City Council Agenda Packet 08-28-2000 Special . . . Mayor: Council Members: 1 . Call to Ordcr AGE DA SPECIAL MEETING - MON 'ICELLO CITY COUNCIL BUDGET W RKSHOP Monday, August 2 ,2000 - 5:30 p.m. Roger 8c\saas Clint Herbst. 8rian Stumpf, ogcr Carlson, Bruce 'rhielen 2. 2001 Budget and Tax Levy 3. Adjourn ,I . . . 2. Review of Prelimina A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Enclosed you will find summary worksheets outlil ing the proposed 2001 city budget and resulting tax levy. For this workshop, I have only repared one set of documents for our first discussion, which can be amended easily in the fut re for further workshop sessions. This year, the City is no longer under levy limits a d is free to establish any levy increase the Council would choose. In the past, levy limits ha e not been a problem for Monticello in that the Council has chosen not to levy the maximum allo ed by law. For example, last year we levied $449,940 under the maximum allowed. Although I'm sure the legislature will be watching how cities use their levy authority in the future, reinstat~ment of levy limits are always a possibility. T'he preliminary budget proposed would require a evy increase of$585,258 to fund entirely as proposed. This increase would amount to $33,41. additional to cover our bonded debt liabilities and $551,839 to cover other operational and eapit' 1 project costs. This would amount to a 12% increase in the levy from last year, but it is unkno n as to what dIect this would have on individual property taxes. If our overall tax capa ity value did not increase over last year it would result in a tax capacity rate of 40.751. At the time this budget is being prepared, 1 was Ul able to obtain any tax capacity value information from the Wright County Assessor for taxes payable next year. What J was able to determine is that our overall market value will ha e a net increase of 7.6% or $42,000,000. The City will see an increase in market value for new onstruction from all properties of $25,963,000 and also an additional $24,300,000 in overall mar et value increases due to inflation. Unfortunately, NSP's property continues to depre iate with its market value dropping by $8,000,000 resulting in a overall $42,000,000 increase. While the market value for the City will increase, it is very difficult to determine if our res llting tax capacity value will also increase at the same rate. It is my guess that we will likely 0 ly see a 3%)-4% increase in our tax capacity value even though our overall market value incre' sed by 7.6%. This is due to the f~lct that residential properties make up the bulk of our val ation increases, and they are taxed at a lower rate than commercial and industrial. Final numbe s on estimated tax capacity values will not be available from the Wright County Assessor's offi e until after the City is required to adopt a preliminary budget and levy (September 15,2000 . As I will discuss later, the preliminary budget out ined does not necessarily cover all of the funding needs of the City next year. While many of the capital improvements are included in the $585,000 levy increase, there are also items that ill need to be addressed if implemented next year that are not yet included in the budget. For xample, Wright County Highway Department is proposing to do the major reconstruction of Br adway from Chestnut to Washington Street . . . Special Council Meeting - 8/28/00 next year, instead of in the year 2003 as originally larmed. While it is still early to determine our overall City share of this project, it is estimate that our share of the street construction for new medians, left turn lanes and any utilities we w nt to replace during construction eould total $750,000 or more. Some of the utility costs ($250,000) is included in the budget to be taken from trunk fees we have collected but an estimate $500,000 for street construction has not been included in the budget. It is probably unrealistic to assume we could add this amount to our levy in one year and it is likely it would have to be incl ded in a bond sale and partially assessed to benefitting property owners. The following is a brief sllmmary of some of the b dget increases or decreases by department or fund to account for the proposed $585,000 increas Law enforcement - Additional funding of $117,0 0 is included to add an additional 8 hours a day to our coverage. Administration - Increase of $45,000. $19,0000 this im;rease is related to a re-allocation of our copy machine and other equipment expenditur s to Administration from the City