of the principal building, except as follows: (a) Bv Conditional Use Permit, a parcel in the I-2 zonin� district mav expand accessorv Outdoor Stora�e area up to a maximum covera�e equal to 300% of the �ross covera�e area of the principal buildin�, as measured bv foundation area, provided that: 1. All other requirements of this Section are met; 2. The Outdoor Stora�e area covers not more than 60% of the total lot area, re�ardless of the size of the buildin�; 3. No use or activitv other than stora�e, and the handlin� of stored �oods (limited to movin� such �oods from one location to another, or activelv loadin� or unloadin� such �oods from transport vehicles), is conducted in the Outdoor Stora�e area; 4. When adiacent to residentiallv zoned propertv, Outdoor Stora�e within 100 feet of such propertv shall not be stored so as to exceed a maximum hei�ht of 10 feet or the hei�ht of the applicable screenin� fence, whichever is �reater. (v) In the I-1 District, outdoor storage areas shall meet the minimum building setback from all side and rear property lines per the requirements of this ordinance and when adjacent to zoning districts or uses other than industrial, shall be located a minimum of 50' feet from the adj acent property line. (vi) In the I-2 District, outdoor storage shall be setback 10' from all side and rear property lines and when adj acent to zoning districts or uses other than industrial, shall be located a minimum of 50' feet from the adjacent property line. (vii) The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring uses and from the public right of way in compliance with this section. a. In the I-1 district, screening shall consist of masonry walls or fencing constructed of wood or vinyl and shall provide for 100% opacity. Such fences or walls shall meet all other requirements of Section 4.3 of this ordinance. b. In the I-2 District, metal fences may be permitted when the materials have been recycled and reprocessed to resemble new building materials and are designed for use as a fencing material, and when such materials are designed to resemble allowed materials as listed in section 4.3(J)(1). c. Additional landscaping of one evergreen tree per 6' of linear fenceline is required to be planted along the exterior of outdoor storage area in conformance with Section 4.1 of this ordinance. Trees may be staggered along fenceline. d. Fences and walls shall not exceed 15' in height as measured from the existing grade to the top of the fence panel. e. Height of storage may not exceed the screening wall or fence, or the height of required landscaping. (viii) Outdoor storage shall be allowed only on improved surface of asphalt or concrete. (ix) Storage in shipping containers shall be prohibited unless such storage occurs within the screened outdoor storage area. (x) There shall be no storage of hazardous waste, as defined by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. (xi) Exterior storage areas shall comply with all applicable fire codes and no portion of the outdoor storage shall block access to hydrants, fire sprinklers, or other fire-fighting equipment. (xii) Noise shall be controlled consistent with the standards of this ordinance. (xiii) All lighting shall be in compliance with Section 4.4 of this ordinance. (xiv) Does not take up parking space as required for conformity to this ordinance. (xv) Outdoor storage areas shall comply with all requirements for grading, drainage, stormwater management and erosion control per Section 4.10 of this ordinance. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS IEDC feedback is requested at this time prior to moving forward to Planning Commission and Council review. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As this is for discussion purposes, no recommendation is offered at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA Official Zoning Map II ' I � _ , 'I �� , ��1, �� n�, ' , 1\ , �� ;�, .__� I � �I bi � i8� i . i d /,.,.. f �� � � ; ; � ,, ,� , „, ;�a ; F, , � , � £, � � � , � �� �� , � � , f i l e I i ' il � ,� ��.e W � I ll' V �'' 1� �,� z cn , f ,\;; /��i� G�' �1 �� ` . � �..r = — _ � / � �� �i �� `f' ..�e f � � �"`���,� � / , � ��, �;" � � ,._ x € ' �; �� `� e � {�„`' /� r, ... ._ �. 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The Industry of the Year event is a business retention effort coordinated in partnership between the Industrial and Economic Development Committee (IEDC) and the EDA. The event is an opportunity to focus on contributions of the Monticello manufacturing and industrial community. It is held each year in conjunction with Minnesota Manufacturer's Week (typically the first week in October). Attendance is typically between 50-75 people, which includes breakfast and a featured speaker, relevant to economics and industry. The main focus of the event is an award presentation to the Industry of the Year, as voted by the IEDC members. The 2017 Industry of the Year recipient was UMC. A calendar of events for Industry of the Year is below: • August 7th: Nominations sent out to Monticello industries, City Boards, and Chamber of Commerce Contacts • August 315t: Deadline for nominations • September lOth - 215t: Tours of selected finalists (up to three industries) • September 25th: October Regular IEDC Meeting — Select 2018 Industry of the Year • October 3rd: Industry of the Year 7:00 a.m. Networking and Breal�ast Served 7:20 a.m. Introducrion, Sponsor Thank You & Presentation of Award and Award- Winner — IEDC Chair 7:45 a.m. Speaker Introduction — IEDC Cl�air 7:50 a.m. Guest Speaker Presentation 8:05/8:10 a.m. Conclude In the past, a subcommittee has been formed to narrow down the selection process to three outstanding candidates from all nominations that are received by the deadline. The IEDC is asked to select two people to serve on an as-needed subcommittee. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve and for the 2018 Industry of the Year event subcommittee. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 2018 Nomination Criteria and Form �ITY �DF . �Yl l�� � 2018 Industry of the Year Norr�ination Forr� R10f�IIfVATIONS DUE AUGUST 31, 2018 Selection Criteria • Must be classified as Industry: Industry shall be defined as: a business that performs a majority of their commercial activity with other businesses and a minority of their commercial activity directly with the public consumer. • The Business has been established for at least (5) five years. • The Business has not received this award in the past five (5) years: The award winners from the past 5 years are UMC, WSI Industries, Bondhus Corporation, Xcel Energy, and Suburban Manufacturing. • Business Excellence: Successful business practices, i.e., marketing and promotion of business ethics; promotion of employee growth and development; contribution to its industry; and research and development • Staff Training, Motivation, and Employee Engagement: Philosophy of engaging and empowering employees. Empowered employees are proactive and persistent, and make decisions that are consistent with the company's strategic goals and objectives Organizations benefit greatly from having an engaged workforce. Research shows strong connections between employee engagement and turnover, productivity, customer service, loyalty and corporate financial performance. • Innovation: Creativity, entrepreneurial, and implementing innovation in business operations, products and services. Strives to continually distinguish itself from other businesses in their industry. • Community Involvement: A demonstrated interest in the welfare of the community through financial contribution, service, and civic leaderships. Actively supports the community through participating in volunteer programs and/or events • Customer Relations: A high level of customer confidence and excellence in customer services and relations. • Economic Cirowth: Continual increase in tax base and creation of liveable-wage jobs. I would like to nominate the following industry/manufacturer: This industry/manufacturer is deserving because (please reference the criteria noted in the nomination description):