City Council Agenda Packet 08-14-2000 AGEN A REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, August 14,2000 - 7 p.m. . Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, rian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen 1. Call to Order 2. Approve minutes of July 24, 2000 regular co mcil meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Cn,..~~ 6 ~ y 4. Citizen comments/petitions, request and com .Iaints. 5. Consent agenda. ~/t G ~~@ Consideration of appointing election judges for the 2000 election. Consideration of approval of concept .tage development for PUD. Applicant: Church of St. Henry, Barry Bluhm and Don auer. c. Consideration of an amendment to th. zoning ordinance regulating housing density standards and an amendment cstablisl ing minimum green space and/or maximum lot coverage standards for residential dev lopment. . D. Consideration of establishing revised 'etback standards for residential uses in the Original and Lower Monticello plats. E. Consideration of seeking matching fu ds for soccer field development. r. Consideration to approve a resolution amending the Contract for Private Development by and between the Aut lority, the City, and Twin City Die Castings Company. G. Consideration of approval of Change )rders No. I and No.3, Project No. 98-03C Chelsea Road East and Project No. 98 13C, Walnut Street. H. Consideration of approval of Change rder No. 16 Project 906-04C, TH 25. v\J (9 Consideration of ratifying new emplo ee appointments. 1. Consideration of approving statement f understanding between City of Monticello and American Red Cross. K. Consideration of adopting a resolution approving Heartland Express budget for 2001 and Transit Assistance application. . L. Consideration of acceptance ofimpro ements ~ Riverview Square. M. Consideration of adopting a joint resolltion supporting annexation - Ci-roveland. , . . Council Agenda August 14, 2000 Page Two 6. Consideration of items removed from the con" ent agenda for discussion. 7. Report ofliquor store operations for first and eeond quarters. 8. Establish budget workshop date. 9. Consideration of market study for second liqu r store site. 10. Consideration of Reviewing Development Op ions for Ferrell Gas Site. II. Consideration of a request for approval of ad vclopment stage pun (planned unit development containing a multi~family structlfe with more than 12 units. ] 2. Consideration of concept and development s1' re for Planned Unit Development for Klein Farms Estates 4th and consideration of a proval ofprc\iminary plat for Klein Farms Estates 41h. 13. Consideration of an amendment to a planned l nit development in a B-3 District to allow the expansion of an auto sales and storage lot. A plicant: Dave Peterson's Monticello Foret 14. Consideration of a zoning text amendment est blishing a building to site area ratio for auto sales commercial buildings in the B-3 Zoning District. 15. Review of annual sidewalk inspection report. 16. Review of final plans on County Road 75/Hig lway 25 intersection turn lanes and authorization to obtain quotes. 17. Consideration of extending probation period fI r Water & Sewer Collection Employee (Sean Weis). 18. Consideration of counter offer for purchase of Eisle property. 19. Approve payment of bills for July, 2000. 20. Adjourn . MINU rES REGULAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 24 2000 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger C rison, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. an declared a quorum present. 2. A ncil meetin . CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE TH MINUTES OF THE JULY 10,2000 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AS PRESE TED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED 'fHE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addine: items to the al!enda. The Council requested that the following items b added to the agenda: 1) Sewer line project on Bondhus property; 2) Personnel Committee s Illmary and 3) Geese problem at the park. 4. Citizen comments/ None 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of approving charitable gambling license _ St. Henry's Fall Festival. Recommendation: Approve the charitable gambling license Jar St. Henry's Jar September 16th and 171h. Res. #2000-50 B. Consideration of approving charitable gam ling license. _ Mn Conservation Federation at Comfort Inn. Recommendation: Appro e charitable gambling license for Mn Conservation Federation for September 9th t the ComJort Inn. Res. #2000-51. C. Consideration of resolution adopting the re ised Heartland Express Drug and Alcohol Policy. Recommendation: Adopt he resolution approving the revised Hemiland Express Drug & Alcohol Policy. Res. #2000-52 D. Consideration of a resolution entering into agreement with MnDOT on relocation of utilities with the 1-94 loop ramp project. ecommendation: City comply with the recommendation of the City Attorney. R s. #2000-53 . Council Minutes - 7/24/00 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE "HE CONSENT AGENDA WITT I THE REMOVAL OF ITEM #5D. CLINT HERB. T SECONDED THE MO'fION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the c On item #5D Brian Stumpf questioned how tl e $2,300 figure for relocation of the utilities was determined and whether the City Attorne. had any reservations about entering into the agreement. Rick WoIfsteller. City Administra or, indicated that the $2,300 figure was the City's cost estimate for adjusting and relocating a m nhole and gate valve on Oakwood Drive and removal of existing lighting units at the eomm Iter parking lot. The City Attorney had reviewed the agreement and stated that it was the stand, d agreement used hy MnDOT and that he saw no prohlems with the City entering into the agree lent. The City Attorney also reviewed the process of acquiring the Oakwood Drive right- f-way by the State and concluded that they acted within the authority granted to them hy statute. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ESOLUTION AUTT 10RIZING THE CITY OF MONTICELLO TO ENTER INTO MN/DOT GREEMENT NO. 80481 AND EXECUTE THl: RELOCATION AGREEMENT AS PREPARED. CLINT HERBST SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOl SLY. 7. Public Hearin ~ - Consideration of a resoluti n ado tin the ro osed assessment roll for deJinquent utility bills and certification of as essment roll to Coun Auditor. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. Ther was no one present who spoke on the assess- ment of the delinquent utility bills. Mayor Bels as then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE SSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE DELINQUENT CHARGES AS PRESENTED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOlJ, L Y. Res. #2000-49. 8. Review of ro osals for reconstruction of Orc ard Road and consideration of award of contract. In the absence of the Public Works Director, Ric Wolfsteller provided background information on the proposed reconstruction of Orchard Road. There was some discussion on the difference in the original estimate and the amount submitte in the proposal. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO AWARD THE C NTRACT FOR THE RECONS'rRUCTION OF ORCHARD ROAD TO BUFFALO BITUMI OUS IN THE AMOUNT OF $24,998.00. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MO'rIO . MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2 . 9. Consideration of amendment to transient m rchant ordinance. ~ouncil Minutes - 7/24/00 Rick Wolfsteller explained the proposed chang s to the transient mcrchmlt ordinance as they affect produce stands. Based on the recommendation of the City Attorney and the League of Minnesota Cities, the proposed ordinance exem . ts the produce stands from the fees illr a transient merchant license but does place the sa ne restrictions on them as far as location, signage, parking, that apply to all other transien merchants. The Council questioned whether the case law r ferenced in the research by the City Attorney and the League of Minnesota Cities covered only 10 ally grown produce. Aaron Crandall, from Hall and Byers, representing the Country Stop, infor led the Council that case law does not make a distinction between locally grown produce and ther produce. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that the City Attorne had reviewed the changes proposed and was in agreement with the revisions. BRIAN ST1JMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ( RDTNANCE AMENDMENT AS PREPARED WHICH ADDS ADDITIONAL GENERAL RESTRICTIONS FOR TRANSIENT MERCHANTS AND WOULD ALSO EXEMP , FARM AND GARDEN PRODUCT VENDORS FROM THE ACTUAL LICENSE EE REQUIREMENT. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CAR lED UNANIMOUSLY. ~ ., 10. Approve pavment of bills for July. 2000. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE A YMENT OF BILLS FOR JUL Y. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOT ON CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Items added to the agenda: 1) Personnel Committee Summary: Bruce Thielen summarized the discussion of the Person el Committee meeting of July 24th at 6 p.m. He stated that the discussion included limiting the amount fvacation/sick leave that can be accrued. It was also noted that there are discrepancies between the pers nnel policy and the personnel ordinance and the committee felt these documents should be updated. Bn ce Thielen also stated that there has been no salary study done since the comparable worth study in 1. 93 and the committee felt that one should be done. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO HAVE THE STAFF RING REVISIONS TO THE PERSONNEL POLICY AND ORDINANCE BACK TO THE PERSO EL COMMITTEE AT THEIR OCTOBER MEETING. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOT ON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. - 3 BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO DJ RECT THE STAFF T HAVE A SALARY STUDY DON E AND BRING IT BACK TO THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE T THEIR OCTOBER MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CA RJED UNANIMOUSL Y. C uncil Minutes - 7/24/00 Another item that was discussed by the Personnel CommiH'e was a change in the working schedule lor the Public Works Department. Currently their work day is rom 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. witb an hour for lunch and two fifteen minute breaks. They would like to djust the hours from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with a half ho ur I unch break and one half hour break instea of the two fi fteen minute breaks with travel time being counted as part of the break time. There was dis 'ussion on this proposal as to how it would be monitored and whether it would apply to supervisors. It as suggested that this proposal be set up on a trial basis and then at the end of the period the work day s hedule would be reevaluated. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO SET THE WORK DAYS :HEDULE FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEI' AR TMENT FROM 7:30 A.M. TO 4 :00 P.M. WlTH A I ALF HOUR UJNCH BREAK AND A HALF HOUR BREAK IN THE MORNING AND TO SUB IT THIS PROPOSAL TO THE UNION NOTING THAT IF THE UNION AGREES WITH THE PROPOSAL, THIS WOULD BE DONE ON A TRiAl. BASIS TO THE END OF SEPTEMBER. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF AND CLINT HERBST VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 2) 80ndhus Sewer Extension: Mayor Belsans stated that he was inlormcd that there is uo pa ticular desire by the school district to proceed with thi s improvement. The school is basically look i g at just so me seed in g for the area and therefore the Mayor felt there may not be a need lor the City t proceed with the project at this time. City Engineer, Bret Weis stated that R.L. Larson the contracto on the County Road 75 project under the contract would do the seeding but the they held off on it becau e of determining where the sewer line should be located. The Council directed the staft" to continue n gotiations with the property owners in order to obtain the necessary easements but the actual construe ion of any sewer extension would not be done at this time. 3) Geese Problem: The number of geese at the park and some of the problems they create were discussed. There was no readily apparent solution to the problem. ] l. Adiourn BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:00 p. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED TI-fE MaTrON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL {ecording Secretary -,-,~---, '--~---,-,-,-,--,-,- 4 Council Agenda - 8/14/00 ~ ..... SA. Consideration of a A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN The upcoming primary election will be held 0 Tuesday, September 12, and the general election will be on Tuesday, November 7, 200 . The appointed individuals would be serving for both the primary and general electi ns. The attached is a list of names of people who have previously served as election 'udges in the past or who indicated a willingness to serve as ajudge at the caucuses n Wright County. The names on the attached list are a pool of individuals that the C'ty can tap for election judges. It should be noted that these individuals can serve only u on completion of election judge training. Since there are a nwnber of training sessions sc eduled throughout the month of August they have until the end of the month to complet their certification even though the appointment must be made at this meeting. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: The only altcrnative available is to appoint elect on judges as required by law with the contingency that they complete election judge tr ining. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None. ~ SUPPORTING DATA: List of individuals recommended for appointmcn as electionjudges. . NAME Yvonne Smith Jeanette Host Kaye Gauthier Florence Mayer Lucille Clausen Rita Soltau Opal Stokes Rosemary Dahl Jan lrvine Edith Custer L ynnea Gillham Sandy Suchy Mary Daniels Elaine Nelson Judy Moody Robert Nelson Lori Slack 2000 ELECTION. VDCE LIST CITY OF M NT/CELLO ADDRESS PARTY J09 Craig Lane, Montie lIo, MN 55362 DFL 416 E. River St, PO Box 4, Monticello, MN 55362 IR J 26 Hillcrest Road, Mont cello, MN 55362 IR ] 10 Craig Lane, Monticell , Mn 55362 DFt 320 W, Broadway, PO Bo ]45, Monticello, MN 55362 OFL 624 E. River St., Monticell ,MN 55362 IR 2]5 Locust St, PO Box 626 Monticello, MN 55362 fR 1229 Sandy Lane, Monticell ,MN 55362 DFt 325 E. 4th St, Monticello, 55362 1410 Hilltop Dr., Monticello, MN 55362 IR IR 915 W. Broadway, Monticell ,MN 55362 DrL 2760 Meadow Lane, Monticel 0, MN 55362 OFL 701 East 4th Street, Monticello, MN 55362 IR 512 East j'd Street, Monticello, MN 55362 DFL 11 8 Kampa Circle 68 River Terrace, Monticello, N 55362 DFL IR 9621 Gillard Avenue NE, Monti ello 55362 IR SA . Sb. . - - City Council Agenda -08/] 4/00 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the meeting on 8/1 /00 the Planning Coml ission reviewed this case and recommended approval of the concept of establishing a PU district and recommended approval of the proposed mix of uses. There were some conc rns regarding access to the large parking lot and concerns regarding the drive and parking a ai lability for the rental units. These concerns to be addressed at the next stage of pun appr val. Don Bauer and Barry Bluhm are filing joints pplications for the redevelopment of the St. llcnry's Church site along Maple and 4th Stree s. The redevelopment consists of three main components. Barry Bluhm proposes to redevel)p the main church building and maintain the church parking lot south of 4th Street. The de elopment would include a conversion of the sanctuary into a performing arts center. M ch of the remainder of the building would include office space, a recording studio, and wo apartment units. The lower level of the building may be leased as a private school. r. Bluhm expects no exterior changes at this time, although a small addition to accommod te loading may be sought at a future date. Don Bauer proposes residential use in two adj cent parcels. The first component would be potential single family homes along 3rd Street Plans for this portion of the project are still being developed. However, it is expected tha a private access drive would be developed along the rear of the project to share with the luhm project. The third component would also be residential. Don Bauer proposes four townhouses along Maple Street. A shared driveway is proposed hich would provide access to Maple Street from the church parking lot being used by the Bluhm development. Mr. Bauer has provided two alternative concept plans for this camp on nt. Proiect A ~ Barry Bluhm Mixed Use. Issues reI ted to this portion of the PUD include traffic and access to the project through the existing n ighborhood. It is expected that daily traffIc generation would he quite small. Apart from th performing arts center, the parking demand would he approximately 20 spaces. The perfor ling arts ccnter would generate the greatest parking demand and traffic Icvels, although on a more sporadic schedule. The auditorium would generate a demand for between 90 and 100 spaces, with an additional need for 20 spaces, depending on the production. The existi g parking lot is estimated to have about 130 spaces, meeting the projected demand. A prefe ence for trafflc access to and from the south -1- . would best avoid potential conflicts ith the residential areas tn the north and east Additional detail regarding the schedulin' of performances would help to refine the land use issues and any steps necessary to minimi .e negative impacts. City COllncil Agenda -08/14/00 Pro'eet B ' Don Bauer 3rd Street Residel ial. This portion of the project is proposed to be low density residential uscs consistent wi h the surrounding neighborhood. Concept plans have not heen developed for this portion f the project at this time. . Pro' ect C ' Don Bauer Ma 1e Street T oWnh mes. Th is portion of the proj ec t consists 0 ffour townhouse uni ts bet ween Maple Street and he existi ng park ing lot, adj acent to the no rth side of the Burlington Northern rail line. The la ld use is consistent with the existing zoning (R, 2), hut a PUD approach is necessary to pr vide for the Use of common areas and shared driveways. Two site plans were submitted. 'he first shows the units clustered along Maple Street, with garages to the rear, and the pri ate drive to the adjacent parking lot along the north. The second plan shows the private dr ve s p Ii "ing two pairs of uni ts, then COn necti ng to the adjacent parking lot Due to the traffic potential rrom the parking lot, staff prefers the first option. The green space Would he con entrated in the front yard, and service/garage spaces would be located adjacent to the parkir g area. The second plan would result in traffic Irom the parking lot, heaviest arrer perionn8J ces in the arts center, leaving the site through the "fronts" of the townhouse units. Green s ace would be Concentrated at the rear of the units, along the perimeter of the site, and two units would be quite close to the parking 10/ itself The Planning Commission should express any issues or pre!",ences with both site plans to provide guidance to the developer. Staff has nCOuraged retention of the access drive to facilitate a Southerly access for the parking lot, as discussed previously. l'rocess. It is the intent 0 I' thi sreport to present t le general concept and raise potential issues fi" City consideration. The developers seck a UD Zoning OVer the entire project, at staff direction. This would laci1itate the mixing of use, shared driveways and other facilities, and all nw for a PUD Ordinance and development con ract which Wo ul d establish a "Customized" zon ing ordinance for !hi s site. Because of the u ique nature of the use, as well as the long, established character of the surrounding neighborhood, a PUD zoning is a valuahle tool in managing the land nse impacts of redevelopmen on this site. ft also allows hoth the City and the develo pers to proceed incrementall y, and ro vides the neighborhood to gai n a clearer understanding of the project and its issues early i the process. The Planning Commission should provide feedba k to the developers on two levels. First the 0 verall acceptahi lity of the land use proposal sh mId be reviewed. At this level ofreview, it is understand that the land use proposal may ge lerate several issues which will require special attention as more details plans develop. 1'1 e identification of those issues, and any -2- . . -. - City Council Agenda -08/] 4/00 suggested solutions, comprise the secon level of review and feedback. If the City linds that the land uses may be acceptable but on y if the development addresses certain concerns, it will be important to have as comprehen ive a list of those concerns as possible at this stage. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Consideration of a rezoni g to PUD Zoning District I. Motion to recommend approval fthe PUD Zoning District, based on a finding that the PUD District provides the gr atest amount of assurance that the proposed land uses will be developed and m naged in a way which enhances the existing neighborhood. This is the motion recommended y the Planning Commission. 2. Moti on to recommend denial of th P U D Zonin g D istri ct, based on a fi nding that the proposed Uses are not compatible ith the existing neighborhoOd land use, a primary goal of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. Motion to table action on the PUD . ,onin g District, pending additional in]ormation . Decision 2: Consideration of a pun Con ept Plan I. Motion to recommend approval oft! e PUD Concept, conditioned on the applicants' ability to address tbe issues identified at the public hearing lor each of the three primary components of the proj ect, a d the su bmi ssion of appropriate development stage PUD plans and applications, in luding site plans, grading and drainage plans, utility plans, building and 11001' plat s, and landscaping plans, as appropriate. ^ survey of existing conditions should also be prepared to verily site conditions and buildi ng locations. This is the motion recommended by tIe Planning Commission. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the UD Concept, based on a finding that issues related to the proposed Uses and their i npacts on the existing neighborhood can not be adequately addressed. 3. Motion to table action on the pun Co cept, pending additional information. -3- . . . c. City Council Agenda -08/14100 STAFF RECOMMENDA TIO Staff recommends the PUD Zoning District as an appropriate technique to guide the redevel opment of the St. Henry's ch rch property. The district wi 11 not affect allowable residential density, since townhouse nd single lamily density is regulated by lot size in either the R-2 or pun district. Subject to the issues raised at the he ring. staff is supportive of the PUll concept as an innovativere-use concept for a large bu lding in a developed neighborhood. As noted in the report, it will be important to continue t plan for traffic and access to avoid problems in the exi stin g residential areas. One 0 f the co nponents of traffic planning wi II be to maintain the access to Maple Streetlrom the parking lot so that most tramc can access the area Irom the south. Related to this is staWs suppa for the first townhonse site plan which keeps the units clustered and the driveway to the si e, rather than splitting the residential development in haJf On tlie whole, traffic generated 'om this project should be light, with tlie exception of the use of the performing arts center or larger productions. In this way, it will not be unlike the traffic pattems whicli were cr ated by the church use previously. D. SUPPORTING DATA Bluhm Floor Plan Sketches Bluhm Summary of Use of buildings Bauer Townhouse Site Plan #1 Bauer Townhouse Site Plan #2 Draft minutes fi'om Planning Commission meeting of 8/1 /00 -4~ r- I 1 L I 1 __1 31 ~ 1 ~I ~t ill ~ II (f) Z ill ~ \.') 1 :\)1 ~ " I LANDSCAPE BUFFER ./ .. ,. / "/,, " , ~ "~, /.i /" ///~",../~ UNIT IAI' '> 1r~,2 ~. FT. ',UNIT 'A I:' / , ,'" 1112 sa. FT, ADJACENT FROFE TY (LOT 3, BLOCK 21) , N 21" 4 ' 43' E >- <,{ 3 ill > ~ o ill > ~ o ill I- <l > LANDSCAPE BUFFER F. - ,'"- /' I 'UNIT 'AI 1112 SQ' FT ~ " / , ,"/, '/ ",1 '% ,/ " / -/ ""GARAGE/, , ,'/ , . / j. / ,j >- <t :3 ill > (Y- O 'I. / ~ ' ./ / UNIT 'A 1< 1112 SQ, FT, / l . r f{"\ ~ ill ~ ro ill II -;{ ~ o z -;{ -l Q . f{"\ ~ ill Q "'t. ~ ~ ill ~ II U> Z ill ~ \.') 11.0' 5 21. I ( : " r-- ADJACENT PROPE TY (LOT 3, BLOCK 2 ) LAl--tPSCAn L__ FRIVATE DRIvE Ib:'.08' N 21 45' 43' E ~ -I I +- DRIVEWAY DRI EWAY --l . r ('f) w > ~ ~1 0 w 11.1'2" 5 21. J- -<:{ > , ~ It- {l I ('f) I=-. I I" r, ~j ''', '0- L_~ "j I -,..... ~ Too - ,I ~,y '( ~ r~if' I -n ""1 :LI i.L v'r. .1'0 -:, c /." I~) ,- q, $. '): I .., I "'" 0.. I l\, :.J 0 W 0 ., ~ " l--. ot &. \\ - .1 ': fo ~ " ~ lb ..I 4. v '-1 -,--... .'- ~------................ i_ Ol > .J '~ ~';,,"'~:>>'.- .~' , ~,\ ~ - ~'1 ,I .,~... ", -.to:,. II ' ~r ...,\. 'I; '.:,.\ ' ~- ,') '" , '" 0/.. \) ~ \J W. € ~ k I--. IJ ....... 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('" & -, c .~ ~t:~ t., , l c-= -?.-c- 7' --.."'tlQ~P.""'--" .~ .L 1 ... E===r. .. - - .- ,- - . ,- ------ -If- -'. '7- t:'=.:.::} . I \ \ \ \ \ " (/ -"'---- I~ "i .... -2J I' t 1---- '~--~~=J . 6&7 . . Planning Commission Minutes - 08/01/00 Steve Grittman provided the stafTreport xplaining the joint filing by the applic;mts for the redevelopment of the St. Henry's Chuch site along Maple and 4th Streets. The redevelopment consists of three main co ponents. Harry Bluhm proposes to redevelop the main church building and maintain th church parking lot south of 4th Street. crhc development would include a conversion of the sanctuary into a performing arts ccnter. Much of the remainder of the buildi ng w uld include office space, a recording studio, and three apartment units. The lower level 0 the building may be leased as a private school. Mr. Bluhm expects no exterior changes a this time, although a small addition to accommodate loading may be sought at a future date. I ssues related to this portion of the PUD include traffic and access to the pro ect through the existing neighborhood. Don Bauer proposes residential use in tw adjacent parcels. The first component would bc potential single family homes along 31' Street. Plans for this portion of the project are still being developed. I-Iowever, it is cxp cted that a private access drivc would be developed along the rear of the project to share with the Bluhm project. The third component would also be resid ntial. Don I3auer proposes four townhouses along Maple Street. A shared driveway i proposed which would provide access to Maple Street from the church parking lot being used by the Bluhm dcvelopment. Mr. Bauer has provided two alternative conce t plans for this componcnt. Chair Frie opencd the Public Hearing. M . Don Doran, 515 Maple St, addressed the Commission stating his concerns over pa king on south side of Maple St. Mr. JelT Gardner, 500 W. 4th St., addressed the Co nmission also stated his concern with parking issues as well as increased traffic, noting e has small children and is concerned about thc possibility ofthe increase as well as spee of the traffic. Mr. Grittman noted that it is expected that daily traffic generation wOlld be quite small. Apart from the performing arts center, the parking demand would be approximatcly 20 spaces. The performing arts ccnter would generatc the greatest parkin demand and traffic levels, although on a more sporadic schedule. The auditorium woul generate a demand for between 90 and 100 spaces, with an additional need for 20 sp ces, depending on the production. The existing parking lot is estimated to havc about 13 spaccs, meeting the projected demand. A preference for traffic access to and from t e south would best avoid potential conflicts with the residential areas to the north and cast. DRAFT . Planning Commission Minutes - 08/0 I /00 Grittman also stated additional detail reg~ -ding the scheduling of performances would help to refine the land use issues and any teps necessm-y to minimize negative impacts. Traffic, lighting ffild signage were also ad ressed. Mr. Barry Bluhm, Becker, !vfN, addressed the Commission regarding thes issues ffild also addressed the proposed rental units. He did note that these residential u, its would be short-term leased as he felt there was a need for this. He also commented On the proposed private school which would be for approximately 35 children, Monday th ough Friday. The current daycare was addressed and it was noted that this is not art of the proposed PUD. Grittman addressed the 3rd Street Residen ial portion of the project which is proposed to be low density residential uses consistent ith the surrounding neighborhood. Concept plans have not been developed fix this po ion of the project at this time. Grittman also addressed the Don Bauer M pIe Street Townhome portion of the project which consists of four townhouse units bet een Maple Street and the existing parking lot, adjacent to the north side of the Burlin ton Northern rail line. The land use is consistent with the existing zoning (R-2), ut a PUD approach is necessary to provide for the use of common areas and shared drive ays. Two site plans were submitted. Due to the traffIc potential from the parking lot, st iT prefers the fIrst option. The green space would be concentrated in the front yard, an service/garage spaces would be located adjacent to the parking area. The second plan would result in traffic from the parking lot, heaviest after performances in the arts cent 1', leaving the site through the "t1:onts" of the townhouse units. Green space would be eo centrated at the rear of the units, along the perimeter of the site, and two units would b" quite close to the parking lot itself. Mr. Peter Donohue, attorney for Mr. Bauer, add essed the Commission stating these would be upscale, individually owned townhomes. He also stated that their preference is to have two townhome units, one on each end, but I oted they are willing to work with City staff on this issue as well as any parking issues. . Chair Frie closed the public hearing. Grittman explained the process of this proje 't, noting that because of the unique nature of the use, as well as the long-established char cter of the surrounding neighborhood, a PUD zoning is a valuable tool in managing the 1m d use impacts of redevelopment on this site. It also allows both the City and the develop rs to proceed incrementally, and provides the neighborhood to gain a clearer understandin of the project and its issues early in the process. Jeff O'Neill also advised that this item woul at which time it would be forwarded back to development stage plan. . " -J- come before the City Council on 8/14/00, he Planning Commission for final DRAFT . . . Barry Bluhm 8959 165th Ave. Becker, MN 55308 RE: Plans for use of buildings being purchased from St Henry's Catholic Church located on Maple St. in Monticello, MN. Plans for the buildings are as follows: ExistiIl,& Sanctuary 4 Top Floor - . 