Hall budget. City Hall - Increase of $1 0,000. This increase is ainly because of an anticipated increase in our telephone bill by $11,000 due to TDS' s opinio that they must now charge us additional line charges of $6/per phone for various state and feder I charges. We arc continuing to verify this 50(% increase in our phone cost, but it may be non- egotiable. Deputy Registrar - Increase of $31,000. The maj rity of this increase, $21,000, relates to additional costs for staff salaries for additional per onnel that were increased from part-time to full-time status. Civil Defense - Increase of $3,000, primarily relat d to additional expenditures for civil defense related activities that will likely be offset by grants from the State Emergency Planning Department through NSP. Finance - Decrease of $15,000 because of elimina ion of part-time finance position from budget. Park Department - Decrease of$38,000. Park D partment budget includes $23,500 for various pieces of capital equipment and $30,000 for future park land acquisition. The balance of the park improvement projects that are listed on the capital' utlay schedule totaling $194,000 are now budgeted in the capital outlay fund. Street Department - Increase of $25,000, primari y due to budgeting f()r the annual cost of a new employee that was only partially funded ( 1/4 fiJr the year 2000). . . . Special Council Meeting - 8/2X/OO Snow and Ice - Decrease of $26,000 mainly due t a lower capital outlay budget for equiprnent as compared to last year. Refuse - Down $48,000 mainly because of smalle capital costs for garbage carts proposed to be purchased next year. Last year, $62,000 was bud eted for converting the City over to all roll around garbage carts which were not purchased at this time. Next's year budget only includes $12,000 for continui ng to purchase a couple hund ed Calis per year. Community Center - Increase of $112,000. This increase relates to a budget requiring $132,000 more in operational costs and a lower debt service payment of $20,000. Capital Outlay Revolving Fund - Increase of $3 0,000 to fund various capital outlay items and improvements, including park improvement proje ts, ISTEA bridge and pathway project along with various street department equipment and imp ovements. The expenditures proposed within the capital outl y revolving fund would actually require $130,000 more in funding, but the $130,000 we Ie ied last year to cover the first year debt payment on a new bond that was being issued wa, not needed and would be available for these projects. Other items that I wanted to quickly note that are ontained within the budget are as follows: Planning Department - The new planner positior and the existing administrative position held previously by Wanda Kramer is still in the budget at this time. Fire Department - The Fire Department is reque ting an increase in their hourly compensation from $7/hour to $8/hour, which is included in the udget. Building Inspcctions - Includes $5,000 for contr cted salaries to cover peak periods or during absences within the Building Inspection Departm n1. Legal - Includes continuation of dues for Coalitio 1 of Utility Cities in the amount of $17,925.00. Economic Development - Includes $15,000 as a 'ontribution to the MCP and $1,000 for dues to the Wright County Economic Development Asso iation. Community Ed/YMCA - Budget still includes f nding of $17,500 for Community Ed and $7,500 for the YMCA Detached Worker. As you may recall, last year it was proposed to eliminate funding of these programs in the future, and they can be simply deleted for a savings 01'$ 5,000. As of this time, I have not heard or had conversations from anyone in Community Ed or t e YMCA program and thus it is assumed that they may be anticipating the City's elimination of funding in the future. I. .n . . . Special Council Meeting - R/28/00 Salary and Benefits - Thc budgets for each departnent for salaries was incrcased by 8(% for the purpose of providing cost ofliving adjustments an to providc funding for an increase in the overall salary schedule if warranted. Normally I it clude 5% within the budget to provide funding for any salary increases or any ncw cmplo ees that may be added that were not antici pated earlier, but this year I used R% to provi e additional room for increases if it is determined through a market study or other means hat the City's pay structure needs to be adjusted. In addition, the City was also notified th t a substantial increase can be expected in our health insurance cost starting September 15,2000. This