City Council Agenda Packet 07-09-2001 . . . REGULAR MEETING- Monday, J GENDA ONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Iy 9, 200] - 7 p.m. REMINDER: CSAH 75 WORKSHO - JULY 9,2001 5:30 P.M. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen I . Call to order. 2. Approve minutes of June 25, 200 I regul I' Council meeting. ., -) . Consideration of adding items to the age A :; okoo( L~ (... C~"""""""L: ~ B. vJ C. 7 '-J.- 3- 7 ~ ;) g /J lVl vJ \,..0 lA"'" ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.. 1-. t-.cJ , 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, d complaints. 5. Consent agenda. A Consideration of issuing a gambli g license to VFW Post #8731 to conduct gambling at the Monticello VFW. B. Consideration of ratifying new hiI' s for Monticello Community Center. C. Consideration of an application fo rezoning from 1-1 to R-2 and a revised development stage conditional use pennit/plann d unit development and a preliminary plat to allow the development of 97 unit Montissippi Trail Townhomes located on the "Klucas" property. Applicant: Harstad Hol ings, Inc. 6. Consideration of items removed trom the onsent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of software change to opera ing system for the WWTP to incorporate the gravity belt thickener. 8. Consideration of accepting bids and award ng contract for Bridge and Pathway Improvements, Project 98-02C. 9. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and ordering advertisement for bids for Cedar Street Improvement, Project No. 2000-18C. 10. Consideration of adopting resolution declar ng cost to be assessed and setting a public hearing on adoption of an assessment roll for the C dar Street Improvement Project No. 2000-18C. 11. Consideration of revised cost estimate for 7"1 Street East Improvements, Project No. 2001-07C Agenda Monticello City Council July 9, 2001 Page Two . 12. Approve payment of bills for July. 13. CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS KJELLBERG SEWER LITIGATION. 14. Adjourn / ~ . .., "'--.. ., I." , ..-I f~. . ""' 11/1, i/ loG ,i la ':1 [..)0 (l" r ' , ! I () I ,.' ,) , C.,., l,.._t .c, -" f C ! > (' Lp ---- ---/ ~.j.", , , C)' /'1 ';'"\~' ! . ~ , /\ \j',,") V"~' 'i c \J. (':\' \. ""..~' v * '. ~' ,':; , .'_.' ",.'1" ,1 ~ /I, I .r.' .\'" ". ~. C) V) '~\"j \ '\ \~ .. '........,...\:..1 \ . .- . . . INllTES REGllLAR MEETING - ONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL June 25, 2001 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas. R gel' Carlson. Clint Herbst. Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None. 1. Call to Order. Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to ord rat 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of the June II 2001 reO"ular Council meetinO". CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPRO E THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE 1].2001 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. B IAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y 3. Consideration of addino items to the a enda. No new items were added to the agenda ut Mayor Belsaas pointed out an error on the agenda item on the audit. 4. Citizen comments/ Doni Newland. 9592 Mill Trail Lane cam before the Council to voice her concerns about the construction value of recently constructed homes being built in the River Mi11/River Forest developments especially those being cons rueted by C-Mark Builders. Initially there were covenants in place that put certain restrictions on the size. design and aesthetics of the houses being built in the development. The COvel ants have since been amended a number of times resulting in houses being built in the development that are of lesser value than homes built earlier. The residents in the area were reg lesting that the City seek legal counsel as to what can be done to assure that the covenants remai in place and that there is uniformity in design standards and structure values throughout development. The residents felt that the development standards and building codes should be upgraded so that homeowners are protected hom lower valued homes being uilt in the same area which has the effect of reducing their property value. They felt it as the City's responsibility to make sure the covenants were enforceable. .TeffO'Neill responded for the City stating hat the City was aware of the situation is enforcing zoning ordinances and the building codes. The restrictive covenants, however, are not regulated by the City. Because it is an issu between the developer and the property owner, the City has no authority to enforce the covena ltS. L Council Minutes ~ 6/25/01 . The Monticello Planning Commission will be looking at amendmcnts to the City's zoning ordinance that may alleviate similar problem in future developments. Bruce Thielen stated that he is a little tired of telling residents that the City's hands are tied on this. The developer had indicated that he would keep the covenants the same for the entire development and now it appears they are thumbing their noses at the city. He cited a lack of good faith on the part of the developer. The Council discussed if there was any legal action the City could take and also whether amendments to the ordinance would address the problem. Clint Herbst asked whether the City could hold up building permits in the area. Fred Patch responded that they couldn't hold up the permits but perhaps there were legal steps the residents could take to get the covenants enforced. The current housing standards are down from the original but do meet the standards set forth in the building codes and zoning and subdivision ordinances. Michel Rietveld, 6493 River Ridge Lane, brought up an example where a building permit was approved for a certain model house but the builder constructed a different model and she asked how the City could allow that. Fred Patch responded that a stop work order had been placed on the construction until the builder could submit revised plans that showed what was actually being constructed. The builder was required to pay the plan check fee and the plans submitted did meet the building code. The Council directed staff to work with the City Planner and City Attorney to review issues . raised by the residents. Once the information is obtained, staff will meet with the residents. Jason Penaz. 9593 Mill Trail Lane, submitted a petition requesting the installation of a street light on Mill Trail Lane. Brian Stumpf stated that the Council had discussed this issue and had directed the Public Works Director to work with X~cel Energy on the street light placement. Jason Penaz submitted a second petition from some residents in the River Mill area that stated their opposition to the construction of a connecting pathway behind the lots on Mill Trail Lane. One of their concerns was that trees would have to be removed in order to construct the pathway and they didn't want the additional activity generated by a pathway in the area. Jeff O'Neill stated that construction of an 8'~ 10' trail would not necessitate the removal of many trees. Brian Stumpf asked if there were other options as far as the trail. Jeff O'Neill will prepare a report and graphics on this for the next meeting. Jeff Jones, 9334 Red Rock Lane, brought up concerns about blights and violations of the nuisance ordinance on property on Red Rock Lane and submitted pictures of the property to the Council. Mayor Belsaas indicated that this matter has been turned over to the City Attorney. The residents stated that they have been dealing with this for the past four year and they would like to get it resolved. The residents also questioned the building permits that were issued for the property and the unfinished construction. Fred Patch responded that some of the issues raised by the residents were aesthetic and are not covered by the building permit. He indicated . that the ordinance does allow construction material to be stored in the yard while construction 2 l . . . ----=-- Council Minutes - 6/25/01 is being done. The Council directed Fr d Patch to investigate these issues and report back to the residents. Bruce Thielen asked that when resident bring an item up under citizen input he would like to see an update in the next council packet on the item that was brought up. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of ratifying new h res for MCC. liquor store. parks and public works. Recommendation: Ratify the hi ing of the employees for the MCC. liquor store, parks and public works as identified. B. Consideration of approving a on Hockey Associate for July 6, 20 resolution authorizing the State Res. #2001-43. day charitable gambling license for Monticello Youth I at Hawks Bar & Grill. Recommendation: Adopt a ambling Control Board to issue a gambling license. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPR VE THE CONSENT AGENDA. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTIO CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from he consent aoenda for discussion. None. 7. Public Hearin to consider a eal of P aunin Commission denial of a re uest for variance to setbacks to allow construct on of driveway - James Herbst. Jeff O'Neill summarized the item advisin the Council that the Planning Commission had voted to deny granting the variance for a riveway setback from 3' to I' for the property at 519 West Broadway. Under the ordinance th re is an appeals procedure in which the Council acts as the Board of Appeals and that is the 1'0 e the Council is acting in when they are considering this matter. In reviewing Planning Commission discu sion on the variance request, the Planning Commission determined there was no har ship demonstrated and therefore denied the request for the variance. The Planning Commis ion noted that the property owner could meet the requirements of the ordinance without a v riance. James Herbst, the property owner, submitted a letter to the Council concerni g the Planning Commission action. He indicated that staff led him to believe that there would n t be a problem getting Planning Commission approval of the variance. He also felt that removing the trees and having to back out onto Broadway constituted a hardship and that he variance should have been granted based on that finding. .., .) z Council Minutes - 6/25/01 Jeff O'Neill stated that other options for the driveway location \vere looked at by the Planning Commission and the Planning Commission did feel there were options available that allowed the applicant the use of his property and met ordinance requirements. Bruce Thielen stated that he did not feel there was a hardship and he also questioned why the property owner put in the curb cut before he even applied for a variance. Mr. Herbst stated that he had been advised by Fred Patch, the Building Official to do that in advance of the variance request. . Clint Herbst stated if the variance is not allowed, the driveway would remain a gravel surface. Richard Carlson spoke stating that the surfacing of the driveway was not the reason the variance was requested and that not granting the variance should not impact whether the driveway