City Council Agenda Packet 10-22-2001 AGE DA REGULAR MEETING - MONT CELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 2,2001 - 7 p.m. . Mayor: Roger Belsaas Council Members: Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen ] . Call to Order 2. Approve minutes of October 8, 200] regula Council meeting. 3. COnSid}\ration. of adding items to the agend. ~ f~J.-r~~ ': ~~ ptVvt ~ CItizen commcnts/petltlons, rcquest and co _ ~..wtl~ ~(~- ~yf\l' 0;) Consent agenda. . ~&- ~ 'Wr~ v.-;"J--,.-fb-e- k~h;t, lplaints. \. t'\J'..1 .....it..t.;, Iv\' eM 'TT 4. iIV\ Il.s- //(1 5. A. Consideration of final plat and devel )pment agreement for Mentissippi Trail "l'ownhomes (IIarstad Iloldings). B. Consideration of acceptance of impr vements - Rivcr Forest 2nd Project No. 99~08P. . c. /@ / E. / Consideration of approval of union c )I1trac1. Consideration of a request l()I' conce t stage PU D approval. App]icant: front Porch Associates. Ltd., Michael Cyr. Consideration of setting a budget wo "kshop meeting date. ~(~O $ r .-(/ }/lC'" iIl..A \ lr Consideration of items removed from the co sent agcnda f()J" discussion. Public llcaring on vacation of Vine and Th S rect (Mike Cyr) 8. Puhlic Hearing on delinquent utility account and consideration of certifying delinquent amounts to the County. 9. Puhlic Hearing on vacation of utility easenle ts for Monticello Trave] Center (Mielke Development). ] O. Rcview of bids for liquor store expansion an consideration of award of contract. 11. Review of new policics and rules for Riversi e Cemetery and consideration of adoption of same. . ]2. Call for a public hearing to consider an amen ment to the zoning ordinance that would exempt a governmental agency from the prol ihition against barbed wire fencing or other provisions of the fence ordinance to protect p Ihlic safety. . . . Agenda Monticello City Council October 22, 2001 Page 2 13. Approve payment of bills for October. 14. Adjourn. . . . M NUTES REGULAR MEETING- MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, Oct her 8,2001 - 7 p.m. Memhcrs Present: Roger Belsaas, Ro Tel' Carlson, Clint l-Ierbst, Brian StLllnpf, Bruce Thielen Members Absent: Nonc 1. Call to Order. Mayor Belsaas called the mccting to orde at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. A rove minutes of Se tember 24 200 re ular Council meetin J. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPR VI:: THE MINUTES OF THE SEVfFMBER 24. 2001 REGULAR COUNCIL MEET[NG. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED T'I [L~ MOTION. MOTION CARR[ED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of uddin.. items to the a ndu. Mayor Belsaas addcd the upcoming regiol al League of Minncsota Cities meeting to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments! Mr. John Erlandson camc before the Co un il concerning the requircments for cxpansion of his parking lot. Mr. L':rlandson is expanding i.. parking area hy an additional 800 square feet. [t was his intent that the runoff from the exp' nded parking area would be directed to the street and picked up therc by a catch basin. [[is opti< ns in order to accomplish this were to have the elevation of the expanded area at a level were the surface water would all run towards the street or have a gutter system put in that ould hring the runoff to the catch basin in the street. The City Engineer and stafr felt that the r nofT should not be directed towards the streets since it was questionable that the existing catch asin had sufficient capacity to handle the additional runoff The City was recommending that r. Erlandson install a catch basin and then pipe the runoff flow to the holding pond area. Mr. Erlandson stated this proposal would add approximately $2,100 or 40% to his total c s1. Fred Patch informed the Council that the p rking lot expansion was hegun without the City being notified and the expansion encroach d into the required set backs. At the point the City hecame aware of the expansion the issue 0 the runoff from the expansion area and how it could best be handled was addressed. Mr. rlandson stated that he had not talked directly to the City ":ngineer but his contractor had. r. Erlandson questioned why he could not dircct his runoff to the street where there were ex sting catch basins to pick it up. Since, City Engineer, Bret Weiss was not present at th meeting, the Council directed Mr. Erlandson to meet with the City Engineer and other city stafT to resolve this issue. J . . . 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of ratifying new hires for onticello Community Center. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of mployees f(x the Monticello Community Center as identified. H. Authorizing the hiring of John Glomski s Planner Technician. Recommendation: Move to award the position of Planner T chnician to John Glomski officially assuming full-time status as of the next payroll per'od. C. Considcration of Change Order No.1 - th Street Reconstruction Project No. 200 I ~ 7C and Ccdar Street Reconstruction Project 0.2000-18C. Recommendation: Approve Changc Order No.1 in the amount of $1 .752.70 to the 71h Street Rcconstruction Project No. 2001-7C and the Cedar Street RecOl struction Project No. 2000-1 SC making a revised contract amount of $571.831.50. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE TilE CONSENT AGENDA. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TilE MOT[ON. MOTION CAR 11':1) UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the co None. 7. Public He11rin Sewer F:xtension. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, explained the purpose of the supplemental hearing noting that since the project was initiated, a new parcel had been created and the plans were revised to provide service for this parcel. Since the new arcel was deriving benefit from this project it was felt that a hearing should be conducted so t1 at the parcel could be assessed for the cost of the improvement. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. Ther was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed improvement. Mayor Belsaas thel closed the public hearing. CLINT HERBST MOVED '1'0 ORDER '1'1 [E C )N'f[NUATION OF THE KJELLBERG SANITARY SEWER EXTENS[ON PROJECT O. 99-01C AS REVISED TO PROVIDE SERVICE TO THE NEWLY CREATED PAREL. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOU 'L Y. Res. No. 2001-65. 8. Consideration of balance of Ii htin contract or the Walnut Street 1m rovement Pro'eet Mayor Belsaas stated that the Council had recti cd a memo from the Design Advisory Team outlining their approval of the light fixture for t e Walnut Street Project and to urge the Council not to do this project in phases. Public Works Direc or, John Simola, indicated that the Towne Centre developers arc considering using the same llxtur but have not yet gotten a firm cost estimate. The Council reviewed the cost information from Xeel Energy for the proposed lights. d . Council Minutcs - 10/8/0] CLINT HERBST MOVED TO AUTHORIZE .lIE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO CONTINlJE WORKING WITH XCEL ENER TY TO SUPPL Y TIlE POLES AND fiXTURES (UJMEC) AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $] 4200. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED '1'1 IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL,Y. Added Items: Mayor Bclsaas notcd thcre is a regional meeting of the oeague of Minnesota Cities scheduled for Thursday, October 25,200] at Kimball and asked that anyone int rested in attending to let the City Administrator know. Clint I-Ierbst asked that the Council look at operating h urs for contractors. John Simola stated that on most city contracts the hours of operation are from 7 a.m. to p.m. Apparently some builders are working much later into the evening which is generating complaints a out the noise. 9. Approve p}lvment of hills for October. . BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE P YMENT OF BILLS FOR OCTOBER. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MO nON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Adjourn. BRUCE TIIIELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN T 7:30 P.M. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOl SLY. Recording Secretary . .., -) ?-. . . . SA. City Council Agenda - 10/22/0 I REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to consider granting nal plat approval to the first phase of this project which consists of 51 units on 8 acres. The otal project is 97 units on 16 acres. This planned unit development was approved at evelopment stage a few weeks ago. Following arc sonle points of interest as the project m ves to final PUD approval. · City Planner Steve Grittman has ind cated that under the Planned Unit Development approved by the City Council, the C ty has the authority to hold the developer to design and building value standards proposed during the review process. · Please review the attached memo to the developer along with worksheet for a summary of the major terms of the c evelopment agreement. The precise language of the development will be prepared su sequent to city and developer approval of the concepts outlined in the memo. ALTERNAflVE ACTIONS I. Motion approving final plat and dev~lopment agreement for the Montissippi Trail 'fownhome residential development. Motion contingent on final stage put) approval granted by City StafT which include,. development agreement. engineering plans, building plans, landscaping and res rictive covenants. 2. Motion denying approval of the fina plat and development agreement 1'<,)1' the Montissippi Trail Townhome reside 1tial development STAFF RECOMMENDATION City Staff recommends alternative I. SUPPORTING DATA · final Plat · See attached memo and worksheet f I' summary of development agreement terms and project financing. Summary of expenses - Montissippi Trails _~ontissippi Trails Townhomes ~ct 17, 2001 Area Charges and Assessments Based on 8.76 Acres - 51 Units in First Phase. Acreage Aeres C it Cha e Park. $800 per unit - How many units? Pld:hway - $210 per unit $40,800.00 $800 )l 51 $10,710.00 $210 X 51 $0 $16,644.00 $0 $13,140.00 Sanitary Sewer Watermain $1,900 8.76 $1,500 8.76 Storm Sewer $5,000 8.3 .46 $39,200.00 Total area reduced to account for pond area Storm Sewer - Rail road conidor connection Total amount to Assess Per lot Assessment based on 51 Units Prairie Road Connection Assessed with Phase II Letter of Credit/City Fees Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer Road and Driveways Sidewalk and pathways Total Letter of Credit Amount (Total cost X 125%) City Fee based on 8% of total cost. Letter of Credit covering 30% of Railroad Storm Sewer Assess ent NSP . lighting Grading Fee TreeslLandsea in Bond '-ea.~t' \.", \ (,;" ~ ~ _ -'l.". C"1' .,JO ~ ~ ~/J"og . ..II ' lj,. '("- ; .;1r ~ afVI' 0- ~ oi ~ . ItlJ o \A. ,..1..""0 bi) ~.-.., $128,000 Includes Administrative overhead and BN Permit fee $248,494.00 $4,872.43 Const Cost $85,000 $73,600 $83,500 $100,100 Ineluded $342,200 51 $427,750 Can be reduced but held until project complete $27,376 TBD NA NA TBD Developer expense None 100% of Actual Cost ~ l'5 1Il", E?~ ~l .... ffi~ ... 0 Z 0 ::i~w j'- N '" l~' =>;; ,,""". i5i!' ~ 1-.!1 "'1' %~;; r~t ~~ "'i5~ w "-g i!'"", ---' 0 ~- ;~i!; <( 0 ~d U t:i ",z ~~~ V1 / ~ 0 w ~bl "'...~ u "- -z ~iiil - on :!~~ :c ;;;; >-~-' i!;ZO n.. ,">-"- ,... <( 0 :r:a::l~ ~.:t.2 a::: ~8j; lll,"~ c.:> dl'5 ~~; -"'e> "-- "'" Z "'''' I'!~C ~1J.J~ 0 ~....~ i!'''' 0 :!lbli! ~i!;~ 0 ~~W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ {.,? 8~8~~?l~;ri~~~~:;:~P;Fi~~~!3;;~;::~;:~~ft ~ ill;;: ~;: :r iil P P ~ ~ ~:>; t; I1l ~ Fl i' i' jll ~ ~ (l fl ~ ~ ~ ~ 1':l ~~ffiffi~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; .., .., ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >--- Z WI (:I ~ Nt"')..,. iI\ ~ ,.... Q[) ~ 0 - ~ foF') ..,. LI") ID ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ / / /r/ I / / //::~.::.I .'~:' .4,,~& .r'" --".. ~,., ..) ~i/~>~;:/ : /1 / 1III '" ~ ...' (J ;1,,' , , >. , . I /,.:,(::.:,~ .: c (} ".'( ,'0 /~,~, (,: (] ',;C' ,:l:'".: Cl.'\' CJ~ ,~) ::; ':.' J1 i'" ~. 88 . / rr 1__ ~.!; g~ -FJ "-." _-:.t-"; : .> Irr I.. i l::Q I~ ! ~, . I~.J .. ..... . E-o I~~ ~ J 0 ~~o 11\ ~ ";)."$ (rr ""'(;,'" E-o <<il- I .<4, I.. MEM MONTICELLO TO: Forest Ilarstad FROM: Jeff O'Neill RE: Development Agreement Terms - Mo tissippi Trails Town Homes DA T~~: October 15,2001 Attached you will find a spread sheet that outlines th financing elements relating to the City/Developer relationship. In addition to itcms not~d on the spreadsheet, the following concepts will be addressed in the development agree lent. These items should reflect what has alrcady been agreed to at previous meetings. . The storm sewcr extended along the railroad right-of way, from the development site to the storm sewer in the railroad right-of-way, will be fun ed via special assessment. A cost estimate for this improvement will be included in the develop nent agreement and incorporated into the assessment roll. A letter of eredit equal to 30% of th project cost will be required to secure paymcnt or the assessment. A waiver of public hearing on the assessment will be incorporated into the development agreement. Legal! Administrat' ve and Engineering overhead will be included in the storm sewer project cost. The City will sell the f()Ur tax delinquent, undevelop d lots on Prairie Road in conjunction with Phase II of the project. The cost orthe four lots is stat $20,000 per lot. It is understood that you would like to subdivide the fi.Jur lots into eight lots hich will require completion of a platting process, ete. City staff supports the subdivision con ept but can not make a guarantee that the subdivision will be approved by the City Council. At Phase II of the development. the City will compl te a road and utility project developing the four lots and make the necessary connection to the s cond phase of the development. The cost of these improvements shall be levied as a special asse. sment against benefitting properties as f()llows. One half of the cost will be levied against arcels on the north (four tax delinquent lots) and one half to parcels on the south. Any pOliion of the assessment against the south side that can not be assessed due to failure to show benefit sh II be paid by the developer. . The design of the connecting roadway (Prairie Road will meet existing city standards which could include a 32' roadway, curb and gutter and sid walk. A waiver of public hearing on the assessment will be incorporated into the developmel t agreement. Legal/Administrative and Engineering overhead will be included in the Prairie Road project cost. 5f\ Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, N 55362-8831. (763) 295-2711. Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, N 55362 · (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 ~ MONTISSIPPI TRAILS T WN HOME AREA DEVELOPMENT ROJECTS ---- .... --~I I [ - WJ . s~ WSB & RSSOCIRTES INC OCT-17-2001 09:30 """ ... 1,',WSB . .,oc:tate.s.lne. , , i{o:~ . .~~ 1. , 1!f' , ?~ ;:i~:,' i .)~" ' ..,1,. ,~ 'Irlll....-,- \,;1~~t'~; r '," ,'" I~" ' . ;:~:,~;~~:~'~;If~:" ',I:: ,'''.r . . , ,., . ::...' l~;i':. "',' .".~~ :;iirJ. !~\r- ~J ,N; ,.::,: :~:~~~.: ~:: ,'I' ',' : Ii' . . .~!I r < ;:" j~. ~ I " ,~: . 'j , 4159, ~~~' Memorl~/:'l~W4Y (.O~J;!;:'~: : ',it., ,'r'!',)',,:' jf'MinneapO~5;: ~ ':r~ . :'I~~I~r.+ . ::~In~:"'<:;. ~422.: ' :, ~. ' ~~: ~i ; 763 October 16, 2001 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Final Acceptance of Streets and Utiliti s River Forest 2nd Addition Subdivision WSB Project No, 1160-06 7635411700 P.02/02 Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council: Construction of the River Forest 2ud Additi n Subdivision streets and utilities has been completed and reviewed, and found to be in general confonnance with the project documents, The developer is, therefore, 1'1 uesting City acceptance of the streets and utilities within the project. A two-year mai tenance bond effective October 22, 2001 is required to be provided to the City by the dev loper for the Development Agreement. Based on our review of the project, we woul recommend City acceptance of the streets and utilities contingent upon the following: · Receipt of the two-year maintenance b nd from the developer · Record drawings for the project · Receipt of funds to pay for constructio of the pathway segment within Outlot B as a pan of the River Mill 6th Addition pf~ect Should you have any questions, please contact me at (763) 287-7190. Sincerely, &;;;tnc. Bret A, Weiss, P,E. City Engineer c: Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Fred Patch. City of Monticello John Simola, City of Monticello nm/sb .., SB P:\WPWIN\116O-C'll'i\fnl ~r~nml' I,.. II"", TOTRL P.02 . Council Agenda - 10/22/01 sc. Consideration of ratifyin2 union contract. ( W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: The City Council is being asked to consider rat tying the terms of the new two year union contract that has been recently negotiated with he I.lJ.O.E. Local 49 covering the Public Works Department employees. This contract would h retroactive to April 1,2001 and would extend until April 1, 2003. . Contract negotiations have heen ongoing since early April. and have included a few meetings with the Personnel Committee members along ith myself and the union representative, Mr. Kent Kormen and two union stewards repr senting the employees. Initially, the union had requested a number of changes to the contract including a change on how overtitne hours were calculated, a change to the work schedule to b gin at 7 a.n1. to 3:30 p.m. rather than 7:30 a.m. to 4:30p.m.. one additional Jloating holiday, age and salary increases of 4 Y2 % f(Jr each of the two years, a change in the time it took to get 1<.. the top scale from 4 Y2 years down to 2 Y2 years. longevity pay based on years of service and ad itional compensation for having a CDL license. The City responded with a nUlnber of contract language changes ourselves that resulted in the primary discussions relating to salary increase, work schedule changes, employee insurance contribution levels and establishing a limit on he amount the City would contribute in the future towards unif()J"m clothing allowances. During July and August. negotiations stalled I ainly over the City' s establishnKnt of a ne\V clothing allowance provision that would requi'e union elnployees to pay fl.)r half of any increased costin the future. and group health insurance contribution levels. The City had proposed to the union members a flmnula that would continue the amount of City paid insurance premiums in the future plus an addi ional $17.50 per month to cover increase cost but union members concerned that with insurance premium increases being an unknown factor and out of their control. they were reluctant to agr e to a contract that had this provision in it. The union had hoped to retain the group health ins trance coverage on the same levels that the non- union employees, i.e. employee being respon ible for 20% of the dependent coverage. . Union Inembership also again this year had requested a change in the work schedule, a shortening up by Y2 hour the lunch period. all wing them to have a quitting time of 4 p.m. rather than 4:30 p.m. Although there were s( me issues the City would have to address as far as possibly changing work schedules of supe visors to correspond with the new work schedule, the negotiations did offer this change in the ork schedule provided the union accepted our other provisions, including the new health in urance contribution levels. Ironically, the group health insurance offered initially by the City ould have actually amounted to each union employee paying $54.57 per month during th first year of the contract for family coverage versus over $8 1.00 per month when comparil g it to non-union employees. The uncertainty of what future premiums would amount to was till the big issue with the union members and was the reason the negotiations have taken this 101g. ~ Council Agenda - ]()/22/0l In an atternpt to finalize an agreement. I had pn posed two alternatives to the union for their consideration. Thc main dilTcrences between tl e two alternatives related to if the union wantcd thc same group hcalth insurance benefit. as non-union, the work schedule would also remain the same as it currently is (7:30 a.m. to :30 p.m.). If the union wanted a different work schedule. they would have to also be subj ct to group health insurance changes in the future. The union members finally selected th alternative that left the work schedule as it currently is with the insurance contribution lev Is to be the same as non~union in the future. The provisions the Council is asked to ratify ar outlined in detail under alternative #2 attached as supporting data. In summary, the following 'hanges are proposed: Vacation Leave - This section will ultin ately reduce the amount of vacation an employee can accumulate to 2 times their annual earnings, rather than the 240 hours now stated in the contract. . Salary Schedule - Salary schedule prop sed for both the operator/mechanic and the shop mechanic/operator position to be ncreased 2.90;() for the first five steps and the sixth step being increase 3 Y}Yu. This would be the same for both years of the contract. . Group Health Insurance - Union emplo ees will be treated the same as non-union with each employee being required to contri ute 20% of the dependent insurance premiunl cost. now currently calculated at $81.4 per Ilwnth as of 9/15/01. .---..... Clothing/Uniform Allowance - This ne v provision establishes an amount that the City currently contributes for uniform/clothing at $502.00 annually with the ernployees now being responsible for 50% of any incre se in the future. I believe the contract revisions as proposed are fair and equitable for the union membership and allow our contract to remain in compliance wi h our comparable worth program and provides salary increases that are very similar to those ranted non-union employees earlier this year. B. AL TERNATIYF.: ACTIONS: I. The Council could ratify the current Cl ntract extension as outlined under alternative #2 and make the bencfi ts retroacti ve to A ril 1. 200 I. 2. Do not ratify the contract. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Adminis rator and the Personnel Committee that thc contract be ratified as negotiated. With chan res being minor in the contract, and salary increases being similar to those granted to nO! -union employees, it is felt this contract should be acccptable to the City. The provision for l'miting future increases on clothing allowance 2 MONTICELLO September 19,2001 lJNION CONTRAC PROPOSAL ALTERNA T VE # 2 I. Article XX - Vacation Leave 20.02 (Revision) - Except as specifically appro cd in writing by the City Administrator, employees will not be allowed to accumulate il excess of2.0 times the employee's annual vacation accrual. Any employee who has accu lulated as of April 1,2001 vacation hours in excess of2.0 their annual earnings shall be all wed to continue to accrue the excess hours they have accumulated as of April 1,2001 provided the amount does not exceed 240 hours. 2. Appendix I - Salal'Y Schedule Revise the equipment mechanic/operator top r te to $17.6 7per hour effective 4/1 /0 1 and $18.29 per hour effective 4/1 /02. Along \vith these a justments, Appendix I would be adjusted for new employees and those who have not yet re ched the top rate based on months of service accordinQ the follO\vinQ salar)1 waQe schedule. The effective rate increase is 3 1/2% for the tOI) '- '- '- rate and 2.9% for the balance of the steps for t oth of the contract years. . Operator/Mechanic Top Rate 36-48 mos. 24-36 mos. 12-24 mos. 6-12 mos. First 6 mos. 04/0 I /00 $17.07 $16.38 $15.70 $15.02 $14.34 $13.65 Current o /01101 $17.67 $16.86 $16.16 $1 5.46 $14.76 $14.05 04/01/02 $18.29 $17.35 $16.63 $15.91 $15.19 $14.46 The salary schedule for the shop mechanic/op rator position will also be revised to a top rate of $18.72 per hour effective 4/01/0 I and $19.38 )er hour effective 4/01/02. Appendix I would also be adjusted for new employees and those who have not yet reached the top rate based on months of service according to the fl.illO\ving salary s hcdule. The effective rate increase for this position is also 3 1/20;() Il.ir the first year and 2.9% for tle balance of the steps. . SllCm Mechanic/Operator Top Rate 36-48 mos. 0410 1/00 $18.09 $17.37 Current 4/01/01 '18.72 , 17.87 04/01/02 $19.38 $18.39 Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello MN 55362-X831 . (763) 295-2711' Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticel 0, MN 55362' (763) 295-3170' Fax: (763) 271-3272 sc . . . 24-36 mos. 12-24 mos. 6- 12 mos. I:irst 6 mos. 3. Article XIV - Duration $16.65 $15.92 $15.20 $14.4 7 $17.13 $1(>.38 $15.64 $14.89 $17.63 $16.86 $16.09 $15.32 The City is proposing that the duration of the I ew contract run for two years from April I ,2001 to March 31,2003. 4. Article XVIII - Group Insurance Program 18.01 (Revision) - The City of Monticello agr es to contribute the following amount of money on a monthly basis towards the cost orthe PriJ cipal Mutual Life Group Medical and Dental Insurance Program set forth in Appendix #2. All employee classes covered by this agreement will pay the difference between full cost and tl e contribution amount set forth below. Todd Barnes Rich Cline Jim Eisele Al Gapinski Tom Grossnickle "rom Jackson John L_uckach Tom Moores Tom Pawelk Mike Rogers Leo Schroden Sean Weis New Employee (Ave) Eml1loyce 230.99 244.59 447.37 583.14 440.88 359.17 222.63 347.82 225.74 272.57 213.55 583.14 621.73 0.00 $4,317.7 333.50 244.59 230.99 230.99 230.99 285.78 221.16 244.59 285.78 221. 16 $ 3J)05.11 (Employee (Family Average Cor Sinl.de & Family Coveral..'.e - ~ ~ Base City Contribution Amount Employee Share Familv 9-15-00 Total Premium 678.36 827.73 774.38 603.76 453.62 578.81 456.73 558.35 434.71 827.73 907.51 221.16 $7"7/8~ .~-_. ) $250.43) $392.51) $642.95 ($573.23) $ 69.72 Maximum Basc Employcr Contribution Effectiye 9-15-()() $573.23 $573.23 $573.23 ~. -7" 7"' .jl) ,)._.) $-7" 7" ) ~._.) $573.23 $573 .23 $573.23 $573.23 $573.23 $573.23 ~. -7"' 2"' ,D) .). .) Effective September 15. 20() 1 and Septemb r 15, 20()2. the City oC Monticello agrees to adjust the employer monthly contribution amount- listed above by an amount equal to any contribution provided to non-union employees. c::'C _J . . . The City retains thc right to change insurance arricrs and/or program benefit levels provided any changes arc consistent with all City or Montie 110 employee groups. s. Article XXV - Clothing/Uniform Allowance (New) 25.()] The employer agrees to contribute up to $502.36 annual to each full-time permanent union employee for unifc)!"m/clothing laundering ser ices that may be used by employees. Efrective April 1,2002, the City of Monticello agrees to contribute $502.36 annually plus up to 50% or any increase incurred by the City 1'01' the unifOlm/c1othing laundering services. Sc . . . 