City Council Agenda Packet 11-12-2001 . AGENO REGULAR MEI~~TING - MONT Cl~LLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, November 1 ,2001 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger Bclsaas Council Members: Clint I-Ierbst. Brian Stumpf, Roge Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance :ouncillneeting. I I l. c,,;-! 5+-- ~ 0 r<-I~ ') c (+11,..1 l U 2. ^pprove minutes of October 22, 200 I regular Consideration of adding items to the agenda. ^- Afl^ht )-+02-41 t. -- ~. ~-6 B. C. .., .J. 4. Citizens cOlnments/petitions, requests, and c0l1plaints. 5. Consent agenda. ^- . B. ~~ V c. ~ D. \\.~~ \j-J (f) i\) ~~ "- @ . 6. Consideration of ratifying new hires t( r Monticello Community Center. Consideration of a resolution extendin J the term of the cable franchise held by CC VIII Operating Company, LLC dba CI arter Communications. Consideration of tinal plat approval 1'0.' Elm Street Townhomes Crossing 2m' Addition. Consideration of a request for a prelin inary plat and development stage planned unit develoPlnent. Applicant: Quality Site Design, [,LC - Scott Dahlke. E. Consideration of a request for an amel dment to the zoning ordinance that would exempt governmental agencies from the prohi ition against barbed wire fencing or other provisions of the fence ordinance to plOtect public safety. Applicant: City of Monticello ReaHirmation of plan layout for CS^I 75 Improvelnent (Washington Street to Otter Creek) rellecting results of additional ..tudy of Linn Street and Paln1 Street access. C., J. Consideration of Change Order No.3 to Project No. 99-01 C, Kjellberg Sanitary Sewer Extension. Consideration of conditional use pem it to allow for automotive sales in B-3 district - Gould Brothers. Consideration of items removed ii'om the COt sent agenda f<Jr discussion. 7. Public [Iearing and consideration of adoption of proposed asseSSlnent roll fnr delinquent accounts recei vables and certincation of assessment ro I to County ^uditor. Agenda Monticello City Council November 13.2001 Page 2 . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. . . Consideration of continued plowing of Meado Oaks Park commuter parking lot and clarification in Snow Plowing and Snow Removal Policy. Consideration of J'd quarter financial report fo Monticello Community Center. Consideration of establishing comparison pric of City sale of Vine and?h Street right-of-way. Approve payment of bills for Novemher. Adjourn A\rV\~i ~~Q., . . . MIN JTES REGULAR MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday,Octobe 22,2001 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger l3elsaas, Roger -:arlson, Clint Ilcrbst, Brian StumpJ~ Bruce Thielen Members Absent: None J. Call to Order. Mayor 13elsaas called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. A rove minutes of October 8 2001 re ul r Council meetin . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE HE MINUTES OF TilE OCTOBER 8, 2001 REGULAR COUNCIL MEI~TING. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a Bruce Thiclen asked that the resignation of tl e Park Superintendent be added to the agenda. Clint Ilcrbst requested a discussion of the minutes repared by WSB of the CSAH 75 meeting be added and Roger l3elsaas added the re-sched led MOAA meeting and a sUlllmary of the meeting on City public safety and security procedures 4. Citizen comments/ None. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of final plat and develo ment agreement for Montissippi Trail Townhomes (Harstad Holdings). Recommendati n: Approve final plat and development agreement for the Montissippi Trail Townhomes residential development contingent on final stage PUO approval granted by City stafT w ich includes development agreement, engineering plans, building plans, landscaping and restrictive covenants. Res. No. 2001-67. B. Consideration of acceptance of impro ements - River Forest 2nd Addition Project No. 99-08P. Recommendati n: Move to accept the street and utility work fiJr River Forest 2nd Addition Project No. 9-08P contingent upon receipt of two year maintenance bond, submittal ofrecor drawings and receipt of funds to pay for construction of the pathway segment ithin Outlot B as a pmi of the River Mill 6th Addition Project. L . . . Council Minutes - 10/22/01 c. Consideration of ratifying union contr ct. Recommendation: Move to ratify the current contract extension as outlined undcr Iternativc #2 and make the benefits retroactive to April 1,200 I. D. Consideration of concept stage PUD f r a townhouse project. Applicant: Front Porch Associates. Recommendation: Mov to approve the PUD concept stage plan subject to compliance with thc requiremcnts of t e October 2, 200 I Planning Commission report. E. Consideration of setting a budget wor shop meeting date. Recommendation: Set November 13,200] at 5:30 p.m. as th date f(.H" the next budget workshop meeting. Clint Herbst suggested considering item 5D ith agenda item #7. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE 'IIIE CONSENT AGENDA WITH ITEM #50 INCLUDED WITII AGENDA ITEM #7. 11 UC\.: THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the c msent a Jenda for discussion. None. 7. Public Hearin J on vacation of Vine and 7th Street 13rian Stumpf noted that at a previous meetin the Council had been against the vacation of the street right of way and he wanted to know wh it had changed since that time for the Council to consider it now. Jeff O'Neill stated that the Panning Commission had reviewed a sketch plan and had made recommendations. Prior to the neeting a revised sketch plan incorporating some of the recommendations of the Planning Com 1ission was submitted It was also stated that at the public hearing conducted by the Planning :ommission none of the residents expressed opposition to the project or the proposed dens ties. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the revised sketch outlining where the right of way was propose to be vacated. It was noted that the revised sketch showed a road coming through from 6th Street to access the Ruff Auto site. Roger Belsaas asked where Th Street would ti in to the property. Jeff O'Neill indicated it would tie in well south of the property. 'I'he propose 6 12 Street as shown in the sketch would eventually, as the Ruff Auto property develop, connect to Elm Street. The revised skctch showed a pri vate dri ve running up the middle l' the development. Clint Herbst questioned why that was included. Mike Cyr, the developer il cheated that the private drive allowed for an attractive front yard and would also handle ov~rflow parking. Clint Ilerbst also asked about screening from the Ruff Auto site. Mike Cyr ndicated that there would be a solid fence with some plantings in front of the fence. 2 )., . . . Council Minutes - 10/22/01 Dick Frie, Planning Conlll1ission Chair stated that the Planning Commission had recommended approval of the concept but what had come Ol t that night in the public hearing was the residents concern about traffic and safety. There were t lI'ee items that they felt would alleviate some of the concerns: 1) The eventual extension of 7th Street to County Road 39; 2) A four way stop sign on 6th and Minnesota Streets; and 3) Increase sheriff's patrol in the area. The concern was not only the amount of traffic in the area but also he speed of traffic. Much of the traffic in this area is coming offTH 25 and going to County Ro;: d 39. Brian Stumpf pointed out that most residents feel traffic and speeding arc a problem. TheounciI directed that the City Engineer look at this intersection to see if placement or a stop sign as warranted. Roger Belsaas stated that the City is looking at the Jill Street extension as sometl ing that needs to be done in the near future. Mayor Bclsaas then opened the public hearin on the proposed vacation of Vine Street and JIll Street. Randy Ruff spoke regarding an easem nt with the fence line and asked that the City verify the information about the easement. 1 e also asked how this PUD would impact Ruff Auto. It was suggested that a survey may ne d to be done in this area to properly ascertain the location of the property lines. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing. CLINT IIERBST MOVED TO APPROVE T IE V ACA TION OF VINE STREET SOUTH OF 6111 STREET AND APPROVE THI': V ACA T ON OF 7T11 STREET WEST OF MINNESOTA STREET CONTINGENT ON SUCCESSFU COMPLETION OF DEVELOPMENT AND rINAL STAGE PUD/SUBDIV[S[ON PROC,SS [NCLUDING TI [E EST ABLlS[ [MEN'r OF AN EAST/WEST ROADWAY REPLAC[NC THE VACATED 7T11 STREET AND WlTH T[ [E TERMS OF EXCHANGE AND SALE OF R GHT OF WAY TO BE DETERMINED. BRUCE TI--IIELEN SECONDED THE MOT[ON. M T[ON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Res. No. 2001-75 ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROV : 'f"HE PUD CONCEPT STAGE PLAN SUBJECT TO APPLICANT COMPI. Y[NG W[TH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT OF OCTOBER 2, 00 I. BRUCE TIIIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOT[ON CARRIED UNAN[MC USL Y. 8. accou ts and consideration of certif in Mayor I3elsaas asked about some of the large amounts on the delinquent accounts. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that the parties with am unts exceeding $500 will be notified that service will be cut off. There was some discussion 0 the number of accounts that were delinquent and whether there were steps the City could take u reduce the amount of delinquent accounts. Mayor Helsaas opened the public hearing. N one spoke for or against the proposed assessment. Mayor Belsaas then closed the public hearing BR[AN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT TH. ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE DELINQUEN'r CHARGES AS PRESENTE, . ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE ,>' _J 2-. . . . Council Minutes - 10/22/01 MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMO JSLY. Res. No. 2001-66. 9. Public HeHrin on vHcHtion of utilit easem nts for Monticello TrHvel Center Mielke Development) City Engineer, Bret Weiss. stated that their firn had requested information from Mr. Mielke's attorney regarding the easements to be vacate but had not received the information until Mr. Mielke brought it this evening. He suggested that the City conduct the puhlic hearing and make any motion suhject to the City Engineer's rev'ew oi'the casement information submitted by Mr. Mielke. Mayor Belsaas opened the puhlic hearing. D n Mielke spoke expressing his rrustration with the delay in getting this done. He questioned the need to submit to the engineer a drawing or the easements to be vacated. Bret Weiss indicat d that the drawing is part of the easement records and makes it tl1uch easier f(H anyone to deten ine what area was actually vacated. Rick W 01 rsteller added that the City did not want t vacate these casements until there was a plat showing replaeetl1ent easements. Mayor B Isaas closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE'I HE VACATION OF THE EASEMENTS AS DESCRIBED CONTINGENT UPON REVIEW BY THE CITY ENGINEER. CLINT IIERBST SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CA RIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Res. No. 2001-68-74. 1 n. d consideration of aWHrd of contract. City Administrator. Rick Wolfsteller. review d the results of the bid opening with the Council. It is anticipated that the work on the liquor st re expansion will begin this fall and be completed some titl1e next spring. The Council question d how the expansion would tic in with Towne Centre construction. Rick Wolfsteller indicat d that it would be similar in some respects and would complement the Towne Centre structu e. A representative of the low bidder, Greystone Construction was present at the meeting. It as noted that Greystone has been the contractor j()r work done at the Sunny Fresh hleility and ha done liquor store construction in r.:Jk River and the metro area. Rick Wolfsteller also provided he Council with a list of estimated costs for additional items not covered in this contract. BRUCE THIEl ,EN MOVED TO A WARD TI IE BID FOR THE LIQUOR STORE EXPANSION TO GREYSTONE CONSTR CTION COMPANY IN THE AMOUNT Of $443,281.00. CLINT HERBST SECONDE THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSI,Y. 11. Review of new olicies Hnd rules for River ide Cemetc and consideration of ado tion of same. Jo Ilavel, Chair of the Riverside Cemetery C mmittee spoke to the Council regarding the rules and regulations that the Cemetery Committe had prepared. She believed that the Committee L Council Minutes - 10/22/01 . arrived at a good set of regulations and urged he Council's adoption of the same. Mayor Belsaas statcd that with the adoption of the rules and regulations, the basic work of thc committee was completed and it would be thercsponsibility of the Parks Commission to periodically review these documents and recollmend any changes and revisions would rcquire council approval. It was also noted that a met orial fund plan as proposed by the Cemetcry Committce was being implemented. Jo Have stated that representatives of the Cemetery Committee may being coming before the Cou leil onc more time to prescnt a long term plan for the cemetcry. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT THE RIVERSIDE CEMETI.]{ Y RULES AND REGULATIONS AS PRESENTED, TO APP OVE THE MEMORIAL FUND PLAN AND TI-IE FIRST AREA SET ASIDE fOR MEM RIAL TREE PLANTING. TO APPROVE THE NEW RATE FOR MONUMENT STAKIN(i ND fOR TRANSFER Of OWNERSI liP OF DEED, AND TO I IA VE THE NEW RULES ND REGULATIONS TAKE EffECT NOVEMBER I, 200L AND SEND TilE DO -~UMENT TO ALL FUNERAL DIRECTORS IN THE AREA, AND TO BE PRESENTED FR:E OF CIIARGE TO ALL NEW CEMETERY UJr OWNERS AND FAMILIES OF FUTU E INDIVIDUALS BURIED AT RIVERSIDE CEME'TERY. ROGER CARLSON SECON ED THE MOlION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. . John Simola, Public Works Director, explain d the adoption of the Rivcrside Cemctcry Rules and Regulations should be referenced in the City's ordinance and had prepared an ordinance amendmcnt covering the same. CLINT llERBST MOVED TO APPROVE 0 DINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 367 WHICH REFERENCES THE ADOPTION OF THE IVERSIDE CEMETERY RULES AND REGULATIONS. BRIAN STUMPF SECO DED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The Council thanked thc Cemetery Committc' for their work on this project. 12. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO REQUEST TIAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION AT THEIR NEXT REGULAR MEETING ON N )VEMBER 7, 2001 IrOLD A PUBLIC IIEARINO TO CONSIDER AMENDING TIlE ZONIN ORDINANCE, CIIAPTER 3, SECTION 2.F.9. TO ALLOW BARBED WIRE fENCING Fe R GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, UTILITY SITES AND EQUIPMENT STORAGE SIT -S. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THI: MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM USLY. . 2- . . . Council Minutes - 10/22/01 Added items: Resignation (dPark Superintendent - Bruce Thielen rmally acknowledge the resignation of Ci-regg Engle from the position of Park Superintendent. H wanted to ensure that the Council be involved in the selection of the replacement and indicated that he would like to be on thc interview proccss. John Simola stated that the job description is being review d. Any revisions to the job dcscription would be submitted to the Parks Commission and Personncl C\ mmittee and ultimately to the Council. It is hope to have someone in place by December. Minutes suhnzitted h.y WSB on ('SAfI 75 meeting. CI nt Ilcrbst questioned the contents of the minutes and why certain items were struck from the minutes. It was noted that both Wayne Fingalson, Wright County Ilighway Dcpartmcnt and Public Works Dire tor, John Simola had raiscd the same question to Ron Bray of WSB. Jeff O'Neill rcspondcd that he ha: told Ron 8ray that he didn't fccl the City should compromise the City's comprehensive plan by makin) that decision without looking at the comprchcnsive plan. I':vcn given that, Clint Herbst idn't feel that portion should have been deleted from the minutes. Re-schedu/ed AfOAA Ineeting_ Mayor Bclsaas remin ed the Council that a closed session of the MOAA was meeting November 7. 