City Council Agenda Packet 12-10-2001 . Mayor: AGEN A REGULAR MEETING - MONTIC ELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 1 ,2001 - 7 p.m. Roger Helsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint l-Ierbst, rian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen I. 2. ,., -) . 4. 5. A. n. e. D. '. E. F. 6. -'. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Consideration of Fund Transfers for 2001. B~ ~IU',.. WQ>},j.) ~ CArol 0\ f Itt~..< ~ PeA. r W"f I. _ ~s t-vo\lA[ -ro 1lA'1 ~ v-. f I ~,~{ G '\J~ -Q i tMX J G.,......,..., ~l 'lIV' r4 Consent agenda. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Consideration of approving purchas of liquor store cooler equipment. Consideration of ratifying new hire. for the Community Center. Consideration of calling for a puhli hearing to adopt amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding single rmuily r~sidentiallots and development standards. Applicant: City of Monticello. Consideration of approval of long t I'm plan outline for Riverside Cemetery. Ratify hiring of Programs & Opera ions Coordinator - Monticello Community Center Consideration of items removed from theonsent agenda for discussion. \ v · C'^ Consideration of resolution adopting 20021 hudget and tax leVY~)~ I Consideration of salary schedule adjustme ts for 2002. Consideration of authorizing completion froad and utility feasibility study for the Chadwick Industrial area and consideration of accep ing petition for annexation and call for a public hearing on a portion ofthe Chadwick pro erty. Consideration of accepting Maplewood D'velopment (Southeast Area) Sanitary Sewer Capacity Study. Consideration of accepting property own rs petition and call for a public hearing on annexation or parcels of property adjacen to city limits to the southeast area. petitioners include: Ken Shultz, Jim Shultz and Ralp 1 Hermes. . . . Agenda Monticello City Council December 10, 2001 Page 2 12. Discussion - Consideration or a conceptual I' nd use plan proposed as a part of the Comprehensive Plan Update. Applicant: Cit of Monticello. 13. Approve payment of bills Il.)!, December. ~ 14. Adjourn ~u . . . MIN JTES REGULAR MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Novemb r 26, 200t - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, . rian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Memhers Absent: Roger Belsaas 1. Call to Order and Pledge of AlIee:ianee. Acting Mayor Clint Herbst called the meetin to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. A rove minutes of November 13 et worksho . BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE HE MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 13,2001 BUDGI::T WORKSHOP. ROGER CARLSO SI':CONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. B. A rove minutes of November 13 2001 re ular Council mectin . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE T II.: MINUTES OF TI IE NOVEMBER 13.2001 REGULAR MEETING WITIl TlIE CLARIF CATION ON PAGE 5 FOR THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR GOULI BROTHERS THAT NO STORAGE OF WRECKED OR IMPOUNDED VEHICLES OULD BE ALLOWED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CA RIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a end Brian Stumpf asked that the stop lights at TlI 5/CSAH 75 be added to the agenda. Clint Ilerhst I added an update on a meeting with school dist' iet representatives. I I I 4. Citizen comments/ etitions re uests and co laints. None. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of ratifying new hires M ntieello Community Center and Hi- Way Liquors. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of new employees as identified. B. Consideration of approving law enf(wcenent contract for 2002. Recommendation: Approve the lawn enf()reement contract renewal for 2002 at 15,016 hours at a cost of $626.918.00. z.. . . . c. Council Minutes - 11/26/01 Consideration of accepting bid for sa e of 1983 1 ton Chevrolet truck. Recommendation: Move to accept t1e bid of Corey Flagg in the amount 01'$1,775.00 for the 1983 1 ton Chevrolet truck. I1RUCF THIELEN MOVED THE CONSE ' 'f AGENDA AS PRESENTED. BRIAN STUMPf SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the onsent a end a for discussion. None. Added Items: Brian Stumpf indicated that there seell1ed to be a pr blem with the light for the len turn lane on TH 25. The signal was inconsistent and he asked if the Dep, rtment of Transportation could check this out. John Simola. Puhlic Works Director stated that he n et with a representative of MnDOT regarding the intersection ofTl1 25/CSAII 75. The diagnosis wa that the malfunction had to with sensors located in the area. The sensors were not always picking up th t there was more than one car in the lane so they reprogramll1ed the lights. John Simola also reporte that MnDOT is proposing to send two new mast arms for the signal as they did not want to use the ex ensions that the City was going to supply. They felt using the extensions would he difficult with the iring so they opted to go with new mast arms. He also noted that when the CSAl-I 75 project was com I !cted, the control box It)r the signals would he changed out. Clint Herhst updated the Council on a meeting with epresentatives of the school district. Clint Ilcrbst stated there is the perception that there is no growth in Monticello but he noted that there were 235 permits for ncvv homes few the current year. He felt t was important to correct the perception of no growth in the city. The school district's expectation on the amount of growth was greater than what actually occurred and this is what the school district is dealing with. Bruce Thielen who also attended the meeting, indicated that the group would like to w rk on sponsoring a community forum some time next spring. Clint llcrbst also brought up the suggestion that theommunity Center becoming involved in some way with the Ureat American Smokeout. He noted it was a significant event and felt that it would be good ft)r the Community Center to participate in the event. The Council was invited to hear a presentation on D cember 5, 2001 on the Monticello Housing Plan 2 ? "",-~,... . . . 7. Approve payment of bills fOI" November. Council Minutes - 11/26/01 BRUCI~ TI-IIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE TJ-m PAYMENT OF RILLS FOR NOVEMBER. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MO"ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Adjourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN T 7:20 P.M. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNA IMOUSLY. -~'''". Recording Secretary ., .) ? z--- . . . B. SA. Consideration of Fund Transfers for 2 A. REFERF.NCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 12/10101 The Council is asked to approve various l' nd transfers for the year 2001 to cover deJiciencies in various construction funds, transfer of balances remaining from various construction funds to debt service funds th It finance projects, along with lniscellaneous transfers to correspond with our budget 1'0 i the year 2001. Most of the transfers are self-explanatory ,Ind are necessary to eliminate deficiencies in various construction funds or temporarily. rovide financing until a future general obligation bond or revenue source can be a ranged. Other major transfers from sewer access funds or water access funds are to c vel' the City's share of various projects that we had planned on paying for by using oft lese trunk fees, Finally, a $300,000 transfer is recommend d from the general fund at this time to cover current deficiencies in the Community Cen er Construction Fund. Additional transfers may be needed in the future once all final a chitectural costs are known. A listing of the individual transfers rccomn ended for approval is included with the agenda that outlines each proposed transfer dollar amount, and the purpose of the transfer. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: ] , Approve the transfers as recomn1en ed, c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admin strator that for accounting purposes, the transfers be approved prior to the end of 20C 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of proposed transfers. . 201 1 RECOMMENDED F:J NO TRANSFERS ,""(' ,,,(,,(' ..~ TO-: . ((:::,ii !(" .,(;; ., .~ ~ .~ ~ T (,( ........ F~I:!lM ..... , ...:':il"li,i ( , i,"'" .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(,,,,,,," .,(("(,,.' ."(("i"ii,":" .((1!t '''''''''''''''''''''''''' Consolidated Bond To close out bond fund and transfer balance to consolidated 77-1 Bond #314 #356 7295, 4 fund 89-1 Bond 77-1 Bond #314 #323 $2,95398 To cover deficit so that 89-1 bond can be closed out 92A Bond $70,0001 00 77-1 Bond #314 #327 Transfer money to call bonds remaining ($140,000) To eliminate deficit so fund can be closed out as debt was 77-1 Bond #314 86-1 (A) Bond #321 $3,937 6 refunded in 1996 Consolidated Bond To close out bond fund that is paid off and transfer remaining 89-1 Bond #323 #357 $7,675 1 assessments to consolidated fund Consolidated Bond To close out bond fund that is paid off and transfer remaining 90C Bond #325 #357 $98,394.89 assessments to consolidated fund Consolidated Bond To close out bond fund that is paid off and transfer remaining 91A Bond #326 #357 $20,450.70 assessments to consolidated fund 98(B) Refunding To transfer remaining funds to new bond fund and close out 88 Water Bond #354 #361 $60,189. 9 old bond (was refunded) 2000A Community Center 98 Temp. Comm. Ctr. Bond To eliminate deficit and close out to new bond fund that Bond #365 #362 $49,052. 9 replaced it. HRA (Remmle TIF Dist) 900 (Remmle/Tapper) #382 #213 $11,766. 2 To close out as debt is paid and return excess to TIF District General Fund 96(B) Refunding #385 #101 $19,094 8 To close out. Debt Paid. Return funds to TIF District #1 98-02C Ped 97-08C Path Construction Bridge/Pathway Const #456 #460 $2,55561 To close out surplus to similar construction fund. Klein Farms 5th Construction To close out construction fund to debt service bond that #458 97A G.O. Bond #332 $450,392 :,7 financed project 98-03C Const Fund General Fund #101 (Community Ctr) #461 $300,000 0 To cover deficiency at this time. 98-02C Ped Bridge/Pathway Const Per 2001 budget- partial local funds for pedestrian bridge Capital Outlay Fund #240 #460 $60,000< 0 project. To close out and transfer funds to debt service that financed 98-13C 7th St Ext #462 99 GO Bond #363 $84,200 0 it. To close out and transfer funds to debt service that financed 98-23C CR18 Utilities #465 99 GO. Bond #363 $39,405t 1 it. 98-08C Chelsea Road East 2000AGO. Bond To close out and transfer funds to debt service that financed #458 #364 $70,4851 it. 98-15C Bridge Park Lift Sewer Access Fund #262 Station $5,696.1 To cover deficit and close out. 98-13C Const Fund (Walnut General Fund #101 St Const) #470 $8,8023~ To cover deficit and close out. Storm Sewer Access Fund 99-09C Hart Blvd Storm #263 Sewer #471 $18,1230 To cover deficit and close out. 99-10C Meth. Church Water Access Fund #265 watermain const #472 $1,203.74 To cover deficit and close out. 2000-02C Const Fund Capital Outlay #240 (Walnut St Parking) $4,79576 To cover deficit and close out. 2000-03C Tower Dr Water Access Fund #265 watermain const #475' $233.00 To cover deficit and close out. 2001-03C Sludge Thickener Sewer Access Fund #262 Proj-WWTP #480 $825,000.0 To cover deficiency and anticipated construction cost DAWN\EXCELIRICK2000 Fund Transfers 11/30!Ol sA - .- ... - .. . . . To transfer funds collected in 93 to 96 for future interceptor Capital Outlay Fund Sewer Access $300,00 . 00 sewer const To sewer access fund 98"24C Const Fund (Booster Pump Station) Water Access Fund #265 #464 $1,307,45 To cover final deficiency and close out fund. 2001-05P Groveland 2nd Sewer Access Fund #262 Const. #481 $154,64 . 00 To cover part of city costs for project. 2001-05P Groveland 2nd Water Access Fund #265 Const. #481 $28,781. 00 To cover part of city costs for project. Storm Sewer Access Fund 2001-05P Groveland 2nd #263 Const. #481 $20,21500 To cover part of city costs for project. 2001-09C Mielke Sewer & Water Access Fund #265 Water Const. #478 $34,00500 To cover part of city costs for project. HRA #213 Various Debt Service Funds $81,915.00 Annual TIF Transfers 2001-17C Walnut St Const HRA #213 Sidewalk $16,340.00 Sidewalk contribution from Downtown District. 2000A Public Deb Comm HRA #213 Ctr Debt #365 $11,250 JO Annual contribution Park/Pathway Dedication Fund 98-02C ISTEA Bridge To cover costs of change order #1 for Meadow Oak Pathway #229 Const. #460 $13,336 0 Extension General Fund Liquor #609 #101 $5,460.( 0 Per budget for 2001 YMCA Funds General Fund Liquor #609 #101 $12,740. 0 Per budget for 2001 Community Ed. Funds Community Center Fund Liquor #609 #226 $200,00000 Annual contribution to operations Community Center Fund Liquor #609 #226 $40,000 0 Per budget - Partial funds - Wheel Park 2000A G.O. Bond Community Center #226 #365 $525,000 0 Per budget - Community Center debt payment WWTP Note Sewer Access Fund #262 #358 $500,000 0 Partial payment - Debt WWTP Note DAWNIEXCELIRICK:2000 Fund Transfers:11/30/01 5R ..- .. -- -- I. -... . . . . . 5B. Council Agenda - 12/1 % I Consideration of a urchase of Ii. uor store cooler e ui ment. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the liquor store expansion project, he City did not include in the general contract for the building construction the purchase of a walk- n cooler and related equipment, but planned on purchasing these items directly. The City ob ained three quotations for the installation of a 24' x 40' walk-in beer cooler with 14 display doors along with cooler shelving. Quotations were received from St. Cloud Refrigeration, McDo all Company, both from St. Cloud and AA Equipment out of Minneapolis. These were t e three main suppliers of walk-in cooler equipment for area liquor stores, convenience stores and grocery outlets. Quotes reeeived f(Jr the total cooler installati n package were as follows: S1. Cloud Refrigeration AA Equi pment McDowall Company $45,347.00 $46,086.00 $63,720.00 Over the past couple of weeks, Liquor Store anager, Joe Hartman and myself have been clarifying the quotations received for the equipment to nsure that both St. Cloud Refrigeration and AA Equiplnent were quoting the same items, and we feci comfortable that both or these vendors were supplying similar, ifnot identical equipment. Both vendors were very cooperative in providing the information needed and would do a good job for the City, but it was recommended by Mr. Hartman and myself that the low quotation from St. C oud Refrigeration be accepted. S1. Cloud Refrigeration has worked on other projects ith our general contractor, Greystone Construction. The only variation from either of the quotatil ns concerns freight charges, which could vary slightly depending on final freight costs. In compari g the two quotations, the same freight estimate was used for both, so as to allow us to compare fi.lal estimated costs for both. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the purchase of the walk-in ooler and related equipment fl.n' the liquor store expansion project from St. Cloud Rei igeration in an estimated amount of$45,347. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admini trator and Liquor Store Manager that S1. Cloud Refrigeration quotation be accepted. The Ie d time to obtain cooler structure is six weeks, and it is anticipated that the building contractor will e ready to install the cooler equipment as early as mid- January, 2002. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: Copy of St. Cloud Refrigeration and AA Eq ipment quotation. 12/03/01 MON 12:27 FAX 320 251 9390 ST C OUD REFRIGERATION IaI 002 .. ~ ST.. CLOUD l~ RD"Hi8EII111UN ""- ProvidIng Sll~Q"iot ~Ql'1IjC!e ~inC!Q 195i' 604 LINCOLN AVENUE NORTHEAST $T. CLOUD, MINNESOTA 56304 TELEPHONE: (320) 251-6861 FAX: (320) 251.9390 December 3, 2001 Ol.H1WctyL.iquOI"Sl'eVQ Hi-Way L.iquors Highway 25 South Monticello. MN 55362 Attention: Joe Hartman . Regarding: L.iquor Store Addition - New with Doors & Shelving 1. Walk-In Beer Cooler... , .. .. . . . . . I .... . . . . . I . . . . . . . $9,147.00 A. 24' D x 40' L. x 8' high B. Without floor C. N.S.F. listed construction D. Accessories 1. (2) dial thermometer 2. - (10) vapor proof lights (s ipped loose) 3. (2) pilot light switch (ski peel loose) 4. (10) Ceiling hanger brack ts 5. (40) wall saddle - comma wall F. Opening for {13} 26" medium te p display doors - match existing line up E. (1) 4" thick 4811 x 84" std inti ing overlap door . G. 3.5" U.L. Listed Insulation for al surfaces SALES & SEA ICE: REFRIGERATION/AIR CONDITIONING/HEATIN /SHEET METAUSiORE FIX'rURES s\:) . . . 12/03/01 MON 12:28 FAX 320 251 9390 ST C OUD REFRIGERATION Hi-Way Liquors December 3, 2001 Page 2 H. Interior and Exterior Finish t be embossed galvanized for all surfaces 2. Anthony 101 Model"Energy Free" Do rs ........,.... $7,277.00 - Match existing doors currently use A. (14) 2811 x 75" normal temp. G'tur. doors B. (14) doors with no shelves and osts C. (1) entry glass door - 3611 x 8111, 2/3 panel, 1/3 glas D. Standard lighting E. R.O. 34' x 7511 F. Black Frames Options: 1. For EL.S lighting - new doors.. .................. 942.00 - (14) door line up only - Superior lighting, 100% brigher .. Use less energy - Better longevity from T -8 Jig s 3. B-O-F Conveyor Shelving ........................ $10,744.00 A. Behind (14) of the fourt.... d ors B. (6) levels - 6' deep C. (2) 6 pak slides D. (2) 12 pak rollers E. (1) 12 pak bottle rollers F. (1) case rollers G. Sized for 28" wide glass doors IaI 003 t) \)) Page 3 'Dtion: 1. 4. A. B. C. D. E. . For black price tag molding, Add $210. 0 - Standard color is aluminum color Refrigeration Package . ill . . . 'II 'II . . . . . .. I . . '. . . It . .. III . ill $6,372.00 (2) CHT040H2 condensing units - Her (4) LSCl40 evaporators R22 refrigeration 208/230 volt - 3 phase Includes liquid line assembly and defro etic outdoor compressor timer ~5T/J11.1-Tt ~ / . feJ T1't Lf w/rJff,11 AJ.s ~3Y:'12 2/2 sS- / / Po 0 t t.. 00 . Sub-Total of equipment wlo options: . . . .... ....... $34,482.00 Sales Tax Estimate: . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. ......... $2,241.00 Freight (Budget) 2,400.00 - 3,000.00 Installation and Refrigeration Piping (Budge). I . . .. . 6.600.00 Includes: A II material & labor Tor start up Grand Total wlo Options: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. $44.723.00 t .1~1'17 The above quoted price DOES NOT include lec:trical wiring, water hook-up, roof curbing work, shelving instQ~, or sales t . Installation figures are based on all equipment as specked. At St. Cloud igration installations aN turn key and include a (90) day warranty from co", Inion of project on our installation work. The manufactuNrs wGl'Nftties on ipment as specked will also be honored by St. Cloud Refrigeration. Instal ationpric:es can vary dependihg upon what equipment is purchased. Less equipmen = less installation time. Installation is also dependant upon contractor being read at job site upon our arrival. This correlates c:Josely with electricians, plumber, and carpenters. Site must be ready upon our arrival. A II carpentry work with reg ds to walls and drains etc. must be completed. I will help you organize this. Fr ight estimate will be dependant upon what equipment is purchased. Equipm' leasing progr'ams aN available. . , \' "".'\ ~,.... ,..-0 NOV-26-01 01:22 PM HI WAY LIQUOR 763 295 8891 -,. -....... 0 .... v.. , d .1.11 oJ 0 JL'l 'I"IL;IPn:~T CO. . . . equipment company '21~ MIN'IlEHAIiA AVENue MIN/Ij~APOLI5. MINNl'SarA eb4Q4 TEI.!!I'HON!" (012' 111.3.31,3 ~AC:~IMIL6 (01;>) 711.16315 November 26. 20() I Mr. Joe Hartmlrl Hi-Wa.y Liquors P.O. Box 1147 Monticello. MN .~S36' Dear Joe, We ar.; pl.ued to qUOte you on the new ~alk-in pr . eel. w QUOT ArlON Only 21'6" X 39' X 90 high Crown To.nk..1 s gbt from walk-in cooler with.out an insulated. floor in ~ooler. Embolsed galvani interior. Embossed gah,'wzed exterior. 3-112" Clasa 1 U.L fOIme~ ill pJQ~~ inlulati n. Only tn.p door. Only vapor proof liihts. Only reces.~ed light switch. 1 5 J AS US!ED: S 8,973.00 ADD: 5600.00 fur lititinic:sS steel covitlM for iutc.o.ri' perimcter of l;oolcr (installed. 'pri~). Only 14 door section Of Anthony Series 1001 283/40' X 75" mediwn tc:mperanu., full Krvi~e gIlISs mercl1andising doori. lNCLUD S~ Two (2) pane tempered sa!c:ty glas.... 15 Only standard light assimbli~s. 14 Only bottom gasket prolcctor!l. ADD: 5508.00 for Ener~' Free 1001 Seri~ Ooon. ADD: S126.00 for E~ergy Free 101 Series DoorJ. ^DD: $850.00 for ELS El.,ctronic Ligb.tinQ. AS LISTED: S 6.310.00 P.04 il ooz \ /, ,,-,' NOV-26-01 01:22 PM HI WAY LIQUOR -..... ........ J'A.a. v... / '.I. .1.0"0 763 295 SS91 M Ql'IPXEXT CO. P.03 ~OOJ . PAGE TWO Hi.. Way Liquors Monticello. MN' 55362 QUOTATION 11~26.01 Only Econo..MlUl: Model 300.1 inslJ.lil,d d psk~d double swini door with windoM" stainJcu steel 1mpi<!ct plaLes hom sides. jamb euards. AS LISTED: $ 930.00 DIlly St:t of13-O-F graVity flow sbelving 6~ deep for behind 14 doors. INCLUDES: E..2 adjU5t UpriahlS. 2 teveJs type 02 shelves :z Levels tYPe 1 0 shcLv49S I Levels t).pe 09 ahch'e5 1 LeveJs ~ 08 ahGlvcs AS LISTED: S IO,74S.00 ADD: $101.00 for black price hiS moldings on above. . :rEM. .2 Only Russell. Model MCH-300H2:2. remote; air cooled outdoor condensing Wliu. 3 H.P" each 2081230 Volt, 3 Phase. R-22 refriger s. 1 Only Iiqu.id ling. aroup accessories. 2 Only suction line group 3te'l!Isories. 2 Only 5 yea: warranties on motor r:ompr<:ssor . " On1y R.ussell, Model A1\36.130. c:vaporator oil.. 4 Only expansion valves. 2 Only d.froit cJocla. 2 OD1y soJenojd valvCL ~ Only thermostats. FOR COOLER. .........-... ........... ....................... ......................AS LlSTED; $.._.r..3Ci2...lJO. TOTAL EQUIPMENT.AltJ FIX1'17RES AS U5TED: $ 33,327.00 $ 2,166.26 · r' UtA r~a/+IQ tV . 00-4~N.I (rnJ.J -ra~ ~/() ftfd"JS S 1~800.00 . /)1) U &. dU - , 00 ),193 - OfJ .,f ift, I ofc' - Y: r'"'' ,,) -......"I . . . 5C. Council Agenda - 12/1 % 1 Consideration of a liquor store. (R W) new hires an de artures for the communit center and A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of 1 ew employees that have occurred recently at the the community center and liquor store. As au recall, it is recommended that the Council otTicially ratify the hiring of all new employes including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time en ployees for thc community center and liquor store as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: l,ists of new part-time employees. . Name Amanda Peterson Chrvsi Gibson . Name . employee councillist.xls: 12/05/2001 Guest Services Stock/Cashier i i NEW EMPLO"EES Title Department M...C L qllOr Store TERMINATING EMI LOVEES Reason Department Hire Date Class 11/23/01 PT 12/1/01 FT Last Day Class 5c:.... . . . 5D. City Council Agenda - 12/10/01 licant: (.10) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to consider calling fo a public hearing on amendments to the Single Family Residential District zoning s andards. One of the amendments is intended to beef up the minimum standards in the R- district by increasing the minimum huilding size in all R-l areas. Some months ago Co l11cil requested some discussion and a possible ordinance amendment on this topic. The ot ler amendment (s) are intended to result in establishment of "step-up" housing district. Estahl ishment of a neW district with higher building standards stemmed from neighbo hood problems associated with placement of entry level homes in established neighborh ods (Wildwood Ridge, River Forest) The need for the district is also based on the ge eral goal of goal of preserving high amenity land areas for step-up housing. It is expect d that the R 1- A rules will he applied to the lands currently being considered for annex tion in the Southeast areas of the City. At the previous meeting of the Planning Cl mmission, the Commission tabled calling for a hearing on the ordinance amendments be 'ause they wanted to see the proposed language one month before the actual hear'ng. They have a good point and staff wished that we were able to give them complete ideas prior to calling for a public hearing but we were unable to do so. We think that we wi I be able to prepare potential ordinance amendments in time for adequate review p ior to the meeting and the Planning Commission and Council always have the ption of tabling the matter. Staff would like to push for the public hearing because it gi es us a rigid deadline fi.1r completing our work and it allows the ordinance amendment pr cess to stay even or ahead of the associated parcels currently being planned for devclo ment in the Southeast area. Our goal would be to have ordinance amendments in place prior to annexation and final plat approval for the Hermes and Shultz properties. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS ] . Motion to call for a public hearing on Zoning Ordinance amendments to residential lots and building stand' rds in the single family residential district. 2. Motion to table calling for said pu lic hearing. . City Council ^genda - 12/10/01 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1. We respee the desire of the Planning Commission to see the proposed ordinance amendment beti re calling for the public hearing. They wanted to talk it over and give statT more sol id direction prior to writing the amendment. This approach does make sense but for the sake oftime staff requests that City Council on its authority call for the public hearing. orst case scenario is that the public hearing held by the Planning Cornmission decides t table approval pending further modi fications. SUPPORTING DATA None . . 2 . . . Council Agenda ~ 12/10/2001 SE. Consideration ofa roval oflono- term Ian outline for Riverside Cemeter . (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: The Riverside Cemetery Committee has complete its work in regard to the policies of Riverside Cemetery by creating an outline for a long term c metery plan. Thirteen items were originally discussed and placed in the long term plan, and thCl prioritized by the members of the committee. The long term plan not only consists of the itel1s but a brief description of what should be accomplished. These items range from the main p iority of landscaping the main entrance and the area along the path toward the flagpole, to new fen 'ing, placement of benches, etc. There were seven other items discussed which ere not voted on or prioritized but should be considered in the long range plan. These include 'uch items as the acquisition of land for future cemetery development. and the possibility of usi ng fi bel' mat on new graves for seeding purposes. With your approvaL the Long Term Cemetery PIa Outline will be turned over to the Park Hoard and the Board together with the Public Works and arks Departments will look at ways to make the plan become a real ity through further detailed pI am ing of each item and a determination offunding methods as many ofthese items are beyond the capa ility of the small capital outlay fund being built up in the Riverside Cemetery Fund. Some of the ite 11S also affect other care activities, for example, item #4 calls for paving and widening of the road ays. This may be an expensive item to budget but the Committee feels it is necessary. As per past decision by the City Council, the Parks Department snow blows the cemetery as soon as p ssible after completion of other snow removal tasks in the community or immediately upon noti e of a fimeral. All three entrances are cleared along with the major inter-connecting routes formil g the letter "M". With this last storm, however, we were unable to clear the western portion of th cemetery due to the wet heavy snow and the underlying muddy soils. Clearing this section of he cemetery would have caused the sand and gravel hom the roadways to be blown all over the ad.' oining portions ofthe cemetery. Consequently, we were unable to perform this task. If the main roads of the cemetery were blacktopped and widened, however. they could be cleaned easily in t 1e early portions of the winter as well as during the wet spring snows. I 'n1 assuming that the Park B )ard will bring back a yearly improvement plan to the City Council along with any updates to the ules and Regulations of Riverside Cemetery. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative is to approve the Long Term Cemetery Plan Outline for Riverside Cemetery as drafted by the Riverside Cenle ery Committee on November 21,2001. 2. The second alternative would be to make ch nges to the long term pian outline for Riverside Cemetery. . . . Council Agenda - 12110/2001 c. STAFF RI!:COMMENDA TION: [t is the recommendation of the Riverside Cemeter Committee that the City Council approve the plan as drafted and forward it to the Park Board al ng with the regulations and policies that they begin with the development and implementation of the long range plan. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of plan. . . . RIVERSIDE CEMETERY LO G TI~RM PLAN OUTLINE AS PRESENTED AND APPROVED BY THE RIVERSIDE CJ,:METERY COMMITTEE NOVEMBE 21, 2001 The Lon J Term Plan is itemized below in order of riorit : 1. Landscaping main entrance area and alo g path to wards flagpole The Committee would like to see the City ork with a landscaper in developing a plan f<Jr this. The Committee was not aware of wh it expertise the parks staff had in this area and doesn't know whether the Park Department could do the work or whether they would have to go to an outside source. The Park Depmtnent has indicated that they did the plantings at Ellison Park and that firms such as Steve's ursery and Cedar Street Garden Center would help in preparing layouts and planting lists. 2. Sprucing up the entrance area including etter lightingfor the area The Committee reels the brick columns by he entrance arc deteriorating and agree that the lighti ng should be incorporated in the lal1(1. caping plan (item Ill). 3. Entrance monument with Riverside Cemeery name on it The Committee wants recommends that the monument has enough clearance for the contractor equipment to pass under. There ore, the monument would be incorporated with the archway at the entrance (item il7). 4. Paving and widening of road This 111ay be an expensive item to budget b It the Committee feels it is necessary. 5. New fencing lhe rencing would be across the front but it is also suggested that fencing be considered on the east side where the cemetery abuts priv te residences. 6. Planting 3' shrub hedge in areas without encing The Committee recOll1mends some sections where the shrub hedge should be planted, along the east side and a section along the west si e. The shrubbery is being suggested as the cost offencing can get rather expensive. I [owe er, it is felt that areas where the cemetery abuts private yards it should be fenced. The Co mittee feels the Public Works Department can determine the height and type of rencing to e used such as 4' chain link or 4'+ wrought iron fencing. The location of the shrub would b~ from the side entrance going to the east and it is suggested that an evergreen hedge be pL nted. At the present time nothing is there. 7. Archway at the entrance The Committee tCels Bailey Station on Co mty Road 14 at Big Lake is very attractive and that something such as this would work we I. It was felt that this should be done as part or the entrance monument (item #3). C -II-JETHIWORDPROCIRIVERS IDlIOllg-torm-cemelery- p1311-2001 _ wpd 1 'J107/01 - PAGE 1 OF 3 - sf- 8. . Water/irrigation improvements The Committee suggests the City incorporat additional irrigation as the cemetery expands to the west. 9. Clean up secondary growth area along the iver The Committee recommends cleaning up this area along the river bank to deter problems the City has had in the past with individuals pu'king in the cemetery and climbing down the bank to go fishing, as well as the dumping of eaves, garbage, mattresses, etc. It was felt that clearing out the area would make any activities taking place there more visible to the public and law enforcement personnel. 10. Planting of.'iomeflowering trees This could be covered under the landscapi g plan (item #1). The Parks Department has recommended the dwarf variety !lowering tees are not planted. J 1. Placement of benches along river and the 'Jathway This would be incorporated in the memori,-l fund plan. The Committee suggests offering maintenance free benches such as recycled lastic materials to be set on cement pads. 12. Replace existing shed The Committee recommends that when th shed is replaced that it should be moved to a more remote location towards the back oft 1e cemetery for aesthetic purposes. . 13. . Suggestion to c1111in off the other entranc s to the cemetery The Committee is not in complete agreeme 1t on this item. One member feels that for safety and security reasons, chaining offall other e 1trance/exits other than the main entrance should be considered. The member feels that if y( u force people to use the same entrance and it is well lighted, it is less likely that they will go into the cemetery for other purposes. Other members feel that chaining the entran e/exits that are used would make it seem unwe\coming. It should be noted that at t e present time the main entrance does not stand out that much and it may not be obvious to eople visiting the cemetery for the first time that this is the lnain entrance to use. Upon con p\ction of the entrance area improvement, it will be more of focal point and this item can e looked at again at that time. Other Considerations and Items for Future C ncern: J. Acquisition l~f landfor iilture cemetery evelopment The Committee feels this is something that needs to be accomplished within the next five years. The Committee suggests that it w II be important for the Public Works Director to initiate setting aside funds each year in th budget so that when a suitable site may become available, the funding will be established or this purchase. It is preferred and recommended that the City acquire an open nat parcel 0 'at least 10 acres for a future cemetery. The City would then be able to landscape and pi t the site, as well as incorporate a pathway or . PAGE 2 OF 3 - C.IBFTHIWORIJPROCIRIVERSIOllong-terrn-ccmetcry-pIOfl-2001.Wpo 12107101 sr:. . 2. walkway throughout the cemetery. Mark walkways The Committee feels that planting shrubs, e e. would help better define what is considered a pedestrian walkway and what is a drivew y in Riverside Cemetery. This could also be incorporated into the landscape plan (item #1). 3. Tree maintenance/care/trimming trees The Committee feels that the City should be rimming trees in the area especially on the west side where they are so thick. The Parks De artment should be in charge of determining if any trees need to be removed. . . 4. Level/compaction of graves(fill in sunken raves The Committee the City should make sure he excavating contractor is backfilling graves properly and it is important that the contr ctor compact in layers as the grave is being backfilled. This should help with the c rrent problem of sinking graves throughout Riverside Cemetery. The sunken graves n ed to be filled in because they cause problems when mowing. 5. Look at caretaker position for future ~yste 1 The cemetery may be something the Parks )epartment may end up handling and possibly this may not continue to be a contract position. The Comlnittee feels there are many pros and cons of a contract caretaker versus a Ci y employee caretaker. One member feels that a contract caretaker position would not see 0 the seeding, watering and other maintenance on the grave sites. Other members feel the contract position could cover that work but it would require monitoring by City staff to s e that it was enforced. One member noted that with City employees they would generally . e off from Friday at 4:30 p.m. until Monday at 7:30 a.m. and this could create a probl m. If the City considers taking over this responsibility, a rotating shift is suggested or items that would come up on the weekend. 6. Find a program to ensure seasonal maint nance plan The Committee would like to see snow rem - val at the main entrance and exits be done in a timely manner and not just when there is a uneral as there are many individuals who visit the cemetery in the winter months to place 10Iiday wreaths, and ornaments, etc. 7. Plant Qrass and Qet it to Qrow ,., l'> ,., The Committee feels that regardless ofwh( se responsibility it is (the City or a Contractor) there has to be a greater emphasis on getting he new grave areas seeded and maintained until the grass grows. It is felt that from this poi 1t going flJrward the City should see to this. but it may not be feasible flH the City to IT-seed old graves as they are too numerous. The Parks Department has suggested that the use of a iber mat to hold the seed and moisture in might be utilized in getting the grass started. It sh ulcl be cautioned that there are some problems mowing around the fiber mal but once tl e grass is established the mat could then be removed. C. \BETH\WOFWf'ROC\R IVf- I<SI Dllong-term-cemelery-plon-?OO -I . wpdl2/O! IU1 - PAGE 3 OF 3 - SE- . . . SF. ram and 0 eration Coordinator Monticello Communi A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: After extensive interviewing, I have decided to oft! r the position of Program and Operation Coordinator to Amy Dean. Amy is currently enga ed and lives in the Minneapolis area. She has expressed a desire to look at Monticello or the surr unding communities for relocation. She has a degree in History and in Recreation and Leisure om the University of North Dakota. She is currently working for the Minneapolis Park and R creation Board as an Activity Director and also as a Playground Supervisor. She has strong e perience in recreation programming and also as a staff supervisor. She has excellent verbal and ritten communication skills and she has tons of energy. She will be a good fit for the team we h ve in place. The Program and Operation Coordinator position i the position that was vacated by Kate Broman in August. The position was originally an "Assistant Director" position, however, we re-titled the position to more accurately reflect the job requirements. The duties performed did not change with the title change. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To approve hiring Amy Dean to fill the full time position of Program I Operation Coordinator. 2. To not approve hiring Amy Dean to fill the ull time position of Program I Operation Coordinator. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator, with a strong recommenda ion from supporting staff, recommend alternati ve 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None -. . . 7. Council Agenda - 12/ I % I et and tax lev . (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: With this heing our last scheduled meeting of the month, the Council will need to adopt a final 2002 budget and tax levy for certification to t 1e County Auditor and Department of Revenue. A truth in taxation hearing is not required thi year and this agenda item takes the place of a normal public hearing as we have done in the past. The hudget summary worksheets that are enclosed 1'lH- your review are a culmination of the 11l0difications and changes that have occurred during our past two budget workshop sessions. The final tax levy heing proposed is the maxir UI11 allowed hy state statutes and remains as previously discussed at $6,498,079. The primary discussion at our last workshop s 'ssion centered on making modifications to the budget that would allow the street reconstruct on fund to be created that would have at least $SOO,OOO available for next year. I have sun marized the reductions and modifications that were discussed at our last workshop on a sepa 'ate sheet that total a net deduct of $2RS, 900. In addition to this expense reduction, the Comm nity Center operating budget was also revised to add an additional $39,SOO in revenue because f increased fees being hudgeted that was not included in our last workshop session. The to al of these two changes, a deduct of$2RS,9000 and an increase in revenue of $39,SOO. when a Idedto the original estimated funding that was availahle fe))" the street reconstruction fund of 262.826, will allow the new street reconstruction fund to have revenue sources totaling $SR7,72 . While this alone will not be sufficient to cover anticipated project costs next year for st eet reconstruction purposes, it will go a long ways towards establishing a reserve account that can be added to in the upcoming years to help finance a portion or all of future years projects Because of additional revenue that was overlo ked in the capital outlay fund from special assessment and interest income and also the ad :Iitional $39,000 in revenue expected from Community Center operations because of an il crease in fees, the targeted $SOO,OOO anlount in the street reconstruction fund has been exceed d by $R7,000. Because of this, Council may want to re-establish some of the cuts that wcre liscussed at our last workshop. A requcst has been made hy Comnmnity Center stall to cons' der re-establishing the $12,000 that was eliminated from the capital outlay budget for tl e Community Center for creating additional office space J()r Community Center staff. As ou may know, very little ot1ice space was provided J()r starr nlcmhers of the Community_~cnter and $12JJOO had originally heen included in the budget to remodel one of the city hall cO! ference roOlllS into additional oJlice space. Now that additional revenue is being expected hrough center operations, the Councillllay want to include funding for this purpose. Director, itty Baltos may have additional inJ()I"mation for the Council at Monday night's