has increased the City's cost of insurance by over $30,000 annually, which is also ef1ected in the budget proposal. As I noted earlier, some of the capital outlay items roposed f()r next year will be funded by our scwer, water or storm sewer trunk access funds, rat er than through a tax levy. Specific expenditures in the Water Department for purchasi g land and building a new water tower along with a well arc estimated at $450,000 fi-om the wat I' access fund. This would essentially deplete the surplus funds from the water access fund. Other trunk funds are also proposed in the Sewer Department to cover possible sewer line replaceme 1t that may be needed on Broadway as part of the County's reconstruction project. Also enclosed with the budget documents is a list of capital outlay items or projects that are not yet covered by this preliminary budget but were in luded in the Five Year Capital Improvement Program budget. This is to give you an idea of iter s that could be added to next year's budget, but would likely require deletion of some other itet that it would replace or additional increases in our levy. 'fhe Council may have to consider hor owing funds for some of these projects, if surplus funds are not available for items such as th Broadway reconstruction project estimated at $500,000. In addition to the list enclosed, fundir g has not been included for projects or programs such as: Scattered I lousing Site Prog am County Road 18 Pathway PI' ject 1-94/CR 18 Interchange I ~94 Fallon A venue Bridge P oject While the ahove items are not necessarily critical at this time, it is assumed that the majority of these costs for such things as the interchange or the bridge projects will be the entire responsibility of the City and will cost millions of ollars to complete. To sell a bond for any of these improvements, the City would have to assess t least 20% of the project costs or would have to hold a referendum to issue bonds. Since it 's unlikely a referendum would pass fi)f these types ofroad improvements, the City should be 100 ing at trying to estahlish a reserve account by partially funding the estimated cost each year. 1 nfOliunatcly, this would only add to our levy increases at this time. While it may appear that the dollars needed to oper te the city budget are increasing, we must realize that our population and the size of the conn unity continues to grow also. As I noted . . . Special Council Meeting - 8/28/00 earlier. our market value for new construction con inues to increase every year but we do not have any control over the depreciation that lowers NSP's value each year. Ifthe increased valuations of all properties along with the new COl struction that takes place would be added to our overall tax capacity value, I think we would se minimal increases to a typical property owner's taxes as a result oUhese budget proposals. While it remains to be seen what the final efIect will be based on the County Assessor's vaIL ations, the financing needs of the City to fund the various improvements and operations is still n eded regardless of how much depreciation NSP is allowed to take on their property. While this is our first workshop session, the Coun il will ultimately need to establish a prelim i nary tax levy and budget by Septem bel' 1St. As always, the preliminary levy cannot be increased once we establish, but it can always be I wered later. Since we do not have a maximun1 levy limit to deal with, the Council is fee to choose any dollar amount desired. A preliminary levy and budget can be adopted at an time or during any workshop and the Council would have the ability to also wait until our regul r September 11 (h council meeting to make a decision. The City Council will also need to establish the d te for our Truth in Taxation public hearing on the levy and budget adoption. Since two hearings will be required in December, the Council has typically tried to adopt the final levy at its regular council meeting which would be held December 11, 2000. In order to do it on that regu ar council meeting date, the actual public hearing would have to be held earlier than the 11 tho J n the past few years, the Council has held the official public hearing on the Wednesday prio to the first council meeting, which would be December 6,2000. The meeting has normally be n scheduled fiJr 5 p.m. Again these dates do not have to be selected unti I September 151h. finally, a new state law adopted last year also req ires that cities pass a resolution after a public hearing if a proposed levy increase results in