2001 at 7:30 p.m. and dire'ted that since there may be a quorum of the City Council present at the 111eeting that public notice be g ven. Aleeting on Puh/ic ,')'afi:t), and Security Mayor Belsa s reported on a meeting with city staff Wright County SherifCs Department and the Monticello Fire Department to discuss and review public safety concerns in light of the recent terrorist activities. Th group reviewed security measures presently in place for various facilities and took appropriate steps 0 increase security in areas where they felt additional security was needed. 1-9.:/ ('lose down. John Simola indicatcd that 1-94 tm lic would be dctoured on October 22,2001 after 11 p.m. to allow for setting of the beams along the br dge. 13, Approve payment of bills for October, ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROV P A YMF~NT OF BILLS FOR OCTOBER. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTI( N. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 14, Adiourn CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADJOURN A 8:15 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MO'rION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMC USLY. Recording Secretary 6 d. . . . SA. Consideration of a Council Agenda - 11/13/01 new hires an artures for the communit center. (RW) A. REFERI(NCr,~ AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of n w employees that have occurred recently at the the community center. As you recall, it is r commended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time el ployees for the community center as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new part-time employees. . Name Cyr, Nicole Medlock, Andrew Glomski, John . Name Baltos, Nick Dean,Zak Cooper, Alonzo Schwarzkopf, Karl . employee councillist.xls: 10/2 NEW EMPL Title Department Guest Svc Lifeguard Hire Date 10/8/01 10/15/01 Class PT PT Planner Tech City Hall 1 0/8/01 FT TERMINATING EI\, PLOYEES Reason Department Last Day Class voluntary MCC 10/14/01 PT vOluntary MCC 9/23/01 PT voluntary Liq Store 10/4/01 FT voluntary MCC 10/7/01 PT 2/2001 58 --......-...--- -- -.- .- . Name . Name LinkITrevor Mack/Royce Nolan/Chris Popilek/Casey Smith/Erran Guptil/Skeeter Bleichner/Michael . employee councillist.xls: 10/1 NEW EMPLd YEES Title Department Hire Date Class TERMINATING EM PLOYEES Reason Department Last Day Class end of season Pc rks 8/13/01 temp end of season St eets 8/10/01 temp end of season St eets 8/10/01 temp end of season W :Iter 8/29/01 temp voluntary M C 6/2/01 PT voluntary Ml C 8/21/01 PT voluntary Me C 9/18/01 PT 1/2001 -- -...-... -".. ----- SA . . . 58. City Council Agenda - 11/13/01 he term of the cahle franchise held b CC rter Communications. (R W) A. REFERENCI'~ AND BACKGROUND: The City of Monticello is one of ten cities hat formed the Sherburne-Wright County Cable Commission that oversees the opera ion and franchising of cable service in Monticello. Thc Cable Commission had r franchise agreement with the current owner of the system, Charter Communications, that s set to expire December 31, 200 I. In order to allow additional time for completing ne otiations on the terms of renewal of the franchise agreement, each of the ten cities in our group is asked to adopt the attached resolution that agrees to extend the term of the franchise agreement for an additional year until December 31,2002. All prcsent tcrm and conditions ofthc franchisc agreement will continue for an additional year, or unti a new franchise has been negotiated. 8. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. D. I. Adopt the resolution extending the erm of the cablc franchise agreemcnt with Charter Communications until Dec mber 31,2002. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthc City Admil istrator and the Cable Administrator that each of the ten cities adopt the rcsolution as pro ided. SUPPORTING DATA: l,etter Rcsolution November I, 200 I Rick W olfstellar City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite I Monticello, Minnesota 55362-8831 Re: Resolution Extending Cable Franchise Dear Rick: Enclosed is the original and one co y of a Resolution Extending the Term of the Cable Franchise held by CC VIII elating Company, LLC d/b/a Charter Communications. The Resolution extends the existin franchise to December 31, 2002, to permit final work on the franchise renewal Please adopt this Resolution and return a signed original to this office. Thanks for your help. Feel free to ontact me should you have any questions. Sincerely, Toe/IT Encls. c~ [",I, . .. . CITY OF MO TICELLO Resolution o. A RESOLUTION EXTENDING THE T RM OF THE CABLE FRANCHISE HELD BY CC VIII OPE TING COMPANY, LLC D/B/A CHARTER CO MUNICATIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Monticello (th "Authority") granted a nonexclusive cable television franchise (the "Franchise") to CC III Operating Company, LLC d/b/a Charter Comrimnications ("Charter"); and WHEREAS, Charter has requested renew 1 of the Franchise, and WHEREAS, the Authority and Charter ar currently negotiating the terms of renewal of the Franchise pursuant to the informal renewal p ocess set forth in Section 626(h) of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 9 546(h); and WHEREAS, the Authority desires to exte d the term of the Franchise until December 31, 2002, so that negotiations may continue; and WHEREAS, Charter has consented and ag eed to the terms of this extension. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO that: 1. The term of the Franchise shall e extended until December 31, 2002, unless sooner revoked, cancelled or termi ated. 2. All terms and conditions of the Fr nchise, as may be amended from time to time, shall remain in effect during the te of the extension. 3. This extension shall not constitute a waiver of an rights the Authority or Charter may have under (i) the Franchise, it may be amended from time to time; (ii) the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, as amended by the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competi ion Act of 1992 and the Telecommunications Act of 1996; (iii) Chapter 238 of tl e Mimlesota Statutes, Minn. Stat. 9 238.01, et. seq.; or (iv) any other law or regula ion. 4. Nothing herein shall be interp eted to give Charter additional rights or opportunities to trigger the provisi ns of 47 U.S.c. 9 546(a)-(g), or to require the Sherburne/Wright Counties Cable Communication Commission to conduct or reconduct hearings or other acti ns properly taken in conjunction with any renewal proceedings under the CUff nt Franchise. 5. No claim that either party may lave against the other shall be released or otherwise affected by this extensiOl . C'I/ j I... . .. . PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City of Monti ello this _ day of Accepted by Charter this _ day of ,2001: ,2001. By Title ~\0 City COllncil Agenda - 11/13/01 . 5C. Consideration of Final Plat a roval fo Elm Street Crossin ~ Townhomes 2'1(1 Addition. (JO) REFERENCE AND I3ACKGROUND City Council is asked to consider approva orthe Elm Street Crossing final plat. This is the Mike Cyr, two parcel plat at the inters ction of Elm Street and West Co. Rd. 39. The development stage PU J) and preliminary lat have been approved. The plat has been reviewed by stafT and meets City requiren ents. AI,TERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve final plat for EI Street Crossing Townhomes 2nd Addition. ! Motion to deny approvall()l' final lat for Elm Street Crossing Townhomes 2nd Addition. S'I'AFF RECOMMENDA'l'ION . The City Administrator recommends alten ative 1. SUPPORTINCJ DATA Copy of final plat. . o ".,h/II/I/[, .',(/ILL IN I U I 40 80 120 SCALE: 1 INCH = 40 FEET otNOTES: . IRON MONUMENT rOUND 1/2 INCH BY 14 INCH MONUMENT SET WITH A PLASTIC CAP MARkED RLS 15233 BEARING ORENTA TION: THE SOUTHWEST LINE OF BLOCK 23. MONTICELLO, IS ASSUMED TO HA VE A BEARING OF NORTH 64 DEGREES 09 MMlTES 18 SECONDS WEST. '\ tl} ,~) ,\'" 5~ .-\," ,', " ;.,; Iv ,j <5:' .0 '"' I.J :,. .(, ~ ',' ..':.:.r Q.:' :\. ,~ .'\' \, 'vv ,r~, ',1~" ....~t/4.~,#/ , L,.~ \ "r. '. '-, ;~"...... / / / / / 6' . / . CORNER _ ___ f 0...... / ............ / '. ......, '" '" ....., all,,, I.. ( . ," /f! (' ) . ...... ..::> ............ ",,( ......,,- ,,1.4 ...... , rI, ...... I.J /~~,., ............ "'..1'-....;...... "- .......^ ;,... " (-',., ............ -,,(/1 ) ............ C 15'("" ............ .J '1'1.' ...... '" vG~ ..,. " " ' ...... , 1') I " ;-" "" ;- 'v." , '^'Y()A ,~,4A:" ".. , . , <;'-:-'l?<,- '--r; ~, ,~ .....' ~ I / / / / / / ...... '. ............ f ...... 1...... / ...... / ............ / ............ I ...... ............ I / / // ( \. ~ - IIOsr sou~"t Y COIIN[f/ OF 8l.OCl( 2J 5~ . . . 50. City COllllcil Agenda - 11/13/01 Public Hearin - Consideration of a D velo ment Staue Planned Unit Develo ment and Prelimina." Plat for an ei ht unit townhouse ro' ect in an R-2 Zonin District. Applicant: Scott Dahlke. (NAC/JO) A. RErERENCE AND BACKGRO The Planning Commission conducted t e public hearing and received no negative comments. The applicant received the onditions and indicated support and acceptance of the conditions as listed. he Planning Commission therefore recommended approval of the PUD req cst. Mr. Scott Dahlke is requesting approval 0 a Development Stage Planned Unit Development (PUD) and preliminary plat 0 allow the construction of eight townhomes upon a 1.0 acre parcel of land located sout of West Third Street and west of Elm Street. The proposed dwelling units would be dis ersed within two. four unit structures upon the property. The subject parcel is zoned R-2, Single and Two Family Residential. The project received Concept Stage Plann d Unit Development approval this past Septelnber subject to a number of conditio s. Planned Unit Development Review Consistency with Concept Plan. General y speaking. the Development Stage Plan is consistent with the previously approved C( ncept Plan. There have however. been some minor modifications which respond to the onditions of the Concept Plan approval. Such lnodifications will be addressed below. Plan Submissions. In accordance with or inance requirements. the applicant has sublnitted a landscape plan. grading and dr inage plan, building elevations and preliminary plat. In addition, a revised site plan has been submitted which responds to the conditions of concept plan approval. Landscaping. As a condition of concept p an approvaL it was stipulated that additional plantings should be provided within the int riOT "garage court" area of the site and along the perimeter of the proposed townhome buldings. As shown on the submitted landscape plan, I total of six Canada Red Cherry trees have been proposed within the interior court areal and four such trees have been proposed along Elm Street. Additionally, a mixture or shru s and perennials have been proposed along the perimeter oCthe proposed townhome bu Idings. With these modiJlcations, the proposed landi'cape plan is considered acceptable. . I I PrivMe Driveway. The proposed develo I ment is to be accessed from the south via a private driveway constructed within the est Fourth Street right-of-way. The City Engineer has indicated that the proposed '. ccess is considered acceptable provided a specific license is issued. Trail. The site plan illustrates an eight fo t wide "future trail" south of the private drive. As a condition or Development Stage PU approval, the trail should be constructed in conjunction with the private drive and at t e developer's expense. The trail provides a logical extension/access to the Pinewood ,chool property from the east. StaLl will be checking with Pinewood School making s Ire that a trail connection is desired at this location from 4th Street/Elm Street to the p ayground. Building Elevations. In accordance with rdinance submission requirelllents, bui Iding elevations have been submitted. The town wme buildings arc proposed to be two stories in height with both hip and gable roof elel ents. As shown, the buildings are to be tinished 'n horizontal lap siding (vinyl or steel). To add visual interest. the front elevations incorpo ate briek veneer at the base of the structures. While the front and side elevations are con'idered acceptable from an aesthetic viewpoint. some concern exists regarding tle rear elevations or the buildings and their vast. uninterrupted expanses. To improve the visual appearance of the re I' elevations, the following llloditications are recommended (see Exhibit I for rererence). . I. The optional "clipped gables" are u ilized (to reduce the visual scale). 2. Varying finish materials (i.e. a bric veneer base) similar to those utilized on the front elevation are provided. 3. Window treatlllents similar to those used on the front elevation are provided. 4. The gabled elements or the facade .re articulated (to avoid the appearance or a long. uninterrupted expanse of wall . Sidewalks. As a condition of Concept Plm, PUD approval, it was indicated that sidewalk connections should be provided on the nort and south sides of the eastern townhome building, connecting the interior "garage cO! 11'1" with Elm Street. I In response to this condition, the site plan h s been revised to illustrate a four ll)ot wide sidewalk on the south side of the building. .:onsidering that the intention of the , recommendation was to provide a pedestria route to Elm Street and the necessary mailbox stand. the proposed sidewalk is COl sidered acceptable. . Mailbox. As a condition of Concept Plan a proval, it was stipulated that a mailbox structure (for the eight town home units) should be erected along Elm Street adjacent to a sidewalk. As shown on the site plan, a mail ox stand has been proposed to the southeast of the townhome buildings within the Elm, treet right-of way. 2 . Garbage Service. While each individual, unit will he responsible for storing its trash equipment indoors. garbage pick-up servi'e is to he provided along Elm Street. Tn recognition of such pick~up location, it is i 'ecommended that a hard surface pad (concrete or bituminous) be provided along Elm S111 et of a size suitahle to accommodate eight trash cans. Preliminary Plat Review Lots. To allow the sale of the individual ownhome units. the subject property is to he subdivided in a base lot/unit lot arrangem n1. As shown on the preliminary plat ("Morning (ilory"), the subdivision consi ts of nine lots, one base lot and eight unit lots. Grading, Drainage and Utility Plans. s part of this application, a preliminary drainage and utility plans have been subm'tted. The plans will be suhject to review and comment by the City Engineer. Protective Covenants. It has not been in licated whether any protective covenants are to be applied to the subject property. If covenants are to he utilized, they shall be subject to review by the City Attorney. Park Dedication. The applicant will be l' quired to provide appropriate cash contribution for park and trail dedication. AU park dedication contrihutions shall be consistent with City policy. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS . Decision One - Development Stage PUD The Planning Commission recommends alternative J. