City Council Agenda Packet 08-28-2000 . AGEN A REGlILAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 2 , 2000 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf~ R ger Carlson, Bruce Thielen I. Call to order. 2. Approve minutes of regular council meetin of August 14, 2000. 3. r~7:ra;;; ;ad7~ to ~~ !>t:n c. rz r ~ ( yeflt c.rr 7V ck ~) 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and omplaints. 5. Consent agenda. 8r" RC- ..J-uc... . A. Consideration of transfer of employe from Parks Department to Street Department and advertize for new P rk Department Position. B. Consideration of approving new hire and departures for August fcw the Community Center. ~..---, c. Consideration ofratifying settlement agreement with Kjellberg's regarding lot line dispute. ~6 Consideration of items removed from the co sent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing - Issuance of Revenue Bonds by the City of Milaca to finmlce the costs of hospital equipment a portion of which wil be located in the Monticello-Big I,ake Hospital. 8. Public Ilearing - Vacation of a portion of Ha t Boulevard within the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital Campus District. 9. Public Hearing - Vacation of Linn Street fI-on 165 feet south of41h Street to the railroad tracks. . 10. Presentation on Project Northland - Allison ecker and Cathy Cerra, Wright County Public Ilealth Dept. 11. Consideration of granting an increase to the i dividual pension for V olunteer Firefighters Relief Association Members. . . . Agenda Monticello City Council August 28, 2000 Page Two ] 2. Consideration of authorizing City StafT to pace FerreU Gas site on the market. 13. Approve payment of bills for August, 2000. 14. Adjourn . . . MIN TES REGULAR MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 4,2000 - 7 p.m. Mcmbers Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint H rbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielcn Members Absent: Roger Carlson Mayor Belsaas called thc meeting to ordcr at 7 p.m. nd declared a quorum present. 2. oundl meetin . A BRIAN STUMPF MOVED '1'0 APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 24, 2000 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. CLINT IERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSI,Y. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator requcst d that the Council set a mceting time to act on matters relating to litigation the City is currer tly involved in. 4. Citizen comments/ etitions re uests and c m taints. Dustin Aydt came before the Council regardi g recreational facilities. He notcd that the City has a skate park and was wondering if they woul consider a facility for biking or if bikes would bc able to usc the ramps that arc part of the skat park. Bruce Thielen explained that the ramps in the skate park were not designed for bike use. If something was done for the bike users it would have to be a separatc facility from thc skate p rk. S. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of appointing election j Idges for thc 2000 primary and general election. Recommendation: Appoint election. udges contingcnt upon completion of election judge training. B. Consideration of approval of concept 'tage development f()f PUD. Applicant: Church of St. Henry, Barry Bluhm and Don Bau r. Recommendation: Motion for approval of the PUD concept conditioned on the app icants' ability to address the issues identifIed at the public hearing for each of the three pr mary components of the project, and the submission of appropriate dcvelopm nt stagc PUD plans and applications, including site plans, grading and drainage plans, uti ity plans, building and noor plans, and landscaping plans as appropriate. A survey of exi ting conditions should also be prepared to verify site conditions and building locations. . c. Council Meeting - 8/14/00 Consideration of an amendment to t c zoning ordinance regulating housing density standards and an amendment establi hing minimum green space and/or maximum lot coverage standards for residential de elopment. Recommendation: Move to approve the amendment based on a finding t at the regulation of density by zoning district is in keeping with the intent of the Complehensive Plan and other density projections used tCH engineering purposes. Ord. Amd. # 50. D. Consideration of establishing revise setback standards for residential uses in the Original and Lower Monticello plats Recommendation: Move to approve a zoning ordinance amendment based on a fin ing that it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goal of encouraging reinvestme t in the existing housing stock. Ord. Amd. #352. E. Consideration of seeking matching fi nds for soccer field development. Recommendation: Move to support soccer field development program and associated School District request tCH Mighty K cks grant funding. F. Consideration to approve a resolutio amending the Contract for Private Development by and between the Authority, the City, nd Twin City Die Castings Company. Recommendation: Approve the res lution amending the Contract for Private Redevelopment by and between the uthority, the City, and Twin City Die Castings. Res. No. 2000-56. . G. Consideration of approval of Change Orders No. I and No.3, Project 98-03C, Chelsea Road East and Project No. 98-13C, alnut Street. Recommendation: Approve Change Orders No. I and No.3 for Buffalo Bituminous to City Projects No. 98-08C and No. 98~ 13C for a total add amount of $202.45. H. Consideration of approval of Change Order No. 16, Project 96-04C, 'I'll 25. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 16 tor Project 96-04C resulting in a net decrease in the contract with Buff~tlo ituminous of $5,802. I. Consideration of ratifying new emplo ee appointments. Recommendation: Approve the hiring of Mr. Michael Gresser as buil ing custodian for the Community Center facility. 1. Consideration of approving statement of understanding between City of Monticello and American Red Cross. Recommenda ion: Approve the statement of understanding between the City and the American R d Cross and authorize its execution. K. Consideration of adopting a resolutio approving Heartland Express budget for 2001 and Transit Assistance application. Reeo mendation: Adopt a resolution approving the Heartland Express 2001 budget Plan' nd Transit Assistance application. Res. No. 200-54 . L. Consideration of acceptance of impro ements - River View Square. Recommendation: 2 . . . Council Meeting - S/14/00 Accept the improvements for the Ri cr View Square Development as recommended by the City Engineer and begin two yea warranty period. Consideration of adopting a joint res lution supporting annexation ~ Groveland Development. Recommendation: ove to adopt the joint resolution supporting annexation of the parcel of land lyin bctween Gould's Chevrolet and D & D Bus Service. Res. No. 2000-55. M. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THF': CONSENT AGENDA WITlI THE REMOV AL OF ITEMS 5A, 5B AND 51. LINT' HERBST SECONDED Tl-lE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a cnda for discussion. Item #5A - Clint Herbst questioned whether a pay increase was warranted for the election judges. They currently received $5.50/hour. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO INCREASE THE HOURLY RATE FOR THE ELECTION JUDGES TO $8.00/HOUR. BRUCE THIE ~EN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CLINT IIERBST MOVED TO APPOINT' HE fOLLOWING AS ELECTION JUDGES fOR THE 2000 PRIMARY AND GENERAL E ECTION: Yvonne Smith Florence Mayer Opal Stokes Edith Custer Mary Daniels Robert Nelson Jeanctte Host Lucille Claus n Rosemary Da 11 Lynnea Gilhan Elaine Nelso Lori Slack Kaye Gauthier Rita Soltau .I an Irvine Sandy Suchy Judy Moody BRUCE TIIIELEN SECONDED THE ManON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Item #5B - Clint Herbst stated that he had a concern about the private driveway on thc townhomc portion of the proposal. Two options were riginally presented; one with the driveway along the north side of the units and the other with t e driveway splitting the units. A third option that Clint Herbst felt should be considered was aving the drivcway on the south side of the units. Don Bauer was present and spoke on the 0 tions for the driveway location. CUN'I' HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONCEPT STAGE PUD CONDITIONED ON THE APPLICANTS' ABILITY TO ADD ESS "rilE ISSUES IDENTIFIED AT THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR EACH Of TIlE THREE RIMARY COMPONENTS OF THE PROJECT, J 3 . . . Council Meeting - 8/14/00 AND THE SUBMISSION OF APPROPRIA E DEVELOPMENT' STA'fE PUD PLANS AND APPLICATIONS INCLUDING SITE PLAN, , GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANS, UTILITY PLANS, BUILDING AND FLOO PLANS AND LANDSCAPING PLANS, AS APPROPRIATE AND CONSIDERA'T'ION (F AN OPTION PLACING THE DRIVEWAY ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF TILE UNITS. A SU VEY OF THE EXISTING CONDITIONS SHOULD ALSO I3E PREPARED TO VERI Y SITE CONDITIONS AND BUILDING LOCATIONS. BRIAN STUMPF SECOND D THE M(Yl'ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Item #51 Bruce Thielen questioned if utilizing the ratification process on part-time and seasonal employees would hinder the City in getting th ir departments staffed in a timely fashion. It was noted that Council approval could come after he hiring had taken place. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE HE I II RING OF MICHAEL GRESSER AS BUILDING CUSTODIAN FOR THE COM UNITY CENTER. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CA RIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Joe Hartman was present and reviewed with t e Council the liquor store operations for the first six months. The Council accepted the liquor tore report. 9. Consideration of market stud for second I uor store site. Because the liquor store manager was present at this time, the Council addressed agenda item #9. Joe I lartman reported on preliminary work th - y were doing to determine where the liquor store business was coming from. The preliminary ata shows that of the sales approximately 60% is local and 40% from outside the city. Joe Hart an stated that his belief that convenience was a primary consideration for people in selecting here they will make their purchase. He also noted that in comparing their prices with othe stores, the Monticello Liquor Store was competitive with the others. I3ecause of the C' pital outlay involved, it was the consensus of the Counci I and staff that a market study was war anted. The questions to be considered in the market study include: 1) Opening a second store; 2) Expanding the existing store; 3) Do both open a second store and expand the existing st re; or 4) Do neither. Joe IImiman fclt a new store should be comparable in size to the existing fa'ility. It was suggested to include in the market study a recommendation as to the size of seeo d store if a second store is recommended. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO AUTHORI E GRINSTEAD AND ASSOCIATES TO PREPARE A MARKETING REPORT FOR ARIOUS OPTIONS INCLUDING TIlE EXPANSION OF THE EXISTING STORE AND/OR BUILDING OF A SECOND STORE WITH THE STUDY TO INCLUDE A CUST )MER SURVEY AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $6,445. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE OTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 4 . 8. Establish budget workshop date. Council Meeting - 8/14/00 The Council established Monday, August 28 2000 at 5:30 p.m. for a workshop on the 200 I budget. 10. Consideration of reviewin City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, provid d a summary of what had transpired to date noting that the proposal had changed from a multi-use development to strictly a commercial development. Because of this change, the pI' posal must go back to the Planning Commission for their consideration. It is proposed that th Planning Commission will be reviewing the revised plan at their September 5th meeting. he question that was being put to the Council was whether they felt the residential clement of t e original proposal should be retained as part of the development or if they felt comfortable with' ust commercial development for this site and if the Council wanted the residential element retai edin the proposal should the City seck RPP's on this concept. Clint Herbst stated that when the Planning C mmission considered this proposal at their August meeting, the developer did not give any indication that they were unwilling to do the residential portion of the project or that the residential p rtion was not economically or otherwise a feasible element of the project and he wondered what caused the change in development plans and at what point did the developer know they would not proceed with the residential development. Ken Balihel responded that high water table id add considerable cost to the project and was a factor in their decision not to proceed with th residential portion of the development. . The Council discussed whether the residentia use should be kept as part of the development. Clint Herbst noted that this was the only opp rtunity the City has had to incorporate a residential and commercial mixed use in the CCD Distri '1. It was pointed out, however, that in the original RFP's the residential element for the develop ent was not a requirement. The Council discussed a purchase price for tl e property. The City's figure of land and parking requirements was $573,447.50. The ffer from Silver Creek Real Estate Development was $423,674.50. The Council discussed the cost of parking lot construction and number of parking stalls needed. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO PROCEED ITH TilE POTENTIAL DEVELOPMEN'r OF THE FERRELL GAS SITE WITHOUT A R~SIDENTIAL COMPONEN'f' BEING PART OF THE MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT AND ITH THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT BEING SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING COM ISSION. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM USLY. . 5 . . . 11. Council Meeting - 8/14/00 CLINT HERBST MOVED TO OFfER TilE PROPERTY AT A PRICE Of $520,000 BASED ON AN ACCEPT AnI ,E DEVELOPMENT BEING APPROVED. BRIAN STUMPf SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CA RIED UNANIMOlJSL Y. BRIAN STUMPI" MOVED TO EXTEND TI E TIME fRAME THE CITY WILL EXCUJSIVEL Y WORK WITH SILVER C EEK REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT ON TITE FERRELL GAS SITE UNTIL OCTOBER 1 S '. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIM USL Y. The Consulting Planner, Cindy Sherman repo t on the special Planning Commission meeting held prior to the Council meeting to consider his item. The Planning Commission received a plan which they approved subject to the staH orking out details. The development stage approval and final approval was being combi ed into one subject to working out the issues noted in the staff report. Bret Weiss, City Engineer, noted that there w re concerns about the drainage in the area. He indicated that the storm sewer in Cedar Street was not sufficient and they needed to find some additional ponding area and there were other rainage issues as well. Bret Weiss also pointed out some issues with having a turnaround [or mergency vehicles. CLINT HERRSrr MOVED TO APPROVE T E DEVELOPMENT STAGE AND FINAL STAGE CUP/PUD FOR SILVER CREEK R AL ESTATE FOR A 22 UNIT TOWNIIOUSE PROJECT ON EAST 7TII STREET BASED N THE CONDITION THAT ISSUES RAISED IN THE STAFF REPORT TO TilE PLANN G COMMISSION ARE ADDRESSED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER TO THE STA' F. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MCrrlON CARRIED UNANIM USL Y. 12. Farms Estates 4th and consideration of a Estates 4th. Consulting Planner, Cindy Sherman summa ized Planning Commission comments on this item as it was discussed at the special meeting. T e Planning Commission noted issues with landscaping plan, drainage and utility plans. d also review by the developer of an alternative site plan submitted hy the City's planner. CLINT HERBST MOVED T'O APPROVE T E CONCEPT STAGE CUP/PUD AND PRELIMINARY PLAT fOR KLEIN FARM' ESTATES 4TII BASED ON A FINDING THAT TIlE PROPOSED PLAT IS CONSIS'fENT ITH THE ZONING DISTRICT AND 6 . . . 14. 15. Council Meeting - 8/14/00 NEIGIIBORING USES. BRIAN STUMPF ECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration of an amendment to a Ian cd unit develo ment in a B-3 District to allow the ex ansion of an auto sales and stora cot. A Iicant: Dave Peterson's Monticello Ford. Fred Patch provided a history of this itcm an the numerous times it camc to thc Planning Commission bcfore the Planning Commissio recommended denying the conditional use permit for the amendment of the planned unit develo ment in a B-3 District to allow the expansion of an auto sales and storage lot because thc necess - y information was not submitted to the Planning Commission. Fred Patch noted that since the Planning Commission action, a site plan has becn submitted by Dave Peterson but the City Eng neer has not yet had an opportunity to review it. It was pointed out that there are concerns abo It the drainage and outflow structure. There was no topographical information submitted with the site plan so the City still docs not have all the information that is needed. Steve Johnson w s present and was asked about the schedule for completing improvemcnts to this project. Mr Johnson indicated he would not be able to provide a timetable until approvals were given. The .ouncil asked Mr. Johnson if he could supply the needed inlcmnation to the Planning Commiss on in time for their next meeting. Mr. Johnson indicated that it could be done. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED THAT THE APPLICANT SUBMIT THE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED AND THIS ITE BE RETlJRNI~[) TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THEIR SEPTEMBER TII MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSL Y. Consideration of a zonin sales commercial buildin This amendment to the ordinance was a result of the Planning Commission consideration of the Dunlo Auto Sales request. The Planning Co mission reviewed ordinance amendment and rccommended approval as they feel it address s the concern that small buildings would be located on large commercial parcels which w uld result in oversize sales and storage lots. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE T E ORDINANCE AMENDMENT EST ABLlSI lING A GRADUATED BUILDI G LOT COVERAGE FOR AUTO SALES IN TIlE B-3 DISTRICT. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Ord. Amd. N .351. Public Works Director, John Simola briefly rc iewed the sidewalk report with the Council. 7 . . . 17. 18. Counci I Meeting - 8/14/00 BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE ANNUAL SIDEWALK REPORT AND AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DE ARTMENT TO OBTAIN QUcrl'ESFOR TIlE REPLACEMENT OF THE DEFECTIVE S DEW ALK PANELS INCLUDING CURBING AND ONE PEDESTRIAN RAMP AND P OCEED WITH THOSE REPAIRS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THIS INCLUDES NOTIFIC ... TION TO THE PROPERTY OWNER AT 113 EAST 41'11 STREET ON THEIR SHARE 0 THE SIDEWALK REPAIR. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 16. Review of final Ian on Coun authorization to obtain quotes. Public Works Director, John Simola provid d the background information and drawings of the proposed project. lie indicated that a chang from the previous drawings the Council had reviewed is that only 200' of median on eith r side of TH 25 is being removed. This change reduces the cost from approximately $40,00 to $20,000. It is possible that this project could be done either as a change order to a countyim rovcrncnt project or the City could get quotes for the proposed improvement. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROV FINAL PLANS FOR THE DESIGNATED LEFT TURN LANES FROM CSAII 75 TO TII 2 AND TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY STAFF TO PROCEED WITl-I THE PROJECT AS LO GAS TfIE QUOTES ARE WITHIN THE $15,000 TO $20,000 ESTIMATED COS'I'. BRIAN TUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Consideration of cxtcndin (Scan Wcis). eriod for Water & Sewer Collection Em 10 ee It is a requirement that employees of the Pu lie Works Department live within a ten mile distance so that they can respond in a timely manner in emergencies and call back situations. Sean Weis an employee in the Water/Sewer Department has been employed by the City since January but has not yet complicd with the re uirement of residing within a ten mile distance. It is requested that the Council extend the pr bationary period to allow an additional 90 days for the employee to meet the requirement. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE AN EXTENSION OF 90 DAYS TO THE PROBATIONARY PERIOD FOR SEAN EIS IN ORDER TO ALLOW 111M TIME TO FIND A RESIDENCE WITHIN TEN MIIoES OF HE CITY SHOP. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Previously the Council had authorize an off! r of $130,000 for the property owned by Jim Eisle. Mr. Eisle responded with a counter oiTer of 145,000 but this counter offer was not submitted in writing. In addition to the $145,000 there w re some other items the property owner requested to 8 . . . Council Meeting - 8/14/00 remove from the site if the counter offer wa accepted. The Council discussed the property and structure and what they felt was an appropriate price. The proposed use by the City would be for storage and City staff had priced out the cost of constructing a three stall garage and it was considerably less than the cost of the Eisle roperty. The question was whether the City would consider the acquisition of this site f(H futur of expansion. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO DENY TH COLINTER OFFER ON THE EISLE PROPERTY. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MO ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Fred Patch asked if the $130,000 of Tel' the ity made was still standing and the Council indicated it was. 19. A BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROV PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR AUGUST. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. M TION CARRIED lJNANlMOUSL Y. Other: The Mayor called f()r an emergency meetin of the City Council for Tuesday, August 15, 2000 at 7:30 p.m. to consider litigation items. 20. Adjourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:45 P.M.. CLIN"I" IIERBST SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UN NIMOUSL Y. Recording Secretary . . . SA. Council Agenda - 8/28/2000 Consideration of transfer of ark em 10 ee to the street de artment and advertisement for replacement park employee. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: To keep up with the growth of the community, the street department felt the need to hire one additional employee beginning in January 2000. uring the 2000 budget process, however, it was necessary to cut funds from the 2000 budget; cons quentIy, the hire date was changed from January 1, 2000 to September I, 2000. Prior to advertisin for the position, we internally posted notice of the possible permanent job opening in the street de artment to see if an existing qualified employee may wish to transfer or step up to this position. (ity statT felt this was appropriate as it may save us irom advertising twice should a transfer occur. One city employee, a park department employee, a plied for transfer to the position. That individual is Mr. Tom Pawelk. Mr. Pawelk resides in Monti elIo Township, approximately I mile from our public works facility. I Ie has been a park employe since January 25, 1999. He was interviewed by the Street Superintendent and myself an was found qualified for the position of Operator/Mechanic in the street department. We are, therefore, requesting that the City Council uthorize the advertisement for a new employee for the park department, and approve the transfer f Mr. PaweI k to the street department effeeti ve on the starting date of the new park employee. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve t e advertisement for a new park worker and the transfer of Mr. Pawelk to the street departm nt contingent upon the hire date of the new park employee. 2. The second alternative would be not t approve the transfer but to authorize the advertisement for a new employee for the s reet department. 3. The third alternative would be to not appro e the transfer nor the advertisement for a new employee for the street department. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendationofthe City Administrator, P Iblic Works Director and Street Superintendent that the City Council authorize the advertisement f I' a new employee for the park department and approve the transfer ofMr. Pawelk to the street depa tment contingent upon the new hire date of the park employee as outlined in alternative #1. The transfer and possible new hire for the park department has been discussed with Gregg Engle, th Park Superintendent. Gregg has indicated that Mr. Pawelk has been an excellent employee and, alth ugh he is not pleased to lose a good employee, he does not object to the transfer. . . . Council Agenda - 8/28/2000 D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the 2000 Public Works Streets and Alleys B dget indicating the budget allocation for a new position beginning September I, 2000. -- .. II -- I . . . . .. . . . . .. iJ "-" ~ - ~ AUG~25-00 FRI 9: 16 AM PUBLIC WORKS FAX NO, 16122713272 ~_II;1'Cf"- GENERJ,L FUND 2000 E"udget PW/Streets & Alleys Personal Services ,- SALARIES, FULL TIME - REG :~ SALARI~S~FULL TIME - OT (SALARIES, PART-TIME. REG t- SALARIES, PART.TIME - OT I---sALARIES, TEMPORARY -~.FrEG I SALARIES. TEMPORARY. OT r SALARIES. OTt-IE~ -' r SEVERANCE PAY JPERA CONTRIBUTIONS __ ! FICA CONTRIBUTIONS -- MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS ~" HEAL TH/OENTALJlIF~ INSURANCE I U C. 8ENEI=IT PAYMENTS 1- WORK'ER'S COMP BENEFIT PAYMT I!OTAL~ERSONAL: SERVICES 101.43120.1010 101.43120.1020 101.43120,1030 101.43120,1031 101.43120.1040 101.43120.1050 101.43120.1090 101.43120.1110 101.43120.1210 101.43120.1220 101-43120.1250 101,43120.1310 10143120.1420 101.431201520 $135,655 $1,300 $0 $0 $10.600 $500 $0 SO $7,1)95 $9,145 $2,'140 $20,~535 $0 $0 $,186,370 ""'i. Supplies [~L02'HI~~~L1ES ~. MOTOR FUELS .-- LUBRICANTS & ADDITIVE~J~___._ SHOP MATERIALS MiSe OPERATING SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT REPAIR PARTS VEHICLE REPAIR PARTS TIRES BUILDING REPAIR SUPPLIES '''-SrRE:ET MAl NTE:NANCE MATERIALS I LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 1__~~~_~PAIR MAT~RIALS I Mise REPAIR & MTC SUPPLIES I SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Mise MERCHANDISE FOR RESALE TOTAL SUPPLIES -- 10143120.2111 $900 101.431202120 $12.000 101.43120.2130 $300 101.431202150 $0 101.43120.2199- -'---~$28~060 101.43120,2.210 $4,500 101.43120.2211 $6,000 101.4312[2220 $0 101.43120.2230 SO 101.431202240 $5 101.43120.2250 $0 101A3120.22eo" -'-.,------.$0 ~-~ 101,43120.2299 $500 101.43120.2410 $2,!iOO 101.43120.2999 $0 ~ $54,700 Services & Charges --MAl NT~NA"N'CEAGR EEMENTS MIse PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TELEPHONE 101.43120_3190 101.43120.3199 101.43120.3210 io $13.000 $:iOO 21100BUDGET XLS:Gen Fund-PW Streets & Alley:4/12/00 P. 2/ 3 63 5A AUG-25- . , . . 00 FRI 9: 16 AM PUBLI C WORKS F AX NO. 16122713272 GENER AL FUND 2000 Budget PW/StreE ts & Alleys ""-OELlVERY MAIL SERVICE (UPS) 101.43120.3240 $0 TRAVEL EXPENSE 101.43120.3310 ~---- $0 CONFERENCE & SCHOOLS 101.43120.3320 5500 >--GENERAL PUBLIC INFORMATION 101.43120.3520 so r R~PAIR & MTC - MACH & EQUIP 101.431204044 $1,500 REPAIR & MTC - VEHICLES 101.43120.4050 $1,500 R"EPA'iR & MTC " OTHER 101.43120.4099 $0 ~ EQUIPMENT RENTAL 101.43120.4150 5750 ~MAe"'lIN'ERY RENTAL 101.43120.4160 ------ $0 r--UNIFORM RENTAL ------ 101.4:312D.4170 .-- $3,000 ILTCENSES & PERMITS .~ -- 101.43120.4370 S300 !--Mise OTHER EXPENSE 101.431204399 $1,500 I - -''';'' f , TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES -. $22,350 '-- -- r2~!~L~lItlaY..-._- -- IMPROVEMENTS 101.43120.5301 -E2,OOO I --MOTOR VEHICLES 101.43120.5501 $0 ~._9F-FicE EgUIPMENT 101.431205701 SO I OTHER EQUIPMENT 10143120,5801 $8.ocio G6TA'ttAPlTAL OUTLAY - , ., -'. - -, . , " : -' $28,000 . - --- r;~~;~/STREETS & ALLEYS $291 ,420] COMMENTS: .s.aJari~ 80% Roger, 87% Tom M., Jim E.. Todd B.. 90% of ew position for (1/3) of year. MiJi~..eL~.o~ Services~ Includes Striping ~ $8,000 .' !oJRLQYflm~n t~ 3rd St. Parking Lot Overlay $20,000 Q~Y.iP..mmt. New Crack Router $8.000 OOBUDG~I.Xl.S;Gen Fund-PW Streets & Alley:4112100 I --..""...----.-... - -...-- -.. -. . .- p, 3/ 3 e 64 20 SA S.B. Consideration of a (KB) . A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: new hires and e artures for Au ust for the Communit Center. This month we're seeing a lot of part-time employee rn-over due to college bound employees and other employees cutting back in preparation for the start of chool and school sports. All of our departing people were excellent employees and we're sorry to s e them go and wish them luck with their respective futures. Below is a list of new hires and departures fi r August 2000: NEW PART-TIME EMPLOYEES HIRED (4) Thomas Jones Shannon Scholl Ruth Hohn Ed Hindermann EMPLOYEES LEAVING (4) . Brett Leach Heidi Kallevig Rachel Bohn Christy Hoaglund Johannah Pierson Stephanie Kruger Dan Utzka Mike Pogatchnik Clayton Horgen Jamie Wein Justin Mishler Kathryn Bogart Paul Larson Sara Wolters Life Guard/Guest Servic /Climbing Wall Attendant Pool Attendant/Guest Sevice Guest Service Custodian Guest Service Childcare Attendant Lead Guest Service Guest Service Associate Guest Service Assoc./Wh el Park Attendant Guest Service Assoc. Climbing Wall Attendant Climbing Wall Attendant Custodian/Climbing Wall ttendant/Wheel Park Attendant Pool Attendant Life Guard Life Guard Life Guard Pool Attendant We are currently advertising to hire another Lead Guest Service Associate, another part-time custodian, pool attendants, life guards, guest service associates an childcare attendants. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To approve community center new hires and dep rtures. 2. To not approve community center new hires and epartures C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: . The City Administrator recommends alternative number 1 D. SUPPORTING DATA: None . . . Council Agenda - 8/24/00 sc. Consideration of ratif in settlement a r dispute. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Mr. George Hoffon-Ioff, Barry & Kuderer, the City's legal counsel on the Kjellberg property line dispute case, has indicated that a tentati e agreement to settle this lawsuit has been agreed to by Kjellberg's attorney. A draft of the ag eement has been prepared by our attorney and forwarded to Kjellberg's attorney 1(Jr appro al subject to City Council ratifIcation Monday night. Mr. Scott Landsman or Mr. George Hoffort e law firm will be in attendance at the Council meeting to review the proposed settlement w'th the Council. If the Council is not in agreement with the proposed settlement term , the case would be continued through the courts. No additional information is available at this ime and will be presented by the attorneys at the meeting. "'" --- .