EDA Agenda 09-12-2018AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, September 12th, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, 011ie Koropchak-White and Councilmembers Lloyd Hilgart and Jim Davidson Staff: Executive Director Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg and Jacob Thunander 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Consideration of additional agenda items 4. Consent Agenda - Item 4a through 4b a. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — August 8, 2018 b. Consideration of approving payment of bills 5. Consideration of 2019 Funding for Arts Program and Comprehensive Plan Update 6. Consideration of Proposed Signage for Otter Creek Business Park and Block 52 7. Director's Report 8. Closed Session — Consideration of recessing to closed session to develop or consider offers or counter-offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). Address: 349 Broadway W., PID #: 155010050011 9. Adj ourn MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, August 8th, 2018 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Steve Johnson, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, 011ie Koropchak- White, and Lloyd Hilgart Commissioners Absent: Tracy Hinz and Jim Davidson Staff Present: Jim Thares and Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the meeting of the EDA to order at 6 p.m. 2. Roll Call �, 3. Consideration of additional a�enda items Bill Tapper asked that the Shimmer Wall be added to the agenda. Steve Johnson stated that it would be added as item 7.1. 4. Consent A�enda - Item 4a throu�h 4f BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF 4C. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. a. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — Julv 11, 2018 Recommendation: Approve the Regular Meeting Minutes — July 11, 2018. b. Consideration of approvin� Special Workshop Meetin� Minutes — Julv 11, 2018 Recommendation: Approve Special Workshop Meeting Minutes — July 11, 2018. c. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. d. Consideration of Initiative Foundation donation request for 2019 Recommendation: Approve $2,390 allocation to the Initiative Foundation. e. Consideration of Fundin� for Ind. of the Year Event in October 2018 Recommendation: Approve ($1,000) funding for the 2018 Industry of the Year event. f. Consideration of Propertv Lease A�reement for 349 West Broadwav Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2018-16 approving a two-year Lease Agreement between the City of Monticello Parks Department and the EDA for 349 West Broadway as presented and subj ect to the approval of the City Council. 4C. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills Bill Tapper asked about the moving and relocation costs. Jim Thares stated that the costs were for the acquisition at 103 Pine Street. Tapper asked if there was Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 8, 2018 Page 1 � 5 only one business that would be paid re-establishing costs. Thares stated that many of the businesses were closing, but some would be relocating. Tapper asked if TIF 1-40 was the new apartment proj ect. Thares confirmed. Tapper asked who was Laxmi Hotel. Thares stated that Barry Fluth sold Beef O' Brady's property to Laxmi Hotel. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH 7ULY, 2018. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 5. Consideration of Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Pro�ram and Downtown Fronta�e and Si�na�e Grant Pro�ram Guidelines Angela Schumann explained that the EDA has reviewed the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program guidelines over the past couple months. Schumann reviewed the proposed changes to the guidelines from the past meeting. Lloyd Hilgart asked if there was any inquiries for the program. Schumann confirmed that one business owner in the eligible area was interested. Another property owner on the block indicated interest to Jim Thares. Schumann stated that the "Downtown Rounds" in- formal meeting would be held tomorrow, August 9, and staff would be happy to share the progress the EDA is making on the program. Steve Johnson noted that it was discussed at a previous meeting that a signage grant would be available. Schumann stated that given discussion from the previous workshop meeting the EDA could direct staff to move forward with program at the next meeting. Johnson asked that staff bring that forward to the next meeting. Tapper disagreed. Angela Schumann explained the process for the Downtown Fa�ade Improvement Grant Program. Schumann noted that if funds would run out from this program, applicants could apply for GMEF funds for interior renovations. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT THE DOWNTOWN FA�ADE IMPROVEMENT GRANT PROGRAM GUIDELINES AS PRESENTED. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 6. Consideration of 2019 Marketin� Plan Jim Thares reviewed the proposed 2019 marketing plan and budget of $21,750. He noted that it was higher than last year's marketing plan. Market matching and direct mail are slated to utilize the most funds. Bill Tapper asked if there was benefit for W SB's services. Thares thought it was valuable that they were able to stay up-to-date with funding agencies such as DEED. Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 8, 2018 Page 2 � 5 011ie Koropchak-White asked that the local businesses and residents help to market the community. Angela Schumann added that the services from W SB have been very helpful for the state incentive programs. She suggested that if there were specific projects the EDA would like WSB's help with that they should inform staff. Schumann provided an example of a possible project that WSB could be of assistance, which was an executive summary of manufacturing and industry from the region. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT THE PROPOSED 2019 MARI�ETING PLAN AND BUDGET. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 7. Consideration of Proposed 2019 EDA Bud�et and Special Benefit Levv Jim Thares stated that during the July meeting — as a precursor, the EDA was asked to consider the levy amount. Steve Johnson asked if the EDA doesn't use all of the funds per the levied amount, if the surplus goes to the EDA general fund. Thares confirmed. Johnson asked if there was a surplus for this year. Thares would verify and report back to the board. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADOPT EDA RESOLUTION #2018-17 APPROVING THE 2019 EDA BUDGET AND THE SPECIAL BENEFIT LEVY. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 7.1 Shimmer Wall Bill Tapper noted that many of his employees have expressed concerns with the color of the building behind the shimmer wall. Tapper thought it would be appropriate to ask the Arts Consultant to change the color and he suggested that the EDA deem the funds to complete that work if necessary. Angela Schumann stated that they would bring this forward to the Arts Consultant and a report would be provided at the next EDA meeting. 8. Director's Report Jim Thares provided the Director's Report. Jon Morphew asked which tenant's properties were reestablished. Thares stated the "Going in Style" has relocated east of Cedar Street. He indicated that several closed their businesses and several others moved to Elk River. Thares explained the proposed Otter Creek Business Park sign. 011ie Koropchak-White asked where the sign would be placed. Thares stated they would replace the sign at the current location along Chelsea Road 7im Thares provided an overview of the additional costs that staff were unaware of Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 8, 2018 Page 3 � 5 related to the demolition of the building at 255 E Broadway. The Fire Department's City Fee, per the Fee Schedule, is $2,500. The City Council has agreed to reduce the fee to $2,250 making the training burn cost competitive with a standard demolition based on received quotes. Steve Johnson asked if there would be any damage to adj acent buildings. Thares stated the Fire Department would be vigilant. Jon Morphew asked what the purpose of the fire training was. Thares responded that the Fire Department likes to train in live burn situations where they can get used to challenging elements. Johnson asked if it was just the Monticello Fire Department conducting the training. Thares responded he believed that was the situation but could double check and report back to the EDA. Tapper asked what the purpose of the $2,500 fire training fee. Thares and Lloyd Hilgart responded that it covers the cost of the fire department completing the training burn and permits. Johnson also recalled that the fee could be reimbursable by the state. Tapper asked who Mr. Jim Brinker was that was identified in the monthly bills. Thares indicated that he was an antique dealer in the 103 Pine Street building. Tapper had concerns with the size and detail of the sign in Otter Creek Business Park. Thares stated that the sign would be 8 x 10 feet. Angela Schumann stated that the sign could be up to 96 square feet. The location and color of the sign was a concern. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE OTTER CREEK BUSINESS PARK SIGN FOR A REDESIGN AND MORE INFORMATION. OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE TOTAL COST OF DEMOLITION AT 255 EAST BROADWAY AT $7,500. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Thares also provided an update to the EDA regarding the Chamber lunches that were asked to be re-looked at for correct coding. Thares confirmed that they were for the cost of the lunches that he attended, not other City staff. Thares provided detail on the prospect list. Tapper asked how many of the prospects were because of WSB's assistance. Thares responded that WSB helped identify the Data Center and Proj ect Cookie prospect. 9. Adiourn OLLIE KOROPCHAK-WHITE MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:52 P.M. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 8, 2018 Page 4 � 5 Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: September 12, 2018 Attest: Jim Thares, Economic Development Director Economic Development Authority Minutes — August 8, 2018 Page 5 � 5 EDA Agenda: 09/12/18 4b. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month are included for review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve payment of bills through August 2018. 2. Motion to approve payment of bills through August 2018 with changes as directed by the EDA. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements L" O .� L U 6� O � I � � � I � � � I � � I � o I o � I � � �It �ll �!t L� L� ..'7 O 41 'JJ Ur V' O O 7 � � � � �� ,� � � � �a �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ~ � � � N ~ � � � ~ � � p � � M � � � � M � � � M � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � O � O � � O O � O � O Q O � O y y � y y y Q Q Q Q Q Q ,�, ,�, .O ,�, .O ,�, '�" y :d � � cC y y cC :d . ti <7 <7 ^ M O � O O O ,� � p m p � � � � � � � � ,:3 . � V1 O ;I] �k G] ;/] ;I] � U_ ;I] L y� N • � � �, • .-. • � N W � � � �' � � � � Qa O a��i � � a�i � a a��J �'' a��i b a��J a�i W x � N � � b�f] � p � � �i � �' � ,� „3 in C17 N b `�' N bL y � y � , O � %Q c�'S � � � i� N �' tC � 5^ ,C J .K N �C � a � ' O n '�11 O G C y � Q > C� p G' y � Lr .: �y �� �j � a� ._ y " Y C ,es W � „y- � 4:1 � � � � Q C3 Y � � F i� N F v� N W Cz �' P..', � x F- U x T � � � L� U � w w rz w w z a F" �W J �� q q W � z � `� � U U � �7 ,� � ` a a U � � � ¢ a¢ o o ° z z 5 . . � Q� F F � � 2 w z z � � � a z � z z ,� ,� �, x z � � �.�e �.�e 3 3 3 y u � � N 0 0 O � � N O � O � 7 7 o � � � 0 0 M M � � � � <., M N N O O 01 :11 � � c+� c+� �� 0 0 M M � � � � � � N N `J� � � 0 M � � N O� � � M �'i N I � � I � � I � M I M O I O m I O ��� I � �. 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P�r 6F13 EDA, rneeting �I5?2p�8 Mhll Draf# T�rr•rirr�ti�n of �c�n".r�et and ap�ra�virr� re5orukio�. 0.70 phorae �o�vers�kion �,viih J T7�res r�g�rding pr�p�s�d eh�nges Frc�rn ,A Schumann �;6��D'18 h�IraJl Fievs�e ��rnkr��t p�r sk�ff c�rnrnents arrd circul�t�: r��+ie+�u (�.�Q Nc�rtl�l�n� TIF mem� �PB���+�1� MNI Dr�Ft �ity resolutior�s �pprovint� TIF District ��Q ��1�J2(l1� f+��ll Final��e �ety resolutior+s f€�r TIF Distn�t Na. 7-40 fo•€?�5 �] Sf� nn�etir��. i�tal Servic�s: � 70#�� �er`�i�ces an�l dis�ursement�; $ Am�unt 57 0�7 2�a6. D�0 �3�.0� 38 Q� 38 Cl�] 1 �2 l�� 684.00 fi84.1� 4 Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Subject: Jim Thares Tuesday, August 7, 2018 4:25 PM Julie Cheney; Sarah Rathlisberger RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Julie, all invoices are okay. Please see coding below. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2018 10:40 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Following up on these invoices. If possible, I'd like to include in the check run tomorrow. Keep me posted. Thanks! Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 1:43 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00101 —General EDA Matters -$830.00 Please code to: 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00156 —TIF District 40 -$684.00 This should be coded to the $10,000 Escrow Account that Briggs set up with the TIF Application. If that account is running short on available dollars, please inform me and a notice will be sent to Pat Briggs or an invoice will be sent to him to reimburse this payment to Kennedy and Graven or.....best process identified by Finance. Inv# MN325-00038 —112 W Pine St -$825.50 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Tha n ks, Julie CFceney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us Please code to: 213-46301-430400 � Pag�� 1 �C�nr��d� � �r��€��, ���rtere�d 2i]Q Sou'.h �ixth S`r��t. �u�'e �7f3 Crtp^ crf M�nkicel�c� June 30. 2�`� h�N79f�-OL101 �eneral �D�t Mat#�r5 Nlinnea�qlis MiV ��4{�� � ����� � � �� � � '� ��+ .� �tiv��t, T�r�ugf� J,�n� 30, 2Q18 �e�r �II L��al S�r�+i�es �� F�Il�sws: H�urs �l7�2�1$ �IJlhll �t�can� c�ll with J Thar�s re��rding return �' MI� Furds C 1{� �17.+�+�1'8 f�1Nl �e++ieu�+ s��fF rep�rl on f'�IF fund turn-back re+r�eva� sk�t�at�; 0.�4 err��id to ,! Thares regardins� sarroe ���l2Q18 f44N1 Qr-�sft ECD� resalutior� �u#h�srizing turn-b�ck af MJF funds �.3�0 to [3�EC� �;i8J2�1 � M�JI F�150��-�� ��r1v�r��ti�n with ��EC� regarding tr�w��fef �f �.�1� f�11F f4��ds ��1412f]1� MNI F��vsew �g�nd� for rnonthly firr�;�C� G�II O.GC� i�; i���01� ��NI Monthl+� fin�rs��e �all �rrikh sl�ff �nd N�rkhl��d 1.1 D �+2�I�L18 �F�F Drafk �ity ��,uncif resoeuti�� �gpr�sving �,�IF funds Q.�O t�ansfer da�c�ss s�me wikh J B�u�tor Tatal �erv9+c�s; � Amount 1 �.OD 57.Oq 247.0�] r�. �� � � 4 [70 2CiJ.i}0 1�}8,�[� 8�f1,0� T�rt�l S�rvice� and i3isbursern�nts: � �,3Q,�f} Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Subject: Jim Thares Tuesday, August 7, 2018 4:25 PM Julie Cheney; Sarah Rathlisberger RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Julie, all invoices are okay. Please see coding below. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2018 10:40 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Following up on these invoices. If possible, I'd like to include in the check run tomorrow. Keep me posted. Thanks! Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 1:43 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00101 —General EDA Matters -$830.00 Please code to: 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00156 —TIF District 40 -$684.00 This should be coded to the $10,000 Escrow Account that Briggs set up with the TIF Application. If that account is running short on available dollars, please inform me and a notice will be sent to Pat Briggs or an invoice will be sent to him to reimburse this payment to Kennedy and Graven or.....best process identified by Finance. Inv# MN325-00038 —112 W Pine St -$825.50 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Tha n ks, Julie CFceney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us Please code to: 213-46301-430400 � Man��ce�o� E��; J�n� 30, 201� Page� 9 I���n�d�r 8� �ra�r�r�� �h�r��r�d � � 2�0 5c��th �ix:h; �tree#. �u�te �7Q � � � � Nlinneapc�l s, I�1�1 �54(}2 � �. �(j�.� � �.1, � - - t hh,r�N325-{�Q38 1�� UV. River Str�e# �l�rough .1une 30, �018 F�ir All L�g�l .��nrice� A� Fc,llC�vus: H�,uF� 4fZ?2d18 NK� R�+��e�v �nd respo�rrd to err��ils w�th � Rockli#z r�2g�rdir+g � 2� � �sang; re�+ietiv pre,f�er�a 4�4+��" � Nk�E Emaiis �rvll:h �C Eri�ksor r�egardin� �I��ing sta�err��ents; 2[�� se�rer�l �rr��ils+n+it� G Fiprir�i reg�r�iing �f�sin+�; ern��ls ��ai[r� ,� Th�res; Gre��re ;I����g in�t�uctio� I�#t�r :� 1[�1201� NKE Crn�ils +�vi1h J Thares rega�ding ��I�,QC�p ea�nest rnor��y Ci.�S �,r1 1�'2418 1��{E Er�ail inst��cticsr� �tter tc� E< Ericks�n; r�view �nd r�sp�nd '1.7� #o em��ls 'rom M I�grarxr; �m�il �scro�+tr a�re�r�r�nd #�p I� Erickson; r�vie�r r�u �i�n5 tc� r��nagernent �nd I���e agre��n€:r#. errr�ils rega��ding v��a�! m��nke��'��e �gr��3t�er•t em�il regar�ing ��rrre ;o � Eri�kso� �4,'�2fZ{�1 S NI�IE Revier�°r �rld r�spond t� em�ils frrr'� K Erickson and M 0 7� I�r�r��: review cic�si�g d�eurra�nks -���6J�q1� N�E R�trie+�u �cl�asirsg d;.�c�rr`i�r��s. email t� I: Erwcks�r� �.2� req���king �dditi�sna do�urnents, for+�u�r� tc ht+l Ir:gram �t�181�Q18 �ll{� F2eui�+�v revi�ed maricu�a 0,�� ��t�l5errrices; � Tot�l servi��s and bisbur�e�nents�: � AmoLnt �31.75 ��� �� 3" �� 222.2� 95 25 15$.7� �1.7� 82'5,a{l 825,�0 K�enn�dy � Gr��rera, �Ch�a�rter���l 21�� Sauth 5����h �t�eet �uite 47� I�;nn�apors, MN �54�2 f � 12) 337-93{�4 47-1��.'�.694 ,�ul}� 2i. �01 � �t�k�m�ent No. �43�34� h+lcar�#ice�lc� �pA �C]� 11k+�lrlut Av� ��ite f�Jl4n�i��llo. MN �5'�s�2 T��r��h Jun� :3t�, ?f71$ MhJ32�-�C1C�; 8 ' 12 W. f�i�+�r Stre�k 8�5.��1 Tc�tal �u�rent Billin�o 8��.50 I deelar�, 4n�d�r p�r��liy €�( ]ativ [h3t thi� �e��unt. cl�Em pr ��m�nd is just and c�rrec# 2���d kh�t na part �I it h85 been ��id. �� `�.x�±°� � ,�'1�� +g+��ture �F Cl�im��t �, � Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Subject: Jim Thares Tuesday, August 7, 2018 4:25 PM Julie Cheney; Sarah Rathlisberger RE: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Julie, all invoices are okay. Please see coding below. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2018 10:40 AM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Following up on these invoices. If possible, I'd like to include in the check run tomorrow. Keep me posted. Thanks! Julie From: Julie Cheney Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 1:43 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3) Jim Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven: Inv# MN190-00101 —General EDA Matters -$830.00 Please code to: 213-46301-430400 Inv# MN190-00156 —TIF District 40 -$684.00 This should be coded to the $10,000 Escrow Account that Briggs set up with the TIF Application. If that account is running short on available dollars, please inform me and a notice will be sent to Pat Briggs or an invoice will be sent to him to reimburse this payment to Kennedy and Graven or.....best process identified by Finance. Inv# MN325-00038 —112 W Pine St -$825.50 Okay to pay? Please provide coding. Tha n ks, Julie CFceney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us Please code to: 213-46301-430400 � !N�[}�CE TANYA Vh�ST W�bG�T C��11�T'Y R£Ct}RLi� WRiGMT �C��IJNTY G�VERNhR�l�l� C �'0 �hJD �iFtE�T f+ll�hf RM 21� BUfFALp, N1l,I 55313-� �9� �63-�6$�-�3ST CIT�" (3F M�NtICfLL�! �nv€��r.� NuAab�r: IA ATTN: �►CCTS R+AIf'AB�E ��� Inwc�i� p�#e; �i?5 W�LI�V1T Si #7 Ac�o�nt #: i�dQl��'1�ELL0 MN 55.�C�� �� � � � C�currrent#: A 1371+i37 4�eCC�r�r� �at�: 6J�1J1B 1:�DQ:�J1?PM Ins#rur�ler�t' AP���JWa4L (h�'11��1 �� B�half �kEI PRC}��R�IE� LLC *s+er+.icas. Cs��,El�iAt F1�� YF�+4CT �C7�1Pitr4N�� FLJFJD �TAtE �EN'�M�4L FU[V[7 T�GF9F�1C]LDGY Fk1ND Transactic�� Total . _ . . . 21i� 8�0 f�0 UL1L�6�' Gfrd�f2�] 18 154 � � ��� 14.5� �0����i� ~� 11.0�0 10 50 1 C�.0�0 �.�FG �c7Ca,rr5€�nt�Y A'13��5� R�ar�dedf�aie: 61�'1� 1_��7�Oi��hll In51r�m�nt ►�'Aft��;A9CE C}n FJ�half P�1.AIRY K BC�NCifiilJ^� REV�JC,4.BLE TRLl�T Seruices: CEh�ER►�L ABSTRAG o �.: 5(� GC��,IR�IANI�E FUN� �l"'� `���' `1 Op ��AT� �ENERAL FU�J� - s�u 5Q fiE��r������ur�t� �1��� �-��`=-r�i.�'.���4`-����� �oo� Trans$Glicsr� T�p�l . , . . , �.0� D€�+ument# �k 137�274 ReG�rd�d ��ie� 5113�18 3:2�'�MObPN' Instr.�rn�nt: ��C7fVCJIT9()r+]A� I,1�E PFtQu����;� Qn Beh��f LAR��N 8�,11L�IPdG IhJ�: ��� � y!f'�.� „ 5ervices: CsEI+�ERAL A�iSTI�'A�'f L' ' x�t �2 �`�� 14 5i] ���.'�L!Ar�C� ��N� � ti. � . i I �._I 1 � -� ] STATE t�EPti��tAl. �"�ivlb �E�Hhl�i �Y �LJF,°D Tran�sac�iom� Tot�l . , . . , b�ifinen[�i. J4 i372�75 ��4fd�d �181e: 6113�18 3:25:04F'h�t IrrSirument C�NDaTIOhIAL U�� �F��CE�I� Clr� Beh�lf MIF{E BLnC;�t� f C]� 8 F-5,4#�Y �4 �C�NGHUS RE'JOG��LE TRUST �a r�rl�a s; �;�h�RAL ,4E35i�if��T � � � � � � � 1 �i 5i1 �C3k1PLfAN�E �I�Np - 11 ��l sT�,.rE �ErwE���. Fur�� �r�: i ��'� `��' �a-� •'��� �> � `��' `���� �e�,�a T��FiNC�Z��Y Fll�lC1 1C�.4{l Tr�n�.p�tisrn Toit�� . . , , , �.013 Dtrcurn�nt� A'�37�'�14 Rec�r���i l�at�: 6,�2C�P1� 1�:2{7�(]O�N1 Instrument: TERh+���l�TlQN (MfS'Cj C.�n �hatf FA�ST��� FiFTFt A�J�, r�uv�i�� r�r��r�a w��� w�rc�fi �c��u�rr ���e����� W�I�HT CDiJNT�'' C��1�ER�IN4��T �CENT�R '�4 ��h+ID �TFt��T NW Fi�+AA �10 BU��ALt), Mlwl 553�13•119$ T fi3�s�2-73�7 �CITY �F hl�k`i1��LL{� S+�rric�c: GErJ�R,4L ABSTRA�CT �C����F'LIAhJ�� FUND STATE GE�IER,�L FlJN�1 TE�#�IF�RC7L��Y �Uh1� Transacti+�r� To#al , , , . . Doc�afn�nt#: A 137',�48� P��c�rrd�d CIs1e- Ir��tr�r�ent� A('sREEh,+1Eh,i"'f - MIS��L�,BsMECJU$ 4n 9el�alF �E�,iTR,4L N11hlN��QT,� h�EfyIT,4L HE,A�TFi �erri�e�: �EPa�F�IIL ABSTFi�1CT CQbAPLdA�ti1�� F�1NL} ST►�T� ��Fr�EFtAL FU�I[7 T�C.HNC�L�G'�' FRJ�ID ��S11GSEti�l7 TOt�I . _ . _ . [}ucum8nt#_ A 1�7�833 R�c�ar�ied €}ate PnS1a,�ment 'u`A�lIANCE S�rrxi��s: C�'`.E�i'�E�}R.[A/�L� p�,�+E�STtF���yCT 4kd�A'rLl!'i11�4s� �IJr7� STf�TE CENER1kL FtJND �ECF��JC�LQ�GY FU�D Tr�n�a�t�an Tat�I . _ . - - [�o�,�ert�nt#: !k 1�7��'.1+� �ec�ar�de[� f}�te Ir�s#rum�nd �QN�fTI�(INAL USE PR£}�EE[i �srvi�r+�s; �Er��RA� RF3Sik�a�T CC)F:7P�1,4I�GE F�J'NL] sr�aYE �ErvEF�,L FUNU ��EGHhJ�L4GY FU+V'IJ 7ra�sa�c#iars T€rtal . . . . . [}���nent�i: � 13T3G92 F�ec�rded D�1e InStn+r�u�nt� SATISFA�T�C�f+J �'J� M�RtGAGE �pn f�8h�lf J�J�aTIN Ef�{;�Th'��I�i� ser�icaa: ��raERA� +��STR�CT C���LIA�I�C� FUND ST�7� �EFJ�R�,L FLJhJb TEC�MiTJD��faY Fl.�fi�l[]� Tra�rr��te€an To��I ... _ . 1��#al f4rtwunt ch�rg+�d this Ir�+ro��6 P�YMENT iS D�E t,PF�C�N f�EC�IPT. PLEA�f MNCLU[]� I�lV'�]I�� NU1�B��. T�IANFC YC3l#_ Involae N�mber: I� 2018�404fl�57 14.5Q �f,�{ �� � �+� � � 11.4U ` � 10_50 ��� "�'��'�}�'��`���'� � D.00 #+B.OU ��,� �� �' �J2Tf�� 12:35:0(�PA1 14.�,�� ��� ' � � � �. }``j £! � 11.C��: . t.� � '`-¢ ,�''.�' �� 10.5';r i (..: , 10.�� �;� . �.1�b?18 � Q�'QQPM ��22�;18 2.QB.00PAti 11.�'LJ 11.�117 1(},5U 1 � �l d7 �8.0�1 fii7�?I� i�"1��OC1Ph+F � , �3 4 ��� If � �'� � '� 1.1 4� f li. � ' ;�'��. �/J � � � y L i � � i �� �j �' , ; ,I�.+��'' . I �;' � � , ' -.�'''� 4 � �� ��'� 17 OU � �� � ��� 1�.�4 �C� ����`���' 1(} C�4 +1�R.�► 414.04 � �iR.� � � 701 ��� � � �� �� ��� � f-. �_ � 1 5+�u1h 5�rte 5[� ' pnli�, MN 6�5416 �(7�3� 549,46fkG ��,YSF3A�oaunSing�wrsbarx�.oQrrr �ity oi Mvnt��ella� July 2�, 2�18 Aktn; VJayr�e Ckberr�, Financ� Oir�ctor Projs��lln��oice_ F�-01 � 121-t�0�[� -�6 505 V��Inut �treed, Suit� 1 Reuiew�d by; Pr�et V�1�iss A+�lontice�lc�, h+�hl 5�3��-8�3? Pr�j�ct Man�ger_ Jam�s �rornber� 2�71� E��r�omic be+rel�prrwer�t �ervices �ity S laff Revi�w�r - Jisi� Thares �L Ac�t # 2��.46301.4�19�90 Rr�rf .�si�nai ServEc�s from Jun� 1„ 2018 ��s Jur�.� 30. �0'1� F�hase Q{�1 2(]18 E���r��m�c C9��elopr�,ent �en+i�e� Ret�irtier F�e $7�{h MOnthl+�. f�honkhly Rek�iner ��3� Total Fee g,�q�j.OQ R�rcent C�mplete 5�_p(7 Total E�rn�d 4�OC� U�i �F�`YI{}L,IS ��E �P�wIFIC,� �urrenC F�e BiUing r�t�� F�� ������� ��a���r� Il+1Gs3S5� �fIC Map upd�l�s f�ir Rachel Tot�l� Ttxtal Labqr ��t�c��a��� ��,������ Invoice hlumber � r���� s�ri�n�� to ��t� Fee L��c�r T+�#a Is 6J��2�� 8 Dat� 6I2a�2t118 Hrrur� .50 . �C� Balance ���.Ol� ��o.00 Prior 3.7�0.{}(� 1,�9�. �G 5,�14�.,5�} �il, %'��_��. 75Q 0� �so.o� �o�N xn�� �r��k s�so.o� F�a#� Ann�unt 1 {l1 �L� S(�. 5C1 �D.5� $0.;50 To#al this Task $��.5{� r�ra� tnis ��,��e ��oo,�o �,�. Total 1��s Invc�i�e $80[?_SO �� . � �� �� ti� fiot�i r��� ��,� Tcsta I �d, 5��.��0 1,��3.�]� 5, 843C. i� i� ��,�so,sa Proje�k f�-�1 i 121-�C1f] �a�QhJT -�018 Ecanor�ni� pevelo,�rrrent �erri�e fnvai�� 6 Page 2 �:I�FC'k RE������ �:�l��'�: �i!►���}LTI�''i': �' ���I � � +C-'hcc�C t�ar Ha�r-+F' T. I,antto 9i17 — 2��'� f���� �; �u�f�l+u, !�'J�Y ���I3 11��I �� ti n � '�'4'r� rkct� : F'l�nnin� �'rkrn�ni�sic�r� EU.� l��'Ie�rtirt� C'il�� C'out�cil C.'it�' ���nrit 'I'�tal llu,�,���'�. �b I)��ke �` �°�� �at� � �1 • � K U�i� � •'� • � � l��t� � ' ��' � � Yl�n�in�; (:�arn�e�i�siva�: � {3�. _ ��i l'Q . � ,� � � � [9 ��� � i!�}� ('pun�ri� �Ef�IL�F.;�7" 1lA'�'E: � ' � �' • � � V�tadi�r # "I'ime � • �',� A mo�r�! �ur � � Tini� � '� � � ,�rr�o��# il�u� � �� Tirti� � Amc��ent i�ue � Titri�. ,�•� S .�,rn�an� I}�c � ���.� ���.�����,�-�r��� �a'��IIt�.��f��� � ����ys� 1� .4,ut��r�;xx�ci b�° D�tr • ��} - � T'[h'�E �SHEF'7�� �tTT��'f-�EI] �IT�` C]F � �(���.���1[� �������� NAf�I�: F�l��RY L��1T+� PC��171C�N: F�UB�1� MEETIN� REC�I��ER - ��NTRfi�CT �[i�li�S Ni�E�IN� p,�� �IM� IN T1ME L�UT � :�� __ ; ��e�� F � � r� � ��� __ _� � — — ME�TII�G P�Y1VlE�JT; $�f� F�R FIRST � HOURS $10 PER HC�UR FL7R. �1�ERY �IC}lJR �FT�R 'I�.+�E�TIN� REC� �El?; FiARfiY LANT 51CiNA�L1RE: �' - C�AT� : � r�- I � ,�,�JTFi0R�7_�� B _ . C�r��f'E � ` i . __ ���r�'�� Cun.inghaAnGra�upArchi#ectu�'rt,ln[, Ss. Mt@�any hr'iaFn 201 Niaan S[Rtt7 SE: �uitr 3�5 �'��i5nr�y7�,lis, MN 55�J 14 ie161�37934tib fax61�3�'9AdOLi �ily �f ��nticell+d July �{�, 2�11� ��}� '�1lfalnvt ���eef Inv�i�e N�: f ��I�� � Glle�t f�0: M�anti��llo, hAin�esota �����-�8�1 Pr���ct PR 1 B-(�111 _OU Gity t�t Montic�llv Fac�de Improvernents f�rafessi�nal 5�rvic�s for the neriod �nded .�f,�i�. ��18 �ee Billing Phase Profes�ior��,l Services Tc�ial �t�e �illfngs to Da#� Fee Per�en# C�mplete �r��}�.{�� � �'�,�}V �yV4lLJ_11� Tq#�l F�e Cl1NINGMAM � R �q u � 5052� Tvtal Preuic+u� �urrent �ifled Bill�� Bill�ed ��SJ41�..�k} a,a�o.aa� Totel this Invoice �urren# Rri�r �'ots�l Fe�e 4,�1{3Q_40 O.�Q �4,04CI.OQ r�t��s �,o��.on �.ao a,��o.00 TY',is invoi�e w�,s r�vi�wed �,nd appr�ved by Andrew Dr�sdner. Inu�ic� du� up�n r�c�ipt, Inie�est will ��cru� �[�ec�rding io c�ntract_ ������ � ..I�I� i`?1�; U�1Ii+ Y}�VU�V� 0.�0 4,Q�?�,�U a,�o�.00 �4,�IQQ.�4 Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Jim Thares Monday, August 6, 2018 4:04 PM Julie Cheney FW: Cunningham Invoices (2) Cunningham Group 072018 $4,000.00.pdf; Cunningham Group 072018 $5,670.73.pdf The Cuningham invoice for $4,000 is okay to pay. Please code this to: 213-46301-431990. From: Angela Schumann Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 2:54 PM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us>; Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Cunningham Invoices (2) Julie, The $5,670.73 is OK to pay. It is coded to the capital fund for downtown projects, I believe. The $4,000 is an EDA expense for the fa�ade improvement brochure. Jim is copied on the email for review and OK. Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello www. ci. monti cell o. inn. us 763-271-3224 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may 6e disclosed to third parties. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 1:53 PM To: Angela Schumann <An�ela.Schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Cunningham Invoices (2) Angela Attached are the following invoices from Cunningham Group Architecture: Inv# 50522 - $4,000.00 Inv# 50523 - $5,670.73 Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each. Tha n ks, .TuCie Cheney Finance Assistant � Bergo En��ronrnental Inc 4413 Crawford Rd Hopkins, Mf� 55343 (952) 920-8938 bergo.en�@gmail.com www. bergoer�viror�mentalinc.com BILL TQ City of Monticelia Attn: Jacob 5C}5 Walnut St 5uite � Monticello, MN,55382 ir,Naic� # ���� JQB SITE 255 E Broadway St DA'fE T(�TAL DIiE 08/05/2418 $6,223.00 IIIVOICE DU� QAFE TER[vf5 09/04/2018 Net 30 ACTIVITY Asbestos Remo�al Remaue and dispose of the follawin� asbestas materials as listed in the report dated: 5121118 - 828 SF of ceiling texture from main flonr - 46$ 5F of ceiling texture from second floor - 1,420 SF of floor tile from main floor BALANCE QUE ,� �� i � ERGO _;�:�i��rvt�•�.�v+rx�. �nc � l�j. � ��C�,�. �-/(.� f.�C�G} ENCL(}5Ep AMOUNT 8,223.0� $6,223.00 Ta: Gity af �Vlonticello Attn: Jacob 505 Walnut St Suite 1 Monticello,MN,553b2 Re: Lefter of Co�pletion BERGO���'�°�"�����` Date: g/3/t 8 This is y�ur formal notification that the foflowing asbestas materials have been removed from 255 E Broadwav St in Monticelio: - 828 SF of ceiling texture from main floor - 468 SF of eeilin� texture from second floor - 1,420 SF of floar tile from main flaor We sealed aff tk�e areas of containment and installed a negative air HEPA inachine. The asbestos materials were removed using approved engineered wet fnethc�ds. Ail materials were bagged and �nanifested to a certiti�;� asbesto� Iandfill. Suits and respirators were worn by the worker while performing the wark. Thank you, Blair Bollig (C)612-812-b791 4413 tRAWFOR� RE7 {452) 4�fl-$93$ FIC}PKINS, MN 55343 BERGQ.EIVVC�MAEL.CO{Vi Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Jim TF�ares Monday, August 6, 2018 4:OQ PM Julie Cheney Jacob Thunander R�: Invoice: 255 E Broadway St 071118 EDA Minutes.doc Julie, this is okay 4o pay. Please code to: 213-45301-461500o The EDA minutes authorizing �pproval are also attac�ed. The EDA meets this week and will approve the minutes. Fram: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 2:26 PM To; Jirn Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Invoice: 255 E Broadway St �kay to pay attached in�oice from Bergo En�ironmental for Asbestos Removal for $6,2Z3.a(3? Pl�ase provide coding. I wauld like to include this in the check run on Wednesday, please respond by end of cfay Tuesday. Thanks, Julie From: Debbie Davidson Sent: Monday, August 6, 2018 $:24 AM To: lulie Cheney <Julie.Chene ci.manticeflo.mn.us> Cc: Jacob Thunander <Jacob.ThunanderCa�ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: FW: Invoice: 255 E Broadway S# Jacob, I have forwarded this to Julie Cheney,..She takes care of EDA bills. MaPPY Manday! (� L��b�Ge pav�dsDvt, Finance Clerk Ci#y af Monti�ello 763-2%1-3225 Debbie.da�idsonC�ci.monticello.mn.us apC�ci.rnonticella.mn.us Emar! correspondence to and from the CityofMontrc!!o government offices rs su6ject to the Minnesota Government Data PractiCesActand may6e disclosed ta thrrd parties. From: Ja�ob Thunander 5ent: Monday, August 6, 2018 8:q2 AM To: Debbie �avidson <Debt�ie.�avidson ci.montice€lo.mn.us> Subject: FW: In�oice: 255 E Broadway St Hi Debbie, This is a bill fnr the EDA to include in the next cycle. Can you tell me whera it wil] be paid? Please fet me know if you have any questions or if I should senc[ it ta anyane else. Thank you, Jacob Thunandei• Commnnity anc� Econainie Develo��rnent flssisiant �'its c�f Nlantieello �4���v.ri.�nonticello.inn.us 763-?��-�2a6 Email tarrespnndence to and fram the C1ty of Moniicello governmeni office fs su6jeGt tc� the Minnesota Government Data Practites Act and may be distlosed to third parties. From: Bergo Environmentai Inc [rrt�il�o:ber�o.env@�mail.com] Sent: Sunday, August 5, 2018 7:52 PM Ta: lacob Thunander <Jacob.Thunander ci.monticelio.mn.us> Subject: Invaice: 255 E B�roadway St Hey Jacob, See attaclled invoice and campletion letter for last weeks wark. Let me know if }�ou have any questians on this. The house is loeked u}� with the key under the landscape �iocks. ThanEcs, Blair Bergo Environmenta] Inc O: 95?-920-8938 C: G 12-8I2-6?91 44{3 Crawford Rd,Hapkins,Mn,55343 ww�v.ber��oenvironinentalinc.com ��� :°> � �ERG� �,1� ENVIN.ONMENiAI tNC MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC D�VEL�PMENT AUTHORITY {EDA) Wednesday, Jt�ly l lth, 2018 — b:OQ p.rr�. Mississippi Roorrt, Monticellt� Commu�if�� Center Commissianers Present Cammissioners Absent: Staf� Present: Steve ,iohr�son, Bill Tapper, Jon Morphew, Tracy Hinz, and Jim Davidsan 011ie Koi•apchak-White and Lloyd Hilgart J�ni `T`�iares and Angela Sc�umann 1. Call to Qrder Steve Jahnson called the regular meeting of the EDA to order at 6:04 p.nt. 2. Roll Call 3. C'onsideratian of additional a�enda items None, 4. Consent A�nda - Item 4a throu+�h 4 BI&,L TAPPER MQVED `�O A�'PROVE THE COl'�1SENT AGEI`�1DA WITH TI-IE REMOVAL �F ITEM G. TON MORPHEW SECONDED TH� MOTION. MO�TION CARRIED, �-0. a. Consideration of a�proving Jaint City Co�ncii-EDA Meeting Minutes — JUne 4�2018 � Recornmendation; Approve the Joint City Council-EDA Meeting Minutes — June 4, 2418 b. Consideration af a rovin Re ular Meetin Minutes — June 13, 2018 Reeommendation: Approve t��e Regular Me�ting Minutes — June 13, 2018. c. Consecleratian of a�nrovin� S�ecia,l Workshap Meeten� Minutes — June 13, 2018 Rec�ommendatioii; Approve Special Warkshop Meeting Minutes — June 13, 2018. d. Consic�eratian of a ravin a rnent of bilEs Recommendation: Approve payment of bills through June 2Q 1$. It was noted that the Cuningham Group invoice ($7,000) woiild be recoded to the City Council and tl�e Charnber lunches ���auld be reviewed for eorrect cading. e. Considexati�n of Hazardaus Mater�ials Abatement and Demolition uotes — 255 East Broadwav Decisian 1; Asbestos Aba#ement Recomrt�endation: �elect �ergo Environmental, Inc. in the amount of $6,223 io rerr�ove and dispose of asbestos. Decision 2: �?emoliticrn Q�ote and/ar Ash Removal Recfln�mendatian: Se9ect Carlsan Construetion in the amount of $5,250 to remove burned buildings a��d foundation or sclect Schluender Construction Company in Ecanomic I�evelopment Authariry IViinutes —.iuly � l, 2018 Page ] � 4 2018 EMPL4YEE REIMBURSEMENT VOUCHER CITY OF MONTIGELLO (� fective 1 /1 /18) � NAME_� �. .�---�-� �`'�-. �,,�✓�Q.d DATE OF REQUEST �I Z $ Address to Mail (if nec�ssary) PUI�POSE/DATE ��A►� C�„� .,�, ��� J-�� z� _ zq {see back for multiple requests} � a-t�-� I,�.� �,�. : � G �., � � � 2�g- LOCATION �, ss ,,,,G, �'l ' S�r� �+.a P�r-1C_ M+�' �see back for muliipte requests) — �� � EXPENSES: (Please reference Travel and Rei�nburse�nent Policy} Mileage ($.545 per mile) $ .�, � � �city �ehide was nat ava9lable. �ra�eling conditions warranted personaf �ehicle use P'arking Fee Meals Lodging SUBTOTAL {Total mi9es ��� - Reimbursahle defined on back. ..�. O �" $ ¢ r � r �p �Traveling directir�n warranted personal vehicle use. � O#her (include dated, itemfzed receipts) � `" � `� (include c�ated, itemized hotel bi1]} Account Number � 13 4 Co� p1 .433100 $ 3� C�ther � f� Account Descriptian TOTAL TO PAY � �SIGNED 1,�.�. APPROVED B �, 1�.� . �� NaTE: Attach co�ies of documentation, including invoices, receipts, seminar certificate, etc. Policy: Reimbursable inileage will be the �esser of actual mples driven from normal wc�rk location to trainingl�neeting/conference location or the actual r�iles traveled frc�m departure locati�n to destination less the mileage of commute to normal work location. Instructions: Ii yau are leaving arid returning ta work, skip boxes 2, 3 and 4. Otherwi�e, subtract 4 fram the lower af 1, 2 or 3 for miles claimed. _ Date Where/Purpose h. � 1 �� � 7 1 � ti,ss +�.�'C.. � � � 1 � � �� � 1, a.,,,,.�� o w � r� � qw. .i r � e .�r �.a .� Round trip miles: Home to destinatian From Work to Home #o to work to home to destination des#ination home wark Miles (�) (�) (3) (4) elaimed i� � � ,'�. + � � � � �� Z ar I�.�O �., ;� � �,,�-�4-s � 1= 4� '�J`� tiL l� L] �► "„^� '�"` ^ .? 3 � ��, �-� �7-��'� r�-�Qr� � _�5�,�e r��L �.�,.. �. u .�,��+� 5 _ I - _._ ____-� � (,�� �n, �� ��'e � � ` �`��r _ �.� { n� 1���-�-� e�, � ,� � i ;,•. ��.r ��,'� � '� f' a �� T� *�' �� ��. � y G' � Z-, .-�I o^�'�p� t-- � i + s - � � Z fl��'�e�-- � �- �.��` 2'�'''+"' L ��C 7123l201$ 9�6 i7a+�ure�t �1, �suk R�pids_ h�1M1l 56379�502 to 23521 M1lokomis Ave l�ir��tian� - AalapOuesi Y��JI� TIR�P TC�. �'� 23.521 IVafcamis l�ve � �� � � r��r� � ��.