City Council Agenda Packet 05-08-2000 . . . AG NDA REGULAR MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Ma 8,2000 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint He bst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen 1. Call to Order 2. Approve minutes of April 24,2000 reg liar council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the ag nda. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, request and complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of final plat and d velopment agreement and rezoning approval for Klein Farms 6th Addition. B. Consideration of final plat and d velopment agreement approval fix River Forest II residential subdivision. c. Consideration to adopt a sponsor ng unit of government resolution. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7 Public hearing - Consideration of request for vacation of a portion of Oakwood Drive north of Chelsea Road and adjacent to the Days Inn and Comfort Inn Motel 8. Public hearing - Application for funding om the State of Minnesota under the Small Cities Economic Development Program - Profile Powder Coating, Inc. 9. Consideration of approving layout and ap roving the joint venture bctween the City, County and State for construction of left t m lanes ~ CSAH 75 & TH 25. 10. Consideration of payment of bills fix Ma I I. Adjourn . . . M NUTES REGULAR MEETING - ONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Ap il 24, 2000 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Helsaas, Ro 'er Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p. n. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of the A rillO 2000 e ular council meetin . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPRO E THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 10,2000 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AS PESENTED. CLINT IIERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI OUS/, Y. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a nda. Clint Herbst asked that transient merchant. fees be discussed. Public Works Director, John Simola, requested that the presentation of n award that was received for wastewater operations and scheduling of an informational meetinr regarding left turn lanes for Broadway and TH 25 be added to the agenda. The council discu 'sed whether the informational meeting should be held as part of a regular council meeting 0 if it should be done separately. It was suggested that the informational meeting be schedule for the May grh meeting and to start the regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADD TO rHE CONSENT AGENDA SCHEDULING AN INFORMA TIONAL MEETING FOR BR ADW A Y AND TH 25 AS PART OF THE NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AND 0 SET 6:30 P.M. AS THE START TIME FOR THE MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SE ~ONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Rick Wolfsteller requested that considerati n of an ordinance amendment to the subdivision ordinance dealing with public utility install - tion be added to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments/ None. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of review of bids and award of contract for Walnut Street/West Bridge Park Parking - Project No. 2000-02 . Recommendation: Approve the award of the contract to Buffalo Bituminous r the Walnut Street Parking improvements for 2- . . . Council Minutes - 4/24/00 West Bridge Park, City Project N . 2000-02C in the amount of$37,000. Res. 2000-34. B. Consideration of resolution declar ng intent to rcimburse project costs through bond sale proceeds. Recommend tion: Adopt a resolution declaring intent to reimburse cxpenditures to the pro eeds of a bond covering the various projects outlined. Res. No. 2000-30. C. Consideration of updating comput r software for liquor store. Recommendation: Approve the purchase of an updat d system from Total Register Systems at a cost of $12,623. D. Consideration of reducing rctainag for City Projcct No. 98-24C, Southeast Booster Station. Recommendation: Redu 'e the retainage to $1,000 on City Project No. 98-24C, Southeast Water Booster Station. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPRO E THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MO 'ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from t e consent a end a for discussion. None. 7. Public Hearin The Council reviewed the information on t e delinquent utility accounts. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke regarding the proposed delinqucnt utility assessment. Mayor Bels as eloscd the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT T E ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARGES. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Res. 2000- 9 8. Public Hearin - Extension of sanita s wer and watermain on Elm Street Proiect No. 2000-0Sc. John Simola, Public Works Director presen ed the background information on the proposed project. He stated that the Council could p oceed with this project authorizing the installation of sewer and water or sewer only. If the Council authorizes both sewer and water, the City will be required to go throu h the competitivc bidding process sincc the estimated cost of the work would cxceed $ 5,000. The project cost for sewer and water was estimated at $40,000. The Council discuss d the merits of installing both sewcr and water as one project. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. om Brennan askcd if has been determined that the z . Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearin . Tom Brennan asked if has been determined that the project would be done. He did not feel t e project would provide any benefit to his property as he felt his property could best be served om utilities that would be installed when ]lh Street was constructed. Mr. Brennan also aske about the cost of utilities for his property under this project. John Simola indicated that the 'ewer cost would be approximately $5,000 and the water which would be based on a per foot cost would be approximately $8,000. There was discussion on how the 13 acre Brennan parcel could be served. City Engineer, Bret Weiss noted that how the property developed, wether it developed as one industrial site or multiple sites would impact how it could be servic d with utilities. However, the extension of sewer and watermain along Elm Street would not ser ice all of the Brennan property. Mr. Brennan stated that he preferred not to be involved in the < 1m Street Project. Council Minutes - 4/24/00 Tim Genung stated that he felt the project osts should be shared by all the affected property owners. Mayor Belsaas then closed the p blic hearing. . Mayor Belsaas stated that he felt considera ion should be given to the R V Center for the costs they had incutTed for work to upgrade their septic system. This will be addressed at the time the project is assessed. Tim Genung asked abo t the time frame for the project. John Simola indicated that it would be approximately 3- weeks before the bid results would come back to the Council. Mr. Genung asked that he be otified when that happens. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHOIU',E PREPARATION OF FORMAL PLANS AND SPECIFICA TrONS AND BIDDING DOCl MENTS BASED UPON APPROVAL OF THE PLAN SHEET PRESENTED IN THIS AG NDA PACKET AND UPON COMPLETION OF THE PLANS AND SPECIFICA TIONS AU' HORIZE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR BOTH W ATERMAIN AND SEWER. CL NT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. R s. No. 2000-31 Public Works Director, John Simol., summar zed previous Conncil discussion on the proposed improvement and reviewed the City's assess ent policies on streets. It is proposed to widen the shoulders on Orchard Road and replace th bituminous surfacing which is estimated to cost $16,031.95. Since this is less than $25,000, tI e City would not have to go through thc competitive bidding process. 9. Public Hearin - Street im rovements to rchard Road between 1-94 and CSAH 75 Proiect No. 2000-07C. Mayor Bc1saas opened the public hearing. No one came forward to speak for or against the the proposed improvement. Mayor Belsaas cI sed the public hearing. . CLINT HERBST MOVED TO AUTHORIZE Try STAFF TO OBTAIN PROPOSALS FOR THE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS TO ORCHA D ROAD BETWEEN 1-94 AND CSAH 75, ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTI _ N. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOIJSLY. Res. No. 2000-32. .., -, 2 . III - -. 11. Council Minutes - 4/24/00 10. advertisement for bids for Chelsea Deputy City Administrator, JeffO'Ncill s atcd that thc Council was being asked to approve plans and specifications on this project as the staff is continuing to work on the issues of wetland mitigation and easement acquisit'on. MnDOT is proposing to start their loop ramp work in August and the staff would like t see Chelsea Road completed before Oakwood Drive is closed off. Jeff O'Neill indicated that a the May 8th meeting the balance of the issues relating to the Grovc\and development would be a dressed. Bret Weiss indicated that it is MnDOT's plan to complete construction of the loop amp this year. Clint Herbst asked the City Engineer, Brett Weiss about his progress with gettin)" the property owners to sign off on the layout concept. Bret Weiss indicated that most l' the property owners were in agreement but had not yet signed off. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORlZIN -i ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR CHELSEA ROAD WEST FROM 90Tll STREET TO 'ANDBERG ROAD AND CONS'fRUCTION OF TRUNK UTILITIES TO SERVE THE G OVELAND DEVELOPMENT CONTINGENT UPON APPROVAL OF THE WETLAN MlTIGAT'ION PLAN BY 'n-IE WRIGl IT COUNTY SOIL CONSERVATION DIS' RICT, FINAL APPROVAL OF PLANS BY CITY STAFF AND POSITIVE ACTION BY T -IE COUNTY TOWARDS CONVEYANCE OF VACATED RIGHT-OF-WAY. BRUCE HIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of discussin Project No. 98-02C. o tions for Count Road 18 Brid e and Pathwa The Counci I reviewed the costs relating t the construction of the County Road 18 Bridge and Pathway Project, #98-02C and discussed ow to fund the City's portion of the project. Depending on whether the ISTEA grant f r 80% reimbursement of construction costs is increased to reflect the increased construe ion cost, the City's share could range from $290,000 to $425,000. The City had previously bu geted $80,000 towards this project but needs to determine where the balance of funds will come from. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, reviewed the available funds in the capital outlay fund. It was noted that there is budgeted $45,000 for the Mississippi Drive pathwa that could be used since this portion of the pathway is held up because of the casement needed on the Bondhus property. Clint Herbst suggested that the City borrow the balance of the funds n eded from the City's reserve and levy an amount each year to pay back the amount borrowed. The consensus of the Council was that the project was important and should be done. Bret eiss provided the Council with an update on the casements needed for construction of this roject. It was also noted that there is a meeting scheduled with city staiT on April 25th to r view the design of the pedestrian bridge. 4 2 . .. - . Council Minutes - 4/24/00 BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED TO DETE MINE 'rHA T FUNDING OF THE CITY'S SIIARE OF THE COUNTY ROAD 18 BRIDGE ND PA THW A Y PROJECT COULD BE ACCOMPLISHED BY ADDING AN A DITIONAL LEVY TO FUTURE YEARS BUDGETS TO COVER THE COST OF HIS PROJECT, WITH THE STAFF TO LOOK AT BETWEEN 3-5 YEARS FOR THESE A DITIONAL LEVY AMOUNTS. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 12. The Council reviewed the proposal for th development of the Ferrell Gas site as proposed by Brenni Properties. Ken Barthel from renni Properties was present to answer questions from the Council on the proposal. The pa king for the development was discussed as well as zero lot line development and expansio of the liquor store. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO DIREC CITY STAFF TO WORK WITII THE DEVELOPER AND NO OTHERS THRC UGH SEPTEMBER 1,2000 IN PREPARING THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AND TEl MS OF SALE. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED U ANIMOUSL Y. 13. Consideration of a ment of bills for A BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPRO E PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR APRIL. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. OrrON CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Chuck Keyes, from PSG, presented an award that as received for operation of the wastewater treatment system. Clint Herbst asked what the current fees were for t e transient merchant licenses and questioned whether public buildings could restrict their use to only non-profit corporations. He felt that it was unfair to local businesses, who pay taxes, to comp te with someone who rents space in a publicly owned facility that is tax exempt. It was suggested that the staff research what other communities are doing in this area. The Council reviewed a proposed amendment to t e subdivision ordinance which would require that all utilities be placed underground. This issue earn to light because of the Groveland development. NSP is proposing to construct its main line feeders overhead while the City and developer would prefer to see these lines underground. Darrin Lahr, repr senting NSP, indicated that if the City requires that these lines be placed underground that cost would ot be borne by NSP. There are two options to cover these costs; the City can pay the cost up fron or a flat rate surcharge can be placed on all the customers with the City's boundary. Darrin Lahr oted that because these are feeder lines if there are outages or failures it will be affecting a larger area. He also noted that repairs to underground lines 2 . -- -. Council Minutes - 4/24/00 take longer than repairs to overhead lines. The C unci I felt that before they would consider amending the ordinance they wanted additional information bout the added cost of requiring underground lines. Brian Stumpf asked about the signal lights at Cou lty Roads 75/18/39. John Simola indicated that the problem was with the wiring and not the light- . 14. Adiourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN Ar 8 45 P.M. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MUrION CARRIED UNANIMOUS Y. Recording Secretary 2- . . . City Council Agenda - 05/08/00 SA. Consideration of a roval of devclo m nt a reement and final lat for Klein Farms 6th Addition and Consideration of re-z nin from A-O to R-l. (JO) REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Dave Klein requests Council approval of he final plat of the first addition of the Klein Farms 6th Addition and associated develo ment agreement. Attached you will find a development agreement and final plat for the Klein Farms 6th Addition. This project will be completed under a private improvement rocess. The development consists of 32 lots and will generate trunk utility, park and path ay fees in an estimated amount of$154,724 after credits. These funds will go toward payi g existing City debt associated with previous storm sewer, water and sanitary sewer pr jects, and a portion will go to future park and pathway improvements. Connection fee paid with building permit for this phase for 32 homes will amount to $112,000 which w 11, in a large part, go to retirement of the debt for the wastewater treatment plant. Please note that this finance plan include this development's share of the estimated cost to rebuild Fallon Avenue at some point in t e future ($83,000). The development agreement proposes ut lization of a letter of credit versus a disbursement agreement which will result in a more steamlined project, administration and contractor payment process. The fee to the City fo review of this project is $35,302 which is equal to 8% of the total project cost and a gradin review fee. Under the development agreement these funds will be paid to the City upon execution of the development agreement. 'rhe Municipal Board has ratified the Cit /Township annexation request, thus it is appropriate to allow the plat to proceed. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. Motion to approve final plat and adopt development agreement for the Klein Farms 6th Addition, and approve re-zon'ng from A-O to R-l. Motion contingent on City Engi eer preparation of final trunk fee calculations and on final review by the City Attor ey. 2. Motion to deny approval of final plat and development agreement for the Klein Farms 6th Addition. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1 SUPPORTING DATA Copy of final plat and development agr ement. I _ APR. -18' OO(TUE) 14:32 . . . OLSON USSET & WEINGARDE P. L. L, P P.003 TEL:612 925 5879 DBWLOPBR.'S ACJ1Ui1BKBN'r RBSIDBN'l'J:AL SUBDIVISION KLBtHl'AJUCS 6u ADDITION THIS AGREEMEN'I', made and ent , 2000, by and be municipal corporation organized u Minnesota (the "City"), and. E &. K Limited Liability Company (the liD WHEREAS, Developer haa reque approval to a plat to be ~nown as lISubdivision"), said land legally Exhibit A attached hereto and mad which Subdivision shall consist 0 outlots; and red into this ____ day of ween the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a der the laws of the state of Development LLC, a Minnesota veloper") . ted that City grant final Klein Farms 6th Addition (the described as set forth in a part hereof (II Property II ) ~ single family lots and five 3)- WHEREAS, Developer intends t construct, install, provide for and maintain streets, storm s wer, water main, signs, grading, and drainage activities 'n accordance with the plans and specifications as hereinafter des ribed, all at the sole cost and expense of Developer; and WHEREAS, the City haa by res lution adopted on the day of , 2000, granted final approval to the Subdivision provided that the Developer enter into the within Agreement and that Developer faithfully perform he terms and conditions contained herein. NOW, THEaEFORE, in coneiderat on of the premises and the mutual promises and conditions her inafter contained, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. Plat AC9roval. The City Subdivision as requested by Develo as hereafter set forth. The Deve1 Subdivision shall be developed in attached hereto which are hereby i fully eet forth herein. The exhib Exhibit A -- Final PIa The final plat and prote approved and executed in accordan ordinanoes and filed in the office at Developer'S expense no later th agrees to approve the er on the terms and conditions per agrees that the ccordance with the exhibits corporated by reference as if ts are; tive covenants must be e with City and County of the Wri~ht County Recorder n -:\\J...LOO~,:aooo. ( SA APR, -18' OO(TUE) 14:33 . . . OLSON US SET & WEINGARD N p, L. L. P P.004 TEL:612 925 5879 Failure to tile;the fi al plat and protective covenants by this date shall renderlthis A null and void in its entirety. The Developer acknowle ges that the plans include an entrance monument. The protecti e covenants shall provide that the fee owners of lots within th development shall care for and m~intain the monument in perpetuity. The covenants shall further provision that no provision of t e covenants concerning the monument shall be changed or ame ded without the oonsent of the City of Monticello. 2. e t t' 0 e. As inducement to the City1e approval of the Subdivieio and entering into thie Agreement, the Developer hereby epresents and warrants to the City: That the Developer Property and has a Agreement. B. That the intended se of the property is for single family resi ential development. A. owner of the enter into this That the Subdivisi n complies with all city, county, state, and federal laws and regulations inclUding, but not limited to, City subdivision ordinances and zoo.ng ordinances. Developer agrees the De performed in accordance with the preliminary engineering reports a City Engineer and the City prior and thereafter, in accordance wit C. D. That to the best 0 Developer's knowledge, the subdivision does t require an Environmental Assessment Workshe, t or an Environmental Impact Statement, but aha 1 prepare the same if required to do so by City 0 other governmental entity pursuant to law an shall reimburse City for all expenses inourred y City in connection with the preparation of the review, including staff time and attorneys' fee . 3. Developer Improvements. The Developer agrees it shall construct, install, and maintain erta1n public improvements (IIDeveloper Improvements") on the ~roperty, at Developer's sole coat and expense, 1n accordance w'th the following exhibits: ~ Oo.s c;.' Exhibit C -- !3uilding a Design Plan 0.1'11 et~ .../ <Exhibit D -- Conatructi ~ eloper Improvements shall be lana, specifications, and proved or to be approved by the o oommencement of construction all City rules, regulations, :2 sf-'\ APR. -18' 00 (TUE) 14: 33 . . . OLSON USSET & WEINGARDE P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P,005 ordinances, and the requirements of this Agreement, which shall include, but not be limited to, he following: 1. Street grading, gravel n9, surfacing, and stabilizing which shall include eu be, gutter and driveway approaches. 2. Storm sewers, includin all necessary catch basins, and appurtenanoes. 3. Water main, including appurtenances. 4. Sanitary sewer, includ'ng all appurtenances. 5. Setting of lot and b10 k mOnuments. 6. Surveying and staking. 7. Site grading, berming, nd landscaping consistent with landscape and the City rosion Control Policy Residential Lots regula ion. a. Establishment of groups of six or area. cluster box stands with single family residential 9. The City shall install trest name signs, stop signa, and other traffic contr 1 signs at all locations deemed necessary by City, at D veloper's cost and expense. 10. Sidewalk grading and pa ing as described on approved plans. 11. Boulevard tree planting. 12. Street ,~~~hts as deemed reasonably necessary by the City. 'flY\ 4. Permits. Upon execution of this Agreement, Developer and other necessary parties shall promptly apply for all permits, approvals, licenses, or other doc ments from any and all necessary governmental agencies ( hieh may inclu~e the City, Wright County, PCA and DNR) so as to enable Developer to construct the Developer Improveme ts as herein contemplated. Developer shall use its best effo ts to obtain the same as soon as reasonably possible. Developer aOknowledges th fee, sanitary sewer main fee, sto assessment pro-rata share of the F incorporated into an assessment ro t a per unit trunk water main sewer main fee, pathway lIon Avenue upgrade shall be e for Klein Farms 3 s~ APR. -18' OO(TUE) 14:33 OLSON USSET & WEINGARD N P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P.006 . ':::'e.d.L toe OU~">'"1 t,. ~ 5e7' Sani tary sewer trunk ' .~:..; 7 () . 0 I Water main trunk <<''1, (~ 0 Storm sewer trunk K ' ')) Fallon Avenue upgrade lftuv,CL Pro-rata sha.re 'fl !{'3 _ Of' Pathway 1ft.~oD I , Total )// ~eC? v\ ~ r ------ The total as.a..ments for the Su $- '-t S: J ")'" per lot. If the City discerns s id plans or applications are deficient, it shall notify the D veloper in writing stating the deficiencies and the steps necessary for correction. Issuance of a grading or bUilding permit by City $hall be a conclusive determination that the plans or a. plications have been approved as to the requested activity by D veloper and satisfies the provisions of this Election. q I) /1;7cJ L/ . The City shall issue bu Iding permits prior to City acceptance of the Developer Impro ements provided that the party applying for the bUilding permit grees to withhold requeats for OCCupancy until necessary Develop r Improvements have been installed, which include operatio a1 and tested $ewer and Water systems, and roadway development ufficiently completed to support access by emergency vehic es, snowplows, and garbage trucks, to be -determined by the C'ty Engineer in his sole but reasonable discretion. Ontil sue approval is granted, no dwelling may be occupied on either a temporary or permanent basis, except that model homes may be occupied by sales personnel for marketing and related purposes. Notwithstanding this pro default of this Agreement, as here any other remedy prOVided by this issue a certificate of occupancy f Subdivision until Developer cures iaion, if the Developer is in nafter defined, in addition to reement, City may refuse to r any lot or parcel in the he default as provided herein. 5. e-C 0 . The Developer or his engineer shall schedule a pre-cons ruction meeting with City to review a proposed schedule for construction of the De~eloper Improvements. va e ts. approvals, licenses and ys, Developer shall Commence ements within ten (10) days. 6. 0 e Upon Obtaining all necessary permits, subject to Unavoidable Del conatruction of the Developer Impro . 7 . 0 0 OVe e . Developer shall install, construct, and maintain the Subdivision Items and Developer Improvements in accordance with the terms of 4 sP\ APR. -18' 00 (TUE) 14:33 OLSON USSET & WEINGARD N p, L, L. P p, 007 . TEL:612 925 5879 this Agreement. Developer guaran ees and warrants the workmanship and materials reepect'ng such Subdivision Items and Developer Improvements for a peri d of one year following City's acceptance of the same (IlGuarante Periodll). The Developer shall rep the City and at the Developer's S and/or materials that become defe reasonable opinion of the City or City or its Engineer give notice within three months following the The Developer, or Developer's con bonds or other security acceptabl warranties. 8. City Inspector and City Engineer t Developer Improvements aa required license to enter the Subdivision t and/or inspections deemed apprapri the improvements until final oerti approved by City for all Developer expiration of any applicable Warra City are to be logged and reported . ir or replace, as directed by Ie cost and expense, any work tive, in the 60le but its Engineer, provided that f such defect to Developer end of the Guarantee Period. ractors, shall post maintenance to City to secure these Developer authorizes the inspect construction of the by City and grants to them a perform all necessary work te during the construction of ication of acoeptance is Improvement items and ty period. Inspections by the weekly to Developer. Construction and install tion plans shall be provided to City and shall be reviewed by a d SUbject to approval of the City to insure that the constructi n work meets with approved City standards as _ condition of C ty acceptance. Developer shall cause it contractor to furnish City with a schedule of proposed operat one at least five (S) days prior to the commencement of the c nstruction of each type of Subdivision Item and Developer Impr vement. The City shall inspect all such work items during nd after construction for compliance with approved specificat'ons and ordinance requirements until final certificat'on of acceptance is approved by City and expiration of any appli able warranty period. 9. cc t Developer that any of the Developer completea, within ten (lO) days Cit Developer Improvement and, at his s the Development Improvement(s) has with the plans, specificqtions and Upon notification by improvements have been Engineer shall inspect the Ie discretion, determine if een completed in accordance xhibits attached hereto. If the City gngineer date mines that the Developer Improvements have been completed in accordance with said requirements, the City Engineer sha 1 give the Developer written notice of the City'S acceptanoe of the Developer Improvements within seven (7) days effective as of the date of the inspection. . 5 SH APR. -18' OO(TUE) 14:34 I OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN . L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. OU8 . . If the City Engineer de Improvement(s) is not completed i requirements, the City Engineer e of the deficiency and provide a r cure the deficienoy. Failure by stated time period shall constitu ~_\.~ '1 v division Items The Com Delays may be 10. C to complete or before i~ ~ubject to Unavoi able event the completion date Unavoidable Delays. For the purpose of this mean delays which are caused by s restrictions, material shortages, construction progress impossible, control or other casualty to the act of any federal, state, or lac acts of the city authori~ed or co In the event Developer warranted, Developer ahall reque the City Engineer and specify th and the reason therefore. The C length of the extension, if any, discretion. 11. e Developer Improvements required Agreement, and the accep~ance th Improvements lying within the pu of-ways as shown on the Subdivie property without further notice thereafter, and before any aecur released, Developer shall supply reproQuoible liAS BUILT" and "DE acceptable to the city Engineer, documen'ts shall become the pX'ope ermines that the Developer accordance with said all notify Developer in writing asonable date upon which to he Developer to cure within the e an Event of Default. olJ' o e Developer agrees and Developer Improvements on let ion date as provided herein s hereinafter defined, in which xtended by the period of such section, unavoidable Delays rikes, fire, war, road weight weather that renders causes beyond the Developer's eveloper Improvemente, or the 1 government unit, except those templated by this Agreement. believes an extension is t suoh extension in writing to requested length of extension ty Engineer shall determine the in his sole but reasonable Upon the completion of the constructed by this reof by the City, the Developer lie easements and public right- on plat shall beoome City r action. Within thirty days ty as herein required is City with a complete set of LOl?MENT PLANll plans in a form without charge to city, which ty of City. 12. earth, or resulting assigns. Clean 00. The Develop r shall properly clear any 80il, debris on City-owned P operty or public right-of-way from construction work by the Developer, its agents, or . 