City Council Agenda Packet 07-09-2001 Special I,' !f ...... .1 -"- ~ COUNTY STATE AID BIG WAY 75 (BROADWAY) CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRI HT COUNTY, MINNESOTA 5:30 I. 5:35 II. July 9, 2001 City Council orkshop 5:30 P.M. - 6 30 P.M. General Project Up ate (WSB. 5 min.) A. Variance Re uest & Approval. March 28, 2001 Project Review (WS A. Traffic V olu B. Crashes C. Alternatives D. Traffic Anal 5:45 ill. Layout / Concept A proval (WSB - 30 min.) A. Issues/Goals 5 min.) B. Revised Layo t (5 min.) C. Specific Acce s Modifications (5 min.) 1. CSAH 75/ SAB 39 (Elm Street) 2. Pinewood lementary 3. West Side arket 4. Walnut S eet D. Limited Acce s Streets (15 min.) 6:15 ill. Project Costs / Sche ule (WSB, John Simola, Jeff O'Neill, & Steve Grittman - 10 in.) A. Estimated Co ts B. Staging of Pr ject C. Landscaping D. Schedule ,6:2' IV.P..blie"lJdo~ti.B 6:JO V. ,tiDg (WSB .5 mip~) -Other l. " , ", F:llf1!lf1NI/~.." ~..";'oI:...; .:F:!~~{~- (f:J' - -- ," ' ~1'tM" -W:~'::"<' t t,~'.~::~'~~J' -" COUNTY STATE AID ffi CITY OF MONTICEL STA TE AID VARIANCE CO HW A Y 7S (BROADWAY) 0, WRIGHT COUNTY E MEETING - MARCH 28, 2001 Wright County is proposing an improvement project fo County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 75 ' (Broa.dway)fro~ Otter Creek to Washington Street, at tal length of approximately 1.9 miles, in the City of MonncelIo, Wnght County. This proposed typical se tion will require a variance from State Aid Rules Chapter 8820.9936 on two items: · Parking lane width: requesting 8.5 feet versus 10 foot standard, which is 1.5 feet below the recommended standard for roadways with < 10, 00 ADT; · Median width: requesting 3 feet at left-turn la es versus 4 foot standard, which is one foot below the recommended standard. The existing typical section includes two through lanes in each direction with parking on both sides of the roadway. No acconunodations are provided for left- ing vehicles. The proposed typical section provides two through lanes in each direction, in addition to prote ted left-turn lanes and parking on both sides of the roadway. ' The existing (2000) average tramc volumes on the roa way are 13,600 to 14,500 vehicles per day. The projected 2020 traffic volumes are anticipated to range om 17,000 to 29,000 vehicles per day, dependent upon development and the construction of reliever route for CSAH 75. The roadway is currently operating at a LOS D would be operating at a level of service (LO ) F in the year 2020 with the existing typical section during the pm peak: hour. The existing overall c nidor LOS is improved to a C with the proposed section and LOSD in the year 2020. The crash rate on CSAH 75 in the project area is about e average for similar type roadways. However, the severity rate is approximately double the average for similar type roadways. This means that when a crash occurs, it is more likely that injuries are involved y of these crashes are of a rear end type. This type of crash can be attnouted to the lack of protected Ie ~tum channelization and resultant erratic movements. It is desirable to include left-turn channe' tion in the typical roadway section for CSAH 75 to ~prove safety." The applicable state aid standards set are for a design spe of 30 to 40 mph. The corridor is currently posted at a speed limit of 30 mph in the variance request area. Safety mitigation measures have been considered and included as follows: The city bas request additional patrol of tile CSAH 75 conidor to enforce the 30 mph posted speed limit as an attempt to in e safety and decrease the number and severity of crashes throughout the corridor. The city currently an ordinance which does not allow overnight trailer truck parking. The CSAH 75 canidor will also be igned for no trailer truck parking. Corridor lighting is also proposed along CSAH 75. Why do,,'t we Just wide" the existing TOad and meet the · Economic impacts include increased costs, dispro rtionately borne by the city; · Social impacts include residences located closer the roadway, Potential