-- Council Agenda - 8/28/00 . 7. the A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Central Minnesota Diagnostic, Inc. has requ sted that the City of Milaca issue revenue notes to finance the acquisition of hospital equipl ent which will be leased to hospitals located in Minneapolis, Edina, Hibbing and Monticell. Although the City ofMilaca will be issuing the the notes, because the equipment is being Ie sed to the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital, the City of MonticelIo is required to conduct a public hearing on the issuance of the notes for the equipment and adopt a resolution approving he issuance of the revenue notes. The adoption of the resolution approving an authorizing the issuance of revenue notes by the City of Milaca does not financially obigate or involve the City of Monticello. Kennedy and Graven has reviewed the documents on t e issuance of the revenue notes and recommends that the resolution be approved. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. After the close of the public hearing, he Council could adopt the resolution approving the issuance of revenue notes by the ity of Milaca. --f d C/ c\\ f- . 2. Do not adopt the resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: [t is the recommendation of the City Adminis rator and Kennedy & Graven, bond counsel, that the resolution is appropriate for adoption by t e City. There is no financial obligation on the part of the City. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Public Hearing Notice · Resolution . . . . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING N THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS BY THE CITY OF MILACA, INNESOTA, UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 469.152 THR UGH 469.1651, AS AMENDED, TO FINANCE PROPERTY TO BE LOCATED IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA CITY OF MONTICE LO, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ci y Council of the City of Monticello. Minnesota (the "City"), will meet on August 28. 2000 at :00 at the City Hall, 505 Walnut Avenue, in Monticello, Minnesota. for the purpose of conduc ing a public hearing on a proposal that the City approve and authorize the issuance by the City 0 Milaca,Minnesota ("Milaca"), of its revenue notes (the "Notes"), in one or more series under the Minnesota Municipal Industrial Development Act, Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152 through 469.165, as amended (the "Act"), in order to finance all or a portion of the c sts of hospital equipment (the "Project") to be owned by Central Minnesota Diagnostic, In., a Minnesota nonprofit corporation (the "Borrower"), a portion of which will be located i the City at Monticello-Big lake Community Hospital at 1013 Hart Boulevard in the City, and ill be financed with $350.000 of the proceeds of the Notes. The maximum aggregate princ pal amount of the proposed bond issue is $2,500,000. Thc Notes will be speciaL limited oblig tions of Milaca and the Notes and interest thereon will be payable solely from the revenues a ld assets pledged to the payment thereof No notes or other obligations will be issued by the Ci y. No holder of any Notes will ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the City to pay the Notes or the interest thereon, nor to enforce payment against any pro erty of the City. Before issuing the Notes. Milaca will enter into an agreement with the Borr wer, whereby the Borrower will be obligatcd to make payments at least sufficient at all times to pay the principal of and interest on the Notes when due. All persons interested may appear and be eard at the timc and place set forth above or may file written comments with the City Clerk prio to the date of the hearing set forth above. Dated: August 10. :2000 F MONTICELLO, MJNNESOT A Rick Wo 1 . . . CITY OF MONTICE LO, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0.2000-S 7 APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE NOTES BY THE CITY OF MILACA NDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 469.152 THROUGH 469.165, AS AMENDED, TO FINANCE PROPERTY FOR THE BENEFI OF CENTRAL MINNESOT A DIAGNOSTIC, INC. TO BE LOCATE IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WHEREAS, under the Minnesota Muni ipal Industrial Development Act. Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.152-469.165, as ame ded (the "AcC), each municipality and redevelopment agency of the State of Minnesota (as defined in the Act), including the City of Milaca. Minnesota (the .'City of Milaca"), is aut orizcd to issue revenue obligations to finance capital equipment and improvements to land and buildings for the benefit of a revenue producing enterprise to be owned by a contractin party (as defined in the Act); and WHEREAS, under Section 469.155, s bdivision 9, of the Act. municipalities are authorized to enter into and perform contracts a d agreements with other municipalities as the governing bodies of the municipalities may de m proper and feasible for or concerning the financing of a project under the Act, including an agreement whereby one municipality issues its revenue obligations in behalf of one or more othe municipalities; and WHEREAS, the City of Milaca has pro osed to issue one or more revenue notes (the "Notes") and loan the proceeds derived from the sale of the Notes to Central Minnesota Diagnostic, Inc., a Minnesota nonprofit corporati m (the "Borrower"), to finance the acquisition of hospital equipment (the "Equipment"). to be I cated at hospitals in various municipalities in the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, a portion of the Equipment will be located in the City of Monticello (the "City"); NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVE THAT: 1. The portion of the Equipment to b of Public Hearing published prior to the date approved by the City and the issuance of the N the amount described in the Notice of Public exceed $2,500,000 is hereby approved. located in the City (as described in the Notice f consideration of this resolution) is hereby tes by the City of Milaca for such purpose (in earing) and in an aggregate principal not to 2. The Notes to be issued by the Cit of Milaca to finance the Equipment shall not constitute a charge. lien. or encumbrance. legal 0 equitable, upon any property of the City or the City of Milaca; and the Notes, when, as, and if ssued. shall recite in substance that the Notes, including the interest thereon. are payable solely from the revenues received from the Borrow'er JCU-IR2753v3 NR185-64 l . . . and the property pledged to the payment thereof; nd the Notes shall not constitute an obligation of the City and shall not be secured by the taxing ower or any property or assets of the City. 3. The Borrower shall pay any and al costs incurred by the City in conjunction with the approval of this resolution, the issuance of he Notes, the acquisition and delivery of the Equipment, and all other costs or expenses pai or incurred by the City with respect to the foregoing, whether or not this resolution is approved, the Notes are issued, or the transaction is carried to completion. Adopted by the Monticello City Council t is 28th day of August, 2000. Roger Belsaas, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator .IClJ-182753v3 NR185-64 2 1 . . . 08-21-00 14:27 From-KENNEDY & GRAVEN +6123379310 T-388 P,12/16 F-057 STATEMENT CONCERNING UNDER MINNESOTA STA TVTES, PROPOSED PROJECT CTIONS 469.152 TO 469.165 The uncler~ignec:l. being the duly qualified and ting Mayor and City Manager of the City of Milaca, MinneSQla (the '<City"). certify thl:ll the Ci has been provided by Cc:oual Minnesota Diagnostlc, Inc., a Minnesota nonprofit corporatio (the "Borrower"), with cenain information concerning a proposed Project under the MiMes ta Municipal Industrial De'{elopment Act, Minnesota Statutes. Sections 469.152 to 469.165 (the "Act"). On the basis ot" such information the City Council. by resolution adopted AugUSt 17, 2000 (the "Resolution"), has given approval to the: proposed Project and the financing thereof by the iss ance of a revenue obligation or obligations of the City, subject to appro\'al of the Project by the C mmissioner of the Minnesota Department of Trade and Econonuc Development. The foUo . g are factor:!! ~onsidered by the: City ill detern1ining to gi 'lJe preliminary appro'{al to said Proj t; 1. The: Project consisb> generally f the acquisition and installation of hospital equipment to be situated at hospitals located n four cities in the State of Minnesota. 2. Kennedy & Graven, Chaner d, bond counsel for the ProJect, is of the opmlon that the Project constitutes a "projec n within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 469.153, Subdi'IJision 2. 3. The Project w1l1 enhance the calthcare Oppollul1.mes aViai!able in the City, thereby contributing to Improvement of the qu ity of life for residents of ~ City. 4. Based on representations of th Borrower as to the nature of the Project, the City bebeves that the: Project will be campau Ie with pre~ent and prOjected development In ItS area. 5. Nothing has come to the atte: tion of the City to indicate thal the proposed financmg ot" the Project would iUlversely an unfilirly affect any uther business entetpri~c located in the City. 6. Purs.uant to the ResohltlOn of he: City Council adopted on August 17, 2000. the Clt)' will comply with the requireme: t~ of Mmnesota Statutes, Section 469.154, Subdi vision 5. 7. B;.coed on represemations of th Borruwe:r as to the natUre llf tbe Project, the Project docs Dot lficlude any property to be sO d or at"tlxed to or consumed in the production of property for !')a!c, and does nllt include a y housing faclln}' to be rented or used a."; a permanent residence. .l 08-21-00 14:28 From-KENNEDY & GRAVEN . +6123379310 T-388 P.13/16 F-057 8. Based on repn:seI1tations of Borrower as to the nature of the Project. the Project does not include an aiIplane. a pri ate luxury box, a facility primarily used for gambling. or a store the principal business f whith is me sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption off premises. 9. A public hearing was condu t~ on August 17. 2000 in City Hall at 1205 Central A'oIenue N. in the City. pursu t to Minnesota Swutes. Section 469.154, Subdivision 4. to consider the proposal tbat e City unde~ and finance the Project. A draft copy of the ""Application for Appro al of Industrial Development Band Project Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes. Sections 9.152 through 165" with attaChments was available for public inspection. All imere (ed parties were afforded an OppOItunil)' W express their views. 10. The City will undertake w ncourage that the employment opponuruties made :lvai.la.ble by the Project will, if feasibl be offerc:d to individualS. who are unemplcyc::d or economically disadvantaged as camemp ated in Minnesota Statutes. Settion 469.154. Subdivision 7. The City will comp!}' wi the reponing requirementS set fonb in said Section 469.154, Subdivision 7. . . CITY OF MlLACA, MINNESOTA \ . . . 8. Public Hearin Monticello-Bi A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 8/28/00 ortion of Hart Boulevard within the (.10) As you may recall some months ago. thc eit Counci I discussed the potential vacation of a portion of Hart Boulevard. There were a nu lber of conditions associated with this request that needed to be mct. In reviewing the records, e found that a public hearing on the request was not held. Thc purpose of this agenda itcm is to review the request and associated conditions of approval, conduct a public hearing and cOlsider approving the vacation request. At the time that this agenda item was being reparcd, a completc inventory of the conditions was being prcpared. A full report will be pro ided at the city council meeting. At this timc, however, it appears that it is the appropriate ime to rcview the vacation requcst. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the vacation requ st based on the finding that thc vacation is in the public interest and motion to sell the land in an amount to be determined. 2. Motion to deny the vacation request. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Assuming that all conditions associated wit development of the hospital site have been met, the City Administrator recommends approv'-l of the request fl1r vacation of a portion of Ilart Boulevard. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Excerpts from agendas/minutes of previous eetings relating to this topic. . 5G. . . \' -,. C," '( _ G~' e- FILE COpy Council Minutes - 6/14/99 Consideration of ado Planned Unit Develo os ital District develo H 75 reconstruction. A draft of an agreement between th City and the Hospital District had been submitted to the Council as part of the agenda It was the recommendation of Dennis Dalen, City Attorney, not to approve the agree ent at this time. The agreement contains the provision that upon execution of th agreement the City would pass a resolution vacating Hart Boulevard. If Hart B ulevard is vacated and CSAH 75 closed because of construction the City would have n alternate route. The issue of using Hart Boulevard as a by-pass was not approved by t e Hospital District according to their legal counsel. The agreement is proposed to expir in three years or upon completion of construction. It is anticipated by the City that use of Hart Boulevard as a by-pass would be approximately three days. Howeve, the City could not guarantee that would be the limit of its use. According to the C ty Engineer, the by~pass is needed in order to open cut CSAH 75 for the utility crossin s. The open cut method was selected over trenching of the utility lines becaus of the cost savings of approximately $50,000 to $60,000. However, open cutting equires that the road be closed while the construction takes place. The City ngineer reviewed the detour signing that was being proposed and it was noted that the peed limit in the detour zone was being set at 20 mph. In addition, flagmen would b present during peak traffic periods. While it is anticipated that the utility crossings would only take three days, the City cannot guarantee that would be the case. It was suggested that there be signage on the freeway as well that would direct traffic tow rds the second exit. Barb Schwientek from the Hospital District came before the Council and expressed her concern that the Hospital District di not hear about using Hart Boulevard as a by-pass until late last week even though the Hospital District was part of the CSAH 75 Task Force. She pointed out that becaus of its narrowness Hart Boulevard would not be conducive to good traffic f10w and he also questioned if there would be any liability to the Hospital District as a result of art Boulevard being used as by-pass. Lastly she stated that this proposal would set t e hospital back at least a month on their construction project. The City Engineer indicated that construction on CSAH 75 would 4 ?{ . Council Minutes - 6/14/99 probably begin in July and that one [the first items for construction would be the open cutting of the utility crossings. The hospital timetable for their construction was to have the water main construction done th s week and to start on the parking lot next week. Barb Schwientek felt this issue cou d be resolved but she stated that it was unfortunate that this issue came up so late in the process. She did want to take the information presented at the meeting back to the Hospital Board. Dennis Dalen also noted that some of the attachments referred to in the agreement had not been received. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BR CE THIELEN AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO APPROVE THE DE ELOPMENT AGREEMENT SUBJECT TO THE ATTACHMENTS BEING RECEI ED FROM THE HOSPITAL DISTRICT ATTORNEY AND THE HOSPIT A BOARD RECEIVING INFORMATION REGARDING SIGNAGE FOR TH PROJECT. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. . . 6 . . . CJC - 046 Council Minutes - 12/14/98 17. Consideration of are ue t for an amendment to a conditional use ermit PUD within the PZM zonin<1 district and amendments to Hart oul vard street vacation oundaries. A licant Monticell -Bi<1 ake Communitv Hos ital D strict. Deputy City Administrator leffO'Neill repo ed that the Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District is requesting approval of an amendment to their planned unit development (PUD) which would alter the street vacation attern along the west portion of Hart Boulevard from the proposed Hospital entrance to the D ntal Clinic property. To accommodate the change, the Hospital's entrance canopy, already unde construction, would violate front yard setbacks and . . reqUIre a vanance. Under the original PUD, the Hospital was re uired to obtain written agreements from all parcels affected by the street vacation accepting acce s easements from the Hospital in lieu of public street frontage; however, the Hospital obtained per its from the City to begin grading and foundation construction even though they had been unab e to obtain such an agreement from the Dental Clinic. In response. the City required the Ho pital to provide an indemnification to the City in the event of litigation initiated by the Dental Cli ic. This requirement has been unacceptable to the Hospital District, resulting in the right-of~wa issue being left unresolved. To resolve the Dental Clinic access issue, the Hospital is now requesting a revision to its vacation request which would leave the Hart Boulevar right-of-way in place from the new Hospital entrance drive to the Dental Clinic, resulting n an island of public street. [n addition. they are asking for approval of a dedication of the proposed entrance to County Road 75 as a city street, which would provide the connection to Hart oulevard. Under this revised proposal. the entrance canopy would encroach to the edge of the rig 1t-of-way, and the City is being asked to waive its setback standards from the required 30 ft to ft: however, the City would still require a maintenance agreement for this portion of str et and an indemnification against claims which are based on inadequate design or maintenance s nee the remaining portion of Hart Boulevard would not be built to city standards, and the Hospit I will assume responsibilities for maintaining it as if it were a private driveway. Additional inde nification would be needed since the helipad would now be located on public right-of-way. At their December I meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the PUD, vacation, and variance request as proposed. 0 appeal to the variance had been received; therefore, the Planning Commission's recom 11endation stands as approved. The City Council members noted that. althOl gh in favor of the Hospital's expansion plans. the Hospital should have indemnified the City fr l1l lawsuits prior to moving forward with the project and should follow the proper procedure in th future. AFTER DISCUSSION. A MOTION WAS MAD BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BILL FAIR TO APPROVE THE PUD AMENDMENT ALTERING THE PLAN FOR V ACA TION AND STREET DEDIC\. TION ON THE HOSPITAL CAMPUS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: I. A :'vlAINTE~ANCE AGREEMENT AND INDEMNIFICA TrON FOR DESIGN AND MAINTENANCE OF THE RE JAINING RIGHT-OF-WAY. ^) INDEMNIFICATION FOR HI- ZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH OPERATION OF A HELIPAD ON CITY RIGHT- F-W A Y. Motion was based on the finding that the ph, sical and operational characteristics of the Hospital PUD do not change under the revised PUD <11d incorporates previous PUD approval conditions, including the option for the Hospital to conti ue seeking written Dental Clinic approval or the indemnification concept approved previous' I' Motion carried unanimously. 0 I ! - .-- -"-" . . . Council ^genda - 8/28/00 9. Public Hcarin Vacation of Linn Strcet om 165 feet south of 4th Street to the railroad tracks. (.TO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Sunny Fresh Foods and Little Mountain Fe d request that the city vacate Linn Street in the area between the two commercial sites. If the City Council approves the vacation and associated sale of the land, the two bus nesses will submit a request for a Planned Unit Development which will be processed through the Planning Commission in October. If the vacation request is not approved, bot entities will need to follow the original concept PUD plan that was recently appro ed by the Planning Commission and City Council. Once the vacation issue is resolv d, Sunny Fresh will complete the development stage PUO approval which will include parking, landscaping and screening detail. The proposed vacation would allow an exp nsion of the storage area for semi-trailer trucks and will climinate public right ofwa bctween the two commercial cntities that regularly share this common space. It wou d also eliminate the possibility of having an access on the northern side of the fire hall/community center site. Currently there are two railroad crossings b tween Highway 25 and Elm Stret (West 39). These occur at Walnut Street which is thre blocks east and at Maple Street which is one block wcst of the proposed vacation Perh s with crossings at close proximity, it may not bc necessary to keep a crossing at this I cation. On the other hand, the proposed vacation will result in a permanent barrier t north/south traffic that is four blocks long (1,560 feet). For perspective, under curren ordinance, for new subdivisions no single block can exceed 1,300 without a cross stre 1. Please note that John Simola has reported hat Sunny Fresh has made a practice of parking trailers on Fourth Street. It is not k own to what extent vacation of Linn Street might reduce use of 4th street as a trailer pa king area. The practice of using 4th street as a trailer parking area is not allowed under th current PUD, therefore Council docs not need to approve the vacation in order to get Sunny Fresh to quit parking on 4th street. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve the vacation req est and to order an appraisal on the land value for the purpose of establishing asci ing price for the land. Applicant to pay for the cost of the appraisel. Under this alternative Council may wish to retain a portion of the right of way for pede trian and bike use due to the great distance 1. . (j JV ~ . Council Agenda - 8/28/00 (1,560 feet) between Maple Street a ld Walnut Street. Under this alternative the City Cou cil should make a finding that the public interest is served through the vacati n of Linn Street as requested. An appraisal will be ordered and it is assumed th t Sunny Fresh/Little Mountain Feed will pay the amount established accordingly Motion to deny the vacation reques but to authorize staff to work with Sunny Fresh in establishing terms of a lea e or a license to use the property. Perhaps Council is supportive of al owing the two businesses to have exclusive use of the right-of-way but is reluct nt to give up the land forever. r fthis is the case, they could be given the optio of using the site for a limited duration. If it becomes necessary for the city to u e the right of way in the future, the city could take over once the license/lease ex ires. All improvements such as curb and gutter and landscaping would be in tailed at the commercial users risk. The term of the license/lease could be a two 0 five year period with an option for renewal at the expiration of the term. " _J. Motion to deny request for the vac tion based on the finding that the public interest is not served by vacating t is portion of Linn Street. Under this alternative the original pproved PUDs governing both sites would remain and Sunny Fresh would be equired to park trailers as intended under the original plan. In addition, improve lent to Linn Street would be made (paving, curb and gutter) per the original co cept PUD with cost of the improvement to be assessed to the adjoining property wners. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admi listrator to deny the request for the vacation. It is his view that the interest of the publ ic to maintain this right of way is significant. The private interest, though significant do s not exceed potential value of this right of way. Maintaining potential for an outlet f om the Community Center/Fire Hall parking area to the north may have value t the city in the future. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . . Agenda items and minutes pertaini g to original PUD approvals. · Aerial photo . . . q Council Minutes - 1/10/00 . D. Consideration of zoning text amendm nt clarifying curb cut requiremcnts or driveway widths in residential districts. Applica t: City of Monticello. Recommendation: Approve the ordinance amendment cia ifying curb cut requirements or driveway widths. (ORD AMD. #339) E. Consideration of a Comprehensive Pia amendment for land west of Kjellberg West Recommendation: Approve amendm nt to Comprehensive plan as proposed based on a finding that the existing plan language needs clarification to provide land use direction that rel1ects the City's intent. F. Consideration of proposed amendmen to the sign ordinance allowing electronic reader boards. Recommendation: Adopt or inance amendment as proposed.(ORD AMD. #340) Bruce Thielen requested that item 5B be pulled fiJr di cussion and Dan Mielke requested that item 5C be pulled so that additional information could be present d. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE C NSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED EXCLUDING ITEMS 5B AND 5C AND INCLUDI G AGENDA ITEM #9. ROGER CARLSON . SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED JNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the c Jeff O'Neill provided a summary of the Sunny Fresh equest for an amendment to the conditional use permit covering the planned unit development to allo for the expansion of the business. The issues discussed at the Planning Commission meeting on th amendment were reviewed including I,inn Street options, paving, screening and installation of curb. Bruce Thielen asked about the expansion area and the impact this would have on the City's wastewater reatment facility. Don Roberts from Sunny Fresh explained how the proposed expansion would impact the wastewater treatment agreement between Sunny Fresh and the City. Mr. Roberts indicated th t new area deals with cooked product and this does not contribute to the BOD and TSS amounts. How ver, they are working with John Simola, Public Works Director, on the wastewater treatment agreem nt. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE A . ENDMENT TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND ASSOCIATED PLANNED UNIT D ,YELOPMENT ALLOWING THE EXPANSION FOR SUNNY FRESH. BRIAN STUMPF SECOND -<;D THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Dan Mielke spoke to the Council regarding the prop sed change in the zoning ordinance defining minimum lot width. He asked that this item be referr d back to the Planning Commission for additional discussion as he had further information to present. r. Mielke indicated that the proposed wording . 2 q . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 01/04/00 5. dment to a Conditional Use Permit Planned ansion of the Steve Grittman provided the report statin the applicant is seeking an amendment to their Conditional Use Permit to accommodate n expansion of their facility along 4th Street between Walnut and Linn Streets. The C nditional Use Permit covers the Planned Unit Development previously granted, and the CUP requirement which is now a part of the CCD zoning district. This application is eing addressed as a concept stage PUD to provide site planning feedback to the app icant prior to the development of final plans. It was also noted that Sunny Fresh has been in total compliance with their previous conditions. Some comments provided by Steve Gritt an and staff included improvements to or vacation of Linn Street. paving and curbi g for the "Truck Staging Area". screening. 5th Street encroaclunents. curbing setback. b ffer yard encroachment parking. pedestrian traffic and discussion regarding the Meth dist Church property. Staff also discussed the possibility of a p thway along the yh Street right-or-way. The advantage of a pathway in this location is that it could run through the core of the community, connecting the elementary a d middle schools, the Broadway path on either end, and pass directly by the Community enter. This pathway would probably be best located on the north side of the rail track. nd would not likely be a part of the Sunny Fresh project. It was also noted that the Design Advisor Team reviewed the plan and recommended approval contingent on completion of Ian scaping improvement noted in this report. The DA T has not reviewed the Planner's reco mendation that sidewalk be installed on 4th Street. The initial view by OAT was that sidewalk on 4th Street should not be installed with pedestrian traffic detoured to a futur 5th/Railroad pathway. lelIO'Neill stated that a Walnut Street sidewalk installation sho ld be considered in conjunction with the Sunny Fresh project. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. lef Burns, Little Mountain Feed, states he would be opposed to running Linn St across the racks. His intent on enlarging his store was for store traffic and feels that with the Sunny resh plans the traffic pattern would be interfered with. He would like to see a pa hway along Linn Street., but strongly opposes a thru way for vehicular traffic. Don Roberts, representative for Sunny Fr sh Foods, noted their plans for expansion and stated that abandonment of Linn Street is ot necessary for the success of their expansion. It was noted that neither Sunny Fresh Foo s nor Little Mountain Feed was in favor of making Linn Street a thru street. Chair Frie closed the public hearing. leff O'Neill, Deputy City Administrator, advised that the staff was not trying to push for Li n Street to be a thru street but rather the 2 .J q . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 01/04/00 possibility of preserving it for future use if ver deemed necessary. There was discussion among th~ members regarding Linn Street nd the installation of a side walk either on 4th Street, Walnut Street. and on the Railroad OW. The members also agreed that vacation of Linn Street could be considered if reque ted by adjoining property owners. It was decided not to make any decisions on Linn Street at this point. ROD DRAGSTEN MOVED TO RECO IMEND APPROVAL OF THE CONCEPT PLAN FOR THE SUNNY FRESH CUP UD AMENDMENT SUBJECT TO CONSIDERATION OF THE ISSUES ISED IN THIS REPORT, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE EXPANSION IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE SITE AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND WILL ESUL T IN A MORE ACCEPT ABLE OPERATION OF THE SITE. !