meeting. In regards to the street reconstruction funding, I have established a separate fund in our tax levy sunlmary that shows the levy being appropriate I for the street fund purposes separate from the capital illlprovement revolving fund. I thought this woulclmake it easier for the city to keep . . . Council Agenda - 12/ I % I track of funding we have provided for street plrposes rather than co-mingling these dollars with other capital improvement funds. As I noted reviously, the available funds next year will likely not he enough to fund next years street I' construction projects, but can be used towards partial payment of project costs or can be used to make installment payments on any bonds we may need to sell for these projects. One or wa or another, it is expected that a large portion of future projects will be need to he financed thro Igh bond sales and any part that is not assessed to property owners will need to be financed th ough ad valorem tax levies. In addition to the street reconstruction funds, it is anticipated tha we will be paying off early some of the existing debt which will allow us the ability to borrow dditional funds in the future without having our tax levies being much higher than they are tod' y for debt service. Total Projected Revenue Total Projected Expenditures Total Tax Levy Required Total City Tax Capacity Value Total 2002 Tax Capacity Rate $16,131,000 $15,549,968 $ 6,498,079 $ 9,606,212 67.645 Based on information supplied by Wright Cml1ty, the majority of taxpayers in our community will see a reduction in their overall property ta es next year compared to 2001. Changes in the amount of taxes collected hy eachjurisdiction, i.e. Wright County, school district and the city, will be different with the city's share being in Teased over last year, the total taxes paid by classes of property should be less than the pre ious year. Some groups of properties will receive higher reductions than others, which is especially true in the higher valued residential homes who will see the biggest decrease next car. Commercial and industrial properties were also scheduled to have a substantial decrease, ut the new state general property tax will offset some of that decrease. Finally, I would like to note that the City is co 1tinually seeing our market values increase and that we are seeing Xccl Energy's share of the total taxes being reduced each year. For example. in 2001. Xcd Energy's share of the total tax h 11 was 63% where it is projected to be 52% next year. In regards to Inarket value increases, M nticello has had a 10.5% increase in values from last year. and would have had over 18(10 incre, se in market value had it not been for the depreciation of the Xcel Energy power plant. All in all, we have less reliance on Xcel Energy and more on other residential and commercial growth. B. ALTli~RNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the proposed 2002 budget and ax levy as presented. 2. Council could make adjustments to th budget and/or tax levy that is lower than proposed but cannot be higher. . Co unci I Agenda - 12/1 % 1 c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: [t is the recommendation of the City ^dministr tor that the final tax levy be adopted as proposed in the amount of $6,498,079. This is he maximum amount allowed and will allow the City to create a street reconstruction fund tl at will have revenue projected at $587,726 next year. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Budget summary documents. . . . 2002 Budget Modfi ations (2nd Works op) Deducts GENERAL FUND . Additions . Legal Costs Reduced - Publication Costs Information Center Pavers - Reduced to 1/2 of original budget $3,000 $4,000 COMMUNITY CENTER FUND Capital Outlay Reductions - Net $12,000 PARKS FUND Capital Outlay Reduction - Community Center Pa k $30,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND ISTEA Bridge Funding Reduction Eliminate Ind. Park Land Acquisition funding for year Lowered Tax Levy to Match remaining expenditures after accounting for other misc revenue (ie. special a sessments, interest income, etc.) $87,500 $75,000 $74,400 $285,900 Revised Revenue Projections - Community Cente SU -TOTAL 39500 $325,400 Original Estimated Funding for Street Reconstructon Fund to Reach Maximum Levy $262,826 PROPOSED 2002 STREET RECONSTRUCTION FUNDS $587,726 -l _ \ . 2001 Tax Levy 2002 Proposed Tax Levy $ Increase (.2825% increase over 2001 levy) $5,067,342 $6,498,079 $1,430,737 FACTORS THAT ACCOUNT FOR INCREAS 0 LEVY: . 1) Loss in state aids 2) CPI/Cost inflation (4%) Basic overall operational expenses (56 million x 4%) 3) Population/Bldg. Growth (4%) 4) Community Center - Additional Operations a d Capital Outlay Requests above 4% CPI 5) Debt payment increases 6) Balance of ISTEA Bridge Project Deficit $283,000 $225,000 $225,000 $205,000 $59,000 $175,000 $1,172,000 Balance Available for C/O Fund Surplus or Street Reconstruction Fund $258,737 . DAWN/EXCELlBW-LEVY: 10/31/01 1 (MAXIMUM LEVY ALLOWED) TAX LEVY SUMMARY 2002 Budget All Funds . Net Payable 2001 Net Payable 2002 Adjusted Levy Levy Before Adju~ted Levy After Deducting HACA Adjusted After Deducting Fund HACA Payable 2002 HACA HACA Parks $387,165 $579,235 $0 $579,235 General $2,348,863 $2,982,679 $0 $2,982,679 Library $33,290 $33,790 $0 $33,790 Transportation $22,740 $24,950 $0 $24,950 Shade Tree $0 $0 $0 $0 OM $5,200 $0 $0 $0 HRA $17,570 $19,790 $0 $19,790 Debt Service $1,335,304 $1,394,659 $0 $1,394,659 Capital Imp. Revolving $328,200 $603,326 $0 $603,326 Community Center $589,010 $859,650 $0 $859,650 TOTAL $5,067,342 $6,498,079 $0 $6,498,079 Net Levy Increase to Cover Debt Net Levy Increase for Non-debt Portion of Budget Net Levy Increase to cover eliminated State Aids Net Certified Levy Decrease/Increase Maximum Levy Allowed $59,355 $1,087,956 $283,426 $1,430,737 $6,498,079 . Payable 1998 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 1999 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2000 Tax Capacity Rate Payable 2001 Tax Capacity Rate Estimated: Payable 2002 Tax Capacity Rate 27.001 35.186 36.272 37.146 67645 Tax Capacity Tax Capacity Value Rate Tax Levy '97/Payable 1998 $14,413,597 27001 $3,883,013 '98/Payable 1999 $13,123,681 35.186 $4,617,725 99/Payable 2000 $13,066,057 36.272 $4,739,325 2000/Payable 2001 $13,641,431 37.146 $5,067,342 Est. 2001/Payable 2002 $9,606,212 67.645 $6,498,079 COMMENTS: *Community Center budget levy includes $525,000 for debt service and $212,650 for operations 2 . DAWN/EXCELlBUDGETBW-1 TaxSum(c):1 0/31/01 . (MAXIMUM LEVY ALLO TAX LEVY SUM 2002 Budge All Funds ED) ARY Parks General Library Transportation Shade Tree OAA HRA Debt Service Capital Imp. Revolving Community Center Street Reconstruction TOTAL . L~;yyBe/. j'~ H~G:~ ~dj; st~d Pay;~ble ,002 $560,735 $2,9 5,679 $33,790 24,950 $0 $0 19,790 $1, 94,659 92,600 $ 08,150 $ 87,726 $6, 98,079 Net Levy Increase to Cover Debt Net Levy Increase for Non-debt Portion of Budget Net Levy Increase to cover eliminated State Aids Net Certified Levy Decrease/Increase Maximum Levy Allowed 59,355 $1, 87.956 $283,426 $1,430,737 $6 498,079 '97/Payable 1998 '98/Payable 1999 99/Payable 2000 2000/Payable 2001 Est 2001/Payable 2002 payable 1998 Tax Capacity R te Payable 1999 Tax Capacity R te Payable 2000 Tax Capacity R te Payable 2001 Tax Capacity R te Estimated: Payable 2002 Tax Capacity R te N.~f~.a~~bl.e ~.OO~ AdjQstedLevy Af!:erD~ductil"lg t:lAGA $560,735 $2,975,679 $33,790 $24,950 $0 $0 $19,790 $1,394,659 $92,600 $808,150 $587,726 $6,498,079 27.001 35.186 36.272 37.146 67.645 Tax Gapacity ValUe $14,413,597 $13,123,681 $13,066,057 $13,641,431 $9,606,212 COMMENTS: *Community Center budget levy includes $525,000 for debt s rvice and $283,150 for operations . DAWN/EXCELlBUDGET:BW-1 TaxSum(c): 11/27/01 I-d . REVENUE AND EXPEN ITURE SUMMARY 2002 Bu get $3,737,095 $400,265 $30,000 $34,790 $91,675 $4,800 $1,379,905 $8,500 $7,100 $766,105 $17,590 $51,915 $9,030 $160 $3,505,271 $2,575,000 $334,900 $761,840 $30,350 $401,500 $116,795 $124,520 $671,050 $0 $15,060,156 . General Parks Park Dedication Library Transportation Shade Tree Community Center UDAG OAA HRA Minn. Investment Fund EDA SCERG CMIF Debt Service Liquor Water Sewer Cemetery Capital Improvements Water Access Storm Sewer Access Sanitary Sewer Access Street Reconstruction Fund COMMENTS: 'Includes $1,198,335 Depreciation - Contributed Assets - Sewer "Includes $295,000 Depreciation - Contributed Assets - Water . DAWN/EXCELlBUDGET:BW-1 Rev&ExpSumm 11/27/01 $3,737,095 $400,265 $30,000 $34,790 $91,675 $44,560 $1,379,905 $0 $7,100 $441,690 $0 $8,000 $0 $0 $3,972,468 $2,481,380 $579,935 .. $1,880,995 · $31,500 $531,500 $860,000 $0 $633,000 $0 $17,1~~,858 $4,145,470 $549,235 $25,350 $34,790 $103,600 $2,250 $1,663,300 $0 $1,220 $575,335 $46,775 $44,915 $480 $150 $3,212,469 $2,829,625 $383,000 $813,900 $28,200 $167,000 $160,885 $173,900 $659,200 $587,726 $16,208{77~ $4,145,470 $549,235 $20,000 $34,790 $103,600 $44,810 $1,663,300 $0 $4,440 $342,415 $0 $8,500 $0 $0 $4,253,543 $2,722,940 $654,235 $1,980,910 $33,115 $167,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1.6,72~,303 1-3 . . . SUMMARY OF PROJE( :TED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND UND BALANCES (Cash & Invel jtments) ~ P--~! iiI. TED.>> ......E FU 12 .. ES .2 Parks Fund $207,000 $549,235 $549,235 $207,000 Park Dedication fund $36,000 $25,350 $20,000 $41,350 General $3,601,000 $4,145,470 $4,145,470 $3,601,000 Library $100 $34,790 $34,790 $100 Tree $42,550 $2,260 $44,810 $0 OAA $11,000 $1,220 $4,440 $7,780 Water $685,000 $383,000 $654,235 $413,765 Water Access $26,500 $160,885 $0 $187,385 Sewer $718,000 $813,900 $782,575 $749,325 Sewer Access $1,987,000 $659,200 $0 $2,646,200 Transportation $1,025 $103,600 $103,600 $1,025 Liquor $925,000 $2,829,625 $2,722,940 $1,031,685 Capital Outlay Revolving $892,000 $167,000 $167,000 $892,000 HRA $942,000 $575,335 $342,415 $1,174,920 Minn Investment Fund $22,100 $46,775 $0 $68,875 UDAG $0 $0 $0 $0 EDA $820,000 $44,915 $8,500 $856,415 SCERG $10,000 $480 $0 $10,480 CMIF $1,000 $150 $0 $1,150 Storm Sewer Access $310,000 $173,900 $20,000 $463,900 Cemetery $27,500 $28,200 $33,115 $22,585 Community Center Fund $109,000 $1,663,300 $1,663,300 $109,000 Street Reconstruction Fund $0 $587,726 $0 $587,726 SUBTOTALS $1 t,.~~.3,77 5 .)~ ~2;996,316 $11,296,4f5 . ...$13,073,666 Debt Service General Obligation Bonds $901,000 $1,214,945 $1,316,318 $799,627 Special Assessment Bonds $5,212,000 $1,761,039 $2,742,525 $4,230,514 Tax Increment Bonds $1,334,000 $158,700 $194,700 $1,298,000 DEBT SERVICE SUBTOTA $7,447,000 $3,134,684 i.. $4,253,543 ...i............ $6,328,141 TOTALS ~ $18,820;775 $...1~,1~1 ,000 $15,549,968!2 $19,401,807 DAWN/EXCEL/BUOGETBW-1 RevSummary11/27/01 1- ~ --.......-- -.....,...". ...--- ---. .----...-- ...--..- . GENERAL FUN SUMMARY 2002 B dget EXPENDITURES 2001 General Government Mayor and Council Administration Finance Audit Legal Planning & Zoning Assessing Deputy Registrar City Hall Data Processing Elections National Guard GS'rliilllllililiilli;I~VERrllllllllllll., $34,410 $280,780 $141,575 $14,400 $62,375 $247,095 $24,830 $151,175 $121,730 $92,465 $0 $19,925 2002 $34,380 $291,220 $164,565 $17,000 $64,175 $184,560 $27,100 $176,255 $111,215 $94,190 $7,100 $17,875 . Public Safety Law Enforcement Fire Building Inspections Civil Defense Animal Control $513,040 $202,340 $189,935 $12,635 $45,275 Public Works Inspections Public Works Administration Streets & Alleys Snow & Ice Street Lighting Parking Lots Shop & Garage Refuse Collection Engineering $119,665 $143,200 $326,440 $92,995 $99,000 $5,500 $113,875 $325,920 $100,000 $626,925 $206,520 $195,185 $13,040 $43,175 :'$,,;g~;4,845 $125,105 $194,930 $468,880 $113,920 $99,000 $13,300 $127,895 $351,315 $120,000 Health & Welfare Senior Citizens Center YMCA/Community Education Information Center ienlli'lii':!Ii'IEa,L.JH g:.'liiIIiiARl: . Community Celebrations Community Celebrations (Previously in parks) eel lIIiliil ITY DAWN/EXGEL/BUOGET:BW-1GenFundSum11/27/01 $75,575 $18,200 $4,000 $9ii':li!7'illl -"} ~, .-" () . . . GENERAL FUND 5 UMMARY 2002 Budg :!t REVENUE Taxes 2001 2002 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 101.31 011 $2,348,863 $2,975,679 DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAXES 101.31 021 $0 $0 MOBILE HOME TAX 101.31 031 $0 $0 TIF #1 - KMART 101.31 051 $0 $0 FORFEITED TAX SALE APPORT 101.31 920 $0 $0 PEN&INT-ADVALOREMTAXES 101.31910 $2,000 $2,000 ~ Licenses and Permits - Business LIQUOR LICENSE 1013 111 $28,050 $29,050 BEER LICENSE 101.3 112 $1 ,1 00 $850 SET UP LICENSE 101.3 113 $50 $50 OTHER BUS LICENSES & PERMITS 101.3 199 $0 $0 1Il1"~L LI~&:m5ES1':i,i:liiii:IH'ERlillll"~ BYiil'lilm'ESI" I:i!II"JIIIC~ S:IIV~~O ":",:"::' Licenses and Permits - Non-Business BUILDING PERMITS 1 013 211 $325,000 $400,000 VARIANCES/CONDITIONAL USES 1 013 212 $2,500 $2,200 GRADING PERMIT 1 01.3 215 $0 $0 PLUMBING CONNECTION PERMITS 1 013 231 $0 $0 AN I MAL LICENSES 101.3 241 $400 $200 BINGO LICENSES 1 013 261 $0 $0 CABLE FRANCHISE FEE 101.3 262 $0 $0 OTHER NON-BUS L1C & PERMITS 101.3 299 $6,000 $6,200 Pliilll:ITSm,lllillll:N E~ ~JII[ I~Q8,ijQIQ, Inter-Governmental FEDERAL GRANTS - CETA 101.3 120 $0 $0 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AID 1013 401 $0 $8,165 HOMESTEAD CREDIT (HACA) 101.3 402 $283,426 $0 MOBILE HOME HOMESTEAD CREDIT 101.3 :5403 $0 $0 PERA INCREASE AID 101.3 :1404 $6,741 $6,741 DISASTER AID 101.3 :\408 $0 $0 LOCAL GOVT/ST HWY AID 101.3 j410 $58,500 $59,500 FIRE DEPT AID 1013 3420 $48,750 $47,750 POLICE DEPT AID 101.3 421 $24,000 $25,000 STATE GRANTS & AIDS - OTHER 101.3 499 $0 $0 COUNTY HIGHWAY GRANTS 1013 610 $7,450 $11,750 OTHER COUNTY GRANTS 101.3 620 $0 $5,000 I:,:' TO)l]lII'~':INT~II:~$O~'~II:l"IJiI\llEI"IJI)I]III~ 'IIi::li:::iIII":",:,, ::I,I,::ilil::i:I"", ",: 'I,IIIIIIll' DAWN/EXCEUBUDGETBW-1 GenFundRev: 11/27/01 '"1 ..-- .