13. f shall, at its expense, prepare Subdivision for anowplowing and wishes City to undertake prior suoh streeta. This preparation limitation, ramping any manhole . Developer ny streets located in the other maintenance that Developer o formal aoceptance by City of shall include, without as necessary to avoid damage to 6 sPt APR. -18' OO(TUE) 14:34 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDE P. L. L. P P.009 TEL:612 925 5879 ~ snowplows or other vehicles used 'n street maintenance. Should damage occur to City snowplow~ or other vehicles during the course of snowplowing or other ma'ntenance procedures prior to formal acceptance of the street b City, which damage is caused by Developer's failure to properl prepare or maintain the same, Developer shall pay all such dama as and shall indemnify and hold City harmless for all such damage cost, or expense incurr@d by city with regard thereto. 14. 0 provide and comply with erosion a in the landscape plan and City po in paragraph 3(8) and as otherwis development progresses, the City and drainage control requirements opinion of the City Engineer, the appropriate in contrOlling draina promptly comply with such erosion with such additional instructions ~ ~5. Hold Harmless Acrreement its failure to implement the plan herein may cause flooding and/or owners, In such event, Developer and indemnify City from claims of for damages arising out of such f The parties reoognize t contrOlling erosion. In the even requiring immediate action to pre or property, to be determined at notice and cure provisions of par City is authorized to undertake a necessary to prevent or minimize In such event, Developer agrees t indemnify City from claims of all arising out of said corrective ac reimburse City for all out-of-pec arising out ef the oorrective act to, any costs necessary to re-lan within the Subdivision. 16. Insurance. The Developer shall d drainage control provisions icy requirements as described required by City. As ay impose additional erosion if, in the sole but reasonable would be useful and e and erosion. Developer shall and drainage control plans and it receives from City. Developer acknowledges that and exhibits as contained amage to adjoining property agrees to hold City harmless all third parties or Developer ooding and/or damages. at time is of the essence in of an emergency situation ent loss or damage to persons he sole discretion of City, the graph 21 ahall not apply and y corrective aotion it deems ny such flooding and/or damage. hold City harmless and third parties for damages ion by City, and agrees to et expenses incurred by City on, inclUding, but not limited scape disrupted soils located The Developer will rovide and maintain or cause to be maintained at all times during the process of construoting the Developer Improvements until six (6) months after acceptance of all Developer Improvements and, from time to time at the request of the City, furnis with proof of payment of premiums on: A. . 7 SA APR. -18' OO(TUEl 14:35 . . . OLSON USSET & WEINGARDE P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 010 (i) Comprehensiv general liability insurance (including 0 erations, contingent liability, operations 0 subcontractors, completed operations d contract~al liability insurance) t gether with an Owner's Contractor's Policy with limits against bodily inju , including death, and property damage (to i elude, but not be limited to damages caused by erosion or flooding) which may arise out of the Developer's work or the work of any of ita subcontractors. Limits for be be lesa than $1,000,000.00 property dama $200,000.00 f City Engineer be an additio policy. Deve in13urance oov request. (ii) Worker's comp statutory cov ily injury or death shall not 500,000.00 for one person and for each occurrence; limits for e shall not be less than r each occurrence. The City, and Developer's Bngineer shall al named insured on said oper ahall file a copy of the rage with the City upon insurance, with 17. ec v t. Prior to commencement of construction of 0 ~eloper Improvements, the Developer shall post with the Cit a bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or dedicated escrow amoun (the "Security") in the estimated amount of 1.25 times th engineer's estimate of the likely coat of such improvements, conditioned upon the faithful construction of the improvements ccording to the plans and specifications and final approval of the City 2ngineer, and the terms of the subdivision agreemen. As the improvements are partially completed, the ~ubdivid r may request the City to release a portion of the security representing the cost of the completed improvements as determi ed by the City Engineer, but at all times there shall be security in an amount of at least 125% of the estimated cost of the unfinished improvements. If any escrow account, bond or irrevocabl letter of credit deposited with the City in accordance with t is agreement shall have an expiration date prior to the Devel per's obligations hereunder being complete, the Developer ahal renew such security or deposit substitute eecuri~y of equ 1 value meeting the approval of the City planner at least 30 da s prior to the expiration of such security, Failure to provide such alternaee security or renew such security shall constitu e a default and the City may declare the entire amount thereof ue and payable to the City in cash. Such cash shall thereafter e held by the City as security deposit in the same manner as the ecurity theretofore held by the City. 8 SF\ APR. -18' OO(TUE) 14:35 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 011 . If the Developer fails to complete, construct, install or correct the Developer Improve ents in accordance with the plans and specifications in the ity, the City may perform the construction or work and apply to the lender purauanc to the letter of credit for the remainin funds and use those funds to complete construction. This pro ision shall be a license granted by the Developer to the City to act. but shall not require the City to take any such action. De eloper consents to such action by City and waives any claim developer may have against the City for damages in the event the Cit exercises ite rights in accordance with this provisions. 18. . Prior to commence nstrucelon Developer ahall pay the City 0 cover the City's coats in connecti with the development of the Subdivision, inclu iog but not limited to oonetruQtion of De eloper Improvements, legal, planning, engineer'ng, and inspection expenses incurred in oonnec ion with approval and acceptanoe of the ubdivision plat, the preparation of thi Agreement. and all reasonable costa and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and ins ecting development of the Subdivision. A. . B. upon execution his Agreement Developer shall pay the City 0 for grading inspection fees. \.. ~,J 19. Re~ired Tree Planting. ~he Developer shall be responsible tor installation of b ulevard tree plantinga as required by the city ordinanoe. equired subdivision trees must have a trunk diameter or at least two inches (2/1) at one foot (11) above ground. Required tree muat be protected and supported by approved tree guards. Not less than two (2) or more than three (3) species of trees a all be planted in any block, and neither less than twenty pare nt (20%) nor more than fifty percent (50~) of the total trees lanted in a block may be of the same species. . On lots with a single f double frontage on two minor stre street frontage. Trees must be p feet and 10 feet from the curb. account the pre~ence of u~ility s ontage or for corner lots with ta, two trees to be planted per anted at a location between 4 he Developer shall take into sterna when establishing the 9 Sf\ ..-lPR. -18,' OO(TUE) 14:35 OLSON USSET & WEINGARD N P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 012 . . . precise location within the etat curb. In areas where sidewalk i planted between the ourb and the curb. The Developer is free as required under the ordinance however, the Developer is ultima with the tree planting requireme d acceptable range from the being installed, trees shall be sidewalk 4-5 feet behind the o direct builders to plant treeS nd this development agreement; ely responsible for compliance t. ~~The Developer ahall de oait with the City the sum of $ - \ as and for aecuri ty to plant trees required under this par raph. The Developer shall lant trees for each lot in accordance with this Agreement at or before the time the house for the lot is constructed. If the Developer tails to do eo, the City may use a portion of the m ey on deposit for security for tree planting and plant t.he tre Upon all lots in the development having trees plante accordance with this paragraph, the City shall refun to the Developer any amount remaining in the tree deposit s curity fund. /."''' '" .20. Park D~dicat:ion. Par dedioation shall be "in k-tm;ill and shall be included in the pl t for the s~b~vieion.~ . .2.1. Storm Water Restoration PI . Developer shall provide the city with the sum of $ ~/tJb'? which is the esti~~t~d ount necessary to complete t~e seeding and restoration ot the storm water pond area. I hIS 10unt shall apply to the area 01 the storm water pond only. The City shall be responsible for m naging completion of the restoration using funds provided by the developer. SA APR. -18' OO(TUEj 14:36 . OLSON USSET & WEINGARDE P. L. L. P 23. MiBcellaneou~. TEL:612 925 5879 P. 013 A. This Agree~ent aha 1 be binding upon the parties, their heir~, BUcca aora or assigns, as the case may be. . B. Third parties ahal party under this A the plat shall not beneficiaries of t have no recourse against any reement. Future residents of be deemed to be third-party is Agreement. tion, subsection, sentence, or phase of this Agreement is invalid, such decision shall diey of the remaining portion uses ita best efforts to spact improvements, the e no cause of action for e to delays in the construction aid Items. building for which a building either a temporary or 11 sanitary sewer and water taIled, haoked up, tested, and y. F. The action or inac ion of the City as to the exercise of any of its rights or remedies upon an event of default s all not constitute a waiver or amendment to the p ovisions of thia Agreement as to future events 0 default. To be binding, amendments or wa1v rs shall be in writing, signed by the parties, an approved by written resolution of the City Counci. The City's failure to promptly take lega action to enforce this Agreement shall no be a waiver or release as to any event of defau t. . c. If any portion, se clause, paragraph, for any reason hel not affect the val of this Agreement. So long as the Cit review plans and i Developer shall ha damages attributab and completion of o. E. No one may occupy permit is issued 0 permanent basis un lines have been in approved by the Ci G. This Agreement aha be recorded in the Recorder. After c obligations hereun will e~ecute and d this Agreement in 1 run with the land and shall Office of the wright county mpletion of all Developer'S er, at Developer'S request city liver to Developer a release of ec:ordable form. 1. SA ArK. -18: 00 (TUE) 14:36 . OLSON USSET & WEINGARD N P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 014 H. Both parties to th s Agreement acknOWledge they have been ~epresen ed by counsel and have entered into this Agreemen freely and voluntarily, I. Developer shall in tall, or cause to be installed, all street lightin in accordance with City standards at Devel per's expense. 24. 0 Developer represents and agrees th t (except for associating with other individuals or entities), pr'or to the completion of the Developer Improvements as certifie by the City: . A, Except only by way f security for, and only for the purpose of obta ning financing necessary to enable the Develope or any successor in interest to the Property, or any part thereof, to perform its obligations wit respect to the construction of the Developer Im rovementa under this Agreement, and any 0 her purpose authori2ed by this Agreement, the eveloper (except as so authorized) w111 not make or create, or suffer to be made or creatsd, ny total or partial sale, assignment, conveyan e, or transfsr in any ather mode or form of with respect to this Agreement or any interest therein or any contraot or agreement to do any of the sam , without the prior written approval of City, a, In the absence of specific written agreement by the City to the contr ry, no auch tranafer or approval by City shal be deemed to relieve Developer :Erom any of its obligations, In the eVent that City appro ss a substitute developer ~nd the Property is t ansferred to sqid substitute, the City grees to relieve the Developer of 11abilit from performance as descri~ed in this oon raot. Said Substitute shall assume all responsibi ities and rights of the Developer under this ontract. 