\'lOTIO INCLUDES A RECOMMENDATION TO LEAVE LINN STREET AS A PUB IC ROW AT THIS TIME AND TO RECOMMEND INSTALLATION OF A THW A Y ALONG 5T11 STREET ROW (RAILROAD), AND NOT INSTALL SI EW ALK ON 4T11 STREET AT THIS TIME. RICHARD CARLSON SECON ED THE MOTION. ROBBIE SMITH AMENDED THE MOTION REQUEST NG TO INCLUDE THE RECOMMENDATION BY STEVE GR TTMAN OF HIS ALTERNATIVE LAYOUT REGARDING PARKING. DICK FRIE SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. ROY POPILEK NOTED H S OPPOSITION TO EXCLUDING THE INSTALLATION OF A SIDEWALK 0 4n1 STREET. Motion carried ..J to 1 with ROY POPILEK OPPOSING. There was further discussion regarding the sidewalk issue and Jeff 0 'Neill added that if the City was unable to get permission fro BN'to allow a pathway on the edge of the 5th Street right-of-way, then the issue of whetl er or not to put sidewalk on 4th Street could be revisited. Don Roberts, Sunny Fresh, add d that a majority of their parking will shift over to the former Methodist Church site a some point. and as far as the sidewalk is concerned their preference is to not have a sidewalk there, but noted again that Sunny Fresh would not object if the City preferre a sidewalk on 41h Street. 6. Public H width as JeffO'NI Commis~ zonmg cc modified distance This issll purchase interpret width ac languagt q . . . 5. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU D: Planning Commission Agenda -01/04/00 ment to a Conditional Use Permit Planned District to allow an ex ansion of the Sunn Fresh Foods. (NAC) Sunny Fresh Foods is seeking an ame dment to their Conditional Use Permit to accommodate an expansion of their facility long 4th Street between Walnut and Linn Streets. The existing facility includes an "R&D" bu'lding at the corner of Walnut and 4th Street, and the main plant which lies between 4th Street and the Burlington Northern Railroad, which is also the City's 5th Street right-of-way. The onditional Use Permit covers the Planned Unit Development previously granted, and the C P requirement which is now a part of the CCD zoning district. This application is being addressed as a concept stage PUD to provide site planning feedback to the applicant prior to the development f final plans. Final stage PUD would require complete drainage and utility plans, a site Ian revised per concept stage comments, and a landscape plan. Planning staff comments on the concept sit plan are summarized as follows: I. Linn Street. The expansion will in rease Sunny Fresh's ability to manage it truck traffic at the Linn Street entrance. Si ce this expansion will essentially maximize the applicant's use of this area, it wou d be an appropriate time to resolve the City's control and improvement of Linn S reet. Options would include: a. Full improvement of Linn treet, including paving, curb and gutter, and a new crossing of 5th Street/B Railroad. b. Partial improvement of the a ea to include a truck access, separate pedestrian access, but no street crossin of the rail line. c. Vacation of Linn Street, wi h sale of the right-of-way to Sunny Fresh and Little Mountain Feed, subje t to any utilities in the street. Future public use of the Linn Stree right-of-way may be determined now with the completion of private construction i this area. lfthe City believes that there will be future desire for a street crossing in this location. Option a. or b. should be chosen. A full street crossing of the BN Ra lroad will take a significant amount of time to achieve. This issue will require a ditional study by the City to select the most appropriate alternative. 2. Paving and Curbing. Paving and cu bing is planned for the "Truck Staging Area" at the west end of the building, as we I as for the Fire Lane along the south building q . Planning Commission Agenda -01104/00 wall. This will improve the aestheti s of the area, as well as the use and maintenance of the public right-of-way. Screening. The building and site ae thetics on the south side of the building will be made more attractive with the expan ion. Sunny Fresh indicates that a small amount of truck traffic will be necessary in he "Fire Lane" along the south side for access and servicing of the tanks which ar in the middle of the expansion area. The site plan shows a line of trees along this boundary which should provide a visual buffer between Sunny Fresh and the Co munity Center. It would be appropriate to consider a more intensified planting ear the Truck Staging area and the tank location to better screen these uses. 3. 5th Street Encroachements. The lin of trees mentioned in point 3. above are shown located on the BN/5th Street right- f-way. The encroachment in this location must be approved by the City, verified tha the railroad will not object, and tied to the PUD approval. Since the standard requi ement would be that buffer zone landscaping occurs on the property of the appli ant, this would be an area of tlexibility being requested for this PUD. The mainte ance ofthese trees should be the responsibility of the applicant, including replace ent if they do not survive. 4. . Curbing Setback. Associated with t e trees mentioned above is the site plan request to located the Fire Lane curb right long the property line of the yh Street right-of- way. This encroachment on the set ack can be allowed under the terms of the PUD. 5. 6. ButTer Yard Encroachment. Anothe accommodationbeing requested under the PUD is the setback encroachment into the ufTer yard which would be required in this area. The CCD zoning district allows for zero setbacks, but the bufTer yard requirements still apply. The City has been willin to reduce these dimensions in areas of the CCD where urban design would appe to support the more intense development. However, the landscape plan shoul still be drawn to address the need to provide bufTering and screening. Parking. The proposed site plan sho s an expansion of the parking lot along Walnut Street including a new curb cut to Walnut and use of an existing curb cut to 4th Street. The plan shows a total f 96 angled spaces. Staff has developed an alternative layout which would pro ide up to 101 spaces and allow two-way traffic now bet\veen the R&D building an the main plant. One of the concerns with the one-way now proposed was that all lant traffic in this area would be directed to exit onto Walnut. A two-way flow wo lid allow some of that tratlic to circulate to 4th Street as we II. The redesign would llow for the incI usion of a step-van loading area near the R&D building as indicated by the applicant. The revised plan also reverses the one-way traffic south of the R 0 building, but is not critical to the design. As a final note, the applicant should pr vide employment counts of the maximum shift 7. . q . . . Planning Commission Agenda -01/04/00 for both before and aftcr the exp nsion. This information will be important in establishing a parking demand req irement for the site. 8. Pedestrian Traffic. With the recent lanning for Walnut and the construction of the Community Center, special attcnti n should be paid to pedestrian and bicycle flow in the area. The area along 4th St eet has sidewalk only in front of the current Methodist Church property, soon t be purchased by Sunny Fresh. As a result, and pedestrian traffic in this area is fore d into the street. Because pedestrian traffic to the core of downtown is best served by a route along 4th Street, planning staff would recommend the placement of sidew lk in this area. The City will need to work with Sunny Fresh on the timing and fi ancing of this item. Staff has discussed the possibility that the applicant may e made responsible for a larger portion of this project in exchange for the PUD fl. xibility be considered on the south side of the building for buffer yard, landscapil g locations, and curb setback. Staffhas also discussed the possibili y ofa pathway along the 5th Street right-of-way. The advantage of a pathway in this location is that it could run through the core of the community, connecting the ele entary and middle schools, the Broadway path on either end, and pass directly by the Community Center. This pathway would probably be best located on the no h side of the rail track, and would not likely be a part of the Sunny Fresh project. 9. Methodist Church Property. The roposed site plan indicates that the Methodist Church site will be acquired by Jun of 2000. Sunny Fresh staff has indicated that the site may be partially converted t parking area, with a re-use of a portion of the building which is not a part of the h storie structure for office space. Any available plans for this conversion should be incorporated into this application. Where firm plans are not yet available, the appl' cant will need to request an amendment at the time such plans are prepared. The Design Advisory Team has reviewed t e plan and recommends approval contingent on completion oflandscaping improvement noed in this report. The OAT has not reviewed the Planner's recommendation that sidewalk be installed on 4th Street. The initial view by D A T was that sidewalk on 4th Street should not e installed with pedestrian traffic detoured to a future 5 Y2/Railroad pathway. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval oft e Concept Plan for the Sunny Fresh CUP/PUD amendment, subject to consideratio of the issues raised in this report. based on a finding that the expansion is approp iate for the site and the neighborhood, and will result in a more acceptable ope ratio 1 of the site. q . Planning Commission Agenda -01104/00 2. Motion to recommend denial of t e Concept Plan, based on a tinding that the expansion would represent an over tilization of the site considering its location. 3. Motion to table action on the Conce t Plan, subject to the submission of additional information. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION StafT recommends approval of the Concep Stage PUD amendment. The expansion will increase the activity on the site somewhat b t will also result in a better site organization as well as improve the aesthetics of the prop rty from the south. With the location of the community center, and the potential for ine eased public use of the 5th Street/BN right-of- way, the improvements to be made would e a welcome addition to the area. Some of the issues require additional stud by the City. These include resolution of the improvements to be made in Linn Street an the use of the 5th Street/BN right-of-way. This is the time to making these decisions, how vcr, since the expansion represents the likely extent of private improvements to be made i the foreseeable future. As noted in the report, the applicant will need to provide complete rainage and utility plans, a site plan revised per Planning Commission and City Council co ments, and a landscape plan for Final Stage PUD approval. . D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Proposed Site Plan Exhibit B - Staff Parking Recommendation . C1 \~, ..~.. I) ~:;y~ ,",~9- I p ~ III ~ tlNN STRE: r.~[" 0 ![' . r ...:.....-e-.-e-. 1:1 .........=-.. ....- ~.:J-; I :........a.. .. . ...,11 ~ t .!Ii, 1 9 5 ~ . i P.. ii a -I'~ I. .. I i !..i..... . ~,,~ ~<;) I i ~:b '1' ----- ,'.\ ~ 1-./ :. ii" ~ G i I --.--f.j.--e;:=---.-. II "'i. _..~l_"-""---' I I r '-'p.! ... r j' , i! ..... I , - r'.- I I I 'll o c: :zJ -1 ~-.,- ... J: II) ; . I ... oj r"- ~ ~ I 111 fII -i WALNUT STAI!I:~T f-' r I ! i' I z c: 3 i ... tit .... to - (I) ... - o "" (t) Q - - to 3 CI'l -z:: ~.' ~. -_ -.0.. EXHIBIT A PRO OSED SITE PLAN g ~t~o I . I . . I I ..0. I I I I New 24'-Q" I - LAN[ I CURB CUT . .--------_._---_.~--- -_._-~ ! )HO. QBiQ sQ~ QG QMMENDATIONi q . Q}IJU-~--- -- D 'rOVide for two-way . ~raffic C. ~:.-" 0 :)\ .').-i ,~'I) \q< . . -_~CL---I I t I * I I I .. I ~/ 00 I o I I EX/STIN R&D ,..... \.~: .J?: ~:.:, l- .. . .. ......... ~ w W D:: f- (f) ," I I I I . I . . I ~ :.; z .J ~ 'S . . . ~ FiLE COpy 91\C1~ Cf 13 C~wd. Public Hearin - Consideration of are ues for a Final Planned Unit Develo ment Permit within the CCD Zonin Oistrictto allow a mixed use feed and retail 0 erations. Applicant: Little Mountain Feed. 6. Steve Grittman presented the staff report. ittle Mountain Feed has applied for a final PUD approval to allow for the expansion f their facility between Linn and Maple Streets, north of the Burlington Northern ailroad. The applicant has shifted the building slightly to the north from the original appr val. This change allows him to concentrate the truck and forklift activity to the east, re ulting in less of an impact on the residential property adjacent to the north boundary of he site. 3 . The applicant is requesting that employee pa king continue to be located on the gravel area adjacent to Linn Street. As a part of the original PUD discussions, the applicant has been permitted to expand the operation in ph ses to minimize the economic impacts on the business. Retaining an unpaved parking rea for employees may be approved as a part of the PUD, however, staff recommende some delineation of spaces to maintain a clear parking area. It was noted that concret curb bumpers are in place at this time. The planning commission did not feel comfortable requiring immediate paving of the drive/parking areas on the Linn Street side w en the City street is not paved. Therefore, a period of two years after the completion of p ving and curbing along the adjacent Linn Street ROW is satisfactory to the planning c mmission. With regard to customer parking adjacent to he retail area, the applicant shows 12 spaces to be paved, striped, and curbed in accordance with the ordinance. This area would actually require approximately 2S spaces, de ending on the amount of t100r space which is used for storage or material handling (as 0 posed to retail floor space). The City has the f1exibility to permit a parking supply low r than the ordinance requirement in the CCD District, based on an agreement in whi h the applicant contributes to a public parking fund. The parking lot to be provide should meet standards, however. In this case, the applicant has proposed that the cur line be located on the property line, with a landscaped screen on the adjacent railroad ea ement (also the City's right-of-way). There is adequate room on this plan to meet the S l' ot setback, and provide the landscaping on the applicant's own property. . Finally, the site plan shows an eight foot hig property line fence along the north side of the site. The remaining 2S feet is to be lands aped, and serve as a buffer to the residential area to the north. Due to its height, it may b preferable to locate the fence five feet from the property line, and provide a landscaped b lffer outside of the fenced area to mitigate the impact on the residential area. The Zoni g Ordinance provides a list of required sizes, and other guidance for the developme of the landscape plan. An additional issue was the proposed exterio grain bin which would be added to the south side of the existing building. The bin i a metal structure, apparently 34 feet high, based on the information submitted by the a licant. Staff was concerned about the visual impacts of the site from the Communi y Center property south of the railroad. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Heari g no comments, the public hearing was closed. . Planning Commission members asked JeffB ms, Little Mountain Feed, ifhe was in agreement with the conditions. Mr. Bums st ted he is currently working with the railroad on the ROW which would allow the required setbacks. Mr. Burns also stated that there is an 8 ft. fence on the north side of the pro pert and would like to continue that affect as part of the buffering. Steve Grittman sugges ed adding language to condition number 2 that the applicant works with the property 0 er regarding the landscaping. It was noted that the grain bin already exists and that the onforrnity of these types of bins seem to work best for the applicant as well as the Cit 4 . ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO RECOM END APPROVAL OF THE FINAL STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPM NT, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS IN EXHIBIT Z, AND BASED ON A FIN ING THAT THE PROPOSAL MEETS THE INTENT OF THE CCD DISTRICT AND THE PREVIOUS DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANNED U IT DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL- ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE MO ION. ROBBIE SMITH AMENDED HIS MOTION TO STATE IN ITEM 5 OF T E CONDITIONS THAT LIMITATION OF UNPAVED PARKING AREAS FOR NO MORE THAN TWO YEARS FROM THE DATE OF FULL ROAD AND CU IMPROVEMENTS TO LINN STREET. ROY POPILEK SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. Motion carried unanimously. . . 5 . Exhibit Z - Conditions of pun Approval Little Mountain Feed 1. Submission of a Landscape Plan illus rating the detailed planting of all trees, shrubs, and groundcovers on the site. 2. Landscaping Plan should address SCI' ening of the bin area from the south, planting between the north fence and the neighboring property line, and ensuring that all planting is on the applicant's propert 3. Redesign of the retail parking area t meet the five foot setback for curb line, and compensation for CCD Parking fund based on required parking calculation. 4. Addition of a chain fence and concret curb bumpers for any employee parking areas which are not paved at this time. 5. Limitation of unpaved parking areas or no more than two years from the date of the PUD Permit approval. 6. Review and comments from other Ci y Staff . . Exhibit Z - Condi ions of pun Approval q . . . to. Council Agenda - 8/28/00 Prescntation on Pro'cct Northland - Allison Becker ofthe Wri Health Deoartment. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Cathy Cerra and Allison Becker from the Wight County Public Health requested to be placed on the council agenda to make a pres ntation on Project Northland which is a grant from the State of Minnesota to be used for alcohol reduction for the youth in Wright County. The program is being incorporated in the school curriculum but there is also a community component as well. The comm nity component would have designated individuals from the community working to ards the goal of alcohol reduction among the youth population. Ms. Cerra wiJl be pro iding the explanation of the program and wiJl request recommendations as to individ als who would be wiJling to serve. This does not have to be a councilmember. I 1- . . . 11. Council Agenda - 08/28/00 Consideration of rantin an increase to he individual . ens ion for volunteer Firefighter Relief Association members. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Firefighter Relief Association membership is I' questing that the City Council consider an increase in their retirement benefit from the present $2,025 per year of service to $2,125 or more after 20 years of service on the fire department. The following is a summary of the previous benefit increases that have been approved: YEAR 1987 1988 1989 1990 1992 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 BENEFIT AMOUNT $ 875 per year of service $ 975 $1,075 $1,175 $1,225 $1,300 $1,325 $1,375 $1,575 $1,925 $2,025 By August 1 st of each year, the Fire Relief Associat on must present to the City Council a schedule of the proposed benefits and total liabilitie associated with the proposed benefit in comparison to the assets of the Association. Typic lly, it has been past policy of the Council that they would only consider increases to occur in the early pension amounts if the Association had sufIicient income projected to cover the increase. I other words, the state aid and interest earnings are investments needed to be projected at level sufficient to cover the normal annual cost of the pension calculations based on the reques ed $2,125 per year or higher amount. r n the past, the City Council has not supported any benefit level that would require a contribution from the City as a tax levy. The pension schedule reports provided by the Fire elief Association Treasurer indicate that the Association should have sufficient funds to support an increase in the pension up to $2,150 per year of service. 'fhc Treasurer has provided three e amples of yearly pensions that range from $2125, $2150 and $2,175 as examples f(x the Coun 'il to review. In two of the schedules, there arc sufIieient assets and earnings from the investme ts to support these pension amounts is based on an estimate that the interest earnings on their inv stments will continue to earn at a rate of at least 8.24%. Should for some reason the interest e rnings not equal the assumed 8.24% rate of return, the possibility does exist that if a pension Ie el is established close to the break even point and interest earnings do not meet average expectati ns, the City may be required to contribute . . . Council Agenda - 08/28/00 funds to make up fcn the shortfall. In addition, it is ssumed that the state aid funds received by the Association will continue to be equal to previou amounts. In the example provided ($2, 175/yr), a City contribution of $275 would be r quired to fund this increasc. It should be noted that the reason the City Councill ust approve any increase in the Relief Association's pension is that, ultimately, ifprojeete 1 revenue is not suHicient to cover pension liability established, the City is responsible for cove 'ing the difference. In other words, if the City approves any pension amount before the Asso iation has sufficient assets to cover the projected liabilities themselvcs, a reduction in thc il terest income or loss of some of their investments could obligate the Council to use tax d liars to fund the balance. State aids are not always guaranteed, although it seems unlikely that. dramatic change in the state aid formula would occur. Based on the schedules provided by the Relief Trea urer, which assumes at least an 8.24110 interest earnings on their investments and state aid qual to the amount received last year, normal income should be enough to support even the $2,15 per year pension level. If the City Council chooses not to endorse a specific pension level, the . ssociation cannot increasc their benefits until they have at least 110% of their liability cover d by assets. At the present $2,025 per year benefit, the Association would not have more assets than liabilities, and they would not meet the 10% surplus that is required to change their pensiOl on their own. It would likely take a few more years before they would have sufficient surplL s to do their own pension modification, and then the increase would certainly be limited to smal er increases. Based on the three examples provided, if the Counci I approved the $2,125 per ye r amount, this would give them a $100 per year increase over their current pension and would rovide a little Inore cushion before any tax dollars would be nccded if investment income was lower than projected. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. ~ (\1 Grant an increase to $2,125 per year. This increase, according to the Reli l' Association schedule, would not require a City contribution and should be able to be funded through anticipated state aids and other interest earnings on invest lents, although there is not a guarantee. As I noted earlier, the interest earnings ar based on an 8.24% return. 2. Do not grant an increase in benefits t this time and only allow the increase to occur when the Association has mor assets than liabilities. At this time, it would still take few lore years for the Association to have enough assets to equal 110% of their liabilit and to be allowed to increase their benefits on their own. . . . Council ^genda - 08/28/00 ^' _, . Grant an increase in benefits to an a ount somewhere between the current $2,025 per year and the $2,150 per year scl edule. The schedules provided by the Ass( ciation indicate that even at the $2,150 amount, there would be sufficient e timated interest earnings and state aid to support the benefit without a City l' x levy. If for some reason the interest earnings do not meet expectations 0 the state aid is cut, the City would be required to use tax dollars to suppo this pension in the future. Likewise, if an excessive number of individuals we e to retire at one time, this could change the amount of assets that the Associatio 1 would have and also change their future income stream. Should this happen it is also possible that the City would be required to contribute some funds t maintain this higher pension level. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the Relief Association fimmcial eomputa ions, it docs appear that any of the proposed pension levels of $2,125 to $2,150 per year could e obtained without requiring any City contribution. Based on this information, I have no reason to object to an increase being granted as long as the City Council realizes there arc no gu rantees that state aid or other investment earnings will continue at the present level or that s me other catastrophic event wouldn't cause the need for a City contribution in the future. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Computation of benefits for each member at the $2,125, $2,150 and $2,175 per year level. /"' 12- 50 ~(..-y <~ ( C' {l ;J{2':; . FOri SC -00 SCHIWliU!;S I-II FOR [,liMP S iM PENSION PLANS REPORTING FORM VEAR 2000 lMINAHON OF PLAN LIABILITIES & REQUIRED MlfNIC PAL CONTRIBliTION I 211)0 .irefighters' Relief Association of Monticello County of Wright SCHEDlfLI I Estimation of relief association Special Fund pension liabilities for all members based on years of active service with the fi department, with the regular per-year-of-service pension. 2125 1 2 3 " .5 (; 7 x ,......-, n ...,__".,,..,__......._...................................,.............. ..... .... ...u........,_. ---..... .................... ......u.n. ........ .. ........n.H...................... ... .....................,....... ........................................................................ 2000 2100 F.D I ,calC of To End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age ETltrYl1.1!!~ ^,,,enee Yeals Actile Aeel'lled Y cars Active Accrued Month Year tin veal's) Ser\iee Liabilily Service Liability I. Ted hUl1urn 53 3 1973 27 57,375 2R 59,500 2 Jay MOll.e11 57 5 1975 25 53,125 26 55,250 .1 Scoll l)ougJas ,f') 3 1976 2.1 51,000 25 53,125 4. Wayne Lallree .14 5 1977 2.1 4R,R75 24 51,000 5. Mark Wallen .f5 .5 1977 2.1 4R.R75 24 51,(lOO 6. Jerry Wt,in .p 12 197R 21 44,625 22 46,7 50 . 7. Mikc Johnson 43 ) 1981 19 .19.185 20 42,500 x, Matt lheisen 43 5 1982 IR 36,082 19 39,185 '). Tom l.icfcl1 41 II 19R3 16 )0,)45 17 :1:1,150 10. Ilrad I. ylc 42 5 1911-1 1(, 30,3-15 17 33.150 II Kevin Stumpf 40 5 \9X5 15 27,710 1(, 30,:145 "- (JIllY Ilosl 3X 10 1935 14 25,160 15 27,710 IT Tonv Illelllel' 37 12 1985 14 25,160 15 27,710 1-1 Mark Simpson ,1/1 I 1987 13 22,737 14 25.160 15. I,yndon I ,arson 39 I 1987 13 22,737 14 25,160 16. Neal Knmz ,14 5 1987 IJ 22,737 14 25,160 17. Sieve Samuelson Vi II 19R7 12 20,443 IJ 22,737 IX, Brain Stumpf .17 7 191111 II \8,233 12 20,443 19. Jell Michaelis J(, I 1990 10 16.150 II 18,2:13 20. (jerry Sonstcby 35 5 \993 7 10,455 8 12,240 21. Rick LVlller 37 5 1993 7 10,455 R 12,240 22. Jell' Kranz 37 5 1993 7 10,455 8 12,240 2J Todd Johnson 34 .5 I')')) 7 10,455 X 12,240 2<1. Steve Joerll 37 10 1994 5 7,Ol)X (; 8,712 25, 0 0 0 0 6X'),XI7 744,940 * Fractional Years of service must be calculated to nearest full year. * Do not enter liability in Columns 6 or 8 for any person who will recei ve entire pension during this year, Enter this pension amount on Schedule II, Section 1, Line g. * For installment liability, enter amount which will be payable after end of this year in both column 6 and column 8. * If interest is to be paid on unpaid pensions, add interest for 1 year in column 8, . A copy of these schedules must be presented to the City Coun~i1 be ore August 1 each year, Page I }f - -.. .. n. _n_____ - AU.:2....- re SCHEDlJLE 1- ADDITIONAL ) CTIVE MEMBERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ........., u__ n_.............___n__.__........................_, --..... .............--. ...--................-.--..-................... --................ _,n' ..............-_.................. ---....T?}?}<)"".............. ---........................................--"2.000................. F.D Leave of To End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age ErrtryJ)al!< Absence ears Active Accrued Years Active Accrued Month Year (in vears) Service Liability Service Liability 26. Luke Dahlhcimer 2X 5 1996 " 5,525 5 7,098 27. SIeve (Iallson .1.1 5 1996 4 5,525 5 7,098 28. Niek Dahlheimcr 2(, I 1999 I 1,275 2 2,635 -, 29 Slc\'e J1aloun 32 I 1999 1 1,275 2 2,635 - 1-- .. 30 Mike Rogers 42 3 2000 0 0 I 1,275 3\ Tim AckemlUll 28 3 2000 0 0 1 1,275 32. Daryl Giles 31 3 2000 0 () I 1,275 3J. 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 () 35. 0 0 0 0 .1(,. () 0 0 0 37 () 0 0 () 38. 0 () 0 0 39. 0 () () 0 40 0 0 0 0 4\ 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 43 0 0 0 0 44. 0 0 () 0 << 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 47. 0 () 0 0 48, 0 0 0 0 49 0 0 0 0 50. 0 0 0 0 51 () 0 () 0 52. 0 0 0 0 53. 0 () 0 () 54. 0 0 0 0 55. () () 0 () 56. () () 0 () 57. 0 () 0 0 58. 0 0 () 0 59, 0 0 0 0 (,(). () 0 0 0 6\ 0 0 0 0 62. 0 0 0 () 63. () () 0 0 64 0 0 0 0 65 0 0 0 0 ubtotal of Regular Pension Liability 13,600 23,291 Page 2a I' .- _n__ -....- ..- --- --.. -- SCIIEOlJLEI- ADlHTIONAL MEMBERS & TOTAL LIABILITIES 2 3 3a 4 4 ........___........___.. .... _....... _n."_ _.___..... .__u" . Name Leavc of Absence AfJ,c Ent~' Dale Separation Datc Deferred Pensions 1. 2 J 4, 5, (" 7 l\, <), !O, Subtotal of Deferred Pensions Unl)aid Installments I. 2, l Subtotal of Unpaid installments Earh' Vested Pensions 1. 4, 5 (" 7, l\, <), Taal y ( ilfS 4b Hencfi t Level at time of sCDaration 4e Non- Forfcitable % \0, Subtotal of Earl)' Vested Pensions Use the columns provided to shol\' calculations. Examl,le, 4a x 4h x 4c = defer ed pension amount. Total of Rcgular Pension Liabilities From pages I and 2a Total of Deferred. Unpaid. and Early Vested Pensions If Any. from page 2b (above) A. Accrued Liability Through Next Year 2000 (total, column 8) ----------------------------> Accrued Liability Through This Year 1999 (total, column 6) -------> Suhtract Line B from Line A (nomlal cost) B. . Page 2b 6 -........--........--....... Deferred Pension to the end of this "ear 8 --_.........-.-.......-_..........--_. Dcfcrrcd pcnsion to the cnd of ncxt "ear o o o o 0 0 1999 2000 7m,4J7 768,23\ 0 0 768,231 703,417 64,814 , \ - Section 4- Determination of Municipal ('ontrilJUtWn (if Deflcit) ,1I11ortizalio(, 0/ lleficit,l. . Year Incurred Column I Column Column 3 AmI Retired I /31, Left to Retire 1/1, Original Amowlt 1999 2000 19<; fj 53,678 33,645 20,033 19~ 9 5,036 504 4,532 m. 24,565 (section 2, line 8) S..btolal n. 24,565 (Column 3 Subtotal) New add'] Deficit ~ o. ") o (m. minus n.) Tolals 58,714 34,149 24,565 Step # 1 If line 0 is positive, enter line 0 in columns 1 and 3 of Ne IV additional Deficit (1999) line. (This is your New additional Deficit for 1999.) Step # 2 If line 0 is negative, reduce columns 2 and 3 according t Deficit Reduction in the instructions. Amortization of Deficit (Totul Irom Cohmlll I 58,714 x 10) 13 $ 5,871 Total from Schedule f, Page 2b, Line C - Normal Cost 14 $ 64,814 Calculated Administrative Expense (1998 Reporting Form Adm. Exp. 6700 x 1.035) 15 $ 6,935 atotal Lines 13+14+15 16 $ 77 ,620 Less: p. Minnesota State Aid $ 44,'127 q. 5% of line 5 $ 33,943 Total Subtractions (subtotal of Lines p and q) 17 $ 78,870 Municipal Contribution (line 1(, m;nll< line 17) 18 $ (1,250) (1/ 0 01' l/eRlllive, there i.1 I/o m'lIIicipol colllrihw;ol1) YOq mqd certlf,' to mqnlciDalitv before Aqllqsl 1 1999 even if no contri qtiOD Is due. Section 5 - Test for Maximum Benefit Allowed ("alert/alion of ,l,'('/'a,l!