-- --- ._- n -s . GENERAL FUND 5 UMMARY 2002 Budg et Charges for Services RECYLlNG INCENTIVE 101.3 621 $5,000 $13,500 ZONING/SUBDIVISION FEES 1 013< 103 $7,500 $5,000 SALE OF MAPS & PUBLICATIONS 101.3 105 $450 $400 MV LICENSE SALES/DEPUTY REG 1 01 _ 3< 106 $135,000 $170,000 ASSESSMENT SEARCHES 1 01 .3< 107 $4,000 $6,500 INSPECTION FEES 101.3 204 $35,000 $40,000 FIRE PROTECTION TWP CONTRACT 1 013< 206 $71,580 $80,620 STREET,SIDEWALK,CURB REPAIRS 1 01 .3< 301 $0 $0 SPECIAL GARBAGE PROC/RECYCLE 1 01 .3< 408 $0 $0 GARBAGE CHG 101.3L 409 $60,000 $53,650 GARBAGE CART RENTAL 1 01 .3L 410 $15,750 $20,000 PARK RENTAL FEES 1 013L 780 $0 $0 CONSTRUCTION COST (REIMB) 1 01 .3L 960 $0 $0 OTHER CHARGES FOR SERVICES 101.3L 999 $1,000 $1 ,000 _...."e'~-- ------. $3~_Q,f)70 Fines ANIMAL IMPOUNDMENT 101.3t ~$19,500 $21,200 , TOTAL FINES ----.,-.,.---_.~ $19,500 ,----.-,.,.--.---.--- Miscellaneous Revenue S A PRINCIPAL - COUNTY 1013E 101 $0 $0 S A PRINCIPAL - DIRECT 101.3E 102 $0 $0 S A PENAL TIES & INTEREST 101.3E 150 $185,000 $126,000 INTEREST EARNINGS 1013E 210 $0 $0 INTEREST EARNINGS-SUBURBAN 1 013E 213 $0 $0 INTEREST EARNINGS-AROPLAX 1 01 .3E 214 $135 $0 RENTAL OF PROPERTY 1 01 .3E 220 $11,800 $11,800 RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT 1 01 .3E 221 $0 $0 CONTRIBUTIONS - PRIVATE 1 013E 230 $0 $0 SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 101.3E 240 $0 $0 MISC ITEMS FOR RESALE 101 .3E 241 $0 $0 LOCK (FIRE) BOXES 1 01 _ 3E 242 $600 $450 SIGNS & INSTALL (NEW PLATS) 101.3E 243 $0 $0 OTHER MISC REVENUE 1 01 . 3E 299 $500 $3,700 iQi~LMI$QELL~NE,QU$ REVENUE .. ----nu .--..,,< Refunds and Reimbursements REFUNDS/REIMBURSEMENTS 1 01 .3E 290 $23,250 $11,515 IDC CONTRIBUTION (REIMB) 101 .3E 291 $0 $0 HACA REIMBURSEMENT 1013E 292 $0 $0 DISCOUNT 101 .3E 298 $0 $0 TQTALREFUNDS & REIMBURSEMENiS<< CI:?'t .<II-- <.-" DAWN/EXCEL/BUDGET:BW-1 GenFundRev: 11 /27/01 "\ _ (C" --- _._un.". . . . . . GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 2002 Budg t Transfers from Other Funds Transfer "FR~CIII::Iil::~RS..'Iii:IQ:McP"FFI:IIII:::li~lflj::m.II' JlII~::II::::G~I:IIIII:II::.FU.I.III::::'II~~NW:I:I~I;!... DAWN/EXCEL/BUDGETBW-1 GenFundRev 11/27/01 I:III~III:I,O$~I 11~~.I:dl~,4igl ", _ -1 . Miscellaneous Misc. -- Severence Benefits Insurance TOTAL MISGI!! I.!:.LAN EOUS $30,000 $64,895 TOTAl.!:. GENERAI.!:.I7'Ut'UJ $3,Z~7,O~,1 . . DAWN/EXCElIBUDGETBW-1 GenFundSum11 /27/01 -\-q . PARK FUND SUMMAR 2002 BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2001 2002 Salaries $209,675 $213,100 Benefits $56,310 $66,755 Supplies - Operating $29,900 $32,700 Bldg/EquipNeh Repair Supplies $14,000 $19,200 Pathway Maint. Fund $22,000 $0 Misc. Professional Services $5,500 $5,300 Telephone $2,500 $2,500 T rave IICo nflSchool siD u es $1,550 $1,900 Public Info/Advertising $1,100 $1 ,100 Utilities $8,400 $8,500 Repair & Maint - Bldg & Equip $8,000 $8,500 Uniform Rental $2,180 $2,180 Misc. & Community Celebration $9,150 $6,500 Capital Outlay - Equipment $23,500 $50,000 Capital Outlay - Improvements $6,500 $131,000 TOTAL PARK EXPENDITURES $400,265 $549,235 . REVENUE Ad Valorem Taxes $402,165 $540,735 *Park Dedication Fees $15,000 $0 Interest Income $11,600 $6,900 Park Rental Fees $1,500 $1,600 TOTAL PARK REVENUE $430,265 $549,235 Note: Additional capital outlay included = $194,000 $0 in Capital Outlay Fund for various park improvements $624,265 $549,235 * Park Dedication Fee Revenue is now in the "Park Dedication Fund." . DAWN/EXCELlBUDGET:BW-1 ParkFundSum: 11/27/01 ~I_ t () . BUDGET 2002 - PRELIMINARY - MONTICEllO COMMU 'IIITY CEN REVENUE 2001 2002 1 Room/Space Rental 83,695 62,000 2 Kitchen Rental 1,000 2,400 3 Concessions 42,000 48,200 4 User Fees 58,000 70,500 5 Memberships/Daily Fees 300,000 350,000 6 Other Charges for Services 35,000 25,000 7 Contributions 1,050 8 Programming Revenue 24,000 40,000 9 Equipment Rental 4,200 6,000 10 Misc_ Revenue 3,000 2,000 11 Interest Income 0 3000 frOTAl OPERAfrl0NREVENUI! ,,<, S5Q,89S , 610,1:'150 EXPENSES - ADMINISTRATIVE 12 Salaries F/T - Regular** 165,500 234,000 13 Salaries F/T - Overtime 6,000 2,000 14 Salaries PIT - Regular** 216,000 265,000 15 PERA Contributions** 11,000 16,000 16 FICA Contributions 24,000 38,400 17 Medicare Contributions 6,000 7,300 18 Health/Dental/Life Insurance 24,110 35,000 19 UC Benefits 1,000 4,000 20 WC Benefits 2,800 3,000 21 Office Supplies 2,000 6,400 22 Clothing Supplies** 1,200 7,000 23 Cleaning Supplies 8,760 6,500 24 Chemical Supplies 20,000 18,000 25 General Operating Supplies** 7,300 14,000 26 Building Repair Supplies 1,500 2,500 27 Maintenance Supplies 6,000 8,000 28 Small Tools and Equipment 6,000 5,000 29 Professional Services - Mgmt Fees 500 700 30 Professional Services - Website/email 500 400 31 Professional Services - Custodian 3,000 500 32 Professional Services - Laundry 5,000 3,000 33 Maintenance Agreements** 9,000 9,000 34 Professional Services - Bldg & Equip 6,000 35 Professional Services - Misc 1,500 700 36 Telephones 9,000 17,000 37 Postage 500 1,200 38 Cable / Network Services 600 2,200 39 Conference & Schools 1,000 2,000 40 Travel Expense 500 600 41 Freight 300 300 42 Advertising 15,000 15,000 43 General Public Information 6,000 6,000 44 Brochures** 10,000 45 Property Insurance 18,560 18,500 46 Building Contents Insurance 6,000 7,000 47 Bike Park Liability** 7,800 48 Electric 76,375 70,000 49 Gas 59,200 76,000 50 Repairs & Maintenance Building 5,000 5,000 ,-- _n_ TER . . "1 - \ \ . 51 Repairs & Maintenance Mach/Equip 5,000 5,000 52 Equipment Rental 20,000 15,000 53 Uniform Rental 3,500 1,500 54 Dues, Membership & Subscriptions 500 500 55 License & Permits 600 700 56 Bank Charges 2,000 2,600 57 Misc Other Expense 1,500 1,500 58 Furniture & Fixtures** 5,000 4,000 59 Office Equipment** 1,500 2,000 60 Computer Equipment** 2,500 3,000 61 Other Equipment** 44,000 2,500 62 Administrative Total 812805 969,300 EXPENSES - RECREATION 63 Operating Supplies Concessions 600 1,000 64 Concession Food Products 25,000 38,000 65 Prof. Services Fitness Instructors 6,000 3,700 66 Prizes & Event 2,000 67 Rental Room Supplies 3,000 1,000 68 Party Room Supplies 4,000 6,000 69 Climbing Wall Supplies 1,000 1,000 70 Fitness Area Supplies** 2,000 6,000 71 Gymnasium Supplies 2,000 1,000 72 Indoor Play Supplies 2,000 500 73 Pool Supplies** 3,000 6,500 74 Warehouse Supplies 2,000 500 75 Skate/Bike Park Supplies 1,000 500 76 Recreation Total 51,600 67,700 77 TOTAL EXPENSES .... ................/........ ~~4,405 ,037,000 ....... Capital Purchases 78 Bike Park 40,000 79 Lift 8,000 80 Final Landscaping 30,000 81 Overhead Fans - Main Hallway 5,000 82 Building Signs 15,000 83 Bldg & Equip Replacement Revenue 12,000 84 Total Capital Purchases 110,000 85 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ............... ........i. ........... ........................ ,141~()()O 86 VALUE ADDED SERVICES*: 87 Room Rental (City, Seniors, NG) 45,000 I 88 REVENUE total after value added services 655,150 89 Portion of Expenses allocated to City, NG, Seniors 90 General Operating Supplies -3,500 91 Maintenance Time -5,200 91 TOTAL EXPENSES after value added services ,138,300 *Value added services not included in 2001 budget nu nbers. 92 REVENUE 93 Operating Revenue 610,150 94 Value Added Services Revenue 45,000 95 Transfer from Liquor Fund 200,000 96 Propety Taxes 808,150 97 TOTAL REVENUE ,663,300 98 EXPENSES I ncrease to revenue . Reduce expenses Reduce expenses . 1- ld . . . 99 Operating Expenses ,037,000 100 Expenses allocated to CH, SR, NG -8700 101 Capital Improvements 110,000 102 Debt Payment 525,000 103 TOTAL EXPENSES ...'\.'.' :..:, ....,.". ,663,:300 ---- --- '"'1 ~ 13 DAWN/EXC SUMM ~RY Debt Servic e Funds 2002 Budge1 Forecast REVENUE 2001 2002 Current ad valorem: $1,335,304 $1,394,659 Interest: $213,975 $174,425 Special asmtnCounty: $837,827 $486,135 Transfer in -Tax Increment: $93,165 $132,250 Transfer in--Liquor Fund (community center bond): $0 $0 Transfer innCommunity Center Fund: $525,000 $525,000 Transfer inn8ewer Access Fund (WWTP note): $500,000 $500,000 Transfer in - 93 Fire Hall Refunding Bond $0 $0 rr.QTAL REVENUE .....i: ........i.:....... .... ....... $3, 5(j~j;j~Z1 ........... $~,212,469 --------------------- ------------------- EXPENDITURES Principal: $2,423,465 $2,715,246 Interest: $1,532,620 $1,523,227 Paying agent fees: $7,583 $8,070 Interest exp: $8,800 $7,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES .(:( ....ii....... $3,972,468 ...j.................. $4,.253,543 ELlBUDGET:BW-1 DebtService:11/27/01 ., ---"... ___..___..____"'.. ...._n.. - \ '-\ . . . . CAPITAL OUTLA 2002 Budg Data Processing (4) PC's Server Internet Service Upgrades Proxima Projector $8,000 $3,500 $2,000 $6,000 Library Unallocated :IOTAL L1BR%8Y . PW Administration (1/2) Ton Pickup (Replace '87 Ford) Office Furniture & Fixtures (PW) Bldg. Addn - PW Office ($30,000 less 2001 budgeted amount of $20,500) $19,500 $11,600 General General General General General General Water Department (1/4) Tractor Mower (1/4) Backhoe Valve Operator Radio Reader . Streets (1/2) Tractor Mower (1/4) Backhoe (1/2) New Plow Truck Milling Machine Chop Saw Patching Trailer Roll off Dumpster with Tarp Annual Sealcoating Program $10,000 $15,000 $50,000 $12,500 $900 $40,000 $3,300 $35,000 DAWN/EXCELlBUDGET:BW-1 CapitalOutlay: 11/27/01 General General General General General General General Capital Outlay -1- IS . "T'l!DTl7!iIil("STR EE TS Parking Lots (1/3) Overlay of 3rd Street Parking lot ($20,000 budgeted in year 2000) J(jij:TI~liiiiiiFiiARKI NG Snow/lce (1/2) New Plow Truck ,..OT AL~tfJOY'YtICE Shop/Garage Pallet Racks Sandblasting Cabinet New Gas & Diesel Pumps Public Work Inspections Map File Cabinet Tree Fund Tree Replacements TR E E:::.ISVtfJllJ . Parks - Equipment Replace 1990 955 John Deere mower, snowblower & broom (1/4) Backhoe Skid Steer Trailer Park Improvements ADA Improvements Hillcrest Park Playground West Bridge Park - Phase III Improvements Pioneer Park Improvements - Parking lot & Skating rink River Mill Park - Pathway Connections Pathway Development (Widen Pathway in Meadow Oakes) Pave Rink Replace Boards Playground Equipment Landscaping and Picnic Tables Open Air Shelter Trees, Bench, Garbage Containers Topsoil & Ground Preparation ISTEA Bridge/Pathway Partial TOT A4P~~M:i' IMPROVEM'~~'lIil $5,000 $33,000 $47,000 $10,000 $10,000 $8,000 $1,000 $15,000 $4,000 $9,000 $4,000 $5,000 $87,500 . DAWN/EXCELlBUDGET:BW-1 CapitalOutlay 11/27/01 Parks Parks Parks Park Dedication Park Dedication Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Capital Outlay Fund 1_ \ \0 . Sewer (1/4) Tractor Mower Chestnut Lift Station Controls (1/4) Backhoe $5,000 $5,000 $15,000 Fire Department Opticom System - Traffic Signal Controls - TH 25 Airpacks (4) SCBA's Desktop Computer Laptop Computer Hose &SCBA Storage (2) Opticom Controllers in Trucks (1/3) of city share of new fire truck $4,700 $3,800 $2,000 $750 $2,000 $750 $2,000 $35,000 . Community Center Bike Park Lift Final Landscaping Overhead fans - Main Hallway Building Signs Bldg & Equip Replacement Reserve $40,000 Community Ctr Fund $8,000 Community Ctr Fund $30,000 Community Ctr Fund $5,000 Community Ctr Fund $15,000 Community Ctr Fund $12,000 Community Ctr Fund Street Reconstruction Street Reconstruction Reserve TQ'lI!tiiiliii~TREI'lIi"~ECON.~'lIRUCTlliilN.' . DAWN/EXCELlBUDGET:BW" 1 CapitalOutlay:11/27/01 Sewer Sewer Sewer General General General General General General General Capital Outlay 1- II . CAPITAL OU LAY FUND ITEMS BUDGETED FOR OR CO MITTED BUT NOT YET SPENT Capital Outlay Reserves As of 12/31/00 $1,000,000 2001 (1/3) of City share of new fire truck $35,000 Industrial Park land acquisition - 4th year $90,000 Library re-carpeting $18,000 Watermain Replacement - Broadway $75,000 1999 . Industrial Park land acquisition - 3rd year $25,000 1998 Industrial Park land acquisition - 2nd year $75,000 River Park enhancements $60,000 Land acquisition along river - park land $35,000 1997 Industrial Park land acquisition - 1st year $75,000 River Park enhancements $20,000 Concession Bldg. - Meadow Oak Park $12,000 1993-1996 Sewer Interceptor Reserve $300,000 UNCOMMITTED FUNDS $180,000 . DAWN/EXCELlBUDGET:BW_1 CapilalOullayBudgeled 11/27/01 I-If) . . UJ UJ W Z C w .... 00 ow ...JC ...Jz W ULL ....0 Z.... OZ ~W LL~ O~ ~~ -UJ U C w Z 00 ~ o U . N o I T"" M I N T"" - "'C Q) - <.) Q) '- o .... a. - o o o c:i N N ff7 N <D 0) N ..- ff7 o o o c:i N N tn '<T 0) ..- N fF> o o o If) o N tn o o o c:i '<T '<T If} o o o ci ..- <D '<T fF> o o o ci If) o to fF> lfJ "0 e: o ro e: Q ro ,~ :0 o co Q.i e: OJ (9 '<T co N 0) '" :It o o o <.ri- 0) '<T fF> o o o to o '" 0) fF> o o o CO 0) CO CO- ..- ff7 o o o <') o <D CO N /A lfJ "0 e: o ro c OJ E lfJ lfJ OJ lfJ lfJ <( rn '<:3 OJ a. (f) o o o to CO CO '" /A '" 0) ..- ..- '<T '<T W o o o a. N CO fF> o fF> o ff7 o tf} o tf} o w o fF> o o o N <') /A o o o N <') fF> OJ (5 Z c: OJ E ~ o e: x rn l- e: o -<'5 -Ql :0 o rn Q.i e: OJ (9 o o o c:i '<T_ N fF> o o <D C'"i <') ;;; o o o <.ri <D W 0) o <') ci <') fF> o o o If) r- w o o o If) r- '<T N ff7 o o ~ o r- '<T_ N fF> o o o If) '<T 0) :It lfJ "0 e: o m c OJ E OJ t3 e: x rn l- e: o ~ -~ :0 o ro Q.i e: OJ (9 r- '<T o N <') If) W <D '<T N ci If) If) fF> CO N CO <') If) If) fF> If) <D '<T cO N If) ff7 If) <') If) <.D r- <') (f) If) <D '<T_ <') N If) (f) o o o c:i o r- '<T II} OJ lfJ Q rn r~ , OJ ~O o2=' Zc 6 E <'5~"O gu 6 -0 >, CO o ro OJ ~ 0 ~ OJ a. OJ e: E > OJ OJ OJ (91-0:: 0) co N <.D N <D N II} ~ '" i;) .J:l E o o Ui -' x >--' w (') o ::J '" '" co '" '" o fF> o tf} o +J} o tf} o II} o fF> o o o <.ri- co (") r-: ff7 o o o to co <') ~ tf} ;; t-:: .0:! '" '" QJ " " QJ :E QJ " " ....1- Ie, . . . 