a ta rate increase. Under the new law, the County Auditor is required to notify the cities after we set our preliminary tax levy as to whether our tax rate will actually increase in the coming year afte considering our new market values and tax capacity values. Since the formula can sometime be complicated, it is recommended that cities simply adopt a resolution indicating that they ma be increasing their tax rate. If the tax rate does not go up, fine, there is no penalty, but if we do not adopt a resolution and our tax rate has to increase because of our levy requirements, we ill not be allowed to raise these funds. As a result, it is recommended that we hold this public hearing at our September 11 th council meeting and officially adopt the resolution indicating that e may increase our tax rate for next year. B. SUPPORTING DATA: · Budget Worksheet Documents . TAX LEVY SU 2001 Bud et All Fun s Parks $458,171 $402,165 $0 $402,165 General $2,266,639 $ ,664,730 $283,426 $2,381,304 Library $32,790 $33,290 $0 $33,290 Transportation $21,722 $22,740 $0 $22,740 Shade Tree $0 $0 $0 $0 QAA $4,425 $5,200 $0 $5,200 HRA $15,790 $17,570 $0 $17,570 Debt Service $1,264,135 1,335,304 $0 $1,335,304 Capital Imp. Revolving $130,000 $470,000 $0 $470,000 Community Center $545,653 $657,010 $0 $657,010 Net Levy Increase to Cover Debt Net Levy Increase for Non-debt Portion of Budget Net Certified Levy Decrease/Increase Maximum Levy Allowed $33,419 $551,839 $585,258 NA . Payable 1995 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1996 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1997 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1998 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1999 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2000 Tax Capacity Rate Paybable 2001 Tax Capacit Rate 18.228 18.509 19 1 36 27.001 35.186 36.272 40751 '94/Payable 1995 '95/Payable 1996 '96/Payable 1997 '97/Payable 1998 '98/Payable 1999 99/Payable 2000 2000/Payable 2001 $15,586,930 $15,792,922 $15,993,989 $14,413,597 $13,123,681 $13,066,057 $13,066,057 18.228 18.509 19 1 36 27.001 35.186 36.272 40.751 $2,841,185 $2,922,800 $3,059,880 $3,883,013 $4,617,725 $4,739,325 $5,324,583 COMMENTS: *Community Center budget levy includes $525,000 for debt ervice and $132,010 for operations with a transfer from Liquor Fund of $200,000. . (Net Levy Required = $657,010) 2001 BUDGETWKSPXLS:Tax Levy Sum-All Funds 8/24/00 11 I . . . TOTAL REVENUE - ALL FUNDS Major Categories Taxes TIF State Aids Charges for Services ie.: sewer, water hookups and user fees, building permits, Community Center, etc. Special Asmt. Revenue Liquor Store Sales Other, ie.: interest, transfers between funds, etc. $5,324,583 $697,400 $470,681 $3,109,980 $858,927 $2,540,000 $2,188,280 TOTAL REVENUE $15,189,851 2001 BUDGElWKSP.XLS:Total Revenue"AII Funds 8/25/00 2 . REVENUE AND EXPENDI URE SUMMARY 2001 Budg t General $3,518,508 $3,744,595 $3,744,595 Parks $468,171 $468,171 $430,265 $430,265 Library $34,290 $34,290 $34,790 $34,790 Transportation $89,300 $89,300 $91,675 $91,675 Shade Tree $3,665 $43,120 $4,800 $44,560 Community Center $1,216,710 1,216,710 $1,360,300 $1,360,300 UDAG $10,130 $0 $8,500 $0 OAA $5,700 $5,700 $7,100 $7,100 HRA $732,480 $411 ,630 $766,105 $430,440 Minn. Investment Fund $0 $0 $17,590 $0 EDA $37,960 $7,000 $51,915 $8,000 . SCERG $6,805 $0 $9,030 $0 CMIF $145 $0 $160 $0 Debt Service $3,222,970 3,852,318 $3,505,271 $3,972,918 Liquor $2,531,225 2,345,440 $2,575,000 $2,423,180 Water $306,875 $539,935 $334,900 $509,820 ** Sewer $737,080 1,804,475 $761,840 $1,880,995 ' Cemetery $23,090 $31,290 $30,350 $31,500 Capitailmprovements $242,030 $130,000 $543,300 $673,300 Water Access $146,000 $25,000 $116,795 $460,000 Storm Sewer Access $174,760 $0 $124,520 $0 Sanitary Sewer Access $698,100 $535,000 $671,050 $633,000 COMMENTS: 'includes $1,147,600 Depreciation -- contributed assets sewer "includes $269,395 Depreciation -- contributed assets water . 2001 BUDGETWKSPXLS:Rev&Exp Summary:8/24/00 SUMMARY OF PROJ CTED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCES (Cash & Inv stments) . Parks Fund $178,700 $430,265 $430,265 $178,700 General $3,545,000 $3,744,595 $3,744,595 $3,545,000 Library $1,575 $34,790 $34,790 $1,575 Tree $70,650 $4,800 $44,560 $30,890 OAA $7,325 $7,100 $7,100 $7,325 Water $615,650 $334,900 $240,425 $710,125 Water Access $329,150 $116,795 $460,000 ($14,055) Sewer $657,200 $761,840 $733,395 $685,645 Sewer Access $1,674,200 $671,050 $633,000 $1,712,250 Transportation $1,200 $91,675 $91,675 $1,200 Liquor $1,065,675 $2,575,000 $2,423,180 $1,217,495 Capital Outlay Revolving $1,305,000 $543,300 $673,300 $1,175,000 HRA $646,450 $766,105 $430,440 $982,115 Minn. Investment Fund $100 $17,590 $0 $17,690 UDAG $56,200 $8,500 $0 $64,700 EDA $610,000 $51,915 $8,000 $653,915 SCERG $86,725 $9,030 $0 $95,755 . CMIF $800 $160 $0 $960 Storm Sewer Access $116,050 $124,520 $0 $240,570 Cemetery $16,000 $30,350 $31,500 $14,850 Community Center Fund ($192,750) $1,360,300 $1,360,300 ($192,750) TOTALS $17,485,900 $15,180,600 $15,310,195 $17,356,305 4 . 