250-300 seat auditorium 1200 sq. ft. stage 735 sq. ft. foyer 420 sq. ft. entry 305 sq. ft. control room 360 sq. ft. backstage prop rties room 264 sq. ft. dressing room 121 sq. ft. office Plans are to use the audit . urn for family entertainment in the form of theater, concerts, tc. The facility will also be avail- able for rent. (i.e. seminar. , recitals, etc.) (2) 525 sq. ft. offices on t e west side for lease (These are accessible fro a 400 sq. ft. hallway and entry.) Bottom Floor - Working with tenants on ossible renovation for a Montessori School, but not limited to . s use only. Existin& Parish Center - Top Floor - (1) 3 bedroom apartment r short term lease rental (1) 4 bedroom apartment r short term lease rental Bottom Floor - (1) 3 bedroom apartment or short term lease rental (2) 350 sq. ft. office spac s for lease (Creating access to th se on N/innesota Street) . . . Sc. City Council Agenda -08114/00 Consideration of an amendment to the Z standards and establishin mIlllmum standards for residential develo ment. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN : Silver Creek Development is processing a r quest to construct a townhouse project along east 7th Street which would consist of up to 2 townhouse units. Due to the way in which the Monticello Zoning Ordinance currently calc lates density, a townhouse project on this R-3 zoned site would be permitted just 16 units whereas a multiple family project would be allowed up to 25 units. The Planning Coml.ission requested an amendment to the zoning ordinance which would address this disparity but also ensure that townhouse projects would not overcrowd a parcel. The attached ordin nce is designed to accomplish this objective. It consists of three components: The Lot Area Per Unit section is amended to add a clause which refers to the fact that individual districts may have specific density standards. For a project which was in a district without a specific standard (most districts d not address this issue), the Lot Area Per Unit Table would apply, such as in a PU D in the R 2 District, or a standard R-l single family plat. 'rhe second portion amends the "Usable Opel Space" section by applying the 500 square feet of open space standard to townhouse develo ment, and adding an alternative clause which would mandate a 30% green space require lent. This requirement is within the average range of such regulations from other eommur ities, but also includes some exemptions from the calculation. For instance, narrow strips f lawn between parking areas and sidewalks would not be included in the ] ()lYo calculation nor would stormwater ponds or wetlands. As a result, the actual landscaped area of a pro, eet will be higher than 30%. Because of the urban nature of CCD mixed use projects, th y are exempted from this clause. Finally, the ordinance amends the R-3 Distric to state that townhouse projects within the R-3 District may use the density allowances ofm ltiple family development. Combined with the green space requirement, a townhouse devel( pment could be constructed at a higher density in the R-3 District, but would still have to maintain a livable amount of green space in the project. The Planning Commission reviewed this ite at the meeting on August 1, 2000 and acted to recommend adoption of the proposed ordinance as noted under Alternative 1. City COLlncil Agenda -08/14/00 . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment, hased on a finding that the regulation of density by zoning istriet is in keeping with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and other dens ty projections used for engineering purposes. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the mendment, based on a finding that townhouse projects will sacrifice openness at d nsities equal to multiple family development. 3. Motion to table action on the amendnent, pending additional inl(xmation. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . StaHreeommends the amendment. The us of density regulation by zoning district rather than unit type helps to ensure accurate projectionsoftraffic, sewer How, water use, and other issues. In addition, it should help to enco lrage townhouse development in areas which would tend to be developed as multiple family, resulting in a possibility of higher residential ownership rates. By applying the open sp ee/green space requirement to both types of development, townhouse projects should n t be able to sacrifice green space for higher density. D. SUPPORTING DATA Draft Ordinance Amendment Previous Planning Commission agenda iten & minutes of 7/5/00 . . . . City of Monticello Wright Count , Minnesota AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, CH PTER 3, SECTION 3-4 AND CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8-5, OF THE MONTICELLO ZO ING ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF DENSITY ST ANDAR S AND GREEN SP ACE REQUIREMENTS FOR TOWNHOUSE AND MULTIPLE FAMI . Y DEVELOPMENT. TI IE CITY COUNCIL OF THE crrv Of MONT CELLO, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Sectio 1. Chapter 3, Scction 3-4[B] is amended to read as fa lows: [B] LOT AREA PER UNIT AND RESIDENTIAL DENSITY: l.Jnless otherwisc s ecified within the in ividual zonin districts the following: table re resents the maximum densit of an resi ential develo ment: Unit TYDC Singlc Family Two Family Townhousc Mobile Home Park Multiple Falnily Eldcrly Housing Lot Al ea Per Unit 12,000 squarc fect 6,000 square eel 5,000 square ect 4,000 square eet 10,000 square eet for firslunil, plus 2,000 square eet for cach additional one bedroom unit, plus 3,000 square ect for each additional two bcdroom unit. 1,000 squareeet (Note: the lot area per unit rcquirement f(Jr to nhouses, condominiums, and planned unit devclopments shall be calculated on the basis of the total are in the project and as controlled by an individual and joint ownership.) Section 2, Chapter 3, Section 3-4 [D1 is hereby amended to rc d as follows: [D1 USABLE OPEN SPACE: Exce t for mixed ISC ro'ects in the CCD District each multiple f~lmily dwelling sitc or townhouse site shall ontain at least fivc hundred (500) square feet . . . Sectio13. Chapter 8 is hereby amended by adding the folIo ing Section 8-5, Density Standards: 8-5 DENSITY STANDARDS fA] Residential development in the R-3 District shall conform to the Lot Area Pcr Unit requircments of Scction 3-4fB] of he Monticello Zoning Ordinancc, except that townhouse projects may utilize the I)t area per unit standards applicable to multiple family dwellings. This ordinance shall become ellective from and aft r its passage and publication. II sl I . . . Planning Commission Agenda -07/05/00 7. Consideration of a re uest for a Condit onal Use Permit allowin a Planned Unit Develo ment of 25 townhomes in the CC Zunin District. A licant: Silver Creek Real Estate. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN ): Silvcr Crcek Real Estate is proposing a tOWl ome development on 1.92 acres ofland along East 7th Street. The parcel adjoins other R-3 housing on either side, and the parking lot for the 5th Street Annex shopping centerto the n rth. The concept plan submitted for the project consists of25 townhomes around a central. rive and parking area. Most of the townhomes would include patio space around the perim tel' of the site which are not shown on the site plan. The purpose of concept plan review is to id ntify issues raised by the proposal and provide direction to the developer as to how they may be addressed. This report will address planning related issues which will require 'pecific zoning action. The City engineer has identified storm water management as the pr mary engi neering issue, and the developers wi 11 need to work with public works and engine ring on utility design as well. The primary zoning issue relatcs to the sel ction of the unit type and density. In the R-3 District, townhomes are permitted uses in clusters of no more than eight units, multiple 1~1mily buildings are permitted in buildings fno more than 12 units, with more than 12 units allowed, but requiring a Conditional Use ennit. The issue raised by this proposal is the density of the project using a townhouse st Ie unit. Monticello's Ordinance regulates density by unit type, rather than by zoning district. Townhome projects are allowed to be devel ped at a density of one unit per 5,000 square feet of lot area, irrespective of the zoning distric . Multiple fami 11' projects may be developed at a density of one unit for the first 10,000 sq Lare feet, and one unit per each additional 3,000 square feet. On this parcel, therefore, a to nhome project may contain a maximum of 16 units, whereas a multiple family project c uld be as many as 25 units if all two bedroom units. Moreover, under the general CCD I' gulations, ground floor units may be developed only at a density of one unit per 9,000 sq mre feet, with upper 11001' units at one unit per 3,000 square feet. The PUD is necessary 0 "import" the R-3 density standards onto this CCD site. Otherwise, the density of a tow home project (where all of the units are ground floor units) would be even further restricted. The proposed project shows 25 units, an appropriate density under the multiple family scenario, but far in excess of the allowab e townhome density. The rationale commonly applied for requiring townhomes to be built at a lower dcnsity is that multi pIe fami 11' projects will typically construct the same number funits on a smaller amount ofland, thus leaving -I . a. b. c. . d. e. 1'. g. . Planning Commission Agenda -07/05/00 more area fix green space and on-site reere tionalopportunity. Apartment units arc also typically smaller and result in a lower traffi count. 'Townhome units are often favored by cities ecause they have a higher likelihood of home ownership and are larger. To allow this nlmber of townhome units on the subject site, however, would require an amendment to t e Zoning Ordinance which would change the way density is calculated within each zoning district, together with the pun approval to use the R-3land uses standards and private drive ccess to each unit. Such an amendment would probably be written into the R-3 District .onditional Use Permit regulations to allow townhome development at a density equal to apartments when developed as a Planned Unit Development. The PUD review for such cas s should focus on whether the design of project attempts to compensate for the decreased gr en area and increased tratlic when compared to a multiple t~unily development of similar density. The accompanying site plan provides a fe comments on site plan issues if the project proceeds as a townhome development. The'e include: Increase driveway width in traffic ar as to 24 feet. Look for opportunities to increase in ernal/centrallandscaped areas. Consider alternative paving material' in the central area. Redesign the northwest corner units 0 allow for better backing and access. Maintain a maximum of eight unit t wnhome dusters Plan for a highly intensified landscap d plan, particularly at the perimeter, including well-designed patio areas, fencing, J1d other side/rear yard improvements. Address outward appearance of uildings to maximize aesthetic impact on neighboring property. B. AL;r'ERNAfIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of he concept plan for a PUD as a town home project, including a recommendatiol for the necessary ordinance amendments to accommodate townhomes ofthe pro osed density in the R-3 and CCD Districts. 2. Motion to recommend denial ofthe c ncept plan, based on a finding that the density exceeds the townhome density perm tted in the ordinance. 3. Motion to table action on the concep plan, subject to additional information. -2- Planning COlTIlllission Agenda -07/05/00 . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Under the current ordinance language, staff 'an not recommend approval of the townhome project due to the proposed density. To aIlo the project to proceed as a town home project, it would need to be coupled with a propos 1 for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which allows townhomes to be built at a dnsity equal to multiple family dwellings in the R-3 and CCD Districts. Alternative 1 abov reflects this option. There is rationale for such a change in that the City would be able to I' gulate density by zoning district instead of by unit type as is now the practice. There are s me issues raised by a new approach, however, including loss of green space and potential increased population and traffic. The primary advantages of a change would be the likelil ood of increased ownership and larger units. Ifthe City chooses to proceed with the proje t as a townhome development, staff could have an amendment available for review at the ext Planning Commission meeting. A public hearing should be called to consider that am ndment. Finally, the Development Stage PUD plans should include attention to the site pIa ning issues raised in this report, comments from Engineering and Public Works stafT, as w 11 as full site development plans, floor plans, grading, drainage, and utility plans, and Ian scape plans. A Preliminary Plat should also be prepared to aIlow the subdivision of indivi ual unit lots. . D. SUPPORTING DATA 1. 2. 3. 4. Site Plan Site Plan Issues (by stan) Topography Building Elevations . .., - -) . . . Planning Minutes - 7/5/00 7. Steve Grittman provided the background info mation on this item. The proposed planned unit development shows 25 town homes located 0 this site along Jib Street East. The primary issue with this development is the density. In the -3 District town homes are permitted and based on the acreage of the parcel, a maximum of I - units could be placed on the site and still meet the requirements of the ordinance. The ordin nce also restricts town homes to clusters of no more than eight units and the proposal showe a cluster often units. If the proposed develop- ment was laid out as a multiple family projec 25 units would be an appropriate density. Even though town homes and multiple family units are permitted uses in an R-3 District the density requirements for each are diflerent. If the Plat ning Commission preferred the town home concept, they may want to consider an ordina ce amendment that would set density requirements by zoning district rather than by type of use. Steve Grittman briefly reviewed the site plan nd commented on a number of areas including driveway widths, landscaping concerns, num er of units in a cluster, aesthetic considerations, alternative paving materials for central area, 1d issues such as storm water drainage and .., .) . Planning Minutes - 7/5/00 utilities which would be further reviewed by the City Engineer and Public Works. There were additional questions concerning he density issue and what the positives and negatives were in regulating density by zoni g district rather than by use. Steve Grittman noted that the language in the City's ordinance wa commonly used in the zoning ordinances established in the 1970's and emphasized tha town home units tend to use up more green space than multiple family units which was why th~ir density was less than multiple family dwellings. ]t was also pointed out that curren ly a single family dwelling is ffil allowable use in an R-3 District and if there was going to be a 1 amendment to the R-3 District it should be considered whether the single hlmily should ontinue as an allowable use in that district. Chairman [<'rie then opened the public hearin . Bruce Haverly, representing Silver Creek Real Estate spoke briefly regarding the proposal. Ie explained that they had looked at various layouts including multiple family but felt tha aesthetically the town homes better suited the site. He indicated that the density of the units may be reduced somewhat, possibly to 23 units and the cluster of ten units would be broken t p. It is proposed that the units will be constructed so they could be sold off as individual units. Chairman Frie then closed the public hearing. Roy Popilek stated that in addition to the ite s noted in the agenda 1rom the site plan review, he also had concerns about open areas/play area for the children. Bruce Haverly indicated that reducing the number of units would open up ome additional area for open space but stated that because of topography, the northwest area of he parcel would be kept for drainage. . The Planning Commission also addressed paf(ing facilities not only for the residents of the units but also visitor parking. There was oncem that while a good number of these units are 2-3 bedroom units there are only single Cel garages for many of the units (approximately 2/3 of the units had single car garages). The lanning Commission felt parking would probably not be adequate and could have a negative im act on the ability to sell the units. JelTO' Neill indicated that the City's zoning ordinance onl specified garage unit requirements for single family and two family dwellings. Bruce Haverly indicated that the development will have a homeowner's association and that each unit has individual sewer access which t nds toward individual ownership rather than rental. Dick Frie asked if the only entran e to property was off Lauring and whether one entrance was adequate as Jar as the Fire Depa ment was concerned. Steve Grittman noted that this would be looked at further when the plan were reviewed by Public Works. Dick Frie also asked about signage for the development. Mr. Haverly indicated that there would be just a single entrance sign. He also indicated that th median price for the units would be about $130,000. There was additional discussion on the dens it of the development. Mr. Haverly was asked if 16 units, which would comply with the ordina ce provisions, was not economically feasible, . 4 . Planning Minutes - 7/5/00 what number of units determined whether it ould be economically feasible. Mr. Ilaverly indicated that above 20 units would be feasi Ie. DICK fRIE MOVED TO RECOMMEND PPROV AL Of THE CONCEPT PLAN fOR A PUI) AS 'fOWN HOME PROJECT INCLU ING COMMENTS A-G AS NOTED IN TIlE AGENDA ITEM AND SUBMITTAL AND REVIEW OF LANDSCAPING, UTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT PLANS BY THE CITY NGINEER AND STAFF AND TO CALL FOR A PUHIJC I II~ARING ON AN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO ACCOMMODATE TOWN HOMES OF THE PROPOSED DENSITY I THE R-3 AND THE CCD DIS'rRICTS. ROHI3IE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTI N. Richard Carlson noted that the recommend at on is hased on the proposed density but that the Planning Commission felt the density was to) high. Steve Grittman suggested rather than specifying a number or units, they could crea e a green space requirement that everyone would have to meet. He indicated that 35%-40% w s the requirement of communities that he was familiar with. RICHARD CARLSON MOVED TO AMEN) THE MOTION TO INCLUDE A LOT COVERAGE/GREEN SPACE REQUIREM "NT AT A PERCENTAGE TO BE DETERMINED AS RECOMMENDED BY lIE Crry PLANNER AND STAFF. ROY POPILEK SECONDED nil': AMEND ENT. . UPON VOTE I1EING TAKEN TIlE ORIGI AL MOTTON WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. UPON VOTE BEING T KEN THE AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. . 5 . . . 5d. City Council Agenda ~ 08/14/00 Consideration of revised setback standards for residential uses in the Ori inal and Lower Monticello Plats. A licant: Ci of Monticello. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO Recently, the City has considered a numbe of variance requests for reduced setbacks on lots of record in the older portions of the c mmunity. Most of these lots are 66 feet wide by 165 feet deep, consistent with the histor' cal platting practice of the community's original founders. Platting of single famil lots changed in the late 1970s upon the adoption of a new zoning ordinance which established a standard of 80 100t wide lots, with 10 foot side yard setbacks. This man ated a buildable width of at least 60 on new residential lots. The new setback standard as applied to all residential building in the City. An additional requirement made of new ho es was the construction of a two car garage. Over time houses have grown in average si e, and many garages are now built with 3 car garages, whereas houses of 50 or more yea s ago were usually built with no garage at all. The changes in home construction, garage eeds, and other lifestyle changes have resulted in a significant squeeze on the buil able area of older lots. With ten 100t side yards, lots in the original plat and Lower M nticello have just 46 feet of buildable area, making garage construction problematic. Moreover, homes in these areas are often in need of more regular maintenance and upkeep. One of the common trends in real state which helps to ensure regular reinvestment in older homes is the ability to update and expand them to meet contemporary housing requirements. The ity has frequently found that the current zoning regulations, especially the ten toot side yard setback requirement, is a significant impediment to this process. With garage requests, the City could often a dress the problem through the issuance of a setback variance. The requirement that sing e fmnily homes have two car garages, and the common demands of home ownership i Minnesota have usually resulted in an easy finding that a variance for a garage setback as justified to allow "reasonable use" of the property - a necessary standard tor variance 'onsideration. Ilowever, this approach does not work when the applicant wishes to expa d the home by the addition of more livable space, such as a family room or additional b drooms. Because reasonable use is already being made of such properties, no hardship xists which would justify the variance. As a result, reinvestment in older homes can be t warted in these cases. The attached ordinance is intended to rectify that problem in the older plat areas by creating an "overlay" allowance J<Jr narrowe side yard setbacks on single fam i Iy lots of record in the older platted parts of the comm mity. The ordinance docs not contemplate -1- . City Council Agenda - 08/14/00 that more intense residential uses would qu lify for this exemption since it would be reasonable to expect that two family homes townhouses, or other multiple family structures wi II need more than just one of tl e old lots to qualify for the additional density, and additional spacing would be appropriat in any case. The ordinance recommends a six foot side ard setback standard for eligible parcels. This standard was common in many areas piaI' to the advent of wider lots, and is consistent with building code requirements or building separation. At the six foot standard, buildable area would be increased from 46 feet to 54 feet, a significant impact for those parcels, while still maintaining a I' asonable building spacing. Six feet is usually enough to maintain the side of a tW( story hCHne, and install a sidewalk around the side of the house from front to back. The Planning Commission reviewed this re uest on 8/1/00 and recommends approval under alternative #1 below. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to recommend approval of tl e Zoning Ordinance Amendment, based on a finding that it is consistent with the -~omprehensive Plan goal of encouraging reinvestment in the existing housing stoek. . '2. Motion to recommend denial of the oning Ordinance Amendment, based on a finding that current side yard setback standards are more appropriate to maintain adequate spacing between buildings. 3. Motion to table action on the amend ent, subject to additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the amendme 1. As stated, the current ordinance requirements discourage reinvestment in the xisting housing stock, and important element in ensuring the continuing health of he community. While some of the conf1icts have been addressed by variance, even this p ocess strains certain residents, and appropriate variance findings are often not p ssible on reasonable projects. D. SUPPORTING DATA Draft Ordinance Amendment . -2- . . . City of Mo ticello Wright County Minnesota AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, C APTER 3, SECTION 3-3 [C], OF THE MONTICEllO ZONING ORDINANCE RE TING TO SIDE YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENTS IN PORTIONS OF THE R-1 AND R-2 ZONING DISTRICTS. THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF MONTI EllO, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOllOWS: Section 1. Chapter 3, Section 3-3[C] is amended to read s follows: [C] All setback distances as listed in the table below shall be measured from the appropriate lot line and shall be require minimum distances. Front Yard Rear Yard A-O 50 30 50 R-1* 30 10 30 R-2* 30 10 30 R-3 30 20 20 R-4 30 30 30 PZR See Chapter 10 for specifi regulations. PZM See Chapter 10 for specifi regulations. 8-1 30 15 20 8-2 30 10 20 8-3 30 10 30 8-4 0 0 0 1-1 40 30 40 1-2 50 30 50 1-1A 50 30 40 P-S See Chapter 19B for specific regulations. *See Section 3-3[C] 3. below for special side ya d setbacks in the R-1 and R-2 Districts. . . . Chapter 3, Section 3-3[C] is amended by adding t e following: 3-3[C] 3. Side yard setbacks for single famil homes on lots of record with a lot width 66 feet or less in the Original Plat of onticello and Lower Monticello which are zoned R-l or R-2 shall be six (6) fe t, subject to the corner lot provisions of Section 3-3[ C] 2. above. Sectio 3. This ordinance shall become efIective from and a er its passage and publication. / /s/ / . . . 5e. Consideration of Ci A. City Council Agenda - 08/14/00 e School District b su School District to the MN De t of Some months ago the City Council gave th go ahead to work with the School District on development of a joint City/School District soccer field development project. T'he thought was that the City could stretch fun s much further if the dollars allocated for field development went toward eonstruetiOl and not toward land acquisition and construction. Subsequent to Council directi n to proceed, the Parks Commission/City staff have worked with the School District 0 develop a plan which calls for construction of three irrigated soccer 1ields and one mult -purpose recreationaltield. In addition, the timing of the School/City project coincides ith the application cycle for funds available through the Mighty Kicks program. Thus tl e $60,000 allocated between the City and School for field development could leverag an additional $20,000 through the grant program. The soccer field development pi n and grant program was approved by the School District at their meeting on August ,2000. Under the City/School project, the 3 full siz soccer fields would be available to the Monticello Soccer Club from April through August. These fields would be used by School teams in the fall. The recreation tiel. would be available to the soccer club for recreation play in the fall and spring. Accor ing to the Monticello Soccer Club, development of these fields will satisfy soc er field needs for some time in the future - even with the loss of the Dahlhemer fields t freeway ramp development. Please see the attached grant for more infor lation on the program. Following are some important points in sup ort of this partnership between the School District and the City. 1. Development of a three field compl x by the City at a different site acquired by the City would have been a very exp nsive proposition for the City. The land acquisition alone would have been neh higher than what is available in the budget. Contribution of $30,000 to ard a project that nets three fields is truly a bargain fi)f the City. 2. Maintenance ofthe facility is the res onsibility of the School District. Field striping will be done by the Soccer lub. This is another benefit to the City. - 1- . " -, . City Council Agenda - 08/14/00 Location is excellent. There will b no negative impacts on adjoining neighborhoods caused by this project. All three fields could be used at once without any overflow parking or tf' ffic into a neighborhood. 