� n�M � �st. f�r�� ���t; �se�� Trlp time bx**Q of� iro�fi'it tonditJona a.a �f +�;02 AlM vn �uly 23, �rir�i � fU�l hed9th t�p�rk af y�ur car +xrith �i91B. Current Trafflc= Lighi H UM vetri�le ciiagnostits i8�t�� gc�fi-zr���. � 1. Starl �ut gping �outh �n ��ktre5l Cl tt��+r�rd ��k�r�si br. Thgn Q,�4 rr�Eles . � 2, Tum lefk ant� {�akcrest br. Then 0.4�6 miles � 3, T�k� Ihe 1s! left c�nte� ��kcrest Ln. �f ydu fi2�ch 1he �rrd of (?e�ere .f l]r ycru'�°e gvn�e � fi�tP� dao far. Then C1.94� miles � 4. Take th� 1st ri�h# onto 1Qlh Se. 1l yau are on G�rderr Sr,�9k �pr �a�C1 ���Ch �rboN G`! yC�u°ve �Dn� abouf L�. 9 mides Foo l�r. Th�n {1,32 rnil�s � �, Take the 2nd left ontcs k�9ayY�$w Lake RdrG�aun�y Hwy-1 �h,f��h64L+ L2k� Rpf �S �-� 1t1i1E5 k�5� JHd��Sii/2 ��, l'��0�'U P�°s���1 C�1�'��2LDf �?d y��'ve g�ne a8a�ert 0.6 ma�es �a� f�r. Th�en 1.35 mile� � 8, Ent�r �t�xt roundB�ouN ar�d iske the 3rd exit onto Golden �pike F�d��4ldn�y Hwy•3. Pass Chr�ugh 1 rt�und�bc�uk, Ther� Q.72 rrriles � i, En#�r n�Xt r��,ntl�b�sul �nd �ake the 3rd exit. Then 4.2p mll�s � d, iurn siighk right €�r�to Hi�hway 10fU5-1{� W. COn#in��g t�s [ollow lJS-11� W, Then 3�►.5f r�riles � S. �t�y strai�ltit �o go �ntt� }�i�hway 3�1lMh#-3i1 .�¢n#fnue ta f�llova� MN-371 Then 31 .�7 mifes � '14. Stay sRr�ight [o �o pn-a ���R� F�li�hur�y :�71 rr,AN-3�1 , filhen 7.79 rniles �l.04 Rok�sE rniles 0.79 total mile� (},21 lok�! rni�e� O,�v� total miies 1 .88 ialal rruieS 2.�so ��t�� r�r�es 2.8v lotal rn�l�s 33.3� lotsl rnile� ��,64 kota! rnikes 7P.4d �otaR rniler� htt��liwuww.mapquest.comldireeti�e��lii+sUiluslmrru�e��#�J�auk-r�Rids�5�375 #�02f'926-oak�rest��#�5.5�00�68,-94.94fl2fi51�oFusrrmm�esota+nisswar564.. 9!3 al23+241 � 92fi {Jak.cr�sl G!, S�uk Fiap��$� h!h! 58379�542 CG ��52� NO�comis.4v� D�r�i��n5 - h'1apQ�,�s1 � 11. Turn le}� c�rries Caunky R�ad 77JCounty Hwy-'��, �nuniy Road 7� is �.3 mifes pest �Co{ldeer xrt, �f ypar reach �fazelwood �7r yau've gon� abau� �.4 �iXes tC�Cx P'�r, Then 0_77 nn7es � 1�. T�ke tf�e �nd IetF onk� C�vkomcs Aye, l�lpk�rrri� A�� rs C1.7 miles pas� �ts1e F,�rg�rwey 37'fe !f you reac�h �ower Roy tak� �td yr+u'we gone abou� �.4 »i�d�s �oo l�r. Then 4.06 miles � '43, 235�1 �(�k[�mis Aue� Ni��w�, MN 6�+368-2792, 23�21 N€3K4MIS AVE is an � kne �i�k�i. �f yvu r�acf� F�reSf Ave yCs,�'v� �prr� 8 Ar[��8 t�O T�r� ��...�'� t4t�� f1ll�B5 ��.�$ t41'�� 1711�E5 U56 pi tl�i�eGl�onS �n9 m�p� i� S.�4jesk W vur 7trma nf U}$, �1+e enon�l �jubr9nice eeeureoy, reute c�cn�ifron:e aR useqmility. Yarr sae+urn��e al? ri�p �rE ��,p. h�tpfs:#,1+n+�vr.rn�pq u�si.e�rru'di recticrn�.+lis#�1 ?�a+minn�sff'ta��a��€-rapi�s15�6379��Q21Q2�-aaK�r��k���4�.5�L}D6B.-�4_ 1442fi5�leMu sXminnesot�'nisswa?SGis .. . 713 7#�3�2U1$ 926 Clakcresk G1� Sauk RaRi#s� MN 56�79�547 ko 23521 Nok�mis llvg Dire�tian� - M�pQwQ�l �.'Y'.. " —, . � � ��; w 71 � 5. ` � � M-' 5'v.l � � , � � � ��"� � ��"�.� � �, .�. � s � . . � � .a� �1 : � . .eR ��, �� /"+ � �1 A�„��+�+ ." � � � � .'71^'� � � , - �� �y` � . # � r � «� +� iD �,�"` yE �"a �'�� � �+ �+r �' "�' � . �. � � F �� �`, I `_ . �.� .... ',� , , .. ' �"--_. L �."3 � a _ r, i' '.� � � � - i i � "`�-��n. � N4 I ' � � [3 � �'► . �. '` .., � � r--. 4.�`*�.,. ��ti � �� �� ����;-. , y� ! . �� I . � : SB9 ' � �'f '� + =* • f �' � � _ L.-.J � r + � � `. � � � �� � �., v : .x . ` . �� , r� r �' � . �� � *x { �� k-,..✓ � `YS 14 I � � �, � �+ r r � � I ' �IA + f _ �- I� l i� � ��' � � ` � � � � �;. ���� � , _ _ � �Y `'� .. � +� ` � � � y ��� � + � , , , � s � r + � � . � r �t.! � �� { � . F .. _ _ •� t . �. _, �t�li�uti i5 � � � � � � ; �cr � i � f � { � � # �� s' �� � � t � � e� � ��l4 �� �f - 1 _ � I, �, , ,�,� � �,�� �.,., - 'Bo€�k � hotel to�ir�ht and �� �ar troub�le mid-trip? i �ave �rrith scarrt� �reat deals! - - M�pf��,est Ro�ciside p: � � �' l�ssistsnce is here� � {1-877-�TJ-�J��� �1-$��-+�$�-��6��} } htlps;?Fwww.mapquesk.comfdir�tionsilis'�1�u�.+minnesot�5�uk-r,�pid�'SG379�5d�1�326-oakcrest-ct-4�.69fl068,-94.140�fi511of�slrnir�n��ota�ni�sw�?�i ., . 3f3 Fcc�n��n�i�c I�+���elc�prr�ent AssociatioR c�f �+�in�e�ot�z � � E[Of1i7Ri1C C1��r��4�if51�rllt Assnci�tlnrt �f Mllr,nesota P'a��: 1 �f � �pin I Cont�Ct �15 ; �igrr In ��'1 � � p�i+��J� �hdPl C1`MFh�� ��'E#dT� E�Rh1� U W���;I�LATItiJM 69EME3ER�HIF' �(�1 � E��► f�ll SlJ N1 hl� E� C Ci I�l � E R� h�! C E �r TePI a Fri�nd fiP27l�018 to $�29Fi4�8 Qn�rr�e regis[rafion is e�os�d �fYhen; .lUne 2� 25. C[�1$ wh�re� Gra�i1d �ie�w �ad� 735i1 fiJUk[�177a8 AV��lulE r�rssw�. +.41r��$serta SE�6� .1nu�ed States C�ntact: ?I��� St,lliva�7 rlhea �dam.sa ry ,!i5�'� 4r�._q�s�� « Go tr ld�rCoa[rin� Ev�n# �i�1 E "�Y�I' S'r-_3�CF {`IlCI"e i... . .. i+1-.+_?- CYi�S'.-+-��!#`�'+���-�:x�ti6a��L-'GeL:?.Lb�r:E�.��-�3y�.�'-rJa±'a'".t`va`.;��g=�3�g� }y_�.�L_ � -:�:,�4:�ei+d��1'r-r='�.-L'a,W�'. ��9k'JY �. �,',_ ' . _._ _ � T' � f i i �0'� � ��a rr�mer �a r�fererrce Regi�trati+�n ��rrrk (Rb�� Yr�tps,�'a'�������.edar�.c�r�ie���nt�iE��;:r� tI)�tail�.as��'?i�=1 1�l�] � t}S�c�.rotap= 7.'?:��'2f� 1� F.cuna�r��ic L:�c�°�lopment �'�ssc-���ation �f Mir�ne�c�4� P��e ? of $ 5pc�n�a�rship 8� Exhibitvr [}��c�rtur�ities A�enda Fees L�ds�i�g �redits �x#ra� Jo�n us on Gull I.�ke for threa d�y� rrf faaeus�d educa#ion, n�tworking, and fu�! Esc��s� t�e day-to-clay bu$yneas oF t! work +r�ek �nd cannect witP� the �DAM Gt�mmuniky ifl a rela�ing ��#tEng, {'ar�na� View L�tEge R�SarC Map J�O�£I�ti!� ��C�fI��+C���' � .��1�'I� ��", ��"� � h�;€�0 -�:�C� prn Minn�s�t2r ��onomic bowelt�pm�nt 1�ssoci2�ti�rn Galf Tournarrier�t & Fundr�i�er �.3{J - 6.3Q pm 5:30-6:30prr� Fa:3Q - 7:�(7 pm Regi�tr�tinn President's �4+elc�rn2 R�cepti�n Pr�5i�9e�t'S A+,��id Pnesee�ta�ion � Cain�er 7:�0 - 8:3�d p�rr �.e�+n�te ��etail: �Ch�n€�e atthe �p�ed vf Light! ;'1,0 A�I�� �Gredit� Ghristo�rher Vtif�Mt�r�, �.ed Areher Ret�il; W'ayn� Elarne �4mmercial Real#y Saiutions; Lis� Di�l�l, CCI�A. CPNf, �ielhl a+�d Rartners, LLC; M��derat�d by,Jeff �aFavre, IAG Commercit Re�f Est�te This ses�ivn wil� discuss thae r��idly changing retail mark�'t in bot� urbar� a�d Gr��t�r �linnes�,ta. '�L�Fr�t +nre knchw tr� b� tru� in the past is n�Q v�hat vwill be �ru� in tl�e next fiue y�ars. �or�munity s�hvppor�g centers �nd bic� bax reta+l k�uilding� tiwsll �esd ln be red�fin�ed n th�y wish to stay r�l�varwl wikh�n a eomm�an�ty DisCu��ian will co�r�.r t�se chang�s from 20 �7fJ� ft. �nd pr�vid� a�r�me+�+ork f�r a�mmunities to see �hange a� ap�rtun�Gty. Thur�cia� � June ��, �'�1� s:d� - �.�!} am 5k �a++� RunJwal4€ �4�rrrlWa�k sta.r�s at 7: Oc� a+r�� �f7� 9'J�f�{ t1E ki�f[� J�JPT f]� S�1'f(7B Uf]I8S5 ��1�F� fS JI�i7�J��fi7�' ,��'�dCfP�. ���� - �;+�tJ e°�fTi �f�#��f�8t %:�� �i"fl - fi:�� '{}fTl Rec�IslraSicul �:�Q am h�t��: _�`�������.ecJ�m,nrgfe��en#s,{E��fltI)etai�s.asp�'?id=11 {��110�&�.r�u�= 7'��,'?41 � �cc�r���mi� D�r��elc�pm�nt As�ci�tic�n c�f "vli�r�e�c�ta Preside nt's 'N�Jpnrt� Pa�,e 3 �f� � '�:1(} -�i?:iU F"lenary'�e��i�r� � D�igi-Key"� �o�tinu�d Inuestment in Greater 2�m Minne�€�ta �9.�] AI�P �r�edi�� 10:1 � - 1 {]_3{J am 1 i}:30 - 11:30 �m Rrck Tro�tv�t, Digi-F;ey Digi-Key h�8 �Un#inued i�o ex�nd iks �per�tiQn� iri Thief R6u�r F�IIs, desRite f��irrg wc�rk#vrre, housing, �nd chipd�ar� short�g�s Fi�ar frorn Ricic Trontv�t, '�ice Pre�i�ent af �,dministr,�#i�an at C?i�i-F�ey as he 4�scnbe� their t�us�ness. their �r�+rlth, �Pong with the �dv�r�tages an�d di��dvanta�ges trf expandir�� in smalf comra�uni�ies. Br���e with Exhib�tors Bre�k�o�t'���sio��: �honse �Dn� �tatevari€�e ,�ffa�rdable Hou�ing Dev�fn�mer�t Tr�n�d�; Re#ail �has�nc� F;�,�ftc,ps (1.0 �II�P �red�t} �.�slie R€�ering, A��N, Tirn GladFrill. �ity vf R,�msey. Christc�pF�er h�lfaltvn, Red fiPCheF f�etall: M3rgaret k��pl�n_ h111nne5�ta F1DUsing �lrnne�at� H�usir�g Fin�nc.� Ag�ency wall report tsn affnrdable hc,using trends for 2(918. +� few t�at�b�e teends inel�,d�: • Mlnn�sa�a ne�d8 m�re affordat�le hausing w�tfx a I�rg� sC��r� t�f ttOras�hcalcfs e�st b��'de�ea� b}' #h�ir h�rusing � �h� ecr�nomy shQula� c,�rrkinue to 9row, whiCh v�+ill ho�efully support grqwth in h�use��ld irrcorer�s • H�me �rices and ren#s +r�ill likel� t�nUi�u�c t� mcr�a� wilh a lirnrled suPP�+� + Mill�nr�ials' decisi�an to own vr r�nt as � key drrv�er of th�e h�u3rng market � The agin� b�by bo�m gen�r�tsc�n +n�i91 Cre�t� r�er,u housing needs a�d ��allen��s • F��uSing In�catian matters, Providing aac�ss io j�bs, #r�anSit, �choal, �ervice�, �and �tl�er �rnerriti�� Inr�o+�ativ� �tr�t+e+�ies tc� Buildiflc Chilci �afe Sup�ly (1.{! �I�P �rsd�#� Land�n M�iC�y, Fir�[ Chi�dren's Finance Je#f Andrews, First �hil+dren's Finan�e Ghild �2r� ,s an ec�vnomiC driver fo�r G9�R'1mU�is#125 �Cr[}55 MInnE5Qt8, blJt fTl�►�} oommur�iti�5 �r�e facing sh�riages �f high quality �chi1d cafe. �uildin� the sup�ply 4# child care is � e.nrr�plex i��ue, bUE Fir�t �hildren's Fin�n�� has b�en wpricing �IDS�i� Vdlth "�?21�IAL�S �Ummu�l�iES �Cr[3SS f�linnesota� tc� de�elqp �r�nouativ� �,ppro2Gh�s tc� addr�ss lhis irnporkant �ssue_ This seminar wiCl explare khe exten �a��d imp��t �f t#�e ��sue, rovt �uses �� vu�ell as bes# Rra�li�ss to iricrease the supply af qu�lity �nd afFordable �are� }��t�a�;1+'�����.eciar�.����i�����nt�,'���enll�etails,�►spx'?i�=1 � C��11(�5&.�rc�up= `T+�23�'?(118 Ecc�nc�rr�ic- ����el�pnlenl A:���ciat���n af �r1ir��e�c�t� 11:34 -'42;�0 pm Follovving th� trends rep4rt, yUu �'ill he�r from non-prcri�t dev�elop�r, ,�+.�.ecun. �r�d the �City of F�ams�y in Fh�ir p�rtnership t� i�n�r�ase the numbe� af af€ordable housin� unit5 in #fh� �it� of Rams�ey. Th� City vf �ams�y will di�p��+y h�u the}� attrac#�d A�O�+ #o tl^u�ir city, and F�ec�n wi11 repC�rt �n rrhy th�y chc��e Rar�sey TMe 5�ssion wrill clase �rarlh a Q$�A wdh Red Archer �tet�pl in an �eftort 4a� bette:r �,�iderst�nd howu r�tail'� evolur,ic�n ooa�ld �ff�ct yn�ur c�immunit�r der�elapmenl pNanning. �12:�� - 12:�� pm 'I � :4� - "I :4'� F�� 1:�45 - 2:{�0 pm �:�Q - 4:Q0 pm LunC�s �,eynote � R�tail ��vel��men# Past, Present S� �ut�ur+� �1,�0 �I�P Credit� How�rd P�ster, P�ster Proper�i�� P�a�,e 4 �f S Joir� u� to hear fr#�rr� H��rard P�st�r, presiderrt o# R��#er �rap�erties. Past�r F'roperkres a�nens, d�t+el��rs, leases, �nd manag�s ne�rly ane miltion squar� fe�# of ret�i� proper�i�� in the Minne�P�ios��l. Paul markek, �rr,br��ing th� ev�r-ehan�in� ret�o�� landscape. in�luding tr�nd� in urban r�evelvprnen! �nd �nix�ed-use propert��s #he c�mq�ray i�as been i�nvol+�ed in six rr�aj�ar re��u�laprr��nts tcrtaii�� appfiox�rna#ely �OQ 4�Q4 sq�uare feet r�+�ee ttl7e past ten ye2ars. Past�r will �i�are his perspee.tiu�e on w��r� th� ret�il m�rket is �eaded, �vt�at tr�nd� +�e ea+� �xpeet. and w�l�at this� m�eans frr urfian a�nd rural c�mrnun�ti�s and t�e eoonpmic devel�pinent carnmuni#y F"ler�a�ry Se��i�n ��II iF�ing� ��:g�slati+ve:'I�h�h�t to Expec# �Avvir�g F o n�ra rd Her�r�epin County ��mrrr�ssion�r Jeff .l�hns�o�t, L�C� i)i�tn�t 7; Rep. �rin Mur�rhy, (DFLj [�istrict fr�A; A+fMnnes�#a A�torney �eneral Lc�rw Sv`ra�sc�n, (pFLj �ir�vited}, �.ongressman Tirro Y4ral�, 1�t D+s#�ic:k, iC��L) A discussaor� w�it#� lar:aal m�vers, �h�k�ers, �nd gubem�t�sr�al c�n�l�d�te�. �re�k ��kF� Exn�bitars M�b�le �n�r of @r�in�rd Lak+�� Area Dev��c��m�ent �'roje�� {at cap�c�t� � additi€�nal regi�tr�nts wilt t�e added tt� a waiting aisk� Tl�� bu� �ix! �roard at ?: Sa �rm ��r� dep�r# at 2:0� �m. F�re be�s wrl� bcra�rd !rr #he �r�r�in�r ��f rmnnedrateiy ,�rest �f �� G�aH ta�e Cenier. Th� mvbile wor��hp� v�iA �i��ovu� yau two uibran# aitr�c:tacan� and ir��nc�vations behir�d �conafnic L�e�+�lopment in tfi�e Brair��rd L$ic�s Are�. The first s#op vvill ki� �# th� ��+�r- p�}�u ar Brainerd Inkernativr��l Ftac�way �Bi�}. Tak�e � vn�e in � lifetime tcrur �n the #r.ac� �nd around th� ZQ�D-ar.a� faciliky with ��r�er .�e� �r�pharn m,�d�rat�ng. �aR vp�n�� in � 9B$ htlps;la'������.ed�m.+�r,�l��entsf�.���nt�letail�.aspx:>id=11(}(J 1 �}�&�,rc�u�= �i;"? ;�'?(} ] � i:c+�ri��r�i� C������oprxrent .�ssociati�r� cof M'�ruiesota Aa�e 5 n�' � �:0� ��:�]0 pm as C�o�rnybrocsk ���edw�,y tvit� no safety t>amers, no granrist�nds c�r even bathrc�oms a# lt f��irr#y Tod�y �IR �has#�'�,IHRA Dr,�g RacMreg, 1`ra�s Am Sen�s road racings, Ga K�rts, o�n ,erks and � has# �f other events. �IF� has ra�cam fcrr aver b(J,(IOC� pec�pt�, s�atin� for ��+�i ��,Q00 f�ns, 1�4 i5,ill �erwi�e f�V Si#��, 12 #wt�-kyedrCi�pm �+� f��th �ondos �n[{ S 1�riu�t� rac� side suites tn ui�w all the action. The s�c�nd stc�p �rn td�e la�rr vaill be ai Gull D�rr� Br�win�. TY�e br�wery Op�rti�d ira the spring at 2014 in the c�ld w�adworkin� water whe�J tsuilding in hlissw�, MN. The fa�il�ty i� � ma�skv� 14,�OC} sq. ft composeol c�f a 4_Q00 sq. ft wareh€�u�e whi�h h�uses a 2fl bbl. (8arrel� bre+�house, t�n+v 20 bbf And tw� 4C} bbl. fermenter;�_ ��n events center arad a Z.�f}0 sq, ft Ioft us�d For b�+siness rr�eekir���, weddin�s and al� thing� rn-b�twueen. �ome ex�rier�ce why the r�rFatt� "Who wouidn°t want ��ull []am �e�r?�� htslds s� teue in C6n#r�l Mia�nesota. ��raight frc�m th� Sc�urc�: Minnesata Busirress Panel �`1.�! A�I�P �redi�} �ill �leason, Gle�s�n P�n��ng; Ryan f�fuhCk�au�er, Escapae MSP, �lila �rol, �inot's Palett� MDd�r�#6d �y Elise �urhin, �I�nr�pin �O�r�ty A mod�rate� pan�l �f Me�n��e�t� busirre�s owrr�rs whv w�Nl $pe�k to #heir exp�ri�n�� �n �IennepRn C€�unty's Ecc�norrMic �ar€ienin� ��r O�en to Busrn�es� pr�gr�m as well as ge�er�l �xp��enoes ir� business plan �evef�pmerrt, sit�(s) s�le�ion, and wvcarlcin� vvith co�rmuni#ie� khrough permittEng prc�ss�s an� brand prvmation 4:'i5 -�,3{� p�m B��ank��g T�urn�nnent hosted by the �rr��r�in� Pr�fessivnal� fi;QO - �;�7�0 �rn Jain us on the be�cN far a tittle frwendly �am��tit:ian, courtesy nf the �D,h�hA �m�rging �Prcaf�essior�als+. Net�working B�at �rui�e (sp�r�e is limited� The �aa1 wi�! ba�rd at 5:3� �rr� and de�arf af 6,#JO �prP•r €rarrt f�r� �r�rrd V�+�Mv tNQarina. Frlt��y � J�an�e 2�� 2D"{� Fe�:s I�ember Non-Mer�nt�+�r ht�ps;�,�'�������_edain.ar�{e��ent�.'F���rYt�et�i Is.aspx`�i�- � 1�i[� ��}���r�u�,- 7:"�a i�(} ] 8 7126�2iY1� 5�� +N�Inut �4, M�sr�t�cello, MN �5362-&8ig 10 3746 Sunset �ir, Spring� Pa,rk. R4N, 55384•963{1 Di�ecsM��s - hiap�uest Y�U� �F�IF' T(�: �746 �unse� �r, Sprinq Par�C. F�!#+l. 5`�384-963C7 �� �VI I F� � 41. � A!C 1� �st. i�r�l ��nst: ��.�� 7r�p k�m� 4a�cd on Ir�ti'�C cOntl�4i4n# 8s n! 3_2S Plr9 on July 25, 2018. Current Traific; Li�ti' ��'� ����c�'� �Pnr7k � full F���ICh r�:�cyri �f ;�c�ue car w°Ith HUM rrctricle diagnostics {8oD} go6�z��da. � 1_ �tart ou� ,��:ny $outhwest orr tiNalnut S[�Counky Hkwy.58 tow�r� W 6th 5t. � Then G.03 miles � �. T�ke the 9 si left orta lh+ 6th St i!y�u r��C�t W 7t� St yC�tr'V� gOr�$ 2 1iP1�� I"00 f�r. Th�n O.QI mites � 3. Tak� t'Y�e 1si eight ffnto �ine StJMN-2�. �ank�n+�e io fcsflow+v A+1N-��. G��ribou C+�f�ee as ara tha riy�hf. 1i yoer �re on E€�Tk� �t �nd r�e�c� Cedar �� you've gc�ne a �r1tle fcro fsr. Th�n 0.3(} rn�l�s d_ M�Fg� pnt4 I-94 E1U5-�2 E loward �1 Pa�ulfMit�naapolis. ��� Then 23.27 miles .p.�� 5, M�rge anka 1�494 3 uia ��k7 21�. I Then �§.34 miles ��,� 6. M�r€�� on�o U�-�2'� wis ��IT 15� lowsr�d Y4'ayxata. T�ren 3.44 miles �,� 7. Merge dr�it� �hrtar�fine Ds?�aunEy Hw�-15'�+. � Then 3.42 rtniles � 9_ Turn rlght �onto h�orthshore �erCounty Hwy-51. f��rtlash�ire �7r r.s �+�,fia ,pa�r STxar�s Av�. Then 2.�2 rni4�s � 4, Turn I�fk anRc� S"ady�s�o�c� F����`��ur•,ty Hwy-ig��c�u�rly Nwy-51, 5ht��ywroo� f?ci is i7.3 mrres �aasi 8aldur J��rk ,i�r�. Jf you are +�rr N 5he�re f]r and reacir �'a�le �d yc�er've g�rre abr�at +�.Z mifes too isr. Ttr��r C] 53 �rtiil�s 0.03 k�t2�l �t�ileS C1.1Q kt�k�r m�Jes �D.4D tvtal rnrles 23.67 t0#�I rrlil�5 32,Ot #a�tal �t���S 35.45 tot�l rnil�s 3$e87 #at31 rn�les 41 .�C kntal rn�les 4��8� kokal m�l�s hk6pS;?1www,rnap�ue�! cornrdir��#ians?IisG'1;us+rnnlma7lic�IIQ1553�2-$$19i�Q��w�lnu#-+f�76,�258�,-93 a �$146�kG�u�.+mn�9prir5g-p�:rk155�94-�3i]f374E,,. 113 ia16��2(]19 �05 Vu'alnut 5R, �+lanticello. �,dN 5�3�2-$8� 9 la 3`T4� SunSel C�r, ��r�r�g Park, hfN, 55354 �6�0 D;rectians • MapQu�si � 10. Tur±� right rniCa 3urtsek Or?Cr�4'r�ty W,+uy-51. Surased �Dr rs 0.3 rrrrdes past Faqemess F'oirr� �+Y, fiyou reach T'ago Rd y+au've g���r� �b�tut iJ.2 r,rtr�es ��C� far- TF,er� f1.{1� rrs�l�� 41 .€31 kDtal mil�� �j 11, 374� Sunset [}r. 5�rrin� Park. "t+l�l 5�38�-5�3Q. 31'4� �URI�ET CiR i� cr khe eF right. �f yo�, reacM L}ic�rsc�n ,�kve.rrue �xf yc?cr've �cara� .� Prff�9 tC�� i.�r. Uae o�l �irecl°.or�s antl rnapa �a �ub�ecr I� n�r �ferrna v� Lls�a� L'9!m dan'9 gu�irtsnlee 9ttut8ey.. rtAute �COn�i*I�oFlS o.f u5dblllty. �VOaI d55�lrsig all ri�k. �,f yaa. , � ,. � ' �. _ ._ _. ._ . + ..._.._. �li..�'�A"�! V� �: M a^t=�` � r � . GCCkS�r � � r_ ,, .F ..�.,� � v � �� . _, • y s !� � � '"�15 . f L�D � :� � �' � � F �� � , � �.: � � � .. F., �.� '_�ke I �.7�i�t�s ��, ' .Ie�mL�.sLL F�Skt RVeet � � � 5�4r Cr�ek � ... � � �� . - , �� � ;' ,� +�' `" �--,EGk��la �r u - m � � �-ti �, ' �� � . d,�.+Car+r� - M' �� �fJN7�fIdd1R � � . "�....�,. � �� .. �,.�� Rc�nti�p�r �y � , � �° M3Frlr .:�4:. � � . . ._. - `.. � �r ` ' . `,L � � � / �" Sihi,vf7vt��:. Jeptfln ��'� EtivrjS.i�ri ' �` � k �+�. � r�� + �+u[i�on C.er�ier �� - d- ... .� a -. � , . �kl �a s�t : �.:t�+I�.r,�� � -� . � C�i n i� . 4 �;. , �� ��Ft�np . �' ` � i FI6rgR,aax1 a�93rys�c�I.S� r�- . - . � �� a+ �. �' 4. � �h. _ �E+ � '�4 ��� l[.��C^p�.ii� �V$ �ti7aa55�i1 �--'F {Na�ko �, � � �� �.'��+�fi4>I� . �1w� _���Y4�pf�_f*I�NI�.YSlSI!— ' � � � i'{L1W�� W�� � _ - � � � ,� �I ' { ��F�C4AC�f1l Vf'�eY}l� ...4. F',NFlli.�. 1rld4TiP��:1E�`_'? '.+i=i�-r° � y � �� � � � �,� �i2 . . � .. �,� ' r.�..� f' _., �, f:��.., . . .. ,���U �r.aH.e °s;: V!q'�k�,ei.i ''1Vvlmiowri �, �_ sA .. .. r �� . �� F ' y,�s, . �j��' ' St L r N�� :__, ; �co�l,�wco� f�a.�r,� h�i�fl�lonkd�.:- � �"_. F�1 r>�,.,_..r..l�i -'_rs_Pnwo�- ,�' r �amens�� ` — � '- 1'1aiSOfl S:r.ikFl Sxl'rfP 41�+ �I f �°' � � � �� it$ ithR'W f�'TF'4l':y i� .. i �. � f ` � , f h n'��SeT -. � � 1�r�et5n:�5 . .. �{��Pl �'f�llF'I$ �1� .k�a'�' �;i4,.-�te�w�n � . o � _ t F' �{; j �� �Fy3k.Ui7ti�i. . �# , �,. ..` . . � �4 ��� , .. t�'-�-�. `r��- � r.. , _- f1nl�.e� �.w� . . hstps�r',+�rwwrnapqu��# Gornr�yir�Gki�r�SFlist�l�us�mnFrrtitr°�ki�ello�5�3fi2r�81�15t15-walnut•sk�45.3�0258�.-93.7�F�1�8�'ko�us�mn�spr�n�-parkl5'��84-9�3Qi3746... �i3 r � D�nald ��Iv�rda & ���a�iat�es� f��seui��e �r�les�ior±a! �e���r � S�rte 6�0 C�,AT�; iC1: � f��3�J1: SUBJE�T; Jun� �, ��'18 �� �� ��� �._ a_ � � 223,°� �. Ha�r�i�e .�ver�ue -�4osevi{de, J�fnr �s r r 3{6'�?� 484- ���� �ARTI�IPAN�� IN THE'�YE.�T M�TR� AR,EA �EP�4FtT�fIENT �iEACI LEACIEFiSHIP CR�WTH G�OUF� [��h� �AL�J���A� � CC1[VSULT�NT�'�A�IL�ITAT�DR N��CT SE��I�N -_TLJESi}A�', Jt�ly �4t�'.� 1.�:�1�} - 3:�U P.NE. tLord F'I�tcY;er s Resk�ur�r�# c�n La�ce f�lir�ra�tonkaj Thar�k y�u far your par�i�ipaii��a ir� th� V+Jest �+1et�� Dep�r#ment F-Vead L��der�hip C�rov�rth �roup. '�11ie �av�; a c�re�t grvu�, Ther� i� � Migl� l�v�l �f op�enn��s, tr��#, s�p��rr�, and s�ner9Y amc�ng �h� �a�ticip�r�ts, I�'s ex�i#in� t� be �s�€��iat�d �r�tl� pr�i`e��icr�nafs wl�� �r� c�rnrr�itk�c� tv �ant���ed grc�wttl� �n� d�v�lvpm�nt, C�ur n�act ��ssion will b�; �+��s�day, JuP�y ���", fr�m r�oon-�:�� p.m_ fi� tak� adv�nta�e of �ur k�eautiful Nlinnespt� �ur�r��r �w��th�r, w� +nrill tr���t a� L�rd Fletc#��r'� F�estaur�ar�t a�� Lak� P.+1ir�r�etvnka, �7�4� �ur�s�t Drive in S�rinc� F'ark. Att�che�i i� th+� ���end�, C.�ur �is��s�ic�rr �vill focu� �,n Sha�rn Achor's nevn+ b€��k Bi� P�tentiaQ (N�w Tran�forminr� the Pur�uit �# Succ�ss i��is�s ��,r�chierr�m�nt1.l���pines�1 and V�ell ��ing} ar�d t�e rnain ta��e �v�r�yrs_ -- _-- L��kin� fcrrw�rd tc� s�ein�g ycru c,n July �4ih_ �4s Jim R�C�r� wc�ul� ��y, ",�If��rr'�h y�vur r��rr�rd �ifa�e y�c�u �vor�da+ y�r�r �rody. 7h� rr�r�nd' carrraat survl�v��,���rrkf��d_°' __ _._ �che�ule�d dates and �it�� fo� �018 �e��i�n� Ja�ly �4 Lc�r� Fl�t�cher'� �ept�rr�b�er i � Lord Fl�t�h�r's N��r�rrpk�er �7 MM ;�3 �� � -�����-� ����� �� �� ���� ���� � ��� ������� ��� ������ � ��- �,r�u �?,� ,�,� ��+� � f�G�� � �,�� `��� � ���� �� � TW�'MIUE�7 M�TR� �4�EA C��P�IF�TME�T FiE�4�i LE���R�HI� �RQ�1N�F� ��tDk�P THEME: °`LE�4����► HELPIN� L�EAC)�F��,y ,lulyr �4, ���IB A�E�1pA {��ssi�ns u�rikl star� wi#h a dutch� tfi��t lur�ch �,t 1�=i�4 r�c���. Gl+'I��tin� �t�r#� �t 1�:3[�� 1� Inforrr�al uisiting av�� lunch �� +�N�lc�orr-t� r�m+�rks and vv��vi�w �f the �essi��n �� pisc+�ssi�n o� �h�u�n ,��hor°� n�w bc���C Big P���r�ti�l {How_Trar�sfo_rmin� t�e Purs�i# c�f .��uc���� R�ise� �lur �4�hi�v�rn�e�ty Happieae�� ._ar�d Well f�ein� ar�d �he rr�ain ��k� �w�ys - . '_ 4} �hari;r�� c�f inf�rma#i�n: �rief up�at�s af r��jc�r c��IV�ng�s f�eing p�rticipa�#s, I�aders�ip I�ssrn� le�rn�d, a�ticl��, etc_ 5� C��� V�J�rd 'Resoiuti�ns �nd Per�onal Action Pl��s #a increase effe�#i►ren�s� ar�d im�a�# as � �ead�r � --- �6} H��pin� e�,ch at#��r — provi+�ir�� feedb��k �nd ad�ric� on sp��iftc c�all�n�g�� ��cin� one vr rr�vre p�rticipants _ 7� The �eptem��r_Se�sie�n I�ub��her5, �n�. �G�� ��on ��pids 6Iv�. ��on �apids, h�'€I� :�5�33 i7�w�'=$v �r?�^i��a i�i�L7�''��f�f' �ITY �}F M�NT�CELL� � ATTN: ���Ol�hlT� PA'fABLE �{i� WF,L�VUT �T STE 1 M�1NT1-�ELL�, hJIN ��362 Ptk?LwErHEC�k�l�x Fr+-�.-i;A�wSC:NaNCE1 8 aF�pIGATE NE`r: kp:�E55 f��gE # 1 ACC�?UNT NlI1N1��R I STAIRT DATE � STDP DI1TE I�DITIC71� aATE i���a�$ ��t� 812?20 y � Im+ouce Numhser Ad N�mber fi�0�82 $41337 Terms r�er �a Check Num6ar Amount Pai�t Account# 4292C� 5387.� teIIC L��Is 952-392-��52� R�ase rel�rti �� upper ocr.ic.. ..��'I- j��- a3ymer'. To Fay ay c-e� 1�3rc. �la3se ;all ?3;i ? 1� :�a54 nr �� �:i7F: :iSC:l PUBIJCATR4N i DATE A�# CLA4S� .. UESCRIF'TI�l+IlTA� LfME TYPE SI�E 4TYJ AM(?EJNT r���� M�n�iCello T:meS 4H�C}2i�O18 8�13a7 1�5 .-7�17 �+,n�ual QisGlosur� SE�Cerie L� 6 Ct 5€ 3.SLi 1 i 3$7 66 b�4�2 ��� � � �J �:f � � ��. I ' ��_ ; �, ", Mat Amount 387 66 Ship�ing �].0�7 Tax ���� Amc�unt Uve 387.ss ��� i� � � ��� � I � � � � f�� � �3� �h�r�e as � ssed for red�arrred �hecdr�. � �Re or'! efro� wrt�irr� 5 ci� S t[� �n�u�e Gv�dS�[}�l�Itlod7. � ; � � � , • �:I.. � � � !r►r�gaid ba�ar�ces �over 3C� c�ay� �ast d'u� wil� �nc�rr a ?.5°6 � __,.:.. -... -- � , IC15t 1rffi� � � � li:�,f���_:, l�_c. .-, �_� - �� �n�nc� c��r�� �ef mOrrdh (Mr�l�IF#U'lf? ,50 ��f Aat�f7U1,k, . . .. � �iF�"iD��'IT �F PL�BLI�C�►TI€]'� STA'TE Q�F hiI'�"VES4TA a ss C.tiG�1+fY []� '44'R1�HT parfene h��u;�hersan i��ir�g €�ulv sw�rn on �n q�th, stat�s or �t�irrn� tli�t heJ�he ia the Fuhlasty�r's I)eaygn;ated A��enz �f ihe n�'�pa- ��r(.s? 1�sl�rwi} as: �1�n,ticell� "I'i�mes with thc knaw� c�ff`ice aF issue bcing lo��ttcd in the ccrunty oE_ Wl�" ICiI�IT v�2[h additio�al circulatic�n in th� counloc�s c�E_ �.H�RBUR'dE aa�1 has fu�l knt�w•leci�� af [hc f�cts s��l�d b�l�w, (A) `Thr new�gs�per hais Lt�uiplic�i wi�h all o!� t�e requir�tetit� constitutirag qu�,l�fica- tran as a qu�lifi�ed nrv��sp��r as pe�� r�ded by h+ii�rn. �1at, §3�I,�,U2, (8� This Pu'�lic N«cice a�as �rint�ad and �ub- lashed in s;�id new•spsper(�) a�ncc c�ch vveek, for 1 su�ce�sir�c �cek{s}; thc fiest iu:crlion kac�g ar� �d�0�2�1$ �nci thc I�s� i�ser4iun bc.ng an 08J0�J2(�1�, I1�I�RTG�+GE F�REiLQS�'RE 1�1�IT�:ES ��uary� to rt�„„��c� ��t. �txo.c��� relatang ta �h-e �uts�icatinn af rnaet�age f�areclnsvre nntices� "!�e ��ewspaper eon3plies +�zth t�� ��nditions descei�d in 55�0_�33, subd I, cl€�use f 1 j�r ( i)_ If ihc �n�cv��spaper's kn€�+m €�fEorx; n.f i�sue iy ]�u��ec1 in ��ounl}� �dj�enin� the r.;caunty wber� lbe �t�rty��geci pr�mises r�r ��tr,e ��rt of �I�e �rs�srt.��xg�d prefllises descri�eci in �h� r��aic� are lc��t�d, a substantial portion of th� new�spaper's c�rculation is in t�e 1a�tt�r caunt�. ��:� ��-� j�.�-� ���;��t�a ����t Sub�cribed and sw,�ozn tc nr af�ireneti befare u�� �am Q�I��1�4:8 �y I3a�lc�� MacPh�rson, � � --- � - •�---� , r��t�y� ���. ���`¢� � �'���;� R.",'+'h�C1�V�,�:,D�MARS� � ��'�"� } ,��, ra.;'�.av aue-[.�C 1+�*i�, SL�TA �°j� & +�IV �_�ry'1"rrviS�iCx•� E�l�t'H5 J3. � w1 [�JIv �PPe� �w��. •r�y, � !ti'ate IISf(9Ck7YaitU:1 (1}Lovr�s7 C��SSIF9C� TdlG Il'h9Ci FF�' Ci}fSllil[f€1%� iLSfCS f{7C 4;U]]]j3dfd}JjG Sjki{iC: S18_5�} peC c�oluina inch Ad II� $41337 �,- ����� ,� M1 �SD 1a OG` C'} � ��... 4�`.�w� �ti��:r� � ������ r a ..�; ", S+. �] � � n a rc? � 7 rt!'a ePW� N* t's t� .�,� y � � LL �' H � � � � � r � �� � - ;y 'h � �` � � e �.�, r,�,r� � -r. C� :'� �.. l:� :�, - r.: n.T:- � �r �a� � r.�r.`�7�� 1�'e�i�e�riu�ain °��� C`. Q .� ..4 OC' � �� .'.�.` � � � � i�` .�.0 '� � tf C�` �"1` � � � G9 !f# !�! � � � en +tJ� ait `, j � f:;. :i �l � � � � � � � �a s8 r 5g �n e�.l c c C tL fti � RA1 ^ C ff; ,�, � y �, �. �' tr v: �: c ;� � � `� +��s i `-' � r+ � i'l c,� m rn � n�i � [S G m � � n� r � ifi G �-i �v � .�+e4�ir}t%r}k � � }�#} " � iA. i: [�} r5 !v ca n � � sa� vo�mon� u.�€} �17 {wd r404 r� f� O �C 6a {_� �," [ti [W ¢v �iv ' 5�� ir3 iH +E# 49 ^' t=� � r� � ar q�i �i] � �y .? N ,� ,� '�'- � �5 t � � � w -� � � � �� c3 O�Yi��i���ni I�CI f+.#`+` �C} C+ i'+l Ci 4'i5 O �7i �D +A 4 �t9 rb r- � a ni tra �w �; aa aa w w ai�s T7 � L'J �S a'f A} GS �^ L^. t] T� R� T�� + L� � C; � dy Gy r rw r4u�rv ru�r:r ua y}- y} ,ry ,.� � �'� � ' ['1 [-'f b} r1 4� � B1 G} C] N iQ .f5 N} � V GS � ��"� ��g�� {i! rIj � � ti4 w ui �u� ar'a W�� � � �" ci � m `° � �, �� �� v� �� � o � � a � � a� � � L ._ � � � .j � r � j � r � � � � # � O ._ p a'1 @ C} � �� � € � �'` E � ' 3 C "'e' r. Lu; m Cx y a°�' 9� r �s � � � a � � � _ t $: +� Q c � � x u �% �. � a' v x G � � � � � � 3n o�, c � 3 �r � � c � � � u � �� u� x � m � � � � 9 } 5 � x� r � V z, v: '� � � � � � � t � � � C .0 � � M t] .� i 6 � m '� � � � E � ? � � C e��m _� _ ` � � � � � y i � � � � �._ � � f.l M .C] 4h '� � � � o � q � E .� e�n � � � � m - �� � r r� � � '��. ' t � R 'J C L � '1 10 ._ 4] � 6] yr� C � rs :� x sn � m � �� 3 fl � � J � �� � � � o � ,Y '-� � � �� ��� _��� . � � � �_� O � ifT Julie �Cherne From. Sent: 7a. Subjec�: A#tachments: ��rah R�thlisb�rg�r Fir��n�e fVlana�er �City [�f dvlc�rlti�:�ell�, MN Tel; �63-�71-3�f�1 F�x; 763-�9�-44�74 �ar�h �athlisbe�rger �rlon�a}+, Aug��t 6. �£�1� 4-�7 P�ui Juli� Ch�n�y �W, ��CM Inv# 6�D9�� $3�7.66 ECN1 08��'18 $387.6�,pdf NDT�: 'f'he er�n�enfs �f i�rss �-rnc�rP m��y ��rr��ar� ir��r�rrraatrcar� thr�C is 1e�e��+'Y,pr���rege�i �arrd%ar eorrj�7dentrt�P to t�t� rr�rrre� re�i�rer+t. This i.r�fbrrrrataarr �s rrot �� be u��e�d �y� [��y C�tis�r p�r�on ��rd/or� org�r,niz�[aor�. �t�e �rews ex�res5�€� rr� C�rrs �'�eurrrer�t �o r�ot nec�ss�rr�y r��fe[`� thc��e r�f �he Ci#y of NPor�r�c:e�Jo. ��r7�i� �csrres,�c�r��err�e �o or�d fr�s�f C`rty of a'11�ontifefi�� f�'t}'J�J"l7f?7�f1� C?{j���'E'S �5' SLliJi�'f� iCJ fl�1P ��V�Fr7�lt?5:7TC)' �f��l('Mi��!'t7E'f7� [iQ�C7 }a�l�'�fiiC.P..S 7�')f{ f?li?'J :lr� l'���L"'�US�'C1 �O r�7i '!`� [?f;F i iI'S. ��`�ft1� ��}+Il@ {��}��� ��fl�: �iJ1�7f'It�a�+, �4LJ�L65� �. ��Y� �;�� �� To: 5�rah R�tf�li5b�rg�r �5arah,Rakt�lisberger�ci.mc�nti�ell�,rrin,us� �Cf: Julie �heney eJulie_Cheney�ci.monki�ello,rn�_us> SubjeC�: F�+; ECN1 Inv# Fr2�7982 $387.fi�i �k��+. S�r��h pr�vid� break�#ov�+r�_ Fram; 1u�ie �hen�y Sent: ivlon[�ay, A�agust 6, 2[l18 2:15 PPu1 To: �h+�yn� �lberg cl�l�ra+,'r�r.C]tr�x�;s��:i_,rr�c:nti��lio.mr'.us� S+�b�e[t. ECNI Inv# 6��}98� $��7_6� - Wayr�e Atta�hed is ECM Inv�t 62Q982 fic�r C�e 201T Anriu�l Disclosure 5taterrfe�C_ C7k�y ta p�y ��i87.6�� Pl��se prc��+id� cvdingf breakd�ov�un by TIF_ Th� nk�, ����}��4���� +C�RRECTR�QA+ lV��h?� ��,�e; ���w�t �, ta�� TO: Juli� Cl�eney, �in�nce As�sistant F4tC�M� 1�im s, EcQ t velmpment l�at er SU��EeT: Rel ion Ben efit �lairns urrder the �nifarm Relrt�caxi�n Assistar�ce,�et — Mary Sv,renson ACC��h?� is a ReI�C�tton k�enefit [I�inn p2cke[ f�r Mar+�� 5�ver��on. I�aave revie;v€�0 the cl,�im5 �rep�red tr� ilie kl)t� c[ansu6tc��t, �e�ny Rol�j4rent Rolf, 4VSF. � Assor.iates, lnc- Thiey are kr nrder and it is fine [C� pr���ceed with p�}rme�n� of the �lai�'�s. Pay�nent and Purpa�e Surnmary ,q�nount of PaVm�nt _ P�Vee . Pur�CaS€�� � 1,3$�5.L0 h9ary Swensa�n �uSwTtesS Re Est�'blishrnent 38a � 4.9��.20 �"Iar �w�r�sorr _ Mox�ingCosts -- � bP�"8�.20 Tatal Tf�e [:€}diiir `or tfie claims is to be �et�rmined by �V�yn� a�dlar Sarah as it is related to and similar tr� th� reG2nt {�roperty a�q��i�iti�ns com�l�ted by ih� E�A. If +�c��u �+ave any qu�stioi�, let rrtie know, 74�ank yc7u, '� ������ ������ � Juli+e Chen�e Fresrn: �@f1t: Tc�: Suhject. +��tachm�nl�: ��rTa ���r�s TLJ25�dj+. �yd�{�LfSt �, �'{�''�$ �:�j� PM J�lie Chen�y� FW: Mar}f �w�r�san Payments R�+vised Sigr�e�d Memo #1 r� I�ela�ation �enefit Pavment,pdF Ju�ie, correction Sw�er�san — See Rev;s�d Memo and Y�Ilt�w Firghlight below_ Fr��r�t; 1im 7h�res 5e�t: 7uesd�y, August 7. 2t�18 2:0� PM Ta: Juli� CFreney �Julre_�f��ney��a.montit�ella_mn.us� 5u�xect: RE; Nlary Sw�nson Payrru�ents lulie, tr��t isc�irrect�� shown bel�w. 7hrank yau. FrGm: !ulie Cheney Sent. Tuesda+y, August 7, ��18 1;00 F�rl Ta. .Jim 7h�res �J� ir,.Thar c� �,�,ei. rr�nn° i� r, llc;.;°r� r�. i, �,> Suhj�[t: Mary Swensa�n Payrr�ents � - �im p did fin� an�th�r claim yc�u subrr�itted #r�r 141ary dated 7f�6 thatwill go ir� t�his hatclh. ft is fcar�l,j�}5.74. I mfsunder�to�d and th�u�ht it was irl the last �atth. S�orry �baut that. SC� I im she�win� two payments to her; �1,19�.74 &��;i3:3� $6,2$�.�C1 =$7,477.94 If this Ps not correc[, let me knr�w A�AF_ 7hanks, ,`�r�,,= � rz:���,et� Fin�nCe ,4SSi5t�nt City nf �4Jivnfiicella ���-�i�-3�CJ5 Ju I�e.Chen�yC�ti.rnvnti eel f�.mn,us �4pC�c`.r�or�t ��e I���m,n.us .�; ��nt� }��� �'m�ai1 �orr��p4rtc�errre tc a�ad frorn th�e �it� �a{ Marrtr`e�IJd gov�r�rr�er�t offices r`s s�r�,�ect io tF�e �iia�e�ot� ��averr�merrt �ata Prv€�cti��s Act rrr�d rr�rry �� +dr�s�f���d' �o thr`+� par��es. � QCCUpancy �Days} ❑�a9 �lz�d R� en s: 41ary Swenson C�IsF. hr� S.F'_ MEnnesota De�artrnent of Trar�spartation RE��TA�LISkiMEl�7' �i f��'7�'�P6�: J�B$ �YEF fOF C�e�RltfOrY$ I.�iCkF.6W�fi�Ij�2fFIBlF��S� �` P3rceG w �fL�l id Fed No C�unt�-- Acquisiti€]ne Q Pevrding � Atcepted P2��ef (�rrner. ;INarnae•('.+�r"4n} iYt2fj+.�iVi$fY�Ql1 _ . . �,dtYr.' 1'4� PiCi9 Skreei fd➢�►1 4 Z417i08 GSi �Ai��f8�S9� 0 �4'Y-pfCJ}I� "' - � F�rm � Gc�verrxment DAdvanae �parCial �Ir7al ❑ �m. �pmaln i5placee Naf��(s}:,9�1�r}� Swenson ccupancy Date: {74�2Oi0 � Cywner C] T�nanf lie�lblllty C1���?. O�F2a�2418 A�qLJi�ItI+Ji� D�tB:03ai5�018 �Flo�iu�f ir/49t 9� P�GM9N9 41f�j fdde9ermrhetl c4a'Pentlfiq'� �ubmitked Arrr[[ru�rt $ C�isirick �+pprovatl� AgEr�Cy A,p�fOval: ww�n.nu.nan Date.1lp;¢�rcatis�s� Fs�sps�ed�, Vendar No.: AtRn, Fl�ia�ce� Mall C-�i Addressee(s)` Mary Sw�nsan Mailing Addf.: 25$1 155"� 5t. �5N i,3$O.a�} w�e idli• Clty, St�t� 21p" f�l�ntioello, MrJ 55362 LCICATIOhI OF REP�ACE�u1E�7SITE Fa��lity Nar1e _ —_ �ndicrType: AnR4q�esi]�.+mtown Str�es Address� �49 J��kson Ave hNJ � ��It�, SfBC� 2ip' Elk River. Mhl 5533�0 1. F?gpeirg�� �yrpt�rQ��T��laln� re�lac�mgn� reAlprppefty reatired by �aw ec�*e, oro-rtlutiance _ ... _ .... ... . � 2. Mad:Fcasio+a� �o ihe repla�err�nl �nper�y to aocorrwa�od'at� the business ❑peretivn .. ... ... ........._--..�_........,,,. :,, .3 3 Constn,cuan and inss�Patio� 6f �xlerior �igniru� lo actveraose iha businass .... .... ....�._ ............. ...... ... ......�....._.... _� d Re�8C8f:i[iorti 4r replatemenl r.cr�is Gi 60�Si sr wofn SUY�a[;65 aR the rgpla+�menk Sl�e ................. ...._..... ,,,, ,.,, .� 5. ,adve+tis�ment nithe ra,pl�tasri�nt�aealicn .... .. ... ..._ .... ............_....._.....,..,,, �,............._....._..,....,,, . ,,,,.,,5 �.. -.— 6. E�lim�ted I�rcreat�,b costs of op��atia+r durir� firsC � yrs _ .......... ............ .... �, _,.6�as�s. C�es, insuee:�x, etc.) S 1.380.001 7. Other'fern C4;ktse3Sehk��l, fe�StiP7�dle �nd nece�sary [u neest�171t�h ................{confirrtt eRi�ifii�iy �e1sLh9AaAgency} � � -- TOTALTHIS CLAIM ,,, � ... ....................................................................................-.,.e......,,.(rn�x9mum b 54.aCQ.9Oj � i_,_1.a8o_�a _,_ Tnlal R��gSBbl�#hm$r1t �I�ifl15 Paid-Tfl-Gale (in�l�.�iru� C�+IS Cl��rnj :...... tg 1,384.00 > ellglhlerema�nln�gReeslad��hrr�a�raa.r,�nsescss++nabt� :........................� ds3,�o-2d.�b R�sItlQnCy Cerllflratil on; Fe�eral lyw �q�lf�hs terlifie3tion ol 'e5�den�y 3takus, Rie�se cnAtic 9he cete9�Y oF cC,�pplete E�e s2cki#n b�l[r1Y lhat applieas le yqur p�.�p�fl� gRalus i�m Nhe Unitled SteEes (Ba� pvarl� �y{inr2��nsJ. Your aign�kure Go15s1Piut83 OEAifit�tion. 5t7[a Prn�rie?orsh'�: 1 certiFy� thal I�m a uniked SlaRes �9�en []I an alien �MAu�ly pd�sens in th�e 4Jnft�d Slate� �a Unile�' �tat�� naRrnrsal [� � non-L0.5. citixen n�t A�es�r� I� mhe Uniied Slates Parqrrershia l pertify thak th�re arn perin�rs in the ��rtner'�hip and thar �re C31�sena �i Ilte Llnil�d St�te�, BrMtl+tlr sr� �I.ien3 savr,,uy ;pFesen t �n me �unieea S�a�e s, and �r� n�n-U.S. clslzans n�ii prasant in Ih� �p� �lBtl .4te9e5, �or�aratin�n. ; certifyrfhak _ is esk�blished by lawand �ul�scri�d iacanduci hvsin���, in [h� Unit�d 5ta�as. �laimarrt Acknnwledg�ment: I, dh� un�ers�g�ed, do h�retiX c�rtiFy lhal t�e ah.3,re rnf�rm�ilon Is krue artd c�rre�et �nt#Ihal doEurr'enlakion aia�hed �er�t� SCCUf512�y r�pf�5�n"5 el �i�le expenses. I alsu ee�1�Py kha[ I ha+ae nM pratrinuaty submlRSed n�e rr i pbyr!e�l Fur �ny ex�ensb Subm l9ed vrth kh�5 Cl2im. �FFIC'.IAi. US� C7NLY: ICo�Yrren�s] �Ukr10FIZEd � ` -- ,51�f12�liT�; �' �� N�iYaL' kprinSl j��!! � � �f�{ �L-!/� ti � Tekephone: � ~�,� ,_���� �2tE:�' 5ee 4yec fyx �efiniilons } Aekrwwstdge�nent(sJ �re-esta�lishment[ases [IairR �a�e 1 of 3 Rt1A33 Re esU4lishmenf �La�'s CW�m 'e.2V9 7/4� �.-,. - ., ._ _— --_`— I�FLICw1f3LF liF��'Y"ABLf4HMH N"C �XP`FN�F:� The }0ll�wing Is a nanexsluslv� IPsfJrst� ef ree�kablishrn�*rrl expendiiur2S not cc�r�sid$red �� bs rea�nnahle, nec�ssary, Qr otlti�rwlce eligi�le; I 7, F'urehase nf capital a5&et5, auch ��, of7Jcp furnitur�a, illlrog cebin�[s, rn�G�linery, or trade fiselure�. I �, Pureh��� O� rnanu�actuein� rnd#grial�, praduexip� �upplies, prpduet inuaniory c�� �Fher Etems ug$d in the nr�rmal course �f tha du5Fn25� operakion, 3_ irtterast vn mor��y harrowed tv rr�ak0 �h� m�ve or pe�rcha�5e the replacern��t ptvperty- �, �ayment� lo� p��t-tl�'r�e hu�ines� in #he hflm�which dGes r�at•'Con�ribt�te 441�terlallla" k� th� housah�ld an�0o�te, [anarlbue� MR e�aiaFlus The lerrn "mnerih.:� �n �,e�iall}�' mqi�# Fha9 �urngllee . caxa6lc veass p�;oi io t9,� ta�ab5e year �n wlti[r� pjypt��e�,�n: o[[urs, �r dur iny yush 4iher perir,d as khe �,gcn4x del�e rm�nzs to ae more er�u i[ahle, .� pe� seness or Farm npq�r��iprt; S- iia� average annual gross r�c�ti p�s oF a[ least 55,�; �� 7. Had aMerage annual nq�s g�rnings sf at leac[ 51.�40; o� 3, Cantr�buted ai Iras� 33�i 7i aF �he oswnee's ar pF�rat�fs awerade annuaP grass ineome irom all snuree s. 4. If ihe a�plica I Ipr} �P �.n r a ba�re [�ite r�a �r��7�r s an Inequeiq ar t�,ar�lyhi�f in any glv�n K�$�r, khe Ageney may .ap, rqa� G.h e use o# olh�r �:pRrflRr��:.a � rikrri p. Cititenship 1 Immf�ratlan Tarms Deflned 49 �FR 3:4.2(a� �1j A!itr� rt�tr[ Iowy�eoPfy pr4FFVl [�F7 l.�J@ UrIJt#d S$OifS. T^. e phra're ".I-�.c�: nc.t la�.vFull'i p:e3 rn i i� tne :;n;asc5 5ta t�s" m�a�7, an a IeM v.�Fn ii n nt " a,trf�ll}t �rFSE'Vt" In kh� LJ3. d5 cl�r•('ir:td in 8 CFR 103.13 asld `:ntlii�,ies: [i] A� a1=en pr�y�nS ie+,h� l� 5. whv has rnoY heen ��Imil�ed orparpl�t� anla the 11,5. pvr�uant tn �hr Imr-ii�rati�n aeG �I.paiQnaf•[y,Act (8 U.S.C. 11�1 eYSPq I��d whasr. $sxy'in the U,S, has no1 heen �antharired by the u�vtr�[ St�kcs Atlarney General; #nd, { dj � n a �r, whm i� Rresenl in th� dt.5. aftrr �hr rKpi ratioat of the pCraod af sta+f a �thorugrl �y 1 he �.lni�ed 5; aies Ai tqrney �ienera I�rr w�,p p�h�r�iy� w��aieg � I� le�ms and condit�ns afadmass+en, p�sole or aus�•5ratkaSrY lm s1a�y in 4he U.$. • Aliens: Aliens zre peop[c wha h� IePt [emlgraecdJ d d�yrcit,n couniry trs xh� �J ni[ed States. Tt�ap ��au._� s•vR*e oF th�e sam� fri e.3oms cr�d IPgal rig�is as LI S. iI[I2P.11i� �uI SM�y Gtinnol 9mte �� n IeCG4n3, ' Resident a�iee�s_ n f�rrignerw+ha Is a perma,a�rs rcvder[ of kha cuuntry in ��hich he nr ah� rs�id€s but daes nna �av� ri�4eenship. ro fai� undcr this tiass�i,r,a hi{m in khe U S., Vov need !o ei�b�r �wrrenily hati•g � grQen casd or Fave h� d vnr in the las� �alenp,tr y¢ar,1'au slso falJ unds+ Che tl.S. zstcii���,i.lQn ,�t resade��i alle n If ye�u h dwe been sn khe u.5. for dt days or rnnre �ur ing the cu!rer t yeav �I�ng �i[i� hawqng ber.n im She U.S. for aS ICast i$3 daxs ov�r � qq.ree-y�ar period tha[ mclu�es the cun�n� yraF. ' Nan-Resi�ier�t AliQnf: p°nvn-U.i. cikiF�n' wha doesn't �.ass tihggr�rtn ca�d Lest ae Yhe sW B¢sanl��d� peesen[e tCil_ I� b nan�[+tlxen [4rrr•�tly hasa green G�rd or has 4ad a Rreen ca �d in i nr p� kE caiendar year, hg�d ihe would pass kh� gr�r� Kafd kest and wpuld 17ec�assidued as a rCUCe@s al�en. ;f the in�iwi�ual has r�sided in th.