could be surfaced or not. Richard Carlson also questioned why the Council would overturn the ruling of the Planning Commission. Robbie Smith, representing the Planning Commission, stated that the Planning Commission in looking at this item could not find that a hardship was demonstrated. They felt the better alternative was to move the driveway to the right of the trees. Robbie Smith also questioned the approach of the property owner that if the City doesn't grant the variance, he won't surface the driveway. The Plalming Commission in looking at this variance was trying to determine if there was a hardship and not whether a surfaced driveway was more aesthetically pleasing than a gravel driveway. Richard Carlson asked what the current ordinance states as far as surfacing of a driveway. Jeff O'Neill responded that ordinance calls for surfacing or dust control. Richard Carlson felt that if there was no hardship, then the City should amend its ordinance to allow it. He felt that a shared driveway was the best solution. Richard Carlson also asked about the ordinance requirements concerning the height of fences in the front yard. . Bruce Thielen asked if there is a legal description of what is a hardship. Jeff O'Neill responded that a hardship would be if conforming to the ordinance would deny the property owner customary and reasonable use of property. Bruce Thielen felt since the property owner had reasonable use of his property without the variance, it could not be considered a hardship. Roger Be]saas asked if the comment was made by city staff that they didn't see a problem with getting a variance, what was this based on. Jeff O'Neill noted that the need to avoid a large tree could be cited as a finding for the hardship if so deemed by the City Council. In this case the Planning Commission did not believe the tree limited the ability of the applicant to meet code. James Herbst stated that even though they have had a shared driveway for 29 years, he did not like a shared driveway. He indicated that X-eel Energy would charge him $2,000 to move the power pole and moving the driveway to the location suggested by the Planning Commission would bring the driveway thorough his parking area and this is why he felt a hardship existed. The Council discussed other instances of shared driveways in the City. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO OVERTURN THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL . OF A VARIANCE REQUEST FROM 3' TO I' FOR A DRIVEWAY SETBACK FOR THE 4 l -""- . . . Council Minutes - 6/25/01 PROPERTY AT 519 WEST BROAD A Y. ROGER BELSAAS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOT]ON BASED ON A F NDING THAT THE CODE COULD NOT BE MET DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF ALAR orE TREE AND THEREFORE A HARDSH]P EX]STS. ]n further discussion, Roger Carlson ca tioned that they are not establishing that there is a reasonable hardship. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, THE OTION CARRIED WITI-:l ROGER CARLSON AND BRUCE THIELEN VOTING IN OPPO ITlON. 8. Consideration of acce tin 2000 Audi Re ort. Mr. Rick Borden of Gruys Borden Carls n Associates was present at the meeting and reviewed the audit for 2000 with the Council. He noted GASB 34 will be in effect in two years and that will require that all infrastructure would be valued. Currently that is not a requirement of the audit. He also pointed out the informati n on the TIF districts, the impact of the lawsuits the City is currently involved in, debt servic fund and enterprise funds. He indicated because the City had received $500,000 in federal m ney from a Community B]ock Grant it required a separate audit. Overall the fund balance had increased from the previous years, there was no problems with internal controls and no p oblems with compliance with provisions of law and regulations. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ACC PT THE 2000 AUDIT REPORT AS PRESENTED SO ]T MAYBE SUBM]TTED TO THE STATE AUDITOR BY THE REQUIRED JUNE 30TH DEADLINE. BRIAN STUMPF SECO DED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 9. Consideration of a re uest for a condit onal use ermit to allow a 2 500 s . ft. restaurant in a sho ino center in the CCD. A I cant: Silver Creek Real Estate Develo ment. Jeff O'Neill summarized the request fi)r a amendment to the conditional use permit for the Towne Centre development to allow for a restaurant. This request was due to some extent at the suggestion of city staff that the develo er consider this. The Planning Commission considered this item at a special meeting nd asked staff to address the issue of additional parking. Jeff O.Neill reviewed the report from the planner concerning the amendment to the conditional use permit and presented a pI' liminary sketch that showed the parking layout with an estimated 91 parking spaces. City sta f in their review of the site came up with about 85 spaces. Under the ordinance, the combine parking spaces needed for the Towne Centre site and an expanded library site would be 120 spaces. The City Planner indicated that because of opposite times of use for the space and du to greater efficiency resulting trom shared use, they could get by with about 65% of the requir d spaces. Bruce Thielen asked how they know the restaurant would not have an impact on the library. If 5 2- Council Minutes - 6/25/01 the restaurant would be open for breakfast lunch and supper it would affect the library. Clint . Herbst stated that the Planning Commission recommended that signage be placed designating specific sites for library parking. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPRO V AL OF THE AMENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR TOWNE CENTRE TO ALLOW FOR A RESTAURANT SUBJECT TO AN ACCEPTABLE ARRANGEMENT REGARDING COST SHARING ON THE PARKING IMPROVEMENTS WITH PRIORITY PARKING DESIGNATED FOR LIBRARY USE, WITH THE DEVELOPER FUNDING THE COST TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PARKING ON WALNUT STREET (OVERFLOW PARKING) AND THAT THE PROJECT IS REDESIGNED TO PROVIDE A DIRECT ENTRANCE TO TIlE RESTAURANT FROM THE NORTHINORTHWEST SIDE OF THE PROJECT. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of approving: plans and specifications and orderim! advertisement for bids for the Cedar Street Improvement Project No. 2000-1SC. City Engineer, Bret Weiss reviewed the project indicating that there were several items on the agenda relating to the Mielke Development. At a previous meeting, the developer had questioned the design of the street improvements. A meeting between the City Engineer and the developer to address the design concerns has not yet taken place nor has the Council made a . decision on the assessment policy for street reconstruction. Dan Mielke stated that he was hoping the Council would make some decision on the financial aspect. Bret Weiss questioned whether the developer was ready to proceed on this. The Council recessed for a short break and reconvened at 9 p.m. and continued discussion of the plans and specifications for the Cedar Street project. Dan Mielke questioned whether all the street improvements were necessary and whether any could be deferred until other property developed. Clint Herbst felt that until the meeting between the engineer and developer was set it was premature for the Council to proceed with this project. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING THE CONSIDERATION OF THE PLANS AND SPEClfICA nONS, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE ON THE ADOPTION OF AN ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE CEDAR STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO.2000-18C. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 11. Consideration of adopting: resolution declarin2: cost to be assessed and seHin!,: a public hearin~ on adoption of an assessment roll for the Cedar Street Improvement Proiect No. 2000-1SC. Tabled until next council meeting. . ~ 2 . 12. . . Council Minutes. 6/25/01 The City Engineer submitted cost estin ates for the utilities necessary to serve the development including relocation of a 16" water mai . The estimated cost. including the water main, is approximately $90.000 which is constr Iction cost only and does not include indirect costs. Dan Mielke requested that the City relo ate the sanitary sewer lines as well as the water main. While he agreed that the minutes of pre ious Council action mentioned only the water main he felt these minutes were incorrect and th t the City should be relocating both sanitary sewer and water main. The City Engineer indicaed that since the existing sewer line serves only the properties currently on the site a new Ii e will be needed anyway for the development and that is normally part of the development cos. Bret Weiss indicated that the cost for removing the existing sanitary sewer pipe would be $ ,150 if the City wanted to pay for the removal of the existing pipe and Mielke pay for install tion of the new sanitary sewer line. Clint Herbst felt there should be someth'ng in place to guarantee that construction will actually take place on the site. Mr. Mielke state that with the Council tabling action on the plans and specifications and assessments, it not Ii ely that he will be able to get the development done this year. Clint Herbst noted that Mr. ielke had wanted to review the plans and specifications with the engineer and sin e that had not been done, the Council tabled it. If Mr. Mielke was comfortable with the plans s they are the City could proceed with approving them. Dan Mielke stated he was questioning t e percentage of cost assigned to his property. He was told the assessment for his property was more because of the extra lane that was created. He felt the road was being constructed to h dIe more traffic than what his property would be generating. Bret Weiss stated that they ave provided the developer with a cost range of $] 38.000 to $99.000. Bret Weiss didn't think that a difference of $39,000 would delay the project. Dan Mielke stated that the del y in getting accurate figures would keep him from getting going on the project. Bret Weiss stated the estimate provided would allow Mr. Mielke to make the financial projections needed to determine whether to proceed. It was estimated. based on the engineers eview. that the assessment for the utility work would be $ 105,000. Mr. Mielke continued to q lestion why the City would move the water main but not the sanitary sewer line. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO REM VE THE SANITARY SEWER LINE AND MANHOLE AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $1.150. AND TO AUTI-IORIZE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ADVERTISE ENT FOR BIDS FOR UTILITIES CONTINGENT UPON MIELKE SIGNING A WAIVER OF HEARING AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT OF $105. 00. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7 Z- Council Minutes - 6/25/01 13. Review proposal for development of a mixed use residential development at Wildwood Ponds bv Farr Development. . Darrel Farr made a presentation to the Council on a mixed use residential neighborhood (Wildwood Ponds) proposed for a 38 acre parcel owned by Ralph Hermes. The original concept plan showed a mix of 27 single family lots, town home lots and five 8-plex structures. Mr. Farr reviewed with the Council other developments similar in nature that his firm has been involved in. The concept sketch had been reviewed by the Planning Commission. An issue to be discussed was the density per acre which would be just less than 4 units per acre. Mr. Farr explained the types of housing proposed, the price range ($140,000-$170,000) and the market this housing would appeal to. The Council indicated that in light of the earlier discussions with residents, the Council was concerned that a developer builds what is proposed and they were also concerned about the 8-p]exes included in the development. They felt the layout should be redesigned to eliminate the Jots with narrow frontages (55'). There was some discussion that if this development proceeds that it go in under a planned unit development then the City would have more control over some of the aesthetic items of the development. 14. Consideration of adovting joint City/Township agreement establishin2: MOAA Board. The Council reviewed the Court of Appeals ruling on the Gold Nugget case. Jeff O'Neill . reported that the court found that the comprehensive plan established by the MOAA was not valid because there was an error in the procedure for establishing the plan. The Court of Appeals ruling was on the MOAA Comprehensive Plan, however the MOAA agreement of 1998 was based on completion of the comprehensive plan by July 8, 1999. Since the plan that was adopted by the MOAA Board was invalid. there is no plan in place and the July 8, 1999 deadline has passed so it is the opinion of legal counsel that the MOAA Board no longer exists. The City Council discussed whether or not to adopt a new agreement with the township similar to that of the 1998 agreement. If there is no agreement the City would operate under the current State of Minnesota annexation statutes. The Council discussed whether the annexation process had gone more smoothly under the annexation agreement. Clint Herbst felt that MOAA Board had made recent annexations an easier process. Roger Carlson felt the dissolution of the MOAA removed one more layer of bureaucracy that the property owners and developers would have to go through. Bruce Thielen felt it was more advantageous to work with the state statutes governing annexation. Roger Belsaas emphasized the need for industrial land for the City and the Council discussed Gold Nugget as a possible area of industrial use. Bruce Thielen stated he had no problem if the portion of the Gold Nugget property abutting TH 25 was industrial. Roger Belsaas expressed suppOJ1 for following state statutes and expressed confidence that the City Council working together can develop a land use plan that preserves suHicient land for industrial development. The consensus of the Council is that the City could reach a resolution to the dilemma of the . industrial land designation through negotiation and compromise. 8 l . . . Council Minutes - 6/25/0] .lefT (YNeill noted that the Councilm y wish to consider working with the township on development of an MOAA agreement "imilar to agreements commonly found in other communities. Such an agreement WOt Id give full planning authority to the City in exchange for identifying conditions or criteria fo annexation. The Council discussed what action to t ke. Bruce Thielen didn't feel it was necessary to operate under the most recent MOAA greement and to delay making a decision on development of any other type of MO A agreement. He felt it would be preferable for the City to be operating under state statute . Brian Stumpf concurred that the City should operate under state statutes given the problems e have with the township. Clint Herbst felt not continuing with the MOAA was throwi g something of use out the window. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO l' ABL ANY ACTION ON ADOPTING ANY MOAA AGREEMENT AT THIS TIME AND I STEAD FUNCTION UNDER CURRENT STATE STATUTES AS THEY RELATE TO NNEXA TION. STAFF IS DIRECTED TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON ARIOUS TYPES OF AGREEMENTS REGULATING ANNEXA TION FOR FUTURE REFE ENCE AND REVIEW. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTIO CARRIED WITH CLINT HERBST VOTING IN OPPOSITION. City Attorney, Dennis Dalen, asked for 'ouncil direction on appealing the Court of Appeals ruling. Since the City, township and co nty were all named in the legal action, anyone of the parties could appeal the ruling as long a it was done within 30 days. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO INS UCT LEGAL COUNSEL NOT TO APPEAL FOR A REVIEW OF THE COURT OF APPEA S OPINION. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSL Y. 15. ApDrove payment of bills for .June. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPR VE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR JUNE. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTIO . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 16. Adiourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOU N AT] 0:25 P.M. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED NANIMOUSL Y. Recording Secretary 9 L . . . SA. ! Council Agenda - 7/9/0] Considenttion of issuinu a oamblino iccnse to VFVv Post #8731 to conduct oamblino at the Monticello VFW. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN VFW Post #873 I is requesting approva to conduct pull tab gambling operations at the Monticello VFW. Prior to the State Gamb]ing Control Bard issuing a license. the City Council must pass a resolution approving or denying the ap lieation. The staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the state to iss e this license. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: c. D. 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing t le State Gambling Control Board to issue a pull tab license to VFW Post #873] for t le Monticello VFW. 2. Do not approve the resolution. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends th resolution being adopted authorizing the issuance of the license. The City is not aware of an reason why the license should be denied. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution Copy of application . . . CITY OF RESOLUTI RESOLlJTION AUTH RIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A CHARIT ABL GAMBLING LICENSE WHEREAS, VFW Post #8731 has submitted n application to tbe City Council of Monticello for tbe issuance of a charitable gambling license t conduct gambling at the Monticello VFW located in Monticello. Minnesota, and; WHEREAS, upon review of the organization' activities, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Ga bling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the application of the VFW Post #8731 for a charitable gambling lic nse is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the ap lication. Adopted by the City Council this 9th day of J ly,2001. -, Rick WolfstelleL City Administrator Roger Belsaas, Mayor 5A Sta te of Minnesota Gamb ing Control Board Premises Pe mit Renewal Application For Board Use Only Amt Pd Check # G214PPR Printed; 4/25/2001 License N umber:B.00357 -001 Effective Date: 10/1/1999 Expimtion Date: 9/3012001 Name of Organization: VFW Post 8731 MonticelI Gamblin remises Information Name of the establishment where gambling will be c nducted VFW Post 8731 713 S Cedar St Monticello, MN 55362 County: Wright Note; Our records show the premises is located within the city limits ~' ,.I. '" Less r Information Note: Our records indicate that the organization owns this premises . Hi Our records indicate that Bingo is not conducted on these premi es. e Information ON Ban Gambling Bank Account Number: W lit..L $" M~ Go OJ09296lr ;)'9o-tJOI73~7 On the lines provided below list the name, address and title of at least 0 persons authorized to sign checks and make deposits and withdrawals for the gambling account The organization's treasurer may ot handle gambling funds. Name Address City, State, Zip Code Title WILLIAM :]O"^,Sf/I&P,T!; flfo:;.HAL..S~lj .4v~ E, MONTiceLLo .4L1bp. e. L /.J 5 n DAt/G ~A5TER o i3o'/. 793 /315'1 e oL€ c (Be sure to compl te the reverse side of this application) This fonn will be made available in alternative fonnat (ie. large print, b ille) upon request. Page I of2 (Continued on Back) SA Acknowledgment Page 2 of2 Gambling Site Authorization I hereby consent that local law enforcement officers, the board or agents of the board, or I. the commissioner of revenue or public safety or agents of the commissioners, may enter the premises to enforce the law. Bank Records Information The board is authorized to inspect the bank records of the gambling account whenever necessary to fulfi 11 requirements of current gambling rules and law. Organization License Authorization I hereby authorize the Gambling Control Board to modity the class of organization license to be consistent with the class of permit being applied for. Oath I dec lare that: I have read this application and all information submitted to the board is true, acClU'ate, and complete; 7. 2. all other required information has been full y disc losed; 3. I am the chief executive officer of the organization; 4. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful operation of all activities to be conducted; 5. I will familiarize myself with the laws of Minnesota governing lawful gambling and rules of the board and agree, if licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, including amendments to them; 6. any changes in application information will be submitted to the board and local unit of government within ten days of the change; and I understand that failure to provide required information or providing false or misleading information may result in the denial or revocation of the license. . Signatu re ofthe chief executive otIicer (Designee may not sign) Date ... Local Unit of Government Ackno~nt ~n=oval _ll'_II"~~!/Il1P~!f.____~_R~I..... ...\..J. ..I~.. . __"".'"