51>. City Council Agenda -10/2210 I Consideration of a Conce Porch Associates. (NAC) licant: Front A. RL':FER.ENCE AND BACKGROUNI Mike Cyr of Front Porch Associates has appli ~d f()r a Concept Stage PUD approval to permit a JO-unit townhouse project along Sixth Stre t and Minnesota Street The staff report to the Planning Commission is attached describin the original version of the plan, and some oC staffs concerns with that version. After dis 'ussion at the Planning Commission meeting, the Conunission agreed to recommend appro al of the land use (townhouses/twinhomes) and a generalized street pattern that included the acation of Vine Street but the retention of Old Seventh Street as a public right-of-way. Since the Planning Commission meeting, s afT has had an opportunity to meet with the applicant to discuss further refinements ofth Concept Plan. Those discussions have led to a potential concept that would include a sililar density to that proposed in the original version, but with a change to the layout of the units on the site. Per the Planning Commission discussion, Vine Street would b vacated to accommodate a north-south private street On either side ofthe private street wo Id be units with close setbacks and rear-loaded garages. The garages would access privat alleyways at the perilneter of the site, Old Seventh Street would be retained as a publi right-or-way, but shifted slightly to the south to permit a unit layout better fitting the site. A similar unit arrangement and private alley access design would be utilized in this area. The benefits of this design would be the pot ntial f()r consolidation of open space available to the residents of the project, and a dispersal of the traffic generated by the proposed density. In addition, a small area of open sp< ce along Minnesota Street would contribute to a more open view of the area from the publi street, creating a SOli of "village green". Staff believes that the concept plan evolving from these discussions is in keeping with the intent oCthe Planning COlmnission's recommenda ion. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the PUD Conce t Stage Plan, subject to compliance with the requirements in this report. 2. Motion to deny the PUD Concept Stage, based on a finding that the PlJD zoning requires more extensive improveme ts than those proposed in this plan. J. Motion to table action on the PlJD C ncept Stage, subject to additional information. _____ ___ ._._.__._._. .-iI!:.. ._ . City COLlnc i I Agenda - I 0/22/0 I C STAFF RECOMMENDATION Stall recommends approval of the Concept Stage plan, with the comments made in this report. As noted in the previous Concept St, ge approval by the Planning Commission, the City believes that the level of improvements on this site are appropriate for the use, and the potential designs discussed with staff woul be right in line with the intent of the use of PUD. D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Original Concept Site Plan Exhibit B - Planning Commission Staff Rep )11 . . 2 ~ Vine Stlfld .0 ,'It .'l,,'* '(- )' ,,"' ... ::-" '11 '" # ,:J 6th Stroot c:)~'Zi (/~ I r .' ~ m ~' !> ,~ Minnesota Street ^'- . . . 7. Plann ing COIllIll ission Agenda -10/02/0 I Consideration ofa Conee t Staoe Planne Unit Develo ment for a 30 Unit Townhouse Pro 'eet in an R-2 Zonino District. A I'eant: Front Porch Associates. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO Mike Cyr of Front Porch Associates has pplied for approval of a Concept Stage PUD consisting of 15 two-unit buildings (a total no dwelling units) on 4.3 acres ofland. This parcel includes 2.65 acres belonging to Ro Ruff: 1.4 acres of unbuilt City street right-of- way, and a standard single family lot. The p oject area borders the Ruff Auto property to the west, 6\h Street to the north. Minnesota Str et to the east. and the neVi apartment bui [ding complex to the south. The northeast corn r of the project area is occupied by two single family homes and one vacant single family lot that are not a part of the proposal. The project relies on the City's vacation an sale of its right-of-way interests. consisting of ]lh Street and Vine Street. The Vine Street ight-of-way adjoins the west side of the project area. and the ]lh Street right-of-way splits t e private property into north and south parts. The project proposal would consolidate he various parcels and street rights-of~way, replatting it to accommodate the townhouse roject. The design relies on an internal private street that \vould access 6\h Street just east 0 the current Vine Street intersection, loop south through the site. then curve west to an inter ection with Minnesota Street. Groups of four units are designed to share an internal drive -ay that accesses the private street. However. six of the units have individual private driv ways that front directly onto the public streets. four to the north and two to the east. Issues raised by the proposal include the fi.)llowing: 1. Vacation of the public street rights- f-way is not assured. Staff has discussed the need to retain the 7\h Street right-of- ay from Minnesota to the boundary with Ruff Auto. The City has had discussion.' relating to the eventual redevelopment of the Ruff Auto site, converting it to res'dential use. Preservation of the street access through to Minnesota may be an i 11portant connection for future neighborhood development. Staff has discussed tl is issue with the developer. and modifications to the plan may be considered that w uld preserve the use of this right-of-way. The Vine Street right-of-way appears t) be less important to neighborhood traffic circulation, and may be an appropri - te candidate for vacation. 2. The plan lays out pairs of two unit bL ildings that are just ten feet apart for a distance of nearly 90 feet in four locations. ther dimensional issues show buildings 20 to 25 feet from the private street. but ith one building corner just ten feet from the oj) . . Planning COIllIll ission Agenda -10/02/0 I 6. The three buildings that face the st eet are required to maintain a 30 foot setback. Setbacks shown on the plan are 25 feet from 6th Street and less than 15 feet from Minnesota Street. Because these driveways face directly onto public streets, the setbacks should be maintained. s with the other units, Planning Staff would recommend consideration ofsignifi antly lesser setbacks if the driveways could be oriented away from the streets. 7. The private street appears to be appr ximately 24 feet in width, adequate for two way traffic without parking. The plan suggests one way traffic 11ow. Staff would encourage a two~way pattern as the safest and best way to distribute traffic. 8. Staff recommends additional visit r parking be provided in developments with private streets. since no on-street pa king is available for overflow beyond the two private spaces in front of each unit. 9. The west boundary line with Ruff A to is planned for a densely landscaped berm to screen the project from the salvage y rd views. A 20 foot setback is proposed. This distance would accommodate a bem of only about two feet in height, not accounting for drainage issues. Landscaping wo dd need to be extraordinarily dense to block the views of the auto salvage area. Mol' over. the City's bufferyard ordinance requires additional buffering and setbacks in ouch conditions. A fence may be appropriate to help mitigate this issue. 10. Utilities and drainage may affect the layout of the concept plan. These issues should be further investigated. particularly as they relate to building layout and the street vacation proposal. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to recommend approval of he Concept PUD, based on a finding that the densitv is reasonable in the context 0 the surrounding land uses. and that generallv, ., 1."..-.... .... the layout of the project provides an acceptable base to proceed to the next stage of the Planned Unit Development pr cess. This motion should be subject to the Planning Commission's comments n land use and design, including those listed above. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the oncept PUD. based on a finding the site does not accommodate this number of wo-family, rambler units. required parking. circulation. open space, and reasona Ie building spacing as the density proposed by the developer. . .., .J sb e ,., .J. Planning COIl1Il1 ission Agenda -10/02/0 I Motion to table action on the COt cept pu~, subject to submission of additional information. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Concept PUD to the extent that the use and density is reasonable, but with the condition that future site plan layo lts reflect the comments made in this report, and others at the Planning Commission meetin r. The 7111 Street right-of-way may be important to accommodate other area development a d as such, staff would recommend designing the project around this street. It should be n ted that based on statT s discussions with the applicant, the subsequent site plan may be aterially different than the one presented at this level. The applicant has requested the Planning Commission's reaction to thc general concept for townhouse development pu~ flexibility, and density. Planning Staff has discussed alternative la out options with the applicant. Rather than the specific layout shown on the attached concept plans, it is recommended that the developer consider a more traditional urban design, with close street setbacks, larger consolidated common open space, and high-amenity pI' vate spaces, ineluding parking facilities. With these changes, the project density and bu lding style could result in a unique, attractive project worthy of the use of the Planned U lit Development flexibility. The developer has expressed an interest in pursuing these ide's, and the building floor plans he is working on appear to fit well with this type of concept. e To proceed with narrO\v setbacks with tight building layouts, statl encourages a design that utilizes a more traditional urban plan. Am re suburban-style layout with deep setbacks and fewcr units would be suggested if the su mitted concept is to be pursued. Under that alternative, the discussion points raised ab ve should be addressed to provide guidance to the developer as plans are prepared for the ext stages of approval. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Letter from Mike Cyr dated 9/26 B. Memo from leffO'Neill in respons to Cyr's 9/26 letter C. Initial letter of 9/1 7 from Cyr to sta f D. Area Location E. Site Plan F. Building Floor Plans G. Property Ownership . 4 9b SEP-27-.01 THU 08: 09 NIt MLC BUILDING & REMODEL FAX: 6122953227 PAGE 2 . Front Porch Associates, Ltd. - Michael Cyr 722 West 5"" Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Phone: 763.295.0717 Fax: 763.295.3227 26 September 2001 Jeff O'Neil Steve Grittman City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street South Monticello, Minnesota, 55362 Re: Response to points raised during meeting 0 26 September 2001. Project West Village CourtyardS - present rking name Market rate townhome development 0 etn Street West at Vine Street. Gentlemen, Thank you for your feedback at our meeting. Rath r than respond with counterpoints to the issues you raised in your staff report, I would like t solicit your input to create an attractive, . efficient and profitable intilJ development. Some of the defining parameters for the homes are as follows: A density of 30 dwelling units ApprOXimately 1350 square feet of house on one level Basements that should be at least 1000 squ e feet but need not be full size of main level Approximately 528 square feet of garage a ched to each unit Or a single car garage attached with dditional single garage size storage units in close proximity Preferably a neo~aftsman, Ilbungalow" styl of design Fronts of houses on 6th and tn, garage entri s from rear alley Some critical issues are as follows: Assuming 7th Street r.o.w. is not to be vacat Reducing the 7th Street r.o.w. to a minimum Vacation of all of Vine, with the entire r.o.w. edicated to this project Vacation of the triangular shaped piece of Mi nesota that is unused due to the curve in Minnesota Street Access to the main interceptor sewer on the outh boundary of the property HRA participation in the full amount of the co 5 of purchasing, demolishing and financing the Grubbs home during the course of time TIF takes to pay back these costs, less $30K Note that HRA has already app oved the concept, without levels of funding however. . Some pertinent comments: Purchase agreements are in place for the La 8,9 and 10 facing 6th Street 1 of 1 Sb SEP-27-01 THU 08:10 AM MLC BUILDING & REMODEL FAX: 6122953227 PAGE 3 . Purchase agreement is pending as of this wrl ing for the balance of the property that is facing both sides of th Street Financing is in place for purchase and devel pment costs, and for construdion financing Have a verbal agreement with Randy Ruff of uff Auto regarding the property line. His business has encroached on the Vine r.o. w. nd the end of the -rh r.o. w. If the project moves forward, it will be my responsibility to ove his fence to the proper location and screen the Ruff Auto yard from view of the d velopment. He also expressed his willingness to work with my company to develop the Ruff property west of this development and east of Elm Street, possibly as early as 2005. after t is development is closed out. In closing I would like to say that time is of the esse ceo Part of my frustration that came through during our meeting is that there appeared to be an fficial tone of resistance. I know that on an individual basis, each and every staff person is ent used and supportive for a project such as this. HOVv'ever, the resistance is demonstrated by thafac that 10 out of 10 points made in the report to the planning commission are negative. Each negati e point becomes an objection that has to be overcome. Each Objection that has to be overcome ecomas a barrier to timely completion of the entire approval process. I am anxious to work to achieve a successful, attrac ive project that is profitable for me and for the city. Please bear in mind that in order for a project happen there has to be willing sellers, . ~illing buyers, an investor willing to take risks, and t e developer to bring them all together. The risk takers and the developers are the engines that ake this process go. City staff, commissions and council can't make it go. They can only supply orne fuel or grease some bearings to help make it go, or they can definitely make it stop. Sincerely, ~(!1P1/~ Michael Cyr . 2 of 12- SJ) . 