� ,Y.S, For 31 daqs or mp,g in the currenY year ar�d rtaided in the U_5. ior marethan 18� days uwer � Yhree-y�ar �ri��, includin� [ne eurrem y�ear, h� ar she wau'.d pas� ph�p TabSta+ntlal presence teal,nd he classrfwd a� a r��id>nl alfen. ' fMSkipn�'��. Afnptk�fl N�ii3R�l� �r�!+�tiv2; GfJlm�r'r�a�. kerrilcxial prsse��s.s�lony.TFity iave alf Ihe legal prot�ect�ns whitk� citicrn3 have, huE the-g d� nvt have thr i'uil pn]Isital rlgh7l gi US cstiaens. Areoeding 4u $ u.S.C. §34p� i� it possible ka be a U.5 n3kia�a I wi�Yhaut hamg a�1.5 [�lixen. A perSorF whmsE only cmr.nec� fon i,� 1 hg U.S. is khr9u�h 61rth 4n an cruLlyina �4ilesaiqn [af 2.p05 �.t� ilmi9xd ko Ameri:an Sam�a and S�s+a.ir,s .slanda, Or �hr�ayyh descen[ fronR d p�^�rypn so born �{quirg4 �J.S. Natlo�aldy hr�i- nOt U.S, CiY�xensh ip. ihl; x�ag dq.rmzrl.y Ide [a se in [atP,rr �1 5 posse�eions� • Gu,�rn ll&9'8 • 19561 I�i7raenshlp gran��� by an Att ol GangeesS� • PuerRa Ri�a [1898 - 14171 f�fluer�shlp gr�nRQd by an M�k o� Ge ngr�s s� ' U.S. :'�rgln Islands f1417 - 192T1 I�Ia�sfinSn+R E�enked by an dtt uP CpngrQ,yy NaL+onals x�hu ar� ner G'sri;g.ns yannok vote or hpl� �9M ked aFfi[e. Mow�v�r, s7��r ma4 reslde �nti� xvq: k in .the Rln itktl Si�tes withc�t res L�itly0n�s and appEyfar uti3e�sdrlp vnr�t; sh,� same rules ai psnc� r��r�g�t aliens. Not all U.S. n�4�onal� �r4 �.�, ciSixens; haw�ever, gll V,S, cikieens ace U.S. n�tipn�l;, indeed, °J.S. pas5por7s noainallym}k� na dis7in[kaon �@Rwren the t�o, m�a�tio+�ing only the bearer"s natipnal,ky, not hi sJher �ii�xenship. � C1�.9��n{: PB1301YL b6Pfl I� RA� I,J �:. 4f [IP U.S. EtLI8Fr1i in t�r�,$x� {puntrFes ase [i9it�n5 mf the i�nlie� Slalrs. Persons 6oen In OSMe�r tQ��nkri�i whq�w�n+, to- bewrr�e �rliq�nS m�as! apRly Par and p�35 i C�Ri aens7� ip test. it�ose whp 4ecrFme ci tixeni in ttii� ma nner a re natu r� li;�tl ti1 osens. � Nakural Bayrn �ikiFrns� A"nakural hpen ��girrnn is a person h�prn lie S�C SefriS��y [r�the 0.15. £o-r Lo U�ited 5iai�s.r�f Ameri[a [�tlxen parr�ks. " Watura4zrd �€Itlxens; �1 "na9vril,r�eJ cilizen" is san�eunr vsh✓r was nal b�m on 11.5. 5p1. ;ne�4 s4�er@ r.pS e tilaeen �f iliE e�iur�try yv+:e-�s thev ++'q�+d 4orn, aut tiave gonr tiva��gn [he prq��S+ #I becom�r g a ci!ixPn. � dc� h�egby �Hirre� �hal, fa tha� q��1 of my kn,owiedr�e, Che displacee is g�iyrbf� fer qualifi��l Rees9abl,shrr+�rll aelmbursemerrk9, Eascd r�n di�pf�Cee's occupancy af sh� p2rrel �s � place oi eC�br�omic zctiuily a1 th� iime a+f the ir�i1i81aon af negr�lialro+lS: andJor �C Ine rirne aF the p�+C�ls �cquisilian. I Furih�r �,�frm t`�sl the displaC�e �{ualiFes �49 C�� Pt. �4� �s a"displ�ced person". i5 a s.�nall �usfnes�, T�rm or non- prpf�l �rganixai;on, and is lher�iC�r� �nii4lsd t4 reCeiwe F�eesia�lishm�n� payrngnljs), ro! t+� exGeed $��,�Ot] {�,95. §117.5i}, !�r eligihle� 6 exp�ns�es ackually incurr�d in r�l��xi�g �nd r�est�bliS�i�r1g Su�h smal9-busin�g�, ��r e� �r rron-pr�fi���g�nix�' n�! � eplacernen; s�[e. �� ��- -�_ . � ��e.. -�.. � . �9��1�{�Y �— /�i' .. ,r % G� . .. _ --, �3` �elace;ian AAuuS�• �� — � Re es!a�slishmentCastsClaim ���e � a� Z FiL:fl3] K � o° � ' � i ¢ �; _ f f d; , M � I � .�; �: � . � �� ! ' ! ;e� � . � ! - ! i , ; � � i, ' � � : � , � � , � : 0 � � b ' I � 4 � � � � e � � . � i i � � � i I I � � � � 'L ' � L � I � j.� I a �� . ' � — � �'__ � ��._._. � � ..... �x ' a � _ � I r` I - n o vi �y . I � � � ..I.. � ' � � I ~ � � . I . I � Ha ; L--�--���--% -- -- -- : ' .' I � ' � I I . i I I. . I � — I I . � . ..I M 1 � a� . � r, n a ' I�i � , n m J I � I � � „. ' � ; i� - I _ +�' ! 5/r ' � rn I—1 . � I . • I I 1 � � . � � I � � � I . ' . � ' � I ; i a . I y , I � I� 7 � N I I I ! � . � • I I � I 9 i ° � + c � . ` �-'g � 3 I � � i I � � I 4 �' �[ � 4 . i � ��V` � I p� G ��i y L � I � � .@ � �9 . � �� 'c � . il i I I . � � � -I 4 � I � � � f+� � � 08 ; I�`� I � c � u E� I°q c� . I � I I G I .�� �I !��.0 � � � f _ I R �. � � a� �.. a� � L a 4 � 4 rA �i' ia�. � .. � t �, �� � 4' � � '7� : �: �S ea Z E � . , � �^ j . � � o � � � X � � " v I � � � i. a � 1 . ,x' � ,��.���� ia��— . � �� �v �; -a I O 4 7 -J 8.:0 � � � fC �aG w� 2i � 5i r.s b� 4 �I ti f4il _�9 � v- Phl �� � � �i ,8 i _ _ _ . � L I QG�CUD�n�V !�]a}�s] 0�99 �>90� P� e� s: F��ary Swerssafl o��k s.�. �J.ti3 +City of �IontiC�l�o M[�lilNG �D�Ts '" rmpuM�nf: Sa�bm, r Prr�irrp�iyA€�e• hfarQ •' ❑ Resld�n�� ❑ Ad_ pevi�e ".7 Govern��r�t C] �t��r PP a+ E�usine�s L] F�rm Q Ncan-Ar�F1t Parc�� FfOj ID F��IlVa. C�suttGy _ Wri�Y�k Aeq,�IsitiOn; ❑ P�nd�ng "� Ac�rt�Ate�l ❑ -m, f.�main Parcei i�wner. (NemrorGaFt,�nj i4��1+/$p���Sfl P�reel Addr. 1ii3 pir�e 5treet Gity. St�le Zip: hrf�niicell4 h9�+1 5536� ��EL4�CA�IOM Cifi,IN1 ELlCa1�31LIT'f � C+ispl�Cee M1tar�7�(sj: aula 5w�nsdn C)CCupaney Q�t�: �4F�01� ❑ �']w.nar �d ienant Eligibila:y D�t� U2�,�OY���B ��qu!$itiqn �ate: �3115d2�18 (Wa�o Of i�leri a PUrcha�� pRer, {ir deleririnned. elf* �'pa� M��S �ubrr�iltg� Amaurvt � DAdvance 0 RartiaJ �Flrral �istrict A��pr�val �.g�ncy ,4�prOval; TN/Iqllllq■ Det� r$pplic�li�n;�pp�s���d. �Vvndc�r Nc�.: �ttn, �Inance: IYlail C�k TL5' �'C�{�f@SSE��$�. ��� "u'1N�f154It �lailir�� �.ddr.: �58i 155'" st F�N Cl�y, �1�t� � p: !,4Jrk�;.ella, h,1iV 5�3i37 i�7CATCpN P�R50hJh,� PRCiPERTY MfjV�Dl Fa�cFlity �f�me �ndfarTyp�; ,Antiquos dpwntowr, Str�B� Ad{if��g; �SI�,�d66S54R AY� � �Cify, �tat� Zip; E[k River F,SN SS3�Ci �2[e(s; Df the M�ve: gegin. QGt01,+2G1 B E�^d: -_f��ndinq I�J�m� 4F �lclV2f(5): Saff-�±1[�v� F4R QFFIGW4 llSE C1kiY IGhe�k c�ej - � .- iUlOVINCa CC75T �1p���?�y: �] �����n�isl Sche�al�6esis � RepeiyR'SlJkttual �ask ❑ P+17n Ftesidenii�l �ir,Jl�gtima9e ' ��""`�`- Resldoncy C$rSi��et�u�t. Fe�eral �w requires teFiificatiqn oi �esk9ency sl.atus. Ple�se check iire �I�Egcry ur �4mp�ykb lhe s�i�n i5�lwu r.7a[ BpplieE ta y�ou ar ypuF o�Cupancy sk�l4ss i� !hC U �lileci Sta��s, YflU r�ignatu� ��Mgtitules c�ft�F��li�r. I certily tha! I�m: �� �pn �r nstia�ral of ��� IJniksd Ste1�5, Gr � �urther eert:Fy th�k Rheru a++� �, p�r�aris in my haUsahoid: �aha❑k ana� ��r, alien lewtvlly prese�nt in tne Un+r�d §tatas, or kh�ai are citizens u� rat�cn��s df 9�e ll�ita�J Sta!��, ❑�ia alien xtith pe�on�f p�6perty lauel�Ily pst�senC in �� are aii�ns lawfulh� �resent in tne �n leg Siaies. Itre llni[ed S�a1�es $�sle Pr��rietorshiu I certiiy 1he� I,�m � a Un+le�i S1aL�s citizs.n � 8n 2IIEfl IawfUlly �rGSgnt in th� �Jrj��{ �<a;gy --- [] 8 Uhi1�� 518i�� n:llr4rl�l ❑ x nG�n°CJ,$. G�i�en npl. pr9S9n! i�e 1he V� ildd 59a1s�5 F3�knershfp: I Ce�t•fy it�9 ther� �re �artn�rg in lhe paMr�er�hlp antl lirat af� �itizens pF1ne Vn�ted $ta��y, ��y,-�fl� are ali�ns lawfu ly presenl rn Ehn Unel�d �kaies, an� ara n�n-I}.� �i��na nol pr�saM in U�a Lr�it�� Stalr+s. G4fpOdAl�on: a ca�r:ir� khak __ _ aS estaWlshetl Ly law er�d ��utha�z�� �4 �ndutt busin�y� �A th� U+�i�� Slatea�. �laiman; Acknawledgem�nt I, t�+e an�ersign�d, do hefebyr pbRify qM$� �i�g 24oue iniqrm�tion is i�us pd �aRec� ar,� 1'ha! d�tum�nlnti�n atlaci�� h.�ret�o a�curateip repre�ems eligik�le expenses. I�Isn ceriiFy thas I h�ve nai prau�ivs�y su�rniAtre nar rece� r�,€�i Par any expense suMn�lked yr,1r Chc# cl�aim, _ 4�FiFICIAL G�E [�NLY: (Commenta3 AUTh4fILBd �j� � r i � Sign�kur� ��� . �� ' ,� + ,�� � Cf �i� � z�� �� ��911E (ptini}: �� -- � T�I�phane� � ��� ����� �al�: ,��`,�`� 1' � hlow�ng £ nsts IAoving Casls Page a oi 1 �Li 032 0 3Q17t69 R.�:S1T7��YTlAL'4'io�`�[I� ��D��5 IilS�l'12C�1{1[15 �[3�' Sl1E1f11111111�, �+4U1' CailJl� Thc Slnke s4ill allotir residc�tial rr�ov�n,� rx�,rnscs to a dispinccd in�ivi�lual �sr fsrnisy basrd oa� cit:�cr a RGc7�4 S�ficprJ�E ur 2,n,bur��,isrnr iu_ ACTii?.f. �tfJSTS a�4urred ,qsa 3is�+l�cer ycr.c ati��ll b� 3skr:1 �,� sciccr th� rxxih�i rnusisuirxblr� }�au; nccds. [MPf)iZTAItiTo ��ynsulf ancl th���u�hly [liscvsg mbving apE[�ns and mtt�rdds- �ith a r�IacbEfon ndvisor priArt+? maviog. ��C ��'�I� �L`:114f1bI fEII71i3L1f$� �'Q{I fOS '�Il}' d�f�f6h{}n 44°f}�a;.h �7ygj� �;}�yg�IIcISC d hp1714 i�rttprrrvcntintl. The r4ge:scy 541�� I1QS �q}I15L4�Cf, �Y3�+ Qj ['$.I777q741f56 J�siP owertimc c�ar��s, ex��p� an�mergenc,y �iivasinns�sdeaEr,noncc� beforrhand by a�rSta[taf f�lmi7cserta. Payme�ls b}' Runrn Schedule L'�sdcrFhis r�7eiha�!, puym�cnc is ct}mputed s�n thc nuinhc� ro-Crn=❑ms ir�your res��iciice, exziusive ol�lypic�l �.lasers, f�archts, �aautrics, hulhrco�sEs, halhz�ays, Cllll"rJ19CC5 8P 8J1j+ unf�misl'�d rooms. F. hastm�nE �ir�y h� �nnsedsrrd one r��am unles.s i� ha� L•�cn sr�aarated I�I6 IIw313dL' itSL�mS 5uC11 85 H�tlr[ar.=m� pr I"2CrGali4fl f6O1735. 4L11I1�ifdinp� USCd CiSf SCOr��{c pta:rposes m1y �x154 be e�urre[I hv t�e roam b�is. fi�4 Q�eusank Pr�uides Furr�Flure Y y 7148 CJCcu �S 14@i Pravf�� �� Ufnl{uFB Li�a�ms a 2 3 d 5 � 7 � 8.4�1d�1€�rral Ra�s Raoms 1 Add er,n�l F�bbms lifrit�ur7t SS75 725 5�25 1125 132�a 1525 17�5 1�25 �y�7�dE2�h Arrlc�r�nC SA5fl �1:���E.�Ch �aymer�ts k�y l�eceip� or Aclua� �ase Undcr this me[hu�C, �lie �;tuc rtiay allou� r�imhurssnoent !ur reaso€�able und nrcess�ry {as da[ern7i�7et� by �he ig���}'p �xpcn :es �ncs�tfeQ im m�vin� y7��r ne•sanal �,ro�res}= Fnr � disiancc nc,< <n ::xccc i0 milww. '�his is r3ni ar- ntijiFsla���ifl fnr incanvenie�aces whirh h�v� nr�c:urrcd 4r fua iimc IasR ak yuur 7L'�{II�7Y U4C'1�1dIltill, �4VI�T7P K.Y�J15E5 L41II IJ� �!$14� L[�H7FBl"i]IR4}Il,vn�e� �.���h jMe followin� °ns�nifirioiss [. LVhen y�m are moW��l by a�naFes�ion:�l tctuving comp�if}°, P�3� thc char�es ��d nhtaia a de�ailed, 9�ert�ixed reeeipte�i 4ill markr�l "}�nicl in Pull` �nd signcd k�}� � caiirpany rcprcyGntaii4e. �lKasr cookf r:�k� eli�.ittl��y�� �a•itl7 a Rel�x•d�i�,r� Aclwi�vr pci�r sn :he,wtiuvc. ?. lf ynur �yeisn��i pru�crL}' is mpued Gy someosc olh�w IMiun a pr,�f45�iori�l m�xin� �Qrtlp�rt}�, You m�.e51 suUmi�.an itcr��iz��' s[a[ciucnl s ' � 17�u�a€Ig If�r rLum4cr �r �ca�le hired, [ir� r�ttes per hvur Ta:�l, CI�1g5, vI5[I 6h� CiFIJI �s�7�7�5 tivn[IeeiE fCP E1tS� indi��idunl �n�i �he c v i77�i�t us'ed. I'le;� q� P 3e cli3cuss t��s,n�ihod wiEl� yuur Re[qcaiia�s A�d4isur pee�r ld �uewin� xncE ir�cueri�tg cxprnses. �. Yifll ryd4i.4S O4Jhi�5EtlLE Ihe 4nito�t7 p�ation caf th� IY�a�[ tri �his (:laim Form in ink. ,�5[��ch tu th�c �rigMaol oi �his fnrn�v �I7 required i�fornti�[eo-n n{�fli�ing W your nrovc and m�il s4 [Ir�. f[etpcat[�n 1ldvisor �l���w� �n i�t� lawee IcFi eot�i�r t�n ahe #'eq;�C oF[his Fd�rm �. ]n [h; tvcn! vou are fna�[iat:4' U11Rblc �c� pay� ihc maviFig rnm��ryy, sp�c;�1 mrrsnpci�acnts m,y hs madc tti�ish fhe. �?r.l�4a[i4rr ,hciti�iser t+� t�llow �irec��aymeni ur iia ��Ja��irrcc �ixyillCcsS Clnim. Chis ni;i,yj ���jnne tvCll I17 �ulwance [sCihrG �71{�wiii� ta6e I'YdI�N-1�E�IllE:I�TiAI. 11^^��uvg�lg �nsxs fi�Stru�.ti4ns %�r �ubmittir�n your rl9irn ]Zalcrc�uinri YC�'Ii�a7S9U71t sIIILFSV ardo4�;�ik e.x}�ci�scs �n a t9icpl�ic;rcl husincss, 1�:,nu u- i�ir�-p�'�7�i? Ga�aniza�inn h.�sed un ¢ctii�3 4ns[i ii4i�lfrt`t1 �n mc°+in�„ ��r3ran�il ��qpp�y fo� a cCislarrcc noL 1� exCteik 5[� nyil��:. E]o�vfver, r��telalit�its dcr �urt ullnw foi ih�:c�nvcrrien�r-.; tirl5;cts ma}� 4c�ue ur rcrr h�i�3���;5 tinic ]�rs . Itc�na?�u*se�77er�t Frtr �l��iblc nioving ��c�nsas will be rr�ndc s�ptin �vm�taantis �ri�h the fpllrstring irastnrctvo��,5_ IM�OIt'CAi�7': Cewisult flnrJ tharnu�shly discuss rtir�van� u�atians nnd rncthnd� wlll9 a rel4ca#io�i s�ilvis4r �prinr io en+�viag. I. WIl�i1 A Csiiluncrci�l n7�5'�'�rt i5 ��11pis��ed, 17�� mpve��� €r�s9s dir� [u tx. paiJ ui:d a dC1�� IICd reCe�ip[erl 5t�1Cilienl ah[ninC�d 2. In �l�e everrt yvu xwi.4h }��u� te�ul�r em�r3oyt'�g y�r 9y�akn th: �eyqyfi, I[ I� ru�uired Ilwk y6u mainteim ;i �p»aE7lelc rtcr�rfi Uf d26es, [�m� �vp���;�� �ncf u�ttiuui�'s puid !o a91 perso��sphysically ��rtq¢ipasi�s�* ii7 9ha mpvG, U'h�rge� Jt>rusepfc�iiiprn:.ma]ve��}t+J L�y [he l�sisiat455 i7say k�e.all��a�� �u� s]ymlf hc cunrparahle w �hosc raics charged by 1ac�l rernal agrncics. 3. Ynu r��ay eiec� ia �cc�pi the Irativar �f t+k�o [Z} c�iis�a�es f�r rnovii�g �JI qF y�rur persos�a[ pra�rrrty. These cnst c�r�i�ates ttii11 ho nbl7inxd I,y nc� S1gc1�Cy8nt`Il�ri.scntedifl}��u#ish'�up[inn. tiVlkh'11Yisrncth+a�l,noatl�ermavim��pykdocum�ens�si�iyisnetessary 4 You m�o37 tonr�iletc �hc L�attom �,r�ninn nf`!he FrOrYi of [hig Clryli7h FUrm in ink, All�Sci� to [h� ¢iFginal of tk�i� fqnn atll rcqi�;re; anFi�rmat;�n portain:ng �o yuur mnv� �n�4 mail tu iase KrIo�I:iora �ldvisQr shown an �hc iu,rrr Icil �orner on ihc frant of �his r'c�n,�, l-Ir� �yre�cy �vil3 nu4 �u�sider, pap frr ae'mburse iur �ver�imc ch�rgcs e�ccG�,; in cm�rgeru.y sijuatinns, a�s deierminc�l by the agc+rcy. �aym�ent mny also bc alEu4vcd ia thc a44n4r crF m��splaccd husiness �r fnlm aperale�r for �_Eva! rc�sonahle cxponses in s�ercE�ing for a rc�+lactment sitr, �i01 CO �69ic�� .�?,5�[�,�4, Such cxpcnsss ns�y includc vaansprort�Cion cas�s, a�rual ti�s.e, �r.d c�atay�i oilier ex�.+cnscs aclu�lly incur�eil IE@ $Cilf�hlllg. PL drenilcd, e�r[rfied �ttitcmcnt csf�s�eching expens�cs musl �cunmp�ny �he cl�im. I effirnn thak, k� ih=e bes! of my kno�a'I�dge, �If per�on�liy including �11 hd�x�rd�rus snd �r1�'IConmentally senslllv@ terial� auc� as p�tteries, tires, p�ink4, �P� , I�Ides, fartlllzg�g, iluorescent 11gl�ts, t�., � Y 60e�1`, � II h em�ay�d ira�n the paecal. •:v y/.� ' y `�<�t�c.� LF� �s��C� ❑isPiac ��ature Y� o�:.o I dn here6y aifirrrl 1�7�t, t+� th� besk of my kn�yw�ledge, d�splaCee is efigrble for reimburs�rn�nq crf +�Ikgible �1p�ing Cost's, r,�sed on rJis�l�cee's status anci oCC�p�+1Cy �bf the p�r��l al lhe timg pF Shl� iniliatipm pF neq4l�a#i4�55 �nd+or �R ihe sirTe of Ihe paeCetg acqui�ili4r�, I f�rlher a�rrri lhsC di5placee oua ifies �5 2`d 5p�ac�d p�rSpn`. and is enliCled 1e paym�ni ft�r ��ual, r��sonahl� and rSE:cessary mpeirlg 8nd eelat9d �xpense�5 f�f residenii�l �r n�n- r�slde�sti�E maue (4� G R PI. �' }, �s in � ate ��vrhere vr� tltisfanm. ��~� _�'� � � � H�lotaiian Aa�,is�r SignaL� r� p le � r` Mowirre �qsis Pagw 2 uf � RL1032 � E « £ W y�j E C 0 � a7 � � uS q � � 19 � � � � r-1 Q f"1 N �2 T � � �E�lalfN� ���'11�'#�1�5 l�f�Ca ,�{ +�.5. � �. P�:�� F�rc�l ��_ �t, _ �' - r '�'ri�#�E .. P��i�i #7"����r _. _ :----� _.�.� . .._.�� _ ... _ ., _ n�, . e����r�� � p�,t�o; _ � �"�}. r ��� p ,� � � �� a�r���� .� _ __ . - - T �-�—...._ -- — _ ._ ¢---- �� r,_ , ���� �4��+� _ � �r�s� Ex C�r:u�+� � ��ls i �� Rv�.�r��� � � �' � �, -. �. � �� `�.���?���"�" r��� �� � _ � � ���_ _ �,� . � � � � �� �� � 1 �. ���� � ��-������ � ��� _._..�.�� _..___--_ __..._..., .� .._� _. .. _. �. �� # - ._ ��'�� � _�,�.�� �.��� .. -- _ �1'��i�������_ ��fi't_ ����� f �'�1�.1�".I�%`�,�.��1.�����i _ +���''dd'fJ�Cl�,� _ trjdf �������. � ���.�����a�������� ` ���f� --- - - . �_�.� _ . . F;:��� ,,..�_,� .�.��.,�...:� ����- _._. - .. � . ����.�� � �� �� � �� ��� � ^�. c� �r� r�� •,�„�:;�: � � � � � �. .�� � � � � �� . �� ���. � : . �� � � ��� �. �� ,�� ����� �n�nn���iu�i�� [�4TE: Ju�y z6, 2Q�1S Ti�: Jul�i�eney, �inanc�.�st�tant �� FfiU�47; }JIm��7�'�n� e o rrr�nt ftiAanag�r 5, I! S U6JECT: l'�elo[ation B�ne�it tlaim� under the Uniform Rel���ti�rs A��istanc� Act – Mary �r�s � Aridche�l is a Rel�oeat�a�n B�neFit �lairrr �a�ket. I h�ve revicew�ci the Cl�irn prepar�d by the E cans�i9#�nt, Eirent R�If, 1+`J5� �. ASso[i�te5, Inc. It is in �r{�er �nd it is fin� to pr�c.eed with p� er�t [h� �la�m,. P�yrer�ent and Pur�oSe SuR�rtrl�ry A.rrsour�t nf Pa+yrr�ea�t Pavee __�.. --, ----- —P�urp+ase . ---- — � l,]�5.74 �^�1,ry Swensan B:asir�ess Re-'f���h m� � 1,195.74 Total p. .A�.. — 1 he Cn[�irag f,�r kh� elaim �5 4� b� �etern�ialetl �ry� UL'��r�e a�djt�r 5ara�s a� i1 is ee��#e�d �� �nd ilar th� r�c�nt pr�perty a�q.uis�tirns �eon��let�ed by tM�� fi�A. [f yr�u h�ve any qu�sticrns, �et me knra�. -ha� �n�. � � _� .� ��-� s � '� :`��— a ,_,. � � .� �� _���'�� �. '�4 � ��;� '� �i �.� ���0�%� � LJ L4 v . . �,�,!� C1c��pancy tClaysy - 0��9 L�J>_91� � h.�laf y Sw�a�50a°` �linn+�sc�ta Depar�me�nk pf TransporEataon F���ST�48L1Sh1N9�N� " �rr�pa�ar��: Sce Qv�r tor �7efiini�ron� lA��nowPect4em�ntfsJ •• � ��sines5, � iVoa�•Prafit ❑ Farr€r � G�rvernment L7Arivan�e C�P�rIJ�I �Final � tr,•;,n� �isi. �1 '�.P. P�r�eV C�S — __ Pra� I�]__� Fed hJ� G��ar1tY� .. __ '�Vris�hl A�qui�iti�n� ❑ Pendir�g �a, Ace��3led C� �r�7. ��rnain �c�f�G�� �44'F1#.'f I:Wanw Gr ��Iv]n} ��F'�/ �1h'�PI$QJl .. . . . _ _. _ . Parcel Addr. 1�3 Pinc Skreek �ubmitk��l Arcg��nt � 9,195,74 L7i5triC1 �}�proval: Agen�y ,�p�ro�ala Date ApploC�ki�n Appr�v�de Yendvr N�.: _.LL AG#n. Fin�nce; N1aiJ CheCk. To: �,�����:,, �,d[ireSse�(sj� h�1a�y Swr�n�an Mailing Ad�ir. 2581 155�" �k. I�NJ ,�,.y, �ta�e z.�. ;,,��, ,�,ce�sv rAa�l_ ;�3s2 .�._.__.._ ._ Git , �tat�_Z�� r�.9���i�e��e, r.�ra_ is?sz �ELC]�CD:TIQN CL+5,1IV� ELIGIB-fLITi' �_ LQCATIt�N �F REPLA�EM�dVT SiTE �}isF:l€�;;re ___wp... ���ili9yName hl�m�(S} P,�ary Swdens�sn .. -- . andfor �yp�� Antiqu�s_D4wnla�v;r C}e��m��ncy �ate: {�4�2f11�7 E7 Ciwncr Q Tenank Sir�et Addres�. ��9 J��ksun .kv� f�VW� ��iyibility L�ate: 0212Ca+'2Q1B A�;qui5�tipn Ga�e:�3l1512d1� �"��rr..� OI Inla^I 4' f'�.i�fi1785e �=�'lei} i;dei:�r.rnv�d. r,�3e "F'and:w9-p —�— -- ---' ��#y, St�te �ip: Elk Riv�R, �fV 553;� __ � �— . __e __.. _� e__ _ .—.__ _ : Rc�7�iis or irtE�roti�emenks kD khe rep��fxment re�P pc��efly r��q�ired by I�+n^. G���*, �f tlrci�nance ... ... ..,,..... S 2 hA-�d¢icai��ns �o ��e r�rylaCeR�nk p+6p�ERy to 21cx�amitk]d3t� kh� bvsanes5 Dp2ration . ., ......... . S 3 4arstru:kio� and insk�llatian of E��ericar �igni�g f�o aUv�rtis� tCw3 business ........... .... . .... ...... ................. S �-- 4 F��ssec+�r�tic,r, ar replacer��nt r3o-�is ni s��l�d or v,�.orn surta�es a' khe �epP�cemenl site ...........:... _. .........�............... S a AOwefliserrlEnl a! fh� repla�ement IQea4ivn .................................................... ......._............ .$` —. _ 6 Estimaled i�'c�ea�aed oasls aT �a�reral�on dn,nng I�rst � yrs . ......... .. . . ..... ...... {le�s�s, k�xes. +rvsurance, �1c.� S �,1�� 74 7 �}kh�f eke�l C�SIs ES&2Y��A�', re�5Can3b�e and ne�e55�ry 10 ��esk�blish .... .... �CC7r�fif�110h�r��l�6y wi�N lh� P�gee�ey} S --- -- _ T477'J4L THIS CLAYM ..................... .:.. ................................o,..-------...................................e(maxiiallim 5 54�OOG,OOJ 5 7,195.7� 7aCal R�estah:ishment �I�im� P�ip=Tp-[���� {io�lUtlirs� ihis Cl�im] :.... .<� 1.195 7� > . Elx��ble remai�ir� Fteesiabhshrne�l exp�nsas clairrrahle .. 5 a7.a7d �fi Res�dancy �erti6icati�r�� FQ�ea�< I�w req�,ires e�rd�i�at��n of r�s�d�ncy staius, please check i�,e �at�gt�ry csr comp�ete 1he seckion t�eln�.� �hal aRP��s io v--, yaur v�cup�nep sie��ts ��ti in� un�led atales{�e�vwerr,�,-�e1n���f�c�°rs1 �'at�r sw�n��ure sar►€t�lutes �rt�f�:at�c�n. i Sole Pr�pri�[or�hip I�ertiiy' 4h�t I�m. �'�� Uiiiles� �kaies €rtaa�rs ❑�n gli�n I��IIy p�esCnt If1 i11� UrlFied Sla��� � ❑ a unit�d Sta9es �ation�el ❑� ntS�-U.�. Gi��e�5 r1�1 �t�s�ilt i� kh� LJni6ed S4�ke5 Partr�er�h�v; I certi�y iha9 thete �re ��a�15t�PS iYi l�i� Q2f[MB�gI7i� 2Y�� [�htC are Ciqixen� 41 the Urrled Sd8te5, 2nd+of are 31i�rss la��iully pr���nR i� kh� I.;��ited S12ke3, sn0 �re �ror�-U.S. citixens nol pr�seni in ��rp lJ�aite� SCaRe3 ��r c�rat�orj I rerti�y iha9 is esCabli�Pi�€1 by law and aukhaaize�d kv �o+vdu�t buaine�s in ih� United .�a�le� �la;n��rrt Acknnwle�gement i. 41�e �rns��rsigr�ad, cio Ir�r��ay c�rti:y lt+at fhe �bave rnfarm��ir�r� o� Icue and carre�l and ih�t d���nc�nt�ki�r� atsa��e� hereko acc�ra€e�y r�prese�r:is eli�ible �xpense� I alsa cera�iy kre�l I�ave noi pre�riously suhenili�d nor rec�iwe�.��pme�1 �cr any �xpens� su�mitted xvit:� this c�ahi � C�F�ICIAL lJS� bNLY: i;Gwrrr�en�s; J �lLlth�f}fIZ�� ,�,'�{1 ��/y,ry R�- r• __ � Si�nature: f. j` �/��� � �� �v� � --- — ---� �.�,�-r_.. ._. _ . �—_� . — �1�fYlE {p kj; ,���/�� �,-,/ f i �=���� � � rin �d 4f�61- �� �_ �_ � - - --- —. .�� . - Tel�phc�r�e:�=� �.y . �,� , .. �a ��%� C��te: � +'� � � '� --1� . L_� � � — t. _ —. �, �� See �uer far p�finilians { �4ckncswledgemenl;s� Fl+�-es�al��ii�:ment{ostsClaim P,��elnf2 RLd033 R@�e�S�L'il5hrt7ent Cosls {':I:efn �s'.��9Fr`Lffi Iiti1�:Li(�[131jE�. �'�Ia;f;�Tr��3L.1�l��'�Ei�`l' l{:?�i'E����:.��' q ihe t�alE�wing is a n�an�x�IwSive li�ting �rf re�skat�lishmcsnt ex�entfi#�a��� n�xl �C�nsid�red ta b� eeasonahle, necessary, or h athenh+f&� �Yi�ibfe: �_ pur�ch�se of capic�i �s$ets, ��,cr, a�, pffi�e furni4ur�� faling c�iaanet�, machinary, crr trade fix4l�re5. 2. Purcltiase �f manufa�t�ar�ng rnatereals, production sa��plies, �ar�oduc# irrventory v� other �tems us�€1 in the normaC caur�e �f th�e bia�ine�ss ��aratiarn. 3. Ir�terest �n �noney h�rrowted 4o rn�k� ttle mawe or purchssa the replaeemer�t �r��erty, 4_ Payr�e�Es t� ��+�rt-kirrae taW�iness i�a fh� Morr�e which does nq# '°��ntribute hl�terialEv" ta t�r� �rv�sehaid incomc. Cvntri hute M1flate ria lIV: 1 h�e iev� °'rn�}i r�L�u.te �tir,a9 Cr i,�lty�, r„eans t� a t du�.•in.� E.he � taxahle ye�r s p•�L • t[s !^e ke:x�3 qle Yt�,3r i n��1���4� d;Fod.r�- � n �r�r.. S rac.e�r r s, �ar rJ4�rn� su�h other peri�d as thr,��encv dekermivee6 to b� �rC ec,,a�taulk, a k�ustness or fa�m oG�rak on, 1. Ha� a�,tr<R{` an nu a l�rQss rec�ipLs oP al I�a st 55.000. or 7. Wa� average an n�a I n�et earn ing� of a t deask $ l,ppp; ,�r 3. ���-qri�ukcclallt�sk33si96nf4hc�wnar'soropexata+'saWerageanm�algrn5ain�nrr�Fr�mall��ur��y. �. I� t'sP 2pPl:.Cs3 [It7fl t7{ fI5 P 3.hi0WP C fi1 PYih { ffi, kc; svn j.=,ra ui [�d br h�rdship� Mn a�nk given [as�e. the� �i�ei7ep� �igay apNr O+�C MkF� u5K 4f �IhRr a RR�vR�ia te [rileria. �itizenship � IrrMmigra#ion Te�rms Defined +�� CF H�4.2��j�;J ,4�ir�r no [ fvwJuiJy �arescn r en [hc 'Undted Stuies. �he p�r�#� "��:4 n nut I.�w�vlly pre�en k r n lhe U n�ked SMa92s" m ea ns an a�ien �arhfl i s nnt "lawfull q prr,o�-�t" in il7e u ti..7<,,:1ef �7€.J ��7 $ CFR 1�1�.72 rl�+d ini.l�,dcs [iJ Ar� �I�en gareser�l in lhe l�_5. who ha� n�at been adm�tmed ar �,.�r�sl�u irrsq 9hq �1 5 p�ariudn� kO 1h� Im:•nigr.�4�on and Nal+anality Ael I� U S.C. 1�{11 et seq. j�n�G w�sas� i+ay� en 4F�c U 5. has nc�L �een aulha+i:sd by 1 h e un ited Sta tes �tk+�rney� �iener�l; .� n�i, [i� j Aa5 d�l�[I 'NIl6 IS PfQiE lik IPF l�SQ kJ.S. 3{SPf [ISP �xFlif�� i(}=5 fj� 1.11( �i�YiQd 4'� SSd}+ au th�or ized hw the kl nited States !� Itism�V �ien eta9 or wh o oh hwrwiy� a�ira I�keS ih� kermi. and carrditiion.s of admiss �a, Parale r�r autY�onr�hnn 9� st,�y m 415� U.S, ' Aleens: AI�cn51r� f�i�+7G�c wh4 h.avc Ief1 �Crni�ratedl a i�,reign rountry to �he iJnaleti States. �I hey have 5ovr�e Gi t�C S��n� Ert��lon�� and It�al riFl�Ls es U.S. citi�en�, hut lhay cinno� voEe i� eledlqres. ' RC�edc++l AllcnS; A ivr�;�ner who is a permanent res�clent �f il�e c�w7tiy �r� wh�tFi he �r �:��; r�a�de: hul docs nc�t �ave ciki¢enship. Tc Pall �,nder ihis cl assi f�ta L�can ,n th� u.� , y4u n���1 lo fiilh�r ru rren lly h.ave a�reen �ard or have had or� ir. the lasf t a'cndar 4�ear. Ypu . I;il f�ll t�r dr_ r 1 he U S. �'�a�aiii�ation of �resrder k s;ien ii yau h ave been irr lhc �l 5�. fr�r �} d.,ys 4r mor£ �1�, ri np, ihe �ure€n t ye�r 31en� av�ith ha 4••n� heen ,i7 the U S. fWr .�q I�*�Sk 1&3 days o�,�er a khrce-y�ear perro�l Ih�1 rncludes t4�e turrent ye�r_ � Naa�-Resident dfiene: A'non-lJ 4. ciiiirn' �+rirp g���n"i �ss Ihe ��ecn casd te3a vr the su'�sta.�Lial pres�ence kest. If a��on-tar�2.E,7 t�ri��nSsY m,�s;a y,r��n card a� nas haC a green tard ,n ih� pa st �a le nda r year, Ihe pr #hc swqul� K�3 y� Rn� �aca�n r� srl tr�t ans! wa uld he €lassifit�si as a resisier t zlierr. li the i,�d�ri�l;��l haS r�s=�leci i n[he U S. far ;� days or more in th� current �ar and r�s�detl i n vlg� W 5. Pq r u�,�r t k�� d n! 99 d:�y� �ver a th,�ce-year period, ia�tl�din$ ihe curc[•nM yp7r, hr �r �hp wc]ufrJ ���g; kF}c �abstanual presence tesl and be �lassiiied as a resi�tlenl alien. ' N•afiona4s Arne�ra�an Natianals are natives oi,�mrrxan terri�nri�l ���p�ginng 7t��y h�veall lh�e legal pr[ate[iians which cikixens hake, huk tF�y pp„p� hawe €iie full p�olitet3l regh�5 oi LIS c�t�tcrti�. A[t�rt�ir+� l�a S U.§.C. §14U8 ik 13 i}75U�12 4Q b2 d 41.5. �d•[IUI7d� WidltOut b�l!al� d U.S. LISi2@M. A F}i„'riOh whU4C Orlly [r3nrYl`Cl�bn S6 CFYL" 11.5. li khf6u�'IS k�u IFm � h, ,; n oul lyiry� pr�f�essi�n {�! �4475 iS lirnil ec� la Am��ica n S�rno� and 5�.��a,ns Is land 6 a€ 41�raugh �tesc��n1 lr�ym . i+gryUa� 4U �Sar n���yuires U 5. Natianal,t'M bui nal u_S. �itiienshia. Th4s w�s far�erly tlhe r�s�,n �thrr U 5. pos�cs;�ng ' Guam 1189E - 195�j {Citiaenshiv �rante� by �r7 Att nt i:��r�r�csp * N�,erfta It�en � 1 B94 - 1417) {Ci Si i ehiP�iR �rar}[ed tty an ,k:k a! Con�ress} ` U.S. i+�r��n tslafids 1191�' - 7�727p ICrt�leii$hi�s graneC.� 4Y dn AiS v8 {pngrrssi fdht��ar�dlg wde4 are noL ciS�aensca+�noC vate or hald ePe[led oliKe. Xi�awm4er, kr,�y rn7y rs yi�[� aai�; work ��n the Uniled SLatcs w�ithout restr�chons �n{i apply far t�ti�enshi�, �nder !he same rulgt �4 �CF�er rrxirlr n1 aliens IVol all U.S. na'Liorials are 1J.5. tiRi�ens; however, alU 41.5. �,tiaene are LI_�. na��,na9§. rnA�r,�, �1.$ pas5porls nrsrrnally make nv distinekrnn �e[weE+� kir� I.w�, rncr7i.i�nir`p, knly �iy� aQar�cr's nate�+�alily, not hisJher c�t��enship. •�i�laens; I'erso-ss bas�r in t�7e U.S. ar to ueS. [�Lizerss in dore�gn [r�u�k�iry �r� titi�rnc �P qhr L�niicd Sl.ates. Persan� t�crn im c+ther caunLr���� wli� �.,;uiS la be�orne €i1�Fcns must apply ior and �ass a�iC,itea7shap t�st. lho5e wF�v k;e[oiws5 x�Rsif�� i�t �hif mann�+r a;e nat��al+aed citiiens. *�latu�81 E34fr1 Citi;$n5�; �i "�1`�iV�JI �}4�Y� C�I�dCll° i5 �fi Ofi�riOh bc?rR in IhQ te��d4:r� U� S'M2 U.i. bf t6 UiSit� 51dtP5 +f Art7pii�:d Cili�.lrl �s.il.�rsn{; ' Nat�raliied CitE�ers n' nalura�iaed �eltl��n'° i� €�i33��ng yrhu w�S �p1 hn�'n on U S, ssail� they were not a titiaen oi Ihe co�ntry whq�rr tFrey wrre �Zrn, but have �ane 4hrr�vgh the process oF betomnng a c�iixen. I do he�reby atiirnv Ih�t.. tn 11�� hesl [sf rrtiy knp,nrle[�ge, ihl� diSpldCee ys eligible for qu�lified �ee51�blls�rnent r�im�urs�rner�ts. based r�n displae,��'S pC�u���1Cy �ii kmle F�arce9 as a place of e�or,on7ic aci�vity �t the time oF [h� iniki�li�irl of r��c,otiati�7s �ndlo• al the limc �d 1hB p�acels acQuisilion. I f��rther afMirrm Ihal ah� displac��e c�u,�li�i�� ��4� CFR Pk 2�� �S �+ `di�@laced p�rso�s", �s a small b+,�ir���s, f�r�n ar nvn- proi�i arganixatie�n: and is ih�reFpre �n1i11ed �U r�Ce�we R�eSi�l,li5J�et�enk p�ym�ni(5), n�ai 1�o ex�crd 550.00[i (�+� S�� 1 J�1), for eli��bbe expEnses �Ctu�lly inCurr�d en rtIOC.�li�1g �rid r��54dGiighing SUCh 5m�16 b�+9ine5S, f�rm pr no'I-�i�c�fit Ury,�riic�ti4�r'r 84 � repla��m�n� 591e, �^^^yyy. �� �,,�d ,{// � f.. -`� �� �v � i���' � �j / 5 Signed`_.. -- -� ���1i'�. � ! l �t�' + �_ �eiacar:�n aorisa• � �ae �e-eskablishmen9 CoSksClasrn wage 2 c�(2 R41[F�3 � � � � � � � s �:�� .?I ! r � �� I i . r i . 6 a �, ai' I � � � �" � ' � i .� � I ; E � � �. � a . , �g I � � � � . � w� ; � � ' � � . � � '" � . � E , ! � ,� a � � " � I I � ° � s � �° : � � � . 4 ; . � � � � 4 '� � v � ,� � • , _ � � � , � , � ' I . ��, , �i o � . � � I � �' ' : � � � � `t e �. I � I . � a 6 + I� u � � .��n -- —_ — _ _� , -- . � � . � �. . ► � � I R � � I . � � ��. I �I a� . -�.,a n �� � , � ' .7 � . ,�. � � � � � I � i nl i I � � I � � � r : I .. -.. � ���. � I � � :_.� ._ � � .. _ _" � a �� " � 1 �.' � ' � � . � i �� � ��j� . � I� �� , �' I ,'�j�l ' � � . ._, ; }_�--�_ �__ . o �.. � _ ; .. . I —_ � � � � � � ��; , �; �� I ,��'; � � ; �; a ' _ i ! _ I ."`.. .�,_ ._ ..� I � � , � ` ' .� � �# i� � i i • . , � . � � � I p ' i � � � � � ' ---- - � ..�-- } ' ' _ - — i . - � �� � � � C . �: � �� � ; � � � � ., � � : i i I _ ' . i � ' � . I I � � � I ' � �: ��� � u � � � '� «. k� d' q � 4� i \I I � 1 � ��hA � �� 1 [J - � �� iee . � € � �..i� iG ' u� � ''� � � � � � .; �, u �° `� �. � � � �+ � E y �a.� 4 � ¢ ..� �51� j �� �o �,�� a � ¢ C s c� a� a � a.� � G u �.c � � 4 � � � � � ;-�� � � rl�� � �a �u � wo+ �.1� .� E r�4 � � w �cL � � +� � A . --- __ M � � � � �. _ � a� � � Julie Chene Frc� rn: S�n#: To: 5 u k��ec#: Attachments: �im Th�ares Thursday, 9uly Z�, 2C118 1Z,57 Ph,+1 J�lie C�rene� 1�13 P°re ��re�t - ��I�catior �e�efit - S�venson Signed Merrpp re �e +�eatinr� t�enefit Payrrw�n#.pdf; R�-Est. �I�irri #� - Swen��n,pdf Juiie, ple�se se� �ttached Rel[a�ation ���efit Clairn su�mixt�Js_ Let me kr��w if y�� have any �u�sti�r�s. �����J����� DATE: Augusi 7, 2018 T[�: luli��r�ey, Firt��te ' nt �'v. � }' F�t(}M: li���#far'�'�;`�'con �c euelopment n+lanagef � SUFaECr: �loc�#i�n Benefic CEaim un�Jer th�� Uniform f�elocatiran Assi�ta�nee Act — S�haroM �lendrie�cs ,4[Eached is a Relocaticsn Ber��eFi[ �I�irn paeket tr�r 5l3�ror� Hendricks. I have r�vi�wed the Cl�im prep�red by the EC7A car�sul[ant, P�nny RolfjBrent Rolf, L^U�B � Ass�ciaies. le7c_ 1E rs ir� r�rder and i� i� fine r« prca[`�eei witht p�ymerat �,f tf1P �C93im. Payment and Purpo�e Summary Amour�t vf PaYmen[ PaYee Purp�o5e � 3.F35f?.•�?[l �h�rpn HQndricks f�I�ivin�Gc�stS $ 3,$5Q.40 Tota! Th� C�c1'irg f�r the cla�m .s tr ke �J�terminsd �y vti+�yrr� a ndjc�r �ar�h �s ia is re�aled t� a�sd sir�ilar tr ta�� reeent praperty ,�qui�itior�s �ompletec3 by the �Dr1. If yQu �ave any questians, let �e know. 1har7k yau. �O��uRaneY, ,�D��+s� -- !�{69 ���4 Sl7arei� Fienciri�ks City c�f F'��rttic�ilo MU1�Ih1G �C7�TS • frrrpartant: S�bfrrt Prorrp[+y After Mov� •• � Resltlgn�e ❑ Ad. D�uice ❑ G�vcr�irai�r�# �Other PF — �Business ❑ Parrrr ❑ Nors-PrGfit ❑Aduar�ce ❑ Par�ial �Final Dist. S.F'. P�r�el � �_ Praj I���., Fed �lo. �C�unly Y�'ri�ht A.cqaisiticsn: ❑ Pending � Actepte� �❑ _rn. poma;n �3fG'E� �}L4fl�f. iv,maorr.�ii�n� Sh�rgn Hendricks P�r��l Addr ; �d3 Pine 5lreet i __ �ity, St�te Zip; Manti�ell�, 6tN ��3�� F�EL{}CATICIN CLA4hi ELIG16 tITY �ispyac�� Nam�(sJ� Sharart H�endricks �ceupancy �aEe_ 42J�dY�1 � �v�rner � Tgnank �I��Iblli�� D31� D��17f�01F f4�ulsltl(i�i D�[�: 43f15I�04t (NcaiC4 �'Sf Ifllunl Ot Pu�2hesa CM4erj �Q tlMe+nlYtQd, elsc'Pso-ili�'} DBk�(5� �iF th� M�:�v� 6egan: {16F4112018 ��d� Per,dinS� �_ . _ FaR¢'.FF��CIAL.US€6NLY Isheckt rnc�vir�� c�sT aPTec�� R.es�denEial Scne�V Suhmitk�d A�m�unt 5 3,850.�[� , �isGrici A�Fpra�al: " _ o.�. — ,a,��e�cy Aparoual� ++�w�ew�nn - - — r,,.� �a#e.4�piicatRs�sS �+�p�sov�'. Vendor hi�.: hlln. Frnancer f4�ll CF��Gk Ta: Atit�re�se�?{5;� Sharen F�Ge�dricx� hAailing Pycjdf.: �12E�5 id1�"}+,venue tJ Glty, �"..�le Zip: �Cag�rs, lv1hJ 55374 LOCATIDN PEj�$qN,4L F'ROAEF�TY NICp'VEp i� F�ci4ity hasr� �r -. _ � - andr�r 7ype: �St[�'�'{�(y� �� �ii �� 1'"i �, L� �k►�ek Address; � �a �'� �'V��� t'�r`� �5"'�•. �- �Ity, si�s� �ep" Mame �f M1llesVer(5j: �eli-hAove �'_Recgipi`�IACku21 C�S! � Nan-IZes�darotia l Biarf stmat� ResldgnC� �lrtlftication: Federal avrrequwee CefkidiC�tianraf resi:l�nCy si8kus Ploasecheck Gh� ��C����}^ orr.�mplaielhe seclionlrelrnw [h�t �pp�e� it� yau iar your ocGup�nC,p sC�lu3 Itl klle Uit�lcd Siates. Yvur �i�r,$dure cs�nstitu+es �ertiF�a�ion I aartify 4=rat I wm; ��Itlzen or re;iansl ni k�e Uni'l�7 Skakes, o-r I i�yr�h�r �g�ify thai ihera �r� pgr�ons in my hs5usahr�ld, {c�e�tt m,it1 [� �rl �IIEn I3��Wly pr�sgnk iry T�lg Unft9tl 5t�tes, pr iha4 are ciUz2nS vi a7�Liana�9 pf 1he U'741ed St�l�s, [ an allrn wilhpea so�selprvp�rty I$w�ullypreseni in �^� d�� �If�ns I�°wfuF� prg��n9 i'1ll!e Un�6ed $[�l�g Ct':6 U�itB�i 5tates Sole Proprielcrr�hp C eaAkty thai I�m� � ilnifed S�a1es ciCizan [] an al.cn �awRulJy presenT ia� IFre Unilad Staies � a�Fniked Si�desna{i€anal 0 a nan-I�,$ �il«c+� nor presen� inthe Uniiad 5[ateg ���: I ClsrliFyr it�a1 Ch�r� �rg pa�tneas in 1he p�Rrt�er5hip and ltrdk af� Gilezen� qf I�� �JeyitCtl 5taRe�, anr�pr arQ �:,lefi� �awh.11y prasent in 1he Unite� �ta�es. and a�� r9�n-U.S. citiaeng npl A+�#ent rr the 4ni6e+� S1i'es. Cnr�oralion: i cerl+fy tMa' �s us[ablished by law ar�d auah�ri�ed ko corxJucl [�u�iness in Ihe Uri lad S�aies ��alrna nt Atkn�sw[edg�m�nt; I, Ihe un4[ rsigneJ d� h�r��ay �eAify ihat the a 4�e infa�maiian �S l.ue and eJniretL and Chag �q;,,Urt�fllBEoir-� atla4hg� h�rBto- accuraiely e��r���r�nls el�aible expeng�g I�IS� 69riify lhat I F�ave npl previaasly suhm6lq�d n4� f�ceaw�d payment f4� 8+�y Bx�eMse su�nikC�d V:alh th�s claim d=F1�'AL USE C?NLY: (c.5�nme�t�p Auihariz8d ^= � � �'�a�� � �, � � '1' 5.��18[Uf�: ��—����ti4�'`�h_ —�=��'�-C -k�C�_ �:� Navinp Casta 1,iauin€+ Cv€ls � k } i � I�a��71� (prin9�: .�.3 �h�.���1` �7 `Yl ��' l'�r C} �i���.� 4 � _ ,� � ielephone: ��—� �� i z��n��=� Date� ��`�` �� �--- Pagh 1 q! Z RL1032 a2417 7J09 �tE�SID�N'T'Y�L Muvir�g �osts In�fi�'u�tions fo�- �ul�iaii�tin�; ��aur c�aim 7��� �te1t �V;:C �Ilc��� rr.sidc�[isl mnvii�g t�p�nsts t[1 u rJiSpParrd ifli�iuldll�l 8e Tamily� �usccl �sif �ikh::' 2 R44h.'. S�HE.I}l!I.F. nr r�:rs}Utirs€�n�n7 S�r hCTflAI. �pSTS :ri�uir��. t1s a dis�rl��ec yq4i xvall L�t 3sk�d 1v seleec tlp� �yy4tf`iud nioss sua;ahlz �u you�' n:��5. f�iFOR`r'�i^�T: Cais�talt antl thorauQhly discus3 n1U+-in� aptions �nd �ricliivds with 1 rcEac�ii0n :r�lvisar priar tn o�U+�ln�, 177e �R�`c C1unc�1 :e�v�hurs� yau 1`ar �n}� tl<c�.iRic��i tivliit�is [na}' CUCI�fP[41fC A L'-urnC imPr�3vCltN:l71. Tlsc h�ency ,vilC nt}: curr�idcr. ue�;� or rco:nhUl'��` f�,r : ovcrtir�t� char�es, except �n �m�i�tncy siiu�tiirns as+�e[eeinine�i Ue[ureh;u�J k�y �h� Sts�Cc of Minncs5s:i , P�yinenls la}r R€�r�nl SCit[dule 1.Pn[Ifr Ch15 inelh�Yc�, �a}�enc!st e5 Cn�i�rtiirG(i �� 1IYC� CILIi[1hCro�rc��Try5� i7p yBYe��'resi�iin�c, excl¢isiveaf t}'pi€ai el��x:.�, �}�r�ChCS, �98e1[Cies, ba1^,r�:rnL55', �SI144'Ji�'$� eni����r,s pf �rty urifurnishc•_i mpm5. fa 6392177�[:L 191ay he Ct3nSid�rG�1 png �e�„� unLes.a ii h8S �}CCI7 3c��raiec� 9LRLf] �lyi��ry�� �q¢]h$ }9{C�5 85 4rci�[pQ�}]$ L^f rceicg�Liui7 r+�iwias. C'+u�huildin¢s tasc�l Fn� c4��:lgw purpckses rnay ;elsc� hs c+it�i}icd by [hs. ro-gm Ui�#is. TN� Dceupa�n[ Pr�vl�ek �Urnit�c2 The� p�c.cu � � � R�ll[ GouS �i4atFr6vide F4�n�ll4lffl R�oorns 1 7 3 s 5 6 7 8 �4��ikio�^-a� diwms Ro�irns ° r�d��!,;nal R�aams A�noun' S575 7�5 �25 1125 1325 tl$25 1725 1926 527i+E3Ch Am4u�t �45'� 51C�+Each F�lyiuee�ts by Ciecei�a� �ar Actwaf Cost [Ji�fcr lhi5 in�lhnd, the 5[�ilr° rn�k 81103v YCS[77bVf5C171Ci7[ [s�r res5nn��lr„�r7d nk��ss�r�� [a,s dGCCfl7hiklCd UY':.e a4c�£y] C7i�YC[15CS inctfe�cd :n ir;u�:�;ig � t;cr QCf5D11�� prUper[}' lar a rliSt;,n,c lis�S 4ai +�xt�ed 5q cn;lcs_ This is nt�t �n ad,u�tment �p� if1C961k�C1]+ca�U�s tivhi[h h;i�°C OCCIIf�Pd Or 7�nr [irr}{ ]qSS 1[ l�o�sr F[�'U��lf 0£C14�}��I�17. �OY'If4� [X.f➢C11CY$ 545�� tl[ �Y.all� 11�1011 �Cd7fI1T]�IalShCC 54�II�j �h,� ('���L144111� LfI:SIFIl��l611S L. VJhcu ppu i�ie ri�4ve� �}° � prnfzs3ianal �m4Uu1n� win�gsn}, pay� LhC CI7�r�es �C�t1 iih[ain n dC1�il�d� 'ikC�ni2�� I'C4GI�1SCd 17r11 marked "?aiJ in I ftll�� �u�r1 signed by a com�any� r�prese�rs3€�}�c. Ylc;�sc �con�rrii �legih�liAy,rith a Re]aacatinn hdvisirr rrinr i6 rqc itisc�ti�c �. [f yu3.ir prraanal proper[}� is i:aow�eu b� 40R7�4�71C {YLIICY i�G511 il arufessinsoal mtavin �:oen an �au inu5t'ti�binotl ��t ��cmixe�i ' I S R 7+ } si;ucir.rm shu.ar�ng tl,e uum�cr �P pec�pl� h9€cd, [he r�[es per heaur piid, �i8kt8, xiY�d 11ee tatal hnurS av�fkead fiar czi4h individu�'. ;�nd IIY4' C{��If16tICf1[ IItiCLI f'It��L 1�15[:!ISti �l�is:,c4h�rci �a�i1h }°r�ur RcEo-cation ,��xiso-r �rrie,r to cnovin� and Licurcing ex.pcnsts 3. Yaru nsu5� ep�7}�Ifi[C CI4C �ottome� periiean o€"ih� fxpnl ofllois` Clairn F'arm ifl ink, Attbeki ��i [ha cri�;ict�] of rhi5 ft�:=rn HII rcqisir€d ieif�3nii��ion periaining ka your irscsve �eti�l rnnil �u �hG Rcknc�tiop J�dwisars�nen� vn qh� lourr.r 1cR emr��er fan ilre t'ra�r nfthis fon,,. 1. Jn arr e�cnR ynu �rc financially unablc tn pay 1hc n7�uirg �a.:pa�rv, s4w¢ia] t�r�st��gen:enLs noay hr �nzdt xvilli �fic :Relt�cu�;can ,4driso. �u �tl:traa dircc! raym���!. c�' ir. �d`'a�;�.e p�unitn�:laim �Ch15Iliu51 LtC;luirc ��aell in sd}•trnec oFiltti �ii:avir:�; ciats, �I4'li1T-RL•'•S�'t)Lf�ll'1�4L ��ic�vi��� �'ust� Instructi❑i� foa•.cul�nii#tin� ��our cls�tim Ti�f�ru�icrn :egulatCoi7s s,llo§v itt�av�ci� expcnse� t� ,1 d13pl�cCd tusiness, tarns 4� P1n;t•�}Eprjl +ar�;anixaiip� b�'ied un s��ua1 cns�s incurr��l in inarro ii�, per'sc5n�l �rortrty fnf R(�ISkAiiC� �o� ;� tixtrui 5{J milrs, Fl4arc+•tr, re�ulau�ms dn rrrf alla�.a� fisr iutunvenirn�-5 sa�l7icll iiiap occUr e,= far b4iyjnes� Iirc.r I�ss�. f{�imhe�r;r.nei7t foecligible inoving z+:perseswilt �G pnac�t upon t�m�lian�e �v�!h khc folki+���n� iacs+ivc[ions, ]'a9P�]�#TAN1'; Ctrnsult �ucl �hUr�ugltly d9scuss mavle�g a�tian� :�nd mellsnds wiil, :� refncstiori a�lvisor pri�r tv rnaviog, Y L4'htn v C�iiraiertia� m+�vcr i5 �m�+iGs}'t�,. CI7c lt'&Uvin� c�sls ¢rc k4 b: p,lw SIlt1 a cle.