~"""',."" On behalf of the city, I hereby acknowledge this application for lawful gambling activity at the premises located within the city's jurisdiction, and that a resolution specifically approving or denying the application will be forwarded to the applying organization. Print name of city J Signature of city personnel receiving application 1-------1__ Title For the townshiD: On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying to conduct lawful gambling Print name of township activity within the township limits. Date . A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application (Minn. Stat. sec. 349.213, subd. 2). Signature of township official receiving application 1-----1 Title Date For the countv: On behalf of the county, I hereby acknowledge this application for lawful gambling activity at Print name of county the premises located within the county's jurisdiction, and that a resolution specifically approving or denying the application will be forwarded to the applying organization. Signature of county personnel receiving application The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota, and to assist the Board in conducting a background investigation of you. You have the right to refuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue you a license. If you supply the information requested, the Board will be able to process your application. Title Your name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All the other information that you provide will be private data about you until the Board issues your license. When the Board issues your license, all of the information that you have provided to the Board in the process of applying for your license will become public. If the Board does not issue you a license, all the information you have provided in the process of applying for a license remains private, with the exception of your name and address which will remain public. Private data about you are available only to 1-----1_~ Date Board whose work assignment requires that they have access to the information; the Minnesota Department of Public Safety; the Minnesota Attorney General; the Minnesota Commissioners of Administration, Finance, and Revenue; the Minnesota Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies that are specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or . SA . . . 58. Council Agenda - 7/9/01 Consideration of a new hire and de artures for the community center. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUNI The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of new employees that have occuned recently at the the community center.. As you recall. it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including p rt-time and seasonal workers. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-tim employees for the community center as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new part-time employees. . Name Reder/Christopher Hennagir/Jody . Name McArthur/Pennie . employee councillist.xls: 07/02 NEWE V1PLOYEES Title Department Hire Date Class Skate Park Att MCC 6/15/01 PT Custodian MCC 6/15/01 PT TERMINA TII G EMPLOYEES Reason Department Last Day Class voluntary MCC 6/29/01 PT /2001 5B -.-.. ". ____nu_._.. . sc. 1 1 Council Agenda - 7/9/0 I Consideration of an a A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Attached is the information that was subl itted to the Planning Commission for their consideration. The Planning Commissi n recommended approval of the rezoning request, the concept/development stage planned u it development and the preliminary plat with the conditions as noted in the exhibit to the Planning Commission agenda item. The Planning Commission did note that appropriate fen ing should be installed by the developer along the west property line. An ordinance amendment covering the re oning has been prepared reflecting the change in zoning from I-I to R-2. H. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . 1. Motion to approve the rezoning fro 1.1 to R-2; to approved concept and development stage planned unit development an approve a preliminary plat for Montissippi Trail Homes on the "Klucas" property w th the conditions noted in the Planning Commission agenda item. 2. Do not approve the rezoning reques , concept and development stage planned unit development and preliminary plat fi r Montissippi Trail Homes. C. SUPPORTING DATA: . . Planning Commission Agenda Item Ordinance Amendment . . . . 5. Public Hearin - Consideration 2 and a revised Develo ment Develo ment and a Prelimina Montissi i Trail Townhomes I Harstad Holdings. Inc. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU Planning Commission Agenda - 7/03/01 Harstad Holdings has applied for a rezoning, CUP/PUD and Preliminary Plat to allow an 97 -unit townhome development on the "Klucas" property. The project was previously reviewed as a 92 unit development, but si ce that time, the applicants have acquired a 2.5 acre strip of land along the west bounda from Electro Industries and Riverside Oil. The additional land allows the project to expand to the existing tree line that divides the two land uses, and provides the project with additional fill necessary to properly grade the remainder of the site. The property is no 16.5 acres in size and is located in northwest Monticello. The property is located betw en 1-94 and County Highway 75 south of West River Street. The property is zoned R-2, ingle and Two Family Residential. Land Use and Zoning The additional parcel must be rezoned fro 1-1 to R-2 to accommodate the residential use. The proposed town home land use would be consistent with the zoning for the property, and the rezoning would fit well with the and use pattern and the lay of the land. The predominate housing type is four-unit t wnhomes. One two-unit and five three-unit town homes are also included. The surro nding land uses are industrial to the west, an NSP training facility to the north, a single-f mily residential use to the east, and Interstate 94 to the south. Density After subtracting the area of the public rig t-of-way, the parcel is approximately 16 acres in size. The proposed 97 units would resul in a net density of 6.1 units per acre, slight less than the original concept. This is an appr priate density for medium density residential development. Setbacks In the R-2 District the minimum front and re r yard setback is 30 feet and the minimum side yard setback is 10 feet. The plan illustrates a minimum setback of 30 feet from all property boundaries; therefore, the setbacks fro property boundaries are compliant. The proposed minimum setbacks within the pr perty are listed below: Front yard (garage to curblin ) Corner lot side yard adjacent to drive Rear yard setback Minimum distance between uildings Proposed 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 22 feet 5L Planning Commission Agenda - 7/03/01 Buffer Yard A buffer yard is required along the western boundary of the site between the proposed residential land use and the existing industrial use. A residential use next to an industrial use is considered a severe type of conflict that requires a minimum building setback of 50 feet, a minimum landscape yard of 40 feet, and a minimum of 160 plant units per 100 feet of property line. A thick band of evergreen trees already exists on the industrial property along the property line; therefore the residential development is required to install half the width and intensity of the required buffer yard. The proposed building setback is 30 feet and the width of the landscape screening is 20 feet. The density of planting is high with 147 trees along the west boundary or 156.5 plant units per 100 feet. The proposed buffer yard is adequate given the existing screening on the industrial site. . Building Design and Spacing A general standard for building spacing is that a building should be no closer to another building than half the sum ofthe building heights of the two buildings. The proposed height of the buildings is 24 feet and the minimum proposed building separation is 22 feet. This separation should meet the standards. One advantage of the reduced density is an increase in driveway spacing. Previous plans had shown a few adjoining driveways with little space between curb openings. Access and Street Design. The property gains access from Marvin Elwood Road in the northeast corner of the property. A cul-de-sac and road extension to Prairie Road is also . planned at the south end of the site to provide a second access. The site plan shows the road being extended to the approximate existing end of Prairie Road. Residents of the proposed development will likely use the north access onto Marvin Elwood Road; however, a second access is necessary and Prairie Road needs to be extended to accommodate traffic levels and emergency response. The layout of the project's private street system is also benefitted by the additional land. Rather than a series of dead-end access drives, the layout now features a larger loop road serving all but 7 of the units. The 7 units on the south end of the project are served by a short cul-de-sac with a radius of 38 feet. Public Works staff should verify the adequacy of the cul-de-sac dimension for trash handling equipment - snow plowing will be handled by the private homeowner's association. Parking and Paved Surfaces. The main internal private street is proposed to be 30 feet wide and the cul-de-sac street is proposed to be 24 feet wide, all dimensions meeting or exceeding the City's standard for private streets. A pathway is proposed along one side of the main internal street, connecting to between Prairie Road on the south and West River Street on the north. The plans do not indicate the type of pathway construction - five foot wide concrete sidewalk orten foot wide bituminous pathway. The minimum requirement of two parking spaces per unit has been exceeded. Each unit has a driveway that is 25 feet long and 19 feet wide. . This allows two vehicles to be parked in the driveway in addition to two garage spaces per 2 5C . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 7/03/01 - - unit. Generally one guest parking spac for each three dwelling units is required. The proposed plan shows 45 guest parking spaces, exceeding the minimum standard. Landscaping Multi-residential sites are required to co tain a minimum of one tree per dwelling unit. Landscaping that exceeds minimum requirements is appropriate in this situation because it is a PUD and flexibility from develo ment standards is proposed. The proposed development contains 97 units, and the pi n contains approximately 130 trees in the buffer yard along the west property line and mor than170 trees on the rest of the property. The west boundary line adjoins a slope and hick stand of evergreen trees. Planning staff would encourage the applicant to conside adding trees along the east boundary, perhaps by relocating some of the west bufferyar plantings, to break up views between the two developments and provide some screeni g of private backyard spaces. Shade trees are spaced along the internal streets throug out the development. A proposed stormwater pond provides some separation between the development and Interstate 94; however, additional vegetative screening would als be desirable along the south property line. A minimum of 15 percent of the required minimum number of trees for multi-residential developments is required to be long-liv d hardwood deciduous trees, 3.5 inches in diameter as measured six inches off the g ound. Currently, all of the long-lived hardwood deciduous trees proposed have a 2.5 in h caliper size. The landscape plan must be revised so that at least 17 of these propo ed trees meet the 3.5 inch size requirement. Grading and Utilities Preliminary grading and utilities plans hav been submitted. These plans are subject to City Engineer review and approval. Development Agreement As a condition of final plat approval, development agreement with the City. applicant will be required to enter into a Homeowner Rules and Bylaws As a condition of final plat approval, the pplicant must submit a copy of all rules and bylaws to be utilized by the development's homeowners association for City review. The rules and bylaws should address such issu s as maintenance of common open space and snow removal. Refuse Because each unit will front on a street of s fficient width, trash handling may occur along the street as with any other subdivision. As noted previously, only the cul-de-sac units will need special review for turning and backin requirements of the trucks in the cul-de-sac area. 3 5c Planning Commission Agenda - 7/03/01 a. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS . Decision 1. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Rezoning of approximately 2.5 acres of land from 1-1 to R-2, based on a finding that the rezoning would be consistent with land and surrounding uses. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Rezoning, based on a finding developed from testimony at the public hearing. Decision 2. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP/PUD and Preliminary Plat based on the finding that the proposed plat, with conditions, is in compliance with the City's Zoning Ordinance. The conditions to approval are listed in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the CUP/PUD and Preliminary Plat. If this alternative is chosen, findings to support this alternative must be made. 3. Motion to table the CUP/PUD and Preliminary Plat based on the finding that the conditions be met and re-submitted for review. . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of both the rezoning and the CUP/PUD and preliminary plat subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. As discussed in this report, the land being added to the project enhanced both the design of the project, and eliminates an area of industria/land that would be difficult to develop. D. SUPPORTING DATA ...Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Site Plan Exhibit C - Preliminary Plat Exhibit D - Grading Plan Exhibit E - Utility Plan Exhibit F - Landscape Plan Exhibit Z - Conditions of Approval . 4 5C Planning Commission Agenda - 7/03/01 . CONDITIONS OF CUP/PUD AND PRE IMINARY PLAT APPROVAL 1. Prairie Road must be extended rom the subject property to where the existing street ends. The City must deter ine timing on how to finance this extension. 2. The landscape plan must be revis d to include vegetative screening along the south property line to screen Interstate 4 and along the east property line to create an open "screen" between the bac yards of the proposed development and the existing development to the east. 3. The landscape plan must be revised to include at least 17 long-lived hardwood deciduous trees, 3.5 inches in dia eter as measured six inches off the ground. 4. The Preliminary Grading Plan is subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. The Preliminary Utility Plan Engineer. bject to the review and approval of the City 6. The applicant must submit a co y of all rules and bylaws to be utilized by the development's homeowners asso iation for City review. The rules/bylaws should address such issues as maintena ce of common open space and snow removal. . 7. A lighting plan must be submitted for review by the City. 8. The applicant must enter into a d velopment agreement with the City. 9. Comments from other City staff. . 5 5C .~ III ifj ~-l j I! ! ; J '11 b ~ UJ I Ii! il~ ! i :0' ! :a Ii II. iI CI~I I j l J~ jll ill .r I!J~ J . I ~ ! fJ yd I J E It, j I EI J I 1-.. J i I J i _II J ~ J ~ Is' ~; ~ I € ~ .. ~ U8 ~~ ~ 55 5 lib .. >- ~~ J n:: ~ ::l! ::l! ;:, III l- Z w 2"'..... ~ ~ i' ~~ ...J iiil ~ f ilia .., ii'!I::t i% ~ ~1.1 ~ aHi r'W!i...N I !II ~;~I~ , !' 'N, f " l!!!!!! i ~) i~ ~ II I' i ~; ,= 4:, d! 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ORDINANCE AME DMENT NO. 362 City of MonticeJJo Wright County Minnesota THE CITY COlJNCIL OF THE CITY OF MON ICELLO, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: The Official Zoning Map of the City of "JonticeIJ0 is hereby amended by rezoning the property shown on the map below from l-l (Light Industrial) t R-2 (Single & Two Family Residential) CSAH '. ?'s ! Adopted this 9lh day of July. 200] . ATTEST: Roger elsaas. Mayor Rick Wolfsteller. City Administrator 5C . . . Council Agenda. 7/9/2001 7. thickener to the main control No.2001-03C. (lS.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: During the design of the gravity belt thickener proj c1, it was the opinion of City staff. HDR, our engineer. and PSG, that the City of Monticello shoul contract directly with Automatic Systems Co. for the integrating of the gravity belt thickener con rols with the main controls at the wastewater treatment plant. Consequently. this portion of the pI' ject was left out ofthe contract with Rice Lake Contracting for the gravity belt thickener. We had assumed that the cost would be relatively s1all to hook up the gravity belt control system into our main computer system at the plant as the gra ity belt thickener is somewhat ofa stand alone project. We recently worked through the require ents with Automatic Systems and received a proposal from them in the amount of $18,403. Co sequently, we are .asking the City Council to approve the proposal and order the work done. Since this is part ofthe gravity belt thickcner project, Sunny Fresh Foods would be responsible for 75% of these costs. The remaining portion of the project remains on schedule and no significant c st increases are anticipated in the remaining portions of the project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve the propos I from Automatic Systems Co. for the upgrade of the control systcm at the wastewater tr atment plant to incorporate the gravity belt thickener in the amount of $18,403. 2. The second alternative would be to develop specifications for the work to be done with the assistance of our engineer and advertise for bids for the work. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Dir ctor and PSG that the City Council authorize proceeding with Automatic Systems Co. as outlined in alternative # I in the amount of$18.403. The upgrading of our system to incorporate the gravity elt thickener is somewhat complicated and we believe Automatic Systems will complete the proje t on time and do it properly. To develop a set of plans and specs for the complicated work and t en advertise would also cost money and time. There is also the danger of someone not familiar with the cntire control system creating some problems for us rather than successfully intcgratin the new controls. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposal from Automatic Systems Co. . alj.u.tomatic. AUTOMA Ie SYSTEMS co. TO: City of Monticello 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 QUO TAT ION/ PROPOS NO: ASC000604LS DATE: June 5, 2001 SUBJECT: Wastewater Treatment Plant - Gravity Belt Thickener Addition F.O.B.: Factory Frt. allowed to jobsite. APPRO AL DRAWINGS: NA 12-14 Weeks from receipt of approval. BID DATE: NA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTATION EXPIRES: 45 Days PAGE: 1 . QUOTATION/PROP SAL ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- This quo~ation consticutes an offer to furnish the items li~~ed s~bject to; terms and conditions stated hereoni receipc of your purchase order by Aucomacic Syscems Co.; Ames, Iowa; and wriccen acoepcance of your order by Aucomacic Syscems Co. and/or che manuEaccurer(s) involved as follows, WE ARE PLEASED TO OFFER THE FaLL WING EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 5/14/01 "KICK OFF MEETING" AND P&ID SHEET 6.02 REVISION 2 DATE 5/17/01: Revisions to CPB103 Di ester Buildin Control Panel A One (1) Lot of revisions to del te existing Sludge Transfer Pumps PB030E and PB040E and a d the two (2) new GET feed pumps. PB030 and PB040. The Pa elView Displays and PLC programming will be updated to re lect pumping from the secondary digester tank TKB200E to he GBT. The existing ....RUN", QUIRED" and .....NOT IN AUTO" pilot lights on the front of PB103 will be re-used with signals being routed from the GBT Control Panel via the data highway. . ) MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVES . . MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT " MAIN OFFICE: BRANCH OFFICE: P.O. BOX 120359 P.O. BOX 787 ST. PAUL, MINNE OTA 55112 AMES, lOW A 500 0 PHONE 651..fi31-9005 PHONE 515~232-4770 (FAX) 651-631-0027 (FAX) 515-232-0795 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVE QUO TAT I ON/ PROPOSAL NO.: ASC000604LS DATE: June 4, 2001 . PAGE: 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTATION/PROPOSAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- B One (1) C One ( 1 ) D One (1) E One (1) F One ( 1 ) The existing PLC inputs removed sludge transfer spares. and outputs pumps will associated with be re-designated the as Lot of revisions to add digital inputs and output shown on P&ID drawing 6.02 as associated with the new Digester BUilding Loadout Pump including hardware, PLC programming, PanelView Programming, etc. Revisions to CP8300 Blower Building Control Panel Lot of fiber optic connections and equipment to allow the new GBT Control Panel to interface with the existing fiber optic Premises Interconnect Center (PIC) located in CP8300 including fiber optic cable, connectors, final termination . of fiber connectors, required fiber jumpers connectors etc. Note: Item C does not include a fiber optic Premises Interconnect Center (PIC) or a Optical Link Coupler (fiber modem) for the GBT Control Panel. It is assumed these components will be provided by the GBT Control Panel supplier and it is further assumed these components will reside in the GBT Control Panel. Lot of revisions to add inputs and outputs shown on P&ID drawing 6.02 as associated with the new Blower BUilding Loadout Pump including hardware, PLC programming, PanelView Programming, etc. Administration BUilding Lot of Wonderware programming to incorporate all revisions mentioned in items A through D above plus all points associated with the GBT Control Panel as detailed on P&ID drawing 6.02. All GBT points will be accessed 'directly to and from registers in the GBT Control Panel processor via the fiber optic data highway. Wonderware revisions will be performed on all computers including two (2) in the control room, one (1) in the supervisor's office and one (1) in the Headworks Building . Lot of Engineering as required to update the project documentation per items A through E above including wiring diagrams, overview diagrams, hydraulic diagrams and control descriptions. --I AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. MANUFACTURERS R E PRE S EN TAT IV E UOTATION/ ROPOSAL NO.: ASC000604LS . ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------- QUOTATION/P 3 June 4, 2001 ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------- G One (1) H Four ( 4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Note: Per the 5/14/01 ~~ ick Off Meeting" the loop diagrams will not be revised. Lot testing and startu mileage and subsistence. . services including travel time, Copies of Complete In tallation, Operation, Maintenance Manuals drawings and data for insertion in the existing 0 & M manuals. Your net price for Ite s A through H, FOB factory with freight allowed to jobsite including one (1) year warranty from date of startup (not to exceed 18 months from date of shipment)............................ .$18,403.00 The above price for Items A through H does not include any: Sales or use taxes. Bond costs. License fees or permits Spare parts. Final termination of cus omer terminal connections. Field wire marking of an kind. Jobsite pre-construction or progress meeting attendance. Excavation or backfill 0 any kind. Incoming power wire, cab e, or conduit to panel. Installation supervision. Pressure taps or saddle switches. Instrument tubing of any kind. Wire or specialized ca les between primary elements and controllers/control pane s (unless specifically noted) Installation services or setting of equipment of any kind. Pumps or motors of any k'nd. Solenoid Valves of any k'nd. Wall or floor stands or mounting supports for primary devices. Building light fixtures, junction or pull boxes 0 Grounding of equipment. associated with mounting pressure light poles, switches, receptacles, galvanized hubs of any kind. -'1 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. MANUPACTURERS REPRESENTATIVE QUOTATION/ PROPOSAL NO.: ASC000604LS . DATE: June 4, 2001 PAGE: 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTATION/PROPOSAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Transducer mounting brackets. Pressure switches or transmitters of any kind. Flow meters of any kind. Smoke/Fire detectors of any king. Level elements or transmitters of any kind. Control Stations or remote mounted selector switches on any kind. Pulling/placement of fiber optic cable. Interconnecting wire, cable, or conduit between panels or between panels and plant MCC's. Interconnecting wire, cable, or conduit between panels/MCC's and process equipment motors/devices. Labor, or any other materials that may be required for. installation not detailed above. . . . . . . . . . . -/ AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. MANUFACTURERS R E PRE S E N TAT V E QUOTATION! PROPOSAL NO.: ASC000604LS . DATE: June 4, 2001 PAGE: 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUOTATION/PROPOSAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WE WISH TO POINT OUT: OUR TERMS OF PAYMENT ARE NET 30 EVER COMES FIRST UNLESS STARTUP 30 DAYS, IN WHICH CASE PAYMENT ALLOWED! ANY BALANCE REMAINING TO A 1.5 PERCENT MONTHLY SERVICE DAYS FROM DATE F INVOICE OR DATE OF SHIPMENT, WHICH SERVICE IS RE UIRED PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF THE IS DUE IN FULL PRIOR TO ST.l'..RTUP, WITH NO RETAINl:".GE DUE 31 DAYS BE OND THE INVOICE DATE WILL BE SUBJECT FEE UNTIL PAID. AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. SHALL NOT BE HELD RE FOR, OR SHALL ACCEPT ANY BACKCHARGES FOR LIQUIDATED DAMAGES RESULTING FROM FAILURE OF THE CONTRACTOR TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT CONTRACT ON TIME, OR ANY E TRA ENGINEERING COSTS NECESSITATED BY THE CONTINUANCE OF WORK BEYOND THE SPECIFIED C MPLETION DATE. AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. ANTICIPATES DELIVERY OF APPROVAL DRAWINGS AND TERIAL/EQUIPMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PERIODS STATED ON PAGE 1 OF THIS PROPOSAL. ~~TERIAL SUPPLIERS/MANUFACTURERS HAVE ~EN EXTENDING DELIVERY SCHEDULES WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. C~FNOT ~SSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR DELAYS DUE TO THE UNAVAILABILITY OF MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT WHICH IS BEYOND OUR CONTROL. UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE, THE WARRANTY PERI D FOR MECHANICAL AND/OR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT COVERED BY THIS QUOTATION SHALL BE 1 YEAR FROM DATE OF STARTUP, NOT TO EXCEED 18 MONTHS FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT. EXTE ED WAR~~~IES ARE AVAILABLE AND WILL BE QUOTED ON REQUEST. THE WARRANTY PERIOD I CLUDED IN THE ABOVE SELL PRICES FOR MECHANICAL AND/OR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT EXPR SSLY EXCLUDES THOSE ITEMS NORMALLY CONSUMED IN SERVICE. EXAMPLES: SEALS, PACKING, OIL, GREASE, LIGHT B BS, FUSES, ETC. Respectfully submitted, . Items Ordered AUT~MA;ZZ Lane Stewart To expedite handling and confirmation, order for the equipment quoted above. below and forward as your CUstomer Firm Name Authorized By P rchase Order No. Prices quoted do not include state and/o use taxes of any kind. l Council Agenda - 7/09/01 . 8. Considerati()n of awarding ~he bid for the CSAH 18 Pedestrian Bridge Overpass ~_nd Pathway Project, Ci of Monticcl 0, Pro'eet No. 98-02C. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU D: The City of Monticello was awarded a TEA 1 Federal Grant for development of a Pedestrian Overpass and Connecting Pathwa s by Mn/DOT District 3 in 1997. This grant was a matching grant for construction costs ith the City participating in 20% of the construction cost and all indirect costs and ri Jht-of-way. This project completes a key segment of the _ity's Pathway System and more importantly provides a pedestrian access across 1-94 on t e east side of the City. Currently there is no approved access across 1-94 at CSAH 18. Tl e pedestrian bridge will provide a separated access from vehicular traffic and will connect the CSAH 75 Pathway System to the High School and the expanding residential area 10 ated south ofI-94. The connecting pathway segments included in the project will connec the bridge with the pathway on CSAH 75 and will extend along CSAH 18 to the intersecti n with School Boulevard; then easterly through an existing corridor to Meadow Oak Park. his project has long been desired by the Park Board to address pedestrian access issues. . Bids were received on July 7. 2001 and ope ed and read aloud. Two (2) bids were received for the project. ranging from $698.072.55 to $867,225.40 with the low bidder being Redstone Construction Company, Inc. out 0 Mora. Minnesota in the amount of $698.072.55. The bids have been checked :fI r mathematical accuracy and are attached for your information. The engineer's estimate as $632,171.80. . We have attached a copy of the project budg t as bid. which is $78,000.00 higher than the original project budget from a construction ost standpoint. Currently, the State of Minnesota is experiencing significant constr ction activity, especially with regard to bridge construction. Consequently. many contract rs are already busy, which results in few bids received as well as higher construction costs from when this project was originally estimated over 4 years ago. This is apparent with the ids received for this project considering the second bidder was more than $190,000.00 h gher than the recommended low bidder. Further, Mn/DOT has modified its process fI r providing additional grant dollars than what was originally a\located. Originally the Cit of Monticello received a grant in the amount of $386.000.00. According to the new process this can be administratively increased by 250;';) to a total of $486.280.00. The only cost, which has not yet been determined, is the rightpof- way. We are still in negotiations with Shaw Weinand and Dalhimer on the cost of their right-of-way. which is not yet determined. he City needs approximately 35,000 SF of right-of-way and for the purposes of this an lysis have estimated those costs at $l!SF or 35.000. In addition. with the construction 0 the CSAH 18 Project, approximately $26,000.00 worth of right-of. way was purcl ased from Resurrection Church to widen the right-of-way to accommodate a path in that rea. Resurrection Church did provide the City with some additional easement that is neces ary on the eastern portion of their project at no (/I'/XI I( I/lS,lI,',\ //",( '"""cil_-I):('liI"d,,, If additional cost. It should also be noted that right-of-way was acquired from the Briar Oakes . Development at not cost to the City and from the School District for right-of-way adjacent to CSAH 18. Considering all of these costs. it is estimated that the total project cost will be $899.877.93 with the City of Monticello share or $413,597.93. Because this project is federally funded it must be processed through celiain federal regulations that affect the award of the project. Consequently. we are requesting that the City Council award the project to Redstone Construction Company, Inc. out of Mora, Minnesota in the amount of $698,072.55 contingent on meeting all of Mn/DOT and Federal Req uirements. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to award the contract to Redstone Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of$698,072.55, contingent on meeting all ofMn/DOT and Federal approvals. 2. The second alternative would be to table the approval until all information is received from Mn/DOT. 3. The third alternative would be to reject all bids and re-bid the project. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and Deputy Administrator, that the City Council award the project as outlined in Alternative #1. This project has been in the works for a long time and is critical to the Pedestrian System within the City of Monticello. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Bid Information . (' "I'/Y/)( !liS, /u II>'{ '''111,,;1 "'1"'11'/",'/",. WSB & RSSOCIRTES IN . JUL-05-2001 15:49 " .& ::,WSB .1OdaIu. N. ~, '. ::JI' .;; , ,~ .. .. . 'j'," ~:1}i:'1:;~~;'; j : . .-~. .1.:. :", :!' I :-" ,:;~:~:1f~!i~l<' . ;.:.~'..~-.~- .-.... ' '.JI;.;u;'-:'f.~F:f-",:,,::1 11ft . t~' ,;<i .;' ~g::.::~~,;,.... ; --" "', ...., " . \..: 'I ~ .: .. ,_." 'I .~ .' . r. :: , . ,I," . \;~'~~:'~; 5: . . . ~. ~I.. n~. .. 4150 OtsO~:': :. i:: "i ~~.~:: . Mem6iiatib:~ . 1......~'O~I~.1 Suite 300'~~:'<: . "~~~~':~~r.~:~ ;:' .,....".iC..'... .. ...~!,. . , !r'~"':' . l?unneiota1-",< . is,4ii.i:,, ";;:f; ,', , 76:3'~1~~ ; .: ,.,.~7~i!~'J.I; ';'; 763~~:~::~, ,_ : '~i~!':F July 3, 2001 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 50S Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 7635411700 P.05/08 Re: County State Aid Highway 18 Pathwa & Bridge No. 86526 Improvements S.P.222-090-0l Minn. Project No. TEAX 8600(126) City of Monticello Project No. 98..02 WSB Project No. 1125-00 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Bids were received for the above-referenced roject at 10:00 a.m., July 3, 2001, and were opened and read aloud. A total of two bids ere received. The bids were checked for mathematical accuracy and tabulated. Please d enclosed the bid tabulation indicating the low bidder as Redstone Const. Co., Inc., Mo a, MN, in the amount of $698,072.55. We recommend award of the contract to Redston Canst. Co., Inc. in this amount. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. M~ JeffW. Stewart, P.E. Project Manager Enclosures c: Redstone Constr. Co., Inc. nm F:\WPWIN\112S..oolr=mdrn Irr.doc 'Z Minneapolis . St. Cloud ' Equal Opportunity Employer JUL-05-2001 15:49 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 7635411700 P.06/08 . BID TABULA TION County State Aid Highway 18 Pathway & Bridge 0.86526 Improvements City of Monticello, MN State Project No. S.P. 222..080..01 Minn. ProjeGt No. T!AX 1100(128) City ProjeGt No. 98..02 BidS Opened; July 3,2001/10:00 A.M. Addendum . Contractor Bid Securl No.1 Total Bid 1 Redstone Canst Co Inc X X 5898,072.55 2 Robt Schroeder Canst X X $867,225.40 Engineer's Estimate $632,171.80 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct. tabula ion of the bids as received on July 3. 