17 Septemper 2001 Monticello Planning Commission Monticello c;;W Council 505 Walnut Street South Monticello, Minnesota, 55362 Front Porch Associates, Ltd. - Michael Cyr 722 West 5th Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Phone: 763.295.0717 Fax: 763.295.3227 Re: Request for approval of preliminary plat West Village Courtyard Townhomes (Name is tentative) Thirty dwelling development, 15 twinhomes, three year timeline Market rate, one level, easy accessibility 1450 square feet, 2 bedroom, 1 % bath, priv te covered patio Townhome association Targeted selling price $169,900.00 Greetings, . Introduction: This preliminary plat application has been prepare by Mike Cyr, Front Porch Associates. A professional surveyor has not yet been retained be use of several issues that must be resolved before this project can be given a green light by th developer. This request is before the Planning Commission in order to ascertain accepta ce or denial of the concept and to request the strong recommendation by the Planning Commissi n to the City Council for approval. Since precise surveying has not yet been done, m ny of the details that the Planning Commission wants to see on preliminary plats are not on the sit plan but are described herein. The site includes approximately 2.65 acres belongi 9 to Ron Ruff, who has recently relocated to Arizona. It also includes a city lot owned by Ellswo h and Doreen Grubb, and has a home located on it that can be considered blighted. The HRA bo rd has approved the concept of creating a housing district to provide TIF funds for purchase a d removal of the buildings located on the Grubb property. We would request that the TIF Ho sing District apply only to Phase 1 of the proposed development Contingent purchase agr ments are in place on both the Ruff and Grubb property. The site also includes approximately 1.4acres balo ging to the City of Monticello. These are unused street right of ways that terminate on the R ff property. To the best of our knowledge, the right of ways contain no utility or city services, nor re there any plans to improve them. No offer has been made to purchase the City property. We "U request that the land be sold at a price that fits our purchase objectives and indicates the City's desire to develop this property. . 10f3 5]) . The site including the Ruff, Grubb and City property contains about 4.3 acres. There is enough land for 37 dwelling units in a Planned Unit Develo based on 5000 square feet per unit. Because of the shape of the property and the configuration of the proposed dwellings, thirty units will fit. Thirty units is also the minimum density that is needed to support the project. The entire project will be an incorporated Townhom Association. Individual property owners will own only the land that their home is located on Th balance of the common property will be owned and maintained by the association, including streets, driveways, sidewalks, landscaping and the exteriors of the buildings. The association '11 be responsible for lawns and snow removal. The property in the project, including the Grubb ho estead, currently contributes approximately $2,800.00 to the city tax coffers. After buildout, the assessed market value of the townhomes located on the property should be approximately $4 500,000.00, with a contribution in tax dollars of approximately $45,000.00 per year. General Requirements: The site is bordered on the North by 6th Street, on t e South by private property that has recently been developed with apartment buildings, on the st by the Ruff Auto Parts property and on the East by Minnesota Street. . The private street is planned to be 20 feet wide, on way from 6th Street to Minnesota Street. Because the street is planned to be one way, it wilt low parking on ana side of the street for temporary overflow from residences. Existina Conditions: The site is relatively flat. It is covered in grass and smaller trees. Most of the trees are cedar, scrub oak, box elder and aspen. The majority of th existing. trees will be removed in order to facmtate development. There are ongoing discussions with Randy Ruff, th current sole owner of Ruff Auto Parts. Randy is in favor of the development. He has indicated hi willingness to work with us to facilitate relocation of fences off the current City street right f ways. Earthen berms with dense vegetation will be used to screen the development from the vi wof the salvage yard Randy is also not opposed to working with us in the future to develop the salvage yard property if the timing and conditions are right. It is our intention to maintain a minimum of 20 feet etween new buildings and existing property lines. T ownhomes adjacent to Sh Street and MiM sota Streets wilt have driveways onto those streets. . Private drives will be 12 feet in width, with turnarounds provided at ends. Sidewalks will be placed between front porch entries and the private drive ys. lot and Block Plan: 2of3 5b . The property will be planned for three phases, an platted as such, Blocks 1, 2, 3 and common areas as Block 4, 5 and 6. Each resident will own the building that they are in and 3 to 5 feet immediately surrounding their home. The majority of the homes will be separated from ach other by approximately 60 feet. The separation will include lawn, landscaping, sidewal s, private driveways and the main private street. The exception is the "back-to-back" twinh mes that will be 10 feet apart at the back, from building line to building line. This configuration al ows us to build more attractive buildings with less roof. It also allows us to provide a private pa io at the rear of each home with access through the 10 foot separation. The patio is also accesse from the kitchen area in the home. There is a corner of the property that will be devel ped as a gathering space for the use of residents. It will likely include a picnic shelter, pia area and be landscaped to provide a welcoming feeling for the residents of the associ a ion. Grading, Drainage and Erosion control: The private street will include curb. The property n general slopes slightly from South to North. It would be our intention to utilize the street as the c lIector for storm water, directing runoff to the 6th Street and Minnesota Street sides of the prope y for collection in existing storm drains. . It would be our intention to raise the grade of the roperty slightly to accommodate the excess dirt generated from basement excavations. A signifi nt quantity of the dirt would be utilized to build the berms on the West and South sides of the dev lopment. Erosion control would be accomplished using silt f ndng on the 6th Street and Minnesota Street sides of the property until sodding and I or seedin has been completed. During construction of the berms, silt fencing will be added as the berms re completed. Utility Plan: There are currently no City of Monticello utility se ices crossing the proposed development. There are water taps located adjacent to Lots 8, 9 nd 10 on 6th Street. There is a major sanitary sewer interceptor line ru ning along the South side of the property. John Simola, City of Monticello engineer, has indi ated that there is a standpipe located close to the Southwest corner of the proposed developme t that can be accessed by our main sewer lateral. Individual sewer lines will be run from the ew town homes to our main lateral. Tentative manhole locations for our main sewer lateral are i dicated on the preliminary plat drawing. We would plan on looping a main water line from th Street to Minnesota Street and accessing the main line for each of the new townhomes. Sincerely, ./~cJW~ Michael Cyr 30f3 5b -, SEP~~.?:~~~~~~~:47:i":~'A'~' !~~--'-N4P- ,':-::;'{jj;j: "-'k ~~. ,. , -.,. .... T...' '" ~... .. j" ..#.z ~ .~ ~....4 If ,1.. . . -"-",, ~ . .....1. . '" (") II ~ ...... ,,' . ! of; "'- {'; "t._ , ~ .., ... -l ;- ,,' -*:........:~_ :; i. , ~-'W~. ~. ~, :.. :. ~. ," . ~'. .i.,..t ~ ~.~ ~ .. ~ ~ L . ~;: .. . "'! ~ ..; -4i . , ~J ~ \ i . ~ f ~~ { t .... ~:-5i '.. .' - t f-"i t \.... ~ 71 ), f r ~. J- . 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I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I '" =1= = =: I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I -,- -- I I , I I I I I I ) /. I i \ I --! I I -1. , i ! ! ! ! -0 -. c.. ~ o L-, ~ ? .5 .s- Qo ~ 5b Sspil'!mbl:lr 25. 2001 3:33 PM vV'. ...V' ..VlJ.1 UI ;.a::;u .t':\...\. From: GOEMAN REALTY, IN . Page 2 0'2 . . . Fax #: (763) 295-6988 To Whom It May Concern: We the property owners ofland abutting the t1 Street & Vine Street Right of Ways, lying between Blocks R, S. & and other parcels of record, in the Village (;f or the Townsite of Monticello here-in request that the City of Monticello Vacate subject Right of Way for implementation of the proposed Multi~family Subdivision by chael L. Cyr. Reference attached plat map and propose Sub~vision drawing. Zj:/dj/tfiJ:M ~~a;; ;:PfL~ Date 9~1 Date 1",. ).S -t:? I ~Ol '5D . J '" I J . ~ 15 ~ f got, H.ll dh ~L3: . ! /1, ! .c J i " ~ ~ ~3: Eo :fo: 3: o 0: ! .ll ~ 3: o 0: " i ~ ::t: t- a:: C] ~ '- 5D . Counei I Agenda - 10/22/01 5E. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROtJND: Although the Council estahlished a preliminary 2002 hudget and tax levy at the maximum allowed under state statute, I assume the Counc I will want to have additional workshop sessions to rurther review the budget and to det rmine whether the final tax levy remains at the maximum allowed. Specific information from Monticello's market values and tax capacity values havc only recently been ohtained from tl c County Auditor and County Assessor. It appears that our estimated tax capacity value w established two months ago will be hlirly close to the actual values for the City, hut some orth unknowns yet are what effect the school district, county and hospital district may have 01 the overall tax requirements next year. Regardless, another workshop session should b established. . . . . . L City COLlncil Agenda - 10/22/0] Public I-{earin]. Consideration of vacation )1' seventh street west of Minnesota Street and Vine Street south of 6111 street. (.TO) REFERENCE AND RACKGROUND City Council is asked to consider vacating th Street, west of Minnesota Street, and Vine Street south of 6th Street. As you will note' n consent item 5D, the Planned Unit Development concept plan relating to this equest was supported by the Planning Commission. If the City Council concurs t 1at the PUD is acceptable, then a motion should be made to approve the proposcd va 'ation subject to successful completion of development and final stage PUO and subd'vision process which includes establishmcnt of an cast/west roadway replacing the vacated Th Street. As you know with the approval of consent 'tcm 50, the vacation of 7th Strcet includes rclocation of 7th Street to a position that all ws bettcr use of the land for development. The strect that replaces the 80' 7111 Street rig t-of-way will likely be 50' or 60' feet wide. Details regarding the design will be provid d at development stage. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Alternative 1. Motion to approve vacation of Vine Street s mth of 6th street and approve vacation of 71h Street west of Minnesota Street contingent n successful completion of development and final stage PUO/subdivision process which ncludes establishment or an east/west roadway replacing the vacated 7th Street. Pr cise terms of exchange and sale of right-of- way to be detennined, Council should select this alternative if Cou cil approved the concept stage PUO as recommended by the Planning Commission. Once the right-or-way is vacated. Council must determine the level of compensation n cded for the land, Tn the past the City has tried to obtain an amount equal to fair mark t value, Council may wish to table discussion on the cost until the project finan e plan and potential gap in financing is identified. Alternative 2. Motion to deny approval of proposed vacati n, This alternative should be selected if the COI cept PUD plan is rejected. . City Council Agenda - 10/22/0 I STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends alter! ative 1 with the note that the terms of sale on the land should be reviewed at such time tl at the design of the development and funding program are better understood. Obviously if it is shown at development stage that the design is quite superior in terms of layout nd building standards but funding is a problem, then it would make sense to con ider selling the land at a price less than market value. We will not have this answer until evelopment stage PUD approval which is set to occur in December. SUPPORTING DATA See agenda itenl number 50. . . 2 ~-nb.:!r 25. 2001 3:33 PM . . . From: GOEMAN REAL TV, INC. To Whom It May Concern: Fax #: (763) 295-6988 Page 2 of2 --. We the property owners ofland abutting e 7th Street & Vine Street Right of Ways, lying between Blocks R, S, & T nd other parcels of record, in tlle Village o'f or the Townsite of Monticello, ere-in request that the City of Monticello Vacate subject Right of Ways or implementation of the proposed Multi-family Subdivision by Mi hae1 L. Cyr. Reference attached plat map and proposed S'ub-division drawing, ~:/J/;!/:J:M ~ ~~a;; ;riPjdDal Date 9~1 Date '1,.- )S'(7 I ~V.L 1ft v- . . .. . . . . . . --.. I . . - .. .,. ... .- " "' -..1 : . .... . . '-.. . r-I .I . . . . . . ...., .-1 , .....1 . : ~.I . . ,LA ;Opt- iO r ,. C)f P I' (........~ ~ ~, ~) ~ o .., C),,: . , , . . . . Counci] Agenda - 1 0/22/01 8. Auditor. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO JND: Thc City Council is again asked to adopt at asscssment roll for utility hilling accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days an to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real es ate taxes. The delinquent utility accounts that are inel ded with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new elinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $~ 0 per account that is added to each delinquent aSSeSSll1ent. The amounts shown on the en losed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the pr paration of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent acco nts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 8% as all wed by state statute. As in the past. if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the a option of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. Alter 30 days, paymcnts will be charged interest and can be acccpted up to October 8. 