2001 BUDGETWKSP.YLS:Summary of Proj. Revenue:8/24/00 . . . GENERAL FUN o SUMMARY 2001 8 Jdget REVENUE 2000 2001 Taxes CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 101.31011 $2,266,639 $2,381,304 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 101.31021 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME TAX 101.31031 $0 $0 TIF #1 - KMART 101.31051 $0 $0 FORFEITED TAX SALE APPORT 101.31920 $0 $0 PEN & INT - AD VALOREM TAXES 10131910 $1,500 $2,000 ....;...........///. ......;... ....................; TOTAL $2,383,304 Licenses and Permits - Business LIQUOR LICENSE 101.32111 $28,850 $28,050 BEER LICENSE 101.32112 $775 $1,100 SET UP LICENSE 101.32113 $50 $50 OTHER BUS LICENSES & PERMITS 101.32199 _f~~ ~qS '.'/./' /; '..~ Licenses and Permits - Non-Business BUILDING PERMITS 10132211 $280,000 $325,000 VARIANCES/CONDITIONAL USES 101.32212 $3,000 $2,500 GRADING PERMIT 101.32215 $0 $0 PLUMBING CONNECTION PERMITS 101.32231 $0 $0 ANIMAL LICENSES 101.32241 $250 $400 BINGO LICENSES 101.32261 $0 $0 CABLE FRANCHISE FEE 101.32262 $0 $0 OTHER NON-BUS L1C & PERMITS 101.32299 $6,000 $6,000 _MI:1'ii/rt ...;..............:...;........... .;......... ...... . "'.",l>.n Inter-Governmental FEDERAL GRANTS - CETA 101.33120 $0 $0 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID 101.33401 $8,162 $0 HOMESTEAD CREDIT (HACA) 101.33402 $272,777 $283,426 MOBILE HOME HOMESTEAD CREDIT 101.33403 $0 $0 PERA INCREASE AID 101.33404 $6,740 $0 DISASTER AID 101.33408 $0 $0 LOCAL GOVT/ST HWY AID 101.33410 $57,000 $58,500 FIRE DEPT AID 101.33420 $47,450 $48,750 POLICE DEPT AID 10133421 $20,000 $24,000 STATE GRANTS & AIDS - OTHER 101.33499 $0 $0 COUNTY HIGHWAY GRANTS 101.33610 $8,700 $7,450 OTHER COUNTY GRANTS .;...... ............................ ..... '126 Charges for Services RECYLING INCENTIVE 101.33621 $7,000 $5,000 ZONING/SUBDIVISION FEES 101.34103 $7,000 $7,500 SALE OF MAPS & PUBLICATIONS 101.34105 $350 $450 MV LICENSE SALESIDEPUTY REG 101.34106 $120,000 $135,000 ASSESSMENT SEARCHES 101.34107 $2,500 $4,000 INSPECTION FEES 101.34204 $35,000 $35,000 FIRE PROTECTION TWP CONTRACT 101.34206 $71,645 $71,580 STREET,SIDEWALK,CURB REPAIRS 10134301 $0 $0 SPECIAL GARBAGE PROC/RECYCLE 101.34408 $0 $0 GARBAGE CHG 101.34409 $60,000 $60,000 2001 lJUDGETWKSP..Gen Fund Sum - Rev..8/24/00 5, ---.. n__...__"._.__ . GARBAGE CART RENTAL PARK RENTAL FEES CONSTRUCTION COST (REIMB) OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 10134410 101.34780 10134960 101.34999 $28,000 $0 $0 $300 $15,750 $0 $0 $1,000 Miscellaneous Revenue S. A PRINCIPAL - COUNTY 10136101 $0 $0 S. A PRINCIPAL - DIRECT 10136102 $0 $0 S A PENAL TIES & INTEREST 10136150 $0 $0 INTEREST EARNINGS 10136210 $102,000 $185,000 INTEREST EARNINGS-SUBURBAN 101.36213 $65 $0 INTEREST EARNINGS-AROPLAX 10136214 $305 $135 RENTAL OF PROPERTY 10136220 $11,800 $11,800 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 101.36221 $0 $0 CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE 10136230 $0 $0 SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 101.36240 $0 $0 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 10136241 $0 $0 LOCK (FIRE) BOXES 10136242 $150 $600 SIGNS & INSTALL (NEW PLATS) 10136243 $0 $0 OTHER MISC REVENUE 10136299 $500 $500 Refunds and Reimbursements REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS 10136290 $45,000 $23,250 IDC CONTRIBUTION (REIMB) 101.36291 $0 $0 . HACA REIMBURSEMENT 10136292 $0 $0 DISCOUNT 101.36298 $0 $0 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $3,518,508 $3,744,595 . 2001 BUDGETWKSF':Gen Fund Slim r,ev:8/24/00 6 . GENERAL FUND SUM ARY 2001 Budget EXPENDITURES 2000 General Government Mayor and Council Administration Finance Audit Legal Planning & Zoning Assessing Deputy Registrar City Hall Data Processing Elections $34,065 $244,460 $157,045 $13,750 $60,425 $275,840 $23,4 75 $119,870 $103,940 $87,555 $8,325 . Public Safety Law Enforcement Fire Building Inspections Civil Defense Animal Control $406,830 $191,000 $169,540 $8,960 $41,075 2001 $34,410 $290,280 $141,575 $14,400 $62,375 $277,095 $24,830 $151,175 $113,035 $92,465 $0 $542,240 $202,340 $189,935 $12,635 $45,275 Public Works Inspections Public Works Administration Streets & Alleys Snow & Ice Street Lighting Parking Lots Shop & Garage Refuse Collection Engineering $119,225 $ $132,245 $ $291,420 $ $118,890 $ $94,500 $ $5,300 $ $108,500 $ $374,565 $ $100,000 $ Health & Welfare Senior Citizens Center YMCA/Community Education Information Center $37,500 $25,000 $1,695 119,665 143,200 326,440 92,995 99,000 5,500 113,875 325,920 100,000 $37,500 $25,000 $1,695 . 