HRA Minutes 05-29-1996 . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, May 29,1996 - 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Vice Chairperson Brad Barger, Tom St. Hilaire, and Roger Carlson. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. GUEST: Attorney Steve Bubul Redeveloper John Komarek I. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Larson called the special HRA meeting to order at 7: 00 p. m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE MAY 6 AND MAY 13. 1996, HRA MINUTES. Al Larson made a motion to approve the May 6, 1996, HRA minutes. Roger Carlson seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. Al Larson made a motion to approve the May 13, 1996, HRA minutes. Roger Carlson seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONTRACT FOR PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT AMONG THE HRA, THE CITY. AND CEDRUS CREEK CRAFTSMAN, INe. Attorney Bubul summarized the Private Contract among the HRA, the City, and Cedrus Creek. The previous evening, the City Council approved the contract as written on a 3-2 vote with one modification: The entire $40,000 for the City parcel (Gille) to be paid upfront. Within the three TIF parcels, ten units will be constructed on a three-year buildout. Outside the TIF parcels, nineteen units will be constructed over a five-year buildout. TIF assistance is $130,000. $32,500 TIF payout upon closing of Hanawalt/Banyai parcels and $10,000upon issuance of a Certificate of Completion for each townhome completed not-to-exceed $32,500. The remaining $65,000 with a noncompound interest rate of 8.5 % per annum commencing August I, 1999 and ending Page I . . . The $40,000 paid to the City for its parcel upon closing and transferred to the redeveloper for $1.00. $25,000 of the $40,000 from non-restrictive funds therebye the HRA gifting the 5 % local contribution eliminating the City's HACA Loss. The local contribution is not payment from the redeveloper or TIF dollars. The TIF dollars are subject to a reverter: If the City parcel is not developed, TIF payments stop. TIF District No. 1-20 may have an early pay-off which would offset the costs incurred by the HRA for acquisition of the City parcel. Attorney Bubul informed member the Contract does allow the HRA options relating to acquisition or development of the Katzmarek parcel. Brad Barger informed HRA members of an interested buyer for the Katzmarek parcel. Chairperson Larson informed members of Administrator Wolfsteller's response: Is the Katzmarek parcel developable? "The City would have a tough time denying a permit." Developed as prairie grass, the parcel would be of non-density. Komarek expressed his interest to develop the parcel and requested the HRA explore (survey) the parcel for development. Barger and St. Hilaire felt the parcel was worth exploration because as a developed parcel a win/win situation occurs. As the redeveloper and as buyer on the purchase agreement, HRA suggested Komarek explore (survey) the parcel. Knowing this project was not about money, Tom St. Hilaire made a motion adopting the resolution approving the Contract for Private Redevelopment among the HRA, the City, and Cedrus Creek Craftman, Inc. as approved by the Council. Al Larson seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE RELATING TO THE CLOSING OF THE III WEST BROADWAY PARCEL. Koropchak reported the title work is underway by Preferred Title whom most recently received the abstract. Targeted closing date, May 31, 1996. Tom St. Hilaire requested the following entered into the HRA minutes: St. Hilaire is totally against the HRA's purchase of the 111 West Broadway parcel for four reasons. One, Conflict of Interest, HRA Chairperson Al Larson also a member of the MCP Board of Directors, seconded the motion to acquire the parcel. Secondly, the purchase price is over the suggested 120% guideline ($37,000X 1.20 = $44,400). Third, the acquisition is against the Attorney's suggestion and does not meet the "but for" test. Lastly, the acquisition stops normal rehabilitation by private redevelopment. Roger Carlson noted the HRA purchase price was not greater than 120 % of the seller's appraisal and the private developer was not expected to build for two to three years. Hilaire noted he had received more phone calls of opposition relating to the approved acquisition. Carlson noted he had also; however, in favor of acquisition. Barger said he only voted in favor of acquisition because he saw the HRA ownership as short term. Chairperson Larson noted the "but for" test only applied upon establishment of a TIF District. Page 2 . . . HRA MINUTES MAY 29, 1996 5. CONSIDERATION OF DISCUSSION RELATING TO FILLING THE V ACA TED HRA COMMISSIONER'S SEAT. With receiving only one application for the vacated HRA seat, HRA members agreed to extend the deadline for application until May 31, 1996. Names suggested were Paul Theilen, Merrlyn Seefeldt, Jim Maus, Charles Walters, and Dave Kranz. 6. OTHER BUSINESS. Tom St. Hilaire noted he would be out-of-town the month of June except for 8 days. 7. ADJOURNMENT. The special HRA meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. <J~ ~GL~~ Ollie Koropchak, Executive Director Page 3