4. Development of the fields as propo 'ed accomplishes a goal of the Park Plan. The 1999 budget called for $25,000 to e allocated toward soccer field development. The Parks Commission supports sh fling $5,000 fl.-om a different project to support the deficiency. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION ]. Motion supporting Soccer Field de elopment program and associated School District request for Mighty Kicks grant funding. Under this alternative the School Di trict will submit the grant request. In the event the request for funding is not pproved, the project will be scaled back to include construction of three fields. The recreation field will be removed from the construction project. . 2. Motion to deny support of Soccer Fi ld development program and associated School District request for Mighty icks grant funding. c. STAPF RECOMMENDATION Unless Council has chmlged its mind, the City Administrator supports alternative 1 above. Funds have been allocated for this e pense and these funds can be used to leverage additional funding through the Mig t Kicks grant program. 12c SUPPORflNG DATA Copy of (rrant Application . -2- . . . Applica ion Including Predesign P oject components The sections below incorporate information requested y CFLlMASC together with the Predesign requirements of the Department of Administration. Th Predesign process is intended to improve facility planning and therefore building design and constructio . Approval of applications by the Department of Administration is required before contracts can be com leted for any grants in excess of $500,000. CFL/MASC will secure this approval from the Departl ent of Administration. I. Project Name Monticello Schools/City/River Eagles Soccer ield Development Project II. Project Summary The Monticello School District, the City of Mo 1ticello (City) and the Monticello Soccer Club (MSC River Eagles) propose to build three full size, irrigated soccer fields and one large versatile recreation field at a cost of $82,800. ite control has already been achieved with the School District providing the land necessary fo the field development. Both thc School and the City have allocated funds necessary to support ach jurisdiction's share of the project which individually amounts to $30,000. The program also includes a contribution of $2,800 from the MSC for the purchase of goals. The requested rant amount is $20,000. The field development is intended to serve the rowing demand for field space in the Monticello area. The fields will get a considerable amount of play year around as the three full-size fields will be utilized by the MSC to support its traveling soccer program from the months of May through August. These fields will then be used by the Monticello High School and Middle School programs in conjunction with Fall play. The recreation field adjacent to the three full- size fields will be used as a venue for small sid d games serving children in grades K through 6. The MSC provides a recreational program for g ades K through 6 which will take advantage of these fields in the Fall and in the Spring. In addition, the recreational field will be set up so that it can be adapted for use by the U~9 and U-l 0 tr veling teams in Monticello during the summer months. III. Program Narrative Provide a comprehensive description and plan for meeti g the existing need for services through construction or modification of the facility. a. Restate statutory requirements that dive the operation programs(s) (if appropriate). Monticello School District is the propos d recipient of the grant funds. thcrefore, the organizatiol1meets the statutory requirellents for funding eligibility. -1- . . . b. Describe the activities, goals, and pro ram services to be provided in the proposed facility. The Monticello Soccer Club is a 50] C3 organization that operates a recreational soccer program in partnership with Monticello Community Education. Participation in this club has grown in ] 995 from 60 children to vel' 600 in the year 2000. MSC, working in tandem with Monticello Community Education has a proven track record and is well equipped to continue to provide the opp rtunity for children in the Monticello area to play the sport of soccer. During the Fall season, the recreation fi Id will be used by children in grades K through 6 as a venue for recreational play. The leld size and pitch will enable flexible use of the play area. The field can be divided into smaller fields to match the scheduling requirements of recreational league pia . The Monticello Soccer Club also provid s Fall, Summer, Spring and Winter soccer camps. Fields developed under this pro ram are likely to be utilized by the club for these camps which currently attract 50 t 70 players per session. Last summer, the Monticello Soccer Cll b expanded its services to include a traveling component. ]n its first year of operation the Soccer Club yielded] 2 River Eagles teams which competed in the Minnesota Yout Soccer Association League Play. The three full size fields will be used often by the MS River Eagles teams during the summer months. In addition to club activities, the three full size fields will become the home fields for the Monticello Middle School and High Sch 01 teams. Since 1998. the Monticello High School District has expanded its offerin 5 from a boys and a girls junior varsity team to Middle School, Junior Varsity and Varsi y teams. The three fields are necessary to support the six school teams in com petit on during the Fall months. Describe the needs of the community, ocumenting both poverty level in county or municipality, number of children, you h, and families not receiving services. Provide evidence of successful prior e. perience in developing and managing the program to be housed in the facility. c. The growth in participation in Monticell is due to an increase in the percentage of children playing the sport and because 0 the rapid growth of the general population. The Monticello Soccer Club has been able to adapt to the growing demand and has not turned away any children from playing tl is sport due to lack of fields or coaches. Due to increase in participation and competition for field space, it will be difficult to support the growth in the future without adding field. The recreation program provided by the Iub is open and inexpensive. It stresses pal1icipation above competition and is in ended to provide children with an introduction to the sport in a family-friendly manner. For instance. families with multiple children have the option of placing their children n teams that practice and play on the same day at the same general field location so as to reduce the stress on the family schedule. The ~2- . program featurcs small sided games with small teams which provides the childrcn with many touches on the ball, thus incre sing the action and excitement for each player that participates. Although the registration fee is inex ensive at $40 per player, there are families that are not able to pay the fee. The club ha never turned down a registration due to inability to pay and regularly provides scholarships to approximately 6% of the children in the program. To keep costs down and make progr ms available to as many children as possible, the club does not purchase full uniforms tor players, but rather purchases handsome, inexpensive jerseys instead. In addit on, the fees go toward the purchase of soccer balls which are often donated to children tlat may not be able to afford a ball. The Monticello area family incomes nclude a wide range. In terms of pove/iy level, 21 % of the children in the School Di trict receive school lunch aid. A portion of the fields necessary to SL pport the current program will be lost with the commercial development of the Dahl leimer fields. Dahlheimer Field is a large privately owned field that has been available through the generosity of the owner, Greg Dahlheimer. It is very I ikely that this field will be lost to development in the near future. d. Describe needs analysis and planni g process, including alternatives considered (e.g. using existing space, adapting xisting space, co-location). Explain why the proposed alternative was chosen. . Since 1998, the Monticello Parks Co mission has been working toward the development of soccer fields. The Pa ks Commission and the City Counci I budgeted funds in 1999 for the purpose of field evelopment, however development did not occur due to the tact that land was not available at a reasonable price for field development and existing fields in Monticello were not arge enough to accommodate both the existing sport activity (baseball) and soccer. T le Parks Commission and the Monticello Soccer Club explored locations near the Mont cello Nuclear Power Plant, on land that the City owned near the freeway, and on land a jacent to an existing ballfield complex. All of these areas had potential tor field deve apment, however the cost to develop these fields, or the relative value of this land tor otl er use. was such that it became prohibitively expensive to pursue field development at these locations. The proposed location was selected tor a number of reasons as follows: The land was already available with the development of the school campus as part of the High School development project, Little Mountain lementary School and Eastview Elementary School projects. After the needs of the schools had been Illet, there was sufficient land left over for field development. In addition to land availability. water wells were available for irrigation and parking was available that had been constructed with the development of the Monticello High Sc 1001. Other positive factors include great road access via a School Boulevard which is a collector road serving the southern halfofthe comlllunity. In addition, a pedestrian p thway system featuring a nearby freeway . ., - -,- pedestrian overpass serves the school ampus. Last of all, the school campus features a relatively large area of multi-purposclelds in addition to the proposed speeialuse soccer fields. The multi-purpose field could be adapted for soccer use for special events, thus providing a great OpportUl ity for a soccer tournament venue. It is estimated that there is sufficient ballfield and fo tball field space that could be used to suppOl1 a tournament needing up to 10 fields. . e. Demonstrate evidence of consuItatio with representatives from neighborhood groups, advocacy organizations and ther interested parties. Include letters of community support for the project. The location of the proposed fields, int rnal to the school campus, insulates the activity on the field from the adjoining residen ial neighborhood. There is sufficient parking to serve all three fields being used simult neously and there is enough separation between the fields and the residential area to ke p any negative impacts from field use away from area homes. Therefore. although there have been no neighborhood groups involved in this project except for the involvement associated with construction of high school. There should be no neighborhood resis anee to the development of these fields. The activities of the Monticello Soccer C lu are well supported in the comm un ity. The Monticello Soccer Club work has been supported through donations made by the Lions Club and through the Land-O-Lakes Cl air Boys. In addition, the club has received support from Dahlheimer Distributing t Hough generous use of their property for soccer fields. The SpOl1 of soccer has cons ide able SUPPOl1 in the community as evidenced by such contributions. . f. Give detailed explanation of collabol' tive efforts, including development of family resource centers or "one stop" model Include interagency agreements and/or letters of support. Collaboration is c nsidered to be active involvement and partnership through all phases of the project, from planning to use. As Iloted under item D above, develop ent of the fields at this location includes collaborative efforts between the City 0 Monticello, Monticello School District, MSC and Monticello Community Education. The MSC, through provision of a program that is popular and well attended, has resulted in the demand for the sport that has out- stripped the ability of the School District and City to provide space for the activity. Both the City and the School District have be n working hard at trying to develop field space necessary to support this sport. In addit on, Monticello Community Education through its programming and expertise, and con acts with school children via its programs, has provided excellent support to the MSC y allowing the club to use its system for distributing information to school childr'n. The Monticello Community Education has been an instrumental partner in develoPl ent of the program due to their cooperative efforts with the soccer club. The Monti ello School District athletic department has been a great partner with the City by agr'eing to maintain the fields and through their willingness to dedicate field space for s ccer. (J e" Indicate how facility will be operated. If the applicant will be leasing out the facility, describe the terms of the prop sed lease and include a copy of the proposed . -4- . . . lease form. The lease form must e consistent with the requirements set forth in Minnesota law. Scheduling for the facility will be d ne jointly by the MSC, Monticello High School Athletic Department and the Montic 110 Community Education. As noted earlier, the fields will be used during every seas n but winter. Each jurisdiction will be able to use the fields during its season of play. aintenance of the grass will be provided by the Monticello School District, regular s riping of fields will be done by the MSC. There is no set lease agreement with the MS for operation of thefie/ds. h. Any other information relevant to upport this application. · The City of Monticello is in high growth corridor in which there operates a soccer club that has grown q lickly and will continue to grow as the sport increases in popularity and a the area grows. Field development at this location will go a long way toward sa isfying the tremendous growth of interest in this sport in this area. · The distance of the fields froll the residential area provides oppOliunity for lighting the fields in the futu e. . The MSC currently uses the fields provided by Dahlheimer Distributing which is a private interest that owns a out 8 acres of land near the School campus. It is highly likely that the Dahlhei er fields will be lost to development, thus growth in the program drives the nee for these fields as well as the potential loss of the Dahlheimer field which inclu es loss of both a full size field and ajunior field. IV. Financial Information The applicant must document fiscal responsibility and the ability to purchase, construct and/or improve the structure. Provide the felllowing information. a. A budget using a chart of accounts improvement of the land and struct categories should include site and b fees, site and building construction, ways in which the project was desig (See attached Exhibit A) r the purchase, construction and/or re showing the total project cost. Major ilding acquisition, design fees, professional nd furniture, fixtures and equipment. Present ed to be cost-effective. b. A description of other sources of pro'ect funding, as well as monetary amounts from each additional source. Please ndicate whether each source is fully committed, committed contingent u on receipt of state funds, or not committed. (See attached Exhibit A). Sources of P 'oject funding including $30,000 from the School District and $30,000 frOI11 the City, as ell as $2,800 from the Monticello Soccer Club. -5- . . . A cash flow estimate comprised f a budget, schedule and funding sequence. Also, explain the sources of funds that will be used to cover costs incurred prior to completion of the project. c. (See V. Schedule Information) d. A detailed operating budget for t e facility including proposed rents and other income, staffing levels and salari s/benefits, supplies, building operation, and building repair and maintenance This should include income from all sources that will be used to cover the costs of he facility. A detailed operating budget for the facility is not provided at this time. Suffice it to say that the Monticello School District ill be providing the grounds maintenance. The School District will be providing al other resources necessary to support the maintenance of the turf including f rtilizer and irrigation. The Monticello Soccer Club through its programming will be pr viding the support necessary to organize players into teams, etc. . e. Agency budgets for current year nd first full year of operation. If constructing a new facility, necessary amount of ncrease relative to size of current operating budget should be noted as well as ow this increase will be met. The cost to operate these fields is a raction of the School budget. The operating budget of the Monticello Soccer Club, supp rting operation of the recreation and competitive programs will not change due to the development of these fields. f. Income and expenditure projectio s for three years. Not applicable. g. Annual financial statements for th last three years from the political subdivision and all organizations which will b operating programs in the facility. This should include information on manage me t fiscal staff and organizational structure. Attached you will find a copy of the ylaws of the Monticello Soccer Club, along with a listing of revenue and expenditures f om the year 1999/2000. Funds necessary to sUPP011 this project as noted above a e fully committed. V. Schedule Information Provide a real istic, antic ipated schedule for all stages of the project. Stages should include site selection and acquisition. required actions necessary to secure unding and approvals from all sources. designer selection. design development and approvals, constru tion and occupancy. This schedule should include a funding and cash flow sequence. -6- . . . Schedule Item I. Site Selection Site Acquisition School Board approval of Grant Application City Council approval of Grant Application 2. 3. 4. Schedule Item 5. 6. 7. Designer selection Design approval by Monticello School Board Construction completion Due Date Done Done 8/7 /2000 8/14/2000 Due Date Done 8/7/2000 ] 0/15/2000 FundilH! Agency School/City School School City Funding Agencv In-Kind Done Funded by School/City/Grant paid after completion. Cash flow supporting design and construction of the p oposed improvements will be provided by the Monticello School District. The City of Monticello w'll be providing a separate check to the School District for its share of the project costs. It is also exp cted that the funds derived from the Grant program will be provided via the Grant after the paym nts have been made by the School District to the contractors completing the work. VI. Construction Project Description The applicant should describe the site and building to e constructed or improved. Include the following: a. Summary-level architectural/engine ring plan and drawings. See attached Exhibit B b. Description ofthe site and surround ng land uses. See attached Exhibit C c. Photographs of the site and existing uildings, showing front and side elevation. See attached Exhibit C d. Detailed description of the purchase, construction or improvements to be done. See attached Exhibit 0 e. Evidence of site control of the proper by applicant (e.g. warranty deed, purchase agreement, option). The property was purchased by the Sch 01 District and does include land betvveen both the High School and the Eastview Elem ntary School. The proposed fields are located - 7- . . . on the parcel on which the High Scho I was built. f. Evidence that the structure and loc tion arc appropriate to meet the needs of the population to he served. The Monticello Soccer Club, along w th the School District, currently serve the needs of over 700 children that participate in t e recreation program. Another 200 play in the newly formed Monticello River Eagle. The fields that are currently in use to support soccer are not specially dedicated for his SpOli, and thus there is constant competition with other activities for use of these fi Ids. In addition, the impending loss of the Dahlheimer field to urban developmel t will make it even more difficult to find field space for soccer in Monticello. Thus, it can be clearly demonstrated that there is a need for field development in Monticello. n terms of location. the general central location in the community of the fields combined to the proximity to the Eastview Elementary and Little Mountain Elementary Schools I akes it a great site for a soccer complex. In addition, there is very convenient parking directly adjacent to the fields provided by the High School parking lot. The High School lot is served by School Boulevard which is a collector road connecting to County R ad 18 which provides access to the field area for people residing on the North side ofth freeway. Additionally, development of soccer fields at this location is consistent with the Monticello Park Plan. In summary, the location is perfect, th re is parking, good access to schools nearby, and no negative impact on residential area. A description/statement of all applic hIe state and local building codes: zoning ordinances; land use provisions and aws; federal, state, and local regulations and statutes, including full compliance w'th the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); and how these requirements will be et. (J b" Proposed facility being located on School District property will meet all applicable State and Local building odes, and already meets zoning ordinances, land use provisions and laws, Feder I, State, and Local regulations and statutes including full compliance with the merican Disabilities Act. -8- -SF. - - Council Agenda - 8/14/00 A. Reference and backeround: The Council members are asked to approv the attached resolution amending the completion construction date from Septern er 1, 2000, to December 1,2000, within the Contract for Private Redevelopment. Arne ding the Contract means compliance of the contract while still maintaining a fully asses ed value of January 2,2001. At the HRA meeting of August 2, 2000, th Commissioners approved the resolution. Jay Eller, Plant Manager, Twin City Die Castin s, informed the BRA as to the changes in the building design. The square footage of the anufacturing portion remains the same. The design of the office portion was altered to e iminate the aluminum tower; however, the office portion gained 600 to 800 sq ft. In 0 her words, the assessed market value of the building did not change for purpose of tax i crement. Elimination of the tower reduced construction costs which had escalated over budget. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve the resolution ending the Contract for Private Redevelopment by and between the uthority, the City, and Twin City Die Castings. 2. A motion to deny approving the said esolution. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: Recommendation is Alternative No.1. D. SuPportio2 Data: Copy of resolution. 1 . . . RESOLUTION NO. MONTICELLO HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CONT CT FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT BY ANDB TWEEN TWIN CITY DIE CAS GS COMPANY AND HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT A THORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTIC LLO AND CITY OF MO TICELLO WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment uthority (the "Authority") in and for the City of Monticello, the City of Monticello (the "City"), d Twin City Die Castings Company (the <'Developer") entered into the Contract for Private evelopment (the <<Agreement") by and between Twin City Die Castings Company and Ho sing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City ofMonticeUo and City of Monticello on 0 tober 25, ] 999; and WHEREAS, ARTICLE IV, Con truotion ofMi mum 1m rovem nts, Section 4.3. Commencement and Completion of Construction. 0 the Agreement was amended by the Authority, the City, and the Developer on March 13,2000 to read: Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Developer shall complete the constructi n of Phase 1 by September I, 2000, and . . . . . . r . . . ~ . _ . . . . . . ~ . . . . . ~ . . . . + . WHEREAS, to prevent default of the Agreement the Developer requests ARTICLE IV, Construction of Minimum Improvements, Section 4.3. Commengemen~ and Completion of Construction. of the Agreement be amended to read Subject to Unavoidable Delays, the Development shall complete the construction of Ph a e I by December 1,2000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED by th Authority, the City, and the Developer as follows: 1. The Developer acknowledges that due to sig 'ficant increase in costs associated with the research and development of afire code plan for construction of a magnesium processing plant and the increase in construction costs t comply with the fire code plan, the Developer was caused to revise the Constru ion Plans for the Minimum Improvements of Phase I in order to reduce construction costs. 2. The Developer acknowledges the revised Co struction Plans do not alter the amount of square footage of the Minimum Improvement of Phase I. Sf Resolution No. . Page 2 3. The Chief Building Official in and for the Ci y of Monticello has reviewed and approved the revised Construction Plans for Phase 1. 4. The Authority acknowledges amending the ompletion construction date from September 1,2000, to December 1,2000, and the revis d Construction Plans will not alter the Projected Tax Increment Cash Flow. The Authority, the City, and the Developer here y approve amending the construction completion date from September 1,2000, to Decem er 1,2000, within the Contract for Private Development by and between Twin City Die Castin s Company, Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, and City of Monticello, dated October 25, 1999. Dated: ,20_. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO 4 BY~ r-?-dJ-- Its air Y ts WIN CITY DIE CASTINGS COMPANY . Bya~ Its Executive Director By Its Mayor ':; ,: :'1:)>>. .. ...... ......... .\!!!<~jf!~ ':;::' '" ~~" ~+9 CITY OF MONTICELLO By Its Administrator . . . . Council Agenda - 8/14/2000 5G. Consideration ofChan e Orders No. I a d No.3 to the Chelsea Road East and Walnut Streethetween 6th Street and the railro d 1m rovements Cit Pro' eets #98-08C and #98-13C respectively. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Change Order No.2 had been previously approved which changed the pathway along Chelsea Road I<:ast from concrete to bituminous. Change Order o. I was previously drafted but did not yet come before the City Council. Change Order No. 1 involves complications with the installation of watermain and sanitary sewer in and about the inte 'seetion of CR 117 and Chelsea Road. The total cost fiJr Change Order No.1 is a net decrease of $ ,198.98. Change Order No.3 involves adding storm sewer t) the north of the community center to drain the area between the community center service road and the Burlington Northern railroad. The cost of this work was $2,395. In addition, on the Chelsea R ad East construction project, additional signing was provided to direct traffic to local business and t 1.e sanitary sewer was televised. The cost of this work was $2,006.43. Consequently, the total valu of Change Order No.3 is an add of$4.401.43. Therefore, the net change from Change Orders 1 3 is an add of $202.45. p. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve Clange Orders No.1 and No.3 to City Projects #98-08C and #98~ 13C in a total add am unt of $202.45 to our contract with Ruffalo Bituminous. 2. The second alternative wOldd be to not appr ve these change orders. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Project Engineer Mi e Nielson and the City staff to approve Change Orders No. I and No.3 as outlined in alternative #1 above. this results in a total construction cost of $689,249.45 for both projects. D. StJPIJORTING DATA: Copy of Change Orders No.1 and No.3. Aug 08 00 09:50a WSB ~ Associates, 320-252-3100 no. . Change Order No. 1 ~iii!!1i:sl!'J~~ijg~'Ii'-'~~~;if,t:~1d;~!l1ii~'t1'fijIiIDi~g'~n Date: 1/4/2000 ~ 1:f..