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Development Stage PUD subject to the following conditions: a. 'rhe trail south of the site b constructed in conjunction with the private drive and at the developer'" expense. b. "1'0 improve the visual appe ranee of the rear elevations, the fiJllowing modifications arc undertak n: 1) The optional "clipp d gables" are utilized (to reduce the visual scale). 2) Varying finish mate ials (i.e. a brick veneer base) similar to those uti I ized on the front elevation are provided. 3) Window treatments similar to those used on the front elevation are provided. . 3 . I I The gabled clement of the fayade are articulated (to avoid the appearance ofa lon, uninterrupted expanse of wall). I Decorative features !arc provided around the rear patios (i.e. picket fencing) to both defl ne the space and visually enhance the rear fa<;ades of the build, ngs. I I c. The City Engineer provide 'omment and recommendation in regard to the private driveway licensing equiremenl. 4) 5) e. A hard surface pad (concre e or bituminous) be provided along Elm Street of a size suitable to accoml odate eight trash cans. Potential findings supporting this ( ecision would be: · "rhe proposal is consistent ith the Comprehensive Plan. · The proposal is compatible with existing land uses in the area. · The proposal satisfies the p'ovisions of the Zoning Ordinance. · The proposal is consistent . .ith the City's use of Planned Unit I Development with approprilate landscaping and architectural design. 2. Motion to recommend denial ofth Development Stage PUD. i I Potential findings supporting this c~ cision would be: · The proposed land use is nt compatible with the existing single family residential land uses existinr to the north. south and cast of the subject property. . Decision Two - Prelimimtry Phtt The Plannin~ Commission recommends altermttive 1. I. Motion to reconllnend approval of he Preliminary Plat (Morning Glory) subject tOJhe f(Jllowing conditions: a. The City approve the Dcvcl )pmcnt Stage PUD. b. The City Engineer provide omment and recommendation in regard to drainage and utility issues. c. If covenants arc to be utiliz d, they shall be subject to review by the City Attorney. d. The appl icant provide an a~ )ropriate cash contribution for park and trail dedication and the trunk feds consistent with City policy. . 4 2. Motion to recommend denial of tl1 > Preliminary Plat (Morning Glory). . Potential findings supporting this. ecision would be: · The proposed land use is Int compatible with the existing single family residential land uses existil, g to the north, south and cast of the subject property. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The proposed project is generally consistnt with the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and previously ap _ roved Concept Plan Stage PUD. Therefore, stair recomll1cnds approval of thc Develo ment Stage PLJ D and preliminary plat subject to the conditions listed above. D. SUPPORT1NG DATA . Exhibit A - Area Location Map Exhibit B - Prelill1inary Plat Exhibit C - Site Plan Exhibit D - I,andscape Plan Exhibit E - Grading & Drainage Plan [~xhibit I,' - Utility Plan Exhibit G - Building Elevations Exhibit II - F]oor Plans Exhibit I - Proposed Rear Elevation Modif cations . 5 NOU-01~2001 09:47 NRC 612 595 9837 P.02/03 , 1 ~ '\ .-- - .. I. . / ~~--- \, ~;;r1 ~ ~ ':- ~lL' ,.\i~""" ~ "'-" :: . ...... '.. ~ \\/. -..... \ ~.......... 1// U___ ", r._.. .. ~ ___ \ ~~: : 'j.",~~" . t- ~"""""" ~..:',~.. r~"1 It ::... I, ~n""', ~~.- ~'r" ~ A_L' """ ", R 1 .- ....."-1:.;1. _TO ~~ r~"\. '-- ."- I 0 ~I~/"'~~"'''' "';Z: F ::..t "., ~ -:il;;j~ I~ ') "', \ '""""-....... 'i1llt: ~ II\... SSE R......... ......... ~'~::.!" ~~ ~2j- '.(~"-...s: ~ \' '. '~'" ~~.. "'...$.~ ~ 0 /1 .." 'iL . '7r;:, , . ~ .. ..-J....,.. R <....J l. ~ I.: I t.~~ '. ~ ">'2-..... 1~!) OQ~ I ~~~~~~ ~/ilr. ,,~~.:,., ...,.-- - ~M~ . ~ '" iI~l}~ "<~~,........ ~ 7:1 S E ~ I ~ 'J.~. ,~. . ""'Jl,.'~ : (r.{ I "IJIfR: Iii .. . ' ,. Iil~ ~~ '.'..;' j.. ~~ .;;. ~:/l) .~~ wi'~~~~ ~ "\. .. I .., '1 ~"'"' ~~ il<fJ"r.:' I ~ ~ 'rh....-g:, \... ., .:i I · ~~ """" ~ ;:51J../J J:J '-U.LJ 'no.. I . ~'l1:J · . ~,::J",,: u,' r 'J. ~...: ',"~ ~ n ...... '+ ~ r. ---t:---J.!' . "'"'<.:T' I. ~~ fIJ. ~~" . 0 L ~ 'L Y ~~:~:j~ ~~ I~'~ ~~~~. ~~~~""'Cl. I I '" ~ ~ J. ~ ~, "'Iil/(!. 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III Z < LI.I CD ~ UJ LI.I ~ Yi .~ ~ t= CJ ~ ~ . ! j: ~ ~ CD 4( " fa ~ iii:; ...I CJ . ~ ...I j:: ;:) z 9 ~ ~ Z :IIi. !it ~ '- LI.I. ~ ! i ~ ~ C l- I' ~ ~ I NAC m:J Ii Ia tn ...I C i!2 w !C :I w = CD en C .1 ": ~ w Q ~ tY 1&1 a:: > ~ ~ e I g aU A. :::. z () I- -<t > "W ....J' W ~ <{ tit 612 595 9837 P.03/03 i t( u.a ~ uJ In > c ti ~ ~ C (,) 0 ~ f LI.I i ea ;:'I ~ ~ a. C sD E. HIBIT I _ PROPOSED REAR ELEVATION MOD'F,ICAT'ONS . ,~,' TOTAL P.03 . 5E. Puhlic Hearin - Considenltion of a rc City Council Agenda - 11/13/01 REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND At the City Council meeting of 10/22/01, tl e City Council requested that the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing on a request by the Council to allow barbed wire fencing on top of security fences guarding ublie facilities. In ] 998, the City modified its fence ordinal ce to prohibit the use ofbarhed wire on the top of newly installed security 1ences. This was done for aesthetic purposed in commercial districts. The topic canle up in'onjunction with development of Amax Mini Storage. Some of the City facilities do have the barbed wire on top of the fencing. Portions of the Public Works Building are s cured with barbed wire, originally installed by Northern States Power prior to the City p Irchasing the site. Portions of the wastewater treatment plan are secured with arbed wire, as well as Well No.4 out on Dundas Road. . Approximately two years a1ter the above ord nance adoption, the National Guard placed barbed wire on top of their security fencing 1 ear the community center. This was allowed because it was our view that Federal Regulat'ons superceded zoning code and it was a requirement of the CityINational Guard agre Jl1ent governing community center joint use. With the recent events, the city has received 1 umerous e-mails iI'om the American Waterworks Association and the FBI to seeur our utilities and equipment. Therefore, the staff is requesting that the City Council al d Planning Commission take action toward amending the ordinance to allow the use ofb< rbed wire on top offencing f()r sensitive government buildings. utilities and equipment sites. Glen Posusta was present to argue that the exc ption should be applied to commercial uses. J Ie was asked if there was a problem wi h break-ins at the mini storage 1~lcility and he stated no. The Planning Commission was l nmoved by his requested and reiterated thM use of barbed wire in commercial districts is not necessary and leave an unfilVorable visual impression. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission reviewed the origin I request by staff and supports installation of barbed wire around water and sewer facilitie' because of the threat to public health. . City Council Agenda - 11/13/01 The Planning Commission did not support arbed wire or fences around utility storage areas or other less sensitive government sit s. The language in the ordinance gives the City Council discretion as to which facilities qualify f(Jr barbed wire. The ordinance is written loosely enough to allow barbed war around electrical and natural gas f~lCilities with City Counci I approval. 1. The first alternative would be to mo ion to approve proposed ordinance amendment. Motion based on the fi 1ding that the ordinance amcndments are necessary to help assure that import' nt public [lCilities remain secure. Barbed wire is one additionalmeasurc that rotecls the purity of the water supply. J The second alternative would be to eny proposed ordinance amendment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Stafr recollHnends approval. It is important that public l~lCilities be secure during these times and the amendment is written so that he existing prohibition remains for non- sensitive commercial sites. . SUPPORTING DATA Copy of existing ordinance; copy of meetin minutes li'om February 14, 200 I; copy of proposed ordinance. . 2 .~ ~ . ,-.... . OCT 17 '01 P.2/3 11:52AM CITY OF MONTICELLO 2, No f~ncc or I,.vall 511 II exceed 8 fect 6 inches in height except as approved tl.)f commercial and in llStrial propelties. and tennis courts which n1uy have chain link fences not exceding to fcet in height. .. .). (#248,3/14/94) Fences and walls m y be constructed Myv,ihere 011 private property except as provided belo"\': a. Fences and ails exceeding 36 inches in height must be set back 15 feet of any p openy line froncing all a public street. b. On comer 10. or on double frontage lots, fences and walls must not encroach on he 25-foor clear view triangle area at a public street intersection r within the COmer visibility area of any comer formed by property I nes imersecting with a railway right-of-way. (The cleal' view visibilit uiangle area referred to above shall be in the form ofa triangle. with two sides formed by the property lines fOrming the comer. or sight line extensions of the property lines fanning the corner, and t e third side formed by a straight line connecting the !\.vo twenty-five ( 5) toot poims on both sides of the COmer as measured from the intesection of the propelty lines fom,ing the comer.) 4. Fences and walls mu"t not be constructed on the public ri!:ht-of-\.vay except for retaining walls as appro\'ed by the City Engin~r. Fences and walls placed upon uti! it)' e ~m~nts are subject to removal if required for the m:lintenance or impr \'em~nt of the utility. 5. A Certificate IJf Stll,\,. 'Y m~y be required by Il1e Ztming AdminisrrZltor to detennine the locatio offences and walls on a propeny_ 6. If the material used il the fence Or wall construction is not finished on both sides. the finished ~id of the material Olust be On the outside. facing the abutting or adjOining roperties. All posts or Structures supponing the fence Or wall must be on th inside of the fence or wall. All fences =md walls ust be consIructcd of durable. '.....etJ.ther~resisttJ.nt materials and properl. llJ1chorcd. Evt!:ry fence Or \v~1I must be m:linraincd in n condition of reasOn Ie repair and shall not be allowed to become and remain in a condition f disrepair or dnng~r or constitute il nuisance. Fences or walls in <1 sulte of d src:puir m::1y be: remov~d by the City as provided by Minnesota Statutes. he COSt of removing fences may be levied against th~ property as a special a SeSSlnent. 7. Where any ((,mee ('lr "" II Cl'll1nr.:ClS ll) u building Lls~d as a d'....elling. tltleasI one: gate nmless thun I~et 6 inches in width Shill! bc r~q~lired to allow aCCe:;s around th~ buil mg. 8. All chain link fences list h<l\'e a top mil. bilrbed ends must be pl~lCed at the bottom of the fence. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/7 5f-- A OCT 17 '81 "'SZF<l CI~Iau.Q"""~;,,,<,,, ~c"~"""''''>'' ,.." . P.3/3" "',,' C..~:~:::::::~:::.::,ri~~:'_:ld_~h~.like~.~~'Oh'bitCd On , J O. All swimmin2 pools. hot rubs. spas. and O~Jer water ranks exc::;:e inches in deplh must be completely fenced in. .r---., '-.:. ", ...., a. Residential swimming pool fences shall be Constructed as follows: 1. Residential swimming pool fences mUsr be: at least 48 inche.-; in height. The tence must not permit the passage of a 4-in'11 sphere thrOl.lgh Openings in the fence. Fences mUst be Constructed of durable. corrosion_ and decay_ resisriv~ mD.t7i~ls. Openings belo\'\.' the fence to grade must nor exceed 4 inches. ii. Where an above-ground pool StruCture has waIls that are at least 4 feet in height the pool wail m<l)' serve to meet the fencing requirements; however, the aCcess to the pool mUSt provide equivalent protection to preVent unauthorized entry. Hi. Fences for Swimming pools n1lLSt include a self-Closing. self- latching device On all ~ates. Lmches must' be installed at ... .. feaST 3 feet 6 inches above grade. Gates must not exceed 4- feet in width and mUSt meet the same consU"llcrion . requirements D.S fences. Y Oll must provid~ temporary f~ncing dUring insmJln.tion if YOUr yard is not fenced. Building permits are required for fences exceeding 6 feet 6 inches in height. ~ b. Commercial swimming POOl fences shaH be not less thilt) 5 feet in height and constnlcted a.~ required by the Minnesota Dep:mment of Health. [G] REQUIRED FENCING, SCREENING. AND lANDSCAPING, The fencing:md screcniog required by this subsection shall be Subject to Sub_rion [FJ abo\'c and shall consiST of either n fenccor n lundscnpcd pluming plan. (#305. I/J 1198) 1. PURPOSE AND OBJECtIVE: The purpose of chis policy is lo eswblish minimum r~qllirements and St<lndards reJach'e to Inndscnping. buffering. and SCr~ning to be imPlememedconC.~lIT.e ort)" with sire plans uppro\'ed by rhe Cirv: the stOlodnrds and criteriu shn I bt: U$~" bv Cit\. staff. Plulll1inc CO;;llnission. and Ci~. C nUncil in" ,.,.j.". a~d ';'DJuatiolJ of such pions ulld development proposuls. '. "-......'.... '-......." / The obj.cti '"es 0 r these rcqu icemenL' or. lo .srabJ;sniu,d mainra; n 10 reSlm i on of the city: to prOVide appropriate ground Caver vegetation tor COntrolled soil ,.....". MONTICE!':;LO ZONING ORDINANCE / 3/8 . 5e A . ,~ '. I ,......,. . OCT 17 ' 01 .-., .... I 11 '"""" CITY {CElLO""",' .,,,,,". =A"'"...__.~ >, . .. _ . P. 3/3 .. ..'_. ~:: ::'.::::~::::.ribbon. .:d~he~ike:'."..~:~n 10. All swimming pools, hot rubs. spas. and other Water ranks exceeding 24 inches in depl mUst be completely fenced in. a. 1. . tial swimming pool fences shall be constructed as follows: Residential swimming pool fences must be at least 48 inch/:'..: in height The fence must not pennir the p<lSSllge of a 4-inc11 sphere through openings in the fence. Fences must be constructed of durable. corrosion- and decay~ resistive moterials. Openings beloVo" the fence to grade must not exceed 4 inches. ii. here an above-ground pool structure has \\.Tl./lS that at~ at eaSt 4 feet in height, the pool wD,1l may serve to meet the encing requirements; however, the aCcess to the pool must rovide equivalent protection to prcYem unauthorized entry. m. F nees for swimming pools nlllSt include a self-closing. self.. I tching deVice On all gates. Larches must' be installed at Ie ST 3 feet 6 inches above gmd~. Gates must not ~~ceed 4- fe t in width tlnd mUSt rn~et the same conslfucrion re uiremenrs <15 fences. Y Oll must provide: tempurary fe dug during installation if your yard is not fenced. B ilding permits are required for fences exceeding 6 feel 6 in hes ir'l height. b. Commercial swimmiD!,! pool fences shall be nmless than 5 feet in height and c nstructed as required by the:- Minnesota Department of Health. (#305. 1/11/98) [0] REQUIRED FENCING. S REENING. AND LANDSCAPING, The fencing nod screening required by this ub:iection shall be subject to Sllbs~ction [FJ nbo\'c Cllld shall consiST of eirher D ten e Or fl landscaped plnming pbn. L PURPOSE AND 08.. ECTIV E: The- purpose of chis policy is [0 e'st:.1blish minimum r~qlliremen S Md Standards re!acin to landscaping. bllff'ering. and scrazning IO be imple lemed conclllTenrly ,\'irh >lire plans appro\'ed by the Ciry: the:: sC;lr'tdards an criteria shall b~ U$~t.:l by CilY staff. Planning Commission. nod Cic) Council in the r~\'jr:\\' and eValLlution of such pl<lns :.Ind development proposal The obj~cli\'es otthes' rcquircmc:-ms ar~ 10 ~$liJbli$h and l11uintail1 l(m~s[::ll.ion of the city: to provide ppropnute grollnd COver vegetEltion fol' COntrolled soil MONTICEI.LO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/8 SEA ,......, . .