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MARKET VALUE AND TAX C PACITY COMPARISON CITY OF MO TICELLO 2000 2001 2002 Tax Capacity Value Less: TIF Valules Net Tax Capacity Value $13,835,743 ($749,980) $13,085,763 $14,524,891 ($883,460) $13,641,431 $10,141,617 ($535,405) $9,606,212 Xcel Energy Tax Capacity Value % of Total $8,898,780 68% $8,632,559 63% $5,012,766' 52% (' 3.8 million of this value is exempt from new state property tax t at all other commercial and industrial parcels are subject to.) TOTAL MARKET VALUES $557,625,100 $607,466,100 $684,902,200 TOTA TAXABLE MKT VALUES $554,857,100 $600,486,300 $663,539,800 Xcel Energy Market Values $260,934,300 $252,968,400 $250,675,800 % of Total 47% 42% 38% TOTAL TAXABLE MARKET VALUES WIO EXCEL ENERGY $293,922,800 $347,517,900 $412,864,000 . W/O Xcel Energy Overall Increase in Market Value 2000 to 2001 +105% 18.8% 1999 to 2000 +82% 18.2% (1999 to 2000) (2000 to 2001) Mkt Value Increases-New Construction $26,638,400 +48% $29,259,200 +4.9% Mkt Value Increases-Inflation $18,990,800 +3.4% $33,524,300 +56% TOTAL GROWTH $ 5,629,200 82% $63,053,500 10.5% . DAWN/EXCELlRICK:MkIValue-TaxCap Comp:11/27/01 '"\ ~ d~j . . .\d AI Th RESOLUTI ON NO. 2001-79 RESOLUTION ADOPTI ~G THE 2002 BUDGET AND SETTING Tl E TAX LEVY WHEREAS, the City Administrator has prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget setting forth therein his estimated needs of the City of Monticello for all opcration and the dcbt service f()r the fiscal year comlnencing January], 2002; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the same and has made such changes therei n as appear to be in the best interest of the City of Monticello; NOW THEREfORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ( OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO that the budget so submitted hy the City Administrator, to ,sether with the changes made therein by the City Council, be and same hereby is adopted as a budget f I' the fiscal year commencing January], 2002; and BE IT FlJRTHER RESOLVED hy the Council ofth City of Monticello that there be and herehy is levied for the fiscal year commencing January], 2002, the f )llowing sums for the respective purposes indicated therein upon the taxable property of the City of Mont' cello, to wit: REVENUE NET CERTIFIED LEVY General $2,975,679 Community Center $801,150 Parks $560,735 Library $33,790 Transportation $24,950 liRA $19,790 DEBT RETIREMENT Debt Service Fund $1,394,659 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Capital Improvement Revolving $92,600 Street Reconstruction Fund $587,726 TOT AL TAX LEVY $6,498,079 e above resolution was introduced by Counci Imember ---- , was duly seconded by Council- rn bel' _ with the f()llowing voting in bvor the reof: Belsaas, Carlson, Herbst, Stumpf and Thielen. -- e following voted in opposition: None e City Administrator is hcreby instructed to transmit a 'ertified copy of this resolution to the County Auditor Wright County, Minnesota. optecl this ] Oth day of DeCell1 her, 2001. -.".. ...- ---.. .--- -- "TEST: I~ ogcr Belsaas, Mayor _.n -- --.- ck WolfstellcL City Administrator ~l ") '^-\ - (" ---.... ---.. -- - -- -..-.. --.-.- ....-..- me Th Th of Ri . . I- o Z ...J W ...J :E w ~w U ~> i=~go Z<(N~ OWl a.. :E>;-~~ u.LnO..J o ~<( >- '= I- a.. - <( U U . . :2!: < ~ C) o ~ a.. I- oz ...JUJ ...J:2!: UJUJ u> i=0 Z~ .~~ U-...J 0< >-1- 1-0.. u< U to o o N . N o o N .. < UJ ....J ::> Q UJ J: U en en UJ en ::> Q z < en UJ u ~ ::> o en U- o I- Z UJ :2!: UJ I- < I- en : I- Z W () a::: w a.. ...J < I- o I- "2f2."#~?f2."2f2.~"#"2f2. COCONI'-LnCO.....C"J '<tCONtOMM.....O) T"""'MT"""' T"""' 000 000 LnOO 000 .....00 OLnO M Ln Ln '<t...... Ln N Ln tOtOM.....CONLnN '<t '<t 0......lJ1 \D co lJ1 N\DN.....~~ ~~~~ 1.0 <:> <:> N 00 o Ln .....N ..... ..... ~~ 00000000 0000lJ100~ Ln O.O.O.N.O Ln co lJ1lJ1N.....lJ1N NNI'-ONNM NNlAN..........w lA~ ~~~ I.t) o o N 00000000 OOOOLnOOW LnO.OO.NOO. T"""Lf)L.ONT"""LOO lJ100>0NN'<t NCO"MN..........~ WNtHWlRW ~ '<t o <:> N 00000000 Ln000lJ1000 COOOON0lJ10 <.Do ON.- ..nNO '<t\DCJ':ONN'<tO t-(")t-N~T"""(A.Lf) (f} N W tfi W (f} (r'} lA M <:> o N 00000000 OOOOLnOOO COOOONOOa r-OOM.....LnLOO I'- Ln 0 1..'1 N N ..... ..... 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II> ID ~ 0 0 '" 0 '" II> :;0 tll <II ... ... ... II> .. .., '" "" '" .. .. c: '" <:> 0 =2 ::l ::> 0 <:> 0 n "'- '0 b '0 .. ID 0 ... ... ... ... <:> 0 "' ~ 0 <:> 0 0 <:> 0 (f) . 0 !2 5i ::T n ~ .....,... '" ... ... ... ... ... ... II> 0 0 0 0 <:> 0 . () )> "'tJ - --I )> r- r- 0 N :s: 0 c 0 "'C . 0 N ;0 :;0 0 "T1 N < C 0 m 0 :s: z 0') a m z --I "'C r- )> Z . . . Council Agenda - 12/10/01 8. ~ Consideration ofsalarv schedule ad'ustme ts for 200 . (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to consider an adjustmel t to the salary schedule for all non-union employees for the year 20o)-to retlect change in the consumer price index (CPl). 'fhe Council has annually reviewed the salary schedule and madc adjustments in order to help retain the Citis pay relationship to market and with Monday nights meeting being the last meeting scheduled for this year, an increase should be approved at th s meeting to allow for implementation of a new schedule by the first payroll period in January. 'J. As part of the 2007 budget. I had included an dditional 5% in the salary categories for each department to allow for potential cost of livin adjustments, step increases and to allow additional salary adjustments to our pay systel 1 to keep us competitive with other communities. What the Council is being asked to consider tonight concerns the basic adjustment of the dollar schedule to rcllect current increases in the CPI liJr our area. In the past. the Council has used the consumer price index as a measurement of the inflationary rate. Minnesota Department of Economic Security provides inl(1I'lnation on the consumer price index I(lr both the liS and the 1\ilinlleapnlis~St. Paul area. Normally. the CPI I ()I' eitlll'r me vcry similar percentage \vise. but occasionally there can be differences between the t\\O percentages because the Minneapolis-Sl. Paul index is only calculated tv/ice a year un a Jun!.:' and December basis while the liS ('PI is updated on a mnnthl . hasis. The latest inrormation that I could ohtain indicates that the consumer price index Illr the IS on a Octnber to October basis shows an increase o~.,,'I~.~. " .. " ['''' :p.~r. ~ '- :2.. () ").. ( , '2,...- I "L The CPI Il)r the Minneapolis-Sl. Paul ~lr!.:'a thm Igh June. 200)' (June 200~June 20Q)-) shows a 'J-. .30j, ~\) in the cost of living. As you can sec. thele is_~difference between the US a\'l::rage and the Minneapolis-St. Paul index because of he different time frames used to compile the statistics. In comparing thL' percentages tn last .ear. the Minneapolis-St. Paul index \\as ~ -J,,2110 \Vhile the US ('PI \Vas ollly-:iS(~gl .-\s yo I can see, the Minneapolis-St. Paul area has seemed to be higher than the illde{-ft{r the entir' liS on an annual basis. . In addition tn the ('PI inrorm~llion. \\e ha\e als conducted a brier survey al!ain of various surmundinl! cnmmunities includinl! thl' cities 0 'Hil! Lake, l3ufblo. Elk i{i\~cr. Mal11c Grove ~jU..K:...., L _ L I'~ Plymouth to determine \\hat increases they had granted last year and are proposing or have appro\'ed lllr next year. llsing the same Cl)mm lIlities \Ve hm'e surveyed in the past and this inli.mlwtion can be helprul li.w the Cnullcil to se' \\hat is happening in other communities around LIS. Finally. I ha\e also l'nclP:.;ed a briei' histor.' or recent years salary adjustments adopted by the (\)ullcil comp~lred to the repnned ('PI incrL"lses tl.W those particular years. <t- . . . Council Agenda - 12/10/01 , he YYo B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Council could establish a cost of livin J adjustment for the wage scales that would apply for non-union employees that is in line w th the Minneapolis-St. Paul CPI. Based on the latest information throu h June 2001. this would result in an increase of 4.2%. 2. The Council could establish a cost of iving adjustment for the wage scales somewhere between the US CPI of 2.1 % and the inneapolis-St. Paul index of 4.2%. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: While the Minneapolis-St. Paul ('PI \vould se'm to be the appropriate cost of living indicator for our area. the bct that the LIS CPI has been decrea 'ing over the past ten months \vould seem indicate that \"hen the ne:\t ('PI is available Jl.lr the metro < rea. it \\'illlikely be less than 4.2%. but probably not as low as the l.lS CPI 01'2,1 (y,). With the t~lct tha the union contract has been approved tl.lr 2002 with increases bct\'vel'll 2.lJ% ami J.5'!/o. it is the ad l1inistrator's recommendation that the salary schedule be adjuslcd by a rercent<lgc similar to the uni n at around 3~:;) plus. D. SlIPPORTINC DATA: Salary survey of surrounding comlllunities, Prior Yl'ars s<t1ary schedule adjustments. . . . PREVIOUS YEARS' ~ ALARY SCHEDULE ADJUST M ENTS For Year: Reported C I Increase Council Ad.iustments 1993 3.2 )/0 2.5% 1994 3.7 to .S% 3.5% 1995 2.9 to .1% 2.5% 1996 2.7 0 2.70/0 1997 3.1 to .3% 3.1% 1998 2.700 3% 1999 1.50;0 2.5% 2000 2.6% to /.7% 3.0% 2001 3.4<Yo to 01-.2% 3.()% 2002 2.1% to .2% ') ~ , ~ 010 DAWN/WOR I)IRICKIPRIORYR .ADJ. 12/6/01 D'~ C'- -- -. -- --... --.. .--. -..., --- -- - ;) . SURVEY OF SlJRR UNDING CITIES 2002 PROPOSED SAL RY ADJUSTMENTS Big Lake 2000: 3lYo 2001 : 3.5% 2002: 3.5% Bufhlo 2000: 4.7% 2001 : 3.5% 2002: Will know in 2 weeks Elk River 2000: 3% - May increase benefits 2001 : 3% - Increase health insurance 2002: 3% Maple Grove 2000: 3% . 2001 : 3% 2002: 3% Plymouth 2000: 3% 2001 : 3% 2002: 3% . WORD/!)A WN/SALARY.SUR: 11/28/0 I - \ . . . 9. City Council Agenda - ] 2/1 % I REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND John Chadwick has completed a concep layout for the development of his industrial/commercial property. The la out calls for development of a tier of industriallcommerciallots along 1-94 with the Frontage Road (Chelsea extension) running parallel to the freeway at a distance of about 600 feet. The plan shows two cul- de-sacs extending into the interior of the property. Please see the layout for additional detail. The plan as proposed appears ac eptable. Chadwick requests that the City complete the studies initiating the planning phase l()r construction of the roadway and utilities as a preliminary step toward pia ting. As you may know, there are approximately 30 acres of land adjacent to the City on t le Denny J lecker side of the property that is inunediately developable without install tion of a lift station. Apparently there is immediate interest development of an of Ice complex at this location. In order t()r this development to OCcur and in order to pia for construction of utilities, the propeliy will need to be annexed into the City as requested by Chadwick. According to Paul Bilotta, the land devel )pment planner working for Chadwick, the plan will call for development of an industrial commercial PUO that trades greater flexibility of land use for higher development stand rds. They do not see commercial development lor high volume retail, rather it might be uitable for low volume destination retail such as a tile shop, carpet store, etc. StaiT has I ot semthe precise PUD proposal but the concept has promise as long as the City g ts a superior project through the use of the PUD approach. Tbe Study The study will identify a preliminary desi n and establish a cost estimate for construction of storm water tacilities and ponds, sanita sewer lines and lift station, watennain and roadway/boulevard improvements. The Cl st will be broken into logical segments lor the purpose of phasing over time. A distributi )n of costs will also be identified. A major issue for analysis is the timing of completi n of Chelsea Road all the way through the site from Denny Hecker to West 39. As you kl ow, construction of a connecting road througb this property would allow tratTic from Wes 39 coming to and from the 1-94/Highway 25 interchange to bypass congested areas dowltown (61h Street). Construction 10 this segment would reduce the pressure to finis 7th Street through the Brennan property. -- - ... ----.., -., '~-,~--,.- - . Annexation City Council Agenda - 12/10/01 The petition requests annexation of 60 cres adjacent tot he City limits at the Northeast Corner ofthe site in an area where alar 'e part of the annexed area can be served immediately by gravity sewer service. ~ounciI action at this time consists of calling for the puhlie hearing on the annexation re uest for 60 acres. During the 60 day notice period, the developer will be preparing he preliminary plat and the utility study will be conducted. When the public hem'i~lg on the annexation is conducted, the Council will have good inl<mnation on which to bas the annexation decision. Perhaps the study will show that 60 acres is too much to annex if only the high ground can be developed at this time, and if it is too expensive to build t le entire roadway at once. On the other hand, we may find that it makes sense to annex th 60 acre piece as requested and then a second 60 acres Soon thereafter, if it looks feasible 0 build the entire wad segment today. ALTERNA TIVE ACTIONS Decision I. . I. Motion to authorize the City Engileer to conduct utility and road system for the Chadwick parcel at an estimated cost to be detennil.led. Thc cost ofthc study must be on deposit witb the City I rior to initiation of the study. ~ b;" "'~ I It appears that the alignment makes sens ld the information developed 1I-om the study is needed eventually. 2. Motion to table or deny request to 'omplete said utility and road study. Decision 2. I. Motion to accept petition lor annex tion and call1<)f a public hearing on annexation request. This option fol ows state statute l<)fJnat. &" <?-- U )/1.- 2. Motion to table or deny acceptance f annexation request. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . It is recommended that the city move forwar j with the study. The int(mllation contained in the study will enable us to determine logi al phasing of utility and road systems and is completely necessary if additional industrial land is to be made available. With or 2 . City COllncil Agenda - ]2/10/01 without a potential development in th wings, the study needs to be completed. With regard to the annexation, it is clear th~ t a major portion of the 60 acre segment can be served with City utilities today so it is not jumping the gun to call for the public hearing on the annexation. Also, the ability of the City to market to industrial prospects for placement at this location is enhanced if the land is in the City and the prospect docs not have to worry about annexation disput~s hanging up a project. Last of all, this parcel has been noted by both the City and the T wnship as perfect property for industrial uses. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of sketch plan Petition f()r annexation to be provided. t meeting. . . .., .1 ....~U\~IIl~"tt~~n eanwoS 'r. -..delilQr NYld 311S ld31NOO '01' ...,nll . ....q "1"'10) ""III OUt ~ 'Ynj' '---/ 9~t..;z: 'ON 'on -------llvO ,,,,..~" ,0 .,.,,, "'" 111II "*1 .'1' ....,~ J~IlJ lD'UO,...jOJ,rl ,.._;lil.c,. . ~ . 'ct\al PIiIII ~....... l~"" .cw ...,uA .. .101I ." ,...Ml 1011\ void "IiA 111'M l4u.III:Jo '''~ & dIoIO V1OS3NNlrt 'O'13:)UNOrt SNOI$1/I311 S!)NISSOij:) )t33~:) ij31 ~ 51 ~! l!fJ as! i~ N blt;l i!: . M~ iSd -4 (i~- ./ ./ ./ / T f- ..l I VI I / ~ I u I i' / -'____--1 I '" l"l "' '" z _ '-c ~N~H-I z OJ OJ ..J I ..J LO '" Ll '" :r: I I :r: / I I I I I I I . I --T----1( I I I '" --~ :! '" ~ 1f# III I +- I I I I r.// ~" , " I" , " " " " " " " " " "- " " .... ~ / DEC-07-2001 12:32 '::'.A WSB r'~~ <.:1 '., ',,>'. I'" ~~~:i,f, . . I'~ " ", ;',\\ '1. . ~. " .. .r ,..' " 1 ~ . :':;;.". 'l';: I :'," .'.,'. . 4150 Olson ,,~ \ Mem~ ;Hiihway ii]~:~ " ,UOta" '. 1";: I. :. ' S5422 . ;'. . . .;; ; .,~ ...:, .,;:. ; 763.S41~9Rr:' . 763~~~.~ ,,,.~ 1"'<~~h~ttt~ it. I ro-a.."......-.. ~-- WSB & ASSOCIRT INC. .. .: .. December 7, 2001 Mr. Jeff O'Neill Deputy City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Estimated Cost to Complete a Feasibility Report EllteT\sion of Chelsea Road WSB Project No. 1338.03 Dear Mr. o'Neill: I am writing this leucr to respond to your request for a cost to complete a feasibility report adllrcssing the extension of Chelsea oad from Monticello Dodge westerly to County Road 39. The feasibility report wo Id be based on a tealignmeot of Chelsea Road that would extend parallel to 1-94 and a andon the original alignment to the south. I have attaChed a copy of the skeu:h you p ovided of the proposed alignment. We have assun1ed that the propet\y owner has not pre ared a grading plan that differs from the grading plan prepared by the City of Monticello If this is the case, we will use that grading plan as a base of referenCe for completion 0 the feasibility report. The feasibility report will include a preliminary design of the street layout 10 confomllO State Aid standards and will adllrcss slOIDlWatcr, wetland, sanit sewer, and waterm8in issues. It is likely that the alignment will require coordinati with Monticello Dodge and other local property owners to address how the road e tension is completed. We propose 10 complete the feasi i1ity report for an estimated cost of $17,500. This cost will be incorporated into the desi fee for the projecl when it is ordered. We look forward to working with you and the pro ny owners on this project. Please give me a call at (763) 28 -7190 if you have any questions regarding this proposal. Thank. you. for your consideratio . Sincerely, ~iJ;; Bret A. Weiss, PE President C\ Enclosure ~b Inneapolls . St. Cloud . Equal opportunity Employer w F:'I. pW/1N JJ8-ON 2010/ .j<J,d<J" ~--- "".-.Jc:: WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. I-----....~-- ----- --~ *=:- .,' ~.J'" IA_, '_ _.... _ _ !~- '-J -'=~ -f: ~ " iI ==-_-=. "; __'_ '.... of'-. . , *'.. '., ~;.", ""\ ":'~:_ i'" 7635411700 P.03/03 - . "- ""-- Iil'JNSsolI:l >G3IO ~ -'~.--..~- ~,,-'-'-j- , I , , "I . ~, " , I ~,\ . '" , , , \ . . -.- 'f- r-..l,- - - I I I J .. , .. I , i I , I . l i . --- -. ---, - " _.. - . ...J . 9 -1' TOTAL P. 03 . . . ill, City Council Agenda - 12/10/01 REFERENCE AND 13ACKGROUN As you recall some months ago the Ci y Council authorized preparation of a study examining the design and cost of sanit ry sewer systems necessary to support development in the Southeast areas of the City. Three annexation requests were tabled pending this study. The main goals 01, the study have been accomplished which were to: I. Determine method for upgradi g system capacity and associated costs. 2. Identify acreage that could be pened up f<-)l' development as a result of the project. . , 3. Identify cost per acre that is at~ 'ibutable to new development. This cost is in the neighborhood of$1.200 to $1, OO/aere. The cost would be $1,200/acre if the area North of the freeway is alknve to develop. If only the Southeast area is eligible, I the smaller area results in a cot of$I,800/aere. Bret Weiss will be present to review tl e study in detail. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS ] . Motion to accept study and to ssign a $1 ,SOO/acre surcharge to the regular $1,900/aere trunk sewer fec. T 1is fee would be collected at the time of platting via special assessment. Please note that this cost per acre is based on development of areas South ofI-94 only. Motion authorizing initiation of further construction design when need d. Under this alternative, City sta fwould process plat applications in the area and apply the additional surcharge ccordingly. The actual construction of the sanitary sewer improvement w uld be done at a later time when the problem peaks. It is expected that the s wer system may not need to be installed until after 40 more acres (or so) are devel ped which will probably take one year. The funds collected prior to actual constr ction or the system would be used to help defray the up-front cost. 2. Motion to deny acceptance or s'll1itary sewer study. . City Council Agenda - 12/10/0] STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1 with an acreage fee surcharge to be set at $ L800/acre. If it is later determined that the area N( rtheast ofl-94 will be allowed to develop, the lee could be adjusted to reflect potential 'ollections fl-om a larger area. Please note that staff has not spoken irectly to developers about this fee amount, but we expect that the added cost will not gr atly impede development projects. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of study. Area map. . . c ! I ! II I i I I i I I I !t tr 01 (I) Z".... > c. ' ::I c;og: ii: c.c. )( 0"> ~ '< a; o. oll> ::I III III -0 ~DJ:a 1) !;[ ~ ~ i.il :!! CD c. I1'--'--:- , ----~- ~ rf --- i ... n_-,.. ... ,., I . . . lL City COllncil Agenda - 12/10/01 REfERENCEANDBACKGROUN On 9/1 0/0] , City Council tabled auth rization to initiate three separate annexations submitted by Ralph Hermes, Ken Scl ultz and Jim Schultz, pending completion of the sanitary sewer capacity study. Now t 1at a method for serving thc area has been determined and it appears to be finan 'ially feasible, it is suggested that City Council call for the public hearing on the annexati! ns (conducted in 60 days) with actual annexation to occur subject to conditions listed a'ler each annexation request under alternative I. The Ralph Hermes annexation requd will be modified to include 60 acres, but the preliminary plat will encompass the el1tire 80 acre site. ALTERNAl'lVE ACTIONS ,-;::L ~ 1. Motion to accept petitions for annexation and call f()r a public hearing on annexation by ordinance for tIe subject properties. Actual annexation to occur subsequent to the public heari' g if ~onditions relating to each parcel is met. A. For all properties: Ann' xation contingent on establishment of revised R-I and R-1A district stan ards to associated district designation requested at time of annexation. B. For all properties: Ann xation contingent on preparation of letter of intent from developer to pay he necessary sanitary sewer fee surcharge. C. For all properties: Ann xation contingent on completion of the preliminary plat phase of the plattilg process. D. For the Jim Schultz prcperty. Annexation contingent on development of terms/agreement relatig to installation of sanitary sewer lift station needed to serve the site This lil1 station will cost approximately $120,000, whereas sani ary sewer trunk fees for the development will amount to $76,000 frO! the site. Staff will need to work out terms to reduce City front-end c st and obtain other concessions from the developer such as cove ants establishing a high minimum standard for . City COllncil Agenda - 12/1 % 1 home development. E. For the Ralph Hermes property. Annexation contingent on development of a plan for constructing and financing the storm sewer lift station necessary to convey w tel' from the development to the Mcadow Oak storm sewer system. F. For the Ralph Hermes, ropeliy. Annexation contingent on development of a tree preservation A an for southerly 40 acre parcel. i ! 2. Motion to deny petitions f(lr a. nexation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends. Iternative I. . SUPPORTING DATA Copy of petitions I<:lr annexation, Hen es petition to be presented at the meeting. Graphic showing annexation areas (in /] 0/0] agenda item) . 2 . CITY 0 MONTICELLO PETITION OR ANNEXATION To the Council of the City of Monti ;eIlo, Wright County, Minnesota: . I, the undersigned, the owner of the rritoty described below, hereby request the City Council of Monticello, Mi esola, to annex this territoty to the city and to extend the city boundaries to inclu e the same, and for that purpose respectfully state: I. The territoty to be annexed co sists of ~.?~ acres. All of this land lies entirely within the County fWright, Minnesota, and the description of such land is as follows: See Exhibit A 2. The territoty described above ab ts upon the City limits at the South Boundary thereof, and none of it is presently included within the COrporate limits of any incorpora ed city. 3. All of this territoty is or is about 0 become urban or suburban in character. <6'- 7- 0 ) Date /- / //L /I i.--~ ~-:9 J---7- (?( Date . 11 ~ ~ ~ '\ -j ;\ il \\ " i " :! A.llS'!ll.lC'.r or 'tIT'!.; to the following dllacrlbed rUl. propert1 in lll1!GR! comm. )tI)lDIl'SO'ti. '\ :Borth 'fwent;J aCre' of Lot "A" of Weat HaJ.!'.o! t~- :Bo!'i.b- @. .sat Quarter of Saet;.,(!n N"net"l1~ 'lml11t1b.1p One ~ed'Twel'lty One end ~ 'fwe'llty l'O'tLt;f 8iia~" Sou.th Twenty Acree, of the Northeast" Q;o.e.1"tar of Southeaet QU8.'rter of :Ie,ot1on ~'.;'~~. TownJ!h1p One liIln4?e4 Twenty One alld apet" ~enty :rive. billinlr; the salD6 land de8cribed &8 the 50l).th JlaH of Lot Twillll.tv 'two of .k141tllr'e Sub- Dlvi~ion 10. One in aRid Section; South~~8t ~arter of Southellet Q,uaf'te1". eXCept the South 1011%' Bundred S.venty liit;ht and on. 6J balf feet of tha West Tour ~ed Ninety Fivll feet in Section !nin",en. 'ro".,ah1p One :Ga1ulred Twenty One IUl4 }U:u1ge 'f>,<enty 1'1ve; , $Dd lIIortheaat ~teX' of lIortheaet ~t.r except the :North 'Qur~ Hundred 'rWelve and One balf feet of the Wellt FoogX' J!undred IHnetl1' J'1,'1e feet in Seotion ~entlli'our. Townllh1p One B.und1'ed '.I!wen1:y One and. Renge To./en ty J't ve . - ....**....'If!........... -11 ,:.'\ -" , 1i II I.. F l!1 ~ ! \\ \ ~ ,: ; " '1! ~ i , I : ' , , d I' 1\ ~ : . . 91:h day of J\Ule. 1987 at 8 A. K. 1)at*S at BUfUlC>. ~. tbi8 CAMPBELL ABS'J.'KACI 00. ~ q~~~ture ,- I, l' \;'- i- r_ I . . " " !fr!irs ........0",.. ~"~ Trt\...~TtON ..._011_ .._SOT.""'O ntLli 1QOCIA'rOO ,., . (; -, ..- RI_ ...-.... ........... \~n7 '7 -~n . . . MAR 2S'98 04: 06PM CI1Y OF f'1Of'frI Owner's Nam~; James Schultz P.2/Z F MONTIC!RT.J.() FOR ANNExATION Address: Phone: To the Council of the City of Monti 0, Wright County, Minnesota: 1, the undersigned, the owner -of the. territory desa:ibed below7 hereby request the City Council of Monticello, Minneso to a:onex this territory to the city and to extend the aty boundaries to incl. the same, and for that purpose respectfully state: 1. The territory to be annexed c nsists of 39. 77 acres. AIl of this land lies entirely within the county of right, Minnesota, and the description of s:ucb. land is as follows: See attached surve with Parcel A.& B descriptions. west boundary of 2. The territoxy described above buts upon the city limits at the / Rolling Woods boundary thereof, and none 0 it is presently included within the corporate limits of any incorporated d - 3. All of this territory is or is 1/'---9-d/ Date y- / - 0 / Date ANNEX.PET: 1211CW7 t to become urban or suburban in character_ -----. 1/ ~ .... --1--- \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I STREET 1 \I) C...j ~~ o .....~ -..... --J -.1 r, - It \ \ \ I I ~ 6 J ~ I ~---~- "- "- " I ~.HYD DEER 2 J ~ 4 0; ""- ~---- ""- 5 ..,---- ~ ~ 3:: ~ . -t:"---y---- ~~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ l- tI1 tI)~ -r----- ) / 3 (~l - ~...-" -........ -.. CERT/F/CA TE OF SURVEY FOR JAMES SCHUL TZ GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET ~ o 100 200 I JOO . . PARCEL A: The west 300.00 feet of the North 255.84 feet of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. DENOTES: . I RON I.K)NWENT FOUND o IRON u:JNLNENT SET &- CAPPED RLS 15233 ~"': C) I:: PARCEL 8:' The sout~ast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota except the ~st 300.00 feet of the North 256.84 feet of said Sautheasi Quarter of the Northeast Quarter: - Cj r, '........ '3..- - ~J <: ('\I 1/ . . Council Agenda - 9/1 % I 10. >":')''':':,'',;,,~;,':'~~(* :~,~\j$,:':,,~:,~:\ ~;:(::};':2:~/ "'~'?~;';/?,~l:':~:.~~;:::""~~:j{:;,:i :!~' i:.t.,' ,:,:','..)i:,:;J".,:'~::: :~< .:.::;'::<;..l'-;' ~,'.j.,: ,." A. r' ';' ~ " :' ~;, ;:'~.'.:;"",. B. .::;t"~;'f;s~r'0~~~t'~t~11~t:~,Rl1;~~1'i,,;1~''"';'f'7i2''~~1":,~>,:,j'""t""".-r,.,'."':;l-"Y!"ri,e,;-,? L!~\!~;;,i;f~~K~7i:,;wl~~~;';,~,~~Sl},~qa, t9f,~~pl~!'S;011sider~ti?I1,8, ,~equests for annexatioI1 pend,~~g...d7.X:J~~RTe~b;;~f~~~i~~p" . ,,,m".""""'i.,., ......, ........;.....~~w:~TfaclIltle~"necessary to. sup ort development. . '.'~~~~(~~~~~{~,~1t;i!#rjj;Y.~$.A.~~~l'l~")""<,,~,,ti..,;,:.:,."i;;,"I4i'\\(',: 'ff'.. ~Tresuming that the City Counci supports development of utilities toserv~,the.area, staff .. .'. ".' " .