~j. ,~. /~f .u !;' ;,.~;;~. Walnut Street & Chelsea Road East Improvement Projects City of Monticello Project No. 98-13C & 9a-oaC Wright County, Minensota WSB Project No. 1010.91 & 1103.00 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. PO Box 337 Buffalo. MN 55313 Chelsea Road Construction" CIty Project No. 98 ~ 08C Unit Price Amollnt Increase or Decrease Una Item Esitmated No. Number Descriotion Unit Ouantity ~~~~~~e A --rre9t._______.__ ._____1___+__+ _2-r04.501 IREMOVEY"!lTER~AIN ._~~- ~~- _=_ _____.f~I.F=--.f--~40.00 __ $15.75.- -=~ ADDI-"-'"~---"------ ------.. .-..---.--.----.-...- .-.,-1--- .m 6' 12564.60314' DOUSLE SOLID LINE YELLOW _-TEMPORARY-- .-1----- LF-- -1238.00 ---:--$0.50'- ft Total Schedule A = -$630,00 $619_00 -$11.00 Chelsea Road Construction ~ City Proiect No. 98 ~ 08C Une Item Esitmated Unit Amollnt Increase No_ Number Description Unit Quantity Price or Decrease ~Ch~dUle C - .Sa!,itary.Sewer I Watennal,~_. .'_ _ ._ ..__ .._,____ -- ___1__ . - ---- . u_ -- DEL'ETE .=t--.-- ___n_____ -- --t -- - -- -.--..--- -....... ...- 7"l2611.602 CONNeCT TO EXISTING WAT:ERMAlN-.__=-==-- .. :.~ EACH ._ f-- _:'~"OO '+$4,5~0.OD- ~... -:$9,.9.q~.Q<! 812611,l103 10.WATERMAlN,O'PCL5~___ __' . LlNFT _ ----=.10.00 ---t-_S34.00 ..-f-. __ .~~340.00 2611.603 16" WATER MAIN, DIP CL 50 i . UN F!'_ ! -20_00 _1_ $35,50 .. -$710,~ 11T~:~~:~ ~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~G~H6L~~SANI~ARy;~~~r=P~~N: . t="~~~~~oOq"11 $2~:O~OOO - ~----.-.jt;~~.-.~-~-. ~ONS .~ ~ . __~ __- T=E- -E -: -- d~-= 13 2621.506 SANITARY SEWE..R MANHO~E 4.8" DI~-=---EX:rRA DEPTH L.. LF-- i- . 9.1 . j $90.0,C. -.. .. - $.819.9Q. 14 2621,508 SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 48" DIA. ' EACH +- 1.00 51,BOO.00 $_1,~l?D~ ~f---- 06WNTIMEDUETOGASM~INjNTERFERENCE _-=-- .l__.LS~f.~i'.OO - $4:110.67 -~-___ $4,110.67 16 INSTALL pecp WATERMAlN FITTING 1 L.S. 1.00 '. -:j $2,250.00 $~~~~~ 17 PCCPWATERMAINADAPTERFITrING" -- i-'.' EACH~ ! ~6o--1 $3,782.35 -_._~ $3}82.35 Total Schedule C '" -$4,187 Net Increase for Dee rease Change Order No. 1 "'II -$4,198.98 . p.2 @ TO DATE COST QTY EXTENSION 1238 $619.00 $ 619.00 TO DATE COST aTY EXTENSION , 361 SO.OO 9.1 $819.00 1 $1.800.00 1 $4,110.67 1 52,250_00 1 $3,782.35 $12,762.02 ~ _SG Aug 08 00 09:51a WSB & Associates, Inc. 320-252-3100 . Change Order No.3 .~l!~~~r ;:.s! '-;"llJi;1iIJ Walnut Street & Chelsea Road East Improvement Projects City of Monticello Project No. 98-13C & 98..o8C Wright County, Minensota WSB Project No. 1010.91 & 1103.00 Date: 7/24/2000 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. PO Box 337 Buffalo, MN 55313 Walnut Street Construct/on - CIty Project No. 9B-13C Line I Item I No. I Number Description Unit Esitmated Quantity Unit Price Amount Increase or Decrease , .-~.- .__.1..,_ ---...--...--. ..- .....-. ,... .-..,'.-. .-...1----/ ADD ' ~~~~~!R~~~~L~~~C~~~~m~ AP'~{ ... L~i- LOO . +,'-':00 _~ ~_~9s00 ~1= ,.-+-.:- -==~~--===- '._m. -:~_.4~""'-=+,,~~1-'~~~~~~---- II Total A dltoins to Proj, No, 98-13C- $2,395,00 Chelsea Road Construct/on - City ProJocl No, 9B-OBC Liner Item I I Esttmated Unit No. I Number Description Unit Quantitv PriCe I I I 1~_-I=~~~:~~~~~~:i~~~s~s~:=r: -iOO )""50 ~k ~~300 -~-~" _...~~:~tO;oo;1~69~~~~:~.~~~~~~:~I~~~C~R~OWS~=-u !-~i:~~ "1- .~~~~:~~=.~,-={~:;:~~ j--r= -.-----. '0__-'_" ._n '1"---'-". . ..-. -- _H__'''~ .. 4 L_~~.-=--TrE~EVIsE SANi:rARY SEWER _..'-- ~.......:~-~_~~.....L_...!:!:... L..1,a"M,00 -t ,_ $0.63 ~ ~- -'- $~~7.4i i i . I : Amounllncrease or Decrease U Total Addtlons to Proj. No, 98-08C = $2,006.43 Total" mount Change Order No.3 "'II $4,401.43 . TO DATE QTY TO DATE QTY p_4 S COST ~XTENSION $2,395,00 $ 2,395.00 COST EXTENSION 2 2 2 $363,00 $363,00 $383.00 $657.43 $2,006.43 ""....'~ ) /s' 4,401_43 ("---..,... -. 5G, . . .. -~ Council Agenda - 8/14/2000 SH. Consideration of Chao e Order No. 16 for the T.H. 251m rovemeDt Pro' eet #96-04C. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO{JNI>: Change Order No. 16 on the T.H. 25 Improvemen Project involves four changes to our contract with Buffalo Bituminous. The lirst change includes the a dition of rip rap, fabric and channel excavation at one orthe storm sewer outlets at the eastbound 1-94 ram . The value of this change was $5,520 with the city picking up 38.7%. The next c1nmge involves the re esign of the lighting for the new commuter parking lot. The original lighting design was more than wh t was required by Mn/DOT so, consequently, they refused to pay anything over $28,000. We asked t le City Engineer to redesign the lighting system to comply with the standards requested by Mn/DOT and that the price not exceed $28,000 including engineering costs. This change order deletes the orig nallighting construction at $37,372 and adds a lump sum construction cost of $23,100. The design was mother $5,000, so the total cost of the new lighting system would be $28,100. Additionally, some changes to the signal systcm weIC added at a cost of$l ,200, and live watcr hydrants required adjustmcnt during the project which wcre not included in the bid package. The cost of the adjustments was $1,750. The total changc order cost results in a net decreas of $5,802, which is a net increase to the state of $3,983.76 and a decrease to the city of $9,785.76. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to approve Change Or er No. 16 on the T.H. 25 project resulting in a net decrease of $5,802 to our contract with Bulla 0 Bituminous. 2. The second alternative would be not to appro c the change order. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommcndation of the Project Engineer Ron ray and Jim Labo lI-om Mn/DOT and the City staff that thc City Council approve Change Oder No. 16 ' s outlined above. This results in a total project construction cost of $5,728,758.87. D. Sl..JPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No. 16. -.0. s -- . :".1 '. , - - , " " - '. CHANGE ORDER NO. 16 T.H_ 25 Improvement City of Monticello, MN S.P.860540 City Project No. 96-04C WSB Project No. 1033.01 Owner: City of Monticello Date of Issuance: July 24, 2000 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Engineer: WSB & Associates, Inc. You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Document d escription: Description: This Change Order provides for payment to the contractor for ad itional work on the storm outlet along the 1-94 eastbound on.ramp and fire hydrant extensions for vertical adjustment with the turf establ s hmenl. The extra work includes the addition of rip rap, fabric and channel excavation. The extra work is necessitated due to the st rm sewer outlet pipe extension because of utility confiicts and erosion which was unanticipated during turf establishment. This change order also includes the deletion of the planned Park and Ride Lot lighting system and provides for a modified lump sum lighting system. The system was modified to include the MnlDQ recommended illuminance using less poles with the high power NSP transmission lines overhead. This change order provides for payment to the contractor for addi ional work on the signal systems due to plan modifications and system detectors not included in the construction plans. The contractor agrees that the negotiated prices includes all cos~ to expedite this portion of the contract, including the applicable markup, as provided in contract provisions of MnlDOT Specificati n 1904. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Price: $5,448,000.00 Original Contract Time: 06/21/00 Previous Change Orders: No.1 to 15: $286,560.87 Net Change from Previous Change Orders: None Contract Price Prior to This Change Order: $5,734,560.87 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: 06121/00 Net Decrease of This Change Order: ($5,802.00) Net Increase of Change Order: None Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: $5,728,758.87 Contract Time With Approved Change Orders: 06721/00 Rocommek?~-<L pproved By: .IS. S'-..:"...." Ronald B. BraY,Fl.E. (Officer of Contractor) WSB & Associates Inc. Engineer Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Approved By: Approved By: I Date' of Council Action: ( )-.~; X~ 1 ministrator City Ad I . 5\.\ F,IWPWlNllo.13.J)I\co-1 . .-- , - . . 6..."" Change Order No. 16 o T.H. 25 Improvement . I City of Monticello, MN S.P. 8605-40 City Project No. 96-04C WSB Project No. 1033.01 Added Items. Negotiated Price Item Total I Pay No. Spec. No. Description Quantity i Units Unit Price Item Total Group 1 2021.501 Mobilization 1.00 i Lump Sum $ 650.00 $ 650.00 5 2 2105.601 Common Channel Excavation 1.00 Lump Sum $ 550.00 I $ 550.00 5 3 2501.602 Safety Grate for 450 mm Pipe Apron 3.00 Each $ 290.00 $ 870.00 5 4 2504.602 I Adjust Hydrant 5.00 Each $ 350.00 $ 1,750.00 3 I 5 2511.501 I Random Rip Rap Class II 30.00 m3 $ n.oo $ 2,310.00 5 2511.604 I Filter Fabric 500.00 I m2 I 6 I $ 1.95 $ 975.00 i 5 7 2545.501 Electrical Lighting System 1.00 Lump Sum $ 23,100.00 $ 23,100.00 : 3 8 2563.601 I Traffic Control 1.00 I Lump Sum $ 165.00 $ 165.00 5 9 2565.602 I PVC Handhote (Metal Frame and Cover) 2.00 Each I $ 275.00 I $ 550.00 I 4 I I ! I 10 2665.602 i Loop Detector Special 1.00 Each $ 650.00 $ 650.00 4 Total Add $ 31,570.00 Deleted Items Item No. Spec. No. Total Delete 1 2545.511 2 2545.511 3 2545.511 4 2545.511 2545.513 2545.513 2545.515 I 2545.523 2545.541 2545.603 2545.603 Description Total Quantity Units Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each I Unit Price I I $ 600.00 1 $ 1,200.00 I i i m m m Item Total $ 400.00 $ 400.00 I . 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Lighting Unit Type Special 1 Lighting Unit Type Special 2 Lighting Unit Type Special 3 Lighting Unit Type Special 4 Luminaire (150 Watt HPS) Luminaire (400 Watt HPS) Light Base Design Special 50 mm Non-Metallic Conduit 2.00 I \ $ 400.00 ! $ 800.00 Pay Group 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Total Deleted Items ($37,372.00) Total Added Items 531,570.00 Net Decrease (55,802.00) Service Cabinet 1.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 9.00 300.00 I 1.00 434.00 500.00 Distribution: S.P.8605-40 Grp 003 = ($12,522) City C.P. 96-04C S.P.8605-40 Grp 004 = $1200.00 Signals S.P.8605-40 Grp 005 = $5,520.00 Storm Sewer Split At 61.3% Slate/38.7% City 32 mm PVC Conduit Wiring $ $ $ $ $ i $ I $ ! $ 600.00 750.00 I $ , 2,400400 I I $ 3,000.00 ! 9,000.00 i I 4,050.00 ! I 2,550.00 I 900.00 ! $ 450.00 i $ 8.50 \ $ 4,500.00 ! $ 4,500.00 ! I I 8.00 I $ 3,472.00 I I I 12.00 I $ 6,000.00 $ 37,372.00 5~ . F:\WPwtN\1()3').~I1I.oo-16- . . . B. 51. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROLJND: Council Agenda - 8/14/00 ointments. (RW) About a month ago, Ken Pribula, building CL stodian for the Community Center resigned. Mr. Michael Gresser has been selected to fill this position. It is the intention of the Community Center Director and Lead Custodian to have his position now work primarily during the night after the facility is closed rather than as auot! er daytime custodian. Mr. Gresser was selected because of his background which included a oiler's license and pool operator's certification which should be very beneficial to the City. In the past, as employees have been hired to eplaee individuals who have left for various reasons, the Council has been informed eithe by an update by the department head for that position or through an agenda item for Coun il approval. In addition, for years many part-time and seasonal individuals have been hired by he City to cover the parks, streets and sewer and water departments during the summer and fo the part-time individuals working in the Community Center. Most of these individual have not been specifically approved by a Council action but have been authorized by the indivi ual departments. In the future, it is my intention to have the City Council officially approve al hiring of employees whether full-time, part-time, seasonal, or whatever. If there are seasonal 0 part-time employees who are being hired, the consent agenda item will simply be the indivi uals name and which department they arc working for. Full-time employees will also be listed a a consent agenda item if they are replacing an individual who has left or filling a vacant pos tion previously authorized. ^ new full-time employee that will be filling a newly created osition will be a separate agenda item for Council approval. This action will meet the statutory equirements that I believe are required of the City. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council should approve the hiring of r. Michael Gresser as building custodian for the Community Center facility. Mr. Gresser has been selected through he interview process which included the Community Center Director and Lead 'ustodian, Brian Weldon. c. SUPPORTING DATA: None. 8 " ~':>; ~i}O . .. ~:'. - .\ '. . . On':.: .; CHANGE ORDER NO. 16 T.H. 25 Improvement City of Monticello. MN S.P. 860S-40 City Project No. 96-04C WSB Project No. 1033.01 Owner: City of Monticello Date of Issuance: July 24, 2000 Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Engineer: WSB & Associates, Inc. You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Document 'iescription: Description: This Change Order provides for payment to the contractor for ad itional work on the storm outlet along the 1-94 eastbound on-ramp and fire hydrant extensions for vertical adjustment with the turf establi hment. The extra work includes the addition of rip rap, fabric and channel excavation. The extra work is necessitated due to the st( rm sewer outlet pipe extension because of utility conflicts and erosion which was unanticipated during turf establishment. This change order also includes the deletion of the planned Park nd Ride Lot lighting system and provides for a modified lump sum lighting system. The system was modified to include the Mn/DO recommended illuminance using less poles with the high power NSP transmission lines overhead. This change order provides for payment to the contractor for addi onal work on the signal systems due to plan modifications and system detectors not included in the construction plans. The contractor agrees that the negotiated prices includes all costs to expedite this portion of the contract, including the applicable markup, as provided in contract provisions of Mn/DOT Specificati( n 1904. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME Original Contract Price: $5,448,000.00 Original Contract Time: 06/21/00 Previous Change Orders: No.1 to 15: $286,560.87 Net Change from Previous Change Orders: None Contract Price Prior to This Change Order: $5,734,560.87 Contract Time Prior to This Change Order: 06/21/00 Net Decrease of This Change Order: ($5,802.00) Net Increase of Change Order: None Contract Price With All Approved Change Orders: $5,728,758.87 "ontract Time With Approved Change Orders: 06/21/00 R,oomm'RY' . '\pproved By: 1 S'<t-<? ".......~- ./S. Ronald B. Bray, FlE. (Officer of Contractor) WSB & Associates Inc. Engineer Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Approved By: Approved By: Date of Council Action: (~~~ X~ City Ad m nistrator . 5~ F,IWPWlNII033,OIIal.! --- 6.wpd Change Order No. 16 0 T.H. 25 Improvement City of Monticello, MN S.P.8605-40 ity Project No. 96..o4C 58 Project No. 1033.01 Added Items - Negotiated Price Item Total I Pay No. Spec. No. Description Quantity I Units Unit Price Item Total Group 1 2021.501 Mobilization 1.00 Lump Sum $ 650.00 $ 650.00 5 2 2105.601 Common Channel Excavation 1.00 Lump Sum $ 550.00 $ 550.00 5 3 2501.602 Safety Grate for 450 mm Pipe Apron 3.00 Each $ 290.00 $ 870.00 5 4 2504.602 Adjust Hydrant 5.00 Each $ 350.00 $ 1,750.00 3 I m3 $ 5 2511.501 I Random Rip Rap Class" 30.00 $ 77.00 2,310.00 5 6 2511.604 I Filter Fabric 500.00 m2 $ 1.95 $ 975.00 5 ! 7 2545.501 ! Electrical Lighting System 1.00 Lump Sum $ 23,100.00 $ 23,100.00 3 8 2563.601 I Traffic Control 1.00 Lump Sum $ 165.00 $ 165.00 5 9 2565.602 PVC Handhole (Metal Frame and Cover) 2.00 Each $ 275.00 $ 550.00 4 I ! 10 2565.602 i Loop Detector Special 1.00 Each $ 650.00 $ 650.00 4 Total Add $ 31,570.00 Deleted Items . Item Total No. Spec. No. Description Quantity Units Unit Price Item Total Pay Group 1 2545.511 Lighting Unit Type Special 1 2.00 Each $ 600.00 $ 1,200.00 3 2 2545.511 Lighting Unit Type Special 2 1.00 Each $ 400.00 $ 400.00 I 3 3 2545.511 Lighting Unit Type Special 3 2.00 Each $ 400.00 $ 800.00 3 4 2545.511 Lighting Unit Type Special 4 4.00 Each $ 600.00 $ 2,400.00 3 5 2545.513 Luminaire (150 Watt HPS) 4.00 Each $ 750.00 $ 3,000.00 3 6 2545.513 Luminaire (400 Watt HPS) 10.00 Each $ 900.00 $ 9,000.00 i 3 7 2545.515 Light Base Design Special 9.00 Each $ 450.00 $ I 3 4,050.00 i 8 2545.523 50 mm Non-Metallic Conduit 300.00 $ 8.50 $ I 3 m 2,550.00 I 9 2545.541 Service Cabinet 1.00 Each $ 4,500.00 i $ 4,500.00 3 $ I 3 10 2545.603 32 mm PVC Conduit 434.00 m $ 8.00 3,472.00 I 11 2545.603 Wiring 500.00 m $ 12.00 $ 6,000.00 3 Total Delete $ 37,372.00 Total Deleted Items ($37,372.00) Total Added Items $31,570.00 Net Decrease ($5,802.00) . Distribution: S.P. 8605-40 Grp 003 = ($12,522) City C.P. 96-04C S.P. 8605-40 Grp 004 "" $1200.00 Signals S.P. 8605-40 Grp 005 = $5,520.00 Storm Sewer S p it At 61.3% State/38.7% City 5M F;\ WPWlNll 033,/)1 100-16. W --.- -.----..- ----..-.. _.n.. --.-- "..--. pd . . . Council Agenda - 8/14/00 5.J. Consideration of a lrovin statement of undcrstandinlJ between Cit of Monticello and American National Red Cross. (RW A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Chapter of the America Red Cross is requesting approval by the City of a statement of understanding outlining the ex ectations of the H.ed Cross and the City in regards to responding to natural disasters. The agreem nt is htirly straight forward and is basically an agreernent that supplements our current nat ral disaster plan for the City. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the statement ofunderstamlng between the City and the American Red Cross and authorize its execution. C. SUPPORTING DATA: A copy of the statement of understanding. . . a. ,., STATEMENT OF ERST ANDING BET EN CITY OF MO TICELLO A THE AMERICAN NA Tl NAL RED CROSS The fOllowing statement jointly prepared by representatives f the City of Monticello and the American National Red Cross is a guide, both in planning for and in the conduct f emergency operations necessitated by war or natural disasters. The objective is to make more effective coop ative efforts of both organizations during disaster operations and to prevent misunderstanding, confusion, or du lication of effort. 1. Responsibilities In Natural Disasters Definition of Natural Disaster; A National Disaster is the destruction and damage to property, injury and death to humans caused by windstorm, tornado, fITe, flood, blizzard, explosion , building collapse, transportation accident, or other cataclysm of natural cause, B. American National Red Cross The American National Red Cross is the responsible gency for assistance to disaster victims during the emergency or mass care and the rehabilitation periods 1. Mass Care includes; (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Provision of food Provisions of shelter Provisions of clothing Provision of welfare inquir'es Provision of transportation Provision of food to emerg cy workers 2, Rehabilitation includes assistance to dividual families by casework procedures on a basis of need for: (a) Food, clothing, and other m intenance (b) Building and repair (c) Household furnishings (d) Medical and nursing (e) Occupational supplies and uipment 3. The American Red Cross also assists ity of Monticello when lives are threatened in its responsibility of; (a) Warning (b) Evacuation (c) Rescue II. Responsibility In a National Emergency Definition of a National Emergency: A National Emergency is a situation caused by enemy a ack upon the United States resulting in crisis requiring extraordinary measures and so declared by the esident or Congress. A. City of Monticello The responsibility for the development and execution of plan of the City of Monticello for the protection of life and property in the United States has been designa ed by the Congress to be a joint responsibility of the federal government, the several states and their politi al subdivisions. Accordingly, during a national disaster City of Monticello: 5:J Statement of Understanding Page 2 . 1. Will utilize all governmental and n n-governmental organizations, including the Red Cross in carrying out this responsibility. A. . American National Red Cross 'The American National Red Cross recognizes that in national emergency the protection and care of families and individuals is a basic responsibility of go ernment. In this connection, Red Cross Chapters have agreed to assist, to the extent of their ability in th development and operation of a program of City of Monticello on national, state and local levels. This as istance consists of: 1. Training City of Monticello workers and the general public first aid. 2. Training in home care of the sick an injured, and nurses aid activities. 3. Participation in a wartime nation-wi e blood program. 4. Making available its existing organi ed chapter volunteers and resources for participation in City of Monticello activities. III. Coordination of Efforts A. City of Monticello and the Wright County Ch pter of American Red Cross shall coordinate and cooperate in the use of their existing facilities, equipment and personnel in support of disaster operations. B. City of Monticello volunteer communications ersonnel shall be utilized by the Red Cross to maintain and operate two-way radio equipmen . C. City of Monticello volunteers assigned to the ed Cross in natural disasters will serve under Red Cross direction. . D. City of Monticello and Red Cross have a joint. esponsibility to keep the public fully informed concerning the disaster. Accordingly it is agre d that: 1. Direct liaison between City of Monti 110 and Red Cross will be maintained during all natural disaster operations for the exc ange of information concerning the activities of each. 2. In a National Emergency, City ofMo ticello has the responsibility for dissemination of public information. IV. Plannine and Trainine It is further agreed, that the names of trainees in City of Monticel 0 functions will be furnished by the Red Cross to City of Monticello upon completion of this training. Survey oflo al mass care facilities shall be coordinated and kept current jointly by City of Monticello and American Red Cro s representative who will be a member of the Wright County Fire Department's Advisory Committee, whose ction would be to assist in the planning and organization needed to meet emergency demands following a na al disaster. Date: Date: '1- J/-dtJ V. This understanding, having been approved by the folIo g is hereby made a part of the City of Monticello. City of Monticello Wright County Chapter American National Red Cross . 5:1 . . . 5K. Consideration of ado tin ~ a resolution 2001 Bud et and Transit Assistance a A. Council Agenda - 8/14/00 Monticello Heartland Ex ress (C.S., ./.0.) City Council is asked to review the propo ed Monticello Heartland Express Budget Plan for 200] and adopt a resolution fen City p rticipation in funding the program. The proposed Budget Plan does include some hanges flJr 200] which are itemized in the following paragraphs. The City is required to put out a requcst fa proposals for a new contract f()r the Heartland Express bus system, which will replace th expiring contract with Hoglund Transportation. I have spoken to Gordy H glund and he is intending on submitting a proposal to the City similar to the past con racts. City staff will be rneetingin the near future to draw up the RFP and send it out t potential vendors. The total cost to operate the Heartland Exp ess in 2001 is projected at $91,675. Proposed budget costs include purchase of 2700 serv ce hours at $80,170; fuel at $7,500; support personnel at $3,1 05; and dues, ticket printi g and advertising at $900. The fuel and service hours cover one bus operating from 8: 15 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday and a second bus to fill in during peak hour . The total projected budget of $91,675 woul be fundcd by $12,810 in fare box revenue, $23,860 in local sources through thc City 0 'Monticello, and $55,005 paid by state and federal grants. We are anticipating a need t increase ticket prices to offset increasing operating costs and decreasing available gn nt funds. The grant application will show the base ticket price remaining at $1 per ride. I" owcver, discount ticket books will have 30 tickets for $25 instead of 40 tickets resultin in a cost of 83 cents a ride compared to 63 cents. Senior citizens will still receive 50 ti kets for $25 because the city receives money designated to reduce the cost of rides to sen' or citizens. Ridership has maintained a fairly steady usa Ie with the bus running continuously throughout the day. It is projected that the ealiland Express will providc approximately 14,000 rides in 2001, which i less than was estimated in previous years. Some of the areas we are researching to dete 'mine how we ean increase efficiency and ridership in the system are: a) With enlarged city boundaries, it tak s longer to move riders across town. We will be looking at ridership patterns' nd length of time/miles per ride. The Monticello-Big Lake Hospital n strict and St Benedict's Center both operate small buses whieh provides rides for edical and other appointments for their clients. We are not sure how much o' an impact this is having on ridership numbers for the city but plan on cont' cting them to discuss the situation. b) . Council Agenda - 8/14/00 c) Thcre is less opportunity for "on d mand" rides due to standing appointments and longer appointment times due to I ngth of time needed to get around town. If new riders are denied a ride, they are Ie s likely to attempt to ride in the future. Is there available time during the day? Can we consolidate or restrict rides in any way? We will look for speciJic W' ys to improve the statistics that We are required to track as part of our grant such a cost per mile, passengers per mile, cost per passenger and revenue per passeng r. d) The proposed 200] budget includes funds ()[ marketing to increase exposure and awareness of the Heartland Express bus se vice. We are planning to includc a ridership survey in the November city newsletter to etermine knowledge and interest in using the bus system. We feel there are many paten ial users of the bus out there. Once we determine the capacity for the system, we an better decide where to make changes and improvemcnts in the operations. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: . 2. c. 1. Motion to adopt a resolution appro ing the J {eartland Express 2001 Budget Plan and Transit Assistance application. This option would provide a project-d budget of$91,675 to operate the Monticello lleartland Express Bus, ith the city share at $36,670. Motion to deny approval of the Hea tland Express 200] Budget Plan and Transit Assistance application. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Alternative #1 is recommended. The {-Ieartl' nd Express Bus is providing a much-used service to residents of the community. Cost increases have heen reasonable and the slight proposed fare increase is the first since the trmsit system was incorporated. We believe the J leartland Express provides a valuable so vice for the citizens of our community and should be continued. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution for adoption. . . . . RESOLUTIO NO. 2000-54 ADOPTION OF MONTICELLO HEARTLAND EXPRESS 2001 BUDGET AND T NSIT APPLICATION Resolved that the City of Monticello enter nto an Agreement with the State of Minnesota to provide public transportation service n the city limits of the City of Monticello. Further resolved that the City of Monticell agrees to provide a local share of 40 % of the total operating cost and 20lYo of the total capital cos s. Further resolved that the City of Monticell authorizes the Mayor and the City Administrator to execute the aforementioned Agree ent and any amendments thereto. Adopted by the Monticello City Council thi, 14th day of August, 2000. A TrEST: Roger clsaas, Mayor .'_'~~~".------..~-,- '-"._"--,-,.~",.-.._.._- Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is a tru and correct copy of the resolution presented to and adopted by the Monticello City Council at a dul authorized meeting thereof held on the 141h day of August, 2000 as shown by the minutes of said me ting in my possession. Dawn rossinger, Deputy City Clerk S-K . . . 