20018UDGETWKSP.XLS:Gen Fund SUIll - Exp8/24/00 7 . Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES $3,515,770 $3,744,595 . . 2001BUDGETWK$P.XLSGen Fund Sum - Exp8/24/00 8 . SUMMARY Debt Service Funds 2001 Budget Foreca t REVENUE 2000 2001 Current ad valorem: Interest: Special asmt--County: Transfer in -Tax Increment: Transfer in--Community Center Fund: Transfer inuSewer Access Fund (Wl/llTP note): Transfer in - 93 Fire Hall Refunding Bond $1,264,135 $134,355 $457,858 $103,150 $562,750 $500,000 $200,722 $1,335,304 $213,975 $837,827 $93,165 $525,000 $500,000 $0 -----------------------..-- ----_...-----~---_.....------ EXPENDITURES . Principal: Interest: Paying agent fees: Interest Exp $2,407,546 $1,433,598 $7,974 $3,200 $2,423,465 $1,532,620 $7,583 $9,250 . 2001 BUDGETWKSp.xLS:Debt Service Find-Forecast:8/24/00 9 PARK FUND UMMARY . 2001 BUDGE EXPENDITURES 2000 2001 Salaries $195,355 $209,675 Benefits $44,080 $56,310 Supplies - Operating $26,500 $29,900 Bldg/EquipNeh Repair Supplies $9,000 $14,000 Pathway Maint. Fund $20,000 $22,000 Misc. Professional Services $5,500 $5,500 Telephone $4,000 $2,500 T rave I/Co nf/Sch 00 I s/ 0 u es $1,750 $1 ,550 Public Info/Advertising $1,500 $1,100 Utilities $10,800 $8,400 Repair & Maint - Bldg & Equip $7,000 $8,000 Uniform Rental $2,186 $2,180 Misc. & Community Celebration $6,000 $9,150 Capital Outlay - Equipment $49,000 $23,500 Capital Outlay - Improvements $85,500 $36,500 TOTAL PARK EXPENDITURES $468,171 $430,265 REVENUE Ad Valorem Taxes $458,171 $402,165 . Park Dedication Fees $10,000 $15,000 Interest Income $0 $11,600 Park Rental Fees $0 $1,500 TOTAL PARK REVENUE $468,171 $430,265 Note: Additional capital outlay included in Capital Outlay Fund for various park improvements = $194,000 $624,265 10 . 2001 BUDGETWKSPXLS:Park Fund Summary 8/24/00 . BUDGET 2001 - PRELIMINARY - ONTlCELLO COMMUNITY CENTER REVENUE I Room/Space Rental 2 Kitchen Rental 3 Concessions 4 User Fees 5 Memberships/Daily Fees 6 Other Charges for Services 7 Contributions 8 Programming Revenue 9 Equipment Rental 10 Misc Revenue NON-OPERATING - REVENUE 12 Propcrty Taxcs 13 Transfer from Liquor Store . . OPER EXPENSES - ADMIN 15 Salaries F/T - Regular 16 Salaries F/T - Overtime 17 Salaries PIT - Regular 18 PERA Contributions 19 FICA Contributions 20 Medicare Constributions 21 HeaIth/Dcntal/Life Insurance 22 UC Benefits 23 WC Benefits 24 Program Operating Cost 25 Office Supplies 26 Clothing Supplies 27 Cleaning Supplies 28 Chemical Supplies 29 General Operating Supplies 30 Building Repair Supplies 31 Maintenance Supplies/Mise Re air 32 Small Tools & Equipment 33 Professional Services - Fitness 34 Professional Services - Mgmt Fee 35 Professional Services - Website/Email 36 Professional Services - Custodian 37 Professional Services - Laundry 11 36,000 1,000 42,000 58,000 300,000 35,000 24,000 4,200 3,000 657,010 200,000 170,000 6,000 216,000 11,000 24,000 6,000 24,110 1,000 2,800 20,000 2,000 1,200 12,000 20,000 10,000 1,500 6,000 6,000 6,000 500 500 3,000 5.000 . 38 Professional Services - Newsletter 39 Maintenance Agreements 40 Professional Services - Misc 41 Telephones 42 Postage 43 Cable/Network Services 44 Conference & Schools 45 Travel Expense 46 Freight 47 Advertising 48 General Public Information 49 Brochures 50 Property Insurance 51 Building Contents Insurance 52 Electric 53 Gas 54 Repairs/maintenance Building 55 Re airs/maintenance Mach/E ui 56 Equipment Rental 57 Uniform Rental 58 Dues, Membership & Subscriptions 59 License and Permits 60 Bank Charges 61 Misc Other Expense 62 Opening Celebration 63 Furniture & Fixtures 64 Office Equipment 65 Com uter Equipment 66 Other Equipment . OPER EXPENSES M RECREATION 67 Operating Su plies - Concessions 68 Concession Food Products 69 Prizes 70 . 