(' .Ipecial fimd incollle pCI' 1II('lIIh"I' {\+B+C . Received or Receivable D A B C I) Ii Stute Municipal 10% nr Active Aid' Support SlIrplll< MCllIhcr< Average lasl veur 1998 4:1,95'1 .1<.98 28 1,569,79 1--."-'--. 2 ~'cms ago 1997 42,142 ,\'( 9"7 29 1,453.17 3 \Cars ago .j,.9% ('1?f ~) .:('-( ~:z1 .W.Wi Z(f.:.Jfl ,+,44+153 1~(ji.s1 Totu\ column E divided by .l F. $ I 1-;:rgg- I Maximum !'ens;on Benelit Undl,r Statnle G. $ I law I ;J Jue) . ^ To obtain G, look up the result of F on page 1 1 of the instructions, Table III, "Maximum Benefit Under Law" ^ This is your maximum benefit this year. You, nay not increase benefits beyond this amount. Page 4 I \ -..- Schedule II I>etermination of Projec '"d Net As,~et.~ for the year ending December 31, 1999 Section I !ial Fund Assets at December 31,1998 (See Ending Assets in Reporting Form - 1998) 1 $ projected Income to December 31, 1999 a. Minnesota State Aid $ 44,9 7 (Use 1998 amount, exclude supplemental) b. Municipal (independent fire) Contributions $ 0 c. Donations (List ) $ 0 d, Interest and Dividends $ 51,8 9 e. Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments $ 0 f. Other income (Includes Supplemental) $ 1,( 10 (List - ) Total 629,884 Projected Assets plus Income December 31, 1999 (line 1 + line 2) Projected Disbursements through end of year g. Pensions (If listed here, don't include on Schedule I) h. other benefits I. Administrative Total 3$ 2 $ 97,816 727,700 $ $ $ o 46, 48 2. 00 Projected Assets at end of year (line 3 minus line 4) 4$ 5$ .on2 48,848 678,852 I>etermination of Projected Surplus (Deficit) as of December 31, 1999 Projected Assets (line 5) 1999 Accrued Liability (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line B) Surplus or (Deficit) (Subtract line 7 from line 6) 6$ 7$ 8$ · (;0 to Section 3 if Surplus · (lo to ection 4 if Deficit 678,852 703,417 (24,565) Section J Determination of Municipal Contribution (if Surplus) Normal Cost (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line C) 9$ Calculated Administrative Expense (1998 Reporting Form Adm, Exp_ 5 Less: J. Minnesota State Aid $ 0 k. 5% of line 5 $ 0 I. 10% of line 8 $ 0 Total Subtractions x 1,035) 10$ 11 $ Municipal Contribution (line 9, plus 10 minus 11) IfAo or greater, certify to municipality before August 1, 199~, If "ative number, no contribution is due_ 12 $ GO TO SECTION 5 AND COMPlETE () () () o ~ 1\ -vD SCIIEUlfl,ES I-II FOR LLJMPSlJM PENSION PLANS REPORTING FORM VEAR ' 2000 (MINATION OF PLAN LIABILITIES & REQlJIRED MUNICIPAL CONTRIBUTION I .irefighters' Relief Association of Monticello County of ;2.7S Wright ~;:~ t..~__ O~/C a SCI-IEO() LE I Estimation of relief association Special Fund pension liabilities fo all members based on years of active service with the fire department, with the regular per-year-of-service pension, 217 Name I. Tcd hlllHllIl 2. .1m Moncll 3. Scot[ /)ouglas 4. Wayne LaBree 5. Mark Wallen ~. Jcm' Wein 7. Mike Johnson K Mati Theiscn 9. T(llll Licler! 10. Ilrad I'ylc II. K,win Stumpf A Oary I lost ~- Tony Brcmer 14, Mark Simpson 15, Lyndon Larson 16. Neal Kranz 17, Steve Samuelson 18, Ilrain Stumpf ) 9. JelT Michaelis 20. Ocny Sons!eoy 2 I. Rick LymeI' 22, JelT Krunz 23, Todd Johnson 24, Steve Jocr~ 25. 2 J 4 5 (, )000 To End of This Year 7 8 ....._n__.............. __n_n_.......... _____...............__.___ 2100 10 End of Next Year Y cars Active Service Acerlll'<! Liability 58,725 54,175 52,200 50,025 50,025 45,615 40,107 Y cars Aetivc Service 28 26 25 24 24 22 20 19 17 17 16 15 15 14 1.1 14 13 12 II 8 8 8 H (, o Accrued Liabilitv (i(),900 56,550 54,375 52,200 52,200 47,850 43,500 40,107 33,9JO ]],930 31,059 28,162 28,362 25,752 25,752 25,7 52 23,272 20,924 18,662 12,528 12,528 12,528 12,528 8,917 o 762,468 * Fractional Years of service must be calculated to nearest full year, * Do not enter liability in Columns 6 or 8 for any person who will recei e entire pension during this year. Enter this pension amount on Schedule II, Section 1, Line g, * For installmenlliability, enter amount which will be payable after en( of this year in both column 6 and column B. * If interest is to be paid on unpaid pensions, add interest for 1 year ir column 8. * . A copy of these schedules must be presented to the City Coun~il be ore August 1 each year, Page I I'D A~c En!o'J)atc Month Y car Leave 0 Abscnee (in vears 5.1 .1 5 3 5 5 1973 "7 1975 1976 1977 1977 1978 1981 1982 1983 19R,1 19R5 1985 1985 .19 44 ,15 17 ,13 12 3 5 II 5 5 10 12 I 1 5 II 7 I 5 5 5 5 10 199.1 1993 1993 199.1 1994 4J .,11 42 40 38 T7 44 19R7 1987 19R7 .19 .14 .1(, 19X7 1988 37 3(; 1990 .15 37 J7 34 37 27 25 24 n 23 21 19 18 .1(;,931 J I ,059 .11,059 16 1 (, IS 28.362 25,752 14 14 L1 L1 IJ 12 II 25,752 23,272 23,272 23,272 20,924 18,662 16,530 10,70 I 10,701 10,701 10,70 I 7,265 o 706,04X 10 7 7 7 7 5 o II SCHEDULE 1- ADDITIONAL ACTIVE MEMIJERS ..-------.--...-...- .---- ----- --------.--..---..-.. 7 8 I 2 3 4 5 (j ................................................................--..........--- .no..._. non ... ...---.-..-,-----.------.-.-........-..-.- _..._n. n...,_.__."__ __._._,.__.___n___ ...n__n"__ nnn-.-Ti'Fj'i}"............... ................................................2.660................. FD Leave 0 To End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age Ent,fy(>ate Absenc Years Active Accrued Years Active Accrued Month Year (in year Service Liability Service Liability 2(,. Luk" Dahlheimer 28 5 1996 4 5,655 5 7,265 27_ Sl<;\e J JaIlson .1_l 5 1996 4 5,655 5 7,265 28_ Nick Dahlheimer 26 1 1999 I 1)05 2 2,697 29. Sl<;vc Baloun 32 J 1999 I \,305 2 2,697 - 30_ Mike Rogers 42 3 2000 0 0 I \,305 31. Tim Ackerman 28 3 2000 0 () I 1,305 32_ l>arvJ (Jiles 31 ) 2000 0 0 I 1,305 33. 0 0 0 0 ).1. 0 0 0 0 35_ 0 0 0 0 J(j 0 0 0 0 .17. 0 0 0 0 3R 0 0 0 0 39 0 0 0 () -10. 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 0 4J 0 0 0 0 44_ 0 0 0 0 45_ 0 0 0 0 46 0 0 0 0 47. 0 0 0 () 48_ 0 0 0 0 49_ 0 0 0 0 50_ 0 0 0 0 51. () 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 0 5.1 0 0 0 0 54_ 0 0 0 0 55_ 0 0 0 0 56_ 0 0 0 0 57_ 0 0 0 0 58 0 0 0 0 59_ 0 0 0 0 (iO_ 0 () 0 () 61. 0 0 0 0 (,2 0 0 0 0 (i_1 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 65_ 0 0 0 0 Subtotal of Regular Pension Liability 13,920 23,839 Page 2a II -- -- --- -- .--. SCIIF,DULF, 1- ADlllTIONAL MEMB RS & TOTAL LIABILITIES ...-. 8 ~........ I 2 3 3a 4 4a 4b 4c (i .......__.__n__.__.__._n__n_n_n._. n___..'.............. ........... ... _n...________________ ___n_____________,_ .. - n_,_. .______n.".".. "'".- n"..___n. -.-.-...................-. -...,......,.-..-......... __n'....'_..._....................... ...................................... Benefit Deferred Deferred Name Leave Level at Non- Pension to pension to Entry Separation of rota 1 time of Forfeitable the end of the end of Age Date Date Absence ears separation % this year next year Deferred Pensions L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. R <). 10. Subtotal of Deferred Pensions 0 0 {lnpaid Installments L 2. 3. Subtotal of Unpaid installments u 0 Earlv Vested Pensions 3. 4. 5. r, 7. fl. 9. 10. Subtotal of Early Vested Pensions 0 0 Use the columns Ilrovided to show calculations. ['amlllc, 4a I 4b , 4c ,.., defcrr d Ilcnsion llIuount. 1999 2000 Total of Regular Pension Liabilities From pages I and 2a 719,96fl 786,307 T olal of Deferred. Unpaid. and Early Vestcd Pensions If Any, from Ilagc 2b (abovc) 0 () A. Accrued l.iability Through Next Year 1000 (total, column II) ______nm_______________________> 786,307 n. Accnled Liabilily 'l1uough This Year 1999 (total, column 6) ----------> 719,968 ,. Subtract Line 13 from Linc A (normal cost) 66,339 Page 2b j} -.. Schedule I Section I Determination of t!tpecial Fund Assets at December 31, 1998 (See Ending Assets in Reporting Form - 1998) Projected Income to December 31, 1999 a. Minnesota State Aid (Use 1998 amount, exclude supplemental) b. Municipal (independent fire) Contributions c. Donations (List d. Interest and Dividends e. Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments f. Other income (Includes Supplemental) (List - ) Total ojected Net A.f.fet.f for the year ending Decemher 31, 1999 1 $ 629,884 $ 44,927 $ 0 $ 0 $ 51,889 $ 0 $ 1,000 Projected Assets plus Income December 31, 1999 (line 1 + line 2 Projected Disbursements through end of year : g. Pensions (If listed here, don't include on Schedule I) $ h. Other benefits $ I. Administrative $ Total Projected Assets at end of year (line 3 minus line 4) L. ection 2 2$ 97,816 3$ 727,700 () 46,348 2.500 4$ 48,848 5$ 678,852 Determination of Projected SlIrplll.f (f)e,fidt) os of ])ecemher 31, 1999 Projected Assets (line 5) 1999 Accrued Liability (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line B) Surplus or (Deficit) (Subtract line 7 from line 6) .. (io to Section 3 if Surplu.f Section 3 Normal Cost (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line C) Calculated Administrative Expense (1998 Reporting Form Adm. Exp $ Less: j. Minnesota State Aid $ () k. 5% of line 5 $ () I. 10% of line 8 $ () Total Subtractions iniciPal Contribution (line 9, plus 10 minus 11) 1.00 or greater, certify to municipality before August 1. 1 p99, egative number, no contribution is due. 6$ 7$ 8$ 678,852 719,968 (41,116) .. (,'0 to Section" if Deficit /}eterminatitm of Municipal Contrihution (if Surplus) 9$ o x 1.035) 10 $ o 11 $ () 12 $ () GO TO SECTION 5 AND COM LETE II ---.....- -- - - _.on 4 l>etermination of Municipal C(Jntrihution (if [}eflCit) ..1/1/orli;""I;"n (!( f)<:licil.~_ . Yen Incurred Column I Column Column 3 AmI Retired I 131. Left 10 Relire III. Original Amount 1999 2000 ..wr Ii 'f( 5.,,678 17,094 .'6,584 I-\l9ll7 qq9 5,036 504 4,532 m. 41,116 (section 2, line 8) Subtotal n. 41,116 (Column 3 Subtotal) New add') Deficit ~~D O. o (m. minus n.) ~ Totals 58,714 17,598 41,1l6 Step # 1 If line 0 is positive, enter line 0 in columns 1 and 3 of Ne\ additional Deficit (1999) line. (This is your New additional Deficit for 1999.) Step # 2 If line 0 is negative, reduce columns 2 and 3 according te Deficit Reduction in the instructions, Amortization of Deficit (lotal liulll Column I 58,714 x.lO) 13 $ 5,871 Total from Schedule I, Page 2b, Line C - Normal Cost 14 $ 66,339 Calculated Administrative Expense (1998 Reporting Form Adm. Exp, 6700 x 1.035) 15 $ 6,935 .otal Lines 13+14+15 16 $ 79.145 Less: p. Minnesota Slate Aid $ 4.1.<)27 q. 5% of line 5 $ JJ.943 Total Subtractions (subtotal of Lines p and q) 17 $ 78,870 Municipal Contribution (line h; minus line 17) 18 $ 275 a( 0 0,. IW,<!.alivl', Ihere is no ml/nicip,,1 cOnlril",lioll) \'ou must certlfv to munklpalltv before AUl!IIst I. 1999. enn If no contrib 1~t1oD is due. Section 5 - Test for Maximum Benefit Allowed Calcl/lalion or ,lvl'ra,!!" special Jillld ;nco/l/" pc,. /III'/II""r {lIB-t:i: . Received or Receivabh D A n C J) E State Municipal W% of Adi\C Aid' S upporl Surplus Memhers A "crage lasl \Car 1998 43,954 sc- 8 28 1,569,79 2 VCals ago 1997 42,142 :.,c-. ./ 29 1,45.117 -' years ago ~ /ff1 A> 'HI) 'Il( fL 7 sc._ 6 :2--f .-3fl I,wo'/. si '~"'-'" Total column E divided hy -' F. $ I 1,488 I Maxilllulll Pension Bendil Under Statute G. $ I ~ I ;1... J\:J 0 . ^ To obtain G, look up the result of F on p~ge 1 of the instructions, Table "', "Maximum Benefit Under Law" ^ This is your maximum benefit this year, You m lay not increase benefits beyond this amount. Page 4 I) - -.... --- -- -----. - - ~G ;lISe) ~ ~(tff C- 3C -00 L( 01 5 -' SCIIEIHII,ES 1-11 FOR LlJMP StJ VI PENSION PLANS .._4-lr'~ EPORTING FORM YEAR 2000 " -4NATION OF PLAN LlA8ILlTIF~S & REQlJIREIJ MUNICIF AI. CONTRlBlJTION J 2100 ....,.-;'jefighters' Relief Association of Monticello County of Wright SCHEDULE I Estimation of relief association Special Fund pension liabilities for all members based on years of active service with the fi department, with the regular per-year-of-service pension, 2150 I 2 3 4 5 (, 7 R ....."...n ..,,,,..,.. .............,-. .n_n_nn...."., ".. n__n. .................. ____.nn............. un ..n........._.."' -- .... ............. nnn............_. n_nn_........._.......,___ .......,.. u. .n.............__. .----.--.................-..-- I..,.,.,. ?-<', . .:!.-.:!\c,,''j '2fffitl F.D. Leave of To End of Thi~ Year To End of Next Year Name Age fun:.n~!.\; Absence Y ars Active A\;emed Years Active Accrued Month Year (in wars) Service Liabilil\ Service Liability l. Ted !<llrnum 53 3 1973 27 5R,050 2X W . 2 00 2. .lay Morrell 57 5 1975 25 5]}50 2(; 55,900 ]. Scott Dou~las 49 ] 1976 24 5 I.WO 25 53}50 4. Wayne 1.aBree 44 5 1977 23 49,450 24 51,600 5. Mark Wallen 45 5 1977 2] 49,450 24 51 ,(iOO 6. .lerry Wein 47 12 197X 21 45,1 SO 22 47,300 7. Mike Johnson 4.1 3 19XI 19 39.646 20 43,000 R M:ltt Theisen 43 5 19X2 18 ]6,507 19 39,646 9_ TotTI l,iefert 41 II 19R:~ 1 (i .10)02 17 ]],540 III Brad hie 42 5 19X,1 16 30,702 17 33,540 1 Kevin Stumpf ,10 5 19X5 15 28,OJ(, 1(, 30,702 (Jary 1 lost 3X 10 19X5 14 25,456 15 28,036 U. Tom Bremer 37 12 19X5 14 25,45(; IS 2R,0.l(, 14. MlIrk Simpson 4.\ 1 1987 13 n,005 14 25,456 15 Lyndon LIll son ]<) I ")87 13 n,005 14 25,456 16. Neal Krmv 34 5 19R7 1.1 n,005 14 25,456 17. Steve Samuelson 31; II 19R7 12 20.68] 13 23,005 18. Brain Stnmp' 37 7 198R 11 P\.447 12 20,6R.1 19. Jell' Mieh"dis V, I 19')0 10 11;,340 11 18,447 20. (jell> SOllsteov 35 5 19'J3 7 IO,'i78 R 12,3R4 21. Ri\:k 1.\ Iller 17 5 1993 7 10,578 R 12,3R4 22 Jell KraTJ/ J7 5 1993 7 10_578 R 12,384 23 Todd Johnson .14 5 1993 7 I057R 8 12,384 24. Stevc Jocrg 37 10 1<)<)4 5 7-1XI Ii 8,815 .. 25. 0 0 0 0 - (,')7 ,'JJJ 753)04 * Fractional Years of service must be calculated to nearest full year. * Do not enter liability in Columns 6 or 8 for any person who will receiv ~ entire pension during this year_ Enter this pension amount on Schedule II, Section 1, Line g. * For installment liability, enter amount which will be payable after end of this year in both column 6 and column 8. * If interest is to be paid on unpaid pensions, add interest for 1 year in column 8. .. copy of these schedules must be presented to the City Counci! be 0 re August 1 each year. Page I - -.- -- - .- -". --,,- --- --. - .- -- ~s re l\ . <\CI'IVE MEMBERS SCHEDlJLE I - ADDITIONAL I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .. _n............................._. ______n_n......................, "' .. --u.... .n..................._. un................. .....--, __.n..n....... ........-, .....u............,.... oooooo.-"j'999...... nn...... '.............00.......................-....00.2"660..............-- FD_ Leave of To End of This Year To End of Next Year Name Age ~J:ltIYJ:>&l~ Absence Years Active Accrued Years Active Accrued - Month Year (in years) Service Liability Service Liability 26_ I.uke l.>ahlheimer 28 5 1996 4 5,590 5 7,181 27 Steve Ilanson :n 5 1996 4 5,590 5 7.181 2K Nkk Dahlheimer 2(, I 1999 I 1,290 2 2,6(,6 29 Steve Balolll1 32 I 1999 I 1,290 2 2,666 I----- 30 Mike Rogers 42 3 2000 0 0 I 1,290 31. Tim Ackl--rrnan 28 3 2000 0 0 1 1,290 32_ Daryl Giles 31 3 2000 0 0 1 1,290 n 0 0 0 0 34. 0 0 0 0 35. 0 0 0 0 3(, 0 0 0 0 37_ 0 0 0 0 3H 0 0 0 0 39 0 0 0 0 40. 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 42_ 0 0 0 0 43 0 0 0 0 44, 0 0 0 0 i5, 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 47_ 0 0 0 0 4H 0 0 0 0 49. 0 0 0 0 50_ 0 0 0 0 51. 0 0 0 0 52 0 0 0 0 53. 0 0 0 0 54_ 0 0 0 0 55_ 0 0 0 0 56. 0 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 0 5H_ 0 0 0 0 59_ 0 0 0 0 (iO 0 0 0 0 (j I. 0 0 0 0 (;2_ 0 (l 0 0 63_ 0 0 0 0 (d. 0 0 0 0 . () () 0 0 ubtotal of Regular Pension Liability 13)60 23,564 Page 2a .' Il -- -- -- - -- - --- -- - SCIIEDtJLF: 1- AIlDlTlONAL MF:MBERS & TOTAL LIABILITIES - 48 4b 4c 6 8 I 2 3 3a 4 ...