5L. Council Agenda - 8/14/00 Consideration of aeee tance of im nove ents for the River View S uare Develo ment Project No. 99-02P. (City Enginecr) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROllND: The City is being requested to accept the in provements for the River View Square development constructed under the develop lent agreement with MMC Land Company. The devclopment agreement covered gradin ' work and the installation of storm sewer, sanitary sewer, watermain ,md street constn ction. The final lift: of blacktop has been placed and the work has been inspected by the City's Engineer and found to be in conformance with the plans and specifications for the imp ovements. Acceptance of the improvements by the City would initiate the two year wan l1ty period on the improvements. The developer's has submitted the necessary bonds to cover t le warranty period. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: c. ]. Accept the improvements for the Riv r View Square Development as recommended by the City Engineer. Acceptance of he work would mark the commencing of the two year warranty period. 2. Do not accept the improvements at th s time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City EnginecI that the City accept thc work constructed as part of the River View Square Development hich would start the two year warranty period. D. SlJPPORTING BAT A: Letter li-om City Engineer. AUG-10-2000 11:26 . W$S WSB & ASSOCIRTES I C. 763541171210 P.02/02 . & Associates. Inc. B.A. Mittdiludt, P.E. Bm A. Wciu. P.E. PerEr R. Wm,cllbring, P.E. DouaJd w. Scema., P.E. Ronald. B. Bny; P.E. August 10, 2000 " Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 50S Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 R.c: Acceptance of Infrastn1cture ImprovemeDts River View Square City ofMonticcllo Project No. 99-02P WSB Project No. 1010.98 Honorable Mayor and City Council: . Construction of the River View Square developm to be in general conformance with the project do August 14,2000 has been provided to the City by agreement The developer is therefore requesting Ci the project. has been completed and reviewed and found ts. A two-year maintenance bond effective e developer as required by the development acceptance of the streets and utilities within Based on our review ofllie project, we would reco end City acceptance of the streets and utilities and initiation of the two.year maintenance period. Should you have ~y questions, please contact me Sincerely, ~;r Bret A Weiss, P.E. City Engineer bba c: Rick WolfsteUer, City of Monticello Cara Schwahn-Otto, Otto & Associates . SL Minneapolis · St. Cloud l"""tnIdIIn . PIIuuws ..""........... ,,~......,.,.. ~1'ftT ^VDD F:\WPWIN\IOllWl~wpd TOTAL P.02 Council Agenda - 8/14/00 . SM. Consideration of ado Development. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to consider supp rting annexation of a strip of land lying bctween D & 0 Bus Service and Gould's Chevrolet. This parcel was part of the original acquisition by Tony Emmerich from Stuart Hoglund. The parcel was not included in the Grovcland plat nor was it necded for the Chelsea Road project. Since the Gould parcel and the D & D Bus parcel are both located in the City it creates he situation where you have an parcel of township land surrounded by land in the city. Mike air, engineer for the Grovcland development, indicatcd that one of the adjacent property 0 ners has indicated an intcrest in purchasing the parcel. Previously the MOAA Board appr ved the annexation of the entire Groveland development which included this parcel. W'th that approval in place the MOAA does not need to review each individual request for annex' tion as the developmcnt proceeds. If thc City Council grants support of the resolution, the resolution will be submittcd to the township and once the township signs the resolution, it wi I be forwarded to the State Planning Agency. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: . I. Motion to adopt the joint rcsolution uPPOliing annexation of thc parcel of land lying between Gould's Chevrolet an D & 0 Bus Service. 2. Do not approve a resolution supporti g annexation. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admini .trator to select Alternative #1. If this alternative is selected, the resolution will be forwarded 0 the township for their consideration. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Resolution · Map . . CITY RESOLUT ON NO. 2000-55 IN THE MATTER OF TH i AMENDMENT TO THE JOINT RESOLUTION FOR ORDERL Y ANNEXATION BETWEEN THE TOWN OF MON ICELLO AND THE CITY OF MONTICR LO, MINNESOTA PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA TATUTES 414.0325, SlJBD. TO: Minnesota State Planning Agency Municipal Boundary Adjustments 300 Centennial Building 685 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55155 The Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello hel eby jointly agree that the joint resolution between the Town of Monticello and the City of Monti ello designating an area for orderly annexation dated Mareh 6, 1998 be amended to include the: Property Legally described on attache Exhibit A . 80th the Town and the City agree that no alteration oft e stated boundaries of this agreement is appropriate. Furthermore, both parties agree that no COl sideration by the Municipal Board is necessary. Upon receipt of this resolution, the Municipal Board m, y review and comment but shall, within 30 days, order the annexation of the property described in Exhibi A in accordance with the terms of the joint resolution. Approved by the City of Monticello this 14111 day of A gust,2000. -'_.,--'--'-,~-"._,-- City Administrator Mayor Approved by the Town of Monticello this _~_._ da of _,~____._, 2000. -'-'~._'-'-,._,-,.~~ Town Clerk Town Chair . 5m . . . EXHI IT A (Legal Description for nnexation Resolution) Resolution. o. 2000-55 That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, ownship 121, Range 2S, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Gutlo C, Grove1and Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Min esota; thence North 7S degrees 24 minutes 49 seconds West, assumed bearing, a dista lee of 108.13 feet along the northerly line of said Outlot C; thence North 15 degrees 40 l1inutes 3S seconds East a distance of 145.33 feet; thence North 0 degrees 12 minutes 48 seconds East a distal1ce of 33 8.62 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of West Oakw od Drive; thence South 72 degrees 24 minutes 49 seconds East a distance of 68.13 feet a1 ng said southerly right-of-way line to an intersection with a line bearing North 0 de rees 12 minutes 48 seconds East 1io111 the point of beginning; thence South 0 degrees 12 minutes 48 seconds West a distance of 488.62 feet to the point of beginning. Uu 5rY\ . . - - Council Agenda - 8/14/00 7. Review of six month Ii "or store finane'al re ort. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROLJND: Liquor Store Manger, .Joe Hartman will be i 1 attendance at the meeting to go over the first six months financial report with the COLlnci . Sales for this first six months are up $121,0 0 to a total of$1,183,000. This is an 11.4% increase over last year for the first six montl s. Gross profit is also up 4.5% with a resulting operating income increase of$3,232 to $161,913. The operating income of 13.71% of sales is in line with our expectations, although it is sightly less than the 14+% return we experienced for the entire year of ] 999. The operating in 'omc can vary slightly from year to year il:}r the first six 1110nths depending on when certain xpenditures are coded and included in the financial statements. No action is needed by the Council other tha to review the report with staff B. SlJPPORTING DATA: Copy of six month financial report. . MONTICELLO MU ICIPAL LIQUOR GROSS PROF T BY PRODUCT COMPARISON OR THE YEAR ENDING MAR 31 1999 AND 2000 1999 YEAR-TO-DA 'E AMOUNT 2000 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT Liquor Sales 136,426 143,559 Discounts Cost of Sales 90,046 104,651 ~-~-~---- ---~--~--- GROSS PROFIT - LIQUOR 46,380 34.0% 38,908 Beer Sales 253,562 289,800 Cost of Sales 187,276 211,119 --------- -----~-~-- GROSS PROFIT - BEER 66,286 26.1% 78,681 Wine Sales 48,039 52,446 Cost of Sales 33,867 37,601 ~----~-~-- ------.---- GROSS PROFIT - WINE 14,172 29.5% 14,845 Mise Sales 14, 747 16,317 . Cost of Sales 10,528 21,205 ---~--~--- ----~----- GROSS PROFIT - MISC TAXABLE 4,219 28.6% (4,888 ) Mise Non-taxable Sales 328 265 Cost of Sales 354 131 --~------- ----~----- GROSS PROFIT - MISe NON-TAXA (26) 134 TOTAL SALES 453,102 502,387 TOTAL COST OF SALES 322,071 374,707 TOTAL FREIGHT COST 2,288 3,464 ----~----~ ----~~---- TOTAL GROSS PROFIT 128,'743 28.4% 124,215 -----~-~-- --~~------ ---~~---_.- ---~_._---- . f\l: f; ~~ .~ 27.1% 27.2% 28.3% 50.1% 24.7% ---I . MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVE UE AND EXPENSES COMPA ISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING AR 31, 1999 AND 2000 SALES r,iquor Beer wine Other Merchandise Misc Non-Taxable Sales Discounts TOTAL SAI"ES COST OF GOODS SOLD GROSS PROFIT . GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE Personal Services Salaries PERA FICA Insurance Unemployment Benefits Severance Pay TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES Supplies Office Supplies General Operating Supplie Other SUpplies TOTAL SUPPLIES a. ., 999 YEAR TO-DATE A OUNT 1 6,426 2 3,562 8,039 4,747 328 -~-------~ 453,102 (32 ,359) 12 ,743 28.4% 3 ,840 ,746 ,589 ,207 40,381 8.9% 263 780 1 043 .2% 2000 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 143,559 289,800 52,446 16,317 265 502,387 (378,171) 124,215 -~-----~-~ -----,~---- 38,037 1,851 2,897 2,744 45,529 584 1,755 705 3,044 ~'''''lf 24.7% 9.1% .6% l . . . Other Services & Charges Professional Services Maintenance Agreements Communication Travel-Conference-Schools Advertising Insurance & Tax Utilities Maintenance, Equipment Maintenance, Building Maintenance, Other Depreciation-~Acquired As Mise Svc & Chgs TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CH TOTAL GENERAL & ADMIN EXPENS TOTAL OPERATING INCOME Other Income (Expense) Interest Income Cash Long/Short Sale of Property Mise Income TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) NET INCOME (EXPENSE) Transfers In/Out ADJUSTED NET INCOME (EXPENSE MONTICE LO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR REVEN E AND EXPENSES COMPAR SON FOR THE YEAR ENDING M R 31, 1999 AND 2000 1 99 YEAR- O-DATE AM UNT 320 759 778 1,134 3,243 153 208 150 2,748 1 286 10 780 2.4% 52 204 11. 5% 76,539 16.9% 11,221 (116) 11,105 2.5% 87,644 19.3% 87, 44 19.3% -----~ ~------ 2000 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 1,154 612 363 362 2,126 4,237 1,918 73 12 2,445 2, ()4 5 16,100 ~"."i.' 3.2% 64,673 12.9% 59,543 ~~---~---~ ----_._--~- 13,180 115 (201 ) 13,093 72,635 ---------- ---------- 72,635 -----~---- ------~--- 11. 9% 2.6% 14.5% 14.5% l . MONTI ELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR BALANCE SHEET Current Assets: Cash Change Fund Investments Accounts Receivable A/R - NSF Checks Inventory Prepaid Insurance TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS Fixed Assets Land & Parking Lot Buildings Furniture & Equipment less: Accumulated Depreciation . TOTAL FIXED ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS LiabiJ.ities Accounts Payable Due to EDA Fund Sales Tax Payable Salaries Payable Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave Other Accrued Expenses TOTAL LIABILITIES RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE - - 31Mar2000 164,230.05 2,000.00 951,394.32 (2,536.78) 284,519.09 603.55 ------~-~~-- 1,400,230.23 46,591.03 234,104.13 88,735.45 (280,343.67) -------~---- 89,086.94 --------~--- 1,489,317.17 ~-~--~---~-- ~-----~----- 42,905.98 15,895.23 7,535.58 32,564.00 2,610.21 -~------~--- 101,511.00 1,387,806.17 -~----~----- 1,489,317.17 ------~~---- ---~----~-~- I ~"" .,~ '~ . MONTICELL MUNICIPAL LIQUOR GROSS ROFIT BY PRODUCT COMPARI ON FOR THE YEAR ENDING JU 30, 1999 AND 2000 19 9 YEAR-T -DATE AMO NT 2000 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT Liquor Sales 292,3 51 316,087 Discounts Cost of Sales 196,0 18 226,547 ---~--- - - - ------~--- GROSS PROFIT - LIQUOR 96,3 33 32.9% 89,540 28.3% Beer Sales 625,7 86 707,800 Cost of Sales 481, 32 536,062 ------ -~-~~----- GROSS PROFIT - BEER 144, .53 23.0% 171,737 24.3% wine Sales 104, 1.4 114,546 Cost of Sales 75, 67 81,982 ------ -~--~-~--- GROSS PROFIT - WINE 29, 47 28.3% 32,564 28.4% . Mise Sales 38, 01 44,657 Cost of Sales 27, 05 42,858 ------ -~--~----- GROSS PROFIT - MISC TAXABLE 10, _ 97 28.6% 1,799 4.0% Mise Non-taxable Sales 52 624 Cost of Sales 398 469 ----~-- - -- ------.,~--- GROSS PROFIT - MISC NON-TAXA 354 47.1% 155 24.8% TOTAL SALES 1,062,0 04 1,183,713 TOTAL COST OF SALES 780,5 19 887,918 TOTAL FREIGHT COST 4,4 5 6,100 ----~----- TOTAL GROSS PROFIT 9 26.1% 289,695 24.5% ------~ ---------~ ----~-~- - - - ,.. ~ - - - - - . l . ?TITLEl? REVENU AND EXPENSES COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING JU 30, 1999 AND 2000 SALES Liquor Beer Wine Other Merchandise Misc Non-Taxable Sales Discounts TOTAL SALES COST OF GOODS SOLD GROSS PROFIT 1,062, 04 (784, 44) GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE . Personal Services Salaries PERA FICA Insurance Unemployment Benefits Severance Pay TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES Supplies Office Supplies General Operating Supplie Other Supplies TOTAL SUPPI.JIES . 292, 51 625, 86 104, 14 38, 01 52 277, 59 71, 38 3, 71 5, 78 4, 14 75 86, 75 1, 97 2,440 3,737 26.1% 8.1% .4% 2000 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 316,087 707,800 114,546 44,657 624 1,183,713 (894,018) 289,695 ---------~ ----...,...----- 77,104 3,727 5,879 5,746 105 92,561 584 3,822 1,054 5,459 ,;ill''', 24.5% 7.8% .5% l ------ ?TITI.,El. REVEN E AND EXPENSES COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING JU 30, 1999 AND 2000 Other Services & Charges Professional Services Maintenance Agreements Communication Travel-Conference-Schools Advertising Insurance & Tax Utilities Maintenance, Equipment Maintenance, Building Maintenance, Other Depreeiation--Acquired As Misc Svc & Chgs TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CH --","", TOTAL GENERAL & ADMIN EXPENS TOTAL OPERATING INCOME Other Income (Expense) Interest Income Cash Long/Short Sale of Property Mise Income TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE) NET INCOME (EXPENSE) Transfers In/Out ADJUSTED NET INCOME (EXPENSE 118, 78 158, 81 -~-~-- -----~ 22,417 (306 ) 22,0 8 180,7 9 --~---- -~-'---- 180,749 -~~---~ ---~--- -- 9 -DATE NT 809 1,154 3,760 4,487 5,329 3,059 512 300 5, 22 3, 33 28, 66 2 ) 2.7% 11.1% 15.0% 2.1% 17.0% 17.0% 2000 YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT 3,056 612 932 141 613 4,482 7,952 1,918 250 42 5,114 4,227 29,762 127,782 --~-~--~-- 161,913 ~------~~- ~-~----"._~- 26,518 110 (2,621 ) ~-------~- 24,007 185,920 ---------~ ~~---~---- 185,920 -~-------~ ---------- r '1'1\1: ,I 2.5% 10.8% 13. 7% 2.0% 15.7% 15.7% l . . . Council Agenda - 8/14/00 8. Establishing a budget workshop date, ( W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Staff is currently in the process of putting together a preliminary budget for next year for Council review. As in other years, September 15th is the fil al deadline for the City Council to adopt a preliminary 2001 budget and tax levy. This woul allow the Council to consider a preliminary budget as late as our regular meeting of September 11 th, U less a decision was made earlier on a preliminary tax levy. All departments were instructed to turn in their budget requests to me by Friday, August 1 }lh so that I could begin compiling a preliminary docume t during the week of August 14th. It is unlikely that I would have a completed preliminary budget vailable until the week of August 21 st for the Council to review, but I will try to work with any d tes you want to schedule for our first workshop. In the past, we have had tried to meet at least a few times to iron out a preliminary budget and have met in special sessions starting at 5;00 or 5;30 p.m. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council should select a date for the rst workshop session during the third or fourth week of August. . . . 9. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 8/14/00 for second Ii uor store site. (R W) In July, the Council directed staiT to seek ut potential new liquor store sites on the east end of the community near County Road 75 and -:ounty Road 39/18 intersection. This direction was the result of an agenda item questioning lether a second liquor store site should be considered along with the idea of cxpanding the prese1t liquor store facility. Since that mecting, r have had conversatio s with a number of property owners in the vicinity of County Road 75 and County Road 39, ut do not yct have a purchase agrcement on a specific site that can be presented to the C uncil for consideration. It is hopcful that some alternatives will be available few Council r view in the next few weeks. Two days after the July 101" meeting, I rec ived marketing information from a retail consulting service that coincidentally specializes in ding market study for municipalities and especially liquor operations. Part of their services in lude doing a customer questionnaire, location research for remodeling, expansion or relo ation, marketing program along with other management recommendations. I have ree ived these flyers 11-OIn this organization three or four times a year for the past ten or fifteen cars, but have not had a reason to consider using this type of service in the past. This firm,i-rinstead & Associates, indicated that they have clone a number of studies for Minnesota m nicipal ities such as the City of Richfield, Savage, Apple Valley, Brooklyn Center, Hutchinso along with other privately owned liquor stores. I contacted the firm to see what type of prop sal and cost their services would be if the City wanted to further evaluate our decision to open a second store versus remodeling of the existing store or doing nothing. A eopy of their proposal is enclosed for yo I' review and it outlines the specific options they would analyze for the City. Basically they would look at the feasibility and make recommendations on sales projections fiJr: I. Opening a new larger store t another location. I Opening a second liquor slo e, 3. Expandinf? the present store r 4. ,)'imply retaininf? the existing store as is. Their report could attempt to show what the effect of an expansion or second store would have on total sales and give estimates on sales an operating income over the next ten years for each of the options. This proposal was put together after a phon conversation with Mr. Grinstead and I think we could modify the proposal to clarity that on of the options they should analyze is not necessarily building a new larger store at an ther location with the closing of the present store, but to just look at the feasibi I ity of a second store versus the expansion of the existing store or a combination of both an expansion and a ne store. In addition to the sales estimates, the report . Council Agenda - 8/14/00 would also indicate, in their opinion, the b st location for a second store, as far as generating future sales are concerned. Total cost for tl e marketing study including conducting an in-house questionnaire of customers is $6,445. During my discussions with various proper y owners on land sites that may be available, it appears that the cost of constructing an ade uate size new store with all the appropriate amenities would be anywhere betwecn $75 ,000 and $1,000,000 or more. Both Liquor Store Manager, Joe Hartman and myself have co cerns on how large the new store should be and whether having a second store much small r than our present store is a good idea. Our concerns relate to if there isn't enough sele tion for customers, will this discourage them from shopping at the new store in the future? I a 1 sure there are pros and cons to a larger or smaller second store, but I believe it would be a go d idea to eonsider using an outside consultant to give us sales projections for the various opt ons and a professional opinion on what effect a second store would have to our existing sto e sales over the long term. The cost of a consulting report of $6, 000 or so is a small expenditu e in relation to the mi II ion dollar cost of a new store. In an attempt to gather as much informatiOl as possible fiJr our own usc or for helping a consultant prepare sales estimates, liquor st re staff are currently tracking where some of our customers are coming from by keeping tabs where the checks come from. While this is only 20% of our business, it should give us an id a of how much of our customer base is local versus out of town. Starting this week, the complter system at the liquor store will also allow us to ask each customer their zip code as part of t le sale transaction, which will give us a printout of where all our customers are coming from. am sure this will be valuable information for both the staff and a consultant to analyze in tryin T to determine the best way to maximize our profit through an expansion or a second store site 'n the future. . I also contacted a Minneapolis based marke ing consulting firm that has done the same type of market analysis for super markets and other convenience stores. Their direct experience in liquor store sales analysis is not as great, bu the procedure they would use would likely be the same for determining recommendations. T eir cost for a study was proposed at $6,000 plus an extra charge for attending council meetings 0 present the report. I wanted to get an idea how reasonable the Grinstead & Associates prop sal was which secms to indicate that the $6,000 range is what the cost would be for this typ of report. While opening a second store may be a vel' wise decision for the long term, I believe the cost of a consulting study to verify this dccision ould be money wcll spcnt. A million dollar facility would require between $750,000 an $1,100,000 in sales annually just to cover the cost of the land and building and I think it woul be beneficial f{)r the City to have an outside opinion as to whether thesc potential sales t. rgets arc achievable, considering the size of our community and the fact that we already hav a monopoly on off-sale. In addition, I think a good consultant would be able to give us an idea of the size of a new store, if it is recommended to build one, which will be h lpful in giving direction to a architect in the future. . . . . D. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Council Agenda - 8/14/00 ]. Authorize Grinstead and Associates to prepare a marketing report for various options including the expansion of existin store and/or building of a second store with a study to include a customer survey at a c )st not to exceed $6,445. 2. Authorize Dakota Worldwide to pI' pare a similar report and recommendations. 3. Do not contract with a consulting f rm at this time. c. STAF~' RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admi istrator and Liquor Store Manager that the Council authorize preparation of a marketing study 'omparing the various alternatives outlined above. Both Joe and I feel the $6,000+ expcnditur would be well worth it to provide additional assurance to the Council that the expansion or second store is a sound financial decision. l3ased on their previous municipal liquor store ex erience in othcr Minnesota communities, ] would recommend that Grinstead and Associates e engaged to do this study. I think a few changes would need to be made to their proposal, pr'marily to add the study of a new store and expansion of the existing store to one of their options rather than exploring whether a new larger store in a different location should be considered. I don't think this was ever our intent of closing the existing store because of its v luable location on TH 25. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of proposal from Grinstead & Associ<-tes and Dakota Worldwide . . . August 2, 2000 Mr. Rick W olfsteller City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Rick, I uuly enjoyed our conversation of the other day. e can help you and your City Council make the proper decision(s) regarding site(s) and size(s) i sues for your Municipal Off-Sale Liquor business. What you will receive from us is detailed nd very finite information based upon field work we will perform, our experience and procedur s including Locus™ 2000, our proprietary gravity model. Enclosed is my business card, an informational sheet about who we are, a brochure and a sample Market Analysis report. As 1 told you, the report is ased on a supermarket, but is very similar to what we produce for liquor stores. This may well bing additional questions to your mind, which I will be happy to answer. Your investment for a market analysis will be $6,00 .00 including expenses for field work. This includes one presentation or teleconference to revie and discuss our report, which would be held during regular business hours (Sam to 5pm M-F) at our offices or at our office. We would charge extra for attending council meetings. Whether or not you move ahead with Market Analys s, you should definitely gather and analyze information about your customers places of residenc . I look forward to hearing from you again. Sincerely, ~JJ1dC~ Tom Mach Enclosures 4801 81st Street, Suite 105 · M'nneapolis, MN 55437 Telephone 952.835.4505. ax 952.835.4461 Internet: www.dakotaww.com E-mail dakotaww@dakotaww.com g . Dakota Worldwide Corporation is a professional cons lting firm that can provide comprehensive market research for your company. Our staff comprises individ als with backgrounds in the marketing, operations, research, training and development areas of holesaling and retailing. We can tailor a market research package to fit your needs from site analysis to onsumer attitudes. Market Analysis demonstrates the sales potential in you trade areas, projects sales for various operational options, and provides site and location comparisons and ositioning. We can develop marketwide strategies or work on the basis best suited to your needs sing our proprietary modeling systems. Mapping Analysis uses Geographic Information System (GIS) to assist in making target marketing and operational positioning decisions based upon customer spottings, origins, frequent shopper programs, household incomes, family size, life stage, lifestyle and/o other pertinent demographic data using Quintillion, developed by McDonald's marketing depa ent. . Consumer Research has several survey options to choos from designed to give you an in-depth look at your customers, their attitudes and suggestions for your r. cility's improvement. 800 Consumer ViewsM represents a high quality, convenient and cost-effective way to collect direct customer opinions. This survey is conduct d over the phone, electronically and at the customer's convenience. We have several pre-de igned surveys that can serve as the starting point for your custom questionnaire. Consumer ViewSM is our in-depth store positioni g research tool. This consists of person to person in-home telephone interviews designed to p obe consumer perceptions of all retail competitors. The report shows retail positioning' your market and is closely aligned with our market analysis and site location programs. Consumer Needs and Attitudes report is designe to show opportunities in various related businesses. Fast foods, video stores and pharmaci s are just three of the categories measured to determine consumer needs, satisfaction and compe itor strength. This again uses a person to person in-home interview method to collect inform tion that can be used to detect retail opportunities. Through the optimal combination of these services, we can ensure a successful future. Our in-depth reports offer you including competitors, market share, images, market sensiti important in making critical business decisions. Each cust direction you need to make the best decisions to position yo Please call us at (800) 475-4505 rovide your firm with the tools it needs to graphic depiction of your marketplace, ities, demographics and other qualities designed study will provide you with the r company for business growth. r further information. 4801 81st Street, Suite 105 . Mi neapolis, MN 55437 Telephone 952.835.4505' x 952.835.4461 Internet: www.dakotaww.com E-mail: akotaww@dakotaww.com q G~ Grinstead & Associates Retail Consulting and Development . Box 451 Hamel, IL 62046-0451 . 