[�i ICtI ee�ript[d St�l�lne�f[ u�[aiaed. 2 In thu evcnl yvu xvistl ynu: reg���flE enti�ldyres to m�ke. [l1c anavG. 1� k514C�L17C4'.Vj II]AI }'C}LL fllAl111Q1I1 $ CUIY7}lY4LC G4'l:{If[I (jfi[I$k�:y, �I1174' iY{}fiitA�, 117iI RfI1dU19I5 FS34�� LO iRII FJCf3{11;4 �1FI�'$�I[JIII�' �91�CI£I�DA�117bT Yfl LFIG 715[k4'G. ��lRfgFS �Of LISG �Df k4�41]'h71Cj5k [YYti'l14`d �V 31YC �115111C.i:5 f118r' Il� �M1lsu�*°e� hu� sliall hC Ct�IS1p5�Fs�c eo th.3�G :8[Gi CFp7j'��(I �}�" �CpC� I f4'FLL'dl a�[RCB4$ 3. 5'4�u may cicct io arc,pi die ]o�a°ce oCt�va f�j Psti�t�atr.s F[sr m�iying ;�Il ul your �Sers+�rial �m�sen}' fh�se �osl eslim71�5 bti'�II b� c,b�ziined �y ths agency a��ri pr+c�rtt�d to yo� as an v�t�rsn. wirl7 �llis m�.11,srd, nt, cs�her �n�rvdng easl�i�s�umcn�ation is �rccassary. ��. You .uust Cam�r9e7s 4h� b+�llnin po�uGn uf [h� i`r��yt �f Chis Cl�iitit Fumti in ink. r�lla�eJa t�5 d�r ur�t�inal �fi �his dori7� :t!] ret�u�r�el inf�int�4iuim pcissii'ii�ig l0 3tiur muvc mnrl mnilln thc [iclac:�tiu�a Adw�esai7 gl��wnon Iflc]�wer�eRcpreKr¢��1�� f�:�[oFthis t'oriy7 The a,�rncy tia�ill nysk coe4sider, p�y �sr rnim�a�rsc fnr oWc�'4ortte �3rai��s cxeep� in c�Tfcrgtn�}� : iLuatio�ss, as �irtr�ntint[i t�y the ayency. f'nymcnt �nay �Iscs bc all�iwt� io the ntivi}er of a dis���cxd hukise;� pr f�e�si ����Cor For �t=we�l r�pw��bP� �x�e.it�es in �eir�{�ing S�lr et ecpl€��e�ncnl silu, riut ��r exEeed ��,5[H0.4�4_ Suc'i �xpec�ses �n.-,}' illCPtiii1C 1fT19SQ4117ii0[i {�$95, neFsial 1i�7C. .Ild CBr[ain o�hcr c,�.pcnscs rycs�ally inrurfsd :n s�z�Jfm�. A detailcd, ocniF�cd stalemcnk of scarching wxp�nsrs m„st 3ccempany I]seclai,�r. i do heveby �Ffirm i��eik, lo lh.e h$st oi my scno�edge. �isp�ace� is �I��iole for reimbur�am�nt af e�igib�� i�.q.avinc� C�osY.s, b8�ed o� displ�cee's SC�fUs arad R affirrl !t�at io the be51 pf rt�y knowled��, all personally occ��ran�y �i qh� p�rr,el at ihe 1im� pf th9 inil�akian rai n�yy�q��ai�ans arrdlnr al including all hazar�4us a�1q en�wir4nme�nta6ly the iirn� af l�re p�rr,els a�quisi'ion. I iU�iheraffifmth�tdispl�cee qualifes �snsi�ve m�terlals suCh �5 ba�4#�riea, tiros, paint5, as a'displaeed per5on", and is en�itl�ci �q �y�yrnent Por actu�l, t����nahle �olve�cilcide5, Ferfili�ers, ffuoresc�nt figNtS, and nec�ss�ay m05 ing a e� relaled ex��n fara r id€�ntiaJ pr n4n, et�c.. ave G �will he rer'ncrved �r�m ih� par�e9 neai�eni al rnaue {+�� CFE��I, 2� as in�i �td s�h�rr� on lhis forrri e �e� � j I, .+ � \ +��lq jf`e/�i �-- #f�.'� /{ �+ �_?���.'1—�. i � `��� �� �I �{� � � ��] a � _J � � s f f.���}� ___� ���� € i,J disp��ce2 S�na[urt pa IReWcafors Adviscr $�9naL�re 6aee i Mevi�tg Coctb Pa�� � ai I R1143 � _/ a , �.- . � r , � ...�� i n..�.i d i; ;e , i4f r'i r,A�� . t :���: :',' -e:L;i �"--. . .W�• "5'.• .. . ',5�� .. . , . . o � ;.�' � }' H �ry �p, P}y 1�y% �k�'p�,�.5�` � yZ�� ����p�,. � ��i „ ...�� y ��' 1 �, * ,, � I . �� �� �� Y yfi.'� ` � '° �� � t��._� . . � •. -i'. ,. :; � �. , . '1!'� • ' . .. . . �� 5 n �I�r�, �„',.'. ���i:�v - . ,�. ` � . � �, j f . � ��� � g�" �+,h.Pj`';�� � j�s� �d` ' . . . . _ �. � -- I.,k .,�, , .. , . .Y�.. . . `.- -. �� ,` ��'� . . . . 1 May �F, 2p18 5harcan and Jahn Hendrlcks Mor,#icellv f]�vvntt�wn Rersonal Property Move Estimat� ft��eV�l�pmert �rr�ject fil B C p E F 1 Description oi Ex�ense Ratefl-�aur ## cf Hours Ratef � rn�sver #t af fYlcn+ers N3o�latg ESa�ma�te . ..._ _.. .. __ _--- _ 2 . .. �._ -- -- -- .._ . _,-_ . . . . _ _� . . . ._- 3 f�nave af Person�l Prs�perty �25 : 3� $95V,4�]; 2 ��,9�Q,D0 _..-- =---- �-- - -----� ---- -- � 4 Sup�rvisor $5[� 38� $1,'3Q�.0{l 1° $1,90�.�d e=_ __ _ _ ._--..� _.._- - - ---�-- _-i_.._ ,. � .. � - - .. __�_ -----__.... ..._� __. � . -- --� Sula-tatal _ .- - 6 NEc,ue oF Per�onal Pro�aerh+ S3,SDQ.00 . , . . _. . _. .--- -..._. - ----- - � - — � _ -- ---.- � ' __ . . . ` -_._ .. _.__�.-_ . M� -�__ _ ._. . a � otner mnve �er����ts; . � Baxes �nd pacxing ma#�ri�15 _ ` _ . � �50,00 , �..,.._.�.�...._.__-_—.�.__..,.e, lU � - .---�- ---. ..,... -.,,— .. _ , i ,_, 11 Sub-Tatal - �ther — -- _ - 4,0� ---- -- �---... ..---- --... - �._•- l� _ _ _ l� Tatal Maue Estimat� - _ � ---- -- • �• �3,850.ili? �u��e Cher��y Ffe�m: 5�nt: T�: Sublec#: A#iachments: Jirn Thares Tues€fay, Au�ust 7: 2018 �;[i$ PM luPie �Ch�ney 1{�3 Pine Street - Relq��ti�r� Be�iefiL Cl�im �igned Memc� re I��I��a#i€�n �enefit Clai�n.�rdf; hrlov� Cl�im • Her�dri�ks.pdf Julie, see atta�hed R�location 8enefit Cl�im dacurnet�t�ti�R paeket. L�t m�e know if y�u h.��+� any qu�stia�s. ,��rrr�����i�u �n DATE: August Q7�, 2418 T�: 1u1�� Ch�Y, Fan�q[� istant F�tOA+1: JGr�n �h� s�� Eton�rm�t e+rela�a nt~�k+lana,�er � �� ,`� = �UBJECT: Relae�tion �er��fit �laim under #h+e Uniform Relocation As�istan�� Act — F�rrelf �Itaehed i5 a R�locatio�r 6e��efiC clairn packet fnr Mar�arei ��rr�ll, I hava re�,�r��v�d tl�e �I�e��t �rrepar�e€i b�y� the C DA consultant, P�nn�+ Rodf, 4h'S� & A���ti�tes. Inc. It is in vrder an�1 it is� fin�e #� �roce�d v,,�i#h paym�rrt �f the el�i���. Payr�ent. Payee an�G Purpase Sumrn�r� Am[�unt af P�yment i';�yeg _ purp��� � 1,$�O.LO h,�ar�aret Ferrel I Movin� Cr�sts � �,$SO.OD T�rt�l — s Ttie Cc�cin� f�r ita� �ntir� �mo�nt �5 t� be determiq�e�i tr'y W2yr7e anrJ/�ar Sar�Fi �� �t is r�l�ted t� an� simil�,r to #he r��ent property a�quisi�i�ns carr�pleted by t�e ED,4_ 11` ytsu h�ve �ny+ q uestparr�. I�et rr�e krnyv. Thank pc�u. �" �� � ��' ����, ����� `� � �Dcc�na_n.c�r �Ctavsl qcA§ �a�50 �� �$ � ; hE�rg�rei FeFfgll QiSt 4,�. �ity of lwlan�icello N11�111EVC� �CC]��TS .• ��Ft�[i�rtani: S�bm�� F�elm�[ly After Move " 0 R�sid�nce q Ad_ Resri�e ❑ 6nvam�etrk ��f�rer PP _ '_ +� �usin�s.s ❑ Farrn ❑ Hcin-Pr�fit QAdvanc� ip F�arEial �Flnal S. F'. Parce � ��d �IQ. G�u�ky �rright ACqUisdkl�dra: C� Per�ding � Acc�ptatf � Em. doit9arn P'2fC�� [�.6��8F' iw�c�cevrc�r; �+I�rgarekFe�relf I A4�1r.: ia3 F�irre srr�er City. St�t� Zr�i: _ fy"antic�E�o, r41M �sssz R�L�]Ci�T1QN GL}UNp ELI+�IBILITY Qis�l�c€�• _ — Nara�(�) f�iary�ret Ferr�ll �ceup�n ;�+ C)�t�� 4$+2Q�9 �7 C7tironer p 7�r��nt _li��b�l�ty ��ke: 02120�D�B ��quisiti� aa��: 43�1�12018 iHd�edQfPreeriia-Fci�ha&�tl7��l �Utaeaern�-�eG,elsa'P'a���^,��} Da#�(s) �f the �9�oue. FDf! OFR1G9A4 USE04LY {check � �410VIN�6 �COST 4PT�OF�; Begin fl6,'01i2�1i6 �nd: Pen�ing .5 ,__" I ��s�den4ial 3c�lve�uie Ba� Su6mi#��d Arnv�nk � � 1,860.�Q Distri�t Appr�aua�: �.. A��ncy Appraval: Dat� F�,pplic,�fion A�,proye�- V�ndor f�o.; Atrn_ Financo; � Mal� CFeeek Ta: Addr�Ss��(sj- �iar�are� F F,A�e�ar:ar� Ma�ling Addr.: SC�a 2^d ��•eei S�.uirr Ci�y� �#;�[� Zip: Buff�lii, M�J 55313 LC}�ATIO�} �ER5C7 V1lL �FtOPERTY IAOV'Ed TC} Fac;lity Nart�e .�{ and+or Ty�ae ��.� � 4��� a��� _ S:r�et Addr�ss. � �.��" ���`�] �'�'�y �'k��', J�'��tE.' ,�I�}; N�rn� of Mover(sy. ��a�-h,4ov� Cosk Lj Non-{��ide�ti�l $i�UmaLe �2�siden�� C�rtifiea#Ic�n: F�tl[rra I l�w req� ires C+��liP�1�f� o� resideru�y �qaius PI€.ase GrieseJc ah� [81e�4ry1 or CaSrri�alete ths sec{ion below 1"�2t a�lies ;� you ar youroocu�ar�cy slai�,s � the Ur�itetl Stases. Your sg��Cure ca�ostitut�s cerl�Fcarian. I�er�ify CI'r�[ ��m. ��n qr nal�4n31 vf the Llniled $�y[�g, �r I furEher �r�idy �1�C 1�re are perg�7�i� ri� my hausehaltl, {�+reck o�e� ❑ a n af ��s �awfu,iy prese+tii rn i�i� �lnited Skaies, or that arc cirrxens vr rrawsr�ai� o# the U n�ted 5rates, � an al en w.i+r qprypra�9 �r�q�ertylaquful7y prgq,�ry� irr ��'� �rE alien� I�wiuiiy prese+�t �n the Uni[�d Sk�Ces the �1niCed Staieg �RIB PFCqrietnrship� I pg�afy Ch2i I�m. 8 Un4ed St3tes cisizgn ❑ an �ien lawi�ully pr�setrt on the iJnited Slai� � a UnE1ed S1�te3 n8iwn81 ❑� M1dri-U.�u. ci9izen nei pr�9�+�1 I� the Unit$d State9 Partr�ershio' I Certi.fy th�t 11a9re ere �7�+tn�ra in the pentne:'9hip �tk! i�i�" ar� �il��e� t7� the UniYed StQt��. �rki�Or are aligns dawfulky pre5ent mn the U�it9d St�les, �nd are no+�-U �. Cikixe+5s r101 pi'$s�nk in th� 41ni[�A,ht2tr�5. Cc+rear�l�rn. I cartilyr 1��1 is es�a�lisk�ed �y �w and �ul h4iiz9C9 l� tbndutt business in kh$ UniE�d Statas Cl�iman�t Ackr�pwl�4gem6rll I li�a und�rsignetl, 64 h�f�6y cs7.fV tha1: Ch� akvav� acrauraielX r�pr�g�i7"s cli�ibla exp�n5�� I�3g.y �;�+i�fy kha:t I hav� n�t pr�wl0�u,'��4' uC; {iF =1CIAL U$� ONLY: �CemnerAaj . �� �tti„� �,� �.�'J A+so+��g cost� IAbvi�� Co�xy �i811?�r� {pr�nkj� r�repn�ane. `�� Page � o� � RL1932 �kitan is Crue ��U Cprt,�cl d that dxum�nk9�P4n 3t9a-..hed her�to nor re{eive4 ���.}ar�1'' ,ar �ny �xpe� ��brr�iL��d with khis Cl��r� �.zo t �1ae l�E�iL]MENT[AI,, k�'Ioving Casts In�tru€ei�«s f�r �ubmit�fin� yp�sr �I�im '1iFC Siad� +4�i11 aflol+� ecsic€cnCi�l i'�ruti�in� �xExnse� tC� ��15pl�ced mdq'yId�81 u,r f�snil}� ha5cd �n ui[hEr a R(7d�°�1 :iC'k�E:17ll�,C. w�a ;c:rnhursemcnt f�F Ac:'1-Il�,f C'C��TS i.r�cvrrcd. .�� a�Ji�pl:�ce� }�uu tivill bc askcd �a s�lrrt rhe mw;1'.G� YI7�5! �uiaah2C iC �at�r nc4ds. Ll�r]P[�1tT.#NT: Cunsull and Il�ar�ug�iy dixcuss mov��i� �ptians and aric4hotls witla � relucatFrr� �dv�xur peior to mn��t�g- ���he ',�`C31,: [:��n�a� reimburSC }•d]u fDr �ny alteeation ;+�hl�h tti�p conslitul� ���7���, im�r�avrrri�lYk Ths Abemsy s4�ill nc±t crri7�I�leC, pti}' car erimiruesr =i�f n�ti�crtim� ��;ar�;�:s, �ec��[ i�I �r�e,igCn4v Yi[ua[ic�ns �►5 di[Cml�rted hefBr�J��hd b}' ll1c S9a[e nl��;RIYCSQ[8, l'ay�he�ts by 1#oom �clicaiul� fJr.dcrthisuYl�IYIiIR�, Pilj'7!ltfll IS�ilff7�]U��{i G)lY CCI� fSLLR1�1Cf OC C�f)fF_S 1[I'�'{1�7F FCSI�EYICG, C14GI1}14'I[ Ofl�f�klCegl CIl7'�L"i5, pL17Ch[$, �afltflCS� bathr�wm�� hsllu�a}°s, enir�n�cs crr ar.y uniurnishe�i raamx A basLmer�� may b� �or��i�r�d nne aoc�n7 unless it ha� hcrn sc�s�rated inw l�vablc r��sms st�ch as t�cdrooms or recr�a�avn ro�3ms. �L7usb�f.d ir. � usr:d. Ear sEor�c puc�c,�e� m3y� al sc� br t�w,ted b+� Ih� roo�7 h,��:i s. ct�, arre Provi P. It�r� T �o �Occunan� ave� Flnt Pravlde Furniturq � R�oms 1 2 3 4 � 6 7 � A�dIluBnal Ftacxoti� Rcsoms 1 AddilK9fl�l R40�s Amcu^�t 5575 l�5 92� 1i�5 13�5 1525 9725 19�5 i�2d51Eaoh �lmaLn� 5450 51�74JEa�h P:#ym�nts bp EdcCCi�t ar AcFual ��pst Unt6�5�` lYiis mLth�x7, lhe ,�'�tslc ti1�� alcusv rcimh��FSCm�:nl for re9;ona�ble �Cd neressary �a5 clCternllft��l b}' [he ��nt,'}+} ex�x-ti5��s in�urn�si iR mow19M� }'uur �ers�sna0 prn�crt�� far o dis�ance nn� tn cxic�� 50 �aai��s. "f�is i4 �ao: 8fl a�1ju�[mrn! {�� f:iCOnVErliudres wrhiCh hRVC 4CCkLCY2U or fise tim� los� a� v+�ur �e�5�18�' otcu}��livn. fri�vlaig eh}�usrs s4il: h� ��I� tbpc3C� �:�c�tplia�lC� ti4'Iih [EYe Fulluwing in51luCiiorlS. I e Wl�en y�ru e�c mvvcd b}� a pri�f�ssion�l m�§�ing c��n��u,y, �,a}� CIl� th�i�es �i�i obs�.i� � dfit�lled, i[�mized r�#�jpp�� bill urark� `F'aid an Full" ��+d 5iglu7d by a aam�sl9w� rC�f�s�n[2[irt,. Piracc c�n�ratis eliR�h�l�s�� u�iih a Ft�la�atiun �,dviwtir �+ryar Ao [h{ m+�ve. 2. ]f y�ur psrsune� pro�acrty is I11ut�c.d b}' somevnr nih�f Ihaui a pr�,Fresi�nBl mCiving ��rmrysnv, YOU �;SU3I Suhmit an itcmi�Cd SS34eu[�a:n[ s,!7�taiPg t18� Rurnbcr af people hire�, Nht ra�kes p�r hnur pa�d, [4qCCs. 8ns1 1}ir [cetal k�Dt7€5 �'�1rk�d fur ea�h indlaadu�] �sd diie equi�amcTt ti�sed. E��r�sz disc�.�ss thi5 nsclhpd soj�15 p�our F2��Ie>cak�6n Ai�vlsGt priur I�f m4v I ng S�r�1, iut urrin� �xpfinse5. 3. �'nu must c�ni�l€!c ih� �uupm portia�iM of sl�e fra�m� �F khis �l�ini Furm in inke r1�aa�:h iv thc ori�anal of ihis forn, all rcquired LMF6rtna91k7Fl pC�rtairrin�; tta �{p�t �r}4w�` a�ncE mail Ep 1�.hC R410��Sidn Adu�icpF 3h0v.p: �n Che Err.4�r [�� �{5n}�t [?n [ht Finnh n� fhi5� Fonty. �#. f�a Ihr iv�n[ }�ou s!� Fse;�ncaally yrt�blC Co �r8y Cf�� mcoving titanlp�t}', special aTr�ngeYTlc�1� mar hr ma[I� u'Ikh Ihe R�Jorati�?n d�L4Ik°4SJf iv �Ilau^ dir��cs p�;r�e,cnr, or an adwan�� p�y�mc�t �I�irr,. Thi� rwst bc donc u���� in adVanct of �hc rn�uirig dx�c. N(}�!-�.�.�iDE�i"f'[AI, �,ior�ing Casis �nstrueti�uns tor sul�r��ttitig y�nur claim Relod�[iun re�ul�RlonS �Ilu3v mouing ekpCiys�s lia ,�lis�Ga�4d bs�SiC�eS�. f�um �pe n�7n•p�t+l'i[ U�gilni�a4i�n b�,� pr� �tl�;�J] tast� �nw;.tr�d in mcr��in� personul �,rc�prrt}� for u�is��u�t�� ��ui s� c:�cced 5� �r�i6�s_ Ha�wc�cr, f�gul�liuns �� �spt uIIGw fo[ i[tCbYlvenienCCS ��hic� �.iag° �,ccua �r i�+r busi�s�.ss ii:r» I�st. Rtimhur�emcni F�r eli�ihle ma,v�ing cxprnse� u�ill ht mac� upwa tanr�iliart�� mviih khc fallo++�i�eg i�f�irvcncsns. #I�iPC�RT,4M1f'[': �onsu�t ar�d t�nr��ehly ddsrtuss m��via�g. op�itaras and m�th�ids vr�ith a relocat��e� a��vi.sffr priar tt� rnu}�in�. I. }�+}ien a cammer�1�l mipx�cs ix eonplayed, kht IllOs+ung cesls a.r� tp � p�id 8nd a deSailed rCC�:ipi4d s[atrme.�t nbtaill�d, 2. In k�lt �ti��n[ }�ou w�S� y�46�` r�gular €m�I�y+PCS [�i �rlake lhc mob�c, 11 IS f€�ajuirGd [11:�L x�nu J{ryy,IfldilllS � C�im�leiC fCCaFd Of t�BSes, timC wi�rkwd, �nd accs4unks p�i�i [sr a11 �acrsons phySi�.�ll� p�urti�i�uting ia� Cr¢�: mn��c. �=hargcc fo� u5� �fif �yuipmcnt nav�l�d hy Ihc h�sinC�R IIIEl3y hc tillt�wc� hi�k sh�fl bc �omparabJe �a th��c ralcs ilr�r�.e�l by loca' rrnial �geucics. I. Y�nu rndy Cl�:c[ ia acr€�ri khC 10�`0r �rf lss�u {�j ��ti[r�t�S FOr rnuvin� all r�f yr�r1F p2K56nil pn��crty, Tt6gge casL esLimal�c �aill br. ub4iir.cd �y ��fi agC�cy 6Usd pre5�nlre� tn y��,u 85 8�1 Dptitrn_ 41rr[h tF�i6 I't1C4hc5J, nu 4�laer mo��in$ Cri51 �drt��mrntalipn l5 [let+e�sary. �1. Yn❑ m,�s; cc�rr7p]cle ihe t,mtam �to�tion of �hc fmnt csf thi� Glnim I't�rnr In InL', tlttacF in the arigir►sl oF shas fnrm all rcquiro�f infiirmat�c�n pertai�ing an ynu� rTtsova un�i mai1 in the Rclnc�3si+an A,darisnP shs�urr isn lhic tl�+s�er Icl� cnrnet pn CEec frnn[ n�'khl5 FDhio. `lhe a�e[aC}' ��ill Is�s C4nstder, ,��y [ar teirnb�erx Fur ovCrtamC th�rge� rxcrpi In cm6rgcncy �iau�uans. as dctcrrtiinrJ t�y �hr agcns}. ]'ayrnr�yl mny 31su br allouCd kD [he c�wrser oFadispl�eC� bto�ir6ess pe Fsmb S�pCP�[Dr for �tual rCdsotl�b•le rxpens„�. in SeEl�chiiag fur a e��,.:qti�srlsCrl, s°il�, noi to excecei S�,�C10.QI}. S�rh �a�p��5eg Iilsti� iuGlude 1ran5p4i1�1iUri i:o9[�, aclual kinle, a�r� cenain r,sP�er c:�Eiegase� �:suull}• i�ctGer�d in :earrhing ;'� d�t�olcd, c�rtiiied statcm�:nt oiseva�rhing cxpcn9�s niu�ss acrompany thc ciaim. I aFfirrro qF��k, Sr� th� b�st af my kn�wledge. all p�rsa�r�altX in�l�din� �II Po�zardc�us anc� �elvirC�nmentalE�+ �cr�sitiv� m�#eri�ls s�ch a9 bat#erie�, tirea, PainR�, Si�lYe �ICIdSrSF fi#rl�I1z6F5, uaresc�ni lights, etc ave he �r ill be rerrro+�e�F,e parcel. I dcr Aereby a�irrn In�t, k� the besl 4f m� kn�w�edg�, dis�I�C�� is ePigible f+�r rgiml��r5em+�nk of elig=.bl� h4oving Cos4's, ba�ed �n displaca�'S si�tus and ��Cup�r�Cy of t�te parce� �l khe limeof Ih� rniii�kivn caf+�e€�atiai:pns sn:dlor �1 Cha iint� o} the parcels aequigrtivrr. I furth�r �fFr�ra that displ���� q�,alii�s �s a`Ai&pl�ced p�rs€�rr", and IS �•�ti11�d sa paym�nt fo► act�al, reas�rrfable and necessary mqving and reialed expense for a residentir�� or n�ra- re�idential �n�ve {4� �FR Py_ 241� d ind d��r3�+here an this forrn. � � ,� ,�` ��� �,.._ _ �.'�L- � ' �' Relocalic�nAp,n�,irS�r.atLre p � h9�+ring C.o-s#s P��e 2 if � R L1+��2 14+�ay ��� �Q18 hA�rgaret F�rrel� Mont�ceJlca D�wnt���vn �'erson�J Pro�a�rty IV�a�r,� �stirnate R�deweloprr,ent Prcajett � 8 C b E F 1 _.. Descripti�a� of E�cpens� R�t�IHaur I# Qfi Houfs I Ra#ej1 mo�aer #�f Mc��ers iti+qc,�+�ng �s�lmate � - — . ;� .__ ,.. --- ----- � o � n�a,�e of �ersonai �ro��rt,�--- - �2s � 3� � ��o�o.��� _ -�, —_ ��,��o_�io �5�.�._ _ . �_ --- — .. 4 Su�ervisar ${],{}�I � �0.00 � — . . . . ___ � --I-- sue-�tal • - � ---�`I•�`_ -- - ---. _ . . ..__ 6 Move �f Persanal Pxop�rt+� !_ _ �� �1,8U0_� � __ __ � � � �#her mrrve ben�fits: — � - , �3 B�x�s and p�ckfng rr�ateeials - { , _� -. � � - $5�_pQ 1t1� _{. - ._ _ ._ �._,,_ _ . _ .. ----..__ .. _.. ---• --� ]k Sr�i�-Total - Ott��r 0 "- - �.� --- .__ ..... _ __.. 0a0�1 1� ' _ �-�--�---- �3 Tatal Mnve E�tfrr�ate-._ �i.-._ — - _ �_ � _ .�_� _. � -----51.�5�.un Jur�e Chen� Frorn: Jirr1 Thares Sgni: Tue��iay, Augu�t �, �p1 S 1 i:19 Af�1 Ta: Juii� ��h�ney �ub�ect: 1�� Pin�e S�reet - ��lo�ation Bene#ii: �laim Atta€hrr�en#s: Sig��ed Nq��np re Relocati�n Benefit �,�irn,pdf; Maving Costs �I�irn - Ferr�lf p�lf Juli�, ple�se se� att�ehed Relocation B�nef'rt el�irrs doc�amer�t�tic�n, Let rne know if you have ar�+� quest��n�, . � �` -��, � ���������i� i}ATE: August ��, �Q1� T�: J�xl�,�heneyh F�`s�re}Ass�ista�nt FR[3�+1: �� �res. EL�on�el�pment h+larr�g�r �— , r l.`� � SUBJECT; I'�fOC�3tl{1n ��F1�fit Cl�irn un{��f fF12 U11i�01"rr'a R�lo[atinn ASSISx�i7C� A[t — F€�rn�F Ai[�ched is � f��lr�cati�n �en�tik [I�ir� pa[k�� �or T�rr}�r rorner I F�ave revi�v�reci tFae ci�,im prepared t�y the ED1� �onsul#ant, R�riny Ftolf, +�V5� &+4ss��iates, In�. I# is ir� order aa7� it is €ine t4 pr�,ce�€� v�rith pay���er3t �rf ��oe cl�brr7. Arnt�unt [rf Payin�n# �_i,.�5f1.00.; � �,��0_�f0 To#al �'ayment, P�yee and �'urpose S�ammary Pa��� Puraose , T�rry F�rrrer _ M4uin� Crt55ts� T' €� C�fc;iryg f�r the entire am�ur�t i� �rv �e d�tern�in�ed t�y k^,+a}�a�� �nril�r S�rah as it is rP_IaFQd #n c�n� sim�l�r tc� the re�ent pro�e�t+� �Cquisitiorrs campleted by kh� El7fi�. If yau h�ae any qu��tior��: let me krow. Th�nk you. � � �� . �� [�'�� � , �__/ �-!;� � �c� Ci#y �f �l[nntice#I� �I�V��I� C�STS "' frrrp�ara�: Submrt F'rbrrrptly AfrQr 1I}coy� .. �G4���I1�Y ��3Y$� ❑ R�6d��Ge �7 e4d_ �@YIC� 0 �a�}YernRD�211� � �7'�i0f Pp ' . - C]S�9 a+�98 � Busire�s� ❑ Farm p F�an-Profi# �Ad�a�cs C] Part6al +�Final Y2� ee � : Tercy €nrner Gist S.P, �'�rcel � �. �'r€ij �C? Subr€�itted Arrgaur�l S DRstric# Ap,�ro�al_ Agen�Y ApProwal- it7bV.Q4 . 9r.. �: +�wn��zwo-. �re Dake }�ppl�cako�n Approv�ed: �Fed�lo. _ ._ Coe�riky h�Vrtgh3 ��nd4r�10,: ACqu�5ih0n: ❑�ending � Acr�pted �] Em. Dom�in Attn. F�nonie: Parcel C]�wner: ��i �n�ck ra: - ��a�aC�y Ter Forn�r _ Addfe�see{�}: TerryFornpf P�rCE� Addf.: 14� F'ine S�reel M2lflirl� Acidr � 1395�1 J�rvis Aven�� NW ��[y, 51��e Zip: Ma�tieell�, P+IPN 553�2 f�EL�IC�,TILYN �GLAJM ELfC:i�JLIIY � ���..,i..,�.,,. --_ _ —.� �Va+'roe(�j� 7erry Fnrn�r �ccupanvy Date: �_b�1��i�9 �iiglbl�lt� Ci�t�:; C�2QJ�U38 rFk^lice{Y,' �i�nl 9r RuM1'�hsicf7fferl C�ate{s} af ti�� �,�ave: FOR 9GFl4i�+L U$E 4NLY �eMt� � MOVfF�G CC�ST t�PT[C}W 0 �+wner � Tenant RGqlliSl�l�i� C1���: 03l1512018 {if de�°arn-..'Y9C� N5e'Rerding'j BegFn C�Q9i�i�iB End� Rerrciin� h5 Residenki�l So�+tiQu�e 9aais ��ity, �tate 2ip �rul� Ha�r�n. h�1�1 5�382 LO�A710�# F�ER�47NA� Ptl�+��'ERTY MO'VED I Faeali�y hl�me �nd{ar Ty��; Still ���fCh'Ytg �tre�f J�t�dress: Ciky, St�t� s'+R. I hl�rne �1f Mo11eC{5)� �elf-h�l�ive � �I'�+A�ctu�l Ca�t 9sic�enli�l ���`��tr*7aSe Rea ld�en� I CertRflcailon: Fed�ra i law requir�s certific�i�an ,�f r�sidenay �atus Please ct�e:Jc tn� caleg��r� ❑�r c9mpY�1� �e sectian Be1�v� khal a�Pl�es iv y0v o� y�aur o�upsnCy 21u�S m tHp Unir�p �k�R9S. Your sign�CUr� r,on�tAvt95 ee�F�F,e�tipn. F��{�{y that I am �a cA�r.en �r ndla�n�I 4} ll5e U�ri[ed''a1at�S, 9f I furth�r r�ri�Tj� kllat the�e arp pgr5{g�ryg a� iqy� F�Q{}�$h4I�; {cr.ec►� onea [] ar� al,en lau,�uwl presenti �n It,e Unit�d Sl�tes, �r [hak ar� c�i+zens ar nalmr�als vf Rhe UnrteG 5tataa, � bh alPen wilh �Ei30¢tsl�� �foperiy Izsvf;llFy p�2SBhf in and are al�ens lavrf�lly �rese�t �n thc �In�ed S�3les. the Ur�ited .S¢�qg� ,,�^� S�al €� rsrii : P rx�lidy fhai I am �y a Undaad s1a�y citi�$n ❑ en �n la,rrfully present m lhe united Siaie� Q a ljnited $9�16s ri�htan�l (] 8 n�s-U S�Ciki��r7 nUl pre�ar�l i� IhB LJniCed' $1�123 F'�nn�r3�*ip: I Ce�iiiy 1h9t thef� are �ttYMrS in the pa�1'aesshlp �r1d thaS �+r� Citize�s ot d�e U�+iG�tl St�[es_ an�jtor aa� �li�ns I�rrfuuy prQ�enl in t� Ut4itetl 5ta�s. 3rd are nor,U.S. cit�terrs np� Rc���ni in ih�+ elr,itad 5k�t�s. �Gorvar�! vn'. I oeM ily �Itaa _., i9 �5�8k3113had Cy law 8flb auLhOriz�� tm �ondU�d Dusiness in 7hg Uni[�d'� StaRes Cl�lrnaln� Acknowi$d��rng�C: ", 1Ci� u�ader�ign�j, �p herg�y �g�iiy Ch�; khC �C�v9 irfa:Trtali4n r3 ifu� aid c�areCi antl CM�[ cumenk9ti9n �Ha,c�ed h�r�ko accur�ta��3� repr�senCs ef�g�61a axpensPs I�i�+� �gRi`y thaq f ha� np� �SfF:viOUSlk su�nik[� n�P f90Biv� - ^� nt �ot an x �s� �uDrniHed auikh Chis clam. OFFICIAL US� �NLY: ;Co�n,�er�eF �y � -+��--�r'�p , � �uthorized �i��aEure. �am� ��f��[, C-�'I� �" � �O � � � �- T�r���,���: '� Z- [i `� � ��• � � Z� �at�: � ���� ����s M oving CasCs Pt��e 1 of 2 fi'Ll�}9 � �� v.201 Jf9+� �LE�f DFI�l�i'i,4L i4'Iaviog �a�ts In�tru�ctint�� fur su�rni#ting ����r �l�im Ttse S[a9ti a�•ill allnws� fc:5lden1181 Crl�kiri� r�tp�s±ces lp a dl5pl.li�s1 i.5dixieiu:�l �r G�6r�lf;r U�l�a:s1 un ei[htr a R{](J��l `;("FIE�;I�I!1.3; or rkim�uas2snrr.[ f'pr AC'1-L1,1Ee CC}STS �ncurre�. �s ���s�rla��t }�ou t,��ll 6e a.43:ed �� s�lc�4 �I:c mes�r�d mast su�iiatib�c 1� lirus n�rds. CM17F()RT,4Y�; {:ansult �nd #hor°oughly di�u3s moving �u�itinns �rnd rnr�hod� tait�i a mlqc��Ep� �dviscar prior to rnavin� T�LC �L'J[C L'i111Y@61 IY11:7�41f$K �`4U fe�l' �y' ull�rudnn �r�hish m�v c�su��itu�e� �. hnmc impro�•ee��en[. Tnr: �be��+. �ro�i1] n��.u: cpn�id�f� Pd}' or rri.mbursc Fr�P o��e�Cime [harves, eY�CCpd 19i CI51�r�e5ttw 5ilualeo�as ;tw deECGf111nCd Gtfurthand ie}� ihC `�k�tw of Nlinn�5ii[a. Pa��ntents by° Rc�t�� Seh�tfule �1itJ�r IJiis ier�fhud, pa�m�� is+C+]ttlpul�� oi� [hs: e�smb�r c�F r�aonls iil }'ou` rrsidcnti�, r.xcb,iSivC t�f �pisal C�its�4g, g;�arch�s, panlries, b�,[hioont5� Isaliu�a}'s, cnsran�.�s or aait� unfurne�,td �s�,,ms, A ba�en7eni „tiay hc �nnsidcrai c�rre ruun, unlezs �t has �cc�i scparaicd in;t� li+��h�le ruom.� sae1� as b�cfrca��;s �r recrC�ilOn r�4P113. C1u[build�n s uSC� E�� S90 e u s�s rna � a]s� bc c�unked b eFee rcyom basis 7n� Octu ant Pruvide9 F i �jl � A�G�I;i#1?! Doas N at �Prasride Fu�nl�ur4 F�ac,rr,s 1 2 3 4 5 6 � S Additianaf R�o�s Rooms 1 ,��tlitionel Room9 A>r.Durl �ST� T25 9�$ 11�� 1325 1��5 f72u 192� �2i$.+E�Ch �'�l1W:n1 �454 �104+E�Gh Pa}�rnenls k�y� Rcc�ipt ar Actu�l Cos� EJrl�ler this me[htad, thc �tatc axa}° �IION� r8iriabuesemeni �Oi rE�54r113�r1r Jn�1 nerrs�afY IdS dCkCfTallfl�d by ShC 3��i3C�} ex�en�es i��t�SfCd il1 i]iGYi� ��O�f persnnaJ pep��I't}� �i]i � daslalY,4e ndi lo rxce�vi SU enilt5. This is a�o[ an adj�5l�nenl far inccrwsveniences �vhicf� have nccurred �rr for iimo icas[ at yBk�P ��.�uler ����cu�aiip�. w1Uv`Ing C?cp�n�+3 5vill �ir paid u�;nn �ornplian�� t4iSh [he En[]nu�ing in�tRrCtlain5. 1. '4Vl,ee� y�nu a�c moue�i by a pa�f�.i:�iurrul rns�vin,� c4�mpar�y. P-a}' ih2 i:har��� un� �,�1s11', � ilCkaYlect� iSeCrlit(:d te�eipa�rl biji m�ukCd "t'Sid in ��C��. �ricl signrd bY a e[fm�}3Ry FC��CSCttlBtlwC. P9��se conP�CI7i C�4g�bII�hS}' tti•i[h a Ett�ltaca[�on A�wi��rf �flof lo khc moYe. 2 [FyGua Prrsnnal �S�q��{�y k415iO4C�1 b�3umec�ne plhtf rhan ��rFOfESSi6sia1 mau��inq �nrn�ndny, y4u mh�SE 5ubmit;it� i4emirxd slalCm�l4t sll��rin6 Che ��ur�b�r oF' ppcspl� I11I�d, Ehe r�t�5 p�Me^n c�rur ��id, ��t�5,, �nd khe to�zl I�s�ur� vrorked f�,E rach ind+uidual � the riyuipmen� us�d, f'Icase dis,:us� �JSis iritth�d with y�au�! K�lacation A�aisur prinr tn rnnvir�g a[�d incurrirk� e.�cp�,s€s_ 3. Ys�u r11u�[ tan��tlet� qhC �SOCGp1Yi p.p�tiiin o�F 1dk frs�ni �+C Chls {:I�Im F4rrn in ink. At[aeh �n IhC �ri�in81 of [h15 fiarnl WI r�qulTsd tnf4Ym�ticrn pCel�ielr�§� w+,�saur m�ro�� and m�el �� 111� R�lu.:atic�n Advi�r�r Shou'n otl ih�. NGs��= Eed eumKr ou lhe frv�ni nf`1h�5 foCt11. d. ln ;h� evertt ��uu arr ��saneially �arrat�]e to pas ihe mnVirsg camp�ny, speci�6 :uzangemen�� mSk' IlC fliiL(iC ti4'I�II �IIC ��flill'.�1I7{PR AiIS"ISCFf I�0 3yIt744' dffc4.k p�^�cctienL, €ar an a�c��re pa}�nitr,k Claii1t. �flois rriu�l he du�c titi•cll i� �d[uh;ce of d94r ma�v�in�; da[e C+i[7;Y-I�E:�;IDF"ti�T[r�L. i�'Tt�ri�g Cos�s In�true�ion� for submitting y�ur e]aiin RCluwatiur, re�uls:it:m; �I;nss i71`avi;lg �x�erla�� l�s a i1i.Fl�c�i1 �:.alnC;ic. F�c;� ur sGun-praCu oe�ani�ation bas�n� pn 84CI:u�YI COSts i7cur.rd in i11Dviimg �cf�on�1 prqEt�r[i `ur a c:i.sC;u7�C " Q Riiles. J�u�5eti°er, rcg;ul�tlolti5 do nul al�su�u for inr�aorez�en�e� w��hl�h m•�v qwCur s�r f��r 6�_sin�55 ki�t�. loss ft�1r11bur6Cmrm f'ur cli�•.�;� moV`In�2 expeC�'s�5 ti4ill be made uppn .ear,Epl1�75CC u�ikh ihe F4tou�+�in� ins[ruc;irin�. Ih7�'{]RTA[YT; Ct�ns�,lt �nd ihorou�,E�ly tliseuss moving vp1.Fo�s a�d methods wikh 8 mlocation a�lrisor pri4r tcr tnurin6. I. V4'hen �e Cr,G�1CI�Lrci41 in4}vtT es �m�,lnk��d, thc mtivin.l� C�sts ilre [�5� �6C p�icl �n�J a det�ikptl ftit�e�aled slai.lc�€i.rn' �fblaia��si. 2. [r, !t�e evcn� vou saiSPi yc�ur rc�ular wn�l�s,yres t� makC li1C 11i4+�e. E[ i� ree{uirad [ha! y�4u Fn�inkal�l ��Ct�C[iple[� rrrord QF cEatC�, �iri1� 5kurkecl, ancl ampunts �ood t�r �Y� pctSo�Fg phygirzll}' Rzutit�paun� _n thC mo+'C., Ch��S for use c�f fyui�iment p�wi�fici �r� ihC bu�in�ss mu}• hC all�s4cd bu' sh�ll k1� ce�m rara�sk t�ro #hos� rotes charged by lrx�l rrni�l ❑gcne ie5, �'. Y{]U 1713}' �I�iL',D aiC�'�7( �CI1C I0�44�C OF145'U ��i� C3tLL7ki11�$ �CFf LR]f)L'lfl� �4II iiF�€1Uf p�rsunal prca�3�. ']hest CpSt CgLimutu� wil� he �bis�lin�d by lhe 3gcncy �i�l p-�scnlcrJ t�p p`ou �5 sTr �pti�7�. 4Vii�1 [Flis mcthcad, �ma nkh�r mti�a�in� �u.1 ducamen�a�iu:i is n�t���, � i`s�u n3t�5[ tample[e rhe ht�ttr�an �rrtEop [rF IN�: fronl �]C lhis �laim ]�ornl iln ink, Att&�;h so [hr ari�ina] i�f thi5 I+]fnr b.11 reyuirtd inr`t}rmsiion ���1;�er�la5� l9 ycaur mo.•e 3nd m�il tln thC �2clq�ailnet Adt�isUr �hbr��n on thc Inurr le� �c�mCt 4n [hi frun� �aF Ihis Fnrn� 73it �en�cy will nvk �o�15idC�� P8y o�' r�iRlburse 1ac ev�rlim[ [hair�,�5 CxCCp! In �nter�eay�y sa��ai�vns. as dckcrmrned b}� �he a�en�y. N�y�me�a mav als;� be a�lo�red [ri Rhe �auner �� a d'5pIa�C�d bklsi�lC�s [�r f3rcn G�er�[�r ive a�tu�l r4�l5Un��lc exper13�5 tn starching f�aF a[epl$i:�m�s�t S�Cet ti4t [[a exc.e�ed �2,5[1L1.(xQ, �luCh CxpenS�s �il�y a�t�lud� tran�pcarlaila��n �DSCs� �C4u�iE [im�, ansl certein 41h�r *:��eib5es aCtu�ll}' incurrr;! in SearUfiin};. A dCtallCd, Ce�tl�rd s[a[�ement af 5�archj�sg e%pCnSCs tl91u5i as:t�mpan,r 1he c€eim. I affirm thak, IC� lhe� GesR �f my kncrwl�dg�, all p�r�pn�lty includirrg al! �r���rdous and environ.rsrentall+� sensitive m�#�rials au�h ss tr�tteries, tires, p�ir�ts, salwen itldes� fertilae�, fl�ror�sco-nt ligh�, etc.� ave tsean �nll rep�ta d fram the ar�et. �s�� /� R � �r � Gale ��ar t o�f 2 a�sr��g �osss M do here� 0ffirm ths6, Ro Che b�sP Df my knowiedge, displa�ee i� �ligibs� f+sr fgltT4hUfSC�1�171 fif glr�ibl� �Apyifld� +�GSR�S, b:3S�d i7�n d15�]I3Li'�'s sl�iu5 and ocr,upancy oP kh� ��rc;�l aG ihe iime or Ih� ir�iki�t��rn oi n�g�lpativ,�s ��1�li�r 2�4 the #ifne af the p�r��Es acquisiiion. I further �ffirrr, Ihat+displac$a �u�l+fi�s as a"dfsplaeed pers�sr.", and is entitled io paymenk fqr ��tuaP, ressan�ble �nd nece�sary rrro�ring and rel,�ked expenaes Fcr a r��ld�n�ial �ar n+�n- resud�niial move (49 GFR �!. ��8, as in�ic I�d e9s h�r� r�n �h« #arm. �, � � M`� � _�' � '� �= �� :��� � �� +� Rol�-airo� Aydr:sar Signsiu � ❑�i� �' RL3�32 M�y 1�2, �01� �'erry Forner Morti��ll� D�awntown Perac�n,ai Praperty h+1€�v�a Estlma#e Rede+rel�ypment Projec[ _� A� � � D � � � � �e.scrfptiurs �f �xp�n�e ._,._� R�te{Wour �# srf Hours � Ratef 1 rrrnver I#�f" Mnuers � N1o�ring Estim�t� . --I— ' . _.. .1__ , --- -��-�-- - -- 3 illrove+�fFersonal I�rop�rty ��5 i 1�� $40t}_p0 �___ ..��. � __.e_..e } �4QO.bfJ � ��Re�isor _ _ �5� � ^ ��° ��oo,o�F.. . _ .,_ . _�. _—...,5��.�0 s -- i — sub-totai - • � -- , �_�_ . _e .,,�-----� -- � M�ave�f �trscnaf �ropertwr - --- -. F � �1,�Oi}.00 � � -- � ' - � — 8 L�tEter move b�ne�its; —�'_"-----�- -----,�----_ . . . . �- --_ � 9 IB�xe5andpa�kingr�raterisls _ � "' �.----! �� .�_ .W—.._._-�50,Qp � 4 _ _� _ — ---- �- - ` . . �______- . , � ,e � ,1 51�i7-Xo��l - O�h�� - e�cn nn �Otal Mvve Estirnate - - - - � .�' --�- ---- �_ - � � ---- - - + I , 1uli� �F��e�e �r�rn: S��tt: To: Subject: l�tt�chments�: 1ir�1 Th�reS Tuesday, }��,gust 7, �(}18 10��5 AN1 Julie�her�ey 1�3 Pine �treet - Rela��tir�� B�nefi# Claim �+gned �r1emc� �e Remc�ratic�n �enefit Clai�rr,�df; h�love �Claim w'4M119 - Forner.pdf Juli�, {�le��e see att�ched R�loc�ti�orr Benef�t Cl�im dotumentation. Let rrae k�i�w if y�u hau� �ny questions. �11i E IMu+1 � F��#[V D U�!I f�ATE; A�gust Ol, Z�118 T:}; Judie Che�r+e�r, �i�iance AsSi�st3� `"k 'w . �_ 4 1,�,� ����. F R�h�'i: Jirn T�r�es; �vna�mi� ��vpme�t 144ana��r t d 5 UBJE�CT; �tel���tti���nefit �Jairn ,,nde� th�e kJnifr�rrn Relacatior, Assistanc�e A,ct � Lann�er� Ctrt��{hed is a R�la�at+an �er+eF�t clair�3 pa�cket f�r �r�gqry M. Lanners (H�me Car�structi�an�. � h�ve r��iew�d the clain7 pr�epared f�y �he =DA eor�sultani, P�nny Ftolf, 'wSB &: �kssacia�es, I nc. I# is in order and it ^s fin�e to pr��e�d witl7 �aa}��r��r�t of th� �I�im. �ayment, F��yee �nci Purpc�se 5u�'rtim�r'� fi�mount�f Pa�rt�er�t Pay�� Purpose ��C�,+l�C1 Gre�c�rY M. L�nr�€*r5 Fixed Rmt. In l,ie�� �f Clairr75 S 4�}.f)Q(� Tsatal . m _ The Cc�rJir��� fc�r th� ere[ire arriour�t is �:� be de#��mine�i by W'�+�ne andJc�r �arah as it is ��late�i ta and si�nilar tcr the reeent pr�perty art�ui5i#iGns �ompFeted by the EC��1_ if ynu h,av� �rti}r qu�s#i�,e�s, Fet me know. Th��k y[au. ,.'_�r � � . � �'��� , � ��± i �� Jul �1 1B 11:02� �� a�►x��w,r,r oa I RiN SRO! PF41GN �S7ccu�nev. i��wsl � _ �s6� r��9n �� G rBgw� M, !_a�w�f5 J Q;S� M _ � P �r�. •-- Fed Nta r _..._._�, La�n�r� Cus��� �o��� 7B� �55 �4#� �.1 SY.anr���0�a Ua�ar�-7ent 4f Tra�nspOr�at�on Y zo„fo-� FIXE� r�A�'�EhdT "'�9 �Fixe€�Yayri eru °+n-�lmr,"oPworin$ s,ad R�ac�bli�haac.tir �euses „ i�$uS�:�Sa �FAsr: C?NBn.Rrp+.i4 Stiebr�ikted l4rnoun� � �---- 4Q,C�}Q.d �.__._.. . ... . ,,. ,,.,3 fJ15Brsict d4ppr�ka�:_— ���- .._ ,� �,q -- ?arcel_ i ,Age�cy �a4roua . I n.�.,r�,� '- � . �i I �FCI ��_.. .. _—_.A._�li&;t+4{��I."yG�}'fiG�l A�O�C1l2d � � Caurrty� LVd�M 3 �Fendor Na,; . ���.�4.�i2��� .`1 P��fl� � �5C[BF�iH� 0 �. �31T7#Iry � .... . ,�,. ..u._..."-" ���i [%W�$f. �vmsr��a:.cn� �r��rrr,r.l�t.�an�rs .$vof.; i43PSne�l�t; G�ty, SR�;e Zip� �,1«rl ce'�o. AfN 55:�9$ F2t�..QGATIi�N c��Al� �e'G161LITY� _ - ���tis. �r�iR��C6: h��IGt�g.��r --- �--�—�-e �... _ . .�. - -- � �,r��'.r1f_�-.L#nec�r€ 'i�� S27" at'p�1 YE +�ii,a"t�2ZI�; �1q1�jCeIIC.41N ' , Displr��98.�.- -�-�--- � �� - -- _..._ ,.-°- --- t ' ,�J P.4Yle7EF1I �Af.CJL.1kTlC]'h1 _ far��d�ou'��Cwlo � ��f�4IB]�__Gre�c��y A+. L2f�rPrs . ._. ._. . _ ; Fbr'h� Y:-�r 24t� 7:6� �i.',hln�5 wgf� 5#���rn�„n� 5---�" �7�77 �7��pa�ey l7ate' _{141+�ia`i 9�� f� 0++�+1CY � T4tTAn# j F+v� l�e Ybx r$'J 17 iJai ��.Tli�g9 �+.ie r� (;a m�emx„� $. 65��3 rz.�l�liil�'�'$�B L]�d�2d'� f�4Y�Glwfi�i5E7�12� O�i'1.S�i4ic� ']'btr�2.`.'v Ffal=arnn4g'�.rr��lr.i�9��loJ: 3 Ti�j.:{$1 � � $J4Yw�4�r.�v,are�b�kai nnt�^.- (.1'E■r'f�'jn.l.wa'W3'4i+7i - �' '- - Sfnxi,r,e,rm 'FJxca Rafrnyni' mey hee nxcoe� S+`�,Ot4D C�as ala�� V�Catezd Accu�s�irorr p�rca! on;o,��: 06f?�r2+�18 I��eser �f: 3�2-Yr, n'ek or 5r4,�D� (S1.Cn9 f�i�MurWF S �01�O�r' tA6 I� �IR49�#�C l�.n rvJ91.Na[ �Jfh�E� ^7C�'19 aMl�.half �}'fj � tl5t hIR1 E@faliix.]� 0� If�4 kkJWnP3! df f2f'�! �}9rQfd FE��4'da, SIBEC j�Y� LOCB+'S�i�i �`Jf�f�j�1 ble �u ;ayat�� �ars 'rnrnedraLa�y �,recodirq Ihe 13���4 pca� In wh� Ir,4 �u#inass or iann .s disr7aGed. 'Aveiage .an: ��I F%eL 6arrinp-" �-�udcs sny ot�+R�na�uan p?i0 �sy l�e �u�e cs �e Farm La Ih� 9wner_ cia���,s yF�a aa erw; ai dopo+Usr..[4, 9ec rraaY Ge c sIOD �sheG �jr Fa2n� Irc�crne 3.x ryt,a �na Far� , b� Iho bci��ru w faim ard �i; o�a+rer, �wu7� �a'or �7�yx,dnnis +tr Ihe I�,�•ynar peiiad. I,ti c��:alf�tg � FRtB�� R��.n'�lI_ 2� fi2M+j� Mld9 �_a3a lor � �ar�cie Fep�r��^9 Yaar gh all [a $r�sle6 a� a f�ll E�n;nps af Z�1� �a� Mt: yr. er i 1��s�daeea must 4ekndwled� A4r'xQnelpfipP'C�}+ Merr,+nva� t� dhv r�vvPrs� oS dhl5 fa�rm (sa e+��*1. F7'�sldsr�eyCvfilfd�rtivn: Fzdsr� I�r�v ro9uUea rer�fcaSiwi o#resl�A�.y slelue. p.;A3S G�s�x she Cdk�4��Fi*senrt�,��io I�o ser,�u'� r►�w1ha! ep; �pa �a e you�' o�p�e{yr s'afua� In �7x umr�d �ia7r� (acna+c�ln.-J�nih,]s�ruJ, i'ou�slgy,+alw�e t�.es��ea���anii:,2lmn. �@.�{�y�p,�� : eerl�j�� ES a! I an:: � a 4in:I�G SIWas �.^�:en [� ar �I�sn W;�1u'4 Praaent in ihp U�+�[etl ;;1�4s _� Unil�d S1s¢e5 n al°onal •;,p b nn a.0 S. c�c��8n nc9 �resa ol io� �I�� l:art�E .�r:�4a� P��9C7I�: 1 Cs�11�1ha1 ;har.e �E'4 kar.ncr.x n i++� at+r�rShya �ntl ihel sreeA;euns s� kl�a Un�A $ra6as o�sq!+Y_ � ar� afenr� ia„fally .r�se il m Ae ur.;ted Sla[�±. �±+� �� s[0 +14n-4".S, e4�e;t3 n01 SrCzz1�t m lha L'�yLed Eil�d�s - �4 isdra9ipn 4 rsr{i�y k�al _...._ �.� ia es'.e�'i#Fw� 4y �aw are ;���;t�wl�W k� C�duU hu5l�ass �h !Ae ���;niy$ SL�lee, I Etal.r,�ni Avk�a��A�rer�pnl�+nt: I th+2 u,i��rsignetl. �G !'w9;�by 9tfut;R Sh�t Lfs� at�u� k�ibvnallan f� p�bls snd C4'+ttt, arv:l b�r�e ic �ccepi 9ha � amouhr Oi SiLi.Ol�4F.��'n Fau a! p!I fh0'?'r��, rea9l��liaf+menl, Of 4�1C� 9a'p^�MSeS ! fu'�ar aer�f�° ;h�l G'� Gsi7'+h965 Cf f71f1 RS [�Ail 8�,i� �� �� c�+!horcFal Ba1e��ri�c hari�� rnor� ;n�n #;�,,c� QRrer o-,?��°e� unee� Irre �ar�e cw��r�ir+� a� erg�ged in v�e ��me or s1.-�E��r �.sG�re�a a�tiv�kiee. - •m :►.� p�slncse '�,�til�ltwlss r�oYzrlslh� ti s+r auerj tp kht incom� C1 th4 Ot++xe�{a) and li 1� op� r�:e.d .�:.�r �n 1h0 ��4usihon Orr: �l s•�P:=p foF Iha #ss�rl�s� ci renU+w9 4Ca aihe+s I furthrr C<lr�ily dia: 1 M34C nbt 6�6�miLd9tl �'4y C�YieF c�an, o' �eccira01G�7�e:�9aiion �a.�, ar.p bt!°�ea [�y��r.sa rr]alin9 Eo Ve+X �lair°. � �- . � O.F,�f�G1AL =Y$�',}NL'Y ICcfnu�ns} r r �f�/ � `�� .4uChoriaed ,�`'' Slgnature:_ r� '� � ;�� . � F` - �"!. ' .. . v.. � �+ I i N�rn��r[n�l tC����?--- �f��+'N�Y{? . � � ieJephaa�e� �� ,� •�.�._..._ .. — _�f — _. '� Y..., ---�� = _—�*'� �._ Daie. _ �.-_�[.� .--� Fi.xe� f�ra'mr+ik C!�rM1 o iCC 1 u'. � RL 1�}2� 1u� �1 19 �I:�Oa L��ner� �ust�rn H�mcs 76� 2�5 44�G F�xRr aarn•rr�� c�sx� �'i7111 �t� PL', C F�'� 3[l'd-181� �V T?re teriry '°eoatsdr�ule materlal-0y" ene�,1:�. ttaat rJa,rirlg thc 2 isx,p�tr. yw��es prrc+r !0 4h� taxa�y€p yp�r Ir� wt�lch disP!ac�emenL pCturs, or auring ff:1CP5 GCY��if pFF16J SS k�ie Agency ¢Ot+�rmin�x la bs moro �t�lisl�le� � ousinfss or i2rin �iperatin�: �. �I.� ava,�age annu�l �r��� f�Cc�pls of$� I��St��,600; 0r i, N� d avzrag� �onu*I ha# earn'ngs of a: l��59 S1.Q�1#�� �r �, COntri�utarl �ti le5;s9 3]-4:3 perc��i �f tlle �wner'g e�F ��arapaa's avera�C ar;nual +�rvss Inca�re Irof'Fl a�l sourees. 4, If t�re apR1iC�4ivn �F th� 3hove Critoai� crr��Cs �n ir•equity �r horci3hr;p ir any give� C�sd, I�a 11g��tW m, / app-ove Che usc oi olhar erltorla ms dt�ternilnea ap�ropr�ate. p,l M 7J,7,:C �ilia; ssshJ� f Iritr��g�atirrr� Yerti��s [19}I��d �39 C: A id.2{�M2] I�f�Cr. ry: P!. +-IuA1V �R°'srnt �n rnC� Ur,ided StaPrr. Th�U (i'��'dsC "elien r,�S �a5°.�u4Fy Nr3rn1 ir Ih. 4��'.na $liLei'� nYt�r�s x�� d�. Fry wryQ i;. i'�al 'I�ri�l�al�y prr#+5nk 1�51�Y'J 5 r9 defi r.`�n RC:P au�3 1� 8r�{��e1.�1+t4� ��4.in alkn PresQi:i e,� :I�r 4W S.,vl�4'ias�rCl t=l�s��bd-�:IlednrpzF8186:�GS�th�.+1�$� PwSUJtiI.['�7Frt �rn�%�r];C3n �n6 Naii�}r+.5�9yA['I 154J $�C� S LuL e2ic; I aa�4 \4'hi}LQ }riX �.'1 ;1t V�S �AS hcOr hSaf� i4 �„8Pi3{� �u IhS� l7n�l8G 5'aSr� Rllwn�Y G2Y.tr51, and, � . ��I A9 kiEn �.rho u prfiBn7 iP! I�M �eI.S iI!�f i4# C3�iI8114fF 61�� L'1+:�'14� 01 fi:4� j4;f�GF�:Q4 7!' IM Lkce[ed �'i�IGi r�k�'�+RFY CxY�c al C r Hlm.� Onc�f.�+i1C s��:1�.1iR5 hRR I+.fms and aa��l'C�.55 Cd �dh+lilvo-�, Fir4•!r 6� iLl+�brl.akion!P SSaY In 6he U.3. �' A�Irn�, hq[1is:.:r. Pr,eflla` tbh4 PirC feh icmMraiCQp d� f3rr.:gn r�����rF Mn 7h� IJnlla;i Slai�rs. Th+,y ha4e eaR.r ol �.�v t3r+�c Ireedor.rs a�a �;g�! righ'i xp u.5, cit+i¢ns. LYi 9nCY [irMd vMc irr Ck^G9i4r 1, ` pesie,"crt hl'Fe f; A frre�4r a� }019� a y�BNnanenf r44�d9M11 saf Ihc [�i�n[�,� i+�, a,�i�h h+; ar ahk r2"i9cs oa�'. �GtS P Ok I�1y0� {�jYL�'ryih�P �O ��II 4k1f�Sf L�. Li:Slti[ilY,l'll;ti�p.@� �„�W,nC6Ql�1Q:l�l�fdlf{prylY�(�hs.vki�rg�hCifIl8fliYy��'��p�pjnl+l�Cl�YI{j:�Q'.71��¢yyF.i�GLj1;01.4IR�J114Cf1F1["IJ�. [I75;ItiLSI:i�Dlrn:d�,Y�LAiCPIi�'+Ca�Mast�SS1=�iSt�L'.i �a-�1.A2eiCItY3fe�:rry,l,'R{�rt�:i9y�e:ir��Cn�Wi�wly,;i5�oeenin�hq4�i.t:.la�Jr.si 1153 ,�,xs av�M i ili�r.[�VeSS p^ts�od!nal �+rClvUex [he �urr��nl iear. � ' khn-4esi jrn! A."Cn:, P'nc.n.,l 5, iiliat+Y w�� Je4Ffl'1 fFiss ii.