loss of north sidewalk, 18 residentS would need to construct driveway turn unds if parking is eliminated, Four to five of the residents would find it impossible to construct th e turn arounds without presenting a hardship relating to lack of available right-of-way, and Lim'ted right-of-way available for trees and other landscaping; · Environmental impacts include loss of trees to inc ease roadway width and relocate overhead power lines, Wright County respectfully requests that the Minnesota D partment of Transportation (MnlDOT) issue a variance from Minnesota Rule 8820.9936, State Aid "Geo etric Design Standards" for a reduction from a 4-foot median width to a 3-foot median width, and for a p rlang lane width reduction from a to-foot widt~ to an 8.5-foot width on County State Aid Highway 75 fro Chestnut Street to Washington Street, located m the City of Monticello, Wright County. The proposed pr ject maintains the integrity of the roadway while meeting the public needs, reducing the social, eco omic and environmental impacts, and addressing the roadway deficiencies including safety and capacity. F:IWl'WfN\ 1282-OO1..ri..<. h..ring. wpd 61 . 0) ,.-.. ~ ~ u bI) ~ . '1'""4 ~ tZ) · '1'""4 >< ~ d . ,..-4 t\S ~ . ,..-4 t\S 6 tZ) (]) .-c . ,..-4 r./l ~ o ~ gf · '1'""4 ~ ~ ~ - I..(') . 00 ~ ~ ~ .-c ~ ~ (]) a ~ I..(') +..> (l.) ClJ P r../'J. ;::::: o bD ;::::: .- ..d (/l cd ~ .s ...... (l.) (l.) ~ ...... r:/1 8 Cd ~ ......... ...... (l.) ~ r:/1 ...... (/l ;:::i C,) o ~ o ...... ...... (l.) Q) ~ r:/1 -= B (/l Q) ..d U $J o "1 /../.. b-: ~ <!t <!t IV <!t ~ .r:: ~..::I~ '.../.. )..._ '5 ~ ~~ &7 o ' ... c::t rJ)rJ) - ~ in '" Il.> - "5 ~ > ,-.. i4: "; 00 c.J ..... s=4 ~ ;>.. 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'-' ro .~ IE a x ro "" W "- '"'- I-~ () g: ~ ~ o :z: al ~ a> ~ (tiE 0" ~ J."!I\~ ~ .... =: ~ e ~ ,.. Q a. C. E ~ ~ t-- == -< r;JJ U d .... o (Jl QJ @ ~ ~ d ::l o U .... QJ ~ .... r./l d o bD = :.a (Jl ]: d b1l ~ ~ .... ~ 0" QJ - QJ - ... QJ U .:l ... E ~ ~ o ~ o .0 ..... u --~ 'II~ f~~ ~ ~ !l>.~i3 ~;;: I~~ ~~ ~ i ~ c .. i .1: 15 :i lil ::; ~ ! ~ @ COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 75 IMPROVEMENTS CRASH INVESTIGATION: OTTER CREEK ROAD TO WAH! NGTON STREET WRIGHT COUNTY 1997 19 8 1999 2000 INTERSECTION PI I PO pf--; --'1'0" -PIT~' PO PI PO CSAH 75 at Otter Creek Rd. 0 1 .---~I 0 0 0 0 0 0 - ~_.,- .. ,--.- ~ o -- e-- CSAH 75 between Oller Creek Rd. and Chestnut SI. 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 ~.~..__.._. -- ~._- CSAH 75 between Chestnut SI. and Elm SI. 0 ~-- _9 0 1 0 0 0 0 -~~--,-~~,---- - CSAH 75 et ElmSI. 0 2 0 0 0 I--.Q.n 1 1 1 f.---. .._-',~ -~ u.__ CSAH 75 between Elm SI. and Minnesota SI. 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 . ~~- 2 0 - CSAH 75 et Minnesota 51. 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ...n. 0 0 -~ CSAH 75 between Minnasota St. and Locust SI. 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 ~~- CSAH 75 at I.ocust SI. 0 2 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 ~~-~ ~'''- , ----- ~- CSAH 75 batween Locust SI. and TH 25 (Pine St.) 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 ".'. ~~.!~. at Pine SI. 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 ----2.._ -0- '- C5AH 75 at Cedar SI. 0 1 0 3 0 3 1 ."--- .,.., 0 0 CSAH 75 at Palm SI. (L T & ~!) 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 ~. C5AH 75 between Palm 51. and Ramsey SI. 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 ~-,_.-- ..~-~--_. ..."".. ...'_.. CSAH 75 between Ramsey.~1. and Washington 51. 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .-""~" - -"~~- -~- 1 14 4 7 6 1 13 3 6 TOTAL CRASHES ".".-- ~..._. .._._- --- ~----9.'. . ~,. 15 1 20 AVERAGE CRASH RATE 2.08 1.~9 2.66 2.03 2.07 SEVERITY RATE 2.5 3.1' 6.24 4.07 3.98 PI :;II Personal Injury Crash PO ~ Propeny Damage Crash K ~ Killed .2000 Deta Through 7/31/00 Crash Rate Averege for C5AH ~ 2.5 per million vehicle miles Severity Rete Average to.- CSAH a 2.0 per million vehicle miles Data from MnlDOT Crash.xls 6/19/0 --.