25. Events of Default Defineq. "Events of Default" under chis Agreem defaultll shall mean, whenever it is u (unless the context otherwise provide fOllOWing events: - - The fOllOWing ahall be nt and the term lIevents of ed in this Agreement ), anyone Or more of the 12 SA iirl\. -1l1: UUITUE) 14:36 OLSON USSET & WE I NGARD N P. L. L. P p, 015 . TEL:612 925 5879 A. Failure by the Develop r to observe and substantially perform any covenant, condition, obligation or agreement on its part t be oeserved or performed under the terms of this Agree ent, or the Disbursement Agreement by and betwee City, the Developer and Lender. B. If the Developer shall to pay its debts genera file a petition in bank assignment for the bene consent to the appointm of the whole or any sub dmit in writing its inability ly as they become due, or shall ptcy, or shall make an it of its creditors, or shall nt of a receiver of itself or tantial part of the property. C. If the Developer shall file a petition under the federal bankruptcy laws. If the Developer shall f il to begin construction of the Developer Improvemen S in conformance with this Agreement, and such fail res are not due to unavoidable delays as defined in thi Agreement. F. The Developer shall, afta commencement of the construction of the Devel per Improvements, default in o. violate its obligation with respect to the construotion of the Bame (including the nature and the date for the completion t ereof), or shall abandon or Substantially suspend oon truction work~ and such act or actions is not due to navoidable delays as determined by the City En ineer in his sole but reasonable discretion and any Such default, violation, abandonment, or suspensio shall not b@ cured, ended, or remedied within the ti e provided for in this Agreement. D. If the Developer is in has not entered into a Lender. . E. 26. NotiQe/Remedie~ on DefaUlt. Default occurs, the City shall give of Default to Developer ~y United St address. If the Developer fails to within fifteen (15) days of the date addition to any other remedy provide without waiver of any such right, Ci ~ 13 under the Mortgage and agreement with the Whenever any Event of ritten notice of the Event tea mail at its last known ure the Event of Default of mailed notice, in in this Agreement, and y may avail itself of any or S' A ApR. -18~ OO(TUE) 14:36 OLSON USSET & WEINGARD N P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 016 . all of the following remedies fa so long as the Developer is in default: A. Halt all plat dav 10pment work and construction of Developer Improve ents until such time as the Event of Default is cured. B. Refuse to issue bu 1ding permita or occupancy permits as to any areel Until such time as the Event of Default i cured. C. Apply to a court 0 competent jurisdiction to enjoin continuatio of the Event of Default. D. . Exercise any and a 1 remedies available to City pursuant to the Oi bursement Agreement. If the Event of Default i the failure of Developer to complete, construe , install or correct the Developer Irnprovem nts in accordance with the plans and specific tions and this Agreement, City may perform the co struction or work and apply to Lender pursuant to the Dishursement Agreement to reimburse City for 'ts e~enses. This provision shall be a license ranted by the Developer to the City to ac~, but sh 11 not require the City to take any such actio. Developer consents to such action by City and aives any claim Developer may have against City f r damages in the event City exercises its right in accordance with this provision. E. Terminate this Agre ment by written notice to Developer at which ime all terms and conditions as contained herein shall be of no further force and effect and all bligations of the parties as imposed hereunder s all be null and void. 27. M!scel1aneous. A. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs. success rs or assigns, as the case may be. s. If any portion, sect on, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, 0 phase of this Agreement is for any reason held nvalid. such decision shall not affect the valid ty of the remaining portion . 14 SM APR. -18',00(TUE) 14:37 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN p, L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 017 . . . of this Agreement. c. The action or inac constitute a waive of this Agreement. waivers shall be i parties, and appro City Council. The ~egal actiQn to en be a waiver or rel ion of the City ahall not or amendment to the provisions To be binding, amendments or writing, signed by the ed by written resolution of the City's failure to promptly take orce this Agreement shall not ase. D. Future residents 0 this Subdivision shall not be deemed to pe third party beneficiaries of this Agreement. E. Thia Agreement aha be binding upon t assigns. The Deve record this Agreem County Recorder. completed the work at the Developer'S and deliver to Dev form. 1 run with the land and shall Developer, ita successors and oper shall, at ita expense, nt in the Offioe of the Wright fter the Developer haa required under this Agreement, request the city will execute leper a release in recordable F. All parties to this Agreement acknowledge they have been represen ed by counsel and have entered into this Agreemen freely and voluntarily. . Notices to City d delivered to the city to City b United States mail, postage 505 Waln t Street, Suite 1, Monticello, shall e in writing and Administrator or mailed prepaid to the address: MN 55372. 28. ~otice8. Requi~ed noti writing and shall be either hand mailed to the Developer by Unite the following address: es to the Developer shall be in elivered to the Developer, or States mail, postage prepaid to 1 5A APR.-18',OO(TUE) 14:37 OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 018 . . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City an Developer's Agreement the day an STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) as COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument wa day of , 2000, by Rog the Mayor and City Administrator Minnesota municipal corporation, STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ee COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument wa day of , 2000, by of E & K Development LLC, a Minn on behalf of the limited liabili eI By: Developer have signed this year first written above. OF MONTICELLO Roger Belaaaa Its: Mayor By; Rick Wolfateller Its: City Administrator acknowledged before me this r Belsaas and Rick Wolfsteller;- of the City of Montioello, a on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public DEVELOPER: E & K DEVELOPMENT LLC By: Ita: acknowledged before me this ___ , the sota limite liability company, y company. Notary Public 6 5H . -- . SB. Consideration of a roval of develo Subdivision. (.10) REFERENCE & BACKGROUND City Council Agenda - 05/08/00 reement and final lat for River Forest II Al Gillyards requests Council approval f the final plat of the 2nd addition of the River forest Subdivision and associated devel pment agreement. A development agreement governing River forest 11 was reviewed and approved by the City Council under previous ownership by John Chadwick. Due to c ange in ownership, charges in fees and park/pathway policies, the agreement is being re-written. The copy presented is a draft which will be finalized by the City Atto ney. This project will also be completed und r a private improvement process. The development consists of 27 lots and will generate tru k utility, park and pathway fees in the amount of $64,205. These funds will go toward pa ing existing City debt associated with previous storm sewer, water and sanitary sewer p ojects, and a portion will go to future pathway improvements. The development agreement proposes uflization of a letter of credit versus a disbursement agreement which will result in a more st eamlined project, administration and contractor payment process. The fee to the City fo review of this project is $19,634 plus $2,100 grading review fee. Under the developn ent agreement these funds will be paid to the City upon execution of the development agre ment. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. Motion to approve final plat and dopt development agreement for the Ri ver Forest II Subdivision. Motion contingent on final revie and approval by City Engineer and City Attorney. 2. Motion to deny approval of final lat and development agreement for the River Forest 11 Subdivision. STAFf RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA Draft copy of final plat and development greement. . DEVELOPER' AGREEMENT River Forest S cond Addition THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered nto this _ day of ,2000, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a munic pal corporation organized under the laws of the state of Minnesota (the "City"), and , a Minnesota corporation (the "Developer"). REcr ALS: WHEREAS, Developer has requested tha City grant final approval to a plat to be known as River Forest II (the "Subdivision"), said land I gaily described as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof ("Propert ") which Subdivision shall consist of 51 single family lots. WHEREAS, Developer intends to constn ct, install, provide for, and maintain streets, storm sewer, water main, signs, grading, and drai age activities in accordance with the plans and specifications as hereinafter described, all at the s Ie cost and expense of Developer; and WHEREAS, the City has by resolution ad pted on 5/8/00 granted final approval to the Subdivision provided that the Developer enter int the within Agreement and that Developer . faithfully perform the terms and conditions contained herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of he premises and the mutual promises and conditions hereinafter contained, it is hereby agre d as follows: l. Plat Approval. The City agrees to approv the Subdivision as requested by Developer on the terms and conditions as hereafter set fI rth. The Developer agrees that the Subdivision shall be developed in accordance with the xhibits attached hereto which are hereby incorporated by reference as iffully set 1'0 h herein. The exhibits are: Exhibit B - Final Plat The final plat and protective covenants, if ny, must be approved and executed in accordance with City and County ordinanc s and filed in the office of the Wright County Recorder at Developer's expense no later t an Failure to file the final plat and protective ovenants by this date shall render this Agreement null and void in its entirety. 2. Representations of Developer. As induce ent to the City's approval of the Subdivision and entering into this Agreement, the Deve oper hereby represents and warrants to the City: . SB . . . A. That the Developer is the fee ower of the Property and has authority to enter into this Agreement. B. That the intended use of the prop rty is for single family residential development. C. That the Subdivision complies wi. h all city, county, state, and federal laws and regulations including, but not hm ted to, City subdivision ordinances and zoning ordinances. D. 'fhat to the best of Developer's k owledge, the Subdivision does not require an Environmental Assessment Work heet or an Environmental Impact Statement, but shall prepare the same if required 0 do so by City or other governmental entity pursuant to law and shall reimbur e City for all expenses incurred by City in connection with the preparation 0 the review, including stafTtime and attorney's fees. 3. Developer Improvements. The Develope agrees it shall construct, install, and maintain certain public improvements ("Developer Improvements") on the Property, at Developer's sole cost and expense, in ace rdance with the following exhibits: Exhibit C - Building and Site 0 sign Plan Exhibit 0 - Construction Plan Developer agrees that Developer Improve lents shall be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications, and preliminary ngineering reports approved or to'be approved by the City Engineer and the City prior to ommencement of construction and thereafter, in accordance with all City rules, regulatio s, ordinances, and the requirements of this Agreement, which shall include, but not b limited to, the following: 1. Street grading, graveling, surfacing, and stabilizing which shall include curbs, gutter and driveway approaches. 2. Storm sewers, including all necess' ry catch basins, and appurtenances. "'I .). Water main, including all appurten nces. 4. Sanitary sewer, including all appurt nances. 5. Setting of lot and block monuments. 6. Surveying and staking. 2 ~.~ . . . 7. Site grading, berming, and lands aping consistent with landscape and the City Erosion Control Policy Resident al Lots regulation. 8. Establishment of post office clus er box stands with groups of six or more in the single family residential area. 9. The City shall install street nam signs, stop signs, and other traffic control signs at all locations deemed necessar by City, at Developer's cost and expense. 10. Pathway grading and paving as described on approved plans. 4. Permits. Upon execution of this Agree ent, Developer and other necessary parties shall promptly apply for all permits, approval , licenses, or other documents from any and all necessary governmental agencies (whic may include the City, Wright County, PCA and DNR) so as to enable Developer to cons ruct the Developer Improvements as herein contemplated. Developer shall use its b - st efforts to obtain the same as soon as reasonably possible. Developer acknowledges and agrees that a per acre trunk water main ($668 per acre), sanitary sewer fee ($1,336 per aere), and storm sewer fee shall be incorporated into an assessment roll for the subdivision based on today's costs. The total amounts for the second phase for trunk water is $7,737; fI r sanitary sewer is $15,475; for storm sewcr is $35,592 (includes credits), with the exce tion of trunk storm sewer. Trunk sewer costs were divided equally between phasc I & 1. The total trunk and park fees amount to $64,205, which Developer agrees is fair nd reasonable. The City acknowledges that all park dedication fees, except pathway po ion, werc paid with River Forest 1. The pathway portion of the park dedication fee is $200/10t or $5,400. No grading or building permit shall be is ued by City unless the plans or application are in conformity with thc City comprehensi e plan, this Agreement, and all local, state and federal regulations. The City shall, withi fifteen (15) days of receipt of plans or building permit applications, review such submitt I to determine whether the foregoing requircments have been met. The City shall issue building permits prio to City acceptance of the Developer Improvements provided that the party ap lying for the building permit agrees to withhold requcsts for occupancy until necessary D veloper Improvements have becn install cd, which include opcrational and testcd sew rand watcr systems, installation of sod to a depth of two feet back ofthc curb in the fi ont yard, (and side yard on corner lots) and roadway development sufficiently compl tcd to support acccss by emcrgency vehicles, snowplows, and garbagc trucks, to be det rmined by the City Engincer in his sole but reasonable discretion. Until such approv' 1 is granted, no dwelling may be occupied on either a temporary or permanent basis, ex ept that model homes may be occupicd by 3 sB . sales personnel for marketing and relate Notwithstanding this Provision, if the D veloper is in delimit of this Agreement, as hereinafter defined, in addition to any ot er remedy provided by this Agreement, City may refuse to issue a certificate of occup ncy for any lot or parcel in the Subdivision until Developer cures the default as provided erein. 5. fre-Construction Activitie~. The Develo er or his engineer shall schedule a pre- construction meeting with City to review proposed schednle for construction of the Developer Improvements. 