--.. .. . OCT 17 '01 03:00PM CITY OF MONTICELLO P.'1'/l' -' Council Meeting - 2/14/00 BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE REV1SED CIP FOR 2000~2004 \VlTH THE COMMENTS AS DISCUSSED. CLfNT H RBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 12. Consideration ~ ;' located at 407 61h tre The Council was made aware that this prope has come on the market. It was suggested that i[there was any interest in acquiring the pro erty an appraisal should be done. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED 1'0 AUTHORI E THE CITY STAFF TO ORDER AN APPRAlSAL ON 407 611i STREET AT AN STIMATED COST OF $300~$OO. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. OTION CARRiED UNANIMOUSLY Atlhis time Mayor Belsaas alJl10unced that the City ol.lDcil had met in closed session to disc'Uss pending litigation and the closed session is being continued ntil Thursday, February 17,2000 at 5 p.m. The COlIDcil discussed setting up a meeting of the P rsonnel Committee which includes Roger Belsaas and Bruce Thielen. A tentative meeting time of Fcb ary 281h at 5 p.m. "vas set. There was a brief discussion on staffing needs for the City. It was explained that it is a requirement ofrhe Natio Gunrd that their equipment has to be contained in a barbed wire enclosure. Clint HerbSt felt jf the barbe wire was a requiremelll, then perhaps the City ordinance should be amended to reflect that but as c ordinance exists now, barbed wire is not allowed. Roger Bclsaas asl(ed the Btulding Department to ch ck on a property for possible blight violations. It-w-as indicated by Fred Patch, Building Official. that the roperI)' has been purchased and the residence will be improved. 13. Consideration of BRUCE TIllELEN MOVED TO APPROV . PAYMENT OF THE BILLS FOR FEBRUARY. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE M TION. Me::I:iO~:LCARRlED.UNANIMOUSL Y. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN AT g 45 P.M. CUNT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL ()~"--r\ '-)~~)~~L- Recording Secretary \l .--..., 6 \:;\ BE -0 . . . New wordinn for item 2.F.9 of the Cit Zonin J 0 dinance. 9. Electrified wires, harbed wire, razor ribbol and the like are prohibited on tences, with the exccption of public/government utility s stcm facilities as dctermined by the City Council. Exhibit 5E - C . SF. . . Council Agenda - 11/13/01 Consent Agenda Consideration of lavout a l roval of Count State Aid Hi specificallv Limited Access at Linn Street. ( SB) rovements A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUN Council approved the County State Aid Highw y 75 layout, as attached, at the July 23, 2001 City Council meeting. The approval was contingen upon further study at CSAH 75 and Linn Street. Twelve hour (6 anH'ipm) traffic counts were co !ccted on August 21 and 22, 2001 at Maple Street, Linn Street Locust Street Palm Street and the Post Office. (See attached trartic counts on Linn Street graphics) rivc meetings have been hcld regarding thc Lit n Street intersection since the direction from City Council (meeting minutes are available for rev'ew upon request) . ^ugust 22, 200 I: Bruce Zieman and Rory Zitur were in attendance at this meeting, as well as City, County and WSB & ^ssociate., Inc. staff; August 30, 2001: City, County and W, B & Associates, Inc. staff; October 2,200 I: ^ Post Office Represntative was in attendance at this meeting. as well as City, County and WSH & Associate, Inc. staff; October 23,2001: Zieman and Zitur ere in attendance at this meeting, as well as City, County and WSB & ^ssociates, Inc. st ff. November 7, 2001: Project Managemtlt Team Meeting The option to keep Linn Street as a full acces, street was studied and the ft)llowing conclusions were 111ade: Left-turn lanes could not be provided :-: t both Linn Street and Maple Street; . Full access at Linn Street would raise issues with the limited access at Palm Street; . A pattern would not be established alo 19 the corridor to promote driver expectancy; . Eastbound traffic on CSAI-I 75 that utilizes the parking lane at the post office would have to cross two through lanes of traffic a d a left-turn lane to make the eastbound left-turn 1110Vement at Linn Street; . Locust Street may be a logical intersec ion in the future for signalization; U-turns are antici pated to be allowed at aple Street unless crash problems are experienced by U-turn traffic. Based on discussion at these meetings and re iew of the tra111e counts from the study requested, one additional item can be ill1plemented imm diately: left-turn lanes in both directions at Locust Street. A left-turn lane was added for we t-bound CSAIl 75 at Locust Street. This was accomplished by moving the transition from he 8.5 foot to 9-1'oot shoulder approximately one block east The impacts of this transition are 8. -foot parking for approximately 1 additional block in the downtown area, Locust Street to Walm Street. 1:,\d<l\\'11~\W(Hdpr(\l'\\~,~~'lld,js\1l1(\ntii..'I..'lh} l.:llc:illl)ll'l1d,'l ilcllI 1113i)),\\'pd . One additional item was identified to be pursue : access to the post office from Locust Street via an existing casement owned by the post offic and negotiation with the adjacent Law Office property. The layout (See attached) includes limited acee .'s at Linn Street. This is the layout preferred by the CSAH 75 Project Management Team and recommended for council approval rrom their meeting on November 7,200]. A CSAH 75 Feasibility Report will be prepared 0 address proposed inJi'astructure improvements and potential assessments. B. ALTI,~RNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approv the CSAH 75 layout as illustrated with limited access at I ,inn Street and authorize Wri ht County and WSB & Associates. Inc. to proceed with the final design. 7 The second alternati ve would be to not, pprove the CSAI I 75 concept layout as I illustrated with limited access as Linn S,reet and request further study of the intersection. C. STAFF RECOMMI~NDATION: . It is the recommendation of the City Administrat r, Public Works Director. and City Engineer that the City Council approve the CSAH 75 layout as illustrated. It is also the recommendation that the City or Monticello pursue the roadway easellcnt from Locust Street to the Post Or/ice in coordination with the owner of the post office p operty. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the County State Aid Highway No. 75 'oneept Layout and CSAH 75 at Linn Street graphics. . 1.'\hl\\'I1t!\\\'()!dpl()l:\..'\~l'lId,1~\]l\(\lHic('lll) l'l)cil a~l(l1d(l ilt'l11 III ~I)t \\'pd 763-295-3132 --- ...... ME CALF LARSON MUTH -.... -- - . -- - ~-- 11/13/2001 13:17 . . . HADLEY V. UJl.SON S'nVE'.N J. MUTH }AME.S G. MtTC.\l..F. 01 ClXINJ.Q. (117$-1$5) Me.tta!fi Larson ATTORNEYS 313 WenB PoD. Bolt MDndc.dIi:J, ~* . 5J6Z~ Iftlmlaw@ com. November 13 2001 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Council Agenda November 13, 200 1 Consent Agenda: Item SF-Linn Str et Dear Mayor Belsaas and City Council Members: *VIA FACSIMILIE* (763) 295-4404 PAGE 02 SALLy B. NELSON ~ TEJ..tPHONE (7lO.3) Z95'-".uz FAX (763) .295-3132 Dave Hyttsten and I write this letter to yo as the owners of the respective buildings known as the David's Photography Bu'lding fronting on Linn Street and Law Office fronting on Broadway. We have been e aware and have received copies of the Consent Agenda and the alternate street/traffic P ttern proposals that you are considering. Due to conflicts neither one of us will be availab e at the city council meeting this evening although David may well be later on. T erefnr, we would request this letter be entered into the record. We endorse the concept of safe traffic flo but would point out that it would work a specific hardship with regard to the creation 0 a right turn lane on Broadway into the Post Office parking lot. This would eliminate p rking spots immediately in front of the Law Office and David's building, specifically w ich are very important to our elderly clients' access. I believe that there also is a pro osed elimination of parking in front of the Post Office on Broadway which lost spaces ight be accommodated northerly of the existing new one-way drive exit within the post ffice parking lot. One of the resolutions proposed is a two~way access through our joint arking lot into the Post Office parking lot, Please be advised that we. along with the p 5t office ownership go on record in opposition Ie this for several reasons: When two-way access exist d for a period of time it created a safety hazard of cars backing in a d out into traffiC along with pedestrian traffic. Our private parkin lot was used as a public parking lot for the convenience of post of ce patrons. 1. 2. The easement that lies in t VOT of the Post Office is located in PAGE 03 11/13/2001 13:17 763-295-3132 ME CALF LARSON MUTH .., .-....--".....'" -"In",. . . . City of Monticello November 13, 2001 Page Two '"_,n, -,",_" " ".",.m"" :~~h a posit~on ~at jf ~t wa urllized it would eliminate the of parkm~ Im~edlately behind our respective build in s on the south stde of our par ing lot. g The easement owned by the Post Office is only twelve (12) feet wide and could not accommodate two-way traffic. 3. 4. !~e easemen~ owned ~y the P~st Office does not completely access Its property. Ie. there IS a g p m the legal descriptions between the easement as described and t e Post Office property. I own the property in between and tha was the basis upon which I stopped the two-way tranie because of t e safety issues that had been presenting themselves. The imposition of a tWQ-wa access through our joint parking lOt would eliminate parking wh ch would take us out of compliance with the conditional use permit g anted when David's building was erected. At that time we ha to acquire the Kermit Lindberg property, demolish it and cr ate sufficient parking to accommodate on site parking for our own se, our tenants and our business clients. If the City is imem on twO- ay access then it ought to acquire me next property to the north a d route its public right-of-way through that property rather than de troying our presem parking arrangement. 5. The recent improvement project that has een undertaken by the Post Office in creating the existing one-way exit onto Linn Str et has had a very positive effect on traffic now. We believe that the substantial su s expended by the postal department was in reliance upon that existing one-way and uti 1 i tion of Linn Street for east/west access and on that basis it is my understanding that the post office ownership is in opposition to the median terminating Linn Street. Thank you for the opportunity to present our views on this matter to you and we would appreciate being kept informed. -,._.............~ . . . 11/13/2ee1 13:17 763-295-3132 M TCALF LARSON MUTH ""-~. . '--", -----. ~.-m ~.~-~~:.. City of Monticello November 13, 2001 Page Three Respec fully, David Owner f 113 Locust Street Momice 10, MN 55362 BVL/hrc cc: Dr. Charles Ehlen PO Box 1185 St. Cloud, MN 56302 PAGE e4 ..._----.0.....,.' :~J.. CSAH 75 (11) H! ~ ( 15) 95 J. ( 3-l 3:;' ,. (1(,) 105 .... I ~lfl I '" "tl" . September 12,2001 Post Office Access - Exis ing Condition CSAH 75 Itnprovetnents City of Monticello# Wright C unty# Minnesota .6- WSB "'A_~ me. CSAH 75 (1'1: '1.1 JIll (28) 173 ~ ( 3) .';~ ~ (18) 105 "" I il~1 I "t,.. ePost Office Access - Alte native 1 Assurnes All Linn Street Traffic is Routed to L cust Street CSAH 75 Improvements City of Monticello, Wright C unty, Minnesota August 3D, 2001 .... WSB &.4_ ,., CI) Q) ~E m~ ~~ ~~ -6'.0 8~: :C'-<i '" ~1~::2 :;; 1'0- _:.:JIJ""! 2.-2;;l 1:: \J Q ~\o...:l.(l L~8~ x x :.-..: x (0 I ) p5 .:J. ((:I) OL _ 16Z1061", ,... ~ ('\I"' ,... ~ e ~ ~ CI) I I , ;:' ~ I II ~ '- BV (SZI _ 09 19 ) rr B9Z I a ) " I' ~ en en 0-' 0 ::r: C'i In I..P - - U . . . Council Agenda - 11/13/200 I SG. Consideration ofChan e Order No.3 to Pr Extension. (RW) A. RI~FERI~NCE AND BACKGROUND: Sewer Change Order No.3 covers the contractor's equest for an increase in unit prices from the original unit prices in the contract awarded i 1999. The contractor is requesting the price increase because of the length of delay etween the award of the contract and the commencement of work. These changes in mit prices result in a net increase of$9,939.45 to the contract making a revised contract am unt of $119.959.65 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve Ch nge Order No.3 to City Project #99-01 C in a total add amount of $9,939.45 to the contra t with R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. 2. The second alternati ve would be to not appr ve the change order. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Enginc~r and the City staff to approve Change Order No.3 outlined in alternative #1 above. T his results in a revised construction cost of $119.959.65 Cor the project. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No.3 . i'i....WSB :::,:iir:i;::>:':::'~:r' _Oelates. Inc. ............ ..-... .... '" ~ ... November 6, 2001 ~ - Mr. Rick W olfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 .-. Attn: Dawn Grossinger City Clerk ..-.. .... Re: Change Order No.3 Kjellberg Sanitary Sewer Extension City of Monticello Project No. 99-01 WSB Project No. 1010-60 .".. ." '" Dear Mr. W olfsteller: Please find enclosed Change Order No.1 (i triplicate) for the referenced project reflecting changes to the contract as noted within t e document. The net increase to the original contract amount is $9,939.45, resulting in a ew contract total of$119,959.65. ~ ... .11 If the attached meets with your approval please sign and process. This change order amount will be included with the next const uction pay voucher processed. -. ." F ... . ... ~ Enclosures F c: R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. John Simola, City of Monticello Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, In . .T.. . ~ urn .... .1 S9 ." F:\WPWIN\lOlO-60\co 3 ltr ctyxtf Minneapolis. 5 . Cloud. Equal Opportunity Employer NOV-07-01 WED 04:52 PM RL LARSON EXC INC ~~/UIIXVV~ ~~v 1~:22 FA! ;632877180 FAX NO. 320 654 1021 WSB TRAN PORTATION P. 01 ~OOl . l<jellberg'S WK't Sanitary Sp'&r exten:!ian Clty of MonticellO pl":lject No. 99-01 C J!SB P'l'Q]oct No. '0'0.60 OWNIZR: City of Monticello 5050 Walnut Avenue. Suite 'I Monticello. MN 553&2 - ONnlACTOR: . L. I.arson ~wting, 'ne. 59 12th StnIet SE Cloud. "N 5630<4-9705 You ate directed lc male" the follOwing d1ange5 ~ !hI'! omlTllct. dCClJrnel\t descrip\i n: eonft3CI. bId item oosts era dlangcd as listed on attached. schedule. CHANGE!. IN CONTfU'CT TIME: .' OFtIGlNAl.. CONTRACT PRICE: PREVIOUS CHANGE OROERS: NO.1 TO 2 .0000iRACT PRIce PRIOR TO THIS Cl'lANGE ORDER: NeT \NCREASEloECREtoSE OF n-lIS CHANGE ORDER: CONTRACT pR!C!;i WITH AU APF'ROVEO ~GE ORDER~ $110,02C. $9,939.4 $119,959. ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 7rz7/99 NET CHANGE F,",OM PREVIOUS CHANGE OMERS: NOI'IC CONTRACT TIME PRIOR. TO THIS CHANGE. OIWI!R: 7/27199 Nei INCREASE OF CHANGE ORDE~ None' COl'lTRACTTlMe wt"TH APPR.oveD CHANGe OROERS 6/1102 CHANGE IN coNTRACT PRICE: WSB & ASSOCIATES. [NC. ENGINEER R. L. \.ARSON EXCAVATlNG. INC. CONTRACTOR APPROV<p~ ~ cnY ENGIHSER MAYOR i l!~/DI CATE . 55] 1=:\."\1 01 O-$)\EXceI\vouchelS.xJ&\C0-3 . Kjellberg's West Sanitary Sewer Extension City of Monticello Project No. 99..