2001. ... Denote. corrected figure . 8 F:\E.XCEL\bldtab.xls\Bid Summary en "0 "- co "P- o c: o .- en c: QJ ..- X W JUL-05-2001 15:50 ~- ....e ~~ :it:1 l!;. CCI I,. ~i .. 1: I .. ~ I ~ :ill .. . d z f III ., f ii! _ 11 _UI A. ~=. :.! 'i Ii ~;~ :z: .en e!. " ..2" ri VI ~-zZd .!-ti2 a j If 1 b~A.Cl.l; C::CJsECl. i~s_/1 UU0l1U .e .E t ! ;r: J Q,; ; Ii B =8 ~ 1: iDS ! j i~ ~ i.. III '" oS CJ :ii o I "on ~on ~~ 110 ~! ';i IC .It 0"':. il ~ WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7635411700 P.07/08 I~r ~ - ~ g .. lit 10 B~;; - .. 8 8 g g glglg gig g gig goo i~!~~~jj~~~g~~~ ..........; .....;;~~:lit ...... . ~ ~ ~ 9 ~ o g U'I 0 Q ~ ... l:; lfl 2 ~~~r;;t:: ............ 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W !i5 ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ i o ..! ~ ~ i ~~~ ~z~~ u:: ~ ~ 2 ~ =: ! ~ fI) 5 " ~ ~ i li ll. :E cC Z ~ is % w z:::Il1ll~i5wQaoj ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 .... --=- ~ ~ = 01 ~ m - '" S 0 ~ ; 0 0 S ~ ~ S ~ 8, %, - N ~ = ~ E! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lO lO ~ ~ ~ ~ 10 10 ~ lO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~M~~~~~i;;~~~~;~~~~~ z ~ ~ ~ N ~ N ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ N N ~ ~ ~ N .~ N ~ N ~: ::l X ~ l'l ::; ~ ~ !il :; ~ Q ~ ~ i ~ !i Ii! fn In QJ 18 :! IS 18 ~ j P.08/08 TOTRL P.08 .. l .. . e f.. ~ ... !!l ~ i : ~ f ~ ...: ~ JUL-05-2001 15:49 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7635411700 P.04/08 EXHIBIT C Project Budget - As Bid CSAH 18 Pedestrian Bridge Overpass and Pathway Project Monticello, Minnesota S.P. 222-090.01 Federal Project No. TEA 8600 (126) WSB Project No. 1125.00 . ITEMS ELIGIBLE FOR REIMBURSEMENT: Construction Item-grading, paving, etc. Bridge Pathway LINE A: TOTAL Amount $434,733.60 263.338.95 $698,072.55 ITEMS NOT EUGIBLE FOR REIMBURSEMENT: Ineligible Land Acquisition - appraisal fees. legal fees, etc. Land Acquisition Appraisals, legals. etc. Line B: TOTAL Amount 561,451.00 3,472.00 $64,923.00 . Administrative Costs - preliminary and construction engineering Design Services Construction Services Miscellaneous Services 1) Path Field Survey 2) Cultural Resource Swvey. The 106 Group 3) Bridge Study. Wells Engineering 4) Bridge Field Survey 5) Bridge Geotechnical Line C: TOTAL Amount $62.067.13 57.768.00 4.191.25 2.015.00 4.745.00 1.896.00 4,200.00 $136,882.38 Total cost of proposed project: LINES A, B, AND C TOTALED Items not eligible for enhancement funding: LINE B AND C TOTALS Total of eligible costs (minimum of$100,000): LINE A TOTAL Total grant amount available ($389,024+25%) Applicant's contribution towards eligible enhancement project costs: Total amount contributed by applicant: *Land acquisition is estimated at this time. $899,877.93 201,805.38 5698.072.55 486,280.00 211,792.55 5413,597.93 . T:\ 112S-000\cxl:el\CSAH18PedPa.tbFu.ndin&.x1s 10fl 7/5/01 ~ . . . D. 9. C ounc i I Agenda 7/9/0 I Considcration of a hlOS and s ccifications and ordcrino advertisement for bids for Ccdar Street 1m ro\'Cmcnt Pr 'cct No. 2000-1SC. (.10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to consider approvin plans and specifications and order advertisement for bids for Cedar Street 1m rovement Project. This item was provided at the June 25, 20 1 meeting but was tabled to address street design issues. A meeting regarding street design was held on July 3rd and all issues were resolved without changing the design. Mr. Mielke is required to agree to the proposed/revised cost estimates prior to th's item being addressed. IfMr. Mielke has not indicated his agreement in writing prior to he Council meeting, this item will be pulled from the agenda. The revised cost distribu ion is attached for information purposes. For the sake of time, council is asked to re 'iew both the design of the plans and the financing package this time as a formal ag nda item. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve plans and speci cations as prepared and order advel1isement for bids for Cedar Street improvem nts. 2. Motion to approve plans and speci cations with amendments as approved by City council, and order advertisem nt for bids for Cedar Street improvements. Under this alternative Council wou d approve adjustments to the plans based on discussion at the Council meeting a ld authorize advertisement for bids. Motion contingent on developer su port for project and associated funding program to be discussed with the n xt agenda item. 3. Motion to deny authorization to pro eed on the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If Mr. Mielke has signed the required docUl ents it would be our recommendation to move forward with the bidding process. SUPPORTING DATA Revised cost distribution JUL-05-2001 14:30 WSB & RSSOCIRTES IN . 7635411700 P.05/09 . a- i J -0 4 -i OI . Q ;> .t: Q "0 0 0 ~ = O' s "i ~ ~ ~ - r.I..:l Q ..c ~ U :z: f;;il 5 ~ .- t;IJ ..... tIJ ~ ~ r.I..:l '" r;I.l g <~~ . Q ~ r=l .- !- .. u <~~ ~8VJ .... .= .. ~=<<S ~~a s o M o f"""I - E- U Ii;I;l ae-gQgg ~ \IJ c.. 8.. 0.. c?.. c..ocooo ~~V')V')V')l.I""I NNNN -< ~EAEA~ E- O Eo- ~t;8~8~.. u 0 0 N" .,.{' ~ u~"","ClQ- ~~~ tI:l E- ~~g808 ;:EO V') 8 lrl ~ ........ r:n=l'V')N rn-O\OC"l E-WNN-- r/.I~~~~ r/.I < ~ lJO'\CIQOC'I ::c QOO'IN..,... ..0.. ~.. ~ 0'\ E- MMO .. ~ ___C""'\ El4(,,04W'7~ ~ >< ~ \O"Od'-O'\ 0--...0 a:: C\l''q''- ~ .. ... .... .... 'q" I"""l C""'\ I"""l oooo\O~ ffIl!o .." il't M - tI.:l ... ... \OO"I_oo::r ~ \O~..,...V"\ "1. v.. ~ ~ -O_"N tl;J --Q'\r- - ;;;;~f14 ::E ~ ~ 0 I > E- =: -NI"""l'q" ~ Z:ZZZ 0 c.. 0000 0 - ...... ..... -- ~E-E-E- == =-~c..=- I:,.) c.. 0000 ~ e z ..... =.. co lZl ~ ;z:zzz 0000 rn .. ............ ......... r;I,lr;l,ltf.ltf.l ~ I z~zz . 8 ~ < << . rs .. ~Q..c../:l., . ~ xxx z ~ wt:.J~~ 0 ~ . ~ E-.q- ~ - tf.l w~~ ~ ~~~ga ~ E-E-- c.. tf.lrl:lcnt:l.l >< ~~~ga ~ >- ....J..J..J..J < ~~E:~ ~ ~ ~:E tI.:ltf.lrnrl:l < ~rI:lrl:l~ 0 . ....1~~ c:: = E-E-E-E- 0 rI:lrl:lCl.:lC'I'J ~ 0000 ~1 uuuu ~t3t;t; ~c:;~e:: 0000 >- g;:~~= ~ ~l:lo.Q.,c.. ...J..J~~ E- <<<< < E-E-E-E- ~ 0000 >< E-E-E-E- ~tJ,Jw~ 0 =: :r::::c:::c:c /3.. E-E-E-E- 0.. ~~~~ ..( 0000 c.r.. ~~'ift.'i!. 0 011")1010 E- NMlI"Ir- CI.:l ~~~~ 0 0000 U ~~gj~ Q t.IJ <<<< ;:< ::c::c:r:::r: - CI'.lCl:lCl:lC"I'J ~ >>>> < E-E-E-E- tI.:l ...... .... ...... ...... W C,)C,)uu 0 <<< ~ tf.lrl:lrn ,..J WUJUJUJ U 0000 ~ ~=>=>;:> ~ ..J..J..J..J UUU ~~~ ..( :I: - C"l I"""l tI.:l r.IJ ~ t.I.l ~ ....;N~o::T ... ... i Ii J . Council Agenda - 7/9/01 10. Consideration of ado tino- resolution decJ rin cost to be assessed and settino- a ublic hearino- on ado tion of an assessment roll or the Cedar Street 1m rovement Pro' eet - 2001-18C. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Assuming that plans and specifications have been approved by the Council on a previous agenda item and that approval has been give to advertise for bids on this project it is recommended that the City Council adopt a esolution calling for a public hearing on adoption of an assessment roll for this improvement t be held the same day that bids are to be awarded, August 13,2001. . It has been our normal procedure to hold an ssessment hearing after the completion of an improvement project but recently we have e perienced some difficulty in property owners contesting the amount of their assessments a d it may be beneficial for the Council to know in advance whether the planned project is feasi Ie and that there will be no appeals of proposed assessments to benefitting properties. Man communities have found it beneficial to conduct the public hearing on adoption of an assessm nt roll in advance of awarding a contract for the improvement in order to be assured that asse sments will not be appealed after the project has already been awarded. The Cedar Street Improvement is basically i itiated because of the proposed Mielke planned unit development Assessments are propos d to the Silver Fox Motel property in addition to the Mielke development. If the property ow lers are going to be contesting or appealing assessments for this project the Council ma want to know this in advance so that a decision can be made as to whether the improvement hould even be completed. . Preparing an assessment roll for this project ased on the lowest bid received should provide fairly accurate assessment numbers. Prior to completing the assessment roll, direction will be needed from the Council on how much, if an ,of the street reconstruction cost will the City be picking up in order for WSB, Inc. to prep re the assessment roll. Previous workshop sessions have sUPPOJied the concept of the C ty picking up at least 20% of any reconstruction street work. but any new improvements such as storm sewer, curb and gutter, or additional road width for such items as turn lanes woul be assessed at ] 00% to the affected properties. Depending on what assessment policy the C uncil wants to use, the public hearing can be held on August 131\ at the same meeting that the bids are'reviewed by the Council. The property owners would have up to 30 days a er adoption of the assessment roll to appeal an assessment to district court. therefore, the Ci y would hold the contract for 30 days before accepting the low bid to ensure that no appea s can take place. If an assessment appeal is filed, the Council could decide at that time n t to award the contract and cancel the project. If that happened, the Mielke planned unit devel pment would have to be redesigned to accommodate existing Cedar Street, which auld likely to include access alterations on their design. Council Agenda - 7/9/01 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. If the plans and specifications have been approved and adveliisement for bids authorized. the resolution could be adopted to set the public hearing on adoption of assessment roll for this project on the August 13th Council meeting. As part of this motion, Council should direct city staff and city engineer on the assessment policy that will be used for this project for the reconstruction items of the improvement. 2. Do not adopt a resolution setting the public hearing at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the public hearing for adopting the assessment roll under Alternative #1 be adopted. Because the assessments for the Mielke development will be substantial because of the additional street work that is necessary to meet the development plans, and because of concerns raised by Mr. Mielke on the cost of the improvements, J believe it is reasonable for the City to determine in advance whether the . assessments are going to be acceptable to the property owners before the project is constructed. This information is also necessary in determining how the improvements can be financed especially if a future bond sale is required. When bond sales are structured assuming a certain amount of assessment income, and if those assessments change, it can create difficulty in establishing future financing. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution. . -- . . . RESOLUTI N NO. 2001- RESOLUTION DECLARING CO T TO BE ASSESSED, ORDERING PREP ARA TION OF PRO OSED ASSESSMENT AND SETTING HEARING ON ROPOSED ASSESSMENT CEDAR STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT O.2000-18C WHEREAS, costs have been determined for the improvement of Cedar Street between Chelsea Road and Oakwood Drive by the redesign and installati n of street improvements, sidewalk. pathway an realigning of existing water main, storm sewer an other appurtenant work and the contract price for such improvement is $ and the expens s incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $ so that the to al cost of the improvement wilI be $ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY HE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOT A: 1. The portion of the cost of such improveme t to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $ and the portion of the cost to b assessed against benefitted property owners is declared to be $ 2. Assessments shall be payable in equal annu I installments extending over a period often years, the first of the installments to be pay ble on or before the first Monday in January, 2002 and shall bear interest at the rate of _ % pe annum from the date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. 3. The City Administrator with the assistance fthe City Engineer, shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for s ch improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and the City Administrator shall file a c py of such proposed assessment in his office for public inspection. 4. The City Administrator upon the completion of such proposed assessment, notify the City Council thereof. 5. A hearing shall be held on the 13th day of Au ust,200] in the City Hall at 7 p.m. to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time a d place all persons owning property affect by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 6. The City Administrator is hereby directed to ause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing. and shall state in the notice the total ost of the improvement. He shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of ead parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. 7. The owner of any property so assessed may. a any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor. pay the whole of the ass ssment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment. to the City. except that no interest shall be charged if the entire JO assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of the assessment. He may at any . time thereafter, pay to the City the entire amount ofthe assessment remaining unpaid, with .. interest accrued to December 31 of the year in \vhich such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the succeeding year. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 9th day of July, 2001. Roger Belsaas, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator . . )0 . . 11. Council Agenda - 7/9/0 1 Consideration of revised cost estimate r 7th Street Est 1m rovements Project No. 2001-07c.. (WSB) A. HEFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council has authorized the prepa ation of plans and specifications for the ]lh Street Reconstruction and Widening Project, loca ed between Washington Street and Cedar Street. The original plan was to mill the existing s reet to allow for a new 2" overlay, in addition to widening and installing concrete curb, gutt r and pathway. Upon further review of the condition of the existing pavement section we are requesting that the City Council consider milling the entire pavement section of 71h S reet and constructing a new pavement section across the entire width of the street. The co dition of the existing pavement is such that it is likely that all existing cracks will reflect thr ugh the new pavement surface and wil11imit the longevity of the new pavement section. Wi h the revised construction procedure. it is likely we could expect a 20-30 year life out of the ew pavement section. The proposed revisions increase the project cost approximately 413 ,000. The original estimated project cost was $410,000 and the revised estimated project cost is $545,000. If this is acceptable, we would ask that the project be approved and authori e the advertisement for bids. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to appr ve the redesign of the 7th Street Reconstruction Project and order the advertisement t; r bids. 2. The second alternative would be to ap rove the construction project as originally proposed and order the advertisement or bids. c. STAFF HECOMMENDA TJON: I t is the recommendation of the City Engineer nd Puh!i c Works Director that the design he revised to accommodate a completely new pav ment section to maximize the future life of this pavement. . . - - 12. Council Agenda - 7/9/01 CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS K ELLBERG SEWER LITIGATION. Dennis Dalen. City Attorney_ is requesti g the City Council have a closed session to discuss the Kjellberg West Park sanitary sewer extension litigation issue. . . 0'-< " ." w U HW b," Z<l; 0'" :E o ~.,. o '" ~o b::> H lj 0: o .,. "' ,,1 " Q) H ,Q '" :" '" '" VJ Q. 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U t.LlP:::~:E:I..{')r-I'""IO~WI--!~ "" '" '" po '" Ul S~~~~~~~~ffi5 ...1 ~ ~ Z ..:l 00 U '" ..l U '" ..:l UN '" Q , ~..:lOlU.--lMO'\O'\~U)~E-< ~ '" Z " '" U"-- '" '" ~'" ..:l ..:l 0 Q Q , E5 '" '" ..:l '" U) ........ Z 5 ....-lMI.I1~O'\l'"'ll.!lOr-1NC'tO Z ~ Z H Ur--- ::0 O.--1N("\J('JMt"'")!.flOOO..--f 0 ~ '" 0 ~o '" '" , ..-j\\lNNI"")M~~I...P\D\..C!1.D E-< <II rn " E-< --.--.- OAK RIDGE DRIVE ST P SIGN REQUEST 07/09/ 1 . To: The Mayor & City Council of Monticello The Residents of Oak Ridge Drive, connecting streets a d local neighborhoods would like to warrant a stop sign request. The location is the intersection of 0 k Ridge Drive and Oak View Lane. Currently, there is a stop sign at the end of Oak View b t no stop signs either way on Oak Ridge Drive. There is a new neighborhood across Co. Road 18 from ak Ridge Drive, the neighborhood has substancially increased traffic. Oak Ridge Drive conne ts to Meadowvale and the freeway entrance, so it is used heavily by thru traffic. The amount of traffic is concern, however, not the biggest issue, it's the outrageous speed of some vehicles! We understand tha it is not everyone, and that officers cannot inforce anything under 30 mph, the stop signs will help, because they will have to slow down. The location for the request is at a corner in the middle of a straightaway. Honestly, there are often cars screechine: on n....o (2) wheels around this corner and ha e been in excess of 50 mph! There are two (2) special needs children on this corner, one has Down's S ndrome the other is Deaf. The following is a list of things that have occurred withi the last six (6) months that will help to warrant the request from the citizens of Oak Ridge Drive: Four different time's, folks that live on Oak Ridge Dive have talked to police asking them to patrol the street more often and effectively. There have been numerous "close call" accidents wit residents of Oak Ridge Drive just trying to back-out of their driveways to go to work in the mor ing. You cannot see them coming around the corner because of their speed, after looking both was. If any cars are parked on the street, it is impossible t see if a child may be running out because of the angle of this corner and the speed of many drivers. family dog was hit last fall because the driver did not have time to stop or slow down in time after t e corner. The children of the neighborhood have made their 0 n signs to hold up while people are Iitterally racing home. They are afraid to play in their own ya ds, much less walk, bike or rollerblade on the street! We need the stop ahead and stop signs. The corner happens to be directly in front of a home hat has three (3) children living there. The other day, four (4) neighbors witnessed a car almost 1 se control and go up into the lawn in which these little buys were playing! .. . . . . Many residents in the area share this concern. If you ne d petitions to speed up the process, please let any of the following contacts know immediatly. There are approximately fifty (50!) children that live on this long block. Please do not delay the steps it takes or our request. · Tom & Kate Wendel 2671 Oak Ridge Dr, 29 -8830 · John & Jackie Harris 2680 Oak Ridge Dr, 2 5-8773 · Jim & Toni Freeberg 2681 Oak Ridge Dr, 29' -5993 · Keith & Shannon l\-Ieierhofer 2691 Oak Rid e Dr, 295-0565 . COUNCIL PDATE BIKE PARK FOR THE C MMUNITY CENTER As you'll remember, the Council approved $40,00 in the 2001 budget to be used in the construction of a Bike Park. I was hopeful that w would be able to ftmd raise the balance of $30,000 to $50,000. Unfortunately, I have not bee very successful finding a Foundation or Grant organization that will fund capital projects. have made a request to the Land of Lakes Choirboys to fund the balance, however, they desi nation their contributions in August so we have not heard as yet on the request. I have been talking with TrueRide, the company t built our ramps for the skate park, and they are sympathetic to our situation. They have been sked by the State Fair Board to build a skate/bike park for the State Fair attendees. They e willing to sell us these "used" ramps for a reduced cost. The pad area at the State Fair is sim'lar to the area that we have designated for the bike park, which is perpendicular to the skate park on the north west end. Initially, the ramp design we liked with TrueRide ost $55,000. I have not gotten the price for the demo ramps but the hint is around $30,000 to 35,000. Beyond this we would need to relocate part of the irrigation system, some trees, a sidewalk, and a bike rack, build a concrete or a concrete and asphalt pad, fence and put up lights 0 complete the project. If all goes well, we could have a bike park built in late September 200 . In another matter, currently, we are having difficul with groups of kids climbing into the skate park after hours. I have requested that the Sheriff Department take action by ticketing any individual caught in the skate park after hours for t espassing. It seems to be mostly individuals with bikes looking for a place to be. I'm conceme for their safety in the park, as we would be liable for any injuries even after hours, and I'm co cemed for the equipment in the park. The ramps are not reinforced to withstand a hit from a ike pedal or peg and we could see damage on the ramps much sooner than would be expected. One possible solution to this ongoing problem, wo ld be to dump a couple mounds of dirt back by the National Guard vehicle storage area and cre te,a small dirt bike park. This would give the bikers some place to be until we can open a bike p k. We will continue to work with the Sheriffs Department though to charge all trespasse s. Hopefully, it will just take a few tickets to send a message out to the others.