6. Commencement of Construction of Devel er 1m rovements. Upon 0 btaining all necessary governmental approvals, license' and permits, suhjcct to Unavoidable Delays, Devclopcr shall commence construction 0 the Developer Improvements withio ten (10) days. 7. F ai thful Perfonuance of Co nstruction of/ rovements. Developer shall instalL construct, and maintain the Subdivision fte s and Developer Improvements in accordance with the tenus of this Agreeme t. Developer guarantees and Warrants the workmanship and materials respecting Such Snbdivision Items and Developer [mprovements for a period of one year fo Ho ing City's acceptance of the same ("Guarantee Period"). . The Developer shall repair or replace, as dire .ted by the City and at the Developer's sole cost and expense, any work and/or materials hat become defective, in the sole bnt reasonable opinion of the City or its Enginee , provided that City or its Engineer give notice of such defect to Developer within thr e months following the end of the Guarantee Period. The Developer, or Develo er's contractors, shall post maintenance bonds or other security acceptable to City to s cnre these warranties. 8. Inspection of/mprovements. Developer autho izes the City Inspector and City Engineer to inspect construction of the Developer [mpro ements as required by City and grants to them a license to enter the Subdivision to perf m aH necessary work and/or inspections deemed appropriate during the construction of he improvements until final certification of acceptance is approved by City for aH Devel per Improvement items and expiration of any applicable warranty period. Construction and instaHation plans shaH be pro ided to City and shaH be reviewed by and subject to approval of the City to insure that the onstruction work meets with approved City standards as a condition of City acceptance. Developer shall cause its contractor to tiu-nish Ci y with a schcdule of proposed opcrations at least fi vc (5) days prior to the Com encemcnt of the construction of each 4 sG . . . 11. type of Subdivision Item and Developer Improvement. The City shall inspect all such work items during and after construction for compliance with approved specifications and ordinance requirements until final certifi ation of acceptance is approved by City and expiration of any applicable warranty pe iod. 9. Acceptance ofImprovement. Upon noti Ication by Developer that any of the Developer Improvements have been completed, wit in ten (10) days City Engineer shall inspect the Developer Improvements and, at his sole discretion, determine if the Development Improvements has been completed in accordance with the plans, specifications, and exhibits attached hereto. If the City Engineer determine that the D veloper Improvements have been completed in accordance with said requirements, the C ty Engineer shall give the Developer written notice of the City's acceptance of the De eloper Improvements within seven (7) days effective as of the date of the inspection. If the City Engineer determines that the evcloper Improvements have not been completed in accordance with said requir ments, the City Engineer shall notify Developer in writing of the deficiency and provide a reasonable date upon which to cure the deficiency. Failure by the Developer to c Ire within the stated time period shall constitute an Event of Default. 10. Completion of Developer Improvements. Developer agrees the Subdivision Items and Developer Improvements will be substant ally completed by October 30, 2000 and be completed by November 30, 2000. The C mpletion Date as provided herein is subject to Unavoidable Delays as hereinafter define ,in which event the completion date may be extended by the period of such Unavoidable Delays. For the purpose of this section, Unavoida Ie Delays means delays which are caused by strikes, fire, war, road weight restrictions, aterial shortages, weather that renders construction progress impossible, causes b yond the Developer's control or other casualty to the Developer Improvements, r the act of any federal, state, or local government unit, except those acts of the ity authorized or contemplated by this Agreement. In the event Developer believes an extensi n is warranted, Developer shall request such extension in writing to the City Engineer a d specify the requested length of extension and the reason therefore. The City Engine r shall determine the length of the extension, if any, in his sole but reasonable discretion Ownership oflmprovements. Upon the co lpletion of the Developer Improvements required to be constructed by this Agreeme t, and the acceptance thereof by the City, the Developer Items lying within the public ea ements and public right-of-ways as shown on 5 \;B . 12. . .. the Subdivision plat shall become City p operty without further notice or action. Within thirty days thereafter, and before any see rity as herein required is released, Developer shall supply City with a complete set of eproducible "AS BUIL"r" and "DEVELOPMENT PLAN" plans in a fo m acceptable to the City Engineer, without charge to City, which documents shall b come the property of City. Clean Up. The Developer shall properly clear any soil, earth, or debris on City-owned property or public right-of-way resulting from construction work by the Developer, its agents, or assigns. 13. Maintenance of Roads Before Acce tan e. Developer shall, at its expense, prepare any streets located in the Subdivision for sn wplowing and other maintenance that Developer wishes City to undertake prior to formal acceptance by City of such streets. This preparation shall include, without limita ion, ramping any manholes as necessary to avoid damage to snowplows or other vehicles Ised in street maintenance. Should damage occur to City snowplows or other vehicles dur ng the course of snowplowing or other maintenance procedures prior to formal cceptance of the street by City, which damage is caused by Developer's failure to pro perl prepare or maintain the same, Developer shall pay all such damages and shall indemni y and hold City harmless for all such damage, cost, or e pense incurred by City with regard thereto. 14. Erosion and Drainage Control. The De eloper shall provide and comply with erosion and drainage control provisions in the lands ape plan and City policy requirements as described in paragraph 3 and as otherwi e required by City. As development progresses, the City may impose additional erosion nd drainage control requirements if, in the sole but reasonable opinion of the City Engi eer, they would be useful and appropriate in controlling drainage and erosion. Deve oper shall promptly comply with such erosion and drainage control plans and with sue additional instructions it receives from City. 15. Hold Harmless Agreement. Developer cknowledges that its failure to implement the plans and exhibits as contained herein ay cause flooding and/or damage to adjoining property owners. In such event, Develo er agrees to hold City harmless and indemnify City from claims of all third parties or eveloper for damages arising out of such flooding and/or damages. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. In the event of an emergency situation requiring immedia e action to prevent loss or damage to persons or property, to be determined at the sole d' scretion of City, the notice and cure provisions of paragraph 21 shall not apply and City i authorized to undertake any corrective action it deems necessary to prevent or minimiz any such flooding and/or damage. In such event, Developer agrees to hold City harmless and indemnify City from claims of all third parties for damages arising out of said orrective action by City, and agrees to reimburse City for all out-of-pocket expenses inc rred by City arising out of the corrective action 6 t;b . . . 17. including, but not limited to, any costs ecessary to re-landscape disrupted soils located within the Subdivision. 16. Insurance. 1. The Developer will provide and aintain or cause to be maintained at all times during the process of constructi g the Developer I mprovements until six (6) months after acceptance of all D veloper Improvements and, from time to time at the request of the City, furnish ith proofofpayment of premiums on: (i) Comprehensive general I ability insurance (including operations, contingent liability, oper tions of subcontractors, completed operations and contractual liability i surance) togcther with an Owner's Contractor's Policy with limits agains bodily injury, including death, and property damage (to include, but n t be limited to damages caused by erosion or flooding) which may aris out of the Developer's work or the work of any of its subcontractors. Limits for bodily injury or death hall not be less than $500,000 for one person and $1,000,000.00 for each occu ence; limits for property damage shall not be less than $200,000.00 for each 0 currence. The City, City Engineer, and Developer's Engineer shall be an additional named insured on said policy. Developer shall file a copy of the insurance coverage with the City upon request. (ii) Worker's compensation i surance, with statutory coverage. Security for Cost of Imorovements. Prio. to commencement of construction of developer improvements, the developer shall post ith the city a bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or dedicated escrow amount (the "Securi y") in the estimated amount of 1.25 times the engineer's estimate of the likely cost of s ch improvements, conditioned upon the faithful construction of the improvements accord ng to the plans and specifications and final approval of the city engineer, and the ter 1S of the subdivision agreement. As the improvements are partially completed, th subdivider may request the city to release a portion of the seeurity representing the c st of the completed improvements as determined by the city engineer, but at al times there shall be security in an amount of at least 125% of the estimated cost of the u finished improvements. Ifany escrow account, bond or irrevocable letter of credit deposi ed with the city in accordance with this agreement shall have an expiration date p ior to the developer's obligations hereunder being complete, the developer shall rene such security or deposit substitute security of equal value meeting the approval of the c ty planner at least 30 days prior to the expiration of such security. Failure to pr vide such alternate security or renew such security shall constitute a default and the ity may declare the entire amount thereof due and payable to the city in cash. Such cas shall thereafter be held by the city as security 7 sB . deposit in the same manner as the seeur ty theretofore held by the city. If the developer fails to complete, eonst ct, install or correct the developer improvements in accordance with the pl ns and specifications in the city, the city may pertonn the construction or work and ap Iy to the lender pursuant to the letter of credit for the remaining funds and use those fu ds to complete construction. This Provision shall be a license granted hy the develope to the city to act, but shaJJ not require the city to take any such action. Developer conse ts to such action by city and waives any cJaim developer may have against the city for d mages in the event the city exercises its rights in accordance with this Provisions. 18. ResDonsibilitv for Costs. 1. Upon execution of this Agreement he Developer sbaJJ pay a flat fee of$ I 9,635 (whicb is equal to 8% of constructi n costs) representing costs incurred by it or City in connection with the develop ent of the Subdivision, incJuding but not limited to construction of Develope improvements, administrative, legal. planning, engineering, and inspectio 1 expenses incurred in connection witb approval and acceptance of the Subd' vision plat, the preparation of this Agreement, and the fee funds all rea 'onable costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting de elopment oftbc Subdivision. . 2. Upon execution of this Agreement th Developer shaJJ pay the City a lee of $2,100 for grading inspection fees. 3. lbe Developer sball hold tbe City and its officers and employees bannless from claims made by itself and third parties lor damages Sustained or costs incurred resulting from Subdivision plat approv I and development. The Developer sball indemnify the City and its officers and employees lor all costs, damages, or expenses wbich the City may payor in ur in consequence of sucb cJaims, inclUding reasonable attorney's fees, pr vided tbat nothing berein sball require Developer to indemnity the City, it.s of cers or employees from any violation of law or from the consequences of their 0 n negligence. 4. 1be Developer sball reimburse the City or its costs incurred in tbe enlorcement of tbi s Agreement, i ncl uding engineeri n and reasonable attorney's fees. 8 S~ . . . 19. Required Tree Planting For lots without trees, Developer shall b responsible for installation of boulevard tree plantings as required by the city ordinan e. Required subdivision trees must have a trunk diameter or at least two inches (2 ") at 01 e f()ot (I') above ground. Required trees must be protected and supported by approved tre guards. Not less than two (2) or more than three (3) species of trces shall be planted in any block, and neither less than twenty percent (20%) nor more than fifty perce t (50%) of the total trees planted in a block may be of the same species. On lots with a single frontage or for corner lots with double frontage on two minor streets, two trees to be planted per street rontage. Trees must be planted at a location betwcen 4 feet and 10 feet from the curb. The Developer shall take into account the presence of utility systems when establis ing the precise location within the stated acceptable rangc from the curb. In areas here sidewalk is being installed, trees shall be planted betwcen the curb and the sidewal 4-5 feet bchind the curb. The Developer is ifee to direct builders t plant trees as ,required under the ordinance and this development agreement; however, th Developer is ultimately responsible for compliance with the tree planting require ncnt. No certificate of occupancy for a lot shall he issued until trees have been planted on that lot in accordance with this paragraph. 20. Park Dedication. Paid with Phase I ($32, 00). 21. Trails and Pathways. The 10' bituminous rail connecting River Forest Circle to Gillard Avenue and the 10' trail cxtending from t e River Mill Outlot B to River Forest Drive between Lot I, Block 6 and 7, Block 5, sh II be constructed and funded by the developer with Phase II of the development. 22. Miscellaneous. I. This Agreement shall be binding u on the parties, their heirs, successors or assigns, as the case may be. 2. Third parties shall have no recours against any party under this Agreement. Future residents of the plat shall no be deemed to be third-party heneficiaries of this Agreement. 9 sB . 3. Ifany portion, section, subsectio , sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Agreement is for any reason hel invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. 