2001. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjus the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council' dopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due an have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity t pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notificd that there would be an additio al $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not p id by 4:30 p.m. on 2001. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessm nt roll · Complete listing of delinquent accou1ts to be certified, . . . CITY OF MO TICELLO RESOLIJTIO NO. 2001-66 RESOLUTION ADOPTIN ; ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT U ILlTY ACCOUNTS WHER/~/1S, pursuant to proper notice duly given s required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the propos d assessment for delinquent utility account charges, NOW, TfIERF;FORE, BF; IT RESOL VED BY THE CJTY COUNCIL OF MONTIC'/:"LLO, MINNESOTA: I. Such proposed assessment, a copy of whic is attached hereto and made a part hereoC is hereby accepted and shall constitute the sp cial assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby f(mnd to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1 annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2002 and shall bea interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum /I'om the date of the adoption of this assessl1ent resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessn. ent from the date of this resolution until December 3],2002. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the w ole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assess lent is paid within 30 days II"om the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith tran mit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on he proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over n the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Counci I this 22nd day of Octo A TrEST: Roger elsaas, Mayor Rick WolfsteIler, City Administrator o . . . ~ (C C'" (J; Z :;:,: .i. :i':': J2 <:".) 'J.' l,j ['.) 1',\ ~.I \,D iT;:; :~, ~ c, Cl c; () ,=! 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REFERENCE AND BACKGI{OLJND: Council Agenda - 10/22/0 I ents for Monticello TraveJ Center Mielke In earlier action affecting this property, the Council had vacated a pOliion of the street right of way 1'<.)r Cedar Street and had agreed to reloe te the water main. On September 10.200 I the City Council approved the final plat of the onticello Travel Center. Initially Mr. Mielke had requested that the City vacate the easement c vering the water main that was relocated. At a later date the City received notice from Mr. ielke's attorney that there were additional easements that needed to be vacated. In all - total of seven easements were requested to be vacated. The City has provided mailed and published I otice of the proposed vacation. This information was also submitted to the City Engineer with 1 request that he review the easements proposed to be vacated to make sure that the City did n( t need any of them and that all needed casements were included in the plat of Monticello Travel Center. Andy Brotzler of WSB & Associates. indicated that as of this date, they had not rec ived the necessary infclrInation 11-om Mr. Mielke's attorney to do the review of the easelents. He recommended that if the City Council approved the vacation ol'the casements they d ) so contingent upon WSB receiving the documents needed from the developer. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve vacation of easements as note in attached notice contingent upon review by [he Ci[ y Engineer. 1\ t~ G,.", 1,.-'1.... f- ~ 'l"'l'<" ;10...."4- 2. Conduct the public hearing on the vaca ion of the easements but table acting on the easement vacation until the engineer ha . received the inf(>rJnation needed to complete his review of the easements. 3. Do not vacate the easements. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATJON: It is at the Council's discretion whether they wi, h to officially vacate the easement with the contingency noted or whether they wish to wait until the city engineer has completed his review bc1()re acting on the vacation. Alternative # I 0 #2 is acceptable to staff D. SlJPPORTING DATA: . . Notice of Easement Vacation Letter Ii'om Mielke Attorney . . . . NOTICE OF HEARING ON VACATION OF EASE ENTS FOR MONTICELLO ,- RA VEL CENTER-~, NO'fjCE' 1S ffER1:.,BY GlVEN that a public hearing will be conducted by the Monticello City Council at the Monticello City Hall located at 5 )5 Walnut Street Monticello on the 22nd day of October, 200] at 7 p.m. to consider the vacation of utility easements described as l()jlows: The North 20.00 feet of Lot 3. Block]. 'ommereial Court according to the recorded plat thereoL Wright County. Minnesota, Iyin ) Easter]y of the Northeasterly right-of-way of ChelseJ Road. and also the North 20.00 cet of Lot 4, Block] in said plat. A D That part of Lot 3. Block], Commercial Court, lying northerly of a line drawn Southeasterly from a point on the northe ly line of said Lot 3, distant 23.32 feet Northeasterly from the Northwesterly co 'ner of said Lot 3 to a point on the easterly line of said Lot 3 distant 58.69 feet Southyvcs erly from the most Northeasterly corner of said Lot 3, together with al] hereditaments an appurtenances. A D A permanent casement for right-of-way I u,rposes over, under and across that part of Lot 2, Bloc!< ]. Shingobee Subdivision. accOlding to the recorded plat thereof. Wright County, Minnesota. lying southerly of a rne drav-m easterly from a point on the ,,,-esterly line of said Lot 2 distant 9 .56 feet northe sterly from the most westerly corner of said Lot 2 to a point on the southerly line of said I at 2 distant 23.32 feet easterly from said most westerly corner of Lot 2. A TO A temporary construction easement for p blic utility purposes over. under. and across the southerly 20.00 feet of the northerly 40.0 feet of that part of the Northwest Quarter of Section] 4. Township 121. Range 25, Wr gIll County. Minnesota. described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of tl e Northeast quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14; thence North 89 degrees] 4 minutes East assumed bearing. along the north line of said Northeast Quarter ofth Northwest Quarter a distance of 143.50 feet to the easterly right of way line of new Mil1I esota State Highway Number 25; thence South 19 degrees West along said easterly right- f-way line a distance of 404.44 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence continu" South 19 degrees West along said easterly right-of-way line. a distance of 313.63 feet to the north line of a tract described in a deed as recorded in Book 223 of Deeds. Pages 72 and 573; thence North 88 degrees 25 minutes East along said north line, a dista lce of 280.6] feet to the westerly right-of-way of a public road formerly known as Minn sota State Highway Number 25; thence North 28 degrees 05 minutes East along said we terly right-of-way line, a distance of 324.55 feet to a line which bears South 89 degree ~ 34 minutes 38 seconds East fiom the point of beginning; thence North 89 degrees 34 mi lutes 38 seconds West along said line a distance of 331.19 feet to the point of beginning. Except therefrom any permanent structures thereon. Property will be restor'd to same condition as prior to construction. Said temporary easement contains. 6.600 quare feet more or less. q . A )) ^ permanent casement for public utility 1urposes over. under. and across the northerly 20.00 feet of that part of the N W ] /4 of. ection ] 4. Township] 2] . Range 25. Wright County. Minnesota. described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the NE ]/4 of the NW ]/4 of said Section ]4; thnce North 890]4' E (assumed bearing) along the north line of said NE ] /4 of the NW 1/4. a distance of ] 43.50 feet to the easterly right of way line of new Minnesota State J-lighw y Number 25; thence S 190 W along said easterly right of \-vay line. a distance of 4 )4.44 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence continue S] 90 W along said cast rly right oh-vay line. a distance of 313.63 feet to the north line of a tract described in a de d as recorded in Book 223 of Deeds. Pages 572 and 573: thence N 880 25' E along said J orth line. a distance 01'280.61 feet to the \vester]y right of way line of a public roa formerly known as Minnesota State Highway Number 25; thence N 280 05' E along sa d westerly right ohvay line. a distance of24.55 feet to a line which is bearing S 890 34' . 8" E ii'om the point of beginning; thence N 890 34'38" W along said line. a distance of 3:'].] 9 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 2.039 acres. A D A permanent easement for public utility 1 urposes over. under. and across the southerly ]0.00 feet of that part of the NW ]/4 ofS ction ]4. Township 121. Range 25. Wright County. Minnesota. described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the NE ] /4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 14: thence N 890] 4'E (assumed bearing) along the north line of said NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4. distance of] 43.50 feet to the easterly right of way line of new Minnesota State J-lighwa I Number 25 and the actual point of beginning: thence continue N 890 l4' E along said n rth line. a distance of ] 00.40 feet: thence S 150 W a distance of ]44.90 feet: thence 840 58'E. a distance of47.45 feet: thence S 20 23'22" W. a distance of 135.33 feet: thence S 340 58'22" \V. a distance of 90.50 feet: thence S 00 25' 22" \\1, a distance of 31.6] feet: thence N 890 34' 38" W. a distance of ] 84.08 feet to the said easterly right of w y line of ne\v Minnesota State High\vay Number 25; thence N ] 90 E along said e sterly right of way line, a distance of 404.44 feet to the point of beginning. Containin,! ] .353 acres. AND All utility and drainage easements on Lot land 2. Block 1, Shingobee Subdivision. as shO\vn on the plat and survey thereof. onJ]e and of record in the Wright County Recorder's Office. . Any person \~'ho wishes to comment on the proposed vacation may do so at this meeting. Written and oral comments will bc considered. . Dated: October 8, 2001 (Published in the Monticello Times on October 11, 2001 an October 18.200 I) 9 . . . RINKE A T TOR N E y OONAN II T L 1\ W SUITE: 700~ WELL..,S rARGD ~NTER, P. O. Box 1497 ST. CLOUO, MINNES TA 56302,-1497 TEL,~PHONE: 320-251-670 ~ FAX 320-656-3500 October 12, 2001 Dawn Grossinger Deputy City Clerk City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8831 Re: Mielke Brothers, LLC Our File No. 15503.001 Dear Dawn: We represent Mielke Brothers, LLC regarding the latting and development of "Monticello Travel Center" in the City of Monticello. In reviewing the title work for the seven properties involved in the new plat, we discovered a number of drainage and utility easements in favor f the City existing on the properties. Following the City's review and approval of the " onticello Travel Center" plat and the property owners' granting of new drainage and utility ease ents to the City in the "Monticello Travel Center" plat, the underlying easements are no long r necessary. As a result, Mielke Brothers, LLC is requesting that the City formally vacate all xi sting easements in favor of the City underlying the properties. To assist you in this process, I have enclosed for y ur review seven (7) proposed resolutions vacating the various underlying easements along w th copies of the original documents (or abstract entries listing the applicable documents}w ich created the easements. After you have had the chance to review the enclosed documents, lease call with any questions, changes or concerns. I have also sent copies of these documen s to the City Engineer for his review. My understanding is that the City Council will hol a public hearing and consider the vacation of all of these easements on October 22nd preceded by wo (2) weeks published notice and written notice sent to the pertinent property owners at least 10 days before the hearing. Please call me to confirm that these matters will be placed on the Oct ber 22nd agenda, and send me copies of all public notices, resolutions and other public records egarding the vacation of these easements. POctober 12, 200 I:C200 I 0928 F:\DATA\15503\001\Letter Dawn Grossinger 10 ]2 200l:wpd ham RI~JKC NOONAN GROTE'" SMI)LI:.Y DFTcr, COLOMRO W Af,T VOf\J t~URFF rJr(;IUVANNI & H(ILlU'~ LTr.> ~ D. Michael Noonan William A. Smoley' Kurt A. Detor" BGnett L. Colombo James L. Wiant Gerald W. Von Korff JafYl~S Oegio\l3nni Sharon G. Hobbs David J. Meye 1,~,:~ Juhn ,,1. Meu rS Rogor C. .JIJstj. ,~~,'l ~john J. GClbc ck Jill A. Adkins Igor S. Lonzner:' Gr'lry R. Leistjco4,~' Kathleen A. Heaney ,John C. Kolb Michc:a8t .J.B. Schaff Scott G. H;::imak f3nmela A. St8ckm<3n' Jasun H. Thomas ,/, QlJ,"j/ifiA<1I1E!lllll::l/ w!d~r RlJI8 '1 '/4, 2. A R,.,i:ll J-'''Of,:.'t:lrlV L,wv :~p;;rCI8/1:~1 c:t:'rtifiild hy tilE! M rlr!,-.~;"t"l $t.;l!8 t3li1r A~;~;(g:i"ltirJ/1 :j, A(.frlli!lf~d te, f'r;'r.tl,-~;;r /8vv ii, Wi.';r.nl1.~1I1 4 A,cfmiUt~d trl pri,,,tiCE!18vv in Nrlrth {).;Ik:.orer. 5, Ad itt;;rd to prl::lf.:tir;o/."11N in SOll!!l D.1kotn. . Dawn Grossinger October 12, 2001 Page 2 Thank you for your prompt attention to this matte. Feel free to call me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, RINKE-NOONAN By ,~1t6~~ HAM Enclosures . . POctohc, 12, 200 I :C2001 0928 F:\OATA\15503\OOI\Lettcr Dawn Grossing~r JO 122001 .wpd ham C1 r. . 