12 500 1,500 9,000 500 600 1,000 500 300 15,000 6,000 20,000 5,000 84,000 60,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 3,500 500 600 2,000 1,500 5,000 1,500 2,500 4,000 600 25,000 CAPITAL oun AY ITEMS . ADMIN. - EQUIP. Used Large Screen Printer for microfilm DATA PROCESSING - EQUIP (5) PC Computers Duplex for Printer PW ADMIN - EQUIP. Chair, Conf Plan Table & Chairs Impr: PW Office Remodeling PW - INSPECTIONS GPS Service Locating STREETS - EQUIP. Disc Mower Flat Bed for Hook Truck Grapple Bucket for Skid Loader Large Self Propelled Tamper Skid Steer Trailer Impr: Annual Sealcoat Projects Impr: Replace Bdwy_ Street Lights . SNOWIICE - EQUIP. 1 Ton 4 x 4 with Dump & Plow SHOP/GARAGE Waste Oil Furnace Wire Feed Welder REFUSE 200 Garbage Carts PARK - EQUIP. 3-pt. Hitch Power Tiller Turf Aerator 28' Trailer Bleachers - Freeway Fields/4th St Rink Edger Seeder . PARK - IMPR. Parkside Park - Picnic Tables & Grill Meadow Oaks Park - Upgrade & Playground Equipment Park Land Acquisition Adopt a Park Pathway Maint. NSP Ballfields - Ag lime 2001 BUDGETWKSPXLS:Capital Outlay Items 8/24/00 AMOUNT SOURCE 13 $9,500 $15,000 $700 $15,700 General General General $1,500 General $20,500 Capital Outlay Fund $22,000 $5,000 $6,500 $6,800 $2,500 $7,000 $5,000 $30,000 $150,000 $207,800 $35,000 $7,800 $2,000 $9,800 $12,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $5,000 $2,000 $4,500 $23,500 $25,000 $30,000 $2,500 $22,000 $2,000 General Capital Outlay Fund Capital Outlay Fund Capital Outlay Fund General General Capital Outlay Fund Capital Outlay Fund General General General General Park Fund Park Fund Park Fund Park Fund Park Fund Park Fund Capital Outlay Fund Park Fund Park Fund Park Fund Park Fund . Soccer Field Impr Replace Park Structures: Hillcrest-ADA Upgrades at Parwest,Country Club Manor, Hillcrest, West Bridge West/East Bridge Park Impr Prairie/Otter Creek Pk - Plantings Pioneer Park Impr's. River Mill Park Impr. ISTEA Bridge/Pathway Proj Partial ($240,000 City cost less previous budget levies of $180,000) PARKS - CELEBRATIONS Riverfest Project "Take Pride" Walk & Roll WATER DEPT - EQUIP (1/2) of New Locator Revise Water Alarm System WA TER DEPT - IMPR'S Watermain Replacement - Bdwy Reconstruction Land for New Water Tower Well #5 & Generator . SEWER DEPT - EQUIP (1/2) of New Locator SEWER DEPT - IMPR'S Chestnut St Lift Station Generator Sewer Line Replacement - Bdwy Project L1BRARY- FURNITURE & FIXTURE Unallocated Re-carpet Library TREE-TREE REPLACEMENTS Mini Community Tree Planting Day COMMUNITY CENTER - EQUIP. Unallocated: Furniture/Fixtures Office Equipment Computer Equipment Other Equipment . FIRE DEPT. - OTHER EQUIPMENT Unallocated (1/3) of City Share of New Pumper 2001 BUOGETWK$PXL$Capital Outlay Items:8/24/00 $15,000 $35,000 $47,000 $1 ,000 $47,000 $25,000 $60,000 $311,500 $5,000 $50 $2,800 $7,850 $1,600 $10,000 $11,600 $150,000 $100,000 $350,000 $600,000 $1 ,600 $33,000 $100,000 $133,000 S $2,000 $18,000 $20,000 $15,000 $5,000 $1 ,500 $2,500 $4,000 $13,000 $15,000 $35,000 $50,000 14 .--.-.-- Capital Outlay Fund Capital Outlay Fund Capital Outlay Fund Park Fund Capital Outlay Fund Capital Outlay Fund Capital Outlay Fund Park Fund Park Fund Park Fund Water Fund Water Access Capital Outlay Fund Water Access Water Access Sewer Fund Sewer Access Sewer Access Library Fund Capital Outlay Fund Tree Fund Comm Ctr Fund Comm Ctr Fund Comm Ctr Fund Comm Ctr Fund General Capital Outlay Fund . . . CAPITAL OUTL Y ITEMS .tiQj; covered yet by funding n Preliminary Budget (But were included in Yr CIP Budget) Industrial Park Land Acquisition Reserve Marketing Program North Anchor Land Acquisition Add'l Pickup - Inspections $25,000 $15,000 $50,000 $22,000 Library Addition (1/2) Library Parking Lot Overlay Library Landscaping/Ext Lights $100,000 $12,000 $15,000 Meadow Oak Street Replacement - Partial 7th Street Overlay Rebuild Core City Streets (1/10) *Reconstruction of Bdwy - Chestnut to Washin ton $75,000 $68,000 $300,000 $500,000 $1,182,000 *Originally planned for 2003, moved up to next ear by Wright County Highway Dept 2001 BUDGETWKSPXLSCapOut-Not in budget8/25/00 15 . . UJ UJ W Z C w ~ CD OW ...JC~ ...Jz9 w ~ OLL~ i=ON z~~ Oz ~W LL~ O~ ~~ -UJ (,) C w Z CD :!: o (,) . - "C CU - U CU '- o ... a.. - o 0 0 o 0 W o 0 cj l!"i '<t 0 '<t r-. W 0;" W '<t en_ ".... N W o o o l!"i o N W ("') o cj ("') W o o o ci en ~ o o o u1 '<t ({) W o o o cj ({) ("') ;i o o o l!"i o o ..0 W en "'0 e: o CO e: ,2 ro ,~ Li o (ij Q:; e: <1l G '<t 0 <0 W N en r-. '<t Ifl o 0 o Ifl o l!"i en '<t" Ifl ("') en '<t <.6 o '<t W o o o ..0 N ~" Ifl o o o ci o N Ifl o o o ("')- o '<t r--: Ifl o o o '" o <0 cO N W en "'0 e: o CO C <1l E en en <1l en en <( (ij "0 <1l a. (f) o W o W o W o o o d ("') W o o o N ("') Ifl <1l o z C w E l!! <.l e: X ~ e: o ~ "~ :0 o ~ <1l e: w G o '" o ("') o l!) l!) <Ii N r-. ("') ".... Ifl '" Ifl en <0 0 o N W (<) <0 ci '" ("') l!) W '" W o l!) 0 o ({) W o '<t ",- cO r-. N Ifl l!) W ({) en ("') If} r-. '<t r-. -.i" r-. l!) W o o o l!) en ".... Ifl '" '<t l!) r-. o l!) W o o o cj o '<t If} o o o l!) o r-. '" ~ o o o l!"i en ("') N Ifl o o o l!"i en en W o o o l!) en r-. d W o o o cj o r-. 