4. So long as the City uses its best Horts to review plans and inspect improvements, the Developer shall have no caus of action for damages attributable to delays in the construction and completion f said Items. 5. No one may occupy a building t'() which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis unt I sanitary sewer and water lines have been installed, hooked up, tested, and a proved by the City. 6. The action or inaction of the City s to the exercise of any of its rights or remedies upon an event of default shall not 'onstitute a waiver or mnendment to the provisions of this Agreement as to future events of default. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties, and approved by written resolution of the City Cou cil. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement s all not be a waiver or release as to any eVent of default. . 7. This Agreement shall run with the I nd and shall be recorded in the office of the Wright County Recorder. After co pletion of all of Developer's obligations hereunder, at Developer's request City will execute and deliver to Developer a release of this Agreement in record ble form. 8. Both parties to this Agreement ackn wi edge that they have been represented by counsel, or are aware of their right t counsel, and have entered into this Agreement freely and voluntarily. . 23. Prohibitions A ainst Assi nment of A ree ent. Developer represents and agrees that (except for associating with other individual or entities), prior to the completion of the Developer Improvements as certified by the ity: I. Except only by way of security for, a ld only for the purpose of obtaining financing necessary to enable the De eloper or any successor in interest to the Property, or any part thereof, to pedo m its obligations with respect to the construction of the Developer Jmprov ments under this Agreement, and any other purpose authorized by this Agreemen , the Developer (except as so authorized) will not make or create, or suffer to b made or created, any total or partial sale, assignment, conveyance, or transfer it any other mode or form of with respect to 10 s \3 . . . this Agreement or any interest therein, or any contract r agreement to do any of the same, without the prior written approval of City. 2. In the absence of specific writte agreement by the City to the contrary, no such transfer or approval by City sha I be deemed to relieve Developer from any of its obligations. In the event that Ci y approves a substitute developer and the Property is transferred to said s bstitute, the City agrees to relieve the Developer of liability from performance as described in this contract. Said substitute shall assume all responsi bilities and r ghts of the Developer under this contract. 24. Events of Default Defined. The followi g shall be "Events of Default" under this Agreement and the term "events of defa lt" shall mean, whenever it is used in this Agreement (unless the context otherwis provides), anyone or more of the following events: 1. Failure by the Developer to obs rve and substantially perform any covenant, condition, obligation or agreeme t on its part to be observed or performed under the terms of this Agreement, or t e Disbursement Agreement by and between City, the Developer and Lender. 2. If the Developer shall admit in riting its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due, or shall file a etition in bankruptcy, or shall make an assignment for the benefit of its reditors, or shall consent to the appointment of a receiver of itself or of the whole r any substantial part of the property. 3. If the Developer shall file a petit on under the federal bankruptcy laws. 4. If the Developer is in default un er the Mortgage and has not entered into a workout agreement with the Len er. 5. If the Developer shall fail to begin construction of the Developer Improvements in conformance with this Agreeme t, and such failures are not due to unavoidable delays as defined in this Agreem nt. 6. The Developer shall, after comm ncement of the construction of the Developer Improvements, default in or viol te its obligations with respect to the construction of the same (including thc nature and the date for the completion thereof), or shall abandon or substantially sllspend construction work, and such act or actions is not due to unavoidable delays as det rmined by the City Engineer in his sole but 1 s6 . . . reasonable discretion and any su h default, violation, abandonment, or suspension shall not be cured, ended, or rem died within the time provided for in this Agreement. 25. Notice/Remedies on Default. Wheneve any Event of Default occurs, the City shall give written notice of the Event of Default to Developer by United States mail at its last known address which is . If the Developer fails to cure the Event of Den ult within fifteen (15) days of the date of mailed notice, in addition to any other remedy rovided in this Agreement, and without waiver of any such right, City may avail itself 0 any or all of the following remedies for so long as the Developer is in default: 1. Halt all plat development work d construction of Developer Improvements until such time as the Event of Defaul is cured. 2. Refuse to issue building permits r occupancy permits as to any parcel until such time as the Event of Default is c red. " -" Apply to a court of competent ju isdiction to enjoin continuation of the Event of Default. 4. Exercise any and all remedies av ilable to City pursuant to the Disbursement Agreement. If the Event of Def: ult is the failure of Developer to complete, construct, install or correct the Developer Improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications and this Agreement, City may perform the construction or work and apply to Lender pur uant to the Disbursement Agreement to reimburse City for its expenses. This provision shall be a license granted by the Developer to the City to act, but shall not require the City to take any such action. Developer consents to such acti n by City and waives any claim Developer may have against City for damages i the event City exercises its rights in accordance with this provision. 5. Terminate this Agreement by wr'tten notice to Developer at which time all terms and conditions as contained here'n shall be of no further force and effect and all obligations of the parties as imp sed hereunder shall be null and void. 2 s~ . . . 26. Miscellaneous. 1. This Agreement shall be binding pon the parties, their heirs, successors or assigns, as the case may be. 2. If any portion, section, subsectio , sentence, clause, paragraph, or phase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion fthis Agreement. 3. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties, nd approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to pr mptIy take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall not be a waiver r release. 4. Future residents of this Subdivisi n shall not be deemed to be third party beneficiaries of this Agreement. 5. This Agreement shall run with tl e land and shall be binding upon the Developer, its successors and assigns. The eveloper shall, at its expense, record this Agreement in the Office of the right County Recorder. After the Developer has completed the work required un er this Agreement, at the Developer's request the City will execute and deliver to eveloper a release in recordable form. 6. All parties to this Agreement ac nowledge they have been represented by counsel and have entered into this Agree ent freely and voluntarily. 27. Notices. Required notices to the Devel per shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, or mailed to the Developer by United States mail, postage prepaid to the following address: . Notices to ity shall be in writing and either hand delivered to the City Administrator or mailed to ity by United States mail, postage prepaid to the address: 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and D veloper have signed this Developer's Agreement the day and year first written above. 13 Sb . . . STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) CI Y OF MONTICELLO By The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of ____.,_' 2000, by Roger Belsaas and Rick W olfsteller, t e Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation on behalf of the corporation. ick Wolfstcller ts: City Administrator Notary Public DEVELOPER: By:__ 14 SB . . . STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowle ged before me this __ day of 2000, by , the of , a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public I 42DevAgmtRolling 15 S~ . . . Council Agenda - 5/8/00 5-.., <1k_ Unit of Government Resolution. (O.K.) A. Reference and Backeround: Within the financial package for 1. 1. Co any LLC dba Profile Powder Coating, Inc., is the request for $100,000 from the Central Minnesota Initiative Fund (CMIF). The City ofMonticeHo becomes the sponsoring uni of government with the application. You will note on the Uses and Sources of Funds th CMIF dollars are for machinery and equipment. My assumption is the State, ity, and CMIF dollars will share a second position on the machinery and equipment ehind the SBA. The lender is checking into the potential of the SBA to guarantee the tate, City, and CMIF dollars. Unlike the State dollars, the CMIF dollars e disbursed and the payback dollars are collected by the CMIF, a regional funding ource out of Little Falls, MN. In other words, this is a loan between the company and the CMIF. The resolution basically states the City sup orts the Profile project. The application is anticipated to be submitted to the CMIF m d-May. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve the Sponsorin Unit of Government Resolution for the 1. 1. Company LLC dba Profile Powder oating, Inc. 2. A motion to deny approval of the S onsoring Unit of Government Resolution. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: City Administrator and Economic Develop ent Director recommend Alternative NO.1 D. SUDportinl! Data: Resolution for adoption and uses and Source of funds. 1 G0 . d 11:UDl . SPONSORING UNIT OF G VERNMENT RESOLUTION ..... WHEREAS; pursuant to the provisio and requirement of the 1987 Rural and Economic Development Act the I al governing unit is required to issue a Sponsoring Resolution on be:qalf of sinesses requesting fmancing through the Central Minnesota Initiative F d's partnership with the State of Minnesota I s Challenge Grant Program and; WHEREAS, this body has received a request to issue a resolution on behalf of ProfIle Pow . c , and ; WHEREAS, it is consistent with the encourage employment, enhance the for its residents. . RESOLVED, that this local governing unit supports the project submitted by Profile Powder Coating. Inc. to the Central Minnesota Foundation's partnership with the State of Minneso I s Challenge Grant Program. se of this local governing unit to base, and create more opportunity Minutes of the Meeting of this Local verning Unit adopting this resolution are attached hereto and made a part he of. WITNESS: City Clerk Date . Mayor Date S~ ?f:'ll':;>'f:'l' ,-j pq,l'?T~/:;?Tg f'.IHR lHNn 11 HN )f(>jH,-j lor :1:'1 VlVl0?HZ-~':IdI::1 . . . EDA Agenda - 4/25/00 6. GMEF Loan Request: $150,000 Machinery and Equipment. Project Summary: Profile Powder Coating, Inc. is a service co pany that specializes in providing metal fabricators with a quality service at a comp itive price. The service provided at the Rogers facility is a metal powder coat finis ng. The Rogers facility has been in operation since 1989 and was started by Steve DeJon and his father. Steve has been the sole proprietor the last five to six years. The pr posed facility in Monticello will be a wood powder coating process. Please refer to E 'bit B for a brief description of this new process. The real estate property consist of3.15 acre ofland and the construction ofa 30,000 sq ft block office/manufacturing facility. The e timated market value of the property for payable 2002 is $960,000. Proposed Legal description: Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center 5th Addition. The proposed expansion will create at least 0 new jobs for the City of Monticello, State, and Region at an hourly wage of between $12 to $16 or higher excluding benefits. REAL EST ATE Uses of Funds Land Building Soft Costs TOTAL USES OF FUNDS $ 110,250 $1,198,463 $ 17.000 $1,325,713 Sources of Funds Bank Loan SBA 504 TIP (Trunk Fees)(Land $110,250payg) Equity TOTAL SOURCES OF FUNDS $ 662,857 $ 503,286 $ 25,450 $ 107.120 $1,325,713 1 sc . . . MACHINERYIEQUIPMENT Uses of Funds Paint Equipment Wood Equipment Office Equipment TOT AL USE OF FUNDS Sources of Funds SBA 7 A State MIF CMIF GMEF TOTAL SOURCES OF FUNDS EDA Agenda - 4/25/00 $ 610,000 $ 88,000 $ 52.000 $ 750,000 $ 50,000 $ 450,000 $ 100,000 $ 150.000 $ 750,000 GREATER MONTICELLO ENT RPRISE FUND GUIDELINES PUBLIC PURPOSE CRITERIA: Must c mply with four or more of the criteria listed below, criteria #1 being mandatory. 1. Creates new jobs: At least 30 ew full-time jobs to the City of Monticello at an average wa e per hour of$14.00 without benefits (non- owners) wit . n two years. 2. Increases the community tax base: EMV increase of $960,000 Estimated annual tax increase $41,000. To assist a new ind strial business to expand their operations. Other factors for c nsideration but not limited to: Nature of business (manufact ring), present availability of service and product (none), pot ntial adverse environmental effects (none), and compatibility to the comprehensive plan and zoning policy (yes). 3. Factors: 4. Used as a secondary source to sup lement conventional financing: The GMEF will be the sec ndary source of funding to the lender, Security State Bank, Albertville. 5. Used as gap financing: as gap financing (see Letter from Lender) and incentive to encourage economic development. 