City Council Agenda Packet 08-27-2001 Special . . . Mayor: AGEN A SPECIAL MEETING - MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WO KSHOP Monday, August 27, 001 - 5:30 p.m. Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, nan Stumpf and Bruce Thielen 1. Call to Order 2. Present Preliminary 2002 Budget and Propo ed Tax Levy for discussion. 3. Scheduling of future budget workshop, if ne essary. 4. Adjourn . . . Review of preliminary 2002 budl!et and tax levy. ( W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Budget Workshop - 8/27/01 Enclosed you will find summary worksheets ou lining a proposed 2002 city budget and resulting tax levy. For this workshop, I have prepared ne basic set of documents for our first discussion, although I have also shown three options with ifferent tax levy amounts that are all dependent upon how much additional levy we want to hav in our capital outlay fund. For our initial discussion, the options show the first round of udget requests without any capital outlay set aside for major improvements or to establish a treet construction fund, a second that simply adds $500,000 to the capital outlay, and a third optio that shows a maximum levy that we would be allowed by state statutes. This year, the City is again under levy limits. e legislature has put cities under levy limits for 2002 and 2003 budget years and J have obtaine information on how I anticipate the Department of Revenue will calculate our levy limit. Fortu ately for the City, we are not being penalized for not levying the maximum we were allowed to 1 vy in the year 2000 (2 years ago) and if I interpret the formula correctly, our household owth, population increase and other factors would allow the City to levy over $6,500,000 d still be within the levy limits. This compares to a levy $5,067,000 for 2001. Opinions I hav heard from League of Minnesota Cities staff and our lobbyist for the Coalition of Utility Cities goup suggest that cities seriously consider levying to the maximum allowed, as it is their opinion t at when the state finds out all the new tax law changes may not be as rosy as they first thought they will likely target the cities with future levy limits that will be much harsher than limits we ow have. In other words, it is possible that future levy limits may be tied to the previous ye s levy needs, and if we find ourselves in need of setting a levy in the future to establish new 0 expanded capital project funds, we may find ourselves with our hands tied. The basic preliminary budget proposed (Altern ive #1) would require a levy increase of $690,846. This option does not include any lev for the capital improvement revolving fund, and there are planned budgeted expenditures of app oximately $80,000 to cover the annual sealcoating program of$35,000, the second ye of setting aside funds for a new fire truck purchase of$35,000 and public works office re odeling funds of$9,500 that are still not included in this levy amount. In other words, th preliminary budget as proposed should be increased by another $79,500 to meet all of the asic requests from various departments. The legislative changes that occurred to the pro erty tax system will have a dramatic effect on how the property taxes are broken down by pro erties and taxing jurisdictions. As you know, in the past the school district has been the largest r cipient oftaxes to support their program, but in the future, a lot of their basic funding for educat on will come from state aids. The result is that their tax levy will drop substantially, but the Cit 's tax levy will increase. This is largely due to the fact that most property classifications have s en a reduction in how their tax capacity values are determined, which requires an increase in th tax capacity rate to generate the same amount ofrevenue as we collected last year. For exam Ie, commercial and industrial property values 1 . . . Budget Workshop - 8/27/01 have generally been reduced by over 40% for t purposes which hits a city like Monticello very hard when our a lot of our valuation is in this c tegory with Xcel Energy property. ill addition to the tax classification changes, the City wilI no I nger be receiving HACA aid, which amounted to about $283,000 last year. The City will have to levy an additional $283,000 to keep us even with the revenue we would have had the previo s year. So first of all, any tax levy increase should deduct $283,000 before trying to determ ne how much of an increase has really taken place because of inflation, or increased budget needs because of growing population and programs. Because of all the new tax law changes, it has b en very difficult to get any accurate information from Wright County or other sources to give us good handle on what these changes wilI mean to our taxpayers. Although Wright County doe not have current information available on market values and expected tax capacity values, I was able to obtain some research data from the State of Minnesota House Research Department that was providing some projections on what impact this would have for individual cities. Th estimates made some basic assumptions, such as cities or counties would add to their levies an lost state aids that were being cut and the assumptions also assumed the city would have s milar growth in its market values compared to the average of the past two years, approximately 8% in our case. Based on this, the House Research Department came up with what they fi It our new tax capacity value would be and the estimated total tax capacity rate of all taxing juri dictions, such as the county, school district and hospital district, assuming they also had increas s in their levy needs based on average increases over the past two years. Using this information, I prepared some comparisons of residential and commercial property with five or six different m ket values that summarizes what their