10. Council Agenda - 10/22/0 I Rcview of Ii "or store construction bids a d consideration of awardin . contract. (l~W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: Bids tor construction of our expansion at the liquor store arc to be opened at 10 a.m. Monday morning. It is hoped that staff wi II be able t< review the bid proposals and be ready to make a recommendation to the Council for consider< tion Monday night. As you may recall, the liquor store project ha architectural plans completed by Mahler Architectural Services but the mechanical, pllmbing and electrical specifications were 1~lirly generic in the plans and required the general ontractor to obtain designs and bid from subcontractors for these portions of the work. It is hoped that statTwill be able to review the bid proposals and analyze any alternatives an nlake a recommendation for Council yet on Monday. Portions of the project that are not et bid include, the beer cooler expansion. carpeting, painting, checkout counters and an new computer cash registers needed. These portions of the project are outside of the basic bid that we are obtaining Monday lllorning. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. A ward a contract to the low bidder. 2. Do not award at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: . At this time, the stall' has no recommendation {)r the Council to consider and will provide an update to the Council at Monday night's meeti 19 on our review of the bid proposals. . z Q r.n z ~ < c.. co 0 x= ...J W..- ...J W , W 0:::"- U 0= . ~ 1-:;;: r.n . Z 0::::::: 0 o .... :E =' ell o..c LL. _ 0 O...Ju '0 >-" . I-z:>. Uz.g W c c.. 0 02 0 a5 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C! 0 0 0 0 I- 0 "<T ... ;;; U"i 0 0 Z LO M co LO 0 0 =' "<T LO N ... LO" 0_ 0 0 N" r-: M 1"-- ;;; 0 M 2 N I"- "<T 0> I"- W LO "<T "<T $. LO LO < W W <fl <fl <fl 0 a5 z N N N N N N e e 0 e e e 1-0 LO ~ ...... ... ...... O~w -. (a (0 M (a a> WWI- LO ""')...J< Oc..O 0:::2 c..o 0 0 z W ...... ...... ...... ,.... ...... ,.... 1-1- ~ 0 e ~ e ~ 0< LO ':!2 ,.... wO ,.... -. ,.... ,.... ...... ,.... ""')1- ...... ,.... ...... ...... ,.... 00::: ...... ...... ,.... ,.... I'.'" 0:::< c..1- 0 I/) Z 0 ii z &a'i' 0 co :.> E 0 .9 a5 <Il <Il <Il <Il <Il <Il ~~ ell ell <II <II <II ell > > >- >- > >- 0 ~. u..<" 000 I-ZW 9:w~ woO OOZ ~<ll:: <Il <Il <Il <Il <Il <Il 0' 0 <II <II <II <II <II <II < Z >- >- >- >- > >- 0 >. wffi ,"C .... ..1= c.. 2 <II 0 w- -00::: Ci.l'l 20:::0 coc..u.. E '<:; ='z OU <Il <Il <Il <Il <Il <Il 1/)- U <II ~ <II <II <II <II <II c- > >- >- > >- <II co ai 0 Z I"- Z M ~ <II LO :2 (0 Q. :2 LO >< M 0 6 (0 0 vi Z OJN ~ <= LO""" :2 co c ~-~ . (lI Z .s::: :i< Qj' Qi :2 c;I) ~ NLO 0 ai -D LO W ~ ::l <II _~ Z ~- ii: c w OJ ~:: 2:' <II ~ U5 :>- 2:' Q) -6 ~ < U5 w= "0 .s::: 2:' 2:' ~ r.n~ <( ;::;: .s::: U5 i5 Vi - en 0 U5'E ~...... 1/)5 ..... <Ill"- (0 iii ~ ~. W Oco UJ (lIM ...... ,.... 0::: en UJLO (00) co i:i: - 0 ZN ...LO o co ;;; (0 a:: SN 0 M M 0 NZ COM ,.... LO "<T ~:2 "<T LO N OLO n~ < "<TLO M ... LO ,.... ,.... ,.... U .5 ci ~ U 0 c a. U ,2 ::l !!! U :>. e U 'E 2 <= (.9 .... c (lI c U 0 iii Cl ,2 U ,51 a. <II c E <= U [jj 2 0 U ::g u 2 0 2 2:' (lI U '5 Vi U5 Q) Vi Iii CO 0 c c c 0 Iii 0 0 (ij !!! 0 W :2 iii U u 2 .s::: >- € u 0 Q. 2:' Q) ~ < ...., 0 ::l (lI .s::: Z <C (.9 (.') ::.:: :2 en I- (0 ... N M "<T LO o N N 2i in <<: f- o iIi Vi :;; '" o ~ Le' e; X ~ t <( Q . . . PROJECT UMMARY LIQUOR STO E EXPANSION ADDITIONAL LIQUOR S . ORE EXPANSION COSTS (N ot include in base bids) Walk in cooler with new doors on existing cooler $ 55,000 Electrical Hookup of new cooler 2,000 (3) Checkout counters 5,000 Reroof existing building 10,000 ( 1) New cash register with computer, softw re, printer installed 5,500 New shelving & displays & wine racks 15,500 Carpeting 15,000 Interior & exterior painting 14,000 Overlay parking lot (Est.) 8,000 Replace parking lot lights 25,000 Repair irrigation system 1,000 Security system, intercom, video cameras & misc. 3,000 Landscaping 3.000 Sub- Total $161,500 Base Bid - Construction 10% Construction Contingency Architectural & Engineering $443,281 44,500 20.000 Estimated Project Co ts $669,281 . It. Review of draft cemetcr of adontion. (.I.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 10/22/0 I for Riverside Cemete and consideration In January of this year the City Council establishe the Riverside Cemetery Committee for the purpose of updating the rules and policies for River ide Cemetery. Five members were originally appointed with one additional volunteer. The actual cemetery committee included three volunteers which brought the total membership to eight. Folio ing is a list of the members: ~ Council Member Roger Carlson ~ Park Superintendent Gregg Engle ~ Parks Commission Member Rick Traver ~ Public Works Director John Simola ~ Scott Hill ~ ^rlene Mcintire ~ .10 Havel ~ Karen DeBoer . Monthly meetings were held, at whieh time the eo.llmittee members reviewed state statutes and numerous rules and pol icies Irom other cemeteries. A significant amount of debate was carried on throughout the meetings and a great deal ofresearch was done by the Public Works Secretary, I1cth Green, to aid the committee lnembers in their decisons. A final draft of the rules and regulations were formulated in September, this included the rec mmendation for establishing a fee for staking head stones as the new rules do allow head stone ,'etting to be done by monument companies in addition to the City's authorized representative. The final adoption of the rules by the Riverside Cemetery Committee was to be completed on October 17,2001; however, only four members we'e present for that meeting. Consequently, all members were polled as to their recommendation f r support of the document and to forward it to the City Council for adoption. Seven of the membe s of the committee fully support the document and recommend its adoption by the City Council. he eighth member supports the document with the exception of one word in Section 11, Landscapi 19 Improvements. We ask thc City Council to please review the document and ask for any clarifica ions at the meeting. The Cemetery Committee feels that this is a good document and will provide a ood base for operations at Riverside Cemetery. The committee also forwards to you a Memorial Fu d Plan outline under which citizens can donate money, trees, benches, shrubs, etc. in the name of a loved one. The City would be responsible for the installation and maintenance of the memorial.ity staff will be working with local volunteer groups and/or a landscape architect to select areas throughout the cemetery where trees, shrubs, benches, can be used. One such area has been alrea iy set up as a tree planting area and is included along with the plan. . Over the next couple months the Riverside Cel etery Committee will complete its work by formulating a recommended plan for the future im rovements to Riverside Cemetery and for the establishment of an additional cemetery to be purch sed long before the lots at Riverside Cemetery . . . Council Agenda - 10/22/01 are gone. Should the City Council adopt the rules and regulations, they would be passed on to the general puhlic and to the Parks Commission. Th. Parks Commission will take over the duties of annual review or the document and would be the ody to be the sounding board for concerns from citizens which cannot be adequately addressed by staff or the current rules and regulations. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The lirst alternative is to adopt the Riverside Cemetery Rules and Regulations as presented, to approve the Memorial fund Plan and th' first area set aside fix memorial tree planting, to approve the new rate for monument stak ng and fCH transfer of ownership of deed, and to have the new rules and regulations take erf ct November 1,200 I, and send the document to all funeral directors in the area, and to be presented to all new cemetery lot owners and LlIllilies of ruture individuals buried at Riv rside Cemetery free of charge. 2. The second alternative would be to adopt th rules and regulations with some minor changes as recommended by the City Council, a d follow the same procedures as outlined in Alternative #1. ., -) . The third alternative would be to send tl e rules and regulations back to the Cemetery Committee based upon the changes recoml1ended by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Riverside Cemetery Committee that the City Council adopt the rules and regulations, the Memorial fund Plan and fee s hedule changes as outlined in alternative #]. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy or rules and regulations; Copy of Memorial F md Plan; Copy of memorial tree planting area; Copy of current fee schedule showing the addition I fees as outlined above. .. -. -~~---,.. -~---_. . ORDINANCE AME DMENT NO. 367 City of M nticello Wright Coun , Minnesota AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 8, HAPTER 6, SECTION 8-6-10 OF THE MONTICELLO CI Y ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTI ELLO HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Section 8-6-10 is added reading as folIows: RULES AND REGULATIONS: Cit Council shall adopt rules and regulations for Riverside Cemetery. The Monticello Parks Commission shall be responsible for reviewing and making recommendati ns on an annual basis to the City Council concerning the rules and regulations d the fees charged for cemetery services. All rules and regulations governing R verside Cemetery shall be as set forth in the policies document approved by the M nticello City Council October 22, 2001 and all revisions thereto as approved by the ity Council. Section 2: This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage and publication. . Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 22nd da of October, 200 I. oger Belsaas, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator . . Monticello River ide Cemetery Rules and R ulations EFFECTIVE NOV MBER 1, 2001 1. PURCHASE OF GRAVES: 1.1 All fees or charges shall be set by the ity and are payable to the City at the City Public Works Office located at 909 GolfCours Road, Monticello,"MN 55362. 1.2 No grave shall be reserved with the inte t to purchase for any reason. 1.3 Upon full payment of the purchase pri e of a grave, the City of Monticello will issue a cemetery deed conveying the grave, exe uted by the City, and the deed shall be recorded in the records of the City. Description of he grave will be in accordance with the cemetery plats, which are kept on file at the City ublic Works Office. 1.4 . Any graves previously reserved with pa ial payment shall be deeded once the balance has been paid in full. The balance of any s ch grave will be the current asking price less the previously deposited funds. The current asking price is based upon the City's Fee Schedule. If such individuals are no longer inte ested in purchasing such grave, their previously deposited funds will be returned withou interest if requested. 2. CONDITIONS OF GRAVE PURCHASE: 2.1 All graves will be sold subject to these les and regulations, or those hereafter adopted. The purchaser shall expressly agree, in the d ed conveying the lot, that their rights are subject to such reasonable rules and regulations a the City Council may adopt. The deed, and these rules and regulations, and any amend ents, constitute the sale agreement between the cemetery and the lot owner. 2.2 No grave shall be used for any purpose 0 her than the burial of human remains and the placing of appropriate memorials, as per the rul s and regulations of the cemetery. 2.3 No easement or right of interment is gr nted to any grave owner in any road, drive, alley, or walkway within the Riverside Cemetery but such road, drive, alley, or walkway may be used as a means of access to the owner's ce etery grave or graves. . 2.4 The City reserves, and shall have, the ri ht to correct any errors that may be made by it either in making interments, disinterments, or removals, or in the description, transfer, or conveyance of any interment property, ither by canceling such conveyance and substituting and conveying in lieu thereof other inte ment property of equal value and similar location, as far as possible, or as may be selecte by the City, or in sole discretion of the City, by refunding the amount of money paid on ccount of said purchase. In the event that such error shall involve the interment of remains 0 any person in such property, the City reserves, and will have, the right to remove or transtl r such remains so interred to other property of equal value and similar location as may be su stituted and conveyed in lieu thereof. C:6f:TH1WOROPROCIRIVERSIOIRlilES.FRM; EFFECTIVE 11101101 . PAGE 1 - . 3. TRANSFER OF GRAVES: 3.1 The owner of a cemetery grave may tran fer the grave: 3.1.1 To the City of Monticello at the riginal sale price, 3.1.2 Any of his/her relatives, who ma survive him/her by will for the use and benefit of the person designated in the will, r 3.1.3 To other persons not related to h m/her. In all cases, the owner must complete an have signed by witnesses and a Notary Public, a Transfer of Ownershio document provi ed by the City of Monticello. The transfer of ownership document must be approved by the City prior to the transfer of graves by the owner. When a transfer has been made i conformance with these rules, the City will issue a deed to the new owner. In all cases, a transfer fee payable to the City of Monticello will apply based upon the City's current fee chedule. 3.2 No grave will be permitted to be re-sold disposed of, or otherwise used until the purchase price, and all unpaid charges, have been aid in full. . 3.3 No cemetery grave may be re-sold or oth rwise disposed of, without approval of the City of Monticello. 3.4 Grave owners may not allow interments t be made on their grave unless the transfer of grave process has been completed. 