2 sc-- . . . City Council Agenda - 05/08/00 7. Public Hearin - Consideration of re uest for vacation of a ortion of Oakwood Drive north of Chelsea Road and ad'acent t the Da s Inn and Comfort Inn Motel. (JO) REFERENCE & BACKGROUND The owners of the Comfort Suites Mote as well as the owners of the Days Inn Motel property request that the City consider v' cation of a portion of Oakwood Drive adjacent to their properties. As you know, a traffic hroughway no longer exists on Oakwood Drive with the recent realignment of Chelsea oad and associated cul-de-sae/closure of Oakwood Drive. The adjoining property owners a e thus requesting that the City vacate the right-of- way for roadway purposes. It is expected that the land will then be used in the future in conj unction with future expansion of bu Idings and parking lot areas. There are no current plans to utilize the vacated area that I k ow of. Please note that the control of this right- f-way has been transferred from the County to the City. Please see thc attached graphic 1'0 more information on the vacation request. In this instance, if it is determined that a public interest is served by vacating all or a portion of the roadway, the vacated area transfe s to the adjoining property at no cost. This is because the City was not the original un erlying property owner when the land was originally set aside for road purposes. After reviewing the proposed request, it appears that there is some merit in vacating a portion of the right-of-way. It is not rec mmended to vacate all public rights to the area because there is a need to retain access t sanitary sewer and water lines. In addition, a pedestrian/bike pathway is being constr cted to connect the cul-de-sac to the pathway on Chelsea Road. It is suggested that vaca ion should be limited to road right-of-way only. Pathway and necessary sanitary and se er easements should remain. Lastly, the action should include the requirement that an a 'reement be established making it the responsibility of the property owner to replace or repa'r landscaping, curb, drive areas disturbed as a result of City work within the easement area. ALTERNATIVES I. Motion to vacate road right-of- ay and retain necessary pathway and utility easements. 2. Motion to table vacation of road right-of-way pending development of a plan for use of the vacated area. It could be argued that although t makes sense to vacate the area not needed, a development plan is not in place identifying the use of the adjoining property. Perhaps it would make sense to elay vacation until the land is needed for the associated development. . City Council Agenda - 05/08/00 3. Motion to deny vacation of right of-way as requested. Council could take the position t at a sufficient public purpose is not served by vacating the property and perha s the right-of-way will be needed in the future. Therefore it is not appropriate to vacate the right-of-way as requested. RECOMMENDA nON The City Administrator Recommends A ternative 2. SUPPORTING DAfA Site Map . . . . . Council Agenda - 5/8/00 8. Public Hearin - Consideration to ado t a Local Government Resolution for a lication of the Economic Develo m nt Pro ram. (O.K.) A. Reference and Background: PUBLIC HEARING The Mayor should open the public hearin for comments or questions.. The public hearing notice appeared in the Monticello Times, April 27 and May 4,2000, for compliance of Minnesota Statutes. As you are aware, J. J. Company LLC db Profile Powder Coating, Inc. has selected the City of Monticello for its proposed expa sion project. The three-acre site is located at the comer of Chelsea Road and Fallon venue. The project consists of the construction of an approximate 30,000 sq ft facility wi h an occupancy date of December 2000. Total employment of at least 30 new jobs at an hourly wage of at least $14.00 excluding benefits. With the State's immediate interest in th proposed project and as a part of the recruitment process, Lenny Kirscht, Par National Bank, was called aboard to package the Minnesota Investment Fund (MIF) and entral Minnesota Initiative Fund (CMIF) Applications. The estimated 2 million pI s dollar project has two separate funding uses and sources statement. The real estate c sts estimated at 1.3 million dollars and the machinery/equipment costs estimated at even- hundred fifty thousand dollars. The funding sources proposed for the machi ery/equipment are the SBA 7a, Minnesota Investment Fund, Central Minnesota Init ative Fund, Monticello GMEF, and equity. After hearing comments and questions om the public, the Mayor should close the public hearing. RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTION The resolution for adoption states that t e City of Monticello has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, will enter' nto certain agreements and comply with all applicable laws, and authorizes applicati n to the Department of Trade and Economic Development for the J. J. Company LL project. The Loan Committee for the Security S ate Bank, Albertville, meets the evening of May 8. The lender informs me Profile Powder oating has no adverse findings, is credit worthy, and Steve. Dejong's personal financial s atements are clean. The City does have a 1 . Council Agenda - 5/8/00 copy of the company's business plan and ill be receiving a commitment letter from the lender. At this time, papers are being dra ed and filed the new entity, J. J. Company LLC. The City of Monticello will apply for a gr nt in the amount of $450,000. Upon receiving the grant, the City will loan the $450,000 to 1. J. Company LLC at terms negotiated between the city and company. Lenny Ki scht and Mark Ruff, Ehlers & Associates, report terms of a 3% fixed interest rate over 10 ears are typical for this type of program. However, the Small Cities Economic De elopment Grant to Twin City Die Castings was at 4%. Again, the $450,000 is part ofth machinery/equipment funding. The State is proposing the MIF dollars be from the St te's federal dollars which means the City of Monticello retains the full $450,000 princ'pal plus interest for the purpose of providing future loans to assist expanding businesse . The purpose of the Minnesota Investmen Fund Program is to create new and retain the highest quality jobs possible on a state wi e basis with a focus on industrial, manufacturing, and technology related in ustries; to increase the local and state tax base and improve the economic vitality for all . nnesota citizens. Eligible projects include loans for land, building, equipment and tr ining. Funds may also be used for infrastructure improvements necessary to support busin sses located or intending to locate in Minnesota. Ineligible projects include working capita, retail business, and industrial park development. . Mr. Lenny Kirscht will be present at the ouncil meeting to review the application process and legal obligations of the City. It is ant cipated the completed Part II application will be submitted to the State on May 15,2000. The HRA/EDA Attorney will prepare the State's loan closing documents as well as the GMEF and TlF documents. The City's Economic Development Director admini ers the awarded State funds and programs. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve the Local G vernment Resolution, Economic Development Program, authorizing application 0 the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development for 1. 1. ompany LLC dba Profile Powder Coating, lnc.. 2. A motion to deny approval ofthe Local Government Resolution, Economic Development Program, authorizi g application to the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Developme t for the 1. 1. Company LLC. 3. A motion to table any action. . . Council Agenda - 5/8/00 c. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Economic De elopment Director recommend alternative action no. 1. The terms of the loan will b negotiated and approved at the time the grant and loan agreements are approved; howe er, we have noted to the company a 4% fixed rate over 10 years for the Minnesota Inve tment Fund consistent with that used for the Twin City Die Castings project. The G F loan will follow its guidelines. If the State contributes to the TIF district project, the City can be reimbursed for the local contribution by tax increment though a c ain formula. D. Supporting Data: Resolution for adoption, public hearing n tice, estimated uses and sources statement, and job and wage-level goals. . . 3 APR-13-200~ 11:14 f-'HkK NH I 1 UNHL bHI'iK Li.J..t:.....);.).L~ I 0'4 I ~ u~..... U..,.,J . RESOLUTIO NO. 20_ LOCAL GOVE NT RESOLUTION ECONOMIC DEVELO J\fENT PROGRAM BE IT RESOLVED that The City of Monticello aetas e legal sponsor forproject(s) contained in the Buslness and Community Development Application to e submitted on May 1 S, 2000 and that The Mayor of the City of Monticello and the City Administrator are h eby authorized to apply to the Department of Trade and Economic Development for funding of this project n behalf of the City of Monticello. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the CitY of Monti elIo has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and the institutional, managerial, and financi capability to ensure adequate construction, operation, maintenance and replacement of the proposed project for its design life. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Monti elIo has not incurred any costs and has not entered into any written agreements to purchase property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Monti ello has not violated any Federal, State, or local laws pertaining to fraud, bribery, kickbacks, collusion, c nflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt practice. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon approval of ts application by the state, the City of Monticello .ay enter into an agreement with the State ofMitUlesota for the above-referenced project(s), and that the ~ity of Monticello certifies that it will comply with all plicable laws and regulations as stated in all contract agreements and described on the Compliance C 'fi.cation of the Business and Community Development Application. AS APPLICABLE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED at the City of Monticello has obtained credit reports and credit information from Profile Powder Coating, Inc. and Steve Dejong. Upon review by the City of Monticello and the City Attorney no adverse findings or neems regarding, but not limited to, tax liens, judgements, court actions, and filings with state, federal d other regulatory agencies were identified. Failure to disclose any such adverse information could re ult in revocation or other legal action. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ma or of the City of Monticello and the City Administrator, or their successors in office. are hereby a orized. to execute such agreements, and amendments thereto, as are necessary to implement the p oject(s) on behalf of the applicant. Adopted by the Monticello City Council on 8th Day ofM y,2000 ATTEST: Roger elsaas, Mayor . Rick Wolsteller, City Administrator '6 APR-19-2000 11:14 r'H('(K NH I 1 UI'IHL onl'11' I CERTIFY THAT the above resolution was adopted by 8, 2000. _IGNED: Mayor Date City Administrator Date . . . e City Council of the City of Monticello on May WI 1; TOTAL P.03 u ~ ~6.atb ~a: ::~(j) in'r6 ~J oW < U E IJI ~. U J ::;- u \,. ~U () d.:J lL::1 ~~ ~ (1.1 i:.L .J..- ci ~.l-~ .... ..... ro ro"O 2"10 O'!i!! z ,,- ~ ~ g ::u "'lll- o:>",~~""O :> III 01 8!;ro i[gp O'C g: III ~.0.0 ro _0 9 ro ro ro~. s: -I ". s::lll 00~3:?:'<z to--t......a.. 0-- lll~ "roo '" ....- m '<8 \l: III 0. s:: a: 2. 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Q'< c 5f g roo. ~ III 0.3 ~ : n;;; ~ ~ ~ '" 0 "lD,<llI"iil- 0.- - ,,0 mro~ c: iilIll50.ooii>~en=l'-9~~~"i~!2." S $~PI~;!:lZltt~~dI~~ws-)>(')(')n ~ ~~:;3!::T",~""'_];!&iil""'alro~ggi s::mroo.~J!::"iro8~::rPl~S~~"Uclnln! o -< ~ 9. i (D g""C ~;=:~ (t) ~ ~ (; ~ ff a s 2" 2" ~ iO::T-:J~~~n:JNgPl2.-N!!!.'8"!l!l' o rooo:J-;::;: OPl:>~_s::!!!.-",Ill--. ~ ~ ".~ g S- ~ -., ~ ~ fij In 0. 16 0 III g !!!.. a. g g " O'm~~-roOlllo.rolIl~(J) a.CDIn'TI~~~. - :II - < iillD ; '" iitJ <t 0 5''2 Q o. 0 PI 0 0 -.-. S::oo~n~~i~aiCO[-<~i:3;<-gg~ z'TI....~~""O~ PI<mff)>o<iilln 01Il~ -I,*'~ 0. g. ~ ~ !- 2: !!1 ~. III ~ ~ !!1"O ~ "" 0; : IO~-PloJ::T~~:Jg-,n~~o S::(') m -'< ~ - m dI -"0 ". m :J 2. 3 7 ro < 8. c (')1ll.~S-a.O::Tro~~In!!l. ~o.a: _..... _~ ~(I) CD.-rcP"':J (n ....D1~ ~ am ~CT -I 0::T OlOOCll". Q_ :J'<o. PI <03_g~....-dlro~ Q16roc- n~ ('); _ 16 o.~ 0 -< ,... {';: (J) l'ii' '" ~ <;" (') 0. O=16iilg2.a~ ~lIIro *~~~ ~~ ez~n.DllIoS-~3 ~~~ ~~~8 lll::l -PIC ro-_ -0 III r.... ::Iro (')0_-0 n:J s::- _~ 0. .... _' dI iil ro PI 0 (i;' Z "'g 0 _ Z III a. r 00.--s3::T- a.::T 0" Q - ~om; ~ ~ ro~no c ogo.~~5 ~I~ o~~ro ~ al a.~ --.... NlD 0 ~Nlil':S. ~ ~. n2.Q2, 9'~iil ro9'~S- 0---- . 6. EDA Agenda ~ 4/25/00 lication from J. J. GMEF Loan Request: ...... $150,000 Machinery and Equipment. Project Summary: Profile Powder Coating, Inc. is a service com any that specializes in providing metal fabricators with a quality service at a compeftive price. The service provided at the Rogers facility is a metal powder coa.t finishi g. The Rogers facility has been in operation since 1989 and was started by Steve Dejong and his father. Steve has been the sole proprietor the last five to six years. The pr osed facility in Monticello will be a wood powder coating process. Please refer to E 'bit B for a brief description of this new process. The real estate property consist of 3 ,15 acre of land and the construction of a 30,000 sq ft block office/manufacturing facility. The e timated market value of the property for payable 2002 is $960,000. . Proposed Legal description: Lot I, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center 5th Addition. . The proposed expansion will create at least 0 new jobs for the City of Monticello, State, and Region at an hourly wage of between $ 2 to $16 or higher excluding benefits. REAL ESTATE Uses of Funds Land Building Soft Costs TOT AL USES OF FUNDS $ 110,250 $1,198,463 $ 17.000 $1,325,713 Sources of Funds Bank Loan SBA 504 TIF (Trunk Fees)(Land $110,250payg) Equity TOTAL SOURCES OF FUNDS $ 662,857 $ 503,286 $ 25,450 $ 107.120 $1,325,713 '6 . . . MACHlNERYIEQUIPMENT Uses of Funds ... ... Paint Equipment Wood Equipment Office Equipment TOTAL USE OF FUNDS Sources of Funds SBA 7A ", State MlF CMIF GMEF TOTAL SOURCES OF FUNDS GREATER MONTICELLO ENT EDA Agenda - 4/25/00 $ 610,000 $ 88,000 $ 52.000 $ 750,000 $ 50,000 $ 450,000 $ 100,000 $ 150.000 $ 750,000 RISE FUND UIDELINES PUBLIC PURPOSE CRITERIA: Must co ply with four or more of the criteria listed below, criteria #1 being mandatory. At least 30 n w full-time jobs to the City of Monticello at an average wag per hour of$14.00 without benefits (non- owners) wit . n two years. 1. Creates new jobs: 2. Increases the community tax base: EMV increase of $960,000 Estimated aMual tax increase $41,000. To assist a new indu trial business to expand their operations. Other factors for co sideration but not limited to: Nature of business (manufactu 'ng), present availability of service and product (none), pot ntial adverse environmental effects (none), and compatibility to the omprehensive plan and zoning policy (yes). 3. Factors: 4. Used as a secondary source to sup lement conventional financing: The GMEF will be the seco dary source of funding to the lender, Security State Bank, Albertville. 5. Used as gap financing: as gap financing (see Letter from Lender) and incentive to encourage economic development. 