-- .n..n....'.. nn.......__. ---......... ___n__ ...,,_n .. .......n. .n.n......._ n.n......... un....... -----......... .n.... ." __n......._ --00........' ...........----.........-- n......... --..........--........ _ ..........-.-.-_..........-.-......... Bcnefit Deferred Defcrred Namc Lea\e Le\el at Non- Pension to pension to Ent~. Separation of Tota time of Forfeitable the end of the end of - Af!C Date Date Abscnce Ycal1 seoaration % this year next year Deferred Pensions I. 2. 1 4_ 5. 6- 7. R. 9_ 10 Subtotal of Deferred Pensions 0 0 Unnaid Installments I. 2, 1, Subtotal of Unpaid installments 0 0 Earh' Vested Pensions I. ~ 4_ 5 6. 7. R <)- 10 - Subtotal of Earl" Vested Pensions 0 0 Use the columns provided to show calculations. EJ:lIm"le, 411 x 4b x 4c = dcferrel ,lension amount. ;.,J~, it: , ~ Jm ---- Total of Regular Pension Liabilities F rom pages I and 2a 711,693 777,26R Total of Deferred, Unpaid, and Early Vestcd Pcnsions If Any, from pagc 2b (above) 0 0 A. Aeerucd I. .iability Through Ncxt Year 2000 (total, column 8) _____m_________________________> 777,26R B. Accrued Liability Through "Illis Ycar 1999 (total, column 6) -----------> 711,693 . Subtract Linc R from Line A (normal cost) 65,575 Page 2b I I - Schedule (( lon t Determination of Proje .ted Net A.~.~et.~ for the year endinK December 31, 1999 - Special Fund Assets at December 31, 1998 (See Ending Assets in Reporting Form ~ 1998) 1 $ 629,884 projected Income to December 31.1999 a. Minnesota State Aid $ 44927 (Use 1998 amount, exclude supplemental) b. Municipal (independent fire) Contributions $ () c. Donations (List $ () d. Interest and Dividends $ 51,889 e. Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments $ 0 f. Other income (Includes Supplemental) $ 1,()()() (List - ) Total 2 $ 97,816 Projected Assets plus Income December 31, 1999 (line 1 + line 2) Projected Disbursements through end of year g, Pensions (If listed here, don't include on Schedule I) h, Other benefits I. Administrative Total 3$ 727,700 $ $ $ () 4 .348 .5()() Projected Assets at end of year (line 3 minus line 4) 4$ 5$ 48,848 67.8,852 Section 2 lktermination if Projected Stlrplll~ (Deficit) a.~ of TJecember 31,1999 Surplus or (Deficit) (Subtract line 7 from line 6) 6$ 7$ 8$ 711,693 Projected Assets (line 5) 1999 Accrued Liability (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line B) 678,852 (32,841 ) '" Go to Sectio/l 3 ~rStlrplu.~ '" Go 0 Secti,!N " ~r TJefidt Section 3 Determination of Municipal Contribution (ir Surplu.~) Normal Cost (Schedule I, Page 2b, Line C) 9$ () Calculated Administrative Expense (1998 Reporting Form Adm. Exp $ Less: j. Minnesota State Aid $ () k. 5% of line 5 $ () I. 10% of line 8 $ 0 Total Subtractions x 1.035) 10 $ () 11 $ () M~al Contribution (line 9, plus 10 minus 11) IfW10 or greater, certify to municipality before August 1, 1 99~ If negative number, no contribution is due. 12 $ () GO TO SECTION 5 AND COM LETE II .' n. " .- -0 I 4 I derminatUm of Municipal Contribution (if l)ef/CiI) orion 0( 1><:[1,.;t... - Yrar Incurred Column t CIllumn 2 CIlllllnn 3 ^mt Rei ire'" 12 1:11 I.dl to Rdin' 1/1. Original ^mount I')'!'! 2llllll "Wfl{H:I 5~J;7l\ 25,%9 \. \.' ,I, 2l\.3ll9 ~ /1"9 5,036 5114 4,532 m. 32,841 (section 2, line 8) Subtotal n. 12,841 (Column 3 subtotal) -~~_. o (m. minus n.) N~w add'! Delicit ~ o. Totals ~8,714 25,1173 !2,1I41 Step # 1 If line 0 is positive, enter line 0 in columns 1 and 3 of Ne"" additional Deficit (1999) line. (This is your New additional Deficit for 1999.) Step # 2 If line 0 is negative, reduce columns 2 and 3 according t o Deficit Reduction in the instructions Amortizalion of Deficit (lotal IrOlll Colnllln I 58,714 x Ill) 13 $ 5,871 Total from Schedule 1, Page 2b, Line C - Normal Cost 14 $ 65,575 Calculated Administrative Expense (1998 Reporting Form Adm. Exp. 6700 x 1.035) 15 $ 6,935 eotal Lines 13+14+15 16 $ 78,381 Less: p. Minnesota State Aid $ 44.n7 q. 5% of line 5 $ :n,943 Tolal Subtractions (subtotal of Lines p and q) 17 $ 78.870 Municipal Contribution (line 16 minus line 17) 18 $ ( 489) (If 0 or ne!!"rive, there i" no mUllicipal contrihution) You must eertlt'v to munlclnalltv before AUl!ust 1 1999 enn it' no cont i bution is due. Section 5 - Test for Maximum Benefit Allowed ('alclllatioll ,!I" A\'cm!!I' -'pecial.frl/ld ;IICO/lll' 1'''1' /II('/IIhel' MBt.C · Received or Receivable D ^ B C D E ~tale Municipal 10% of ^dil'c ^id. Support Smpllls Memhers ^ verage hlSt war 1998 43,954 SC-98 28 1,56979 2 years ago 1'!97 42,142 S('~97 29 1.45317 .1 years ago ~("'?1 ~ ~'I- f 27 SC-1,I6 ..t.d)~() -;'f" .D. If..,OL(SY Total column E divided hy .1 F. $ r ~ I 15112.- Maximum Pension Bendtt Under Statute G. $ I ~ 1 ;;..8' ,)J . ^ To obtain G, look up the result of F on pj:l~ e 1 1 of the instructions, Table III, "Maximum Benefit Under Law" ^ This is your maximum benefit this year. Y( u may not increase benefits beyond this amollnt. Page 4 " ;fl. Council Agenda - 8/28/00 . 12. Consideration of authorizin Ci laee Ferrell Gas site on the market. (.TO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As you will notc in the attached letter, Silv r Creek has withdrawn from negotiations on the Ferrell Gas site parcel. Council is aske to direct staff from here. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize staff to contact developer' with site information prepared and purchase price as established by the current a praisal. 2. Direct staff to make a new offer to -'ilver Creek featuring a reduced cost. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admin'strator to re-market the property with the asking price based on the current appraisal. However, there should be some flexibility in price as it is important to get development s arted at this site. It should be noted that getting top dollar for the property is important, however, getting the site developed and on the tax rolls is im ortant too. The new development will heIp spur other development and will bring othe dollars into the downtown area. Also, the TIF revenue generated by the project coul be used for Walnut Street and parking improvements. finally, the City acquired at d cleaned up the property under funding provided by the clean-up grant. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter of withdrawal from Silver Creek Ltd. and other correspondence. . . . August 22, 2000 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council: state Developme~t Ltd. LLC In response to the action taken by Council at their ugust 14,2000, meeting, Silver Creek Real Estate Development must decline the counteroffer f $520,000 for the land formerly known as the Ferrellgas site. Therefore, after consideration, Silver Creek Real E tate Development must regretfully withdraw from the project at this time. Sincerely, ,11!/ (J ~' enneth A. Barthel evelopment Manager cc: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Jeff O'NeilL Deputy City Administrator Project File Ikd );) N:IS.I\cr Crcckll'wJcct<IMollli . B,'enn. Pmpert.c<IL"'\I",c,I>0S::::00.\\ I'd - - MONTICELLO August 9, 2000 Mr. Ken Barthel Silver Creek Development 23801 Industrial Boulevard Suite 200 Rogers. MN 55374 Re: Purchase of Ferrell Gas Property and prope adjacent to existing liquor store Dear Mr. Barthel: . I am in receipt of your offer for the purchase of the en'ell Gas property and the property adjacent to our liquor store along Walnut Street. In reviewing our offer. I was disappointed to learn that the underground parking and second floor condominiun s are proposed to be eliminated from the project. We were optimistic that your development proposal 'vvould contain the housing concept you had originally proposed and that this would be the first of many developments that would combine a mixed usage of retail/commercial and residential in our cen ral district area. It appears from the cOiTespondence you included fro DutTy Engineering and Associates that the reason for proposing the elimination of the undergro nd parking and second floor condominiums had to do with increased costs associated with poten ial water table elevations. According to NIr. DutIy. he estimated that this project may require ad itional construction cost in the area of $150.000 or more, but he did not indicate that it was not feasible 0 install the underground parking and the associated residential concept. This is encouraging since it does appear that underground parking is feasible. although more costly. for this project. In Ii ht of this fact. I am willing to propose to the City Council and recommend the following concerning th salc of the FCiTell Gas site and adjacent Walnut Street frontage: Appraised land value $7.25/sq. ft. x 50.710 sq. ft. =;; $367,647.50 . $1.000 per parking stall deficiency x 6.:= $ 56.000.00 . Additional value of not having to con truct the additional 56 stalls == $1-+9.800.00 . . Total Appraised Value of land and patking requirements $573.447.50 Jd, Monticello City Hall. 505 Walnut Street. Suite I, Monticello, N 55362-8831 . (763) 295.2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd.. Monticello, N 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax: (763) 271-3272 . Mr. Ken Barthel August 9, 2000 Page Two . Less: Reduction in sale price to co pensate for additional costs that might be as ociated with higher water table ($150.000.00) . Net Sale Price $423,447.50 The recommendation that I would be willing to m e to the City Council is that if Silver Creek Development is willing to keep the project intact wi h the housing component as approved by the Planning Commission during the conditional use pe mit process, I would support the sale of the property as outlined above for $423,447.50. This re uction in the appraised value would be intended to compensate you for any additional cost that may e incurred during the construction process. . If Silver Creek Development is proposing to change the original proposal and planned unit concept that was approved by the Planning Commission. I would be recommending to the Council that the sale price for the property remain at $573,447.50 which i eludes all the appropriate charges for replacing and constructing the 56 parking stall ddiciency. Sin 'e the elimination of the residential component would be considered a major deviation from the plan that had been approved by staff and Planning Commission. it would also be our recommendation t at the revised proposal be again considered by the Planning Commission. Also, without the residential ~omponent included in the tinal plan, City Council may want to determine if other developers \\ould be interested in developing a project with residential uses. Please let me know as soon as possible your thoughts on my proposal so that appropriate background information can be supplied to the City Council for tl eir review in regards to the conditional use permit request for the mixed use development and th potential sale. Yours truly, CITY OF MONTICELLO ~t~f~ City Administrator R W/dg cc: File Steve Grittman, NAC Fred Patch, Zoning Official Jeff O'NeilL Deputy City Administrator Roger Belsaas. Mayor . )J, FAX: (763) 428-3574 . www.Silvercreekdevelopment. com I II o. .0 . state DevelopmeVlt Ltd. LLC August 11, 2000 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Purchase and Development of Ferrellgas Site Dear Mayor and City Council Members: Silver Creek Real Estate Development has been workin with City staff since 1997 on the purchase and development of the Ferrellgas site. The original intent as to develop the site along the same time line as the community center project. However, due to the use fthe site for construction storage for the community center, further consideration of this project as delayed. . In 1999, the City solicited RFP's for development of the site, at which time Silver Creek Real Estate Development submitted a proposal. The proposal was a cepted by Council on April 24, 2000, and City staff was directed to work with us through September 1, 000, in preparing the development program and terms of sale. In staff's April 24 agenda report to Counc'l, it was noted that construction was expected to begin September 1, 2000. Since that time, Silver Creek has met with City staff to d scuss the project and purchase agreement on the following dates: May 10, May 24, June 7, June 21, June 28, July 2, July 19, July 28, August 1 These dates do not include meetings with architects, eng'neers, contractors, Design Advisory Team, and Planning Commission. We feel a tremendous amount of effort and expense has been put forth by Silver Creek to make this project a reality. Initial plans include residential and retail/commercial, as well as the liquor store expansion and remodeling. Since that ti e, the City has decided to delay the expansion and research construction of a satellite liquor store on th east end of town. . Likewise, we also feel that a change to the project is nec ssary due to a recent investigation indicating a high water table. The 12 residential units and undergrou d parking portion of the project have been eliminated from our proposal because it is no longer cost effective due to the high cost to build the structure and provide a drainage system with a lift station. In addition, the system would have to be perpetually maintained to guard against malfunctions wh n the water table fluctuates during wet seasons. The costs to maintain these pumps would add a substanti I amount to the monthly homeowner's fee, which cannot be justified with only 12 units in Monticell 's market. Adding the horrendous liability of the fluctuating water table makes this portion of project t tally unfeasible. N:\Silver CreekIProjectslMonti - Brenni Propenies\council-081I 00, wpd / J . Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello, MN August 11, 2000 Page 2 In regard to the purchase of the property, Silver Cree Real Estate Development has proposed an offer of $423,647.50 ($8.35/sq. ft.) for the Ferrellgas Property and the Property on Walnut Street adjacent to the City.owned liquor store, which is consistent with the ppraised value per square foot and includes all parking fees: $7.25/sq. ft. x 50,710 sq. ft. = $l,OOO/parking stall x 56 deficiency (per CCD Dis ict Ordinance) = $367,647.50 $ 56.000.00 $423,647.50 ($8.35/sq. ft.) According to the attached copy of the City's CCD Dis rict Parking Ordinance, the above offer meets all requirements of the Ordinance. The Ordinance as wri en makes no reference to developers paying additional money above the $1,000 per parking stall st ndard for the City to acquire land and build a separate parking lot, including curb and gutter, lightin , and blacktopping. Therefore, we feel the above otTer meets the appraised value and is consistent with e City Ordinance. Enclosed is an infonnation packet submitted to City st ff, including a colored artist's rendering of the project, which meets the criteria of Monticello's Downtown Revitalization Plan. We hope that you will agree that we have fulfilled our obligation in working ith staff to make the best project possible. . Sincerely, neth A. Barthe Development Manager Enclosures cc: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Project File Ikd . N:\Silver CreekIProjeclslMonti - Brenni Propenies\council-081100.wpd );) . . (),..-I ", 1,'1 '" () H'" E-< C'1 Z r:r, n~ ~ U 1',1, (-) o 'L' r: C, H C) ~ " c, ..l CO (Q , rl "M CO ""' o Q) , " "' QJ .c [I Ul '" H ..l " H r>, [I ~ "'. () 61 ,,' u " o ?" is '" H ,:r: ,.. ~ u E' Z ~I o U () ~ I.,~ <Co Z ~ '" '" ~ (.:,~ C' Z ~ o u u .-J.; t; ~ o ~ 'n 00 C" 00 r"" ,., ee, ,", c', "0 U-) C', '" " ,., rl 00 (" ,;; -,J' r--. 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