� Rrrrn rrrz:� t►SI br Ihc si:bs'ml� aP nrritntY Lr�i. !' a n0�-[�Si:tc. d�e+�n�h: PSd 1[rcrn cxn o� ha�lii�i 3�Qf,7;#fd In9hr,pa;l�SalCnelafYr�r, hrn� Fl�x �r441d pas� kha �r9F' {;r,J i,rs:rtii wa•,Id'�,�;4#.�f�rd 3s a rc51+l1"�5 7'�+r�.lplh�c I�icrw�tlu.� hoa resx!rd� ia �we ll3. dA+ 3: mr�s na mm C+� fl,� cu �reni year.�x�l Prsiur� in k�ic'J_5, fW r+Kx! 7h.f�Y 1i53 tldis a C� i iKre[•T�7r FCriy�1, �:ryil�.l'i'JYY�, iY� i JffCfil 4i'.af. IX`. W$k�C LV114A� �M 17�17 #UIIS{MIILIaI GfUk'�SR� LL"� ihR L`R ir.154.1i4� dL J J: SI�rtRI 31i,'x}, ' MSSIE'�1s- I,mr�q-9r. F{,I'w.nn:� are roar�.�?5 OP:;ne�lr3n irtia�i0��el Wossezsi.sn�. TI+l�� Ai•# 81�� lhR I��a�� Pr�1r<Yipn§.,,rhici nilxn4 h�r,v. taL ik,cy �4 r+.9�1 ��� �� �'411 ��I.�irgln¢hls od LIS cA�atnti �zcnr-dinfi ioA «.4C 4Id�R �Lao-GossiNlq lu lir�}U.S. nrLp�rulY,l'f5uu9 k�ein� � FJ�S..{Il��rrn. Rgci�rowli�i4J�ly Wk�,eclir.+l Ln [�V�U�S. ixtl,rc�h h'r�h 7 dr:?u'If' ;R I�xsr.aGi�rn �4� �405 iY lim�ltd SO AmC°ican §am4i . Fc $�wa=no- hk,=�il� �r 9hrC4,�'�.d�ssenl Paun y F;�'Hnn>o I!.�..i acp. e., U 4. fiolr�.�i�li4Y�!�a7 rvoa U.k :KIFaJ13}'.s� TF+'L�i*i�7 �9flYpflV LhC i}Sr In OiFiP+ ,� R ji0^�SP.%+.MS: `:�aR� i1'89d�13541if��tnns�±Ipid�kfABi��.4c7oftanHrp�i; `h.-riu�aku f19��a.1477iIGlKnr�s����rd�'a�,leJ�'=ndctdCne.gra6il •�J 3 Sav��p li:grsds I€��17- SV�4MF�[•I�cmSa��Jaalerc! b'w and�ct o9'nnLf�:liJ `l� �iunss xha arC r,41 �hiten� canno-.�aa#a (sr'nold clecLm� pf¢�54. H4WC',t+� L'wy� rr.�y �#1"✓,!a �ahJ wari in ShP UniGpv 3°��1�s v.ith�1S?r+�.IcCiani a� a„•�11 frar €�tidCnehip �r.iee lh � Es'1sx �lee as a;het rR�l[Yw[ i'L�r�s, P'�41 }II U.s aaL,or.�S:,7�C l�.5. {�9�.-"ni� hc•.tic.+oro 37I 4!.§.:llten� arr 115, a�kliy.aA}5. !rv:rctl� V.'i, Cd5i�n3r".? rArir.alFV inaka.��y �{Iti,nr I�ir. be�cv.in 1nY 4hV. II�Yi�iGrxi�: G.ryf�'4h[kC.�r�f�� f�-}L���!�liiy. n41 WS�h�f tlll�unh�u, . '�IliY4'�5;�� PL"fS�GlS I}9f�Y ia°.911� U.$. 6f S64A.3. CiSiJY'.'YS II� 16�'Clfifl [44fl[Yd{�S 5fC L.11:iL15S OI dFC �nli$G S!A6E4. S SYSmI} 09�1 ffl O1FiCf d61Yli.'I�.55 `�1�'Q'ffihL ka �'CV+�"#'i!':A:K._ f1145L �'jVI'V �+�•' �Y��SI�� W55 A(i1i14��S1ti'J 1�J�. IS161liY�IIOI�CLCMi Ll:l:t.7f A LFtrS PM1�.YiS`f DiC Il�t!l17�1��i�19[T�f 'dkit4r�lU4eM1CIS!iCfYi: x'AI�4��181CT.vd.Sl]MVJ.3E.�}fSh�G3fhffllhl'7f�.f.'�Ify�.4'M!LI3£Iflfil�a9ijMSiT1�41AI�5RYi.'�LiRl:l/flFhiip'..I'i. •.y�[i.r�IlaS{� G412Cr15: A'1ni4Meillrktl R�rlfn" is mrnR4in ti+��C w.n inL boin on iJ.S f4�� 17�F.K i4Cr# n7S i iil=ern d khR iOYr.l�y sm`-�r� k'r��,r'x,� rf {�wn� ,l.i ��h! �Sfk� :nrL�yGh iM" W 9Cti6 oF briS?Tiry4 i iiq�ii�i. !&9�rm Shel. t� tl� r. he 51 0+ r�y� k�pavl��tlg�, ,� I perao �e�IF; irtiC"uding al I f��ra rri� �i s a nd en vi r0 rli�l �r�1# Idy S�r�sltlwe �n�e��j�ls sueh as ��,lk9r���, �ires, pale}:g, SO�V LS�,I!j c�IGrdes ferlii:xi:+�, fft��Fo {p13k�i[��$, ef .,�h8`��}4� 1-a�iit� ren7nv+By�fam!:�iC51�*:er.t�s�f[�I. !! .d�l` �f. ,` :� `����� i- �(Y�� .. 6isqV�qCC �Sn 71Yr ' f-:�. ., yf 8ab ✓ i�ca hereis4' �f��rm �-:ai, 141�:e Ges� of mY 1'nu'rrttdge_ �is�]P3c:��� is �[i��4fe f4r C�+Sph�n;lted F�;;t4 Pffym�r.r, bnsc� un !he r�g,�a:ge's 4C�J�9111:}' Oi :FIE j59fCC:� r9*a a'S �� em �f 6C�n srre c�cl:viSy sF Cre ;i �e pf I�iki81i�i3 C� i1�4�i� ari�,.�s :5nd?C 4 1�SP�F1�h`.iS Of .!l� 68'CE;;ro s'1..�LhSiaif}.'_, '� �j �,.� } ,,� . `�� �-,�3 �r� ` `i r= � �- �� ' � � 4vkr�Inn.ikd�Nri�rS+,��+e9.irc �x � =y� ri�arra'r��e���sR. ,�age�nfa n�.,c!1s s�r���u� a (�o rFrr 1 Q�j o.a+�ntar� rrwurx MSI+wdRreer.w#�Msa jp4V� M+ma sr p�0{v1Fl# �"+'�+�i� �r �oss Frvm Br�sC���s �Sa2e Pia�r�etWaM1lp1 � h��ami�tlon �hauC ��he d�la C �nd Ik� separata In�Ar�edo�s� I� �� www.�,yov��he�lc,Pe� ��lx#CA #a Farn 1414. 14#OHA, ar Sb41: p��fkners�lae arn.nmv �uatiif■ Fcevrc �a18�. �'������ �i. ����� k PrinclG�lbus°�es¢ar/�Te�fO�,Inc�alnqQr�pEueCor�arvdee{aoal�tstruci'�r�p ���������°���d r�'����z�B. C B�esiness nime. II na s�ara8� �rus�nrss name, �rav� hAnk �a�F'S{�,+��'� � ��� E Busfneu o�drasa d�nrJuGl�q 5�ta w radn na:p � 5 1 7 T�FE S'TRE�T 1� ,itrwwnor ast�ofta�e�srate,endZ�Pca�e �{3N'T���L�,O,��N 5��6�-3223'___�__�.------,�_____ F ACt�u��9 m�ai: {7� Casn ��} Acr�^�al [�} Olker �a�eicitl'i �--- --���----�------�-----__� #� Cqd ynu`lmaier�R�' partla��o`fn tha op�rBUG� at Ihls ���nbc� d�rt,iq �91�'# 117�G; 8a� fns�qip�s i4rl'rt�9 on lo9�rs ---..._ ....... ... ..... [� Y�� � t10 H li yo�r s�rt�d �r �Grp�a�d Vris hs�sfnes; durlpp PO �G, �eck hdre .----, �.�� Y� ................��_._,__..,,.,.,.._.,,,,._._...._..,..._�.,,..,,,,._,,,,�,,,...�,.---�- I Qid YQu malc� a�y p�yment� 4n 2�416 tAtik vraakJ ��q�a �au !o iRe form[s� ta9$7 {s�e Yasluetlansl � Ye� � Hc J M�+es,'dtd oU�rwl� ufle ulr�dlF�mSt09A7 .,,,,,,.,,._ --�.�.��� ,����... --...---.�.---� ............ ......._.-,--...,,_,,,,, .,,�,.._.. . _..,,,,. ,.---� � Y�� � Na Park I Incc�rne 1 �[�69 fEGG�SSb� ��40. $9$ �n9�RJ4:d01►5 fbf �InE 1�� �ICL�f �I� �G6f Cfflti �nC6111FYYFF�4 f/QOf�E�tiG �'W 4PJ fA�Tf1.'�=� �7d�'S�lorye�npb+���'hoxq�Ih3�td�rmtikasth��kGe _.,.,...,, e. � ........................... ., �C� � „ .,,,...,.---� .............�,,,,.,,,,. 2 R�iuras and elfo-wa��8 ........... ............ °'-•, .-�---�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�..----..e_. ,._,. . .,,.., o ..............,---•...,..,-,,.e�,,,,...,,._e, ---.._-- �-- 9, Suuqxtllna 2fnc�in lln� 1,,.,.,,,.- ----�---��,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,�_. .,.,,,,,,,_.�_.._. ,,,,,..� a ---�- ................... ._..,..,.,.,,., ,_._...-----�--.,,-,-.,,,,,,,. � 4 (�a5t of G04�6 oa[d {iram in� d2} .........................�.__.._ ,,,.,...,..,,.._ ,,..,,,.....,_,._...._ ............... ----..-,... _.,.........,,,,,,.,,..,,,.. � 6 9rrn�prol�t,3�;Dhac4lfnedhc�rsRr�e$ .,.a .... .................. .. '..,.-., ---, -•.. ---�---- ,,,...e,,,,....��---� s 41h�r�rtame,Inel�dfn�lfeder�l�ds�lep�306neushee@t�x�credlCnrrt'Nnd(see�ns�;�L9} ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_.----.�-- ,,...,,,,.,,... g a artw�rrd�fl--..__,....-�--,,,.,,,,�,,,,.,.,.�e_ 8 5. s� vmeeex�r��e.._,....,,. --- 4 Ctrgnd �ek expe�sea b� Persf�n�d prMltxhaHn01+�4 .----•..__.._.,., �aae fnatn�c�ona} • .......................... � 2a R4ntac lease [¢re hs�uck�an:Jc 10 Gammlts�+nstndfees ,,.p .............. 10 a U'rh�i��,ma�hhee�{,ande4�rmert# ..__,._.,,._ �1 �o�tia�ar (see �rS�tUCbOfrsj ,,,..� 11 i OIM9r huat�aaa proVllRY .e.,._.,,,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, S2 b�Pblt�e ........................... ....•--:. iR �1 IAfipa4s �Ir� mairatonan�s ........................... t� Qepr€ebb4� andsa�ticn 179 2� Sup➢Tle� ��at Incf�ed fn P�rk IlI� ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4apense deduc#tan [n0� f+NC�r�ded � �� T�pces �n� ll�dn6a5 parClllj�se�Inskrucle0�j i� 2f Tr�vet,me�k �nsi .-..��,.�����.�".,.��..-....------ ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, � �rlr,�lnent �� HrP'4�i�e tr��►e�k �ra�rams (n�her t �`rauel --.,,,,,,,,,e.� ..................�...e_...._e„-.,, �+�n an Ilne 79j ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fq b aedu�Elhie meali anA 1� I+r�uranca ��etUlan h�e�lhj _,,,..,,,,,, 15 � � � �,nteruhsmAfll (se� In�trretioni} .................. 1� 1�lsresk 25 kl�l�lle� � HPa�qapd (FaAd io oa�, elc.} __ „ . �br $8 wa�e�{lesa ernp�pmpr�C�redlk9� ,,. ,,,,.,.., � f11F,ar ....... .................................. 1�64 F7 ��Mor*Kpensas�lrGm Ilne 48} � . . . . . .. . . . .. . ... . ... f7 le al tnd rai�saF�nal 5ervrces ----�. 17 1�� 0. w Ra�cv'rd krfi�Euro a�:� ....__ �.__....- --. �9 7ot�1 ��penae��e�qr� [y�psn�s fur busleessa�y p� horne. A�id InE�d�rouph �7� ...................... .........:. ....... . ..e.--�-- � 29 Ta��1N� proRtur (6ass�.SmhEntt Nne 2�+rom IIne7 --...__..,._� ........................ ..............,,..,,,.._.�.__.._...----�----•.._...._..,,,,,, 30 6�enses ftt8u�fne#5 useoiyaurham� fhs nqltlP4rk I�ase e�rnSes 61s9Ht�rd. �t�cfi Fdrm �Be"� unksB us'�rW �1e eknp�M1ed mel�o� (sa6 f�etruetl'ans]. � &I�p14�1�� m�lh�dTlle�saoly:enqr�e lot�l ar,�srtT�pt�o�at �jyaut n�r�; ene {�M ��r P�tt �f �rou homa �sed 6ar Dusdnes5� Uso ins �IrnpIH€e6 Ma�ad Wa+s�sheet � Ura �s�u�c�an� qp 1tp�ra lh� s�nnuerlia en ke� ar� Ilra 30 _......_..,.... ....... ..................... 8i i#eCpeollt�r�loSs�,SuGEraetlln�34�n'nlf*R��. • IG a�rcrll4 �n hcr on deu� �orm ��, IIRe 1��or Fwm t�64dGA, iin a 19j ar�d cn BeAa�ul� SE. II�� 2, (Ryou d�ecked ihe �ax�n liee 1,aee L�s�uedons}. Es�sesamdtruslS,eMeran Faim �bd7, line �. # ir� �s.r� �u��o �o�� a�.- � S2 I� yau Inava e IaSS, CheCk 4h� b4��k dasuPoe� �pLx Im�e��ne�l �n �:"s e�Wity (s�� Mg1r�aGlr.�s}� .ltyouc�hedtedS2i.er�t�rJu lassan�c�q Fa�tn 1�4p, [I�e 12,�OY FDrm 1040HA. line 19j 8nd o� �hadnle SE, II�r2. �M�ou r,�e�ln�1 �� dnxn� Ilnti 1,sestha ilna87 ins7�tl��s�,�st�Ue��n�3 h�1�, �1ar�an F�rm SO�f, lin��. • I; �hackad 32.D [�u mUt#i�Ch F�fli B��d_ YpJf 145.i f� bR �Illktld, L.HA Far P�per�rork R�d�allon 14�I l�a9c�. s C� R�� sg#AriGE IhttluG�l�pe9, ��pqqi 11�C7,7E �i4 a��,�z�. 7, 80 8� SQ,�ii. � S�t �e�t�r' .� 8�b � �°n'a� ��'r�„en�e $C�Ft�4p1 E(f4N11 7�J{Q}'�dY6 � ..� �e..a4..� ��. . . . . . . . G. - "!-� 4„�::. . . , . .. � . • 3��IEdU1.� �' ���arm 104pj L�kR�anMt OR�W� llw+rr �+f'i��4+nu�8��u [4� . �wrm� a� ara�rt+�r �.. Pr�f# �r E.r��� Fr�m �uslne�� °� �a ���� (�alaPFo�rl�inial[�R1 ,► £�a► � wtr�v,9�.vov,�MEdvI�C far Irixtrvule4ni �nd ihe date�l i�Nsrm�tifln, lIcCI Lp �Fm 14#0. i040N�, 6t 1011: ��tteeR3�as a�srral9o- mern+. �ilw �n �M1, � n�c �t _ san Aryy Frix_pal hr5�r.ess a; praie55iG+�, in�Nd�� prc�u�cl or�4rvica (eae InS�C�4ns] cnrtt� e+nerr{5�f+1 *#i_#,�„62d Fa4�r o�e► rr.� �,�y,e�,,. + dSJiL V � C Bu91�es�n�me.lt�os9par�tahei�ln�ssnaan�,l��yVebl�nk. �€�v��nw,ro��rq9+�w-rua,t '� (�f}R� I'+� I+A�]NL�id� � 6uta��sa address;i;ocl�di�Q suiie orr�m �.� ■ 3 �� � �!7'�'H SfiREET �E_ .� C 1W,ra0r Ostalr,ca s�te,andZlPcOdB � L�,O M1 553G�-3��3 �—�---�_�___—��---,-- f AG��ndnp rne1h40: {ij Gsh [�� +3qCr��l {8y #A�er (sQcc�ryl ►• - — � ��t __��_�_-----�—�—_ ---- — 6 Qidyau'mgte��tly+p�rlfalpai�'�nt1*� """ ,— c�era�on 4i 1� h �sInESA �u tff1� �4 t7? li #,a.' �e�p L�I�4^�etr� �ar IlrpiC on �ses [�X Ye � Q�p� .._._... "; t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H C1y��4r�rdorse�uU��tteigha9fn�ssdurEnp�l7,c#se;achera ._......_.,, , ---.,,, .,..._. ..�. „_., ,,,, �Q �f �Idyau�in�hGaarrypaymen�l���Mt�tire��3�ldraqut�e�[wtio-lkaF�rn(Sy1Q�9?{��in�lruc7lgn�j ...,. �Y,�� ��o � � ���e�Q��jYGivalwflf4rou�1��,*aufr�dFcr[r�5f0997 -��- ��....., ��� .. r:r�. r� ...__. _ .. - - �t-t n�ome 1 Er�ss re CEi��s �r tales See I�SUIstUans',p� 1u1� 1 and Gh�k t�� b�x If �'r9 �nc�me w�s depr�rtdd to you or� �orm W-P � anQih9'S�leilarg+e�s;pl�ee'O�xorlhatfnrmwasch�r.�9Q ......_.,. �� •,•--�-----�.,...,�„� ............. ......�_.., ,.., ....,.... 2 Rewrns and alkxw� _.,..., ............................ ....�.,.,,�...,., _e. _....,_.e,,.,,.,,,._.------....,..,,-•----, -...,,... 8 S�b4�7 �Nne 2��rn line i ................ ....�,,,,,,._:, ..............�---�---�,,,; ---•�-----..,-..,....,,,...._,__..,,,,,,,........,,..,,,,.._.._.........�....,,,.,,..---�--�-�,.,,,,..,.... , e--- �--•-,....,,, , 4 E�14� �C{�5 s�1id (i[[im 1i+�9 A7} -------------•.• ,,,,�.m_..---._-� ....................................�-.,,,.,,,.,,,_ .,,,,,,,,.....-_- roe� �roAl. utrtEact�na �d irarn rr.7a �_ e_._.. ,...._ ----� ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,e_..,,,,,,,,............._.,,..,,,,.�.:..._._,,...,�....__� .,,,......--- ----.,.. r�ICOrrI�. Insludlrg Fed�rbl 8r�d Saia pa501fi�C ur Ne� I�xCredR orr��nund (�ee lnsdruGl�La9l ---------------a rt II �x r��r�s. �rrter e eJ'��es �or b+�siness usa �1,'Eff�4�� ..................................... �r3 � � G�r a��d �r�:k �e�ses (see fns9n�311Ur�j ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Garr mfSSPpr� 8n� �ees ---- Contr#CR 1d�isr {SBi �itlfuCRl4n�1 . .., t 1 []eQietlOYl _„�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, S2 Dept4Cl�Udc,1 �nd SeCtlort 179 e�ens� da�lu0pann (na! fncluded Cn p PdrIkIl���e��nsVuc�laui�) ,,,,,;,,,,,, ,, i$ �9 7�� Emproyr,e brr�i� pr,�ms �aCrier . -- tl18�l14�IIne 191---------------e..._ e_._ �... 14 insu�lCe��erthanl�ea4h} ............ . � �, 2 t�r�C Nld.rt9x�9 {�3�d fia hanhs, �Dk�.� ,.,,,,,,, 6� 179hsr.�__� ........................._....,,,,,., 16D �e otr�e�enr�,,.,,,,.,,._,,,, l9 Fenslan8n�pfc��iFshar�q�,lg�s------------------ 20 �e �# or 1a05e �3�� In�truC4ons}: n V�hfrJea,ii�3C$F'119f'�'+Bil�E�IARITFG9� ���...._.._. 4 OUtc��slr+�s�prop�rty ,,,,,,,,,,,,,v_._._..... 81 R�pairs a�n� rt1�in.� � � 22 Suppt��nmtixludedlnPartlllj�"--�- .,,,,,,,, �� Taxa9 �nd qceitssa ax� n ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, o e.,.-----• 24 TEa�+al,�1�Is,anden�er9�inmel� a Travel ,..,,,,,.--- �--.,,,..--°---•----� .............. � _. _ h QeducGh�g rnea�a aag enterl�lnm2nt{saein54�ucti�arsl ,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,, 26 UIiIU� •-----�,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,� � --,,.,...,. 26 4V�Ges�ces�mplcFysmsnf�re4dsj ............... Fii �1'Qfs}�Eh6E4{�fa117R11�+1$�j_._ ................•- l. 28 �ut�l rxp�n�ea hrfor9 e�16es �€ hr�sln�s9 u519 0� home_ Adcf IIr�85 � Ehrdu�h 27� . ,._�....,...,_...___...---- .................. ,.,. � P9 Ten�Lv6 pru�t�+' (dpss}. SuGGi�CC lina2�fr�rn Ilne 7,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, •--� ........ .......... ..e.�:,......_.,,,,,,.,.,,._ _, E4 �+tparisssibrb�slneeslr��4f -.. �������.---�--- yn�r �h�m�B. Clo rl�t rapart t�oeSe e�9n�a etsexfier�. A1Rach Forrr� �9 �. �nfr�s€�sfnpth��lrnpllMetlrnet�ad�se�[78b'ucii��). Simpl�ied m�11�0 f6o�s cnly; enGertt�b�l?�q�re faola�,e af ��j Y���rhom�: ��_ . � and N} ihe Parl of your hoone �vssed [or �u�t��: �� Ut9 the S��p�I�+Ed hi�9Nb� WarE�aire�in lh9 ipaleuc�n�to flpair$11I9A�aunCt4C�wt�r0�1 Iin4 3Q ,,..., ..... � . ......... _ _ „ ... ............„ 57 H�tp�ae�# �r{Pom��, �husGtl�e 3D from line 29, r I!a prulf� e�tser t�n both Fofn� 764U, linr 12 [a� Fo�m 1d�1I�R, Iln� i�ja.'�d �nEihedula 8E. pn� 3, � � (II y�a e�ail #�e bas� on Il�e 1, teo f�struetians}_ �stat�s �n� trusis, �nit# on For.�n 10� 1. li�e 8_ ■ If a loss, ydu muct g� t� I�y� �2, �2 rr ywu r�aae: �o�s, chrck �+e t�ex u+e� aescr� y�ur br,n�9ment �e tY�s a�R�ury {s�� rn9U��ians�. � � • Yf y4U Cfkds�d:i2�, e�rlar �ha loss �n boP� Ferm 1 d�0, �I ne !2'. �4r Farr.� 14J+J�FC+ lana 19) and o� B�edt�le ,4E. I IRe �, {�d yvpu �he ked Ihe hpx � ICna i, s991l19 if�e 37 In�iruclior�s;. Esta'Rs� 8�nd tr�sf�, er�er on F�tr� iQ4 }.1�ne 8_ • IR ou cPtad€ � k�d��[� �fa BI�B_'Yaur h�ss rr� b9 f��ll , F LFL4 Ftrr P:pe�wGak Aaducllan hti� Nailei, sre Ihe ee� ara�o i��lr�el�wns_ x�Yi w,�i-17 �0�.38'd. � 82f � � m+�'� °`�t 9�b � �°"'� i"r�"'m Scieduhr� �jfatq� ip10} QOl� J�ulie �h��e Fr�rn: Sent: Tv. SUksje�t: Ilttachrnent�. Jir'r� Tftares Tu�sday, AUgust 7, 2018 1 G_�� r�NE Julie Cheney 1�3 F'ine $tre�t - Relacation &errefit C��im �ig.�ed �vf�rna re Rel�c,�tf�n Benefit Claim.p�f; Fix��f Paymen# in L��u of Ciairr�s 4w UV� �nd T�x 5taterrient� - I��nners�pdf Julie, ple�se se� �ttached dvcument�[i�n f�F � Rel����i�n Ben�fi# Cl�im, �et rrre know if you have .any questions, L �r�. 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F- � O N :J z � w F- ct � U W � O z a a x F CC � z �., N � � Lz. � c¢ O � � � ;'S � � P, y CC Northland Securities, Tnc. 150 South Fifth StYeet Suite 3300 Minneapolis, MN 554D2 USA vOIC�; 612-851-5900 Fax: 612-ssl-sgs2 Sold To: City of Monticello Jim Thares, Econ Dev Manager 505 walnut Stre�t, Suzte 1 Monticell o, MN 55362 Ctistc�i��cr f'O Tax Incr Dist 1-4D �va�TxLArvn S�CURITIES Payment Ter�ns Net 30 Days I7escriptir�n -Y - For sexv�.ces related to Tax Increment District �2ea.mbursement for TIF certification from Wright Check No: Invoice Invoice Number: 593]. Invoice Date: 8%8/18 Pa�e: � Sales Rep ID Due I)ate 9/7/18 Subtotal 1, 65o. o0 Sales Tax Tatal [nvoice Amount 1, 660 .4� Payment Received TOTAL Main 612-851-59Q0 � Ta]I-Free 800-851-2920 � Fax 612-851-5987 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 3300 � Minneapolis, MN 55402 Nc>r�t�la n ctSc�ruritics. c�,�n Menrt�er FINRA mrci $IPC_, Registerrd iuitl� SECarid MSRB Client: Project: 1VORTHLAND PU6L!C FINaNEE INVOICE SUPPLEMENT City of 1VIQnticello Tax Lncrement llistrict 1-40 (Housing) Contact: Jim Thares Economic Development Manager City of Monti�ello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 5536Z Billing Period: July 2018 Services Perfarmed • Updated analysis of revised pro forrna submitted by Developer � Attend EDA meet�ng • Payment to bill frc�m Wright County iri amount of $400 for TIF certificatiott Staff Time Position Senior Professional Total Staff Hours 7.00 7.[]0 Expenses Mileage Printing Other - payment to Wright County on City's behalf for certification Total Expenses ToEal 'This Period Rate Billable $1$0 $i,2b0.D0 $1,2b0.OD �o.oa $a.ao $4Q0.00 $40Q.00 $1,66Q.U0 Praject Summ�ry Total Budget � g,g�fl.pp Billed This Period ($1,b60.Ofl) Bi13ed Previous ($7,b95.Q0) Budget I�emaining* $ (535.0�) *Staff author7'zed additional services, inc2uding meeting attendance beyond or-igina! scope and budget. Bud�ef may be exceeded. Northland Securiries, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Julie Cheney From: Sarah Rathlisberger Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 4:44 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: FW: Northland Securities Inv# 5431 $1,660.00 Julie, FYI, this is the 213-00000-220110 account. Thank you! Sarah Rathlisberger Finance Manager City of Monticello, MN Tel: 763-271-3201 Fax: 763-295-4404 NOTE: The contents of this E-mail may contain information that is legally privileged and/or confidential to the named recipient. This information is not to be used by any other person and/or organization. The views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect those of the City af Monticello. Email correspondence to and from City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 4:29 PM To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Cheney@ci.monticello.mn.us> Cc:Sarah Rathlisberger<Sarah.Rathlisberger@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: RE: Northland Securities Inv# 5431 $1,660.00 Julie, this is okay to pay. Please code to the Briggs TIF Escrow Account. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 3:24 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Northland Securities Inv# 5431 $1,660.00 Importance: High Jim Here is another invoice from Northland Securities. Okay to pay Inv# 5431 for $1,660.00? Please provide coding. Tha n ks, JuCie CFceriey Finance Assistant City of Monticello � �Hr.c�� ��c��.rF�� ����c�. r'i������.���: � �Cd . VCs� ('hect� to: }i�t�r�� `I'. 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Ba�an�c+� du�: $��1.�D �1� ='� ������� � , �--� �� �`.�� � � �' 11�1an��e �`our �i�ccaunt n�71i�e: t►t1E�:?!�tull�er���t��r�triic�s.m�i�e���huil�iin�;,�:+�tt� F�ulls���°c Pr�a��,rty� i�'I�ar�agement 76�-29�-C��b6 a�imiji!iz;l�ulls�.��e4 ] l.c€�rn i Northland Securities, Inc 15D South Fifth Stre�t Suite 3300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 USA VOICe: 612-851-$9p0 Fax; 61z-asi-s95z Sold To: city of Mantic�llo Wayne oberg, Finance Dir. 505 Walnut Stree�, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 N4RTHLAI�D SECU?�ITIES Invoice lnvoice Number: 5445 Invoice Date: B/8/i8 Page: 1 Custt�mcr PO Pay�nent Terms Sales Rep ID Due Date 2017 TIF Reporting Net 30 Days 9�-7�18- ��I�?t�t3� Sales Tax Total Inrroice Amount Check No: Payment Received 1,494.Oa 1,490.�C} TOTAL �'v[ain 612-$51-5900 � To]I-Free $00-851-292Q � Fax 612-$51-5987 1�0 South F�fth Street, SuiEe 330� � Minneap�lis, I�4IV �5402 Nui thldrt�lSE� uri�i�S.i r��n Merrrher FINRA Ritd S1PC, Regisfered uritli SEC and MSRB N+�RTHLAND ?O6LI� F;NA�lCE INVOICE SUPPLEMENT Client: City of Monticello Project: 2D17 Annual TIF Reportirtg Contact: Wayne Oberg Finance Director City o€ Monticello 505 Wainut Street Suite 1 Monticella, Iv[N 55362 Billing Period: July 2018 5ervices Performed • Complete TIF 22 annual reporting form and pro forma anatysis • Calculake pooling for TIF 20 and pro forma analysis Staff Time Expenses Fee Flat fee for TIF 22 Flat fee for TIF 20 TotalStaff Mileage Printing Other Tota] Expenses Total This Period Praject Summary Tota[ Budget Billed This Period Billed Previous Budget Remaining N of Districts 1.Ofl i.aa �.oa Rate Billable $994 $990.Q0 $soa $5a�.ao $1,490.00 $OAO $0.�0 $0.00 �a.Qa $1,490.0� $ 1,49(1.00 {$1,490.00} $O.OQ $ - Northland Securities, Inc. Page 2 of 2 Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 128 PM To: Julie Cheney �c: Sarah Rathlisberger Subject: RE: Northland Securities Inv# 5445 $1,490.0 Julie, this is okay to pay. Please code as follows: 213-46520-431990 -$100.00 213-46522-431990 - $1,000.00 213-46524-431990 - $100.00 213-46529-431990 - $100.00 213-46530=431990 - $100.00 213-46534-431990 - $ 90.00 From: Julie Cheney Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 1:14 PM To: Jim Thares <Jim.Thares@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Northland Securities Inv# 5445 $1,490.0 Jim Attached is Northland Securities Inv# 5445. Okay to pay $1,490.00? Please provide coding. Thanks! ,Tulie CFieney Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-3205 Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us AP@ci.monticel lo.mn.us f�� ���l�I����.(�' Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesotn Government Dntn Prnctices Act and mny be disclosed to third parties. i � ,r 3 :� �C� 4 � T�x �� ��: �� 4 c C �, G S o��-_ "" � rv � h v � €7 o G�� ' o^ C� �� sa ar� o pi +�n O '. �.` `'. � G v � �, � ui �x .,.J V�} '-L% 48 � .F' w'I .� � I's L� s-i � � N 4.. �� � � i'r� � # '""� � . �-. N $ rl � } � � , � a o b c� � c o r, I i j : o +-, rrv �, o ry � ry � �: � k '� �Y'sj {Y "! u � m � I � *y � s�l 1 � � a �O� � " r.f� � � ' � � � M N +"a ' r.; rr� � I ^ � a ti � C!� 4 4 '� 3 _ � � � 6 co . _ .� +>i iV Iv '""i `-� p! ,� � � �d � �G .� � � !�� w � .y � v o o G c. c p� c= V �. ,,, � .�i � � " �' F+ � — r"- 4? n! r*.. r.: u:. C 4 i � r-n �..Ly „:i � � G S.' 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GG m Si +� �' F r f^ f F� G� OL 5] Y' i� 5i ��� ; !G� �.l a� LC � � m W R MEMORANDUM DA7E: August 22"d 2018 i0: Julie Cheney, Finance Assistant FROM: Angela Sthumann, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Relacatian Benefit Ciaims �nder the l�niform relocation Assistance Act Attached are four Relocation Benefit ciaim packets. Th�se packets have been prepared by the EDA relocation consultant, Penny Rolf/Brent Rolf of WSB & Associates, Inc. Econorrric De�elopment Manager Jim Thares will prn�ide a final review for payment upon his return an August 27th, 2018 and submi� such authorization to the City Council. Amount of Payment Payee Purpose $ 235.50 James Brinker Business R�establishment $29,606.30 Heritage Cnnstruction Companies, LLC Moving Costs $26,315.51 Heritage Canstruction Companies, LLC Business Reestablishrnent S 2,OSO.QO Gain� I�n Style, anc. ., Business Reestablishment $58,237.31 TQTAL The coding for the ciaim is to b2 determined by Wayne Oberg/Sara� Rathlisberger as it is related to and similar to the recent property acquisitior� completed by the EDA. Julie Cheney From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Julie, Angela Schumann Wednesday, August 22, 2018 12:29 �M lulie Cheney,' 1im Thares; PRolf@wsbeng.com Relocation Claim Payments FW: Claims for Going in Style; Addition to Consent AGenda - WSB Payment - Antique Store relaeate; MEMORANDUM.EDAPymts.docx Thank you for proeessing the payments for the daims attached in the emails forwarcied here for the Council agenda on 8/27. I ha�e prepared a cover rr�emo for the daim packets, afso attached. Jim will review and provide a final authorization ASAP upon his return on Monday. 1im wil] provide information on Council's authorization and payment to be issued in ad�ance of the EDA's review. Penny F�olf of WSB and Jim will canfirm that we ha�e the required signatures by the claimant (she will alsa �eed to signJ priar to check release for the three claims stifl needing signature. Thank you again. Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello Li'4�!'�1'.("I.fliCYilflCk'��il.iilil.l.iti 763-271-3224 Emoil correspondence ta and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to tire Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be diselosed to third parties. �' i�� ����a�. �� 3C��C� Monticello Economic Development Authority �.�a,��o8 REESTABL�SHMENT "' lmpartant: 5ee Over far Defin�tions / Acknowvledgemenf(s) *` OCCu anC Da s l81 Business ❑ Non-Prof�t Otg9 ��90 ❑ Farm O Govemment ❑Advance �Partial ❑Final Pa ee s: Going in Style, Inc. Submitted Amaun# $ 2 080.00 District Apprc�val: oe�e Dist. � S.F'. Parcel Agency Approvad: AtAhnn;e�9n Dale C.S. Proj I� bate Appdication Approved: Fed �fo. County__ +Nnght Vendor No,: ACquisition; ❑ Pending C1 Accepted � Em. Domain Attn. Finance. Pareel Owner. Mair cneck 70� rn�a�orcap�;a�� Michael W. Frvslie and Kathleen A. Froslie Addressee(s): Gain in S le, Inc. Parcel Addr.: 103 Pine Sfreet Mailing Addr.- 179241g2�d pvenue Ci# , S#atE Zi : MonfiGell�, MN 55362 Git , Stat� Zi : 8r Lake, N1N 55309 REL.00ATfON CLAiM EL1GIeILiTY LDCATIpN OF FtEPLACEMEN7 SiTE Displacee Facility Name Name(s): GaincLn 5#yle, Inc. arad/or Type: Cammercial rental s ace OCCupanCy D�te ❑ Qwner �"fenant Street Address: 518 Cedar Street Eligibility Da#e: 2-20-18 Acquisition Date: 3-15-18 {Notice Of intent or Purehase Offerj {if defermined, else "Pending") City, State Zip: Monticello MN 55362 1. Repairs or improvements to ihe replacement read praperty required by law, code, ar ordinance .............. ..._ ._. _ 5 2 Modifications to the replacement property to accommodate the busfne5s operation .... .. ................................ .. $ 2,U80.0� 3. Construction and installation o# Exterior Signfng 4o advertise the business ...... .... ..... .................................... .... $ 4. Redecar�tfon or replacement costs of soiled or wom surfaces at the replacement sRe .....................__ ._.. .. $ 5. Advert�s�ment of ihe repfacement location . _ . - . . . ......... .... .. _ $ 6 Estimated increased eosts of aperatfon during first 2 yrs .... _ ........... ... .... ..(ieases, taxes, insurance, etc.) � 7 Other item costs essential, reasonable and nacessary to reestablish...._.....__ .(confirttr eligibility with the Agencyj � 'FQTAL FHIS CLAIM ............................................................................................................{maximum 5 50,000.4D} S Total Reestablishment Claims Paid-7o-Date {including this claim) __ <� 41,649.56 � Eligible remaining Reestablishment expenses cfaimable : ................. ......$ 8,350.44 Residency Certification: Federaf law requires certificaiion o( resddency status, pleaae chec�c the category or complete the sedion below Ehat applies to your aceupancy status kn the Unrted 5[ates (see overfordefinitions) Your signature constitufes certifiration Sofe Proprietorshia l cerkify lhat 1 am: ❑ a UnRed States citizen ❑ an alien lawfully presenk in the United States ❑ a United States natianal [� a non-U.S citizen not present in the United States Partnership I certifiy that there are partners in the partnership and fhat are citizens oi the United States, andlor are aliens lawfully present fn the United States, and are non-U.S ci#izens noi preseni in the Unfted States. Carporatfon: I�ertiTy thaf Goinq in Stvle, Inc. _ is established by law and authorized to conduck business in the United States. Claimant Acknowledgemer+t I, the undersigned, do hersby ceRify that the ahove infarmatitin fs true and correct and that documentation attached hereto accurately tepresents eligiale expenses. I aYsa certrfy that I hav� not previously submitted nor re�eived payment for any expense submftle�{ wiEh khis claim. OFFICIAL USE ONLY: (Comments) Authorized 5ignature: Name {pr�ntf: � Telephone: pate: � i See Over for Definitians J Aeknowledgement{sj Re-establishment CoSts Claim Page 1 of 2 FtL1033 Re-esiablishment Cnsis Claim INELIGIBLE REESTABLISHMENT EXPENSES � �oi �ma The following is a nonexclusive listing of reesta6Nshment exper�ditures not cons�dered to be reasonable, necessary, or otherwise eligible: 1. Purchase of capital assets, such as, office fumiture, filing cabinets, machinery, or trade �xtures. 2. Purchase of manufacturing mat,�rials, product�on supplies, product imentory or other i#erns used irt the narmal course of the business aperat�on. 3. fnterest on money borrowed to make the move or purchase the replacement property. 4. P�yments to a part-time business in the home which does not "Confribute Mat,eriall " to the househald income. Contrihute MaterEallv: The term "contribute materially" means that during the 2#axa6le years prior to the taxahle year in which displacement otcuts, or during such otfier period as the Agency determines to be mare equitable, a business or farm operation: 1. Had average snnuaE gross eeceipts of at least $5,0�0; or 2. Had average annua! net earnings of at least $1,000; or 3. Contributed at least 33SS % af the owner's or pperato�s average annual gross income from al� snurces. 4. If the applicatian of the above criteria creates an inequiry or hardship in any given case, the Agency may apprave Che use of other appropriate criteria. Gitizenship 1 Immigration Terms Deiined 49 CFR 24.2{a�{Z) Aliea noi lawfu!!y present !n ihe United Stotes. The phrase "alien ndi IawfuPly present in the United States" means an alien who is not "lawfully preseni" in the U.S. as defined in B CFR 1D3.12 an� includes: (iJ An alien presQnt in t#�e U.S. who has not 6een admitted or paroPed into the V.S. pursuant to the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1501 etseq. J and whose stay in 1he U.S. has not been authorized by the United Siates Attamey General; and, {iiJ An aiien who is present in the U.S. after the expiration o# the period of stay authorized 6y the United States Attorney General ar who oYherwise �iolates the terms and [onditions of admission, parole or authorizatipn to stay in the U,S. ` Aliens: Aliens are people who have left (emigrated) a foreign country io the United States. They have same of the same freedoms and legal rights as U.S. citizens, hut they cannot vote in elections. • Resident Aliens: A foreigner who is a permanent resident of the taurtYry in which he or she resides but does not have titizenship. To fall under this classification in the U.S., you need to either currenily have a green card or have had one in the last caiendar year. You aiso fall under the U.S. classification of resident alien if you have been in the U.5. for 31 days or mpre during the current year along with having heen in the U.S. for at least 183 days over a theee-year period that includes the current year. ' Non•Resident Aliens: A'npn-U.S. citizen' wha doesn't pass the green card test ot the substantial presence test. If a non-citizen currpntly has a greer� �ard or has had a green card in the past calendar year, he or she would pass the green card test and would be cl�ssified as a resident alien. If the individua! has resided in the U.S. for 31 days or mqre in the current year and resided in the U.S. far more than 183 days over a three-year period, inciuding the wrtent year, he or she would pass the substantial presence test and be classified as a resident alien. ' Nationals: American Nationals are natives of American terrliorial possessions. They have all the legal protections which utfzens have, but ihey do not have the full political rights of US catizens. Accarding to S U.S.C. §1408 it is possible to be a U.S. national without being a tJ.S. citizen. A person whose only connection to the U.S. is through bfrth in an outlying possession (pf 2U05 is limited to American Samoa and Swains Island), ar thraugh descent from a person so horn acquires U.S. Nationality but not U,S. Citizenship. This was (ormerly the case in other U.S. possessions: ` Guam {i898 - 1950) [Citizenship granted by an A[t of Congress) ' Puerco Rito (1898 - 1917) (Citizenship granted hy an Act of Congressy ` U.S. V`srgin Islands (1917 - 1927) {Citizenship granted 6y an qct of Congressj Natianals who are not citizens cannot vote or hold elected office. However, they may reside and work in the United States without restrictions and apply for citizenship under the seme tules as other resident aliens. Not al! l}.5. nationals are U.S. citizens; however, all LF,S. �itizens are U.S, nationals. lndeed, iJ.S. passpor'ts normaEly make no distinc#ion between the two, mentioning only the hearer`s nationality, not his/her citizenship. ' Citizens: Fersons born in the U.S. or to U.S. cr`uzens in f�reign countries are citizens of the United Sfates. Persons born in ather countries who want to became eitizens must apply for and pass a citizenship test. Those whp become citiiens in this manner are naturalized citizens. « Naturel Barn Citi=ens: A"natural born citizen" is a person born in fhe territory of the 11.5. or to United 5taEes o( America titizen parents. ` Naturallzed Ckizens: A"naturalized citiien" is someone who was not hom on U.S. soi!- they were not a citizen ot the cauntry when they were 6orn, but have gone through the process of becoming a citizen. E do hereby affrm that, ta the best oi my knowledge, the dispfacee is eligihia for quafifi�d Reestablishment reimburseinents, based on displacee's occupaney of ti�e parcel as a place of econamic acti�ity at the time of the initiataon of negoEiations and/or at the time of the parcels acquisitian. I further affirm that the displacee qualifiss (49 CFi� Pt. 24j as a"dRsplaced person", is a smail business, farm ar non-proft organization, and is therefore en#itled to recsive Reestablishment payment(s), not to exceed $50,OL10 (M.S. §117.51), for efigible expenses actually incurred in relocating and reestablishing such small business, farm or non-prafit organization at a replacement site. Signed: Ftelocation Advisor Date Re-establishment Costs Claim Page 2 0( 2 fiL1033 �n7agi�►g - View Transaction Going In $tyie �ssHn� ,03 r� su�� t�Aant[ceno, �iN 6� a �,�4 ro th ofa� ef c. . , d FIRST �4!lNHESOTq BAHK, u1,A, 4!! P.O. Box 96G MonNcslFo, AIFN 55362 � Q e Y n�0�13�7it� �:09�90235��: Fage t of 1 � � 11327 ' '� G'� rsa��a � � � �id �� � � '` � \ ti � J � �` .4 i . � r _..__ _ _ . ---,_: .:. - . . . . - _ . . -. , h������ . . �_ , - �- _ . _ .. ,_ �� "��f,.� �,.�•� =�'��. �'� l�C f� - t��'��� �=' . ;�i� �� �: s����i � �a �.��-o�� � , � :...n ,,�� ; ��,-..�., -- � �... � _ � _ _, �� _ , . 3 � � � , :M �_r � _,_--..--. , .. --.. _',_ ' ',�::,: � � _ 3. . . .. . . . . � � � . 4�9onticello E��rnomMc �3euePop�n�n� Auth�o�it�r .�o,f,�, ���ST,+�����f1 M�hlT "JRwportartf:� .$Cti 4verfarDbfini�8ons;'AtkF�aw+�dgersaend(sJ •• ��CU�3fiCY �8 5 � _ ���� �J �us�+le�s 0 Nan-Pe4fF[. `. .❑589 �+o9U �7 Farr�r t] G�uemmen# CtA�uanc� �Partial �Fina! °G__�: i d 7r��� , Going i�r BhyPe� Inc. �Jist. _ S.P �arcel G �. — � Pr�j PG+_ Fed �Jr. _ ��unty Vv " nR �UISIf09tll: ❑ P@nding C� &cc�ptied ❑ Ern Qvm�an Parcel �wner: �.N�trrne or C371�9FlI N�Irchae� Vw. FrasJie erad Kafh A+�d r: 1 b3 P,ne �me�l I�ity, Sx�te Zi . Mc�nlaee'lo MN 5��6� RELC]CA'�IQN ��AIM E�GGI�ILITI' � Q�splaCBe _ , .. _ Na�'le�(�): {�as� in 5 �c, In[. f��up�ney Date —�— ti I� Owner � Tenznt �i�a��r��y o�we: z-��-,a �cq�,Fs��o�, �ate: �-,s��s tFi,xrts I�I irlrnl u Pu'r,hii34� �!erl �d yeomr�ne�tl. a�x-Pv�an3 i 1 2. 3 � 9 6. 7 �U�fF71KS�� ��14L.Fi� � ��.Q�(f',I�{j �ISCiY;,"k �4�i�YbS+��: — N� A,t�ency Appr�,r,�l: ANr4NPWi• pyr .. . L�at2 Ap�li�;�tior� ,4�ipr�sved: Vendor No.= kttn, Fia�anee: y #Yail Ct �k To: e I�) �,-�� '; ,4ds�res���fSj: �Qin �n S le. lnC. �ul�iiirl�Fldd;.' 179�� 1$2«Avenue Cit , 5�te �i : Bi L-ake hihJ �.53� LCICATI{?H OF REP�JkC�h'I�HT S6TE F�cd.ly Narr�e �n�t�r Ty�re: �ommeirpal renta� ��Yee# Addre�s' S18 C�ar 5treet � City, �take Zip; M�rnlic�55� ReP$i�s C,r �npr,�uremBnts t4 ,he repl�men9 re81 ptoperty require� �Sy �x,x ccde. oQ �id� r=ance . .!. ... S hf�r/�i�caficns [p SM� �sP�acerneol� Rr�rCf to atm�rm[xiake Me hv�sancss p7a�kio+� ..... . .. ........... ...... .... 5 2,�9�.Co Const!uq►3r �� insla�lpGa�n nP Exterinr �nmg ta adw�r��g ihe Cxusw�e�5� .... �� .. . .... .. ..... 5 Redroaralia,7 �r .