current taxes were in the year 2001 and what I expect th ir overall taxes to be next year under the three options. As you can see, even if the City was to evy the maximum allowed ($6,500,000) as outlined in option #3, most residential property wners would see taxes equal or even less than they are currently paying this year. Even with increase in value of an additional 5% on their homes, the higher valued properties, those above $130,000, would stilI have a smaller tax bilI than they are currently paying. The properties th t would be at or slightly higher than their current taxes are the lower valued properties. Commercial and industrial properties would also be at or near the same tax level they are currently at, and also the higher valued propertie , even with a 5% increase in value, would likely be paying less taxes than this year. As I noted, t is is based on House Research information and assumes that our community's market value does increase approximately 8% over last year and that other taxing jurisdictions levy increases that e similar to the average increases they have had the last two years. Any variation from this c uld have an effect on the final tax bilI, but I think this information is useful for the Council to be aware of in getting an idea of what our budget and the resulting tax levy could mean to average taxpayer. As I will I discuss later, the preliminary budget 0 tIined does not necessarily cover all of our funding needs for next year. While most of the c pital improvements are included in the option #1 of$690,846, approximately $79,500 addition should be added to fund the annual sealcoating program, public works office remodel.ng and the second year of fire truck purchase 2 . Budget Workshop - 8/27/01 reserve. For discussion purposes, I have also in luded a listing of various capital outlay items for the community center fund and various commit ed expenditures for improvement projects, such as the ISTEA Bridge project deficiency of $189 000, city share of the Cedar Street and 7th Street Improvement Projects totaling $148,000 and of ourse, the planned Broadway reconstruction project over $2,000,000 that will need to be e arked from some source. The Broadway Reconstruction Project will likely involve a co bination of utilizing utility access fund reserves and/or bond sale proceeds to finance the const ction. The budget options do not include any funding set aside at this time for establishing a s reet reconstruction fund, that has been previously discussed by the Council. As you ow, most of our core city streets are now exceeding 20 years in age and are showing sign of rapid deterioration. Street reconstruction costs are estimated to exceed $7,000,000 over t e next ten years, all needing to be funded either through tax levies, reserve fund accumulations r annual tax levy set aside funds. Street construction reserve fund has been discussed fo a couple of years now, and if we are ever going to establish one, I think it is important to do so a soon as possible. With most taxpayers likely to see reductions in their overall tax bills next year implementation of additional tax levies for this street reconstruction fund might never be easier 0 establish than it will be now. The following is a brief summary of some of the budget increases by department or fund to account for the proposed $690,000 levy increase outlined in option #1. . Finance ~ Additional funding of$17,500 again i cluded for adding possible part-time position. Deputy Registrar - Includes additional funding or part-time employees and benefits - $18,000. Law Enforcement - Additional funding of $113 000 over last year to cover the adding of additional four hours per day (1460 hours annual y) and to cover the rate increase to $41.75 per hour. Election Year - Election expenses at $7,000. Street Department - Capital outlays this year ar included in the street department budget that were shown separately in the capital outlay fund ast year. Items such as 12 of a new lawn tractor, 1/4 of a new backhoe, 12 of a new snowplow truc along with a patching trailer and milling machine total $108,000. Refuse - 15% budget growth due to population i creases and new contract increases for garbage pickup and landfilling costs $43,500. Parking Lots - 1/3 cost of an overlay ofthe 3rd S reet parking lot for $10,000. General Engineering Services - Increase $20,00 over last year. . Debt Service Fund. An additional $59,500 was dded to the debt levy to cover the City's share of the Remmle property assessments that are part fthe TH 25 project - $59,500. It is assumed 3 . . . Budget Workshop - 8/27101 that this property would have been traded to cre te an industrial park and assumed by a private property owner, but it has not occurred yet. Community Center - Operations budget requir s additional levy over last year of$148,000. Replacement Costs of Lost HACA Aid - $283 000 additional levy required. Capital Outlay Revolving Fund - Alternative 1 does not include any funding requirements for a few items that are anticipated to be budgeted t rough the capital outlay revolving fund. As I noted earlier, 1/3 ofthe new fire truck for $35,0 0, the annual sealcoating program for $35,000 and the public works building expansion of the ffice for $9,500 were anticipated to be budgeted as expenditures in the capital outlay revolving nd, but have not been added to the levy under Alternative #1. If added, the increase would be approximately $770,000 to compared to the $690,000 increase shown under option #1. Shade Tree Fund - The Dutch Elm Disease tre fund budget is again proposed at around $44,000 in expenditures and is proposed to be fi nded without a tax levy, but to use reserves. It is anticipated that next year will be the last year w will be able to have a Dutch Elm Disease removal program and tree replacement program ithout instituting a tax levy to support it. For the past 3 or 4 years, we