4. DESCENT OF GRAVES: 4.1 On the death ofa grave owner, such gra e shall be granted and conveyed by the City to the descendent's surviving spouse. Ifthere i no surviving spouse, then to the descendent's eldest surviving child; if there is no surviving hild, then to the descendent's youngest surviving sibling; if there is no surviving spouse, c ild or sibling of the descendent and the grave is not sold during the administration of the de cendent's estate or otherwise provided for by will, the City may convey the lot to any ofth descendent's parents, siblings or descendants as it deems fit. 5. BURIAL PERMITS: 5. 1 A burial permit shall be issued and deli ered to the City of Monticello for all burials in the cemetery. In the case of a cremation bu ial, and certificate of cremation shall be delivered to the City of Monticello. . 6. INTERMENTS: 6.1 Grave owners are granted only the right of interment in their graves. The City of Monticello reserves the right to refuse to permit the interment of anyone who is not at the time the owner of the lot, or a relative of the owner, by blood or marriage. Permission, in writing, and with . PAGE 2 . C:BElHIWQRDPROCIRIVERSIO\RULES.FR": EFFECTIVE' ,IOl101 . 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 . 6.7 the seal of a Notary Public, of the grave wner must accompany all requests for permits to bury persons not members of the immedi te family of the grave owner. At least forty-eight (48) hours notice shall be given prior to the time set for the funeral service to assure a timely grave opening. No casket shall be interred in the cemete unless it is enclosed in a concrete vault or box. Ashes must be placed in a container prio to burial. Should the grave owner or funeral direct r fail or neglect to designate the location, the City of Monticello reserves the right to make he interment in a location designated by the City. The City will not be responsible for y order given by telephone, or for any mistake occurring from the want of precise, prop r instructions as to the particular location within a plot where interment is desired. Interments are for the purpose of the hu an dead only. No pets, jewelry, artifacts, or other material items will be allowed to be buri d. The City will not be liable for the interm nt permit, nor the identity of the person sought to be interred. No interment of more than one body sh II be made in one grave, except in the following cases: 6.7.1 One adult and one child or infant. 6.7.2 Two infants or children. 6.7.3 Two urns of ashes. 6.7.4 One adult and one urn of ashes. 6.8 The cost of interments, including burial f ashes, shall be set by the City. 7. DELAY OF INTERMENT: 7.1 The City of Monticello will be in no way I able for any delay in the interment ofa body when a protest to the interment has been ma e, or where rules or regulations have not been complied with. 8. DISINTERMENTS: 8.1 . Written permission of the grave owner, nd the next of kin, shall be filed with the City, and a permit from the County Health Officer s all be secured and presented, and the required fees paid before any grave may be opened for ny purpose. At least thirty (30) days written notice must be given prior to any disinterment. his provision does not apply when disinterment is ordered by a duly authorized public auth rity. 8.2 The cost of disinterments will be the sam as the current cost of interments. C:BEl'HIWOKOPROC\RIV~RSID\RUL~S.FRM: EFFECTIVE 11101101 - PAGE 3. . . . 9. MONUMENTS MARKERS AND FOUN A TIONS: 9.1 Every marker must be placed in the sp ce reserved therefore, as shown upon the plat of such grave, or as directed by the City. 9.2 Monuments will be allowed in the old ection of the cemetery only and are limited in size to a maximum of36" for a single grave an a maximum of72" for a double grave, including the 3" concrete border. 9.3 Monuments will not be allowed in the n w section ofthe cemetery. Only flat markers of sizes specified by the City will be allowed in t e new section of the cemetery. Marker size shall not exceed 2' x 3' for a single grave, 2' x 4 for a double grave, and 12" x 18" for a single baby grave, including the 3" concrete borde . Markers embracing more than two graves will not be permitted, unless otherwise approv d by the City. 9.4 No monument or marker, nor any part hereof, may be constructed oflimestone, sandstone, or any artificial material. 9.5 A foundation of concrete is required fo monuments/markers. There shall be a minimum of 3" concrete border set at grade level. S tting of all monuments/markers shall be performed by the City or its approved contractor, r an accepted monument company. 9.6 Prior to any monument/marker place ent the City or its approved contractor shall be contacted in order to stake the area an supervise the placement. 9.7 F or all graves there will be a staking fe as listed in the City's current fee schedule. 9.8 The City requires that all monuments/ arkers shall be set at the head end and face east. 9.9 Only one marker will be permitted on a y one grave in the new part of the cemetery with the exception of a veteran marker which may be placed at the foot end, unless otherwise approved by the City. 9.10 A maximum of three monuments will b permitted on anyone grave in the old part of the cemetery (e.g., a family name monume t, an individual monument or marker and/or a flat veteran' s marker). 9.11 Comer markers of like material may be placed on graves and/or lots in the old part of the cemetery only. Comer markers shall be 0 larger than 4" x 4" square and shall be placed flush with the ground. 10. PERMANENT CARE: 10.1 The general care of the cemetery is assu ed by the City and includes the following: A. Cutting of the grass at reasonab e intervals; B. Raking and cleaning of the grou ds; C. Pruning of the shrubs and trees t at may be placed by the City; and C:BE11i\IIYORDPROCIR'VERSlll\IlULES.FRM: EFFECTIVE 11101101 - - -- -- - . PAGE 4- . D. Maintaining the general prese ation of the graves and grounds, walks, roadways, boundaries, and structures, to the end that said grounds shall remain and be reasonably cared for as cemete grounds. The general care of the cemetery may b awarded by contract to private firms by the City as they see fit. 10.2 General care of the cemetery assumed by the City shall in no case mean the maintenance, repair, or replacement of any monume t marker erected upon graves, nor the doing of any special or unusual work in the cemete . 11. LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS: 11.1 Plants and flowers may be placed abo e ground, in pots on stands. Any pot placed on the ground will not be the responsibility of he City of Monticello, or its employees, should it be destroyed. Flowers and other items pIa ed directly on the grave may be removed by the City prior to routine cutting of the grass. . 11.2 No trees, shrubs, or vines may be plant d, nor may fences be erected. The City reserves the right to remove any tree, shrub, vin , plant, or flower which may become unsightly, dangerous, or not in keeping with the andscape design of the cemetery. 11.3 Pots, urns or stands that are left unu ed on a grave for a period of one (1) year will be removed by the City. 11.4 All landscaping, grading, and seeding s all be done by the City of Monticello or its approved contractor. All graves will be seeded a d kept flush with the adjacent ground. When weather conditions allow, seeding will be done following the burial. 11.5 The City will make water available to gave owners for care of flowers and plants in pots, set in stands, from spring to fall of each y ar, depending on weather. Grave owners may water the grass covering their graves. 11.6 The City cannot be held responsible fo any damages, loss, or theft, of any personal property such as flowers, plants, decorations, v ses, crocks, markers, monuments, etc. 11.7 The last week in April will be desi nated as Spring Cleanup in the cemetery. Easter arrangements will be allowed one we k before and one week after Easter. . 11.8 The last week in October will be desi nated as Fall Cleanup in the cemetery. All items left on the ground will be disposed of and the City will not accept liability for such items. The City recommends that above ground p ts and stands should be removed before the first freeze and can be replaced at the appropriate grave site after the completion of Spring Cleanup. If pots and stands are left year- round, t e City will not accept responsibility for such items if they are destroyed due to weather, sn w plowing, vandalism, etc. C:BElHIWORDPROCIRIVERSIOIRULES,FRM: EFFECTIVE 11101101 - PAGE 5 - . . . 12. PERPETUAL CARE: 12.1 There shall be established a Perpetual are Fund and all monies collected for perpetual care of graves shall be deposited in said fund and shall be kept separate from all other funds of the City. 12.2 The fee for perpetual care shall be fixe by the Council of the City by resolution. 13. HOURS OF OPERATION: 13.1 The cemetery will be open to visitors d ring the hours of7 a.m. to one half hour past sunset. Permission to enter at all other times s all be secured from the City. The City reserves the right to refuse admission to the cern ery and to refuse the use of any of the cemetery's facilities, at any time, to any person or ersons whom the City may deem objectionable to the best interest of the cemetery. 14. GENERAL REGULATIONS: 14.1 Persons within the cemetery shall use nly the paths and walkways, and no one is permitted to walk upon or across lots or graves nless it is necessary to do so to gain access to one's own lot. The cemetery expressly disclaims any liability for any injuries sustained by anyone violating this rule. 14.2 Persons visiting the cemetery or atten ing funerals are strictly prohibited from writing upon, defacing, or injuring any monument or marker, breaking or injuring any tree, shrub, plant, or other structure within the cemetery gr unds. 14.3 The following acts are expressly prohi ited, as well as any other violations of City Ordinances and regulations that may apply: 14.3.1 The driving of motor ehicles into the cemetery, unless attending a funeral, visiting a relative or iend' s gave site, or carrying on maintenance work authorized by the City 14.3.2 The driving or parking of any motor vehicle across or upon any grave or lot. 14.3.3 Loud or boisterous tal ing or music. 14.3.4 Bringing of lunches 0 refreshments, including alcoholic beverages, into the cemetery or consumin them on the grounds. 14.3.5 Peddling or soliciting he sale of any commodity within the cemetery. 14.3.6 Placing of signs, noti es or advertisements of any kind within the cemetery. 14.3.7 Bringing firearms into the cemetery, except by military escort accompanying a veteran's funeral, at ending memorial services, or by police officers while in the line of duty. . PAGE 6 - C:BE1H\WORDPROCIRlVeRSIDlRUlES.FRM: eFFECTIve 11101101 . . . 14.3.8 The throwing of rubbish on any part of the grounds. 14.3.9 The walking of pets (incl ding dogs, cats, or any other household pet) on any part of the grounds. 14.3.10 The driving or parking f any snowmobiles, ATV's or motorized off-road bikes on any part of the rounds. 14.3.11 The placing of glass con ainers or bottles on any part of the grounds. 14.4 Special cases may arise in which the liter I enforcement or interpretation ofa rule may impose unnecessary hardship. The City rese es the right to make exceptions, suspensions, or modifications of any of these rules and egulations, when in the judgement of the City such action appears necessary, and such ate porary exception, suspension, or modification shall in no way be construed as affecting the general application of such rules and regulations. 14.5 The City of Monticello reserves the rig t to amend these rules and regulations whenever it is determined that it is in the best intere t of the cemetery to do so. Any and all amendments to these regulations will be approved b the Council of the City of Monticello. 14.6 The City of Monticello reserves the rig to remove all monuments, markers, flowers, plants, trees, decorations, or other similar obj cts whenever any of these objects become unsafe, unsightly, dangerous, or not in keep in with the landscape design of the cemetery. 14.7 Specific costs for graves, interme ts, disinterments, burial of ashes, and setting monuments/markers are not included i these rules because of the necessity to revise these rates. A current schedule of fees can e obtained from the City. 14.8 Individuals with questions or concerns bout cemetery operations shall report their concerns to the Office of Public Works and sha1 not delay, interfere with or harass City employees, authorized contractors, or agents ofth City as they go about their duties in the cemetery. 15. PENALTIES: 15.1 Violation of the City Ordinance is cons dered a misdemeanor and the penalty is described by law. These cemetery rules and reg lations are part of the City Ordinance and shall be enforced and penalties imposed for vi lation of such rules and regulations. 16. CEMETERY MANAGEMENT: 16.1 The responsibility for the manageme t of Monticello Riverside Cemetery and all matters related thereto shall be vested in the ity. 16.2 The Monticello Parks Commission sha I be the overseeing board for any maintenance or other issues with regard to Monticello Rive side Cemetery. C:8ETH1WORDPROC\RIVERSIOIRULES.FRM: EFFECTIVE 11101101 "PAGE 7- . RIVERSIDE CEMETERY MEMORIAL FUND PLAN EFFECTIVE NOVl MBER 1, 2001 The purpose of this plan is to provide a venue for anyo Ie who wishes to endow through their resources, a memorial or dedicated monument to anyone interred at Riverside Cemetery in Monticello, Minnesota. Memorials shall be purchased through the City Parks D partment. The Following is a list ofitems that may be purchased and supplied in a timely manner, to be pI ced in Riverside Cemetery. A small plaque will be placed with the words "IN MEMORY OF ... name ofd(ceased ...". The cost of the plaque is included in the prices listed below. I TRE~S I MAPLE ...................................... ................................... $XX.XX BIRCH........................................................................... $XX.XX PINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX WILD CHERRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX FLOWERING PLUM .