\viiI be in contact with the deveI pers working toward establishment of a plan 'forfinancing -;2qf(~.r!;:,q~~S~~tflerfor~@l'rtWli~:'"'bjmpl~Hori"oft 'e'annexation process'for dl~h' iI1diVidu~ttequ~s{w6iit(tbe"': . " ';,i"i,!;~<,:,;;ii:t?l\:Jj;;/':',::c:(>nsidered at such time that the: ity Council decides to move forward with development "')~;~~~~~*~8~,~~~~~~~I;.~~p~c~tY~4~t ~uc ..,..timethat ~ppropriateaI11eIl~I!;\~,e~j\~tq~~~PI~h~,Q~~~,~)~!f"i ..:..'.:'......; "" .",;;,/;'p.lan ?r~..m. ad..e supportmg resIde. tIal devel~pment goals of th.e c,l,t!...I.....t. "~~..."...~.....'.x.:\,.....,.e~...,.,.c.:. ,.~,e.,...,.d.>,.. ~h.....,a...,....~.' ~.t.,.,...,......'....:.......~....,. 'rn'.,t . . take al:>out 30 days to complete the samtary sewer study.'1h"}~'iO:,\:!j::"r-?,:r.':::', .-,:':' 'I ,,:,;,~:,\~, ;,. '. ',' I" " , . .I~::".: " .\" "",, " '! ~ '-:~',i':;' :,:'," :'r~" >:~+, .,;.;:.. 'I,~:~.,~) ~~, ~,' :.;.,.1. .'"\~,, ".. _,,_," ,I', "'c': .... ". . ..... ...... "., .' .1 . ' ",<,;,1:'",',.,.:;,' .......' ;'/;':;:1:~~:,:'1\~g#r;"I*~f~;t';f~O~911}9\,flcsept petitionsand a thorize public hearing on ann,ex,:~t~q~P~:~~F~~n~(;~~t.,i~?:~';: City Council could select this al ernative if it believes that having immediate. access to sariitary sewer capacity is not a rerequisite to supporting annexatiorI. Statf recommends that consideration of his item should be tabled as noted under alternative I with the expectation that annexation will be c nsidered once the city has a good ideaof cost and . distribution of cost associated with the e tension of the force main. Also, during this period when' sanitary sewer capacity is being address d, comprehensive plan amendments and zoning district standards could be established that will reserve this area for step-up housing. We should also make a strong effort toward updating th city park and trail plan for this area. It will be interesting . to see if the demand for annexation/devlopment of these parcels remains strong once stricter b..."., 0"' development standards are established. It is possible that interest in annexation/development could diminish with the added sewer cost and higher development standards. If this occurs the area will remain undeveloped until the arket for "step-up" housing matures. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of Petitions for Annexatio ')~~~_~~..~~j~~~~~;,..!~2.f~~~:~~~',:~i~4~;~~~~:~~~: 'Il n I II ,--- \'----;, -~- I tJ (,--J '--l I ~ fl fr !f if ~~ If rf - - 01 ~r- ~ C :I Cl. III CD -:I lI< CDCl. III Cl.)o == cr... 0 '<CD :I 011I " CD III CD ~tD == 05- g. "ClCQ :I CD "'II iil = CD Cl. ,2:) -----;r / ",/ ~- .- ! J . . . City COllnc i I Agenda - 12/1 % I 1'2.. Discussion - Review and commen consider authorization to _ resent t (JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGRO ND Staff will be providing a short pres ntation on the attached land use guide plan at the meeting on Monday. The presenta ion will describe how the plan incorporates City Council comments made on Septellber 18,2001 at the recent planning workshop. [t will also outline where the plan is consii tent or varics from the current guide plan and the MOAA plan. At the end of the pre' entation Council will be asked to discuss it further and consider authorizing stafT to m I et with the County Planner/Township represcntative for further input. Once this input i.' obtained staff will present another revision to the Planning COlllmission on January ~lh at which time Planning Commission will be asked to call f()r a public hearing on adop ion ofthc plan which would occur in February. Please note that the Planning Comn ission reviewed the guide plan on 12/3 and supports the document in its current fcml1. AL'fERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion authorizing City staf,'to present land usc plan to County Planner Tom Salkowski and obtain input t om Township representatives as determined by Salkowski. 2. Motion to table or deny requ sted authorization. ST ArF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City CouHil make suggestions f()f' improvements to the guide plan, then authorize staiTto meet wit 1 the County Planner for further input. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of draft guide plan Minutes irom Special Planning Workshop held September 18,2001. , . .e , Prescnt: MINUTES PJ nning Workshop Septen ber ] 8, 2001 - 7:00 PM Bruce Theilen, Roger C31lson, Clint I-IerbsL Rick WolfsteJJcL Brian Stumpf Mayor Roger Belsaas, Jeff O'Neill. Steve Grittman, OJJie Koropchak. Robbie Smith, Richard Carlson, lanning Commission Chair Dick Frie, Roy PopileL Rod Dragsten, Representative from Gold Nugget, Horst Graser and Shawn Weinand Acting Chair Clint Herbst caJJed the meeing to order at 7:05 PM. Deputy City Administrator O'Neill pro vi ed a brief recap of the purpose of the workshop regarding Gold Nugget land use as weJJ a the scope of the Comprehensive Plan update study. Steve Grittman, City Planner, provided a rief description of the previous proposal by Gold Nugget from the Fall/Winter of 1998 whi h was primarily single family residential, noting that the City's comprehensive plan states the rimary use as residential. Grittman also noted that the southwest corner of the proposed project 'howed commercial use, and that is were the project ended when the Planning Commission ap roved the preliminary plat Grittman advised them on the status of approval/processing, as well s listing land use alternatives. Dick Frie asked the City Council if they w re unanimous in favoring annexation of the entire Gold Nugget parcel. The Council noted that in time they would like to see the entire 220 acres annexed, but not all at once, and that it ma ' depend on what is proposed by the developer. They discussed again various options including xtending Cedar Street installing a lighted pathway system, as well as a possible mixed use of ight industrial with residential. Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director, stated th t the City's approximate available acreage for industrial land is 100 acres, and advised th t this includes two large lots with several smaller lots. I o 'Neill also advised of the Chadwick 180 ere industrial parcel available which already includes utilities, etc. Mayor Belsaas stated that sta repeatedly gets requests for land and the City does not have any to offer at this time. These pe pIe often do not \,vant to deal with private developers but would rather deal directly with City sta ,f. There was discussion that perhaps residenti I along Highway 25 would not be appropriate, and also if it would be appropriate to mix indust'ial with residential. Grittman added that VI'ith some creative planning there could be a softened ~ ansition between industrial and residential. It was noted that there are different types of indust! ial as well and that light industrial may even be a better buffer between the residential and Hid1way 25. O'Neill questioned the layout of the Gold N gget property in that it is not completely 11at so how would it be arranged for mixed use to n ake the most use of this land and would it be large enough for a residential neighborhood with nough buffer for industrial/commercial. Grittman advised that it is doable if a greenway corrid r was retained as a break point be1\veen the two land uses. He noted that a 70 acre area for in ustrial uses would be created if a frontage road along Hwy 25 was used as a corridor for ind strial development. It was the Consensus that a 70 \'-\ . . . acre area for industrial land use was app 'opriate. 11 was the consensus that al1 \vere in Slip ort of the land use as a mix of residential and light industrial. Also noted \vas that MnDOT may not be in favor of entrances to Higl1\vay 25 nor \\lould the City want entrances off 851h S reel. Grittman also suggested the possibility of bringing back a business campus, making sure the area becoming the buffer would be a nice buffer. Shawn Weinand stated that of the I 00 an s he owns, there are only 2 acres of industrial with the remaining land being a business campus. Weinand felt the City may want a different zoning where they would have more choices. It was noted that the developers of Gold and that hopeful1y that V\iould be the case ugget have previously worked very well with the City nce agam. Horst Graser, Gold Nugget questioned a out the infrastructure to work with regarding industrial and commercial, noting that he doubted tl ey would be al10wed access to Highway 25 for residential use. Also are there road limita ions on the rest of the area. O'Neill stated utilities would have to be instal1ed depending on \ hat type of zoning. probably upgrades if the use was for larger industrial, but also noted that th I City shouldn't let these utility limitations dictate land use. Koropchak also advised that the IDC has 11 t made any formal recommendation but are encouraging City Council and Planning C mmission to make Sure industrial land is available. It was advised that the Northwest corridor s another area available for industrial land \\lith fi-eeway accessibility, it is contiguous to th City, and utilities would come over time. Regarding the comprehensive plan tUdy, Grittman advised that it would need to be amended regarding the Gold Nugge. area. Regarding the Southeast Monticello Extraterritorial Area, it was noted tl at many areas around the City are under development pressure. The East and Southeast aJ1 as of the City have really used up the utilities and gro\\l1h would go to the West or So I h of existing City limits. The City has now received a lot of interest in this area. Mayor elsaas stated several concerns with some staJ1er housing mixing in with higher end I' cently. Also added that the area near the Monte Club seemed to be a good Spot for higher-end housing. It was stated that the City Council had recently authorized a fe sibility study in this area. Consensus is to hold any action on amending the comp plan fI r now until the feasibility study is completed . It was the consensus of the members to set new standards regarding residential districts prior to the first of the year. . Regarding Commercia] Land Use PIa 111ing and the Chadyvick 1-94 fi'ontage area, Grittman noted that this area is guide for industrial and there was discussion previously on moving it to commercial. The OWl er stated no retail, but office/light industrial would be a more positive zoning, visibility ould be a positive. The consensus was to leave it as it is for 11m\'. 2 \ L\ , I I Regarding the County] 8/1-94 Int rchange Area it was advised that the City is participating with MnDOT in ere ting a full interchange in this area, Current comp plan calls for industrial with a small a aunt of commercial in that area, It was asked if this converts to a full interchange would the City want to include consideration of an expanded commercial land use de ignation as opposed to industrial. Mayor Belsaas stated he felt it would be more att active to commercial; Grittman stated access to the f]-eeway would be beneficial to in ustrial and the traffic pattern brings so many people by there, They support looking at co lmercial versus industrial. . Other Potential Changes ~ The Pa men property is in conDict \\,ith the City and MOAA land use plans if it is proposed as esidentiallindustrial; may need to look at buffers near the golf course if this were to ace r. It was advised to look at the land near Osowski's in more detail as well. Interchange Location Options - 18 and 194, as well as the Orchard Road area. Regarding the idea of an interchange at Co R 39, it was noted that it doesn't meet the rural spacing guidelines according to MnDOT. t was asked if there was any interest in actively pursuing that as an interchange 10 ation. The consensus was to see what evolves with the area near Osowski's at Orchar Road. ! Also discussed was collector/arter'al road network to support local traffic as freeway traffic is looked at. It was the con ensus that there is a need to get 71h Street to the East and West through soon. . Utility Service Area ~ Grittman sta: cd they would request the City Engineer to develop a utility service map rather than hav ng to do a study each time a developer approaches the City. ! · Optional Approaches to Boundary'Adjustment Process · Statutory Annexation · Orderly Annexation Agree lent Options. It was the consensus to work with the township, and to identify I rger areas outside of the City that should remain rural in anticipation of future ur an development. Grittman concluded with stating it is staff's expectation to get something put together so it would be available for the next development sea' n and stated he would like to get something back to City Council and Planning Commission b 1 February that they could adopt. Would probably need a few more meetings to complete it. Chair Frie question where the Council and Staff stood regarding annexation at this time and the Mayor stated there are only two parcels, G 'oveland and Remmele, being considered at this time, the others are on hold. Brian Stumpf added that the Fire Depm1m nt is discussing the possibility of a new fire station south of town and would ask that the City'eep that in mind when considering land use, He 3 \ \.\ stated that growth is continuing in that d recti on and there are good arterial roads that would give . them access through the City. Grittman dvised they could include this area in their study. Robbie Smith brought up the school dist 'ict crisis with low enrollment and feels that the City as the governing body should be in tune to his. and the need to keep working with the school district. O'Neill advised that they woul include them in the camp plan discussions as well. Grittman stated that a standard format fo' the comp plan update will be available at the next City Council and Planning Commission meet ngs. The meeting was adjourned at 9 PM. Recorder . . 4 I L\ J..._ o ~ 1; ~ l f ft -JI ~t ~ ~ ~~ ~ \) ''-I! ~.... I,." ~.';1'.\,,\,',.' I ::~~ ~ .~: .' '1 ,..,;; F~ - - = ~ , ' ' .~. 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