()1 C WSB Project No. 1010.60 Item No. Oeser! tion Unit Add. Price Q Total MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $300.00 $300.00 2 2101.511 CLEARING AND GRUBBING LUMP SUM $0.00 $0.00 3 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLE (SP EACH $90.00 $90.00 4 2503.603 12" PVC PIPE SEWER (SDR 35) LIN FT $1.00 561 $561.00 5 2503.603 12" PVC PIPE SEWER (SDR 26) UN FT $2.25 2,477 $5,573.25 6 2506.603 CONSTRUCT SAN IT ARY MANHOLE UN FT $9.00 169.80 $1,528.20 7 2506.603 STRUCTURE SIGN MARKERS EACH $10.00 9 $90.00 8 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY LIN FT $0.50 500 $250.00 9 2575.501 SEEDING (P) ACRE $75.00 10.50 $787.50 10 2503.603 SANITARY SEWER TELEVISING UN FT $0.25 3,038 $759.50 Item Total $9,939.45 . Net Change Dreier 3 Total $9,939.45 . 59 F:\wpwln\1 01 0..e0\Excel\vouchers.xls\C03 Detail . . . 5H. City Council Agcnda - 11/13/01 Consideration of a conditional use emit and sim automobile dealershi in~. B-3 Zonin District. A Chevrolet. (NAC/.JO) Ie subdivision for a new lieant: Gould Brothers A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO JND The Planning Commission conducted th public hearing, received no negative comments ii'om the public and the applicant's archi ect was comJc)ftable with the conditions as listed. Therefore. the Planning Com miss on recommended approval of the conditional use permit and preliminary plat. Gould l3rothers Chevrolet has submitted lans to construct a new, 48.192 square foot automobile dealership upon 10.7 acres ofland located west of Marvin Road between Interstate 94 and Chelsea Road West. To accommodate the request. approval of a conditional use permit to allow the outdo I' sales. display and storage of automobiles (and light trucks) is necessary. In conj unction with the conditional use p rmit request. the appl icant has also requested approval of a subdivision to allow the con bination five parcels which comprise the subject property into a single lot. The su 'ect parcel is zoned B-3. Highway Business. ConditionallJse Pcrmit Rcview: CUP Rcview Criteria. The B-3 zoning d strict lists "new and uses automobile/light truck sales and display" as conditional use. As a result. the processing of a conditional use permit is necessary. The purpose of tl e conditional use perInit process is to enable the City Counci Ita assign dimensions to a proposed use aiter consideration of adjacent land uses and their functions. In this regal' I. the City of Monticello is provided a reasonable degree of discretion in determir ing the suitability of certain designated uses upon the general welfare, public health an safety of its citizens. Procedurally, the Planning Commission an:l City C01..U1cill11ust consider the possible adverse effects of the proposed conditional use. Its j udgn1cnt shall be based upon the tClllowing criteria: 1. Relationship to the Municipal Con1 rehensive Plan. 2. The geographical area involved. 3. Whether such use will tend to or ae ually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. . 4. The character of the surrounding ar. a. 5. The demonstrated need for such use!. i . I The City's COll1prehensive Plan (Land Us~ Plan) suggests commercial use of the subject property. As a result, the proposed use is ~ msistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. Provided al! appIica Ie City performance standards are met the proposed use satisfies applicahle CUP evalwtion criteria. Development Proposal. As shown on thesubmittcd site plan, the applicant is proposing to construct a 53,396 squarc foot huilding pon a 10.7 acre parcel overlaying the existing Gould Brothers dealership. Thc new build ng is to bc located on the east side of the property with automobile display occurrin on the western half of the site. Service related activities are to oceur in the sou the st area of the site. Building Area. According to the Ordinan e, the minimum building size for any auto sales use :Ipon a parcel gr~ater than fO~lr ac."Cs in size m.us~ be 4(~,OOO s.quare"feet 0l:J:V IS/: percent of the lot area, whIchever reqUIres he larger bulldll1g. Lxcludll1g 1._) acres of wetland area, the suhject site contains appr ximately 9.4 acres of buildable land area. Such land area results in a minimum bui Idi g size requirement of approximately 82,000 sq uare feet. . With the proposed huilding size, a lot mea.. uring approximately 6.1 acres is necessary. To satisfy the building size requirement of he ordinance, it is recommended that the 10.7 acre subject property he subdivided into t 0 parcels, a 6.1 acre parcel (or 7.4 acre parcel if the wetland is included) devoted to the d alership and a 4.6 acre outlot reserved for future commercial development. Outdoor Sales and Display. According t the Ordinance, outdoor automobile sales and display areas must comply with the following: 1. The sales/display area shall be scre ned from view of neighboring residential uses or residential zoning districts. 2. The sales/display area shall be hard surfaced. 3. The sales/display area shall not util ze required ofT-street parking spaces. The site is not hounded by any residential! zoned property. As a result, screening of the outdoor sales/display area is not required. Outdoor Storage. Screening requirement applicable to the site's outdoor storage area are dependent upon whether such storage i accessory to an auto body component of the dealership. The applicant has indicated th, t no auto body activities arc to occur upon the subject property. As a result, the aforemen ioned screening requirement is not considered applicable. . If auto hody repair activities were propose at some future point, the processing of a 2 . I I i I conditional use permit amendment would Ibe necessary. I Existing Building. The site plan makes ai notation and iIJustrates that the existing dealership building located near the cente ' of the site is to remain. While it is considered reasonable to allow the bui Iding to remain unti I shortly after an occupancy permit has issued (for the new building), the various Ian submissions should be revised to depict ultimate site eonditions incorporating the aea presently occupied by the dealership building. As a condition of CUP approval. the existi g building on the property should be removed no more than 60 days after the issuance of he occupancy permit for the new building. Off-Street Parking. The Zoning Ordinan( c does not include a speci1ic ofT--street parking standard flJr automobile dealerships. For rc ference purposes, the 1()l1owing standards as provided an American Planning Associatio document titled Off-Street Parking Requiren1ents arc however, considered appl'cable. Use Ratio Indoor Sales Display I space per 600 sqL\are feet I space per 2,000 si uare feet Outdoor Sales Display . Outdoor Storage , I space per employ' e on largest shift Auto Repair* 8 spaces plus I spaq~ for each 800 square feet over 1,000 sq uare feet I * Standard per Monticello Zoning Ordinance To determine the required parking supply of he proposed use, square 1(lOtage summanes of the aforementioned uses must be provided and a specific customer parking area should be designated on the site plan. As a conditiO! of CUP approval olT-.street parking supply requirements as stipulated above should be satisfied. Landscaping. As shown on the submitted la dscape plan, a variety of plantings (primarily junipers) have been proposed on tIp north and west sides of the building and around a car platform area south of the build]] g. -. According to the Ordinance, the minimum nUllbcr of trees lor a commercial site shall be one tree per 1,000 square feet of building area or one tree per 50 lineal feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater. In this partin lar case, the requiren1ent based upon building area exceeds that required by the lot I erimeter calculation. With a building area of 53,396 square /eet (including 5,204 upper It ver square f()otage), a total of 53 trees are required to be planted on site. - 3 . To aid in the satisi~lction of this requireme t, trees should be planted along the subject property's east and west side lot lines. Landscaping within parking lot islands is )t required of this proposal. Display Ramps. The applicant is proPOSil g to construct elevated display ramps along the site's northern boundary. While such r mps are considered generally acceptable. they should be no higher than three feet in heig! t in they arc to lie within the required setback. Access. The subject site is to be accessed ia two points from Chelsea Road West. The acceptability of the proposed access point I cations should be subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. Building Materials. As shown on the sublitted building elevations, the western facade of the building is to be finished almost enti 'ely in glass (with aluminum framing). The north, south and west sides of the building He to be finished in a combination of glass and precast concrete panels. The proposed building materials are consistent with the building material requirements of the Ordilance. Color of the building has not been specific . Building Ilcight. The proposed dealershi building measures 32 feet in height and complies with the maximum two story hei ht requirement of the 11-3 district. Lighting. In accordance with Ordinance s bmission requirements, a lighting plan has been submitted. The Ordinance states that ny light or combination of lights which cast I ight on a public street may not exceed one foot candle from the center of the street. The lighting plan will be subject to review md approval by the Building Onicial who will certify that lights have been installed and p rform according to the submitted lighting plan. Such certiiication shall occur prior to a certificate of occupancy being issued Trash. Trash handling activities are propo cd in the northeast corner of the site. While trash-handling equipment is proposed to be screened (via a concrete masonry unit wall). it is recommended that the enclosure be reloc,ted to a less visible area of the site (from an Interstate 94 vantage point). I I ! Wetland. As shown on the submitted site lan, a portion of a wetland exists overlays the southeast portion of the site. While the we~ and is not to be disturbed as part of the proposed construction activities, some c1eal up from previous site construction work is desired. Such clean up is recommended as condition of CUP approval. . Grading, Drainage and Utility Plans. As' part of this application, a grading and drainage plan and utility plan have been su mitted. The plans should be subject to 4 . review and Comll1ent by the City Engineer. I As part of such review by the engineer, spe, ific comment should be made in regard to the need to provide ponding for the pre-treatm 'nt of storm water. Surfacing, In accordance with Ordinance equirements, the dealership's sales lot and storage areas are to be surfaced in asphalt. n addition to such surLlcing, concrete perimeter curbing should be provided. Signage, The Ordinance allows a total oft 0 pylon signs on the subject property, one per street frontage. As shown on the site pi n, three pylon signs have been proposed on site, one in the northwest corner of the site md two along Chelsea Road West. To satisfy the requirements of the Ordinance, one oft e pylon signs should be eliminated. Details relating to the proposed pylon signs have not been provided however, the pylon sign along I~94 may be no higher than 32 f et in height and 200 square feet in area. The height and area of the sign along Chelsea R )(Id West is dependent upon the speed lilnit upon such roadway. According to the ordinance, the maximum' llowable sign area for any onc wall shall not exceed 10 percent of the e\ igihle wall area a wall having street 1i"ontage) or 100 square feet whichever is less. . In lieu ofa portion of the building's wall si -'-n allowance, a dealer idcntification sign has been proposed along a retaining wall to be onstructed along Interstate 94. This is considered acceptable. As a condition of ClJ P approval, all site si lI1age must comply with the applicable requirements of the Ordinance. Plat Review, Lot Combination. As previously indicate , the subject property is comprised of five parcels of land. As a condition of CUP ap roval, the parcels should be consolidated into two parcels, a 6.1 acre parcel (or 7.4 acre p rcel if the wetland is included) devoted to the dealership and a 4.6 acre outlot reserved 1'0 I future commercial development. I Lot Area Requirements. Within B-3 zonillg districts, no minimum lot area exists however. a minimum lot width of 100 feet s required. Although the proposed dealership and outlot configurations have not been de icted, the subject propeliy measures approxill1ately 650 feet in width and has thl ability to meet the minimum width requirement of the Ordinance. . 5 . I I I I Easements. As a condition of subdivisionl approval, a 20 foot wide casement should be I IJrovided along Chelsea Road West to accqnmodate a future sanitary sewer f()l'ce main. t. I This issue should he subject to further comnent by the City Engineer. Additionally, the City Engineer should pro ide comment as to whether the site's wetlancl should be protected via drainage easement )1' outlot designation. 8. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision One: The Plannin~ Commission recommends Ilternativc 1. I. Conclitional use permit. A. Conditional use permit approval. otion to recommend approval of a conditional use permit to allow outdoor sales, d splay and storage of automobiles (and light trucks) within a B-3 Zoning Dist/'ie subject to the J'(Jllowing conditions: I. Plan submissions are revisec to meet the minimum lot cover requirement of 1 YYO via increase in build ng size or a decrease in huildable area. . 2. No auto hody repair aetiviti s shall occur on site. 3. The existing building on the property shall be removed no later than June 15.2003. after the issuance fthe occupancy permit Jew the new building. 4. An adequate off-street parki g supply shall be demonstrated hy the applicant. 5. Not less than 53 trees meetil g the minimum size requirements of the Ordinance are planted on sit 6. Trees shall be planted along he subject property's cast and west side lot lines. 7. The elevated display ralllps, long the site's northern boundary shall be no higher than three feet in hei 11. I 8. Access point locations shall e subject to comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. . 9. The lighting plan shall be su ject to review and approval by the Building Official who will certify thatllights have been installed and perf'()[J11 6 . . . according to the submitted ighting plan. Such certification shall occur prior to a certificate of OCCL1 ancy being issued f<Jr the proposed dealership building. I 10. The trash enclosure shall b i relocated to a location less visible from adJ'acent rights-or-way as sl own on Exhibit K. . I I I ]. All automobile sales, displa' and storage areas shall be hard surf~lced and provided a perimeter concre e curb. 12. Debris within the wetland (I' suiting from previous site construction work) shall be removed. ] 3. lhe City Engineer provides "eview and comlnent in regard to grading and drainage and utility issues. ] 4. A maxinlum of two pylon sirns Ineeting Ordinance requirements are erected on site. 15. All site Signa.~e. comply witl' applicable Ordinance requirements. ,(p' l1D Ol..{-+~,df S*,~~ A I/(!r.veth. 0,0 s>f-z Potential findings supporting this d'ision would be: · The proposal is consistent w th the Comprehensive Plan. · The proposal is compatible ,ith existing land uses in the area. · The proposal will not have a y adverse impacts as outlined in the conditional use permit sectio'l of the Zoning Ordinance. · The proposed project will no; impose any undue burden upon any public facilities and services. 