have been using up our urplus monies within the tree fund which has supported the expenditures up until now, but ne t years budget should eliminate any surpluses. The tree fund has recently also been used for tre planting programs in the past which has accelerated the use of the surplus funds to this pint. Other items I want to quickly note that are contai ed in the budget are as follows: Planning Department - Funding is again includ d within the Planning Department to cover a new planner/technician position. In the past, the City has budgeted for this position, which has been unfilled. Legal- Includes continuation of dues for Coaliti n of Utility Cities in the amount of$17,825. Legal Publication/Website - Budget includes $ 4,750 for legal publication costs, the majority of which is used to cover publication of the coun il minutes ($20,000) and maintenance of our cit website by the Times ($5,000-$6,000 annually). The League of Minnesota Cities has developed a ebsite program that cities can purchase for a minimal cost that would allow us establish and u date our own website in house. It is our plan to establish our own website in the very near future d thus could save a substantial portion of the $5,000-$7,000 we are now spending annually to ave the Monticello Times maintain our site. Also, I have mentioned in the past that the City c uld save a substantial portion ofthe council minute publication costs by only publishing a su mary, rather than the full text. In the near future, the City will be able to put the entire text f our council minutes on the website, making it very accessible to a lot of citizens, and we could ave up to $15,000-$20,000 annually in publications costs if we published a summary rat er than the entire document. This savings 4 . . . Budget Workshop - 8/27/0 I would more than pay for developing and updati g our own website, and we could still cut some funds from our budget. Economic Development. No longer includes udget for MCP contribution, but continues funding of $1 ,000 for the Wright County Econo ic Development Association membership. In addition, funding of$I,OOO was included for a ontribution to the Central Minnesota Initiative Foundation. The City last contributed $2,000 i the 2000 budget, but did not budget for any contribution in 2001. Community Ed/YMCA. Budget still includes funding of$12,740 for Community Ed and $5,460 for YMCA Detached Worker program. hese are similar to the 2001 budget which assumes that both Community Ed and YMCA r ceive the balance of their funding needs through other jurisdictions covered by the Monticello Sc 001 District, i.e., Monticello Township and/or Silver Creek Township along with possibly a po ion of Big Lake Township. Salary and Benefits. The budget for salaries as increased by 5% for the purpose of providing cost of living adjustments and to provide fundin for the increase in the overall salary schedule if warranted. Normally I include 5% within the b dget to provide a little cushion for any salary increases or any new employees that may be add d that were not anticipated earlier. Also enclosed with the budget documents is a Ii t of capital outlay items that are not yet covered by this preliminary budget, but may have been i cluded in our five year capital improvement program budget. This is to give you an idea of iems that could be added to next years budget but would likely require deletion of some other item or simply an increase in our levy. Additionally, some ofthese projects or items ma need to be bonded for and possibly some could be funded partially through reserves that exist in our utility trunk fund accounts. In addition to the list enclosed, funding has not been included or any large projects or programs such as: Scattered Housing Site Pr gram I-94/CR 18 Interchange 1-94 Fallon Avenue Bridg Project ?h Street Extension Proje tfrom CSAH 75 to CR 39 While the above items are not necessarily critical at this time, it is assumed that the majority of these costs for such things as the interchange or ridge projects will be entirely the responsibility of the City and will cost millions of dollars to co plete. To sell a bond for any of these improvements, the City would have to assess at last 20% of the project costs or would have to hold a referendum to issue bonds. Since it is un ikely a referendum would pass for these types of road projects, the City should be looking at t ng to establish a reserve account by partially funding the estimated cost each year. Unfortuna ely, this would only add to our levy, but this may be the year that we will need to look at serio sly establishing a street capital projects fund. While this will be our first workshop session, the Council will ultimately need to establish a preliminary tax levy and budget by September 15 \ even though we will not be required to have an actual truth in taxation hearing later on this fal. Some of the truth in taxation hearing 5 . . . Budget Workshop - 8/27/01 requirements have been eliminated for this year only, but the preliminary tax levy adoption is still required by September 15th. As always, the pr liminary levy cannot be increased once we establish it, but it can always be lowered later. he maximum levy that I have projected of $6,500,000 would allow us to increase our levy by almost $1,500,000. The final levy limit amount will be provided by the Department of evenue by September 1 st, but I have not actually received official confirmation of our levy limit t this time. My estimate is based on information I could obtain and this was calculated to the bes of my ability. The preliminary levy and budget can be adopted at any time or during any works op and the Council would have the ability to reduce the levy later on this fall. B. SUPPORTING DATA: Budget Worksheet Documents 6 . (WITH NO CAPITAL OUT AY LEVY) TAX LEVY SU MARY 2002 Budg t All Funds #1 . $579,235 $2,968,114 $33,790 $24,950 $0 $0 $19,790 $1,394,659 $0 $737,650 Net Levy Increase to Cover Debt Net Levy Increase for Non-debt Portion of Budget Net Levy Increas to cover eliminated State Aids Net Certified Levy Decrease/Increase Maximum Lev Allowed Payable 1998 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1999 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2000 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2001 Tax Capacity Rate Estimated Payable 2002 Tax Capacity Rate 27.001 35.186 36.272 37.146 60.106 $14,413,597 $13,123,681 $13,066,057 $13,641,431 $9,580,000 ** 2 .001 3 .186 3 .272 3 .146 60.10 $3,883,013 $4,617,725 $4,739,325 $5,067,342 $5,758,188 COMMENTS: *Community Center budget levy includes $525,000 for debt servic and $212,650 for operations with a transfer from Liquor Fund of $200,000. (Net Levy Required = $737,650) **Projection from State House Research ~ .. Page 1 DA WN/EXCEUBUDGET: BW-1 T axSum(a ):8/24/01 . . . (WITH CAPITAL OUTLAY LE Y OF $500,000) TAX LEVY sun ~MARY # 2002 Bud~ et All Fund s ...... ... .......... ..................... .... . I .. Net Payable 2001 . ...... NetPayable 2002 Adjusted Levy Levy B fore Adjusted Levy After Deducting HACA A~ .usted After Deducting Fund HAC A Payablel 2002 HACA HACA Parks $387,165 $ 79,235 $0 $579,235 General $2,348,863 $2, 68,114 $0 $2,968,114 Library $33,290 33,790 $0 $33,790 Transportation $22,740 24,950 $0 $24,950 Shade Tree $0 $0 $0 $0 OAA $5,200 $0 $0 $0 HRA $17,570 19,790 $0 $19,790 Debt Service $1,335,304 $1, 94,659 $0 $1,394,659 Capital Imp. Revolving $328,200 $ 00,000 $0 $500,000 Community Center $589,010 $ 37,650 * $0 $737,650 TOTAL $5,067,342 $6, 58,188 $0 $6,258,188 Net Levy Increase to Cover Debt 59,355 Net Levy Increase for Non-debt Portion of Budget $ 48,065 Net Levy Increase to cover eliminated State Aids $ 83,426 Net Certified Levy Decrease/Increase $1, 90,846 Maximum Levy Allowed $ 54,335 Payable 1998 Tax Capacity Ra e 27.001 Payable 1999 Tax Capacity Ra e 35186 Payable 2000 Tax Capacity Ra e 36.272 Payable 2001 Tax Capacity Rat 37. 1 46 Estimated: Payable 2002 Tax Capacity Ra e 65.326 Tax Capacity Tax Cap ~city Value Ratl Tax Levy '97/Payable 1998 $14,413,597 27001 $3,883,013 '98/Payable 1999 $13,123,681 35.186 $4,617,725 99/Payable 2000 $13,066,057 36272 $4,739,325 2000/Payable 2001 $13,641,431 37146 $5,067,342 Est.200 1 /Payable 2002 $9,580,000 ** 65.326 $6,258,188 COMMENTS: 'Community Center budget levy includes $525,000 for debt serv ce and $212,650 for operations .. Projection from State House Research Page 2 DAWN/BUDGET/EXCEL BW-1 TaxSum(b) :8/22/0 1 -. --,.._~-~.- - ----- -. . -- ". 2 . . . i I (MAXIMUM LEVY ALL lOWED) TAX LEVY SUN MARY 2002 Budg et All Fund! .............. ...... Net Payable 2001 i........ NetPayable 2002 Adjusted Levy Levy B 'afore Adj usted Levy After Deducting HACA A 'justed i.' After Deducting Fund HACA Payabll 2002 HACA HACA Parks $387,165 579,235 $0 $579,235 General $2,348,863 $2 ,968,114 $0 $2,968,114 Library $33,290 $33,790 $0 $33,790 Transportation $22,740 $24,950 $0 $24,950 Shade Tree $0 $0 $0 $0 OAA $5,200 $0 $0 $0 HRA $17,570 $19,790 $0 $19,790 Debt Service $1,335,304 $1 394,659 $0 $1,394,659 Capital Imp. Revolving $328,200 782,147 $0 $782,147 Community Center $589,010 ( 737,650 $0 $737,650 TOTAL $5,067,342 ". $6 540,335 $0 $6,540,335 Net Levy Increase to Cover Debt $59,355 ! r, ~. ( [) -. Net Levy Increase for Non-debt Portion of Budget $1 130,212 ,.r Net Levy Increase to cover eliminated State Aids ( 283,426 Net Certified Levy Decrease/Increase $1 472,993 Maximum Levy Allowed $6 540,335 Payable 1998 Tax Capacity R te 27001 Payable 1999 Tax Capacity R te 35 186 Payable 2000 Tax Capacity R te 36.272 Payable 2001 Tax Capacity Ra e 37.146 Estimated: Payable 2002 Tax Capacity R te 68,271 Tax Capacity Tax Ca acity , Value Rae Tax Levy '97/Payable 1998 $14,413,597 27001 $3,883,013 '98/Payable 1999 $13,123,681 35.186 $4,617,725 99/Payable 2000 $13,066,057 36272 $4,739,325 2000/Payable 2001 $13,641,431 37.146 $5,067,342 Est 2001/Payable 2002 $9,580,000 .. 68.271 $6,540,335 COMMENTS: 'Community Center budget levy includes $525,000 for debt se vice and $212,650 for operations .. Projection from State House Research Page 3 DAWN/EXCELlBUDGE:T.BW-1 T axSum(c):8/22/01 ..- ... - - ---- -. -- .- ..-. --- . - -- ------- ._-,. #3 . REVENUE AND EXPEND lURE SUMMARY 2002 Bud ~et []IIIIi[ ~,; .......,; ii'ii.rlUJ E :e.li:I:I:II::r!!J~ES Ili11i~:Bg,t:'Q!:r~RES General $3,737,095 $3,737,095 $4,129,185 $4,129,185 Parks $400,265 $400,265 $579,235 $579,235 Park Dedication $30,000 $30,000 $25,350 $20,000 Library $34,790 $34,790 $34,790 $34,790 Transportation $91,675 $91,675 $103,600 $103,600 Shade Tree $4,800 $44,560 $2,250 $44,810 Community Center $1,379,905 :51,379,905 $1,553,300 $1,553,300 UDAG $8,500 $0 $0 $0 OAA $7,100 $7,100 $1,220 $4,440 HRA $766,105 $441 ,690 $575,335 $342,415 Minn. Investment Fund $17,590 $0 $46,775 $0 EDA $51,915 $8,000 $44,915 $8,500 SCERG $9,030 $0 $480 $0 CMIF $160 $0 $150 $0 Debt Service $3,505,271 ii3,972,468 $3,212,469 $4,253,543 Liquor $2,575,000 1>2,481,380 $2,829,625 $2,722,940 Water $334,900 $579,935 ** $383,000 $654,235 Sewer $761,840 1li1,880,995 * $813,900 $1,980,910 Cemetery $30,350 $31,500 $28,200 $33,115 Capital Improvements $401,500 $531,500 $0 $0 Water Access $116,795 $860,000 $160,885 $0 Storm Sewer Access $124,520 $0 $173,900 $0 Sanitary Sewer Access $671,050 $633,000 $659,200 $0 TOTAL $15,060,156 $ 7,145,858 ." $15,357,764 , $16,465,018 COMMENTS: 'Includes $1,198,335 Depreciation - Contributed Assets - Sewer "Includes $295,000 Depreciation - Contributed Assets - Water DAWN/EXCEL/BUDGET: BW-1 Rev&ExpSumm:8/22/0 1 Page 4 ---- -- --.. -. ..- --...-- . . . . . I SUMMARY OF PROJ8 CTED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCES (Cash & Inve stments) ~~~ ................ ..... BA TE ..... 12/31/01.... . ..................e...