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX OTHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX r FLOWERING SHRUBS 1 LILAC ........................................................................... $XX.XX RHODODENDRON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX FLOWERING ALMOND ............................................................. $XX.XX OTHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX . I BENCHES 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $XX.XX $XX.XX BENCH STYLE 1 BENCH STYLE 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . r PLAN r'ERS 1 LARGE URN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX r MONU ~ENTS 1 SOLDIER ........................................................................ $XX.XX DOVE ........................................................................... $XX.XX OTHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $XX.XX All memorials shall be placed or planted by the Ci y Parks Department. Once memorial placement is completed the donor will be notified. All memorials shall be maintained by the City Parks )epartment. . Other items may be added in the future to the abov list as the Parks Department or City Council deems needed. For example, flagpole, shed, fencing, etc. CITY OF MO TICELLO RIVERSIDE CEMETERY FEE STRUCTURE (Effective Octob r 22, 2001) GRA VE J Full Grave (4' x 12') Flush Marker Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500.00 Raised Marker/Monument Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $550.00 Infant Grave (2' x 6') ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200.00 Cremation Grave (4' x 4') . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $225.00 TRANSFE FEE ~ Transfer Fee Per Deed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 EXCAVATI N FEE .ull Grave Excavation* _ Week Day ................................................................. $400.00 Weekend ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $430.00 Infant Grave Excavation ............................................................ $100.00 Cremation Grave Excavation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80.00 *Note: All excavation fees include tOll dress ng grave with black dirt and seeding Glunz, the excavating contractor, shall pI ce dirt and seed all casket burials Bill Kearin, the contracted caretaker, shall pI ce dirt and seed all cremation burials GRAVESTA GFEE ~Staking of grave site for monument/marker placeme t.................................. $25.00 PERPETUAL ARE FEE New Grave Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Included In Grave Price Graves Sold Pre-1960 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00 All Burials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 ~New items added ta the fee scheib by the Cemetery Committee C:\OfFICElRIVERSIOIFEESCHO. FRM: 10/1012001 . PAGE 1 - . . . Counci I Agcmda - 10/22/01 12. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In 1998, the City modified its fence ordinance to pro ibit, among other things, the use of barbed wire on the top of newly installed security fences. This as done, I believe. for aesthetic purposes. Some ofthe City Ltcilities do have the barbed wire on to of the fencing. Portions of the Public Works Building are secured with barbed wire, originally in, talled by Northern States Power prior to the City purchasing the site. Portions of the wastewater trea ment plant are secured with barbed wire, as well as Well No.4 out on Dundas Road. Approximately two years after the above ordinance adoption the National Guard placed barbed wire on top oftheir security fencing near the community center. The council minutes reflect that this was a requirement of the National Guard to secure the'r equipment. Council member Herbst stated at that meeting that "irthe barbed wire was a require lent, then perhaps the City Ordinance should be amended to reflect that. but as the ordinance exis s now, barbed wire is not allowed". With the recent events, the City has received numerous enl' ils from the American Waterworks Association and the FBI to secure our utilities and equipment. Therefore, the stafr is requesting that the City Council take action towards amending the ordin nce to allow the use of barbed wire on top of fencing for sensitive government buildings, utiliti s and equipment sites. B. AL TERNATIV['~ ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to request tha the Planning Commission at their next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, Novem er 7, hold a public hearing to consider amending the fencing ordinance as outlined above. 2. The second alternative would be not to re uest a public hearing for the amendment of the ordinance in regard to fencing. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Adminis rator, Public Works Director. Water & Sewer Superintendent, and Street Superintendent, that th City Council move flwward with this issue so that we can secure our properties. City stafr is pursu' ng quotes and ordering of materials to have this work completed as soon as possible. It is assume that no majority in the City at large including the Planning Commission or Council would not wan us to secure our sites. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of existing ordinance; Copy of meeting mi lutes from February 14, 2000; Copy of proposed ordinance. .,~ ,-.. . ..-.. . OCT 17 '01 P.Z/3 11:5ZAM CITY OF MONTICELLO 2. No t~ncc or "vall hall exceed 8 fect 6 il,ches in height except as approved I~)l' commercial and i1 dllstrial propelties. and tennis courts which moly have ch;,)!n link fences not ex ceding 10 feet in hdghL (#248.3/14/94) 3. Fences and walls ,ay be constructed o.l,ywhere on private prope1ty except as provided below: 2.. Fences an walls exceeding 36 inches in height mllst be set back 15 feet of any pl'Openy line froncing 011 a public street b. On comer OtS or on double frontage lots, fences and walls must not encroach 0 the :?5-foot clear view triangle area at a public street intersectio or within the comer visibility area of any comer formed by propert lines Intersecting with a railway right-of-way. (The Cl~:'11' view visibi ity tritlngle area referred to above shall be in the form of [J triangle. w th two sides formed by rhe propel1Y lines forming the corner. or traight line extensions of the property lines forming the comer. and the third side formed by a strai!oJht line connecting tlle two twenty-fi\.' (25) n)ot poims 011 both sides of the cornel" as measured from the in ersection of the property lines forming the corner.) Fences and walls ust not be constructed on the public ri!:ht-of-way except for retaining walls U5 approved by (h~ City Engin~el" Fences and walls placed upon 1,Itility ensemr:nts llre sl,lbjecr to removal if reql\ired for the tn:lintcllance or im rovement of the mility. 4. 5. A Certificare of Su 'vey nmy be required b~' the Zoning Adminisrl"41tor to determine the loca ion offences and walls on a properly. 6. If the material use in th~ fel1l;c Or wall constn.lction is not finished on both sides. the finished -ide orthe material must be on the olltside. facing the abutting. or adjl.)inil y properties. All posts or Structures supporting the fenc~ or walll11ust be on the inside of the f~nce or wall. All fences and \Val s must be tonsIructcd of durable. ,veathf'N'csistnnt matelials and prop r1yanchored. Every fence or wall must be mailitaincd in a c(')ndirion of reas l'<.lble repair and shall not be aJIO\ved to become and remain in a conditi 11 of disrepair or danger or constilute a nuisance. Fences or walls in .. state f disrep;,ti r may be removed by the City as provided by Minnesota Statut~s The COSt of removing fence$ may be levied aguinst the pl'operty ns a speci' I assessment 7. Whr:rc an)' renc~ 01 \HIII C(llln~Cls 10 tl building tlsed a$ i\ d\'~'clling. at kaSI one gate nOllc:ss [h In 2 I~et 6 inches in width shall be r~qllired to ullo\\' ac(:~ss around rhe uilding. 8. All chain link fenc S InUst haw a t()P mil. bllrbt:'d ~nds musl be pla<:ed at the bottom of the fenc MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/7 I'&. . ..-., .~ ,~ . OCT 17 '01 P.3/3 11:52AM CITY OF MONTICELLO 9. Electritied wires. arbed wire. razor ribbon. and the like arc prohibitcd on fences_ 10. All swimming poo s, hOl mbs. spas. and other water tanks exceeding 24 inches in deplh mu .t be completely fellced in. a. Residential swimming pool fences shall be constructed as follows: L R sidemiaJ swimming pool fences must be at lea.'$t 48 incht'.; in eight- The tence must not permit the passage of a 4-inch sp ere thrOl.lgh openings in the fence. Fences must be co stntcted of durable. cOl'rosion- and decay- resistiv~ m terials, Openings belo\\' the fence to grade I11Ust not ex eed 4 inches. ii. Were an above-ground pool structure has walls that are at Ie 14 feet in height, the pool wall may serve to meet the fen 'ing requirements; however, the access to the pool mu~t pr vide equivalent protection to prevent unauthorized entry, iii. F~ ces for swimming pools must include a self-dosing. self. lat hing device on all gates. Lmches must' be installed at lea t 3 feet 6 inches above g:rild~, Oates must not ~xceed 4- fee in width and mUSlmeet the same construction req lirements as fences. Y Oll must provid~ tempurary f~n ing duriny- installation if your yard is not fenced. Bui ding permits are required tor fences exceeding 6 feet 6 incl es in height. b. Commercial wimming pool fences shall be not less than 5 feet in height and c structed as required by the Minnesota Department of Health. (#305, 1/11/(8) [0] REQUIRED FENCfNG. S REENJNG. AND LANDSCAPING: The fel,cing and screening. required by this ubsectiol} shall be sllbject to Subsection [F J abo'-C' und shall consist of either Q fen 'e or a landscaped planting plo.l1, 1. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE: Thl.: purpose of this policy is to esu1blish minimum r<:quireme IS and smndards rdati\'e to landscaping. buffering. and sC'r.:c:nillg to be illlpk'memed c:onc\lITemly \,'ith 'ilrc plans uppro"ed by the City; tht: stJI~dlll"ds Ul d criteria ~lmll b.: u::i<:d by CilY smJI Planning Commi:-;siol1. and Cit . COllncil in the re,'jc\\' m1d evaluation of sLlch pl<Jl1$ and d~velopment proposu s. The objt:clives or the e rcquircmCl1ls ar~ 10 establish and l1luintaili fl,)r~Slmi on of the cilY: to provide appropriute ground COVel' vegetation tOr controll~d soil MONTICEl.LO ZONING ORDINANCE 3/8 )~ .,~ .1'/'*">. . . OCT 17 '01 03:00PM CITY OF MONTICELLO P .'1>1"' -,' Council Meeting - 2/14/00 BRUCE THrELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE REVISED elP FOR 2000-2004 WITH THE COMMENTS AS DISCUSSED. CLINT HRBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. I cated at 407 The Council was made aware that this prope ty has come on the market. It was suggested that ifthere was any interest in acquiring the pro erty an appraisal should be done- BRUCE TI-UELEN MOVED TO AUTHOR ZE THE CITY STAFF TO ORDER AN APPRAISAL ON 407 61'H STREET AT AN STIMATED COST OF $300-$00. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. At this time Mayor Belsaas romou1'l.;ed that the City CO\lOcH had met in closed session to discuss pending litigation and the closed session is being continued llti1 Thuniday, February 17,2000 at 5 p.m. The Council discussed setting up a me~ting of the ersonnel Conunittce which includes Roger Belsaas and Bruce Thielen- A tentative meeting time of Fc ruary 28111 at 5 p.rn. was set. There was a brief discussion on staffing needs for the City. It was explained that it is a requirement ofrhe Naii nal Guard that their equipment has to be contained in a barbed wire enclosure. Clint Herbst felt jf the barb d wire was a requirement, then perhaps the City ordinance should be amended to reflect that but as Lhe ordinance exists nOW, barbed wire is not allowed. Roger Belsaas as!ced the Bllilding Department to c eck on a property for possible blight violations. it \vas indicated by Fred Patch. Building Otlicial. that the property has beel1 purchased and the residence will be improved. 13. Consideration of a ment of bills for Fe rua . BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPRO F. PAYMENT OF THE BILLS FOR FEBRUARY. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE M TION. M~IO:t:lCARRIED,UNANIMOUSL Y. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADJOURN AT :45 P-M. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTrON CARRIED UNANIMOUS Y. () G.,t,.:..)....,,_ ~..A.G.:'> ~;t--. Recording Secretary () ,-.., 6 l'd. - ------ -_.:.-.......-.. --".- ---~ .--. - ,,- . . . 9. rdinance Electrified wires, barbed wire, razor ribbo and the like are prohibited on fences, with the exception of government buildings, util ty sites, and equipment storage sites which may use multiple strands of barbed wir on the top of security fencing and gates. jif- - ~,~ --."-~ ......",. ~ . . O~ ..:1'-' ..:10.: ~'" u~ H~ ....;> :><8 ~ 0 "'''' 0 ..;, ><0 t~ u"'~ HO 00 "'.... "'''' U 0'" III ..:1..:1 '-''-' "'''' ..'" .... ..... 0 0 ..:I ...... .... .... H '" ...... "'''' .... 0 ..:I .<::I .... <0 ;>. '" '" <0 lo: u '" u "'''' ~ 0. III i5 '" .... .... .., ..... '" .... 1%1 ...... Oll: .0: :>: .... .... 0 .... 0 '" '" ...... '-' .... ~ rl .. :l rl 'k .., ffi ...... '" 0 '" .<: ~ ~ rl U f; '" ~ '" .... ~ lo: 0 U '" 0 ~ u i5 III .... Ql ~a> 0 .0: ..... .... ..:IN .... .... '" 0.0 ~..:; .... .0: ...... 0 0 " .0: .. u ,...... .. .... !II . 0.: .. 0 '" .. "'''' ..... .... 0 .... 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