618-633-2761 charles@grinstead.net . www.grinstead.net Tuesday August IS" 2000 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello City Hall-- 505 Walnut - Suite # I Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Rick: Thank you for contacting us. We hope we ave made our point in these proposals - It is good business to plan for expa sion, and have a good projection of your potential Return on Investment - before com itting to a plan that may negatively effect your Contributions to the General Fund or years to come!! ATTACHED ARE SEVEN (7) COPIES 0 OUR PROPOSAL We know that your Council Me tlng is 8/14/2000 - please excuse our delay. . Our proposal to you - not only included this "Good Projection of your Potential ROI"- it also included a Customer Questionnaire, nd Operational Recommendations that need to be implemented to achieve our Sales and Oper tional Income Projections for the various locations under consideration. If we can start this project before Septe ber lOlli, 2000 -. we project that our consulting report should be completed and presented to City Manag ment prior to the end of October. The "Costs" are shown on page # 5. With the Customer Questionnaire - maximum cost = $ 6,445. Without the Questionnaire d maximum cost = $ 5,495. ./' You will like this Customer Ques ionnaire - not only does it give me a good deal more data to formulate my Sales and Profit Pr . ections; it is a terrific management tool. ./' However, if this $950 is a budget concern - we can get by without it. It will just increase the range of our Sales Projections. ./' Note that we just limited the Exp nses to $575. This includes the sum of all ravel Expenses and all Office Expenses. We look forward to working with you. Sld;1Jj Charles Grinstead Grinstead & Associates . G&A Consulting provides: ./ Location Analysis - used to illustrate your "Potential Maximum" Operational Income, Return on Investment, OR Equity Value; ./ Customer Evaluation - through the use ofthe G&A Customer Questionnaire; ./ Marketing Programs - Promotions, Store Layouts, and Mere andising Recommendations designed to maximize Sales & Profits; ./ Management Recommendations -- on Managerial Structure, Policies, & Controls and providing an Employee Policy Manual; ./ Ananclal Controls and Income Evaluations.. based upon"t ndlng Information" and Potential Operational Income. q G~ Grinstead & Associates Retail Consulting and Development . Box 451 Hamel. XL 62046-0451 . 616-633-2761 charles@grinstead.net . WWW.grinstead.net Monday July lOth, 2000 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello P.O. Box 1147.- 250 East Broadway -- City H II Monticello, Minnesota 55362-1147 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: We can "immediately" enhance and strengthen our Monticello Municipal Liquor Operation in six ways. We know of no other person or company that c do this. These "six ways" are: If \i B ~ ~ Ii ~......~......4: , ) ~ ~ ~......~:;;.....p . , ) ~ ~ ~ r: ~......~......4: If \i ~ ~ ~ Ii ~""~......4: If \i ~ ~ ~. Ii ~"""~,,,-4; , ) ~ ~ ..... r: ~......---......-........4: 1. Our CUSTOMER QUESTIO 'NAIRE will provide you with recommendations on your municipal liquor operation hose from those people that "really count" _ YOUR CUSTOMERS!! 2. Our LOCATION RESEARC will save you money & take the risk out of any Remodeling, Expansion, or Relocation by illustrating Potential Sales, Operational Income, & ROI. 3. Our MARKETING PROGRA will illustrate what you need to do to increase Sales and Operational Income. T is includes: Merchandising, In.Store Promotions, Ads, Store Layout, Customer Se ice, and Selection recommendations. 4. Our EMPLOYEE POLICY M. NUAL will illustrate our Management Recommendations and set guidelines for the pr tection of the Company, Management, and Employees. 5. Our FINANCIAL CONTROLS will provide recommendations on Inventory, Security, Gross Margins, and Expens . This will be derived from our Annual Profit Planner. 6. Our MANAGEMENT REcoAl. ENDATIONS will evaluate your existing Management Policies, Structure, and Cant 01- and make very specific recommendations. Mr. Wolfsteller - please note that: ../ We can do just one of these projects or we can do them all for you - depending on your needs and budget. ../ We have been doing retail liquor store consulting for over 25 years - we are very good at our job. ../ We are quite familiar with the needs ofMinne ota Municipal Liquor Stores, and we are quite familiar with municipalities with a population base of 5 000 to 10,000. Our Minnesota clients include Richfield (we have conducted over IS projects for Richfiel since 1980), Savage (1994, 1997, & 1998); Apple Valley (1998); Brooklyn Center (1997); Hutchinson (I 92 and 2000); and several privately owned liquor stores. ../ We will make our Consulting Fees very afford ble to the City of Monticello. Ifwe show you what your customers think ab ut your Liquor Operation; Ifwe save you from a locational "mistake"; r If we make just one recommendation to make your Liquor Operation more productive _ then: our services are orth their wei ht in old! ! The A TTACHED BROCHURE will give you a good d al more information on our services. charles@grinstead.net Give us a brief background on your NEEDS & OBJE TIVES. We will send you a proposal showing: EXACTLY what you will get, EXACTLY what you will e charged, and WHEN you should have your report. S cerely yours,. J ~ L~~ Carles L. Grinstead G instead & Associates 618-633-2761 q ~'" >iw:,,~):\':': ....b.'..,...:i ,>.:..:. .......1.........#.......'....1. (# ;\~. "'!! , c: ......I.c '.' <:: ;<.' ,.i,~: Co s: ::r= ~ ;,m. CO "~iiI Q li' '" &: '.'........ !!r >./10 ~:l ;~'.e. ~.~~ta '~;h' ~,i ~~< \i~<:: ::;~ ttCl ~ "0 .'.C' ...... .Si 3,~ .... '.",......iiS....g ,'!! a. 0 ....'. CO CD iit .~ 1:1. '0 i.;e: 2::a ~, ,t3 1:1. 'itO (II .to' ::a ~ ;= Z:g "foil C <C '1'5 Z CI> --<'" S- c ci6 '"CIa. c:: ~ o ::a -. ....-"tI ..!!1. ~ a ;nm::::ll .;.;.'.'.'.""~ ~en i ';.0 ~ ,:~ = ,.- m '" :s; Z (II ,',3 '""'1-' gig: ....g~ i3'a: iiI~ CD . 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CD c: 0", .~ (I) (Ill 3 .... !l:l a ~ ~ ~ ll'>-6 ' (ii' = '1:1 CD =0.00. fir a 5' Ei ~ ~ ~. 0: ,~l>> "g: c:;-_~ CI> r6 a g: gC.3CD n 0 CD l>> - l>> '" l>> n CI>=~ CD 0. 0 < - s: 0 c ~ ~ Q.. .;:;c ~ g. jt . . . ............ ....;;::z::: VimVi ~ >z > <01= !tl :e ~ $t -<:t:CI')- ~==-<~ ~ ~ g .........! %I~;:C ;'i 2:!cg~. r-; en ~ = 3: C 0 ~ :> ::-:: 3: ~ :z "" m ::. > > ~ !!l. C> ttI v, '" ~oc:l 8 ~.... = ~-<m g: o 1= .c:: oc-< S' 0%10 ca. .... 0 c '" . ", =:: ~ ...!:::!:c- en - > 3_ =r!j.... o i5 ~ ~ :z !:! . ~~ o C :0;; !~ (I) 0 a 3 III CD ; iil_ 5T~ ~o .,:g ~ S' _.oa. ==- l1O.l>> ::;os:. olii _3 I Ill=- 5.~ 0.0 (I);:: :i" 3 ~ III 0 = i~g. o.'C... ::r =- a ~'~ CI'):E (I)=- CD~ ~'< -'0 o C = ..... . n Cl')C 8'l!l. a 0 !;~ ~~ $.== . = ",;:11:' ::S.I>> nc::r -'0 ::::. C l1O..... ~~ ;:;C ... n I:: (II 8' 3 CD ... CI') CD S. n ,SD :e . CD ",.... C/ '" Ci";:II:' = (I) ~:; I>> "' ;; :::I. ~~ C Q '! 3~ C/ 0 =::: O<~ C. ... '" -::I ::10. ~~ 3~ ~~ -I:: ~ g. " "' fit $" n CD ~ ..... f'J Q ts:> ::a:r' am !ocr -CD !/lCD o = ... ;- CD n~ g i" fit Cl. C _ 2= = oa. -t ::r CD (") c en ... c a CD ... .0 c CD en ... -. c = = D) _r"'~:::::. CD 3- ~ g ~~ 0", I>>OQ. ::I 0 ~ 0 :E 0. - 0. 0'" n '" "'- ~Q 0- .::1 3 00 ... ::I g~ erg !:. ; 0:3 III 0 0. = '" "'- :E . !!1.~ Q""'t;/ ...> ~2 " .0 .--0 . . . Council Agenda - 8/14/00 10. tions for Ferrell Gas Site. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: It was originally anticipated that the City Council wo lid be presented with an agenda item that would have asked for Council consideration of a conditional use permit to allow a mixed use development of offIce, commercial and residential uses on the Ferrell 'as site adjacent to the off-sale liquor store. StafT has been working with Silver Creek Real Estate Deve opment on their proposal to build a combination retail and office complex that would have included u derground parking for the residential component on the second level. At their last meeting, the Planning Commission had a proved the concept plan for these uses but the City was recently notified by Silver Creek Real Estat Development that they no longer feel it is feasible for them to include the underground parking and sec()1d floor condominiums as part oftheir project. With this being a major change to the original propos I considercd by thc Planning Commission, the revised development plan for a basic shopping center ill need to be reconsidcred by the Planning Commission before being presented for Council consideration. Because the next Planning Commission meeting isn't until September 5, it would seem appropriate to have a brief discussion by the Council to answer the l' llowing questions: 1. Is the proposed change in thc develop ent by the elimination of the residcntial componcnt an important issue with the Council? Does the Council want to continue negotiations with Silver Creek Develo ment for a shopping center only? Or docs the Council want to see if any oth l' developers are interested in reinstating the the residential component to this devel pment? 2. If the consensus of the Council is to co tinue working with Silver Creek without the residential component being part 0 the project, are we ready to establish a purchase price for the property (contin ent upon fInal approval of a shopping center plan)? Silver Creek Development is asking for Council input on the above questions to determine whether they should continue with plans for the strip center without residential. Their concerns relate to whether the Council is set on residential being part of the project a d if new RFP's are solicited, they would like to know in advance of the September Planning Commission meeting. In regards to question one, the Council should determ'ne whether the residential component of this project is still worth pursuing. Silver Creek Develop ent felt that the additional cost associated with dealing with a higher water table makes the project un easible. Their engineer (copy enclosed) indicated that therc could bc additional construction costs of $1 0,000 or more to deal with protecting the undcrground parking garage from the water table. Co .ts such as dewatering for the footings along with installing drain tile and lift pumps was the basis for Si vcr Creek's elimination of the condominiums and underground parking garage. As you will notc, the en incer did not say it wasn't feasible to construct underground parking, only that it would be more costl . . Council Agenda - R/14/00 In an attempt to overcome the additional costs, I had otTered a proposal that would have reduced the asking price of our property by $150,000 to help oft et these costs to promote and encourage the continuation of the project with residential. Silver C 'eek still felt that it would be difficult to sell or rent the units and want to only consider development of a shopping center. In regmds to the second question, if the Council concurs that a residential component may be difficult to achieve, even with other developers, are we willing t continue negotiations with Silver Creek on the development of a revised plan for retail/commercial ( nly and are we ready to establish a purchase price of the property? The asking price for the property w< s $7.25/sq. ft. which would place the value of the raw land at $367,647.00. The development of the co 11ll1ercial/retaiJ portion of the projeet had a parking deficiency requirement of 56 stalls. In other words, t e property was proposed to be developed with a structure that would require 56 more parking spaces t an what could be obtained on the property alone. If land in the general vicinity of this project at $7.25/sq. it. was acquired to allow us to build a 56 stall parking lot, the estimated cost of doing so would be sightly over $205,000. This is the estimated construction cost of land, curb and gutter, lights along with blacktopping a typical parking lot. Because the land being sold technically allows for a larger buil ing than what would normally be required if parking was required on site, the actual land value sho dd be increased by a similar amount making the asking price $573,000. This would be the recommen ed sale price of the property ifit was going to be used strictly for a 21,000+ sq. ft. retail development ithout requiring the developer to create the parking area for the 56 cars. . The offer proposed by Silver Creek Development WOll d be to purchase the property for a total price of $423,647 t(Jr a retail center only without residential. he current offer is approximately $150,000 less than the City has established as the value of the 10 for this purpose. It is unknown whether there would be other developers interested in submitting RF 's on this property as we have been exelusively dealing with Silver Creek for the past few months. Ife are going to eliminate the residential component for this project, there may not be a need to e reducing the asking price over what the property is estimated to be worth fen' just retai I uses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision One: ()~) CD Motion to proceed with the potential de elopment of the Ferrell Gas site without a residential component being part of the 1 ixed use development. Under this alternative, the Council woul be in agreement with Silver Creek's decision not to propose residential eondo niniums as part of the project. 2. Motion to direct stall to offer the pro pert to other developers through an RfP requesting inclusion of residential uses as pmt of the option. . Under this alternative, the Council would like to see ifresidentialuses can be maintained as part ofthis development and if Silver :reek was no longer interested in developing with residential uses, RFP's would be sol cited from other developers. . . . Council Agenda - 8/14/00 Decision T'wo 1. If the decision is to continue negotiati 19 with Silver Creek flwa shopping center only the sale price of the property would be se at full value of$573,447. 2. Motion to set a sale price for a shoppi 19 center only at somc other value to be determined by the Council. G5JO ([ 1 /Vd J.fT9"V\~ 'iv fO/,/OD c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: I bclieve the initial proposal by Silver Creek to inclu e a residential component as part of this development was one of the primary reasons why th Council granted exclusive rights to Silver Creek over the past few months. The concept of housing i our commercial area was encouragcd by thc Downtown Development Plan, but it also has to be r cognized that there may bc cases where it is not financially feasible. I had attempted to propose a ree uction in the purchase price of the property to help offset those additional costs dealing with undergrou d parking but Silver Creek still does not feel that the project would be feasible. It would be my recon111cndation if we proceed with a retail/commercial development only, the asking price of the property sl ould be around the full value estimated at $573,000. Although I am sure there is differences 0 opinion as to what property along TH 25 may be worth, I think this property will always be desirable or a shopping center complex and that the value indicated is reasonable when you consider that we w mId allow someone to maximize the use of the property and not have to directly build a 56 stall par -ing lot. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Silver Creek purchase proposal. · Letter from Duffy Engineering. · Administrator's counterproposal letter. ----~. . . . -"' 1L City Council Agenda -08/14/00 Consideration of a Conditional llse Per it for a Planned Unit Oevelo ment of 22 townhouses in a CCD Zonin District. A licant: Silver Creck Dcvelo ment. (NAC) The following is the information provided t the Planning Commission. An updatc will be provided to the City Council following the pecial meeting at 5: 15 p.m. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU. D: Silver Creek Development has submitted pans for a Development Stage PUO approval of 22 townhouses on a parcel along East 7th St eet. The City has considered its zoning density restrictions and the option of allowing t wnhouse development at densities similar to multiple family housing. A zoning amendl ent is being considered which would permit the same density calculation, and add a green 'pace requirement to all developments. If that amendment is adopted by the City Coun ii, the proposed townhouse project would be eligible for up to 25 units. Without the am ndment, a townhouse project would be held to just 16 units on this site. The proposed ordinance requires a minim m of 500 square feet of open space per unit, or 30% green space (as defined) whichever is greater. The site plan illustrates approximately 34% green space in compliance with the d aft. standard. Previous concept discussions had raised a nmber of issues. Additional review has generated some additional comments. These are su marized in the following paragraphs. a. increase driveways in traffic are s to 24 feet in width. This appears to be accomplished in most areas of th project. However, three particular areas raise circulation concerns. 'fhe main ent ance to the project is just 20 feet in width. This is inappropriate for the primary tr ffic area. Also of concern here is the "double bend" created by the drivcway desi n. This is complicated by the location of visitor parking in this area. The drivc ay should be widened to at least 24 feet and straightened. The visitor parking ould be better located outside of the main traffic area ifpossible. The second arca f concern is the garage and parking arca for units 9 and 10, and thc visitor parking. ue to the acute angles of the units and the visitor parking, it would appcar to be di ficult for tenants of unit 9 to back out of their garage and drivcway ifcars are par ed in the unit 10 driveway and the visitor parking area. Staff would rccommcnd an lternative layout for this area. The third area of concern is for unit 15, a handicap ed accessible unit with the only single car garage in the complex. A lip of curb restri 'ts backing motion from this garage in an attempt to protect thc parking area for unit 4. Better backing movement should be designed into this area. . . , City Council Agenda -08/14/00 b. Increase central or internal landsca ing areas. The project retains a design which incorporates a central island consisting of both parking and landscaping. The project design creates a need for two full- idth drive aisles through the middle of the plan, resulting in a higher concentration of paved area in the center of the project. Of particular note is the northwest cor er of the central island which appears to restrict turning, particularly by larger ve ides. The radius on this corner should be increased. c. Alternative paving materials in the central area. The plan now shows bituminous paving for much of the parking ar a, with an area of concrete in the central area. Alternative paving can help to slo speeds, and enhance the aesthetics of an area with a high concentration ofpavem nt. StafTwould recommend alternatives such as colored or exposed aggregate coneI' te, or pavers rather than typical grey concrete an alternative. It should be coordinat d with the landscapc design of the project. d. Redesign the northwest corner un'ts for bctter backing and access. This item is addressed above. e. Maintain a maximum of eight unit ownhouse clusters. This ordinance requircment has been complied with. r. Plan for a highly intcnsified landsc pe plan, particularly at the perimeter, including well-dcsigned patio areas, fencing, and other sidelrear yard improvements. In the perimeter area, patio doors will op n onto the only private spacc available to most of the residents. For 16 of the units, this space is just 15 to 20 feet deep. I n order to qualify for the City's consideration of Planned Unit Development, the project needs to demonstrate a superior design and package of amenities, well beyond the ordinance basics, which justify th City's flexibility from its standard ordinance requirements. The perimeter land 'cape is an area which could have a significant impact on the livability of these units if properly designed. The grading plan illustrates a retaining wall along bo h side boundary lines to accommodate the grade of the project down the hill. This all should be moved as far to the property line as possible, constructed of an attractiv ~ material. The plan does not indicate the design or materials proposed for the wall, nor does the plan indicate fenci ng on top of the wall or other amenities. Finally, t e plan does not appear to provide an enhanced landscape. A small assortment off undation shrubs and a reliance on existing trees on neighboring property comprise t e bulk of the landscape plan. About one tree per unit lines the west boundary. The Ian illustrates a vinyl screen fence outside each patio door providing a patio dept of four feet. Again, staiT would encourage a s;gn~ficantly enhanced landscape, patio, fence, and retaining wall plan as a minimum step in meeting thc intent of the Ci y's PUD ordinance. -2 . . . City Council Agenda -08/14/00 g. Address outward appearance of buildings to maximize aesthetic impact on neighboring property. The applicar t has supplied building elevations showing brick fronts and vinyl siding on the rear )1' the buildings. Enhanced windows have been added to the rear elevations as wel . Other comments have been supplied by st ff including the following: h. (irading and drainage. Detail need to be added to the wall plan to ensure that it will meet applicable requirements. T the north of the project, elevations appear to suggest a rambler walkout design although this is not identified on the plans or building elevations. Also of concer is the outflow of storm water from this site. The City Engineer is conducting addit onal grading review and wishes to reserve the ability to require changes to the . rading plan as necessary. If the layout of the project changes significantly due to grading issues, the project would need additional Planning Commission review. 1. Utilities. Public Works staff has n ted a concern with regard to the elevation of the sanitary sewer in comparison to gn und elevations at the rear ofthe north buildings. As with the drainage plan, the City Engineer is conducting additional utility review and wishes to reserve the ability to require changes to the utility plan as necessary. If the layout of the project changes significantly due to utility issues, the project would need additional Planning COlmission review. A part of this ongoing review will include provision of common r individual services to the units in the complex. J. Recreation space. There is no 1'0 mal recreation space set aside in this project. Although it meets the draft green s . ace requirements, the largest contiguous open space is a 30 foot strip along the co llmercial parking lot to the north. If this area is encroached upon with private patio spaces, this area would shrink further. The Planning Commission ,md City ~ouncil should review the need for common recreation space if necessary. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval 0 the Development Stage CUP/PUD for Silver Creek Real Estate for a 22 unit to nhouse project on East Th Street, based on the condition that the above issues are addressed in a satisfactory manner to the staff prior to Final PUD approval. -3- City Counei I Agenda -08/14/00 . 2. Motion to recommend denial of t e Development Stage PUD for Silver Creek Development based on a finding t at the townhouse design and density does not permit an appropriate plan for the L se of this site. 3. Motion to table action on the Devel pment Stage PUD, subject to resolution of the above matters, and submission of a ditional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON Staffwould recommend tabling action on tl e PUD, based on the numerous issues to resolve prior to proceeding with final approval. t is believed that trafTic, utility, grading, and landscaping issues will all alTect the layOL t of this project, and raise questions about the application of this number of townhouses 0 this site. If the Planning Commission and City Council believe that it is appropriate to con inue, approval of the Development Stage pun should be given only with the direction as t how to address each of the issues raised in this report, the condition to allow further engine ring review, and a requirement that Final Stage PUD review will be necessary before the P anning C~mmission and City Council upon the submission of complete, conforming plans . D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit 1 ~ Site Plan Exhibit 2 - Building Plans Exhibit 3 - Landscape Plan Exhihit 4 - Grading and Drainage Plans Exhibit 5 - Utility Plan . -4- ~.~. --~ .~ ;g ., ~ Q ~ I.; . .. . .~ +.~ ~ ~ ;g \) f.J t .; ~ ~ ~~:ll'" c .... ... '<> ~ -, ~ .. ...lJ ~'''' ;; ~~ ~ Ii~ ~ ~:ll I I!s"ill I hIli', ~ n iilll ~~<l3~~<El<l3<fl~<tI 0 .11i; ---- Y.1OEaH'i 'OTBOUNC:;; 31 '1183 1'131:1 )l331:1~ tl3A liE 4M>.:J CJaBOcIOUd -- IlI.KrIIltl J}/3III/ft"" IWqsL'lJ I I I I ;// / / ! ,I / / / /// /,t .. / /1 -- / / /1 .' OJ ./;1 I I ;; / I / I / _u, II t ",,,,- .....", ';' " / \ , , , , I '. , , I /' , , / I \ I \ /II~ '.\\ ___--- __----1--- ------- ~:~~-====....__..~/ --- .--------......--- ....." __-:-~~ (Vi;iOi'/l --:~.-r-------------- ~ -- ''f _-- "' -- -- -- -- fJ ~"lli"~ -- _ -----;ii14'JI'" -- ~ J/Quw"" IlHusIX] ~ --~8- Illlllf' Cl' ~ Y.1OE9'-Nn 'O"T'ElOl.l.NOrf ~ 1:);:: h !!:I, . g~ \1 . '" ! +.s , ~ 8 ., 31'V 183 1'V3t:j )f33t:jO t:j3A liS ~ ." 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SooN/mlla .JO 3DO] / 1-- .LSf3 ---." --- \ 3Nf7 fJNnIflf7 _n_ I --- -'_._._n_ I __n ~ " '" 0, ,v' ( 'U . / " ,h (( [Ul ~ c:::- ./ ". "' ,/ " " OO'066"'ij .. ---q -" ~: .61,0!;.6"'V 1:-':: / OO'OLI"" I ~B i;' ~g)~~/-~-~-t ""- --.. / /~~&~ \ \ r':. l1J1 <<- IlIl (! ( I 'i 5 ~ ... i ... n: '" "- '" <:> z ;:: V> ;:< ... ( ( .... ~ '" ... '" ~ <:> z ;:: V> ;:< w 1'9~ / \, \ ........91 ,\.. Jr :i:', \ll : . I ~(' , \ 't" l' g 1it--_.... >- '" ~t I " '"~ < '\ 'i~-f"" 0'" \ ~~ "'... "-'" \ . . . 12. City COllllcil Agenda -08/14/00 Consideration of an a lication for a Co ditional Use Permit/Planned llnit Develo ment and a Prelimina Plat to a low the devclo ment of a townhouse ro' ect to be known as Klein Farm Estat s 4th Addition. A Iicant: D. Klein Construction. (NAC) The following is the information provided t the Planning Commission. An update will be provided to the City Counci I following the pecial meeting at 5: 15 p.m. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN. : A plan for this project was submitted to th. Planning Commission's regular agenda at its August 1 meeting. Due to a number of isSi es raised by staf1~ the Planning Commission tabled this item to its special meeting of -14-00. A revised plan has been submitted, consisting of a site plan, utility plan, g ading and drainage plan, and a conceptual landscaping plan. I I The proposed project has been reduced fro the previous 11 units to a total of 8 units - 4 twin home buildings. Each unit has a tw' car garage with a driveway space for open parking, as well as eight visitor parking spaq s on the east side of the private street. As noted in the previous staflreport, the site is zoned! R-2, Single and Two Family Residential. The adjacent property to the west is also deve\o' ed with two family homes in a PUD. At eight units, this project would be consistent with I he density ofthe adjacent twin home project. The new plan has adjusted setbacks to J eet the minimum requirements on all sides, including the buffer yard to the industrial 0 the north. In addition, although the west side yard setback could be as little as ten feet 0 meet the district standard, the applicant has proposed approximately 25 feet, consistent with the adjacent development. The project plan shows an illustration ofla dscaping on the north and east boundaries. The north boundary has a buffer yard requireme ltto meet of about 320 plant units, as defined in the zoning ordinance. Other landscaping is enerally ornamental, although the adjacent twin home project was required to create a signifi antly enhanced landscape to helpjustify the use ofPUD on that project. A complete plan s ould be designed and submitted for review on this project as well, including both commOl area and unit landscaping. Special attention to the front yard spaces was emphasized on t e adjacent property, and should be made a part of this project as well. The buildings are arrayed along the west, nd north sides of the private drive, with visitor parking along the east side. The wide twin ome driveways create a continuous expanse of pavement at the curb line, particularly ar und the cul-de-sac. This design both creates problems for snow removal, as well as lin its the opportunity for green space. Narrower driveways would help to reduce the impact fthis pavement area. An alternative to consider would be a central island design which in orporates both the visitor parking and a central landscape element. Because there is ample oom to work with adjacent to the Fallon A venue -1- . City Council Agenda -08/ I 4/00 right-of-way, a creativc concept could bc a plied to this project. In addition, it would permit greater spacing between the garage front and the private drive. An optional layout is provided as a skctch attached to this report. With regard to utilities and drainage, COl plete public works and engineering review is pending. Water line size is one item whieh as been identified as a potential issue. Building floor plans and elevations have not been s lbmitted with this package, and will need to be reviewed prior to final approval. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to recommcnd approval of the Concept Stage CUP/PUD and Preliminary Plat, based on a finding that the pro osed plat is consistent with the zoning district and neighboring uses. 2. Motion to recommend denial of t e CUP/PUD and Preliminary Plat, based on findings made at the hearing. 