(t~1 Parks Fund $207,000 $579,235 $579,235 $207,000 Park Dedication fund $36,000 $25,350 $20,000 $41,350 General $3,601,000 $4,129,185 $4,129,185 $3,601,000 Library $100 $34,790 $34,790 $100 Tree $42,550 $2,260 $44,810 $0 OAA $11,000 $1,220 $4,440 $7,780 Water $685,000 $383,000 $654,235 $413,765 Water Access $26,500 $160,885 $0 $187,385 Sewer $718,000 $813,900 $782,575 $749,325 Sewer Access $1,987,000 $659,200 $0 $2,646,200 Transportation $1,025 $103,600 $103,600 $1,025 Liquor $925,000 $2,829,625 $2,722,940 $1,031,685 Capital Outlay Revolving $892,000 $0 $189,000 $703,000 HRA $942,000 $575,335 $342,415 $1,174,920 Minn Investment Fund $22,100 $46,775 $0 $68,875 UDAG $0 $0 $0 $0 EDA $820,000 $44,915 $8,500 $856,415 SCERG $10,000 $480 $0 $10,480 CMIF $1,000 $150 $0 $1 ,150 Storm Sewer Access $310,000 $173,900 $20,000 $463,900 Cemetery $27,500 $28,200 $33,115 $22,585 Community Center Fund $109,000 $1,553,300 $1,553,300 $109,000 SUBTOTALS $11,373,775 I ~12, 145,305 $11,222,140 $12,296,940 Debt Service General Obligation Bonds $901,000 $1,214,945 $1,316,318 $799,627 Special Assessment Bonds $5,212,000 $1,761,039 $2,742,525 $4,230,514 Tax Increment Bonds $1,334,000 $158,700 $194,700 $1,298,000 DEBT SERVICE SUBTOTA $7,447,000 , $3,134,684 $4,253,543 $6,328,141 TOTALS $18,820,775 ,.......... .~15,279,989 $15,475,683 $18,625,081 Page 5 DAWN/EXCEL/BUDGET: BW-1 RevSummary:8/22/01 _.u_.... _..._".___ ...-.-.....-.-- -.- -. --. . ... ---....- - -- ---,,----- . GENERAL FUND ~ UMMARY 2002 Budg et REVENUE Taxes 2001 2002 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 1013 011 $2,348,863 $2,968,114 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 1013 021 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME TAX 101.3 031 $0 $0 TIF #1 - KMART 101.3 051 $0 $0 FORFEITED TAX SALE APPORT 1013 920 $0 $0 PEN & I NT - AD VALOREM TAXES 1013 910 $2,000 $2,000 ml:[fAL TAX'EES .../i:i;; HI;::.',.::H.... "H.I. ........... A.... ^..^ t?_Q7~ Licenses and Permits - Business LIQUOR LICENSE 1013 111 $28,050 $29,050 BEER LICENSE 1013 112 $1,100 $850 SET UP LICENSE 1013 113 $50 $50 OTHER BUS LICENSES & PERMITS 101.3 199 $0 $0 L........ TOll~b,.L.:ICEN~e~.& pe'A'!lII[f.~ - BOS:I:~I;~~ H. ~::;iIH,IH'" $:~I~;iIIIIQ Licenses and Permits - Non-Business BUILDING PERMITS 1013 211 $325,000 $400,000 VARIANCES/CONDITIONAL USES 1 013~ 212 $2,500 $2,200 GRADING PERMIT 10 1. 3~ 215 $0 $0 PLUMBING CONNECTION PERMITS 1 01 .. 3~ 231 $0 $0 ANIMAL LICENSES 10 1. 3~ 241 $400 $200 BINGO LICENSES 1 01 . 3~ 261 $0 $0 CABLE FRANCHISE FEE 10 1. 3~ 262 $0 $0 OTHER NON-BUS L1C & PERMITS 1 0 13~ 299 $6,000 $6,200 "'/1l0T AL~JIII~'ENSES:Hlllli:;IPERI\II.I[fS'1!""'NON Q:!Ii.lSlN6$S I ..... ...... $40~,~9.9 Inter-Governmental FEDERAL GRANTS - CETA 101.33 120 $0 $0 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID 101.33 401 $0 $8,165 HOMESTEAD CREDIT (HACA) 10133 402 $283,426 $0 MOBILE HOME HOMESTEAD CREDIT 10133 403 $0 $0 PERA INCREASE AID 101.33 404 $6,741 $6,7 41 DISASTER AID 10133 408 $0 $0 LOCAL GOVT/ST HWY AID 101 .33 10 $58,500 $59,500 FIRE DEPT AID 10133 20 $48,750 $47,750 POLICE DEPT AID 101 .33 21 $24,000 $25,000 STATE GRANTS &AIDS - OTHER 10133 99 $0 $0 COUNTY HIGHWAY GRANTS 101 .33 )10 $7,450 $11,750 OTHER COUNTY GRANTS 10133 20 $0 $5,000 TOT~QiliiiliIINTER+i:I~ERNM.i.:m"L .' i.i';' DAWN/EXCEL/BUDGET: BW-1 GenFundRev8/23/01 Page 6 ---- .- __...n --- __on.. - . . . GENERAL FUND ~ UMMARY 2002 Budg! et Charges for Services RECYLlNG INCENTIVE 101.3 621 $5,000 $13,500 ZONING/SUBDIVISION FEES 1013 103 $7,500 $5,000 SALE OF MAPS & PUBLICATIONS 101.3 105 $450 $400 MV LICENSE SALES/DEPUTY REG 1013 106 $135,000 $170,000 ASSESSMENT SEARCHES 1013 107 $4,000 $6,500 INSPECTION FEES 1013 204 $35,000 $40,000 FIRE PROTECTION TWP CONTRACT 101.3 206 $71,580 $71,900 STREET,SIDEWALK,CURB REPAIRS 101.3 301 $0 $0 SPECIAL GARBAGE PROC/RECYCLE 1013 408 $0 $0 GARBAGE CHG 101.3 409 $60,000 $53,650 GARBAGE CART RENTAL 101.3 410 $15,750 $20,000 PARK RENTAL FEES 1 01 . 3l 780 $0 $0 CONSTRUCTION COST (REIMB) 101.3 960 $0 $0 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1 01 . 3l 999 $1,000 $1,000 TOTAlll.II'IQHARGES FOR"SERYICES ,,""""'l'l.~ .iIi......... "'."I........ $335,280 $381,95g Fines ANIMAL IMPOUNDMENT 1013E 104 ~ $21,200 JOTAL~.. . ""...I.'.,.."'.",...'i,...,'l.... ...."./1/.. ....... ....b...,i $21,200 Miscellaneous Revenue S. A PRINCIPAL - COUNTY 1013E 101 $0 $0 S. A PRINCIPAL - DIRECT 1 013E 102 $0 $0 S A PENAL TIES & INTEREST 1 013E 150 $185,000 $126,000 INTEREST EARNINGS 101.3E 210 $0 $0 INTEREST EARNINGS-SUBURBAN 1 01 . 3E 213 $0 $0 INTEREST EARNINGS-AROPLAX 1 013E 214 $135 $0 RENTAL OF PROPERTY 101.3E 220 $11,800 $11,800 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 1 01 . 3E 221 $0 $0 CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE 1 01 .3E 230 $0 $0 SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 101.36 240 $0 $0 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 1 01 . 36 241 $0 $0 LOCK (FIRE) BOXES 101 .36 242 $600 $450 SIGNS & INSTALL (NEW PLATS) 10136 243 $0 $0 OTHER MISC REVENUE 1 01 . 36 ?99 $500 $3,700 ...: TOT AL,'!lI'II~.ICELLANEO..USI...REVENUE .,.... ....... .'.:..,ii ."iIi...... $198,035 $1:t1'J~.~g Refunds and Reimbursements REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS 1 01 . 36 ?90 $23,250 $11,515 IDC CONTRIBUTION (REIMB) 1 0136 ?91 $0 $0 HACA REIMBURSEMENT 1 01 .36 ?92 $0 $0 DISCOUNT 1 01 _ 36 ?98 $0 $0 .......... TOIAL,..i~~F'm'NDS & ~ ........,. ..., CI:?"t ?t:o .... DAWN/EXCEL/BUDGET BW-1 GenFundRev 8/23/01 Page ---... ---.--..,. -.--- -- - .--. . . 