2 o . Please indicate number of employees at each level d indicate the corresponding benefit level. Number of jobs created is over the first two years. Job Creation Hourlv Walle Hourly Value Level ofVoluntarv Benefits (S) Full-time Part-time N~ (Excl. benefits) Less than $7.00 $7.00 to $7.99 $8.00 to $9.99 $10.00 to $11.99 16 Package. / Hanger $12.00 to $13.99 1.30 . 8 Painter / QC / Ship $14.00 to $15.99 l.l0 6 Sup / QC / Sec. / $16.00 and higher 1.30 Mach. . ~.lf D . . . 9. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGR Council Agenda - 5/8/2000 rovin . oint venture between the ci nated left turn lanes from CSAH 75 to In late 1994, City staff discussed the left urn conflicts ofT of CSAH 75 onto TH 25 with the Wright County Highway Department. In anuary 1995, Wright County returned with several options, most of which required reconstr ction of the roadway medians and removal of on street parking. In 1997, we again work d with Wright County and Mn/DOT in trying to come up with an acceptable solution to the left: turn lanes which would work within the confines of the existing road surface. In October of 1999, we had put together plan which reduced the parking lanes slightly to 9' and left 11 l;2' driving lanes and a 12' t rn lane. At this time it looked like such a design would work, however, the transition Z01 es into the blocks immediately adjoining TH 25 were yet to be laid out satisfactorily to t e county. This spring the county put together a preliminary plan which showed the tran ition zones being constructed only with striping changes. This preliminary plan provide for designated left hand turns, no loss of parking and minimum median reconstruction. Mn/DOT will provide and install the left urn signals, install lane designations on the signal arms, and determine the proper stacking length for the left turn lancs. There would be no cost to the city for this work. [fthe sign 1 cabinet, however, needs to be updated, the city and county could incur some cost for th t updating. At this time MnlDOT feels it is not necessary. Wright County will salvage all the signs, 0 all ofthe striping, reinstalI the signs, and prepare the traffic control plan, as well as the mal plans for the project itself. The city would prepare a cost estimate which is include for your review, and specifications for the work, obtain cost proposals from local contract rs for removals and construction, let contracts for the work, inspect and observe the wor , and coordinate the work of the contractor with Wright County. The estimated cost of the project is about 41,000, and would more than likely be performed by three separate contractors, one to do he removals, another to do the concrete work and another to do the paving. Each sectio of the work may be accomplished by obtaining quotes. It is proposed that the county an city split this cost; consequently, there would be an estimated $20,500 for the county and 1e same for the city. A Wright County official will be present at the meeting so that you ma discuss the cost sharing with him. . Council Agenda ~ 5/8/2000 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the layout as enclosed and shown at the meeting, and authorize city staff 0 work with the county to develop final plans and specifications and obtain quotes 1'1 rthe work. City staff would bring the quotes back to the City Council for one last I ok at the project before it is ordered. 2. The second alternative would be not to move forward with the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIO It is the recommendation of the City Ad inistratorand Public Works Director that the City Council move ahead with this project. I has taken almost five years to get this project to a point where it could be constructed wi hin the next couple of months. We, therefore, recommend alternative # I. The City Council will have to decide whether or not the proposal to share the costs with the county is app opriate. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of preliminary plan; Copy of esti ated construction costs; Copy of two letters from concerned citizens. . . ESTIMATED CONSTRU TION COSTS CSAH 75 RECONSTRUCTION F CENTER MEDIAN FROM CEDAR ST TO QCUST ST FOR DESIGNATED LEFT TU NS ONTO T.H. 25 ~----- TRAFFIC CON ROL ... ...................>i<.QtiANTITYi ... ................ LUMP SUM ._.~,_.-~~,~-~~_.._....---.---- REMOVALS >L.iijlf..~IC~.... . ..tl:)tll.l..i~\#l:i 2 1 SQ YDS $6.50 $1,891.50 13 0 L F. $300 $4,110.00 _~ 0 SQ. YDS _--lliO ___$1,17000 40 4 L. F. $0.60 $2,414.40 ,...,...,........,....,....,....,....,.........,....,.",',..'0,""""'-"'" ,..........,.",.,.,.",.,.,.,',...,.,.,......,...,... . .......,..'.'.','..........."......,......,.'..."....,.:...'..,.'....,.'.,.,....,.,.:-'.,.:-,. ... .....,.,.,.............,....,.,'.".,.,.,.,.,.,.,...,..." . . ......> ........;.. ....... .'. .. '. .'. .... ...... .........i~;$() II. 1, REMOVE CONCRETE MEDIAN 4' WIDE 2, SAWCUT BIT (FULL DEPTH) ,-~. 3, REMOVE BIT PAVEMENT 4, TRAFFIC MARKING REMOVAL .,..............,..."......,.......".,.........,................,..."...",..........."...,.......,...... ." ." ... ... ... ,,'" '" ..," ..."., """"," '" ." '" '" '" ",,'.. .........,..."....,...........,....,..."......."........... ....,................ ... ...... :'rQrAtco.st#okREM6\iAL$." ...... ..... . .... ..... ...... ....... ... ... ....,..".. ,..... . III. .OltSCfU.friOK......'........'.............,....................,.......... . .. .. ........... . 1, B 624 CURB & GUTTER 2, 4" CONCRETE MEDIAN WALK 3. CONCRETE MEDIAN NOSE DESIGN 7113A 4, BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT ~' DEPTHL 5, CLASS 5 6, MANHOLE ADJ NEW CONS RUCTION ... ...... i. ....;'QUANTtl'y. ... ,... ... ... ... 12 2 52 4 76 51 1 LF. SQ, FT. EACH~ TON TON EACH . ,... ......11'. .'....'.0....,;. .... ;',<:'::.~,~.: .::r:~ ::~::':::':: $20.00 ~ $250.00 $65 00 $10.00 -'-'~~ $350.00 ..CI'01'lI.l..Pi:t\Qi!..... $16,240.00 $8,256,00 $1,000,00 $4,940,00 $510.00 $350,00 ------------~-~ .. ,."..........,........,...,.... ..,......'... . . .. ' .. ' . ...,.,.,.",.,.,..,.,.,.,.,.",.,.,..,.,."".,.",.,. ...'........'... .......,.."..'. . " ,,'.' ' ,. ...,..."..".".".,."... . ... ,............. .. .,.,.,..,.,....,....,..,',..,',.,.,' ... ....'...',..,............,....". .... ..~1~$&J)(i .,....,..."...."....,....,..."....,.....,..,...........,...,...,.......,..."...,...,...'....,',....".....','....... .. , ,., ." " " . . '.',. . ." '" '" '" ,., " .',. , . . ' " ., ,. ' .....,.".,.,."...,.,.,.......,.....".,.,.,..,'..,. ,.,.,..,.,.,.,'.,...,............",.'.'.,',...'.y..,' .,.,.".,.,'".,.,.,'".,.,..,',.,.' '.,.. ,..,. ,.,.,.... ..tOTAicostFriRNEWi:ONS"/'#VCtiO@ ".',i" . IV. oacii':riOH'.\...:....:................................... . 1. SALVAGE SIGNS 2. STRIPING - SINGLE WHITE EPOXY 3, STRIPING - DOUBLE YELLOW EPOXY 4, REINSTALL SALVAGED SIGNS 5, PREPARE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN~ 6, PREPARE FINAL PLANS WITH GRADES 7, PROVIDE SURVEY & STAKING ...:-..-:.:.:..,.:.".,..:-:-,.,.:-:-:..:.:-:-..,.:-:-,.,.:.:-",.:.:-,...,.:..".:-:....:-:-:-.:-:-:-.'.:-:- ::...::::::;:::,:,::::::,:.':::::::::,-:.:,-:,:",:,-:,-:,:'-:,-:,,:'-:'-: ::,::\'.,n'tO.:<.fA,.:..,::,t\.WO.".:::).;.f.:.k'.':'.j".y-:.,).;'.:,OU.'.'..":.,N.,;'.j~y.,:_:,::{ :,:':. :.,', :':: :-::::" ::.:',:',:,'::,::::' ',,::,,:'::',', :,:,:':,:,', :,:,:':,:,: ::'::,:< >::':": - .:.:........:..---:.:~,~~'~. WORK BY QUNTY-----------'------ .... ...... ...........QtiAidi... ....... .uf,iiTPitiCe .joi'Al;:ti:li6e 4 EACH N/A N/A 4350 UN. FT, N/A N/A 250 UN FT, -----WA -----w,;::-- --- 4 EACH ~-- --~- N/A -------~- yC-~ NlA -,.......,-~'....,..,....,.,..,..,... .,..,...-~.,...,...-,....,..,....~...,..,..,......,..,.....~....,...-"'"-:-'--:-----,- . ,.. .. ,.. ,.. ,. ... ... ,.."" '" ",'. .. ..,.'. ..," '" ,. ~-----.,;..:..........;.':...:.....;. . .., ., " " . .. ......................NIA.................. ..:.........-'--'-",~',.........:...:..:.........~-_.."----: -,-~~"'_.-~~~~-~-~--"---'~.--_.- ..:---c-:'":"""""".":""""'".~.":'""'"'""'".'7"""""""'~,.7""'":.:.....,...:"77""'""- :""""""'".~.'":"7""":'7""""","':"7"""'.~ ~~-----------~.----.,~~~"---'-_._- .. .......:...:................... . ....il'pt"""pi:li~ei _.___.__.---------.-.-. __l'!!~_.- N/A ~....----._~~'-'------'- ....--------.....----'~_.- N/A V. 6tji;RIPiloN..........,.... 1. PROVIDE AND INSTALL LEFT TURN SIGNALS 2. INSTALL LANE DESIGNATIONS ON SIGNALARMS- 3, DETERMINE STACKING LENGTH FOR LEFT TURNLANE ---- ------- 1, PREPARE COST ESTIMATES N/A 2, PREPARE SPECIFICATIONS FOR WORK ~---~- -.!'!!~ 3. OBTAIN COST PROPOSALS FOR REMOVALS AND CO STRUCTION ~-- 4, LET CONTRACTS FOR WORK ----.- ----- N/A 5, INSPECT AND OBSERVEW9RK---'-- --=======-====== ~- N/~== 6, COORDINATEWORKOF CONTRACTOR WITHCOUN ...==-"'-=-"'-'~-"'-=='~~=== :*,+AfW6AA'$\oi~irY" ..... .. .......>i.ii ..........i '.i ..............>. . .._....-.iNi"..i...G .....~c........:;.:~'.;...:.......;.:;..:......::...:...........:.......,;.;..........;.----:.;. ~.......... ........... ... ... ... .. ... ..... ... ...... ....... ... ... ====-=-=... ....... ....-... .... '.' .......;.~~Bf8'1'jt.,~R6jtef,g(')gfi;.;..ii......... ......... .:..:....... ....... ... ........ CC/,'}'<..i}.:} \i:; <i/ U>:\,?U.'l.........? _ . ..~W., - .l'IJff~~~b:N:wkkkkkkk///...... ..S;./(('((,\\; ....~...............~ ...,..,.".,.,.",..,.,.,.,'.,.,.. .,.,.".,.,.",.,.,.,.,.,.,'.,..,..,..,. .......,...,..."..".,.. i$4Q............;.8.8.1....~O.... ......... C$i~..t.~.9~ . q C:\12ER4W\JOHN\CSAH75WK4: 05/03/2000 mailboX:/C% 7C/Prog am%20FileslNetscapelNa.. .nt?id""390ED99) AA I....l&u~uu~..._.---- ,;toplights on broodway & 25 . Subject: Re: stoplights on broadway & 25 Date: Tue, 02 May 200008:35:17 -0500 From: "B. Green" <bgreen@uslink.net> Organization: City of Monticello To: Mike Nitz <miken@visi.com> CC: jsimola@uslink.net Dear Concerned citizen: For your information, a public informational meeting is being held next Monday, May 8, 2000, at 6:30 p.m. at Montice 10 city Hall (in the new community center on Walnut street) regarding this particular issue. Following the informational meeting, this issue will also be presented to the city council at the regular meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. on May 8th. If you have any further questions, please email or call 295-3-110" Thank you for your concern. Beth Green, public Works secretary . Mike Nitz wrote: > > A left turn on broadway, going east or w st, is quite dangerous. > There is so much left turn traffic in bo h directions, and it is very > hard to see if someone is coming straigh through. 1 have had many > near misses and purpose to use the River Street stop light if > possible. I would like to see the stopl"ghts changed to have east > bound traffic traffic stopped while all est bound traffic has a green > light and then visa-versa. This would seem a cost-efficient and safe > way to go. > > (1 hope 1 have the right department.) > > KellY Ni tz > miken@visi.com > . q 5/2/2000 8:35 . I of I \..Yfll('1~ -1~c;{;ZC~ October 10, 1999 . Dear Members of the City Council, I feel that there is a problem at the stopli hts at highway 25 and county road 75. People traveling on county road 75 t at are turning left cannot easily get across because oncoming traffic has the . ght of way. During rush hour, the traffic flow in the left lanes is almost co pletely stopped. My suggestion is to have both westbound and eastbound t affic lights alternate. First one side would go, then they would stop and the ther side would go. That way, people turning left do not have to wait r oncoming traffic. . I also have another suggestion. The ci should make a right hand turn lane that starts after the extended curb in fr nt of the movie theater. Many cars already use it as a turn lane but someti es cars are parked there. All the city needs to do is take away a few parkin spots and paint the lines for a left- hand turn lane. Thank you for considering my sugges ions. Sincerely, , J).rWJ~ David Nolan . q i :..:......... ..~ --:- .-.-., ,::,....::-- ~-- o r-- - ,- 1__.----' __10 I J-J: ~------G-- I [=---=~-] ~ I ) I ~~ ~ vc~ -.--"---..-/.------. I ) __~---L.J~-'" c[U r \:0'" " " 'Q. \ 0.1, , ~r ,. . 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(I '" W '" :E u ~ ~ Z I '" '" '" Z ;; ;;3 u:i (fl b Z rl'] >; ""~ (fl '" ~ CO \fj H '" '" '" '" '" " r,l {"\l ("\I r--- r--- '" '" '" '" ,~ '" b '" W ;>0 ~ <t, '" '" o "" '" E~ o Ii; '" '" ,~ '" :i; '" 10 '" ~,~l " :> w '" II) ;:r, '" CO '" Q W W .., :> CO 0 '" '" >< ", '" '" ", <t, (fl .., .., H on '" o b 'f) H .., " Z H '" W U W '" '" [il ~ E'; :-r: ,.-t b '" (fl ~ on .., .., <t, .., <t, b o b -~-_..'., COUNCI May Riek Wolfsteller, Silver Fox Motel - Caterine Lieense UPDATE , 2000 ity Administrator The Comfort Inn Suites, owned by Marianna and nn Khauv has recently opened fix business. The Khauvs also operate the Silver Fox Motel and have an on-sale liquor license through the City for the Silver Fox establishment. The Khauvs were not in crested in setting up a separate bar at the Comfort Inn but did want the ability to serve liquor for speci' I events or to a conference group after a meeting, etc. After reviewing the state statutes regarding liquor license requirements, it appeared that in order for the Comfort Inn to be able to sell or serve liquor in thei new facility, they could either obtain a caterer's permit that would allow them to serve liquor in con unction with the serving of food to a catered event or they would have to obtain a regular additional 0 -sale liquor license. If they did not want to actually sell liquor but allow a group to bring in the r own liquor, they could obtain a set up license and sell the mix only. Lastly, they could also obtain a r gular 3/2 beer license. The Khauvs felt that a caterer's permit would meet their needs and since t ey have a valid retail on-sale liquor license for their restaurant at the Silver Fox Motel, they would be allowed to serve as caterers for their motel next door by paying a $200 fee to the State of Minnesota for the caterer's permit. This is the first time that a caterer's permit has been considered by the City and since our current ordinances do not have a special fee for this type of'. dditional add-on feature to their liquor license, I simply accepted the application and forwarded on t the state for their review and approval. In reviewing the state statutes, it does not appear that t e local jurisdiction has to approve a caterer's permit license application and therefore there is not fee that will be collected by the City for this additional feature. If the Council feels that the City should establish its own fee for this additional permit, I could review what would be necessary to e tablish an ordinance for this purpose. As it is likely to be very incidental to most on-sale liquor Ii ense holders, it may not be necessary for the City to establish its own fee structure nor get in involved in the licensing of caterers.