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'" '" .... .., <7> 0 '" ..., ~ ~ ~ ~ '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" c; c; c; c; '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" 1 I I ...... M ... <1l ..c E Q) o <1l o \0 .-< o ~ C! ~ '" o ~ :ai 'J: " s: .3 " " >- Ui ;;! ..; w (') o ::;l '" o o " . . .- BUDGET UMMARY MONTICELLO CO MUNITY CENTER Our goal since the beginning of operations, is to hav operations revenue cover approximately 70% of the operation costs by the end of year three. This goal s emmed from our research of the budgets of other community centers. We've learned that to meet this oal would be desirable. We're not at 70% coverage at this point but we've learned a lot in this first year of perations, most notably that this is an evolving business. We're continually striving to decrease sta f costs when possible and develop new programs to increase revenue when possible. Here are some of t e highlights of the 2001 budget, although I would be very happy to answer any questions you might have: The revenues for 2001 DO NOT reflect any fi e changes. I believe that the fees should be reviewed. This is something we should do through the S all Group to try and close the gap between revenue and expenses. While currently our Membership Fees, indica 'ng passes sold, is higher than anticipated, our User Fees, which consists of climbing wall fees, sk te park fees, childcare fees, swim and aerobic passes, lockers, and gym passes, is not meeting the 2 00 budget estimate. Therefore Membership Fees was adjusted up for 2001 and User Fees was adjused down for 2001. Salaries full-time and part-time have been adju ted up. Some of this is due to a change in the way we were able to manage the community center Our Assistant Director's job responsibilities needed to change to bring her out from behind the ma n desk to an overall management position. Our custodial and maintenance needs were greater han anticipated. We do require coverage throughout the daytime by a custodian or maintenance per on and then cleaning is done after the building is closed. We have had to increase the hourly ra e that we had hoped to pay our custodians to get better and longer staying employees. We've e perienced a great deal of turn over in the custodial staff and are still struggling to put together a d pendable staff. Our chemical supplies budget has increased. his account is entirely chemicals for the pool and spas. We don't have a good history on what our actu 1 needs might be because of the new Environmental Control System (ECS) that we installed in May We are still working with the company to tweak the system and get us running more efficiently. W ile the chemical costs have increased, we have not lost one day due to pool superchlorination sinc the system was put in. Prior to the new system, we had to close the pool for parts of two days, ear ier close on the first day and a late opening on the second day, to superchlorinate. This closure w s happening approximately every ten days. The program operating cost budget is higher th n anticipated. Much of this increase is due the wristbands that we use to ensure payment for u e of the facility . We are exploring less expensive bands or another method to visually indicate pa ment, however, this wristband method has been the best and least offensive method we've been abl to find. We have some fixed costs that have come in co siderably higher than the 2000 budget research indicated. This would be electricity and insura ceo The research predicted lower costs, unfortunately our actual has been quite a bit hig er. We are trying to determine why our electrical costs are about 36% higher at this time. Equipment rental includes the lease payment for the fitness equipment and other equipment that we will need to rent for maintenance of the buildin , for example, a lift for changing light bulbs and cleaning up high. The number one request I re ive in our suggestion box is to increase the amount of fitness equipment. I am researching equipme t and costs for future review of the Small Group. Furniture & Fixtures, Office Equipment, Comp ter Equipment and Other Equipment encompasses additional ramps for the skate park, replacing ta les, chairs, etc as needed and for staff furniture needs in the future.