7 . . . GENERAL FUND UMMARY 2002 Budg t Transfers from Other Funds Transfer mlmII!l:::mll;tf~:SiEERSEB.OM OTHER FUNDS TOTAl,. GENERAl,. FUND REVENUE DAWN/EXCEL/BUDGET BW-1 GenFundRev 8/23/01 $18,200 $1~,~OO $3,737,Q9ti $4,129,1~5 Page 8 . DAWN/EXCEUBUDGET:BW-1 GenFundSum8/22/01 Page 9 Miscellaneous Misc. -- Severence Benefits Insurance . . Page 10 . DAWN/EXCEUBUDGET:BW-1 GenFundSum8/22/01 . PARK FUND SUMMAR 2002 BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2001 2002 Salaries $209,675 $213,100 Benefits $56,310 $66,755 Supplies - Operating $29,900 $32,700 Bldg/EquipNeh Repair Supplies $14,000 $19,200 Pathway Main! Fund $22,000 $0 Misc. Professional Services $5,500 $5,300 Telephone $2,500 $2,500 T rave IICo nf/Sch 00 I sID u es $1,550 $1,900 Public Info/Advertising $1,100 $1 ,1 00 Utilities $8,400 $8,500 Repair & Maint - Bldg & Equip $8,000 $8,500 Uniform Rental $2,180 $2,180 Misc. & Community Celebration $9,150 $6,500 Capital Outlay - Equipment $23,500 $50,000 Capital Outlay - Improvements $6,500 $181,000 TOTAL PARK EXPENDITURES $400,265 $599,235 REVENUE . Ad Valorem Taxes $402,165 $579,235 'Park Dedication Fees $15,000 $0 Interest Income $11,600 $6,900 Park Rental Fees $1 ,500 $1,600 TOTAL PARK REVENUE $430,265 $587,735 Note: Additional capital outlay included = $194,000 $0 in Capital Outlay Fund for various park improvements $624,265 $587,735 . Park Dedication Fee Revenue is now in the "Park Dedication Fund." . DAWN/EXCEL/BUDGET: BW-1 ParkF undSum:8/22/Q1 Page 11 . BUDGET 2002 . PRELIMINARY - MONTICELLO COMMl NITY CEN REVENUE 2001 2002 1 Room/Space Rental 83,695 58,000 2 Kitchen Rental 1,000 2,400 3 Concessions 42,000 48,200 4 User Fees 58,000 68,000 5 Memberships/Daily Fees 300,000 320,000 6 Other Charges for Services 35,000 25,000 7 Contributions 1,050 8 Programming Revenue 24,000 40,000 9 Equipment Rental 4,200 6,000 10 Misc. Revenue 3,000 2,000 11 TOTAL OPERATION REVENUE 550,895 570,650 EXPENSES - ADMINISTRATIVE 12 Salaries FIT - Regular.. 165,500 234,000 13 Salaries FIT ~ Overtime 6,000 2,000 14 Salaries PIT . Regular.. 216,000 265,000 15 PERA Contributions" 11 ,000 16,000 16 FICA Contributions 24,000 38,400 17 Medicare Contributions 6,000 7,300 18 Health/Dental/Life Insurance 24,110 35,000 19 UC Benefits 1,000 4,000 20 WC Benefits 2,800 3,000 21 Office Supplies 2,000 6,400 22 Clothing Supplies.. 1,200 7,000 23 Cleaning Supplies 8,760 6,500 24 Chemical Supplies 20,000 18,000 25 General Operating Supplies.. 7,300 14,000 26 Building Repair Supplies 1,500 2,500 27 Maintenance Supplies 6,000 8,000 28 Small Tools and Equipment 6,000 5,000 29 Professional Services - Mgmt Fees 500 700 30 Professional Services - Website/email 500 400 31 Professional Services - Custodian 3,000 500 32 Professional Services ~ Laundry 5,000 3,000 33 Maintenance Agreements.. 9,000 9,000 34 Professional Services - Bldg & Equip 6,000 35 Professional Services - Misc 1,500 700 36 Telephones 9,000 17,000 37 Postage 500 1,200 38 Cable / Network Services 600 2,200 39 Conference & Schools 1,000 2,000 40 Travel Expense 500 600 41 Freight 300 300 42 AdvertisinQ 15,000 15,000 43 General Public Information 6,000 6,000 44 Brochures.. 10,000 45 Property Insurance 18.560 18,500 46 Building Contents Insurance 6.000 7,000 47 Bike Park Liability.. 7,800 48 Electric 76,375 70.000 49 Gas 59.200 76,000 50 Repairs & Maintenance Building 5.000 5,000 51 Repairs & Maintenance Mach/Equip 5,000 5.000 52 Equipment Rental 20.000 15,000 53 Uniform Rental 3.500 1,500 .---... ----.- ---- .. .-. TER . . Page 12 . 54 Dues, Membership & Subscriptions 500 500 55 License & Permits 600 700 56 Bank Charges 2,000 2,600 57 Misc. Other Expense 1,500 1,500 58 Furniture & Fixtures*'" 5,000 4,000 59 Office Equipment** 1,500 2,000 60 Computer Equipment** 2,500 3,000 61 Other Equipment*'" 44,000 2,500 62 Administrative Total 812805 969,300 EXPENSES - RECREATION 63 Operatinq Supplies Concessions 600 1,000 64 Concession Food Products 25,000 38,000 65 Prof. Services Fitness Instructors 6,000 3,700 66 Prizes & Event 2,000 67 Rental Room Supplies 3,000 1,000 68 Party Room Supplies 4,000 6,000 69 Climbing Wall Supplies 1,000 1,000 70 Fitness Area Supplies** 2,000 6,000 71 Gymnasium Supplies 2,000 1,000 72 Indoor Play Supplies 2,000 500 73 Pool Supplies** 3,000 6,500 74 Warehouse Supplies 2,000 500 75 Skate/Bike Park Supplies 1,000 500 76 Recreation Total 51,600 67 700 77 TOTAL EXPENSES 864,405 1,037,000 ** See budget worksheet for descriptions of change. 79 VALUE ADDED SERVICES*: 80 Room Rental (City, Seniors, NG) 45,000 I 81 Portion of Expenses allocated to City, NG, Seniors 82 General Operating Supplies -3,500 83 Maintenance Time -5,200 84 REVENUE total after value added services 615,650 85 TOTAL EXPENSES after value added services 1,028.300 *Value added services not included in 2001 budget nun bers. 86 NON-OPERATING REVENUE 87 Property Taxes 737,650 88 Transfer from Liquor Fund 200,000 89 TOTAL Non~Operating Revenue 937,650 90 NON-OPERATING EXPENSES 91 Transfer to Debt Service 525,000 92 .'lDill 8' ..~I!.'. "I..' 93 Bike Park 40,000 94 Lift 8,000 95 Washer & Dryer 3,500 96 Office Space 12,000 97 Final Landscaping 30,000 98 Dishwasher in Catering Kitchen 3,500 99 Overhead fans - Main Hallway 5,000 100 Building Signs 20,000 101 Total Capital Purchases 122,000 . ncrease to revenue Reduce expenses Reduce expenses . Page 13 BUDGET 2002 WORKS EET . Line 12 Full-Time Employees - factoring an 5* in rease Kitty Grade 13 Leve14 47,500 A.D. Grade 8 Level 3 34,200 Brian Grade 8 Level 5 37,200 Mick Grade 6 Level 4 31,800 Randy Grade 3 Level 3 25,600 New Cust Grade 3 Level 3 25,600 Tricia Grade 3 Level 3 25,600 227,500 add cost of living 3% ($6,825) Line 14 Part-Time Employees Lead Guest Senrices M-F 4-10 - 6 hours X 5 days Sat Sun Rate of Pay $9.50/hour = Guest Senrice 1 50 hours per week @ $8.00/hour Guest Senrice 2 18 Weeks per year - 76 hours/week @ $ 7. 18/hour 34 Weeks per year - 62 hours/week @ $7. 18/hour Total per ye Child care Attendant 33 hours / week @ $6.75/hour or @223/week or Climbing Wall 22 weeks - 7 hours/week @ $7.20/hour or $51/we k or $1,122 30 weeks - 18 hours/week @ $7.20/hour or $130/ eek or $3,900 or Skate Park & Bike Park April 64 hours May 164 hours June 292 hours July 302 hours Aug 302 hours Sept 156 hours Oct 74 hours Custodians 4 days/week at 5 hour/day - 20 hours/week @ $10. 