2. Conditional use permit denial. Moti _ n to recommend denial or a conditional use permit to permit to allow outdoor sal~s, display and storage of automobiles (and light trucks) within a 13-3 Zoning Di trict. Potential findings supporting this de ision would be: · The proposal is not consisten with the Comprehensive Plan. · The proposal is not compatib e with existing land uses in the area. · The proposal does not satislylthe conditional use pennit evaluation criteria of the Zoning Ordinance. ! · The proposed project will im ose an undue burden upon y public facilities and services. 7 Decision Two: . The Planning Commission recommend approval of altcmative 1. 2. Preliminary Plat A. Plat approval. Motion to r . commend approval of a plat consolidating the five parcels which underlie'the subject property into a dealership lot and outlot reserved for future e mmercial development subject to the following conditions: I. A plat is submitted illustrafng a dealership lot and outlot (reserved for future commercial developl1ent) both of which meet the mininlum area and width requirements oft 1e ordinance. 2. A 20 f()()t wide casement is rovided along Chelsea Road West to accommodate a future sanit. ry sewer force main. 3. The City Engineer provide comment as to whether the site's wetland should be protected via drail age casement or outlot designation. . Potential findings supporting this lecision would be: · The proposal meets the land use guidelines of the Comprehensive Plan. · The project will minimize in pacts on the public services and utilities serving the site. B. Plat denial. Motion to reeon mend denial of a plat consolidating the five parcels which underlie the subject property into a dealership lot and outlot reserved for future commerci 11 development. Potential findings supporting this eeision would be: · The project will overburden I_ublic services and utilities serving the site. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the preceding review, our office re. omnlends approval of the requested conditional use permit and plat suhject to thel conditions listed above . 8 . D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Area Location Map Exhibit [3 - Site Survey Exhibit C - Site Plan Exhibit D - rIoor Plan Exhibit E - Building Elevations Exhibit F - Landscape Plan Exhibit G - Grading & Drainage Plan Exhibit II - Utility Plan Exhibit I - Lighting Plan Exhibit J - Retaining Wall Detail Exhibit K - Proposed Site Plan Moditicati ns . . 9 NOU-02-2001 09:59 612 595 9837 P.02/03 '., ...- . j:t' ...... ' . ~ . I ....- I r I I j ',' I r--h----~ [ . I L ,~.! 't~ ~ : ": '"" 1;)'" . ... .. c ~ 0 .. .. .. r, ,-, I .. , ~h .~ i " " J . EXHIBIT A .. MEA LOCATIOIt MAP SH ::n ~~~ ",ill ~ .:i ~i ~ j. 1Jl"..,\, ,.1';,) or ~'r.. ~~i: 51~ 0':.. j 0... ffi I I I .il ,:~ ., ,., I""J ~~ n" Ilil:1 I i I "III I!- ,f:; i "~111 w~ ~f ~f. ~fd~. ~ '0 l ~ Oli-rl m /' I (I / ~ ( .' ./ h '. ,.,.. ~~ '., . ) 'I \ L- _.- ~-f - ----- ~ - " I/.~ " ~ ~~ -"-~~'--'--."". - -:... - . ___ __ . 7~~::_~- --.'---'. .--,-- 1.~_, EM l'-.. ~'P t:;~ , // / / "I :j ~- ..- -------,'.j. 01. 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'~'''.....l ::. i...I Li." c:.: =-:;- I.iJ tr ::: ~~ ~ a: '.' ~ ~ 1 Li:i ...J-t!'ilb:a;;u" ~,~~ H'~. ct: <....,:a:;::iI U Z_:..:.l..~~l.J~:=;IZ'.a..' ~a~= i1i:r:'=i",!o'~'" dil~~~~;gi~ .- ..... ..- '.;;r-" en i ~ Z\j ~ i i~ r~\ 4 r\.. -~ w ~ 's eenrn Oi a:C ~~ ~ M ei i ..,I -4, ~ E:L i.1 ~,I.J .: ;"1 1 ~ ,.. ,^..... '" "',,, '" '" t6 1;: ~ t,', "'OOjlo"lfl"tlJ 5 l.ol "IIJ~ ~.,::::I =.t (;:1 ii -' ~ N,I ~ ~ :L. j~ ~ , j. I & <;; "'Fr.-"'I,..fll'I.'.l7.r,I~ '" '@ .~ .~', . EXHIBIT K . PROPOSED SITE .PLAN .MODIFICATIONS TOTFlL P.03 S-t1 . . . City Council Agenda - 11/13/01 7. Public hearin 'J--Ado tion of ro used a sessment roll for delin uent accounts receivable bills and certification of asses ment roll to Count Auditor. (C.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU n: The City Council is asked to adopt an assessn ent roll for accounts receivable bills which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor as of November 30, 200 I, for collection on next ye r's real estate taxes if not paid within 30 days of this public hearing. It is recommended that the delinquent accouns be put on an assessment roll for certification in 2001 at an interest rate of6{)lo as allowed by st tc statute. As in the past, ifany accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the a'sessment 1'01], they can be paid without any additional interest. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt the assessment roll for the delin\uent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input adjust t le assessment roll as required. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that thc Council ad pt the assessment roll as presented. ^\lofthe accounts are at least 60 days past due and hav been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the acc unts in full. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll; :omplete listing ofdelinqucnt accounts to be certified. e .e CITY OF M NTICELLO RESOLUTIO ZOOl -76 RESOLUTION ADOPTI G ASSESSMENT ROLL FOI{ DELINQUENT AC 'OlJNTS RECEIVABLE WJ-f/~'Ri~AS, pursuant to proper notice duly given s required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the propo ed assessment for delinquent accounts receivable charges. NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED BY TN CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MiNNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of whi h is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the sl ecial assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. Such assessment shall be payable in one ( ) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2002 and shall be r interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this asses ment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 2002. 2. 3. The owner of the property so assessed ma I, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the hole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer. except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resol ution. 4. The City Administrator shall fortl1\vith tra 1smit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended 01 the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid ov l' in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 13th day of No ember. 2001. ATTEST: e Rick Wolfsteller,City Administrator Roger Belsaas, Mayor I N ....., .<;:: ; ..... 0 ....., r- CII,II 0 0 tr) ....., '" U'II ...... ...... tr) tr) 0 0 0 0 I I 5 e- o 'oj1 ~ ~ 0 '" 0 ...... 0 ,~ 0 '"0 ..... .~I '7 00 ] ~ ...... ,<;:: Q) Q) '~ OJ) t+..Y OJ) OJ) '~ ....... ,a- .a- e ~ r- ~ ~ 'g "@ 0: '8: 's. ...... .s .s .~ 'f ...... ...... I- '~ ...... '~ '~ C'I Il) .a- ~ f;3 B Il) '" Ot ...... P- I- P- ~ ._y a :E ...c: Q) ...... 0.,11 Il) OJ) OJ) ..... OJ) Il) Il) u P- '" '" ...... c>d P- P- u ~ ~ a ,S '" '-iii! 0"' '"0 '"0 I- ...c: ...c: I-< .~ :9 ,S ::::! '" ...... l- I-< Jli: E '" '" Il) Q) Q) .~ Il) ~ Il) c<:l 2 2 ~ S '5 v '" '" ~ '5 ~ ~ ; i:l: 'E '8 .D .D .D "0 I- .D '" '" ~~ . ,-, ~ '" I-< ,-, ,-, u Il) '" '" '" 0 ;:g l- I- E ES Q) Q) I ...c: '5 ;:g :9 c<:l u ~ ~ '5 '5 ~ .8 ~ ro ~ ~ 13 ~ '" .p u ~ ~ ;::s .l!l '" ;::s @ c>d ~ <- 0 r:I: ::E 0... tJ c<:l 0 ~ '" u ::E ::E .... ~ ...... ~ ~ ,~ '-' '" s Q) u u tJ G ..@ v 5 '-' '-' 0 ~ ] '" '" ......1 ::E ::::! ~ ...... 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Council Agenda - 11/13/2001 Consideration of reaftirmin the use 0 the Meadow Oak Park Parkin Lot for a commuter arkin lot and minor amen ments to the Snow Plowin T/Removal Polic . (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Last winter, at the request of several residents in th Mcadow Oak area, the City began plowing the Meadow Oak Park parking lot for use as a commu er parking lot. In order to do this, this requires our Public Works Staff to be in this parking lot and plowing by 4 a.m. so it can be open for commuters. The Council established last year as aI interim use ofthe parking lot for commuter use and was to be reviewed prior to the 2001/2002 sno season. Consequently, this is before you again. Gencrally about 13 cars use the parking lot (Icavin r only one or two open spots) and we have signed the area around the lift station to keep them out 01'0 r way for daily maintenance. During our annual snow meeting with the Public Works Dcpartment mployees. no significant problems were noted othcr than almost all orthe parking lot is used for commutcrs and having to pull a vehicle from other priority routes to work the lot so it's opcn carly i 1 the morning. The Public Works employees, howcvcr. did make a suggestion that wc look at sig ing this joint use parking lot to less than the 72~ hours that the other commuter parking lot is poste so that this lot does not begin to turn into a car drop-off area or sales lot on the weekcnds. Sugge:'lions have been made to limit the parking to a maximum of 18 or 24 hours. This itcm is covered n Section 12, Public Parking Lots on Page 5 of the Snow Plowing/Removal Policy. The f()llowing are other changes we wish to 111ake in the policy to clcan up loose ends or changes that have occurred sincc our last review of the poli 'Y- 7. SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES Primary Snow Emergency Routes: Page The section on Ilart Boulevard was change I to ref1ect the f~lct that the hospital district now maintains Ilart Boulevard from Mississippi Shores to the Ambulance Ci-arage. Secondary .\'now Emergen(y Routes: Pa{., 4 ]'d Strcet has been changed reflecting that tl c City right of way starts at Chcstnut Street and not through Pinewood, al though the City wi I] conti nue to plow through Pi ncwood rather than turn around at Chestnut Strcct. The School Boulevard section has been ch< nged to reflect that we now plow from Scrvicc Drivc west ofTH 25 to CR 18. The Chelsea Road East section has been cha ged to reflect the new location ofChelsca Road East from 'I'll 25 to CR 18. Oakwood Drive West has bccn delctcd and 'Cplaced by Chelsea Road. Chelsea Road West from Park Place to 'Ill 25 is included in the secondary snow emergency route. . . . Council Agenda- 11/13/2001 Oakwood Drive East has been included in tl e secondary snow emergency route from TH 25 to cuI-de-sac to f~lCilitate Hoglund Transportation in getting their buses out. 12. PlJBLIC PARKING LOTS Plowing to begin by 4 a.m. : Page 5 The Mcadow Oak Public Parking Lot item is left open until the Council decision. Plowed within 12 hours following snowfa I event: Page 6 Meadow Oak Lift Station Parking Lot will be deleted if the lot is chosen to be continued as a commuter parking lot. 13. CITY MAINTAINED SII)[~W ALKS Cleared within 24 hours of the end oIa S 1ml event as per City ordinance: Page 6 & 7 Broadway West has been referenced to tart at 906 Broadway rather than Pinewood Elementary. Pinewood Elementary mak s reference to the pathway leading from our pathway to the school. The West Bridge Park steps on the west si e of TH 25 near the intersection of River Street leading down into West Bridge Park have been deleted as they are not used in the winter time and difficult to keep ice free. 'fhere i' no trail that leads from the bottom or the steps to the building or anywhere clse. We added the small section of sidewalk at lCW Jlh and Minnesota street as we own a slllal! sliver or land betwecn 7111 Street and Rid emont Apartments and are responsible for the sidewalk there. At the Community Center we have added L1at section of new sidewalk on the north side of 6111 Street ii'om Walnut Street to the Fire H II. 14. CITY MAINTAINED PATHWAYS: P ge 8 At School Boulevard we have deletcd that section of pathway on the south side of School Boulevard from Fallon to the Cardinal Hill Park. We request the exception of this section of pathway to encourage pedestrians to us the guarded crosswalk at Cardinal Hills Park. In addition, the location of this pathway rigl t up against the wooden fencc of the neighboring properties has made this difficult to clean. 15. CITY MAINTAINED SKATING RIN S: Page 9 The neighborhood skating rinks at Hillerc, t Park and Cardinal Hills Park have been added to our policy. They have been cleared onl as time allows after sidewalks. pathways, and . . . Council Agenda ~ 11/13/200 I the other rinks are cleaned. This concludes the recommended minor changes t the Snow Plowing/Removal Policy. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The first alternative is to continue the us of the Mcadow Oak Park Parking Lot as a commuter parking lot but prohihit parkil g beyond 18 hours and sign it accordingly. Additionally, make the minor updates and c1anges as listed above to the remaining sections of the policy. If this alternative is chosen e should review annually as this limits any real joint use for parks. 2. The second alternative would he to continu the use of the Meadow Oak Park Parking Lot as a commuter parking lot but allow parkin) for 72 hours in this lot and make the changes as listed above. J. The third alternative would be to discontin e the use ofthc Mcadow Oak Park Parking Lot as a commuter parking lot and require thos residents to use the new COlllmuter parking lot on TH 25 and make the above necessary cl anges and updates to the policy. 4. The fourth alternative would he to make otler changes as directed by the City Council. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Should the City Council choose to continue the us of the Meadow Oak Park Parking Lot fc)!' use as a commuter lot, City staffreC0l11l11ends limiting he parking to 1 g hours maximum as outlined in alternative # 1 and reviewing the use annually. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of existing Snow Plowing/Removal Policy ith proposed updates. Effective Nove ber 10, 1997 Amended by City Counc I: November 13, 2001 . . . CITY OF MO TICELLO SNOW PLOWINGIR MOV AL POLICY MONTICELLO . . .. . .. Effective Nove ber 10, 1997 Amended by the City Cou ciJ November 13, 2001 1. INTRODUCTION The City of Monticello assumes basic responsibility fo the control of snow and ice on city streets and city owned public parking lots. Reasonable snow and ice c ntrol is necessary for routine travel and emergency services. The city will provide such control in a safe nd cost effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel and environmental concerns. The ci y will utilize city employees, city equipment and/or private contractors when necessary to provide this se ice. 2. AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Through its adoption, the City Council of Monticell is responsible for the policy established herein. Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of t e Street Superintendent under the direction of the Public Works Director and City Administrator. The c ain of command is the City Administrator, Public Works Director and Street Superintendent, in that ord r. Decisions as to time, method and materials used on snow plowing/removal operations will be made by he Street Superintendent under the direction of the Public Works Director and City Administrator, and any mendments are to be in accordance with amendment section of this policy. The newly created Parks De artment will supplement the efforts of the Street Department with primary responsibilities in sidewalks, p thways and skating rinks. This work will be carried out by the Park Superintendent under the direction oft e Public Works Director and City Administrator. 