�placern�nS co�sts a� soil� �r �m sur�ne�x a� 9he repP�rr��nL �ite ... .. ...... � �- . ... . _ .. Atlu�1i3E���9 �lhe r�l�r�+rtient locat;9n ._....,.. ... � � . . .. . ..... .. . . . .. .... .. . . .. .. . .. . _......._. Eslrit�Red irr.r�a&etl ob51s vf nper�tuan during fr�k Z yrs ... ... ... .. �Ic�ses, '.axes_ �nsu�nrx. eI�C.} 5 — UI.7�r iIC:"ri c�sis es4PnCial. reasOni�c 3ntl neCe3Sdry 1� rees[�Ul�h ...............(�4nfim, eli�iG fil y w�4h 1t+s Agen�.yj � e TUTAl TMIS �1Ji?M ............................................... ..�,,..o.......�[��x�mum S 50,d9if.001 � i�tal Reess#�91�5hmeni Glp��r,s �'a�-To-C,�C� [in�luding tt.ig �laan:� . .. . .<5 �1 ].�49 �5 } Elgihle rCmaNing F�Qe�[�b4ishmenl K�p�nses rla�pple. _..,.._.. .3 8.35Ci.�4 � � ' Re�IdCncy �ert`ti�l;�n. Fetle�^il I�xr r�q�rireg dtrlGf�caEi�n oi .•@sidQncy stal.us, Plaase chCcJc I�c cate4oa'9' qr ���rleke CM� sact�afl �el#�+ 1ha[ s�li�S ko � gour occu,ane;r �I,81.sc6 in th� Un�l�ci Stales f3a� aver ka �iw.s^t�.nse. Ycn:r Si� naL�!e e�sk�lules cer;ifi�alwon S�le Proor�aia�sh�: F cea?ity kh�k I arra� � a 11���� S�aEes ciku �r� Q an slign 'a�,fi.rlly p�esenl ,r the Unittd StaleS �] � Uni[etl S0atg3� n�lwnal n� n�o-n-�I. �:�klten noi pr�,y�rr� in ihe UniSesl SEates • P�:iner�' I Ce�l� t�ai there �fe parta+ers �i 9he parineruh�p �rwi thai, a:e c�r�:�ns ai thp �n,S9tl S1a",es. �ndaar ar� af�ens s a�.utully presen I �n khs Unirep �kalts, anG srC �C�Lf.S. cifit�n� noi presEfl4 ,n'he �'n�l�:i Stat�s. Caroaral►an I crrtiFy tn�[ ��ir� ir, 5�xle, lnc _ � eql8bli5hfC' Gy ISw ifid aL12IlOfIjCd k4'J6fltl�i`� �L'S1�55 iR :ns Uni��C S!�Its Cla�m;n� A�knowlap�emene I 1hk unbersc+�fl0�}, tl� �er?py �,�iFy Ch� ����� in{4�dLbn Is �r4� �ri r,�r���t 911tl [ha1 �afiu�nenfatio�a �K��� �i�f� �e:u,^�ke�j rep+�3€�L3 eligi�le ��penses- I a�st] �tePl�j thas I have n�t �rey°i0usl_M suern�lts� nor �er,�rv�i payme:^R for any ex,�nse ss�tva,i�qed wiG� this Cle�m o��ci.���sEor��v, r�� � ,4ukhor�z�d � ` �bgnatur�� � 4�� ������.;�,, �*1�f99� IPrin�j: '�i'� Y � f l� _ � ��- Lr �y �.. � . � � � .. �,� � T�l��hone'�� C3ate. "..v . �_ � �Ci �k6P d8Y 62T�ei916H15 f kt9rnM'ilP��kTen �0�5� �e�_SI�G �E�'ricn[ Cs:.#S5 CIB,�n ?3P� 1 af 2 xL!+3"s3 FdE�'"5tdb11671men8 CGY51x CIffirn u ao i �,a�. f" _ . - - ----- - - _ . i���i.�[�ifil.� l�.N:E��i'.�.li1.i,�HM�:v�E� r�cr�r�r��� Th�e lall,awing is a nar�extl�a�i�+e� listing af r�s#at�Gi:sh�nent ��cpen�ite�r�s not cnnsi�er�d t� t�� rgasvnata�1e, rrecessaryf qr aCharwf�e el�gibl�� y. �u�ch�sc of cap�ir�l asset�� such as, oEfice 4umiture� fii�ng cabir��� ma�hinery, nr tratle foxtures. 2. Purth�s� af man�ufacturing mat�ri�ls� Rfotluc�ion 5uppiaes, pfoiduct inv�ntsnry or �kt�er itcrms used in the r�c�rrr�al course a�f th� hu�inegs �pe�tiue�. 3, int�r�st nri rncrney bvvrc�wed t� maka th� mov� €ar purchaa�e the e�plaeement prap�rty. �. Paym�en� i� a part-tim� b�iness ire #he #rrt�me whiGn �i�es nc�t "Cantr�bute MaOeriallv" �Co th$ hausehr�6d Incnme, tontrihute Miml+iiiilr The °�erm `=on�r� b�s�: rn�a[rr�ally' means thz[ �.�„r,^g r�r ]"axa�lrvrvy�qr4 R'I�r kC th� TaxnVlr •�e:ir ir w��,..�h �isplaee,.��r�[ a�c..,rs. ,:: .. ci�ewrin� �U[h pthef PQr���� d5 9P1� A�en�y i".Yi CrminCS tG h� fl5r]fP 2�u itahlc, � tN�smess ar Tarm q�r�S10M � 1.. Hatl avrr a�}r � nnual Rrrass� re[p�p�s .�f at lea9i S5,�L3�4; c+ 3. Had a++erage a nnual net earn�ngs �t aS �rasS $1,Ci0d; or 3. [ontr�bu�ad at leas[ 3�1R 9s b1 She cswner� r�• �R�rata�s av�r�,Be �nnuar �rozs irwomefram all source3 d f ihe apF ��tauon �9 �ha abov� �nteria creat�s an ar�e?�u'1Y or haadshi� in any g�v�k caSe, She A�en[W m�aY �PR-`u�re [Re ase ui akhr- a ap�c�r' ate [���r •��. Citax�n�s�ip � Irnrrtigrakion Terms �efine# d� CFiC T��Ijd�j��� ,4.l�CVI JF6! �wfu�dy yrF#Fflf aIT T11€ UAlt2� 5POCC� TFiC� Rhr�3�P ��21iQn n4t IaWiU II4 pf2iE�'.[ •, e�e• L�n tC� Skc�k25�� '•iQdflS d �l 11iCr� wh4 i4 ��Gt ��la'+if�., il��. presert" �n the u.3. as 9etirrc� in 8: GF R iO3 12 ancs in� ��Gs: , �J +�n aAien �reitnl in the U 5 wFo has n�c �een ac�i�=e�fid nr p�raled into Fhe 41.5. purs� �w Su i lr� i�m g,atio^ 3Md F{dSi0f131i7V AC[ ;3 U.�.{, 1 h� i e# se4. 7 ana �xhose s4aY �n the U�S. �5 IiOt GBe�i du9'�eari�sd #�4 tPR� UnR2=6 St�k�9 AStd5fF5�y C+ln�ral; and, �;�:i An �dipn wha 3 p�es�'t iFl [h� 4,1.� a.';�r �h¢ Qxp=ratian oF�he pe•i�d ot SEay �,�tho�i=�d by the Unibea States �,tuarnKy G�r�er�l �r wn�, atheew:sr wiola��s �,�+� �asrr:s and ets�tl�� $na b� a^��reiss�4n, parae ar avtl+ors�swn �;� tii ,y �n the U.S, ` I411e�53�� hliCnS �r� PC4P� iYh� �W':e left ;em��ra��e I� e ioreign cour.ir5+ ta the u ninetl Stsc�s. ihtY have some ct the same freetlams antl';e�al r�g��, �,s U,S. [iti:rrss, bu[ they Cant+ot vaEc •n elr[1 ipn�. ' Rrsi�rni Aliens � A For�rgner wha ,s ,f Rrrm�nen9 =es�en! ,�f s�e ro; �tryr s,�r wnic p he n- sl,e res�aes du¢ �so�s n�t r�e�r� c��F�rnshdp. Tc, F�u u+�der t�Ys =1.=ss�fiias��n ." eLe U.S . Y�'U n�+�� t� �Id�'2r La£i rf171y havr e�rCCn [eMrd U' '�dV@ hdd dflQ � r. as�e la st cal�r��r yeaa r�„ alst� fa II unsler erre iJ 5. Clasg�i�i[s�n of residsn � a�ien if vau have h�fr5 rn 9�" n U 5. Toar 31 days o� rno�e duiiflg ��'� cur.pM y�ar �P�n� w:#IF h� 4i�� �ien i� xne I:.S rnr ,� �, le�st 1�3 da1r� rner a thr�e-year p�r!aSd Il��i in514ed25 kiQ {�Fr�Fl; 4}�3f. ' Nan-Rssi�€nt Al.ens� A'r�5n-U S ei�it�o5' w6sQ doesn'[ Pass kheg;een [�rd tes[ cr a.ne sul?fS�rytial prQ�Q�� tes�. If a nc�rncit,x�n eurtQnsly= ha� a�reer ��rd o� has h�d � g. ��rs c�rd in the� aast �alendar year, he �+ she w��uld pax4 the Rreen caed test arte: wu,rle e� �Ia��iFi�d aa a residen t al�en. li the i��c_�o��:,aal has resided in �he U.S fnr 31 tlays ur riOrr in ihe C4i-�f4ryk'%�dF d1� F2il{7�E{I �n the U 5�u- mo.*¢ 9^an i83 daVs aver a thr�e-wear �riCd, inc•udir�g tne c.�r�enc Xear, r,� ar � woul� pass the sucstar•Lal preseAce test and ps c�assif�eC as a res�ent al en. ' Aiatian�Jc_ J�ry+�hK3+� h�'[i�als arc natives af krn�ri� an tE�rfl�pri�l poixeSSA6n�s. T�°�ey h�vc alf the �erg.al pri: [tG[�3n5 rehi4�n ti:itei u I�iaae, kaut ihey d4 '� rave tne Euil pauisi�a=° r�htf af u5 r,zite�a. �ccord�ng ta B U.S,C. §14�9 �� i; p�ssiadc to Ge a 1r.5. nat�onal w�thuut mE�r�,� a J.S. e�iren 4 per�a� whcse �r�14` t�nnett�an t� �hx U.�. is through 5iei� in mrr o�lying ptl35ess��pn {oi ��1U� a5 ,i�r5detl 7o Amere�as; c.are�ra �nd Sw�ins �51�nd.l� of thtc�u�Tt �1��ieri� f�twn a c��son 5o t�o�.n �t�.,elfe5 L{.�. v,�1 �nnaletw hul na3 u.5 C,tize+�.sh�P � his was e�r�nerly �:�> ca s� in +�ther U.S. Passes�i��s: ' G..am f 7696 - 195s7J ���ti �gn�h�3 granfea hy an Ata .�f Cc�ngres�j ' c,��to Rxu [ a 696 - 191 �14C:tixenshi� grame,d hy �n A�s .�r Cqe�grt�sa ' LI.S. b'irgin ISI�nr1S 1.191T - 1�JF�77 RC�ti3enship gr�nlfd aY an A•GS ofi Con�;fe55i N��iU,als ww� arp not c t��ans ca�npt +ioce on c�ltl elr�,trd a�+iicr wowea�r, ther ^riay resitle and wor k�rr S�� Unitex States �r'ithvut rese ric�i�ri3 aa`p 7��1y Fa�r �k#ig2n5hlp unde� kMe #dff7e f��le5 d;��+TFi�r r�5i¢�nk dl�e��5. �dQ7 al U.S natia+�a�s are ��.5. t�tixens, hawe+ner, ill � 5 c:kixens are U.S. na[su+�als. In�tee3, kJ.S. aas;P�rtS +sormally ma4e n� dfsu Mie[�or+ p�lvacen rh� two, ment��n�ng oniy the brarr.+'s nal+s�na1�4Y, rvat h�is#her c���ze�sh�p. ` filix�nG� �^4iS. n5 3df+F �Fl ShE 4J.5. Of 7� U.5 2ile�¢ ni in f�pr�l�ry Gpllfltfi�5 dF£ CI9�iC�l1S 8f SA@ URi:lG Sti#�S �4rSOn5 �prn �n �r �eaun[re@} wh� u,�ni ko oe[amc [:ti3�M15 AiUS[ �GPM 1�S* ifl{� Pd3S d C�lIdQnSh�d} [�5[. Tfl!]iE wR+O FS�r�n1k r:ilii6.^•S in Ih K R}dnn�P df� f1d[ufa IIFP�1 c�c�:rn�. ' Ndtllf�31 &8ih CItl�2lNi: A''r�RUral j�rn Crtila_n'" �5 a p�r50f� h4rr7 itY [h� [rrn[nry nC 1#ar i,J,§. qr t4 U nikE'tl SA3145 uf Amenca t� Li:�n �r�nk3. * Naeu.raf;xed {+tisens: �4 '^aturel�ed t�uxer" �s se�neon� wrh�, was not taarn �r� � 5���- thzq were r�as a Gi4i�n �,F t:re �auntr,�,v►ien th� wera horn, b�:c hia4� gar� �hraugr �hc y�Tacess oi be�omin� a ci�ixen. I da heretsy �ffii�77 ahat. kU the hesk �si rny knffw�edge, Ih� displ2Gee .� �legip�� icsr qu�lifir� F�eest�dli5nrn�rll rgirnL'trrserrsent�, b�sed on dis�a�ee's ��upanc�r �fthe parr�l �s a ptsr„e of e�aan�mac act:�eitryr ai 1he 1�m� �f th� m�tiation of negotiation� andrrrr �r lt��. kime o# 1n� parcela acqu�sitis�n � fu�ri�er a�FFirm [�?at st,e d�sp�ac� q�a�ifies r49 C�R PI. 2�} as a'�l�s�lac�d person" is a srxi211 byus�ness, farrn or non-�flt i organiratiaan, an� is thereFpre eriti�led t+� receive Ree�t�blishrnent p�ym�nk(S�. nr�t ko ex[�ed �5Q,�7C1 (M S. �117 5` �, fs�r eligable expenses actual,y� inc�rrre�i in r�lo[:atir�} and re�st��lrshrny� s� smalr bu�irress, iavrn ar n�-pro��k or�anr�ation aC a r�,placern�rzt �ifP He-eskabpshmea+r Cpscs Caim �igned:, �: �'.���. Ro�ar:�l�ar- Page 3 af 2 �1���?'�! y ,� �'� � � _. .., -- � Rl 1�133 ����f��k���� i�A�T� Aug�USC ��"d, 2�38 T�: �ulie �her�ey; �irr�n�e ,4��i$C�nt FRC)f+v'_ Angela Sch�m�n�, Gar.rmunity [��vel�pment D�r�ct�r SUBJE�T= �t�efpc�tian 8enefit �lairr�� under th� lJnifc�rrn rel���tion A�sistan�e A�ct Atkache�l a re faur f�elo�ation B�nefit �f a�irn pael�ets_ These paek.ets I�ave bee�n prepared by the EDA relac�ti�r� con�ulk�nt, Perrny RoYfJ�r�enk Fko�f �f'�N�B �,4ss�a�i�t�s, In�_ Ecoroprrli� De+�elCrpm�nt M�n�g�r Jim T��res will provide a fir�al reviet�u f-�r p�yrrne�nt upon his r�turn or� August �?th, 2�i$ �nd �ub�'ni[ such �uthorization t�o the Cdty ����ciJ� �iRl�u�t of P'� rnent f'a �� Pur os� � ���-5C� J�me� .3rinker Busir��ss R�estai�lisW�ment $�29�6��_3CJ FV�rita�e Constru�tipn �t��npani�s, LLC M�ovir�g Costs $�(�,�15_51 Fferitage Cpr�skr�uction C�ompanies, �LC Busir�ess I�e�stabli�t�rnent ��.��0.�'�' _ Gc�in In 5t !e Ir�c, C�us�ness R��st.abfi�hm�ent $58,2�3.31 T07,4L 'Fhe �[�ding far th� �h�im is tc� be det�rmin�d by Wayne ObergfS�rah R�thiis�erg�r �s �t is rel�ted to and simifart� t�t� recen� property act�ui�i�ian completed by the EDA,. Juli� �h�n�eyr Fro rn: 5en#: To. �u bj e�t: Attachrn�n#5� J�ulie, Ange�l� S�r;�rn�nr3 'JVedn�sday, Au�ust 22, �OiB 1 �:29 PM J�iie Cheney� Jim Thar�es; PRalf�ursbeng.�eom �elocatio� �I�im F'a�ments F'W: �laims ior �Goi�r� in Style; Add�tion t� Conser�t AG�nda -��B P��+ment - t�r7#iq�e S#ore reJocate; N1��v10f�,4AlQ�lhri.EDA�yTnts.dc�ex Th�r�k y€�u for proce�si ng the payme�ts #o� the cl�ims att��hed ira th� errEails f�rw�rded here far the C[�un�il �genda �r� 81��- I have prepared a��v�� mernc� for �h� ela�rrr pack�ets. �I�o attached. �im 'wi�l revie�+�+ �r�cl provide � final au#horizatipn A�AP upr�n }��5 return on Mond�y, Jirn wil� ���vic�e ir�f�arrnati�r� �rn Co�ancil`5 ��th�ari��tion �r�d p�yr7tent to b�e i��ued in 2dv�rr�e pf th� EDA'� review, P�nn+� R�If of 1�!!56 �r��d JFrr-r �rill cor�firrn �h�t we ha�re the requir�[� �i�natures by the �i.�ir°�ant �sh� w�ll a15� need to si�n� pri[rr to �h��k rel�ase for the t�r�e cl�ims sti�l needing s�ign�ture_ Thank y�u again. r����ela ��h��martr�, AICI' �t�ttrmua�ety� L7�����c��irr�t�t L�ir��tc,r �it�T �f M�ntic��l� '�1 15. ��',.4 �.I�IiiflCll�[.'il'..�,�:I'�I'I.I.`� if7.3-Z%]-3��� _. - Fr�cr�l cr�rres�orrd�n�e �o and fr�m th� C�ty �f lV�'ontic��lr� ��rverrrrr•rent of�ice is su�bjec# t� the Mi�nn��ot�a Goverr��rrre�t f7���r �racCi�es �4tt �r�d rrrr�y ,b�e d�sedo��d �o thfrd p�rrties, �ccup�n�Y �Da�rs� ❑��� �+�90 haT�r�ticef�o �c��vm�c �evelopm�nt Author�t�r �Ic�vr�� �c�S7� '" r�rtanr su�r�rir �ro�rr�t�y A�ee, i�owe �' ❑#iesid�nce ❑ Ad. I]�vi�e 0 Cpve�timent ❑�]q�er PP . � Busineas � F�mn C� N�pn-Pr�ft DAd�ranc� �Parti�l U�inal P� �$ � : �-lertt�ge ��nstruc#i4n ��omp�ni�s, LLC �ISt. � �. P��CE � �.�. _ �foj li� Fed N� �r���1ty_ _ V�dlrti�ghl Ac�,��si#�ern� ❑ I�en�ing �A�c�pt��d � �m Darn�mn ��fG�l {�+�4'71�P: ,;rvar�e �r cep�4�� Micha�l W. �rosll�e 2nd �Cethleen F�. Fro�lie I A�idr �ity, '�#�t� �sp� T{�3 P'in� �#reet MN 55�6� F[E�C}CATIQF,' ��liyl �u�Gf�l�ITY brsp��C� — Narne�sl: �'�Iingls Ge�ing in 5f�de� In� �]c�upar�cy b�te 9�-7-b� 0 Chvner I'� fi�nar�t �li�i�ility �}�t� �-2�I-1� Ac�uisiti,�r, Dak�� �-��-1� ?M1loLix i7f IY�lerl � Pl�GnaBe CJRerj .__ j q Uetemifletl.. el5e -'�enymg�';. D�te{sj �sF #h� �1Cru�: Begin W� VFFlpAL 113E OHLY Ichacx a`ey �t��n�� �c�sr �pria�: �3(�18 End. � Pendang I Ftes�d2nti�l �chedule Basi� ��bmAtted Am�unt $ [��strict Apprqv�l° ora Asger�Gy Appr�val: Fu�wuneamr: 6a�le �ate Applic�tion Approv+�d: Vendor hlo.: A#tn, Fir�ar���= Mail Ghsek To�: -_ AddfBS����S}� Heritaq� ����lPUCI�[an G�o-mp��I�S �LC 1 fS909 171 "� A,v�n u� �J'�f f�Tailing ,Addr S��ite c I Gi�r}� �t�te Zwp: Mon#icello, wllN 55�6� LiJ�GATION PERSDHA,L PRCIPERT'�` hht]VED T FaCalily N�m�e an�lorT�pe. ��mm�erci�l rent�l sp�r-+e �treet Ad�reS� S,F31 �edar Str�et City, S#ate Z�p: hn�ntioelfr�, MN 55ss� Nam� of Mo+r�r{sy �v9S Lf Nt�n-ResidentiSl8iidlEstirra�t� Rssl�ancy ��rtfi�kit�n: Feberal I�w requ�res cenifscation �f r��,�ency staturs. Pl�as� eh�eck she cate�ar}r r�r campl�s� th� se�tion helaw Chat appli�s to you �ve yrur occuaanc� si�tu� �� khe Un�1ed �tates. Ygur yx�re�e�r�e cnn�tit�s Cerki�ation. I cehifyr th�t I am ���itiierl 4r naNi#n�l o# Ih� Unr'Ced Si.ates. or I further cBHrfy #h�# ".�here efe p��rns ifs my htlusen0ld. [:n�x.k rr��P ��r� �hen IawLUI� pfese�SC in !h� Lln�ed �t�les. or Ih�t _ ar� c�iezer�� Dr r�etion�ls of the ilnrled 5tat+e�, ❑�n �li�n wllh pefs�n�l pCpp�r�y I�wfWlly' p�[S�ht in s'�� are al�ns Iawfuliy present in kh� Uniteb Stat�s. tF�e Urrrted 5ta,kes ��I� �rs�pri vr hi�� 1 ca�tify th�k C am [J a�ln�te� 5tate� �itiz�n ❑ sn a ien Ia,aTully pres�n+ �n Ine U��tets �sak�s � a vnited �ta[es nat�anal ❑ a no1-U.S.:�ki�en rset p�esrni �n the llniteti 51a4es P�rsner�hi[�: I r.��lf� qM�M �hene are pa�rin�as in 17e parknership�std kh�9 are c,t�zens oF#he LJnite�a Stases. arsdfo-r are ai�en� I�uri�,lly preseni �n t�e l.tnitecf Ste#es. and � are n�n.0 S, citiz�ns noi pdp�ser+t irs the Urtils� �td9�S Cot��ar�iion: I ae�tdjP th�t E�ei 5 t�oin in lfte. is 9s1�l51i�h�d hy 1�14 �:hd �a��PYorized to G�nduCt huSiPY2s5 in #he Ur.11ed Sti�'Le�. �laimant ACkn�wle[lg�rti�nt I. tt�e uf�eP��ned do Faer�ty �e�#i�fy dh�t the �bDve infprrn�tion Is i�ue �nd carr��t #3�5d'th89 doeurtt�nSalion �tt�Ghed her�t� aGcu•etely rep�eser�ts el�a��6e exPenses. I a�so certdyr sh�t I i�ve '�+�k pf�vinu5ly 5ubmlkked nor FeOei�ed pQym2n1 �or eny �Bxpen�re �4bmrtted �h'rth fhr6 CI�Rn �r�a�i,�� us��rNLY; icamm�y � Auth�rized � �14�i►3tWrB: I��me (prml}_ T�feph[rn�: r,���� c«�� MC+�n�r CU34� Page 1 of � RLi[j3�-. Date: v 20i7+ae ��:'�!I]k;1�T1A�ii 11�o�°i�� C'��t� � In�lrurt��ns �ur �ubmittio �� � ���ur c���tn T'h� `;i��c uill �jll[rx+, e�xidwn�i31 �nnxine cx��rs�K� t� a�iis�al;`cc.� indix•icisr,�] nr fa�rrif�� ��.d «M �is�r�r a�[]41A4 �C"ifl�:[)IIR.�=. t,� r�imhuT54171rn1 7i71 �{�` I l:,l� t�(}�T``� incu�r��i. .�:, 3�1.3�5I.�Ci`s' yOLI 44iII I7C �Sk�'+� 1;� kcicc�t ih� rt��thc+d rn���t xt�iaa��le tn x�«ur nc4i�w. IV�P}Oi�T,4ttiT: Caansult �n�l [hornu�hl}� �i�cu�ss rna��in� opt��rns and rroetha�� ���[h a reln�atiun �d►isur priffr to rna►�in�. Th� �t�it cann�t rein�bursr x�a5u :t�r a��: „la{•fall8i}J1 NEiliFl f:7:Lk l'{7:]tiC7�4l�1. � I54}f17C IfFk�filSi.YLiL"11I. �.}7l :��;i11�4X' SiII� F�llL �[9f1;:I�Ci, r1¢l�' ll� f�J1T1�1U7tiL" Cilf {1'r�fllTllS: char��s, ��ce�as in cniert;en�g� situaii�rn� a� dtCCmiin�°cl Ffcfe�l'th�od b�'the 4[h!c nih�Tatll�f�ct�_:i. Fa}'m�cnt� ��� kvarrp Schednar I.�ndc.r th�is mcthc�d_ �a�+�mcnt is c�rrrpu�cv� on ihc r�umbcE c}r r�a€xn� in ���rr rc�idcrrce, �����a;i��c ri` «'�aicaJ fifc�ce��. �,r�hes_ ��u�irics, �iadie��c�ms, h�ilstia}.s, rrrtrances �xr �n�+� unf°umisis�d r�x�n7s. :� h;�c4:mE�ri sn�� �ac �i�n;�i�ler+�d nn� rns�m unie�s os has be�n +eparaicd in�ir iitiablt rocam�; i{Iill dS �!C{jr{S{3�tlh L}f 1'c'"trcMfl{� �� f�y��+„. f74Jt�LLlldlrl�ti uti4� fi'�P �1{ard � u.: -rtitis mav alc{� Ix cnunted ht�� ih4� roonr hasis. Th�e C►G�uvar�k Pravide� F�umitur� TFr��gut��nt aoes NoE Provi�i� Fumiture� Ro[�rra5 1 � 3 d 5 6 7 $ Atldrtio�el Ftot3ms t�D�R45 1 +1ddi7ton�r Rt7t�ms Arnour�t 557� 725 9�5 1125 1325 1525 +72� 1�25 5P7��L�ach Arncsuni 545�� �1d�f€�7tn P�yrn�e�[5 br� R�eee��t or ArtuaN �ost �,�nr��:r Ihi� rr�ctih+�d, thr, 4eais max sll�7�• r�iRFhUP�mersR 1�[PF ret5nnahl� 3ild nrcc�sar}' �a� �lrl+:�rnir�e.d hr� ]h+r �„e.enc}�j �x}�cn�es inLurrcd in rrtsia�in� vaur �cr�nnaP p�u�scrfv ir�r a dis�anc¢ not t�-� e,c�ed 5C1 rt��lc� 'Thi� i� ncre �n a�jusemeni t�,r inc�n�tnicnccs x�hicb h3��e �c�urrcc� or !'ur iEmc las�. a� ; �}ur r�eu:�,r a;e��aii�sn. Mnti•in�. �x�cns�s u�ill l�c p�id u�r�,n cc+rn,�,]i�u��c u�rih the I�r�iJifu��n� inslnactic�nti_ ` , 6. '44'}Fen ti��3u �r� m���cd h� ��rufcssi�+e��] m�,t�ine ti�mpan}'- pa�,� thG char�es ari� csbwi� � dctr�iled, itemi�e�l rec�.ip� hill mar�ed "Paid in fu11" a�� tiitine�. �?Y 8 e:curi�o-:���' f�:pre�rnlallq��. E'Irt�u CQf7t]PYi1. cll�l�l�itl- 4k�i1h a RC]iiC3tiiarr Adv1=-Dr �Sri[�r td� �}]e rrtuk°�. ?, !f}�c�Rar pers�na] pe���:rt}� i�e m����cd 1��� �a,mcvsn�. c7ther tih�en a prc+fe_,�i�rn�,l moti in4 ccsmgan�°. }cs�;� musl suhrni� an it��rri�cd :;l�tcni��ir shvu•i�� thc Rumhc�r,�� �Ct7pie hir��t. th4 r�le�; �aCr hUur �taa�9, �j�tc�. 3rt�m' sl�e 1€�i3] i1[�urs �anfk€d Inr ���h ini�it�idu,:l ��id !he ���gi��5leni use�, F°�e�4e [fisCucS ihis mclhc�d wr iih }�caur ]�eluc;�[ion .hd��iwrer �rior tcr me,ving and dr�cusr�ng cx�enscti �. �r`c,u must rnmplctc the rx���c,m p�rti�an t�Fthc fr�rnF cF��his �lairr� Ptrrrti in ink. r�ltaeli to tk�e vragina� of��i�is F�erti oP] rey�oml iirCnrmali��� �ertainio� !s� }c}u! nttiv� ae�i� m�il tlt� [fi� �Tiw1CrC�tic}n .'�d}�Iticir tih�ou7] �w] tltt lu��Cf �€�t Cnrncr l}f� +Jic 9�rtknt [�I CI515 1�«rr:�. �. ]r� ih� ck�cnt �'nu �rr �nanc�aJlk una�ile [�r ��} ihu rrx�king cnmpanx, ti�,r.ciai arrae��€�m�nt�� ma}� hc r�sde vai�h ihc Relrr��Ri�m F'4d+�isnr iqi allou� ciirect �l�i) rnLni, [rr �n �cit�an�C �13}'s11en1 iF�lm. 'f�l5aw m1��1 �e d€rnC u�Cll IP� r5dx�ar��4 c�t dae m�t+rR:l�* ,��1e NC�?N RF�,��)ENTI.A,L'Nc►��9n� ICu�t� lnvtructis�ns fors�hmittin� your el�im KL''�{SC lI ��C7�} It'L'LII11li!@ti eLLI{1N- ffi�7l�llj� C.i�][f14C4 ip 3 di��l�'��� hu5inr�S. f�4f371 i�r �rc,n-pfotli i�r�,�ni;Gt7lfi'rt: kra�:c.d nn �ctu�l c�rtits in�ur,��l in m�wirt�. �rsc�na3 �►ro�en+ ic}r ;i di��anc� n�t tr, e�r;�,i.� 5[M ,r»I.��. 13t�aa�er�r, rr�ulau�ans i�o �csG �llao-u fc,r inci��s��c�iic.n.ceti tiektieh ma1' nc4��.�r t}r dne h»yinrs� �irr� li,st. �.�Imhurs�m�?71 �irr e]i�I�IC matt irst. s°��S4nrc� u i11 h� R53c�c u��� fi{ilYl�i�i3n;•4: �x�jjM the 1[e�]�u�fT�� ins�no�:iinnc I14�}'{DRTAh'1": C'uns�f4 �ud C�or��r�h1�' tii�russ rrluvir�g �ptions and metht�d� +�ri[h a relne�li�n ad+vistfr pr��rr to n�o��in�. l. �']iEn ;i �c�1711t��r�ial mo+�i ig �rr�p[�7x �.�1. 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Pa}meni rroa�� alscr �e alrc�u�sd sc� ihc a�ti4�n�:r �t�a �is�lac�.;� l��usinesk or F�r�rr, n�aeraMor f'nr �ceu�B rcau7nable c�;�cn��, in ,��.rchink Fi�� � np�ac�r�senl c�le_ nn� t� cxre4d S2e5(]O.fN�. 5sach e:+c�er,r�5 m�y i�:Llucla tra�r���rtaiion cn��s. Hclua9 siirie. ar�ci ccriain {sih�r �cxpke�,�ti ;�tu�a[]} ir�curr�d' an �e:,rciring r� �zsailr�l. crriificd w2�icm�ni of�scar�hin� c��+er,sra musA atc�imrany th� cl�im J do hereby �ffirrn th�t, tts Ffie t�esi of my knrwl�dg�, di�placee is �ligible far reirnburs�n're�ai of eligible M�+��ns� C�isf's, bas�d on displeee� s st�ta�s �ind I aftirm kM�i, !� th� best af rrwy knp�ledge, �I ��rsanaq� p���p���y �sf the p�r�r �t the tim� �if the ini#i�k+�xn �� rsega�ti�li�ns �ndd�f ei in�J�ding �RI h�zardous �nd environme�tallY the ii+n� of th� par�ls acquisiti�n I furi�er a�firrn �h�i dis�laG�2 quafi�ie� s�ns'rtiv�� m�terials s�lGh ss batte�6��F tires, paints� ss �"di��J�r.ed person", and is entltled f� p�yment f�r �ic?�al, re�s�bn�hPe �calv�e�ts, ir��eti�idas, fertitlize�, flu�er�cenF lighls, �nd necessary rrrnouiny errr� refa#ed �p��tr�S�s for a fes��ienti�l of rlcrn- ete., h�ve b�'1 d w�rill b� rem€�ue�i frOm the parC�l. residenti�f rnave (49 G�R Pt 24}, �s irsd�C�ked �I�wttere on khls forrn. ,�:���� �,a� Qisplac�� $6�nbEure Maving�c�sli �dE[��12 RLlCk32 Rel�ahpn ,q�y�i� �Fgn�sure Herita�� �onstrt��tion Carnp�ni�es, LLC. {7lfisx: {7�i3�1 ���Ob�D �vwr.H�n16g�Cd�atfudianMW.ecorn ��{� �09D8 ti�181Awe ki1NSw�� C. 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'{ y�ou ha�u� any questit�n� abod�f Chis inr!e�ice, �le2�a c�,'71�ci Je�rr;r M�r��q�� at jer�ni[�smin�ra�afins�,c�rn 7"iherrk yr�u fve yoUr br�si�r�ss. �r•Fr �.; �� � ! � _- LL � ---- 7 � �,i��---- - ` � -,�_- •''�'�°�� ,_._ ,.__�_�..�� �� �_.. _----- ' ,z -�`��_- �� '?C --— . , s . 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Skefr�kraus pla��bing �nt, 1 �C�raska, MN 553�8 SZ� E35I'�LII S���FC�i _ .__...__ _---.... _. . ... ... _ _ � .. ._ � ._ .. &�ITa IHeritage ��nstrucki�r� Comp�nies �0'9�817� 9t Aue MW St�ite C I€Ik I�iver, MP� 553�p 4 . . e._._... ..___ . I "-`--_. .. _.e...�.�., � _. __......_.... . ..__ . . I Q�amtity � l5esrr;p#ion �plrlg Ifl 51�r1e } 518 ��dar St� M+ynt'rt�ll�s, G41M1 i � -�------� �. - �- - - ��+ntraet Am�un� LESS; Pr�Vio�usCr�w{paid� . ,_ Pht��,e I� � 952-361-0128 �' _. E-maaf _ x�sw�k F'�� l� fr�ur busf�essl ��nvvtc� � Inuoipe Nurnb€�r � Inwplce pat� . [ � ���sisr�... i ��rirrzo�� J I �ayrnent TeFms aue �]ate � au� on F�C�iRt I �1`11{Z{51$ � _ . i. , Praj�Ck � ... _ .. � I SOS�xl - Go�ng in StyJ� � � -- � �-- . - . . --v._ Rate Amaunt i ��,���aoa� zo,izs.�a � � -B4OO10.f1D -�,000.00 . I � . r � � , ��►��� �nvorc� K1ECf1,��IGA1 rN�. �Ut+er,o . ��i.Tlx ; , i:uw..�4 �hl": 11z01 85i�i A+JEMUE N(3RTH P.IAPLE G�t�VE. �9PNNESOi� ��369 TEL4763?+��4-5�0 �V.x {�63l4�5-230� S ° HERIT.a�GE CON�TR�GTIOt� i o i094� �7',STAV� MW T ELI� RI`+tER. N9N 5;334 � Jtsb,4ddr�ss ��ING IN STYLE 51� C�{}�lR S7FtEET RA�F�TIC��LCk., M� 5!�36� �18:5� [?Il7E: 7�19PcQ116 [IUE: 819�f207B PD FlUMB,EIR= IRE€�R�ENCE= 3547 d CFEIPTI F p . RE4MbF2Y[ E7�ISTIMG �R:Ii�ES, REGIST�RS ANb i�tFFUSEFiS TO hFE�T �EW ��C74J� F�L-+�,�V ADQ NFl] 1�[7�1F MOl1N'fEQ E7CHAL0�� F.4N�. Fan�r BiNir� ��.��� ��� ��� ���� ��.������+ 31 ] ,660. C�j r�ata� How nure; i�,ss�_au � � �`'���e. � �+ (� ��� ����� ������ Ratric�a (?s��an�' �r�rn: Sen'�: T�: �C�: St�b je�ct: A#Wchr�ents� P�#ricia, �rent +Cantreras �br�ntC�n majprmeeh_�v�n> LL+e�dne�day, �uly 11, �Q18 1.1�0 F�P�If #'atri�i� C7selar�d Andre�w Han,'a�a �VV': [rrvoic� #2,1�5� ln+�Q�ce #�18��.pd� 7�is include� add d# �?�� for nail �tatian ��ur�e �apture rec���irement � Than ks �.� � �G�l�� �+r�. �r- � ��' ,� �r��c�� �� ���; �� � �� � � �� E�tent �ontrer�s � Estinn�tor/F�rojett M�n��er (� � �D �' � 11��1 ��#h Aven�e hlvrt� � i+�a�r�e �r�ue, f�1N 55369 �: ���,aza�,��� � �: �s�,�a�s.���i � �: ���-���-�x�s Em�il; Breht�m�jo�rme�h,ttam P Weka; ww�v,majarme�h_cprri �n Affirmatpve Ac�i�r� ,Equ�l ��pc�rkunity Errtipfc�y�r -----�rig�r�al Ni�ssa�ge.._-- F�'am: Sonjia V'ul��ner Se�it; l�edr��sd�y, Jt�l�+ �1, �{��.8 1:�� P�I T�; PJkTRICJ� r�7a F�EE�f7,��CE�Of�lSTRUC:`TIO�MN,CC}M ��: f�rent Cvntr�r�s �brent�o rrt�lc�rmcch.�om� �ubje�t; !nv[iice #�1�356 �`i�]ING IFV' S7YLF ���E ��e�tri�ca�1 ��n#r���or� ����� �i� ���e ���a �v�u �i� ���f, r�r� ����o 7�3-��1-�9�2 7fi3-,�74-1336 �ax �-r���l: chris(�rbae�rectr��al,com _e� � i��.ei,� �-,�:ri�a�r �:or�stru�:tian G�mp$r�ies, LI�� 1�0948 i7�st,4u�nu�e N�U �Jk River, Mf� ��330 P.Q� 1��. �r��rr�i�� invow� �ar�_ sf2sr2a�� Jn�+oi�e�: �67�;1 1 - i : - - !'J41� O�i �C�i�� � �oing In �ty�e �al��, �79 �Ced�r �tre�! f�9�r�tic�llra h9N i�,� ��rr�is�h anQ inst�r� ele�tri:.�l p�r r���r� p��r Frc� m[1�10712Q 1� walk-�h r��rg h O+�+ner furnisd��d tr��k ligh#�tig, tra�k heads, pend�nl fi�re� �rrd aIP �qui�n'rent �oe Electrical !c� furnis,h rec����d c�r� ri�h#� P�rrrsr`t ir��dud+e� Thanic yo�r f�r your busin�;�s_ 1�},?OfJ,(}� � 14,10{�_��� 7,�}�p,b0 �'ota� ��,o�r�,�o P�yrnen�slCredits �o.C�Q ��lance Du�e _ $7�c��o,o� +411 Ac��unt� o��r 3�-Days �+1+i1� Be �ha�r�ed a 1.5°ia �er►+i� �harge � , �[i�? �: ,��.' -� �iCr4�'. �l ��# L �� -� ���� Nlanticeiio Ecvn�mic i)eu�:tc�prnent ,�t,thority �C}�11NC", ��]ST� '" rm�ortarat_ s�brrkil Promptry A Frer Move � �C�l�p�f�Cw ([}3VSf tir',, f�eside��e ❑ Ad. Devi[>e ❑ GoV�r'r5�n$nt I� �]tF�er PR O_<&9 ��AD a� Bti$in��s ❑ Fsrm ❑ Non-Profit 7.��vance �Partlal QFsn�l I�� eB �= Herilage C�rsirueCi�rn Cpmpani�s_ LLC: �i5t. ['+. y�. Fed hla. _ .P�cqlaisiCipf' �'afcel t�u1r ;rdearc nr F'$fC�� �df S.P. P$r�el �.� � i�7,' � � Co�nty o p�,a��y �����t�� 3r� u�vmnp AAiCh��[ W Ff4311� Snd IC2 _ 1 [�i PInA Slre�t Subrn�tied Ar73Ourlt � _ $29�646.30 DistrlCt ADRfo�w�l: �� kgeney Appraval: +u�tia�ww+ pXe � D�ke Applar_at:o� A�pr€sve�: �hi V�nd�r Nir.� ❑ �Ry. p��ip� Aitr�. Finance: f�ait ��eek Tn: � A, Fr�nslie ,�ddres��e(�}; #ieritag� ��n5fi�u�titare Ca j���� ���1� �V�II4J� i°�iJ� hA�iling,Atid�_: �u�te!� Cl[y sta#2 �I�� #�1Drttie�114. M� 55362 �E��can�r� ct�na �u��ea�rrr _ _ _� �+isplacee • � . h+�rne(��� Esnti� s Gplrl ir5 $� I�. InC. ��Gtcp��Gy ��C�_ 9 1 �9 ❑ iA�rner ❑O Ten��tt Elrg�tsibity �}�te 2-�r},� ,4cqui�iDon D�te: 3�15•�S , fk10�FC IN hlgr! 5�.��YChise 6='arl �pf delm�inrtl� Nsg'P�7 D�t�;Sj df ki� A�10VC: f3e�rn: Cr�0-919 Cnd' - Pendin� F�C7�7F�G C�ST C}PiI�N Res�CerMal Srai�uit o--.� Cik�y �t��e �ip� Mantiieeilca, MN 55362 L�AT16H PE€��1NAL �Fkd�EF�7i' he[7+.rED TO F�r�1it}�t�#am� ° — andlar Typ� Cornr�ercial reniaa s ae� ��f�$� �ld�l`E$5�. �$7 ��{�8f ��fE`�Ci �It�j, ��� �I�}' N�fitl4��4, ��51 ����� hEann� vf Mr�v�r(s}: srActual Cflst LJ h#on-Residential F�id�ncy �erW#j�t,icyn �adarel law reqt�ir� p��;�Gsr � ai resi��r�,y ���us. Please check mhe category ar eimpl�7e the sQct'on de�un sh�t ap� •.�s Ic� yc,a ar yvur qCtup�ri�'y stalus in khg lk' Ited SC�tes. Your signal�r� �,.i�u{�3 r��{�Eion I eertfiy iFaL � am: ❑ g ptj�ry h� national p+ the Un�kCd SSat95, ar � Mrhh�t tC±liwy thac lhere are � pe�gpn� ir my hn�seFs�lp. ;ettiecA on�i � an alien f8��jr p+�9�n1 in tF� Unit� Stm�RS�. Or :hal ��E ��kTOXS a,• €�alion8lS 4iLMB U�"�iLlc9 Siaies ❑ an �ren wifis Rarsaral pr�pes7y I�+�{;;iy ppti�ent x� ��d _ are aliens I�wfully �r�s�nt i^� khe L3niGetk 5kates. the l}niCed St�les Sole F'ropn2lbrshm. I eeriify kh�1 I�m: [ J a I,pnrtg�tl SI�I�tS cif¢�r, �I �n alier Ia�fUly pres�!H �n U'�e Uni6e� Sta�es ❑ 2 Lf�A�ay $1�1Ps nalion� I [� n�n-U.5 citinen nof pagS��1[ en Sha �Jn ited St8GG3 v`�arEner�rr�a: I certiTy :hat th�r� �ia psrtners in tne G�r..narslh Q a ntl Ih�l a,e citi7ans o� Che Lii�+i�A S[�1es a n�tor br� aliens lawrf.:llp pr���� ;�a She Un�ed Staq�g, prW ar� r.pn-�1 S. Citi�eris n�l presert �n th� �nipg� SkaGes. � �: I oertify �h�t �4�'ir15�3 Gc+inq in �t�� . 1nc. is esLab�ishe� UY IS'x �n9 �u911wi�ed 10 �onnd�� huan+css in the :lnketl �Sk8t�6, Claienant f.gkngw�qdgemeni: 1. kht u`Ce�sig-,�d. �a here[,y ce.l�ry khat the� at*ave irtoerr'�Avr,n i� 1r,�e and aorrec! and {�al c'cwmenLation al���h� HeFst� acc�aatelY �P+�S�n4S e�igihle expensfis. I�:,,�. ci�rtify kl'l�t 1 M�55re nOF ��cvwu5k� 5u4mistetl nar rec�n�,cd RaprrNenl for� any �xp�nS�t svbmitlec7 witn I�� �;� in+ �_ _ ������.�� ��� ���,�: ������ - � ��tr�f�� . ..... — ,. s�$�,�,��. �. fV2fTle ivri�lj- �_ � k I � ielephvn�e; �i1J j����` 1��� �ake: �' �^ �� � � I _ i M�]y�rg f.+784�5 h4pNing �OS#S pa6e 1 �f � FL103� t 7[I1'FGL ���IT�F�'�13'1.�L �rc���itt� C=asts --- - --- � lnstr�uetu�nu ir�r �u�brr,irtin; }��r�r cl:�im � Tli iLsslc �,a�ll allt+'�a r 4ite�ticig� ,n,tin� ,;k��r,sfs I�r s �ikplac�:i in+is �Uuat cdr f'�mils I� �;r� 13n �i�h�r a f�l?i;�1 *.0 �li l7l'I.f s,r r�•inrl•-���_4rn�i7! f4}t :1i I-0_: riL l. [,`� ['� ��r4i�r� r.l. L, .. ai�x.+`:LtiCC 5[p� 44'L�I I1{ �ii�:J 1,4� `��l'.4'I �IC 7S9L`Il7ixll �IUtiL iLL�..LI��4' iti ���aur ncc:l... � I���F'C}�iT,q,.NZ'; C+ansulE �ryd ih[�rr}l�nhly dis�r��s m�uing o�li�a�s �nrJ meth�d�s x�ith � reia�aiian �ad�•i�ar peior to r�3t-�vin�, I Ij� �I:LL� iil. 154}S f4SITI�L17tiC:.i:u rf,!I �ILIS' iSILC�ti[]i.}II 4wI5�4I� .rFa4� a,�7 ;,e;wl€ a?�tnn•.r isii�art,•��^�iv���.l. Th4�:1._��-��; si i�l i�i.i t.;��ositlrr, �et4� tr- t�:�.:ii�f4�Llf]C Il,li 415'4`I�lfI1L' ill3!L'l'S. �\+_VF'I Ifl �ilirrrtini�; sili,4ySac�nx as d��r.rnlipr�;�. br�orehbiid h, IhC ,',tL:3f6 �.3j �u{:RfIC.4'i}I�. ; I�aymenis hay iic,onn S�hctla�lc L,ndcr lhi± in�.lhiaci. ,�a, md:n; is :amp��eJ tii1 9dee numh�r C�!'-rt�nm. i� kn�er ra-sic',ciscc. cx€'.u„ut; cy[ I; p�c�d eIi7:4I_. PU�C,hiti. fY:.�llTl14S. �"JIII£410R1A. �IilII55il\'1. ci1lr.�ntc5 �rr �I�k� untumiahr��l iWms .1 h85C�rLctYL ma, �e C6nsi�:i:std �sr�c f(�o�l unlC�e iL hx�; "x�ri v��,;irale,J ��n�{r iivshle ruiam� 5at,'� �65 f*C�r[r,7m5 i?r rccr:.�li�o: n�ums. i3��ha_iJJir«J�se;i le�t ��u���'e pur�rnti�� en�t �Iso be enu�,L�d hr thc mom haRi{ �f DCcuaant Provep95 Fe�rniture y e _ 77ia Oc�u � bo� Not Provltle Furr�i4ure Fkoom� 1 2 3 4 5 i� 7 �l Ad�iUcnal r�aorr�s RoomS 1 Ac9ditional ROs`��nS lwmpunf 5575 715 92� 112§ 13�`� 1525 1725 19�� 527�`���h A,rnpunt 3•15'L $1dO1F,��h Ps��nnenCs b� F�c4cipl �,r �icCr�a! �aS[ l�nde� ?9�e5 rr14:i�:uJ_ Il�c. Stat: m�w ;elluti+�� r�irr,hurSC.rrieMl itir re�so��hl�� ,1s4J n�cessarx ti�,; ds:I�ro�iYlwJ hy lhe a��nt�} �tE�.:r.scs �niurrcJ ir� �n1�4111£ 5'P4%F �r:r�anaf ryrn�aty Cisr u di�L:rnce nn- � � rt gU milc- lhl5 i51�u1 a�n ;�.1juc;:�lcn4 �tiJ� IJICi}Ili'CIIICIhL"�'!i 55'�Ii4,I1 IIiIYC t5L'iLI�TCk� {¢F IS7f Sll�S: �U1G iIl �"ilUi [i'LLL�i�� tkc¢uR:llio.�. :".dvvio� cx�sC� 5, i91 hc paid slp�� Cuinpla�uxc �vllh thc fi�lluu°:RS �n�;lrueiiuios - - I. 14'�;cn ��U y!c M9u,�ed h}':� pPds���siaflal r-'1Uy'4ng �.�Dmpan�_ pa�• �h� CI'��re�5 and obia3n d dei�ilid, itemirtid m«i�lu1 bill a�azk:ed "F'ui�J in full�� l�� Signed jsv,� c4n5p�y repre�fif,S3SIwG. f'ieas� epnf C^� cl;gihi:ilx� w�4�,� }��9co-;�5lis�n �dd+�isrrr �rifaf ec) G1Pe enai+c. ?, 1C'3uur persssnal �irtr�erty i� ms�rCd lst� 3umoPn� �[hti �JsBn a�rofcs�l�]n81 a7bu�4�in� cumPany�. }��1� frvu�i �uUrm' ar iLemb�c� �teSemeaL shou�in{ [h� nLmh�;; 43,� f}�41�I4' �41RSI� JfY� ,tCS ��.r HUur �,a�d, d,�ke5, 3nd IJte l3lsl bou�5 s44Pk�d f�Dr c3eh o�pols'I�iu�l 8td Che cyuip�ecnt us�d. I'le;�;r �icy�u'sc lfida meth�d :k'ith ytsur kclo��,i�n hd��isa� �rinr e� ��v'Ir�3r1�1 ir.�u:ria:g �XperyScti. 3. 'r�e�u muse e.;�m�lete �he hn�icrnr pors;s�n „f �hc fra�sE o€'ih's �l�iim f'�arrn ie� inl. +�iG1cf, [w` thc ,,ra�ia.�a7 (si"lhls ii�l'175:iJ] ruyu�red inii�rsn�llns� �xctaininq it, ynur max�� and rr��il in tt� i��lir;::ition AcEuisnr �hr�x,�n 4+n ih� ��ru��r Icfi� �rpf��F ol� SYic fr�n1 nF this Fo�m. a. In lhc :a�cnl y�±E� ,yrE finant iaJ`�,• u^shi�: i0 �?�y LFC riuvin � cn!fl�?�J'y�. fi�acial aer.L�ar�cmc�n�c �r�av he ,r��,lr taiLh Lhr Rclis�uiiarn Avt�wu,r kn �ItP�x� dir:Ci ��7; s}ic�ril_ :r: :u�: �.�AJ����ire ,,a.�mc�°.l ela.im. �'hix in��ki. hc t ne� �ce� il7 �Vj4'aY�l4'ti {a�r[i�c e��,kina tsa,i: ?�'01��1�E�IF}�"�"�'XAL ?V1or�in�; C"ra.�ss I nsrru�ctions fur suhmi#tin� ��our elaim ; ��L"�{1LA1GL:11 f���.Ill:lll�{51'ti ��7�6ut•� m�:,,;,a�e �3pwnsev it+ a riisplu��d f�u,..in�k�.. f;«�.,. i,e r��rna-��r€,fi� �ar�zniras�nn bascc on ac:°l,tl tsrsrc inr���iJ ir�, ma�=°:r�ry per�r�.�:al pro��eYl,� tCrr a.ii;c�nce nr�i �r� ��c�ecd 5l} rr� ���. tital,�cwcr. rc��I�lGGtins i�n fl(rl dllul,� li�r '.RL{1.'IkL`�li l}�q:i Y5I71i}I ma} r,.�ur =��r li,r ;+t�sinc:-s l�mc c,l. €t�irr�l�sir�acrt�en: I�c,r cJi.^+ihl� rrii�viil� c�p€n.,�s �s�ill }r4 ri1�d� up4�t :crn��rlianc� tt�i[li [�ec I�ulls��.,°�nM1 instr,�c�i;�:15 �I47 P�fi�A�IT: �trrrsult �nd ih�rougl4�v 4�LSCUSS Rk61+f0� fl�if3iiR5 all[I IIY�[IIU�S FVi[Fi 8 f�I4C,9�p4f1 S{jY1Sbi �l�L(kf fU fLIQL'1R�, I. V.'hCr� 5 4�s�mmcrcial ni�'n,;t r� cmn[uti•cd_ [h� mn�+vin� 4u�L�<�c I., be �xid �ftSf u d�i�il�.f r�cri�sted ;tatcirt�.r�a s�Bi2irl�:u. i,. In Chc. c�c-1 •.�au .�sh y;�ui te�ular rrttpic:yces �� m��;C Chw ii<.�4�, il rs r=9ure� ihal 5�u rn�riruain a tpm��Cl� �4`�tah� �.�:� s�lc5. s��s s4uKk.ed_ �irid a4n�suns5 pdi� w alf �T�on.S p9Yvsiqlli' f�s�ipacir,g in lY3t iiau�u. �har$es !€rr U*r. r}P ryn.pi77rn4 ir,��ncd h�� iI�G hi:�in�::s r7€xx h: al!nso�,�i h�:l Shi�ll tsc �«m�aur�,h:c It� SFose r�t�� c�,ae�t',dyk�}• lucd. rwotal :�g�r.�ic� �. Ynu maw cleCl lu �ci:�yd lhc I.}l4L`� {5J C{4"{r �:1 wS;imii�3. �or mot�fflg 3la �f ?�saur Per3onal p;ap�rl} �] Yiru. r�si csumJt€s sw ill bc �bl�ir,cil hk �hc :hecriC�.� �nc6 pacsent� k4 Ys9u 1S � np�Tiou�. 11�`i�h lhis inc[h�ad_ nr� a:�lhcr mu4ing C5551 Jo�urma��ti�m ;s ne4e*ti�°� a Yt��i mu�, �nmplclt th� bisSt4.na puetinn w,C�he iFu.�t Uf ll�;±� C'laim f i;rrn �n 9n1:, .4C��e11 Iu llle uriuin��l af ths5 �4TiR 8EI dC�Ulf�d iC��Grm;�4inn p���8flkin� Ta y�aur nit,vc and maol !� 6h� Rcl�x�lio�t.rid; i�?f Shitu� tM�i lhe 9m, er Icfl �:i,rnce csrr tlh.� P'r}�nl zs: [Isos tnrrn. 71�4 aganct t,�uli ncF� ccaii;id�r, �aa, ar rciir�hur,u fs�r sp�'6�liin: �hnr�;cc c�c��l ie ii�rern4�t ±�iiueLitrn.. �,, sJetcfn,entd hk Il�.e �ene+�. @'sik•m�Cnl u7xy� als�f i?c,�lls�xv�� lt, 1�5� uu�ner caf �+J15pI�a�:C.s� t-�usincs:c cu tdrns ss�:'d3[o� f�� �7u3! res��,n;��l.e Cx�4ns'�s ir. a�aTrhi_A.� for �� �t`�;3icrn�nl SioC, �s4t1 �[F Cx�C�d $?.�4Q.f]IJ. Such ::cp.'nces t�,�[s�� ¢f�c:lud,r �ran�ryranaeinn �-�,sL�. �i�:t�al limz, .�n[I c�r:.�in 1W�er ra:�:nse�;:Ict4i;ills� rnt�s�red in kevch �rrc.. ,� dw;�i9�d. ecrLuficd 3tlaccmtiiii ��I's�ac7iin� c.epznse� muu5[ etC4.+3�p�ri} Ihti �I�ini � - ` I s�ir:m that 1� [t,e ks�s; �f my knowledge. �II p�r�ona�ty includ ng all h�ar�ous a,nd envi�oncnentalfy sensi[ivc rnar�erials se,ct� as batt�o-ri�s� tir�s, paints, soivQnts, �r�se-ctccide�� f�rtili��rs, �1v�rescent �ig hks, �te_, �have �erw ? will h� rernca��et] fr�*m k�he pa��el. ;�� u�t:� � � � ��� s�Q�e u« a��.� Y I�� her�t,y a1'�rm 1ha�, to �he ��y" od rny knc�rdedge, disp�ace� is eli�i6� Ifor €�imbur.�emer�� ai plig��il� M11�pui�� Cos1's, das�tl t�� da�pB����'g �l�tu5 and sr�cup�ncv �f rhe par��i �,s the irrne of 1Fre �rritiaf�t�ri at negatia9i�rns ar�c1J� a! R�� i+me �a� ;h� Crarcel: a�.juis+tsan. I rurth�r �Ffirrri rh�;�i, ��splacee qu�lrrics �� a'd�splac��i p�rson". and es Pr�iitl��i i�o-��y�r,pni for actual. rea�onaL�e �r+d neUes�r�{ rn�,wir�� an� related expens�s ior a r�sidert,a ar nan- resitlenl�af m��re (49 �FR P4 �41, as inairfatEd elser,ti�re on �his #orrrti. f� r �' �,.;,_ � ;.�°=�.� �t�-�.-- � � s���ac�nan �aveseu 5 nsEui� [iaic AhOY�r�e C:�st�5 p,a�.7nf 7� o�,n�7 �Nlara#iceU� Ecor�o�ni� �e��r�prn�nt I�urthc�rity R��STA�BLI�HMEh1T " �rrr�,vrre�t: Se�e [}wer !ar ��fG�i�iv+�s ! l�cknowJ�P{sJ *" �ccu n� Da � � ��asiness L] #�on-Pr�Fit 05�9 ��L} � F�r�n � Gnvemrnent v 20 � �:d�� �Advanc�e �rPardal OFin�l Herit�g� �onstru�ti��r G�rm�anie�, L�� � Submit#ed ,Amcaunt o 26 37�,�1 �ist. _ �_P. Farc�l PF10� �� �ou�sty_ +�r�;;�nt ,4,cquisi�iC�r�: ❑ Pen��n� � Acce;pted d �rn �t�m,a�in P�rc�l C�wr��+r I.fJk311'�e#F CapliGr�. �IC�1SE� �. �FL1�iF� &ifld �[�Yt�fh �. �FO'�t�l�� ��rC�� �d[�r. �{]� Pin� �tr�et Clty, �t�te �Ipt: �,+N�nlieell�. h�lf�! 5��,2 R�LID�AtIOM �4.�IM ELIGfBI�fiY t�isplaeEe - - Narne�sj� E�+ir�qs ��in Fn St Fe, Irs�. '�'�U��G�+ ���� 9-7-2D08 � Cl��rner f�11 Tenan� �f�g�bila$y Date. 2-2Q-1�P AcquiSilia�n Dat�. �-1�-98 �:NOtrCe :3t IRLert pr PurClSdse l:Nerj I`h v1eleiY!5inetl. �+� 'Rendnq'1 �iskrict A,pprovaf: Ag�ncy Approval ���12 1�p�1�l�tl�f1 �'k��f�Y��: Y+er�dor IVo.: Attre, Firkan�e:. ��. i.ull�oii�enU' . ..CQIG Nail Gh�ck io, Addres�e��s): Hen�aqe �vns�ruc[ran � i49c�llill� ,4��ddf.: 1'�94}6 171� Avenue hJW �wl� � �C�te ��p: Efk Riv�r_ h�f+l LL� LC3CATIG+N �� F�EF'LA��M�NT S�'iE � Facirity h1�me an4fvr Ty�e: �Gor�1m�rcial ren't�l 5 e� St��et A�idre�5� 581 �edar �Ir�el 3 CItyF. St�t�: �1�: A+loni�eello. MN _ __�_ � R�p�i►5 �r IITF�Pt�sr�mefrts 10 the r�Pl�eem2n� ree pr��rq�+ r�uired Cay law. eode. �r or�ir+�rnc� .. ......... _ 5 if1,3�7 5+� 2. Nlo�iir�ations to tM12 repla�emens Property �� a�mmnda�� R�ee bu�ine�s �per�iior� S 2 1G�.4a ........ . _ . 3 Cc�nstr�,cl�vn and �nstallaabn of E�t�rior Si��n�n� s� �d�r��ae the business . ........... .._....... .� i .... .......... . . . .. .. 4 RedE�od�iitn �yr r�ePl�tem�nt CostS o� sDi4ed 6f YwrA 5�1rF8�s �t #he ►�p42rernerat 5Ae .._.... S 1'4,5lO.tJt ............ . . 5. Adve t��em�nt o� the replsieem�nk IocsCion ..... ............ .... .... S . . . ... . .......;.. . 6 Esl�rnaled inC�E�sed �osts of C�p�r�ticyn buPirvg far�i 2 y�is .. . .. leases. i�e�s, insu�a�ICe, � 1 3 7 C�th�r �tem casts essent�al. reasanable and nece�sary Eo r�a�aplish (p�rm�tr a�d sa,pe�ru�si�nj (confrtm elrgibildy w�th the As�enry� T�enant will pay bsl�n� vf advanoa ef �a,1�1 t�o to ccrrtracicrrj �,2�5 70 T€]TAL TFi�$ GL.AIM ......e,,,,,,,,,,,,;_--....---•,..,,,,,.. ,.,,,.._ .