0 or 21O/week or Life Guards 39 weeks 30 hours 14 hours 12 hours $532/week or 44 h urs 56 h urs $400/week 0 . $550/week or $9,900/year $450/week or $$15,300/year 1,354 hour/summer @ $6.60 our or . 13 weeks 194 hours/week x $9.50 26 weeks 183 hours/week x $9.50 TOTAL 240 hours/week @ $9.50/hour Total Guard Wages per year Warehouse Supenrisor 16 hours/week or 832 hrs/year @ $9.00/hour 13 weeks $24,000 $45,250 $69,250 $30,000 $234,325 $27,664/year $20,800/year $25,200/year $11,600/year $5,025/year $9,000/year $10,920/year $99,250/year $7,500/year Page 14 . Line 15 Line 22 Line 25 Line 33 . Line 44 Line 47 Line 58 Line 59 Line 60 Line 61 Line 70 Line 73 . Event Hostess - Mississippi Room Approximately 300 hours per year at $1 O/hour Water Slide Attendants 39 weeks 56.5 hours/week 2,203.5hr/39 wks @ $ .30/hour ($13,900) 13 weeks 72.5 hours/week or 942.5 hr/13 weeks $6.30/hour (5,950) Water Safety Instructors (Swim Lesson Instru tors) Approximately 850 hours/year - 80% WSI @ $12 our (680 x $12 = $8,160) 20% WSIA @ $ /hour (170 x $9 = $1,530) $3,000/year $ 19,850/year $9,700/year POOL DIRECTOR: Average 25 hours/week @ $12.50/hour $ 16,000/year TOTAL PART TIME PAYROLL $265.000/vear PERA Wages estimate $330,000 x 4.75% Clothing Supplies Budget addi iona1 5,000 to purchase own uniforms *See Capita Purchase - Washer and Dryer General Operating Supplies Under estim ted cost of wristbands Currently sp nding appx. $12,000 purchasing as needed In 2002 pur hasing enough for entire year cost $9,000 Maintenance Agreements Includes: Water softener maintenanc , Dehumidification Unit maintenance agreement, Elevator Maintenance agre ment (mandatory), Energy Mgmt system maintenance agreement, Fi e System Inspection agreement (mandatory) Quarterly Class and Activity Brochures - i itiated in December 2001 after budget approved. Bike Park Liability Estimate from Leag e of MN Cities Begin Table replacement for Mississippi oom - expect to replace 10/year For new Office for Staff and Break Room See Capital Purchases New Computer and Facility Software for aintenance Office Shelving necessary for supply storage To purchase two (2) new pieces of cardio- ascular equipment To add the Lily Pad feature or some other eature to the pool. Page 15 DAWN/EX SUMM ~RY Debt Servic e Funds 2002 Budge1 Forecast REVENUE 2001 2002 Current ad valorem: $1,335,304 1394659 Interest: $213,975 174425 Special asmtnCounty: $837,827 486135 Transfer in -Tax Increment: $93,165 132250 Transfer innLiquor Fund (community center bond): $0 0 Transfer innCommunity Center Fund: $525,000 525000 Transfer innSewer Access Fund (WWTP note): $500,000 500000 Transfer in - 93 Fire Hall Refunding Bond $0 0 TOTAL REVENUE '. ........... './ $3,505,271 $:),212,469 --------------------- ------------------- EXPENDITURES Principal $2,423,465 2715246 Interest: $1,532,620 1523227 Paying agent fees $7,583 8070 Interest exp $8,800 7000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,972,468 ............. $4,253,543 CEL/BUDGETBW-10ebtService:8/22101 Page 1 -. --... ---.- , .. ..- 6 . . . " ,-, .:~ .~'~ rTI -I '"~ i- (/J ~ r ~ ;'0 ~ ~ ~ @ S . '"d po OQ ro ...... . "-l o ~ r- ..... '" ~ .' <>> ~....). ... \0 c.> ~ ~(i'; ~ .y,a {f} o 0 ." (f) o 0 ~ w ,~ ~ ~ ..... ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ 1t ... CO <I> o fA '" ::: -~ ... '" fA o fA o '" ~ .... ." (f) C 0 ." (f) o 0 '" o fA o '" o ~ -0 DO N '" "" CO <I> o <I> o '" ~ '" N ~ ... ... o <I> o ... o ... o ~ '0 '" N '" '" CO ~ -0 '" N N "" CO '" o (f) o '" <0 '" N ~ '" ... <I> o C ... '" o C <I> C fA o ... o ~ N '" '" C o <I> o if! o ~ '" <0 '" 00 '" co <I> o ... o DO N '" '" CO ... o N ~ ... '" ~ '" if! o '" N DO DO o o ':'? Co '" .... -~ '" '" (f) o (f) N '" '" <>> '" ~ if! o ~ Co DO tv '" "" CO <I> C <I> o '" ~ W N ~ ... (f) o (f) o fA o if! o (f) o (f) N '" -", o o ~ -0 '" N -", w M o '" N .(,., o ... 00 <0 '" N o '" '" ~ W ... M o 0 ... <I> o 0 <I> C ... o '" -0 '" N N '" W <fl '" <..> ... w '" "" W ... o ~ W o '" o o '" ~ o o o if! o N ~ '" <0 '" (f) o ... o <A o '" N -N '" W (f) o <I> o '" w o ... o o ::; en .... -W '" o (f) o (f) N W .... o '0 ... CO ~ Co DO N -N "" w <I> o ... o if! o N ~ '" N ~ (f) ... o 0 ~ ~ ~ I~ (f) o (f) W W '" o o ~ :.... '" o ;" W DO ... N m '" o o <fl N :0.. o N :0.. ~ N o o "" '" ~ '" <I> o ... o ~ Co DO N '" '" W (f) o ::; '" :"" ::; W -'" ~ o o (f) DO '" ::: w <I> '" '-" .... o o {f) '" '" '" <0 <..> o '" N o o '" '" <0 <0 <0 ~ Ig if! o <I> o ... o '" N '" '" W ... o o o ~ '" W -W o o '" w '" :0.. o o ... '" en _en ~ '" o (f) '" '" Co o o "" N -N '" :.... ... CO ... o (f) o ::; -0 DO N '" '" W <I> o (f) DO '" '" o o ::; w w -W o o tf) DO '" '" .... '" o ... N ... '" o C1 '" N '" .... '" :..., ... W ... o (f) -0 CD '" '" '" W (f) o '" o o '" '" <0 '" .... (f) <I> N ~ (,..,) ~ -", m ... 0 0 ODD ... ." o 0 <I> o ~ o '" N '" '" W ... o ::; '" o '" o o ~ W _0) W o o ... CD W N -... '" '-" '" tv w :0.. o o {f) '" '" .... <>> '" '" <>> N o o '" '" o <=> '" (f) o <I> o ~ -0 DO N -N "" w <I> C ~ ~I DO -"" o o if! w w :..., o o <I> '" '" '" -... '" '" (f) '" N <.n o Co <I> N '" .... '" 'i>> N ... '" <0 <0 ... N o o '" (f) o ... o ~ 0) '" '" o 0) .... m ;" o o ::; W '" ~ o o (f) m '" '" o en <I> '::1 '-" o o <fl '" '" ~ '" ~ N o o w '" <0 <0 '" N <0 <0 ... '" <=> <=> W (f) ::; N -~I o o w Co o C <I> o ." DO -"" '" 0 o N <I> o ::; N _~I '" '" DO (f) ::; 0) '" -W en en m o <.n '" w (f) ... -0 CD N '" '" W o '" N -N '" W (f) (f) o '" '" :0.. o o fA ::; '" '" W o o ~ W DO -... o C '" '" .... W -N N '-" <I> ... '" o -N m '" '" (f) '" "J o o ... '" o o (f) N '" '" W ~ ... N <..> '" (,., '" '" '" <=> <=> r -< ....... '" re ." a\' '" o o N - - . . ... . (f) m -", o C if> N .... :0.. '" o .