3. AMENDMENTS TO POLICY Any amendments to this policy require council appro al. Whenever possible and practical, amendments should be brought up at council meetings and should b a matter of public record. However, to allow for emergencies or other extenuating circumstances, when ime does not permit council approval or action, the Public Works Director is hereby authorized to amend a y portion of this policy he sees fit. Ifpractical, the City Administrator shall be notified and shall approve 0 any such amendment. Any such amendment made due to a particular emergency shall be brought to the tention of the council if the amendment is to be a permanent one. 4. EQUIPMENT The city shall acquire, maintain, repair and replace eq ipment on a timely basis as the city's established budget shall allow. To provide for utilization of equi ment in a cost effective manner, the city may use regular city trucks, motor graders, front-end loaders, sn w blowers and any other regular equipment as may be useful for control of snow and ice. Equipment that can be used only for snow and ice control shall be acquired and utilized only if deemed absolutely essenti l. C:\BE1li\WOROPRClC\ROGER\SNOWPLOW.POL: 10/29101 . PAGE 1 OF 10- Whenever existing snow removal heavy equipment is believed to be broken down for an excess of eight hours during a declared snow event and that piece of equipment is essential to snow plowing! removal operations, the Street Superintendent may rent equipment. The Public Works Director shall be notified of this decision immediately. A written report to include equipment down, reason for renting, estimated rental period, rental company, rental machine identification, rental rate, and estimate of total cost shall be submitted within 48 hours. . When the Street Superintendent determines that the Dolicv levels of senlice cannot be orovided bv city forces, he shall reoort to the Public Works Director the followinl! information: A. Additional time required to provide desired levels of service using just city forces. B. Additional equipment and/or personnel support required to achieve desired levels of service. C. Estimated number of hours equipment and/or personnel will be required. The Public Works Director will then take the following action: A. Determine availability of contractor equipment. B. Estimate cost of contracted service required. C. Determine availability of funds to meet estimated costs. D. Based on information supplied, the Public Works Director shall determine whether to contract for additional service or equipment, or accept reduced levels of service. If contracted sen1ice or equipment is secured. the Public Works Director shall provide the City Administrator with a report containinc the followinc information: . A. Purpose of contracting snow plowing/removal. B. Estimated time and cost of contracted services. C. Time and date contract began. In the absence of the Public Works Director, the Street Superintendent shall have full authority under this section and shall communicate any decisions or actions resulting in extraordinary expenditures to the City Administrator. 5. WORK SCHEDULE Scheduling of employees is the responsibility of the Street Superintendent under the direction of the Public Works Director. When conditions allow, work schedules shall be arranged to keep overtime at a minimum, with overtime scheduling being approved by the Public Works Director. The Public Works Director shall notify the City Administrator of any unusual amount of overtime to be performed and the reasons. 6. MINIMUM LEVELS OF SERVICE The following are minimum levels of service that can be expected. The city will strive to achieve better results if possible. . Snow and/or ice control may be terminated at any time the Street Superintendent or his designee determine that rising temperatures, visibility and/or the rate of accumulation make the control unsafe, ineffective or unnecessary . C:lBE'll1IWOROPROCIROOERISNOWPLOW.POL: 101291111 - PAGE 2 OF 10. . . . Should a subsequent storm occur within the minimum imes for service, then such subsequent storm shall become the storm referred to in this policy. A. Snow removal and/or sanding operations shall egin when snow accumulation reaches 2" or when ice or snow pack occur on desi nated ri a snow emer enc streets, and shall continue periodically throughout the duration of the sto . It is the intention of the City to keep these routes open to traffic, ifpossible, during a storm; howe er, it is not the intent to keep them snow or ice free. B. All designated secondary snow emergency st eets shall be open to traffic (two lanes) within eight (8) hours after the snow storm subsides. C. All remaining non emergency through streets hall be open to 2-1ane traffic within 12 hours after the snowstorm subsides. Parking lot snow m y be piled for removal and removed after snow is hauled from the Broadway median and all street are widened curb to curb where possible. The snow plowing operations in the commuter parking lot shall be started by 4 a.m. whenever weather conditions allow. D. All public streets such as dead ends and cul- e-sacs shall be open to traffic within sixteen (16) hours after a snowstorm subsides. E. Downtown Broadway, from Linn Street to Pal Street shall be plowed to the center median. The Street Superintendent or his designee may elec to plow downtown streets during evening or early morning hours to avoid traffic and parked vehicl s. Other downtown streets will be plowed outward. City owned parking lots and alleys in block 34, 35 and 52 are plowed by 8 a.m. after a 2" accumulation of snow (see Section 12). F. Downtown snow hauling including the halfblo k of Walnut south of Broadway, if necessary, shall begin the evening after all streets have been pIo ed and the crews are rested. Hauling shall not be conducted Friday evening or Saturday evening nless abnormal conditions warrant same. G. Salt and sand operations shall provide bare pav ment on driving lanes when conditions allow for all primary snow emergency routes, skid resistance t school crossings, stop signs and isolated icy areas. General snowpack on residential streets shall n t be sanded. H. Snow depth at the comers of intersections shall be reduced to 36" or less following other necessary snow plowing and removal operations. The S reet Superintendent or his designee shall have the authority to determine the scheduling and prior ty of this function. I. Certain county highways within the city are mai tained by the city and fall under county maintenance agreements. 7. SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES CSAH 39 WEST FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING TO CS H 75 WEST C:\BE1H\WORDPROCIROGERISNOWPL<:NI.POL: 10/29101 - PAGE 3 OF 10- BROADWA Y FROM WILLOW STREET TO CSAH 39 EAST WALNUT STREET FROM WEST BROADWAY TO 7TH STREET HART BOULEVARD FROM AMDULANCe CAnACE MISSISSIPPI SHORES TO WWTP TO CSAH 75 EAST WASHINGTON STREET FROM BROADWAY EAST TO 7TH STREET 7TH STREET FROM WALNUT STREET TO WASHINGTON STREET 6TH STREET FROM THE FIRE HALL TO TH 25: INCLUDING FIRE HALL PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAYS . ELM STREET FROM CSAH 39 WEST TO 6TH STREET WEST 6TH STREET WEST FROM ELM STREET TO CeDAI1 CTl1eCTTHE FIRE HALL CEDAR STREET FROM RIVER STREET TO 7TH STREET JRD STREET FROM rlNCWOOD ENTRANCe AT CCAII 75 CHESTNUT ST TO WASHINGTON ST SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM CI1117 SERVICE DRIVE (WEST OF T.H. 25) TO CR 18 CHELSEA ROAD EAST FROM CR 117 T.H. 25 TO CR 18 OAKWOOD DRIVE CHELSEA ROAD WEST FROM D & D DUC PARK PLACE DRIVE TO TH 25 RIVER STREET FROM THE NSP BALLFIELDS TO THE NURSING HOME ENTRANCE OTTER CREEK ROAD FROM CSAH 75 TO RIVER STREET WEST OAKWOOD DRIVE EAST FROM T.H. 25 TO THE CUL-DE-SAC . 8. METHOD OF PLOWING SNOW Snow will be plowed in a manner so as to minimize traffic obstructions. With the exception of that section of Broadway previously mentioned, the snow will be plowed from the center of the street outward. For narrow streets, the Street Superintendent or his designee may choose to plow from one side to the other. . C:I8E1l11WORDPROCIRoGERISNOWPlOW.POl: 10/29101 - PAGE 4 OF 10. Snow shall be plowed and pushed from left to right an discharged on the edge of the street or on adjacent right-of-way without regard for sidewalks and/or drive ays. The City shall not be responsible for plowing . snow from any private driveways or sidewalks. 9. HAULING OF SNOW Where space does not allow for snow to be pushed or iled outside the driving lanes, the city will remove the snow by hauling. Timing of such hauling shall be t the discretion of the Street Superintendent or his designee. 10. WEATHER CONDITIONS Snow and ice control operations will be conducted only hen weather conditions do not endanger the safety of employees or equipment, and operations are effect ve. Factors that may delay snow and ice control operations include: severe cold, significant winds, limi ed visibility and rapid accumulation of snow and/or Ice. 11. DISPATCHING OF EQUIPMENT . Dispatching of equipment shall be determined by the treet Superintendent or his designee. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall monitor weather c nditions and forecasts to aid in dispatch decisions. Plowing and/or sanding operations may occur during t e assigned work shift or on a specific situation call out. If the specific situation is on a primary snow emer ency route, the response shall be as soon as possible if workers and equipment are available and it is more t an four hours until a work shift is to begin. Once a work shift has ended, the Street Superintendent or his d signee has the discretion of responding immediately to other specific situations or waiting, in the case of n n-emergencies, until a new work shift begins. For emergency vehicles responding to emergency situa ions (fire, medical, police) within the city, necessary workers and equipment will be dispatched as soon as ossible. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall keep the Public Works Director informed of start progress and end of full scale plowing operations. 12. PUBLIC PARKING LOTS COMMUTER PARKING LOT INCLUDING SCHOOL BOULEVARD WEST AN SERVICE DRIVE * MEADOW OAK PUBLIC PARKING LOT * INTERIM PLOWING FOR 2000/2001 SEASON OR COMMUTER USE TO BE REVIEWED BY CITY COUNCIL PRIOR 02001/2002 SEASON * To be determined by the City Council on November 3, 2001 ......'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ......'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .....puQwep.aX,$.A.M.PNNQRMAWausiNE$$.PAX$..,y.; . CITY HALL PARKING LOT COMMUNITY CENTER PARKING LOTS WEST AND SOUTH LOTS c:\BETHlWORDPROCIROGERISNOWPLOW.POL: 10/29101 - PAGE 5 OF 10- ,:,":"','PUQW~p,aY8Aj'M",(qNNORMAUaU$lNe$$PAY$)< ,. " HI. WA Y LIQUOR PARKING L 0 T DEPUTY REGISTRAR/MO TOR VEHICLE PARKING L 0 T BL OCK 34 BY ZOO AN 0 AV ROO M BLOCK 35 BEH I N 0 LaC H J EWE LERS BLO CK 42 BY KJ ELLBERG 'S CARP ET ON E . :::::::::::::::::::::-:<<<<<,:-:-:.-,:.:.':;'::"::;::,:;:'::::.;...'......... !p~QWe6:wi~I't!RRlMAR-'t$NPW1eM~Ra~NPXRPQ~eU ::::>-:::-:.:.:....:::::,:,;'.,:.:;,:::;.::::;-:.:.:; ............,.,..,.,.".", :;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::;:::::;:::::::::::;;::::;':;::::::: ',.................................,..",'.'.,..".... ,,",".'.........'...'.'...............................'....................,. .....,.......,'......,.,.,....'..,.,.,.....,.,'......... ......................'..,.....,.,.....,.,.,.,'..,..'.'.' .........--........"..."..."..... ............... . . . ... ......................,...,.. .. "..."..,.,..... ,:,:;:,:,:.;,:.:,;,:-:<-:-:.;.:-:,;.:.:.'. ."',,,'.:':.'.....'.....'...... FIRE HALL PARKING LOT ..., .'....,....................Rl..QW~b:~NtHIN..,2HQUR~::eQUL6WINQ-$NQW..FA4U!~V~NT:...',..'..................:................:.:.: ...........,.""..,.".. ............", ,. .......,..,..,.,.,."..".",. ........ .., ,. ......,......,.,.,.,..,.,... ..... ..... ",. ................"". PUBLIC LIBRARY PARKING LOT PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE BUILDING AND OFFICE PARKING LOTS ANIMAL SHEL TER PARKING LOT 4TH STREET PARK PARKING LOT EAST BRIDGE AND WEST BRIDGE PARK PARKING LOTS * MEADOW OAK LIFT STA TION PARKING LOT * . * Delete if Meadow Oak Commuter Parking Lot reaffirmed 13. CITY MAINTAINED SInEW ALKS '" ,::.....,et.r:AREQWI1f~IN24HQUR~.PF.tHE'SNOPF,A~TaRM'EVENTASPER'ClmMipRbiNANCE'.",..: .... . ."." . . ......... ......... ....... .. ..... .. ... ... ... ..... . . BROADWA Y EAST SOUTH SI DE BETWEEN THE ZOO AND BOB'S BARBER SHOP BROADWA y WEST SOUTH SI DE FROM rl N [WOOD CLCMCNT Any 906 BROADWA Y TO PUM P & MU NCH JRD STREET WEST NORTH S I DE FROM FLICKERS TO WALNUT STREET BROADWA Y EAST SOUTH SI DE FROM PALM STREET TO WASH I NGTON STREET LIBRARY EAST BRIDGE PARK TI MBER STEPS AT TH E SLI 01 NG H I LL . C:\BETHIWORDPROCIROGERISNOWPLCNV.POL, 10129101 .PAGE60F10- . . . ::::::::;::::;;:;<:>:::<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<:::::::::::::::::::'::::=:::':':.:,:>:::::,:,:::::,:,:::.:::,:::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::>:::::::::::::::<:<:::-::;::::::.:,:::>:::::> :::::::::,:,:,:::':::::'::::)::::::::::::::::::: "."",.'. .'., ",',' ':' ',':-:-:-:',-:',':-:':-:':':':':':':':':':':':-:':':':-:-:':':':.:.:.:.:-:-:-:-:-:,' -: -:' " ',' -:-:':':-:':".":':-:-:':':': ':':-:-:".":-:':':':':-:':':':-:-:':':-,-,':':':-:-:':':':':':':':':':':':-:-:-:".",',' ',' . . \\?/j(h{(:Ci4,EAt<ECtWlTBINr24]~f:O'UR$:f:o;FfTHe:]='NDHQ;Fn~ ::::STQ:RM:~::eVE:N:T~:AS:1:p:eR~;;dtrx:~'ORO]N:ANCE:\?~:r?<:~:::~:? HI-WA Y LIQUOR INFORMA TlON CENTER SW CORNER ON TH 25 & CSAH 75 JRD STREET EAST DEPUTY REGISTRAR/PARKING LOT RIVER STREET WEST STEPS AT SOUTH SIDE OF RIVER STREET 0\1 WALNUT STREET ELM STREET WEST SIDE FROM GOLF COURSE ROAD TO 3ROADWA Y 1< WEST BRIDGE PARK 1< DELETE AS NOT USED IN W NTER AND DIFFICULT TO KEEP ICE FREE * STEPS ON WEST SIDE 25 CARDINAL HILLS PARK CEDAR STREET EAST SIDE AT RR CROSSING WALNUT STREET EAST SIDE PARKING LOT, ALLEY TO 3RD STR ET WASHINGTON STREET EAST SIDE FROM RR CROSSING TO 7Tl-l STR! ET MINNESOTA STREET EAST SIDE AT OLD 7TH STREET AND NEW 7TH STREET BROADWA Y NORTH SIDE AT OLD MAX DISCOUNT VACANT" LOT BROADWA Y SOUTH SIDE AT OLD SENIOR CENTER VACA ~T LOT COMMUTER PARKING LOT BUS SHELTER AND SIDEWALK COMMUNITY CENTER WEST SIDE OF WALNUT STREET FROM RR ( ROSSING TO 6TH STREET AND NORTH SIDE OF 6TH STREET FROM WAl NUT STREET TO FIRE HALL Sidewalks Cleared With City Assistance: 1.) South side of Broadway from the Pump & Munch to City Hall: The City will make one (1) pass with a snow blower each time its now blower IS used on the adjacent West and East Broadway sidewalks. The City will ne t broom or apply sand/salt to this sidewalk m the commercial area. 2.) Sidewalks on the east and west sides of Highway 25 from River Street to Oakwood Drive: The city will assist Mn/DOT when the\ request, by providing one (1) operator or one (1) driver and a 12-cubic yard dump truck to help remove snow from sidewalks put there by Mn/DOT plows. C:\BETHIWORDPRoc\ROGERISNQWPLOW,POL; 10121l101 - PAGE 7 OF 10- 14. CITY MAINTAINED PA THW A YS CSAH 75 FROM WEST RIVER STREET TO PINEWOOD ELEMENTARY CSAH 75 FROM MONTICELLO MIDDLE SCHOOL AT SIGNAL LIGHTS TO MEADOW OAK AVENUE SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM CR 117 TO CR 18 EXCEPT SOUTH SIDE FROM FALLON TO CARDINAL HILLS PARK TH25 EAST SIDE FROM KJELLBERG'S TO OAK WOOD DRIVE SCHOOL BOULEVARD NORTH SIDE FROM TH 25 TO SERVICE DRIVE ISETEA PA THWA Y SYSTEM TO BE INCLUDED UPON ITS COMPLETION MEADOW OAK FROM MEADOW OAK A VENUE TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE TO BE INCLUDED ONLY IF TIME PERMITS! . The County Road 75 and School Boulevard Pathways shall be cleared to a minimum width of 6' within 36 hours of the end of any snow event with snow accumulation of1f2" or more on the pathway. Work shall not begin until the adjacent roadway is plowed and widened. Pathways shall be blown clear and/or broomed as necessary to provide a surface deemed safe for pedestrian traffic. It is expected that the bituminous surface shall be visible in many areas along the pathway. . 