__�..,,,,,,,..,..._�;ma�€i71urn � 50.00U,15�j � 28�315,51 TW�I R�csC�bls5hmenk �I�rtts R�iei=To-f}ate (inCllr�d�f�g Ci�iS CI&imP ... r5 39 5�9.56 ,� El�gibler�ema�n�n�I�eesta�9ishm,�ntexnensesclaimabl�: .. . 5 '�7.4�Q44 f�e�ide�ncy �ert�fi��#iun. Fed�e�l law r�quires ceriAf�rar�rarr o� res�dea,�y sEatus please ch�tk the c�teg�'vr �ampleta ihe se�tion hetn�r,+thaR �ppl}es tsr yi��r �tup�nCy si�tus in the UniEerJ Sl�kes ��see ov�r �,v c�lrr.,r,c�s� Yput Signa�k�r� Consdiiu�e� GgefF�fiCatir,n �le Prapriator�hia � uertify lhat � am [�' � Unnia� �latea �itizerw ❑�n aP�r I��rfully presenl �n Che Un�ked Slates ❑ a Un�led Sl�tss n�tior�al � a nar-U S citizer n� presenl �n #he Un,te� 5tetes Partnershin: I�rtify sh�t there are _ Rar#ners an tltip pgrtner�F�p and that �fE§ Cit�r�n� Qf th9 Uni�E� S13tlwS. �n�11Qf �re al�ns I�r��ly �res�r,t in #h� 11n�t2d �i,�kea. aM aae n�n-U.S. c�tizer+s nnt pres�,�t i� k�e �Init�d 51��es C�rrpc�rat'nn I oertffy tha4 �win�s Gairw4 In StYle InC. is 9siabl�s�d �y latu �n� ��tho:ri��d l0 ConduGt b�1S�n�5s n Che Ut1r1�d 5f�ke5. �laim�flt Aekr�[s�le�gemBiii I, the un�9�rsigrte�. rJo h�reb� certrFy thal ihe aboY� �n#a�at�or� � IFue 2*�d �or*ea a.nb inat da�ur�entai�an �1�,ached hereR� aea�rai�ly represe°nLs el�g�bl� expenses I als�r �eertiFy Ihat I hawe +�ok preus�usl� su6mitled n�r r�oeiu�tl paymeni far any expcnse sutxnrteci w�I.n fihrs cla�m []�F�CIk� U�E ONLY: itr�t�} �e�eskahleshm�r�t �osts CIaFm AUth�rix�d aiynatur�: I h�l�rr'I@ {pnni}- Tel�pihone: _ � See iowe� far C7efilnrCio�s f�4cknmwl�gemenl[sJ �.tqe 1 of 2 +tL1�33 �ate: R�63�6Y9n'n�n1 �Co9tS C��m , w.21?1i�p@ I1ti�;L1���i.E RF��T�I�LISHI4�EE�d'T ��I'H;I�SFS� � TI� fcallowing is � r��n�kclusi►+e li�ting c�f re�t�lblishrnernt expenditures nof c�rti�idered ta b� reasonable, r�cess�ry� or of#Serwi�� ��igabl�: " �, Rur-chase nf c�,�lta� as�etsp �LIGl7 �F af�ce fxrmi#ur�, ��irrg cabine#�, maehinery. or trade fix#ures. �. R.�rrchase �f manufac�url�g mat�eN$is, pr'oduetion sup�l�es� PrVduCt inve�Tt�]ry Ctr Other ik6Plls use�1 in tl�e ���'tt��� Co�urs� �f khe busko7e�a operaSlc�n_ 3, Inkerest o� m�ae�r bo�rc�wed Eo rn�ke ttre m+�ve or p�rrcha� the repla��tia�t prope�#y. 4. P�ymrents t� a part�#im� bu�ine8ss in kh� �e whieh doe� n�t "'�on�i4ute AAaberiallv" #o ti�e household incnm�. Ca�tri�i C Ma�ri� : Fh�e t�rrn '�o�triUute ma#�ri�dly�� rseeans that �urin� tFie 2 tax�bl� years proo� to the I�xa�hle yv8r in whir.h EfAspdacemens occurg, or tluring 3U[k �ther per'od asfhe A,gency de#ermines S4 he mor� equitahVe, 2� busine�ss [x Tarrn �pEx�li�n: 1. Har� �ve.age a nnua, grn35 ftteepts af �t least $.g,[H7p; qr 2, �ad a���,��� ann�,�l net earnir�s af at le�gq �1,(I¢0; �r 3. Cfirr[ribu#�d 8[ leask 3355 % of k�+� owne�s or oPe+��q�'3 avera.g� �nnual gr98S incflrn�e faMn a�l �+9u�res. 4. If she a PGIiCASian aF tk� ahnve cri�Cria cre8[ts an +ngtauity a hardShiP , n ar y g�ve�r casp; khe +kgen�y ma}� a�prprre �e .,3� b� ath�r ,� �prop*:�tfi rnt�r�d. ,. C�tiz�rnsf�ip ! Immig�tion �erms �e�l�ned 49 �FA 24,2(�j(#}.qlierramf ilpiwfe+,HY fi►e�nd�n fhrt i+arlfrdS#otcs. "�e pY+rasf "al�wn -oz iawi�l:y preser[ �r lhe ..�nit�d 5[ateS" fri�ans an AIiB� wh4 �5 nOt "IaW�ully presens" in the U.5, �s detrned irt 9 CFk ��3 1� and inzi,�de�: jij An al�gr� p r�nt in tY+fi U.S. whp has nco# ���n a�rn i�{p�l or p�r�lrtd 'nta ! he U.S. pcer��nt ta the I mmigratlpn �n � Natfpn�l�ty ,4,c� �� �.�, e. 1101 �t s.�q, j aa�d rNhcase st�y in lh�e LI.S has not �2rr a�thr�ri3ed hy tMe Vnited $t�4es Attarn�y�,er�eral; �nd, (iii �in a lien wl�n is pr�s��[ in thf 1J,5_ afker the exp:r�tiian nf the p�eriod of ik�8w aW�hor13M taqr ¢he U�ited Si�f�S !4t#a� n#y. 6e�eral p� wha rxthe�'wise vipl�kes C�� t�rms pr� �ancl itia ns i5f a�dmiy�i�pn, pa eql! �rr ae�thpr��tatia,n ta 5t8y i n�thg �,�, '�41f+erl�: Aliens E t�c peo�+l� who Y�ax+e I�f4 (emigr�led} a f�rei�n ca�n#M lb the U nited States, Tih�ey haUe 5�me of t�¢ S,��e fret*dbms and r2gal r,ghts as L1.$. citixe•e�, put thg+y�nn�t upk� in ele�yivn#� ' Besldt�t AliGns= A fore�gn[+� wha s� P�rnnane+ld reside+�k [�$ the C4uM1kry ixa whbtR he �r she te9ides h;;S dae� ntsd hdve c'ti�ens€hiP. i91�11 urrde� #his das�ido��tion in ��p �I.S_, y�,� �e� w�y �ither �urc��p�yr ha�� 3�reen �r� pr have hid o+re in #hp la� tdlgn�ar year. Ypw �Iso f�ll �rnder Ph� 1r.5. clas5�ic5�[ion of eeiident,7:llen if yuu h��rt keeer� in ihe U.S. for 3] aay5 pr r�e dUring the Eu+�nt year �long with h�vi� t�een in the 4.5, for at fgyit i1S� ��ys ov�r � thre�yg�F peribod thit inelud�s the c�rrq�nl year. ' hian-Residen# Al�ns� �,'ruon-U,S. citix�n' who doein'R pass the �r��2�n eaa�rtl fe#! or thE s�ubstarrti�l presence lt#t. I#a non�ntizen C�erren�hly s��s a green c�rd of h�s had � green �a re' rr� the pas[ [� Ipn,dai pE�r, h e or She wnul� �3s the gre'�n card #��t and wou�d b� �lassif: gq bs a re�itlent aJl�n. f the in9,Vidual ha#. r�e#ided in tMe U.S. f4r 3i da�# �� mase in Mrt curcent yrta� anef ra�si�'�d in Fh� L.S. for mDr� [�ran 293 d�ys avgr a three-yser perie,�j, in[iudingYhe Cur*ent ye8r, h� 4r �e svouJd �S5 the €4rb5[�ntial prpsen�e Fes! ��,� he dass+f�ed as a rESrtl�n€al�en, ' Na lie,n�.l;; qmerican Pg�keor als �r� �at�g cif Ameri�� �¢reftori�l p���i�r��. Th�y h�vk � II the I¢g�l prot����ns whieh �itiaens h��, ��t th�y dc� ,^ot �� t�e full polR�ql ri�hti pf �� [itixe��. �� Arcord�n�; [0 8 U.S C. 41+4f1� �t i^� poss+bl� t� he a�I.�, nati€�nal w�thout tae�ng � U.S. [.#�t�n. A pr�rSDn wFn4� ��ly corrneCtion ta khe U.5_ is [hi°fau�h bi �fh :n $ n o�tkyin� possessian (o�f 2�i}� �s I im:ted tn Am eritan 5amea an0 Swairrs 1�18 nd�, nr #I�Cocrgh d�cenS fram � Gerson sn bUrn a�Qu Ir�s �I.S. �latiandli[y hut npt U.5_ Citia�nship. Lhis was �ormerly the ca6� i� other �,� �aoss�#.5ipns: ��"'�m (1895 - 195�11 f Citae�Sh�P 8ra�12� bp a n+14# Or Cong€g65) ' F�e�Efi R�o f.l'�9E - 19 $ 7j {��i'�n3hi R gran,te�d �y ae Aet s�F Gvngressj ' Rf.S. Vrrgin IsJandS {� 917 - 19? T} (CitizenShiP grant�! trY an Atc of Gnngress� Nal i0nals auho �re nvt citl:��ns car�n4� v[�te ar h�Fd elerted 9�}ice. H�w�v�r. thep m�y r�side �nd +�vork m the Ursieg¢ States wlFhout reg#riCtionz and ap�ply� f�e citixenSRip und�r �he sarrtie �ul�s as otFwr residen� 31�ens. Nat �II �.5. �a�: ���Is ace �I.�. �itizen�; F�py,�eaer, �II �,.5. �iti3eni are U.$ n atian�l�, IfYdeed, U,S. Aass Ra�� naFinaf ly en� ke n� �I�tinrtion �kw�n kh� twp, m�ntir�ni:ng ��ly th4 �arer's n�N�onality, n$t 4isJher GiSipensl�ip. '[iLltens: F'�rvsr�s bnrn �n [he IJS ar lo J.S. �,#it2nt: in fqreign cniankrit5 are Gk±ter+s or'the United St�it�5. Persbr.b b�rn in ntF�r toua�trie5 who w�nt m be4[frr+� citia�ns musl �pRfYfar �ne ,�.ass a c+tiae�sh�R ke5t. The� akh� �eoPm� tr[i�ens i1 lhis man+r�r are natur�iixed cili=ens. ` N�tutal Born p19:cns� A"natural aum eitlttn" IS 3�f30f1 bOFR �I1 �F'2 S�F�rtGhri's�l tM�e �,5 [ f TO LlfSite� Stdk$S Cf} A7i2FILP C'FCli:�fl �jibYi'f9[i_ * Nituraligtd C7�ixe+,6: !4 ° nrtural ired �itix.en" is someone wt�� was rrpk h�arn on U,5. saiE- k�hey were nOt 8 citixen qF ihe cn�nifS' whers #hty we re b�oYF, h�t have Qane throu�h tF�e prqppss af 44�omi ng a E�#ixen. I do I�ereby �ffirm th�l, ta khe best s�# my kriowlect��. Ikse dispu�oee is �li{�ibfe fvr quaaif� R�e�t�h�li5hmenll ��im4�f�errrerr#& ba�4d t�n dis�lac�e°� oc�cuparscy af the pare�l as a place of �n�m i� attiv�ily aE u�e �rr�e 4F th e i nitF�ti€an of negotaati�sns �nc��r �� 1t�e time crf the pgrcels ar�quls�tiors. I Further affrrm kl��t thte displar.e� q�u�lifies (A9 CIFR Pt. 24� �� �"displar��! p.ersQrr', i� � 6mall au�ir+e�s, f�rrri � nprl-profit ❑rganizali�an, and i5 U'M�r�f�re enti#fed t� receive Reest2bFishmenl peyrne�t(s}, no# to exc+�ed �50,OOs0 {h+I.S, �117.5i�. ferr �ligiale �x�nse5 ac,4u�lpy inr�+R2d in relD�tirr� ��d r-e�st�bli�hing such sr7��ll �usin��s, tarrn or rl�prr�rDfit �rg�nlz�kip�n �t e re�l$c;ern�rrl &ite. FL�•BttablisMmeni Cn.skS C��im Si�gned• Page 3 of � Fidlacaticr Ativiso� Date RL1Q733 HetiFag� Constru�tian Comp��nies. LL�. �}{F+:e. {7b3} 633-+46�C av`w Menla;r..��st:acl�nnr.jN.carn 10�$d9 1'i isI.A�1r NY,+Suu� �. E4k Rnr.er, Ar1N 553ap lob �l� Rl�; Gnia�g in Style �,en�rdl ��t##�€ki€�n Ddie: �1f3U/�U18 Plan i3.�kt: 4i3,�2A19 a�� ���. ��$� �l'� `� � �`+!', � `r ---- . a.�w w„�,,,, _ . �- . _..- �3,�D'J =� $}.3� � li}3U r�f Lle.ri n Frea _ `Nt7T Ih1CF.MJ17El3�IN THIS ESTIMAIE . _� � _ .. ... .�p _ �- � � --- S�.U4 � l�WL4 � F�OIp Fng��n�ei�nR _ � --� .. ' $0 . . . i--... . 131iF Perrnits�nd .�.. . ..�u�n - � _.._ . _, SitC�41+�uC NiOT kHCLl10E0 idJ TH IS ESiIMh7E �$ )„57S � ��� . $1.53 1410 . TrSSin�_�. _. ---.. . . s_._. ---_. - - .... �._ �- - __ $C� 15UL} Temp.Ql3r� F�INdkIQs E�ul r5i�*nt .v. . . - - - �.� . _... --- . �. � ._--_ . .'[�.�.1 �-�5.- � yais 1i10 icu�,�uo _ _ — __�_ ��5s ..�—_ --S+�,ia- ��'�. SiSo .. . 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'Y� �.. tC. � �� � � . . .. . - --.. . .. _ ._. . ... _. . . �... � .:�'.�d�► � �•r�_ �' -� � � � �°� [.�� S 4 � 0 T 0 �V�f�;.f � � � r�r�wtir��ca� iNC. ���^iuee:h�. ,�cTu.c. .r.�Sa ir� f r��+�i�e 21$�6 �,��� - aar�+ av�raue r,�cs�rH htAfLE �aRO'/E, Mlr'4hJE5�iiA� 3y369 TELf7�314�4-55tlC �k�; f7�3N?g-��;]1 HERiF,A�,E C�iF�STRUGTdOIk 9 �968 1715T AIlE NW �LIC R�Y�R, #�alh� SS334 Jab Address G�IhJ� IN rTYLE 51 B ��f]AR STFdEE,7 �r1pNTICELLp, �1�# 55362 bi47E; 7lr112{)1B IDG�: 811f�{20�9� P�i FrUM1��Efi: RE��R�FfCE; 3547 f7�3CR�THDM �DF �FC.: REUyORK €XI$TINCa GRILGES. R�GI�TEF�S ANb 4?IFFUS�R5 Tl? �+1�E7 F�EW FLC]+]R �;L4�i Af317 T'4'YO RO�1F MtJU�IT�D EM.HAUST F.AR+JJS. ����� s�w�� i7l�+k�iC YQU'F�FC 1'p'�„�f+� bCJ3PN�� sr �� 7 ,:�eo oa T[atal N�pr CJue; 79.59u_9�J •�, ��� C' �� �_ — � � �' `� �'. ��-�ir'��t.��.. � �'����� ���E �le�tri�a� �r�ntra�to�� �0975 �ik La�� Ro�d n�v�� �J�C Ri+r�r. fNf�l ��33�D 763-�41 �8��2 763-274-1 �3�i fax �-rna��: Ghris�boeef�ckrfc�l_�prn i�erit�g� CQns#ruetion �omp�n�s. LL� 'I �909 � 71 st Avenue N'W+ Elk f�iver, Mh! 553�D P_t], hl�. ��r�vt�i��e In�r�ice ��t�; �i�9i��98 lnt+o�ce #; 2�67�1 • - ► . - _ C�ue vrr re�ei�ak� �].� Fs�misFi and inst�ff e�ectriea� per r�e�n+ pian frr�rrr osf07r2418 wafk-t�ar�ugf� £hrrrs�r f�mi�h�d #r€�ck iighting. kr�cic heads, ,pendan# fixtur�e� and ail e�u�pment �a� �I��traeal tv furnish recessed can f��hts P�rrn�! in���ded Thank yc�u for �ra�r bu��r�ess, ,�����,�� � ��,,��,��1 �;���.�� � ; ��t�� ��,o��e�a " �aymentslCr��its ��_�� . Ba��r�c�e C]ue ��,���.p� AI� Acco�ants o�r�r 9(1-D�ys U`,lill B� Ch:�rged � 1..59� Ser�vi�� C�rarge ., . �'�,- �_,�,q _,�LrC` �; _.7�1. , 4�`�'� � �'�', G ,��' •- C?�:,F".�'�� ! h11E h,� f�RAN [��1 IVI �a��� T(� ; FRQ+�1: SUBJE�T ����,�t zz��', ��o�$ Julie Cher�ey, Finar��e Assistarrt A�g�l� Sthumann, C�o-�mu�ity C?ev�Eopment [�ire�tor I�el�c�ti�n Ber�efit �laims un�#er the Uniforrr� relacatic�n .qssista rree �kct Att�Cil�d are f�rur R���catian ��en�fit �laprn p�tkets. Thes� ���kets h�ve treer� pr�p� red by� th� EC�A reit�C�tion co�5ult�nt, Penny Rol�f Brent �i�l� �if U�'�� &; Associates, In�. E�or1[�mic D�evel�pment IVi�an��er Jim Fha r�s will prov�de � final r�e�,i�w f�r pa+ym�nt �apon his r�Curn +an Augusk 27'", �1718 ancf su�mi� such auth�ri��tion t� the CiCy Council_ Am�urrt r�f P��rment Pa �� Rur pse S�35�5C} Jarrse� Brinker Busine�s Fteestablish�rrr�nt �29,�Q�6.3(� $�b.�15�,51 $� �.7F[].0� �5$,23T.31 TC}T�#L Herit�ge Constru��ion Com�a ni�s, LLC I�ouing �osts Herd���e C[an�tr�u�ti�� ��mpar�i��, Ll� �usiness Rr���tabli�hment _ Goin� Ir� Style, Inc- _ Busine�s Recstakalishm�nt T�h� �c�cling far th� cl�irrr is t� h� det�rrroined by Ul��yne �ber�lS�r�F� Rathli�be�g�r as it is rel�ted to an�i simil�r td the re�ent prc�p��ty acqursiti��n �rc�mpleted k5y khe E�A_ Julie �h�ne From: 5�nt: Z�: Suklje�t: At-ka�h rrtier� ts: �ulie, ,4ng�la Sef`t�,manr� 1��le�n�sday, A�ag�s# ��, ��}1$ 1�:29 PM Julie �Frene�r; airr� Thares, PRolf���sbersc�.��m R�lo�ation Cl�rm P.ayrr7�n�s FV�+; �la�m� ftr �oi ng ir� �tyle,: .Addition #o Cc�ns�ent A�end� -'�dSB Payrrgent - Anti�u� S�ore r�l���te; �IiENiOR�INDUM.��APyrn�s_d��x Tha�nk you f�r pracessrng [he payr�rents for th� cl�ims attached �n #he em��ls forwarded her� for the Couneil �genda on �f�7. � h�v� �r�pared ���v��r merrrq f�r the tl�irfl p�ckets, �I�o �t��eh�d_ Jim will re+�ie�t ��d pres�ride ��inal autht�rizatipr� A��A.P upan t�is rekurn ar� Mpnday. Jirr� will provide infarmati�n �n Cvun�il"s au#hori��ti�n and p�yment t� be issued in �dvance of the EDA's revi�vw, P�nny R�If pf �VV�B �nd Jir�+ wv�l� �onfirrn �h�t wQ h�v�e khe required 5i�natures by th� tl�i�n.�r�t {5he �uill �Is�a need to signj pri�r tc� check rele�se far th� thre� �laims �tifl r�eeding 5ign�ture. Th�nk y�u a��in, .�����[{i SchLiit-faj�r�; :'�I�I�' �'�mn�uni��' L�����lc��►rr�ent �}irt�tc�r �it}° �f ���c�ntice�l� 4'•°�el�lk'.i�l_;1}i,}f7;l4�i`� �.}.I-;lsl.11•, i�ti�-?�'1��?�� -..__e frr,�r�! corres,�ar�denc� t� arad frvr� t�re C1ty of fuT�r�#�ce�1� go+rernrrMer�t a�,f�fi�e i� se��ject #o t�e Mr`rrrresot� Gover�rrnent Datu �'r�rti[�s �1ct �and m�iy f�� disc�ose� #� th�rd par't��s_ Uc��pan��r j��+rs1 C]� �?�9D i44on�icello Ec�nc�rrr��c De�r�lo�rment Aut�nc�ratyr Et�ESTA�LISH�VIENY '" �+1���OFTd11f_ SC2 QVtJ' 1pr J7�6�7n1E�On5 I ACkll4 rY'�6d��J7JCfl1(SEJ " � Busiriess O Non-Prtrfrt C] F�rm � �aw�rrlmenk H�erik��e+�o�tructJon C�rmpanies, LLC �. P. P,�rcel �,�. �� ,� — Pf{1� ��' �'ed ��o-_ Caunty F+cqu�sitia�l' ❑ �snding �+ +4�aoepted Pa€cel �wner: �r�r.� R e+�cm9 MiCdia� W. Frn�lie sn� i(�1f Parcel Ad�r�: io3 Pme S�+e�l �i�a. State �ubmik#ed +4moun9 $ �is�riGt �App�ov�l. ,AgenGy Approvaf: z.i V z�ct�aoe C�Adv�nee ��ar#ial ❑Fanal 26,3'! 5-51 w� .ieGaa.� �aRe ,4pplication ,�,ppr(sv'et1= wri�t Vendc�r No.; C7 F�rrR. �Omain Atm_ F�nancc_ heai� Cwae� ro: �+4. �fo5be AddC�59e�(Sj: H�+i�ge CorlStruCtign C �I�ili A�ddC_: i�9[]8yT1�"Ava+t+,�eN4�t+ �9 �u�te � Dasplaaea ' �I�1e{5}: Ewin€�� fiain� in �ryle. Inc. QCCIu�33rtC� D2te: +�7-�OfiB _ L7 44wn� � Tenarrl Eligibility D��� 2-��y8 +4oquisitar�n p���: �1��� LQ�ATI�N OF �EPLACEIWEHT F�e�il[ty �iame at�fnr T9�e: Cornm�r�i�1 rr �tree� A�dress: �81 Cedar 5treel Inbou�Wrrxar�■�s? �ra.w��e,.�.e�re-�ena„�� ,�jt°Y, 5t�te Zip: MtrrrticelP�, Mfi�+l 5�:�r2 — 1. F2epbir� br inpra+�r�en1314 khe rcpds�[emRltt �I �f'(�p9nY �1�� �Y �', Cv[le_ urqr�a�irGe e .. ... ...... ......._.,. 5 1�.350.54 �. A9o�ifica� lo li�e �pl�t�''V�n! Pfo�C4T' lo �ocnrrKnss9aea tiie trusine�S 4#��t+[sn , ....... .............................. . 3 2.100 1]D 3. GncFstn.dicrn and inslal491i[rs of £1CG�fior Siy�ninq ta ad�+ertise tire IG�ines9 „.�. ,..a .... ......................_.._..---.._.. .._-. 3� -0. Redeesare'icn Dr repl�C��nR t+�sts �7f 56*btl �� wom sur#aces �t the n:Plsc�++�nl �le ..._.,...,. ... � 14,B�d.01 9 Atlw�YrCo#�t►e iepfa�manlde,c�tion . . ... ....... ................................_.. . , .. ... ,...,...�. — — ..._..... 3 d- E� ir�r#ised C�36Lt a� ap2raGn� during firs� � yr3 ..... ... .. .... .......... ...... .(Isases, laxes, ing4�nS�e, elt.} 5� 7 {jU�r iteRti ��s �55�ntidl, reasonahlg �nd neoQs��ry to tee�taBf�h (perm� and su;s�rwi�lpsj (Gbr�rm elig�IlitS''�+'Ifh'Use A9�en�Yj Tenant �r�iil pay balanC� of pdv�tnCe of 54,�5�.OU t� dxAracCpr) 3,�55.� TOTALTHI5GI.i�!!M ,,..,,,e.,.-�---��---.___,..------------�---.__,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,��---._.-�--��--�--.{m�xlinum$ SU.#UO,�POj $ 25,31�,67a To1sl R�rtslablfai�rnent i�aims Pai�-irrp�le {rytJudir�r� Sh� GlawitJ� :..._... c5 79,�6�.56 �� �lig�iale rgmaining Reest84�sent ea�p�n68s claimahl�� ...... ... ... . . . �, jp,4�p.eq �Resulency �BrtiiGG1#ton Fedea-a3 f�.v r�q�iir�3 Cert�f�l�]�ti nR �si�dencg statug, R�e69e Grep9 kh� CvtBg9n,� �it tampl�te �e ��qn G�low Ih�[ ap�,lies 1� yC�.ir oC�uRSn�sS�ua i� Ihe tJnih�d SIiRYs (5�3ovev krr{Aefmd�nsl. Ygcr #��niku�e caSnsbtutes caMifir�tioa*.. So�e Proorttiorals.a: I r.ertif]' 16wt a�m. ❑ a Unlled Sial� �dl�++ ❑ sn aten lawiuily p�res�*t in RI1E Llrb#t� Sk� ❑ a Llr�ied 5��4es n*kio�al � a nWe-iJ $ C1ki�n nof preseast in the UnytC Si�+lb� Peodrers�s. I�ertif'1 Cnst iM+'e Z�1� partr+e� wti ah# C�:rCn�ixMip and th�l �r� Cillte+ls a5f the Un �ed Stat¢5. 8+tid+dd �re $IiQ ns l�wfuRy prrsarrt in the I�nikeA Sk�4es. antl are npn-�I $�t��r�s not ��srrnt in ;he Uniked S9SCes. G9[�+rd.4�an: F r_�+�� 1�6t Ew�I�S GO+rtQ.ln SlVle. fnp. i5 e�tebli5hed i�y 9pw P�d iuthpri�� � cond�cj husr�@g; m tIYE Uniled Slafes Clalmant AckrscrwN�g�rMr4t I, 1 hb urrd�rsigp5g�j, ¢q h�r�yy �g�[i�y [hat iiae a4ov�� i�nf�prm�Ml6� � Ifue anc! oofr� P�d kh�' �p�umanLaSiqn p�g��q hR+�ko BbLvfBtBly repP�dEnt9 9ligiq4e e�6tw�es. t�ISU Getliiy i�rat � h�ve nol Gfea�k4uE�y sa�hrtril'I.�y7 nqr rr�ived G$Y+`"Msnt •a1 any expe�5� RUhRb#feG �wi[h thi� cdaim. �FFIGIAL USE C}N�Y: iCwm�ru] � � � AUth0�4ZQ�I .�l���k`Uf@; �-- � r��m� c�n�' .�-�c ���1 _ �,r� �������e��� �� �� �� �� �rt over fmr Oefi�i2lnns j+�knO�+Med�amant{s} R��i�i[ahli3hrrYtn4 C+�iLs Clapr� �a� 18i; RLi633 � � R�es�a�hsnmen[ Cus7s G4-"m 4 �[+�7rCS I�iF�.1�1f3�.E RF'1�;+�`T�F�[.ISHI�IENT' F.XPFN�;F;:�� _ —. .._- -� , 7rwe f�iiawing is �a r�ane�c�fusive lisling v� reestabl�5�ment expendll�.or�s na� �€rnsid�r�d to �e rn�sanati�e, n�cessary, ar olh�rwpse eligible= 1. PurcFra$� of capital ass�ts, ��ch as, a�ee f�rm�t�re, fiMin� aabinets, machiher�,+� �r tr�de fixtu,�5. �. Pur�hasa �f manufa�turong mat�rials. prod�r�tlon suppRs�s, Prcrd�uc# increnrory t�r crth�r Nt�ms a�s�rd irw th� narm�l �c�,urs� �� #he busineas o�eratian, 3, Intcr�s� aa� m�neW bc�Praw�ed ta m�ke tF� mr,v� ar purclhase the replacetrment property. 4. Payments to a part-tim� ibusintrss �n ihe home whiCn do�es nc�t "�r��ribuke MateNall�t" tc� #he haus�h�lci ir�ome. Cantribute ARateri_�IIy- The �zr�� '$.an�r buSe �a4er�altr" means t°�at tlur r:g �wc z taya4le vears r•r�o� aar Shc� ka�ahl� vear �r, whic� di�P�ace:ment occun, Qr tlur.rig SUCh pt� 3Q'i0d ds Sd��� AePn[y+cekerrr�.^u-s [s� be rB�rw �yw[ahlr, a 6usirtess pr !�rm 4u��i[ian: 1. �a� av€-; �g�+ ar�ntial gross � eieip€� ,�i a# least S5.6nq�: nr � �ad averag� annual ne� car�ings of at �ass $�,�Ypp; ¢r 3 �O��kFihutf�46 3[ Ir.dSl 337�i �i 4f khB 4��ro{��E�� g�r OPBr3t�r i 3V�P.}�C ]n�ual g'p55 iPltO!Y7�� �a0m 211 SAUFCei. . If th� ayolics��.:��, �i >,, e ahowe cnee-ia r.-�att�s a r �n�"�ey or hardshi p in any g�4�n cAse, t�e Agent�� rna r a aa+ove the �rsp c f ochr �,e nFv:,�r a te e°iaer a. Cit�zenship d I�mnti��r�ti�n T�rrtvs [�cf�n�d 4� CFH 24�3{��(�] Alf�rt n4dlpyKJiy�jl�y� �pS2Yat in Ni€ (Jnit[d 5t�lf�i. f Yisr n°�.ra S� 'a ��8� +1C7 !3ri?ul �Y .��'rL2.-k ":"� L iliSe� 3S�"r.C�,�� TPt fi5 d"� 31ier w i��u i5 -n; .�12wfuUy prasenC' n the: L..S a4 d[�Fnpd in 6 Cf'� 1±�3.12 and mc�.,.�es: � � il An a:�rr; 7r$3EnS in the u.5 whK� �,.is r.c+t treen atlm �ne�: Ar pa ra�eed inlo the L�.S. W �suank to tive lanm�grs[iGn and �da�+anal�ky Ax[ �8 U S.{ 1103 et seq J.,�d w�hbse �#aY `� 1�2 L�.S. ha� nqs heenauthor�t�� L�ry� Sh� Ur,�ted Sta[es AtanrneY�Generz�l, antl, ,�',� An alarn �who �s preser[ ir ;h� �1.5. �{,��r rn� bRp,g��i�,..r ad the perrail �,f gr,y �uSixr*ix��tl 4w th� +JniScd 54aRes Attaene�y ���a I�rr wha otherwisk Vi��iqes tf e 94rrtV5 �15d� Cbfl�i[i�Siix ul �sJmi;5�4�, r''�f0!P �3r a„Sh��ri2dk`Gfl l{} i!.py in Ih2 U.� ` Aliens; 41�ens �rs xo�rle wha have I�d� [e-nigrated l a i�reign �Quns�y to tF+�e unlr�# �twtrs. They ha,re s� p� ;fe� yame freeac+irss snE I�g�! righis �s U.S. r.iSi��ns, but they tar�r�pS wst�e in elections. • Rc�i��e{� A�Gcns� R�crre��.��er �yh4 i� � p�F��rar�ertt r+tr��nt r,f khecourt�ry ri whi�h h2 G3' 3h� �es�tl�� pui dcres. nr,t have t�titen1hip 74'��I Ufld�i thi�.5 i.oassi[�eaiiun .-� � h� U.5., yr,u ��c� so eiqher caorrently ha�r a gr�nn �artl �+r nay� hae nn. �n the las� ta#eirtl�r ye�r Yau also ialP unde r the U� el�,$�ili��t�on af resident ancr� �i yQv nav�e h�en rn� �t�� �1.5. prr �; d�f Of iYWP� di;ri� ihp {,,�r��!t �¢Sr alqng i��tFl Fld'hll�" b�2i5 ih fhc 4j 5 Far ai least i83 d3}YU4Ct � thrt�+�y��r p�r��pd thdt �rielua��S kh� �_w��nt ���ar '" 1►nn.prSldtaSt AIIefK' k'npn-ll.. �. ilt��d41k' wha �7R5rt'S pa3.5� thB &fl�R rt, r� �2St C' S'�C Sa��5k3Miea. �r4S2�[B tQ5[. If d Ra�S-Cii�iEn ['Jr�C�tl�r hdi ��'rrCn C�r� �+ nas hr' d a�;ree+o �ard �n sn� past celeryda r y��r, 7� or �c rwould pass tl+e gr�_rn c,rd e�� a� wcx,ld !ae �lassifi€d as a res�denk al� rn li th� indi�rerJu�l has fe��tlr�9 in qh� �,�.5, f�oe 3:. days,�r m�,�e rn the current year �nd rf3ided in the J.S i�ar „Qre Sh�n 183 tlays oM�r p 1hrp�-year ����d. i�clud�n�, the eurr�n# 1F�ar, he orshe wm�u1� p;�ss R�e substar,tial prr�+xe tesl an[� oe elassfiicrS as a�esidenta6en. ' Na[eorul� ^ qir:e-�can d�kax;an�l; �rp ��j f��,s� of �Imcnr.�v� kgr>�Is��ial aoseesma�ns '"hcy ha u� �I E[he .�,el �rnl.Ri.S��3n5 �hi[Mi tili;Kn� hav�, bUk dfi� tl6 Rd� have tn� fvl� �leti��l righs� �i US titixens �CCQf�IR$ IO 8 LJ.S.'[. �1� II �S. �LS$IWP LG I]i �l U.S. fldSlO'I':3� w�;hr,�.r De��;n� a U 5 tiSldPrS. !i Osr54n WF117�Sc� 4'"I4 ii�rin[H�4n 1� lWn U.S. �s rhre��e,gh �IRh fY� 8fi quklyin� py�55255is;ri IuP �C{l5 i5 i�miieJ m Ar'n�rs.car� �dm4d a�f'.^. �5xd lii If�N�^�d�Y. }7r 1�.r�p5:$ho detL'enS frnm � PQrSOR i0 6DrY� d[qU f¢S U.S i431:eairdiiy p�il nUt U,S. Ci[it�ngh�.� T�iS 44d6 fofimrrl�� Ehe �c�3e y' �i�ef U 5.. pC�g3aggi��' , ' 6,�am i, I��� - 1'�SOJ �€i[i 26n3��p gf3nSPd l}4 ih .4GS PP C4f�c�5Sf ' P�erto �+�co [1K98 - 59_.7j {f"ik�aensh�� gra��ntGd �y an A[#. of Car�cess�� ' U.S. Virg�n Isl�nds 11917 - 19.'7j fC�tixenship gr�rnta�1 b�' an lar: uf Crr^+gFeszJ NBSidrl�l5'�MhO a�Q e¢� Ci[itCns yn��r�; yp#p p� M�Y,d ql�t�.14d [�FFi�g. H4�^u��r, thry m�py r�r� � y,,ppk in khF lJrrik�d Sk3k�'s wrthuut r�gtf�[h4�� a��f apply t�r [=tixenship un.ier She �ame �ules as �qhrr resideni aiiens. rv��ai �II �:.g. �,at�andls aPr �1 5�itiFcns, he,weuer, �I� � g cit-zer=_ ar4 u.S. nnGi�on�IS Indp�d, U.S. p3yypprtm na�mally �nakr nn d st�n�tior- heiwe��7 flir kwo, m�ntironing ��ly rhe he�re-'s naiion.,lify, n�,k M�.s{npa c,t�xrnship. � • ti'ilr�ns: � E�rgpn5 (kir�i rr � he U S af ka U.S. ti4axens i n tr�rQi�,r+ t y,,�;r=e� arr Gigi,y�ns of kne Un�tetl �SiSei. �ersons bom �n �Rher -,r�Wn: •ies ev�na ���.pn1 ko �e[ome G tl3�ns mis54 d�ply f4f 315d �}SS A[�ti��re5l+ip tESt. Tr+4i� N'h4 �}C[�}nIQ CRi2�°7�i :Y7 [fiit me?nryE+rdd� fiS�ue:�li2P�l �.�Ik�EPnS � ' 1�als�ra I�orn Utixeets: a. "naku�a� hOr �a Citixrr' i5 ��p-f,�r7 bc,rn in k�e ker•rta ry c�f eh� �.5. �,r to U nited Saai@# e�d qmer��a c�=Gier� uaa r.n� 5 '�#aturaiited [i[ixsns: A"ne[ura�iae^o cilime++" is some�one w+h4 was nas hc�rn �n U�.So so�i. th�y we?e n4� a c.it�zefl. cf i^�e �c7cntry w�err th4'v were �ar.-:. but herr. �§4n{� lh{pU�FI tll� pYUL.rs} :�f ��{tYwl efl� d�it�aen. 1�ir� h�r�l�y afFrrn th�l, i�r tn� ��si erf rt�y knoauted�ge, the +iasplar.ee is elightsle far qua�ifiw_d ��e5ldbl�st�men: reir-rt�urs�rnents, �asc�d o� ' d�Spl���'s c3ccuGsarwey r�i CI�E� pafcel as a�I�r,� rai econ�rrgic ac#iw�ty af lhe [ime of Cnr �rui��lean csf negati�9:nrs� sn��or ai!n� 1�rne �f the par�el� ���,�s�bnr� P furth�r affirrr rh�k 1d1E d�Spi�C.�� qualifies {49 CF� �'t. 24j as a'�€i��al�ce�d person", �s a small business farm cK nan Frafit ;�rgan,�at�crn. �nd is Itt�reinre entilGed tt+ reC��ve �ieest��li�hrne.ni F�ar�men��s), nat �ca �x�ee� �5t7 �]0{} �M S§1 17.�1 j, dor �lugi�#e �xpens�s. ac�u,�ldY ,ncurre� i�n relpC�Gng and re�stablisl�nq �uck+ srn�ll bu�,r���s. far►n ar a�orFpr�fim nrr�ani�aC� al a re�lacement sste �I�f'IB�: �� �.r�1'4/i��.. l.��� r ) - G_ .� _ ( ['•� �] R�I°.7C8113M1 AQ�� or . . i daie� R�-�stah�ashrne+st [csts Cairh P86s 3 of 2 HL]033 ������k�Q�� bATE.- ��_ FR�i�1� �UBJECT AuguSt ��"`', 2�i18 Julie �h�ne�, �inar�ce �s$i�t�nt Ar�gela Sehumann, �pmmu�ni#y Levelapment C?ir��t�r R�Ic�c�tian F�enefit Cl��n� un�er th� Unifprm r�lp���i�n Assistanc�,�ct A,ttaci�ed �re fcrur F��locatir�r� Ben��t �I�am packets. 7hese pack�ts k�ave ��en pre�ar�� 6��r the E�IA reioc�ti�n eon�ult�nt, Penny Rolf}�r�nt Rolf of �SB &,�ssa�iates. In�. E�on�mi� I?e�el�prfient M3rtager Jirr� ThareS ti�ril! prc�+ri�ie a final review f�r p�ym�r�t upon his return �n August �7t'', �C]18 and sq�brrift such �uthoriz�zion tcr Ih� City Coun�il, Amc�ur�t of Pavment P,�v�e Pur �se � 235.5� J�mes 3rir�ker Business R�e�tabli5hment ��9,60fi_�p $�6,355_51 �! Q5(�.r7� $5�,237.3� TOTA� Herita�e �c�nstructi�n Comp�nies, LLC M�v�ng ��sts Herita�� CC��astru�ti�r� Crra����lies, LLC �usine�s Re�stabli5hment G�in Pn 5t f� I�rc. _ �usiness ReestabJ�Shrnent Th� co�ii�g for the �I�im is to be deterrrir��d b�+ tirL��yne C]�ergfSarah l�athlisberg�r.as iC is r�elate� t[a an�i sir�ilar to th� recer�� �r�perty ��[�uisitivr+ �orr�pC�te�i k�y the EDA�. Julie �h�n�� �Frarn: 5ent: Tcs: Sulajee#: Attachrr��t�ts: Jwlie, Angel� 5churn��n l��dnesday; As�gust ��, �p� � 12:�9 PfVf Julie Chen�y; Jim Th�res; P:Ralf a�wsber�g,corn Fteloc�t�on �Claim Payment� FW_ �I�ims fa� Go ng kn �tyle, Additi�n to Corsen# AGend� -�VS� Pa+�rn�nt -�.ntfqc�e �t�re rel��at�, iv1EM[�Rr�f�DU1�I�EDAFymts,d��x Thank �+o� forr prcacessir�g the p�ym��ts fc�r t�:e cfairr�� �tta��ed in the �rr��i�s farw�rded f�ere fc�r tl��e Councif �g�nda r�n 8J�7, i h�v� pr�p�red a�over rnernt� fc5r #he claim p��kets. �Isa att�ched, Jim will revieu�+ a�nd p�o�+id� � final �utl�ori��ti�n A��IP uppr� h�s r���rn on Mond�y, Jirrf v,rill �rp�ride inf�rrrkati�� �an Coun�il's �uthrri�ation �nd p�yrrient to be i55u�d in �dv�n�e €�f the EC�A's r�vi��+. Pen�y Ro�f,�f WSB and .�im +�+ill tonfirrrr tha[ w� hav� th��e required :�i�natur�e� by the claim�nt (sh� wi�l �fso nee�l t�r spgn� p�i�ar tc� �he�k r�l��5e f�r t�he thr�� cla�m� 5till rr��di ng 5i�natur�e. Th�nkyt�u �gain. .�s��;ela �ei�urr�,�r�n, Ar�.f� �Cc�rremunot�' Q���el���irsl�r�t �irtct�r C:itv c�f Mc�r�ti��Il� ���"�''."�'��4:._I'1+�fI";l'l �.t'�.I'1Cl.lJ- 76.���'} 1-;3��� 6 �r�o�! corr���orr�l�nce t�s a,�d from the Ctty �f Ae7€�ntire��� gover►retre�t csffa[e is s�bJect t� the Mir�r�esoter G�verr�rrrerr# D[rtc� �roc#�ces :4�t �r�d rt��ry be �iixcJ�s��{ �o thirp' part��s. ���I� ��� Qcc�nancv {[��vs} Q�89 96�90 P� � s : J�me� Brinker �lontis�ll� E��r��►mi� L3��r�lvpment Auti�ority R�ESiA�LI�HMEN� " f+nA+�C�tr►!, 5� O�r fcyr �Pkf�rfffk�te� ! Rc�Cv�owr�d�perrr�nt(sJ '• � 9r�sln�ss Q NGn-ProFit O Far�rr ❑ G�vennment �Qis�_ _ �_P.__ �are,�l i �`r.$. PnC3J �Ck �F2J Na. � Gounty Wrig�t ,�,��• �,�n� DAd+r�noe OPartfai �Fin�i Su�mitted Am�ur�k $ District �ppr�sva9_ �4g�ency Ap�rt��aL• �,a, ..�.. �ate Ap�i�c.�tion Applro+red: ,��Ui�itiDl�= ❑ P�nding � AC�i�ted ❑ Em. �amain P�rcel Ovwner= rr�enec��n,x�l,Mic��a�el 1u'J_ �ros]i� and Kathleen A. FosJre Par�cel a4ddr_= �i13 Pine Street �I �S#at� �ip_ Ma�+ki�.e11� lMhl 5�3fi�2 � R�L���'fi'i�f� CLAIM ��IGI�9LI1'Y 'Disp3aeea -__ ._ - _-��....G Nama�s)= Jarnes �rink�r f}cc� par+�}v Dat�: 11:1. t 4 ❑ C�wn�e � T�nar�t �bi�gibili�}+�a�t�= 2-2I1-�8 h�cquiSiGiprn [}�te: 3-1�1� (w,ow c� U,��,t �r v�rhtee t]Rer} (i' da�mnf�nn dee •Pe,�d;r,�'S Yend�r No.: �4lClf, Fi15iAC#:� FA�iI Chetk To. ++4€�dr�ssee(5); ,fssnes Brinker MaiiingAddr_� ��s�: �87'�Av�nueNw City, �I�te �i,p' LQCATkOFI t7f RE �a�il ty h�arne ardrorTy�e=- �Ik R L7etwriiown �Cr2�C Atldr�ss' 3i`J9 Jar.ks�n Aver�ue NVd �ItV, 5t�te �Ip= E4k Rwor, h�Fi ,5533€} 1. M��epa�rs nr �mpr���m�rt� t� the re�lacrmerrk r�al �rope�y re4uira� �y law cr�de, ar ard�anc� ................... ............ S �, h.lodil5ratian� [o !he replarement pr€�pert3� to ac,e�orrWncGaLe Ehe bu�ir�ess aper��iart .__-------,.e__.._.._ ................_....,_.... �� 3. Canslruclian a�d in�l�l�t�1 bf �k:@li[x Slgh;r7Q, tn 9dY�i'CiSB tl�� EauSi�fS@SS ._e ...........................-.,---�,,.__�..._..:...,.,,e,,,,,, $ 4. R,�tlstaratl�n ar replar.�mersi c�s �f asniled nr worn surfac�a at t*�e repl�cement s�fe ._...._...._.,._.,..._..e..__..,e_..�,,...,.. $ 5, AC'J�FU32�ni01#h�F�B�B�ment�li4�n ,�..� ................_..e.,,,..,,,,,...,,..�...._�..,.._.,,,..e_„-,....,,-,�,,,,..,,r.,,,.e,,,..,.,,.-...a,._....__...� 6. E�t,m�Ccd incred�d casC� nf ap�eatiarr dunng first 2 yrs ...........................�....---....__ �I�a_�es, lases, Insur�ca. et�,� � ��.5� 7. C1u,er itam casts e�soer,!�al, raasonatale arm9 �eaet,�ary Eo reesta�ldsh ................ (eanfirm ell�lbi �ty wwth th� AgencY� 3 TOTALTHI�GUIIM,,,,,.,,,-„ .....................................�,---�,--^.,...,,,.,,,-....,-.,r-,-,,.�.,,.,,-...,.....,,.,,.{maxi�num'$ 50,00�.�0� $ T3�.50 T�t�l R�t6bl�5hrngnt �im5 P�i�f-T�-pat$ 5 inoluding thes cleEm; :._... _.<$ 5715.5U � � EhgtS�e rar+°aining Refa�lfnhshment exp�rrses c�air*�ab�c_ e,_.,,,,..,,. e,,, �,_,..� 43.2�,� ��B1�j�tdGY �rlificatiori: Federa law requ�res certifi�tion oi r��i�ertiCy S;.�U�S, pl9�S� Cf18Gk IhG t2�t41g[�y od c�8mples� th� 86etl�n beloti4"lhel epplles t4 � iyc�r �xcupa�-ic�� Siatu� in Rhe �1niLed $tales �'ses o�r fords�rUTbnsa. Yabur sign�#ura coru5titui�s t,�tifiCatiial. I � Snle F'taonet�rsh;q: I cer�iiy that I am: I� e U+��led Stales citizeri ❑ ar. al er au�P,�l#y pr�sent in the U n:t� Sts#es p a[1rn,led Sra�s ratisan�w ❑ 8 noM1=U.�. C+ki�en r.4t pFeS�nt n�h� Uni[ed S9ates W Part�r,hip= 1 Ge�iF� thak �h�r� �r� partner� ir ti'�e par4�arship �nd that �r� ti;i�ens at Irie Linited St�LBs_ �nQ�'�r �rFo �li�ns lac+,fully,�re5enl in 1he LFnike4 S'ta'ea. and �� �an-U.S_ ut�z�er?S aldt pr9��11 in J1� UrF�f�3d S1�C�S. Corporgtlon :! e�rtiFy kraSC __ _, .�s eslsb��sh�d �y I�w �rad a �7t►�*ixed '4 o�nduck hueiness in �h� Ur�it�d S�k2S. �Cl�lmant Ackn�vrkdgtmsnt: I, t*re under.�g�cd, do here�y cerlliy Ihat �the adowe infrrrm�t�r is irue �d corne�k snd Rh$t �7acumentation attached �ereka accurately re�r�senrs eii�ib.e exp�snses. I als� e��Cify `°',�; I h�vb r.C° k��'-`'�9U9�� SUbITl9tt�d �9F r�C�l4+Ed P �nl � 9�ty exp�n� su�imitted with }hi� �Jairfi_ o��r��at us� ar��r; ,;�����? ._ ��I���rzed �� �� �-. �ig�ahree; _� � �� Pl�m��prim): ' �I �_� � . w'-�'�_ Tel�pho��: � i � � �� �� f��te: ._ � _�`�---��-, See •7ve�� fqr Defimilians f ,4ek�+lrrle46ernen#d§1 Re���.aolis'��e�t Costs Gaim P��2 1 of 3 �t11�33 R9��3[&t�lishment cosl� cleirr v �17.ro8 � � . . _ __ �- _ � �I1I�,Y,I�IBLF: RFES'.1-�BLl�H14'1I:�"T El'1:�.E'��E� The ft�ilowirrg is � nunex�lusave li$king bf �eesta��i�h�nen� �xp�n�it�res not ca�nsider�d 4� be reasonahle, n�cessdry, or athervria� eiic�ihl�: 1. Purchas� ts� �pE#af �sset�, s�h �S, �I�9ee fuen�lure, �Fl�ng �i�ln�ts. macC�in�ry, or trad� fixtur�a. 2. F�urchas� af rt�anufaciuring ma#arfals, p�r�ductian supPlies, �ii0[IU� 1l5VQf1{Of� Of 61�iEP I��Yh9 USC� Ifl tF18 rl{}fll%�I CQiiCS� l5� , �h� �uSil�eSs o�eratian_ 3. fntereSt on mcrneyr isarro'�i io make tdre mowe or pur�N�Se the replscerrtent prpp��yy, �1. Payrr�ent� 4� a part-time business fn #he hom� whlch �dc��� n�� "Car�tr9buta h4a �rlall " to She househ$Jd in�,�rrtie, Cc►r+trih+!t� A1g� rial ; The terrrr 'contrihu�� mattFiaf�y' meansthat �juring Thr Z taxahle years pfia,r rn ERe k��ble �Kea• i� �hi.h �isplatemene �,�ur3, �r duri�g suc� other F�erle� �3 ZF+e A�er�ry dete*rr�ines ta he m�'� equitable, a ausi�ess or F�rsrr Qp�cativn, 1, Ndd avera�r annual gr4�9 r�r��p� pf a.[ least $�,CIOa; dr 2_ Hatl awerag� �r�nual net eamifl� of at leist $.,0k]Q: or 3 Gor.tributed at le�s; ;3�,'�. QI the awne�s ar esReraRpF� �y�rage annual grass ir�ceme frpm a ll Sdurces. � 4. 'f the aaG�`caiisan of the ah�ve �iieerla c•asate�. a� i�eqult or ha rdah lp n any giwen case. [I� Agerxy may �p�Prowe the use af �er ap�r�prlake criStria. i'Itize,nship J Inrmir�.!�#i�+r 7�rrn:� �$�i'r±sd 49 �FR �4.�j�]{gy Arrr� n�7' pQ,wfu+,py p,Y„¢rr� �n Pha �Jr�iltedStafri_ �Th� phrase "alien nci lawf�lly P•es�ne, in Shs �nitcd Scates" mear,s ar� all�s whn is naS "IawfUdly pffi2�fli" iR *.M� U.S. 8i S�E'�n2d In R CFR S�C�3.11 iRA insludes� I:I'I �.+� arien presrnt �the �.5. v,ho hua nqS been a�mrltted or parol� intg Sh� La,S, pursuanx to the Imml�r��IGn inC NatlonalRy Att ($ U.S.C. 1107, et saq, � anc whose stap �n the U v h�5 not been a�thc�rited by ahe Vniteci Sta#es Attorney�,�n�ral; �nd; 3i I] ,4n bPden whip Fs Present in the U.S. after �he expiratian of €iae p�r iecl of yke� ��hn+l�ed hy Gtie� Ur�ite4 5tatrs A,��,rney {,enera I csr wrfio oth�rv,v�� yi�laSes tfi:e tc�ms and crnnditaone af a+�mlg�n, paer,le nr avathorYratlq.� s� ysay in the US. ` Allens; �,J�n� arr Reople whcr have tl�R ��m;graRed9 a i�elgn cc,untr� s� tF�4 Un itet' States� They ha;r� same � rh� }� nue �reecnms and legal rfghts �s U 5, �isiaens, b�t tbry�nnot �te in ehe€tanns_ ' iResident Alkns= &#a�rcigner xuha is ��e*manen! r4si�t of the count-y in wlwr.�s h� �r 3:he re�sides'�ut daes mat ha� �iR�;�nghi�, To fal� under this tl�5�efiraGon wti e4e �.3 , yqu need ta eit#�,er currensly hy�Q ��,,reen card or have hau cne Ir kh� I��k �al�endaa year. You azsn fal� 4nder [he U.S. thassifl�#SiDn �f ��de�t ahe ^� �f yv(sU hdvC been in rhe USe ��r 91 �� pr rrprs during the eurten� y�ar �Ipr+g wis h �S�Ying �een i n the U.S. f4r �S le�5t 183 �aps ower a khr��-y�ar ;reriod that inelue� the eurrenF year. ' NasrFReslde�rt Al�ens_ �5 'nan-U.S. cRia en' wMp p��n'x ,aass the �re�n eard €�st �ir the sebstantial pr�sence tes�. If p eprr-�ikiten ��,Rently has a green r.�r� Qr ha � had a gre�n cg r] in th� �ast capendar yrear, he �r shg yw�Wld pass 4he greea� car� cest �pne� wou�d be �assified as a residenk a lien. �f H.� IndlUidunl r�is resided m the �I.9. for 31 da� �r mcare i n e* e c-�rrent yesr and r��;id�� in the U 5. Far �nore thyn 193 iayy qMer a thr�e-y+ea.� pe rl��, �nrludirgthe e.Wrr�rr� y��r, �e ar s)�e wauld pass khe ��abaSan#ial P�ence test and h� el���,lfird �s a r�s�d�nt alien. ' N�hoAliES� frfi5�rl�l5n N�#Ia�ed15 �fQ 15dtIY�S 6f kMEriU n MRr'tnrial �rnsx�551p�n;. Thty hba! a� I the la��l pnatpetiqn5 WhiCh Cititens hav�, h�t k�y do n€ai have tlae full p�isial riRkxs cf US e.itizens. A.ccard`+n¢#n8 U 5 C. §14�9 �t �s �C�Steb�e t� be a 3.:.5. natianal wi[houS 4tirqg d US. citlZe'7. A pef3G�° wiose only r.r���eCtlon Le the U.S. i3 [IS:ough �ir�h in a� outlylr�g p�,�E��ia� (of 20Q� is finritt� t�, ,4rn�ri�an Sa �-saa and 5wa� ns rslar�tl I, �+r 4hrough ciescenk fram a person f� hvrn �qWfirQ� L.S. Nationali�yr atR nok L.S. Crtiaer�shvl�_ Ta�is was fa�rmerly�the ca�e Iri �a�er U,5 pc+ssessr4ns_ ' Guam (1898 - 19511};CIl�ertihip gr�nSed hY �� �� af �a,3gressj * Pu��to Rico (1�g� 1317} (�itizenship grsneed by ,in A� �# [�g �ess) ' J.S� 1+Ir,girs IS�3r.� (1917 - 19� 7� ��i�i�enshi� garanted hy an .4ct af Congr��yi ����onals wu�c, are not cit�rerss canr-r„ ,rs��e 4r hold ele+rted afflc�� H�vr��, they may res;de ana work in chr �ni'ad S;a#es withcsu! restfic:iqn� $n� apply far tlklxenship under ifi�e same *�,�es as o�i.Cr rrsid4n[ a9iens. Nat ail il.5. natip�.als are 41.5. sit.:rer�a; �owe+�cr, a�ll U.S. citi�ervs� a�e t.5. npeFunal�. I rrdced. �.t.5. �passports r�asren8ll�y rraake �o d�sti ntcion betu�en the kv+o, rneMianing �ly rt� ��ar�r'� �tionality, not h;�fhFr ci[iaRnsh+�p. * Gti3�n�; per�ans Ev�tn �n rh� �,5, �r ta U.S. catlzens i� tor�ign countrles are €�tiae�aa ni th$ un�ted S[ates. Persans horn ,n �tY.S, 4c�un tr.Q°s w#ic� warrk to beco�nne eiti;�na must aRply Pr�r �nc pass a citYzerr�hrp test. YMose wrtw E.�QmF cftiaens .n this manner art na;ur�lited cit�aens. "' ��kural L§nrnCitixene: k"na5urdl �orn f!ls3err'" is ��e�n �plen in S.FIP [4iFROf� B�Shc u.5. pr S�, U�itec 4tates cf �rnee�ea eltl2�� p;�ren#s * Natura�lx�d �iCi�s�s; A"natur,llittd citi�en' is some:,ne �Mp wdi n�r born on U.S. sa�l- they w�rg np� ��rzc�tn of the �c�n[ry wh�n khey wera 4�n, but hawe $a.ue throsegn � i,� ora�css o� be�omi ng m trtixen_ I I da hereby affircn Cl��t, t� T� C�s�f t�f rr+y knowledg�, th�s displ�eee :s eligible fa� qualifi�d Ft��s�ablisFarnenl reimhurs�men95, b�sed on �isp������� �s�upanc}r of the �r�l �5 � pl�ce aF ecanprtli�: �Ckivity at ti�� ti�ms af the initia�kion Of ne€�ati��ans an��pr �t 1he tirne a( the paresl� BC�uisi+,ic�n. I further aff�rtr kha: lh�e dis�l�reg qu�lif�s �4a C�� �t. 24J aS �"di��l���f ��rsrn', is a srnal! bu5in�ss, farm �r ncn-prrkfrt ' arganizatie�n, �nd i� th�r�fore eralitled #� �etaei+�e Rees]�bfishm�r�k P�Ym�+�t(Sj. ncal �a ex�ed $$Q�4i� �M,�o �117.�1), Far �I,grb[� �xp�r�s�s a�ru�lly ir��rre� in rel�a�ang an*� ra�stahCi�hrrr� such �ar�all bLsins�s, fsrra or non�profil organr�r�ti�n at a�epla�ement s.l�, �� �If�f18i�_ � .'�.�•yLr . �-�^}—� � . :� �k^c2iiq�� #�d++�ar Cia[e �Re-esta blishen�sv# Costs Cl��m �a�e �:af 2 R L�33 � Y . C. � m 4�u ."� 4 ny � f G �`� '� w 1"- O � � ++ C i � � � ro v � �, � Q � �, � � ~ a �, '" �, � e � — r � � � � E 4 � `' � tl � � � � � � � � £ � � i � 6= ��.€ ��� h �., � E �,��.