3. Motion to table action on the CUPI UD and Preliminary Plat, pending additional information. . C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Concept Stage PUD and the Preliminary Plat, with the conditions that the applicant consider an alternative layout for the private street, such as the staff sketch attached to this report, and subj ct to engineering review. Because thc utilities, grading and drainage, landscaping, and bu'lding plans have yet to be submitted and/or reviewed, this project is not yet ready for De elopment Stage PU 0 approval. However, staff believes that this proposal addresses the maj rity of the issues raised by the previous design, including density and spacing. With a con plete landscaping plan similar to the original Klein Farms Estates project to the west, an resolution of engineering issues, this project could be reviewed for both Development St ge and Final Stage PUD in the next round. D. SUPPORTING DATA . Exhibit I - Site Plan Exhibit 2 - Grading and Drainage Plan Exhibit 3 - Utility Plan Exhibit 4 - Preliminary Plat Exhibit 5 - Staff Sketch -2- I __ . /' ~--------- l ,........, 9M.2 --.------.....- _ __9~.!............. _ _ _~_ . 960 -o~l]~a .60 ,~, '~" ~! --k. "-- -1'~ \~ : ~. 1 \~I I";" 9~.5 0--..-. ~""O iSP ...~ I" =~--~; )"t31 I a'~ I 0:=/2; I .-...cq: . i OJ J gSI.r~ I ~ ~ i ~ ~ I ~ . " o I VB - -~ - -;;'p. i r-~~=~---=-"~-I I ~ ~~ ' I I I I I I Ev.hib.f I - )J, m J 951.19 I ~ 9M.O ~ GIl i " ~ ~ I .; . L . .><" ~ ~ -"'.!.......-- ~ ~ \~/~O '-1 05.~ I =: =----l: )"~I I Ol~ I 0::12; I ,.....~ ~ .1 ~ ~ ~ ------;~4 o I~~-~~-"..---I . ~\ ....~-. E>thi it ~ - G~ ~ bnM.n~ ( J . -C1-D_c o am - .~-- - ..- - - - ~~~~ -- - ~-~ ~ - - o 90m o o ~"" ;#Nt ~ . QOIlNf'C1' 10 0CINNlCT 10 IlISTIIll ~ IIY......M _____ .. . t I : -----V\ /' t ---"l I ~~ 1 I I oll~ I I O::~ ~ 'I c)~ ~ 2 1 WI I llE-.J E I4a.I ex. CB :S-'P9NE-RIDG .'folt-'U~H~O ./ ~ ~ ri; I t EXh.b, · 3 U'f.ili~ PJAfL, I d, Ex. 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I I 1// , ;---------, ..... p, r.. ,; ,;" p.. , j II f!9"'9':115" W 65,00 I I Ul' N : -~ i I i I i ! ! 1 9 ",".1 t1r~~Ut"lly ! ~~r.;;"";' ""'"" (:/I ! i ! i MlI!Vll'j ~ w ~ ii~ j ~,~ wi ~~ 1J~ s, r:: z~ ] I )" ~ 7.l ......, ~~ o " -~- - -----;;p. ~\ 7.l ~\-t,b.,'" - 1.\ Prt.'ilY'\\~ 1>1a:l 7.l i)1!i I "',1 ,----- I I I Id RUG-11-2000 09:12 - NRC 612 595 9837 P.12I2/1212 p~a,z" I I I ..' .. .. .. ... .. .. \.. . ',:I'!~7 * f11 , I RE 956.0 IE 9S3,e,J "J' , " 1~; :'~J: . ....'.~~. . ....~: , d'~ ,I' ", ,.j :i c. ;;{r;' ',' ~'~I~":: ~ .. ~~ ./ :a D:;"O ~.. ..-e-,- Exhibit 5 .. Staff Sketch I) TOTRL P.12I2 . . . o. City Council Agenda - 08/14/00 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU Consideration of an amendment to a la allow the ex ansion of an auto sales and Monticello .Ford. (FP) The Planning Commission acted to recomm nd denial ofthe proposed requcst based on thc finding that there is insufficient data to roperly evaluate the request. As you may know, Dave Peterson Ford moved vehicles nto the vacant lot during the process of construction of the new facility. After mov ng onto the site, a request came for a conditional use permit allowing the activity that was already occurring on the site. The site plan data that came in was not at the Ie el of detail necessary for the Planning Commission to make a decision. for a nu ber of months the Planning Commission has been allowing the item to remain open until the site plan data arrived. At the Planning Commission meeting on August 1,2000, tl1 Planning Commission acted to deny the request, thereby forwarding the final decisi n to the City Council. On August 3rd, a letter was sent to the deal rship again requesting the necessary information for presentation to the City Co ncil. On Thursday, August loth a site plan was submitted to staflby Dave Johnson (se attached); however, the information that was submitted was only part of what is necessa for the CUP application to be considered. In addition to the information submitted on Thursday, we have all along requested information showing drainage including to ographical information. Staff will need further information on the pond outl1ow st lcture and on alignments with the drives across the street. The Council may consider the item for app oval or denial, or send the item back to the Planning Commission for review and reco sideration. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1 . Motion to deny thc request for the onditional use permit based on the finding that the site plan data does not contain t e data necessary to determine whether or not the operation/site plan mects City s andards as recommended by the Planning Commission. This alternativc assumes that additi nal site plan data will not bc available for review by the City Council. If Co mcil desires, this alternative should be accompanied by direction to staff ith regards to enforcement of the City zoning code at this location. -1- City Council ^genda - 08/14/00 . Please note that if the request is deni d, it can not be reviewed or reconsidered again for one year. This means that' f Peterson were to follow the ordinance, the vehicles would need to be removed illmediately. At the earliest, use of the site as a storage area could not occur unti I r consideration and approval of a subsequent CUP request one year from now. 2. Motion to approve the request based on the finding that the request is consistent with the character of the area and co sistent with the comprehensive plan for the City. ~ .J. Motion to accept additional informa ion and send the item back to the Planning Commission for further review. This alternative assumes that additi nal information is available that warrants additional review by the Planning Cnnmission. 4. Motion to request additional inform tion from the applicant and send the item back to the Planning Commission. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . If no additional information is submitted, tl e City Administrator and staff recommend denial. If the applicant can convince Coun il that the necessary information will be forthcoming, then this item should go back to the Planning Commission, D. SUPPORTING DATA All Planning Commission items and releva t correspondence relating to this topic since Novenlber 1999. Information not inclu ed with agenda item but is available for review. . -2- .-- --":--- - - ~III !II ~~II~ ~ 11\1\\II_~~l!U J ~ Ii..! '''~i v.._- ~ 1 -Iii I ij"l C~~: - \ \ ~ d'ir ~ ! I I I~!. += 01,.:HJ.HOW ~ i ~ fbi1 ~ til Z I · II,! 1 - ....... .. ... - ...... ~IIIIIIII ~ftdb i 1 1&11.-( i h bill ~ I & Cd Q) U')c. m --,~.........------'~~-'_.~~"~. ........-----.---...---'........-----.- _...------'-.,....---.I"~.------.,-'-'-~.-.."-,.- d \ --- _I__ I I I -----~---~--- -----~~ -_"'"""!'~-~' - --'-~ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \~ ,to " \\ \t /ul, .J ....l \ ~ \ ), ~ . - - \ /-~ - II ! \ I \ \ \ I ~ ~ \ \ 1 al,,~__---,G! ___ _ ___j , ------------- --_\ ~ - ......-------- ........----- ----..---.--- ___---;;;"u~ ~.tU; \ 11!1!1 d ~ /td) 11!1!1 ~ U M1) w cd! ~ -4 w...: '.::t.!::, ;:i:0- = "':X @g Z:c lb!1Jl zC/l IL-. 0< u--- ::iz d :::=w ~ 85 x ~ g ~ 51 ~ e:::coa.. ~ ~ s-~I F NlJ"J ~ ?:: l= 4 z a a '.::t.!::, <( N I'") cd! ~ @b, 0 cri ~ ...: co C/l ~\ , \\ \ I ~';i . ~ l \ ~ \ \ \ ~ . . City Council Agenda -08/01/00 ~ Consideration of an amendment to the z( nim! ordinance establishinQ" a buildinl! to site area ratio for auto sales commercial bu'ldinl!s in the B-3 zoninQ" district. Aoolicant: City of Monticello. (NAC) The following information is forwarded ff( 111 the Planning Commission. Staff has had an opportunity to review both Gould's and Do :lge Dealer concepts and both appear to be close to the proposed standard, but it is not possible to tell for sure at this stage. In calculating the Peterson Ford lot to bL ilding area ratio, it appears it would meet the proposed standard with or without the lane across Sandburg. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU1 D: Following consideration of the Dunlo Auto Sales issues, the Planning Commission directed staff to propose an amendment to the zonilg ordinance which would increase the ratio of building to site coverage for auto sales use' as parcels get larger. The concern was that the small lot coverage percentage allowed or Dunlo on a small site would permit an extraordinarily large sales lots with minimal building requirements and a consumption of valuable commercial land. The standards stablished for Dunlo on a one acre site were no less than 50;() lot coverage, with a minimUJ 1 building size of 2,500 square feet, whichever requires the larger building. A 5% lot cov rage on a five acre site would allow a building of just 11,000 square feet. The PetersonF( rd building is approximately 59,000 square feet on slightly more than 6 acres. Peterson's bt coverage is 21.8%. A potential graduated lot coverage requirement could look like the fiJllowing: Parcel Size Lot Cov rage Pereent* Minimum Building Size* Up to 2 acres 5% 2,500 square feet 10,000 square feet 40,000 square feet More than 2 acres to 4 acres 10% More than 4 acres 15% *Whichever requires the larger building. Under this scale, Peterson Ford could ha e built a 40,500 square foot building. Gould Brothers is currently on a 7.0 acre site. At 15% coverage, this would require a building of about 45,000 square feet. StafT is aware trat Gould's has plans to expand their dealership. A preliminary concept plan has been revie" ed briel1y showing a 50,000 square foot building on a lot of about 8 acres. On an 8 acre sit, a building of 52,000 would be required. The Planning Commission and City Council m, y wish to take these factors into consideration as an ordinance is drafted. -1- City COLlllcil Agenda -08/0 1/00 ~ The Planning Commission recommended lternati ve I. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to recommend approval 0 the draft ordinance amendment establishing a graduated building lot coverage fo. auto sales in the B-3 District. 2. Motion to recommend no change t the building size standards for auto sales in the 13-3 District. 3. Motion to table action on the amen ment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . Staff endorses the idea of increased lot co erage requirements for auto sales to avoid the concern that small buildings would be locat d on large commercial parcels which would then be devoted to oversized sales and car stonve lots. The City's commercial land is valuable and scarce. Consumption of that land for large auto sales lots without complementary building construction could damage the Ci y's economic development balance. Because of the expansion of Peterson Ford and Gould rothers, as well as the expected development of the Denny I [ecker's Chrysler dealership, u ed auto sales is likely to be a growth industry in Monticello. However, staff is unsure ofthe application fthis ordinance to the proposed new dealerships. We would caution that a subsequent amendment may be requested if the OM or Chrysler dealerships do not quite reach the standard. D. SUPPORTING DATA Draft Ordinance Amendment , -2~ ~ . , City of Mont cello Wright County, ~~innesota AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, CH PTER 13, SECTION 13-4 lD], OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE RELA TINe. TO AUTO SALES BUILDING SIZE IN THE B-3 ZONING DISTRICT.. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTIC LID, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . Chapter 13, Section 13-4 rD] I. is amended to read as to lows: I. The minimum building size for any auto sales use shall comply with the following standards: Parcel Size Lot Cove age Percent* Minimum Building Size* Up to 2 acres 5% 2,500 square feet More than 2 acres to 4 acres 10% 10,000 square feet 40,000 square feet More than 4 acres *Whichever requires the larger building. 15% Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective from and after i s passage and publication. I I sl I IY . . . 15. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Oft. (lS.) Council Agenda ~ 8/l4/2000 Each year during the summer the Public Works Department inspects the sidewalks in the community, both on-grid (those considered essent al to the city) and off-grid (usually private sidewalks on public property. Abutting property 0 ners are responsible for keeping thc sidewalk clean and in such state of repairs not to be dangerou to public travel. The city has taken over the maintenance of some of the sidewalks deemed as m jor corridors, such as the Broadway sidewalk from Pinewood Elementary to the Monticello Mid Ie School on Washington street. We do not, however, maintain the sidewalk in the downtown c nunercial area. Minor repairs on the sidewalk system involving twq sidcwalk panels per property or Jess are taken carc of by the city of Monticcllo, either by the Publi' Works Department or through a quote or bid process by a concrete contractor. When major rep iI'S are needed which involve more than two sidewalk panels per property, the city pays 75% of tl e repairs and asks the property owner to assist with the cost by paying only 25%. This is for the si ewalks on the grid which are essential service sidewalks. The city originally paid 75% of the cost f sidewalks on the grid. When the cost for the sidewalk replacement is known, we will hold a pulic hearing for those specilk property owners needing major sidewalk repair or they may choose to waive their right to a publie hearing and pay the 2yVtl of the cost. This year's inspection has revealed that 25 sidewal panels arc in need of replacement. Almost all are one or two panels per propel1y situations. The e is one location on the north side of 41h Street between Pine Street and Cedar Street, at 113 4th Stre t, that requires the replacement of three panels. Consequently, 25% cost sharing by the property 0 ner. In addition, we have found one location where a pedestrian ramp needs to be replaced and a lother portion where a section of curb needs to be replaced, along with miscellaneous tree trimmin and weed control. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative after review of the Ann Lal Sidewalk Inspection Report is to accept the report and authorize the Public Works Dep' rtment to obtain quotes for the replacement of the defective sidewalk panels, including cur ing and one pedestrian ramp, and proceed with those repairs as soon as possible. This wou d include notification to the property owner at 113 East 4th Street oi'thcir share of the side alk repair. Should the property owner request a public hearing on the repairs rather than paying 25%, this will be brought back to the Council at a later date fix scheduling the p blic hearing prior to repairs at that location. The second alternative would be after revie of the Annual Sidewalk Inspection Report to accept the report and have the Public Wor s Department schedule the repairs internally. Because of the magnitude of panels needing replacement and other workloads, this may take the Public Works Department a significant amount oftime to complete. 2. . . , Council Agenda - 8/14/2000 c. STAFF RI~COMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works irector that the City Council proceed with the acceptance of the Annual Sidewalk Report and re airs as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the 2000 Annual Sidewalk Inspection I eport; Copy of Sidewalk Cost Sharing Policy established July 9. 1990. For those needing ad itional information regarding sidewalk repair. maintenance and special assessments, please refer to Section 8, Chapter 1 of the City Ordinance. . . . MONTICELLO ..n~'.. ........ .. 20 0 ANNUAL S DEW ALK INSPECTIO REPORT July 24, 2000 \s . 2000 ANNUAL SIDEWALK INSPECTION REPORT TABLE OF C NTENTS . . ITEM PAGE Sidewalk Inspection Criteria ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Index of Repair Reports ............................................ 5 Smnmary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Individual Sidewalk Reports ......................................... 8 C:\OFFICE\mM\o72400-smEW Al.K.RPT; 07/27/').000 PAGE2 ,s . CITY OF MONTICELLO . . I. DEFINITION SIDEW ALK INSPECTION CRITERIA A pedestrian walkway (either bituminous or concrete) is a smooth, continuous, horizontal plane generally 4' to 5' wide, parallel to curb r street driving surface in both boulevard width and vertical height with a cross-slope of2% 04% to promote water drainage. It should be free of hazards to pedestrians, bicyclists, and now removal equipment such as, but not limited to, cracks, settlements, protrusions, both orizontal and vertical, such as heaved panels (whole or partial), tree limbs, and overhan s. There should be pedestrian ramps where sidewalk meets curb on all new and major r storation construction. u. RECOMMENDATIONS FORMAINTE ANCEAND CRITERIA FOR REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT A. Recommendations for Maintenance 1. Drainage Property owners will be enc uraged to maintain drainage from the sidewalk areas and will be notified w en poor drainage is observed during the annual inspections. 2. Small Cracks and Holes Such defects larger than 1/4" but less than 3/4" will be recommended to be sealed or patched using app oved materials. This will increase the longevity of the sidewalk. 3. Overhangs and Hazards Property owners will be ask d to correct any temporary hazards such as signs, mail boxes, tree branches, 0 rocks or debris on the sidewalk or in the path of a pedestrian which could ca se a trip, fall, or head injury. B. Cause for Repair or Replacement 1. Any vertical sharp rise in a sidewalk panel over 1/4" in height which could cause a person to trip or cou d catch maintenance equipment shall be cause for replacement of the panel. C:\OFFICE\TOM\072400-SIDEWAlKRPT: 07/2712000 PAGE 3 \ S . . , 2. Any section of a sidewalk w . ch has settled so as to collect water shall be replaced or repaired by jacki (when feasible). 3. Any holes exceeding 3/4" in d ameter and any cracks exceeding 3/4" in width and more than 1/4" deep shal be repaired using approved materials. 4. Any sidewalk panel having a series of wide cracks and holes so as to make repairs not practical shall be eplaced. 5. Any sidewalk panels with sh p crowns or heaving which could cause a trip or fall when the sidewalk is et or slippery shall be replaced. 6. Any sidewalk panel that is eeling or spauling so that loose material is consistently found on the su ace shall be replaced. C. Replacement of Sidewalk 1. Any sidewalk replaced shall onform to standard specifications for sidewalk construction as recommende by the City Engineer. PAGE 4 \5 C,IOFFlCElTOMl072400-SIDEWALI<-RPT: 07/27/2000 . . t -- IND] ~X 2000 REP AIR/MAINTl ~NANCE REPORTS ~ .,..,'.'.'.........,',..,'.'.............,."'.'........,,'.',',,',',.... .... .""......."",...........".,""',",.,...........,''.,',',"'.'. .......""", ............ .. ......."" ... ... ",.,.,.,."...,"',.,.,.,.,.....".,'" '. ........."" ..,... "" ......." "........"",.,..........., ,..,.,.,.,,'. ,,',............. ,',.........,'" ',',',""'.""" '.,.,.,..,.. ... ',',',"..""""" ......."""", ,..............,.,",.. rreM M~l;\ .. ....... iRePAII:tijANwQij< .......(tr~~rI~.e~ntr~ll Nt>/ NO; .. i.MAINTENANcg.''tt;:MS 4 BROADWAY EAST (S. SIDE) 8 CRACK REPAIR N/A WRIGHT - NEW 5 BROADWAY EAST (S. SIDE) 8 2 PANE LS REPLACEMENT NEW - PALM CRAC~ REPAIR 7 BROADWAY EAST (S. SIDE) 9 1 PANE L REPLACEMENT CEDAR - PINE 9 BROADWAY EAST (N. SIDE) 9 APPRC ACH CRACK REPAIR CEDAR - PALM 11 BROADWAY EAST (N. SIDE) 9 APPRC ACH REPLACEMENT HENNEPIN - WASHINGTON 15 BROADWAY WEST (S. SIDE) 10 TREE TRIMMING VINE - MINNESOTA 17 BROADWAY WEST (S. SIDE) 10 TREE TRIMMING MAPLE - LINN 20 BROADWAY WEST (S. SIDE) 10 2PANI LS REPLACEMENT WALNUT - PINE 23 BROADWAY WEST (N. SIDE) 11 1 PAN L REPLACEMENT LOCUST - LINN 27 MINNESOTA STREET (E. SIDE) 11 BUSH TRIMMING 6111_ VACATED 7111 29 MAPLE STREET (W. SIDE) 12 CRAC REPAIR BROADWAY - 3RP 30 MAPLE STREET (W. SIDE) 12 1 PAN L REPLACEMENT 3RP _ 4111 CRAC REPAIR 31 MAPLE STREET (W. SIDE) 12 WEED CONTROL 4111_ RR TRACKS BUSH TRIMMING 39 WALNUT STREET (E. SIDE) 14 1 PAN L REPLACEMENT 3RP _ 4111 41 WALNUT STREET (W. SIDE) 14 CURB PATCH RIVER - BROADWAY CONC RETE ISLAND TO BE REMOVED ALLE" NEEDS MAJOR REPAIR 42 WALNUT STREET (E. SIDE) 14 WEED CONTROL BROADWAY - 3RD 47 PINE STREET (W. SIDE) 15 PED F AMP REPLACEMENT 3RO _ 4111 61 CEDAR STREET (W. SIDE) 17 2 PANE L REPLACEMENT BROADWAY - 3RP CURB REPLACEMENT 62 CEDAR STREET (W. SIDE) 17 1 PA~ E L REPLACEMENT 3RO _ 4111 ORM JOR CRACK REPAIR C.IOfFICIlITPMl072400-SJI)I!WALKllPTo 07/27/2000 PAGE 5 -... -- -- -- '\5 . . . ..............,',.,.,.,.,...... ......"......... ITeM > NO. 67 :-:-:-:-:-:.:-::".::.:-:-:-:-:-. ::::':':;:::':::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;:::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::;:::):::::::::::::::::>::::><<::::::.: p~GtR!;PAIR'.@tIP!9R> NO' NlAII\ITe:NANC!ITEMS 66 3RD STREET (N. SIDE) CEDAR - PINE 3RD STREET (S. SIDE) PINE - WALNUT 3'd STREET (N. SIDE) WALNUT - PINE 3RD STREET (S. SIDE) PINEWOOD - ELM 4lH STREET (N. SIDE) WALNUT - PINE 4lH STREET (N. SIDE) PINE - CEDAR 7111 STREET (N. SIDE) CEDAR - PINE 18 1 PANE REPLACEMENT 69 70 72 74 76 83 WASHINGTON (E_ SIDE) 7111 - BROADWAY 18 2 PANE S REPLACEMENT 84 NEW STREET 3'd - BROADWAY 18 1 PANE REPLACEMENT 85 BROADWAY WEST (N. SIDE) MAPLE - MINNESOTA 18 REPAIR 19 LS REPLACEMENT 19 LS REPLACEMENT" 19 20 OACHES REPLACEMENT 20 LS REPLACEMENT 20 1 PAN L REPLACEMENT *Note: The property owner will need to be ass ssed for this. C:\OFFICIlITOMI072400-SIDIlWAlXRPl": 07/27/2000 SWEEP SAND/GRAVEL RELOCATE 2 TREES TREE TRIMMING PAGE 6 IS . CITY OF MONTICELLO . . SUMM SIDEWALK REPORT July 24, 2000 RY The 2000 walk-through inspection of the on grid and off-grid sidewalks was completed on July 20,2000. In summary, 90% of the sidewalks are in goo condition. The balance of the sidewalks have minor cracks and settlements to be monitored with a few panels which need replacement. There are some panels where wider cracks could be repaired ith thorite or some other type of crack sealer. There are some driveway approaches which should e replaced; these are not part of the sidewalk system and should be dealt with separately (e.g., otifying property owner and allowing them to contact a city hired contractor). The total area we re recommending for replacement is 25 panels. There is one area (Item 74, 113 - 4th Street) whic consists of 3 panels to be replaced so those particular repairs will need to be assessed to prope y owner. The remaining 22 panels are areas of two panels or under so those will not need to be as essed. CoIOFFlCElWM\072400.SIDEWALK-RPT: 07/27/2000 PAGE 7 IS . . , 2000 RE ORTS 1 Sidewalk okay. 2 Sidewalk okay. 3 Broadwa East south side Ramsey Street - Wright Street Sidewalk okay. 4 4th and 5th panels have cracks to be repaired r replaced, east of New Street. 5 The 10th panel west of New Street should be emoved and re-poured, over an inch difference in height. The 71 th panel going east from Pal Street (large crack should be replaced). The 3rd panel west of Rich Cline's driveway need to be replaced, 3/4" difference. The property owner stated he will replace this portion. 6 Sidewalk okay. C:\OFFICE\1"OMl072400-SIDEWAIKRl'T: 07/27/2000 PAGE 8 IS . 7 . t 8 One panel east of municipal liquor approach as trip hazard and should be replaced. Sidewalk okay. 9 Broadwa East north side Cedar Street - Palm Street At 255 East Broadway there is an approac that should be replaced or some major crack repair. 10 Sidewalk okay. 11 There is an approach that should be replac d. It is completely disintegrated. 12 Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged fro last year. 13 (Bike Path) Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged fro last year. C:\OFFICE\TOM\072400-SIDEWAI..l{,R.PT: 07/ZiI2.0()() PAGE 9 IS . . . 14 15 16 Broadwa West south side Elm Street - Vine Street Sidewalk is in good condition. There is sligh spauling on quite a few of the panels. This is just aging concrete and no repairs needed. The tree in front of 648 West Broadway sh uld be trimmed up. Balance of the sidewalk is in good shape. No change from 1999 report. 17 Tree should be trimmed on west side of riveway at 430 West Broadway. Balance of sidewalk no change from 1999 report. 18 Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 1999 report. 19 Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged fro 1999 report. 20 At several buildings in this block the expan ionjoint next to the buildings should be removed, cleaned and caulked. At the south edge 0 the sidewalk in the seating area between Country Travel Store and Agosto Law Offices, tw panels need to be replaced, one in plain concrete and one exposed aggregate. Cones are pr sently placed there to warn ofa severe trip hazard. PAGE 10 IS CoIOfFICIlITOMlO7l400.SIDIlW^LK.J<PTo 07/27/2000 . 21 . . .- 22 23 Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 1 99 report. Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 1999 report. There is a sunken panel at the ped ramp on th west side of Locust which should be replaced. Otherwise, the balance of the sidewalk is un hanged from 1999 report. 24 Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 1999 report. 25 Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 1999 report. 26 Balance ofthe sidewalk is unchanged fro 1999 report. 27 Balance of the sidewalk is in real good sha e. The bushes at the Dubay's should be trimmed back off ofthe sidewalk, we're looking at1f3 to 1;2 of the use ofthe sidewalk. PAGE 11 15 C:\OFFK...'E\TOM\01'2AOO-8IDBWALK.RPT~ 07/27/2000 . . . 28 29 Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 999 report. There is a crack on the first panel south oft e Broadway sidewalk which should be repaired this year. Balance of the sidewalk unchang d from 1999 report. 30 Balance of sidewalk unchanged from 1999 eport. The intersecting panel right north of the hydrant should be replaced, it is a trip haza d. the cracks in the next two six panels should be caulked. 31 There are weeds growing in several of the j ints on about the first ten panels of the sidewalk south of 4th Street. Maybe hit these with s me Roundup or something. Maintenance items. The bushes should be trimmed on the pro erty line between the old Dorn House and 411 Maple Street; maintenance items. Lilac bus trimming needed again at the south property line of 411 Maple Street. There is a slight ve ical rise at the first panel north of the railroad tracks, 1;2" or less, this could be a monitor i em, just a little bit of shift in the panel right next to the rails. 32 Slight settlement in the transition panel fro the timbers to the sidewalk on the north side of the railroad tracks. This is a monitor item from past years. No change from past. There is a little bit of a concave in the panel at the anitary service to 503 Maple Street, a little bit of a water trap. The panel is good, just tra ping water on the panel maybe 1/8" to 3/16" of water. Could be a possible replacement p nel. Crack in the panel just north of the driveway to 503 Maple is unchanged from previous years. There's settlement on last three panels on the north end by approach radius. Could e a trip hazard. Balance of the sidewalk is in very good shape. PAGE 12 )5 C:\OFF1CI!\TOI.!\072400.SIDEWALK-RPI: 07/2712000 . . , 33 34 There is a crack across the panel by the ligh for the apartment buildings. This crack is 1/4" or less with no vertical rise, monitor item. T ere are cracks in the third and first panels south of the driveway to the apartment buildings. Slight vertical rise between the third and fourth, vertical rise 1/4" or less. The cracks are ap roximately 1/8" or less. Monitor items. There is a crack between the two driveways that c osses two panels. The crack is 1/4" or less. No vertical rise. Monitor item. Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from previous years. ay West Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 1999 report. 35 Sidewalk is okay. 36 All new sidewalk was put in with the WaIn t Street Improvement Project. 37 All new sidewalk was put in with the Wal ut Street Improvement Project. 38 Balance of sidewalk is unchanged from 19 39 The spider web cracking in the third pane is unchanged from previous years with a slight amount of pop-out on the cracks. The di is filling in most of the cracks so it is not a trip C:\OFFICBlTOMl072400.SIDEWAlK.RPTo 07/27/2000 PAGE 13 is . . , 40 item, this continues to be a monitor item. T ere are diagonal cracks on the corners of the panels in the sidewalk at the ped ramp just no h of the driveway to Snyder's. Also, there is a crack across the third panel from the ped ra p. All these cracks are 1/8" or less. Monitor items. There is a 1/8" orIess crack on the thir panel north ofthe driveway at Snyder's. This is a monitor item. There are cracks in th panel at the south edge of the driveway to Snyder's. both these cracks are on the corner and are 1/8" or less. There is a diagonal crack in the fifth panel north of the driveway to S der's. This is 1/8" or less. This is a monitor item from previous years. There is a diagon crack in the third panel from the south corner of Snyder's. This is primarily 1/8" or less. here is one pop-out in this about W' to 3/4" wide, 2" long. The pop-out is filled with dirt. Monitor item. Directly west of the 8th parking stall from the north end should be replaced, t has settled 3/4", the rest is okay. Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from previous ye rs. Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 999 report. 41 There is a slight vertical rise, WI or so, bet een the repair panels at 109 Walnut Street and the existing sidewalk. Monitor item. No immediate repair needed. There is a crack just north of the doorway to 113 Walnut Street The crack is 1/4" or less with a little triangular pop-out about 2" xl". There is a diagonal rack in the fourth panel north of the doorway to 113. This crack is an old crack, there is po -out approximately 1 1/4" wide, 12" long, pretty much filled in with dirt, there is only abou a 1/4" to 3/8" deep hole there. This could be a monitor item. No immediate repair is need d. The curb in front of Jade Patrick Salon should be repaired. Just to the north of Famil Dentistry the concrete in the island should be removed and put wood chips in the center s a replacement for the concrete. The alley south of 106 Walnut has some major repairs nee ed. It should be a priority item. 42 This is a mess with weeds and grass gro ing up in the cracks. It doesn't look good to the public. Balance of the sidewalk is unch ged from 1999 report. PAGE 14 IS C:\OFflCElTOM\011400-sIDBWALK.J<PT: 07/27/2000 . . . 43 44 45 Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 1999 report. Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 1999 report. Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 1999 report. 46 Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 1999 report. 47 There is a 3/41' vertical drop off from the Pi e Street sidewalk at 4th Street where the hydrant repairs were done. There are several 1 1/4" cracks in the exposed aggregate of the ped ramp. There is some popping out of the crack n the southern quarter of the ped ramp. These should be looked at for possible repair. T e whole ped ramp needs to be replaced plus the two new panels just replaced. Severe trip azard. 48 Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged fro 1999 report. 49 Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged fro 1999 report. C:\OFFICE\TOM\072400-SIDEWALK,RPT: 07/27/2000 PAGE 15 )5 . . . 50 51 52 Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 999 report. Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 999 report. This is all new from the Highway 25 projec . 53 Unchanged from previous report. 54 Unchanged from previous report. 55 Unchanged from previous report 56 Unchanged from previous report. 57 Unchanged from previous report. PAGE 16 ;5 C,IOFFlCElTOM\072400-SIDEWALK.RPT: 07/2712000 . . . 58 59 60 Unchanged from previous report. Unchanged from previous report. Unchanged from previous report. 61 The panel to the south should be replaced a well as the sidewalk at the north radius, along with repair of the radius curb as there is a bi gouge out of it. 62 Just south of the approach to 125 - 3rd stree there is a huge crack in the panel which needs repair or replacement. The rest of the side alk is okay. 63 Unchanged from previous report. 64 Unchanged from previous report. PAGE 17 IS C:\OFF1CE\TOM\072400.SIDBWALK..RPT: Q7".712000 . 65 . . 66 Unchanged from previous report. Sidewalk is okay. 67 3rd Street north side Cedar Street - Pine Street (T.H. 25) 68 On the west entrance to the municipal parki g lot one sidewalk panel should be replaced as there are numerous cracks. There is slight heaving in the third panel eas ofthe driveway to the US Bank. This is caused by tree roots. Vertical rise to 3/8". This sho Id be replaced. Just north ofthe island between Snyder's and US Bank parking lots there i a panel that needs replacement. The balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 1999 repo . 69 The first panel west of the second approach from Pine Street should be replaced. The balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 1999 re ort. 70 After the first catch basin west of Elm Stre t the first panel has a severe crack that should be fixed. Balance of the sidewalk is unchang d from 1999 report. 71 Pinewood Elementa School Pro 3rd Street - Broadway West Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged fro 1999 report. PAGE 18 )s C:\OFFICh'\'fOM\072400~SIDEWALK..RPT: 07/27/2000 - I . . , 72 Note this one as a repair item. The two new ane1s should be replaced by the hydrant. 73 4th Street south side Pine Street (T.R. 25) - Cedar Street 74 Sidewalk okay. In front of 113 _ 4th Street there are three pa e1s that should be replaced. There's a crack in the center one and need to take dip out of s' dewalk.. 75 Balance of sidewalk is unchanged from 19 9 report. 76 The entire sidewalk should be cleaned up i.e., sweeping off all the sand). 77 7th Street north side Pine Street (T.R. 25) - Walnut Street Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged fro 1999 report. 78 Walnut Street Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged fro 1999 report. CoIOFFICf;ITOM\072400.SIDEWALKRYf: 0712712000 PAGE 19 IS . . . 79 80 81 Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 999 report. art Driveway Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 999 report. ay Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 1999 report. 82 Balance of the sidewalk is unchanged from 1999 report. 83 Sidewalks are okay. There are two approa hes that could be replaced at the high school on the east side. 84 New Street 3rd Street East - East Broadway On the east side in front ofSt. Peter's Luth ran Church there is a bad panel, this is the second panel in from the comer. The third panel n should also be replaced. There are bad cracks and there's quite an edge that is tipped do n. 85 501 West Broadway there is some tree tri ming needed. The house just directly west of 50 I West Broadway there are two small blu spruce that should be moved back off of the sidewalk, otherwise they'll just grow right into the path of the sidewalk. At the same house just west of where we patched the sidewa k in last year there is a trip hazard, the next panel should be replaced, it is sticking up a goo W'. The remainder of the sidewalk is okay. PAGE 20 )5 CoIOFFICIl\TOMl072400.SIDEWALK,)U'To 07/27/2000 1. . . , AUG 10'00 06:44AM CITY OF MONTICELLO SIDEWALK COS P.2/5 POLICY Sidewalk off the grid i8 the I tot 1 responsibility of the abutting property owner. It can be removed ather than be repaired or replaced. It must be removed in its entirety cross the length of the property in question. The boulevard must then e restored. If requested, the City will bid sidewalk removal and bo levard rBstoration, supervise the project, and pill the propertY1 Ow ers. Cost is to be 100% for the abutting property owner for indiv.dual sections of sidewalks off the grid. If 100% of the property owners pn particular block petition the City for removal of existing sidewa~k ! om the entire block, the City will pay 25% of the project cost when p rformed by the City. 2. Major replacement of sidewalks on the grid (residential or commercial and more than two panels per proper y): City pays 75%. (NO 100% credit for first two panels.) 3. New sidewalks on the grid abutting commercial property: City pays 15%. 4. New sidewalks on the grid abutting esidential property: City pays 75%- 5. Preventative maintenance by abutti 9 property owner. 6. Minor repairs or replacement: 0 residential property (two panels will also p~y 100% or ~ep~ir all the grid abutting commercial or r 1~8S): City pays loot. The City edestrian r~mps at intersections. 7 . Sidewalk width considered for CDS sharing by the city will be limited to five (5) feet unless the c~ty Engineer deems additional width is necessary.r 8. The City council will consider ad ing additional existing sidewalks to the grid if: a) the segment,abuts the grid; b) it is in complete block section8; c) and 100% of the pro rty owners in each block petition for inclusion on the griQ. I 9. Deferrals of assessment will be ranted for property owners age 65 or older for whom the cost will be a financial hardShip- IndividualS must apply under standard public impro ement regulations. 10. snow removal: Existing ordinance remains in force. City does only city property and south side of Broad ay (residential). NOTE: For items 2, 3, and 4, the perc ntages are of the actual project co~ts bid annually by the city and lnstalle by the City or its contractor. For those individuals who Wish to repait r replace their own sidewalks as per City standard5, the city may reimburs property owners based upon City bid price~ or actual costs, ~hichever is 1 wer. Damage resulting from deliberate actions of a property owner or his/~ r representative is exempt from cost sharing by the City under this policy 7/9/90 \s . 16. . . Council Agenda - 8/14/2000 (.I.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Wright County has prepared the final plans for the esignated left turns from CSAH75 onto II I 25. The configuration is very similar to that last shown 0 the City Council. There is no loss of parking in the downtown area from this project as a 9' parki g lane is maintained. 400' of concrete median is being removed, 200' either side of TH 25. The one significant change from the last plan before the City Council is that the remaining median i not being reconfigured with concrete. 'fhe necessary lane changes will be accomplished with s riping. Wright County has chosen this method as they are proposing to move the reconstruetio of CSAH 75 between Chestnut Street and Washington Street up one year from 2002 to 2001. It was felt that the median would best be reconstructed with the main project when the street surfaces are replaced. With the change in concrete median construction, tl e project would be able to be completed sooner and at significantly lower costs. The original estim ted cost of the project was near $40,000 shared equally by the county. The estimated cost now is b twecn $15,000 to $20,000 to be shared equally by the county. In addition, the county will do all fthe replacemcnt signing and striping at their expense, and Mn/DOT will do the necessary signaIIlodi11cations. The city will obtain quotes based upon the county's plan and assist in coordinating th work between the contractor, county and state. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The 11rst alternative is to approve final plan for thc designated left turns from CSAH 75 to TH 25, and authorize the City stall to pro eed with the project as long as the quotes are within the $15,000 to $20,000 estimated co -1. 2. The second alternative would be to revicw tI e final plans and to make changes to those plans before proceeding with construction. 3. The third alternative would be not to proce d with the project. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director and the Wright County Highway Department that the city of Monticello pr ceed with the project as outlined in alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of turn lane improvement plan; Copy of trat IC control layout; Copy of traffic signing and pavement marking plan (work to be performed by t e county). . . . 17. Consideration of extendin (Sean W eis) (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 8/14/00 for Water & Sewer Collection Em 10 ee On January 18,2000, Sean Weis was hired a a new employee in the Water and Sewer Collection Department. As pali ofMr. Weis' , employment, he was made aware of the City's policy requiring all sewer and water el ployee workers to be located within ten miles of the City in order to be able to respond to e ergency situations in a timely manner. Mr. Weis was aware of this requirement and accepted t e employment with the understanding that he would have to relocate to within ten miles of he Public Works Shop within his probationary period of six months. Mr. Weis had previously found a home to pu chase in Monticello but the deal did not materialize. Sean also recently got married, ut still continues to reside in Foley, Minnesota. The City Council is asked to consider extendi 19 Mr. Weis's probationary period by an additional three months to allow him time to find a resi ence within the ten mile requirement. IfMr. Weis is unable or unwilling to relocate after the ad itional 90 days or is not able to show progress towards relocating within that time frame, th City would have to consider termination for failure to meet the conditions of employment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: 1. Council could approve an extension fMr. Sean Weis's probationary period for an additional 90 days to allow him time 0 End a residence within ten mi les of the city shop. 2. Council could deny extension of the robationary period. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admini 'trator, Water Superintendent and Public Works Director that a 90 day extension be granted t Mr. Weis's probationary period. The 90 days should be sufficient time fl)f Mr. Weis to sh w that he is in the process of buying a home within the ten miles or can relocate within the time rame allowed. Ifno e1fort has been made to satisfactorily show the supervisor that reloc. ion will occur, the City Council will be asked to consider appropriate action. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda - 8/14/00 . 18. Consideration of a counter offer for the fire hall. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the first meeting in July, the City Council pproved making an offer to Mr. Eisle for $130,000 for the purchase of his building and property located directly west of the fire hall. In May of 1999, Mr. Eisle had indicated a willin Jness to accept a price of $156,000 for his property based on discussions with staff. At t lis time, Mr. Eisle has been unwilling to accept the $130,000 offer as proposed. Since the July meeting, Mr. Eisle has put the roperty on the market for sale by owner. fn the meantime Mr. Eisle would like to propose a c unter offer for the sale of his property for $145,000 contingent upon being able to remo e the following items from the building that would not interfere with its basic functionalit . Explosion proof lights. . Electric wall heaters. . Furnace. . A dozen or so evergreen trees located inside of the fenced in area. . Air compressor. . Mr. EisJc's basis for his counter offer is that le would not be able to replace the property and bui lding for the price the City olTered, but w uld be willing to accept the $145,000 rather than his asking price of $156,000 as his compro ise. As you may recall, the original appraisal that the City had completed on this property in 1 98 placed the value at $120,000. If we added inflation at 4% per year, this would bring to ay's value to approximately $130,000. One advantage to the City acquiring this propert at this time would be that if we needed to purchase it in the future, we would likely be able to avoid any relocation expenses, since we have a willing seller, which could add $20,0 0 or more to the purchase price in the future. In addition, there is a definite need for storage f miscellaneous equipment by thc Community Center and also the need for additional stora e for a fire department van that would be ideal f()r this location. Although discussions have no yet occurrcd with the National Guard, I am sure they would also be interested in rcnting a portion of the garage structure if it was avai I able. Even without the National Guard, it certainl would be nice to have the two building department vehiclcs garaged also. Although this item was not budgeted, fundi g could be easily be added to the 2001 budget to repay ourselves for the purchase price, if ap roved. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: . 1. Motion to accept the counter offer a-' proposed by Mr. Eisle at $145,000 with the contingencies as outlined. 2. Motion to deny the counter otIer. . . . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Council Agenda - 8/14/00 While it appears there is a willingness by Mr. 'isle to move a little on his asking price, it doesn't appear that the City will be able to pu chase the property at $130,000 at this time. Even with the property now on the market by Mr. E'sle, it remains to be seen whether anyone else will pay more than $130,O()0 for the building nd land, especially in light of the fact that the stranded parcel cannot be used for outdoor st rage by any other user. If the Council feels the purchase of this property will be needed some time in the future, it would be best to purchase it directly from Mr. Eisle rather than having to ossibly deal with another party in the future. If the Council does not feel the need at this time to have this facility for other uses, it would be suggested to wait to see ifMr. Rislc is willin ' to consider further reductions or until the actual need forces us to purchase it. It should be no ed we have come a long way from Mr. Eisle's original expectations of over $175,000 in 199 and the purchase price of around $145,000 may be as reasonable as we can expect at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . . 0 "' ~ "J ~ '" "' '" u '" :: '" .- z CJ 0 U " Co C, n '-' ,~ '" ,-, b ,- I~ , U (fJ '" H U U ,-, p, '" '" cr U co "" ~ ...:l 'n l'J '-' OJ co ~ '-', ~ '-' ~ ,', H n I", '" "-... " '0 " CO OJ H [--. U H 'Ii U) -co< r~ Q, 1-0 '" <JJ U 'H "' 0 '" T"" ~ '" 0 Z OJ " :1: H r5 H OJ OJ '" ,~ .<: 0: 0, u t:; 'c'l I)} U " [i:[ U '" ? I'-> .. Z 00 E CJ '" " " U ~ 0 r-- o, 0 U U} Ul c.'J ::-r~ m "' co 00 '" U -,.1"'" '" '" (" I'-> "' ,-"Co I'-> .. 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" ..:l ,., Q co , ,:3.; - ~ ,.1 r-t CJ Z (' " M I'> " ,c, co ,', 'D ---' " .", [" G' U', " (,~ (1"\ I'-i E' ~... Z Z H C'r~ CD 0 ,I c., M cO " (\1 ,., " I,rl CO '-D '" I. ~"i "', .n c.~ I't. ,.J.; [II () 0\ () '" ,,, ,., '" ('"j ", '" ," ," 0, '.1< " '.JI ..r " .", \.( v' \..:.' '" 'D [, [~ or ',' Ie< . . . COllNCIL IPDA TE August 1 , 2000 Update on Union Work Schedule Proposal: At our last Council meeting, approval was given t allow the Public Works employees to change their work schedule from 7:30 to 4:00 p.m. with a 1alfhour lunch instead of 7:30 to 4:30 p.m. with a one hour lunch. In addition, the change was contingent upon the employees agreeing to combine their fifteen minute morning and their fif een minute afternoon break into one morning break. It is my understanding the purpose behind 'ombining the breaks was to create a more efficient work schedule allowing the employees to remain at a specific job site fiJr a longer period of time. Based on the Council action, I contactcd the] ,ocal 49 union representative to see whether or not the union membership would be agreeable to this ork schedule change. The union membership responded by indicating they were not in favor of ombining the two breaks at this time, although they would still like to have a half hour 11. nch break. As a result of their rejection of our proposal, no changes have been made in their ork schedule at this time. I believe some of the reasons mentioned during the discussion on this topic for combining the hreak periods was to allow management the opport ll1ity to get more productivity out of the employees as it was assumed that the morning and fternoon break periods were excessive, whieh lowered productivity. I have reminded all slpervisors and department heads of the lunch and rest period provisions of our personnel pol icy t 1at indicates that breaks are to be limited to fifteen minutes and that they should be taken at a j( b site if it is not feasihle to return to the Puhlic Works f~lCility. The management tools are a ailable for supervisors to create a productive work schedule if the provisions of our personnel po icy are adhered. Attachment: Union Letter Section of Personnel Policy International Union 0 Operating Engineers . LOCAL UNION NO. 49, 49 ,49B, 49C, 49D and 49E MINNESOTA · NORTH DAKOr · SOUTH DAKOTA (East half) FRED P DERESCHUK, Busine s Manager-Financial Secretary 2829 ANTHONY LANE SOUTH - MIN EAPOLlS, MINNESOTA 55418-3285 Phone; (612 788-9441 FAX. (612) 88-1936 Affiliated with A.F.L.-C.LO, ',~':' MICHAEL S. WENDEL. President DUANE L. OTNESS, Vice President TIMOTHY L. LELAND, Recording-Corresponding Secretary JOHN H. PETERSON, Treasurer July 31, 2000 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8831 Dear Rick: . I have discussed your letter of July 25, 20 a, with the membership and they are not interested in combining the two breaks at this time. They would still be interested, however, in a half-hour lunch beak if possible. Sincerely, INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERA TIN ENGINEERS, LOCAL NO. 49 /~ ;t~ Tim R. Connors Area Business Representative TRC/dka apeiu #12 afl-cia . BRANCH 0 FICES Box 279 Bagiey. MN 56621 (218) 694-6206 2002 London Road Duiuth, MN 55812 (218) 724-3840 Rt. 9, Box 02 Mankato, MN 6001 (507) 625-3 70 1848 2nd Ave. SE Rochester, MN 55904 (507) 282-0401 8 NOr1h Enterprise Drive Virginia, MN 55792 (218) 741-8190 2109 - 251st Street St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 252-2162 2901 Twin City Dr. Mandan, ND 58554 (701) 663-0407 3002 1st Ave. No. Fargo, ND 58102 (701) 232-2769 724 Washington N. Grand Forks, NO 58203 (701) 775-3969 . . . 1. Residency within the corporate limit of the city of Monticello shall not be required of City employees; however when considering applicants for filling vacancies and in the event that all 0 her qualifications are considered to be equal, the Council may, at its discret on, grant additional weight to an application from a resident over that of a non-resident. ~ 1. All full-time employees' work sched es shall provide for a paid fifteen (15) minute rest period during each one-h f(1/2) shift. The rest periods shall be scheduled by the supervisor at the ddle of each one-half (l/2) shift whenever this is feasible. Such rest eriods shall be limited to a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes off the job. City ehicles shall not be used for transportation from a specific job site or location to another site or location for the purpose of taking a rest perio or lunch period unless authorized by the City Administrator. Lunch perio s shall be scheduled at the approximate mid-point of the work day and shall b limited to either forty-five (45) minutes or one (1) hour as detennine by the departmental work schedule. Lunch periods shall be unpaid. New Year's Day Memorial Day Labor Day Veteran's Day Friday after Thanksgiving Christmas Day 1. President's Day July 4 Thanksgiving Day 1/2 day--Christmas Eve Martin Luther King Day Employees eligible for holiday pay sha I receive full pay for eight (8) hours straight time for each of the holidays I sted. To be eligible for full holiday pay, the employee must be a regular, fi I-time employee and must work the full shift on the last scheduled work d y before the holiday and first scheduled work day following the holi ay provided, however, that if an employee is scheduled off work by the mployer for the week in which the PERSONN.POL: 11/13/96 Page 8 . , Fred Patch Jeff O'Neill ~\\L Outside Employment - Consulting as uilding Official to City of Big Lake -- ME 0 MONTICELLO DATE: August 7,2000 TO: FROM: RE: Thank you for the information regarding consulting w rk with the City of Big Lake. I appreciate your review of your relationship with the City of Big Lake nd your assurance that the work for Big Lake will not interfere with your work for the City of Monticell . I understand by your letter that the work for the City of Big Lake will not be conducted during normal City working hours and that you will continue to fulfill after hour duties as you have in the past. I also nderstand that telephone calls relating to Big Lake work will not be taken while on duty in Monticello. We all know that it is very common for city employee' to have outside employment. There is no policy. ordinance, or state statute that I am aware of that waul :I limit city employee business endeavors after working hours, except of course where there is potenti I for connict of interest. In this case, I do not see potential for conflict of interest with your work for th City of Big Lake. In summary, I see no problem with your work for the ity of Big Lake as long as it is done in a manner as you have described in your letter of August 4. 2000. I think it is important, and I am glad, that you agree that we make every effort to assure the public that pri ate duties do not come at the expense of city \vork. Your letter does a goodjob in serving that purpose. After discussing this topic with Rick, I believe that he agrees with my views noted above. I am providing a copy of your letter and this memo to Rick for his rev ew and confirmation. I am also providing the note to the members of the Personnel Committee and Clint erbst as an update. Clint had specific questions for Rick so I thought he would appreciate this update. Cc: Rick Wolfsteller Personnel Committee Clint Herbst Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I. Monticello,MN 55362-8831. (763) 295-2711. fax: (763) 295-4404 Oftice of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticell , MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax: (763) 271-3272 . . . Council Agenda w 8/14/2000 a) Prospects w 100,000 sq ft user - Window production. Elects to stay in the SLP or Golden Valley area to retain their current employees. Was very impress with our brochure, advised to keep mailing. Ifhas a need to start a new business would certainI consider Monticello. 4,000 sq ft user - Machine tool shop. Now works ut of home in St. Michael. Met with owner July 12. Future project. Looking for acres to con ruct facility. Allied Companies - Mark Houge no longer with ied. It appears Silver Creek Development may work with Allied for development of the East Street project. Proposed industriaVcommercial incubator facility. Meeting 'th developer August 2,9:30 a.m. 50-100 acre site user - MN mfg headquarter. Rep sentative was in town looking at Pfeffer property, did not contact City. 7~19~00 Company ut project on hold - not dead. 100,000 sq ft, three-story office headquarters - Ab ut 400 people, not CEO headquarter but upper management. 10 acres. Through CB Richar Ellis. Needs freeway access not freeway exposure. Professional aesthetics. 500 cars, one fl or. Time frame not known. Met June 27, with Ollie and Jeff Request shapes. Follow-up Ju y 6 - Report submitted to company June 29. Visited three communities. One withdrew, concen ration of one employer. Monticello most helpful and respective. Monticello sites: Proposed ity, Pfeffer, and Conoco area. Uses to close to industrial, mining operation, trucking, car deal hip. Corporate image. Company rep on vacation. However, agent saw need for leaseable' dustrial space. 50,000 sq ft office/production facility - Foam fabri ting company - 2001-2002 project. Monticello information to decision makers. June 1 30,000 sq ft machine shop - 3-4 acres. 10-15 jobs ages $22-$26 (machinists). Lead from Wright County. Will be meeting with company. 350,000 sq ft foot office/warehousing facility. 30 ceilings, 30,000 sq ft office, 10,000 light industrial, and 310,000 sq ft warehousing. 40 acre. Lead from Brad Barger. Looking at Big Lake, Anoka, Blaine, Rogers. 270 jobs. 25,000-30,000 sq ft facility - manufacturing (metal tamping) 40 employees now. 6-8 new. $15.02 ph excluding benefits. 2001 project. Build r and company owner in Monticello June 16. No conunitment but every interested in Monticello. Like Pfeffer property. 5-6 acres. Lead from brochure. Pfeffer indicated he would be out-of-bu iness in Roger (land sold). Has more activity relative to Monticello property - large user - no co . tments. I . . . Council Agenda - 8/14/2000 CommerciallIndustrial Builder - Tricon, Inc. ofR gers on tour. Interested in Monticello to relocate business. Drove by Value Plus building s on to be listed. He called and has purchased building. August 4 - Guests of Arve Grimsmo: Norway Am assador Thomas Vraalsen, Representative David Minge, Ross Peterson, Don Smith, Mayor B Isaas, O'Neill, Koropchak and others win have lunch at the community center prior to the de gation touring the H-Window Company and Wright County Fair. Keeping in touch with Profile Powder Coating Co Manufacturer looking for 15~20 acres. Needs rail. Out of Duluth. Mailed information July 18. Colliers Towle Real Estate - Looking for informati n to assist with large users. Zoning maps, commerciallindustrialland available, utility maps, i ormation on scheduled infrastructure improvement and projects, information of availabili y of fiber optics, existing or planned, TIF and other incentives offered. June 30. Waiting for inti rmation on scheduled infrastructure improvement and projects. b) August 2,2000, the HRA executed 120-da exclusive right to work with Brad Johnson and Barry Fluth for redevelopment of the Boadway Amoco site +. c) Authority and Municipal Tax Increment Re orts to the State Auditor's Office were mailed on August 1,2000, for compliance ofthe nnesota Statutory. d) The fourth and final request to the State on ehalf of Twin City Die Castings was made meaning the total $500,000 grant was disbu sed to TCDC. 2