- "" ~ 0) ... -tv o DO .. "" "". ~ ~ Co DO tv '" '" W ::; "" -0 o o ~ '" 0) '" o C (f) w '" Co o o d.L................Gl. ~ r- '" G'l '" ::I '" el -i :x:- X r m < m en -iO 0_ O;::o-i CDm-< 2-10 3;u'TI c-ms:; ~OJo woz ...ltoZ-i NOO omm ~Or -r zo o m OJ -I m o Z m en en i ?l N GJ GJ (fJ GJ Q . CD CD U CD :;:l ::J CD ::J ~ CD 0 ~ ill ~ 9i ill 0 0 0 )> 0 m Ul -< 2: 2: Ul 2: X <.0 <5. CD <.0 Ul r ~ ~ Ul ~ (J) 0 0 5' 3 (5 0 :J ::J CD :;:l 3 -i -i ;l OJ 0- $!.? ill OJ OJ 0 x x 0 ::J '" 3" ::J Cl. ~ ::J Cl. Ul 0 0 Ul '" ill ill "- 3 3 CD 0- CD CD <t ;l ;l "- ::0 OJ Z CD U> 0 0 '" :J ill ~ Cl. Sf' Ul '= ~ <d'> f,<) f,<} N f,<} .-..J -f'. -f'. 0> 01 W .~ CD w m 0 0 0:> 0 -f'. W 0 01 0 01 0 01 .N W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lIJ <d'> Z f,<} ffi f,<} --" f,<} m -..J ..... N 0> _-f'. W U, -f'. <d'> 0, ill 0 0> N -..J W CD ..... 0 .01 W .0 .N 0:> .0 en 0 .~ 0 0 0 0 - 0 ill 0 0 0 0 ""D ~ -I 0 01 0 0 0 0 .., -< 0 -I _. 0 ffi CD m . ..... f,<} tFI n s: "T1 w N CD .-f'. <d'> - ..... -..J -f'. CD m s: -..J -..J 0 -f'. ill 01 01 0 C. Z 0 01 0 0 0 - tFI W 0 W 0 0 -I Z 0 01 0 0 0 0 ....Jr. N 0 :::! . "T1 0 C/o.) f,<} ....Jr. - m ~ <d'> . Z r ffi N 0 -..J CD 0 0 r _01 '-" _01 N 0 0 0 m 0 0 w 0 0 0 0 0 0 lIJ -I m 0 ffi Z W -f'. ffi W -..J N m .0 CD --" W N ~ en 0 <d'> 0:> en CD 0 -f'. -f'. W <d'> <d'> OJ N ill N N '-" 0 0 0 0 0 0 ffl 0 0 0 0 0 0 <d'> ~ --" w w .j>. W N ..; ill --" CD f,<} 0 <d'> CD m " 0 0 0 -..J N q ~. W ffl N -J fA -.j>. co N --" OJ N ..0 U1 0 0 0 0 <d'> 0 tFI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 2002 Budge . $19,500 $11,600 $5,000 $15,000 $5,100 $2,000 $10,000 $15,000 $50,000 $12,500 $900 $17,000 $3,300 $35,000 . DA WN/EXCEUBUDGET: BW-1 CapitaIOutlaY:8/24/0 1 General General Water Water Water Water Page 19 . Sewer (1/4) Tractor Mower Chestnut Lift Station Controls 1/4) Backhoe nal Controls - TH 25 . . DA WN/EXCEUBUDGET: BW-1 CapitalOutlay: 8/24/0 1 Page 20 . . . Parking Lots (1/3) Overlay of 3rd Street Parking lot ($20,000 budgeted in year 2000) Snow/Ice (1/2) New Plow Truck SN<DWIICE General Shop/Garage Pallet Racks Sandblasting Cabinet New Gas & Diesel Pumps $7,000 $2,200 $6,000 General General General Public Work Inspections Map File Cabinet T<Dtli'AL PUBLIC WORKS Tree Fund Tree Replacements TOtli'AL TREE FUND Parks. Equipment Replace 1990 955 John Deere mower, snowblower & broom (1/4) Backhoe Skid Steer Trailer TOTAL PARKS $2,000 $15,000 $5,000 Parks Parks Parks Park Improvements ADA Improvements Hillcrest Park Playground West Bridge Park - Phase III Improvements Pioneer Park Improvements - Parking lot & Skating rink River Mill Park - Pathway Connections Pathway Development (Widen Pathway in Meadow Oakes) Community Center Park Development 4th St - Hockey Rink Improvements Pave Rink Replace Boards Wildwood Ridge Park Playground Equipment Landscaping and Picnic Tables Open Air Shelter Trees, Bench, Garbage Containers Topsoil & Ground Preparation $5,000 Parks $33,000 Parks $47,000 Parks $10,000 Park Dedication $10,000 Park Dedication $30,000 Parks $8,000 Parks $1,000 Parks $15,000 Parks $4,000 Parks $9,000 Parks $4,000 Parks $5,000 Parks DAWN/EXCEL/BUDGET; BW-1 CapitaIOutlay;8/22/01 Page 21 . CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS OR PROJECTS NOT YET FUN ED IN THE PRELIMINARY BUD ET PROPOSAL Balance of ISTEA Bridge & Pathway Project (Assumes City receives additional federal gran s of $96,500) CSAH 75 Reconstruction Sewer Replacement Water Line Replacement Storm Sewer Curb, Median, Pavement Lighting Total CSAH 75 Future Library Expansion Community Center Construction Fund Deficit a of 8/31/01 and final architect payment City share of Cedar Street Improvement Projec #2000-18C . City share of 7th Street Improvement Project #2001-07C City share of Walnut Street Improvement Community Center Capital Items: Bike Park Balance ($85,000 less $45,000 bud eted in 2001) Portable Lift Washer and Dryer Office Space Addition Final Landscaping Dishwasher in Catering Kitchen Overhead fans - Main hallway Building signs Total Community Center Street Reconstruction Fund NOTE: Some or all of the above items can be fu ded by - Future Bond Sales - Reserve Funds (ie: sewer, water or star sewer access funds) -General Fund Reserves - Capital Outlay Fund Tax Levy . DAWN/EXCEL/BUDGET BW-1 CapitalOutlayNotFunded: 8/23/0 1 $189,000 $520,000 $690,000 $20,000 $625,000 $145000 $2,000,000 $450,000 $262,000 $48,000 $100,000 ? $40,000 $8,000 $3,500 $12,000 $30,000 $3,500 $5,000 $20 000 $122,000 ? Page 22 . CAPITAL OUT AY FUND ITEMS BUDGETED FOR OR COM ITTED BUT NOT YET SPENT Capital Outlay Reserves As of 12/31/00 $892,000 2001 (1/3) of City share of new fire truck $35,000 Industrial Park land acquisition - 4th year $90,000 Library re-carpeting $18,000 Watermain Replacement - Broadway $75,000 1999 Industrial Park land acquisition - 3rd year $25,000 . 1998 Industrial Park land acquisition - 2nd year $75,000 River Park enhancements $60,000 Land acquisition along river - park land $35,000 1997 Industrial Park land acquisition - 1st year $75,000 River Park enhancements $20,000 Concession Bldg - Meadow Oak Park $12,000 1993-1996 Sewer Interceptor Reserve $300,000 UNCOMMITTED FUNDS $72,000 . DAWN/EX C E L/BU DG ET: BW-1 Ca pita IOutlayBudgeted: 8/23/0 1 Page 23 0 Z :l> 0 .~ -i m x UJ 0 N 0 m ro < ..... r < (I) ro '< -i .., -i f:I) (A C 0 OJ s: OJ tv ..... f:I) f:I) 0 --<, X (I) X w Q f:I) ro 0 0 0 0 m (J1 (j) -0 0 0 0 0 0 :-:l ill OJ 0 0 ---J ill (j) -0 0 0 IJJ (J1 ro ...... ill 0 0 0 0 ~ CO '< 0 0 0 0 0 ..... 0 (I) ~. 0 0 -1 CO OJ ill III CO n .., < X s::: ~ 0 0 ru c 3 ro (I) TI 0.. 0 III --<, (jj' ill () 0 (j) ::> Vl -< ~ s::: :3 ill 00 (j) j:0 ::> Vl ~ (0 s::: C) ill :3 :::J (I) 0 Vl (A f:I) f:I) ffI < ill co .I>- ..... w ro :::J O'l tv ..... W co co -I>- W (Jl = ;:R tv -I>- co ..... or 0 co c.o w X :::J ill 0 ro ro ill 0 en --<, (I) 5' -I>- :3 .I>- ---J OJ . W ~ ill ~ f:I) f:l)f:I)(A :::J < ---J w.....tv 0.. ill co co 0 _ ill 0 tv -I>- c.o s::: c.o () (I) 0 ---J (J1 c.o ~ 0 0 c.o 0 0 or () x c .., .., (I) 0.. ~~f:I){I) - w..... 0.....0 0{Jl{Jl(J1 _0_0-00 0000 8800 '"'d f:I) f:I) ffI f:I) ~ co -I>- ..... 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