�'� +. �,� La +� � 2�' � t, E ;; i. � � � � '� � � tlI i3 `y N � C � � � � d f3 � q` �' � m �� 0 q�qJ � °� ,� � G �4 � ra �y'S ° [C �3 � L s��+ � v} _� _ ,� , � � � � � � � C�9 W �f � � 1 � � �a IRF . � wa � � ' N P; I 7. � 'ih I 1h . I 4 �` ` CJ � � 9 � Ci x � � E � tl G! u � � G � 4 . � � q� C] 8i � 1f5 � +�I' �� u1 Y � '= � � c � iV4° � d _ � .� G �. ' {� Q Q �' ' �1 n � � � , ca � � � � � U � . C-. z._ �—� O � ° e � .¢ � � , 4,e =� w '��" � t_" m .L W � � � � 4 � � � U V — � �' a # � � � u � � , � � i # � � � N � � • i} � � �. � S'i � 94 � ' —. _ _ C3 � `� � N � � : F � y 0 i �, �I .� �i iA rr {y m g' tn, �.. � _.. Antiqu�s C��wntowrn '�-�., � �.- w -�- � � � ``� ` �uble��� RentalCont.ract�= � _ ��___� _ � � ��#� � , :_ 6oath ���4`��—T _ Ei�ttri�ity �� 1`pr � fig�ts ''� - �" �--�'` Rentarns�unt � �� � ��� ? �'�` vr�C �ays p�rrnonth ' C� `���}�•� l `�:� '�i� � - Re�rt is du� fln th� firs# �1�`p [f�y �f ea[h r�4nth. I give you unt�l the 3�" to p�y� €f �aying a�te�` the 3'° tFrere is a S�.Of� �ate �ee per �d2�y �ntil �p��d. I n��re� ��sh a rcnt eheck before #he 4th. TJ��ne �s an initial 3 mc�rlth �o�LrdCt minirrt�r,'1 wvF�sci� s�xltch+es �uer tca nnc�nth tD marrth �fk�r th� EnitiaF 3 mar�ths w�rth no#i�e t� va[�rte �ue Jn writir�g an the first �7�`iday of the rrro�th,�reced�n� the rr��nth,r� wh�ch you wish tc� vaca�e. Ev�ryr vendor is requir�d ta sign u�x fr�r �B hpur� o# s�d� h��p per ye�r. At #�12 �ncf e�f the �r�ar pr yc�ur corttr��i if �c�# [[�rr�pleEed }�u will be c��rg�d $5{�.pp. ��aery vend�or p�y� $5.� for 5.31es 3 tirr��€ per yea�. T�iS hei�ss �o �ouer tr��ts, e�r� �dv�rta�ing- �ach fl��e spa�e t�c�th rent requines � woric�Ja+�s in �dditaon t�p r�r�t �r mr�r�th, Sh�Cf �nti locked cas�ces ar� r�� mcrr�t�ly work�lays. Arttiq�es �owntra�rr� ck�arges 796 �c�mmissRor� �n all sal�s. This i� d��iuct�e�d #r�� y�ur ch�eks. Antiques ��nmto�n+n payrs � tb�t,�s per mc�nth, Checks a��e rea�y on th� third �3f°� and �i�htee�th (18�'� of each rrrorrth. v�errdors �re responsibie f�r alr prer�i�e liabdlityr. c�r�tent ir�surar�ce �r �a�s�in�s5 Interr�pt€on ins�r�n�� tvveTing per�+onaf ptv�er[y vr merehandise, Lar,�'lard or fee vwner ls nat re�sp�nsible for ��y vendtrr rrF�rct��ndi�e or persnn�f p�c�p�rty �f �any ki��i ��uder �ny circurr��kane�s o� condit�pns artd r�+a�l not �rovid� i�►�ur�r�ce covera�e for t�re s�me, The pariie� �gre� #ha# the vendQr is c�pee�tin� � bu5lness a� �n ind�pend�n# contr��tar an� #�hat ther� is r�at a j�i�t �ve�ture or p�rtners�i�, rt�r ��ency witFr th� E�nd�€�rd, Ver��dors w�lN b� solefy liab�� for all employ�rroen# cc�sts 9neludTn� wc�rkers t�im�aensstlon, u�e�rnpl�yment in�urance, feder��, state and Fi�CA �withhold6ng- V�ndar �grees th�# if sh�ll �rote�. ender�rrrf� �n� h€�la� f�arevef h�renless t11e I�ndl�rd �nd t�� f�e �i�rrr�er cxf the premis� ar�d tF�eir e�r�piay�es or agen'ts frorn �n� ���inst �fi liabilit�es, d�r�ag�s, �E�aPm�, ��manrJs, jud'gmen#s, �as�es, co�ts, exFrenses. suits �r�d a�ti�rns, ir��l�dtng wi#hbiut limit�tior� ��sonabie aC[t�mey's f�es and sk�arl d�fend the� I�ndlo�d in any su:it ar �dministr�tive prace�ding intludin� appea�s wh�t�er bs�ed in k�rt, �antraet or ot#��r law arising r�ut of or in c�nn�Ctipn with ti�� s�blease of the �r�mises, �rscluding but nat limited to p�rs�nal Rnjury�tr� or �d�ath qf any p�rson �� pers�ns or Pcass r�r d�mage to properCY� a�_ - �, �enda�r � `� l � � �'t,+ ,. ,G� �,�; � r':��i,� � r � �.� �,...+�.�.�k . y� -� � � � � �,��� �� `� �� ��. -�'f � �� � � � +�� �� ���� � ,� �i — �'� ,� � �� �t�� .�� � � � �. � _--. ��'� � � � � � . `�`��,., i �� c� � �{ � � �., � _ �� � �� ,� � � � � � �. y�� � � �' . � � ���. � �3 ,`� : � . :� � � �� r 1�.�°, ��'a �` �'�. .�� � �� � . �� �'� � �c�. �'� ��� �� � �� � �. . u.� ��� �� �� 0 z 0 4 � C '3 Y�. � 0 C J N I N d� � tY� I � O I O m I m I N I I N O O M M M O O D U `S `S 7 7 � M ^ ^ M M ..'7 O � ..'7 O ..'� �., N W � � W � W � 0 0 0 0 0 o w � o � � `�'� o � o � � .. v� m �n �n �n M �n m v� m � 'G �O — W �D �O w � o� � o� � o� � oo � o� � iC `� O � O � O � O � O � � "' O Q Q Q Q U� x 4ti .� .+�. 4ti � :d cC � 'J � O 'J p � � � � � !17 �17 C/] � !I] � � 3 � ° � � � � � �, �, '3 � .- � cr, � Ca � % � ;� � y � � � w -s � = v '^ o o � � � ", � a F� y i ,w � y � � � �F r, � 7 c� N � '.J � ^' O p.+ ri �, � .� W O O O � O � O � � � vJ V � h0 � �!1 �!, �!, p �.. � � � � � H V] U] V] `✓' '). '`✓' � � � r��,+' 'r^ r��,+' /a � /a a 0. a F Q.�. � E' F Q Q� � W fi W CC CK � U ;, � 0. �.�y � F- F- F-� CC FYi ,'� � � � :1 � � o � o ¢ � � >- >- ✓� P� F0 cn F F F cn cn � U J U � '� O M � 0 m � � N O � O O � O N N N � � � � � � 0 0 0 m m m � � � � � � m m m N N N O M 7 � M � � N `J� 7 � M � � N Vei�dor ' �c � r� Date of`Transaction � CI�'Y OF MONTICELLO City Hall Card Transactian P(ease a#tach che in�aice/receipt and any other a�aiiable documentatian to this form. To be completed by purchaser: Amount � f � $_ � _��1 � Circle purchaser name: Tracy�� n-� Vicki Leerhoff • Rac e Leonard Jeff C�'Neill Wayne Qberg Sarah Rathlisberger Jennifer Schreiber Angela Schumann Jim Thares Jacob Thur�ander �� �TI � Date approved Special Praject #� or Description �� � ��'4'i + tr, i � ��� Circle department code; 1Q1-41110 Ciiy Council 1d1-41310 Administratian 101-41410 Electfans 101-41520 Finance 101-4I800 Wuman Resourees 101-41910 Planning and Zoning 101-41920 Data ProcessFng 101-4194 213-46500 Economic De�elopm � 13-463d1 H RA Cird� expense code: d21990 General Op�ratir�g Supplies 431950 Newsdetter Ser�rces �1�199� Miscellaneous Prof Services 32200 � ��P_o�sta � 433100 r—�a�el/Training Expense 443300 Dues Membership & 5ubscrip 44370D Licenses and Permits 443�90 Misc. Other Expense Other ����� ��� tue F rin �� M�iNTICEI�LO MN 55362-9[]28 26b460Q984 )7/26/2C11�3 (8C1U?275-8777 1�:iF� PM _ __---------..__-__ — ------------- 'roduct Sale Firial lescri pt! �r� Qty Pri ce urpie Heart 1 18 $9.00 tUnit F'rice;$p,5�"J7 5 Fla� Sklt/2 2 $20.00 (Unit Price:$10.00} � ��ta 1 $29 . 00 �e�it Carci Remitr} $29.oC1 (Carc# Name:UTSA7 (Account � : x1{Ht{}(ifX?tKf{XX70451 (Approval #:06105fi) (Transar..tion �:634) tEntr y Made:C��ip) (AIQ:AUOOUC}00031010U13 (Applicat'ron Labe1:UISA CREDIT) (PIN:PZN tVat Rsquired? (Cryptr��ram:6�9C1�3Qi787393p0) (ARG:00) (CVR:SEDOOCI) (IAD: U6(�1()A0�360Q002) (T5I :F8DC)} (TVR:0000008000) Preview your- Mail Track vour Pack�ges Sign up fc�r FREE � www. i s7forrneddel i very.crnn 1 s�le5 final �n stan�ps ar�d postage f��rids f�r guaranteed servar,es nnly Tr�ank you for your business N(iW HIRIN�. Pl�ase visit wWw . us�s . r,om/car`eers to dp� 1 yr . HELP US SERVE YdU �ETTER 7ELL US AB�U1 YOUR RE�ENT POSTAL ExPERIEh10E Go to: https:!/�avtalexperience.c�;nr/Pos 84�-5553-U332-OQ2-0�015-12991-C71 ot� scan �thi s code wi th yoiir niok,i 1 e cievi ce: Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading Serial 53321062 Current Charges noreply@ merchanttransact.com Saturday, July 7, 2018 11:08 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 7118webinsert5.pdf Previous Reading Date Reading 6/1/2018 188496 Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 8/1/2018 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-003 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 349 BROADWAY W 6/1/2018 to 6/30/2018 (30 days) 7/6/2018 8/1/2018 Current Reading Date Reading 7/1/2018 188496 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Cons 0 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $8.75 $0.18 $14.38 $14.38 $14.38 $ 0.00 $14.38 $14.38 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading Serial 38298301 Current Charges noreply@ merchanttransact.com Saturday, July 7, 2018 11:08 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 7118webinsert5.pdf Previous Reading Date Reading 6/1/2018 1518440 Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 8/1/2018 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-005 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 255 BROADWAY E 6/1/2018 to 6/30/2018 (30 days) 7/6/2018 8/1/2018 Current Reading Date Reading 7/1/2018 1518440 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. 1 Cons 0 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $8.75 $0.18 $14.38 $14.38 $14.38 $ 0.00 $14.38 $14.38 Debbie Davidson From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: City of Monticello, MN 505 Walnut St, Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 763.271.3228 8 AM to 4:30 PM Account Information Acco u nt: Name: Service Address: Service Period: Billing Date: Due Date: Meter Reading Serial 68621907 Current Charges noreply@ merchanttransact.com Saturday, July 7, 2018 11:08 AM AP Your bill from City of Monticello, MN is ready. 7118webinsert5.pdf Previous Reading Date Reading 6/1/2018 20996 Water: Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Consumption Water: CITY WATER - NON-TXBL Water: ACH Credit - Auto Pay Water: E-Bill Credit Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Consumption Sewer: SEWER - COM/MONTHLY Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Consumption Sewer: SW DISCHRG FEE - COM MONTHLY 2% Total Current Charges: Bill Summary Previous Balance: Payments Received: Adjustments: Current Charges: * Total Amount Due by: 8/1/2018 * This was the amount due at the time of billing. 007256-006 MONTICELLO EDA (213-46301) 112 RIVER ST W 6/1/2018 to 6/30/2018 (30 days) 7/6/2018 8/1/2018 Current Reading Date Reading 7/1/2018 21428 To view your amount due at the current time and make a payment click here. � Cons 432 $0.00 $0.00 $6.95 ($1.00) ($0.50) $0.00 $8.75 $0.00 $0.18 $14.38 $14.38 $14.38 $ 0.00 $14.38 $14.38 Auto payment is setup for this customer account, do not pay. Vendor � � �' � � ��' Date of Transaction CiTY �F MONTiC�l�O Gho�t Card Trsnsact�on Please attach the invoice/ receipt and any other available documeretation to this form. 7'o be compieted by purchaser: Amou�nt $ � ` w Circle purchaser name: Debbie Davidson Julie Cnene� Expense Code � �� • ��� r • !. � _ ' ����,,� _�. - - ., , ��� Monticello Chamber of Commerce PO Bax 192 205 Pine Street Monticello MN 55362 BiEI To Accounts Payable Monticello City of 50� Vdalnut Street Suite #1 Montieel[o, MN 55362 Description ZU18 Ck�atrt6er Lunch -Jvne [9--MCC {Jim l�hares) � � � � � � � � .ai.ir� 2 =� �a�� l Date invoice # �5/28/20 ] 8 120 rt 4a , Yhank you for your comrnitment to the Motitice(fa Chawiber aF Coi++n+erce & fndustry. Yhe Mohticeffo Chamber represents tAe fnterests oF busintss and serves to str¢nythen businesses anA stirviufqtc regionaf prospenty. Monticeffo Chaw.ber i5 proud to SeryC ai Ehe "Frant door' to our fine cow�w�unity. 7i�.¢ ciww�ber fs a resource For bcisrxesses, resrdents and vrsitars afike, providir.g inFormqtion and insight qboak the area, encouragrr�g econon.ic and cow�w�unity growth in addrtian to enthNSiastically welmminy vfsitors ta the area. 763-29�-270Q 7'Ota� Due Date 7I13/2018 Amount — � I S.DD �I marcy@monticel�occi.com http://wwsv.monticellocei.com Julie Cheney From: Jim Thares Sent: Manday, July 2, 2018 1;30 PM To: Julie Cheney Subject: RE: Monti Chamber In�# 12014a $15.00 Julie, this is oicay to pay. From: Julie Cheney Sent: Monday, July 02, Z018 11:24 AM To: Jim Thares Subject: Monti Charnber In�# 12Q14a $15,0� 1im Attached is In�# 12014a from the Monticello Chamber far the June lunch you attended. Okay to pay $15A0;� Thanks, _It��l[�� C�fa������tf Finance Assistant City of Monticello 763-271-32[}5 ,TuI�e.ChenevC�ci.monticel la.rnn.us APC�ci.mont�cello.mn.us c�sTt c�F � � �L��]�1C�'�Q � _ .�-� EmuiJ carresporrdence to and from the City of Manticello government affices is sub,�ect to the Minnesota Gvvernment Data Practrces Act and may be disclosed tv third partres. Vendar Date of Transactzon � CITY OF MQNTICELLO City Hal! Card iransaction Please attach the invoice/receipt and any other a�aifable documentation to this form. To be completed �iy purchaser; Amoun# $ -�� � I � Circle purchaser name: Julie Cheney Tracy Ergen Vicki Leerhoff Matt Leonard RaChel Leonard leff O'Neill Wayne Qberg Sarah Rathlisberger Jennifer Schreiber Angela Schumann Jim Thares lacob Thunar�c�er ; mRloy�ee Signat�ure Supervi Date Special Project # or Description Circle departrnent cade: 101-41110 101-41310 1Q1-4141D 101-41520 1p1-41800 1{31-4193.Q 101-4192a iC}Z-41940 : ""�� 13-46500 213-46341 � Circle expense code: 421990 431950 431990 4322Q0 433100 443300 443700 443990 Other City Council Administration City Clerk Finance Human Resources Pianning and Zonir�g Data Pracessing � C�t�all. Economic Developmel��. H RA `--�J' General Operating Supplies Newsletter Services Miseellaneous Prof Services Postage Tra�el/i`raining Expense Dues Membership & 5ubscrip Licenses and-Pe�nits Misc. Other Expense�. --_--�� ..,�%`�{���, � ��d._.,,, �� �` • ����� �1: E?fPECT �1f�RE, PAT LESS � �ordTrcE��n - ass-2�1-�iao �7/�1!201$ U3:5] PM E�(f%If;ES 10!OJ!18 � �i��i iii ��l�f� ar���i�� � i�iiiii �d�CEf�Y �1�5i_173i] FF2Tl�i LAY FN $7.�� 181111U59 MP (;(30KIF5 FN $3.49 ti1Q12493 CUUhITRY HRTN FN �2.�1�} S�ved $C1.t30 aff �3.29 '81:i0QC�:3 AI= A�P�TIZEF� 1=N $1G.99 5UF3Ti)�fAL $3;�3.9�i rvc� rpx �o.o�� T�TAL $33.9� �D776 VISA i;{iAFtGE $33. �h AICI : AOC1000D�)0�11i�1D01 UCSA L'R�p�T !� INGICATES SAItIh+GS 'EC�2-81y1-218f�-f.J��4�-3M3.:i-ti �Cf���5(�-256-;: �� � � UY� hope �*%" � yaur irip � a was a bi��t! ��Y��: He I p make yo�ir T arget� Ru��� bet xer �. ake a 2 min�at� surve�r al��u��t t��<J��'�s tr1K� t r � 7��lUr m7180�77�32�0995 w, . ; 7st ��z EDA Agenda - 09/12/18 5. Consideration of approvin� Bud�et Adiustment re�ardin� Fundin� for Arts Program Initiative in the amount of $15,000 and Comprehensive Plan Update Phase One in the amount of $10,000 from the 2019 EDA Bud�et (JT, AS, WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is to request the EDA to consider participating in funding two of the City's 2019 work-program initiatives. The initiatives are: #1) the Art's Program and, #2) the Comprehensive Plan Update Phase One. The EDA is being asked to consider funding the Arts program in the amount of $15,000 or 50 percent of the total proposed cost of $30,000 in conjunction with the City Council (General Fund). The 2019 budget that was adopted by the EDA at the August 8th, 2018 meeting includes line items that cover paying for full- time staff, general operating expenses (legal fees, professional fees, memberships, mileage, training, etc.), marketing efforts (materials/media) and redevelopment activities. The Arts Programming would be a new line item that would include expenses associated with supplies and materials plus consulting fees for the consultant. During the first 9 months of 2018, the Arts Program has been a contributing factor in raising the vibrancy and profile of the downtown. The activities that the Program has sponsored and/or participated in include: Walk n' Roll, Riverfest Party in the Park, Riverfest Parade, Shimmer Wall - creation and unveiling, Banner Poster Contest, and Music on the Mississippi events. The Arts Program consultant has also provided input into the EDA's Fa�ade Grant Program discussion and also offered ideas to businesses at the Downtown Round meetings. The swan sculpture completed and placed at the corner of MNTH 25 and Broadway in 2017 was coordinated by and the artistic creation of the consultant. The second funding initiative is related to completing first phase of the Comprehensive Plan update. As the EDA is aware, a Comprehensive Plan is the guiding document for a City's growth and development, providing strategic and policy direction for the City. The Comprehensive Plan for Monticello was last updated in 2006-2008. Cities typically update their plans every ten years, and more importantly, as changes occur - in land use, transportation or the broader community, it requires the City to evaluate future goals for growth and development. Given changes in the northwest area of the City (Silver Springs and Bertram), as well as the need to plan for additional industrial development and residential growth, there is a definite need to update Monticello's plan. City staff would like to complete the Comprehensive Plan update over a two-to three-year period. The first phase would occur primarily in 2019. The first phase is proposed as a strategic planning and visioning component to help the City identify the major challenges and opportunities which will impact the community over the next 20 years (possible Xcel Nuclear Generating Plant transition, location of a new interchange and river crossing, etc.) The goal will be to identify these items and develop a strategic approach to inform the balance of the Comprehensive Plan. The total cost of the first phase is estimated at $45,000. Phase two of the Comprehensive Plan work will include more traditional components such as Land Use, Transportation, Parks & Trails, and Economic Development, and would be completed in 2020 and 2021. EDA Agenda - 09/12/18 While the Comprehensive Plan covers the entire City, it also includes a chapter on Economic Development as a focus of future visioning and development goals. In both components of the planning process, EDA participation is highly recommended. With that background, the EDA is being asked to consider a$10,000 cost share (22.3 percent) for Phase one of the Comprehensive Plan update. If the EDA approves the funding proposal, this too would mean a new line item within the EDA General Fund designated for Comprehensive Plan expenses. If the EDA chooses to fund either of these initiative in 2019, it will not increase the overall budget, but rather will mean a reallocation of dollars from existing to new line items. Specifically, staff would propose that the Redevelopment Activities line item be decreased by the amount of either one or both of the new initiatives or a maximum total of $25,000. The City Council will consider its share of 2019 funding for the two initiatives (#1 = 50% and #2 = 77.7%) as part of its consideration of the property tax levy at its regular September 10, 2018 meeting. Al. STAFF IMPACT: The staff impact due to presenting consideration of funding the two cost-share initiatives to the EDA is estimated to be approximately 7 hours (includes time during the EDA meetings). Staff involved in the discussion and preparation of the report includes: Community Development Director, Economic Development Manager, Finance Director, Parks Director and City Administrator. A2. BUDGET IMPACT: The cost of presenting the two cost-share initiatives to the EDA for review and approval is minimal. The 2019 EDA General Fund Budget will be adjusted as noted above if the EDA approves a portion or all of the proposed funding cost shares. The overall 2019 EDA Budget is not proposed to increase. If the EDA approves the cost shares, there will be a reallocation among existing and new line items with the total budget remaining at $350,498. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: L Motion to approve the proposed Budget Adjustment therein funding the Arts Program initiative in the amount of $15,000 and the Comprehensive Plan Update Phase One in the amount of $10,000. 2. Motion to approve proposed Budget Adjustment therein funding the Arts Program initiative and the Comprehensive Plan Update Phase One in an amount to be determined by the EDA. 3. Motion to deny approval of the proposed Budget Adjustment therein funding the Arts Program Initiative and Comprehensive Plan Phase One. 4. Motion to table consideration of the proposed Budget Adjustment therein funding the Arts Program and the Comprehensive Plan Phase One. EDA Agenda - 09/12/18 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1 wherein the EDA would approve funding the Arts Program initiative for 2019 at $15,000 and the Comprehensive Plan Phase One in the amount of $10,000, or a total participation level of $25,000. The funding of the two initiatives would mean that the line items in the 2019 Budget approved by the EDA at the regular August 8, 2018 meeting would be reallocated. Depending on the EDA's action, the Redevelopment Activities line item could be lowered by $25,000 to $123,250. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Adopted 2019 EDA Budget B. Article on Arts Programming Impact on Economic Development C. 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Does not include student, retired, or hobbyist aitists. ( rv � �� `�" ;, .;�r 8�% VOLU TEER COMPARED TO: ���`O OF ALL AMERICANS 3g% OF ALL MINNESOTANS TOP 3 CREATIVE JOBS. NUMBEROFCREATIVEJOBS �� PER 1,000 JOBS IN THIS AREA PHOTOGRAPHER � GRAPHIC DESIGNER � SINGER (Tatal regional popula(icn is 407,864 of whom 211,913 are employed) PARTICIPATING NONPROFIT ARTS AND CULTURE ORGANIZATIONS: BY D[SCIPLINE BY BUDGET SIZE ",� �� ' :1 . �F � . � ��� I � - � . .. .. , ATTENDANCE� 1 ;'��is; � �� ,�,;f k } �' "`'��D r . �,� ( I�1 i . � ��� � . ,�t P ,�' P �i I t� i � � . � `' � _,:_- '�e � .. . . e ► . C ._ -,aA __ . . p , • � . � � � • €:�[. Fl r ._...�' @ � . , .. . . . . "There was an overall increase of 25 participating organizations since � � � � . � � � � ' the last study in 2015. which accounts for some of the new auaience. creativeMN.erg Creative Minnesota 2017 REGIOIV 7W: CENTRAL MN ARTS BOARD ; Counties: Benton, Sherburne, Stearns, Wright STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVENUES: GOVERNMENT REVENUE (TAXES GOYERNMENT REVENUE � COMPARISONS TO OTHER MINNESOTA REGIONS The third largest region by population, this region is also third just 2 percent. Other good news is that Stearns county has in total artists and creative workers, and has the second the 14'h highest average creative worker wage irr the state at highest coverage of artists with retirement plans among the $19.43/hour, and Sherburne county comes in at 18'" with eleven arts regions 82%. It also ties with two other regions for $19.29lhour, with VUright county at 25th at $19.09/hour, the lowest percentage of artists with no health insurance at compared to the other 87 Minnesota counties. ORGANIZATIONS PARTICIPATING IN BOTH 2O15 AND 2017 STUDY Bufialo Comrnwiity Orchestra, Buffalo Community Theater, Central Minnesota Arts Board, Chamber Music Society of SL Cloud, City of St. Cloud, Cokato Historical Society, College oi St Benedict Fine Arts Programming, Command Performance Choirs, Delano Arts Council, Elk River Area Arts Alliance, Elk River Community Theatre, Granite Ciiy Folk Society, Great Northern Theatre Company, Great River Chorale, Great River Educational Arts Theatre, Lake Sylvia Flute Institute, Land of Lakes Choirboys of Minnesota, Millstream Arts Festival, Minnesota Center Chorale, Minnesota Dance Ensemble, Monticello Strings, Munsinger Clemens Botanical Society, Paramounl Arts Resource Trusl, Paynesville Area Community Theater, Pioneer Place Theatre Company, Sherbume County Historical Society, Sinclair Lewis Foundation, St. Cloud Downtown Alliance Foundation, St. Cloud Municipal Band, SL Cloud Symphony Orchestra, St. John's University Fine Arts Programming, The St. Cloud Area All 5[ar Jazz Band, United Arts of Central Minnesota, Wirth Center for the Pertorming Arts, Wright County Historical Society, Wrighl Ringers Community Handbell Ensemble, Youth Chorale of Central Minnesota, Youth Theatre Workshop ORGANIZATIONS NEW IN 2017 728 Cadets Marching Arts, Benton County Historical Society, BuffaloArt Guild, Buffalo Rotary Foundation, Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Early Childhood Family Ed., Central Minnesota Youth Orchestra, City of Howard LakelHistory Project, City of RockfordlHistory Project, City of Sartell, Community Legacies, Dassel- Cokato Communiry Education, Dassel-Cokato Community Theater, Downtown St. Cloud Art Crawl Collaborative, Great River Regional Library Arts Programming, Hillside Adult Education, Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted Community Education, Inaccurate Vernacular, Kimball Community Playhouse, KVSC- FM St Cloud State University, Legacy Foundation of Big Lake, Mississippi Strings Camp, North Ballet Youth Company, North East Wilson Park Neighborhood Association. NorthStar Family Theatre, Pinecone Ceniral Park Association - Arls Programs, Rockford Area Historical Society, Rooftop Theatre, Saint Cloud Arts Commission, Saint Cloud Film Festival, Saint Cloud Rotary Club's Summertime by George, Saint Cloud State University, Saint Cloud State Universityl History Project, Saint John's Boys' Choir, Sauk Centre Arts Council. SOAR Regional Arts, 5teams County Historical Society, Visual Arts Minnesota, WACOSA, Wicked Sister Dance, Women's Writing Program of Advisory Task Force on the Women and Juvenile Female Offender in Corrections ORGANIZATIONS IN 2015 ONLY City of Elk River, City of Otseao, Cold Spring Area Maennerchor, Dassel-Cokato Arts Association, Kimball Community Education, Mother of Mercy Campus of Care, Sauk Centre Area Historical Society, Two Rivers Community Theatre Find much more at: � creative �r Minnesota Citizens for the Arts cre�tiqE�,�r�n rirt� �C'�B � MCA 661 �aSallestreet#220 r�� MINNESOTA St. Paul, MN 55114 c�ocdMNn,�.eo+�d cnu.-�us.,,..,u�is 651-251-Q868 ......... ,., � artsMN.org staff@artsMN.org AINT L UD CENTRAL MINNESOTAARTS BOARD This city benefits from over $12.4 million dollars in economic impact from the nonprofit arts and culture. IMPACT ON ECONOMY AND EMPLOYMENT TOTAL DIRECT EXPENDITURES BY ORGANIZATIONS ........................ $5,345,355 STATE GOVERNMENT REVENUES: $1,043,000 EMPLOYMENT TOTALARTS AND CULTURE RELATED SPENDING BY AUDIENCES ........................ + $7,088,986 + LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVENUES: $250,000 FTE jobs supported: 338 Resident household income generated by arts and culture sector: $7,750,000 TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT ........................ - $12, 434, 341 = TOTAL GOVERNMENT REVENUES: $1.3 MILLION VO L U N T E E RS Of 4 participating Organizations in CDP Total number of volunteers: 487 Total volunteer hours: 5,191 Estimated aggregate value of volunteer time at $22.55/hour: $117,057 TOTAL AUDIENCE: 327,947 PEOPLE ANNUALLY Over 45% of attendees have an Annual Household Education range of attendees: Income of under $60,000: � High school or less � Less than $60,000 2 or 4 year college degree �,, �f k.. $60,000-$99,999 Masters or doctoral degree $100,000 or more Non-local attendees to arts and cultural events in this region spend 14% more than local attendees. LOCAL 74.2% of this region's audiences are local NON-LOCAL 25.8% of this region's attendees are non-local (attending event in same region where they live) who are (attending event in a region where they do not live) who are spending spending an average of $20.85 above the cost of their ticket. an average of $23.82 per person. 66.7% of non-resident survey respondents reported that the primary reason for their trip was "specifically to attend this arts/cultural event," bringing dollars to the region that would not have otherwise been spent here. Number of participating arts and culture organizations = Participating organizations by BUDGET SIZE Participating organizations by DISCIPLINE $1 M-5M: 2• 8% $100K-250K: 6• 24% Performing Arts: 14 Arts Multi-purpose: 2 $250K-1 M: 2• 8% Under $100K: 15 • 60% Literary Arts: 1 Humanities: 1 Media and Communications: 0 History and Historical Preservation: 0 Visual Arts/Architecture: 2 For more information, please visit creativeMN.org. otner: 5 creat��re �I f The Impact and Health of the Nonprofit Arts and Culture Sector in ST. CLOUD, MN Released: October, 2015 Local Economic Impact: $12.4M City's 2010 Population: 65,842 Arts and Culture Economic Impact Per Capita: $189 Participating Arts and Culture Organizations: Saint Cloud Downtown Council, Stearns History Museum, Wirth Center for the Performing Arts, Chamber Music Society of St. Cloud, Pioneer Place Theatre Company, St. Cloud Downtown Alliance Foundation, St. Cloud Municipal Band, Visual Arts Minnesota, Great River Regional Library Arts Programming, � .� As the most comprehensive report ever done of the creative sector, Creative Minnesota is a new effort to fill the gaps in available information about Minnesota's cultural field and to improve our understanding of its importance to our quality of life and economy. It kicks off a new centralized, concentrated and long term endeavor to collect and report data on the creative sector every two years for analysis, education and advocacy. Our first Creative Minnesota report, released in 2015, is a snapshot of the health and impacts of nonprofit arts and culture organizations in 2013 and looks at their spending and their audiences as well as other indicators of the sector's health and impact on the economy. It leverages new in-depth research made possible by Minnesota's participation in the Cultural Data Project (culturaldata.org). The 29 state, regional and local studies done to date show substantial economic impact from the arts and culture in every corner of the state, from the Arrowhead to the plains of Southwest Minnesota and from the Red River Valley to the river lands of the Southeast. Downtown St. Cloud Art Crawls, St. Cloud Rotary Club's Summertime by George, Mississippi String Camp, and Youth Chorale of Central Minnesota Local Sponsors: United Arts of Central Minnesota, Central Minnesota Arts Board, GREAT Theatre, and St. Cloud Arts Commission Creative Minnesota was developed by a collaborative of arts and culture funders in partnership with Minnesota Citizens for the Arts (MCA). The Creative Minnesota team includes Minnesota Citizens for the Arts, The McKnight Foundation, the Minnesota State Arts Board, the Forum of Regional Arts Councils of Minnesota, Target, the Bush Foundation, Mardag Foundation, and Jerome Foundation with in-kind support from the Minnesota Historical Society and others. We hope that arts advocates, legislators, local government officials and arts and cultural organizations will use this report to find new ways to improve their lives and economies with arts and culture. Find more at: S�e.P< �,.:�� F�ecc.�ve 1%�e' c� M;�.��-c�l� C�;�e� � X�e ftZl� EDA: 09/12/18 6. Consideration of Approvin� Marketin� Si�ns for Otter Creek Business Park and Block 52 (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is a request to consider approving the proposed marketing signs for Otter Creek Business Park and Block 52 in the downtown. The sign designs are simplified and meant to convey a basic message: "property available for development opportunity" coupled with contact information. In particular, the Otter Creek sign is revised from a version that was presented to the EDA in August wherein suggestions were made to keep the graphics and messaging simple. It will be important to move forward with the signs to get the message out to the general public that development property is available. The visual exposure of both signs may lead to calls regarding the available property. Existing structures will be able to be used to hold the new proposed sign faces. The sign sizes are as follows: ✓ Otter Creek Sign = 12' x 8' ✓ Block 52 Sign = 13' x 7' Quotes for fabricating the signs has been solicited and will be provided to you at the meeting if available. Both signs are maximized in size because they are temporarily advertising sale of property for development. Both will be code compliant. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve proposed marketing signs for Otter Creek Business Park and Block 52 as presented. 2. Motion to approve proposed marketing signs for Otter Creek Business Park and Block 52 with changes as directed by the EDA. 2. Motion to deny approval of proposed marketing signs for Otter Creek Business Park and Block 52 Motion to table consideration of proposed marketing signs for Otter Creek Business Park and Block 52 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The proposed marketing signs meet the goal of simple, straightforward messaging regarding available EDA development property. Staff recommend Alternative #1 which will allow the EDA to move forward with marketing property in Otter Creek Business Park and Block 52. If the EDA desires to tweak the proposed sign designs in any way, then Alternative #2 is appropriate. EDA: 09/12/18 D. SUPPORTING DATA: a. Proposed Otter Creek Business Park Marketing Sign b. Proposed Block 52 Marketing Sign • � � ��� � ��� � � � � � � � ��� � FII��I��IA�L I i��E�lY�11E� �'��►I LA�LE! rn � c o � � c a� � ._ � � 0 0 � o O Q •� N Ol � � O � O � � � � � � � Q a'_' � '� � > ro p 0 +-+ � .�_^ V � N % � � � � � � > o C� � O � � > — � �in Q N � � ���� v v � v � � •— Q � � � � N O O 0 +-+ m Ul V N �'aiaio � c-I c-I N m O O O EDA Agenda: 09/12/18 7. Economic Development Report (JT) A. 255 East Broadway Training Burn-Demolition — The residential structure and attached garage were razed in a Fire Department Training Burn with follow on demolition activities — removal of debris and rubbish and site restoration the week of August 19, 2018 through August 23, 2018. The actual training burn (8-19-18) was viewed as a great success because of the value of the training procedure (two story house). The contractor, Carlson Construction, Buffalo, MN, restored the site with black dirt and grass seed per code. Please see attached photos of site post restoration activities. No invoices for work performed have been received yet. B. 103 Pine Street (Froslie Property) Relocation Expenses — Claims are still being processed so there is not yet a final tally. There are expected to be four more claims submitted in the next two weeks to complete the current relocation costs. There also may straggling eligible relocation expenses coming in the future since the files cannot be totally closed out for 18 months from the notice issuance. The total amount of the relocation claims to date is $206,146.42. C. Fred's Property — City Parks Department (Arts Programming) — The Parks Department has indicated a strong interest in the use of the Fred's Building for a multi- purpose arts activities facility. The next step is for approval by the City Council of the Lease (already approved by the EDA). The Parks Department indicates that it will bear the burden of the costs of necessary limited building repairs. A discussion with LHB, Inc., the consultant who previously completed the substandard qualifications report, indicates limited updates to the bathroom and the addition of a handicapped accessible ramp should not disqualify the property from meeting the blighted conditions test - thus keeping it eligible for inclusion in a potential future TIF District. D. Fa�ade Grant Improvement Program — Following an informational meeting held with Block 35 property owners, several letters of intent to participate have been received by staf£ The next step is to arrange meetings with the architect and the property owners to discuss specific details of fa�ade improvements. E. Proposed Sign Grant Program — No action since the last EDA meeting. Focus has been on a successful launch of the Fa�ade Grant Program and follow up meetings with business and property owners. Plan to bring Proposed Sign Grant Program to the EDA for consideration at an upcoming meeting. F. Downtown Round Meeting — Scheduled for September 20, 2018 at 7:00 a.m. at the site of Alive Lutheran Church located in Block 52. EDA Agenda: 09/12/18 G. Shimmer Wall — The Arts Consultant met with the EDA President and reviewed a new color for the background wall to improve the aesthetic look of the Shimmer picture. H. Prospects — See attached A spread sheet with the active prospects is attached. 2 �� i � � ��� � �� � ���, t �'� ��,�,� f`� �, ! , � ��� { � �� . � ,, � � a �� iP � ' s� , •. S � r � ��'��� �+.�' � p ;, � � � �g ,Y a 4 � � ,��9�'� � , ��� '�� �'��p�4�`r4 � A . �` I:i � , - � �y . ���� �-���4 ;4,ry�r ' . 1'7r ,Y ', Y i '. . � � ' . .t ,+ Z 1�1. . . 7 'I 1 i: � � . 1� � � �� 1 � 1a �� 4 ' � r} 5 ( , . 1 ' . k �� � � . � f � � a � � � a,`V 1 � ��'' f � 1 � �� ' ,�y, a , �• � �,: , � � � �' ,� � �z� t; q `' ��r"� � �t ;�� ,.�� � M �� . :;Y � V' ��� k $P �, +ri � �'�i�� 4 a 1 � ` � � . /'}.� f � � � '� t 1 ' f. ` � / 1 ',, t i g t i ,• � 1 1 1 � .. �," � � ap n �, r , � �� � � . _�� g t 7''��� � ` � }� V' � /+ r � � I y} j.' ! ��.ri t +.��'� l �� .�xL�'S � �� � �° �� � �+ '� � ��� rt�r � ��.. 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