-....-.-.... _n___.' ,.... -- 1 CiJ o ~ t- 0 Z 0 ~ fij~ W w2!: >W~:::E f ~ ~ ~~ :::E>OZ -alt-;:) 11), (!) 0 ""ZZO >0_1- <(j:X:z: 3:<(~f!) a~3:~ -00::- ::a::W.... ~ 0>::.::0 cc2!:wj W::a::WW ....0~O <(<(OJ: ....~a::Z 00WO t ~:::E Z OOLL ;:) o ~ o _ o 0 I 10 0 0 0 0 0 Ie 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 .... 0 ..... N I . Q.Q> wg: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 N WT" 3: '0;1' U) Woo cQ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q -Q) U)T" ,... Q) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... 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TABLE 3 MONTICELLO TRANSPORTATION STUDY LEVEL OF SERVICE Level of Service Description A FREE FLOW; speed contr::>lIed by drivers desires, speed limits, or physical roadw< y conditions.. B STABLE FLOW; operating peeds beginning to be restricted, little or no restrictions on mar euverabillty from other vehicles. C STABLE FLOW; speeds ane maneuverability more closely restricted. o APPROACHING UNSTABU FLOW; tolerable speeds can be maintained but tempora v restrictions to flow cause substantial drops In speed. little fraee om to maneuver, comfort and convenience low. . E UNSTABLE FLOW; volumes near capacity, speed typically In neighborhood of 30 MPH, stoppages of momentary duration, ability to maneuver severE Iy limited. F FORCED FLOW; low-.opera Ing speeds, volumes below capacity queues formed. TABLE 9-1. LEVEL-OF-SER\J eE CRITERIA FOR SIGNA.LIZED INTERSECTIONS LEVEL 01' SERVICE A B C o E F STOPPED DELAY PER VEHICLE (SEC) ~.O >5.0 and s 15.0 >15.0 and ~ 25.0 >25.0 and ~ 40.0 >40.0 and !,; 60.0 >60.0 ~I) Q GOALS ISSUES SAFETY · Reduce Number of Crashes / Sev rity Rate · Provide Emergency Access · Provide Ped. Safety / Accomm. (P oximity of Curb to Moving Traffic) · Provide Protection for Left Turning Vehicles (Median) · Parkway System (Boulevards vs. oncrete Walks) · Corridor Street Lighting (Ornamenal if Power Line Buried) AESTHETICS I AMENITI 5 · Retain/Enhance Residential Chara ter of Roadway · Preservation of Existing Trees · Bury Utilities? · Corridor Street Lighting (Ornament I if Power Line Buried) · Parkway System (Boulevard as Op osed to Concrete Median) TRANSPORTATION IT · Improve Pavement Surface · Maintain Regional Transportation etwork: CSAH 75/ TH 25 · Provide for Existing / Future Capac ty · Identify Staging and Costs for Tran portation Roadway Relievers · Provide Traffic Calming Methods · Enforcement of Speed Limit (j,) " GOALS/I RESIDENT CONCERNS · Residential Access (Shoulder) ~ T affic Buffer / Back Out of Driveway · Pedestrian Safety / Accomm. (Pro imity of Curbs to Moving Traffic) · Maintain Parking · Delivery Vehicles - Mail / Garbag / School Buses · Minimize Closures of Cross Street · Reduce Assessment Costs · Median (Grass/Trees/Plantings) M intenance · Minimize Truck T rafflc MAINTENANCE · Pavement & Utilities · Provide Snow Storage / Removal · Minimize Median (Grass/Trees/Pia tings) Maintenance COSTS · Minimize Assessments · Keep Costs to a Minimum · Maintain Property Values PRIMARY CO RIDOR GOALS · Left Turn Channelization wI Minimi ation of Conflict Points · Maintain Parking on Both Sides · Maintain Existing Curb Line · Minimize Median Maintenance · Improve Roadway Character · Improve Pavement Surface & Infra tructure · Replace Street Lights Revised November 17, 2000 ~ COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 75 ONTICELLO, WRIG HT COUNTY, MINN ACCESS TA8 ULATION THRU STI )EET LIMITE --. ... ~._~---- _.""~--~-'-,,".'._~ ~--- .~._-,-----_., .".- ) X --'_.,_._---~~ .,., '0", -,~,~~-~-~.... ~I_._~._---_. ."-- ~~-_..'..._~-~_. X ----"........- --.--......-.-. ~..,---,~ ~_.. r"_.. u__ -'..,_... __.,,~.n,',....,____ ".---., X -_...._~ .~~. ..- X ~.'._,~ ---_...,-,. ,-"-- . .~._--'-,. ....- X -- " -- "".... ." -.-..~. - --- -~-~ ~~._~- _.....n_ -~~.._~~~,-- .. ~_.._. --- X ... .- -.- X -~-- --.".~ --------- ----..-..----.... ESOTA CITY OF M STREET D ACCESS Chestnut Street -..-. .., ,~,,'-,-~., --- _g_sAIil9 . 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