15. CITY MAINTAINED SKATING RINKS (2) HOCKEY RINKS (1) GENERAL SKATING RINK Within 24 hours ofthe end of any snow event with an accumulation of more than I II of snow, all four rinks shall be plowed or blown clear and then broomed. All snow shall be removed from within the hockey rink area and no accumulations of snow should be left around the inside of the boards. Care should be used not to throw or pile snow on walkways. For any event between one-tenth of an inch to an inch of snow, all four rinks shall be broomed within 24 hours after the end of the snow event. Again, accumulation or ridges of snow around the inside of the hockey boards must be removed. . C:\BETHIWORDPROCIROGERISNOWPLCNI.POL: 10129/01 . PAGE 8 OF 10- The following rinks will be cleared as time allows rfler sidewalks, pathways, and above rinks are . complete: (1) GENERAL SKATING RINK 16. DAMAGE TO PERSONAL PROPERTIES Only those mailboxes or other personal properties which are installed properly and allowed by city ordinance to be on the boulevard and are damaged bv actual c ntact with city equipment, will be considered for compensation at city expense. Compensation for mailb xes and posts shall be for materials only. Damage to trees, shrubbery and other landscaping will not be co sidered for compensation unless located beyond the boulevard or private property. The city will re-seed pI w disturbed areas of the boulevard in the summer months when staffing and workload permits. Damage to personal vehicles will be considered only ifth yare legally parked and only if physically contacted by equipment. . 17. PLOWING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY Unless there is direct benefit to city operations or unle s emergency vehicles need access, there shall be no plowing of private property with city equipment. 18. REVIEW OF POLICY The city will keep on file comments and complaints eceived regarding this policy. This policy will be reviewed periodically. Any review will consider com ents or complaints received since the last review. 19. WINTER PARKING REGULATIONS The Wright County Sheriff's Department will rigorously enforce portions ofthe parking ordinances beginning November 15 through April 15, as follows: TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1 SECTION 2: Parking and stopping: It shall be unlawful for the ower and/or driver of a motor vehicle to stop, stand, or park the said vehicle in any of the following places, exc pt when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a peace officer r traffic control devices: . On any street or roadway between the hours f two o'clock (2:00) a.m. and six o'clock (6:00) a.m. from November 15 through April 15, except physicians on emergency calls. C:\BETHIWOROPROCIROGERISNOWPLOW,POL: 10/29/01 - PAGE 9 OF 10- TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 8: Parking in regard to snow plowing and/or removal: After a snowfall, all streets in the city of Monticello shall be cleared of all motor vehicles and parts thereoffor the purposes of snow plowing and/or removal until all streets are plowed. Any motor vehicle or parts thereoflefl: on any street or boulevard in the city of Monticello in such a way as to impede the performance of the city and/or state snowplow shall be dealt with under the Penalty Code No. 1-4-1. 20. WINTER SIDEWALK P A THW A Y /SNOWMOBILE REGULATIONS The Wright County Sheriff's Department will rigorously enforce portions of the city ordinance in regard to use of the sidewalks/pathways by snowmobiles: TITLE 6, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 2: Restrictions: It is unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile: On any sidewalks or pathways in the city of Monticello provided for pedestrian and/or bicycle travel. C:IBETI1\WORDPROCIRoGfRISNOWPlOW.POl: 10/29J01 . PAGE 10 OF 10- . . . . 9. Consideration of Third uarter financia rc ort for the Monticello Communi Center (KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Attached is the financial information, facility user ounts and number of passes sold through the third quarter of 200 1 for the Community Center. I cluded is a comparison of revenue and expenses for the third quarter of 2000 and 2001. The third quarter, which includes September, is typ cally the slowest month for the Community Center. Our facility usage is expected to, and did d op to about half of the next slowest month and therefore revenues also fell. We did, however, begin registrations for our fall classes and activities during September. We had an excellent 11 sponse to the classes that we offered and had one of our best start for registrations ever. During September we also had a high amount of m intenance work being done with the pool closed for eight days. We did a great job getting al of the necessary work accomplished and opened the pool on time! You may also have notic d that we've been doing a lot of painting. The gymnasium and the Mississippi Room where completely repainted. The gymnasium and the walking track f100rs were stripped and resealed an we did some landscaping at the end of the summer outside the Mississippi Room by the patio We think everything is looking pretty spiffy! . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . 1. The first alternative would be approve the nancial, facility use and pass information for the third quarter of 200 1 for the Communit Center. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The City Administrator recommends alternative n mber one. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Summary of information through September 2001. . 'ift.'ift.'ift.'ift.'ift. NO),,-,,-M r--.O)NLON ,,- 'ift.'ift.'ift.'ift.'ift.'ift. LOMLOtOO)tO COO) r--.,,-"<t r--. ,,- cr M LO "<t co 0) 0) ~ I'-: LO ,,- 0 ,,- r--. to 1.0 ...- N 0 O. CO CO 0) OMt-:O LONN"- ':>R. ':>R. ':>R. ':>R. 'ift. ':>R. ':>R. ':>R. ':>R. ':>R. ':>R. ,,- ,,- N "<t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r--. 0) 0 NM to N N CO ,,- M M 0 Lt'l to ,,- a:i '<i'<i 0) M to to M ,,- N 0 1.0 to 0 "<t CO ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- ,,- to N M Mo) 0) CO N"-CO o)N ai CO. NN 0000,,-0 OOOONLO OLOLOOLOtO 1.0 c-ri ~ CO' M ,,- N"<tM,,-tOM N ~ :; w a: ...I .~ <C ~ LL ,,-MNtO t(0)0r--. N'<iMr--. "<tNLOLO "<t.,,- N r--. ,,- ..- 0) M- ai "<t"<tN"<t O)"<t Or--. O)vtO 0"':"- r'''-CO "<tNO ONM r--.,,-LO ..- .... o o N a: W ~ <C =:l o C a: :E .... a: w .... z w (.) >- ~ Z =:l :!E :! o (.) o ...I ...I W . o :! ,,- ,,- o)N r--.M ..-N ,,- ,,- COO)LOCOLO to<,?<C!ON 0) "f,,-'<i<D N,,-LONr--. ,,-tOMLOO) to<ONCONN (O~~ ~ NCOO)OLO LOV,,-"':M to<D<DCOM MaNOr--. COLOr--. 1.0 "f M<oc-riO)...... ~ ~ "r"""" ~ VI (1) ~ E LL 0 u E VI C ~ro'- c~ (1)...... c:::o MMOMtON "':MVCOMo;f LOr--.r--.ONMO) Ir--. 0) M CO to to CO _11~6~.0~-~.~ ."I~N"-M iii'" ~ Q) C Q) VIe:> Q) I VI ffi ,~Q) VI ~rn g 6 w .b ro 'w ,!!1 C VI VI C 2 Q) (1) E c:o:;; U "0 'ffi ~ 6 e <(::a:=>oc.. ~ VI Q) ~ ffi ~e:> ::J I U) 6 E:o:;; ro ro '- ~ U Q) c::: ,,-0) LOtO"<t N LOOO)MMM Lt'lo;f0)0r--.,,- ll"ill"iVc-rit-:M M ,,- VI ...... 'w ,~ ~5V1 t5 .~ ro5 ~..:.:: o e>eo .c ~a... VI~ ~2 'ffi ~ Q.~~~ OQ..U)>>U) 1.0 to co NtO "<t VI~~"O Q) VI VI ~ ~~~Ei c..a...E .c..cO ............0 C c_ o 0 0- :2:20 M,,-O o o o N a: W ~ <C :J o 'E M o ... .... o o N a: W ~ <C '- :J Q) 0..0 E "C Q) ... ...... MO- I (1) zU) Ooll en i2 <C 0- ::Ii o (.) 'ift.'ift.'ift.'ift.'ift. 1.0 to tOM "<t N N 0) I o;f 'NN Ol"<t or--. ,,- ,,- o)N r--.M 'co o VI - VI (1) 0- cQ) .cVloLL ~ Q) 'w E Q) Q) VI ..oLLQ)~ E ID g Q) VI 0 e :2:JOQ.. O)o;ftO 0"':"- r--.,,-cO o;fNO ONM t-:..-ll"i ,,- CO"<t ,,-CO '<io 0)00 r--.r--. 0),,- ,,- ,,- 00 ...-'<i to"<t 1.01.0 ,,- ,,- ,,- Q) E o U VI C ro '- c~ Q)...... c:::O Council Agenda - 11/13/0 I . 10. Consideration of estabJishin way. (RW) sale of Vine and 7th Street ri ht-of- A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: At the last Council meeting, Mike Cyr of Front Porch Associates received approval for a concept stage PUD for 13 two unit buildings (a total of 6 dwelling units) on approximately four acres of land west of Minnesota Street and south of Sixth Street. The 4.3 acres of land consists of 2.65 acres belonging to Ron Ruff and 1.4 acres of Ut built City street right-of-way, and a standard single family lot. At the same Couneil meeting, Council approve the vacation of Vine Street south of 6th Street and approval to vacate a portion of Th Street west 0 Minnesota Street contingent upon successful eonlpletion of development and final stage PU /subdivision process for Mr. Cyr's townhouse proposal that included the establishment of an ast/west roadway replacing the vacated 7th Street. The precise terms of exchange and sale of right of-way were to be determined at a later date, which is the purpose of this agenda item. . As shown on the concept plan, Mr. Cyr is prop sing to utilize the existing Vine Street right~of-way for construction of townhouse uni s and would be providing a narrower driveway that will be private 01T of 6th Street. Thc townhouse proposal would also relocate Th Street in an east/west direction 01T Minnesota Street that co dd eventually tie into the Ruff Auto Parts property in the future. This segment of street would belarrowed from the present 80' right-of-way down to 60' wide, but would remain a public street in the future. The total amount of right-of-way being vaeated as yet to be accurately determined, but it is estimated to be in the neighborhood of 33,000 t) 35,000 square feet. This is calculated by estimating the approximate right-of~way of Vin Street that would be entirely vacated and the 20' portion of 7th Street that would not be replaced. from a pure land value standpoint, I would have to estimate that the market value for prop rty that could be considered a buildable lot of 11,000 to 12,000 square feet would be in the ne'ghborhood of $25,000 plus. This would place the value of property in that area of at least $2'(lO/s I. n. or maybe higher. As a comparison, the City recently purchased a lot across the street from t is area and paid over $4.00/sq. ft., although it is intended to be incorporated into a larger projec in the future. As another comparison, it is my understanding that sonle of the existing vacant and purchased by Mr. Cyr for this project was also purchased in the neighborhood 01'$1.75 to $2.0 /sq. ft. As you can see, the value of the right-of- way being vacated could easily be determined t be anywhere from $35,000 to $70,000 or more, when compared to other sales of adjoining pro erty. . What the Council is being asked to determine i what the sale price for the vacated street will be so that Mr. Cyr can determine whether his entire p oject is still feasible. According to revenue and expense data provided by Mr. Cyr, he expects a 10.2% return on his investment if the 26 units are sold at an average price of $154,000. This 10.2 Yo return assumes that there is no cost to him to acquire all of the vacated right-of-way. The sa e price is down from the original amount of $169,900 that the liRA had initially used in the r concept approval. While I'm sure it is debatable Counci I Agenda - 11/13/0 I e as to what an appropriate rate of return should b , Mark Ruff of Ehlers and Associates, the lIRA's financial consultant. did indicate that 8~9% retu n is normally acceptable for a builder. For an example, if an 8% return was used instead of 1 OYo, this amounts to costs being able to be increased by $3,000 per townhome ($72,000). With the HRA considering the use of tax incren ent financing to help subsidize this project, it is also likely that there would be additional TIf re enue available that could be authorized by the liRA to reimburse the developer for additional ost of acquiring the right-of-way from the City. The HRA had preliminarily considered the use fTIf on only around 12 units out of the 26 units. If Mr. Cyr could show the HRA that he has a hi Jher deficiency, it is likely the lIRA would consider additional TIf assistance to offset all ( I' a portion of any cost increase paid by the developer for additional land acquisition. In ot1er words, to avoid setting a precedent of simply giving away right~of-way at no cost to a develo er, lthink it would be a better alternative to establish a reasonable and fair price for any stre ~t right-of-way being vacated that is transferred to a developer and require the cost to be incorpora ed in any calculations used by the HRA to determine 'IIf assistance. This way the City c n avoid setting a precedent, yet still receive a bir value for property owned by the City, and still Ilow the developer to proceed with a worthwhile project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: e I. The Council could establish a fair mark t value few the property being transferred and require the developer to purchase the vacated right~or-way that will become private property. Under this alternative, the developer co lid add this cost to his per forma of revenue and expenditures and request additional sub idy from the HRA through TI F assistance if necessary. Under this alternative, the ,001l1cil would not be setting a precedent of vacating right-of~way at no cost. This alternati e could also be selected if the Council feels that there is sufficient revenue by using an +% return on the investment of the developer to support the additional land acquisition ost. 2. Council could establish a less than fair 11<:uket value for the property. Under this alternative. Council could il dicated that they feel the development proposal is of a higher benefit to the City than rece ving market value compensation or that the Council would not want the developer 0 request additional 'II F assistance to cover the cost of the right-of-way. 3. Council could determine to vacate the" treet and transfer the property at no cost to the developer. eC. STAFF IU:COMMENDATION: To avoid setting a precedent. of vacating strees without compensation, it is recommended that a . . . Council Agenda - 11/13/0 1 t~lir value be established and charged to the de eloper as outlined in alternative #1. If the developer can convince the lIRA that addition< I assistance is warranted, the developer can be reimbursed through TIF assistance. Under this alternative, analyzing the revenue and expenditures would also become the responsibility of the lIRA, which can utilize outside consultants as an additional resource to verify 11 appropriate return on investment. As to the actual value, when compared to surro mding properties, I believe the market value ranges anywhere from $1.75 to $4.00 or more per squ re fl)Ot. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Map of streets being vacated and revised site plan. . . . N OpaQUo screemng fence with \ vegetation Vine Lane ""-",. ",," 6 1/2 Stree t:;xigtjng home Minnesota Street SCALE 1"" 50'-0' 10 . :z.. l::' ::0 -1 ~ f iI' ; '" o :Ii :Ii-a !f"l 15ij lh ~L 'i Ii. .. ~ i ... i f .. I f ~ ~ It . 10 . . O~ ..:Ie> ..:1.0: ~~ un: ....~ E-:> ZO OU :E 0 ",.. 0 'D >00 t:~ uenl>: ....0 00 ~.... "'''' U 0'" III ..:1..:1 ClCl 11>'" <:'" ..... 0 ..:l '" :.: H II> U ~'" .... I>l ..:l .0 :I: '" U >- II> '" '" U '" ..... "'''' .0: n. III '" ... '" '" .... '" ..... ..... .... I'l 0 OZ .... :I: ... ... 0 II> III .., .... en en t:; .e E- :.::.: ..... z UU ... II> I>l ~~ '" .c ~ E- 00 u 15 E '" 8 ... ~ "'''' 0 .......... '" 8 .0:.0: III .... "'''' II> 00,... 0 ~ '" '" -........ ..:l'" '" .......... n.o ~M '" i3 00 0 0 ........ nU >0.... <:: .... III . .0: n 0 00'1 <: "'.. ..... ,...'" 0 .... .., .... ..... ... en u , , .., II> ~~ III '" l:l ........ u <: .... ::> .... 00 " <: III 0 , 00 ... 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